#this was also for the white haired apocalypse request
Deep Water Prompt #3150
Aliens began banishing their royals to our desiccated, apocalyptic planet. An ex princess turned up half dead in the wastes, hair white as snow, eyes black as coal, sharp tongue ruby red.
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moonstruckme · 8 months
also i LOVE your poly!marauders apocalypse au (so creative btw!! i'm obsessed!!) and would be so down to read something in that universe where the reader gets hypothermia or something like that hehe !!!! <333333
Thanks for requesting lovely!
cw: mild hypothermia
apocalypse poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 1.2k words
You keep tripping, which is mildly embarrassing. You think it’s a combination of fatigue and the general numbness that’s pervaded your body even through the layers you’d put on when you’d packed up the campsite that morning. You’d all agreed that, with the death eaters on your trail, it’s really only safe to stay in one area for a few days at a time, even with all the protections you place around your sites. But that means days where, instead of lounging around your tent, listening to the radio and plotting for the Order, you use all the daylight you have to hike through the wintry woods until you’re far enough away to set up another camp. 
Sirius glances back when you stumble again, the toe of your boot catching on a branch you hadn’t seen buried in the snow. It’s a more dramatic affair than it should be, and you barely get your other foot out in front of you fast enough to avoid face-planting into the leaf litter. 
Your shivering worsens as another gust of wind burns your face, making your thick jacket feel like mesh. You think this has to be the worst moving day your group has had yet. The cold is the same, but the sun hasn’t so much as peeked from behind the clouds all day and the wind makes it nearly unbearable. The snow is thick enough that you’ve started stepping in the boys’ footprints to save energy. One of the many perks of taking up the rear. 
You nearly hit Sirius when he stops in front of you. 
“This clearing looks about as good as any,” James is saying, but Remus looks hesitant. 
“I don’t know,” he frets. “Do you think it’s far enough? We’ve been slow today.” 
“You’re tired,” James says kindly. You look at Remus, noting his slouched posture, the weariness he’s never quite learned to hide from his expression. You’re not sure how you didn’t notice his exhaustion before. You’re usually more aware of those things. “And it’s horrid out here. Let’s just call it a night, and if you’re still anxious about it tomorrow we’ll go a bit further.” 
“I can make it further tonight.” 
“It’s not all about you, Moony,” Sirius drawls. He looks especially monochrome against all the fresh white snow, you think. His superblack hair is as eye-catching as neon. “I’ve got a rock in my shoe I’d love to get out, and I know y/n’s knees have to be black and blue from the way she’s been falling for the past hour.” 
His scheme works; Remus looks to you, arguments of his own fortitude forgotten. “Are you tired, dove? You want to stop?” 
You shrug. “Yeah, I guess. It’s cold.” 
Suddenly all three boys seem focussed intently on you. You’re not sure why. You don’t actually recall much of what you’d been talking about. 
“Could you say that again?” James asks you. His brows are stitched together and his eyes have gone all sharp behind his glasses. 
“I just said it’s cold.” 
“Why’re you talking like that, doll?” Sirius takes a step toward you, then looks to Remus. “Why is she slurring?” 
“I don’t know,” Remus says softly. He’s looking at you weird, too. Frowny. “Yeah, let’s set up. Maybe she just needs a rest.” 
James spells the tent up quickly, then makes Remus stay and sit with you while he and Sirius set up the protections and everything else. The temperature inside the magical tent is cozy. Remus lights a fire in the grate to warm you all up. 
“Do you feel okay, lovely?” he asks, helping you out of your jacket. You sit on the bed, working off your shoes. 
“Yeah, just…just really tired.” 
He furrows his eyebrows, placing a palm on your cheek. You have no clue how it’s so warm, but a sigh escapes you as you lean into the touch. 
“When did you start tripping?” he asks you. 
You…you’re not sure. You can’t remember the first time it happened. How long had you been walking?
Your bemusement must show on your face, because Remus’ mouth pinches. His hand slides down to cup your face, fingers pressing oddly into your jaw. Frankly, you could care less where he puts them so long as he keeps touching you.
“Feeling better?” James asks, materializing behind Remus. You’re not sure which one of you he’s talking to, but you hum contentedly anyway. 
“I think she might be hypothermic,” Remus doesn’t look away from you as he talks, his eyebrows lowered like he’s waiting for you to answer a question you don’t remember him asking. His fingers press harder into your neck. “Her pulse is…scary weak.” 
James looks at you, and you look at Remus. 
“You really think so?” you ask him, befuddled. “I don’t feel…I’m only tired.” 
“Hypothermia makes you tired,” he tells you gently. “And you’re slurring your words, love.” 
You feel an icy tendril of fear snake around your spine. “I am?” 
“You’re alright.” James catches onto your panic quickly, leaning over Remus to give your shoulders a bolstering squeeze. “Let’s just get some of these layers off you, and then we’ll swaddle you in blankets.” He starts easing off your jumper, leaving you in just your undershirt. You’re newly cognizant of the sluggishness of your movements as you raise your arms to help him. “Once you sit by the fire for a bit, you’ll be feeling back to normal in no time.” 
You nod numbly, lifting your bum to tug off the jeans you’d worn over leggings. James takes the blanket from the bed and wraps it around you while Remus goes to find more in the other room. 
“Poor love,” James coos, dropping a kiss to your head. “You’re shaking like a leaf.” 
“No duh,” Sirius says, the tent flap letting in a blast of cool air behind him. “It’s fucking freezing out.” 
James offers him a sorry smile. “We think she’s got hypothermia.” 
Sirius sobers, stormcloud eyes flickering to you. “Shit, really? How bad is that?” 
“Not too bad, I don’t think,” Remus says, nudging past him with a stack of blankets in his arms. “I mean, it’d be great if I’d thought to bring any books on that sort of thing, but I’m fairly sure if it were bad she’d be more confused and a bit…blueish.” He drapes a blanket over your shoulders, letting James pull it tighter and tuck it about as he wishes. “Do you feel any better?” 
“I think so,” you say quietly. It’s a bit unnerving to be at the center of so much alarm like this. You do feel better being out of the cold, but you’re not sure if that’s what he’s asking. “It’s a little hard to tell.” 
“You don’t seem like you’re slurring as badly,” James evaluates. He cups the back of your neck, planting a kiss on the frozen tip of your nose. “I think you’re getting better already, lovie.” 
Your face certainly feels warmer. 
Sirius grins at your flustering, though it’s dampened by worry. “What about a hot chocolate?” he asks, tone unusually gentle. “Does that sound like it might help?” 
“I’m fine,” you say, and he disregards you immediately, posing the same question to Remus. 
“Would that help?”
Remus shrugs. “It could. Doubt it would hurt. James, love, I think she’s got enough blankets.” 
James frowns, peering through the layers of covering to find your face. “Do you feel warm enough, angel?” 
You blink, owlish. “I think so?” 
He shakes his head. “Sounds far from certain. More blankets it is. Sirius, get started on the hot chocolate.” 
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the-kr8tor · 2 months
May I have Bitter Orange in a ⭐ bottle please? The start of R and Hobie being handcuffed together before they turned, with R succumbing to the effects of the virus much faster than Hobie due to his spiderpowers, so for a bit he just watches his love become a husk of who they were before he too is a zombie?
*laughs evily* Yessss I've been waiting for a request exactly like this hwjsjwijsjaj hope you like it!
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Word count: 3.2k (whoops)
Tags: Use of Y/N sparsely, no specific physical description of the reader (except for her clothing), description of illness, TW blood, CW injury, TW death, zombie AU, Zombie apocalypse AU. Angst, Hurt/comfort
A prequel to this one shot
Katy's one year celebration 🎉
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The air is nice and cool on your face as you walk hand in hand with Hobie in the barren street. There's rows upon rows of abandoned houses, all in different stages of decay from both scavengers trying to survive and time itself proving to be the worst enemy. But it's on your side for now for it has given you infinite time to be with him.
Hobie's hand is suddenly on your scarf, fingers gingerly sliding the fuzzy material up to your chin. He smiles at you, the sun blindingly light behind him. Despite the apocalypse, he still looks just as handsome. He has new shallow scars on his chin where a stubble is slowly growing, hair a bit of a mess but beautiful nonetheless. You've once told him after a lucky find of one whole pound of chocolate pudding that he's apocalypse chic, that he makes the end of the world look good. To which he laughed and shoved a spoonful of chocolate pudding in your mouth. Compared to him you probably look like a mess, you wouldn't know, you've ignored mirrors ever since you ran out of shampoo a few days ago.
“What are you thinkin' ‘bout, gorgeous?” He tugs you closer to him, the crowbar hanging from his backpack clinks against the machete next to it.
“That I really need shampoo, and that you look unfairly handsome in this light.”
Chuckling, he intertwined his fingers around your own. It could mean death for the both of you if the undead suddenly lunges and he doesn't have enough time to take his hand away from you. But he thinks it's alright for him to do, to indulge himself to your touch since the entire place is empty save for a few dead cars and scattered luggages left by people.
“You should see yourself in my eyes, lovie, the greasy hair is doin' a lot for me.”
“Oh yeah? You like it when you pat my head and you get petrol on your hand?”
“We need petrol, d’you think if I bunch up your hair and squeeze it I can collect the oil?”
You nudge him playfully, “you're an ass.”
“Yeah, well, you're stuck with this arse.”
Your mind goes back to your friends and family you've left behind. “Do you think they're okay?”
“'m sure they are, Yuri's got them, and they have Ned, he'll whip them into shape. ‘sides, we're almost at James’, if I was them I'd stay there.” He adjusts his hold on his pack and guitar. “We'll find them.”
You smile, nuzzling his bicep for his own reassurance, knowing that he also worries for them. “You're right. They're probably doing better than us.”
“Yeah,” he pecks the crown of your head. “They're living like kings, I bet.”
You two stop in front of a large house, complete with white marble steps and tall roman columns. “James' dad never had taste, huh?”
Hobie snorts, “his son took all of it. C’mon, then.” He leads you on the porch, trying the door, wishing that it was locked because if it is it means that someone's inside, that they're surviving and waiting for the two of you. To his despair, the door opens without a problem.
Hobie looks back at you having the same expression. “It's okay,” you try to be optimistic, “maybe they left a message for us.”
He nods, “yeah, maybe.” Crossing the abandoned space, he takes his guitar from his back to strum a tune. When he doesn't hear stumbling or any rattling from anywhere inside the house, he continues forward, but his guard is still up. “We might as well get some supplies while we're ‘ere.”
“Yeah, there might be some left in here.” You give him a small smile. “How about we split up? This place is too big, it'll take us forever to comb over this place.”
Hobie considers it for a moment. The place seems pristine except for the furniture and cabinets that are picked clean, so he deems it safe. “Okay, just…” you walk to his side, rubbing his arms, smiling sweetly at him even though he probably doesn't smell the best. “...keep your knife close.”
“I will keep my knife close,” you repeat his words, “and I'll stay alert.” Poking at his chest, you peck the frown off his lips. “And you keep safe.”
He's still apprehensive, but he knows you can hold your own. Taking your face in his hands, he kisses you fully, smooching until you're giggling. “We’ll meet back ‘ere in fifteen.”
“Aye, aye, Cap'n!” You mock salute. “Any special requests?”
“I said a request, not wishful thinking.” You tease, he has an urge to kiss you again.
“Towels, the nice fluffy ones.” You slide your hands away from him, to which he already longs for.
“Got it! I bet James has a ton of them.” You wink, knife in hand, walking away from him.
Hobie watches your retreating back, tamping down his anxieties. He searches upstairs, grinning at James' familiar room. His posters and messy floors remain untouched, the bed still looking like it was tossed around by a tornado. He almost cries at the picture frame on the bedside table containing his band's smiling faces plus you who's embracing him.
Turning the frame around, he takes the picture and pockets it to show to you. After rummaging James' room, he takes a few shirts and pants for him and you. He even finds a pair of silk pajamas that he knows you'll love. A piercing scream echoes around the house, he immediately bolts downstairs, heavy footsteps thudding across marble floors.
You're on your back, fighting for your life while the undead on top of you tried to get a chunk out of you. It all stops when Hobie's guitar connects to the corpse's skull in a sickening crunch of metal and bone.
You scramble away, neck and arm in pain. Hobie's wide eyes meet yours just as when the back door bursts open, revealing a whole horde of the undead. Panicking, he yanks you up, holding your hand, running outside to more of the shambling dead.
“Just hold on!” His hand is tight around yours, you try to run at his pace, panic in your veins, adrenaline in his.
It feels like you've been running forever, Hobie sees an opening hidden in an alley. He can climb on his own without a ladder but you can't. So he leads you towards the empty alley while the rotten, decayed corpses of once human beings run after you at full speed.
Hobie jumps to take down an emergency ladder, without missing a beat, he grabs your waist and throws you on the ladder. You climb, but the pain in your arm gets worse so you're slower but you still try for him.
The undead finally gets to the alley, you don't dare to look down. Once you're on the rooftop, you peek below to see him struggling to get up the ladder, he's halfway with a handful of zombies dangling on his leg.
You scream his name but it's too late, one of the undead has bitten a chunk of his leg as he tries to kick the former human off the ladder where he's desperately trying to climb to. You wish he didn't run out of web fluid, you wish the world didn't end, you wish the throbbing pain on your arm is just muscle spasm, but the warm crimson seeping out of teeth marks says differently.
With a sickly crunch, the zombie falls down the ladder and into the rotten horde. Hobie climbs up quickly back to you, hands immediately grasping on to you.
“Did it get you?!” You yell, still in denial, frantically checking in hopes that his boot saved him. Your heart falls into your stomach at the sight of broken skin, blood staining your fingers where you hold the hem of his trousers away to get a better look. You're frozen on the spot, tears clinging to your lashes. “Hobie,” you gasp, taking off your scarf to make a makeshift tourniquet around and above the bite. “Fuck—!”
