#this will be my second worst short story I can already tell
nerdybluephoenix · 2 years
Ever heard of the Disaster known as the 1904 Olympics? If not you should check it out wikipedia has a good page on it
I'm not sure if this is a prompt, but I'm gonna treat it like one.
Trigger Warnings: blood, injuries, posion
"Welcome, galactic travelers, to Planet Crossing! The long awaited event where you - whether bidpedal, quadrapedal, or don't pedal at all - travel across a random planet's equator!
To say this is the most anticipate event is an understatement. For years, galactic kind have put aside..."
The fancy looking alien behind the screen continued on. Below the soft lighting of several TVs, many variations of eyes stared. Even the bar's employee, cleaning a glass with a rag like a movie-perfect bartender, watched intently.
"So... like a Space Marathon?"
The old-fashioned, 2025 television models blared on as if to ignore the tiny human. The rest of the bar ignored him as well, save for one burly individual who looked down to see who the hell he was talking to.
Despite the vocalization, the human sat by no one.
"Were you talking to me?" said the larger alien.
"To myself, really. But you'd do as well."
As if on invitation, the human scooted three seats towards the other.
"So how does it work, the... planet crossing? How do you get water? Food? Do you HAVE to travel by foot? What about the oceans?"
"Bring your own nutrition, mostly. There's... well, there's just too many species to track their dietary restrictions. And yes, most walk or the equivalent."
"And the oceans?"
"Across an ocean? That's horrible!" The human took a moment to stare off into space. "Wait... right... most planets don't have oceans as big as Earth's, do they?"
"I know nothing of Earth." They watched the tvs in silence a few moments.
"The... bring their own nutriention, part... What if they run out? Or die of thirst?" The human shook their head and continued before the other could answer. "It just seems so lax. So underprepared. Do participants face sweltering heat? Or bitter snow? Lethal weather conditions?"
"What? No. Is this a problem on Earth?"
"Weather and lack of preparedness ruining games? Sure. Though one of the worst prepared ones was in... 1904 I think."
Though the human couldn't seen it, a table of two behind him looked away from the screen towards the vocal individual. Their own curiosity now piqued, but they said nothing as the conversation continued.
"And what happened?"
"Someone ate rat posion."
"Someone gave him rat posion."
"I don't know. He was given alcolhol too. But he got in first place."
"Well, lots of others dropped out. From the heat and dust clouds. I'm talking sweltering heat. Over a hundred in fahrenheit. Eventually there was barely any competition."
"Uhhh... over 37 or so celcius?"
"Not helpful."
"Hot, dude. Hot. Burning." He waved his hand in dismissal. "It wasn't the only problem though. The dust clouds too. Humans can't breath in dust clouds."
"I don't think anyone can."
"And that was the problem, wasn't it? All that, and there was barely any water for miles. Not to mention the track itself. Awful. Large hills, dusty roads, cars and pedestrians. I mean, at some point you might as well call it an obstacle course. A deadly one. Some people coughed up blood in this ordeal. One ripped their stomach lining."
As the human went on, the less awareness he held for his own volume. By now, the rest of the bar turned to listen.
"Is that normal for humans?"
"Coughing up blood? God no." They watched the screen again as past planets of previous events swiped across the screen. "These do seem pretty tame, now that I look at it. I mean, they're much larger than Earth, but the surface looks lovely."
"Thankfully. Your planet sounds awful in comparison."
"Well... maybe if you're not used to it."
"You two!" Shouted a third voice. All eyes in the bar turned towards the bartender. He brought a claw to what could barely pass as lips. "Shhh!"
The human gave an apologetic, closed mouth smile. In sync every eye in the bar returned to the televisions.
"After so many exciting events, it's time to introduce this game's host planet. Significantly smaller than our previous travels, but certainly not easier. This year, the human species will have the honor of giving our participants quite the challenge!"
On screen, the Earth spun.
"Huh. See, we must not be so bad!" He polished off his beer and slapped down currency. "I hope we're a better prepared host this time around. Could be interesting."
He left the bar. Behind him sat the aliens in stunned silence.
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octuscle · 3 months
From tutor to rookie of the year
Hi, my name is Jake. My company has hired me to tutor a few students with poor grades. That's not necessarily the reason why I started working at the auditing company. But first of all, I'm new here and I'm not going to refuse right at the beginning of my career. And secondly, becoming a teacher had actually been an option for me. Maybe it's fate now or something.
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The first lesson gets off to a very promising start. I almost have to tear myself apart to leave your office and get to school on time. But when I arrive, there is a yawning emptiness in the classroom. Only after fifteen minutes I hear noise in the corridor and a couple of football jocks barge in the door. A few still in football gear. And all obviously unshowered after training. Phew, it stinks. And as I look into the handsome, square-cut faces of the boys spraying with testosterone, I'm suddenly back at school. The small, clever but shy boy who, at best, the stars of the football team overlook and, at worst, stuff into the toilet. I clear my throat and say that I'm not here for fun either and that I'm asking for some attention. The boys barely react. Damn it, it's not my problem. I explain a few linear algebra problems on the blackboard and ignore the paper airplanes. I have my school-leaving certificate. I have my master's degree. And my bonus doesn't depend on the grades of these idiots. At least I hope so.
After the debacle of the first tutoring session, my appetite for the second is very dampened. But it was already hard enough to get this internship. The firm is one of the most prestigious accountancy firms in the city. And if my pro bono job as an intern is tutoring the idiots on the football team twice a week, I'll survive. Apart from the 60 hours a week in which I have to pore over balance sheets, that doesn't matter any more.
These days, the musclemen are even on time. And somehow nicer than last time. They even ask me reasonably sensible questions like whether you can predict the trajectories of footballs. I take this as an opportunity to tell them something about vector calculus. They collapse with laughter. "Bro, I was joking. And football isn't math. Football is strength and speed." I'm about to take a breath and say something about Newton and the relationship between force and speed. But instead of listening to me, the jocks start bragging to each other about their heroic stories on the field. And I can't help but listen to them spellbound. When the lesson is over, I look after them with fascination. I wish I could have been more like them at school.
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Shit, because I'm the only nerd on the senior team who isn't a complete failure at sports, Coach made me give math tutoring to the football team. He thinks the Meatheads might have a little bit of respect for me. Shit! Them for me? I for them might be more correct! The thought of explaining math to my secret crush forms a wet spot in my Calvin Klein shorts.
I expected the boys to keep me waiting. If they were also punctual and disciplined off the pitch, they wouldn't need any help. And I don't want to tutor them any more than they want to be tutored. We reach a compromise. You listen to my math tutoring for half an hour. And then we'll go out onto the pitch for half an hour and play a bit of football. God knows I'm not unsportsmanlike. But soccer has somehow never been my sport. I'm more of a swimming pool or gym kind of guy. Team sports? Not really.
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Shit, yeah, I'm no rocket scientist in math. But I have quite good grades in English and history. I'm not going to fail this year. Why the fuck do I have to go to tutoring with the other bros from the football team? I have no idea. But seriously, the tutor is a total loser. A beanpole in a stuffy shirt. The idiot even wears a tie. Seriously, who wears a tie these days? If I had to wear a tie, I'd change jobs. Or if I had to shower after training. Shit, these are just rules that can come from old fat men. Bros like me and my bros smell like test… Testo… Well that hormone stuff. Sweat, musk and Axe. If I didn't have to go straight to detention again, I'd let the loser smell my armpits… But I'm a sophomore on the team right now. Let the juniors and seniors do that.
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"Jack, bro!" This is Chuck. The QB on the team. I can tell by his voice. And by his smell. And I'd also know it by the taste of his cheesy boner…. But he stays locked in his jockstrap cage right now. What a damn shame! "Bro, where were you in tutoring? The dean was there. You're in fucking trouble!" Shit, tutoring! I was at the gym. The other guys are all so pumped. I don't want to lag behind any longer. "Shit, dude, we said you were in the bathroom. The loser tutor didn't dare contradict us. But I think you have to let him suck you off so he doesn't tell on you." Hehehehehe, I like that idea. There are still 40 minutes until football practice… And I haven't cum yet today. "Is the loser still in the classroom?" I ask. Chuck nods. I fist bump him and say that I'll sort it out quickly.
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If Chuck and Matt go to college next year, I have a good chance to be the QB. But until then I still have to build up a lot of mass. Those two are just in a whole different league. And I'm damn jealous of the hair on Matt's chest. You should see the bush under his arms. Dude, the man is going to be a fucking gorilla! Shit, I'm not half the man those two are. You can tell immediately by the size of the bulge in our compression shorts. Nevertheless, neither of them mind if I fuck them. But they like fucking me even more. Without eye contact. Otherwise it would be totally homo!
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We skipped tutoring again today. Coch covers for us while we're in the gym or doing our laps on the cinder track outside. Nevertheless, it's still up in the air whether Chuck and Matt will be at college next year. And whether I'll be a junior by then. But screw it, NFL pros don't need to know math.
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thepersonnamedsam · 1 year
hiii, love your stuff<33 could I maybe request a gen z reader blurb where after getting in a crash due to a mechanical issue everyone worries about her and she’s pissed because she felt seen as weak and vulnerable?? THANK U SO MUCH
life goes on
pairing: genz!driver x '23!grid and some seb cameo
summary: see request :)
word count: 2.1k
warnings: crash, blood, injury, anger issues, tears (idk if that’s a warning), media talks bad about genz!driver, foul language
note: thank you so much for the request!! i am not quite sure if i should write the genz!driver stories in a you pov or a she/her pov, what would you prefer, please let me know, ty :))
masterlist / taglist
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It started with a bad day. FP1 was shit, FP2 was also not great. Her day was just not great. Free practice 3 was better, the car had finally responded to her again. In the first two laps, everything went smooth. She was already singing Smooth Operator in her head. But suddenly the car stirred, luckily she saved herself and didn’t crash, but she did retire from the session.
Her engineer and her sat together for Qualifying. She told him everything she noticed whilst driving.
„I feel like the steering wheel is not responding on time. It’s like it’s two seconds delayed, which is not good.“
He nodded and wrote it down on a notepad. „I feel like there’s nothing we can do, I can check with the mechanics, but qualifying is in two hours, which may not be enough time“, her race engineer told her. She sighed. The last two days were bad for y/n, she hasn’t slept good for at least four days. She nodded and told him that she’d be in her drivers room.
As qualifying started, she only got in one good lap before she had to retire. She was right, her steering wheel indeed had a slight delay. Which made turning corners very hard. She ended Q1 in P19, her worst result in qualifying yet. She was disappointed, in herself and in the car.
Her mechanics tried to fix the issue until the race started, but with no hope. She prepared herself for the race, knowing it would not be an easy one. She was scared, like scared shitless. She tried to call Sebastian during Q2, but he did not pick up. Opting for a quick text, she asked him to call her back as soon as possible.
Lewis heard what happened to y/n car during Q1 and wanted to comfort the young driver. With long strides he went to her motorhome. Her engineer just pointed to her drivers room as soon as he saw Lewis approach him. Three short knocks. Her head snapped up as the door opened. Lewis was standing there, looking pitiful and held his arms out.
„Are you okay, darling?“, he asked her as she nuzzled her head in his shoulders. She let her tears fall freely. Shaking her head she told him how she felt. „The steering wheel is delayed, which is so difficult to drive with and also dangerous. But my mechanics can’t fix it, they don’t know why it’s happening and a whole reboot of the system would take too long! I’m scared, Lewis. I don’t know what to do.“
His hand firm on her backside, he just held the young woman. Telling her to retire to not cause a crash would’ve been the best thing. Tell her to refuse to race. But he didn’t, knowing the girl and her ambitions. She would race, no matter what. She didn’t want to be seen as weak or even worse, girly.
She was girly, but not in the sense of racing. She was just as ‚manly‘ as the other drivers.
„I know that you will make the right decision about the whole situation“, Lewis told her. Oh, how wrong he was.
Q3 was finished with Verstappen on pole, as always, Perez on P2 and Leclerc on P3. Happy to see Charles starting this high, she went into the race with somewhat a good feeling. The first three laps were okay, she sank down to P20, DeVries overtook her with ease on the second corner, as she slowed down as much as possible to control the car. But the longer the race was, the more angry she got. It was not fair, the steering wheel was just not responding.
On lap 24 y/n’s car crashed. In corner eight, her steering wheel stopped working. Instead of a turn, the car just went straight into the pit wall. The front wing smashed against the wall, squashing it against her own car. Her head was spinning. What just happened?
„Red flag, the FIA just announced a red flag in corner eight. Seems like y/l/n crashed. Let’s hope she’s fine.“
Several team radios went through.
„Charles, y/n crashed in corner eight, there’s a red flag, be careful.“
„Lewis, there is a red flag.“
„Be careful, Max. You are approaching corner eight where y/n has had a crash.“
And many more. Everyone was concerned. What has happened? What did she do to crash her car like that. Was she responsive? Responsible? What was going on?
„y/n, please respond. The race has been stopped. What happened?“, her race engineer tried to speak to her, she was non-responsive.
„What the fuck, what happened?! Is she responsive? Are the medics on their way?“, Lewis was the first to address the situation. „We don’t know, we don’t see any medics yet, Lewis.“
And as Max pulled up to corner eight he hopped out of his car. He ran towards hers and yelled for her, to show him a sign that she was still alive, without a response. He was worried, he was always worried when someone crashed, but he was extra worried when she did.
„y/n! What happened? Are you okay? Please give me a sign!“, he tried it again, with no luck. He saw her helmet move, the flashy colours moving from side to side. „Ach godzijdank Ah, thank god“, he mumbled.
The medics arrived and ushered Max to the side. Taking her out of the car and laying her on a spinal board. Transporting her into the ambulance.
She was devastated. It was not her fault she crashed. But the media didn’t know that. They would accuse her of crashing yet another car. That she wasn’t good enough to be in Formula 1. They would report about her as if she wasn’t a human being and just something they could play with. They would talk about her like a doll. It was not fair.
Meanwhile on the paddock the talking began. Lewis was the most worried, he should’ve just told her to refuse racing. What if she suffered a serious injury? Like a neck or spine injury and couldn’t race anymore. It was his fault, that’s what he thought.
Lando was worried too, not really knowing what happened, he was just worried. She could be injured. The minutes went by without any news from her. They were hard for Lando.
Even Checo, who wasn’t usually a companion of y/n, was worried. He didn’t see what happened, but he heard from Max how the crash looked - bad, it looked bad.
„We hear from the medics; y/n is okay. At least that. Let’s hope the race will continue without another crash.“
Lewis released a breather, not knowing he heals so much air in his lungs. He was glad y/n was okay. He still felt bad, always feeling responsible for her. And now that she crashed, his head was spinning with gut wrenching thoughts and worry.
The FIA announced the green flag and the race continued without y/n. When she got back to her garage, her motorhome, she expected a angry team principal, angry mechanics and engineers, expect she was greeted with relieved sighs and shoulder droppings. Her engineer was the first one to embrace her. He told her how sorry he was and how everything was definitely not her fault.
She was still angry, no points, no race, no happy ending for that day. Everything was shit. She had a shit day that race. And it was not even her own fault.
Her team principal came towards her, gripping her shoulders hard and said: „I know this seems bad, it is, but we can fix it. I wish I could send you home, but media still awaits.“
So she waited, she waited lap after lap until eventually Max won the race. She waited until her PR got her out of the drivers room and took her to the media pen, where the post race conferences will be held.
Sky Sports interviewed the todays winner. So, y/n waited for Max to finish. She hoped he would never finish, that she would never have to face the camera and talk about the incident.
But that didn’t happen.
„Hello y/n, how do you feel? Everything okay, no pain?“, the nice interviewer asked her. „Uh, yeah, everything is fine“, she struggled with her answer, not believing herself that everything was fine.
„Can you tell me what happened? We just saw you crashing?“ - „Uhm, yeah“, she looked towards her media PR, what was she allowed to say? She shook her head - no bad words about her team. „I-, uh, I lost control of my steering wheel.“
The interviewer nodded. „We saw you retire from the race after Q1, having struggled already in FP1 and 2. Did you have problems with your steering wheel during them as well?“
She sighed. She was tired, her neck ached and she just wanted to be in her bed.
„I mean, kind of, yeah you could say I struggled with it during free practice.“
If she told the interviewer that she struggled with it during the whole yesterday and today, she would’ve bad mouthed the team.
„Last question for today, y/n. We asked Twitter for some comments, would you be so kind to make a statement to some of them?“
She really didn’t want to, knowing exactly what most of them had to say; women don’t belong in motorsports, etc.
„Sure“, she sighed. Her PR nodded, happy that y/n decided not to refuse.
