#this woman thinks she has what it takes to get a phd and become a college professor. i wish i had the confidence in myself that she does
no27-autonation-honda · 10 months
why does my roommate have such dogshit taste in tiktoks
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atlabeth · 3 months
table thief
pairing: spencer reid x fem!reader
summary: spencer's routine, thoughts, and plans are thrown off by a girl he meets at his favorite cafe --- not necessarily in that order.
a/n: i dont know where this came from but uh. enjoy this lil fluffy blurb! ill get to those 3k requests sometime. set during spence's time at caltech
wc: 1.6k
warning(s): none, all fluff
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Spencer’s mind is a whirlwind of information while he stands in line at his usual coffee shop, trying to keep everything in order as he goes over everything he needs to get done. It’s a particularly busy afternoon for him, hence his coming here directly after class instead of stopping by his dorm. 
There’s a research paper for him to finish, office hours to make for his most elusive professor to get some questions answered—why she only has them open for two hours on Wednesdays, Spencer has no idea—a thousand papers to grade for the class he’s a TA for, and naturally, a coffee to give him the energy for the rest of what is going to be a long night. 
Of course, he knows he should probably try and do it without caffeine—it’s one of the most popular drugs in the world, and most people live in ignorance of their obvious addiction to it—but Spencer has decided to forgo some caution in the name of getting all his work done. 
He doesn’t really have a choice, honestly. He’s planned out this whole day meticulously, much like every other day. He packed his bag with everything he would need for the rest of the day so he wouldn’t have to make the aforementioned stop at his dorm, he picked the line with the barista that has never gotten his order wrong—and, he’s realized over numerous trips to this shop, is the fastest in the entire cafe—and his usual table is big enough to hold all of his books and papers. 
But as Spencer finishes pouring in his last bit of sugar, he realizes his meticulous plan is foiled before he can even take the first sip. 
Because his table is taken. 
The table he sat at the first time he stopped in here before class and the table he has sat at every other time since, the table that has honestly become a part of his routine and is the only one big enough for all of the work he has to get done this afternoon, is taken by some woman wearing a Caltech sweatshirt and reading a book. You’ve got your own thermos in front of you, so at least you care about the environment, but that thought doesn’t stop the flareup of annoyance inside of him. 
You have to be a student, and you have to be his age, and you have to either be oblivious or have a whole lot of nerve because Spencer has seen you around campus and in this coffee shop before. That means you know this is his table and you still took it anyway. 
“That’s my table,” Spencer says, and after it leaves his mouth he’s able to hear how stupid he sounds. It’s a table in a public coffee shop. Of course he has no claim to it—just because it’s obvious to him doesn’t mean it’s obvious to you. You probably didn’t even know. 
You look up from your book, and the second stupid thought to hit him is how pretty you are. “I know.”
He frowns. He can’t think that table thieves are pretty, especially ones with apparent malicious and knowledgeable intent. “You— you know?”
You nod. “I’m here almost as much as you are, Mr. Reid.”
“Doctor Reid,” he corrects, almost on instinct. 
Your eyebrows rise. “Doctor?”
“I have two PhDs,” he explains, though he feels even more stupid doing so as he gets on the edge of stammering. “I’m working on a third. Chemistry.”
“And already I know more about you in a minute than I’ve gotten in the past month,” you muse. “That’s why I took your table, Doctor Reid.”
Spencer frowns even more. “You took my table so I could tell you about my PhDs?”
“So I could get an excuse to talk to you,” you correct. Your smile grows a bit and you huff a quiet laugh, more to yourself than anything. “You’re a little intimidating.”
That gets him completely, his brows furrowing deeper yet. “I— I’m intimidating?”
“Well, yeah,” you say. “You’re a gorgeous guy who always looks like he’s got something to do, so I never wanted to interrupt you. But I really wanted to ask you out, so I finally decided to take matters into my own hands.”
Spencer feels like his brain is short circuiting. He’s still stuck on the intimidating comment, and he’s still kind of annoyed that you took his table, but you specifically went out of your way to get his attention and now you’re calling him gorgeous— 
Just who the hell are you? 
“You’re not busy, are you?” He’s drawn out of his head temporarily as you speak again, dazzling smile still on display. “I would get it if you were. I mean, third PhD and all.”
“No,” he says immediately, shaking his head far too rapidly, “no— no, I’m not busy.”
He just has a whole lot of work to do, work that he came specifically to this cafe to do, but you’re throwing him off of everything in the first five seconds of knowing each other. 
“Wonderful.” Your smile grows and Spencer feels his face grow hot. He finds his annoyance quickly fading, replaced with some mix of confusion and interest and embarrassment. “If you’ve got the time, I’d love to sit down and talk some. Get to know you a bit.”
And again, Spencer hardly even knows what to say. He— he doesn’t talk to girls. Girls don’t talk to him. But here you are, stealing his table and flashing pretty smiles and wanting to get to know him— wanting to ask him out. It’s all so absurd that a part of him thinks he might just be dreaming, but he’s sure he’s fully conscious. 
“Why?” he blurts out, and he would be even more embarrassed if it wasn’t such a genuine question. 
You give him a wry look. “Why what?” 
“Wh— why would you want to get to know me?” Spencer stammers. “There’s more than 2,000 other students here. There’s almost 40 million people in California. I’m no one.”
“You are Doctor Spencer Reid,” you say, looking him right in the eye. “You drink your coffee with an absurd amount of sugar and cream, you always seem to be in a hurry, you’re one of the most beautiful guys I’ve ever seen, and I want to know more about you than passing observations. That’s why.” 
For once, Spencer finds that he’s speechless. He doesn’t think anyone has ever been this blatant, this honest with him, over a matter like this. He— he doesn’t think he’s ever been asked out. Are you asking him out?
“If you think this is totally weird and you want your table back, say the word and I’ll get out of here.” Your eyes move to the free seat across from you, and you tilt your head. “But… if you don’t think it’s totally weird, there’s room for another.” 
Spencer stands there for a second, a thousand things flitting through his mind once again. On one hand, he has a lot of work to do. This is throwing off his entire routine, and even if he just spends ten minutes talking here, he’s going to have to get all his work done, and he’ll probably end up running to his office hours to make it there in time. Part of the reason that he plans things out so meticulously is so he can avoid sprints across campus that he’s most certainly not built for. 
On the other hand, he’s known you for two minutes and he’s already enraptured. He wants nothing more than to ignore that voice in his head and sit down across from you, absorb every bit of attention you’re willing to give and every word you say, and get to know this strange table thief. 
It takes another moment, but Spencer slings his bag off and takes the seat across from you. He sets his bag on the ground and his oversugared coffee on the table, and he notices the way a weight seems to leave your shoulders. 
You were nervous. Nervous to talk to him. The thought is almost laughable, that someone feels the way about him that he usually feels in every social interaction. 
“It is a little weird,” Spencer says, and he finds a small smile tugging at his lips that he can’t fully control. “But that’s kind of my specialty.” 
Your smile grows, and Spencer thinks you’re one of the most beautiful girls he’s ever seen. He has no idea how he got lucky enough for you to intercept him like this, but he’s grateful for it. 
“Good to hear,” you nod, and you let out a soft chuckle. “Sorry for stealing your table, by the way. It was the only thing I could think of to get your attention.” 
He shakes his head as he blinks a few times. “I don’t blame you. It’s a good table.” 
“It’s not really the table,” you say wryly. “It’s you. You’re very intriguing.” 
“Well,” Spencer says, clearing his throat as he tries his hardest to calm his nerves, “I guess it’s not really my table anymore. It can be our table, going forward.” 
Your eyebrows rise, and your smile is as bright as your eyes. “I like the sound of that, Doctor Reid.” 
His face burns as he tries to act casual, and he hopes you can’t tell how much he likes the sound of that. 
You start talking, asking him questions about himself and what he does and how in the world he has two PhDs already when you’re the same age, and he finds himself attached to every word—it’s an active effort to not get lost in those bright eyes of yours. 
(Spencer never does make it to those office hours.)
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my favorite halloween story has little to do with halloween but: once at a college costume party i met a post-grad student who grew up by the coast and came from a family of avid amateur (semi-professional? her mom regularly won tournament prize money) fishermen (fisherpeople?), with the result that she (the post-grad student) had grown up regularly eating fresh seafood multiple nights a week, that was the basic family meal, and when she got to college (hundreds of miles inland) suddenly fresh seafood was very hard to find (on a college student's budget) and she was so frustrated that in junior year (after she moved into a sorority house and had enough space) she concocted a plan to purchase her own aquarium specifically in order to farm/breed her own fresh seafood, and i'm assuming she was so gung-ho that she didn't do her research bc no sooner had she purchased an enormous aquarium off of [craigslist i'm assuming] than she discovered that local pet (aquarium? fish supply) stores either (1.) did not sell species of fish she was interested in eating, (2.) did sell fish she was interested in eating but they were tiny/would take too long to grow to a size worth eating, or (3.) sold fish-she-would-want-to-eat of a size-she-would-eat but at a price that made them more expensive than just going to the fish section of the local grocery store (((did she think they would be cheaper? and if so why buy an aquarium at all why not just buy and quickly consume the fish???))), or (4.) a combo nation of the 3.
But ANYWAY by this point she has already purchased the aquarium, so she goes ahead and buys some tiny fish of a species she was interested in consuming (i want to say guppies. i know they weren't guppies it was another species entirely, probably several different species, but in my headspace that detail has been overwritten with the label "[guppies]" so guppies it is). anyway the guppies don't look particularly delicious but she's observing them pretty often (multiple times a day) in order to track their growth, and soon she's regularly jotting down notes and calculating their caloric intake and predicted weight increase and she's tweaking the aquarium settings to facilitate growth and--basically she becomes an aquarium person. you know, those people who have an aquarium and are heavily mentally focused on the having and maintaining of said aquarium (often in a supposedly leisurely but also completely serious and sedately obsessive manner).
so she gets really into it, and is encouraged by her sorority sisters (who are having fun naming and making up back stories for all the different fishies), and yes i guess she also grows attached to the fish (but this isn't the story of a bunch of fish not getting eaten, ok, she doesn't eat those fish, those fish are no longer for eating, but she still eats plenty of fish whenever she gets the chance, at restaurants and at her parents' house i assume, fish are still being eaten, she does not end up a reformed former fish-eater). oh, and then she goes on to write her senior thesis (? or class thesis or. some final project paper thing) on the fish (or on her aquarium ecosystem? something to do with aquariums), and she decorates her graduation cardboard hat thing with a little finding nemo plushie sewn on.
