#this was a lot of fun and I learnt that I really need to cut out some of my usage of the word door so that's nice
thebearthatreads · 1 year
Find the Word Tag
Thank you to @chauceryfairytales for the tag, sorry it took me a bit to get around to it!
My words were Brown, Door, Picture, and Hiss. I thought I'd be able to find all of these in Aurei (book 1 of my wip trilogy) but apparently not so for half of them I've used sections from Venatores (book 2 of the trilogy), luckily I don't think there's any spoilers regarding the events of book 1 in those sections. Either way these scenes all come from my wip trilogy Venatores de Mythos, and I won't be specifying which book they're from.
“Selby‽” She barely registers the voice calling out to her, shrugs off the garbled noise until it’s too close to ignore. Firm hands grasp hers, another set rest on her shoulders. “Selby?” The voice probes in concern. “Selby, look at me.” Slowly she lets herself open her eyes; they meet a set of warm brown eyes swimming with concern. She lets out a shaky breath. “Hi.” “Selby, what happened? Why are you out here all alone?” Her eyes begin to focus, it’s Li Wei in front of her grasping her hands. She turns her head a little, Arthur’s gripping her shoulders.
“Who the fuck are you? And how did you get into my dorm?” Her mind races; does she have a weapon or something she can grab to defend herself? “Reginald Einsley, the Third. And your door was unlocked.” The stranger proffers her a hand. “Yeah, ok, sure, I’m just gonna shake your damn hand?”
The kitchen is a welcome place, after years of nagging Roque finally got the chefs to let him in. When he’s cooking, Roque can picture being back at home with his family in Argentina. It’s a simple pleasure. “Mmm, that smells good.” A voice like a dozen chiming bells rings against his ear, warm breath tickling the back of his neck as he crimps the edges of his empanadas.
“Yes, we’ve located and identified the creature; it’s a Manticore.” Selby hears the person on the other end hiss a little. “Arthur Wong has instructed me to check on the status for Charlie Nguyen.” “Charlie’s on his way back to HQ now, he’ll dispatch once he’s here. We’ve got people gathering his equipment from the warehouse right now.” “Great, Arthur wants you to send Carnwennan and Pridwen with Charlie.” Selby hopes she hasn’t massacred the pronunciation as the person on the other end remains silent. “Is that okay?”
No pressure tagging @keysandopenmind, @kelefox, @maskedemerald and anyone else who'd like to play. Your words are: Count, Cloud, Lightning, and Rain
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halliestinks · 5 months
Hi, i was wondering if you could do some wholesome headcannons for Y/N (who acts like Douchebag in the sot game) Thats like a sister to Cartman. His mother adores her and he likes to bully her. But when others do it hes like "No only i can >:/"
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Cartman w/ reader who’s like a sister to him
a/n: this is an old request that’s been sitting in my inbox for over 2 yrs, decided to write it as my first request since i’ve returned :3
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• oh boy, cartman as a brother figure could be both great and awful.
• having first met you he would notice how quiet and chill you are, trying to get you to crack on many different occasions (failing miserably everytime). he never really cared too much about you. however once you started to spend more time with him and you found yourself at his house quite often, you developed an unexpected sibling bond with him
• he would definitely take advantage of your silence whenever he asks for a favour, immediately roping you into any and all of his problems. (kind of like butters— however he doesn’t screw you over as much)
• the teasing is the worst part. he knows exactly what ticks you off and how to break your silent facade
“… 🙂”
• he knows when to stop though
• he unfortunately learnt his lesson after you beat the crap out of him for pushing you way past your limit!! (i just love sibling bonding experiences)
• aside from all of that… cartman is actually really fun to be around when he’s not being an asshole. the two of you usually spend your time together playing video games and doing random shit outside in the snow
• his mom absolutely adores you!!! she would constantly ask cartman if you would be coming over to their place later, always making sure to cook extra for dinner just in case
• cartman definitely gets jealous over his mom pampering you, thinks that she should pay more attention to her real son. and to piss him off even more, his mom always makes sure he shares everything with you
“but myeeeem… those are my cheesy poofs 🤬”
• cartman’s mom is completely oblivious to any of the sibling rivalry, instead tells cartman he just needs to learn to share
• both of you have a silent agreement to always stick up for each other if either of you are being bullied, (not that cartman really needs help)
• i don’t think cartman would straight up defend you, however he would take your side in more subtle ways
“come on guys, let’s cut y/n some slack… otherwise she’ll get all depressed and probably start crying..”
• but if anyone ever hurt you physically or did bully you to the point of actually hurting you, cartman will find out and go on a tangent about how he’s the only person who’s allowed to do that. plus if he’s in a bad mood then he’d probably figure out a way to ruin their life
• anyways.. at the end of most days, you find yourself sleeping on the floor in cartman’s room (he kicks you off his bed) and the two of you stay up late having silly conversations— finding yourselves laughing so hard to the point of tears
• until his mom comes in and tells you to go to bed because it’s a school night 🙄
• the two of you never listen, secretly doing an all nighter then feeling like absolute crap the next day. (it’s just a nightly tradition at this point)
• a lot of kids at school mistake you two for actually being related, which never fails to make you smile
• maybe he isn’t such a bad non biological brother after all
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HIII ITS ME AGAIN, i’ve got another idea for you, that you make a little drabble about.
so the time line is like before the yan!beasts got corrupted, or like post-corruption or something, reader is a very overpowered cookie but timid and shy in a way, including considerate and kind, they wants to help people they genuinely loves and cares about (including the beasts), therefore this also makes them a people pleaser/push over, so they keep theyre power secretive
after a while, reader started to see a shift in theyre personality and how they started to resent cookies that didn’t have the same power as themselves, and how they are being kinda possessive/obsessive towards reader, and more really unhealthy behaviors, but of course, like the fool they are, reader decided to ignore those red flags, cause it’s better then having literal no one (said by reader)
anyways when days pass, more things start to change, they start becoming more malicious towards other common cookies, how they cause more chaos and other stuff, of course reader is a bit too delusional to care… till the witches/creators came, saying they need to trap them for good, of course you retaliated (verbally), saying how you care for them and other stuff, and you won’t go through with this, and they tell reader something that will really open theyre eyes to the world, pointing out the actions the beasts do and how shitty and bad they are (including some things they say, how they treat reader etc) how bad their intentions truly are, after this reader was really upset about them, they might be delusional but not THAT delusional, so i think you can vison what happened next now, they advise a plan to get them in a place where the witches can trap them, using reader as a bait, then once it’s done, reader left, no matter how many pleads or yells the beasts through at them, reader didn’t turn back, not even to glance at the prison that they brought themselves upon, as reader walked off, they made a vow to themself, a promise to never be fooled and manipulated like that again, to never pretend to be something they aren’t, after that, they became a whole entire different cookie (woahhh character development, anyway imagine them having a more bayonetta like personality/mindset and strength and speed?) maybe a little crossing of paths once the beasts get out of prison
(also i recently just learnt I HAVE MY OWN TAG? idk why it just made me feel special)
You have?? Such?? Good ideas?? Never stop sending in requests, I love all the ideas you always come up with!!
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You were a cold Cookie, with no one really knowing why. You hardly trusted and tended to be very suspicious of Cookies of power. To say it took you ages to even think of trusting the Ancients wa an understatement.
You were heavily against the idea of going to Beast-Yeast, yet you eventually relented. Not for yourself, but to make sure that none of them got manipulated like you did.
You were completely ready to throw hands when the Beasts showed up. To stay you were pissed was an understatement. Somehow, they were convinced they were the victims! Because their fun was cut short!
Shadow Milk Cookie is the biggest instigator. He still thinks you're a pushover and portrays you as such, only to be completely confused when he sees you decimate that animatronic. That was.. a change in the script he didn't expect.
Burning Spice Cookie and Silent Salt Cookie are both taken aback by how ready you were to fight them. Guess that shy part of you was gone!
Eternal Sugar Cookie used to lovebomb you a lot whenever you were still shy. She's surprised to see it no longer works, but doesn't mean she still won't try!
Mystic Flour Cookie is the only one who realizes that you're no longer the same pushover. However, it doesn't mean she won't try and use you for her own benefit again.
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mysteryanimator · 2 months
Here ye here ye, another breaking down processes post from yours truly!
For this animation, my plan was to make something I'm proud of AND also something to force me to take my time since with all previous animation works they were all rushed. I normally tend to speed through work as someone whose illustrations are painterly and I like to keep them rough. Also lets be totally honest my other plan for this animation was to animate Mizrox being so sickeningly sweet.
Fun fact, this animation was going to be longer. I had tried to plan out Olrox climbing on top of Mizrak during the kiss to lay on his chest. There was an attempt trying to rough that out and several ref videos It was scrapped because for the life of me I could not figure it out. Also hypothetically if I was going to keep it, I would cut to another angle (perhaps Mizrak's face close up) and then cut to another angle that would make it easier to see that climbing over the top. OR, consider Olrox already sleeping on his chest (im just rambling now but this is basically 'if you were able to do this again' section).
I wish I actually went through a more proper tie-down process because the jump from going from my rough straight to clean was rough (badum tsk) for the first few seconds. Defintely learnt my lesson ALSO Olrox is surprisingly really fun to draw from behind.
I challenged myself to see if I could get the idea of "bigger movements, less in-betweens, smaller/slower movements, more in-betweens." Though the effect of Olrox rubbing his face against his arm may be a little too jarring and I steered quite a bit away from my rough and self-reference video in hopes of making the face rubbing more apparent because I thought the character acting was too subtle and wanted a contrast to the other half of the scene. I reconfigured my CSP animation workspace for this too so it definitely made the process less tedious when cleaning up the animation.
(Which by the way I do record a lot of self-references depending on the section! For things I can't do/uncomfortable doing, I'll end up looking up videos. It's the easiest for me to catch subtle things in body language and also get a feels for the motion.)
Also I'm really satisfied with Olrox's anticipation before his smooch and the shoulder roll at the end even though technically the arc doesn't complete itself. MIZRAK THOUGH, when cleaning up I realised my rough wouldn't make sense because he's already looking at him so there's no need for a turn, and then the lack of a shoulder movement felt jarring, so all of that was done without any thought, wish I did think about it more though.
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Now compositing was a monster in its own right and basically me jumping back and forth between turning on and off different layers, but here are all the new things I did; I duplicated and blurred the lines of the lineart, beveled the shadows so it was lighter on the inside, and added a rim of blur so the focus drew towards the couple. Also will absolutely admit that my fanboy ass went "... be crazy and try to mimic the show." The final did not go that route because I thought it was more important to emphasize the mood/atmosphere (Also Olrox is intentionally stylized differently because i wanted him to be softer here and I had to give him eye highlights for plot HELP). THOUGH to say I did not try to mimic the style, the #2 lighting test was my 'attempt' LOL 😭 I can never consume media normally.
Here are the lighting tests I went through. I definitely knew I wanted to go with a morning vibe, though I tested out a night ver for fun and did some edge lighting which led to mixing both version #2 and #3 to make #4.
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Fun fact, I almost went with #2 due to fear of getting too heavy-handed with compositing and therefore losing the animation (even though I really liked #4 at the time). Thanks to a friend, they also shared the sentiment of liking #4, though pointed out it felt like midday and encouraged me to make the colours warmer and deepen the shadows. It is a really tough balance but I think for a softer scene like this, the more additional layers of comp worked out in the end.