„Alright, @motodports_2 said: That’s the second time this season that y/n crashed her car and we are only on the 7th race. What do you have to say to that?“
She closed her eyes, the headache creeping in like a madman with a desire to kill. „That’s true, that was the second crash of the season. And I am sorry for that, my team doesn’t deserve me crashing that many times during the season. I apologise.“
Sebastian was sitting at home, watching the race from his couch. He couldn’t believe what she was saying. The team doesn’t deserve a driver that crashes so much? Bullshit.
He missed her calls earlier that day, he wished he would’ve picked up his phone or at least called her back. But what she was telling to that interviewer was absolute bull.
Charles, who was next in line, also couldn’t believe the stuff you were telling Sky Sports.
„Okay, @maydrive says: The way y/n is throwing away her career in F1 with those shenanigans. Get a grip, will you?“, the interviewer read from the screen in front.
Charles was shocked, he never had to respond to any comments like that. How was she experiencing something like that?
„Uh yeah, thank you @maydrive for that. I will try to get a grip, and you are right, I am throwing away my F1 career like that, but I don’t want that, that’s why I will keep trying to get better“, her eyes were starting water. Just don’t let those tears fall, y/n. They want to see her cry, don’t give them the satisfaction of it.
„Thank you, y/n. Rest up and good evening!“
Her PR pulled her away and onto the next interview. After all that, she was exhausted. Exhausted and angry. How could they be asking her questions like that? Not fair.
Back in her garage, she let the emotions flow. Tears were streaming down her face, sobs were heard and her body was shaking. Her PR handed y/n her phone, leaving her again with a gentle pat to the shoulder.
Seb was calling her.
„Before you say anything, don’t let them treat you like that ever again. Not your fault, if you had problems with the steering wheel, it is not your place to apologise“, Seb interrupted her, before she could even sob into the phone. He heard sniffles. „Don’t cry, liebes dear. You did nothing wrong today.“
„Seb, I wish you’d be here“, she sobbed into the phone. It broke his heart. Comforting someone over the phone was hard, much more if the person being comforted was a teenager.
„It’s gonna be okay, life goes on, okay?“, he told her. „I just feel so weak and vulnerable. They hate me, they always find something wrong with my driving.“
„You are not weak! Who told you that?“, a voice from behind her sounded from the dark. Fernando Alonso stepped out of the shadow. Seb instantly recognised the older spaniards voice over the phone. Glad y/n was not alone in a time like this.
Fernando embraced her. Hugging her tight and firmly. He felt her heartbeat against his chest, beating like crazy. „Breathe with me, y/n.“
They were standing in her motorhome, embraced in one another. If a camera had noticed, headliners would say: Alonso and y/l/n dating confirmed? But there was no camera around.
She had her family here in F1. She belonged here, just as much as any other driver. She was not at fault. She was not weak or vulnerable. She was strong.
taglist: @ironmaiden1313 , @topguncultleader , @missskid , @gulabjamooon , @lovelyy-moonlight , @peachyplumsss , @mistrose23
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ayyy-pee · 7 months
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Discord 18+ - Twitter - Masterlist
Pairing: Nanami Kento x Female Reader
Story Summary: Following his mothers passing, Nanami inherits his family's rundown bakery. With the bakery on its last leg, Nanami reluctantly takes on the task of trying to save what his family has worked to keep for decades, but he can't do it alone.
Genre: Bakery/Coffee Shop AU
Warnings: Workaholic meanie Nanami, employee x boss relationship, but also enemies to lovers, death, grief/mourning, profanity, jealousy, fluff, angst, Nanami owns a bakery, parental loss, Nanami is bad at feelings, I don’t know if I’ll do smut for this one but sexual tension, mutual pining, Nanami is sort of an asshole here
Art by: Ilameys + (Unknown artist (right pic). I'd love to credit the artist so if you know who it is, please let me know!)
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Chapter 2 - Wienerbrød
Chapter Summary: You try to bake something new!
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You kick your shoes off as you enter your apartment. With your phone wedged between your ear and your shoulder, you groan in irritation as you storm into your living room.
“I’m telling you, Shoko. This guy is such a fucking asshole. Shut me down the second I asked him a simple question,” you’re ranting as you flop down onto your couch. “He’s got to be the most pessimistic person I’ve ever met. He did nothing but pick apart the entire bakery and tell me how shitty it was, tried to establish some strange dominance thing in the kitchen after offering me the job… the kitchen,” you stress dramatically, wavering your arms as if Shoko can see you. “My domain! Can you believe him? He doesn’t give a shit about the actual bakery. He’s a total businessman type. Stiff, boring as hell and a dick. I don’t know why I said yes to the position. I’m going to hate my life.”
You exhale sharply once you’ve finished your tirade. On the other end of the line, you hear your friend inhale deeply. You didn’t have to ask to know she was sucking on a cigarette, likely almost finished with it and prepping her second, maybe third. After a short beat of silence, you hear her exhale. “Hmm, is he hot at least?”
“Extremely,” you admit through gritted teeth, rubbing away the tension quickly forming between your brows. “That’s the worst part.”
You hate to think it, you loathe to admit it, but Nanami was so very fucking attractive, like stupid hot and it pissed you off! Those thick arms practically bulging through his dress shirt, those veins that exposed themselves and ran enticingly along his forearms when he rolled his sleeves up. His chiseled features, those sharp cheekbones, even his frown was attractive. And god, you didn’t even want to think about his waist. 
Anyone with eyes could see Nanami Kento was an insanely beautiful man, modelesque even. But it only served to piss you off more. His constant gloomy attitude was so off-putting, it almost took away from his beauty, like a rain cloud threatening to cover a blue sky.
“Anyway,” you sigh, putting a stop to your own thoughts as you stare up at the ceiling.  “That’s beside the point, Shoko. He’s an asshole, but it’s obvious he needs help to get his bakery up and running. I think it’s family owned. He told me that he grew up in the bakery. Seemed miserable about it, though.”
“Interesting,” Shoko manages, though she sounds rather disinterested. “Well if he had to pick anyone, he definitely hired the best person for the job. You’re annoyingly positive.”
“Okay, rude.”
“I just mean you’ll balance his negativity well. Just try not to let him walk all over you. You’ve worked with plenty of dickheads before. What’s one more?”
You hum, your mind already accepting your fate. “I guess you’re right.”
“You know I am. The guy clearly needs help and you love this kind of thing - taking something old, miserable and rundown and making it loveable again.”
You hum again, listening as Shoko blows out another breath of smoke. “And who knows? Maybe you’ll do the same for the bakery, too.”
“Right. Wait– what?”
“I gotta go. I’ll call you later.” She says, voice light with humor. The line goes dead and you roll your eyes at your friends comments as you let the day's events wash over you. Nanami said he wanted to sample some of your desserts on Monday and see some new recipes. You can do that.
The moment you’d stepped into the bakery’s kitchen, your mind raced with possibilities. You felt at home there. The kitchen felt like it had been loved, like it was properly used and cared for, albeit old and a little rundown. That was okay. It gave the kitchen personality and you loved that. You wanted to continue giving the kitchen the love it deserved.
Nanami told you he’d grown up in that kitchen, but he truly seemed to hate even being in the building. You tried to picture a chubby little blonde boy with his arms crossed and a scowl etched across his face standing in the kitchen covered in flour and icing. Adorable, but definitely not the man you’d met today. You wondered how it came to be that he now owned this bakery when he seemed to despise it.
And you wondered if there was a way to get him to learn to love it again.
You shake your head, pushing the thought away. It wasn’t your job to turn his frown upside down, so to speak. It was your job to make sure the bakery was successful as it’s Head Baker and that’s what you intended to do.
- - - - - -
The weekend came and went just as quickly and now you find yourself standing in the kitchen of the bakery with Nanami as the sun barely begins to rise over the city. You pile your notebooks onto the large metal table in the center of the room. Nanami reaches over, taking the notebook sitting atop the stack.
“Are these your recipes?” He asks, flipping through the pages.
“Yep. These are some pastries I created on a whim. I was thinking we could go through and select what you like, maybe tweak some so that they fit more of the vibe you’re going for with the bakery. Or are there any pastries you’d like to keep from the previous owner?” 
Nanami’s dark eyes shoot up from the notebook to look at you. You hold his gaze, trying to find anything behind those eyes aside from the clear hatred he holds for this bakery, but you don’t. It’s frustrating.
“No,” is all he says.
“Okay…well, we can start from scratch then. Let me know what you see that you may like.”
Nanami replies with something between a grunt and a hum. “I’ll review a few of these and will follow up. If you want to get comfortable and organize the kitchen to your liking, go ahead. Please try and have a sample pastry ready within the next few hours.”
He turns to go into his office without so much as a look back.
You sigh, trying to get used to this silence you were sure you’d be working in everyday whether Mr. Nanami was there or not. You couldn’t wait to establish a menu so you could bring staff on. At least then you wouldn’t feel so alone.
You wander through the kitchen with a notepad, looking through all of the smallwares and jotting down what you see in case you need to place an order. There seems to be many of the supplies you need here already and in good condition - spatulas, mixing bowls, flour sifters, icing tips. The bakeware also seems to be well supplied with an array of bread pans, muffin tins and cake pans. This place was fully stocked as far as you could tell. 
You shuffle over to where three mixer appliances sit on a counter against the wall, setting your notepad down to inspect them. They’re a little older, but they turn on and mix just fine. You’d bet they mixed better than some of the newer models. You decide you’ll keep them.
As you lean one of the mixers over to check its condition, you find a small booklet lying underneath the stand. You pick it up, gently setting the mixer back down before you open it to inspect it. It’s a tiny black leatherbound journal with very faded gold lettering in a language you definitely don’t know.
And you? Well, you’re nosey as hell, so you carefully peel back the cover, taking in the elegant writing etched onto the first page.
To my baby boy
There’s some strange writing scrawled beneath this in what looks like English letters. You can’t really tell, but it seems to be some message in whatever language this is. You turn a couple of pages and let your eyes roam over what’s written within. The rest of the pages you can read fairly easily as they’re in English. You can see immediately that these are recipes. The booklet is full of pastry dishes, both sweet and savory. They appear to be foreign pastries and you feel your heart race with excitement as you imagine making them because while you were adventurous with your baking, you’re positive you haven’t tried to make any of these. 
And Nanami did want to sample your baking, so why not give him something he’s not going to see in your portfolio?
Eagerly, you begin moving through the rest of the kitchen equipment, taking out what you need to begin.
- - - - - -
The kitchen is full with the smell of fresh dough baking. The quiet hum of the ovens working calms you as you sift through the recipe in the booklet you’d found earlier. You decided to make one of your original creations while also trying your hand at this new mystery pastry in case Mr. Nanami liked both…or one…or none. Shit, you didn’t want to imagine him not liking either.
You stare down at the ingredients already in the mixing machines.
“Alright. So, water, 2 large eggs, a teaspoon of salt, unsalted butter, active dry yeast…” You read through the remaining list of ingredients until you reach the end. “And now…flour?” You squint down at the notebook, the words scribbled messily on the paper, time having faded the ink. You can’t really make out the measurements written out. It looks like 2 ½ cups. You’ll try it and hey, if it doesn’t work, you’ll simply adjust the recipe to find the right mix. Easy.
Just as you’re sorting through the measuring cups, Nanami emerges from his office with your journals, mouth set in its usual hard line as he makes his way to you. He sets the books down, and you swear you see him inhale the sweet scent of the pastries currently baking in the oven before softly exhaling. You open your mouth to say something before quickly shutting it because he’s back to business in about .02 seconds. You really can’t read this guy, so you don’t try to. You redirect your focus back on to your task.
“These look good,” he tells you, his finger tapping on the book stacked on top. “I placed a post-it note on the recipes I think may work for the soft opening, but I’d like for you to make a sample of them beforehand. Maybe just a few a day.”
You nod, acknowledging his request but far too focused on scooping your guesstimate of flour. Nanami eyes you carefully, brown eyes staring as you carefully run your finger over the top of the flour. The excess falls carelessly onto the table and just before you pour it in, Nanami speaks, his voice halting your movements.
“What are you making now?”
“Hmm?” You ask, glancing over at him. “Oh, something called…” you peer down at the booklet, “Wee-ner-brod?” You’re one hundred percent positive you butchered that pronunciation, but how do you even pronounce ‘wienerbrød’? 
Clearly Nanami knows because he surprisingly lets out an amused chuckle before he asks, “Wienerbrød?” With what you assume is perfect pronunciation. And you’re not sure why, but the sound of his deep baritone laugh makes your stomach twist in a strangely pleasant way.
“Yes! That!” You point to Nanami with your free finger. “I’m making…” you stumble your way through the pronunciation again and get another small laugh from Mr. Nanami which makes your own lips curl up in a smile.
“I didn’t know you knew how to make Danish pastries.”
“I don’t, but you don’t learn without trying.”
“True. What step are you on now?” Nanami asks curiously, coming up to stand next to you. This close to him, you can truly see just how large he is. Not to mention, he smells incredible. You ignore the way the mix of the aroma of baked goods and his cologne almost makes your eyes want to roll back. You’d never smelled something so tantalizing before.
Nanami calls your name and you clear your throat, trying to re-focus.
“Oh, um…well I’ve added mostly everything and now I need to incorporate the flour - about 2 ½ cups.”
“Your calculation is off.” He affirms gently, eyeing the measuring cup in your hand.
You snort, “Are you suddenly an expert in Danish baking or something?”
“I can throw a few things together.” He says and you peek over to see him rolling the sleeves of his very nice (and probably very expensive) shirt up to his elbows. Your eyes roam over, drinking in the sight of those thick veins that you couldn’t get out of your head over the weekend protruding from his forearms, the way his muscles flex with the slightest movement and you wonder for a moment what it would be like to grab onto those arms while he –
“As I was saying,” Nanami’s quiet voice interrupts your reverie. “2 ½ cups is close, but you actually need 2 ¾ cups for this recipe.” He reaches in front of you to grab a ¾ measuring cup and again, you’re assaulted with the scent of his cologne. Your mind erupts with thoughts of nothing appropriate for an employee to be thinking about their boss, but you can’t help it!
You blame it on that damn smile of his and that laugh. It’s thrown you off of your game.
Nanami takes the measuring cup you’re holding and replaces it with another. “You also need to use your hands to mix this.”
You might faint.
“Is that…” you lick your lips, mouth suddenly feeling dry. “Is that completely necessary?”
Nanami slowly adds small amounts of flour into the mixer bowl while kneading with his other hand. “It’s time consuming, of course, but it allows for more control over the dough. You can feel the dough's texture…if it’s too dry or if it’s too wet. From there you can determine if more water or more flour is needed.” You watch as his brows furrow in concentration, a little surprised by his knowledge around dough. Though it shouldn’t be surprising given that he grew up in this very same bakery. Of course he’d know.
And once again, your stomach does somersaults.
Damnit, he was definitely going to need to stay out of the kitchen if you were going to stay employed here.
As Nanami continues working through the recipe, you chat idly about general things. He tells you a bit about his time as a businessman, but doesn’t elaborate on what exactly led him to own a bakery. And you tell him a bit about yourself, trying to keep the conversation light as this was the most you’d both interacted since your interview and you’re surprised by how well it’s going. You don’t want to ruin it by poking and prodding.
As the conversation goes on, you watch him very carefully as he works the dough, ignoring the way your heart races watching him do the very thing you do almost daily.
“The end result should be somewhat sticky,” he states.
And oh god, something was getting sticky alright…and it lay between your legs. Your eyes are glued to the bulging muscles of Nanami’s forearms working the flour into a thick doughy substance between his large, thick fingers. Your gaze moves up his stupidly sexy arms, to his biceps straining against his shirt and you imagine him flexing so hard, it rips to shreds, falling in tatters to the floor. The cartoonish image almost makes you want to laugh. And you would have if your eyes hadn’t continued their journey, higher to his tight shoulders moving in circles as he presses his palms into the dough. Higher to the tension in his jaw, the muscles rippling as he grits his teeth with focus. The kitchen suddenly feels unbearably hot and you’re not sure if it’s the ovens running causing the temperature to rise or the view in front of you.
Nanami had never mentioned he knew how to bake. But why would he? It was your job to know. You also never thought to ask after the sour note your interview ended on despite you still being offered the position. You could not stand him upon first meeting and now here you were practically drooling into this batter over how incredibly sexy he was when he was baking.
Nanami slowly pours flour in again as he kneads the dough with expert precision. The way he grips it in his hands, the way his fingers deftly sprinkle flour into the mix. You wonder what else those big hands can do.
The oven timer dings and you snap out of your lewd thoughts, pretty sure sweat is forming on your forehead from your fantasies. You spin around quickly to slide on oven mitts before you pull the pans from the oven. You’d chosen to make miniature fruit tarts with a vanilla pastry cream. A simple recipe, but absolutely to die for. Setting the tray down, you return to Nanami’s side just as he finishes kneading the dough.
