#this takes the cake for being the funniest one though
Tim describing Jason:
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Tim to Jason:
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Jason describing Tim:
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Jason to Tim:
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Batman: Battle for the Cowl #1-2 (2009)
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birbs89 · 6 months
cool things and interesting stuff I saw in the new spooky month episode and just me obsessing over it lol
WARNING!: major spoilers for the new spooky month episode
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I really liked Father Gregor because honestly his design is cool in my opinion and I liked that even though he's a priest who in other shows I've seen are almost always made as good and flawless people but in spooky month Father Gregor still has his flaws especial his flaw with how fast he went to blaming Skid and Pump for being the ones who caused Moloch to be freed (there kinda at fault but c'mon their kids)
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also Moloch has to have my FAVORITE design for a demon I've seen in media I love how he has the hooves like one's that goats have since how much goats are associated with demons, I adore the furnace type of thing seen on his stomach, and I like how his hands and claws look
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and also because Moloch created in my personal the funniest scene in the episode when he panics when his name is revealed to Father Gregor by Pump
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also some things about Moloch possession it seems that he can just posses anyone he decides to posses and that he can also posses and control multiple people at a time and when he is not possessing a body he is either in his demon form or in a liquid form
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final thing about Moloch is that I kinda feel bad for him for some reason (I think it's just because of how sad Skid and Pump were when seeing that Father Gregor killed him)
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also feel incredibly bad for Dexters mom poor girl had to experience the loss of her son and then be lured and killed by the same demon who was the reason her son died
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also can we PLEASE give Lila a break poor girl is going through actual hell
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Pumps eyes seem to only be blue when he's in a very dark area
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and I think from the implications and things Father Gregor said I think Skids father is dead maybe dying sometime when he was in the cult
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love how Ignacio just without a second thought shoots Moloch and I think the scene is a reference to Silent Night, Deadly Night 2 specificality the Garbage Day scene since he shoots Moloch right after putting down a garbage can
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also speaking of Ignacio I think he might have been an ex cult member since the picture frame where he's holding the birthday cake I think that might be Skids dad also holding the cake with him and if he is a ex cult member it explains why he's boarded up and barricaded his house since they might have tried to kill him in the past
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father of the year award goes to John (also Jack) because of how caring this man is to comforting Skid and Pump when they start thinking they aren't good enough and are a problem to their parents and of how much a good father he was to his daughter
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love every scene we got with Patty during this episode (also she's very pretty :])
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also thought this guy with the briefcase was a reference to Doug from the Fnaf movie lol
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also it's revealed in the ending of the episode seen on the NewGrounds version of the episode that the two thief's and the Candy Dealer are apart of the cult so I guess I was right about them having something to do with the cult in my theory
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also we get to see the spider monster we saw in a sketch Sr Pelo posted (can't find and if I did couldn't add it since image limit:[) I think it might be the main villain of the next episode and It seems to be in some way connected with the mannequin/Skids dad from the mannequin theory (if it's cannon idk) since at the end of the episode the spider picks the mannequin up and looks at it
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we get to see the The Eyes of the Universe in this episode and I was right in my theory that he was located under the cults mansion since we see the cultist take Father Gregor their to be sacrificed in the end of the episode
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also Roy seems to be losing it at this point
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Dating skz headcanons pt2
fluffy fluff
not proof read yet
You guys would play board or card games together,like monopoly.He would get a bit pissed when you win so he would resort to cheating."Chan you just can't just do that!","Do what?Your just mad cause im better",If your playing Uno he would secretly look at your cards then put down the card colour he knows you don't have.You get him back though and make him lose three in a row because that's what he deserved
Lee know
You guys would bully kidson roblox together,you would go on the voice chat games and just roast little kids😭,one of the little kids would be secretly one of the members(han)and you would just annoy and bully him so much to the point you could hear him get mad in the other room.When you hear him talk about someone bullying him on rolls you guys would just look at each other and smile while Han is whining about being bullied
I feel like you guys would match with each other,intentionally and unintentionally.You guys would have matching bracelets,rings,shoes etc.One day you would wake up and feel like wearing a saniro onesie turns out that's exactly what Changbin was thinking.you guys would take so many pictures and post them.The captions would be like "I just unintentionally matched with my s/o,soulmates?yes."
You guys would act out movies scenes together,you would be watching twilight and something cringe would happen so you just have to pause it and act the scene.The best one you guys would do is when Regina George got hit by the bus,especially because he's so good at being dramatic,you would be fully convinced he's a part-time actor"Your acting is so good you should be the next Zendaya", "I am zendaya"
You and Han would try act like each other,you know those tiktoks like "acting like my sister for the day", that's what you guys do but more regularly.He would purposely exaggerate what you do,for the memes of course. "Han I do not act like that"," Are you sure?".But when it comes to you acting like him he would get all embarrassed," Stop,I don't talk like that", "Are you sure?" You say mimicking him from earlier
For each others birthdays,you guys do this thing where you make your own cakes for them(You have a backup just in case)You would do the funniest designs on the cake,the fans know about this because on his birthday live he explained it and said "so far they've been on a big foreheaded style,last year they have me pennywise,this year they gave me megamind"he would show the cakes to the fans and have a whole taste testing thing to see which came taste better,his normal cake or your cake
I feel like you guys would remind each other or embarrassing moments that happened,if you guys were play fighting (verbally)he would 100% be like "remember when you fell in front of the whole class after doing a presentation?" , "You can't even talk because you did horrible aegyo for the whole world to see",So you wanna be like that?" He would say then you guys would go back and forth about humiliating moments
You and Jeongin would have staring contests out of nowhere,You could be standing line for something and you spot Jeongin in the room instead of saving you just stars and him and it becomes a contest to see who can not blink for the longest,if he wins more than three times in a row he would flex it on you non-stop,he would have so much fun reminding you that you suck at staring contests but then quickly shut up when you win
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hrrorflm · 1 year
I want to hear you.
Sebastian Vettel x fem!reader.
Warnings: fluff, a lot of fluff, English isn't my first language, age gap, slight mentions of sex.
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It had been a pair of difficult days for you, between school and the problems at home, aside your own problems between missing Sebastian for his job and your insecurities hitting all the time for feeling not being enough as a friend and a girlfriend, everything makes you feel bad and sad. At least today was friday, which means you can be able to have some rest from the major part of your responsabilities and enjoy some time for yourself but still something was bother you. And the fact of your mother taking it out on you for a fight with her boyfriend was not the way you wanted to be welcomed home after a very long and tiring day.
