#this shit is insane!!!! theres over 100!!!!
dekupalace · 7 months
every time I get a comment on family bonds I get so happy aaaaa this is so so so cool I'm so honored ;;
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gay-artificer · 1 year
Basically everything we see in RW is a direct descendant of heavily modified organisms, with a bit of a split between fully organic genetic modifiers to the introduction of foreign parts. This is undeniable. However I'm begging people to understand that nature routinely produces weird shit on its own and that's so much cooler than just 'anything slightly weird must be the result of modification and meddling in the process'
Please have some whimsy!!! bioluminescence!! Tool use!! Communication via static electricity! Electrical shocks as an attack method!! Beetles that spray caustic acid that can burn skin! Lizards that fire slime out of their tails!! These are all real things that are on this earth just because nature gets weird with it!
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g00ngala · 2 years
i swear i have tmnt opinions yall are not ready for
#hannah.txt#it might not be on here but at least on tiktok theres this like feud between rise fans and 2012 fans right#and its like. i get it if you dont want to call rottmnt your favorite tmnt adaptation. but like 2012? really lol?#specifically people saying its better than rise and its like thats insane to me im sorry#if you want to say the 2003 version is better than rise then you know what? sure absolutely. 2003 goes hard. but like 2012?#to set the record straight i like tmnt 2012 i enjoy it. but not because it is good lmao. writing wise it is an absolute trainwreck#however its an extremely funny trainwreck and it has bits of salvageable characters and arcs#and its like#i dont want to be one of those new fans hating on the old shit or whatever because i really am not#but speaking as someone who is watching through all 3 shows. 2012 is bad and by bad i mean like inconsistent. extremely inconsistent#and like to sit there and say rise is worse than 2012 with your full chest is some unbelievable nostalgia blindness#i luv the 2012 characters and the show is hysterical however a goof 50% it is hysterical on accident and not on purpose#sometimes these 'old fans' (a little funny bc they're obsessed with what was the newest tv show before rise)#are so obsessed with familiar that any break from that is so mind shattering to ttem that they hate it#and heres the thing 2012 is not a wholely bad show i think it is an extremely 2012 show + the writing is misogynistic and not thought out#its just like idk. im not that heated about it i think its just really funny#how dedicated some people are to defending the show with an inc//est plotline and the worst romantic subplots ever#like. are you allowed to like it despite its flaws? 100% . like i said i like it a lot despite my criticisms#but like saying its better than rise or 2003 for that matter... come on now. face reality my friend. be honest w urself#ok rant over LMFAO
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cal-writes · 30 days
I thought about Zoro, again. And how he stays calm when all other mugivaras are in disarray. How he has to be the last pilar standing, because if not him than noone. And how some people deam him emotionless and uncaring because of that, because he keeps his cool and talk logic in hard situations. (Like whan they had to leave Vivi behind, or all this mess in inies loby). And I thought how I want someone to see it, and hug him and let him be vulnerable for a bit.
I dunno if I mean it like a prompt, or just want to cry with someone over Zoro. Maybe both. Anyway I would love to hear your thoughts on the matter in any format :')
god yes i knooooow. going insane over him tbh. like i went into this in my previous meta post about him, esp in enis lobby/water seven arc where he is so clearly affected by everything going on but can't show it. (or feels like he cant)
this reminded me of a thing i havent seen many people talk about, which is that zoro is very often 100% spot on with his predictions, gets ignored, and eats shit for it.
like zoro isnt stupid (despite what some characters and parts of the fandom think) hes incredibly perceptive and his cold read on most people will be accurate. theres several moments where he will predice something happening, rationally explains it to the crew how the best course of action is one thing and then luffy being stubborn and the protagonis does what he wants
not to say that thats a bad thing! i think its awesome to show their dynamic
like back on zou when they find out sanji left to marry big moms daughter and everyone wants to go and get him back
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zoro is harsh in his wording bc he always is but the core of the matter is this: if they go mess with big mom, while they are already anatagonizing kaido, they'll end up having to deal with two emperors. he understands that sanji knew that which is why sanji left the way he did (partially).
and we all know how that ended
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not only that i think this fight is a fantastic display of zoro's core character trait. unlike the three captains in this fight, he doesnt have an ego about it. he's not posturing or peacocking, he knows immediately shits gonna go down (killer too probably but with the mask its harder to tell what killer is thinking) and he's the one person that keeps an overview of the battlefield that includes everyone. law eventually does once he gets over his control issues
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and of course thats not the end of it in wano
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"ill suffer twice as much after" and he doesnt care, beats king, nearly dies or maybe does die and nobody knows about that whole thing
then of course in more recent chapters (spoilers for egghead below)
we have his fight against lucci which i find striking in how the other characters perceive it
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like jimbei can be excused, he doesnt know zoro all that long but the crew acts like this is a point of pride to zoro, to finish the fight. when we've seen zoro run away from fights plenty of times. and to me what he doesnt get to say is exaclty what ends up happening
if lucci isnt taken out, he will tell the elders about the plans he was privy to in eggheads lab. which of course he does when zoro is dragged away
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if the vegapunk hadn't stepped in
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zoro would have fought the elder and most likely lost
same way he knew he'd not be able to win against kuma
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he's telling everyone to stay out of it because he wants to protect them. its not an ego thing for him. he knows the second he stepped up to that fight hes probably going to lose. he's going to do his best to win but he's not delusional
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and i find it noteworthy that we are continuing this plot line of the crew not understanding zoro or not trusting him and not to mention this
lucci telling zoro he's dead weight
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and a little bit later, sanji telling him the same thing
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like, thats not their usual banter. this doesnt make zoro angry to like be able to fight off lucci better or sth. the panel of him standing there just, flinching honestly haunts me. (i eat it up oda please do somehting with it)
esp curious paired with my above example where i think zoro understands sanji quite well where i dont think sanji does in return. (another reason why i cant see them romantically im sorry itd require so much legwork for me to make that work)
i think it can definitely be read as a setup of zoro feeling apart from the crew. i think part of that is just due to the nature of his position as first mate in everything but name. like in a literal sense he is their superior the same way luffy is all of theirs. and we know from the usopp argument that he takes that a lot more seriously than the others. so i dont think - at this point in canon - zoro would open up to anyone except maybe luffy but even then thats not really the kind of relationship they have - and i dont think any of them actually see whats going on or what zoro has been doing basically the entire time.
