#this line kills me dead everytime
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Pairing - Tommy Shelbly x oc
Summary - Deirdre ran from her life of misery for her own safety. However, she managed to run back into the arms of an angel she once knew, now known as The Peaky Blinder Devil. In which he has no intentions of letting her run away from him again.
Warnings - Dark content, noncon, dub con, explicit themes, lovers to enemies to lovers, slow burn kinda, Tommy needs a hug.
Word count - 5.2k+
Notes - First chapter complete woohoo. Thoughts highly appreciated. And let me know if I should make a tag list.
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Arrow House, Warwickshire - Morning, July 23rd 1924
She was in his dreams. Or as he believed to be nightmares. Teasing him of her immaculate beauty that he so desperately longed to forget. In Tommy’s visions, he was running after her, chasing her like his life depended on it. But she was running in slow motion, the way that her silk brunette hair bounced in line with her steps. But Tommy could feel his heart pound in his chest, his throat dry as he was panting after her. So desperately trying to catch up to her. Right when he’d think he’d finally catch her, the light would shine brightly and she’d disappear. 
Every morning, Tommy woke up alone. He laid there, only for a few minutes reflecting on his inner demons conjured in his sleep. Every morning, he woke to the torturous hardness in his lower region. However, he refused to touch himself, refused to pleasure himself in the memory of her. 
It all started in the hospital. Tommy thought he was dead. All because he saw her charm, the sight that he had longed for, even after all of these years. She looked like an angel, her luscious hair rested on her shoulders as her light brown eyes blinked to him. His body missed her, but his mind, oh how it still despised her. That’s how he knew he wasn’t dead. Because he didn’t feel that warmth to see her again, to think of her. 
Somehow, she pushed him through his recovery. This urge to want to heal so he could finally take the journey to find her. In his hallucinations, he was back in the tunnels, face covered in dirt and smoke as he was crawling in hopes to finally reach her. Tommy heard her call his name down the hole. As if she needed him to save her. In his sleep, he called her name over and over again. “Deirdre…” It left him a desperate man who took morphine to numb his thoughts rather than his physical trauma. 
Tommy sat on the edge of his king size bed, his fingernails ran through his scalp, brushing over his healing stitches as he mumbled to himself, shaking his head lightly. He stood up and looked out the window, across the greenery of his estate. 
His wife had been shot. She took a fucking bullet for him. Tommy was still grieving, everyone knew so but wouldn’t dare to speak a word to him. There was no one else Tommy blamed but himself, his lifestyle killed a good woman, the mother to his only child. A woman that made him feel like a better person. Somebody that made him forget of his past affection, which was a dagger dug deep into his back. 
And how was he mourning her now? By getting fucking hard by his vex. By the woman that broke him, changed him into a monster that many now fear. She destroyed his happiness, and now he wished to never feel such emotion again. The woman that was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. She was the only person that Tommy showed his complete vulnerability to, he gave her all that he had, and how did she fucking repay him? Everytime he thought of her, it urged his desires to make her atone for her failures to honor him. 
Tommy changed into his suit and headed downstairs into his office as he slid his pistol into his holster. Polly was sitting by his desk, a cup of hot tea in hand as she turned her head to him. 
“Polly, what brings you here?” Tommy asked as he reached his desk for some forms in the draw. 
“Just checking up on you Tommy” she replied, a content look on her face.   
Tommy hummed with a nod as he stood behind his desk. He debated if he should tell Polly of his dreams, wondering if she’d be able to help him. But the thought of mentioning her name again, after all of these years lit the cold hearth in his body. 
Polly gave him a knowing look and Tommy couldn’t help but to mentally grin. He slid the papers inside of his pocket. 
“I’m dreaming of the past Polly” Tommy disclosed emotionlessly. 
A raise of the eyebrow. “Which past?”
His stern expression didn’t flinch at her act. “You know what I’m speaking of” Tommy responded as he lit himself a cigarette. 
“Yes, I do” Polly confessed. 
“She’s always been by your side Tommy, even though you turn your head from her. Keep your ears blocked from her cries” Polly sighed, looking hopeful in his doubts. 
“Because she so ever deserves my help” Tommy empathized, shaking his head. “She distracts me. Weakens me in my most vulnerable state. Why Pol?” Tommy asked, leaning towards her, his hands on his hips. 
Why did she come back to haunt him so menacfully now? After all of this time, why did she choose to torment him when he has so much on the line? For his business, his family, his future, his son. A part of Tommy hoped that she was dead. But feared that he would never be satisfied if he couldn’t find her. 
“Perhaps she needs you” Polly suggested, a slight shrug of the shoulders. The thought of Tommy doing such an act angered him.
“Fucking-” Tommy muttered, shaking his head at the thought of her.
“Where are you going?” She inquired. 
“To London. My brothers and I feel an urge to celebrate my recovery. It is our last night of freedom before we bury ourselves into this job” Tommy explained as he walked out of the room. “And tell her to get out of my fucking head!” Tommy shouted, shaking his head at the thought of her. 
“Perhaps you’ll be able to say it to her yourself” Polly mumbled to herself, sipping on her tea as she listened to the voices in her head. 
Oh how he hated her, the woman that he loved, but never actually knew. The one that split his soul in half. 
But after this last job, the security of a new life. Tommy would finally look for her, he would get her with the catchpole no matter where she was, no matter who she was. It was time for Tommy to kill his repressions which his last ounce of humanity discouraged himself from doing. 
Kensington, London - Almost midnight, July 22rd 1924 
Unphased, that’s how Deirdre looked in the backseat of the cab even though her thoughts were screaming. Her fingers played with each other as she noticed the driver looking at her through the mirror. Almost there, just a few more minutes, a couple more streets to turn down. All of the streets were dark and empty, Deirdre’s tired eyes blinked as the car rolled up to the address. She quickly paid the fee and exited the vehicle, the street lamp lit by the familiar berkshire bricked Edwardian house. 
It was late, too late for visitors but Deirdre felt too on edge to book a room. She didn’t know where could be trusted anymore, where was safe, her face was recognised in the high ends and targeted in the low. Deirdre held onto her small luggage bag in one hand and brushed back her silky brunette hair with the other. 
Deirdre was on the run, again. She had lost track of how many times she’s done it now. But she knew that this time, there was no mercy if she was caught. There was no forgiveness if she dared to go back to beg for it. The acts she had committed would result in nothing but a brutal death. Not even her father would excuse her behavior. She needed to be free, far away from the British lands. Deirdre dreamt of the sun and warmth in California. It could be a fresh start, a new life, the welcoming of peace and freedom.  
It wasn’t a guaranteed welcome when she rang the doorbell. It had been a few years since their eventful last encounter. They could have easily relocated somewhere else. But Deirdre had no other safe haven. The front porch returned to silence as Deirdre waited patiently. She saw the hallway light bright up through bay box sash windows. 
The door creaked open, Emily’s green eyes poked through the crack of the door. Deirdre sighed out and dropped her head in relief. The door opened wide as Emily looked her up and down, dressed up in her night robe and her blonde hair tied up into a bun. It took a moment for Emily to recognise her. 
“Deirdre! Why- What?” Emily was lost for words as she pulled her inside, safe from the chilly air.
Deirdre dropped her luggage onto the ground and embraced her intensely. The first sign of care that she had gotten in the past few months. As she blinked back her tears, Deirdre shuddered against her friend. But quickly straightened her posture and plastered a mask on her face. 
“Come, come. Sit down, I will make us some tea” Emily ordered politely. 
Deirdre was led into the reception room and Emily helped her slip off her overcoat and hung it on the hook. Her eyes looked around the room, Deirdre couldn’t help but to feel slightly envious of the family portraits on the wall. However, this silence was tranquil. 
Deidre sat on the two seater couch with her legs crossed over as she anxiously patted her hair. She adjusted her cream corsetless dress and tugged down at her sleeves. Emily walked over with tea, a small hopeful smile on her lips as she poured the boiling liquid into her aynsley teacup. Deirdre looked out the window, the moonlight shone through the sheers. 
“It’s been forever” Emily acknowledged as she poured the tea into her own teacup.
“It has” Deirdre replied politely, her southern Irish accent still as strong as Emily remembered. 
They spoke quietly, Emily’s young children were asleep in the other rooms. But also because Deirdre felt on edge that there were ears in the walls. 
“A part of me never expected to see you here again” Emily hesitantly admitted, her eyebrows jumping at the memory of the last time she saw her.
“Yes, I certainly thought the same” Deirdre retorted as she sipped on her tea.
There was a silence as Emily waited for Deirdre to spill her guts. But Deirdre was holding back, because if she cracked, the great deal of her despair would crash down her masquerade.   
“I apologize for arriving so late, and without notice. Is Max home?” Deirdre raised an eyebrow. 
“Work in Germany” Emily nodded. “There is no need to apologize, I promised you a safe spot and I’m glad that you’re here” she assured gently.  “Will you be staying for long?” Emily asked.
No she will not be. Deirdre needed to be far from London as soon as she could. Her husband never knew the depths of their friendship, the arrogant bastard hardly remembered her name, but if he was to become suspicious of her whereabouts, Deirdre needed to be gone without a trace. 
“Just for the night” Deirdre promised. “I merely needed some advice” she nodded. 
“Which is?” Emily asked nervously.   
“I need to do something, in order to free myself from this life. I could only gather so much on such short notice. All I know is how to run with nothing and it’s always gotten me caught. I need to figure out a way to get ahead” Deirdre explained, the steam of the tea warmed her cold lips. 
Emily hummed and set her tea down on the table. She was an honest woman, who married an honest man and they lived an honest life. However, Emily wasn’t always honest, she was clever in her acts, a true damsel in distress when needed be. 
Deirdre sighed heavily and blinked her weary eyes. “I’m tired Emily, so, so tired. I cannot rest, I cannot live. My body can only take so much. If my life of burden is not taken by another, I fear I will do it myself” Deirdre promised, her expression dry of humor. 
“I can-”
“No” Deirdre cut her off, her hand raised in warning. 
“Max would have-”
“No” Deirdre reinforced. “Being here already makes me feel guilty and nervous enough. I need to be gone within the next day. He will be coming for me if he is already not” Deirdre elucidated, her expression stern but her eyes showed how terrified she truly was. 
Emily sighed and batted her lashes. 
“Eden Club, no Scots or Irish are ever seen there. Most are rich, harmless travelers from America” Emily recommended. “Many are easily charmed by the native beauty” she added. 
“Who owns it?” Deirdre asked cautiously. 
