#this was such a blast fr
matapang-coffee · 1 year
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Pirate!Johnny comm for @glitchinginthegarden !
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lambment · 4 months
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was just thinking about how Narinder probably hasnt experienced rain in centuries and Heket thought she never would again. fictional tragic siblings...
bonus leshy- because u know his ass would be out there
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ricky-mortis · 30 days
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I heard that Corey Dorris sang Show Stopping Number at Innit- so I present: Corey!Hidgens
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dizzybizz · 1 year
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ew-selfish-art · 1 year
Dp x dc AU where Dick adopts teenage Danny into his family with Kor’i and Mar’i
Mar’i had always wanted a sibling, all seven years of her life in fact!! Toys and play times with friends couldnt possibly compare to having a brother or a sister, and she knew this as a fact from some of her school mates.
So when her dad brings home a kid that was all cut up and bruised, and her mom patches him up because something about his “biology” was weird- Mar’i sees this as an opportunity in the making!
Danny is healing up slowly but surely in Nightwings house, and he feels like a total intrusion. He’s now seen their faces and it feels like so much trust has been placed in him with no way for him to repay it. So he’s moping a bit, hanging in his room reading a book based on his video game series when a small child walks in, her arms filled with board games and toys.
“Hello, will you be my big brother?” Is all she asks him with a straight face, her eyes incredibly serious for someone so small.
“Er, im just here until-“
“Want to play a game?” Mar’i changes the subject favoring a specific board game in her hands. Rule number one of negotiation is to never let them say no- her uncle Damian taught her that.
“…yeah, sure.” Danny accepts because honestly? He could at least repay Nightwing and Starfire by babysitting right? They play a few games and then dinner gets brought in and for once, Danny feels like he’s having a normal family meal.
Next time she comes into his room, he’s focused on healing one of his larger wounds from the power in his core- he’s floating and his eyes are green. Mar’i is ECSTATIC. He fits in PERFECTLY.
“WILL YOU PLEASE BE MY BIG BROTHER?!?” Mar’i persistently asks every single day. Danny laughs and smiles and pats her head.
Once he’s feeling better, he starts patrolling with Nightwing, just to pay him back. Not that he’s having fun bashing goons and getting solid hero advice for the first time in his life.
Then he goes to Tameran with Kor’i for a diplomatic mission (his royal ambdassadorship/ king titles tbd) to discuss the Infinite Realms and why they absolutely need to abandon their attempts to use ghost artifacts. Kor’i explains how proud she is of him as they fly home.
He gets invited to all their family outings now, and he is overwhelmed by how accepted he is. How much the Bats all seem to leave him space for boundaries but invite him to do things very much to his interests (they are detectives after all). Once its safe, Jazz comes every now and then from her Ivy League college to hang out with them all and spend time with Danny. She gives him the advice he needed to hear about accepting good things into his life and deserving happiness.
One day Mar’i has a bad day at school, and when Danny gets home from his own community college classes- he brings her into a big hug, makes her a cup of tea from her mom’s home planet and once she’s comforted and happy again he says “hey, what are big brothers for?”
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nebulaerage · 4 months
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I was seeing that one ship "meme" floating around so I made a bratfeen one, with a small twist eheh
Let's be honest, Miles probably paid someone to put up a massive billboard of that newspaper article out of spite. At least a certain someone gets to enjoy it
Original under the cut:
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uriigamii · 2 months
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Had to show out for the city ✨
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daenerys-targaryen · 3 months
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Oh, Beth... You would have made one hell of a cowboy.
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inkclover · 6 months
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wooooo made some gifts for a secret santa in the server weehoohhhh
note: prismo/scarab/nightmo piece under the cut
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server wizards came up with the trouple name - coinflip for these trio… it’s so cute!
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dreamdripdistance · 7 months
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a rite of passage
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noir-renard · 5 months
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A BTAS style title card for the DP reboot/au that lives in my head rent free
if I were in charge of a DP animation reboot and I had an unlimited budget, I would make significant and meaningful style changes. The basic change: everything that happens in the 'human world' would be black and white, and only the ghosts would be in color.
for more details, keep reading!