zoro hasn't been vulnerable since his fight with mihawk
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I need you to realize how insane your fic makes me.
Anytime you update I’m like a feral dog chewing its favorite toy. God I love the writing. I love the characters. THE PLOT IS SO SO GOOD. I’ve had art block for a couple of years now, but I’m considering pulling myself out of it just so I can make fan art for you. I’ve reread your fic more times than I can count.
Anyways, I just love your story. Thank you for the recent update! <3
I am pleased to know the insanity spreads.
But seriously thank you so much, it took years of writing like shit ans obsessing over things like plot, charecterization, and character dynamics- but as a result ive gotten to a level where I actually feel comfortable posting my stuff.
The support tho?? Absolutely unreal. And 100% go for it- theres no greater honor than to have inspired someone else to creation, even if its not "good" I promise I will adore it as much as you adore my rambling writings.
Once again, thank you so much that means the world- and thank you for sending this ask <333
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sun-stricken · 7 months
Do you have any hcs abt the natsu, erza, gray trio?
* literally so fucking close, siblings im telling you
* they are a trio full of contradictions, cant assume anything with them
* they argue so much. all of them.
* Showing up at each others places with zero forewarning just to sleep or raid their fridge is an average night for them
* Its a common occurrence to see Erza walking calmly with them under her arms or over her shoulders
* Every new guild member with fail has a crush on one of them
* Natsu and Gray bring out the dumabass in Erza, according to her it’s contagious
* Natsu and Gray taught themselves morse code for the soul purpose of arguing when Erzas around
* Gray frequently blocks Natsu on every media platform he has, even email with no explanation for days
* Erza holds both Gray and Natsus ‘leashes’ and Gray holds Natsus and Natsu thinks hes free
* Theres never a dull moment with them
* “This is a safe space” *says literally anything* “This is no longer a safe space!”
* Erza is the designated bug killer between them
* They, as a trio, are black-listed from over half the establishments in Magnolia. individually or just two of them or with just one more person they’re completely fine. But not just them.
* Natsus the type to collect the most embarrassing photos of people and send them to his victims years later
* Erza genuinely had to sit down and stare at the wall for an hour after receiving one of these photos
* Natsu participates in cathartic screaming. Which means he lets out blood curdling screams at random times and scares the shit out of everyone around him
* Sent Erza and Gray into near panic attack the first time, now Gray joins in and Erza referees it like a competition
* Erza is a covert MENACE to them. Straight up psychological warfares on them
* Erza, whispering: you just lost the game
* Gray: im going to kill us both please just let me live—
* Gray knows random laws off the top of his head and will call the other two out for the stupidest ones
* sometimes he lies tho just to fuck with them
* They 100% share clothes and pack extra for each other while going on jobs
* Gray owns many hawaiian shirts and they definitely bully him for it but keep getting him more
* On many occasions, Erza has subtly instigated things that she knows would end up with Natsu and Gray fighting for her own entertainment
* They all have a constant need to prove people wrong and have issues with authority, they hate doing what people tell them to
* “try not to die” “fuck off no” “?? the hell you mean ‘no’????”
Golden retriever, Calico cat, and Black cat friends
yeah thats all i got for rn, but here are more quotes as a treat, free of charge!
Erza: Gray? What are you doing here? 
Gray, wearing a hawaiian shirt, sunglasses and holding a gatorade: My best.
Natsu: If you listen closely you can hear the sound of my brain sizzling 
Erza: Ah yes, the sweet melody of insanity 
Gray: Its just the wii music but sped up and off key
Erza: Do you guys ever have a civilized conversation that doesn't require insulting each other every time you get a chance? 
Natsu: No. 
Gray: No. 
Erza: Didn't think so.
