#this was fun revisiting all these fics
theoldmixer · 1 year
Hi old mixer, I know you like a lot of angst. What are the angst fics you read when you want that good pain, want to cry etc?
Oo yes! I do love me some angst, especially when the angst hurts so good!
Sour Milk & the Sea (You & You & Me) by cloudy_blue
I have definitely recommended this one before but the Paul angst hurts so good!
i can only speak my mind by @paisanas
This one is still ongoing but I am AMAZED at the angst every time it's updated. Slow burn angst!
the loneliness gleaming in your eyes by turntechGodhead
This one is also still ongoing but I am a sucker for depressed Paul fics and this one is an AU that takes his depressed period even further. Maximize that angst!
Outro by bakerstreetafternoon
Oof I had this one in my bookmarks and just re-read it, no happy ending here! It hurts but in the best way!
stuck inside these four walls by clarinetta
John and Paul are trapped together during the Lost Weekend, more of a happy ending here but moments of good angst in the middle!
and somebody spoke and I went into a dream by clarinetta
I feel like I've seen this fic on a angst rec list before, but for good reason! It's been a while since I've read it, but it came to mind when I was thinking of pain fics! Paul has to relive December 8th 1980 over and over.
for though they may be parted by @downtothe-lastdrop
Another one I haven't read in a while, but it came to mind thinking of fics that hurt so good when I first read them. So well written and it's a Severance AU!
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carlyraejepsans · 10 months
ohghh i have a REAL fun idea for a fic but now I'm too excited to actually write it i just keep pacing around my room instead
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gentil-minou · 1 year
Anyways I saw this new merch art at like 5am and my brain exploded and I wrote the start of a half sleepy one shot so here
...extremely indulgent hybrid bunny witches wangxian childhood friends AU
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EDIT: Now a one-shot
All witches are born with a hybrid form that they must learn to control by ten. At that time, they will be given their witch's name and join the coven officially as a fully fledged witch.
But Lan Zhan is nine and a half, and he still can't control his ears and his hybrid form...
They're big and unseemingly, embarrassing the way his Ge cam pull and tug on them. And every time he coos and calls him cuts, Lan Zhan puffs up with anger.
Rabbits aren't common hybrids, and he's the only one in the family. Ge learned to control his form at 7, why is he late?
He resolves to spend much of his time practicing on his own in the field behind thier home. He goes through all the meditation and steps, including envisioning the way his human ears might look.
He casts the spell, following the instructions perfectly...but nothing happens. Water wells up in his eyes and it takes all of him to hold them back from falling
Not with sadness, but with frustration. Lan Zhan is at the top of everything! The best in his class, an accomplished musician, and can performing spells his older peers can't even dream of.
But this spell... why is it that this spell is so impossible for him?
His ears droop down and Lan Zhan uses then to block the rest of the world, focusing on the ground he's sitting on. He starts ripping up the grass at his feet.
A voice calls from just a few feet away, "Hey! Don't do that, you're hurting it!"
Lan Zhan's head shoots up in surprise. No one is allowed on the back hills. Who is this intruder?
And there standing before him is another boy around his age, with fluffy black bunny ears and a smile brighter than the sun overhead lending him a halo effect, so dazzling Lan Zhan has to squint his eyes just to see him properly.
Lan Zhan has never met another rabbit before. He's not sure what to do, what's the proper etiquette?
It doesn't help that this other boy is very distracting as he runs right to him and plops down in front of him and starts patting the ground gently, consoling the grass.
"Poor little grasslings, is this mean gege hurting you?" The boy pouts but there's a teasing glint in his eyes when he glances at Lan Zhan.
Is he making fun of him?
Lan Zhan feels the blood rush to his own bunny ears and knows they're looking terribly pink, but he can't help it.
How dare this boy make a fool of him! He's just here trying to get his ears under control so he can't make his family proud, and the boy comes over to mock him!
Lan Zhan feels his lip quiver, and to his horror a tear falls from his eyes into his lap, followed by another.
