time to bring them seraph weapons out of the vault 👀👀
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themthistles · 2 years
from is such a bizarre show. it feels like something released in 2009 or 2013 but actually came out this year. clearly aiming for complicated mystery stretching across multiple seasons but because of its cinematography and dialogue half the time i feel like i'm tuning into a walking dead episode
#also i thought mc was played by bradley cooper the entire time#but that one's on me and my poor face recognition i guess#sorry all brown haired white men with a stubble look the same to me#no but seriously who is this show's target audience#cause casual fans that like walking dead and such are already frustrated that none of their questions are being answered#and for people who love obsessing over little details and mysteries it's just weird enough#it's as if they tried to get as wide demographic as possible adding all these relationship and conflicts that go nowhere#which all lessens mysterious and creepy vibe of the show#cinematography especially hurts because being trapped in a terrifying nowhere town while weird creatures hunt you for sport sounds great#as a horror premise#but the end result is just not scary because of how it's shot and how the story progresses#i watched all of it at night time#didn't get spooked once and i'm the biggest whimp#hats off to the penniwise guy for the creepiest smile i've ever seen#the only one who committed#characters are definitely the best aspect of it all so i hope they don't fuck that up#also there's no reason for any intro to be that long and this one isn't even good#anyways kind of a shame that it had potential but ultimately falls through#btw that scene when kristi has a dream that dad takes off the amulet and monsters break into the trailer is so fucking funny#i don't think it was intentional at all but i had to pause it cracked me up so much#*just not weird enough#*wimp#you know what whatever i slept for 3 hours i'm not retyping any of that
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bunnyhoney111 · 2 months
cult-leader!eddie munson x preachers daughter!reader brainrot.
this contains semi-dark content but nothing especially intense, it is filthy though, and way too long for an intro to my new faves but whatevs
*she is so pure, so sheltered, and so so curious when her father finally agrees to let her go to public school her senior year and she sees eddie munson and, in her fathers words, his cult of heathens. they, particularly eddie- the 'leader', weren't unfamiliar to her due to her father's disdain for the ruffians and his frequent sermons about how they were devil worshippers corrupting their town.
*most of her peers make jokes about her being an alien trying to learn to be human, copying the actions of those around her- the way they laugh, smiling to herself in class mimicking chrissy cunninghams toothy grin.
*she is just a girl learning to live amongst people outside of the walls of her fathers small catholic chapel in the outskirts of hawkins.
*she is frequently referred to as "creepy" or a right out sociopath by her peers for her sheltered, quiet, but observant body language- her eyes burning holes in the back of eddie munsons head every lunch period. she is aloof in every way one can be, growing up with no media influence and with no friends outside of her family and a small group of young children she taught in bible study.
*she follows eddie, barefoot and silent, to his dealing spot to watch him interact with his 'clients' from the tree-line. she copies the movements and facials of his female customers, who so clearly entice him.
*she begins to become enamoured with eddie, obsessed even. following behind him just far enough for him not to notice. any chance she could, 10 steps behind. peeking through his trailer windows at night after sneaking out, seeing him touch himself and feeling an unfamiliar pooling of wetness in her white untouched panties, squeezing her hand between her thighs to make it stop. she is so ashamed she confesses her sins.
when they finally came into contact with eachother, he was intrigued by the odd mannerisms and doe-eyes of the girl he'd heard of for years, only seen in passing at school.
he had bumped into her on his way to hellfire after school ended as she was heading toward the bathroom.
"oh shit," he leans down to pick up what he'd caused her to drop, a brown bible embossed with her name and a fountain pen, along with a history textbook, "i'm so sorry, i-"
when his eyes meet her face, it is paler than the rest if her body, her lips parted and eyes wide and unblinking in shock. she'd never heard his voice before then, coming face to face with her last confession. she began to sweat as she hurriedly grabbed the book and pen from him, murmuring out, "i'm sorry, eddie."
she makes a b-line for the door, turning to lean against the brick of the school holding her chest.
he is still stood in the middle of the hallway, feeling delirious after the experience with the preachers daughter.
that night he thinks back to her big eyes and parted lips and her innocence and the stark white dress she had worn and he wanted so badly to corrupt her, so badly to be the first to taint her innocence, to take her in front of his devotees watching the blood of her virtue mixing into the milky white of his climax, reassuring her it will be different next time.
he unbuckles his jeans and pulls the ripped denim and red and black tartan boxers down to his thighs, gripping his windowsill as he fists his cock to the thought of her, he opens his eyes and smirks to himself as he catches the awestruck face of the girl, standing outside his trailer, hand in her underwear, grinding onto her own fingers. he licks his lips as he watches her for a split second before meeting her eyes and shaking his head no- mouthing "stop." she does, removing her hand and tucking her arms firmly at her sides.
he closes his blinds and falls back onto his heels, head tilting towards the ceiling. a string of curses leave his mouth, his seed spilling into his hand as he pictures himself filling her unsullied womb.
send in requests for THEM.
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portablegoose · 11 months
Woooo so the Magnus Protocol premiered and I have things to say and things to overanalyse!
As we know, 'Chester', 'Neil' and 'Augustus' are, maybe?, Jon, Martin, and Jonah, respectively. Hence this:
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And, of course, there's 'J1', 'M1' and 'J2' in the trailer.
However, I've seen confusion over the fact that the third 'Error' is voiced by Tim Fearon, who as far as I'm aware has not previously voiced any characters in the Magnus universe. Even though the name is distorted, I can make out what looks to be an H at the end of the name, so this very well may be Jonah.
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My theory is this: 'Augustus' is Jonah (or just his voice). However, since the body of Elias was killed in the Panopticon, Jonah does not use Elias' voice anymore. Jon, Martin, and Jonah are all disembodied, if we are to believe they are somehow inside the computer/other technology (ie Alice/Sam's phone in the pub scene) or in some way somewhere adjacent to the world of Protocol. So it could, in a dream-logicy eldritch sense, follow that Jonah is able to survive in his own creepy old ass man way, and use his original voice. Obviously, I cannot corroborate this claim in any meaningful way. We have not heard Augustus speak yet, but I think it is a possibility nonetheless.
The fact that Augustus supposedly shows up to read cases aloud significantly less than Chester and Neil could also be a clue. Maybe Jonah is weaker than Jon and Martin due to his injuries, and is therefore unable to materialise as often as Jon and Martin. Maybe the voice that speaks the true cases (because, similarly to how true statements were identified using the tape recorder in TMA, I imagine true cases will be singled out using the text to speech system) is relevant to the case itself - ie, Jonah only speaks when a case is heavily linked to the Eye, etc.
Furthermore, there's the question of who is spying on who and when/why. By this I mean that we hear our perspective switch between devices (the phone, the computer, the security camera during Colin and Sam's interaction, etc), and I believe that this happens because one or more of the 'Errors' (as I am going to refer to them henceforth) is travelling between devices to spy on the characters' conversations. What we hear is dictated by what the Errors, characters who have prior knowledge of the Fears, deem important. This is backed up by the episode's closing scene: Colin's paranoid closing lines. It is clear that Colin believes someone is listening to them, and it is implied that he has made a connection between this and the Errors. What intrigues me is the Errors' motivation for doing this at all. If what they deem important is what we hear, and this is the first that we are hearing, then it seems to me that it is Sam's arrival that has given them cause for concern, or (in Jonah's case) hope (if he is plotting to return, or something, I don't put it past the scheming weasel). So, why are they listening? And how can we really tell if what we are hearing is the spying of Jonah, or of Jon and Martin?
Another thing. Jonny makes a point of letting us know that Alice does not think the work they do is of any significance, or is checked by anyone. She constantly mentions it in passing and is very casual in her attitude towards work. We obviously have the foresight to know this isn't true. The reason I point this out is because of what Sam does when filling out his paperwork: he ticks the 'Response' box, to which Alice responds that it doesn't matter. This could be nothing, it probably is nothing, but I feel like the fact that Sam has ticked the onboarding box of a mysterious department of an already mysertious organisation might come up later...
Yes I know I am jumping to a lot of conclusions, especially where the Errors are concerned. Please take every theory you hear, from me or anyone else, with a grain of salt, this is all speculative. From a writer's perspective, I honestly think it's pretty likely that Chester and Neil aren't actually Jon and Martin, and just their voices taken by the Web or something, but shh I can dream.
Edit: oh my god they changed his name to Norris that is even worse. Jonny and Alex were fr like 'neil is too kind, we need the name to be Chester levels of horrific'
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vodika-vibes · 4 months
Hey, congrats! For your 650+ follower event, could you do a Modern AU where the Reader is a popular music artist/dancer. But she's like a really down to earth person that if you met her randomly on the street you wouldn't guess that she was famous (she personally hates the fame). Well one day, she starts getting texts from an unknown number and also starts getting letters as well(she basically has a creepy fan stalker). Her agent then decideds to hire Hunter to be readers bodyguard. Then when they start getting close to one another Hunter realizes that the reason he's protecting reader may not be because it's his job...
Maybe you could also have Hunter and Reader show off their tattos?(Reader has a tattoo of vines and flowers that trails down her arm, music notes on her thigh and a big butterfly on her back)
Could it also be fairly long, if you can.
Sorry if it's a big ask, I have a LOT of ideas.
Fields Of Gold
Summary: You’ve been singing and dancing for your whole life, it’s what makes you happy. You never expected, or even wanted, fame or fortune for it. Parental pressure, mixed with getting scouted by an agent, meant you got both despite your desires. And then the stalker comes out of the woodwork, and you start to think, maybe you made a mistake.
Pairing: TBB Hunter x F!Reader
Word Count: 4085
Warnings: Stalking, murder, animal death
Prompt: Modern AU
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly @clonethirstingisreal
A/N: So, I made the choice to leave this without a definitive ending, because I like the way that it feels. I hope you like it anyway. The reader is a pop star who goes by the stage name Galactic Mint (it's a MAC lipstick color). And the title was the song that I was listening to when I started writing it.
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You’ve always loved to dance.
Your mother likes to tell the story of when you were an infant, and how you would wiggle along with the music before you could even walk and talk. She’d tell the story of you learning to dance as a toddler and all you could do was bounce along with the music, rather than proper dancing.
It only made sense, then, that as soon as you were old enough your mother signed you up for baby ballet.
As you grew, and became more coordinated, more styles opened up to you. From tap dancing to hip-hop, from belly dancing to salsa dancing. You learned them all and you loved them all.
