#this pic took me about 25 hours total
poki-art · 2 years
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Noragami x Robin Hood AU, picture I drew for my beloved bestiest @herstrayskies ♥ this is based on Stray's fanfiction written for Noragami Big Bang 2022, Heaven's Render, which you can read on AO3 here :)
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renegaderoxy · 4 months
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RG Gundam Epyon!
Wow, what a wonderful kit! Building this one was relatively straightforward and pleasant. There’s a LOT of undergating in this kit, which helps keep it clear of nib marks, but can be very challenging to remove at times due to the small scale of a 1/144 kit.
This was my first time doing water slide decals, and WOW was it tedious at first. After much trial and error, I got into a bit of a flow with it and it became easier. The payoff is terrific, too!
I used matte spray on this one to seal in the decals as I’m unsure of how safe they are after they dry. I wasn’t taking chances after accidentally wiping off the water slides half a dozen times throughout the detailing…
I really recommend this kit! It’s a bit pricey for an RG, but the engineering of the parts and ease of assembly make it so worth it. And look how great it looks! It can even transform into a goddamned twin-headed dragon, which I didn’t do because I was afraid of fucking up any single atom of the model after building.
If you can believe it, that whip/tail attachment on the arm is ONE ENTIRE PIECE you clip directly off the runner. If you’re newer to the hobby, you may want to skip applying EVERY detail sticker that comes in the kit, as you’d be doing >100 applications.
Epyon is not very balanced with the wings and giant sword attached. The mounting bracket for the stand attaches to the backpack, which puts it at an odd angle for non-adjustable stands (I snapped a peg off of a 3D printed one my girlfriend made me before taking the final pic…). If you have patience when trying to make it balance or a spare Action Base 5 lying around, go for it!
Build cutting and assembly took about 18 hours. Panel lining took another hour. The rest was all water slide decal application. (>人<;)
Total hours: 25
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Totally did something I was not expecting.
Work on story: No
Work On Art: No
Had all the resources infront of me ready to get a few ar Peices done. 😏🥴😖😓😒😒😒 YES!!!
What did I do instead you may ask???
Open the Sheet music app and began retooling my song front two years ago that was originally the main theme for the first act. Or at least the first half of the first act. I took advice from friends and family that it just needed a little something more at the start and end. There was a good oomph as start made me think battle scene... but it needed something. I finally thought of the sound I wanted.
Found the Drum Rills I wanted (Though it took hours to find the exact one I litterlaly typed the exact words in the name and toik hours to find some reason and countless searches).
Found a bell sound I was totally like Yeha that could eb a fun opening..
Theb thought, eh I made the document. Might as well plop the opening down.
I have problem currently staying up all night zi guess.😓🤣😂😅😅😅
Yep, spent all night working on the song. I ahve to admit the guitar part so uh nds coll. The opening including open ik gn chorus. Sounds awesome. Maybe a few tweeks here and there. I restyled and also redid the notations and the octaves of tlntoss as well as their notation time signatures to fit with the new speed and design I'm going foe with the comic. And funny enough didnt even get the main theme in there this was all the themes that combine with it
Later parts are a but messy. But blhoenstly first minute sounds pretty cool, totally plants an image. So I hope it works out. Just have to retools thjnklgs Inliked about the old open in ng a but more before ri works. But after alls said and done what leads into the opening a piano followed by a guitar pick iij ng up thebebat a bit. Can say it sounds far better then the old music.
All the same cnat believe how much time I spent on it. But I got started on the new angle I'm going for. And it kinda gives a real atmosphere to it. Hopefully you guys will like it I've studied both college level and under music practically my whole life but I'll say 25 years practically since I was 5. So writtinflg music is soemthing I often do. I just havent really performed my lyrical stuff. I even have a lyrical song or a few I came up with for the comic. Although, I'm not sure they will fit with the comics main theme.
I will say thebprologues theme has been ready and done for 2 years now. And yeah I'm not changing that puppy. Its... well saying anything will give away a plot point. I'll just say it will get you're heart pumping... in a scary kinda way. Showed it to friends and family and they are like "Okay that was freaking creepy. That, you wrote that miss ray of sunshines?" I just knew what I wanted for teh prologue had a certain tone I wanted setting in. And it worked.
Well heres today's update for you. I'll probably post some pic later today. But till then take care. I'll see if I could post a snippet of the song later tod sass y or in the next few days. Probably will have to use one of my actual music programs to do that without saving and unfinished product.
... but till whatever update comes next.
Take care and have a blast.
(Ps. I knwo how to play the harp and paino. However, I dont own a harp anymore where I used to rent closed its doors long ago. And my piano is a keyboard I've had since 7 whose cord keeps absconding from me, so if your wondering I can play instruments I jsut have difficulty keeping track of them thus I use programs instead) I recently fo uh nd recordings I made at my families property two years ago on the old family piano, just me silently at night alone plucking out cords and slowly creating a song, and occassionally messing up... it was when I was first figuring out Lenna's theme. At the time trying to keep it more towards H.S. in theme and sound. This has since changed and I'm leaning more towards the other inspiration that shaped most of the characters since the start. So the sound has since changed. It used to have a country western sound to it.
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goldscythe · 2 years
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I posted 2,134 times in 2022
That's 2,094 more posts than 2021!
7 posts created (0%)
2,127 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 32 of my posts in 2022
#podfic - 12 posts
#fanfiction - 12 posts
#ao3 fanfic - 9 posts
#youtube - 8 posts
#the silmarillion - 8 posts
#ao3 - 6 posts
#archive of our own - 5 posts
#podficsgalore - 4 posts
#lord of the rings - 3 posts
#maglor - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 52 characters
#the lack of understanding of how life and death work
My Top Posts in 2022:
Saw a cosplay photo contest in my birth town.
Perked up.
Looked down.
*is fat*
Oh fuck.
Sasori it is again.
Knockout takes time.
Too fat for Shelke.
No funds to finish any cosplays.
No stuff ready for Nate Adams either.
0 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
I will never be a morning person... -a rant.
I went to bed before midnight, maybe around 10 or 11 pm, we were exhausted, only to end up waking at the ungodly hour of 3 motherfucking AM. Wife even earlier.
Our eldest cat, the clingy but lovable butthole that he is, started to scratch at the door after I was trying to sleep some more. I let him in, he purred, bonked, and kneaded me, then proceeded to plonk himself on my foot and start licking his balls like a maniac (he might be addicted to it). I yanked my foot off and started to nudge him and he proceeded to go scratch to be let OUT of the bedroom.
Why bother going back to bed, I was again close to rage tears. I was tired, half of which was the melatonin I took and frustrated since he's been a goddamn alarm clock for me the past week. Not a fan of the sounds of a cat trying to claw its way into a room through the door.
Been to the shower, eaten, read a fic, trying to do a comic, but everything is just building frustration because I just wanted a good, long sleep. Nope. Now things like tripping over the cat, a blurry pic, overly wide pics, missed photo op (looked like the eldest had yeeted the pillow AND the kitten out of a box), and a cat that will never stay still is just building up my frustration.
And since I had some hair in my eye, I've rubbed it and now it's dry and itchy and feels like a ton of sand is in it. ...also almost choked on a droplet of spit. Seagulls have shat on the roof of my car... This just ain't my day, can I go back to bed?
0 notes - Posted May 12, 2022
So far, the only good Tf lofi we have found. Others run into total dealbreakers quite soon. Shame it's so short.
1 note - Posted May 12, 2022
I can't wrap my mind around this...
Tol Himling used to be Himring, if that one map is correct, the isle now has about 40 miles of water between it and the coast of Lindon... how long would it take to row there? Or if it freezes in the winter, walk across the ice? Research purposes.
4 notes - Posted January 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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396 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
I never tag, why? too much work.
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jacks-tracks · 1 year
2Days behind
The zoo was good, mostly because it was in Chapultepec park, a cool shady green space. Sunday, so there were a lot of people picnicing, waking dogs, or just loafing. Entrance to the zoo was free(sunday) and the crowds did not show till noon. As zoos go, this is a good one, with the animals in large outdoor spaces with vegetation, fake rocks,and even streams for the bears. My first turn on the winding path was to the large animal area, and some deer. The keepers had just put out the grass food, so all the herbivores were out. I drifted to a glass walled wire roofed enclosure labelled Bengal tigers. Sure enough the female was loafing up on the rocks, and as I pressed to the glass for a pic, the male came sliding around the corner, inches from my face. Heart stops! These babys are big! Huge head filled with fangs, feet the size of tennis rackets, and a long powerfully muscled body with a sinuous annoyed tail. He was interested in the deer which he could smell but not see, and he paced back and forth with controlled power. What a start to my visit!
I slid quietly away, no eye contact, and made the tour of the other cages/enclosures. Giraffes, gnus, several antelope species, brown bears(with a stream and rocky hideout) , black bears, grizzlies, peacocks, I could go on,but it,s a zoo and well stocked. I wandered against the people flow, dodging the noisy children(go rap on the tigers glass!) and really enjoyed the walk. Skipped the reptiles, enjoyed the birds, and had a pleasant traffic free afternoon. Across the main street,part closed for cyclists, and into the Rufino Tamaya art gallery. Call me old fashioned, i like realism in art, and smashed pianos , one eyed monsters, and plain abstract junk glued to canvas was pitiful. My grandkids make more comprehensible art. Glad it was free!
Back on the subway, which stops one half mile short of my street, closed for repairs but no signage. it,s fast and outside of rush hour it's good. I got another chicken taco to go for super(25 pesos) and the cook first made the tortilla, then cooked it, then stuffed it as full as possible with a big handful of shredded chicken and cheese. Full meal deal! It was good to have the secure clean and safe hotel to flop in.
Next day was an out of town excursion to Teotihuacan ruins 50 K north. More subway travel (only went the wrong way once, there a re no signs because everybody knows the deal), and got to the Autobus del Norte station, from which any bus going north anywhere in Mexico departs from. Huge halls, hundreds of buses and thousands of people. Good instructions online, and the taquilla was almost where they said. Even avoided the obvious mistake which would have been to take the bus labelled archeologica because it goes to a nearby town, not to the ruinas. Right bus , comfy window seat and 1 half hour ride just to get to the suburbs, Gads Mexico city is huge! Favelas climb the hillsides in a pastel block pile, small corn fields squeeze between factorys and bodegas, and overall runs a sky tram with swinging gondolas for miles. ? Once on the Autopista we made good time and it was only 1hour total to the ruinas. Now my guidebook was the source and I dodged the hundreds of sellers of tourist crap and took the backroad to the museum. Bloody hot, and no shade except one tree where I stopped to swill water. I bekieve that's the first time I,ve been apart from people for weeks, and it was pleasant to rest and birdwatch(bright red bird?). More hot walk and into the museum filled with artifacts. It amazes me how much stuff they find for display. i know 10,000 people or more lived in these places, but they sure left a lot behind, dishes, tools art.
The actual site is miles across, and is centered around a broad walkway from the lesser pyramids a up to the huge ones at the far end . These ruins are ruined, flattened by time and weather, bare walls rise up to where temples topped painted platforms. The archeologists say alot about the use of the structures, ranging from Markets to sacrificial stones, but really they are just guessing, nobody left a record, and what they had the invaders trashed. Regretably the tombs and underground rooms a re off limit, so no frescoes could be seen. Millions of tourists come here, and if everybody walked the steps there would just be gravel left. All I can say, having climbed the major pyramids from here to guatemala, was that this was the most massive one. No climbing of course, and frankly it was so hot i would not have gone up if i could. Out the back exit, caught the bus and home to relax. A nice time outside the huge city.
