#this isnt the only time he's done that though literally did the same thing again like almost year later around my birthday
713-4th-ward-g · 2 years
#forgave#honestly the one thing i haven't gotten over is when my friend rob told me he was going to get me headphones for Christmas#two years ago right#and i had to end up getting my own headphones cause he didnt get me the headphones after all#he gave them to david LMAO and while in party chat he kept bringing up the headphones he got for David for Christmas LMAO#like i couldn't careless that he gave em headphones but to keep bringing it up like if its going to bother me never sat right with me#this isnt the only time he's done that though literally did the same thing again like almost year later around my birthday#the other time he did that was for my birthday he said he was going to get me something and ended up not getting it#and ignored the whole situation#ive known rob since 2016 and he's known david since kindergarten lmao so of course he's going to favor his longer friendship lmao#my issue was him bringing the shit up like leading up to my birthday he kept telling me I'ma get you it ima get you it and didn't#and im cool with it like im totally an understandable dude and i didn't care if he couldn't get it#but a sorry i couldn't get it would have sufficed but he completely ignored the whole thing and didnt even tell me happy birthday LMAO#he was like oh yeah its your birthday huh jay happy birthday man only and i say only after someone brought up my birthday LMAO#like my birthday was almost over and we been in the chat for hours up until that point WTF LMAO#and he did it again this year lmao i swear i dont want his gift ever LMAO there's literally no point to it now#i can clearly tell im your least favorite friend along with ryan cause he's done it to him as well.#its gotten to the point of dont tell me youre going to do it and not do it cause its a pattern LMAO#and by all means if he couldn't afford the gift he wanted to give me some how i am totally cool with a my bad i couldn't get it after all#or at least acknowledgment of the fact#but yeah he did again this year lmao and its honestly principle as to why im just like whatever with him#honestly i probably shouldn't have ever forgave him or Chris for pushing me to kill myself when i was depressed#and the fucked up part is neither of them apologized for that shit and I've tried so hard to just let it go its so hard cause i cant forget#i was literally at a huge low and they both pushed me with: do it then i dont want to hear about i feel like killing myself thats pussyshit#i remember telling them if i had my gun right now i totally would do it its fast and easy but im not going to be able to hang myself#with nothing able to support my weight and they both said fuck that if you really want to die then you'll fucking do whatever u can do die#im tired of people saying ima kill myself and not doing it they said and it fucked me up so bad i stopped talking to both of them 4 months#but the only reason i them was cause i can totally tell that it was tearing everyone's friendships#David was in the middle of it all and even though he was there when it all happened and didnt approve of it its his childhood friend so#i couldn't destroy that by not talking to them again so one day i just decided to just sweep it but i can't its so hard
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diahire · 24 days
Anyways I wrote this post on my private blog but decided I'll share it with the whole fandom and add a few more thoughts to really throw salt about this down on the salt pile with the rest of the Villain fans. (This post isn't for the hero stans, I'm not here to argue with you guys, if you like the ending good for you! I wish that could be me!) I thought about it all night and tbh its literally the worst outcome for the entire manga imo? Because it doesn't feel like the resolution everyone was fighting for can be reached now, or as if Hori's gonna just gloss over it the same way and pretend its a happy ending. (Sorry if I sound like a hater, I sung his praises and trusted him so much so excuse me if my trust has been completely shattered with this) This post sums up a lot of my feelings on the last chapter Surrounding AFO and stuff like that, which was actually satisfying. But oh my lord, everything else is one of the most bitter let downs I've ever seen in any piece of media ever. I'd like to believe the fan theories that this isn't it for the LoV are true but tbh I refuse to be fooled by Hori again so at this point I'm actually fairly positive that the league is dead save for Mr Compress who, I guess, will just be spending the rest of his life ass-cheekless and in jail. (Unless we're meant to think Compress has been executed or is going to be. Who knows. Wouldn't be surprised at this point.)
Like I mentioned, I think the whole "Give Shigaraki back. His friends are waiting for him" thing was alluding to the fate of the League. It would explain why we haven't seen them again. Why Ochaco was the only one shown to be lifted into the helicopter to the hospital even though Himiko should have been right there with her. I made a post about it back then saying how worried I was that they didn't show or even mention Himiko at that point. Well, yeah, my fears of the worst I think were confirmed there. Like the reality here seems to be that Hori literally directly pulled a bury your gays on her. Like ?? I think its probably also safe to say Spinner is likely already dead. We've seen or heard nothing from him since he went down either. Due to Shigaraki's final words I want to think maybe he's not but at the same time I can't imagine him being the sole survivor. Unfortunately, this means Dabi is likely already dead as well. I'm low key taking a little bit of spiteful satisfaction in the fact that if Dabi has died his last words were telling his family to fuck off and honestly, good for him. Its like he said. This was all lip service and saving face and why did it have to go so far / take so long for anyone to even try? Why did he have to burn himself to death for his family to give him the bare minimum of acknowledgement? He spent his entire childhood literally crying and begging for it and being harshly rejected because the moment his dad found out he was disabled he pulled the rug out from under him and decided his existance was pointless. He spent the entire battle desperately trying to get his father to recognize him and talk to him and see that he wasn't a worthless son and could have done so much had he not done epic ableism to him (which, yeah we agreed this was correct within the narrative, omg!) and all Endeavor did was avoid him until he was backed into a corner and couldn't ignore / avoid him anymore, which is at large why Dabi was so badly injured in the first place. This isnt a W for the heroes or for Endeavor anymore. Once again our great hero drove his literal disabled abuse victim son to death in a desperate attempt to receive some type of validation from him. The easiest thing in the world for Endeavor to have ever give him and the one thing he really wanted was once again withheld from him until it was too late. A fucking "Sorry I didn't come to Sekoto Peak :(" isn't good enough anymore. Like I say this as someone who isn't even an Endeavor hater, the opposite, that just isn't good enough anymore. I mean, wow, Himiko and Shigaraki both essentially "sacrificed" themselves for the purity of people who actually didn't really care about them and actually just failed them one last time in the grand scheme of things so I just don't see how I'm suppose to really feel like its a satisfying outcome for them. We can't let our little centrist heroes get blood on their hands, what a crappy cliche way to end their stories. The tragic, outcast, well intentioned extremist lefty "villains" self destruct so the designated, privileged "good guys" don't need to feel any guilt or real consequences for their deaths or weight of the things they were trying to achieve. (Even though they are undeniably responsible!) Ugh, genuinely its so gut wrenching that all Shigaraki wanted in his last moments was for Spinner to know that he died trying. Like I'm sorry but they weren't "saved" as they should have been and as Hori had been suggesting to this entire time. I understand every one of them was shown to have achieved some morbid, tragic sense of peace before they died but I just hate that's all they got. Himiko and Shigaraki let themselves die ultimately because people said some nice words to them and did the bare minimum for them that no hero would ever do before. How far they had to go to get the bare minimum out of some fucking kids no less, not even actual licensed heroes, bruh like. Yeah, such a win for the heroes... /s.
I think a lot people miss the fact that the reason the LoV wanted to "destroy" the world was to create a better one, and this has a lot of tragic impact when characters like Spinner are canonly being murdered and mutilated in literal hate crimes to such an extent Spinner was unable to leave his house back in his home village without being attacked. But of course this is fine cause Shoji moved to the big city and is going to become a licensed hero one day so that'll def end all racism toward mutant presenting quirks, no flaws in that logic at all, why didn't Spinner just think of that himself. /s
I mean this is really just a salty rant because I know other people have articulated, I think, better than me, why this ending sucks ass, sends a crappy message, shits all over the whole narrative of Izuku and his friends becoming "The worlds greatest heroes" and overall feels to be out of the left field, and honestly is just a lazy and bitter cop-out with all the build up surrounding it and the fact that it absolutely DOESN'T tackle or resolve any of the social issues that the series has done nothing but make commentary on and that the LoV were all tragic victims to, which is why they took up the fight with the heroes in the first place. (Aka, government dogs, literally we've learned all of Hero society basically exists as a distraction and a shitty band aide for the oppression and demonization of people with quirks by governments who refused to actually adapt to the society of the supernatural and instead continued to systematically oppress people who were considered to fall outside of the social norm which is now more rigid than ever because society becoming supernatural should have REMOVED all said oppressive "norms" but instead it heightened them because people in power won't/wouldn't let go of what they considered "normal" no matter how outdated and defunct that "normal" was. ) Anyway, yeah, no the status quo has been upheld and the rebellious minorities who fought so hard to end their oppression have been killed and will surely be forgotten as little more than crazy terrorists. Huzza, the day is saved! /s
Idk man. I suppose we can hope that the UA kids put measures in place to try and correct hero society through taking on board the villains pain and their rightful and just complaints moving forward but IMO that feels unrealistic now because now they're dead. The war is won, history is written by the victors and it will be much more convenient to everyone WHO ARE STILL IN CHARGE (The UA kids are still kids who are still in school mind you, they have no real say or power in anything.) to just continue as normal as if we weren't given a clear idea that as long as hero society exists things will not improve for Meta-humans and their rights and the unfair prejudices against people and their quirks so... Yay.
But hehe funny super hero manga, yay the villains were defeated and the day was saved, the rain stopped, the sun is shining and the birds are singing! -powerpuff girls animated heart -
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lakesouperior · 7 months
🐻🐤🐰🦊 just some thoughts on the fnaf movie
🐻the attention to detail that was put into it, with all it’s little details and easter eggs. the posters in the background, (and i haven’t seen anyone bring this up), the guy who got face-mauled by the cupcake wearing a midnight motorist t-shirt. the spring lock scene. the fact that scariest of all the jumpscares (of which there weren’t a lot but it’s kind of for the younger demographic ig they can’t make it too bad) was freaking balloon boy. the highest kill count going to MVP Carl the Cupcake. this is what i mean when i say movies from established franchises should be made by fans, for fans.
🐤 you can tell they put a lot of thought into the child actors. abby is phenomenal. the five missing children? properly creepy and sad looking.