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the-kipsabian · 4 months
HEY FELLAS I NEED TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT SOMETHING REALLY IMPORTANT (or well its important to me so. do whatever you wish with this information lmao)
i wanna show you something thats high key kinda cool actually
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we did this today
now, to you this may not seem like much of a big deal. "oh wow a ship tag reaches 100 works on ao3, thats like every day"
except its not every day. not in this fandom, not with rare pairs, especially not with this one lmao. out of these 100 uploads, at the moment, 94% of them are literally just done by two people, yours truly and my blessed partner in crime @midnightpretenders0 💜 there are others, and bless their hearts and incredible fics, but seriously just.. i hate tooting my own horn but without our contribution this ship would be in single digits still very likely
theres just something about this that makes me really proud idk. that we ever got this far. having this ship be one of the few, i believe, in the aew tag that reaches in triple digits of fics. that i have such an incredible co-writer without who none of this would have been possible. without who i wouldnt be still writing and trying to create even nearly to the degree that i am. its just... power of friendship and being completely insanely delusional over our favorite blorbos making out ya know? 💜💜💜
im just feeling a lot of things right now but yeah. peep some fics in there. theres so much good stuff, which feels very selfish to say LMAO but its true tho. we got this far for a reason
anyways i love you all im just. very proud. of us. of bugs. of myself. just keeping this fucking thing up no matter what. god i dont. this is the stupidest post ive ever written and such a stupid thing to be proud of but who gives a shit after all this fucking effort this deserves to be said
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 6 months
100 FOLLOWER!??!?!
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Through the grapevine, through the phone line.
HOLY SHIT!!!! 100 FOLLOWER!!!!!!!!!!! I was not expecting to hit that in like.. a little over a month, that is genuinely insane. Thank you so much for following my hate filled journey 🎉
This art was for my friend because they’ve converted me into a voxelette enjoyer so this is their fault btw/j
The Analysis on this one won’t be too long because I don’t think many people are as nuts about longform content as I am so lets see how normal I can be
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First of all, I wanted to give Velvette her natural hair and have fun with puffs and braids and twists and stuff instead of just straightening it and putting it in ponytails. She actually went through 5 hairstyles before I landed on this one and I’m fully convinced she’s responsible for making this art take 9 hours but its okay because shes cute ^w^ also I have made her into a silicone BJD doll with plastic hands for better posability and a little hole for holding accessories and stuff like how G5 LPS did. The lighter strands of hair are also supposed to look a little bit like yarn because I think I was subconsciously thinking about Lala Loopsies and it led to the button eyes and all that. Her shirt was based off Fluttershy’s colours and that is 1 because they look good and 2 my friend likes fluttershy. The stitches in silicone also might not make sense to some but to that i say. uh go look up a suture pad
Here is her little Colour analysis 🩷
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Now for Vox (and technically still Velvette), his colour scheme is mostly purple actually, the blue light turns a lot of it .. well. Blue. So you cant see it much but im not lying I promise. I feel like Vox is very insecure but still being prideful at the same time while Vevlette is more sure of herself, hence the significantly less amount of blue. The only blue accents on her are her beads, eyeshadow and scrunchies and the “sloth” aspect of that is mostly just how little she cares about others opinions which kind if intern turns back to pride. Meanwhile Vox has a lot more blue, not because he doesn’t work hard, but the methods in which he does things. His employees do a LOT of managing and he doesn’t have to do much for marketing because yknow. brainwashing. It also correlates to his personal grudges and grievances getting in the way of his work like how he had a public meltdown over Alastor. His body is blue but his purple suit covers it, ie masking insecurity with self assurance. People wear clothes, Im very smart I know you can hold the applause./j Hes also buffer because where the hell else is all the wiring gonna go
Here is Vox’s colour chart (note the use of bisexual flag colours/j/j)
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It’s kind of obvious but their eyes are both yellow in sections because capitalism and all that. Also I thought making Vox’s eye change into the screen recording symbol was clever because yea he is watching everything and also he is technically recording visuals into his brain and processing them so !
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I didn’t know where to squeeze this in but theres a very faint tint of green in his screenlight for the envy aspect so do with that what you will. Oh and his buttons are little outlet plugs :3c
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skreebs · 2 days
Thinking about the ableism toward Jouno in the BSD fandom and it genuinely pisses me off so badly I want to hit people. I’ll be perusing the tag and looking at stuff and then I’ll see some random pop ups for AO3 and get shit like this
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Now I don’t 100% know the context of this screenshot, for all I know this fic could be about him before he lost his sight, but either way it got me thinking and thinking got me angry and being angry means i need to complain. Jouno is already pretty shit blind rep, I’ll be honest. He’s the basic stereotype of “blind character has super senses because they’re blind” but can we give blind people literally ANYTHING else??? jesus christ. I’m pissed how BSD writes his blindness so as per usual I had to attempt to fix all of that myself, but attempting to fix it and removing it entirely are NOT the same and one is VERY MUCH SO WORSE. Again, not talking about this fic specifically but other ones I’ve seen that do this, or those “Jouno if he could see” edits. Spoiler alert, blind people can open their eyes.
I dont know why BSD and every other piece of media is so adamant on not giving visually impaired and blind characters white canes and just giving them "super senses" to get around it. It’s incredibly stupid and abelist to portray stuff like this. Disabilities are not super powers and thank GOD they didnt make that his ability but they still gave him that aspect and I guess it can be excused with SOME lore stuff like maybe he got really good senses from his surgeries but it just sucks that it happened that way at all? And then they don't even touch on how horrible having incredibly hightened senses to the point you can HEAR blood would be?? can you imagine hearing everyone internal organs around you 24/7 EVERYDAY? No one talks about that at all. That would be so fucking overwhelming its genuinely insane. Jouno is such a dear character to me, but genuinely when I remember him in canon without any of my headcanon explinations it’s just really sad that all I can say about him as representation is "well.. it could be worse".