0 notes
hawthorncandy · 3 years
Utsukushii Kare #4
This show is turning out to be the source of my family members eyeing me like I'm crazy because that is what this show has made me into . It takes me an hour to finish a 25 min ep cause I have to take time to breathe , then cringe and then feel . This is not a ride , this a rollercoaster .
My thoughts about ep 4 . . .
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Hira thinks he is the only one who is so shocked that his heart might exploding , can somebody look at Kiyoi's face ? His sharp eyes soften and the stress of being a paticular character in his forehead lightens - he was so engrossed in his acting before but merely Hira's presence broke the mask . . .
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[ GIF by coldties ]
Oh yes ! Finally we can see the Kiyoi going jelly jelly so bad . When he looks from the side of his eyes , he's totally questioning Koyama- with what right are you touching Hira ? My Hira ?
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[ GIF by storge ]
We weren't seeing much of Kiyoi POV as much all of us were assuming through his expressions but this question is filled with so much yearning . Like a tsundere way of saying - no matter how long it would take me to come around to you , how could you just cut contact out of no where ?
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[ GIF by storge ]
Soft boi Kiyoi is a fact that gets proven ever so slowly yet time and time again in this series . I WAS LITERALLY HITTING MY BLANKET INTO OBLIVION , why Hira , why are you so naive ? It's your charm but why ??? Kiyoi is low key asking you out and this otherwise always horny for kiyoi Hira says he's going home . Going to the pic at home when you have the real deal pining for you - Hira is embodying the naive maiden trope like there is no tomorrow .
When I saw Kiyoi's hopeful pining eyes turn annoyed ,I was like ME TOO !!
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[ by luthienmpl ]
The fact that Iruma knows Hira , please tell me Kiyoi has some cute Hira keepsake like a photo . It's gonna be so cute at the end of the series if they show the pictures of each other they had tucked away in their rooms .
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[ GIF by oliverbeo ]
Maybe last but not the least this moment . It took 4/6 ep for this to transpire . He hits him on his leg at the end but damn that is some hot hot burning possessive jealousy . Hira , even while stuttering doesn't forget to ask the right questions to bring out Kiyoi's emotions like what does it matter to you ?
Yeah , Kiyoi , you better tell him what does it matter to you in ep 5 or I'm gonna burn this whole world down .
As an avid hater of second lead syndrome and also Love triangles I can only say sorry to Koyama . The preview of ep 5 has been great and also who thinks that Koyama looked fake sick in it ? Is it just me ? Idk .
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hollyjollybaby · 2 years
Big brain dump update?
Holly woke up last Friday morning with a crazy rash all over her body. Red angry dots from head to toe! Of course, on a weekday morning when I was alone and totally freaking out but remaining calm (I hope) outwardly. Stripped her down and took a bunch of pics/videos to document. Sent a quick text to Jake’s work phone (more reliable than his personal phone) that he needed to get ready to leave work if I could get an appointment. Jumped on the phone and waited on hold for 30 minutes to talk for a nurse for five mins 🙄 she had me give her Benadryl and Tylenol and wanted me to call back in an hour if it looked worse. Jake got home right after I got off the phone and gave her the medicine. After 30 minutes it was looking worse before our eyes, so I called back to the clinic and spent another 25 minutes on hold to have another short conversation where I was like yeah, she definitely needs an appointment. Thankfully they were able to get her in in an hour.
I really had no idea what to think as nothing like this has ever happened to her before! The doctors visit was actually pretty reassuring because he wasn’t too concerned and didn’t think that we needed to take amoxicillin off her “list” unless it happens again. Basically said that kids get weird rashes from random viruses sometimes and it just needed time to peak and then go away. It cleared up a little each day and by this Monday it was totally gone. My poor baby though, she definitely was not feeling well even though she wasn’t scratching at the rash. She slept 1-4:30 on Friday, then back to bed at 8!
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I got my gigantic ass sale order in from Kate Quinn 🙈🤫 90% of it was for me and 90% of that stuff fits, so I’m happy! I’m changing my clothes like 3 times a day to wear all my new joggers and shorts and tops lol 😎
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We’ve been going to a lot of outside patio lunches downtown this summer and Holls is honestly such a delight 90% of the time. The 10% she’s not are rough lmaoo. But she’s like this polite little person with the waitstaff, she exclaims loudly and enthusiastically when the food comes and always makes people laugh, and she’s just so damn cute!!
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I’m having a lot of #feels about her starting preschool in 3 weeks (from today!!!). It’s sooo part time that it’s laughable that I’m nervous. She’s not eating meals or napping there, I can be there in an instant to get her. I’m not worried about something HAPPENING to her, I’m just worried about her. I’ve never left her with someone other than my mom and Jake’s mom. I trust the teacher. There will always be another parent there too and sometimes it’ll be me! I’m just worried for how she will react and will she spend the entire first few days just sobbing for 2.5 hours 😭 there’s also the matter of, she’s never been in a “school” type setting before. She’s been home with me and never had to like….meet expectations set for her by teachers/adults of authority other than me. I’ve never just left her somewhere where they’re gonna expect things of her. What if she won’t share toys or colors because she’s never HAD to before? And then what if the other kids don’t like her and she doesn’t have friends 😢 what if she’s asking for something and they don’t know what she’s saying 😔 I cannot handle the thought of her being there and wondering where I am and not being comforted by the teacher 😭 I am totally aware I’m spiraling and need to r e l a x
In order to distract from all these feels I ordered the literal cutest first day of school outfit:
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I also entirely skipped the last 3 weeks of her tumbling class 😳🫥🫥🫥 not my finest hour. Sometimes things like to pop up and remind me that underneath the newfound ~control~ medication has given me, I still have some crippling anxiety. I signed her up for an open gym slot one morning a week at another place, that starts the same week as her school. We’ll have a little block of “activity” days bookended by the weekend and a couple unstructured days. I think she is too young to get anything out of the instructed class, but will love the open gym and just getting to do whatever for an hour. (Hang off the bar over the trampoline)
🐠 little fishy has mastered swimming with the puddle jumper and is fully obsessed with the pool. She asks to go over there at the funniest times, like in the middle of dinner or getting ready for bed. It makes me so happy that she loves the water so much. I was a water baby and so is she ☺️ my Pisces. I think about our trip to Florida literally EVERY day. I’m not even scared to take her on the plane haha. I’m SO excited to see her see the ocean for the first time. And to watch her play on the beach. I have sooo many happy childhood memories of playing on the beach with my parents. I LOVE this part of being a parent!! Watching that perfect girl experience joy is like the ultimate feeling in the universe.
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We spent 2.5 hours at the playground this evening. All of a sudden, miss cautious is going down all kinds of slides without holding any hands, flying up stairs way faster (still cautious coming down 🤍) and just overall becoming waaay more confident at the playground and other social settings. My absolute favorite part of being a parent is discovering who she is and watching HER discover who she is. It’s a process that happens over and over again and it’s so beautiful and special.
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write-like-wright · 3 years
u asked for requests so im here to comply😳could you maybe do a ”should you date them” with the defense attorneys in the series?? or just generally some other characters?? bc the prosecutor one added like 20 years to my lifespan lmao. hope u have a great day!!
I'm so glad you liked it!!! Here's the sequel, just for you <33
Original post here
Should you date them: Ace Attorney defense lawyers edition
Phoenix Wright
yes, you really should
probably one of the best, if not the best, boyfriends in the series
wanna get married? husband material
wanna have kids? father material
has a tendency to casually adopt children actually, could be an issue at some point
worships you
you know how some guys brag about how they'd die for you?
Nick would unironically die for you
may even come close a few times but I'm pretty sure he's canonically invincible (eating poisoned glass and falling off a burning bridge, who?? tis' but a scratch!)
massive gossip
gets home after an investigation and immediately starts like "you won't believe what I found out about Gumshoe today"
somehow surprisingly mature and good at keeping secrets in spite of everything
has a lot of really cool friends!!! and larry
have you seen those shoulders tho?? mans built like a dorito, smashing through massive wooden doors n stuff
biggest monthly expense is hair gel
claims his hair is natural but you know better
don't be the big spoon, he will poke your eyes out
can somewhat read your mind tho? a bit off-putting but ok
marry him before Edgeworth someone else does
Mia Fey
hell yeah, dude
cool, calm, collected
has literal superpowers
successful business owner at 27!!! unironical #girlboss
went from being a lame rookie to a literal legend with her own practice and an apprentice in, like, three years
she's so smart, I fear her
has the fashion sense of a female character drawn by a cis man... oh, wait
god help whoever tries to hurt you
will literally kick their ass to hell
believes in second chances
took phoenix under her wing after everything, mia has the patience of a saint honestly
drops cool oneliners in everyday speech like a marvel character
curve lovers rejoice
doesn't mind being called dorky nicknames
major wife material
Diego Armando/Godot
I already covered him in my prosecutors list,, literally did not occur to me to split Diego and Godot into two lists
but to sum up, if I had to choose between the two, I'd go for Diego
i like my men like i like my coffee - tall, dark and bitter
^^ eats up pickup lines like those
Apollo Justice
Polly is such a sweet babey boy, please be nice to him
short king
low on confidence, makes up for it by being loud
*voice cracking* HE'S FINE!!!!!!!!!!!!
your neighbours will hate him
such a pushover, will do anything you ask of him
sensitive boy, not afraid to cry
pretends not to be dorky - is very dorky
consumes nerdy media almost exclusively (canonically a Whovian! but Capcom can't say that)
bikes everywhere and is apparently good with a hula hoop
Polly got cake is what I'm saying
have you seen his cool street style clothes?? sk8er boi
very grounded, literally
might play around and hold your hand for comfort
won't come to visit you if you live on a high floor, sorry
cat dad!!! cat pics!!! yes!!!
about 7 different tragic backstories
new secret family member drops every week
stares at you when you speak sometimes
is he jealous of Klavier?? does he have a crush on him??? who knows but it's funny watching them interact
spends way too much time on his hair
someone please date him, he deserves some love
Athena Cykes
holy childhood trauma batman
been through a lot
total empath
if you're sad, she's sad
can kinda read your mind... why is this such a common thing in AA games?? I like my privacy
super energetic
will drag you to the gym, take you on hikes, practice wrestling moves on you...
you will always be sore but also in the best shape of your life
has minus 25 chill
incapable of keeping secrets from you
her weird goth convict uncle threatens you every once in a while
she promises he means it in a friendly way
loves europop
way too accomplished for her age, everyone in this game is so smart, help
i feel like she'd enjoy theme parks idk
date her, she's baby and she needs some TLC
Kristoph Gavin
he's scary
thinks he's better than you
thinks he's better than everyone
has the audacity to wear white shoes with a blue suit??? are you going to prom????? sir????
obsessed with phoenix wright to an alarming degree
perfectly manicured nails!
the kind of guy who warns you never to go into his basement
nice on the outside but it's all fake
deeply rooted issues even he's unaware of
if you like drillbit hair consider Klavier instead
Ryunosuke Naruhodo
world's biggest baby
secretly a bitch
loves to clown on people
fake it till you make it
has no clue what he's doing most of the time
very determined in spite of that
everyone loves him
so many cool friends
cries at the thought of your bare ankles
physically incapable of walking by a shop and not buying something he doesn't need
"look, i got you a gift!!" "awh, how sweet! ...what is it?" "i don't know, i'll ask Mr Sholmes when he gets home!"
good with his tongue
may be somewhat trapped in the closet
has literally zero chill
remember when he just casually chased armed robbers??
must be a family trait
Iris interrogates you about your intentions with her brother
she has a gun
you have no privacy at his place
Sholmes crashes your dates
his bromance with Kazuma sometimes drops the "b"
becomes ultra cool eventually
hop into that time machine and date Ryu's ass, but be prepared to deal with period-appropriate homoeroticism and misogyny lol
Extra little shout out to Kazuma Asogi for that one time where he was a defense lawyer for, like, an hour and a half and somehow managed to cram 50 of the horniest one-liners in the game in that very limited time. Date him.
