#this shit is why my roommate is like why did you leave academia and the answer to that is long but could also be what academic program will
palukoo · 8 months
I should really post more insane shit on here bc fundamentally so often what I want is to be able to say things and then have people ask me for my opinions and have them listen to my extremely rambling answers that are somehow both extremely overly rigorous for the forum and lacking in the structure or research I would feel obligated to provide in almost any other context like an academic setting or shitty podcast or whatever. unfortunately I find this somewhat mortifying and have the persistent aspirations of doing said research and structuring in order to make some kind of actually decent podcast or whatever so I don’t want to just post all of my thoughts on a topic I’d like to actually properly cover in some sort of way in the future. that said. I don’t do that. so you see my predicament.
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concussed-to-pieces · 2 years
The Chance And The Change; Part Seven
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Fandom: Boku No Hero Academia/My Hero Academia
Pairing: (Eventual) Reformed Villain!Mirio/AFAB Reformed Shie Hassaikai!Reader
Rating: Holy shit M.
A/N: Welcome all, it’s good to be back. Enjoy!
Tag List: @hijackser @nonstop-haikyuu @zombiexbody @buttons-beads-lace @moonchhu @swift-omg-no @ectoplasmictoast @tartimaar-bloggeth
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
[!TRIGGER WARNING!: This installment contains depictions of financial insecurity and an instance of canon-typical violence. Stay safe!]
Someone had been following the both of you almost the moment you left the apartment together. Mirio had quickly thrust his umbrella upon you, waving off your protests. If you were holding the umbrella, it would help to cut down on your peripheral vision, which would in turn possibly keep you from noticing the individual tailing you. The less attention you drew to yourself, the better.
Sir had devised this strategy and Mirio couldn't exactly say he was reluctant to act on it. He wasn't lying when he said he had missed you, as strange as it was to admit to himself. Nighteye must have known that though, because Nighteye knew everything. But Sir had still trusted him with this task in spite of the obvious conflict of interest.
"Get them out of their dangerous environment. I'll leave that part to your discretion. Then, we make a snare for the Hassaikai weasel who managed to sneak away." 
Over the course of his hero re-training Mirio had been striving to become more patient. Sir had said one of his chiefest shortcomings was his inability to tactically deliberate and his unwillingness to compromise. 
"Making choices in the middle of a fight is one thing, and I know your Quirk operates on minute adjustments and split-second reactions. But outside of the active field, there's no need to rush. Decisive actions may not always be swift, but they are often final. You need to be more careful, think things through."
So Mirio did his best to be patient. If he couldn't remove you from the situation tonight, that was fine. 
Except your power was out and you were hungry and–
Dinner would waste enough time for him to shake the suspected tail and then get you to safety. The more time he spent yammering, the less likely whoever it was would stick around in the miserable weather. 
"You could have warned me-"
"It's fine! They're super chill, don't worry about it!"
"Mirio the apartment is a wreck–!"
"But I brought you food!" Mirio sang, thrusting the takeout container at Tamaki's face. 
Amajiki took the food while giving Mirio a dirty look, then bowed to you. He was red to the tips of his ears. "W-Welcome to our h-home, I promise it's not usually this messy." He mumbled, his voice breaking.
"No no, don't worry about it!" You seemed almost as panicked as he was, bowing in reply and waving off his apologies. "This was all very spur of the moment, I'm really sorry."
"I'll explain everything after you eat." Mirio promised the young man who had become his friend and, even more recently, his roommate. "They're really good noodles, and I asked for tonkotsu broth, with the spring onions and-"
"Alright, I forgive you." Tamaki cut him off, a sure sign that he had been hungry. "B-But I better get that full explanation, Mirio."
It was several hours before Mirio managed to sit down with Tamaki. What with doing a speed clean of the apartment, vacuuming off the fold-out mattress in the couch and scrounging up some sheets and bedding, there had been no time to confer. After you were successfully tucked in to bed beneath an old All Might patterned comforter, however, the two men finally had their opening to discuss the situation in depth.
"They worked with me." Mirio said in an undertone, watching Tamaki's eyes narrow slightly.
"I'm assuming not with Sir." Amajiki murmured.
"With Chisaki." 
The black-haired man inhaled sharply. "Why are they here, Mirio?"
"Break-ins. Someone targeted their complex specifically." Mirio then tacked on awkwardly, "uh, also their power is shut off."
"Because of the break-ins?" 
"No, they're just behind on bills."
Tamaki's countenance darkened, his eyes darting nervously to the door. "Were you followed here?"
"Absolutely not, I made sure." When the fierce expression on Amajiki's face didn't lessen, Mirio grimaced. "Look, I know you probably don't get it, and you probably think I'm dumb for scooping them up like this. But…when we were in the Hassaikai, they had a Quirk."
"Had, what, they lost it?"
"They-" Mirio was startled at the weird flurry of emotion he felt, the sensation choking his words off briefly. "They got shot. Nemoto had one shot and he was told to shoot me, but they got in the way. And the bullet…"
"One of those experimental ones Chisaki was making with Eri's powers." Tamaki sounded repulsed. "That's garbage."
"I'm going to do my best to convince them to stay here until I catch whoever is responsible for the break-ins. Sir thought it was suspicious so he put me on it. If it's a random perp, fine and dandy. But if it has any connection to the work they…we used to do, they could be in real danger."
Amajiki nodded after a few moments of silence. "Okay. Let's…see what we can figure out." He shook his head, then chuckled softly. "Man, you really must have been terrible at being a villain."
You awoke in a panic, thrashing your way out from underneath the loudly-patterned and unfamiliar comforter. All Might's face grinned heroically up at you as you panted, your brain struggling to play catch up with your surroundings. 
Oh. Mirio. That's right. 
Your shoulders slumped and you flopped backwards, rubbing your eyes tiredly. Well now that I've sorted that out, I'd better see if I'm late for work. Panic reignited, you lunged for your phone. The screen blinked, displayed the time and a 'low battery' warning, then turned itself off. You swore under your breath. You weren't late, but you sure as hell would be if you didn't get your ass in gear.
You scrambled upright, looking frantically around for your clothes. Oh no. No no no, where did I leave them?! You had been so exhausted the night before, you barely remembered crawling into the bed in your borrowed pajamas. Where had you dropped your clothes?!
You dimly heard cheery whistling approaching from the kitchenette, but you were too busy searching under the bed to pay it much mind. 
"Oh good, you're up!" Warm fabric tumbled down onto the mattress in front of your face, Mirio giving you a friendly wave. "I washed your stuff with mine after I got back from the gym so you would have something clean to wear. You sleep okay?"
You were at a bit of a loss, gathering up your laundry. "I…yeah, yeah I slept fine. You didn't have to–uh, that is, I hope it wasn't too much of a pain."
"Not at all! Like I said, I went to the gym. Breakfast will be in five!" The blond man informed you cheerily, returning to the kitchenette. 
You sat down on the bed again, your clothes crumpled against your chest. Breakfast. When was the last time you'd been able to eat breakfast? "Th…thank you." You whispered, definitely too quiet for him to hear.
"That's just how he is." You nearly jumped out of your skin at the soft voice, turning to see Mirio's roommate emerging from the darkness of his own room. The thin man yawned, stretching and giving you a nod before shuffling into the kitchen area to coax some coffee into being.
"Tama! Earlier shift today?" Mirio queried, nudging the other man with his elbow while he cracked three eggs into a bowl.
Tamaki grimaced. "Shh, my head hurts. Need caffeine."
"You gotta' drink more water, you're probably all shriveled up on the inside." Mirio joked. 
"Shh." was the curt reply he received, and with that it seemed like Mirio would leave his roommate alone until he was caffeinated. 
You took the opportunity to sneak to the bathroom, freshening yourself up as best as you could. Someone had left out a washcloth and a packaged toothbrush with a sticky note that said for guests, so you helped yourself.
During breakfast, you tried to broach the subject of your clothes, but Mirio had clearly already thought of that. "You two can go over later tonight when Tamaki comes to get you at work, or I can snag you some things to tide you over during my shift. I'll be working on that side of the city anyhow." Amajiki nodded sleepily, a few loose strands of his hair dunking into his coffee with the motion.
"Oh I don't need…I mean, do you think I need someone with me?" You asked hesitantly.
Mirio shrugged at you, his mouth full at the moment. "I'd say better safe than sorry," he reasoned once he swallowed, "especially because of the break-ins. Again, I can go over during my shift, but I wouldn't really know what to grab."
You sighed. "Lucky for me you guys had an extra toothbrush lying around."
Mirio grinned excitedly. "We've got a bag of them! There was a dentist down the street, but he recently closed up shop and he was just givin' them away so Tamaki snagged a few handfuls. They're really handy to have!" 
You could barely focus on your work all day, if only because you could feel the gossip mill stirring. People would notice that you had come in wearing the same clothes as yesterday, regardless of whether they were clean or not. Unfortunately the truth was a million times more outlandish than any lie you could have come up with, so you elected to remain as bland as possible in the hopes that the occurrence would just be forgotten in a day or two.
After a relatively fruitless and stressful shift, you clocked out to head back to your home. You paused in the lobby of your offices though, remembering that you were supposed to wait for your informal 'escort'. 
What kind of bodyguard isn't here ahead of time? you found yourself thinking in annoyance, but you quickly dismissed the out-of-character ingratitude. You of all people knew how bad the traffic could be.
After loitering for nearly ten minutes though, you were starting to get antsy. You kept unlocking and locking your phone screen to check the time, draining the battery at an exponential rate. It didn't help that you hadn't gotten either Mirio or Tamaki's numbers before departing for the bus stop that morning, but you had almost missed the bus as-is.
You unlocked your phone yet again, this time to look up the non-emergency number for Sir Nighteye's agency. Maybe you would be able to leave Mirio a message with their phone staffer. Fingers crossed, you ducked into a small hallway that housed the utility rooms for your particular office building. You had learned a long time ago that it was always quieter over there; the foyer could be very echoey due to its high ceiling and marble flooring.
The ringing felt like it went on forever, your brain idly counting the seconds in between the tones. One, two, one, two. When someone finally picked up, you explained that you were hoping to leave a message for Lemillion.
The man on the other end sounded weary, still polite though. "What is the nature of the message? We get many messages for Lemillion so I will need you to be specific."
Well that was weird. "I just wanted to let him know that I would be heading home."
"That's all?" Why did he sound so relieved?! "Excellent, I'll let him know. What is your name?" After you gave your name, you could hear some clicking. Computer keys. "You're all set! Is there anything else you'll be needing today?"
"Uh, no." You hesitated, then asked, "does…does Lemillion get a lot of messages?"
"It depends on how visible he's been during his shifts. But yes, he receives many inquiries. A lot of fan mail, essentially, and the majority of it is inappropriate." The man seemed scandalized and you had to refrain from laughing, wondering just how many salacious calls he had fielded in his time there.
"Thank you for your help, I really appreciate it. Hope the rest of your night is free of weirdness." You tapped the button to end your call, and then straightened out your shirt absently.
"Too bad yours won't be," purred a strangely-familiar voice from behind you.
Something heavy hit the back of your head and you collapsed, stunned. The last thing you remembered was your phone on the floor, its dim screen displaying rising numbers before it too faded to black.
TamaAma: Hey Mirio, it's me. What time is your friend out at?
Tamaki bumped the toe of his sneaker against the ground, more than a bit confused. Maybe you were working late? He'd only arrived a few minutes after the hour, but he still hadn't seen you exit the building. 
His phone buzzed, making him start. Mirio's reply just confirmed his suspicions, though. 
Mirio Is Hereo: Six on the dot!
TamaAma: Weird they're late then
Mirio Is Hereo: I'd give it a few more minutes then go in and ask. Only namedrop the agency as a last resort.
TamaAma: Understood when are you out?
Mirio Is Hereo: Late tonight, extra insurance paperwork due to the break-ins. How was your shift?
Tamaki found himself smiling at the screen. 
TamaAma: Uneventful, stopped a guy from robbing that pizza place you like
Mirio Is Hereo: Big Papa's Pizzarama?!
TamaAma: The one and the same
Mirio Is Hereo: Have I told you lately that you're my hero? Because you are. How about I get us dinner from there once I'm off shift?
Tamaki's smile faded slightly, and he shook his head, irritated with himself. 
TamaAma: Sounds good to me, heading inside to get your friend now
He crammed his phone into his pocket, straightened his back, and then immediately saw you exit the building. A wave of relief washed over him. Thank gods he wouldn't have to speak to the front desk or anyone else.
Tamaki waved to get your attention, doing his best to offer a smile. "H-Hey!" He called, wincing when his voice cracked. You glanced over at him, looked him up and down, then a slow smile crept across your face.
"Hi there. Guess we should get going, huh?" Your smile seemed…off, but Tamaki chalked it up to his social anxiety and unfamiliarity with your usual behaviors. He just nodded in the affirmative, falling into step beside you.
"H-How was your shift today?" An easy question, safe. Normal.
You scoffed, immediately visibly irritated. "Who cares? Let's just get this over with so we can go back to your place."
Okay, so you were in a bit of a rush. That was pretty standard though, this wasn't exactly an enjoyable task.
"I'm just gonna'...I'm gonna' text Mirio and let him know I've got you, okay?" Tamaki informed you quietly, confused when you snapped at him.
"No! I-I mean, no, I already called to let him know." You seemed very out of sorts, your voice rising and then falling just as quickly. "Sorry, I'm uh…I'm just hangry, I guess." You mumbled, looking up at him from beneath your lashes.
Tamaki flushed violently, hurrying to break eye contact. "Let's…L-Let's get this done then, s-so we can have something to eat. M-Mirio's bringing pizza."
"A voicemail?" Mirio stared blankly at the computer screen in front of him. Checking emails was the worst part of hero business, he was fairly sure. He was immensely thankful that the front desk staff were willing to shelve any calls or messages that were…aggressive. He might have lost it ages ago if not for those brave souls.
Granted, Sir said it was better to have that sort of reputation with the public than another, and his suit was skin-tight…
Right. Voicemail. 
Mirio opened the message, accustomed to reading their phone system's automatic transcript while he actually listened to the audio. He found that it helped him hold on to the information better. What greeted his eyes, though, was a bit of a jumble. Multiple lines of asterisks to indicate silence or a response from the front desk. It had your name at the top, and he realized with a sudden jolt of panic that he hadn't given you his number. His or Tamaki's. 
I just wanted to let him know that I would be heading home.
His brow furrowed as he scrolled down the page, which indicated that after the reception desk's acknowledgement and your farewell there was a beat or two of silence.
Thank you for your help, I really appreciate it. Hope the rest of your night is free of weirdness.
Too bad yours won't be.
Mirio leaned back in his chair, perplexed. What on earth could that mean? He perked up almost immediately as another thought occurred to him. I can just ask Tamaki if he managed to meet up with them!
He did just that, firing off a quick text to his roommate. That sorted, he settled back in to filter through the rest of his emails. 
See Sir? I can totally do this patient stuff. I'm being really patient. Super patient.
Mirio re-read a correspondence for the fourth time.
Wildly patient.
Fifth time, his hand gripping the mouse a little harder.
Like, crazy patient. That's me, Mirio 'Patient' Togata.
His phone blinked with a notification and Mirio nearly threw it in his haste to unlock the screen. 
TamaAma: Everything is fine.
Togata slumped in his chair, exhaling a sigh of relief. After another moment however he lunged upright, read the message again, grabbed his keys and sprinted for the door. 
Tamaki doesn't use periods.
Part Eight
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bakugohoex · 4 years
Hi its me again from the comments😋you said if i wanted a part 2 for 'you want to sleep on the floor' i should put it in your asks i dont know if you write nsfw but could you put some in it the rest is up to you😊btw i love your writing so much the fluff that your write just literally brightens my day and remeber i love you🥺 and you are an awsome person🥰😅
part two: “you want to sleep on the floor”
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pairing: katsuki bakugo x female reader
cw: pro hero bakugo, university student y/n, fluff, language and nsfw (protected sex, praise, hella jaw grabbing, nipple play, hickies, bruises, female receiving oral, dacryphilia)
word count: 5400+
a/n: please don’t ask how this became so long lmao and thank you so much bby i’m glad you like it and your an even more amazing person and i love you moree
summary: in which bakugo takes you on that date he promised you and leads your roommate to be the one to hear all the moans and screams
part one
↞ back to my hero academia masterlist
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The stress you had gone through all day to find an outfit, even if it had been hours since waking up. Your mind still went back to last night, the kisses against your neck and mouth from Bakugo. You had seen him leave from your apartment when you had been drinking some coffee on the balcony. Even if it had been cold, you didn’t care, leaning against the frosted top as you watched him leave. He had seemed to be in a rush, either going to the gym or he had work. You assumed the latter but even then he seemed agitated himself.
Having finished some uni stuff as soon as you could, you found yourself in front of your wardrobe. Unable to decide on the clothes you had, you found yourself peeking into your roommates room, the smell of sex lingering and the used condom chucked into the bin. “You need help deciding what to wear?”
She hadn’t even looked up at you, exes fixated on her laptop as she continued to type onto Word. “How did you know?”
“I heard the swears.” She muttered to your early fucks and shits at how everything you owned looked horrendous on you. “I have that red dress.”
You already knew what dress she was talking about, the long-sleeved wine-coloured dress that went right up to your mid-thigh. She looked up from the laptop, watching at how you easily wore it in front of her, the square neck holding your chest as you looked gorgeous. “I knew it’d look good on you; I may dislike Bakugo...but just have fun tonight.”
Nodding at her, you gave a swift thanks before walking back to your own room, staring at your blank face. Memories surging of how easily you and Bakugo had confessed to each other, his soft kisses and hands on your body. You could almost feel his fingers skim across your thighs, around your chest and up your neck right to your mouth. You hesitatingly got ready, checking the clock every possible minute, you were anxious to say the least.
What if last night was all just a mistake? What if he didn’t really want you? What if this ‘date’ was him using you? You went against this all, feeling relieved at the sound of the taps to the door. Grabbing your phone and keys you almost ran towards the door but calmed yourself down after your roommate gave a glare to your excitement.
Opening the door softly, you saw Bakugo lean against his own door. The maroon shirt tucked into his jeans as his tall stature finally laid eyes on you. His mouth twitched upwards in a smile, looking at you with such warmth. “You look amazing.”
You could almost feel the roll of your roommate's eyes. Ignoring it as you look down at yourself not meeting his eyes. “Thanks, yo...you look really good too.” You had gotten shy in a matter of seconds, his soft gaze lingering across your body before staying right on your face. How could you not resist his smirk, resist his hand that he had put out for you to take.
“Take it then.” He muttered before feeling your hand against his own, he had a fear that his quirk could activate in a matter of seconds due to his nervousness. You closed the door and felt secluded with his gaze on you, “don’t start getting nervous with me now, I do remember last night.”
You looked at him, almost cowering but he brought you closer to his body, his arm moving to around your shoulder. “I’m not nervous.”
“Sure you aren't, baby, come on our dinner reservation is in 20 minutes.” He started to walk with his arm still around you, keeping you tightly beside him.
“Where are we going?” You questioned through the elevator ride down. He looked down at you leaning against the railing with a smirk.
He mocked, “what? Don’t like surprises?”
You look up to him, almost leaning into his arm more, “I do, but you could take me anywhere.”
“I’m not going to murder you, dumbass.” He chuckled tilting his head backwards, you admired his cockiness and joking manner. “There’s this restaurant, Kiri told me about this morning, I thought you’d like it.”
“Aww did it make you think of me?” You tease out starting to get more comfortable again.
He grabs your waist tighter, bringing his mouth to linger at your ear, “why? Have you been thinking of me?”
“N...no.” It was an obvious lie, and he could see through it so easily. His mouth kissed along the back of your ear down to your jaw as his hand moved from around your shoulders to your neck.
“You were never this shy before.” He whispered continuing to kiss down your neck before the ding of the elevator clicked making you both fall out.
His words were true, you were never this shy, even with one night stands you were able to easily flirt with men to get them into bed. You grabbed his wrist pushing him back into the elevator, “I’m not shy.” You muttered before bringing your lips to his own, he was startled by the action, the girl who had looked at him with anxiety had kissed him with such haste. The way your hands moved to his face bringing him closer to your body.
Your tongue flicked inside his mouth, gliding with his own as your spit and saliva mixed with his own. He had grabbed your hips, having missed the feeling of your lips on his own, he loved how he was able to toy with you. But your nastiness made him even more turned on than anything else. “Dinner.” You spoke as your lips parted away from his, you took his hand waiting for him to lead you away.
“Dinner.” He repeatedly stepped out of the elevator and took you to his car. He couldn’t stop staring at you, the way your body looked so perfect, how he could imagine you under him. He had opened the door for you letting you slide in before taking his own seat. His hand gravitating towards your thigh as if you were a couple who had been on multiple dates before. He didn’t understand it himself, but his hand stayed gripped on yours except when he was changing gears.
You didn’t know why the car ride had been silent, why he’d give you tender looks when there was a red light. You didn't know if it was your fault for kissing him or worst of all he regretted this night and wanted it over and done with. Overthinking was always a strong point of yours and as his arm went to your seat as he reversed into the spot. His jaw clenched you could do nothing but admire him, the concentration he had using one hand to steer backwards. “If you keep staring, I won’t let you out.”
The sexual implication was there, you took a deep breath but let a smirk stay on your face, “what are you going to do?” He cocked his head back again, almost grinning at you, he moved his hand to your jaw again making you look right up at him.
“I’m going to fuck that attitude out of you.” He made you stare right up into his scarlet eyes, the way you had begun to feel so small under him. “1 hour.”
“1 hour for what?” You question, confused.
He moves his head closer to you, it may have been uncomfortable laying on top of the gear stick, but he didn’t care. “1 hour to go inside and eat and then…” he tilted his head as he forced your own head to move, you wanted to close the gap again. Kiss his plump lips, feel his spit and saliva mix with your own, his tongue to suck on your own, he moved closer and closer towards you. “...I’m going to fuck you, okay?”
He made your head nod down before he gave a quick kiss on your lips, you were unable to even go for more. His lips left as soon as they came as he let go of your jaw and stepped out of the car. You stayed in the car, watching him come out and open the door for you, his hand out again for you.
You grabbed it but he let go moving his hands around your waist and almost leaning against your body. His chin rested across your shoulder as he made you look up at the restaurant, “like it?”
You knew what this place was, a new restaurant that had been fully booked until the next year had opened up a couple months ago. The prices were way above a university student's pay and you, and your roommate had looked at the next booking for fun and seen every date with a grey X through it. “How...how did you get a reservation?”
“I have my ways, baby, come on.” He kissed your neck before taking your hand again and moving to the door which looked like it had a waiting area filled with people. You both stepped inside, you knew there were perks of being a pro hero, but this seemed like a much larger perk then you had expected.
Bakugo’s hand stayed on your back as he spoke to the woman, knowing he was in a hurry to take you home. Your legs almost felt weak after his confession, one hour that’s all you both had before he’d give you what you wanted. “55 minutes.” He whispered into your ear as you stayed in front of him waiting with the others, it seemed like the business was easily able to fill the people up for their reservation.