“You okay?!” He does the same to you, heaving, ripping off your sleeves like a madman trying to find the secrets hidden in your skin. He prays that he finds none. His eyes widen, terrified, broken hearted, shaking his head, refusing the fact that you're infected. “No,” he shakes his head again, closing the torn up cloth around the slowly rotting wound. “It's just a scratch, love, y-you’re not—”
“Hobie…” you smile bitterly, eyes mirroring his own. He rips the hem of his shirt, using the cloth to wrap it around your arm, just above the wound in an attempt to stop the spread. He ignores the stinging pain on his leg. “Hobie, stop, it's—”
“We can still stop it!” He yells desperately, tying the cloth tightly. “It's just a scratch.”
“Hobie, please.” You hold his trembling hands, “it has been ten minutes.” He refuses, you squeeze his hand weakly, the virus already taking hold. Slowly killing you. “And—” with trembling hands, you show him the gaping bite on your neck, oozing dark decaying blood. He choked on a sob. “B-but there's a chance for you, your abilities might've made you immune—”
“No, if you're goin’, ‘m goin’” He stands up, not giving up on you. “There's a chemist’s ‘ere, maybe if w-we…” he puts on a brave face amidst the impending doom and rotten flesh that stings his nose. “Maybe there's somethin’ there.” Hand reaching down, you smile up at him, orange and pink hues from the sky dancing around your face. “C-can you get up?” His voice breaks, chest heaving. “I can carry you. Don't make me carry you, love.”
You slide your hand onto his own. “Hobie,” your voice is soft above the mindless groaning below. His eyes beg you to move. So you do. “Okay,” with a single word, you bring him hope.
With divided effort, you both make it towards the roof of the pharmacy. He was uncharacteristically silent the whole way, but his hand never left yours. His eyes never met with your wounds that's slowly festering. You feel it inside you, the fever, the virus that's eating at you, spreading throughout your body, gnawing at every bit of your warmth like a seed taking root. Hobie feels it too, he's terrified that you're experiencing it too. It's his worst fears came to life only because he wasn't fast enough.
Opening the creaky door, he hopes that it's devoid of the undead. Like he's not on the brink of eating flesh, he does his usual prep. He strums his guitar softly to attract any walking corpses waiting behind doors, when none comes out, he cracks the door wider. With his torch, he lights up the way. But he doesn't feel your presence behind him.
Looking over his shoulder was a mistake, he finds you hunched over the doorway, groaning quietly, nails clawing at the throbbing wound around your neck. That's the moment he knew that you'd go out before him. For the first time, he curses his gifts.
Slowly, he crosses the distance towards you, shaking hands grasping your shoulders. You're warm, incredibly warm. “Love?” He could cry, but he doesn't want you to see his sorrow.
You sniff, tears streaming down your face from the pain and the tragedy of it all. You've accepted that you were infected, but not him, you'd take the virus from him too if you could. “I'm s-sorry, so fucking sorry. I should've—”
“Oi, none of that, yeah? You're gonna be fine.” He says it to convince himself. “You'll be back on your feet tomorrow and by then we'll see Yuri and the others.” Nodding, he takes you by your arm, careful of making your wounds worse. There's blood sticking to his clothes, seeping through his clammy skin. He hates the fact that it was yours. Bringing you behind the counter, you almost keep over. “I've got you, I've got you.” He says it against your temple like a prayer.
“H-Hobie.” You sob, salty tears marring your pretty face. “I can't— it hurts.” The gnawing feeling gets worse, as if a chainsaw is ripping you apart from the inside. “It's so hot, I–I can't breathe.”
“O-okay, I'll set you down ‘ere, get you comfortable. There's some fever meds over there. It'll help.” His hazel eyes pleads for anyone, anything that'll help you. He helps you sit down, and you immediately lie down on the cold tiles. “Do you want a blanket?”
“N-no,” you're hot and cold at the same time. “I don't know.” You look up at him, he sees the light in your eyes fading. “I don't feel so good, Hobs.”
Hobie could only look away from you, inhaling, exhaling but it doesn't feel like he's breathing right. He kneels down, setting his guitar next to you, palm placed on your forehead. “This is nothing, love.” He tries to smile, but fails. “Remember when you had the flu?” You nod weakly, “you were a fuckin' beast, you beat it on your own in just a few days.”
Even though you feel your heartbeat going faster and then slowing down in a weird rhythm like a heartbeat monitor going haywire, you smile for him. “I was, wasn't I?”
He rubs your bicep, under his touch, he feels your muscle twitch. “Yeah, you still are.”
You chuckle softly, tears sliding down your cheeks and into the cold tiles. “Okay, get me the meds.”
“That's my girl,” laying his forehead atop yours, he hopes that he'll take your pain away with the simple gesture, but it's futile. “I'll be back, I promise.”
“Don’t make me wait.”
Smiling, he squeezes your arm. “Never.” Standing up, he rummages through the entire place for the pills you need. Crouching down to check under the broken shelves, climbing up on the walls to get a bird's eye view, and all the while ignoring his own pain. It's slim pickings, but he manages to find a single bottle of tylenol that has rolled under a shelf, it's not enough, but it'll do.
With a victorious sigh, he quickly makes it to the counter, rounding the corner, he sees you wheezing, catching your breath and with blood leaking out from your eyes and ears. “No, no, no!” He takes you in his arms, making you sit up. “I've got the meds, love. Oi, open your eyes for me.” You crack one eye open tiredly. “That's it, good job.” He almost cries when you smile at him through the thick fog of illness.
“G-good job,” you murmur, he doesn't know if you're delirious or you're congratulating him for finding the medicine.
“Bottoms up.” He brings two pills to your mouth, to which you gladly take. Giving you his canteen, you drink most of it, downing the tepid water. “That's good, see, you're already gettin' better.”
You shake your head weakly, barely opening your eyes. “Thanks to you, Hobie.”
“Yeah, thanks to me.” He tries to joke but it comes out choked when blood still leaks out of your tear ducts. Sitting next to you, he now feels his temperature rise so he takes the same amount of pills as you.
You lay your head on his shoulder, hand shakily reaching towards his own. “I'm sorry.”
He almost breaks down at your apology. “Nothin' to apologize for, love.” Meeting your hand halfway, he intertwined his fingers with yours, you're cold now, frozen under his hold. “D’you want that blanket now?”
“Please,” you wheeze out.
Hobie obliges, taking a thick blanket from his pack and then draping it around you as if it'll protect you from the infection. “There, nice and cozy, eh?”
“Thank you,” he feels your crimson fall down on his collar. “For everything.”
“None of that, Y/N, please. None of that.”
“I still want to talk to you.” Your voice is soft and small. “I still want to stay with you.”
Hobie brings your intertwined hands to his lips, kissing each knuckle softly. “And we will be, after this—” a sob escapes from him. “After this, we'll be together, yeah? Just like how we talked about.”
“Forever and ever?”
His tears flow freely, “yeah, forever and ever.” After a beat of silence, he fears the worst. “Love?”
You cough, he sighs in relief. “Still here, Hobs, not leaving yet.”
“Not yet,” embracing you, he lays his chin atop your head, you're made comfortable in his hold. Home, you feel like you're back home in his houseboat, watching a shitty romcom while he rambles on about his patrol. You want to be back there again. He wants to be back there again. “Can I say somethin'?”
You hum into his chest, squeezing his hand tighter but your sickness, he barely felt it.
“I don't want to…” he could barely say it. “I don't want to kill you. ‘m sorry, I know we talked about it—”
You lean up, he's met with milky eyes, he knows you can barely see him now. “Then don't, I don't want you to—” you pause, clinging to humanity. “— to feel that before you go.”
Nodding, he kisses your forehead, crying, weeping into your skin. “I couldn't save you, ‘m so fuckin' sorry, love, ‘m so sorry.” He shakes, you gather enough strength to embrace him and bury yourself in his chest, letting his scent waft around you for comfort.
“Don't apologize, nothin' to apologize for.”
He sniffs, peppering your face with heavy weakened kisses. “Oi, don't use my own words against me.”
You smile against the rough leather of his jacket. “Can I say something?”
“Go,” he can practically see the countdown. “We have all the time in the world, love.” There's something warm leaking out of his eyes and ears. He's catching up to you.
You'd laugh but you can feel your life slipping through your fingers. “When we turn, I don't want us to be separated.”
“What do you propose?” He tries to inhale but he could only let out a sickening cough.
“Tie our hands together…really tight.” Your words fade away, but you still hold on.
“I've got rope here, I can do it now.”
“But I'll turn first, Hobie, I-I might—”
“It'll be my honour to be your first meal.”
“I'd laugh if we weren't dying right now.” Eyes too tired to open, you feel the rough rope around your wrist, and the unmistakable sound of a knot getting tied. You smile for the last time when you feel his fingers wrap around your own. “I love you.”
“How's that? Too tight?” He whispers close, he feels you slipping away, “Y/N? Love?” he breaks down when your hand falls limp around his own. “Not yet, please, not yet.” He holds you, rocking you back and forth like a babe needing to be held. Your heart doesn't beat in sync with his anymore. “C’mon, not yet, we still have to find the rest of the band, right?” His eyes cloud over, cold taking root inside his entire body. “Say somethin’, fuck!” He yells with all his might, “I love you, fuck, please wake up.”
Closing his eyes, he wraps you in what's left of his warmth. “Don't go, please.” Hobie pleads and cries until he can no longer breathe the same air as you. His last thoughts were of you.
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brights-place · 8 months
If i can request. Can i request a floyd x male rock troll or techno troll reader headcanons
And maybe his brother’s reaction to it I’ve just been obsessed with floyd being with different types of trolls
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Floyd dating a Male! ROCK S/O
Pairings: Floyd X Reader
Warnings: Floyd being an cutie patootie, Fluff
A/N: OMG YESSS ROCK TROLLS ARE SO NEHFBERHSVBNAIWB I LOVE THIS OKAY OKAY OKAY! I'm an Goth person but I LOVE Rock and lots of other music genres Rock and Metal is one of them so I was excited for this request! I hope you like these! I did this for fun and I enjoyed it so much thank you for the request lovely! <33
- FUCK YESSS ROCK N ROLLLL!!!! - OKAY I'M LIKE SCREAMING FOR THIS REQUEST ANYWAY! HOPE YOU ENJOY LOVELIES! - Rock trolls were known for well their history and one of them was working with Barb for the rock apocalypse and were also known for their music wit some trolls saying "Rock n Roll and Metal is all noise and screaming!” which was half right and wrong but was also stupid stereotypes -  Rock trolls looked like pop trolls but they have more fierce looks. Rock trolls clothing is often tattered, and they commonly have piercings and heavy black makeup. Most Rock Trolls favor dark colors such as grey, dull blue and black, as well as the occasional white and bright red. Their noses are usually arrowhead-shaped, and their ears have a sharper point, which is a defining trait of their Tribe - And the fact they were more wilder looking terrified some trolls yet were interested - Floyd was traveling to 'find himself' after his argue with brozone and ended up to rock volcano city to check out different genres and ended up at an concert which you were apart of.
- Floyd saw you when you were playing with the other rock trolls singing loudly and happily while playing your instrument with an huge smile
- He was invested in the music but also Invested in you... your wild appearance your smile and many piercings along with your tattoos made him feel lured in as he was close to the stage staring at you most of the time
- Blushed when you winked at him while playing your instrument and was attracted more to the music and how you maintained eye contact with him while some rock trolls snickered at floyd and his blushing face
- Once the show was done barb introduced herself to Floyd and introduced you to floyd as you greeted him with an smile before winking at floyd who blushed looking away pushing his hair behind his ear while staring at you - When Barb dragged floyd around to show him more of rock culture you were walking behind the group listening to your music as floyd soon walked over smiling at you shyly "hey your (name) right?" "Oh yeah" you said taking out an earphone as he blushed
- "Uhm you were cool on stage it was awesome you think you can show me how to play? Rock sounds cool" Floyd said blushing as you grinned "Oh damn! really?" You said looking away as floyd nodded "well... I wouldn't mind teaching you" Floyd looked away "I'd like that"
- He would come by every two weeks to have you introduce him to rock music then two weeks came to once an week and once an week came by once every 2 days
- You got close and sometimes you two would play guitar together and would exchange favorite songs
- He learned how to play your favorite song on his acoustic guitar
- You two would do duet songs of rock songs but if he could convince you to sing pop songs he'd melt into your hands
- Would realize he likes you when you hugged him goodbye after he came to volcano rock city for your daily hangouts - Randomly shows each other affection at the most random moments
- Sometimes you'd hold each others hands whenever talking to other trolls and you two would kiss each others cheek and go back to your conversations to others who just stare with their jaw drop
- You two soon started to date after 4 months of hanging around each other as usual
- When he got taken away you had to find Branch for help
- Once you're reunited you two basically run to each other and hug with tears streaming down your eyes as you held his waist cupping his face “Did they hurt you?!” “No, I'm okay! Did they hurt you?!” “Who cares?” “I do!” you two literally cry and kiss each other for an moment before pulling away as you held him close
- Would beg you to please understand how he didn’t mean for that to happen to him and you’d have to cry as-well holding him close telling him it’s alright.
- you moving his hair out of his face makes him melt as you pepper his face with kisses telling him he’s safe and your there.
- You would go back to singing pop rock covers of songs together as you sing together sweetly before kissing eachother with an smile
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2024 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact!
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ellies-little-thing · 9 months
Life goes on (e.w.) part 1
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*not my images, but i edited it
My masterlist <3
pairing: young!ellie/young!reader
Warnings: fluf; reader is referred to as she/her; mentions of trauma; mentions of death and killing; just cute best friend stuff really; Kind of proofread, English is not my first language.
Author's notes: Hi! This was a request but im having a blast writing it! I hope you like it, I really liked writing it! Feedback is always welcome and likes and reblogs are always encouraged! Thank you! Enjoy!  More parts to come!
word count 1.5k
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
14 years old - Part 1
Ellie and you became instantly friends when she arrived at Jackson with Joel. Like 2 peas in a pod, you were inseparable, you were her sun and she was your moon, she always liked you a little more than friends but  she could never really explain it. Nothing could separate you, not even the apocalypse. Not even the end of the world.