I know there’s going to be at least one person saying “theres good blind rep in other shows though!!” Yes! I know! I’m super glad about that! But ignoring the bad ones doesn’t help much. You need to point out the issues to get good results. Recently, and by recently I mean about 17 hours ago, I watched/listened to the first episode of Daredevil, once with audio descriptions, and then after I watched without AD and had captions. I’m super glad that things are more commonly getting AD—it’d be a bit pathetic if the show with a blind main character was not accessible to blind people—but even with Daredevil, Matt still falls a bit into this stereotype.
Don’t get me wrong, seeing a character with a white cane has me absolutely elated, but from the single episode I’ve seen and what I’ve heard, he apparently also has some sort of super senses, and I know in the first episode he can hear heartbeats. I think super senses as a power is fine, but it’s just the fact they always give it to the blind characters. I, myself, am not blind, nor am I really visually impaired, I just wear glasses. However, as someone with a special interest in disabilities and also as someone that is disabled in other ways, seeing disabled rep fall into stereotypes over and over just really bums me out sometimes.
I think Daredevil is great so far from this one episode, I’ll probably be looking at more of it, but that is definitely just one gripe I have with it. I think Charlie Cox putting a bunch of effort into the role with the method acting and talking to people in the blind community and just all of that is amazing, I love to see that in anything, it’s just urrghh that it’s so hard to find a blind character that doesn’t have some kind of insane superpower senses with things. It reminds me of when characters with autism are so frequently portrayed as geniuses or their autism is only acceptable if it helps the neurotypical cast with “gadgets” or something. I dunno. Hard to explain, it’s 11 at night and I’m tired. Just don’t be ableist in any fandom or in real life. I shouldn’t have to even point out why this shit is disgraceful.
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hyolks · 2 months
ALso i just said id died for ur wastelands au but I ALSO HAVE QUESTIONS! mainly abt Al. actually all abt al lol
so u explained that it was a blood problem n they had to cut off most of the infected parts (WHICH SOUNDS SO PAINFUL I FEEL TERRIBLE FOR HIM I WISH I COULD GIVE HIM A KITH) so how does his internal organ system work? does he still have his organs? if so, how do the digestive and excretory systems work? (HOW DOES MY BOY USE THE BATHROOM??) does he feel phantom pain? can he bathe or function as a normal being? what can or cannot he do?
honestly just go into more detail if you can bcuz this is brilliant so keep up the good work and i love yu al is so so handsome even w machinery being 85% of him i luv yu (not all questions must be answered. no pressure at all. u don't even have to reply if u don't want to. jus answer what u can!! : 3)
O7 i will try my best !! to be coherent !!!!!!! im word dumping. i love thinkin about this al.
EHHHH so. one of my ideas was that al lost 100% of his arm and legs but a good portion of his torso was still...... there? i guess? and that the automail torso functions more as a shell to both to help operate the limbs and protect everything that was left. I thought of it like this so that he he could retain all of his organs. but also this leads to the imagery that Al is literally a nugget once you remove the automail parts (EXPLODES MYSELF) so i have ignored it bc i didn't like that !!
The main reason i thought of it like that was because it's never mentioned in the manga/anime whether or not theres automail organs and I'd imagine there isn't such a thing, so i wasn't sure whether or not to make the jump myself and give al automail lungs/intestines/stomach/etc. because that makes automail HELLUVA lot more crazy. the absolute magnitude of shit that winry and pinako would have to be able to do to keep al ALIVE would be fucking insane??
Idk if i mentioned it somewhere but i also thought of al particularly losing more and more of his body over time. Like. maybe the legs/arm were gone from the word go, but it would slowly keep leaching further and further up his torso or even down his neck to his chest since they either couldn't cut it all out. hence them being able to keep progressively working on Al's torso and creating/replacing the organs as he both grows older and decays. i primarily went with this because if Al lost all of that body mass right from the initial accident, he literally would not be able to survive. they would not be able to make automail organs fast enough.
it's something i need to do more research on bc currently I'm just word dumping onto this ask and am not looking at anything but! what IS the limit of organs someone can have as mechanical replacements? like there's artificial lungs and hearts in modern medical practice, but would having both put too much stress on the brain?? what is the neurological impact of that??? the amount of shit that al would need replaced would be insane. how the fuck would the brain comprehend that.
i didn't even think about it until just now tbh but i wanna know any opinions on if Al should have a bionic eye...? this would of course mean more facial automail which i'm nooot against? idk........
he very much feels phantom pain!!!!! he is in pain 95% of the time!! i think i mentioned the idea of al having to take sooome kind of pain-reliever to even be able to deal with day-to-day life, but with that train of thought i was worried i would toe into addiction issues coming up (bc. i mean. either he's in cataclysmic pain or he's not. i wouldn't blame him for not wanting to feel like a giant fucking bleeding wound) and i wasn't sure if that is a subject i want to tackle/am confident i could tackle and do justice with.
anyways. yea! i never thought about whether or not he had to use the bathroom honestly lol. i knew that i wanted him to still not be able to eat. which BLOWS he gets to be human (????? are u still human if you're 85% metal??????) but my guy can't have fucking pie??? such bullshit. i'll haveta think about how he gets energy though bc of the lack of food intake. (lol what if hes solar powered . KIDDING)
he bathes! he frequently has to oil the automail. he hilariously still has to brush his teeth. he still sweats on the skin he has left (WATER CONSUMPTION..... adds this to my to do list). being in the heat fucking sucks because that shit's just metal on skin babey ! so he's in more pain. thumbs up. can this guy get a fucking break
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hello-naptiime · 1 year
Hi gang
I see were talking about Jonathan Piss ass ToiletJon again
Welcome to my rant/vent
Mutuals look away Im sorry
Tw// for grooming and manipulation. General gross things in that area
Also Jinbop.
