#this one goes out to ye all đŸ„‚
cozycottagetarot · 1 month
You & Your Person: Relationship Dynamics
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This Reading Covers the relationship dynamics in general and how you and your person show up in the relationship.
This Extended Reading Covers:
The Strengths and The Roles You Both Play
The Challenges and The Roles You Both Play
Bonus Question
I loosely used the tarot in this one. I considered the traditional meanings but also factored in what I got from the imagery along with what my intuition was telling me.
This reading is for entertainment purposes only. ✹
Dividers From X
Reading Masterlist | Patreon | Paid Readings -- Open đŸ„‚
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Group 1
The Relationship In General
Cards: King of Cups, Five of Wands, Ten of Wands, The Thief, The Assassin
This isn't the best opening line, but this relationship has a dynamic that very easily has the potential to become toxic, however it does not mean it will be. Now stay with me! I've been struggling with how to do this reading but the energy I’m picking up on has been very adamant about me not trying to be all rainbows and sunshine’s with this pile. This relationship is heavy. It is mentally taxing. You’ve both got your shadow attributes and they clash. But at the same time, there is so much love here
 it’s almost as if there’s so much love that you end up drowning in it.
You show up in this relationship as The Thief. You’re the sweet talker, I was going to say spontaneous one (that could still be true) but I'm getting that that's not exactly it. You’re the sweet talker here. The Thief has their own agenda and has a streak of luck. I can’t say you’re the dominant one because it feels like two dominant people together, but you’re the outspoken one who kind of calls the shots while your person has a more passive (aggressive) type of dominance. It’s more like you call the shots until your person has had enough of it and then suddenly you don’t.
The Assassin represents your person. They may not be the best at maintaining relationships but they know they have to put in the effort and they do so. I think this is why the relationship works. Yes, you two may clash and the relationship takes a lot of work, but because you’re both able to and willing to put in that work, you’re able to return to that state of love or emotional balance and make it work.
To summarize, you and your person both have strong personalities. These personalities can clash, but when they do you two work it out you come back together closer. There’s also a thick tension here. I think it's a very fiery build-up between you two... If people were watching you two they’d question if you’re going to try to kill each other or have a rough night in the bedroom when you go home.
If you've made it this far, thank you! ♡ If you'd like to see the extended version which includes the strengths and challenges of the relationship as well as bonus question specific to each group, you can check out my Patreon here.
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Group 2
The Relationship In General
Cards: Page of Cups, King of Wands, Queen of Swords, The Sailor, The Poet
Your relationship with your person seems like one that is delicate. There's so much potential surrounding what can come of it and I think both you and your person are aware of that and put in the work. There's a levelheaded flexibility here. You're both clear and concise on what you want (seeing where the relationship goes) and because of this you two can take the necessary actions to cultivate this relationship and all the possibilities of what you two can become.
Here you show up as the sailor. I don’t really think you’re the type of person to be tied down easily. It's like yes you'd like to call someone to call home, but you're not calling just anyone you get along with home. Maybe that’s why the relationship seems delicate... because this person is the one person you’d lower your anchor for. I think you bring the adventure to the relationship and not just in the sense of let's try a new restaurant, but as in let's move to a different country for a month! You've got a restless energy. Always on the go. Always curious about what lies beyond. I think it adds an extra weight or importance that you’d settle down with them. Not for but with.
Your person shows up as the poet. They bring the charm and the romance making the relationship seem like the best kind of love story. They're very open and adaptable. For some of you this could be a long distance relationship or there is a distance of some kind between you and your person (it could be like a two hour drive, different work shifts etc)... so whenever you two are able to spend time together your person does their best to make sure there's some wow factor when you two are together. They just have such a beautiful energy I think you'll always find yourself enamored by them.
If you've made it this far, thank you! ♡ If you'd like to see the extended version which includes the strengths and challenges of the relationship as well as bonus question specific to each group, you can check out my Patreon here.
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Group 3
The Relationship In General
Cards: Page of Swords, Ten of Pentacles, Three of Wands, The Aspirant, The Sentinel
I feel like you have this relationship with your person locked down! You and your person are all about expanding your material wealth or physical aspects of your relationship (home, car, trips, finances, etc). For some of you, you two could even be in some business endeavor together, but at the very least you two are always about maintaining the stability of your relationship and making sure the relationship is without want. You will always be looking to improve and I feel like you two may end up experimenting a lot within your relationship with different plans for your combined futures.
You show up in the relationship as The Aspirant. You’re the one who has the grand vision for the relationship in a way. You see the final destinations in all the endeavors you and your partner dream up together. You have the keys to making the relationship work and making sure you attain the success you both seek. I’m also hearing generational wealth may be of importance for you as well.
Your person shows up as The Sentinel. They guard these ideas of yours, they guard the relationship and they guard the stability. The aspirant doesn’t see obstacles, only the goal which can end up setting the back but the sentinel does see obstacles and overcomes them and that’s exactly how you two work together as a unit.
If you've made it this far, thank you! ♡ If you'd like to see the extended version which includes the strengths and challenges of the relationship as well as bonus question specific to each group, you can check out my Patreon here.
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sleepyhutcherson · 6 months
hi! I really enjoy reading your work! I was wondering if I could request a Mike Schmidt fluff piece where he proposes to the reader on New Year’s Eve? :) happy holidays
When You Know, You Know
pairing: mike schmidt x fem!reader
summary: dating for nearly three years, mike takes the opportunity to propose to you on new years eve.
contains: no use of y/n, she/her pronouns, vanessa being mike’s bff, chef!mike schmidt (idk how he ended up in here but i love him), abby’s having a sleepover at vanessa’s, mike proposing to reader, relationship established.
a/n: thank you for the request <33 alsp happy new year everyone đŸ„‚đŸ„‚đŸ„‚
Mike had it all planned out, of course he did. He debated proposing to you at a fancy restaurant but he knew neither of you would really enjoy that because of the attention. You two had been together for nearly three years now, Mike knew for a while now that he wanted to marry you, he liked the idea of spending the rest of his life with you.
Mike sighs dramatically, running a hand through his now messy hair. “You don’t think that’s too boring?” He asks, nervously biting down on his lip. He holds the kitchen phone against his ear, leaning on the wall.
Vanessa, from the other line, rolls her eyes but a smile tugs at the corner of her lips. She was genuinely so happy that Mike would be proposing to you. She could clearly see how in love he was with you.
“You’re overthinking it. Anyway, I think she’ll be too distracted by the question to even give the scenery another thought.” Vanessa says, chuckling softly over the line. Mike could briefly hear the sound of the television playing cartoons.
“I just—I mean, if she says yes—“ he starts, but is cut off by Vannessa muttering “—which she will.” Mike rolls his eyes, but a faint tint of pink shades his cheeks. “—I don’t want her to look back at the proposal and feel like it was insignificant.”
Vanessa’s about to reply when Mike faintly hears the sound of the doorbell through the line. “Shit. Okay, I have to go. Pizza’s here and Abby’s hungry. Look, I’ll see you tomorrow. Don’t overthink it!” She says quickly before the line goes out.
Mike prepared your favourite food. He enjoyed cooking, he didn’t do it too often but whenever he got the chance he took it. He likes spending time in the kitchen preparing food for people he loves, which in every case that was Abby and you. In another life he hoped he could’ve been a chef.
He set up the table to look more “fancy” but really it was just a white tablecloth, a bouquet of your favourite flowers, and two candles in the centre. You would be home any minute since you worked New Year’s Eve so Mike made sure everything was ready by the time he heard you pull up in the driveway.
You fiddled for your keys in your bag but to your surprise the door opened, Mike standing there with a soft smile. “Hey.” You greet, walking inside the warm house. Immediately, you’re hit with a lovely smell which is coming from the kitchen. That’s when you notice the nicely set up table.
“Hi,” Mike mumbles, closing the front door before moving closer to you to kiss you. It’s a quick but soft kiss. “I missed you.” He says once he pulls away.
You nearly melt at his words. You give him a quick peck on his cheek and lightly rub at the lipstick stain you left behind. “What’s all this?ïżœïżœ You ask with a smile on your face.
Mike helps you with your coat, slipping it off of you before hanging it on the coat rack. “We’re having your favourite tonight.” Mike says, grabbing your hand to lead you to the table. He pulls the chair out for you, gesturing for you to sit, once you do he makes his way to the kitchen.
“What’s the special occasion?” You ask, still smiling. You noticed the bouquet of flowers in the middle of the table, you stare at them in awe. They were beautiful, you found it even more beautiful that Mike had got them for you. That he remembered. Of course he did.
Mike comes out of the kitchen with two plates, he sets one down in front of you and the other for himself. He quickly goes back to the kitchen to grab two glasses and a bottle of wine, pouring some for the two of you.
“Thanks.” You smile, your heart beating so quick it’s almost concerning. Mike has been so busy with his new job that you guys haven’t really had a date night in a few weeks. “You made this?” You ask, pointing at your meal with your fork.
Mike nods with a proud smile on his face. “Yeah. I know how much you like it.” He says, taking a sip from his glass.
You take your first bite. Mike was great at cooking, you were aware of that, but God was this probably his best dish so far. Maybe you were being biased because it was your favourite, or maybe because it was made by Mike. “This is amazing.” You say immediately, smiling at Mike.
“Yeah?” He watches you eat, a look of awe on his face as he watches you. This was another reason why he liked to cook for you, he loved seeing you eat his food. He loved how much you enjoyed the food he made, it made him feel accomplished in a way. But also he loved to please you, he loved getting a reaction from you.
“Try some.” You grab your own fork and move more forward to feed Mike. He laughs, trying to deny you feeding him and you pout. Mike rolls his eyes, smiling, and gives in, allowing you to feed him.
“It’s alright.” Mike says, shrugging. He never was great at complimenting his work. You roll your eyes, wiping the bit of food from the corner of his mouth with your thumb.
“C’mon, baby, that’s fucking great. Like, you should have your own restaurant by now. I'm not even joking. Like, I’m sorry I love Gordon Ramsey but you’re probably better than him!” Mike blushes at your compliments, hiding his face with his hands when you keep going.
Mike grabs your hand and pulls you onto his lap, immediately kissing you to shut you up, his face red and warm at your comments. The kiss is passionate, Mike’s way of saying thank you for your many compliments. They meant a lot to him, especially coming from you even if he shied away and denied them.
“God, I love you so much.” Mike mumbles against your lips. Before the kiss can lead to anything else Mike pulls away, he still has something to ask you. His eyes darted to the clock hanging on the wall behind you, it’s nearly midnight. “Hey, c’mere real quick.” Mike stood up, grabbing your hand, pulling you towards him.
His hands wrap around your waist pulling you closer to him. He knows he should probably get to the point but he can’t bring himself to pull away from you. He stares at you, his eyes softening at you. His hand comes up to cup your cheek, drawing faint circles with his thumb. “I love you.” His tone is gentle, his words slow like he’s desperate for you to really listen to him.
“I love you too.” You reply immediately. The atmosphere shifts suddenly, Mike’s arms unwrapping from you. You blink surprised that the moment you two were just having was being ripped.