You never wanted fame or fortune. You just wanted to dance. To be able to feel the music down to your bones and move along with it.
But when you were 14 and your mother suggested voice lessons to go along with your dance lessons, you couldn’t help but agree. Especially when she said that she wouldn’t pay for any more dance lessons if you didn’t also take singing lessons.
So you did.
And you were good at it.
You were the only one surprised when an Agent reached out to you.
And you were the only one surprised when you were offered a record deal.
At barely 15 years old, you released a hit pop song called Gumball, and you were launched into stardom. You had someone who styled your hair, someone else who did your make-up. You had a stylist who picked out your everyday clothes, and another one who designed your concert outfits. You had private tutors for every subject.
You had an agent, a lawyer, an accountant, a team of bodyguards, a personal trainer, and a personal nutritionist. 
You didn’t have any friends, though.
It was a very lonely childhood.
You couldn’t go to the arcade to play video games, you couldn’t go to the mall, you couldn’t go to the movies. All you could do was live in the mansion your parents picked out, the mansion you paid for, and travel in the trailer that your parents also picked out.
And, privately, you hated it.
Hated the concerts, hated the singing, hated having people pawing at your hair and your body. Hated them telling you that you couldn’t have pizza or ice cream because it might ruin your body.
You hated the skin-tight leotards that they dressed you in for concerts. And you hated the caked-on pastel make-up as well as the synthetic wigs you had to wear for public appearances. 
You hated the tight clothes your stylist dressed you in, the mini-skirts and short-shorts and heels—
The day you turned 18, you fired all of them. 
Your manager, your nutritionist, your stylist, your hairdresser, your make-up artist. All of them.
You had your lawyer kick your family out of your home, had the courts order your family to pay you back for all of the money they took from you since you were a teenager, and then, when they tried to fight back, you completely disowned them and got a restraining order against them.
At the age of 18, you completely reinvented yourself. 
Oh, sure, you still made pop music, but you moved away from the pastel preteen look that everyone had been shoving you into and into a more adult style. 
And you thrived.
You sang songs of love, of loss, of betrayal. Your concerts, where you used to have to focus on singing, gained more and more energy as suddenly you were able to dance to your music.
Suddenly you were happy, and your fans could tell.
And they loved it.
However, there is a downside to being so famous.
The first letter arrives shortly after your 22nd birthday. 
Now, at this point, you’ve been a popstar for seven years, you’re no stranger to letters and gifts from your fans. You’ve even received creepy letters before, letters from adult men who thought that you were singing to them. 
But there is something different about this letter. Different enough that you bring it to your manager, who hands it over to your security team. 
And then the second letter arrives a week later. And a third one two days after that.
All of them are surrendered to your security team before you even read them.
The fourth letter arrives the very next day, attached to a box. The envelope is empty, but inside the box is a sheep’s head.
You don’t see it, luckily.
Your manager does though, and he puts his foot down. He calls the police, who call in the feds, and after one of the feds points out that this is a clear escalation, and that you’re in danger, your manager starts looking for a personal guard for you.
And then the phone calls start.
Verbal threats against you, against the people who work with you, against the concert venues coming up, against the people who attend the concerts—
You’re sitting in your kitchen, your head buried in your hands as you stare at a list of concert venues that have active threats against them. Active threats against them because of you, when your manager invites himself into your home.
“You’re not thinking of canceling the concert dates, are you?” He asks from the doorway to the kitchen.
“Don’t we have a responsibility to my fans?” You counter without lifting your head, “If I don’t cancel and someone gets hurt, won’t that be on me?”
“What do the feds say?” He asks.
“That I’m not responsible for the actions of other people.” You say, “That they’ve put word out to the venues, and that they’ll have security all over the place if I decide to go through with it.”
“Well, it sounds like they know what they’re doing.”
You sigh and drop your hands to the table, “Why are you here, Miles?”
“I found you a personal bodyguard,” Miles says proudly.
“I have a personal bodyguard,” You counter, “They’re all over the place. I can’t walk five feet without tripping over one of them.”
“You’re right, but they’re stretched thin. So this,” Miles gestures to the side and a man steps into the kitchen, “is Hunter.”
You lean back in your seat and stare at him. He’s tall and broad-shouldered, with shoulder-length brown hair and a skull tattooed over half his face. “Nice to meet you.” You greet politely.
“Ma’am,” He nods once and then steps further into the room, and you watch as he scans the kitchen, “Your manager has hired my team to be your guard.” He says focusing his intense gaze on your face, “Two of my brothers, Tech and Wrecker, are coordinating with the Federal Agents, while my other two brothers, Echo and Crosshair, are working with the guards who already work here. We’re hoping to close any holes that might remain.”
“Well, I appreciate that.” You reply.
Hunter nods once, “May I ask you some questions?”
“If you like.”
Hunter nods and crosses the room to sit across from you, pulling a notebook from the pocket of his jacket as he sits, “How long have you known the men and women of your security team?”
“Since I was 14.”
“Your parents hired them?”
“No. My agent.”
Hunter nods, “According to the profile I have on you, you’ve disowned your parents? Could they have something to do with this?”
“I guess it’s possible, but you’d have to ask the agents about that.”
Hunter makes a note in his notebook, “Any ex-boyfriends or girlfriends I should know about?”
“I’ve been a pop star since I was 14 years old, Hunter. I didn’t go to school or have friends. I just worked.”
“Sounds lonely.”
You just shrug.
“Your Manager gave me a layout of your home. I noticed that all of the glass is both bulletproof and mirrored?”
“That’s right.”
“May I ask why?”
“I got tired of people taking pictures of me making breakfast.”
“People take pictures often?”
“You got any names?”
“I don’t, my security might.”
“Alright.” He closes the notebook, “Can I get a tour?”
“Yeah, of course.” You stand and gesture vaguely, “This is the kitchen, there’s a door there,” You point to a hidden door, “Leads to the basement.”
“Anything in there?”
“Not really. Some shelves, my winter clothes, some of my old costumes and wigs, but that’s it.” You pause, “There’s no other entrance into the basement either.”
Hunter nods and makes a note on the map he pulled out of his notebook, “Alright, can I go down there?”
“Yeah.” You open the door to the basement, “I’m not sure what you’re looking for. The Agents already did all of this.”
“Just checking behind them, that’s all.”
You watch as Hunter goes down into the basement, and walks around for a moment, making notes on the map in his hands, before he heads back up.
“This place is single-level, right?”
“That’s right.”
“Can I see the bedroom?”
“Yeah, follow me.” You lead him through the house, pointing out different places, until you push open the bedroom door. “This is my room. The windows are the same as the ones in the kitchen.”
Hunter nods, “Less in here, too.”
“I didn’t feel comfortable sleeping in a room covered in windows.” You explain.
“Smart.” Hunter walks the room and makes some notes on the map, before heading back to you, “So, all things considered, your home—” He stops when there’s the sound of glass splintering. 
Your gaze darts to one of your windows, which is now covered in spiderweb-like cracks that indicate that someone tried to break it. Hunter ushers you out of the bedroom, practically tackling you into the hallway, and he presses you against the wall as he fishes his phone out of his pocket and presses it against his ear.
You listen as Hunter rattles off some information and then hangs up the phone.
“We’re going to stay put right here, just until my brothers can make sure that no one else is going to take a pot-shot at us,” Hunter says reassuringly. 
“I just don’t understand why anyone would want to hurt me,” You admit as you curl your trembling hands around the hem of your shirt, “I’ve never hurt anyone.”
“You can’t attach logic to someone like this.” Hunter explains, “He’s crazy, that’s all there is to it.” His phone rings and he answers it before the first ring ends, “Yeah?”
Hunter listens to the other man on the phone, and then he sighs.
“Of course he did. Don’t worry about it, keep your eyes open. We’re going to have to move the primary.” He glances at you, “I’ll take care of it.” He hangs up and slides his phone into his jacket pocket.
“My brothers and the federal agents found a snipe rifle on the hill.”
“Sniper?” You ask in disbelief.
“Afraid so. Is there anyplace else you can go?”
“No. Nowhere.”
Hunter stares at you for long enough that you shift uncomfortably, “Alright. I think I have an idea.”
“You do?”
“Yeah. But you kind of stand out a little.”
You blink at him and then look down at yourself, “I mean, I can change into other clothes?”
“Do that. Carefully.” 
You nod and slip back into the bedroom, and then into your closet. Immediately you slip out of the uncomfortable clothes that your stylist encourages you to wear, and you tug the wig off your head. 
You change your clothes into a pair of loose jeans and a teeshirt covered in cats. Then you pull the pins out of your hair as well as remove the braid, allowing your hair to tumble around your shoulders. 
The last thing you do is pull a sweatshirt from your college over your shirt, hiding the intricate tattoos that decorate your arm. And you grab a matching hat and hurry back into the hallway, “Okay. How’s this?”
Hunter blinks at you, twice, “Aren’t you supposed to be a redhead?”
“Huh. You know, if I hadn’t seen you go inside, I wouldn’t have recognized you at all.”
“The clothing that I prefer doesn’t go along with the whole popstar thing.” You admit sheepishly, “And the wig is because I was told that my natural color is boring.”
“Well, it’s a good thing that you’re so different from the you that the rest of the world knows. That means my plan might work.” Hunter motions for you to follow him, “Your manager said that I could park my car in your garage.”
“Well, yeah. It’s not like I can drive.”
“Right. Well, here’s my plan. You and I are going to go and hide out on the Marauder.”
“What’s the Marauder?”
“A ship. My ship. It’s not large, but you’ll be safe.” Hunter replies as he leads you into the garage, “Put the hat on. You’ll be sitting in the front seat.”
“Someone is trying to kill me.”
Hunter smiles at you and lightly presses his hand against your shoulder, “I’m not going to let that happen.”
Somehow, amazingly, you believe him.
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Two weeks later, Hunter is sitting at the helm of the Marauder, a frown pulling down his lips. 
The situation has gotten worse. Far worse.
The stalker has turned into a murderer, having killed three women who look like the pop star. Well, how the public sees her, at least.
He hasn’t told her yet.
By this point, he knows her well enough to know that the knowledge that three women died because they looked like her would torture her.
“Yeah, I’m still here, Tech.”
“Good. What do you think?”
“I’m not sure, vod. What do the Feds think?”
“One of them wants you to bring her back, so they can use her as bait.”
“Tell me you told them that that’s not going to happen.”
“Oh yes. Crosshair was very specific about that.”