The edge light was a last minute thing because someone told me to add sound and to have light stream in. Also at this point I deadass forgot that you know, Olrox, is a vampire, but hey rule of cute overrules. We can pretend its light not from the sun LOL
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Also yay I got to show off my own style a tad, I love paintingggg. It's not as completely fully rendered coz I knew that it would get covered up but I still made sure it was quite clean regardless. I didn't realise how much of it would be covered up even though I did make sure they would fit/make sense for bg LOL
Now we are done!
If you've gotten this far thank you! There's gonna be less frequency of these animations due to the semester starting back up soon and I don't get many opportunities to actually 2D animate (despite it being an animation degree RAH). Also I remembering cringing and laughing a lot when I immediately started putting colour down going "oh i can see the end of the horizon, i have too much power as an artist, people will see this i cant let them see me be crazy"
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[Here's some memes I drew over while my friend was reviewing my work]
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kame-writes · 2 months
A Silly Au I have 0 plans to do anything with, beyond maybe some character designs or a couple of doodles, I just thought it was a fun concept.
Please feel free to do something with this AU yourself! Just credit and tag me so I can see ^^
Radiostatic/Radiosilence human/Vampire au
Vox befriended Alastor as a young adult and Alastor found him interesting, so helped get him started with his own business, then disappeared with no warning (for seven? years)
Alastor moves often so he doesn't get found out as a vampire, and so his victims don't get linked to him being in the area. He doesn't usually get attached to humans and likely either forgot about Vox, or just keeps a mild interest in how successful his business got over the years.
Vox on the other hand was VERY attached to Alastor and has been obsessively trying to track down his friend who just upped and disappeared on him. Lots of people died around the time Alastor disappeared, but with no body, he refuses to accept that Alastor was one of them.
After a lot of digging, Vox discovered information on vampires and strongly suspects Alastor of being one, having seen portraits of someone who looks like him from hundreds of years ago. His obsessive search has found evidence Alastor is still alive and hasn't seemed to have aged at all in the years he's been missing.
Character Infos under the cut
The Vees met in Uni and now are sharing a house to save on rent. Valentino did Drama, Vox studied business and Velvette was a fashion student.
Valentino is Vox's on and off again bf who is jealous of how obsessed Vox is with a 'friend' he hasn't seen in years. He only met Alastor a handful of times in the past, and they didn't get along. He is also a porn director, who is writing screenplays that are always rejected. He doesn't believe in anything related to the supernatural.
Velvette is their other housemate, who works designing outfits for a local clothing brand. She didn't ever meet Alastor, but wants Vox to find him partly so he'll shut up about him, and partly because she's sure Alastor was doing something sketchy to suddenly dissapear the way she's been told he did. She doesn't really believe in Vampires, but think's Alastor and probably his whole family were in a shady cult.
Sir Pentious is a very old Vampire, who keeps mostly to himself and is very rarely seen. He is someone who helped teach Alastor how to survive as a vampire when he was first turned, and Alastor repaid him by trying to kill him, so now the two have a weird rivalry. Pentious occasionally finds Alastor to try to get revenge, but Alastor no longer cares about him at all, and usually humiliates him before they go their separate ways again.
Niffty is another Vampire, she's very old but was turned at a younger age, making her appearance and mannerisms come across as very eccentric and quirky. She doesn't try to fit in with humans half the time, and embraces being chaotic, she's lived too long to be self conscious about what people think of her. She often finds Alastor to hang out and go hunting together because she finds him fun to be around.
Rosie is a human from a small town with a well kept secret. When she caught Alastor feeding off one of his victims she incorrectly assumed he was engaging in cannibalism, and Alastor didn't correct her. So he went along with her to let her cut up and cook the body, and found out there was a thriving Cannibal community in this small town.
The two of them remained friends, and eventually, Rosie learnt the truth of what Alastor was, and accepted it. She occasionally helps assist Husk with things they need help with since she leads a normal stable life and can do things without getting caught more easily. In return, Alastor has Husk bring her the bodies of his victims when they are in a nearby area.
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yeollie-plz · 1 year
The Lovers Part 2
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Knight! Pedro Pascal x Princess! F! Reader
Part 1
Synopsis: Y/N insert, mentions of blood and war, fantasy settings, contract marriage, age gap, fake marriage
Genre: fluff, angst
Warnings: Y/N insert, fantasy settings, contract marriage, age gap, fake marriage, hand kissing/holding?, anger, anxiety
Gif credits to owners!
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This was a bad idea. You were sure this was a bad idea. How did he talk you into this? Glancing over to your left, your eyes met Sir Pascal's, a hint of amusement gleamed behind them. He was having fun, while you were a heap of anxiety.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" You needed some sort of conformation.
"I'm always one hundred percent sure of everything." He said with a shrug.
You rolled you eyes and peered forward. No matter how attractive Sir Pascal was, his personality was a bit exhausting. You hoped you could get used to it or at least tolerate it.
"I think you should do all the talking." You were losing your confidence, the closer you got to your father's office. Last night Sir Pascal walked you to your room, your legs still shaky. He let you lean on him for support. Any other time you would've found the act improper but you needed him in that moment. You ushered you inside with a quiet goodnight and you both agreed to tell your father in the morning.
Now here you were outside of your father's office with Sir Pascal, your color draining from your face. He took a deep breath and looked over at you.
"It would probably be better coming from you. You can do it."
You sighed, "I know, it's just I've never really defied him and..."
He leaned forward, resting his forehead on yours.
"Your father loves you, he wouldn't be so regretful about the marriage if he didn't. It'll be fine."
You nodded, raising your head back up to the door. Raising your hand to knock, you sighed.
A come in was heard from the inside. You gripped the door knob with sweaty palms and walked inside. You glanced behind you to see Sir Pascal not following you. Your eyes pleaded him.
"Go ahead, I'll be right outside." He whispered while squeezing your other hand in reassurance.
When the door closed behind you, your father finally looked up from his paperwork, eyeing you from the tops of his glasses.
"Oh, my dear, there you are. We were all worried when you disappeared from the party last night. Listen, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, it was just.... I wasn't sure how to tell you." His look was apologetic. You wrung your hands nervously.
"Father... I can't go through with the marriage." You tried to sound confident, but you knew it was in vain. You had learnt to have a sort of air to your way of speaking, but whenever it came to your father you never could keep it up.
"Y/N, I'm sorry but it isn't up to you and its not up for discussion. The deal has already been made and-"
You cut him off, "No! I can't go through with it because I'm already married." There it was, you had said it. No going back now.
"You what?" You could hear the anger in the back of his voice.
You cleared your throat, "When the Corenth regiment first came to town, a specific high ranking officer caught my eye. We had a chance meeting." That was putting it lightly. "We quickly fell for each other and began sneaking around. He was a first for me, for a lot of things." You cleared your throat again, taking a pause. "Not long after he proposed and I was so blinded by it all that I said yes. The next day we were married in secret with a few of the other knights as witnesses."
You paused again. This was the story you and Sir Pascal had come up with. Short and sweet. Didn't get too into detail but also laid everything out perfectly. You hoped your father believed you.
"I know what my duties are and I know I shouldn't have done what I had done. I know you are going to be mad but my heart told me it was the right thing to do."
Your father stood from his desk and walked around it, making his way over to you.
"Y/N..." It was so quiet you barely didn't catch it. Your stare that was stuck to the floor slowly lifted up to your father's face.
"Yes, I am mad and I wish you would've told me sooner. But, I can see the look you have. You're in love and I can't ask you to throw that love away. I'm sure since he is a high ranking official that we can work out another deal with Corenth. But I have to meet your husband first."
Husband. That word was still so foreign. Plus there was still the matter of actually marrying Sir Pascal.
You couldn't believe your father had believed you. Part of you thought he would see right through you and laugh you away, walking you down the aisle to the Prince of Corenth within the next hour.
You nodded, "He's actually outside right now, I had a feeling you would want to talk to him."
Your father let out a laugh as you walked to the door and opened it, ushering Sir Pascal inside. You needed to learn his first name. Sir Pascal bowed to your father.
"So, this is my daughter's new husband. Sir..." He looked to the knight, urging his name from him.
"Sir Pedro Pascal of Corenth, your grace." He bowed again.
"Pedro..." You breathed out. The two men glanced over at you. You smiled and shook your head lightly, acting like you didn't say anything.
"Well, don't be afraid, son, you can stand a little closer to your wife." Your father laughed, while leaning against his desk. You hadn't noticed the distance between you two, until your father pointed it out.
"I didn't want to do anything against your wishes, your grace." Sir Pascal said with a confident smile. Inching closer to you, he reached one hand down and grasped your own. You and your father looked down at the small gesture. An aura of love flashed behind your father's eyes.
"Oh, your mother is going to be so angry with you. You know she's going to want to throw you a real wedding, too." You nodded, knowing both of these things already.
"Why don't you go and find her and Sir Pascal can stay here with me. I would like to have a talk...man to man." You nodded once again and glanced over at Sir Pascal. He gave you a reassuring look. Rising your hand to his lips, he ghosted a kiss there, letting it fall back down to your side. Your cheeks flushed.
"I'll come find you in a bit, my love." Sir Pascal's words sent a shock wave through you. Quickly you recovered and left your father's office.
You were about to walk down the hallway to find your mother when you had the idea to eavesdrop at the door. You were never one for eavesdropping, of course you would hear a few rumors when they were passed around the castle. But you never went looking for gossip. Although today, something told you to listen in on the two men.
It was hard to hear through the thick door, but as you pressed your ear to it, you could make out a few words. Something about "princess", "knight", and "marriage" coming from your father. Sir Pascal's deep voice was harder to hear, but you heard something about "love" then he must have made a joke because your father laughed. Sighing, you gave up on trying to listen in and made your way through the palace to find your mother. Dreading how she would react to the news.
---- Later That Night ----
Your mother did not take the news well. She was furious with you, lecturing you once again about being reckless and immature. You stood there and took it all in, knowing that you couldn't say anything to calm her down. She needed time. Eventually, your father made his way over to his queen and laid a hand on her shoulder. This instantly calmed her down and she turned to him.
"Dear, this child...how could she be so..." All of your mother's anger seemed to drain from her when she met your father's eyes. He had this way of always calming her down with one look. When you were younger you thought it was because he was the king but as you grew older you knew it was pure love.
Something about seeing the look now brought a pain to your heart. You used to want a love like that, but now the pain was in knowing you would never get it.
"He's a very nice man and she's so in love, I can see it." Your mother's eyes softened even more at your father's words. You had both decided it was best for Sir Pascal to not be here when you told your mother. She would need time to calm down before meeting him.
"I need to go to my chambers, I don't want to be bothered anymore tonight." She said in a rush and left the office. You and your father shared a look and he gave you a little nod. You bowed and left as well.
As soon as you made it out the door a voice spoke to your left.
"It didn't go too well did it?" You turned to see Sir Pascal leaning against the wall a little ways down the hall. Making your way over to him, you shrugged.
"She's always been a bit high-strung, I knew she would be harder to convince."
"Are you okay?" Something about the genuine concern in his voice threw you off guard. You nodded, despondently.
"Hey, wanna see something?" He pleaded you. Your head tilted in curiosity and he grabbed your hand, dragging you through the palace and towards the library.
