#this page actually does fuck me up so hard though cause. that's a tiny baby. optimus is experiencing the tenderness of human life through
gravelsong · 1 month
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Sparkplug is pushing the dadimus agenda so hard
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hallelujahmeatgod · 3 years
+warning/s: There’s really none, just cursing is all.
+word count: 2227
+note: The characters are very random because they’re the first ones I had an idea for. I want to write for the other ones too, so please do tell me what you guys think about this one. 
"What did you just say?" He asked, eyes wide from shock.
"I said, grab another straw if you want to take a sip of my drink. I don't want to share a straw." I said, as calmly as I can, immediately looking away from him. Because Lord knows I just want to laugh at his dumbfounded face right now.
He gave me a sarcastic laugh. A laugh that says "are you serious right now?"
I raised a brow at him acting like I don't have a clue as to why he's acting the way he is. 
And that was the last straw for him.
"So you literally shove your tongue down my throat and you wouldn't share a straw with me? What's that about?" He said angrily, looking at me with daggers in his eyes.
I laughed and instantly covered his mouth, looking around at the café. "Bitch, shut your mouth. I was just playing with you." I whisper-yelled, while trying to control my laughter.
He rolled his eyes and snatched away my drink. Muttering a "not funny" under his breath, as I continue laughing at him.
"Can I try yours?" Omi asked calmly.
I nodded, but before he could grab my drink I pulled it back a bit. "Oh-- can you not use my straw though?" I said as innocently as I can. 
He rolled his eyes at me then scoffed. I thought he's actually gonna get riled up, but that's until he said "Brave of you to assume that I'll share a straw with you."
I gave him a dumb look. What?
He raised his brows at me, a sly smirk making its way to his lips. "I'm literally afraid of all kinds of germs, and you are no exception." 
Did I really just forget that I'm in a relationship with a germaphobe?
"Whatever" I said, pouting.
I handed him a new straw but then he gave me a look of disgust. 
Can I be any more disgusting to this guy?
"Now you're trying to give me a plastic straw? You turtle murderer! Get that animosity away from me." He said, as he dramatically whipped a metal one from his bag. 
Just how many does he have in his bag?
"Now, repent from your sins and start using this babe." 
"WHAT?!" His dramatic ass yelled.
"Sit your ass down, right now!" I ordered like a mom.
I pulled him back beside me on the couch as he looked at me sadly.
"What do you mean we can't share a straw? We kiss all the time though and we share more saliva doing that than just sharing a straw." He pouted. 
Which is so cute that I had to stop myself from just pinching his cheeks and hugging him.
"I just don't want to share a straw today, okay? Just get another one. I have some in one of the drawers in the kitchen." I said, scrolling through my phone so that it'll seem like it's not a big deal.
I kept on scrolling, but then I realized after a while that he's still beside me.
 When I looked at him, I KID YOU NOT, there's tears welling on his eyes threatening to fall. His lips even quivering as he tried holding back the tears.
I instantly held his face and pulled him close. "Oh my, Bo, what's wrong?"
When asked he became more emotional and the tears finally fell. "You wouldn't share a straw with me." He said, sobbing. So I pulled him into a hug.
"Bo, stop crying. I was literally just joking, no need to cry you big baby." I said, chuckling lightly as I ruffled his hair.
He instantly pulled away, looking at me expectantly. "Huh? You're not for real? I can use your straw? You're not disgusted?" He asked and I nodded, giving him a warm smile.
He jumped at me and gave me a bear hug. "I don't like that joke though" He said, pulling away enough so he could look at me.
"I'm sorry, Bo. I won't do it again."
"YAYYYYYY!" He exclaimed, as snot trickled down from his nose. This kid.
"Let's wipe that snot away first though before you come close to my straw, yeah?"
(Now this is about to turn into a soap opera. Everyone knows this dude is the queen of all drama queens)
"Tooru, baby, use another straw." I said, not even sparing him a glance. Eyes focused on the anime we’re watching.
No reply. No reaction. No movements for a solid moment.
Eventually, he sighed then stood up. I heard him shuffling around so I thought he's actually gonna grab a straw for himself. Y'know, be compliant for once?
But since we're talking about a professional drama queen here, that obviously isn't happening. Duh.
"28th of August, in the year of the Lord. It's a warm afternoon, an afternoon filled with sunlight. Everything's bright, sunny, and happy. But just as everything is fitting into place, everything turned dark '' He monologues, standing at my balcony.
Oh Lord, save me.
"It is on that one afternoon, that Oikawa Tooru's heart has been shattered into million little pieces. It's shattered so good that no glue, not even E6000 glue, can put it back together." He continued, fake crying. Looking back at me once in a while to see if I'm looking at his drama. Then just exaggerating even more, putting his all into it.
I rolled my eyes at him, completely done with him.
"I thought there was love. I thought we felt the same way, that we're on the same page. But I was greatly mistaken! Nothing's fine. I'm torn. I'm all out of faith and this is how I feel. I'm cold and I'm ashamed, not lying naked on the floor-- but I'll think about it. Illusions never change into something real--"
And that's all that needs to be said. He darted towards me and easily drank half of my drink, cuddling next to me.
"Now is that hard? It isn't right?" He teased, which earned him a solid smack on the head.
"Grab another straw for you to use, Asahi" I called out to him as he stood up to get some more snacks after he announced that he wanted to try my drink.
"What did I do this time?" He asked quietly when he got back, dropping the snacks on the table.
"What do you mean? Did you do anything?" I asked him back.
He crouched down in front of me so we're at eye level. "You just told me to use another straw. So what did I do, woman?"
At this I immediately broke into a fit of laughter, which made him confused yet concerned. 
"You're scaring me right now babe."
"Ohhh~ Asahi, you really are too precious." 
"Are you being sarcastic right now? Is that you getting more angry at me for whatever reason? Wait! Are you actually angry at me? What did I do--"
"YO! Breathe." I clamped a hand on his mouth. "Who said I was angry?"
"Well you don't wanna share a straw so I'm assuming you hate me right now" He shrugged.
I ruffled his hair and lightly pinched his cheek. 
"I was just messing with you, so no need to be a panic mess." I reassured, caressing his face ever so softly.
His face instantly calmed as he leaned onto my hand. "Don't do that. You know I panic easily over the smallest things. I was about to have a heart attack." he pouted.
I kissed his cheek and offered him my drink, and he happily took a sip.
"Wait till Daichi hears this" I chuckled, earning a groan from him as he hid his face from me.
I'm getting so impatient. 
Impatient for Kageyama to ask for a sip of my drink so I can mess with him.
Why wouldn't he just ask? He kept on eyeing it yet still wouldn't ask for a sip.
"You know, eyeing my drink like that wouldn't make you taste it. If you want a sip, get another straw." I said as if I don't care, when in reality I'm watching his every move and expression.
His eyes then diverted from the drink to me, raising a brow. What's he raising his brow for?
"Bold of you to assume I'd like any of that." He said lazily.
Me=Jaw dislocated.
I looked at him not knowing what to say. What does he mean? 
"Huh?" Was all my dumbass could muster.
"As if I'd drink that '' He said, sticking out his tongue in disgust. He took a sip from his milk and smiled, completely satisfied. "I'm all good with my milk, it makes my bones stronger. You can close your mouth now." 
"B-but you kept on eyeing it"
"Yeah I did. Cause I was asking myself how someone can even consider that a drink."
"Can I please have a small sip of your drink? That seems like a new flavor I have yet to try. So if you don't mind." Ushijima asked beside me, looking straight into my eyes as he did so.
Does he really have to be this serious and proper asking for a sip? 
I'll never understand how his robotic self works, but I still love it though. I actually find it cute, so it took a lot from me to not break character.
"Sure thing. Just get yourself a new straw." I said, pushing my drink towards him.
I can see he's quite surprised by that since he didn't just do it right away. He gave me a look but then again didn't really say anything. He stood up from our booth and went to get a new straw.
I almost facepalmed when he did so, but then again what was I expecting? That he'd go crazy over it? That he'd have a big reaction? This is Ushijima we're talking about. The only time you'll see a big reaction from him is when that kid Hinata goes head to head with him or when he sees Oikawa CAUSE WHY THE HECK DIDN'T YOU ATTEND SHIRATORIZAWA, DUMMY!
Ushijima is very simple and calm, so he doesn't make a fuss about things easily.
When he got back he just silently put his straw in and took a sip. "That's quite good but not as good as the one you always get." He said honestly. Typical Ushijima.
We were silent for a little bit. Usually I'd be talking his ears off by now with all the gossip I've found out. But I'm still a tiny bit down because of his lack of reaction.
"You're weird today" He said out of the blue.
"What?" I asked, choking a bit from my drink.
Lost. That's what I am. He doesn't really blurt out things like that. I mean, yeah, if he finds something weird, mostly if you're asking him about it he'll say it's weird. But he doesn't really just blurt it out the way he just did. 
"You never had problems sharing with me. You don't mind me biting into your food, drinking from your bottle, making me eat the ice cream when you only want the cone, yet you made me get a new straw. It's just new, I guess. That's why it's kind of weird."
He said calmly and I can tell that he's genuinely calm. Like he isn't trying to be calm or he's mad deep down. He's simply sharing his thoughts.
"So you did notice." I pouted. He looked at me and nodded for me to continue talking. "I was actually just doing this thing I saw on YouTube, telling your boyfriend you don't wanna share a straw."
"Oh" He nodded in understanding. "No wonder you're weird today. You'd never do that." He actually said in a very humorous tone, with a small smile on his face.
I beamed and sat closer to him, resting my head on his arm. "Sorry for that."
He shook his head and gave me head pats. "It's fine. And of course I'd notice, I prefer it when you share with me, it makes me feel closer to you. And you've always been sweet to me even though I can't do it well, so I instantly caught on to it."
"You're sweet in your own unique way, more than you realize, Ushi" I said, smiling at him. He returned the smile with an even bigger one. My heart is about to burst, it's not everyday I see this guy grin like this. This smile might be a small one to others but for me this is a whole ass beam!
"Can we share properly now?" He asked, very VERY cutely. It almost brought tears to my eyes. And when I say cutely I mean him just looking at me seriously. In conclusion whatever this giant does I find cute, okay? I'm whipped and I'll even write it on my forehead if I have to.
"By all means" 
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haechanokeh · 3 years
I'm Right For You [pt.2 ]
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[teaser/ prologue] [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ]
(you can play Die For You by The Weeknd while reading this 😌)
pairing: popular college! mark x average! reader
genre: romance, smut, angst, series.
warning (chapter): handjob, public, fingering,
warning: corruption, oral sex (both receiving and giving), cream pie, rough sex, anal sex, mention of religion, rough sex, self-esteem, psychology, public sex, sub! reader, sex toys. possessive mark two-faced mark
I think I'm right for you, babe. You know what I'm thinking, see it in your eyes. You hate that you want me, hate it when you cry. It ain't workin' 'cause you're perfect and I know that you're worth it I can't walk away. (Die for you by The Weeknd)
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class ended and you're packing your things, and so your seatmate for today- mark.
"mark, do you want to eat with us?" your other classmates always invite mark.
"sure, wait. Do you want to eat with-"
you carry your bag and immediately left the room. he's the last person you want to be with, after what happened yesterday. mark confessed that he likes you and now you just can't talk to him.
༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
you're in the library trying to be "productive" and pretending to be "studious". you tied your hair, hyping yourself that you will study but 3 minutes after opening your thick pharmacology book, you took a nap.
mark entered the almost empty library. there's a lot of vacant tables and chairs but he's looking for the best spot, until he saw your sleeping face... from a far. mark has a keen eyes, especially when it comes to you. he walked towards your place and carefully sat beside you cautious in his movements to prevent waking you up. he put his bag on the vacant seat beside him and turned his head on you. you're squished side of your face against the table made him smile. lying at his classmates is worth it.
unaware of your surrounding, you didn't know mark was now sitting beside you. he saw your book was opened in diuretics chapter so he opened his own book at the same page as yours. he started writing notes, for you.
mark likes you but he's having a hard time to get close to you. not sure but he thinks that you're avoiding him, you immediately dismisses his presence when he's approaching you. you weren't rude when you do that though, you just speak very shortly with him. mark doesn't have a concrete reason why he likes you, but everytime he looks at your serine personally and your innocent face t brings him calmness. sometimes he just catching himself staring at you during class.
after he wrote the key points, he transferred all the sticky notes on the pad. he clicked the pen and look at you.
"you're still sleeping, wow." he whispered but with amusement. you're sleeping for 2 hours already. his eyes landed on your slightly parted plump lips.
dirty thoughts running in his head. he imagined your lips wrapped around his dick. yeah, the mark everyone look up to thinks like this towards you. he's not like this to anyone except you, he was also shock to on the effects you give him. mark was afraid you became an obsession, well too late for that.
he removed your specs, folded it and put it on the top of the table. he just watches you sleep, not caring whether other find it creepy.
suddenly your phone alarmed, you woke up immediately and to your panic you can't find your phone which was actually just infront of you, so mark was the one who off your alarm. you turn your head to look at him.
"thank you." you gave him an awkward smile. you look around and you saw from afar the librarian was glaring at you. you gave her an apologetic face and she returned to her seat.
he extended his arms and his thumb touched the side of your lips down to your chin. you felt a burning sensation from his thumb.
"welcome." he gave you his signature warm friendly smile.
you look down because you felt uncomfortable once again. your eyes caught a wet pool on the book, later you realize that mark wiped your drool. heat of embarrassment took over your face.
"let's eat?" he asked, lowering his face and moving it close to you. he wanted you to see his face, which you did. you're heart beating so fucking fast.
"i have to study." you said as an alibi.
"really?" he was unconvinced and playfully gave you a doubt look.
study my ass! I JUST WOKE UP!
"tomorrow is the case study, aren't we supposed to study together?" he sat up straight.
"we already did yes-" suddenly, his confession popped out from your head. "yesterday." you whispered, a ball of saliva almost stuck on your throat.
"really? i really don’t recall anything though.” he pretend to be naive. your eyes widen.
“you can’t remember anything? that’s impossible, you even confess to me... i mean...” shame crossed in you. please, swallow me my dear land. "mark, please let me study. i'm not like you."
he chuckled. "okay, but use my notes. here." he pushed towards you the notes he did while you were sleeping. your eyes gleamed like a sun.
"really?" you said excitedly.
"shhh!" you heard the librarian, you covered your mouth.
"really?" you asked again as confirmation. he giggled and nodded his head.
he admiringly stared at you goshing over his notes, he felt a weird sensation in his heart. mark was smiling like an idiot, this was his first time to see you smiling or happy when he’s around.
"thank you mark for saving me." you definitely forget the awkwardness between you. you looked at him sending him gratitude look.
without any words, you excitedly study his note. you're so oblivious that you didn't notice mark placed his hand on your thigh. horniness strike him.
your concentration broke when he squeezed your thigh. you turned your head to face him, there was uneasiness in your stomach when you face him again. the other mark that melt your knees.
he moved his face closer and whispered in your ears.
"y/n, i had a hard time sleeping last night. you know why?"
"why?" voice shaking and hands are sweaty while you're holding his notes.
"you never left my head, you kept on bothering me. i fantasize you last night, crying and begging to suck my dick with your small mouth and juicy lips." he huskily said and gripped your thigh tighter.
you squeezed your thighs together as you felt ache on your pussy. your breathing became ragged, chest rose heavily. you stare in those dark-lustful pair of eyes.
"i was horny last night, like what i'm feeling right now." his eyes glued in your lips.
he reached for your right hand and guided it to his hard cock. you gasped, and in surprise you take away your hand from his hardness but mark caught you and put it back.
"can you feel how hard i am right now? do you know how painful is it for me?" he grunted low. his lips touches your every time he speaks. "i need your help, y/n please." there was urgency in his voice.
"h-ow?" stuttering because of nervousness but with hidden excitement.
you heard a zipped sound. you look down and his hard flesh peeking through his boxers. he pulled it down revealing his standing cock. you almost drool, it's thick, veiny, and long. he planted a small kiss on your ears and folded your hands wrapping it around his dick. your lips parted letting out a breath.
his dick was hot, hard, and has a lot of texture- you can feel his vein. you don't believe that when a guy's hands are veiny, and so their cock... but mark is the living statement.
"move." he commanded. you pushed down your palm around his cock, and start pumping it slowly.
"like this?" you asked innocently.
mark saw your submissive look again, doll-like eyes shinning with innocence but full of lust.
"yes, baby. fuck faster, you're doing great." he complimented you, teeth gritting. he put his left arm across your shoulder and his other arm resting on the table.
both of you didn't care whether you're about to get caught or not. you enjoy the playful desires you share with each other. he smashed his lips to your soft lips. tongue caressing each other but careful not to produce noises. you're pumping him hard and fast, you felt cramp in your wrist but didn't stop. his hands formed into fist, knuckled getting white.
he moaned inside your mouth when he reach his climax. you felt the hot sticky liquid on your hands. you broke the kiss and look down to see what does it look like to have his cum on your hand. your eyes looked up and gaze into his eyes, he saw guilt, regret, and shame.
“what am i doing mark?” you bit your lower lip and your eyes watering. you know this is wrong, but when you’re with him all the rationality in you just evaporates. you became terrified of what you became and what you will have become. “what are you turning me into?”
mark was satisfied when he heard that coming out from your mouth, that means he has effect to you. he knew, because he felt the same from you.
“same goes to me, y/n. don’t you get it there’s something bet-” he was cut off when there were tiny voices. both of you turned your head towards the library entrance and there were bunch of seniors coming in. mark quickly zipped his pants and you wipe his cum on his black sweatshirt. you both looked at each other, you just realize what you did.
“i’m sorry.” you whispered and shoved your head against the book. he snickered on your cuteness and clumsiness.
“hey mark.” you froze when the girl seniors approached mark. you stay still, face against the book.
“oh, hi.” he greeted back, giving them a forced smile.
“i saw them on the pizza house, i thought you’re there? i was about to go. good thing you’re here.” she said and you heard some chairs being pulled out.
I need to go fudge, this is probably why i don’t like mark, he’s surrounded by people. knowing you, you’re allergic to people.
you stood up and gather your things.
“where are you going?” mark asked in curiosity and confusion while watching you.
“hmm?” you look at him and carried your back and book. the seniors were staring at you too. “oh, my mom said i have to go for groceries, heheeh empty fridge.” you LIED again. his brow rose.
he was looking at you but not in your face though and you have no time to pay attention to that.
“again? yesterday you went-” you did not let him finish.
“i have to go bye!”
༻✦༺  ༻��༺ ༻✦༺༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
you couldn't ignore your wetness beneath you. you were having a hard time walking because of the weird feeling and you felt discomfort on your abdomen part. obviously, you're horny and you knew that. you quickly turned to the right corner to use the girl's comfort room. you masturbate especially everytime you watch porn, and you badly need to masturbate right now without watching porn. you entered one of the cubicle and when you were about to close it, a hand appeared stopping the door.
he stepped inside the cubicle which made you step back , the behind of your knees touched the toilet seat. you heard and clicked sound, he closed the door.
“wait, weren’t you...” you were speechless as you point your finger outside but you were actually pertaining to the library.
why the hell is he everywhere? does he have roller blades on his feet?
"i can smell you." he said looking down, you were curious of what he was looking at but you were offended from his statement.
"excuse me?" you scoffed.
"you were standing infront of me before you leave me, too close and i'm not sure if that's the smell because it was my first time but..." he gaze straight into your eyes. he palmed your pussy which made you yelp. "it was sweet and erotic, are you horny right now?"
you gulped in embarrassment, you want to be swallowed whole by the soil. you were that wet from giving him a handjob!
"were you planning to masturbate?" his eyes switched into dark and dominating. you wonder, how can he guess everything right?
his palmed between your legs made it hard for you to control your desire. you grabbed his wrist.
"i need to cum." you gave him your pleading eyes.
your pleading sweet voice and eyes, and the way you say the word cum went straight into his dick. he never expected that word to come out from your mouth. when it did, he want to grant you.
"you're so special." he whispered. he unzipped your jeans and pulled it down above your knees which slightly made him annoyed because it was hard to pull it down. he gave your dump panty and glance because he can smell it, it wasn't a bad smell it was the opposite. it was sweet, very aromatic.
you just watch him while holding on his shoulder for balance. he stood up straight. you where biting your lips while staring at his handsome face through your lashes.
"mark..." you murmur as you were growing impatient. mark chuckled.
"okay, baby." he called you baby, and your heart lifted... and so as your right leg using his left arm. he hang your leg on his arm.
"what are you doing?" he didn't answer you.
he palmed your already sticky and wet pussy which made you bite your lower lip. he rubbed it in circular motion, you suppressed your moan because goodness it feels so good but you're afraid someone will hear you. he pulled your panty aside and rubbed your slit and clit, hard but slowly. your eyes were squeezing shut and enjoy the feeling. his lips pay attention on your jaw.
"mark, i want to cu- go. please." you whimpered.
he inserted his two finger and started to thrust it inside you while his thumb were flatly rubbing your clit.
"ah... hmmm" you couldn't suppress your moan anymore. "it feels so good." you cried and throw your head back gripping mark shoulder.
mark switched his attention from your jaw to your neck, licking and kissing it. he started to fasten the pace. your were producing a squelching sound.
"please, please, please i need to cum... oh f- yes yes." your eyes rolled back, you almost saw your brains. your legs felt tension causing your leg being lifted to flex straight, toes folded.
"are you cumming now, y/n? hmm?" he said against your neck. you nodded aggressively.
"i'm so close, so close" you were mewling. "ahh!" you clenched mark's fingers and produced a long cry when you finally reached your climax.
you became weak, your limbs became jelly. you were about to fall, good thing mark catched you before that happened. your arms have no energy to hold onto mark.
"are you okay?" mark genuinely asked. "did i overdo it?" growing concern feed him.
you shook your head, head empty, and catching your breath. you have low stamina, this already made you almost pass out? what more if he fuck you?
you shook your heard want to remove those perverted thoughts, and why the hell you thought of mark?
"seat down y/n." he made you seat on the toilet. suddenly, your phone rang. mark, without hesitation looked for your phone inside your bag. he looked at the name. "your mom." he cleared his throught and was about to answer but you quickly snatched it.
there's no way you want your mom to hear a male voice.
"mom?" you answered through your heavy breathing.
"y/n? why are you panting? are you okay?"
"ah, y-yes. i just ran from ahm nevermind i just ran that's it. why are you calling me?" mark intently watching you.
"oh, i forgot a file in our house, it's on top of my table, bring it here, okay?" she asked for your favor.
"yes." you sighed. your mom always forget something.
"okay, love you!" and she hang up.
you stood up. you look down as you felt your stickiness between your legs. you just pulled up your underware and pants.
"i need to go home, i'll go out first and make sure the coat is clear then you'll go out. okay?" you were still panting, catching your breath.
"i can drive you home." he said. there goes again, the warmth in his eyes. you were staring each other, mark looked so determined.
"promise me you will not do anything. i have no energy, mark." you sighed in defeat.
he laughed and pinched your cheek.
"sure." he said, smiling but deep inside he was disappointed. might not be visible because his sweatshirt was covering it, but he is painfully hard right now.
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sweetsubharry · 3 years
hi! do you have any fic recs of like really fluffy one shots
Hiya!! yes I do!! Aren’t they just the best sometimes?? Sorry this took me a few days to do! I had over 260 fics to go through on ao3 just under fluff (I really need to tidy my bookmarks!)  💖 There’s 79 in this list so it’s a long one!! ^-^
please stay safe and read the tags everyone! :)
freeze this moment in a frame and stay like this by rosesau
Harry (not so) secretly crushes on the cute footie player and fills pages with sketches of him.
Thunder started it by booloveshiscuppycake
Harry's always been scared of thunder storms. But louis' always been there to comfort him. Friendship and comfort turn into love. (Fluffy as shit)
but he cant be what you need (if he's eighteen) by lingerielarries
“I need you to do something for me.” Harry said, pinching his bottom lip between his thumb and forefinger.
“It seems like you’re asking me to kill for you, H.” Louis laughed nervously.
“It’s nothing that drastic, I promise. It’s just. I don’t think it’s a secret that I’m not a.. normal eighteen year old.” Louis furrowed his eyebrows at that, narrowing his eyes at the younger boy.
“Are people giving you a hard time?” Louis wondered. Harry shifted in his seat and brushed some of his fringe off his forehead.
“Yeah, that’s. That’s kind of what I wanted to talk to you about.” Harry swallowed nervously. He could feel the sweat pooling at his hairline so he wiped it with the sleeve of his sweater. “I need you to uhm, pretend to be my boyfriend.”
the one where harry is sick of getting bullied and casts louis as the hot punk boyfriend to scare them away. louis needs harry to return the favor.
punk!louis and flowerchild!harry
the love is ours to make (so we should make it) by lingerielarries
“I’m.. Harry. I nanny? For Ernest and Doris?” Harry responded.