You stare at Mike with a perplexed expression, Mike finding it adorable. He reaches for something in his pocket and before you know it he’s kneeling down on one knee in front of you. And oh. Oh. You feel your heart start quickening, looking down at Mike, his eyes glistening with the light as he stares up at you. There’s a tiny box in his hand and he opens it for you revealing a ring that sits inside.
” you manage to speak, barely above a whisper.
“I love you. I love you so much.” His voice is soft but his words are desperate, needy. “From the moment I met you I wanted this. I wanted to spend every day coming home to you. To spend mornings and late nights listening to you talk. To spend every moment with you, to cook for you, to make you laugh and smile. To have the pleasure to wake up to you every morning. It’s all I’ve ever needed. I want it all forever.”
Mike’s brown eyes appear more hazel, desperately warm. He smiles up at you then, “will you marry me?” His voice is sweet, nervous, but sweet. Gentle. His words bring tears to your eyes. The sincerity of his voice made it all so real, so special.
You nod rapidly. Immediately. Mike’s eyes go wide, his smile growing wider as he stands up to grasp you. His hands cup your face, “yeah?” He breathes out as if he’s been holding his breath this entire time.
“Yes! Yes, Mike.” You cry, smiling. Before you can say anything more Mike closes the gap between you two, kissing you desperately. You kiss back, one of your hands on his neck pulling him closer while the other was running through his hair, Mike breathlessly mumbling “I love you” whenever he got the chance.
Both of you pull away at the loud fireworks going off outside, the bright colours flashing through the window. You stare at them for a moment, Mike’s hands running up from your hips to your waist, when you turn back to Mike he’s already staring at you, paying no attention to the fireworks outside. He had something more beautiful in front of him. Something more bright.
“Happy new year, love.” Mike smiles, bringing you closer to kiss you. You can feel Mike’s smile in the kiss. When he pulls away he moves a strand of your hair away from your face, staring at you, mesmerised. “I love you.”
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strawberryspence · 1 year
happy birthday, @withacapitalp! i hope im not that late! i am so glad to be your friend and i am glad you were born. ily! long islands on me! đŸ„‚đŸŸđŸ’—
There’s this damn spring festival in Indianapolis. It’s pretty popular among young-ins and people from small towns come to visit it every year. There are local vendors, activities, mini concerts. It’s where Eddie thrives the most, he has gone every year since he can remember.
His first mistake was mentioning it to Dustin. The second was agreeing to his insistent pleading if he could come with Eddie to Indy.
Because after Eddie finally said yes. The news— unsurprisingly— reaches El, and wherever El goes, Will goes, and of course, wherever Will goes Mike goes. Then Max hears and also wants in and of course, Lucas also wants to go. So now, it’s the whole damn party. Of course, he can’t handle all the kids. So now, all the adult kids are coming too.
And listen, he thinks they’re all great. But he’s been wanting to get out of Hawkins and away from them to just— breathe. Also, that’s a lie. Eddie doesn’t want to get away from them. He specifically wants to get away from Steve fucking Harrington and all the confusing feelings he have for the very straight man.
Of course, that doesn’t work out.
Because now they're stuck in the middle of a crowd. Eddie has never really understood why people said they felt like a sardine in a can, but right now, he fully understands. He should have known it was going to be busy. It was a Saturday and it’s one of the biggest festivals in town.
He will never say it, but Eddie thanks Steve’s very strong maternal instinct. He can worry for himself right now, because he knows the kids are together due to the very strict buddy system Steve instituted. Now they just have to get to the damn corn dog stand, which Steve declared as their meet up place.
“Eddie.” Eddie whips his head to see Steve staring intently at him. Oh yeah, Steve’s his buddy. “We have to get out of here.”
Eddie nods faintly but doesn’t answer. He has to keep his breathing in check. They’re fine, and the kids are fine. There’s a crowd but they're not after the kids. They're not after Eddie. They’re not after him. It's not an angry mob. Not after him for killing Chrissy. Not—
“Eds.” Steve pushes against the people to get to him. His brown eyes track his face before he sighs in worry, “Hold my hand.”
“What?” Eddie croaks out in disbelief.
Steve looks around, before whispering, "Baby, I think you're one step away from a panic attack. It's too fucking crowded."
And before Eddie can say anything else, Steve captures his hand into his. He doesn't intertwine them together because they're still in public and though they're in the city, it's always good to be safe. But Steve still holds Eddie's hand so tightly, like he's afraid that Eddie's going to vanish from his sight.
"Don't let go, okay?" Steve asks, which is ridiculous, and crazy. Because now that Eddie's holding his hand, clasped together like two ends of the same parenthesis, he doesn't think he could ever let go.
Eddie nods, and Steve pulls him in front of him, shielding him with his arms so people won't bump into him. It weirdly feels like a hug. If he has to describe it, he will say it feels exactly like the moment Wayne hugged him after he came out to him. It's safety, warmth, and overwhelming love and protection.
Steve maneuvers around the crowd like a pro. He dodges people without hitting them and takes them out of the fucking crowd in the middle of the market.
Before he knows it, they're out of the crowd and sitting on a bench. His breathing is finally getting better, but Steve still hasn't let go of his hand. Not when he bought Eddie a drink, not when he instructed Eddie to breathe with him, not when the kids came and asked what was wrong, only to be shooed away.
Eddie's not sure why he's so shaken to the core by this certain touch. He's always been the touchy-feely one. He throws an arm on Steve's shoulders, pats his head when Steve does something ridiculously adorable, and nudges him by the ribs when he says something funny. Steve's never initiated touch, Robin says it's because of the "complete lack of love and care from his parents."
But Steve's right here. Squatting in front of him. Holding his hand as he waits for Eddie to calm down. Looking at him like he— loves him. How could Steve ever be the product of lack of love and care, when he seems to have an abundance of it?
"You doing better, Eds?" Steve asks, his eyes are bright against the lights. He's looking at Eddie like Eddie's something to be cared for, to be loved, like he's something precious.
Eddie wants Steve to look at him like this. Selfishly, he wants to have it for the rest of his fucking life.
Eddie blinks at him, and accidentally, intentionally, stupidly, spits out, "I think I am in love with you."
Steve freezes. He blinks at him.
The world behind them slows down. There's a kid winning a prize a few stalls down, and a man bargaining for a vase on the other end. Someone's order is ready at the food stand and someone just won the bingo. There's a band playing and they're fucking playing Whitesnake's Is This Love.
It's one of those simple, but beautiful moments. Those that make you feel like you're nothing but a small particle in this big, vast world. Eddie basks in those moments sometimes.
However, at that moment, Eddie doesn't. If Steve looks at him like that for the rest of his life, Eddie doesn't think he'll ever feel small again.
He lets the world fade into a quiet noise. Nothing else matters. Nothing, but Steve Harrington.
He just stares at Steve. He just stares as Steve's face breaks into the biggest smile he has ever seen and it quite literally feels like watching a sunflower grow right in front of him. It's a smile that overflows, from the way he beams at him, from the way his eyes wrinkle, the way his nose crinkles.
Eddie's never seen Steve smile this big before and its damn beautiful.
"You sure about that?" Steve asks. There's insecurity in it, but also hope.
Eddie's never been this sure about anything else in his life, so he says, "Yes."
Steve softens, "Alright. That's good."
"How is that good?" Eddie whispers.
"Because, I—" Steve turns over their hands on his lap, and finally— finally— intertwines them. And shit, maybe there is a God, because this feels sacred, a love made just for the two of them.
"Because, I think I am also in love with you."
"I wish I can kiss you here," Eddie says, making Steve laugh, and it spills out of his body so beautifully Eddie wants to keep doing it for the rest of his life.
"Slow down, cowboy," Steve giggles, but the way he tightens his hold on Eddie's hand tells the opposite of his statement.
"Steve! Eddie! Look at this!" Dustin screams from the nearby booth, where El just won him a teddy bear.
"Yeah, you have to come. El's not doing anything. It's just pure talent!" Lucas sarcastically shrieks back.
In the background, El's giggling like crazy. Which 100% means she's using her magic. Eddie can't help but smile at the kids. He's glad he bought them with him to have fun.
Steve immediately stands up at that, their hands breaking apart at the motion. "Oh God. I told her not to use her powers." Steve's about to rush to them— maternal instincts and whatnot— before he stops in his tracks and turns to Eddie.
Steve softens, holding out his hand to Eddie. Eddie takes it without hesitation.
"Don't let go?" Steve asks.
Eddie stares at him, before he whispers a vow just for the two of them, "I won't. I promise."
True to his word, he doesn't let go. Not ever.
Eddie has no intention of ever letting Steve go.
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landonorizzz · 4 months
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SUMMARY: marceline's valentines over the years (a short study of self love and a look into the past)
PAIRING: pierre gasly x ex! fem! redbull media team! oc , [redacted] x fem! redbull media team! oc (no faceclaim)
WARNINGS: mentions of cheating, cursing
A/N: this is a short valentines day special, marci is healing and we get a look into pierre's and marci's past relationship - this one's not really plot filled, just some valentines snaps over the years ;)
[carved my name] masterlist madi's library
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marcilazzaro1 and clairobernie_x posted to their story!
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liked by danielricciardo, lance_stroll, clairobernie_x and others
marcilazzaro1 this year, for valentines day, i am celebrating the strongest, bravest and funniest person i know, the curious soul that has been with me my whole life - myself. these past months made me realise that i wasn't always so kind to her, always putting her wants and needs on hold for people who weren't worth it, telling her to settle for something less rather that fight for what she deserves... now, i'm learning to love her and be happy for her in a completely different way and i've never felt more like myself. today of all days, whether you're single or in a relationship, please remember to show yourself some love too. you can spoil yourself a little - you absolutely deserve it.
all of my love goes to you x
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carrie_on whos cutting onions here what the shit
redleclerc she is actually so mother, you don't understand
clairobernie_x i very much agree with the home decor, mia bella đŸ€
↳ marcilazzaro1 aw, are we about to kiss rn?
↳ clairobernie_x 😚
cuddlyxricc are you trying to trick me into loving myself with a very aesthetic valentines photo dump?
↳ marcilazzaro1 is it working?
↳ cuddlyxricc ......maybe
↳ marcilazzaro1 good.
quickstappen did you do anything special today to spoil yourself?
↳ marcilazzaro1 yes! i cooked my absolute favourite meal from my childhood, took a very long and relaxing bath all while sipping on apple cider (i'm not a huge fan of champagne) and binged the mamma mia movies again!
↳ marcilazzaro1 did you do anything to spoil yourself?
↳ quickstappen it was gonna be another sad valentines, but you've changed my mind. i deserved a break. i went shopping to my favourite store and i'm planning to treat myself to dinner night out!