And you try to hide the frown pulling at the corner of your lips when you realize you’d lost your perfect view.
He moves to the sink to wash the remaining dough from his hands, returning with plastic wrap to cover the mixing bowl. “I hope you weren’t planning on completing that today,” He says before turning to head toward the walk-in refrigerator. When he emerges, you shoot him a questioning look.
“I was going to let the dough rise for a few hours while I worked on some other things.”
He hums in acknowledgment, but shakes his head. “For this dough, you need to do a long rise for the best result. Overnight is best.”
“Okay, you’re the expert Danish pastry baker apparently,” you tease, earning you another small chuckle from him and you feel your face heat up at the sound.
What is with you today?
“How did you come up with the idea to make Wienerbrød anyway?” He questions suddenly. “Just seems a bit random given what recipes you’d given me to review.”
“Oh!” You rush back over to the mixers excitedly and grab the booklet, holding it up for Nanami to see, a wide grin on your face. “I found this under one of the mixers. It has some strange language I can’t read in the front of it…I’m assuming it’s Danish? But some delicious sounding recipes from what I could understand when I skimmed through. I decided this would be a good idea to take myself out of my comfort zone to try something new.”
Nanami takes a step forward, squinting hard at the little journal in your hands. Suddenly, his eyes widen slightly and he snatches the book from your hold. He opens it to the first page, where the foreign message is scrawled down before he snaps the book shut, his lips pursing in displeasure.
He pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs in clear irritation. “Next time you find something that is very clearly a personal belonging, please bring it to me before you take it upon yourself to poke through something that isn’t yours,” he snaps, his voice clipped.
The shift in tone takes you aback.
“Oh. I’m sorry, Mr. Nanami. It just seemed to belong to someone who knew their way around baking so I–”
“I didn’t ask for the reasoning behind your nosiness,” he cuts you off and you feel your own irritation begin to slowly rise. “Is this a habit of yours? Digging through people’s belongings and taking things that aren’t yours?”
You scoff, folding your arms across your chest defensively. “If you’d let me finish, I’m trying to apologize –”
“I don’t want an apology. I want you to show up here, bake and leave. Not spend your time digging through someone else’s belongings.”
You inhale sharply, trying to gather your thoughts. This conversation has taken an unpleasant turn and the last thing you want to do is have a blow up with your boss. You feel like you’ve actually made progress with him today and this feels like a setback waiting to happen.
“Again, Mr. Nanami, that wasn’t my intention. I just wanted to try something new. I had no idea this book…” you wave your hand in his direction. “...would be such a sore spot for you.”
At this, Nanami seems to bristle. “My sore spot,” he stresses the words, “is nosey employees who don’t just do the job I asked them to do. I asked you to make a sample pastry –”
“And I did,” you cut him off, gesturing to your tarts cooling on the table. “And I had enough time to try my hand at something new, which is why I wanted to try something new and present it to you.”
You sigh when Nanami meets your response with silence.
“What’s the issue here? You had no problem with helping me make this until you saw that book,” you say, pointing at the small black journal he holds. Your gazes lock in an intense staredown and even as Nanami annoys you, you can’t help but find his frustratingly pretty brown eyes completely mesmerizing. 
Ugh, stop.
“The issue,” Nanami stresses, “is you sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong.”
“Excuse me? It’s just a recipe book. Why are you so upset about it? Is it yours or something?”
“Again, poking your nose where it doesn’t belong.”
“Mr. Nanami, with all due…respect,” you grit out the last word because he was really starting to piss you off, “if we’re going to be working together as closely as we are, there needs to be some trust here. It’s just a recipe book. I apologize for overstepping, but you can tell me why referencing this book to make Weenerbrod is such a big deal.”
You could swear you see the ghost of a smile on his lips just before he rolls his eyes, correcting your pronunciation of the pastry again, just as he turns his back to you. “You are my employee, I am your employer and that’s it. My helping you to bake a simple bread does not make us friends. Please complete the sample pastries I requested of you and we can reconvene once they’re finished. End of discussion.”
Nanami heads to his office without another word, slamming the door behind him.
You can only watch him disappear from your sight, seething. Left standing in the kitchen alone after yet another faceoff with your new boss, you’re suddenly reminded of your earlier conversation with Shoko.
Just try not to let him walk all over you. You’ve worked with plenty of dickheads before. What’s one more?
You resist going after Nanami and giving him a piece of your mind, instead following his instructions to finish your samples. You won’t push him. Clearly that little book meant something to him and he had no intention of sharing. And he was right. It wasn’t your business to know…
…But you can’t help feeling upset that the light mood of earlier is now gone.
You sigh, ignoring the pit in your stomach as your anger begins to subside. Instead, you move to the walk in refrigerator, gathering the ingredients to make the vanilla cream for your tarts.
Your mind is still racing with the conversation that just took place even as you mix your ingredients and pack the cream into the icing decorating bags. You realize for the first time since meeting Nanami that he wasn’t only this stoic tyrant that enjoys barking orders. He was someone with interests, someone with depth, someone who clearly enjoyed the art of baking the same way you do. You saw the look in his eyes as he guided you through making this pastry. And while you’ve barely known Nanami, you’re familiar with the look on someone’s face when they’ve participated in their passion. He looked…happy. Clearly, there’s more to Nanami than you know.
More to him than what he was willing to show you. For now. 
You’re annoyingly positive.
Shoko’s words make you roll your eyes as they echo in her head. Because you know she’s right.
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sansaorgana · 3 months
Hello love! I simply adore your writing and I was wondering if I could get a Gale Cleven x reader who's dealing with infertility? Probably something angsty? If not, that's totally fine. I'm just having a bit of a rough day :/
hi, sweetheart! 🥺 I'm sorry that you're having a rough day... I am trying to write these stories chronologically but I decided to write this one today so you don't have to wait too long 😊 btw I know that we treat Buck as a fictional character here but as far as I am concerned, real Buck Cleven never had children – at least I've never seen them mentioned anywhere like Bucky's daughters or Crosby's kids 🤔
my inbox is open for blurb/short fic requests for major cleven 🤗
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You didn’t want to go there at all but you knew that you should leave the house finally for your own mental health. Buck was looking worried about you, too, and you wanted to show him that you were slowly getting better after your last miscarriage. But the truth was that some part of you was dying with each one of them.
For the first time it had been sad but not devastating yet – it was common to happen after all. Second time had started to make you worry. Third and fourth had only been a confirmation of your fear – you wouldn’t give your husband a child and you wouldn’t become a mother unless someone comes up with a magical cure.
Your best friend Eva was the only person who had known about it and she was as worried as Buck was. When one of your and Eva’s friends, Nancy, had decided to throw a tea party, Eva insisted on taking you there. So you dressed up and let her take you in her car as Buck watched from the window with a faint smile.
Eva was an independent woman. After her husband’s death in the war she decided not to marry again. She got her own car and managed most things on her own. She was a wild and free spirit and she never wanted to have children so as much as you appreciated her effort to help you – you knew that she would never fully understand your struggle.
The tea party took place at Nancy’s house. There were a few other women and you all sat by the table and sipped on the warm beverage from the china set Nancy had gotten for her wedding. She looked excited and her eyes were sparkling all the time as she was smiling widely. Eventually, you found out the reason behind that.
“So, I wanted you all to come here because… Because I have something to tell you, girls,” she giggled and all the women looked at her, curiously.
You felt a knot forming in your stomach. You already felt what it was.
“I’m pregnant!” She announced and everyone cheered. You did too, forcing a smile. Eva’s hand found yours under the table and squeezed yours to show you a silent support.
You felt tears forming in the corners of your eyes. You got angry at Eva for convincing you to come here but it wasn’t her fault after all, she couldn’t know… You looked around and realised that all other women in the room had children already or were pregnant. Except for you and Eva but she didn’t count since she didn’t want to become a mother anyway.
But the worst hadn’t happened yet.
“Now it’s (Y/N)’s turn,” Nancy smiled at you and you put the cup down with a shaky hand.
“Stop pushing her,” Eva reacted immediately.
“Don’t be like this, Eva. You hope she will never be a mother so you won’t be alone in this,” Nancy’s sister, Hannah, snapped at her.
“We don’t really think about having children, Buck and I,” you smiled nervously and the women looked at each other.
“My husband didn’t want them either but I convinced him,” Janis grinned at you, thinking that her words were in any way helpful.
“We just don’t…” you started and your voice broke. Eva jumped in the conversation quickly.
“Stop pushing her!” She insisted angrily.
“I’m only saying, he can wait but she cannot,” Nancy shrugged her arms.
You didn’t want to make a scene and leave after that so you only pretended to be more interested with the piece of cake on your plate although swallowing it was extremely difficult with a gulp in your throat. You waited about half an hour before nodding at Eva discreetly.
“It’s time for us,” she stood up and grabbed her purse. “I promised Buck to take her back home by eight.”
“These officers, they are all about discipline,” you chuckled while excusing yourself and picked your purse up as well. “Can’t have my Major waiting too long.”
You left the house as fast as possible and waited for Eva by her car.
“I’m sorry, darling,” she told you when she finally joined you. “I had no idea.”
“Let’s not… Let’s not talk about it, alright?” You sniffed back the tears and she nodded, furrowing her eyebrows at you but respecting your wish to stay silent.
In fact, you both remained silent for the whole ride home and she only kissed your cheek when she parked by your lawn and you jumped out of the car to go back inside and hide from the world.
Buck was in the living room, crouching down next to the TV set with a screwdriver in his hand as he worked on some adjustments. You smiled through the tears and leaned on the wall, shyly.
“You’re back already?” He mumbled without looking up.
“Yeah, it was no fun,” you answered. “What are you on about again, Buck?”
“The signal keeps being bad, I can fix that, I think,” he explained.
“Just don’t hurt yourself and, most importantly, don’t break the TV,” you sighed, trying to be in a playful and teasing mood but it was difficult, especially while seeing him – the man you loved… whom you couldn’t give a child.
You burst into tears all of sudden and Buck looked up, worryingly.
“Hey, baby, what’s wrong?” He put the screwdriver down and approached you as quickly as possible to put his hands on your shoulders.
“Nancy… She… She’s pregnant,” you told him and he sighed before pulling you closer and pressing your face to his chest.
“I’m sorry, darling…” He rubbed your back, not knowing what to say.
“And she asked about us not having a baby of our own…” You tugged on his shirt.
“That is none of that woman’s business why we don’t have a baby of our own,” you heard Buck’s voice getting more stern and angry.
“I know… I told her we don’t want babies… I didn’t know what else to say…” You explained.
“It’s alright,” he shushed you and kissed the top of your head.
“No, it’s not…” You looked up with your wet eyes and makeup running down your face. You could see the pain on his face from witnessing you this way and you hated to bring him sadness, too, but you couldn’t stop the tears from flowing. “She said you have time but I am running out of it.”
Buck’s jaw clenched at the words. He hated when anyone was hurting you either with words or actions – no matter if it was a man or woman.
“Nancy’s never been a bright girl, you know that, baby?” He cupped your wet cheeks and leaned in closer to your face. You nodded, unsurely. “Girls like her only care about keeping a husband at home and showing off in town.”
“But I care about keeping a husband, too,” you gasped.
Buck sighed and shook his head, looking for the right words.
“Come here, baby,” he lowered his hands to hold yours as he led you on the sofa and sat you on his lap. You threw your arms around his neck and he pulled you closer by your hip and thigh. “How many times do I have to tell you, sweetheart, that you’re all I want? Only you,” he pecked your lips softly. “You make me the happiest already. Having a baby with you would be only an addition, it’s already perfect the way it is. If we have a baby, I’ll be happy. But if we don’t, I’ll be just as much satisfied,” he explained to you. “And I won’t let anyone say bad things about my beautiful and wonderful wife.”
“Buck…” Your lower lips trembled. “It brings me comfort to know you don’t really care about it but…”
“It’s not that I don’t care. Don’t say that,” he interrupted you. “I care.”
“I know, I’m sorry… But I want this baby. I want to have a baby with you more than anything in the world. I am glad you’ll be as happy without it but I don’t think I will be…” You looked down, ashamed of your confession.
Buck stayed silent for a while, caressing you and keeping you close as he rested his chin on your head and sighed.
“I know, my sweet girl, you just want a baby to love and take care of, right?”
“Yes…” You nodded. “And… And I hate how jealous I get when I see other women with babies or being pregnant. It brings the worst out of me and I don’t like this version of me.”
“Shh, hey, love, there are lots of babies out there who want a mummy to love them and take care of them just as much, you know?” He asked in a soft whisper and you looked up at him.
“What are you suggesting? That we should adopt?” You raised an eyebrow at him.
“Only if you want to,” he nodded and raised his hand to caress your head gently. “I want you to be happy, darling. That’s all I want, nothing else. I hate to see you so sad all the time,” he confessed and smiled sadly.
“It would be lovely to adopt a baby but I’m scared it won’t be the same… Because I want to have your baby, Gale… Ours,” you fixed yourself.
“You know that I’d do everything to make your dream come true, I really would. But some things… They’re just impossible to happen sometimes, you know that, baby?” Buck kissed your forehead. “We can keep trying and trying but it kills me to see you getting even sadder each time it happens.”
You only hummed to yourself and squeezed him tighter. A decision to adopt a baby couldn’t be made in the heat of the moment, you had to think about it more thoroughly. But your husband had a point. You also hated to make him worried so much about you and the fact that he himself would be as happy without having a child with you was bringing you lots of comfort. It would be way worse if he wanted this baby more than anything else.
“I have to heal after the recent loss first,” you whispered to him after a while, “and then we’ll talk about it again, how about that?”
“Sounds about right,” Buck caressed your cheeks with his thumbs and leaned in to place a soft kiss on your lips.
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zegrasdrysdale · 3 months
The arrival pic of John holding the little girls hand has me thinking about him as a dad and how great he’d be. Can you do first time dad John? Like his excitement finding out/birth/newborn fluff and the baby is maybe due in the beginning of the off season so he’s happy he can actually be there for his wife towards the end and not be stressed about missing the arrival and can soak up those newborn moments as a little family <3
[ first time forever ] j. marino
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paring : John Marino x fem!reader
summary : the events leading up to John and his fiancée welcoming their first baby and becoming first time parents
warning(s) : pregnancy, throwing up. childbirth, light sexual content and language
author's note : had to do math for this one and math is not my strong suit (i very much fit the stereotype of english majors not being able to do math). pls don't yell at me if the math is wrong. i tried
【 July 22nd, 2023 】
She falls to the side under the blankets with a sigh. Her breathing is labored and she looks up at the ceiling as she recovers from the strongest orgasm of her life. John is already curled up at her side and presses soft kisses into her shoulder.
"You have no idea how sexy you looked riding me, baby," John mumbles against her skin. He looks through his eyelashes at her. "Might need you to do that again."
With a breathy laugh, she looks over at her new fiancé. "Not tonight," she tells him. "We've already gone three rounds. You might have a lot of stamina from being a hockey player but I don’t. I’m not a hockey player that is constantly working out."
John smiles and trails kisses up to her jaw. She bites her already swollen bottom lip for a second and lets out a soft sigh as he makes his way to her cheek.
"I wouldn't make you go again tonight," he promises her. "We get to do this for the rest of our lives."
She smiles and John lifts his head to look at her. She grabs one of his hands with her left hand, her new ring sparkling in the soft lamp light of their bedroom as she laces their fingers together. John softly kisses the ring on her finger.
"For the rest of our lives," she echoes. He smiles at her before he leans in and kisses her softly.
It doesn't lead to anything. As a matter of fact, she falls asleep about five minutes later because of the amount of orgasms she had in such a short amount of time.
The morning in the other hand is a completely different story, and she doesn’t even mind because she is so in love with him.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
【 September 16th, 2023 】
Something is wrong. Well, not wrong, but her body hasn't felt like her own recently. Every time she's eaten something she usually likes, it ends with her in the bathroom puking it up.
This is not the time to be getting sick. John is about to start playing preseason games and she wants to actually go to them without having to worry about throwing up something she eats. This might be the worst time to get sick.
She was going to go watch John at camp today but she is once again on the bathroom floor and throwing up the food that she ate last night for dinner. John is kneeling beside her and holds her hair back in a ponytail as she throws up.
“You shouldn’t come to watch today if you still aren’t feeling good,” he comments as she flushes the toilet and sits back against it. John grabs a cloth and dabs the sweat off her face. “I wouldn’t want you to push yourself if you’re sick.”
She pouts and looks up at him. “No, baby,” she quickly says. “I want to go and be there to support you. I’m okay enough to go. I promise.”
John shakes his head and pushes her loose hair behind her ears. “I don’t want you to make yourself more sick,” he replies.