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25 days post OP 6/20/22
Jeez, five days have passed already?? Time is FLYING by.
Well, a day or two ago I took a nice hot shower and because I wasn't super concerned about water getting into places it shouldn't (which was a concern when my nipples weren't fully attached yet) I was able to get everything cleaned. Sadly, I need to exfoliate because just rubbing my shoulders made a ton of gross, dead skin fall off.
Speaking of gross dead stuff falling off, the hot steam got the scabs really loose. My right nipple has almost no scabbing now and my left lost a TON. It's seemingly very healthy and pink and perfect under there. The top is weirdly not super smoothed down to the skin or flush, it's raised around the top edge but I think it'll smooth itself out and be fine.
Though, while I was gently lifting away the scab bits that were flaking and falling off anyways, one bit of scab gave a weird amount of resistance. Turns out, there's a fuckin SUTURE hiding under the scab!! Like a whole stitch, hiding, totally missed by the doctor 2 weeks later. I sent him a text and showed some pics and he said I'm healing up perfectly, I look amazing, and that the suture will dissolve and fall away on its own so just don't bother it and it'll be fine.
I only have 6 more days of wearing my chest wrap too. Ive been taking breaks for a few hours at a time. Just letting everything breathe and relax a little, especially when the wrap is just not cooperating and is rolling up and sitting on my scars weird which hurts. My sides do hurt but I think it's from the wrap and laying on my sides. I've been able to sleep on my sides a little but I keep just rolling back over to sleep on my back again.
Everything is super sensitive. Especially in the center of my chest between the two scars and like in between where my breasts used to be, it's just really tender to touch. Like touching a super raw sunburn, or (and maybe only my fellow autistic folks will really get this one) when someone pets or rubs you in the same spot over and over for too long it starts to hurt? Yeah that sensation. Really uncomfortable. It feels better with the wrap on it and nothing brushing up against it but my whole chest is just sensitive in a bad way
For some reason, right below my nipple and a little to the outside, it's hard as rock. Idk what that's about bc the rest of my chest is more squishy. I'm guessing it's muscle?? Or part of the suturing? Idk, it doesn't hurt, just a little strange note. It's on both sides, mostly the left, so I'm assuming it's normal.
I still am trying to not really stretch, I still haven't done any heavy lifting, pushing, or pulling. I plan to keep it that way for another month, hell, until I'm moving out for college (3 months total healing). I want to be CERTAIN I don't cause any damage and I want my scars to heal as pristinely as possible, and right now I have the luxury to do so. Besides, as of right now, if I stretch a bit too far or push a bit too hard, it does hurt. I haven't had anything besides a twinge of achey pain or a quick pinch but id rather listen to those little hints of pain telling me to stop while I'm ahead and not push it further.
Ive got my online college orientation tomorrow so I have that to look forward to. I also need to start talking to my boss about when I'll be returning. But I can worry about that tomorrow. I still have 10 days before my leave ends, I'm not on the very last second of planning. It's still flexible and calm and I'm not gonna freak myself out over a minimum wage job. The only reason I haven't quit is because I want to transfer to a store in the college town and take advantage of tuition reimbursement.
So yeah! It's going good, I'm taking it easy still, healing is nice, I'm no longer stressed about my nipple because it turns out it's scab was just a LOT thicker than my right one, and everything is healing good! Im outside of the scary zone now, no more fear that a nipple will fall off or that something will get infected. Now it's just a gentle waiting game for the sutures inside to heal and dissolve away and for my scars to settle and start permanently healing. It won't be completely healed for like 3 years (the deep scar on my hand took about that long to go from reddish pink to my skin tone) but I just need to make it to the period where I'm safe to work out again which I think is like 3 ish months? I'm fine with that honestly. I'm not going to start working out again until I have the campus gym accessible to me.
I'll keep updating this periodically! Im really fond of this blog and all like 3 people who follow it, and it's a great archive for myself and my memories. Somehow being in Miami simultaneously feels like yesterday and a year ago. I miss my companion, I miss how much he doted on me and cared for me. Of course my mom dotes on me too but that's a good mom for ya, I love and appreciate it but I still yearn for him too. Little bit of gay yearning never hurt anyone yeah? Yeah. I'll keep updating here as I go along and heal! Until the next post!
4 notes · View notes
davidbrigstock · 2 years
June 3
Tour Day 28. My Day 20
St Joseph MO to Chillicothe MO
Instagram @davidbrigstock
Miles today 87
Feet of ascent today 4151
Totals so far
Total miles 1249
Total feet ascended 27504
Today was a day of ups and downs, literally and figuratively. On the Crossroads website, Paula states that riders must be able to cycle an average of 15mph over “rolling” terrain. Today we did some serious rolling. There seemed to be a never ending series of hills, both ascending and descending relentlessly. As much as 35 mph going down and then as slow as 6mph going up. The official word is that there were 101 hills and the total ascent was around 4000 ft. That’s some serious pedaling when you’re doing 85+ miles.
I oiled my chain last night and all was well but this morning my back tire was flat. Although I didn’t realize it until just 10 mins before departure, I was able to get the tube switched out before the group left. Jim (Tamara’s husband) was there speaking positive words and Dean was there to see how it’s done. I could not find any sharp in the tire which was a bit disconcerting. So several hours later there I am cycling happily along when at about Mile 25 my rear tire goes flat again. As luck would have it, this happened right as Jim was taking a photo of me so he was there to provide positive feedback again. This time however I was able to locate and remove the tiniest metal shard from the tire. It’s always very gratifying to find the culprit causing a flat. And one of our vans was just 100 yds away so I could use their air pump instead of one of my CO2 cartridges and they had a replacement tube so that I was still carrying 2 spares instead of 1. And to cap it all, this happened on a beautiful stretch of road outside a farmhouse (the owners asked if we needed help) with a nice grassy shoulder to work on. Jim took pics. All was good.
Five miles down the road, a fun time was awaiting in the town of Maysville. As they have in years past, the kids at the town’s elementary school came out to greet us. Then a little further into town, representatives of the local historical society welcomed us with PB&J sandwiches, bananas, huge delicious cinnamon buns, and pink lemonade. This continues a tradition that goes back to the 1990s. It was a lot of fun. Yes the cycling had its challenges today but even so I kept pedaling one mile at a time. And on the upside, I am getting very close to my half way point in a couple of days. I will be in Boston in exactly 3 weeks. How crazy is that?
We are spending the night in Chillicothe MO, supposedly the home of sliced bread. Really?
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2 notes · View notes
Wicked Game (Part 2)
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Word Count: 20K+ total Team Long Winded Bitch strikes again, this will be posted in multiple parts over the next couple of days. The first part is about 5K, part 2 is 7K
Rating: 18+ Slash fic Strong language, alcohol and drug use, and a misogynistic and racist comment. Sexual scenes including masturbation, toys, voyeurism, oral, and anal sex.
Summary: Ashton is ready to move on with his life after his painful divorce from Luke and the demise of the restaurant they’d built together. With the help of his protegee and sous chef Hima Singh, Ashton is ready to take on opening weekend of his new restaurant Anne-Marie’s. Calum is a reporter filling in on an assignment and is surprised when his past comes back to haunt him. Hima arranges an interview that takes an unexpected turn between the two men.
Ashton grabbed his bag and shut off the lights in the bar. Hima was waiting impatiently by the door, keys in hand. Following the disaster of an afternoon, they'd been packed until closing. He'd been too busy cooking to think about it, something he loved about his job. The rush and the heat combined with the complete focus on his work. You had to keep your eyes on your fingers or you got hurt. The satisfaction of plating an order and sending it out until the next order came in, starting the process over again. 
"Will you come on?" Hima tapped her foot, making her keys jangle. "My brother is waiting for us."  Her twin brother had passed the bar exam a month ago, but everything had been so crazy with the opening they hadn't properly celebrated yet. 
The bouncer recognized Hima and let them in immediately. Tirana was a sleek, neon-lit bar favoring overpriced cocktails, elaborately garnished and meant to be as much of a showpiece as a beverage. Ashton eyed the crowd full of men sporting off the rack Italian suits with egos as inflated as their dates' chests. Kabir was waiting in VIP with his friends and waved them up. Ashton congratulated him and ordered a spiked seltzer, passing on the bottle service Kabir offered. Hima was taking shots with the guys and he joined them in a toast. As he was taking a drink he spotted Calum Hood leaning against the wall, looking bored and maybe a little drunk. Hima must've seen his expression because she whipped around just as Calum looked up and noticed them. Ashton tried to look away and act as if he hadn't noticed the other man. Hima had other ideas and made a beeline for the reporter. 
"Hey Calum, fancy meeting you here," she said relieved when he seemed happy to see her. "Come have a drink with us, or am I interrupting something?"
"If you're buying," Calum replied. "A friend brought me here and then fucked off on a phone call." He laughed, but it died out when he saw Ashton.
"Listen," Hima cut him off before he could speak. "I know this afternoon didn't go well, but what you don't know is just before you came in, my boss had to sit through an interview with Kevin Mackie. It did not go well " 
"Oh God, that insufferable bastard," Calum snorted.
"Exactly, and you know Mackie brought up all that old shit from Lune Rouge," Hima told him "That's in addition to insulting every woman who works there, of course." 
Calum cringed, and his eyes flickered back towards Ashton talking to Kabir and his lawyer friends. He couldn't help but notice the contrast between the intense scowling man he'd encountered this afternoon and the smiling bubbly ray of sunshine he was looking at now. Was that an actual giggle? Calum blamed the tequila for agreeing to join Hima for a quick drink since his date still hadn't come back. He'd allowed his editor, Shamara, to set him up twice now, but there wouldn't be a third time. 
Ashton wiped his sweaty palms on his black jeans as he watched Calum following Hima over towards them. He'd found the reporter attractive this afternoon, but he'd been wearing a long sleeve button up for the interview. Tonight Calum was in all black, and the tank top he wore under the leather jacket showed the ink etched into his skin above his collarbones. Ashton gripped the drink in his hands a bit tighter, trying to keep his nerves steady. He slowly edged his way over to where they were talking just as Calum launched into a story about his magazine sending him on a tour of small mom and pop restaurants up the California coast. 
"The owner's husband was sick that day, so she was doing most of the work herself," Calum was saying as Ashton listened in on the conversation. "Beulah was amazing, but they were getting slammed. I asked if she needed any help, and I spent the next three hours manning a fryer. I cooked the chicken, and she'd toss it in the hot oil and spices before slapping it on a bun with the sauce. You'd get the sandwich, pickle, and fries in a little brown sack. We sold hundreds of them, but I knew why when it slowed down enough that I finally got to eat. It's the best chicken sandwich you'll ever have! Tossing it in that spicy oil gives it a flavor that punches you in the mouth. She taught me most of her secrets over the two days I ended up staying until her husband got over the flu.." 
I could listen to this man talk all day, Ashton thought watching Calum's expressions and hands as he told the story. The way his chest rumbled when he laughed, which was often throughout the tale. He seemed like a genuinely warm person, and Hima seemed to like him. Maybe I was wrong, five years is a long time
"That's so sweet," Hima smiled up at Calum as he finished..  She was smitten despite hearing rumors he played for the other team. 