↳ marcilazzaro1 you don't know how amazing it is to hear that đŸ€
barbiegirl i just love how confident she's getting đŸ„č i've waited YEARS for this
shithappens okay but the revenge dress???? absolute serve
↳ madi_races it looks like it was made for her, honestly
ilpredestinatox HELL YEAH. GIRL, YOU DON'T NEED NO MAN (especially not that cheating bastard)
sarah_scott đŸ„‚đŸ’›
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liked by pierregasly, danielricciardo and others
marcilazzaro1 to the one who always listens to what i have to say and never complains about my weird shit - i thought i knew what it was like to love and be loved, but everyday you prove me wrong, you're like a breath of fresh air after a long dive.
all of my love goes to you x
tagged: pierregasly
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pierregasly there's no one i'd rather listen to in the middle of the night, you make me feel whole, i didn't even know i had so much love to give
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liked by pierregasly, maxverstappen1 and others
marcilazzaro1 another year, another letter. i've never felt such an overwhelming kind of love, no matter how many words i write, it's never enough. there's so much i want to say and so little words. i think i'll just have to write it out for the rest of my life and even that might not be enough time.
all of my love goes to you x
tagged: pierregasly
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pierregasly i've never liked reading, but i know all your letters by heart. i can't wait to spend forever with you
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liked by pierregasly, alex_albon and others
marcilazzaro1 to pierre, my love - no words can explain what i feel for you (and yet i try every year), i love everything about you, even your dirty socks laying around the apartment, but most of all, i love your quiet. i was never good with silence, my life is chaotic and full of noise, i was scared of slowing down, but with you i am safe and i don't have to fear the quiet moments anymore
all of my love goes to you x
tagged: pierregasly
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pierregasly i can only be quiet with you, no one else
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liked by pierregasly, sarah_scott and others
marcilazzaro1 to the future us - i hope you're kind and loved. to pierre - another year with you and i still don't have enough. i think my love for you might be endless, like the depth of your eyes in the mornings. i am enamored, bewitched, but never lost, i've found myself in your arms.
all of my love goes to you x
tagged: pierregasly
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pierregasly here's to the future! i love you always
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madi's radio: here we have a bit of nostalgia for marci and pierre :)))) i don't know where this came from honestly, but i wanted to show that there was a time when they were happy and in love (on both sides)
taglist: @sunny44 @rockyhayzkid @biancathecool @unluckyyoshi @woozarts @janeholt3 @celestialend @formulaal @d3kstar @yoremins @rd14 @mess-is-my-aesthetic @callsignwidow @blaaahblubb @evans-dejong @lwstuff (xxx - couldn't tag you)
click here to be added to the carved my name taglist!
DISCLAIMER: i do not know anything about this people, this is not real life, this is just something for fun, i do not know anythings about their life or personalities!
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galaxyshine24-7 · 6 months
The Silver BulletđŸ„‚
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Chapter 6 Colletti Royale
“What do you think you’re doing! These roses must be red!” 
Yuu flinches at another of Riddle’s outburst. It's been like this since Yuu got here. Heartslybul prepared a charity event in the community gardens, and their leader has been raging since it started. All Yuu could do is prepare drinks as the poor Heartslaybul members try to avoid Riddle’s temper. 
“Geez, when is this going to end?” Ace slumps against Yuu’s stand, a large heart shaped collar around his neck. 
“What is that?” Yuu flicks the collar. 
“A punishment, the Queen is still upset, if I get he gets fired up this thing will go up in flames.” Ace sighs. “All because of some stupid tart."
Yuu looks up to see Riddle making his way to his seat at the head of the table rubbing his temples. Everyone must be stressed with all the recent events. Yuu can see the vein popping out of the gang leader’s head from here. 
“Hey, Ace stop being lazy, Trey needs us in the kitchen.” Deuce walks over to the bar giving Yuu a small smile. 
“Oh right.” Ace yawns. 
“You two stay safe alright,” Yuu states.
“Don’t worry Yuu Me, Ace, and Trey have come up with a way to make Riddle happy again.”
“Really?” Yuu looks over to a fuming Rosehearts ordering around his subordinates. “I hope it works out for you guys.” Yuu gives them their best reassuring smile.
“Thanks, Yuu, we'll see you later.” Deuce grabs Ace’s arm dragging him away to the kitchen. 
Yuu hopes everything goes well. NRC has been in an uproar with the recent incidents. No one really knows what it was all about. It’s a part that worries Yuu the most, overblots are always a tragic ordeal, but to think they would just happen out of nowhere is unheard of in public information. It can put anyone on edge to think it could happen at any time of the day to anyone.
“Hey Yuu,” The sing song voice of Cater makes his presence known. 
“Hi Cater, can I get you anything?” Yuu gives him a small smile. 
“Yeah something refreshing and not so sweet please.” Cater leans against the bar counter scrolling through his phone. Yuu gets to work on his drink glade for the moment of distraction. 
“Hey Cater, I have a question.” Yuu states.
“Oh, really then I would love to answer.” Cater looks up from his phone with a smile. 
“Was Riddle always like this?” Yuu looks over to the commanding Heartslaybul leader. 
“Well Riddle has always been a stickler for the rules, more so then our other leaders.” 
Yuu finishes the drink sliding it over to Cater. 
“I see, what if someone gets fed up with it all?” Riddle’s ruling is bound to rub people the wrong way. It’s not uncommon in gangs for others to stage a coup. 
“Well if someone would want to do that they would have to challenge Riddle in a magic duel, and Riddle is the best around when it comes to magic.” Cater takes a sip of his drink.
“Amazing as always Yuu.” Cater takes many pictures of the drink as Yuu watches with amusement. For a gang member Cater is very public about his activities. There are certainly a lot of strange personalities when it comes to NRC. The ringing of bells announces the start to the unbirthday party. Riddle sits at his throne watching over the crowd has his eyes soon land on Yuu. Yuu only gives him a raised brow as he motions for them to come closer with his finger. Yuu takes a deep breath bringing over a tray of drinks just in case. 
“Are you enjoying yourself Yuu?” He tilts his head. 
“Uh yes this is a very nice event.” The question catches them off guard. “Would you like a drink?” Yuu offers up the tray. Riddle gives them a slight nod. Yuu goes up the steps holding out the tray until Riddle grabs a glass. He takes a glass ever so gently before taking a sip. 
“Prefect as always, as it should be” He comments with a slight smile. 
“Riddle!” A voice breaks out over the crowd as Trey, Ace, Deuce, and Cater come up to the throne carrying a covered dish on a large silver platter. Yuu smiles seeing their positive faces as they approach.
“Uh, housewarden sir I wanted to apologize for eating the tart. So Trey Senpai helped me make a new one for Yuu.” Ace bravely speaks facing down the House warden. In the corner of their eye, Yuu can see what seems to be a smirk from Riddle. “Really well then let’s see it.” Riddle gestures for Trey to remove the lid. Trey does so in an eloquent manner showing off a beautiful Mont Blanc that looks like it comes from a bakery. Yuu expects to see a pleased Riddle, but only feels the air around them get hot. Riddle’s face is like a fresh tomato as he stands toppoling over his throne. 
“Queen of Hearts rule 562 you must not bring Mont Blanc to an Unbirthday party! Throw them all away at once!” Riddle waves his specter causing everyone in the vicinity to turn and look. 
“No way in hell, we spent all day making these tarts, and their damn good too!” Ace yells. “I am so sick and tired of these rules, and I’m sick and tired of a tyrant like you!”
“Ace stop!” Trey grabs Ace’s shoulder pushing him back. “Riddle it’s my fault, I completely forgot about the rule.” Trey tries to soothe the situation. 
“I don’t care whose idea it was the Unbirthday party is ruined when we needed it most! As a punishment, everyone will get collared and have to memorize every queen of hearts rule until they can say it in full back to me!” Riddle slams his specter on the ground making the stage creak beneath him.  Yuu takes a step back, the energy around Riddle is like that of a raging fire. It causes Yuu’s eyes to sting from the intensity.
“That’s unfair!” Deuce finally speaks up. 
“I am the Housewarden my word is law, and all you must follow!” Riddle retorts. 
“Your more like a baby throwing a tantrum, I’d rather have anyone then a leader like you.” Ace crosses his arms. 
“No one is better then me!” 
“Ha, yeah right I could do a better job than you, in fact, I want a duel right here right now.” Ace takes out a magic pen, a device used to hold the magic drug. A pill increases ones magic ability. Ace takes a pill swallowing it whole. Trey steps forward getting in the middle of the two. The other gang members start to usher out the guests making sure everyone is out of harm's way. 
“We really shouldn’t do this.” Trey pleads to Riddle. 
“Enough it’s already been decided.” Riddle commends. 
Yuu gets down from the platform as the wind around them starts to pick up. 
“Ace Trapola step forward.” Riddle waves his spector as Ace straps up to him. 
“I’ll also battle with Ace.” Deuce steps forward standing by Ace’s side. 
“Oh so two trouble makers wish for a schooling then.” Riddle smirks. 
“Enough talk, take these collars off us so we can have a fair fight.” Ace cracks his knuckles. Deuce takes a pill as well readying himselaf for the fight.
Yuu could only stand there as the two start something they probably can’t finish. Flashes of Ace beaten up in the dumpster crosses their mind as they let out a sigh. “Cater please hold this.” Yuu hands their tray of drinks to Cater. 
“What wait-” Cater grabs the tray watching Yuu step alongside Ace and Deuce. 
“Yuu what are you doing?!” Deuce exclaims. 
Even Riddle stands there shocked as Yuu cracks their neck. 
“I can’t just stand by and watch you guys get hurt or worse.” Yuu rolls up their sleeves. 
“Are you insane?!” Ace yells. 
“I might as well be.” Yuu shrugs.
“Ha, you must be joking what could a magicless person like yourself do to me. You should know better then to stick your head out, you might just get your head taken off.” Riddle moves his finger across his throat. 
What happens next catches Yuu off guard as Ace flashes past them. A loud whack rings in the air as Riddle stands in shock with a huge red mark plastered on his cheek. Yuu covers their mouth as everyone stands in silence at an angered Ace. “I’m so sick and tired of your damn mouth!” Ace yells. 
Riddle’s eyes slowly turn to Ace as the sky darkens. 
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dantemisan · 2 years
Hewwo, what do u think going shopping with asl bros would be like? Could you do it as a headcanon? Thanks, honey😏🍡🍡
ㅡ 😏🍬🩇
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Grocery shopping with ASL bro’s
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Pairing: ASL bro’s x Reader
Genre: Fluff, [AU]
Warning: None
Words count: 0,4k
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It's so typical but it's so cool to write like thatđŸ˜đŸ„‚ Btw since you didn't mention what pronouns to use in headcanons, I'll use gn! I hope you like it honey 😘🍯
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Since the appetite of your two guys is very large, you go to the shops almost every evening after work.
Usually you go alone or with Sabo as your schedules converge but on weekends Ace with Luffy goes with you unless Luffy hangs out at his hommies
if Luffy is at home, then he will definitely be the very first to go outside and will be waiting for you in the car. after you have gathered in the store in winter and he went out the very first in such summer fucking things, Sabo gives him the keys to the car so that he immediately sits inside, and does not stand in the cold in slippers, shorts and a summer shirt, scaring children in massive jackets
After you've parked in the parking lot and entered the store, the clog usually helps you a lot, unlike the other two fools, hehe
Luffy will only help if you need to get a big piece of meat, yes
And one more, Luffy takes you to the meat department first thing, no wonder😒
Ace and Luffy are usually just giggling, looking at food and fooling around, picking on little kids, whatever, they can walk or their parents put them in a cart, these guys will ask them tricky questions.