“Ah-” Emily wondered, her fingers tapping on her chin. “Some Italian gangster, Sabini I recall” Emily confirmed, remembering the sight of the man on her spontaneous night a few years ago. “I will be able to get you some powder in the morning” Emily said. “Just be cautious who you choose” she raised her finger to her. Deirdre hummed and finished her tea. 
Shortly after, Emily led her to the guest bedroom and bidded her goodnight. As she stripped to change into her nightwear, Deirdre stared at the large bruise across her outer right thigh through the mirror. Accompanied by the many scars and small bruises all over her small fragile body. 
She crawled into the bed, her body immediately falling asleep but her eyes stayed awake. Her ears could hear the clock’s hands tick on the wall and her heart thud in her chest. All whilst she stared at the door, awaiting for someone to open it. 
When Deirdre finally drifted off into an uneasy sleep, she saw her brute of a husband chasing after her. She was running across an open field, but he was hot on her tail. Deirdre’s heart was in her throat as she heard his brutal voice call out to her, to summon her back to him. But Deirdre wouldn’t stop, she couldn’t stop. Refused to submit to him ever again. 
As she tripped on the ground, her body was flipped over and her eyes widened at the sight of him. Where did he come from? The warmth on his cheeks still looked the same after all of this time. A lopsided smile on his lips accompanied by his crinkles around those ocean blue eyes. 
His face was angelic, but she felt his claws dig into her shoulders. She squirmed underneath him, cried out for anyone to save her, but he was dragging her down the grass which had turned into the dirt roads of Small Heath by her ankles. Her body twisted over, her hands digging into the gravel, crying for salvation, for mercy. But she knew that she had to pay for her crimes against him. 
When Deirdre woke up from her nightmare, her body shot up as she was panting for air. She had forgotten about the man that she once loved. Yes, she heard his name at times in conversation, but they lived in different worlds. She always knew she was safe from ever crossing paths with him, her family would never dare to do business with him, nor go against him. 
The last she heard was his wife taking a bullet for him, her husband laughed and asked her if she’d do the same for him. But if she had the choice, she’d be the one to fire the gun at him, her dear husband. 
But to dream of him, after all of these years. Tonight of all nights. He was a changed man, ruthless, heartless, barbaric. It made Deirdre feel sick to her stomach, she ran to the ensuite and threw up in the toilet. As she flushed the toilet and washed out her mouth in the bassinet, Deirdre plodded back to the bed and laid stiffly. 
He was planted in her thoughts now, she needed to get out of London. Fearing that another wolf had picked up her scent and was ready to catch her like she was the helpless lamb in the field.  
Soho, London - Evening, July 23rd 1924
Tommy saw her stand on the straight wide road. The beaming sun warmed his pale skin as he studied her. He walked to her slowly, her back towards him as she wore a white dress. It was quiet, he felt the wind blow gently and heard his calm breathing. 
As he stood directly behind her, his hands brushed over her shoulder, up to the back of her neck. Tommy gently pushed her soft hair to the side as he pressed his mouth to her ear. He heard her breathe out, her body relaxed back up against his as he wrapped his arms around her. 
“Tommy…” she whispered. 
Tommy woke from his light sleep when Arthur and John bursted into the hotel room, bottles of expensive champagne in their hands and foul words dripping from their lips. There was a confident smirk on his lips, he sat up on the made bed and brushed over his suit, still fully dressed. They were pulling out the champagne glasses and popping open the bottles. 
Without a word, he headed into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. Tommy stared at himself in the mirror, his blue eyes wide and jaw stern. Arthur and John could be heard clearly, drinking piss and smelling snow, ready for their big night. 
“I feel you with me” Tommy breathed out slowly, his eyes shut. “Oh, how fate wants us together again. It demands you pay for your crimes against me” He sighed softly. “And I’d be a fool if I showed you leniency” he swore. 
Arthur banged his hands on the door. With a heavy blink, Tommy opened the door and gladly accepted the glass in hand. Through one gulp, the glass was empty. The brothers cheered Tommy on and quickly refilled his glass. 
They were oblivious to the thoughts that dripped out of Tommy’s mind. No one ever really knew what he was thinking of. He was an enigma, so difficult to analyze, purely emotionlessly at many critical times. Everyone always thought that Tommy never really cared about anything anymore, since the war, except for his business. 
Arthur wrapped his slender arms around his brothers and pulled them in close. “One last night as brothers, eh John? Eh Tom?” Arthur asked, a gleeful smile on his lips. 
“Of course brother” John nodded in content. 
“I feel this night will be one to remember” Tommy acknowledged and looked to his brothers dramatically.
"What is it Tommy?" John frowned with Arthur's expression following.
Tommy breathed deeply and nodded his head. "I've been dreaming of the past, and I dreamt of a wide straight road with the woman of my past standing right in middle of it. I feel her with me, she calls my name on this night" Tommy confessed.   
Eden Club, Soho - Night, 23rd July 1924
One drink, two, three, four? Deirdre lost count on how many drinks she allowed this American lawyer to purchase her. The plan was to get him knocked out, not her. She needed to slow herself down, the eagerness to rob him blind had her high on alderline. The thrill of breaking free, running away for good was too much for her mind, emotions and body to handle. 
She had been throwing up all day. Every second she wasted brought her husband a step closer to her. The powder was hidden in her purse and Emily was correct. It wasn’t hard to seduce an American. Jack was assertive, clearly up himself. He had daddy's money to lean on anyways, he had security. She did not. 
It was hard to hear any form of conversation over the jazz music echoing around the walls. As her eyes darted around, she saw everyone was either intoxicated or high on the sweet melodies. Nobody was watching her, Emily was right, she was safe. 
Deirdre’s fingers traced around the rim of the martini glass as the melodies calmed her nerves. The conversation Jack made was muffled, Deirdre’s mind miles away from reality. His hand brushed through his blonde hair as his eyes undressed her. 
Deirdre truly was a sight for sore eyes. If she was on the streets, people would stare. That did not please her husband. The many that knew of his nature, forced themselves to look away. Hearing the many tales of what happened if he felt a slight bit of jealousy. A need to ensure ownership over her.  
The navy silk v neck dress curved her petite body perfectly. A parting gift from Emily, a token of good fortune. Only time would tell if Deirdre still had it in her. If her confidence had not been completely broken. She felt the pearl necklace, she'd sell it as soon as she was free.
Jack leant over to her, a seductive look in his dark brown eyes. She could smell the alcohol on his breath and it made her feel nauseous. “Later, I want to bring you back to my suite, and fuck you all night” he confessed, a confident smirk on his lips. 
Drunken men were always foul. Focused on the outside of a woman and did not care to know who she was. He hadn’t asked a single question about her all night. But that made it easier for her, faded her upcoming guilt.   “Jack my darling, you haven’t even asked me for a dance yet” Deirdre teased with a toothy grin.
“Oh, there will be plenty of dances, Cassidy” he promised, his arm snaking around her back. 
A simple alias just for Deirdre’s comfort. Deirdre chuckled as she watched him finish his glass, she needed him to only have a couple more. Then she’d politely accept his invitation over, suggest one finally drink and slip in the powder. It would all be over before midnight. She’d catch the overnight train to Liverpool and board the boat to America by the end of tomorrow. 
The band came to a sudden stop, the audience’s heads turned towards the three men that strode through the dining. All three of them wore peaked caps with large overcoats as they walked tall. They approached the stage and Deirdre couldn’t help but to feel her heart thud harder in her chest as this suspicious tingle crawled over her skin with her light brown eyes glued onto the men that felt too familiar. Deirdre’s heart froze when the man in front came to clear sight as he took off his cap, revealing his harsh undercut styled brunette hair.  
Thomas Shelby. 
Her face went numb when his pale hands wrapped around the microphone, ears clogged as his words fell deaf yet she remembered the sound of his deep, captivating voice perfectly. The two other men, which she quickly recognised to be his brothers, Arthur and John, stood with their chests puffed out, arms locked across shoulders and stern expressions. 
Deirdre’s heart pounded in her chest like a wild animal desperate to escape its cage. Even though her head was frozen in line to his speech, her eyes were darting around, already planning her escape. The room was full, surely his blue eyes would not be able to point her out in the depths of the occupied round tables. Let alone recognise her after all of these years. 
How could she have been so foolish? The massive city of London had never felt smaller than tonight. She had heard his name many times and every time it felt like a stab in the heart. He had made a name for himself, built an empire in that fire and brimstone city. Just like he always said he would. Her father and dear husband already hated him, gypsy bastard. Every day she prayed for their obliviousness to her heavy past with him.
It felt like her soul was pulled out of her body when his blue eyes landed on her. His mouth fell ajar open as his long lashes batted, head gently tilting to the left as he acknowledged her, remembering her thoroughly. The brothers noticed his pause and looked towards her as well, she couldn’t help but to cower slightly. The rest of the room was oblivious to the stare off between him and her. 
“And now, shall we dance?” He suggested it in a slow and challenging manner. One hand snapped to que towards the band and the other gestured towards his brothers.  
The sounds of jazz roared against the walls as everyone abruptly stood up. A deer caught in headlights, that’s how Deirdre felt at first. As she watched him walk down the stage, his eyes still on her. The brothers were already out of her sight. 
She snapped back to reality when Jack’s fingers traced over her bare shoulder. Deidre gulped hard as she quickly stood up, nervously brushing through her dark loose brunette hair. 
“Sorry, I, I suddenly don't feel too well” Deirdre admitted, which was actually a lie, but the implication went in the opposite direction. 
“Nonsense! I haven’t even gotten a single dance with you yet” Jack acclaimed with a charming smirk, his arm wrapped around her shoulder. 
Her eyes shot towards the stage, he’s gone. 
“I’m so sorry, I really must go” Deidre quickly spoke, her voice trembling as she yanked herself out of his grasp. 
She heard him rebut, however she was already heading straight towards the large doors as she zigzagged through the crowd. Unfortunately, her poorly planned escape route had quickly soiled, she spotted Arthur and John standing on opposite sides of the exit. They were always loyal pawns in his game. There was a pause in her movements as her eyes shot around, her body covered in pins and needles. 
She’d escape through the workers quarters. But as she turned in a hasty measure, her small body smacked into another. The arms that she had felt years before wrapped around her possessively as he steadied her stance. There was no doubt who it was, no hope for it to be another. 
“My dearest Deirdre, my sight has declined; however, my eyes will never fail to spot your beauty. May I have this dance?” Tommy asked with a stern expression but soft voice, head tilted down towards her as she kept her eyes on the floor. 
