#this was just for fun and I even made it into a discord emote
cobaltfluff · 11 months
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some heartsteel boys i made to use as emotes huehuehue
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the-bitter-ocean · 8 months
I talked about this on the discord server but I might as well post this here! Uhh i made these originally to brainstorm for my own au (the one where Mira loops in time instead of Siffrin) but I got silly and thought of the rest of the party looping and doodled everyone’s “loop” counterpart for fun! If anyone draws/ writes about them feel free to!! Just tag me so I can see it because everyone’s art and writing concepts are so cool. This isn’t canon to the story by any means of course these are simply my designs/ interpretations of how I’d think they act like or look like!
Design wise I really wanted to keep the space/ celestial body theme but I didn’t want to make everyone the same kind of star because in canon the party has very recognizable shape language that is very different from one another! I wanted to capture the personalities of everyone while still being clearly changed.
Cycle/“Cy” -> Isa ( A shooting star! Has a seemingly more upbeat / cheerful energy because he wants to motivate the other self that’s looping to make it through. Don’t let that fool you though he definitely has issues. Not that he’d tell you! )
Constant/ “Con”-> Bonnie (The sun! Easily frustrated / sarcastic kind of energy. I can’t imagine being trapped in a timeloop would do anyone’s wellbeing or mood good, Let alone a literal preteen and it shows. Secretly very happy to have someone to talk to even if they’ll insist otherwise.)
Eon -> Odile ( Also a star but in a Diamond shape! Wanted the shape language to resemble the craft she does as well as the earrings Odile wears. Has a pragmatic / seemingly cold or indifferent personality, in attempt to distance herself to make things hurt less. She still clearly cares though!)
Rewind/“Riri” -> Mirabelle (The moon! I wanted to choose the moon because the moon constantly changes phases and I think that would reflect her emotional state and connect to her faith in the change belief too! I imagine riri to be very like “I am On the verge! lol! ^_^” very polite and sweet though like her counterpart has. Some bite to her if you make her mad. )
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mellozheist · 3 months
Hi guess who got no sleep last night (thanks doctor's appointment) and decided to watch your animatic again
I quote myself about 1 hour ago in a treebark channel on a discord server my friends and I made (to anybody that reads this i am so sorry):
(Also I'm sorry if somebody's uncomfortable with swearing :'D)
I'm sorry I still can't handle this animation's existence peoples
I can't with it
I'm crazy
THE END????????
Guys I need to resist spamming this thing in here
But at the same time IT'S SOOOOOO TEMPTING
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Furiously rattling the bars of my cell is that what it's called
Honestly I never thought I'd go insane over a ship called treebark
I don't think I've ever loved an animatic thid much
I wish they won. I wish Ren or Martyn was the winner of 3rd Life
C'MOOOOONNNNN [insert a bunch of screaming emotes here]
...what if i copied every single message and sent melloz this as an ask to show my appreciation
also the feather and the poppy but this is the treebark channel
Not desert duo
.........do i send this as an ask i am very sane i promise
One of my very favourite scenes though is the beheading scene, funnily enough
Me literally passing out when I see gore but not here cuz idk baumrinde <333333
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Also here
Or what if it's his head falling off after death cuz he died and that determination is no longer there to keep dogwarts, causing his hesd to fall off
New headcanon i think
And I just noticed I watched this like 6 times now DESERVED THOUGH
Gonna watch it again
I love them so much
I love this animatic so much
Guys I can't
Somebody stop me
Actually no
Oh also the song choice IS PERFECT????????
And with that, Melloz you're amazing, EVERYBODY WATCH THE ANIMATIC EVER >:D
I have so much fun reading this, It's like I'm in a theater seat watching this happen with 4D sound surrounding Lmaoooo
Thank you for sending this to me I really appreciate this <3333
I'm so happy you eating all the details I put in hehe
though the part where you describe Ren's neck as not aligning is probably just my error in art but that's also a really cool headcanon!
I might adopt that headcanon :d Like drawing Martyn carrying Ren's head
you really made my day Thank yooou :D
hope you get a good night sleep bud
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pacific-rimbaud · 3 months
i'm curious how do you feel about dramione community now?
i'm a new writer, long time reader and can't help but feel like the fandom and the ship changed so much and i wonder if i even have a place in it anymore.
there's so much demand for the writers from the readers (constant update demands, no willingness to engage with wips) and at the same time i've been in a couple of dramione writer communities where other writers are openly pressuring each other to either start tiktok or finish the fic before posting it (the new dramione writers society discord server specifically).
particularly upset when i see people advising each other to commission art to promote their fic for writing.
it seems like that space for writers to be just writers becomes smaller and smaller and readers are not interested in the fandom but rather the next hot fic that's getting traction.
and all that combined with the overall hatred toward dramione as a ship outside of dramione.
I've genuinely stopped writing because of this. and i'm sad that i lost that one hobby that made me feel good, as it now seems like a popularity contest more than just fandom fun.
you seem like you're able to balance your love for writing with the changed landscape of the fandom. at least from the outside posts :D
DHr grew exponentially in the short time I spent in the ship, and that growth will only accelerate as big name fandom writers continue to enter traditional publishing with seven-figure book and film deals.
Life is change. Change is death. It's okay to grieve what's gone and won't come back.
And I want to add: keep writing. No matter what. But that would be hypocritical. I haven't written in a year, and remain deeply uncertain about whether or not I'll take it up again. It's a real puzzle.
The relevant questions seem to be: why do I want to write? And: what spaces feel nurturing to me as a writer?
The first one's easy. I write because I like the films I see in my head. I like the way language sounds. I like to experience the past, and to be swept away by intense emotions. It's like having a Holodeck in my head. And sometimes, when everything clicks, I get to describe my little bespoke scenarios in words that make a nice sound when they rub up against one another.
I'm waiting on a good answer to the second question. All I know is that art, criticism and commerce have always been an incredibly awkward ménage à trois. No shade to folks seeking to work the fandom algorithm and secure the bag (posting already completed work on a schedule, writing popular tropes and characterizations, and using original art in social media marketing are all great ways to do that). Whether money changes hands or merely attention (which can be converted into money), that's commerce having its turn at the wheel.
I'm suspicious that my creative brain is commerce-repulsed. Maybe yours is, too. So it goes.
I'm certain that we shouldn't let that keep us off the Holodeck.
So. Make a deal with me. I promise to run some freaky little scenarios in the simulator this summer if you'll do the same. Then let's meet in the limestone cave and paint our blorbos by candlelight. Let's tell them around the campfire. Come draw them with me in the sand.
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koyoriin · 10 months
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So I have once again chosen to obtain this Series Pass reward through Frontlines, and I have some more thoughts on the matter!
tl;dr: The issues that existed before have only been made worse this time around, largely due to huge groups of players that game the system and openly mock others for not doing it.
I have some thoughts on “precons” and a postmortem on the whole situation, and will talk more about it through the cut!
Just as a disclaimer, I’m also vividly aware that Frontlines (FL) is one of the most side pieces of side content imaginable in this game; even I only really engage in PvP for FOMO rewards (which bothers me, but that’s a whole other thing), but my main focus is generally the story and raiding. So all of this primarily bothers me as a community issue as well as a game design issue.
Anyhow! So this pass contains the third armour set glamour since the PvP overhaul, Crystalline Conflict (CC), and Series Pass launched. I’ve once again avoided doing CC for it because of my poor experiences with it in the past (see previous post if you’re curious!), but I only do the Series Pass if there’s an armour or emote reward.
Since last time, here are the changes:
The Pros:
- A daily Series XP boost means that it’s now more feasible to get through it with FL only, and not having to grind CC if you’re not in a rush
The Cons:
- Pretty much everything else
So one big “phenomenon” this time that people have brought up elsewhere, are “precons”; groups of people who queue together, both within the 4 person per party limit…and then some. They coordinate in a linkshell or Discord, queue with enough people to fill multiple full parties (up to a full faction at times), and they have set roles of the most frustrating combos that SQEX hasn’t patched out yet (DRK + DRG + SMN are their bread and butter).
This was always a thing since the PvP overhaul and has never been addressed, but it’s only gotten worse. A single “precon”? Well, usually it’s feasible to deal with; I’ve seen them try very hard but still lose. The current trend of “precons” where it means multiple parties of people queuing at the same time, enough for a whole faction or at least close? Well…throw in more than one precon into a faction and it becomes exponentially more difficult to deal with for each one.
As of the last season pass, I noticed a large group of people gathering to run FL together, and I saw them queue back to back all day, daily or at least on Seal Rock days. I assumed this was to get the Seal Rock coat glamour, and I assumed correctly as a large number of them did obtain it after that and left. The fact that Seal Rock has a notoriously difficult 100 win requirement, and SQEX gave people the opportunity to play in the most irritating and broken way possible pretty much goes hand in hand.
In part, I would also blame SQEX for not altering the achievement in some way or even changing the reward structure as it not only incentivizes but rewards this kind of behaviour. In any case, I didn’t play much of last pass so I paid them little mind, and I consider the Seal Rock coat out of my means to obtain anyhow.
However, as of this pass, the “precons” are still running daily, and are now present in every format other than Seal Rock too. The idea is pretty simple; get a group of people together in a community who can coordinate their DRK/DRG/SMN (and AST/RPR/DNC if you want to get fancy) LBs and movements, and you can easily steamroll the other factions, get an easy win. Everyone (cough) has fun, you get the maximum payout of XP/points/whatever. It sounds pretty innocuous and everyone moves on with their day, for better or for worse. Right?
Well, it’s unfortunately grown a bit beyond that at this point. Even if it began as a group of people who gathered together to make getting the Seal Rock coat "easy", it’s become a group of people who exploit the system and then openly mock the people who complain about them; an exercise in punching down on people who aren’t in the clique and sabotaging people who aren’t in on it. Making people miserable has grown beyond just steamrolling them in FL, and occasionally include arguments and mockery.
Essentially, what goes on is:
- The group gathers on a specific DC; locals, Wanderers, and even Travellers, and they queue at the same time. I’ve seen up to 24 and beyond queuing at the same time, enough for a full faction and then some
- They gather in multiple parties of 4 (the current maximum per party) and queue at the same time to get matched in the same game
- If they don’t get into the main group/faction, they intentionally feed the biggest one; I’ve witnessed multiple cases of people just running into combat and not hitting a single skill, repeatedly, just to feed kills and Battle High for an entire match
- The group with the most people will follow one of the group’s shot callers and use their DRK/DRG/SMN LB exploit, with multiple of each back to back to make it impossible to shut them down effectively, since control abilities don’t work that way and are easily cancelled out
- They steamroll the other factions and win with a huge lead because no one else has nearly two dozen people coordinated in that manner, and are just in randomly assigned groups and playing other classes
- Then they gather and queue again; and if they’re called out on it, they begin to mock and argue with the people who called them out, quoting inane things like the “spirit of the solo queue” to imitate people who aren’t in their group, while ridiculing people for losing or not playing DRK/DRG/SMN like they do.
It’s awful. I don’t care about PvP as I only really do it out of FOMO on the rewards so my engagement is not for personal enjoyment—but it’s beyond a chore when a large group of people have fostered a community that’s actively gaming a system SQEX has failed to balance and then openly encouraging unmitigated contempt within their group towards people who aren’t in with them. I love this game, so it especially hurts to see it happen, when the rest of the community has been great.
> Can anything be done about this? Well, probably not unless matchmaking is adjusted, or instances are intentionally staggered for people who queue in the same window, or SQEX finally decides to adjust FL separately from CC. The only times I had matches that were at least somewhat more fair, was when I queued intentionally when these people were not around.