After that, you and Sabo hit them on the head, maybe the child's parent too.
After they get big bumps on the top of their head they will get serious, well, at least Ace.
He understood what was right and what was wrong, thanks to "angry mommy *bonk*" 🎉
One day you meet Sanji in the fish department and you talking with him about all sorts of stupid things, good spices that would go with a certain type of fish and how to properly fillet fish, and Ace, Sabo & Luffy are like:đŸ™„đŸ˜đŸ€€
You have to buy a lot of things, and sometimes you think that they have black holes instead of stomachs.
actually it's true😔
Ace is trying to reach for the flakes and cookies on the top shelves, I don't know, it just seems like he could show you how cool he is.
Sometimes you ride Luffy in a cart, cutie ✹
After you pay for the groceries, Ace and Luffy take the food bags from you and run to the car as fast as possible
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jahayla-parker · 1 year
I think i'm going to choose 2 emojis (if i'm going why not go all out kkk)
💜 - i'm not that creative with asks kkkk so i believe that i'm just going to trust you and be sure that whateaver you're going is going to be amazing as they always are.
đŸ“±- An social media one of the cast shadow and bone x platonic reader where she has a sibling relationship with the cast but specially eith the crows and more specific with Freddy if that's okay woth you.
Hiiii!!!! I’m going to put the 💜 ones in the next ask response đŸ€—
Honorary Crow : Shadow & Bone Cast x Platonic!Reader SMAU
Desc.: SMAU showing that the S&B cast and y/n have a sibling-type relationship
Warnings: none
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liked by freddycarter1, daniellegalligan_, jacktwolfe, and 672, 916 others
yourusername: decided to try out Freddy’s camera during brunch today with the fam đŸ€—
view all 254,789 comments
freddycarter1: already a film pro 📾
yourusername: learned from the best 😉
amitasuman_: 💕
yourusername: sissssđŸ€—
calahan.skogman: so sad to have missed this, but you all look great 😊 lovely photo y/n
yourusername: you are required to join us when you’re back 😏
calahan.skogman: course y/n/n 😊
netflix: our crows đŸ–€
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liked by yourusername, daniellegalligan_, amitasuman_, and 792, 269 others
freddycarter1: my mini-me took this bts photo, she’s getting really good at photography huh? ❀ 📾 : @/yourusername
view all 474, 207 comments
yourusername: thank you Fredster đŸ„č
amitasuman_: caption is spot on again Freddy 👏
kittheyounger: KaNeJ by y/n 😍
daniellegalligan_: these smiles! Y/n is a blessing đŸ€—
kanejfanatic: KANEJ!!!! Thank you y/n 😭
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liked by freddycarter1, daniellegalligan_, jacktwolfe, and 278, 325 others
yourusername: shared lots of laughs with these people today! #unbiologicalfamily
view all 145,944 comments
freddycarter1: I stand by my argument that y/n made most of these Tweets up to make us laugh😂
yourusername: excuse meeee?? đŸ€Ł these are all from your fans Kazzle Dazzle đŸ’â€â™€ïž
calahan.skogman: these were so unexpected but a lot of fun to read lol
kittheyounger: until you realize how inappropriate they were when you remember that our innocent little siblings Jack and y/n witnessed it all đŸ«Ł
yourusername: you forgot Amita, she easily belongs in the ‘innocent little siblings’ subgroup Kit đŸ’â€â™€ïž
amitasuman_: I’m
 Okay, yeah 😂
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liked by freddycarter1, daniellegalligan_, jacktwolfe, and 672, 916 others
yourusername: Big bro showing me the ropes on set today 😊
view all 254,789 comments
freddycarter1: you will be great, behind the camera or in front of it ❀
yourusername: thank you 😭
kittheyounger: he’s unfairly attractive smh
carolinemford: he was bragging about how quickly you picked it up today 😘
yourusername: stopppp đŸ«ŁđŸ€—
daniellegalligan_: killing these bts shots sis ❀
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liked by freddycarter1, yourusername, calahan.skogman, and 571, 849 others
daniellegalligan_: it was my turn #grishahoodofthetravelingshirt (credit to @/yourusername for the # suggestion)
view all 328,452 comments
calahan.skogman: another one down, who’s next? 👀
freddycarter1: I vote y/n â˜ș
daniellegalligan_: I second this đŸ™‹â€â™€ïž
yourusername: gahhhh Dani, how are you so beautiful? 😭
daniellegalligan_: look who’s talking girl 😘
freddycarter1: so, we all agree the shirt goes to @/yourusername next?
daniellegalligan_: yes 🙌
yourusername: guuyyysss, I’m not a crow, I didn’t earn it but I love you all ❀
calahan.skogman: The hashtag alone would’ve earned it â˜ș❀
freddycarter1: you’re an honorary crow y/n ❀
jacktwolfe: absolutely!
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liked by daniellegalligan_, amitasuman_, calahan.skogman, and 379, 203 others
yourusername: it’s was a hot day on set, but at least Dani was able to get rehydrated 😂
view all 264,851 comments
freddycarter1: đŸ„‚đŸ˜‚
daniellegalligan_: as a typical sister, I can always count on you to post these unphotogenic pictures of me 😂 you’re lucky ily y/n/n
yourusername: p-uh-lease đŸ’â€â™€ïž even tipsy you’re gorgeous ❀
calahan.skogman: this is going on the cast refrigerator tomorrow 👌
netflix: y/n managed to capture Danielle in her full Nina vibes
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liked by freddycarter1, yourusername, calahan.skogman, and 474, 291 others
kittheyounger: pointing to the empty abyss that apparently matches Dani’s soul
view all 328,452 comments
yourusername: ummmm who took this photo?
kittheyounger: ooops, pc: @/yourusername I guess 🙄
yourusername: mmmhmmm that’s what I thought 😏 thanks for showing me around the new set today
. I guess 🙄
jacktwolfe: 👀🍿
freddycarter1: 😂
daniellegalligan_: way to reference such an old S&B interview 😂
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liked by freddycarter1, yourusername, calahan.skogman, and 461, 514 others
yourusername: that’s a wrap! Thank you to my nearest sisters and the rest of my family at the S&B set, I had so much fun with you all ❀ #family
view all 328,459 comments
freddycarter1: don’t be a stranger, you know Caroline and I would love to have you over wherever ❀
yourusername: considering I still have a ton to learn, I’ll definitely take you both up on that â˜ș thank you for being such a warm brotherly presence ❀
freddycarter1: đŸ€—
calahan.skogman: can’t believe it’s over already, fingers crossed for another season!
daniellegalligan_: SIS! I miss you already â€ïžđŸ˜­
amitasuman_: ♟❀
Hope you liked this! 💜
Tag: @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @ell0ra-br3kk3r @nikfigueiredo @missdreamofendless @alex-kazbrekkersimp
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grippingbeskar · 2 years
Congrats on 2k!!!
Was hoping you could do obi-wan with a mix of đŸ„‚5 and đŸ„‚7?
—omg thank you so much for this one!! it inspired me a lot BCCCCCC
this could be read as a little 1.5 part of a welcomed distraction & an unsurprising development. you can read it between part one and two for a little extra SPICE to ur reading experience. also i didn’t edit this super close so forgive any spelling mistakes 😭
dedicating this to @kyberblade !! ty for always being lovely and sending me the best spicy fics. and for telling me to write this bc my obi-wan fics would crash and burn w/o u đŸ˜­â€ïž
— prompts:
đŸ„‚5. shh. there are other people in the room.
đŸ„‚7. we have to make this quick.
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“Yes, that’s exactly the problem! There’d be way too much movement at once, and the kids need stability. You can’t just change up their schedule like th— Obi-Wan, can you come here for a second?” You call out, and he takes any chance to get away from the mind-numbing conversation he was currently trying to phase out, nodding at the councillors and taking the few steps backward to come next to you.
“Have you spoken to Master Kloon about the extension of the arena in the East wing?” You go to put your hand on his arm, but the builder you were talking with is staring too intently, and you lose your nerve. “Without it, the kids would have to go back to the old building on Coruscant halfway through their second semester. It’s too much moving.”
“I’ve already sent the message, but he’s off world until next week.” He says in his most calming voice, but you are too strung out for him to have any effect. Here, he is powerless to help you. With all these people around, at least.
“Okay. Okay— that’s fine, we’ll just have to delay the building in the East all together—“
“But then where will we start?” The man in front of you asks, and you take a deep breath in before answering.
 you can start the—“
“We have five hundred guys out there. We need to start something today.” Obi-Wan goes to say something, but you speak before he gets the chance.
“Yes. I know that, which is why you can all start the removal of the old common room. There’s tonnes of old furniture to be lifted out, and we need to break the walls down before we can start the conversion. That should last you until next week?” The builder doesn’t have anything to say— it’s a bad job, one that he had clearly hoped to avoid by coming a week early, but he just stands back, bows, and once his back is turned, you finally let out a frustrated sigh.
“You handled it well.” He wants to reach out, do something; anything instead of just standing here like he’s just another person in the crowd to you. But he’s not. He knows if he can just have you alone for more than three seconds—
“Your Highness? We need to discuss the blueprint plans for the East Wing.” Your eyes find his, and it takes everything in him not to throw you over his shoulder and run you out of here.
Ever since the council had chosen your planet to be the next home for a new Jedi academy, he hadn’t gotten a second of your time. Even when you managed to sneak away in the middle of the night, the two of you were both so exhausted that you could hardly manage more than a few stolen kisses goodnight before you fell asleep. Not that he didn’t savour every second your skin was next to his, something he was constantly in search of during the day and never able to obtainïżœïżœïżœ but he needed you. And he knows you need him too.
He turns, catching you on the arm. Your eyes are wide when you turn back to him, not shock or concern, but just curiosity. Almost like you were challenging him— questioning how the hell he was going to get you out of this one. He hadn’t really had any ideas, just the thought of letting you go, not seeing you or touching you for days was making him irrational. So, he does the most unprofessional thing he thinks he’s done in a long while.
“I was speaking first, Your Highness.” You turn your back to the group of people, all murmuring to each other, so they can’t see how your eyebrows raise and the giant grin on your face.
“Oh?” Despite your smile, your tone remains completely regal and composed. “You think you are a more worthy use of my time then the other forty men waiting for me?”
He knows it’s on purpose. It’s true— there is a giant group of men waiting for your attention, but it’s the way you say it. That secret smile on your face, and the way you nearly purr the words at him.
“I know I am.” You scoff, and that is entirely real— no royal tone about it.
“Perhaps I need to speak to you in private, Master Kenobi, so you can learn how to better speak to your allies.” Instead of replying, he takes a step to the side, allowing you to lead him out of the room.
The rest of the people behind you look slightly scared for him, but as soon as he turns the corner, your hand shoots out from a doorway, yanking him inside. When he gets his bearings, he realises you’ve pulled him into the supply closet— random items shoved on shelves surrounding you. He very quickly loses interest, because then you pull him again, your face shrouded in the dim light, but he knows exactly where you are once you lean forward to kiss him.