As you leant against Bakugo’s broad chest, his arms fitting around your waist, he relished in the feeling between his arms. He had seen you every day since he had moved into the complex and had been unable to touch you until now. He promised himself to never let you go, you noticed a family of 4, they were probably well off, looking at their designer clothes.
One of the small girls came up to you both, her eyes in awe at an actual pro hero, you almost forgot that Bakugo saved people and protected others. How his whole occupation revolved around protecting civilians and being admired by all. “A...are you Dynamight?” She spoke softly in awe.
Bakugo looked down to meet her childish beady eyes, the way she had had her arms behind her back. But bringing them forward to show her Dynamight plush toy, Bakugo kept one hand on you before bending down and meeting her hands. “I am, what’s your name?” Bakugo knew he had gotten a lot better with kids, even if he still found them irritating as hell, he felt soft knowing this girl had his toy rather than stupid Deku’s.
She uttered her name making him smile as her mother came up to her. “Could she get a picture with you? She loves you.”
Bakugo looked at you almost for approval, he checked his watch knowing how much time you both had, but your voice startled him. “We’ve got enough time, Katsuki.”
His eyes widened hearing his name from your lips, he took a deep breath as he lifted the girl to meet his hip. You moved away from the two as she gave a smile at her mum, you stood beside her with Bakugo only staring at you with love. “Thank you.”
Bakugo placed the girl off his hip before staying bending to her height, “I love you so much and when you fight all the bad guys, mummy says that you’ll always win.” She spoke gleefully before finally gazing up at you, “your girlfriend is pretty, one day, when I grow up, I’m going to marry you, mummy says that you’ll only marry big girls though.”
Her mum's eyes widen at the comment as you give a chuckle going to her height as well, “seems like I’ve got competition, you going to become big and strong right?” The girl nodded at your comment as you smiled at her. Her mum gave a quick apology before leaving, both you and Bakugo had been called to be seated yourself, leaving Bakugo unable to even question what you and the girl had said.
“Competition eh?” He leant forward on the chair, the drinks menu in your hand as you skimmed through the food menu on the table.
You met his gaze as he gave you a tender look, “she’s gonna marry you someday? I gotta keep my guard up now.”
“You were good with her, kids they’re shitty little things.” He grumbles out, watching the waiter come towards the two of you.
You saw what you wanted, looking at how Bakugo stayed fixated on you, “are we getting dessert?”
“You are my dessert, baby.” He licked his lips in anticipation of the later events, your eyes widened at how openly he said it looking down.
“Kids are alright.” You answered his earlier question, ignoring the remark, “my nephew, he likes all types of things so he’s a lot easier to preoccupy than other kids.”
“Oh yeah, what does he like?” Bakugo had asked just as the waiter approached asking for your order, you both quickly said it before you turned back to meet Bakugo’s eyes. His hand had moved across to your own that sat loosely on the table, entangling his fingers with your own.
“Normal stuff, he loves your friend Kirishima a lot as well, I’ll have to tell him that I’ve met him.” You smile out, continuing to explain his likes and dislikes and why he spends time with you.
Your food had arrived in less than 20 minutes and Bakugo knew that soon enough he'd have his own heart's desire. You bound beneath his legs, he watched you eat, how a string of saliva went from your mouth to your fork. He hadn't realised he had been staring at your mouth until he heard his name again. “What did you say?”
“Katsuki.” You whine, “you weren't paying attention.”
“It’s not my fault you look so fucking hot.” The edge of his mouth turning upwards slyly, he took a bite of his food waiting for you to ask the question again.
You roll your eyes before giving a grin back, “I said I saw you this morning, you seemed to be in a rush.”
“Perving on me now, babe? If you wanted to see me you should’ve just asked.” He teased his fingers going back to your own.
“Oh shut it.” You shake your head waiting for an answer.
He remembered this morning, the rush after Kirishima and you had left. “Some stuff came up at work, a stupid villain had destroyed the other side of town and I had got called in.”
“Did you get hurt?” You ask having not seen any signs he was even in a fight.
His grip tightened as he looked at you with pride, “me? Hurt? Come on baby, I’d never get hurt.”
“Hey, I’m allowed to worry aren’t I.” You mutter while taking another bite of your food.
Bakugo didn’t know why the look of worry made him feel so warm, you truly did care about him. He knew that even if he had spoken about fucking you, he’s always let you decide, let you choose when it occurred. He had to protect you, let you live your life with security and peace, and he was going to be the one to give it to you.
“Yeah, you can worry then. I expect every time I fight a villain to have you waiting for me now.” He spoke it jokingly, but he really did want you to be waiting to ask if he was okay, to bring him comfort when he needed it. He wanted you by his side, he had waited too long coming home with nobody there, to miss out on the chance of being with you.
He hadn’t expected your reply, but it made his emotions run wild, “I’ll always be waiting for you, even when we weren’t, whatever this is, I always worried about you. It...It’s stupid, I’d see you on the news and I wouldn’t be able to sleep until I heard you close your door.”
“You..you did?” You looked down not meeting his eyes.
“Yeah, it’s...it was stupi…” Before you could continue his hands went to your face, cupping both of your cheeks to make you face him.
He looked right into your eyes, his normal fiery personality becoming softer and tender. He had no idea what you were doing to him, he knew he would have mocked someone if they had told him something like that. But with you all he felt was love and warmth, feelings that he never knew he was capable of. “It’s not stupid, idiot.”
He stayed fixated on you before continuing to speak, “we need the bill.” He said it to one of the waiters passing by who nodded, Bakugo stayed looking at you, confusion streaming inside his head. “Fuck, I don’t know what to do with you, my y/n.”
He felt the bill get placed down, letting go of your arms as he left you with those words. You had been silent watching as he paid without regard to if you wanted to split it even though you knew you probably couldn't afford even your drink here. Bakugo stood up, moving to you as he grabbed your hand and almost dragged you out of the building.
Bakugo didn't stop to acknowledge the praise he was getting, he had one thing on his mind, and it was you. He opened the car door and put you inside, checking his watch seeing the 5 minutes left of an hour. He opened his own door, taking a seat as he began driving, you were silent again. His words stick to you in ways you didn’t even understand, “I don’t want to do anything you don't want to do.”
It was the first words you heard from the red lights, you met his gaze, your hand moved to touch his own that was on top of the gear. He moved it hastily before putting it under his hand, moving it up with his own hand. For the first time since you had sat in the car he looked at you, waiting for an answer and getting your eyes that were filled with a need, “I want you.”
“You do?” He questioned turning back onto the road, knowing you both were only a couple minutes away from the complex.
“I’ve waited too long for this, I need you Katsuki.” It felt like heaven to his ears, his hand moving to glide up and down your thigh. All he wanted to feel was you beneath him, to show you just how much you meant to him.
His hand squeezed your thigh, feeling your skin tense under his. “You've been thinking of me haven’t you, when you're touching yourself, what do you imagine? Me sucking on your cunt, fingering you, go on baby tell me.”
“Yes.” You stifled out, “I...I think of you, y...your mouth and fingers”
It was an admission, something Bakugo had been craving to hear, you saw the double doors to the underground parking, how his eyes gazed across your frame as he parked again. He needed you, he didn’t care where, but he knew you’d care. Leaving your thigh he moved to open your own door, seeing how you looked beautiful in front of him.
His hand guided you hastily towards the elevator, not knowing what had gotten into the two of you. As soon as the doors shut, his lips crashed into your own, you instinctively jumped onto his body, legs wrapping around his waist as your back was pushed against the back of the elevator.
His lips moved to your neck and jaw, leaving sloppy kisses across it, you could almost feel his saliva on you. The feeling of him on you made your legs clench, the dress had rode up, your ass only covered by his hands as he felt your underwear. “Already wet for me baby.” He muttered into your ear, biting the lobe as he went back to kiss your mouth. His tongue gliding inside as it moved along with your own, the sound of the ding did nothing but make him carry you towards your apartment. He had seen your keys in your hand and thought of an idea that would make you satisfied.
“Wh...what about your place?” You questioned as he unlocked the apartment, your roommate in her room from the sound of an anime intro playing.
He gave a smirk kicking the door shut with his foot as he gave soft kisses down your neck to your exposed chest. He had assumed you’d have been cold in the dress but the way your body had been pushing against him all night. He knew you had been warm with him, “let’s let her hear, payback for last night.”
Even if Bakugo was glad your roommate had been fucking the night before, as it had brought the two of you together. He knew you could get some sort of revenge on her; he grabbed a handful of your ass squeezing it. A loud moan erupting from your lips as he moved you towards what he assumed to be your bed. He almost fell inside, seeing the discarded clothes and makeup, he pushed you onto the bed.
Body on show, as you looked like a mess, his mess. He closed the door behind him, as he rolled his sleeves up letting his veiny arms and hands be on show. He moved towards you like a predator does with its prey, lust filling him. “Can I?” He gestured to your cunt, his fingers on show. You nodded, watching as both his knees stayed on the side of the bed, you moved backwards, leaning against the pillows.
His hands moved the dress upwards, helping you take it off before chucking it to the side. He eyed you up and down as you moved your hands to cover yourself, but his own stopped you. “Don’t you ever fucking cover yourself in front of me, you’re fucking beautiful, I’m going to show you just how gorgeous you are.” He pinned your hands above with one hand before his mouth went to the top of your underwear, dragging it down.
He grabbed it with his other hand pulling your underwear onto the floor before unclipping your bra. Your body was on show for him as he saw just how beautiful you were, “Katsuki, please fuck me.” You begged out.
He looked at you from where your clit was, his tongue gliding across the slick. He heard a loud moan as he looked another lick across your clit. “I’m going to take my time you, okay princess.”
Not waiting for a reply, his tongue delved right into your cunt. He felt greedy for you, his nose hitting your clit as you arched your back. His hands stayed tight across your wrists, he knew how much you wanted to touch his hair, force his face lower. His other hand moved to your hardened nipples, feeling how you gave another loud moan. “Ka...Katsuki faster.”
He listened to your plea, his tongue going further inside your cunt, the taste of slick sliding down his mouth as his tongue lapped quicker inside your mouth. His hand continued to massage your chest before his fingers moved to your mouth feeling the spit and drool on his fingers move towards your nipples in an instant.
“You want to cum on my face.” He groaned going back into your cunt wanting to taste your cum.
“Let me cum, please, da...daddy, please let me cum.” Bakugo hadn't realised just how turned on a word could make him, his hands moving away from your wrist and nipple as he grabbed your thighs. Leaving bruises as your hands pushed his face further into your cunt, he didn't care if you crushed his head with your thighs he needed your cum.
He heard continuous moans and groans coming from your mouth, “oh...oh God, pleas...faster, daddy, I c...cum.” You could almost feel yourself coil up as every lick and action from his tongue made your stomach grow wild needing a release. In one haste lick down your clit and into your cunt, white liquid gushed right onto his face and mouth. He swallowed it before looking up at how your chest heaved in front of him.
He grabbed your legs dragging your cunt right up to his jeans, the bulge evident through his jeans as he grabbed your wrists making you look at him. “Was that what you dreamed me doing? Do you want more princess? Go on, tell daddy what you want?”
“Fuc...fuck me daddy.” You were restless but wanted him inside of you, wanted to cum on his cock. He moved down, fully clothed as he kissed your mouth, you could taste yourself on him. The way you cum stayed lingering, white liquid around his mouth, he almost wore the dampness as a mark of honour that he had gotten you to cum.
He moved away from your mouth, undoing his shirt as you stayed on the bed, you heard him unbuckle his jeans, eyes widening at the more prominent bulge. “Like what you see.” He spoke cockily, as he stripped himself, his hand moving to pump his cock up and down.
You saw how the tip was a blushed pink, a vein travelling along its side as it turned upwards every time Bakugo’s hands moved up and down. He kneeled in front of you, your cunt right in his view, you saw as he leant towards his jeans which held his wallet, finding a condom as it stayed in his hands. “Let me.” You spoke hesitantly, it was a surprise that you had even offered. You took the condom, ripping the top as you made sure to cautiously not damage it before your hand moved to his cock.
You had sat upright, cum still dripping down your cunt as your hand moved up and down his erect cock before sliding the condom down it. He gave a groan before grabbing your hands and moving you back onto the bed. “You gonna let daddy fuck you now.” You nodded eagerly, your clit feeling swollen, but you didn't care.  
He brought your cunt right up to his cock, the way his tip gliding against the slick and cum of your clit. “Fuck, pl...please, I need you inside of me.” You moaned loudly, feeling him continue to toy with you, your legs stayed spread beside his body as he almost enjoyed hearing you beg.
He brought one hand to your mouth, making you taste the precum that had come from his cock, just as you moaned at the taste he slammed into your cunt, “you’re so tight baby.” It was groan as he heard your loud moan come out as well. One hand squeezed your side, grabbing a hold of your body to allow himself to stay in you before thrusting.
As soon as he moved out and back inside, you knew you had met your match. The sheer size and length had been enough to make you melt, but now hear you were, tears streaming down your eyes as he watched with a sadistic smile. “Keep crying, you’re taking me...so well.” His other hand moved to your clit, rubbing circles around it, making your legs turn even more weaker.
“Katsuki.” You whined loudly as his thumb pressed against your clit, his cock gliding back and forth inside of you. You felt the salty tears stream down into your mouth and neck, mascara blackening it to make you look like an entire mess.
Bakugo had been enjoying it all, the wall you laid sprawled out, tears formed, your lack of words and mumbles instead, the sounds of groans and moans, lewd thoughts that escaped your lips. It had all filled the room and your roommate was getting an earful of banging against the wall and wild sounds coming from your room.
“Such a good girl, taking daddy well aren’t you.”
“Y...yes da...daddy.” You continued to be a moaning mess, Bakugo moving his body into your arched self, he felt your chest against his own as he kept at it, hands moving away from your clit and side.
One hand had met your own as your fingers entangled together, your other hand in his hair as he kept on thrusting inside of you. His other hand on the side of your head keeps his body upright to continue thrusting inside of you. You felt his lips leave kisses down your neck and chest before watching how your eyes rolled to the back of your head in a moan.
He kissed you again, teeth against teeth as he sucked at your tongue as you stuck it out for his lips to taste you on. You could feel yourself coil up inside, cum ready to seep out for a second time tonight as he continued to thrust in and out of your wet core. The sound of skin hitting skin erupting through the moan filled room. “You gonna cum for me, fuck… baby, go on cum on my cock.”
It was an order, something you were going to do. His hand tightened around your fingers, feeling how one sign on entanglement was so intimate as his pace quickened. He heard you scream his name as you reached your high, cum gushing onto his cock as he kept at the pace, the cum making it even easier for him to get further into you. He felt himself gain his own high, groaning in your ear as he heard your heavy breath.
Your hands pressed in his damp blond hair as he finally felt himself cum, he slowly came out of you. Condom filled with his own white gush as he fell beside you, he quickly took the condom off, tying it as he chucked it into the bin. He saw how sore and bruised you looked, the blue and greens on your thighs, the purples across your neck and chest.
You looked a mess, but he couldn't help but fall for you even more, cum dripped from you. A lingering smell as you both stayed quietly, the only sound being the heavy breathes from you both. Until you turned to meet his face against one of your pillows, his hands moved to your shoulders, letting your body fall onto his own. “Next time, let’s skip the condom.” You really just wanted to feel him properly inside of you, feel him fill you up until you felt like a stuffed whore.
“Next time yeah?” He grimaced looking down at your tired body.
“Oh shut it, I expect another date before we fuck again.” You muttered back.
His hands moved into your hair, playing with the sweaty strands in his fingers. “Always so needy, is my cock not enough for you baby.”
“No it isn’t.” You signed loudly.
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll be taking you on a lot more dates baby.” It was more of a promise than anything else making you smile as you laid on his chest.
You felt his hand wrap even tighter across your bare body, the sound of your clock ticking beside him, “I never thought that you saying, ‘you want to sleep on the floor’ would lead me to actually getting you.” He muttered.
“What? You would’ve kept pining for me?” You chuckle your eyes feeling heavy.
He watched how every time you blinked your eyes stayed closed for a lot longer. Already knowing you’d be out in a matter of seconds, “yeah I would’ve, I was an idiot for never asking you out all those months ago.”
He spoke the last part in a mumble as you hummed a response before falling asleep in his arms. He kissed the top of your head, even if he had fucked you and had the best sex he’d ever had. He promised himself to always show you just how much you meant to him, this wasn't going to be fuck buddies or friends with benefits. Bakugo realised he would settle for nothing else then one day calling you his forever. 
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go back to part one
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mgg-theprettiestboy · 4 years
Badboy Matthew blurb pls. Go to town, make it as badboy and smutty/fluffy as your ovaries want 💕🍑
hmmm i think i'm gonna do it like badboy college! Matthew au, cause irl matthew is only a bad boy in the sheets. everywhere else he is a babbling idiot and i love him
you loved your roommate, you really did. you didn't mind the excessive smoking or drinking or sleeping until 2pm, cause she was a nice person. but lily’s friends? they scared the hell out of you.
she only laughed when you told her.
“they're all harmless, trust me. i know a lot of the boys look kinda scary, but don't let them intimidate you. especially not gubler. he's got the whole dark and broody thing going on. but he's a good guy.”
and thats how you ended up going to a party with lily. well. it wasn't a party, more of a hangout.
you weren't an innocent sweet college girl, but standing in the middle of this house, you looked like an angel among devils. most of lily’s friends dressed in dark colours. more alt clothing, not like dark academia. you had put on a sexy as hell dark red dress, but you felt like you looked like a child.
you stayed sat on a sofa, and lily stayed near by, but was chatting to her friends. you were happily nursing a beer when you felt the sofa dip beside you. you glanced to your right to see matthew sitting there, a red solo cup in his hand that he drank from, before his eyes scoured over his friends in front of him, before landing on you. you realised you were staring, so you looked away quickly, but you knew he saw. you were just glad he didn't say anything. you were embarrassed enough.
you had to stop yourself from staring as a girl came up, practically leaping into matthew’s lap. she had a really pretty bralette on, and some shorts, and her short blonde hair bounced as she spoke. being bi was aa struggle. everyone was so good looking. she slowly stopped chatting, as she realised matthew wasn't responding to her.
“i was kinda hanging out with y/n,” he said to the girl, who just blushed lightly, “shit, my bad. i didn't think you guys were talking.”
she excused herself with a smile, before leaving.
“you know my name?” you asked, and he looked at you funny, “you're lil’s roommate.”
“i-i know, i just didn't think you knew who i was,” you said, and he shrugged, “we all know who you are. we make a point of knowing the pretty girls names.”
you didn't respond. didn't know how to.
“why did you tell her we were hanging out? we’re just sitting here,” you changed the subject, and he shrugged again, “thats hanging out. technically.”
“I guess,” you replied, and he looked to you, “do you want me to leave you alone?”
“no,” you said, meeting his gaze, “please don't leave me. i don't know anyone else here.”
he nodded, moving his arm so it rested on the back of the couch behind you, “don’t worry pretty girl. i'll take care of you.”
a few days later
“come on, lily, lets go,” artie whined as lily finished her makeup. she flipped him off, “beauty takes time. explains how you get ready so quickly.”
“where's your pretty roommate?” matthew asked, and lily raised a brow, but bit her tongue, “she's at the library. being a good student, or something.”
“we can pick her up on the way? gubler’s driving,” artie said, practically dragging lily out of the room. lily just laughed, “you know she's kinda scared of you guys, right?”
“no, really? I couldn't tell by her big wide doe eyes every time she sees us, and the fact that she goes all quiet,” artie teased, “she looked so uncomfortable when she came over to the house, i thought she was going to bolt.”
Matthew stayed quiet as he drove to the library, and waited outside when lily went in to kidnap you. he looked up to see lily dragging you out of the library, his lips quirking up as he watched you try hold onto the door handle as lily dragged you to the car. she opened the door and practically shoved you into the car, “shut up and get in! you have the rest of your life to study!”
“my test is at 9am! so I actually only have 12 hours!” you argued, grunting as you were shoved further into the car as lily climbed into the back beside you. she closed the door and rolled her eyes, “you're a smartie pants, you’ll be fine.” “i-i’m not even gonna argue anymore, I don't care. where are we going?” you sighed, putting on your seatbelt.
“we’re all meeting up in the park to drink and smoke. do you smoke, y/n?” artie glanced back to you as Matthew began to drive, “sometimes, yeah. i won't tonight, thought. cause I have that test tomorrow.”
“makes sense,” artie nodded, “i brought some sodas to mix with vodka and stuff, but you can just have the soda.”
“thanks,” you said softly, glancing out the window as you made your way to the park. when you got there, the four of you sat down on a blanket on the ground, and you happily hung out with them as they smoke and drank, and more of their friends began to join as well. eventually, lily and artie left to go... god knows where, and left you with Matthew.
you were both sitting in a comfortable silence, before you felt a warmth come over you. you looked to him, to see him moving back to sit after he had sat his jacket over your shoulders.
“i could see the goosebumps on your arms,” he said, and you nodded slowly, your smile beginning to grow as you put your arms through the sleeves, “thanks.”
he snorted a laugh, and you tilted your head as you looked to him. he smiled slightly as he explained, “you're drowning in my jacket. seriously. how tall are you?”
you rolled your eyes, “I'm 5′7. thats not exactly small.”
he deadpanned, “I'm 6′1. you're tiny.”
you scoffed, “I am not! take that back.”
“no, cause its true. you're tiny.”
you narrowed your eyes at him, and he just stared at you in return. you sighed and rolled your eyes, “I hate you.”
“you hate me? then give me my jacket back,” he said, beginning to smile again. “you’ll have to pry it off my body,” you challenged, folding your arms. he raised a brow, “oh, you're gonna regret that.”
“what?” you said, before you squealed as he easily pushed you to the ground, casually hanging over you, using one hand to prop himself up. you just giggled, feeling a little dizzy. he smiled, and you spoke before your brain could stop you, “you have a pretty smile.”
“yeah?” he asked, leaning down closer to you. you felt your heart skip a beat, before nodding slowly, “yeah.”
“everything about you is pretty,” he said quietly, resting his hand on your chin to tilt you head up before pressing his lips to yours. you could feel the coldness from the rings on his fingers, but the softness of his lips balanced it out. you slowly returned the kiss, enjoying it way too much to pull back. unfortunately, Matthew was the one to move away. he chuckled at seeing you pout, pecking your lips once before speaking, “i don’t want you to feel like i'm using you.”
you smiled softly, and this time, he felt his heart skip a beat, “i don’t feel like that.”
“good. cause I'm gonna do that again,” he said, before leaning down and capturing your lips with his again.
okay i kinda like this
also I got carried away and wrote too much what else is new
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violetarks · 4 years
Just A Game: Gonna' Ask Her
Anime: My Hero Academia (SMAU)
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Y/N took her car and drove down to Shinso's house. She had texted her roommates that she'd be out for the day, and when Bakugou asked why, she informed them. Both of them were extremely wary about the situation. Kirishima offered to come along.
By now, they'd been filled with worries, prompting Bakugou to call her.
"You're making a really dumb decision." Bakugou states, his voice booming around the car.
Y/N frowned a little as she stopped at a red light. "I know, Katsuki." She sighed out, running her hands down the steering wheel, "But I'm sure that if I don't do this, it'll haunt me the rest of my life."
Bakugou goes quiet.