There’s silence for a moment, and then Tech speaks again, “I called in Phee for some help. And Echo called in Fives.”
“Yeah? They helping?”
“Fives has brought some interesting insight into the stalker’s mind. He is quite the talented profiler.” Tech replies, “Phee is doing some digging of her own, though I’m not sure what she is looking into.”
“What do you think, Tech? Gut reaction.”
“You know I do not operate that way.” Tech chides his older brother, “However, there is something strange about one of the Agents. So I have started looking into him.”
“Yes. I will let you know what I learn.”
“Be careful, don’t go anywhere without Wrecker or Crosshair.” Hunter pauses, at the sound of movement below deck, “Listen, I have to go.”
“I will be as careful as I can. Tech out.”
The call disconnects, and Hunter sighs as he drops the phone back on the table. There’s the sound of light footsteps, and he turns as the bridge door opens, “Morning, Sunshine.” 
“Good morning,” She replies, a small smile on her face. The scent of sunblock fills the small room, “Everything alright?”
“Yeah. Just talking to Tech.” Hunter pauses, “I’m afraid we can’t return to shore just yet.”
“Well, that’s okay. I think I’m finally starting to develop my sea legs.”
Hunter laughs, “Well, you haven’t fallen yet today, but it’s still early.”
She huffs, “Rude.”
Hunter just grins at her, “So, what’s your plan for today?”
“Mm, maybe I’ll continue working on my next song.” She replies thoughtfully, “But I haven’t decided yet.”
Hunter shifts in his seat, “Let me ask you a question, Sunshine.”
“What’s up?”
“Do you even like singing?”
“I…” She hesitates, “I like dancing. The singing is…well, I can take it or leave it.”
“If you’re not happy, then why don’t you stop?”
“...I’ve been singing since I was a teenager. I grew up in front of cameras. What else can I do?”
“You could teach dancing.”
“Yeah, maybe.” She shrugs and drops into the seat across from him, “I dunno, though. I mean, sure, I have a degree but it’s a General Education degree. And I wouldn’t want people to come to learn from me simply because of who I am.”
“Look, if you don’t like your job, then quit.”
“It’s not that simple.”
“Why not?”
“Well, there’s a contract, for one. And, for another…I dunno. Change is scary, I guess.”
Hunter stares at her for a moment, and he smiles. “You know. You don’t look anything like the woman who performs on stage.”
“Makeup is the great equalizer.” She jokes.
“I think you’re much prettier like this. Without all of the makeup and the wigs.”
She laughs softly and averts her gaze for a moment, and then her gaze locks with his, “Well. You’d be alone in thinking that.”
“Come on, man. I’ve been told since I was a teenager that I’m not good enough as I am.” She shrugs, “You hear something enough times, and you start to think it about yourself, right?”
“You know. I think I hate your parents.”
Her head falls back as she laughs, “Have you seen some of the outfits they okayed for me when I was still a kid? My stylist dressed me like a porn star.”
Hunter grins at her, “And when did you get those? The tattoos.”
“The first one was when I was 18. After the court cases were over. And then another one at 19, and my back piece was finished shortly before I turned 20.” She says as she holds out her arm so he's able to see the vines and flowers, next to the musical notes on her leg.
“A backpiece, huh?”
“A butterfly." She explains, "What about you? When did you get yours.”
“19. All of them at 19.”
“All of them? The face one is obvious, but you have more?”
“Oh yeah. I was a dumb kid and went all in on the skeleton thing.” Hunter replies with a grin, “It goes all the way down.”
“No way.”
“Your artist didn’t try to talk you out of it?” She asks.
“Oh, he tried. He’s also an older brother, so he didn’t try all that hard.”
“How many brothers do you have?”
“A lot. There’s so many of us.” Hunter stands and heads to the door, “Come on, sunshine. Let’s work on your knots.”
“Ugh. Not more knots.”
“Yup. You gotta learn.”
“Fiiiine.” She sighs as she gets to her feet, “But I want to see your chest tattoo.”
“Only if I can get a look at your tattoos.”
Hunter leads her to where the rope is located and gets her started on her knots before he leans back and watches her. She’s, actually, very talented. His sunshine has deft fingers, and a good memory.
She’d make a good deckhand. 
Plus, in her own words, she’s not very happy with the lack of privacy that comes with being a pop star. She does it because she feels like she has no choice.
Also, she’s cute and he likes looking at her. 
Watching the “Pop Musical Sensation Galatic Mint” shed her skin and turn into a normal woman, with normal likes and dislikes, has been eye-opening.
Watching her fold back into her shell will be heartbreaking.
She’s staring at him, her head tilted to the side, “You’re staring.”
“You’re pretty. Very starable.”
“Come on, Hunter.”
He laughs, “I’m being honest, but I’m also thinking.”
“You’re pretty good at this. You’d be welcome on my crew if you wanted a place.”
“What? Give up the glitz and glam for a life on a ship?”
“You hate the glitz and glam.”
“Well, you’re not wrong about that.” She admits.
“I need to tell you something,” Hunter says, “Something I should have told you earlier.”
She paused mid-knot, “What’s wrong?”
“Your stalker,” Hunter says slowly, “He’s escalating.”
“Well, yeah. That’s what the Federal Agents said when the sheep head was sent to my home.” She replies, “And the attempted assassination—”
“He’s murdered three women.”
“Women who look like you.” Hunter says, “Well, who look like you when you perform, at least.”
“Oh my god,” 
“Listen, this isn’t your fault.”
“But if I hadn’t left—”
“Then you’d probably be dead now.”
She stares at him and sets the rope on the table, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t want you to stress about it.” Hunter admits, he reaches across the table and takes your hand in his, “Listen. My brothers have called in a profiler and someone else to help them. They think they’re getting close now.”
She doesn’t say anything for a moment, “I’m going to have to retire from performing.”
“Women are dying. Because of me.”
“Yes, Hunter. I might not be killing them, but they are dying because of me.” She squeezes his hand, “How am I supposed to live with that?”
“I don’t know. But you’re going to have to.” Hunter says quietly.
“Do you blame me?”
He squeezes her hands and she trails off, “Listen to me. You could have shot them yourself, and I still wouldn’t blame you, okay?”
“That would…definitely be my fault then, Hunter.”
“You would have had good reason, I’m sure.”
She laughs weakly, “You’re a good man, Hunter.”
“Not that good.”
“No, you are.” She smiles at him weakly, “Um…I’m not really feeling being social. Do you mind if I just hang out below deck today?”
“Of course not.”
She gently pulls her hands from his grasp and gets to her feet, and then she drops a light kiss on his cheek, “Thank you, Hunter.”
“For what?”
“For listening. And protecting me.”
“You don’t have to thank me for that, Sunshine.” He pauses, “Sunshine.”
“No phone calls.”
“I remember.” She replies.
Hunter watches as she heads to the stairs that lead below deck, and he sighs and closes his eyes. Maker, he’s an idiot.
“Hey, sunshine.”
She pauses on the stairs and turns to look at him, “Yeah?”
“Hold on a second.” He gets to his feet and crosses over to her.
She moves to stand on the deck again, “Something wrong?”
“Not wrong, so much as I’m something of an idiot.”
“I don’t—?”
Hunter brings his hand up to cup her cheek, and she blinks at him in confusion. “Like I said, I’m an idiot,” He jokes, before he leans in and brushes her lips with his own.
It can’t even be called a proper kiss, so much as a promise for more, if she’s willing.
When Hunter pulls back her eyes are wide, and she looks flustered.
“Was that alright?” He asks softly.
“Um…yeah. It was more than alright, actually.” She replies softly, “Can we do it again?”
He chuckles and leans in, and his lips are about to press against hers when the phone up in the wheelhouse rings loudly. “Hold that thought.” Hunter takes the stairs two at a time and grabs the phone, “Yeah?”
“Hunter, it’s Fives.”
“Hey, vod. What’s up?”
“Listen. It was one of the agents.” Fives speaks quickly, “They pulled some strings, and they know where you are.”
Hunter goes cold, “Is he on the way?”
“Yes. The Feds are hoping to intercept him before he arrives at the Marauder. But, well.”
“It’s not going to happen.”
“No. He’s also killed three more women in the last week. That’s a total of at least 6 victims. Probably more based on some of the information that Phee and Tech have given me.”
“And he’s heading here.”
“Thanks for the heads up, Fives.”
“Happy hunting, vod.”
“Will do.” Hunter hangs up the phone and heads back down to the deck. “You need to get below deck, Sunshine.”
She stares at him, eyes wide, “He found us, didn’t he?”
“Yeah, so it seems. Below deck. No one is going to hurt you so long as I’m around.” Hunter promises.
Slowly, she nods and turns to head below deck. Hunter follows her to the bottom of the stairs and grabs the fire door, to pull it shut.
“Be careful.” She whispers.
“Always am, Sunshine.” He pulls the fire door shut and makes sure that it’s properly sealed before he heads up and grabs his guns out of the safe, making sure that they’re loaded and the safety is off.
His Sunshine will be safe, any other option is out of the question. This asshole has terrorized her for long enough. It’s time to end this.
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skygemspeaks · 1 year
I finally got to sit down and finish episode one, and i've got some thoughts!!
I think that introducing garp as a big player right from the get go is a really great idea. His presence at the execution made sense, and his dynamic with roger did well to help establish both of their characterisations
Roger's actor did a phenomenal job with the eerie laugh and his complete irreverance in the face of his own death. I love how he delivered the wealth fame power speech!
It was a bit surprising to me that they showed roger actually getting killed, but honestly i'm in total approval of this direction they're taking with the live action. I really like the more brutal approach, especially because oda's refusal to kill anyone outside of flashbacks pre-marineford is one of the biggest complaints i tend to hear from people. Seeing zoro dragging around the top half mr 7's corpse was so jarring, but it was a good choice
Ilia's perfrmance as alvida was absolutely amazing. I like that they changed her catchphrase from the most beautiful woman on the seas to the most powerful
Overall, i really like the different transitions between plot points, and how this episode set things up in future arcs. All the different things that go on in shells town feel so much more better interconnected than they did in the manga. I'll go into this more in another post, but like one example of what i'm talking about is how the reason zoro allowed himself to be tied to the post was because morgan threatened that if he didn't agree to it, he wouldn't be able to collect any more bounties from any marine bases. It also gives zoro mire of a reason to join luffy - he knows that at this point there's no eay he can continue being a bounty hunter now that morgan has it out for him. So how else is he going to meet other strong swordsmen? By joining a pirate crew of course.