"Ended up extending my trip for an extra five days which caused all sorts of headaches when I got back. My boss was pissed I'd gone over my expense account," Calum said, shaking his head at the memory, his cheeks flushed from the alcohol now loosening his tongue. He was relieved his date was still MIA. Ashton was standing close enough for Calum to smell his cologne, and it was proving distracting. 
"Is that the same magazine you work for now?" Hima asked.
"Yeah, but I was damn near fired. I paid back the money by throwing cash onto my boss's desk when I turned in my story, and he was not amused. The editor-in-chief, who also owns the publisher,  loved my story, and after that, I was sent on more in-depth character profiles. I wanna get to know the people behind the food." Calum looked directly at Ashton, meeting his eyes as he spoke. His breath caught in his throat at the intensity in Ashton's hazel eyes as he listened. How is he this handsome? Calum thought. This man has no right to be this good looking. That chest hair peeking out from under that pink shirt is teasing me. Wonder what's underneath? Wait, no I don’t. Stop thinking about that or you're gonna get hard.
"So what exactly were you sent to find?" Ashton asked, his tone still guarded but more friendly than before. 
Calum took a deep breath and thought quickly. After the interview bombed this afternoon, he came up with a backup plan if Ashton didn't come through. He made a decision to float both his ideas.
"Look, I know a lot of people are bugging you for gossip about your personal life, but that's not what I'm here for. You opened your first restaurant at 25, and the food at Lune Rouge was fantastic. I know I didn't give you a good review then, but I was trying to be edgy and cool," Calum admitted.
Ashton exhaled and closed his eyes. "I'm sorry about this afternoon. Mackie brought up Luke, and when you mentioned Finn I snapped. I'd like to try again, but I know Hima is more interesting. So what did you have in mind?" Ashton smiled and Calum had butterflies in his stomach. 
"I'd like to watch you cook, and see how you are in the kitchen. Tell me how your philosophy on cooking has evolved and what stayed the same," Calum replied. I hope that didn't sound as cringe to him as it did to me. Turning to Hima, he continued talking, "I'd like to do an extra little feature on you if that's ok. It'll give the article a nice balance I think, what do you say?" 
Ashton saw Hima's face light up and knew he'd have to say yes. He had to admit, the pitch sounded great, even if the idea of Calum watching him work made him nervous. They turned towards him to see what he thought, and Ashton's gaze landed on Calum's mouth just as he licked his lips. Please don't do that, he thought to himself. Don't make me think about how you taste, and how those lips would feel against mine.
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"I definitely think Hima deserves her own feature. I'll go along with whatever you want," Ashton told them. 
"You know Calum," Hima turned on the charm. "I'm off tomorrow. I could take you to the best Indian restaurant you've never heard of for lunch." Her eyes got huge and she grabbed Calum's arm. "I'm a genius you guys, listen, the restaurant is hella busy, and the boss man," she nodded towards Ashton, "won't be much fun to interview if there are customers waiting. He just redid the kitchen in his condo, so why don't you do the interview there? That way he's not around us idiots at the restaurant." 
Both men stared at her, and Hima panicked thinking she'd overstepped somehow until Ashton nodded. "Sounds like it could work, what do you think?" He asked looking at Calum who nodded, his smile getting broader. 
“Sure, um, that sounds great. Really just um, great," he fished his phone out of his pocket and unlocked it before handing it over. "Go ahead and put your number in, and I'll text you tomorrow." 
"Is that your little sister?" Hima asked, spotting the picture on his lock screen. 
"That's my daughter, Vanessa Joy. Absolute light of my life," Calum beamed, pulling up another pic.
"Daughter?" Hima and Ashton exchanged shocked looks before quickly regaining their composure.
"We were kids. I hadn't figured things out yet," Calum gave his standard explanation. 
He started to say more, but he spotted his now-forgotten date headed back towards them.  Hima saw his grimace and followed his gaze to the approaching man. She guessed he must be a lawyer who wanted everyone to know it, wearing a double-breasted British tailored suit and gold Submariner watch.
"Sorry about that Cal, that was a client who's a real pain in the ass," the newcomer joined their little group, peering at Ashton with suspicion. "I'm Nick Callahan, a junior partner at Fish, Filbeck, and Greene " Hima almost laughed out loud at this skinny little dude in a fancy suit trying to puff out his chest and put some bass in his voice as he went to shake her boss's hand. Ashton looked amused but Calum not so much. 
"Calum, if you don't mind, there's someone I'd like you to meet," Nick waved at a group who'd just come in. He tried to pull Calum away, but he shook Nick's hand off his arm.
"Give me a second, and I'll be over," Calum said, nodding at someone he recognized in the group. "Tell Teddy to order a round of drinks, I'm buying." When Nick still didn't budge, Calum turned his body towards his date and leaned in to whisper in his ear. "I'm interviewing this young lady tomorrow, and I want to get it set up before I get drunk, ok?" 
Nick swallowed at the warning in Calum's voice and scurried off to meet his friends. 
"Sorry about that," Calum turned back, smiling again. He had them each put their number in and saved the info with a smile.  "I'm so glad I ran into y'all. Hima, I will text you in the morning, and Ashton just let me know when and where." He gave her a quick hug and a peck on the cheek which made her blush furiously. He shook Ashton's hand and everything seemed to pause as they locked eyes, exchanging smiles. The handshake lingered a beat too long before they both pulled back completely flustered. 
"See you guys then," Calum made a hasty retreat towards Nick and his friends. 
"What did you do?" Ashton hissed, feeling dizzy, excited, terrified, and nauseous all at once. 
"We'll just have to see, won't we? You two are obviously into each other," Hima tossed her hair over her shoulder, giving Ashton a pointed look. 
"I'm not trying to start anything, you know that. Since the divorce it's been too hard and-" Ashton stopped when she put her finger to his lips.
"It's an interview. With a very attractive reporter. You'll be in your element, you can hide behind your food and your knives, but you can get through this. I want my feature." She glared at him and stood on her tiptoes trying to go eye to eye with him.
He had to laugh. Hima was impossible to stay cross with. As he glanced back over towards Calum, he couldn't deny he was intrigued. Don't get your hopes up, Irwin. 
Kabir came over to drag them back to his friends. Ashton spent the next hour dancing with Kabir's girlfriend and watching his friends try to hit on Hima without getting caught. Hima's family was overprotective, and her mother was constantly pressuring Kabir to find his sister a good match. As a result, she kept her private life closely guarded, even Ashton didn't know much, although he suspected she had a thing going with one of the servers at Anne-Marie's. 
As the song ended, he realized he had to pee. Ashton excused himself and followed the neon arrows to a dimly lit hallway decorated with glow in the dark graffiti. He made his way past the line for the women's room and around two people noisily making out next to the emergency exit. He reached the men's room door just as it swung open towards him. He stumbled back to avoid being hit and collided with the couple behind him. An arm shot out from the tangled bodies, shoving him forward chest first into the man who'd just come out of the bathroom. Ashton put his hands up to steady himself, inhaling the scent of leather and whiskey with a faint whiff of stale tobacco as he looked at Calum's face inches from his own.
"Sorry, uh, I was pushed," Ashton apologized, unable to stop staring at the other man's lips.
"It's ok," Calum's heart was pounding, and he was sure Ashton could feel it through his jacket. He was tempted to make a move and go in for a kiss. He paused long enough to remember the interview, and not wanting to have another misstep, he let the moment pass. "It's all yours," he said squeezing over so Ashton could pass.
Ashton paused, confused, but remembered he was headed to the bathroom. "Thanks, uh, see ya," he replied trying not to stammer. Yeah, that was smooth, he thought. Before he closed the door, he looked back and caught Calum looking back at him.hey both smiled before the crowd closed in and he lost eye contact. He had to stand and splash cold water on his face to get his pulse back to normal. When he looked in the mirror, he saw that his face was still very pink and he was grinning like a fool. I didn't just imagine that did I? What am I doing? What am I going to cook for him? 
Ashton jumped at the sound of the buzzer even though he was expecting her. He quickly let her up, and within seconds Hima was at his door. 
"How did it go?" He hadn't even fully opened the door before the question was past his lips.
"Eager much? Why don't you get me a drink, and I'll decide what I want to tell you," she said, taking off her jacket and hanging it up. 
"You impertinent bitch," Ashton cracked up and headed to the kitchen to put on the kettle.
"You sound like my mother," Hima settled at the bar facing him.
Ashton had expanded his kitchen so he could install a six top gas range and a convection oven while giving himself extra counter space with a small sink directly across and a small island in between. Instead of a dining room, he had an L-shaped bar where he could serve guests directly from the kitchen. He pulled a pitcher of cold brew out of the fridge and poured himself a glass with a splash of cashew milk adding a splash to her cup of hot chai. 
"It's such a shame you're gay. We'd have such a great marriage," she joked blowing on her tea.
"I love you too much to marry you, darling," Ashton replied as always. 
"Good thing I like my new stepdaddy," she told him, and he choked on his coffee. 
"So what did you guys talk about?" He asked when he'd recovered. 
"Mostly me, but also you. What do you want first, the details about him or what he asked about you?" Hima smirked at him, almost laughing when he glared at her. 
"I'll let you decide, how about that?" Ashton rummaged through the refrigerator before pulling out a loaf of bread. 
"Ooh snack time. When did you go to the market? I thought you opened for Rafi today. What are you gonna make for him?" She fired off, trying to crane her neck to see what he bought.
"Nope, you're gonna talk or you're not getting fed. I went before I went in at ten and I stayed till eight. I've barely got home, and I don't need your attitude, young lady. Now spill it," he told her as he pulled out a couple of onions and some gruyere cheese. 
"I love it when you're pissy. It looks so good on you. So I took him to Parvati's and ordered chana masala on roasted sweet potatoes. It was so good, I wish you liked Indian food more. We talked about my family, and how they're mostly engineers and lawyers but food was my passion. Confessed that when we first met, I had the biggest crush on you because you were so handsome." She giggled and made a show of fluttering her eyelashes at him. Ashton blushed and threw a caper at her. Hima swatted it back at him and kept talking. "Calum agreed you were handsome by the way. So I told him how you'd mentored me, and when you left the Hilton to open Anne-Marie's, you brought me with you. It was very heartwarming, and I promise I made you look good. He asked a few questions about you, but it was mostly professional stuff. What was it like working for you? What kind of collaborative effort went into the menu? Stuff like that," she shrugged watching Ashton heat up some soup as the sandwiches cooked. 
"Well, that's a lot of nothing. I thought you were better than that," Ashton said, pouting his lips at her. 
"I know he asked if you were single, but he was hella smooth about it. He asked what kind of gift he should bring tomorrow, whether it should be a bottle of wine or something you could share if you had a roommate. Don't worry, I let him know you were single, but I was cool about it," Hima grinned at her boss's discomfort. He cut the sandwich in half and poured a cup of soup to go with it. He cut some fresh chives to top off the soup along with some crème Fraiche and fresh cracked pepper. 
She stopped talking to enjoy the food. Ashton introduced her to cream of celery soup and it quickly became a favorite. The sandwich was beyond good yet incredibly simple: sauteed onions on a grilled cheese sandwich made with Ashton's homemade compound shallot-butter. 
"I'm disappointed, I thought you were better than that," Ashton raised his eyebrows at her.
"I'm not done, I'm just enjoying the food. My compliments to the chef." Hima ripped a piece of crust off her sandwich and dipped it in her soup. "I found out some things about Mr. Tall Dark and Handsome," she told him before running her tongue along the edge of the bread and then taking a bite. 