“I’ve been sick for almost two weeks,” she says. As soon as the words leave her mouth, she realizes just how long she really has been sick.
Constantly throwing up and feeling nauseous, especially in the morning or after she eats something. Her body has felt foreign to her and she’s been so tired even though she gets enough sleep every night.
The cramps she’s been getting with no period is the last red flag before she realizes what might be happening.
She looks up at John and asks, “Can you grab the box of tampons for me?”
He reaches behind him and grabs the box of Tampax Pearl tampons out from underneath the sink. He hands it to her and she sees that it’s not even open. She covers her mouth with her hand and looks up at John. He’s blurry because of the tears that have formed.
“What’s wrong?” John questions as the tears roll down her cheeks. “Why are you crying?”
“I don’t think I’m sick,” she confesses. “I’ll need to take a test for confirmation but I might be pregnant, baby.”
John’s eyes widen before a smile forms on his face. “You think so?” he asks.
She nods and reaches up to pull him into a hug. John falls into her arms because he’s off balance and they both laugh on the bathroom floor. She runs her fingers through his curls and she presses kisses to his cheek.
“Will you be okay while I go to camp?” he asks when he pulls back. “Or do you want to come with me and we can go to a CVS or something to get some tests after I’m done? I really want to be here when you take them.”
“I’ll come with you,” she replies. “I wanted to be there anyway. Give me a second to get off the floor.”
John gets up to go get ready.
She can’t stop smiling since she realized that she might be pregnant. She most likely is pregnant and she has been ignoring the signs for weeks. She takes a few minutes before she gets off the floor and walks into the bedroom.
Her fiancé is buttoning up his shirt and tucking it into his pants. He looks over and asks, “Are you wearing one of my jerseys or a t-shirt?”
“Probably a jersey,” she replies as she walks to the closet to grab something. “Alternate or home?”
“Alternate,” John answers. “I like the black jerseys.”
She smiles and nods. “We’ll have to get our baby one,” she comments.
When she looks at John, he has the biggest smile on his face. The smile alone is enough to get her excited for the birth of their baby.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
【 December 2023 】
yourusername & john.marino97
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liked by njdevils, nicohischier and 72,981 others
yourusername baby marino coming april 2024 🤍🍼
view all 4,136 comments
nicohischier congratulations !
dawson1417 boy or girl ?
yourusername come to the baby shower next week to find out
dawson1417 booo
njdevils We have a mini Marino jersey ready for you! ❤️
jackhughes so proud that i was able to keep this secret
john.marino97 my loves 🤍 can’t wait to start our family in a few months
yourusername 🥺🫶🏼 love you
penguins Congratulations John and (Y/N)! We can’t wait to meet the little one (and put them in the right jersey)
john.marino97 💛🖤
lhughes_06 gonna be the best uncle
pally_18 congrats
nhl ❤️🖤
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
【 December 14th, 2023 】
Her sisters have done so much leading up to the baby shower. The decorations are a beautiful pastel blue or pink. The cake that she and John are going to cut into to find out the sex of their baby is stunning.
She wears a short flowy pink dress with spaghetti straps and John wears a blue golf shirt with white shorts. Their friends and family are wearing either blue or pink. She could cry at how amazing everything looks but she put on mascara. Hopefully waterproof because she’s going to cry either way today.
The cake is sitting on the kitchen island. Everyone has surrounded it. John holds a knife in his hand and she looks up at him. She bites her bottom lip, ruining her lipstick in the process.
Since the start of her second trimester, all she’s wanted to do is jump him. He could come back from a game all sweaty and she’d still want to pin him to a mattress. The only thing that’s really stopped her is the fact that her belly is the size of a balloon and John probably doesn’t find that really hot.
“… llo?” someone is saying to her while she is zoned out and thinking about sex. “You in there?” It’s her younger sister. “Welcome back.”
“What’s up?” she asks as she looks around the room at everyone. “Is it time?”
Her sister nods. “It’s time, and you went into her head while looking up at John. I don’t want to know what you were thinking about because I could see the look on your face but we needed you to come back to the present day so you can cut your cake.”
She feels her cheeks flush as her sister laughs and goes to join the crowd around them. She looks up at John and asks, “Was I really that zoned out?”
John nods and leans into her ear. “I also saw the look on your face and it’s about time,” he whispers in her ear. “I have been patiently waiting for this moment to come for weeks since you wouldn’t let me touch you.”
“Even with my belly?” she softly asks.
“Especially with your belly,” he replies, voice still soft. Their eyes meet and she smiles up at him. “Ready to cut the cake?”
With a short nod, she grabs hold of the knife over John’s hand. She’s shaking slightly as the knife cuts through it.
Seconds later, with careful hands, they pull out the slice they just cut. Under the white icing is pink cake.
They’re having a baby girl.
The group of friends, family, and teammates around them celebrates. Everyone offers congratulations to the two of them.
Just to mess with John a little bit, she puts icing on her finger and puts it on his cheek. Surprised, he looks over at her. “You did not,” he says.
“You got a little something,” she laughs and points to her own cheek.
John tries to wipe it off but keeps missing the blob of icing on his cheek. She smiles and wipes it off for him. Then she sucks the icing off her finger and makes eye contact with her fiancé.
There’s a flicker in John’s eyes when their eyes meet. She smiles and John lightly grabs her wrist. “Let’s go,” he says.
“Are you turning down seeing me naked?” he questions. Her eyes widen and she shakes her head. “Then come on.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
【 April 17th, 2024 】
The day starts out great.
Well, as great as it can with the Devils not in the playoffs this season and nine months pregnant. She feels heavy and she can’t see her feet anymore. John is cleaning out his locker and doing exit interviews with the team. She stays in bed and eats some of the Tru Fru that has been in the freezer for weeks.
Criminal Minds is playing on the TV when she gets what feels like a very strong cramp in her lower back and the bottom of her abdomen. She doesn’t think anything of it because she’s been getting light cramps for two days.
Then she gets another one about ten minutes later. It’s a little stronger than the last and she gasps from the pain.
This cannot be happening right now. She isn’t allowed to go into labor because John is at work. She has no way of getting to the hospital.
There’s a third concraction and sudden between her legs feels very wet. She lifts up the blanket and sees a big puddle of water between her legs on the mattress. Her water just broke.
After the contraction subsides, she grabs her phone to call someone. Anyone that will take her to the hospital.
She starts with John because maybe he’s done. It rings and rings until she gets his voicemail. “John Marino,” she begins to say as she rolls out of bed. “You better be done soon because I’m about to leave for the hospital to give birth to your daughter. I’m going to kill you if you aren’t in that room and holding my hand in an hour. I might kill you anyway because this hurts.”
Her next call is to her sister who lives about five minutes away. She picks up within three rings.
“You okay?”
“My water just broke and John is at work,” she says. She feels another contraction come on and she groans. Not that it relieves any pain. “Please take me to the hospital because I need an epidural.”
“On my way,” her sister immediately tells her. “Do not try to climb down three fights of steps by yourself, or even take the elevator. God forbid something happens. I will come get you.”
She groans into the phone again and bends over, hoping that it’ll elevate some pain. It doesn’t.
Five minutes later, she’s being hauled out the door and down the elevator. She has the baby bag over her shoulder as she gets into her sister’s car. She tries John again but isn’t able to reach him.
A YouTube notification comes over and sees that it’s the first round of exit interviews. Lazar, Haula, Bastian, and Holtzy. No John so they may not have even interviewed him yet. Maybe they’re in the middle of interviewing him and that’s why he’s not picking up his damn phone.
In a desperate effort to get a hold of her fiancé, she calls Nico. The captain gave her his number just in case. This is that just in case.
Nico picks up after the first two rings. “Good morning,” he cheerfully says. “How are you?”
“Where’s John?” she asks. “He isn’t picking up his phone and it’s important.”
“He’s talking with Amanda right now,” he tells her. “Are you okay? Do you need him?”
Another contraction. “My water broke,” she says through gritted teeth. “My sister is taking me to the hospital. Tell him to get his ass to the hospital right now or I am going to murder him.”
Her sister pulls into the parking lot. “Yeah, I’ll get him,” he replies. “I’ll drive him there myself if he needs me to.”
“Thank you, Nico,” she sighs as her sister parks.
The line goes dead and she slowly gets out of the car with her sister’s help. “Is he on the way?”
“I hope so,” she replies. “Nico is going to bring him here.”
They walk into the hospital and up to the maternity ward without any contractions despite them getting closer and stronger. She leans against the nurse’s counter as she checks in.
Once in the room, she puts on a hospital gown and is hooked up to a machine that monitors the baby in her belly.
Then she’s left alone while her sister talks with the doctor and calls John. She sits on the bed and looks at her swollen belly that she won’t have in a few days or weeks once she delivers the baby.
She’s going to miss her belly. It’s one of her favorite things about being pregnant. Knowing she’s growing a human inside of her. A human that she and John made because they love each other.
A contraction hits her at the same time tears prick her eyes. She will truly miss being pregnant.
The door to the room opens and John comes running in. “Baby, hi,” he pants like he just ran up here. “Are you okay? Do you need something? Why are you crying?”
“We’re going to have a baby,” she tells him. “My belly is going to go away and she’ll be in the world.”
John grabs the hand that doesn’t have an IV in it and kisses the back of it. “It’s okay,” he coos. “This doesn’t have to be our only baby. We can have as many as you want so you can have your belly.”
She laughs as another contraction hits. Her smile drops. “Where is the epidural?” she groans. “This hurts so much. God.”
Almost as if she was heard, a nurse comes walking into the room with a needle. The needle is the worst part but as soon as the epidural is administered, she feels so much better.
“Sorry it took me so long to get here,” John says when things have settled down. “Nico told me that you called and immediately ran out of the locker room without my stuff so I could be here. He wanted to drive me but I couldn’t ask him to do that. He still had to be interviewed and clean out his stuff. I was done being interviewed and was told I could go back in a few days to get my things. I needed to be here with you.”
She nods and looks at him. “You’re here,” she says. “That is all I wanted. Our daughter should have her father here.”
John presses a soft kiss to her cheek. “Absolutely.”
Nearly fourteen hours later at two in the morning, Taylor Marie Marino is born. Eight pounds, four ounces. She is exhausted and her vagina hurts after pushing out a whole human.
Baby Taylor cries in her arms and she cries as she looks at her daughter in her arms. John stands next to the bed and rests his hand on Taylor’s head. “Congratulations, mom and dad,” the doctor says to them. “She’s beautiful.”
“Looks just like her mom,” John says. She looks up at him and pouts. “Her mom is so strong and beautiful.”
She shakes her head and leans against John. “Shut up,” she laughs. “Don’t suck up to me now because I went through almost fifteen hours of labor because of you.”
“It was a joint effort, baby,” John replies.
“Maybe one will be okay for us,” she tells him. “Not sure if I could do this again. I don’t think I can push another watermelon out of my vagina.”
The nurse takes Taylor from them with a laugh. “Get some rest, momma,” she says. “You did good. Now you deserve a good rest.”
So she does. It’s going to be the last good rest she’ll get for a few years, or 18.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
【 May 24th, 2024 】
It’s been a beautiful and chaotic month since they went home with Taylor, but they finally have a system. Every other night, she gets up with Tay. John still takes most nights though.
Tonight, she gets up with a crying Taylor.
She grabs the newborn out of her bassinet and heads into the living room. “What’s wrong, my love?” she asks softly. “Hungry? Do you need to eat?” She glances at the time and sees that it’s about time. “Yeah. Let’s get you fed.”
So she gets comfortable on the couch and gives Taylor one of her breasts. She sucks gently and leans back to relax.
Minutes later, Taylor moves. She isn’t moving. John is taking her out of his arms. “Did I fall asleep?” she asks.
“Yeah, it’s okay,” she tells her. “I got her. Go back to sleep. It’s obvious you need it.”
She shakes her head and follows John and Taylor to their daughter’s room. He lays her back down and puts on the white noise machine. They stand and look at their baby.
“We did good,” John says. “We’re doing good.”
“Maybe I do want another one,” she comments. “After we get married though.”
“Of course.”
They look at each other. John smiles and says, “I love you.”
“I love you,” she replies. “Both of you.”
“My girls.”
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mrsevans90 · 4 months
Puppy Love
Captain Syverson x OFC Emma Miller Part 13
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Summary: Austin Syverson has returned to Texas after retiring from the military and starts his own contracting business. Syverson is used to being alone and thinks he prefers it that way. While at work he stumbles upon an injured and abused puppy. When he meets the new veterinarian in town, Emma Miller, he is immediately smitten with her. It turns out Emma has some baggage of her own. Will they be able to make it work? Or is it just a case of fleeting puppy love?
Pairing: Henry Cavill as Captain Austin Syverson x OFC Emma Miller 
Warnings: SMUT, p in v intercourse, face sitting (oral F), tiny mention of butt stuff 😜, angst, period, Emma embarrassed, anxious Sy, Nana (because her sassiness is a warning), language
MINORS DNI! Must be 18+
I do not authorize any copying/pasting, stealing of my work, or using my words as your own. 
This story is not beta’d. All mistakes are my own.
A/N: I am an imperfect person who makes mistakes. All that I ask is to please be kind and if you enjoy it then please comment and REPOST! I appreciate any love, comments, and reposts more than you could know. Thank you for reading! 
Part 12
Two weeks have passed since Emma’s parents visited and we have been spending the night together every night since. I’ve cleaned out a drawer in my bedroom that now holds extra clothes for when Emma’s here including some work scrubs so she can leave straight from my house. She cleaned out a drawer at her house for me and my spare clothes. I haven’t had this level of commitment to someone since I was in my twenties, but rather than feeling afraid I feel comforted. Coming home to her is just the most incredible feeling. She has really transformed my house into a home simply with her presence. We gave each other spare keys to each other’s homes last week so we wouldn’t have to wait on each other. I have finally accepted that Emma is my end game and I can’t run from happiness anymore. She’s basically aware of how damaged I am, having seen me through my worst flashback yet and even then, she wasn’t scared away. I often catch myself thinking about us living together, marrying her, and what our lives would look like if she would have me. I made myself so hard thinking about her pregnant with my children that I had to take a second shower one day last week. May have tapped into a bit of a breeding kink there but I plan to keep that to myself.
Tonight, it’s a Friday night and we decided to stay at mine. I’m on my way home and pull up to see that Emma’s jeep is already parked in the driveway and I smile. The vet clinic closes early on Friday afternoons due to it being slow, but this is the first time she’s beat me home. I unlock the front door and my nostrils are assaulted with the most incredible smelling aroma after a long day in the sun. I’m surprised that there are no dogs rushing to bombard me with excitement at the door, but as I walk further down the hall to find them practically on top of Emma on the couch as a show played on the tv. 
“Hi Darlin’. Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.” I say with a kiss to her forehead from behind the couch that she’s resting on. Emma’s lounging in one of my t-shirts and some of her teeny tiny sleep shorts that never fail to make me instantly hard. I can even tell that she’s braless and I’m tempted to cop a feel. 
“Mmm. Hi babe. How was work?”
“Hot.” I say honestly as I spent the majority of the day outside in the sun building a porch for a client. “Something smells amazing in the kitchen.”
“The lasagna has about ten more minutes until it’s done. I figure that’s enough time for you to shower or change into comfortable clothes before we eat.”
“You’re too damn good to me, Sugar.” I say as I tuck a stray hair from her eyes that’s fallen from her messy updo. 
“Nope, just trying to be as good as you deserve.” She says with a shy smile and I find myself not wanting to leave her presence even for just a quick shower after being without her all day. I make a point to greet the dogs who have traitorously not left Emma’s side even to greet me as I chuckle to myself at how quickly this astonishing woman has won all of us over.
I head to my bedroom, chucking clothes off as I go and toss them all into the hamper, which is surprisingly empty. I hop in the shower not wasting any time getting back to my girl, and a delicious smelling meal. Once I’m through, I put on some lounge shorts and a t-shirt and find Emma in the kitchen plating up our food. She’s made lasagna with garlic bread, and she poured us each a glass of sweet tea. My stomach growled at the sight and she giggled cutely as I helped carry the food to the table. Before she sits, I wrap her into my arms and kiss her. 
“Thank you for making dinner, Sugar.”
“Mmm, anytime. You sure you’re okay with me using the key and showing up before you got here? I was bored at the house and figured the pups would keep me company.”
“Darlin’, I can’t possibly tell you how much it brought a smile to my face having you here when I got home. I always want you here. Feels like a home with you in it. Now, let’s eat this feast, babygirl.”
“I made brownies for dessert.” She grins as she picks up her drink.
“You trying to make me pop a boner at the dinner table?” I ask jokingly and she chokes on her sip of sweet tea. Once Emma’s breath comes back to her after I dutifully contributed by smacking her back, we both start laughing so hard she has tears streaming down her face.