*GASPS FOR BREATH* (no no wait. ***GULPS LIKE A GUPPY*** hah!) anyway this all happened several years before i even met this woman whose name i don't remember at a college halloween party, but the reason i know this backstory is we had both had too much halloween punch and i asked her "so what are you studying" and she started telling me about how she was in the final year of getting her PhD in Marine Conservation
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pepper-makes-art · 5 days
relavity falls stans, graunts, n friends
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fiddleford can be found here!!!
i wish i could've done more sketches but im a bit busy atm </3 will def do some on the weekends though!!
on the au:
instead of taking place in 2014, it takes place in 2024 now! which doesnt rlly change much outside of appearances and slang lol.
bold is what their au name is
stanford (ford) <--> dipper
pretty self explanatory! i feel like stanford'd be an x-men fan, hence the x patch on his shoulder lol. also yes, dipper is a trans woman here. and she has glasses bc fuck dude i hate drawing regular eyes.. i thought the design looked a bit empty, so i decided to make that cool glove thing ford had dipper's robot hand thingy!
stanley (lee) <--> mabel (mason)
stanley now wears a hat. hoorah. nothing much to say here besides him also smuggling shanklin in (w/o the knife unfortunately). mabel's still impersonating her sibling (who, before the portal scene, doesn't know that she's a girl now) under the name of mason, but has ultimately shed her sibling's fashion tastes for her own. mabel wears a turtleneck UNDER the suit bc she doesnt feel heat apparently!
candy <--> wendy
candy's now a 15 yo asian kid who took up the cashier job under grauntie bc she needed more extracurriculars and the experience. totally cant relate to that haha. wendy's now a 12 yo mischievous lil lumberjack who's best friends w/ stanley (i thought it'd be interesting since theyre all now still associated w each other) and who has ALL the middle school tea (which is A LOT)
grenda <--> soos
as much as i want the ages to line up relatively (haha get it.), i think it'd be funny if mabel just hired a bunch of teenagers to run the shack (not sure what to call it). grenda's the 15 yo handy(wo)man who has the voice of an angel and the golden mentality of "smash with couch"! soos is now a friendly n equally naive 12 yo who's best friends w stanely (yada yada) and who somehow always solves problems
on dipper and mabel (will be using he/him for pre-transition dipp):
hoo boy. i see SO many ppl arguing abt their relationship, and i just gotta say, i can tell who has siblings and who doesn't! (joke. thats a joke. mostly) anyways, theyre good siblings!! up until high school, where after drifting apart somewhat, they have a big argument abt where theyre going in life - dipper wants to go to insert rlly good college name and become a scientist while mabel, well, she doesn't know where she wants to go. unbeknownst to them, while theyre fighting, their parents are also fighting. suddenly, their parents split, and mabel is forced to live with her mom and dipper with his dad, far apart from each other. dipper (wearily) accepts this while mabel silently resents dipper for his submission
dipper attends his dream school but is unhappy in his schooling years. afterwards, with his 12 phds or whatever the hell, he goes to a quaint town named relativity falls... mabel becomes an artist of sorts, taking commissions n such, but finds that this doesn't exactly lead to profit. she then becomes a sort of con(wo)man and psychic in attempts to capitalize the strange. she DEF doesn't get into as much srs trouble as stanley did back in his day, but she still lands herself in hot water from scamming and stealing across state lines...
im tired rn so lmk if yall wanna hear more lol.
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little-diable · 1 year
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I’ve decided to add a collection of my smutty professor fics, since this list will definitely keep on growing. Please remember that I am not allowing you to edit or copy those fics to other platforms.
Professor Aaron Hotchner
Profiling 101 (Series, Prof!Hotchner)
The reader enrolls in professor Hotchner's class "Profiling 101", a man she has always looked up to, a man who treats her like an asshole from day one. Will her need for academic validation manage to push the two closer together? Will her bright mind push her into the world of Aaron Hotchner and the BAU team? Will he manage to keep his distance before the world he tries to protect her from can get its grasp on her?
Professor Tom Holland
Tides of Drowned Affections (fake dating, smut)
The reader has never been close with her family, but when she's ordered to come home for her sister's wedding, (y/n) is in need of a helping hand. Or: When a panic attack is the reason Professor Holland takes on the role of the reader's boyfriend.
Distraction (smut)
After years of being professor Holland’s student, the reader finally finishes her studies and joins the team as a young professor – allowing the two to finally give into their teasing.
The Painting (smut)
Professor Holland takes his students on a trip, exploring art galleries, admiring paintings he can barely spare any attention to, mind fully focused on her, the student he found himself. drawn to like a moth to a flame
2am Texts (smut)
An unknown number texts Tom in the middle of the night, forcing his attention away from grading his stack of exams. And somehow he finds himself obsessed with the stranger that keeps holding contact with him.
Lovers like Orpheus and Eurydice (smut)
Professor Holland hates the reader, and she hates him. But when she applies for the position as his TA, things start to change and somewhere along the way - between an argument and spending the night together - they fall for one another.
Professor Tom Riddle
All to myself (smut)
Another student tries to touch the reader, so Professor Riddle has to remind his TA that she is his, only his. Pwp
Professor Benedict Cumberbatch
Summer Retreat (smut)
Mean prof!Benedict and the reader are forced to cross paths on their vacation, the vacation he used to read her dissertation.
Lucky Shirt  (smut)
Professor Cumberbatch was perfect. He was sweet, supportive, ever-willing to help. He was attentive and loved to praise your achievements. It came to no surprise that you had ended up trying and succeeding at becoming his favourite student. The two of you had become an unstoppable duo, however, could there be more than mere passion for academia behind it?
Abide by my rules (smut)
Professor Cumberbatch can’t quite stop thinking about the most mediocre and obnoxious student he has ever had to supervise.
The secrets our notes tell (smut)
The reader had always crushed on professor Cumberbatch, the man that treated her without any kindness dripping from his words, clearly signaling his annoyance with the woman. And yet, both are forced to work together, but perhaps he’s the reason for that forming teamwork after all.
Tea and Cologne don’t mix (smut)
Professor Cumberbatch has always admired the reader’s intelligence and as she joins him as his new TA it doesn’t take long for them to give into the pull they feel inside their burning systems.
Professor Tommy Shelby
Drunken Longings and Sober Actions (modern!prof!Tommy, smut)
The reader takes on the position of Professor Shelby's assistant, the man who is also the advisor of her PhD thesis. How long can the two endure to be around one another before they finally give into their longing?
The Book Thief (modern!prof!Tommy, smut)
Professor Shelby is taking his students on a trip, a trip that ends up with his book stolen by the reader – perhaps this is what they’ve needed to finally get closer.
The Vote -Professor!Tommy (smut)
Another vote is coming up, allowing the students to pick their favorite professor. He would always win, leaving her behind on 2nd place, but she’s determined to win this year. But Tommy is determined himself, though not about winning, but about finally pulling her in.
Sharp Like Tybalt’s Blade (Professor Tommy, smut)
Professor Shelby and the reader fuck in his office.
Professor Carlisle Cullen
Ruin Me (prof!Carlisle smut)
Professor Cullen eats the reader out after coming clean with his feelings.
Teaching Assistant (prof!Carlisle smut)
This is basically pwp, the reader helps Carlisle grade some essays and they fuck.
Professor Draco Malfoy
Professor Malfoy (smut)
The reader works as Professor Malfoy's TA, a man she had been crushing on ever since meeting him at Hogwarts all these years ago; but kind of just pwp
Hate Me - Professor x Professor (smut)
(Y/n) had always hated Draco, or at least that’s what she likes to tell herself. But now they have to share a classroom, teaching a lesson together, forcing the two to cooperate.
Darkness Whispers To Us (smut)
Plain porn, they fuck in his classroom
Professor Damon Salvatore / Klaus Mikaelson
Just A Dream - Prof!Klaus x fem!reader x Prof!Damon (smut)
Maybe she shouldn’t have told her friends about the things she’d like to experience with her two hot professors. But maybe it was time for her dream to become real
Professor Loki
On My Mind (professor x student smut)
The reader drunk texts her hot professor - who is awfully delighted by the picture she has messaged him. Perhaps (y/n)’s drunken self didn’t embarrass herself as much as she had feared.
Beautiful like Halley‘s Comet - Prof!Loki (smut)
Professor Laufeyson saves the reader from her ex-boyfriend, followed by some filthy smut in his classroom.
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shadycomputerpolice · 7 months
My advice to separatists
The woman in the above video used to be in an abusive marriage and escaped. In this video, she explains that abuse victims only leave when they themselves are ready. So straight from the horse's mouth, most efforts to get abused women get out those situations are futile.
The dynamics between men and women as a class mirror the dynamics of an abusive relationship. Just like how abuse victims leave only when they are ready to leave, women will only leave men as a class alone only when they are ready.
This is why on this blog, for as long as I can remember, I have always discouraged seperatists from trying to convince women to give up men because just like most abuse victims, they completely ignore you or they make you the villian: evil lesbian (eventhough straight seperatists exist) that is trying to steal them away from their prince charming for your own sexual benefit.
Leave these women alone, offline and online. They are not ready and to be honest, most of them will never be. Stop going on their posts to debate them, matter of fact I suggest you block the ones who are lying about the epidemic of seperatists bullying OSA women (again denying the existence of straight seperatists to create a narrative). I understand the human instinct to clear your reputation but this is Tumblr. It is important to remember that the "loss of good reputation" on here absolutely has no impact on the quality of our lives. Yes, in the short term, you will be upset but you will quickly get over it because it has no impact on your long term life.
Just like offline you can tell when an abuse victim is ready to actually leave and just needs guidance and some resources, you can also do that online. While it is definitely harder to read people's behaviours online, it is not possible. For those of you who still take Tumblr activism seriously, you can guide genuinely interested women to valuable resources.
FYI, We need to STOP assuming that just because a person is in radfem spaces, that they are smart or have critical thinking skills. Most people come to radfem spaces because of the anti-transactivism and sometimes anti-porn positions. Contrary to what transactivism would have you believe, one doesn't need to have a pHD in human biology to differentiate between human males and females. That is actually common sense that has existed for a centuries or even millenia. Just because someone knows men cannot become women doesn't make an intellectual. That is like saying a person brushing their teeth makes them an intellectual because some people don't brush their teeth. Furthermore, phD holders can know a lot in their subject area and be clueless in others [A person can be absolutely smart in one area and completely dumb in another].