A similar issue existed years ago when PvP used to be based on your Grand Company; Maelstrom was the go-to for PvP, and if you were not in Maelstrom you would essentially expect to lose. Then they made the Freelancer system (joining a random faction when queuing) and it almost dissolved that aspect of it. But even back then, there weren’t unbalanced combos that exist now where you can annihilate an entire faction with your light party in 4 seconds. In addition, the group I witnessed doing it is a mix of people from other data centres. Freedom to queue for PvP wherever you’re visiting has also enabled this kind of behaviour.
The most baffling thing is; there are no leaderboards. It’s not a competitive thing where you get ranked (unlike CC), and by now they have cleared the Series Pass and then some—so I can only assume the group does it for their ego and the joy of ridiculing others, and it’s really so disappointing to see and experience.
Unlike last time when I wrote about the Series Pass, I have no solutions to propose beyond the typical “DRK/DRG/SMN/AST need to be re-balanced”, and FL as a whole needs to be re-balanced separately from competitive CC. “Precons” in general make the experience awful for everyone who isn’t in one, and the even larger ones are just miserable.
And if you’re reading this and my description of that large group sounds like you, I’m sorry you’ve become this way and that this is somehow a point of pride for you. I hope you can find some other way to be have fun that doesn’t involve ruining others’ experiences.
tl;dr: FOMO continues to make people feel like they need to do PvP, and extra large "precons" are ruining the experience for everyone due to a drastic imbalance in specific class combos such as DRK/DRG/SMN/AST, some even going as far as mocking people in public chats.
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hypervoxel · 7 months
Jumble of headcanons in no particular order about Vark because I need to write them down somewhere to pretend to be organized
He started off sooo cute and tiny, like the size of a guinea pig. And he made laser noises like a baby Cuban crocodile.
He was so so tiny. He did not stay tiny.
Sharks sense electricity! He's naturally drawn to Vox when Vox is taking in or letting off too much power. He naturally interrupts Vox's overstimulation and warns about seizures, so Vox trained him some actual medical alert tasks.
Service shark Vark 🐕‍🦺
On the topic of electricity, I also headcanon him as having some aspects of an electric eel as well. A fantasy eel. He can take in some of Vox's excess energy, and isn't bothered by the sparks Vox throws off.
I'm chewing on the idea that Val bought Vark for Vox as an apology gift.
Now I'm just quoting myself directly from discord: I keep thinking of how I can include this (Vark being a gift from Val) in my one fanfic where it obviously does not fit bc Val hates Vark in it. Maybe he's jealous that Vox cares way more about Vark himself than the fact that Val gave him a gift. So unappreciative, didn't even have make-up sex over it bc Vox was too busy practically having a breakdown over how adorable Vark is. Val realizes that this was a mistake and he should have picked a very different gift instead
Vark is such a well behaved good boy when he's working, as a service shark. When Vox is in distress, Vark is so focused on trying to help with all the power of his tiny shark brain <3 Outside of that tho? He's a terror. He's so excitable. He canonically (in the old Voxtagram art) jumps on and knocks people over. This ties into him previously being a tiny adorable little thing. It was sooo cute when he jumped on your leg, back when he was the size of a large potato. It stayed cute up until they realized he was going to be so much bigger than they ever expected.
(It's like a bottle raised bull. The cute things they did when they were a little baby calf are no longer cute now that they're so large they are going to hurt you on accident just trying to be friendly and playful. RIP.)
Other service dog tasks for Vark: deep pressure therapy (of course. Interrupting behaviors such as when Vox is getting overwhelmed. Blocking to stop other people from getting too close to/touching Vox when he would shock them. I am forgetting so many things and will continue writing this list later
Vox doesn't do public access with Vark. This ties into my headcanons for Vox that he is deeply ashamed of himself and he cannot let anyone know he has problems ever.
Unfortunately, I am evil. So I also like the idea of Vark as an owner-trained service animal who is hmm not the perfect candidate for the job. In the same way shepherds aren't recommended for anxiety work, he can feed too much off of Vox's own emotions and has issues with guarding aggression that at times cause him to become reactive. (*points at my fanfic where he bites Val*)
I love bad representation.
Alsooo I don't like hammerhead sharks or animals that are too cartoon-y for me to understand as a real creature, so I'm making up a new design for Vark
Based on a Bonnethead Shark! Fun fact about Bonnethead Sharks: they are omnivorous! They eat seagrass :)
So Vark is omnivorous but unfortunately he's also like a tiger shark in that he'll eat anything even if it's not food. Tiger sharks have been found with license plates, tires, and other trash in their stomachs (sad)
Don't ask Vox how many times Vark has needed emergency exploratory surgery after eating something he shouldn't have. He doesn't want to talk about it.
Vark chews on wires like real sharks biting at undersea fiber optic cables. Chomp chomp
When Vark was a tiny baby, Velvette dressed him up in silly little outfits to post online. She doesn't do that anymore because he has mostly outgrown his cuteness stage for her: she only thought he was cute when he was little.
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fillinforlater · 2 years
On her knees
Male Reader x Shen Xiaoting, Kim Jimin (Monday) (ft. Miyeon)
Length: 6469 words
Tags: daddy kink, like, very, very daddy kink, dub-con, dom!reader sub!idols, degradation, slutification, anal, anal creampie, tits play, clit play, humiliation, blowjob, breathplay, deepthroat, spitting on idol, tying up idol, bondage, slapping, tit slapping, rimming, a phone call lol, you are super powerful, tit fuck, curses, rivalry, cleaning up Xiaoting, taming Xiaoting brat!Xiaoting / goodgirl!Monday, polygamy ofc, threesome ofc, riding, anal virgin, tears and drool and juice and... okay that’s enough tags lmao
TW: my usual chaos of rough sex, idol degradation, curses and a lot of dom play with hints at emotional manipulation and dub-con, also ropes
Inspiration/Credit: Long ago, in a Discord chat far, far away @sooyadelicacies sent two gifs that made me lose my shit. I found my shit and we picked up this month old story and it’s now finished lol
(A/N: I hope you have fun with the (usual) Sooya degradation collab lol. Sorry for taking so long, more is on the way!)
“Hi, Daddy.”
Not again. She is so greedy, insatiable, never satisfied. You gave it to her four times already: two in the morning, one during lunch break, one in the bathroom—but even after hours of dance lessons and vocal recordings, she still craves you.
"I want to be full of your thick cock, Daddy. Let me feel your warm cum."
"Sorry, you won't get me today. It's already past 10 and I am exhausted."
"Fine. You don't want to play. Then I'll just find someone else to fuck me. Raw."
"You little shit—"
The moment you raise your voice, Xiaoting drops to her knees. Her black lace covered arms find their way behind her back and her bare knees rub on the floor of your living room. Of course she did not bother to change after her final dance practice. Her gorgeous beige dress with an antique design shows off her wide hips and puts her porcelain skin on display. Your anger keeps you from admiring her further.
"Yes, Daddy! Punish me. I'm such a disobedient little slut," Xiaoting says teasingly.
Your eyes can't look away. She does not deserve this attention. The best punishment would be to leave her unsatisfied. The logical thing would be to go to bed and get deserved rest. The most helpful thing would be to tie her up and leave her alone. However, it's to no avail. Your gaze is already wandering over her curves, those delicious, well-defined curves—and Xiaoting notices.
"Oh, you like my wide hips, Daddy? They were made just for you to grab on and slam your load into me. Would you like that~?"
"To make things clear: I don't need you. I can breed many girls, more beautiful than you. You're just a worthless toy for me." 
A step towards her, then you spit. The wet impact on her face makes Xiaoting groan in ecstasy. She thinks she’s got you and every bratty reaction or remark will get her closer to get what she wants from you. It's either she pours them out of her filthy mouth or reveals her neediness and willingness to be—
"I don't care what I am, just breed me!."
Immediately, you hit her wide-ass hips with the back of my hand, before pulling back her head at the handle that are her brown locks. Rinse, then another trail of spit runs down her flushed features as she cries in pain. 
"Shut up you fucking toy! Should I get Monday in here and breed her in front of you? She is such a good slut, way more worth than you."
Xiaoting smirks through the sting.
"Take us both, Daddy, if you think you can handle us, that is."
"Stupid brat! You have no idea how we play this game!" 
Squeeze the flesh on Xiaoting's thighs before giving it a resounding spank. You know it doesn't take any effort to get Monday over here. Just a quick message on your phone while Xiaoting shows her greedy, needy, bratty face and wiggles her attributes. From a drawer, you grab a rope and tie Xiaoting's arms behind her back. 
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The door opens a minute later, with Monday walking in. The view of her outfit makes you smirk in lustful delight. Always the good girl, she decided to wear one of your favorites: skimpy, tight pants in white and a red crop-top with red see through sleeves. 
"Hi, Daddy. Sorry for taking so long."
After seeing Xiaoting on the ground, she wastes no time kneeling next to her and looks at you. Those fierce eyes, something her fans adore and something that makes up a lot of her stage presence are completely different around you. She looks like an obedient puppy, ready for orders, ready to play, and happy to see the one she pledged herself to.
"It's fine. Get up."
You grab a chair and place it in front of the two girls.
"Come sit on Daddy's lap, Monday. You're such a gorgeous slut. Your ass looks great in those shorts."
Monday smiles softly and mouths a thank you while carefully planting her ass on your crotch. Your hands move under her crop top to find bare breasts underneath. This slut always does it right, you think to yourself and dive in. Your rough fondling on the mounds make Monday melt with moans as she throws herself back onto your chest.
She has always been sensitive at this part of her body. It’s of course no secret to you, as you go faster on her nipples. The supple movements of her ass on your cock become quicker, more stimulating. Combined with the sound of her sweet voice and the sight of Xiaoting's sinful body it makes your rock hard. Envy overcomes the bratty ones face.
"Play with me too, Daddy. I’m far better than Monday."
"Oh really, bitch? I think I'll enjoy Monday quite a lot. Look at her! Drooling all over herself, and she isn't even naked yet!"
Lust, though powerful, rarely makes you lose control. Spreading Monday's legs apart and revealing a damp spot right in front of Xiaoting's eyes might seem erratic, but it's planned, calculated. The effects on Xiaoting are easily predictable to you. She begins to lose control over her tongue as it leaks drool and her orbs become clouded in a haze of arousal and envy. 
"Daddy," Monday mewls, "please touch me. I'm so needy for you."
Now, Xiaoting is really on the clock. If she doesn't act accordingly, your cock will soon be in Monday's delicate pussy, and you will pump her full of her seed—and Xiaoting cannot allow that. Her knees scratch over the parquet surface and turn red as she inches towards you. Her soft cheek presses against your crotch and Monday's core, making the sensitive girl groan and you scoff:
"Hey bitch! If you want to make your pitiful existence useful, remove Monday's pants.”
If this doesn't spur on their rivalry, then nothing ever will. The two were friends for years, sure, but they always competed for the No. 1 in everything. From classes, to their dance teams, even in volleyball and their orchestra. To one-up the other is a victory they both yearn for on a weekly basis, so it's no wonder that you found yourself with two gorgeous after one of them became addicted to what you can give them. 
Being your No. 1 cumslut is just another competition.
"Daddy~" Xiaoting whispers as she gets up and moves behind you so her words only reach your ear, “I know you want your big cock in my tight ass, hm? It’s exclusively for you today.”
You smirk at what she tells you but you don't give in.
"You fucking brat. You think you can tempt me and just get your way?" 
"What did she say, Daddy?" Monday asks.
"Xiaoting is offering her ass like a common street whore." 
Monday huffs and furrows her brow in annoyance. 
"But Daddy, I'm a good girl. Xiaoting isn't. She doesn't obey like I do, I—" 
Monday was not ready for anal and she communicated that with you before, so it was a dirty trick that Xiaoting decided to pull to maybe turn the tables. Rejecting you could free the spot on your lap for the greedy Xiaoting.
"That's right, baby girl."