He's crying in earnest now. It's been years since he cried in front of someone else and he's so shocked by it he can't get the tears to stop falling!
The boy looks at him wide-eyed with the same surprise, clearly agreeing that Lan Zhan is just a loser who is just a failure.
Until the boy finally speaks, "Whoa, whoa, it's okay." His voice is soft and gentle. "This Wei Ying only meant it as a joke. The grasslings don't mind, really, they'll grow back. You don't need to cry."
Lan Zhan huffs, unsure of how to say it's not the grass he's crying for.
Lan Zhan watches his hands as he twists them. His bunny ears droop, brushing against the side of his head as he sniffles.
But although this Wei Ying couldn't understand, he still leans forward so he can peer up at him. His dark eyes shine like the magical sparkles his mama used to cast before bedtime. Her own little stars, she'd call them.
One of Lan Zhan's tears catch in the boy's ears, clinging tight to the fur. But Wei Yung doesn't seem to mind.
Instead he hums contemplatively, before he bounces up to his feet and declares, "I know! I'll show you a spell! But you gotta keep it a secret, okay? No one knows it."
Lan Zhan can't stop himself from scoffing. Is this boy saying he invented a spell? This young?
Impossible. Shameless.
Wei Ying takes his skepticism in stride and grins down at Lan Zhan. "Just you wait, you're gonna love this."
Then he steps back, clasping his hands together and shutting his eyes tight, a furrow deepening between his brows.
He starts humming, quietly like he's trying not to disturb anything. It's not a tune Lan Zhan is familiar with, but lots of spells have songs. The problem is that when they backfire they can often create quite the mess.
Lan Zhan leans back slightly, his tears forgotten. He's somewhat wary this is all going to turn very bad, but he can't look away. He finds he has no desire to look away from this boy at all.
Then, to Lan Zhan's shock, a glowing circle appears around the boy. They're not scheduled to learn how to make arrays until they turn 13, but Wei Ying can make one already?
Wei Ying’s hair lifts by some unseen force as his ears stand straight up. His humming grows louder as Lan Zhan’s eyes grow wider.
Then, all at once Wei Ying stops humming and the circle disappears.
Wei Ying beams. "So! What do you think? Neat, huh!"
Lan Zhan blinks up at him. Nothing has changed, is this another trick?
Wei Ying gives him a confident crooked grin. "Look down, you'll see."
Lan Zhan looks at the ground in front of him and gasps.
Where before laid the remains of grass tearing is a patch of brand new bright green grass, growing proud and strong.
This...is creating life. This isn't something a regular witch can do. Most accomplished ones can't! Let alone a boy.
Just who is this magical boy?
TBC Honestly if I do continue it'll either be on the threadfic or in a one-shot on ao3 but they're just so cute ahh
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hood-ex · 1 year
Going through all the magic related tags on AO3 and finding nothing about Witch!Dick running a metaphysical shop.
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velvetrambles · 3 months
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It's been a little while since I last drew her (a little over two years, wow!) so I thought I'd give Kitty another go! :] (Character by @scaryscarecrows)
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batsplat · 3 months
Oh i also love how you seem to be a Naruto and untamed fan ( do you share thoughts on those too)
I am a fan of many things! including very much those two things! I'm always happy to share my thoughts, even though I never really have on this account! naruto I was first a fan of like... when I was... uh, maybe six or seven years old? one of those things you just glomp onto, like do you EVER get over the fictional media you create original characters for as an eight year old to play out convoluted storylines with your friends?? obviously not. I had one of those headbands with the crossed out symbol outlaw-style and, like, a bag that's the gaara sand gourd, so proper edge lord eight year old stuff. (I do feel like gaara got insane prop in my friend group, he was definitely the most popular character. like my best friend was playing a very obvious gaara-expy. I was also big on temari as I too was the token girl). anyway say what you will about how 'good' that series is, the character design does go CRAZY like it's just banger after banger concept. even shippuden, where I'm deeply meh about most of the actual story, introduces much of the akatsuki and they're all just. such banger characters. luv them. great for fic too, like there's so much to explore in that world that canon did.... maybe not do so.....