The shanks flashback was awesome! His dynamic with luffy was really endearing, and again i do like that they didn't have higuma attack shanks. That's one thing that never really made sense to me in the manga - i get thst yoy don't have to solve everything with violence, but there's no reason for shanks not to have fought back against someone who was attacking him, even if he did know they couldn't possibly hurt him
Also on shanks' flashback - the scene where he found out luffy had eaten the devil fruit was AMAZING. What a fantastic idea to have little luffy framed in sunlight! And the utter heartbreak on shanks' face as he realizes that there's no way luffy will ever be able to have a normal life now...
Of course, we gotta mention the snippet of Binks' Sake we heard in the scene where shanks is stitching up luffy's cut. I recognized it instantly and it made me really emotional. Love all these little easter eggs they have for long time fans of the series. In addition to this there was alsp the cavendish, foxy, and bellamy wanted posters which we knew about from the trailer
Speaking of wanted posters - what a COOL way to introduce the other pirates!
Morgan going on his monologue about capturing kuro is SO funny know what's gonna happen on a few episodes. Oda played it a lot more subtle in the manga but i like that they came right out and said it here.
And while we're talking about foreshadowing, it was a fantastic idea to include the mr 7 fight in this season! I really hope we get a season 2, just sp we can get the payoff for this great setup.
I'm a little sad that we didn't get to see the luffy and koby hug that was shown in the behind the scenes video (i think that was the one?). I really hope that wasn't cut because i loved that little scene. Maybe it'll happen later in the season?
Buggy's introduction at the end of the episode was SO good. I loved his whole vibe, with him lounging so confidently in his chair, his creepy laugh, everything. I'm excited to see the next episode! They better not have cut chouchou out 😭
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drawartisho2004 · 3 months
Hello !
So, some years ago, when I was watching Beetlejuice the movie over and over again back around 2021, I discover something odd and, let's say this, creepy about Betelgeuse (No way ?!) and since the trailer for Beetlejuice Beetlejuice is out, I thought it was a good time to share something I had in my mind since I watched the first movie.
So, you know the scene where Lydia goes to the attic to say goodbye to the Maitlands after she writes her suicide note ? Here, she meets Betelgeuse for the second time in the movie. Let's focus on Betelgeuse's appearance:
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So, we can see he is wearing a dressing gown, but inside of it, there is something else:
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There's something on his chest. We can also see it in the following scene:
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And then:
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Now, we can see it disappears in the second picture. When you check this scene carefully and closely in motion, you can see the weird looking square slightly move until its gone.
(If you want to check this yourself, you can go on Movieclips channel for free on Youtube)
Now, it seems logical to me that what he had on his chest is a polaroid picture.
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It would make sense.
But then, what or who is on this photo ? We only see the white part of it which is the back of the polaroid picture. Now, with how creepy Betelgeuse is, it will not surprise anyone if this photo concern one of the main cast, Lydia Deetz. That would explain why we don't see it.
Of course, it can be anyone, but it would sound totally random if it was Delia or even Sarah. Especially when we know that Betelgeuse has a sudden interest in Lydia around half of the movie:
''We come for your daughter, Chuck.''
''The only one I think I can dealt with, is Edgar Allan Poe's daughter. I think she understands me.''
Luckily, we have some proof that can confirm this suspicion.
''Beetlejuice Goes Hawaiian was the name of the script to a possible second Beetlejuice movie which never made in into production. (...)''
-Description From Beetlejuice Wiki I Fandom
I know, I know. Beetlejuice Goes Hawaiian is not canon, I know that. Then, why still adding it as some kind of proof ? Well, you'll see when I get to the second point.
In the script, Betelgeuse is working as a janitor in an ''Afterlife Supermarket'', where, from time to time, will take an old photograph out of his pocket and look at it fondly. He will try to look at it in multiple occasions if he wasn't disturb every time by a character named Ahi. Later on, it is revealed to be Lydia in the photo.
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(Page 4 to 5)
Without counting the amount of attempt Betelgeuse make to woo Lydia to convince her to marry him once again, using a love potion and literally try to kill her in the end because he wanted her so bad. Which show how much of a interest (if not obsession) he had for her.
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Finally, after all these years, Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (Beetlejuice 2) came at last.
In the trailer, he has a picture of Lydia Deetz back in the day when she was a teenager on his desk. Where he can look at it every. single. time.
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------Going back to Beetlejuice Goes Hawaiian, I have a feeling that the all ''Betelgeuse have a picture of Lydia this all time'' was planned from the very beginning. Even tho Beetlejuice Goes Hawaiian is not canon, Tim Burton clearly seems to have liked the idea. As if Betelgeuse was not creepy enough.
Someone probably point this out years, years ago. 100% sure of this. But hey, at least I got this out of my head. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyway, I can't wait to see what Tim Burton reserves for us this September.
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thesnazzysharky · 3 months
Analyzing and reviewing some more stuff in the SOUP update for SJSM
So, in my last post talking about the SOUP update, I missed out on some things that I want to comment on. Obviously this won't be as long as my previous post, but I hope you enjoy regardless.
Miscellaneous Stuff
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The funny red gummy worm mfs have 3d models now and judging from this still screenshot they'll actually move like worms. I really dig this change because not only will it make the pink and yellow room more surreal when you step into it, but it also makes it more clear that the worms are... well, worms, since that wasn't really made obvious in the original version where they were just 2d red lines moving across the floor. Very nice.
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The bones that we see throughout the mansion will also be getting 3d models. A small but very great improvement. Always thought it was a bit lame and odd that the bones were 2d images. Especially since the skeleton of the Romantic Victim was a 3d model. Now all of them are 3d and will add to the atmosphere instead of looking out of place.
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And there's this pic of Ringu showing her sharp teeth. Not much to say other than it looks cool.
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Before we move on, I just want to talk about Beef Demon's redesign again. In the last post I kinda dunked on the dude, but after seeing him move around a bit and realizing he doesn't look as skinny as I originally thought thanks to that little showcase video Hoolopee posted on Twitter, I think he actually looks pretty cool and unnerving. I especially like the texture on him. It kinda makes him look like he's made out of meat, something I think the original model should have implied more. I think I'll start to prefer this model to the older once I get used to it. I think Jenbobby explained it best. The trailer just did my boy dirty.
Specimen 9
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So, another design that I'm a bit mixed on. My guy do be looking like a cranky ass old man who just got woken up from his nap, but on the other hand, I do like how they lean more into the "disembodied head made out of clay" aspect. He actually looks like he's made out of clay here, which is pretty cool.
But, he just looks a bit odd to me and isn't as creepy as the original model in my opinion. I feel like the neck plays a factor into this as well as it looks a bit too long. Decent model I suppose, just think this one will take some getting used to.
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As for his boss form, the redesign here is... decent. I think he is too brightly colored and his head and jaw looks odd which makes him look less creepy to me, but it's a solid model.
Specimen 13
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Originally I thought Specimen 13's model wasn't changed at all, but they actually did alter it a bit. Her hair is now slightly shorter and has changed a bit in appearance. Her fish body has went from blue to a more teal looking color and the end of her tail is a more triangular shape rather than looking like a typical fish tail. It also seems like compared to her original model, her breasts got a bit of a buff... nice so have fun with that.
Anyways, I do like this model, but I think the textures could've been done better. Comparing the models, her hair and the scales on her fish half look lower quality on the new model, which is odd. I also don't like how the end of her tail went from resembling the tail of a fish to... I don't even know what it's supposed to be anymore. Again, the model is pretty great, but it unfortunately gets brought down by the textures and tail.
Specimen 7
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Wow... now this... this is a glow up. I already enjoyed Specimen 7's design before, but holy shit, this is amazing. The faces look like they're in more agony than ever, overall detail has been improved, and it looks more scarier overall. I don't know what else to add other than that this redesign is similar to how Spooper's redesign was handled. Do exactly what you did before... but just better. Move over Old Specimen 10 Eel Thing, because THIS is EASILY the best redesign from this update hands down. Specimen 7 fans are eating 100%.
Anyways, that's about it really. Not much else to say other than although it seems to be pretty controversial so far, I'll be gladly waiting for the SOUP update despite its faults I'll never forgive them for what they did to Bab though.
One more thing though...
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You're telling me the mf behind the redesigns in this update is the same mf behind this? A-am I the only one shocked?
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chemicallywrit · 11 months
Audio Drama Sunday!!!
Again this is far from comprehensive because I am a feral podcast monster, but here’s what stuck out to me this week! Mostly spoiler-free, unless you count vibes as spoilers!
🗡️ Cry Havoc! Ask Questions Later managed to have a happy? Ending? Honestly the way it managed to be a hilarious historical sitcom with an ending that chilling was MASTERFUL. Great job writers, y’all are fantastic. It is obviously not absolutely true to what we know about Roman history, but it is true to the spirit of it in a way that’s really satisfying for me personally.
🦀 @thesiltverses oh MAN. The way this story says again and again that you cannot earn your way out of being trampled by a system that doesn’t care about you hits every. Single. Time. And what are you going to do, try to remake that system? There are always going to be people who can’t handle that and fight against you, to their own detriment. This story is fantastical and exaggerated, but it’s always so real at the same time.
👁️ @hellofromthehallowoods is trying to kill me, straight up. I have no idea what Halloween will bring for this show and i’m dying. It’s very difficult to predict storylines on Hallowoods and that’s something I love about it. Will this pair break up? Will this pair die for their cause? Will this pair find each other again, even through death? Shoutout to the great guests this episode, I always enjoy seeing who Mx Wellman invites into the world.
🔎 @knovesstorytelling okay look, y’all, I have never read Northanger Abbey, so I don’t know why Kit’s being told to pack her bags and get out, and I am so UPSET. What’s going on????
📉 Within the Wires is back!! And my WORD, the juxtaposition of this season being motivational tapes while listening to the current season of The Dream about life coaches?? I am transfixed and horrified, let’s GO.
🎟️ @longcatmedia Mockery Manor. I love these clowns so much. I love that Bette is really smart and really dumb at the same time. Everyone’s acting is top notch, but I’m especially a fan of Karim Kronfli in this show. Everyone knows he’s got the range, but it’s so fun listening to him be this fussy little guy.
👻 One of the shows I’ve been catching up on is Ghosts in the Burbs, a deceptively spooky and delightfully witty single-narrator ghost show. I’m listening through the Lilith arc and….woof. WOOF. I know how it ends and it’s still terrifying.