“I did not expect you to say that, Sy!” I’ve noticed she calls me Sy when she’s being playful or out in public. When it’s just us or family around, she calls me Austin and I honestly really like that since nobody ever uses my first name besides her.
“I usually think of that sweet pussy when I think of dessert, but I don’t mind having a brownie or two first.” I say with a wink and she shakes her head at me with a grin.
“So vulgar, Mr. Syverson.” 
“Don’t act like you don’t like it, Ms. Miller.” I joke back.
We ate dinner until we were stuffed and I quickly began cleaning the kitchen.  “Don’t look at me like that, woman. You cooked all of this. I’m cleaning. Go turn on your show and relax.” I tell her and she smacks my ass as she walks to the living room, with the dogs faithfully following her lead. I clean up and don’t hear the tv going so when I go looking for her, I see her in the backyard with the dogs. The summer heat has lessened as it is approaching dusk and Emma stands just outside the screened in porch throwing a tennis ball for Mills. Aika is rolling in the grass as lightning bugs start appearing at the edge of the yard. I walk out and wrap Emma tightly in my arms. 
“I thought I told you to relax, Angel.”
“I am. This house, your property, everything about being here relaxes me. It’s so calm and quiet here.”
“Yeah? Always thought of this place as my little slice of heaven. Even more with you here.” I tell her and she smiles.
“Think you could see yourself living here with me one day?” I ask knowing it’s probably way to early and I might freak her out. To my surprise, she smiles and wraps her arms along my forearms that are holding her waist. 
“It’s almost too easy to imagine that.” She whispers.
“Yeah?” I ask and she nods.
“Want to move in with me?” I ask surprising myself even. It’s early in the relationship still, but it feels right.
“Isn’t it too soon?” She asks as she turns and looks at my face scanning for the answer to her question.
“I guess that’s up to us to decide. I’m not ever wanting to pressure ya, Sugar, but I can’t say I don’t picture us living here together in this big old house. Maybe one day even some kids to fill up those bedrooms.”
Emma beams and kisses me. Moments of gentle kisses soon become heated and I’m guiding her back inside the screened in porch, the screen door squealing in protest as it slams behind us. 
“Time for dessert, and I don’t mean the brownies.” I say between passionate kisses. My hands are under the too large shirt she’s wearing, and I pull it over her head. She seemingly has no qualms about being topless here in my secluded backyard and I quickly reach behind my neck and pull my own shirt off so I can feel her skin against mine. Our hands are everywhere, groping and teasing at the same time before I turn her back against my chest and take her breasts in my hands while nipping down her neck. After sucking on her skin, I turn and lay myself down on my back on the outdoor couch that I had built a few years ago. 
“Climb on, sweetness.” I tell her and she slides her tiny shorts down along with her barely there thong and steps out of them. Emma reaches for my shorts that are tented from my very obvious boner but I shake my head and point to my chin. Emma’s cheeks turn bright pink and I smirk at her.
“Got your seat all ready for ya, Darlin’. Let me have a taste of that perfect peach.”
“I’ve never done that.” She whispers as I pull her close to my face. 
“Sit down.” I tell her.
“Austin, you won’t be able to breathe, I’ll smother you!” Emma frets. Like her tiny little frame could possibly suffocate me, but even so that would be the ideal way to go.
“Woman, just sit on my face!” I say as I pull her hips and ass down and hold her tightly. Emma gasps when she contacts my beard and I blow my warm breath onto her delicate core.
“That’s more like it, Sugar. Relax and let me eat.” I command with a smack to her ass cheeks. Emma surges forward and grips the arm rest of the couch as I get to work. I slide my tongue around her entrance and lick up in figure eights around her clit. Emma’s breathing becomes faster and when I spear my tongue into her opening she moans. My hands knead and massage her buttocks as I stare up at her heaving breasts that are chasing each breath she takes. Her eyes are closed tightly as her head tilts back slightly from the sensation I’m providing. When I begin putting pressure on her sensitive little button, Emma begins grinding against my face, her earlier hesitation seemingly no longer of concern. I double down and focus my efforts of pleasuring her as best as I can. My arm stretches out and grabs a handful of her breasts and lightly pinch the peaked bud. God, I could stay down here all day watching her like this. I continue teasing her sensitive nipples and am finally rewarded with her grinding down hard as her hands are grasping the short hair on my head. Emma moans loudly in her bliss, not caring one bit that we are outside. Her thighs clamp around me as I suck on her sweet little nub and greedily swallow up the juices that are dripping from her core. I maneuver Emma to where she is laying on top of me as she comes down from her high and wipe my soaked beard with my hand. Emma leans up to kiss me and I’m certain she can taste her little cunt on my lips which makes me painfully hard. 
“Fuck me, Sy. Hard.” She whines which makes me immediately sit up and lean her over the arm of the outdoor couch. Emma is panting in wordless anticipation as run my finger through her slick arousal before dropping my shorts and pressing myself against her. Emma impatiently pushes her ass further into my leaking erection and after spreading her legs a little wider, I slide home.
“Fucking hell, Darlin’. Never had a pussy feel so good. You’re perfect, baby girl.” I growl at her warm, wet heat as it’s the best thing I’ve ever felt. It’s a privilege being able to worship her body and that knowledge is not lost on me. I give her only a moment to adjust before I retreat and then slam into her again. 
“Ah! Baby! You feel so good inside of me.” She mewls as I thrust into her. I spread her round globes and look at her perfect little asshole.
“You’re so fucking pretty, baby girl. So beautiful and sexy.” I grunt.
“Tell me if you don’t like what I’m doing, Sugar.” I command. My ball sack is smacking her clit each time I thrust forward and I can no longer help myself. I spit onto her tight hole and gently circle it with my thumb. Emma moans at the sensation and I slowly slide my thumb into her tight rim. I smack her left ass cheek as I gently prod my thumb in and out of her snug hole.
“Fuck babe! I’m gonna cum!”
“Yeah Darlin’, let go for me. Let me feel you soak my cock.” I grunt.
Emma moans as she clamps down around me and I spear into her harder and faster until I reach my release, spurting my seed into her channel. Emma presses her body against the couch and I can’t help but lay across her soft back as I try and catch my breath. I’m not as young as I once was, but Sy’s still got it.
Emma looks absolutely shattered so once I remove myself from her, I gather our clothes, let the dogs inside and carry her to the master bathroom. I set her on the toilet while I start filling the bathtub and appreciate Emma’s sleepy smile at my preparations. While the water is filling, I jog back down to the kitchen, wash my hands, and grab the platter of brownies Emma made with two cups of milk. Emma giggles when she sees me smuggling our treats back into the bathroom and setting out a stool next to the tub to place them on. When the water is filled and the bubbles are sufficient, I step in first before helping Emma in and positioning her on my lap. Emma’s back rests against my chest and I think about the last time we bathed in here together and how nervous I was for her to sleep over. Now, I only sleep poorly when she’s not next to me. I lean forward and get each of us a brownie and we gently bump them together with a “cheers” before digging in. 
“I gave Millsy-bear his last set of puppy shots this afternoon when I got here, by the way.” She says.
“Thanks, Sugar. No wonder he was snuggling hard on the couch when I made it home.”
“I gave him treats and extra cuddles for having to get a shot. Aika got one just for being cute. Bribery is key in veterinary medicine.” Emma says.
“You make house calls for all of your clients?”
“Only one. My favorite.”
“You’re my favorite too, Sugar.” I place a kiss on her temple.
“Oh, I was talking about Mills… Awkward.” She jokes and I tickle her ribs.
 “I guess you’re up there on the list of my favorite things.” Emma says with kiss to my lips before picking a brownie crumb from my scruff. She smiles as she eats it and then takes a bite out of her dessert.
“Are you always this happy?” I ask her without thinking. I know I have a reputation of being extremely serious, or a ‘grump’ as Alex says, but Emma is the opposite. She’s like sunshine. The daytime to my nighttime. She’s made me smile and laugh more in these three months than probably ever before.
“Um not at all. You just make me really happy, Sy.” 
“You’ve made me the happiest man in the world, Darlin.”
Emma and I lay in the tub talking about all things that come to mind until the water gets cold and my perpetual warmth isn’t enough for her. She's shivering as we climb out. We rinse off the bubble bath in the shower quickly before getting in bed and falling asleep wrapped in each other’s arms. 
I wake up early the next morning, close to six am and see my sleeping beauty is still a mess of hair and disheveled blankets next to me. She slept in one of my t-shirts last night since she was still cold from our extended bath, and as no surprise it’s twisted up around her waist. I smile at her disarray before snuggling up to her. When I do, I feel like I’ve rolled in something wet so I lift the covers. Oh no, a little patch of blood. Emma must’ve started her period in her sleep and knowing what I do about how she’s been treated in the past, I don’t want her to panic. I ease out of bed to grab some clothes, using my military stealth to do so as quietly as possible. Luckily my girl could sleep through a tornado, but I didn’t want to take any chances. I scribbled out a quick note telling her not to panic, and that I’ve run to the store but I’ll be right back in case she wakes up before placing it on my pillow.
Thank goodness there is a pharmacy about seven minutes from my house. I walk in and try my best to think of anything she might need. I purchase some tampons, pads, painkillers, a hot water bottle, and all of the chocolate my arms can carry. They even had some flowers there and I grabbed those at the checkout. The elderly woman at the register just smiled at me and told me I was a “good man.” This should be the standard for men taking care of their women, but clearly, it’s not. I quickly load everything up and head back to the house. I head to bedroom and Emma hasn’t moved an inch. I take the female hygiene items to the bathroom and place them on the countertop, before going to gently wake Emma up. I hate to do it but I figure it’s likely better to let her only see a little spot of blood rather than a big one and panicking even more.
“Sugar… Hey beautiful.” I stroke her hair away from her face and she gently shakes her head at me.
“uh-uh… no.” She grunts and I chuckle. 
“Darlin’, can you wake up for me for just a minute please?”
“It’s Saturday… and still dark out, Sy.” She says after peaking one eye open.
“I know, and I’ll let you go back to sleep in just a minute but I need your attention.”
She yawns before I continue.
“I don’t want you to panic, so please remember, it’s okay. I’m not like the guys you’ve been with in the past.”
“Sy? What are you saying? It’s too early for riddles.”
“I think you may have started your period last night. Now, it’s no problem but I wanted to let you know so you co”
“Oh my god!” She interrupts, jerking covers up above her head to appraise the situation. 
“Oh my god. I’m so sorry.” She says with tears rimming her eyes as she lifts her head from the covers.
“Now, stop it right there. You’ve got nothing to apologize for. It’s okay, Sugar. Take a breath.” 
“I… um.. need to head back to my house.” She says quickly as a tear falls from her eye.
“I’ve got everything you need, baby, and I’m going to take care of you. Now, head on into the bathroom and take care of what you need to, and I’ll take care of this.” 
“Sy, I’m so embarrassed. I need tampons and I didn’t bring any. I will replace the sheets.”
“No need, I’ll just toss ‘em in the washer and it’ll be just fine. I bought tampons and pads. They’re on the counter.” I help her out of bed and lead her into the bathroom. 
“I tried to get a little bit of everything since I don’t know what you prefer so you just do what you need to do, baby girl. Nothing to be embarrassed about, I promise.” I kiss her forehead and she nods as more tears streak down her face. I want to scoop her up and stop her tears but figured she might just want a minute alone to collect herself. I hear the shower turn on as I close the door behind me.
I walk out and quickly strip the bed and throw the sheets in the washer before making the bed up with clean sheets. As I’m making the bed, I get angry thinking about her douche ex-boyfriend who made her feel so ashamed for her body doing something that it is supposed to do. The more I think about it, the angrier I get as I’m shoving the pillows into the new pillowcases.
“Um, thank you, for the stuff.” I hear Emma whisper as I quickly turn around and see her there. She looks so small as she wraps her arms around herself.
“Is what I got okay?” I ask and she nods before going to her bag and pulling on some new panties, t-shirt, and sweatpants.
I pat the clean bed and she crawls up next to me before I hear her sob into my chest. I can’t seem to get her to look at me as she buries her face into my chest so I just hold her until her breath comes easier.
“Feel better?”
“Not really. I’m just embarrassed.”
“No need to be baby girl. I promise you, it’s fine. I just want you to be comfortable.”
“You make me comfortable. It’s just hard to change how I think after being told it was disgusting my whole life.”
“Trust me, if I ever see that douchebag again I will punch him so hard for ever making you feel like that.” I tell her as I wipe a tear from her cheek.
“Let me take care of you?” I ask and Emma nods with a small smile.
“Good. I got you an arsenal of chocolate, some painkillers, and a hot water bottle too.”
“What do you mean, why? Isn’t that stuff helpful?”
“It is, very much so… I just mean you didn’t have too.” 
“I want too… Sugar, I love you.” I say and Emma sits up to look at me.
“You do?” She bites her lip.
“I love you more than I can even articulate.” I tell her truthfully.
“I love you too, Austin. I love you so much.” She says and I swear to God, I am beaming. 
I love this woman and she loves me. Emma leans forward and kisses me in a kiss so consuming I can picture our whole lives together. After kissing a little, we lay back down and I stroke her hair until she’s fallen back asleep. When she’s thoroughly asleep, I ease up and decide to take the dogs out to get them a little bit of exercise before heading to the kitchen to make us some breakfast. 
Emma saunters downstairs about two hours later seeming more well rested as I’ve got her breakfast plated up. She kisses on the dogs who are eagerly corralling around her legs before walking over to me and kissing me tenderly. 
“Thank you for breakfast.”
“Anything for you, sweet darlin’.” I wink over my coffee cup as Emma fills her cup and adds her creamer.
Emma glances at her phone with an inquisitive look. 
“Everything alright?” I ask.
“Yeah, I just was checking my security cameras. I think the Rodriguez family across the street from me got their teenager a car. It’s been parked out in the street across from the house all day yesterday. I knew he must be close to driving age. It just turned around in my driveway so I got a notification on my phone. That’s all.” She says nonchalantly and I nod at her assumption.
“What should we do today?” I ask her as we eat.
“Maybe go to the grocery store? I figured I could go ahead and meal prep for the week. I also need to get the ingredients to make banana pudding for your Nana and PawPaw’s house.”
“Sugar, you don’t have to go to all that trouble.” I start but Emma shakes her head.
“No, when we talked last week I told her that I wouldn’t mind bringing dessert.” I just about choke on my bacon.
“She called you?” I ask and Emma blushes.
“She did. Is that okay?” 
“Of course, that’s more than fine… I just don’t want her bothering you. She’s a bit of a handful if you know what I mean. I didn’t even realize she got your number.”
“Well, she told me not to tell you because you would ‘whine about her interfering’, but she called the vet clinic and got in touch with me there. She said she wanted to make sure I was joining y’all for lunch Sunday, and then wanted my mom’s number so they could keep in touch.”
“That woman.” I shake my head incredulously. 
“I ask her to not interfere, and she goes around calling you and your family. Good grief.” I chuckle at the audacity of Nana. She’s going to get her way no matter what. She’s never gone to these extremes to contact anyone I’ve dated though, so maybe it’s a good thing.
Emma giggles.
“I think it’s sweet. Anyway, we got to talking about her cooking and I offered to make dessert. If that’s okay with you, let’s go ahead and go to the store after breakfast.” 
“I’ll do anything you want me too, Sugar.” 
We eat and chat a bit before Emma changes clothes and starts gathering her items to head to the store. I head upstairs and throw on some different clothes as well before we load up and head to the store. 
When we get there, I’m in charge of the buggy. Emma has a list on her phone of all the items she needs to get, so I just follow her with the cart as she gathers her items. I also add a few of my own favorites as we are traversing the aisles, such as chips and beef jerky.
Once we’ve got everything on our list, we head to the checkout and I insist again on paying. Emma crosses her arms, jutting out her hip with a scowl that I can’t help but chuckle at. She’s like an angry kitten and I just want to kiss all over her face, so I do. After we pay, we make our way out the doors.
“By the way, you said you wanted steaks one night this week. Did you remember to put those in the cart?” 
“Shit, I totally forgot. Here,” I hand Emma my truck keys. “Let me run back and grab some while you put the groceries in the truck?” I ask and Emma nods. I kiss her forehead before jogging back in the store to collect and purchase the forgotten steaks. 
I skip the small talk with the cashier and head straight for the self-check out so that I hopefully don’t keep Emma waiting too long. After buying our main dinner entrée, I head outside toward my large grey truck, with Syverson Contracting Inc. embossed along the side. Emma must’ve loaded the groceries quickly as I don't see her. I walk over and notice she’s not in the passenger seat before I hear her scream.
“LET GO OF ME!” I drop the bag and turn to look for her. About 30 yards away, I spot someone I recognize. Then it dawns on me who it is. 
