#this went off a bit on a ramble but I read your ask and immediately got Many Thoughts about it haha
true-blue-sonic · 1 year
I know I've joked before about the whole "Sonic kidnapping Silver" thing (cause really that will never not get a good laugh out of me whenever I go back to read NB), but at least everyone knows there that that's all jokes and Silver's fine. But what if one day Silver were to be captured for real by something he couldn't evade easily? How long would it take for Espio to start feeling very worried, and how would he feel about the possibility of a threat so strong that even Silver cannot handle it?
I'm glad you like that scene so much; I don't recall how I came up with it, but I myself also find it very funny! Sonic is just a cheeky dude like that, haha. But in a situation where Silver gets overrun and captured for real... yikes. The moment everyone finds out, I can imagine they all immediately begin looking for him, because they are rather worried about what someone would like to do with a psychic hedgehog with knowledge from the future!
As for whom Silver gets kidnapped by... I figure it could be Eggman, managing to get the jump on any friend of Sonic's who happened to come across his current Evil Plotting. Whether it was planned or not, Eggman likely won't pass up the opportunity to kick Sonic where it hurts and get his hands on someone with incredible powers on top! But a scenario I'd honestly find even more interesting is if Silver were to get captured by GUN, actually. After the whole debacle of Sonic and Shadow in SA2 and then Shadow even more in ShTH, I can imagine they'd want to keep a close eye on the superpowered heroes/hedgehogs in the world; both to ensure they do not 'mistake' them for each other again, but also so they know where potential threats could arise (because let's face it, especially Sonic is a wild card that the military might have little appreciation for, despite the fact he is not above helping them). So when a report comes in that someone from the future with psychic powers has taken up residence in a city somewhere, their interest might just be piqued, even if they do not mean him harm overall. Still, the justification of "We're just doing this to ensure nothing bad will befall the world in the future, better safe than sorry tho" is easily used for slightly less unethical things like surrounding Silver by a ton of robots to have a 'friendly' chat with him about things. But of course, if they get the jump on Silver he might panic and lash out, and that might show them he's perhaps more dangerous than they foresaw...
I think Espio would immediately get the odd sense something is amiss. He seems to possess some ESP powers or heightened senses himself: in Sonic Forces he could 'feel Sonic's presence' within the Death Egg, in Sonic Heroes he could detect Team Dark behind him without seeing them, and he states he could look in the heart of the Time Eater where he 'saw only darkness'. Not exactly things normal people can do! So when Silver gets attacked by GUN, fights back, and is therefore captured, Espio immediately knows something is wrong and goes out to search for Silver. Who by that point might already have been knocked out and taken to the GUN base for a full interrogation... Of course, since the Chaotix are ace detectives it won't take them long to figure that out, and a single call towards Sonic will be enough to bail Silver out again. Sonic (with Espio tagging along) absolutely would not be bothered by breaking right into the GUN headquarters and raising absolute Hell with a capital H until his friend has been returned safely! I think it altogether boils down to a misunderstanding that gets talked out relatively easily, since Silver only panicked and lashed out after he got attacked by GUN, but I think Espio would have no issue with making some thinly-veiled threats towards the military that they know they have no right to protest against after everything that happened. Silver is probably shaken up by it all, but more indignant that GUN even dared consider the idea he would willingly bring harm to the world! And Sonic makes very clear that they'd best not pull this off again, lest he does not stick only to raising Hell with a capital H within their headquarters without further collateral damage. GUN lets them go without further issue (they wouldn't be able to win the fight against three ticked-off anthros with a variety of super powers anyway), having gotten the verification that Silver is indeed most likely not that big a danger to society and that Sonic and co are keeping an eye on things (for better or for worse).
Once home again, I figure Espio and Silver have a long talk about everything that happened, with Espio explaining that some people can be frightened by just how powerful Silver is and that the fact he knows Silver would never harm anyone does not mean they believe it as well. Silver might be mournful about that, but he understands. I can imagine Espio is somewhat worried afterwards about letting Silver go out on his own, though Vector and Sonic both point out most people in the city they live in are completely enamoured with Silver and that GUN is an exception to the rule. But Espio does make Silver swear that if he ever were to get in a situation he might not be able to fight himself out of, he bails and comes right back to Es for back-up. Espio trusts that Silver is able to handle himself, and Silver gets the reassurance that he can always come towards Espio when he needs it <3 But altogether it was a whole situation, and everyone is glad it ended in a good way!
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reiding-writing · 2 months
i can totally see Spencer buying tickets for a movie and asking cold!reader to go with him cuz he knows she'd say yes
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spencer takes an opportunity to get closer to you based on nothing more than a passing comment.
spencer reid x cold!reader | fluff | 2.2k | cold!reader masterlist
a/n— this may be a tiny bit of self projection bc i’m trying to pick up my french again (ça ne marche pas)
main masterlist.
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It’s a quiet day in the office. Quieter than usual for a Friday.
Quiet enough in fact, that you actually had time to take the whole hour of lunch that you were technically mandated to have every single day.
Most of it was still spent at your desk, although with a book in your hands instead of a case file. A distraction, maybe, but not a very optimistic one.
It wasn’t long before you had company. Spencer wasn’t really a ‘socialist’ in the physical sense of the word, and once he’d had enough of sitting in the kitchen eye with the group he too had decided to retreat back to the bullpen.
There’s a tinge of curiosity as he spotted you, sat cross-legged in your chair with both elbows leant on your desk and an open book in hand.
“Auschwitz and After?” He had to tilt his head to see the cover, but his ‘question’, his assessment, was confident.
You hum passively, like you’d already known he was coming over despite his quiet footsteps and your eyes trained on the pages. He’s not too surprised, it wasn’t very easy to catch you off guard.
“What drew you to it?” Spencer questioned, his gaze leaving your blank expression as it went back to observing the book in your hands, scanning the words on the pages.
“Practicing my french,”
Simple and to the point, and to your credit it made sense—when Spencer was knee-deep in a book he didn’t want to interrupt that focus either.
“You’ve read it before?” Socialist he may not be, but he wasn’t ready to leave you in your solitude yet.
“In English,” You turn the page with another small hum. “Doesn’t really count,”
Spencer hummed in agreement.
He could go on for hours about why reading a text in its intended language was superior to reading its translation. How much meaning and sub-context is lost in the transition between languages and completely distort the original meaning.
But you didn’t need to hear that. You already knew it.
So he didn’t say anything, instead choosing to focus his gaze on your face for a few more minutes, wondering if he’d be able to read the emotion on your face like he was so used to doing.
There was still nothing though. No facial twitch. No eyebrow raised. Nothing to indicate what you were thinking.
It was almost like your face was carved from marble.
If he thought about it too much he’d probably say your face deserved to be carved into marble, to keep a relic of you perfect and untouched forever.
But that was a bit too much for him to settle with.
Spencer shifted nervously on his feet, trying to think of something else to say to rid of the silence that was leaving him with his own overthinking.
“Hey— uh— There’s this um— If you’re wanting to brush up on your french—”
“Spit it out, Reid,” Your voice isn’t as harsh as it is blunt. You appreciated conciseness, although you’d never cut him out of a tangent unless it was something that was unproductive.
This one definitely was.
“Uh— Right, right,” he stumbled over his words for a moment before finally taking a deep, steadying breath. “There’s this movie coming out in a few weeks— well technically it came out in France back in May but—”
Spencer’s words came out so fast in his rush to just get to the point, that, for a moment, he was worried that you would only understand half of what he was saying.
“Reid,” You hold up your hand towards him as an indication for him to stop, before moving your hand in a single spiral as a non-verbal instruction for him to breathe.
His rambling stopped almost immediately, and if he had the conscience to be embarrassed, he most definitely would be at how readily he follows your order to take a second to calm down.
Especially considering you still hadn’t even turned your eyes up from your reading in the process.
Still, he follows you with no hesitation, and once you signal for him to continue, he starts back up again, slower this time.
“‘L’armée du crime’, uh, ‘The Army of Crime’, it’s only being shown in a few select theatres here in DC, but—”
The words came out slightly more measured this time, although that little hint of the usual rambling was still, very much present.
“It’s in the original French,” he continued after a beat, his previous hesitation slowly disappearing under the knowledge you weren’t put off by him just yet.
“With subtitles, of course— but still, the entire— dialogue is in— is in French.”
He exhales heavily.
“I was thinking of going to see it.”
He paused again, the hesitation creeping back into his voice.
“What’s it about?”
He swears the whole office can hear his sigh of relief.
“Um, it’s a war-movie,” he said after a few, silent moments, pointing lamely towards your book.
“Set during the Second World War, it talks a lot about the French Resistance, and how it’s not only the people who were fighting in the trenches who made it possible for the Allies to win…”
The start of his explanation is seemingly enough to grasp your full attention, echoed by the way you shut your book with no effort to remember your placement and leave it on your desk to look at him instead, eyebrow raised.
That little gesture, the almost unnoticeable quirk of your eyebrow, was all that Spencer needed to know that he didn’t need to summary the entire movie.
You were interested, but you didn’t want to know the entire plot ahead of the time.
He chuckled lightly at that, before biting his lower lip slightly. The next words that came out of him were almost just breaths.
“… Do you want to come with me?”
It’s enough for your eyebrow to raise more noticeably, enough that Spencer wouldn’t have to be standing less than five feet away to notice it.
“Friday night—” It felt like the words were tumbling out of his mouth, like if he didn’t get them out fast enough he’d loose your attention and go back to square one.
But when he actually said the words out loud, he realised how much they sounded like he was asking you out on a date.
He was worried that you would reject him if you thought it was a date.
“…Unless you have other plans?”
There’s a small moment of silence, and Spencer feels like he might vomit from the anticipation.
“Friday’s fine,”
That’s it took for a small, satisfied smile to pull at Spencer’s lips. Those two words, combined with the small nod you throw in his direction, was all the reassurance that he needed to take you at your word.
“Great. That’s uh, that’s— that’s great,” he fumbled over his words, just barely reeling himself in from another ramble of him over-explaining his appreciation for your company.
“Friday’s fine for what?”
He doesn’t really have to worry about that.
Morgan walks over with a mug of coffee in his hand, eyebrow raised in amusement. “A hot date?”
“If you consider watching a french re-enactment of world war two as ‘hot’, then sure,” There isn’t a single ounce of sincerity in your tone, and Morgan glances between the two of you with a barely hidden smile, a chuckle bubbling in his throat.
Spencer, meanwhile, was just staring at Morgan with an indignant expression, silently begging him to not make this into a ‘thing’.
Unfortunately for Spencer though, Morgan was, well, Morgan.
He took one sip of the coffee in his hand, his eyes drifting between the two of you once more.
“French reinactment of the Second World War, huh?” he repeated, his smile turning into a cheeky smirk. “Why am I not surprised?”
There it was, that smirk.
It was the same one he always had on his face when it came to you two.
“It’s- it’s not like that” Spencer mumbled, his tongue quickly flickering out to lick at his suddenly dry lips.
“Sure, it’s not.” Morgan chuckled, enjoying every moment of this as he took another sip of his coffee. “The two of you are just gonna be sitting in a dark room… all alone… together…”
“Watching people get tortured…” You mimic the song-like drawl of Morgan’s voice to throw his ‘joking’ back onto him, rolling your eyes. “So romantic,”
A smirk remained fixed on Morgan’s face as he leaned over your desk until he was looking Spencer directly in the eye.
“I don’t know, you’re both nerds. This sounds like a perfect date to me”, he teased, causing Spencer to scoff in response.
“If that’s your idea of a ‘perfect date’ then I pray for whoever has the unfortunate circumstance of ending up with you,”
“Nah, don’t worry about me, Snowflake,” he chuckled, lifting the mug of coffee to his lips once more. “I’m not the one who’s gonna be sitting in a dark, lonely movie theatre with Doctor Genius here,”
“I don’t need to be ‘prayed for’, Reid is perfectly fine company,” You give Morgan another roll of your eyes, although whether at his comment or his ‘nickname’ Morgan is unsure.
“Sure, sure” he murmured, before pushing himself up off your desk with a smirk. “Enjoy the movie, lovebirds.”
He leaves the bullpen with a blown kiss in your directions, throwing the two of you a wink as he catches up to Garcia walking into the conference room.
You re-open your book once he’s out of sight, letting out a soft groan in lieu of Morgan’s tormenting.
You didn’t really hate it per se , but you’d be lying if you said it didn’t get on your nerves.
Spencer wasn’t unalike in his reaction, a breath of relief leaving his lips once Morgan’s back was turned.
Spencer tried to mentally scoff the thought away, and tried not to blush at the thought either.
He glanced back at you, praying that hopefully you didn’t notice that small, involuntary flush that seemed to be crawling across his cheeks.
He continued to be frozen on the spot, eyes locked on your relaxed expression as you scanned the pages to see if you recognised certain parts of the text.
“Page 212...” His voice came out quiet as he spoke.
“What?” You take a second to divert your attention from the pages, eyebrows furrowed curiously in his direction.
Spencer swallowed, hoping that he at least looked composed despite feeling like the exact opposite.
“You were on page 212,” he explained, a small smile pulling at his lips as he caught your gaze.
“Right,” You don’t question his recollection as you skip to page 212, throwing him a dismissive “Thanks,” once you confirm you’re in the right place.
“You’re welcome,”
Spencer’s voice was quieter once more, not as anxious as before but still quiet. He watched you as you returned your gaze back to the pages of the hardback copy, and he was torn between the urge to just stand there and keep looking at you reading the book, or heading back to his desk to work on one of the many case files that had stacked themselves there.
Deciding that it would probably be a little creepy for him to just stand there watching you read, even if you didn’t seem to particularly mind it, he forced himself to look away.
Just as he turned to head around to his desk, he found himself blurting out something without even realising.
“You look nice today,”
Your eyes flicker back upwards from your book through furrowed eyebrows. “Thanks,”
You hadn’t actually changed anything about your appearance, the outfit you were wearing was practically identical to the one you wore most days, your hair was done the same, you hadn’t even showered that morning.
He quickly realised that he must’ve looked like a complete idiot and, for a moment, was wondering if he could rewind time to not say what he had just said.
“Uh, I mean—” he tried to backpedal, hoping that his awkward rambling could save him from this situation. “Not that you don’t usually look nice! I meant-!”
As he fumbled over his words, he mentally slapped himself. Why couldn’t he just be normal and not blurt out something so stupid at such a random time.
God he hoped this wouldn’t make you change your mind about wanting to spend time with him one on one.
Thankfully, the universe seemed to have a little mercy on him.
“Team, I need you in the conference room.”
So much for a full lunch break.
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sister-lucifer · 2 years
“Can I ride you until I feel better?” 
Demon brothers x Reader (Separately)
You’ve had an awful day, and you ask him if you can ride him until you feel better. How does he react?
Reader is gender neutral 
Content/Warnings: Riding, mentions of cockwarming, pre established relationships
like my writing? I take requests! NSFW or SFW for any fandoms in my bio 
Also, please reblog! it’s free, takes two seconds, and it really helps me out 
When you first sulked into the room, clearly unhappy, he admittedly was a bit annoyed 
But instead of whining to him like his brothers would, you walked over to his desk and crouched beside him, resting your chin on his knee
“Yes, darling?” 
“Lucifer, I had a bad day…” 
“I could pick up on that.” 
“Can I ride you until I feel better?” 
He froze immediately 
At first he thought it was some weird joke, but when you didn’t laugh he realized you were very serious. 