🩸 IT’S HEMOPHOBIA DAY, omg, everyone please check out Hemophobia, I am so excited for Hemophobia. It’s sitting in my queue staring at me with that creepy-ass logo art. I’ve talked with CSW about this show and heard the trailer—religious trauma horror with amazing sound design and an amazing cast??? You kidding???? I am drooling over here. Join me, won’t you?
🧟‍♀️ This week is also the premier of The Dead! As soon as that feed appears I’ll be putting it everywhere, and I’m so excited to show everyone the first series. You’ve heard of snakes on a plane….
💐 On my end, as Re: Dracula continues its march to the finale, this week I find myself recording Inn Between and The Dead. I am still trying to make rent ahead of my new job’s first paycheck, so if you liked this post or the other things I do, would you consider sending me a ko-fi?
Now if you’ll excuse me, I will be listening to Hemophobia very quietly and very scared by myself in the dark. Until next week!
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zazora · 2 months
So I just saw Longlegs and holy shit that was one hell of a movie. While the trailers and promotional stuff did overhype it a bit, it was still an amazing horror movie. This was also one of those horror movies that isn’t really scary, but more so disturbing and dreadful. I know some people found it boring, but I liked the slow burn feel to it.
Nicolas Cage killed it as longlegs, he’s genuinely creepy to watch. Loved his performance. The cinematography was also better than I thought it would be, I loved the way most scenes were framed, especially the beginning. The twist at the end was a bit predictable, but it was still engaging to watch. It’s a solid 8/10 for me.
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darkstarofchaos · 4 months
Yet more EarthSpark S2 spoilers.
And now for some general thoughts about the season itself.
Where was Nightshade during all this? They are a main character, why did they not have so much as a subplot in another character's focus episode? People talk about Thrash getting sidelined, but he had a whole episode plus a paired episode with Twitch. Nightshade is barely there, and when they are, it's either a battle scene or sharing the scientific spotlight with Wheeljack.
Speaking of Thrash, I liked his episode. I would like to think finding a random Quintesson on earth and then shooting it into space will have repercussions later in the season, especially with the Quint lore in the final episode. But now that the Decepticons are just flat and evil, I might not even watch that far.
Why are the Decepticons interchangeable now? Starscream and Shockwave are the only ones allowed a personality beyond "smash stuff". And yes, I'm counting Breakdown in that, because he's a shadow of his former self, and the whole thing with him being a parent to Aftermath got dropped after five minutes. And you know, I might be giving Shockwave too much credit, because disagreeing with your leader on one course of action isn't a personality trait. And Starscream's ultimate goal is apparently just smash stuff. So you know what, I'll amend that, why do none of the Decepticons have a personality beyond smash stuff?
Like. Twitch ends up in the Decepticon base in the guise of Spitfire, and we don't get a single characterization moment. I guess the Cons all just stand and snarl at each other when they aren't on missions.
On the other hand, I don't understand why so many people were confused that the Decepticons were following Starscream, because why wouldn't they? He seems to have been doing a fine job, judging by the number of Emberstone shards the Cons had. I get that most Starscreams can't get support to save their lives (often through no fault of their own), but the Decepticons here seem to have no reason not to follow him.
Moving on from the Decepticons, I'd have to call the trailer episode and the carnival episode the worst of the lot. The whole subplot with Robbie having a crush was the most uncomfortable thing I've had to sit through in a while, and I would not voluntarily watch it again. And the trailer episode was just tedious. I get having something more relaxed in between the Spitfire two-parter and the finale, but couldn't they have found any other plot for it? People rag on the bear episode, but at least that had a nice little lesson about not messing with people's prostheses rolled in. This episode was just. Nothing. But it did come with a distinct lack of squicky "feeling your brother's crush through your psychic bond" stuff, so I'll give it that it's rewatchable.
Okay, this was a problem with S1 too, but that psychic bond has to go. It's creepy and invasive, and it's only going to get more so as the humans get older and start exploring adult relationships. At least give them some way to close it or otherwise shield themselves from it (it's also a constant plot hole, because characters often end up in danger that the others somehow don't notice. Like, is there a range on this psychic thing? How far apart do they have to be before they can't feel each other anymore? This thing is not explained well enough, and I don't see why it even needs to exist).
Assorted episode nitpicks:
That is not how you dispose of hard drives. Why did you not wipe them before recycling.
No food ever touches the plates on the dinner table in the Quintesson episode. I am unreasonably bothered by this.
How did none of the adults think to address Spitfire's insistence on being part of the mission by pointing out that Twitch is older and more experienced than her? Like, yeah, Spitfire probably wouldn't have cared, but someone should still have put their foot down and said she can't go on a mission until she's had some training.
Megatron, you are the only non-participant who can fly and the final stretch of that obstacle course was over a ravine. Why were you not in a position where you could quickly help out if someone fell? Twitch wouldn't have had to go back to save Alex herself and the whole thing with Spitfire being mad because she crossed the finish line first wouldn't have happened if you had positioned yourself more strategically.
Actually, Megatron proposed the race, Megatron wasn't close enough to be helpful during the race, and Megatron said they needed to let Twitch and Spitfire sort things out themselves, which resulted in Twitch getting bodyswapped. Every problem in this episode was Megatron's fault. Optimus, why are you not vetoing any of this? Why are you just standing there and letting Megatron pit kids against each other? You're a leader, do some leading!
On the other hand, Megatron wanting to resolve everything by letting the arguing parties fight it out is on brand for him, so like. Kudos for characterization, now get an adult in here.
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Ok guys hot take #2….
The new trailer for the physical release of sjsm came out yesterday and I have some…thoughts. First off….
I fucking hate the new models. Like holy shit.
But first I’ll start with what I do like, cause it’s not all bad.
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Beef demon looks- alright? I really like that they gave him goat feet and his hands look more creepy although I don’t get why his arms are so long. Also his big eyes throw me off. But not too bad.
Deer lord and Ringu also look alright and their gameplay seems to be the same. They do look a bit malnourished, but not too bad over all. Also we finally can see specimen 13 swimming in the water!!!!! Also we can see the ex-specimen 11 and spooper who look good! Specimen 3 looks the best and absolutely terrifying.
I am excited to see if they change some death screens or themes. That’s what I really want to know and I’m kinda hyped for a possible specimen 7 death screen and gameplay changes. Also the white cat looks cute!
Now for what I don’t like….
Now I already spoke about the parasite, and my stance still stands. They look god awful but I went into that in that previous post. Ben looks British and still looks super off. My issue is with specimen 2 and ESPECIALLY bab.
Specimen 2 is so god damn thin and they look elongated for some reason. They look so fucking goofy. Also his animation when he comes out of a puddle is so quick and looks like it cuts at the end. (But that could be an animation glitch so I’ll let it slide for now) Now bab has the worst case of being so fucking thin for no reason.
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Like damn bitch I didn’t know skinny people need representation cause WTF. Why is she runway model thin. I know she’s supposed to be a “mannequin” but holy shit I’ve seen mannequins at the mall less skinny than her. Not to mention her movement and model in general looks so weird and moves just as awkwardly.
They basically shattered all hope I had that they would try to improve the models but what I’ve seen probably will be final. Most of my complaints chalk down to the models and art direction. Mostly since we haven’t seen much gameplay, but it’s hard to mess that up. So I think it’s mostly just the models that suck fuck.
I swear they’re going to make everyone so skinny. I fear what the old man, taker, and some of the doll house characters will look like.
I just hope for more specimen 14 content at the least.😔
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raibebe · 1 year
Moving foreward
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Genre: fluff Words: 2.457 Prompt: Samoyed hybrid Jeno x fem. reader
Warnings: unspecific allusions to childhood trauma, allusions to genetic modification
A/N: MY BABY IS BACK! And more baby and insecure than ever because this is set very early in the story and we get to learn some of his background! Bonus points for everyone who can guess which game he was playing. Also please appreciate the header, I ripped my hair out for streamer Jeno.
Hybridverse masterlist
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“Wow, I can’t believe they’d just end it like that,” Jeno shook his head, falling back into his chair as he stared blankly at the ending screen of the game he had been playing on stream, “I need answers. This can’t be it. I know this isn’t it.” “We missed a few clues in the mines and the hospital I think,” he read a comment from his chat, “The mines were so creepy, you can’t blame me for that,” he whined, his ears flattening into his fluffy hair, “I was busy not getting that annoying girl killed even though she deserved it for being an absolute ass.” At that, his chat broke out in laughing emotes. “Am I wrong though?” He giggled, closing the game and enlarging his facecam for the viewers instead, so they didn’t have to look at the menu screen. For the cozy atmosphere that he was always striving for, he pulled up his curated playlist of calming videogame soundtracks. 
 “So… I kinda didn’t think we’d be able to finish so quickly, so I don’t really have anything else planned,” he admitted, “We could just jump into some other game real quick but I’m not in the mood for any shooters right now and I might launch myself out of my chair when I get jumpscared again.” He scanned the chat for good suggestions for a little while, his eyes darting over to the clock at the bottom of his screen. It was already quite late and the last half an hour of that game had been way too intense. So maybe he could just cut the stream early today and just get some extra cuddles. That would be nice. He’d very much like some cuddles. And maybe some ear scratches. 
 “Will you be playing ‘No home for us’ once it’s out?” He read out a question from one of his mods. “You know actually,” Jeno sighed, nervously picking at his cuticles, he knew that this question would be coming up sooner or later and that his answer might be unexpected. “I won’t.” Before he could even explain himself, his chat exploded with messages and confused emotes, the messages coming in so fast, twitch was barely able to buffer all of them. “Wait, wait wait, let me explain,” he asked, taking a deep breath to collect his thoughts, “I think the game is going to be great. From what I’ve seen in the trailers and promotional videos, it’s going to bring attention to lots of valid concerns regarding us hybrids and the graphics are absolutely phenomenal. But… But I think the story will hit too close to home for me. I don’t think I’d be in the right mindset to play this and for my mental health, I’ll refrain from playing it on stream. Maybe I’ll take a look and play it in private so I can tell you guys my thoughts on it at least. But I really can’t do this on stream for my own safety.”