Ashton laughed and flipped her off. He had pastry cream cooking in a double boiler, so he was continuously stirring between bites. 
Watching him work, she never knew if she was completely in awe of him or a little in love with him, but probably both if she was honest with herself. She'd told Calum as much, off the record of course. It always amazed her how his large hands could be so nimble and quick with a knife, yet so delicate and careful when he was garnishing and plating. She'd told Calum how grateful she was that Ashton had given her such a huge opportunity without being patronizing or expecting her to touch his cock. 
People might think cooking would be a natural fit for a woman but professional kitchens were very much a man's world. You had to be physically and mentally tough. She was lucky that she'd gotten out the hotels before she'd been subjected to sexual harassment, but she'd seen enough. Ashton didn't tolerate any kind of physical or verbal harassment, but every cook could curse a blue streak and work through an injury. Most cooks wore their scars like battle wounds. Hima had a jagged thin white line trailing down her left forearm from a staple on a lettuce box that ripped her flesh open while putting away a truck. Ashton had a couple of red welts from the panini grill decorating his arms and a gnarly pink, puckered scar on his left wrist from an accident with molten sugar years ago.
"Ok so, he's a year and a half younger than you, turns 28 in January actually. Aquarius, so that should be fun. Never married, but he's got the kid," Hima informed him.
"That really came out of nowhere the other night. I never would've guessed that," Ashton said over his shoulder, turning his back on her to keep stirring. 
"It happened when he was in high school. His first girlfriend, their senior year of high school. They'd already been broken up for two months when they got the news, just when he'd started to figure out his sexuality. They tried to get back together for the sake of their daughter but quickly realized it wouldn't work in a traditional way. Now they're best friends and co-parents to Vanessa Joy. In fact, when Nicole married her boyfriend, Michael, two years ago Calum walked her down the aisle," Hima told him.
Ashton's jaw dropped. "What the hell, Hima? You guys had lunch one time and you know his life story." 
"My mother's interrogation skills rubbed off I guess. His daughter also happened to call while he was with me. It was so cute; she made the honor roll and he was so proud. He apologized for taking the call during lunch but said he always has to answer if it's his daughter or his mom." 
Ashton turned towards Hima, smiling and blushing, "I can respect that." 
"I'm sure you can, Mama's boy," she replied. "Honestly the two of you are adorable. A pair of smitten kittens. He kept asking questions about what it's like to work with you. What are you like as a boss? And every question he got this funny little smile and couldn't look at me. I really hate that you get the best looking guys. It's bad enough you look like that," Hima gestured at him as she looked him up and down. "First Luke, and now Calum, I'm so jealous. That being said I really hope you hook up with him. You could stand to get laid." 
"Watch it," he cautioned, not wanting to kill the mood.
"Sorry, but the other night y'all had some serious chemistry. You should go for it. Speaking of, I gotta go. Kabir is having a date night so I actually don't have to go home," she checked her phone, and Ashton didn't recognize the gaudy pink glitter case. 
She caught his puzzled expression and laughed, "My mom checks my location, so my iPhone and my car stay at Maisie's. Everything gets forwarded here, and I don't have to answer a million questions." 
"You're 24, how are you still dealing with this? When is your mother going to treat you like an adult?" Ashton shook his head, he never understood how she dealt with her family.
She sighed, "It's impossible to explain unless you have Asian parents. My mom grew up here, but my grandparents were still very much rooted in India. If you think my mom is difficult, you should've met grandma." A text came in, and she wrinkled her nose in annoyance reading it. "Why am I the only person who's punctual?" She muttered to herself before looking back at Ashton. "So what are you making tomorrow for the big date, I mean, interview? Mind if I smoke?" 
He shook his head and followed her onto the balcony. "Stop saying that, I'm nervous enough as it is. I'm starting with a wilted chard salad with figs and goat cheese, and maybe a soup. I haven't decided, but for the main, I'm making mushroom Wellington with my specialty Mac and cheese and whatever vegetables I pick up at the market tomorrow morning. I'm making a sorbet for dessert. I was going to make a pavlova, but I don't have the patience for merengue right now." 
"Calum doesn't stand a chance, he'll be thoroughly seduced. Then I'll get my magazine story and be a star. People will start asking me for photos on the street, they'll learn how to pronounce my name, and I'm only going by Hima. I think I can get away with just one name, like Madonna, Beyonce, and Cher. Don't you? I promise the fame won't go to my head. I'll still be Hima from the block." 
Ashton cracked up. "Ok there, Roxy Hart," he teased. "You are so extra, it's too much for an old gay like myself." 
"You're not even thirty," she protested. Another text came in and her eyes lit up. She stubbed her cigarette out on the bottom of her shoe before wiping it clean with a napkin and stuffed both in her purse to throw away outside. "You've just gotta get back on the horse, and Calum seems like the type who'd be into chaps and spurs." 
"Don't you have places to go, people to do?" He asked, walking her to the door.
"Sure do, good luck tomorrow," she kissed his cheek and was gone.
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Calum finished the dishes and popped another antacid in his mouth. Spicy food didn't used to give him heartburn. Getting old I guess. His dog, Brutus, danced around his feet begging for a treat. 
"Not gonna happen, old man," he bent down to scratch the pooch behind his ears, but Brutus immediately flipped over for a belly rub. "Greedy bastard," Calum chuckled but obliged with a ton down and chin scratches. He found a chew stick on the couch and tossed it over by the dog's bed, and soon Brutus was curled up contentedly gnawing himself to sleep. 
Calum watched his little guy for a bit before heading to his desk to type out a rough draft. Hima was a firecracker, full of energy and ideas, and hard to keep up with. She talked a mile a minute, often switching topics mid-thought as she spoke. He'd had his voice recorder on, but he liked to write his first draft from memory. He admired her passion for her work, and her determination to follow her own path. She was fiercely loyal to Ashton and grateful for the opportunity he'd given her. Calum would've suspected she was a bit smitten with her boss, but she openly admitted her crush. She was quick to insist Ashton had never encouraged or entertained the idea, but she didn't need to tell him that. 
Calum knew all about Ashton's history, the cheating, the fights, the messy breakup that brought the restaurant down. He exhaled, nervous about having that conversation. He shut his laptop, now too distracted to write. It's just an interview, calm down. He tried to be rational, but his thoughts kept drifting back to bumping into Ashton at the bar. The pink shirt, the star tattoo begging to be traced with his tongue, those hazel eyes that made his heart jump into his stomach. He tried to focus on his laptop. This article wasn't going to write itself. 
Ashton laid on his back, concentrating on his breathing as he pressed his knees to the floor in reclining bound angle pose. He'd had too much coffee, and although his body was tired, his mind was racing. His phone was vibrating on the dresser, but Ashton ignored it, moving into a butterfly pose and touching his forehead to the floor. He exhaled, trying to clear his mind. But all he could think about was Calum Hood. He had a brand new restaurant to run. Now was not a good time to become infatuated with a handsome reporter. So why haven't you stopped smiling all day?  
He breathed deeply, in, out, in, out. But he couldn't concentrate, couldn't calm down. He pushed himself off the floor and grabbed his water off the table. He opened his phone and was surprised to see a notification from the restaurant security system. 
Alarm deactivated at 12:02 AM 
Alarm Panel 2
Code: 4452
Ashton realized Hima was at the restaurant. He knew she usually went there after her accounting class but that definitely wasn't the case tonight. Probably popped in for a bottle of wine, which doesn't sound like a bad idea. 
The kitchen tiles were chilly beneath his bare feet as he headed towards the small wine fridge on his counter. Craving something sweet, he found a Shiraz he'd been saving and poured a small glass. He scrolled through Spotify, picking a playlist at random, and Robyn's  "Dancing on my Own" came over the speakers following him through the apartment back into his bedroom. He caught sight of himself in the mirror and paused. 
He pulled his shirt off and turned around examining the freshly-healed Phoenix tattoo decorating his left side from his hip to the top of his ribs,  covering up the tattoo of Luke's name, birth date, and their wedding date. He trusted his tattoo artist and let him have creative freedom on the brightly-colored feathers and flames. It turned out beautifully. He turned sideways, rubbing his stomach and flexing in the mirror. He was in the best shape he'd been in since he was a teenager. Yoga kept him toned and lean so he was muscled without being bulky.
I'm giving it my all
But I'm not the girl you're taking home
He let the Swedish synth-pop beat take over, his hips swaying as he listened to lyrics about loneliness and feeling left out.
I keep dancing on my own
The irony wasn't lost on him as he kept dancing, moving away from the mirror. The next song was too slow so he quickly scrolled looking for something better. He clicked on Whitney Houston's "How Will I Know," and began to sing along. He saw that Hima hadn't left the restaurant and opened up the security camera feed on his phone to make sure she was ok. 
The more Calum stared at the screen the more his concentration drifted. He wondered if Ashton had a type. Cal knew he was decent looking, but he wasn't Luke Hemmings. He snorted at the thought of that simpering pretty boy. Luke was a spoiled child, soft and weak, thinking only of himself. I bet he's selfish in bed, probably a bossy bottom  He was surprised at the surge of jealousy he felt. Don't bring Finn into this. He rubbed his temples at the memory of finding out his then-boyfriend was cheating with Luke.
Finn was always looking for an opportunity, whatever would take him to the next level. His relationship of almost a year with Calum failed to get him noticed in the food press. Finn felt Ashton didn't give him enough credit at Lune Rouge and whined constantly about it. Cal was having his own career struggles at the time and personally thought Finn was acting like a spoiled brat instead of being grateful for the opportunity. They began to spend less time together after Calum's snarky review caused a huge blow up. So when Ashton and Luke's relationship began to fray, Finn had time to lend a sympathetic ear. Calum suspected Finn was cheating, but he bought into the “golden couple” bullshit so Luke never crossed his mind. Calum was shocked and gutted when he walked in on the two of them one afternoon. Finn was supposed to be out of town, and Calum popped by to check on his dogs. The sound of sex greeted him when he opened the door and he should have left right then. His curiosity got the better of him, and he walked towards the bedroom. Their moans masked the sound of his boots as someone had a very loud orgasm. Calum opened the door as they were falling away from each other. He walked in to find them panting for breath, sweaty and beautiful with the afterglow. Luke panicked and tried to hide himself, but Finn didn't flinch. 
"Well, I guess you know now," he said, smirking as his green eyes met Calum's. "If you're down for it, we've been talking about trying a third. You can top us both if you want." He shrugged and Calum physically felt the spell break. Looking back, he knew Finn broke his ego more than his heart. He'd been humiliated when it all came out, but he knew the affair had been worse for Ashton. He could tell Ashton was still damaged but definitely not broken. Wouldn't mind letting him break me, Calum thought, his mind wandering back to that unbuttoned pink shirt, Ashton's chest and neck begging to be marked up. I bet he likes it rough. 
Calum caught himself daydreaming again and blinked the half-filled word document back into focus. He couldn't remember the last time he'd had a crush on someone, and he felt ridiculous. How am I gonna get through this interview?  It didn't help that Hima kept teasing him about it being a date. Calum's last date, with Nick the lawyer, had been a disaster. He'd ended up leaving after Nick disappeared on another phone call.
The truth was, he was excited about this interview and wished it really was a date. He'd scheduled a quick haircut and shave in the morning and carefully picked out an outfit. He figured his short-sleeve, red button-up paired with a black tank underneath would show off his arms while helping to hide his tummy pudge. He rubbed his stomach, still poking out from the leftover Indian food he'd finished off an hour ago, before letting his hand wander down and brushing his fingers across his cock and feeling it twitch in his basketball shorts. He wondered what Ashton would be wearing tomorrow. He pictured Ashton at the club, the ripped black jeans and the pink shirt unbuttoned enough to tease him. His dick twitched in his hand, waking up and demanding attention. 