He pushed you inside and closed the double doors behind you, locking them. You furrowed your brows at the action.
"So we aren't disturbed." He answered your silent question and ran through the aisles of the library before you could respond. He was scanning one of the rows as you slowly caught up. As you rounded the corner, he yelled out a "Found it!"
"Look!" He shoved the book into your hands. You looked down at and read the cover.
"Beauty and the Beast?" Still confused, you looked up at him. He was looking back at you expectantly.
"You wanted to show me a children's storybook?"
His face dropped a bit, but he recovered quickly, responding "Not just a children's storybook! Our blueprint!"
"Our blueprint?" You couldn't hide the shock from your voice.
"Yes, a story of love prevailing through anything. He is a complete beast who has no promise and no hope. But she is the essence of hope, the essence of beauty. You are my essence." Your shock was building with every word that came out of his mouth. Yet, his words made you blush.
"As a knight I don't have many goals but to get up in the ranks. I am never home so I've never had the opportunity to love or to have someone love me. I have no family, a few friends but no one I can bare my soul to." He paused and grabbed your hands.
"Look, I know you think that I was just giving you a way out of your situation but I needed you as much as you needed me. I will give you everything, all I ask is for you to be a friend, a confidant."
Another pause, you took the opportunity to test out his first name.
"Pedro..." The words clung to your breath. His caught in his throat.
"I-" A indiscernible look washed over him.
He coughed lightly, "I would never ask you to feel the feelings I do. I would never ask you to pretend with me. All I want is your promise that you will not let the situation, or any mistakes I may make, to stop you from letting yourself love. Whether that love is for me or anyone else."
You nodded, speechless.
"Although I really do hope your love could be mine."
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@mandy-eminem-moxley77 @kittenlittle24
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watashime-ciel · 3 months
more organized RH headcanons +picrews of their (human) designs !!
hello yes the title of this
there are headcanons i'd like to share but they're either too personal or too uh. idk what to call them but i would have to use a trigger warning a lot and i don't want that. i don't wanna include that here- (but just a note, if i ever post human DJ Yellow drawings, i am not putting a tw for his scars as they are healed. that's all)
this is VERY LONG so sit back and enjoy your stay
credits to the respective creators of he picrews! had fun using most of them (Cecil has elf ears because fuck you thats why)
DJ Yellow
or; Yotsuhe/Yellow, age 22
gay boygirlic (a boy who experiences feminity in a way that doesn't affects their gender identity; explanation i can give fron what i understood of the original definition), any/all pronouns (he doesn't cares at all)
he has freckles but only visible on the sun
surprisingly, can take headphones off. just don't ask him to do it, he might just ignore you. but it is now common to see him headphoneless
he lets his hair grow a lot and then refuses to cut it, but in reality he hates having long hair
the idea of being a famous DJ known all around the world like Skrillex or CHU² in RAISE A SUILEN doesn't makes him too happy. that's why he participates as a DJ in most of school events or in local parties. he prefers to be known for his VOCALOID songs/covers or his cosplaying or dancing, or even his MMD videos. being a DJ is more of a hobby for him so "why be known for it when i have something else that's my actual passion?"
sanest Hatsune Miku fan. buys all the cosplays he finds, the figurines, funko pops, dolls, wigs, posters, stickers, keychains, phonecharms, pins, decoration and plushies he finds. basically he is me when i see something Husk, Vox, TMNT or Wakfu related, but with Miku
Yellow knows a lot about VOCALOID and hates you forever if you mistake a VOCALOID with a SynthV etc. also hates you if you think vocal synthetizers are AI
Len Kagamine is like his second identity, as he learnt most dance moves from him, including the acrobatics. he now breakdances whenever he has the possibility. thanks Len Kagamine
Yellow needs glasses most of the time. the problem is that he loses them a lot so he's just. blind. too much roblox
he has three voices: his normal voice (voiceclaim: kokichi ouma english, kyo or yuu from zola project), his more childish or mocking voice (len kagamine soft, elmo or bluey. you read that right. elmo.) and his feminine voice for... uh. doesn't matter (marcille from dungeon meshi in latin spanish or amalia sheram sharm in french). the uses of the last two voices is unknown... for the public knowledge
silly picrew time:
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or; Katsumoto/Blue, age 21
bi male, he/shark pronouns, proud boygirlic protector
after years of dating, he was forced by Yellow to learn some dances for cosplay performances, even if he knows Blue suffers of social anxiety. it was enough for him to GO to a convention with Yellow. now imagine him cosplaying KAITO or Sebastian Michaelis and dancing Cendrillon. poor guy is exploding
number one germs hater. carries 70/30 alcohol+water everywhere, sanitary towels and tiny bags
don't leave him alone at home. he's the living Senshi but in blue. he's baking you 30 types of chocolate cake if you leave the house for 2 minutes
or, you can choose to leave him alone and surprise him singing, which he rarely does to the public. not even Yellow. but, what does he sing? something in spanish for sure, maybe El Cuarteto De Nos. or maybe he's choosing Atarashii Gakko? or maybe he's humming a Minecraft song. who knows
he enjoys drawing and animating, making really smooth animations
he has one voiceclaim for two situations: YOHIOloid for when he is singing, Hazu Kashibuchi for when he's talking normally
Blue has had his phase of long hair but soon enough asked for help to cut it out because the feeling was not letting him live normally. he wanted his "floor cleaner hair" (named like that by him) back
he is THE autism. and also a theathre kid. favourite musical is probably heathers or ride the cyclone
silly picrew time. do you prefer long haired Blue or bald
(needed an excuse to show the human djs kissing picrew)
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or; JayJay/Jason/Leo/Leonardo/Jay, age 24
bi male, he/they/she pronouns, jokingly responds with "my pronouns are i/ta/ly"
HE IS POC and you cannot say otherwise
he smokes, but smells like roses
screams in italian when he is overly exaggerating with his reaction. it's the perfect source of laughter for Cecil
he can also play the bass, being a 'support' when Cecil practices songs on the guitar
he can also sing, but thanks to Cecil's demands of him singing like an agonizing racoon he rarely does. "agonizing racoon" comes from the fact that J.J has an Ado complex and uses a lot of screaming and growling in everything he sings. Cecil is worried about his vocal chords, even if J.J knows what he's doing
she was an emo before switching his life style to visual kei until the end of time. no one knows how his eyes look like without makeup
J.J still lives with his parents, actually. he has his own department but fuck that. he uses that department for music purposes (or he goes there to cry). but he wants his momma
you can't call him a visual kei nerd if he is the visual kei. has played with Cecil's cousin in the past and formed part of Megamasso for quite a long time until he gave up with Ryou's "bullshit" and left the band. Later forming what we know as the Rockers, or as i like to call it, the Rhythm Heaven Watashime Slug thing. but i'm stopping there because i have all things planned for the Rockers and this Watashime Slug thing leave me alone i'm normal (i'm not)
his room is very clean, and he has many figurines around the shelves and desk. there's one in particular that doesn't fit the "vibe", and it's a dinosaur plushie. it belonged to his younger brother who passed when J.J was 15 and his brother was around 12-15. everything that belonged to him was sent to charity or to the basement, except for that dinosaur
for his voice i never got creative. but back in the day, his voiceclaim was Kaito from Danganronpa. back in the day when Cecil was named JAVID.
silly picrew time, i promise i'll make more that look more... drawable or whatever
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whatever you say jason leonardo from rhythm heaven headcanons
or; Sou/Cez/Cece/Soushi/Cil-ly. age 23
pan nonbinary, he/they/ey pronouns
all his life he played the violin. it was at the age of 17 that he started playing the guitar with J.J
his mom is very much against the whole visual kei thing and him looking androgynous, but with time she has learnt to accept the differences™. as for Cecil's dad, he's a super chill adam sandler typa guy. adam sandler as in clothing. it was his dad who introduced him to the guitar world, with guitar hero lol
Cecil has a few voiceclaims for me but it's because i can't decide, only for his singing voice that's on my yt channel; fukase soft/normal. but for a spoken voice, i had Brandon from Team Hot Wheels in mind. but now i can't decide so bro won't talk. he shall sing
Cecil's very clumsy with his eyeliner so he always cries to J.J for help
he is Blue's best friend, and how they became friends is very funny actually. one time when J.J and Yellow were fighting, both Cecil and Blue decided to run away from the problem and hide somewhere until they were done. they were casually walking to the same place to hide. that's when Cecil decided to speak with "I suppose he talks crap about me to you too eh?...", to which Blue responds "...Yeah, but you don't look that terrible...". best friends forever the end
he is actually waiting for J.J to finally let go of his mother so they can go living on J.J department for music™, but that's not happening very time soon
Cecil cries very easily, actually. one time J.J was invited to play with his old band for a few concerts in another city and Cecil spent whole nights crying in call to J.J because he missed them. poor guy
he also enjoys animating, like Blue, but he has a more youtuber animation storytime type of style, more static and less movements depending of the situation. but he has a good hand with MMD
when him and J.J formed Watashime Slug, he spent hours not paying attention in class, writing the first song they recorded. half the school year lost, why ya askin
before singing in front of a lot of people he actually needs to kick or punch something while he hyperventilates. otherwise he id exploding
one of his vocal stims is quoting the life gives you lemons vine, with the voice crack and all
silly picrew time. CECIL ELF EARS JUMPSCARE and kissing rockers oh my god are they even real (they should be. i'm going insane)
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Red Woman
or; Connie, age 22
sapphic girl, she/her pronouns, also a proud boygirlic protector
Yellow's best friend from faaaaaaar. they cosplay, sing and dance together whenever they got the opportunity. one might mistake them for a couple for how close they are, but nope yellow likes mem and connie likes wemen
she prefers to sing metal rather than rapping. mainly she does it because she wants to growl and scream like Lena Scissorhands, her idol. of course J.J then wants to do sing with her. she's also a soprano. how cool is she dude she's the whole package
her voiceclaim is Ruby and v4flower from Vocaloid. Ruby for english, v4flower for japanese. with both she can talk lol
she made black kusanagi nene canon y'all it wasn't me it was connie
she's in a relation with Jenna (blue woman), but many people think she's dating MC Adore due to them being close. she has two situations where she's mistake by someone's partner but no one knows about Jenna lol
silly picrew time look at her gooooo yayyyy
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Blue Woman
or; Jenna/Jen. age 22
sapphic girl, she/they pronouns
i don't have much headcanons about her, but she's also a soprano and main choir singer for Connie
she has auditioned for some musicals but never got the role ever. her dream role is Jane Doe and Miss Argentina
her voiceclaim is CUL from v2 with a lower gender parameter setting. as for english and/or spoken voice, i'd probably say constance from rtc
she loves her gf. a lot. she has a lot of love to give
loves going out for walks, no matter what time is it
silly picrew AND KISS YAY it's the last kiss picrew i promise
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Red Rapper
or; Kohai/Ko/Red/parappa. age 22
transgender man, unlabelled, he/him
he has a cousin-like bond with Connie, as their parents are super close and they grew up together. unlike Yellow Rapper and Jenna, that they're actual family. specifically siblings
also Yellow's best friend and one that stayed most of the time on his side during difficult situations until he met Blue
a rapping voice he might have besides his og voice, is TOPHAMHAT-KYO's from FAKE TYPE. as for talking, i'd say tankman? the one that appears in fnf because i forgot his name so now you know *which* tankman i'm talking about... at least after training his voice. and as for his singing voice, ARSLOID is a close choice for me, but not sure
he has dated Yellow Rapper in the past, but it's not like they felt romantic feelings towards each other all the time? it was more sort of platonic, so they stayed as friends. but remember something...