Y/N knows her best friend. Bakugou's gone into his bedroom, which was further down the hall than Kirishima and Y/N'd. Bakugou is most likely leaning against the wall of his walk-in closet, door closed so that Kirishima couldn't hear his conversation.
Y/N also knew her other best friend. Kirishima is probably eating Bakugou's stress cooking (gydon most likely) as he watches work out videos and random short clips to get his mind off of everything. He's trying not to check his phone, because he's expecting a text from Y/N.
But they know her just as well. They know Y/N is tapping her fingers against the steering wheel because she's as nervous as she was on her first day of high school. Y/N probably has a cup of milktea in her cup holder, half empty within the first 15 minutes of buying it because she stress drinks like how Bakugou stress cooks.
"You know that you don't need him." Bakugou says, shuffling around the coats in his wardrobe, "I don't understand why you're so eager to mend things with that fucker. He messed up. You shouldn't forgive me, just because he suddenly wants to actually be honest with you."
Y/N turned the corner, sipping from her straw in the milktea. "You know I value your opinion because most of the time, you're right." She huffed, putting her drink back, "But... I don't know, maybe after hearing him out, I can finally get over all of this."
Bakugou stiffened, leaning against the door. He crossed his arms over his chest. After a moment, he says, "He doesn't deserve you, Y/N."
Her lips have parted by now and she's staring harder at the road. "Nobody deserves anybody." She replies to her friend, "People aren't entitled to 'win' anyone over. They just need to want them enough to persue them."
Bakugou shakes his head and leans it against the door. Of course she'd say that. As he closed his eyes, he spoke into the phone, "Let me rephrase that then, idiot." He opened his eyes, staring at the ceiling. "You deserve better."
Y/N chuckled after a second, shaking her head slowly, "You're only saying that because you miss the relationship I was in from high school."
"That was a Hell of a lot better than this shit." Bakugou stated.
"I'll fix this shit, Katsuki." Y/N spoke, looking determined, "Trust me."
So, Bakugou did. He hung up after telling her that he was making takoyaki for when she came home. He left Y/N with hope and her own thoughts.
She thought that Shinso and herself would be alone. But then, when she drove into Shinso's driveway, she recognised the two cars parked there. One was Shinso's stick-shift, the black car he used when they went around. The other was most definitely Midoriya's, a dark green Mazda Sedan.
Y/N knocked on the door, being met with Uraraka. "Oh... I'm—I'm sorry, I thought that Shinso would be here—" She began, feeling her cheeks warm up with embarrassment. But Uraraka waved her hands.
"Wait!" She said, stopping Y/N from walking away, "Shinso's here, he is! He's just, um... talking to Midoriya and Iida. He'll be finished in a bit."
Y/N only nodded her head. She sighed as Uraraka let her inside and told her that she could sit on the stool. Y/N took out her phone while Uraraka went into the room with all the yelling. It sounded like Shinso didn't invite them over. She could hear Midoriya try to stop him from shouting and Iida telling him to calm down. Uraraka quickly closed the door behind her, passing Todoroki while he walked out.
"Oh, hi Y/N." Todoroki spoke, sipping from his cup. He walked towards her spot. "How're you? It's been a while since we've seen each other last."
Y/N chuckled, scratching the back of her neck sheepishly, "Yeah, it has been. Pretty sure the last time I actually spoke to you was at laser tag."
"We should all go again." Todoroki said.
Y/N hummed, drawing circles on the marble counter, "Hmm. Maybe."
"Would you like something to drink?" Todoroki asked, already guiding her around the kitchen counter. He took out cans and mugs for the both of them. "I have some tea that Shinso mentioned you liked."
Y/N blinked at the thought. She then nodded her head, Todoroki asking her to fill and start the kettle as he put the tea bags in.
The door swung open to reveal a very flustered and messy Shinso. He hair was sticking up in weird places and he was breathing heavily. He looked like he was having a mid-life crisis. Y/N raised a brow at him.
"Y/N, I didn't think you'd come so early." Shinso said, fixing his shirt since he seemed a bit dishevelled. He cleared his throat and stood in front of her. "Um... Do you want to talk outside?"
"I'm fine with talking here, Shinso."
Her words were soft but icy. As if passive aggressive. Shinso had chills up his spine from how she spoke to him. Y/N sat up properly on the stool as Shinso shifted in his spot. She sipped from her cup.
Uraraka, Iida, Midoriya and Todoroki all stared at them. The girl then mumbled, pushing the boys ups the stairs, "We'll leave you two alone."
"Will he be alright by himself?" Todoroki asked quietly to them, making Midoriya and Iida nod their head profusely.
It was silent after they all went upstairs, probably not that far to hear what they were saying. But Shinso started it off.
"I'm really sorry for lying to you about that night."
After that, he said nothing. Or rather, he stopped speaking. Y/N only stared at him, brushing her hand against her neck. She waited for him to go on, to apologise further for the way he acted. But he was silent.
"I'm over that." She retorts, crossing her arms over her chest after drinking from her cup, "You apologised for that the last time I saw you."
"I—I know." Shinso replies, shifting in his spot near her. He avoided her gaze once again. "I just thought... you might want to hear it again. Is all."
Y/N sighed, standing up from her spot and brushing out the creases in her shirt, "Well, of that's all, then I'll be going. Is there anything else?"
Shinso held his breath. "N—... No." He replied, immediately regretting it as she nodded her head.
Shinso blinked as she went to the door after finishing her tea. She put her bag on and placed her hand on the doorknob. "Thank Todoroki for me, for the tea." She said, glancing over her shoulder to him.
Shinso stood in his spot, staring at her with wide eyes. She's just... leaving.
It's when the door shut behind her that he snapped out of his trance.
Bounding down the stairs was Uraraka and Midoriya.
"What are you doing?" Uraraka shouted, pointing at Shinso with a surprised look, "Go after her!"
Shinso looked back at the two, Iida and Todoroki poking theirs heads out from the top of the stairs. Midoriya puffed out his cheeks and spoke, "This is your one chance to make up for things! Go, Shinso, go!"
He stiffened up before waving his hands at them defensively, already walking towards the door.
Y/N was in her car, backing out of the driveway as she looks over her shoulder to the road. Shinso gulped, lifting his shoulder and running out towards the street. Y/N looks back to her front, pressing on the gas pedal.
But stops when Shinso stands in front of her car with his arms spread out wide.
Y/N harshly stomped on the brakes, feeling her body jolt forward before landing back on her chair.
She blinked, seeing him pant harshly.
"Shinso!" She shouted loudly, getting out of the car and standing up straight. She glared at him with bewildered eyes. "What is wrong with you? I could've run you over, you idiot!"
Shinso let out a sigh, walking over to her.
Y/N ran her fingers up her neck, her mind going wild. "You're so—so confusing! You just said that you had nothing left to talk to me about, and I drove all the way here just to hear you say 'I'm sorry'? Are you freaking kidding me?" She shouted at him, "Fuck, maybe Katsuki was right, I shouldn't have come here! We're never gonna' sort this shit out because you don't know how to just tell me the tru—"
Arms wrapped around her shoulders and pulled her into his chest, his head digging into the top of her shoulder.
Y/N stopped, stepping back to support herself as Shinso dove all his weight into her. "Shinso—"
"Can we take a drive?"
Y/N sighed, snaking her arms around his waist and holding onto him loosely, "Fine. Get in, we're going to go get food."
Shinso nodded his head. He let go of her after a few seconds, rounding the car to get into the passenger's seat. Y/N shut the door behind her, starting the car again and driving down the road.
"Do you think it's gonna' be okay?" Midoriya questioned, watching the car drive off from the opened door that Shinso forgot to close.
"He'll make it right." Iida said, fixing his classes as he walked back to the kitchen, "He has to."
"Shinso said he's gonna' ask her about her ex."
Everyone turned to Todoroki, sheer fear in their eyes as he read off what he got texted.
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TAGS: @just-some-stars @freyafolkvangr @headfirst-halo @wotsitgirl @falling4fandoms @katsuki-bakuhoee @adorable-punk-superheroes @firecet @ouijaeater15 @swoonhui @thegalxe @caitff @camry-orphanaccount @angelofdarkness1020 @someweirdshitman @jazzylove @cathy8taffy @doggonudez
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alitaimagines · 4 years
“I will leave you satisfied, forever past time, you don't have to hide your free to fly. I know after tonight you don’t have to look up at the stars.”
bakugou katsuki - MY HERO ACADEMIA 
note: still looking for more MHA character imagine suggestions. 
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you plus a few of the girls in the class were lounging around the common room on a very lazy Saturday afternoon. you and Momo were cuddling, your back was against her chest as the two of you watched some random make up tutorials on your phone. 
ya know, just girly tingz~ 
“oh, we know where this is going!” you heard Mineta’s disgusting comment as him and a few other people walked in, “yeah, it’s going to be me getting up and kicking your ass so hard you’ll regret even making that comment.”
“it’s not unusual for friends to cuddle each other Mineta, you’re just a pervert,” Kirishima inquired as you shouted a very loud ‘thank you’, “do we have any plans for dinner? it’s getting late and we need to go shopping for whatever it is that we eat,” you said trying to get off the current subject. 
this was the dreaded conversation every weekend at the dorms. everyone liked to make home made food on the weekends but none of you were able to agree on just one dish and tended to make three different meals to give some options. 
you shifted yourself against Momo and looked to see all of your roommates in deep thought, “okay, what if two of us just go to the store and see what we find? I’ll go since I haven’t left the dorms all day,” you told them as you looked for a partner to accompany you. 
you were pleasantly surprised to see that it was Bakugou who offered to come with you. the two of you ran in the same friend group but the two of you hardly ever talked each other one on one. 
Bakugou was cute, you couldn’t deny that. you knew his anger was an issue but when you sat down to think about it, he hardly ever got loud with you. yeah, he might’ve gotten annoyed with you but he never treated you the way he treated the rest of his classmates. 
once you grabbed your bag and ran back downstairs, you noticed Bakugou’s red face while Kirishima and Kaminari tried to hold back their laughter. 
“did I miss something?” you asked the three of them, “no, you idiot!” Bakugou screamed making you flinch, “didn’t mean to yell, I’m sorry,” he muttered as he stalked towards the entrance. 
your eyebrows fluttered in confusion before waving off the class and walking towards Bakugou. he opened the door for you and the two of you started the tread to the grocery store. 
“did you need something the store, Bakugou?” you asked him, “you never come on these trips,” you added on. 
he shrugged, “just felt like it,” he simply said as you shrugged, “oh, okay! were you in the mood for something in particular? since we’re the ones going to the store, it’s ultimately up to us,” you pondered. 
Bakugou thought for a moment, “ramen?” he mentioned as he watched your eyes light up, “ramen! that sounds amazing Bakugou!” you exclaimed as he tried to shrug off your excitement. 
the store near the U.A. dorms wasn’t too far away so it didn’t take long for the both of you to arrive. you noticed a few stands on the side of the store and although you wanted to check out what they were, you knew you weren’t getting money from your parents for another few days and you didn’t want to come across something you liked and couldn’t buy. 
“let me grab a cart so we can get everything for the ramen,” you told Bakugou as he nodded. he was eerily quiet and maybe the only reason why he offered to come along was because he wanted fresh air, “aww, if I had enough money, I would totally offer to make dessert for everyone but I don’t think I have enough,” you told yourself. 
Bakugou heard what you said and although he wasn’t going to feed the rest of his idiotic classmates dessert, he found something the two of you could share after dinner. 
now he just had to figure out how to actually ask you. 
he grabbed a small red velvet cake and stuffed it into the cart, hidden among the other grocery items and walked until you got everything you needed. after the cashier checked everything out, between you and Bakugou, you were carrying three bags each. 
“young children!” you heard an elderly voice say. you turned around to see that it was an old woman at one of the stands. you pointed at yourself and Bakugou as she nodded, “yes you two! come here!” she exclaimed as you sighed. 
the two of you approached the woman who looked like she was straight out of the 70s, “would you like to test your love? this machine has never hit 100 and you guys could possibly be the first!” she teased as you tried to deny, “it’s completely free and if you guys hit 100, I’ll gift both of you a matching necklace and bracelet,” she offered. 
you gave Bakugou a look of annoyance, “we aren’t even together, old lady,” Bakugou yelled as she gave him a dumbfounded expression, “didn’t ask that, you juvenile,” you couldn’t help but laugh at her comeback. 
“fine, we’ll try it, just so we can hurry this up and get back to the rest of the class,” you told him as Bakugou annoyingly agreed. 
the two of you placed your hands on this small controller thing and squeezed the red handle of the controller. it took a few minutes but you were immediately startled by the ringing noise coming from the machine. 
“oh my,” she whispered as she looked at the machine, “what?” you could tell Bakugou was becoming increasingly more annoyed as the lady was silent, “not only did the two of you reach 100, the two of you read for marriage,” your eyes widened at her epiphany. 
you couldn’t dare to look at Bakugou as he scoffed, “wow, I’ve been doing this for ten years and you two have been the only ones to reach 100,” she continued as you tried to usher Bakugou to finally leave. 
“as promised, here are your gifts,” she whispered digging out the matching pair of necklace and bracelet, “are these real gold?” you hesitated on taking the items as she nodded, “as real as they get. it’s truly an honor,” she exclaimed as she shoved the jewelry into your hands. 
Bakugou and you stared at each other as a red hue crossed Bakugou’s face. your hand gripped the jewelry but you couldn’t muster to say anything to break the awkward silence. 
“crazy old lady,” Bakugou muttered making you laugh, “right? you would think her family would stop her from doing such things,” you replied as he nodded. 
the semi-awkward conversation continued until the two of you finally reached the dorms again. you had texted one of the girls to prepare the few things that were already in the dorms so you could immediately start on dinner. 
“hey, how was everything?” Midoriya asked as you fell silent to question, “fine, why? did you think there would be a problem?” Bakugou asked as the two of them started arguing. 
you rolled your eyes and went to the kitchen to start dinner. your mind had drifted from the interaction from earlier but as you were about to set out the bowls for everyone to pour themselves, you reached into your back pocket and felt the jewelry making your face turn warm. 
“dinner is ready! come pour yourselves!” you yelled to your classmates as you grabbed your already full plate and made your way to the two chaired table. 
everyone grabbed their plates and scouted for chairs and tables to eat. what you didn’t expect again was to see Bakugou sit across from you. you gave him a warm smile making his stomach do a flip. 
he had never felt this way before and frankly, he would have found the idea of liking someone disgusting but being that it was you, Bakugou wasn’t exactly opposed to it.
even though dinner between the two of you was decently quiet, it wasn’t until almost everyone was going back into their rooms when Bakugou finally tried to keep up a conversation. 
“here, I bought this for us to share,” he grunted as he went to the freezer and took out the cake, “I didn’t see you buy it,” you told him as he ignored your statement and brought it to the table. 
while Bakugou would have been embarrassed at such an action, the only ones in the common area were Momo and Kota and he knew that neither one of them would open their mouth to say anything. 
you opened the cake when you snapped your fingers in realization, “the night is quite nice, wanna sit on the table that’s on the patio and eat it?” you asked, a bit shyly. 
he nodded taking the two forks as you grabbed the cake and made your way to the patio table. the good thing about the patio was that there was a small screen like cover on top of the building to not let in any flies or bugs. 
“god, I felt like this is the first time we’ve gotten to relax,” you told Bakugou as he hummed, “with training, school work, and homework, it’s like we only get Saturday to actually relax or catch up on homework,” you added on. 
Bakugou wanted reply but the nervousness, something he hardly felt, was too much to handle. 
“but I’m sure you’re caught up on your work, right?” you asked as he nodded, “everything is fairly easy,” he responded as you shrugged, “ah, I’m struggling a bit in All Might’s class,” you admitted as you tried to hide your embarrassed face. 
Bakugou’s eyes lit up, “I can help you, if you need it,” he managed to say as you agreed excitedly, “sure! are you free tomorrow? after lunch?” you asked as he nodded yes. 
“awesome!” you exclaimed as Bakugou tried his hardest to hide his very flustered expression, “hey, so I still have this shit in my back pocket. if what the lady said was true, I just don’t want to throw it away,” you told Bakugou as you put the necklace and bracelet on table. 
he grabbed the more masculine looking one, the bracelet, and slapped it over his wrist, “we can get this shit tested,” he inquired as you nodded, “right! I mean, I think the necklace is really pretty,” you said as you wrapped it around your neck. 
Bakugou watched as you struggled to clip the two pieces together and finally got up to do it for you. he snapped the two pieces together and you turned your head to fix your hair, you noticed just how close your faces were. 
taking a deep breath, you gave him a small peck on the lips before quickly retracting. Bakugou sighed in content as he reciprocated the kiss but this time, he lasted a lot longer than you did. 
“we can continue this tomorrow,” he muttered giving you one final peck, “but I’ll text you after I get out of the shower,” he said a bit smugly. 
you rolled your eyes jokingly as the two of you made your way back inside of the dorms. a part of you was glad that you made the first move because god knew how long it would’ve taken Bakugou to make his first move. 
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clvmtines · 3 years
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welcome aboard, clementine martinez, student #2. we are excited to set sail with you !  has anyone told you that you look like alexa demie? according to our records, you hail from florida, usa, prefer she / her pronouns, are a cis woman, and are here to study creative writing. we also see you received a spot on the ss university because of your online lottery win — we won’t tell anyone. during your first few weeks here, other students said you were + charming, + free-spirited, but also - restive. it sounds like you spend most of your time at the billiards room. upon checking your luggage, we noticed you packed a casino chip carried around for luck from home. hopefully your roommates don’t steal it!
hi friends! i’m very excited to be here. i’m jay (est, she/her) n i used to play astrid nyland a few months ago if anyone remembers bt i had to leave for personal reasons. i’m so glad to be back now that i hve life sorted and some free time for summer break <3 read on for some details abt this new muse of mine, clementine. 
01. biography !
so ! clementine was born in florida. & yes, her real name is clementine. her mom thot it was the cutest name idea ever. clementine mostly goes by clem. she comes from the town [redacted] in florida bcoz i am too lazy to look up a specific town <3 but alas ! it was swampy and humid and she lived in a trailer park. 
her parents got knocked up at nineteen. clem was born nine months after a particularly wild 1999 fourth of july. her birthday is march 26th and she’s an aries. 
(TW: addiction, child injury) clem’s dad was a gambling addict and petty criminal—he wld steal credit cards n whatnot. he wld gamble away diaper money n it would cause constant fighting until her dad finally left. her mom took this very hard n began drinking a bit too often, leaving clem to to make cereal for dinner n fend for herself. once clem tried to make hot dogs on the stove and spilled boiling water on herself. got a p bad burn on her arm/shoulder and still has a big scar.
the soundtrack of her childhood was cicadas buzzing and stray dogs barking. the sizzle and pop of natty light cans. turning up her ipod to max volume to drown out the sounds of her mother fighting with her new boyfriend.
throughout her upbringing, clem’s dad was always in and out of the picture. he’d blow into town when he hit it big. he’d take her on these little “adventures” like staying in a motel 6 n renting movies at block buster n ordering good pizza nt the dominos shit she ate with her mom lol. ofc he was charging it all to someone’s stolen credit card. he’d always promise to, like, take clem away. n clem was a daddy’s girl so she believed him. the last time it happened was her h.s. graduation. her mom didn’t show ( "overslept” after a bender ) but her dad did and surprised her n said everything wld be different. bt then he bailed on their plans for the next day n when she called his cell, the number was disconnected. tht was the defining “i’m done” moment. clem promised to never be disappointed by her father again.
(TW: racism) her mother has mexican ancestry and clem’s always been called her twin. but clem was raised in a predominately white area and honestly ?? it was really hard without her even realizing it. she’s still unpacking a lot of things today abt her youth that jst weren’t okay bt she thought were normal. like microaggressions, stereotypes, being fetishized by boys in high school. gross shit.
as a kid, clem was rumored to be really poor bc she wore tattered clothes n got free lunch at school. once she invited a friend to her house & the next day they told everyone it’s in a trailer park. that reputation—the “trailer park girl”—was really hard to shake. and clem got almost desperate to shake it. she was endlessly trying to set her old self on fire and emerge from the ashes like a phoenix.
eventually clem became more “popular”. in school she was, like, a straight b student. very average although super creative and quick-thinking. she always had street smarts. problem solving skills. independence. more of, like, practical intelligence as opposed to book smarts because academia bores her tbh. she was like why am i reading these overrated boring books by dead white men or learning abt polynomials when i know nothing abt how to pay a mortage or do taxes. like...she saw the american education system as bullshit and put in modest effort because she didn’t believe it deserved her sweat and tears. 
however, she entered the online lottery for the seas program on a whim and got in. so she’s studying creative writing now.
02. personality !
first thing you shld know abt clem is that she’s a compulsive liar essentially—she tells various stories to make her life seem better than what it was. to one person, she’s an heiress to a real estate company and grew up wealthy. to the next she was raised by nomadic hippies. some of her lies are small fibs while others are grandiose tales. she rarely talks about her actual upbringing. she hates talking abt her family or the v real trauma of growing up in a household where both parents struggled w/ addiction; the uncertainty, the broken promises, the fact that she had to grow up so soon and deal w/ so much. it wasn’t fair, and if she thinks about it too much, she feels this anger. anger at the universe. anger at her circumstances. she doesn’t know where to put this anger. she doesn’t know how to shrink it. so she avoids it.
despite her rough upbringing, though, clem is actually really sweet and kind. she’s adventurous, fun-loving, free-spirited, and bold. 
bt ! she can also be closed-off, competitive and restive. 
she’s seemingly tight with everyone? like she’s jst that girl who can get along with anyone tbh. 
in her spare time you can catch her tanning by the pool, hanging at the bar, playing pool ( which she learned from her dad ), and socializing. she’ll never say no to hanging out with people. 
she learned a lot from her little “adventures” with her dad, who was very good at conning others and often involved her in his dumb little scams. clem is suuuper good at pulling the ‘im baby 🥺’ card to get what she wants.
she can be a little selfish, because she grew up looking out for herself. 
stubborn and dogmatic as hell !!!
she doesn’t do too many relationships but when she does fall, i imagine she falls hard and fast. she refuses to be made a fool of, tho. when she gets vulnerable she flashes back to being a kid, waiting all day for her dad to show up only to have him bail on her. again. she hates that feeling. so if she, like, senses a shift in someone’s energy she’ll b like, “i’ll break up with u before u can do it to me” and the person wasn’t even tryna dump her lmao.
has a lot of sex. too much ?? sex?? mayb. but she’s v sex positive.
her personal style is v late 90s. hair clips, big scrunchies, neon, fur trim, crop and tube tops, hoop earrings, chokers, patterns, platform shoes, biodegradable glitter cuz it’s good fr the earth *winks*. clothes from o-mighty.......actually jst google o mighty, pull up the images and That is clem. she dresses like a bratz doll. she’s dedicated to the aesthetic.