The walk to your room feels like you're walking a hundred miles, until you finally walk in and the tears begin to roll down your cheeks, the low sobs and the pounding of your fists against your legs become all you can think about. Dropping the backpack on the floor, the best thing you can do is shorten the distance between your tired body and the bed, just to drop there and hug yourself. How much you wish you were in Sebastian's arms right now, listening to his soft, calm voice with that accent you can still make out perfectly, taunting him every time he tries to hide it and it comes out.
There is nothing in the world that can make you feel happier and safer than Sebastian, listening to him talk to you, whispering sweet words in your ear and putting his arms around you every time he is close to you. And like a divine sign, or maybe a special connection that binds you to him, the phone in your room starts ringing, not wanting to disturb anyone you pick up the receiver and answer, trying to hide that you've been crying.
"Honey, what's wrong? Did something happen? Are you okay?" The tone in Sebastian's voice lets you see that he's worried about you, so trying to calm your breathing and sobs, you answer a little more calmly, "It's just, it's just that I've had a rough couple of days, and I miss you. It's been so hard being away from you, without you, I needed to hear your voice."
"My voice?" A soft laugh is heard on the other end and a small smile is inevitable on your face, for which you immediately respond "Don't laugh! I like hearing your voice, it's like a calming." Sebastian can guess that there's a smile on your face, and that makes him feel better after hearing you cry at first. "Why? I sure sound like an idiot, love", he's trying to make you laugh, cheer you up, you know it perfectly. That's how he is, always wanting the best for you. "I like listening to you because you transmit peace to me, and it reminds me of the first time we met, it was the strangest thing in the world."
The first time they met, Sebastian walked into the same bakery you were in, quite a coincidence. And his gaze, unable to move away from you at all times even though he avoided your gaze every time you tried to catch him, led you to ask him not very nicely if he was looking for something or if he knew you. The blush on his face and the multiple hasty apologies he told you was the funniest thing about it, and the fact that you looked too young in that short pink dress didn't helped at all, but his voice was definitely the icing on the cake, because even though he looked very embarrassed, his voice remained calm.
The silence that existed between you for a couple of seconds was the key for him to ask about your state of mind. "May I ask why the love of my life was crying?" sounds sweet, kind, and you're totally grateful.
"A fight with mom, I've been feeling so stressed with homework and tests, and I've felt so left out by my friends, I don't know, maybe I'm just overthinking."
"Did your mother get mad at you, love?" Sebastian knew perfectly well that your mother suffered from bipolar disorder, and that sometimes that didn't turn out well for you because you were the one who had to deal with the constant mood swings, which also ended up for affecting you.
"I think so, she had an argument with her boyfriend, I don't know, but I was there to take out her anger so I ended up paying the piper" you shrugged even if he couldn't see it, but it was something he figured you would, after all, he knew you like the back of his hand.
"I'm so sorry, sweetheart, but you'll see that with the new treatment your mother will feel better in less than you think," he murmured softly, hoping that would calm you down a bit.
"I know, I just wish she realized that all of that hurts me, and who he should be mad at doesn't," the helplessness in your voice makes Sebastian sigh. Sometimes all he wants is to take you everywhere and keep you happy and safe. Your voice comes back through the earpiece "but thank you, my love, thank you for listening to me."
"You know I do it because I love you" his sweet voice reaches your heart, and that makes you smile. "Hey, I know something that will cheer you up", opting to change the topic of conversation to not continue on it, his voice takes on a playful and hoarse tone, so you can already guess what it is going to be about.
"Sebastian, I'm not going to do that to you again! Last time I couldn't stop laughing and I almost got caught", her laughter soon becomes present and you catch it, remembering the first time they tried to have a sex call.
"Why not? You don't like me anymore? Surely you have a new boyfriend and that's why you don't want to do it", you know he must be making a dramatic gesture with his face because his voice is totally a mess trying to hide his laughter, and your cheeks are colored a soft red.
"Yes, he does it to me like a god every time we see each other, but that happens every two weeks" your giggle makes him smile and his ego feels alluded to by what you just said, so the call continues like this, between laughter and an occasional attempt by Sebastian to ask you what you're wearing.
There is nothing better in the world than listening to your boyfriend, and even more so when he encourages you not to fall, worrying about you and listening to you every time, reminding you how much he loves you and how important you are to him.
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factual-fantasy · 10 months
26 askss!! ✨💖🐻💖✨
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XD actually, Bibi never minded being the shortest. Because Jangles and I never made fun of him for it. But he's probably happy that there's now 2 people short enough to give him proper hugs 🥺
And to be honest, I haven't thought too much out about character facts :0 other than Cici is a smarty pants and can be a lil sassy at times XD But in a harmless/charming way.
Also oh yeah, Gerald loves puns. XDD Although he hasn't had any cake before.. so idk what his favorite could be. What ever is the funniest flavor I suppose XDD
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AAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DD Happy holidays!! :}}
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Oh you're new to Tumblr? Ahhh word of advice then- If I may? It might be a good idea to change your profile picture. Tumblr has a big bot problem. And a lot of the bots have default profile pictures just like yours. A lot of people might see your account in their feed and just block/report on sight. Not fun.. also I suggest you do the same though, if someone with default profile picture, banner, no bio, no posts follows you... that's probaaaaably a bot and should be blocked--
ANYWAYS! So for the Captain Barnacles/Crab comic. I don't plan on finishing it. And the reason why I abandoned it was because the way I had written the comic had everyone acting out of character. The blood was over the top, it was too dramatic,, ugh.. I got tired of my own comic half way through making it. <XD
The comic was gonna end with the rest of the crew showing up, they take the Captain to the octopod, and Peso cries because "I was too scared to help the Captain.." Which is just stupid <XD
Peso would not cower in fear in this situation. Even if Captain Barnacles turned like that and became very scary. Peso has had an extended history of getting it together and braving through anything to help creatures in need. And if his own Captain/friend was hurt? Nothing would stop him. Nothing could scare him away.
In the perfect re-write, Peso would ace this situation. He would approach Barnacles perfectly and calm him down. He would patch the wound, guide him to the gups. Guide him into the octopod and into the med-bay. Expertly deal with the wound and clean up all the blood.
Sure maybe after everything was done he would cry a bit out of the stress of it all. But originally everyone else did everything for Peso because he was too scared to help the scARy CapTAIN OOOO!!
