#this is worded kind of pretentiously but i think this deserves it.
yardsards · 2 months
i love when the changing of the seasons has visible effects on my body, the extra little pads of fat my body grows in the winter to help keep me warm, the freckles that bloom on my skin in the summer sun. so often i feel unmoored from the world around me and the passage of time, but there's that little reminder written in my flesh that i am an animal on this earth.
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yandere-daydreams · 4 months
Title: Pet Pastimes.
Pairing: Yandere!Gojo x Reader (JJK).
Word Count: 1.6k.
TW: Dub/Con, Hybrid AU, Snow Leopard!Gojo, Puppy!Reader, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Degradation, Unbalanced Power Dynamics, Reader Is Very Oblivious, and Manipulation.
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“And you’re sure this is going to help?”
Satoru had been agitated when Suguru first brought you home – all dolled up in your collar, ecstatic to be led along the very same leash he always strained against. You were more obedient than most of the unruly mutts he knew, always happy enough to sit patiently and wait for your next command, but it would take more than a few weeks of passable behavior to convince Satoru dogs were anything but hyper and messy and so loud, he could hear their mindless barking from a mile away. The fact that you were supposedly here to ‘help’ him (Suguru called you a “service animal”, said most captive-born exotic hybrids had more domestic companions, but Satoru didn’t think you deserved such a pretentious title) didn’t make anything better. Satoru didn’t need help. What he needed was Suguru’s attention, but if he couldn’t have that, he’d settle for yours.
“Oh, I’m sure, puppy.” His fist tightened around the base of his cock. Suguru wasn’t home – just a quick errand, he’d claimed, it should only take a few minutes, as if that was an excuse for leaving his favorite pet and dutiful companion at home – and Satoru barely waited for the apartment door to lock before luring you into the kitchen and telling you to get on your knees while he leaned against the counter, Suguru’s forgotten phone well within reach. Currently, you were kneeling in front of him, your hands balled on your thighs and your gaze almost cross-eyed as you struggled to see what he was holding to your lips. He thought you would’ve had a little more experience, but your first owner must’ve been the sheltering type. Part of him was annoyed that he’d have to pick up the slack and teach you something so basic, but overall, he was pleased to know that it would be a long, long time before you got enough practice in to replace Satoru as Suguru’s favorite playmate. “I’ve just been feeling a little stressed out lately,” he said, drawing it out each word, giving your stupid canine brain time to process what he was saying. “This’ll really help me relax. You wanna help me out, right?”
Automatically, you nodded – your pressed frown instantly replaced with an eager smile. Your ears perked up, your concerns completely forgotten when presented with the chance to do what you’d been trained for. “Please, ‘toru,” you whined, and he fought the urge to cringe at the way Suguru’s nickname sounded coming out of your mouth. “Please let me help!”
It was almost cute, just how desperate you were to make him happy.
He forced himself to smile back at you, using one hand to scratch at the base of your ears while the other jerked lazily over his cock. He was already hard, thankfully, and at the added stimulation, the sight of you practically drooling on yourself to get a taste of his cock, he felt himself twitch – thick pearls of arousal beginning to bead at the tip and drip onto your chin. You didn’t seem to care, to notice. He wouldn’t have been surprised to find out that his was the first cock you’d ever seen. “Can you open your mouth for me? Big n’ wide, just like I showed you.”
Like the trained dog you were, you obeyed immediately – letting your mouth fall open and looking up at him with the same bright, expectant eyes that must’ve won Suguru over, when he first picked you up. His hips wanted to buck forward, to bury him to the hilt in your newly available hole, but he held himself back, told himself he had to ease you into it no matter how little you’d done to earn his oh so generously given kindness. In the end, he settled for swiping his thumb over the flushed tip before resting it gingerly on your splayed-out tongue. It only took a second for you to stiffen, to jerk back. You didn’t cough or sputter, but your mouth snapped shut, your expression taking on a certain unease. Satoru fought the urge to bare his teeth. “Is something wrong, puppy?”
“I’m sorry, it’s just—” You closed your mouth, looking away. “It tasted weird. It was bitter, n’ stuff.
He sighed, rolling his eyes. “Look, if you still don’t think you can handle this, I can just tell Suguru you decided you’d rather go back to the pound—”
“Please don’t!” Your hands shot to his thighs. “I’ll be good, I promise, and I can’t— I don’t want to go back to the—”
“Then open your mouth.” After a second, you straightened, your lips parting and your jaw going slack. Still, he feigned reluctance, narrowing his eyes into a half-hearted glare as he raked his fingers through your hair and tugged half-heartedly, just hard enough to draw out a strained whimper. “And this time, don’t fuck everything up just because it ‘tastes weird’. If you do that again, I’ll have to tell Suguru you were being a bad dog.”
Your ears drooped, your tail falling slack against the tiled floor. Still, you managed not to jerk back as he slid his cock into your open mouth, slotting his tip against the velvety inside of your cheek. He could see you wince, your shoulders rising as you fought the urge to pull away, but even if you’d tried, the fingers knotted in your hair would’ve kept you rooted to the floor as he rolled his hips and thrust shallowly into the hollow of your cheek. Your tongue was smooth compared to his and wide compared to Suguru’s, and he could tell you were fighting not to move, not to explore the unknown factor trespassing inside of you. With a slight hum, he took pity on you – hazy lust having softened his previous annoyance. “It’s okay, puppy – you can lick, if you want to.” There was a moment of hesitation, then the broad flat against your tongue against the underside of his cock, tracing the shape of a prominent vein Suguru tended to favor, too. He shuddered, but told himself it was only out of reflex. You got lucky, that was all. “Mind your teeth. I’m takin’ you back to the shelter myself if you bite down.”
You tried to nod, but gave up quickly. Instead, your acknowledgment came in the form of your tongue curling around his tip, licking at the arousal dripping down his shaft, doing your best to lap at the shaft of his cock despite the awkward angle. Saliva and pre-cum pooled in the corners of your mouth, but you didn’t dare tilt your head back, didn’t dare swallow - keeping your mouth wide open as he drew back just far enough to pull out of your cheek and aim, instead, towards the back of your throat. You flinched, your dull nails scraping against his thighs, but it was easy to drown out the dull spark of pain as your tight throat fluttered and tightened around his cock, as the hand still wrapped around his base fell away in favor of joining its twin on the back of your skull and pulling you flush against his crotch. This time, you couldn’t stop yourself from reacting – your body lurching against his legs as you gagged, as you tried to wretch yourself out of his hold, but he was too far gone to so much as consider letting you go. “Stupid mutt,” he mumbled, cupping the back of your skull while you fought not to suffocate on his length. “Don’t even know how to breathe right. Can’t do anything on your own, huh, can you?”
Your only response was a choked inhale, a string of incoherent gibberish half-muffled by his cock. Drool wasn’t the only thing dripping down your face, now – tears were rolling down your cheeks, fat and hot, drawing thick trails through the mess of cum and spit. Your tongue wasn’t moving, anymore, but he didn’t care – your mouth was warm and soft and fuckable enough to make up for your lack of skill. You were beating at his legs, too, your little hands made even smaller when compared to him, and for a second, he could be convinced that you were a little cute. Not cute enough to deserve as much of Suguru’s attention as you got, obviously, but cute.
His cock pulsed against the convulsing walls of your throat, and he cursed under his breath. You let out a pained whine as he drew back, pulling out of you entirely. Without his support, you threatened to buckle over, to collapse into yourself, but he held you up with one hand while the other pumped over his cock too quickly, too roughly not to tip him over the edge. It was all you could do to stare up at him with those big, watery eyes as he let out an airy moan, as he painted thick ropes of white across your messy face, as he left you stained and teary-eyed and covered with his cum.
You blinked once, then twice, but didn’t react, too out of it to complain or cry out or question why his lips quirked up into a small grin, his eyes taking on a dreamy, half-lidded sort of lull. “Good puppy,” he cooed, his heart skipping a beat as he heard your formerly stagnant tail begin to sweep lazily over the tile floor. He reached for Suguru’s phone as he went on, keeping his tone light, delicate. “Can you smile for me, too? A big, wide smile – to show how happy you are that you get to stay with me n’ Suguru.”
It took a second, but eventually, you managed a stilted nod. It was shaky, at first, more of a mangled frown than anything, but with a little love and patience, you found your footing, your lips splitting apart into a wide, beaming smile – as if you were the happiest, most pathetic puppy in the world.
You were fucking adorable.
Your smile barely faltered as the camera shuttered, as Satoru’s hand fell back to your head and pet over your disheveled hair – a treat for his well-behaved mutt. He could feel you melting into his palm, but his eyes were fixed on his picture of your smiling face and, with a few taps of his thumb, Suguru’s shiny new lockscreen.
Maybe, once Suguru got a good look at your pretty face, he’d think twice before deciding to be such a neglectful owner again.
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bigfatbimbo · 4 months
Could you do Dom reader edging and degrading vox because she discovered what he did to sir pentious?(when vox told sir pentious to go kill himself)
Thank you and have An amazing day <3
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a/n — I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM. I have mean things to say.
warnings — dom reader, sub vox, reader gets like.. actually cruel, kind of edging, small use of mommy
summary — Vox finally gets a punishment for being the fucking worst to literally everyone (in this case sir pentious)
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“Your one terrible piece of shit, you know that Vox?” You ride his dick with an intense overwhelming speed, making Vox cry out below you.
“Wait, fffuck! Slow down, god,” Vox whines and squirms from underneath you.
“Aw, can you not handle it? Can you not handle this one thing?” Your words are fake-sweet and laced with venom, “Y’know there are two words for people like you.”
“Oh come on—“ Vox tugs against the ropes around his hands but is cut off with a yelp when you slam your pussy onto his dick. He moans loudly.
“It’s on the tip of my tongue, ever since you used the phrase so eloquently earlier,” you explain further, once again with the insincere tone. He winces for impact, expecting a harsh blow from your words.
But it’s hard to prepare himself when you’re rocking against his cock so rough.
”Oh that’s right! I know what you are,” You say, kind voice dropping and grimacing down at him, “Vox, you’re a miserable failure.”
He cries loudly at your words, expecting them to only get meaner from here. “I wasn’t even that bad, y/n, wait—“
“Oh you weren’t that bad? What makes you think you can act like that?” He tried to shut his eyes and lean his head back into the pillow but up grab that corner of his screen aggressively, “Look at me when i’m talking to you, slut.”
He obeys glumly, biting his lip to hold back from letting out needy whines. How could you be so put together when you were slamming onto his dick so hard. He remember your words from the beginning of the session, though; ‘be a good boy and don’t cum until I tell you to. Maybe then i’ll be nicer.’
He’d laughed it off at first, but there was nothing but mocking distain in your eyes that shot right to his heart, and to his dick.
“You’re such a pretentious asshole. And you wonder why you’re hated. You make me sick. You think you can treat people like that because you’re so insecure you need constant higher ground? That’s fucking pathetic,” you hiss down at him.
He frowns and whimpers desperately, beginning to glitch out and release a high buzzing noise from his head.
“No, no, no, ‘m not!” He tries to sit up slightly, not only held down by the restraints around his wrists but forced back when you harshly shove his chest into the mattress.
“Whores only speak when they’re told they can. I hate to break it you, but you don’t have the higher ground here. I know just how pathetic, and useless, and desperate for validation you are,” You growl, “It’s fucking embarrassing.”
This makes tears prick in the corner of his eyes and he shakes his head vigorously.
“Oh, sweetheart, you’re not denying it are you? Because that would make you useless and a liar. You wouldn’t want that, would you?” He shakes his head and whines loudly, “No? Oh, then you should probably act like less of a brat, you dumb slut.”
Now, the tears finally started falling across his stream and he moans, choking on his own sobs and buffering noises, “Please, i’m sorry. I’m sorry! I’ll be nice I swear. Please stop being so mean I need—“
“I need for you to stop bitching and take what you deserve, just like the bitch you are,” You hump his dick with excruciating rhythm, “And now you’re a crybaby too, and that’s not a good look.”
He gives up trying to defend himself and cries quietly, “I wanna—bzzz—be your good boy. I’ll do anything, mommy, please!”
“Aw, there’s nothing you can do, baby. Nothing you can do when you’re such a shitbag by nature.” You remark cruelly, “Aren’t you a shitbag?”
He nods dumbly and whines, “Mommy, ‘m sorry. ‘m sorry, i’ll be better. Please be nice to me, I can’t—“
This time you don’t have to shut him up because he cuts himself off why buffering and sending a shock up both of your bodies.
“Don’t get carried away now, Vox. We wouldn’t want you hurting anyone else.”
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a/n — Anyways and then you had to kiss it better after hours of degrading him because he was still crying after you guys were finished.
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vulpisnocturna · 9 months
Binding Vow - Part III
This is the last part of Binding Vow 🤍
Part I
Part II
Read on AO3
I do not condone this behaviour. This is purely fictional. Please read warnings and avoid if you find any of them triggering.
Warnings: Stockholm Syndrome, Chrollo being a pretentious bastard, Chrollo mansplains, Emotional Manipulation, Controlling behaviour, Yandere Chrollo, Kidnapping, Captivity, Reader is struggling, dubcon, NSFW
Word Count: 7.6k
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You were insane. You were deranged, and spineless and pathetic. Waking up with Chrollo’s arm holding you to him, possessive and stifling as always, you had actually felt good about it. You, the captive, the prisoner, the trophy possession he had decided to steal for himself. You had liked his touch, and had felt comforted by it. You had wanted the moment to last forever, that feeling of being in Chrollo’s good books and not having to fear for his next move. If you just accepted it, liked the physical reaction of your body, did what he wanted, it was so much easier.
The past two weeks after your escape had almost been... peaceful. Chrollo hadn’t punished you, and so long as you sat on his lap, made out with him and spoke to him, he was gentle, kind and lenient. He was waiting for you to sleep with him, not forcing himself on you, even though you weren’t sure you would even push him away. After all, kissing him felt so disgustingly good. Human contact felt so comforting, and you deserved to feel good, right? You had lived in torment for months now, and now that you had a modicum of normalcy, of happiness, it was normal to want to keep it. It was normal to want Chrollo to be happy. If Chrollo was happy, or whatever the comparable emotion was for someone like him, you were safe, comforted, treated kindly.
But this was Chrollo. Did you really want Chrollo to be happy, to show you that shit-eating smug smirk of his? To get what he wanted?
No. This wasn’t about Chrollo at all. This was about you. You were just looking out for yourself. Escape was impossible, and you would not get any mercy from him a second time even if you tried a second attempt. This was about self-preservation. This was about building a life for yourself with what you had. In that way, wasn’t this also brave?
‘Good morning, my love’ his husky voice reverberated in the crook of your neck, and he placed a gentle kiss on your shoulder, holding you closer, fingertips stroking your stomach. You tensed up a little, but did not attempt to push him away. Good mood. He was still in a good mood. You had learnt to tell his moods apart even though most of the time his face was blank or smug.
He turned you, stroking your hair and smiling at you, his eyes gleaming with some kind of emotion you were unable to name.
‘I was thinking that you have been so good for me lately, darling. I am willing to put behind the whole mistake of your escape if you continue to be so lovely and sweet. And, I was thinking I could take you on a date today. How does that sound?’ he asked, and you tried to contain the way your chest felt light with gratitude. He was willing to take you outside? Apart from your botched plan of escape, you hadn’t been outside for more than two months. You wanted it so badly. You needed it. Needed to see the outside world, needed to stretch your legs, to breathe in the clean air.
‘Uhm- where?’ you asked, still reticent about sounding too enthusiastic. This was still Chrollo, you reminded yourself. Still your kidnapper.
But... he was willing to take you outside. Even if you had tried to escape.
‘If you don’t feel up to it, we’ll stay home, of course. Don’t push yourself’ he said, stroking your cheek. Your breath faltered. No, you needed it.
‘No- I want to!’ you stammered, scared he might just be taunting you. It would destroy you if that was true. But Chrollo simply gave a soft laugh.
‘Relax, darling. I knew it would make you happy. We can go to an art gallery, and then, have some dinner before we come back’ he said, fiddling with the strap of your silk tank top, one of the many flimsy clothes he had bought for you, ‘however, there are some guidelines. They’re non-negotiable. But, if you follow them, you can expect to go on many more outings in the future’
Rules. He was giving you rules. You already had a feel for what he’d say, but you honestly did not care. So long as you got to see the outside world, you would do anything. Besides, trying to escape under his watchful eye would be impossible, especially since escaping when he was supposed to be away for hours had proven itself to be a complete disaster.
‘First, do not try to run from me. You know what would happen if you did. Do not ruin your streak, darling. Second, make no attempts to ask anyone to help you run from me. If you did, I’m afraid I would have to dispose of them, and you do not want that to happen, do you? Third, you must tell me if you are uncomfortable at any point. Do not force yourself to endure discomfort just to be outside. If you wish to go home at any point, we will, no questions asked. Fourth, I want to choose your clothes. It’s only fair, since I know the dress requirements of the place I plan to choose. Alright?’ he said, scanning your face.
You had expected the first two rules, and you did not even question them in your mind. Of course he would say that. But the third? Why would you feel distressed about being outside? It was all you ever needed or wanted. But you supposed you could accept, since it wasn’t going to happen. Chrollo had a nasty habit of picking your outfits anyway, it wouldn’t change anything. As revealing as he could make them, you could put up with it, if it meant you got to go. You doubted his nasty jealousy would allow him to make you go naked outside.
‘Okay’ you only said, and he smiled.
‘Good’ he smiled, kissing your forehead. Again, the fact that you did not flinch surprised you. He had kissed you so much in the past week that now, you saw it as normal. It shouldn’t be. But it was. And it meant you were going outside.
‘We’ll have breakfast outside. I’ll shave and have a shower in the main bathroom. If you wish to have one too, you can use this one. Unless you wish to join me’ he said, voice roguish and tempting, despite the fact that it only brought a grimace and a burning feeling on your face.
‘I’ll take this bathroom’ you muttered sourly. Chrollo did not seem fazed in the slightest as he stretched like a cat and lifted himself off the bed.
‘As you wish, darling’ he said, heading towards the wardrobe. You didn’t even want to see him leer at all the outfits he’d bought you, you didn’t want the anxiety of wondering if he’d pick one of those skimpy skirts that barely covered your ass. So you turned away again, facing the curtains of the wide window that offered a view of the whole city.
‘There. That’s perfect’ you heard, and curiosity (or maybe it was dread?) made you turn again, staring at the sage green dress he’d picked. It was fairly modest for his tastes, you thought. The length was a respectable one, possibly reaching the middle of your thighs, and the top had a cowl neckline that would expose some of your cleavage, but not too much. You were impressed. But perhaps you should have sniffed out the trap, because his other hand was holding matching black bra and panties, both obscene, all lace and barely concealing fabric. You tensed up, your cheeks heating up, mortified rage building up inside you as you glowered at him.
‘Consider this my payment for this date, darling. It’s only my imagination that will benefit from you wearing this, anyway. Unless you plan to seduce me’ he said slyly, smirking at you. You sneered. Of course not. All your physical contact was initiated or brought on by him. You didn’t want Chrollo. You didn’t like him. He was... a prick. He just happened to be unfairly hot. And good at sex.
‘I’m planning no such thing’ you snarled, and he tilted his head, folding the clothes and placing them on the bed.
‘Then I do not see an issue. Of course, you could go without wearing any. Or we could stay home. Your decision’ he said simply, nonchalantly.
Ah. Your decision. The mockery of one, at most.
‘Whatever’ you said, averting your eyes. Chrollo shot you one last look full of yearning before he grabbed a black suit from the wardrobe along with a white shirt and a black tie, exiting the bedroom.
You buried your face in the pillow, unwilling to look too much at the lingerie. Was he genuine when he said it would only be for his imagination? Or did he want you to wear it because he planned to fuck you that night? You hated the tightening of your lower stomach at the thought.
No, you didn’t want it to happen. It was dread, not longing.
You decided to act with the impression that he would not and stood up, snatching the clothes and locking yourself in the bathroom. Chrollo had never walked in on you in the bathroom, for which you were grateful. It was a minimal respect of your privacy, but for someone who crossed almost all of your boundaries with no regard for your say in the matter, it was astounding that he hadn’t picked the bathroom lock to get to you. And perhaps because it was your safest space from him, you had never tried to prolong your time in there or hide in that room, because you did not want him to take away what little privacy you had if he was under the impression you were using it to avoid him.
Perhaps it had to do with his gentlemanly façade, the front he put on, acting as though he was in any way chivalrous. It would ruin that image if he picked the lock of the bathroom to spy on a lady. But coercing her to wear slutty lingerie and keeping her captive were perfectly gallant things to do in his fucked up brain.
Regardless, you were glad to feel somewhat safe as you took off your tank top and shorts, turning the tap and stepping under the shower head. You sighed, trying to make it quick. You found yourself scrubbing and taking extra care in making sure you were pristine, and you hoped you were doing it in some kind of performative ritual because you were going outside and seeing people for the first time in two months and a half, and not because you thought Chrollo was going to see you naked. Although he had already seen you once, and his wandering hands were greedy when he had you on his lap, wearing flimsy silky nightgowns or his shirts. He was like a centipede when he got his hands on you. It felt like he had dozens of them.
When you got out and reluctantly put on the strapless bra and the lacy excuse for underwear he’d chosen, you were both impressed and revolted by the way they both fit you like a glove. How the hell could he know your exact measurements? Though all the clothes he’d ever gotten you always fit perfectly, even though you had never tried any of them before, the fact that he knew the precise measurements of your tits was disconcerting.
And despite how much you might hate him for making you wear that lewd set, you had to admit it was undeniably sexy on you. Which only made you angrier.
You ground your teeth, slipping on the dress he’d chosen, finding that one also fit you perfectly. You even put on mascara and nude lipstick. You got out after drying your hair and putting on the ridiculously expensive perfume he’d bought for you, finding him casually lounging on the armchair by the window, perfectly groomed and dressed. The suit was much classier than his cross-riddled fur coat, and he might even seem a gentleman in it. Well, except for the stupid cloth on his forehead. As out of place and ridiculous as it should have looked, it did nothing to make him look any worse. He only stood out more.
His covetous eyes raked your figure, his lips parting slightly as he stood up, making you feel like prey under his hungry gaze.
‘You look... truly stunning, darling’ he murmured, his fingers tracing the curve of your waist and hips, his lips seeking out yours. You were engulfed by the minty scent of his aftershave and the heady, expensive cologne he always wore, creating a mix that had you squirming in his hold as he kissed you, tongue greedily tracing your lower lip. His mouth traced a feverish line to your throat, and he breathed in, groaning softly, making your thighs press together instinctively.
Was he...?
‘Don’t fear, sweetheart. I won’t trap you beneath me and rip this pretty dress off you... though you are so tempting right now’ he whispered seductively against your ear, teeth nipping at your lobe, and you bit your lip hard, swallowing a whimper.
‘You’re a pretty little thing, you know that? Part of me wants to keep you home and taste your lips again and again’ he continued, hand cupping your ass, squeezing possessively. You swallowed, your eyes widening, pulse shooting up.
‘No- want to go outside- you said-‘ you started, but was shushed by his finger on your lips.
‘I am a man of my word, darling. I said I’d take you on a date, and that is what I’m going to do’ he said, giving you one last heated kiss before he released you.
‘Now, for the finishing touches’ he said, heading to the dresser and opening a box. Gold gleamed between his fingers as he approached you, and you stared at the emerald pendant and matching dangling earrings he had picked up.
‘Did you steal those?’ you murmured, and he let out a soft scoff.
‘Does it matter? Which one would make you feel better?’ he asked, gathering your hair and holding it, his head dipping as you stood in front of the mirror, frozen in place as his lips grazed your nape, sending shivers down your spine with the way his stormy eyes were fixed on you.