His whole body relaxes as your hands thread through his hair, and the sound of your soft moans as he presses into you is music to his ears. He holds you by your hips and lifts you up, sitting you on the desk behind. It would of made him blush— how quickly you open your legs for him and pull him against you, but he’s too needy, too much time as been wasted for even the slightest hint of modesty.
“Let me—“ Obi-Wan starts, but you shake your head and kiss him again. In truth, he wanted to jam this door closed and keep you here for the rest of the week. It was the first real time he’d gotten with you in what was— he couldn’t think right now, but he wanted to make up for lost time. He could feel you against him, warm and needy and wanting and all he could think of was dropping to his knees in front of you.
“No time. Please
 I need you to fuck me. Now.” Your hands fist tighter in his hair, kissing down his neck and as much as he wants to take his time, relieve all your stress from the inside out, he knows you’re pressed for time, and he could never say no to you. “We have to make this quick.”
With your legs spread open for him, he can’t help but slip his hand between your bodies, swallowing your soft moans when he slowly circles your clit over the fabric of your underwear.
“Always so needy for me.” You whimper as your forehead falls to the crook of his neck. “So perfect. I missed you— I
“Fuck, I know. I’m s-sorry I just
 fuck, please. Tonight. You have to come and find me tonight.” He was already nodding, his mind filling with all the possibilities. “Please, Obi-Wan.”
“Shh. There are people in the other room. You don’t want them to find you like this, do you?” He pulls your underwear to the side and lines himself up with you, running the tip of himself over your clit making you bite down on your bottom lip. “Imagine their faces— Your Royal Highness, spread out for her council member so desperately.”
” You sigh and he doesn’t waste another moment, slowly sliding himself into your heat, delighting in the relieved sound you sing into his ear. “Oh fuck
“You okay, my love?” You hum into his neck, nodding as your hips roll to meet the movement of his.
Every thrust has him seeing stars behind closed eyes, and the way he can tell you are trying to keep yourself quiet only drives him to fuck you a little harder. It’s a mean thought, the more deranged part of him that only you seem to awaken makes him want the others outside to hear you.
He wants them to know how good you are, how you are so strong and smart and break so easily for him. He can’t take his eyes off the way he can see the frustration of your conversations melt away, and you let yourself completely fall apart with him.
“Close— fuck, don’t stop.” You whimper and tighten around him. Items fall off the shelves around you but neither of you care enough to stop, and even Obi-Wan can’t contain the sounds he makes as he feel you cum around him. The feeling breaks him, too, and both of you move out of sync to ride out your rushed orgasms together, the room full of hot air and pleasure.
“Fuck, baby.” Obi-Wan kisses your collarbone, then your neck, and finally finds the energy to kiss your lips, tasting sweetness like he’s never had. It was always like that, kissing you. You were unlike anything he could remember— not even the Outer Rim had anything that tasted as good as you.
“I missed you so much.” You begin to catch your breath, and he helps you off the shelf, taking his time in letting the fabric of your dress drop. “I’m sorry I’ve been so busy, I just needed you so bad and that guy was driving me up the wall and
 fuck. I missed you.”
“I’m happy to have been useful, Your Highness. I am ready to serve in any way. At any time.” Your smile nearly lights up the room, and he puts his hands on your hips, slowly drawing you towards the door. He kisses you on the top of your nose, and even after everything you just did, the gesture makes you blush.
“Can’t we just stay in here?” You press your forehead to his, and both of you sigh, knowing you wish you could.
“I wish we could.” He flicks the lock on the door, and you groan, kissing him for a final time before leaning to whisper in your ear.
“You better come find me tonight. I have a whole list of ways you can be useful.” His eyes widen when the light of outside floods the storage room, and it takes him several moments to collect his thoughts before he can find his legs and walk out to follow you.
He watches you from across the room as you return to your conversations, breezing through them with a new found sense of calm that he claims reason for, and begins to count the long hours before he can have you in his arms again.
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izayoichan · 4 months
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for @lazysunjade's asks, part 3
đŸ€ What is their favorite or most admired quality in the other? Arlo admires basically everything about Fannar, but if he had to pick one, it has to be how much he cares. Not just about him, but about their family, their patiens and just life. They have a passion for it, that Arlo can't help but love him for. For Fannar, his admired quality in Arlo is his love for life. It takes a while before it shows, but when it shows up, and Fannar learns to see it, it is the one thing about Arlo he admires most. The will to live.
đŸ„‚ What does a night out look like for them? It's in all honesty nothing they do, but it would probably be at a friend of Fan's families resturant, with a private booth, where they could just be the two of them and enjoy a fancy meal.
đŸ©¶ Which one apologizes first? How do they apologize? Arlo, always Arlo, he appologizes so quickly Fan often has to tell him there is nothing to apologize for. His way is almost always words, and hugs and tears, because of their past, he falls back to that way of apologizing. On rare occasion, there might also be a note for Fan.
đŸ«Š What's something seemingly innocent that the other does, says or wears that turns the other on? Arlo's libido is a bit odd and broken from his past, so its very hard to say, but the other way around, it's when Arlo plays lets his fingers plays with theirs, why he can't really say why, its just a thing
đŸ–€ What is their biggest regret in their relationship so far (or in the future, if you don't mind giving spoilers)? All Arlo did, and had to endure when they were young is both their biggest regrets, yet neither of them could change that path, but still. Arlo hates it, as does Fan.
💋 What is their favorite place to kiss their partner? Do either enjoy 'leaving a mark'? Fannar likes to kiss Arlo's shoulder, while Arlo loves to kiss Fannar's hands. (Yes, fan has sensitive hands, and Arlo comes to know this) neither are the type to leave a mark though. Although.. fans sometimes disagree
â€ïžâ€đŸ”„ Which one is more adventurous in the bedroom? Which one has more experience? Arlo has more experience, but not in the best of ways. He did after all sell sex for a while. Their still learning what they like and what they enjoy the most, so for now I would say they are pretty equal in their adventureness in bed.
🧾 BONUS! Include one of your favorite moments between them! It's one that is a bit of a spoiler, but it's after their little ones are born, and Arlo is watching them just play outside with the chickens. Fannar comes up, putting a hand on his shoulder first, before wrapping his arms around him, leaning his head on his shoulder so their both watching their little dragons, and he goes: "Look at what we made."
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sesamestreep · 6 months
New Taylor Swift prompts! 16, Matt/Foggy
16. I’ve missed you all this time (from this prompt list) I don't know what this is, but it's technically set in the 60s, even though I did not make that explicitly clear anywhere in the text and it serves no purpose beyond just...vibes. I mostly just wanted to write silly new year’s fic, don’t worry about historical accuracy or world-building, everyone be cool! happy 2024, you silly and sultry geese! on ao3 here đŸ„‚âœš
Matt can still hear the noise of the party, barely dampened even when he's several rooms removed. He’d be able to hear it from the lobby of the building, truth be told, but here he can still make out conversations without having to focus that hard. He tries to direct his senses somewhere else—somewhere with less overlapping chatter and clinking glasses and shuffling feet over plush carpets—and breathe deep, so that maybe he can regain some equilibrium and hopefully go back to the party in a few minutes and act normal. It’s almost midnight, after all, and who goes to a New Year’s Eve party just to ditch out before midnight?
“Matthew Augustus Murdock,” a voice calls out from the far end of the paneled hallway.
“Not my middle name,” Matt says, smiling, “as you already know.”
“But wouldn’t it be better if it was?” Foggy asks, as he slides down to sit next to Matt. 
“Yes, I imagine I’d have lived a much easier and more successful life, if only my middle name was
what was it again?”
“Albert,” Foggy says, “or something. Who cares?”
“Good point,” Matt says, pressing his shoulder into Foggy’s happily. “How’d you find me?”
“I used the one and only superpower God graced me with: I’m like a homing pigeon for you specifically. I always know where to find you. It’s eerie, frankly, and damned useless, but—“
“Not to me,” Matt interjects, too readily. “I mean, for what it’s worth.”
Foggy nods, his overly long hair that he keeps meaning to get cut rasping over his shirt's stiff collar as he does. “That’s a good point.”
“I make those occasionally.”
“Occasionally,” Foggy repeats in a comically shrill, tiny voice, like he’s doing an impression of a cartoon mouse, for whatever reason. He’s a little drunk, clearly, which Matt could tell from the way he’s talking and the way he’s moving and the way he smells and, well, that’s probably enough evidence. 
“If I’m ever in trouble, I know who to call,” Matt says, which is maybe too honest, but Foggy doesn’t have to know that.
“You wouldn’t even have to call, Matt,” Foggy replies, solemnly grasping his shoulder. “If you’re ever in trouble, I’ll know and I’ll come running.”
“I would pay real money to see you actually run anywhere.”
“You’d have to, my man. I imagine it would take a massive breakthrough in science for you to see anything at all, and those things tend to cost a pretty penny,” Foggy says, grandly. “And also, on a much more serious note, go fuck yourself.”
Matt laughs and collapses against Foggy’s shoulder. “I’m sorry, I just know how much you hate running.”
“Which means you’ve entirely missed the inherent capital-R romanticism of me offering to do it for you! Classic Murdock. Absolute philistine behavior. I should expect it by now.”
“Your gallantry is wasted on me,” Matt agrees, still doing that thing of being too honest.
“I know,” Foggy sighs, theatrically, “and yet, here I am.”
“Why are you here, anyway?”
“Missed you, came looking. Same as ever.”
“Aw,” Matt says, leaning into his side even more. “You’re right, I really don’t deserve you.”
“I never said that. You said that,” Foggy says, poking him. “But anyway, I lied and the real answer to your question is that I got tired of girls coming up to me and asking where my handsome friend had got to.”
Matt knows two things with a decent degree of certainty: Foggy hadn’t been lying when he gave his first answer (Matt would have heard it in his heartbeat and likely noticed any other number of tells that Foggy has when he does lie, besides) and that no one would have had to ask him to go looking for Matt after he disappeared. His joke about homing pigeon-like tendencies is more truthful than either of them would like to acknowledge. When Matt goes missing—as he very frequently does at these types of things—Foggy always comes to find him. Matt’s been doing this since way before he met Foggy—having overly heightened senses does not make crowded social functions more manageable in general—but he can probably admit that he does it more now that he knows someone will come looking for him.
He also knows that girls like Foggy a lot more than Foggy thinks they do. He’s always talking about how girls seek him out to get in with Matt, but Matt doesn’t really believe that. There have been a few girls, here and there, certainly enough that Foggy’s right to be a little paranoid about it, who have turned their sights from Foggy to Matt, which on top of being unkind is just bad business sense. Anyone with a brain in their head would see that Foggy’s the better option of the two of them. And Matt’s got plenty of flaws, but he’d certainly never take up with anyone who hurt his best friend, so it doesn’t work out the way anyone hopes it will, anyway, when they do. Still, he's sure Foggy could have found a nice girl to keep him entertained until Matt got back to the party, if he put his mind to it, and that maybe he'd just been looking for an excuse to duck out himself when someone asked about Matt.
“This is where I got to,” Matt says, with a slightly pathetic shrug.
“Who says I meant you?” Foggy asks, absently. “I have other friends that are handsomer than you!”