You had met when she got to town, you were both 14. She was a shy girl and she seemed like she'd seen a lot of stuff. One day she was in the park alone on the swings and you saw her while you were walking home from school. The school was an old building that used to be a nursery before the outbreak , but they had made a makeover so it felt more appropriate for all ages. There weren't a lot of kids in Jackson so a new face was always welcome. There were four groups of classes at school. One for the babies, one for the toddlers, one for the kids, and one for the teens. Next year you were going  to move on up to the oldest class. You didn't really have friends at school. You talked to the other kids but they never liked you very much. When you saw Ellie, you hoped this would be an opportunity to finally make a real friend.
“Hey! I've never seen you around, you new here?” You asked her, smiling as you sat next to her and started to swing a bit.
“Hi! Yes, I'm new. Name’s Ellie.” She said shyly. “Well, nice to meet you Ellie, I'm Y/N.” You look back at her with a smile on your face.. She had very beautiful green eyes, that was the first thing you noticed about her. But they were sad ones too. You felt a bit bad for her, she must have been through a lot to get here. She had her auburn hair in a low ponytail with some hair framing her round face and freckles all over it and she also had a scar on her left eyebrow. She was pale which only made her freckles look more angelic. When she looked at you she gave you a shy smile, she wasn't used to people being nice to her.
“So, are you okay? You're all alone out here?” You ask her, trying to be as nice as possible. It was a sunny October day and the leaves were starting to fall from the trees. There was a slight breeze and the day was beautiful. The light hit her eyes perfectly, making them look even more gorgeous than they already were.
“Hum, yeah, I'm fine. Just not used to so many people.” She said fidgeting with her hands. She was wearing a purple, pink and white striped jacket with some worn out jeans and some old red converse.
“Oh, I get it. I can leave if I'm making you uncomfortable.” You say with empathy in your voice. She looked back at you with a small smile. “No, it's okay. It's nice actually, no one else has had the courage to come talk to me yet.” She smiles shyly at you. She felt a bit alone only knowing Joel, Tommy and Maria, so you were a nice change of pace. You two continued to talk and get to know each other more. 
“So where are you from?” You asked, looking forward as you swung. 
“Hum… Boston actually…” She said quietly. You made a shocked face. “That's really far away from here. The journey must have been really hard.” You say to her in a bit of a worried tone.
“It was okay. Joel was with me the whole way. He’s Tommy’s older brother actually.” She said with a slight smirk. “He wasn't the greatest company through all of it but we got along eventually. He was coming here anyway to be with his brother and brought me along.” She said this with a slight nostalgic tone and a bit sadder at the end. She didn't want to tell you she was immune and that they were actually going to meet the Fireflies down in Colorado. 
She was very sad when she woke up in the car with Joel and he told her that they had other immune people, so they didn't actually need her. She thought that maybe she was special. That she was going to save the world, but it turned out to not be the case. She didn't know what Joel had actually done. Ellie had gotten bit when she was hanging out with her friend Riley one day. They both got infected and Riley turned quickly but Ellie didn't. She saw her first love, slowly turning into a monster, it never left her thoughts. Weeks went by and she never turned. The Fireflies found her and wanted to travel her across the country to the only surgeon they knew that could maybe be able to make a cure. Joel took her there, but after that, they came to live here. She had just gotten here a few days ago.
“Really? Tommy’s brother? Didn't know he had one. But I'm glad he does and that he brought you here too.” You smile warmly at her.
She felt a bit of joy after hearing your words. Her only friend was dead and she was somewhere she didn't know but at least it seemed like you were actually being nice to her. She had gone through a lot. They took almost a year to get here. She was happy to be somewhere where people were actually nice for once.
After that day you never went another without seeing each other. You enjoyed being in each other's presence and became best friends very quickly. You had a lot in common. You both liked drawing, you liked singing while she was learning how to play guitar, You both loved comics, and as much as she was obsessed with dinosaurs and space, you were with music and books. Your bond only grew bigger every time you were together. Ellie finally felt like she wasn't alone.
You walked to school everyday together, you did your homework together, played together, felt like you could actually be kids together. It was a cruel and scary world, but now you had each other.
You got to know each other better and she told you she didn't have parents. Her mother had died giving birth to her and her father never really was in the picture so she grew up in the Boston Q.Z. as an orphan, until she came here with Joel. They started to form a father-daughter relationship and she was happy to finally have a family, even if it was a small one. Before the outbreak, Joel used to have a daughter named Sarah, but she had died and he didn't like to talk about her. He taught her how to shoot a gun, how to hunt and how to protect herself from threats.
You spent that Christmas together and Ellie loved to finally have a real Christmas with people she cared about and that loved her. You gave her an old dino plushie you had and she almost cried, no one really ever gave her a present. The only thing she had from her real family was her mother's switchblade, she went nowhere without it. She had never been so happy. Your mother didn't like Ellie very much though. She thought she was a bad influence on you but you didn't care. You hung out with her anyway. You finally had a real friend, and no one would take her away from you.
Tommy and Maria were the unofficial leaders of town, they were the ones who had founded it. It was a beautiful community where everyone contributed in some way. You were able to have electricity by using the dam in the river nearby. You considered yourself really lucky for where you lived. Older people were always telling stories about before the outbreak and right  after and how they lost so many people. How they had to survive, hide, use violence even, until they found Jackson. 
You were born here and this was normal to you, but some of the stories about before were actually cool. Like people had phones and could call eachother even across the country, shopping malls, supermarkets, museums, cars that actually worked. You had a dvd player and a cassette one too, you had found some old movies that you used to watch with your family on the weekends on an old gray TV. You liked when the teacher talked about how the world worked before, you used to dream about it almost every night.
Ellie was still haunted by the idea that her immunity meant nothing. She used to have a lot of nightmares from all the stuff that she had gone through to get here. All the people that hurt her and that she had to hurt herself. She hated herself for killing people, but they were all in self defense. But still, those ghosts followed her everywhere she went. Except for when she was with you. You made everything better. She was able to be herself with you.
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maopll · 1 year
Could I request Cyno, Al-Haitham, Ayato and Childe with an s/o that loves making them flower bouquets?
— FLOWERS BY YOUR SIDE : #genshin impact !
⌗:, a/n: its the horsemen of the apocalypse. I love the above characters <3
⌗:, pairings: cyno, alhaitham, ayato & childe w/ gn!reader
⌗:, warning: tooth rottening fluff
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The winter has passed and spring embraced Sumeru anew. With spring comes good weather and of course, a beautiful floral landscape. The people of sumeru also celebrate many spring festivals so the whole city has a sweet fragrance all together. The city was bustling as always but you were comfortable leaning against your lover and watching the dusk birds fly across the dreamy landscape.
He had closed his eyes as the winds blew past his handsome features. You were making a wreath out of sumeru roses since it matches his colour scheme well. You planned to carry it out in secrecy but nothing escapes the general's eyes. "love what is that?" you were almost close, so so close to victory yet he woke up. You forcibly kissed him to caught him off guard and placed the crown on his head. He was puzzled. This daring act of affection barely ever came from you and not only did it made cyno's face flush hot but he enjoyed it a bit too much.
The mahamatra absolutely weak under your gaze which spells 'I won!' as you scrutinise him with the purple flowers adorning his fluffy white hair. He looked beautiful...ethereal even.
"Love you do know you can just ask. wait do that again. the– the kiss"
Oh how sweet victory tastes.
The pressure of filling the papers and doing his duties as the grand sage never ended, but he has to make some time for you, right? After you cutely persuaded your boyfriend to stay with you he has to listen to your whims now. So here he was not so regretting his decision as you removed the bunch of papers from his hand and kept it under s tree.
The smell of the coming of spring and fresh flowers in bloom filled his noses, and the gentle sway of the wind lulled him to sleep. Seeing as your boyfriend is already deep into slumber, you picked up the padisarahs and made a wreath out of it, carefully placing it on his head. you collected other assortment of flowers and tried your best to make a bouquet of them.
How ethereal he looked under the floral effects..such moments when your lover is peacefully sleeping are hard yo come by so propping your kamera up you took a picture. One to remind you of the sweet memories you shared with your true love.
Komore teahouse was the only rendezvous which you and ayato could use to meet up in private without anyone knowing. His identity is one that cannot be tainted so before you two can indulge in your official announcement as lovers. These interactions behind walls were sufficient enough for you.
Spring embraced Inazuma once again, and Thoma collected fleshly picked flowers from the market. The teahouse was filled with sweet fragrance. "The flowers are especially nice today." With you, his formal personality slips away, and he seems much friendlier to approach.
While he took a sip of the tea and chatted with you, he also intensively looked at your handiwork. The wreath of flowers from the ones thoma bought that day. Besides making them, you also prepared a flower arrangement in a vase. He chuckled and said "dearest who are these for?" "for the loveliest person in teyvat. " "Oh? then they must be quite lucky to have attracted the eyes of such a beauty as yourself"
"mhm, they are." Just after finishing your sentence, you were done with the wreath made of camellias you propped it up on Ayato's head. "dove suddenly?"
"oh I was making that for you from the beginning. don't remove it! it looks beautiful on you."
His love language to you is in the form of gifts and precious materials. His long-term absence due to his fatui job has been extremely tiring especially when he wakes up to a cold side every morning remembering about your body snuggling against his and the warmth of the bedroom.
Snezhnaya is always covered under snow and you have been living with Childe for a long time. Naturally you craved the view of a forest and a warm climate. So here you were with you lover in Liyue among the ocean view of Yaoguang Shoal.
A sunset view and a soft breeze as you traversed across the sands with a bouquet of qingxin. You presented the bouquet to him and sat on a rock. "babe did you make these for me?". Your gifts were a form of weakness to him. Although they may not be as expensive as his gifts but the time and love you put to make each one of them always has him weak in the heart. "these are for you. thank you for bringing me here love". He pulled you close and laid his head of your shoulder. The view of the orange sun and the dazzling sea that he gets to enjoy with his beautiful lover. What more could a person whose life had always been shrouded with darkness and crimes could ask for?
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lotties-ashwagandha · 2 years
ur rhaenyra fics are all amazing !! i was wondering if you’d ever write for Alicent? maybe with a lady in waiting reader, or governess to her kids, whomst Ali would shower with affection and attention, that it may start whispering at the court but who cares bc the green queen loves her lady <3
pairing: alicent hightower x fem!reader
word count: 602 (sorry it’s short i’ve been so busy!!)
notes and warnings: this is such a cute request omg,, title from “apocalypse” by cigarettes after sex
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Gently, you buttoned her dress, glancing at her in the mirror from time to time. Her eyes exposed her exhaustion, yet though her expression betrayed the day’s anxieties, she also held a sense of ethereal peace. 
You were Alicent’s lady in waiting, though titles meant next to nothing when the two of you were alone; you were her love, and she was yours, and nothing else mattered. The queen told you her every secret, every political plan, and every night and day you listened fervently to her rants and rambles. 
The sun cast a gray-white glow through the window of Alicent’s bedchamber that made everything seem new, fresh. Her dark eyes gleamed in the gentle light, and every curl of her dark auburn hair was ethereal in the newness of the morning. 
You leaned down to kiss her neck, feeling goosebumps arise on her skin. You rested your forehead on her shoulder for a moment, simply basking in her presence. 
“What was that for?” She whispered, her voice angelic. When you looked up, she offered you a small smile in the mirror. 
You shrugged, returning her smile as you got back to buttoning her dress. “You’re just very beautiful is all.” 
Her face reddened a bit at your compliment, but she attempted to disguise it by turning to pick up her hairbrush. 
“Let me,” you said in amusement, taking the brush from her. “I am your lady, after all.” 
Alicent rolled her eyes. “I hate that it’s that way. There’s been whispering in the court, you know.” 
“Let them whisper. There’s nothing they can prove.” 
You began to arrange Alicent’s hair into an updo. The silence between you was one filled with comfort. No words were needed, for you had each other, and it was perfect. 
“I have something for you,” Alicent said once you were done with her hair. She could barely contain her smile as she began to dig in her bedside table. Eventually she pulled out a small white cloth bag, handing it to you. 
You raised your eyebrows and her smile only widened. 
Inside the bag was a necklace of a hundred jewels, diamonds and sapphires strung together delicately and sparkling in the silver sunlight. 
You could hardly breathe, your breath caught in your throat. “Alicent, it’s beautiful… what is it for?” 
“Do I need an occasion to buy you pretty things?” Alicent teased. “Like you said… you’re my lady.” 
You shook your head in amusement, your gaze fixed on the necklace. 
“Turn around, I’ll put it on you.” 
Her hands brushed your neck as she clasped the necklace and you shivered. 
“It’s beautiful,” you said, looking into the mirror. “Thank you.” 
“Only the finest for you, darling.” 
The way the sun came through the windows, the way Alicent’s voice echoed so melodically off of the stone walls, made everything seem perfect. You wished never to leave this moment, for the mornings you spent together were everything. The rest of the day did not matter, for the best moments of your life had been spent when the sun went down and as it came up again. 
“I wish we could spend every moment together,” you said softly. 
“I do too,” Alicent agreed, her voice soft. “I suppose the times we spend unable to see each other, however, make our moments of privacy that much more sacred.” 
And she said it as if every moment you spent with her was not sacred regardless. 
The rest of the day faded from your mind as you turned and she kissed you, the rest of the world fading to complete and unbreakable silence. 
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Ellie Williams x Reader request: Ellie and the Reader are engaged and they have set the date and they get married in Jackson and they go to their favorite spot outside of Jackson and have a nice day together before they have a family dinner back in Jackson, then after dinner they head home and make love to each other for the first time as a married couple.