‘I guess not’ you breathed, and he smirked, putting the necklace on you and straightening it up on your sternum. Next, he released your hair and put on the earrings. You had to begrudgingly admit they were stunning. But that was to be expected. Chrollo liked to steal beautiful things. According to him, you were one of them.
‘Ready, my love?’ he asked, and you nodded. The shoes that were waiting for you at the door were heels, but luckily, they weren’t too high, and did not look too uncomfortable. Chrollo started to get on his knees, and you grimaced, picking up the heels and sitting on the sofa, putting them on yourself. You also took the dark coat he handed you yourself instead of letting him hold it for you. You refused to be a doll he could just dress up. He nonchalantly smoothed his jacket, seemingly unfazed by your rejection as his aura focused around his hand and his blasted book appeared between his fingers.
You stood next to him, and his hand snaked around your waist, holding you possessively as the lock clicked. The book disappeared, and he guided you outside and towards the lift.
Your fingers were trembling at your sides, and your gaze was greedy as it took in the outside world, the people walking by, your lungs filling with the clean air, your skin basking in the pale sunlight.
Chrollo led you to his car, or at least, the one he was currently using, opening the door for you and insisting on holding your hand as you sat down. He closed it behind you, circling the car and sitting down, immediately locking the door. As tempting as the thought of throwing yourself out of the moving car was, you had no intention of trying to escape, but you knew he would always take precautions anyway. Perhaps it was part of the reason why escaping him was impossible.
He drove through the city centre with a hand steady on your thigh except for when he had to change gear, but you could hardly care. Your gaze was fixed on the window, drinking in the buildings, the shops fleeting by, the statues and houses and the people walking on the pavement.
He parked in an underground parking space next to the gallery, once again feigning chivalry as he opened your door and helped you outside. You let him, because you did not want to cut your time short. You wanted to make the most of this day.
There were a lot of people in line, and to your surprise, Chrollo calmly walked to the end of it and stood there, patiently waiting. You stood next to him, feeling oddly breathless, as though your ribcage had tightened. So many people. You hadn’t seen so many people for so long. Their chattering was loud, they moved around you and you couldn’t keep an eye on all of them. Had being a captive ingrained in you the need to keep a watchful gaze on everyone around you?
You felt slightly nauseous.
‘Everything alright, darling?’ Chrollo’s voice came to you slightly muffled, and you swallowed, nodding quickly, terrified he would take you back home if you showed any sign of discomfort.
‘Too many people?’ he offered, and you focused on a spot far away under the stone arcades.
‘No. I’m fine’ you said much too quickly, your legs feeling slightly weak, to the point you had to lean on Chrollo. Was this why he’d chosen to stay in the line whilst he could have paid to skip it? Just to show you that you needed him in the crowd? To take you back home? You forced yourself to stand tall and by yourself, but Chrollo had already tightened his hold on you, trapping your side to his.
‘I wouldn’t want you to fall, dearest. We can still go home, you know’ he said, a hint of amusement in his voice. You gritted your teeth.
‘No’ you hissed, your throat tightening when you heard how hostile your tone sounded, ‘please. I want to stay, Chrollo’ you added, sweetening your voice, knowing his ego always adored the sound of your begging.
‘Hmh... you’ll need to stay close to me, dear. You seem quite fragile at the moment, so I will need you to hold onto me’ he said, his eyes smug and his smirk self-satisfied.
You pressed your lips together, wishing you could debate with him, tell him no, but his rule and the fact that he had the last say were vivid in your mind. It was his fleeting satisfaction over a day of joy for you.
You leaned against him again, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath.
He kissed the top of your head, rubbing your upper arm, moving along the line. Minutes passed, and Chrollo did not seem to want to let you go, and you did not seem to want to admit to yourself that his closeness, his stable presence holding you in the swarming crowd was reassuring.
You breathed a sigh of relief when you reached the ticket box. Chrollo bought two tickets for the exhibit, leading you towards the first room. You lost yourself reading the brochure, flicking through the different exhibits, your eyes nearly popping out of your skull as they set on Van Gogh. One of your favourite painters, and apparently, most of his artworks were now here for a short time. Had Chrollo known?
‘That is the first smile you’ve shown me that reaches your pretty eyes’ he said, his eyes glinting with some kind of genuine fondness as he stared at you.
‘You knew?’ you whispered, struggling to believe he would do something genuinely nice for you. Not something Chrollo liked, something you liked.
‘That you have a predilection for Van Gogh, or that his paintings would be here? Of course, to both’ he said, and you stared at him, suspicion extending its tendrils in your mind.
‘Are you... planning to steal them?’ you asked, eyes narrowed. Chrollo smirked, tilting his chin up and glancing at you with a sardonic look in his grey eyes.
‘Why? Would you like a specific one? I could arrange that’ he said easily, and you shook your head, disbelieving.
‘No- of course not’ you muttered.
‘A pity. If it gifted me another pretty smile, I would steal all of his paintings’ he said with something akin to reverence, stopping in the middle of the empty room to stroke your cheek, staring intently at you.
‘That’s- wrong’ you stammered, trying to vanquish his stupidly romantic display of affection. He was completely without morals nor did he have any sane conceptions of what was acceptable to do for something as trivial as a smile.
‘Why? Numerous museums have stolen artwork throughout the centuries, and somehow, that is moral? None of these museums paid Van Gogh for his artistry. They are fair game’ he said smoothly, and you stared at him, blinking in disbelief.
‘To you, everything is fair game’ you said. Chrollo smiled, fingers curling on your waist, under your unbuttoned coat.
‘Darling, you are so straitlaced. When you can appreciate something more than the masses, you are entitled to take it for yourself. Beautiful things deserve the right amount of appreciation, which most people cannot provide’ he said, and you had a vague idea of what he was really talking about in more detailed terms as he leaned over you, eyes gleaming with self-assurance.
‘Do you think any of these inane, mediocre individuals could truly love you? See your beauty, appreciate you, know you like I do? I am the only one who can truly give you what you deserve. I can give you anything’ he said in a soft, fervent voice, kissing your cheek, making your head spin with his delusional world views and the headiness of his tone.
‘Do you remember when I fucked you, darling? Of course you do. You were begging and whining for me, for my fingers, my tongue, my cock. Do you think any of these people would know how to fuck you like I do? How to make you scream and sob with need? Or maybe you don’t remember too well. But I will remind you soon. It might be tomorrow, in a few days, a week from now, but you will see. There is so much I want to do to you’ he was practically purring in your ear, voice low and inebriating, full of sinful promises that made your heart drum in your ears and your lower stomach hot with want.
Tomorrow? A few days? Then- he was going to fuck you soon. You felt dizzy, and you were not wholly convinced it was from dread.
‘You’re a creep’ you mouthed, terrified of his effect on you. If you’d been religious, you’d have thought he really was Lucifer incarnate. The temptation of the most beautiful of God’s angels really did feel real when Chrollo made it known what he wanted to do to you.
‘Oh? You think I can’t hear you mewl in your sleep, darling? God, if you knew how much control I need to exert to keep from burying my head between your thighs. Do you dream of me, my love?’ he continued, and your eyes widened, your heart skipping a beat as ferocious shame gripped your throat. No, he was bluffing. You couldn’t have... if he knew-
‘Of my ex’ you said, because he was humiliating you and you couldn’t bear his smug grin and the satisfaction and hunger you could hear in his voice.
Chrollo’s grip on you tightened, and he straightened up, his eyes burning with jealousy, but his lips curled in a nasty smirk.
‘Little liar. We’ll see’ he said, voice thick as honey, and you shivered, hugging your body as you went to look at the paintings. Chrollo followed you leisurely, like a shadow. It was as though there was a string connecting the two of you. Where you went, he was right behind you, if not already touching you.
The paintings in the first five rooms were the oldest, with gold painted on religious imagery, ugly infants and static anatomy. Still, your eyes drank the paintings in like you were dying of thirst, looking for the beauty in a world where Chrollo was the dealer of what you were allowed to see.
When you stopped for more than half a minute to stare at a painting, you had already walked through ten rooms, ignoring Chrollo’s pretentious chiming in with random historical facts and art lessons.
It was beautiful. No. That wasn’t right. It was petrifying. “Judith beheads Holofernes”, the silver plate read next to it. Artemisia Gentileschi. A woman.
There were two women and a man in the painting. One of the women was holding down the man onto a bed, whilst the other one was in the middle of slicing his head with a sword.
The world seemed to stand still as your eyes wandered around the canvas, taking in the colours, the skill, the beauty of it. But it wasn’t the artistic skills of that painting that mesmerised you. No, it was the rage. It was the sheer disgust, revulsion and fury that seeped through the blood trickling down the mattress and spurting in the air, spattering her dress. Punishment. Vengeance.
‘How macabre’ chimed in Chrollo, obviously unperturbed by the gore of the painting, ‘I did not know you had a bloodthirsty side to you, darling’
You ignored him. You’d felt that rage. That need for retribution. You knew what it was for.
‘I hope you’re not picturing doing that to me’ he said, and then sighed, stroking your hair, ‘Artemisia Gentileschi. She was raped by her father’s friend, and though she was tortured, she maintained her story throughout the trial that followed, which resulted in the conviction of her rapist. Her paintings do seem to reflect her exacting vengeance on him’
You looked at the woman in the painting, silently recognising her strength, standing in awe of it.
‘I could steal it for you if you like it so. Though I would not want you to get fanciful ideas’ he said. You couldn’t help but scoff. You could not say you were in the same position as Artemisia had been, but you understood the sentiment well. At times, you had wanted to behead Chrollo with a broadsword and bathe in his blood.
Who would have guessed that now, he was your only source of solace. That you did not shy away from his touch, that you dreamt of it.
‘I’d rather you stole me a broadsword’
‘As captivating as the sight of you brandishing one would be, I’m afraid I cannot do that’ he said, and you nodded absentmindedly. Obviously.
Chrollo bought breakfast at the art café, and you resumed the visit after that.
But nothing else captured your mind like that one painting. Well, until you got to the room where Van Gogh’s painting were displayed. If Artemisia’s paintings had filled you with respect and petrified you with their rage, Van Gogh rooted you to the spot with the sheer emotion of his art.
You could not stop yourself from smiling, and your eyes shone bright. You didn’t even care that Chrollo was staring at you like a hawk.
Again he offered to steal them for you. You denied wanting that, telling him that you wanted as many people as possible to bask in the beauty of them, and that you wanted them to acknowledge a painter who had never been appreciated in his lifetime.
‘You are so sweet, my love’ he said, holding you to him.
You weren’t sure you would not find Van Gogh’s sunflowers staring at you the next morning.
By the time you were finished with the visit, you were ecstatic. Yes, you had had to endure Chrollo’s centipede hands throughout the day, but you had seen so much, and felt alive. And he hadn’t even been too stifling.
‘I- thank you, Chrollo’ you said once you were back in the car, hoping this would happen again. He turned to you, staring at you, his usually cold grey eyes shining with warmth, his smile, for once, genuine.
‘It was my pleasure, darling’ he said, capturing your lips in a soft kiss, devoid of the hunger that usually seeped through them. One that, if you ignored the past two months and a half, would have you swooning.
He smiled against your lips, planting a kiss on your forehead and pulling out of the parking spot.
The restaurant he’d chosen was just as luxurious as you had expected from someone like him. He sat in front of you in the secluded booth, reading the menu. You did the same, tempted to get the most expensive thing just to put an indent in his wallet. Though it probably would be pocket change to him. And if not, he could always arrange stealing something to make up for the loss.
He ordered Cabernet, and you considered getting drunk to make the date with your kidnapper less awkward. But you didn’t think he’d let you down too many glasses of wine.
Still, you sipped it avidly, glaring at him when he scoffed.
‘Darling, am I such bad company that you have to drown your sorrows in wine?’ he asked, clearly a rhetorical question.
‘Yes’ you said, and he let out a soft laugh.
‘Are you sure you want to inhibit your senses around me? Considering I’m such bad company?’ he mused, sipping his wine, his pretty lips stained blood red. You put the glass down, scowling and going back to deciding what you wanted to eat.
You settled for steak, surprised to see he ordered the same. You had expected him to get something pompous like lobster.
The meal was undeniably amazing, even though Chrollo had taken it upon himself to interview you about what you’d thought of all the paintings, clearly trying to exhibit his own knowledge, which turned into you trying to one-up him. That might also have been a ploy from his part to get you to argue with him.
‘Interesting. When you’re not so nervous, you’re quite self-assured, darling. Perhaps the thought of being seen as less knowledgeable than I am is unbearable in your mind. Is it to do with sexism? I assure you, the fact that you’re a woman makes no difference to me in terms of your intelligence. Which is, of course, of the highest degree’ he said, and you groaned, staring at him and taking another gulp of Cabernet, even though no amount of wine could save you from him dissecting your brain and being pretentious.
‘Don’t psychoanalyse me. And stop trying to be a feminist icon to impress me. It rings hollow after what you have done’ you said, thinking yourself bold with your quips. Perhaps you should settle down. After all, this was still your mass murdering captor.
‘Ah. I treat you with the highest regard, my love. It wounds me to hear you be so bitter when this day made you so happy. Have I not earned some affection from your part by spoiling you today? Perhaps you need more from me’ his eyes took a lustful light, and you squirmed, shutting up. Which only earned you a smirk.
Once the bottle of wine had been finished, Chrollo got you water, claiming he did not want you to get drunk. You eyed the price on the bill, astonished that one meal could cost so much. But he merely swiped his card and closed the leather case that hid it from view, standing up and offering you his hand. You got up, walking with him outside.
The ride home was fairly silent, because you did not look forward to be back not knowing when you would get another chance at seeing the outside world, and Chrollo was focused on driving and palming your lower thigh. You looked at the sunset, lost in the orange and purple hues, completely enraptured by the beauty of it. It would be nice to stay out for a while longer, but you knew not to push the buttons. He had said art gallery and dinner, and that was what you had done. Now it was time to go home.
You wondered if he would make you sit on his lap and kiss him again tonight, as he’d done since your escape attempt. Somehow, the thought made you hot all over. Well, he had certainly seemed keen enough at the gallery, you thought, your cheeks hot.
Chrollo parked the car, leading you to the lift and back to the flat, where he locked the door with his stupid book and discarded his coat, taking yours off. You slipped off your heels, your feet sore from a day of wearing them, and started to head to the bathroom to change. If he wanted to make out with you, he could wait for you to get comfortable, as loosely as that word could be used in such a situation.
You had made it to the bedroom when Chrollo caged you in his arms, pulling you into him from behind you, getting your hair out of the way to leave languid kisses on your neck, his hands splayed on your stomach. You stopped dead in your tracks, giggling nervously, already feeling the effects of the wine and Chrollo’s touch getting to you.
‘Uhm- let me change-‘ you muttered, your eyes fluttering close when he started sucking on the junction of your clavicle.
‘There’s no need. I’ll peel it off you soon enough, darling’ he breathed against your ear, voice intoxicating, deep and sultry, and you squirmed, your heart rate going through the roof with the realisation that he wanted to sleep with you now. God.
No, you had to push him away. That was the right thing to do, right? He was... Chrollo, and his tongue was following your artery, and it felt like hell and heaven had combined, and you couldn’t think...
‘I’m tired of waiting. I am going to show you just what I can make you feel, darling. I’ll be so good to you’ he said breathily, hands cupping your breasts, fingers grazing your stiffening nipples. You choked a whimper, torn between the overwhelming pleasure and the equally crushing shame.
He groaned against you, pushing himself against your ass, earning another strangled yelp from you when you felt the hard bulge of his erection against it.
He whispered your name like a prayer, turning your head and kissing you hungrily, teeth sinking in your bottom lip, sucking, licking while he fisted your hair and turned you around, pulling you more into him.
Your mind seemed to shut off completely, taken over by the desire that had accumulated in weeks of torturing make-out sessions with no reprieve, to the point where your body was burning and aching for his touch, and nothing else mattered except the taste of wine in his mouth and the grip he had on you.
He pulled back, pupils dilated and eyes dark with lust, gaze lingering on your lips as he pulled down the zipper on your ribcage, greedily devouring you with a mere stare as you stood there, rapt and consumed by desire, your mind a blur.
He lowered the straps of your dress, pulling it down until it pooled at your feet. You burnt as his eyes trailed down your body, shameless and ravenous.
‘That’s even better than what I had imagined. Oh, darling, if you knew...’ he groaned, his hands immediately splaying on the expanse of your back, trailing down to squeeze and knead your ass harshly while his mouth was busy sucking on your neck, making you whimper as you clung to his shoulders.
He pushed you towards the bed, pulling you on his lap. You straddled him, utterly deranged with pleasure as he licked the valley of your breasts, grinding you on his lap. You let out a moan, pulling at his hair, which only made him rougher as he slapped your ass and gripped it, sending a surge of pleasure to your clit.
‘Get on your knees for me, darling. I want those pretty lips wrapped around my cock’ he groaned against your ear, and you swallowed, shame making your face burn. It was one thing to go with the flow and let him do things to you, quite another to actively pleasure him. But you would be a liar if you said the thought did not make you wet. And it was all unfair and humiliating and yet, and yet...
You pressed your lips together, yelping when your bra ripped under his hands and he threw it away.
‘I’ll buy you another one’ he groaned, pinching your nipples and sucking one into his feverish mouth, grazing it with his teeth until you were rutting against him, your hands cradling his head.
‘On your knees now, sweetheart’ he pressed, and you breathed in shakily, lowering yourself from his lap onto the floor, swallowing your shame as Chrollo stared down at you, taking off his jacket and shirt, unbuttoning his trousers and pulling his cock out, stroking it in his hand. Degrading as it was, infuriating as it was, he was so unfairly attractive. From the expanse of his toned stomach to the thick cock in front of you to the unruly hair that framed his face and the lust-laden grey eyes boring into you.
He let go of his cock to gather your hair into his fist, stroking your cheek and your bottom lip, pushing his thumb inside. You hesitantly sucked it, pressing your tongue against it, and he smirked, eyes gleaming with ravenous lust as he pulled it away and you wrapped your much smaller hand around the base of his cock, unable to touch your fingers with your thumb.
You stroked him, looking up at him as you tentatively licked the slit at the tip, and he let out a soft moan, his lips parting as his fingers tightened around your hair.
Emboldened by his reaction, you wrapped your lips around the reddened tip, tongue twirling around it.
‘Good girl, keep your eyes on me’ he breathed, looking dishevelled for the first time as you sank further in, licking the underside of his cock, hollowing your cheeks.
‘Fuck’ he groaned, his hips twitching, to the point where he reached the back of your throat and you choked a little, breathing hard through your nose. You weren’t even two thirds of the way in.
‘You can take it, darling. You’re doing so well. You look ravishing’ he praised, and you pushed a little more, tears starting to sting in your eyes, your lips wet with saliva as you struggled to keep your eyes on him.
You got a little more used to his size, and you managed to take a little more. What you couldn’t take with your mouth you made up for with your hand, rotating it slightly as you pulled back and forth on him, watching him start to breathe more unevenly, his eyes narrowed, the skin of his neck slightly flushed.
‘That’s my girl. You’re such a pretty little slut for me. I knew it’ he taunted, and despite yourself, you couldn’t help but moan, continuing to pleasure him though it killed your pride.
He started to guide your head, not too forcefully, but he was definitely getting more eager as you picked up the pace and sank to his pelvis, tearing a breathless moan from him that made your panties even more soaked than they already were.
‘Oh, darling. My good girl. Fuck- I’m close. Keep going, and swallow, m’kay? Going to make you feel so good after, I promise’ he huffed out, and you hollowed your cheeks, struggling to breathe, tears running down your face as you kept going, until he stilled, his eyes closing, head facing the ceiling as he came in your mouth with a soft moan.
You swallowed heavily, panting as he slipped out of your mouth. He stared at you for a few seconds, his lips parted, his eyes narrowed with pleasure, before he pulled you up by your arm and threw you underneath him on the bed, kissing you, his hands roving down your body.
‘Such a good girl- let me return the favour, my dear’ he breathed, sucking on your nipples, straying down your stomach and spreading your thighs. You stared at him, panting and hot all over as he pressed his nose against your clit, licking a wet stripe along your labia over the wet lace of your panties. You let out a breathless moan, hips jerking against him, and he let out a soft groan, smirking at you.
‘How I missed this’ he murmured, pulling on your panties until they ripped, clearly unfamiliar with just slipping them off. But your quips were soon forgotten when he flung one leg on his shoulder and dipped his tongue inside you, kneading your ass as he flicked your clit and rolled it in his tongue.
You pulled at his hair, your hands catching onto the cloth of his forehead, which fell on you. He tossed it away, sucking on your clit, his hand snaking between your thighs, two fingers dipping inside you and curling, making you arch your back and let out a loud moan.
He started thrusting his fingers in and out, dragging them along your walls, his mouth keenly occupied with your clit, until you couldn’t take it anymore and started convulsing underneath him, trembling as he pinned you down and forced you through the most intense orgasm of your life.
He switched his mouth and fingers, his tongue slipping inside you, tasting you, his fingers rubbing and rolling your clit through the comedown of your orgasm, until you pushed him away when you started feeling too sensitive.
He wiped his chin with his mouth, sucking his fingers clean and smirking at you, the picture of debauchery as he gave you a sultry look.
He took off the remainder of his clothes, turning you on your stomach and lifting your hips.
‘Does my pet want a rough fucking? You deserve it, after all. You’ve been so patient, squirming on my lap for weeks’ he said against your ear, gripping your hip, his free hand wrapped around your throat.
You only moaned, and he must have been satisfied, because he pushed inside you, tearing a loud whine from you and a grunt from him.
‘Fuck, darling. You’re just made for me, aren’t you? Look at how you’re taking my cock, sucking it in, throbbing around it’ he murmured, immediately bottoming out and thrusting back in unrelentingly, making you tremble underneath him, your head dizzy, your face pressed against the mattress as he pounded into you, pressing into your g-spot straightaway, making you whine and keen for him. It was too much, all at once. You felt him everywhere, consuming you, making you see stars.
‘Chrollo- fuck- too much’ you sobbed, but he did not relent. He slammed against you with reckless abandon, long fingers still wrapped around your throat, his pants and groans echoing your louder cries.
‘You can take it, little slut. You’re my little slut, mh? Your pretty little cunt’s squeezing around me... could it be that you like that, darling? How filthy’ he taunted, but he sounded breathless and full of desire, and it made you feel obscene, yes, but also so so wanted. You had secretly longed for this for weeks, and now, you needed to feel him, needed to cum so badly.
But he slipped out of you and turned you on your back, slipping back into your sopping cunt and lifting your knees to your chest, pressing his body over you.
‘Fuck- Ahh- gonna cum!’ you sobbed, the new position rendering you completely helpless to his rough fucking that pressed against your g-spot and grazed your cervix, making you quiver underneath him.
‘Cum for me, darling. Show me how much you need me to fuck you’ he breathed, and you thrashed your head side to side, tears disappearing on either side of your hair, your mouth open in a silent scream as you came undone, seeing white, sounds fading completely around you, leaving you feeling only pleasure for a moment that felt like several minutes.
Chrollo grunted, cursing loudly, pressing his lips to yours in a sloppy kiss and drowning your moans as his hips stuttered, his rhythm breaking, his fingers curling on your flesh, sure to leave bruises as you felt warmth flood inside you.
He continued to push for a few seconds, head buried in the crook of your neck before he stopped moving. Your legs collapsed on the bed, and you struggled to calm your breathing, your throat dry, your arms loose around his back.
He rolled over to his back next to you, his breath starting to come out evenly even though you were still panting.
‘You were perfect, darling’ he murmured, stroking your hair, pulling you into his arms. You stared at the open window, the night skyline staring back at you with its blue lights and orangey glow from the windows of the buildings on the other side of the street.
Was this a life you could live? You did not know. The only thing you knew was that Chrollo had won.