Part 14
Taglist: @shellyshellshell, @henryownsme, @caramariehurst, @beck07990, @mollymal, @kingliam2019, @syversonswife, @identity2212, @starfirewildheart, @hannah9921, @wa-ni, @kneelforloki, @cutedoxie, @enchantedbytomandhenry, @foxyjwls007, @geralts-yenn, @courtlynwriter, @corrie1013, @squeezyvalkyrie, @summersong69, @livisss, @mayloma, @uunotheangel, @warriormirkwood, @sofiebstar
Author's Note: Ya girl's struggling with a sinus infection right now but I was able to finally get this posted! Had an ultrasound today and baby was healthy and active so I am happy!
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barcalover86 · 10 months
Hey I recently just got my wisdom tooth taken out, and I was wondering if you can write a story that Reader got her wisdom tooth taken out and she had the most hilarious reaction, and that Gavi is trying to comfort her but she’s like crying every second or being angry after. Pedri was there and was recording the whole thing?
Thank you!!!
Remember me? - Pablo Gavi
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Hi! I hope you are feeling better! Enjoy, this one is for you! (I searched on tt some information and videos)
"I'm scared.." you whined for the hundred time in the last few minutes. You had to remove your wisdom tooth that started to make you uncomfortable for days.
"Y/n, you are not going to feel anything."
"I'm not scared of the pain while doing it, I'm scared of the after pain!"
Gavi laughed at your silliness face before giving you a kiss on your forehead and going to the waiting room.
Right before you had to open your mouth, you felt like you needed to go to the bathroom.
"Doc, I need to pee."
The man chuckled a bit, telling you that it's alright and you can go. When you walked next to your boyfriend, he looked confused.
"Done already?"
"Decided to leave?" he laughed, but you were in no mood of his jokes now. You were clearly scared of what's going to happen, and your boy couldn't be serious once.
"I needed to pee, Pablo."
"Ohhh, want to help you? You might relax after-"
"Stop, Gavi!"
He laughed hard before giving you a surrender face.
After you were ready and came back, you saw Pedri sitting next to your boyfriend. You knew he would come because he literally begged you for hours.. now it felt like it was the worst decision you've ever done.
"Good luck, y/n!"
You gave him a short smile, while holding for the last time Gavi's hand.
You apologised to the medical team that had to take care of you, feeling bad that they had to wait for you.
"Don't worry, señorita. We are here to support you and we promise you that everything will be alright. How can we call you?"
"Alright, y/n. First of all, we have to give you a sedation for you not to feel any pain. We can make you fall asleep, or we can just make your body relax, and you can see everything. It's all up to you."
"I don't know-"
"It doesn't hurt in any case"
The doctor smiled at you before you said you prefer to fall asleep. Maybe like that, you won't be that scared when you'll see all the instruments that were placed on the table in front of you.
"Tell me how is more comfortable, ok?" he said while adjusting your sit.
After you were sedated, you closed your eyes to fall asleep faster, which only took about 2 minutes to be completely in your dreams.
It didn't take long, onlu about 40 minutes, but the two boys that were waiting outside for you, started to get nervous.
"She'll remember me, right?"
"Yes, Gavi! She can't forget you."
Pedri was laughing at how impatient his friend was. Love was driving him mad.
After everything was done and you were finally awake, one of the assistants came to the waiting room to say that you are free to go home for now.
"Can we go see her?"
"Yes. Come right after me"
The two boys entered the room and saw you standing on your butt with your back on the wall. You smiled when you saw your boyfriend and wanted to stand up to go hug him.
"No, no, cariño. Stay right there for a moment." laughed Gavi.
"How was it, y/n?" asked Pedri with a curious face. He was dying to know what you are going to say.
"Why are you filming me?"
Pedri chuckled, telling Gavi that you'll love to see your reaction after you are done with anaesthesia.
"Do you remember this boy, y/n?"
"You think I'm stupid? I'm not like all those girls that... that.. oh, you got it."
"Yeah, yeah, then what's his name?"
Pedri started to laugh hard while recording you.
"How do you feel, amor?"
"I can barely speak and my mouth is dry. Can I have some water, please?"
Gavi went to ask someone for some water, while Pedri was helping you stand up for you to get to your car.
When Pablo came back with a yellow drunk, you borrowed your eyebrows.
"Que es esto?"
"Forgot english, hermanita?" asked Pedri in a teasly voice.
While you showed him your half tongue, not being able to move your mouth much, Gavi was telling you that it's pineapple juice.
"It's going to help you with your dryness"
"Oh, then I'm going to take it." you said while swallowing it in a second.
While you were in the car, you started to complain about hunger.
"I didn't eat for days!"
"You didn't eat since yesterday, and it's not even lunchtime, y/n!"
"You always like to talk that much, Pedri?"
"Oh, who is the one that's saying this!? You've been complaining about food since we left! I'm the driver so I can get you out of my car."
At that, you got sad even if he only joked. Gavi, being the passager, looked back at you to see that you were on the edge of crying.
"Don't cry!!!" he said in a baby voice.
While your boyfriend was trying to make you calm, Pedri arrived at your house.
"Let's go get you some sleep, ok?"
"I already slept! I want to eat something, amorr."
"We eat something, then we can go to have a nap. Deal?"
Pablo prepared you some soft foods for you to eat, but them not being consistent enough, made you still hungry.
"Can you hold me, please???"
Gavi smiled and hugged you.
"You guys are so sweet." Pedri said while recording you again.
"So sweet, yeah. Until he wanted to fuck me right before the operation."
Pedri started to laugh hard, while Gavi was blushing.
"You can't say that, amorrr."
You kissed his cheek, while looking at how hard Pedri was laughing.
"I've got that on record! Ah, I can't wait to see your reaction after you are normal, y/n."
"What do you mean!? You say I'm crazy now?"
"Oh..no, no!"
While you started to catch Pedri, Gavi was the one that was filming it now.
"Go get him, cariño!!"
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How about a Hualian x calamity!reader oneshot? Maybe HC and reader know each other already and pursue XL together? Idk, love your writing tho!
Gang up
Hua Cheng x calamity!reader x Xie Lian
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So sorry it took a while, I had strep these past few days but I feel good now so ty for being patient with me 😙🖤🖤
I tried to make it vague enough to where you can input your guy's own character in there 🥰🙏
I hope it isn't too short, and if you can't tell I pulled some make believe facts out of my ass. Have to change the story up a little bit
Spoilers Below!!!
Everyone talks about the four calamities, but recently all three realms have been talking about a fifth one. Another terrifying, devastation level calamity. Because that's all the heavenly officials, someone else to worry about.
That's your bad, woops. It's not like it was on purpose. Maybe. It's not like it was your fault. Really! They should have known by now but your crimes and deeds have been hidden behind Crimson rain's for so long, everyone has thought there were only four calamities. Now, with so much activity from Hua Cheng it's impossible to hide behind him. Oh well.
Now you get your own title, lore, rumors and all that nice stuff since everyone knows you now. It's crazy how fast words spread.
You've always been here, in fact you and Hua Cheng appeared one right after the other. So of course with such a close timeline one of you was going to overshadow the other. Not that you have a problem with this.
Surprisingly you and Hua Cheng know each other well. You met a long, long time ago and have been friends ever since. Since you're such close friends. Why not live in paradise manor together, why not rule a ghost city together too? The two of you really are glued to each other's side.
The base of your friendship? Xie Lian. Now of course it's more than that. You're both dead, both calamities, both know Xie Lian, would do anything for Xie Lian, both knew Xie Lian. . .
You guys still hold affections for one another though so it's okay. And the best thing? I lied. You guys aren't friends at all. After hundreds of years of knowing each other you and Hua Cheng have seen the absolute worst in one another. You still stayed. He still stayed. Just because you guys are lovers doesn't mean that you're going to stop pursuing Xie Lian either. There's nothing wrong with three.
Now the second best thing is that none of you harbor jealousy against the other because usually you guys are side by side like Siamese cats causing trouble.
Very often the two of you gang up to pursue Xie Lian together. You guys even bully heavenly officials together. It's all a part of the fun.
So when Xie Lian initially hears about one ghost? He meets two. Like, okay so he has two calamity body guards. Neat. The same goes as follows. Just when he thought he only had to deal with one smart mouth, it's two. Feng Xin and Mu Qing are very annoyed by this but Xie Lian finds it endearing.
It's actually very nice. He used to have two people by his side, but then the trio was separated. Now he has two people by his side again and he doubts that you two will be leaving anytime soon.
Though, since you're actually a known calamity now the stories and details change up a little bit. Xie Lian can click a few more pieces of the puzzle together.
I mean how do you think Hua Cheng got so good in bed, he wasn't practicing on statues alone. How did Hua Cheng get his smooth, suave, attitude? That'd be you too. You had to encourage him to actually make a move on his precious dianxia instead of seeing him act like a blushing maiden anytime Xie Lian looks at him.
Not that you can speak differently on that one. You've always been there through Hua Cheng's worse and. . . worser. You're both awfully silly. Silly enough to give Xie Lian your ashes one random day.
When Xie Lian woke up with a ring of ashes around his neck? Pause. One ring? Isn't one missing? There's two of you. Hua Cheng and you so, where are your ashes.
He's absolutely delighted and curious when he finds out the two of your ashes are mixed. He finds it endearing the two of you trust each other that much and are so close. That's how he learned the two of you were lovers.
Because that's a big risk, a big promise. To mix your ashes and give it to one person. If Hua Cheng goes, you go too. If you go, Hua Cheng goes too. Which on a usual note would never happen.
Hua Cheng breaking Xie Lian's shackles is not a usual note though. He's devastated when not only one of his lovers fades away into a flock of butterflies but when his other lover does too.
The two of you would never leave him alone though, not with that ring around his neck. He knew you two would come back and you both did. Hand in hand, running to Xie Lian excitedly. The two of you would never have to disappear like that again.
Xie Lian doesn't mind that there's two of you. he has two hands, more the merrier. He's happy and loved. Isn't that all that matters?
I thought this new ashes idea of mine was cute so 🥰🙏 I hope you guys find it cute too
Sorry about grammar mistakes
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digitaldiarystuff · 6 months
Good 4 U
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note: I don’t know what it is about pedri that makes me write angst but he has a special place in my heart and here’s another story, there’ll be a part 2 if you’re interested 💕
summary: you and pedri broke up months ago but you didn’t realize he was back out there dating new girls while you couldn’t even enjoy anything
pairing: Pedri Gonzalez x Y/N
genre: angst
“Oh my gosh I’m so glad we did a shopping spree.” you shouted to your friends walking ahead of you.
“Girl, yess at least now we have something to wear to the party tonight.” Ana said to you.
“Party, what party?” you asked and they looked at each other like they were caught.
“Umm, Y/N we were going to tell you, we’re invited to a party tonight.”
“Oh, have fun!” you said softly, you weren’t ready to go out and have fun since your break up with Pedri. You knew it had been 3 months but getting drunk and making out with strangers didn’t interest you at all. You loved him and always thought it’d be disrespectful.
“Actually, you’re also invited and highly encouraged to go with us.”
“What do you mean?” you asked confused.
“It’s at Gavi’s house and he made us promise to bring you.” Ana said while Lucia gave her a look.
“I’m not going.” you said determinedly, there was no way you were going to see Pedri. Ypu weren’t ready.
But after 2 hours of convincing and telling it would break Gavi’s heart because you liked him, here you were getting out of the cab in a dress that felt too tight and too short. You had a sour feeling in your stomach about tonight, Pedri would be there you were sure but you haven’t spoke with him in 90 days. What is there to talk about, you fought a lot, he wanted to end it you wanted to work it out he said no and walked out. Typical break up. Your friends were walking to the gate but your heart was pounding and you didn’t move. Lucia came to you, sighing.
“Look honey, I know it’s not easy seeing him in there but you deserve a fun night. You shouldn’t be the one hiding, he should. And worst case scenario, find some random guy and jam your tongue down his throat.”
“My suggestion would be Ferran.” Lucia chimed in.
“Yeah but Ferran’s not a worst case scenario, he’s more like the best dream I ever had.” Ana went on.
“I’m not hitting on Ferran.” you said sternly.
“Can I?” Ana asked and you laughed at how obvious she was.
You thanked them for their support and went in the house arm in arm. It was the typical house party with dimmed lights and hiphop music, you remembered being with Pedri at these types of events, his hand in yours and laughing at his friends. You stumbled upon Gavi carrying 4 cups of drinks in his hand and tried helping him laughing.
“It’s been so long, thank you for coming.” he said and smiled genuinely.
“Thank you for inviting me.” you smiled back and carried the cups over to Ale and the other guys while your friends followed.
Ale was just telling you about the recent game, which you already seen but didn’t tell anyone when suddenly his words came to a halt and he just stared behind you. You tried following his gaze and saw Pedri and Micah. Micah was an influencer that followed Pedri a few weeks before your break up and you were bothered by it, not because she followed him but because he followed back. You’ve had a few fights over her and he assured you he’d never do something like that, well I guess until now because he had his arm around her waist and they were laughing while coming to meet the boys. He didn’t look up and saw you yet but you knew he would just about any second so you fixed your expression and tried to be as nonchalant as possible.
You didn’t know Pedri was dating anyone, you figured he’d have the same respect you had for him but guess you were wrong. When his eyes met with yours it was like his heart stopped. His movements slowed down and he retreated his hand from Micah looking at you dumbfounded.
“Hi” he said softly not sure about your reaction.
“Hi” you said smiling because no matter how much it hurt, you wouldn’t show him. He looked at you confused and said they were going to get drinks. You could feel everyone’s eyes on you but smiled at them reassuringly.
“Are you okay?” Ana asked whispering.
“Yeah, I’ll be.” you said and took the drink out of her hands and downed it.
It was a few hours into the party and you were getting looser by the second. You had too much alcohol in your system for your liking but it helped getting your mind off of them. Pedri’s mood seemed to be getting worse and worse, he was sitting on a couch while you were dancing with everyone around you like you didn’t care. You didn’t even glance at him, not giving him any satisfaction and kept on dancing until you needed to use the bathroom. You said you’d be back to girls and went on the second floor bathroom because the guest one was occupied.
It wasn’t until you were standing in front of the mirror looking at yourself that you start processing the events of tonight. You couldn’t even glance at another man without imagining him and he was living his best life with influencers on his arm like he didn’t care. You felt tears burning your eyes and blinked to stop yourself and step out.
“What are you doing here?” you asked Pedri because he was waiting at the door.
“I came to check up on you.” he said.
You laughed gaining some power from the alcohol in your system.
“As you can see, I’m okay Pedro.” you patted his back and tried walking past him but he stopped you.
“Y/N wait, I didn’t know you were going to be here. I’m sorry” he said.
“It’s okay, we’re broken up. You can do whatever you want.” you said trying to be as polite as possible because you didn’t want to show him you cared.
“Really, you’re okay with this?” he asked not believing.
“Yes, it’s been months of course I’m okay. Enjoy your night Pedri.” you said and caressed his arm knowing your touch made him feel things. Your break up had nothing to do with your physical connection, it was always strong and you also knew the best revenge you can get is showing he doesn’t even matter to you like standing centimeters apart from him doesn’t affect you at all.
You went downstairs to find your friends until you saw a familiar face.
“Oh my god Diego I didn’t know you’d be here.” you exclaimed and hugged your friend. Diego was someone Pedri introduced you to but soon you became good friends, and he was so jealous. He even went as far as asking you to unfollow him on insta but unlike him, you didn’t go to Diego after the break up as rebound. You were just good friends.
“It’s been too long.” he said and embraced you in his arms and spun you around happy to see you. You giggled at him and started a conversation all while Pedri came downstairs and watched the whole ordeal. You knew you shouldn’t but knowing he’s watching your every move, you were a little too clingy around Diego and stuck by him throughout the night.
You sometimes felt Pedri’s eyes on you burning a hole into your head but didn’t even look up at him once, which must be killing him. Soon after you decided to call it a night since your whole body felt numb and you couldn’t wait to get out your heels. You grabbed Ana and Lucia and went over to Gavi to let him know you’re leaving.
“Oh okay, do you have a ride back home?” he asked.
“Yeah I think we’ll call an uber.” you said looking over your shoulder and seeing Ana chatting up with a guy from the party. She might not be with you anymore, you thought and Lucia was on the phone with his boyfriend telling him to pick her up which meant you were riding on your own.
“You shouldn’t be alone, I can ask my sister to drive you she didn’t drink anything.” he said looking around to find Aurora.
“No no it’s fine don’t worry I can go on my own.” you reassured him and started walking out. You picked your phone up to order a taxi until your phone was snatched from you.
“What the- What’s going on?” you looked up and saw Pedri placing your phone in his pocket.