kissing the homies goodnight
his name was actually gonna be something among John or Noah, but when he came out to his parents and was asked what name he went by, his dad interrupted him and told the story that if he was amab, his name was gonna be Kohai, a japanese his dad fell in love with after living in Japan for years. cuz yeah, Red's american, not japanese. Red found it cool and decided that's gonna be his name. boom. lore.
silly picrew that's actually silly!?!?!?!?!!! please please check this picrew out it's super awoowoo /silly
none have the same vitiligo but they're close to the one i draw
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yes he likes lemon demon
MC Adore
or; So'ra/So/Adieu/Amore. age 23
pan polyamorous female, she/her
her dream was to be a model, actually. but got an emotional attatchement to the imagination movers once, and thus made her insanely interested in music, evolutionating to rap music. then she built her persona, a serious but chill and fancy woman, collaborating with other rappers and artists around the Tengaku school (the biblically accurate rhythm heaven school where everyone with a bit of rhythm and coordination can study no matter how old they are. but that's for another day)
her singing voiceclaim is Merli and IA from vocaloid. for talking, back in the day ive chosen Agatha from O Surreal Mundo do Any Malu, but today i'd say Leslie Kritzer as Miss Argentina (or Delia) or Rosie from HH
as a joke she would smooch Connie until Jenna sees them and gets slightly angry, just to get a laugh. it's just kissing homies which is not gay btw🙀
many years ago, her and Yellow dated as they were the top famous at school, and big fanatics shipped them!? so they were like "...are we supposed to do somethkng about it or-". it was kind of forced, of course, and obviously they broke up because they actually didn't feel anything. textual words of Yellow: "thank God, i was just about to tell you i like men and boobs scare me"
mc adore picrew jumpscare
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or; Peach/Pitch/pinkie. age 19
transgender girl, bi with female preference, she/her
she has a crush on Reporter and hs been there for a long time now, but can't get Reporter's attention on that
she's extremely shy and insecure, but So'ra approached her once to share lunch and she became her friend. so if she feels in danger sometime, she just hides behind the first person that was nice to her: So'ra
she wants to be recognized for playing baseball but doesn't sees any progress on her. so she gets frustrated easily and would stop going to the practice to stay home and do it on her own time
she once got the role for a musical because Reporter signed her in, but she never played the role, as she felt she was going to faint. the reason reporter signed her in was her harmonious voice that could be perfect for Lydia Deetz, Sky the Scout or Heather McNamara. but she simply couldn't
voiceclaims for her include Kaai Yuki and Otomachi Una sugar for singing, two childish, girly and soft voices. for spoken voices, Himiko from Danganronpa and Luo Tianyi are my target options
Peach is super fluid in chinese, and doesn't gets the big chilling (bing xiling) meme at all. "what's so funny about ice cream?"
basic ahh picrews but it's better than nothing
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or; Debbie/Debs/Bee. age 19
unlabelled, strictly she/her pronouns
voice claim for singing is Megpoid GUMI Adult/AdultMellow. for talking, the pilot Charlie from HH or April O'Neil 2018
she's very bubbly and talkative. open to everyone and direct with her opinions even if they sound a little harsh
runs a fan blog about wrestling and otaku culture news, proclaming herself a celebrity
she enjoys dancing a lot, even if she's a bit clumsy
there's no way to make her shut up if you mention something related to sports or if she hears an incorrect fact about otaku culture
she bought most of Peach's outfits, helping her get more feminine and soft clothing that helped her feel better
has a little job working as a babysitter to most of the children living in the area, having a lot of tiny little friends wanting her attention and storytelling. she also teaches them english if they behave properly, so they have a little language their oarents don't understand that they can use when they play
president of the school newspaper. makes sure everything's perfect
you know what time it is. THAT'S RIGHT
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age 16
questioning female, she/her pronouns
adoptive daughter of Annie and Mark, the two sciencists of Love Lab. there was a language barrier, as both sciencists were still learning japanese, but nothing beats the language of love... and Google translator
she met DJ Yellow when she was a child in the Tengaku's dance club, Yellow being a support teacher for kids that got frustrated easily, finding her pouting in a corner of the room. they developed a sibling-like relation, Yellow obviously being the older one, and to this day they call one another sister and brother
she always skipped class to go looking for her parents around school, as they were physics and chemistry teachers until something happened with Annie. maybe another story for another day but don't worry she's still alive
Mako loves dancing, singing and colouring. she's Tengaku's youngest 'idol', even if she didn't want to he one. but she finds it fun
voiceclaim for everything is otomachi una spicy/sugar !!
she's very fashionable, and loves uniform-like outfits
but she also loves sleeping, and spends most of the day in pajamas. she also makes sleepovers with her friends every once a month
her favourite animal are monkies and she's not sure why. she recalls a stuffed animal of a monkey back when she was waiting to get adopted, that she liked very much. she suspects it all started there
drum rolls YAYYY picrew time
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isn't she the cutest don't you wanna pet her head because i do she's so skrunkly
AND WITH THIS we conclude the longest fucking post i've ever made. i'm missing out on Haruka and Akira (Girl and Boy from double date) but honestly i'm tired and for them i just include music. for example, Haruka plays the piano like PAREO from RAS and she can high kick when she catches the rhythm on metal and rock. or Akira is good at freestyling. very basic shit
these are the bases of whatever headcanons i make of them, specially the rockers and djs. remember that if you don't like a headcanon, do NOT hate. instead keep the commet to yourself or comment your view in a respectful way🫶🏽 because none of these hurt you, although i get it if it somehow makes you uncomfortable to see a headcanon be different from your own, because it happens to me very very often. but let"s respect everyone's imagination and enjoy the community instead !
i hope yall liked these mfs
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gentlehue · 2 months
Heyyyy cyn!!
this year i’m going into high school and i was wondering if you have any advice?
hi lovely!!!! first of all CONGRATS ON GRADUATING MIDDLE SCHOOL ☺️ so so proud of u 🎀✨ as someone who’s entering y12 this september (junior year! my system goes until y13) i have MANY thoughts so here are your secrets from a girl who’s seen it all on surviving high school ₊˚⊹♡
i'd like to start off by saying high school is not that deep!!! im assuming you might be a little worried about entering hs, and while i didn't experience a shift between middle school and high school myself (since in my system its all just secondary school), i def DID notice the shift in people's maturity levels as i went into higher secondary which is close/equivalent to your guys' high school ♡ my first couple years of secondary (aka middle school) were HELL ON EARTH 😭 everyone was starting drama and also it was covid for the majority of the time, so in general i wasn't enjoying it. however i feel like in high school people become more focused on their studies and grades than they were before and are also more open to making friends, myself included!! :) so don't be afraid to approach people and make new friends if you'd like, because you'll def need them to survive the last 4 years of school 😫 if theyre other freshmen like you, chances are theyre also pretty nervous and you might be putting them at ease by socialising!!!
HOWEVER.... make sure you make GOOD friends. i can't stress that one enough as someone who's been friends w "the wrong crowd" and suffered the consequences, its very very important to make friends with people who align with you and your goals and can uplift you instead of bring you down! if you recognise that someone's doing you more harm than good, don't hesitate to cut ties with them 😣 for the longest time i was the kind of person who was SO easily influenced by literally anyone who was just a little nice to me and looking back now i really wish i had my guard up more and was able to actually break friendships off instead of just wait for everything to explode in my face 😭 if you feel the need to cut ties w someone, make sure to do it in a civilised manner and not start drama because the last thing you need is friendship drama stressing you out along with schoolwork
speaking of schoolwork.... focus on that! you might go thru classes thinking you dont really need to pay full attention right now since you're just a freshman, but the years go by SO quickly and the info accumulates and all of a sudden you're trying to figure out things you should've learnt years ago 😭 trust me as someone who had to cram 2 years worth of work in 2 months for my exams last school year its not fun at all 😬 keep your notes neat and organised, have folders or binders or whatever works for you and keep everything because you never know what you'll need to go back to someday!!! ive had so many instances where i was studying n realised i shouldn't have thrown away that worksheet from 5 months ago 😫
have a very strict routine and try your best to stick to it, it'll help a lot w your mental health and your studies! its scientifically proven that waking up and sleeping at the same time is very good for you (and also proven by me if that matters LOL) so set a wakeup time and bedtime! i have 2 each depending on if its a school night or weekend but in general i still wake up and sleep early just so that my body can be used to that! def dont pull all nighters, i haven't done them personally because im not the kind of person to study at night (i like to get everything done first thing in the morning LMAO) but i know people who have and trust the side effects are not worth it 😣 aim to study for a certain amount of hours every day just for the sake of consistency! i think w school in general consistency helps a lot
do not cram PLEASE do not cram unless u know absolutely nothing do not cram 🙏🏼 dont try to stay up all night the day before an exam, dont try to shove content inside your head on the ride to school, end your studying the day before and leave it at that!!!! cramming is the biggest lie EVER because all you're doing is stressing yourself out for no reason and then when you enter the exam you'll be so worried the info you worked so hard to remember will leave ur head ☹️ TRUST ME if you've studied well for an exam, you'll remember the information once prompted by the question 🤍 trust yourself and your hard work!!
save some time for self care and having fun!!!! high school can be super stressful sometimes, so try to make it a little fun and less worrying for yourself by taking care of yourself! too much studying is equally as harmful as no studying at all 😚 find a middle ground and stick with it and you should be fine
these are all off the top of my head and might not make any sense because its past my bedtime but i rly wanted to answer this LOL i might rb w more stuff tmr if i remember anything else but feel free to ask for any more advice if you need it!!! i answered an anon ask ages ago talking in more detail ab study tips because i have a lot but i cant find it anywhere unfortunately, might make some tip posts leading up to the new school year if anyones interested though!!!! take care angel, you've got this 🎀
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Kokichi being related to Ishimaru
Apolllo: All the killing games were simulations (though Junko did die. She had it set up that once she was executed, life support would be switched off and a poison would be administrated meaning she didn't have to face them for she knew it would cause despair for them not to get that sort of closure. She made sure her pod was hidden as well). Kokichi got some of his leadership skills from his cousin, one Kiyotaka Ishimaru. They have different styles sure but he still learnt most of his things from Taka. He also learnt some from both Byakuya and the Imposter (who's impressed that Kokichi somehow managed to pick up that they weren't all they seemed). It hurt all three of them though Byakuya is hesitant to admit it to see him in V3 and the way he acted during it. It hit Imposter hard because they were one of the causes behind the tragedy which ended up with Kokichi being captured.