I've been calling it the "Pleasantville AU" in my head, though it's really not an AU as much as a lore-relevant stylistic overhaul reboot.
Humans and everything in the human world is black and white; ghosts are full technicolor
Danny, as a halfa, is still mostly black and white, but his eyes are green and his skin is. Skin colored idk. (Also black sclera because it's cool shh this is my fantasy reboot au)
The more powerful a ghost is, the more colorful it is. Moreover, the most powerful ghosts are capable of changing their coloration to "hide" in the human realm
Humans can't see colors well, and most recording equipment can't "capture" the image of a ghost well. You need special equipment to see them clearly and special cameras to photograph them
Places where ghosts have had a prolonged presence or big impact start to "bleed" colors. If you get wounded by the ghost, you get splashed with color (will fade to white "if you take care of it")
The Guys In White find these colorful, ghost-touched areas and "clean"/bleach them
The longer Danny hides, the more his presence in Amity Park starts to affect things
I didn't love the "Sam is responsible for Danny getting ghost powers" storyline in the OG, so in the reboot Danny was alone when he had his accident and he didn't tell anyone. He thinks he's a straight up ghost/is becoming a ghost and will eventually become evil (in this au becoming a ghost is thought to be a long term process a la vampirism. This isn't actually the case but I love "bad scientist Fentons" so that's their prevailing theory)
(He'll tell them eventually but I love identity shenanigans so I think it's more interesting if he hides it from them for a bit while also interacting with them as Phantom on occasion)
Oh yeah, because Phantom is mostly black and white, he's the first ghost that a lot of people are able to see.
His coloration is the driving force for the Fentons to declare him "the worst ghost", because they accuse him of trying to pretend to be human.
His coloration is a big reason why other ghosts dislike/distrust him, too, because he looks too human
The Vlad is a halfa reveal happens way later and way differently in this reboot; Danny meets him and knows he's "ecto-touched", but the Vlad = Plasmius moment would have more impact if Danny has had interactions with Vlad before, imo. Anyway I have Plans(TM) for Vlad but I'll leave it at that for now😏
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queeny-v · 4 months
Art block has been a pain in the butt lately 😭 at least I was able to draw this tho lol
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transgenbur · 6 months
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oxydiane · 2 years
so is anybody going to write the “harry starts dating cedric and when the latter meets sirius he gets the ‘i may not actually have committed the murders i was imprisoned for but do not be deluded for one second that i don’t know thirty-seven different ways to kill a man. i am harry’s godfather hello. he is my entire world’ talk” fanfic or am i just going to have to make it myself
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frankenjoly · 19 days
How about 8 with sskk?
‘Don’t you dare do this to me-- No! No, no, no, no- nono, hey, please!!!’
Maybe, if Atsushi weren’t so utterly struck with shock, he would have said those words out loud when trying to reach out. But after Akutagawa’s name, it almost seemed he had run out of words, and so he couldn’t do anything except stretch his hand and watch as he got pulled away and into the escape route.
As the smoke started to surround everything and the last thing he saw was how Akutagawa fell, bleeding out.
He couldn’t simply leave him there, but trying to come back would result in him being killed, in Akutagawa’s sacrifice being all for nothing. And Atsushi couldn’t have that; not when alerting the Agency would somewhat salvage the mission even when the battle had been lost and the page was still in Fukuchi’s power, not when being unable to help his fighting partner anymore meant honoring what he had done was the only way he had to repay him.
They would meet again, sooner rather than later, to Atsushi’s future relief. But right then, all he could do was run towards the submarine which was meant to be the (their) transport out of the ship, still wearing his… rival? coat and holding onto it like a lifeline.
And it wasn’t until he was inside and on the way to shore when Atsushi allowed himself to fall to his knees and break.
‘Why… why did you do that? Why did you save me?’
(Also on ao3.)
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sgnl---lxst · 4 months
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