Your hand glides over Monday's bare abs, then into her skimpy shorts. You find a cleanly shaven, drenched pussy, but the most important thing is her clit. The hidden, small nub is filled with blood from her arousal.
Expertly, you begin to rub it. Monday's moans now become screams, her sizable breasts and thighs tremble as her whole body succumbs to shakes of a quickly approaching orgasm.
Xiaoting has waddled back in front of you. She tries to look confident in her plan, but mostly, she looks aroused and needy as hell. Her legs rub together, her tongue slips out at times and you know she would love to show you her bare ass and hips. Too bad she is still tied up.
"You are such a talented vocalist. I always love hearing you scream for me baby girl. Do you see this, Xiaoting? Monday gets rewarded first because she isn't a dumb fucking brat like you are. I don't understand it; you're top of your class back in school and a world class ballroom dancer yet you have no discipline when it comes to my cock."
"Daddy, it's because your cock made me dumb. It feels so good, I can't think of anything else. All the time, I think about it and want it in my slutty pussy. I'm such a dumb whore for Daddy's dick, I just want it to breed me."
Xiaoting's impressive rant is cut short when you give Monday's pussy a slap at just the right time and angle. In a piercing scream, Monday cums hard, squirt shoots out of her cunt in multiple ropes and stains her shorts and your hand. 
"You sound convincing, Xiao," you say with a mocking voice, while undressing a Monday who is still on her high, "but it’s mostly lies. And your ace, it falls short if Monday offers it as well."
"Daddy,” Monday softly says,” I love you. Please, fuck me first." 
Xiaoting scoffs at her rival. Monday always played a saccharine melody that would give her a better chance at getting the first bite of you. 
"You're such a good girl, Monday."
You fish out your hard on and slap it against her wet folds. Xiaoting is gawking at it with every slap. She'd burst in a frenzy the moment you'd insert the cock into her rival. The seed she wants to breed her should never be in Monday’s pussy.
Your plan is a different one however.
"Monday, you are my good girl, yes?"
"Yes, Daddy. I'm a good girl for you and your cock."
"Do you know what good girls do?"
"They do what their Daddy says."
Your slaps on her wetness stop and you adjust the light woman on your lap.
"—would you let me fuck your ass?"
Xiaoting smirks victoriously. There was no way Monday was going to let that happen, she wasn't ready. Besides that, you knew how amazing her ass was. It’s probably unbeatable. Soon, she will have you inside her and finally get her way.
Monday looks at Xiaotings gaze before resolving herself. 
"Daddy… I love you. Do whatever you want with me, I'm your good girl, your good whore. F-fuck my a-ass if you want. I belong to you only."
Xiaoting's eyes widen. Shock and fear dominate her emotions, she did not expect the brunette girl to be this brave. If not for her own restraints, it would not have come this far. However, an obscene drive to watch Monday take her first cock in her ass makes her freeze and focus on the scene before her.
Monday's eyes are shut. She squeezes down her eyelids, while you feel her asshole squeeze down around your aligned and slowly penetrating tip. She is not relaxed, which makes her tight but this is clearly not comfortable for her.
"Relax, baby girl. You are so, so good for taking it. After using your perfect ass, I'll give you a special reward, okay?."
No response from her, as your lips suck on her neck shortly. You kiss your way up her delicate throat, but the tension keeps her motionless, further penetration is impossible now.
Xiaoting’s sweaty face shows a smirk. Maybe things are as expected. Monday isn't able to take your massive cock in her ass. This will be over soon, and then you will pick her ass, because it’s actually fuckable.
"Daddy, g-go slow please, it h-hurts," Monday cries softly.
In your deepest, most soothing voice, you hum into her ear:
"Relax. You're so good. I'm almost in."
Rubs on her smooth skin, your calm breath and a deep desire to win bring Monday to relax. She loosens and your cock disappears inside her puckered hole inch by inch. 
"No," slips from Xiaoting's tongue. 
You grin at her, but before you can say something to degrade her, your entire dick is surrounded by warmth. The tight texture of Monday's unused asshole makes you groan and praise her further:
"Oh, baby girl! You are doing so well! Where is Daddy's cock?"
"My, my ass, Daddy, you're the first and only person to—my hole, this hole is yours! It belongs to you. Sh-shape it to your will, paint it with your cum and r-ruin it with your cock, Daddy!"
Pull out a little to savor Monday's tightness.
"Such a perfect slut. Unlike someone else."
Xiaoting is on her knees again. She did not expect to lose and certainly not in such a severe manner. With her arms behind her back, she is absolutely helpless and her stupid brain forces her to watch.
And watch, she does. Her skimpy lace panties you haven't even cared about inspecting are drenched with juice. Her knees and wrists have bruises from her struggle to move. Her bratty mouth is quiet, her lips shut except for a faint whimper. Desperately, she stares at your cock and how it starts to thrust into Monday.
"How is it Monday? Do you like my cock in your ass? Do you wish you had done it earlier? Hm?”
Monday's answer is interrupted by mewls and heavy breaths: 
"Y-you’re so big, Daddy, ah! T-to be honest, I-I was very scared, so I did not—fuck—want to try it."
"And what changed your mind?"
"Th-that I have to be a good girl for Daddy and that he owns all my h-holes."
"Very good answer," you coo right behind her ear, "Raise your arms, so I can see your cute breasts bounce."
Being the ever obedient girl, Monday follows your orders. You savor the sight of her well-shaven, smooth pits. How she wraps around your cock with her tight, virgin asshole leaves you groaning in joy. Who needs pace if something squeezes this intensely?
"Hey, stupid toy!" you address Xiaoting, who wordlessly kneels in between your legs, "Make yourself useful and remove Monday's top. Maybe I'll let you suck my balls if you succeed."
Xiaoting is not yet entirely mindless. With skilled movements of her legs she gets up from the ground. Because her hands are still restrained, she has to use her teeth to gently grab Monday's top and pull it over the moaning girl's head. Xiaoting's resistance falters quickly, you notice.
You then look at Xiao coldly as you fuck faster into Monday:
"You seem to have forgotten your place brat. The only fucking reason you're here is to serve me, to pleasure me. The only reason you're an idol is because of me. The only reason I am here right now is because I want to fuck you whores! You are nothing but holes for me to use." 
Pulling out your phone you scroll through your contacts. It was just a who's who of K-pop idols, an abundance of groups from across all generations.
"I can fuck whoever I want. BLACKPINK? They would reroute their flights from Europe to here right now if I called them. TWICE? I could have all nine of them here serving me. Girls Generation? From Taeyeon to Jessica, they listen to my call. IU? I'll celebrate her anniversary soon enough. 
And do you know what you are, Xiaoting? You're just an upstart, talented maybe, but don't you ever fucking think you're above any of this. Monday's getting her virgin ass stuffed by my cock because she's an obedient good girl, meanwhile you're bound up and absolutely useless all because you decided to throw a tantrum to the one person who built you with a single whisper.”
Xiaoting falls back onto her knees. No words can express the magnitude of the revelation she has just witnessed. It spins her view of this world around. This ‘Daddy play’ was more than a mere kink. There was real power behind this and she maybe should’ve seen this coming.
"Can I suck your balls, Daddy?" 
Xiaoting’s voice is stern, barely audible through Monday's increasing moans and screams. It’s a mask to hide the fact that she is limp to you if your contacts aren’t a well-planned fake. Once again, she underestimated you.
"No, bitch! You have to say it like you mean it. There is still brattiness in you. You might be the worst case of this I have ever seen."
One of your hands is securely at Monday's waist, to hold her in position. Fucking her harder and quicker is easy now and she has learned to stay relaxed at all times. Soon, she will cum from her ass for the first time and then she is finally three useful holes on a delicious body with a beautiful face. That is exactly how you like your sluts.
The same cannot be said about Xiaoting. Your second hand gives her puffed up cheek a small slap, then another and a third, before you knock her over with a hit for the ages. Xiaoting screams out in pain and her following words are a babbled mess:
"Please, Daddy! I need to suck your balls!"
"Wrong again, you selfish brat!
"I need, I need—
"I need to pleasure you, Daddy, please! Or else I'm a useless piece of meat! Please give me a purpose, Daddy!"
You smirk in delight and wrap your hand around Monday's throat. The idol's eyes have disappeared into the back of her head as you get her closer and closer to heaven. Her shrieks are in perfect rhythm with how you fuck her ass. 
In Xiaoting's brown eyes, there is desperation, the dread of not being part of her group, of not being an idol, of not being used. She has no clue if your power really stretches to all these women you have listed, but she wouldn't dare to question her Daddy. You have finally put her into place and made her a crying, drooling, leaking mess that stains your parquet with three kinds of liquids. 
"Suck on them, Xiaoting, and maybe you can have the rest that leaks out of Monday's ass."
It wasn't any of the music programs in school, or dance competitions, any of the auditions or performances on Girls Planet 999, no, this, this right here was the most important performance of Xiaoting's life. She knew that now. She knew if she didn't impress you, if she didn't suck your balls perfectly, this could all be over for her. She would be nothing because you have it all in the grasp of your hand.
Reverentially, Xiaoting inches her lips closer to your crown jewels. Right above her is Monday bouncing up and down your cock at rapid speed. She is completely in bliss, orgasms shake through her pale body and make her beautiful limbs and features glisten in sweat.
With full concentration, Xiaoting parts her lips and takes your testicle into her mouth. The feeling of her lips, her hot mouth, her delicate tongue, they make you groan and leak more of your pre-cum into Monday, who is nothing but a mindless fleshlight now.
"Don't stop!" you shout down to the sucking and licking Xiaoting "You seem to be worth something for the first time."
Your orgasm approaches quickly, your tip ready to burst, but you want to feel Xiaoting a little longer. She deserves to be this low, to get nothing, to know that she is the last you'd actually want to impregnate.
Knead Monday's bountiful bouncing breast with an eager hand, use the other to pull Xiaoting's hair back and see her sparkling eyes. The eyes of a slave, a slave for your manhood, putting an awe inducing face on your balls because she sees it as mandatory. 
A final lick from the bottom side of your balls to the bottom of your shaft and you burst with Monday fully wrapped around and clenching on you.
"Pay close attention," you groan to Xiaoting as you feel the torrent of hot cum clean out Monday's ass. 
Xiaoting is helpless to observe the shudder of your body as she can all but feel the millions of swimmers leave their home in your sack and diligently rush to migrate into Monday's ass. She could feel how your balls feel less full, lighter as you unloaded what should have been her prize. 
Monday is helpless to stay put as she feels your spunk fill her other hole for the first time.
"Daddy, so hot! My ass, I—"
"I'm gonna use it often from now on. You have proven yourself, baby girl."
"Yes, Daddy! Fill me, my ass is yours. I love you."
Monday is left motionless. You lift her from your cock and immediately, her puckered hole clenches shut. All your baby batter remains inside her, except for a small droplet that sticks to her ass.
Xiaoting quickly tries to glide up your cock with her tongue, but you hold her hair firmly.
"Nuh uh, bitch! You don't deserve to suck it, hell, even cleaning it is too good for you. Clean Monday's ass if you want leftovers."
Xiaoting is helpless to nod and meekly turns around to try and take what she can get from Monday's ass, except Monday masterfully clenches her hole and looks back at Xiao. 
"Don't even think about it. You don't deserve this. I worked hard for this by being a good girl." 
Monday then turns to look at you. 
"Daddy, may I clean your cock, please?"
"Get on your knees, baby girl. I'll give you what you want."
"Thank you, Daddy."
Monday shoves a distraught, almost depressed Xiaoting to the back and kneels in between your legs. She opens her mouth wide and you shove her favorite piece of meat down her throat. Monday gobbles and chokes at first, but she keeps her eyes wide and her hand in her lap, just like the best sluts you trained.
Behind her, Xiaoting gets into position. She is like an addict, doing everything for a little dose of her drug. Still bound by the restraints around her wrists, she shifts into an awkward position to get her face in front of Monday's ass creek. 