Many of people on here are actually not smart and you can tell by the dumb shit they confidently say. You shouldn't waste your time arguing with dumb people, offline or online.
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lurking-latinist · 6 months
re: these tags
THAT'S SO COOL AHHHH!! good for you aubreyad community stays winning
[introducing this with a disclaimer in case i'm wrong about everything: i am only halfway through the series rn (just about to finish 10) and also am but a mere undergrad classics major who has yet to even declare said major and I probably don't have the right to be yapping about propertius. nevertheless i shall.]
anyway i have been growing persistently more insane about diana's proximity to a Lot of classical imagery, like how her first appearance in post captain is literally during a fox hunt + all the gender stuff she has going, obviously linking her to mythological diana (and artemis if we're going to conflate the two) but your take has sent me in a whole new direction with that-- because she doesn't actually really embody the artemis archetype all too much overall (an emphasized character trait being that she's notably Not Chaste) EXCEPT in relation to stephen, w/ whom her relationship is much more brotherly than it is sensual i guess?
which would align very well with your idea of diana as elegiac puella-- sort of in a way being mythologized by stephen-- resulting in the reader actually being able to see two different manifestations of her character (one through the eyes of an omniscient prosaic narrator and one through the perspective of stephen as a "poet" figure). and i just think that's neat.
my latin class has also been looking at a few of propertius' love elegies and, at least to me, they read a lot like if stephen 1.) hated himself significantly less and 2.) were less indecisive in writing about his Feelings?? 1.8 (and all of the poems concerning cynthia moving/traveling away and propertius being all moody about it) is very reminiscent of the arc from post captain to the surgeon's mate imo. 1.12 is also Literally Him-- "cynthia prima fuit cynthia finis erit" can be compared to stephen's poetic catastrophizing about how his life is Literally Over and Love Is Dead when he believes to have fallen out of love with diana!?!? i'm going to lose my mind.
sorry for dumping all of this on you unprompted and also sorry for the fact that it probably does not make sense. peace and love
if undergrad classicists don't talk about propertius literally WHO WILL. (genuinely my currently-being-written phd dissertation chapter is based on an idea I had in the class I read propertius in freshman year. never feel like you're not a 'real scholar' or something yet, because you honestly never do become something different, you just keep reading and talking and this is what we do! there's nothing realer than this!)
oh wow that's really well put--we kind of get to see her from an omniscient-narrator perspective and through the eyes of her lover who is Not Being Normal About Her. very nice!
yeah I keep reading bits of propertius and being like "hmm is po'b going to quote this one I wonder." (he doesn't mostly but I keep thinking he should. because I want the aubreyad to be denser and less accessible I guess? :P) there's a lot of catullus woven in too of course - I associate Catullus 72 with the 'falling out of love' arc (my dude that is not what falling out of love looks like).
oh gosh yes 1.8 -- that was one of the things I was trying to describe to Distinguished Classicist, the way she's so -- what's the word I want? not volatile... she disappears. she's constantly Gone. you turn around and oops, she's eloped to Sweden. (honestly though if Cynthia and Propertius could manage to have *fake* revenge affairs that would actually be *great*, for them that would be an improvement.) Gareth Williams (in a chapter called, amazingly, "From Grave to Rave") describes Cynthia as "ever only elusively visible in the narratological mist" and I feel like that's a bit what's going on with Diana. For her there's a genre element as well--she's a woman in the Men Going to Sea books, and even though the Aubreyad gives way more time to women than the average Men Going to Sea book, the fact is the camera frequently simply isn't on her. We see far more of Stephen thinking about her, hearing rumors, etc. than we do of her actually being on the page. Now in elegy nobody seems to be quite fully on the page, we only get "fragments of story" as Genevieve Liveley and Patricia Salzmann-Mitchell say (excellent collection by that name btw, I recommend checking it out if you're at all interested in narrative and lyric/elegy). But Diana manages this while being in a novel, which is impressive to me.
yeah stephen as a character is a lot more... self-reflective? than propertius' speaker. for one thing he's in a novel, I think, so he can actually... have a series of contiguous experiences. he's also a compulsive diarist which is helpful for self-reflection I guess. and more mature, like, as a human being, than propertius' speaker, who apparently does nothing with his life except be in love and write poetry, he doesn't exist outside of as a poetic voice whereas, again, stephen benefits from a third-person narrator and has medicine and spying to do and so on. also he's Catholic.
I love the "Catullus-and-water" line, it's like O'Brian just put in a little wink to those of us who would notice this, like, "yes I am doing this on purpose." All in all I've pretty much defaulted to assuming that O'Brian is doing things on purpose. although he did forget Babbington's first name that one time and retconned it very awkwardly
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deusvervewrites · 1 year
Ask Game: After Izuku is diagnosed Quirkless, his father brings out a knowledge that was almost lost during the Boxer Rebellion, Qi cultivation. By the time he enters UA Izuku has the equivalent of a superstrenght stockpile Quirk, though he also figured out how to use his abilities to float (and once he’s stronger he’ll be able to fly and do other stuff) and is developing the ability to sense danger… So what is this One for All thing that Sir Nighteye and this weird masked Villain think he has and want him to give up? Is this related to how his senpai, Hado Nejire, suddenly became stronger and faster?
A long, long time ago, there was a terrible war, and in the destruction, a child died. The boy's mother fled to a nearby river where she could be alone as she wept for his loss. A handsome stranger heard her cries and asked her what was wrong. When she explained, the man thought long and hard and came up with a solution. A way to cheat the cycle of reincarnation so that she could have her son again. But the method would take hundreds if not thousands of years. The woman agreed.
Anyway, in the present day, Midoriya is born with a few scattered scales on his skin. Everyone assumed this was an early sign of his Quirk, but it was in fact not; he inherited some secondary mutations but no actual Quirk.
Izuku was despondent when he was diagnosed Quirkless. Inko and Hisashi looked at each other and came to a silent agreement. That day, Hisashi retrieved an old box tucked away under some floorboards (They live in a house in this AU). The box contained the scattered scriptures of many different Cultivators which have been fashioned into something of a Cultivation Manual.
Izuku began his journey as a Cultivator that day, meditating alongside his parents to properly get his Qi circulating. Of the five elements flowing through his Qi, Izuku best associates with Wood, but like all Cultivators he has some affinity for them all. He also starts learning swordplay because martial arts is a useful means of aiding the physical part of Cultivation, although it's not something his parents can help with as much.
AFO took notice of him at the USJ incident, when he obliterated the Noumu (he tried to mess with its Qi but being a Noumu that made it tear itself apart) while Nighteye spotted him at the Sports Festival. Both reached some rather incorrect assumptions.
+1. Unlike Spiral Energy, Hado got One For All in her Second Year. Midoriya can sense something up with her Qi, almost like she has a pseudo-core. It's very weird to him.
+2. The Celestial Courts don't like Cultivators because becoming immortal is infringing on their territory. This is generally handled by a good old-fashioned lighting bolt to smite someone. Because of his theft of longevity Quirks, All For One has had this happen to him about once a decade or so. He's so confused by this phenomena that he earned a PhD in Meteorology to figure out why it keeps happening.
+3. Izuku is totally desensitized to electricity because he's seen both of his parents struck by lightning on at least one occasion.
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silversiren1101 · 2 years
Knight Commander as Companion: Minovae Arangeir
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Using @dragonologist-phd​ template here! 
Name: Minovae Arangeir
Race: Human (Ganzi) 
Class: Skald - Battle Scion / Hellknight - Order of the Pyre 
[Note, in my game as my canon KC she is a Fighter / Bard / Hellknight, but to have better party synergy you can have her as a Skald!]
Appearance: Rather short for a human woman, Minovae nonetheless carries a certain presence about her that transcends her stature--and the blackened Hellknight plate adorning her frame is only partly responsible for that. She beams at you with violet eyes overtop of cheeks lined with opaline scales, and from beneath her long platinum ponytail peaks out feathers the color of turquoise. Her armor does little to disguise the hallmarks of her ganzi heritage, and you get the impression she bears both with confidence and pride. Nothing embodies this better than her tail--thick, longer than she is tall, covered in those same scales and lined with a feathered ridge--adorned in what appears to be custom-designed Hellknight plates: a ganzi and Hellknight through and through. The scuffed hammer at her side and the condition of the spiked shield on her back suggests years of experience in battle, yet her general demeanor suggests a disposition that is quicker to smiles and song-like laughter than her fellow knights. 
Favored Weapon/Equipment: Warhammer and spiked heavy shield.
Top Skills: Athletics, Persuasion, Perception
Alignment: Lawful Good
General Personality: 
Minovae can best be described as a bright blue sky that has one persistent cloud obscuring the sun. She is a naturally cheerful and energetic person that strives to bring joy to others around her, and yet there seems to be an underlying melancholy in her own words and laughter. She can often be caught unawares staring off into the distance, lost in thought, with those bright eyes clouded in some internal worries or memories. When called out or asked if she is okay, she will attempt to quickly mask and reassure the knight commander she is quite alright, that she has merely been in this war and away from the civilization she has been fighting for for too long. 
In the day to day, she is friendly and easy-going, though does try to keep herself and others on a semi-strict regimen. She wakes up, like every Hellknight, before or at dawn, and runs laps around Drezen before attending to her chores and duties. Any place she is settled in tends to become spotless--so long as it isn’t her room. The barracks, the stables, the war room are all neatly swept and cleaned up, and while her own living space isn’t dirty, she seems to abide by a personal ‘organized chaos’ with her own belongings if she stays in one place long enough to truly ‘unpack’. When asked for help or to take over another duty, she will often drop everything she is doing to lend a hand even to her own detriment of her own duties, as she has a difficult time disappointing people that she perceives need her help.
On her own true free time, she prefers to be around people, reminding herself of what she is fighting for. She will hang out in the tavern or marketplace, just talking with people or watching, or will specifically seek out the mongrel children to play with as they think she is one of them and she simply cannot resist making children squeal and laugh. 
In battle, she is quick to defend others with her shield and body, preferring to take any blow personally than let those around her get harmed. As a natural leader, her voice carries impressively loud and far, issuing out orders and calling for battle formations almost instinctively. This is at stark odds with her demeanor towards leadership outside of battle, as she tries to eschew any formal leadership titles, believing herself not the best choice and also struggling to risk the lives of subordinates.