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creedslove · 1 year
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Javier Peña x f!reader
Summary: you are forced to hear what Manu has to tell you, and a surprise at the office makes you rethink your relationship with Javier
Warnings: hurt, angst, offenses, fluff, mentions of smut, sexual tension, jealousy and more angst
A/N: sorry taking so long, I was sick and I was caught up in a sudden Agent Whiskey vibes that got me distracted from Javi and Joel 🥺
Also, I think it's pretty obvious I have no idea how the DEA office works in the show, so in my story, I picture it as the station of B99 where there's the upper floor department which is the DEA and the lower floor department that it's the station, lol
5.3k words
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When Manu left his home that Sunday morning, he was determined to face the man he hated the most in the world. 
He wasn't sure how he began hating that man, but it had something to do with the moment he joined the police enforcement in Colombia. 
He was a typical american guy, looking down at everything in Manu's beloved country and always thinking he was above all. 
Maybe it was his smug smile, those stupid tight pants as if he'd been trapped for over a decade or how the office girls swooned for him. He hadn't exchanged more than two or three words, but whenever they had some mission concerning Escobar and the DEA dogs, that motherfucker walked around with that attitude, as if he was better than anyone else. 
Manu just hated how pretentious he was, how he swore he had all those women on his feet. Most of the time, he did, but the women he had on his feet weren't the kind of women Manu liked. They were usually cheap, easy girls, or literally prostitutes. And then he saw you. 
You were possibly the most beautiful woman Manuel had ever seen in his life, you were always sweet and kind to everyone, politeness and efficiency were something everyone from the office noticed, you treated everyone equally… except for maybe Colleen, it was noticeable how you couldn't stand her, but no one could actually blame you as that woman was kind of annoying. Manu watched you from afar every day, since you began working at the station. He liked admiring you, he had never spoken to you, but in his mind, he was sure you were a beautiful person, inside and out. He just didn't understand why you seemed to be attached to Peña's hip, you weren't a cop, you weren't his partner and you certainly weren't his girlfriend, as the word on the street said Peña didn't do relationships. 
And yet, you gave him the heart eyes, you were always laughing together and very often you giggled at whatever he had said. 
Manu was always confused as to why someone like you, could orbitate around Javier. 
Then, Carlos initiated his weird obsession with you. He still went after the girls in the office, but you seemed to linger longer in his mind. One of the reasons was that, just like Manu, he also couldn't stand Javier. And winning one of his girls would be a great victory for him. And also because you never gave Carlos the time of the day, and it drove him mad. Not many women refused him, but you did, so when flirtation didn't work, he turned his aim at you, and tried making you the office's joke, which Manu immediately put an end to it, when he was around at least. He didn't need people gossiping around and distracting themselves from work. 
So he just decided not to listen to any of that gossip and remind himself that everything that came from Carlos was pure shit. 
And then you were transferred to his department, and when he met you, he knew he'd made the right choice by not letting any gossip about you influence him. You were everything he'd dreamed of in a person and just the fact that you actually took a liking on him, was enough to show Manu that sometimes good things happened. 
During your brief relationship, Manu never really liked the fact you were once so close to Javier, but just as he had his own past relationships, you did too, besides, you were always so honest when you said you didn't have anything with him, you two were friends and nothing else, and well, as for Manuel, he had no reasons to doubt you.
He was bothered ever since he woke up the day before, he'd spent a wonderful night with you, you had finally had sex, he was staying at your house and that must've been a big deal, right? But once he woke up, he heard you whimpering and moaning in his sleep. He smirked happily, assuming you were dreaming of him and possibly wanted another round of him.
So he trailed kisses around your neck and your shoulder, which you sleepily welcomed with more moans, but then he heard Javier's name coming out of your lips.
Manu didn't really believe it at first, he must have misheard what you said, and even after he questioned you and you explained yourself saying you were just telling him good morning. Once again, he believed you, he had no reasons to doubt you after all. 
Then when you both got to the barbecue, he couldn't help but have that characteristic feeling of hatred and anger spreading through his body. The mere presence of Javier caused that. Everything about that guy bothered him, made his skin crawl and the fact he kept his stupid, ridiculous sunglasses on all the time pretending he wasn't eye fucking you, was driving him insane. 
Manu couldn't lie about the fact he was a little disappointed when you asked him to go home, he loved every minute of the night you had spent together and every fiber of his body was longing for a repetition of that, he wanted to do it again, to have you lost in his arms, being in so much pleasure you couldn't help but being loud as hell. However, he didn't want to overstay, if you were asking him to leave you had a good reason, and for the third time, Manuel Herrera believed in you because he had no other reason not to.
When he woke up that Sunday morning, he sighed as the side of the bed you were supposed to take as your own was cold and empty. He hoped he could wake up to your sleepy, smiley face, but that was not happening. He got up and made himself breakfast, taking his time to think about your relationship and smiled at himself, he had something good going on and he wanted to assure things would continue that way. An idea crossed his mind and after debating it with himself, he decided to do it, as there was a slim, but consistent possibility it would work out. 
He saw himself driving to the place of the guy he hated the most in the whole wide world: Javier Peña.
At first he hadn't planned it very well, but it was something pretty simple, he was going to talk to Javier in a straightforward way, no beating around the bush, he was just going to straightforward ask Javier to leave you alone once for all. 
He wasn't trying to control your friendships, but he didn't trust Javier and since you seemed to have been so vulnerable towards him, he thought it could be a nice request, a fair request, even. Especially since Javier had been treating you like shit for months, Manu thought it would be a decent idea. First he was going to knock on his door, have a chat with him and then he would go to your apartment, kiss you on the lips and take you out for lunch. 
He stood in front of Javier's door, knocking on it and as soon as the door opened, he recited the words he'd rehearsed in his mind, until he went completely silent at the image of you, standing there, naked underneath that shirt and Manu's world was forever changed by that. 
At first, it took him a split second to recognize you, he'd eyed first the naked legs and only then his gaze went up until the confirmation of who it was hit him harder than a train running right off the track. His first assumption was that it was just another hooker opening the door, but when he realized it was no one but his own girlfriend, it felt like the ground had disappeared from under his feet. 
"Manu?" You whispered in shock, he was literally the last person you thought that would knock on Javier's door. You were even holding his badge, being sure Javi himself returned to get it, but not your boyfriend. He just stood there, with a shocked and horrid expression, he didn't dare say a single word, instead he saw as your lower lip trembled and your eyes immediately filled with tears. 
"Manu" his name was nothing but a ghostly whisper coming out of your lips "I'm so sorry…" you began your apologies but he didn't want to hear any of it. 
He ran his hands through his hair, in frustration, pain, heartbreak.
"How long, Y/N?" His voice was steady, he really thought it was going to break, show you how gutted he really was, but to his own surprise, it came out as emotionless as it could be.
"Manu, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for anything to happen, I was gonna go and talk to you later today, explain to you what's happening, I know I hurt you, but I don't want you to hate me…" 
The way he stood there, not moving, not speaking, just staring at you was worse than if he was throwing a scene. So far, you had only met the good side of him, the side that was docile and sweet, you had no idea how he'd react to the shock of catching you red-handed. 
"How long, Y/N?" He repeated himself "how long have you been double dealing like that? How long have you been cheating on me with Peña?!" He raised his voice and grabbed you by the arm. His grip wasn't painful but it was strong enough so you couldn't simply break free from it. 
He took you inside Javier's apartment and closed the door, not wanting the neighbors to experience that scene. 
"I-I haven't been with Javier for long… it happened last night, but I was gonna talk to you Manu, I swear. You are a great guy, and you deserve someone good to you, someone who doesn't hurt your feelings and can love you…" you explained, as you couldn't control your sobs, too many feelings flooding you all at once, finally the guilt and shame you had been lacking appeared. It was completely different now, at the light of the day. During the night, you'd been so caught on in your feelings for Javier, he was arms length close to you, he was right there, you couldn't resist, and your boyfriend… well, at that moment he was just an idea, a thought pushed away to the back of your mind. But now, Manu stood there, flesh and bone, right in front of you, anger and disappointment all aimed at you, and he was right in every single aspect. What you did to him was inexcusable, you couldn't even try to justify… what could you tell him? You couldn't resist Javier? You were carried away in the moment? You loved Javier and the whole reason why you dated Manu in the first place was because he made you forget your heart break for a little while? Would all those excuses be enough for you if the roles were reversed and you just found out your boyfriend had spent the night with the woman you hated the most in the world? You knew it wasn't enough. 
"Ay, eres tan dulce!" He scoffed and looked at you, before turning around and taking a good look at the apartment "even when you were bouncing on Peña's cock you were still worried about my feelings… aren't you a great girlfriend?" 
"I'm so sorry Manu, I never meant to hurt you, I really care for you, but we are not right for each other.." 
"I'll give you one on that, querida, we are definitely not right for each other, because unlike your new boyfriend, I don't go out with whores" he said in a low voice "you know, Carlos always said you were one of those, a whore, a tiny little stupid girl who ran after Peña like a puppy with stupid heart eyes in hopes one day he would pay the slightest attention to you, and I always thought he was wrong… but now, I see he was absolutely right. I just came over to have a small chat with him, about you, by the way! So he would leave you alone, and I find you here, playing housewife, cleaning up after his mess, look at the way you are dressed, for fuck's sake, I've seen Peña pick up prostitutes wearing more clothes than you are right now! But I guess Carlos was right, you are not only a bitch, Y/N, but a real stupid one… out of all the men you could get involved with, you go and choose Peña?!" Manu laughed softly "I don't usually have hard feelings, and to be honest, if I could I'd wish you to be happy with him, but the problem is that I know you won't. Because he is an asshole, he's a manwhore, and you and your tight little pussy aren't gonna be able to keep him to yourself much longer, eventually he'll grow tired of you, and he'll go after other whores to seek the pleasure you won't be able to give him any longer, so I just know for a fact you won't be happy with him, but it's fine by me, because you deserve every single heartbreak he's gonna put you through, Y/N" Manu said giving you one last glance, a glance full of despise and walked out the door, leaving you alone with your guilt.
Now, if Manu had slapped you across the face, or kicked you in the guts it would've probably hurt less than his words. 
You knew he was right, you couldn't even try and argue, he was just right. You had played with his feelings, used him in order to feel better about yourself and pretty much just to make Javier jealous. 
You felt so ashamed of yourself and you wanted to curl up in some corner and disappear, everything he'd told you echoed through your mind. You didn't regret your night with Javi, not in a million of years, but now you saw you could have handled things better, not only that, you should have handled things better, that was the bare minimum. Manu never deserved the heartache you put him through and you would live with the guilt of that. 
You walked back to his bed and curled up under the blanket, you wanted him there, you wanted to assure yourself he was real, what you two had was something worth screwing up your relationship for, but at the same time your ex's words were haunting you. Was Manu really right? At some point, would Javi just get tired of you? 
You didn't know when you fell asleep, but you certainly did so while you were still crying, and only at the smell of Javier as you buried your face into your pillow was able to calm you down. 
Now, Javier was annoyed. 
He wasn't just annoyed, he was pissed off. If he were trapped in a room with Steve Murphy and Pablo Escobar chances were he would shoot Murphy. 
Javi felt he had been ripped off a dream, he'd spent the perfect night with you, the woman he loved and craved and he had made plans to spend the perfect day with you. 
He would bring you breakfast in bed, sit next to you and enjoy your company, maybe share a cigarette with you. Then, he would invite you to shower and play with your tight, sweet and beautiful pussy there, kiss your body and soap all over it, so his hand would be a lot slippery when he explored your body. 
Taking you to bed, he would probably rail you, and god, he wouldn't save any of his fantasies, he would have you on top of him, doggy style, topping you, it didn't matter, he just wanted your body against his, he wanted to spill inside of you and keep you to himself. 
Then, as a gentleman, Javi would take you out on a date and finish this perfect Sunday buried balls deep inside of you once more. But then, Steve began knocking on his door like a madman demanding Javi to go check on La Quica information that led to nothing and deprived him from a whole day of you. 
He wondered what you were up to, though. As he drove through the streets of Colombia and pretended to hear Murphy's words, as he blabbered about his wife, his kid and his life. But Javi's mind… ohh that was elsewhere. 
He licked his lips and focused ahead, but all he could think of was you. He wondered if you went back to your place, if you'd changed clothes… what if you were on his bed, legs spread and fingering yourself thinking of him? The thought made him groan and his jeans get a little tighter.
"Wow, pay attention, man!!!" Steve suddenly said as Javi had run the red light and nearly hit another car. 
"Jesus… sorry" Javier mumbled as he got back to his senses, your sweet pussy nearly got him killed, he smirked at himself. 
It didn't take much longer to get home, he was just so eager to see you. Javi was convinced you were getting ready for your date, maybe he should have bought you some flowers? He wasn't sure, he hadn't been on a date in ages, what if you didn't like flowers? Was it possible? Women usually liked flowers. He could always get some on your way to the restaurant, it didn't really matter, he just wanted to be near you. 
He barely paid attention to Steve saying his goodbyes and got into his apartment. He knocked on your door first, but as he had no replies, he went to his own, maybe you were still there. 
He silently walked inside, and headed to his bedroom, he called you in a low voice but didn't get an answer, he didn't like that silence and closed his eyes, allowing himself to be taken back to his pop's ranch, he was sure he would never be welcomed by silence, instead there would always be music, laughter and giggles, coming from his loving wife, you and your babies. 
He shook his head, he couldn't keep having these thoughts, it was too damn early for that, he didn't even know if you relationship would last. He wanted to, of course, but he also knew you deserved better, so if you ever found someone really good and would like to be with the new guy, Javi was sure nothing could be done. 
But those self loathing thoughts died the moment he found you in his bed. You were still in his shirt and his heart clenched at the image. 
You were just so relaxed, so gorgeous, and he smiled at himself. It felt like a whiff of new air, leaving the suffocating feeling he constantly had in his life, his job and just going home to something good. Suddenly he understood what his dad meant, fuck, he understood what Steve meant. It was about having something to come back home to. 
Javi got rid of his shoes and sat next to the edge of the bed, he admired you, your hair, your body. You were everything Javier ever wished for, and he was aware it was too much for him, but it didn't matter at that time. 
His hand went for your hair, caressing it gently, seeing how you barely moved in your sleep. His hand ran down your back this time, he stroked you over the shirt, and saw how it rolled up, exposing your cheeks. He bit his lips, your ass was so perfect, so gorgeous, inviting, it was a sight that would always drive him insane, but at that very moment, he didn't want to touch you inappropriately, he wanted to feel you closer. He lowered his body and sank his face into the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent, it smelled like home to him. Javier chuckled at himself at how pathetic he was, you definitely put him under your spell and he loved every single minute of it. 
When Javi wrapped his arm around you, you shifted and raised yourself startled as you didn't even remember falling asleep in the first place. 
You turned around and saw him, he looked puzzled, confused even, but you didn't care. You just threw your arms around his neck and pulled you for a real tight hug. You tried controlling your tears, but it was hard. That heaviness in your chest wouldn't go away, it seemed every time you took your breath something stung inside and it was like a pool of tears were being contained by a thin curtain that was about to burst at any minute. 
Javi just held you, keeping you in his embrace as tight as he could, though he immediately demanded to know what was going on. Through his mind the worst possible scenarios ran freely, he gulped thinking of what could've happened to you, fuck, for a moment he feared even someone from Los Pepes had tried to harm you in any way, but when your shaky, low voice professed the name of your now, ex-boyfriend, everything made sense. 
Truth was, Javier was so drunk in love, he spent his afternoon living in a world where only you and him mattered and only you and him were a couple. No one else existed, no else was in the picture, so of course he forgot about Manu's pathetic existence, and consequently, also forgot you were going to talk to him.
"Shit baby, what happened? Did he hurt you? Did that motherfucker harm you? If he touched a strand of your hair I'll go over there and I'll fucking kill him!!!" Javier raged, though you didn't seem physically bad, he didn't trust Manuel at all. But your head shook and your grip got tighter around his body, in a clear sign you didn't want him to leave at all. 
So he patiently waited. He rubbed your back, pulling you so close you were now on his lap again, and for the sweet coincidence of having you on top of him like that for the second time in less than twenty four hours, he smiled. With the exception that this time you were the one who needed to be comforted. 
And eventually you started talking. 
You told him in details, how you noticed Javi had forgotten his badge and you were just so sure he was the one knocking on the door. You told him about Manu's shock, how silent he was, until how he crushed you with his words. 
But you didn't stop there, you looked into Javier's eyes, not hiding your tears and told him how every single word Manu had told you was right, how guilty you felt and his heart shattered, as he had no clue on how he could help you. 
Javi cupped your cheeks, wiping your tears with his long fingers and pecked your forehead. 
"Guilt is painful too, when you have conscious, it hurts to deceive someone you care about. I'm sorry it is eating you up alive, cariño, but the damage is done and all I can tell you is that I'm here for you… maybe it's too soon, maybe it's stupid but if you want to try, I want to try, we can make something out of this situation… maybe what he talked about last night, about the ranch, about leaving our jobs, maybe it could happen.." 
Javier's eyes were so hopeful, so full of expectation you couldn't even believe in yourself. It was just too much, too many feelings overwhelming you, crushing you and he was there, wanting to date you. 
Oh my god, the date.
You were supposed to go on a date with Javi, and there you were, crying your eyes out because your ex barked a few mean words to you. 
You felt so angry and so tired, you could feel another wave of hot tears threatening to spill from your eyes, but his soft touch snapped you out of your crisis. 
"Come on, princesa, let me get you home" he said in a calm voice, helping you out of his bed and crossing the hallway with you. It was funny how close you two were living and how easy it was to just come and go. 
He closed the door to your apartment behind him and once more cupped your cheeks, holding your head in place and making you pay attention to him.
"You need to rest, you're too nervous… it's just a lot of emotions, I ain't no expert, but I guess it is making you suffer, so you should take a shower, put on some of your own clothes…" he pointed at his own shirt that covered so little of your beautiful body "we can just go on our date tomorrow or some other day, there's no pressure… I can also stay tonight, or not… you can think about that while you shower" his voice was calm and he just walked you to your room, opening the wardrobe and picking you something he thought you would enjoy wearing. 
That was some domestic Javier Peña you didn't think you would ever witness. It made your heart warm, melting slowly and you suddenly felt like your chest had been cleared away, like a wave of good, positive feelings were going through your veins and for a brief second, that known feeling everything would be alright. 
You didn't even bother looking at the clothes he pick vced for you, instead, you just got rid of his shirt.
"Javi?" You whispered and waited as he turned around, you rested your arms on the side of your full naked body, a little nervous, not sure what to do with them, as Javier stopped everything he was doing and stared at your gorgeous, naked body. 
He had touched you, and he had eaten you out, sure, but it was dark the night before, he'd seen you but not as explicit as he was at that moment, and he loved it. 
He could feel his cock twitching in his pants and didn't hesitate in walking to you, arms around you, pulling you for a deep kiss. 
You corresponded to it, wanting his body on yours. It wasn't enough, you were craving him just as much as he craved you. 
"I want you to shower with me, Javi… please" you begged against his lips, though you knew you didn't have to beg, he would take you right there and then if it were to him. 
As you helped him undress, you both jumped at the phone ringing.
You ignored it at first, your hands unbuttoning his painfully see through white shirt, giggling as you kissed along his jawline and down his neck. 
But then the phone rang again, and again and at some point, Javier sighed annoyed and broke the kiss, walking to your living room and picking it up. He didn't care if it was your mom, your dad, your sister or Pablo Escobar calling you, he didn't make any efforts to sound remotely polite, he just wanted whoever was calling you to stop. 
"Oh, hello agent Peña… I've been calling your apartment but I had a gut feeling you would pick up Y/N's phone…" Manu's voice greeted the man with a sinister excitement, he sounded way too happy for someone who had just found out he'd been cheated on.
"Anyway, I'm sorry to interrupt your night, but as Y/N might have mentioned, I got the evening shift at the station tonight and we made an arrest… now our prisoner is asking specifically for you, to see if you can help with the release" 
Javier's blood ran cold. 
What if they'd arrested someone from Los Pepes, that would explain why that son of a bitch was probably grinning as he talked on the phone. In fact, the whole call was weird, it sounded like a trap to begin with, but he'd called and asked for Javier himself, and not for you… so he didn't really think Manu would try and do something against him, then yes, you confirmed he had the evening shift that Sunday, which meant he might have been telling the truth. 
And it also meant Javier would only find out when he got there. 
At first he said no when you insisted on going with him, even if Manu had come up with an evil plan, Javi was driving towards the office, there was no problem, there were always so many people no matter what time of the day, so he couldn't really try to do anything against him. But Javier wasn't comfortable with the situation, what if it was indeed someone from Los Pepes, he didn't want you to see it, to witness it… it was humiliating, embarrassing even. But then you gave him those beautiful puppy eyes of yours and he had to give in, he always did when you begged him right. 
As you both arrived not later than 30 minutes, you both saw Manu waiting at the door, he was in his full uniform and smiling big as he realized you'd come along. Just like he had planned. 
He greeted you both good evening, which was ignored as Javier rushed inside, getting to the cells as fast as possible, you followed him right behind, being also tense and curious to know who was the mysterious prisoner. 
"So, as I was trying to say, the prisoner is an old friend of yours, Agent Peña…" Manuel couldn't hide his excitement as the two of you stood in silence.
"JAVIIIII!!!" a squeaky voice came from the inside of the cell, where the prostitute was being held. 
"G-Gabi?" Javier stuttered, swallowing hard as he looked from you to the woman. 
Gabriela used to be his favorite girl to go to when he needed a hand… or a mouth… or any other part really. He'd spent quite a lot on her services over the years and the two of them had the closest thing Javier could call a relationship before you came along. He'd paid for her services, enjoy them and she would still linger around for a cigarette or two, there was even a time she ended up falling asleep next to him, and they only woke up in the morning, and of course, she didn't charge any extras. 
Manu saw your jealousy expression and felt so much joy. He had predicted Javier would screw things up with you, but he just had no idea of how fast he would do it. Even if Manu was enjoying every single second of it, even he thought it was kind of ridiculous how quick your fantasy of living a happy life with Javier was falling into pieces. Because even if he did get his shit together - which Manu and everyone, even you deep down, doubt it, would you still be able to deal with his past?
Manuel grabbed the key and opened the cell "here it is, the person you requested, ma'am" he bit his lip to try to hide the smile the moment Gabi dramatically wrapped herself around Javier's neck and began crying into his shirt, telling him a sob story of how one of her clients refused to pay so the situation turned into a whole scene and the cops were called and she was arrested even if it was unfair. 
Your stomach churned at the scene and you tried your best to remind yourself Javier had a life before you, a very busy one, but would that be frequent? From time to time you'd have to handle ghosts from this past like that?
When that that woman who knew your man better than you did, intimately, more than you did, wrapped her arms around his neck, you knew you had enough for the night, not only for that, but for the whole weekend. 
You turned around and walked out of the station.
A/N: so I guess Manu's "revenge" was pretty satisfying, wasn't it? I told you guys I wouldn't turn him into a bad guy, and idk to me he had all the right to call reader that way and he could've done it even worse but I guess he's just a good guy after all. And then he had a little help from destiny and now we gotta wait and see what happens next!!! Tell me what you guys think of this chapter besties ❤️
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lustspren · 1 year
Open, Pandora ft. Soyeon
length: 7k words of pure smut.✦
Soyeon & Male Reader.
genres:  anal, hard sex, bdsm, blowjob, oral sex, creampie, shower sex, dirty talk, facefuck, facial✧ 
(The Judge sequel, and a requested comission.)
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Almost a year has passed since your "incident" with Jeon Soyeon. Your life continued with it's natural course, you two didn't even keep in touch during all that time, so you started to think that she had simply forgotten about you; but you had no problem with it, you understood it perfectly, especially considering that her life was more than busy at that moment: comeback, promotions, awards, concerts. It was evident that she wouldn't have time to meet someone so foreign to her social circle. 