Nah, that dumb. Peso is way stronger than that. #justiceforpeso
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I made one yeeeaaarrs ago when I was into Sonic. But it centered around a Sonic OC of mine. <XD I don't tend to do much insert OC stuff anymore..
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I imagine Bonnie would just sigh and try to get through it on his own. And not go to Foxy for help.. Worse case scenario he gets overwhelmed and shuts down on stage and ruins the show. Which is fine by him. He'd think, "Serves them right for puttin me on that stage. Faz-bear entertainment deserves to have their show flop for how they've treated me.. for how they've treated us."
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XDD Hey! That's Veggietales isn't it?
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XD That's what I was thinkin! That, and they were basically fully fleshed out characters but their bodies just didn't exist yet. Since their future existence was so set in stone Jangles was able to connect to their minds..?? XD I guess??
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Thank you so much!! :DD Also CAPTAIN BARNACALES FTWWW!! ✨💖🐻💖✨
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XD New friend indeed! Cici is technically an old friend, she's existed longer than Jangles and Gerald! XD
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Also thank you! I'm glad you've stuck around and like what you see! :DDD
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1: AAAA I'm glad it fooled you! When I drew it in I knew that anyone with a different Tumblr theme wouldn't be fooled.. but I'm glad I got at least 2 people! XDD
2: Also aww.. even if they were happy tears, sorry for making you cry! <XD
ALSO WAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DD Also also don't worry, I'm taking a nap and drinking water at the same time as we speak! XD
(Also also also that heart shattering might come sooner than you think..👀)
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Nahh, my gnome is built different. All he needs to thrive is a steady supply of pepperoni pizza and a very large 3 inch deep puddle XD
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Maybe! :0 At the very least I imagine they'd get along. My Seam is soft spoken, polite, mellow.. he's probably a nice person to share a cup of tea with! :}
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@coolkoaladeer @thesweetishfish
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Its hard to say, I didn't ever like.. try to replicate an art style and draw something unrelated. Like- if I was drawing in the gravity falls art style, I was drawing gravity falls stuff. I wouldn't draw in the gravity falls art style and draw random ocs and stuff. If that makes sense-
But maybe one style was easier to draw hands in than another. So I.. might have adopted some stuff..?? I guess??
I guess that would mean my art style developed off of the different franchises I made fanart from? If that's the case it was likely Gravity Falls, Sonic x, and Steven Universe..? Mostly?? XD Sorry this answer is all over the place-
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Many actually! Its just unfortunate because all of them are giant comic ideas but I'm too wiped out from my 20k celebration to really draw any of themmmm... 😩sighhhh
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XDDD I'm glad you like them! And I can imagine that they might be shy to hug new people- but Gerald probably wouldn't mind! XD
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Since that statement I have re-written the timeline.. So who's to say any of that still stuck and what her motives were/are now..? 👀
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<XD I've never played the paper mario games so that's why I've never drawn them.. it sounds really cute though! :D
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Taking the quilt off does nothing, the quilt doesn't bring them to life either! Remember that Bibi could talk when he was a still picture and was brought to "life" without the use of a quilt or even any glowy effects. Also Jangles had a quilt as a drawing and was "brought to life" using a pen!
The point I'm getting at is, Pen? Quilt? It doesn't matter. None of these methods actually give the characters life. I do. All these fancy ways I seem to bring them to life are just for show <XD
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XD The first thing that came to mind was Freddy telling Fredbear about Gregory.
Freddy: "I'm keeping a child hidden in the basement.."
Fredbear: "...you're keeping a CHILD in the BASEMENT??"
Also thank you! :DD
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Naahhh he'll be fine 😉
And yay! Cici and Gerald!!! XDD
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To put it simply, fanart makes me feel bad. And Comments make me feel good. So I prefer comments to fanart. 👌
To complicate it a bit, when I post artwork I'm just sitting there all giddy waiting for the first "AKSJKASAU WAAAAA 😭😭😭" comment to pop up. When I get fanart I immediately get frustrated and uncomfortable. Fanart feels like stealing and usually invokes a negative reaction from me. So if people want to show their appreciation for my work, leaving comments is 100% more effective and preferred. 👍
Also thank you! :DD
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XD These are great match ups!
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fatuismooches · 9 months
(About the Dottore sugar tax)
I like to imagine that some members of the Fatui are very discreet in handing out the sweets.
Oh, one of their comrades is getting a scolding and it looks like it's escalating? Quick! Sneak a sweet nearby that the Lord Harbinger could spot easily!
And what happens is that mid-rant, the segment would glance just a little to the side behind the researcher and he sees - what the fuck?? Why is there a Charcoal-Baked Ajilenakh Cake on the desk??? How? When???
And he just gets so confused that he kinda momentarily short-circuits
The Fatui can't keep using the sweets tactics too often tho, they might accidentally pavlov their lord into hating sweets if he keeps receiving them when he's angry!
It happened with Omega already, he scowled at the Fatui Skirmisher and demanded if the agent thought of him as a dog that could be placated with a mere treat. Yeah that guy is dead now.
And of course the segments start to get suspicious by the sixth incident of receiving a sweet out of nowhere.
Zandik is baffled, because somehow everyone and their damn mother knows he has a sweet tooth and he is convinced that Pantalone has something to do with it (probably the ninth trying to gain his favour for a new gadget to sell)
Reader: sweating in the background.
Wait no I got pavlov's experiment mixed up: It would be more accurate to say that since Dottore keeps receiving sweets when he's angry - he starts to subconsciously expect sweets when he's frustrated. Which is even funnier because imagine how confused he'd be. He's stressing about failed results, why is he salivating???
OH MY GOSH... THIS IS LIKE THE FUNNIEST AND CUTEST THING EVER AHH!! When you work for someone such as Il Dottore, it is important to stick together with your fellow co-workers. Because you never know what will happen. And also, you don't really want to be carrying your new friend's dead body to the experimentation room. So it's important to look out for each other every now and then. This includes distracting the Harbinger's attention in any way possible from the target of his assault. Even if it means sneaking sweets into the lab. Yes, it is truly terrifying work, but it is necessary, especially when you were so kind to bestow this protection upon them.
THE WHOLE ASS CHARCOAL CAKE IS WHAT MAKES ME DIE... 😭 Was he really so caught up in his ranting that he didn't notice it? Actually, never mind that, how did they know he likes sweets, much less prefers Sumerian sweets compared to any other nation? All the agents have the exact same poker face, betraying absolutely nothing, for their lives are genuinely on the line right now. It was all riding on this Charcoal-Baked Ajilenakh Cake. Yes, this was 100% serious.