Ves: making kokichi an ishimaru is FASCINATING was he shielded from the grandpa blowback? Apollo: He's shielded dw! Kokichi doesn't tell anyone about their connection until he gets into Hope's Peak and one of them (probably Taka) slip up and mention that they're cousins or something
Ves: being in that family's gotta give him some WILD baggage around leadership, still how's he feel about having a cop uncle Apollo: Oh it really does. Especially when he gets his acceptance letter. He's tried to be his own person but he now officially has a (somewhat) similar talent to his cousin. As for the cop uncle, it's sorta awkward because DICE aren't the most…Law abiding citizens out there Ves: the ishimarus are canonically poor as dirt bc of what happened, but there seems to be a lot of pride in not turning to ~less scrupulous~ ways of earning money. the friction DICE'd cause,,,ouch
Apollo: It's something that annoys the hell out of Kokichi. So what if he's pulling stupid pranks and occasionally petty theft? If the world finds out he's connected to them, they're gonna expect it so may as well have fun. Taka's tried to stop him but it hasn't worked. Kokichi's got it in his mind that because Japan basically hates his family, he may as well give them a reason to hate him for more than any connections he has He almost turns down Hope's Peak but DICE encourage him to go…They regret it when everything happens though He forgives them dw
Ves: 'forgives' implies previous anger apollo don't do it don't break up the clown fambly- Apollo: At first he may or may not be slightly annoyed when he first goes to Hope's Peak because who needs some stupid school? He wants to go back to the clowns damn it! Ves: ohhh i thought u meant blaming them for him getting kidnapped Apollo: No he'd never do that he blames the man who ruined his family's life lmao When he gets out and remembers everything, he's pissed off. In the game he wanted to be someone and he gets out and finds that he basically had been but it turned out horribly The others find out and expect him to flaunt it only to discover how disgusted he is with the whole thing. He prefers his poor clown family thank you very much! He is slowly improving his relationship with his cousin and uncle but it's slow
Me: what if the reason Kokichi is shielded from the association with Ishimarus because he's from Taka's mother's side of the family, and his mom (or it could be dad ig, but I imagined mom) was like "I can't believe my sister married a cop" and kept him away for the most part, not fully cutting them off, but they're distant, usually making sure to meet up without the old man there Apollo: OH HELL YES Kokichi purposely fucks with the law because A) It's fun B) He sees how much the whole distance thing is actually hurting the family C) He just wants attention from them and what better way than to end up at the station his uncle works at? Taka tries to reconnect when he realises Kokichi is at Hope's Peak but Ko keeps brushing him off despite knowing he's not to blame for everything Me: yes, cause, when I said they meet up without the old man, I definitely had them still meeting and playing together as kids, but as they got older they started to sense something is off, and their mothers don't get along as well as they tried to make it seem and instead just tried to still support each other despite their disagreements Kokichi probably had a lot of hand-me-downs from Taka when they were kids
Apollo: Imagine if that ends up making Kokichi feel worse because yet again, he's connected to the part of the family his mother is lowkey trying to make him hate or something Me: I just wanted to be silly and have Kokichi's mom say acab and be the one that gave Kokichi his values when this started Apollo: Kokichi: acab…Got it, time to break the law whenever I can Me: She just disapproves, but still loves her sister and they supported each other through rising kids Apollo: The poor kids [pensive emoji]
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While he is often joked to be the gay one on the team, he is actually abrosexual who currently switches between bisexual and or pansexual.
His favorite singers are Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Arianna Grande and at times will listen to Justin Bieber.
His favorite comics are DC and his favorite is the Flash and also enjoys Kid Flash. He also loves Beast Boy because he finds him funny.
Leo knows how to cook and bake. Though doesn't really do it often. He does it when he is hungry or bored. Or simply when Mikey can't make them any food.
He has actually babysitted Senor Hueso's son a few times. Mostly taking him out for ice cream, arcade and also buy him whatever he wanted.
Leo enjoys finding any poster or anything with some kind of picture on paper and hanging it on his walls in his room. He also enjoys at times just getting another copy of a comic he already has and cutting out pages and plastering them on his wall thinking it looks cool.
He enjoys collecting action figures and will actively snatch one he finds even if it came from the trash can.
Donnie judges Leo's outfit choices on many occasions and Leo learnt to deal with it. Though then he would just trash Donnie's clothes and make a mess whenever he gives him the most hurtful judgement.
When he is dealing with stress or feeling depressed he will shut his door, plop headphones on, get cuddled and put on his favorite movies and admire characters who he can relate to.
He jokes being a blonde girl after 'Bad Hair Day' episode.
He doesn't like cream the best. Despite that, he will devour cream cake anytime.
Whenever he wants to vent, he looks at a mirror and puts a photo of one of his family members or friends and start venting to them. He would eventually after the events of the movie start to communicate properly and start to genuinely vent to his close ones. He felt as if it was better then to bottle his emotions.
While he is seen as the type of guy to swear on a daily, he actually swears the least along with Donnie. Only when he is fully in-raged and in need of using curse words to express his rage or any other emotion of his. I'd say he is the 3rd to swear.
He actually sneaks out a lot with April to skateboard at a roller skating park at night.
If he had an Instagram, most of his pictures would be of his brothers sleeping or just fails or pranks.
He sliced a rabbit in half... (I feel like certain shippers are gonna come for me or start making jokes about that one rabbit character TMNT has crossovers with lmao-)
For absolutely, NO REASON, he begged Draxum to film him doing a very dangerous stunt with his tentacles. That day he broke 75 limbs and 2 of his ribs and lost 100 pounds of blood (not really but he broke a lot of bones)
He's a sci-fi nerd. Besides, Jupiter Jim, his favorite sci-fi movies are Star Wars, E.T., Monsters VS Aliens, Batman VS Superman.
He loves poor quality movies because he can then make fun of them. That's why him and Raph stopped watching live-action Disney movies-
He developed massive claustrophobia when Raph sacrificed himself for him and got in the pod.
Clings onto Raph after the movie and they both put a leash on each other 24/7 to make sure they are safe. Also since Leo is aware of the tracking devices, he always asks Donnie where Raph is. The same is with everyone else.
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arkiwii · 1 year
well, since i can't really draw or write Arknights stuff because I'm really charged this month, but the brainrot is still very strong, i decided to do a tierlist of my favorite operators!
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explanations below the cut
i don't count alters on this tierlist, when I put a character I consider it's them + their alter version; the choice of if I picked the alter or not for the vignette is only based on aesthetic choices, really. also for comprehensive reasons, i tried to put all the related characters next to each other (like how the abyssal hunters are all next to each other)
My most beloved precious blorbos: this one speaks for itself, honestly. operators i absolutely love, that i think about almost on a daily basis, no minded doodles every so often, writing ideas poping up in my mind, big wall of text about how much i like them, autistic thoughts, you know the kind. i just love them very much, simply. originally, saria and ifrit were in the tier just below, since i considered that since i have silence as my favorite character, i did not need to also put them, but i learnt to love them individually rather than for what they represent to silence
Big smooch on their forehead: characters that i know very well the story of, and that I'm really attached! not to the point of being my all times favorites, but who spoke to me to a personal level, or that i used a lot in early game/still use today. i love to read about them and would love to draw or write more about them! justice knight is here as a honorary member
I think they're neat!: i don't know them that well, but i followed them in events, or did a bit of research about them for a reason or another, or simply one of my friends like them! and i do think they're neat, pretty interesting, not the kind i'd be absolutely attached to but i enjoy seeing them regardless :]
I would like to know more about them: feat Abyssal Hunters, the Nearls and Gavial's crew. they are characters i know a little bit about them or they are related to a character i love, but i got too lazy to read their event and files because it's too complicated, or too long, or whatever. but they are characters i know enough about to know i'll appreciate them! so im interested in knowing more about them
Here goes all the other operators, aka "I don't care or I forgot you exist": well, the tier's name once again speaks for itself. theres a ton of characters in that game, and I can't focus on every of them, especially when i started not that long ago. there's a lot that i genuinely just forget about, some that i know the story but i dont care that much to know more, and a few that i do wish to know more about! but not as much interesting as the tier above, so not my priority
I hate you /pos: (i ran out of colors) annoying ass characters with a shitty personalities but they're fun for the memes and i use them regardless (except tequila cause mlynar exists). not like actual hate, mostly affectionate hate, you know, like how you call your cat "stinky", but you still love your cat regardless. fact, at first i was genuinely uncomfortable with lappland, but then with il siracusano i started to feel better with her
I hate you /neg: characters i despise either for game reason or because their smug aura mocks me. phantom is because fuck him in is2 and his story is ehhh to me. gravel is because this character is seriously uncomfortable, for the love of god can you act normal, and i wouldn't mind her if she wasn't guaranteed with every fast redeploy tag. harmonie and ho'olheyak are just smug bitches. and ethan i just have a hate experience because i dont like using him and his voice + the music playing when he appears makes me so anger
Brother you can just die: Silverash tier. fuck you silverash. i don't like his face, i dont like using him, and i did not followed break the ice but i heard enough bullshit about him to know he's a terrible person. i hope i never roll him
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kart0 · 4 months
Thoughts about my life
Have you ever thought that you are going to the wrong path ?
I am an art student. I study visual arts, basically exploring all types of arts, painting, drawing, ceramics, sculpture, photography, performance, wood cutting, metal cutting ? Anyways, anything you can imagine, we do that.
I've been always disconnected to what I did though. I see all my colleagues, working on their projects with such dedication, such passion and I can't help but think that there's something actually wrong with me. Didn't I want that ? Or did I think this was the only thing I was good at ?
I do not feel enough. And that's an obvious statement. I actually always wanted to be a singer. And a biologist. And a veterinarian. But art was something I always did. So obviously it made sense that I should be doing that for the rest of my life.
I feel so bad. I am wasting my parents money. I am wasting their work and time. And I am wasting my life.
I am a firm believer that getting more knowledge is always a good thing, so maybe I shouldn't be that negative. I've learnt a lot in college. I did things I never thought I'd do, and I actually enjoyed them, such as analog photography. It was fun. It's been fun. But is that all ?
Aren't I supposed to do something bigger, better ? More important ? Shouldn't I try to change the world for the better ? What am I doing, painting silly pictures, making silly art. I could be helping people, helping animals, doing more.
There are no jobs for me here. There are no internships for my course. Nothing. I will not get a job on any company. I will never get a vacation, or health insurance. I will never buy a house, nor a car. What am I doing.
I have to be realistic. I need a job. The world isn't built for people like me, and sure, changes are happening but. They're not enough, and they will never be. I keep thinking I am too different, too off. Like there's something viscerally wrong with me, in my head, in my body.
Here's a secret. I was really serious about biology, and veterinary. Ever since I was a child I was always fascinated with insects. I loved ants and I really really wanted to dedicate my life to them. I wanted to understand their behaviours. What made them do what they did. I gave up after telling myself I wasn't smart enough. I wouldn't pass any entrance exams. The thing is, I know for a fact I am very smart. I'm just lazy. I do not work hard, for anything at all. I am too laid-back. I did not want to study, so therefore there was no point in doing any entrance exams for bio or vet. I wouldn't get in anyways. But. I keep thinking. Where would I be now if I did try.
I keep thinking why am I the way I am. Why am I not passionate over anything ? Besides haikyuu and now, apparently, genshin impact. Why. Is there anything actually wrong in my head ? I am autistic and I am bipolar so like, theoretically, yes, there is something wrong with me in fact.
It upsets me. Why can't I do more. What should I be doing. I wonder what am I going to do.
I can't see myself selling merch on events forever. I'm going to get old, and ugly, and I cannot sell gay merch forever. It's an unstable field, I do not get benefits from a company like health insurance or vacations. I have to be realistic. One day I'm going to get old and my art won't be enough. It's not even enough right now.