the untamed I've also now been into for a while!! 2020 I think I got into it? watched the show, read the book, watched most of the animated show, have also read the other books by the author... the specific characters I'm into are. uh. divisive in certain corners of fandom, and I have seen plenty from the trenches of the discourse. but the actual source material slaps! I'll defo revisit it when I have the time... also my gateway into gay chinese webnovels which was like, a great choice, a lot of stuff I kinda wish I was getting from canonically gay characters in western media. actual development of the relationship! it might be a romance but it's not all romance! moral ambiguity! high stakes! I'm still working my way through jwqs, which is very very very long but is like... lesbian political drama... the main character pretending to be a man and getting herself married to the daughter of the emperor, as she gradually goes about destroying that family from the inside... but she realises she cares about the princess but she's lost herself in this revenge quest so she's like 'I will destroy your entire family but until then I will dedicate myself to your happiness until I do'... LIKE it's such a good time!! I want fifty million stories with similar vibes! ugh
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dragonologist-phd · 4 months
3, 6 and 22 for the fic writers meme?
3. Headcanon you’ve adopted from a writer
let's see, i'll go with another character based one: in game, we know very little about Daeran's mother, so now i always imagine her as she appears in @cassynite's fic And All The Faces In Her Wake, which is absolutely lovely and fleshes out her character wonderfully!
6. Interesting AU
hmm, i need to read more AU's...i don't have a ton on hand, but here's a couple i enjoyed!
The Best of the World (In the Palm of Our Hands) by @arendaes: i love seeing people's characters interact, and i love seeing alternate versions of characters when they're not the commander, and this one has both! i also love how Daeran and Ari find each other even in other universes, those two are just too perfect <3
there was no girl as warm as you by @starlightcleric: a modern au for Cal/Xoti, and they're just as adorable and endearing as they are in the original game universe!
22. Fic(s) you could do a whole PowerPoint Presentation on
...is it cheating to say Prepare for the Dawn? i was one of the players, but everyone else in the campaign had such cool characters and stories, i could do a whole talk for all of them!!
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drbtinglecannon · 10 days
Hi, friend!!! Wishing you well once again haha 💖 And first things first, know that I'm SO tempted to ask about your zine fic, haha, but I will refrain. For now. So close to having that master piece out in the world 🙏
For the ask game:
☹ EVIL TWIN for Just another sleepless night
♡ SMALL THINGS for Post Parade
♬ THEME SONG for Third time's the charm, eh, Rainstorm?
Thank you, I'm just dragging myself through this month and hoping Oct is better because that's when work changes haha
Ahhhhh thank you you're so sweet ;___; I am foaming at the mouth waiting for the zines to show up I wanna read all our writing with the lovely art together on paper 🙌🙌🙌
☹ EVIL TWIN for Just another sleepless night
Iirc this all came together in one sitting, the only part I had planned was Darius' nightmare about letting Eberwolf die. Hear me out tho... Unhappy ending what if Darius really DID sacrifice Eberwolf like Raine & Eda tried to do of themselves? Could you imagine if toh was dark enough to have so many character deaths haha
Anyway a more realistic unhappy ending to that fic I would've written would be hurt/no comfort Darius wakes up alone and just kinda has to deal with his nightmares, like he probably did many times pre-canon
♡ SMALL THINGS for Post Parade
Absolutely favorite minor detail is Darius situated on one side of his bed in preparation for Raine to barge in to sulk about the parade, but he still bitches about it like he wasn't expecting company lmao. It just feels so much like how he would've acted at that point in the series and I had so so much fun writing their bickering
♬ THEME SONG for Third time's the charm, eh, Rainstorm?
Honestly I lost the thread on this fic a bit oTL I have no plans to abandon it but idk when I'll get back to finish it. THAT SAID I'd say a song that fits the overall vibe of getting back together later in life would be "Still into you" by Paramore, but the way I had ch2 planned out would be more like "Ship to Wreck" by Florence and the machine. Ig the point is raeda is both sappy romance and delicious angst since they did break up for at least about a decade before getting back together and having a happily ever after ending haha
Thanks for asking! ^^ from this ask!