The coat he wore was gone, and she could easily feel his muscular frame hidden underneath the button up shirt, not to mention the pistol in his holster. His cold hand lifted her chin and their eyes locked. As she blinked slowly, her eyes glistering, she bit on her tongue. Tommy waited patiently for her next move. 
Show no fear. 
“If I knew that the Eden Club was in your possession I would have steered clear. We can pretend that you never saw me” Deidre negotiated confidently but her front failed when her body shook against his. 
Tommy laughed loudly as his arm around her waist tightened in a proprietorial manner. 
“Unfortunately we have unfinished business, you and I” Tommy replied coldly. 
“Please, surely you haven't held onto those emotions for all of these years” Deirdre chuckled presumptuously as she tried to push their bodies apart without gaining attention.   
Tommy grunted at her words and dragged her to the dance floor, his fingers dug into her upper arms. Surely he wouldn’t make a scene here. But then she’s heard many tales of him, the beast that he had become when he returned from the war.
“You’re in a considerable debt with me, my love. One that you thought would fade if you merely ran” Tommy growled. 
“I can get you your money” she winced at the sharp pain, not like it would even mean anything to him with how much his businesses bring in these days. When they passed through the crowded floor, she realized that he was leading her out of the lounge. 
“If you think your debt is based around money, are you still that naive girl from all of those years ago, eh?” Tommy smirked as he kicked open the double doors which led them into the kitchen. 
It was now or never. Deirdre shoved him away with full force and scrambled through the busy kitchen as she nearly fell over in her heels as she broke free. All eyes were on them but no one dared to move a finger in the wrong direction. As she roughly pushed past everyone, she tried to remain calm. 
Tommy grinned at the girl who loved to run. This night had taken an unexpected turn indeed for the both of them, her heart was pounding immensely as she panted in her heels. The first door she took led her to a hallway, the open exit to the streets on her right was blocked by two working men. Cigarettes in their lips as they watched her intimately, she bolted to the left. 
The next door she took, she didn’t consider analyzing, she locked herself in the small dark room which appeared to be an office. The moonlight shined through the sash window which she yanked up and looked down to the small drop, survivable but not without two broken heels. As Deidre laid her hands on the windowsill, her head snapped back as she heard the door unlock from the other side. There was no other option besides hiding. Deirdre found herself hidden underneath the wooden Lombardo desk. It was human instinct to cower, pray that she’d be able to run from her past demons.
The weighty door creaked open, and she heard his heavy footsteps on the carpet. Tommy pulled out a cigarette, the end of the stick brushed in between his lips as he lit it. “Oh Deirdre, my dearest” Tommy spoke loudly, his tone dripping of sarcasm, which made her stomach feel like a bottomless pit. He slammed the door shut behind him. “Why do you run? Why do you hide? From me of all people? You seemed to have forgotten the vows you swore your life on. The promises which are still owed to me. You ignorantly believed that fate would keep us apart? Oh but haven’t you heard the tales of the Peaky Blinder Devil?” Tommy spoke, his footsteps slowly approached her. 
The thuds in her chest were painful, her throat felt like the cold air around her was strangling her. He could hear her heavy breathing and chuckled silently. The Colt M1911 is pulled from his holster and he ensured that she heard the safety click off. 
“Once upon a time there was a boy. Who foolishly fell for a girl with a secretive past. They created a life as one. He protected her from the pure evils in this cruel world and how did she repay him? She robbed him blind. She ran from the boy that she loved and turned his soul black. She created the Devil of Birmingham. And tonight, the runaway has tripped over her bad deeds” Tommy teased as he leisurely approached her. 
With a turn of the corner of the desk, Tommy raised his pistol and pointed it at her forehead. Deirdre looked up to him with doe eyes and gulped down her nerves. “And now, you will repay your debts” Tommy ordered with a gentle nod. 
“I will do no such thing” she refused, her words sizzling in anger. 
Tommy knelt down to her level, his pistol pressed against her temple. Deirdre breathed out but didn’t fear, she’s been pushed and shoved too many times before to know when there was an actual threat on her life. 
“Yes you will. Because you’re still my property, my dear wife” Tommy smirked.
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heartfullofleeches · 10 months
everytime i see the name v you can be assured that i am going to butt in.
honestly, v is definitely the type to hire a hitman just because he got in an argument with someone. sure, he could deal with it by himself — but he is a lazy bum and has his... "priorities".
v meeting up with the hitman and immediately his jaw falls off. the most he was expecting is a bald man in shades and a suit, not an incarnate of a divine being!
v watching hitman aim their sniper on the victim — he can't help but observe the focus in your eyes and the steadiness and precision of your hand near the trigger. he praises the beauty of your hands, and unfortunately, his mind got to wandering. thinking about how your hands would feel on his cock — would you focus on his cock like you focus the aim on your targets? would you stroke his cock with absolute precision?
he's put out of his state when he hears a 'bang!' and flinches.
"the job is done, mr. vince."
"could you... do me next?"
This is bullshit.
If he knew he had to go outside to have that bastard killed, he would've just done it himself.
V drums his fingers against the dinner table - eyes scanning the venue for anyone that might fit his imagined description of the person he's looking for. Rugged, shaven head, nice suit and tie - maybe a few visible scars from their line of work. While there a number of suits in a fine establishment, they were just the run of the mill rich assholes he'd grown accusation to through his life.
Sweat beading down his neck, V pulls at his collar. He hadn't even dressed up for his grandmother's funeral a year ago and now here he was in a nice button up and slacks for a complete stranger - and it isn't even for a date. If the waitress came by again to check if he was ready to order his tie would be an easy ticket out of here without the embarrassment of walking out looking like a dateless loser. He can already hear them laughing whichever way this goes. Frustrated, V folds his arms, shutting his eyes as tries to blend with the background of the uncomfortable booth he sat in. Maybe if he keeps them closed long enough when they open he'll be back at home - or dead. Either is an acceptable option at this point.
"Excuse me-"
V shoots up from his seat as warm breath fans his ear. The voice, no louder than a whisper, sends a chill down his spine as it flows from the lips of its speaker like smooth honey. A far cry from the unpleasantly sweet tone that waitress threw on to hide her thinly veiled annoyance at seeing V still hogging an empty table. He looks up at the looming figure at his table side - jaw slack as his eyes adjust to the light that envelopes them.
"I don't mean to interrupt whatever it is you are doing, but would you happen to be a Mr. Vincent Carbone?"
V's mouth opens like the jaws of a dying animal fighting for its final breath. The person before him was dressed in date casual clothing. He stares at their exposed collar from the lower cut of their shirt and toned muscles from their sleeves. He rubs at his eyes. This... couldn't be them. He had to be looking at a model. V's standards were pretty low his own admission, but from the way they carried themselves down to their physical attributes proved they were way out of his league.
"Yes... um, that's me... Just Vince is fine."
They tighten their lips with a small nod. V makes a note of how soft they look compared to his own chapped skin. He follows their every move as they sit down in their seat across from him - wasting no time as they pull a black folder from the brief case brought with them. He watches as their calloused fingertips turn each page - pondering what they might feel like around his-
"So - are you this guys secretary or....."
V flinches as their eyes snap up at him - emotionless face plagued by a hint of annoyance at his query. "I can assure you I do all of my work by myself, Mr. Carbone.... From the information you've given me, it appears you have had a fued with this person for quite some time despite numerous attempts to block and/or have them removed from the group of individuals you play games with, and wish to escalate matters further."
Breathing through their teeth, they shut the folder - placing it flat on the table. "Had I not done my research into your person, I'd consider this whole thing."
V feels tightness in the crotch of his slacks at the use of that word. Mr. Carbone. He's been referred to as such before, but the way it rolls off their tongue- V picks up his glass of water and fits it to his lips, trembling hands spilling the cool liquid all over his white shirt.
"R....research... You... know about me?"
"Yes. It's common for me to look into the backgrounds of all my clients. Make sure they have the funds to pay for my services and take note of what I can take as collateral if anything comes up. I know for certain you've got the cash, but the rest is still up in the air."
V swallows hard. "I already had the records of our conversation scrubbed and it's not like we talked much anyway... I don't trust cops much either."
Amused, the hitman's expression shifts from its blank slate for the first time as they offer him a small smile. "Good boy...."
V slaps a hand over his mouth to stiffle the whimper that almost slips out. The hitman retrieves a small flip phone from their briefcase and slides it across the table.
"From now on you will contact me from this device only. We will discuss how what methods you prefer in due time. Do you remember what else we talked about when we spoke over the phone?"
"Yea.... Half up front, half went it's done." V pulls a crumbled envelope from his pocket and hands it to them - savoring the brief moment of contact between his sweaty hands and the heat of their skin through their gloves. They count the bills briefly before sliding it into their back pocket. What V wouldn't do to be that piece of paper.
"I look forward to working with you, Sir. Something tells me we'll be hearing a lot from each other in the future."
".....you promise?"
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labyrinthhofmymind · 3 months
i’m sorry but can we talk about the second games in crimson rivers????
like yeah sure regulus and james are fighting, but SIRIUS AND REGULUS???? idc about jegulus THE BLACK BROTHER ANGST KILLS ME EVERYTIME
they actually make me wanna rip my eyeballs out regulus’ “you’re dead to me” is the most horrible gut wrenching line in the entire universe, and is SUCH a sibling thing to say like OH MY LORD
and them in the games???? regulus making everyone believe he’s going to kill sirius???? but instead he’s actually planning on getting sirius so mad that he kills regulus????!!!! and he tries to use remus as bait I- GOD I CANT
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missmonsters2 · 1 year
hey Van!! Im kind of going through it right now. My parents are divorcing, which is hilarious given that I’m twenty years old and still have major problems and issues with them. I mention this because I’m here for the drabbles and could really use some fictional disappearing for a bit. I would appreciate it if you could do Tara as fluffy and comforting as you can please. With prompts 🧠🫂🤝💕. Thanks for this Van!! I really appreciate it.
Pairing: Tara Carpenter x Fem!Reader/OFC
Warnings: them kisses are very urgent and emotionally charged 👀
Library Blog | AO3
Note: I am so sorry that's happening to you bby!!! D: don't worry, tara will make it all better <3
Count: 0.6k
Reminder there's no taglist but you can follow my library blog for notifications 💘
Please do not copy, repost, or translate my work anywhere else.
"Hey, hey—" Tara places her hand on your shoulder and softly squeezes. "Baby—"
You jerk awake, sitting up frantically and nearly knocking your head into her nose. Your chest rises and falls in harsh breaths, and tears rapidly well up in your eyes.