🐰 characters were all really well written and entertaining. the karen aunt, for all that she is an antagonist and very much hateable, still manages to be funny. even background characters are hilarious, like Doug for example, and don’t even get me started on the friggin matpat cameo i nearly screamed in the movie theater.
🦊 vanessa and mike are naturally each other’s narrative foils (and stand-ins for respectively Michael Afton/Elizabeth Afton (MichaElizabeth if you will) and Charlotte Emily imo), and them saying the same line, the “that’s two jobs”, mike at the beginning, and vanessa at the end, TO THE SAME CHARACTER?? TO THE BIG FUCKIN BAD HIMSELF??? WHO THEY BOTH HAVE DEEP HISTORY WITH???? literally this is good writing. i’m not saying the movie is perfect because it isn’t, but this is good writing.
🐻 and vanessa, as much as she kind of is, doesn’t feel like a coward because her worst fear does come true. her own father, the person who she thought the world of, tries to kill her as soon as she steps out of line. her fear wasn’t unjustified. she spent her entire life under his control — has literally never known anything else, and to still rebel after so long must’ve been the hardest, most terrifying thing in the world but she still did it because she’d grown to care for mike and abby.
and this is what i mean when i quote that one post: “strong female characters ≠ characters who are female and punch good, but strong female characters = well-written female characters” like yeah, vanessa’s an antagonist, or an anti-hero i suppose, but she’s still, once again, likeable and mysterious and funny. and the “bring her here again and i’ll fucking shoot you”?? that was probably her first act of true rebellion, aside from telling mike more than she should’ve about the pizzeria.
🐤 mikes arc is a very obvious “let go of the past and learn to cherish the present” which isn’t exactly revolutionary, but i think it’s done quite well though it could be improved a bit. and as much as you think he is an absolute cabbage head for telling them they could have abby for even a second, but you still, once again, get it.
our man’s running on like two hours of sleep and also meds, finally getting to see his baby brother up-close and even touch his face for the first time in probably more than a decade of blaming himself, and then getting told he could go back and see his parents again, the grief over who he probably hasn’t been able to process since he had to take care of abby when they died (possibly even took his own life in the father’s case if he’s supposed to be a henry stand-in like i think and doesn’t that just make it fifty times worse)
and it’s set up that he wants that perfect family back, the kind that he had during his childhood, that abby never got to experience.
and maybe he feels guilty for that. maybe he thinks, in his sleep-deprived and grief-ridden mind, for only a moment, that she would be better off, since she seems to like the animatronics and their ghost children better than him and he still feels like he doesn’t know how to raise a kid.
🐰 speaking of abby, for once Child Character in the horror movie isn’t just there to do some stupid shit for Plot Reasons (cough, The Curse of La Llorona, cough cough). i mean yes, she does go with them at the climax, but she has been given no reason not to trust them and considering the fact that they are other children, it would honestly be more suspicious if she didn’t trust them (also we’ve been shown she doesn’t really have friends before the end, so they’re also her first and only friends, no wonder she’s clinging to them) plus she’s been left alone with the aunt she does not like, possibly still believing mike is abandoning her. you get it.
she’s also very entertaining in her sassiness. like “are you here to arrest my brother?” or “yeah, love you too bro, kinda don’t wanna die tho, can we leave?” literally i can’t stand kids in general, but especially so in in horror movies, but i would give my life for abby.
🦊and the drawing thing? it’s beautiful and sad and really hammers home the fact that these monsters, however scary they have been made by their brutal and cruel deaths, they were, and are, just children who didn’t deserve to die and communicate the same way children like abby do. it also makes abby herself relevant to the plot and actually useful.
🐻and about abby; i have my own Theory there. we know she wasn’t in the picture during Garrett’s disappearance, which means she’s at least twelve years younger than mike. it’s actually quite common for couples who are going through a rough patch to have kids to try to fix it, which i think is what happened here, made even more possible if they also had her as a sort of replacement for Garrett. this, as i said earlier, makes mike’s indecision all the more understandable — if abby doesn’t just look a lot like Garrett, but was actually supposed to be him and would’ve never existed if not for the tragedy.
but that’s Just A Theory. 🐻🐤🐰🦊
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damnfandomproblems · 5 months
Thing is op
People like to use "coded" as an excuse to harrass others over a fictional character
"this character is minor-coded therefor if you like them or draw them sexy then you are a pedo"
"this character is gay-coded so if you ship them qith the opposite gender your homophobic"
"this character is autism-coded so if you dont see them that way you are ableist."
"this character is poc coded and if you dont portray them that way then you are racist"
And then they go and rip people to shreds over it. And most of the time they are actually "coded" as anything.
Ill give you a good example as to why coding should just fucking die in fandom.
In transformers (all of them afaik) there is a sentient ROBOT named Jazz. He is often voiced by a black voice actor, even in the early days of Generation 1 in 1984. Though it changes a few times Jazz is well known for his accented voice. Jazz (the music) is also known to be pioneered by black people.
In a way jazz is black coded. He is designed with all these elements related to black people.
The thing is. Jazz is a fucking robot. "Jazz" is the name he chose for himself because his cybertronian name does not translate or cannot be spoken by humans. Jazz is also a type of music he only heard when he arrived on earth and is something he loves, hence why he chose the name. He chooses to express himself in such a way because its what he enjoys.
It does not mean he is black. A white person can do all that because they have a love for jazz music. It isnt going to make them "black coded"
He is also again, a robot. Not human. Not even organic.
However of all the problems ive seen in the TF fandom the one about whether you should draw a human version of Jazz as black or white is probably the one thats sets people who give a shit off the most.
It doesn't matter what characteristics a character has. It doesnt matter if Jazz is drawn as black or white. Cuz he isn't human. Its literally up to fan interpretation and none of them are wrong but people want to shit fling, and react hostile over others not drawing him as black anyway.
Same could be said about a certain more popular pink skinned character (who is also human and japanese but when have people ever viewed japanese people as important.)
You can have your queer coded villains. Doesn't actually say they are queer. Hell in the past it would be done as a way to demonize queerness and traits. But queer people still loved those villains because they could relate to their tragedies.
What "coding" actually is, is a part of the design process to add depth and character. It's an inspiration born from reality. But it's not always that the character is meant to be that thing.
Theres a character from genshin impact i could say is "DID-coded" because when she falls alseep or is so stressed she passes out there is another version of her that takes her place that she doesnt know about.
In the same vein theres the game "At Dead of Night" (recommend it, its a horror game) where the main antagonist is possessed and murders people. They even had to put a disclaimer that the character didnt have DID and the game wasnt made to demonize people with DID or portray them as unstable serial killers. However despite the creators saying that, fans still "DID-code" the antagonist, not out of hatred for people with DID but because some people with DID still relate to the character. Not so much the killing people but the struggle the antagonist has with "being possessed". Having DID can be a frustrating and tiring experience and not many cope with it very well even when they do no harm. Feeling of loss of control is very relatable even without DID.
Regardless the rampant "coding everything trend" in fandom has caused a new "ship war" like wave of harrassment. If you dont view a character this was your a horrible person and you deserve *insert graphic content and threats of harm and suibaiting and more*
coding can be a cool thing to discover while analyzing a character or even creating one. But its become hated with good reason because people have no reason left in them. Coding is a cool way of adding depth and nuance to a character and would actually REALLY help beginners with their "bland" characters. Unfortunately even thats discouraged, since it can be seen as "baiting" or "stereotyping" and sometimes appropriating culture. (But a giant sentient robot making his entire personality about jazz music isn't? Lol)
Posting since this is a response to a previous problem.
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deadjam6 · 1 year
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its such a LARGE misconception that chip and dale are canonically brothers, and it pisses me off, cuz some of the things i see them doing are just....NOT BROTHERLY AT ALL!! and if they are brothers.....it's very Incesty and that's ..... fucked up
the first thing id like to mention is they ahve never canonically every been referred to be brothers, i have watched. EVERY. SINGLE. POSSIBLE thing chip n dale thing tha has touched the planet earth (ask my friends!)
in the movie dale stated chip was LIKE a brother he had never had, but from personal experince i can say with confidence sometimes people say this because they dont wanna outright say they like the perosn! (happened with me and my wicked hot girlfriend when we first met!)
but now onto my photographical proof (i wanted to include vdieos but tumblr isnt letting em for some reason :raise eyebrow:)
we see them meet in the movie for the first time IN THE MOVIE ?!!?!? 
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Now if you are saying “well techinally :nerd: thats meta, so does it really count?” dont worry friend, i have more
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there are SO MANY sreenshots i could get form this single episode (and the entire series) that depict them being lovers. I literally don't know how anyone can watch this episode and confidently say they are brothers afterwards
everyone in this epsiode had RELATIONSHIP PROBLEMS ! then they see chip and dale being happy and think they are so cute, THEN CHIP AND DALE BREAK UP AND EVERYONE IS SO SAD AND JAW DROPPED!
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and this???? hello??? do i even need to explian this?????????
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are you guys doing this with your siblings???????????????? is this something siblings do????????????????
there are TONS! of shots in this series of them with a HEART BACKDROP BEHIND THEM like............................?
if THAT is some how not enough proof ?? i have more !
listen call the corprate mouse homophobic all you want but are you kidding me???? the fuck is this
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Do I even even need to elaborate
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other mickey mouse and friends couples
MOST of mickeys friends are part of same animal couples, including himself, disney did this alot with their older characters, mickey and minnie, donald and daisy etc, so why would chip and dale be any different?! lol!?
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now some of you may be saying, but clarice? lol? they were so into her?
LOOK AT HER NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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THAT is a lesbian if id ever seen one!
not only that but she was totally hooking them up in her original debut? lol? moving out of the way to make them kiss instead? lol? :rainbowflag::vineboom:
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SOMETHING. id like to mention, because i feel like people will bring it up!
now i know orginally the creator had stated they were “simply little brothers” in his autobiography, which can link up again to what dale had said in the movie that chip was “like a brother” to him (not blood related), but really......look at everything dinsey as done with these guys, if they were blood related that is just, so messed up?? morally??? yknow? if that was ever the case then park life as most certiantly retconed that (even though it was NEVER mentioned to begin with in anything before park life) 
anwyays! that is all i have. happy 80th birthday chip n dale! You are my favorite gay Disney couple!