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cerealmonster15 · 2 months
i finally made a folder of my google docs re: twst fics/plannings and looking at the names are so fun bc a lot of them i didnt use the final fic name [if it got published] so sometimes it's just a placeholder [especially if it's just notes/ideas and not a fic] and some dont have a title at all and just auto used the first few words of the doc so i have like
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i think only like 5ish of these have their ao3 titles on them / on two separate occasions i named an apple juice fic prompt doc the same thing except for literally just one has an extra ! and they were like 2 months apart......... i even checked bc i thought for some reason the doc duplicated themselves but no, those are just two completely different fics, they just both happened to be Apple Juice Kiss Prompts jvdjfdsljg i didnt do that w/any of the other kiss prompt docs but. whatever i guess!!
it's a fun guessing game on looking at the titles and trying to remember which ones they are. they date back to like 2021 when i moved from word docs to google so i could more easily share them with my friend since i wasnt really publishing anything at first lol.
#like i said a good handful of these are planning/notes docs and not fics but#a few are fics that i didnt finish and will NEVER!!! see the light of day!!!#like it's just business little caycay was i think a jade/cater but one of my older fics#based on a convo the friend and i had but#it wasnt very good and i didnt get far/ it wouldve had to be a longer story and i decided i didnt like that one so i never revisited it#i.... dont THINK i ever published 'the boys are at prom i guess'#i think ive mentioned parts of it once or twice but i thhhhink i didnt post it#that's also one of the older ones from my era of just writing the stories for just myself and my friend lol#i think that one's funny but im p sure i specifically havent shared it bc like i said since it was from back when i wasnt posting them#it's much more indulgent in terms of inside jokes and stuff my friend and i had lol#so it's one i just feel like wouldnt land as well with other people bc it might be confusing#prince eppa stuff isnt on ao3 but i did end up posting those here in a tumblr only post#so are some of the caterella notes i think#and maybe the cater/leona things LOL some of those are fics but i think one or two are just notes#that i found one day and i was like wadda hell why did i keep writing about them together#bc i cant be in denial man i just like writing caycay with everyone it's fun lol#i do like opposites 😑#i think only 2 of these are wips. or like 2 are wips and then i think they both have notes docs?#KATGRR def is spliit like that but the treycay hurt comfort might have its notes in the same doc idr#either way. it is there. i havent forgotten my boys im just hfhwhfehwf#im in a state. going through it as they say.#i also got JUMPSCARED by a solomon/asmodeus obey me fic i started and never touched again bc i got embarrassed or something#sometimes the shame wins. fsdjkfljsdklghlkj#the thing is i didnt even read it i just went AHHH and backed out. so i dont remember WHY i got embarrassed the first time but#i remember the feeling. i dont even thing the content was like particularly wild i just have issues sometimes :p#i think i was just stressed trying to write for characters id never done before#looks anxiously at my kaveh/alhaitham fic notes that im scared to try to start............................#twst i at least eased into by doing it just with my friend at first. but even then ive felt embarrassed lol#and some ive even published i look back like hhnnnnmm maybe that one wasnt so good LOL BUT I WONT TAKE THEM DOWN#theres nothing specifically bad about them just. yknow they cant all be winners lol
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m1smatched-starsigns · 11 months
Do you have any ideas about what hollyleaf(star) and breezepelts relationship or lack thereof would look like in your hollystar au? Just because breezepelt seems to have mellowed out a little which seems to be what you’re going for with hollyleaf, but in canon jayfeather and lionblaze have gotten … worse.
(I apologize that I'm answering this so late!)
So Breezepelt is a side quest in the Hollystar AU. After the Dark Forest battle, he sends Nightcloud back to WindClan by herself and he basically disappears into thin air.