“A nanny? How old even are you? You look twelve.” Louis remarked. Something caught Louis’ eye, and a closer look revealed that Harry had a coat of pink nail polish on his fingers.
“Nineteen. I’m nineteen.” Harry replied.
“Right. Nineteen, wears pink, flower crowns and paints his nails. Who the actual fuck did my mum hire?”
the one where louis takes some time off from life to return home, only to be met with a strange boy in pink and a flowercrown as the nanny of his siblings.
All I See is You by ElegantSurrender
Even with the blood gushing from his nose, he couldn’t keep his thoughts on anything but the boy in front of him. He was just so… pretty. He smiled to himself, which only seemed to worry his boyfriend more.
“Why’re you smiling?” Louis asked confusedly, moving Harry’s bloody hand away, and replacing it with his, pinching his nose shut with a tissue. “You’re bleeding, and you’re fucking smiling.”
“Seeing you makes me happy.”
(or the one where Harry has a bloody nose and Louis takes care of him, and Harry really really loves Louis)
Pretty Blue Eyes (I don't care about the nightmares) by justgotowisharder
Harry has nightmares, Louis hates sharing the bed, they end up talking about dreams, they read Freud and they fall in love in the process.
Breathe by dontlietomehoney
Harry has an asthma attack and Louis is scared to death. What follows after though, scares both boys, pulling them apart and bringing them together.
with your love we could breathe underwater by luminescents
Harry’s brow furrows, a look of confusion spreading over his face. “But I am real. I exist, see,” he says, raising a hand out of the water and wiggling his fingers at Louis.
Louis finds himself relaxing a bit. Harry seems harmless really. And he’s quite cute, for something that’s not supposed to exist. If Louis is indeed having a hallucination right now, at least it’s a cute one.
AU where Harry is a mermaid, Louis is a human, and they both discover a lot more than they anticipated.
yes, you make my life worthwhile by orphan_account
Harry whispers to him that this feels like every dream he’s had for the last three years and Louis kisses his temple, behind his ear, across his cheeks and by the edge of his jaw. He runs the back of his finger across Winnie’s sleep-warm cheeks and sighs, the weight of the world finally off his shoulder.
Louis' a pediatrician, Harry's a preschooler teacher, and they're having a baby.
Weigh Us Down (We're In Love) by orphan_account
Harry’s eyes widen slightly at that. “We’re friends?”
Louis nods eagerly, smiling even wider. “Of course we are! You’re like, my first ever friend here. We just moved in, you see. Did I already tell you about that? Anyway! Maybe you can stay for dinner and I can show you my toys?”
Harry smiles. “You’ll let me play with you?”
Louis nods again, excited. “Of course!” He looks thoughtful for a moment, and then he’s slipping off the couch and crouching in front of Harry. “Oh, and Mum always kisses my wounds after she fixes them up. It makes me feel loads better all the time, so.” He leans forward and puckers his lips, pressing them over the bandage on Harry’s knee.
(harry and louis first meet when they’re eight and ten. this is their story throughout the years.)
Breathe by Jade_eyed
Can you write a Larry high school AU where Harry's a sophomore and Louis' his senior boyfriend and Harry's being bullied during class and has a panic attack and all he's saying is 'Louis' so someone goes into louis' classroom and gets him and louis' like freaking out when he finds out and just really fluffy and stuff i just need this okay
[ I changed it a bit , I'm sorry babe I tried. :( ]
Cause If You Let Me, Here's What I'll Do by stylesforstiles
Five times where Harry is Louis' baby
Zero Means Nothing When I'm With You by StripedAndBowtied
Louis doesn't know what he's looking for until he finds it.
Harry just knows he may defy his gender norms, with his height and clumsiness, but that doesn't mean he doesn't want litters of pups running around while he does domestic things all day long.
In other words, boy meets boy and no one can stop pining.
All my senses come to life by erikaeurekajoe
And it was true. Harry's senses were all coming to life, on overdrive in fact because a handsome blue-eyed stranger was holding his hands.
Because of Louis Tomlinson's Arse by AggressiveStress
One in which Harry is a clumsy Uni student that first sees Louis leaning over, picking up his things with his arse very prominent. Harry then falls down the stairs and Louis- wearing a nice little beanie- helps him back to his feet.
In All Its Imperfections by BriaMaria
From: Louis Tomlinson To: Undisclosed Recipients
I’ve asked the front desk and you lovely folks are the ones who are on the same level as me in the car park. I found a to-do list today that looked somewhat important because it has lines of poetry scribbled at the bottom that seemed like they might be for a card project. The stationary has a moose in a canoe at the top of it (and he is quite adorable). Let me know if it’s yours!
“Oh. My. Fucking. God,” Harry whispered, his eyes darting over the sentences again willing them not to make sense. They did, they did make sense. “Oh. My. Bloody. Fucking. God.”
The next thing he knew he was on the floor, staring at the ceiling, with a very concerned Liam hovering over his head.
"What happened, mate?" Liam asked.
Harry just pointed to his computer.
Liam bent over Harry’s desk to read the email. “What? This isn’t bad. Is that your to-do list? Did you finally come up with the inside text for those cards?”
“Leeyum" he groaned. “It’s what’s on the list.”
“Oh,” Liam paused for a beat. “Is it dirty stuff?”
Harry nodded.
There was more silence. And then, “Dirty stuff with Louis?”
Delirious in Love by yourpricelessadvice (orphan_account)
Louis is there for Harry waking up from minor surgery; he wouldn't miss it for the world. For two reasons.
Stars Will Align For Us by 2tiedships2
"The serial monogamist is single," Niall said by way of introduction when he sat down across from Harry in the canteen.
Harry sipped his chocolate milk. "What are you going on about?"
"Your alpha dream boat," Niall said. "That tiny little footie player? I heard from Hannah that he's broken it off with his boyfriend so he’s single and ready to flamingle. Now's the time to make your move."
Harry sipped his chocolate milk harder to keep himself from replying.
Or the one where Harry is an omega at a loss of how to get past his pining and gain the attention of Louis...especially considering the alpha is always in a relationship.
(twenty minutes later) wound up in the hospital by callmelover
“Baby, I think a quick trip to A&E might do you some good, hm?” Louis keeps his voice as calm as possible. He doesn't want to startle Harry or make him scared, but he knows that Harry’s fever is too high and he can't risk Harry choking himself into another attack when he's so poorly.
He hears a sharp intake of breath come for Harry and he knows Harry is starting to panic. Louis moves his hand from Harry's hair to his back, rubbing circles into his sweat-soaked shirt.
“No, no. Shh, don't worry, darling. Everything is okay, you’ll be okay. I just know that the doctors will be able to make you feel much better much sooner than I can...Just want you to get healthy as soon as possible, okay?”
or the one where harry has the flu and louis is a protective, nervous-wreck of a boyfriend
You live in my heart by styleztomlinson
As soon as they’re done with their set, Louis only has one thing on his mind and that’s to get out of there as soon as possible.or,Harry is sick during their performance at the iHeartRadio festival. Afterwards, Louis takes cares of his baby, and dotes on his husband.
Take Care by secretlylarry
Louis really does love to take care of Harry when he's sick.
if we got nothing, we got us by tumsa
Harry is Louis' baby and he's sick as well.
Peppermint and Lavender (and Coffee) by 2tiedships2
“He was there again,” Louis announced by way of greeting. “Lottie was right and she can never know.”
"What the fuck are you talking about?” Niall asked as he snapped his laptop closed.
“The omega, Niall. He was there today. Just sitting in the corner looking pretty. Or at least his back is. He hasn’t turned around when I’m available to see. I know he’s beautiful though.”
"Okay?” Niall questioned. “What does that have to do with Lottie?”
Louis let out a huff. "She told me I shouldn’t work at a coffee shop. She was right.”
Or the one where Louis might have met the love of his life in a coffee shop. But that’s not how it’s supposed to happen.
So Long I've Been Waiting by kikikryslee
Niall held up his glass in a toast. “Cheers.” Harry stared at Louis as he brought the glass up to his lips, unsure of what to do. It wasn’t like he could refuse the drink, but he certainly didn’t want to have any champagne. Louis monitored everyone else, and as soon as they all had their heads tilted back, drinking their mimosa, he reached out and knocked Harry’s glass right out of his hand, sending it crashing to the floor. “Oh, no!” Louis pretended to be shocked at what had just happened. “Harry, you’re so clumsy. You dropped your glass.” “Yes,” Harry said seriously. “I am very clumsy.” --- Or, the one where Harry and Louis are having their first baby, and keeping it a secret until the end of the first trimester is a lot harder than they thought it would be.
Nothing's Gonna Stop Me But Divine Intervention by kikikryslee
“So… what’s next on the soul mate search?” Louis asked. “I don’t know,” Harry answered. “Whatever I’m doing isn’t working. I’m not finding him anywhere.” “He’ll get here. I know it." “Yeah. I know he’s out there somewhere; I just have to figure out where.” --- Or, the soul mate AU where Harry overthinks everything having to do with finding the love of his life, and Louis doesn't think there's a Mr. Right for him at all. It takes them a while to realize that their soul mate is the person they want it to be: each other.
We Made These Memories for Ourselves by supernope
Breath held, Harry squints his eyes open and focuses on the first stick. A blue line. Harry breathes out an unsteady breath. He’s pretty sure he read that one blue line is a negative, but he fishes the box from the bottom of the pile just to make sure.
“Negative,” he confirms, voice echoing around the small room. “Next.”
Now that he’s feeling a little less shaky, he scans the rest of the tests at once, is met with a headache-inducing mixture of pink plus signs and blue double lines. His heart rate picks up until it’s pounding triple-time in the base of his throat and the pit of his stomach, thundering in his ears and throbbing in his temples. He flips over the rest of the boxes slowly, but he knows what they’re going to say before he even looks.
[or, Louis is a footballer, Harry owns a bakery, and they're having a baby.]
taken by the wind by scrunchyharry
When he decided to move to London with his sister, Harry thought he would finally get to learn how to control his magic. He couldn't possibly have predicted that he would fall for her neighbour.
Or the one where Harry is a clumsy witch and Louis is making everything worse just by existing.
Piece by Piece by SadaVeniren
He rubbed his hand over his lower stomach and closed his eyes. Louis was going to lose his fucking mind.
(aka Harry tells Louis he's pregnant and it goes as expected)
And We Linger On by stylesforstiles
Harry is pouting. Louis takes care of him
There's a Hole In My Soul, Can You Fill It? by stylesforstiles
Sometimes Harry is so tired. Louis always wants to fix it.
one glance and the avalanche drops by Wankerville
It's strange, honestly, having someone so gorgeous in his kitchen, and not only physically gorgeous, but, like, the everything else gorgeous. The type of gorgeous that Louis wants his life to always be covered in. The type of gorgeous he wants lying in sweatpants and an old t-shirt on his couch when he gets home from class. The type of gorgeous he wants to have shoving crisps down the front of his shirt. The type of goddamn gorgeous he wants to kiss, and coddle, and like, love.
Which is ridiculous- he doesn't know him. Pfft.
(or an au wherein louis buys a christmas tree and harry is the boy in leggings who delivers it. they are a christmas classic.)
Do Not Falter (There's a Star Ahead) by LadyLondonderry
It's Christmas Eve, and every single one of Louis' family members are crowded inside his little flat. Really, what more could he ask for on his birthday?
The present he never knew he wanted - in the form of an omega from his past - might just make this his most memorable Christmas.
Right Here Waiting by lovelarry10
Louis and Harry are expecting a baby. Harry's heavily pregnant and nesting madly, determined to make their home ready for their baby.
Blow Out the Candles, Baby by iwillpaintasongforlou
Louis' been planning Harry's 20th birthday party for weeks, and Harry's too sick to move. Louis might be the kind of sap who tries to nurse him back to health with cuddles and jokes and cupcakes for two.
Never Let You Fall by iwillpaintasongforlou
Harry slips on stage and gets a minor concussion, and Louis insists that he spend the night in the hospital just in case. He then turns into a protective baby lion because that is his Harry and he'll be damned if anything happens to him on Louis' watch. Harry rolls his eyes a lot but doesn't really mind.
Asthma and Bad Jokes by Larry_Klaine_Stylinson
When Harry has an asthma attack on stage, Louis has to go and help him. He leaves Niall in charge of keeping the audience entertained.
All I Need is Oxygen (and You) by lululawrence
There are only two ways to navigate Bloomfield High School: become popular or make yourself invisible.
With the help of his best mate Niall, Harry’s introduction to high school hadn’t been half bad. Despite being a “bandie” – the lowest of the low in the ancient hierarchy of high school –Harry had somehow managed to survive freshman year relatively unscathed. So naturally, Harry would have been perfectly happy to resume his position of invisible trombone player number four for the remainder of high school. But one day something drastic happened, something that would change the course of Harry’s entire existence (probably).
It was the last football game of his freshman year, and the band was back in the stands after performing a rousing rendition of Bloomfield’s alma mater during half time. Harry was gracelessly wiping the slobber from the mouthpiece of his trombone when he saw him.
Louis Tomlinson.
Or...a High School AU where Harry is a bandie and Louis is the epitome of cool, so naturally, Harry must find a way to get his attention and win his affections.
i’d burn this city down to show you the light by you_explode
Harry's a sheltered rich kid and Louis's a punk with a heart of gold. They meet when Louis breaks into Harry's house, Harry obtains an instant and all-encompassing crush, and they spend the summer falling into a whirlwind romance.
put your head on my shoulder by wayfared
Niall gives Harry until the end of marching season to either a) make a move on Louis Tomlinson or b) get the fuck over him. Either is easier said than done. Basically, your High School AU with a drum beat.
we should get jerseys, 'cause we make a good team by ellisaco
Harry's not very good at football, but he's aces at cheering Louis on.
Snow by hlftanna
Louis hid something from him. Harry was 100% sure of that. He knew him better than he knew himself. And. He. Hid. Something. From. Him. Harry just hasn't figured out what. Because if Louis wanted to hide something from anyone he usually succeeded because he was Louis Tomlinson.
Use Your Words by zedi
based off this prompt: collage au where jock!harry always serenades flowercrown!louis with love songs in their music class. what nobody knows is that harry actually kinda means the words he sings.
But instead it's Louis as the jock and Harry as the flowerchild because I do what I want.
see the truth (it's me for you) by orphan_account
If you asked Louis the first day of his French Literature class what he’d be doing on the last, he’d probably never have guessed it would involve helping a poorly Harry Styles study for the final exam. Good thing he’s not a betting man.
(Or the one where Louis and Harry spend an entire semester ignoring each other after a one-night stand, only to come face to face when Harry manages to catch the stomach flu during finals week. Sometimes fate is funny like that.)
calling out for somebody to hold tonight by heartinsidemine
“Dunno why I can’t sleep,” is the first thing Harry says into the still, quiet night.
“New flat, new noises,” Louis murmurs, finally setting the kettle on the stove and turning properly toward him. “New responsibilities, too, eh? Second year, you’re working your way up in the world.”
Harry rolls his eyes, shaking his head. “Nothing’s really new, though, is it? I mean, the location, but… I’ve got the same job I had last year, same basic courses, same workload…” He sighs out, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“You and me are in the same boat, though,” Louis murmurs to him. He hates seeing Harry like this, even though rationally he knows that he can’t do anything about Harry’s insomnia. “Finding it difficult to sleep myself. Was gonna turn on the telly, maybe the cooking channel until I fall asleep. Care to join me?”
He doesn’t think twice about the offer before making it; it only makes sense. They’re both exhausted and they both sleep better with a cuddle, and anyway Louis would absolutely rather have a conversation partner than only the walls of his room for company.
Running Down To The Riptide by sweaterpawstyles
"I can't give you your present yet, Lou."
Louis furrowed his brows. "And why is that, my love?"
Harry smiled at his lap. "Because your present is under my sweater," he pulled his free hand that wasn't laced with Louis' and gently laid it on his stomach. "I'm pregnant."
It's New Year's Eve and Harry has a surprise under his sweater
Song For The Springtime by sunshiner
“Cherry blossoms,” Harry mumbles. “The solution’s cherry blossoms.”
Uni AU.
the happiest place in our universe by tippytoetomlinstyles
Harry holds Louis’ hand and looks around at all the exciting and beautiful things and Louis looks at him because he finds him the most beautiful and exciting thing there is.
or the one where Louis takes Harry to Disneyland and Harry convinces Louis to wear Mickey Mouse ears to match his Minnie Mouse ears.
Made From Love by lovelarry10
It's almost Christmas, and amongst the preparations, Louis' realised something about his husband Harry.
Harry, however, seems to be oblivious.
Louis' determined to open Harry's eyes and make him realise the real magic that's happening this Christmas...
Another Constellation to Trace by screwstyles
Louis wiggles his eyebrows. “I’m winning that bet.”
“What bet?” comes Niall’s excited voice from behind them, followed by footsteps. “I wanna be in on the bet!” he shouts, prompting Harry to quickly roll down his shirt sleeve and straighten his shirt where it’s still crinkly after Louis’ hands.
Niall takes one look at them and purses his lips in a tight line. “Were you guys making out again? Isn’t the fire meant to die down a bit after eight years?”
“Trust me, the fire is still very much alive,” Louis winks at Harry. “One could even say it’s cooking something.”
Mpreg AU: Louis and Harry bet on who can keep Harry's pregnancy a secret for longer. Neither of them is particularly good at it, and it doesn't help that their soulmate tattoos make it even harder.
another pair of feet by honey_beeing
where Harry is pregnant and Louis is an oblivious idiot.
We Were Made to Love by supernope  
“Everything all sorted? Need help with the buckles? I know they’re a bit tricky in this compartment.”
The voice startles Louis out of his daze, and he turns toward the voice to let him know he figured it out. When he catches sight of the owner of the voice, though, his response dies in his throat. Whatever he had imagined the conductor of a children’s train that rides around the shopping centre in Leeds would look like, this is certainly not it.
Leaning through the window, arms folded across the sill, is a green-eyed angel with cherry red lips stretched wide in a smile and dimples flirting in his cheeks. A black conductor’s hat is the only confirmation that this is not some gorgeous stranger who’s come to flirt with Louis through the window of a children’s train, but is just a man doing his job.
[or, Harry drives a kiddie train in the shopping centre for the summer and is obsessed with babies, and Louis never stood a chance.]
here comes the sun by orphan_account
“Everything’s going to be fine,” Louis promises, his pink, chapped lips moving slowly in the cold. It matches the beanie on his head—pink, because they found out this morning that they’re having a girl and that’s just.
Harry’s going to be a dad. To a little girl. Five months from now he’ll be holding her in his arms, and she’ll be so lovely and small.
They’re going to have a spring baby and she’s probably going to have Louis’ eyes. What a blessing that would be. Harry crosses his fingers on the hand inside his pocket, hoping that she does. He’ll love her either way—blue or green or even brown eyes, it doesn’t matter—but he’d really like them to be blue, he thinks.
[Harry is a pediatric specialist, Louis is a neurosurgeon. All they want is a baby.]
So Put Your Hands In (The Holes of My Sweater) by Kat_rawr
“Are you gonna kiss me then?” He asks so quiet he isn’t even sure Louis heard him.
“I think it’s bad luck if I don’t.“ Louis’ breath is hot on Harry’s skin in the cold air. They stand in the dark; Louis’ face only lit up by the yellow-ish light from the street light a few metres away. The light over the door of their building hasn’t worked in years.
“Okay,” Harry says, and of course his cheeks heat up. There are definitely butterflies in stomach and his mouth is definitely dry.
Harry and Louis go on a lot of not-dates
A Little Kind of Magic by Star55
A tiny tale of Louis' Very Important Birthday and Christmas at Hogwarts that Harry loves celebrating with his best friend whom he absolutely is not in love with. No matter what Niall says. (He's a little in love with Louis.)
it tastes like you, only sweeter by EmmyLouWho
Sometimes Harry hates being a second year, like when all his older friends get to go to Hogsmeade and he has to stay behind in the castle. Luckily, Harry has a Louis to make everything better.
For the prompt: “I’m not allowed to go to Hogsmeade but you always tell me stories about it and bring me candy from Honeydukes”
Sun-Dappled by QuickedWeen
Louis and his best friend Harry are in their seventh year at Hogwarts, facing down their future together. Louis has been in love with his best friend for as long as he can remember, and he begins to feel a sense of urgency as the second semester begins. Finally he hatches a plan to tell Harry about his feelings on Harry's birthday.
Sweet Like Sunshine by orphan_account
When Louis saves him from some seventh years bullying him on his lack of Quidditch skills, Harry takes offense. Louis offers to teach him to make up for it. They fall in love somewhere along the way.
Featuring one exasperated Niall, trips to Hogsmede and many flying sessions.
Follow Me Down This Time by supernope
Harry first noticed Louis in his second term at Hogwarts, and despite three years of inventing ways to stumble across Louis, he's never managed to actually work up the courage to speak to him. Also known as, self-indulgent Hogwarts AU, because every fandom needs Hogwarts AUs.
For Reasons Wretched and Divine by panicmoonwalk
Niall’s head was sitting in the fireplace, wide grin lighting up his features as flames licked the bright tips of his hair. Louis promptly dropped his tray at the sight.
“Bloody hell!” He yelled, half at the sudden appearance of Niall in the fire and half at the scalding cocoa he’d just dropped on his bare foot. “What are you doing?!”
Niall just continued to grin, clearly highly amused by Louis hopping on one foot and desperately trying to search for a weapon he could use to beat his friend’s head out of the fireplace.
“Well,” Niall began. “We’re going on an adventure!”
Or, the one where Louis and Harry’s Christmas holiday at Hogwarts is rudely interrupted when they’re dragged off on a tropical wizard’s vacation, featuring some angry centaurs, a spell gone wrong, and the ‘weirdest birthday anyone’s ever had. Ever’.
Loving with a Little Twist by hrrytomlinson
“What are you going to do?”
“I don’t know Niall! I just promised my mother I’m bringing my boyfriend - a boyfriend I don’t have - to Thanksgiving dinner. What should I do? I can’t call back and be like, ‘Oh yeah mom, that boyfriend I said that I have, I don’t actually have. Sorry to disappoint you.’ My life is ruined.” Harry returns to suffocating himself with the pillow.
Niall laughs and Harry growls at his best friend’s unwarranted happiness in this life-ending situation. Harry is fucked. Fuck. He needs a boyfriend. Fuck.
(or a thanksgiving themed fake/pretend relationship au)
everywhere (i wanna be with you) by itiswhatitisbutterfly
Harry and Louis meet because they have terrible friends, they fall in love because something feels right in a world of uncertainty and shifting grounds. Louis is an actor and Harry is a model at the top of his game, the best things in life are the most unexpected ones and the things that hit you when you are least expecting it.
Featuring winter in London, nights in Paris, early mornings in New York, burning heat in Monte Carlo and an enduring love spent transcending four corners of the globe.
on a wednesday, in a cafe by wreckedboyfriends
“What can I get for you today?” he asked without looking up, arranging the last of the pastries.
“Have any recommendations? Never been here before, actually.” Harry hit his head on the top of the case in his haste to look at the source of the voice. It was a really beautiful voice, small and high and just lovely, if a voice could be lovely. Harry thought so. “Alright, mate?” the man asked when Harry finally composed himself, rubbing the top of his head as he took his place at the register.
Harry opened his eyes, and fuck. If Harry had thought his voice was lovely, the man himself was on a whole other level. “Alright, mate?” He repeated and shit. Harry had been openly staring for quite awhile, hadn’t he?
“Yeah,” Harry replied, and it came out sounding like a semi trailer running over gravel. He cleared his throat. “Yeah,” he repeated. “Um, the cherry danish is quite good, I think. ’S my favorite.”
The man smiled. “One cherry danish it is, then.”
OR Harry’s spent the last year with six locks on his door, a pair of too-flamboyant boots buried in the back of his closet, and insecurity issues the size of a mammoth. Louis changes some of that, but Harry changes the most.
I Long For You by AnotherAnonymousWriter
Thirty minutes later, he's sat on a bench in Hyde Park with a book in his lap and a travel mug with hot tea in his hand. Not far from where he's sat, a group of boys are playing football and a bunch of children are chasing each other. Life is good.
Or at least, life is good until he hears a familiar “LOOK OUT!” and sees a football flying in the direction of his face.
And then everything is black.
(Harry gets hit in the head by various objects and falls for a boy with blue eyes.)
Let It Snow by thebrainisafunnyplace
Bakery owner Harry Styles is always cold, until he hires local university student, Louis Tomlinson to work as a cashier. When the storm of the year hits, the boys find themselves stuck together inside the bakery the night before Christmas Eve. Luckily, they have each other to keep warm.
everything i can arrange, every part of me you change by orphan_account
“Don’t you try that shit with me,” Niall spits the second he reaches Louis, pulling off the hood with force. “What the hell is this?” He plops down next to Louis on the empty bleacher and unceremoniously pushes a sheet of crumpled paper in his face.