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guideaus · 5 months
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so in recent hgsn chapters, we've got 'hikaru' acting real unusual, more than normal. the first time it happens is a bit after hikaru pulls out "half his insides", the 2nd is a more drastic version, hikaru does his eye thing (whether its mentally or physically) in the same way he previously did to asako where he admits he thought he should kill her, the only difference is his eyes beforehand. the third time happens again very soon after the second, hikaru now seemingly completely different. we'd probably guess he's not in control, but i want to say he doesnt even remember these events.
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so first off im gonna talk abt hikaru lying. obviously, we've got 'hikaru' being introduced lying about his identity, the entire 1st vol revolves around the revelation and how both boys react to it. hikaru tries his best to act as hikaru and is very upset when he's found out. they get over it and yoshiki is now in on the secret,
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our 6th month old ghost-god-boy's got terrible social skills for certain situations, dismissing certain concerns, laughing things off, reacting in an extreme, not normal way, or sheepishly not wanting yoshiki's disapproval. he clumsily struggles to follow yoshiki's reasoning why murder is bad and at that point already gleans that yoshiki probably wont like an admission of "yeah, i killed the neighborhood grandma",
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hikaru's probably being more anxious about yoshiki's perception of him than his act morally, therefore he avoids telling the truth, he also spends half of ch 16 stressing over yoshiki's reaction. asako flat out says she wished to speak to the spirit, and hikaru literally doesnt react to that at all outside of thoughts about himself, and is still just a little guilty talking abt it later on.
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hikaru did gain a bit of confidence before yoshiki momentarily gave up on him, or calms down at least to be able to suggest showing his inhuman qualities to yoshiki again, but isnt clear in what he says he'll do, once again freaking yoshiki out, even though it supposedly did help him against other spirits. hikaru's probably got a tied "love" of yoshiki and absorbing things, and got a little greedy, still not understanding how to even broach the request.
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my point with all this is that he usually feels guilty, or some sort of emotion, about his actions, especially in regards to yoshiki and that does show he remembers what he's done. but in contrast to those moments, on this page where yoshiki asks him why he went to his door, hikaru cant come up with an answer. hikaru, who gives a dopey smile to asako once again accusing him of not being human, doesnt show a hint of hiding a secret for going to yoshiki's house before. hikaru looks more confused at even trying to recall what yoshiki's referencing, as if yoshiki asked him abt some unimportant comment from long ago
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hikaru marvels at yoshiki's soul, and is very sure he doesn't want yoshiki to die, and even includes asako in his thoughts, and becomes extremely upset at the thought of yoshiki dying.
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later, after hikaru decides to prove himself to yoshiki, he got his head lopped off by a special ghostbusters sword, and has a scar duct tape apparently cant fix, so i wonder if because of this he cant balance his body too well and is acting too much like his original, spirity self, viewing yoshiki first as only soul, not even with a body, maybe in the same way the other spirits view humans?
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anywayss, hikaru's said he cant quite remember his role as a being and what he even did before, hence yoshiki carrying their ghost project, but also, before, he at least acted in yoshiki's defense. he declares he'll protect yoshiki and uses his funky eye to be all ghosty, but now he does it in a different way completely, the eye making a diff shape. yoshiki might become a snack instead of hikaru's wish and hikaru might not even remember what happened
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pixeljade · 4 months
With photomatt's new pinned post I think this illustrates not only the problem with this whole situation even better, but with the general idea "Allies" have toward their allyship regarding. Well, literally any marginalized group, but I'll speak on transphobia since thats the topic du jour and also something I can speak on.
And that's that a lot of "Allies" believe they are allies not because of their actions but because of their beliefs. Photomatt has done *NOTHING* to prove his ACTIONS arent transphobic, here, he has only listed his beliefs as if those are evidence of his allyship. Its the social media equivalent of putting up one of these signs.
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Which, like, its fine. But "allyship" it does not make: breakdown the origins of the term ally. An ally is someone you turn to for aid in battle. And if that someone has nothing to give you but kind words? Do they count as an ally in battle, or just some useless bystander who watches as you get slaughtered?
Matt is one step worse, though. He's the one providing the tools for the slaughter. He (and others) may read this and roll their eyes at this, saying its an exaggeration, but its not. The suicide rate for trans women right now is ALARMING, and it comes from being bullied relentlessly, especially in online spaces! And make no mistake, the moderation system most social medias use, this one included, are being abused by these bullies and bigots to drive trans people to suicide.
And the thing is, we now KNOW this has been brought up to Matt multiple times by queer staff. He's apparently ignored it. Back to the ally in battle metaphor: this now makes him someone who has been told time and time again his tools are being abused for ideals he supposedly does not hold, and he has ignored. He's basically a Tony Stark Iron Man 1 figure, selling tools of slaughter and claiming its "defense", only now figuring out that these tools are used for slaughter of innocents, even though he's been told by others for ages--only caring now because they are being directed at him.
He isnt actually doing what Tony Stark did though. Hes not as charming or as talented as to build a method of aiding the world (which, lets be real, was always a rich person fantasy in that movie anyways). He's said when he returns from sabbatical he may reassess moderation on the site, but it sounds like he's also considering just...pulling out investment. Pulling the plug on Tumblr altogether, and considering it a "toxic" place. All because the same harassment us trans people face CONSTANTLY is finally being directed at him.
I do genuinely hope he does do the right thing, which WOULD be to reassess the moderation process with queer people (and folks of every other marginalized community, I have not forgotten how many black folks have been purged by the site!) In the room, and LISTEN to them. But his pinned post doesnt give me hope. It tells me he'd much rather you ignore his actions, or lack thereof, and that he instead wants you to judge him solely on his beliefs. "I may do nothing to save you," it says, "but look at my lawn sign telling you my beliefs". And that slaughter continues.
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weirdlizard26 · 6 months
ok hello hi in honour of me finishing season 6 of dr who i will write out my impression of it before starting s7! that there WILL be spoilers so im putting it under the cut!
first things first, it was definitely a HUGE improvement from s5 in my opinion. like it was in general just a lot more enjoyable for me, though still not quite satisfactory. i think matt smith finally got properly into the role too which is nice.
still. this season was deeply unsatisfying. there were so many interesting threads that i feel just didnt go anywhere or didnt get nearly enough development.
1) i thought the "youre my best friend" scene btwn amy and the doctor was very very sweet but i felt it just came out of nowhere? she spent the entire s5 having to "choose" between him and rory and i do appreciate their friendship but i wish they had more time to really develop that kind of relationship
2) i was honestly so happy to see 2 companions throughout this whole season! i think it makes up for a really fun dynamic :]
3) i love rory with all my heart hes such a sweetheart but i feel a little weird about his character development? it definitely makes a lot of sense seeing as how hes 2k years old at this point but it just feels to me like that was done at amy's expense? it feels like shes denied the same development time and time again and i dont like that. i will be honest i don't like her as a person and that in part is due to her behaviour in s5 (i will never fucking forgive them for that scene where she confessed to the doctor it was so dumb and so deeply unpleasant but i digress) BUT i think shes an interesting character and wasnt done justice. like!!! the way i see it, she is contrasted with all the previous companions by the fact that shes not that great of a person. which isnt a bad thing! she had such a huge potential for growth but it felt like every time she learned a lesson she forgot it the very next episode or it just felt like it just didnt matter in the grand scheme of things. which i blame on the writing, in case that wasnt clear. great potential, terrible performance
4) and now for the loose threads.
4a) madame kovarian was such an intriguing villain and the sneak peaks we got of her only hyped it up but then i feel that just went nowhere? she served cunt for one whole episode where she wasnt even the main focus and then died. and im assuming she didnt REALLY die given this is doctor who after all but her participation in this season specifically was deeply disappointing to me.
4b) in the same vein, i really wish we could see more of melody and more specifically her upbringing and training. all that teasing of "the woman who murders the doctor" only for her to try to kill him for half an episode and suddenly become "one of the good guys" as soon as he makes sad wet puppy eyes at her?
4c) in the same vein (again) all the teasing of how river and the doctor meet and fall in love and then when she meets him for the first time they dont even get to spend any time together to bond and actually develop any real feeling for each other? and then they just get married for no reason other than it was teased? "i love you more than any living being in the universe" bold statement for a girl who met him ~twice~! it was all so intriguing but it just fell flat in the end.
4d) now dont get me wrong. i fucking hated the ending scene of mid season finale. "um actually all of this horror is your fault because you did too good of a job saving people so now people who want to do fucked up shit are scared of you and want to kill you. if only you didnt save all those people so good we wouldnt be in this situation!" like do you realize how ridiculous that is. even so! that literally didnt fucking go anywhere. was it just supposed to be a one-off guilt trip that never gets addressed again and doesnt change anything other than anger me? what was the purpose of that. it was said as if it was leading up to some huge character discovery moment for the doctor but then it just. didnt. he just left to look for melody.
4e) "i didnt want you to die without making you see how much people love you" yeah and. yeah? go on? oh? we're just leaving it at that? no old friends coming together to save his ass and yell at him abt how much they care about him? other than the justice whatever that we saw in ONE episode and who didnt even get any help from the doctor lending him their robot suit? ok.
4f) all that build-up to accepting your fate and being at peace with death (which like. we've already done all that with ten and i loved that arc but whatever ok lets do it again i guess) only for him to not die was. a little disappointing? i mean dont get me wrong im glad hes ok but it just felt empty bc it didnt lead to anything. and like again i LOVED the solution to that particular puzzle! of course the doctor lies and of course he'll find a way to cheat death again thats what he DOES but its just upsetting that that whole build-up was virtually for nothing
ok thats all for now. in conclusion, s6 was much better than s5 for me but still disappointing. hoping s7 will pick up!
as always i welcome any and all comments and discussion just be niceys to me
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iknowicanbutwhy · 2 years
Same anon from before, and I'm gonna kick things up a notch, now I'm going in the opposite direction where Wukong (who does have a history of an incredible temper and a catastrophic history of violence) who's so distraught and upset about Mac using his stufent against him and about MK training with Mac that after the fight Wukong lashes out and gives MK that wound before stopping to realize what he's done, but it's too late and MK has screaming and Mac *heard* it happen, and looking at Wukong with total disbelief and broken trust that a shadow portal opens up under and brings him to Mac, who's let down his glamor and has a scar from a similar wound.