You tried every day to get her out of your head, constantly convincing yourself in vain that her call wasn’t going to come, that you had only been a "one night stand" and that's it, but the constant memory of your pelvis slamming violently against her ass, and the large load that then spilled onto the ground directly from her hole to the ground prevented any kind of progress on it.
The weekend was normal like any other, your routine wasn’t out of the ordinary on Friday or Saturday, you spent all day at home playing video games or reading a book, and one of your coworkers had visited you to chat, but in general, simple monotony. You weren’t a person who frequented many places in which to socialize, it could be said that it wasn’t your thing, you preferred the comfort of your home, and calm places in which to be able to do your things without unnecessary hindrances. The only way to get you out of your house was with an incentive that really interested you, it could be an activity, or a person.
10:13 p.m. You were lying in your bed playing Hades on the Switch, already in your pajamas, under the unchanging softness of your sheets, when your phone rang. Seeing who it was almost made you throw the console off the bedroom ceiling.
--The Judge--. Jeon Soyeon. You had kept her contact with that nickname for a simple security issue, which was stupid since you were sure that absolutely nobody cared who you had among your contacts, but that was her.
You didn't want to answer right away to look like a loser, so you waited a few seconds looking at the screen until you finally swiped the green button.
"Hello?" you answered.
"Ah, hello, sorry to call so late, but the truth is that I don't care either," Soyeon's unmistakable high-pitched voice answered you on the other end.
"I was starting to think you'd forgotten me," you got up from the bed and wandered around your room.
"I did, yes," she admitted, which broke your heart a little, "but it was a hard fucking year for me."
"Oh yeah, I could tell by how you were throwing shit at Mnet on national TV, it was brilliant."
"But they deserved it, right?" she gave a small giggle.
"They deserve to go bankrupt along with your shitty company," you laughed back.
"They're lucky I keep them alive, without me they're nothing," that was the most self-centered and pretentious comment you'd ever heard come out of her mouth, but it wasn't a lie either.
"Wah, how modest," you teased, "well, how have you been?"
"Hm, why don't you come over and you know... we talk about it?" she invited you, with a silkier and sexier voice than usual.
"Yes!" you agreed to the millisecond in the excitement of the moment, you even gave a little jump, "I mean, yes," you calmed down, "pass me your location and I'll be there in a moment."
"Very well, I'll wait for you here, sweetie," said this, she hung up, and after a few seconds you received her message.
You threw your phone on the bed and moved like lightning through every corner of your bedroom to get dressed, you didn't know what the hell to wear for such an occasion, and your bedroom soon became a hovel because of how messy it was. It took you a long time to get something that convinced you, and even when you were already dressed, you felt that even that wasn’t enough to be up to Soyeon's standards.
You asked for a taxi and left your apartment quickly, you had everything you needed, your phone, your keys, your wallet, and above all, your desire to fuck one of the most talented women in the industry. You ordered the driver to go as fast as possible, after all, you didn't want to keep her waiting. A little less than 10 minutes passed when you were finally in front of the residential complex where Jeon Soyeon was staying. You got out of the car, and you stood at the outside gate.
--I'm outside-- you texted her.
--On my way.-- she instantly replied .
After a few minutes she came out of the building to meet you, wearing a black hoodie that was almost to her knees, the hood up and a mask for obvious reasons.
"What's up, you look cute," she said as she opened the gate for you, to walk back into the building.
"Thanks, um... you too?" you followed her, while you saw the garden and the fountain to the right of the path by which you passed.
"Wait until we get inside and then tell me that, I had to put this damn thing on just to get out for a second."
You followed Soyeon into the apartment and then to the elevator, up to the fourth floor, and then through a few meters of the corridor until you reached the door of her apartment. Just as you expected, Soyeon's apartment was not modest at all, in fact, it was quite large compared to yours; she took your hand, and led you into the living room, where she had a macbook on a coffee table, along with two speakers and a midi keyboard.
"Sorry about the mess, I was working on something, have a seat if you want," she said as she closed the macbook and gathered everything from the coffee table to go put it away.
You sat on the wide and soft white sofa while you took a look at your surroundings, the apartment was big, but it was obvious that Soyeon was a fairly tidy and simple girl, with only the necessary luxuries. Without a doubt what caught your attention the most was the sound system installed there, with speakers located at strategic points in each corner of the room, you wondered if this was where the magic happened first.
You didn't have time to think about it before Soyeon came back and almost made your eyes pop out of their sockets, she had already taken off her hoodie, showing her true outfit. She had a blue sweater crop top, black leather boots and what drove you crazy the most, a short jean skirt, that showed off her beautiful long legs, that, combined with her sexy exposed midriff, blew your mind.
"My god, you look amazing," you said almost instinctively, not ignoring the fact that she had short blonde hair and looked like she was born with it.
"I know, right?" she put her hands in the pockets of her skirt and made a slow 360 degree turn so that you could see her very well, "Do you want coffee? It's the best I can offer you, I haven't been drinking alcohol lately."
"Sure, I love coffee," you smiled kindly, and she left for a few seconds to return with a cup of hot coffee in her hands, which she placed on the table in front of you.
"There you go," she sat down next to you, closer than you'd expect, and she pulled one of her legs up onto your thigh, "and well? What were we up to?" her elbow rested on the back of her sofa and her cheek rested on her hand as she watched you.
"Oh yeah," you reached out to take the cup and take a sip of coffee, "I was asking how you've been," you turned to meet her gaze.
"Well, it's been quite a bittersweet year, as a group we did great, but you know how this industry is," she sighed, "you can't have 5 straight months of peace of mind."
"Yeah, I can tell," you agreed, "but hey, Tomboy and Nude were fucking bops," you took another sip of coffee.
"I appreciate it, but that doesn't mean that I've spent 80% of the year with stress headaches," she took the cup from your hands, to also take a sip of coffee, then put it back on the table, "and you know what I do to de-stress… right?" with a quick and agile movement, Soyeon climbed onto your lap, then placed her hands on your shoulders, and gently caressed them.
The sudden attack took you by surprise, so it took you a while to play along and put your hands on her bare waist, gently squeezing the flesh between your fingers.
"I can get the idea, yes," you agreed, looking her up and down without even hiding it, then back into her eyes.
"Yeah, of course you do," her hands moved slowly to your neck, where she touched your hair, "maybe it was a mistake not to call you until now, you could have… you know," she pressed against your lap and leaned forward to press against your chest, then, with her face inches from yours, she licked slowly from left to right across your lower lip, "help me with that juicy fucking cock."
"I'm here now, and I'm only yours… for you to use," you squeezed her waist a little more, and then your hands moved down her thighs to hold them on each side of your hips.
"God, I'm warning you boy… you might be opening a Pandora's box today," she licked her lips slowly and bit the tip of her tongue, taking in every detail of your face.
"I'll take the risk," you agreed confidently, closing the distance between your faces to smash your lips against hers. You were immediately reciprocated, and the kiss quickly turned into an intense tongue battle. Her fingers gripped the hair at the nape of your neck, and her hips began to move from front to back, quickly making your cock hard inside your pants, Soyeon noticed this, and she hiked up her skirt to move more freely over your bulge. In response, both of your hands went straight to her ass, you gave each cheek a hard squeeze, and in all the intensity of the moment, you gave her a quick spank that you were sure had stung. Soyeon moaned in the middle of the kiss, to put her hands under your sweater and caress your chest and abdomen; she pulled it up, and you raised your arms for her to take it off you. Her own sweater soon joined yours on the floor, as you had made her repeat the process, leaving her in just a simple white bra that she immediately took off too.
It was the first time you saw her boobs in full display, and you certainly weren't disappointed, her boobs were modest, but that didn't mean she didn't have extremely nice and suckable nipples, anyway, you had to make sure first.
"May l?" you asked her for permission, with your hands on her back.
"What did I tell you about the stupid questions?" she replied, glaring at you.
"Right, sorry."
Your mouth plunged fully into hers perky little tits, you wrapped your arms around her petite body and held her close to you while you sucked and licked her nipples, Soyeon let out a few small moans, moving her hips against your lap; her hands went to your hair, her fingers tangled in it, giving it little tugs and squeezes as you devoured her tits for almost a minute.
"No, stop, I need that cock in my ass, right now," she cut you off with a slight nudge of her finger against your forehead.
"Only if you're okay with me fucking you with that skirt on."
"You're not in position to make demands, asshole, but I don't care, I just want you to use my fucking ass like a cum dump."
Her dirty words were all you needed to get your inner motor into overdrive, that showed off, as you pushed her off your lap so that she fell backwards against a cushion. You stood up and began to undress, Soyeon positioned herself on all fours, her face resting against the cushion, her tight ass up, and her predatory gaze fixed on you as you released your throbbing cock for her to see. The show didn't last long, as you returned to the sofa and knelt behind her; you removed her panties in an instant, noticing that this time she didn't have the plug in her ass, and that her pussy was starting to get soaked.
"Sorry, cutie, this time it won't be so easy for you," she teased you, shaking her ass mischievously.
"I don't think that's a problem," you winked at her, to bring your two fingers to her slit and moisten them with her own fluids, then you brought them to her ass, and began to insert them very slowly until your knuckles were almost inside her hole. Soyeon bit her lip looking over her shoulder at you and gave a soft moan of approval. You pumped your fingers in and out for a little while, just long enough to make your job a little easier.
You brought the palm of your hand to your mouth and released a big spit into it, to quickly drop it on your cock and begin to lubricate it with your own saliva; when it was slippery enough, you pressed the tip against her ass and patiently pushed forward. It was clear you couldn't get in as easily as last time, but seconds passed, and already your flesh was buried halfway inside her tight hole. Soyeon's breathing became more agitated, and her mouth was half open in an O shape.
"Holy fucking shit! Don't stop, I need it all, fuck!" she demanded, squeezing her cushion into her hands.
Doing her bidding without question, you continued to thrust slowly until almost your entire length was buried deep inside her ass. Your body lit up in a sea of sensations that had been dormant for a long time, you had forgotten how incredible that felt, so you didn't bother to hide the loud moan that came out of your mouth.
You took a moment before starting to move your hips; the pace was slow and leisurely at first, just to make sure her ass fit perfectly around your cock, but you knew that soon Soyeon's body was going to ask for more and more, and you certainly weren't going to deny her.
"Fuck me hard honey, show me how much you missed that tight fucking ass," her words came out between subtle little moans as she looked at you.
She still had the skirt wrapped around her waist just the way you wanted it, you took advantage of this, holding it with your left hand to start giving stronger and faster thrusts against Soyeon's ass.
"Oh shit just like that!" she moaned even louder, raising her back a little to grab onto the sofa armband.
You bit your lip and groaned, her ass felt exactly the same as you remembered, tight and soft, and of course her short blonde hair made her look even sexier and petite than usual; she was driving you crazier than you'd like, since you were hardly going to be satisfied with just her ass tonight, you wanted more.
But for now you were concentrating on another task, the clashes between your pelvis and her ass soon turned violent, and with them came the second spank of the night for her, this time you didn't control your strength, so your hand stayed marked red hot on her buttock.
"Yes! Treat me like a bad fucking bitch, beat me up, fucking destroy me!" she screamed between agitated moans.
That turned you on more than it should have, and you just let yourself be carried away by the carnal and animal impulses that came to you. You spanked her as many times as you could, one after the other, on each buttock, you had no mercy of any kind, every time your hand collided with her ass her meat moved like jelly, and you didn't stop until it was colored like a fresh tomato. Soyeon screamed, growled, and clung to the sofa as best as she could for the force and savagery with which you fucked her; but if it wasn't enough that both her buttocks were deep red, you reached forward to grab a handful of her blonde hair and pull it back.
"Fffffffuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" she screamed with each thrust, "please just fill me, fill my fucking ass, I'm so fucking close!"
The words couldn't come out of your mouth due to the great physical effort you were making to satisfy her and yourself, there was sweat running down your forehead, which fell directly on her ass and her lower back, you pulled harder on her hair, causing her neck be thrown as far back as possible; her back made a perfect arc, just enough for you to lean forward and look into her eyes as you took your last few thrusts before exploding inside her. Feeling your thick, hot load inside her hole, Soyeon couldn't help but gasp as she suffered a violent orgasm, the spasms shaking her body as if she had been shot by a taser. You both moaned audibly, and she was tightening around your shaft, refusing to let go until she had every last drop of cum inside it.
With the passing of seconds you let go of her hair, consequently, her face fell on the cushion that she had been holding a moment ago. You straightened your back, and very slowly withdrew your cock from her ass until it finally came out with a little --pop--, and along with it, a river of cum slowly spilled down her pussy to the sofa. You, exhausted and needing to catch your breath, fell back and in the opposite direction of Soyeon, resting your head on the armband of the sofa.
"Oh, you think I'm done with you? Not even close, boy," Soyeon said after almost 2 minutes of neither saying anything, pulling herself up so she could sit on her knees between your legs. Judging by her look, and the apparent insatiable hunger she had today, it would be normal for you to fear for your life at that moment, but the only thing you felt was the desire to give her what she deserved and more. This was the day you were going to completely ruin Jeon Soyeon.
"I still have a lot to give. Go ahead, try me," you said, straightening up a little with your lower back against the armband so that she had more mobility.
Soyeon lay with her chest against the sofa, your cock in front of her face, she took it with one hand, and stuck her tongue out to flick it several times against it, then, she began to give your shaft slow licks from your balls until your tip; your breath hitched, and you began to get hard again as her licks and wet kisses did not stop.
When your erection was fully hard and ready again, Soyeon took it straight into her mouth, only sucking on the tip at first, and swirling her tongue around it several times until she lowered her head further, this time. towards the middle of your shaft. She began to pump her head up and down at a considerable pace, giving you a wonderful nice and slow blowjob, you already knew that she was very good at giving head, but this time there was a double effort in how she moved, and in how she used her tongue to make sure to stimulate every corner of your cock.
Not content with the work she was already doing, Soyeon stopped to bring you very slowly down her throat, you let out a long moan, as her nose rested against your pubis and little gagging sounds emanated from her. She kept you there for longer than you expected, until she finally pulled you out with a long breath; she kept jerking you off, still catching her breath until she plunged back into your cock.
She did a complete change of pace, her blowjob going from slow to messy, slippery and needy; her hand accompanied the motion of her mouth, both moving up and down fast while her ass was raised, a sight you couldn't just ignore, and it only turned you on more.
"G-god, I want to fuck you so bad, I want to be inside that wet fucking pussy," you said between heavy gasps, causing Soyeon to stop and pull you out of her mouth. She didn't say a word, she just straightened up and was on your lap in an instant, her pussy brushing all the way across your cock.
"So you want my pussy, huh?" she teased, moving her hips slowly and brushing her slit against your manhood, "and tell me, darling, do you think you're worth it already?" she cupped your face with her hands for a moment, then lowered them down your neck, your shoulders and left them on your chest.
"I don't know," you shook your head, not taking your gaze off hers, "all I know is that if you think my cock feels good in your ass, you'll see stars when it's inside your pussy."
Soyeon paused suddenly, smiled mischievously and raised her hips to take your cock in one of her hands, giving it a few strokes, until she lined up her entrance with your tip and impaled herself without any kind of foreplay or warning, you were just fully inside her in a matter of seconds.
"Ahhh fffffuuuck!" Soyeon moaned loudly, feeling the walls of her pussy stretch and mate perfectly with your cock.
Being inside her pussy felt like a momentous experience for you, you had moaned in unison with her, and all your senses were heightened to feel how tight and wet she was. Your hands went to her waist, and your fingers firmly squeezed her soft flesh; Soyeon held on to your neck, and she tangled her fingers in your hair to start moving her hips up and down. The slow pace was perfect at first for you both to get used to each other, but your body gradually asked for more, so you plunged your mouth back onto her tits, and brought both hands to her ass to give her a strong spank with each one, that made Soyeon grunt with pleasure, and began to ride you faster and harder.
Soyeon's tits became your part of the job as she jumped on you, you licked and sucked on her hard nipples with the intensity that the heat of the moment demanded, and what she did in response was sink you deeper against her chest with the force of her arms. After a few seconds you separated from her breasts and concentrated on her neck, where you distributed wet kisses and small bites, from there, Soyeon brought her mouth closer to your ear, moaning and breathing heavily to bite the lobe of your ear; you spanked her again, which made her pull your hair so hard that you felt like she was going to rip it out, but at the time you didn't care.
"Fuck baby, this cock feels sooooo fucking good! Shit!" she said directly into your ear, to then give you small kisses on the temple and on the cheek.
"And I fucking hate you right now for denying me this pussy a year ago," you growled back, seeking Soyeon's lips to kiss her passionately.
"Then fuck me hard, show me that fucking hate you fucking wimp," she murmured mid-kiss, then bit down on your lower lip.
You took that challenge to heart, so you wrapped your arms around her small frame and clung to her to twist your body to the right, to swing your legs off the sofa and plant your feet on the floor; Soyeon stopped, and you used all the strength in your legs to stand up with the petite woman still clinging to you with her legs, she was quite light, so it wasn't a problem for you to grab her thighs, hold her in the air, and start fucking her with all the fierceness you could give.
Soyeon wrapped her arms around your neck and held onto it as firmly as she could, her face drunk with pleasure was only a few centimeters from yours, and as much as you wanted to keep kissing her, you decided to keep giving yourself a delight watching her moan, and She went crazy with your thrusts.
"Don't you fucking dare to stop! I'm gonna cum!" she whimpered, teary-eyed, "I'm gonna cum on this delicious fucking cock, fuck!"
Words couldn't get out of your mouth, you were so immersed in the pleasure that her pussy was giving you that you couldn't concentrate on doing two things at once, you just kept slamming her pussy mid-air from her. Soyeon growled, and leaned into your face to plant desperate kisses on it; she bit your jaw and jawline a few times, until her body simply gave way to the explosion of her orgasm. Her spasms and shudders were intense, which was also reflected in how the constrictions of her pussy choked on your cock, now soaked in her fluids, while moans filled the entire room, as did the sounds of your pelvis crashing against her ass.
"I want you to cum on my face, I need to feel that hot fucking load on my skin," she whispered against your lips, now holding onto your shoulders.
Once again you didn't respond, but her request burned into your head as you gave her the last few pounds before coming close to your own orgasm. As soon as you felt the tingles in your body, you took a few steps forward until you reached a free area of the soft white plush carpet, and you got out of her pussy to leave her on the floor; Soyeon was immediately on her knees, and you quickly started jerking off right on top of her face, she stuck her tongue out, and you exploded with a loud moan.
Streams of thick cum shot out of your cock and fell in strips straight onto Soyeon's pretty face, some spurts landing on her now closed eyes and left cheek, but most of your load landed on her tongue, and you didn't stop until you had released your last drop. When she noticed that she was no longer receiving any more, Soyeon wiped her eyes to open them and swallow all your load, and as if that weren’t enough, she took you straight into her mouth for a few seconds and left your cock clean and shiny.
"The answer is yes, cutie, you deserve my pussy… and more," she smiled at you, letting your cock rest between her eyebrows as she placed small kisses on your base.
"Oh yeah? Like what?" you asked, your breathing still agitated.
"Fuck my mouth, use it as you please, use ME as you please" she answered before licking you from the balls to the tip, and sucking it for a few seconds.
"Oh, I'll be delighted, trust me," you weren't going to waste time, you directly grabbed each side of her face with your hands, and guided your cock into her mouth again, but this time you were in complete control of the situation, so you slowly pushed forward until only your balls were out.
Soyeon still wasn't used to having your cock buried up to her throat, you could tell it in how she tensed up and how she closed her eyes; the gagging sounds returned, but as you began to move your hips, she relaxed as did her throat, giving you the green light to fuck her face without any mercy.
You weren't too hard at first, your thrusts were on the fine line between being too slow and too fast, she had her hands on your thighs, and you had your hand resting on the back of her head. Your cock appeared and disappeared inside her mouth with great ease, and in a short time the saliva drenched you, it fell from her lower lip, landing directly on her tits or on the carpet.
Little by little, your pace increased, and with it the tension returned to Soyeon's throat, which was definitely not made to be fucked so fast and hard, but that mattered little to you, you weren't slower, quite the opposite, the hand that used to be on the back of her head has now been raised a little higher, so you can aggressively pull her hair while making a mess of her.
Your cock got slippery as if it had been soaped several times, and Soyeon's nails dug a little harder than you expected into your thighs, she opened her eyes to look at you, and you were met with a crystallized look, that didn't take long to become small tears that ran down both cheeks. You kept using her mouth for less than a minute, until you finally pulled your cock out and let her breathe.
"Ahhh fuck!" she said with a cracked voice, picking up the strings of saliva that fell from her mouth to return them to your cock and give it a few strokes.
"On your fours, I want that damn pussy again," you were a bit scared to order something like that, but to your surprise, Soyeon didn't let out a single complaint and turned around to lean forward, resting her hands on the carpet and present her ass for you one more time, but this time you had a different goal. You knelt right behind her, and rubbed the tip of your cock several times between her folds, up and down, until you were back deep inside her pussy.
Soyeon let out a long and discreet moan of pleasure when she felt your throbbing cock inside her again, this time she didn't have to adjust to your length, which allowed you to fuck her with everything you had from the first moment. You held onto her waist with both hands, giving her pussy strong thrusts that made her move like a rag doll. Soyeon, between moans, looked at you over her shoulder, with a look that demanded that she wanted more and more, and you certainly did so.
You leaned forward, sliding an arm under her body to make her flat against the carpet, then you extended your legs behind her so that you had to rest both hands on the carpet, on each side of her body; from that position your face floated above Soyeon's blonde hair, it was perfect to give her exactly what she wanted. Without further ado you resumed your thrusts, but this time you were thrusting downwards, causing your cock to reach still unstimulated places inside her pussy; Soyeon shuddered at the sudden wave of new pleasure that coursed through her body, and tilted her head back so that once again her gaze met yours.
"It feels so fucking amazing baby, holy-, shit! fuck!" the words didn’t even come out easily from her mouth, since you didn’t allow her in the meantime ecstasy.
She wasn't the only one going crazy at the time, the new position gave you more control over your hips, and you could afford fucking her even harder and faster than before, that made you feel like you were going to explode at literally any moment, it was all too much to take, the silky walls of her pussy engulfing your cock, her petite body being pinned against the floor and almost sinking into it, and Soyeon's sensual moans made a combination that was hard to counter.
You wanted to make her cum again, but it was all too much for you, so a few more thrusts were enough for you to sit on Soyeon's thighs and pull out your cock, jerk it a few times, and explode pointing right at her back, which soon was adorned with big thick strands of cum that didn't stop coming out for a few long seconds. You held the image seared into your memory, before carefully letting yourself fall back, your back on the plush surface as you gazed up at the ceiling between heavy gasps.
You closed your eyes for a while, and you couldn't tell how much time passed until Soyeon gave you little kicks on the side of the torso to get your attention; you forced your eyes open, and saw her standing right next to you.
"Hey, idiot, I'm going to go take a bath, my back feels sticky," she said to you, giving you a wink and turning to walk towards the bathroom. You propped yourself up on your elbows to watch her, and you couldn't help but see her hips sway from side to side with each step she took, she knew you were watching her, and you knew she wanted you to follow her, and so you did.
You guided yourself to the bathroom when among all the silence of the apartment you managed to hear the sound of the water falling, when you entered you found the shower glass blocking your view, and you could only see the blurred silhouette of the small woman. You closed the door behind you and walked to the shower, brushing aside the skirt that she removed from her body, and sliding the glass to the right to join her in the shower.
"Oh hi, I thought you weren't coming," she said, stepping back out of the spray of water and looking over her shoulder at you.
