#this may or may not be a wip in the future
agent-gladhand · 16 hours
Sticker Club and Merch Goodies Update!
Hihihi! I have been a very busy bee-hand monstrosity, here's what I've been doing! -
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Sticker Club Test Run is ready!!! A gaggle of spooky fellows for the spooky season!
Sticker club sign ups start Oct 1st on Kofi and end Oct 16th! It will be available to USA+Canada ($10) and International ($13)!
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WIPS of some little guys for the next shaker charm I'm making! This set will be a little special, and there are 3 more characters and pokemon partners that will be in this group. The shaker and teams will be sold separate from each other, so you can pick and choose your favorites to grab
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A little peek inside the "hardware", there may be some little secrets lurking about...
Production WIPS! I've compressed Dante into a carbonation sealing device, a little something I had made for the next shop update as well. I really like the style of these bottle caps, so hoping I'll be able to do a few more designs with these in the future!
As for the standees and puddings from the last preorders, they should be concluding manufacturing soon!
That should be all for now, now that I'm a bit closer to finishing everything I'm working on for the next shop update, Mid-Late October seems like when I shall throw the doors open again! Thanks so much for looking at my silly things and all the support!
Shop Link and Mailing List for Updates here!
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cuppajj · 1 day
Hello! I have seen many people making their own Beast Ancient stories and I'm planning to make my own story called "The Marking of the Saint". Obviously, it includes Saint Vanilla Cookie and Cream Wafer Cookie. I do have a question about Cream Wafer Cookie and the other Lambs of Penance "marking" a Cookie: Is the mark a physical or spiritual mark? Or is it something else? I'm really curious.
(P.S.: I already drew Saint Vanilla Cookie. He was fun to draw and I'm planning to draw the other Beast Ancients: Dragonberry Cookie, Celestial Cheese Cookie, Midnight Lily Cookie, and Frigid Cacao Cookie. ^^)
It’s spiritual yes, not physical; at least Cream Wafer’s way of marking with his orchid. It essentially turns your soul into a big attractive beacon for Saint to descend upon; there may be another element that doesn’t rely on him since this concept is still a wip, but essentially, expect your mortality rate to go way up after the orchid has marked your soul (I should add that it’s only an orchid wielded by a lamb/Wafer, regular saint orchids can’t do this). More will be elaborated in the future! It also probably has a loose association with why all acolytes of Penance have the orchid stars in their eyes
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narwhalcasserole · 4 months
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committing crimes <3
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hellboundhimbo · 2 months
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i need them to spontaneously combust into a ball of fire but also have a big fat gay wedding and live happily ever after it’s all very complicated
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hdra77 · 5 months
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a little wip for some scenery study ft. me and my friend's ocs hoo boy this is going to be a big one to work with ! :D i was this close on leaving them green and leaving that bg sketch as is LMAO ocs featured: (left)delighted jingling (my friend's oc) (right)dystopian arbitrary endless possibilities (mine!)
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redwritr · 2 months
WIP ...day
i was tagged ages ago by @cassietrn (thank you!), and since I know they're constantly working on things, here's a no-expiration tag back for @cassietrn as well as @shootybangbang, @twola, @reddeaddufus, @cheesewedge, @readingcoco and @revolversandlace
here's a tease of a future sidesmut (excerpt is sfw)💗
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Lilacs in May
The two of you stand side by side at the front desk in the lobby of The Acadian Hotel, so weary from the road and the heat of the day, you feel as if you’re swaying in place. Wan-faced. Drained. Mud-caked. Bloody.
The clerk clears his throat. “I should mention that our rates are considerable.”
“That don’t matter, partner.” For having been dragged fifty feet or so by his horse, Arthur sounds almost conversational. Affable. Patient for a short while longer.
“Our rooms start at ten dollars, sir.”
“What dyou got for twenty?”
The clerk purses his lips, and his eyebrows push up before he can calm them to a more professionally neutral angle, and clears his throat again. “For twenty you could have room twelve, the Queen Vict-”
“Sounds good, partner.”
“Payment up front, of course, is…customary.”
Arthur unfolds two soggy bills from a thick clip, completely unaware of the attention around him immediately drawn to such voluminous wealth, and wipes away some mud to check the denomination. “I assume you take foldin money.” They fall with a flop on the leather desk top.
“…Yes.” The clerk lifts them with a pinch. “Yes sir.”
Behind the clerk, an ornate key rack hangs mostly empty, but for the one marked No. 12, and as the clerk turns to unhook it, his tone changes as if he’s remembered his duty, and he turns back around with a refreshed smile. “…Might I sugge- mention our spacious, state of the art private bathrooms, equipped with modern shower enclosures, nickel-plated, imported from Europe.”
“Europe you say.”
“English showers, sweetheart, you hear that? Sounds perfect.” 
“Finest cure for skin and lung ailments.”
He’s leaning on the desk now as he nudges your arm. You stand there lifting one grime-caked boot, clumps of half-dried mud falling off your trousers on the fancy patterned rug in soft thuds. Gray streaks coat the insides of your trouser legs, dried lather from your horse, and it reeks like a stockyard; even you are repulsed by it and unsure why you have to be waiting here so goddamn long. You notice two ladies across the room not very discreetly fanning the air in front of their faces.