A choked sob has Tara pulling you into a tight hug, almost crushing, but you hug her just as tight back. 
"Shh...shh...it's okay..." she coos at you, but her heart is pulsating rapidly too. "It was just a bad dream, that's all."
But it wasn't.
It wasn't just a bad dream. 
What you were dreaming—it was real. You suppose it'd be more accurate to call it a memory. 
"I can't stop thinking about that moment—they got Sam and then you—I couldn't save you—" You choke, and she hushes you some more before gathering some pillows at the headboard. She scoots until she leans back against the pillow, pulling you on top of her.
"They didn't—" Tara says fiercely. "They didn't get us because you were so brave." Tara rubs your back soothingly, pulling the blanket up to cover you. 
Your body wracks with sobs as you cling to her. 
"But your hand—"
"Is fine," Tara tells you sharply. "It'll...just take some extra time to get back to how it was."
Tara can feel your tears staining her shirt.
"It's better than being dead," she combs her fingers through your hair before she cups your cheek. Her fingers are warm and soft, the tips of them brushing against your ear. 
Eventually, your sobs subside, and your grip on her relaxes, but you don't let her go. You can't ever let her go. 
"I'm scared," you mutter into her chest. "Everytime I close my eyes, I'm scared about my dreams, or that someone's breaking in—it's not over."
"It is," Tara cuts in. "We killed them, and they're not coming back. Even if it's not over," Tara hesitates for a moment before she admits, "I'd do anything to keep you safe. There are no lines I wouldn't cross to make sure I don't lose you. I need you with me."
The words lull you into a calm. It's strange how Tara manages to do that. Just earlier this year, she wanted to forget any of this craziness existed, and she wanted to move on with you and just enjoy her college life blissfully. 
And when that beautiful dream was shattered, you think something in Tara did too. The moment Tara thought she was going to lose you, Tara let those shattered pieces remake her.
"I love you," you mumble, the words garbled as you press a kiss to her collarbone. 
Tara shifts, lifting her hips and rolling you over onto your back. Her body pressed against you feels so comforting. The weight of Tara Carpenter is probably the only thing that keeps you anchored to this world. 
Tara's hand caresses the inside of your arm as it strokes its way across until her fingers thread through yours tightly against the mattress. Goosebumps form from her touch; the feeling is an icy hot as Tara presses kisses against your jaw.
"I love you," she presses the words onto your skin. "I'll keep you safe."
Tara's other hand slides across your back until her hand grips your shoulder, keeping you locked against her. Her palm against yours, skin against yours, and lips against yours feel grounding. 
"It was just a bad dream, baby," her lips brushes against yours before kissing you, her tongue stroking your bottom lip. 
You can't hear anything except the blood pounding in your ears and Tara's breaths. You can't feel anything except Tara's fingers, lips, and tongue. And when you close your eyes, you don't see Ghostface anymore. It's just nothing, allowing you to focus on your girlfriend. 
When Tara's tongue grazes the tip of yours, you tremble. 
"I'll make it go away."
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madamedramatics · 3 months
Canon wise, it doesn't make sense for Shepard to have any sort of bug phobia. She's the captain of the Normandy, the first human spectre, an N7, ect....but fanon, Oh ma GAWD, let me tell yall the scenarios my mind wandered off too.
Scen 1. Shep's okay with regular bugs but bugs the same size as her is where she draws the line. When one pops up on her, her trigger finger takes care of it instantly as she shrieks. Realizing it's dead, she is relieved, but she doesn't remember being this tall. She somehow has managed to jump into Garrus' or Wrex's arms. Garrus would ask, "Are you okay?" but Wrex would definitely drop her😂
Scen 2. Shep doesn't care how big or small they are. They all must die, specifically by fire or nuke, as far as she's concerned. Her, Tali, and random 3rd squad member (l'll slot Liara in for this one) go on a mission. You'd think Liara was made to lead since her friends' legs can barely stop shaking. They scream everytime a spider pops up, using full clips on already dead specimens. Liara tries to reassure but can't stop herself from touching the creatures for study. The two scaredy cats are just as uncomfortable watching Liara touch the bugs. They stumble across one of the largest bugs nest they'd ever seen and Shep has had enough. She radios her emotional support turian and says he needs to come get her right now. Tali tells him to bring Chakwas too because her heart won't make it back to ship at this rate. Garrus gives them words of encouragement. Grunt tells them to grow a pair....and to stop screaming because he can hear them from 20 cave tunnels over😂 After the mission is over, Garrus sees a crater in the planets surface. When he asks what happened, all Liara can say is Shepard found the nuke.
Scen 3. Bugs like the Rachni queen do little to Shepard but bugs the size of her pinky nail just make her skin crawl. It's her off day, one she didn't even wanna take, but after falling asleep in the middle of a gunfight, she realized she was putting her team in danger with her lack of sleep. After a nice shower, she steps out to dry her hair, but she doesn't expect a visitor to descend in front of her. As the miniscule spider swings in front of her, she absolutely loses it. She is screaming, in a full blown panic. She tells Edi to get some help and tell someone she's trapped. Garrus damn near teleports to the cabin with everyone hot on his trails, so save the commander from an unknown enemy. When the crew arrives and she's telling them to "kill that bastard," they are confused. They see no one. She says, "THE SPIDER DAMMIT" and everyone's faces drop. They all look at Garrus and says this is his problem and single file their way back out to the elevator. Garrus sees the bug and decides it doesn't look too bad, so he flicks his tongue and eats it. He didn't expect that to make Shepard pass out...still ass naked on the floor.
If you read all of this, thank you for entertaining this post and please feel free to add funny uncanon like scenarios of your own😂
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Little Oblivious Shooting Star Au
Although, this au is different. Stanford Pines shook Bill's hand and became his right-hand man and lover. Typical Evil Ford and all that, Weirdmageddon unleashes upon the whole Earth, devastation, chaos, and more. But this time, he still has some semblance of humanity in him.
Ford and Mabel, one of the very few survivors, were fighting. They always do this. Ford think it's a game and plays with her. Although, something happens. Ford did threw her a little too hard.
There was a sickening crack.
Blood was everywhere. He killed her. He cried and hated himself. After mourning, he had an idea. To revive Mabel. Now, revival wasn't something easy and believe it or not, it took him a century or more, trial and error with every ritual, potion, spell, curse, anything that had any semblance of bringing back the dead or revival.
All throughout, you know those cryogenic chambers where the Shape-shifter was now trapped in? Ford put Mabel's body in it to protect it against time. Any rare free time he'd have, he would stand infront of the chambers and place his hand on the glass. Looking at her serene and peaceful expression, she looked like as if she were asleep.
He would cry right there and then.
Soon enough, he finally was able to conduct the ritual and Mabel was alive again. But everything comes with a price. Mabel can't remember a thing. I got this inspiration from the fact that the brain and nervous system decays first soon as you as die because it requires oxygen, a constant supply of it.
Ford was a bit devastated but happy that he got Mabel back. Though, this gives him a higher advantage.
Being Bill's right-hand man and lover has given him many perks, including a mansion on top of a hill and large space of forestry. Ford used that to his advantage, uses Mabel's amnesia to his advantage.
Ford becomes overprotective of Mabel and spoils her every chance he gets. He keeps her sheltered away from the ruined Earth. He treats her as if she was his daughter as the line between daughter and niece blurred. He became so obsessed with protecting her, loving her, caring her, and even spoiling her.
Since she woke up and couldn't remember anything except for the basics like eating, writing, reading, and function like a human being, it was easy to somewhat manipulate her into staying in the mansion. In her time with him, she knows it's normal behavior, she knows it's a normal environment, that staying in the mansion and never going outside is normal because that's what he taught her.
He also twists stories about the outside world into a hellscape, manipulating her and scaring her. Think about the Rapunzel and Mother Gothel situation but this time, it's actually successful.
Ford still works for Bill Cipher and Mabel is always worried for him everytime he leaves because he did tell her the devastating earth stories from before. Mabel always cried and tells to not leave because she doesn't want him to get hurt.
Everytime he leaves, she's devastated and always begs for him to stay and it's always a bittersweet moment whenever he comes back. You know, at this point, he is so scared for her, so overprotective of her, with the help of the other henchmaniacs, he secretly conducts a ritual that makes Mabel immortal.
Mabel doesn't feel a thing. She doesn't know she's immortal, she didn't even know that she could die in the first place.
She will never know. She's oblivious to it.
Little Oblivious Shooting Star.
(I can't draw and rarely write fanfics so if you guys wanna add hcs, oneshots, fanarts, or anything, just use the tag #Little Oblivious Shooting Star Au or #L.O.S.S Au and tag me because I love seeing your guys' work, whether it'd be Tumblr, TikTok, Instagram, or even YouTube.)
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lazyalani · 1 year
| Genshin Men
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| Them as love and death lines
| angst, angsty angsty, but still fluffy in a way, love is beautiful
The day, the Music..... Died
| or in which you, their lover, dies
| Genshin Impact Masterlist
| Main Masterlist
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i'll love you for a thousand more
- "Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal."
- For as long as their smiling face can be seen in my memories, I have nothing to fear.
time stands still
- "Perhaps the mourners learn to look to the blue sky by day, and to the stars by night, and to think that the dead are there, and not in graves."
- To think that they are here, staring at the stars with me, even not physically.
beauty in all they are
- "You never know how the loss will come -- whether he will lose you or you him, but it is a certainty that there will be a shattering involuntary separation. Death is the abandonment caused not by betrayal but by fidelity."
- I hate them for what they've become now, in the graves, but I love them for what they've made me into."
i will be brave
- "Waves wash over them
like the edge of the sea
and the only thing he has left
are the shadows of their memory."
- And even so, every word they had said are engraved into my heart.
i will not let anything take away
- "A heart's healing from grief and loss will come through the door of an open mind."
- Time may heal me but it will never take you away from my soul.
what's standing infront of me
- "Life becomes magical when our memories evoke all of the moments of joy rather than that one final moment when our loved one died."
- And thus, every moment we shared I lock into my mind, everyday, everytime, always.
every breath, every hour has come to this
- "You can help me. You can open for me the portals of Death´s house, for Love is always with you, and Love is stronger than Death is."
- For our love is stronger than the pain death brings, and will always be stronger than the grief I face.
one step closer
- "True love defies the realm of death."
- Because my love for you will reach even the deepest parts of heaven and hell.
i have died everyday waiting for you
- "Death is a short moment when we forget to breathe in between lives."