No disgust or hesitation in her moves, Xiaoting immediately eats Monday's ass and tries to open the tight entrance. Monday wants to resist, but you pin her with both your hand and gaze to remain in her sucking position. Ever the obedient girl, she stays mostly calm as Xiaoting becomes violent with her slick tongue.
As much as Monday wanted to stop Xiaoting, she knew her focus should be on cleaning your cock and she would make sure she delivered in that area as well. 
You look at the sight before you, two up and comers getting their training on how to please you. They weren't anywhere near the levels of some of their older peers you had at your command, but they showed promise. Especially Monday will surely fall into the category of ‘willing good girl’. Xiaoting however is still not broken the way you need her to.
"Xiaoting, who is a female idol that inspires you?" you ask seemingly random.
"Hm," she contemplates, feeling only tiny droplets of cum on the top of her tongue, yet not giving up, "Miyeon-unnie of GI-DLE, Daddy. I adore her beauty."
"You have good taste. She looks amazing, especially in the new blonde hair style. It's funny: I made her so addicted to anal, she doesn't even want to be bred anymore. Nowadays, I'm glad some other guys can satisfy this lady, cause we both just don't have time for hour long anal sessions."
Out of a random mood, you pinch Monday's nose and watch her give you a puzzled look.
"Baby girl, would you please take it all for Daddy?"
It's not a plea, but a command, and Monday knows. She nods, a little scared of what's to come, but still goes down. Her tight throat presses on your hardening cock and the lack of air quickly makes her gag.
"Stay. Stay. Stay," you repeat calmly, Monday's nose firmly closed with your digits. Large globs of saliva begin to run down your shaft, balls—and then drip onto your floor. 
"Good job," you coo while Monday fears for her life because of lack of oxygen in her lungs. Good girls go all the way for their Daddy and she does, even when her lips are blue and cheeks stained by tears. 
You pull her off your cock and a final rain of saliva rains down. Slowly you back off and take Monday with you. She takes deep breaths and you caress her cheek with a soft smile.
"You have proven yourself. I'm impressed, you really are a masterpiece, maybe the best of this generation."
"Th-thank y-you, Daddy."
"I'll give you a gift later. Now, let's watch this bitch clean the floor with her tongue."
You shoot Xiaoting a look and she obeys. She drags her tongue on the floor to try and sop up any remaining particles of cum that remain in the sea of Monday’s saliva.
"Don't stop licking until I say so. Monday, keep sucking my cock will you?" 
As they do so, you bring your phone to your face and push a couple buttons letting it ring. The facetime call starts and a familiar face pops up on screen.
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"Daddy! It really is you!" 
Miyeon's voice is filled with delight and excitement. Her face on your screen expresses the same emotions, just with a hint of naughtiness in her expression. A lip bite from her with that blonde hair and crimson lips would be deadly for any of her fans. 
Not for you however. You made her like this.
"Hey, Miyeon. You look amazing. Nice to see that you picked up so quickly. I bet your schedule is tight."
"Not as tight as me though," she giggles as you shut your mouth to not groan at what Monday's mouth does. 
"I always have time for you. I just got back from another shooting. You'll love our new music video~"
"Mhmmm, I bet I will. If I do, I'll be sure to come and reward you. AndYuqi. And Shuhua. And, anyways, I called you because a younger idol told me you were her inspiration." 
You flip the camera around and Miyeon doesn't even bat an eye at seeing two naked girls on your apartment floor, one sucking your cock and the other licking the floor. 
"Now, the one sucking my cock is Monday, she's a good girl. The other in the back is Xiaoting and she has been rather difficult." 
Both Monday and Xiaoting were shocked to varying degrees. For Monday, being fully nude and exposed like this was a new experience which made her blush. The lack of oxygen from before however lowered her rationale significantly, so she continues to suck your cock diligently.
For Xiaoting, the revelation that you really did know other Sunbaenims leaves her in even more fear than before. Your power must be far beyond what she could imagine, and if she continued to piss you off, her idol career might be in trouble. She puckers her lips and sucks the drool in like a vacuum cleaner, anything to increase Daddy’s approval.
Miyeon is unbothered and looks at Xiaoting. 
"Hmm, I see why you chose her Daddy. I'm sorry to hear she's being disobedient. Maybe she's not worthy of you. You can always have me come over and satisfy you, Daddy, you know that."
"I know, Miyeon. You have always been eager and great at finding my needs. You deserve a great comeback with no distractions and extra tasks, so don't sweat it. Now, do you know what I should do to make her really understand and accept her role? She seems to do what I tell her, but doesn't like it."
"Well, she seems to enjoy licking and sucking your floor clean. Look at her tongue lapping it up like a dog and her lips, sucking on it like it's your cock. What even is that? Girl juice?"
"Nah, it's Monday's—fuck—saliva, mixed with rests of my cum. That's the only reason why she is so eager, I assume."
"Hmm," Miyeon ponders and taps her chin, "Show me Monday again. Does she look like she loves it?"
You point the camera back down and hear Xiaoting whimper in the background. Her dress gets stained by the rest of the saliva as she gives up on drinking it all.
"Look at her!" you say proudly, caressing Monday's hair, "She is a great pet. Was hesitant to take it in the ass, but today I pumped it full and she is keeping it clenched."
"Aww, and she looks so genuine! Daddy, you made another super star. Her feisty eyes look amazing like this. You better fill her cute mouth~"
"Shut up!" you laugh. Only idols that have proven themselves are allowed such banter, and Miyeon has definitely earned this right in the past. Her full-nelson truly is next level.
While still joking around with Miyeon, you give Monday no warning and suddenly blast your second load into her throat.
"Daddy!" Miyeon laughs over the phone and then pouts, "You're making me wet. I'm getting jealous!" 
Miyeon then directs her attention to Xiaoting. 
"I'm one of your role models? Then you should behave for Daddy. Do you have any idea how many other girls he could fuck? All I see is a spoiled brat who is wasting my Daddy's time."
"Sun-sunbaenim, I—"
"Shh. Look! He is filling his other slut again and you still fight it. I thought you wanted his glorious cum."
"I-I really want it!"
"Then act like it!"
Miyeon then turns her voice back towards you. 
"I hope I helped, Daddy. I know some of the Rookies can be a pain, but they learn eventually. I have to go but I'll be thinking of you tonight and I'll be sure to send you some photos. Come fuck me soon, okay? I got a pedicure and my nails are white."
"Ugh, you are so needy! Just find a fanboy or use Yuqi. I heard she is good with a strap."
Miyeon just giggles. Before waving you goodbye, she lowers her phone and lifts up her top. Beneath it, she wears a bra, but it is so thin and skimpy, her nipples poke through and leave little to the imagination.
"Love you, Daddy~"
Then the call ends. You groan, somewhat annoyed at Miyeon being overtly teasing, but Monday doing her final, gentle clean-up of your cock, makes you smile. She looks very, very much exhausted. You tap her temple and point at the large, red designer couch.
"You can take a rest over there. Blankets are in the box behind it, if you're cold. Don't want you to catch a cold. You've been naked the whole time."
"You're too kind, Daddy," Monday says with a hoarse voice. The thorough usage of her throat made her incapable of speaking longer sentences so she just waddles away slowly.
"You, however, are still in your skimpy dress, with the same attitude, same shackles, same posture. There is no cock in you, no pleasure, no cum. Do you understand why? Do you finally realize that resisting me is futile? That your little rebellion of neediness was absolutely stupid?"
Xiaoting lowers her head in shame. 
"You think you're the only one brat? I have whores far better than anyone in your generation! Do you think that Jessica Jung got as far as she did in SNSD by herself? Or Kwon Yuri? You think IU moved beyond being dirt poor with just her talent? And do you think I haven't tamed my share of disobedient, pretentious dumb sluts? Doyeon, Somi, Yena—I’ve tamed countless brats. You are so out of your depth, Xiaoting. Don't you ever fucking forget your place."
"Yes, Daddy. I'm sorry, Daddy."
"Let’s make something clear: What are you?" you shout with harshness, putting even drill sergeants to shame.
"I-I, uh—"
You create a makeshift ponytail out of her messy hair and yank her head up. She is red all over. A picture of shame.
"What the fuck are you?"
"I'm a good girl! A good girl who needs a Daddy!"
A slap across Xiaoting's cheek. A new kind of redness makes its painful imprint on her slutty face.
"I'm—I'm a slut! A whore, desperate for Daddy's milk—"
"Wrong again, you dumb bimbo!"
This time, your hatred for her stupid dress gets the better of you. You tear it apart and free Xiaoting's impressive melons with their stiff nipples. They swing at the release and they swing more when you smack them once from side to side. Xiaoting leans back and cries. The lower part of her dress is drenched in Monday's saliva and her own pussy juice.
"I'm a toy! I'm nothing, no idol, no girl, no human—just a toy, and Daddy owns me!"
"And what do toys do?"
"They don't resist and get used."
"And when I'm bored?"
"You throw it away."
Xiaoting sobs. She looks inconsolable. You successfully put a new understanding, and along with it, a new fear into her brain. This is what she signed up for. This is her life now.
Your hold of her hair becomes lighter until you caress it slowly, then you reach over and kiss her neck gently. 
"You can leave right now with zero consequences, Xiaoting. If this isn't for you, it isn't for you. You can leave right now and I won't think ill of you, your career will keep on going just fine. Make a choice."
"I'm a toy, I must be useful."
"Do you only do this, because you think you have to repay me, because I gave you this opportunity?" you ask, going further down and kissing her collarbone.
"N-no. It's because I love your, your cock, Daddy."
"You want to be a toy for my cock? Is it that good?"
"Yes," she says in a tiny voice, still whimpering and gasping for air through her tears.
"Well, now you know how this works. It's like the rules to a game, and everyone can win something. Every idol that has accepted to play this game has won something. Of course there is a main price—"
You suck at Xiaoting's nipple and make her moan through the whines and tears that stain her beautiful tears.
"—but that doesn't matter right now. If you agree, you will start from the bottom, kneeling, begging, like you do right now. It will be tough and this won't be your only punishment, but you can definitely achieve glorious goals."
"I want this, D-Daddy. Please, let me be your toy."
"Very well then."
You continue to suck at her tits, rolling your tongue around her nipple and latching yourself to them. 
Xiaoting can only moan as she was finally receiving just a bit of your touch, your pleasure. She didn't deserve it, but she would enjoy it while it lasted.
Once you had your taste of her tits, you were going to put her to work. 
"Xiao, give Daddy a titty fuck. This shall be a part of your test."
"Of course, Daddy. Thank you, Daddy."
You loosen the restraints around her wrists and she wiggles them off of her arms. All her struggles have left them slightly scared with bruises and cuts. She has indeed shown some determination after all.
Xiaoting puts her hands to work, not daring to touch your manhood with it, but only her breasts. She wraps the soft pillows around your base and starts to press down. It's secure in the pocket her tits form and you groan in approval.
With a tiny boost of confidence, Xiaoting starts to jerk her tits up and down to create friction, but with the lack of lubrication, it does not go smoothly. Xiaoting things for a second to not immediately put herself into a disfavorable position. She asks with a soft, submissive voice:
"Daddy, is this toy allowed to drool onto her tits?"
"Hm, Daddy will help his dumb toy. Open up."
As soon as Xiaoting opens her mouth, you stick two fingers inside and force them deep into her. Her consequent gags produce a lot of drool quickly and she can finally imagine how your cock would feel in her throat.
You go rougher, fucking her throat with your fingers until Xiaoting closes her eyes and takes your dominant attack. She leaks all over her breasts and your cock and when you pull out, she giggles in between chokes.
"Thank you, Daddy. You are so kind."