03. headcanons !
her item brought from home is a hot pink poker chip from a casino. her dad gave it to her. he said it reminded him of her because of the color; he got it during one of his winning streaks and said it was lucky. she has a complicated relationship w/ her dad n doesn’t even speak to him anymore, bt she will never go anywhere without it.
she’s a smol bean—only 5′4
an astrology girl and she reads palms ! she absolutely makes astrology tik toks that people only watch because she’s hot. her flirting technique is to ask you to read your palm.
she doesn’t typically drink to get drunk. but she does love a good sugary cocktail. to her, a drink is like an accessory. a blue fishbowl by the pool, a jack and coke as she stands around a bar. usually she'll nurse the same beverage for a while. if you see her wasted it usually means she’s going thru it emotionally lol. the one thing she does do is drugs tho 
pretty much listens to exclusively female artists.
a bit of an activist. environmentalism, feminism and the like, she’s v outspoken. vegan for ethical reasons (TW: drugs) bt still does cocaine. she wears shirts with ‘my pussy my choice’ bedazzled on the front.
loves to rollerblade ! back home she didn’t have a car so she’d bike or rollerblade. now she still has her blades and she’ll use them when the ship docks. 
03. wanted connections !
Friends, bffs, ride or dies, friends who are like siblings to her, maybe a friend with an unrequited crush on either side ??
an ex she dumped/cheated on/otherwise self sabotaged their relationship because she was afraid of vulnerability.
an ex friend who realized she lies a lot abt herself n felt betrayed. OH ! ESP if they opened up to her on many occasions abt intimate, personal stuff. imagine the betrayal they felt when they found that everything they thought they knew abt clem is a lie.
someone who she actually opens up to. a confidant. or, maybe, like, a stranger she drunkenly spilled her soul to and now she avoids them like the plague.
a rival. clem can be competitive.
her drug dealer 
someone she knows she shouldn’t hook up with and… does it anyways. like a friend’s ex or smthing. spicy <3
i welcome anything !
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pointy-hat-witch · 4 years
My gift for @smol-fatale for the @fyeahbnha secret santa event!! I had lots of fun writing it! Hope you enjoy it! I never wrote a ShinKami fic so I hope I did them justice! :)
Title: Hot Stuff Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia Word count: 7233 words Summary:  In which Shinsou’s Christmas Miracle happens in form of a broken stove and an electrician.
You can also read it on AO3! :)
Shinsou was, generally speaking, a loner by choice, mind you. He enjoyed his own company, living at his own pace. So, when Midoriya slowly but steadily made himself a presence in his life, he initially didn’t notice. And by the time he did, it was already too late.
Together with Uraraka, Midoriya’s almost-sorta-girlfriend(?), they moved into a three bed-room-apartment rather close to their uni. Every now and then, Shinsou asked himself how it ended up like that but whenever he thought about it, he reached to the conclusion that he didn’t really mind, after all. He found these friends, or rather they found him and now they’re his family.
Well, until moments like these.
Shinsou came home from one of his late lectures, and it was already dark outside which was no surprise for mid-december anyway. Because he was hungry, the lecture dragged on as it was and his last meal had been some time ago, he just wanted to fix himself a fast meal and watch a movie before passing out.
So, when he came home he first noticed the silence, the eerie silence. After around a year and half living with friends, he was fluent in reading the atmosphere, that was why he knew something was up. He was certain that Midoriya and Uraraka should be home already and that they hadn’t anything planned for tonight.
“Hello?” He patiently half-shouted into their apartment from their entry hall as he slipped out of his shoes. There was a shuffle in the kitchen and some muffled voices. Something was definitely amiss. Shinsou sighed.
Preparing himself mentally, he left his bag where it was, put on his slippers and slowly made his way toward the kitchen. He didn’t sneak up or anything but when he appeared in the door, both Uraraka and Midoriya jumped up as if he was Satan himself. They pressed their shoulders together, standing as rigid as humanly possible and their faces, hh god, Shinsou would have cracked at least a smile if his gut didn’t say something was awfully wrong.
“W-w-w-what’s up, Shinsou? Home already, huh? Kinda thought you would have come a little later, like you know, you could have gotten a coffee because it’s so late and you would have taken a bus later or even walked, so we didn’t really thought you would be-“ Midoriya continued babbling but Shinsou already zoned out, staring neutrally over to Uraraka.
And, oh, Uraraka. “Why on earth don’t you breathe?” Shinsou interrupted Midoriya as he slowly squinted at her round cheeks, her eyes almost bulging out.
“Baaaah!“ Uraraka pushed out all of her breath she held in and then took a deep breath afterward.
“Sorry, ahhh,” she whined, fanning herself, “I was getting so nauseous and just had to.”
“Why did you feel nauseous?” Shinsou’s voice cut through the air that was as thick as butter.
“Uhhhh,” Midoriya and Uraraka looked at each other in panic but after a couple of silent seconds exhaled defeatedly. Whatever it was, they couldn’t keep him in the dark forever. They each took a step to the side, moving away from each other to show him the disaster.
“What am I looking at, guys?” Shinsou asked, fully aware of what he was looking at. But he needed them to say it.
“We, uh,” Uraraka gesticulated wildly without saying anything, looking at every possible thing in the room except Shinsou and that. Shinsou’s gaze wandered over to Midoriya who’s shoulders were perched up, elbows close to his body while mumbling inconceivable into one of his hands.
“Guys.” Shinsou sighed. “Just, what happened?”
“We wanted to make dinner,” Uraraka whined, “for you, you know? Mondays are bad as they are and you have a full day of classes so we thought we could, uh, make you dinner.”
Midoriya nodded, his hair bobbing with the motion. “And we just got started, like prepping and we needed flour for the batter and it-“
“It just,” Uraraka threw her arms in the air, “the glass container just slipped through my fingers.”
“And fell on the stove.”
“And fell on the stove.”
“And fell on the stove.” Shinsou mumbled, nodding solemnly. Yeah, this was his chosen family. Smashing their ceramic stove plate with a glass of flour. He stared at the abomination. The cupboard right next to the stove was a little higher than usual, so Uraraka had probably stood on her toes to reach the glass and it must have bounced off her arm right in the middle of the stove plate, smashing it into pieces. Everywhere black shards. Leaving the stove irreparable.
“Did you get hurt?” Shinsou asked as he kneeled down to pick up some of the bigger pieces.
“No!” They both shook their heads.
“Then that’s all that matters.” Complaining about spilled milk wouldn’t do neither of them any good. He knew it was an accident, shit happens.
“We’re sorry, Shinsou.”
Shinsou blinked and looked up. Both Uraraka and Midoriya looked at the floor, Uraraka fighting off tears and Midoriya balling his hands into fists.
Yeah, those were his family. If he would have been still with his blood relatives they- no. Shinsou didn’t think about that anymore.
Shinsou shook his head, almost smiling fondly. “Don’t worry about it. You didn’t get hurt, so it doesn’t matter. We can just order food.”
Averting another disaster, as Uraraka and Midoriya looked like they wanted to jump on him to smother him with their affection, Shinsou got them to help him clean up the kitchen, before they ordered food, which his friends paid for, and watched a movie until he passed out.
He woke up the next morning with his blanket thrown over him and he indulged himself for another five minutes, snuggling into the heavy blanket. But, alas, even though he only had two classes in the afternoon, he had some homework from the day before, so he had to get up eventually. And the earlier the better.
When he got up, he noticed a small piece of paper on the couch table with his name neatly written on.
Curious, he picked it up and unfolded it.
 “Dear Shinsou,
we hope you slept well. You looked like you were dead at least.. Sorry again for the stove. Please call the landlord about it. He likes you.
Your besties!!”
 Shinsou couldn’t decide whom of them he wanted to strangle first. Letting out a silent groan, Shinsou let himself fall back onto the couch, staring up at the ceiling. Today was an even more low energy day than usual, so the thought about calling someone was already taking a toll on him.
They all knew, Aizawa wouldn’t yell at them or anything. He was the best landlord you could get, honestly. Not they often, say, smash their stove plate but if they needed anything done in their apartment he would get it done in a few days. Sometimes, he even just came over to talk and check in if they’re alright, studying and working and all that.
And Shinsou and he may or may not clicked right from the start. They both were low-tension, didn’t talk around the bush and didn’t need to tiptoe around each other. If he could choose, Shinsou kind of wanted to have him as a dad. But that was something he would ever say out loud.
Still, why he needed to call him was beyond him. 
He searched around for his phone blindly, not bothering looking away from the ceiling. When he finally found it, his finger scrolled through his contacts, their landlord a commonly called number. Shinsou sighed. He dialed.
“What did they do now?” Aizawa’s voice was gruff, probably only just gotten out of bed himself, for what Shinsou felt a little guilty. They both didn’t like talking on the phone, but both his roommates and his spouse were notorious in getting them to do it.
“They broke the stove plate.” He cut right to the chase.
“They did what now?”
“Dropped a glass on it. Smashed it.”
“They smashed the-,” Aizawa mumbled in disbelief to himself.
“Do you have an electrician or a company you use for stuff like that? I can call them. And we pay, of course. Our fault.”
“Their fault,” Aizawa pointed out, “but yeah. I know someone. I’ll give them a call.”
They agreed that the electrician either comes until 1 pm or the next day in the evening and their call ended. As short as it was and for some may sound a little standoff-ish, Shinsou liked those calls the most. They weren’t as dreadful as those where he had to make small talk and offend the other person by not being the friendliest customer or something.
When he finally was done with that, he fixed himself a bowl of cereal and then sat down on his desk to get some work done before heading off to uni.
When the doorbell rang, Shinsou almost flinched, hunched over his notes about commonly known phobias. Geez. He rubbed his face as he stumbled over to the door, not thinking twice about making himself any more presentable. He, first of all, didn’t give a flying fuck about what an electrician would think about him, and secondly, it was a apartment with three students, what could anyone expect?
What he didn’t expect, was to look into the bright face of someone his age, grinning around a lollipop.
“Yo!” He almost shouted, as he pushed up his cap a little, grinning around his lollipop even wider.
“Hi.” Shinsou answered in the most monotonous voice he could muster but it didn’t deter the other to smile any less.
“I heard you have a broken stove.”
“Yeah.” He stepped aside, letting the guy inside. “First door to the right.”
“Gotcha!” He nodded, pulling his feet out of his shoes. “Oh, I’m Kaminari, by the way.”
“Uh-huh.” Shinsou wasn’t sure how to handle this ball of energy. Literally. When the electrician took his cap off, clipping it to his belt, his yellow hair showed a black streak in his fringe which resembled a flash of lighting. His steps had a little spring to them, his fingers kept tapping to some rhythm, his eyes darting around. And Shinsou only knew this guy for about ten seconds.
“Oh.” Kaminari said as he entered the kitchen. “Well, yeah, that is fucked. In my professional opinion, of course.” He threw his head back and laughed. He fucking laughed at his own joke. “How in god’s name did you do that, man?” Kaminari walked up to the smashed stove plate, without the glass shards mind you, looking at it in fascination.
“My roommates dropped a glass on it.” Shinsou crossed his arms lazily, leaning against the kitchen door frame. “What can you do about it?”
“That sounds like your roommates are a blast!” He laughed again, pushing his lollipop around in his mouth. “Well, I am great at my job but that,” he pointed at the broken ceramic plate, “even I can’t fix that. Got to get you a new one.”
“Figured as much.” Shinsou groaned. “How long will that take?”
“Not that long,” Kaminari mused, pulling out a folding rule. “Oh, did you take out the fuse?”
Kaminari laughed, again. “That answers it, hehe. Where is your fuse box?” Though Kaminari laughed again and again and kept a lazy smile on his lips, Shinsou never felt that he laughed at him, he just was … amused. And it kinda made it easier to talk to him.
“Over there,” Shinsou pointed back to the entrance hall, next to the small coat rack.
“Gotcha!” Kaminari hopped over to it, with one look flipped one of the like fifty switches, which Shinsou had only a very, very general idea for what they were, and danced back into the kitchen.
“Didn’t plan on getting fried by a smashed stove today!” He winked at Shinsou as he laid down his folding rule to measure the plate.
Shinsou was frozen on the spot. Did he just wink at him? Was he … no. He was just like that, that wasn’t anything weird, was it?
“Alrighty,” Kaminari mumbled around his lollipop, writing some numbers on his notepad that he pushed back into one of his numerous pockets. “It’s a standard stove plate, so nothing hard to get by. I would say tomorrow, the day after tomorrow the latest I can install the new one. Does one of the days work better for you?”
Shinsou blinked himself out of his own stupor, mentally going through his schedule. “I could do tomorrow evening or the evening after that.”
“Tomorrow it is then!” Kaminari smiled around his now almost vanished lollipop. “Uh, can I have your phone number? Just in case, it doesn’t work out for whatever reason, you know?”
“Sure.” Shinsou nodded, rattling off his number. Kaminari typed at his phone, throwing Shinsou a quick glance, clearing his throat.
“And, uh, I didn’t catch your name?”
There was a beat silence, before Shinsou answered slowly.
“Shinsou Hitoshi. Got it.” Kaminari smiled. His fingers fished out another lollipop, unwrapping it so fast Shinsou has never seen anyone do it before and popping it into his mouth. The other stick wandered into a small container with at least five other empty sticks. Uh, okay.
“Well then, Shinsou,” Kaminari said in his usual loud voice, Shinsou just figured out, “see you tomorrow!”
“Yeah, see you tomorrow.” Shinsou nodded as Kaminari slipped back into his shoes and then was out the door after a short wave.
Shinsou didn’t know how long he stood in the entrance hall after Kaminari left. It was kinda like a storm passing by and Shinsou had to process what just happened. Like, nothing bad happened, Kaminari did his job, was friendly, professional. But… but why did it feel like there so much more that happened?
Shinsou shook his head. It was just their wavelengths that were way off and it just was too much all of the sudden, Shinsou figured. Though, if Kaminari felt like so high tension and brimming with energy, why didn’t Shinsou feel drained in the least?
Since he only had morning classes, Shinsou spent the afternoon with his roommates. They brought some takeout with them on their way home, so they had some warm food at least. Shinsou was appreciative of them buying all the food, college students being notoriously broke as they were, though it didn’t come up yet, Shinsou planned to chip in with the repair costs, of course. They’re his closest friends after all.
Of course they did speak about the short visit of the electrician and in hindsight, Shinsou ought to know better, but he brought up the topic just to inform them. But he must have slipped in something of the sort that he felt weirdly calm around this energetic guy, because they both brought up sudden plans right after.
So, when 7 p.m. rolled around, he was all alone in the apartment again. And his heart was weirdly pounding in his chest. That was why he literally flinched when his phone rang on full blast. He forgot to put his volume back down after watching a cat video because who the fuck did call anybody these days?
The number was unknown and everything in him screamed to just not pick up. But then his finger was already sliding the “accept” button to the side.
“Shinsou speaking.” He pinched his nose, already berating himself for getting on the phone with a stranger.
“Ah! Hey, Shinsou! It’s Kaminari! The electrician? From yesterday. Because of the stove?” Kaminari’s voice was even louder through the phone, practically screaming in his ear and Shinsou had to hold his phone away before turning down the output volume.
“Yeah, Kaminari. I remember. What’s up?” Shinsou licked his lips, his mouth gone dry all of the sudden.
“I just wanted to check in, if I can come in around half an hour?” There was some traffic noise in the background, he probably just finished up his last customer.
“Yeah, half an hour. I’m here.”
“Perfect! Then I’m just gonna pick up your wonderful new stove plate and come right over!”
Kaminari chuckled and Shinsou’s skin prickled. It even sounded like he had yet another lollipop between his lips, clacking occasionally against his teeth.
“See you soon, Shinsou!” Kaminari hung up before Shinsou could even say anything. He let his phone fall out of his hand on the couch, pressing his hands against his face as he leaned back. What was going on with him? He … was looking forward to seeing Kaminari again? What in the ever loving fuck?
The next half hour went by agonizingly slowly since Shinsou looked at his phone every other minute, both to check the time but also, and he would never admit to it, maybe getting another call from the electrician.
When it (finally) rang at the door, Shinsou had to force himself not to run to the door. Purposefully slowly he opened the door to Kaminari leaning against the stove plate, properly secured in Styrofoam.
“Hey,” he grinned around his lollipop, “I chose the best stove for you!”
“Out of a range of options!” Kaminari proceeded to put his hands up, motioning finger guns, while winking at Shinsou. And then snorted with laughter himself.
Shinsou didn’t know what did it for him. The absolute absurdity of the situation, the worst pun he ever heard, or Kaminari laughing at his own joke. Maybe all together. But he had to turn his head to the side and snort behind his hand.
“I saw that!” Kaminari yowled, high fiving himself. “Still got it!”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Shinsou asked in the least serious way possible.
“Come on! That was funny!” Kaminari grinned, pulling off his shoes as he more or less invited himself in. Well, Shinsou did step aside to let him in anyway.
“It wasn’t really.” He shook his head, hands pushed inside his pockets as he didn’t know what to do with them.
“But you laughed!” Kaminari exclaimed, carrying the stove plate that looked like it weighted nothing in his arms over to the kitchen.
“I laughed because it was stupid.”
“Whatever the reason, I made you laugh!” Kaminari threw a quick glance over his shoulder at him, before putting the stove plate down right in front of the destroyed one.
“You didn’t turn on the fuse again, did you?”
Shinsou shook his head. “Why would we? I think you were the first one to ever touch that box in this household to begin with.”
That made Kaminari throw his head back with laughter. Why, Shinsou didn’t know but it made him feel warm that something he said made Kaminari laugh so earnestly.
“Are your roommates ever home?” Kaminari opened the cupboard underneath the broken stove plate, getting his flashlight to look at the high-tension socket. “Or just to break your stuff?”
Shinsou could see Kaminari’s shoulders tremble as he suppressed his laughter. Taking a deep breath and exhaling silently through his mouth, Shinsou leaned against the doorframe.
“They had some plans. Suddenly,” he added under his breath, shaking his head. “We do lots of stove together, don’t worry. They’re great friends.”
Kaminari’s whole body shook, giggling silently. He pulled out a small screwdriver and undid the lid of the outlet.  There were a couple of silent seconds as Kaminari carefully pulled out the few wires, before coming up again.
“Wanna give me a hand?” He grinned, setting the flashlight to the side, still kneeling on the ground.
“And doing your job without getting paid?” Shinsou answered but stepped up next to the other regardless.
“Ha, you wish!” Kaminari pushed his lollipop around in his mouth, grinning widely. “Okay, just lift the plate when I push it up.”
“And I won’t get electrocuted for sure?”
“Alas, I’m too good at my job for this to happen. An unfortunate circumstance of being gorgeous and talented.” Kaminari shrugged, shaking his head with a mock devastated expression. Shinsou snorted against his better judgment and didn’t acknowledge the knowing grin from Kaminari.
The plate lifted up a few centimeters as Kaminari pushed it from below and Shinsou grabbed it around the edges, raising it up a little higher. It was, indeed, lighter than he thought.
“Great, thanks.” Kaminari stood up and took it off Shinsou’s hands, standing so close to him he could smell the strawberry scented lollipop through his lips. Kaminari put the broken plate flat on the ground, so as to not let any loose shards fall off. Shinsou stepped back to the side when Kaminari lifted up the other stove plate, put it into its designated place and was back on his knees within seconds. Talk about efficiency.
Another few hand movements and the wires were back in place, the lid was screwed back on the socket and Kaminari stood back up.
“Done and done. Just a last check.” He jogged out of the kitchen and Shinsou was surprised that he still knew where the fuse box was. He heard the switch being flipped and then Kaminari was jogging back in.
“Moment of truth.”
Kaminari turned one of the four knobs on the stove plate and with a silent electric vibration one of the four panels slowly turned red. Kaminari grinned self-satisfied and turned it off again.
“Perfect. Everything as it should be?”
“Yeah, uh, thanks.” Shinsou nodded, a little impressed. That wasn’t complicated in the least and didn’t take as much time as he thought. Probably a lot more expensive than expected, though.
“Great, then I just need you to,” Kaminari fumbled through his pockets to pull out some piece of paper, “sign these papers off. To accept the repair and that stuff.” Kaminari tapped on some boxes Shinsou had to tick and the line he had to sign on.
“Yeah, sure.” Shinsou accepted the pen Kaminari pulled out of another pocket. For a second Shinsou skimmed over the paper, just to be totally sure he wasn’t in some kind of high caliber scam or something but everything seemed to be in order, so he signed it.
“Then we’re done here.” Kaminari folded the paper back into his pocket and saluted Shinsou lazily. “My pleasure.”
“Uh, sure.” Shinsou’s thoughts came to a screeching stop as he realized that Kaminari was about to leave. Like, for good. And somehow it made him anxious. He didn’t want him to leave, instead he wants to hear more bad puns and his contagious laughter.
“Have a nice holiday!” Kaminari crunched the last bit of his lollipop and waved.
“Uh, yeah, thanks. You, too. Don’t get electrocuted by another smashed stove. Or something.” Shinsou pulled at one strand of his hair, unsure where to look.
“I’ll be careful!” Kaminari laughed, popping in another lollipop. “Well, then. See you, hot stove,” Kaminari winked and was out of the door. Leaving Shinsou staring at the closed door.
What the fuck?
It didn’t help at all, that Uraraka was literally rolling on the carpet in the living room and Midoriya’s shoulders shook while making a face as to no burst out laughing, when Shinsou told them about his second encounter with the electrician. He never regretted moving in with them more than in that moment.
“Wait, wait, wait,” Midoriya held a finger up before covering his mouth, mumbling something Shinsou didn’t quite get. Uraraka sat up, wiping away the tears that kept on rolling over her cheeks.
“So, what if,” Midoriya looked between them back and forth, “the lollipop was a metaphor all along?”
Uraraka shrieked and fell back down, holding her stomach from laughing so hard. And Shinsou stared outside the window, wishing he was somewhere else but here.
“But jokes aside,” Uraraka said from the floor, spread like a starfish, “you gonna text him or something? Like, you both pretty much find each other … likeable.” They both burst into a small fit of laughter.
Shinsou shook his head. “Why would I?” he sighed. “Sure, mayyyybe,” he fixed them both with a glare and they pressed their lips together, “we kinda sort of found each other tolerable, but,” he leaned back against the couch, crossing his arms, “he just did his job and maybe that’s just his way to talk to customers.”
“Whatever you say, hot stove,” Midoriya snorted.
And if Shinsou threw them both out with a hearty kick in the ass, he would pledge self-defense for his mentality.
It wasn’t that Shinsou not thought about maybe texting Kaminari after all since he had his number after he called him. But it didn’t feel right to text him on his work phone just because he felt like his social anxiety wasn’t as bad with his electrician than with everybody else. What kind of reason is that? And then he got flooded with assignments for almost all of his classes due before the Christmas holidays and it kind of slipped his mind.
On the morning of Christmas Eve, Shinsou said goodbye to Uraraka and Midoriya who both had promised their respective families to celebrate with them. They were home almost never already, that’s why they had these fixed days they just had to come home. And Shinsou felt warmed to the core, when they tried to get out of it to spend Christmas with him.
It was no secret that Shinsou would spend Christmas alone and he honestly didn’t mind. Christmas wasn’t a holiday he celebrated in the first place but just knowing everyone spent it with people they love sometimes can be pretty lonely. And spending these days with his blood rela- no, he didn’t even finish that thought. He rather felt like the loneliest person on earth than to spend Christmas with them.
So, he had to give his friends a crushing hug, reassuring them that he really didn’t mind, and he would text them as soon as something came up. It still didn’t make them stop crying, even when they were out the door and he waved at them until they were around the corner of the hallway.