- But then again, I forget to breathe when I see your beauty, even in that bed of death.
darling, don't be afraid i have loved you
- "In the stillness of our dreams, our loved ones speak."
- And I still smile, I still laugh, I still love, even knowing you're gone, because I know it's your soul, I'll always know.
for a thousand years
- "Our loved ones may be nailed in a coffin but their epitaph is nailed in our hearts. Death cannot kill love."
- Death can never stop me from loving you.
i'll love you for a thousand more
- "Nothing changes your view as much, as when looking through the lens of the grave."
- Because in every way, in every view, in every pain, in every moment, you are still the most beautiful.
and all along i believed i will find you
- "And our love goes beyond flesh; it transcends Death's reminder. In the Underworld Library, two books sharing a binder."
- Our love transcends even the greatest, oldest, scriptures there are, and will ever be.
time had brought your heart to me
- "Grief never ends, but it changes. It is a passage, not a place to stay. Grief is not a sign of weakness nor a lack of faith: it is the price of love."
- And I will grieve over and over again if it means loving you again and again.
i have loved you for a thousand years
- "I know for certain that we never lose the people we love, even to death."
- Because for as long as I live, you will be safe in my heart.
i'll love you for a thousand more
- "Life is not a problem to be solved, but an experience to be had."
- And your death is not the case closed, but merely an obstacle, even then, I know I'll pass, because I'll keep even your soul with me.
one step closer
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hum-suffer · 9 months
I'm Yours 2
Ishan has always been a light sleeper. His mother was proud of him and his dad, a man who craved snacks at midnight, bemoaned his habits.
So when he wakes up on Sunday morning with a fresh gajra tied on his wrist, for a moment, he wonders if this is a hallucination or a dream. He blinks and pinches his thigh, the sharp sting reminding him that it's reality. He frowns, and touches the gajra. It's real.
Ishan takes a deep breath.
"Let's bathe first and then deal with this," he says to himself. Another beat passes as he reconsiders his promise to himself. "Maybe have some tea first."
He's so fucking glad that he had the tea first.
The moment he was more awake, he was panicking.
Someone fucking broke into his house? His house? His ancestral, beloved house that had marble flooring which made clancking sounds everytime he walked? Ishan cracks his neck and takes another fortifying breath, staring at the discarded gajra on the dining table. It feels very audacious. And flattering.
The thought is horrifying and for a moment, Ishan imagines his grandfather shaking his head at the bloody idiocy Ishan possesses. Wryly, he says outloud,"I'm a very good source of entertainment, aren't I, Dadaji?"
The house obviously remains silent. In a surprising turn, the loneliness he often feels seeps right back in.
He glances at the gajra again. "Hey, at least, someone alive gets entertainment from me."
He knows he should report this. But for now, he doesn't want to care. It's a bloody Sunday and he will be damned if something ruins his Sunday, even if it's a stalker/admirer.
A message pops on his phone just as he's about to wash his cup. 'Did you like the gajra, love?'
'don't have the hair for it, dude.'
He probably shouldn't antagonise a probable sociopath.
But hey, what is life, if not had decisions taken in the spirit of loneliness?
When he's more settled, in the evening, Ishan goes out for a walk. His body aches in protest and the ink marks on his fingers dictate his profession to anyone who cares to see.
End of semester season is horrible, but more so when he already has to plan so much. Tomorrow's the seminar for something techy— Ishan doesn't know, he's the Hindi teacher, and he'd rather prefer not to know. Those things just rot his brain and he hates the seminars more than students, probably, but he'd do just about anything to take some load off of Virat bhaiya. Jaddu almost always lightens the mood at seminars, and he's back from his holiday to Jamnagar, and Ishan is counting on him to be the better part.
Apart from Shubhman, that is.
Ishan cannot get over his silly little crush, no matter how hard he tries and he hates it. That's a celebrity. A good looking, smart philanthropist who also owns a registered firm.
Ishan doesn't know the name of the firm, he realises with a groan. He gets his phone out, shoots a quick text to Shreyas to prepare the introduction speech for Shubhman.
The admirer, has sent him another message.
'Do you have any favourite colour?'
'yes, it's the shade stfu of the colour mind your business.'
'Lol. Really, tho. Don't make me dissect your wardrobe and make a guess, love'
Ishan's eyes narrow. He's not going to be ordered around by this bullshiter.
'Be my guest, love'
'i'm gonna overlook the rudeness for that endearment'
'Im gonna kill u'. Ishan doesn't even realise he's smiling until he casts a random glance at the windows of parked car. He controls his smile instantly.
'your looks already have'
Ishan scoffs at the blatantly cheesy line. Ew. 'Stay dead.'
'You have an awful amt of blue clothes'
The message greets Ishan early in the morning, and so does the smell of jasmines. He looks down and there it is— a gajra tied on his wrist.
The pounding headache that he already has becomes more pronounced as he passes through the motions of his schedule, the message a background chatter in his head until he has the cup of tea in his hands.
That happened.
Yesterday's gajra and today's gajra, side by side, stare at Ishan. Ishan gulps. He should not have done that— any of that.
"Kya kar Raha hai tu," he mutters to himself as his thumb hovers over the block button. Why is he hesitating?
(Maybe because he doesn't care of he's dead or alive. Maybe because he wants the attention. Maybe because the idea of being so desired makes him warm. Maybe because someone only focusing on him makes him feel cherished.
Ishan doesn't dissect these ideas.)
He blocks the number and reports it for good measure.
He's already almost late— the quest to find his beloved oversized blue silk shirt had taken too much time. He's probably left it back home, maybe. He doesn't remember taking it there but he's always been clumsy so who knows? He'll continue the quest later.
The smell of jasmines cling to his nose even after he's deliberately choosen a woodsy perfume.
Shubhman is at perfect time.
Avesh, the admin staff manager, came almost running to Ishan when Shubhman, bless him, called in advance to say that he'll be at the college withing fifteen minutes.
If Shubhman keeps this up, Ishan will do something embarassing— like quoting Hannibal or something. The sheer appreciation Ishan feels for the man is beyond words.
As always, Rohit bhaiya had forgotten the matchsticks somewhere but Jas had come through and Ishan is now running around only making sure the height of the mic and the placement of flowers.
Siraj drags him forcefully to the gate of the faculty, to greet Shubhman. A volunteer student clicks photos as Virat Bhai hugs Shubhman, who always appears star struck at the attention from their resident King. Rohit bhaiya squeezes Shubhman in a tight hug and the smile Shubhman has on his face is blinding.
(Ishan wishes someone was as happy to see him. His colleagues are always fun, but they have lives— Ishan doesn't.)
When Shubhman turns to him, Ishan can't help but stare. He's wearing a navy blazer over a white shirt and dark blue jeans. His eyes, they're dark and intense. Ishan feels frozen.
"Ishan." His voice sounds so fucking good. He steps forward and before Ishan can hold his hand out for a handshake, Shubhman steps in his personal space and gives him a side hug.
Ishan breathes in, to calm his heart, and catches a distantly familiar scent from Shubhman. It's probably a kind of perfume Ishan knows, he's obsessed with scents.
"Shubhman. It's a pleasure to meet you again."
What the FUCK is he saying. Ishan wants to dig a hole in some lonely ground and bury himself. A pleasure to meet him? Could he be anymore obvious?
"Trust me, the pleasure is all mine."
The seminar goes on for two hours, perfectly adhering to the scheduled time and Shubhman has prepared enough to be also able to do a QnA. Ishan will marry him.
The students rush out of the seminar hall without a second thought, all of them sleepy and wanting to enjoy the rest of their day after the cancellation of their classes.
Ishan hums to himself as he wraps up the extra papers and wires, the bag for Shubhman ready to take. "Tulsi, reusable pen, certificate." He counts everything outloud and puts the bag aside. Someone lifts it up instantly. Ishan whips around, seeing Shubhman standing there grinning at him.
"Hello, there."
"Hi, Shubhman. How long have you been standing here?"
"Just long enough to hear that aap Mumbai aa sakte hai."
Ishan feels his face heat up instantly and shakes his head. Shubhman laughs. "Come on, I feel like we should close this hall before someone closes us inside it."
Would it really be so bad?
Oh god, when did he turn into a desperate teenager?
Ishan follows Shubhman out, talking about measley things like movies and songs, to see him off and help him settle with the gifts but they're met with Virat bhaiya and Rohit bhaiya standing at the gate of the faculty and a thundering rain.
They both despise the rain. Ishan does too, to be honest. Almost everyone at the college hates it. Mostly, because after rain, their usually pristine college roads turn into water holding corners at some areas and the greenery in their college always allows for mosquitoes after a good rain.
Virat bhaiya shakes his head,"Unnatural rains, at the time of diwali no less! Kya zindagi hai yaar."
"Why are you being dramatic?" Ishan asks with a groan,"I have to go back on my bike! I'm already applying for sick leave for tomorrow, Rohit bhaiya."
Before Rohit bhaiya can say anything, though, Shubhman frowns at him. "But why do you want to get soaked? I have my car, I'll drop you off at your place."
"Absolutely not, I'm not going to impose on you like that. And what about my bike?"
"I'll send Rutu or someone with it tomorrow to pick you up, bhai." Rohit bhaiya says. "Don't get sick uselessly! Shubhman is right, you don't need to get soaked for nothing."
Shubhman nods along,"And it's not imposing if I offered. Come on, let me do my good deed for the week."
Ishan looks helplessly at Virat bhaiya. He lifts his chin and gives him a reassuring look.
Tagging: @mayakimayahai @kyayaarkiraa @ispeakmorelanguagesthanyou @onthecloudseven @khwxbeeda @ek-ladki-bheegi-bhagi-si @fortunatelycrazyyouth @ishkrisq
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thr-333 · 5 months
I just realized. I don't think I've seen anything about April in OaaHF. Where is she? What does she do in the resistence? How aware is she of Leon's situation?
Set while Leon is recovering from his first facial scar:
“No, no way!”
Leon groaned as the yell woke him, sound getting choked out by the bandages wrapped tight around his neck. Constricting his airway making it so he could never get a full breath, was always light headed. Although that could be the bloodloss.
“We need his portals, its not a-”
“I don’t care if it’s a transport mission, I don’t care if he’s at the very back line, you are not getting him out of that bed,”
Leon scrunched up his face so he wouldn’t have to deal with the light of day. Or the light of med bay. He wanted to go back to sleep and it wasn’t even the yelling that was stopping him. Pain flared along his face and shoulder in tandem with his heartbeat. Bandages pulled meticulously tight making every throb worse.