She begins jerking at a fast pace. You hiss as your cock is still sensitive, but Xiaoting's eagerness is nothing you want to stop. She enjoys finally being useful and looks at you with doey, lovey orbs that you have seen in other bratty idols. 
Jessica. Rose. Yena. Almost nostalgic how you had to tame them. If Xiaoting can ever reach their level? It's up to her. If her thighs are equally good, she can definitely make an argument to be a great toy.
Xiaoting starts to use her entire upper body to stimulate you. She almost jumps up in place and takes deep breaths to puff up her chest. It's a valiant effort that certainly has its effect on you.
"Damn, toy, you've got talent. Close your lips and look at me."
Xiaoting looks up at you and jerks out your orgasm. It creams at her melons and partially shoots across her face to cover it in streaks of white. You pull out from her softness and smear the cum on her tits all over them. She giggles but you press a finger on her luscious lips to keep them shut. Something in her expression is disappointment, but she longs for nothing but your approval. 
"Monday? Come over here, good girl, and clean my toy up! It's covered in your favorite glaze.
Monday, ready as always when her Daddy calls, jogs over and kneels next to Xiaoting. She starts to lick up all the cum from Xiaoting's tits like an greedy animal, before going up to her features. Careful licks, and nothing remains. It's all for Monday, she doesn't share and swallows it immediately. Xiaoting accepts it wordlessly.
In the meantime, you sit down on your soft, large chair and triumphantly look at your two sluts. At Monday's fat ass and her irresistible figure. At Xiaotings fat thighs and her irresistible face. God, they were an incredible catch.
"Monday, get on Daddy's lap. I'll fill up your pussy now.
"Oh, and Xiaoting! Come here and kneel before me. You may watch."
“Thank you, Daddy,” they say in unison.
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enmmyheavenscg · 3 months
Hello everyone, it’s been a while, no?
I’m sorry for the inactivity, but I have not been in the best mental state im afraid.
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Now through out the entire month of June, my mental health has gone downhill. I have shared this a couple times, yes but- I have not shared the full story.
On June 1st, my brother had recently gotten out of the hospital, during the time I had been living with my grandma. My grandma is absolutely horrible- she does nothing but make comments about me aswell as make me uncomfortable.
when my brother had gotten out and I was recently back home, all the attention had been on him- usually, I wouldn’t care and that would make the most sense, Yes but- to completely ignore your own kid- me. It’s the whole family that’s been ignoring me overall, which I don’t even care, it’s been like this my entire life and I hate it.
My mothers behavior hadn’t changed, she had even gotten worst, she’d raise her hand and hurt me- she does not understand how her actions affect me, and after she physically lays her hands on me she acts as if nothing had happened and that everything was normal. Her comments about my body, my health- my everything affects me and she finds it oh so ‘hilarious’ I’ve tried to tell her how I feel and she’s laughed in my face before- I hate this family in everyway.
The worst thing that had happened was when I happened to have a heart attack in call- and she brushed it off like it was nothing- we had also just recently been driving back from the hospital because my brothers stomach was hurting- wow because a kid having a heart attack is less important than a stomach ache-
I don’t mean to be selfish im just ? Angry with her, Angry with the whole world. My body is always in pain yet nobody could ever care, im always suffering . I’ve tried to end it 3 separate times and failed, I’ve relapsed multiple times aswell. I’ve been little so often it makes me feel guilty, Yes I know I’ve said before- ‘there is no such thing as being too little’ but I genuinely want to be big for once- I’ve had to mask being big multiple times and I just hate it, i wanna be a little kid. I want my childhood back. I want my old happy self back, nobody understands me- I don’t even understand me, dude.
June 25th- my brother had been in the hospital again during this time. He’s currently on the day Im writing this (July 10th) out of the hospital! He had been since July 1st. He had been in the hospital for a while during this time but- on June 25th I was heading to my cousins house, Finally. As much as I had fun there I was also extremely
Like- EXTREMELY uncomfortable.
My cousins were there- my cousin who forced me into a relationship with her, made me do uncomfortable things with her was there.. and so was my younger cousin, my younger cousin who would touch me in places I asked her not to, unlike the older cousin, I had genuinely told my mother that my cousin was touching me in places I didn’t want. My mother didn’t believe me, she used to be like ‘oh she’s just a child, she doesn’t know better’ which was just disgusting.
June was just. Absolutely horrible, if I had the chance once again, Id truly end it all. It’s not fair, why does everyone hhab it good but not mme I deserve to be happy, Don’t I?
I’d truly start a fundraiser for myself so I could leave this house but, im stuck here. There is no way in hell I could possibly leave- perhaps when im 18, I’ll have the chance to.
But but- this whole post isn’t about me pitying myself, it is about me taking a break.
I will be going on break Yes, I’ll mostly be on in discord, just won’t be speaking to people much, if you decide to check up on me in discord I’ll probably reply, apologies if not.
I wont be away for long as much as I’ve gone through a lot, I’ll probably take a couple days
I mite take like .. 5 days (on discord and all my social media..) and be back. PLEASE. Please try and reblog this if you can.
Remember to stay safe everyone and that i love you all !
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This is Emmy signing off ! Bye bye ! 🩵
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rubinaitoart · 29 days
I would love any crumbs of anything you're writing rn /nf /gen
(I keep seeing you go insane so thought I would see what you are interested in :3)
“I keep seeing you go insane” HAH yeah it’s even worse on discord lmao
The current WIP I have is based completely on spite. That’s it. I absolutely hated how the Lamia episode ended because. BECAUSE. BECAUSE.
You’re telling me after they kill the Lamia, everything is back to normal and perfectly fine between everyone. You’re telling me Merlin was actively threatened by some of the people he trusted the most, to the point he actually started COWERING a little when they got mad at him, and he walked out of that without even a little bit of emotional distress? A smidgeon of trauma? You’re telling me none of the knights apologized to him or to Guinevere, because even though it’s not their fault every single one of them would have still felt some form of guilt over scaring them like that, you’re TELLING ME—
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^^^ Live footage of Rubin being carried off before he starts yelling even more /lh ^^^
It made me so MAD that it got wrapped up with everyone in good spirits and Arthur making fun of Merlin for being saved by a girl, and everything was fine and happy and ARGHHHH.
So yeah I started writing a fic to expand on what I feel should’ve happened after that episode I guess? Except make it a Merthur AU where they’ve been dancing around their feelings for all four seasons up until this point.
I’ve been going back and forth on this draft for a bit, so there’s a good chance whatever I end up publishing to AO3 will look COMPLETELY different. It’s also very clunky and not well edited but I figure that’s a given right now lol. Both options start the same before splitting into two different drafts, currently labeled D1 and D2 respectively.
I’ll dump a few snippets below the cut since this is already looking like a long post. Everything so far is in Arthur’s POV.
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From the shared start: Set when Arthur shows up just in time to rescue Guinevere and Merlin from the Lamia.
A few seconds of silence stretched out before Arthur jerked forward and rushed to Merlin’s side.
“Better late than never.” Merlin groaned, but that stupid, goofy grin that Arthur loved more than he’d ever admit was plastered all over that smug face of his. “What took you so long?”
“You’re welcome.” Arthur said pointedly. Guinevere moved to help Merlin sit up, and the king didn’t miss the way his servant’s face twisted into a pained grimace, or how his hand quickly grabbed at his side. It hurt to see Merlin in any kind of pain, a dull ache in his chest that was somehow worse than anything Arthur had suffered in the past. “Are you hurt?”
“A little bruised, maybe.” Merlin leaned heavily against Guinevere. “Better off than everyone else though.” He added quickly, and Arthur’s eyes narrowed slightly.
“Do you know where they are?” The king wanted to ask an entirely different question, but their objective held priority. They were safe, the lamia was dead, and the others were still missing.
“Elyan isn’t far.” Guinevere loosened her hold on Merlin—reluctantly, Arthur noted—and moved him to lean against a pillar. “I’m not entirely sure about the others.”
Arthur straightened up, gesturing for one of the knights. “Bevan, help Merlin outside. Cecil, with me.” He ordered. The king glanced towards his servant once again briefly before he extended his hand to Guinevere and helped her to her feet. “Lead the way.”
From the corner of his eye, he could see Bevan gathering Merlin up into his arms and hefting him up into the air. The man made a soft, pained sound in the back of his throat that was horribly loud to Arthur’s ears. Carefully with him, or I’ll have you in the stocks lingered on the tip of his tongue, but he bit back his words and turned to follow Guinevere. Bevan’s receding footsteps faded, and they pressed onward.
“He’ll be alright.” Guinevere murmured to him. She reached over to lightly squeeze his arm, a small comfort for the moment.
“Mm, he better be.” Arthur said quietly in reply. “He’s a good friend, I’d hate to lose him.” They ducked under a fallen beam, and Arthur lapsed into a contemplative quiet. Merlin was so much more than just a friend to Arthur, something he’d struggled to admit to himself for a long time. What he was, however, was just out of reach.
So in typical fashion the king did what he always did best—try his damndest to ignore what he felt, because it could never come to be.
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From D1, which is set as everyone leaves Longstead. Merlin is preparing Arthur’s horse before they leave despite still recovering from his injuries, man is just insisting on staying busy.
The king watched Merlin from afar as the servant busied himself with tacking up Arthur’s steed. He couldn’t look away, even if he wanted to.
Slightly curled raven locks and pale cheeks dappled with sunlight, Merlin’s brow furrowed slightly in concentration. His slender, pale hands deftly checked the leather straps, and his fingers occasionally strayed away to brush against the stallion’s ebony coat. A faint smile finally appeared in its truest and most genuine form as the horse turned its head to bump its nose gently against Merlin’s shoulder with a soft nicker. Arthur watched as Merlin finished securing the saddle and turned to gently take the horse’s face in his hands, rubbing his palm up and down the side of its head in slow, soothing strokes. Beautiful, he couldn’t help but think. That traitorous feeling of longing welled up in his chest and Arthur found himself tempted across the small clearing to join the servant.
Almost immediately, the longing was replaced with guilt and a hefty dose of self-loathing. Merlin was in no small amount of distress, and here he was practically ogling at the man. He turned away before Merlin could catch him staring and searched the clearing for something he could busy himself with, and hopefully rid himself of the shame that had overtaken the king.
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From D2, which is set directly after Arthur, Merlin, Guinevere, and the knights return to the village so Gaius can treat them: Gaius and Guinevere are busy with the knights, so Arthur takes it upon himself (as any good king no would do, of course) to try and tend to Merlin’s wounds himself. The best he can do is clean the gash on Merlin’s forehead, but he’s trying his best okay?
Far and few between were times that Arthur Pendragon found himself worried about his manservant. Merlin was an odd man, clumsy and strange at the best of times, prone to bouts of misfortune that he’d somehow miraculously overcome. Injuries were as rare as sickness, and he was right there at Arthur’s side day after day. Yet here he was, sleeves rolled up and a damp cloth in hand as he worried over Merlin. Thankfully the only ones around to see it were Gaius and Guinevere—the knights were still unconscious, and the physician and seamstress were busy tending to them.
It was just Arthur and Merlin, tucked away in the corner of the little hovel they were using as an infirmary.
“This feels backwards.” His servant muttered, wincing as Arthur lightly pressed the cloth to his forehead. Blood soaked into it quickly, weeping from a shallow cut on the side of his face that looked far worse than it actually was—head wounds were funny like that. And yet after all these years, after countless battles where he’d seen wounds worse than this over and over, seeing Merlin bloodied and bruised always made his heart lurch. It was so wrong.
“It does, doesn’t it?” Arthur mused, pulling the cloth back to inspect the injury. There wasn’t exactly much he could do other than try to stem the blood flow and clean away any dirt and debris until Gaius could take a proper look at it, but it was something.
He could feel Merlin’s eyes boring into him. “You’ll live, unfortunately.” Arthur added after a moment, flashing his teeth at the servant in a brief grin.