 The tone of the chat messages immediately turned from confused to concerned at his words. The game was supposed to be a heavily story-based game following the journey of three different hybrids and it had been praised to high heavens because of that. But especially the story of the female cat hybrid had made the hairs at the back of Jeno’s neck stand up just from seeing the promotional videos and the behind-the-scenes the company had sent him because they obviously wanted hybrid content creators to talk about their game. It was eerily similar to his story even though hers would probably be even more dramatic for obvious reasons of storytelling and would only have a happy ending if you made the correct choices throughout the game. And Jeno already knew that if he were sitting alone in his streaming room, he’d go insane with anxiety over every little choice he had made because he needed this potential happy ending to happen or he’d just end up crying. 
“I- I’ve never really spoken about my story and how I ended up here but I know some longtime followers have probably a good understanding of it,” Jeno mused, sipping on his Redbull just to get a sense of comfort from having the stupid metal straw in his mouth. A coping mechanism - and a comparatively healthy one or so his therapist had told him.
 “Yeah, my story sadly isn’t the one of the golden retriever hybrid,” he laughed uncomfortably, “No privileged background despite my breed. I- I actually grew up in a shelter for most of my life and I’ll always be incredibly grateful for how good care I was receiving there, the social workers really did their best trying to take care of me and all the others.” “Prestigious breed,” Jeno read the comment flying past, his head tilting in confusion, “What’s that even supposed to mean.” He could only snort. Unsure if he should be angry and tell this person off or if he should’ve just ignored the comment to avoid fueling the discussion further. “I mean I guess Samoyeds are on the rarer side of Hybrids but there’s more to it - to me - than that. Multiple factors go into adoption and- Maybe I should do a whole video about this. With a dramatic title and all.” Jeno cut himself short with a giggle before he could get worked up about it. Some people - humans - just didn’t know what life was like for lots of hybrids. Especially the younger humans who didn’t know much about the history and the continuous fight of Hybrids for basic human rights. And while it was seen as normal for Hybrids to attend college and school nowadays, they still had a long way to go until they’d reach true equality.
“Our family just took in a cat hybrid the other day from a shelter and it has been such a process and a half.” “I’m glad to hear that”, Jeno smiled, “Not that it’s been so hard but that you decided to take someone in need in. And I  hope you’ll take the time and effort to try to understand them and learn if they need any special care so you can provide for them. I should really just make a video on this since you’re always so interested in anything hybrid matters. And you really seemed to like the last video where my girlfriend helped to test just how good my sense of smell really is.”
“I’ve actually thought about telling my story multiple times but- But it’s really not a pretty story. And I never wanted my platform to be about me as a person but rather about the games and just having fun and making your days better with it, maybe making some fun content about hybrids with my friend but that’s it. And I already know that if I end up telling my story, people will be nasty about it and tell me that I’m only doing it for attention. But at the same time, this obviously is a huge part of my life and why I am the person I am today and maybe I can do something good for the community if I use my platform to call attention to things like that.”
 A soft knock on the door pulled Jeno from his train of thought, his head snapping to where you quietly slipped into the room. Despite the heavy topic feeling like a weight pressing down on his chest, he couldn’t fight the smile that spread on his lips nor how his tail started wagging. “Hi puppy,” you whispered, mirroring his smile. Making sure that your face was out of the camera shot, you stepped into the frame, letting Jeno pull you close with a grip around your waist. “Thought you might need some company,” you explained yourself, shyly waving to the viewers who were welcoming you warmly. “I’m okay,” Jeno promised, taking a deep breath to fill his lungs with your comforting smell. “You think it’s a good idea?” “Telling your story?” In lieu of an answer, he simply nodded, looking up at you from beneath his lashes. Smiling, you playfully scratched beneath his chin, always endlessly endeared with his puppy-like mannerisms.
“I think it could be a really good thing. To shine a light on some stuff people don’t really talk about and to make people pay attention to things they didn’t know existed,” you spoke your mind, “But it will also make you very vulnerable and I don’t know if you feel comfortable doing that. It’s- It’s a heavy topic just like you said and I don’t know what it’ll do to you mentally if you revisit that time.” “So you’re saying that I shouldn’t do it,” Jeno asked, his brows pulled together in a frown. “That’s not what I said,” you smiled, gently rubbing your thumb through the crease to make him stop frowning, “I know you’re much stronger than when we first met and that you grew so much as a person in such a short time but these memories are- they’re traumatic and you know I hate nothing more than seeing you distressed or in pain.” 
With a glance to his chat that seemed to just be filled with his cute samoyed heart emote, Jeno took a deep breath, giving in to the urge to bury his face in your stomach, nuzzling into the comforting smell of your laundry detergent and something just inherently you. “I asked Doyoung for my files a while back. I have them here but I didn’t have the courage to look into them.” “Do you wanna do that?” You whispered, carefully taking his headset off so you could card your hands through his silky hair and scratch your nails gently against his scalp and along the base of his ears to relax him. “I think I do,” he whispered back, “I wanna do this. I need to know.” “Then I’ll be here to support you,” you smiled, resisting the urge to kiss the crown of Jenos head to keep your face off of the internet, “For every step of the way.” “Love you,” he mumbled into the fabric of your shirt but you were so used to hearing the words from him that you understood them anyways. “Love you too, pup.” Playfully, you pulled his chair off-screen, swallowing his surprised yelp with a sweet kiss. “I have to end the stream,” he sighed against your lips but contradictory to his words, he stole another kiss that you couldn’t help but smile into, butterflies erupting in your stomach like it was the first kiss you shared. “I’ll wait in bed,” you promised, carefully rolling Jeno back into the frame of his facecam. 
Smiling fondly, you watched him stumble over his words with a pinkened face as he said goodbye to his followers. “I- Uhm- Yeah. Oh god,” he giggled, putting his hands on his cheeks to cool down his burning face, “Yeah. I- Like. Uhm. Bye?” At his flustered stuttering, the heart emotes in his chat were replaced by laughing emotes and only then did Jeno notice that his mods must have changed the chat to emote-only mode possibly due to the comments either being mean or it becoming so many, they couldn’t monitor all of them for his mental health. “We can leave the emote-only mode now I think,” he smiled gently, “Everyone, say thank you to our mods for keeping this a safe and positive space.”
“How dare my favorite streamer make me feel single,” he read out a comment, immediately feeling more blood rush to his face, “Well, yeah for those who don’t know or haven’t suspected, that was my girlfriend and I guess we’re going to try and figure out more about my story and stuff… And eventually, I’ll post a video and share as much as I feel comfortable. To… You know raise awareness and actually use my platform for something else rather than getting jumpscared by scary-looking creatures in an old asylum.” “Hmm, yeah, I don’t know what we’ll do on Friday yet. I have to see if Haechan and Chenle are free, so we can play keep expanding our base in ‘The Forest’ and get some more exploring done for once. Yeah… Oh no, I absolutely haven’t forgotten that Chenle betrayed me and left me by myself with that crazy mutant. I’ll get my revenge.” “So yeah, we’ll let you guys know beforehand if the terrible trio will get together on Friday or if I play something by myself. There is this new ghost-hunting game I wanted to give a shot. But until then, stay safe, be kind and don’t forget to stay hydrated. Bye bye, guys.” 
Smiling into the camera and blowing a kiss to it, Jeno turned off his stream. Sighing, he slumped back into his chair for a bit, staring at the empty overlay of his streaming software. He was really going to do this. With his heartbeat picking up and his blood loudly rushing through his veins, he slowly reached out to the bottommost drawer of his desk. The drawer was empty, safe for two things: A thick, light brown file with his name written in Doyoung’s neat handwriting and the stamp of the shelter and an almost sterile-looking white one that just had the number 423 and a logo that resembled DNA splicing printed in black ink. The brown file didn’t worry him too much. Doyoung had already told him that it was mostly his medical records, court cases and documentation of his past failed adoptions. The white file on the other hand gave him chills just looking at it. He didn’t have many memories from when he was a young child - trauma-blocking his therapist had called it - but he could for some reason vividly remember the DNA splicing logo and it was enough to make him sick to the stomach. Gritting his teeth, he picked up the file to put it on his desk. Between all the dark equipment in his room, it stood out like a sore thumb. It clearly didn’t belong here. But whatever was documented in there, it was part of Jeno, no matter how much he hated it. “Tomorrow,” he whispered to no one but himself, pulling his lower lip between his sharp teeth. Tomorrow, he was going to ask you to sit down to look through the file. 
Tonight, he only wanted the comfort of your touch. And if he was demanding to be the small spoon that night, scrolling through Twitter to see the cute clips his fans had made of your visit to the streaming room, that was between him and his browser history. 
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ash5monster01 · 1 year
Ashley my love. I recently reread your masterlist, YOU ARE FANTASTIC. Just needed to shout that out =) I've got an idea for a story. Don't know if you like it but I give it a try, especially after discovering that Miles Teller is on your character List????? Omg yeah. Here it comes:
Miles and reader are best friends since for ever and always more than happy to film together. Her excitement is marred by a new regisseur who gives her instantly a bad feeling (guy is flirting with her, gives her creepy looks and stares whenever he gets the chance). The whole situation is getting worse when gets touchy and handsy and when he corners her when she's alone. The creep harasses her and even threatenes her that when she's not dating him or be more friendly to him he will end her career. Miles notices that there's a change in the behavior of his normally bubbly sunshine best friend. Got more details in my mind, but that doesn't mean that you have to use them in any way!!!!!! I imagine that Miles and her always sharing an apartment when they're together, so he notices her sleeping not well, hearing her having nightmares. But she always brushes him off. One day he finds her having a panic attack behind her trailer (the creep just touched her rough and claim her dating him)....yeah well I need some good angst, drama, some hurt and an protective Miles, a fluffy end mayhabs?!
Love ya girl, it would ne fantastic if you let me know if you like my idea
Not Yourself
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Pairing: Miles Teller x FemReader
Warnings: 18+ due to heavier themes, mentions of SA, abuse, depression, language, control issues, gaslighting, fluff
Summary: Being best friends for a long time can be like wearing rose colored glasses, ignoring the fact that feelings can change, touches can become more, and love can evolve into an entirely different thing. Some people ignore these signs for their entire lives but when Miles notices you’re not the same bubbly girl anymore he discovers a sad truth and in the midst of it all he can’t deny how he feels about you any longer.
a/n: I've had this request for ages and I am so sorry, I am busy literally all of the time and try to keep up with my own series and requests all the time. plz enjoy now that it is finally here xx
word count: 3,038
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It’s been three weeks. Three weeks since you stopped smiling as much, since you stopped looking him in the eye, since you stopped laughing at his jokes, since you stopped spending time with him, since you had a full night of sleep. He had heard you, crying, having nightmares, your sobs barely muffled by the door. He wished he could figure out when it all changed. Everything was fine. You both landed another project together, found a perfect apartment to use while filming, you had been so happy. It was the two of you against the world like always. Yet now it’s as if the sun didn’t shine and because of your broken smile the world couldn’t really thrive.