Till Death Us Do Part (Ellie Williams x Reader)
Author´s Note: I hope I made your request justice! I tried my best, so I hope it's kinda how you imagined it. It´s a little bit more focused on the wedding itself, idk if that's what you meant. I think it's pretty cute. Also, this is mostly focused on a Christian wedding. That's the only one I kinda know anything about. Sorry if that goes against your religion, but I hope you can look past that and enjoy this story anyway. I tried to remove the super Christian stuff in hopes to not trigger anyone. Also also, I believe we never get to know Ellie’s middle name. I know traditionally you say the whole name, first-, middle-, and last name. But since I didn’t find Ellie’s I figured I should skip the reader´s too, to be more symmetrical. I tried to make the ceremony a little more ”simple” then a traditional one. I don´t think they’d be able to have a super, over-the-top wedding at Jackson. Still some details I couldn’t stop myself from including. I hope it’s pretty realistic. 
⚠️Warning!⚠️: This story includes smut that might not be suitable for a younger audience!
(y/l/n) = your last name
Words: 5827
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”Suck it in” your sister said as she zipped up your dress. You felt the fabric hugging your figure as the zipper glide along your spine. You mumbled a ”thank you" before walking up to the mirror on the other side of the room. You let your eyes glance over the long, white dress decorating your body. You trace your fingers over the fabric, feeling the texture of the lace against your fingertips. ”Wow” you let out in a state of shock. Your sister laughs as she comes up behind you to look at your reflection, ”I think it fits you”. ”It´s perfect” you quickly added. The dress wasn’t in fact yours. You wouldn’t believe how hard it is to find a wedding dress in the apocalypse. Apparently that isn’t peoples most prized possession, which makes sense. Therefore people didn’t prioritized taking it with them when they had to leave their homes. But Maria heard about your plans and was quick to let you know she had a dress she gladly let you borrow.
You turned around to quickly glance at the back of the dress before turning to your sister. ”So, what is Ellie wearing?” she asked while readjusting the crown braid she’s done in your hair. You chuckle as the memory of Ellie’s reaction when you showed her what she would be wearing. She gave you free hands when it came to the wedding, knowing how important it was for you. And she just wants you to be happy. Also, you can only do so much with a wedding in a separated village under these circumstances. To her, it didn’t matter if you would get married in a ditch, as long as it’s with you. But when you asked her to wear a linen shirt you apparently hit a nerve. Like you said, the wedding dress was a pain in the ass as it is, but Ellie’s outfit would be even harder to fix. So when you finally found something that matched your vision you had already compromised enough. ”I´m not wearing that!” Ellie said as she eyed the white linen shirt on the hanger. You frowned and tilted the shirt to you, to look at it again. As if you hadn’t inspected it enough. ”Why not?” you asked confused. You thought about Ellie when picking it out, and thought it would look really good on her. 
”It’s uncomfortable” Ellie explained. You frowned, confused ”Uncomfortable? This is like the softest fabric you could find as a shirt. You’ve got tank tops that’s less comfortable then this!”. ”But they look cool” she mumbled. You rolled your eyes at her stubbornness. This feels more like a conversation between a mom and her 14 year old son when she asks him to not wear his cap on his school photo, rather then two grown up partners talking about their wedding outfits. You looked to the side annoyed ”Oh, so what do you plan to wear? Your outwashed, grey hoodie?”. Ellie looks at you with hopeful eyes ”Is that an option?”. ”No!” you bluntly as you pinched the bridge of your nose in annoyingness. Trying your best to not have a argument with her about a goddam shirt! You knew the planing of the wedding have left you with a short temper. You're just very stressed, and having issues with things you though would get through smoothly isn’t helping. 
Ellie looks at the shirt again and feels the fabric between her fingers. ”Are you sure there’s nothing else I can wear?” she tried again with a pleading voice. You sighed, ”Ellie, it’d one day. One day in your whole life you need to wear something else then your regular stuff”. Ellie bits her lips as she’s thinking. You walk up to her, wrapping your arms around her torso, ”Please. For me” you added, knowing she would give in. Ellie always wants to be good for you, not that you use this as a weapon against her often. But some situations requires certain methods. Ellie sighed before finally giving in. ”Fine” she said with a little bit of a pissed-off tone. You know, the same tone a three year old has whenever they realized their mom won’t give in and buy the toy they’ve been begging for for the past few hours. She eyed the clothing items again ”I’ll wear them if I can have my converse”. She looked back at your shocked face, ”Ellie you can’t-”. You bite your lip, stopping yourself from starting another argument. You've got her to wear the outfit you’ve pick. How many will pay attention to her shoes?. ”Fine” you said as you looked at her with an annoyed expression. But Ellie couldn't care less. Right after your replay, she first-bumped the air like a 10 year old boy, mumbling ”yes” at her ”victory”. You couldn’t help but smile at your silly girlfriend. 
Your sister finished knotting the last few flowers in the braid before backing away to observe her work. She gives you a handgesture in approval along with a silly, matching facial expression. You just giggle at her. You get up from the chair, straighten out any wrinkles that has appeared on the dress from sitting down. Your sister helped you put on your heels before grabs the bouquet she picked for you on the table, and hands it to you. You smile down on it before grabbing it with your left hand. ”You ready?” she asked, to which you nod. She opened the door and took the lead down the hall. As you got closer to the main room you’d be married in you felt the nerves catching up with you. Up till now it just felt like your sister had been helping you get ready for some celebration. Just having some sister-time. But when you were met by the wooden doors everything was crystal clear. You could hear the slight mumbling of the people on the other side. ”Let’s do this!” your sister said as she gave you her arm. You nodded as you locked your arm with hers. The piano stared to play the song you choose, making your heart rate go up even more. You’re pretty sure you could see your heart beating though your dress at this point. You took a deep breath before walking up to the door. As you neared the double-doors they open and you’re met with a bunch of eyes settled on you. The nerves makes you grab the stem of the bouquet harder.
As you’re walking down the aisle you take your time to look out over the people who has formed to celebrate this special day with you. Maria, who let her eyes wonder over the dress before her eyes meets up with yours to give you a proud smile. It´s the first time she’s seen the dress since her own wedding 23 years ago. A few benches ahead sits Tommy, feeling such emotions like it’s his own daughter walking down the aisle. You swore you could see his eyes being glossy. As you looked to the other side you saw someone who didn’t even try to hold her emotions intact. Dina let tears roll down her cheeks, not even trying to wipe them off with the soaked tissue in her hand. She’s so happy Ellie finally found a nice girl who truly cared for her. Being someone with so much love to give, finally finding someone who would give you equally as much back. Dina remembers the first time Joel introduced you to her and Ellie. She could see, based on Ellie’s expression, that you would be the girl she´d marry. So, ever since that day she’s been your biggest supporter, both before and after you got together. In Dina’s lap sits JJ, happily bouncing along to the music. A chuckle leaves your lips as you watch the ecstatic young guy.
Finally you look straight ahead, following the aisle till your eyes met with the figure at the end of it. There she is, your wife-to-be. Her eyes hasn’t left you ever since you walked through the door. Her red eyes told you she’s been crying the hold time. If her glossy cheeks wasn't proof enough. You break out a smile as your eyes met hers, and you couldn’t help but to feel your own eyes filling up. Your eyes glance at the outfit she’s wearing, looking just like you’ve imagined it. She’s so handsome. You let out a shaky breath in hopes to collect your emotions. You can't both be a crying mess up there. It´s funny ’cause you told Ellie about a week ago that you wouldn’t cry. And continued explaining how you’ve seen Titanic around ten times and hasn’t spilled a single tear. Ellie just chuckled before mumbling ”we will see”.
Your sister leads you up the alter, shaking Ellie’s hand before ”handing you over”. Ellie's smile grew even wider as her shaky hands grabs yours. She leads you further up the alter to the position Maria told her to during the rehearsal. Your sister made sure to re-adjust the skirt of the dress before taking a seat at the front row. Ellie leans in and mumbles ”You look so pretty. I can´t believe you’re real”. You giggle ”You don´t look so bad yourself, handsome”. Ellie bushed at your nickname, nervously looks down at her beaten-up shoes. She’s adorable. The priest started talking ”We have gathered here to witness the marriage between Ellie Williams and (y/n) (y/l/n)”. As the priest continued his regular dialog you and Ellie sneak glances of each other, giggling like two school girls. Then the priest asks ”Do you have the rings?”. ”Sure thing!” Ellie gladly answer while putting her hand into the left pocket of her pants. She pulls out two golden bands. They’re no way near new, so they have a few scratches, but Ellie has tried her absolute best to make them as shiny as possible. She hands you one of them, but misinterprets the coordination and therefore miss your hand. ”Fuck!” Ellie mumbles enough for both of you to hear as the ring falls to the ground. You smack her in the arm. She shoots her head to your direction with a questionable look. ”Don’t swear in church!” you whisper-yell to her. She nodded before picking up the ring and hand it to you. ”I’m sorry, I’m sorry” Ellie apologized switching her gaze between you and the priest. 
She cleared her throat before grabbing your left hand. ”Say after me, ’I, Ellie Williams’” the priest began. ”I, Ellie Williams” Ellie repeated. ”Take you, (y/n) (y/l/n) to be my wife”, ”Take you, (y/n) (y/l/n) to be my wife”. ”To have and to hold from this day forward”, ”To have and to hold from this day forward”. ”For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health”, ”For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health”. ”To love and to cherish, till death us do part”, ”To love and to cherish, till death us do part” Ellie finished with a proud smile on her face as she slide the ring on your finger, happy she didn’t fucked it up. ”Now you (y/n), take Ellie’s hand and repeat after me ’I, (y/n) (y/l/n)’”. You grabbed Ellie's hand and said ”I, (y/n) /y/l/n)”. ”Take you, Ellie Williams to be my wife” ”Take you, Ellie Williams to be my wife”. You could see the tears in Ellie’s eyes about to spill over as she observed your words. The priest continued ”To have and to hold from this day forward”, ”To have and to hold this day forward”. ”For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health”, ”For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health”. ”To love and cherish, till death us do part”, ”To love and cherish, till death us do part” you copied before breathing out. You put the ring on Ellie’s finger, sealing the deal. You grabbed each other’s hands, just like before, only now they’re decorated with two shiny rings. 
”And so now, by the power invested in me, it is my honor to dicer you wife and wife”. You rub your thumbs along the back of Ellie’s veiny hands as you inspected her face. Two sentences away from being able to call her yours. ”You may now kiss” the priest proudly announced. You softly place your hands on either side of Ellie’s face as she grabs your waist. She pulls you closer, automatically moving your lips closer to each other. You look into her eyes one last time before closing the gap. Ellie tired not to moan into the kiss, thinking it’s inappropriate to do so with all these people in the room. But your soft, delicately colored lips sure made it hard for her. She deepened the kiss, but held herself back from going too far. You pulled back and smiled widely at each other. Even a giggle left your lips as it was hard to hide the blissfulness you felt inside. You grab Ellie’s right hand before turning to face the crowed. You made a silly face as you showed the ring to the people. ”Ladies and gentlemen, I’m pleased to present to you Mrs and Mrs Williams” they cheered as you walked down the aisle with much calmer expressions then the first time. Still the adrenaline was no way near gone. You could hear Ellie let out a sigh of relief, one she had held in since she put her foot on the alter. You leaned in and mumbled ”We’re married now!” mimicking her behavior from before. She turned to look at you and give you a full-teethed smile.
You looked down at the ring as the cheerful music plays in the background. You smiled to yourself, having a hard time grasping what just happened. ”Congrats, now you’re stuck with her forever!”, you snapped up to see Dina. She had JJ on her hip, but he seemed more interested at the dancing people then you. You laughed as you pulled her into a hug, making the baby turn his head to you. You ruffled his hair before turning back to Dina, ”And I wouldn’t want it any other way”. She made a disgusted face ”Ugh, stop it or I’ll throw up”. You gave her a playful smack on her unoccupied arm. ”Talking about throwing up, did she tell you she was gonna wear those shoes?” she asked, pointing to the spoken of behind you. You turned your head as if you needed to look to know what Dina was talking about. It was honestly just an excuse to steal a glance at your gorgeous, now, wife. You let out a laugh before throwing out your arms in a defeated motion ”Unfortunately I did, but I had no choice”. Dina sighed ”I swear, if she weren’t going to marry you she would have married those fucking shoes”. You chuckled at the not so unbelievable statement. JJ made a sound, making you both turn your focus on him. ”Actually, could you hold him for a sec. I really need to pee” Dina announced, earning a laugh from you at her bluntness. You nod your head along with a ”of course”. She carefully handed him over to you, helping you to hold him in a comfortable position before heading to the toilets. ”Come on, JJ. Let´s see who’s here” you said to the happy face resting against your chest, before walking into the crowed.
Ellie took another sip from her beer as she looked over the room, watching all the people dancing and having fun. She couldn’t believe she’s actually married now. To the girl of her dreams. She snapped out of her thoughts as someone pats her shoulder along with ”Congrats, kiddo!”. She looked at the direction of the voice to see Tommy smiling at her. Ellie gave him a smile back along with a ”thank you”. He took a stand beside her, looking at the same direction as her. He look around the room and chuckled ”Who knew you would get married?”. Ellie gave him a chuckle back before shrugging her shoulders ”I´m lucky, I guess”. ”Call it luck or whatever, you found yourself a catch”. Ellie smiled for herself, proud to have you in her life. Even just the thought of you would bring up her mood no matter what. Tommy turned to look at Ellie ”I know Joel would be proud”. Ellie snapped her head at the mentioning of his name. ”Y-you think?” she hesitantly asked. Tommy smiled at her, ”I know. Heck, he would be balling his eyes out more then I did!” he jokingly said, trying to light up the mood. But Ellie was all up in her thoughts, trying to hold back her emotions as good as possible. She just huffed.