He could feel his face go hot, but he tried to keep himself calm and collected 
He thought for a moment, then sighed, scooting back from his desk just enough to make room for you and patted his lap 
“Alright, my love. But I hope you know I’m not going to be taking a break from my work, which means you’ll have to do the heavy lifting.”
And if you’re okay with that, feel free to ride him for as long as you’d like 
And when you’re done, stay on his lap for a bit longer and keep his cock warm for him 
If you do, he might just reward you when he’s done working 
“What d’ya want, human?!” 
He was certainly not in the mood to be barged in on. He was trying to look through a catalogue, this was very important! 
But when you flopped down onto the bed with a whine, he could tell you felt bad
“Hey, what’s the matter, doll face? Ya look down.” 
“Bad day…” 
“Ah, I see. So you want The Great Mammon’s help, huh?”
He wrapped an arm around you and pulled you in close, allowing you to whisper in his ear
“I wanna ride you ‘til I feel better…”
His eyes went wide, and his brain might’ve shut down for a second 
Soon, his flabbergasted expression is replaced with a sly smirk as he pulls you into his lap. 
“Of course you can, babes! The Great Mammon is always here to help.”
He was playing a video game in his room when you knocked on his door. He was at first annoyed at the disturbance, but when he realized it was you he was ecstatic 
“Hello my player two! I’ve been waiting for you, I…hey, what’s wrong?”
“Had a bad day…” 
“Oh no! C’mere, sit with me! I’ll make you feel better.”
He pat the bed next to him before returning his attention to his game, rambling about the current storyline or side quest he was one 
But he was promptly cut short when you put a hand on his chest 
“Levi, can I ride you until I feel better?”
Levi.EXE has stopped working 
Red in the face, sweating buckets, heartbeat in his ears
“Uh…Haha! That’s a funny joke, player two! Haha..hah…wait, are you serious?!”
“If you don’t want to, Levi—“
“NO! I-I mean—no, I want to!” 
He’ll try to focus on his game at first, but he gives in so easily 
By the end of it his controller will be discarded on the floor while he whines into the crook of your neck 
He was reading a book in his room when you came in 
He immediately sensed something was off, even before you flopped face first down onto his bed with a groan 
”What’s the matter, dear?”
”Today was awful…” 
“Aw, I’m sorry, love. Can I help?” 
You didn’t reply at first as you snuggled up next to him, making him chuckle under his breath. 
“Mm…can I ride you until I feel better?” 
He’s taken aback by the request at first, wondering for a moment if you really said that, but once he processes the words he merely gives you a smile 
“Is that what you need, dear?” He coos as he pulls you in close. 
“Alright then, come on, I’m all yours.” 
He was doing his makeup when you entered his room, and he saw you behind him in the mirror 
“Oh hello, sweetheart! Finally back, I see. Hey, what’s with the face? Frowning will give you wrinkles!” 
He got up to wrap you in a hug, stroking your hair and inquiring about your problem
“I had a bad day…”
“Aww, baby, c’mere.”
He leads you to the bed and is already sitting you on his lap
Just when you go to ask him, he beats you to the punch 
Thats the best thing about dating Asmo; he always knows exactly what you need
“Wanna ride me? It’ll make you feel better.”
Your answer is a resounding yes 
And Asmodeus isn’t stopping until you’ve forgotten all your worries
He was munching on whatever he dug out of the fridge when you came into he and Belphie’s shared room 
Luckily Belphie was out at the time—probably napping in the living room or the attic—which meant you could be alone with your boyfriend 
“Today was terrible, Beel…” 
“Oh, I’m sorry. Wanna bite?” 
It was a poor attempt at comfort, but the fact that he was trying made you smile 
“No thank you, Beel. I want something else…” 
He had just shoved the rest of his snack into his mouth when you climbed on top of him 
“Can I ride you until I feel better?” 
He almost choked 
But when he realized you were serious, he couldn’t refuse 
“If that’s what you want, but…why not let me do the work? It’ll help you relax more, I think.” 
He was roused from his nap when he heard you coming up the attic stairs 
Normally he would sleep through the noise, but for some reason you always managed to wake him 
“Belphie, are you asleep?” You whispered as you creaked the door open 
He was, in fact, not asleep 
“What’s up?” 
“I…had a bad day today…” 
That was all the explanation he needed before he was making room for you to lay beside him
You snuggled in close, letting him wrap his arms around you before you whispered your request in his ear
“Belphie, can I ride you until I feel better?” 
Belphegor loves when you ride him; he doesn’t have to do any work! He’s totally on board 
He’s not doing anything more than he already is besides turning over onto his back though 
Don’t worry, he’ll still get the job done 
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mapiforpresident · 7 months
can we get 11 with aitana bonmati x alexia sister!reader and ale finds out
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Secret Hotel Kisses
Aitana x Putellas!reader,
Warnings: almost smut but not
Summary: You and your girlfriend get caught in a compromising position.
You kept stealing glances at your girlfriend from across the table, trying to be subtle. You were pretending to listen to your sister's rambling about tactics for the upcoming game, giving her a nod or agreement every once in a while. Aitana blushed under your glances from next to Keira, a lot more worried about getting caught than you apparently were as you smirked back at her. You were currently sitting at dinner at the hotel Barcelona was staying at for your away game.
"Are you even listening to me, hermanita?" Alexia asked from next to you, thinking you had drifted off into space again after you didn't answer her question about if you wanted to watch film with her later.
"Of course I was listening. What did you say again?" Alexia sighed as she repeated her question, used to you zoning out.
"Sure, I'll be up to your room at 7. I want to get a quick power nap in, and I promised Pina and Patri I would go to the pool with them first," You replied as you stood up and cleared your dishes. You headed to the elevator, ready to go up to your room when Aitana appeared from around the corner.
“Heading up?” You asked her with a smirk. She just nodded in reply. You loved the way you could make her blush or be shy just with a smirk. As soon as you both stepped into the elevator, you leaned down to kiss her. Aitana immediately kissed you back, having missed the feeling of your lips on hers the entire day. As quickly as the kiss started, it ended as the doors to the elevator opened. The two of you then headed to your shared room. Alexia assigned the two of you as roommates, believing you were just best friends. She would never let you two room together if she knew you were in a relationship, one of the many reasons you did not want to tell her.
"When are you headed to the pool, bebé?" Aitana asked after you had stepped into the room and closed the door. She was already getting comfy in bed, ready to read her book for a little bit.
"In a couple of minutes, I just have to put on my bikini," you replied as you went to get one out of your suitcase.
"Which one are you going to wear?" she asked, watching you rummaging through your suitcase.
"I think I'll wear the red one since I know it's your favorite." She blushed heavily, thinking about all the times you have caught her staring at you in your red swimsuit that covered very little skin.
At 6:45, you walked back into your room, hair wet from the pool, to see Aitana still reading her book in bed.
"Hola bebé, is your book good? You read a lot while I was gone."
"Yes, I'm just getting to the good part. I think I might finish it tonight. Keira finished it yesterday and lent it to me, so I'm excited to talk with her about it tomorrow," she replied while marking her page and setting it on the table next to the bed. As soon as she set the book down, you jumped on top of her as she squealed.
"Get off, get off, you're getting me all wet, and your hair is freezing, bebé." You sunk down further into her warm body as she said this, wrapping your arms tightly around her so she couldn't push you off. Once you did this, she gave up on trying to get you to move, knowing that her efforts would not work. She hugged you back, glancing at you to see you staring at her with a loving expression on your face.
"What is it, mi amor?" She asked as she kissed your cheek.
"Nothing, I just love you, and I am so happy you are my girlfriend." She blushed again at your words, always being affected by you. You continued to stare into each other's eyes with wide smiles on both of your faces. After a minute or two, you couldn't resist her lips any longer, and you leaned down to kiss her slowly, putting all your love for her into the kiss.
You continued to kiss her slowly for a couple of minutes before she swiped your bottom lip with her tongue, which you immediately let enter. She also then untied your bikini top, pulling it off your body and flinging it somewhere across the room. You then quickly pulled her top off before starting to kiss down her neck, still going relatively slow, wanting to savor the moment with your lover.
You both were so lost in the kiss; you didn't even hear the first knock on the door or the second one thirty seconds later, a little louder. At this point, you had kissed further down Aitana, currently leaving small kisses right above the waistband of her shorts you were about to pull down.
That was right then Alexia walked through the door using the key card she had for all the rooms. "You better not still be taking your nap, I was waiting for fifteen minutes..." She was talking as she walked into the room but immediately froze in place at what she saw, immediately covering her eyes and shouting, "Aitana Bonmatí, that better not be my sister you are corrupting." Your head immediately shot up at the shout, not having seen or heard anyone entering your room until that moment. You immediately grabbed the sheet covering both you and your girlfriend. Aitana hid behind you, not wanting to face the wrath of her captain, but especially not wanting her girlfriend's sister to hate her.
"Oh my god, I completely forgot about our film session."
"Well, that's obvious," Alexia replied back sarcastically as she still had her eyes covered. "Both of you get dressed, please. I will be back in five minutes; we are going to have a talk." She then walked out the door shaking her head to herself, knowing she was going to be scared for life after what she just saw her baby sister doing.
You and Aitana got dressed in silence and quietly sat on the end of the bed, both nervous for whatever Alexia was going to say to you both. Exactly five minutes later, you heard a knock on the door, shouting for her to come in, knowing she was not going to abruptly walk in again. As she stepped through the door, both your and Aitana's faces sank. Alexia had a frown on her face and was staring back and forth at the two of you as she pulled out the desk chair and sat across from you, not saying a word the entire time.
After another minute of no one saying anything and Alexia glaring, particularly at Aitana, a wide smile broke out on her face. You and Aitana glanced at each other, now both extremely confused as to what was happening.
"I approve," Alexia said, still grinning.
"What?" You replied, since Aitana still had no idea what to say.
"I approve. I know Aitana will treat you well. She is someone I trust, and you know I trust you and your judgement. I am a little hurt that you didn't tell me, but I am glad that you found a good one, even if she is still corrupting my baby sister."
"If it makes you feel any better, I didn't tell Alba either. And thank you, Ale, it means a lot to me that you support us and are happy." You replied as you got up to hug your sister, honestly relieved at how this whole thing was going.
"That does not make me feel better; we both know Alba can't keep a secret to save her life anyway," Alexia replied as she moved to hug Aitana. "And you, Aitana, better treat her right, or you will run laps until your legs fall off, and you can't play football again. But I am happy you found someone as good as my sister. I love you both, and you both deserve all the happiness in the world."
"Olga is making you a lot softer, hermana. Ooo, we should go on a double date sometime," You said to your sister as Aitana said, "Thank you a lot, Ale, and I promise I will treat her perfectly like she deserves. She makes me very happy."
"Now let's watch some film," she said as she dragged you both to her room, not wanting to be in your room any longer than she had to, not wanting to remember what she walked in on.
As she let you both into her room, you and Aitana both stopped in your tracks, causing Alexia to run into you. Looking up to see why you stopped, she whined out, "ay dios mío," as Mapi's head shot up from where she had been kissing Ingrid's neck with her hand down her girlfriend's shorts.
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sweethearts4you · 8 months
sick cuddles | l. Williamson x teen!reader
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(just pretend youre the dog haha)
summary: you go to training sick, leah takes care of you
(i'm not that good at summaries)
a/n: hi guys!! this is my very first time writing any form of story outside of school, so some feedback and constructive criticism is appreciated! also keep in mind that i don't know anything about pro footballers schedules, so i'm just guessing. english isn't my first language so please keep that in mind <3
1064 words
After snoozing your alarm for the seventh time you finally decided to wake up. It felt like you had woken up from the dead, you had the most dreadful headache ever and your throat was so sore, it felt like there was a literal porcupine inside your throat. You tiredly reached for your phone to check the time, and it read 09.52 “OH SHIT, I'M LATE, LEAH’S GOING TO KILL ME!” you exclaimed, which you quickly regretted once you burst out into a coughing fit.
When you first joined Arsenal at 16 years old, it was Leah who first took you under her wing. She let you live with her until you found an apartment you could move into, despite her protests of you being too young to live alone you decided to move. The first four months of you living there Leah always came over to check on you, she would have kept doing it if you hadn't complained about it all the time. She agreed to stop coming over, only if you would call her immediately if something happened.
You quickly dressed yourself and made some toast, and ran out the door. It was 10.14 when you finally got to the arsenal training centre. Luckily for you the girls didn't notice you coming in, since they were busy cleaning up breakfast. “Hey y/n! Where have you been? I didn’t see you coming in earlier” Beth asked you once she saw you. “Oh, i was just… sitting over there” you say awkwardly as you waved your hand to a random area. “Weird, anyways..” she said as she started rambling on about Myle and how cute she is. You were honestly not paying attention and just throwing in a random mhm and awe once in a while. You felt someone looking at you, so you looked around a bit, until you saw Leah looking intensely at you as if she was trying to figure something out. 
Leah felt like something was a little off with you, your voice was a little hoarse and you looked a little pale. She made a mental note to keep an eye on you throughout training. Beth was still rambling on about Myle and showing you pictures of her, until Leah came and interrupted “Y/N come on you’re going to be late”,  “Okayy” you sighed. 
You were walking to the pitch with Leah until you abruptly stopped as a wave of dizziness came over you, “Hey, are you alright? What happened? She asked as she put her arm around to steady you. “Yeah, I just suddenly got a little dizzy, but it's alright” you responded. Leah brushed it off, knowing you wouldn't tell her anyways.
You were trying to dribble the ball past Katie, until Katie went in for a tackle, which was 100% clean, but since you were sick and a little unstable you fell over onto the grass, face down. “Ey, mate you good?” Katie asked you, “Yea.. just give me second” you groaned. “Hey! What's going on?” You heard Leah yell. “I don’t know!” Katie said defensively. You heard Leah running over, and when she got to you, you felt her bend over and put a hand on your back, “Hey kid, what's wrong? Where does it hurt?” she asked softly, “My head” you whispered in a barely audible voice. “Okay” she said worriedly, she put her hand on your head, “Jesus christ, you're burning up!” she said, sounding quite distressed. She lifted you up from the ground, “Alright good girl, let’s get you inside. Okay?” Leah said softly, as she was basically carrying you, as you were barely able to stand on your own. “Okay” you mumbled, not really paying attention to what she was saying because of how much your head was pounding.
“She has a high fever, and is quite dehydrated. She can't train for the rest of the week and she needs lots of rest and make sure she drinks enough water..” the doctor said. “Alright, you hear that bub. Lots of rest and water” she said, while rubbing your back.
By the time you were done at the doctor, training was over. “Y/n/n training is over so i'm going to drive us to mine, okay?” Leah said. “Yeah, okay..” you said tiredly. You were in the backseat while Leah was driving. Every once in a while Leah glanced back to see how you were doing, when she looked back at you she smiled fondly at the sight of you sound asleep leaning against the window. When you made it home you were still asleep so Leah carried you inside deciding that you needed the rest. When you made it inside Leah put you softly down onto the couch, so she could keep an eye on you while she made food.
“Hey sweets wake up, I made your favourite pasta.” she whispered softly, while rubbing your back. “Mmm okay” you mumbled half asleep. After you and Leah finished eating, she took the plates and started washing them. “Thanks for the Le, it actually tasted good” you joked in your hoarse voice, “Ha ha” she said sarcastically, just as you were about to laugh you burst out into a coughing fit. Leah turned around alarmed, “Hey, hey, it's okay” she said comfortingly while she rubbed your back. Once you had settled down, she went to get something. When she came back you saw her carrying a cup of tea, “Here, it's tea for your throat”, “Thanks Leah” you mumbled.