“It’s not an active mission, I’ve mapped out the points all Kraang will be avoided-”
“Then you do it!”
That voice, Leon knew it even past the haze pain. Probably helped that there were no painkillers available to keep him floaty. He sighed his big sisters voice was always soothing, well when she wasn’t yelling at him. Although he supposed she technically was.
“Ape’s I’m needed here,” Leo reasoned, his voice was deep and raspy. Huh Leon wondered if his voice sounded closer to it now, “I can’t up and leave the resistance without aleader for a minor mission,”
“So you admit it’s a minor mission!” April accused, Leon tried to open his eyes. The best he could make out was a couple of blurry figures until the light forced him to shut them.
“Minor but needed, lives are at stake here April,”
“His life is at stake!” Leon opened his mouth, but his throat was raw and the skin of his cheek pulled weirdly threatening to make him throw up if he tried. He tried anyway, why should be matter? “If he moves that wound, the wound you gave him is going to tear right open, he won’t survive that a second time,”
“April it was an accident, my hand slipped,” 
His future self was right of course. After all he had been the one to sacrifice his scarf to keep as much blood inside Leon’s body as possible. He had literally held Leon’s life in his hands. You didn’t do that for a person you were actually trying to kill… no matter how much it looked lik you wanted to seconds before.
That was fine. It was an accident. Leon shouldn’t have baited him.
“Bullshit, also I don’t give a crap, he’s not ready for field work!”
“The doctor cleared him,”
“Which you know they shouldn’t have!” April screeched, ugh Leon wished she wouldn’t, “Come on Leo you're a medic, just look at him!”
There was silence. Leon held still pretending to be asleep. Which was easy as he was teetering on the edge of unconsciousness. Only the jabs of pain and his sister keeping him present.
“It’s between him and them,”
“Him, everytime, my little brother should come first everytime,” Leon’s heart didn’t know if it should skip a beat or clench. It was the answer he wanted to hear- but one he was completely undeserving of.
“I can’t play favorites,”
“Plaaeesseee,” The pure amount of sarcasm poured into the tone would have shot three men dead, “Is that why Mikey’s locked up in the underground bunker within an underground bunker, deep fried and finished with magic?”
“Or how about Donnie’s lab, which is enforced with thirty percent of our titanium stores?” Leo would have rolled his eyes if they wouldn't just keep rolling back into his head. Obviously it wasn’t a matter of favoritism, his brothers were simply more important than him, “And how me and Cassie keep getting shortlisted missions? Junior hasn’t left your side in months and you haven't left this safehold in a year? Yet guess who’s going on missions every other week?”
“It’s all a matter of circumstance,” Leo’s voice took on a cold and harsh tone, “I’m trying to keep everyone alive for the sak-”
“Everyone but Leon,” 
She called him Leon… when had he become Leon? When has he started solely thinking of himself as Leon? Why was his futureself exclusively Leo? The thoughts were to hard to capture, slipping through his hands like sand. He wasn’t sure he wanted to dwell on them anyway.
“Well sucks for you but I care about keeping him alive, even if you don’t,” 
That wasn’t fair, he cared about Leon he did, as much as he could. Leon didn’t make it easy, after… after everything he caused. He couldn’t blame his future self for being a bit weird. He cared where it counted. Leon would’ve been dead three times over now if he didn’t.
“This mission is needed-”
“I’ll go then,”
No, April
“April, No,”
“If it’s so important you need to drag him out of bed and risk reopening the slice you put in his neck then it’s important enough for I, commander O’Neil to take over,”
“You’re not who you are in the future, you’re not Commander O’Neil,”
“And I never will be if you keep coddling,” April spat, “Besides I don’t care about being a commander right now, I care about being a sister, so it’s either I take the mission or you cancel it,”
The silence stretched on. Leon grasped onto his threads of consciousness. Purposely twitching his shoulder to get the fiery pain to keep him awake. It was amazing how something could fill him with so much dread yet he still selfishly felt hope that they would go through with it. Because he was selfish, rather stay hidden away in bed in a back room of the stronghold while his big sister fronted all the danger.
“Fine,” Relief and dread, unfortunately not in equal measure, “You come back alive understand?”
“Oh darn, there go my plans,” April tossed back, a shade closer to her usual teasing tone but still tense.
Leo didn’t answer. Because he was Leo, even in Leon’s own mind. But the older turtle huffed. Leon listened to his footsteps fade as Aprils got closer. The dip in his bed bit him to open his eyes.
“Heya blue, you awake?” April’s hand gently brushed his forehead, Leon cringed as he opened his eyes, “How’re you doing?”
He couldn’t answer, not really. So he leaned into her palm. Flinching as the small movement pulled on his wound from neck to cheek. He hissed through the pain. Tight bandages around his throat feeling suffocating as he would have struggled to breath even without them.
“Sorry, sorry, just wanted to check in,” The details of Aprils face were hard to make out pain blurring them out, “I’m going away for a mission,”
“Do… t,” Leon tried to sound out, it didn’t come anywhere close, but hey look at that: His voice was raspy.
“Don’t worry about me, it’s my job to worry about you,” She pat his cheek, thumb rubbing soft circles under his eye, “Seriously, please, it’s ok to care about yourself, you should, once in a whil- actually all the time,”
Leon shook his head imperceptibly. She was wrong. He had done that, over and over again. Each time they lost so much. He couldn’t, not anymore. Why couldn’t she understand that? 
Leo understood that. He knew what it was like to sit with that guilt, that self hate. He knew how to work for others to ease that feeling even a little bit. As losses stacked everyday and crushed him under their weight.
“I bet your thinking something stupid right now,” April pinched his opposite cheek, the unscarred one that showed off his brilliant red stripe, “I wish you were better so I could beat my love into your skull, but we’ll have to save that for when I get back,”
Leon plucked up the strength to use his right arm. Greaspoing Aprils loosely. He needed to get his point across, even without words, he had to.
“I will be alright, you rest up,” April moved from his grasp to instead thread their fingers together, “I’m your big sister, I’m always going to look out for you, even if I have to do that by not being here,”
No, no that wasn’t what he meant. Leo jerked to grab her again. White hot flares shot through his shoulder. Fuck, wrong arm. Darkness clawed at the edge of his vision, plusing in time with the pain searing through him.
“You’re so………. Don’t let anyone convince you…..” April's voice faded in and out, “ We have always…….. None of this………… alright Leon?”
Leon, that was the last word he caught before his world faded to black. The last thing he heard his sister say. 
When he woke up.
She was gone.
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bambiilooloo · 2 months
okay so ii thought this would be fun soooo
what epic saga is ur fav nd least fav, what is ur fav song in each saga, ur least fav in each saga, your overall fav and least fav
feel free to ramble and/or go off on a tangent about hidden meanings i fw that shit very hard
oh boy. these were really hard to narrow down. thanks for this ask btw, it was fun!!
my fav saga :
the underworld!! ik it's the shortest but each song is such a banger and it's the only one for where each song gets better from the last. all three of the songs are in my top 10 easy.
the polites cameo broke ppl's hearts ik but it was amazing to hear steven in the role again. i love his voice. anticlea was amazing too.
no longer you was actual fire. i LOVE epic's version of tirisias a lot and his voice is perfect. the orchestration in that song is actually beautiful and both actors absolutely kill it.
and monster? oh i'll take about monster later
least fav saga :
cyclops saga. i like it but i don't have strong feelings about the songs except for my goodbye. plot wise, it's important ofc but i dont find myself listening to it as often cuz it's just sad. i do like all the songs tho
i will say polyamorous the cyclops sounds REALLY GOOD in the remastered version. woah what a voice improvement holy moly
i really love my goodbye tho. that song is in my top 10. the 'YOU'RE ALONE!' is actually insane. i need like a 100 animatics for it. it's too good.
fav song in each saga :
just a man
i LOVE jay's performance here. this song made me cry when i first listened to it. i mean it's just everything.
i think most ppl thought 'oh musical about odyssey call epic probably silly boyish fun' and for the most part horse and the infant leads u on with that. then THIS SONG happens and ur crying on the floor.
i love watching animatics for it too. unlike most songs in epic, there is no action in this song, it's pure agony of a man grappling with one of the hardest things anyone can do and it's fucking amazing.
and i said it before just now but the VOCALS. stunning. perfect. jaw dropping.
in my ideal epic animated movie, what i want is for horse and the infant and just a man BEFORE the title card drop. and when ody sings the last line of just a man, it fades to the title screen. then it would be daytime and full speed ahead can happen.
idk if that makes sense but i think it would slay so hard.
my goodbye
the callbacks to warrior of the mind takes me by surprise everytime like holy shit she really just said that?? then ody's 'YOU'RE ALONE!'
it's perfect. the pure rage from both of them is just so good.
it's my favourite saga ender. it's so cold and just wow. like athena was in one song before but the EMOTION from both of them is enough to make u wanna cry.
see one part of my brain is like 'oh that's interesting the villain and hero have conflicting moralities and the hero may become like the villain and he is establishing the hero's thinking as flawed for his purpose.' then the other half of my brain is dead from how much steven rodriguez SLAYS the performance.
the lyrics are great as with all the song. the callback to remember them? chef's kiss. poseidon really sat down with his son and took notes for his villain number lol
but my fav things about it the performance. the poseidon voice is so so so so good. and i'm not saying it in a 'haha i find it hot' way. i mean i do but also, it's just perfect for poseidon. he sounds like if salt could talk and that's a compliment btw. his sass and personality is great too.
'but noooo' i just. i love poseidon's voice so much.
and i am shaking in my boots for get in the water.
there are other ways
i love the route jay went with the plot. this portrayal of circe is so important to me, i love her sm. i read the circe book just before the circe saga - and i liked it overall - but the ending left a horrible taste in my mouth so this was a very welcome change.
it's so well done. our boy ody '🥺my wife🥺'-ing his way out of the situation? perfect. ik it's more complicated but the end of the circe saga is such a good character moment for him.
her sympathising with ody and helping him is great. i love that she gets fleshed into, why she does what she does and when she sees the good in ody. she really is a loving queen and i love her sm.
her vocals - especially at the end - are stunning. i love tayla sindal's voice for circe. like with poseidon, that is the perfect voice for the character.
i really love gigi's animatic of this song and that's just how i imagine it happening. it's actually perfect. my fav song was a tie between this and done for but the animatic made me fall in love with this one.
odysseus gives into the pam pam 🦖🦖
it's my favourite song in epic. i have a LOT of thoughts on it but i actually cannot put them into words.
this one is fresh so my thoughts will not be cohesive. the amount of callbacks in this song actually kills me.
i cried at the livestream. exactly at the lyric 'ody we're never gonna get to make it home' i mean.