Ashton gasped and almost dropped his phone at the sight of Hima standing in the break room in nothing but her bra and panties. He hadn't recovered from that shock when a male figure crawled into the frame. It took Ashton several seconds to realize the man was nude and covered in tattoos. The tattoos rang a bell, and he realized he was looking at Dakota, model/actor, Maisie's nephew, and a server at Anne Marie's. Dakota was a dark, brooding pretty boy with a perfect pink pout and tousled dark curls that he was always brushing out of his eyes. He was great at his job, but other than that he'd made no impression on Ashton, until now. Ashton watched the younger man on his knees in front of Hima as he sucked on her bright pink cock. What the fuck is happening?
Ashton blinked at his screen, still processing everything when Dakota stood up and bent over the table. Hima lined up behind him and thrust her hips against his ass. Ashton gulped for air and felt beads of sweat break out on his upper lip. He watched for a minute, hypnotized by Dakota writhing in pleasure, his black curls bouncing with every stroke, shoulders hunching over as he gripped the table. Ashton's mind flashed to Calum and what it would look like to have him bent over like that. He realized his dick was getting hard and quickly closed the app, feeling embarrassed for invading her privacy. He fumbled getting his phone into his pocket and accidentally skipped to the next song. "Anytime, Any Place," by Janet Jackson filled the room.  He laughed to himself at the sexy song and took another sip of wine. 
Calum squeezed himself through his clothes. He vaguely remembered Finn telling him Ashton was rumored to have a massive cock. He groaned at the thought of Ashton's hazel eyes looking down at him while he was on his knees. He imagined Ashton's cock brushing against his lips, teasing both of them. Calum groaned and gave up any pretense of trying to work. He stood up too quickly and knocked his chair over causing Brutus to wake from a dead sleep and start barking his head off. 
"It's ok, boy," Calum assured him, making sure he laid back down before going into his bedroom and shutting the door. Moments later he was stripped down to his boxers and shirt digging through his top dresser drawer until he found the small bag hiding under his socks. He pulled a bottle of lube and a small silicone sleeve out of the bag and walked back to the bed. He peeled off his shirt, kicked off his underwear and laid on his back on the bed. His cock was flat against his stomach, and as Calum reached for it he wondered what Ashton was doing right now.
Ashton felt the plug slip into his ass and shivered at the chill of the stainless steel. He wiped his hands off on a towel and walked out of the bathroom into his bedroom. The music was still playing. Janet's silky smooth voice gave way to Beyonce’s sultry vocals
Baby put your arms around me
Tell me I'm a problem
He walked back into his bedroom, feeling delicious shivers from the pressure on his prostate as he moved. The city lights illuminated the room from the open blinds on the balcony. 
Stop acting so scared, just do what I tell
First go through my legs, go back on your head
And whatever you want, yeah baby I'll bet it comes true
He reached down and squeezed his dick, rubbing his thumb over the tip down to the sensitive underside of the ridge. Pulling the shaft down and away from his body, pushing almost to the point of pain before easing up and giving it a nice slow stroke. He repeated the motion, each time pulling a little harder, edging a little closer to making it hurt, each time when he pulled back the relief was more intense. His fantasies were new visions: dark eyes and black curls still coming into focus in his mind's eye. He squeezed his muscles around the plug as he tapped the remote on the table next to him. The plug began to vibrate on the lowest speed and Ashton hissed at the sensation. He wondered if he'd let Calum fuck him.  Ashton didn't bottom very often. Luke didn't like to do the work, rarely agreed to switch up and whined whenever he did.  Calum looked like he could give as well as he got. 
Calum grunted as he pushed his cock, slick and shiny with lube, into the sleeve. His hips jerked upwards into the air as the countless smooth nubby fingers lining the inside of the toy closed around his swollen shaft, gripping and massaging the taut skin with every stroke. He screwed his eyes shut picturing Ashton on his back with his knees pulled up to his chest as he begged for him. Calum bit his lip to stifle a moan, slowing down his speed, not wanting to cum too fast. Hima told him Ashton called himself a “bendy boy” and had a strict yoga routine which just sent Calum's mind spinning, picturing trying different positions until Ashton was screaming for him. Calum moved his hand away, leaving the toy. The scenario in his mind began to switch up. The only thing Calum could think of hotter than fucking Ashton was getting railed by his massive cock. 
The combed cotton, high-thread-count pillowcase felt velvety soft and air-conditioned chilled when he bunched the pillow in his fists as he thrust his hips, burying his shaft in the soft folds. It felt amazing but was cold comfort when he was craving Calum's body heat. He turned the remote up a notch and adjusted the settings; a pulse pattern began throbbing against his core. He squeezed down on his dick even harder. He could feel the delicate feathers snapping under his fingers, but he didn't care. Ashton ached for release, longing to have Calum in his bed tonight. Every nerve in his body seemed to come alive as his orgasm began to build. His hips pumped faster trying to match the pulsing rhythm inside him. He wanted Calum, with a craving he’d never felt before. Something in those dark eyes challenged Ashton. There was something about this mysterious reporter that he needed to discover. He was getting closer with every stroke, the fantasy switching to pounding Calum into the mattress, seeing how well he could throw it back. The image was too much and he shuddered, cursing out loud as his climax hit. His hips stuttered and his legs wobbled, forcing him to his knees. The vibrator extended his orgasm, milking him drop by drop as he whimpered and fumbled for the remote. When he finally turned it off, he rolled onto his back and tried to catch his breath, thankful he'd bought a nice fluffy rug to put next to his bed. .  
Calum flipped over onto his stomach, grinding down with his hips, the sleeve moving with the friction. He wondered if Ashton was vanilla or if he could get into Calum's slight pain kink. He'd looked for Ashton on FetLife to no avail, but he was fairly sure he'd found Hima so that was a surprise. Calum reached up and tugged his nipple hard as his hips rocked slowly. There was a power to Ashton. He had a dominant side which Calum had clearly seen in his dynamic with Luke, despite Ashton being smaller in size. Calum wanted to see how he'd take charge because he wasn't soft like Luke, but he had no doubt Ashton could handle him. Calum raised himself up on his forearms, pumping his hips furiously. He thought about those arms wrapped around his neck, his teeth grazing Ashton's blood moon tattoos as he bent Cal over and took him hard and fast. He whimpered, biting the pillow, his rhythm starting to stutter as he thought about Ashton looking up at him, eyes wide with Calum's hand at his throat as they reached their high together. Calum was just at the edge when he quickly rolled over, removing the toy and ruining his orgasm. He gasped, his whole body shaking as his release spilled onto his belly. After a moment he reached down, using the sleeve to tease the tip through the aftershocks until it became too sensitive to touch. He was hungry again, so he grabbed a Kleenex and wiped himself off as best he could before walking, still naked, back through his house to turn on the oven. Pizza was always a good snack after sex, and he had an article to work on.
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@sublimehood​​ @tea4sykes​​ @be-ready-when-i-say-go​ @scribblesos​​ @kiiiimberlyriiiicker1995​​ @wildmichaelflower​​ @castaway-cashton​​ @damselindistressanu​​ @notinthesameguey​​ @cashtonasfuck​ @irwinkitten​ @mermaidcashton​​ @malumsmermaid​​
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answrs · 4 years
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posted this to the aquarium subreddit with no response, posting it here too. updates at end.
(tldr at bottom, app kept refusing to upload my pics so i went descriptive as possible)
hey, so i am currently cycling my first planted tank, and set it up only just over a week ago. in addition to the already grown plants I'd purchased some "imagitarium" brand plant bulbs that supposedly would grow into water lily/onion/aponogeten. maybe 3 days ago one bulb was suddenly covered in this white fur looking stuff, thinking it was moldy or something I immediately took it out and dumped it.
the next two started developing this stuff a day or so later, and stupid me listened to the-person-i-live-with-that-shall-not-be-named when she said it was probably just how they grow/roots or something and i should just leave them to it. that was about 2 days ago at most.
except now all the proper plants in the tank have also developed (to various degrees) this same wispy white crap and my crappy google searches have brought up any form of alarm from fish forums in like 2008 between "nuke the tank from orbit" to "this is harmless"/"is totally normal and will just go away once the tank cycles"
wiki for this sub is disabled so i can't check there if it actually *is*, but it's very concerning to me. the miniature dwarf hairgrass has strings coming off literally every blade, some almost as long as the grass itself, and almost all of it has started turning brown. meanwhile, the water wisteria has grown 2 new small branches full of brilliant green leaves, but has literal tendrils of the crap coming off various points of the main stems almost down to the substrate. one leaf i am abot to trim and remive us covered in s film i just noticed, but otherwise i don't *see* much on the leaves. there's also a compacta amazon, african water fern, and java fern in there, the broad leaf plants have a fine dusting on the leaves versus the wispy tendrils or full-on "fur", but the african fern has not just wisps but almost spore-looking "pops" of it on the various places I'd pruned off leaves.
only the plants are effected by this, i do not have driftwood and my deco consists of resin fake wood, a resin croc skull, and a stargate bubbler (not currently on but can be)
the substrate is one small layer of "eco complete planted aquarium substrate", covered in about 2 inches of "flourite dark" gravel substrate, both washed thoroughly before being added. when planting the rooted plants I added 7 "API root tabs" at various points into the gravel.
after adding the water the first day, i added 3 "tetra start zyme (for startup)" as per instructions on box.
yesterday i added 4 balls of that "aqueon PURE live beneficial bacteria and enzymes" that advertise themselves as 'impossible to overdose capsules'
again, since this is my first cycling, no fish have been added, and will not until the tank is safe for them and levels have stabilized. i have purchased a pH reducer but am holding off on using it until i know more (and take another reading later in the week)
current parameters as of yesterday night, using API freshwater master test kit:
29 gallon tank, with 150W heater, "aqueon quietflow LED pro power filter", lights in lid generally on about 10 hours/day, but were on possibly up to 16 hrs the first 3 days.
temp 78.8-79.0F
pH 7.5
ammonia .25ppm
nitrite 0ppm
nitrate 5ppm
I have not done a water change yet in case i should do a smaller or larger water change than just 25%
*tl;dr white fuzz growing on plants in week+ cycling tank, is this dangerous for said plants and fuck up the cycle, and if so how do i treat it?*
UPDATE 1: and in the span of a few hours overnight the nice new green leaves have been covered in a white film FUCK
UPDATE 2: after reading so, so many forum posts with broken images from 2008-11 i went out and got some aquarium salt and put in 1 TBS/5g as per instructions (so 6TBS total). have not replaced thefilter or removed ts, nor done a water change/vacuumed the gravel. also jacked up the heater to highest setting, which probably will finally settle about 85°F.
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pezberry-week · 5 years
So I have to admit this is a little bit of a cheat for my Pezberry Secret Santa fill for @angel-hummel - as in, it’s both my present fill and a prompt fill for my 25 Days of Christmas (AO3) fic collection. As it is, I have plans to revisit this someday, but I hope you enjoy this self contained bit anyway. Happy Pezberry Secret Santa, angel-hummel!
Day 21: Character A is pretending to be their friend’s lover for the sake of the friend’s family. Character B is said friend’s sibling.
“Santí! Come down and meet your brother’s girlfriend!”
“That’s really not necessary.” Rachel smiled at Maribel, hoping the woman wouldn’t see her unease. “If she’s busy we can always meet later.”