Once you had finished your tea, you yawned and rubbed your eyes, “Let's get you to bed, alright?” Leah said, in which you just hummed in reply. You walked into the bedroom and changed into the clothes Leah lent to you, which was an old Arsenal hoodie and a pair of pyjama shorts. “Le, snuggles please?” you asked shyly when you were done changing, “Alright bub, i'm just going to change then i'll be back” she said chuckling. When she was done changing you both laid down in bed, with you laying against Leah with your head in her crook of her shoulder, and Leah hugging you while tracing aimlessly around your back. Just like you guys used to do after you had a nightmare and came into her room, when you lived together. 
Shortly after you were sound asleep in her arms.
hope you guys enjoyed! a comment or some feedback would be greatly appreciated <3
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reiderwriter · 1 year
♦️There Are No Words Left to Speak ♦️
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Chapter 5 of That's What You Get
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Pairing: Spencer Reid X Fem Reader
Summary: In a panic, you spill your guts to Penelope and receive some much needed advice before your "date" with Reid.
Warnings: None!!
A/N: This one is 4k words long because I absolutely could not help myself 😭 I've has a lot of messages and asks about this series lately, and it's been really encouraging to see! If you like this chapter, please comment or reblog and let me know or come chat with me in my inbox! Happy Reading!!
You can find my masterlist here and the series masterlist here.
"Penelope, I fucked up and I need your advice," you screamed into the room as soon as the door slammed open, startling the other woman as she threw her phone up in surprise. 
"Jesus, Y/N, you're lucky I didn't reach for the all too full can of pepper spray I store in here, oh my god."
"I'm sorry, Pen, I'm just, I'm kinda freaking out, and I need your help."
"Are we going to need wine, or are we going to need ice cream and a chick flick? What kind of problem are we talking here?" she asked from her place at the desk. 
"I married Spencer in Vegas." You said and then clamped your hand over your mouth as you finally let the pressure of the weekends mess seep out of you now that you'd shared your secret. 
"Oh my god, both, we'll do both. We need both, let's go, let's go now."
Penelope drove the two of you home, immediately moving into a mothering role as soon as the words left your mouth, and she could see your impending implosion. You were grateful that she didn’t ask you any further questions as you made your way back to her apartment, just turning on the radio to a channel playing 90s pop hits and simply letting you calm down through the fun music. 
When you finally got through her door, she let you get comfortable and then immediately came back with all the things she promised. 
“Okay, I know you’re more a rose girl, but all I have is this really nice white that Derek got me for my last birthday and half a bottle of tequila, and I think it’s better for the both of us if we don’t open the tequila. Also, I have chocolate, cookie dough ice cream, and tissues, and When Harry Met Sally on DVD, I'm ready to be plugged in and played as soon as you say the word.” 
“Penelope, we do not tell you how brilliant you are as often as we should.” 
“While that is true, I’m trying my best not to immediately cave and ask you to spill, so can we please sing my praises after you explain what you mean by saying you married Spencer.” 
“God, Penelope, I don’t know what happened,” you let your head hang in your hands and she immediately moved to sit closer to you, rubbing a hand over your back and getting the tissues ready. 
“We went out drinking, and my mom got in my head earlier in that call I took, and I don’t remember anything and then I woke up and we were in bed together and-” you rambled out, lifting your head up as you tried to explain, but she cut you off quickly there.
“You were in bed together? Did you… you know, bump uglies with Spencer? Do the old in n’ out? Sorry, I’m making this worse, I’ll shut up now,” she said, but you laughed at her enthusiasm, and you felt more of the weekend’s tension leave your body. You knew that you had made the right decision coming to Penelope with this. She always knew how to make you feel better. 
“I don’t know, but it looks like it. TMI but-”
“Hold on, I don’t think I want to know what the Good Doctor is like in bed.” She visibly shuddered, and you let out another shaky laugh. 
“Well considering I remember none of it, you’d be hard pressed to get those details from me. I did wake up handcuffed to the bed, though.” 
“Shut the front door, no you did not!” Penelope’s jaw dropped. “Oh god, I’m almost morbidly curious, but I don’t want to open that can of worms. Sorry, please continue.” 
You took a swig of the wine she poured you and relaxed a bit further into her couch, pulling your legs up under you to find a more comfortable position as you told the rest of your story to Penelope, gaining more confidence with each of her reactions to what you told her. 
“So, now we just need to track down our two witnesses and get the marriage quietly annulled, and we can forget it ever happened.” You could hear the frown in your voice before you realised you were making that kind of expression, and from Penelope’s reaction, you could see that she’d noticed too. 
“Oh.. oh, I know that look. You don’t want the annulment, do you?” 
“Yes! I mean, no! Look, I really don’t know how to answer that right now, it’s just…” you trailed off, and Penelope silently filled your wine glass again, not saying anything and letting you come around at your own pace. 
“Earlier today, after we told Rossi, and before I came running to you, he… he kissed my forehead, and he called me Mrs. Reid, and I really liked it. And I didn’t think about it before, but Reid is nice, and he is good, and he is obviously really smart, and, god  he’d be a great dad, and he took care of me yesterday and today… Penelope, I think I have a crush on my husband.” You gasped out, feeling the weight of your revelation as it hit you straight in the gut. 
“But we talked about it and we’re getting an annulment and now it’s like I fucked up before I really got the chance to let it go anywhere, and what if it’s a mistake? What if I made the world’s greatest fuck up and married a great man in Vegas and then threw it all away a week later?” you raked your hand through your hair quickly, trying to ignore the tears forming quickly in your eyes. 
“Oh my god, sweetie, it’s going to be okay… You’re going to have to trust me when I tell you that it’s going to be okay…” she patted you on the back and you let the tears fall down a bit, quickly dabbing them away with the now balled up tissue in your hand. 
“I don’t know if I can, Pen…” you tried to smile up at her, but you could feel your lips wobbling and you let your head hang again before you could let out a choked sob. 
“No, nonononoonono, listen to me… Okay, promise you won’t hate me after I say this?” She said, squishing your cheeks between her hands as she made you look up into her eyes. 
“I pwomise,” you sniffed out, voice muffled by her strong grip. She let you go then, content that she had your attention. 
“I know for a fact that the boy is as infatuated with you as you are with him because… because I saw you two.” She stopped there to watch your reaction, but you froze, so she continued.
“You… you called me from wherever you guys were out in Vegas, mumbled some words over the phone and then sent me a picture of a brochure with an address on it, and then when I turned up it was a wedding chapel and you were getting married.” She winced out those last words, and you gasped at the confession. 
“You were one of the witnesses! Penelope!” You pointed an accusatory finger at her, but it was half-hearted. You knew that you were stubborn enough while sober. You certainly wouldn’t have been persuaded out of something you obviously wanted while blackout drunk. 
“I know, I know, I’m sorry, but you guys were just too cute! He was giving you all these small kisses on your forehead and on your cheeks, and you looked like innocent kids giddy and high on love, and I didn’t want to bring you back down to earth. You looked so happy, and I do not make it a habit to get in the way of my friends’ happiness.” 
“Penelope, why didn’t you say anything?” You groan out, sounding a bit like a petulant teenager who has just discovered her mom threw out a shirt she hadn’t worn in years. 
“I wanted to, but I was told not to…” she winced away. “And before you ask, I won’t tell you who else was there! Just know it was someone else who also loves both of you and would’ve pulled you two out of there. No questions asked if they thought you were making a stupid decision!” 
You let the revelations sink in, one by one. Penelope was there. Reid couldn’t keep his lips off of you. The other witness thought you two were good together. It almost didn’t surprise you when you started giggling, finding humour in the situation at least. 
“Oh my god, Penelope, I got married in Vegas to my coworker. And I think I’m in love with him now.” You were in a fit of giggles now, and Penelope hesitantly joined in at first. 
“Yeah, I suppose it is funny when you put it that way.” 
“God, what am I going to do? How am I going to face him from now on?” You pulled yourself together again and faced Penelope again, hoping that she would have actual answers for your very rhetorical question. 
“Well, at least we have a couple of days off now. You don’t have to see him again until we go to work.” 
“No, we have a date tomorrow,” you said matter-of-factly. “Appointment, really, he’s reading some books on alcohol induced memory loss tonight, and then I’m going over to his place to see if any of it can help us fill in the blanks.” 
“Oh god, you’re going to talk books with Reid. That’s practically as romantic as it gets for him. No wonder he wifed you up.” You playfully kicked her leg, and she laughed again. “Okay, so no avoidance, okay. Maybe you could put the moves on him? Try to recreate that scene with the handcuffs. Who knows what might happen.” She wiggled her eyebrows at you then, and you did your best not to once again be overcome by a fit of giggles.
“Okay, enough of my romantic problems. I was promised When Harry Met Sally and that ice cream has probably melted, so let’s get to it.” 
You braced yourself at the apartment door as you psyched yourself up to knock. As promised, you’d been greeted in the morning by a text from Spencer with his address and a proposed time to meet. He’d suggested 5pm, and you’d agreed, but here you were 20 minutes early, probably looking overdressed and over eager to spend time with your coworker/ husband/ soon to be former husband, maybe. 
You’d left Penelope’s apartment that morning, having had an impromptu sleepover, happy that you’d at least confirmed your own feelings. You’d taken a taxi to collect your car, then spent the rest of your time at home overthinking and overpreparing. 
You’d put on a dress and some make-up, and you were almost regretting the decision now you were on his doorstep, wondering what he’d think. You worked one of the toughest jobs in the world together, and you knew that he’d seen you completely black and blue after going blow for blow with unsubs in the past. Would he think this sudden effort was weird? You tried not to pace, knowing that your footsteps in the hall would alert him to your presence, but you couldn’t bring yourself to knock just yet. 
You checked your phone again. 4:45. You couldn’t spend another fifteen minutes out here overthinking, so you finally just pushed ahead and knocked. Almost as if he had been waiting on the other side of the door this entire time, Reid answered immediately, not even letting you get a third rap in before he was there standing in front of you. 
“Hi,” you said, standing there awkwardly with your hand still up, ready to knock again. 
“Hey,” he replied, smiling at you. 
You felt his eyes trail down your body, taking in your appearance. The dress you’d chosen wasn’t particularly special, just a mid-length tiered dress with bow straps. The weather was getting chillier so you’d layered it over a plain turtleneck, enjoying the added bonus of not having to conceal down your neck to mask the love bites he’d lavished upon you only a few nights prior. 
You looked at him as well, and you were pleasantly surprised by his casual wear. He was more dressed down than he was in the office, but not by much. He was still wearing slacks, and a button down shirt as well, but he’d thrown a beaten up CalTech sweater over the top of them, and he looked so cosy you wanted to bury your head in his chest. He was wearing his glasses, and you were so thankful for that, as you forgot how well they suited him, fitting him perfectly. 
“You’re early.” He said, finally breaking the silence between the two of you, drawing you out of the trance he’d kept you in while you took in the sight of him. 
“Yeah, I guess I just overestimated how long it was going to take to get here. Is that okay?” 
“Yeah, yeah, it’s great, totally fine. Come in.” He moved his body to the side slightly so you could enter the door, but kept his outer arm pressed against the door so you had to duck under it, brushing past him as you went. The small contact made your entire body buzz, your heartrate picking up as you willed yourself to act natural. 
“The food should be here any minute.” He smiled as he followed you back into his apartment. “I wanted it to arrive before you got here so I could surprise you.” You turned around to face him, and you could hear the bashfulness in his voice as he made the admission. 
“Sorry for ruining the surprise,” you smiled up at him. “What did you order?” 
“I remembered you mentioned that Korean streetfood place a while back that does those spicy rice cakes and kimbap rolls, so I got us some of that. Is that okay?” 
“Sounds perfect.” You were touched that he even remembered the conversation when you yourself couldn’t even think of when it might have happened. He turned and walked further into the apartment, and you followed him this time, finally looking around and taking it all in. 
The walls were obviously lined with bookshelves, and there were books laying around in piles everywhere. The walls were painted a dark colour, which made the space feel calming, almost more intimate, and sunlight was streaming in from the open window on the back wall. 
“Sorry, it’s not much. Take a seat wherever, and I’ll grab those books I was talking about.” 
You took a seat on the couch and watched him trail around the room, picking up books from several shelves and stacks. 
“Okay, this is all of them. So the main takeaway is that it usually takes two weeks to fully recover memories from alcohol induced blackouts.” He explained, bringing you a stack at least eight books high. 
“Spencer, did you read all of these last night?” You asked. 
“Yeah, I said I would, I thought it would help.” 
“Spencer,” you took his hand into yours as he set the books on the floor and flopped down to the couch beside you. “I really appreciate you putting in all this effort to help us, but you could’ve just come home and relaxed, you know. Our case was long and tough, and now all of this, you deserve a break.” You stroked your thumb over the back of his hand, trying to make the gesture calm and reassuring. 
“I know, I wanted to do this. I want to remember what happened between us,” he whispered the words softly, not needing to fill the space with much sound as you’d crept closer and closer together since he’d returned. 
“So, uh, two weeks then, is that it, we just have to wait for the memories to return?” you asked quietly, letting go of the small moment you’d shared to get back to the task at hand. 
“It seemed so, but there are some other more general tips we could implement that could help us piece together what happened. We might at least be able to figure out who our witnesses were.” 
You felt almost guilty then, but you kept your mouth shut. You’d decided the night before that you wouldn’t tell Reid about Penelope. At least not yet. You wanted the time first to see if he could possibly feel the same way about you before you worked up the courage to let him in on what you had learnt. 
“Yeah, I’m open to try anything. Within reason, that is.” 
“Great! I was thinking at first that maybe we could do a cognitive interview, but as we only have each other to work with, I thought that might make some of our answers more biased and not garner effective results. But we could still try to jog our memories by working out some of the same emotions, doing some things we could have done that night, and seeing if any of it rings a bell?” 
“Some of the things we did that night?” 
“Yeah,” he repled. 
“Like… like make out or get handcuffed to a bed?” You enjoyed watching the flush creep up his neck, and his eyes go wide as he struggled to backtrack on that one. 
“No, no! I mean, unless you want to, or you think it would help?” It was your turn to be left speechless, your mouth suddenly not complying with your brain as you begged yourself to respond somehow. All you could muster was a glance down at his lips that lingered a bit too long, your body slowly creeping forward. 
He noticed and moved closer towards you as well, letting his hand grasp your waist as you got caught in his atmosphere. 
“It’s worth a try, right? To regain our memories.” He supplied you with the words, letting you stay silent as your lips grew closer and closer together, seconds away from taking your breath away forever. 
A loud rap at the door and a shout of “delivery” had the two of you suddenly bouncing away from each other, Reid scrambling to the door to collect the food, while you stood up awkwardly and tried to pretend there was something really interesting on his bookshelf that had caught your attention all of a sudden. 
For the Nth time in so many days, you found yourself trying to convince your heart to beat a little quieter, and you managed to get yourself under control as he returned with the food.
“I’m sorry, I lost track of time…” he trailed off as you nodded, joining him back at the couch as he began unpacking the food. 
“It’s totally fine, we should eat anyways, trust me when I say this stuff doesn’t taste even half as good cold.” You smiled at him, but it didn’t go quite to your eyes. You really wanted to kiss him, and you were really doing your best to control your disappointment, not wanting to show off how desperate for him you were. 
“Well, you’re in luck, because you now get to witness one of my only flaws,” he said, fishing out two sets of chopsticks from the delivery bag. “I am absolutely terrible with chopsticks.” 