"Hard not to come when you move your ass like that when you walk," you stepped forward, wrapping your arms around her body to bring her back to your chest, you both exchanged a few kisses, as your cock brushed against her lower back.
"It's just that I thought you were already dead, you were asleep for half an hour," she giggled, "anyway, would you help me wash my back?"
"Sure," you nodded, taking the soap and carefully running it all over her back. You took advantage of the moment to help her with other areas of her body, such as her shoulders, her arms, her thighs, and finally her two buttocks, which you indiscreetly squeezed.
"I guess that's not my back, boy," she complained.
"Nope, it's not."
Soyeon ignored you and went back into the water to get the soap off her, after doing so, she took a few steps back to meet you again.
"Your turn, go ahead," she grabbed your shoulders and traded places with you, and you couldn't help but squeal a little at how cold the water was.
"Ah shit! It's freezing, Soyeon, dammit!" you complained with shrugged shoulders from the cold.
"Oh come on, don't be a crybaby," Soyeon grabbed a bottle of shampoo and poured some without even warning over your hair to start squeezing it out. She was really going to shower you all over.
After she had washed your hair, she took the same soap and started running it all over your body, you just relaxed, letting her do all the work. Her gentle little hands moved carefully, and you just stared at her the whole process, which meant that when she crouched down in front of your cock, you both locked eyes.
"You know, you didn't make me cum last time..." she passed her two hands, one with the soap, over your semi-hard cock and your balls. She applied special pressure to them, as if she wanted to check that they were still working at that moment.
"Just say you want me balls deep inside your pussy again, it's not that hard," you teased, with a small smirk.
"Yes, I want you balls deep in my pussy again," she handed you the soap to put in the soap dish, and got up to push you into the shower so you could wash the foam off yourself. When your whole body was clean, she pulled you back to crash her lips against yours; you cupped her face with both hands, and she directly grabbed your cock and began to slowly rub it back to life.
When your erection returned, she didn’t hesitate for a second to put herself against the glass wall and support her hands on it, you stood behind her, and you flexed your knees a little to align your cock with her entrance, you rubbed it a couple of times between her folds, and finally got inside her for the 4th time that night.
At this point it shouldn't have surprised you anymore, but every time you were inside her you couldn't help but think that you never wanted to get out; as you started to move at an intermediate pace, her tight and wet pussy just made you feel in heaven, and of course the fact that you were both wet from head to toe added an extra touch of sensuality to the whole thing.
In the midst of the need to feel her even closer to you, you wrapped her body with your left arm and her neck with your right arm so you could cling to her; you pressed her further against her glass, causing her tits to smash against it as you moved your hips ever faster and harder. You were almost choking Soyeon, so her moans were muffled and turned more into grunts than anything else, aware of that, you applied more force in your grip, which became an instant trigger for her pussy to tighten around  your cock with each thrust.
You could feel Soyeon's legs start to weaken and shake from the mix of pleasures, but you held her firmly in place, pinned against the glass door as you mercilessly fucked her. She lasted a lot less this time, you guessed it was because of her ruined orgasm from a while ago, but of course the surge of ecstasy was suddenly released with the fury of four demons, she couldn't moan or produce almost any sound, but she growled so powerfully that the closest thing you could relate to it was a small rabid animal.
If it weren't for you holding her in your arms, you were sure Soyeon would have collapsed to the shower floor, but that wasn't going to happen, not while you were still giving her the fuck of a lifetime. Your left arm continued around her body, but the arm you had on her neck was pushed out, this allowed her to breathe properly again, but all you wanted was to place your hand on the back of her head and press one side of her face hard against the glass.
"Fffffuuuuuuuuuuuck!!!!" she yelled with her voice already broken and raspy, her body  wildly bouncing thanks to the crashes of your pelvis against her ass, "I'm gonna fucking cum again, shit shit shiiiiiiiiiit!!!"
You were also close to your orgasm, and feeling the strong pulsations of her pussy around your cock again made you cum almost against your will. You didn't come out of her this time, so all your load went deep into her tight cavern; you both became a trembling mess of moans and shudders, Soyeon more than you, but it was up to you that she didn't collapse, a task that was difficult for you to carry out since you were focused on completely unloading inside one of the most talented rappers of the industry, you moaned with your eyes closed just like her, until you stopped your thrusts.
There was nothing more than agitated and ragged breaths at that moment, you were still inside her, but you had already loosened your grip so that both of you could relax.
"You… you came inside me," she gasped, "definitely, I've never met a motherfucker as audacious as you."
"I don't hear you complaining," you replied, then pulled out of her, letting the lack of your meat plug cause all the cum to spill out of her pussy onto the shower floor.
"It's because I have no complaints, it always feels good to have a big fucking hot load inside me," Soyeon turned to look you in the eye, her hands on your chest as she kissed your chin, then gave you a little push and fell to her knees in front of you, to put your cock in her mouth and make it completely clean once more.
She stood up again to turn off the shower, then came back with you to wrap her arms around your neck.
"Uhm... do you want to go out for something to eat and get to know each other better?"
The question took you by surprise, you didn't expect such an offer from her, you were already thinking that after that night you were going to fall into oblivion for another year, and you had no illusions whatsoever. However, this was the first time that you could tell that she was really interested in you.
"I... I mean, sure! Yes!" you nodded, a smile on your face.
"Nice, you seem like exactly the guy I need in my life, you're cute, sassy, and you have an amazing cock," she said with a mischievous smile, before giving you a peck on the chest, "c'mon, let's go out."
Spren Notes:
Well, as you read above, this is my first commission done. Man, if you're reading this, I hope you love it and that it's just what you expected! And to everyone else, thank you so much for taking the time to read this piece!
If you are also interested in buying me a commission, do not hesitate to go through my inbox, I'll be delighted!
916 notes · View notes
finitepeace · 10 months
3 months since I finished Hannibal tv show. Not moving on at all from hannigram.
and here are the fics that i read to soothe the pain and pretend that the mess that is hannigram relationship has been tidied up.
Personal favorites are marked with 🦌 <this is supposed to be a stag but then it turns out to be a goat???>
arranged by time setting.
11 season1 fics, 11 season2 fics , 2 season 3fics, 14 post/before canon fics, 5 fics AU, 2 missing scene fics, 2 collections.
Season 1 divergence
Kissable by FragileTeacup |2,5k words | A Season 1 AU ficlet which explores a simple premise: what would have happened if, after Will had gone to Hannibal's house and confessed to kissing Alana Bloom, he had ended up kissing Hannibal? 
Consenting to Dream by emungere | E, 38k words | A seduction through physical objects. It starts with a scarf loaned to Will on a cold day, but Hannibal, as usual, isn't satisfied with anything small.
🦌 Marriage of Inconvenience by FragileTeacup | 3,5k words E | When Will Graham hears that Hannibal Lecter has been threatened with deportation, he's far more dismayed than he ever thought he would be. But a flippant suggestion from Brian Zeller gives him an idea...
Beau Ideal by Gweezle | E, 21k words | will used to be a model -who might be attracted murder-
🦌 Dancing with the Beast by proser | E, 86k words | In order to catch a mediocre serial killer, Will must pose as Hannibal's date for a series of pretentious social events.
La Maison Rouge by Randstad | 2k words, Hannibal starts to show up at Will's house at the crack of dawn to make him breakfast, killing two birds with one stone: cooking is one of his many passions, and, honestly, Will Graham is climbing up the list.
Hyacinth House by bluesyturtle for Azremodehar | 80k, E,  It all starts with an injury Will sustains while sleepwalking. [Podfic] read by justbreathe
Kindling by gleamingandwholeanddeadly (something_safe) | 10k words, e | When Franklyn's advances of friendship become too much for even Hannibal to politely ignore, he enlists Will's help.
🦌 Separately to a Wood by emungere | 13k words, T, canon-divergence in which hannibal proposed to will on their 2nd day meeting. 
Demolition Lovers by thefangirlingdead | 76k words, E, hannibal got found out early, kidnapped will to run with him and will struggled with the usual ‘i love him but he is a murder’.. 
🦌 Small Repairs by Devereauxs_Disease | E, 20k words, divergence season 1, hannigram keeps finding reason to meet each other 
Season 2 divergence
🦌 The Fox's Wedding by thehoyden | E, 11k, post S2 finale fix-it, hannibal took will to japan
Amourette by Petronia | 3k words, E, divergence on season 2 
I shouldn't feel lonely when you're gone by Angelic_Disaster | 28k words, E, amnesiac Dr. Lecter,
Slip the Veil by ThisBeautifulDrowning   21,844  Post-Mizumono, Will heals, and thinks, and follows his heart. 
🦌 each according to its kind by chaparral_crown | 192k words | Season 2 divergence | instead of taking revenge and planning to expose hannibal, will drop everything and run away 
Where All Ladders Start by emungere | E, 43k, season 2 divergence, hannibal regrets and releases will from prison 
Pattern Break by ThisBeautifulDrowning | e, 72k | No, Will was going to deal with Hannibal Lecter on his own terms. The man deserved to reap what he'd so carefully sowed, didn't he? After his release from the Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane, Will doesn't return to work for the FBI.
🦌🦌🦌 if you will come all the way down with me by coloredink | 7k words, M, they left together with abigail, but at what cost??? 
Season 3 divergence
🦌 their beaks not yet turned red by chaparral_crown | M, 130K words, magical realism, baby lecter!! post 1st half of season 3, hannibal went to trial but his conjugal tryst with will brought a stork delivered gift | After Hannibal is arrested and the trial dates are set, the stork visits Will Graham. With it, it brings a baby, a legally binding birth certificate, and a hope chest full of gifts for her. Nobody except Will thinks this is weird.
A Postcard and a Knife by Canis_cosmos | E, 37k words, divergence from season 3 when chiyoh threw will out of the train to the past and met young hannibal 
post S3 / before S1
God and Glasses by purefoysgirl | 1,1k, G, domestic life of married hannigram 
Lean On Me by OneWhoSitsWithTurtles | 2k words | Written for the airport-related AU prompt: "I fell asleep on your shoulder and you were too polite to move or wake me up AU" with a Hannigram twist.
We Killed a Dragon Last Night and  Sounders of Three by  inameitlater | time travel/loop/groundhog day
🦌 Hear My Soul Speak by DarkmoonSigel | 130k words. WIP. Last updated early 2022.  | An AU about how Will might of met Hannibal differently since they both knew Alana. A dinner party gone wrong or terribly right. You decide. Not Beta Read.
🦌 When the Devil Smiles Back byGoldenUsagi | 26k words |  A remix of Silence of the Lambs, where Clarice finds herself occupied not only with catching Buffalo Bill, but with unraveling the mystery of what exactly happened to Will Graham. And Hannibal knows more than he’s letting on about both.
🦌🦌🦌Bigger than a Breadbox by KatherineKrawl | 4k words, E | Every day at work, Will's lunchbox is filled with decadent creations, prompting questions from curious coworkers. Hoping to solve the matter, he asks Hannibal for a 'simple' sandwich, but quickly learns Hannibal doesn't quite grasp the meaning of this. Or does his boyfriend have an ulterior motive for his lavish lunches?
TKO by sidnihoudini | 16k words Molly deals with the aftermath.
The Shape of Me Will Always be You by MissDisoriental | 279k words, 1st person POV, | post-fall, hannibal left will so will could return to his old life
A Discreet Madness by emungere | 4,4k words, M, post-fall | 
A Damn Slippery Life by Magical_Destiny | 2k words, T, post-fall, molly reacts
Something Else by HotMolasses | 2,1k, T, hannigram talking about that gutting scene...  
🦌🦌🦌 Say Cheese! by Devereauxs_Disease | 6k, M, murder husband’s vacations keep appearing in freddie lound’s tattle crime 
Cold Beds and Warm Cannibals by Devereauxs_Disease | E, 4,4k, smut and overcoming distrusts
🦌Fruitful by Everett_Harte An AU remix of 'Hannibal'. Where they both meet several years before the show, start dating, and get married. And bang, a lot.
🦌 the true kingkiller by ORiley42 | 41k words, M, there’s even a very well made podfic for it!, hannibal is a mummy and will accidentally freed him. consequence: will fell in love with him.
Ethics & Aesthetics by FragileTeacup | 106330 words, a Regency A/B/O romance | pride and prejudice au
🦌🦌🦌 Remember (that you are) to die by  13empress | 230k words, WIP last updated  2017 | ABO au, amnesiac will woke up with 13 years past experience including being a parent, a one half of murder husband, and a wrongly incarcerated FBI agent 
Oddbodies by toffeecape | E, 72k words | Will is an off-brand sentinel. Hannibal is a reputable guide. What could go wrong?
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Howling Outside Your Door by nobetterlove | 14k words | Content to spend his days on the surgery floor, Hannibal is tasked to present emergency room policy to a Cognitive Science class. He's somewhat reticent, but a single whiff of air changes everything. The professor, Will Graham, is an enigma. A dark bruise covers his right eye and the ripe burnt-sugary sweetness is tainted by a tang of suppressants. How much can finding his true mate really change Hannibal? And when it comes to darkness, where does acceptance lie? 14k words
missing scenes
My Husband by VictoriaAGrey | G, 3,5k words, hannigram being sweet married couple
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In Which Loverboy Lecter Prostrates Himself at the Altar of Will Graham 
Fresh Meat Friday
Hannigram Extended Universe
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pedropascalsx · 1 year
The Wrong Screen.
Summary: Pero goes to the movies and accidentally stumbles into the wrong screen.
Warnings: None? I mean he swears a few times but that’s it. No relationship etc. It’s just Pero treating himself to trip to the movies. A brief spoiler from the trailer of the upcoming Barbie movie.
Word count: 1068.
A/N: I don’t know what this is lol. I just feel like this is Peros kind of luck. Lol
Also shoutout to the incredible @frannyzooey for glancing over this and giving me the most helpful suggestions and edits. You are awesome! Thank you!
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The second the trailer pops up on TV, he reaches for his phone on the nightstand. As a history teacher and unashamedly a lifelong history fanatic he was excited by the movie and after thinking to himself that it has been far too long since he had gone to the movies, he decides that he deserves a treat.
Pero searches his local movie theater and having a rare day off work the next day happily books himself into the almost empty 10am showing.
He had been looking forward to seeing it, having seen the first trailer months before, but as usual life and work got in the way and he had forgotten it was due for release.
For a workday, the movie theater was surprisingly busy. it had immediately impacted his mood, hoping for a quiet screening with no potential distractions from fellow movie goers.
Showing his mobile ticket to the man working the booth, he strolls across to the concessions stand and orders himself a large popcorn, some nachos and a coke.
“Oppenheimer.” He grunts at the usher in front of him, again getting out his phone and showing his mobile ticket.
“Screen six sir.” The man says happily. “Enjoy the movie.”
Grunting an unenthusiastic ‘thank you’ at the man before making his way towards the screen, he growls under his breath when a bunch of kids leave one of the theatres almost trip him up; clearly hyperactive and on a sugar high.
“Brats.” He scowls before pulling open the nearest door and skulking into the theatre, clutching his snacks and drink.
He had selected a seat right at the back in the left hand corner, because at the time of booking it was the most secluded and he was least likely to be bothered by movie whisperers and pretentious phone screens.
The previews yet to start, he sits in his seat, and placing his nachos and popcorn in the vacant chair beside him, digs into his pocket for his cell phone. While he wasn’t at work he figured he’d read the daily email blast to keep up with everything while waiting for the previews to start.
Humming contentedly as he reads through the email, it recounts a disastrous start to the morning at the college he teaches history at. Happy that his classes had been cancelled due to multiple field trips that he refused to chaperone and two of the buses hadn’t turned up which left a bunch of kids who were due to visit the Smithsonian stranded. He chuckled at the thought of his pain in the ass faculty advisor having one of her many meltdowns over this.
So distracted by his phone he doesn’t pay any attention to the herd of excited patrons making their way into the theatre.
Men and women dressed in bright pink and purple patterns, some in formal attire and some not so formal dress enter the room excitedly. Giggling and gabbling about the movie they’re about to see.
Pero slightly raises his eyebrows at the excitement he can hear around him but doesn’t look up from his phone. Oppenheimer was a fascinating man and it would make sense that people would be excited to see a biopic about him Pero simply thinks to himself.
Eventually the lights dim and the previews start to flash up for a few movies including a few horrors, the next instalment to some shitty franchise and a romcom; nothing that really grabs his attention and makes him want to plan any upcoming trips back to the movies.
The previews end and just as Pero starts to grin with excitement the title card appears on screen and it’s like he’s been punched in the throat.
BARBIE [2023].
“Fuck.” Pero growls before peering around the room. Finally spotting the elaborate and bright outfits, people dressed as their favourite dolls throughout the decades. ‘Wrong fucking screen.’ He mumbles under his breath.
Unsure whether to run out now or wait for a bit to avoid too much embarrassment Pero just sinks into his chair. Rolling his eyes as the movie begins. Bright pink sets, insane outfits and the most attractive cast he had ever seen. "Just make it through the first fifteen minutes and I can sneak out of here,” he reasons with himself, before shovelling a handful of popcorn into his mouth.
“Do you guys ever think about dying?” The gorgeous blonde on screen says in the middle of an elaborate dance routine, making everyone around her and the music come to an abrupt stop.
‘You could leave now’ Pero thinks to himself but stays firmly seated, more intrigued by the movie than he had imagined possible. Surprised by the increasingly dark theme that seemed to be hiding in plain sight underneath the multiple shades of vomit inducing pink.
With every scene that passes including one that involves her having to pick between a pair of heels and some birkenstocks Pero finds himself enjoying it more and more and by the time her and Ken are out of ‘Barbie Land’ and navigating their way through ‘The Real World’ the movie he had originally come to see had been long forgotten about.
Every heartfelt piece of dialogue surprisingly resonates with him and as Barbie begins to cry for the first time ever he finds himself completely moved by it. Touched by the message of the movie he can’t help but feel a little disappointed when the credits begin to roll and the movie has ended.
“Wow,” he murmurs out loud, “That was… really fucking good.” He remains seated until everyone else has hurried out, letting himself enjoy looking around at the outfits and their smiling faces. Listening to them chatter happily and discuss their favourite scenes as they skip towards the exit.
Once he’s alone he picks up the popcorn box, nacho tray and empty cup and makes his way towards the exit. Dropping the garbage into the bin and pulling out his phone and checking the time.
It was still early in the day and he had nothing planned for the rest of it, so he strolls back towards the ticket stand in the front of the movie theatre.
The next showing of Oppenheimer a few hours away, he shrugs his shoulders and walks towards the man at the stand.
“Just one ticket for the Barbie Movie please.” He says with a smirk.
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foggymartin · 10 months
It's always awful to see pretentious twats on the news, but especially when they talk about things they've had no experience in. Seeing upper class, Christian men go on and on about how we should make Britian a "Christian" place again is out of this world. Seeing upper class (and let's be real, probably Christian) men talk about how people in poverty should just *work in these shitty jobs provided by our fucked government and earn minimum wage* because what are they going to do? They basically don't have a choice. Seeing *upper class christian men* talk about women's rights, gay peoples rights, people of colours rights, like it's some kind of epic tale in a book. They have no fucking idea what they're talking about, for any of it.
Christianity is a fucked religion (controversial, I know) with again, pretentious twats speaking the "words of God" which are a load of shit. Most of the time it's used as an excuse to be a homophobe or a sexist. Okay, David, why don't we follow every single rule ever put into that musty book? Why don't we tell left handed people they're going to hell? Or tell people who are mean that they're going down there? Why is it gay people? Correct me if I'm wrong, the Bible stated "man must not sleep with *boy*" and not "man must not sleep with man." You know, because pedophila feels like more of a crime then *gay people.* just a hunch. Commenting "Jesus loves you" or "find god" on any post that is someone different. An alternative person. It's so stupid. Why do you care? Follow your little religion and fucking leave us alone.
Poverty is a huge problem across the ENTIRE world, and I'm sure that speaks in volumes about how fucked up of a world we are. The fact that these people who are fighting to survive every day are being told to "just work" by people who never had to work a day in their life for shit is infuriating. Upper class people in general irritate me. I think it's the arrogance that they have. They're a bit.. Snobbish, you know? Even from just teenage girls being naive and laughing at poorer kids for not having an iPhone, to rich adults looking down on these people with such disgust. Seriously viewing these human beings as less then their pretty little £1000 poodle. What the fuck. The government taxes people - taxes the poor people who literally can't afford it if they want to eat. And just the normal people. Why not tax the rich more? People say "oh, we do tax them." Not as much? Do they need all that money? Do they really? Why can't they lend some of that "well earned" (passed down from generations) money to people who need it. I'm sure they'll live.
People on the news talk about women and gay people like they're a shit stain on a wall, but I'm sure the stain would get better rights. It's debates about women's rights to give birth, women's rights to wear what they please, women's rights to turn down a man. Literally fucking anything a woman does is shit on by society. Gay people are debated - should being trans be allowed? Is being gay a sin? Hmm, such tricky questions... Why not just let them live? People point out "oh, that school shooter was trans" or "that rapist was gay" not to say that school shootings or rape cases are bad, no no, just to shit on the LGBTQ community. Nobody points out that a school shooter was a white man. Why don't we just say "that school shooter was a horrible person who deserves to die" and not focus on the community they were a part of? Maybe mourn the lives lost instead of rejoice in the fact that you've got new things to hate the LGBTQ community for.
What a pleasant world we live in, huh? I could go on more, but I wont. I'll probably spiral into a ton of stuff about capitalism and why it should be torn to the ground.
Jesus Christ, I wrote more than intended. Happy reading
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great-preacher · 4 months
Please, I'm disgusted that Anna Valerious exists as a character.
I'm angry at the fact that, from a logical point of view, she is an absolutely useless character and was created almost for sexualization. She plays virtually no role in the film - the only thing she does is threaten someone with a gun, whine about how much Dracula is a scumbag. She's not much of a warrior either, as can be seen at the beginning of the film. Anna is just.. a useless and stupid woman who is too pretentious and created to be kissed. I don't see the point. Without her, the film would have been much more logical. Like, come on, she's a vampire hunter. where have you seen vampire hunters who wear tight leggings, heels and barely know how to fight? She is selfish and seems to be using Gabriel. Just remember the slight contempt in her eyes when she sees the bite on Van Helsing's body. Consider the fact that she barely helps him in the film. And also that the only thing she does is whine and grieve about her family, blaming Dracula for what an asshole he is.
Her appearance is disgusting - she is a hunter, and hunters, from a practical point of view, are not allowed to wear corsets that interfere with breathing, heels, earrings and bright clothes. For it all rings, it is all bright, and the hunt can begin for the hunter. Anna is a hunter, or at least lives in a time when you have to be prepared for anything. She looks like some kind of whore, or at least not at all what a hunter should look like. Forgive me, I try to look at this from the side of logic, and I don’t see even a fraction of logic in Anna. She is a completely illogical, useless, irrelevant character in this film.
I'm not going to apologize for this vent. You can hit me with sledgehammers, but my opinion is unchanged. And I am sure that it is true, because in everything there is at least a grain of truth, and in my words, if they are not absolutely true, too.
Let's move on - the fact that Anna and Van Helsing supposedly have good performance and dynamics is complete nonsense. Anna, as I said earlier, is a trouble maker and she is simply using Van Helsing for her own gain. The way Anna looks at him when he was bitten by the werewolf could be proof that she feels contempt for him. I think this post even deserves to be pinned to my blog. I'm sure I'll have something to say later.
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adulting-sucks · 2 years
what about Andy barber is secretly unhappily married with his wife lauri and meets reader, a single bartender, and a new next door neighbor
A/N: I am so sorry this took so long to finish, but this story just kinda ran away from me. And life bent me over too. But here you are! I’m sorry if you hate it!!
Andrew Fucking Barber
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You have a gorgeous new tenant in your building with a screamer of an ex (not the fun kind). As you get to know Andrew Fucking Barber, you realize old wounds of yours are healed. Could Andy be the one? Would you allow him to be the one?