“Unfortunately for me, yes.” Merlin sank back against the cot. “I’ll be back to cleaning your stinking socks within the next few days.” His eyes remained affixed to Arthur, half-lidded and tired, and for the briefest of moments his face betrayed him to his king. Something heavy weighed on him, his gaze reflecting the burden of Atlas; then Arthur blinked, and it was like it hadn’t even been there in the first place.
What a strange thing to see on Merlin’s face.
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kafus · 1 month
the epic conclusion to The Freakylocke™
recently i did a hardcore nuzlocke of pokemon firered but with an extra gimmick layered on top to keep me invested: naming all my encounters after my friends, randomly chosen by spinning a wheel of names whenever i get a new encounter. this is not the same as a "friendlocke" as popularized by saltydkdan if you're aware of that btw, my friend's don't roleplay the pokemon or pick what they do, i just livepost my playthrough with my friends and they get to feel like they're involved and it makes it a semi-social thing, which is fun for me. i did one of these in emerald last year with friends from a specific group chat with "club" in the name that i fittingly called the clublocke, and this time in firered i deemed the playthrough the "freakylocke", based off of a running gag in the group chat of friends i named my pokemon after this time (the likodot server!! hi guys!!) tbh if i keep doing these i should really think of a name for this Type of nuzlocke but i haven't figured one out yet... anyway
i did not actively livepost the freakylocke on tumblr because i already had my hands full liveposting it on discord to my friends in question! but the ending to the run ended up being so much fun that i wanted to do a retelling of the E4+champion here to memorialize this run lol
so! after NUMEROUS hours of grinding, i finally got the whole team to level 60, which is the level of lance's highest leveled pokemon, and was ready to take on the E4. my copy of firered is in japanese so for convenience's sake, i've edited these photos of my team taken before the E4 to have the move names in english
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a little more detail about the team: first off, they do all have hold items. frosty (frost in-game because frosty didn't fit the JPN character limit lol) the charizard has charcoal, bibi the golem has leftovers, zur the persian has a spell tag, motsu the jolteon has a magnet, mari the gengar has a twistedspoon, and vee the lapras has a mysticwater. multiple of these can be obtained easily, but i had to grind for the magnet, twistedspoon, and spell tag off of wild pokemon that only had a 5% chance of holding them, which was a bit of a nightmare lol. the spell tag had enabled zur to sweep sabrina (barring her venomoth which i swapped out for) by just clicking shadow ball, the twistedspoon was necessary for some damage ranges for koga with gengar's psychic, and i grinded for the magnet before the E4 because motsu's special attack was um... shit. i was making up for the minus special attack nature, careful lol
second, it's worth acknowledging that i half picked this team based on what encounters i thought i had that were strong, and half just because of emotional attachment, ESPECIALLY in the case of zur the persian - for some reason i got super attached to using persian during this playthrough and i was DETERMINED to get him to the end alive, even though persian was definitely not the most optimal pokemon for the job lol. i could go on about my move choices on these mons, but i'll spare you and let the upcoming fights speak for themselves, aside from quickly mentioning. Yes i put explosion on golem. ideally i wanted to go deathless but i figured it could be useful in a pinch if i was driven into a corner.
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the first three members of the e4 were uneventful and i made pretty quick work of them, even with motsu's terrible special attack missing some thunderbolt damage ranges on lorelei's water types, forcing me to send out vee, lol. but when things really got heated was during the lance fight. at this point i was playing on my ds capture card to share my screen to my friends, so i have clean photos! (the layout is leafgreen themed, it's something i made literal years ago, i was too lazy to make anything new lmao)
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one thing leads to another and i'm staring down lance's ace dragonite with frosty the charizard on half HP. my team at this point is incredibly healthy as i've maneuvered the battle well so far, but now i'm in a bit of a dilemma, because this dragonite has outrage AND hyper beam, both very powerful moves that will definitely get the KO on frosty if i leave him in, and to make matters worse, since both will KO, which one out of the two lance picks is random, so i can't accurately predict what he's going to do. i need to ideally get vee in to use ice beam, which should be a 1-shot, but it's risky... if i wanted to play fully optimally, i would scan my team for which member i would need least during the champion fight against blue and sacrifice them to get a clean swap into vee, but... i'm still dedicated to wanting to beat this E4 deathless at this point, so i decide, okay, vee is bulky, they can definitely live a hyper beam or two hits of outrage, i just need lance to not get a crit
and you won't believe what happens next when i hard swap into vee!
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lance uses hyper beam on the switch and GETS THE CRIT, FAINTING VEE IN ONE SHOT... the reaction in the discord chat speaks for itself LOL
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so at this point i'm kind of panicking since not only do i have to somehow make it out of this fight against lance's dragonite, i have to get out of it healthy enough to still handle the champion fight against blue, of which vee was my answer into his blastoise so that's. not good. and to make matters worse, while staring down my options and verbally reasoning out what i should do, i ACCIDENTALLY PREMATURELY SEND OUT FROSTY!! I LITERALLY JUST PRESSED THE WRONG BUTTONS BECAUSE MY HANDS WERE KIND OF SHAKY WHILE TRYING TO OPEN THE SUMMARY SCREEN SINCE I WAS INVESTIGATING WHETHER FROSTY (THE PERSON IN THE CHAT) WAS RIGHT ABOUT THE DRAGON CLAW 2HKO 😭
my one saving grace is that dragonite is now in hyper beam recharge, so now that i've accidentally sent out frosty i'm able to fire off a single dragon claw for free...
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and it's not even a two hit KO 😭!!! so the dream of just outspeeding dragonite and 2 shotting it with dragon claw is in the dust now and i have to make some tough choices.
ultimately, i decide frosty could potentially be too important for the champion fight to let them go down, and i decide to switch into bibi the golem... my thought process was, i definitely needed bibi the least for the fight against blue, so if dragonite picked outrage and bibi went down, i would be able to get a clean swap into something that could take on the last of dragonite's HP, or if dragonite picked hyper beam, bibi would tank that like a champ on account of resisting normal and having high physical defense, and be able to get a free hit in during the recharge turn.
i send out bibi holding my breath AND...
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LANCE CHOOSES HYPER BEAM!!! YES!!! and HILARIOUSLY it was ANOTHER CRIT, but bibi still shrugs it off like it's NOTHING
so now i'm in one last dilemma: i have two options here, taking the KO with a super effective rock slide, or taking the KO with an incredibly powerful explosion. rock slide seems like the obvious choice, but the issue is... it's only 90% accurate, and if it misses, bibi definitely dies next turn, and living the hyper beam would have been for nothing. on the other hand, explosion ensures the battle is won, but bibi definitely dies, in that case. i'm excessively indecisive on what to do so i ask my friends and their answer is pretty damn clear
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so i click rock slide. AND!!!!
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bibi clutching up against lance lets her not only live another day, but it means that i get to fight blue with a team of 5 instead of 4 or even worse! ...this does NOT mean the blue fight is going to be free, though.
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blue's team is actually pretty threatening at this point, especially without my lapras to tank blastoise's potentially rain-boosted hydro pumps. before jumping into the fight, i think very carefully about my options, but ultimately my prep work amounts to taking the charcoal off of frosty and giving them a chesto berry, just in case i have to hard swap into exeggutor and take a sleep powder, so i can one-shot it with flamethrower easily in that scenario.
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my lead is pretty straightforward, i just take out pidgeot immediately with thunderbolt from motsu.
next, blue sends out Rhydon. i debate on what to do for a moment, since obviously i need to swap out, but i'm unsure if rhydon will use earthquake or rock tomb - if EQ 1-shots motsu, it will definitely use EQ, but otherwise there's a huge chance it could use rock tomb since the gen 3 AI loves to use moves that lower speed if you currently outspeed them. ultimately i realize with a quick bit of thinking that there's no way EQ doesn't KO motsu, even from full, so i send out mari the gengar on it, who has levitate and takes no damage from it, letting her outspeed and fire off a massive psychic attack into rhydon's pitiful special defense
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unfortunately not pitiful enough for Mari to get even close to a 1 hit KO, forcing her to take a rock tomb in the process. but despite the speed drop, she still outspeeds and is able to take out rhydon with another psychic on the next turn.
out next comes alakazam and i decide alright, i can handle the rest of this fight without gengar, and i don't want anyone to swap in on the obvious upcoming psychic, i don't have any mons that can tank that... so i decide to sacrifice mari
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...but then blue just... goes for future sight??? LMFAO so the hail mary hypnosis that i clicked just in case something like this happened fires off and actually lands!
this massive luck plus some lucky sleep turns allow mari to take out alakazam with two consecutive thunderbolts, leaving her alive when blue sends out arcanine next... but she takes the future sight damage at this point and is left too low to survive a flamethrower from the arcanine, which outspeeds her because of the rock tomb speed drop from earlier... ultimately, mari is still sacrificed. but taking out alakazam was a MASSIVE help, she performed amazingly
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my next move is fairly straightforward - i send out bibi the golem who can survive any move arcanine tosses out and KO it with an earthquake (something i couldn't have done as easily if she fainted against lance!)
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unfortunately, this brings in the pokemon i was afraid of, Blastoise, and considering bibi is weak to and doesn't outspeed both of blue's remaining pokemon, blastoise and exeggutor, there's no reason to preserve her life over getting a clean swap into another pokemon, so i let her go down to a hydro pump.
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MASSIVE salutes to bibi though, her surviving hyper beam during the lance fight and landing the rock slide against his dragonite pretty much saved this run. coolest golem ever
at this point, i have just motsu the jolteon, frosty the charizard, and zur the persian remaining, and even though motsu cannot get the 1 hit KO on blastoise with a thunderbolt, even with the magnet item due to their pitiful special attack, it's still the most obvious choice to get guaranteed damage off, so i send in motsu and use thunderbolt. at this point, i'm pretty relieved because i've essentially won the fight - even if motsu faints from a hydro pump (i'm unsure if they can live one or not), the thunderbolt will get enough damage for zur and frosty to clean up the remainder of his HP, and then frosty can 1 shot exeggutor with flamethrower like planned. but, there's still a little more left to this story...
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motsu actually does live a single non-crit hydro pump on the red, so they're able to finish off blastoise with another thunderbolt, leaving blue with only exeggutor. the answer is obvious - if i just swap into frosty right now, i can win the battle instantly, not even risking getting put to sleep because of the chesto berry i put on them before the fight began. BUT...
remember how i said i was really emotionally attached to my persian? i'm overjoyed that zur was going to live to the very end like i wanted, but they also didn't get to do anything in this fight and i thought that was lame. i knew they had spell tag boosted shadow balls which were super effective into exeggutor, so surely they might be able to take it out instead of frosty, right? and beating blue's final pokemon with a persian in a hardcore nuzlocke was HILARIOUS in my opinion.
this is in addition to zur using shadow ball being a running joke during this run; back when i fought sabrina, i mentioned this before but i was able to grind for the spell tag and 1-shot all of her psychic types with zur, making the fight super easy... and back when i was liveposting that to the discord server, my friend babs said this in response to me making a typo on shadow ball
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zur "blasting bals" became a running gag from here on out so it would be ACTUALLY poetic for me to finish this run with a shadow ball. i HAD to try.
issue: motsu's special attack was still GARBAGE and the bite i used (a special attack in gen 3 as a reminder, all dark type moves are special there) to get some damage on exeggutor first wasn't enough to ensure that zur could follow up with a clean shadow ball knockout. my friends were encouraging me to send out zur anyway, but i really didn't want to because it could go south so fast and if zur DIED in the champion fight i'd be REALLY UPSET. but THEN. i REMEMBERED.