ODY. ODY not CAPTAIN. I CAN'T END THIS. poor choice of words nm
but i will say i've seen some takes on eurylochus that i definately do not agree with and he's one of my fav characters. i'm sad he's gone, his acting and presence was amazing and underrated in all the other sagas and he's just a great character.
least fav in each saga:
i like all of these songs btw. i don't dislike any song. i don't wanna got into detail cuz for all the answer is just i like the others more.
full speed ahead
wouldn't you like
the underworld
different beast
winner : monster
second place : there are other ways
third place : ruthlessness
my overall least favourite song : polyphemous/different beast. again i like these songs, i just prefer others
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secondarysefikura · 2 months
Are YOU looking for songs to add to your sefikura playlist?
You're...you're not? Oh. Well. Shit. But if you are then may I introduce you to the world of Mili?
The following is my attempting at listing every Mili song that I think fits with sefikura. Bear with me, this will be a long one.
Album: Mag Mell (released 2014)
Imagined Flight: With lines like "Swing through debris and waste, Float nonstop, Exploring milkyway," and the verse "Repress, Manipulate, Dominate, Now, Imagine you can fly, Take all the universes under your control, Imagine you can fight, Imagine you're alive, Imagine you can" do I really need to explain why this song fits Cloud and Sephiroth so well?
Album: Miracle Milk (released 2016)
Red Dahlia: While this song is generally accepted as being about a doctor who impregnates their patient, it can easily be imagined to represent Cloud and Sephiroth's relationship. Especially when you consider the fact that Cloud had Sephiroth's cells forcibly added to his blood, this song could easily be about Cloud's feelings as Sephiroth begins to manipulate and control him from "within."
Ga1ahad and Scientific Witchery: A knight and a witch caught in a strange love-hate relationship. The knight seems insistent on killing the witch who revives the knight everytime he dies in his battle against the witches.
Bathtub Mermaid: This song as always made me think of Sephiroth taking control of Cloud and promising to take away all the agony he has experienced. Especially with lines like "stay with me you will never be sad" and "reborn, reform, twist my legs to one and mind to none."
Honourable mention: World.execute(me);: A song about a computer who falls in love with it's user. It's not as sefikura coded as the other songs, but any song with the line "challenging your god, you have made some illegal arguments" is a winner in my book.
Album: Millennium Mother (released 2018)
Extension of You: A song about a clone or computer of some sort who learns to copy it's creator, slowly learning to be sentient. Very fitting for puppet Cloud.
With a Billion Worldful of <3: The story of someone who falls in love with a Buddhist monk. Originally content with just being near the monk, the singer eventually decides to kill the monk so they can be together when they are reborn in a new life. It's easy to imagine Sephiroth as the singer, growing more and more obsessed with Cloud.
Every Other Ghost:
"Every meter of my skin reaching out Like every other ghost here to prove my love Every meter of my skin, mmm Like every other ghost, refusing to be dead."
Fossil: A song about suffering and forgiveness.
Album: To Kill a Living Book-For Library of Ruina- (released 2021)
From a Place of Love: This song is DARK. It's the story of two lovers who are sewn together, suffering horribly until they are killed. Sefikura wise, it really gives off the feeling of Cloud suffering under Sephiroth's control or affections, forced to spend forever with his enemy.
And Then is Heard no More: This song makes me think of Sephiroth regretting his actions towards Cloud, feeling guilty that his actions have hurt Cloud so badly.
Iron Lotus: I've always felt like this song is a good depiction of Cloud's mixed feelings towards Sephiroth. His guilt, anger, fear, and even his affection and adoration can all be seen in the lyrics. Not to mention how well the chorus lines up with Cloud's rather negative self image and him being fueled by his desire to kill Sephiroth.
Gone Angels: "For you, angels have fallen Now they're gone See? Now they're gone, forever gone From the hell that served as my one and only home Though it may hurt today Tomorrow, I'll be heading my way."
Need I say more?
Album: Key Ingredient (2022)
This album is basically a stripped back version of several of Mili's songs. All these songs were originally released on other albums, but these slower and often more emotional versions fit sefikura better, in my mind.
Chocological: What starts as a very sweet song (literally!) has a rather sad ending. One can imagine this song being about Cloud's idolization of Sephiroth and the way the idolization crashes and burns after Nibelheim.
And that is it, although there are dozens of other Mili songs that you might find also scratches that Sefikura itch.
Enjoy, @sephirthoughts
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jinx-blackout-84 · 2 months
Five is one of my favorite fictional characters for a few reasons.
I mean, first of all, the apocalypse that follows wherever he goes. At what point does the apocalypse end and he begins? Can he really exist anywhere without bringing complete destruction with him?
All of time, flickering in the palm of his hand, and he can't control it. What if he goes too far forward? What if he can't get back again? What if he's trapped again, lost in a world of rubble and ashes, and what if he doesn't make it out this time? What if he starves inside a tiny shelter, or dies in a catastrophic storm? What if it all ends and there's nothing he can do to save everyone? The amount of paranoia and anxiety he must have about his power, I mean, even just rewinding a few seconds at the end of S2 must have been terrifying, if he went just a bit too far he could be trapped again, he could actually die this time around.
Also, he's watched his siblings die once, and found their dead bodies buried in rubble another time. He's left in this barren wasteland, only his thoughts, his dead siblings corpses, and a mannequin to keep him company.
It fostered this sort of uncanny loyalty towards all of them, making him unable to let them get hurt or put in harms way, and I imagine everytime one of them does something risky, or they fail to stop the apocalypse, all he can see it their unfocused eyes and limp bodies, all he can see is their blood on his hands as he tries to dig them put of the rubble, yelling their names like he doesn't know they won't respond.
Also, he's had one purpose since he was born: to kill. Every wall of the house was lined with details on how to end someone's life with the nearest object. He wants a peaceful life, to finally be happy, like we don't all know that that kind fo violence sticks around. He can't just get rid of that, every time he picks up a fork or sees a blanket all he will think about is the hundred different ways he could kill someone with it, every time he walks into a room he will know exactly how to most efficiently murder everyone in the room.
And all those years in the apocalypse, the kind of desperation he learned there, the weight of that glass eye in his pocket, always, the thousands of equations and numbers, the hours spent tying and failing to find a way home, getting hungrier, older, more desperate. It was really over, wasn't it? He was going to die there, and never save his family.
And then to find out that Vanya caused it? To discover that to save the rest of his family he might very well have to kill his sibling? Luther trying to stop him from killing an "innocent person" like he hasn't breathed violence ever since he was old enough to lift a butter knife, like Luther doesn't know that they were raised to be soldiers, not people.
The Commission, making him their best assassin, using him for jobs he didn't understand, constantly having him jump all over time and kill, kill, kill, of course he wants peace!
And then he gets hime, with enough time to stop the apocalypse, he tries to help them understand, tries to fix the family (like he doesn't know it's too broken to be fixed in time) and after 45 years stuck in a wasteland, FAILS to save himself from reliving that fate, but saves his family, and loses then across time again. He finds them, and realizes the apocalypse followed him, like he's some sort of catalyst for death, no matter where he goes, everything burns.
Hazel and Cha Cha burning down the place with the glass eyes (idk what it's called) as more imagery for not only Five losing everything he wants in the apocalypse, but also to show that the things he tampers with ar inevitably destroyed? I was going bonkers.
The fats-paced fight scenes to strangely upbeat music have me going insane evry time I watch them.
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Hi! I love your writing and I’ve been literally binging through all the fics! I was kinda hoping for a fluff / angsty fred fic 👀
So we all know our beloved Fred dies and I’m kinda wanting to have a fic around that. It starts very warm and calm with possible memories before the war and how happy the two were waiting to get married, start a family etc. maybe a little moment in the morning of their house together waking up and it’s just stolen kisses and happiness 😩
Until the war begins and they both want to fight in it, very bittersweet moment of goodbye between them while Fred tells reader to be safe and how it’ll come back on both of them. During the war we know Fred gets killed and how it could be the reader protects a younger person during the war and that’s how they are killed too. The Weasley family not knowing they were dead until they saw her being placed down on a stretcher beside Fred. It’s just SAD and ya know ANGST. Anyway could be the two of them reuniting in the afterlife Idc!
But if this is too much don’t stress you’re amazing 😩
b i t t e r s w e e t
fandom- Harry Potter
pairing(s)- fred weasley
a/n: ahh i'm so happy you've been enjoying my writting, that makes my day. this brought back plenty of unhappy memories of a ten year old reading it for the first time, but what this really remiend's me of this is the line, "it's been a long day my friend, i'll tell you all about it when i see you again". i hope you don't mind as i hav'nt really written a proper fic on this and i'm willing to try again to reach your expectations, i wish this enlightens your day, and makes you smile a little brighter with love, tiya
requested- yes
warnings- unexperienced writer, not thoroughly edited
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the five times fred weasley was effortlessley in love
sometimes being the funniest person in the room was tiring, but being the most handsome, charming and the funniest was just absolutely exhausting. Fred was the type to always brighten the mood. he was the vibe, but sometimes its difficult to always light the room and be that positive ray of sunshine all the time, for it did take effort but he'd give it his all. But when it came to you? it felt so effortless.
(1) on his knees
Fred Weasley has never gotten on his knees for anyone, he'd never belittle himself to begging and he would certainly never find himself in a position where he would have to bend down. and for a girl? pfft
but he did, oh he did, he did, he did.
he found himself on his knees tying you laces with so much adoration. and a thought went across his mind.
is being this in love even real?
(2) oh for a hello
mind you, you were minding your business and making your way to the next class when the hem of your skirt was pulled, spinning you to the proximity of Fred Weasley's handsome face. you were cornered to a wall with him leaning in as if he owned the world.
(3) privellages
Fred was going of about god knows what and he was being quite annoying. he was upset about you doing some reckless things as if he did not partake in any such activities.
"Freddie". that had shut him up so well ah.