Warnings: SMUT, angst, stalking, bearings, almost death, SMUT 18+ only, fluffy ending
Word count : 13,068-sorry. I have no chill
As always, the biggest of thank you’d to @peyton-warren for pushing me to finish this story, no matter how blocked I became. You are truly the best 💙. AND Anon, I hope you like it!
“Are you fucking serious, Laurie?” you heard as you opened the front door to the stairs leading up to the apartments. There were only three on the floor, yours, Mrs. Stevens who you bought the building from ten years ago, and the new tenant, Mr. Barber who you actually hadn’t met yet. All of his interactions and payments were handled by your lawyer and his. “I don’t know how many different ways I can say this, I want a divorce. Do I need to say it in a different language? I know your pretentious education taught you at least more than one.”
You chuckled as you made your way upstairs towards your door, keeping your eyes on the floor as the argument spilled into the hallway. You heard Mrs. Stevens open her door and look out, about to yell at the noise until she locked eyes with you. You nodded your head imperceptibly letting her know you had this under control.
The man looked over at Mrs. Stevens and mouthed his apologies, fully embarrassed by the scene his ex wife was causing. Mrs. Stevens gave him a look of sympathy before going back in and locking her door.
“You are causing a scene, can you either lower your voice or leave?” he asked Laurie, at least you think that’s what he called her. You continued to keep your eyes on the floor as you tried all of your keys in your locks to hide how you were obviously eavesdropping. “I cannot go over this again. This is over. Just sign the fucking papers, you go your way, I’ll go mine,” he said, his voice laced wtih frustration.
“Not until you agree to my terms!” Laurie screeched, stomping her foot like a child throwing a tantrum. If you were being honest, her age probably matched her shoe size. “I want alimony, you owe me that at least!” she continued, her voice rising.
“I don’t owe you shit, you psychotic brat! You don’t deserve a dime of my money, especially not after what you did to Jacob!” the man said, his face red with anger, the vein in his neck bulging so far out, it might explode. “You don’t get one dime of my fucking money, it isn’t my fault your lawyer is an incompetent asshole!”
“Andy, that isn’t fair. Neal has done everything in his power to make this as easy as possible but you keep stopping every move he makes,” Laurie complained, pointing her perfectly manicured nail into the poor man’s chest. Man, you thought as you looked at your own hands, you were definitely in need of some nail care.
“It isn’t my problem, Laurie. Neal got you off the murder charge for what you did to my fucking son, but that doesn’t mean he’s a good lawyer. No one told you to pay him in pussy!” Andy yelled, his patience gone.
You couldn‘t help but laugh at the last line, and though you thought you said it in your head, you whispered “Yeah, looks about right.” You immediately looked up, meeting Andy’s eyes who was laughing at your sentiment. Laurie, on the other hand, looked as if she wanted to tear you from limb to limb.
“And who the fuck are you?” Laurie asked, and boy, if a sound could kill, you would be gone. Andy mouthed an “I’m sorry”, and shook his head in embarrassment. You turned to look at Plastic Surgery Barbie with her obvious lip and cheek fillers. You would be hard pressed to find anything authentic on this floating buoy.
“I’m the fucking owner of this building,” you responded, a smirk crossing your face at the look of surprise and resentment on Laurie the blow up doll. “You, from what I gather, are Laurie, and you have been asked to leave more than once. You might want to consider taking the hint.” You leaned against the wall with your arms crossed, your eyes never leaving the other woman’s face.
“Who the hell do you think you are?” Laurie said, her face turning red at your insolence, spit flying from her mouth. She moved towards you, her finger out as she stalked towards you. You stood up, your arms at your side, your smile fake and plastered so big, your teeth touched your forehead.
“I didn’t know you were hard of hearing, or is the conversation moving too fast for you? I’ll slow it down. I - am - the - owner - of - the - building. You - are Laurie - and Andy - would - like - you - leave,” you responded, slowing down your speech and enunciating every word, then plastering another smile on your face when you finished.
“You fucking bitch!” Laurie screamed, pulling her hand back to slap you, but you were faster. You owned a hole in the wall bar with nightly fights . You’d learned a thing or two about defense. You grabbed her wrist, twisting it until her knees folded and she crumpled to the floor.
Andy laughed and now that you were finally looking at him, you couldn’t help but notice how absolutely fucking gorgeous this man is. Laurie fucked up if she left this Adonis for any other man, and all you could think of is how his large hands would feel running up and down your body, his hands exploring every inch of you. Popping back to reality, you let Laurie go, allowing her to stand.
“You’ll fucking pay for that you stupid, fucking cunt,” Laurie spat as she turned back to Andy. “This isn’t over, Andy, not by a long shot.” Laurie turned and stomped away, mumbling to herself all the way down.
“Bye Laurie! Tell Neal Andy says hello. Oh, and if you ever step foot in this building again, I will obtain an order of protection on you! I think I know a really good lawyer!” you called after the woman while Andy laughed even more. You weren’t usually this sassy and spicy, but women like Laurie made your asshole itch.
Andy was wheezing, tears streaming down his face. Not only had you been able to handle Laurie the Destroyer, you were able to do it with humor and grace. You also were the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. Your hair, your eyes, your smile, everything about you was so nice and refreshing.
“So…did she really pay Neal in pussy for her fee?” you asked, amusement written all over your face. “I’ve heard of many different forms of payment, but I have to admit paying with pussy is a new one.” You couldn’t help but laugh at Andy’s laugh, it was so contagious and happy.
“She really did, and the pussy nor the dick was actually the work that was done.” Andy said, laughing again. “I’m Andy Barber, by the way. I believe you were dealing with my lawyer and my assistant as I was busy in court.” He held out his hand which you immediately grabbed, giving this beautiful man your name.
“I am the owner of this building, along with the bar downstairs,” you explained. You invited Andy in for a drink to calm his nerves as he was a little shaky after the confrontation. He politely declined, excusing himself with an early morning. “The offer always stands, same at the bar. My tenants get a discount on drinks, so come down one night,” you offered, a little disappointed at him declining the invitation. You didn’t know how, but you would get him into your house and bed somehow.
“Well, goodnight. I’m so sorry about all of this,” Andy said, rubbing the back of his neck. “She won’t sign the divorce papers, and that’s all I’m asking for. The pussy puppy is just doing her bidding because she allows him access to her nasty vagina. Some people call children crotch goblins, but I happen to think they live in Laurie’s vagina and come out to torutre the next man she lures in.”
You laughed so hard you snorted, tears streaming down your face. “All I can see is two little goblins popping their heads out as she tells them to run free!” you say in between breaths, your belly shaking. Andy couldn’t help but join in, the visual taking over his mind. Two little goblins peaking their heads out of the dragon’s vagina, popping out to wreak havoc on everything around them.
“Well, I guess I should turn in,” you said once you had your giggles under control. You wiped away your tears, turned your key into your lock and slowly opened your door. “The offer stands any time, my place or the bar. I meant it when I said I would get a protection order if necessary.
“I appreciate it, and I will definitely stop by for a drink when I have the chance,” Andy replied, his heart beating fast, his stomach full of butterflies. You were very different from Laurie, hell different from any other woman he had ever known. He was fascinated by you, and he was going to take every chance he got to get to know you.
“Goodnight Andy, sweet dreams,"you said as you closed your door and locked it, completely missing the fuck me Andy threw at you. You didn’t know who he was, but you knew he was now someone you really wanted to get to know, and unbeknownst to you, Andy felt the exact same way, his head filled with your smile as he shut and locked his door.
Wednesday tended to be the slowest night of the week for you so you started a karaoke contest to drum up some business. Colin had been your neighbor and best friend for as long as you could remember growing up, so you managed to talk him into being the DJ with the promise of free drinks and women.
“Colin, please wait until the contest is over before fucking your conquest of the night in my damn bathroom,” you said as you passed a beer over to your friend. He smiled, completely forgetting you were immune to his bullshit, cursing and crying when you slapped the back of his neck.
The bar started filling up, busier than it had been in a few weeks which made you happy. You smiled as a few of your friends from college showed up, excited to see everyone had made it home safely . You grabbed all of their drinks and made your way over to the table.
“Jake, Pooch, Cougs, see you made it back in one piece,” you said as you handed out the drinks to your friends. Each man stood to give you a hug as you hadn’t seen each other in a few months.
“We did, almost didn’t, but the rest of the team and the Avengers came through,” Jake said. “I also happened to come across another old friend, thought you’d like to see her.” You turned and looked over your shoulder as the door opened, your mouth hanging in shock at seeing your old friend.
“My Bookworm!” you yelled as you ran and hugged her, almost knocking the two of you to the ground in the process. Wormie and you had been thick as thieves in college, which is how you ended up meeting the other three. You hadn’t seen her for about ten years. She disappeared shortly after Jake left her, her heart broken and irreparable at that point.
You had let Wormie crash at your place, taking care of her when she couldn’t, not ever understanding how Jake could do this. One day, you came home from work and she was gone, leaving a Thank You scribbled on an old receipt.
You asked your friend what she’d like to drink, your heart light and airy for the first time in a while. She followed you to the bar as you two talked, catching up on everything as if you’d never missed a day.
The door opened and in walked Paul Diskant, homicide detective and PI to close friends, along with your favorite regular, Grumpy Old Frank Adler. Frank was gruff on the outside, but a teddy bear to those he cared for. He did not care for one Jake Jensen, however and immediately rolled his eyes, a sour puss face taking over.
“Grumpy, Paul, the usual?” you asked as Wormie made her way back to her table. You couldn’t help the smile plastered on your face, and your friends couldn’t help but notice either.
“You got it, toots,” Frank said, knowing how much the word irritated you. However, when your demeanor didn’t falter, Frank threw a look at Paul, confused and concerned.
“What’s got you so upbeat today?” Paul asked as he took a pull off his beer, his eyebrow raised quizzically.
“Just running into old friends from school, friends returning alive from their last mission, and making new friends along the way,” you replied as the door opened and your Adonis Andy walked in. Paul and Frank followed your line of vision, however both men had different reactions. Where Paul was happy and amused, Frank was wary and cranky.
“Well, took you long enough to get down here, Adon-Andy,” you said, almost letting your nickname for this gorgeous creature slip. Andy smiled, that heart stopping, panty dropping smile of his when he looked at you.
“Meeting up with Paul here, and I really have been meaning to get down here, so I figured two birds, one stone,” Andy replied. He turned to Frank and held out his hand to introduce himself. “So, how do you and Paul know each other?” Andy asked.
“Paul helped me out with a personal issue a few years back, and he wasn’t a dick, so he started hanging out. And you?” you replied, pouring Andy two fingers of your best scotch on the rocks.
Andy smiled even wider, completely impressed by your ability to pick out his drink. “Paul worked a lot of cases with me, I’m in the DA’s office. He’s helping me behind the scenes with Laurie. Also, how did you know what I drink?”
“It’s a gift I’ve picked up along the way,” you said, winking at him. You looked over at Paul who was utterly amused at this side of you, then Frank who was not amused. If it were even possible, he looked crankier than ever.
“Alright, work first, play later,” Paul said clapping Andy on the back. The men moved over to a booth in the corner, Frank joining them. Andy looked over and smiled again before turning his attention to the others. Yeah, your panties were definitely ruined with that smile.
Karaoke was a success tonight, keeping you busy. Your regulars made their way to the stage throughout the night, keeping you entertained all throughout. Frank had come over for refills throughout the night, but you were so busy, you hadn’t stopped to visit. Frank was waiting at the bar when Colin announced Jake performing his usual choice.
“Oh for fucks sake, can’t he pick a different damn song?” Frank complained as the opening chords to Don’t Stop Believing came over the speakers. “Every fucking week, it’s the same fucking song with the same stupid voice.”
“This one goes out to my best friend, Cranky Franky! I know how much you love this song!” Jake said right before he started singing. You laughed, tears streaming down your face as Frank gave Jake the finger. Jake blew a kiss Frank’s way and continued on. You gave Frank the refills and headed towards the back to restock while you had a moment to breathe.
When you popped back up to the bar, you were happy to see Frank, Paul, and Andy perched, their meeting over, Andy and Paul sharing stories with Frank as you walked up and placed refills in front of the men. You wiped down the bar and removed the empty bottles and glasses as you listened to the stories, also highly amused.
Andy excused himself to answer a phone call, stepping outside so he could hear. Your eyes followed the man, a sigh falling from your lips, your face for lack of a better term, dreamy. Paul and Frank laughed, but also maintained an air of caution. Frank and Paul were the only two people who knew all about you, including your past and why you haven’t dated in a long while.
“So, Andrew Barber, huh?” Paul said, one eyebrow raised as he watched you closely. You felt your neck and face heat up in embarrassment, the warmth spreading to the tips of your ears. You dropped your eyes and took a long sip from your drink as you tried to buy yourself some time.
“I uh, I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you said, not fully denying the implication, however also not admitting to anything. You were careful, had been for the last five years, and you hadn’t so much as looked in any man’s direction until now. You didn’t know what it was about Andy, maybe you felt sorry for him, maybe you just admired his beauty. If you were truly being honest with yourself, you knew it was because you could relate to his situation, not fully as you thought back on your last relationship, but enough.
You could understand why Frank and Paul were worried about you. They had been there to protect you and put you back together after the trauma of your last relationship, so you knew their worry was from a place of complete love. You couldn’t articulate your feelings, you just knew this was something different, something you hadn’t felt before.
“Okay, yeah, I like him. He’s funny, he is strong, and have you seen that ass? I want to rob a fountain just to find quarters to bounce off it all day long!” you said. You had your back towards the door, so you missed Andy walking in on the last part of your conversation, and his grin at the last sentence.
“I’d love to let you do that, but I really don’t want to prosecute you for theft,” Andy said, his voice filled with amusement, his smile fully reaching his eyes. You dropped your head, your eyes wide with surprise as you mouthed a silent fuck to the floor.
“Yeah, so you heard that, huh?” you said, turning around to face the consequences of your sarcasm and denial, throwing a death glare towards Frank and Paul they laughed at your misfortune. You flipped the finger to them both, and turned to look at Andy, surprised to see amusement and something else in his face. You weren’t sure what it was, but it was also ruining your panties too.
“I mean, I’m not going to deny it, I stand by what I said. You have an ass of steel, and I would beg, borrow, and steal to watch the money shots bounce off,” you said as nonchalantly as possible, as if this was a normal, everyday conversation for you.
“You’re not wrong, I work hard for this bubble butt,” Andy said, laughing as Frank and Paul spit their drinks out, choking on their laughter. Paul hadn’t heard Andy joke like this before, and he had to admit it was nice to see his friend so relaxed, although he suspected the liquor may also be playing a part in this. Frank was happy to see a genuine smile on your face for once, something he hadn’t seen in a long time.
The night continued on in much the same manner, you and Andy flirting shamelessly, not noticing the crowd around you thin out as the hour grew late. It wasn’t until Colin waved goodbye, his choice cut of the night on his arm, that you realized it was almost time to close. You said goodbye to Jake, Wormie and The Losers as they filed out, Paul and Frank not too far behind after that, until it was only down to you and Andy.
You continued to joke and laugh as you shut everything down, finished the dishes, and counted the register down, preparing your deposit for tomorrow. When everything was finally done, you and Andy started towards the door to head upstairs to your respective apartments, however Andy was a little unsteady and was leaning on you to remain upright.
“Alright drunky, let’s get you upstairs and into bed,” you said as you huffed from the weight of Andy as he sang Closing Time, but only those two words as he didn’t actually know the song. You chuckled, telling Andy he wouldn’t be selling out any arenas in the future.
“You’re so pretty,” Andy slurred, his eyes on yours, a goofy grin plastered on his face as he swayed back and forth. “Pretty woman, pretty woman, pretty woman,” he repeated over and over as he attempted to boop your nose. After his last attempt ended in your eye, you grabbed his arm and rested it on your shoulder as you continued to steer him home.
“Where are your keys?” you asked Andy as you stopped in front of his door. Andy couldn’t answer you let alone keep his eyes open and body semi upright. “Okay, big man, let’s get you to my house, you can sleep it off there.” As you turned and made your way to your front door, you felt Andy stiffen before letting loose an ungodly amount of vomit on your head and front.
“Oh god, oh pretty woman, I just threw up,” Andy said, laughing at his misfortune. “Oh shit, I think you have something in your hair,” Andy commented as you tried to keep your own vomit in your body.
“You don’t fucking say,” you replied, finally working your front door open. You dropped Andy on the couch, not wanting to go too far into your house as you didn’t want to leave a trail of vomit in your wake. You took off your shirt and pants, leaving them in a pile at the front door as you made your way to your bathroom to shower. Once freshly cleaned, you towled yourself off and made your way to your room to get dressed only to find your guest asleep on your bed.
You grabbed your shirt and shorts, dressing quickly before heading over to where Andy was asleep, pulling back the covers to remove his shoes and any piece of clothing that he may have vomited on, however you were pleasantly surprised to see he had already done this. You stopped, staring at his arms, the muscles hard and noticeable as he had removed his button up. You pulled the covers back up, making sure he was warm, pushing a loose strand of hair out of his face. “Goodnight, my glorious god,” you whispered, placing a kiss on his forehead before moving to your side of the bed to sleep. You missed Andy sighing, a smile on his lips as he fell into an even deeper sleep.
You woke early the next morning, your bed warm and comfortable as you stretched, completely forgetting about your guest until you felt him pull you in tighter to his chest, his soft snores almost lulling you back to sleep. You could get used to this, you thought to yourself, sighing and burrowing deeper into Andy’s embrace, You fell back asleep for a few more hours before hunger forced you out of bed.
After a quick stop in the bathroom, you made your way into the kitchen and put on your breakfast playlist, an embarrassing mix of 80’s, 90’s, and 00’s boy bands. You put your headphones on, not wanting to wake Andy as you got out eggs, cheese, peppers and onions, butter, and bacon. You lost yourself to your music, Nick, Drew, Jeff, and Justin bringing out your inner popstar, even if you couldn’t sing on key at all.
“I got somewhere else to be, promises to keep, someone else who loves me and trusts me fast asleep; I've made up my mind, there is no turning back, She’s been good to me And she deserves better than that…” you belt out as you add the bacon to the pan, dance your way over to the toast, and finally whisk your eggs before pouring them in the pan, giving you your microphone back.
You continued your concert, stopping to sing along with the chorus here and there as you chopped your onions and peppers, throwing them into the middle of the eggs before closing the omelet and covering it with cheese, stopping to turn the bacon in the pan on the next burner. You were so engrossed in your singing, you missed Andy walking into the kitchen, a goofy smile on his face as he watched you sing and dance.
Andy had a secret love of boy bands too, and started dancing behind you as you serenaded him unknowingly. You turned to start the toast, screaming when you saw Andy there, throwing the bread at him as you pulled your headphones down. Andy laughed harder, catching the loaf of bread with ease, placing it on the counter next to the toaster.
“You scared the ever loving shit out of me, fuck!” you said, your hand over your heart as you tried to calm your breathing. Andy continued laughing, “How much of that did you hear?” you squeaked out, embarrassment flooding your face as you started to butter the toast, plopping strawberry jelly on top, a little splatter remaining on your cheek from your jump scare.
“Nick and Drew would be proud,” Andy said as he wiped the jelly off your face, his smile infectious. You gave a bow, telling Andy he would have to pay for this sight next time, gesturing for Andy to sit at the counter as you placed his plate of food in front of him, along with some hot sauce as you moved around to take the seat next to him.
The two of you sat in a comfortable silence, you dancing in your seat at finally eating, a habit of yours since you were small. Andy smiled and enjoyed the company. It had been a long time since he had done this, however just as he was about to speak, you both heard the shrill call of Laurie in the hall.
“ANDREW FUCKING BARBER, GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE YOU FUCKING DICK!” Laurie screamed as she pounded on Andy’s front door. Andy sighed, murmuring a quiet apology as he stood to handle his ex.
“I’m assuming this is fallout from your meeting with Paul last night?” you asked as you moved to follow him. Andy, dressed in a tank top and pants, nodded, pleading with you to stay in the house as he dealt with this. You silently agreed, not wanting to make the situation worse for you Andy.
Laurie spun around as your door opened and Andy stepped out. “You ruin my fucking life and you fuck someone else?” Laurie screamed, throwing a folder at Andy.
“Good morning, Laurie. I assume you received my new terms of divorce?” Andy said calmly. Laurie moved towards him, fury ingrained in every feature of her face.
“New terms? You fucking ruined my life, you god damn psycho!” she screamed right before landing a slap across Andy’s cheek, the sound echoing through the hall. “You had no right to have me followed!” she continued as Andy was bent over picking up the folder and its contents.
“I had every right to have you followed,” he answered, his voice calm yet amused at the same time. He would have to send Paul a huge thank you, maybe a bottle of his favorite whiskey. Andy flipped through the pictures, even more thankful for Paul’s contacts and abilities; with this, he may just get the divorce he wanted. “Look, I haven’t given these to Neal yet. Sign the new divorce papers, with my updated terms, and he will never see them.”
Andy held up the picture of Laurie with a dick in her mouth, and it was not Neal’s. He went through every picture in the pile, each one showing Laurie in an even more compromising position than before, showcasing Laurie cheating on Neal, quite similar to the pictures Andy received when he found out Laurie was cheating on him.
“You are a spineless coward-” Laurie began, stopping when she heard your front door open again. There you stood, wearing nothing but the button up shirt you had washed for Andy last night.
“Andy, are you coming back-” you stopped, pretend surprise crossing your face. “I didn’t know you had a guest. I guess I should go put some clothes on. Nice to see you again, Laura.” You giggled, something you could honestly say you had never done before and went back inside, wondering if you had just made everything worse. You couldn’t help yourself, and you also couldn’t ignore the amusement and desire written on Andy’s face.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Laurie screamed again. “You’re fucking that whore?” Andy just laughed, and you couldn’t help but laugh along with him.
“She isn’t a whore, she happens to be a business owner and a damn good cook,” you heard Andy say as you changed back into your clothes. “She’s also a singer, I can see her going all the way to the Grammys. On that note, you have two days to accept my terms before those photos find their way to Neal.”
You had found your way back into the hall once dressed, smiling brightly as Andy made his way back into your place. As you waved at Laurie, you also threw a wink her way over your shoulder. Before you knew what was happening, Laurie was standing in front of you, a smack ringing through the empty hall.
You moved your hand to your cheek, feeling something wet where you had just been struck. You pulled your hand away and saw blood, looking down to see Laurie’s keys in her hand. She raised her hand to hit you again, but this time you grabbed her wrist before she reached your face, twisting her hand until she dropped her keys, a cry of pain leaving her lips.
“You really are a sneaky, stupid bitch. A slap with your keys is cliche and just plain annoying.” You dropped Laurie’s hand, kicking her keys across the floor. “Now, I do believe you’ve been asked multiple times to leave, so you should probably do that.” At that, you turned and went back to Andy, slamming the door shut behind you.
You and Andy spent the day together, watching TV and baking, one of your favorite ways to relax. You called Colin and Jensen, reminding them of all of the favors they owed you, asking them to open the bar for you as you were “sick”.
“Yeah right, sick my ass. Have fun with the lawyer!” Colin said, knowing exactly what was happening. You had never taken a sick day, even when you were sick. Plus Paul told Jensen about Andy, and Jensen has a big mouth. Colin hung up before you could say anything, and you knew you were in for it the next time you saw him.
“Everything okay?” Andy asked, having been in the bathroom when you made your call. You didn’t want to tell him you were playing sick, although you knew he’d find out sooner or later, but for now, you were all his.
“Yeah, absolutely. So, the cookies are done, the lemon cake has been frosted, and the cherry pie is cooling. Did you pick what you wanted to watch?” You made your way to the freezer to grab your cotton candy flavored vodka out to try a new drink you’d heard about. “Also, you’re my guinea pig tonight.”