Being an actor in this industry was hard, you had heard the horror stories, yet you still took it on knowing you had your bestfriend by your side. From highschool plays until now you were continuing to face the craziness of this job head on. Luckily enough with him by your side, landing new projects together left and right. You figure you had gotten too comfortable, too blind with happiness to see the warning signs, too scared to say no when one of the producers had asked you on a date. You figured one date couldn't hurt, that you could just go and keep your job, make up an excuse to get out of a second date, but it was too late. You had let him in and now he held the power. He held more weight in the bustling world of show business and now his threats of debunking your career were enough to scare you silly.
It was supposed to be the fun part of the date, the walking you to the doorstep, pink cheeks hidden by the dark of the night and revealed in the glow of street lamps, a shy kiss shared under the porchlight. Instead it was a tight grip around your wrist, back pressed into the hard brick of the home, wide eyes, as he threatens to end your career if you don't date him. Then you finally realize all that flirting and staring he had done on set was more creepy and forceful than anything. Blood pulsing through your veins you agreed, a harsh and unwanted kiss forced upon your lips. You waited till he got in his car and left before breaking down in tears on the front steps. You had promised yourself you wouldn't be one of those Hollywood horror stories and yet here you were, blindsided, and completely alone. You couldn’t even tell Miles, the keeper to every secret and embarassing story in your life. Once you realized this you waited until the living room lights turned off before entering the home and hiding in your room so he couldn't see the heartbroken look on your face.
Now it had been three weeks of this torture. Unwarranted touching and kissing all over set and it was as if nobody noticed or they ignored it for their own benefit. That broke you more than anything. The only person to inquire about your change in demeanor your best friend Miles, but you denied him every time. Assuring him everything was okay even though it definitely wasn't. Your only safe place was your room at night, but the abuse had followed you into your dreams, nightmares startling you awake until you were too scared to fall sleep, tears taking place of sleep. So you learned to live with the pain, but the thing about holding everything in means it dulls the parts of you that shine brighter. It’s harder to smile when something so heavy sits on the weight of your shoulders. You just prayed nobody would really notice.
Opening your trailer door you were prepared to make it to set, thankful you were a good enough actor that your emotions hadn't tainted your performance. Least expected as always, the strong grip curled around your wrist, and practically tugged you off the trailer steps before pulling you around and out of sight of anyone passing by. Your heart instantly quickened and suddenly you were slammed against the cool metal of the trailer before his large hand wrapped around your ass. You let out a shaky breath due to the close proximity and he snarled in your face. Barring his teeth like a wild animal and you were instantly fear stricken, frozen in place, and prepared for more trauma to add to your plate. Another nightmare brewing just at the edge of your fingertips, not even your work place safe from the abuse.
"You look good today, just for me?" his hand squeezed tighter, heavy breaths landed on your face. Your stomach churned with disgust over his weird attraction towards you. "Bet you sat in that makeup chair, begging them to make you look good so I could have something to see"
His other hand finally let go of your wrist, wrapping around your neck, the coolness of his rings practically stinging you by the touch. You shuddered as his face closed in, warm mouth landing on your neck as he left wet kisses, devouring you like a meal in the worst way. You prayed it would be enough, that he would leave, but then his hand was gripping your chin, mouth landing againt your own, and tongue shoving inside your mouth despite how hard you tried to keep your lips closed. Tears burned at the back of your eyes but you knew not to let them fall, to not give him the satisfaction. After what felt like hours he finally let go, backing off with a sly smile on his face. Hiding your shuddering body he pointed in your direction.
"Keep that pretty little mouth shut" he sneered and then he was gone, leaving you behind the trailer in a broken heap, heart racing, and life ruined. Once you could no longer hear his footsteps you were on your knees, tears free falling as sobs raked your body. You couldn’t control it as the panic rushed through, anxiety closing your airways, as you tried to wrap your mind around what had just happened. Unexpected and harmful all the same. You were late for your scene, but as the panic attack set in you had no part of you that could care.
As for Miles he knew you'd never be late to a scene, you didn't want to be one of those dramatic Hollywood stars that let the fame get to your head. So when it had been ten minutes and you still weren't there the panic set in. He told the director he was off to find you and before he could protest Miles was out the door and running to your trailer. Without knocking he forced himself inside but you were not there, sighing he walked back out and that’s when he heard a cry. Just not any cry though, the same ones he had heard from your bedroom every night. Bending down he looked under the trailer to see you were behind it, a heap in the gravel as you cried your eyes out.
"Y/N!" he was around the trailer in a flash, dropping beside you as he cradled you in his arms. You cried against him, barely aware he was even there. He found tears seeping out of his own eyes as he tried to determine what was wrong with his best friend, his oldest friend, the girl he loved more than anything in the world.
"Miles" you finally cried, gripping onto him like he could disappear any second, and he found himself lifting his head, trying to calm his heart and he let it settle in that something was really really wrong.
"Y/N I want to help you but I need you to tell me what’s wrong" he finally said, pulling you close and rubbing a hand through your hair.
"I will, I promise, just not here. Please not hear, when we're home" you begged and he heard the desperation in your voice, the fear that strangled you from telling him the truth he needed three weeks ago.
"Okay, at home. You can tell me then, just please calm down" he cried and you nodded againt his chest, counting your breaths like you had practiced. He held you through it, silent as he allowed you support while you did what you needed to do. Finally you gave him a nod and he helped you to your feet. He wished you would tell the directors you were sick, that you’d do the scene tomorrow but he knew youd be mad that he suggested it so he walked you that direction anyway, wiping tears from his eyes and painting a fake smile on his face and he realized that's exactly what you had been doing the last three weeks.
After that you both had been jittery getting through the day. Finally the director called it and awkwardness enveloped you as you collected your things and headed towards Miles Bronco together. He did his best to keep silent as he drove you through the busy LA streets, driving towards the safe haven you both shared. Miles did his best to keep his mouth shut as he locked his car and unlocked the apartment door. You were very clealry distraught and he watched as you dumped your things on the kitchen counter, the weight of the world crushing you into the ground. So he moved towards the couch, very obviously leaving the seat open beside him for you to take and start explaining yourself. You knew not to fight it, you had made a promise, and you never broke a promise with Miles.
"I'm not taking anymore bullshit Y/N, I want the truth and all of it right now" he finally broke the silence as you took your seat beside him. Hugging a pillow to your chest, tears lined your eyes as you finally told him everything from the beginning. Miles did his best to not get angry and interrupt as you told your truth, the weight of the news much heavier than he expected.
"For three weeks, that's almost a whole month Y/N" guilt bloomed through your body and he pressed his head in his hands, trying to not let the anger consume him. Yet as he thought of how angry he was he was able to recognize the jealous pull. That some bastard got to kiss you without permission when he's been wanting to kiss you the way a real man should since college. He had never realized that he had hid that from himself all these years, denied himself of recognizing his attraction towards you. Stopped himself from loving you, and maybe if he didn't do that this would've never happened.
"I was scared he would hurt me, we were always alone" you told him, wanting him to know that you wanted him to know but sometimes fear controlled you in ways you couldn't explain.
"I was right inside that first night, I could've come out and stopped him" Miles argued and that’s when it hit him. The front porch, the doorbell, his phone. His eyes widened and you watched as his thoughts danced across his face.
"What is it?" you asked and without answering he rushed to his room, plugging in his phone as he opened the app that could hold the key to everything.
"Don't worry Y/N, I got a plan" sighing you let him hide out, making yourself some dinner. and trying to go to sleep despite knowing a nightmare would awake you soon. Yet when you woke up Miles was snoring softly beside you in your bed. A wave of calm rushed over you and you scooted closer before falling alseep again, the first real rest you had gotten in a long time.
When you woke up to your alarm he was no longer there, his car not even in the driveway. You figured he had early scenes and you had forgot. So you got ready, tried to slow your heart as you made your way to set, trying to prepare yourself for another day of torture. Yet before you could be called to set a knock sounded at your door, a worker telling you that you were needed in the table read room, a meeting with the show runners. Realizing that you were more than likely going to be fired you allowed a few tears to fall as you made your way in that direction. Your situation did not look good as you spotted the director, all the producers including your own abuser, and Miles all sat around the table.
"We're glad you could join us Y/N, have a seat" the director told you and you nodded, scurrying to the open seat beside Bradley.
"Usually we don't call meetings until production time John, what is it" one of the producers asked the director and John gave you a soft smile.
"Miles came forward to me today with some information I think we can't ignore" he finally said and your heart doubled in speed as you realized what he had done, started a battle you would never win without any evidence. "Mr. Conway here has been harrassing Y/N for the last three weeks, threatening to debunk her career if she told anyone"
"Oh this is bullshit and you know it" Conway said, but everyone clear as day could see the fear across his face.
"Miles has also provided evidence" John said before clicking the screen, ring doorbell footage of the first night appearing on screen. Miles hand wrapped around your own, knowing this would be tough to watch. It was hard for him to watch himself, crying the moment he realized you sat outside in tears waiting for him to go to bed.
The group watched as you and Conway approached the door holding hands, they all watched as his smile turned into a growl as he shoved you against the wall, fear clear as day on your face and he got so close you were breathing each others air. "If you don't agree to dating me I will proceed to make your life a living hell, you'll never be hired ever again, people will think of how trrible you are, your fans will hate you, after tonight your mine and if you tell absolutely anybody it’s game over, you'll never amount to anything ever again"
Then they all watched as you frantically nodded and he forced himself on you, you clearly trying to push him away. Then they watched him harshly release you, walk to his car, as you clearly sobbed on the front porch. John ending the video before they could see anymore, you clearly distraught from reliving that moment.
"We're going to allow Y/N to decide if she wants to press charges and I am fully prepared to pause production if you aren't willing to immediately terminate him" John informed them and you felt your heart warm over at the thought of him protecting you.
"We understand completely, Conway you’re fired. Have your things packed by the end of the day and be expecting a court order coming your way" relief washed over you completely as Conway sat there, shock all over him. Miles pulled you into a hug, Conway leaving the room with profanities falling from his mouth.