One of my hidden wishes and life goals is to work with wildlife rehabilitation. I would love to do that. Sounds very fun, and fulfilling. I am a very methodical, practical, organized individual. I am extremely aware of rules and I am very good at following them. I feel like I'm too much in my head for art. I feel like there's something I lack. Which is, that passion, that fire. I don't have that.
There's the thing though. Would I be fulfilled if I did anything other than what I'm doing right now ? I would wonder why I didn't go to arts, why I am studying this boring shit. I would wish I could be sculpting and drawing. And in the end, all of this would be just a waste of time, helpless and stupid thoughts, that would lead me nowhere. Like now. I know theres no point in thinking and rambling about what I could be doing. It is in my nature to self doubt anything I do though.
Maybe when I'm older and have time, and patience, and love, I can study animals. And work in a rehab center. And take care of birds. I love, love love love birds. I do love cats but I am so passionate about birds.
Maybe I can grow to be an old grandpa, who takes care of birds, and does art for fun as a side job.
But maybe, instead, I could be an artist, who volunteers in rehab centers. Who knows ?
I know for a fact I do not regret going to arts, I love it. It's the perfect field for me. It complements me. It makes me happy. But I keep thinking it's not enough. I'm not going to survive.
Anyways,,,,, just wanted to share some thoughts going through my head rn. I will not be giving up, of course. I just needed to vent a little bit. Thank you.
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m0ther-of-p3arl · 1 year
i know you’re poison
(robert aeor high au p13)
hey!! so i wouldn't normally ask this of you, but we're in teh endgame of the fic now, things are really starting to come into shape. so, if you're willing, would you mind reblogging?? it would mean the world to me, and since we're in the culminating chapters, there's really not too much to come from here. writing this fic has been a dream come true for me as an author (robert aeor high is actively my longest work ever, as well as the one i've had the most fun writing) and i am genuinely so happy to be able to share this with you all. just something to take into consideration as we reach the endgame of this fic!!
...although Father is a loudly destructive, angrily defiant blowhard, Scott’s known ever since a very young age that his sneaking, scheming mother is the one he really needs to be afraid of. And even now, as she leads him by his arm into the kitchen, making snide, passive-aggressive comments about the way he’s dressed, her inch-long nails cutting into his arm, Scott finds himself curling in on himself, his old submissive habits taking over automatically, by design.
or, alright bitches time to finally meet scott's mom!! fairly short chapter but the next one's gonna explain a lot of shit
TW: cults, implied murder by flamethrower, mind control, mind games, implied murder of a minor, manipulation
please lmk if i missed anything!!
(3543 words)
Scott’s mother hooks him gently by the elbow and leads him inside, just like in all the old movies, her smile the same as he remembers it, slippery and snake-like, charismatic and smooth, her personality exactly right and without a fault for what she is- a cult leader. She’s wearing a long, slitted black dress, her piercing cyan eyes the same shade as Scott’s and tipped with the darkest winged eyeliner he’s ever seen. Her siren scales shimmer in the artificial light, and Scott catches glimpses of purple, green, yellow, and blue, all at once, reflected in them.
The edges of Mother’s lips are curved up in a salacious smile, blanketed under her signature deep crimson lipstick, a shade so dark that at this point, it might as well be purple. Her hair, exactly the same bright teal color as her eyes, is slicked back into a tight ponytail, showing off her smooth and unwrinkled forehead and defined widow’s peak, the ends of her hair reaching almost to her waist.
“Ah, Scott, I’ve been looking for you,” she smarms, some facsimile of warmness edging into her voice, a tone that Scott’s come to know to be fake, smothering her voice in honey. “But then I came home, and your father had kicked you out. Despicable, absolutely despicable! So, naturally, I told him to get out and find his own home.”
Scott nods along amicably, because as he’s learnt from years of experience, the best way to stay out of his mother’s way is to keep under the radar and not spark her anger. As anyone could tell from even a few minutes in her presence, the best, no, only way to describe Mother would be that she is a power-hungry, scarily intelligent diva. 
Coming from one of the richest families around, Karissa Major lived a sheltered, spoiled childhood in which she was generally given anything she asked for. As a result, she became extremely smart- because instead of asking for toys like a normal child, the only things Karissa ever wanted were books. And not fiction books that you’d think a child would like- Karissa only read books on psychology, on the human psyche, eventually graduated from college with a masters’ degree in psychology at sixteen, afterwards scooping up some hapless gorgon twice her age from his own wife, seducing him with her singing until he left his one true love for her. That was Scott’s father.
When Karissa married Scott’s father, named Andre Piccolino before he took her name, her fortune had doubled, even tripled, in size- money rolling in from every corner, rich friends, patrons left and right. The ample flow of cash only seemed to grow when Karissa managed to form a special “friend group” who she calls “the Watchers”. As far as Scott knows, they live life in the mountains in a secluded, secret compound- one his mother’s been at for the past year, and one he wouldn’t set foot in if you paid him (providing he was suddenly allowed to, of course. Scott’s been banned from the Watchers for as long as he can remember.)
Yeah, the Watchers. Her cult. Karissa demands half the profits of all her members as soon as they move in, and if they dare attempt to leave, her wrath is… well, let’s just say no one’s attempted to leave the cult in about seven years, since a particularly harrowing incident involving a girl, seventeen at the time, a dark forest, and a blowtorch.
Her body was never found, most likely burnt to a crisp. 
Scott only knows about this… incident… due to overheard conversations his Mother had on the phone when he was young.
Because although Father is a loudly destructive, angrily defiant blowhard, Scott’s known ever since a very young age that his sneaking, scheming mother is the one he really needs to be afraid of. And even now, as she leads him by his arm into the kitchen, making snide, passive-aggressive comments about the way he’s dressed, her inch-long nails cutting into his arm, Scott finds himself curling in on himself, his old submissive habits taking over automatically, by design.
“So, um, what exactly are you doing here?” Scott asks flatly, earning a shocked look from Mother as he interrupts yet another mention of The Watchers and how “we would love to have you, really, darling.”
Huh. He supposes he’s not strictly unallowed anymore.
“Well, I’m coming back to check on my darling baby boy, of course. So, Scott, tell me how it’s been going. Tell me… everything.” Her irises briefly flash a dark, instant pitch, like a void pulling him in, trying to pull everything out of him piece by piece by piece. Because right. She’s a siren. Scott should have known Mother would do this at some point.
He tries to keep his mouth closed, he really does, but she’s too powerful and she knows it- her lips quirk up a centimeter further in genuine triumph as Scott’s own lips part and he begins to recount the story of the past few months, every last detail. His mother listens intently, her hands clasped underneath her chin, elbows resting on the stone table, as the sky gets darker and darker outside. Hours must have passed by the time Scott finishes, gasping for a breath.
The only part he manages to leave out of his lengthy tale are the memories he and Jimmy have shared.
“Well! Thank you so very much, Scott, what a positively lovely storytime.” Karissa claps her hands together decidedly, her smile growing wider by the minute, a cheshire cat grin that unnerves Scott to his very bone. “So, about this Jimmy- would either of you be interested in a little something my friend group has to offer? We’re thinking of putting on a little show, and we were wondering if you and some of your friends would consent to be the, ah, actors, let’s say.”
Scott’s first instinct, one he feels down to his inner core, is to say no- to yell it, scream it in Karissa’s face, and run from the house, as quickly as possible. He doesn’t want anything to do with his mother, or the Watchers, or anything they have to offer- Mother has ruined his life more times than he dares to count. But her smile is so inviting, so warm, and he’s certain that despite it all, she really does want what’s best for him…
This time, Scott catches the faint scent of siren magic on the air as her eyes start to go black, shaking his head violently and sending a glare in her direction. “Cut it out, Mother. No, I don’t want to be a part of another one of your twisted little experiments- you think I don’t know what happened to the kids from the first one?”
Karissa raises one eyebrow so high that it almost disappears into her overly defined hairline, an expression of strict disappointment plastered atop her features. “Impressive, Scott. I’m glad you’re finally beginning to take your siren side into account. This does, however, make things a lot more… difficult, I’ll say, for us.”
“Because you can’t control me on a whim? Yeah, I’d say that’s a good thing, actually. I don’t want anything to do with you, it was a mistake to come here in the first place. I need to leave, I need to go, Jimmy’s probably going crazy looking for me.” Scott stands, roughly pushing away his chair, and turns to leave, with every intent of getting out of this wretched place and back to the comfortable safety of Jimmy.
“I know about the rapport, Scott.” Mother’s voice drips from behind him like honey, and his shoulders clench, stopping him in his tracks.
“...The what?” Scott asks, dread welling up inside him for some unknown reason, sticky and pulling at his insides.
His mother sighs dramatically, throwing her hands up into the air like the diva she is. “The rapport! Really, you’ve not had quite the best education in the ways of sirens, have you?”
“My education is fine, Mother.” Scott clenches his teeth, still with half a mind to just forget about whatever she’s on about this time and leave. But she’s got him hooked, and she knows it, her snaking grin growing somehow even wider- Scott swears that her mouth shouldn’t be able to stretch that far, it’s almost unnatural how stretched and strained her face is.
“A rapport is an emotional and mental bond a siren, or, in your case, half-siren, can share with another sentient being. Rapports are only formed between two people who have great trust and respect for each other, and they can manifest in a variety of different ways. I could sense the magic of it on you as soon as I took your arm when you first walked in the door. So, tell me- how has your rapport shown itself, and who did you decide to share it with?”
Scott doesn’t want to admit that his mother has struck him speechless, but she has. For the first time in the last few months, everything is almost too clear, as if he’s been squinting through layers of clouded glass that have suddenly and miraculously been wiped clean. “Wait. That’s what it is? The thing me and Jimmy have?” The words are out before he can stop himself, curiosity creeping into his mind, pushing out any coherent thoughts.
“Oh, so it’s Jimmy, is it?” Karissa asks, her smile dropping for the first time so far, to be replaced by a slight and subtle sneer. If Scott hadn’t spent all of his formative years with the woman, he’s not sure he would’ve even noticed the negative expression. “Scott, I’m not like your father. I’m not against you having a boyfriend- in fact, I had a girlfriend when I was younger. I am many things, but a homophobe is not one of them. But, still, I do have my worries- didn’t you say he was homeless before that? Not to mention the fact that he’s an avian… I’m not sure if I want you to associate with their kind, they’re awfully… scruffy. Not fit to interact with people of our class.”
Her words take Scott by surprise, though honestly, at this point in their relationship, they probably shouldn’t. “That’s- that’s not an okay thing to say- what the fuck, Mother? Jimmy is one of the loveliest people I’ve ever met, and John and Laura are better parents than you and Father ever were.” Now that he knows his mother can’t control him through her magic, Scott suddenly feels a whole damn lot more confident. Of course, even without her siren powers, Mother is a master manipulator, but at least now he knows that if she tries her magic again, he has a way to cancel it out.
“Hm,” Scott’s mother mutters noncommittally, scrutinously looking over her nails with faked interest before meeting Scott’s eyes, where her wide grin has grown back on her face. “Anyways- are you interested in learning more about the rapport, how to manage and utilize it, et cetera?’
As much as he doesn’t want to admit it, (because if he didn’t know his mother was a terrible person, he sure does now) Scott is. He’s insanely interested, he’s never really had a chance to learn about this part of his heritage, of his backstory- and if it’s special, what he and Jimmy share, he wants to find some way to control it so they aren’t both just bowled over by memories whenever emotions get too high.