”Are you talking shit about me?”, thank god she got snapped out of her thoughts as you came up to them. Ellie smiled at you, like she always did whenever she hadn’t seen you in a while. ”Oh, I didn’t know you were expecting” Tommy joked as he let JJ grab his finger. ”Yep. That’s why the wedding was so rushed. We had to get it over with so we could cover it up” you joked as you watched the cute interaction. Tommy gave you a chuckle. Ellie walked up to your side and gave you a kiss on the cheek before resting her hand on your back. You smiled at her and gave her a quick peck on the lips. Ellie caressed the back of the baby, earning her a big, two-teethed smile. She couldn’t help but smile back as she wonders if this is what it’d feel like to have a family with you. Seeing you hold a baby made her feel like doing some stupid, rushed decisions. She made sure to pull you a little closer to her, playing around with the thought. ”There you are! I thought you had kidnapped him” Dina comes running up. You carefully hands her back JJ, who’s trilled to be back with his mama. You continued to have unimportant conversations until Dina informed ”We should probably head home, JJ´s really tired”. ”He´s starting to get a little grumpy” she said in a baby-voice as she bounced him in her arms. You nodded before giving her a hug, ”Well, thank you so much for coming”. ”Of course! I wouldn’t want to miss this day. Plus there’s not that much happening around here anyways”, you laughed as you pulled away. Dina went over to Ellie and hugged her too, whispering something in her ear. Your nosiness got cut off, ”Yeah, I should probably head home too. Need to prepare” Tommy announce before giving the new wedded couple a hug too. ”Remember, dinners at mine!” he chanted before leaving the building. ”Yes, sir!” Ellie answered before you both started laughing. 
Then, when you were finally alone you walked up around Ellie and wrapped your arms around her waist, ”What are you doing?" she chuckled as she put her hands on top of yours. ”I don´t know” you shrugged as you rested your chin on her left shoulder. You just stood there for a while, taking in each other’s presence. You both had a hard time understanding this would be the rest of your lifes. ”I love you” you finally cut the silence. Even from your angle you could see the smile on Ellie’s face, ”I love you, too”. ”Despite what you think, I think you look really hot in this outfit” you confessed as you planted soft kisses along her neck. You felt Ellie tense at the unexpected touch, ”Y-yeah, I guess it wasn’t too bad” she stuttered as the blush started to take over her face. ”Really?” you asked. ”So I can expect to see you wearing this some other time?” you whispered in her ear. ”Hell no!” she bluntly said, earning a laugh from you. You pulled back, ”Yeah, yeah. I guess I’ll just have to take a mental picture of you like this”, you spun her around so you could see her from the front. You unconsciously bit your lip as you shamelessly let your eyes wander over Ellie’s form. Not only taking notice of the clothes, but her toned body underneath it. God, I wish I could just rip them off and take her right here! ”Come on, stop it! It doesn’t look that good” Ellie chuckled as she waved her hands in front of her, to make you stop looking. The embarrassment finally taking over. You caught her hands, but your eyes never left her body. ”You’re not seeing what I’m seeing” you bluntly said as you licked your lips. ”Oh, shush you” Ellie playfully grabbed you, but you swore you could see the effect your words was having on her. 
”We should probably head to Tommy’s” you announced. Ellie sighed ”Do we have to go?”. You snapped your head at her ”Yeah, we do. He’s doing it for our sake. To celebrate our marriage”. ”But I’m tired!” she whined letting her head fall back. ”You can sleep when you’re dead” you said jokingly as you drag her to the exit. ”Plus, I need to pee first, and you need to help me hold up the dress”
Since neither you or Ellie had a huge amount of family and friends at Jackson you decided pretty early you would skip out on the ”dinner”-part of the wedding reception, and instead just let people dance and have fun at the local pub. Neither you or Ellie likes to be the center of attention, so if you could avoid it as much as possible, you will. But as soon as Tommy heard about it he insisted on making a little family dinner for just your closest ones. And when Tommy has set his mind to something, he will do it. So you headed over there, to celebrate more intimate with Dina, your sister and Tommy, of course. But to be honest, it all was a bit of a haze. You know for yourself you were lacking a lot of sleep from the previous night, and you figured Ellie was dealing with the same issue. The nerves made it impossible for you to fall asleep any earlier then 5pm. Plus… you two got a little tipsy. Fuck it, it’s your wedding day! You only get married once (hopefully). As you were saying your ”goodbye”s and ”thank you”s to everyone your conscience were a little more present. You gave everyone a wave before stumbling out the alongside Ellie. Dina muttered at your drunken state. She turned to Tommy ”If they’re not home by ten, I’ll check up on them. Making sure they haven’t fallen into a ditch or something”
You wandered down Tommy’s porch as the fresh air hits you. Making you more aware of your intoxicated state. Ellie tugged you along as you made you’re way to your shared hut. Despite being July, there were a few chilly winds whizzing in the evening. Or maybe it’s just the contrast from your warm bodies. Lucky you, Tommy’s house wasn’t far away from yours. So it felt like no time before you put your feet on your own porch. Ellie fumbled with the keys as she giggled drunkenly to herself. Finally she opened the door, gesturing for you to walk in first. You bowed down jokingly, but almost lost your balance. Ellie burst out laughing before shoving you into the house and close the door behind her. You let the jacket you wore fall off your shoulders and fall to the ground. Telling yourself it’s a problem for tomorrow before making your way further into the house, to your shared bedroom.
”Finally I can get this thing off!” Ellie lets out a groan as she button-up her shirt. She slides it off her arms and lays it neatly against the back of a chair. Now only in her linen pants and the thank top she always wore as a bra. You kick off your high heels before throwing yourself onto your shared bed. Letting out loud sigh. Ellie turn around to look at your laying figure. ”I’m so full” you whined while tracing your hands over your stomach. The aching feeling in your feet almost feels pulsating. They sure would feel swore tomorrow. Ellie smirk as she made her way over to you. She jumps on the bed beside you, turning on her side and prompting her head on one arm. She looks down at your peaceful face, inspection the perfection she gets to call her wife. The flowers your sister had put into your hair were mostly gone, and the few who were still there were looking really sad. Yet, you look like an angel to Ellie. The more she takes in your gorgeous appearance her admiration turns into something else. Lust. ”I´m still hungry” Ellie said with a teasing tone as her eyes wanders over the shape of your body. You scrunched your brows together, eyes still closed ”What? What could you possibly be craving?” you asked, oblivious to Ellie actual meaning. ”You” Ellie added with a husky tone. You open up your eyes at her answer, turning to look at her. Her hungry eyes told you everything you needed to know. 
She traced her unoccupied hand over your clothed stomach, going further down. She scrunched up the skirt of the dress making it less of a reach to slide her hand underneath it. Feeling your soft, naked thighs underneath her palm made her even more aroused. She starts to leave sweet kisses along your neck, going further and further up till she meets your lips. You grab the side of her face as you deepen the kiss. Ellie grabs the fat of your hips, intentionally avoiding the place you want her the most. She pull away from the kiss. Without saying a word you still got the memo. You raise up from your bed, turning your back to Ellie. She glide the zipper down your back, feeling like a teenage-boy as the naked skin underneath made her wetter by the second. You let the dress fall to the ground and stepped out of it. Ellie pushed the scrunched up dress to the side, using her foot. You turn around to meet her eyes again, now only dressed in your white, lace panties. ”The underwear match the dress, I see” Ellie more so stated as she let her hands fall on your hips. She couldn’t help but stare at your, now, naked boobs. She titled her head up to give them each a gentle kiss. Her slightly chapped lips made such a delicious contrast against your sensitive skin.
When you’ve had enough you pushed her back onto the bed. Her legs hanging off the bed as her back was pressed against the soft cover. You let your hands traced up both her thighs, passing her heat and up to the button of her pants. As you open up her pants you made sure to grab the elastic of her panties and drag them along with her pants, off her legs. Without thinking Ellie spread her legs. Allowing you to see her gorgeous pussy. She always gets flustered when you tell her she has a pornstar-pussy. Sometimes you wished you could just take a picture of it and hang it on your wall. To examine it like a piece of art. You pushed your arousal aside and pushed her legs together. Ellie gave you a confused look. You payed no attention to it as you took a seat on her lap. The only thing separation your cunts from touching was a piece of thin, white, lace. You hover over her, putting your hands on each side of her head before lowering down and kiss her. You let her take control since you were busy feeling her out. You just let your hands wander over her body freely. Not stopping them. Ellie moaned into the messy make-out as she grabbed the fat of your thighs to drag you against her. You pushed up her bra so you could squeeze her small, yet adorable, breasts in your hand. From previous experience you know she likes it when you apply quite some pressure, so you don´t stop until you hear the familiar groan. This isn’t the first time you’ve had sex with each other, but for some reason you feel a little more nervous then before. Like, still this is something different. It’s the first time as a married couple.
You got off Ellie, and without saying anything she got up. She took off her bra properly, tossing it along with the rest of your clothes. Before getting back on the bed she decided to drag off your underwear too. Ellie crawled onto the bed and took a sat behind you. She turned you over so you were sitting between her leg, pulling you towards her so your back was pressed against her chest. You could feel her hard nipples graze against your naked back. She gave your left shoulder some light pecks as her right hands traced down your stomach. You couldn’t help as your breath got quicker, heavier. Ellie's hand went down to your cunt, tracing her fingers along your lips in a teasing manner. She spread them, letting the cold air come in contact with your warm walls. ”Please, Ellie. Stop with the goddamn teasing” you whined out with a pissed tone. Ellie let out a chuckle behind you ”So needy…” she teased. ”…I like it” she mumbled in your ears, visibly making you shiver. She traced her index finger along your slit, gathering your wetness for lube. She groaned ”fuck” when she noticed just how wet you were. She slowly slide in her index finger into your wet pussy. You threw your head back on Ellie’s shoulder, mouth hanging open. Your needy hole finally being filled by your girlfriend's long, slender finger. 
It wasn’t till she pushed it to the brim the high-pitched moan that had treated to come out finally did. Ellie made sure to slide it in and out a few more times before quickening the pace. She knows you like it fast and hard. Only slowing down to add another finger before going back to her previous pace. You closed your eyes shut as the pleasure was so good now. Ellie made sure to slam them in hard, to the point where your thighs would shake. She felt you squeezing her, but decided to add one last finger. She wants to make sure you're filled. You bit your lips and unintentionally squeezed your thighs together. ”Ah-ah” Ellie warned as she stopped only to separate your legs again. ”How do you expect me to make my wife feel good with your legs are closed?” she said in a pitiful voice. Like she’s talking to a child. The only answer that left your lips were a whine. She grabbed your left hand, making your rings cling against each other. She figured she could comfort you that away, while still drilling her fingers into your swollen pussy. Cause she knows, despite your whines and cries, you love it. ”Don’t worry, babe. You're doing amazing” she encouraged you before continuing to slide her fingers into you. You look down between your legs and sees the veins on Ellie’s hand twitch as she pounds her fingers into your dripping cunt. A moan leaves your mouth just by the sight. You’ve always loved her hands. Whenever you’d had the chance to have them on you, you took it. 
Your unoccupied hand went to your back, sliding down till you felt Ellie’s wet core. She jumped at the unexpected touch. You teased her a little bit before sliding in two fingers into her. She threw her head back as a thirsty moan leaves her lips. She stopped her motion between your legs, having a hard time focusing on anything except your fingers. You curl them up to grace her g-spot continuously. You feel her legs squeezing you in the position you´re in, making you smirk for yourself. She tightened her grip on your intertwined hands, not knowing what to do with all this pleasure. Ellie swore she could cum on the spot, so she picked up the pace of her fingers. Hoping to make you cum along with her. You couldn’t do much more this angle, but based on Ellie’s whimpers in your ear you think she don't mind. ”Don´t stop (y/n)!” she whined, but the speed of her fingers weren’t affected. You were impressed. Ellie lets go off your hand to switch. You quickly soaked her three fingers as they effortlessly slide in, quickly finding the same pace as her right hand. You felt the cold metal of her ring against your entrance. Making a nice contrast from your heat. Ellie force you to look back at her, using her right hand. She kissed you as your wetness smear against your left cheek. You put you thumb on Ellie’s clit, really wanting her to come over the edge. She jolts at the unexpected adding of pressure.
Ellie moves away from your lips to place small, loving kisses across your left shoulder. ”Come on now, cum for your wife” she mumbles against your skin. You whimper as you grab a hold of her wrist. You could feel your heart rate increasing as the knot in your stomach snaps. A high-pitched moan leaves your mouth as you throw your head back on Ellie’s shoulder. She watch your face as you come undone, bitting her lip at the aroused sight in front of her. A sight she sure would think back on when she’s on patrol without you. Having some alone time. You cum on her fingers, covering her ring in your arousal. She pulled them out and put them in your mouth. You sucked them off as you continued to pump yours in her. Ellie came with some whined moans not so long after. Taking you with her as she fell onto the bed, arching her back as you continued to finger her. You felt her clenching around you, milking herself of her orgasm. You pulled your fingers out, looking at the glistering liquid covering your fingers. You could feel Ellie looking at you with half-lidded eyes from behind you. Her hands hugging your figure as she tried to collect herself. You turned over, so you were facing Ellie. Her breath hitched as you hip hit her sensitive clit. You made sure to give her a smile before resting your head on her chest. You listened as her heartbeat slowed down to it’s usual pace. Ellie slide you up, making your breasts press against hers. She nestled her face into your neck before mumbling ”I’m so happy to call you ’my wife’”.
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jakessbtch · 2 years
☆ red | c.g
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masterlist | requests
TW ✿ ° : periods, pain [for reader]
pairing ✿ ° : Carl Grimes x reader [s/h]
request by ✿ ° : @liu1307​
summary of fic ✿ ° : Reader wakes up in immense pain, thinking she got bit she panicked, only to find she was suffering her first period.
word count ✿ ° : 1.1k
a/n ✿ ° : First Request done!!!!
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Living in an apocalypse was hard, it was considered hell for a woman too. Not only do you have to be wary of greedy hormonal men who want your body rather then yourself. You also have to struggle with your own unwanted hormones, meaning blood will eventually start seeping out of you once a month.