Netflix and Chill Buddy Application
It’s like no matter how hard Louis tries, he can’t seem to run away from this stupid fucking flyer. All the girls (and some of the boys) in every one of his classes have been talking about it all week. It’s on every wall of every building on campus. Louis went for a jog last night and he nearly tripped and died over a loose one on the football track.
[Harry needs a big spoon and Louis refuses to let anyone steal his position. Based on this post.]
No words by becharlatan
Harry is a music student who never talks because he's a total introvert. Louis happens to bump into him by accident and as if like the constellations, the two have aligned their paths together despite their differences.
Sun Emoji Moon Emoji by mybeanieandme
For the prompt:
University!au: Harry works at a cafe as the busboy and Louis just really wants to get to know him. (Louis pines for an insecure Harry for a semester)
nonstop earthquake dreams of you by lumineres
And there's heat behind it, blazing, plasmatic, like stars crashing together, like an explosion in space, like a supernova, like a black hole--everything else sucked out of existence. There's no bed and there's no pillow and they're not lying down, just floating somewhere, somehow, and there's no room and there's no X Factor house and there's no Niall snuffling or Liam's deep, even breathing and there's no wind or traffic outside and there's no hum of the heating unit and it's all just Louis. All encompassingly Louis.
or, harry falls hard and finds louis already at the bottom
Kiss From A Rose by lovelarry10
Harry is the quiet one in the office no one ever notices. Until Louis does, that is. When notes start appearing on Harry’s desk, he ponders who is behind the kind words, oblivious to Louis’ attempts to get his attention...
Black Cat by lalune15
Inspired by this tumblr post (not asked or requested): fic where louis works at a haunted house jumping out at people and harry’s friends drag him along even though he doesn’t really like haunted houses. when louis jumps out to scare their group, harry freaks out and accidentally jumps into louis’s arms. louis just squeaks. harry ends up sitting there with louis the rest of his shift and totally doesn’t come back every night after that.
Be Mine, For Always by zams
Louis is happy when Harry is happy. That's what Louis wants, and so when Louis starts feeling weird when Harry cuddles with Liam, Zayn, or Niall instead of him, he keeps quiet. But the burning, uncomfortable feeling Louis gets deep in his stomach when he sees Harry contentedly nuzzling Liam's neck, or Harry's arms and legs tangled around Niall like an octopus, or Harry's face smushed in Zayn's stomach as Zayn plays with his hair only gets worse as the days go by.
Loosen Up My Buttons by softfonds
The beautiful man opened this bakery about a year ago. He remembered the exact day he came: a glum, rainy morning in the middle of February, which instantly turned brighter the minute he saw him. The man had come in with some paint buckets and tools, and Louis doubted he would be able to fix up the drab place all by himself. But as he walked down the stairs at the end of the day and saw the man standing there in the middle of a gorgeous pink and white shop, clearly proud of his work, Louis fell in love at first sight. If only he knew how to talk to him.
Usually, Louis knew how to flirt. He prided himself on it. But every time he looked at the beautiful man, he completely forgot how to form sentences, and there was no way he could go up to him only to make a fool of himself. That was the last thing he needed.
Or, Louis owns a tattoo shop called Pretty in Ink, Harry owns a bakery called Rolling Scones, they haven't been introduced, and Valentine’s Day seems like the perfect opportunity to finally talk to the man Louis has been pinning over for the past year. And they both end up with more love than they bargained for.
Coffee Cups and Football Boots by kimtaedumb
Harry’s stood behind the counter again, but this time he’s painting his nails. Louis strolls up to the counter and, thanks to his no brain-to-mouth filter, blurts out, “Isn’t that a little girlish, Haz?” leaning closer to inspect.
Harry lets out a little huff as his hand slips, “Oh, damn, now I’ve messed it up,” he pouts and turns to Louis, “Why should making myself feel pretty be girly?”
Louis holds up his hands in surrender, “’M not judging, jus’ curious is all.”
(The entirely cheesy and cliché Christmas AU, in which Harry doesn’t give a damn what people think about him – mostly – and Louis may be a little bit in love.
Alternatively, the one in which Harry owns a café that’s barely scraping by and Louis is a footballer and he takes Harry away for Christmas.
Featuring Zayn as a cocky little shit that most definitely needs to be put back in his place, Niall as the loveable Irish dude who drinks too much and flirts with Zayn more than the average girl, and Liam who loves everyone but hates them all at the same time.)
you make my whole world feel so right when it's wrong by orphan_account
“Curly?” Louis says, stepping into Harry’s sight. “You okay?” Harry looks up from where he has two things in his hands, a thick winter coat sized for a newborn, and a sweatshirt fitting a grown man such as himself. He looks up at Louis, stricken, and holds them out for him to see. “They’re the same price,” he says. “They’re both forty dollars! Forty dollars for such little material.”
(or, Harry is pregnant and stops at the mall to buy cheap baby clothes. Louis has extra money from working a long shift, and he can't think of a better way to spend it than on him.)
you were the ocean, i was drawn into you by by orphan_account
where harry takes pictures and worries too much and louis plays guitar.
i'll be your sunflower by scagnetism
“What do you think’s gonna stop us now?” Harry says cheekily, laughter in his voice as he looks up at Louis. “Something’s gotta get in our way like always, doesn’t it?”
“Ha,” Louis grins, kissing his cheek and holding open the door for him as they make their way toward the car. “Nothing’s gonna interrupt us this time. ‘S gonna be perfect, just like Pumpkin.”
Or, a few interruptions aren't going to stop Harry from having a perfect pregnancy and having the family he and Louis have always dreamed of.
Send Me Your Pillow (The One That You Dream On) by flowercrownfemme
Harry is embarrassed to realize he's nesting but can't stop stealing Louis' things for his nest.
Short fluffy o/o gaybo drabble with lots of cuddles and softness and sock stealing <3
As one we are everything/We are everything we need by louloubaby92
Harry finally marries the love of his life. He's got the mating mark, he's got Louis' ring on his finger.
And now, he's on his honeymoon. Louis is but a door away, waiting for him.
Honestly, he doesn't understand why he's nervous.
only guilty of loving you by sweetrevenge
After Harry gets set up with his co-worker's alpha friend Louis, he's expecting some pleasant conversation, free dinner, and maybe a new friend. What he doesn't expect, however, is that Louis' arrival in his life begins a life of crime Harry never knew he had in him.
A You've Got Mail!AU with a twist.
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jenonctcity · 4 years
My Ending - Part 2
Differences – Na Jaemin
Part of the Bad Boy Series.
Badboy!Au, Streetracer!Au
Disclaimer: This is going to be a very dark themed story, please do not read if you are triggered easily by the mentioned subjects in the warnings.
Warnings: Minor Character Death, Mentions of Suicide Attempts, Mentions of Suicidal Thoughts, Mental Health Issues (Depression and Anxiety), Mentions of Drug Use/Overdose, Mentions of Drug Addiction Effecting Baby After Birth, Explicit Content.
Word Count: 8.3K
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It was only a small lie. A teensy, tiny, white lie that couldn’t hurt anyone. And it boosted Jaemin’s confidence enough for him to flirt like he wasn’t unexperienced. He had no idea how Renjun had managed to lie so much throughout his life. Every time Jaemin made up stories of fucking random girls, he felt a burning fire in the pit of his stomach from the guilt of lying about it. Still, he didn’t see the harm in lying about being a virgin. He knew the only time it would matter would be when he got a girlfriend, which is why he decided to be transparent and tell you the truth instead of lying. You gave him a raised eyebrow and wide-eyed look. He tilted his head at your reaction and gave you a knowing smirk.
“You’re a virgin?” Your voice came out higher pitched than you had expected it to, causing Jaemin to laugh softly, nodding his head in confirmation.
“I am.” He leaned in and kissed your lips hard, overcome with want for you that he couldn’t stop himself from stealing your lips in his. “Does it bother you?” He mumbled into your mouth, his hot tongue pushing against yours as his hands stroked up your thighs to your hips, his fingers digging into you from how tight his grip was.
“No, it’s kinda hot actually.” You mumbled, not drawing away from his lips. He made a deep noise that rumbled from his throat, his kisses moving from your mouth, down your jaw, and to your neck. Your eyelids became heavy as he sucked at your sensitive spot, his tongue swirling around sinfully and his hot breath coming out in puffs against you, sending shivers down your spine. “Why though? You’re so confident and flirty surely you can get any girl in bed?” He chuckled against your neck and pulled away, his lips red and glistening with spit.
“I’ve never had a girlfriend before, and I didn’t want to have sex with some random girl who would forget my name the next day.” He shrugged, a small smile playing on his lips as his fingers worked in slow circles on your waist. You felt your heart bloom like a flower in the spring at his confession, your bottom lip coming out in a pout.
“Jaemin that’s so cute, you’re adorable.” You took his face in both of your hands, squishing his cheeks together and making his own lips form into a pout. He whined and tried to draw his head back, his cheeks flaring up bright red from being called adorable. The only person who had ever called him adorable was his grandmother, and that hadn’t been for many years. “Have you ever done…like other stuff with girls though?” You tilted your head in wonder, your thoughts drifting as Jaemin’s tongue poked out between his pouted lips. You let go of his face and instead placed your hands gently on his shoulders.
“Yeah I’ve been sucked off before and eaten some pussy.” He shrugs like it’s no big deal when in fact your heart started racing at the thought of his tongue in your intimate areas. “Have you had sex?” The question was nagging at his mind until he finally couldn’t take it anymore and had to ask you.
“I have, only like three times though with my ex-boyfriend.” You smiled and shrugged. “It was…mediocre, he cared more about his own orgasms.”
“Men aint shit baby girl.” Jaemin whispered, stealing a kiss from your lips again as a loud laugh erupted from you at the irony of his choice of words.
“But you’re a man?” You narrowed your eyes in amusement, his teeth on full display as he gave you a big cheeky grin.
“I’m not like other men though.” He winked, leading you to fake gag from the cheesiness, his fingers digging into your sides and tickling you as a punishment. “Just you wait and see!” He pushed you onto your back, your head hitting his pillows and his body slotting between your legs. You felt a firework of butterflies go off in your stomach from how having his body there made you feel. He reached over you, placing his hands on the bed either side of your neck, your body now completely caged in by his.
“I’m excited to see what you can do.” You smirked up at him, raising your eyebrows suggestively. His cheeks glowed pink and he bit his bottom lip, his eyes boring into yours without breaking contact even for a second. “Virgin.” You sniggered, his mouth dropping open as he sat back, faking offence and letting out a gasp. His hands finding your sides again to tickle you mercilessly. As he tickled you, he couldn’t help but realise that he’d met his dream girl. You weren’t afraid to tease him, you were kind, and you and him just instantly clicked. He didn’t want to voice his thoughts just in case you weren’t both on the same page, but he was almost 100% sure that you were going to be the girl to take his virginity.
Having a newborn baby in your arms was strange. Also a blessing, as not everyone would get to experience the wonder of holding a new life in their arms until they had their own children. Her smooth skin, fluffy black hair which she had a surprising amount of, her tiny fingers, and the little noises that would emit from her when she moved around in her sleep to get comfortable had you feeling soft. In the past two months of dating Jaemin you honestly could say that you’d beenhappier than you had in a long time. Jaemin was a whirlwind of everything perfect. He was the best boyfriend you could possibly ask for. His pores seeped with romance and affection, he was funny, and he did everything he possibly could to make you smile. It didn’t even bother you that you hadn’t had sex with him yet, you were happy to wait until he initiated things with you whenever he was ready. You had found out that he was an absolute master of using his tongue though, so you couldn’t complain.
This was your first time babysitting with Jaemin, and so far, everything was going great. Renjun’s newborn baby Jihyo was an absolute dream to watch over, mostly because the only bad thing she could do was cry, which she had only done briefly when she’d pooped, luckily Uncle Jaemin took care of that. Renjun and his girlfriend had decided to take Jiyeon to the zoo for the day without Jihyo, wanting to make sure that Jiyeon was still receiving as much love and attention as she needed. So when Renjun had mentioned in their group chat that he needed a babysitter, Jaemin had volunteered you both for the position.
“She’s so cute, how can anyone make something this precious?” You looked up from her peaceful face to Jaemin’s delicate face. He was sitting with you on the sofa, your back pressed into his chest as he cuddled the two of you. He looked into your eyes and smiled a wide smile, pressing a light kiss to the tip of your nose. You didn’t notice how he had literal hearts in his eyes from watching you hold a baby. Jaemin had always had a craving for the perfect family, and he knew he wouldn’t ever have that until he met the love of his life, got married, and had a baby. So he couldn’t help the way his heart kept speeding up as thoughts of wifing you up and making babies with you flashed through his head as if he was looking into the future. He didn’t want to rush things and end up scaring you away though, so those thoughts stayed locked inside of his own head for his eyes only.
“Well someone made you.” His reply had your eyes rolling, but you leaned your head back against his shoulder anyway, a gentle laugh tumbling from your lips at how corny he was.
“I bet you were a precious baby.” You commented offhandedly, not realising the emotional turmoil it would throw Jaemin into. He didn’t know how to tell you that he was anything but precious when he was born. He sighed and leaned the side of his head against yours, his arms tightening around you.
“I was born addicted to heroin.” He whispered, his stomach curdling at the words leaving his mouth. You whipped your head around and pulled it back slightly so that you could look at him properly. He gave you a small smile that didn’t reach his cheeks and it broke your heart slightly.
“Jaemin…you never told me that…” You furrowed your eyebrows in question. Now that you think about it, Jaemin hadn’t ever really spoken about his mother or father, only making a comment about his mother being dead. You didn’t want to pry, and you knew eventually he would open up to you about it, you just hadn’t expected it to be in this moment.
“My mother was an addict, and my father ran away as soon as he found out about my impending existence. My grandmother is my fathers’ mother and she was the one who took me in. She has nothing to do with my father either, I don’t even know where he is.” He shrugged like it didn’t matter, but by the look in his eyes, you could tell it tore him apart and had had an effect on him in the past. “I recovered but it stunted my growth growing up and I was bullied, a lot.” You wanted to grab him and give him a big squeeze, but with Jihyo in your arms it wasn’t possible. Instead you gave him a sad look, one that he could tell you were sympathising with him. “I’m okay now.” And all of a sudden, that Jaemin was gone, like he had never even existed. A big smile took over his face and it was if he had just told you that he’d won the lottery. His eyes moved from you to focus on Jihyo. “Come here my pretty girl, it’s uncle nana’s turn for a cuddle.” He shuffled out from behind of you, now sitting beside you as he scooped the sleeping tot from your hold. You opted not to ask any questions or say anything, just faking a smile and stroking Jihyo’s hair down after it fluffed up from the transfer. You couldn’t even think of what kind of questions you could ask him about his past, and you didn’t know what would be triggering for him.
“You love kids don’t you.” You decided to comment, keeping it positive and a good conversation changer. He nodded his head quickly in agreement; thankful you didn’t insist on talking about his past.
“Oh! I almost forgot,” His eyes flicked up to look into yours and you felt almost stunned by how beautiful he was. Sometimes you’d forget that he was your boyfriend and when you remembered you felt giddy inside. “I have a race on Friday, would you like to come?”
“You’re okay with me being there?” You raised your eyebrows in surprise at his offer. You’d asked him if you could see him race before, and he’d told you that he wasn’t sure if he wanted you there or not.
“Yeah, I want to see your beautiful face after I win.” He looked down at the baby in his arms and pressed the softest kiss to her forehead, bouncing her very gently to soothe her after she started to make a fuss, quiet whines emitting from her and her little body attempting to twist around. His words left a feeling of warmth inside of you, and you knew that you wouldn’t miss his race for the world.
“Then I’ll be there.”
“So are you going to be in the car with him or watching with me?” Haechan’s voice dragged your attention from a girl wearing the tiniest pair of shorts you’d ever seen, back to him. He smiled at you in amusement of your shocked expression. He was clearly used to this type of environment, seeing the scantily dressed women, and men who looked like they could break all of the bones in your body with a flick of their wrist. But you felt safe with Haechan, since you considered him to be someone who was able to protect you. The starting point of the race was also the finishing point, and it was behind the old railway tracks that weren’t in the populated areas of the city, less likely for the police to find it. There was a lot of people attending the race, and you had lost sight of Jaemin after you’d arrived with him. He’d passed you over to Haechan, pressed a kiss to the side of your head, and told you he had to ‘take care of something’.
“Watching with you,” You smiled up at him, then furrowed your eyebrows as you thought about it. “would I even be allowed in the car with him?” He shrugged, biting the inside of his cheek as he also thought about it.
“Probably, it’s not like you would affect his racing at all.” You didn’t want to ask Jaemin though, because you didn’t actually want to be in the car whilst he was racing. It was a scary thought to you, but you were just curious as to if you could or not.
“When does it start?”
“In about 10 minutes.” You gave him a small smile and let out a sigh, your eyes scanning the crowd to see if you could spot Jaemin. You couldn’t, so you just turned your attention back to Haechan.
“Where’s your girlfriend? Did she not want to come?” His shoulders sank and he gave you an awkward smile, scratching the back of his head before clearing his throat.
“We’re kind of on a break right now, things got a bit too much with the whole Jeno situation and I’m not sure what’s going to happen.” He shrugged, but you could tell he was bothered by it, his eyes drifting to the floor as he kicked at a stone on the floor.
“Oh I’m sorry, Jaemin didn’t tell me!” You felt bad, but you didn’t know so there wasn’t much you could have done to avoid the awkwardness now floating in the air between you both. He shrugged again and gave you a genuine smile, shuffling over from foot to foot.
“Don’t worry about it, come on let’s go wait by the starting line.” He grabbed you by the shoulders from behind and steered you towards where a white line of paint had been marked on the floor. You stood behind the metal barriers, Haechan standing close to you to stop any of the sleezy men from approaching you. He bumped his shoulder against yours and nodded towards the cars approaching the line. “It’s about to start.” You felt your heart sink slightly that you didn’t get to give Jaemin a good luck kiss. You knew what he did was dangerous, and if anything happened to him during the race without you kissing him before hand, you’d be absolutely heartbroken.
“I’m nervous.” You mumbled, glancing at Haechan quickly before giving Jaemin’s car all of your attention. The car visibly rumbling from the strength of the engine and how Jaemin was revving it, the sound loud but muffled with the rest of the other noisy cars.
“Don’t be. Jaemin is probably the best racer here and he knows what he’s doing.” Haechan’s words reassured you but there was still a slight nagging feeling in your stomach that something bad was going to happen.
Everything flashed by quicker than you could have ever imagined. A girl wearing nothing but a bikini top and jean shorts stood in the middle of the dirt road, the white flag in her hand falling to the floor to signify the start of the race. The cars took off with a cloud of dirt left in their wake, the loud engines fading as the cars went down the dirt road. Haechan had told you that after the dirt road finished, they’d race through the city, then they’d loop back around and finish exactly where they’d started. Everyone went back to chatting and mingling with each other as they waited for the tell-tale sound of cars approaching. Haechan got you a can of beer from the cooler in his car and he kept you close to his side. He tried to convince you to dance to the music coming from someone’s car, and as you tried to brush him off, he grabbed you and twirled you around, forcing you to dance with him which had you both wheezing of laughter from how chaotic it was. You didn’t realise how fun Haechan could be, and you felt bad for having assumed he was dangerous and having tried to avoid him as much as you could. You still knew he was dangerous, but you knew he wasn’t a danger to you.
The sound of the car’s engines getting louder brought everyone out of their mingling, and you rushed with Haechan back over to the metal barrier. Jaemin’s car skidded around the corner with perfect control on the dirt road, the rest of the cars close behind him, but he was in the lead. You watched with bated breath, unable to even cheer like the rest of the crowd as Jaemin crossed the finish line first. You felt Haechan’s arms around you, lifting you up and spinning you around.
“He won!” Haechan’s confirmation of what you already knew had you laughing, and you couldn’t control the grin on your face. You felt an overwhelming sense of pride in your boyfriend, knowing that racing means a lot to him and winning is such an accomplishment. He’d told you before that when he doesn’t win, he gets into a funk for a few days, feeling like a failure because the only thing he was really good at was driving. You wanted to disagree with him, but in typical Jaemin fashion, he changed the subject before you could address it. Haechan took your hand in his own and almost dragged you with him to where Jaemin had parked his car. Jaemin was sat on the hood of his car, his arms folded over his chest with a big smirk painted on his face when he noticed you approaching him. He pushed himself off of the car and picked you up as you ran into his arms, holding you by your thighs and pressing his lips to yours.
“You won baby!” You giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck and holding onto him like your life depended on it. Haechan came up beside you and patted Jaemin on the shoulder, mumbling something in his ear before disappearing off. “Where’s he going?” You tilted your head, your eyes following Haechan until he disappeared out of sight.
“He’s a drug dealer babe, I think you know where he’s going.” He chuckled, still holding you in his arms. He laid a soft kiss onto your lips, humming against them in satisfaction with his hands rubbing against your thighs in a massaging motion. “We need to celebrate my win, don’t you think?” He whispered against your lips, nipping at your bottom lip with his teeth.
“Mmm we do, how are we going to celebrate?” Your lips brushed against his as you spoke, your fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. Jaemin’s smirk grew and he glanced down at your lips, pecking them with his quickly and trailing kisses down to your ear.
“I want to fuck you.” He whispered in a seductive tone, his grip tightening on you as you gasped in surprise. You felt a fire ignite in your stomach at his suggestive words, the thing you’d been waiting for finally about to happen. He dragged his lips back to yours, his tongue licking into your mouth and making it feel like fireworks sparked between you.
“Please do.” He set you down on your feet, pulling his phone from his pocket and quickly texting Haechan to tell him that you were both leaving. You let yourself into the passenger side of Jaemin’s car, almost bouncing in your seat at how excited you were to finally have sex with Jaemin. Jaemin disappeared for a few minutes before climbing in beside you, revving the engine and placing a big bag of money underneath his seat.
The two of you drove away, and you were surprised to find out you weren’t going in the direction of either of yours homes, your eyebrows furrowing in question but you didn’t bother asking Jaemin about his intended destination, instead just going with the flow, all of your trust in Jaemin. The trees on either side of the rural road were only lit up by the moonlight and the headlights of the car. No other cars were anywhere to be seen as you looked at the clock and noticed is was nearing 2am, so you felt as if it was just you and Jaemin in the world, no other people mattering to you as Jaemin pulled the car into a grassy car park next to a nature trail, obviously no one around to disturb you. You glanced over at Jaemin as he turned off the ignition, the moonlight shining against his beautiful features. You could see that he took a deep breath, clenching his fists and then rubbing his sweaty palms against his thighs.
“I should have known you would want to lose your virginity in your car.” You giggled, reaching over and taking one of his hands into your own. He let out a soft laugh, his gaze switching from his steering wheel over to you. “Are you nervous?” You lowered the sound of your voice, it coming out soft and as your words hit Jaemin’s ears they almost melted from how delicate they sounded.
“A little, I just want to make you feel good.” He found his courage and swooped in, catching your lips between his own and moving his hands from his thighs to rest one on your thigh, and the other on your waist.
“I want you so bad.” You mumbled into his mouth as your tongue fought for dominance, his tongue winning and turning the kiss heated and sensual immediately. You grabbed his hand, popping open the button on your jeans and guiding his hand inside of your panties. He let out a soft gasp, his lips pulling away from yours.
“Fuck you’re so wet for me already.” He almost growled, his fingers moving up and down your folds, spreading your essence up to your clit before circling it with two of his fingers. “Does that feel good?” He laid a kiss to your neck, prompting you to tilt your head away from him to give him easier access.
“Yeah, oh Jaemin.” You let out a breathy moan, sinking slightly in the seat as he started sucking on your neck, his fingers working magic against your over sensitive bundle of nerves. You’d started getting wet from the second Jaemin mentioned fucking you, all of the thoughts that had ran through your head turning filthy and making your thighs clench together on the way there, needing friction in the place you couldn’t wait for Jaemin to touch. You even thought about all of the times Jaemin had eaten you out, licking you to completion like an expert with your thighs thrown over his shoulders, your toes curling as he sucked on your clit like it was his lifeline. What he lacked in experience, he sure made up for in natural talent and enthusiasm. You also thought about how well his cock would fit inside of you, the few times you’d seen it when you’d sucked him off or given him a handjob giving you a lot of hope for how good it could make you feel inside of your tight pussy. So by the time Jaemin slid two fingers inside of you, you were already ready and gagging for his cock to be inside of you.