AaaaaaAAAAAAAA NOOOOOOOOO and by no i mean YES YES but also AUGH WUKONG NO
Okay this goes for a while so i need a readmore
*head in hands* Wukong.. how would his and MK's relationship ever recover from that. I dunno if it would tbh. I feel like after that though, he'd either 1) hide away and wait for MK to come back, 2) do whatever he can to figure out what magical stuff and things he can get to fix MK's eye, or 3) seek out MK to take back his powers and staff before Macaque convinces him to enact some sort of vengeance and misuse those powers (which Wukong thinks he can understand why MK would do that and feels guilty and deserving enough to think it possible).
Or all three, not necessarily at the same time. Because this monkey may have a temper but DAMN was that Too Far For No Good Reason. He's supposed to be better and look what he did >:( but if his mistake leads to MK doing terrible things, he cant let that happen, and as sweet as Wukong knows the kid to be, its not like MK would go back to being trained under Wukong after losing an EYE. Probably. Definitely.
MK's most likely response would probably be shock, some disbelief, and then resentment, but not vengeance. He might feel guilty for a while, because it was him who went behind his mentor's back, but he'd also realize (and Mac would tell him) that he didnt deserve to be half blind because of it. He'd want to avoid Wukong more than anything, but if Wukong did try to take his powers, he'd fight back - because he still has to protect the city and his friends - and that would only exacerbate things further.
I like to think Macaque would certainly be empathetic, and a bit sympathetic, but im pretty sure the sympathy would be buried under the frustrating righteousness of MK not even trying to get back at Wukong. But hey, if MK begged him to train again (with less trust than before, but he doesnt have Monkey King anymore...) and Macaque actually agreed (probably trying to take the opportunity to convince the kid to share his power with Macaque or have MK fight Wukong with him) then... thats an opportunity for hesitant bonding time :)
For example: living with One Eye!! eh.... it's disorienting, your depth perception is suddenly gone (but kind of there through context clues), if your eye isnt healed yet you get headaches from moving around too much and sometimes from your other eye straining to pick up the pace (i cant remember the stuff i know about this), you may or may not have to sleep upright for a while - stuff i havent researched because if i click off my tumblr app my phone lacks the RAM to keep it open in the background. Fighting is harder, walking is harder, driving is harder. You have a literal blind spot and it's a little terrifying, especially when you dont notice someone is there. You ever do that embarrassing thing where you lift a utensil to your mouth and miss for no good reason (i do that with two eyes)? Macaque may have some tips to help adjust and a greater understanding than everyone else around MK, and thats always nice. Im pretty sure Macaque would encourage MK to use his ears more, especially on the blind side, even if it's easier for the Six Eared Macaque to do that than the two-eared MK.
But man.. the fight between Wukong and MK would be such a hit to MK's already bruised ego. Wukong would admit to his own terrible mistake, but he probably wouldnt even give MK a chance to (maybe not forgive but) move on from what was done because he'd probably shamefully assume he didnt, and then IMMEDIATELY proceed to demand MK renounce his staff and powers and MK is like >:O "NO!!! I- I need these to protect the city!" And Wukong is like "well sure, yeah, but I'll be taking care of that. We cant have you misusing your powers." And MK is all "But I havent been misusing them?? I've literally been kicking demon butt while you were hiding all the way at your mountain or disappearing wherever you want in the world or doing absolutely nothing to help the city." And Wukong is like "You've been watching the island??" When it's more like Macaque was and just telling MK about it because MK wanted to know whenever Wukong was in town so he could hide and Wukong gets all defensive before MK can talk like "Of course you were. Scheming with your new mentor, right?" And MK is like "No??? I didn't- I wouldnt DO that-" and Wukong interrupts with "just like you didnt do it before?" When he KNOWS that MK didnt purposefully work with Macaque the first time but he's getting defensive okay??
Id love to end the ensuing fight with Wukong getting genuinely angry again and that trips up and scares MK BUT. Wukong manages to hold back. He's not there to hurt the kid again, he's there to stop him from hurting himself and anyone else. Which is a bit ironic, because MK's friends most definitely joined in on the fight and got DEMOLISHED, but they're not missing any eyes (or limbs for that matter) and that makes MK SO relieved yet guilty that they'd been put in that kind of danger to begin with. But Wukong definitely made use of MK's blind spot and that definitely hurts, actually, but is also infuriating.
Oh wait how do i end this where the hell is Macaque.
Macaque kept out for the most part, feeling it was necessary to have this play out. Not that it was exactly easy... but he does yoink the kid out of there when Wukong corners him and very nearly takes his powers. And if any little MKs were in denial of just how far Wukong would go to do what he thinks is right (no matter how wrong he is), the good news is that Wukong had to remove the limiting seal on MK's powers that made him less than immortal first, and that achieved two things: 1) MK saw for himself Wukong reaching inside of him to rip out the best defense he has for the city and his friends, and 2) MK's powers remain unlocked when Macaque yoinks him out of there. And so commences the comfort portion of the hurt/comfort that this entire thing seems to be. I always like to think that Macaque is rather awkward when it comes to reassurances. He seems like a guy better at throwing out the harsh, twisted truth and a guy good at giving out platitudes, but he tries.
After that fight, MK and Macaque both realize that the King isn't going to let this go. Before Wukong showed up, MK had a choice between fighting with Macaque and hiding for a little longer, but now he doesn't even have a choice. It's fight or lose.
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faerociousbeast · 2 years
hinata has a lot of inner strength though and supported naruto from the beginning more than sasuke
where did you even come from.... anyways i did say id offer asks like this a little of my time from now on since you seem to have difficulties with your brains when viewing the series yourselves so.
inner strength? i imagine youre referring to her attempting to train herself and then literally not getting anywhere. i do not doubt canon! she did Attempt to do that. however, that isnt really a basis for claiming her external status either.
and no see this is my biggest problem with you people. stop claiming things and giving her credit for things shes never done! admiring is not the same as supporting. she did not hate him ever! this is true!
however, when did this ever HELP naruto? this is where you all seem to get rather confused. heres the thing- she didnt. she never approached him, she never offered him a connection, and youre welcome to equate this to her "shyness" and timidness but then youll have to admit she did Not Do Those Things. and that her so called "kindness" didnt help him when he actually needed it.
he didnt even know she existed. this is not his fault. hinata never made an attempt to let him know she existed. it is NOT his fault for not "loving her back" or "being dense" or whatever the fuck the last claimed, just bc she didnt actively hurt him. inaction ≠ kindness holy crap how many times must i repeat this
she literally just stalked him everywhere and that was kinda it how was he supposed to fucking know???? she only publicly supported him AFTER EVERYONE ELSE DID AS WELL. that does not help, and you need to stop claiming it did.
she never really seemed to see him as just another kid, who was suffering, and that her "support" could possibly help him at least somewhat. she was perfectly content following him everywhere hiding behind things and using his pain to make herself feel better. about her "inner strength" or whatever you said.
but this, is NARUTO helping HINATA from a young age, and he barely even knows of her existence. hinata never did jack shit for him for. pretty much the first 16 years of his life at least, aka the most tough times for him. but HE, was her main inspiration to "get better" WHICH AGAIN ISNT BAD! but stop claiming she did anything in return! she fucking didnt! where is this kindness you speak of?
also you really shouldnt have brought up sasuke. cmon man. this has gotten rather long oops.... but still. just go read the manga again? watch the show maybe? this is also canon ten times over thyeve said it to each other sooo much. they were rivals because they didnt know how to approach each other with friendship. they were EACH OTHERS goals this was not onsided.
if she was so shy, there were MANY options other than fucking stalking someone in a more unfortunate situation than your privellged self everywhere! this is NOT KINDNESS.
he does not owe her JACK SHIT! just bc she "supported him the longest" whats with this weird trend of loving people is suffering and you must force yourself through it or something? what
and if you wanna claim pain arc is super romantic, w hinata throwing herself in front of naruto to say something, sasuke did that too all the way back in land of the waves 💀💀💀💀💀
except he literally did not have time to think (my body moved on its own), he did not have an entire group of people telling him to not interfere as itd only make things worse, he did not think it over and then do it out of SELF PROCLAIMED SELFISHNESS, his actions here were actually REMEMBERED???????? FOR ONE THING??