Y/n woke up like she normally did, groaning and whining for her body to let her sleep more. Yet this time, the sheets felt warmer and more uncomfortable against her skin. She groaned almost silently before slinging the comforter off of her, cuddling into one of her few pillows. The silence was short lived before a harsh pain shot through her stomach. She gasped as she gripped onto her abdomen, whining into the silent morning.
Why was she in so much pain? This wasn’t normal, right? Maybe she got bit when she was fighting the walkers yesterday, on their way home from the supply run. Her e/c eyes widened, if she got bit, they were going to kill her. How hadn’t she noticed it, surely she would have bled through her shirt or something.
Pushing through the sudden jolts of pain, Y/n jumped up from her bed. The door to the bathroom swung open quickly, then slammed just as fast. The loud noise bouncing off the walls of the home. The walls sounded like they were shaking, but why would she notice that? Y/n didn't hesitate to raise her shirt, noticing there was no wound, then what was hurting?
She twirled around in the cleansed mirror, trying to distinguish any hidden bites or wounds she sustained. What she did spot was a red patch in the back of her pink pajama pants. She obviously knew about periods and what happens to a woman, but she didn’t expect it to happen now. She sat herself down on the cool toilet seat, feeling ill. Was that just in general or a side affect to periods?
“N/n Honey, are you feeling ok? You made quite the ruckus” She heard her mothers soft voice reach her ears from behind the door. She sighed almost inaudibly before standing to her feet. She knew she had to talk to her mother about this, it was normal right. Her and Carl, her boyfriend, had never had sex while they’ve been together, so it had to be period or something. “Yeah Ma, just.. I think I got my period”
It was silent for s few moments before a carefree “Oh” met Y/n’s ears. “I’ll head to Kim’s place to get some stuff, I'll tell Carl on the way if you’d like? You two are always attached” She knew Carl wouldn’t make this a big deal, plus her mum knew a lot about the two, so her mum wanted him to know. “Yeah, just.. be quick” Y/n whispered through the door, resting her head in her hands, h/c hair falling down the sides of her face.
“Alright honey, go take a shower” that was the last thing said from y/n’s mother before the clicking of her heels disappeared down the stairs. Y/n got ready for the shower, stripping down and hopping into the limited warm water. The water pressure kept her grounded to sanity, it was very relaxing and kept her somewhat sane.
Not long after she got out the shower and got changed a hurried knock was heard from down stairs. Y/n knew just by the knocking patterns who it was, so she hurried to open the big white front door. She felt real icky with the blood free spilling in her new pants, she really wondered how long her mum would be. Y/n opened the door without a second thought, Carl crashing into her arms, embracing her with a whole lot of enthusiasm. 
“Are you ok n/n? Your mum told me everything and so I brought some comics and I snuck some crisps that Michonne made earlier” Y/n smiled up at him as he rambled about the things he did just for her. The feelings crashed into her rapidly, face contorting to one of pure love and adoration. Y/n reached for his waving left hand, leading him to her messy room while he gawked about the potential things in the comics.
“Carl?” A loud yet soft hum was heard as Carl threw himself onto a cushioned chair in the corner of her room. “I uhm, sorry, you know? Sorry if this whole thing is gross to you” Y/n said quietly, as she leaned on the white doorway. Carl shrugged as he threw open a comic book, leaning back in the chair. “Isn’t it normal for you? It’s ok, I love you a lot, and you love me back so no blood is going to get in the way of what we have.”
She placed a hand coyly on his right shoulder before the door downstairs slammed open. Carl flinched at the loud and booming bang, while Y/n just rolled her eyes with a chuckle. “Its my ma Carl, she does this all the time when she panics” She said calmly before she walked down the long hall then the stairs to greet her mother. 
After all the explaining of how a pad works and how to apply one, Y/n found herself dozing off in her messy bed. Carl was blabbering quietly about the scene he was up to in the comic, not noticing her drooping e/c eyes. Y/n had just passed the peak of period cramps for that day, and now she was tired, all she wanted to do was fall asleep to his voice.
“And the guy named Zion, he’s like fighting Tyan- oh.” Carl cut himself off, looking at her slumped figure in the pink sheets. He smiled to himself meekly before placing the book on the floor and making his way over. His feet clicked on the hard wood before he nudged her to shuffle over for him. Y/n complied silently, with an explosion of butterflies at his simple touch. Carl lay himself next to her, wrapping his arms around her to rest on her stomach.
“Goodnight n/n, I love you so so much” Carl purred as he himself felt a wave of tired muscles slam into him. Y/n hummed to his saying before she dozed off to slumber. Carl followed soon after her, with a soft smile on his face.
✿ ° Fin
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delicatenightfury · 6 months
Christmas Surprise
Wolverine and the X-men onshot
Pairing: Warren Worthington III x OC
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Summary: Warren decides to surprise his girlfriend for Christmas
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: fluff, just a little steamy at the end but not a lot
Author's note:
So, I made @mistys-blerbz watch two of my favorite X-men shows - X-men Evolution (2000) and Wolverine and the X-men (2009). We've been exposing one another to different shows and encouraging one another to create OC's for those shows. So, Misty created a character.
But we quickly realized that there is literally no fics for Angel other than the X-men Apocalypse version, and if I'm being honest, I really don't like that version of him. So, of course I had to go and write my own to satisfy us both.
Also, please don't steal my work! I don't own X-men characters or the OC (which belongs to @mistys-blerbz), but this is my own idea.
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Elsie hummed happily to the Christmas music that echoed throughout the station. The place was decorated wildly for the holiday. Lights hung from the ceiling and wrapped around several railings. The large red and gold Christmas tree was put up in the lobby. Elsie always loved the train set that was always placed at the base of the tree, especially since the train was replaced with a bright fire truck. When she was younger, she used to lay in front of the tree and watch the train go round and round the base.
She could hear her family chattering around the place, cheering at the football game or laughing at the poker game they had started. The sounds made her feel a sense of peace, filling her heart with warmth. And while she wanted to join them, Elsie had claimed charge of the grill, cooking up enough food to feed a small army. Fire fighters sure knew how to eat. Not that she minded. She was used to cooking for large groups of people. The kids at the Institute could easily rival her Chicago family.
“Dinner smells great, kiddo,” Frank said as he came up next to her. “Glad to see you’ve still got it.”
“I’m hurt, Frank! You think I’d lost it?”
Frank smiled and pressed a kiss to the side of her head. The fire chief was like a father to her. He had graying hair and a full mustache that looked straight from the 80’s, but always had a charming look to him. Elsie guessed he was quite the lady’s man back in the day.
“Good. Now get the hell out of my kitchen. I’m working.”
Frank laughed as he stepped away.
“Ya hear that, boys? She’s home for all of two minutes and she’s already taking over!”
“Damn right!” Elsie called.
“She can take over all she wants!” she heard Ben shout back. “She cooks better than you can, old man!”
Elsie simply smirked at Frank, who looked shocked at the comment.
She loved her family, as crazy and nontraditional as it was.
When she was a baby, she was left at the fire station by her parents. The reason they hadn’t wanted her? She was a mutant, born with green skin, white hair, and golden eyes. The firefighters at the station had decided to take her in rather than turn her over to Child Services, knowing that she would have a better chance growing up with them instead of more than likely jumping foster homes. They gave her a room just for her and taught her everything she knew. 
They hadn’t cared about her appearance. In fact, they loved her for it. One of the first things they requested when she had arrived was that she turn off her image inducer bracelet and remain in her true form. The only other time she got to be in her own skin was when she was at the Institute or on missions with the X-men.
Elsie couldn’t have asked for a better family. She loved getting to come home for the holidays and be with them. They always made time for her, even leaving their own families for a time so that they could spend time with her.
The only thing that could possibly make this time better was if her special someone were there with her. The very thought of him made her smile. 
She had been dating Warren for several months now. Like her, he was a mutant with a physical mutation. They had gone to college together but did not officially get together until after they both joined the X-men.
The only downside was that neither of their families knew of their relationship.
Warren’s reasoning was straightforward: his father was a big public figure, the CEO of Worthington Industries, with a very vocal dislike for mutants. He even funded several anti-mutant projects. Having a mutant as a son was a “bad look” for Mr Worthington in general, so to learn that his son was dating one would be an even bigger blow to his image.
Elsie’s reasoning was a little more complicated. Her family consisted of a bunch of overprotective fire fighters. They would not hesitate to grill Warren given the chance, possibly even give the “if you hurt our girl” speech. As much as she wanted Warren to meet her family, she was nervous about the responses they would receive.
Elsie smiled when the meat finished on the grill, quickly putting it all on a large plate. She had timed everything perfectly so the food was all finishing around the same time.
She let out a loud whistle, knowing it would catch everyone’s attention.
“Dinner’s ready!” she shouted. “Come and get it while it’s hot!”
In the distance, she could hear people moving around to come upstairs. But she wasn’t expecting to hear a voice in the kitchen with her.
“Think there’s room for one more?”
Elsie whipped around to face the source, her eyes wide.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he said with a grin.
She gaped at him as he maneuvered through the kitchen to approach her. She wrapped her arms around him - she could never resist a hug from him. He picked her up briefly, swinging her around a little before setting her back on her feet. Her hands subconsciously drifted toward his back, fingers tracing familiar patterns there.
“What the hell are you doing here?” she asked.
“Thought I’d surprise you,” he said.
“But I thought you were spending Christmas with your father?”
He shrugged.
“I told him that I wanted to check out the Chicago lab, see how things were going. I just came from there.”
“You faked an excuse? To come here?”
He nodded, but was slowly looking a little unsure.
“Was that okay?”
“Of course!” He had faked an excuse to his father just so he could spend time with her. She hugged him again, planting a kiss on his lips. “I just wasn’t expecting it!”
“Hence why it’s a surprise, Els.”
A loud cough broke in, drawing the couple’s attention away from each other and toward the kitchen entrance. Elsie winced when she saw that nearly everyone was piled into the doorway staring at them. Slowly, they trickled in and all eyes were on the pair.
“Who the hell is this?” Todd asked.
Elsie smiled sheepishly, linking her arm with Warren’s, who smiled politely at them all. 
“Guys, this is Warren,” she said slowly. “My boyfriend.”
There were varying expressions of surprise on their faces. Elsie waited anxiously to see what they would do.
Frank stepped forward first, arms dropping from where they were crossed over his chest. Warren offered his hand to him.
“Warren Worthington. Pleasure to meet you, sir,” he said.
Frank scanned him over briefly before taking his hand and shaking it.
“Pleasure’s all mine. It’s great to finally meet you, Mr Worthington,” Frank said.
“Please, call me Warren.”
“You taking care of our girl, Warren?”
He chuckled a little, almost nervously. He looked at Elsie, flashing her a smile before turning back to Frank.
“Doing my best. But some days it’s more like she’s taking care of me.”
The fire chief smiled.
“She tends to do that. Hey, why don’t you take off your coat? Stay for dinner.”
Warren glanced at Elsie. She gave him an encouraging smile and a small nod. Warren took a breath before he shrugged off his coat. Elsie watched his wings unfurl, stretching them a little to get more comfortable. They seemed to glow in the kitchen lights. As Warren folded up his coat, Elsie looked at her family. They looked even more surprised than before, but they also appeared to be in awe.
“Woah,” Joe breathed.
Elsie smiled at Warren before clapping her hands.
“All right! How about we put the food on the table and eat?”
The rest of the night passed without incident. Of course her family wanted to know everything, so dinner mostly consisted of questions being fired left and right. Sometimes someone would say something that caught Elsie off guard and caused her to groan in embarrassment. In response, Warren would place his hand on her thigh. He’d squeeze it every now and then but would primarily rub his thumb gently over her skin.
But his actions did little to calm her down. In fact, he only succeeded in getting her to go from embarrassed to horny. And that damn man knew exactly what he was doing to her, that little smirk told her everything.
Warren had offered to help Frank clean up from dinner, much to Elsie’s annoyance. She wanted nothing more than to drag him up to her room. But he had chosen to socialize instead, wanting to get to know her family.
Damn, pretty boy.
In all honesty, she loved seeing him openly interact with her family. Warren rarely got to be himself in public, but he didn’t need to put up a front with them. It warmed her heart to see just how comfortable he was with everyone.
The hours slowly went by and things eventually settled down. Most of the crew went home to their families, a few staying in case of emergency. Elsie and Warren said their good nights to everyone before they headed upstairs to her room. 
Once the door was shut though, Elsie was practically on top of Warren. The man laughed, putting his hands on her hips and squeezing them in the way that Elsie loved.
“Woah there, sweetheart. Seems like someone is a little excited.”
“It’s your own damn fault,” she said, tugging at his sweater. “You kept touching my thigh during dinner, then brushing up against me throughout the rest of the night.”
Warren hummed, grinning as he pressed a kiss to her lips.
“Can’t help it, beautiful. I love seeing you all confident and happy. Plus you look amazing tonight. I love seeing this version of you.”
Elsie smiled.
“I guess I can forgive you. But only if you get these damn clothes off.”
“Way ahead of you.”
The two fell into bed, losing themselves in each other. 
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Elsie sighed as she settled comfortably on Warren’s bare chest.
“God, I missed this.”
“What sex?” Warren said with an amused look.
“No. Well, yes. But no, I meant you.”
Warren smiled. He gripped her chin and pulled her face up to his so he could kiss her sweetly. Elsie hummed happily.
“I missed you too, sweetheart,” he said. “I’m glad I was able to come by.”
Elsie chuckled.
“I still can’t believe you lied to your dad just to come here.”
“Hey, I’d much rather spend time with you than with a father who barely talks to me. Your family is much more fun. You all seem very close.”
“I’d like to think so. They all basically raised me after my parents left me here. I’d never ask for a better family.”
“Don’t let the kids back at the Institute hear you say that. They might take offense.”