The four leaders/deputies have a meeting after the battle to decide what to do with the trainees, and at that meeting it's revealed that Breezepelt is missing. Onestar admits that Breezepelt killed some of his own Clanmates and if he steps onto WindClan territory ever again, it's on sight.
On the walk back to their camps Heathertail (Onestar's new deputy) pulls Hollyleaf to the side and makes her an offer: If Hollyleaf so much as scents Breezepelt on ThunderClan territory, she'll only tell Heathertail so that Heathertail can deal with him. It's obvious that Heathertail disagrees with Onestar's "on sight" policy.
Hollyleaf is conflicted because she lowkey agrees with Onestar, and Breezepelt has proven time and time again that he can't be trusted, but Heathertail sweetens the deal: they're the future leaders of their Clans, and if Hollyleaf helps Heathertail here, then ThunderClan will always have an ally in WindClan.
So Hollyleaf keeps an eye out for Breezepelt on patrols, while she hunts, etc. She isn't totally sure what she'll do if she finds him; if she'll turn him into Onestar or if she'll let him go and tell Heathertail.
And then she finds him.
Sorry this doesn't really answer the question you asked! In short, it depends on which route Hollyleaf takes when she does find Breezepelt. In general I see Hollyleaf as the grudge holder between her littermates, the one who you screw over one time and that's it, but post-tunnels Hollyleaf is a little bit different. At the very least, I think she would be cordial with Breezepelt simply because she's a professional (and this is assuming he's eventually, somehow, welcomed back into WindClan and she's actually forced to interact with him on patrols and at Gatherings).
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catgrassplantdad · 2 years
thank you for the tag, @energievie @gardenerian @gallawitchxx @squidyyy23 !! 💜
Rules: post the first lines of your last 10 fics/chapters posted on AO3 (if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics) and try to draw some conclusions.
It's a beautiful day, one of the first nice days of the year. - golden
Moving out of the apartment couldn't have happened a moment too soon, in Mickey's opinion. - ligature
He got himself into this. - make the yuletide gay, or whatever
He's on his side, comfy in their bed, lips parted, eyes closed. - lush
Mickey's brain comes back online some time later, and as it does so, his mission becomes clear. - fulfillment
It's become a problem. These new builds are nice, but they're cheap, right? - kinktober collection
Mickey's lucky, he thinks. - and i'm your warm receiver
In retrospect, Ian's not sure why he'd thought renting furniture for the apartment would have been a good idea. - cinematic
It's not like he doesn't remember what it's like. - watching
He wakes up, and he knows it's early. - peace comes dropping slow
conclusions: first of all, i know i cheated by sharing more than one line for one of these. but, like mel, a bitch is succinct. more than one of these open with four fucking words alksflhgl. i tend to start with really short declarative statements that hopefully make readers interested in what's going on, but i don't know how engaging it actually is. hm!
i'll tag @howlinchickhowl @ardent-fox @whatthebodygraspsnot @whatwouldmickeydo @crossmydna @thisdivorce @celestialmickey if you guys feel like playing! 🖤
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thesokovianaccords · 2 years
One line, one fic
rules: pick any 10 of your fics, scroll somewhere to the mid point, pick a line, and share it! Then tag 10 people. 
I was tagged by @theawkwardterrier​ @lavellenchanted @beautifulwhensarcastic​ - thank you all so much!!!
I have no idea who’s already been tagged but here’s a few (and if I miss you please feel free to take this as a general tag lol) - @doctorhelena @steggyisimmortal @cafecitowriter @formerlyir @3pirouette @teaandatale 
(press you to) the pages of my heart - (steve/peggy)
With a huff, Peggy merged back into the right lane, preparing to take their exit. “Well, it will be fun, but don’t think I don’t see you backseat driving right now.”