His friends were the best.
The plan was to write a little bit on his paper about the impact of forced interaction because of holidays with family members and then watch a movie and order take out. Even if the stove was working again, it didn’t mean he had to use it.
When the doorbell rang at around noon, Shinsou looked up in confusion. He didn’t order anything yet, did he? He stumbled a few meters as his legs had fallen asleep sitting cross-legged for the past hours on the ground in front of the coffee table.
When he opened the door, it was his landlord Aizawa standing in front of him.
“Uh, hi?” Shinsou blinked, mentally going through anything that could have prompted his landlord to show up. They always paid in time, he wasn’t even remotely too loud to bother his neighbors, there was nothing leaking in the apartment…
“For you,” Aizawa held up a plastic bag, a food container shimmering through the almost transparent fabric. “Hizashi cooked a little too much. And we didn’t want it to get to waste.”
Shinsou looked at the bag and back at Aizawa’s tired face. He didn’t meet his eyes, staring at the floor.
“But your husb-,” Shinsou started but shut himself up. Aizawa’s eyebrow twitched up, but didn’t say anything as Shinsou took the plastic bag.
“Thank you, Aizawa.” Shinsou took a quick glance inside, but couldn’t make out anything specific.
“Merry Christmas, Shinsou,” Aizawa pulled up his scarf and nodded. “If you need anything, just give me a call.”
“Thanks, I will. And merry Christmas to you and Yamada, too.” Shinsou answered, raising his hand in a small wave. He looked after Aizawa’s back until he reached the staircase, where his landlord raised his hand one last time without looking back.
Shinsou went back inside and closed the door before leaning against it. He rubbed at his eye with the ball of his hand, squinting against the tear ducts that threaten to open up. Damn. he didn’t need to be around people to know he was loved so dearly.
But he for sure sent Uraraka and Midoriya a text message for snitching to their landlord that he’ll be home alone. But he also thanked them. And then send them a picture with the food container to make them jealous because they all knew what a great cook Aizawa’s husband was.
Taking a deep breath, willing his eyes to stay dry, Shinsou decided it was time for a break anyway. In the kitchen Shinsou turned on the rice cooker and then took a look at the food container. It was still a little warm and just smelled heavenly. Shinsou seemed to be in luck to get a taste of Yamada’s curry to which his growling stomach agreed.
He put the curry into a pot to reheat it, turned the stove on low heat and walked back to the living room to make some room to eat. It didn’t even take him five minutes when walked back into the kitchen, not even being able to wait twenty minutes, he tried to reason with himself if he even needed rice or could eat it crunchy and call it fried rice for a split second, as he stirred the curry.
Though … it didn’t smell any different, like it didn’t unfold its whole flavor when getting heated up. Shinsou dipped his finger into the curry to feel that it had cooled down even more. Blinking, he pushed the pot aside, hovering his hand over the stove plate to feel no heat at all. He turned the knob to the highest number, but the panel didn’t turn red at all, let alone get warm.
This just couldn’t be happening. Shinsou counted to ten inside his head, before turning the stove and the rice cooker off for good. His next action was to look up the landline of the company that had sent him the electrician that was “alas, too good at his job” and hoped they were still open.
Luck was on his side for that matter at least, since the call connected. The free-line signal went on for an alarming long time until someone picked up. A gruff voice answered, sounding like they had their fair share of annoying customers on Christmas Eve already. After getting through the greetings, Shinsou went right to the point. He didn’t brag about being the perfect customer, he was polite, for sure, but he didn’t suck up to them.
“The stove plate one of your electricians installed last week doesn’t work anymore.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” he didn’t sound genuine at all, but Shinsou didn’t care. He just needed someone to fix it. “We have someone for emergencies on duty today. As soon as he is done with his current assignment, I’ll send him over. That okay?”
“Yeah. Thanks.”
“Great. Bye.” And he hung up.
Shinsou exhaled hard, nibbling at his lower lip. What now? Kicking his heels for between half an hour to five hours for someone to come? Working on his paper some more? Order some food already, maybe ruining his appetite?
After an hour he spent playing random games on his phone, upside down on the couch, the doorbell rang yet again this day. It didn’t make Shinsou any less anxious answering the door, though, even if he knew who it would be.
Kaminari stood at the door, cheeks slightly red, his chest rising and falling heavy, almost as if he hurried over here. Shinsou decided to ignore that for his own good.
“Yo!” Kaminari grinned, this time pulling out the lollipop and bowed slightly with his cap pulled off. “I’m terribly sorry about that mistake.”
“Uh,” Shinsou blinked. He didn’t expect such a sincere apology. “Don’t worry about it. I just wanna get something to eat, you know?”
“Yeah, totally!” Kaminari was back grinning at him and walked in as if it was already his own home. And Shinsou honestly didn’t mind. He even opened the fuse box to flip the switch for the high-tension outlet on his way as if it was the most natural thing to do.
“Your friends coming home for dinner, then?” Kaminari asked as he entered the kitchen, Shinsou slowly following him.
“Nah,” he tilted his head, one hand on his neck. “They spend Christmas with their family.”
“Huh?” Kaminari was already kneeling in front of the counter, looking over his shoulder like a lost puppy. “What about you? Does your family not meet up on Christmas Eve?”
Shinsou clenched his jaw, scratching his neck. “No.”
Even if he found Kaminari sympathetic and maybe even liked him a little bit, he still was a stranger and he didn’t need to tell him about any potential tragic backstory. And fortunately, Kaminari seemed to get the hint.
“Gotcha.” Kaminari pulled out his flashlight, leaning inside the cupboard. “I’m gonna spend Christmas Eve alone, too, you know? Though, some friends come over tomorrow evening.”
Shinsou blinked. “Uh-huh. So… what are you gonna do tonight?”
Kaminari had the audacity to lean back on his heels, looking over his shoulder with a smug grin. “What? You gonna ask me out on Christmas after meeting like three times? Shinsou,” he shook his head, “I’m on the clock, you know?”
Shinsou was speechless. Before he could even say anything, Kaminari leaned back under and this time opened up a small panel on the downside of the stove plate.
“Cat got your tongue?” Kaminari asked from inside, not sounding any less smug than before.
“Does your small talk always end up in something romantically and/or sexually implied?”
Kaminari looked, once again over his shoulder, pulling out his lollipop while smacking his lips lewdly. “I don’t know, does it?��
“Goddamnit.” Shinsou mumbled under his breath. Both done and frustratingly smitten with Kaminari. The offending electrician giggled before closing the panel and coming back to his feet again.
“The wire was a little loose, no big deal.” He said, back to his usual voice. “Should be no problems from here on out.”
“That’s what you said the last time.”
“Oh, did I?” Kaminari squinted at the ceiling as if to underline how hard he was thinking back to it. “Can’t remember.” He finally said, shaking his head.
“But now you really don’t have to worry about anything at all anymore.” He pushed his flashlight and screwdriver back into his pockets, unclipping his cap and putting it back on his head.
Shinsou nodded, scrunching up his face in annoyance or disappointed, he didn’t know either.
“Hey, Shinsou?” Kaminari asked around his lollipop as he put on his shoes.
“My shift ends at around eight. Give or take half an hour depending on my last assignment.”
“And?” Shinsou raised both his eyebrows, playing nervously with the small hair at his neck.
“Well,” Kaminari chuckled but it was dry, not with its usual lightness, “I just… fuck.” He whispered to himself.
“What, Kaminari?” Shinsou pushed, his voice steadier than he would have thought with his heart pounding wildly in his chest.
“I just thought, you’re alone on Christmas Eve, I’m alone on Christmas Eve,” Kaminari rattled on, not looking back at him, “and I just, you know, I just thought it would be nice to spend it with someone. Who was funny. Or something. You know?”
Shinsou stepped a little closer, seeing that Kaminari’s neck turned bright red and Shinsou had to swallow hard around the lump in his throat. Fuck, indeed.
“You like Chinese food?”
“Huh?” Kaminari turned around half way this time, his cheeks still a little red.
“When you come over, bring Chinese Food. Or Indian. I’m not picky.” Shinsou mumbled, suddenly unsure of what to do or say, kicking at nothing. But he didn’t miss Kaminari’s eyes light up like a Christmas tree.
“Chinese sounds awesome!” Kaminari stood up, suddenly in a hurry. “I’m gonna call you when I’m on the way! See you later, Shinsou!” He shouted as he ran out the apartment, not even bothering to close the door.
The next few hours Shinsou tried to concentrate on writing his paper, failing miserably. He ate some of the curry from Yamada and Aizawa and it was as good as expected but Shinsou found himself looking more forward to the Chinese Takeout. Or the company with it. So, he only ate half of it and put the other half in the fridge for tomorrow.
He ended up looking at his phone every other minute, writing a sentence, then looking at it again. It goes without saying, but he didn’t get any real work done and he knew he had to revise everything he wrote on the last page.
The doorbell rang for the third time this day but Shinsou’s gut didn’t do its usual gymnastic exercises and before he knew, he was already in the entrance hall, opening up. Kaminari changed out of his work jumpsuit into his casual clothes. A thick coat with a dark purple scarf and hat buried him almost completely. His nose was a little red from the cold as he was overall dusted in light snow. But his smile was wide and seemed to melt the snow and cold away.
“Delivery!” It was almost unsettling that there was no lollipop in his mouth this time and Shinsou could actually see the wide grin, showing off immaculate white teeth.
“Come in.” Shinsou tried to sound as nonchalant as possible, only being betrayed by his trembling hands.
Kaminari stepped in, slipping out of his shoes without untying them, threw his coat with his scarf and hat over the wardrobe and just walked up to the living room. Shinsou followed close by, clenching and unclenching his hands to keep them from shaking.
“Wait a sec,” Shinsou pulled his laptop and books to the side, putting them under the coffee table for now. Kaminari put down the plastic bag with various containers.
“I hope I chose right,” he chuckled as he unpacked everything.
“I think you don’t have to worry about that.” Shinsou hummed as he stared at the various containers, kind of a little bit of everything. Fried rice, fried noodles, chicken, duck, wontons, fried vegetables, to name the usual suspects.
“I just wasn’t sure, you know, what you preferred,” Kaminari sounded genuinely worried, scratching his cheek as his eyes hopped from container to container. And that’s when Shinsou noticed how Kaminari’s hands were fidgeting around, pulling at a loose thread on his shirt, his foot tapping silently on the carpet, shifting his weight from one side to the other.
“Sit down,” Shinsou motioned on the ground. “Be right back.” Coming back from the kitchen, Shinsou put down two glasses and a bottle of soda on the table, before sitting down next to Kaminari, who put down his phone as he came back.
Shinsou turned around to pull down his weighted blanket, holding it up to Kaminari. “You want some?”
“Oh!” Kaminari’s face lit up. “Is that one of those weighted ones?!” Before Shinsou could even nod, Kaminari grabbed at it and weighted it with his hands.
“This feels so strange!” He giggled. Shinsou shook his head almost fondly, taking the blanket back from Kaminari’s hands and putting it over their shoulders.
“Sorry, it’s a little small so we need to-“ – “No problem.” Kaminari interrupted him as he scooted closer, grinning from ear to ear. Shinsou swallowed. The blanket had a nice weight to it on his shoulders, grounding him a little and steading his pulse almost instantly. With a glance to the side, Shinsou saw Kaminari sitting with his eyes closed, slowly breathing through his nose.
“I really need to get one of those for myself,” he hummed, smiling up to Shinsou with his eyes only half open.
“It’s Christmas, after all,” Shinsou said lamely, looking away since Kaminari’s relaxed face did things to his heart he didn’t know was possible, “you just wish for it.”
“Mhm, from you?”  
“You wish.”
“Yeah, that’s the point.”
Shinsou snorted, shaking his head once again. He just couldn’t keep up with Kaminari.
They started to eat, trying everything before settling on some things just one of them liked and sharing other stuff. It was rather silent at first until Kaminari just started to talk about some of his customers, how just absolutely horrible some people can be. And some just unbelievable stupid. At one point he talked about a job where he had to replace a smashed stove for what Shinsou shoved him in the face.
Somehow over the course of their dinner, they scooted even closer, their arms almost touching constantly and Shinsou only ever realized that when Kaminari laughed at one of his anecdotes about Midoriya (he cracked a bowl with milk and cereal already inside and slurping it as fast as possible, so it didn’t spill) and he buried his face in Shinsou’s shoulder, his whole body shaking.  
He had to turn his face away, feeling the heat rising to his cheeks. When Kaminari lifted his face up again and didn’t say anything, Shinsou could practically feel his eyes on him, looking through him.
“Hey.” Kaminari’s voice was quiet in contrast to before.
“What.” Shinsou mumbled, not trusting his face to be a normal color again.
“What if I tell you,” he heard Kaminari swallow, “that your stove stopping to work wasn’t a mistake?”
Shinsou felt all his reservation leaving him with a heavy sigh. He turned back toward Kaminari who looked at him with wide eyes, an unsure smile on his lips.
“You win, Kaminari.” Shinsou watched as Kaminari’s eyes squinted at him, thinking about what he meant. So, Shinsou made it a little easier for him.
He raised both his hands to Kaminari’s face, cupping his cheeks and caressing them with his thumbs. Feeling the skin under his hands turn hot and red, and seeing Kaminari’s lips part in surprise, Shinsou was this close to just getting up and leaving his own apartment. This was taking years off of his life.
“I’m going to kiss you now. Any objections?” Shinsou half-whispered, not trusting his own voice.
Kaminari shook his head in between his hands and that was all he needed to know. Shinsou leaned in, guiding their lips together. Both their lips were greasy from the food, tasting like the last dish the other ate, and so unbelievably warm.
Kaminari let out a quiet sigh, leaning closer and Shinsou felt his hands starting to tremble again. But then Kaminari’s hands were on top of his own, squeezing them reassuringly to calm him down. And it helped. Shinsou let out his breath he didn’t realize he was holding in through his nose, holding the kiss for a couple of seconds longer before slowly breaking apart.
“I think I just short-circuited.” Kaminari mumbled, snorting at his own joke.
“You say that as if you don’t have any wires loose anyway.”
“Wow, that was bad,” he snorted again.
“But you laughed.”
“Because it was so bad!”
“Just shut up.”
“Make me.” Kaminari wiggled his eyebrows, trying to hold back a grin.
“And that wasn’t bad?”
“Shinsouuuu,” Kaminari whined mockingly, so naturally Shinsou let him suffer for a couple of seconds longer before he leaned back in again himself.
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soranihimawari · 4 years
are you serious?
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estranged friends to lovers featuring this lovely dude ^ and thanks to some meddling from both sides of their lives, miya atsumu finds out that maybe he should date you. after all, what are you going to do once msby guys see you on the evening news when you make the cut to be the vice captain of the ladies beach vbc olympic team?
warnings: none yet, so sfw for now ;]
+ note: will make this a weekly series if i get enough notes eventually
tagging: @m0nstergeneration20xx​
is it serious? --osamu
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those three words illuminate underneath the backlight of his phone screen. the blips play at the strings of his heart. the run-in at the gym was completely by accident and truthfully you weren’t expecting the glow up fairy to fuck with both of your perceptions of the other. both of your posture changes from confusion to flirtatious the moment his eyes illuminate with the recognition.
“who’s your friend atsumu-san?” 
you divert your attention to the rest of the rookie teammates while you nod your head acknowledging the oncoming arrival of the other members of the MSBY team. you rapidly exchange greetings and names in an efficient manner. 
“i should go. seems like you want to celebrate,” your tone is honey incarnate causing even the ones under the medi-masks to absorb your warmth. “see ya miya-chan.”
when you wave over your shoulder, you shake your head wondering if your heartbeat would stop nervously beating out of rhythm because you caught yourself walking away from the afterglow. 
at the restaurant the lads usually buy dinner after another successful victory, the topic of conversation circles back around again to the mystery stranger who had a connection with their starting setter. the team dinner was an idea that everyone including meian thought would be good to have at least once (or twice) a month. 
“she’s an old friend,” he bashfully admits. 
“that makes you look like a lovesick war hero?” their libero busts his pride a little.
“it’s nothing like that,” bokuto defends, “right?”
miya shrugs and their captain pieces the information together for the rest of the team after being there many times himself before he had settled down with his lady.
“she was your almost,” meian states matter of factly. their ears perk up including atsumu who just stared at his captain registering the word in his head. 
“you two seemed pretty close when we arrived,” meian continues. “call it a hunch, but you shouldn’t throw away fate’s design ‘tsum.”
the television in the restaurant moves on to it’s countdown for the upcoming olympics. it creates a certain ambiance of familiarity at the family style restaurant which the team are frequent customers.
“and in other news, seems like the women’s beach volleyball roster has officially been announced,” the anchor says. there is a wide angle shot of the beach courts on the coast of Okinawa.
“Holy shit,” bokuto says and it’s the only time meian allows his team to use such language at their dinner. your sporadic movements on the sand court makes for insane sets for your teammates on the court. 
“their young vice captain makes her presence known as her teammate sets the ball to ‘the missile,’ and wow! a clean pipe that proves why the name stuck in the underground leagues. and you can catch up with the rest of the beach volleyball team when the summer games begin next month. now back to you guys in the studio!”
“fuck me, she’s probably more dangerous than omi-san,” meian says finally. atsumu just scoffs at the compliment because he knew there were other monsters in the world, but none that made him more nervous than you. 
“are you for real?” your roommate exclaims. you tell her about the run-in on the street and she flips. you could of told her you saw the Almighty and she would have an easier time believing that.
“did you at least get his contact info?”
“no! of course not,” you answer with a strained voice. “besides, he hears the banter of his fans everyday, so what difference does it make if he has my number or vice versa.”
“because those compliments came from the vice captain of team japan women’s beach volleyball?”
you laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. after all, you were also watching the news story that was filmed last week tonight with her on the couch. in your wine glasses, you both share the last bit of blueberry powerade because you wanted to be sober in case you’d have to talk to the boy who christened you with the nickname one fall evening in hyogo. sure you were first years, but the bitterness of rivals with clashing styles on the court proved to be a little challenging especially since your schools respectfully had their golden week of training at the same resort.
“your phone is going to start ringing soon,” your friend shares a laugh with you. and usually she’s not wrong, but then again, her closest ally was sitting with her telling her the story of the nickname. the familiar chime of your phone going off caused her to only laugh harder before she watches you scramble to answer.
you shut your door the moment she yells, “no fucking between nine a.m. and five p.m.!”
clearly the other person on the line starts laughing hearing the voice clear as day before he clears his throat. atsumu is finally in the comfort of his own home in his side of the city. he asked his seniors if anyone had a way to contact you, so you were surprised the social media team readily gave him the phone number. funnily enough, it was the same one you had scribbled down on the back of an ice pop receipt.
“you didn’t change your contact number,” he states. 
“neither did you,” you said. a half rest of silence comes over you both, but he speaks first again. 
“i saw the news tonight with the team.”
“you guys have team dinners? that’s cute.”
you flirtatious remark didn’t go unnoticed, so atsumu decides to hit you with a genuine compliment. it’s the first thought that came to mind when you were younger due to the run in you had with each other at the bathhouse.
“you’re cute.”
“i’m sorry, i didn’t quite catch that miya-senshu. i think you called me cute?”
“i-i...ugh yeah.”
“pfft. if this is you flirting with me, i’d say you are doing a lot better than most of my flings.”
“listen, the guys are going to have my head if i don’t follow through with this, so will ya--”
“meet me at roppengi station at seven tomorrow morning. dress casual.”
there was something in the way you had asked atsumu out in a charming manner he wholeheartedly agrees. after your conversation wraps up, you go about your evening plans of talking with your roommate who is beyond thrilled to tease you about a long-overdue date. 
atsumu stares the at clock on his phone before turning on his side thanking his captain for giving him an extra day off from practice tomorrow. according to the way meian explains it simply to their athletic trainer was that their starting setter needed a personal day.
you meet at the appointed location after much deliberation of wearing and you often quote your roommate’s line of, “you need your best ‘professional’ revenge outfit babs.” now that you see what she means as you spot the athlete you bumped into yesterday: long sleeve mocha graphic shirt with the designer house logo stitched on paired with tapered casual friday pants. you on the other hand, are a splash of dark academia styled clothing with sensible shoes.
“and here i thought about leaving you behind on my adventure,” you muse as atsumu gives you a once over. he was over analyzing your silhouette as the rust belt flecks in your eyes decide to taunt him. all his life, he had trouble not focusing on anything other than volleyball related (aside from school work and such), but now he had a transient lady friend look up at him like he was not the local playboy prince of the volleyball club.
“i’d bet good money you wouldn’t because no one would want to hear about me missing morning practice because of a covert date with ya,” he sees the way your eyes narrow a smidge. he knows this stare; he’s seen it before at the training camp because of someone making a snide remark about your financial situation at home. you lead him down the platform and when you board the standing room only train, you both stare at your reflection in the window. your stop is not longer than fifteen minutes away, but you allow atsumu to hold you steady with one hand on your waist and the other on the rail above him. you fill him in on the tour you’re planning to take him down to the shopping district where you know people would go about their days not realizing who they were (celebrity athletes).
“you two look good together, isn’t that right hue?” 
“thank you granny,” you said with a smile at the elderly woman who sits a few rows to your left. her husband nods with a funny smile. you really sell it with the way you place your hand over the one he has on your waist when the traini comes to a stop. 
you and atsumu, once you make it to the surface head into the east village where you see the local trattorias begin setting their outdoor seating arrangements and one of the servers stops you both asking if you’d like to part take in a taste testing for his family’s restaurant.
“senpai’s amazing,” the server says like it’s the easiest answer he ever had to say. “she paid for auntie’s medicine last time she visited here. you really are lucky to be on a date with her.”
after your orders are put in, atsumu decides for once to not be a complete jackass, somewhere sakusa runs into a butterfly and he chuckles to himself because it means someone was using their brain properly. and in the quiet hours of a local village fifteen minutes away by train, a miya twin is falling back in love with his date one minute at a time. 
“are you ok atsumu?” you ask as you pour some apple juice from the carafe into your glass. it was then you had your epiphany the moment he asks you if you’d like to visit his brother’s store on a dinner date before you head out for the taping of the opening ceremonies. 
“i’d like that,” you reply. “but let’s make it through this one first, mmk?”
“good because i couldn’t look you in the eye if ya said no star-chan.”
you lean back in your chair and tilt your head to the side in thought. your brows furrow together a bit confused by the nickname therefore atsumu enlightens you to the best compliment anyone had given you (in your young adult life):
“because i finally see what meian says when he says he loves the sunspot in his life,” he sheepishly admits. you can tell he was being sincere when you glance at the way he becomes more flustered when you encourage him to hold your gaze for a few seconds.
“seven out of ten,” you say with a rosey lilt in your tone. at this, your companion at the table leans in clearly annoyed with your score. “but given the fact that you’re here with me now at eight twenty on your day off, and the smoothness of that confession, you’re clearly a nine overall because i highly doubt you’re not going to let me go again, right?”
he nods. he finally replies to his message from earlier last week from his brother after taking a self-ca with you on the promenade before you head back to the train station around two in the afternoon.
yeah ‘samu. you could say i am.