Ugh... if i was a regular agent think i'd rather die than present the OMEGA segment of all a piece of candy. The courage it'd take is insane. But oops. The other agents knew from that day they needed to be more careful with their tactics... yes, they have to add this to the handbook now. 😭 I imagine, the method begins to be used sparsely because the segments are not going to let their reputation be dumbed down to the guys who can be won over by mere sweets. Nope, not happening, they should be feared! Not known to the Fatui as being a sweets lover! So subduing the segments with sweets only happens on very violent days. Or if you happen to be in the room, you'll happily take the sweets offered by the agents and share them with the segment to make him calm down.
EBWKBEWEW DOTTORE BLAMING PANTALONE FOR ALL HIS PROBLEMS!! 😭 ah he would, despite how smart he is, it just completely slips his mind that you could have done this as well. Oh well! You just hope he doesn't find out! *nervous sweating intensifies*
Teehee him stressing not only over his failed results but his sudden urge to devour some sweets... it's really annoying for him though, usually, he ignores his growling stomach for a long time but, the taste of sweets is just haunting him and his tastebuds.
Maybe if he asks you, you can make some that lasts a few days... because at this rate, he expects to be thinking about sweets for a while with how poorly his experiments are going.
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amplexadversary · 1 month
Okay I've gleefully derailed posts before but this is a big derail and kind of dumb so I'm linking it.
When I watch the linked video, I end up thinking of Allenby gossiping about the shuffles, and now I need to headcanon who would likely say what bullshit.
-"I'm going to shit your pants." -> I could see this coming from a few people. Sai is a little fucker, he would make this threat and mean it. Chibodee would say it facetiously. Domon (while I headcanon him to be pretty good with languages) probably isn't above a gaffe where he means to say "I'm going to make you shit your pants," but misspeaks (probably when the guys are getting really rowdy and distracting and everybody's talking over each other.)
-"A duck the size of a tiger would have to be quite stout, I don't know that I could vanquish such a foe." -> George, though he'd choose different words than the video.
-"I'm all wet because Allenby dropped her phone in the river and I jumped in to get it. I can't find it though, can somebody call it while my head is underwater?" -> Domon would do this reflexively. Chibodee probably would as well.
-"I think it's time I come clean, I don't actually understand how wind works." -> Sai would be the funniest person to admit this, with his wind-based super move.
-"toodaloo, kangaroos" -> Domon, because someone told him it's a thing people say in English and he's kind of gullible.
-"Why the hell do we all have identical jackets? I can never find mine. Oh, but it's probably the one with my name on it though." -> while Domon or Chibodee would probably be the most likely to have this kind of brain fart, I think it's funnier if a very tired George says this (... ignore they fact that they don't have matching anything).
-On Monday Sai dared me to eat a spider, so I did. But then later that day I was running up the hill and shit my pants a little. I think those two things were related. -> I'd believe this from three of them in different contexts. Chibodee impulsively agreed to the challenge and admits this because hes mad about it. Argo ate the spider to humor Sai and is trying to discourage the rest of the group from making a similar mistake. Domon ate the spider because Kyoji didnt not have nearly enough chances to teach Domon to be weary of this exact kind of siblingeque horseshit, and we know from how he responds to Master Asia that Domon will just do things that you tell him to. He admits it, begrudgingly, because everybody wants to know why he bailed on them for several hours.
-"Do you guys think my shirt is cute? Too bad, I'm taking it off." "You're cute that way too." -> I could see George and Chibodee, in any order. Chibodee and Domon would only be believable if they're together, and with a massive time skip for them to get comfortable over.
-"My idol is that one dude who ate an entire airplane, love that guy, don't know his name." -> Argo, sarcastically, when Chibodee makes some remark about his physique and asks "what do you eat, sheet metal?"
-"Guys I think I watched the wrong Zootopia." -> Argo probably doesn't only pirate physical goods in the space age. He got a joke translation.
-"Domon, what type of feed does Fuunsaiki like, we want to make him a cake for his birthday." -> I feel like this is George and Argo's planning, and I could see either of them being the one to ask.
-[musing about Ice Age squirrel heteronormativity] -> I think Chibodee's the only one who could reasonably have seen it. He also dyes his hair two colors of the bisexual flag and wears the third so I can see him being annoyed by it.
-"I failed to locate a bear suit, does anybody have a spare bear suit?" -> Tbh this one could be any of them, except George, who is listening with his head in his hands.
-[quoting the infamous Snapcube Eggman rant] -> This is either Sai Saici, or Argo lost a bet to Sai Saici and was told to recite this. Sai is the only one of them I can buy being chronically online enough to reference this. Chibodee looks up Shadow and immediately asks Domon if it's his fursona, which backfires because the only other person in the room who knows what a furry is is Sai.
-"Why aren't you being silly? You promised you would be silly with me." -> ARGO. Said with a straight face to George. (Sai would be too low-hanging-fruit here, but I guarantee he's also looking at George expectantly. Admittedly, part of why I can see this coming from Argo is because of choices the dub made with how he speaks.)
-"Rain sent me this picture. I thought she was telling me that she was pregnant, but this is a covid test. She does have covid." -> Domon. Also worded a little differently than the original. While he did spend half his childhood in a jungle with Master Asia, he's probably seen pregnancy tests in drug stores when they have to make very occasional supply runs. Sai has probably also showed everyone the meme where people would edit a pregnancy test into various pictures.
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mutagn · 1 month
@eternityafraid 𝗔𝗦𝗞𝗘𝗗 16, 17, 30, 31 for the turtles asks...
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16.) Which version of Casey is your favorite? - shocking absolutely no one it's 12 casey. i have a massive soft spot for 03 casey's dumb ass but 12 will be my boy forever and always. it's like they knew the kind of Guy i usually write and constructed him specially for me
17.) Which version of the Shredder is your favorite? - gay 80s shredder takes the cake. he's the funniest and i tell him to grow up and get a real job way less than 03 and 12 for example
30.) What is one common headcanon that you reject? - hmmm let me stress i'm new here and so 'common' headcanons are lost on me idk what the crew are saying. i frankly dislike the idea that raph is disobedient/ignorant simply for the sake of being difficult, though. he's like a husky in that respect you simply cannot order him to do something he thinks is stupid. he's always got a reason for refusing to do something even if the reason is only 'good' to him
31.) What is one piece of TMNT canon that you dislike/ignore? - a lot of the time i am closing my eyes to magic and other more fantastical elements of the canon just because i prefer tmnt as a bizarre scifi story over an honest fantasy (i know something can be both!). im also not letting my boy leo date his sister tee bee aitch
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Since I never seem to have made a post about my top Ed Edd n Eddy episodes, here it is! 