“Will you ride me?” He muttered against your neck, licking a stripe up your soft skin and blowing cool air against it, a shiver running through you that shot straight to your core. You nodded your head eagerly, grabbing his wrist to stop his fingers. He pulled his hand out of your pants, waiting for you to make the next move as he held his breath in anticipation. You lifted your hips from the seat, tucking your fingers into the waistband of your jeans and tugging them down your legs with your panties in tow. You kicked off your shoes and rid yourself of your jeans and panties, leaving them pooled in the footwell of the car. It was all very hurried, but you didn’t want to waste any more time, and Jaemin was so nervous that he just wanted to get things in motion. Jaemin unzipped his jeans, pushing them down slightly and pulling his half hard cock out of his boxers. He gripped his shaft in his shaky hand, giving it a few pumps.
“Let me.” You pushed your hair behind your shoulders and leaned down, kissing the tip of his cock with a teasing peck, before swirling your tongue around the head. Letting out a sultry moan, Jaemin tipped his head back to rest against his seat, his eyes staring up at the ceiling as he got lost in your mouth. You sunk down on his cock, hollowing your cheeks and bobbing your head on him, forcing him to squeeze his eyes shut in pleasure, placing his hand on the top of your head and threading his fingers through your hair. He tugged on your hair gently in encouragement, guiding your head up and down his length with his breathing picking up.
“Baby stop,” He gulped, pulling your head up with his hands cupping your cheeks, his thumb rubbing against your hot skin as he leaned in and pecked your lips with his own. “I wanna cum inside of you.”
“Have you got a condom?” You were on the pill, but you didn’t want to risk getting pregnant, it was something the both of you had discussed before and you’d both came to an agreement that if you have a baby together then it would be planned. Jaemin had seen how badly unplanned pregnancies had been on Jeno and Renjun’s relationships, and even though he knew not every relationship went through tough times because of an unexpected baby, he didn’t want to take the risk.
“Yeah.” He reached over and opened the glove box, pulling out a foil packet and giving you a smile. You watched as he rolled the rubber down his fully hard cock, your stomach fluttering from how hot the sight looked. “Okay, I’m ready.” He pushed his seat back slightly, making room between him and the steering wheel for you. You awkwardly clambered over the centre console and settled down into his lap with your legs either side of his. “Hi.” He chuckled weakly, his cheeks already red from how nervous and shy he suddenly felt.
“Hi.” You nuzzled your nose against his, laying a gentle kiss on his lips as you placed one hand on his shoulder, the other one gripping his cock to line it up with your almost dripping centre. Jaemin’s hands found purchase on your hips, his breath hitching as you slowly lowered yourself onto him.
“Oh my-” You cut him off by smashing your lips into his, his moan melting into your mouth as you circled your hips, sitting comfortably and ignoring the slight sting from the stretch you hadn’t felt in so long. “Shit.” He mumbled; the words muffled against your lips. You couldn’t help the big smile that stretched across your lips, overjoyed at giving Jaemin something he’d been waiting for long for and getting such a positive reaction from him. You felt a rush of heat go through you as you realised how hot it was getting in the car, your eyes drifting from Jaemin over to the windows that were all fogged up from the heated situation between you both. He followed your gaze and mirrored your smile, lifting his finger and drawing a heart in the condensation. You laughed and laid your head against his, almost forgetting that his cock was buried balls deep inside of you as you placed a tender kiss on his cheek.
“Can you take your shirt off?” You whispered, your hands coming down to sit at the hem of his long-sleeved, black shirt. “I… wanna see your tattoos.” You felt shy admitting it, but Jaemin’s tattoos were a huge turn on for you. They had an array of colours from wrist to shoulder, mostly black but the colour fitted perfectly with the designs. When he was wearing his long-sleeved t-shirt you couldn’t even tell that he had both arms completely covered in tattoos, and you loved how it was a complete contrast to his butter wouldn’t melt face and baby pink hair. His smirk grew and he nodded his head fast, lifting his arms as you shimmied his shirt over his head, quickly discarding of it in the back seat. “You’re so hot, I’m so lucky.” You dived your face into the crook of his neck, licking a stripe up his slightly salty skin before latching your teeth onto him. You lifted yourself up as you sucked on his neck, his hands settling on your hips as you dropped back down, a dull pang of pleasure mixed slightly with pain blooming to life inside of you.
“Baby! oh…oh!” Jaemin’s moans were like music to your ears when you started to circle your hips, getting a perfect rhythm until you were bouncing in his lap, the car moving up and down in time with you both. Jaemin started to buck his hips up, chasing after the euphoric feeling he’d never experienced in this way before. The heat in the car was rising, and Jaemin’s chest was starting to shine from sweat underneath the moonlight streaming in from the little heart Jaemin made on the window.
“You feel so good.” You praised him, grabbing his face in your hands and licking into his mouth. Jaemin keened at your praise, his hips quicken up as his tongue flicked with yours. You slipped your hands down to the side of his neck and could feel his muscles tense up in, his fingers pressing into your hips tight enough that you were sure they would leave little bruises. You kept your lips on his, trailing your hands down to his biceps and gripping onto them to keep yourself stable. “Right there!” You squealed as you dropped down onto him and he bucked up at the perfect time, the tip of his cock hitting your sensitive spot to your surprise. You knew it was a place that not many men could find, and you hadn’t expected Jaemin to hit it dead on with his first time, but he did, and it left a fire burning inside of you. He smiled, proud of himself for making you feel so good, but it was short lived as his orgasm creeped up on him.
“I’m close,” He whispered, his head falling back and eyes shutting, stars starting to fizzle against the black of eyelids from how hard he was squeezing his eyes shut. “Fuck I’m cumming!” He stopped thrusting, his hips stilling as his cock spurted cum into the condom, a long drawn out whine leaving his parted lips that had also stilled against your mouth. You were close, and you knew if he could deal with some oversensitivity for a few moments then you’d be able to chase your own high. You gripped onto his shoulders and started to bounce on his lap faster than before, short pants leaving your parted lips and your head falling to rest on your left hand on his shoulder. It was when he lifted his hips one final time, his half hard cock slamming once more into your g-spot that you felt your thighs start to quiver, your fingers digging into his skin as your orgasm crashed into you. You’d never came so fast before in your entire life, and it was even more shocking to you that someone who’d never fucked before in their life was the one to bring that onslaught of a feeling to you. It made sense that Jaemin came so quickly, but you had no excuse apart from Jaemin being naturally gifted in the bedroom and from how wound up you were waiting for him to fuck you.
“Fuck.” You huffed out, Jaemin’s arms wrapping around you like a blanket to secure you against his body as he came down from your high. He laid butterfly kisses to your neck as you nuzzled into his shoulder, feeling secure and loved in his hold.
“(Y/N)…” You lifted your head lazily to look him in the eyes, the moon reflecting in his dark irises and causing a pool of something unfamiliar to form in your gut. He took a few deep breaths as you stared into your eyes, his gaze flicking down to scan over your face before lifting back to your enchanting eyes. “I love you.” You then realised what the unfamiliar feeling you were feeling was. It’s what lead you to utter the words back to him.
“I love you too.” In perfect synchronisation you both leaned in, your lips meeting in the middle and sealing the love you’d just confession to each other for the first time.
You hadn’t heard from Jaemin yet. It was 5:30pm and really strange that you hadn’t heard from him since the day prior, when usually on the days you had work, you’d pick your phone up to multiple messages from him. But today, none. It caused a tiny spark of worry in your stomach, mainly because you knew he was very reckless with his car, even though you trusted his driving 100%, you couldn’t trust every other driver on the road. So instead of heading home, you jumped into your car and headed over to his apartment. His car was out the front, in perfect condition as usual, so you crossed that off of reasons why Jaemin hadn’t messaged you. You let out a sigh in relief, stopping your car behind his own, also noting that Haechan’s car was parked on the road, so at least you’d have someone to answer the door even if Jaemin wasn’t home.
As you approached the door you took a deep breath, knocking timidly and knotting your fingers together in anticipation as you waited for someone to answer the door. It wasn’t long before the door opened, Haechan appearing behind the door with a lopsided smile on his face.
“Oh hey (Y/N), Jaemin didn’t say he was expecting you.” He stepped aside, wordlessly telling you to come in. You walked in, taking off your shoes and smiling up at him nervously.
“He isn’t expecting me, but he hasn’t messaged me today and I was just stopping by to see if he was okay. I’m just happy he hasn’t wrapped his car around a tree.” You laughed softly with no amusement in your voice at all.
“Oh…he’s in his room.” He nodded in the direction of Jaemin’s room and watched as you started to walk towards it. “(Y/N),” He called out quietly causing you to turn around before you reached the door, tilting your head in question. “He hasn’t had a good day…just a heads up.”
“Okay.” You nodded and gently knocked on Jaemin’s door before letting yourself in. The first thing you noticed was the curtains were drawn shut, only a few rays of light peeking in through the gaps where the curtains meet. Then you noticed the big lump on the bed. You had a feeling Jaemin was the lump, his back to you and the duvet pulled up over his head. “Jaem…?” You called out, waking around the bed and catching the eyes of Jaemin. His eyes were completely bloodshot, and only his head was poking out from the duvet, his hair messier than you’d ever seen before.
“Hey.” He mumbled with no enthusiasm evident in his voice. He sniffed, poking a hand up from his duvet to wipe at his eyes, giving you proof that he’d cried at least once today. He made no effort to get up, simply staring at you with a horribly emotionless look behind his eyes.
“What’s wrong?” You sat down on the bed beside his body, your hand settling on the top of the lump where you assumed his hip was. He let out a long sigh and momentarily shut his eyes, as if he was bracing himself for something. You’d never seen Jaemin in this state before. He’d always presented himself as a positive, happy person, so to see him looking as broken as he did when he opened his eyes to look at you again shook you to the core. But even the happiest person on the world has their moments of sadness too.
“I don’t want to burden you.” He settled on, the lump moving as he shrugged his shoulders, his lips naturally pouting like a stubborn child.
“Are you sick?” You quizzed on, your stomach starting to curdle from the worry you felt at seeing your normally bubbly boyfriend looking so glum.
“Did something happen?”
“Did I do something wrong?”
“No, it’s not you.”
“Did something happen with the boys?”
“Did something happy with your grandma?”
“No.” You were starting to feel defeated and slightly frustrated that he wasn’t cooperating with you.
“Okay.” You shrugged, completely giving up and letting out an irritated sigh. You stayed silent, turning away from him slightly to look around his room. You noticed his phone on charge across the room, his normally put away clothes just strewn across the floor as if he’d completely just thrown them there. You pulled your hand away from him and instead knotted it up with your other hand, twiddling your fingers together as you got lost in your thoughts. You felt sick with worry, not knowing how when he would recover from whatever was floating around in his own head. His voice pulled your out of your thoughts, your stomach dropping at what he said.
“I have severe depression, and today I woke up and wanted to kill myself to stop the feeling, the only reason I didn’t was because I saw the text you sent me this morning telling me to have a good day and that you love me. Then I felt awful because I know how it feels to lose someone, and it isn’t ever a feeling I want you to feel.” He let out a soft sob, his eyes squeezing shut and taking in a deep breath as he looked up at the back of your head. He could tell from how your body was shaking that you were crying silently. Your face was creased up as you cried for your boyfriend, feeling your heart crack at this confession.
“Jaemin…” You stood up and turned to face him, tugging the duvet out of his grip. You stripped off your uniform, mainly for hygiene reasons, so you were just in your underwear before you climbed into his bed with him, pressing your forehead against his own. “Thank you.” You whispered, your hand finding on of his underneath the duvet and threading your fingers with his.
“What for?” He gulped, his pillow now wet and uncomfortable but he couldn’t find it in him to care as he felt you there with him.
“For not doing it.” You couldn’t even think of the words to describe the horrible feeling you had swirling around inside of your tense stomach. Your boyfriend had just admitted something so incredibly crushing to you, and the only thing you could think of was how he had kept this to himself for the past five months of your relationship. You weren’t mad. You didn’t think you could ever be mad at him for this. No, you were heartbroken. Heartbroken for him because he had been fighting an internal battle all on his own when you could have been there as a support beam for him. “Talk to me in future, I’m so in love with you and I never want you to fight anything on your own.” Your voice was shaky, small sobs still falling from your lips as you gripped onto his hand tightly.
“I’ll be okay.” He whispered, moving his head up and placing a lingering kiss on your forehead.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He pulled his hand out of your grip, instead wrapping his arms around your torso and holding you tightly against his chest. He didn’t want to see you cry because of him, so if he hugged you it would block your face from his vision, and he could bring you comfort. He also didn’t want you to see the tears falling from his red eyes.
“I wanted to pretend everything was perfect. You’re perfect for me, and I wanted a life to match that. I’m sorry baby.” He breathed through his mouth to try and steady out his breathing, his arms tightening around you like a vice.
“You haven’t got to apologise…can I ask why you have depression?” He took a deep breath at your question. You could feel and hear his heart beating against your ear, the steady thumps bringing you more comfort that you thought it ever could. Jaemin poured his heart out to you completely, not missing out any details about his past, answering all the unasked questions you had in your head that you had waited patiently for him to open up to you about. He told you more about his birth, going into detail about his parents and his grandmother. You’d heard this before when you had babysat with him, but this time he told you everything in finer detail. Then he told you about his stunted growth and how he was bullied severely at school, which is what caused him to be the person he is today. It made sense that he wanted people to see him as a positive person, but you found it hard to wrap your head around how someone who went through all of that could be as positive as he had always appeared to be without having an episode like he was currently going through. It made perfect sense to you, and you felt like you understood Jaemin a lot more now. The final piece of the puzzle that was Jaemin fitting into place.
“I promise that I don’t go through phases like this often, and I don’t really have a trigger…it just randomly hits me, and I guess today was one of those days.” His hands rubbed up and down your back, his fingertips tracing circles in on your bare skin sending shivers through you.
“It wouldn’t matter to me if you went had phases like this all the time, I love you for you, depression included.” You laughed very softly, closing your eyes from how his heartbeat and your eyes, tired from cry, was making you feel sleepy. He let out a gentle laugh, his lips placing a firm kiss to your head. “Tell me in future, I’ll call in sick and we can spend the day as bed burritos together okay?”
“Bed burritos?” He raised an eyebrow in confusion, already feeling a flicker of positivity burning like a tiny flame inside the pit of negativity inside of him.
“Yeah, you were wrapped up in your duvet like a burrito. Bed burrito.” You yawned, totally relaxed with him now, a complete contrast to how you felt when you’d entered the room. Jaemin laughed again, the flicker inside of him growing again.
“Okay beautiful.” He moved a hand down to pat your butt affectionately and with no intention behind it. It was when you fell asleep on his chest, and he looked down at your peacefully sleeping face that he realised you were the woman he’d dreamt of every time he’d fantasied about his perfect future. The mysterious woman in all of his visions, the one walking down the aisle, the one holding his faceless children’s hands, the one growing old beside him, now having a face and a name.
Jaemin had never felt so nervous before in his entire life. And that was saying something, considering the rollercoaster of a life he’d lived. But even the nervousness of going to school, the nervousness of his first race, and his nervousness to lose his virginity couldn’t compared to this. But he’d made his mind up, and he was determined not to chicken out. ‘Chill out man, it’s not like you’re going to ask her to marry you, you’re only asking her if she wants to move in with you. You know she’ll say yes, so be chill.’ Jeno’s words rang through his head as he held you in his arms, swaying with you in the darkness of the night, the moon and the stars the only witnesses to his nerves since you hadn’t seemed to have caught on to his slightly tense body and shaky hands.
“Are you cold?” You spoke to softly Jaemin almost didn’t catch your words as you spoke them into his neck, your head tucked under his chin in your favourite spot. You felt so secure and loved when you snuggled into him like that, and he always pulled you to that position if he held you. “Your hands are shaking.” You could feel how his fingers were tapping against you from the way they shook, and even though you were enjoying your little slow dance under the moonlight, you’d prefer Jaemin didn’t catch a cold. The breeze was slow, and the air was warm, but you knew everyone reacted to temperature differently. Something you’d been made aware of working as a carer, most of your elderly clients feeling the cold a lot more than you and complaining about it despite the sweat you had on your forehead from being so hot.
“No, I’m okay…are you cold?” He glanced up at the sky, the moon being bright and easily visible through the clearing in the trees. This was the spot where he’d lost his virginity, and he loved to come here not only to relive that moment in his thoughts, but because it was peaceful and serene, nobody around to disturb the calm.
“I’m toasty.” You giggled, your arms wrapped around his neck as you snuggled into his warmth further, if it was even possible. He let out a quick laugh and then gently tugged you away from him, his eyes darting over your face quickly. You furrowed your eyebrows at how he was looking at you, about to ask him if he was feeling okay when he leaned in, catching your lips with his own. You closed your eyes, moving your lips slowly with his as his hand came up to stroke your cheek with so much delicacy you could hardly feel his feather light touch. He broke the kiss and whispered against your lips.
“Keep your eyes closed.” He took a step back from you and took a deep breath. You kept your eyes closed, slightly scared he was going to run away and make you play a sadistic game of hide and seek in a dark forest. But then you felt stupid because you knew Jaemin would never make you do that. You almost giggled to yourself from the thought when Jaemin spoke up again. “Okay so, I’ve waited for you for what feels like forever. And now that you’re in my life I know I never want to you leave again, and I want to wake up beside you every morning. You’ve brought so much joy and love I never knew I could feel from anyone other than my grandma,” He let out an awkward laugh after he said that, then carried on, swallowing the lump in his throat. “You’ve shown that you’ll support me through thick and thin these past six months and I’ve never been so sure of something before in my life as that I’m sure you’re the love of my life…Okay open your eyes.” When you opened them you were confused for a second, wondering when Jaemin became a magician and could disappear so fast when his voice was clearly in front of you. You had been told by Jeno a few days prior that Jaemin was going to ask you to move in with him, his excuse for telling you was ‘he’s going to be super nervous so if you’re going to say no then at least you can plan your way of letting him down gently.’ And you assumed this was his way of asking you to move in with him, expecting him to be holding a key when you opened your eyes, and you were definitely going to say yes. However, when your line of sight drifted down and your jaw almost hit the floor when you saw him down on one knee, a ring in a box in his hand and a nervous look on his face, not so expertly covered by a smile.
“Will you marry me?”
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jobean12-blog · 4 years
Top Shelf: Chapter 9- Pour it onto the Page
Pairing: Bucky x reader (Bookshop/Bartender AU)
Word Count: 1,812
Summary: You plan a special night out for Bucky and it turns out to be more than you could have hoped for. 
Author’s Note: Thank you all for continuing on this journey with me! I really appreciate all your kind words and support. It keeps me going and makes me so happy! This chapter is mostly flufftastic before I get into them figuring stuff out! :) 
Warnings: slight tiny angst in the beginning and the super fluffy love fluff :) 
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Previous Chapters
Chapter 1: Enchantment
Chapter 2: Cookie Crumble
Chapter 3: Sweet Anticipation
Chapter 4: Read Between the Limes
Chapter 5: Secrets on the Shelf
Chapter 6: Love Between the Covers
Chapter 7: Love Lines & Soul Finds
Chapter 8: Drunk in Love
Your eyes search his, the sadness you see making your heart hurt. Running your fingers along his jaw you brush your nose to his, “we’ll figure this out, Bucky. Don’t worry.” He crushes you to his chest and buries his face in your neck, his deep inhales shaking your whole body. You rub up and down his back, squeezing him back as tight as you can.
When he finally pulls away his eyes are misty but there is slightly less pain. “Thank you. I’m sorry to drop that bomb on you. I’ve been so happily distracted lately that it just hasn’t seemed real. Grandma kinda dragged it all up again at dinner, though.” You give him a small smile, “it’s ok, I’m glad you felt you could talk to me. Why don’t you tell me what’s been going on so we can figure this out together?”
Bucky throws his arm around your shoulder and starts to walk, resting his head on top of yours. “It just seems like we are getting fewer and fewer customers. People aren’t looking for actual books anymore. They use e-readers and listen to audio books and all that nonsense.” You giggle at this last words. “You know baby, it’s not nonsense, some of it is good. I mean I always prefer an actual book myself. We need to think of a way to get more people into the shop!”
As you continue to walk back to Bucky’s apartment the conversation takes a turn toward your mutual love for books and you’re reminded of Betty’s story of meeting James. “Hey Buck, do you think you should talk to your grandma about this? Maybe she can offer help since she has been a part of it for so long.” Bucky looks down at his shoes, kicking a rock away before his eyes meet yours again, “I’m afraid. She already lost grandpa; I can’t stand to see her in more pain.”
You rest your head against his chest and wrap your arms around his waist, “I know. We’ll think of something.” The two of you walk back to Bucky’s apartment slowly, mostly chatting about his grandparents. When you learn he hasn’t been to Coney Island since he was in his teens, you’re shocked but a plan forms in your head, one that gets you overly excited.
The next work week comes and goes with only one thing different than the last. You finally admit to yourself that you are totally and completely falling in love with Bucky. “And now I’m telling you because I had to tell someone, and I can’t tell him! It’s only be like two months!” You give Nat an exasperated look and sink to the floor in the kitchen, cookie in hand.
“Wow,” Nat says through a mouthful, “these are amazing! What kind did you say they were?” You pin her with a glare before yelling, “I just told you I’m in love with Bucky and you’re asking me about the cookies!!!” She laughs! A real loud and boisterous laugh that causes her to snort some cookie and start to choke. “Jeez, Nat, be careful,” you chide, standing and rubbing her back.
When she finally calms down and catches her breath, she pins you with a look, “I could have told you that you were in love with him after the first week. I was just waiting for you to admit it. Now. What kind of cookies are these? You have to add them to your book!” With a loud sigh you say, “double chocolate peanut butter.”
Nat rests her forearm on your shoulder, licking her fingers clean of crumbs, “listen y/n, he feels the same way. It’s written all over him. Just give it more time.” You grab another cookie from the plate, taking a bite and nodding your head in agreement. “I’m really excited about surprising him with a trip to Coney Island. I hope it makes him happy.” Nat takes the cookie from your hand, finishing it in one bite. “He’s gonna love it! And I’m gonna be sure Sam gives him the night off,” she winks through her mouth full.
Saturday arrives and you can’t control your excitement, bouncing around on your feet while making breakfast. “Doll, what is with you? Did you eat cupcakes or something while I was in the bathroom?” Bucky asks, grabbing your waist to hold you still. You turn in his arms and say, “nope,” popping the p. “Just happy it’s Saturday is all.” He reaches around you and grabs the eggs, smiling before walking to the table.
Just as he sits his phone dings with a message. “It’s early for anyone to be up and texting me other than you. And you’re here,” he says, confusion etched on his face. “It’s Sam.” You try to act surprised and maybe even a little worried, rushing over to wait for him to explain. “Oh wow!” Bucky exclaims, his smile wide, “Sam gave me the night off! He said Peter wanted to pick up an extra shift just for this week.”
You do a little happy dance, “that’s great! Now we have the whole evening free!” Bucky looks up at you, unable to stop smiling with how happy you are. But just as quickly as it comes his smile disappears and his lips turn down into a small frown. “What babe, what’s wrong?” you ask quickly, sitting next to him. “Maybe I shouldn’t take the night off, I kinda need all the money I can get right now.”
His eyes search yours and your stomach turns, cursing yourself for not thinking that he might feel this way. “I understand completely. If you feel you need to work, then you should. Definitely do what you’re most comfortable with.” His smile returns and he leans over to kiss you before saying, “you know what, fuck it. I haven’t had a Saturday off since the bar opened and I wanna take my best girl out on the town!”
You instantly feel better and give him a sly smile. “I have the perfect idea if you’re up for a surprise?” you ask, batting your lashes. He pulls you into his lap, whispering against your lips, “I’ll do whatever you want tonight, baby, I’m all yours.” You wiggle in his lap, your excitement infectious as he laughs along with you. Suddenly he still your hips, letting out a low growl, “listen beautiful, if you’re gonna continue hopping around in my lap like this, I’m gonna be late for the bookshop.” Raising your eyebrows, you slowly turn to face the table, grabbing the fork and eating a mouthful of eggs. “Sorry,” you mumble, but not before one more good wiggle.
You meet Bucky at the bookshop at closing. He’s in the back when you walk in, so you sit yourself on the counter and wait. He walks out in a tight blue tee shirt and jeans, your eyes wandering from his head to his toes. “Is this ok for where we’re going? I didn’t know if I needed to be more dressed up, so I brought a button down.” Sliding off the counter you walk around it and say, “it’s perfect.” He grabs your hand and gives you a twirl, your light cotton dress skirt floating up and around your legs as you giggle. “You look amazing as always.”
You had an uber ready and waiting for you outside the shop and Bucky gives you a surprised smile. “Riding in style tonight, huh?” You giggle, sliding inside the backseat while Bucky holds the door. The whole ride over you keep him engaged in conversation, hoping to divert his attention from where you are going. You make as far as the tunnel before Bucky says anything, his face lit up by the overhead lights.
“Are we in the battery tunnel?” he asks, his tone laced with excited surprise. “Mayyyybbbeee,” you say, shrugging, “just shush and enjoy the ride.” Raising a brow, he puts his hands up and replies, “ok, I promise to just go with it. I won’t ask questions.” You scoot over so he can wrap his arm around you. “So, tell me more about how you met Steve and Sam?”