Initially, it is difficult to believe she could have made it as a Hellknight for long, but speaking with other Hellknights reveals a little bit more about her capability - as does spending more time with her. While she is kind, incredibly patient, and prone to believing the best in others, the very second she has deemed someone beyond forgiveness or saving, or if her mercy has been taken advantage of, it’s almost as if she becomes a totally different person. Her fellow knights call this side of her “The Little Linnorm”, which administers justice to the harshest extent possible and with a cold expression on her otherwise jovial face. She is brutal, efficient, and difficult to sway once she becomes the Linnorm, but afterwards it is easy to see she took no pleasure in the moment or act, appearing weary and becoming withdrawn. She has these moments in Wintersun with Marehevok, with Nurah, and with Latverk.
What traits/values do they admire? 
Lawfulness and justice that serves the people. Using the weight of the law and order against Evil beings and actions. Mercy for those that were coerced or tricked to do wrongs, within reason. Atheism and mortal autonomy. Kindness towards children and indulging children in childishness.
What traits/values do they disapprove of? 
Wanton cruelty. Literal interpretation of lawfulness that defies the spirit of what the law should or was meant to be. Over reliance upon gods or other beings that grant divine power. Being overly strict on children or not letting children be children. Treating civilians with the same harshness as soldiers. Undeath, specifically ghouls. She is terrified of ghouls!
Are they affiliated with any deities? Absolutely not... for the most part. Minovae is progeny of Ssila’meshnik, the Colorless Less and the protean lord of fate. She does not initially know this.
What do they think of their role in the Crusades, and of sharing the Commander’s Mythic powers? What are their reasons for joining the commander’s party? 
Minovae is initially very suspicious of the mythic power. She is a staunch atheist in that she believes mortals need to stand on their own two feet and be able to survive off of their means. Over reliance upon the gods will only cause trouble if those gods decide to rescind their aid or mysteriously disappear; she knows the history of her home country Cheliax all too well. 
As for participating in the Crusade, she is all too happy to and quite proud to serve alongside the Knight Commander. She joins because she is asked to (presumably!) or possibly even ordered to by her own Paralictor, Aminos Renth as a representative of another Hellknight Order (the Pyre) alongside Regill.
Who are their friends among the other party members?
Unsurprisingly, Regill and Minovae do know each other despite her far lower ranking. She actually saved his life personally a few years ago here in the Worldwound, and while he has opinions on her inclinations towards mercy and kindness, he highly respects her and knows she is fully capable of embodying the cold justice of a model Hellknight. She, meanwhile, has opinions on his overt harshness and tendency towards overreaction and cruelty, but also sees there is a certain (dying) brightness in him and that he was not always this way. Their camp banter focuses much on ‘arguing’ about hypotheticals or talking about their battles they’ve both been in, but it’s clear to see while they have disagreements they also quite respect the other... and a little more as the story progresses if the Knight Commander is not romancing her.
Mino also has quite a bit of reactivity with Ember, being overly protective towards her and treating her almost as her daughter. She is staunchly vocal in that Ember should not be in certain situations, yet will do what she can to protect her if she is brought along. Ember comments often on Mino’s inner feelings and struggles, about her sorrow and bleeding heart and how she is brave for continuing on in spite of all she’s been through.
Woljif and Mino butt heads like siblings, and she naturally tends to treat him like a troublesome little brother. She will ruffle his hair and give him a smack, but will turn into a snarling beast towards anyone that dare mistreat him or mean him harm. She sees the goodness in him and wants to steer him onto a better path with a support network of friends and found family so that he doesn’t end up at the gallows any time in his future. Growing up as an orphan in an abusive orphanage, she is pretty protective of him in this light too, knowing he grew up never knowing real love like she did and she could very well have been on his same path.
Surprisingly, Mino and Daeran really hit it off the more they get to know each other. As a former Scourge Knight who used to investigate Egorian’s corrupt nobility, she initially thinks the worst of him. Dae, of course, sees her as a higher-than-thou knight... and they steadily learn to see way more in the other past this. Mino is strongly rooted in justice for individuals and protecting the people because she is filled with genuine love for mortalkind and appreciates fun and laughter and joy. Daeran is acerbic and among the nobility, yeah, but also has this complete disdain for the real aristocracy of Mendev. They are always ribbing the other for being what they are, but it’s playful and challenging. She pushes him to leverage his status and resources in a way to support the Crusade that’s spiteful to the Mendev elite, and he’s always pushing her to lighten up and let him get away with things. They become very good wine drinking buddies, sharing their best tales of their exploits terrorizing nobles in Cheliax and Mendev respectively.
Another surprise is her relationship with Arueshalae, where she does not treat the succubus with any suspicion for what she is despite being a Hellknight. Minovae was captured by the demons (explained later) and kept in a cell next to her, and Arueshalae saw all the goodness and love in her heart and made it her mission to keep her sane and alive through the torture until she could break them both out. Because of this they have a very friendly relationship and Mino trusts her whole-heartedly. Arue sees her as a shining beacon and thinks Desna brought them together so that she could have an example of the kind of goodness the goddess wants her to be. Mino refutes this always, telling Arue only she can determine what kind of being she is, and there is goodness everywhere one looks.
Lastly, her final major friend is Trevor Vaenic, who she fully understands who he is then and now and why he’s become how he is. She does not see him as permanently lost or broken, but as someone you can patiently take in hand and walk back towards the path. He still has a future in front of him and she wants to ensure he sees it and gets the rest he has earned. She often asks him about his past in Andoran and how he joined up with the Hellknights, what he saw in them and why. She does not judge him, and fears his brother will treat it all as emotional mistakes rather than the choices of an adult man made with dignity.
What about rivals?
If you thought Regill and Sosiel being at each other’s throat was bad, wait until the cleric has to fend off both of them. Unlike Regill though, Minovae does not leap to insult or sharp words, rather stating plainly facts which he gets wrong or other view points and staring deep into his soul as she patiently waits for an answer. She knows the history of the Hellknights inside and out, and Sosiel’s constant incorrections about them are her favorite to needle him on. She also does call him out on his naïve idealism - that war against demons requires tough decisions and sacrifice and hesitating through trying to save everyone will only get more people killed. She is constantly annoyed by his civilian idealist mentality when he willingly chose to come to this war, thinking he’s any different from any other cleric that’s come from another unaffected country and trying to tell everyone how to do things as if it hasn’t been tried before.
Mino also grates with Seelah pretty often, both because of Seelah’s paladin-ness and treatment of Ember. Minovae does not have problems with those that wield divine power or put their faith in the gods, but people like Seelah that wave it around everywhere and attribute victories or accomplishments to the absent gods really annoys her. She looks out over a sea of bodies and blood and can’t help but bite her tongue about where The Inheritor was in this slaughter that looks so absolutely godless. Seelah is also, honestly, so mean to Ember and that alone is enough to get Mino’s feathers bristling. Still, it’s not all hissing and spitting between them. They do have an okay relationship, sparring and drinking together.
Another surprise in her relationships, is that she butts heads with Lann. Lann is always seeking guidance and examples of leadership because he has this crushing pressure to be tribe chief for the mongrels, and his struggle to find his own merits and settle on his own unique leadership style or always looking for answers from others annoys her. Mino is difficult with herself because she knows she is a good leader and destined for leadership in some capacity, but doesn’t want it and dislikes the pressure of command. Lann has been given this leadership and is fumbling around with it so hard and she can tell he can get there, but she also doesn’t want to expose herself as a ‘leader’ and be pestered by him too. Regill often redirects Lann to her or prods her in his direction because he wants her to achieve her maximum potential and it drives her nuts. Ultimately, her and Lann and like the older sister and older brother in a family: just annoyed to be in each other’s presence but will defend the other in life and respect.
There is one thing that can be said for Mino, though, in that she sniffs out something is not quite right with Camellia instantly. With both Daeran and Camellia as nobility, she immediately has her scrutiny on them and while Daeran shakes off the suspicions pretty fast, Camellia only attracts Mino’s “corrupt noble sensor” more and more. It’s actually Minovae that tips off Anevia about the murders - such a thing was her specialty in Egorian. She was known for being a cult buster among the Scourge and unfortunately Camellia learns she is not quite as wily as a devil-backed Egorianite. Even if the Commander spares Camellia and keeps her around, Minovae is always watching her and building a contingency plan for if she will have to break the Commander’s order to stop her.
Are they on any councils? If so, what sort of advice do they give?
Minovae is put on both the Diplomatic Council and Logistics Council, which of course she tries to refuse but is ordered to be on by both Regill and Deothan and she cannot rightfully refuse.
On the Diplomatic Council, her experience in working with the Chelaxian aristocracy in an antagonistic way, rooting out corruption by learning their games and how the social elite ‘work, works powerfully in her favor. She is remarkably shrewd and cunning in this way, and her advice will be much like Daeran’s but in a way that is much more subtle. She will suggest means that are a subtle insult or middle finger to the Royal Council, a balance between Lann’s open disregard for their wants and Daeran’s direct insults. Ultimately she wants everything to be what is best for the Crusade, but knows that the wrath of the aristocracy is something they cannot fully risk so early on. As the story progresses and the council ranks up, she will ultimately suggest more bold actions that completely disregard the Royal Council’s wishes as they do not need them anymore.
I also like to think she trips Konomi more than one with her tail as an “accident”. She really, really dislikes that woman.
As for the Logistics Council, Minovae has unique experience as a more “boots on the ground leader”. She is a Field-Maralictor, meaning she has the authority of a Maralictor in active combat situations but not so in the formal hierarchy of the Order of the Pyre. Her experience in leading small units and directing field missions has given her a good eye for resource management and knowing just want kind of resources are needed out in the Worldwound for survival. Her inclination to preserve lives and also the Hellknights’ heavy coffers means she will suggest more expensive options but ones that will last and ultimately result in less long-term cost. She’s suggesting things like ensuring each soldier has a specific load-out of potions or scrolls before they leave the gates, or negotiating contracts with equipment enchanters to ensure everyone has minor protective accessories. It’s expensive, yes, but they can also recoup the cost later with less dead soldiers.
Where do they hang out in Drezen? In the Abyss?