"more than sasuke" my ass 😭 naruto was so happy nd shit when sasuke was acknowledging him. he finally had someone who understood his pain and didnt judge him. he had someone to train with and inspire him to get better too. but even in again, the WHOLEASS MOVIE they made for a WHOLEASS MARRIAGE, he still looks so sad with her 😭😭
narutos a nice dude and im sure he'd agree with you on the first part! but just. anyways. i dont know what you thought the point of telling me was? i doubt this will affect your opinion, and youll never change mine, soo. see. internet arguments are useless. you legit cpuldve just scrolled down on my blog anyways if you needed an answer from me that bad
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my brother is such an entitled manbaby.
he constantly talks over everyone in any interaction and has to be right about everything because god forbid he be anything but an alpha.
i am literally afab and queer and this man has, on multiple occasions, tried to mansplain feminism and queer issues to me. i have dedicated many hours, days, weeks, months, years of my life to not only studying these two things but participating in that kind of life. im a feminist. im literally queer. i change my actions and wording to best fit because i know how important words can be. he talks just to talk.
ive barely seen him in months because hes always with his drama loving girlfriend, i mean, she literally defended the kardashians when i said they were garbage. she loves reality tv. she cant help but fight with another person whos usually in this house which is its own can of dumbass worms. shes nice to me but i barely know anything about her and i fear if i learn more ill probably hate her. i dont care that hes spending all that time with her, if it makes him happy, whatever. its just weird that ive basically said all of less than 100 words to him in months.
but honestly, even if we did hang out again, itll be the same song and dance as before. we only play what he plays. its only when he wants to cause god forbid he stop what hes doing for anyone else.
he says 'oh just come and hang out whenever!' but if i go down there he will just ignore me for his games and shit. god forbid he sacrifice a little of himself for me. ive been wanting to play the last chapter of a game with someone for months and hes the only person who ever played it with me and it takes ages in singleplayer. in another game he wont dare help me with a mission ive been needing done that i cant do on my own, cause it doesnt benefit him.
i dont think he even knows how to make more than a few dishes and he basically refuses to learn more, and i think ill probably see him dead before he dares make something that isnt ramen at home. he either eats out or insists our dad makes food and he throws a hissy fit if our dad doesnt make food or get food out.
man speaking of hissy fits, this man gets beyond pissed at every inconvenience. this is why hes a manbaby most of all. yelling, screaming, punching inanimate objects. he doesnt hurt other people directly but it ruins a mood pretty quick when someone throws a yelling tantrum over a game not working for 0.2 seconds.
he thinks the world revolves around him and refuses to entertain that maybe it doesnt. granted, our parents spoiled him when he was young, but i cant blame them. they went through something horrible around that time and simply didnt want him to suffer even though they were, and he still was cause it affected him too, but they didnt want that to ruin him. they were just trying their hardest to make sure he was happy.
its on him that hes an overgrown 12 year old. its on him that he doesnt dare take a look at himself and wonder if maybe he should tweak his personality just a little.
i say all of this over a seemingly petty recent happening, honestly.
i am miserable in my house. its a disgusting mess constantly and im always the one cleaning the worst parts aside from my dad and sometimes my other brother, though my other brother usually has to clean up after his kids, which is another point of frustration. i love those kids but its infuriating to deal with people who dont, and in this case, cant listen to you. theyre so young that english is mostly just sounds to them, theyre only just starting to learn how to speak. they cry over stupid shit, take off their diapers at every chance, and tear shit up. theyre the cause of most messes that arent in the kitchen, and even in the kitchen. outside of that stuff we are broke because of bullshit outside of our control, and i cant drive and dont have a job because im terrified that ill crash a car because its so overwhelming, or that getting a job will make me feel a way that i dont want to feel if i can help it, and i dont have any fucking real life friends, and barely any online ones anymore
all that to mean, i get no peace in my life. at every turn i run into something that makes me want to cry my eyes out and run away but theres no where i can run to. i hold tightly onto the smallest things that bring me relief, like my art, or the things i like to consume like shows and books and youtube videos about who knows what, and just. things i can control even a little. my room is the cleanest in the house in pretty much every aspect and i keep it that way with an iron fist.
and, to be gross, its nice to sit on the toilet and stare at my phone in the morning for a few minutes in a usually warm room that has very little going on (the most happening is trash on the floor.) and no ones gonna barge in and make me do who knows what instead of what i want. i know i sit in there a bit long but i mean, we literally have 2 bathrooms in this house, idc that you dont want to go into my dads room in the morning, just look the other way from him! hes asleep hes not gonna care!
and this guy who i have seen and talked to so few times in months, who i honestly at this point have wished would move out of this house for years for so many reasons, who made both times we went to six flags so obnoxious, one of them because he brought a fucking 2 year old to an amusement park in mid winter i mean seriously what the fuck did you think would happen,
he fucking tried to tell me how to use the bathroom? 'oh, stop being in there so long youre making people wait when they shouldnt have to' first off, theres two bathrooms, second off, i aint ever heard yalls asses fucking knock on that door to even tell me that someone was fucking waiting, and third off
shut the fuck up!!!!!!!!! im so tired of your entitled spoiled brat wannabe hillbilly ex military wannabe alpha ass. just shut up and move out already, jesus fucking christ.
asshole making me insecure about using the fucking toilet in my own home. ill fucking shit on your bed see how you feel about that.
theres an advantage to no one reading these posts on this blog that no one looks at. i really can say the stupidest shit.
plus, my family will never find this blog. none of them use tumblr, they would never look at the tags i use on this blog, and even if they saw this blog theyd never click on it. no one clicks on it, its a vent blog.
fuck you, brother. im sick of sacrificing myself for people who wouldnt fucking do the same for me. i got this mad over a petty thing but honestly it really is about the bigger picture. the picture paints someone id never associate with if i wasnt stuck with you by blood and household.
ill probably feel different later. i get so easily swayed by talking to people even though when im alone i always come to the same conclusion.
im fucking miserable here.
0 notes
dwaeki · 3 years
beomgyu as ur bf ! (random headcanons)
pairing: beomgyu x gn!reader
genre: fluff, comedy
warnings: none other than poorly written fluff, intended lower case and maybe some spelling errors :D
a/n: YET AGAIN I WENT WITH THE FLOW SO SORRY IF IT'S KINDA BAD- keep in mind that english isnt my first language thank you <3
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another one of my ults nfakjnglkejngr
you're dating a clown-
honestly, how do u even survive because he's actually so annoying
but he loves you though, i promise <3
an actual brat.
teases you a LOT !!! but never in a mean way.
if you trip over your own feet and fall, he's probably going to laugh at you, offering his hand to help you up but then quickly pulling it back to mess with you!
or if you accidentally drop your phone, spill some water on yourself, etc. he's going to tease you,
"y/n, what are you? a 3 year old?? you can't even walk without tripping, HAH, DUMMY!!!!"
loves to push your buttons to get different reactions out of you :D
he's quite empathetic though, so it's never his intention to hurt your feelings by poking fun at you.
if he notices that his teasing is making you uncomfortable or insecure he will not hesitate to stop,
making you feel loved and appreciated is his number one priority <3
he's determined to make you laugh, because when he hears you giggle... phew he's on cloud 9,
knowing the fact that he's the reason you're grinning from ear to ear is just such an ego boost :(
he will do anything to make you smile and i mean anything...
even if it results in him looking like a fool 😞
you two go grocery shopping together <3
honestly, he sometimes embarrasses you to the point where you regret bringing him with you in the first place 😐
like you've literally just entered the store and he's already whining, asking if you're done yet so you can finally go home and cuddle at once !! :/
it's usually just you doing all the shopping while he follows you around,
he's just there to assist you when you can't reach the high shelves‼️
the store you go to is pretty small and very close to your neighborhood, so you're basically familiar with everyone who visits it.
there's this one sweet lady with a kid around the age of 10, and beomgyu swears that "the child is a devil!!"
he has already made enemies... with a 10 year old-
you had to apologize to his mom multiple times because your 20 year old boyfriend couldn't stop bickering with her son.
he also helps you do your chores !!
he's very playful, hence anything can be fun if beomgyu's around :D even boring things like washing the dishes or cleaning your room (no offense to whoever likes it)
he turns everything into a game, a competition to be more precise...
"whoever finishes washing the dishes last has to buy the winner their favorite snack 😋😋"
even if he wins, he still ends up buying you the food of your choice, not letting you spend a single penny on him!!
he competes with you just to rile you up, making bets such as the one mentioned above to keep you determined, not because he actually wants you to do anything for him.
except giving him your undying love and affection of course :D
he's literally so clingy
you usually visit him at the dorms when he's not busy
the second he hears you knock on the door he's quite literally sprinting towards you
you can hear the members complain that he almost pushed them over
once your boyfriend opens the door, he engulfs you in a tight, bear hug™, picking you up and spinning you around, making sure he crushed every single bone in your body <3
the others just watch you get the air knocked out of your lungs in amusement.
speaking of the members, beomgyu always dreamed of you getting along with his best friends,
but once his dream came true he kinda wished it never did </3
you get along a little too well for his liking :/
how come you just laughed at one of yeonjun's jokes right in front of your toddler boyfriend?!?!??!
the entire night he either tries to crack as many jokes as possible to "redeem himself", glaring at an oblivious (and also mildly concerned) yeonjun from time to time
or he starts being poutier and clingier than usual, asking for a kiss every 5 minutes or straight up just dragging you to his bedroom and not letting you go until you cuddle for at least an hour
but in all honesty, he's so relieved that you and the boys are bonding !!
you having a good relationship with his friends is very important to him <3
he's not jealous at all because he knows that you love him and him only :)
he babies you to no end !! (even if you're older than him)
you do something as simple as drink water and he just coos at you
"AWW !!! you look so cute when you drink water like that :("
your number one fan!!!!!
hypes you up and brags about you to everyone <3
if you're wearing a new outfit he will notice right away and just stare at you in awe the second he sees you, won't forget to comment on how gorgeous/handsome you look ;)
also likes it when u compliment him back, it really means a lot <3
please keep feeding his ego he loves it when you notice small details, it makes his heart flutter
you two nap together a lot
if you're not the one for naps you just lay there, next to him, his arms wrapped around your frame tightly as he nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck, sleeping peacefully.
he looks so peaceful and cute when he's not annoying the hell out of you <333
you sometimes snap pictures of his sleeping state and then set it as your wallpaper/lockscreen :D
once gyu found out about your little antics he got extremely cocky
if you ever changed your lock screen to anything but him, he'd get all whiney, begging for you to change it back
also snaps a few pics of you sleeping/just existing peacefully and puts it as his so you two can have "matching wallpapers" <33
he also lends you his jacket if you're ever feeling cold
lives for how cute you look basically buried in his jacket, sighing in content as you're finally warming up a little
if you get tired from walking he's going to give you a piggyback ride <333
laughs and giggles as he lifts you up from the ground, your chest flushed against his back as he carries you to your destination :)
if you did something that upset him and he's scolding you he's just gonna:
"y/n, you're such a dummy!" *holds your hand* "that was very careless of you," *kisses your forehead* "i want you to know that i am very angry at you." *cuddles you aggressively*
while most of your dates are at home,
amusement park dates are very common as well :D
you go on various roller coasters, circular rides, take a few breaks in between and get ice cream or cotton candy
but your favorite ride by far are the bumper cars!