Most of my favorites come from the later seasons, sorry if that’s a disappointment to some.
Torra’s Top 5 episodes! (in descending order)
#5 May I have this Ed?
This one is just cute, with the added bonus of Eddy basically declaring himself done with girls at the end. Between Eddy pretending to be way cooler than he actually is, Edd being terrified out of his mind over a dance, and Ed just having the time of his life, what’s not to like? The stuff happening in the background is almost funnier than the focus lmao. I wish Eddy hadn’t made them wear that ridiculous facial hair get-up, but I get it, it’s part of his character to fake puberty. Just… Eddy why.
#4 Hand Me Down Ed
Truly a very funny episode, but it is a little awkward to watch. The second-hand embarrassment is real. Someone please get Double Dee some clothes… Though, Rolf opening the door and just belting out in song was one of the moments that made me laugh the hardest in the whole series. I’m ever-fascinated by Kevin Lordi’s theory on the boomerang bringing out repressed traits rather than opposite traits, which is really what places this episode on my list.
#3 Every Which Way But Ed
What’s not the love about this episode? Baby Eds, Flashback gags, heavy-set characters that aren’t being made fun of, lines like “Zappity-Zap-Zap,” “You bet your sweet bippy I did!” All of it is just so wholesome and great. The storytelling is pretty cool too, we get to see the reasons behind a lot of small details we never would have thought twice about. But gosh the sequence with baby eds is too cute to leave off this list, I cry from the cuteness every time.
#2 Thick as an Ed
This has got to be one of the funniest episodes ever, which is why I’ve placed it #2. The humor is spot on, the writing is phenomenal, and the voice actors are truly the proverbial cherry on top of this delicious cake of an episode. The visual gag of the color falling off Double Dee from the stench has me in tears every time, and he and Ed’s little verbal spat is just *chef’s kiss* Literally nothing gets done but it’s far from a boring episode.
#1 Fistful of Ed
This one is number one on my list purely for the characterization and the writing. To have Edd become the school bully on accident was such a bold move, and they pulled it off so well. I love that they didn’t go a cliché route of having his friends back him up. Ed is actually scared of him, and Eddy, well… Eddy’s just an instigator, taking advantage of the situation for his own gain and not at all helping his suffering friend, in typical Eddy fashion. And to have Jimmy be the one who helps Edd in the end was a twist that I never saw coming, but it fit so well. This episode made me stop and truly appreciate Jimmy’s character. Plus, the ending sequence when Eddy tells the Kankers off was actually really nice. Overall, a very well-done episode.
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mvshortcut · 1 year
Ranking every time the Ten Men get taken down by how cringe fail they are (Part 2)
Warning: this post contains major spoilers for Riddle of Ages!
We're back again already, folks. Part 1 is here; now it's time for round 2 of some good old pointing and laughing.
Book 4: The Riddle of Ages
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first appearance of my problematic faves the Katz brothers! There's always gotta be one cowardly goon in the lot, and the Scaredy Katz fulfill their role admirably. This knockout isn't too cringe-worthy, although the dramatic "Now!" [immediately gets knocked out] is quite comical, as well as the image of him trying to run on his knees. 3/10
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And here we have Garrotte being painfully average once again. Although this one is made more interesting by the fact that he and Sharpe apparently jumped some random businessmen on the street and stole their completely normal briefcases, then had the audacity to be surprised when said completely normal briefcases didn’t hold up well in a combat scenario. It’s almost as if they’re designed to hold paperwork, not fend off a flurry of tranquilizer darts. Who would’ve thunk. Also. You could literally walk into any Home Depot and find dozens of items more suited for this purpose, which the Ten Men easily could’ve done if they weren’t so darn committed to the stonks bit. 
Also, “Most unfair! Such shoddy materials!” is the funniest possible thing you could say upon getting knocked out. It’s giving “trust fund kindergartener encounters Crayola crayons during art class for the first time ever.” Please just say “god damn it” like a normal person. 4/10
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See this one is so funny to me. You're telling me that the infamous shock watches, which have terrorized several of our beloved characters over the course of the series, can be defeated simply by doing simple gymnastics? it's giving "show Sticky doing long division in his head to defeat Curtain's infamous Happiness brainwashing." Also, you're telling me you can knock out people simply by throwing darts at them? wild. anyways. I love Katz getting knocked out mid-threatening leap. 5/10
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diversity win! Milligan won't kill you but he isn't above shooting you in the ass! 7/10
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sorry this is so long but we need the full context to appreciate how cringe this is. imagine you brought five (5) of your best men to locate SQ Pedalian, a young adult not particularly skilled in combat, and also to fight a teenage girl. And now it's gone so sideways that you're literally the last one left standing. Standing, on top of an ice cream truck that you pushed on top of your opponent, who is now trapped beneath and yet has his hands casually laced behind his head as if he's tanning on the beach. And you got tricked into standing there, pinned by an empty gun, and simply watching while he loads darts into the (previously empty) gun. And now he's just shooting a bunch of empty darts at you, one after another, while you have to stand there and wait for him to finally knock you out. I think I would disintegrate on the spot. Also "You wouldn't shoot me in the face. That's not your style" bestie you just watched him shoot Sharpe in the ass. Would you prefer that instead? 9/10
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This one might take the cake. First of all, they all fell for the trap, so now they're stuck in jail again like 3 days after escaping. And then, the teenage girl you've been terrorizing for years finally turns your stupid condescending pet names right back on you before a nine year old uses her mind powers to make you knock yourself out with your own weapon. 🫵 CRINGE. 10/10
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Still very cringe, though less so than McCracken. It's kinda funny that Constance made them use their shockwatches instead of the (less painful) handkerchiefs. 6/10
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Y'know, given the Katz brother's astounding loser energy, I'm amazed that they might actually have the least cringe take down. Taking the coward's way out. I respect it. Love them staring out the window. sad tigger gif here. Bonus points for ratting out Crawlings for being awful. 1/10 and two gold star stickers for them both
And, finally, for the grand finale, our favorite cringe boy is back:
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Crawlings is making up for having fewer appearances in this book by making his COUNT. and YIKES. I literally have to step away every time I read this. From the supervillain monologue, to everyone groaning at him and then simply ignoring him (knowing what's about to happen), to Crawlings immediately poisoning and temporarily paralyzing himself the SECOND he gets a chance to be the Final Girl. And then he gets thrown back into jail. Plus the fact that he's on the floor about to pass out still wondering when the "Genius Serum" will kick in. uhhh. y'know, Crawlings, I might not be a genius either, but I have the slightest inkling that all may not be going according to plan. 11/10
And there we have it folks! The final rankings are:
Hertz: 6
The Katz Brothers: 9
Garrotte: 14
Sharpe: 22
McCracken: 35
And, in first place, with 36 points, our beloved Crawlings.