Bucky tries so hard to keep his eyes on you for the entire ride but as you take the exit to Ocean Parkway, he can’t help but look out the window, his whole face lighting up as he spins around in his seat. “You’re taking me to Coney Island?!!?” he shouts, whipping back around to smush you to his chest. “Does that mean you’re happy?” you ask, your voice muffled in his shirt.  “Yes,” he whispers, lifting your face to his, “so happy.” He kisses you before you can reply and you melt against him, forgetting all about your surroundings.
The uber pulls to a stop on Surf Ave, the cool ocean breeze hitting you as soon as you open the car door. You inhale deeply, the salty air filling your lungs and bringing you peace. You sneak a look at Bucky, his eyes wide and bright as he takes it all in. Before you can ask where he wants to go first, he grabs hold of your hand and starts walking toward the Wonder Wheel.
“Will ya go on with me doll?” You couldn’t say no to him even if you wanted to, nodding your head vigorously as you get closer. “I haven’t been on here in…shit, probably over 12 years!” After getting your tickets you get on the line, Bucky’s arm draped over your shoulder as he tells you about his Coney Island memories.
He helps you onto the car, sitting next you and pulling you close. “Oh man, I can’t believe it,” he says, looking out over the park. You watch as the bright and colorful lights dance in the reflection of his eyes, your mouth opening to speak as the wheel starts to turn. “Y/n! Look!” he shouts, pointing out toward the water just as the fireworks start. You pull yourself away, looking out over the ocean as the sky explodes into a rainbow of colors.
As you stare at the bursts of light your mind races over the words you’ve been harboring for weeks. The words about to explode off your tongue louder than the fireworks. His name comes out as a whisper as you turn your head toward him, finding that his eyes are settled on your face. “I love you.” He says the words and they ring out over the booms; louder and clearer than any others you’ve heard before.
You can feel your whole face light up and your heart swell before you repeat the words back. “I love you, Bucky.” His smile matches yours as he dips his head, kissing your lips and pouring everything into it, the bright lights and loud sounds fading away.
@aesthetical-bucky​ @auro-ora​ @azurika-writes​ @bugsbucky​ @buckys-broody-muffin​ @book-dragon-13​ @eurynome827​ @hiddles-rose​ @hailmary-yramliah​ @hawksmagnolia​ @ikaris-whore​ @itsunclebucky​ @jhangelface0523​ @jewels2876​ @loricameback​ @littledarlinhavefaithinme​ @littleredstarfish​ @mushyjellybeans​ @marvelgirl7​ @marvelandotherfandomimagines​ @nano--raptor​ @nerdypinupcrystal​ @moonybarnes​ @nordlysinthewoods​ @randomfandompenguin​ @sallycanwait68​ @softpeachbarnes​ @scarletsoldierrr​ @the-wayward-robot​ @when-the-hell-is-bucky​ @rinthehufflepuff​ @irishflutiegirl​ @jamesbarnesappreciationclub​ @fireflv​ @nd1998sc​ @captainchrisstan​ @vherriepie​ @godofplumsandthunder​ @amandatar-06​ @throwmyheartawayagain​ @flyawaybay 
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dameferre · 3 years
can we see a snippet from the "penpals!" courferre one :0
of course! i will warn you this will. most likely never see the light of day BUT it’s based off of ‘the year of secret assignments’ by jaclyn moriarty, a... kind of ridiculous book i bought at a charity shop at like. age 10? or something
basically these three sets of teenagers are assigned pen pals at a neighboring school, and hijinks ensue, with one set of penpals giving each other secret assignments (hence the title), the other set of penpals being a girl who writes to a guy who uses a fake name (that plotline ends horribly, it would not have done so in my fic lmao)
one finally one set of penpals (a boy and a girl) decide to start having practice dates, so the guy can hone his skills and ask out a girl he likes, and the girl can critique his form, and... i mean i think we all know how this goes.
anyway, it’s half in letter format, half actual writing the story. here’s a snip! (under the cut because i. couldn’t help myself)
Official Assessment of the Second Meeting By Chance executed by The Lord of Flowers, Combeferre, henceforth referred to as the Subject, as reviewed by Courfeyrac the Ravishing, henceforth referred to as The Operative.
When the Operative (and Guest) approached, the Subject smiled very nicely. It was a sort of surprised, warm smile that lit up his face. Did the Subject practice his ‘oh I was hoping to see you and I’m so glad I have’ smile in the mirror?
The Subject did a very good job of consoling the Guest, and as it turns out, the Subject’s height is not as offensive as previously thought, as he holds an umbrella perfectly.
The Subject was much more relaxed this time, and funny, and his hair fluffed a little in the humidity which was adorable. He had a great way of explaining things to the Operative without being patronising, and teased admirably. The Operative spent a good 80% of the walk laughing, but upon writing report can’t remember a specific instance of hilarity. The Subject should have more memorable jokes next time.
Overall, great work Combeferre. You’ll have Feuilly falling over himself to get to you in no time.
Courfeyrac the Ravishing
You seem to be losing your touch; that last review lacked the mildly insulting bluntness I’ve grown so accustomed to. Does this mean we’re becoming friends?
Anyway, I’m now, as you would say, ‘balls-deep in tech week’ and halfway through my descent into the deepest pit of hell. The entire production is an original script written by a friend of mine, named Jehan Prouvaire, who decided to rewrite the final scene this weekend. They’re my friend, have been for years, but even I wanted to murder them slowly. The cast is hard at work trying to learn the scene, while I had to stay late last night redoing all the cues.
The worst part of it is, the new ending is fucking fantastic, so we can’t even stay mad at them.
It’s exhausting. Literally exhausting; I got three hours of sleep last night.
Anyway, I’m writing this as a way of avoiding calculus homework. Not that I wouldn’t write to you if I didn’t have calculus homework, but it is harder to just ramble on about my life now that we’ve met in person. I don’t think I ever would have told you about Feuilly if we had met before we started writing. There was something in the anonymity that made it easier, like writing into a diary. I hope you don’t take this as an insult- what I mean to say is that now that I know you, I want you to like me. And by extension, I want you to know a lot less about exactly how lame I am.
Anyway, I wanted to say I won’t be able to make a meeting by chance this week, though I know telling you that ruins some of the fun. If I’m around next week, which is really looking less and less likely every time an actor misplaces a prop or mic pack and I am forced, once again, to weigh the pros and cons of murder, I’d be happy to accidentally run into you on my way home from school.
Side note- Avi(my brother) comes home next week, which lines up nicely with Mom’s birthday and means he’ll be able to see the show. It’ll be nice to have him back. I think you’d like him; he’s the attractive one in the family, and the extrovert. He’s also a mechanical engineer who medal-ed in track when he was my age. Basically, he got all the good genes, but he’s too nice to admit it.
Anyway, calculus beckons.
See you on the other side, Combeferre
p.s. Only you would practice a smile. Mine was genuine, I swear.
My Dearest Combeferre,
I mean, yes, technically the other guys on my team have been practicing for two weeks but I have sadly been out of commission. BUT NOT ANYMORE BABY THE BITCH IS BACK
This will help distract me from the pain and yearning as I wait a whole week to see you again. I’ll be wistfully wandering the moors before Saturday, mark my words.
I’m also fascinated by the idea of a brother who’s you, but more attractive. Does it hurt to look at him directly? Do strangers fall in love on the spot? Is he officially considered a menace to society because he’s caused traffic accidents and ruined weddings by walking past at the wrong moment?
Someone should put a stop to him before things get out of control! No man should wield such power.
The idea that you, of gorgeous cheekbones, perfect hair, jawline, and eyes and face in general, notorious multi-tasker, valedictorian and walking encyclopedia, not to mention polyglot, could think someone else got the good genes means either you are humble to the point of actively lying to yourself or your brother is a minor deity.
Courfeyrac, I can hear you saying, flattery really isn’t necessary.
But it is! Enjolras, who I’ve mentioned before and is my best friend in the whole world, is gorgeous to the point of being inconvenient to look at. I’m a notorious flirt, I know this, and I’m good at it, but we’re not even in the same league when it comes to making people question their sexualities. He walks into a room and you can see half the people inside mentally decide they’re bi-curious. He’s also a raving lunatic and antagonistic asshole, which he openly accepts and takes pride in, but try to tell him he’s attractive and he looks at you like you’ve just suggested he’s got wings or a tail. So what I’m trying to say, I think, is that I’m used to people not realising how good looking they are. And bludgeoning them with compliments is my way of dealing with this.
Anyway. Getting sidetracked.
I’m flattered you use me as a method of procrastination! I’m gonna make myself a button that says ‘more interesting than calculus’ and wear it with pride. Also, is writing to pen pals not mandatory at the Academy? We’re given a half hour block during the study period. When we first started, Enjolras said the whole thing was “infantile and outdated and a waste of time”, but at this very moment he is on page six (6) of his latest aggressive correspondence to his mystery R, even though I saw what R sent him last time and it was, I shit you not, an envelope that was empty except for a tiny (approx. 3 centimeters long) rubber chicken. For context, the one before was a thorough analysis of wage inequality written entirely in pig latin.
I hope one day I meet this person, even if immediately afterwards they steal my kidney or turn me into a newt or whatever minor trickster gods do these days to pass the time when they’re not torturing my best friend.
Anyway, gotta go, stay sane, don’t kill anyone unless you really have to, and if so lemme know and I’ll help you get rid of the body. I know a guy.
p.s. I already like you, idiot.
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fu-yao · 3 years
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tagged by @leonzhng​ thanks for making me dig through my most embarrassing crushes 😭✋
i’ll tag @highwarlockkareena​ @yibobibo​ @lan-xichens​ @purplexedhuman​ @aheartfullofjolllly​ @lanzhansmiles​ @nyx4​ i feel like i tag you guys in everything i am so sorry please ignore this if u don’t wanna do it !!
putting this under a read more for reasons
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MEN 2010 – 2016
literally nothing more embarrassing than falling on the same type of white man over and over again (with the exception of minho from shinee bless his heart)
tommy joe ratliff → he was the bass player for adam lambert during his glamnation era (think of songs like for your entertainment and if i had you) idk why exactly i liked him so much but i just did.... however i searched him up again quite recently and found out he’s one of those republicans that says the dumbest shit on twitter so Big Yikes
harry styles → “baby you light up my world like nobody else, the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed, and when you smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell...” and BOOM 13-year-old me was sold for well over two years
louis tomlinson → basically i liked harry most until around 2013 when for some reason i started to like him a little less, and i got more focused on louis tomlinson, and although i didn’t like one direction anymore louis tomlinson always had a special place in my heart
ashton irwin → so ashton is 5sos’ drummer, i discovered 5sos through one direction & i stanned them until late 2014
harries twins → the harries twins (jack & finn) are basically the reason i started spending a lot of time on youtube, they were funny and pretty and they just had good videos in general, so for almost two years i’d watch their content regularly
choi minho → my first steps into kpop happened bc i was watching videos on youtube (most probably the harries twins) and suddenly i saw the sherlock mv in my recommended videos so i clicked on it and then 14-year-old me proceeded to fall for minho like an idiot
brooks twins → still youtubers, the brooks twins were 3/5 of the janoskians (jai & luke brooks, beau brooks, daniel sahyounie, & james yammouni), an australian youtube comedy group that was active from 2011-2018 though i was only around from 2012-2014 (when jai brooks was dating ariana grande)
jc caylen → surprise! another youtuber! jc caylen was part of o2l (our2ndlife) a youtube collaboration channel on which each of the 6 members posted videos on a certain day in the week (mondays with connor, tuesdays with ricky, wednesdays with sam, thursdays with jc, fridays with trevi (my 2nd favorite member bc she participated on the x factor), saturdays with ricardo, and then they had surprise sundays every week) and i remember how much joy jc & the others always brought me with their silly videos
misha collins → up next, you might know him as the gay angel that was sent to superhell after confessing his love to the homophobic hunter on supernatural, it’s misha collins! basically misha was a huge source of comfort for me, and i even went around calling myself emmisha for almost two full years (cringe)
henrik holm → he played even bech naesheim in skam and my crush on him reached that level of ridiculousness where i actually tried my hand at learning norwegian (i can only remember how to introduce myself and some curse words i would make a great first impression on him)
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MEN 2016 – 2021
min yoongi → okay so my baby steps into kpop happened through shinee’s sherlock, but i only got really invested when yoongi dropped agust d 1 because Holy Fuck y’know??
kim namjoon → oh man i remember thinking namjoon was cute and a very good leader and then BAM he dressed like THAT at the 2016 mma’s and i fell in love. hard
park seojoon → i started liking park seojoon whilst i was watching hwarang (you guessed it, i watched it bc of taehyung), although he wasn’t my favorite character by far, but he was very silly off camera & i liked that (i’m not that into him anymore tho </3)
kim seokjin → OH BOY LET ME TELL U i liked seokjin from the very beginning (i got to know bts in late 2014) and i always liked seeing him perform and be himself and god once i realized i had a crush on him it just hit me like a mf truck, and he’s still one of my favorite people to this day
jung hoseok → god fake love era hoseok really hits different.... also yes i know i have all of bts’ hyung line on my list BUT bts was a really big part of my life for almost 6 years soooo honestly they deserve it i still think they’re great guys
choi san → when ateez made their debut in 2018 i immediately fell in love with san, he was such an amazing dancer and he captivated me right from the very beginning, to this day he’s still my bias in ateez uwu
xiao zhan → AND THEN, OCTOBER OF 2019 HAPPENS AND I WATCH CQL AND... i fall in love with xiao zhan, something i’d never expected would happen bc when i watched cql for the first time i wasn’t as invested in the story, but i really really really liked xiao zhan and one thing led to another and now here i am as a xfx
wang yibo → the thing is, i’ve known yibo since eoeo except i didn’t know cql yibo was uniq yibo (bc i’d forgotten his name) and when i looked it up i can tell you my jaw dropped to the floor bc holy shit????? also he is very silly and i love him loads ok
lee minho → ah, the man who has been my skz bias since 2018, not only is minho my bias i also kin him (there’s a lot of aspects of myself that i see in minho and vice versa) and he’s very comforting to me
bang chan → honestly, it was only a matter of time before i’d fall for bang chan, i knew the moment i got into skz again that i’d start biasing him and, well, here i am, double biasing chan & minho
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this list is shorter bc i’ve in general always had less crushes on women than on men??? blame society forcing me into thinking i was straight for a LONG time
ariana grande → remember the 2011 layout of twitter?? where u could not only have an icon and a header, but also a background and ur twitter page was smack in the center of ur screen with the big ugly menu bar at the top??? yeah ariana grande was always my background for my l*rr* st*l*n*s*n layouts
perrie edwards → this was right around the time she was dating zayn & little mix was breaking out into the spotlight, yeah i just really loved her
andrea russett → okay so remember o2l?? andrea russett was kian’s girlfriend for a pretty long time and they always did videos together and i always thought she was super pretty
lily collins → maybe i don’t like clary in tmi all that much but i sure liked the way lily collins looked
alona tal → MY BISEXUAL AWAKENING, it’s only when i saw alona tal in spn that i realized, fuck i might be gay
park jihyo → i discovered twice (my 2nd jype group after day6) through the like ooh-ahh mv and red-haired jihyo really did something to my heart (i just rewatched it and god zombie bang chan is so mf cute)
kim jisoo → when bp made their square two comeback i was immediately smitten for red-haired jisoo in playing with fire, it’s also when i realized she was my bias out of the four members
shin ryujin → the reason that i have blue hair is partially bc of ryujin and her amazing intro in wannabe :D
xuan lu → her portrayal of jiang yanli was SO ON POINT and she’s just such a kindhearted wonderful person wow i want her hand in marriage
lee yoobin → god i’ve known dreamcatcher from back when they were still called minx and ever since i’ve always looked at dami that bit more than the rest, i was also able to see dreamcatcher live in october of 2019 and the whole experience was just so amazing !!
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there’s a whole lot more than just these 10 but i wanted to fit the evolution into one (1) slide as best as i could lmao
peter pan → this movie came out in 2003 (?) and he’s honestly the first fictional character i remember ever having a crush on
legolas → i was really doubting between placing haldir or legolas here but i only really got a vague haldir obsession when i was like 14
will turner → man was annoying sometimes but i really liked him and his relationship with elizabeth was cute
jo harvelle → gosh i can’t believe she’s the only female character in here???? yeah she was one of my two spn faves and i’ll never forgive the screenwriters for the way they killed her off
castiel → does your fave ever get sent to super hell for being gay? no? well. mine did
kili → fili and kili’s storyline tore my heart out, spit on it, and then laughed straight in my face, KILI WAS LITERALLY MY FAVORITE DWARF
howl → i only watched this movie for the first time in 2020 so i kinda fucked up the tl cause i watched cql in 2019 but shh, anyways howl with his blonde hair was good looking but howl with his black hair just hits differently. i want a howl
lan jingyi → MY BABY BOY, TINIE LITTLE BABIE WHOMST I MUST PROTECT ok no but seriously this kid. i love him a lot
mu qing → BARK BARK. that’s all (that’s not all i love him a whole lot and it hurts me to see so many people misunderstand his character and only see the bad parts of him when they can forgive others for fucking up (eg. xie lian himself & feng xin) but bc mu qing doesn’t deal well with emotions suddenly he’s the bad guy??? i s2g if ppl are gonna do to him what they did to jiang cheng in the tgcf la i will RIOT)
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theblackberrygirl · 4 years
A Drabble in @themetaphorgirl’s universe, Patron Saint of Lost Causes.
Please understand that the Patron Saint of Lost Causes universe does not belong to me!! It belongs to @themetaphorgirl on tumblr! I have her permission to play around in her universe. Thanks!
Criminal Minds belongs to CBS
Also please recognize I am not nearly as good at writing as Caitlin, I don’t even come close.
“Hide and seek,” Garcia said decisively. The group was trying to find some way to pass the time on the stormy day, and they’d been brainstorming for about the past ten minutes.
“I love hide and seek! Alex, are you going to play?” Spencer asked excitedly. When she saw the hopeful look in his eyes, she knew she couldn’t say no.
“If it’ll make you happy for me to play hide and seek, then I’ll play hide and seek. Be warned however, that I am not good at it.”
“Great, you can be seeker then. Hotch, you in?” He sighed.
“I guess I should leave Miller to be the only responsible person here. I guess.”
“Yay!” Penelope squealed. She got confirmation from JJ, Derek (he could never say no to his baby girl), Dave, James, and even Elle agreed to play.
“None of you can tell Strauss about this, understand? She’ll hang me by the flagpole if she finds out,” Elle warned them.
“Deal,” Penelope agreed as she shook the RA’s hand. “What about you Em? You in?” Emily looked around at the hopeful faces of her friends.
“Sorry guys, but I think I’m gonna sit this one out,” she declined.
“Come on Emily, please? If you say yes, I’ll buy you coffee for a week and I won’t make you sing along to the Hamilton soundtrack with Jayje and me.”
“Jayje and I,” Alex corrected her, without even looking up from her book.
“What book are you reading today Al?” James asked from his spot on the couch next to Dave.
“Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. Technically rereading,” she replied, her eyes never leaving the page.
“Anyways,” Penelope interrupted. “Will you play?” Emily looked into her eyes and immediately regretted it. Much like Alex with Spencer, she couldn’t turn down Penelope’s hopeful expression. She sighed heavily.
“Ok, fine.”
“Yay! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!” Garcia engulfed her in a bear hug tightly, and it made Emily feel better about her decision to play. It didn’t soothe the uneasiness in her stomach though.
“Ready or not, here I come!” Alex announced into the mostly empty building. Almost all of the other students had gone to the movie theater in town to ride out the rain. Within seconds, she found James.
“Seriously? That was the best spot you could find?”
“What can I say, I’m not good at this game either.” That was a lie. He’d hidden in a bad spot close to Alex so that he could spend more time with her. If Dave or God forbid, Emily, found out about that, he would never hear the end of it.
“That makes two of us. Now come on, we have hiders to seek.” They found Dave next. He obviously didn’t care that much, he had just been hiding underneath a couch.
“Wow, put a lot of effort into that hiding place, huh Dave?” James commented sarcastically as he helped pull his friend up.
“Clearly more than you did, you were found first. But something tells me that was intentional.” James elbowed Jim hard in the ribs, but luckily Alex didn’t seem to have heard him.
Surprisingly, they found Spencer next. He had been hiding behind some curtains, and they wouldn’t have found him if he hadn’t let out an adorable little baby sneeze.
“Aw, honey are your allergies acting up again? Here, let’s swing by my dorm room and get you a pill,” Alex said as soon as she found him. It was expected though; Spencer was her baby.
She wasn’t expecting to find anyone hiding in her and Emily’s dorm, but to her surprise, she found both Elle and Hotch in there, each hiding under a bed.
“Alex, why do you need so many books?” Hotch asked as he crawled out from underneath her bed. “You would think that the provided bookshelf would be enough, but you’ve got a hidden library under there too.”
“Don’t make fun of my books, Hotch, I work in the library, what did you expect?”
“She has a point,” James backed her up.
“Oddly enough, your roommate has a decent collection too. Nowhere near yours, but it’s sizable,” Elle said as she brushed the dirt off of her clothes.
“Huh. Who knew Prentiss was a bookworm?” Rossi commented as he checked to see if anyone else was hiding in the room.
“She does read, just not in front of other people,” Alex confirmed as she got Spencer his allergy pill- the initial reason for coming in here. “Now come on, we still have 4 kids to find.”
Emily looked around for a good spot to hide as she heard Alex counting in the other room. Thinking fast, she threw open an old trunk and clambered inside. It was pretty large, and old. She got situated as best as possible before closing the lid. Now she waited.
“Seriously? That was a good spot,” Derek complained as he walked out of his discovered hiding place; he had been behind some clothes hanging in a wardrobe.
“Good, but not good enough. You weren’t first at least,” Rossi said as they continued searching. They had found James, Dave, Spencer, Hotch, Elle, and Derek, now they just needed JJ, Penelope, and Emily.
“I don’t think there’s anyone in here Miller,” Elle said as they searched the room again.
“There’s only one room after this one, and I seriously doubt all three of them are in one room.”
“Hold on,” Hotch said, holding a finger in the air. “Check the trunk.” Dave made his way over to the large chest and pulled on the lid. It didn’t budge.
“Locked. Guess they are all in one-“
“Woah woah woah woah, what did you say?” A voice was coming from the trunk.
“Emily?” Alex asked. “Are you in the trunk?”
“Yeah, I’m in the trunk, what did Dave say about it being locked?” Her voice was growing with concern. Dave and James tried to open it again, to no avail.
“Uh, Emily? Don’t freak out, but the trunk is locked,” Dave informed her apprehensively.
“What?! What do you mean it’s locked?!”
“What do you mean ‘what does he mean?’ It’s locked! How many different definitions of locked are there?” Elle exclaimed. One of her kids was locked in a motherfucking trunk, and she didn’t know what to do. Spencer actually opened his mouth to answer her, but Alex shook her head.
“No no no no no, this can’t be happening,” Emily groaned from inside.
“Emily, deep breaths, it’s ok, just stay calm,” Alex tried to calm her from the outside to no avail.
“Stay calm? How the fuck am I supposed to stay calm? I am trapped in a fucking trunk for the foreseeable future, and you expect me to stay CALM Miller?! Fuck no!” Hotch didn’t even bother to reprimand her language, it was justified right now.
“Emily, you’re ok, it’s just a trunk,” Hotch tried.
“Hey Spencer, are you out there?” She asked, and Spencer nodded before he realized she couldn’t see him. “Yes,” he said timidly.
“Will you tell Hotch what ‘claustrophobic’ means? I don’t think he knows.” Emily’s voice was starting to shake, and Alex could hear mild hyperventilating from inside.
“Claustrophobic; the irrational fear of tight, small, or cramped spaces such as closets, elevators, cabinets, tunnels-
“Thanks Reid, I get it,” Hotch cut him off. “Emily, why did you hide in a trunk if you’re claustrophobic?”
“Well, Hotch, I wasn’t exactly planning on being locked inside when I got in,” she drawled sarcastically. “You can tell me how stupid it was later, just get me the hell out.” Her voice was trembling heavily now.
“I have an idea!” Spencer piped up. “Alex, do you have a bobby-pin?”
“Uh, yeah, I think so,” she said before pulling one out of her hair.
“And Hotch, do you have a pen of some sort?” Hotch nodded before producing a pen from the breast pocket of his blazer. He made quick work of picking the lock on the chest, before throwing the lid open to reveal a disheveled Emily. Her hair was messed up, her clothes were wrinkled, and her eyeliner and mascara were smeared from crying. As soon as she stood up, she gave Spencer a bone-crushing hug.
“Thanks kid,” she whispered.