You giggled at him and grabbed the pair he offered you, letting out a dramatic fake gasp. “And you only tell me after we get married? That’s it, I want a divorce,” you laugh, and the two of you settle down into a comfortable silence as you begin your meal. 
Two hours later, and you’re still no closer to locking lips with the man than you were earlier. You’d had a nice time talking with him over the food, both of you sitting like kids on the floor as you ate over his coffee table. He’d told you about a Korean film festival he’d attended a few years back, one of many international film festivals he’d been to, and you sat and listened, in awe of the way his eyes lit up when he talked about something that excited him. You hoped that one day, he’d talk about you in that same way. 
You helped him clean up and settled back onto the couch, where he’d mentioned having a copy of one of the films that had since been subtitled, and you ended up in another movie marathon.
The movie was good, but his presence next to you was even better. He’d stretched out his arms on the couch behind you, letting you snuggle up into his side as you pulled your legs up and under you, screwing yourself up in a comfortable little ball, burrowing into him for warmth. He was a fire beside you, and you wished you were bold enough to push further into him, to drag your hands across his skin and feel even more of him, continuing the exploration from earlier. But you weren’t, and, honestly, you were tired, so you let yourself sit peacefully beside him, touching but not much, as you were lulled to sleep by the sounds of the TV. 
It was pitch black outside when you finally cracked your eyes open again, but he was still there next to you on the couch. The movie had been turned off, and so had the TV, and there was a blanket now wrapped around your legs, so he had obviously moved, but he had also come back to you. You shifted your head up to look at him and smiled. He’d picked up another book from who knows what shelf and was reading slowly so as not to wake you with the movements of his hand as he traced down the page. Your head had moved from his chest to his lap, and he held the book off to the side in one hand, his other resting protectively over your waist. He was so engrossed by his book that he hadn’t even realised you’d moved and that you were awake until you spoke to him. 
“Spencer? What time is it?” you asked, your voice thick with sleep. 
“It’s 11:30. You fell asleep during the movie and you looked like you could use the sleep.” 
“Wow, what a way to tell a girl she doesn’t look so good,” you laughed at him as he pouted down at you. 
“I didn’t mean that. Y/N, you look beautiful today. You look beautiful everyday.” 
You lifted yourself up from his lap, one hand braced on either side of his legs on the couch as you bought yourself eye-to-eye with him, your chests close enough to touch if you took a big breath in. Instead, yours were shallow as you looked up at him through heavy eyes. 
“Thank you, Spencer.” You whispered, silently begging him to close the space between the two of you. But he didn’t, instead, clearing his throat and putting his book down, breaking your eye contact. 
“I should be getting home now. It’s pretty late.” You said, standing up from the couch. He followed you up and around as you started collecting your things and organising the space you’d occupied. 
“Y/N it’s late, and you’re tired. I can’t let you drive home like that. An estimated 30% of road accidents occur due to sleep deficiency, you know.” 
“It’s fine, I don’t want to get a taxi and just leave my car here and then have to come back in the morning. I’ll be fine driving,” you said, but he softly took the keys out of your hands as you grabbed them from your bag. 
“Stay here tonight.” He said, less of a suggestion than an already established fact. You looked up at him and knew there was no changing his mind, but he continued anyway. 
“I have a spare toothbrush and some old clothes you can probably use as pajamas, and it’s not like we haven’t shared a bed before. Maybe…maybe waking up next to each other again will help jog our memories, too. We only have until the end of the week, right?” 
He looked at you expectantly, and you let out a little sigh and nodded your head, letting him guide you away to the bedroom and back into sleeping in his arms. 
🏷 @w-windy @multifandom-on-the-side @reidandhotchsgirl @babybluecakes @hugyourlungs @prentissesredtanktop @reidscaffeine @bethanyhaas01 @average-sunflower @academiareid @sailortongue @daddy-dotcom @anniewhalelover @abbyshmaby @isabel-ffl-xoxo @sujan39 @frxcless @bluestuesday @busy-buzzing @breadbrobin @maxinehufflepuffprincess @l0v3cam @booksandwonderlands @myescapefromthislife @ferrjulie @scoobydoopoo @aelinismyqueen @littlesingingbean @jamiemuscatosslut @xohoneybun @anchovy89freya @dysphoricsanity @ghostheartbeat @rebloggiest-reblogger @wishyoudaskme @imawhoreforu @academiacoffeelover @softservepunk @andiebeaword @r-3dlips @wakaladjarin @ratbastardchild @mcira @danika1994 @stargurl99 @whovianwholikesgirls @its-not-too-late-for-coffee @doriantomybasil @shqwqrma @shits8gigs
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pinky-promis3s · 1 year
Letting You Draw On Them
Imagine: you have a sharpie, they have skin, its free real estate
Includes: Colby and Sam
Colby Brock
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You knew how much Colby adored his tattoos, he had a story to each one and a meaning that he could ramble on for hours. It was hard to lie that you didn't love his tattoos either, frequently you had found yourself trace the ink with your finger and just mesmerizing the design and details. It especially happened in the morning when you would be tucked to his side, your head pressed against his chest and a palm gently over his heart lock tattoo. When you would finally wake up, that was how you would wake him up just by tracing his tattoos and admiring each one till he eventually work up; tickled from your grazing touch.
When the words left your mouth, you expected an immediate no but in your surprise, he just gave you a spare sharpie marker he had and his hand. He seemed to be too focused in his conversation with Sam and Jake to really care what you were doing to his skin or what you were putting on it. Of course, you weren't an ass. You weren't just gonna draw a penis and call it a day, no you wanted to make something nice on his skin, something he could be proud of and go 'hey my partner did this' so you did.
When he finally looked at your little drawing on the back of his hand, he smiled at it and kissed the side of your head, "you're so talented baby, thank you."
These little drawing sessions had continued, every now and again when he would just be sitting there and not doing anything too important, you would pounce with the sharpie. Or if the drawing had started to fade, he would offer up his hand after a shower and ask you to redraw it, wanting to wear your artwork for a little longer than the universe would allow.
Sam Golbach
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Sam never thought he would ever have a tattoo, it was one of those things he would admire from a far but would never do to his own skin. Months of dating and you had never told Sam about your passion for drawing, it was one of those little things you did when you were bored and you were never bored around Sam. But one night he had been editing while you were sitting on the bed across from Sam's desk, he had been in his editing zone and you found herself finding a pen on the bedside table of his bed. Without paper around, you leaned against the wall against Sam's bed and start to draw on your exposed skin, every now and again looking up to Sam who had his eyes glued to the screen.
You had lost yourself in a zone and soon found your entire forearm covered in your little drawings. When Sam had finished his editing and took off his headphones, he eyed you doodling on your skin and laid down on the bed, propping himself up on his elbow and watching you draw.
"Would you do those little drawings on me?" when you had asked Sam to repeat, not quite believing what you had heard, he had repeated with a soft smile, "I just think you're really good and I'd like to have your work on my skin." You watched Sam roll up his sleeve and offer you his arm and a giddy little joy went over you.
You practically bounced on your knees and soon had a matching doodled up arm with your boyfriend. After that day, Sam soon had asked to see all your drawings and you were happy to show him no matter what, especially when soon after the showing of your art, you found Sam asking for your drawings more and more. He loved when people would point it out in parties just so he could get a little bit more to brag about to people about how awesome you are
Thanks for reading, please reblog to show your support for my work and maybe comment to make me happy :)
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soulaires · 10 months
aaron warner family headcanons
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The Warner Family.
pairings: dad!aaron warner x mom!reader
summary: get to know more about the warner family!
warnings: fluff, domestic, ooc, domestic shenanigans, protective aaron warner …
🪩:: voicemail ; read my other aaron warner fics here.
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Aaron found out about it when he heard some crying in the bathroom at the middle of the night, noticing your lack of presence beside him, he got worried and walk towards the bathroom.
There, he saw you, in front of a mirror having a breakdown.
He approached you and asked whats wrong.
“love?” he said softly, as he hugged you from behind and caressed your hair, “My love, whats wrong?” he asked you worriedly.
“aaron..” you trailed off as you continue to sob. He hugged you tightly and kissed your forehead , pulling away as he make you look at him, “what is it, angel? You can tell me.” he urged you.
“I’m pregnant.” you blurt out.
With the lack of reply, you panicked.
“I missed my period recently and I feel kinda shit lately so me juliette and nazeera bought an pregnancy test earlier and I tested all 7 of them and they are all positive, I don’t—”
As you were rambling, he quickly hugged you tightly and lifting you up to the ground as he span you around. You laugh softly at this gesture as he peppered kisses to your face and hair while he whispered sweet nothings.
“Its okay. We will be okay. Don’t worry. We got this, yeah? I love you. Thank you. Thank you, I love you so much, My love.”
at the first stage he got nervous about being a dad and have some self doubt but later got over it as he saw you patying your belly despite it still not visible.
he got more protective over you and never ever let you do things.
you guys told your friends by a guess the word game. They all cried.
He bought a book about being a dad and take notes on pregnancy books to help you out.
Baby proofs the every part of the house immediately.
He went to every appointment with you
He never ever made you feel guilty for your cravings.
Oh you want a food from a store hours away? Just wait.
A hellspawn food combination that you want? He will eat it with you.
Massage? Done.
A food from a different country? He ordered his men to get it ASAP.
Want some sweets especially made by your husband even though you have never tasted his baking? He learned how to bake immediately!
You guys did an gender reveal in the most fun way.
You did it as both kenji and juliette worn a baby costume with 'boy' written in the blue bib for juliette while 'girl' in a pink bib for kenji
They both FIGHT to determine who wins to know the gender
They even go overboard as they jumped into the swimming pool racing each other to the finish line
Kenji won.
So, its a girl!
You guys decorated her room immediately
You did ALOOOTTTT of shopping!!!!!
Your husband just spoils you rotten as you keep buying cute toys, plushies, and pretty cute clothes!!!
“my love, don't you think its a bit too much?” “I am sure the little princess do not need that much clothes, honey.”
he gave up as soon as he saw some cute baby clothes + a matching one.
When you guys did a baby shower its so emotional like omg you guys are gonna be parents!
You and Aaron planted a tree so it grows with baby dior!
teenager!dior safe place is the tree, she goes there to lay down, read and to relax when stresses!
Your friends wrote letters for dior to read when she reached the age 7, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21 and 22!
You and aaron made her a gmail account as you guys constantly wrote her some letters and random things there for her to read in the future
When you went into the labor he desperately wished to take away your pain and was crying with you. He comforted you as he cares your hair and gives you kisses.
“shh, its okay, baby. Im here. Im not going anywhere. ”
“you got this, my love. You are doing so well.”
“Aaron! I can't do this—”
“yes, yes you can, darling.”
He really can't bare to see you in so much pain even though he had seen so much worse
He was very gentle and was crying when he held your baby girl in his hands. His princess, his girls, his universe.
After the labour, you were barely allowed to do things in the house, he only let you rest while he take cares with everything.
You guys had an 3 months lockdown, not allowing anyone to visit the baby
Always keeping an eye for baby monitors
You and him do an rock, paper scissors when it comes to changing baby Dior diapers (he lets you win, sometimes.)
Dior have your eyes so he is a victim to those puppy dog eyes. He can't say no to you, what more to his princess especially with your eyes?
Learns to do her hair!!
Dior first words is not 'momma' or 'dada' it was Kenny. Kenny. You and aaron felt betrayed.
Despite with the nickname, kenji teared up and always paraded the moment (to your husband dismay) he grows to adore the nickname when she keep calling him that
He sometimes forget that he played dress up with baby di so sometimes he go to work with tiara, ribbons, those princess accessories on him.
“Refrain from laughing, there is nothing funny about this matter.” “uh...theres something on you, sir.” “oh.”
Sometimes they were to scared to point it out
Kenji, nazeera and juliette made fun of him not until they were a victim of the dress up
At one point, kenji kidnapped baby dior and was later banned from seeing her for 2 months (barely a month in dior throwed a tantrum wanting to see her uncle kenny)
Baby dior played with your make up when she misses you! She wanna look like you because she misses you so much
Dior is an nature girlie! Aaron believes his angel is a reincarnated of persephone/artemis
Baby dior wears her pants backwards. She believes that “tails” should be at the back. You and Aaron gave up on the fight.
You guys had an motto that if its not hurting anyone or themselves, don't fight it. Let them.
One time you guys thought she was playing phone call but turns out she was in an hour real call with james.
Seashells hunting !!!!!
Everytime you guys went to a beach aaron always buy a big beautiful seashell then hides it in the sand for her to find!!! And her reactions always makes you and him melt!!
he also buries some treasure chests
He made an contract of no boyfriend until shes 30 and made baby dior sign with her prints with paints. He framed it.
You scold him for that and he just shrugs lol
teenage!dior have you in her closefriend and private insta!!
she collects shells and glue them to a cardboard and gifts it to you!
She wants a sibling so one day she just go “I want a baby sister or brother 🥺”
Keeps wishing on a well for it
Aaron is 100% in he just goes “Princess, ask mommy :)” “me too, baby. Let’s just ask momma for it, hm?”
Well, let’s just say she always get what she wants…
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authors note: I had fun doing this Omg I wanna make it a series, do you guys want it? Please let me know!!! Feedbacks and reactions are very much appreciated!!!
(Aaron Warner) tag list 🏷 : @ravisinghs-wife @ab-baybay @aaronwarnerobsessedmylove @cosmicswan
If you want to be added to my A.W tag list plz let me know in my inbox ! 💌
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secretsandwriting · 7 months
Ethoslab x gn reader
Where Etho is sick and the reader is dragged in to take care of him
As per usual, I've attempted gn reader but I am used to writing fem so if I messed it up let me know and I'll fix it
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You weren’t sure why you were pinged by Gem to meet at Etho’s base as soon as possible, but there you were, landing a few steps away from Gem in front of Etho’s base. She turned around, clearly relieved to see you.
“Etho’s sick.” That wasn’t good but you weren’t sure why that required your immediate arrival, Gem seemed to catch on to your unsaid question. “He’s refusing to believe he’s sick and won’t let anyone help him. Tango said he’s way too warm to just brush it off, and since Etho listens to you a little better than the rest of us I asked you to come.”
“I don’t know if he will on this, especially if he wants to get back to his redstone.” You followed Gem into Etho’s base and found him arguing with Tango and Pearl, both trying to get him to lay back down while Etho tried to get past them to work on whatever he felt was calling his name. Which left only one method that would maybe work.
“Etho?” He whipped around and smiled through his mask at you. 
“Hey Y/n! Want to come look at my farms if Pearl and Tango would get out of the way?” You held up some papers. 
“Actually, I have some plans I’ve been testing for a farm but I’m not sure if I have the numbers right. Would you mind looking over them with me?” Etho paused and his gaze flickered between you and the papers.  
“Of course!” With that, your fate was sealed. Etho ushered you to the kitchen table and the papers were laid out and he started pouring over them, figuring it out in his head and mumbling it out. It didn’t take long to hear the effects of his fever. His rambling made no sense. Less sense than most of his redstone rambles. While he was talking, you gently placed your hand against his forehead. Etho froze before ever so slightly leaning against your hand. 
Tango was right, he was burning up. 
“Alright, that's enough. You need to get some rest, your fever is high.” Immediately Etho protested, “I’ll make you a deal. If you listen to what I tell you, I’ll take care of you. If you don’t, I’ll ask Doc too.” He weighed his choices. “Head to bed, I’ll be there in a minute with some things.” Etho jumped up and headed to his room, he was out cold when you went up three minutes later. 