Minovae is like Sosiel in that she will appear in different places throughout Drezen. She can be found in The Half-Measure chatting with Fye or Greybor or other patrons; about the marketplace chatting with Wilcer Garms or Woljif or just soldiers; in the Inn at the table sharing stories with the people there; or even just sitting on top of the battlements, watching everyone going about their daily lives. She and Arueshalae often people watch together, as they are both fascinated with people and their habits, and she wants to help Arue learn.
In the Abyss she is often very close to the Hand of the Inheritor or the sanctified stone that keeps the air in Nexus pure. The ambient chaotic-evil energy of the Abyss is attracted to the chaos in her ganzi blood and she finds herself growing steadily ill and emotionally unstable. Sosiel is often seen casting Protection from Evil spells on her but they only do so much right here in the heart of the Abyss. 
Regill is often close to her as well, not saying much but his presence suggests a concern for his fellow Hellknight.
What are their idle animations?
Her tail lazily swishing around the ground like a contented cat, though it will sometimes lift itself up and do a little flex/writhe/wave. She will also do a full body shake that rattles the armor on her tail and bristle her neck feathers. A big over head stretch for her ribs and arms.
If they’re taken to Areelu’s lab, what is their dream?
Pretty much the same as described here! 
Mino’s core wants are relief, rest, safety, and of course a genuine loving relationship with her favorite Paralictor, but what would a ‘superficial’ view of this look like? You’d get Field-Maralictor Arangeir, low ranking but not a complete no one, taking orders from Paralictor/Lictor/Knight Commander (higher rank title than her) Derenge who is now in charge of operations. It’d be a scene of her approaching the war table to turn in a report of her latest mission. They’d accidentally brush hands, and a flicker of a glance would pass between them conveying more. He’d thank her for the hard work, with a single sprinkle of praise, and then order her to get some rest before the next mission.
That’s it.
Her core wants are addressed in the worst possible ways: she’s not in charge, she’s getting crumbs of attention from him, and she’s being ordered to rest rather than being granted actual relief. It’s not what she truly, actually wants in her heart but rather a bastardization of it.
Do they advise the commander to abandon or keep their mythic powers?
She wants the Knight Commander to drop the mythic power like it’s the Abyss itself, but ALSO really really dislikes doing what Iomedae tells them to do. 
Angel, Azata, Gold Dragon: She will encourage the Knight Commander if they are on a Good mythic path to do what their heart tells them to do.
Aeon and Trickster: She will ask them if it’s worth losing themselves over? Aren’t they as a mortal just as worthy of life and emotion and autonomy as everyone else? It’s been terrible watching them lose who they are to their powers and she can’t bear to see it.
Demon: She will leave or go hostile.
Lich: Minovae has history with ghouls and is terrified of them. She will immediately not vibe with a lich commander and if the Lich commander doubles down, she will attempt to leave. The Lich has the option to slay her and turn her into a ghoul graveguard companion. Her class will change to bloodrager and she will be a barely leashed undead looking to kill the commander at all costs before killing herself.
Devil: She will flee, and will be caught by devils and brought before the Knight Commander who has the option to execute her, make her a thrall, or allow her to flee for real.
Legend: Her absolute favorite, the triumph of mortalkind over powers granted by the gods. She will state her pride of the commander and reassure them they should feel no guilt or shame for choosing themselves in the end. They have every right to exist as they are and no one can say otherwise.
How/when do they join the Commander’s party?
Minovae can be found in the siege of Drezen in a cell next to Arueshalae, where the succubus has helped keep her sane through torture with gentle song and encouraging words, and also giving her peaceful sleep and painless dreams. She will be at 20% health and with several instances of ability score damage to strength, dexterity, and constitution, but will demand to be freed and given a weapon so she can fight. She can join the party immediately here, and will vouch for Arueshalae of course.
Regill will have dialogue recognizing her if he is present and states he believed she was dead. He will make his typical comment on why one should endeavor to not be captured- killing themselves if necessary, and she will snarl back that she chewed through her own tongue and bit through her wrists with her fangs only for the demons to force healing potions down her throat each time. “You can so easily chide me like I’ve committed some misstep at the dinner table, but until you’ve torn through your own flesh with your own blunted teeth you are woefully out of your element in this, Paralictor.”
She will apologize to him later for her disrespect and he will, surprisingly, also apologize but in a very aloof way and without specifying what for. He will have slightly modified dialogue to the scouts in the molten canyon in Act 3 if this moment has occurred, or they will have this dialogue if they are both in the party at that time then.
Describe their companion quest:
Minovae’s companion quest revolves around why she was captured by demons and present in Drezen’s dungeon: she learned too much and was marked for death because of it.
Act 3: 
Talking with Mino will reveal she used to be a Scourgeknight and mostly worked in Egorian, she transferred to the Order of the Pyre a good few years ago. When pressed about why, she will lie that “she felt a calling for something more, the aristocracy were beginning to wear on me when we have literal demons to fight.” A Perception check is triggered that can reveal she is deliberately lying, but if pressed will say simply that she cannot answer, while looking very uncomfortable and will try to dismiss herself to some other task.
She actually glows with the Aeon sight if the Knight Commander is an Aeon! You can get a non-standard death with her like with how bringing up the Other too early to Daeran kills him, by pressing her too deep or using your Aeon abilities to force her to ‘confess’. She will explode into a black-fire inferno, and of course she is gone. No continuing her story. It may possibly kill your KC too depending on their health and saves!
As for her quest, she will ask the Commander to go with her to the site where she was ambushed and taken captive, as she suspects she was betrayed. They will find nothing of evidence there except booted prints that appears way more recent than the scuffle of the fight. It is unmistakably that of a Hellknight’s. She will also ask the Commander to be a little more scrutinizing of the Paralictors (outside of earshot of Regill) and other Hellknight officers they meet, as she has a few ideas on who it could be but cannot reveal her hand too quickly or she will risk expulsion or execution for such insubordination.
Act 4: 
Mino will ask to visit the Battlebliss, curious to see if it’s anything like the awful gladiatorial pits back in Cheliax, but will of course encounter the devil-blooded tiefling, Zeklex, and his imp. He will make a curious face at Minovae and say he can smell the infernal magic on her even from this distance, to which she will immediately panic and step back clutching her head and telling everyone to get away from her, thinking that is enough to trigger the infernal geas’ conditions. A flare of infernal magic radiates from her and sends her to her knees, unconscious and bleeding heavily from the nose and ears and eyes, but still alive: a warning flare.
The Commander can ask Zeklex more about it and he can posit it seems like a powerful geas of some sorts, like Duke of Hell or Archdevil powerful (it is in fact powered by Geryon, so this is truth). Whatever it is, some devil has her mind locked down tight and even just revealing the geas itself could be enough to violate its terms.
Her quest is advanced when she asks the Commander to meet with her in the outside part of Nexus, that jutting ledge overhanging the city in the distance. She asks for the Commander to “help her” but clearly can’t do anything further or specific without instantly dying. The Commander can use their mythic power to try and draw out the geas into a fightable form here, where it manifests as a cornugon though weakened because they’re in the Abyss. Upon slaying the beast, Minovae collapses to the ground sobbing and remarks she is finally free, where she shares the actual truth with the Commander about why she left Egorian and came to the Worldwound.
The truth is, she uncovered a Thrune plot that could very well send the nation into civil war again if it got out--especially to the Hellknights. House Thrune fuels its infernal contracts with the sacrifice of those souls “living on behalf of the land of Cheliax” i.e orphans/homeless/those without proper home and family. She also discovered the existence of the Order of the Glyph, a false Hellknight Order the rest of them don’t know about and is entirely loyal to House Thrune. Seeing as she was investigating a rightful crime though, and with her well-liked reputation, House Thrune knew they could not just kill her and make her disappear without the Scourge asking questions and getting suspicious. Thrune instead pressed her into a willing Geas on herself: if she told anyone what she saw or if anyone even reads her mind or memories, she’d explode with infernal fire and possibly kill everyone around her too. After House Thrune’s torture and the Geas ritual completed, she transferred to the Pyre to try and leave it all behind her--unfortunately opening her up to assassination and betrayal since she had a lesser reputation here and ‘accidents’ are easier to cover up. One of the maralictors in the Pyre is a House Thrune plant, and he issued the mission to Minovae and her unit having subtly letting slip the route to cultists. Their location was revealed and it resulted in all of her subordinates dying and her capture (though he wanted and assumed her dead).
Act 5: 
Minovae still does not know who betrayed her and knows she is in a delicate situation, because the ‘owner’ of the geas could now know it has been dispelled and she can freely talk. Her suspicions are confirmed when she receives a letter from “Paralictor Gerren Deothan” but she recognizes some faults in mimicking his writing, and knows it is the true Thrune agent. She sets off by herself to confront them, knowing she cannot rightfully ask the Commander to risk outright hostilities with Cheliax and House Thrune by aiding her. The Commander is informed this by Anevia that Minovae was seen leaving with a hard expression on her face, and a letter can be found in her reports saying she was proud and happy to serve with the Commander and everyone.
Catching up with her has her surrounded by not just the ‘Paralictor’ but high ranking Thrune assassins and Glyph Knights sent to torture her for who else knows what she knows now before killing her. She’s killed quite a few already but she is outnumbered and has been fighting for a while now. 
A Good Commander will protect her and save her life. 
An Evil Commander and turn her over to the Thrune Agents and confirm only they know, and would instead like to cooperate with Cheliax.
A Lawful Commander can attempt to take the Thrune knights and assassins as prisoner for interrogation and put up and actual trial for Mino to see if any actual laws were broken (they will fight to the death).
If Regill is present, he will turn on the Commander if they pick the Evil option, as his loyalty is to the Hellknight Orders, and Thrune’s violation of their autonomy by forming the Order of the Glyph is tantamount to betrayal.
Are they romanceable? Describe their romance quest/scenes if you want!
Minovae is romanceable, yes, and she is a very doting and protective lover, if not a bit reluctant because of attention to rank and her own perception of self (and also the danger she poses because of the geas on her mind).
Some scenes with her involve her encouraging the Knight Commander to stop and see what is worth fighting for. When they go to Gundrun or Wintersun, she will ask the Knight Commander to stay a night with her in one of the homes. They will also walk about the place with her to see how the people live and even though they’re in trouble or were deceived, they are still civilians and this is a life worth fighting for, worth making hard decisions and giving up their own happiness to protect.