“Not only do you not have a single handsomer friend in all the world,” Matt says, belatedly unsure if ‘handsomer’ is even a word, but otherwise too confident to turn back, “you don’t even have another friend at this party.”
“I’m exceedingly charming, Matthew,” Foggy over-enunciates. “Everyone at this party is my new best friend.”
Matt loops his arm through Foggy’s and leans his head back against the wall. “Sounds like I’ve got a lot of competition.”
“You’re not having fun?” Foggy asks, the change of topic so sudden and his tone so unexpectedly serious that Matt has a brief moment of confusion that he means with this joke they’ve got going. It takes a second to realize he means at the party in general.
“It’s fancy.”
“Too fancy, you mean
“You know I don’t go in for all this stuff,” Matt says, shrugging. 
“Like I do, you mean?” Foggy asks, lightly, even though Matt can feel him warming with embarrassment. 
“Like I used to,” Matt clarifies, and trusts his meaning to be clear.
“Right,” Foggy says, and the tone in his voice is the one he uses exclusively when he refers to Matt’s ex-girlfriend from junior year who almost caused him to drop out. “Fair enough, I suppose.”
“You can head back. Really, I don’t mind. I just need a few more minutes.”
“No, you’re right. It’s
a bit stuffy, isn’t it?” Foggy muses. “I mean, I didn’t even know people still had apartments like this, outside of, well, the Rockefellers.” 
The apartment belongs to the parents of one of their friends from law school and the only reason they have free rein over the place is because the parents are vacationing in Aspen with friends. Even without being able to see it, Matt can tell it’s a swanky place. The rug he’s currently sitting on is so plush that he can basically sink his entire hand into it. Every table he passed on his way to this hiding place smelled so strongly of Pine-Sol that there has to be a maid on staff, if not a team of them. He’s fairly certain this random hallway he discovered is actually a back passage to the kitchens, so the servants don’t have to be seen coming and going. He's not sure if he asked their host about it that they'd even know it existed. And Matt’s shoes, as well as most of his clothes, are secondhand.
“You were having fun until I made you feel bad,” Matt says, tucking his chin onto Foggy’s shoulder and trying to look contrite.
“No, I mean—I like having you around, Matt. You keep me honest,” Foggy laughs. “Two and a half years of law school, four years at an Ivy before that, I think I’ve just made peace with having to go to parties in uncomfortable clothes and to make conversation with people I don’t really like. I don’t think I’d call it fun, but it’s a social life of some kind, I suppose.”
“We should have gone to Josie’s,” Matt says, holding onto him too tightly, even with the excuse of a few drinks.
Foggy snorts, thinking of the beloved dive bar they sneak off to in Hell’s Kitchen whenever they can, whenever they’re home. It’s only a matter of blocks to get there, but sometimes, at school, it feels farther away than all that.
“I don’t dare imagine the caliber of our prospects for a kiss at midnight there,” Foggy says, with an exaggerated shudder.
“Can’t be any worse than our prospects here,” Matt replies. 
Foggy whistles, low, under his breath. “You’re going to be disappointing a lot of nice girls with that kind of talk, Murdock!”
“Better to disappoint them now than later,” Matt says, fully burying his face in Foggy’s shoulder now. He gets like this when he drinks. Foggy's used to it.
“Oh, that’s right. You don’t do the whole ‘going steady’ thing anymore,” Foggy says, leaning in conspiratorially. “You’re too damaged and that means you’re never going to get married, so you’d rather not lead anyone on.”
“You say that like it’s not true,” Matt whispers back.
“It isn’t true, you moron!” Foggy laughs. “One day, some beautiful girl is going to turn your head so quick, you’ll have neck problems for the rest of your life!”
“Sounds uncomfortable,” Matt says.
“And I’ll be there,” Foggy continues, like Matt didn’t even speak, “laughing.”
“Well, as long as you’ll be there, Foggy.”
“Did I mention you’re a moron?”
“Yes. A few times now, in fact.”
“Then, I’ve done my duty.”
“And what about you?” Matt asks. “When’s somebody going to turn your head?”
“Somebody turns my head every goddamn day, it feels like,” Foggy grumbles. “The problem isn’t my head. It’s everybody else’s.”
“There’s plenty of girls who’d be more than happy to trap you in matrimony.”
“Hmm, well, I’m sure that’s true enough,” Foggy replies, thoughtfully. “I guess it’s more about finding someone you wouldn’t mind being trapped with.”
“And you haven’t found her yet, I take it?”
“No,” Foggy says, sadly. The girl he dated for most of their sophomore year—the one everyone had been certain Foggy was going to end up marrying—had just gotten engaged last month. Foggy still wasn’t entirely over it, Matt was pretty sure.
“And you’re certain she’s not here?” Matt asks, encouragingly.
“Unlikely,” Foggy says. “None of the girls here would be caught dead with me in the daylight. One of them might be unscrupulous enough to let me kiss her at midnight, though.”
“So, go back,” Matt replies. “Find the girl in that room with the lowest standards and lay one on her!”
“I will if you will.”
“I don’t know this for sure, but I do have serious doubts that any girl in the room will let the both of us kiss her at midnight.”
“I meant, you should—you know what I meant!” Foggy exclaims, embarrassed again. 
“I was trying to be funny!”
“‘Trying’ being the operative word there
Matt sighs. “What’s the point of kissing someone at midnight when there’s almost no chance of seeing them ever again after tonight?”
“You’ve just described the point yourself! It’s just for fun, to start the year off right! There’s no pressure!” Foggy says, disbelieving. "What’s gotten into you? I thought zero expectations romance was your specialty!”
“Maybe I’m just not a New Year's kind of guy.”
Foggy hums thoughtfully. “Can I tell you my theory?”
“Your theory? About what?”
“About you, and New Year's, and all of that.”
“Oh. Sure. Go ahead.”
“I think you’re afraid,” Foggy says.
“Afraid?” Matt asks. “Of
New Year’s Eve?”
“You don’t want to participate in these silly little rituals, like kissing someone at midnight, because you’re secretly terrified that something good is going to happen to you, and then you won’t know what to do with yourself.”
“Really, Foggy. Be serious!”
“I am serious,” Foggy replies, casually. “You’re scared of being hit over the head with it again.”
“Hit over the head with what?”
“Love,” Foggy says, simply. “You felt it once and it nearly derailed your whole life, so now you avoid any situation where you might accidentally meet someone interesting or have more feelings than you’ve carefully rationed out for yourself for that particular day.”
Matt swallows, feeling utterly exposed. It’s not something he would have been able to say for himself an hour ago, but the words feel true to him coming from someone else. He doesn’t like anybody knowing him well enough to know all of that, though, and if it wouldn’t be so utterly obvious, he’d pull away from Foggy right now just to be safe. Like that would even help, he thinks reluctantly.
“You missed your calling not going into psychiatry, Foggy,” he says, stiffly, once he’s gathered his wits enough to form sentences.
Foggy’s hand, warm and a little damp, closes over Matt’s where it’s still resting on his arm. Matt wants nothing more than to flinch away from it, but he controls the urge in the interest of saving face.
“Don’t be mad at me,” Foggy says, quietly, like there’s a chance they might be overheard somehow and he wants Matt to be the only one who hears this. “I’m just trying to tell you that, in avoiding fun and frivolous things, you are not sparing yourself from being hit over the head. If you’re meant to get hit over the head, it’ll happen whenever and wherever Cupid so chooses. It’ll happen at the deli or the bank or while you’re waiting for the bus. Which means that the only thing you’re ultimately sparing yourself from is fun and frivolity, and that’s a stupid way to live your life. That’s all.”
“I think you just called me a moron again,” Matt says, weakly. He doesn’t know what else to say. The rest of it is...too much to consider.
“I called you stupid, actually, but I see your point.”
In the distance, Matt hears the noise of a crowd of people all simultaneously trying to shush each other, with limited success. He imagines even Foggy can hear it too a moment later when they all begin counting aloud.
“Last chance
” Matt says, tipping his head backwards in the direction of the room where everyone’s gathered.
“It doesn’t matter,” Foggy says, apropos of nothing, as far as Matt can tell. He’s about to ask what he means when Foggy continues, anyway. “I have someone who meets your criteria.”
“My criteria?”
“Yeah. You’ll only accept a kiss from someone you’ll see again after tonight, right?”
“Uh, I don’t think I said ‘only’, I just meant—”
“Too bad,” Foggy says, as the countdown reaches its conclusion. “Happy New Year.”
Matt’s halfway through formulating a question or an objection of some kind, which is the only reason he turns in Foggy’s direction at that moment. It’s clear from the noise of surprise Foggy makes that he absolutely had no intention of kissing Matt right on the mouth and was probably, in fact, aiming for his cheek, trying to be funny and charming after Matt was such a spoilsport about the whole kissing at midnight thing. If Matt hadn’t moved, there’s no doubt in his mind that that’s what Foggy would have done and then it would have been over and they’d already be laughing about it and moving on. But Matt did move and, even awkwardly off center, Foggy is kissing him on the mouth right now and they’re both just frozen like that, shocked and useless.
Matt doesn’t give himself much credit for genius. He’s reasonably smart, and can be even smarter if he applies himself to a subject and really studies up on it, but there’s plenty of people in any given room smarter than he is, most of the time. He has his moments, though, and this is one of them. He sees very clearly the two paths available to them. Down one, this moment stretches awkwardly and they allow it to become a source of discomfort and then outright pain that they'll avoid talking about for years, or maybe possibly forever. Regardless, it has the power to ruin their friendship and Matt simply can't abide that. Down the other, they don’t flinch from it and they don’t make it any stranger than it has to be and it becomes one weird but not fully objectionable moment in their long and storied relationship. They’re not going to trot it out as an anecdote at parties, sure, but they’re not going to become crazy about denying it happened either. If Matt can steer them in the direction of the latter, he thinks maybe it will all be okay, but it’s going to require him not to make matters worse. For whatever reason, the only way he can think to not do that is by kissing Foggy back.
It’s immediately apparent that, momentary genius or no, while it does not technically make things worse, it also does not make them better. Then again, Foggy makes a sort of interested noise as he feels Matt return the kiss, which Matt is infinitely better off for knowing about and having heard and being able to think about some other time when he’s alone preferably. 
They don’t take it any farther than just that. They’re not necking in some random person’s hallway or doing anything truly objectionable. They just stay there, mouths pressed together so that Matt can smell (and sort of taste) the champagne Foggy’s had and the last cigarette he smoked and a hint of that sugary gum he always chews, even though he hasn’t had a piece since before they came to the party. It mostly feels, more than anything else, like they’re breathing together and it’s not sexy the way wild, passionate groping in the dark can be, but it’s intimate in its own unique way. Matt, against his own better judgment, puts a hand on Foggy’s cheek, and he doesn't really know why beyond just really wanting to and that seems to be reason enough.
Foggy doesn’t try to slip his tongue into Matt’s mouth—despite the alarming reality that the moment Matt realizes that’s not what he’s doing, he also realizes he’d let him—or try to escalate matters one bit. His hand is still grasping Matt’s collar from when he first pulled him in, but his other one doesn’t roam. His lips, still pressed to Matt’s, only move to exert a little more pressure and to alter the angle at which they meet slightly. He takes precisely zero liberties and makes no effort to get fresh with him at all. It’s very gentlemanly, and Matt doesn’t know what to do with himself because it doesn’t feel awkward or fumbling at all. It feels like restraint, and once he knows that, everything is different.