“Yes.” He voices the answer against his best judgment, he says the wordsAnd that’s it. Mother has him in checkmate, there’s no getting out of this, and from the look on her face, he can tell that she knows she’s won. Once again, she’s won.
“Fantastic!” Karissa claps her hands together again, kicking off her spiked heels under the table and grabbing Scott by his shoulder, steering him upstairs and into her study, a room Scott’s never been allowed inside until now.
“But, of course, no knowledge comes without a price,” Mother smiles with a fake, dripping sweetness, grabbing books down off the bookshelves of this unfamiliar room, her long, turquoise nails a striking color against the black binding as she pulls a particular volume off the shelf.
To be honest, Scott had known this was coming: he knew there was no way his manipulative, power-thirsty mother would simply teach him the ways of sirens, it really wasn’t even a possibility that there wasn't a catch. Sometimes Scott wonders what would have happened if he had grown up with different parents, and then he realizes it’s a miracle he isn’t as fucked up as others in his situation have been. For the most part, he’s a genuinely kind, empathetic person, and he’s surprised, when he thinks about it, that he hasn’t turned out differently.
“Okay, what’s the price then?” Scott asks skeptically, bringing his thoughts back to the matter at hand. He leans cautiously up against the closed, creme-colored door, shoulders tent and alert.
“I want you to participate in my experiment.” The words flow off Karissa’s tongue smoothly, like honeyed butter, so confident that Scott can’t even imagine something else his mother might have said.
“Of course you do,” he mutters, pursing his lips and trying to conceal the intense fear rushing through his veins.
“I promise, it’s completely ethical,” Mother smiles in such a way that makes Scott certain it’s not ethical at all, sitting down at the desk and picking up the books she’d grabbed from the shelves.
“Somehow, given your history, I highly doubt that.”
“Oh, quit your grumbling,” his mother simpers, poking Scott in the middle of his nose on the way out the door, books carried effortlessly under her arm. “Come on, it’ll be a fun bonding experience for you and your boyfriend! And you can bring along some other friends too! Of course, I’ve already advertised throughout your school and gotten several submissions from students who want to join, but it just wouldn’t be the same without my favorite son in the competition.”
“I’m your only son,” Scott points out, following his mother (like a lost puppy, little as he wants to admit it) as she sashays through the halls, back downstairs, and into the basement. “And also, what do you mean ‘competition’?”
Mother hums, infuriatingly, and Scott can tell she knows she’s got him on the hook. “Oh, you know, a little game. A few of my friends’ kids are going to be participating too, and of course, you will be paid handsomely. Would you like me to list off the people who have agreed to join?”
“The first person who signed up, almost immediately as I put up the fliers, was this boy named Grian, an avian. He goes to your school, doesn’t he?” Karissa doesn’t wait for an affirmative answer from Scott, one that she quite obviously already knows, instead barreling on. “I saw a certain spark in Grian, so I’ve given him some… special privileges. Two boys, best friends named Impulse and Skizz, signed up as well; I believe they go to the public school downtown? A couple others too. Oh, and I can’t believe my silly mind, I almost forgot to tell you that your dear friend Joel has also signed on!” The woman claps her hands in a satisfied manner, and Scott wants to throw up.
It is very clear that she hasn’t forgotten, she never did, she’s just been holding onto that bit of information as a last resort. Scott doesn’t want Joel alone in anything his mother’s concocting, especially not if it has something to do with the Watchers. If he wasn’t checkmated before, he certainly is now- there is no way he’s letting Joel deal with whatever horrific experiment his mother has concocted this time. 
“Fine. Fine! If you’ve managed to somehow get Joel roped into this, I guess I’ll join! It’s not like I have any choice, anyway.” Scott spits out the words like poison gracing his tongue, and he can see the edges of his shades frosting over from his anger out of the corners of his eyes.
Mother’s cheshire cat grin grows even wider, her heavily mascaraed eyes opening wide in mock surprise. “Oh, Scott, thank you so much! I knew I could count on you,” she smiles, sighing dramatically as if everything would have been ruined if Scott hadn’t decided to play into her sick little mind games.
“Yeah, great, cool. I’m going home.” He’s done. He’s so done with his bitch of a mother, why did he ever think it could be different, she’s always been like this, always-
“This is your home, dear!” Karissa looks somehow offended, and the utter irony and sickness of the situation chills Scott to the bone, a disgusted sneer moving across his features as naturally as a skim of oil slimes across the surface of a cup of water.
“No. It’s not.” As Scott walks out, Mother makes no move to stop him- but he can feel her eyes searing into his back, almost hear the way her teeth click together when she smiles. She doesn’t call out until he’s already halfway down the garden path.
“Scott, darling! Come over, this time tomorrow, and I’ll teach you about the rapport, what it means, and how you can harness it. Don’t forget to try and get Jimmy and Owen and Shelby into the game, there’s a limited number of slots!”
Scott’s back tenses at the word game. 
Nothing good can come of this.
As he steps through the now-deserted streets, he pulls up his phone to check for notifications he might have missed, and inadvertently realizes it’s somehow well past midnight. Where did the time go? What has he been doing all day? Jimmy must be worried sick-
His phone rings, and speak of the devil, it’s the canary himself. Scott picks up immediately, pressing the phone to his ear, Jimmy’s voice panicked but still coherent on the other end.
“Scott, thank god you picked up! Are you okay? What happened, where have you been?! Owen and I have been so worried about you, and John and Laura were just about to call the police to file a missing persons report- but I insisted calling you one more time and thank god I did, please get home soon, we’re all so worried-” Jimmy takes a break to breathe, and something seems to snap in him, his anger pouring through the phone and almost making Scott flinch.
“Scott, where the fuck have you been?! I haven’t seen you since noon, you’ve been gone for more than 12 hours, I was so scared, explain yourself right this fucking instant! Or I swear to god-”
“Jimmy, I’m fine, I’m fine.” Scott tries to disregard the pang of affection he feels for his boyfriend, because he was worried about him, someone was actually worried about Scott- “My mother was in town, so I decided to pay her a visit. I lost track of time. I’m sorry.”
“Losing track of time is three or four hours gone, maybe five. YOU WERE GONE FOR TWELVE AND A HALF HOURS. I know you have a better explanation, a real explanation, and I want to hear it. Now. Also, wind back: your MOTHER was in town?! You mean the abusive, manipulative cult leader mother who I’ve heard oh so LITTLE about?” 
“Okay, okay, let me get home, and I’ll explain everything, I swear.”
There’s silence on the other end, and Scott feels a bit of anxiety set in. He’s really made Jimmy worry, probably Owen too, and he can’t even imagine the panic that must be going through John and Laura’s minds right now. Scott swallows deeply, quickening his pace and stepping down the well-tread route to his home. He doesn’t look behind him as his mother steps out onto the deck and watches him go, a manipulative, wide-toothed smile painted ferociously across her face.
“I’ve got you now,” she whispers, quietly, as Scott’s heart thumps green in her enhanced vision. He doesn’t know it yet, but he doesn’t have a choice in whether he participates in her game or not. It’s not an option anymore.
But Karissa, through years of reading psychology books in her free time, through years of leading her cult (yes, she does admit it’s a cult- not that she would to anyone’s face)- through all this, Karissa has found that the best way to make someone do something you want is to make them feel as if they’ve got a choice.
Even when they absolutely do not. Scott has been ensnared, and because of his rapport, so has Jimmy. Now, it’s only a matter of time before they realize it themselves. It’s only a plus that Scott has already agreed of his own free will to participate in her game.
A quiet laugh spreads across the post-midnight town, a cackle that sets deep into the bones of any who hear it, tossing and turning in their sleep. Oh yes, Karissa is ready. She has been ready for as long as she can remember.
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eryanlainfa · 8 months
I just realized that even though i see your art of him and you talk about him a lot, i don't actually know anything about aiden. so. infodump to me about your OC lore please.
!!!! hi <3 I have SO MUCH to say about Aiden- and yet I don't share that much about them! I draw them a lot but never give much context, my bad xP
I did answer an ask a while ago about them here if you want! it has all the basic infos you might need and I've just updated it a bit because some stuff was outdated and I wanted to add some details. I also think you can find (very) few things in the eryanwrites tag
But you're asking for infodumping so!!! Imma infodump MORE >:3c
(this is in addition to the post I linked- you might want to read said post before, to have more context)
⚙ Backstory stuff
Despite being born in Old Corona, Aiden spent half of their childhood in another village even farther away from the capital. This village is run by a small saporian community and was mostly filled with travelers so people tended to come and go, lots of witches came by looking to seal their power to pass as human. So Aiden and their parents were easily welcomed there.
When Aiden was a child, the local Grandma (Aiden never learnt her name- she was just referred by everyone as Grandma) used to play with Aiden's hair a lot while she told stories. Aiden avoided cutting their hair for her, and even after her death they still refused to cut it.
Said Grandma was the village's healer and quickly became Aiden's role model. She was the first person to mentor Aiden in their quest to become a physician.
Aiden's second mentor is the current royal physician, the only one who didn't leave when the Queen got sick and no one could find a cure. Both of Aiden's mentor were/are unhinged and definetly shouldn't be trusted to teach children but that's why I love them.
Aiden is very not normal about human bodies. Both because of autism and the way their mentors educated them about it. Aiden is pretty desentisized about stuff most people would find gross.
⚙ Aiden's relationship with other characters
Aiden has a pretty good relationship with their parents. They're very loving people but a tad overprotective, it kinda made Aiden avoid talking to them about big problems because he was scared to worry them more than necessary, but overall they all love and care for each others. Aiden is just terrible at understanding and communicating his own needs.
They have many friends within the castle since they've been working here for a while now. They're also known outside of the capital since his mentor sometimes send them away, either on errand or to take care of villages without doctors.
Aiden isn't close to the main cast of tts, beside Varian. He respects and admires most of them but he doesn't consider them friends since he never really got interested in getting closer to them. They do know they can count on him when any of them gets hurt or sick, it's his job after all.
Aiden has a bestie- his name is Daniel, he's the son of the merchants proccuring most herbs for the physicians, and is currently part of the royal guards. He isn't a very fun person but Aiden enjoys how down to earth he can be.
⚙ random stuff
During the series Aiden went through like... 4 different leg prosthesis in one year because people (bad guy of the season) kept on breaking it. (I'll admit it was my go-to excuse as to why Aiden doesn't appear in canon. They're always off screen doing random things or laying on the floor stuck somewhere 😔)
They're very sensitive to temperatures since the Storm that made them lose their leg.
Aiden's magic got sealed by a tattoo on their back when they were very young, so as they grew up the tattoo got deformed and the seal weakened. Their extended family is the ones completely getting rid of it- by removing part of the skin. Hopefully for Aiden he was under hypnosis when that happens and he has no memories of it whatsoever. Varian is the one who found out about it and it made him really mad.
So you know Venefica's magic is linked to mind control. And Aiden caught feelings for Varian long before he caught feelings for them himself. Varian is very obvious about his feelings, yet Aiden doesn't acknowledge it at all. That's because they're somehow convinced Varian's feelings aren't genuine and is caused by their own magic they never learnt to control.