You took that time to get everything you needed together and make some light food for when he woke up. Knowing full well a sick Etho would take advantage of any open second to get away and go back to work and once he started it could be almost impossible to pull him away. 
Etho was out until the next morning, and as predicted, he tried to escape out the window. Thankfully you had blocked all of them off so he couldn’t but he still tried. Begrudgingly, he accepted the tea and sipped on it slowly while he ate his soup. 
When you checked his forehead, he leaned into your touch more than he had the day before, he was also quite a bit warmer then he had been. Hoping you were wrong, you gently pushed his hair off his forehead and kissed it. It was worse, though you were pretty sure the sudden flush in his cheeks was not from the fever. 
Etho whined and complained when he was sentenced back to bed but immediately calmed down when you offered to read something to him. Settling down under a large pile of blankets he fell asleep to the fairy tale you were reading to him.
The next time he woke up, he was delirious and to make it worse, he kept trying to get up to go work on some redstone project. Nothing you tried would convince him to settle down and at least stay inside. 
“You wanna know what will keep me inside?”
“Yes Etho, I do!” Etho’s expression morphed into something you weren’t sure you wanted to know and he leaned a little closer to whisper to you.”
“A kiss, and not on the cheek, it has to be on the lips and you have to cuddle with me.” Oh boy, you had a feeling you knew how this was going to end.”
“I will give you a kiss on the lips and cuddle with you, if you listen to me and you can collect it when you're better and no longer contagious.” He pouted at the last part but seemed to accept it as he settled back down in bed and fell back asleep. 
Three days later, Etho was better and you left to go back to your base for the first time in 6 days. It was nice to finally shower in your own home, and it would be nice to finally get a full nights sleep again in your own bed.
What you didn’t expect was for someone to join you.
“It’s just me.” Etho. “I am here to collect my kiss and cuddles.” Of course Etho would remember that, why did you even agree to it i- Your thoughts were cut off by Etho pulling you closer to him.
“I’ve wanted to do this for years.” Etho whispered before closing the space between your lips. It was a short kiss, but damn was it good. You could feel the questions in the air, questions you weren’t sure if you knew how to answer. So you did the only thing you could think of that could possibly answer a few of them without having to find the words.
Placing your hand on his cheek, you pulled him back for another one. You could feel his smirk through your kiss and his arms tightened around your waist. 
“I didn’t know you were so obsessed with me.” He teased, before you could fire a response back he continued, a little more serious, “It’s ok though, I’m obsessed with you too.”
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Helloooo! I've been wanting to share rhis idea of mine for our emo boy Martin.
What if the reader and Martin were like friends. And he always has a thing for her as he should because this us, hello? And then when the reader went to his place and saw him all bloodied and beaten up, she started taking care of him, and he was not used to it so he became sobby babyboy overwhelmed and couldn't helped it so he kiss the reader and things got escalated. iykyk
That's all for my rambling, thank you so muchhh!
Friends? But more and more
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Martin x fem!reader
warning : +18, smut, oral (f reciving), small fluff/comfort, kissing, pain kink, wounds and treating
Summary : Friend or more? Was there something between them? Did it just take a trigger at the end to realise that there was more than just the hurt and the caring? Whatever it was, it seemed to be everything because when she felt his lips on hers, all worries seemed to be over and this something between them could finally be free and love each other.
info : Thank you very much for this request dear anon i'm glad i could give your rambling a little space. And I mean of course he loves us what else ;) Have fun reading and see you next time :)
In the morning hours of the small foggy town, a car with its owner makes its way to a relatively single house. A place she had been to many times, at least so often that she knew the way by heart, the things she could always pick up a few days later, whether it was a new seatbelt, a box of beer, a coat or just cigarettes.
It was a relationship between them like friends, like a salesman and his regular customer, she gave him what he needed and he…yes, what did he give her besides money and a little talk between them.
But maybe having him around was something she needed and had learnt to appreciate, because when the fog settles over the city you can get a bit lonely, the streets are barely visible, the houses are barely visible and you yourself are barely visible, you're glad of any contact, she knew that and she knew that Martin knew it too.
,,How bad will it be this time?" she asked herself as she turned into his street, her fingers drumming lightly on the cool leather of the steering wheel, no rhythm and looking ahead of her rather expectantly, knowing that it always looked different every night.
Sometimes he had little more than a bruise and some days she could almost have taken him to the hospital but he always waved her off, not only too annoying but also ruining his fun or so he had once mumbled to her.
Whenever she came to him he sat on his bed smoking, playing or just seemed to be living his life so tragically and yet so pitifully he didn't want that, whatever it was for him it no longer mattered as she parked outside his house and got out of her car wondering as she used the key if her helicopter was still intact.
The opening of the door always caused a creaking noise she heard moving around the room in the small flat, ,,It's me!" she shouted through the living room knowing he heard her, putting on a shirt and trying not to look quite so broken even though she was already used to the sight.
Her footsteps approached his room and the wooden door opened, her surprise was immediate when she saw him sitting on the edge of his bed, ,,Hi…glad you're here," he said, his long black beams falling into his mind almost as if his own body didn't want her to see what had happened to him again.
But she could have guessed it instead she just sighed slightly saw that the helicopter was back in its box and standing on the dresser ready to be picked up normally she would have taken the fifty dollars and sat in the doorway with him for another thirty minutes.
Talking about everything and nothing and would have left but now she was on her way to his kitchen knowing that she was once again doing him the etxra favour because maybe it was her heart that was stopping her from leaving.
Without a word she came back with the first aid kit she needed, stood in front of him and put her hand under his chin, ,,Please show me Martin," she said quietly, knowing how quickly he could change when he nevertheless gave in and looked up at her, a look of pain and satisfaction in her eyes, ,,You-You don't have to do it," he almost whispered as she told him to slide back a little further onto the bed so that she could position herself better next to him.
She could almost see how he went from relaxed to tense and wanted to push away from her while she came closer to him at the same time. Uncertainty ran through him as if he didn't know what to do, as if he was overwhelmed by her presence or maybe it was because he loved her closeness, he loved it when she was with him, her voice, her loving nature and also her body. But all this remained hidden from her for the moment.
She took care of him, gently stroking the strands of hair from his face, seeing his somewhat guarded expression, the warmth radiating from his body almost inviting as he held still, the warm cheeks almost pink as she was so close to him she would be lying if she said she didn't like him. He might have been a bit strange but who wasn't?
Everyone had a strange way about them and Martin she had often seen him like this, beaten up but happy, making videos, smoking and doing other special things in his world where she only had a small place.
But maybe this small space meant more to him, ,,Almost there" she said as she tried to wipe the crusted blood off him so that she could finally put the plasters on him properly when she suddenly felt his hand on hers, almost carefully he held her hand and she saw that his gaze was probably on her the whole time.
He held her hand not out of pain but out of affection, ,,Martin I-" she wanted to say something as they slowly got closer but the words were forgotten when she suddenly felt his lips on hers, he overcame the last moments between them and it felt like something had finally opened up between them.
It was as if this around between them, the looks, the touches had finally become worth something, ,,Finally" she murmured between kisses as she felt his hands on her body Martin seemed almost overwhelmed as he seemed too overwhelmed to finally have her, to finally be able to pursue his love heard the almost elated sigh of relief at her approval.
He had never looked sweeter, his eyes full of love and devotion, his hands on her, ,,May I?" he asked almost shyly as his hands were about to take off her clothes, smiling as she put her hands on his cheeks and gave him a gentle kiss, stroking his injury for a moment before she lay down on his bed and gave him permission.
Martin did not tear her clothes from her but rather carefully for every piece he took from her he kissed her skin caressing her and seemed to love every sound she made as if she was the most beautiful thing that had ever happened to him, he was unlike anything she had ever had.
He loved her he loved her like she was his everything with every kiss, with every touch and with every sound she made out of lust he only seemed to love her more as if he was grateful to her, as if she alone kept him alive.
She felt his kisses leave her torso and kiss up her legs, his fingers almost cautiously touching her centre, unsure if he was even good enough, ,,Mhh do-you do well," she said slightly breathlessly, straightening up for a moment to stroke his head, seeing him nuzzle his head against her hand, kissing her fingers, ,,I promise," came the muffled reply from him as she leaned back, caught by the soft mattress and blanket.
He planted a few last kisses on the inside of her thigh before she felt his fingers brush over the bundle of nerves, the first relaxed, pleasurable sounds of her lips leaving the pleasure of his previous touches, the kisses leaving marks from her neck, to her breasts, which he caressed even more gently, to her stomach and legs.
Her fingers clung to the bedspread as she felt his warm tongue on her fingers and he slowly began to make love to her physically, still a little insecure.
But with every sound she made, her fingers from the bed cover first clinging to his shirt, scratching his shoulders and burying themselves in his hair, she also heard the grunt as she pulled too hard on his black hair.
A noise she didn't know if it was too much pain or something else as she was beginning to understand why he was fighting with others in his car at night.
At first, wanting to let go of him in her mind, she only heard Markus say, ,,Go ah-on…please" as he let go of her and looked at her, his bright eyes filled with the veil of lust that had settled on hers, nodding faintly, barely perceptible but understandable as he disappeared between her thighs again and her fingers in his dark hair.
With each lick, each further sensitive electrifying shudder of her body through his caresses, she not only came closer to her high but elicited more and more moans from him, the pain as she held on to him pulling at his strands, tousling his black hair and using him for her pleasure as he wanted, he seemed to give her more and more.
He seemed to want to give her so much more from the start, unable to express his love in any other way than to love her so much that he would give her anything to show her how serious he was.
As she continued to surrender to him with each slight rise of her body as she was caught by the pillows and the mattress, the clutching in his hair, the muffled moans that escaped him, the tingling in her continued to increase, ,,Ma-Martin", she eventually burst out breathlessly, barely able to say anything right as she lost herself in his love and lust.
His breath came hotly towards her as he entangled her in one last kiss as his fingers slid in and out of her one last time, the taste of love and herself she could feel as she writhed against him, her moans mingling with his sighs as her climax was his pain and watching her melt beneath him.
Eyes closed, her chest rising and falling, she realised that the matzo was threatening to lighten as if he wanted to leave, ,,I'll…wait outside," she heard his soft voice, saw that he was licking his lips, reddening his cheeks at this obscene act as if he hadn't just seconds before pressed her completely naked against me and licked her centre.
She moved her fingers slightly, searching for his hand, ,,Please stay with me, Martin," she said, her voice slightly more composed as she pulled the blanket over him with some effort and stroked his cracked knuckles, which were little more than coloured spots.
It took the black-haired man a moment before he almost smiled a little and lay with her, the two of them looking at each other as she placed his hand on her hip, telling him that it was all right as he held her and she could finally close her eyes in peace as she felt his arms around her and kissed him peacefully as she fell asleep with a ,,Thank you…sleep well my heart" from him before her tired mind drifted off into a peaceful relaxed but above all pleasurable sleep.
@dixie-elocin , @pierrotlu , @youre-gonna-see-a-lot-of-me , @paloman18 , @reylatargaryen , @fan-goddess
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supernovafics · 11 months
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"i'll be there for you" universe masterlist
pairing: bestfriend!roommate!steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 4.8k words
warnings: explicit language, mentions of alcohol/drinking (reader and steve get drunk lolz), random guy at a bar being an asshole
summary: in which it's a halloween night full of partying, fun, and maybe one too many drinks
author's note: ohohoh this was so fun to write !! happy (almost) halloween<333
general note: everything in this universe/series can be read as standalone oneshots but to understand the full “lore” it would prob be best to read the other stuff too<333
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Fall 1985
In hindsight, maybe you shouldn’t have laughed.
Because doing so did not help in convincing Steve that the costume he was wearing did not look ridiculous, and instead your laugh only made him frown at you.
“I’m not wearing this.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I was just a bit surprised to see how you looked.”
You didn’t expect the Robin costume you got for Steve to shock you as much as it did, and it was mainly because of the green pants he had on; because perhaps they were a bit too green. It confused you a bit because the pants hadn’t looked that overbearing and bright when you bought them from the costume shop— but, granted, it had still been in the bag with the rest of the clothing items for the costume, so you didn’t get to see too much of the pants. And with the red shirt he had on that had the signature “R” logo in the corner of it, for a split second, Steve looked more like Christmas personified than Robin, and that was what made you laugh. It wasn’t even a full laugh, it was more like a breath of a laugh. 
“Why can’t I be Batman and you be Robin?”
“Because that’s not an accurate representation of us,” You answered him immediately. “I’m clearly the Batman in this friendship. And I’m older.”
He rolled his eyes at you and you knew exactly what that eye roll said— “You’re only two fucking months older than me.”
“Why can’t Robin be Robin?” He asked. 
“You already know the answer to that. She and Vickie are doing some vampire couples costume thing.”
Robin being a part of the costume had been the initial plan— Steve would’ve been Batman, Robin would’ve been Robin, and you would’ve been Catwoman. But, when Robin bailed so that she could do the couple’s costume with Vickie, you refused to be Catwoman anymore because you didn’t want to spend the night constantly telling people that you and Steve weren’t dating and just decided to do a duo costume that looked way too obviously as a couple’s costume for “fun.”
“And we can’t even change the costumes now because we have to be at The Hideout in an hour,” You reminded him. They were having a Halloween party there and Eddie’s band would be playing at some point during the night, they were all going dressed as zombies, and a handful of other bands were going to be playing too. “You should’ve tried this on yesterday when I bought it.”
Steve only rolled his eyes at you again even though he knew you were right. You hopped off the kitchen counter and followed him as he walked back into his room. You sat down on the side of his bed and he went into his bathroom, looking in the mirror and running a hand through his hair. 
“Robin’s the cuter one of the duo, anyway,” You told him. “Girls will love it.” 
Steve still didn’t say anything yet, so you took that as your cue to keep going. “You should change the pants. These ones are way too bright and they kinda hurt my eyes. Maybe put on those darker green ones you have. People will still easily understand the costume, so it’ll be okay. And the rest of the costume is perfectly fine. Also, when you put the yellow cape on it’ll tie everything together.”
He still stayed quiet so you got up and walked over to where he stood still looking at himself in the mirror, and you poked his arm. “Can you please say something so I can stop giving you an ego boost by rambling about how good you’ll look tonight?”
Steve laughed a bit. “No, you should keep going.”
That time you rolled your eyes at him. “Ha ha. Fuck you.” You walked out of the bathroom and started heading to the bedroom door. “Anyway, I’m gonna put my costume on and then we should take a few shots before Vickie and Robin come get us.” 
“I thought we were gonna keep things mostly PG tonight?” Steve asked as he began rummaging through his closet for the pants you mentioned. “Because of what happened two nights ago.” 
Somehow you simultaneously winced and laughed at the mention of that Wednesday night. Where you and Steve sat in the living room drinking and watching random bad movies he brought home from Family Video; the alcohol actually managed to make the movies somewhat bearable to watch. It was an impulsive decision that left you both with horrific hangovers in the morning as you forced yourself to go to class and Steve begrudgingly went to his twelve o’clock shift.  
“Okay, I know that we’ve still only barely recovered from that night, but you don’t have to work tomorrow, and I’m not gonna have any school shit to worry about, so tonight we can just have fun without any of the consequences of what happened last time.” You turned around and smiled at him. “The type of fun that involves a lot of alcohol. And it’s Halloween so I feel like it’s bad luck if we don’t partake in underage drinking.”
“Very solid points.” 
“I’m gonna pretend that you weren’t being sarcastic right then and instead just believe that you actually do agree with me,” You said before finally leaving his room and walking toward yours. 