“What they don’t know won’t hurt them.”
Warren laughed. He tugged her closer and buried his face in her shoulder, pressing a kiss to her skin. Elsie smiled. He never could get enough of her, though the feeling was definitely mutual. 
“Oh, I just remembered,” she said. “Can I ask you something?”
“Before dinner, Frank said it was great to finally meet you. Any idea what that was about?”
Warren nodded. He seemed a little nervous suddenly, but he spoke up anyway.
“Since we were in college, I’ve been giving monthly donations to the station. And when there was that accident a few years back when this place flooded, I helped pay for the repairs. So Frank and I have actually had a little bit of communication since all that.”
Elsie had pushed herself up so she could stare at Warren. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing.
“But all that… that was before we even started dating.”
He nodded.
“Yeah, I know. And I didn’t tell you because I didn’t know how you’d react. But I wanted to support the station because I knew how much it meant to you, and I knew how much they did to take care of you.” He reached up to cup her cheek, swiping his thumb over her freckles. “I hope that’s okay.”
Elsie could feel tears in the corners of her eyes but she refuses to let them fall. She laughed a little and surged down to kiss him. He was momentarily caught off guard but wrapped his arms around her to bring her closer. Elsie adjusted so she was straddling him, thick thighs on either side of his hips. She pulled away enough to look at him, a wide smile gracing her lips.
“It’s more than okay,” she said. “I just wasn’t expecting that. I knew the station was receiving donations, but Frank never told me who they were coming from. I just… thank you.”
Warren smiled, brushing her white hair back behind her ear. 
“Of course, Els. I love you.”
“I love you too, Warren.” A little devilish smirk slowly spread across her face as she rolled her hips. “Now why don’t I show you just how much?”
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webnovel-deluxe · 1 year
Isn't Being A Wicked Woman Much Better? Side Story Chapter 10
I also upload this chapter in my YouTube channel read there to support my effort, to read click here 👉Link
You have come to me to solve a problem with the holy thing, and it would be difficult to ask if I only emphasized my pure heart.
“I like the scent of tea because the Pope is so worried about me that he even comes to the capital.”
I said with a face as docile as possible. To make it even more gritty.
“Yeah… Hmmmm! But, Lady.”
“Yes, tell me.”
“I have news that the Apocalypse of Saints must be keenly aware of.”
Seeing that he says 'news' instead of 'request', he is a human being with a corner like a squirrel.
“Saint Naila left a great relic to ward off the peculiar darkness more than a thousand years ago, in the early days of the founding of Asteria.”
“Of course I do. Because I am the incarnation of a saint. You are talking about the rosary that the cardinal brought during the incense ceremony, right?”
“Yes. By the way… Something is wrong with that holy thing.”
The white rosary was the most prized in the temple, and was only opened to the outside when the pope personally visited or incense ceremonies. However, there was a problem with the sacred objects in this situation where public sentiment towards the temple was at a low level.
Sooner or later, instead, an annual event will be held in the temple, and the Pope will be very upset because he cannot go out with the holy relic in question.
But I pretended not to know anything, and spoke as the Pope intended.
“Hey, there’s something wrong with my stuff. As the incarnation of a saint, it is not a matter to be overlooked.”
I put down the teacup with a serious look on my face, and stared at the Pope seriously.
“Let’s see the condition of things.”
“Yes! Yes! Saint.”
The pope responded quickly with a reddened face, and I reached out as if to offer something.
“That, that… .”
“The color of the rosary beads suddenly started to change slightly, so to prevent discoloration, I put it in holy water with strong deity. So… Excuse me, could you stop by the Dominion of Heleia?”
The news of Princess Deborah's sudden departure to Heleia caused a stir in the capital.
Of course, it is natural and common sense for a saint to visit before, at the invitation of the Pope.
“There’s nothing strange about it… .”
When the saint saw all of Princess Deborah, it was somehow awkward. Because it is a feeling that a fancy party venue is much more suitable than the papal court.
It wasn't just that.
“In Seymour, they have assembled an elite team of formidable men to escort Saint.”
“Of course, since it’s a saint, I can understand. The princess is the only one, but Deborah must be strong in the first place, why?”
“I have heard that the saint's divinity is merciless to evil demons, but merciful to men. People are scarier than ghosts, do you know? Whether a man with a bad heart will attack Saint-sama. She should be prepared for that.”
“Even though… Isn’t the power capable of annihilating a small country a bit too severe?”
“How much is it?”
“Once the Duke of Visconti and the Hundred Knights of whom he is the vice-leader all applied as escorts … .”
“In addition?”
“Duke Seymour, the owner of the tower, the elders of the tower, the battle unit of the tower led by Sir Rosa de, Sir Belek with the magic tools for attack… There are others.”
“Hey, stop it. I know you well enough.”
In front of the ancient teleport that moved from the capital to the former, the Pope and the priests, who met Princess Deborah and the others, were puzzled for a moment.
The last priests were especially surprised.
‘Gee, is she really a saint?’
I saw it as a portrait, but the real thing of the saint was so cold, I was surprised once and twice by the splendid lineup of the escort.
“He is the fiance of the saint whom I had only heard of… This is the Duke of Visconti.”
“Even the genius twins of the Seymour family… .”
“Isn’t that black-haired swordsman the rise of the sword?”
Famous celebrities that even the priests who live far from the capital are familiar with will go out to escort the saint.
'Are you going to wage a war with the temple?'
The Pope tried to hide his embarrassment.
“So many people follow! You will be amazed by the popularity of the saint. Of course, there are a lot of paladins who will protect the saints in the temple.”
The pope slightly turned around saying that there were too many escorts, but
“These people… I've reduced it to half and half. No more.”
The pope could not vomit any more because Princess Deborah spoke gloomily in a friendly voice somewhere.
“Hmmmm. Shall we leave then?”
After some time, the ancient warp gate carrying the great man came into operation, and Princess Deborah stepped in instead for the first time in her life.
“This magnificent building is the Holy See in the center of the Great Temple. Each piece seems to come to life.”
Thierry looked around the inside of the temple full of magnificent paintings and sculptures with admiration over and over again. After quitting daily gambling, his swordsmanship skills had grown dramatically, and he was barely able to be chosen as Princess Deborah's escort.
“Thieri, do you know that you don't came here for a tour?”
5 The princess bit her tongue when she saw Thierry's frivolous behavior.
“It’s not wrong, but I want you to protect the body of the Asteria nobles.”
"it's okay. The dignity and body of the Asteria nobles are already being protected there.”
Thierry proudly pointed to Isidore walking in the lead.
Instead, all the priests and servants passing through the temple glanced at him with a look of surprise. People who saw Isidor for the first time usually doubted their eyes and would react like that.
“Somehow, it seems to be getting better and better. The body is taller.”
“I wonder if it’s the sign of Epsilon and the flower of the year for nothing.”
“Whoa, even if Isidor looks a little less… ‌.”
“I’m sorry, but even assuming Isidor is a little less handsome… In many ways, you can’t.”
“Even though it looks so light, I was in the middle of healing the wounds of my broken heart, do I have to break even the bones?”
“You’re hot all over again.”
“… Do you feel sympathy with you? It's a shame.”
While Thierry and the princess were having a sweet conversation, Isidor was paying close attention to the priests.
The holy relics were discolored, and the princess's divine power was slow to recover. Not a good sign.
If the remnants of the Warlock Mage remain, there was also a stronghold hiding here, pretending to be a priest like Miya Binoshu.
'I have experienced enough of the lesson that it is dark under the lamp...'
“Princess, the Pope isn’t guiding us to a place other than the holy place, is it?”
At Isidor's whisper, Deborah shook her head slightly.
“That's not right.”
Upon arriving here, the memories of Naila, who grew up in the temple in the past, came up again and again.
At the end of this labyrinthine corridor, there will be a sanctuary, a spring of water containing divine powers.
“We are here.”
The Pope, who had been walking for a while, stopped in front of a white marble arched door.
Beyond the door, in the center of the circular room, there was a large sculpture in the shape of Nyla, and below it was a small fountain.
“From here on, only a limited number of people can enter.”
At the Pope's words, Belek raised an eyebrow.
“What is the reason?”
“It is a place where holy water with high purity and divine power springs out, so to prevent external contamination… Lady!?”
That was then.
Suddenly, Princess Deborah passed the huge door and began to make her way towards the center of the room where the relic was located.
'In addition… heart... ’
From the moment you discover the rosary contained in holy water, your heart begins to beat wildly like when you were incense burn.
My heart was beating so much that my eardrums hurt, and in front of my eyes, countless afterimages of the past flickered quickly. In the flood of memories, I suddenly felt a door.
How did that rosary elicit such a strong reaction?
‘At the time of incense, I awakened all my strength because of that thing. '
My heart beats like crazy every time I come across that white rosary, and I get caught up in a distant sensation, is it simply because it stimulates memories of my past life?
‘Hey, why are you doing this? '
As if asking a question, I stared at the rosary contained in the holy water.
‘And why did the color change like this?'
At that moment, a faint light began to emanate from the beads of the rosary, which had been dyed with a dull gray color. As if answering my question.
- *Deborah*
uh? I think you just called my name?
'A familiar voice... .'
As if possessed by a voice that seemed to contain sadness, I reached out for it... .
The moment I grabbed the smooth marble, a strong light flowed out of the six marbles and gradually began to draw a certain shape.
'no way… Magic circle?'
Something feels weird, but it's already too late.
The space around me shook like a wave, and I muttered a curse. The distortion of the space became more and more severe, and before long the floor on which I was standing swung like a swirling sea.
Standing precariously in the distorted space, I instinctively looked back. To find the first man that comes to mind when I sense any danger.
The figure of Isidor calling to me, the dew flowed slowly like a video.
Confused, he came down and quickly grabbed his floundering arm, but soon the space began to distort relentlessly like oil on water, and I was thrown into a strange place.
Support me with like, Comments & share. Your support will encourage me to upload next chapter faster.
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daydream-cement · 2 years
Hope you're doing well <3 I saw that person ask about Larissa being an actual mom, h'bout she had an affair in her later years and has a son (she's a single mom... for now) who's around 8-10 yrs old and he's usually in school when she works- but during weekends she brings him to Nevermore? Maybe the story can be set during the parents weekend so it can shock Morticia 😂Thank you! Tbh just do as you wish with the prompt, I like ur creativity :D!
Larissa Weems’ Son
Authors Note: anon this request is amazing and you made me laugh bc i know i was absolutely crazy with my post about timelines of having kids xD i based this little boy after my sweet little neighbor boy
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“Come on, bubby.” Larissa lovingly called to her son, using one of her many terms of endearment. George dashed down the hallway behind her, bound in his arms was his massive Encyclopedia of Sharks.
“Awh, mom. Can’t I stay in your office?” He whined, taking ahold of her hand and clumsily tucking the big book beneath his arm.
“Georgie, last time I left you in my office, you pulled out all the Nevermore historical artifacts and broke something.” Larissa teased. Her son was as deeply interested in history and science as she had been when she was his age.
He remained silent, a scowl gracing his features. He looked so much like his mother, his white blonde hair and nose, but his eyes were a reminder of Larissa’s drunken one-night stand with his father. They were a brilliant green. Regardless of who he got them from, she absolutely adored his sweet green eyes.
When they reached the quad, the older kids excitedly took him from Larissa. They loved doting on him and talking to him about all the things he read about. He went on and on about sharks and sea life, sometimes he even switched subjects to talk about what he would do if there was a zombie apocalypse. Enid Sinclair was one student in particular that loved George. She would sit with him for hours and listen to him talk, even actively participate in discussions about zombies.
Larissa left her son be with the students, knowing they would take wonderful care of him. She made it a point to mingle with various parents and guardians. Every so often she would glance back over to George as he sat between Yoko and Enid, enjoying his book.
It was the time she glanced over at him and saw Morticia Addams bending over the picnic table to speak to Georgie that Larissa knew she should check on him.
Larissa approached Georgie from behind, placing her hands on his small shoulders. He glanced up at her for only a moment before going back to telling Yoko about the intricacies of shark buoyancy.
“Larissa! Wonderful to see you. I didn’t know we were taking students this young.” Morticia was quick to the point, knowing exactly that this line of conversation would indirectly expose why this boy looked just like Larissa.
Larissa put on her best diplomatic smile and introduced her son, “This is my son, George.”
It was still no less shocking to hear. Morticia suspected this boy belonged to Larissa, but she also never expected her old roommate to have children. Her jaw hung open for a moment and she spoke again, her tone more genuine than cutting, “I’m really happy for you, Larissa.”
Larissa was taken aback. It wasn’t everyday that she received a statement from Morticia Addams that wasn’t tainted with a second meaning.
“Thank you, Morticia. He has been my greatest accomplishment.” Larissa raised a gloved hand to his blond locks and gently stroked his hair.
Morticia glanced to her husband and two kids. Pugsley and Gomez seemed to be chatting while Wednesday wore her usual look of annoyance, “I totally understand what you mean.”
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notallrobots · 1 month
about me ࿓
22. multiship. i write and draw and ball out
⊹ ࣪ ﹏𓊝﹏𓂁﹏⊹ ࣪ ˖
hey! i thought i’d make an intro post that i can edit as i go. i’m nara (my pseudonym derives from an acronym for Not All Robots, which is a comic i like). i’m turning 23 this year. i got crazyyyy obsessed with inside out 2 after seeing it in theaters. i draw, write fic, and animate. i take drawing and fic requests, but i might put a limit on them or decline them. i’ve never done commissions, but feel free to dm me if you’re interested in seeing something in particular. i only want to draw inside out rn, though…
i use a translator for my French captions / speech bubbles, but i’m trying to learn..
i LOVE fear, ennui, disgust, and bill hader :3
i like ennui (because she is my gf), piña coladas, top-down video games, 2d animation, Bret Easton Ellis novels, CARTOONS, fanfiction, swimming, hair accessories, the post-apocalypse, long skirts, nekojiru, museums, beach vacations, fear, horror letsplays, and white chocolate. (-‿-)
talk to me about fear, inside out, cartoons, movies, music, and writing (especially writing! i love writing of any kind and am happy to proofread or beta stuff)!! i hope you enjoy my headcanon, but it’s okay if you don’t! i know that i can be corny and delusional.
i also don’t mind if you want to critique my art anonymously! please do; i really want to improve.
i have a 9-5, so sorry if i’m replying slow!
me on ze left and the original disear gansta @tokibuns (she drew this!!) on the right
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live laugh love fear ꨄ︎ FEAR!