you just race, crash into each other at full speed or get into the same car and absolutely destroy your competition !! (the competition in question are just a bunch of 7 year old kids trying to have fun)
he seranades you :(
learns a bunch of love songs that remind him of you on guitar and sings them to you whenever you're able to hang out <3
he has a playlist full of love songs dedicated to you
offers to give you some free guitar lessons, if you ever want to learn how to play yourself :)
you both also have a collaborative playlist on spotify, along with playlists for each other you update regularly <33
when he's sleepy he's so soft with you :(
he's looking at you with hooded eyes full of love and adoration, you can tell that he's trying his best to stay awake for a little longer, but his eyelids are getting heavier by the second, his voice lower than before
"hey, y/n... you know i love you right? i love you so much that my heart aches whenever i look at you..."
pulls you in closer, if that's even possible, and holds you gently as if you were going to break if he wasn't careful enough,
probably leaves feather kisses all over your collarbone before whispering a one last "i love you" for the night and falls asleep.
yeah... thoughts are being thunk right now y'all-
he really loves you to the moon and back :(
overall your relationship is very chaotic and just.. weird in general.
good luck dealing w/his bs <3
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obsessive-ego · 3 years
Jack it to a jacket nsft
Masterbation, voyeurism, you know how I am
Musical beetlejuice x fem reader (reader has a vagina but uses they them pronouns)
Beetlejuice forgets his jacket and you use it while he's gone
Beetlejuice had announced to you he had to spend a few days in the netherworld for bio exorcist meeting or something, you really didnt get it, it's not like he actually had a job, all you knew is that he's been complaining about it since day one. That he had to leave the world of the living for a bit.
The day finally came for him to head out for his little business trip, you could tell the ghoul was less then thrilled to go, slight purple streaks graced his hair, you knew he wasnt too keen on being in the netherworld, the demon had such a fascination with the living, an adoration for living with you, going back to the netherworld, even for a few days was like heading back to work after a long period off, soul sucking.
"Alright Sugar" he starts adjusting his tie, his jacket resting on the arm of the couch "I'll be gone for a few days, try not to miss me too much~"
You give the ghoul a soft smile "itll be quieter for sure"  you try to joke
"Yeah..." he trails off, his playful teasing voice dropping along with his grin.
"I know this is gonna suck, but the sooner you get it started the sooner it's over with" you try to cheer him up giving the demon a light punch in the arm.
Beetlejuice's hue was now completely purple, you frown at the sight.
"You know doll, I'm being awfully selfish here, but, how bout ya give me a little sugar before I go?~"
You flinch at the suggestion, you wouldnt say you were shocked at this request, but you were.
"You're stalling"
"Come on babes, humor me, I gotta fill out paper work and deal with my mother, could REALLY use a pick me up~" he nudges you gently and gives a wink, hoping it'll soften you up, it does.
"Fine" you huff out, you grab the demon by the suspenders, yanking him to you level giving him a quick peck.
"No tongue on the first date?~" he snickers, as pink patches pop up in his mossy beard.
"...have a good trip" you utter trying to hide your embarrassment
"Oh doll I will, thinking about your soft lips~" the demon's voice drops to that low growl that never failed to make you warm in your lower areas
"Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Bee-"
You could NEVER make it to 3, the ghoul was always quick to slap a hand to your mouth, pulling you into a side hug.
"Trying to kick me out so soon sugar? So mean~" he chuckles, the ghoul pulls his hand from your mouth and you sigh.
Beetlejuice pauses holding you in this awkward side hug for a few minutes
"I know" he grumbles, he begrudgingly pulls away
The ghoul makes his way to the empty wall and draws his entrance.
Your living room wall opens up to the netherworld, it was always a rare sight to you, a little anxiety inducing, you freeze for a moment, but as the demon steps into the world of the dead you shout
Beetlejuice turns to you
"You forgot something"
The demon's eyes light up and in a flash he was infront of you, his hands cup your face as he slams his lips into yours, you jolt in surprise, as the ghoul pulls away he purrs "almost forgot my second goodbye kiss, thanks doll" and just like that he was gone, the netherworld was out of sight and you were alone.
"Your jacket" you whisper still alittle dizzy from his kiss.
The jacket he left behind spent a few hours folded neatly on the couch as you go about your alone time. Everytime beetlejuice was away you always took the opportunity to get some chores done, you liked the demon yeah, but he always got under foot, or he would be creepy while you tried to get things done. There were times where you were just doing the laundry, and the demon would just stare at you, no words, he just sat atop the dryer watching you like a hawk as you loaded the washer, it made your skin crawl and your stomach turn to have that much attention put on you, hell, you'd rather him be lewd and annoying then that.
As creepy as he was, that was just who he was, and you loved him, his awful charms, his terrible jokes, and his over all handsome, to you, look, wormed it's way into your heart and refused to let go.
Every kiss, every grope, every pet name he gave you dug you deeper into your affection. Though you were too terrified to confront him about your feelings, he was a literal demon, could he even share these feelings, let alone would he like you the same way, all in all you didnt want to ruin what the two of you had, friends, good friends.
You missed him, you really did, so what was the harm in wearing his coat, just around the house, and maybe smelling it every now and again, that wasnt too weird right? And it would be fine if you were to fall asleep wearing it right? There was no harm in it, but if beetlejuice was to pop in unexpectedly and if he say you wearing it casually youd never hear the end of it, and yet you never took it off.
It's been a few days since beetlejuice left for the netherworld, you were relaxing on your bed looking at memes trying to ignore how much you missed a certain undead bastard, hell you were wearing the jacket he left behind and stealing a small sniff here and there, beetlejuice never really gives you a time frame as to when he'd be back whenever he goes to the netherworld.
'Time moves differently when you're dead, and boy does it move, but it slows down when I'm with you babes' you shiver and try to swallow the lump in your throat that memory caused, the undead bastard was such a flirt.
You grew a tad lonely without your favorite dead guy, yes you used to live alone before beetlejuice barged his way into your home, but you have gotten used to him, you miss him when he's not with you, especially his no concept of personal space, how the ghoul's hands always found a home on your body, your hips, your waist, your shoulders.
You feel a familiar pulse between your legs, you try and ignore it, though your mind was reeling with old memories of beej touching you, you werent even scrolling through your phone anymore, just staring at the screen, thinking of the demon's strong callused hands running up and down your thighs.
"You win" you grumble sliding off your bed and crouching next to it, you pull out a little tool box. Opening the little box and revealing an average sized bright green vibrator brandishing a nice bulbous tip. You push the button on the toy's base and it buzzes to life, you smile, glad to see the barriers were still alive, it was too late for you to run out and get replacements.
You shimmy out of your pajama pants and panties before you hop back up on the bed. You remove the jacket giving it a deep inhale of its scent before placing it down next to you.
Your living room walls silently open up, letting in a thick fog of green reavling your demon friend, the ghoul knew it was late, late enough that his sweet little y/n should be dead asleep, as your living room rearranges itself back to normal the ghoul floats to your bedroom, excited to come snuggle up to your soft warm body after what felt like an eternity with dealing with his mother and newly deads with no sense of humor.
The ghoul freezes at the sound, standing in front of your closed bedroom door, you could be? He presses an ear to the door, the faint sound of buzzing and muffled moans could be herd.
In a flash Beetlejuice's hair and moss on his face turns electric pink.
"A welcome home present? For me? Oh dolly~" he whispers before snapping his fingers and camouflaging himself. Beetlejuice fazed through the door and froze at the sight of you, yes he has seen you touch yourself before, but this?
There you were Laying on your bed, propped up by pillows, shirt pulled up exposing your breasts, bottom half completely bare, pumping the vibrator he got you (as an apology for messing with your old one) in and out of your leaking pussy, with your face buried in his jacket, muffling your whining.
The ghoul could have blown his load from the sight alone, yes he knew you liked him, and yes he knows you want him, but this? This was dirty, this was naughty, smelling his clothes and jerking off? You were just as horny as him, not really, no one is, but he'll take this.
"And here I thought only I had a scent fetish" he chuckles making his way to the end of the bed, plopping down to get a good view of your soaked vigina, he was fixated on the speed you pumped the toy in and out of you. Beetlejuice fumbled with his fly, pulling out his semi, the ghoul licks the palm of his hand, coding it is a nice layer of saliva before wrapping it around his cock. Beetlejuice starts off slowly, but it isnt long until his pace matches yours, imagining the toy between your legs was him, god slash satan he envied that peice of silicon.
"Beetlejuice" you whine bucking your hips up to meet the vibrator as it slid back in, you take another deep inhale of the jacket's scent and whine, beetlejuice groans in response.
"Such a dirty little thing, fuck- I expected to come home and see ya sleeping it in, ah- but this? Oh babes, I would have left it behind months ago to, oh god- to see you like this" the ghoul babbled, he really didnt want to finish before you, he wanted to enjoy this show for as long as possible.
You were absolutely lost in your little activity, using you non dominant hand to hold the demon's jacket to your nose, the scent drove you wild, you could imagine beetlejuice driving his cock into you over and over again, the idea of him fully dressed fucking you while you were completely naked made you tremble.
“Oh my god Bee, fuck, yes, please, fucking oh my god I want you to…Beetlejuice fuck…” you babble as you begin to pick up pace with the vibrator.
The ghoul drools at the show you oh so kindly are giving him, hearing you moan out his name, oh how he loved that sound, it wasnt the first time beetlejuice herd you moan out his name during your 'alone time' but it still made his toes curl as though it was.
Beetlejuice growls through his teeth, he was almost there, seeing you use his jacket in such a way was better than he ever could’ve imagined, yes he dreamed of you using his things for sexual satisfaction, he just thought he'd never see it.
Beetlejuice found that trying to keep the pace with you was growing too hard, he needed to finish, he needed you to finish. He didn’t want to cum before you, he needed to see you cum while using his jacket, he needed the image of you using his things to cum to be carved into his brain.