First of all Ashlie and Jon did was gross, but where Jon failed at literally everything Ashlie succeeded.
When the news dropped of what happened in 2017 Jon made a fucking video of him crying like a little man child, and then pressed charges (also doxxed himself like an idiot) WHICH IS INSANE BEHAVIOR. Even in his written respone he was only making excuses.
At that time I was in very close connection with him, I was on his build team, I played multiple games with him. He would come into vc and hang out with us for several hours, you could consider us friend maybe! I wouldnt.
But I was at the very least in a lot of personal servers.
So when things dropped I knew almost all of the behind the scenes BULLSHIT that was happening. How everyone waited for it to blow over and stuck by him. (I got kicked out of servers too cause people knew i was against him but I was still told everything by friends who were still in there)
Then February happened. And so much more, much worse things got exposed. From only his end. I won't mention who was involved, out of privacy reasons and because I dont want to drag them into this. But holy shit dude everyone left him after that. It was over, his gross behavior with minors (included me now that i think about, sir why are you calling me and my friends cute we are 15-) His awful and manipulative behavior with people he finds useful, how he treats his teams
. He never credited anything, I made his goddamn Dimensions s2 designs, Eddie made the skins. Only Eddie was mentioned, once on a stream.
Eddie also made designs and skins for Rosethorn, and got credited in video no less.
Its not that hard and yet!
The main point is
He was still acting in 2020, the incident was in 2017. And he was acting like this, in late 2020. Into 2021.
I wanted him to get better. I really did, I had been hyperfixated on this group of people for years it hurt a lot.
But its been almost three years and he infact has stayed the same!
He is a grown ass man acting like a toddler on a public twitter account, what makes this man some one to respect in any sort of way.
Theres so much more shit I know about this man, that I can't fucking say because of the people involved not giving me permission too. And I respect that. Thats their story to tell.
Now ashlie on the other hand.
Ashlie made a concise apology and owned up to her actions, shit she made sure not to happen again. She went to fucking therapy, she broke off that relationship first and has made so much effort to distance herself from that and apologize everyday of her life.
She went to therapy after breaking things off, and she went again after the callout just to double fucking check she wasnt a horrible person.
She initially handled everything that happened in 2017 in private, like youre supposed to do. Not have a public twitter meltdown. And in late 2020 still handled mostly everything privately. She wrote out a full explanation and apology that is still very visible on her yt channel, not her twt her full 100k subscriber yt channel
I THINK, THATS GROWTH and she should be respected for that. She's actively changed as a person from the 20yr that made mistakes
And what's crazy is that Max and Ross still make youtube videos with her.
Max and Ross, YKNOW. The people who made sure fucking Jinbop got arrested and stomp Sky's name into the fucking ground for the shit that Sky did. I 100% trust those two to make a decision about a person in their circle when theyre doing some FUCKED SHIT.
And they came back. They came back and started making new things and videos with her, Ross is an active participant in almost all of her videos.
I think that speaks wonders about her.
Don't drag her name through the ground I respect that woman and all of her endeavors in the future, she has more than made up for the fact.
Jon is still an awful person, and I dont think he will ever change. He's had more than ample time to and acts like whinny child on Twitter. Actively tries to pull nostalgia bait on his dying yt channel and mocks his ex "friends'" work. I want him gone from the youtube sphere and to get an actual life.
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skiiyoomin · 1 year
It's been ages since i posted or wrote anything so my writing skills may be a little rusty at the moment. Also! If you haven't noticed yet, especially my og followers, i've changed up the aesthetic of my blog, truthfully i dont have the time nor energy to go post by post just to change the aesthetic so yeah, from now on the posts may look a bit different. I hope you enjoy this and I really really hope this doesnt flop.
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Content: gn!reader, swearing, fluff
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ღJeongin as your boyfriend
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honestly, i 100% believe a relationship with Jeongin is just full of chaos
there's just something about him that screams chaos in the best possible ways
there's never a dull moment so long as he's around!!!