She also has a scene after the geas is broken on her head where she is sitting up on Drezen’s inner battlements at night all alone with a bottle of whiskey, just thinking over everything and all she lost now that it’s done with. She will somberly asked the Commander to share the drink with her and snuggle under the blanket she has, just talking as they watch the stars above and the dwindling candlelight below as Drezen’s people go to sleep. She’ll ask them about their home and what they’ve lost that they wish most they could have back. 
On a lighter note, Mino is very loud in bed and there WILL be banter about it from the other companions.
BUT! If Minovae is not romance by the Knight Commander, someone does still win her heart in the end... or more like she wins theirs. Similar to Mass Effect in how Garrus and Tali will wind up together if not romance, Regill and Minovae will eventually seal the deal and become a couple by the very end of the game. It’s subtle, with both of them spending more time around each other and subtle hints in their dialogue and camp banter. Yaker will have comments on how Regill is slightly, slightly nicer if he’s interacted with Minovae recently. Arueshalae will have dialogue with her about it, being able to sense her yearning and love for him. Ember also comments on how her heart is bleeding and she will be seen some day. It’s such a gradual change over the storyline progressing until there is a scene at Threshold where both of the Hellknights, ehm, emerge from the same tent in the morning and the both might have a little buff for the final Act that gives them bonuses if they’re fighting within 10 feet of each other.
What would their ending slides be like?
Freed and Hopeful (Not Romanced): Freed of the infernal geas on her mind and able to spread the truth of House Thrune’s treachery to her fellow Hellknights, Minovae uses her reputation as having helped closed the Worldwound to secure herself the rank and leadership she has always avoided. She swiftly rises through the ranks now that she hungers for the leadership and power to rally support against House Thrune in the Orders, becoming a Paralictor in the Scourge upon returning to Cheliax. Regill returns with her, and though many expected him to quietly bleach with his mission of closing the Worldwound complete, a new sense of color has returned to his skin and hair, and there is a brightness in his eyes whenever he is seen at his new wife’s side. Many speak of the odd couple they are, a ganzi and a gnome in black Hellknight plate, one drawn towards kindness and the other mercilessness, but none can deny how truly happy they seem with one another.
Mind Freed and Heart Captured (Romanced): Freed of the Infernal geas on her mind, Minovae has a new appreciation for life and a deeper sense of love than ever before. Her reluctance to fully love the Commander disappears entirely, and she is seen to be a doting, public, and affectionate lover. She has not forgotten her mission to expose House Thrune for the snakes they are and her desires to liberate Cheliax, but she is reluctant to leave her lover now that she has the safety and security she’s always wanted. This ending can have variation depending on if the KC stayed in Drezen or left, and on whether or not they ascended or stayed mortal. She will regardless not leave the KC, but if the KC has ascended, she will charge forth to Cheliax knowing she has at least one divine being she can put her faith in for the first time in her life.
Still Shackled: If Mino’s quest is not completed, she will stay around for the victory celebrations but quietly leave not longer after. Rumors spread about why, but House Thrune is ever thorough about making people disappear when they choose to. She is never seen ever again.
Turned Over to House Thrune: If Mino is captured by a Devil commander or turned over to House Thrune in her quest, will have a unique ending slide where she is described as snapping and going on a violent rampage. She is finally brought down with her fangs sunk deep into a lesser Thrune’s throat, having torn it out in her blind rage for vengeance.
Any other fun facts?
Minovae is a ganzi of course which is not fully supported in the game, but she would use the basic stat template for one and have their racial benefits!
+2 con, +2 charisma, -2 intelligence (this is reflected in the stats I have for her as a ‘human’ too).
Her ganzi oddity is the Prehensile Tail feature, which lets her retrieve stowed objects as a swift action (consume a potion as a free action for instance).
As for her personally, you can learn more about her treatment as a ganzi growing up in a shitty orphanage in Westcrown. She’s had her tail cut off numerous times, her scales peeled off, and her feathers torn out. Regardless, she is proud of her ganzi features and spends quite a bit of time taking care of them! This also hints as to why she likes children so much: she desperately wants children to be children and to be shielded from the horrors of prejudice and the world she wasn’t protected from.
She is also terrified of ghouls and cannibalistic undead! Really great stuff if you’re a Lich commander...
Provide some dialogue/bark examples!
Conversation Start: Minovae beams at you over those shining scales with bright eyes, and a hint of fang flashes as she grins before remembering herself and giving a polite nod. “Commander! It’s a pleasure to see you as always. Is there anything I can assist with?”
Conversation Ends: “Always nice speaking with you, you know where to find me if you need a hand with anything!” She gives a small cant of her head with that signature smile before turning back to the reports in her hands.
Selection: “Happy to report!” / “We moving out? Good, I thought my tail might actually start molting.” /  “Just point me to the problem.”
Skill Check Success: “With this hammer, sometimes every problem is a nail!” / “Only happy to do my part.”
Skill Check Failure: *Frustrated growl/whine* / “Hells, I really thought I had that.” / “Another thing to consider over my weekly Reckoning, I suppose...”
Combat Start: “Behind me! I’ll protect you to the last!” / “So long as I stand they will never know victory!” / “Show them the meaning of Hell!”
Low Health:  “They’ll get past this shield over my dead body!” / “Am I... at duty’s end?” / “I will not yield to pain... Order must be... as merciless as our foes...”
Provide some examples of companion banters!
Regill: You avoid leadership even though you are drawn to it. It is in your mannerisms and voice, do not think I have not noticed how you carry yourself in battle and issue commands as if it were second nature to you. Why do you hold yourself back? It is true arrogance to deprive the cause of your skills and talents.
Minovae: Is it arrogance? Or it is arrogant to issue orders where others have more experience, and are wiser and more credible than I am? I will make sure to control myself better in battle, Paralictor Derenge, to avoid any further confusion with the Commander’s own orders.
Minovae: Put that right back! Hells, Woljif, I swear you are getting more and more brazen just to test my patience! Next I know you’ll be stealing the feathers right off my neck!
Woljif: Nah, just to test your eyes and keep you sharp! “sides, I already have a few from your tail, so if you’re inviting the challenge... *heh hehhh*
Ember: You are very brave, Minnow. You press on even though it hurts so much. I promise others will see you, too, before this is done.
Minovae: ...Sometimes it’s better not to be seen Ember. Some worries and hurts cannot be shared, even as unbearable as they are.
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mermaidsirennikita · 7 months
I realise this is subjective but what's the straight-up most batshit (derogatory or complimentary) thing you've ever read in a book? This doesn't even have to be a rec list, i'm just curious about the Things You've Seen
Good question!
Morning Glory Milking Farm seems so normal now, but when that premise came out it was so crazy. I mean, tbh, the book is actually a pretty normal cozy romance in a lot of ways, just with a really wacky framing (which has kind of become C.M. Nascosta's signature). I'm kinda meh on it, but not because of the premise. Run, Run Rabbit is my Nascosta of Choice.
I began reading Immortals After Dark because I heard of Lothaire's premise, tbh. "3,000 year old vampire (who has been a Big Bad in the other books) finds out hillbilly coed is his fated mate, is like 'oh God, that is SO embarrassing, I can't' and convinces himself that his actual fated mate is the demonic goddess possessing said coed's body, so he puts the coed on DEATH ROW for safekeeping, and five years later shows up to slaughter everyone in prison, rescue the heroine from the lethal injection, and go 'WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME YOU IDIOT???'"
It was the death row element that got me reading. And that's over with in like, the first two chapters. And then it gets CRAZIER. God, I love that book.
The Thornchapel series by Sierra Simone was SUCH a big swing, even by her standards. Six friends try to figure out the creeping, looming darkness in an ancient chapel...? While following ancient sacrificial rites and hooking up with each other? There are two romances (MMF and FF)? How does she juggle all that?
The answer: really, really well. I love that series. Perfect Gothic vibes.
I mean. The Earl Takes All by Lorraine Heath. Gorilla Twins. And she pulled it off to perfection.
The All the King's Men duology by Kennedy Ryan does not seem that bonkers in theory (long-term back and forth between a billionaire oil guy's rebellious son and a Navajo environmental activist-turned-political-operative) but the books are actually iNSANE lol. He's lost in ANTARCTICA at one point????? She's kidnapped by masked men??? There are hostage videos??? Honestly, this duology is kind of like... Scandal vibes, if Scandal hadn't gone completely off the rails. It really may have been Kennedy Ryan watching Scandal and going "... I could do that better". And boy does she.
The Wolf and The Wildflower by Stacy Reid has a gloriously insane premise. The hero is a duke (the Duke of Wolverton or something too??) who was stranded in the Yukon for years and basically became a part of a wolf pack and developed incredibly wolfy habits... So his family hires a father/son pair of psychiatrists to help him adapt back to society... And then he smells the "son" and realizes he's actually a woman in disguise (genuinely, this isn't a gross transphobic plot, the heroine fully identifies as a woman and just disguises herself as a man for Romance Reasons) and detects her WOMANLY SCENT. It. Is. Insane.
Lush Money by Angelina M. Lopez. Lady billionaire offers to financially bail out a small principality on the condition that the heir (who has a genius-level IQ) a) marries her for a year b) gets her pregnant so that she can have a hot, smart royal baby.
Speaking of baby stuff, Nobody's Baby But Mine by Susan Elizabeth Phillips!!!! The heroine is a genius college professor who graduated from college or got her phD at fourteen or something insane, and she's really socially inept because she never had a normal childhood, so she wants a baby of AVERAGE INTELLIGENCE. Which, despite being a genius, she thinks means having a baby with a dumbass to balance out her intelligence. And she identifies an aging quarterback as a dumbass, so she literally like, seduces him into getting her pregnant. And then he finds up and shows up in her classroom, leaning against the door entryway and going "CLASS IS OVER" lol. God I loved it.
Kiss an Angel by SEP is also insane. Begins with a contemporary forced marriage, then the heroine finds out her new husband (who hates her) is taking her on the road working at a traveling circus??? Where she develops like, a psychic bond with a tiger. His circus trick is the whip trick where he cracks the whip to zap off a flower she's wearing or something.
And he's descended from the Romanovs
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myriadium · 1 year
Hi hello I am obsessed with your Bakugan AU omg. Love the new spins you’ve taken on the characters, grounding them more in reality! :D (and the wide diversity in gender identities and orientation is wonderful.) It’s also super interesting to see them aged up so they have jobs/higher education to be worrying about and such, it adds an interesting element imo.