In conclusion,
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For all my hipster pretensions, I do love Hunter. I also love the hyperspecific intricate, intense, and often erotic relationships everybody’s agent OCs have with him. It got me thinking about him and my own agent, and honestly?
He disappointed her. Deeply, and personally.
Like, okay, despite her misplaced fealty to the Empire, this is a woman who's had almost exclusively bad interactions with Force users in both camps. Her Sith grandfather belittled and tormented her for the crime of being born without her sister's powers. Her mother, his apprentice, only risked enough interference to keep her alive. When the same sister she was always compared to abandoned her and escaped to the Jedi (who then never let them contact each other again), Lyde only narrowly avoided being sent to Korriban in her place.
And then when she made it to Intelligence, Darth Jadus maimed her, compromised the missions of her employers, and critically endangered the Empire. One of her first missions as a faux-turncoat to the Republic was tracking down and incapacitating a fallen Jedi. The protégé she gained on Hoth? Another semi-Force sensitive, hiding from the Sith. Sith meddling dissolved Imperial Intelligence; Sith infighting ate up resources and cost Imperial lives on Corellia.
And, of course, the Dark Council called for her brainwashing, and a former Jedi abused it.
Sure, like Hunter said, the Star Cabal was never recruiting. There was no incentive for him to care about gaining Lyde's allegiance when he already had the remote to her shock collar, so to speak. But, holy shit, he had no clue how many concessions, how much sympathy to his cause he could have wrung out of the woman designated Cipher Nine, if he hadn't made her his whipping girl. If things had gone juuust a little bit differently, Hunter might've turned over the Black Codex, implored her to take care of it with his dying breath - and she might have fucking done it. Nobody, not the SIS, not Sith Intelligence, not even her former ImpInt superiors would have ever seen that data ever again.
But Hunter wasn't that sort of guy. What sort of guy he was learned Cipher Nine's codeword and used it every chance he got. He didn't have to pretend to play nice with her like with his other colleagues, so he made a point of whisking her brain like cake batter, and acted like it was the funniest thing in the world.
When the Dark Council pushed for Lyde's brainwashing, and when Ardun Kothe used it to control her, she was furious - but she wasn't offended. They're trained and powerful Force-sensitives, and as far as she's concerned it's in their nature to sting.
Hunter, though?
Hunter was a fellow frog.
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joyboyish · 1 year
luffy bday hcs!
luffy started his journey on his 17th birthday, and saobadoby happends some time before his 18th birthday. its not clear how long it is but fans think luffys journey was around 4-6 months, so he never celebrated his birthday w them, so he didnt think they knew it anyways.. he usually forgets his birthday and they (assumably) didnt know so he didnt think much of it
so the day comes, and low and behold... luffy forgot.
ace told the strawhats when luffys birthday was during their time in alabasta though, and nami made a point to put it on the calendar in the girls dorm, since luffy only ever comes inside so robin will tell him and chopper a bedtime story (usopp and robin alternate)
about a month before his birthday, nami started her mission.
luffy does so much for them without even realizing, he deserves a good birthday!!
granted for as many issues hes solved hes probably started 3 more
she told everyone in advance to start getting gifts, as well as party decorations, so everytime they stopped at an island they could keep an eye out for him.
she puts sanji incharge of the food (obviously) and he decides to make the biggest cake possible, tons of different meat, ramen, onigiri, oden.. whatever you can name, he probably made it.
chopper and usopp were in charge of decorations. they got a piñata, streamers, balloons, etc... they wanted it to look as cool as possible
zoro was incharge of drinks, nami said he was allowed to bring as much sake as he wanted, as long as he got equally as much drinks that luffy likes
so when the day comes, the sunny is rested at an island usopp takes him around all day showing him around and have him trying new foods etc... he was having so much fun!!!
when the sun starts to set, usopp tells luffy that they should probably head back
luffy opens the door to the kitchen and then...
it takes a while for luffy to register what happened, and he cant for the life of him figure out whats happening, so he pulls usopps arm and takes him aside to ask
"usopppp!!!" he whispers (fairly loudly at that) "what are we celebrating!! is it your birthday?"
at first usopp laughs... then he realizes he was serious...
after nami hit his head a few times they start to celebrate
zoro got luffy a card (lazy ass) he cares so much for luffy and his crew mates and doesnt know how to say it, so the card is fine. luffy doesnt mind either, he loves it in fact. the front was plain and just said happy birthday, but the inside... oh the inside. zoro and chopper drew the whole crew, its messy and doesnt look good at all, theres spilled ink everywhere despite it being drawn in crayon, and a small note at the bottom that says "thank you for being my best friend" he denies writting it but it still makes luffy ugly cry
nami decides to take 300,000 berries off his debt to her.. he was incredibly thankful. she also lets him pick which needle to follow next on her log pose
usopp got him some food and decorations for his beetles collection!!! he made tiny pieces of furniture for the beetles. luffy thinks its so funny
sanji made him food. but he promised to make all of his faves for the rest of the week
chopper gets luffy some new sandals and he even found a rare beetle on the island.
robin gets luffy books that give fun facts about beetles and frogs! she reads it to him bc he cant sit still since hes so excited 😭, when she gets to a fun fact he didnt know he grabs onto her and shakes her a bit, then runs to tell zoro
franky made a mini robot for his beetles to ride, and its literally the funniest thing ever
brook composes a new song about luffy called "the pirate king" :')
jinbei gave him a gift ace gave him a while ago, it was something minor like a letter, jinbei tells him that luffy would take care of it better than he would and luffy frames it in the kitchen
after that luffy says he to have a sleepover with everyone, they usually only have one sleepover a week but they made an exception
in the past luffy never enjoyed his bday, it was just another day to him after all.. but if all of his birthdays were going to be like this from now on? maybe its worth it
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purgemarchlockdown · 1 year
for character ask game! 👀
please, tell us more, I love hearing about Amane-chan
13, 24, 26, 30
I'd love too! Plus you choose some Incredibly Fun Questions.