“Uh, Emily? You’re kinda crushing me,” he said awkwardly, prompting Emily to let go of his tiny body.
“Since when can you pick locks Pretty Boy?” Derek asked.
“I read a book on it,” he explained, as if it should be obvious.
“You read a book on lock-picking?” Alex questioned, amused. Spencer nodded as JJ and Penelope came in from wherever they were hiding.
“What took you guys so long? We’ve been hiding forever.”
“Princess here got locked in a trunk,” Morgan laughed. Garcia rushed forward to hug her and asked if she was ok, while JJ burst into laughter.
“Why are automatically locking chests even a thing?” She asked the room as she attempted to smooth her hair out.
“I don’t know, but I wish I had been here to see it,” JJ laughed, tears coming out of her eyes.
“Don’t worry JJ, I’ll fill you in on all the details later,” Derek promised.
“Oh no you won’t. This will never be spoken about again,” Emily warned.
“What are you gonna do Princess?”
“I will break your fingers,” she deadpanned.
“Point taken. Now, I’m starving, and it’s time for dinner, so let’s go.”
“You just ate, like, 4 granola bars before we played, how are still hungry?” Elle pointed out. Morgan just shrugged.
“I’m an athlete, what can I say?”
“So’s JJ,” Elle argued.
“Anyways, it is dinner, and I’m hungry too. Let’s go,” Alex interjected. They all filed out of the room towards the cafeteria, eager to get something to eat, the day’s events cataloged in their memories.
Just one more of the very limited things they knew about Emily Prentiss.
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Survey #425
“evolution repressed by our backwards contest  /  breeding our torrential demise as we come to this edge”
Serious question, peanut butter or nutella? I think Nutella is a godsend, but I use peanut butter waaaaay more often. We don't even really buy Nutella because I will destroy the jar. Do you prefer baked potatoes or mashed potatoes? Baked. What is your oldest sibling’s middle name? Kathryn. I think. Do you like breadsticks? I just like bread, man. What are your favorite things to spend money on? Tattoos, uuuuugggghhhhh <3 Which would you rather have a new puppy or kitten? Neither, really. Most puppies drive me insane (even though they're cute as everliving fuck), and I don't want another cat. Mom actually talked about getting another, but I really just want my one boy. Roman would get SO jealous, anyway. I enjoy just having my baby. How old will you be on your next birthday? 26. Yikes. Do you ever feel self-conscious when you eat around other people? As "the fat one," I can be sometimes. I would say though that more often than not, it's sort of whatever to me because I'm a human that has to eat. When you opened your eyes this morning, what were your first thoughts? I thought I slept way later than I actually did. What is one thing in the room you’re in that reminds you of somebody? My stuffed meerkat Rebel. Jason got it for me for my first birthday that we were together. Could you ever be friends with somebody who was homophobic? Never again. I was once able to think "agree to disagree," but sometimes by doing so, you're siding with evil by not enforcing what is more than just a belief. It should come with being a human. Also given my own sexuality, it would be a slap in the face to me. Would you ever want to be a supermodel, or date one? Hell no. I'd date one though, if they were modest about their position. Honestly, have you ever made fun of somebody so bad they cried? Wow, no. Honestly, would you rather be complimented on your looks or intelligence? Quite frankly, nowadays, my appearance. I need it. My self-confidence is so far below "shit." Have you ever purchased a pregnancy test, for yourself or otherwise? Nope. You can get one thing, anything, for free right now. What do you pick? Why? Hm. I know I talk about it a lot, but it would still probably be a 40 gallon terrarium for Venus. She needs - and deserves - it. Honestly, have you ever danced naked? NOOOOOOOO. What was the first illegal thing that you did? Did you get caught? Downloaded music. My mom eventually found out, but didn't care much. What is the home page on the computer you’re on? Google. Do you like to write poetry? I do, but I haven't done it in a while. :/ Are your ears pierced? Yes. If so, were they pierced with a piercing gun, or with a sterile needle? Piercing gun. Which, by the way, do not do. There are many more risks with a piercing gun versus a needle by a professional. Do you wear makeup regularly? I never do. Did you eat cereal for breakfast today? No. I've been on a bagel kick lately. When was the last time you tripped over something? Last night, actually. The rug in the living room was slightly turned up, and I tripped in the dark. I didn't actually fall, thankfully. Any obsessive-compulsive tendencies? I'm diagnosed with OCD. I experience more ruminations and intrusive thoughts more than obsessive behaviors, though. Who was the last person you yelled at? Probably Mom. Why did you yell at them? I don't remember. Favorite type of apple? I like pink lady apples. I really enjoy any, so long as they're crisp. Ever seen live horse racing? No. To be totally honest, I don't really like the concept of it. Motivating a horse to run by hurting it doesn't exactly seem moral... How about live greyhound racing? No. What’s one thing, besides the obvious, that you couldn’t live without? The Internet, haha. Have you ever touched a giraffe? No. What does your mom call you? Britt. What stresses you out the most in life? I really don't think I could pick a top one. There are so many. Do you play any PC games? What is your favorite? Yeah. Y'all probably know WoW is my favorite. If you were pregnant, how would you tell the father? Well, that would depend on the circumstances. Did we want a baby? Was it a bad surprise, a happy surprise? I can't answer this with just one idea. What’s the hardest level you can play on Guitar Hero? I used to be able to slam out Expert easily with only very few songs I had to play on Hard, but now it's been YEARS. I've played less than once in a blue moon, and my skill's definitely faded some. It really depends on the song. What ever happened with you and your first boyfriend? He couldn't handle my depression anymore. What’s your favorite country song? "When The Stars Go Blue" by Tim McGraw, probably. What is the worst thing a former boyfriend/girlfriend has done to you? Fail to communicate what he was feeling with me and then make a dashing break for it very, very abruptly after three and a half years. It put me past a state of shock, but trauma with how no less than obsessed I was with him. What were you for Halloween last year? I didn't dress up. :/ I wish I had the money and motivation alike to. Are you feeling guilty for something? I always will. Are you usually quiet or loud? Quiet. How many hours do you spend on the computer a day? Like... uh... all of them, oof. What is the show that you watched when you were little, and you still do? Meerkat Manor. Do your siblings text you? Not really. Do you want a small or big wedding? Small. Have you ever searched for your own house on Google Earth? Not the house I currently live in, but I have before. Who is your ex dating/talking to? I don't know. Ever kissed someone who smokes? No. Does it take a lot for someone to annoy you? Frankly, no. Do you own your own computer? This laptop, anyway. Did you ever have to share a room with one of your siblings? Yes, with my younger sister as a kid and pre-teen. What noises in the room you’re in, do you hear at the moment? I hear the video I'm watching, as well as my fan. Have you ever dated someone with longer hair than yours? Yes. What’s the biggest upcoming event for you? Nothing. Not like that's a surprise. What do you typically order from Wendy’s? Son of the Baconator. @_@ Have you ever been given a lapdance by an actual stripper? No. Those are so awkward to me. What do you love most about yourself? I don't know these days. Have you ever received a hickey from the last person you kissed? No. What are you doing right now? This survey and re-watching John Wolfe play Outlast 2. What’s bothering you right now? I'm immensely nervous about tomorrow. I have my first (and I pray the fuck to God not only) session with my new personal trainer then, and I'm terrified by how my body and my mental fortitude is going to react. Y'all have no fucking idea JUST how out of shape I am, and the muscles in my legs seem basically non-existent by now. I have to do something about my health, though, and I'm determined to make this shit work. More than determined. I know the first day is going to be hard, but I need to do this more than I can explain. What was the last thing you drank? ... What great fucking timing, I have a can of Mountain Dew, lol... That's another thing that needs to change. I've gotta stop the emotional and boredom-eating and chill the fuck out with soda. Be honest, do you like people in general? Quite frankly, no. There are plenty of people I love and think are amazing, of course, but I think I lean towards humanity being too shitty to like "in general." Do you want your tongue pierced? I miss my snake eyes. :/ That was suuuuch a cute piercing. I just had to take it out for the safety of my teeth. I kept accidentally clamping down on one of the balls when eating, and it would cause tiny fractures. Do you change your phone background a lot? No. Have you ever made someone so mad that they broke something? No. Have you ever been strip searched? No. Do you have a funny last name? Does anyone make fun of it? It's not funny-sounding, no, I just think it's too manly for me to enjoy as part of my name. Ever have a drug overdose? What did you OD on exactly? Yes. Oddly enough, I don't remember what I OD'd on now... You'd think I would, given how extreme the situation was. It was some cold medicine. Do you get sick of people who call themselves bipolar all the time? I absolutely do. It's extremely insensitive to people like myself who legitimately suffer - and I do mean "suffer" - from the disorder. Describe your day so far in three words: Dull. Lazy. Anxious. What was the most stressful project you had so far/while in school? Probably my senior project and the presentation I had to do for it. I taught about the fallacies and misconceptions of snakes, and I made a PowerPoint and some drawings to color and crosswords for the special ed children. I was so, so very nervous, but I got through it fine and the kids seemed to enjoy it. I actually still have the recording. Choose one- Butterfinger, Milky Way, Snickers: MILKY WAY. FUCK I love those. Have you ever stepped in dog poop? UGH yes. What was the last thing you spent money on? My niece's birthday present. Have you ever slept in the same bed with the last person you kissed? Yeah. Is there a guy that knows a lot about you? I almost said "yes," but then I realized he doesn't know me at all anymore. I've changed so much, hopefully mostly for the better. He hasn't "known" me in many years. Is there someone you just can’t imagine your life without? It's terrifying to imagine my life without Mom; Sara, too. Do you prefer Starbucks coffee or small cafe coffee? I prefer no coffee. Would you ever consider getting a piercing in your septum? Nah. Do you enjoy being outdoors? If it's cool outside and I have somewhere to sit that's not the ground, yes. Do people tell you that you have an accent? Sometimes. Do you enjoy watching fireworks on the 4th of July? They're pretty, but I don't support their usage by this point in my life. They're a fire hazard, triggering to some vets with PTSD, and beyond terrifying for animals. What’re some unspeakable subjects for you? I get most heated about child molestation. You do not fucking touch a child like that. I don't even write any of my bajillion evil guys committing it in RP because I just can't stomach it. Even when my little sister (a children's social worker) is telling Mom about some stuff she sees at work, I have to not be present, 'cuz that shit isn't rare. It's nauseating. Is there anyone you would take a bullet for? A good number of people, honestly. Do you enjoy tanning? Hell no, I avoid the sun and heat at like all costs. Are you a virgin? This is going to sound weird, but I actually don't know, but I lean towards no. Who’s your celebrity crush? mARK EDWARD FISCHFUCK Did or do you get good grades in English class? I was always excellent in English. What part of your body are you self-conscious about? My stomach. But I'm self-conscious about everything else, too. Are you expected to help fix Thanksgiving dinner? No. Everyone knows I can't cook worth a damn. Have you ever lost anyone close to cancer? Truly close, no. Unless you include pets, actually. Then a few. :/ Do you personally know anyone who is transgender? Yep. When was the last time you got a shot? Earlier this year for Covid. Get your fucking vaccine, btw. :^)
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calypsoff · 3 years
Twenty Eight.
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I was supposed to actually go to California first, but I ended up having to do a little detour, I had to drop off some of my clothing line for Lil Wayne, I met Lil Wayne. I went on my own to his home which was dope as fuck, he was a cool dude, but he is constantly high and then Pharrell which he was in New York and I flew there so Robyn said to just meet her there, she wasn’t happy, but I am meeting her at the venue. The past few days have been crazy for me, for the clothing line. So much exposure for us, we are a little sold out on a lot of shit, so I told the boys to stay in Texas and get shit sorted with refreshing stock, I mean I am doing the best part by getting to meet these people. And I did flex that on my Instagram page, of course I would. A nigga from jail is now hanging with the top dogs, this is mind blowing. Lil Wayne is cool as fuck; his entourage is funny as fuck and they were the most welcoming for me. It’s been a headache anyways; I have two suitcases because I am going to California to live at Robyn’ home so I needed all my shit, so I am stuck living out of a suitcase for a while. Staring at myself in the mirror touching my stubble on my face, my phone pressed to my ear as it rang out “hello” Robyn picked up “are you at the venue now? Shall I come?” I have been waiting for Robyn to arrive “I am, I am going to do some rehearsal so if you come, I may not be around, but Jen has your pass so come” I need a shave “cool, you got a barber with you?” you never know “you mean Yusuf? He is here” pulling a face “I need a barber; my hair is grown out. You going to sort out your man with one?” you never know she may help me “my man? Who is that again? The nigga that doesn’t listen to me anymore” she is still on that “but I did say I would come and visit you for like an hour, I had to go to come here? Clients Robyn” she wanted me to come and see her when I was in Cali for Wayne, but I had to fly out “clients or your girlfriend? Mhmm, just come here” taking in a deep breath “see you soon petal?” she hates when I call her petal “shut up, bye” she disconnected the call, I mean I have a business to run now.
I can hear Robyn rehearsing outside from the venue, but I am currently waiting with my suitcases for Jen to come, security did ask and told me I had to wait so it’s whatever. She is taking her time with it though, I am going to be cute with Robyn because I know she is a little annoyed with me, maybe it’s her missing me so I am going to accept her talking stupid with me and just continue to love her and show her that she means so much to me, I adore her so much and she knows that “welcome to the tour Christopehr!” Jen half shouted “let him in” she said behind the barrier, I grinned at her. She always has such good energy “you moving in?” she pointed at my suitcases “uh yeah, Robyn’ home. I think this may be her way to get me to move there” pulling along both cases “welcome, welcome” I stopped to hug her, I am not rude “this is your pass, do not lose it throughout the tour. I am sure you will re-join us again later in the dates. I hope you do for the overseas part” nodding my head taking the pass from her, placing it over my head “Robyn has got you a barber, Yusuf is offended but she has a guy for you” I cooed out “really?” I am shocked “yeah, she said he asked so I will take you to him. Come along, I will suggest getting these on her bus, we will be on the bus after this date to travel to Philli, she has a five day window after that so you both can spend time together” I didn’t know that “really? So she doesn’t get overworked?” that is shocking “it’s a little different, this is a major tour, she gets plenty of rest” I am glad to hear she does.
Dapping the barber as his friend took a picture of us “good looking out” I said to him “like I have been to many barbers but you, dang. You got me out here looking fresh as hell” I am impressed “thinking of you bro, you got to look fresh when you date Rihanna. Dang, when I got the message. I said Rihanna wants a haircut from me? I was shook then it said her boyfriend, so yeah” I chuckled “it’s only her side nigga you cutting for, so when I make it big you about to be my personal one” he nodded his head “appreciate it brother” like this nigga is good “how much is that?” grabbing my money from my pocket, I have money in my life finally “on your girl, she paid already” letting out an oh, she didn’t need to pay I could have paid that “perks of being with a millionaire” taking in a deep breath “yeah” I mumbled, it’s not even like that “shame she isn’t here, I would love to meet her” my phone started ringing “maybe one day” looking down at the I.D, it’s my mother “ma” answering the call “I miss you son, oh baby. Desean showed me who uncle is seeing, I am so proud of you. I just had to check on you and tell you how proud I am of you” I cooed out “doing it for you ma, you know that. I am currently doing something, but I will call you later, promise. Love you” I don’t want to speak in front of these nosey niggas “ok baby, I love you too” disconnecting the call “you want me to walk you out? Actually I think I should” I am dumb, I shouldn’t be asking that “please do, I don’t know where I am going” nodding my head.
I wonder if Robyn is done, the music has stopped playing so I am guessing but where the hell could she be. It’s funny because I am speaking about Robyn and here she is, walking with her entourage. Such a tiny woman in a gang full of men, she is running the show and they are all following her. She looks deep in thought, but me I am so glad to have seen her now. I mean I didn’t know where to go, I grinned watching her walk closer and closer, this guy is speaking to her as she made her way. Looks like it’s a lot of taking that is happening “Twin” I said, Robyn looked up and her face softened, from the angry face to the happiness “poppa is here, I will and thanks” Robyn moved away from her team, she did a little run to me “I missed you so much twin” hugging her, wrapping both arms around Robyn and pressing her close to me “I missed you so much” I admitted truthfully “how you think I feel” moving my head back and pressed kisses to her cheek, Robyn giggled as I did “you look well, I am happy to see you smiling” pressing a long kiss to her cheek “love you” moving back from her “I am smiling now” holding onto Robyn’ hand “what was that all about, seems like a deep conversation?” leaning back onto the wall “I haven’t rehearsed Stay so he was mentioning it and stuff but yeah. I like your hair, huh. Who did that for you” she winked “Yusuf” I joked “aye, I said it to him and goes I know how to do that nigga’ hair, but my poppa looking all handsome. I am glad you’re here, finally. I was becoming jealous of seeing you with other people on Instagram, it’s hard because I wanted you with me. And I get jealous” she is telling me like I don’t know that “I get that, you so beautiful twin” Robyn pulled a face “I am sweating, shut up. Come, let’s go and sit on the bus. It’s quiet on there” Robyn yanked my hand to walk.
She is right, the bus is quiet. There is many people in that venue so I am glad we have peace, placing my jacket on the table before sitting down on the seating area “so you sleep in the bunks?” I pointed “no, my room. My actual room is in the back, I have a bed. The fuck you think I am sleeping on a bunk? But we don’t really sleep, we party” Robyn sat next to me “god, I missed you” placing my arm on the back of the seating around just behind Robyn “aye!” I spat jumping forward “what you doing!?” Robyn didn’t even move her hand from my crotch at all, she is deadass “Robyn, you have your hand on my dick! Like you have my dick in your hand, why!?” I spat, she is being deadass “I heard about this fetish about you wearing sweatpants, and I see it. See how easy I grabbed your dick, you’re banned from wearing them!” my eyes widened “deadass!? Robyn, I can’t help it” she still hasn’t moved her hand “see, I haven’t see you in a while. I have seen thirsty pictures and comments about you, I have seen these videos and pictures of you in VA, you have fanpages now too, CJ? The fuck is CJ, it’s your dick! Right, so from now on you ain’t wearing these” I have to laugh “baby, please. Let’s talk like adults. I can’t help that my dick is big, please stop gripping my dick, please” she is waking my dick “tell me it’s mine” using my free hand to rub my face and laugh “ahhh!” she deadass squeezed my dick “ok, Robyn. It’s yours and you know this! I can’t help it” she let my dick go, I breathed out.
Staring at Robyn, well more like side eyeing her. I can’t believe I am allowing her to do this but I rather let her do it then listen to her drive me crazy about it, she will start saying that I am enjoying Staring at Robyn just doing the most and that I don’t love her “done?” I asked, Robyn smirked moving her hand away from my dick “yes, I think I got the perfect picture look at my hand on your bulge” she turned her phone to me “it looks nice, now jerk me off” Robyn waved me off as she went to work, she is now having to think of a caption, she had to do the most because my dick print has caused some drama, I just got a big dick. I cannot help it, it’s not my fault “what did you type out crazy?” I feel my dick is growing, I feel like I am getting hard because she continues to touch my fucking dick “special package” Robyn smirked “hashtag daddy home” shaking my head “I need to be jerked off now” I pointed at my dick “my hand hurts” Robyn placed her leg over my lap, she purposely rubbed her leg over my dick “you need to stop that” she is so cheeky “mhmm I am sick of being Rihanna’s boyfriend, everyone always pointing out like oh you are Rihanna’s boyfriend” rolling my eyes “you could always upgrade?” she mumbled “huh, to what?” raising an eyebrow “husband” I snorted laughing “wow Robyn, dang. I ain’t settling, no ma’am my knee will not be on the ground proposing” Robyn hit my chest scoffing “you are actually annoying, you say all this shit just to be sucking my toes. Fuck you” she mushed my face “this is why I want to be single, can’t let a nigga suck anything in peace. Annoying” she out here talking about husband “besides, I don’t want you as a husband” she is a lie “I need a wife that will cook and clean” I retorted “you’re annoying, keep annoying me, you know I will have you apologising” she is getting annoyed, let me leave her alone before she really gets mad.
Watching Robyn sit down but she sat across from me which honestly made me smile “for you annoying me I changed my caption to Rihanna’s boyfriend, hope you’re happy” locking my phone sighing out “see I know you’re lying baby, I just looked and commented on it. I put big dick breezy” Robyn kissed her teeth “the thing is, I will have you on your knee. I just know it” I sniggered at the fact Robyn is stuck on that “anyways, how are you feeling about your first date?” let me change the conversation “annoyed” shaking my head “oh twin, why you got to be like this. You know I am joking. You and I both know this right?” she does know but she is playing stupid “I do but yeah, I don’t know. I am just going to take it as it is, like I am so excited, but I have kept that thought to the back of my mind about performing Stay, the set list is going to set me off. Because it’s Stay and then Diamonds, I am ging to be crying. I know I will be because my mind is just on that, but I will make it” nodding my head “I will be there for you in the crowd, I am pretty nervous for you, I can only imagine how you must feel. It’s going to hit hard, first time performing it after that happened” she is going to cry, but I don’t blame her for it.
I did want to see Robyn before she went on stage, but she was gone, as soon as we got off the bus the entourage took her, and they did what they needed to do to get her on stage. Mel bought me to the mixing booth in the back, so I am just sat here waiting, I to be honest want to be front row. I really do but I think I will do it myself and go there myself, I am excited for this concert. I mean I am at a Rihanna concert dating her this time, ain’t no daydreaming and smirking to myself. Robyn just thinks and assumes a lot, she knows damn well that I would wife her up, me and her are forever now so that is it. The lights suddenly switched off and the crowd just went crazy for nothing, I mean not going to lie I am excited myself. It’s so damn dark, I wonder where she is going to be actually. She never really said or told me the setup, letting out an oh it’s Mother Mary. I should have known it would have been this song, looking at the screen to see Robyn. She looks so pretty, a little on the skinny side. I didn’t notice that actually until now, tilting my head to the side. Robyn has gone skinnier, maybe it’s the rehearsing that does it to her.
I found a while sheet and it shows what song is what, so the Stay and Diamonds is last, that is good to be honest. I hope she can keep it together, because like prior to this it’s all upbeat songs. Folding the paper up “we found love in a hopeless place” I bopped my head, I need to leave backstage. I think I am going to go to the front because being so far back sucks. I can’t see shit; I mean I can but I can’t. I am about to get myself lost, seeing that Robyn is walking around in the crowd. Let het just get her ass back on stage before I go out there, watching Robyn being touched and harassed by the fans, they really touching her too. Stuffing my hands in my pockets as I stepped out further, she is going back on the stage now so I can come out. Rich dapped me as I stood next to him, I have a feeling I am about to know all these songs off by heart because of being here. Smiling lightly, I am super proud of her, she really out there killing it too. It’s made me see how hard she does work, and then I am just a pain in the ass for her. I mean I don’t intentionally do it to her, shit comes to me. I don’t ask for it to happen, but it happens.
I am pretty nervous for her for this part, like I just think she maybe needed to rehearse but now she has to do it. I am literally stood front and centre to where she is going to stand, the crowd was in uproar assuming that she had finished but she came out and I just knew, I instantly knew with the look on her face she is already emotional. I can’t say how it feels to lose a baby inside of you, or the moment it happens. I can’t say how that is but with the pain she goes through I know it’s something awful, we both lost something that night. Robyn stood in front of the mic, the tune to Stay came on and she was gone, my heart fell for her and I couldn’t do anything to help her but watch her. The crowd screamed louder and louder, Robyn is just breaking, and the crowd chanted her name. I just want to help her, I feel like the Stay intro has been prolonged longer because of this, she is just crying. She turned away from the crowd, I feel so damn helpless what can I do and I am just thinking so hard on what to do, Robyn turned back around and stepped to the mix “all along it was a fever” oh she is pushing through, I swear I am rooting for her “He said, If you dare, come a little closer” dragging my eyes to Robyn and I feel pretty choked up, putting my head down and away from the fact Robyn has hands over her stomach. Flicking the tear that left pretty quickly, this is hard, harder then I assumed it would be.
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<< | < | > | >>
hidden identity
Down and Out Draco Malfoy
Pretty Draco Malfoy
Talented Draco Malfoy
Auror Harry Potter
Smitten Harry Potter
Harry Potter Being an Asshole (just for a while)
Angst with a Happy Ending
Falling In Love
Skipping Meals/Hunger
Cold Weather
Hot Chocolate
SUMMARY: Draco does a good deed and is granted a wish - 12 days of anonymity in a world that hates him CHAPTER SUMMARY:    Potter shows up and insists on buying Draco a drink
on FF.net
on AO3
December 11th , 2007
Draco wakes to an absolutely frigid morning and cold sun in his eyes, but for once it doesn’t dampen his mood. He’s positively chipper as he hurries through his morning shower and pulls on his stiff, cold clothes. He manages to get his stove working and, though he’s skipping breakfast today, he boils plain water in lieu of tea. He just barely waits until it’s cool enough before sipping it from a chipped mug, enjoying the warmth it brings.