Could we hear more about Alice? What’s her life like outside of Bakugan - did she work with Mikhail or have a job/education of her own? Does her whole deal with Masquerade differ at all to canon? (I always hated the way they just kind of write him off soon after the reveal instead of exploring how Alice deals with it more. One episode is not enough to fix the trauma, lmao, c’mon guys.)
YOOO THANK YOU SO MUCH I'm so happy you like it!!!!! These characters basically grew up with me so I love projecting aspects of my life onto them!
I'm also so glad you asked about Alice cus the show did her dirty in both the first and subsequent seasons. To be revealed as such a menacing threat and one of the big bads, only to be demoted to a side character and then a picture on a screen is simply insulting for the best character ever in Bakugan.
So basically my Alice grew up with her grandfather, who's field of physics requires him to study in remote and distant areas with no phones, no wifi, no outside signals (I think some places that communicate with satellites out in space are built in the middle of bumfuck nowhere because you really can't have electronic interference). As such, Alice grew up extremely sheltered, passing her days by playing with imaginary friends and reading books (favorite was alice in wonderland, wouldn't you know it).
In Russia, she didn't get a job nor did she go to university; she was a quick study and with the books (and harassing Mikhail) she kind of became a physics prodigy. She was a homebody with anxiety and agoraphobia, only comfortable with the familiar and the safety of her bed. That is, until Mikhail disappears. Somehow she finds the courage to leave her home and go to a whole new country to find where he ended up. She sees and meets more people than she ever thought possible, and grows to like it.
She gets a job at Runo's family's cafe, where she meets all sorts of people, and gets introduced to the Brawlers. I'd like to think that she takes a couple uni classes before Vestroia destroys the fabric of reality. Between S1 and S2 she actually goes to school and speedruns getting a PhD. When we see her after a timeskip she has short hair and is going into a program for dimensional physics (not yet a real program). She works in tandem with Marucho and Mikhail to monitor and maintain the dimensional rifts required to sustain Bakugan's existence in their universe.
As for her connection with Masq I like the idea that Masq was the manifestation of her negative emotions (Silent Core n allat). In this case, her being so drawn to the battlefield clashes with her belief that the game is dangerous; it's the cause of her grandfathers disappearance after all. Her general shyness and fear of the unknown prevents her from reaching her true potential. The Silent Core separates her desires from the ones she embraces and the ones she wants to reject. Enter Masqerade, the embodiment of her desire to battle! Stripped of everything except bloodlust, this form answers to the Silent Core and fucking wrecks the leaderboards because guess what, Alice is actually a very good brawler!
While Masq is fucking shit up, Alice is left in the dark. Her different aspects remember different things, have different abilities, but are fundamentally the same person. As the leaderboards settle and people start losing their Bakugan, Alice's fear of battling increases until Masq is nigh unstoppable. It's until a little scuffle with Exedra where his image flickers...just a little bit...to reveal a very scared woman...
Anyway basically Alice has to embrace her desire to kick ass and becomes one with Masq. Sounds corny and probably is but you can have her accept this part of herself slowly, like picking up battling, which weakens the Silent Core's hold on her, until the final fight where Masq collapses afterwards to reveal that it was her all along! Hydronoid recognizes her as his true master and a new player - Alice Gehabich replaces Masquerade as the number one player! She's still pretty shy (I don't like how people treat introversion as something they need a character arc to get over, some people are just like that smh) so her media appearances are few and far between. However, you can reliably catch her on the battlefield maintaining her number one spot.
Also in New Vestroia Alice replaces Marucho because I cannot fathom for the life of me why he was taken on the trip of a lifetime while my girl, who used to be the NUMBER ONE PLAYER IN THE WORLD, MIGHT I ADD, stays inside the house and babysits some alien.
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monstersflashlight · 18 hours
Oooh book talk book talk book talk!!!!! Im actually in school to get a master's degree in library science rn in part bc I want to do everything I can to spend my life around books and readers! My favorite books include:
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (Rebecca Skloot) Nonfiction about the history of the cell culture HeLa that was removed from a black woman with a unique cervical cancer without her consent or her family's knowledge. Goes into the medical ethics questions of who owns a piece of tissue after it's been removed and how can we reconcile scientific progress made when it comes at a very real, very high human cost, especially to certain groups of people (in this case a poor black woman and her family). It's also a story about the woman herself, what little is known for sure about her and how her family has tried to understand who she was and what happened to her, all while grieving for her loss. If you like medical history and don't mind harsh subjects, it is a really really good read.
This Is How You Lose The Time War (Max Gladstone and Amal El-Mohtar) sci-fi novella telling the story of two agents from warring factions with the power of time travel, each of them trying to outwit the other to secure the best future for their faction while maintaining their cat and mouse game. They become completely intertwined and fall in love (without spoilers, a really cool take on the idea of fated lovers, imo), all through sending letters to each other and it's a short read but so poignant and dazzling.
Stories of Your Life and Others (Ted Chiang) more sci-fi, this time a short story collection. Includes the short story that was the basis for the movie Arrival. (Does it count as a monster book if there are aliens? Because there are aliens, but there's no romance with them or anything like that). Can't really give a succinct summary when there are a bunch of different stories but I think my personal favorite in this collection is "Hell is the Absence of God". A world in which the presence of heaven, hell, god, and angels are very real tangible forces and how a select group of people in that world grapple with what that means for their faith. Do I love this story bc I also have a complicated relationship with faith? Probably! But it's a great collection regardless!
Hope you get lots of good book rec's! <3
Hi anon! I've been thinking about getting into library sicence myself, but not yet though. But I find it very interesting.
I've actually read the first book you mentioned and it was great, really good book. You can say I like medical history, lmao (for context I'm getting my PhD in that field). I've heard of the second one you suggest, but I've also heard it's really tragic (not sure if it's true), so I don't know about that because I like more cozy, happy-ending books, but it's been on my TBR for a looooong time. Someday I'll read it. The third one I didn't know, added to the TBR. :) All very interesting choices.
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incarnateirony · 8 months
Looking over my boss' review of my performance the other day and I honestly kinda wanna good cry
Only person in the center with a 100% case sub rate.
Notes on my unusual linguistic style, both general structure and ability to adjust it to almost any chatter
Notes on my save rate, which is different than a sub rate, but except, oh wait, no it fucking isn't. (Really I lost one but due to how it happened it statistically does not appear as a failure, not that the center counts it as failures as there's almost no expectation on rate, but *I* consider it failure. But really, they were already gone. They just needed a witness. And a psychopomp).
highest positive case resolution vs PSAP response, highest save to lowest involuntary calls
"Ability to understand issues unspoken by clients." only way she could summarize me accidentally mindreading the one motherfucker right before the review kSJDFKSDJFSKDJFSKDJF
Notes on exceptional understanding of psychology, was asked if I had a phd or something, no, and I sure as shit ain't explaining why. "Must be a natural gift" mhmyeah.
me out here saving lives doing advanced hermetic psychobending and shadow work full time 40 hours a week on government pay while [redacted redacted redacted] social media and I STILL have this dumb slut chasing me trying to pretend she can do the same shit while selling her 9.99 miss cleo pendants writ in motherfuckin octopese oh my god SPOT THE DIFFERENCE
Jesus fuck, one of us is saving lost souls, literally, lost on the path, and facing and walking with death every single day to do it, while giving him tribute of an entire company he can pull the strings and fuck around with and the hands on deck at it to do what is needed. The other is scamming people in anime jibberish and grooming her bf into thinking hermes looks like her ex and basically fetish roleplaying as me, and keeps pretending it's All Fair Play.
Maybe you wouldn't be such a vacant brained slut if you'd actually read even a single fucking book he tried to get you to read in two decades. You might even be able to channel your own joke one day, dumb bitch. Then again, humor requires a personality, and you refuse to develop an identity of your own beyond "fat bitch eats candy, tries to do everything ex did with negative IQ understanding, spews anime octopus jibberish as wisdom, malds that only her 3 cult members are dumb enough to believe in her magic shit, even 14 year olds know better". So.
Shealyn, I don't know how to explain this, but You Are Not Me. It's become increasingly obvious you are choosing to disassociate from reality at this point, but You Are Not Me. I am Aaron, you are not. I am the quarter century hermetic student, you are not. I am the one in the walls of every area you hold sacred online whether you understand and accept that or not, you are not. I am the one taking actual measurable actions that have literal statistics as results, you are not. You are a woman who could only steal an inside joke without understanding she cursed herself to octopus jibberish, and your quality and reliability has not improved since. Like you can't even design your own characters, you have to copy mine. You literally have zero identity of your own and objectively refuse to build one, just mimic everyone around you and play games.
You. Have. No. Identity. Like it's not even an insult to call you empty. You are literally vacant. You believe in nothing for real, you know nothing for real, you identify with nothing for real, you understand nothing for real, it's just a big fucking void of you trying to masquerade as a human shaped object copying everyone around you. Get a fucking identity. That is literally Hermes 101, you retard. What Is Your Identity. It can't be me. I'm not sure why you keep getting that fucked up. It can't be me, it can't be me and a friend's inside joke, it can't be him, it can't be throwing yourself away to channel whenever you're bored. You are literally the biggest retard I've ever met pretending to channel him while spewing shit directly contrary to every religious doctrine from him ever but just conveniently what you want to hear. And see, since apparently it's MY FUCKING FACE STILL.
Avoiding the truth and drawing more broken circles won't fix it. Doubling down is your only personality trait, right into the fucking empty ass pit. Like you have (1) personality feature and it's being irredeemably retarded and bound for the void since you love surrendering yourself. That's what that feeling you've been having at night, behind your blog posts where you pretend to be happy, is coming from. That's why you're ripping out your hair, Shealyn. It's because you literally lack a personality or identity. And you know, we're all soul stuff. Your identity is the only thing that makes you who you are in the soul stuff. People like you? Who can't commit? You think they last out there? People who don't know who they are, what they want, and would rather be anywhere or anyone else? Or do you think, maybe, the same mindset just absolves them of having to think. Permanently. Scrape off any dirt your old personality leaves on it and try to make a NOT abominable human being out of the space vacated.
That feeling you have at night is your void, Shea. Deal with it, stop trying to fill it with me. At best you're begging we subsume you in the afterlife as some weird sub aspect of OURSELVES and like, ew. We eat healthier than that, no. Do not want. Like I'm all down for finishing my apotheosis but if my first person in personal paradise was Shealyn Rachel Bonds I'd commit godly suicide to return to earth and start over again just to avoid her.