Special Relationship - (steve/peggy)
“Football, Steve!” Peggy yelled, flinging her hands up in the air. “For the love of God, man, it’s a football match. Foot. Ball.” 
stealin’ a kiss or two - (tony/pepper)
He had flown into space and broken the sound barrier and saved the world several times, but none of that compared to holding Pepper Potts, the gold band of her engagement ring cool against his cheek as she pressed her lips to his.
a second time (within these arms) - (steve/peggy)
Steve starts at the old endearment. They are so close that Peggy can feel the tension vibrating through his every muscle, and she curses herself for spending the last few years ensuring his total distrust in her.
Arrivals - (steve/diana)
Themyscira was never far from Diana’s thoughts despite the near century she had spent in the world of men, and she was sure there was no other island that could hope to be its equal.
All’s Fair - (steve/peggy)
“It’s okay,” Steve says, lifting his free hand to cup her jaw. “Really, Peggy. We’re both where we need to be right now. I just missed you.” 
King Me - (steve/peggy)
Peggy smacked his shoulder and sniffed loudly. “I did not try to bludgeon you. My God, Steve, you’re so dramatic.”
Partners - (steve/peggy)
The look he threw her was one she had never seen from him in public, and her knees threatened to give way under the weight of it.
the pain of parting is nothing (to the joy of meeting again) - (steve/peggy)
The man gave a stilted nod, and his voice was strained. “Of course, Director Carter. Let me just call the rest of my team in.” He lifted his left wrist to his mouth—right hand still holding the gun—and said, “Hey, man, I could use some backup. Southeast quadrant, the cell block.”
you can count on me - (steve/peggy)
Something settled in Steve’s chest as they went, the sharp edge of constant uncertainty dulled by Peggy’s presence.
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rexscanonwife · 2 years
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leavingautumn13 · 9 months
Fanfic Writer Asks: 4, 5, 13, 21, and 24
[fic writer asks]
4. How many WIPs do you have right now?
what becomes of the brokenhearted: longform fallout 4 nick valentine/sole survivor drama, romance, and gratuitous violence. will hopefully be updated soon.
eye of the storm: pokemon emerald general fic. still in pre-production. planning went wildly off the rails and i'm trying to beat the outline into something that makes sense thematically.
[unnamed oneshot]: pokemon omega ruby general fic. 1000% about the power of friendship. an absolute sapfest. desperately in need of a title. almost finished!
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
this is completely buckwild, but we all know i'm unwell about pokemon now, so i'll just jump into it. i'm cringe but i'm free. back in 2017 when i was in the middle of my first breakdown about pokemon oras, ultra came out, and introduced a canonical alternate universe where somebody fucked up so badly the planet had to be evacuated. because i was in the throes of omega ruby induced brainrot, i immediately decided i needed to make a fic where all of my favorite characters had to deal with the fallout of that. multiverse shenanigans ensued. may got into an argument with an alternate universe version of herself. it was fun, it was bonkers. it had no plot at all.
hell, i have a board for it on pinterest and a playlist too. here ya go.
13. How much planning do you do before writing?
do you want to see a picture of my planning document for wbotb? yeah you do.
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this is just the first two acts.
i only do this for long form fics though; for other projects like the oneshot i just wing it, write as i go, and trust my beta reader and my own instincts to keep me on track.
21. Have you ever deleted an entire scene after spending hours laboring over it? If so, why?
ugh. yes. i deleted the entire intro for the oneshot i'm working on. i was 400 words in and had about three times that planned. it turned out i was going to rehash a lot of it in the rest of the fic, so it was redundant and messed with the flow. it also made the tone a lot darker. ah well. i got to call back to it a couple of times, so it's nice to have it for consistency's sake if nothing else.
24. Share a moodboard for (one of) your current WIP(s).
i still have never made a moodboard in my life. here's a scene from eye of the storm though. tw for blood under the cut.
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corolune · 2 years
Could you please tell us about any/all of the WIP ideas that haven't been asked yet? Thank you!!!
 ah, sure, tysm for the ask Olya!!
Raksha Bandhan ficlet is inspired by the casting of Sabina in the tv show!