He briefly flirts with the idea of trying a warming charm for the apartment, but it’s not a serious consideration. Why potentially waste an extinguisher when he now has a perfectly warm library available to him instead?
There’s no reason to dawdle around his apartment so he doesn’t – he slips into the empty hallway and then down the stairs and out to the street. It’s a cold but quick trek up Knockturn and then onto Diagon where the harsh weather prevents him from spending too much time admiring the splendor.
The street is less busy today, likely as a result of both the temperature and the early hour, but it’s still lively. Draco thankfully has no run-ins with Potter today on his way to the library.
The warm, familiar smell of books and ink greets him as he pushes into the building. The librarian, sitting behind the counter today, looks up and nods to him in greeting.
“Good morning,” Draco returns with a polite smile. He makes a beeline, this time, straight to the back where he’d found the volumes on wandless magic yesterday. He’d just reached the section of the book dedicated to harmonizing energy, magic, and intent, when he’d had to leave yesterday, and he’s eager to return to it.
He spends several hours there, reading theory and running through the practice exercises in the book. They’re not spells, not really, just exercises to learn to handle his magic better, and they’ve nothing to do with heat besides, so he’s not particularly worried about starting fires. They are, after all, designed for beginners, and therefore start small. A pleasant result of this, he finds, is that he’s not exhausted or hungry after practicing. Well… okay, he is hungry because he’s always hungry, but he’s not more so than usual.
People come and go from the library, but nobody pays him any mind and nor does he pay them any. Despite the steady traffic, the library is quiet, and Draco is well able to ignore them all and descend into his study.
So his day goes, until just after the library clock strikes 2 o’clock. That’s when Potter and Granger show up. Draco doesn’t see them, but he hears their voices, easily recognizable from being so often on the wireless – Granger is chattering about wizarding law and magical creates, and Potter is humouring her with one-word answers. Draco’s head shoots up, pure panic searing through his veins.
He glances wildly around but doesn’t catch sight of them – they’re somewhere else in the library – and he’s already half out of his seat and considering how best to make a break for it before his mind catches up with him. He pauses, taking a calming breath. Right, he’s being a fool again. They won’t recognize him. To them, he’s just a stranger in a library.
Draco forces himself to calm down, tentatively perching back on the edge of his armchair. He flicks open his book again, his muscles still tense as he looks unseeingly at the pages. But minutes go by and nothing happens, and Draco feels himself relaxing again.
His fingers loosen their grip on the book, and he allows himself to sink further into the armchair and actually start reading again. It’s interesting stuff, the theory behind wandless magic and the changes that must be adjusted for when not using a conduit. He lips move along silently as he reads a passage about the delicacy of shaping and directing magic by will alone.
There’s an exercise here too, walking him through the steps to produce harmless sparkles and then working through controlling the amount, shape, and intensity of them. It’s not a direct, straightforward endeavor, of course, where one simply follows a series of instructions and achieves a result. This is more nuanced, the instructions more abstract, requiring interpretation and creativity to apply them.
But Draco has had a lot of practice working with his magic, and many of these concepts come easily to him now. He feels he’s progressing though the book faster than he would ordinarily, had he not spent so much time reaching into himself and trying to guide his own magic.
The text expects that it will take several days of practice to even pull one’s magic up far enough to get sparkles, but it’s infinitely easier than heating charms and Draco has them dancing around before him in a matter of minutes. Changing their properties is more of a challenge, one that Draco dives into with enthusiasm. He spends the better part of an hour learning how to make sparkles bend to his whim.
He’s having fun making little sparkle fireworks when he looks up and sees Harry Potter standing there and staring at him. He lets out a surprised squawk, the sparkles fizzling out unceremoniously.
Potter flushes and scratches at the back of his head. “Sorry about that,” he says. “You’re the bloke from yesterday right? The one I ran into?”
Draco’s mouth opens and closes uselessly, not sure what to say. Potter remembers him, from bumping into him in the street. Potter is talking to him. Normally. What the fuck?
The silence hangs, awkward, for a beat before Potter fills it. “I really am sorry you know,” he says, and it’s no less awkward now that he’s speaking. Draco casts about for something to say.
“I…it’s fine,” he settles on faintly. He’d said as much yesterday hadn’t he? He distinctly remembers babbling nonsense of that sort at Potter.
Potter shakes his head, scuffing his strange muggle shoes against the warm carpet as he peers at Draco again. “You ran off so quickly yesterday,” he says, surprisingly unsure. “I didn’t get a chance to offer, but I’d like to buy you a drink. To make it up to you.”
Draco frowns, opening his mouth to tell Potter, again, that it’s fine, but Potter heads him off. “I know you said it’s okay,” he says quickly, “but it would make me feel better.” When Draco still doesn’t answer, he tilts his head, gives him a beseeching look that makes him look a little like a baby Crup, and says “Please?”
“Umm…” Draco replies intelligently, clutching his book hard and holding ut in front of him like a barrier. He shouldn’t accept, he really shouldn’t. He’s already decided it best that he stay far away from Potter, no matter how cutely he’s behaving at the moment. If Potter remembers who he is, it will ruin everything.
But Potter is offering him a free drink that isn’t water, and maybe Draco can get him to throw in a bit of food that won’t deplete his meagre stash…
Draco’s stomach turns restlessly, reminding him of how perpetually hungry he is. He knows that he shouldn’t, but he can’t resist.
“Throw in a bagel and I’ll consider it,” he decides, and Potter’s eyes light up.
“Brilliant!” He says eagerly, bouncing slightly on his heels like an overexcited kid. He gestures at Draco’s book. “Let’s get that checked out and we can go,” he says.
He wants to go right now? Draco looks at him in shock, but he seems perfectly serious, still looking over at Draco’s book.
“Oh, erm, never mind that. I’ll just…” Draco trails off awkwardly, nodding toward the shelves. Potter waits as he gets up and re-shelves the book.
Potter takes his arm as soon as he’s finished putting the book away, half-leading and half-dragging him toward the front of the library. They take a small detour to the section on wizarding law, where Granger is browsing the shelves with single-minded determination, so that Potter can call his goodbyes. He barely waits for her reply before he’s leading Draco away again.
They walk down Diagon Alley for a way, passing half-a-dozen little cafes that Potter shows no interest in, and then turn off onto another little street. It’s also a commercial street, but it’s smaller than Diagon, quainter and quieter. It’s still resplendent with Christmas lights, but it has a different air; the quieter atmosphere lends a sense of magic to the air that catches Draco’s breath and causes him to gaze about in awe. It’s such a mundane thing to be excited about, something his younger self would not have even noticed, but now that his life consists of the drab, bland, dankness of Knockturn Alley, he doesn’t take such beauty for granted.
Potter draws them to a stop then, and he turns to see him watching Draco with a smile. Draco quirks an eyebrow, but Potter merely shakes his head, before turning and gesturing to a tiny shop.
“I know it doesn’t look like much, but they have the best drinks here. I swear it.” Potter says. He pulls open the door and holds it for Draco, who feels oddly flustered at the gesture. He ducks his head and murmurs his thanks before he steps inside, moving out of Potter’s way and looking around.
It’s tiny and cramped, with mismatched furniture, scrubbed wooden floors, and pale-yellow walls. It’s not fashionable at all, but it’s bright and warm and Draco likes it. A young witch is behind the counter, chatting with a wizened old man, and other than that the store is empty.
Potter steps up beside him and turns a warm smile on him. “What would you like to drink?” He asks, gesturing to the menu written in chalk behind the front counter. Draco looks over to it, but there are so many options – the board is covered completely with cutesy writing declaring the names of various drinks – that he can’t decide. Tea is a treat for Draco these days.
Potter is still looking at him expectantly, and he burns in embarrassment at failing such a simple task as deciding his drink. “Surprise me,” he hedges. Potter nods, starting to turn away, and Draco adds hastily, “but make it sweet!” He feels his cheeks flush again as Potter chuckles.
“Alright, something sweet,” he says, his green eyes impossibly soft. Draco has never seen those eyes look at him with anything but hatred, and having it now sends electric sparks through his body. Draco shudders, forcing the thought away.
Belatedly, he realises Potter’s saying something to him. “Sorry?” He asks. His face is going to be permanently red at this point.
Potter raises his eyebrows, but he’s smiling. “I said, why don’t you get us seats and I’ll get the drinks.”
Draco raises an eyebrow of his own and looks pointedly around the empty café. “That may be a hardship, what with this crowd, but I’ll try my very best,” he cheeks. Potter outright laughs at that.
“Alright, Mr. Sass, just go sit down,” he says. Draco smirks but turns to comply, while Potter approaches the counter. He hears, from behind him, the girl at the counter saying “Harry! Back so soon?”, and Potter answering with something too quiet for Draco to hear.
He chooses the little round table nearest to the front window and sits, looking out at the twinkling street. Once upon a time, he would have looked down on a place like this. Now, he barely feels that he belongs, with his holey gloves and tattered, baggy clothes. He privately thanks Potter’s apparently overly active sense of remorse that’s led to him being here.
Potter soon comes back, levitating a mug of something steaming, that’s topped generously with whipped cream, and a freshly toasted bagel in front of him. It’s soon followed by a platter of pastries that slides into place between them. Draco blinks at these and then looks questioningly up at him. “What are these then?” he asks. Potter flushes.
“They’re – ah – something sweet,” he explains haltingly, scratching at the back of his head. Merlin, no wonder his hair was a mess. Still, it’s an exceedingly decent thing of Potter to do, and certainly not anything he’s used to.
“Thank you,” he replies, quiet but honest. Potter beams at him, and Draco smiles back as he sips at his drink, which he is delighted to find is hot chocolate.
“So…” says Potter, sliding into the seat across from him, “I never did get your name.”
Draco freezes – can he give Potter his own name? Will that break this anonymity he’s been granted? He’s not sure, and he doesn’t want to chance it.
“Emory,” he says, thinking of the dashing love interest in the romance novel sitting on his bed. “Emory Hughes.”
“Emory Hughes,” Potter repeats, smiling. “I’m Harry Potter.”
“I know,” says Draco without thinking, then clamps his mouth shut, eyes widening. Luckily, Potter doesn’t seem suspicious.
“I had wondered,” he says instead, laughing, and Draco is struck again by how handsome Potter is. He swallows nervously and, to distract himself, takes a pastry and pops it into his mouth. It’s good – incredible really – flaky, buttery, and filled with sweet cream. Draco can’t help his moan, closing his eyes in pleasure. Merlin, and he’d just wanted a bagel!
Potter has stopped laughing somewhat abruptly, and Draco opens his eyes to see him picking up his mug and taking a huge gulp. He then immediately flails, sputtering “Hot! Hot!” and dripping hot chocolate from his mouth and probably from his nose also.
The sight of Harry Potter, Saviour of the Wizarding World, dribbling hot chocolate is too much, and Draco can’t hold in his delighted laughter. Potter manages to get a hold of himself, dabbing at his mouth with his serviette and blushing furiously as he glares at Draco, but that only makes Draco laugh harder. Potter glares for a moment longer, and then he is laughing too. “I’m not usually this clumsy, honest!” Potter defends once they’ve both calmed down.
Draco shakes his head, tearing his bagel apart and smirking at Potter. “I don’t know,” he replies, “first you bowled me over in the Alley yesterday, and now this.” He sighs dramatically. “I think you will just have to accept the obvious – you are an utter klutz”
Harry pouts. “I hope you’ll accept all of my flaws then,” he says, and Draco grins.
“If your flaws continue buying me hot chocolate and pastries, I might just be persuaded,” he returns easily. He sips at said hot chocolate to make his point and smirks at Potter.
“Such a hardship,” Potter says. “How will my flaws and I manage?”
Draco throws a crumb of toasted bagel at him. “How dare you,” he sniffs. “I’m a delight, I’ll have you know.”  
Potter gives him a once over, smirks, and says, “I see that.” Draco sputters, red-cheeked. Is Potter flirting with him? No, that can’t be possible, he’s reading too much into it. That’s just to be expected when nobody’s talked to him like a human in years, he supposes – a single modicum of human decency is shown to him, and he thinks he’s being flirted with.
Draco inwardly rolls his eyes at him self and pops a bite of bagel into his mouth. “Well, good to know those glasses are good for something then,” he says at length, far too late. Potter doesn’t call him out on it, though his green eyes are amused as he sips his hot chocolate.
Potter proves surprisingly easy to talk to, a notion that once would have sent Draco into a conniption. He’s always thought the man fit, but now as he sits chatting with him, he finds that his company is honestly pleasant as well. The afternoon passes faster than he realises, and by the time they get up to leave, the sun is hanging low and painting the sky bright with colour.
Potter walks with him back to the library, where he needs to meet up with Granger, and Draco is almost regretful as they arrive.
“Thank you, Potter,” he says, stopping just inside the library door.
“Call me Harry,” Potter insists. Draco frowns – that’s decidedly too weird. It’s not as though they’re going to see each other again anyway.
“Goodbye Potter,” he insists instead. Potter opens his mouth to argue, but at that moment Granger emerges from the stacks and catches sight of them. She makes a beeline toward Potter, and Draco nods a greeting at her and steps out of the way. He catches sight of Potter’s pout in the corner of his eye and grins to himself, feeling lighter than he has in years as he makes his way back to the wandless magic section.
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Study Me How to Please the Eye Indeed, Ch. 2
Ch. 1 here
Warnings: cursing
Introductions Pt. 2
Jesus, that kid is a lot, Janus grumbled as he readjusted himself on the tiny bed. Five minutes and he’s trying to get me to spill my whole life story.
It wasn’t even that great a story. Just your typical troubled child— bullied, outcast, problems with authority— the usual. Why did he care? And what’s so wrong with using a nickname? Lots of people go by nicknames. Why’d he have to call him out on that of all things?
Janus wondered if Remus’s story was much different. He certainly looked like a troubled kid. Leather jacket, ripped jeans, piercings everywhere. And that stupid mustache. He looked like he belonged in a strip club. Or a porno. What the hell was he doing here?
Oh, who am I to judge someone based on their appearance? Janus groaned and shoved his face into his pillow. I certainly wouldn’t know anything about that.
Don’t fall into old habits, Dee. You’re here to make a new start, remember? Clean slate. No mistakes. No judgment.
No lying.
Hell, that’s probably why he’s here too. A new start. Rude and annoying huh? Does he get that a lot? Hah. I fucking wonder why. Well, he won’t get that from me. We’ll keep each other in check. He’s sure to call me out on my bullshit; I’ll make sure to let him. Together we can start fresh.
But for now, I need to fucking sleep.
                                   *            *            *            *            *
It was well past dark when Janus heard the door open. Remus sauntered in and slammed the door behind him, causing Janus to flinch slightly. His head was still pounding, but he tried not to look too irritated.
“You were out late,” Janus said in as calm a tone as he could muster.
“Sorry, mom,” Remus mocked. He flopped down on his bed and let out a long sigh. He didn’t seem to be in the best of moods either. Janus decided not to push the issue, and went back to the book he was reading.
Remus watched Janus read for a while. “Did you get some sleep?” He finally asked.
“Some,” Janus replied.
“That’s good.” Remus turned his gaze back to the ceiling. Funny, he’d been so talkative earlier. What happened out there?
“What have you been up to?” Janus tried casually.
“Wandering the campus. Found the science building. It’s big.”
“Is that where your classes are gonna be?”
“Yep. Chem major,” Remus continued to speak to the ceiling. Janus wondered if this was payback for being so defensive earlier.
“What about you? What are you majoring in?”
“Oh dope. That’s tough shit. You must be pretty smart.”
“I could say the same thing about a chemistry major.”
“Yeah well, I really just wanna learn how to make a bomb,” he paused a moment, but then turned and smiled at Janus. “Kidding.”
“Funny,” Janus said flatly. This guy is so weird.
“Hey, have you had dinner yet?” Remus suddenly popped up and sat cross-legged on the bed. He bounced slightly, causing the old wire frame to creak underneath him.
Janus was caught a bit off-guard by the sudden change in demeanor. “N-No, not yet.”
Remus reached into his coat pocket, pulled out a small package, and tossed it to Janus. Janus turned it over in his hands, and found it to be a package of pop tarts— strawberry flavored.
“They have a whole stand of free snacks in the cafeteria. I took a bunch of ‘em,” Remus stated as he began unwrapping his own morsel.
“Healthy,” Janus said snidely, eyeing the sugar content.
“If you don’t want it, give it back,” Remus mumbled, half of the pop tart already in his mouth.
Janus very much would have given it back, if it weren’t for his growling stomach. As well as not sleeping, he also hadn’t eaten anything since that morning. And considering how late it was, the pop tart was probably his best option.
“Thanks,” he mumbled as he unwrapped the frosted pastry.
“Welcome,” Remus smiled, “figured you probably hadn’t eaten much. I’ll make sure to get something ‘healthier’ next time.”
“You got this specifically for me?”
“Of course not. I got it for me. But then I thought you might want some too, so I went back,” having practically inhaled his pastry, Remus tossed the wrapper and began work on a second one.
“That was... very thoughtful. Thank you,” Janus repeated.
“What can I say, I’m just a thoughtful guy,” Remus finished his second pack and laid back down on the bed, satisfied.
“And here I thought you were just another guy with dicks for brains.”
Remus shot a glance at Janus, surprised, but Janus just gave him an impish smile.
Remus’s face broke into a wide grin. He looked almost proud.
“I like you, Dee. I think we’re gonna get along just fine.”
Janus smiled as he took a bite out of his pop tart.
“Me too.”
“Hey Pat, you dropped this.”
“Oh, Lollihops!” Patton plucked the stuffed frog from Roman’s hands, and carefully set it down on his pillow next to the other two.
“So you like frogs, huh?” Roman commented.
“Yeah! I know it’s weird, a grown man with stuffed animals, but I just couldn’t leave home without em! They’re like my babies!” Patton smiled at the little trio. Lollihops, Croakington and Sir Hopsalot had stuck by Patton his whole life, even when everything around him was constantly changing. He wasn’t about to let them go anytime soon.
“They’re cute,” Roman said encouragingly, and gave Lollihops a little pat on the head. “Nothing wrong with a few little cuddly companions. As long as they make you happy right?”
“Yes, yes, exactly! Thank you!” Patton beamed with excitement. It felt so good to be validated, especially by someone like Roman. He figured Roman would think he was weird, or childish; after all, he seemed so strong, and mature, and confident,
and pretty,
but he also seemed really nice and compassionate. It was clear Roman was way out of Patton’s league, but he didn’t seem to mind. Patton counted his lucky stars that he got such a good roommate.
As he did, Patton noticed a ringed notebook sitting on the desk next to his bed. It wasn’t one of his; it was red and sparkly, and had a small drawing in the lower corner— a dragon wearing a little witches hat, etched in black ink.
“Hey Roman, is this yours?” Patton asked as he picked up the small notebook off the desk. Not thinking, he opened it up and started reading a page.
Roman turned and jumped when he saw Patton reading. “Oh, that’s nothing,” he said as he snatched the book out of Patton’s hands. “Just a journal.”
“S-sorry, I didn’t mean to pry,” Patton said sheepishly. Come on, Pat, you should know better. That’s private!
But what he had seen had made him curious. He had to ask, “Do you write poems?”
Roman eyed Patton cautiously, still clutching the journal. He seemed to be deciding what to tell him.
“They’re... song lyrics, actually.”
“Really?” Patton’s jaw dropped, “That’s so cool! Do you sing?”
“Sort of,” Roman shifted in place, looking both flattered and embarrassed. “I’m better at guitar, though.”
“You play guitar?!” Patton’s eyes shone in excitement. “Wow! I wish I was talented like that. I can play Chopsticks on the piano but that’s about it. And you write your own songs?”
“Well...” Roman’s lack of enthusiasm was quite perplexing. What was he so embarrassed about? Patton wondered.
“I try to write songs,” Roman explained, “I haven’t finished any of them. None of them are very good anyway.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Well, they’re just... I don’t know, I just...”
Patton watched Roman fumble with the notebook as he fumbled over his words. Perhaps he wasn’t as confident as he looked. He needed some encouragement.
“Do you mind if I read some? I don’t want to overstep my boundaries, I get that it’s private, but...” Patton trailed off and waited for an answer.
Roman thought about it another moment, but finally relented and handed over the journal.
Patton opened it back up to the page he had seen, and read quietly. He read another page. And another. Each one was covered in beautiful phrases about love and loss, happiness and anger, risk and regret. Patton read and read, amazed at the talent and heart that was being poured out onto every page.
“These... are really good, Roman,” Patton spoke softly with wonder, “Why did you think they weren’t good?”
“I don’t know. They all sound so... cliché. Everybody writes love songs, you know? I wanna write something new, y’know, something nobody’s done before. I just always start out with an idea, but then... I start hating it halfway through. That’s why I never finish anything.”
Patton finally closed the notebook and handed it back to Roman. “Well, I think people write about love so much because there’s so many ways to talk about it. It’s not so much what you write about, it’s how you write it, right?” He gave Roman the warmest smile he could possibly manage, “And I think you write beautifully.”
Roman’s cheeks burned red, and he looked down at the little notebook. “You’re not just saying that?”
“Of course not!” Patton dared to place a hand on Roman’s shoulder. He didn’t shy away. “I think you’re a very talented individual, Roman, and I look forward to getting to know what you’re all about!”
Roman smiled, “Thanks Pat. I... I can call you Pat, right?”
Patton smiled back, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
The diner was small and cramped, but in a cozy kind of way. Logan and Virgil had settled on it after assessing the state of their wallets, and were now sat at the counter, watching the chefs bustle about in the kitchen. The smell of eggs, bacon, pies, pancakes, and maple syrup hung in the air. Oldies crackled over the speakers, almost drowned out by the mumble and bumble of conversation from the other patrons. Logan’s deep voice added to the sound, as he continued to ramble about this and that. He wasn’t paying much attention to what he was saying; he was focused more on Virgil’s reaction. The boy next to him sat hunched over, eyes averted, fidgeting with his fork. He looked like he was trying very hard not to look too uncomfortable.
Logan’s heart sank. He had been so excited when Virgil agreed to accompany him; the prospects of making a new friend were slim for Logan. It was his own fault, he knew. He just couldn’t seem to relate to others— his interests never matched those around him. Even now, the boy in the dark sweatshirt and shaggy black haircut couldn’t be less interested in what he had to say. However, Logan would have to share a room with him for the next four months at least, so this was not a relationship he could afford to lose. He decided to accept defeat before the situation got any worse.
“I’m talking your ear off, aren’t I?” Logan tried to sound pleasant and positive, and not disappointed at all.
Virgil perked up immediately. “No no, you’re fine. Sorry,” he said, almost instinctively.
Logan cocked his head, confused. “Why are you apologizing?”
“Oh, I just,” Virgil stuttered, “Sorry, I’m not— you know, sorry for not, contributing to the... the conversation... much...” his voice trailed off to a whisper as a soft pink spread across his pale cheeks.
Logan was taken aback. He had not expected an apology. What’s more, Virgil seemed embarrassed. Why would he be embarrassed?
“That’s nothing to apologize for,” Logan said earnestly, “I should be the one apologizing, I’m yammering away and not letting you get a word in.”
“Oh, that’s ok. I’m... not really a big talker,” Virgil dared a glance over at Logan, “If you couldn’t tell already.”
“Well, I tend to talk a little too much,” Logan smiled back, “If you couldn’t tell already. Just let me know if I start to annoy you. I won’t be offended at all.”
“Do people say that a lot?”
“That you annoy them?”
Yes, thought Logan. All the time. Not in so many words, but in their actions, their reactions, and their subtle body language. A quiet sigh, a resigned look, a shallow excuse to end the conversation; no one ever mentioned it, but it was oh so clear to Logan— nobody seemed to care. No one had ever really listened. No one had tried to understand. No one had ever, ever said the words—
“You don’t annoy me,” Virgil’s voice cut through Logan’s thoughts and struck him at his core. He had set down his fork, and was staring intently at Logan with his dark eyes.
“I’m sorry if I made it seem that way. I’m just, not very good in social situations. I have a hard time talking, making eye contact and all that. But that doesn’t mean I’m not interested.” He looked down for a brief moment, and then back up again, “The truth is, I was really nervous to do this. I mean, I don’t know you. But you seem like a nice guy, and I mean, I’m gonna have to get to know you eventually, right? And if you don’t mind me being so quiet, I don’t mind just listening to you.” His cheeks flared pink again and he muttered quietly, “I really like listening to you.”
“...Oh.” Logan was struck speechless. Who was this boy, who spoke so softly, but so sincerely? Where had he learned to be so heartfelt with such simple words? Could he really be telling the truth? Logan searched his face for some semblance of deceit, but he found none. Only concern creeping up behind his eyes.
“Uh... are you ok?” Virgil asked cautiously.
“Yes!” Logan said a little too excitedly, “Yes. I just... don’t hear that very often. Thank you.”