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and so, with a combination of the free fake out chip and the spell tag boosting shadow ball's power, zur is just barely able to ensure a KO onto blue's exeggutor, winning the fight and the entire run, resulting in maybe one of the funniest nuzlocke end screens ever (to me at least)
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and that is how i managed to beat the freakylocke despite some terrible luck while taking a massive risk against lance LOL. this file is no longer in "nuzlocke mode" and i've been using it for other gen 3 shenanigans, which i will post about eventually...
special shoutouts to the four deaths other than vee the lapras of the run as well:
kris the kadabra, who fainted to an easily avoidable crit from a koffing because i was playing tilted and tired (oops)
serena the gyarados, who fainted to a crit from a random trainer's weezing (less easily avoidable but still sucked, i had put a lot of time into training her!!)
kay the paras, who was sacrificed nobly against sabrina's alakazam to allow a free swap back into zur for the shadow ball KO after the rest of my team handled her venomoth
babs the growlithe, who i was really excited to use because it's a version exclusive and i almost always play leafgreen instead, but who died to a random crit from ANOTHER koffing that i didn't think they'd faint to (the koffing line was enemy #1 of this run i guess)
oh and in speaking of babs, to commemorate the run, they drew this.
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it's incredible. i'm cherishing this art forever. you can see more of their art on their blog @vulturevanity LOL
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tobi-smp · 9 months
you know, I think the thing that made c!phil's writing kind of janky and discordant is Also exactly what makes cc!phil's Strength as a roleplayer
the best way to put it is that phil is the epitome of Yes And. wilbur tells him to kill him and it was a Choice, there was no script that told him that wilbur Had to die that night. but wilbur asked him to and so he did.
wilbur Also asked him to look after tubbo and tommy, So He Did. he fought for l'manberg on the 16th (fought Against dream and techno), and agreed to become a part of l'manberg's government as a mentor figure.
but techno was his friend and they wanted to spend time together when they were online so why be anything else in lore? of Course they're old friends, of Course they spend time together.
the problem arise when there's Conflict between these two groups. because phil Must choose what to do and say and believe at any given moment, to justify Why he would choose to do whatever it he is about to do. but at the end of the day that choice Mostly comes down to what would be cool or fun or interesting in the moment.
and I think ! that there's absolutely nothing wrong with this, and it's actually a Really good mindset to have in the context of this kind of roleplay. and it worked really well early on. it's Interesting that phil Would have a completely uncomplicatedly loyal relationship with techno right away when he Did explicitly stand against him on that first day. it Says Something about their relationship. maybe even implies that they've fought each other before, but it doesn't impact their relationship with each other.
the problem is when it starts contradicting and Twisting and being weird. mainly when it comes to characters that he Both has major conflict with And want to have a positive relationship with him. it becomes a question of Why phil would do something that would hurt them if he cares about them.
after all, it's not just hurt feelings, it's war. even if they had no Intent on killing anybody, it still Could Have ended with people dead.
and again ! that's not an inherently Bad Thing. it actually opens to the door for a lot of interesting character conflict and introspection !
phil is a Very old being, his best friend is famous for being unkillable, his wife is Actually Death who casually possesses him sometimes. having phil be somewhat out of touch with humanity in a way where he doesn't Really understand the emotional weight and Danger of what he's done would make sense ! and of course, that's just one possible explanation that could be replaced with or coincide with another reading.
but it's all complicated Further by there being a very strong ideological bend to the conflicts he's involved with. because it Feels like for him to engage with said conflict Meaningfully he must weigh in with his own take on the ideological conflicts. he's playing a supporting role to technoblade after all, and on paper his entire character Is one big ideological conflict.
but what phil's ideology actually Is shifts to suit whatever story line he needs to support at a given moment, rather than being set in stone First with his role in those story lines being chosen based on a preexisting belief.
and honestly I really Don't blame cc!phil for this, because On Paper the jump in justification for these supporting roles he's played don't look very different. and in fact, you can See where one follows the conclusion to another.
but "choose people" above all else, to the point of being Shocked that tommy might hesitate in the conflict with dream that has the weight of protecting the entire server riding on it, really Does Not gel with whatever happened on doomsday or with letting dream out of prison.
moreover, it only highlights a conflict in ideology between phil and techno. the use of violence as default Even Against active allies or people who'd been considered allies 5 minutes ago doesn't seem to gel with whatever phil had going on in the post-prison break out era.
having phil enable dream to torment tommy during doomsday feels very contradictory to phil's shocked offense that dream would torment A Child the first chance he got after breaking out.
and again ! none of this is inherently a Flaw, it could all be very interesting as set ups for character conflict and as an examination for phil's Own character flaws. having contradictions like this isn't inherently Bad writing when it can so easily be Interesting. open up the door for Richer character writing.
the problem isn't even that none of this was intentional at the time that it was happening, but rather that nobody really seemed to notice it at all. so rather than it being used as a tool to bounce off of For that character examination and conflict. it just kinda. Is.
I think ! what phil needed, and what the server As A Whole needed, was stronger Direction. it's what made the early arcs work as well as they did, because Everyone knew the what the core story Was and could figure out ways to cohesively bounce off of them.
the revolution, the elections, the civil war, they were all Strong skeletons with clear factions and ideologies at play. and so even when people were doing their own things it all Felt Cohesive.
and of course, the dream smp Stopped having a key writer for the those big plot moments with the intent of giving people more personal freedom in their writing. but I think it only served a Lack Of Identity. people who didn't already have a stake in the key conflicts that were already on the server struggled to find their way into them. and struggled to find relevancy Without them.
and I think this was felt the most in the way that people were both afraid of stepping on anybody's toes while Also getting in each other's way like a football field.
like, I Loved tommy's death and resurrection arc. and the sheer Surprise of it and the aftermath was truly incredible to see.
but it was also Weird that people weren't given the chance to react to it on their own terms. like, why did they plan the syndicate meeting months in advance just to have it dropped on them with no way to prepare for or modulate their responses?
phil and techno's reactions to tommy's death are So Weird when we consider their relationship with him both before And After. and it's difficult to reconcile because it's Understandable that the cc's didn't want to derail their planned lore to make it About tommy's story line. But It's Not Like We Can Pretend It Didn't Happen Either.
and there's lots of ways that people have tried to reconcile this, lots of ways that I've even personally Enjoyed. but in terms of what's actually In the source material It Just Kind Of Is.
phil cares about tommy, he wants to guide him and protect him because he recognizes that he's a child in a dangerous position, but he also laughs when he hears dream beat him to death in prison and he also laughed while dropping bombs on tommy's head with dream at his side. and these all just kind of Are.
I can't even tell if this is all weirder before or after canon sbi was retconned.
and so these inconsistencies tug at all of the major story beats that phil's character is involved with, all while all of them Mostly work well in isolation. and it's so easy to see how this could've been avoided with stronger direction and story planning.
in other words, It's Dream's Fault.
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distortedsoup · 8 days
random willow thoughts copy-pasted directly from my ramblings in discord
1 - i think she is generally kind of a shitty member of the camp. she can be flakey at best with chores, and struggles to handle long term interaction with other people. to cope with this, she spends most of her time off on her own. the most reliable time to get ahold of her is at night, where she is almost always keeping the campfire burning throughout the dark of the night.
2 - bernie in some way responds to both her sanity level and her amount of negative emotion. he won't become hostile unless willow perceives something as a threat. he isn't sentient, really, but more of an extention of her.
3 - she attempted adventure mode sometimes for fun, but never took it seriously and didn't usually last very long. too cold in all of those harsh winter worlds.
3.5 - on the note of winter, on her own she rarely made it past winter. she had a bad habit of never really settling down, burning both ends of the candle so to speak as she rambled and roamed across the constant. when she did build a base, it was usually a matter of time before it ended up in smoke. (there have been a handful of incidents where she has burnt down parts of the camp or otherwise caused or almost caused significant damage. this is another reason she usually doesn't stay there very long.
4 - willow likes people, but she genuinely just doesn't understand a lot of social things and was never really taught them either. even if she genuinely wants to be good to someone it will still come out in an odd way.
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drdtfuitgumies · 5 months
pinned post
currently posting one situation a week, not counting birthdays. inbox is closed!
(updated: 19th july 2024; added rules on crossovers/referencing other series + adjusted my dni)
this blog is unofficial, and not affiliated with danganronpa: despair time, the official danganronpa franchise, spike chunsoft, or nisa. all characters belong to danganronpa: despair time; all art is made by me unless stated otherwise.
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-) (as of 14/9/2024) list of items arei has stolen: rose's hat, min's pen, xander's jacket, david's hairclips, eden's bowtie, j's hoodie, Ace Markey, ace's hair gel, hu's hairpin, nico's slippers
-) (21/7/2024) as a consequence of arei's actions, j is currently wearing a different outfit
-) (23/7/2024) also as a consequence of arei's actions, ace is currently imprisoned with the rest of arei's loot. he will undergo any situations stuck in a prison. please send your regards to him 😔
let's have fun!! rules & quick faq under cut
blog explanation & rules
i'll be drawing the drdt characters in my fuit gumy style (example above, and also it needs to be spelt exactly that way). ideally i post one thing a day, but real life circumstances might help or hinder me
requests are currently open. i can't promise that i'll get to every request and i don't know if i can answer every ask/question, but i'll try my best!
i do not Bite but please be nice to me!! i am just a 1) gremlin 2) a Student who needs stability and routine
i can draw headcanons, aus, and such, but i'll be adhering to canon most of the time. also, i love weird combos too if you can find an explanation for them interacting whether platonically, romantically, or a secret third thing
if a request has multiple characters, please specify if you mean it romantically or not, so romantic interactions can be given ship tags as well. if it isn't specified in the request, i'll interpret it as platonic by default (i'm pretty dense and have trouble interpreting interactions sometimes)
crossovers/referring to other series can be requested, but are very unlikely to be actually drawn. for me to finish them, i'd need to know the other series. However, if your request happens to be something along the lines of "[insert fuit gumy here] with [pokemon / digimon of choice]", I will absolutely not complain. I would be honored!!
i will not be accepting requests that involve canon danganronpas AND fanganronpas. this blog has always meant to be focused on drdt first and foremost, and i'm content to let it stay that way (for now). although characters from other fanganronpas may Very Rarely appear in Original Situations!
(re: full explanation for the above two rules)
i won't draw, read any of these asks, or interact with certain blogs if they contain: nsfw (out of personal comfort!), hate speech (what are you doing here), incest/pedophilia/bestiality
("proship" was originally on the above point, but i have since realized that i've misunderstood the definition of the term to mean "problematic content" in general. i apologize for my mistake, and have elaborated on what specifically i'd like to avoid! people can ship whatever they like; just ignore it if you don't like it. although the worst i'll do with this blog is still cartoonish depictions of violence, i thought it's better to explain while i can, even if it seems unnecessary)
this blog is NOT spoiler free! most of my art here is 99% going to be unserious shitposts anyways, but this is here just in case. also since drdt is 16+ this blog is 16+ too
any of my art posted in this blog can be used for personal use with credit (icons, headers, wallpapers, discord emotes for private servers and any other social media that lets you do that kinda stuff), but (for now) please don't repost in other social media (you can just share links if you'd like!)
this is a recent discovery but I can't reply to replies for some reason. if it doesn't require immediate attention, i'll reply to any questions in one big post tagged "answering asks"
quick faq before anyone asks
call me gremlyn (18+)! you can find me on @thatseitagremlin (drdt sideblog) / @iamjustagremlin (limbus main)
for this blog i draw with miro . com by default so i can restrict myself to a limited brush and color palette. this helps my brain not get distracted when drawing. depending on what tomfoolery i come up with or what requests i get i might use other apps though!
whit is the posterboy for this blog because he's my favorite character. my blorbo, if you will. my other faves are j, nico, and xander (i feel a Lot of cuteness aggression with xander specifically) if you're curious
i'm an omnivore and am fine with most ships but if i had to pick a ship to fight for it'd probably be charwhit or areiden. i also like jarei but i'm not sure if i prefer it platonically, romantically, or a secret third thing, and i'm not bothered enough to find out soon
also, do you guys know how to run an ask blog. because i don't. but once again, let's be nice and have fun!!