“I’m taking you home.”
“No you’re not, can you give my phone back?” you asked trying to remain calm.
“C’mon” he just said and started walking to the garage.
“Pedri I’m not getting in your car, you’re drunk you can’t even drive.” you said trying to think of any excuse to get him off of your back.
“I didn’t drink.” he simply said and opened the car door for you.
“I don’t want you to drive me.” you said and crossed your arms.
“Worried about your boyfriend seeing us?” he lifted his brow.
Take a deep breath Y/N, don’t let him see you got to him.
“It’s none of your business and you know it, please give my phone back to me.” you said as cordial as possible.
“No it’s my fucking business, I knew he always liked you and you treat him this good when you don’t even care about me!” he finally snapped.
“Honestly Pedri what were you expecting, you broke up with me. Should I cry and beg you to take me back after I’ve seen you with some girl? I don’t think so, you’re free to do whatever and so am I!” you said and decided not to tell him anything about Diego just being your friend because you knew this would only get him more riled up.
“So what, are you together now?” he said quietly.
“I’m saying that’s none of your business. I didn’t ask you anything about your date and you shouldn’t either. If you want to make a big deal, fine but don’t bring me into this mess. I’m finally healed and don’t need your negativity around me anymore!” you shouted at him and got your phone from his pocket to finish calling that uber. He stood there motionless like he was a statue and looked at you not daring saying a word. You didn’t even realize how much your words meant to him and crushed him that you said you’re healed. That means you forgot about him but he was so far from forgetting you that it hurt.
note: there’ll ofc be a second part because i can’t stop once i start lol lmk your thoughts please
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Summarising every single HTTYD movie, short and episode in roughly one sentence:
ADHD incarnate befriends Death: The Dragon and with the power of friendship they OH GODS OH FUCK OH HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT
Legend of the Boneknapper:
Gobber likes to tell campfire stories
Book of Dragons:
DreamWorks attempts to write a reader POV fanfiction
Gift of the Night Fury:
Critical series lore in a Christmas special?? Yeah seems normal for this franchise
Riders of Berk:
1. Mildew tries to get a bunch of teenagers executed or some shit
2. Solidifying Gobber as a total madlad: The episode
3. Hot take: You can skip this episode, it's arguably the worst one in the franchise, but you WILL miss a penis joke so there's that going for it.
4. Toothless develops an Older Sibling complex over Beyblade: The Dragon™ and HOLY FUCK WHAT IS THAT???
5. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, MILDEW?? I mean I knew you were an ass but I didn't expect THIS??
6. "The films aren't anything like the books!" UM, ACTUALLY- (aka the episode where Hiccup goes full-on Book!Hiccup mode and Alvin is nothing like his book counterpart but the rest of the outcasts are)
7. "Look at this super dangerous dragon I found! I'M GONNA WRESTLE IT!!"
8. Hiccup has body image issues
9. Mildew gets bitten in the ass (SATISFYING)
10. The Mary Sue: Part One
11. The Mary Sue: Part Two
12. Oh yeah Snotlout's dad is an abusive cuck who can go fuck himself I'm not even joking. Love Snotlout tho I gotta say.
14. Toothless has a mortal enemy apparently and it is fucked up
15. (Dagur fanboys start screaming in the distance)
16. Snotlout fixes his mistakes (they were very big mistakes)
17. VALKA??? VALKA MENTION??? HICCUP HAS A DRAGON PLUSHIE??? (silently weeping by the end of the episode)
18. Fishlegs and Snotlout piss off some helicopter parents who are also Invisible Acid Dragons™ (ohhhhhh no)
19. Are there... other Night Furies????
Defenders of Berk:
1. Fight Club reference
2. That one time Meatlug became magnetic and almost died
3. Dagur is gay for Hiccup but like in a yandere way
4. Whoever designed the Screaming Death must have been on a particularly fucked up slice of magic mushroom because I've never seen something more in need of holy water than that dragon (my childhood favourite :D )
5. Snotlout's dad is a fucking asshole but I never thought he'd stoop that low
6. Behold: My second favourite dragon who canonically killed Astrid's uncle
7. They tried to train Terrible Terrors in this episode, guess how that went lmaooo
8. (grabs more holy water) IT'S BACK.
9. Hey remember Tiny Beyblade Dragon? Yeah now he's kinda sorta the size of a house. Meanwhile everything is on fire (twin's fault)
10. Behold: My favourite dragon's frozen carcass preserved in ice- I mean my favourite dragon is hibernating in ice- I mean OH SHIT OH FUCK HOLY FUCKING SHIT OH NO-
11. Dagur subjugates my favourite dragon and then karma bites him in the ass
12. Snotlout and Gustav are an anxiety/adhd wombo-combo
13. Ruffnut cuts her hair short to save the life of a really cute dragon and Dreamworks was too pussy to keep it like that for the rest of the season.
14. (darude sandstorm plays)
15. The dragons get high and try to kill each other
16. Toothless is on drugs (I'm not even joking, during the Toothless POV shots you can literally hear stoner music playing)
17. Dagur with helmet hair Dagur with helmet hair Dagur with helmet hair
Dawn of the Dragon Racers:
The gang got new fits and invented a sport
Race to the Edge S1:
1. Oh shit, Dagur's out of prison, better go chase him down and OOOH, SHINY TELESCOPE THINGY?? (Hiccup is a magpie apparently)
2. Gothi once again proving herself to be an absolute madlad
3. Hiccup and the gang move out of home because telescopy thingy told them to. What could possibly go wrong? (GONE WRONG)
4. Welcome to our new home on Dragon's Edge! It's been years since we've been able to function effectively as a team, and Tuffnut's been smoking way too many hallucinogens lately OH FUCK HE WASN'T HALLUCINATING OH FUCK ME
5. Snotlout is gay for Fishlegs
7. Basically what happens when you put me in charge of anything
8. "Look at this super dangerous dragon I found! I'M GONNA WRESTLE IT!!"
9. Fishlegs and Snotlout are gay
12. (darude sandstorm vocoded to running in the 90s plays)
13. they made girl dragon pink
Race to the Edge S2:
1. Astrid becomes that "SHOW ME YOUR WAR FACE" guy basically
2. SCOTLAND FOREVER!!! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 (new villain alert and he is AWESOME)
4. Dreamworks introduces Dragon Werewolfism and does NOTHING with this concept after this episode?? What a ripoff!
5. Fuck Snotlout's dad so much
6. Hiccup punches Snotlout in the face and knocks him out which is no surprise considering he is God of Dragons
8. Two people and a singular dragon try to fight off an entire armada
9. They succeed somehow
10. Oh hey it's a HTTYD 2 dragon (Free Willy parody? You couldn't have done anything more original?)
12. Prepare to thirst in 3... 2... 1: (Viggo appears)
13. If you thought Dagur was homosexual, you aren't prepared for how gay Viggo gets
Race to the Edge S3:
1. Dagur did WHAT NOW???
2. Fuck Cavern Crashers so much but SNOTLOUT SNOUTLOUT OI OI OI!!!
3. Sword in the Stone parody?? Are all the Fishlegs episodes story parodies now??
4. Did... Did they try to portray Snotlout's dad as being in the right in this episode?? Ew fuck that.
5. Viggo almost caused Covid-19
6. Hiccup forgets that not everyone has ADHD and the dragons go completely fucking feral
7. This show loves to force romances, doesn't it?
8. I think these people took HTTYD/Pokemon crossover fics a bit too far
9. A musical episode which has a reason to exist. Sarah Z was right all along?
10. Favourite Fishlegs episode :)
12. My go-to introductory episode for non-fans. It's got everything. Including Viggo.
Race to the Edge S4:
2. If you listen closely you can hear TJ Miller in absolute hysterics in the recording booth
3. At this point in time Viggo only values Hiccup as being worth 1000 gold coins
4. I love Snotlout so much... Spitelout can go suck a bag of rocks
5. Oh fuck yes Dagur's back
6. Viggo throws a hissy fit and kisses a man and Toothless is willing to die just so Hiccup doesn't have to die alone (sobbing)
7. Everyone is high in this episode
8. "You didn't think after all we've been through I'd expose myself without some... added protection?"
9. Jumping into a volcano on purpose: The episode
10. Viggo takes a sip of water in this episode (very important)
11. It took Hiccup and Astrid over four years since their first kiss to officially start dating, but they finally did it and it was one of the best episodes in the whole show
12. Ryker has had enough
13. Viggo confesses his love for Hiccup and then fucking dies (or did he?)
Race to the Edge S5:
1. "The volcano on Dragon's Edge is a dormant volcano" THINK THE FUCK AGAIN, FISHLEGS
2. How the fuck did Gen Z: The Dragon get ahold of Viggo's sword?
3. Savage needs therapy
4. Snotlout's casual sexism almost gets him killed: Lesbian Island edition
5. If you've ever watched an elderly person try to escape a nursing home then you've seen this episode before. Just without as many bones and corpses
6. The Gays Are Back In Town ft. Gay Snotlout, Gay Fishlegs and Gay Viggo
7. "my city now" - Krogan
8. You cannot watch this episode and tell me that Viggo isn't in love with Hiccup
9. Krogan insulted Viggo's hobby and Viggo got mega salty about it
10. Astrid punches a dragon with poisonous scales and almost dies because Save Stormfly Make Anditode™, turns out she did this for no reason whatsoever because Stormfly Wasn't Dying
11. Tuffnut fakes his own death in order to make Ruffnut happy
12. Dagur not-so-casually finding his fathers dead body
13. Rage.
Race to the Edge S6:
1. My blood has never boiled so hard as it did watching this episode
2. Stoick gets played like a cheap kazzoo and regresses back to how he acted in HTTYD 1 out of sheer stress
4. Fishlegs can't believe that his ancestors were Dragon Hunters as if he wasn't once enrolled in Dragon Killing School
5. Nothing solves a sibling rivalry like teaming up to kill the annoying cousin
7. The twins are just. So ride or die for each other it's not even funny.
8. Viggo confesses his love for Hiccup and then fucking dies for real this time (Viggo fans start sobbing as The Winner Takes It All by ABBA starts playing in the distance)
9. Snotlout writes a book
10. What if the gang had never left Berk? What if Hiccup never shot down Toothless at the start of HTTYD 1? What if Spitelout actually loved his son?
11. Protecting an island filled with a bunch of dead dragons
12. The satisfied smirk on my face knowing what the characters don't
13. The most satisfying death in the history of mankind.
Way to straight up ruin Hiccup's life, am I right?
Ruining every character and spitting in the face of all that I love
20 minutes of my life that I'll never get back
Snoggletog Log:
Half an hour of a fireplace and the wrong voice actors. This shit plays like a DVD menu.
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boyfhee · 1 year
⌕ TAKE TWO ━━ 23 : leaving for good
PRECIS. while riki constantly assured you that him being an idol under a different label wouldn't be an issue in your relationship, you start getting second thoughts when fans start shipping him with his co-mc at music bank.
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w : angst but r we surprised ( 2.03k )
note : haha guys enjoy !!!!
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“are you breaking up with me?” riki’s words are laced with confusion and disbelief. you both were getting better, you talked— sure, a few loose ends were left untouched. there were questions yet to be answered, but nothing quite led his assumptions to this conclusion, even in the worst scenarios. “answer me, yn,” 
“you asked if i could give you another chance and i did that. now, i don’t think i have any more chances to spare,” and what else were you supposed to say? that you feel guilty for hiding the truth, or that you can’t even bring yourself to give him the actual reason why you’re breaking up? the only reason why you wanted to have the first say in whatever you both were to discuss was because you didn’t trust yourself. “i think we’re better off without each other,” 
because you came here to tell him everything and perhaps, make him feel less guilty about himself and his actions, but now you don’t know where all the determination went the moment riki took the lead. 
“this doesn’t make sense,” you hear him murmur under his breath, a deep sigh escaping his lips. “is it because i didn’t explain things to you sooner?”
“it’s not about you,”
“we can make amends,” and it pains you to see hope in his eyes. 
“riki, this isn’t about you and no, we can’t ma—”
he takes a sharp breath. “well, then tell me what it’s abo—”
“i kissed jungwon,” a pause, a short session of silence follows. you don’t quite understand the depth of your words until you’ve already said it. “i don’t know how or why it happened. we were just talking, he confessed, and i kissed him. i can’t even sort out my own feelings and this is unfair to you.” and you’re just waiting for him to say something before you lose composure.“we should break up,” 
you did plan on telling him, really, in all honesty. that was the plan, the reason why you decided to meet him again, but once again, when have plans ever worked in your favour? he deserved to know the whole story, just not like this, not when you both are in the middle of a probable breakup with your relationship hanging by a string. this discussion wasn’t even planned because you thought riki wouldn’t question your decisions or the break up. in fact, you expected him to anticipate the same. you didn’t want to keep things from him, not after what happened, you just didn’t know how to put everything in words until it fell off your mouth like wind in jet streams. 
but you are here either way, sitting in front of him, fiddling with your fingers, mind blank, silence stinging like poisoned darts. you’re not expecting anything, not after what you’ve done, but you want him to say something— anything. you want him to yell at you, call you a cheating lying bitch, curse you out, anything but silence. yet still, riki keeps his mouth shut. his eyes widened for a brief second, you guess that he wants to speak, but words never leave his mouth, and when they do, you feel like the ground has shifted below your feet. 
“i had feelings for miya,” it takes you a second to realise that you both were finally playing the truth game, stripping each other off the facades. “it doesn’t make sense. she was annoying, she wanted to hang out all the time. she was demanding. but, i started liking those demands, y’know? it was fun, i liked having someone to hang out with while you weren’t there, made me feel less lonely, to put it straight. and then things escalated, i wanted to see her more. maybe that’s why i got mad whenever you’d bring her up. i was scared you’d find out, but now that i know the kind of person she is, i’ve lost a friend, and i’m close to losing you,” 
now, the silence is on your side. 
you’re not holding back any tears, your hands aren’t shaking, you’re not in disbelief or feeling utter betrayal. you’re not heartbroken to the point from where, there’s no recovery. if anything, you’ve come to terms with reality. despite the fear and insecurities, a part of you has always been aware of whatever was going on between him and miya. romantic or not, it didn’t matter. you simply knew she was one of his very first priorities, probably even before you. right now, it’s not his words that hurt you the most, but rather, they make you question the very basis of your relationship. how many times did he ignore you for her? was there a time when you weren’t his first priority? 
how many times did riki say i love you to you and it was meant for someone else? 
“would i have dated her if you had never found out? probably, and that makes the two of us equal,” and his words now give you the answers to your questions, sort of. 
probably more than you can count on your fingers. 
“no, it does not,” you argue back, voice a little louder, turning heads in your direction as you pause before speaking at a much lower amplitude. “i kissed jungwon,” 
but, he never cheated on you, did he? 
“it was a mistake,” riki says softly, lips pressed together between words. “you were scared, you were having a hard time, and people tend to accept every ounce of affection in hard times. you’re owing up to your mistakes, i did the same. i think we’ll be fine,” at this point, it’s not you who he’s trying to convince, but himself. his heart that is beating at an enormous rate, every pump of blood that feels like a knife twisting in his chest, every breath that threatens to collapse his lungs, he’s telling his mind that the pain will be over, that there’s still a chance. 
but riki doesn’t know where he stands, where you both stand. the damage was done, he is aware of all the tears and night it had cost. your decision is probably right, breaking up would be the best. sunghoon has been telling him to take some time off, he’s exhausted, he needs a break, but is it really easy to drop your first love and pretend nothing ever happened? to ignore everything you two had, to forget all the firsts and all the promises about being each other lasts, to discard the polaroids in his dorms that take him back to the moment they were taken, is it really as simple as it sounds, or is moving on a luxury only for people in movies and novels? 
“can you just get mad at me? i don’t know, curse me out, yell at me, say you never want to see me again,” you’re knee-deep in desperation. your veins are no longer carrying blood, it’s the guilt oozing out of your heart. “please, make this easy for me,” 
and even at this point, even when you’re the villain in your own story, when the pain he’s feeling is probably multiple folds severe than yours, when the scars you gave him in return are much deeper than the cuts he left you, you’re still begging him for mercy, to let you go because it makes things easier for you. 
“is it necessary?” his voice is tender, sadness pooling in his eyes. “we came clean. so, what’s the point of hurting ourselves, yn?” 