Maybe that's why I'm here. I did some fucked up god shit at some point and someone decided to curse me with the Shealyn Bonds experience in a mortal life, or I killed my godly self trying to get away from her after Pompeii. Cuz she truly do be doing the stalker bs. It's funny because in RP, she was always aware "wow! These women are psycho and all think he's in love with them! Why can't they see he wants them to go away?" meanwhile he's beating her with a wifflebat, assailing her with seventeen forms of media, smashing her spider and telling her to die in a cosmic fire and she's like HM WONDER WHO THATS FOR.
Maybe reincarnation is less a punishment thing and more the gods dumping out the trashcan to get people like her off their lawn. "[sigh] Nemesis, Hermes' elephantine stalker is humping the window again--" "Goddamnit we JUST got those smudges off from her greasy cheeks last time. TO THE VICTORIAN ERA WITH YOU"
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thevampirearchive · 2 years
Twilight Sex Ed — How Renaissance’s origin should have been & Why
By Dr. Juju MD (me) with a PHD in Twilight & Vampirism
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Firstly, I would like to preface this medical journal by saying this theory is not new nor mine originally (at least not within this reality. I have faith that the other versions of me have had the sense to think of this & much more beyond this version of me’s capabilities)
Now, let us start; The idea that ancient Edward Anthony Masen Cullen has never had sex, this harboring this single spermcell like a prisoner in his frozen junk is absolutely absurd. It is know by all that vampires have 3 core behavioral instincts!
The first is the Constant hunger, as the thirst for blood never qualms (what would the fun be in that? You want controlled immortality? Never!) secondly, the chaotic behavior — which varies depending on author & vampire type (classic vampire, ancient, hybrid, white, newly spawned etc) an example that seem befitting my point; pretending to be teenagers for years in hopes of fooling stupid humans into thinking you’re not an ancient vampire trying to get a few more years out of a tiny town where no fart goes ungossipped about. And lastly, whore behavior. All vampires are whores, even when they are not — they are. So, to think that Edward has gone this long without ever getting this ice cawk (penis) wet, is not only a mockery of vampires everywhere but a mockery of the readers intelligence. This means the single sperm is either clutching for deer life or something else is at play. I vote for the latter!
Instead of a single cell fighting for its life till it found Miss Bella Swan Cullen, think of it like this; Due to derange bloodthirst, vampires rarely try to sleep with humans — unless they are into some sick necrophilia, as the focal would go from hornyness to hunger very fast, not much documentation or experimented have occurred. So, if Bella (young fertil human woman) sleeps with Edward (young freezing whore vampire) & no protection is worn — would it not make sense that sperm would do what sperm does? We are already stretching the fabrics of reality, so please hang in there. Yes, Edward is dead — but the idea of hybrids have never been denied within the Saga nor many vampire lore — there is no need too, as I said, vampires don’t spend much time tossing sheets with humans. But if it did happen, I theorize that a child would be the result. A child who is half vampire, thus a child who would need blood to survive. Instead of killing it, Bella decided to keep her spawn (Mormonism won, because in my reality Bella would have been at the vampire Clinique seconds after throwing up #TeamFuckthemKids) They fed her with blood, keeping the baby away from her own supply of natural blood. This baby grew untill there was not much space or strength left in Miss Bella. Human children take longer to make, but this is not a regular case — with a bigger & thirstier child, giving birth is a must, but seeing that the baby drains Bella by the second (again, unquenchable thirst) she is unable to even stand let alone birth. This results in her death (RIP) but before she is lost to the world, the turning process begins. Renaissance survives, because she is done growing — she was possibly done growing after a few hours & if left longer I think Bella would have birthed her age mate. Bella is turned by the vampire fluids, a complex but plausible process. The mingling bodily fluids did not only ensure the baby was always going to survive, but the mother was too. And there we have it — plausible vampire hybrid bearing!
Now, to an important part to all of this; This could technically work with any human & vampire, as long as the human was the child bearer. A baby cannot grow in a vampire womb as it is too cold & there is no nourishment (aka they can’t eat their mom) so, technically if Rosalie was truly the bad shit crazy girl we know she could be, she would have stopped become #2 mom to CGI, and found herself a look-alike, had Emmett do his thing & made sure the human womb got as far (or even further) as possible before getting her own child. This would though require she kills the human after the turn (if transformation is completed) — which I fo not think would pose a problem. This is could be huge, and the fact that there was a whole medical Vampire in the household yet no solid plausible conclusion was drawn is Mormonism to blame (derogatory).
Now, this could give us more books — Rosalie short stories, maybe Esme want’s her own mini babies too & I am sure Aro would not rest till he had an army. Is this a very dark turn for the Saga? Yes, but I am also a horror fan & this is my post, so *shrug*.
Lastly, the imprinting should have not went down how it did. Jacob should have been madly obsessed with Edward (he was, but more so how he was with Bella) & THEN nicknamed their daughter after the Lochness monster. And no kissing of the newly born rapidly growing hybrid CGI baby! strictly big brother protector & little sister cute wholesome content (a sick woman she is, sigh)
In conclusion, the idea of a vampire pregnancy — despite teen YA pregnancy being nothing but misery for all parties involved except the author, it could have been a very interesting turn of event with much more to offer. But how would the patriarchy have won yet again?
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. If you are confused, no you are not. I believe in you & that beautiful big brain of yourse! Stay safe, red twilight & re-write whatever you deem emotionally damaging to know peace! Goodbye
Xoxo, Dr Juju MD
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secondhnd · 1 year
if you’re hearing PRIMADONNA by MARINA playing, you have to know FLETCHER COOPER (SHE/THEY; CIS FEMALE ) is near by! the 26 year old PHD STUDENT / EMPLOYEE AT MAIN SQUEEZE has been in denver for, like, TWENTY SIX YEARS. they’re known to be quite SPOILED, but being TAKE-CHARGE seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble ELLA PURNELL. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those LIP GLOSS APPLIED AT INAPPROPRIATE TIMES, TOO MANY EMOJIS IN A TEXT MESSAGE, A COLLECTION OF GREETING CARDS SAVED THROUGH YOUR WHOLE LIFE vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the WASHINGTON PARK DISTRICT long enough!
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born to a recently married couple, fletcher is the oldest of three - and she never lets her siblings forget that. she's the oldest so that means that she's in charge. now, does that mean that sometimes she's arguing with a middle schooler as a grown woman? okay, and??? AND???
there hasn't been a moment in her life that fletcher has gone without anything she wanted. a quick bat of her eyes and her dad would cave. this isn't something that has changed as she's gotten older. who do you think is footing her tuition bill, her rent, and the payment on her car?
she works at main squeeze and hates it, but it's the one condition benjamin has on supporting her. she does the bare minimum. minimum wage, minimum effort!! (her coworkers aren't exactly her biggest fans)
the main reason she's stayed within academia as long as she has at this point is because she thinks that it's easy. she's going after her doctorate in gender and sexuality studies. she doesn't know what she wants to do with it.
she knows what she doesn't want to do. she is not becoming a teacher like her father. no way in hell. she's heard too many horror stories for the positive ones to make any real impact.
in her spare time, she likes to go to the dump and find things that she can transform into sculptures so hello strong people <3 please come with her
MORE TBD &lt;3
wanted connections!!!
friends...... she's definitely a social person and likes to surround herself with a lot of people
PEOPLE SHE'S PISSED OFF!! she can be fairly naive and ignorant to the privilege that she has in her life and she doesn't realize that not everyone has the chances she has
hookups, failed relationships, a relationship they're clinging to that should be over by now, literally anything along that front
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tech-girls · 2 years
Spotlight: Analia Marzoratti
Each month we spotlight a woman or girl in tech who inspires us. This month we are highlighting Analia Marzoratti. Analia is a PhD student in the Applied Developmental Science program in the School of Education at UVA. She works with Dr. Tanya Evans, studying the cognitive and neural systems most affected by facing adverse environmental conditions (like those linked to poverty) in early childhood. Her long term goal is to use this research to help make changes in early childhood education practices that can make schooling more equitable long-term for children from all backgrounds.
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How do you work with technology today? For my research I analyze neuroimaging data (EEG, and fMRI). This involves not just physically working with technological equipment, but also using computers and statistical software to process and analyze the data I collect with it. I write and adapt lots of code, and read a lot of papers about how other people have tackled research questions similar to mine.
What drives your interest in technology? Technology and knowledge go hand-in-hand. New knowledge helps us create technologies, and new technologies are what help us create knowledge. As a part of the really new field of educational neuroscience, it’s hard not to notice that a lot of the research questions being asked today would not have been thought of even 5 years ago, because there was no way to evaluate them and scientists just didn’t know what they didn’t know. I’m interested in staying up-to-date with and even contributing to creating the newest technologies, because that’s where I know I can find the most innovative research questions that can lead to significant changes.
What do you remember about your first coding experience? I decided to learn how to code early on while working on my Bachelor’s degree because I realized how much I needed it in my work as a research assistant, where I was helping process EEG data. My first solo-coding project was writing a script to produce a set of plots in MatLab for multiple datasets. I remember a lot of yelling at my computer, angrily hitting the run button, and late night video-calling an engineer friend. However, while it was painful at first, I found coding was one of the most valuable skills I could have gotten, and each new coding language has gotten infinitely easier!
Why is it important to get more girls and women interested in technology? For way too long now white, male voices have dominated all the platforms we use to create and disseminate knowledge, which is a great way of stifling other voices and stepping on potential innovation. This has also kept the interests of the many people out there from being equally represented in the decisions being made using what knowledge we do manage to gather. If more girls and women get into technology, we can add our unique perspectives to the process of creating new knowledge from the very beginning of the process. We can promote changes based on our own needs and take research to places it might not go otherwise, paving the way for even more women and girls like ourselves to become a part of research.
What most excites you about the future of technology? I’m excited for all the ways that technology can help make things more accessible for people, make it so that there are fewer barriers to entry for people in any field based on their background. I’m also looking forward to witnessing the moments of new discovery that we can’t even begin to imagine from the point we’re at in history.
What advice would you give to your younger self? I would absolutely tell my younger self to bite the bullet and LEARN HOW TO CODE. Like any other language, the earlier you learn it, the easier it is to pick up one coding language, and then to build on that momentum and keep learning more. Coding is everywhere and is only spreading more across every part of life and every field. I think by studying coding earlier, I also would have learned to enjoy it sooner.
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