"can i call you that?" you pestered on, watching him immitate a fish. he turned himslef around and started smiling in hopes you wouldn't notice how flustered he's gotten. it was astounding how effortlesley happy you would make him and it drove him crazy.
imma marry this girl
(4) that not so little sensation
Weasley had somehow gotten into your dorm, and to be honest you didn't bother to wonder how. Beacause, when he had a will, he'd find a way, and if he could not find a way? he would pave with his own hands.
he springled and peppered your face with kisses and had his arm tightly around you as if you'd disapear if he let go.
what was that sensation he felt everytime he saw her smile and laugh? it was him being effortlesley in love
(5) die for you
it says you see what you have loved the most in your last, and he was happy it was them, cause its always been them. He felt all the stress, the anxiety and the worry leave him, it was just her, and who could be stressed after seeing that face. it was like a sponge absorbing anything and everything that made you worry.
it's been a long day, he'd tell her all about it when he saw her again
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lettherebemonsters · 5 months
You prob answered this before but im gonna ask anyway:
If Vivziepop said that Adam is “alive in some way”, what’s ur theory on it? (My theory is that Viv is hiding stuff from us)
(LOL I've been asked this a few times but I love answering stuff for Adam. XD So ask away!)
That's EXACTLY what I'm thinking. There's a lot of stuff that just doesn't sit right with my on how Adam died. It didn't feel final, not like, let's say, a DBZ kill where the bad guy literally gets torn apart.
I think she went about it the right way in order to make sure Adam had a chance to come back. If Lucifer hit Adam with his Destroy the Planet move, there was no question Adam would have been gone for good (and a big reason why I think the 'angelic light isn't a weapon' excuse is bullshit.)
BUT, having Adam stabbed left it open. Had the show not been renewed, then Adam could plausibly stay dead because of the angelic steel. BUT had the show been greenlit another season, it'd be easy to have him resurrect in Pen's place. An 'eye for an eye' kind of thing.
Add that NOBODY'S mentioned anything about Adam except for Viv's vague 'dead but alive' thing, and that she looks like she's avoiding Sinner Adam posts makes me wonder that Adam's going to be the shocking reveal for season 2.
I ADORE Lute, but let's be real...she does NOT have Adam's charisma. There's no way she can solo an entire story arc on her own. More than likely she's going to find Adam as a sinner and face her words coming back to bite her.
Viv DID say she put a TON of Easter Eggs for season 2, and A LOT of lines at Adam tend to lean towards someone falling in season 2. And Adam's definitely the guy that fits best.
I know from experience that lack of information does NOT mean it doesn't exist. Instead, it supports something IS happening, since why allow the hype to build and risk enraging most of your consumer base? Everytime a show pulls a move like that, it suffers MASSIVELY.
(Oh and the actors being banned from openly talking about season 2 definitely gives me the vibes that something very big is brewing...)
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bonefall · 1 year
Lord, everytime I think of post-TPB Bramble and bringing up not being trusted because of his father, I now can't help but think of it as a self-report. Like, there's no actual self-reflection happening, just some tiny part of his brain recognizing his father's behavior in his own and it makes him lashout every single time. It's both pitiful and fascinating.
That's what I'm SAYING like... In TNP, there are a precious few moments where cats are comparing him to his father, but for the most part, it's Brambleclaw freaking out that the people he's close to are thinking it based on no evidence. Especially Squirrelflight, who becomes jumpy around HAWKFROST who is actively causing problems
TNP creates a situation where it's actually perfectly reasonable to be concerned about similarities. Bramble's fucking mean and bossy. There is a tigerclone in RiverClan pushing for aggression between the Clans at a sensitive moment wistfully wishing he could have met his dead dad. They get haunted in their dreams by their evil ancestor. Tigerstar LITERALLY influences their bloodline from BEYOND THE GRAVE.
But Bramble becomes so jumpy about the comparisons that he can't confront the idea that maybe people are right. Maybe your EVIL DEMON GHOST FATHER is influencing your behavior. So he deflects, denies, cannot confront the uncomfortable idea until he's standing over Firestar, his biggest defender post-TPB, dying in a fox trap.
And then the whole thing nonsensically concludes, "Ah, well, he didn't go so far as to kill Firestar so actually he's not like Tigerstar." As if the only feature Tigerstar has is murder-happiness. No need to confront how he threw Leafpool under the bus a few chapters ago when it benefited him, was unable to self-reflect until this moment, bought Hawkfrost's manipulation hook line and sinker despite several people warning him because he couldn't accept that he was Influenced By Their Father.
The story they wanted to tell in TPB about 'not being defined by your family' was dead the SECOND Hawkfrost walked onto the screen. He IS defined by his bloodline, they WROTE a character whose whole thing is being influenced by his biodad, a person he never met. They don't want his villainy to stem from RiverClan because it's sooo sorry about TigerClan, so the source of his evil is... literally his father.
And like, that's interesting, actually. Not that Hawkfrost was born evil because of an evil gene, perish THAT thought, but that you do inherit the legacy of your parents. Like it or not, the people who raise you, who you hang out with, who you are compared to, HAVE AN IMPACT ON YOU.
That RUNNING from your problems will land you RIGHT in their shoes, and the only way to break that cycle IS TO CONFRONT IT. To treat their lives as a cautionary tale, an example of how to NOT be, and remember that the line between you and your abuser is a line, not a chasm.
TPB says, "You are not defined by your parents" and TNP could have cleverly responded, "...unless you let them." But that would have required Bramble to actually suffer a consequence at the end, do some introspection, consider the fact that he was proving his detractors correct with his shitty behavior.
Or, at the very least, let the narrative end on a bitter note that this is just a sign of things to come.
But an idea IS THERE, man. It's fascinating. Bramble is intriguing to me.
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starr-finn · 1 year
Hi okay so for ur first tf2 req, I will go with something that isn't too specific lol
- So this can be for all, but you don't have to include Pyro and Heavy if you don't wanna do all
- So the prompt is, Medic has either become sick and can't participate in the fight, or he got an assistant medic (in the case for writing for Medic)
- And Reader is the replacement/assistant medic!
- She's kinda like a medic gf but in a /pos way
- So she's got the med gf outfit (blighted beak, das fantzipantzen, long pleated skirt) with a quick-fix (so she can follow rocket-jumpers and sticky-jumpers)
- She's also very nice and always compliments/thanks her team ('That was an amazing kill/shot' + 'Wow that was impressive' + 'Thanks so much for the dispenser/sandvich') bc yippee kindness
- You know the perennial petals effect? That's her-core (also yes, if needed can reader be fem)
- Here's some her-core photos
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I will 100% write this for you! This is such a cute request, as per usual! hope you like this one bestie! I won't add pyro because I really don't know how to write pyro lol, also to everyone reading, I'm trying to color code things now! helps me keep focused
TF2 Mercs with a medic GF!
Author's note: all of the Mercs without Pyro because I just can't write him so yay! Hope Y'all like this! I tried to make it super cute, also, just to point this out here too, Fem!Reader, and mentions of food in Heavy's part (Sandvich ofc) PRobably mistranslated russian, and german, the french is pretty damn obvious
Buddy boy here thinks you're super cool, and he loves having a medic GF!
You're always there when he gets hurt, and he loves it
he loves your constant compliments
"Wow Scout! Nice shot!"
He chuckles softly and smiles "Thanks cutie!"
Scout loves how gentle you are when you patch him up, he thinks its adorable
any time you mention anything about being proud of him for some crazy ass shot he pulled off he almost cries
Full on adores you
Calls you stuff like Cutie and Baby doll
Bro gets into so much trouble it's not even funny tbh, dude stresses you out so much
He comes to you for everything because he enjoys how soft you are with him
He loves getting compliments from you, he just loves it
"Wow! great shot!" You smile, nodding softly at him
"Thank you Dearest" he salutes at you and then runs off to kill more people
Soldier will always drop everything to keep you safe (Defend your medics kids)
He gets hurt far to much for your liking but you honestly can't blame him in your job (and brain damage)
he is far too protective over you
Calls you Dearest and love
Bro gets hurt sometimes, just because of his explosives, and you're always right there with him
He rambles about how much he loves you and how much he loves how gentle you are when he's drunk
He always basically drops dead when you compliment him
You smile over at him "Nice shot, dear!"
Demo looks down, lightly kicking at the dirt "Aww...thanks love..."
Demo will physically fight anyone that even dares to try anything with you
He loves how you're always there when he's far to drunk to move
Calls you stuff like Love and Darling
Sniper doesn't get as hurt as often, he still gets injuries though
He'll keep you in his line of sight all the time and kill anyone that tries attacking you, super protective boy
as an introvert, homie almost loses it everytime you say something nice to him
Like pulls his hat down over his face flustered
"Woah!!! You're really good at that Snipes!" you smile softly and look up at him
Sniper blushes and covers his face with his hat "W-Well thank you"
now, dude will actually go to the ends of the earth to keep you safe
Healing his ass is super easy cuz this hoe stays still the whole time
Rambles about you to anyone who listens
Calls you stuff like "Roo" and "Little Koala"
Engineer (I absolutely adore this fucker)
Engie here is super easy to heal, still as a fucking stone
He likes to keep you safe, he absolutely loves you too much to let you get hurt yourself
He smiles softly and gets all blushy everytime you thank him or say something nice
"Thanks for the dispenser, love!"
He smiles and gently rubs the back of his neck "Awee thanks honey bee!"
Engie will hold your hand every time he's healing you
Helps you patch up some people
Brags that he managed to pull 'The sweetest damn woman alive"
Calls you 'Honey bee' and 'Sugar'
He's a doctor himself, so you both patch each other up!
actually tortured a guy for shooting at you
He always gets so damn cocky when you get all sweet with him
"Thanks for the heal Doc!" You smile and nod at him before running off
Medic chuckles softly and yells after you "You're welcome Engel!"
He likes when you help him with checkups!
He likes having you as a nurse around the infirmary
He doesn't really brag about you, unless he's like, SUPER drunk
Calls you 'Engel' and 'Schatz'
Ok so Heavy gets hurt more than soldier does, he is heavy weapons guy after all
Like all the other mercs, he's super protective
Takes all the thanks, and praise so gracefully
"Thanks for the sandvich dear!" You smile happily chomping down on the sandvich
Heavy gently ruffles your hair before walking off "You're welcome Ангел'
stands in front of you in fights
Definitely towers over you btw
likes when you heal him up after a fight
Calls you stuff like 'Ангел' and 'Родна́я'
This old ass man is a tryhard with not getting hurt, it still happens
Protective, again
another cocky one with praise and thanks
"Wow! Impressive kill Dearest!" You smile softly looking over at him
He chuckles softly and nods "Thank you, Mon amour"
Shows you off constantly
Brags more than scout does
you're really one of the only people he lets touch him
Calls you 'Mon amour' and that alone
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