“and if we get back together, can i count on you?” it’s not a question for him. more or less, they’re the words you’ve been asking yourself over and over again, and when you can't find the answers, you direct them to him. “what are the chances that this will not happen again? how sure are you about your feelings for me? how are you sure that what you’re feeling is for me and not for someone else? what are the chances that you will not fall for someone else while claiming to be in love with me, and what are the chances that i won’t kiss jungwon again?” 
loving was never supposed to be easy. you were young, you kissed under the street lights, you held hands on your way back home, you drank from the same cup, that was love for you and riki when you started dating, where the thoughts about breakups and moving on didn’t even cross your minds. but you grow, the problems you face are no longer about not being able to text and bid a sweet goodnight, and most importantly, sometimes the solution isn’t to kiss and make up. 
if you’re being honest, loving was never for you. you had your own demons, he had his own issues. ‘tell me your problems and i’ll make them mine,’ only sounds good in fiction. in real life, when you’re sitting in front of the love of your life while talking about breaking up, nothing haunts you more than what has been caving inside your mind. at that moment, every single weakness surfaces and suddenly, you no longer think about how the other person is feeling. you kissed jungwon because you were in pain, you didn’t think about the effect it would have on riki or jungwon himself. riki turned to miya because you were absent, not knowing the depths of his actions and the harm it could potentially cause. 
so, at the end of the day, loving was never meant for the two of you, at least not now. the only thing written in your fates was leaving for good.   
“you’re right, we could get back and pretend none of this ever happened. but, riki, i can’t even look you in the eyes,” it’s true, to some extent, yes. you’re sitting here, you’re talking, you’re still in love, not sure with whom, it isn’t any different for him either. forgetting everything that happened would be easier, but you’re not sure how long you two will last. “ask yourself again, do you want this relationship because you still love me, or do you want it because you want to save yourself from heartbreak?” 
“we’re breaking up for good, aren’t we?” you notice the corner of his lips perk up, an ironic smile settling on his face, because who even breaks up for good? all those movies about leaving because you love the person and want them to be happy never made sense to riki. 
what’s so happy about breakups, anyway? 
“it’s the best for us,” you nod, after all, it’s the best for you two, right?  
and yet, it’s not in the best interest of you two. he wants to stay, you want to leave, the ‘good’ part of breakup, he doesn’t see it. riki never understood the hypothesis behind the good breakups and the breakups that happened while two people were still in love. you don’t throw away a cake even when you’re hungry, he thinks it’s the same logic. to leave the person you love the most for ‘better’, to spend days and nights and afternoons thinking about them and torturing yourself over and over, to drown in endless yearning and the lingering memories— he’d rather have it the other way. 
if you’re the sun, riki wants you to burn him, if you're the moon, he wants you to freeze him cold. love, for riki, is not something that puts him to bed but rather, it’s something that takes away his sleep every night. so, leaving for good doesn’t make sense to him, for he simply wants you back, in any way, any form. even if you return to him as a ghost, it’s fine, he wants you to haunt him forever. 
a theatrical confession, he doesn’t say it out loud. it would be stupid, but you seem to know what he’s thinking, the tears brimming your eyes tell him that. 
“this is probably going to sound stupid, but i want to ask you just one question,” you hold your breathe. “in future, if you find yourself in a position to fall in love again,”
“will you fall for me?”  
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darlingeames · 7 months
‘You’re Blackbeard?’
Ed – Blackbeard, for Christ’ sake – pops his head out of the wardrobe into the cabin to see if whoever called for him left, then turns back to Stede.
‘Yep. Blackbeard. That’s me.’
Stede, still holding the stupid fucking pants, openly gapes. He thinks for a split second that he should be careful what he says next, how he acts – he knows the man in front of him is incredibly dangerous. But he doesn’t feel it. So it doesn’t matter.
‘But I just asked you, and you said you work for him.’
Ed. Short for Edward fucking Teach.
He vaguely remembers seeing all that leather surrounded by smoke before he lost consciousness, Ed’s voice saying I’ve heard all about you.
‘Techincally, that’s not not true, you know,’ Ed says, and he looks a bit smug. Like he’s proud of his little trick. ‘You could say that being Blackbeard is my job.’
This man is incredibly peculiar, Stede thinks. He grips his pants tighter, which Ed seems to notice.
‘Since you already got up, even though really, you should take it easy, or your guts will spill out, take it from someone who’s been stabbed countless times before, you probably want to get dressed, I’ll leave you to it–’
And Ed starts to get out of the auxiliary closet, but then he turns back.
‘Wear those pants, the colour’s gorgeous.’ And, to Stede's absolute dismay, Ed winks at him.
Left alone in his secret closet, Stede thinks that any rational man would probably at least entertain the possibility that Blackbeard would lock him in said secret closet and steal his crew and ship – but then, Ed was so kind, and he could have killed Stede in his sleep anyway if he would have so desired, so the thought passes so fleetingly through Stede’s mind that it leaves behind no trace.
Stede does indeed put on the pants, and a white shirt and the black cravat, because he felt the need for something to counterbalance the redness of his flesh where the noose had choked him.
He barely stepped out of the closet when Ed turns from looking up at the chandeliers. 
‘What other cool stuff do you have in here?’
So Stede shows Blackbeard his library.
Stede has a feeling, the moment an unknown man, with incredibly kind, large brown eyes wakes him up from his feverish nightmare. He feels, more than he thinks, that of course, this is exactly the way it should be. If it had been Lucius or Olwande sitting on his bed, warning him not to get up too fast lest his guts spill out, he would have felt disappointed, and he would not for the life of him been able to pinpoint exactly why. But Ed, who works for Blackbeard, and who looks exactly like someone who would work for Blackbeard, assures him that he might be a decent pirate since the Spanish didn’t manage to kill him yet, and takes an interest to Stede’s best robe and he can’t tell silk from cashmere but he keeps rubbing it between his fingers, and Stede knows nothing about this man, and the part of him that has been reading pirate stories all his life yells that it might be a trap, they are pirates, for fuck’s sake, they screw each other over all the time, he could be lying for all you know and your crew is either dead or imprisoned and you’re this close to being thrown overboard – but it’s such a distant tirade, and Stede can barely hear it over the sound of his robe rustling between Ed’s fingers, and he’s been dying to tell someone just how much fun he’s had while having the Revenge built. 
So really, it’s no choice at all.
‘Can you keep a secret?’
It turns out that pirates do lie and do screw other people over, even if it’s such for a bit of fun – Ed says No, I’m Blackbeard, and Stede thinks Christ alive, did I really bring the actual Blackbeard into my auxiliary closet that nobody but us knows about and showed him my fucking summer linens, how has this become my life, and stares in horror at the back of Ed’s head, at the unruly mess of salt and pepper curls, and thinks of the worst. But Ed shows no sign of it meaning anything at all – doesn’t call back to whomever it was that was looking for him, and doesn’t start laughing at Stede –
In seconds, quick as silver, the two images in Stede’s head become one – this is Blackbeard, he knows he is, just as he knows he’s not in any real danger, just as he knows the sparkle he saw in Ed’s eye when he opened the secret door was real.
He’ll never look at him and think Blackbeard. That word still conjures up the fantasy version of Black Pete’s stories, the one in his books, the smoke and the glowing eyes and the nine pistols, and the ruthlessness and bloodthirst. That Blackbeard has never had anything to do with his Ed, the man that woke him up and seemed thrilled with all of Stede’s idiosyncrasies, from his clothes to his two chandeliers and his books. In this world, it’s one of his biggest failings – he’s never been able to look at Edward Teach and see what he should have seen. What his crew saw. What Izzy had tried so hard to preserve. He had taken one look at the man and Stede, in his feverish, incredibly embarrassed state, hadn’t seen the leather and the tattoos and the years upon years of having the sea as a home, he saw kind eyes, he felt a warm hand, and he didn’t meet Blackbeard, he met a man that made the simple act of breathing easier.
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blacclotusss · 6 months
I have really tried to keep my opinions and concerns within safe spaces like discord servers and group chats, but I have honestly had enough of everyone's shit. EVERY SINGLE PERSON. There was an article posted by Polygon yesterday with a list of the most anticipated shows of 2024 and Interview with the Vampire made the list. And I agree, I think season two is highly anticipated, by both huge fans of the lore and books, as well as those who are fans of the show. Now, the problem comes in with what was said about the show and the photo used. I want you to pick out which part people are choosing to focus on (See Below).
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Did you figure it out?
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It's this small highlighted portion above. That's it. And I understand people are huge fans of Lestat, but that man is a horrible person and is the worst person to ever live, especially in Interview with the Vampire. Period. He's the villain of that book. MY problem is a combination of things in this image: the photo used, the main attraction line, the misspelling of Delainey's last name, and the fact that the lead actor's name is not mentioned ONCE. The storyline of Interview with the Vampire follows Louis de Pointe du Lac and his life before and after being turned by Lestat. In the show, Louis is played by JACOB ANDERSON (See Below).
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That's my second problem: His face, nor name, is nowhere to be found. Why is that? Can someone tell me? (I already know the answer). He has been seen plenty of times in the teaser trailer and the short clip that was posted by AMC. We even here his voice in AMC's new video they've posted with all their content for 2024. So why am I looking at a photo of Sam Reid dressed as Lestat? The three main actors (Jacob Anderson, Delainey Hayles, and Assad Zaman) for this season are people of color. We don't see them at all. Why?
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Why not use one of these photos?
The next problem is the main attraction line. As stated before, the main character in Interview with the Vampire is Louis. You can argue that Lestat is the protagonist in all of the other books, but that's not the topic at hand. The topic is Interview with the Vampire and it's protagonist is Louis de Pointe du Lac, portrayed by JACOB ANDERSON in the show.
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And lastly, how are you publishing something and cannot even correctly spell one of the actor's names? Delainey HAYLES is portraying Claudia in season 2, a character that has a lot of significance throughout the story. And by the looks of it, she may have an even bigger storyline than before. This is her time shine.
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So, once again, how do you just go about misspelling her actor's name? And if you forget how to spell it, her Instagram name is Delainey Hayles. And I won't put all the blame on these publications because this is a one-off, but people focused on the wrong thing. But let these delusional "fans" tell it, everybody is making up things to be upset about.
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yulin-pop · 2 years
⤷ ✧ Nail polish
Gender neutral
- order 62 | Headcanon | Second years
Note: I don’t know much about nails and my only source is my mom.
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Riddle Rosehearts
He wants red and white. It works well with his dorm uniform and it reminds him of the Queen of Hearts! He just wants the classic round shaped nails since long nails could make it hard to do his daily activities. But he actually kinda wants long nails.
As you do his nails, he’s staring at you. He doesn’t know what he’s supposed to do. He doesn’t wanna distract you so he just stares at you.
“Oh wow, they’re cuter than I remember…”
He gets a random craving for sweets so immediately when you’re done he wants to have a tea party. He’s really impressed actually. It’s really pretty.
He randomly starts staring at his nails and smiles at the thought of you. But people think it’s a little weird that he began smiling for no reason.
“Is Riddle okay??”
“Why is he smiling?”
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Ruggie Bucchi
Why would he get his nails painted? He’s always doing something with his hands, it’s gonna get ruined immediately.
But alas, you don’t care and sit him down. He picks out a dark brown and a cream color. He doesn’t really care what design or shape so you get some creative freedom.
He keeps moving while wailing “it feels weird!” He gets used to it after a while and only does it to annoy you. You have a death grip on his wrist so you can actually get the job done.
He always asking “are you done yet??” just to annoy you.
After you’re done, he’s actually kinda satisfied.
But the next week his nails are already ruined! He probably bites his nails and he most likely accidentally ate the nail polish.
He tried to save it though, but Leona wasn’t having any of that.
“Damn, please? Look I got my nails down I don’t wanna get them ruined.”
“I don’t care get me my food.”
Now you sit him down again and have to redo it.
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Floyd Leech
He’s very happy to get his nails painted. He wants a different color on every finger and it’s doable but just kinda funny. He also asks for stiletto nails He’s smiling the whole entire time which is very unnerving.
He randomly laughs as you paint it in.
“What’s wrong?”
“Heh sorry it felt funny!”
He tells you the story of when Azul sprayed ink when the twins played a prank on him as little children. Apparently it felt similar as getting your nails painted, according to him at least.
Hes really happy with the end result. It probably ended up looking a little wack because he kept moving.
He’s glad nail polish to waterproof. It lasts a long time since his nails don’t seem to grow very fast (him being an eel and stuff).
Okay but he would accidentally chip it and he would cry. He would forget his long nails and chip it while putting on his gloves.
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Jade Leech
He doesn’t see why not? He’s puts his hand out expectantly. You can pick out the color but he wants squoval nails since long nails seem hard to function in.
He keeps a good conversation with you. It’s easier to have a conversation with him when he’s not staring at you with a scary grin.
He enjoyed it more than expected. He compliments your work and gives you a very charming smile.
He takes very good care of his nails and it lasts for a while, like Floyd’s. He wouldn’t chip it unlike Floyd. It feels oddly nice to have painted nails.
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Azul Ashengrotto
It’s a bit scary. He thinks that nails make it hard to do paper work so he wants short nails. The tweels would pick the colors and it ends up being a nice blue, the color of their earrings.
Azul tries to not move but it feels weird. He distracts himself by doing paper work until you start working on his right hand, his dominant hand. So he talks to you.
He’s impressed but still sorta embarrassed about it. He wears his gloves more often but then would panic if he saw it was messed up in any way.
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Jamil Viper
He doesn’t really want to but it wouldn’t be the worst thing. He agrees and he likes how happy you seem. Color doesn’t matter much to him unless it’s tacky and he wants to keep his nails short. Long nails would make his life much more difficult.
Kalim picks the color and it’s the color of the Scarabia gem. He’s very quiet which makes it a bit awkward. It’s oddly relaxing for him. Enough he could fall asleep but he doesn’t.
When it’s finished, Kalim is staring really hard. Kalim runs out and gets out some jewelry and tells him to put it on. Jamil refuses but eventually you grab it and put it on for him.
Just as expected, it looks even better. Jamil keeps it on because he knows he’ll get pestered to put it back on by both you and Kalim.
He might accidentally chip the nail polish while doing dishes and just peel it off.
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Kalim Al Asim
Yay! He’s so excited. He already knows what he wants. Almond nails with blue and red, like the feather on his dorm uniform!
He apologizes for moving around too much but it tickets. He kinda sits between your legs facing away from you. Apparently that’s not how he’s supposed to sit but it doesn’t matter since you still get the job done.
He’s so happy he’s jumping with joy. He probably would try to pay you for your work.
He takes extra good care of his nails. I don’t think it would last that long because he’s clumsy. He gets really sad and guilty when it gets ruined.
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Sure? Lilia and Malleus have black nails, anyway. He’s not sure what color he should choose so he asks you. Ultimately, he gets a color similar to his eyes. You figure that you could just use his natural nail shape.
He was expecting to do it sitting up but you tell him to lay down on your lap under a tree. He complies and eventually he falls asleep just as expected.
You get a bit distracted because you see animals approaching but as soon as you raise your head they started scurrying away.
You wake him up when you’re done and he feels bad for falling asleep. Well the job was already done.
Lilia takes notice of his nails. He’s a bit surprised but it’s adorable. Now he wants a nail appointment.
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canonkiller · 2 months
but what if i tell you about my ocs and you steal my story/character ideas intentionally and/or accidentally :(
I mean the short answer is "why would I", I've got thousands of the fuckers living rent free in there, but I understand the fear
the second response that I feel is more applicable would be the worst case scenario: what would happen if I did? you'd still have your characters; their value to you isn't finished by the idea that there are others like them. the things you share will never paint a complete picture, and two people with the same prompt still make different things simply because their tastes and perspective influence what they like to create.
I post a lot of stuff about ocs. It's basically all I post, really. I don't do it because that Publicly Marks Them As Mine or prevents other people from having the same ideas I have - and there is no way to create in a vacuum where the things you know aren't influenced by what you've experienced already. Hell, derien was designed intentionally to align with a lot of different facets of characters in his pathfinder party; he's visually influenced by a lot of artists I enjoy the work of and he's narratively influenced by the other characters he's around. I know he's influenced the characters of others, too, because people have told me that - that parts of him are reflected in what they made because they realized through me that that's something they enjoy in a character.
That's like, fine. That's normal. There are no completely original ideas, because people draw from each other, and that's a good thing. You're supposed to acknowledge the things around you and learn what you like and don't like, and you're supposed to want to make things that you enjoy making. I'm quite sure there are, with Derien as the continued example, hundreds of people who have played ttrpg changelings with criminal backgrounds. Some of those were probably parents, some of those probably betrayed people who trusted them, some probably worked with trains, some probably have tattoos. But there are no others that were made to fit into This TTRPG Party, no others that were shared so I could join my friends in their game, and that matters more to me than all of the potential direct copies other people could ever make. The stories I tell can't be duplicated, because they're mine - and if they could, well, holy shit two cakes png.
This got kinda rambly because I just woke up but I guess my take away homework question for you is this: is sharing your work with others worth the risk that it might be copied? that's not an answer I can choose for you, and any answer to it is fine, but it's one you have to think about for yourself nonetheless
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