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themuffin2649 · 2 months
Day to Day
As always, he was the first to wake up. Getting off the left side of the bed, he grabbed his black and yellow clothes from the drawers and headed into the shower. Using his own sponge (they labeled them) he use it to scrub all the sweat from his sleep, especially scrubbing the armpits, neck, and private areas. Once finished with a quick shampoo, he rinsed off and dried up. Looking into the mirror, he noticed how his blond roots were beginning to grow.
Ugh, they’re never going to accept my request for pink hair dye are they…
He sighed and got dressed, as well as making sure he brushed his teeth with his (also labeled) toothbrush. While preparing, he considered cutting off a lot of hair since they were too long, getting all over his face, but not long enough to tie it in a ponytail like his roomate. Despite the bother, he wanted to keep the pink because there was so much of his identity he lost after the apocalypse.
By the time he was freshened up and out of the bathroom, the only progress his redhead roommate did for the morning was cocoon further in the sheet… what a pain.
“Alright sleeping beauty, wake up.” He said, yanking the blankets from the bed, causing his roommate to tumble onto the ground.
“Oww! It is, like, 5 in the morning… do you have to do this?!”
“Well, my dear roommate, good habits are always the key for a happy life. Also, it just turned 7.”
“5, 6:59… Same thing… I’m always dead tired when I wake up at those hours… besides, you snore.” his roommate said, groggily groaning and getting up to shower.
“Remember, this room has many cameras, and they’re always watching.” He said, trying not to strain his voice. He also ushered his roommate to smile as he did, so they don’t get in trouble by them.
The roommate just growled and slowly walked into the bathroom to get ready. He seriously wants them demoted to the middle doesn’t he.
He sighed as he looked at the dozens of cameras within their small yellow, white, and black minimalistic room. The only thing decorating it are pictures of people with wide bright smiles, and motivational posters saying stuff like “Joy is the only way to achieve true harmony amongst ourselves.”
He wonders if he achieved the Joy that the ministry expects of them, that he’ll truly get along with his roomate… or anybody here.
47 minutes and 52 seconds, he timed it, that’s how long his insufferable roommate’s morning routine took.
It appears that he took his sweet time using up all the shampoo and conditioner to maintain his perfect Prince-like hair, as well as use that exfoliating brush given as a request (which really should have been something better) to maintain his perfect skin. He also noticed how he shaved his legs and put on mascara on his eyes.
“The mascara’s new, I was wondering where our 4 day request ticket went.”
“Well my darling roommate! Good looks are important, especially in a situation where resources are scarce. Can’t have them think we’re cavemen don’t we!”
“And worth is based on good performance and behavior as well, can’t have them think we’re spoiled and ungrateful now dear.”
“We’re going on a turn, based system, and I’m just using the opportunity we agreed to for my liking darling.”
“And I Advised you to use it on something more practical and more sustainable. Sweetheart.”
The passive aggressiveness was radiating in the room, yet the two never raised their voices or said anything directly mean. Despite their anger, the fear of them watching was something far greater than their distaste for each other.
BEEP! Announcement! Breakfast area will be closing in 10 minutes.
“Oh dear, we better hurry, less we be late to-huh?”
He tossed his roommate a bag of food.
“It’s not fresh and warm, but I couldn’t let you starve…”
“Oh, umm… thank you.” He said as he started eating the food.
Strangely, his roomate didn’t complain this time about the food, rather, there was no strain in his voice at all.
Once they got out, they met up with everybody in lineup. They weren’t early as he wanted to be, but they weren’t late either (thank goodness) so he got on his spot on the floor labeled 378 while his roomate got on 377 spot next to him.
378, my name, I wonder if I’ll ever find out what my real name was..
For context, there are 3 levels of this establishment. The Newbies, the Middle, and the Elites. Newbies have 1 as the first letter of their number, Middles have 2, and Elites have 3s. Also, nobody here remembers their name and is assigned numbers for identification.
There, on the grand stage, the announcer wearing a bright smile and yellow dress came up.
“Good morning my lovelies! Today is a very special day. As you know, 10 of our 100 most worthy Elites here will be tested for Fixation. If fixation is deemed successful, then they are proven worthy enough to go to the outside world and help fix what the apocalypse destroyed.
Everybody took a moment of silence for their world collapsing due to this apocalypse.
Announcer: “Enough of that sadness, it’s time to announce who our council has deemed worthy!”
Everybody cheered in joy as if mentioning the apocalypse hadn’t silenced the room at all.
The announcer mentioned 4 numbers, 316, 361, 387, and 345, however, the only number he was focused on was his.
Announcer: “…..378”
He felt it, at that moment, a wave of Joy. A huge smile formed on his face, and he closed his eyes imagining himself being praised as a Hero as he ventures into the remains of the real world, the sun radiating on his skin as he heroically rescues survivors, regrow plants, help animals, and most importantly, he had a chance to find his family and real name.
He adjusted everything as if preparing for an internship meeting before looking at his roomate with a smug smile.
378: “Just watch 377, once I’m proven worthy enough to get out of here, you’ll learn that a proper smile and ideal attitude gets you out of here faster.”
377: “hmph.”
Announcer: “301, 398, 360, 333, hah! And last but not least… 377!”
378: “WHAT!”
Realizing he showed a forbidden emotion, anger, he quickly switched it up.
378: “WHAT! We’re together! I’m so excited! I can’t believe I get to go with the best roomate ever!” He said, hugging his roomate.
377 noticed the same and hugged him back while laughing.
377: “Haha! That’s so amazing! It’s like a dream come true!”
Announcer: “And Congraduations to 377 and 378!! Who were the only roommates to go Together to be tested for fixation.”
Everybody started clapping for the two, while the others who were picked went to say their goodbyes to their roommates.
Announcer: “And remember Testers, this test will show your physical strength, charisma, and your Full Obedience to the Ministry… Good luck!”
Everybody was dismissed to do their daily chores and training to be more worthy. Meanwhile the chosen ones were assigned to pack up what they earned in this level before testing begins. Although everybody else was joyous at the moment, being congratulated by their peers, 378 and 377 looked at each other and thought the same thing.
Why the Hell did HE get picked along with him?!
Author’s Note: If you Can identify the true identities of 378 and 377, congrats! You’ve looked at my blog for at least 2 seconds!
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savageannah666 · 2 years
Whiskey Cuddles
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x Lena Hargreeves
Concept: Five was drunk at the living room bar, and Lena went to go tell him to go to bed. Sometimes all you need is cuddles instead of alcohol.
Content: Fluffffff
Warnings: None
Author's Note: This is a really sweet fluffy one shot. I do not write smut for characters like Five for various reasons, so please do not request it. I can write fluff all day, though. Also this is my first time posting a one shot to Tumblr, so if any other one shot writers have suggestions for formatting, do let me know!
Also, Lena Hargreeves is from an upcoming fanfiction where she is essentially a Five from an alternate timeline who screws up her calculations and ends up in this timeline. She and Five have a strange relationship form.
Lena's P.O.V.
I walked downstairs for a glass of water from the kitchen, but stopped when I saw the silhouette of Five sitting at the bar in his blue and white striped pajamas. I quietly walked over so I didn't spook him. The last thing I needed was a black eye this late at night.
"Five?" I asked. He turned around, clearly plastered drunk, a half-full whiskey glass in hand.
"Whaaa? Lena, why are you awake?" He asked between hiccups. His eyes were squinted as if we were in broad daylight in the middle of a dimmed living room. The only light in the room was a lamp nearby.
"Are you drunk?" I already knew the answer before it even left my lips. I placed my hand on his shoulder, and rather than shrug it off, he placed his cheek on the top of my hand and leaned into it. He started to lean too far and I had to hold him up before he fell off the stool. "Five, you need to go to bed. No more drinks."
"No," he countered, his cheek squished against my hand. "I am 58 years old. Let me do what I want."
I took the whiskey away from him, placing it behind the bar. "Old man or not, you need some sleep and sobering up." I tried to tug him out of his seat, but he started to fall asleep on the bar counter.
I shook him repeatedly until he stopped grumbling at me and stood. He was so drunk that he stumbled and fell as soon as his feet touched the ground. I caught him halfway down and he leaned his full body weight on me. He was heavier when he was drunk, but that could just be me being weak in my tired state.
I helped him stand, and slowly we made it upstairs to his room. He laid in bed and immediately fell asleep, not even bothering to turn his bedside lamp off. As I walked away from his bedside, I heard a soft "Lena." I turned around and in his half-asleep, super-drunk state, Five outstretched his hand towards me as if to tell me to come back.
"What, Five?" I asked, shuffling back to his bedside. I just wanted to go to bed.
"Can you play with my hair?" he mumbled. I facepalmed and climbed onto the bed beside him, knowing he would whine and pout if I didn't. I stretched out beside him but let him have his space as he fell asleep again.
I started to run my fingers through his dark brown hair, the messy locks curling from the humidity this time of year. Even across timelines, the weather patterns were the same. I heard Five's breathing start to even out as he slipped further and further into a peaceful sleep.
Thank god, I thought. He hasn't rested in days.
He relied entirely on black coffee and alcohol to such an extent that anybody else would die from exhaustion. I don't know how he does it.
I pulled my hand away from his soft hair and as I was moving to get off his bed and go towards my room, he rolled over and wrapped his arms around my waist. He started to mumble something about the apocalypse and buried his face into my stomach. I felt his body tense and he started to have a nightmare, probably about the apocalypse he lived through for years and years. He must have been so alone, and that broke my heart.
I tried to shimmy my way out of his grip but he held on for dear life.
Shit. I'm stuck.
I finally gave up trying to get away and relaxed beside him, his grip on my waist not relenting. He was still super tense, and he started to whimper, probably calling out to someone in his nightmare.
I ran my fingers through his hair again, my other hand resting on his upper back, drawing small circles on his pajama fabric. After a few seconds, his whimpering stopped and he relaxed into my abdomen again. He took a deep breath and sighed, his breathing evening out again. I continued to play with his hair until I fell asleep, hoping he would sober up and get some well-deserved rest before the morning.
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aeymii · 2 months
It was like a little bonding moment for Protag!Nagito. The survivors all had a big communal bath, split between boys and girls. And it just felt weirdly nice for him to be hanging out with Kaz and Gundham there, since it made him feel included.
Honestly I imagine lots of moments like that for their AU. Like I've got this one idea where they're actually not immediately saved by the Future Foundation after getting out of the school. And so they go on a little roadtrip with one of Hope's Peak's leftover vans (which they fit as many supplies in as they could). Deciding to stop off at Nagito's house first. Mainly to give him about a week or so to properly heal from the lost arm. But also because it occurs to him that in the post-Apocalypse, money probably isn't as useful for trade as items to barter. And assuming that his house hasn't been ransacked, there's still his dad's old wine cellar that they can use for currency. They think perhaps they might try to find some kind of boat after that, to head to Novoselic in Europe.
It's just like a really quiet "calm before the storm" period. Where they lay him down in his bedroom, while the girls share his parents' old room and the boys share the guestroom. And take turns keeping him company (with Mikan as his main nurse). Just lots of tender FTEs with his classmates, who slowly get a bit more of an idea of what his life was like when they look around his house. Like imagine Mahiru getting a bit of a shock when she sees a photo of a happy kid Nagito, and realizing he didn't always have white hair. He makes a special request that if he doesn't make it, that they please bury him in the spot out back right next to where his dog is buried. They assure him it won't come to that, but promise that they would if it did.
...Also on a less serious, and more morbidly hilarious note, I did have this one funny idea for how Junko potentially died in the AU. Nagito accidentally killed her in a scene reminiscent of Pulp Fiction's bit with Marvin. Carelessly waving around a handgun he believes is empty, with his finger on the trigger while the two get into a big finale debate. Only for the gun to go off and hit her directly in the head, bringing an anticlimactic end to things. Everyone panicking for a moment, Nagito most of all, with him being like "Oh shit, I thought it wasn't loaded!" This whole thing of course being televised.
Hrjsjaiaksnks bonding moment ehehhehehehe, the protage and the bonding<3 AHHH HE FELT INCULDED FOR ONCEE MY BOY!! 💖💖 give him love everyone!!!! Includeee himmmm
OH!! OMG OMG THIS SI AKAZINAG AGHH I LOVE SEEING MOMENTS IN THE APOCALYPSE, The red sky aesthetic and the wastelandd- Oooo an abandoned van!!!! My guy lost his arm yep let em heal, haha money ain't gonna work at the end of the world OHHHHH A TRIP TO NOVOSELIC AHHHH AGRESSIVELY EATS YOUR IDEAS LIKE A DOG WITH RABIES
TAKEN CARE OF BY MIKAN, HE'S IN HEAVEN MIKAN MY ANGEL I LOVE HER SO MUCH<33 ✨✨ And they start to understand him better lemme go sob in the corner this sheet giving me emotional damage- HAPPY NAGIBOY WAHHH THAT'S SO.. beside the dog.. WAHHH THAT'S SO SADDD NOT THE DOGGGG
AHAHAHAHAH HE WAVED AROUND HIS GUN AND WHISTLED UNTIL HE KILLED A RANDOM TEEN AND WENT :0 PFFT, and y'all panicking understandably, and the audience too lol, but bro saved the universe with that!! He did them more good than bad because it's "The Junko" bro deserves some medals and a crown or something ahahah this is so crazy I love every part of it
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