i feel like a lot of people picture him as someone shy and sweet in the relationship but honestly, if he's comfortable with you he'll be wild af
before he was your lover he was your best friend
a to be honest he was scared shitless to confess to you
but it was so painfully obvious he had a crush on you that the members couldn't take it anymore
i'm a firm believer that Han and Hyunjin were the ones to hype him up. Change my mind........exactly
he tried going for a romantical confession, but my man is anything but
he tried walking up to you but chickened out last minute and ran away
cue your confused face, like what
in his second try, he tried to act all manly and shit and be as suave as possible
but yeah i dont think being suave is in his veins so you can imagine how dorky and clumsy he was
but you like him back so that's all that matters
like i said before, being around him CHAOTIC af
he loves doing the most random shit with you and at the most random times too like ???? sir do you not have work in the morning why are you at my door at 1am
i feel like he's either that, super chaotic, or extremely chill
there's literally no in between and you can't convince me otherwise
when it comes to PDA i feel like theres a point in the middle
he's not clingy but he doesn't avert from affection entirely
likes holding your hand tho
that's an absolute MUST
the members obviously tease yall so that's probably why he isn't as affectionate in public
however behind doors he's all over you
hear me out
back hugs
he ADORES them
it's like his go to every single time
but this lil shit takes the advantage and tickles you right after
trust me it's so he can listen to your laugh
he'll never say that tho
his kisses express so much emotion it's insane
when it comes to his feelings i think he's a much more reserved person, hence his kisses always express what he can't with words
whether they're soft pecks or passionate and powerful kisses, they always manage to express how much he truly loves and appreciates you
his love language is definetly teasing you
but like, in the nicest way possible, he knows his limits obviously
Jeongin gives me vibes of having a child like demanour that always makes you feel giddy and excited
he's far from immature tho, just as easily as he can bring up the mood, he knows when to be serious
a GREAT listener
he's extremely observant to your moods and knows exactly when you aren't feeling as great before you even realize it yourself
again, he's not great with words but his actions are so much louder
all in all, Jeongin is a wonderful boyfriend who loves to take care of you because in truth, you're his entire world and he'd do anything if it means you'd be happy <3
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savetheghost · 7 months
job ramble
yknow my job is like
tricking viewers into believing the things i make defy gravity
mounting stuff in picture frames
god i love my job its weird as fuck
maybe my coworkers suck somtimes and it doesnt pay as good as it really honestly should and if it did pay just a living wage id never ever ever think about getting a new job
but holy fuck its weird as shit
just like the absolute insanity of the range of stuff i handle on a daily basis
like legit
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stuff i handle can be old as balls
like i am intimately acquainted with how paper ages man and im in charge of making sure it doesnt age as badly as it would unhandled
i get 100 year old newpapers and all those wnat to do is actually turn into dust in your hands
i know how different adhesives and tape will decay over the course of a century
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my job is an existential crisis like twice a week and i LOVE it i fucming LOVE my JOB what the FUCK look how BEAUTIFUL THIS SHIT IS their HANDWRITING
every time theres a note left on the backing paper i cut it out and make sure it stays with the art and like with that one ill leave a note saying when and where it got reframed
my initials are all over the goddamn place and with this shit its REALLY likely that itll stick around for a long while
like sometimes i open a piece up and rhe framer befoee me went and left their little note too
god i love my job i love it i recommend it if you can go work in a frame shop just fucking do it
i got to frame a nekkid alucard in the most ostentatious gogantic gothic frame ever and thats how i pay for food
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thats my fucking JOB
like legit go work in framing
were dying out
its so hard to find people to do this job cause people dont know its a job in the first place and you get to learn such weird shit about people and the stuff they think is important and i get to frame kids art and beautiful oil paintings and family photos and peoples college degrees and jesus fucking christ i love my stupid fucking job look at THIS
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like what the FUCK am i LOOKING AT sometimes
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narwhalandchill · 1 year
(HEAVILY suspect genshin 4.2 AQ weekly boss leaks, massive spoiler if its legit etc etc but take with a Colossal grain of salt, also general 4.0 & 4.1 spoilers jic, i am going moderately insane)
i would like to formally apologize in advance for the person im about to become if childes whale (or 'it' more likely than not) is genuinely going to be the 4.2 AQ weekly boss what the fuck. What the fuck
Listen. Listen. Listen.
ive been saying for YEARS that this fucker is a bigger deal than just he hee minor miniboss turned neutrally aligned friendly rival on the fatui harbinger gauntlet. ive been coping ive been starving seeing him get literally no relevance or new abyss lore for years as fanon butchered his character beyond recognition. but i knew. i knew they werent putting those lore breadcrumbs in there for nothing and like. im trying not to lose my mind just yet its still highly suspect claims but. itd make so much sense. itd explain everything.
the oratrice was not wrong. if the primordial anti-french bathwater is connected to the whale all along its no wonder it deemed childe guilty as the one with 'its' traces remaining on him all this time especially as the latent yet-untapped power resulting from that past encounter has clearly begun to surface. theyre registering as one and the same to the oratrice. and for the whale to end up as a weekly boss its Very clear theres an explicit link there.
and like? if the whales been behind fontaines rising sea levels and tied to the primordial water all this time lurking somewhere just underneath the nation of hydro im just. was childes instinct to come to fontaine specifically due to his worsening mood rly much coincidence at all or was 'it' beginning to call for him due to sensing that hed soon be ready to awaken his potential? his stories suggest quite clearly that this was what happened when ajax was 14 as well - the abyss called to him as did he to it, frustrated as he was with his ordinary life, seeking the potential he had within. ready to nurture his trouble-mongering nature into a true force of chaos and a nexus of strife. isnt this just the same thing all over again?
and the celestial star-cruising whale is his constellation. that kind of link isnt giving me a "chance encounter you happen to get latent powers from". and for skirk to explicitly state that awakening 'it' was a feat unheard of before ajax. that no one had ever done it before. theyre deeply intertwined if not outright the same entity on some cosmic level - just different incarnations somehow. shits getting Real and i fucking knew there was something up YEARS ago
anyway hooooly shit i am going to fucking lose it i really really hope its real. and like sure sure knowing its coming is technically a spoiler but also not really? bc now its just the how and why and when. is skirk going to finally show up? is childe going to summon 'it' either on accident or on purpose? would he utilize the imminent threat the whales presence poses to force both furina and neuvillette into emergency mode given how abyssal creatures are literally kryptonite for dragons and celestia-approved divine beings alike? is that why traveler ends up having to face it instead? bc those 2 would literally get irreversibly corroded by the abyss from one hit?