“We have recently had a brand-new boiler installed. Enough to supply hot water to all twelve private baths. We may be on edge of civilization, but no man shall have a cold shower in The Acadi-”
“You got any soap?”
The clerk is silent for a long fluttering blink. “You’ll find an assortment of finest quality soaps and bath oils in the suite.”  
Momentarily, his nervous glance veers left, to the adjacent dining room and its tuxedoed staff lighting tall candles in the center of white-clothed tables, and planting crystal glasses by the plates as delicately as seedlings. “Will you be needing a dinner reservation?” He seems to shrink in his suit, facing the man in front of him again and the prospect of enforcing a dress code.
“Have it brought up.” 
With a noticeable sigh, the clerk glances down as another ten dollar bill is tossed in front of him. Arthur plucks the key from his hand and takes yours, as sticky and grimy as the soles of your boots, and pulls you up the wide, carpeted staircase. He touches his brim at a couple of ladies coming down, who freeze together in a cowering gawk, pressed against the opposite railing.
As soon as the door is closed, he falls in his full kit, two guns, bandolier, and his 10-inch Bowie knife, into a tufted chair in the nearest corner and hangs his arms off the sides and rests his neck loose on the back of the chair.
You trudge two steps past him before you lower, aching, to your knees, and your hands, and your stomach, and your face on the rug, and lie there flat, unexpectedly aware of how fragrant a rug can smell.
“Do rich people perfume their floors?”
Behind you, the heavy dulled weight of his bandolier clacks on the floorboards, next his gunbelt, then you hear him wince and get down to his knees off the chair and feel him crawl stiffly overtop you until he hovers very close and leans down.
“You just gonna sleep there then?” He delicately nips the edge of your ear.
“Maybe,” you mumble, face mashed into the velvety pile. “Why.”
“I was told there's an English shower over there I'd like to show you."
“What's English about it.”
He's carving his hand under your stomach and fidgeting unsuccessfully with the buckle of your gunbelt while you do nothing to help him.
“I got a few ideas.”
“Why would anyone want to stand up to bathe?”
“Why would you stand up at all. Lazy…” he mutters, trying to jimmy your buckle up to the side as you make yourself even more limp over his hand.
“I was busy working while you had to get yourself dragged off down the road.” Your voice shakes as he lightly jerks your belt and finally pulls it off like he's just pried open a safe.
“If I recall, I was busy gettin dragged while you was bein a show-off.” He crushes you with his full weight before getting up with a heavy smack on your ass.
He explores the room; you hear drawers opening, lamps switching on and off, and then the heavy thud of one boot falling to the floor, and the other, and the sound of him walking into the next room.
There's a light knock on the door like a tremor, and Arthur steps over you to answer, accepts what was brought, and shuts the door while the man is still thanking him for, as far as you can tell, being a guest of the hotel, his tone really more of a question.
You’re half asleep on that plush and fragrant rug when he starts enticing you to your feet one small nudge of his toes in your ribs at a time. A sharp pop of a cork hardly stirs you from the strong magnetic pull of your nap.
And you’re about to ask what got into him, but you know.
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ao-xingyume1987 · 2 months
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( x )
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nopeleavemealoone · 9 months
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A gif of dazai tripping
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toxooz · 1 year
comic update will be done early September until then one (1) lil sneek peek 👁👃👁
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twrambling · 9 months
Puerto Rico x Ireland
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very quick doodle.
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Version where Ireland has no freckles and a fun fact (excuses as to why I ship them)
Did you know that a Puerto Rican man,
Pedro Albizu Campos
(this man)
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helped with the Irish constitution?
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Here's the wiki article that talks about him:
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milktian · 11 days
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working on,,,, fields of mistria farmer + backstory
so far all I have is: his name is felix, he's somewhere in his 20s, used to be a mercenary but ditched that life and became a farmer instead. he's also remarkably cat-like ( Φ ω Φ )
I havent gotten a solid clothing design down but this wip is from a brain worm I had and not an actual chara sheet so it'll probably change when I get around to making this little guy proper lmao
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waywardseamen · 5 months
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alamein wip because he is soooooooooo pretty and it makes me crazy
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wildflowercryptid · 1 year
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real egg moments with brendan birch
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sorry I shrunk your boyfriend
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litt1e-prince · 1 year
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you guys DONT understand- i read this line from Smiles Taken AU fic and just havent been the same since- went out of my way to learn perspective
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navybrat817 · 5 months
Hi hello I hope you're day is going amazingly
❃Lily❃: ask a question about a WIP
also, here are baby ducklings
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Croki, look at them! 😍 They make my heart happy.
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Bucky and Hal. 😭 I'm so glad you asked. It has been so long since I updated that AU that I feel like everyone forgot about them or no one would care when I finally updated again because of the long gap.
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At the risk of sounding crass, Hal gets his turn in the upcoming part. 😏 But our omega is going to feel a range of emotions once her heat is over and Bucky and Hal will do their best to help her through that, too. Not just because they're her alphas (and they are), but they would never leave someone in distress.
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She also needs to navigate how she feels and how she wants their relationship to move forward. She can't go back to just being their neighbor, but she needs time before accepting their marks. Because once that happens, it's permanent.
I'm excited for that journey. 🥰
Love and thanks! ❤️
May Flowers
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