Your costume was already lying on your bed— a black cropped shirt with the signature Batman emblem on it, a black cape, and black jeans that were probably the tightest pair of pants you now owned but they made your butt look great so you overall counted them as a win. Getting dressed took no longer than five minutes, but then you spent an extra five minutes rummaging through your closet to find your black hightop Converses until you remembered that they were probably buried in the heap of shoes that always sat by the front door. You knew that wearing anything other than sneakers would’ve probably been better for the look of the costume, but last year you made the mistake of wearing heeled boots with your pirate costume, and although they did make the outfit look great, your feet were absolutely dead in the morning and you never wanted to experience that pain again. Therefore, tonight, sneakers would be the way to go.
You noticed Steve in the kitchen— with his pants changed and the rest of the costume on— when you left your bedroom and started heading toward the shoe pile by the front door. You reached into the pile, pushing aside a pair of his Nikes and then grabbing your Converses. 
Steve opened up one of the kitchen cabinets and pulled out the bottle of tequila. You stopped tying your shoes for a second and looked up at him, immediately noticing how the bottle was close to empty. 
“Jesus, I didn’t think that we devoured so much of it the other night,” You said as Steve opened up a different cabinet to grab two mugs to use as makeshift shot glasses. 
“I vaguely remember us saying that if we drank more, the bad movies we were watching would start to actually make sense,” He said with a laugh as he started pouring. You couldn’t help but laugh with him because that sounded exactly like the type of drunken logic the two of you would have. “Also, I really wish Robin hadn’t bailed on the group costume because you look much cooler than me right now.” 
You only laughed more at his words as you went to grab two sodas from the fridge. “Next year, you can take full reign over our costume decision and I’ll go along with whatever you want.”
He smiled at you. “I will fully hold you to that.” 
“I’m already scared for whatever you end up deciding,” You said as you picked up one of the mugs and then Steve grabbed the other. “But, anyway, cheers.” 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
You couldn’t remember exactly where Steve or Robin or Vickie were, but with your slight inebriation that realization didn’t worry you that much.
You had tasked yourself with grabbing more drinks for yourself and Steve from the crowded bar, but before you could even walk up to the counter, a guy dressed as a cowboy stopped you and decided to start a conversation. 
It was pretty dark and the music was loud, so you could barely make out what he was saying after he said his initial “hello,” but with the way he was smiling at you it was fairly easy to tell that he was flirting. And even though you were tipsy and he was a little bit cute, you weren’t in the mood to reciprocate. 
“I should go,” You interrupted him for the first time in the past five minutes. You attempted to make your voice sound as nice as possible because it was easier to say that excuse instead of the entire truth, which was that you simply didn’t want to talk to him. “I gotta get back to my friends.” 
Either the guy didn’t hear what you said or he decided to completely disregard it all because he said, “I’ll buy you a drink.” 
“No, thanks,” You told him, making sure your voice was loud enough so that he could clearly hear your answer.   
“Come on, let me be the Robin to your Batman, or better yet you be the Robin to my Batman,” He said and before you could scoff and roll your eyes and simply walk away, he reached out to firmly grab your waist. 
You immediately pulled away from him and were about to say something along the lines of “Fuck you,” but you were interrupted by arms circling around you from behind; it was a touch that felt so familiar that you instinctually leaned into it. 
“She already has a Robin to her Batman so fuck off,” Steve said and you had to try your hardest not to laugh at his words. It was always in moments like these, where guys were being dicks and didn’t take no for an answer, that you’d happily play the fake dating card with Steve. 
When the guy walked away, muttering something under his breath that you couldn’t make out, you turned to face your friend and leaned in close to him so that he could hear you over the music. “Thank God for you, Steve Harrington.”
His mouth was close to your ear. “I knew that I shouldn’t have let you go alone to get the drinks.” 
“You were chatting up that girl dressed as Tinker Bell, so I thought I’d be a good wingwoman and walk away.”  
“She left with her friends.”
From the sound of his voice, it was hard to tell if he was sad about it or didn’t really care. “As your wingwoman, should I help you go after her?”  
He shook his head. “No, it’s okay, she was a little boring.” 
“Got it,” You responded with a quick nod. “Can we get a drink now? Talking to that asshole sobered me up too much.”
Steve glanced at the bar. “Eddie’s supposed to be on in five minutes and the bar looks even more crowded than it was ten minutes ago.”
It was your turn to look in that direction and you immediately knew that with the amount of people surrounding the counter, you and Steve would be waiting there for much longer than just a few minutes. 
“Fuck,” You mumbled and then looked back at Steve. “Okay, let’s go back to Robin and Vickie. Aside from helping to get that random guy away from me, I’m even more glad you’re here right now because I fully don’t remember where we were standing.”
“I had a feeling that would happen too,” He said with a small laugh before slipping his hand into yours and leading you toward your other two friends. 
There was no way you would’ve been able to find the semi-secluded corner near the stage that Robin and Vickie were standing by if it weren’t for Steve, and you made a mental note to not leave his side for the rest of the time all of you were at The Hideout. 
“Woah, no drinks?” Robin said when she noticed you two. She and Vickie were holding hands and once again seeing them in their matching vampire costumes made your heart squeeze at how adorable they were. “Are you two actually gonna be sober like us for the night?”
“I’m sorry, but that won’t be happening. But, I do promise that I’ll be the best and most functional drunk person ever so you don’t get super annoyed with me,” You said, smiling at her, and when Steve laughed at your words, you playfully elbowed him. 
“I love you, truly, but I kinda doubt that will happen,” Robin responded but still smiled back at you. “Oh, also, like five minutes ago, Vickie ran into this girl she knows and she told us about this party happening two towns over. We should go to it after Eddie’s set.”
“I don’t know the guy throwing it, but apparently, his house is huge,” Vickie chimed in and you nodded.
That was probably one of your favorite parts about this stupid little holiday; how quickly plans could change or be adjusted, and most of the time it would lead to you having more fun than you had initially anticipated. And plus you’d rather have free drinks at the house of this random guy than buy more at this bar or any other one.  
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
The time was inching closer and closer to midnight and the party seemed as if it was at its absolute peak. So much so that Vickie had to park on a completely different block because of how crowded with cars the actual street was. 
Steve was carrying you on his back as you all walked to the house; he had been reluctant at first but ultimately couldn’t say no to your persistent “pleases.”
“This reminds me of last Halloween when your feet were hurting because of your shoes, so I also gave you a piggyback ride then,” He said and then glanced down. “This time you’re wearing sneakers, though, so this feels a little unnecessary.”
You smiled even though he couldn’t see you. “This is always necessary, Steven.” 
Robin and Vickie were a few feet behind you two, hands intertwined as they went into a conversation that went unheard by you and Seve because you were laughing at him saying that him carrying you right then proved why he should’ve been Batman tonight.  
“And they’ve never dated before?” Vickie asked and Robin immediately shook her head. 
“No, it’s never happened. It’s weird. They’re weird,” She answered as she continued looking at you and Steve. Sometimes she felt as if the idea of you two dating was something that she could see as clear as day— it did seem like it would just make so much sense. But nothing ever happened, and at this point of knowing the two of you, she honestly didn’t think it ever would. “They seem like they’d be perfect together, but I also think the world would implode if they ever tried something.”
Vickie laughed a bit at her girlfriend’s words. “Aw, well, I think they’d be cute.”
It was only thirty minutes into the four of you being at the party and you could finally say that you were no longer just tipsy. You’d probably end up regretting this in the morning because of the hangover that was imminent, but right then, you were glad you were drunk because it finally made your pants feel completely bearable. And Steve was as intoxicated as you were, maybe even more so because it somehow took little to no convincing to get him to play dumb games with you. 
It started out as truth or dare, but then one of the dares was to do a round of hide and seek, and then you decided to do more rounds of it because since both of you were drunk, it made the childish game even more fun to play. And since you were in a place that you two were completely unfamiliar with, it also made it funnier to play.
You weren’t sure whose turn it had been— who was the hider and who was the seeker— but you and Steve somehow ended up outside in the backyard, lying side by side on the grass and staring up at the sky. And you were laughing at a joke that you now couldn’t remember if it had been you or Steve who told it— you honestly couldn’t even recall the joke itself, but you just knew it had been funny. 
You shifted and turned on your side to face Steve and after a moment he did the same. 
“Thank you. For always being there for me,” You told him and then lifted your head so that you could kiss him on the cheek. “You’re quite literally the best person in my life.”
He shook his head at you, a small smile gracing his lips. “You always get so sentimental when you’re drunk.”
You let out a breath of a laugh. “It’s the only time I let myself get super cheesy with you, Stevie.” Your drunkest of moments were also usually the only times when that nickname would come out. “But, I do hope you know that even though I don’t say it all the time, I always do feel this way. I always think about how insanely fucking glad I am to have you in my life.” 
“Don’t worry, I know.” He nodded at you and then smiled wider. “And I’m insanely fucking glad to have you in my life too.” 
He was Steve. Your Steve. Your best friend Steve. The Robin to your Batman. That couldn’t change. Ever.
So, why the fuck did you get the sudden urge to kiss him on the mouth instead of that all-too-familiar spot on his cheek again? 
Of course, you didn’t do it, and, of course, neither did Steve. Instead, a silence settled over the two of you for a bit.
“Come on, let’s head back in,” Steve said after a few moments. Somehow he was always the logical one in moments like these. 
Still, though, you felt the tiniest bit disappointed. But, you’d completely forget about that feeling, that fleeting thought, by the morning. 
Steve stood first and then reached out to pull you up. One of your hands was still intertwined with his when you walked back into the house. 
The party was still in full swing, and when the front door opened and a handful of new people walked in, that didn’t necessarily shock you. But it did make you smile widely at the people coming in because you recognized a familiar face. 
“Eddie!” You immediately went over to him, practically falling into his arms as you hugged him.
Since, due to your drunkenness, you’d actually forgotten that you all told him about the party after his band finished their set and he said he’d meet you there later, it felt like so much more of a coincidental, happy accident that he was there right then. You weren’t even fazed by his zombie costume, which had freaked you a little earlier because of how good and realistic it looked. 
“Hi!” He exclaimed, matching your enthusiasm while also smiling and laughing at your current antics. “You’re drunk.” He then looked at Steve who was behind you. “Wow, and you are too.”
Steve rolled his eyes. “I haven’t even said anything yet.”
Eddie laughed a bit. “I can just see it all over you, Harrington.”
You stopped paying attention to their conversation and let your mind wander as you looked around at all of the random people in the house that were dancing and laughing with their friends.  
I should get another drink.
“That’s a bad idea,” Eddie said to you. 
You laughed as you looked at him. “I didn’t even realize I said that out loud.”
“Another reason why both of you need to be cut off for the rest of the night.” 
You knew that he was right, but that didn’t mean that you had to outwardly agree with him. Instead, you smiled at him and said, “I never thought I’d see the day where Edward Munson became the mom of the group.”
“Sometimes I like to turn over a new leaf,” He gave you a wry smile back and then poked your side which only made you laugh. “Where are Robin and Vickie?”
“That’s a good question,” Steve said and looked around for a quick second before meeting your eyes. “Do you remember the last time we saw them?” 
“I’m pretty sure it was right before we started playing truth or dare,” You answered and tried to think about exactly how long ago that was, but failed to do so because your memory felt too fuzzy right then. “I have no perception of time right now, so that could’ve been hours ago, honestly.” 
“It’s actually kind of funny how you two always somehow end up playing that game whenever we go to parties,” Eddie said. 
Steve shrugged. “It’s a stupidly fun game to play when drunk.”
“We also played a lot of hide and seek tonight,” You added and smiled.
Eddie only shook his head and laughed a bit. 
You placed a hand on his shoulder. “Eddie, if you’re feeling left out, we can play another round of hide and seek with you.”
He playfully rolled his eyes at you. “Don’t worry, I’ll live.”
“Oh, there they are,” Steve said, and when you looked in the direction of where he was pointing, you saw Robin and Vickie sitting on the couch in the living room and watching the movie that was playing on the huge television. The most random scene was on right then, and the sound coming from the TV could not be heard over the loud music that was playing throughout the house, but you immediately recognized the movie as Friday the 13th; which was actually pretty fitting because even though it wasn’t literally Friday the 13th, it was at least a Friday.
You then realized that the time was probably so far past midnight, so maybe it actually wasn’t fitting anymore. But, it was still a Halloween party, so technically any scary movie could work. 
Your mind then started listing off other scary movies you didn’t mind watching— Halloween, A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Shining—  and you suddently couldn’t remember why you were even thinking about scary movies in the first place.
Eddie was definitely right; you really didn’t need another drink. 
“Hey,” Steve said, pulling you out of your thoughts. Eddie was now sitting with Robin and Vickie and watching the silently playing movie with them, and you and Steve were turned around leaning back against the couch. “What’s going on in that head of yours, Batman?” 
You laughed for no particular reason aside from how nice it felt to do so right then. 
“I think I’m starting to hit my peak. So, I need to capitalize off of this feeling before things start going downhill and I start begging Vickie to take us home so that I can pass out in bed.” You looked up at Steve and met his eyes. “Are you down for a few more rounds of hide and seek?”
His mouth quirked upward in a small smile. “Always.”
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
You felt like you were choking, and that feeling was what pulled you out of your sleep. Your eyes were still closed as you reached up to touch your throat and immediately felt that your cape was still buttoned around your neck, but it felt so much tighter than how it did last night.
Your eyes opened just a bit and you saw Steve sleeping next to you, and you also noticed that you were in his room. He was on top of the blanket, still fully in his Robin costume, and you were under the covers. Somehow your cape had gotten tangled up underneath the pillow Steve was laying on. You groaned as you unbuttoned it, finally breathing normally. 
You shut your eyes again, trying to will yourself back to sleep because you felt like you could use a thousand more hours. But, for some reason, you couldn’t fall asleep, and instead all your mind could focus on was Steve’s soft snoring. 
Anytime you two ended up sleeping in the same bed or same room, his snoring rarely ever annoyed you, but this time it managed to do the opposite. And now you also needed to pee. 
With a sigh, you got out of the bed and padded over to Steve’s bathroom. You kept the light off because you refused to see how you looked right then, and also because the abrupt brightness would’ve only contributed to your growing headache. 
Steve was awake when you exited the bathroom. He was on his back, eyes open as he looked up at the ceiling. 
“You almost woke up next to a corpse,” You told him, your voice actually sounding much more hoarse than you expected it to be. 
He turned to look at you. “I feel like a corpse.”
“You were sleeping on my cape. I was almost strangled to death.”
“Shit, sorry.”
“I don’t really understand why we didn’t change out of our costumes when we got home. I also don’t remember why I decided to sleep in your bed,” You said as you got back in bed and pulled the blanket over you again. You tried to think back to last night, when you and Steve got back to the apartment, but right then it felt too hard to put the pieces of what happened together and you felt too hungover to do so. “Where are my pants?”
“I slightly remember you saying something about how much you “fucking hated them,” so you took them off before you got in my bed,” Steve answered.
You laughed. “Okay, yeah, that sounds familiar.”
He sat up, letting out a tired groan in the process, and started getting out of bed. “I need a shower.” 
“Me too,” You agreed with a nod but still leaned back and let your head fall against the pillow. “But, I also really wanna go back to sleep.” 
“We can be lazy on the couch all day,” Steve suggested. “Watch random sitcoms and order takeout for lunch and dinner.” 
His words were enough to get you of the bed and you smiled at him. “I love that idea.”
It wasn’t until you were in your room that you finally noticed that the time was somehow only nine in the morning. A part of you felt like it should be illegal for you to be up this early after the night you’d had, but your shower was helpful at washing away most of your tiredness and dull headache. 