The tune of ‘Auld Lang Syne’ reaches him from the other room, but it’s drowned out almost entirely by the sound of Foggy’s heartbeat in Matt’s ears. Foggy must hear it too, though, because he breaks their kiss with the worst sort of gentleness, pulling back only enough for them both to have space to breathe but not far enough that Matt can’t feel that breath on his face.
Matt traces his thumb over the curve of Foggy’s cheek before dropping his hand back down into his own lap and licks his lips as he slowly turns away. 
“Happy New Year,” he says, aiming for calm and unaffected and likely missing it by a lot.
“You too,” Foggy says, even though he already said it first. His heart is still beating too fast and too close and too loud for Matt to read his tone, which is too bad, because he’d really like to know how Foggy feels right now and if he feels anything like Matt does.
Because Matt feels like he’s been hit over the head.
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khaire-traveler · 5 months
đŸ”„, đŸ›ïž, đŸ„‚ for the ask thingy :3 (sorry if that’s too much lmao)
Lmao not too much at all! I'm always happy to hear from you :3 I'm answering these a bit out of order because I wanted to put the statues at the end!
đŸ”„ - Do you have a favorite myth or tale from your pantheon or others?
My favorite myth is the one of Apollon and Hyacinthus, particularly the version that features Zephyrus. That's the myth I cry to. The one that makes my heart the warmest, though, is likely Dionysus and Ariadne. I personally like the one where he goes down to the Underworld to make Ariadne into a goddess. Plus, he made her a crown of stars! What's not to love about that?
My favorite Norse myth has to be the one where Loki and Thor go to that one Jotun who wanted to marry Freya. I find it so funny. I love the way Thor cross-dresses and cosplays as Freya to trick the Jotun, and when the Jotun is like, "Hey, yo, why does Freya eat so much?", Loki, disguised as Freya's handmaiden is like, "She's hungry from travel," and the Jotun just goes with it lmao.
đŸ„‚ - What is your favorite devotional act or offering to give?
I love it when I'm able to give Hermes monetary offerings, like cool coins or cash tips I earn from my job. I also love being able to write poems for Apollon, although it can be difficult for me to do so sometimes (creative block). Dancing for Dionysus has become a new favorite devotional act for me.
đŸ›ïž - Do you have a favorite statue or temple to your deity(ies)? If yes, what is it?
I love the statue of Mercury fastening his sandal on a rock. I still personally think of it as being Hermes, although the official title is Mercury. The statue is by Jean-Baptiste Pigalle and was made in 1753.
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I love a lot of other statues, but for the sake of time and everyone's collective sanity, I will not be sharing them all. XD
If you want to join the ask game, this is the link!
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alyjojo · 4 months
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Love Reading ⚧ - February 2024 - Aries
Who is Coming In: 9 Cups rev & 10 Pentacles rev
Regarding: 8 Wands
Long-Term Potential: 6 Wands & 2 Cups
I laughed 😆 “Who” is coming in - someone you don’t even want, but they’re the one, and that’s hilarious. This could go two ways, either this is someone you’re in deep with, could even be married to, and you/they haven’t been happy, but are trying to make the effort to save a failing relationship. Will it work, yes. Others of you could be dating online, you’ve been out with this person before and maybe judged them too soon, or they did. Something about them isn’t what you imagined or thought you wanted
but then there’s something about them â˜ș Or that’s switched. One of you could be divorced, work somewhere that’s unstable or have family issues, they could be living with a family member during a tough time and it’s like you don’t want any part of that, it could raise red flags for you. Or them. But, they will try again, whether 8 Wands is messages or actions swiftly being taken, there’s some reason this person or you is “the exception”. Long term, success, celebration, happiness, and 2 Cups can be a soulmate, it’s genuine & reciprocated love. This is cute 💖
- Physically Fit đŸ’Ș
- Please give me another chance.
- Get Back Out There
- Meeting Someone New
- Setting a Date
- Date Online
Signs you may be dealing with:
Capricorn, Aries, Libra & Scorpio
Them: 2 Swords, 10 Swords & The Sun
Regarding: 10 Wands
Your person is kind of a mess, it seems like an immaturity issue, because they are waking up, they are taking accountability, and they now see things from your perspective, or just a higher one that they didn’t before. This was a person that’s either a flirt, a serial dater, I don’t really get cheating so much but betrayal is here so however that applies. They like their ego stroked, like to feel attractive, I just started hearing a song for that I’ll post at the end. Not that it’s an excuse - it’s not and you/they know that, but in no way were they thinking of you, hurting you, or the consequences of their stupid actions. They do now, it weighs on them like a 1000lb concrete slab with 10 Wands, they can’t stop thinking about it or you and don’t know what they could possibly do to move this relationship forward. They hate how you know, or what you know, and how you see them - The Sun brought it all to light. They deeply regret it. This isn’t to say they’re waking up a changed person on a random Friday, but kind of, the change/maturity has begun and they’re “seeing the light”. 💡
- Irresponsible
- New Perspective
- Attraction, Teasing
- Hooking Up & Date
- Third-Party
- Temptation
Choosing Your Path đŸ€”
“All is possible.”
Try to go one day without complaining, and only affirm the positive.
You: The High Priestess, Justice & The Star
Regarding: 3 Wands
Your energy is intense, and powerful, with three of the most spiritual major arcanas showing up for you. You feel you’re receiving karmic Justice, or you will, and you’re moving away from this issue and all of its drama. In some cases you may have actually left this person, traveled somewhere else for awhile just to get away, some of you literally moved and others just separated themselves for awhile to get some perspective. Justice can show divorce or legal action, the sword that cuts off connections, you feel you’ve done the right thing and are already looking to the future - waiting for your rewards from your past good deeds. Spiritually Dead Inside may show you as the kind of person that didn’t believe in anything, this spiritual woowoo stuff is not your thing or hasn’t been
until now, recently, or until this person entered your life and changed everything. The circumstances involved *seem* divinely guided or karmic in nature, some things just can’t be explained. Logically. I do get you believe in “what goes around comes around” if nothing else. Your oracles show the gates have only just opened for you, and if you end up not being with this person, you both triggered an awakening in each other. One to grow up & take accountability, and the other to question the things they can’t logically explain, using introspection and whatever your personal memories, beliefs & experiences are in a spiritual sense, working with that and your own guides - who are here for you and helping you, even if you don’t feel it all of the time. It’s easy to tune it out unless you’re quiet, that’s when you receive messages, sudden insights, and Spirit helps to send you the things you need to see/hear/understand *when* you need them, or when it’s time. You’ve probably had a lot of that, but with the Oracle mentioning depression, maybe too much. Whatever you were supposed to get or learn out of this, karmically, you already have.
- Spiritually Dead Inside ☠
- I love to surprise you đŸ„ł
- Mirroring Each Other
- Self-Reflection
- Introspection
- Inner Wounds
Finding Sanctuary 🏰
“Opening to your spiritual source.”
Depression comes from being trapped. Spring the trap and change your life.
Mutual: Ace of Wands, Temperance & 8 Pentacles
Regarding: The Emperor
Some of you share children with this person, some of you may even work together. Either way, both of you are focused on tempering your passion, anger, doing anything impulsive or acting out - in order to be the bigger person and keep a handle on a situation. If it’s kids, you both want to set a good example, you recognize your roles as parents and can’t be acting all crazy - because that wouldn’t be living up to your own standards, you’re representing you in this exchange and they’re always watching 👀 If it’s work, they’re going to keep the peace, I don’t even see them avoiding you or anything like that. Calm, patient, doing what needs to be done for 10 Pentacles, a stable home, career, the legacy you’re leaving behind, you’re both thoughtful of these things. Healthy Choices is a great Oracle to get for both of you, they’re learning from their mistakes, and you’re looking to the future for what you deserve, both of you desire those things to be healthy and help grow better, not worse. Putting in the effort to make that happen. In some cases, this person may want to show you they’re willing to be the person you need, and fix their bs. Together or not. That’s not for everyone, but for who it is for, they mean it, none of these cards are anything but mature & putting in the effort. For others, you both could be heavily focused on your career while you move away from each other. Both of you have higher standards now, for yourself and for others & both are important.
- Self-Love & Self-Care
- Being Happier
- Love & Life
Answering The Call ☎
“The Time is Now.”
Avoid being pulled in by people who use you and put you down.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Scorpio, Libra, Aquarius, Aries & Sagittarius
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born-to-lose · 6 months
No more band stories now that you don't work at the bar? đŸ„ș💔
You're gonna laugh but actually the chance of meeting bands is higher if you're not working there 😂😭 all the musicians I met were when I went there as a guest because you're in the middle of the crowd (or in my case in the front row), you get to chat them up at the afterparty, you get to go outside with them, you get to take photos with them and get stuff signed, technically you'd even get to disappear in the bathroom with them and nobody would care.
However, if you're working there, you obviously have to serve people the whole time, from most angles behind the counter you can't even see the stage properly, you're only expected to come in about 15 minutes before doors open (and I never got a key so at the one concert where I did work I had to wait until someone from the band went outside and I slipped inside before locking the door again) because the boss prepares everything beforehand so there's no unofficial pre-gig meet and greet for the staff, after the show only one of the bartenders goes backstage to clean up (maybe it was just typical of black metal bands, but at that point only a few band members were still sitting there eating while the rest were already loading things into the van) while the other bartenders keep serving guests (I only got backstage last time because I was shown what to do by an experienced colleague), a lot of bands don't stay for the entirety of the afterparty (or not all members) so you wouldn't get to hang out with them alone when the bar closes, the (headlining) bands have their drinks backstage so they don't order from you at the bar (maybe also a black metal band speciality, but the who gets catering and who not depends on factors I have no clue about but probably goes by popularity or something idk)
Long story short, yes there will be a lot of band stories in the future, probably even more now that I wanna socialize more and live my dreams so fear not! In a couple months the groupie chronicles will return đŸ˜ŒđŸ„‚
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straighttxhell · 7 months
Get to know me! 💋
So,, @the-type-a tagged me in this like 8 months ago and never got a chance to do it cause tumblr kept deleting the draft but I am procrastinating doing my final project to graduate college so here goes nothing
Thanks for the tag and feel free to do it again cause lmao it's been a whike
🖌 - Do you have/want any tattoos?
No I wanna get a spider gwen tattoo but I dont have a ton of money rn
💚 - What’s your favourite colour?
Pastel pink đŸ©·
🍕 - What’s the last thing you ate?
Spinach Pasta
🕰 - What time is it where you are rn?
11:27 pm (when i started, its 11:50 now)
🌟 - What is your zodiac sign?
Sagittarius sun, Taurus moon, and Aquarius rising.
I also have Venus and Mars in Scorpio so that pretty much sums up why I'm insane.
🌍 - What is your favourite accent?
I really enjoy cockney accents, Daniel Kaluuya's in particular. Maybe it's just his voice.
âšĄïž - Do you have any scars?