“Nonsense. It’s time for her to come down anyway.” Frowning, Maribel sighed, saying under her breath, “That girl,” before taking a step on the staircase, rapping harshly against the wall. “Santí! Get off the computer and come meet Rachel! Your brother’s girlfriend!” She turned her head, smiling at Rachel, “I’m so sorry. She’s always playing around with those music programs of hers.”
“Puck did tell me that she worked for Big Machine Records…” Rachel tried to placate, starting to feel even more awkward than she originally had when she’d first walked into her friend’s father and step-mother’s house as his fake girlfriend. “Perhaps she’s busy mixing and can’t hear you?”
Maribel huffed. “That would be just like her. Here,” she turned, descending the step she’d taken, “Can you be a dear and fetch her for me? I have to check on dinner, and this way you can introduce yourself.”
Blinking, feeling a little blindsided, Rachel barely had the chance to agree before Maribel was hustling her up the stairs, calling out a thank you as she turned to make her way back to the kitchen. Figuring there was no point in pausing in the middle of the stairs, she finished her walk up, pausing and wavering at the top before sighing and squaring her shoulders, turning to the hall of doors. About to start worrying about which she should knock on, she relaxed when she could see a door proudly proclaiming, “Santana’s Room Keep Out!!!” from where she stood. That was lucky.
The door opened after Rachel’s second smattering of hesitant knocks, Rachel still pulling her hand away. “I told you, Mamí, I have a deadline I have to – – you’re not mom.”
Beautiful brown eyes blinked down at her. Framed by thick, curly bangs and above a thin nose and plush, red lips, Santana Lopez practically took Rachel’s breath away. When the striking eyes narrowed, Rachel realized she was still staring, and she took a step back, shoving her hands behind her back so they wouldn’t fidget in front of her. “I’m Rachel. R-Rachel Berry,” she stuttered, “Puck’s… Girlfriend.”
“You don’t sound so confident about that,” Santana smirked at her, leaning against the side of her doorway.
Red slashed across Rachel’s face. “Oh, no, I am. I, er, just…” Trailing off, she remembered herself, standing forward to offer her hand, “It’s nice to meet you.”
Untangling her arm from the doorway, Santana accepted the handshake, and suddenly long, warm fingers were wrapped around Rachel’s. “Rachel, eh? Puck’s bandmate?” She made vocal bunny ears, “The tiny fellow Jew hottie?”
More red bloomed on Rachel’s cheeks. “Ah, yes, that’s me. Apparently…” She’d have to have a talk with Puck about how he described her in the future. Not wanting to relinquish the handshake, but knowing she had to before it became weird, Rachel pulled her hand back, Santana’s grip briefly tightening before releasing her, sliding her hand into the pocket of her skinny jeans. Following the motion, Rachel wondered why she’d thought it be a good idea to wear one of her ‘best impression wholesome girl’ dresses when she could have worn something like what Santana was and have given her an extremely different impression than what she was probably giving her.
“Seems like a pretty accurate description,” Santana smiled, bringing Rachel’s attention back up to her face.
Rachel laughed self-consciously. “You should hear how he describes you.”
Fine eyebrows rose. “Oh, you’ve gotta tell me.”
“Well, you know…” Taking a second to come up with a response, Rachel affected her voice lower, “’Santana Puckerman? My totally pain in the ass step-sister.’”
Rolling her eyes, Santana shook her head, a smirk still curling her lips up. “He just never stops complaining about when I almost castrated him with a s’mores fork, doesn’t he?”
“We were eight.”
“Wait, his pain is literal?”
“I’m sure you’ve seen his ass. Is the scar still visible?”
“That’s… Actually not something I would know.” Thank god.
“Really?” Santana’s eyebrows shot up again. “Normally bro’s faster with getting his chicks naked. Boy does not know how to do the romance.”
“And you do?” Rachel immediately lobbed back, both out of curiosity and automatic defense of her friend.
Santana smirked. “I’m sure you’ve heard the tales about me. What do you think?”
Opening her mouth, Rachel was saved from making some obvious and pathetic attempt at not being flirty by the loud racket of Puck loping up the stairs. “Babe,” he called out carelessly, swinging himself around the banister, “Stop flirting with my sis and come make me look good. Mom’s wantin’ us all down there.”
“Puck,” Rachel snapped, not bothering to hide her mortification at his words as Puck wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his side.
Puck smirked at Santana. “Ain’t she hot?”
Again, “Puck,” and Rachel elbowed his side, using his indrawn breath and flinch to disentangle herself, stepping aside and straightening her dress.
Santana surveyed them curiously, a lazy tilt of her lips showing her amusement. “At least this one seems to know how to handle you,” she teased, shaking her head; disappearing into her bedroom – Rachel getting a glimpse of black and white and a sumptuous looking bed – she called over her shoulder, “Give me a sec to save my work and I’ll be there.”
Once Rachel was secure she was far enough away to be able to hold a furiously whispered conversation, she rounded onto Puck. “You,” she jutted her finger at him, “Didn’t tell me how… Attractive she was!”
That elicited a loud, full-belly laugh, Puck even going so far to pretend to wipe away tears. “You’ve seen pics, haven’t ya?”
“Those were crazy, unflattering ones, and you know it!”
Still laughing, Puck shook his head, urging Rachel down and in front of him, meeting his mother in the kitchen. “Well now you know, eh?”
Giving Maribel a calm, benign smile, Rachel elbowed him again the second she was turned away.
A couple of hours later, gathered at the family table with a mug of spiked eggnog and reams of awkward, fake relationship comments behind her, Rachel couldn’t look away from Santana.
“You’re being obvious,” Puck teased, breath hot against her ear, lips curled up.
“Not caring,” Rachel lilted back, raising her mug in a toast when prompted, her tongue lapping up foam when it clung to her upper lip.
A strong finger poked her side. “Have you forgotten you’re my girlfriend?” he prodded.
Rachel grit her teeth. Turning her head, angling back to glare at him, she humphed. “Shhh. You, grateful, me going to ogle if I want to.”
“You do so criminally rarely ogle,” Puck hummed agreeably. “Should I let slip that you’re an out and proud bisexual?”
Rachel didn’t feel bad about the strength of the kick behind the side of her foot impacting her bandmate’s shin. She took a sip of her eggnog to cover the proud smirk at his fumbling of covering up the reason for his squeak. As her eyes traveled along aimlessly, she had to stop and blink, a blush covering her cheeks at the dark eyes smirking at her. Well. At least it was only Santana who had seemed to catch on. Rachel softly cleared her throat. “Dear, you alright?”
“No thanks to you,” Puck hissed, but gathered himself. “Hey, sis,” he abruptly burst out, motioning at Santana when both Abby and Santana looked at him, “Now that Show and Tell’s done with me n’ Rache, how ‘bout you? Got any hot tail in LA?”
“Noah,” Maribel sighed from her spot down the table, lowering her mug to the table, “Must you speak like that? I swear, I don’t know where you and Santana got it.”
Santana and Puck exchanged grins. “Lima Heights Adjacent,” they chorused.
Maribel closed her eyes. “We never lived in Lima Height Adjacent.”
“Tell that to the jocks and nerds who were terrified of Santana in high school,” Puck laughed. He affected his voice, lifting his hands, “’I’m ‘bout to go Lima Heights Adjacent on your ass if yous don’ts. Step. Offs. Afores I ends you.’”
Santana grinned. “You forgot the razors ‘all up in my weave’.”
Abby tched, rolling her eyes. “I went to William McKinley after you guys and heard nothing. So I think you’re lying. Or exaggerating.”
Grinning, her teeth biting lightly on the rim of her mug, Rachel watched the play-by-play. She jerked, cheeks glowing bright as Santana suddenly winked at her.
“Puh-lease. Puck was the one exaggerating,” Santana grinned, tossing her hair and adopting a teasing tone, “Who was the one who was a ‘sex shark’ who died if they stopped having sex?”
“Ay Dios mio and the Mother Mary!” Maribel groaned, her palm slapping on the table, stopping Puck’s retort, “Who raised you children? Have you no tact? Do I need to hear this, hmm?”
Santana snorted. “Ask your son, Mamí. He’s the one who used that excuse.”
“Oh, and you didn’t use tricks to get the girls into your bed,” Puck snapped, looking actually insulted, his chin and chest jutting forward.
Santana clicked her tongue at him. “Unlike you, I didn’t need to.”
“Oh god,” Abby muttered, hands covering her face, “Stop! Forget about need, I don’t want to hear this!”
“I agree,” Rachel chimed in, steel filling her voice as she pressed her hand into Puck’s thigh, stopping him. “Noah.” She didn’t actually really care, having made peace with how much of a horn dog her friend was years ago, but she figured his girlfriend probably wouldn’t be amused at all.
Puck frowned at her. “Why do you care? You’ve always listened to me talk about girls…” he asked, Rachel’s eyes widening as she figured out, before him, what he was saying.
Rachel didn’t dare look at the stares she could feel until, taking a deep breath and pasting a large smile on her face, she looked up with a, “We… Have a very open relationship.”
The first person she looked at was Santana, who quirked her eyebrows at her. “How open?”
“Santana Maria Puckerman, please stop antagonizing your brother’s girlfriend.”
“Who’s antagonizing?” Santana asked ‘innocently’, hands raised, “It’s a legitimate question.”
Though obviously a little uncomfortable with the confession, Maribel helped (made) the conversation pivot, and with only a few moments of grumbling and heated glares at his sister, Puck settled down. Doing so as well, though expressing it with a dark smirk instead, Santana hummed, turned to Rachel, winked again, and only turned away in satisfaction as Rachel’s ears heated up.
Rachel had a week more of this. Of Santana.
Rachel’s teeth bit lightly into the rim of her eggnog mug.
Oh god.
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behardonyourself · 5 years
I joined a Facebook group today and had an overwhelming response to my intro post. I was asked to make my posts shareable, but since it is a private group, I can’t, so thought I would just share it here.
Well, I totally didn’t expect the response I got from that first post, so I would like to share a bit more.
Please note - this isn’t to beat my chest or to brag. I am nothing special. Just a normal guy that got tired of being tired. I am slow and will never win a triathlon, but I am stubborn.
June 30, 2018. Rushed to the hospital because I think I am having a heart attack. I wasn’t, but the doctor told me it was just a matter of time. Insanely high bp. Cholesterol. Fatty liver. Elevated A1c.
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I decided to have a drink when I got home.
My daughter was born July 19, 2018. I was still being a lazy asshole.
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I made my commitment to change Dec 12. I took off running and damn near died half way up my street. So ashamed. The next day, I sat my fat ass on my Peloton for 2 hours. It was hell, but it gave me hope.
One year ago today (Dec 22), my life turned upside down. Had finally committed to fixing me, and my wife fell and shattered her leg messing with Christmas lights. That is a different story but she crawled 75 feet through the yard with the bone out of her leg. We just had her 10th surgery.
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My baby is 5 months. My then 14 year old had just come to live with us as well.
I became mom, dad, chef, nurse, chauffeur, etc. I don’t want credit for that because single mothers do all those things every day.
I couldn’t let my flame die. I stole 3 minute runs through the day. With a baby and a 15 year old and a physically broken wife that I had to bathe, change her bandages, and tend to like a child.
At first, I thought “Why me, why us?”
But I flipped that shit - it became “why not me???”
If I could do something amazing, then what the f have I been holding back for??? Who could that story touch and inspire? Who NEEDS this? Who is where I was at and feels hopeless like I did???
I had a goal of running a 5 fucking K to live. But, tragedy hit. So I decided to do an Ironman. Arizona was the last one in North America, so I signed up for it. Talk about burning the boats... Oh - I had never done a tri. I couldn’t run for shit. Hadn’t swam a lap in 25 years. Had never been on a road bike.