alternatively, will childe want to fight it? bc ppl dont talk about this for some reason but hes always had a voiceline about what we now know 100% was 'it' and bro genuinely wants to go back to the abyss full send just to throw hands with the whale to prove hes surpassed the past terror that gripped him upon their first encounter and that hes overtaken it with his own power. which with the new lore drops of their deep connection definitely isnt giving childe replacing and becoming the new incarnation of the abyssal star-whale at all nuh-uh. surely. (i want it so bad)
anyway. holy shit. heres hoping this doesnt just age like shit DUFYDUGHFGDJSHDK i really want an AQ final fight thats not just harbinger of the week for the 4th time in a row. theyre fun and all and like yeah arguably childes ties to it kinda make it a harbinger fight but also not? bc this is about his abyssal links nothing to do with being in the fatui. and its the whale anyway not him per say
anyway heres hoping we get that 3rd final boss fight to the death with him in the celestia arc for once and for all when hes finally reached his peak. first we fight him at his incomplete level in liyue. then his abyssal whale. then 3rd time him in his final form thank youuu
but like. still emphasizing. this is NOT reliable leaks or confirmed yet so hold your horses. very sussy whisperings from some ppl who do have somewhat of a truthful track record but nothing concrete. i just went insane enough with the very idea that my brain made me type this madness out regardless
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More Hyrule Warriors thoughts because I’m still in the hole
I’m now at the point in the first two adventure maps where the only things left to do are insane boss rushes and I’ve realized now that I only beat the legend mode end bosses out of luck. I have no idea how either Ganon fight actually works. I’ll look up a tutorial sometime but not right now.
In the meantime I started the first normal rank map. It’s annoying. Fuck off with your “no heal” challenges I SPENT SO MUCH TIME GETTING ALL THOSE ILLUSTRATIONS TO GET BETTER POTIONS AND YOU TAKE THEM AWAY??? I’m gonna eat you.
Also in those maps LEVELING IP FIESNT EVEN HEAL YOU I’m going to make someone TASTE THEIR OWN LUNGS
I have like 5 fairies but I only use the first one I got cause she has an ability that instantly revives you if you die and none of the others have anything even close to that good so far. Plus she’s the one wearing the Ghirahim cosplay.
I haven’t changed any of the default names of the fairies cause it feels Weird. Like “hi I just saved your life now serve me eternally also your name is now Lorraine”
One of my fairies is named Chomp :) I love her. Shes useless, but I love her
I haven’t gotten many hats. It bugs me cause none look good with the Ghirahim cosplay. Why can’t I just get like, a red headband or something???? Why did I have to get a random skull???
I’ve finally gotten a huge string of weapon upgrades so a lot of characters are useful for the first time in the entire game and I’m having SO MUCH FUN WITH IT
Specifically I’m really liking Twili Midna! I didn’t get her moves at first but I’ve started to really vibe with it now that she has some decent damage output (also that X special is OBSCENE just annihilate an entire room no biggie)
I have Toon Link in his blue lobster shirt, all is right with the world :)
I found out you can go over level 100. I thought I was doing okay with keeping the gang leveled up (I go in 5 level jumps where I’ll sell a shit ton of weapons to get rich then level the entire roster up at once) having everyone at a minimum of 40, but it turns out I was wrong and now Link is level 102 and I don’t know how to plan for this future the disparity is so much larger than I anticipated (I stopped playing as him much but I keep finding maps that require him)
So right now I’m maining Sheik at like 65 or something, then once they hit like 90 I’ll probably go to Ganondorf or Impa (I finally figured out how to play her giant blade god bless)
Primarily right now I’m jumping between going back to maps I didn’t get a-rank on and replaying them and going through free mode getting every stage done on hard + getting skulltulas I abandoned during legend mode, it has actually gotten me pretty good levels
I cannot however finish the level to upgrade Volga’s weapon, I need to A-rank a goddamn full level with a close-quarters imprisoned fight at the end like BLOCKING DIESNT DO SHIT WHEN ITS ACTUALLY EATING ME! IM IN ITS MOUTH THERES NOWHERE TO RUN IM IN A CAVE
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polyhexian · 2 years
Nate ranks every transformers thing ever
- Eugenesis
i have no idea how i can ethically rank this as good or bad. its good. its bad. its canon. its fanfiction. it is what it is. dont read eugenesis. please read eugenesis.
God tier:
- Rescue bots
i am not joking. i am not memeing. rescue bots is the best thing to ever come out of the transformers franchise. its the only series to break the three season curse and get a fourth season. it has more episodes than any other series, over 100. it didn’t get cancelled because it wasn’t popular, it ended because they ran out of stories they wanted to tell. then they dropped a sequel series with TWO more seasons. they gave nicole duboc a mainline series for this.
- Mtmte/lost light
life changing. incredible. ruined my life. saved my life. jro is my enemy. jro is my best friend. jro is my dad. i met him once. i showed him my hard copy of eugenesis i paid 150 dollars for and had him sign it. he probably thinks im insane. he DID sign it tho. i think about whirl and cdrw every day of my life
- Cyberverse
I LOVE CYBERVERSE SO MUCH... I don't think any series has captured the pure unbridled chaos of the entire franchise so well. It has so many characters and all of them feel RIGHT. I love the art style. I Love this unhinged soundwave. I LOVE the fresh and interesting new ideas if brought to the table. Season 3 was incredible. The season 4 specials destroyed me. TARN??? TARN IS HERE???