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4 notes · View notes
scorpiosanssexy · 4 years
hello~ could i please request a roomate matchup?? i'm an INTJ/INTP (when i did the test i goth both??), sagittarius, enneagram type 6 and ravenclaw. i have anxiety and so i mostly keep to myself unless you're my friend then it's an another story. i spend my time learning languages or drawing, watching kdramas or ghibli, reading manga. i can cook (i'm a vegetarian) but i LOVE baking especially for others. i'm suffering from ed and depression so i guess i want someone who'll understand me. (1)🍑
i'm definitely a night owl and can sleep until noon. i can't sleep without a small light or white noise/asmr. i listen to music a lot and i sign in choir. i also love memes and vines so expect me to send them and quote them a lot. i can be a little bossy when it comes to cleaning since mess irritates me. i have an asthma and dust mite allergy so i have an air purifier in my room. my aesthetic switches from yumi kawaii to pastel to dark academia to goth. (2)🍑
when it's night you can find me looking out the window to look at the stars (i have an obsession with astronomy). i definitely want to adopt a cat (even though i'm allergic to them) or a dog. i also love psychology. sorry if it was too long. (3)🍑thank you so much and have a great day!!
Dear User,
congratulations, we have found you a potential roommate. We have throughly looked through your application and we hope you are happy with your result. Below this post are all the details about them. 
Yours Sincerely
The Accommodation Team
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now, this may come as a bit of a susprise to you, I know, I am still in shock that I picked him tbh 
Name: Oikawa Tooru
Birthday: 20th July (Cancer)
But i have my reasons 
Oikawa is someone who brings the best out of all his teammates and he knows of their strenghts and weaknesses, this leads me to believe he is a very peceptive person and can pick up on social cues very quickly 
He can tell when you start to feel anxious in any social situation, so you too work as a little team. 
The plan goes as follows, when he see’s that you are feeling out of depth he usually comes up with some lame exucse as to why he needs to leave etc..... 
I Need to take the dog for a walk, (Mattsun+ Makki: you don’t even have a dog)
But dues to his charms most people fall for it, leaving him to be your knight in shining armour as he likes to call it and take you to a more relaxing place
more like doofus in plaid shorts
I know that a lot of people see Oikawa as someone who is a bit superfical, but that is not the case 
He is a cancer after all so he is extremely empathatic 
He always sits and listens to you and when you have your depressive episodes, I feel like he would dress you up and go for a huge shopping spree with you and spoil you rotton 
of course, if you just wanted a hug that is fine too 
Oikawa is a very insecure boi, so if you depression was based upon your self-esteem, he would definetely offer you some advice and you too would just cry it out 
I feel like he would 100% understand you 
Now, i see you are into K-dramas, let’s just say that Oikawa learned flirting from the best 
only kidding 
When you both have a free night, you will binge agressively all your favourite shows with popcorn and some rosé wine 
yes oikawa is a rosé wine drinker 
You guys definetely yell at the characters a lot, like they can actually hear you 
by the end of the night you both in laughing fits or crying tears maybe a little bit of both
now because he was in brazil for some time, Oikawa did pick up a little bit of Portugease
He is in slight awe when he see’s you practicing your languages, he will come and ask you to teach him swear words i am sorry 
also loves your drawing too, he likes to hang them around the place and show them off to Iwaizumi 
he acts as if he has drawn them 
When it comes to you being a vegetarian, when it is off season I could see Oikawa becoming one too 
you guys would give each other diffferent meal ideas and stuff and sometimes cook together 
If you make him milk bread he might just have to marry you on the spot 
Oikawa is an night owl too and he has a bad habit that when he wants to perfect something he obsesses over it 24/7
you too would be having breakfast together in 1 in the afternoon 
you would try and encourage each other to have a better sleep schuele 
then at 3am you would see each other go to bed 
you see now I am disappointed with the both of us
Now Oikawa is scared of the dark so he has to sleep with his lava lamp (exposed)
he is not fussed with your lights or asmr at all 
hell, he probably listens to it now because of you (makes him less scared of the dark)
He will come and watch when you sing in choir too (also what group where you in because I was in the mezzo soprano group) 
Oikawa likes it when you are bossy, i feel like you are someone who doesn’ t take his crap so ffs Oikawa please stop leaving dirty cups everywhere 
you have Iwaizumi on speed dial if Oikawa doesn’t clean his shit up so he can kick him 
Also, Oikawa is not a memer, you, makki and mattsun could be literally speaking vines to each other and Oikawa would just be pouting from the other side of the room 
But Oikawa is very happy that you are making friends and smiling 
Oikawa is the CEO of buying air purifier 
he says it makes his skin go bad but in reality he just really likes all the smells 
also makes sure you have your inhaler with you at all times too
Now, as I was saying before when you and Oikawa have your deep chats this definetely takes place on the rooftop with the pair of you looking out to the stars 
Oikawa is the biggest Astronomey nerd ever to exist, so when big celestrial events happen (ie: Supermoons and Lunar Eclispes) you guys will get loads of blankets and some food too and watch the stars together 
this is also where you talk about your hopes and dreams and probably where Oikawa’s facade slips completely 
this is making me soft uwu
Oikawa likes that your aesthetic changes from time to time 
becuase that means apartment makeovers 
or just trips to ikea lol 
Overall, you have a perceptive, kind-hearted and slightly overdramatic roommate
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Other Potential Matches: Sugawara Koushi and Akaashi Keiji
Thank you so much for your patience 
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jeanstoppable · 4 years
12th, 13th & 14th OF OCTOBER
~locked here for forever~
~treasure that needs no explanation~
~I know my destination, I’m just not there~
(A/N: This is a Dark Academia story after all. So prepare for the spooks!)
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Wake up. Wake up.
You’re here again. Wake up!
Is there really no other way? I don’t want to wake up.
The feel of soft sheets caressed her cheeks, the smell of burning incense filled her nostrils, and a quietness that’s not normal in any way, devoid of the blowing wind, birds, people. She’d woken up and those eyelashes drifted open as they normally do, routinely, constant and never changing.
Here again. You’re here again.
Despite the creeping sensation of fear and the unexplainable erratic beating of her heart, a peaceful calm washed over her, like she shouldn’t feel afraid because nothing’s happened. Nothing’s happened yet.
Later. Later. The thought vanished as soon as it came.
The girl pushed aside the sheets, smaller hands gripping the blanket tightly as she placed a foot on the floor, trying to test its temperature. The coldness of it was still the same, she’d remember becoming numb after feeling it over and over again, a painful cycle that would repeat each and every day.
Cycle? And once again the thought was forgotten.
She slowly stood up and fixed the bedding, neat and tidy—the girl halted as something throbbed on the back of her mind, delaying her movements for a few seconds.
No. You never lingered there for too long.
Her body suddenly moved forward as if pulled by invisible strings and that calm from earlier returned without warning, and her mind just went blank. Feeling languid, the girl opened the door to the dresser and picked out the dress in the middle, the only dress, then went towards the mirror beside it.
The girl stared at her reflection, holding it against her body—it was a long white dress with a v-neck, the ends of it were piled on the ground, the sleeves were also long, stretching further beyond her hands—it was enchanting and the girl found herself staring dreamily at it.
The girl’s attention flitted to her face for a split second—
Blood was smeared across it.
The dress slipped and fell to the floor as the girl backed away from the mirror, tearing her gaze away from it as fast as possible because…!
She frowned and then eyed the dirtied dress sitting on the ground. Because what? Why was the dress on the floor?
“You’re out of it, Dahlia.” The girl said to herself as she pulled the dress close and dusted it off, “Today’s the day, there’s no time for nervousness.”
Dahlia quickly stripped away her previous clothes, because she was running late after all, and stepped into that white dress with ease. She smoothed a hand down and finally turned towards the mirror again.
Beautiful. It fit perfectly.
The girl twirled, watching the dress trail from side to side as giggles soon filled the silent room and she was twirling and twirling. When she caught sight of her horrified expression on the reflection, she froze and rushed to grasp the border of the mirror. Dahlia didn’t remove her eyes from it, etching every single detail into her mind.
“Who are you?”
The girl in the mirror opened those blood streaked lips and mouthed something.
“What?” Dahlia asked, not understanding the word that she said.
It kept talking, and talking, and talking. Repeating the same word.
Dahlia read those lips for a moment before mimicking its shape, “Wake…Up?”
“But I’m already—“ Something wet touched her feet.
Dahlia looked down and paled at the blood pouring out of the mirror, her eyes snapped back the reflection to find the girl on her knees, shoulders hunched over and trembling.
“W-what?” She said fearfully and started crying out, “Wake up. Wake up!”
Because she now understands, none of this was supposed to happen, the girl in the mirror and the blood. Nightmare. This was another nightmare. Dahlia fled back to the bed, jumping on it carelessly even if the blood-soaked dress stained it. Her hands pulled the sheets over her head, breaths coming in short and quick puffs as she forced her lids shut and waited.
And waited. And waited.
Wake up. Please.
The blanket was suddenly pulled from her and Dahlia screamed her lungs out—
“No! No!”
Strong hands gripped her arms and shook them, “Hey! Hey, it’s me! Valerie, it’s Valerie!”
Dahlia didn’t hear the familiar voice of her friend and continued to thrash from the hold, believing she’s still trapped in a nightmare. “Wake up! Wake up!”
“Dammit.” The grip eased and disappeared, but she still refused to see. If what awaits her were those faces, she’d rather go blind.
Unexpectedly, a soft, fur-like sensation tickled her hand. Dahlia registered the strange yet comforting feeling, and unconsciously opened her eyes.
Honey orbs greeted her. And when the girl looked at the source of the sensation, a tail was there.
“...Dahlia.” The shifter in front of her said firmly.
“Yes, it’s me. It’s me, doll.”
Dahlia collapsed forward and Valerie easily caught the girl in an embrace, “I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.”
“It’s okay.” The shifter hushed, “It was only a nightmare.”
“It’s only a nightmare.” Dahlia repeated the phrase, as she did like the nights before.
It’s not real.
Deny all you want. An ugly whisper wormed its way into her thoughts and Dahlia instinctively covered her ears.
You’re locked here forever. With us. With us.
No. No, that’s not true.
We’re still here.
And here, we are with you. Because we’re bound to you. And soon you’ll see.
Dahlia whimpered at the violent and manic voices shrieking, “...Valerie, my wand please.”
The shifter looked concerned and uncertain but reached over for the witch’s wand anyway and placed it into her waiting palm.
“Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing,” Dahlia said to Valerie who was about to make a comment, “The spell will help with the nightmares, I just won’t be dreaming again tonight.”
“You are pretty nifty with that thing, speaking from personal experience and all that.” The shifter weakly sighed and caved in, “Okay. Take care of yourself, I won’t be back for a while.”
“Leaving for classes?” Dahlia asked quietly.
“Goodluck tonight.” Valerie raised an eyebrow to which Dahlia simply offered her a tired smile in return, “And complain to me about how you get rejected once again by that Night Stalker of yours.”
Valerie’s lips curled upwards dangerously, “One day, you're going to eat your words, witch.”
With that said, the shifter shuffled towards the door, shooting Dahlia one final look before exiting and shutting the door with a soft click.
Dahlia dropped back on the bed, and stared at the ceiling for a couple of minutes. Relishing in the silence for she knows that the voices will shortly return, they never went away for too long and neither did they ever allowed her to have peace.
For as long as you live!
The witch ignored the resurfacing memory, and pointed the wand beside her head. And then finally, when ready, said the words of a spell.
. . .
They weren’t always that close.
In fact, their first impressions of each other were...dreadful. At best.
Who’d known that a shifter and a witch would have that much bad blood between them.
. . .
Valerie had been that one little kid that's always getting in trouble for being too curious for their own good, too nosy, too reckless—you’d think she’d leave that trait behind while growing up.
It didn’t.
Not even for a second. It stuck to her like a permanent scar. Still as fearless and daring as ever, never one to deny an adventure even those that had high risks. A small percentage of those were rewarding, but Valerie had to admit, most of them she would end up on someone’s shit list.
This was not an exception.
After all, it was her first time to see a wand up close, Valerie had barely contained her excitement. The other witches don’t use them anymore, it was old practice they’d said and then sent her off on her way.
When she heard that her new roommate was coming, she was beyond ecstatic. Valerie had half expected one of her own species, but it turns out, it was a witch. A human with magic powers!
Too curious for your own good, Val. The shifter thought as she sneakily picked up the wand on the witch’s desk. It was...an ordinary tree branch from which tree, she had no idea. It looks a bit worn. Well...To be very honest, Valerie was disappointed.
Wasn’t it supposed to be fancier?
She pouted and brought it much closer to her face, she didn’t know what prompted her to sniff it but—
The faintest scent of blood. Valerie eyed the wand critically before sniffing it again—the door opening was what made her freeze on the spot like a deer in headlights. The shifter cautiously turned around, forgetting that the wand was still in her hand.
The witch immediately spotted it and shouted, “PUT THAT DOWN!”
Valerie placed it down as quick as she can and started to explain, “Um, Dahlia, Dahlia right? I-uh listen, I was only…”
Dahlia was fuming, her left hand was clenched and bleeding from those sharp black nails of hers piercing the skin. Shoulders were shaking with rage and the shifter could see the storm building in her dark eyes, waiting to be released.
Valerie gulped, she really pushed her luck with this one.
All of a sudden, Dahlia stretched out a hand, barked a word and then the wand flew from her desk towards her open palm. Those fingers curled around the branch automatically.
Valerie’s jaw dropped at the marvellous display of magic and then instantly closed it, reminding herself that this was not the time and she should be—
“I’m sorry!”
Those dark eyes of her roommate hardened and hissed, “Don’t ever. Touch it.”
“Yes, I won’t.”
Surprisingly, the witch broke eye-contact first and shook her head, seemingly quite done with the shifter and turned to leave the room. Valerie let herself sigh in relief when—
Twisting back an arm, Dahlia launched a spell on the spot just a few centimetres away from where Valerie was standing. The shifter screamed as she jumped high in the air and ended up on the witch’s desk. Valerie’s eyes bulged out at the sight below her—the floor was cracked and something sizzled in the air—before sending the glare right back at Dahlia.
Her foot could have been that poor floor panel.
The shifter snarled, feeling fangs protrude out, “What the fuck?”
“Just a warning.” The witch said dryly.
“I said I won’t touch it!”
“People lie.”
“I fucking promise I won’t touch it, okay?”
Dahlia regarded her for a second, and then nodded.
“You’ll end up like that—“ she jutted a chin at the floor and Valerie shot her an unamused look, “—if you break your promise.”
The shifter held back a growl that was about to slip out of her lips and tried to get her breathing in control. This was her fault to begin with. Valerie sulked. She had to suck it up now she had a pissed off witch on her back.
Dahlia said nothing as her gaze slid down to her right hand that was holding the wand, unaware that Valerie was observing.
Valerie continued to watch as the witch’s orbs glossed over with an unreadable emotion, then replaced by fierce possession as if she wanted to hide it from the rest of the world and then the next was—hate. The shifter was surprised the wand didn’t combust into flames with how hard Dahlia had been glowering at it.
Although, Valerie could see that she valued the wand to a certain extent.
Like some twisted kind of treasure that needs no explaining. Just one look and it’s obvious---the witch was fond of it as much as she hates it.
One word stood out to her amongst all the others. The wand was cursed, Valerie would bet her entire fortune on it.
. . .
Like most things, she would come to underestimate it and how truly cursed it was.
. . .
Valerie found her roommate on the floor again—like the previous nights—kneeling and rocking back and forth. Sobs racking her entire body and shaking like a leaf in a storm. Her wand was nowhere to be found, she might’ve flung it somewhere in the room earlier.
Valerie briefly recounted the various incidents that have happened so far:
At first, it was the muttering---that incessant muttering of hers that would sometimes disrupt Valerie’s sleep since she had sensitive ears, given that she was a shifter. And then remembering a time being so pissed that she threw a pillow at her roommate. The act earned her a few hexes that lasted for days on end, she had to crash at someone else’s for a while.
Then came the sleep walking, which terrified Valerie on multiple accounts and would much rather have preferred the mutterings instead of being shaken awake by an unconscious Dahlia.
And now, nightmares had come to visit the witch and those were the worst of them all.
Valerie nearly, nearly had a heart-attack when she woke up to a blood-curdling scream in the middle of the night. At some point, it became intolerable that Valerie even had to switch classes just so she could avoid hearing Dahlia scream, because it was the kind of terrible sound that unsettles. A deep-seated disturbance that buries itself inside of you and doesn’t leave without its marks on your soul.
But if that was just from the cries, she’d shudder at the mere thought of what were the actual nightmares that plagued the witch.
However, these phenomenons become somewhat of a bridge for Valerie to befriend the troubled human.
Here we are again. Valerie thought as she left the warmth of her bed and towards Dahlia. She put a gentle hand on her friend’s back and stayed silent.
“I’m trying, Val.” Dahlia whispered and then curled herself further into a ball.
When the shifter opted to only listen, the witch continued to breathe life into her thoughts, “I’m trying to get better. I know what I-I should do, better than anyone else. I know where to start, where to go. I know my destination. How far—gods, Valerie, I know. But I’m just...not there.” Her voice cracked and Valerie’s heart shattered at the heaviness of it.
“I see the end, I really do. I can see...me being happy.” She laughed and nothing about it was humorous, “It’s like...I’m in the between. Stuck. Running in the same spot over and over again. And I don’t know why. Why? Why am I still here?”
“Dahlia...Look at me.” Those dark brown orbs flicked up to her and there she found the thing that gave Valerie the strength to fight the overwhelming hurt she felt for her dear friend, “I can see it in your eyes, you know? That you want to change, the drive to break free of whatever the hell that’s been clinging so desperately to your ankles, that’s why you try.”
“Why aren’t you there, you ask me...But doll,” Valerie gave her the brightest smile despite the tears in her eyes, ”I think you aren’t there yet. Yet. It’s the little things that count, the small yet stubborn belief to change a mindset. You aren’t there yet, but you will be. Keep chasing, no matter how tiring and exhausting, and if you truly see yourself happy in the end, just hold on to that hope, doll.”
“They haven’t taken you, Dahlia. You’ve got to remember that. You’re here. Here.” The shifter gestured her hands around their room, “With your shitty shifter friend,” Valerie pointed to herself. “It’s only us, you and me, no one else. The best those nightmares can do is knock you down—convince you that they still have control, but in reality they don’t because they’re not here.”
Dahlia burst into tears anew as Valerie looped an arm around her back and pulled the witch towards her. After a while of only sniffling and quietness, Dahlia soffly said, “...You’re not a shitty friend, Val.”
Valerie hid a smile, “I think so too, but hey, I’m glad you said it.”
The strange pair both laughed.
. . .
If those silly fairy tales that humans had written held at least some ounce of truth in it, she sincerely hopes that the part where there’s always a way to break the curse was true.
So that you can live happily ever after.
(A/N: very very late but I decided to make mash all three prompts into one! Finally we get a witch! October wouldn’t be complete without a witch. So Adding one more to the oc roster, Dahlia thw witch room mate of our precious shifter Valerie. They have a wholesome frienship even if they got off on a bad start, hope yall give them some love!! Peace!)
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lgcyunhyeong · 5 years
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hey there!! this is my first time in lgc and i’m super excited to be here! i’ve been eyeing this place for a while and i’m glad i finally mustered up the nerve to join. this is cho yunhyeong, 21, works part time at his local gs25. he’s been a trainee for little over a year and is hoping to eventually debut in a band! he plays the bass and sings a little bit, and he also wants to get into songwriting and composition eventually. he’s generally kind of a weird kid--super spacey, often distracted, your local space nerd--but he’s a good egg in spite of that. compared to some of the other trainees, he’s pretty aimless and chill, but he does genuinely love music and performing, so...!
you can find some more info about him on his about and background pages but they’re kind of messy so i’ll drop some quick facts about yunhyeong under the cut, along with some connection/plot ideas to hopefully kickstart things! if you’d like to plot, please hit like on this post and i’ll hop into your ims! i also have a discord if you prefer to plot there - just ask me for my username ♡
quick facts:
born and brought up in seoul - very local, most comfortable in his neighbourhood, the most exciting vacation he ever took was to busan (and it was #lit). his parents own the best hot pot restaurant in seoul, and yeah he’s biased but that doesn’t mean it’s not true! 
has an older brother currently in law school and their relationship is best described as ‘i tolerate you’. they’re complete opposites - his brother is super driven and loud and outgoing while yunhyeong is not so they’ve never really clicked beyond the fact that they are siblings and therefore are obligated to love each other
was the quiet kid growing up, had a very chill and subdued personality. didn’t really speak unless spoken too, didn’t play much with others. most of the time he kept to himself and focused on his hyperfixations - first, it was dinosaurs, and then space! and he’s been stuck with space ever since
his mom put him in music lessons when he was younger in hopes that a relatable hobby might help him make friends?? also that it’d work as a conversation starter but it didn’t because yunhyeong remained as weird and solitary as ever! he did fall in love with music as a result though
in high school he decided to branch out and make friends by starting a band - new age sexy aliens or NASA for short. his recruitment process was like: whoever shows up to join is part of the band! it worked out for the best since he and the band members got really close
they started off playing covers but then branched out into their own original music (yunhyeong helped write some of their lyrics). most of their songs used heavy space imagery and they were really pretty but also low key about aliens
yunhyeong loves aliens
nasa had a pretty dedicated fanbase both online and in their school! did well, were thriving, living their best lives and playing hella gigs, and then their lead singer got scouted by an entertainment company. it was the beginning of the end for them; the rest of the members went their own ways as well and the band officially disbanded in 2018 rip
yunhyeong started to busk on/off since he wasn’t attending university and didn’t really know what the heck else he wanted to do with his life outside of the band, and that’s where he got scouted by legacy! joined the company because like... well... why would he not...
wants to debut in a band if he can... and focus on songwriting and music composition as a secondary career path. he isn’t like... super motivated though? has always had issues with setting goals and being ambitious... he’s more like, eh, i’m just gonna go where life takes me! 
personality wise, he’s still a pretty quiet kid unless you get him talking about one of his interests, in which case he will never shut up EVER. he gets distracted easily and will sometimes zone out when you’re talking to him but has a good memory of like, the most random shit you wouldn’t expect him to recall
easygoing as hell, rarely gets riled up over anything. on the flip side, he doesn’t really come across as sincere (even though he almost always is!) in his emotions because people are like... hm... just feels fake. tries to stay as positive as he can and doesn’t dwell on stuff that might upset him. sometimes people think he’s shallow! but he has #deepthoughts. he just doesn’t share them
unmotivated when it comes to most things! has no goals, no ambition, doesn’t care much for academia or being forced to like, conform to things. his mom calls him a free spirit but she’s probably just making excuses for him. it’s more like he’s stuck in some sort of limbo?? scared of growing up but scared of being left behind. it’s complicated
he’s really a sweet guy though. a little odd - he’s not the best at showing affection and sometimes he can be really... strange? offbeat? you never know what the fuck is going on in his head. but he’s a Human Being Just Like You (sadly) and simply trying his best to live every day
connection/plot ideas:
he didn’t really have many friends growing up, but still - childhood friends! maybe you were the exception. maybe you didn’t mind that he was awkward and quiet and a little weird! maybe you tripped and fell on the playground and he gave you a star-patterned purple band aid and you decided you would die for him. who knows! 