When you emerged from your bathroom thirty minutes later wearing your favorite hoodie and a pair of sweatpants, you smelled coffee in the kitchen. 
“You’re awesome. You’re amazing. I love you. Thank you so much,” You said to Steve when you walked into the kitchen and he handed you a warm mug.  
“No problem,” He told you before taking a long sip from his own mug. “Also, while I was in the shower I had a thought; no more drinking for us. Not until Thanksgiving when we have to deal with our families, and alcohol is the only thing that will make getting through that holiday bearable.”
You nodded at that. “I completely agree.”
You were about to open the fridge to grab the carton of milk so that you could add some to your coffee, when you noticed the new polaroid picture that was hanging on it, pinned up by the Statue of Liberty magnet you and Steve got in New York when you took a trip there back in June.  
“When did we take this picture?”
Steve looked at the polaroid and his eyebrows furrowed. “I honestly can’t remember.”
You couldn’t help but laugh. “We look so drunk, holy shit.”
So drunk but also so happy. Your cheeks were squished together so that you both could fit in the frame and happy drunk smiles took over your faces. You could tell by how much of a close up the picture was that you were the one that took it. 
It was a little funny, but also sort of fitting, seeing that picture among the other ones already on the fridge— including a group photo of the kids when they spent the night over at the apartment just a week ago, and one of Eddie smiling and holding your and Steve’s shared pet hamster, Harold. 
You grabbed the black Sharpie that was someohw always sitting on the kitchen counter— perhaps it was for this exact reason— and you wrote on the empty white space at the bottom of the new polaroid. 
Halloween ‘85. Batman & Robin.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
let me know ur thoughts<333
(requests are open for stuff you wanna see in the universe/series!🫶🏾)
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icarusdescending7 · 1 month
Aquamarine - Chapter 5
Ao3 | First Chapter | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Your fiancé died seven years ago, and you joined the military in his wake to fill the void his death put on you. Now, you work with the 141 for an assignment, hunting associates of their enemies.
Their Lieutenant, however, given you an uneasy feeling. You have a vague sense of familiarity with him, but from where?
Price did throw you a mini celebration, he felt bad for missing the day. Gaz and Johnny made a crude little cake for you and everyone sat together and had a good evening. Almost everyone, anyway. Ghost seemed pretty distant the whole time, more so than usual. He would only talk when spoken to but was otherwise off in his own world. Eventually, he retired to his room for the night, leaving the rest of you to your own devices. You all ended up drinking a little bit, which was a mixed bag. Johnny was a very loud drunk, Gaz giggly, and Price the sleepy kind. Unfortunately, that left you, the sad kind, to get all sniffly with them and ramble about the things that make you sad. By the end of the night, you were crashed out on top of your bedsheets, sniffling in your sleep. 
“Alright sweetheart, I gotta go. I’ll text you in the morning and we’ll call again tomorrow, okay?” Simon said, his voice slightly muffled from the phone speakers.
“Okay, Si. Tomorrow. Sleep tight.” You said, yawning. You sniffed a little, “I love you. Stay safe, okay? I want to see you again soon.”
“You know I always am, love. I love you too. Goodnight.” He said. You both hesitated to hang up, listening to each other breathe for a moment before he hung up.
‘Good morning. I hope you’re okay.’
‘We still on for a call tonight?’
You texted him at 6 am this morning when you had woken up. Usually, he’d respond in a few hours, but it was almost 5 pm. It concerned you.
‘Simon? You okay?’ 
It had been a few weeks since you last spoke to Simon. This wouldn’t bother you normally, considering how busy he was with work, but this time was different. He hadn’t said anything about being unreachable the last time you called, he hadn’t sent a text alerting you to an emergency… nothing. The anxiety ate away at you, chewed at the back of your mind like a horrible migraine. You stared at your texts to him, the long string of messages from you taking up the screen. No reply. 
A few weeks turned into a few months, and you finally got a message. All it read was ‘I’m sorry.’
Wait, what? What? ‘I’m sorry’? What does that mean?
‘Simon? What does that mean?’
‘Please respond. What does that mean?’
Just as quickly as you sent those messages, they were quick to stop delivering.
You woke up in your clothes from the day before, your head hurting from dehydration, cheeks dried with salt. Your phone had gone dead from the countless messages you’d sent Simon, not going to bed until you passed out. You put it on the charger, getting up to shower and change clothes. By the time you got out, your phone was back on but no new notifications came in. You set it down and sighed, looking over at the wall. 
A series of pictures lined them, dating back a few years at their oldest and a few months at their newest. You and Simon were the center of each, getting stupid pictures of the two of you at the pier, in the park, at restaurants, parties, and gatherings. All of them made your brow furrow— “What did he mean by sorry?” you asked aloud, staring at the photos. Deciding to send one last text in hopes he received it, you picked up your phone.
‘Seen 3:23 am’
So he did see them. But he didn’t respond. He must have blocked you but regretted it and unblocked you when he knew you’d be asleep. 
‘Is this your way of ending things with me?’ You asked, sending the message. It went through and was immediately seen, but no reply came. You dropped your phone, grumbling to yourself.
A few days passed, and you were sitting on your couch staring into space. You didn’t have much energy to do anything but stare. You hadn’t eaten anything but a bag of chips, and you found yourself sipping on a warm glass of water. A knock on the door drew your attention from the nothing you were thinking of. Slowly, you got up, going to the front door and peering through the peephole. The sight beyond made your stomach drop— two soldiers stood beyond with grim looks on their faces. You hesitantly unlocked the door, opening it just enough to ask what they were there for. 
“Are you the spouse of Lieutenant Simon Riley?” One of the men asked, turning to try and peer at you through the crack in the door. You sighed, opening the door fully.
“That’s me, yes. Well, his fiancé, technically but…” You trailed off. “Sorry. Is there something I can help you boys with?” You knew the answer, even if you didn’t want to admit it to yourself yet. You knew exactly what words were going to come out of his mouth, and you were already bracing for it. Your mind blurred out all the words that he said, except a few.
“…was killed in the line of duty. We’re sorry for your loss.”
You couldn’t keep yourself upright, knees buckling underneath you as the truth hit you like a bag of bricks. One of them rushed to catch you, not letting you hit the floor as you fell. Tears flowed like a broken dam and your shoulders shook. The news wreaked havoc on your mind, sending you into a swirl of agony. 
He was gone. He was gone and you didn’t have a chance to say goodbye! He left you alone with only his memory! Didn’t people normally get the honor of getting their spouses tags? Or a uniform? Or even their personal effects? This isn’t right! This isn’t right… Memories flashed through your head, showing you the life you shared with him. The way he smiled, how bright and beautiful it was despite all the devastation he’d seen. The way he laughed, how he snorted at your jokes, how all of it made your heart warm right up even when you were low. The feeling of his hands in yours now becoming a cold memory, knowing you won’t ever get to feel that warmth ever again. You won’t ever get to hear him say “I love you” again. Or sweetheart, or love, or your name. 
Was loving him worth the pain of losing him?
You woke up with a start, shooting upright with your heart racing and your head pounding. You shook as you looked around for your phone, trying to check the time. When you found it, the time read 3:57 am. You had a new text too, from Ghost. 
‘Can you have nightmares quieter? People are trying to sleep.’
It was a fresh message, sent mere minutes before you woke up. You took a shaky breath, steading your hands as you crafted a reply.
‘Like you’re any better.’ 
‘I am. I have padding on my walls for a reason.’
‘Whatever. Means sound shouldn’t come in either, or something like that.’
‘That’s not what that means.’
‘Who cares?’
‘Not you, apparently.’
‘Correct. Anyway. Its too early to go back to bed. Coffee?’
You took another breath, a lot more stable this time. You got up to get ready for the day and clean yourself up from your hangover. Eventually, you met Ghost in the kitchen and had a short conversation before Soap came in, who took over the conversation.
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spacebaby1 · 1 month
i heard “chifuyu girls, wya” AND I WAS IMMEDIATELY SUMMONED.
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Chifuyu could remember in detail on the day he met you. He saved you from an older guy that had bad intentions while you had zero idea about the situation since you thought that guy was just being friendly until he got too touchy and took a big bite of Chifuyu's foot in his mouth. Chifuyu would never forget the look you had when you both ran from that guy; you looked at him like he was a comic book hero.
Since you both went to the same school it wasn't hard to find him around with his friends but at first you'd just stand by the wall sneaking glance at him because you thought he was one of the infamous "bad boys".
Oh you were wrong! He's an absolute softie. You had decided to talk to him one day when he wasn't around his friends so even if he rejected your friendship it will be fine because you were both alone.
You stood in front of his table and held out the chocolate box and he blinked at you confused, "for helping me that day. A thank you gift." He smiled and took it, "thank you! That's so sweet of you." Your face light up at his words and you spoke, "Wanna be friends? I don't really have many friends and you seem cool! Do you ready manga?" Chifuyu almost passed out at how adorable your smile was.
Friends to lovers!
Chifuyu hated going to school but now he loved it because he'd meet you every morning and you always had that soft smile on your lips.
He's your personal bodyguard (everyone is jealous) he's so protective over you because you have it a bit hard to understand if the person infront of you is trying to harm you.
He notices how you have a hard time talking to new people but you're too talkative everytime you are with him; it even took you too long to warm up to Baji but still you're always hanging on Chifuyu's arm.
You patch him up after his fights and listen to him explain everything patiently, unlike others who often brushed Chifuyu's explaining off.
You two don't judge each other no matter what. Chifuyu always looks at you with adoration when you're just chilling in your room as you rambling about your dream house away from the city.
He was terrified when he realised that he liked liked you because he didn't want to ruin your friendship. But he also hated how everyone around you thought they could have you.
It was another day; both of you sitting in his room reading one of his manga when he just asked you “i have something to tell you, y/n. I know I’m not what your dream partner would’ve looked like, but I think we could work. Would you be my girlfriend? I'll promise to always protect you." You just blinked at him then smiled and jumping in his arms, "you promise?" He nodded happily, holding you tight and ruffling your hair.
Late-night star gazing when you text him that you can't sleep and he'll be there so admire the stars with you (he looks at you instead of the stars because you're his bright star.)
He's so gentle with you that even when holding hands, he'd make sure not to squeeze your hands more than you're squeezing his hand.
Gives you kisses when you're upset because sometimes it's hard for you to explain what you are feeling and his soft kisses are comforting.
You remember the tiniest details about him, and it makes him fall in love with you over and over.
holding each other close in silence because it's easier than puring your love for him in words.
cuddling and cosying up together, being all physical every time you hang out (he's just a soft boy!)
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fallenneziah · 9 months
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Being his present to you for Christmas.
NSFW, Christmas blurb special, whiny Johnny, Afab reader. No pronouns used.
You can read the Ghost installment here.
Johnny had been acting weird all December. You tried to brush it off as his childlike excitement for Christmas coming back around.
But oh were you so wrong. You didn't expect for the excitement to stem from how he had messily wrapped himself in large ribbons. On his knees by the tree, arms crossed behind his back. You were a little surprised to see him kneeling naked, cock hanging flaccid between his legs.
He smiled up at you. "There you are. Was worried you'd miss out on presents."
Your cheeks went a little pink, seeing the half opened box with a small bow on it. Inside those familiar aphrodisiac chocolates.
"What's all this about?" You ask.
"It's simple." Johnny smirked. "I wanna give you a present. Something no one else can."
You were a bit excited.
"So that's why you were so giddy." You realize.
He hums, smiling and leaning his head up to meet you in a kiss. His tongue finding your mouth, slowly kissing you open.
"Maybe" he mumbles against your lips.
You kneel down, picking up one of the chocolate packs blindly and unwrapping it. Johnny smiles into the kiss, eyes darting over as you peel the chocolate off. Once it's off, you pull back from the kiss, placing the small bite between his teeth.
Diving back into a sloppy kiss, Johnny moaning softly as you both manage to break the chocolate, each getting a piece.
"Mm, fuck baby." Johnny purred, his arousal immediately sparking back up like a rushing fire in his stomach.
He groaned, trying to grind his hips up into you, already getting ahead of himself, excitement taking over.
"Already?" You teased, breaking another chocolate piece.
"Yeah, yeah," he whined, "you know what those chocolates do to me."
You pulled the ribbon slowly down his thighs, feeling the rough skin. The scars littering up his leg hair, nimble fingers wrapping around his cock.
Johnny bit his lip, chasing your lips for more of you. Instead you pull away, tugging his cock gently, stroking your hand up and down the length.
He looked down, baby blues watching as his cock came alive in your hand. "Fuck.. makin' it grow in your hand." He leaned his head back, his thick cock hardening as you tugged.
Spitting into your fingers and laying down onto your stomach, lips wrapping around the head.
Johnny watched you, groaning as you licked up his cock, swallowing down around it, tongue guiding the bottom of his heavy girth.
"Yeah baby, fuck that's it." Johnny watched, breathing heavily as you took his cock. Trying to rock his hips a little to encourage you.
Dragging your lips up and down over his heavy length, his cock already weeping from having sat there so long without your help.
"Come on love, it's Christmas, give me a little more." Johnny bucked his hips, trying to make it to the back of your throat.
Instead you kept a firm hand on his base, sucking up and down at a good pace. Your other hand reaching down to squeeze and fondle his balls.
Johnny was growing frustrated, "fuck, come on," he whined, trying to rock his hips forward into your mouth.
"You're supposed to be enjoying the show." You said, pulling back and licking up his cock.
"I wanna make you choke on my dick." Johnny groaned, leaning his head back.
"Maybe if you ask nicely." You hummed, sucking his head back into your mouth.
Johnny grunted, trying not to let the pleasure of your mouth and the aphrodisiac get to him too quickly.
"Baby I want you on that dick. I want you fuckin' choking on it."
You suck him in a little deeper, making his eyelids flutter. "Oh yeah baby. Taking my cock like it's nothing to you. So fucking good for me like that." He moaned, rattling off a paragraph from his arousal.
"F-fuck, shit I want it baby. Can I just fuck your mouth? Please? Wanna cum down your throat." He rambled, the chocolate finally kicking into gear, his hips bucking into your mouth.
You tried to keep him still but his body was much stronger against yours, even in his pathetic thrusting. His cock sloppy on your tongue, veins already pulsing and length heavy on your tongue.
He drooled, biting his lip and whining. "Fuck take it deep, deeper love."
And, it was Christmas, he went through all the trouble for you. So you did. Pressing him further down your throat, relaxing your gag reflex and took him deep.
His baby blue eyes filled with lust, wiggling his wrists out of his restraints, managing to slip the tight ribbon up over his shoulders to his neck, hands finally free.
He caresses your hair and guided you down on his cock, grinding his hips up into your face.
You held him down by his pelvis, trying not to let him hurt you. "Oh shit, I'm gonna cum baby. You're so good. Taking my cock. I'm gonna cum, you're gonna make me cum."
You groan, tongue swirling around his cock, his hand tightening in your hair. His fist pulled you down, caressing your cheek with the other.
"Fuuuucck," Johnny groaned, bucking up into your throat.
"Gonna fill you up," he grunted, "cummin'," his voice hitched.
Cum flooded your mouth, Johnny's head falling back as he moaned.
"Oh ho... Oh darlin'." He panted, keeping his cock in your mouth a little longer before pulling out. Cum spurting down your chin, his cock twitching a little.
"Fuck... You opened the Christmas present." He shuddered, pulling the last of the ribbon off.
You tried to wipe your chin, giggling as he pushes you back gently, crawling over top of you so you laid on your back.