Every year in the Pleasant/Pleasure household, Raksha Bandhan comes and goes. But this year, Sabina finally has someone to make a Rakhi for: Alex. (Alex is completely oblivious to becoming an adopted brother, and thinks Sabina just gave him a fancy friendship bracelet)
(Raksha Bandhan is a primarily Hindu festival in India where girls tie "rakhi" bracelets onto their brothers as a symbol of protection. It's also a way to form kinships that aren't blood related — and once you accept the Rakhi tied around your wrist, it is socially unacceptable to be romantically involved with the girl who gave it to you, as you've accepted the responsibility of being a brother to her and are now part of her family.)
Space Hotel takes place in Ark Angel (obviously) and is a doctor who crossover!
when Alex goes into space, he runs into another ordinary human, investigating the Space Hotel — Rose Tyler. And there’s more than just a lack of funds at play here on Ark Angel...
Tintin crossover — Alex runs into Tintin on one of his missions, and Tintin takes him under his wing as they work together (also Snowy and Alex become bffs). This one more of a general idea + vibes rather than plot at this point lol. I just love the idea of these two causing trouble together and Alex getting a healthy mentor and maybe even getting encouraged to leave spying for investigative journalism (which, apparently has a lot of similarities!)
The Carpet Weaver is an original story idea I had while writing Dhamaka in Delhi, exploring the life of a girl, whose village in northern India is the heart of a carpet weaving industry, through the rugs she weaves. I don’t really have a plot for this, and I’m on the fence whether it should be the type of story where her carpet weaving is a symbol for her dreams and stories, or if it should be a magical realism type of story where she discovers her weaving/rugs have some kind of innate power to them 🤔
I am a carpet weaver, like many of my neighbours in my village. My father purchases dyed woolen thread and my brothers build the heavy, large looms. In the daytime, my fingers run through the coiled spindles, up and down, through the crisp white grid of cotton threads, slowly but surely singing colours to life in a hundred, thousand knots. And when it rains, and the clouds cover the mountain range, the lights flicker and I weave my dreams onto the loom.
Never Do These Things if You’re A Vampire! This is a silly picturebook idea, where a little vampire girl discovers that the things her father forbade her from doing (eating garlic, going out in the sun, having a pet other than a bat, etc) are actually just things he thinks are life-ending, and not actually harmful to vampires at all! (eg, she puts on sunscreen and goes to the beach! garlic smells very strong, but she enjoys the taste once she gets used to it!)
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dragonologist-phd · 4 months
multiples of 5 from the fic writer ask game!
aah thank you!!
5. Great Fluff Piece
ha, i'm realizing now that i don't read a ton of pure fluff...but how about skin scratches and horn balm by lunaro? it's a really cute Wyll/Tav fic that's very loving and tender, it's perfect if you're in the mood for sweet fluff!
10. Fic(s) you would/did create fanart for
I am not an artist of the drawing type, but I’ve made aesthetic boards inspired by all the characters of the God Squad, aka the Pillars of Eternity ttrpg campaign I did with @starlightcleric @rannadylin and @serenbach86 (playing the Yarrow the Magranite, Idalia the Eothasian, and Ona the Waelite respectively!)
They’ve all got really great characters that were so fun to play with!
15. Fic(s) that inspired you to write
i had to dig through my bookmarks a bit for this one, but The Krynn Institute by artandstarsstuff! It's a Magnus Archives AU for the critical role characters from campaign 2- it's really fun and well-done read, and i loved the way the AU elements were incorporated, and it really got my wheels turning on the concept that would eventually turn into The Dunryd Archives!
20. Fic(s) you used to reward yourself (ie: “When I finish this chore/homework/task then I can read that”)
Currently I’m planning to catch up on West Wind by @dujour13 and start The Hanged Man by @herearedragons once I finish my errands and finally have some free this weekend! I’m really looking forward to both!!
25. A fun writer quirk you’ve noticed (Specific word(s) they repeat, detailed setting description, a lot of adjectives, trope they write really well, etc.)
Hmm, it's hard to pick one without a specific writer in mind? but i will say that i love when a writer has similar themes and moods across their different stories, it's so fun seeing everyone's different favorites!
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