13. Your favorite friendship they have
Am I allowed to say the Cat? It's her bestest friend in a sense and the layers of symbolism and metaphor make me love it even more.
If not it's 0308 it's always going to be 0308. I Love those two. It's kinda hard to explain why since their limited interaction in the Timelines have been hinting at Fuuta being indoctrinated by her (or atleast learning about her beliefs) but like- this is the Supernatural Hell Prison I'll take what I can get when it comes to friendships and those two Need Friends.
They seem to genuinely like each other's company too as Amane is the one who approaches him, unlike most of her other interactions and Fuuta asks her for advice not once but twice. It's very sweet I think.
(Sidenote: something I think about, if Fuuta gets indoctrinated will he like...try to find her outside of Milgram? Like...if both of them get out will Fuuta try to find her? And if so how will that go down? It's something that I think about- honestly someone give them as 2D Beat-Em-Up co-op game i think they deserve it)
24. What do you think is a secret they have that they never told anyone?
Which one?
That's partially a joke but also- which one? There's so many, she hides so many things for her own safety.
I'll go with her wanting to eat cake though, there's something so painfully normal about it I guess? Like, she just wants to eat cake, that's not a crime or anything, it's a normal dessert. She just...Can't Have It. It really hammers home how arbitrary the Doctrines of the cult Are, or atleast in the way it's enforced on Amane.
26. When do you think they were being "themselves" the most?
This is a very funny question to ask anon and you know it.
Anyway Purge March ending. It's the Purge March Ending, specifically when the line "You’re sorry? I don’t care!" starts up.
I mention sometimes that Amane is using the vow breaking as an "righteous" reason of sorts to murder her mother. If her mother didn't kill the cat Amane wouldn't have a "good" reason to kill her.
But by that line all "righteous" reasons are thrown away to give way to Amane's genuine want for her Mother to Fucking Die, because she never forgave her and Amane Won't Either.
There's a real subtle shift between "I won't forgive you for breaking your vow" To "I won't forgive you for Hurting Me." It's really great I like it a lot.
I think that genuine anger and rage and sadness coupled with how she stops hiding what she wants for a moment really sells it for me as the scene where Amane Momose is the most Her.
(If in T3 she turns into an Actual Creature in her MV I will rescind this btw. T3 Monster Amane manifesting-)
30. The funniest scene they had?
Hm...that one minigram where she gets soy milk and makes Jackalope her accomplice. It's not Exactly the funniest but all the other Minigrams, except for the hair one (which is a personal favorite of mine but not as funny as soy milk) are also nods to Horrible Things That Happened To Her which makes me sad.
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scary-monsters · 2 years
Diego Brando
Coming from dm!!! I wanna hear some Diego headcanons, could you tell us?
OF COURSE, THANK YOU 🤸‍♀️ im eating up every opportunity to talk about this man !!! some of these i've probably mentioned before but i have a few core HCs that i am quite passionate about so that's inevitable :'))
(warning for SBR spoilers!)
he's 5'3", i think this is widely accepted but i want to emphasize my love for short king diego
he has freckles, yes this is my tendency to give every single one of my favorite characters freckles but i won't back down on this
he's very particular about aesthetics, including but not limited to his clothing, his living space, the way he physically carries himself, the state of silver bullet's appearance (though he is very passionate about caring for her in general and considers it his way of bonding with her)
he's VERY good at braiding hair and can do several different kinds with ease and quickness.
morning guy, he likes being up to see the sunrise and get in some early morning exercise
modern diego is a huge movie buff, his favorite films are peak and you cannot convince him otherwise! he loves psychological thrillers, is very particular about the horror he enjoys, can't stand romantic comedies, and his secret guilty pleasure is animated movies about animals (spirit is very special to him)
modern diego watches hours of animal videos, if he's smiling at his phone it's very safe to assume he's watching something like "cat bonds with lizard" or "newborn foal walks for the first time"
annoyingly photogenic, he cannot take a bad picture no matter how hard someone tries to catch him off guard, however if you get a chance to take one while he's sleeping... that's when he looks the worst (he will not rest until you delete that photo)
when he's in love (rare!!!) or has decided to trust someone (also rare!!!) he gets soooo clingy and overly protective, he will do anything for the people he cares about, though gaining that trust is an extremely difficult and unbearable feat.. he's hard to love initially (and actively repellent to it anyway) but when his walls finally come down it's very much worth it
dinopants REAL, that's it that's the headcanon but araki told me himself that they're in love and compliment each other so well and make each other better people
modern diego loves jaffa cakes, they remind him of his mother because they would share them when he was very young
not the best cook but he really wants to be, his mother left behind a recipe book which he treasures dearly and wants to master.
he has a very loud laugh, it's actually a little off-putting 💀
if you don't laugh at his jokes then you're wrong and he will hold a grudge (im mostly joking but like... he thinks he's the funniest motherfucker around)
he's happiest when it's clear skies with lots of sunshine, he hates the cold, hates the rain, and despises snow, during the winter if he has to leave the house, even if it's just to get the mail or something, he wears several layers and bitches about it the entire time
scary monsters has long-lasting side effects on diego's body outside of him actively using it - his skin gets very dry much quicker (if he doesn't moisturize often his skin will peel and turn a gross green color), his nails grow exponentially faster and have to be trimmed often, he's much more sensitive to the cold, he can see perfectly fine at night without any light (his elevated senses are a canon thing anyway, i just think it's cute)
silver bullet is diego's bff !!!!!! he raised her from the time she was born and he cares deeply for her (when he called her his 'beloved' in canon i genuinely lost it) people have wronged him his entire life but horses have been his safe place for as long as he can remember
the bow on diego's helmet was placed there in dedication to his mother - the bows on his shirt when he was a child were hand-crafted by her in her (rare) free time and he's always associated these kinds of decorations with her
during the race diego finds solace in keeping his helmet close by him at all times, during quiet moments where he's alone he will have quiet conversations with it as if his mother is sitting there with him (it keeps him motivated)
diego genuinely cared for his late wife - he lacked a proper education while growing up, and while he did get some informal education during his time with the joestars, she spent a lot of time teaching him academics more relevant to his age, all while treating him with a kind of nurturing love that he'd been unknowingly craving and desperately in need of
despite this, he still has huge difficulty with vulnerability and emotional awareness in general (canon??) and has stuffed his inner struggles so deep down that he's not even aware of them anymore, his ego is definitely a coping mechanism for how troubled he actually is
but to end on a positive note: he has a youthful soul and at his best he's goofy and charismatic, he matures wonderfully and he makes an amazing mayor because he understands the struggles of the lower class and wants to work as hard for them as he can
i have to stop there or else i'll be here all day !!!!! a lot of the canon-related ones are/will be fleshed out in my current diego character study that i'm working on... god i love him he's so layered and interesting!!! and hot too!!!