I mentioned witches cannot break promises so they avoid doing any, since it can easily end badly for them. Aiden (so far) made 2 : one to Quirin and one to Donella. The first one lowkey resulted in the loss of their leg. The second brought distrust between them and Varian. So yeah. Promises bad.
The only reason Hugo is allowed to call them Hobble is because he helped a lot with their prosthesis and still does
⚙ shipping stuff
At this point if you don't know I ship Aiden with both Varian and Hugo then-.. Idk how you escaped all my posting about them but I admire that, this is impressive. Anyway-
I wanted to try doing an actual love triangle so when each of them catch feelings it starts with : Aiden -> Hugo ; Hugo -> Varian ; Varian -> Aiden. Then things just... happen and at some point they all have feelings for both of the other and they are struggling to figure out what to do about it.
The first two to get into a relationship are Aiden and Hugo, but it's not really romantic, they're just having fun. Hugo quickly understood Varian was the team leader but the boy kept Aiden in high regard, so getting Aiden on his side would eventually bring Varian to it too. Aiden is very aware of it and is fine with it as long as Hugo isn't actively trying to get them hurt.
I have.. the worst love triangle dynamic chart ever :
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I don't even know if its readable to others but oh well-
Anyway. I think that's enough! If any question rises I'll love to asnwer them! About Aiden or other ocs or timeline stuff- or aus- anything is fine
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redwineconversation · 14 days
Lindsey Horan Olympique et Lyonnais Interview (September 6, 2024)
I'm morbidly curious which fans will end up being the most offended by this interview.
Jokes aside, I have a lot of thoughts about Woso and/or US fans but that's something I have already discussed privately. Though I think if you read between the lines you know what my views already are.
Blah blah standard disclaimers apply; I'm Swiss I'm not cut out for this heat @OL Comms Dept pls save me and by that I mean my AC bill; if you're offended at players keeping their private life private then maybe you are the problem; blah blah y'all know the speech by now.
Lindsey Horan (Lyon): I became a better leader because of the Olympics
During the preseason camp in Tignes, which she joined halfway through, Lindsey Horan sat down for several long minutes with Olympique et Lyonnais to talk about her summer with the United States, her role as a leader with the USWNT and at Lyon, but also her desire to might as well be a coach. All that with her trademark good sense of humor.
Olympique et Lyonnais: Lindsey Horan, how is it being back with the Lyon team?
Lindsey Horan : It's going really well. I only got back four days ago (interview took place the day before last during the preseason camp at Lyon). I came straight here so I had my first summer training this Tuesday. It's been good be back with my teammates.
It isn't too hard to come back so soon after winning the Olympics, without really having time to rest and recover?
Yeah, it's a bit difficult, but it's mainly a mental question. Playing in the Olympics takes a lot out of you, mentally as much as physically. So when it's over, you're really happy to have won. But the adrenaline crash comes quickly when you realize you immediately have to start getting ready for the following season. It's hard, but once I saw the team and we started playing, it immediately motivated me again.
We saw today that the new coach focuses a lot on ball possession. Is it easy to be motivated again when you know you're going to be playing football rather than a fitness session?
Exactly, I can't take any more fitness sessions (laughter). It's much more fun to play.
"People don't realize what a captain does during a tournament"
Going back to the Olympics... Is it a source of pride, as captain, to have won this gold medal?
Yes, it's the biggest honor to have been captain of a team who won gold. It wasn't easy. It was one of the most memorable tournaments. It was a big adventure and the team was really in form. I'm really proud of the team and to have won gold.
Male players often say that the Olympics doesn't have the same meaning as the World Cup. Do you feel the same?
No, it's just different. It's hard to compare the feelings. Obviously, winning the World Cup was something incredible for me. But the only thing I was missing was a gold medal at the Olympics. It's different because we're representing our country in a different way, with Team USA and its athletes. And as I said, it's really hard to play six games in only 2 and 1/2 weeks. So mentally, having overcome that challenge by winning gold is an incredible feeling.
Emma Hayes said a lot of nice things about you after the final. How would you rate your evolution as captain between the World Cup and the 2024 Olympics?
You need a bit of time before the competition to really understand the enormous responsibility that a captain has to take on during a World Cup. People don't really understand everything a captain has to do during a competition. I learnt from the World Cup and Emma (Hayes) has also taught me an enormous amount about how to be a good leader [no comment]. I've evolved a lot, even during the tournament. I took on a lot of responsibility. That's why I was so emotional during the press conference. People don't understand all these responsibilities. That's how having heard what the coach said really touched me. She didn't even have to say it, that's why I was so happy to hear her congratulate me.
"What Wendie does here in Lyon inspires me"
Between camp and the competition, the Olympics lasted two months. In the end, did you have more of a mental role than as a player in the team?
Yeah, it's a bit difficult because we had a new staff. It was Emma [Hayes]' first tournament and she brought a lot of staff with her. So, I think having our old staff and older players adjust to these new principles wasn't easy. I hope that I managed to elevate some of the stress from my team and especially from the coach. Tournaments are also very stressful for the coaches, but Emma never stresses. She is very calm and involved, which is really comforting for the players.
How do you stay concentrated on football being that you spend so much energy by helping others? Was there anyone helping you?
It was hard (laughter). The one who helped me the most isn't in the team. There's someone outside of it, her name is Tobin Heath (former Portland and OL Reign player) and who is a massive support [system]. When you are captain, no one would think you might need help. It's hard because I don't think I played the best that I could every game. But if I could help the team play its best, that's remarkable. It's why I look for help outside the team, even if Emma really supported me.
Was having a break between the Olympic Games and preseason with Lyon also a way to stay mentally fresh?
Yes, I went to San Diego with my fiancé, who also became Sporting Director. This doesn't mean that I will go to San Diego even if a lot of people seem to think so (laughter). I went to see him and sit in on his press conferences, then we went to the beach for a few days. It was really nice, it allowed me to decompress after a long season.
"I like the positive energy from head coach Montemurro"
Going back to Lyon, you've almost been here for three years. Do you have a leadership role here as well, or is it something Wendie [Renard] handles really well by herself?
Already after the first year I started to become more of a leader in the team. I think you can see it in the way I play on the field. I work even harder off the pitch to become better because it's different with the language and the culture. We have incredible leaders in this team, like Wendie (Renard) who has taught me a lot, she is the most professional captain I've played with. I learn a lot from her, it helps me develop my leadership skills. I also try to bring to Lyon what I learned with the USWNT.
Last year, there were defeats in the Champions League as well as in the Coupe de France. This year, is the objection still to win all three?
It's important to not take that for granted. We have to stay humble because it's not easy, as we saw in the Coupe de France last season. A team can struggle sometimes. The level has evolved to a point where we're never sure to win the league. For us, the objective is the same each season: we want to win everything. That's how every competitive club should think. But we need to stay humble: we know we have to work hard the whole season. We don't want to experience defeats again. We fix new objectives for ourselves to motivate us.
Sonia Bompastor left, did you know of head coach Montemurro before he signed with Lyon?
A little bit. I've heard really good things. We played against him when he was at Juventus. I've heard people talk about his style of play and how he coaches players. We also heard him talk about what he wanted. I really like his positive energy. Obviously we need to train with him to see how everything goes but he has given a good impression. We're going to work hard to be able to play according to his strategy.
He is a coach who likes to have [ball] possession. That must really be a philosophy that you like and which speaks to you...
When you look at how the game is changing in this day and age, with clubs who are putting more and more of a focus on rapid transitions, it's interesting to see a coach who prioritizes possession. It's really important not to lose sight of that, to know when to go, when to be in transition, when to keep the ball. In terms of tactics, the coach is bringing something different which the team might never have seen before. It makes me want to learn.
"Coach in the future? I've thought about it"
Even being one of the best players in the world, are there still things you can learn?
I see some things when I play, and I am always asking myself if there is something better which can be done. Do I need to pass, dribble, shoot ... is there a better solution? I need to learn tactically and learn more about my teammates' style of play and their habits. Having fresh eyes can only be good in terms of personal development.
You talk like a coach. Is coaching something you might be interested in getting into later on?
Yes, but it's something I will need to think about because being a coach requires a lot of work and doesn't seem like much fun. You have to stay at work all day (laughter). But it's true that I like passing on information to others. I adore helping the younger players, be at Lyon or with the national team. So yes, it could be something which interests me. I'm starting to look into it, I have to pass my exams, but I'm thinking about it.
The atmosphere within the team seems very laid back. Is something which continued from last year or did the new staff bring in this joy of life?
Between all my teams, Lyon has always been the club with the best atmosphere and has been since I arrived. Everyone is so welcoming and they are great teammates. It's a really great feeling, because we all want to play in this team, composed of really good people. I've been back for a few days but I still have the impression of being on vacation with them. When you haven't had any rest, it helps with the recovery (smiles).
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asprngdeductionist · 4 months
The personal blog of "Adum Jane"
Hello there. Long time no see. I have been on a hiatus for a longer time than I am comfortable with. I'm not saying I'm going to come back. No I won't. To deduction? Maybe. To blogging? Unlikely. I just want to say thanks for the community. It's been a fun ride.
Personal Stuff
This isn't a usual post. I don't usually do this. I kinda need to vent a little bit. I have a lack of trust for human beings. I know people and how they think. Human beings are fucking disgusting when you think about it. We lie, we cheat, we harm others of our kind intentionally, we betray. The sheer amount of ranting I could do about human nature is a disgusting amount.
I fucking hate myself. I'm a human being. I Have flaws. Just like you. I am a stupid piece of shit. Every single human flaw I can make I make. It's starting to really piss me off. I am a piece of shit. NOT just subconsciously. I do it on purpose. OK I usually do it to people who irritate me on such a level that I just have to insult them. But I honestly go off the rails sometimes and start insulting my friends. It's good context to know that I have a friend-group of merely 5 people(myself included). From these, I only really trust 1. My girlfriend. And if I start insulting them, they'll turn away. I can't live with the fact that I am an asshole most of the time.
The reason I stopped deducing
Recently my relationship of around 8 months started blooming again. I started really loving her. Caring for her. Instead of handling her like a chore once a week. I stopped deducing because it was getting in the way of my thinking when I was with her. Just to clarify: I have two big things in my life sprint kayaking and my girlfriend. I can't give up the former because that's the only one that I'm above average at. I need to spend a lot of time with the latter or else I will start treating her like shit again. I'll try and manage to put the smaller thing in there like: deduction and...
My passion for music
My passion for music started last summer when I started listening to non-mainstream bands. I started listening to Sting and The Police. Not too common for a person my age. Then I started listening to Nirvana one day in the winter. I got hooked. I had a spark. A few years ago my father got a guitar. An Ibanez acoustic guitar. My brother started playing it. He had that spark there. He bought his own electric guitar to feed his desire for Metal. The acoustic was there collecting dust for around a year. Cut back and there is this spark that I don't know what to do with. I picked up that guitar eager to learn. I know exactly when, because it was around a week after we got together with my girlfriend. I learnt some one string riffs. By January I had my first guitar. A cheap strat I bought for 100 bucks. I learnt and I learnt feeding that spark that grew into a fire. I started listening to Foo Fighters, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Megatdeth all the good stuff. I even bought a better guitar. And now I have this ache to perform after learning for 8 months. This fire is now in danger because it's hard to squeeze practising in the little time-frame I have for just myself.
This was all I wanted to say. Thank you for the support through my blogging journey.
Happy motherfuckin' deducing!
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