You grabbed two glasses, filled them with ice, and added the cotton candy vodka, followed by actual cotton candy. You turned and handed one glass to Andy while keeping another for yourself, eyes shimmering in amusement at the worried look on Andy’s face.
“Where did you get this recipe, a kindergarten carnival?” Andy said with a smirk, his right eyebrow raised in amusement as he took a sniff of the sugary confection in front of him. Your laughter rang out, causing Andy to grin even more. He loved the sound of your laugh, so rich, and the snort was even more adorable. Andy liked everything about you; you were a breath of fresh air after Laurie.
“I mean, is there anywhere else to get the best alcoholic recipes?” you joked, feigning false offense, your hand clutched to your chest. “Go ahead, take a sip.” You waited, not wanting to drink this if it was an abomination.
“Oh, I see, I’m the sacrificial lamb here!” Andy said, laughing as he brought the glass to his lips. He took a tentative sip, his eyes going wide as the drink met his taste buds. “This is so good!” Andy said as he took another sip, effectively downing the entire drink.
“Slow down there, these go down really easy,” you cautioned as you took a long pull, almost drinking the whole thing all at once yourself. You refilled both glasses, and you and Andy fell into easy conversation.
You learned about his childhood, schooling, and even a little about Laurie and Jacob, which you suspected was only because of the alcohol. But, you were also a little more open than normal, discussing a rough and lonely upbringing which led to poor choices in relationships, which led to you owning a bar and apartment complex all in one.
“I can’t believe I told you all of that. Oh God, you must think I come with an insane amount of baggage,” you said, chuckling and shaking your head. Andy made you want to open up to him, made you feel safe and unjudged, made you feel happy.
“We all have our suitcases traveling behind us,” Andy said, humor laced in his answer as he took another sip. “Hell, you’ve seen mine up close and personal.” Andy laid back on the floor, his hands behind his head as he closed his eyes, almost as if he was trying to catch a memory.
“I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours,” you replied in a sing-song voice as you grabbed his glass to pour another refill, neither of you wanting the night to end. Your favorite song started playing from your shuffled playlist, and you sang and moved your hips to the beat, missing the look of absolute bliss that passed over Andy’s handsome face as he watched you.
“Not too much to tell. Laurie and I met in college. I wasn’t sure about our future, even then, but Jacob came along our senior year. I was ready to end it, Laurie wanted to play house. I couldn’t walk away from him, from them. So, Laurie got the house and white picket fence, I got my law degree and a good job, Jacob got a family.”
You let Andy finish before you made your way back into the living room with his next cocktail, stopping to take a sip before you sat back down. You were really regretting the sharing game you set forth, worried you would chase Andy before it had even begun. You emptied your glass, needing all of the liquid courage you could muster, clearing your throat. Andy looked over, a look of worry passing over his face as he took in your solemn stature.
“Hey, are you okay?” Andy said, sitting up and making his way over to you. “You’re pale, and you’ve gone eerily silent.” Andy sat next to you, his hand resting on your thigh as you were brought back to earth, your mind and soul uneasy.
“Yeah, yeah I am. I’m just wondering how long until I have an Andrew Barber shaped cut out in my front door,” you half joked, suddenly very self conscious, unable to meet Andy’s eyes. As safe as he made you feel, your past was so painful. It took a long time to even feel safe once again, and telling Andy about it could take away that safety net.
“We don’t have to talk about it. I am not going to push you to do anything before you’re absolutely ready to. Trust me?” Andy said, sincerity in every word, his hand rubbing a calming pattern on your thigh. He grasped your chin, bringing your face up to his, making you look him in the eyes to see the truth of his words, and you did.
“I trust you,” you replied softly, leaning your face into his hand, closing your eyes to enjoy the sensation. You opened your eyes to see Andy’s face in front of yours, so close you could feel his breath on your nose. Andy leaned in and kissed you softly, his lips tender and smooth, yet breath stealing. You tasted the sweetness of the drinks on his lips as you ran your tongue along them.
You pulled back, dazed and warm, opening your eyes to see Andy mirroring you. You smiled, dropping your eyes shyly as he grinned from ear to ear, one of the first times you’d seen a genuine look of happiness from him in the short time you’d known each other.
“Wow, that was spectacular,” Andy said, laying back down on the floor, smiling like a middle schooler who just had his first kiss. You stood up, shuffling your playlist until you found something upbeat to dance too, a sudden burst of energy taking over. Andy leaned up on his elbows to watch as you moved and swayed your body to the beat of your favorite band, finally deciding to join in the fun.
At the moment, your playlist shuffled to Frank Sinatra, and Andy grabbed your hand, entwining his fingers with yours while placing his other hand on your lower back, pulling you into him as he swayed to beat, humming the melody in your ear. You closed your eyes, his smell enveloping every cell of body.
You lost yourself to the moment, finally allowing yourself to relax and just exist. You danced for another hour, each lost in one another, no words spoken yet poems flowing between you both. You yawned, the night finally catching up to you, which caused Andy to turn the music off and lead you to your bedroom. You laid down on your bed, Andy moving behind you, both of you melting into one another as you turned to face Andy.
Andy pushed your hair off your face, letting his hand caress your cheek before he closed the space between you, soft kisses placed all over, his tongue tracing your lips. You allowed him in, finally allowing yourself to fall into this man. The kisses continued until you needed to come up for air, snuggling into Andy, his warmth and scent lulling you to a deep and peaceful sleep, one without the nightmares that plagued you every night.
“You’re sure about this?” Laurie said as she stared at the file Neal placed in front of her. She flipped through the pages filled with everything Laurie needed to get her revenge on you. Neal nodded, moving to sit behind his desk as Laurie continued to peruse the information in front of her.
“Absolutely. Everything is documented and legitimate, but I don’t understand why you need all of this,” Neal took a sip from the brandy on his desk, his eyes watching Laurie closely. Neal adored her, but he didn’t trust her. She did cheat on Andy with him after all.
“She is the easiest way to get to Andy. We do this, if we can pull this off, we can finally get him to sign the divorce decree you drew up. We get almost everything of his and he loses it all. His money, his job, his new whore.” Laurie moved to straddle Neal and encouraged him to ask not to be disturbed for the foreseeable future.
Your mornings of singing and dancing, sometimes with Andy, most times without, continued, and for the first time in a while, you found a pep in your step that hadn’t been there before. When you and Andy were able to see each other, it was nice and sweet, mixed with heavy petting and makeout sessions. Dinner was also sometimes included in these moments, and you found you loved cooking with the man.
Tonight, Andy had managed to finish a large case and was able to join you at the bar. He sat on an open seat at the opposite end of the bar, a vase of tiger lilies held carefully in his large hands while his tilted face smiled at you with his lopsided grin. Andy knew in this moment, watching you, that he was madly in love, and nothing could change or break that bond.
You were finishing up an order while laughing at one of Jensen’s jokes as Wormie stood next to him rolling her eyes and laughing. Wormie looked back at Jensen, pushed his glasses up his nose, and gave him a soft and loving kiss, one that Andy wanted to give to you, if he were being honest.
You laughed, and also sighed at the touching scene in front of you, slowly realizing how closed off and isolated you had made yourself. Your thoughts turned to your lawyer, and for once, you couldn’t wait for the night to end so you could see him, kiss him, feel his arms around you. Jensen leaned in and told you someone was waiting towards the other end of the bar, and when you looked, your heart skipped a beat, maybe even a few.
You made your way down to Andy, your smile becoming so large you felt like your cheeks would explode. “Well, hey there handsome. Didn’t think I would see you for a few more weeks.” You leaned in, kissing your man softly on the lips, only stopping at the catcalls and whistles from your friends. You buried your face in his neck, kissing him lightly while laughing.
“Hey, there are children in this bar! Jensen isn’t allowed to watch the mature themed shows!” Colin yelled, The Losers howling while Wormie comforted her man. You chuckled and flipped Colin the bird before focusing your attention on the very gorgeous man in front of you.
“Hi, Handsome,” you said, kissing him again for good measure. “Hey, that’s my line!” Andy said, feigning offense as he handed you the vase of lilies. You took a deep sniff, your eyes closed and a small moan of happiness left your lips. It had been a long time since you had even thought about dating, and this man was not making it easy for you to hide away.
“Hey Andy!” Paul said, clapping the man on his shoulder. The two fell into an easy conversation as you freshened up their drinks. Frank walked up a moment later, throwing a nod to the two men before sitting down in front of his beer. The four of you hung out, drinking and talking, not realizing how late the time hour had gotten until you saw The Losers cleaning up for ya, and Colin taking him his flavor of the night.
You also never saw the clothed figure hiding in the back of the bar, face covered. The Losers had left just as the figure snuck in, and once all but you, Andy, Paul, and Frank had left, the figure snuck out the back door into the alley, waiting in the shadows.
You cleaned while the men talked, finishing the dishes and clearing out the register for the nightly deposit at the bank drop next door. Paul and Frank bid their farewells, heading out towards the night as you locked the door behind them.
Andy stood to help with the last of the closing work, helped you into your jacket, then made sure the rest of the lights were off as you waited for him at the back door. You set the alarm, you two leaving and locking the door behind you. Andy grabbed your hand, bringing it up to his lips as you smiled up at him, the butterflies floating through your stomach. Once you had dropped the deposit in the night deposit drawer, you both made your way back to the apartments, opening the door and climbing the stairs laughing. Mrs. Stevens popped per head out to smile and wave at the two of you as you unlocked your front door, allowing Andy in ahead of you.
You never saw the figure watch which building you went into, nor did you see him prop the door open for access. As quickly as he was in, he was back in the shadows, waiting for his moment.
He had waited years for this moment. He had waited in prison, on probation, and now, here he was. He never thought he would see you again, but this time, you were his.
You leaned your back against your front door, your eyes closed as you enjoyed the buzz running through your body. When you opened them, you saw bright blue eyes in front of you, felt a large hand on your hip while the other caressed your face. You leaned in, staring at the most inviting set of lips you’d ever seen. Andy closed the gap, his lips on yours gentle and passionate all at once, this man a walking contradiction.
You closed your eyes, allowing Andy entrance into your mouth as you kissed him with every emotion and ounce of passion you’d hidden away the last few years, grabbing his shirt to turn him around and pin his back to the door. You pulled away, panting from the best kiss you’d ever received. You saw the lust written all over Andy's face, and you knew without a doubt your face was a mirror image of his.
You started to his Andy’s neck, biting and sucking, down from behind his ears all over the soft flesh of neck to his collarbones. You felt a sharp intake of breath as you placed your hands under his shirt, running your fingers over every muscle and ridge. You removed your hands and slowly started unbuttoning his shirt, softly sliding it down his shoulders and onto the floor.
You looked up, looking for permission from this god damn man of perfection, as you kissed his shoulders, his collar bones, stopping to take his nipples in your mouth. You felt his hand grab the back of your head and lightly pull your hair, causing you to moan. You continued your kisses, moving down lower, stopping to loosen his belt and remove his pants and boxer briefs, falling to your knees as you pulled them down with you. You helped him step out, then pushed him back against the wall, your mouth watering at the first look of his beautiful cock.
You licked your lips, looking up at Andy for approval, your hand moving up and down on his thick shaft, your fingertips already covered in precum. Andy, with his hand still entwined in hair, nodded his consent, his eyes ablaze with passion.
You started with small licks up the shaft of his thick cock, the mushroom head red and leaking. You kitten licked the head, already addicted to the taste of this man. You continued to stroke him up and down while twisting your wrist as you sucked on his balls, your thumb running over the tip of his cock.
“Fucking hell,” Andy said, hardly above a whisper as you continued this assault for a few more munites, enjoying every taste of this man. You moved your hand down the shaft and sucked the top of his cock in as deep as you could, paying extra attention to the head, leaking your new favorite taste. You’d done this with other men, but not one of them tasted like this. You were now ruined for all other men. You continued sucking and licking, your hand moving over the part of the shaft you weren’t able to fully take into your mouth.
Andy kept silently cursing and praising whatever being out there who created you. Your mouth was the best he’d ever had, and he wasn’t sure he would ever let anyone else suck his dick again. You were it for him. As you moved deeper and deeper, down, he held your hair tight, pulling and pushing in the moments you made him feel so good; he thought he was a virgin again.
“Fuck, “m so close. I’m gonna cum,” Andy said as he tried to remove your mouth from his cock. You, however, were having none of that. You started sucking harder, drool dripping down off your chin and to the floor, your hand still pumping and working the cock you couldn’t fully fit yet, Andy was most definitely larger and thicker than any other man you’d been with.
You felt him still, his thighs tighten, your only warning before you felt ribbons of cum hit the back of your throat. You swallowed every last drop, once again instantly addicted to the taste of this man. When you were sure you’d swallowed every last drop, you released Andy, making sure to catch all the loose cum with your finger and put it in your mouth, never once breaking eye contact.
You stood up and Andy grabbed you, kissing you deeply and thoroughly, mixing the kiss with his cum still left in your mouth. “That has to be the best blow job I have ever had,” Andy said, contentment written over every feature as he leaned his head back against the door and closed his eyes.
“I am addicted to the taste of you, Andy. You have officially ruined me for all others.” You rested your head against his chest, listening as his heart slowed. He picked you up, moving you to the couch, placing you gently on the seat as he fell to his knees in front of you. He kissed you softly, moving from your mouth to your neck, learning which spots to hit by paying attention to every sound and sigh you made. He slowly unbuttoned your shirt, throwing it to the side. He stopped at your bra, waiting for your consent, not wanting to rush you into something you weren’t ready for.
You nodded, sitting up a little as Andy unclasped the bra from the back, slowly pulling the straps down your shoulders following with a trail of kisses and bites. Once your breasts were free, he wasted no time taking one nipple in his mouth as his other hand moved lower, his hand rubbing your pussy through the cloth. You grabbed the back of his head, pulling him in closer as you felt yourself growing wet while his had still stroked your cunt. soft and smooth, his fingers slipping in the covered folds.
He switched nipples, his mouth assaulting it with new vigor while his hand had started to remove your leggings, leaving you in barely there boy shorts, a very dark wet patch center and showing. He kept licking, biting, sucking on your sensitive nipple while his hand dipped under the band of your boy shorts, his fingers gathering your wetness. He pulled away from your breast and placed his fingers in his mouth, moaning as if he had just tasted the sweetest nectar in creation.
You watched, the sight of him licking your essence off of his fingers the most erotic thing you had ever seen. “Andy, please…” you begged, your hands in his hair. “Please what, baby? I need to hear what you want,” You groaned in frustration, asking Andy to eat your cunt, so wet all for him
He growled, something primal taking over him, as he pulled you to the edge of the couch He wasted no time in getting three fingers right into your cunt, already so wet and ready for him as he ran his tongue up and down your folds before finally sucking your clit into his mouth. His assault was fast and hard, working you towards oblivion in a matter of minutes.
You moaned and groaned, your hands in his hair starting to pull as he took you to a place you’d never recover from. You’d never been eaten out like this, so passionately and fervently. Most other men had always treated it like a chore making you feel it was your problem, not theirs. But not Andy. Andy ate you as if he would never have a meal again, as if he needed to memorize each scent, each fold, the way your body arched as his fingers found the sweet spot, a spot you had only heard of as rumor.
You felt the band tightening, your body starting to tense. Andy, feeling your pussy grab his fingers and suck them in further, double downed his attack on your clit, licking and sucking as if this was his last meal. “Andy!” you cried, his only warning before you started cumming harder than you had ever before. Andy continued on, cresting you into your second orgasm before the first had even finished. He finally slowed, his face and beard sleek with your wetness. You pulled him up, kissing him all over as you tasted yourself on his face. You finally laid back, panting from the two intense orgasms you had just experienced.
Andy rested his head on your chest, kissing every inch of skin he could, your smell still all over his face, and he never wanted it to go away. Andy was now fully addicted to you, your soft skin, your moans, your gentle calling of his name, the way your face scrunched as you came,. He would only want you, crave you, need you.
He gathered you up in his arms, carrying you to your bed, pulling back the covers, getting you both in and settled before he pulled the covers over you both, his hand wrapped around your stomach, pulling you in as closely as he could. He kissed your shoulder, already knowing you had fallen asleep, your deep and even breaths filling the room. “I think I love you,” he whispered as he kissed you once more before falling into his own sleep.
You turned over, your body so soft and refreshed, a feeling you hadn’t had in so long. You opened your eyes, the gentle face of Andy Barber in front of you. You reached out to move some hair out of his eyes, and you felt your body melt all over again, your nipples hard, your skin cold and warm all at once.
Andy pulled his arm around your waist tighter, pulling you in, your face resting in the crook of his arm. He placed a kiss on the top of your head, sighing in content before saying good morning. You closed your eyes and breathed Andy in, never wanting to leave this bed or his embrace. Just as the two of you were falling asleep, a loud bang suddenly rocked the building.
You and Andy sprang up, grabbing your clothes and a hoodie as you made your way to the door and made your way downstairs. You told Mrs. Stevens to stay in her apartment, you would let her know when everything was safe. When you made it down and opened the door, there was nothing that seemed out of the ordinary. As you walked a little further down the alley, you saw it something you hadn’t seen in years, something you were sure was over and done with.
Your face went pale, and before you knew it, you fainted, the sounds of Andy calling your name. He rushed you upstairs, placing you gently into bed as he pulled out his phone to call the only two people you trusted.
It only took Frank and Paul two minutes to reach your place, Andy having met the men downstairs, and by the look on their faces, he knew this was more serious than he could ever imagine. “What is this, and why did it make her pass out? Andy said, not missing the silent communication between the other men.
“Where is she?” Frank asked, heading towards the door. “Is she in her apartment?” Andy confirmed, letting Frank know he had placed you in your bedroom as the man disappeared into the building. Andy turned his attention to Paul who had moved into full detective mode.
“Andy, were you with her all night?” Paul asked as he continued looking at the symbol on the wall. It was a painted black rose with a diamond painted over the stem, the petals painted to form a skull.
“Paul, what the fuck is this and why did it scare her so much?” Andy said, concerned for the woman upstairs, the woman he loved. His woman was strong and sassy, you wouldn’t take shit from anyone. So how did one picture shatter your carefully crafted facade?
“It isn’t my story to tell, Andy. She has to tell you this. And yes, Andy, this is bad. She is going to need you. I’m going to head up there. Go home.” Paul turned around and headed up the stairs, Andy not far behind. Frank was waiting at your door for Paul, and it took everything Andy had inside of him to not burst past the two men.
Andy waited, pacing around his living room, stopping at the door here and there to see if there had been any movement. He tried to read the paper or any new case files he had received, tried to listen to whatever game was playing, After what felt like hours, Andy heard the door across the hall open and close, Paul locking everything from the outside while the two men continued talking low and softly.
Andy opened his door as the two men walked up. “What’s going on?” Andy asked, concern laced in every word. Paul and Frank looked at each other. “We can’t tell you her story, that is hers and hers alone to share,” Frank said. “We will keep watch on her, and please keep checking in on her. Here is my spare key. If she gets worse, we will need to talk. Try to get her to shower and eat. I will check in daily.”
Andy shook Pau and Frank’s hands, and returned to his apartment. He put together some hand foods, a few bottles of water, and some of your favorite fruits. He made his way to your door, knocking softly. When you didn’t respond, he used his spare key to let himself in. He looked around, the living room still scattered with clothes from the amazing night you two had just shared, and he couldn’t help but marvel at how quickly things can change.
Andy walked into your bedroom, stopping at the foot of the bed. You were buried under all your blankets, not one part of your head showing. Andy heard the soft sobs, and it broke his heart to ever see you this way. Every bone in his body wanted to protect you, to keep you from ever crying again.
Andy softly placed the tray on the ground, and moved to pull the covers off your head, but you latched onto his hand and let out a blood curdling scream, fighting Andy with every ounce of strength you had. Andy backed up, his hands held in surrender, and slowly moved out of the room. You kept screaming for Andy to leave, to get out, never once stopping until the front door was closed and once again locked.
The rest of the week seemed to progress the same. Andy would try to feed or clean you; you were either MMA fighter of the week or catatonic, no inbetween. You never left your bed, your curtains were never pulled back, you had no food in the house, and you weren’t going to be leaving any time soon.
You thought this part of your life was done and behind you, but what happened last week was a warning that it would never be done. You were never going to be free. The way you saw it, you had two options. Die a slow and painful death, or finally give in to the person making your life a living nightmare. You chose option one. Anything was better than option two. You were sure HE was there, watching, just waiting for the right moment to rape you and kill you. Of one thing you were certain: You would never let him take you alive.
Andy was still so sweet, checking in on you every morning and night, feeding you and bathing you. He washed your linens and made your bed, he stayed with you until you pretended to fall asleep,
Then he would make his way down to the bar, open it up and run it, Jensen and Colin checking in on you, Andy saying just how under the weather you were. Andy wasn’t sure the two men bought the story, but it wasn’t exactly a lie. You hadn’t seen Frank or Paul, so you weren’t exactly able to connect with them yet, so you just continued on.
A few weeks had passed of this, and you were showing no improvement, and the knot of worry Andy carried with him grew and grew. Luckily that night, Frank and Paul showed up. The three of them took the corner booth, to discuss everything in privacy. Colin was watching the bar, The Losers out on assignment.
“I have fed her, bathed her, cleaned her, anything I can. Sometimes she yells at me, sometimes she doesn’t even look at me.” Andy hung his head in resignation, tears forming. He looked up at the other men, and asked what the hell was going on. “She is the love of my life, and she is just a shell of the woman I met. Please tell me what the fuck is going on because she has gone catatonic.”
Paul and Frank looked at each other before a silent decision was made. Paul was the one to speak. “About thirteen years ago, she moved here from Boston, bright and fresh faced, ready to start something new in life. She was so young when she left home, her mom having died when she was eighteen, so she took the first job she was offered.
“It wasn’t in a great club, she was a cocktail waitress at one of the sleaziest strip clubs owned by a porn tycoon, a man who toed the line between what is legal and barely legal, a man known through the criminal underground as Skull. Skull was ruthless in all dealings, legal and illegal alike. He killed indiscriminately, he groomed and violently coerced his most promising young women into his business. But it wasn’t until she had started working for Skull that me had moved into a full blown obsession.”
“He followed her everywhere she went. He made her stay late every shift so that she would miss the bus and he would have to drive her home. He started sending her gifts with love notes attached. When those didn’t work, he started to send her threats because she would end up dead before she was with another man.”
Frank hopped in, seeing the anger flash across Paul’s body. “Our girl is smart. She knew he was bad from the start and decided to find another job. She worked one last shift, and at the end, she let Skull, the owner of the club, know that she had found another position, and this was her last night. She left before he could respond, hoping that would be the end of it.”
“It wasn't,” Paul continued. “It started with him following her everywhere. She used to love walking, but now had to take a bus everywhere. She moved fifteen times over the next three years, and he found her each and every time. She changed her name, she changed her phone number, she filed restraining orders, did everything right, and it still wasn’t enough.
“One night, about twelve ago, she came home and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. She started her shower, undressed and grabbed her robe, and made her way into the hot bath. As she stepped in the shower, she heard her security alarm beep as if someone had opened the door and turned the alarm off. She turned off the shower, slowly dressed, grabbed her baseball bat in the corner and made her way down the stairs.”
Paul sighed deeply, taking a long sip of his beer before he continued. “He caught her off guard, hiding right behind the corner of the kitchen, just out of sight. As she drew near, Skull grabbed the bat and beat her over the head with it, viciously. He continued beating her body, almost killing her. Through the entire beating, she just took it, waiting for him to mess up.:
“He dropped the bat, his hands covered in so much blood he was unable to grasp it any longer. In that one second, she grabbed one of the many guns hidden throughout the house, pulled back the hammer and released the safety. Skull turned around, laughing at her, thinking there would be no way she had the power to shoot him. She pulled the trigger, unleashing a full clip into his chest and abdomen, not stopping until he fell.”