"We're sorry for this Y/N, if you need anything at all we're here for you. We will also testify in court if you choose to go in that direction" you nodded as they also got up and left the room. John placed a comforting hand on your back before leaving as well, a true hero in this situation.
"I can't believe you came forward for me" you told Miles, still hugging him like your life depended on it.
"I had too, your my bestfriend. I love you, I have always loved you" Miles told you, pushing some hair out of your face. Losing you was never an option.
"What if your plan didn't work?" you asked and he shrugged.
"Then I was quitting the movie" he told you earnestly and you smiled, pulling him tighter into your hug.
"I love you Miles" you told him and he smiled before pulling back a little.
"I know this probably isn't the right time but after all this I figure you deserve to know that I'm in love with you Y/N. I love you in that more than best friend way and after this whole disaster you deserve to know that beause you deserve to be loved the right way" for a moment you were shocked, allowing his words to sink in because there was a moment you considered you and Miles. You just figured he'd never feel the same so you brushed it off, ignoring it for the sake of your friendship.
“Are you sure?” Miles hoped that this doubt wasn’t a symptom of the last few weeks of abuse.
“Positive Y/N, it took a lot of self control to not kill that asshole” you found yourself giggling through tears, a wide smile on your face for the first time in a month.
“I love you in a more than a best friend way too Miles” you grinned at him and he smiled arms pulling you close again.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked, wanting to make sure it was okay since that asshole never did.
“Yes, please” and he didn’t need any more confirmation before his lips were on yours. Instead of holding your breath like you had been for the last three weeks you inhaled him, breathing his air like he just filled you with life after the past month of torture.
A kiss to redeem every bad one, a kiss to start the healing process, and start finding yourself again. Which you had a feeling would be better than ever considering you had finally allowed yourself to love Miles in a way you always wished you could. This time you didn’t have to look out for the warning signs because you had Miles to protect you, and look for them too.
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aaasbrutus · 9 months
The End of the Word (part I)
Eddie Munson x fem! reader
Summary: Eddie falls in love with a girl who just moves into his town with a mysterious past.
Word Count: 1007 words
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Eddie would never forget the first time he saw you.
It was a sunny Saturday afternoon when he decided to go out on the porch and read under the sun when he saw you from the corner of his eye. You were pacing back in forth in front of the house next door in what looked to be your Sunday best, probably hoping to impress someone. You looked completely terrified, debating whether or not you would knock on the door before finally giving up and walking away. 
He had just moved into his own trailer a few weeks ago. He had finally graduated and had a full-time job as a mechanic so he decided to get a place of his own. And as soon as he moved in, his neighbors, a middle-aged couple next door, Barb and Robert, introduced themselves and made him homemade Cherry pie. He couldn’t imagine why anyone would be afraid to see the nice couple that lived next door. Without giving it another thought, he walked back inside. 
The next day you were there again, dressed in formal clothing, debating whether or not you would take a leap, and knock on the dark oak door, and there you were again the day after that. Every day Eddie watched you curiously, wondering what on earth you were doing and what business you had with his next-door neighbors. 
At times he wanted to go over there and ask you if you needed any help or simply ask for your name, but truthfully Eddie was afraid himself. He was afraid of scaring you off, or potentially coming off as creepy but overall he was afraid because you just so happen to be the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen. So he decided against saying anything to you to avoid an awkward first impression. 
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He had just finished his afternoon smoke and went inside to continue to do some housework when he heard yelling outside. In the few months he's lived next door to Barb and Robert, he had never had any complaints, especially not for noise. 
Curious, he opened the curtains in his living room to see what, or who was making this much noise when was shocked to discover that it was the nice couple next door, yelling and sobbing because of you. You, who finally worked up the courage to confront them, and who was now cowering in fear, eyes staring down at the floor avoiding their accusing stares. 
The next thing he knew was his next-door neighbors casting him out telling him that what he did was unforgivable and to never come back before slamming the door right in his face. Finally looking up, you turned around and made eye contact. Eddie cursed under his breath realizing that he had been caught, but you didn’t think much of us, giving him an apologetic smile (most likely because of all of the noise) and making your way down the street. 
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The next time Eddie saw you was at the cafe in town. He made it a habit to buy his coffee to start his workday but he never expected to see you. 
It was the first time he saw you when he wasn’t outside the comfort of his own home and he couldn’t help but feel awkward. You were simply sitting down by the window, crossing out jobs in the newspaper, simply minding your business, yet you still had such an effect on him. 
This felt very strange to him, no one had ever intrigued him so much, and he didn’t know anything about you–not even your name– and yet you were the only thing he focused on in a room full of people. 
“Excuse me, sir, are you ready to order?”
Embarrassed, he quickly ordered and waited for his coffee trying to avoid staring at you in fear that you would look back, and walked out of the store wondering when he would see you again. 
— ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ —
The first time he spoke to you was the next weekend when he drove 45 minutes out of town to a music store to find a record he’s been looking for, for a while. He was so worried that he was never going to see you again since he never saw you besides when you were at his neighbor’s house and just assumed that he was never going to see you again since you were diving with your business there, and was not welcomed back. However, this only made you more intrigued. You didn’t live in town, yet you drive 45 minutes back and forth every day to talk to people who seem to hate you. 
“Good morning, sir. Did you find everything okay?” 
It was the most you’ve ever said to him. It was simply a protocol, something you’re forced to say to a customer. It was the same thing you said to everyone else who entered the store, and to everyone else who will be online after him, and yet he was ecstatic, practically bouncing on his toes, wanting to hear you speak to him again.
You seemed to not recognize him, not that he blamed you, you only made eye contact for a split second, and seemed incredibly tired, most likely wishing you could be anywhere but here, but Eddie has never seen someone more beautiful. 
“Yes, thank you.”
Three small words were all he said until you told him the price of hours of food and wished him a good day when he was leaving. Before answering, he looked down at your uniform to read your nametag as if he had found the secret of the universe. 
“Thank you, you too.”
He left the store feeling pretty proud of himself. Not only was he able to find what he was looking for but he also got to see you again, and of course, speak to you. A grand total of seven words! Which was better than none, and now he knew your name. He couldn’t wait until he got to see you again. 
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Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it!
main masterlist
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only-by-the-stars · 6 months
TotK is so frustrating because there are genuinely several things I would love to incorporate into fics (mostly items, but also some NPCs and a handful of concepts and little areas), but Unfortunately the Plot. if it was just mediocre, that'd be one thing, but it's so disconnected from BOTW and so disjointed from itself that I'm at a loss for how I'd even begin to salvage it without doing something else that barely resembles it. at that point I might as well come up with my own plot, you know?
what I'm gonna end up doing is just... taking all those little scraps and working them into various AUs. like the Adventure Time one, for instance. that one's the most ripe, I think, for a lot of this.
hmm. gonna make a list, I think, under a cut.
first of all, let's not lie to ourselves: 'secret passageway under the castle that contains long-concealed/sealed Horrors' is a banger of a concept. unfortunately. unfortunately this was not executed as well as it could've been. I would love to do something neat with this sometime. I think it would fit especially well in the AT AU as stated. perhaps even with a take on those nuclear warnings.
Penn was a genuinely entertaining new NPC and I enjoyed the Lucky Clover Gazette chain of sidequests for the most part. like, could've done without the stuff setting up Zelda as being omni-talented and so super special (it really flattens her character, you know? such amateurish writing), but the concept of investigating rumors for a newspaper was fun. also the All-Clucking Cucco one was hilarious.
the Stable Trotters were so charming! I really liked this sidequest chain too.
the Stormwind Ark was actually kinda cool too, gave me Skies of Arcadia vibes. I wonder if I could do anything with it...
I want to stress, before I go any further, that if you've read or are planning to read my fic Song of a Champion... Yunobo using the Boulder Breaker and Riju using scimitars are things I had planned before the trailer revealing this was a thing in TotK. it is yet another entertaining instance of me predicting/guessing things correctly. xD
if I ever do anything with a version of the Depths, they're gonna have more, well, depth. they should've had settlements, or at least the ruins of them, or... something, you know? love the concept, meh on the execution. :/
same with the sky islands. and the explanation for the Great Sky Island in that one sidequest there was... really not satisfying, sadly. deffo something I could toy with and improve on.
Hyrulean pizza. 'nuff said. I applaud wholeheartedly the decision to give us cheese and tomatoes and let us make one of the greatest culinary creations known to mankind.
I'm iffy on the mushroom fashion/additions to Hateno, but I like the idea of Cece opening a shop in Hateno and selling some of those new outfits I like. I especially liked the sets based on the three dragons, this would be a neat way to get them on Link in that SoaC follow-up I wanna do. especially because Mipha NEEDS to see him in the slutty ones
if I ever do a version of the episode Wizards Only, Fools for the AT AU, the Depths outfit would make a neat disguise to get Link in.
obviously I plan to have AT Link lose his arm. obviously.
the wells and caves were pretty fun. though I do wish there'd been something genuinely creepy at the bottom of at least one well...
the Desert Rift is something that I would love to put into the desert area in the AT AU, it has tons of potential. I definitely have Ideas.
I really want to have Mipha and Link go to the salt spa in Lurelin as a couples' thing. it's a small thing, but I think it'd be cute.
I do actually enjoy weapon fusion and I think those magic rods/staves in particular would be a neat addition to some AUs.
almost every enemy was a great addition to the roster (I say almost because THOSE ARE NOT PROPER GIBDOS I AM STILL MAD ABOUT THIS). hopefully the next game will have even more things to fight (I especially want ReDeads and ACTUAL Poes back).
speaking of Poes, I just. sigh. so many interesting things that could've been done there, that just... weren't. at bare minimum, if they were adamant about making them a form of currency, it would've been more fun to bring back the Poe Collector than have those statues. I want to work him into the AT AU (and I have ideas that kinda meld how Poes worked in past games with this one, I just need to sit and nail them down).
back on foodstuffs, I liked all the new ingredients. I already worked golden apples into Under a Strange Moon, and I'd love to find uses for the elemental fruits somewhere too. stambulbs and sundelions are neat too, as are the new pumpkin, the oil, and the mushroom and fish that make you glow.
on the less edible side, puffshrooms and especially muddle buds were a LOT of fun to play with.
on the "dubiously edible" side (because you can turn these into elixirs but not straight up FOOD), I really like the design of the deep fireflies. the sticky frogs and lizards were also really handy!
brightbloom seeds/flowers could be neat to use too...
that's all I can think of for now, but I'm sure I'm forgetting something
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