Thankfully, Beej is good at edging, this wasnt his first day being a peeping Tom, and it wont be the last, it wasnt easy, but he could do it, watching you whine and buck your hips because of him, sure made it a challenge though.
You were almost there, you stop pumping the toy, only for a second, to crank the vibrations to the higher setting, your hips jolt up as you press the jacket against your face muffling your screams, with the intensity up you were ready for the home stretch, you begin to move the toy again, in and out, imagining it was the ghoul you oh so loved. You could just imagine beetlejuice pressing you into the mattress with every thrust, all the dirty things he'd be saying to you, praising you for how well you take his fat cock, growling, biting, you couldn't take it anymore, you felt like you were gonna explode. God you wanted that smug bastard so badly, you loved him so much, you moved the hand holding the jacket against you face and brought it to your vagina, as one hand pumped the vibrator the other played with your clit. You groan through your teeth at the added simulation, if only you could see the demon infront of you.
Beetlejuice sat before you, jaw dropped, tongue hanging, drool dripping down his chin, panting. His cock was throbbing, leaking pre cum, he was ready to burst, honestly he surprised he hasn't yet, watching his y/n go to town on their pussy. Beetlejuice watched ad you hips bounced, and your toes curled, he could finally get a good look at your face, you were tearing up.
"Feels good doesnt babes? Wait till you get the real deal~"
"LAWRENCE!"  You shout as your hips buck upwards, just then, something new happened, you squirted, thought you didnt notice, you were too busy, head lulled back, panting, and using the soft buzzing of the vibrator to ride out your orgasm.
But beetlejuice on the other hand saw, he saw you squirt when you called him, when you called him by his first name, a name you rarely used. The demon blew his load shortly after your little finale, an image that will always be treasured by him. Beetlejuice wipes the cum off his hand on his pant leg, and slides his now soft cock back into his pants. He watches you lay there for a moment before you gingerly sit up, reaching forward to turn off the vibrator and remove it from you, you flinch doing so, still tender. You give out a yawn and toss the toy on the floor mumble how you'll deal with it in the morning, adjusting your shirt to cover hour chest you slide under the covers, in minutes you were asleep, holding his jacket oh so tightly.
Beetlejuice envied the garment, and as much as the ghoul wanted to slide in next you now, he couldnt, you were naked from the waist down. But you did leave him a tasty snack, so he couldnt be mad at you. Beetlejuice snatches up the freshly used vibrator, still warm from your touch, and vanishes
"Good night y/n" his voice purrs in your ears,
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hxneekyuu · 3 years
accidental kiss || tsukishima kei, ennoshita chikara, miya atsumu, lev haiba
request :  Hey Can I request a headcanon or one shot with Haikyuu characters (any of your choices) having an accidental kiss with their crush, you know, the cliché romance scene in drama's where the girl fell and male catches her and end ups kissing, or something when the girl turn around not noticing the close distance between the male, and their lips touches. Anything that is accidental
warnings : miya atsumu, Suna Gets a Haircut
a/n : so i did one of those random hq generator things bc i could only decide on one boi and that was tsukki,,, the results made me laugh so here you go -- btw these are all gonna be pre-dating bc thats just wonderful we love that
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tsukishima kei
this is definitely all tsukkis fault
you two are at your house just vibing and at some point you head into the kitchen to make food
and hes leaning against the counter right in front of the cabinet you need to get to
but he has the audacity not to move the fuck outta the way when you tell him you need to get past 
so youre like ok fuck it and just reach around him to open it 
but the bowl you need is pretty high up so youre like on your tippy toes tryna get the damn thing and hes just sitting there watching you struggle 
instead of helping you like he isnt damn near 6′3″
but riiiiight as youve got the bowl, you end up grabbing it a little too forcefully and you bring like a million dishes down with it 
so ofc even though he definitely deserves it, youre not trying to concuss the poor guy with literal ceramic dishes raining down on him 
so you kinda lunge forward to stop them all from falling 
and, hearing the crash of dishes over his head, he naturally ducks because he doesnt want to die
honestly,,,, its more of a crash of your noses and foreheads but theres such chaos of like,,, trying not to die?? 
that at some point you just feel his mouth on yours and it deadass just stays there while you both are figuring out what the hell is happening 
eventually he kinda pulls back but only a little bc he knows youre struggling to hold onto the dishes and he doesnt wanna screw that up
and he doesnt even say anything he just reaches up awkwardly and helps you set the dishes back on the shelf
and then he grabs the bowl youd been trying the get the entire time and hands it to you with a completely blank face 
its a very awkward dinner im not gonna lie
mostly bc at some point he just starts cracking jokes about it and refuses to acknowledge it seriously bc he sucks
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ennoshita chikara
ennoshita’s taking a break from studying with the second years on the team
mostly bc he never gets any studying done with them 
so youre studying together for a test at his house
and its just been many many hours of studying so ofc youre both exhausted
so its not surprising to him when you just pass out on your notes
but the thing is,,, your heads right on top of a sheet that he needs
and for a while he just kinda studies without it
he studies other stuff and tries to remember it on his own so he can fill in the gap in his notes
but eventually hes like fuck i really need these notes
so he just,,, tries to slide it out from under your head really carefully
and it involves a lot of him getting really close and trying to lift your head and a bunch of really soft cute things that would be super embarrassing for him to be caught doing
like,,, if you happened to wake up
which of course, you do
and youre really confused bc you can feel his breath fanning over your face and his eyes are really close but not focused on you, theyre focused on smth under your face
so you lift your head to see what hes doing
but he freaks out and moves his face when he notices youre awake
and its just a litto brush of your lips over his as your faces are passing each other
but the poor bub jumps back like you just shocked the crap out of him
and then he apologizes for like the next ten minutes and its impossible to get back to studying bc youre both just panicking internally
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miya atsumu
this literally happens like it does in the movies
it all starts with a chase scene
that really you should never have been a part of
youre just minding your business walking down the hall after school on your way to get your stuff
and its pretty empty bc you had a club thing so its late afternoon and no ones around
and you just hear it
men screaming
and then he appears, barreling around the corner like his life depends on it
and youre like
this cant be good
and when he sees you hes yelling out for you like HELP ME 
but you somehow always manage to get caught in the miya twin antics so youre like
fuck no im out
but apparently youre not out bc atsumus grabbing your arm and dragging you behind him yelling smth about scissors and a haircut
and when you look back you just see suna rounding the corner, half of his little triangle haircut chopped off so he looks like a sad half onigiri,,,
but you know it was atsumu and that this man is definitely dead when suna catches him
so youre like okay fuck it i guess im helping him AGAIN 
and you get outside to a section of the school where theres still sports teams practicing and lots of people around so you hide in a corner together
but the Suna Energy is approaching so atsumu fuckin freaks and does that cheesy movie thing where he ducks his head down so he wont be seen 
but theres like a group of guys passing by and one of them just bumps into atsumus back and that shit just sends him right into you
and all he can think is “oops”
he only has one brain cell give him a break
but he just stalls completely and forgets about the whole suna thing
but ofc his hair is fucking piss yellow and suna has not forgotten
he ends up totally getting his ass beat  but after that little smooch atsumus definitely a bit keen to see you more often 
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lev haiba
i fucking love this gif look at the litto shoyou go
this tall babie does not know the meaning of personal space he has no functional understanding of a Bubble
honestly he probably gets dangerously close to kissing you on a regular basis, considering you’re seatmates in class
he’s just ALWAYS in your space
at first he’s probably shy bc he doesn’t know you
but once you become friends he’s like THIS IS NOT YOUR DESK THIS IS JUST MY SECOND DESK
so every day there’s always one thing that’s super dangerous
last week it was him looking over your shoulder while you did work silently
yesterday it was him reaching across you to open the window on your left side
today he just really wants a bite of the bread you bought and are currently already eating
and when he wants smth, he gets Very Whiny
he’s so clingy and adorable that you can’t ever get mad
he’s like a little puppy how can you resist him
so when you’re finally like okay fine you can have a bite he’s like
he doesn’t even wait for you to tear off a piece he just leans in for a bite
but you had said yes while in the middle of biting it so he essentially does that thing where you’re both biting it at the same time
but, again, he doesn’t know what personal space means
so he also doesn’t have the ability to gauge distances well
so he straight up just meets you halfway and presses his mouth to yours while he’s biting down
the boi probably doesn’t even notice
he just pulls back quickly once he has his bite and goes about his life
you literally are going to have to tell him he just kissed you
and after that he’s a total fucking mess
he doesn’t know what to do he never knows what to do
he’s just going to keep causing Chaos while he panics
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guideaus · 2 years
Noo I love reading your Trigun thoughts cause I think you’re right about a lot of weird choices. I’ll try to get my words straight but I need to reread the whole ending (especially after the Overhaul finishes) because dark horse translations weird at times <3
We have all these supporting characters at the end that tell Vash that theyre there to fight with him, that they believe in his values, that hes the only one who can stop Knives. None of them are telling Vash what he needs to hear. He isn’t forgiving himself and moving forward because he thinks he deserves it, that he did his best and can move forward, but because it’s necessary to save people. And even though he decides to save Knives in the end from the earth ships… that still isnt a decision to save himself. And then he goes into recovery for months where no one would have helped him, and his brother fucked off without a word while he was asleep so no closure on THAT mess. and Vash is still to blame for things that arent his fault and surrounded by people who claim to love him but dont know him at all besides the plant feather memory thing? I dont know where I was going with this but the ending makes me sad.
I guess we could read Vash continuing on and donning his mantle at the end as a kind of self acceptance… that he was able to move past it at all. But that would make most of his turmoil over killing legato and all the people that died from Knive’s crusade off page. If Wolfwood had lived, had forgiven himself for what he felt he had to do to survive, maybe he would have been there for Vash after Vash killed Legato to set him straight. I don’t think Wolfwood living would have cheapened the story in any way—but I dont know -v- god I just want one person Vash is close to to understand him and help him accept himself. Anyways sorry for sending so much jdjfj, dont feel like u have to respond to this. I just like reading analysis from folks who dont feel like the ending was perfect/ that things couldn’t have gone any other way.