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bylightofdawn · 6 months
Are ya'll ready for: El seriously overthinks video games + minor FF7 Rebirth spoilers hour?
I'm finishing up the mission on Junon where Cloud and Co go undercover and just watching Cloud lose himself in the role, genuinely getting ATTACHED to the Seventh Infantry and me then having to escort my baby infantry ducklings around as they murder other Shinra troops out of the mistaken belief they are on the other side made me FEEL A LOT OF THINGS. Like holy shit that’s insane even typing it out. And kinda dark and a little twisted. And potentially fucks those poor Infantry troops over yet they are STILL rode or die for Cloud. I wasn't expecting to get socked in the feels as much as I did.
Because Cloud is so detached and emotionally standoffish, watching him seriously get into the role of playing at the Captain of the Seventh Infantry is hella significant.
And I think it's because it's so familiar and something he is missing. He misses the camaraderie and brotherhood of serving. Sure, he moved onto becoming a SOLDIER and who was his damn role model/sempai? Zack Fair who is one of the most big-hearted, best big brother energy dude ever. So of course he would subconsciously internalize that's what a good leader should do. Sure, there was also Sephiroth but he's clearly the worst and reflects what bad leadership skills would be.
So yeah, I think there's a part of Cloud that misses serving, or at least misses that sense of brotherhood. He's been a lone wolf for so long, I can't imagine he's not starved for that kind of connection. It's also prolly easier and less complicated than the relationships he has with the main party.
Okay so that's me being all philosophical. Now let me be a degenerate and horny on main for a second.
Holy fuck nuggets Rufus is so hot. He's ALWAYS been hot but he's especially hot and v. Ice Prince-y and I fucking love it. I am laughing at the absurdity of his clothing and how it continually gets more complicated and ridiculous. He legitimately looks like he's wearing a fucking farthingale with that ridiculous belt collection he's wearing. Or yanno....bdsm gear. XD
Somehow they have managed to take Roche who was already at Maito Gai levels of over the time 100% energy and made him even MORE ridiculously and over the top. I lowkey wish he would stop talking. I have an excellent solution on how to do that and that is for Cloud to shut him up by fucking him until his brains bleed out of his ears over his stupid bike. Or yanno, there are other ways to shut him up varying from gag and other creative things to occupy his mouth with.
Even though it's clear Cloud is pretty hetero-coded but after like 25 years of soooooo much Sephiroth/Cloud, Zack/Cloud fan content, I don't think that's going to stop the internet (or myself) from shipping him like a fandom bike. Hell I actually love Cloud/Tifa cause I am a disgusting multi-shipper.
Ahem. Anyway I hope Cloud gets to reunite with his Seventh Infantry people at some point. I think I'm like.....1/3 of the way through the game and holy shit. I've discovered I detest minigames. I love side-missions in games but fuck DDR minigames or that damn in real time strategy game Fort Condor. There's a reason I've never been interested in FF Tactics.
EDIT: OMG Red XIII going full on Karen Mode and demanding to speak to the bartender/employee who won’t let him play in the Queen’s Blood tournament because he’s an ‘animal’ is the funniest shit I’ve seen so far in this game. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
EDIT 2: never mind, Red going full on Chester Cheetah/Michael Jackson absolutely takes the cake. I’m ded.  I also stayed up way too late beaten this freaking queens blood tournament mini game and I really gotta go to bed now.
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giigil · 8 months
MOUSE WITH A MIC AHEM AHEM AHEM, BACK WITH ANOTHER INTERVIEW ! 1. What is your favorite part in your bot making process? The greeting? The pfp? The finished result? What about your least favorite?
2. Have you ever gave up, regretted, or disliked making certain bots and why?
3. What's your top three favorite interactions you've recieved from your bots?
4. Are you ever gonna go in depth about what types of prompts you will and will not do in case someone request something you're highly uncomfortable with?
5. The year is coming to a close !! what bot takes the cake as your favorite??
stay well rested and hydrated !!
another interview! oh gosh
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i'm so sorry for taking so long to reply to this !!
[ 1 ]⠀my favorite part for bot making is testing out bot responses !! the funniest things can happen, though there are occasions where i'd have to constantly tweak the bot until i'm satisfied. least favorite part is greetings. i love them, and i hate them just as much. since they're what makes and breaks the bot
[ 2 ]⠀some things i almost always regret is the way i word/phrase sentences in greetings. i also worry about whether or not what i'm writing is interesting or compelling enough. though, not everything has to be spontaneous when it comes to bot scenarios. just my brain being annoying, hehe. one bot that i do regret is he visits you in your dreams. i'll rewrite him eventually.
[ 3 ]⠀to tell you the truth, my top 3 interactions from my bots are—uh—nsfw. hahaha.
the sfw ones are from:
⠀— his kid says a bad word; he's the culprit. // making satoru sleep on the couch because his kid was like 'papa said mama's a bitch!' i was so baffled sdhfhdfhdfh
⠀— he hears you curse for the first time. //⠀i named yumi's teddy bear sukuna because she got the bear from yuuji and satoru was like oh my god what the fuck why did she name it sukuna WHAT
⠀— you have a long-distance relationship. //⠀he's an all around cutiepie !! he wanted to fly over to yumi as soon as possible and it was *chef's kiss*
nsfw ones are:
⠀— good morning, love. ⠀— he tends to your wounds. ⠀— he lost the bet. ⠀— you have a long-distance relationship. ⠀— you help him train. ⠀— he's such a loser.
[ 4 ]⠀the things i'm not comfortable with writing are: incest, pedophilia, and other taboo topics. i'm also not accepting any requests for anything heavily nsfw—especially if i do not know the requester's age, but i'm okay with suggestive things. ex: a private dance
[ 5 ]⠀i know i said that you tend to his wounds is my ride or die, but hanky panky with good morning, love was just MWAHHH.
thank you for these wonderful, thought-provoking questions! they had me looking through all of my old chats, hehe.
happy new year, and here's to a new year full of new bots !
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