Yes, I accidentally stabbed my thigh, also accidentally cut it with a blade, and my legs are covered in permanent bruises from when I danced.
đŸŒș - What’s your MBTI type?
Every time I do it I get smth different, so either INTP or ISFP??
đŸ„€ - Favourite animated movie?
đŸ“ș - Favourite show?
The Office probably, or Community, I really like sitcoms
😂 - Are you ticklish?
Isn't everyone??
💍 - Do you ever want to get married?
Yes, I am one of those ppl that want to meet like their one true love and get married and spend our entire lives together
😳 - Do you like your name?
It triggers me a little so I don't like to be called by it but I like the name by itself a lot
💙 - What colour is your bedroom?
Like a beige green, I hate it but it came like that and am too lazy to paint it
đŸ€“ - How did you get your name?
My mom liked it thats it lol
🎓 - When did/do you graduate?
This month hopefully, my ceremony isn't until January tho
🍄 - Do you have/want any piercings?
Yeah I have the normal ones, two in my left ear and one in my right ear so I can freely forget to wear earrings Id add a pick but I dont want to
👀 - What colour are your eyes?
Veeeery dark brown
đŸ‘±đŸ»â€â™€ïž - What is your go to hairstyle?
A messy bun, I like having it down although it's mostly hot here so that's not possible, and sometimes I do have to put it in a bun cause my hair is really really thin and straight so it tangles incredibly easy and it takes me a good 5 minutes to brush it and I tend to be in such a hurry every morning I simply can't afford to do that
đŸ„‚ - Have you ever drank underage?
Yes I didn't know tho lol I was 14 and drinking funny tasting grape juice at sleepovers, my friends thought I knew lol uhmm but yeah after that I stopped until I was 18 and back from quarantine
đŸŸ - Have you ever gotten drunk?
Don't take me as a role model please, but yes and I love getting drunk, I've never blacked out but I do remember every now and then funny memories like huh I forgot I did that đŸ„° Also I've only once drank so much I puked it all up next morning
đŸ˜± - What’s your biggest fear?
Roaches?? Not trying to get too deep
đŸ„” - Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
Hot. I hate not being able to move bc of cold, my body aches so bad when its cold.
🌩 - What’s your favourite weather?
Cloudy, rainy and not cold, like eventually the sun comes out yknow
🍂 - What’s your favourite season?
đŸ· - What’s your favourite animal?
đŸ¶ - Do you have any pets?
2 cats!! And my sister has 2 dogs but they're also kinda mine ig
😮 - What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
No idea, I am way too sleep deprived to notice at the end
🎹 - Any hobbies?
Drawing, painting, video editing and designing, anything creative
đŸ›© - If travelling was free, where’s the first place you’d go?
New York 😭😭😭 if i had a visa also Id love to stay at the plaza hotel
🎇 - What’s your most searched thing on Google?
Probably Taylor Swift?? or the Spice Chalk Stretch Naked Wokfe boots
đŸ“± - Favourite app on your phone?
PINTEREST, a girl without pinterest is an angel without wings..
đŸ€  - Are you more of a city person or a country person?
City by far, I've spent all my life in the city and wouldn't stand not having everything I have here
Tagging: @spnyuri @queer-cosette and idk who is still active here but whoever wants to do it
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svartalfhild · 2 years
Svar Watches BBC Robin Hood for the First Time - Season 2
Some of you may have seen my reactions to watching Season 1 for the first time. Well, here we are with Season 2:
So I see we're starting off strong with a continuation of No Rights For Marian Ever. Fucking RIP.
Holy shit Guy has gone off the deep end.
But wait! What's this? Guy finally getting a wake up call in the form of Marian saving his sorry ass from drowning because the Sheriff gives zero (0) shits about him? Amazing. I expect it will take approximately 15 seconds before the Sheriff manipulates him into backsliding.
Well, would you look at that. There he goes. Backsliding. This is probably the most heartbreaking it's ever been too. "I have no one" fucking killed me. Like Guy was this close đŸ€ to becoming a better man. He was literally in the process of disobeying the Sheriff for the first time ever to save Marian, but then the Sheriff showed up, manhandled him, and reminded him of the power he holds over him, and boom, it's back to square one.
Allan out here like Don't Put Me In A Situation and then immediately proceeds to be put in several situations. Well done, dude. Get got. Nice jerkin though.
Aw, Guy, if you're going to be 0.5% nicer, don't be stupid and spoil it by getting pushy and possessive again. That's a solid 👎 from me, buddy.
I see we are continuing the trend of every man ever trying to tell Marian what to do and put her in a box. Once again, Robin is just as guilty as Guy of having his own idea of who and what Marian should be and trying make her conform to that ideal.
At this point, I think Marian should just be allowed to go feral and kill Prince John and the Sheriff. I know it won't happen, but it's what I want for her.
Allan you dumb bitch.
Okay but I did like that Little John was the one motherfucker who was like "Marian needs a hug".
Oh. Oh the Sheriff truly is an evil theatre kid. He's getting excited about doing a fake beggar bit with a bandit lady and her kids to fuck with Robin.
Now do it again, I dare you, you emo bitch.
The fact that he's back to marching to the Sheriff's tune the moment he's returned makes it even clearer how abused Guy has been by him. Abuse victims often fall back to old habits and people no matter how much it hurts them, because it's familiar and figuring out how to exist outside that system is terrifying, especially when they don't have much in the way of positive support.
Okay, so Guy finding out that Marian is the Night Watchman is fucking complicated, cause like on the one hand, Marian is a fucking hero and sentencing her to death instead of protecting her is fucking evil, but on the other hand I can definitely see how Guy arrived there because now he knows that Marian lied to and manipulated him, and that means he has no friends and can trust no one and of course he's going to fall back on every evil impulse the Sheriff taught him, because to his mind, the Sheriff has been proven right about everything. That's so fucking tragic.
Lmao the Queen Mother is so thirsty for Little John. Looks like she's another kind of queen.
GUY MADE ANOTHER GOOD CHOICE!!!! Oh but Marian bungled it but rashly trying to kill the Sheriff. Goddamnit. Like yes kill the Sheriff but not like that.
Oh fuck yes call them all out, Much! They do take you for granted! And they're pretty mean to you a lot of the time.
Holy shit are we acknowledging Robin's PTSD?
Allan redemption arc? Okay, I guess he's earned it.
Jesus fucking christ Guy stop waffling you're killing me.
Well this got super fucking sad and tragic
So England is saved but Guy really went about as far off the deep end as it's possible to go, like this was me when he stabbed Marian:
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Honestly didn't see it coming. What the fuck is gonna happen now???
I guess stay tuned for my Season 3 thoughts soon to be coming down the pipeline.
Edit: here's Season 3.
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azure-cherie · 2 years
Hello, here for the Aphrodite's love Game. Thank you for conducting it, really looking forward to it.
My Aphrodite is in Leo 10th house at 17 degree.
How I feel about myself is...interesting. I don't like myself that much but I don't hate myself either. I always feel like I can't fit in. I've never found my kind of people other than online. I am very much into social works, woman rights, feminism and feel very strongly about justice. Anything that goes wrong in the world kind of affects. It's hard for me to not care. Sometimes it depresses me and I don't like that about myself.
I don't have many friends. I think I like that maybe cz I've had shitty friends that I like this peace. I can cut people out of my easily, very easily. I wasn't like that but became after bullying. Never had a childhood, certainly not a happy one. Has a lot of childhood trauma but that's my therapists job lol.
People has called me heartless or cold. I can be very logical and practical. Sometimes harsh. I don't let my heart guide me but my brain. Emotional decision aren't for me. People will probably say I am the least romantic person even though I am a hopeless romantic.
Basically, I like myself but at the same time don't and I think I can be someone great if I play cards right, I think I can do some good in the society and I'd like to be happy someday but I've a long way to go.
Oh an important one, I've never been in love and I don't think I can fall in love easily. It's pretty easy for me to stop liking people.
My best qualities:-
Feel strongly about justice, not afraid to speak the truth, blunt, stubborn, doesn't back down, good at critical thinking, care about other people, good at what I do, can be a good leader if I didn't have anxiety, I am self aware(all the bad and the good), have come a long way from naive 14 yr old who got bullied and trusted people easily.
I will like an intuitive interpretation too, if I've to specify then my future spouse otherwise whatever are your requirements.
Exchange reading for you:-
You remind me of a woman in a beautiful vintage dress standing in a beautiful garden. And the music that came to my mind was dandelions, so I guess you're standing in a field of dandelions lol. Emoji :- 🌾
Intuitive reading about your next lover.
Honestly, you might have options but you will probably be oblivious to them. Both of them might make a move at the same time(not fair lol). You might be not in the healthiest headspace or probably not looking for a partner. You might meet him at university or some work-related place. Trusting your gut feelings and affirming your boundaries might be very important. Do not let anyone cross your boundaries or disrespect you. You'll probably make the right choice. You need to trust yourself more and don't ignore the signs around you. You'll know who he is. Trust the actions and not the words. One thing that I think is important doesn't matter if it's next or any lover, learning when to call it quits, learning when to walk away, learning when to cut people off. It's important to remember that even if you love him, if its not for you, walk away. You don't have to give people a second chance. If it's not for you, it's not for you. I think your relationship will be healthy and loving, whatever the label you put at it, it will great for you. I think you'll learn and grow from it, you'll became more mature and you'll learn more about the world. I think it will an amazing relationship. Love yourself, it's important. Remember you're enough.
Thank you for your time and effort. I hope you're doing great. Cheers đŸ„‚
Hello, thank you for participating in the game and telling me about yourself 💗
Feedback: aww do i remind you of that it's my absolute pleasure
đŸ«ąyes my head is messed up sometimes i want someone other times i don't, then them making together huh 😼‍💹 , yes i think we will meet in university, alright taking your advice, good to know. that it will be loving and that i will be growing in it . Thank you so much .
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So honey for your future spouse i see someone who is very clean specifically, they prefer luxury, they love the finer things in life, they love to eat outside most days , they've been a loner most of their life , not because they don't have friends but because they don't really relate to anyone they know , they've big dreams but they're keeping it from everyone since their family wants them to do something else , they love to sing a lot , they love to watch cartoons and would bring your flowers and gifts, they will be a shoulder to lean on when you're sad , however they might be moody or detached , sometimes especially when they're really hurt , they'd like to take you places , spend time with you, you seem like once in a lifetime shot to them , if they don't take they miss it forever and no matter how we try we don't get it back . You will meet this person in a office setting, in academic places or in a park , i see some crowd being present.
They will fall in love with you because you seem really beautiful to them like very unique , they haven't seen anyone like you , then your aura is also very beautiful and because of that people are instantly pulled towards you , they will approach you and talk to you , you might talk about a lot of subjects like science, politics etc. Your first impression of them might be like oh wow he's approaching and he actually looks well dressed so that's also a plus point he will be loving you as a friend as a lover.
Messages: " we should go for a rollercoaster ride" , " we should be together all the time " , " we should go to a new place together" , " we are meant to be ".
Thank you for your time and effort too , i am doing good , wbu ? And i hope you resonate, please leave a feedback if you do 💕
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