Oh, thank you, I appreciate your ask! And yeah, I could definitely do with a reread of trigun, too, lol. And don't apologize for sending me a message, i like reading what you write, i liked your one post abt elendira, too :)
I agree a lot with what you said about vash near the end of the manga. It'd be very out of character if he suddenly just said "fuck it, you all can die." after everything that's happened (that'd also play into what knvies wants), so of course he goes to try and single-handedly stop knives (and legato), even if it's all pushing himself to exhaustion, but he also kind of isn't really included himself in those he wants to save. I've thought before about if someone had to die in trigun, if vash would fit, and I don't think it would, because he had been suffering throughout the whole thing and a sacrificial moment wouldn't have done him justice considering he already has little regard for himself, and is trying so hard for everyone else.
The series after he's imprisoned has a moment where the human characters are fending for themselves, and pushing to help vash, but it's in kind of weird way... like it is understandable only wolfwood could have saved him, but i think there could've been a longer break after that arc, and then also later after vash fights legato. livio, milly, and meryl (and others i don't really remember lol... i think) help defend themselves, but then i don't think anyone really is literally helping vash after his fight? like they do wait for him to regain consciousness, lol, but he kinda gets a never-ending queue of things he needs to do, and only he can do it. i think there being some alternative to how the problems then get solved could have made it a bit better, lol. idk how i'd change knives' end actions, though, lol.
But yeah, vash is spirited away and isolated again with family #3 or whatever, then is basically thrust into basically the same situation as the start of the story, except he's now got a dead brother, and people from an entirely different planet also are blaming him... his guilt, self-loathing, etc., were not resolved, but this time he's lost all his inhuman abilities after defending these people that want him dead. i think nightow tried for that kind of cliché (?), nostalgic, "its just like the beginning!" thing, and milly/meryl were comedy relief, but being sentimental would've been more impactful. the fucking earth ppl being like "vash BAD" and then gunsmoke's people (especially meryl, milly, livio, etc.,) automatically defending him would've been nice to see instead of both gunsmoke and earth being like "lets fucking get that mf" with milly and meryl making light of it on the side, lol. like trigun ends w vash running into the sunset, and it's portrayed as a pretty/final thing, instead of recognizing that him originally doing that wasn't a good thing, he was alone, and being hunted, and blah blah
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Just been thinking about the scene in "Gorizilla" where Adrien jumps off the skyscraper and Gabriel is forced to show some emotions while writing another post and I... I just-
Gabriel you selfish dick, what the hell??
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I was just as glad as everyone else to see Gabriel expressing genuine concern and fear for Adrien, it hit especially hard BECAUSE he was being Hawkmoth at that moment. But this
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I just noticed how much of a bastard thing this was of him to say.
Think about it. This situation came to be because Gabriel completely disregarded Adrien when he just wanted to ask his father the short but very important question (which Adrien made known) of getting to see his mothers film in the movie theaters and send him away to his room when he noticed Adriens ring again which led to him suspecting Adrien to be Chat Noir. Gabriel wanted to confront Adrien about it but because Gabriel literally treated him like shit Adrien run away to see it anyway to which Gabriel reacts by sending the Gorilla after him (go after him yourself jerk,YOU fucked this up). The Gorilla can't catch Adrien though so Gabriel chews him out and immediately akumatizes him so Adrien has to reveal himself to free himself so he can help Ladybug deakumatize him.
Well, things escalate eventually leading to Adrien jumping off a skyscraper at the same time Ladybug gets caught by Gorizilla leaving her unable to save him from certain DEATH and here we are now
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Adrien is falling to his death and Gabriel as Hawkmoth is literally BEGGING him to transform if he really indeed is Chat Noir.
Do you also see whats so genuinely fucked up about this scenario here? Let me repeat it:
Gabriel, the man who is not only the cause of all of this but also the one and only person involved who's is in complete control here, is begging ADRIEN, of whom he doesn't even know for sure if he really is Chat Noir, to transform to de-escalate his own fall to his death.
Gabriel Garbage Agreste, how DARE you start begging as if you were any kind of victim in this?!
Let me break it down just how much is wrong with all of this:
Even though Gabriel is fully aware that HE is the person in control here and is NOT sure if Adrien, who is literally about to die in mere moments, even has a definite way of saving himself, he's still putting the active "decision making" on ADRIEN. Who, let me remind you, can NOT hear Hawkmoth/Gabriel begging him to transform! Gabriel is making ADRIEN the one responsible for the outcome of this situation right now even though there is still the very real possibility that Adrien has no possible way of knowing that Hawkmoth is counting on him to transform BECAUSE HE MIGHT NOT BE A MIRACULOUS HOLDER IN THE FIRST PLACE!
It doesn't matter at all that Gabriel was correct with his suspicion because he's just immediately throwing all the responsibility he holds for this entire situation right off of himself, playing poor bystander father, when HE is the one who holds all the power and therefore should be the one immediately taking action in HIS chaos for which HIS SON is about to lose his life!
In addition to that point, let's talk about the ridiculous amount of time Gabriel let Adrien fall while just standing there waiting and begging.
Because Gabriel is not only asking Adrien to transform once, he's asking TWICE.
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There are 31(!!!) seconds beween Hawkmoths reaction to Adrien jumping and Ladybugs yoyo-string reaching Adrien and even though one certainly can make an argument here that the show time does not translate into the “real” time as well, but even if, there is no way in hell these 31 insane seconds would ever realistically come down to a number that isnt unforgivable long concidering the circumstances. And even then he's only letting Ladybug go to catch him because he hears Ladybug call to an absend Chat Noir for help, finally getting it through his thick skull just how close he is to having his own sons blood on his hands.
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Gabriel was willing to let his own, possibly innocent, son fall to his DEATH for this long for the off-chance of him revealing himself to be Chat Noir because Gabriel is unwilling or simply incapable of taking on the obvious responsibility he holds until things reach such unspeakable limits that he has to face reality for a moment so not everything goes up in flames.
But I'm not done yet. Oh no, definitely NOT.
Because even after waiting for so long he’s forced to let Ladybug go, this is still not the moment that convinced Gabriel of Adriens innocence. Its only after Wayham doubles as Adrien while Adrien transforms into Chat to join the fight that the sight of Adrien and Chat Noir at the same place eventually convinces him.
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Look at his face here and dare to tell me he wasnt still 100% convinced that Adrien could very likely be Chat Noir. Also dafuq kind of reaction is “Well, thats for the better” with THAT expression? That is NOT anywhere close to the relieved expression he SHOULD have had here! How much horrible stuff has already happened to Chat Noir at this point of the show? And THIS is how you react to the for-any-somewhat-resonable-parent GODSEND (but false) news that it wasnt your own flesh and blood you did this to? Yeah, you truly care Hawkbitch. Can someone please just call child protection services already?!
So even after this IMMENSE risk Adrien was not yet save from his supervillain father and neither was he Gabriels actual priority after “finding out” that Adrien is NOT Chat and he just put his CIVILIAN son through all of THIS. Which is exactly what happened in "heros day" part 1 and 2, where in part 1 he once again tells Gorizilla to protect Adrien, he is his "number 1 priority" but in part 2, after Adrien escaped from his akumatized bodyguard, Gorizilla is one of the giants Hawkmoth calls to himself but Gabriel has nothing to say to that. It was literally like he totally forgot about Adrien all together which is only made clearer by Hawkmoth later on straight up calling himself "a man with nothing to lose".
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Fuck you Gabriel, Adrien was literally never an actual priority for you and you proof it over and over again.
And apparently even a situation that proofs someones innocence in every possible factor will not be proof enough for Gabriel to accept that he was wrong if it was HIM who had to back down and take the needed action to de-escalate the situation and not someone else. Any situation that forces "weakness" of him and doesnt end with an undoubtable proof that 100% satisfies/clears his previous intention holds no worth in credibility for him, no matter how irrational or contra-productive it is to still cling onto it. Because Gabriel/Hawkmoth refuses to be the one having to back down and to be out-stubborned by anyone else. If he isnt the one tricking the others his paranoia and ego stop him from thinking clearly. Especially concering Gabriels and Adriens always worsening relationship, this is a bloody dark red allert for the future.
But besides that, lets talk about just how much of an selfish, self-centered and irresponsible thing is it of him to ask ADRIEN to pull the sacrifice in this moment?
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Adrien didn't refuse to transform for no reason. If he were to do it not only everybody in Paris would see it but HAWKMOTH as well and Adrien has no way of knowing that Hawkmoth at this point is not as much his enemy as he rightfully thinks and actually just wants him safe and sound right now. Adrien is perfectly aware that the moment Hawkmoth finds out about his identity he WILL take advantage of it, endangering his loved ones, friends etc (naturally including Gabriel himself as Adriens father as a big priority) and going after him mercilessly until he gets his ring. Adrien didn't refuse to save himself for nothing and that's important as hell!
Because here is Gabriel now begging Adrien to pull that exact sacrifice even though HE could stop this whenever he wanted, saving Adrien himself.
But he doesn't right away
And do you know why he doesn't?
Because stopping it required letting go of Ladybug and that could possibly lead to him losing the chance of getting her miraculous.
So this rotten insult to fatherhood wants to tell me now that he's a poor, poor father who fears for his dear sons life while basically asking ADRIEN to be the one to pull the bloody heavy sacrifice that will lead in Adriens eyes to horrible and devastating consequences for all of his loved ones and himself.
Just so Gabriel himself doesn't have to do it!
This is Gabriels default reaction by instinct. Gabriel are you FUCKING kidding me with this bullshit? How come I only noticed the fucked up second face of this scene now? I went so long actually giving Gabriel some legit credit for this but in reality this is beyond 7 stars of awful.
Once again, I applause Miraculous for this nuanced charactersation. This is what I will forever and ever love this show for and its fine to portray this because it obviously leads up to something
So let me say this with every inch of my heart:
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