friends in general who understand him and look @ him with fond exasperation... must be able to tolerate his antics. liking aliens is a bonus. jk, but he’s a sweet guy who loves his friends! please be kind to him
fans of his former band, nasa (or antis?). he was the bassist and a sub vocal and didn’t stand out too much compared to some of the other guys, but he always did the intros and he’ll happily talk about nasa all day! discuss the symbolism of their songs with him
exes? i genuinely cannot think of a single reason why anyone would want to date him but i feel like he’s had at least (1) relationship before... maybe you took a chance and after you started dating you were like, god, i’m running away
crushes, whether one-sided on his part or your part or reciprocated but you don’t know it yet?? he’s holding out for his alien bae but maybe you don’t know that and just think he’s like, this quiet mysterious pretty boy. maybe he thinks you’re cool for a human! 
fellow trainees who can play instruments... yunhyeong needs someone to #jam with because playing the bass alone is kind of lonely (and since he’d like to eventually get on the band track, making some connections would be cool) 
fellow trainees in general, especially ones in his training group!! he’s not as hungry for debut or as ambitious as some which means he’s a) non-threatening and b) chill to hang with. you could be into that or it could absolutely infuriate you since he doesn’t seem to be taking things seriously! maybe you think he doesn’t deserve to be here
met online on an alien enthusiast forum and you talk almost every single day about various theories and moves and all that kind of stuff but you’ve never met irl! and yunhyeong really wants to meet you in person! 
idk bully him 
you’re buying a bunch of weird shit from the convenience store where yunhyeong works at like 2 am and he has so many questions and won’t let you pay and leave until you answer them
alternatively, you find him sleeping on the job and you want to wake him up but the moment you touch his arm, he makes this high pitched screeching noise and you fall over and take an entire shelf of candy down with you
you invite yunhyeong out for drinks but he took one sip of soju and he’s a mess... you didn’t sign up to take care of a giant drunken baby but guess what! you will be! if he tries to kiss you, dodge him
you always bum free meals from yunhyeong’s parents’ restaurant because his parents think you’re his best friend. tbh you actually don’t really like him but he doesn’t realize it so he never bothers correcting his parents either!
you didn’t realize yunhyeong was allergic to cats and dogs and you brought your cat/dog near him and oh my god he is having the UGLIEST allergic reaction
yunhyeong can’t swim. you push him into a pool as a joke. chaos ensues
you play various video games together and yunhyeong is really good but he’s more interested in stardew valley than in league of legends and you keep pestering him to play with you dammit i need you on my team
you slipped a love letter under his door for one of his roommates but yunhyeong thought it was for him and now he keeps (kindly) rejecting you whenever you see him and you don’t even know how to react
Oh No We Are Trapped In This Room And The Power Went Out And I Am Scared Of The Dark Please Hold My Hand For Science
yunhyeong loves smoothies and one day you catch him trying to blend a slice of pepperoni pizza into a smoothie because he is, and i quote, “tired of chewing”
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bakugohoex · 4 years
part one: “you want to sleep on the floor”
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pairing: katsuki bakugo x female reader
cw: university student y/n, implicit nsfw, fluff and language
word count: 3400+
a/n: this is dedicated to the one anon who was super sweet to me yesterday, all of your support means the world to me and i hope you guys enjoyed this 
summary: in which you’re neighbours with pro hero katsuki bakugo, one night your roommate and her boyfriend get a bit too loud, with no where else to turn you end up in the apartment of bakugo’s, sleeping beside him you both realise the hidden feelings between one another 
part two 
↞ back to my hero academia masterlist
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The bed squeaked and headboard banging against the wall, moans filled the apartment and the sound of ongoing thrusts erupted out of one single room. You hadn’t slept in hours, the sound from your roommates room vibrating against the whole apartment.
What was even worse, was not just having both your rooms side by side, meaning every time the man thrusted back and forth inside of her you could hear her bed hit the wall, no it wasn’t just that, it was the fact this had been going on for hours now.
You saw the digital clock indicate three am, how could one couple go at it for two hours straight, better yet who gets horny at one am and thinks lets having a fuck session whilst their roommate is next door.
Well your friend clearly did, it wasn’t like you wanted to interrupt them, they hadn’t seen each other in a while and deserved something. But at the expense of your sleep, it was a lot more than you had expected. You had prayed they would stop but the moans of his name continued, and it seemed like they would never stop anytime soon.  
You swung your legs off your bed, yawning as the stars filled the sky, you would go to the balcony, probably try and fall asleep outside if it was summer, but it wasn’t. It was fucking winter and you could see the snow form on top of the window ledge. There was always the sofa, you put a hoodie on your body, covering the short shirt and bottoms you wore, dragging your duvet to the sofa.
Staring up at the ceiling, trying to gain some sleep, you hoped the noise of their maniac sex would calm down. But to your luck, the noise seemed to get even more louder, as if they had left the door open. You really did not need to hear the consistent grunting and moaning coming from your friend and her boyfriend. You knew tomorrow morning you wouldn’t be able to face them after the night they were having.
You were cynical, the last time you had sex being months ago. You were touch deprived and even worse the crush on your pro hero neighbour made it worse, when you’d go in the early mornings to the balcony or get your mail, you’d see the man.
He’s be sweaty from some sort of training, his black vest always clinged onto his body perfectly. He was like a renaissance art piece, he deserved to be in a museum. You tried to think about him, to get rid of the sound of your roommate, you had had an encounter with him in the morning. He had come back from an early morning run and you had gone to get the mail. Flicking through it Bakugo called your name to make sure the elevator didn’t go without him.
The pro hero was drenched in sweat and his long-sleeved running shirt clung to all his muscles, the shorts and leggings he wore underneath sticking to his thigh muscles. It was a sight for sore eyes, and you tried to not stare. “Hey Bakugo.”
You spoke politely, he looked down at you flicking through the mail, mainly magazines and other shit. “Y/n.” He spoke coldly, how could you had a crush on such a cold man.
“I saw on the news about the villains you captured, it was cool.” You tried to converse; he raised an eyebrow crossing his arms.
“It was more than cool, I did it single handily, stupid extras didn’t even help.” He smirked as if he was reminiscing in the past nights action.
You looked up at him, his jaw clenched. “Oh well you didn’t need their help in the first place, did you?” You teased a grin on your face.
He saw you step out of the elevator about to answer but instead keeping quiet, you wish you had stopped walking waiting for an answer but your boldness at teasing had made you too flustered to wait. He often was cold to both you and your roommate, mainly your roommate who found the pro hero an irritant. You often saw his friends come back and forth out of his apartment; you were shocked at how his friends were a foil of the man.
He was angry and frustrated and red riot who you assumed was his best friend frequently visited. Your roommate hated the boy due to her theory that he looked down on commoners, you were studying to go into (any career) and you had been working hard. Was she right? Were you really nothing more than commoners needing to be saved.
Your thoughts turned to your roommate and you got out of your daze of the pro hero, you really couldn’t sleep with the grunts. Your best option was to find somewhere else to sleep for the rest of the night, you were glad it was Sunday the next day so you could have a lie in.
You thought of who you could text to ask if you could spend the night, most of your friends being their own university students with their own problems. Your finger lingered over Bakugo’s number before you decided to just straight up ask him if you could sleep on his sofa.
Leaving your duvet in your room, you unlocked the door of your apartment, quickly slipping out. You finally had some peace without having to hear any more vigorous thrusts, did he want to split her in half or something. You rested your head against the door, before pacing outside Bakugo’s door, the number nine on the side. You hesitated knocking, maybe you should’ve texted before knocking at his door at half three in the morning.
It was only by accident and your nerves that you quickly knocked on the door. Maybe he wouldn’t even hear it, it was early morning, and he could be sleeping. About to leave the door, you were met by the man, he was shirtless, only wearing some grey joggers. You were almost about to admire his body, but as he raised his eyebrow a ‘what’ coming from his mouth you started to spew out your thoughts.
“…so yeah, my roommate and her boyfriend have been fucking for nearly three hours now, and I need my sleep so can I like sleep on your sofa or floor” He raised an eyebrow, his arm was leaning against the top of the door, his height making it easy for him to reach. “It’s fine, if you’ve got no room, I can just go back and h…”
“Shut up and get inside.” You were shocked but quickly obliged, walking into his apartment.
It was not what you had expected, the same layout even with two bedrooms. “My spare room has my hero stuff in it, you want to sleep on the floor”
He was grinning at the idea of you sleeping on the floor, “I can sleep anywhere just not in a sex ridden apartment.”
“My bedrooms free.” He spoke, your face reddening.
“Umm…aren’t you s…sleeping there?” You asked not meeting his gaze.
He crossed his arms, his blond hair less spiky from sleeping. “We’re adults Y/n, we can sleep in the same bed.”
You nodded, not speaking out of fear you’d say something wrong. He walked towards the room as you followed in suit, “stay on your side and we should be fine.”
You nodded again, he went on his side, lying down bare in front of you. It was a sight, his room was boiling, you took your hoodie off he looked at you, trying to not see how your shirt rid to show your exposed stomach. He looked away just as your head popped out of the hoodie. You laid on your side, Bakugo’s broad shoulders made your own touch his as he was partially on your side.
“You have a nice apartment.” You complimented knowing the two of you were still awake facing the ceiling.
He huffed, side eyeing you, he watched as your brought the covers around your shoulders. “It’s exactly like yours, minus the horny roommate.”
You laughed at the comment, turning to face his body. You didn’t care if you both weren’t classed as friends, you were going to try and somehow become friends of sorts. “Who wouldn’t love a horny roommate?”
“Me, I need my space and defiantly cant handle being around sex noises, you should’ve shot them with your quirk or something.”
You hadn’t even told him what your quirk was, it was simple and useless in most situations. “I don’t think its possible for me to do that with my quirk.”
He raised an eyebrow still facing the ceiling, his arm had moved behind his back , you could see his arm muscles all on show, “oh yeah what is it then?”
“Guess.” You teased, stretching the word out. Bakugo finally faced you, he saw how your hair framed your face, your eyes looked tired, but you seemed more awake than you had when you had knocked on his door.
“Just tell me, shitty woman.” You pouted at the man.
“You’re no fun, I can create sparks from my fingertips, I know it’s lame, it’s why I’m at university.” Bakugo looked at you, you expected laughing to come from him, you had heard him call most people extras and those without quirks had been mocked by many people. You expected the same at your lame quirk.
“Can you show me?” He wasn’t acting the same, you ignored his calmness, putting your hand from under the cover. You rubbed your fingers together, a spark coming from each finger, it was like a firework sparkler and was painful to touch. But the application of it was never pro hero material.
His hand moved closer to it, “I would…” He did anyway, his finger touching the top, he quickly moved it away after feeling it for less than a second.
“Oww, Y/n what the fuck? It stings.” You laugh, making the sparks go away, grabbing his hand your breath cool air on it. He hadn’t expected this action, feeling your breath on his fingertips, made his ears go red.
“It’s okay now.” He pulled away, not looking at you.
You didn’t say anything, nobody said anything, you could hear the clock tick away, the minutes going past. Maybe Bakugo had gone to sleep, but as you turned back, he had been fixated on the ceiling. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” He spoke with frustration on his tongue.
“Oh, I don’t know you seemed out of it.” You spoke turning away from him, you could feel his legs move closer to your own, you didn’t dare think of the actions you wanted him to do to you. Inside trying to think of other stuff.
Bakugo instead broke the silence, “your quirk is decent.” It was some sort of compliment and you would take it.
“Don’t make me repeat myself.” You laugh at the boy, his own mouth twitched upwards. “At UA, there was a kid who made purple balls from his head, so you’re already one hundred times better than him.”
You supress a laugh at someone having a more useless quirk than you, “was he at least hero type.”
“He was just some extra, but he was below four foot and a pussy.” You couldn’t suppress it any longer, a laugh wavering through the room. “And a perv, he loved looking up girls skirts.”
“For some extra, you did pay attention to him.”
“When you have friends that I have, you hear too much unnecessary information.” You smile turning to face him again.
You thought of the heroes who he worked with, who came intro his apartment, they seemed like nice people to be friends with. “So what you don’t pay attention to your friends?”
“I pay attention to important people.” He turned back to face you, both of you under the covers but Bakugo’s hand had moved on top of the duvet, right on top of your body. You didn’t question the action instead questioning him.
“And who’s important to the great Katsuki Bakugo.” You gave a gleeful look waiting for a response.
He thought it out, before finding the confidence to speak, “you.”
You were dumbfounded, your eyes widening waiting for more context, “me?”
“You study (subject area), you and your roommate go to yoga every Friday night, you babysit who I assume is your nephew once a month, you like drinking coffee on the balcony and you always seem to have cooking magazines in your hand.” You were shocked at how much he had remembered and seen from you.
“You noticed.” You were calm on the outside but freaking the fuck out at how much he acknowledged about you, you had spoke about your studies, and what you normally did when you passed by him, but you never expected him to remember.
“How could I forgot your interests.” You smiled looking down before he spoke again, “oh yeah, and you have a massive crush on me.”
Your cheeks reddened, were you that obvious, “w…what?”
“Y/n, I know when girls have crushes on me, I’m surprised in the months I’ve know you; you have brought back one guy and he was the polar opposite of me.” You remembered the guy you had brought back to have sex with, he was the opposite of Bakugo, from his appearance to personality. “Was he able to fuck you good at least?”
A cocky smirk was placed on the blond’s face, his red eyes were filled with a knowing look, you shook your head feeling his hand press harder on the covers, feeling how his hand rubbed back and forth on your leg from on top. “That’s what I thought, I bet you didn’t even cum.”
“I didn’t.” You blurted out.
“You’re lucky you’re better than the other extra’s, you actually have a chance of getting with me.” You looked at him, his other hand moving towards your face.
“Just getting with you?” You hesitantly spoke, your hand meeting his to stop him.
He realised how he had phrased it and quickly rephrased it, “not just to fuck Y/n, I’m not a man whore who does one-night stands.”
“So you’d want to go on a d…date?” You question, pulling his hand towards your cheek.
“Your words not mine.” He spoke defensively, you smirked wanting to close the gap but being scared to make the first move.
He noticed your eyes move down towards his mouth before he closed the gap. The fast pace of the kiss made you more turned on for him, his hands on your cheeks bringing your closer to his face. You had never been kissed like this before, never felt this thrill inside of you and you craved more. His hand moved to your thighs, making you move on top of him, before you sat on top of his exposed chest, your lips still attached to him.
His hands on your sides bringing you closer under the covers as your hands went to his face, making the kiss’ pace fasten. You moaned his name, an instant turn on at the sound of hearing his first name, he had often seen you reading outside on the balcony, he admired how peaceful you got.
But every day when he saw how calm you looked, he fell more and more in love with his neighbour. He watched how you went through the motions every time you read a new book, it was like you were in your own fantasy and he loved it.
His grip on your sides moved to your ass, he squeezed it, making you moan again, this time allowing his tongue access inside your mouth. You loved the feeling, loved his tongue with your own, he loved how you sat on his perfectly, the way one of your hands had moved to his bare chest, glossing over each muscle. As you both parted, he bit at your bottom lip, tugging to make one last moan come from your mouth.
The sound making his ears tingle in enjoyment before he flipped you over. He craved you but was always going to ask before he moved onto other things. “I don’t want to do anything you don’t want to do.” He spoke his mouth on your stomach moving upwards, he was a predator and you his prey and he wanted to devour you.
“I want to wait.” You spoke breathlessly.
He nodded, “I can still kiss you right?” He stopped kissing right underneath your bra, his hand having lifted your shirt up.
“Yes Bakugo.” You smiled feeling his mouth latch upwards, past your bra and onto your neck. Sucking the spot, his hand on your side as he continued to nibble and bite on your collar.
“It’s Katsuki, baby girl.” The single word sent your insides into to turmoil. A purple bruise formed on your neck, before he captured your lips his own. Your legs wrapped around his back, as you brought your arms round his neck, wanting to limit the gap between the two of you.
“Baby…” You trailed off speaking through the kiss, it was too much excitement as his kiss left you a sloppy mess, you felt like putty in his hands. He let go letting you breath, before lying on his back.
“Come ‘ere.” He grabbed your waist, bringing you closer to his body. “We can finish this after our date tomorrow.”
“Is that a promise.” You smiled boldly, his face going into the crook of your now bare back, his arms around your exposed stomach and lips kissing your shoulder.
He went to your ear, licking the back of your ear before nibbling at the earlobe, “I’ll show you what you’ve been missing out on, and we’ll make your roommate hear it all.”
You smiled in agreement; his arms wrapped around your body. You had not expected this to happen, you had thought you were doomed to be alone, but in the angry boys defence, you never even thought he acknowledged you. But as you laid hearing his soft snores in your ear, you gleamed at how you had got something you had been craving for months now.
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bonus scene 
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You woke up the sound of Bakugo in his kitchen, finding his discarded shirt, you wore it, it was a lot bigger than you, but you hoped Bakugo liked it. You walked into the kitchen, a plate of pancakes on the table. “I mad…” He turned around seeing your cute little face in his shirt. “You really want me to bend you over right now.”
You giggled walking up to him, he grabbed your waist planting a soft kiss on you mouth. It was a lot calmer than last nights, but still had the same love in it. You heard his front door open, but Bakugo’s grasp on your was still tight, you squealed not wanting to be seen, instead Bakugo flipped you around, his body pressed onto your back and his chin resting on your shoulder.
“Oi Bakugo, did you forget we were meeting at the…” He trailed off seeing both of you. “Isn’t that your attractive neighbour.”
Your face reddened, “I said you could use my spare key in emergencies.” The door was still wide open, and you knew Bakugo’s shouting would raise some attention.
“I thought you died.” Kirishima spoke. “I’m Eijiro Kirishima, you’re the neighbour, we’ve all had to hear so much about.”
You smiled at the fact Bakugo spoke about you, it melted your heart. “I’m Y/n Y/l/n.” You smiled, Bakugo’s grip loosening as you went to shake Kirishima’s hand.
“Nice to meet you.” He smiled out.
“What the fuck is all the noise.” You saw the door of your apartment open, you looked at your roommate who looked tired and her hair dishevelled. “Y/n what the fuck are you doing in there?” she looked between Bakugo and you, the way his arm was placed around your waist.
“You didn’t, even after everything I said.” She spoke a loud. “Tell me everything.”
She grabbed your hand, dragging you out. “I’ll see you tonight.” You shouted at Bakugo who watched you walk away.
“Ooo pancakes.” You heard Kirishima gleam out, Bakugo watched you get dragged away. A smile at the fact he had finally gotten what he wanted.
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proceed to part two here 
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i’d really appreciate if you guys could leave a like, reblog or comment, thanks x
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@samusimp @alaina-rose13 @crispychannie @underratedmage @jennammaee @cathy8taffy @sugacious @moonlightaangel @kat-su-ki​
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trashcankitty12 · 5 years
Griffin 1 till 22, so basically all the numbers
Man this is going to be long... Okay... So Griffin, my favorite of all the teachers and the main reason I’ve come back to Winx...
Send me a character + a number and I’ll tell you my headcanons for:
1. Physical Weak Spots: So I’ve taken this two different ways. One way is that there are physically places on her that hurt more than others... So her left arm where Valtor’s mark used to be still has a bit of tenderness to it... And the ankle she twisted during her Coven days still gripes at her when it gets cold. Now physical weak spots as in shit that’s hard for her to do is fighting with a weapon. She can fight with a sword, she’s just never liked it... And she’s horrible with potions... Horrible.
2. Emotional/Moral Weak Spots: So Griffin has been known to have a ‘the ends justify the means’ mentality, but even she tries to stay within the ‘lawful’ areas... But when someone like Valtor is involved... Things tend to get muddled and she really just wants to kill him and be done with it. She also has an overprotective streak when it comes to her child. She is terrified of Valkyrie making the same mistakes she did. Terrified.
3.Scars or Painful Spots: Griffin is heavily scarred from her time with the Coven, and of course the scars she got during her ‘trial’ with the Coven. The main ones I can think of are the the lichtenberg scars on her back from Tharma’s lightning whip attack. She has a scars on her wrists from fighting with Darkar’s pets. There’s a scar on her right arm from the frostbite she received when Belladonna tried to freeze her from the inside out. And then she has a scar on her left arm from when she took a blood bond with Valtor.
4.Best Places to Kiss on the Body: She’ll carry this to her grave, but she always felt excited when Valtor would kiss where his mark was. (Which is another reason she keeps that covered. Never again.) She also had a thing for getting her glasses taken for a kiss to the nose. (Again, she’ll take that to her grave.)
5. Guilty Pleasures: So everyone knows that she and Faragonda have a rivalry based friendship... Right? Well, Griffin gets a secret kick out of being around Faragonda’s positive attitude. It’s a breath of fresh air after being around Ediltrude and Zarathustra... And it does help give perspective to other problems... (She also may or may not actually enjoy Cheshire’s presence around her. She was so against the cat when her daughter brought him in, but now... She’s just as attached to his nightime cuddles as Valkyrie is.)
6. Vices: Griffin has a hard time letting people in or trusting in general... After everything that happened with the Coven and Company of Light and the dozens of near death experiences at the hands of people who were supposed to give a damn... She’s not into people... 
She also has a habit of trying to purposefully get under peoples skins so she can mess with them worse later on... 
7. Tickle Spots: Her sides, though if you tried to do tickle her, she’d probably turn you into something nasty and sell you off... (Ask her brother how well it went for him.)
8. Bad Memories/Experiences: Shit... Okay when she was just starting school and her magic had come in (like 7 or 8), was when she was first introduced to the society that prefers light magic users and places them on pedestals, while dark magic and dark magic users are considered as these horrible monsters and it just... It really skewed her world view because why should her magic dictate her morality?
And then there was one of the first missions she and Valtor had together, he ended up pissing off the guards and starting a fight... Which almost got him killed in front of Griffin who was still trying to maintain her cover to steal the gems needed. She ended up abandoning the mission to save him.
Training with Lysslis always ended up bad as the psychic witch would bring out all over Griffin’s personal insecurities and turn them into physical monsters. 
Her trial with the Coven. They literally tortured her for being a traitor until she couldn’t take it anymore... And then they were going to hang her the next morning... (But someone couldn’t keep his nose out of it.)
When Domino fell and she was this close to killing Valtor because he was trying to goad her into it, until Faragonda intervened. She still wonders about that...
9. Humiliating Memories: When she was a junior at Cloud Tower, she and her friends snuck over to Alfea to mess with the Kai Fly Sorority... And instead they got jumped back by the fairies who miniaturized them and sent them back to CT in a jar.
When she was sophomore, she and Faragonda both realized they were dating the same boy... Now she wouldn’t admit to feeling heartbroken, but damn did it sting.
Her roommate, Faragonda, turning into a fairy during CT’s orientation and having the rest of the school mock her for ‘being with the fairy’ when she didn’t even realize the girl was going to sprout wings.
There was a mission to the realm of Adlaran that involved undercover work... Griffin had to be one of the ‘girls for the party’ while Valtor snuck in to steal the scrolls. Never again.
Her first year teaching at Cloud Tower, she had to do a potions class... She nearly burned the school down because she is not a potions expert and had no idea why she was even teaching the class in the first place.