He pressed his hard cock up against you, lifting up your legs to his shoulders and pulling down your fuzzy pajamas pants. Seeing your pussy already getting excited, he prodded the head of his weeping cock to your panties, whining a little.
"Baby I need this," Johnny groaned, pressing his head against your entrance.
"Wait wait-" You tried to protest, but Johnny's mind was already gone, his hands pinning your wrists above your head.
He leaned down, kissing you, his tongue prodding into your mouth, feeling you start to relax. He grinded against your panties, pushing them aside and sliding his cock against your slit.
You attempted to move, even with one hand he kept you right where he wanted. Sliding his thick cock into your tight pussy.
Johnny's moan muffled by your mouth, his eyes rolling back and eyelids fluttering shut.
"Oh my god." He whispered, bucking his hips.
His length sank in and out of you. The wet sounds of your stretching pussy around his thick, heavy cock.
You wrapped your legs around his waist as he fucked you on the carpet. Kissing you until he lost his breath and all he could think about was you. Hips meeting yours, hearing you whine and juices run down between your labia, coating his cock.
He leaned back up, looking down and seeing his cock sink inside, pulling out glistening and dripping, plunging back in.
"You look so good." Johnny groaned, watching you take his cock, "so fucking good, oh my god."
You moaned, mouth falling open the more he went. Bucking his hips into you and watching your pussy take him so well. Squeezing your sweet, warm walls over his heavy length.
His pace increased, having both of you a moaning mess until he couldn't take it.
He kept going, faster and faster, making your pussy clench. His cock slammed into your g-spot and you lost it, cumming on his cock. "Johnny- oh shit!" You cursed breathlessly. His eyebrows furrowing, whining and pulling out. He looked down, desperately jerking his cock, cum spurting from his head again, landing across your stomach.
You both panted, sitting there for a moment before relaxing. Johnny slumped a little, letting go of his pulsing cock, rubbing two fingers through your slicken mess.
"I wanna do this all day..." He pants.
"Is that what you want? This the only present you want?"
He nods, leaning down to kiss you. "All I want, you're all I want."
I know it is fairly small but I want to get all of these done for Christmas. If you guys liked this one... Who should I do next in line for Christmas??
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hello >_<!! Since this account made me obsessed with Geo i found the courage to ask a request :3 (imsorryifit'snotcomfortableforyou😭)
Geo x Clumsy GN!reader (like, falling into the thinks you would least expect, so me frfr)
Bumblerbee (Geo x Clumsy! MC/Reader)
First and foremost, welcome to the Geo cult appreciation blog, Anon. Secondly, do not be shy to ask me whatever request you desire, I'm happy to be getting anything, and the fact you entrust me with this is an honorary privilege in itself. ❤️ φ(*⌒▽⌒)ノ
Anyway! I hope you enjoy Anon! d=(´▽`)=b
- Signed by biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer
Bumbler: someone who makes mistakes because of incompetence.
Geo was mildly concerned when you fell down the stairs. Then you smacked into a pole. Then you tripped on a branch.
All in the span of 13 fucking minutes.
It was honestly mildly respectable, how often one can simply bumble, trip and tumble around like you did.
You always seemed to be elsewhere mentally, not focused on your surroundings, or daydreaming away in that gorge- pretty head of yours.
People often made fun of you for it, labelling you as the school's klutz.
Unfortunately, said people who targeted you were also the same girls who liked to pick on Brittney; so when she and Crowe made you the groups' newest appendage (due to the fact Brit felt protective over you), he then began to bear witness to your marvellous collapses every time he saw you at lunch.
He expected you to cry when he first saw you fell, scraping the skin off your shins, but you instead winced and seemed to take in the fact you were an existing, living being; and you'd try to not slip away into your thoughts again.
He decided after a while that your mettle for falling must be sturdy, if you don't simply learn to pay attention to your immediate vicinity after each time it happened.
Eventually you and him held a conversation, and he acknowledged that you were...surprisingly capable.
You were intelligent, witty and even mildly attractive.
And you didn't make him want to commit arson everytime he saw you, so he grew accustomed to your existence.
Then he started enjoying it. A bit too much.
The amount of times you're either reading or otherwise preoccupied and on the verge on slipping, bumping, or falling into/onto something is astonishing.
So he eventually pulls you aside and bluntly tells you to pay attention to your surroundings, lest you one day get hurt. "You're an idiot. What happens if you bludgeon your head in? Get a concussion?" "Ohoho! Is Geo worried about my safety?" "No. I am simply tired of watching you make a circus out of yourself." "So you do care!" "I do not." "Liar, why did you pull me aside then?" "Shut up."
Anyway, he decides if you won't take care of yourself, he's gonna supervise you.
Then he notices the little skips in your step, the faraway glances you give at the sky when you deem it pretty (which is fucking always, to his dismay).
That's when you got stung by a bee.
And also when he started referring to you as a bumblerbee.
His bumblerbee.
People were obviously discombobulated at the fact he was essentially tailing you everywhere you went, but all he had to do was gift them the most malicious side-eye he would conjure.
(Geo would side-eye so hard though holy shit).
If you were distracted, he would make you tell him about your day, desiring for you to start rambling to him so he can take notes find out more about this clumsy bumblerbee that he's invested in.
Eventually your charm gets to him. He starts becoming more and more fond of you (pff, as if he wasn't already).
He now basically is always ready to firmly stop you from falling/bumping into something.
Until he realises you also get pushed down stairs for shits and giggles.
And these people already harmed Brittney, so obviously he already knows their addresses, credit card numbers and their workplaces.
If they end up temporarily disappearing/hospitalised, he had nothing to do with it.
And Geo has no reason to lie, now does he?
(Don't answer that).
Likes to watch you read, or better yet, tell him about your thoughts, he wants to know every single little detail about you what you like, dislike, want to set on fire, etc.
Acts nonchalant, but is secretly trying not to melt into a puddle.
His desire to protect you from other worthless people (and inanimate objects) is inhumanely strong. Expect him to start showing it more often as the months go by.
Asks you out when you give him a potted plant. He didn't even realise he did, he was too excited.
(You said yes. Obviously. I mean, you don't have a choice; but do you care? No! You love him too).
Will probably accidentally call you bumblebee at some point (you never let him live it down, dw). Geo really likes making sure you don't trip, after all, it means he can be close to you for as long as he wants. Which is forever. And you're more than happy with that.
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themaclean · 5 months
hi i just came from ao3 and firstly, i have read ur vaultghoul fic probably 20 times already it’s just so good with spot on characterization and amazing writing, thank u so much 🙏
secondly, i was reading the comments on it and came across one abt wanting to see a pre-war au where cooper and lucy start an affair and immediately my ears perked up like 👀 all i could imagine is her being cast as his love interest, her being a big fan of his already, and them having a wedding scene where they fuck in her wedding dress after they call cut
n e way so sorry for rambling haha but unfortunately ive got the brainrot now
I MEAN HYPOTHETICALLY -- I'm mobile (and somehow wrote 2k words still wheeze) so I'll finish this when I'm on my PC but I played around with the idea a bit thanks to this ask. :)
Summary; Cooper Howard x Lucy MacLean, 2077 AU where Lucy and Cooper star in a movie together.
There's a whole host of ways that Vault-Tec could have cracked down on Cooper. Given the infringement of their security protocols and the divorce and the way they choked him out of all the good roles...
It wasn't such a far stretch that he'd have to take place in the biggest circle jerk of a film production where his super-fan shoved his daughter into a starring role using Cooper's connections.
Because, so far as the public knew, he was still a supporter of Vault-Tec and he'd do just about anything to sell that delusion.
Cooper crushed the heel of his palms against his eyes, a limp cigarette hung between his teeth.
The girl was a nightmare.
Stiff, picky, absent-minded. No emotion, either, no semblance of self-awareness. It was like some Disney Princess popped out of the cartoons in the worst way, quick to parrot the lines she was meant to say with perfect diction but nothing more than that.
And it was somehow his fucking job to coach the girl -- Lucy -- into a leading lady. The idea was that she was the daughter of the Overseer, played by her actual father, and Cooper was some vault dweller from another section.
The whole thing was convoluted. He did cowboy flicks and the sort that had a showdown at the end. This sci-fi garbage went right over his head, this future projection of the what-if. He didn't have time for the what-if.
He had a daughter he needed to vy for custody of and an expensive divorce on the horizon. And Barb had the best lawyers money could buy and he'd never thought they'd end up like this. There was no pre-nup and nothing to protect him.
And he didn't have a goddamn lighter.
"You shouldn't smoke."
Cooper near growled around the butt of his cigarette, only just keeping himself civil at the last moment. He turned towards Lucy, unable to mistake her for anyone else. There was something about her vacant, pretty face that irked him, those giant goddamn eyes.
"It's bad for you. I read an article about it."
"Maybe you'd be better off reading your lines again," Cooper said with a wave of his hand. He dug in his jacket pocket, the one he'd worn to set.
Lucy crossed her arms and leaned against the vault railing. It was strange to do the filming down, a hundred feet or so beneath the surface, but it made for impressive sets. They were around the corner from the rest of the camera crew and cast.
And they were alone for the first time since shooting. Most times, Cooper had a few stage hands or interns at his heel. And he didn't see Lucy around much, except for scenes. Didn't chase her down, didn't much think of her.
Except now he's aware she's still in the wedding dress she'd been in earlier. Stage blood soaked the stomach of it, thick streams of blood from where she'd been stabbed. But he'd saved her and they'd shared a chaste kiss for the camera.
And then he hadn't seen her.
"I thought you'd be a better kisser."
Cooper didn't withhold the glare, couldn't bring himself to give a fuck. "Pardon?"
"Just -- the kiss. Didn't really..." Lucy narrowed her eyes at him. "I grew up watching your movies. My dad is a big fan. I always figured you'd be a good kisser, but you aren't."
"You ain't much yourself, either," Cooper said with a raised brow. "Like a fish, sweetheart. Cold."
"I'm not a fish," she snapped back. "That's very mean. I -- I know I was mean first but I just thought you could do better."
Cooper couldn't help but laugh to himself at this miserable brat who'd sought him out to complain about an on-screen kiss. He took a long drag, his gaze slanted across the backs of his knuckles.
"You're here 'cause your daddy yanked some strings," Cooper shrugged a shoulder. "My only obligation is to make a movie for the studio. I'm not your damn boyfriend-for-hire, trying to get you off for the cameras."
Cooper was a professional and on his best behaviour -- usually. But the long days of filming for a corporation rooted in the exploitation of the country he'd fought for... That patience wore thinner with each moment he was alone with this brat.
"I'm here as an actress -- "
"You can act?" Cooper asked, mock surprise as he pressed a hand to his chest.
Lucy had the gall to look offended.
Cooper took another drag, his hip notched against the railing. "It's a movie, darling. I've been doing this shit for years. They ain't gonna let people tongue each other to high hell."
"That is exactly how it works," Cooper said as he ashed his cigarette onto the grate beneath his feet. "It's not about you, it's about the shot."
Lucy looked at him like he'd slapped her. "I know it's about the shot."
"Could've fooled me." Cooper huffed out a breath. He'd kissed plenty of women for his films and he was a consummate professional. If the audience bought into it, that was all he needed. He didn't give a damn if his co-star got butterflies over it.
Especially not the daughter of some jackass at Vault-Tec, for a project that was nothing more than an empty propaganda piece. But he didn't have much choice.
"I'm here because it's important to my father. Vault-Tec wanted to keep as many roles as they could within the company -- "
"To promote the culture they want within the movie, which is carefully curated -- "
"To their... Could you stop doing that?"
Cooper crossed his arms, his cigarette nearly finished. The vault had good enough ventilation that the smoke disappeared but the smell lingered. He pushed away from the railing, his expensive smile slack across his lips.
"I had my fill of the Vault-Tec propaganda, sweetheart. Don't make a difference if it's from a pamphlet or a pretty girl, I'm just doing what I'm being paid to."
"Wasn't it your wife -- ex-wife -- who brought you in originally?"
Cooper's neck twitched as he looked down at Lucy, as she smart-mouthed her way right into some shit she didn't know anything about. He tipped his head to the side, the annoying collar of the vault suit biting into his jawline.
"So you believed what Vault-Tec thought originally." Lucy toyed with the stain on her white dress, her fingers tugged at the frayed edge. "What changed?"
"Nothing," Cooper said, his voice flat.
Lucy met his eye, her head tilted to contrast the angle of his head. She settled a hand on the railing, uncertainty replaced her uppity edge from before. "I'm not trying to spy on you or get information. You just -- had your life together, and then you're getting divorced."
"It happens," Cooper said, aware now that she was between him and the crew. The vault split into spidery webs in all directions, though. He could leave her if he wanted. But then he'd end up who knows where, deep in the belly of this steel nest.
But they were alone, and she'd inched closer to him.
Cooper saw the leading ladies he worked with as colleagues. Sometimes they'd have to kiss or imitate gentle moments or intimacy -- but for the most part, he could compartmentalise it. But Lucy didn't act. She couldn't. She was an atrocious leading lady and she read everything as if she were saying it herself.
Like a porn actress, saying shit to get through to the action, rushing through the writing like it didn't matter.
It wasn't her fault. He had the sneaking suspicious she had no interest in acting or in this movie; that she was only doing it because her father asked her to do it. Maybe even so she could have an excuse to meet him, he realized dimly as she looked up at him with wide hazel eyes.
That separation -- of leading lady and of a romantic partner -- muddled with her. Because he didn't even like her. He didn't want to get to know her. He hated her father and he wanted nothing to do with this company.
And she was closer to him than not, and they'd kissed a handful of times, and she'd said he sucked at it.
Cooper rolled his jaw as Lucy didn't have the guts to do more than she had. Her moony eyes fixed up at him like a challenge. And then he felt his resolve snap because it wasn't like he had much to lose. This wasn't a real acting gig and she wasn't a real leading lady.
His hand snapped out, fingers and thumb dug into her cheek. He brought her close, to see what she'd do. The answer was -- not much. She didn't shout or push him away, their mouths inches apart as he hovered close to her, examining her beneath his lashes.
"Bad kisser -- that what you said?"
Lucy swallowed hard enough to nudge his hand. "Well, you were. I'm not going to lie to you to spare your ego."
Cooper made a soft sound from the back of his throat as he kissed her. The distant crack and shift of the crew as they moved their cameras from one vault room to another should be a deterent but Cooper doesn't care.
He's single, isn't he. Has been for a few months. He'd not acted on it, hadn't felt the urge to, but he's as trapped as ever in the shadow of what Barb had done to him. It's only fair he make use of that shadow to indulge, even if it's just to prove a point to this girl Lucy.
There's some inherent amusement to how she melted into the kiss. She wanted it far more than she'd let on, that soft mewing, moaning neediness as he stroked her long brown hair out of her face. He threaded his fingers softly through her hair, hand on either side of her face, fingers combing through her hair.
Her back was arched over the railing as he gave her the kiss she'd probably expected earlier, the one he wasn't about to throw out on camera. There's standards for cinema and he didn't want to waste film or time.
But then her fingers were on the zipper of the stupid fucking vault suit. He didn't stop her, even as she yanked it down and slipped her hand along his stomach.
If anything, he pushed harder against her. The fluffy white skirt of her wedding dress made it hard to get much for himself. But with a yank of her knee and the shift of her weight, he had her seated on the railing. Her shoulder caught one of the metal frames, to keep her pinned in place.
If this were any other job or any other actress, he'd give a fuck.
But it's Vault-Tec, through and through.
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