“He was in the infirmary in the county hospital for three months. Once healed, he went to trial for breaking and entering, assault with a deadly weapon, and attempted murder. His lawyer was a top notch defense lawyer, had his sentence dropped to fifteen years, no parole. The prosecution in this case was an idiot, Neal Logdice something like that, who opted for the plea instead of a trial.”
Andy’s face paled, his heart hammering in his chest. “Neal was his prosecutor?” Andy asked, his voice lethal and soft, a voice Paul and Frank had never heard before. Paul nodded, remembering Andy used to be an assistant district attorney. Andy knew where he’d seen that symbol before, from the case files Neal would leave out.
“How did she end up here and who knew about all of this?” Andy asked, pulling a notepad out. Paul gave all of the details of the arrest, and about how Skull had made parole last week. Frank gave all of the details of the apartments and bar, all under her dead mother’s name, with Frank as the landlord of all areas. The Frank and Paul correlation was now falling into place. Andy knew this was because of him, Laurie and Neal would be just stupid enough to go after you to get to him.
“Who testified on behalf of Skull at his probation hearing?” Andy asked. Paul pulled out the roster from the parole hearing and listed off the names, Laurie showing up on that list. “What were the conditions of his parole?” Andy continued as he looked at the legal forms of the parole forms.
“No felons, he is able to return to his prior legal business dealings, no random drug screens, weekly check ins by phone or text, all approved by Neal and the DA’s office.” Andy threw his beer against the wall, his anger finally escaping. This was his fault. He had brought you right into Laurie’s sights, and she would use whatever she had at her disposal to hurt Andy.
Suddenly, a scream pierced the air. Paul, Andy, and Frank made their way out the back door and up the steps, stopping before the open door to your apartment. Inside, you were on the floor, a large man holding a knife to your throat.
Andy rushed the room, dropping the man to the floor, grabbing the knife and sticking it into his gut, twisting the knife as he watched the color drain from the man’s face. It wouldn’t kill him, Andy wasn’t a murderer, but he would incapacitated for a while. Andy was just about to check on you when Laurie, who’d been hiding in the other room, pulled out a small handgun, firing one into Andy’s shoulder. Before Laurie could get another shot off, you jumped up and hit her in the head with your favorite lamp.
Paul threw cuffs on Skull, making sure they were tight before moving to Laurie, who was still unconscious. In a matter of minutes, there were lights and sirens all over, ambulances and first responders making their way up the stairs to assess the injuries.
Skull was taken down first, his face pale with blood loss. Andy dropped one punch into the wound, a complete accident to all who saw. Laurie was taken next, and she had never looked better than she died not with bruises and cuts littering her plastic face.
Paul and Frank gave the story to the police, also bringing light to Neal’s involvement in everything that had transpired. As the chatter continued, Andy was taken to a truck to have his shoulder wound evaluated when he saw you, bruised and beautiful.
You walked up towards him slowly, shame written all over your face. You stopped in front of Andy, unable to look at him, unable to speak. “Baby, I’m so sorry, All of this is because of me.” Andy cried, distraught at the fact that his ex was the one who did this to you.
“No Andy, this isn’t your fault at all. I hadn’t fully dealt with this problem, and because of that, you almost got killed.” You snuggled into his side, careful of the shot shoulder, and started to cry, allowing yourself to finally let go of everything.
Andy turned your head, giving you a sweet and tender kiss, one that would live on your lips forever. “I will always be here to protect you, I promise.” Andy kissed you again and again, never wanting to let you go.
“We have to get him to the hospital ma'am, would you like to ride with him?” You looked at Andy and knew there was no other place you would rather be. It wasn’t the most romantic moment, but it made you realize just how much Andy Barber loved you, and how much you loved him.
The next few weeks passed quietly. Skull was treated and released back to maximum security prison to await trial for stalking, attempted homicide, attempted sexual assault. As this was his strike three, Skull would be locked up for life, no chance of parole. He thought he would find some reduced sentence by turning in Neal and Laurie, but that was never an offer on the table.
Neal was disbarred and immediately fired from the DA’s office. He dropped Laurie as fast as he could, especially once he saw the photos of her infidelity. Laurie tried to reach out to Andy for another negotiation of the divorce, but Andy declined. He served her the papers, effectively giving her nothing, but took prison off the table if she signed. Before the ink had even dried, Laurie had left the state and moved back in with her parents.
You weren’t able to go back to your apartment. Your space and safety was violated, and you didn’t think it would return there. Andy suggested the two of you move in together and you agreed. You pulled out the blue prints of the apartments that Frank brought you, trying to find a way to make it all work. You decided to knock the wall between your old apartment and Mrs. Stevens’ apartment down, effectively doubling the size of the place for the woman.
Andy found a hollow wall behind his bedroom wall, and after looking at the blue prints, you found a large second apartment that had been blocked off in the original build, the previous owner never able to find someone to rent the space to.
It took a few weeks, but it all came together, this home for you and Andy. You went back to the bar once the apartment was done, welcomed back in with a surprise party hosted by none other than Jake Jensen and Colin Shea. The bar was closed to the public, allowing only your closest friends, even better, your family in for the festivities.
Andy was late, as usual when he was working a case, but he always made it, always made sure you were never alone. He’d just finished a huge win, and there was nowhere he would rather be than here with his family. Jensen handed him his favorite scotch, handed him a microphone, and lined Andy, Jake, Colin, Clay, and Roque up to sing a song from one of your favorite boy bands, *NSYNC.
Andy was red as he sang and danced while you whistled at your man, dancing as awkward as any one person could. He winked at you, throwing his tie in your direction, where you almost had to fight Aisha for it.
The festivities continued, you snuggled in Andy’s arm the entire night, laughing and smiling. For the first time in your life, this finally felt genuine, happy, as if nothing could make you scared ever again
The night started to wind down, Andy leading you out and to home with his arm around your waist, his tie hanging loosely around your neck as you made your way upstairs. Andy stopped and pressed your back against the front door, kissing you as a man lost, a man who may never see his love again.
You pulled away, breathless and hot, turning the knob to let you in the apartment. Andy stood in the doorway as you walked in backwards and stopped in the living room. You removed his tie first, letting it fall to the ground, never once breaking eye contact. Next came your shirt, button by button slowly undone before you let it fall to the ground. Next were your pants, undone and slowly pushed to the ground, lifting one foot out and then other as you kicked the pants to the side.
Andy couldn’t tear his eyes away, you were the most beautiful thing he had ever laid eyes on, and the more that came off, the harder his cock got as he rubbed his growing bluge over his pants, his eyes never leaving yours.
You reached behind your back and unhooked your bra, letting the left strap slide down, then the right, keeping the cups in place over your breasts. You watched Andy undo his pants, pulling them and his boxer briefs low enough to allow his cock freedom, his hand stroking and twisting up and down the shaft, his thumb sweeping his precum down and over the shaft. You let the bra drop, rubbing your breasts, playing with your right nipple, then the left, your head thrown back at the sensation.
Andy continued watching, stroking himself slowly as you continued to play with your nipples, soft moans and sighs the only sound leaving your mouth. You licked your lips, biting the bottom one as you opened your eyes and watched your gorgeous man pleasure himself at the sight of you. The pure eroticism in this moment was the dream of Penthouse porns.
You kept your eyes locked with Andy’s as you dipped your hand under the band of your lace thong, your fingers swirling over your clit, sending jolts of pleasure through your entire nervous system. You were so lost in your feelings, you never noticed Andy crossing the room until he grabbed your wrist and pulled your fingers into his mouth, tasting the very essence he was desperate for.
He turned you around, your back flush with his chest as he dropped his hand between your legs, three fingers immediately disappearing in your wet and inviting pussy, squelching with the sound of your excitement. You leaned your head on his shoulders has he pummeled your cunt making sure you would be ready for him.
Andy spun you around, grabbing you beneath your ass as he hooked your legs over his arms and lifted you up, your legs wrapping around his waist. Andy moved your cunt to sit at the top of his rock hard cock, sliding your pussy up and down to coat the tip before he slowly pushed into you, inch by fucking inch.
He kissed you as he pushed, taking his time to feel every wall and ridge as you moaned and pleaded with him to please fuck you. Once he was fully seated, he started to do just that, fucking you so ruthlessly, you felt him prod your cervix, his fingers bruising your hips with their grip.
On and on he pummeled, over and over, grunting in your ear, whispering songs of love, until you felt the band snap, your soul exiting your body as he continued to fuck you, causing the soul to stay out of body as your orgasms took the very breath and existence out of you.
As you returned to your body, you felt his cum coat every inch of the inside of your abused cunt, so well spent, you never wanted to be without his dick again. As you both panted, slumped into each other as you caught your breath, you smiled and kissed him all over.
“Come on, lover man, we have at least six other rooms to desecrate before the night is through.” You continued kissing his face until he looked up at you and said you’d be the death of him as he carried you to the bedroom for round two. Mrs. Stevens was just happy Andy was finally in the apartment. Yes, he had a very nice ass indeed, but it wasn’t one she needed to see ever.
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eliounora · 22 days
absolutely fuming seething raging on your behalf. imagine being so much of a stuck-up pretentious assrat that you reblog someones personal post abt feeling unappreciated and spout this absolute BULLCRAP that boils down to "suck it up and get good". oh my god. i'm so sorry this piss-drenched toilet roll of a human decided to take their own misery out on you. now for positivity: i've commissioned you in the past, i hope to do so again, and i recommend you to literally everyone i talk to because your grasp of color and character and shape language is ELITE. if i adore everything about your art style - i adore your character designs even *more*. the way you draw gimli has changed the world (lotr fandom) for the better. your legolas is so stinking cute and accurate. i start wiggling in my seat like a gay little worm whenever i see a new post from you on twitter or tumblr!!!
sending you SO much love and admiration, i hope you get your well-deserved confidence built back up because you're a brilliant artist and deserve all the recognition you get and more.
HAHAHA that happens sometimes and every time I'm like "damn I forgot to turn off reblogs!!!" like I'm out here just being vulnerable and expressing the complexity of the human experience, no need to school me! I was especially hurt by them saying I'm not talented, while I do agree this idea of innate talent is quite delusive, my talent is the result of hard work! BAH!!
but thank you so much for your words!! and thank you also for your commission, I loved working on it💗 it's really heartening to hear all the lovely words for my legolas and gimli! they're actually kind of different from the other characters I usually draw and require taking into account their different heights and body shapes, so while they're difficult to get right, it's awesome to hear they're so loved!!!
I've decided to take a bit of a more mindful approach to social media, because I came to the conclusion that the solution isn't to stop sharing my own or other people's art (I consciously haven't made a separate side blog for things not-my-art), but indeed to find new confidence in my skills! I think what will help me the most is finding people who are also creative with whom to share our works and hype them up, and to have that sense of community!
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bitegore · 1 year
Random question, but what do you think SG Stunticons would be like?
So obligatory "i'm bad at SG in general" warning.
I prefer when SG characters all have the same base personalities, just different methods of interaction and socialization. So Motormaster is still an authoritarian type who likes to be listened to; Drag Strip is still rather approval-hungry; Wildrider still likes fun in all forms and will chase it and gets bored easily; Dead End is still introspective and prone to thinking about the future rather than the present; and Breakdown is still very aware of other people and how they relate to him and his. But they're socialized better and very differently.
Motormaster is a "kind but firm" leader. He's probably got a lot in common with regular!IDW Ratchet, being a bit of a buzzkill and not exactly sugar-sweet but he cares and he makes it obvious that he cares through his actions rather than his words. Because it's SG he's probably nicer than Ratchet though, verbally speaking. He still has very high expectations for his team, but he also makes it clear when he feels like they've met those expectations and is encouraging when he feels like they've fallen short. He's still not great at leading, probably, though - a little bit of a bumbling dumbass who at least has the good grace to admit when he's the one who fucked up.
Dead End really depends on the world, but I really struggle to imagine him not intensely morbid and miserably depressed no matter the situation. It's hard not to be when you're constantly thinking about the future and how you're on the losing side of a war, and in everything I've ever seen that's SG, the Decepticons are losing. He's probably less pretentious about it though - less of a classic lit guy and more of a. I don't know. Insert that one "Millenial Depression vs Gen Z depression" meme, he's probably a sparklecore nihilist instead of a miserable cynic. Prone to exclamations during bad moments of "It's okay, it could be worse!" "HOW could it be worse?" "We could all be dead!" or some shit like that.
Drag Strip runs around scrounging for compliments the same as ever, except this time he can just ask with his mouth so he just pulls that "aw, I didn't really do a good job, did I?" routine about everything all the time to force you to reassure that no, actually, he DID do good, and you're impressed with him. If regular!Drag Strip pulled that shit the regular!Stunticons would just be like "no dumbass you suck lmfao. anyway" so it wouldn't work for him, but in SG it would. As a result he's probably just as annoying but way less competitive, a hell of a lot more cooperative instead. Happy to work on a team and great at picking up skills because that means he has more things to go rooting for compliments on.
Wildrider is exactly the same except that he doesn't kill people. That's it. Oh he's probably also not paranoid about things when he's left alone but he's still easily bored and he still would rather be doing things. He does stuff all the time and he's still a firewords and explosions guy, he has fun. He'd get along with his regular counterpart- possibly the only sg character to ever LMAO
And Breakdown has no reason to be shy- instead he's just constantly thinking about other people and their emotional states... he's probably a terrrrrrible busybody. Hyperaware of gossip and the giver of the best gifts on the planet. If you have a problem, SG!Breakdown knows about it before you do. He's probably besties with Reflector and Soundwave instead of petrified of them. Maybe this is the universe where Breaky gets to be in Intel like he deserves.
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faterpresources · 1 year
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A ᴄᴏʟʟᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ғʀᴏᴍ ʀᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ ᴠɪsᴜᴀʟ ɴᴏᴠᴇʟs
A collection of random lines compiled from many visual novel games including Fate/Stay Night, Danganronpa series, Code : Realize , Paranormasight, Somnium Files and many others. Feel free to change the pronouns in order to better suit the parts involved. Warning: some crude language
❝ Out of my way, plankton. ❞
❝ -- I want to punch him/her. ❞
❝ So whose ass do I need to kick!? ❞
❝ B stand for brute force! Ya like? ❞
❝ Shush. The adults are talking now. ❞
❝ I can’t say I need a cat right now. ❞
❝ Well, let’s just say sleep is overrated. ❞
❝ Watching a fire like this is greatly relaxing. ❞
❝ Oh, I’m just through a little… self-loathing. ❞
❝ I don’t think love has anything to do with it… ❞
❝ Tell me, where did your typical rudeness go to? ❞
❝ This is evil. I deserve to be hated and resented. ❞
❝ I’m shocked. Hypotheticals really do happen, huh? ❞
❝ Do you think I even care enough about you to rebel ? ❞
❝ O god of donuts! I’m praying for a wonderful encounter! ❞
❝ I think… I just got persuaded to do this without realizing it… ❞
❝ I’ve grown out of my brooding, pretentious teenager phase. ❞
❝ If you were a fictional character, I bet you’d have a lot of fans. ❞
❝ I’ve been teaching myself, though I’m not very good at it yet. ❞
❝ Loving someone you shouldn’t only brings about misfortune. ❞
❝ Damn. I’m gonna be having nightmares about this for a while. ❞
❝ It’s the lack of something between your ears that’s dangerous. ❞
❝ You’re being really loud… I know you’re doing that on purpose… ❞
❝ It was just his/her pants. Not like his/her socks or something… ❞
❝ Hey, please don’t insult my Sherlock Holmesian detective skills. ❞
❝ You sound pretty scared for something that matters little to you. ❞
❝ My only strong point is that I’m a little more gong-ho than others. ❞
❝ I only hugged you because you were standing right in front of me. ❞
❝ Hey! You weren’t thinking something bad about me just now, were you? ❞
❝ Dah! Come, now, you look like an abandoned puppy with a face like that! ❞
❝ If that was your last resort, I’d say you didn’t think this through very well…❞
❝This is the part where ya fall in love with me and obey my every command! ❞
❝ I know I am not the most intelligent person, but you really are just hopeless. ❞
❝ I’m like a magnet for all things strange. There’s nothing I can do about that. ❞
❝ No-one makes a compliment sound like an insult quite like you, my dear friend. ❞
❝ Just so you know, I’m saying this for your own good: your logic isn’t logical yet. ❞
❝ Fairytales mislead humans into believing they can have things they do not deserve. ❞
❝ As usual, you look like you’re carrying all the misery of the world on your shoulders. ❞
❝ Thing is, I might be a brat, but I’m not a kid. Okay, doesn’t make me an adult, either. ❞
❝ Maybe there’s something hidden under his/her bed. It’s a usual place for hiding things. ❞
❝ Well, I know you are unfortunately lacking in mental faculties, so I’ll fill you in myself.❞
❝ Aaah, he/she was so cute and innocent back then, how did he/she end up such a twisted kid? ❞
❝ Well then, let’s pretend this conversation never happened. For our mutual benefit, for once.❞
❝ A friendly word of warning – someday that attitude is going to come back and bite you. Hard. ❞
❝ Of course that was a joke. Duh! You don’t really think I’m some kind of evil spirit, do you? ❞
❝ I don’t need to go inside a haunted house to feel afraid since I already feel fear in my daily life! ❞
❝ You could have told me you were being attacked by Martians and I still would have believed you. ❞
❝ If you’re going to make another appearance, the least you can do is have some of a…villainous entrance, you know. ❞
❝ I never expected someone as good-looking and cool as you would get embarrassed about liking cute things. ❞
❝ Huh? … Sorry, I don’t remember. I guess it just seemed like something you would say, so I didn’t pay it any attention. ❞
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kaltacore · 1 year
Some time after the Blight ends, they're invited to Redcliffe. There's going to be a statue in their honour, the letter says, made by one of the best Fereldan artists — and it needs their approval for some reason. A formal one, of course. “At least they didn't pay Orlesians. Let them stick to their fancy chateaus,” Alistair says jokingly, but he seems excited — and Keeris, well, not that much. She doesn't tell him about it anyway. He deserves to feel like a hero for once. Statues and celebrations and all.
It's nice to see Redcliffe rebuild though. It's nice to see anything rebuild — no more darkspawn and barricades, no more walking corpses and burning roofs. Former wastelands are green and full of blooming spring flowers that cover the ruins of something that cannot be restored anymore, completely destroyed houses and fallen mill wings that no one had time to take away; it's a beautiful sight. She'd better stay here instead of going to the castle. She's, frankly, sick of the castles — and they are probably sick of her.
People inside are still friendly, though. Cheerful even. Keeris sees the shade of nervousness crossing Eamon's face when he shakes her hand, but it's not unexpected, really — he couldn't be that fond of her, not after what happened at the Landsmeet, she's aware of that.
The Fereldan sculptor, on the other hand, is very proud and just can't stop talking — about the greatness of his project and how honoured he is to work on it and set the Heroes of Ferelden in stone. Before he bows his head, he gives her a brief look, a strange one for sure, almost terrified — Keeris doesn't know what to make of it nor she wants to try.
Then, he shows it. The art, the concept. It's a big, big piece of paper full of little sketches and drafts and one glorious drawing of a statue in the middle of it.
For a moment, no one says a word.
“What is that?” Alistair asks and his voice sounds genuinely baffled. There are tones of anger in it, loud and clear. Keeris slightly squeezes his hand.
She's not surprised at all.
The statue is a man and a woman in Grey Warden uniforms standing in pretentiously heroic poses. A man resembles Alistair very well, with the same features and even the way he holds his shield. It's almost like him, really, just lifelessly stony grey.
A woman is slightly shorter than him: her features are smooth and pretty, her braided hair is long and wavy, scattered by the wind, and her ears are flat. Her face is so strangely, unfamiliarly bare.
Oh, it does make her angry, furious even. Just a little. Even if she shouldn't care.
She shouldn't care, a girl with vallaslin and sharp features and sharp ears and hair too short to cover them.
“Somehow,” she says calmly, looking Eamon straight in the eyes, “I didn't expect less from your kind.”
They argue. Alistair and Eamon, mostly — she herself wouldn't waste time on it nor she thinks it would change anything, but now they can't go away and loudly shut the door.
Eamon says something about his gratitude. Something about the gratitude of his people and how they all cherish both of them here. Something about the cruelness of the world around. Something about the vile, vile people, who are obviously not there, but they will come and they will not tolerate an elf standing in the middle of their beautiful human town. They will not let it be.
Of course, they won't. She saw the alienage in Denerim. She saw what Anora did to it after she gave her a crown and was proclaimed a friend. It always ends up like this. All the promises and gratitude — they never matter. She learnt it the hard way.
“Then,” she says finally, “Don't make it. Don't place it here. If not for my people's sake — don't lie to your own at least.”
Nobody dares to object.
They leave in awkward, unpleasant silence: no farewells, no partings. They don't even stay for the night at Redcliffe. Alistair keeps repeating he's sorry, that he never wanted it to be this way, that he was sure his uncle would do better than this — Keeris laughs with just a little bitterness in her voice. He shouldn't be sorry. She was the one who took his statue away, wasn't she? He promises they will get a nice, proper one. Maybe somewhere in Amaranthine.
Another letter comes, informing them it is going to be a griffon. A beautiful creature, a symbol, a compromise, it says. None of them respond.
When they get to Redcliffe a couple of years later, there it is, standing in a square. No faces, no names and no shameless lies.
People here still recognise them. They wave their hands when they pass by and promise to buy them a beer if they happen to be around. An elven servant in the crowd blesses her path with Mythal's name. A young girl throws her a flower crown.
They do not put portraits in the archives of Weisshaupt after all.
At least there is no woman who never was.
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opinated-user · 9 months
(Cw: Grooming and CSA)
I think the hardest part about learming about LO is that she was a figure I have known about since I was ten. I was invested in MLP since I was six, and was an undiagnosed autistic AFAB person who didn't have a lot of friends. MLP was my life, it was the shining beacon of joy that got me through being bullied. I wanted to consume every aspect of it, and was drawn to analysis because I was a pretentious little goober who wrote book reports for fun. The MLP Analysis community were people I looked up too, because they were adults, and I was taught to respect and listen to adults. So when that inevitably led to me being groomed, I didn't know how to handle anything. I didn't know the word for what happened, I didn't know how to express it.
And then, to see a figure that had been somewhat mocked by this community, stand up and put a name to what I went through... I fell right back into that phase of idolation. I didn't know how to process what was done to me then, but in that moment it felt so vindicating to hear someone loudly wish death on the kind of people who had shattered my entire life. Like I was actually worth fighting for.
And then to find out that person was glorifying and actively carrying out that same behavior. I feel stupid for ever even trying to convince myself that all these allegations were all just lies.
You'd think that someone would learn to spot it the second time.
hey, anon. you're never stupid for wanting to have faith in people. many times they're actually good. many people would fight for you and any other who went through the same as you, because people like you are worth it and don't deserve the silence. i'm so sorry you were hurt like that, i'm sorry that nobody was there to tell you how that wasn't okay and it made LO's word all the more attractive for you. none of that was okay. nobody should have to feel that alone and confused. it's not your fault and it will never be that LO took advantage of that. you were hurt and thought you found a place where you could be validated. there's nothing wrong with any of that, it's only human.
if anything, i just want to thank you, anon, because you did listen and didn't cling to whatever image LO had built up in front of you. i'm sure it wasn't easy, that it was painful on it's own way, but you did it and that speaks volumes of the kind of person you're. it's hard for me to read people trying to defend LO even as she says the most unhinged things i have read, but people like you make it worth it. because that means this is not pointless, that other people can get away from her and won't be hurt by her again. messages like yours are the ones that keep me going here. i hope that means something for you.
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