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oncillamoltres · 20 days
actually looking back at the archive i'm. not sure how much it got onto tumblr that connie's been a complete wreck this weekend. most of it was either on discord or like? vaguely implied? for like the first time in the history of lovenpeace-pkmn i've actually managed to get anthea to talk more about her feelings than concordia???
anyway. what's been going on is:
somewhere around Friday Nictoria @/ariadosanon had that video posted of her brutally murdering some Rocket's pokemon. Connie, veteran of last time Nic was on Rotomblr, was planning to just scroll past and ignore it, but it ended up becoming a major topic of discussion on the Taskforce Distortion Gliscord server. this was not great for Connie's mental health
literally the next day @/cherrytree-irl N was hospitalized by a hydreigon. neither Anthea nor Concordia took this well (a); Connie, who has herself been attacked by hydreigon, spent most of the day offline trying not to have panic attacks.
however she did ask the Taskforce server if they could keep discussion of Nic's crimes to the vent channels, which was very brave of her because she's bad at asking for what she needs and also more intimidated by Lynda than she lets on.
Sunday Connie made a concerted effort to Stay Home and Do Something Fun With Her Kid to like. recalibrate her nervous system. unfortunately Anthea ended up pissed off enough about some things Byrd @/swellowmypride said in the Taskforce gliscord that she ended up like. actually venting her frustrations for once. including the thoughts on Connie's self-hatred that she's been biting back.
I'm really happy there was an opportunity to throw that in actually Anthea's been quietly bothered by that for ages now
anyway. A+C apologized to each other offscreen (this is hardly their first argument) and have been trying to like. calm down and focus on normal and silly stuff. I was gonna have Connie call in sick from work on Monday but I forgot it was Labor Day and it would. be kind of silly to do that on Labor Day.
so the reason Anthea was surprised by that anon asking if she was okay was that from her perspective, Connie's been having PTSD flashbacks all weekend and then got yelled at by her sister, whereas she got mad about something and has since mostly calmed down and even kind of feels better for actually expressing her emotions instead of bottling them up, so why would she be the one who's not okay?
but like. very little of that actually got onto the page. so.
pro tip: don't pick a roleplay character who hates talking about their feelings.
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rip-aizawa · 1 year
since i feel bad dusting off this blog i will add on that last note. since it has been like actually five goddamn years i can say with some level of security that leviathan will likely never be completed. i’ve tried off and on to continue it in recent years but the passion just isn’t there anymore. 
frankly, the main hurdle with it is one i ran into again while trying to hand it off or at least summarize what might have happened: there was no plan. i started leviathan freshly 14 with even less experience with longform writing than the modicum i have now. i started it because i wanted to write a bnha fanfiction, not because i had a story to tell. everything was made up on the fly. towards the end, i did actually start planning major story beats, but only that: none of the track to get there, or the emotional elements that i think were what made the story so well-liked. 
and, in all my young teenage brilliance, i didn’t record most of what i did come up with, so most of what didn’t get recorded in discord dms or the occasional onenote page has been lost to time.
this is kind of a long-winded way of apologizing, because i know a lot of people were at one time invested in the story, and would like to at least know how it was supposed to end if they didn’t get to actually see it. i’ve been on the other end of that before, and i know it’s not super fun. maybe some day i’ll figure it out (i genuinely would like to), but i’ve mostly moved on to other things, so i wouldn’t bet any significant amount on it. i am sorry.
as i said in the end notes on the actual fic: all the support and the community that sprung up around this fic genuinely changed my life. thank you all. i wish i could have seen it through.
peace out 
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deathits3lf · 6 months
wolf359. its grasped me again.
I have become obsessed again. To the point I wrote a ABSURDLY LONG ramble about Warren Kepler. I wrote it in discord messages and I will not be taking the time to fix the typos. There are so many.
But yes, I wrote a... character analysis? It's honestly just about the last season.
⚠️Major spoilers ahead. For last season, the finale, anywhere past 45 basically. If you have not completed wolf 359 entirely, well, this will be the end all be all of spoilers.
oooh. I should put a highlight here: but he assumed it was a "sorry, you are wrong and I am right, and you are going to die, and perhaps you deserve to in my eyes." when it really meant "You are right. I love you. I would do anything for your safety even if you may never know I was doing it for you." <<<< i love this part. im so smart. squints. im actually not but i was onto somethin
And be warned that it is long. Google docs says 1563 words. I'll put it under this read more.
Have fun. I hope this is any bit comprehensible.
okokok. so. warren kepler. i could talk about this man for HOURS, i swear. but i need to START somewhere so why not start at his death. I love thinking aboiut it... and by that i mean i hate thinking about it. buts its great. so tragic. i love characters dying like that; they are introduced as a douche. dickhead, antagonist, honestly villain. not likeable, really. (by that i mean well written but the character themselves being THE WORSTTT) (although i love him i DID used to HATE HIM) (i always joked about wanting to throw him out of an airlock... no seriously. i didnt know. help) 
BUT, throughout the show, despite them being a dick, we are shown some moments of them almost.. being human. cause they are. everyone, despite how mean or stuckup or 'emotionless' they are, is human, and humans feel emotions. 
okok, so at this point some hate em, some love em (altho mostly lovehate), but overall they are.... antagonistic but with the potential. not enough potential however.- (quick sidetrack here, i swear i get back to my point eventually) 
The Last Season. oml, the first time I watched it, before I knew what kepler was doing, I thought,"kepler is acting weird". kepler is acting almost nervous, and something just felt off. yes it was because cutter was there, kepler was used to being in charge and aggressive about it to make his subordinates feel scared and therefore listen to him. which in the last season, is clear where he learned that from; cutter. but now cutter was back and he was the subordinate and scared one. he wasnt The Most Powerful One There anymore. BUT ALSO 
Maybe he acted weirdly because,,listen,, he was already planning something against them. it makes sense. he was sort of kept in the dark, but he knew something was going to happen.
He had to watch his crew like that, despite having just held a mutany against him, he still knew them. they were stuck in space together, they knew eachother, but also JACOBI. kepler interacting with mindcontrolled jacobi was. thats a rant for later on. 
But. He had just had his morals rocked. His right hand man, his most loyal companion, betrayed him, tried to get him killed, he lost his other teammate- no, friend, and well, if you look closely enough he really had some time to think about it all. 
And thats where he decided that he was not on the side he always had been on, the one he worked for for god knows how many years, the one who he had based his entire mindset on, and maybe he realized that his idea of a bigger picture didnt line up with Goddard's. 
Maybe he was doing it for Jacobi. and maxwell. Maybe he was doing it for the whole crew. or the whole world. Maybe he really, truely, cared. deep down.
I also think that he wasnt planning to make it out alive. 
He didnt want to face it afterwards. He convinced himself that this was the only way- that he couldn't possibly have made it out alive and that sacrificing himself for the greater good was the only way.
He could have survived that. The hardest part would have been convincing the others to let him on the homebound ship. (the sol i believe?) jacobi begged him to stay. oml that scene. another rant for later on. 
But going back to my first point- I love that they really gave you one last reason to care about his death. If he died still on goddards side, even if he seemed a bit hesitant, that was still the cowards choice. they really said "hey he actually cares about the greater good and to an extent, the others. anyway immediatly after that revelation kill him." They gave us a reason to cry.
I love characters like that. You hate em, but before they die, you are given a reason to give a fuck. Really wrenches your heart. 
back to other points. rachel, had been SHOT. and yet managed to push him into the airlock and close the door. you could say he was overconfident, but I believe thats uncharacteristic. hes always on guard, always thinking of every way something could go wrong and how to account for it. He should have thought about rachel fighting back. he could have stopped her, but he had already accepted that he would, and perhaps should die here. perhaps he didnt want to face everything after it all. how he might actually care about ppl. how fucked up he acted and all his bad actions. and also, how he could keep living beyond His Job. the artist formerly known as warren kepler. if he stopped Making Art, who was he to go back to? warren kepler didnt exist. he was just a husk. 
thats why i love reading Kepler Back From The Dead fics. it would have been SO INTERESTING. although its fair they wanted to wrap up arcs, or at least leave them on something somewhat satisfying, and kepler was definitely NOT done cooking. put that man back in the microwave he is STILL cold in the middle. 
anyway. kepler was a coward for dying but at least cowardice is human. 
>He couldnt tell anyone. What he was planning. couldnt even tell jacobi, "hey, im on ur side and also im going to stop it all. and sacrifice myself" because rachel was there. rachel was watching, and she was arrogant that kepler couldnt possibly not be on goddards side. yeah she probably definitely knew he cared about jacobi, but the others? she was not expecting him to actually have the confidence to go aginast CUTTER. 
jacobi begged for him to be on their side, argued good arguements,
but jacobi thought. there is no way this will work. absouletly no way he will actually listen to me. but he did. kepler had already planned this. kepler couldnt put into words why he was doing this, but when rachel asked him why he echoed their words; because he is human. 
but kepler couldnt tell jacobi that he was listening. and that he cared about him. he couldnt say he wished jacobi would make it out alive, or that the others would b ok, or that he wasnt going to make it back. 
all he could say was "Thank you Daniel, and goodbye." AKJHSDKJAHSKDH that line makes me want to CRY. its more evidence that kepler totally knew he was going to die. or at least expected it. the way he said goodbye like he knew it really was the last. called him daniel, and maybe others werent aware what that really meant, perhaps they were, but jacobi knew he never called him that. that that meant something. he didnt know what, but he assumed it was a "sorry, you are wrong and I am right, and you are going to die, and perhaps you deserve to in my eyes." when it really meant "You are right. I love you. I would do anything for your safety even if you may never know I was doing it for you." 
.... "thank you" for being in my life? for teaching me how to be good? for everything? AUGH I LOVE THESE FICTIONAL MEN. 
>His interactions while the others were mindcontrolled. I relistened to the first episode or two of the last season, and kepler honestly showed signs that he was already doubting goddard. that he wasnt as confident as when the others last saw him. and they commented on this- rachel talked about hera and kepler replied almost remincing about his time on the hephaestus. he said 'she had always been stubborn.' and rachel said 'careful warren, wouldnt want to sound like you admire it.'
And the whole scene with cutter, pryce, kepler, and mind controlled jacobi. Cutter definitely purposefully picked out jacobi to take notes during that. cutter realized something was off about him. He was weaker, almost upset that his subordinate was mindcontrolled? and would obey his every command? cutter had just improved them; and the kepler that cutter wanted wouldnt have cared. but he clearly did care, as he told- no, lied- to cutter about jacobi being a good team member. despite the fact jacobi almost got him shot, like, not even an hour before I think? He was worried jacobi would be punished, or hurt, or even killed. 
Cutter knew this. he took it into account, basically; he didnt kill him, he merely improved his brain. 
And. Eiffel, after being de-mindcontrolled because of the alien blood, waiting for Jacobi, had accidentily given himself away as being 'unmindcontrolled' when he ran into kepler. he expected to be carted away, re-mindcontrolled, or perhaps killed, or locked in a room, but kepler instead 'played along' and pretended like all was fine. he even sneakily told eiffel to be more careful next time. AND YET WE DIDNT NOTICE- eiffel didnt think to mention 'hey kepler totally let me get off scot free, he is maybe on our side. maybe i mean totally.' ?? and i didnt notice the first time around that THE KEPLER WE KNEW AT THE BEGINNING WOULD TOTALLY RAT HIM OUT INSTANTLY. he was always on their side, and perhaps always planning something. maybe since the interaction with mindcontrolled "she was twenty-eight!" jacobi.
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