10. Fears/Phobias: So she has a fear of losing her child; to the darkness of the Coven, to Valtor, to death, anything. Her one major fear is losing her daughter. She also has a new fear of losing herself. After pledging to the Coven and becoming so engrossed in that atmosphere... It was easy to let herself slip away into the will of the Ancestral Witches... She never wants to do that again.
She has a fear of the dark, specifically what Lysslis was able to do with the dark. 
As a teacher, she fears losing any of her students and the thought of doing so leaves her shaking at night.
11. Bad or Petty Habits: When she’s nervous, her hands fidget, which is one of the reasons she still wears that ankh necklace to have a focal point. She also has a bad habit of accepting nearly any challenge thrown her way... She hates to lose or feel like she’s losing. She also has a bad habit of going down the rabbit hole of shame and guilt when she fears something is her fault (the fall of Domino). 
She seldom sleeps when she’s working on something. She doesn’t feel the need for it so it obviously has to be irrelevant. (And then she ends up crashing on a library couch or table with her notes scattered everywhere.)
12. Grudges or Vendettas: Valtor, the Ancestral Witches, the Coven... Darkar. Icy, Darcy, and Stormy... A few minor ones against Faragonda and her school (purely in the rival sense of course).
13. What Gets Them Flustered: When people actually stand up for her. Especially those she doesn’t usually get along with, like Oritel or Faragonda. 
Or if you say anything about her academic work, that just... That’s ‘breathtaking’ to her because ‘damn, I worked hard on that and people are impressed’.
The other kind of flustered happens when someone, most wizards, start getting ahead of themselves and get too cocky and it just... It pisses her off and she just has no words for their idiocy.
14. Ingrained Habits/Force of Habits: Keeping her office/desk/work space as clean as possible when not in use. (Her father was a bit of a neat freak).
Protection spells cast before entering the home, after entering the home, when leaving the home, and just sprinkling them everywhere because there’s always something bad looming around the corner. (Mother’s paranoia.)
Not pulling back during sparring because when she sparred with the Ancestral Witches, they made sure to remind her it was kill or be killed. 
15. What it Takes to Make them Cry: Physically it would take a lot. She’s got a crazy high pain tolerance thanks to her Coven training... Nothing short of getting just as ruthless as possible could do it.
Emotionally/Mentally.... making her think she’s lost someone or that someone’s death (someone she cared for or was innocent in the squabble) is on her. Guilt just eats at her like she’s a buffet... 
Or do something to hurt her child and let her know there’s nothing she can do about it. Feeling powerless in situations like that just... It breaks her down.
16. Dark Secrets/Skeletons in the Closet: Damn.... Working with the Coven isn’t enough huh?
Valkyrie could have easily had a sibling... After the memorial for the Company of Light Live’s lost, Griffin and Codatorta had a ‘moment’ together, though both were not in emotionally good places and it did not last long. (Though there was a minuet pregnancy scare... She never told him about that either.)
When she bound herself to Valtor, she was aware it was in an Obsidian wedding tradition... He didn’t think she knew though, so she played dumb.
Griffin and Faragonda did fool around with one another during their high school days, and both opened up to the other about some of their personal problems... Family, fitting in, etc... But it ended as soon as Faragonda said the words “i love you”...
17. Regrets: She regrets joining the Coven (but not as much as she used to, after all, it did give her her daughter). She regrets falling for Valtor... She regrets not listening to Faragonda when the fairy tried to warn her...
But mostly... She regrets not being able to convince Valtor to leave with her. She really would have loved for Valkyrie to have had them both in her life... Just not the way they were back then.
(She also lowkey regrets not killing Valtor on Domino. But she just had to listen to Faragonda...)
18.Things They’ll Never Admit: She does miss the Coven, or at least, the friends she made there... And she misses the Valtor she knew. 
She originally never wanted to be a mother. She was always more focused on career and academia that she never thought of a family or having children. (But now that she has Valkyrie, she’d never change it.
19. People they’ve hurt or indirectly killed, and how it affected them: This is a hard one because she and Valtor stole from and disrupted the flow of many realms, which creates ripple effects on the realms and... Life lost could be innumerable. 
And once Griffin found out about the Ancestral Witches’ true plans and realized just what has happened due to her involvement... There’s so much guilt that just piles up on her... She could suffocate in the guilt.
20. What ifs/Alternate Timelines: Damn.... 
One is where she stays with the Coven and they do end up winning the war and she rules alongside Valtor... But she still eventually leaves when she realizes the cruelty of what’s happening around her.
Valtor leaves with her and instead of joining the Company, they both just decide to disappear. (Mostly because both are just tired of the fighting and tired of feeling used.)
A non!magic AU where Griffin inadvertently joins a cult that’s started on her college campus and falls for the enigmatic leader... But when she starts realizing how he’s monopolizing her time and manipulating the other members into committing major crimes, she becomes an informant for the FBI.
Griffin was always a member of the Company of Light, but she goes undercover to beat the Coven from the inside out... And Valtor discovers her betrayal....
An arranged marriage au thing where the Ancestral Witches try to get Valtor and Griffin together, but Griffin already has a loved one in Faragonda.
21. Turning Points in Their Lives: When she was a kid and she first experienced powerisms by a few light magic users on Rancor. She vowed to prove that dark magic wasn’t nearly as bad as people made it out to be.
Going to Cloud Tower and getting to experience life on her own really brought her out of her shell.
The death of her father her junior year of Cloud Tower put her on a spiral of overworking herself and denial. She was delicate at this stage...
When she worked for the Ancestral Witches and joined the Coven. She met Valtor and the power she felt was just... Incredible.
Finding out the Coven was a lie and that the only thing guaranteed by the Ancestral Witches was death and destruction. Griffin wasn’t into that. At all.
When she joined the Company of Light and learned to trust herself again. (And when she learned how to be a mother for her child.) 
The Fall of Domino left a hole in everyone’s heart. Everyone had a breakdown after that.
Becoming a CT teacher and getting to touch the lives of her students.... It was a lovely way to repay her debts.
22. Who Influenced Them the Most: Her father taught her so much about her magic and about how magic influences the worlds around them, it opened her eyes to how important a balance was to maintain.
The Ancestral Witches taught her spells she never would have thought of and taught her survival in the roughest of conditions. (Not that she’ll ever thank them)
Valtor was a major influencer, He simultaneously taught her trust her instincts instead of her mind, while also destroying her sense of self trust when she found out the truth of what they were doing. 
Faragonda and Saladin. They taught her hope and forgiveness, to be kinder to herself and to forgive her past mistakes. (Even when it felt impossible. And she’ll never admit that to them to either.) 
  That was longggggg.....
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awesomenightfall · 5 years
The first part of the “DA Protags are Bad Adults Modern!AU”.
Work at the university had been brutal and Solona Amell wanted nothing more than to go home, rip her bra off, and sit in a bubble bath for a few hours while reading a nonsensical smutty romance novel and drinking an entire bottle of wine.
She loved academia, she really did, and the study of magic and the arcane was an important one, but if she had to listen to one more old, crusty mage-cum-lecturer with too many degrees and not enough brain cells tell her that her research on the Blight was archaic and irrelevant one more damn time she was going to flip a table and --
Her thoughts of slaughter and revenge halted as soon as she managed to open the old, rickety, door to her apartment. It was a far cry from the lavish estate she had been raised in, but it was her oasis in the chaos of Kirkwall, a small bit of independence that she was proud of, despite the leaks and the chipped paint, and the noisy neighbors who had ceiling-thumping-sex at very inconvenient hours.
As soon as Solona opened the apartment door, she was greeted to the sight of her roommates on their worn, secondhand couch. Hawke was wearing nothing but a sports bra and gym shorts and Ellana was naked from neck to waist, wearing only a thin pair of underwear. There was a quart of melting ice cream between them and a cooking show blasting from the TV. Solona could only deduce from the sweltering, unrelenting heat of the apartment and the tear tracks down Ellana’s cheeks that a) the air conditioner was still broken and b) her elven roommate was still reeling from her recent break up.
Solona sighed deeply. Her bath and the next chapter of Swords and Shields would just have to wait.
“Hawke,” Solona addressed her cousin, who was busy spoon feeding Ellana ice cream while simultaneously dabbing her cheeks with a tissue. “Didn’t you say you had a friend who could come and fix the AC?”
“Hello to you, too. And actually, it’s Ellana’s friend Dagna who said she’d come over to fix it, but she’s been holed up at work. She’ll be here soon, don’t worry so much, Sol. It’s not good for you. Remember your blood pressure,” Hawke said easily, in her Hawke-ish, charming way that almost made Solona forget that she was annoyed.
Solona stripped off her outer shirt. If she couldn’t beat them…
She plopped down next to Ellana. “Are you alright?”
Ellana waved her hand. “Oh, fine. I’m fine. I’m tired of dwelling on my bad luck with men. Let’s not talk about me. Let’s talk about Hawke.”
“Always a fascinating topic of conversation,” Hawke agreed and Solona rolled her eyes.
Ellana wiped her face with the back of her hand and wiggled her eyebrows, instantly cheered up. “Fenris, you know, the elf from the building that Hawke is crazy about, passed by the apartment on the way to the basement to do his laundry and I swear, I’ve never seen Hawke run so fast!”
“I never run after a man.” Hawke plucked the spoon from Ellana’s hand, dug it into the soupy ice cream, and slurped it indecently. “But for tattoos and muscles, a girl might just power walk.”
Solona threw a couch pillow smattered with cigarette burn holes at Hawke’s head, laughing despite herself. “You’re incorrigible.”
“But you love that about me,” Hawke said with a shit-eating-grin.
She did, but there was no way she was going to admit that out loud. Hawke was loud, ridiculous, and unpredictable, but her heart was in the right place. Still, Solona would have preferred it if Hawke could settle down, just a little, instead of burning the candle at both ends all the time, but that just wasn’t Hawke’s style. Hawke with her five part time jobs (some of them not quite legal, Solona deduced, but somehow she never got arrested -- Solona suspected that Hawke’s very connected dwarf friend, Varric, had something to do with that but the rumor was unconfirmed) and endless energy and need to help people.
Solona loved her cousin but her poor life choices with partners and work and living in general really left a lot to be desired.
Ellana Lavellen, the third part of their trio, was sweet but young, and only slightly more put together than Hawke. She was a graduate student that had ventured far, far away from her clan to come to Kirkwall to study and write her dissertation on eleven history and relics.
“I think I’m going to title it: ‘How the Shem Steal Dalish History, Give It a Mediocre Andrastian Twist, and Slap Their Name on It’,” Ellana told her the first time they crossed paths in the library. “I was going to call it, ‘The Study of Shem Perverting Dalish Culture for Political Gain’, but apparently that was ‘too controversial’. Can you imagine?”
Solona liked her immediately and the rest, as they say, was history.
“You know, you can’t be sad forever over one guy ghosting you,” Hawke said to Ellana.
Ellana sniffed, affronted. “We were together for a year and then he just ups and leaves. To do ‘field research’. Except he just disappeared off the face of the planet. That’s more than just ‘ghosting’. That’s-- that’s-- a full blown haunting!”
Solona had to bite her lip to keep from smiling. Apparently Hawke’s penchant for the dramatic was contagious.
“Maybe he did you a favor,” Hawke suggested. “Your friend Dorian said he dressed like a hobo, anyway.”
Ellana took another couch pillow and shoved it in Hawke’s face. “He did not! It-- it’s a style choice!”
“A bad one!”
“Oh, like you’re one to talk!”
“Stop defending him, he ditched you!”
Solona shoved herself between the two arguing roommates, hands on both of their faces to pry them apart. “Alright, you two. Break it up.”
“Yes, Mother,” Hawke said snottily, acting every bit like the rebellious teenager she once was. “All I’m saying, Ellana, is that there are plenty of fish in the sea. You’re cute with perfect tits--” Solona snorted,  “-- shut up, Sol, so let me hook you up with someone.”
Ellana’s frown softened. “... who?”
“Anyone you want. Just name them.”
“... Varric?”
“... anyone but him,” Hawke amended. “Trust me, it’s for your own good.”
Solona desperately wanted to ask if it was because, as she had long suspected, Varric was secretly Hawke’s Sugar Daddy and that was how she could afford to live life on part-time salary, but that was more than Solona ever really wanted to know about her cousin and her proclivities.
Hawke waved off Solona’s openly suspicious look. “All I’m saying is that many have tried and failed miserably. The dwarf is immovable. A fortress against venereal temptation. Ellana needs someone… easier. What about Merrill?”
“Why?” Ellana asked. “Because we’re both elves?”
“No,” Hawke corrected. “Because you’re nice and she’s nice and you can be nice together. How about it?”
“Isn’t your brother dating Merrill?” Solona asked.
“No, Carver has his thumbs up his ass and is wasting time pining away from afar. Besides, I’m not suggesting they get married,” Hawke said. “Maybe they just go on a casual date. Make out. Have sex and then report back in graphic detail.” Solona slapped Hawke on the arm. “Fine, fine. Maybe just the first two, then. Spoilsport.”
Ellana chewed on her bottom lip. “Well… it couldn’t hurt. It might be nice to go out.”
“Great! I’ll text her. You won’t regret it, Merrill is the best.”
Anytime Hawke said, You won’t regret it, the person almost immediately began to regret it, but Solona didn’t want to rain on Ellana’s parade.
“It’s disgusting in here,” Solona announced. “I can’t sit here another moment longer.”
“Dorian’s apartment complex has a pool,” Ellana suggested. “It’s not open now, but we could climb the gate and sneak in. The security guards are usually napping at this time or watching soap operas.”
“Before Captain Killjoy nixes the idea, I’m making an executive decision and we’re going,” Hawke said quickly before Solona, could in fact, nix the idea. “It’s either that or die of heatstroke. I vote pool.”
Solona unstuck herself from the couch. “Fine, but we better not get arrested. I’m lecturing tomorrow.”
“What could go wrong?” Hawke wondered aloud.
“With you?” Solona asked. “Only everything.”
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na-na-namine · 6 years
Operation: Confirm Amanda’s Love! Ch. 1
Series: Little Witch Academia
Characters: Akko/Amanda, Lotte, Sucy, Hannah, Chariot, Croix
Words: 1,540
Genres: Romance, Comedy
A/N: My super late LWA Secret Santa gift for https://twitter.com/r59k6
I’m sorry this took so long.The holiday season was rough and filled with stress and busywork. I’ll try to get chapter 2 finished as soon as I’m able, but this writer’s block isn’t making things easy.
Regardless, Happy New Year and I hope you enjoy this ^^;
Twas the day before Christmas, when all through Luna Nova,
Not a single witch was shopping, not even a for cola.
The candles were lit down the hallways since noon,
In hopes of presents that would arrive soon.
The witches were busy with handmade gifts,
As per tradition of the Academy's scripts.
And Akko in her coat and a red Santa hat,
Is dashing down the halls with a skip in her...
...uh, boots. That look like a... hat...
"Lotte! Sucy! Merry Christmas!"
Akko barges into their living quarters, startling both of her roommates. The sing-songy girl is carrying an armful of holiday-themed gift bags. Lotte places her book down to return the greeting.
"Merry Christmas to you too, Akko!"
"Pasko na naman, puta," Sucy mutters wearily in Tagalog.
"Sucy! Language."
"It's Christmas again, bi-"
Before Sucy could finish, Akko shoves a bag into her hands and then Lotte's.
"Aw, c'mon Sucy! It's the season of giving! How's about you not be a humbug for once?"
While the poison witch inspects the gift incredulously, Lotte opens her own. Inside were a bunch of sugar cookies, sprinkled with what appeared to be red and green stars.
"Wow! Akko, did you make these yourself?"
"Yep! Those baking lessons with Diana really paid off, huh?"
"I'll say," Lotte beams as she plops a cookie into her mouth. A delightful squeal escapes her lips as she savours the flavour. "Oh-my-stars, these are so~ good!"
"Eh. Six-outta-ten, too much milk," Sucy mumbles between bites.
Akko shoots her a dubious look.
"I should fill yours with raw plums next time."
Sucy's only response was a beleaguered shrug. Lotte shakes her head before smiling back to the brunette.
"Thank you so much, Akko! I wish I could give you your present now, but it's not done yet..."
"Ah, don't sweat it, Lotte. I still gotta deliver the rest of these, so you've got plenty of time to finish up!"
Lotte quickly looks over the gift bags in Akko's arms, noticing that someone was off.
"Where is Amanda's?"
Akko perks up from hearing her girlfriend's name.
"Oh, that? I'm not giving it to her yet."
Lotte and Sucy both share a confused glance.
"...Did you two break up again?" questions the latter.
"What? No!" Akko puffs out her cheeks in offense. "And what do you mean 'again'?"
"I'm just sayin- mmph!"
Lotte stuffs a half-eaten cookie into Sucy's mouth before jumping in.
"Did something happen between you two?"
Akko shakes her head before a massive grin stretches across her face.
"Nope! I'm just going to wait until Amanda gives me her present first."
"Um, why's that?"
"It's all part of 'Operation Confirm Amanda's Love on Christmas'!"
Lotte, at a clear loss of words, turns to her other roommate. Still chewing on Lotte's cookie, Sucy merely shrugs her shoulders.
"And, that is...?"
"It's self-explanatory," Akko answers with a fist-pump.
Sucy rolls her eyes. "Riiiiight..."
"Look, I friggin' love Amanda, almost as much as I love you guys! But she can be a bit of a jerk sometimes, y'know?"
"Understatement of the century- mmrph?!"
Lotte cuts off Sucy again with another cookie, her attention not leaving Akko.
"So this time," Akko continues, "I want her to be the one to find me first! That way I can be like, 'Wow, she really does loves me!' and stuff!"
Lotte shuffles on her chair anxiously. "I dunno about this, Akko. That seems like an unhealthy expectation. I mean, what if she's too busy or something?"
"Busy with what? Hitting on other girls?" Akko pouts. "Nah, it'll be fine! She'll pull through, you'll see!"
Sucy, having swallowed the cookies at last, rebuttals with deadpan disbelief.
"Or the two of you of break up agaaaaaannd she's gone."
Both she and Lotte looks on as their roommate dashes off, most likely to deliver the rest of her cookies.
"Gosh, I hope she's right," Lotte mutters with worry.
"Hrm. Knowing Amanda, there's no way she prepared anything."
Sucy gets up from her bed to walk over to Lotte's side. Her toothy grin makes the latter slightly uncomfortable.
"Um, Sucy...?"
"Anyway, I'll be getting my payback now for those cookies earlier."
Sucy wastes no time pinning the now flustered girl onto Akko's bed.
"H-huh? Wait, here? N-now?"
"Consider this your early Christmas gift."
"S-Sucy, maybe we can talk this over- mmph!"
Any objections Lotte might've had are smothered out by Sucy's lips on her own.
Amanda, being the self-proclaimed Ladies' Woman that she is, naturally expects a few girls to shower her with gifts. Tis' the season of giving and all that junk, she'd think. So if she isn't already surprised by that not happening, right now the fiery witch is receiving a gift from the last person she'd ever expect.
"The heck? Hannah England?"
The ginger witch in question has her hands extended out with a quaint present, wrapped neatly in a box. Her expression is cheerful, in contrast to her sarcastic demeanor.
"Here. For you."
Amanda begrudgingly accepts the gift, although she takes a moment to inspect it.
"You didn't rig this thing, did ya?"
Hannah's expression sours. "Merry Christmas to you too, jerkwad."
"Ha! Seeing your frowny face is enough reassurance," Amanda snarks as she tosses the gift up and down. Turning her back, she flicks her fingers in goodbye. "Smell ya later, carrot-head!"
However, she barely manages to strut three steps before Hannah speaks up again.
"You didn't prepare anything for Akko, did you?"
Amanda immediately halts in her tracks, turning her head to meet her accuser's gaze.
"Huh? Of course not."
Hannah stares and blinks vapidly for a few moments, before her lips curl into a sly smirk.
"Ooohhh~?" she hums. "I see, I see. Poor Akko..."
"Wait, what?"
"Knowing that girl, she'll be so sad that you didn't make her anything."
Amanda clicks her tongue in irritation. "Why am I the one who has to get her something?"
"You..." Hannah trails off, her eyes now glaring daggers into Amanda's soul. "...You really don't get it, do you?"
"Hmph," Amanda crosses her arms and prepares to walk away. "I don't wanna hear that from you."
"Then you'll hear it from Professor Ursula," Hannah remarks bitterly. It gets the reaction she expected, with Amanda stiffening in apparent fear.
Finally, she thinks to herself. Time to twist the knife.
"I can see it now! Akko running in tears to her precious Professor," the ginger exclaims in overdramatized acting.
"Now wait just a seco-!"
"Oh, poor Akko," Hannah says in her best Ursula impression. "Was it her? Was it Amanda that made you cry?"
Unfortunately for Amanda, those very words paint an image of a furious Shiny Chariot in her head. The same Chariot she once saw punch a massive dragon with her bare hands. These thoughts send a shiver down her spine.
"Who knows what'll happen if you piss off the professor like that," Hannah sneers, "and it'll only be a matter of time before everyone else finds out."
Against her better judgement, Amanda allows Hannah's words to sink in.
Ugh, this is why Christmas sucks. But, Akko might really be waiting for me, so...
"I can probably stop by the town square or something..."
Hannah shakes her head. "Handmade gifts only, remember?"
"Shit, stupid rules." Amanda pulls out her wand with a new idea. "Maybe I can-"
"You sure it's a good idea to cut corners like that?"
Amanda bites her lip, the frustration of wracking her brain getting to her. Then what the hell is magic good for?
Hannah can't help but sigh pitifully. "Something like cookies would work, right? Akko's were really good, y'know?"
All of a sudden, Amanda perks up. "Cookies?"
Wait, wasn't it Diana who taught Akko how to bake?
With a new plan in mind, Amanda sets off past Hannah for real this time.
"Good luck!" Hannah cheers in near-feigned enthusiasm. "Better hope you're not too late, hun."
Chariot sneezes into her elbow, making sure not to sully the cookies she just received from Akko.
"Wow, that was quite the blast, Chariot," chuckles a voice off to the side.
"It's 'bless you', Croix."
Said ex-professor pays the advice no heed, simply content in enjoying her own Akko-made cookies.
"I gotta say," Croix speaks through bites, "these cookies aren't half bad."
Chariot nods. "Right? Also, don't talk with your mouth ful-"
"But do you know what's better?"
"Croix, no."
Reaching behind her, Croix grabs an unopened cup of instant ramen and presents it Chariot with a grin.
"Cookie ramen."
Chariot frowns disapprovingly.
"Croix, please."
The older woman merely shrugs as she leaves her seat, most likely to fetch some hot water for her ramen. Chariot rolls her eyes, her attention now on the sunset beyond the windowsill.
"I'm still worried about Akko and Ms. O'Neill's relationship..."
"Oh, those two?" Croix remarks across the room. "I'm surprised they're still together after their third breakup."
"I've had my broombas keep tabs. Say, where do you keep the eggnog?"
The only response she got is a thrown book to her skull.
"You're a terrible person, you know that?" Chariot deadpans.
"Sheesh," Croix groans while rubbing her head. "No eggnog for you, then."
To be continued...
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