- Rise of the Beasts
I think that Bumblebee is an objectively better film, I just had more fun watching ROTB lol
- Bumblebee movie
- Rescue bots academy
- Earthspark
- Botbots
Yes I am in fact putting botbots this high. This show was so unrepentantly funny. The goof at the beginning show us like oooh space ENERGON crashed to earth the war... Anyway none of that matters lets go to the mall. That is SO funny. They did a chopping mall parody and a Hamilton parody. The protagonist is an unhinged megalomaniac burger.
- Beast wars
don't worry about the visuals you get used to them so fucking fast. beast wars is incredible. the storytelling has so much depth. tigatrons big episode about the cost of their war against the planet and defining what protecting the planet even means changed me. theres an entire episode about farting and rampage and depth charge wanna hate fuck SO bad its fucking unreal
- Recordicons
you WILL acknowledge david willis’s contribution to lgbt history and you WILL laugh at his very funny memes
Great tier:
- Transformers Prime
- Transformers Animated
waspy baby.....
- Idw shattered glass
- 86 movie (Bluray remaster)
-the five minutes at the end of earthrise when cog became the main character for some reason
This was the funniest shit I've ever seen. One of the worst most boring shitty tf shows I've sat through with characters I truly care nothing for suddenly lurched sideways as out of fucking nowhere and for no reason at all a random background character suddenly took over the plot and gave the most harrowing performance I've seen in awhile in this horrifically tragic death scene that had my jaw on the floor. And then we just moved on and never spoke of it again ckdhzhcjof. WHAT WAS THAT.... LITERALLY WHAT WAS THAT AND WHY DID THAT HAPPEN....
- Armada (the starscream and Optimus parts)
It is UNREAL how good the starscream and Optimus bits are in this show. When the rest of it is pretty terrible. I would say after starscream dies it's pretty meh but not outright bad, just sort of nothin. The first couple episodes tho are so funny because they're so bad they had no script and were all but ad-libbing the whole thing. They couldn't go two minutes without getting a characters name wrong. Incredible. Anyway this starscream is legendary for being such an interesting and dynamic character with the best design ever. And just like. The coolest character arc.
Okay but also just like do not watch this show in English. The English version is awful and it is More than just a dub!! The Japanese version was finished AFTER the American version despite being animated in Japan!! Because the show! Was not! Done!!! The Japanese version of the show is called micron legend and it's practically a different show. Do yourself a favor and watched micron legend subbed.
- Victory
also the plot hinges around the premise that current autobot commander star saber found a human infant floating through space and legally adopted him. That's incredible come on
- IDW windblade mini
saren stone could kill me with a brick and i would thank them
Good tier:
- Transformers RiD15 IDW comic
-Beast Wars 2 movie
- IDW2
- MMC mnemo/notif comic *
- Transformers go!
- Funpub shattered glass
- Beast Wars uprising
Okay Tier:
- Wfc: Siege
- Zone
- Challenge of the Go Bots *
Bad tier:
- The rest of IDW1
- G1
I'm not sorry for this. I don't like it. Boo
- Japanese headmasters
- Armada (the rest of it)
- Energon
- American headmasters
- Robotix *
im fucking unironically convinced when this flopped they just reused the plot for headmasters
- Wfc: earthrise
- Super god masterforce
- Beast wars 2
- Beast wars neo
- Beast machines
- RiD 2001
- 86 movie (pre bluray remaster)
- Cybertron
- Vanpires *
the wildest shit ive ever seen. ive watched every episode. imagine the cgi of beast wars season 1 with integrated live action. theres vampire cars and they "drain the gas from innocent cars" when cars??? not sentient???? the human children got irradiated and now they can turn into fucking horrible car beasts. why was this fucking made
- Bayverse
- Machinama’s Prime Wars
You know a series is bad when the first thing I want to complain about is the sound mixing
- Go-bots (transformers branded)
- Wfc: kingdom
Elite one my beloved I am so fucking sorry
Burn in hell tier:
- Rid15
Copaganda to rival paw patrol
- Exodus
This book called me a slur
- Hayato sakamoto’s Transformers Legends
- Kiss players
The worst thing transformers has ever done
??? (I still havent read/watched these) tier:
- Robot Masters
- Devastation
I played twenty minutes of this
- WfC
I’ve actually played a few hours of this but i got bored and didn’t finish so I don’t feel like i should rate it, but ultimately i just found it kind of generic and it didnt grab me
-Wings Universe
-Unite Warriors
this is illustrated by hayato sakamoto and ive seen enough of like, the horny bathtub art and oversexualized female characters to assume its most likely shit tier, but i think he also brought breakdown back to life and canonized kobd? I do legitimately want to read this eventually
-Marvel comics
-GI Joe transformers crossover comics
-Dreamwave comics
-new energon universe image comic
-Q transformers
I have actually watched the subbed episodes of this but, there’s so few of them and its so clearly not intended for me since this is like a little silly flash cartoon specifically for japanese fans of transformers that its like, of course i dont really get the jokes or anything so even though i found this kind of boring i dont think its bad and i dont feel comfortable putting it on a tier
- TFP tie in games
- Bayverse tie in games
- Earth Wars
Energon enema though
- IDW MLP crossover
- Nezha
Nezha is lost media but it has toys and I have one so uhhhh I guess I'm acknowledging it theoretically exists
* don't act like this doesn't count, once you're deep enough to make a list ranking every transformers thing ever made you have to start counting this type of shit too
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