The plants...
I am the last person that anyone has ever expected to give up animal products. It was the best decision I ever made.
How’d I get there? It started as an elimination diet. Then, I instantly loved how I felt.
And instantly, I could tell a difference. I felt great. I slept great. I recovered amazingly. My digestion was perfect. My bloodwork did a 180 almost overnight.
Understand that I probably hoped it wouldn’t work at first. I had never even liked veggies. But as I ate more, I fell in love with tastes that I had never had.
And I looked better. Here is a pic of 5 months as a plant based eater:
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Now, I cannot imagine eating any other way. Oh, and I have my full blood/nutritional panel. My shit is perfect.
The workouts became more and more intense. My limits disappeared quick. I had never ridden a road bike. Bought my first in April (then bought an ultra high end tri bike in June).
I did a sprint tri on Father’s Day. It was so hard. Lol 250 yard swim, 16 mile ride, 5k run. I was thinking “How in the fuck can I do an Ironman?” But when I crossed the finish line, my family was there as if I had won Kona. My son hugged me like never before. I was now a triathlete. A very slow triathlete.
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Did my 5k with my son a week later. It was a Spartan Stadium race at Jerry’s World. Piece of cake.
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I kept training and training. I didn’t hire a coach - I wanted to do it all. One foot in the grave to Plant Based Ironman in under 12 months. All the workouts are on my Strava. I would like to say that I was scientific, but my science was get out there and get the hell after it every single day.
As I am writing this, it seems unbelievable. Reading it may as well. I would see these things and I would think that is cool, but not me.
Here is the deal - I AM YOU. I have a family. I have a demanding career. I don’t have time. I have bad days. Well, very few these days.
I know it is overused but if I can do this shit, you can - and you can do it better.
I am now completely limitless. I am not a runner. I don’t love it. I suck at swimming. But I cannot imagine stopping.
It’s hard to organize this and express my feelings with words. I just hope that one person reads this and knows that it is inside if them to do something crazy.
On November 24, I completed my race. It’s a story in itself. I panicked like a child in the practice swim. I lost my goggles in the first 100 yards of the race. Lol I swam 2.4 miles oin 62 degree water with no fucking goggles. Oh - my first Marathon? After that swim and a 112 mile ride.
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Now I am actually being a bit more organized with my training as I prep for a 100k run on April 19th. But make no mistake - I still take myself into that dark, dark place as often as possible - that is where the fortune is found.
I am just getting started.
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xuberfanx · 4 years
Gender-bend Photo-Manipulations and video
Now genderbend can squick some people out, if that is you, that's totally cool. Move along, nothing to see here. :) 
So a year or two ago I started playing around with “FaceApp.”
I like reading crack genderbend fics (they’re just fun!) so I wanted to see what Sam and Dean would look like as women.
FaceApp was actually pretty good and not too far into the uncanny valley. However, a computer algorithm can’t always figure out what faces are supposed to look like. They sometimes ended up looking just a little.... off.
Observe: ↴
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Now I’ve been fucking around with Photoshop for several years now. No professional grade edits, but I know my way around.
I thought to myself that I could probably make FaceApp’s edits look right! Really, i’d just need to rely on Sam’s male face and use FaceApp’s version as a guide.
So that’s what I did and I got pretty good at it too. Over the past year or two I’ve made a ton of these edits and thrown them up onto AO3 just for shits and giggles. I’ve become so efficient that I can make a good edit in less than a half an hour depending on the face and expression. Some turn out weird. Some turn out really good!
This is what I made out of the pic shown above:
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This took me about 20-25 minutes.
I just used my laptop’s trackpad, not my Wacom tablet.
I don’t know if anyone would be interested or not, but I recorded the process of photoshopping this together.
I thought it was cool! I hope you think so, too!
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foliea · 5 years
Rubber Band - Tyler Joseph Imagine
Paring: Friend!Tyler x Fem!Reader
Word count: 1,630
warnings: brief mention of self harm, a bit of angst but mainly sweet
authors note: this has been plaguing my mind for days now. And honestly it’s probably my favorite fic i’ve written ever. I’m super proud of this and I hope you all like this as well. Also I spent like two and a half hours writing this, it’s 4 am I’m tired.
March 17, 2006
as I walked down the halls on my way to the gym, I tugged down the sleeves on my hoodie. Insuring no one would see what tortures I put myself through. 
Just as I rounded the corner into the next corridor I felt someone run right into my chest. “Uh, sorry...” I muttered as I stuck my hand out to help the girl, who had fallen to the floor. “I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
She took my hand and hoisted herself up. “No harm done.” She smiled while dusting off her jeans. She slowly looked me up and down, eyes lingering on my arm. I quickly looked down only to see that my sleeve had been scrunched up near my elbow.
The girl sighed as I yanked the sleeve down. There was a brief slapping noise before she extended her hand out to me. In it was a singular rubber band. “Here take this. And uh when ever you feel the need to...” She trailed off looking to my now covered arm. I nodded understanding what she meant. “Just pull it back and let it go. Keep doing that until the feeling goes away.”
Hesitantly, I took the rubber band from her. “Thank you...” I looked up realizing I had no idea what her name was.
“Y/N.” She smiled.
“Thank you Y/N.” I quickly pulled the rubber band onto my wrists, just as the warning bell rang. 
“I’ll see you around...”
“Tyler.” She repeated with a small nod before walking off.
Over the next few months Y/N and I swapped numbers to keep in touch over summer.
July 6, 2011
As I walked into the small coffee shop, a bell signified my entry. Despite living in Columbus my whole life, I had still yet to come here. “I’ll be right with you!” A small yelp was left out slightly after.
I walked up to the counter and stood there awkwardly waiting for the girl to appear from the back of the shop. As I stood I inspected the store. There were two other people there, an elderly couple, sitting by the window.
“Okay sorry about that.” The girl appeared behind the counter with a grin on her face. She seemed familiar. “What can I getcha?” 
I froze realizing I had no clue what I wanted. Hesitantly I looked up to the chalk board behind the girl. As I searched for something that I knew would please me I fiddled with the rubber band on my wrist.
“Ya know I gave you a rubber band in our sophomore year of high school not thinking too much about it.” Suddenly it hit me.
“That’s my name don’t wear it out.” She let out a light chuckle at her own joke. “How are you these days, Tyler?”
“Honestly? Pretty good. My band has our CD Release party in a couple days. Well I say band... It’s really just me and my friend Josh on stage singing and playing drums...”
“Sounds like a wonderful time. Maybe I’ll show up.”
“Really?” she nodded with a toothy smile on her face. 
“Now, have you decided on what you want?” 
I quickly ordered my drink and handed her the money, making sure to leave a little extra in the tip jar.
Maybe I’ll have to come back to this cafe more often.
July 8, 2014
I nervously stood in front of the mirror when there was a knock at the door. “Come in!” 
“Hey, Ty.” Y/N smiled. “Ready for your big day?”
Although on the inside I was screaming yes. I still shook my head. “No... What if she walks out on me?”
“Tyler there is no way in hell that Jenna is going to walk out on you. You two are so in love its disgusting.” We both chuckled.
There was another knock at the door. “Tyler, Y/N c’mon we gotta go.” Quietly, we both stood up. She patted my shoulder giving me one last reassuring smile before running off to find Josh.
Ever since I had introduced the two, Jenna and Y/N became inseparable. Meaning that when it came time for Jenna to pick her bridesmaids, Y/N had to be on the list. And of course Josh would be one of my groomsmen.
“And yeah I know I probably should have ‘practiced’ my speech but I felt like wigging it would be better...” as josh when off on a tangent about how he didn’t practice his speech and everyone was listening intently, my mind wandered to how incredibly lucky I am. I just married my best friend and along with her, I have two of the greatest other best friends.
“Okay it looks like it’s my turn to talk.” Y/N let out a dry chuckle as as stood up. “The first time I ever met Tyler, I was on my way to chem, totally dreading it cause I had a test, when all of a sudden I run right into someone’s chest.” As she retold the story her face would falter only to perk of at certain points. “... It’s crazy to think that I made three life long best friends because of a stupid rubber band...”
She passed the mic onto one of Jenna’s other bridesmaids as she sat down, hands fiddling with something in her lap. From the distance I was at I couldn’t see but the look Josh had given me said it was something familiar. 
August 25, 2016
Josh and I quickly ran off stage only to be greeted by the open arms of Y/N. “You boys did amazing.” We smiled pulling her into another hug.
“Couldn’t do it without our number one fan cheering us on!” Josh laughed poking her stomach
“Cheering? No. Taking the best concert pics you’ll see in your life? Yes.” All three of us laughed again walking back to our dressing room to gather out belongings.
As we packed I could see Y/N’s smile falter while she quietly pulled at something on her wrist. “You boys... and girl... ready to hit the road?” Our tour manager asked, peaking his head through the door slightly.
“Yep!” Y/N jumped up off the couch quickly, turning to us. “I’m gonna head out to the bus to get ahead on editing these photos.” and with that she walked out.
December 28, 2018
“I remember the day pretty well for it being twelve years ago.” Slowly I told the story of how Y/N and I met, how I invited her to our CD Release, how she comforted me when I got nervous before my wedding, how she would take photos for us on tour. 
I could see her family crying in the front row, Josh quietly wiping his tears away as he held onto her little sister. Jenna was staring at me, silently encouraging me to finish. 
“But most importantly I remember the last time I saw her. There was something broken behind her E/C eyes. Something that I knew was too late to fix.” I sighed. “I didn’t think too much of it at the time though, I thought maybe she had spilled coffee on herself this morning, or maybe she was stood up on a date. I just wished I would have noticed that she was grabbing the rubber band on her wrist just a bit more than usual.” 
I rubbed my hand over my face, messing with my own rubber band. “I’m sorry.” I swiftly put down the microphone and ran off the to bathroom.
September 30, 2019
“Hey Y/N. Sorry I haven’t talked to you in a while. Tour, you know how it is. Anyways I thought I should say hi since it is you’re birthday and everything. Life’s been hectic recently. Josh and I just finished the final leg of the Bandito tour. The fans love it, they miss your photos by the way. Like a crazy ton. We’ve already started working on our next album. It’s gonna be better than any of our others. Okay maybe not Regional since that’s always been you’re favorite- actually scratch that, it will definitely be better than Regional. Everyone misses having you around. Especially Josh, but he’s been doing better recently. Jenna misses having another girl on tour with her. Oh that reminds me, Jenna designed our newest tour bus. Its awesome. Or I guess in Twenty One Pilots fashion, sick as frick. My mom misses you as well. She says I need someone around to convince me not to get anymore tattoos. I still have that uke you made me. The one with the art from each album. Don’t get mad at me but I added yellow tape so that Trench fits into it as well. Wait I almost forgot, Jenna and I have a kid coming soon, we don’t know if they’ll be a boy or girl but we decided that if it is a girl we’ll name her after you since you mean so much to us. I still have all the Polaroids you would take of me, you, and Josh. It’s crazy to think of how long it’s been since those were taken. It’s getting pretty late so I think I should go... Bye Y/N.” I slowly stood up brushing the dirt off my pants. I started to walk away before stopping in my tracks and turning around. “Wait I was going to sing for you... one sec.”
I sat down again pulling my ukulele out of my bag before starting to play Truce. “Take pride in what is sure to die.” I sang as I strummed the last cord. Silently I removed the rubber band from my wrist and gently placed it on the ground. “I’m sorry friend.” I said turning away from the grave.
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