Virgil smiled for the first time since the two had met. “No problem,” he said quietly.
As if following a cue, the waitress arrived with their orders, and the two boys turned their attention to eggs and hash browns. However, Logan’s mind continued to play the words over and over: You don’t annoy me. I like listening to you. You don’t annoy me. I like listening to you. You don’t annoy me...
Maybe, just maybe, this would be a friendship to last.
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galaxae · 4 years
3, 7 and 18 for as many as you can answer; btw do you still have an ocs page? like with introductions and all that
wow this took forever oops!
tysm for the ask!! i’ve been meaning to make a carrd or something with oc intros, but i have so goddamn many ocs and so little time now that i’m in college and all that. and i have the code saved from my old pages before i remade, but those are kind of outdated and incomplete
that being said i’m probably gonna end up making that carrd regardless of how busy i am cause special interest indulgence and all that, so i’ll post about it when i do
anyway! i’m putting the actual oc answers under a readmore because i’m gonna try to do all the ocs i listed and it’ll be kinda long lol
3. What does your oc’s voice sound like? (Or, if you have one, what’s their voiceclaim?) Can they sing, whistle, or roll their rs? Do they have any speech impediments or notable dialects/accents?
how does one even describe voices... ok here goes
avani: she’s my character for a ttrpg campaign, so her voice sounds basically like mine (which might not help much cause you don’t know how i talk lol), but when i’m talking as her i pitch my voice up a bit and make it a bit more nasally. she’s not much of a singer, nor can she whistle, but she can roll her r’s pretty well. also, since she’s autistic and hard of hearing, her tone of voice often comes off the "wrong” way
farhan: he’s another ttrpg character i play lol, or at least he will be next semester, so his voice is again kind of like mine. but when i talk as him i pitch my voice down and it’s a bit hoarse. ig his voice would also be more “masculine” than mine but whatever. he can sing and whistle but has a pretty small vocal range (since he’s, like, 13 right now and will be 16 when i rp him next semester)
carter: i imagine his voice as low and on the quiet and raspy end, with a tiny bit of a lisp. he’s way too insecure to try to sing or even whistle or anything like that, though if he practiced at it he’d probably get pretty good
calira: she’s mute so n/a i guess. but she talks pretty formally in her dialect of elvish sign language, which is definitely unusual
sam: they have kind of a low voice that’s also raspy, but with quite a bit of pep and variation in their tone. they can even sing pretty well and they like to whistle constantly while working. that creates some kind of whiplash cause sam comes off as a typical edgy teen a lot of the time
jizoriel: high-pitched with lots of voice cracks, peak pretentious preteen/early teen jerkass. he can’t really sing or do anything similar, nor does he want to very much
victoria: so quiet and raspy that you can barely make out that it’s low and has a soothing and pleasant tone to it. she can sing well, or at least she could once upon a time
rowan: just! the happiest and most cheerful voice you can imagine! so much love behind how she talks! her voice fills up her whole head and the whole room!! and she whistles sometimes while she walks
ace: defies any masculine or feminine labels, smooth and cool in theory but they stutter quite a bit
charity: gruff but with a hint of cheer and clarity behind it that comes out when she’s startled. she loves to sing but can’t whistle and can’t roll her r’s either
jamal: i actually have a voiceclaim for him! it’s this (the voice that sings from 1:51 to 1:58)
kimberly: her voice is a bit high and a bit... idk how to say it exactly... i guess shrill would be the word?
fabián: his voice seems higher-pitched than it actually is cause he talks higher when he’s anxious, and he’s always anxious. it’s a bit hard to describe his voice otherwise tbh. i can hear it in my head but i can’t quite put it to paper oops. oh yeah also he has a great singing voice but never uses it sooo
7. What song reminds you of this oc? Does this match up with the type of music your oc likes to listen to?
this question opens up a wormhole cause i have playlists for many of these guys but instead i’ll just provide one (1) song for each and vaguely describe their music taste, how does that sound
avani: honestly “mr. capgras encounters a secondhand vanity” by will wood is a “her” song to me. her music taste leans a lot more toward older music though (like some classics from the 70s and 80s and such)
farhan: he’s still very new so i haven’t really found a song for him yet. but i know he absolutely loves peppy and energetic pop music and also sappy gay love songs
carter: (slaps my hand away when i try to type another will wood song) “fantasy island” by the shins always launches me into daydreams about him. which kinda roughly aligns with his music taste, he listens to a lot of those “mainstream indie” artists. he’d also listen to will wood because he’s gay and mentally ill <3
calira: one of my favorite songs on her playlist is “maximillian von spee” by dirt poor robins. but the music she listens to is basically all invigorating church-loving stuff with medieval-era instruments lmao
sam: “sometimes” by nick lutsko is an absolute bop and very much a sam song. sam actually doesn’t go out of their way to listen to music though, but when they do they listen to either the most soothing and relaxing stuff or to the angriest metal emo music. no in between
jizoriel: i’ll go the less emo angle here and say a song that reminds me of him is “upside down” by jack johnson. jizoriel’s music taste is like. old choir music and shit plus incomprehensible magical music that doesn’t even sound like music. if he was from earth he’d like my chemical romance
victoria and rowan: i’m grouping these two together here because a song that reminds me very strongly of both of them/their relationship is “human” by dodie. which actually fits very well into both of their music tastes!
ace: again, going the less edgy angle here, “auntie earth” by walter mitty and his makeshift orchestra. but ace mostly listens to uh, classical flute music and flute covers
charity: absolutely “dance and cry” by mother mother, that’s pretty much her theme song. it’s among her favorite songs in canon too
jamal: “tire swing” by los elk, since his arc is about letting go of childhood and all that jazz. he’s more inclined to listen to fun. and other pop artists and rappers and such. he likes janelle monae
kimberly: “best tears” by the happy fits for sure. in terms of her music taste though, her taste is pretty similar to jamal’s. they bond over being janelle monae fans
fabián: by god does “heal” by so much light fit him. his taste is that he rotates through three (3) specific obscure indie artists lmao, so theoretically i guess that specific song is included in there
18. How does your oc see themself? How does this compare to the way other ocs see them?
i am gonna do my best to keep these short cause this is a loaded question for all of them hoo boy
avani: how she sees herself: honestly the worst person alive. unless she spends every moment of her time trying to make up for what she’s done, she’s worthless, and she doesn’t deserve to love herself in any capacity how others see her: her brother (farhan) really looks up to her! most of the time. the superhero team she’s on (other people’s ocs) all think she’s generally smart and capable enough, and her boyfriend in particular thinks she’s incredible
farhan: how he sees himself: as of right now? a misunderstood emo middle schooler who’s still kind of cool i guess how others see him: his sister (avani) thinks he’s quite an impressive and charismatic young man
carter:  how he sees himself: 1/10 awkward and annoying how others see him: carter reminds calira too much of her old self, so she love-hates him. sam thinks he’s weak and cowardly but admires his kindness. and jizoriel clings to him as a caring father figure and loves carter’s passion for natural studies
calira: how she sees herself: it goes back and forth between “i’m the greatest chosen one ever im such a strong warrior” and “wow i’m literal trash why did the gods pick me for this” how others see her: carter is a bit intimidated by her but appreciates her attempts to vibe with him, sam thinks she’s an annoying pretentious self-important bitch (but their opinion softens over time), and jizoriel sees right through her facade and feels comfortable around her because of it
sam:  how they see themself: evil and in need of redemption, kind of similar to avani ig but with 10x more confidence in their skills and also much more violent how others see them: carter knows theyre doing their best even if theyre kind of an asshole, calira is a fan of their strength and determination, and jizoriel Hates Their Guts (at first) because they baby him too much
jizoriel: how he sees himself: a fucking fraud of a prince. all he has going for him is his abilities as a mage, but even then those are shaky how others see him: carter knows he’s very insecure and wants to comfort him, calira admires his magical prowess and noble air, and sam thinks he’s a snarky little pretentious douchebag but also he reminds them of their late brother and they want to protect him at all costs
victoria: how she sees herself: basically dead. only good for interacting with ghosts. not worthy of the human world or of friendship how others see her: she reminds rowan of her old self. rowan sees a glimmer of love and hope in her and wants to bring it out
rowan: how she sees herself: a fucking mess but she’s trying her best and that’s what counts! how others see her: victoria very much appreciates her cheerful air even if she doesn’t act like it
ace: how they see themself: way too weird to be human, way too weak not to be. their self-image changes constantly. theyre very confused about everything please help how others see them: charity is literally dating them lol she thinks theyre the cutest person alive, jamal appreciates how hard they try as a friend, kimberly thinks theyre an alien invader whom she can study and use to get further in life, and fabián knows more about ace than anyone else and loves them for it
charity: how she sees herself: a Teenager who’s struggling. she desperately wants to be young without the burden of her trauma but whether she thinks of herself as emo and sad and angry or not depends a lot on her mood how others see her: ace adores everything about her, jamal loves how cool and fun and sociable she can be, kimberly is annoyed with her rebelliousness, and fabián worries very much for her well-being and can’t shake the image of her as helpless (oops that’s gonna cause some drama)
jamal: how he sees himself: just a chill guy trying to get by. unremarkable. how others see him: ace is grateful for how forgiving he can be but is still terrified of him being angry over [spoilers], charity loves how sociable and fun he is and how protective he can be of his friends, kimberly secretly envies his carefree nature, and fabián sees him as a solid acquaintance to whom he did not give a good first impression
kimberly: how she sees herself: not good! if she can’t grow up fast and do science well then she’s useless how others see her: ace wants to be friends with her but doesn’t know how to do that, charity is annoyed by her rule-bound-ness, jamal thinks she’s cool but should unwind a little, and fabián resents her at first but would still like to play chess with her sometime
fabián: how he sees himself: he has a moral responsibility to help people Or Else. way too anxious and stuck up but he doesn’t know how to change that how others see him: ace fuckin Loves this guy, charity loves him too but she gets pissed when he tries to help her with anything, jamal genuinely thinks he’s a great guy and wants to get to know him better, and kimberly is actually impressed by him and envies his apparent confidence and charisma
ok ok that’s it i promise. sorry this is so long and tysm for reading if you made it this far!! feel free to ask more oc questions literally whenever, that goes for anyone reading this <3
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Upside Down Chapter 13
Pairing: Sweet Pea x Reader
Summary: You don’t know much about Sweet Pea, except for what you hear in the hallways around school. You pass him on your way to and from classes and you’ve perhaps brushed his arm a hand full of times. You don’t know him and he doesn’t know you.
That is until you save his baby sister from the Ghoulies all while simultaneously getting involved in a world you want nothing to do with and events you would rather stay out of.
Too bad the Ghoulies have other ideas…
Get caught up with the Masterlist!
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Chapter 13: Girl Meets Terror
Fear. Fear can do a lot to people, especially in a place where fear rules the world. In the town of Riverdale the Northside and Southside may as well have been different worlds. News of the Blackhood had spread to the Southside, moreso, news that the Northside thinks someone in the Southside is actually the Blackhood. Sometimes living in Riverdale is like living the plot of a bad movie, where even when you are innocent... you are guilty. In the end… it all comes down to one thing...Fear.
Gazing at Sweet Pea’s black eye you just shake your head.
“What does Monty look like?” you question with a barely there smirk.
He smirks back, “Way worse…”
You roll your eyes as you sit down in your usual seat. A moment later when Jughead Jones walks into the room you whip your head towards him in complete confusion.
“Umm… Jughead… I think you’re in the wrong school…”
“Oh… right…. I forgot to tell you…I go to this school now,” he says looking around distracted by how different everything is.
“Well thanks for telling me… When did that happen?”
“You know what I mean…” you say in exasperation.
A moment later your teacher walks into the room and starts the lesson.
“Fahrenheit 451, by one of my favorite authors, Ray Bradbury. Start with the title, can anyone tell me it’s significance?”
“WHAT? Damnit!” yells Sweet Pea as he kicks the chair out of his way and storms out of the room.
You just roll your eyes and ignore his outburst like the rest of the class. Perhaps you are getting a little too used to it?
“People… there is a burning book on the cover,” you teacher says sounding exasperated, you aren’t sure if it’s from Sweet Pea’s outburst or the silence in the room.
Jughead squeezes his eyes shut in annoyance at the silence before he says, “Fahrenheit 451 is the temperature at which paper burns. It was a pleasure to burn.”
“Good job Mr. Jones... Welcome to hell.”
Jughead glances over at you before a paper wad is thrown at him. You just shrug and mouth ‘keep your head down.’ He frowns at you before he turns back to the front of the room.
When the bell at the end of class rings you rush off to find Sweet Pea when Jughead waves you off telling you he’s going to talk to the teacher about opening up the Red and Black again.
Walking down the hallway you see Sweet Pea leaning against your locker waiting for you.
“Take care of business?” you ask as you join him.
“You know it,” he says with a sigh as he leans back against the locker, his head falling back with a metallic thud.
“What’s wrong?”
“Don’t lie to me…”
“Just not sure how I feel about that Jones’ kid being here that’s all.”
“Why is that?”
He just shrugs in a non committal way.
“This isn’t about…”
“Okay… but be nice to him okay? He’s my friend and he’s obviously been through alot.”
He rolls his eyes as he seems to physically pull himself from the locker.
“Whatever… Second period is going to suck…”
“Did you do the homework?”
“We had homework?”
“Toni didn’t tell you?”
“Would I have done it?”
“Then why would she have told me?”
“I don’t know Pea… that was a mistake on my part… sorry…” you with sarcasm as you hold your hands up in a surrender pose.
The two of you head off down the hallway to class and end up having a relatively peaceful day, all things considered.
Sweets: Ready to go to the quarry?
You: Sure! Do we have backup this time??
Sweets: Yeah… a bunch of guys are going
You: Sounds good! Did you invite Jughead?
Sweets: He doesn’t want to go.
You: Did you actually ask him?
Sweets: YES! And he doesn’t want to go. He’s so fucking ungrateful!
You: Ungrateful?
Sweets: Yeah ungrateful.
It’s at that moment you see Sweet Pea coming down the hallway and put your phone in your pocket.
“How is he ungrateful?” you ask picking up the conversation where you left off.
“He asked the Serpents for help with his dad and now he thinks he can just throw us to the side now that he has what he needs.”
“Why would he ask the Serpents for help?”
“He’s FP Jones’ kid…”
“The Serpent King.”
“Does he have a crown?”
Sweet Pea turns to looks at you in annoyance and you just hold your hands up in surrender.
“Sorry I asked…”
“It just pisses me off because he’s treated like some kind of prince and he doesn’t even want to have shit to do with us. Like we’re some kind of embarrassment.”
“It probably has less to do with the Serpents and more to do with his dad…”
“Okay well… The quarry sounds nice today.”
“So much attitude and so little time…”
He rolls his eyes at you but smirks anyway. It would be the first time that you are really hanging out with everyone after what happened a week or so ago. You couldn’t help but feel a little nervous. You try to shake the feelings off as you make your way to your locker. Sweet Pea leans against the locker next to yours as you open the door and you take a tiny jump back as something falls to the floor. Sweet Pea looks down at the small square that is on the floor and furrows his brows in confusion and concern. You reach down to pick it up and inspect the outside of the red paper in your hands. You open the paper and a chill runs down your spine. Written in a black bold sharpie are the words “YOUR NEXT PRINCESS.”
Sweet Pea grabs the paper out of your hands and crumbles it up.
“This isn’t fuckin’ funny,” he says with barely contained rage.
“I’m sure it’s just a prank Pea…” you mutter but can’t keep the trimmer out of your voice.
“I don’t care. We’re showing the others.”
You just nod as you follow him down the hallway.
You get to the quarry and Sweet Pea wastes no time in gathering the others.
“We have a threat against (Y/N),” he says as he throws the note down on the ground.
“You think it’s that Black Hood guy?” Questions Fangs as he picks up the note to look at it.
“Probably not…” says Toni popping her gum, “They didn’t even use the right ‘you’re’, it’s probably just a Ghoulie.”
“Should we care though?” questions a Serpent you didn’t know, “I mean… she’s not an official Serpent and she’s caused plenty of trouble.
“What did you say?” questions Sweet Pea with a dangerous tone.
“You heard me dude… that fight between you and Monty will have consequences.”
“Just because you’re up her ass doesn't mean we have to be…” interjects another.
“Seriously guys? She’s Serpent by association now. Besides… you all know that was Monty’s shit not hers!” chimes in Tori a chorus of ‘yeahs’ going up from several members.
“Whatever… I’m not getting involved with her shit… between her and Jones we’ve done enough charity work for one year.” With that several members turn and walk away leaving you and your friends.
Sweet Pea turns to you a moment later, “Don’t worry Babydoll, you’re going to be fine.”
You look up at him not sure if you will be for the first time since you met him.
“You know you haven’t hung out with Gumdrop in a while, want to go home and chill for the day?”
You just nod, the reaction from the other Serpents confirming your fears and making you feel self conscience and scared.
You’ve never really talked with Sweet Pea about your anxiety, but it is getting the better of you today. You’re in a daze as you sit at the kitchen table with Gumdrop to your left. A variety of paints sit between the two of you, but you just gaze down at the white paper before you.
“Are you okay?” Gumdrop asks quietly shaking you from your revery.
You glance up at her startled from your thoughts and just send her a small smile and a nod.
“It’s okay if you’re scared… but big brother won’t let anything happen to you. He loves you too much for that.”
“Gumdrop you ready for dinner?” Sweet Pea interrupts. You can see the slight blush on his face as he avoids your eyes obviously hearing what his little sister said.
You smile softly at the thought of Sweet Pea loving you, “Need help Pea?”
He glances over at you but shakes his head ‘no.’ You just nod in acceptance before picking up a paint brush and starting to put down color. You barely acknowledge when a plate of spaghetti is set down beside you and Sweet Pea drops into the chair across from you. It’s silent in the small kitchen for several moments as you finish your painting. A vision of colors dance on the page in various tones of blues, teals and greens with a splash of silver as the moon. In black pen you outline two figures standing front of the water.
“I’m taking the note to the leaders. You’re not going to deal with this by yourself.”
You glance up to see an intense look on his face.  
“I should tell my parents…” you say softly as you take a bite of the food beside you absentmindedly.
He nods as he continues to look at you with that intense look, “You know I’m not letting anything happen to you right?”
���I know Pea… It’s going to be okay…” you say to yourself as you gaze down at the picture.
“I just haven’t seen you this scared in a while.”
“It’s anxiety… Sometimes it just hits harder than others and I’m plagued with these obsessive thoughts. Like I can’t stop seeing that note. It’s honestly so hard to focus and I’m practically vibrating with effort right now. My chest feels tight and my head won’t stop and I know if I let it… it’s going to be a full blown panic attack.”
“What do you need?” he asks his voice tight with repressed fear masked with concern.
“Quiet… and reassurance.”
He just nods as he looks at you.
“I’m scared he’s going to come for Sweet Pea…”
“Who? The Black Hood? Let him try.”
Looking up into Sweet Pea’s eyes you see the vindication there, and for the first time in hours you feel truly safe.
Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this! Once again I’m not doing a taglist anymore... However you can turn on notifications for my blog or check out the story on Archive of our Own here! You can subscribe to the story and get updates!! I will continue to update on here, it’s just easier to keep up with the chapters that way, plus the taglist would be giant! If you have any questions feel free to message me! Otherwise, I would love to hear from you in the comments! I like to know how you like the story! (It also may be some great motivation... Just saying...)  
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bunnyramen · 5 years
Professor Aizawa was working on his greatest experiment yet, creating children from virtually nothing! He's been stuck in his lab for days with nothing but jelly packets and enough water to keep him alive. He's tried every combination he could think of.
Mic has tried telling him to take a break, but he knew what he was doing. He was so close he could feel it coursing through his tired veins.
He looked around at the dissaray he caused. Messy papers, ingredients everywhere, his discarded labcoat, empty packets. He really should clean up but he's so close. He rubbed his tired eyes for what seemed like the millionth time today, when suddenly he got an idea. He grabbed a large bucket and set it on the metal work table. He ran up the stairs to his house though his tired, aching joints protested against it.
He slammed open the door and looked around frantically. He ran into the kitchen and grabbed rifled through the cabinets.
Mic was already in the kitchen with his keyboard on the dining room table, his black cat sitting on his lap. He was startled when his husband, whom he handnt seen in 2 days, came into the kitchen like a bat out of hell.
"Is everything ok, Shouta?" He asked, worried that his husband finally snapped.
"Not now, baby! Im onto something! Ill see you in a few minutes!" He threw cans on the floor until he found the thing he was looking for. Fructose, also know as common table sugar. He grabbed the entire bag and stuffed everything he threw back into the lower cabinet and slammed it shut.
"You must be tired, you never call me that!" Mic glided a hand through his shiny blonde hair, playing with a couple sounds on his keyboard.
"Absolutely fatigued, baby." Aizawa opened the upper cabinets, grabbing cayenne pepper for a kick and rock salt for texture. He needed one last thing. He turned around, his long black hair slapping his cheek. "Baby, do we have anything nice?"
Mic tapped his cheek for a moment in thought. "Check my work room! I have plenty of things in there you could use."
Aizawa smiled his ever endearing smile, he quickly kissed Mic on the forehead and ran off towards the work room.
He opened the door slowly, not wanting to disturb anything. He looked around and found a frog coloring book that Mic used for when he needed to distress. Frogs were nice, they could hop pretty far. He also grabbed leftover heart stickers that Mic used to decorate his instruments. He then grabbed glitter, though messy, it gave everything a nice sparkly finish.
He quickly sprinted out of the room, almost tripping over their plump, white fluffy cat.
"Sorry, Elvis." He used his free hand to give him an apologetic scratch behind the ear. He purred loudly, seeming to forgive the overworked man. After Elvis seemed satisfied, Aizawa continued his way back to his messy laboratory. On his way back, he saw a vase full of flowers. Roses, sunflowers and a small green succulent sitting next to it. He decided to take those as well, reminding himself to buy new ones for Mic.
Aizawa opened the metal door, and walked sown the stairs briskly. He set everything he accumulated from the house onto his work table. He first poured some water into it as a base. He then dumped the flowers, water and all into it. He poured half of the bag of sugar and grabbed a spoon. He mixed it all together until the sugar dissolved. He began mixing in the bottle of cayenne and rock salt. After feelinf satisfied that everything dissolved, he ripped out a page of the frog coloring book. After tearing it into tiny pieces, he grabbed the glitter and sprinkled some in their.
He didnt want his kids to be blinding shiny. He grabbed the stickers and threw it in there, some of the concotion landing on his clothes with a splash.
He tapped his chin in thought, running his hands run over the scrappy beard he grew from nights of not shaving. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a beaker full of black liquid. He grabbed, noticing the beaker was labeled "Chemical X" in big bold letters with a skull and crossbones next to it.
He decided to hell with it, he popped off the cork and poured it into the mixture. He gave it a good stir, not caring if this was a good idea or not.
He raised an eyebrow when the nixture started to bubble like it was over a flaming burner. A loud explosion threw him back hard against the wall of his lab. He opened his eyes slowly but quickly deciding to close them when a blinding light overtook his vision. He coughed into his hand, trying not to breath in the plaster bits that floated throuugh the air.
He stopped mid cough when he heard three different coughs that couldnt have come from him. His eyes shot open, as the smoke cleared he saw 3 figures stepping into view.
"Hello?" A voice called out, cutting into the previous ringing silence of the lab.
As the smoke finally cleared, he could see twhat they actually were.
The tallest one of the three had long red poofy hair, a blood red bow, and sharp pointy teeth. The second tallest was blonde, had a large black lighting bolt on his fringe. And the shortest one had incredibly long green hair, large eyes, and a startling feature was her big hands and feet.
All 3 floated over to the tired man, each equipped with equally confused. "Who are you?" The tallest one asked, reaching out a hand towards him.
"Im Professor Aizawa, I created you." He said with awe in his voice, wondering if he was dreaming. He took the redhead's hand, surprised when he was pulled up to his feet with no effort whatsoever.
"You created us? Does that mean your our dad, kero?" The frog like one asked, putting a finger to her chin in thought.
Aizawa thought the croaking sound was pretty strange but didnt say anything about it. Why would he question what sound his now daughter made? None of this should be possible, why would he question a frog sound?!
Aizawa didnt answer, he just nodded. He still couldn't wrap his head around what just happened. He just made something that he and Mic wanted into a reality.
"Well, what are our names?" The blonde asked while Aizawa spaced out.
"Kaminari, you're name is Kaminari." He said, almost at a whisper.
He pointed to the redhead, "Kirishima."
He finally pointed at the frog girl, "Youre name is Tsuyu."
He could barely get the words out before his eyes filled with tears, the burning in his eyes just barely extinguished.
@darknoahshere Here it is! I hope it doesnt look too bad but i wanted to write this out!
@aloean I lik the way you give Kiri long hair, so he has long hair in this au!
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