#those morons from rush hour [affectionate]
isawjamfirst · 5 months
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this has been sitting in my drafts for a while not sure if i wanna finish it
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savagetrickster · 4 years
Stay with Me | BNHA
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request:  Hi! Can I request a scenario where Bakugou thought that reader was starting to lose interest, but in reality reader is just really busy and doesn’t realize she’s treating baku differently and Bakugou confronting her about it then it ends with some fluff fluff. 💖 p.s luv ur work
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anime | character:  bnha | bakugou katsuki x reader
word count: 1949
themes/warnings: soft!bakugou, insecure bakugou,  college AU
a/n: sorry for not posting a fic in such a long time, I’ve been SO busy. so anyway, okay I kinda went little off-track and ended up writing the way it is shown below but i hope you’ll still enjoy reading this, though i have to say I’m not really fond of how it turned out. this fic has not been beta-ed so pardon me if you find any cringey error.
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The city of Musutafu moved as sluggishly as possible for a city of its size and caliber. It was one of those days when the moon was mostly hidden behind the clouds.
Kirishima let his eyes roam the street outside. The inhabitants of the boulevard were constantly on the move despite being a Saturday; it was a startling contrast to the cafe they sat in where a comfortable nonchalance clung to every aspect of the little business.
The slow, sleepy music playing from the speakers.
The casual yet practiced movements of the baristas as they prepared the orders. 
The lazy, idling manners in the way the customers brought their cups to their lips. Carrying every bit of thoughtlessness and indifference in their actions.
Well, almost everyone but them.
A perplexed frown pinched between Kirishima’s brows as he turned his gaze away from the window beside them.
Bakugou Katsuki had been sulking at the window ever since he plopped into the seat across him. 
He had been sitting in brooding silence for what felt like fifteen minutes and the expression on his face hadn’t changed. If there were any at all, it was only that his scowl grew bigger.
“As much as I like hanging out with you, I have to say this is getting a little…weird.” 
Kirishima briefly flitted to the counter to see curious eyes on them, “My colleagues are starting to think we’re dating.”
Tonight was the fourth time Bakugou had come to find him right as he was knocking off from his part-time job this week. 
“Who gives a fuck about what they think?” Bakugou muttered gruffly,  finally looking away from the outside.  
Kirishima had known him ever since they met in middle school to know the scowl on Bakugou’s face was…well, his default expression. 
Long enough for him to tell at one glance that the scowl he’d been seeing on Bakugou’s face was different. This one seemed to come right out from the depth of his fierce vermilion eyes — Bakugou was upset.
And it was about you.
No matter how hard Bakugou tried to hide how much he was a sucker for you, Kirishima could always tell. 
Even though they had matured into college students, Bakugou was still the same stubborn guy who wasn’t the most comfortable displaying his affections openly.
Mere mentions of you would soften the scowl on his face, and the rough edge in his voice. It was easy for anyone else to miss the difference but it was obvious to Kirishima. 
His grumpy complaints about how clingy and touchy you are were one of their common topics in their conversations. The annoyance scowling in his eyes when he did was always subtly soft and warm. 
But something changed, as Bakugou had mentioned, in the recent two weeks.
Nights in his dormitory room were spent alone. He was so used to falling asleep and waking up, to the sight of you curling up right next to him.
The last time he saw you were from afar, watching you rushing off to somewhere. 
Dates with you, even as simple as a meal in the cafeteria was scarce. 
Your replies to his texts were late and sometimes curt. The usual ‘good morning’ and ‘goodnight’ from you, if you didn’t spend the night with him, were no longer…usual. 
Sometimes his messages to you would be left hanging for days before you replied.
The tone when Bakugou was telling him about all these strange distances between them was nonchalant, but the scowl on his face told Kirishima a different story.
Kirishima tried to think of something to say, but all he could think of in the end was the same thing he’d been saying ever since Bakugou shared this with him.
“Stop worrying man, she’s probably just busy?”
Bakugou’s face carried a carefully blanked expression as he raised his eyes to meet Kirishima’s.
“…Or maybe she’s losing interest in me.” 
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His arm was tucked between his pillow and his head as his other held his phone to his face. Vermilion eyes stared blankly at the quiet chatroom he shared with you, particularly fixated on your last reply to him.
Two days ago.
The gloom hung over his gaze these days were like the dreary seasons of dull, gray monsoons. 
The hopeful morning sun filtering into his room through the wooden window blinds above him was a startling contrast, and so was the lively laughter ringing out from the basketball court somewhere near the dormitory blocks. 
Probably some idiots shoving snow at each others’ faces, Bakugou thought seethingly as he clicked his tongue in annoyance at a particular spike of volume in the ruckus downstairs. 
It was Saturday and the morning was already—
His eyes flitted to the time written in the corner of his screen.
— halfway to noon.
A quiet sigh left him.
Like on Saturdays, he should be on the way to meet you for your usual brunch. Except things weren’t quite ‘usual’ anymore.
Bakugou released another sigh as he let his phone fall away from his face along with his raised arm, landing on the bed under him with a muffled ‘plop’.
His forehead ridged with a scowl. Just how did he fuck things up?
His memories sifted through the times he called you names and how you would still smile back at him like he was your whole world as if he didn’t just call you an idiot, a nerd, or a moron. 
A bitter taste of guilt entered his mouth.
Maybe he shouldn’t have assumed that you knew he was feeling affectionate when he did?
Perhaps you’ve grown sick of him? And realized that you didn’t need a shitty boyfriend who called you insulting names or would shrug off your affections as if they were annoyances.
His jaw clenched to his gritted teeth as a frustrated hiss slipped from him.
Shit, maybe he did fuck up afterall. Fucked up big time.
And he was probably going to lose you. Everything that made you…you.
The way you smiled at him with a loving, bright glint in your eyes as if he was the one who put the stars in the sky.
The sweet kisses you love to plant on his lips and forehead.
How your hand would hold onto his — small but warm with your love.
Bakugou felt his throat swell with the presence of forming tears as his heart twinged in his chest.
The idea of losing all that spurred a rush of panic in him.
Bakugou shot off his bed, put on the nearest shirt and jeans he could grab, and hurried out of his room.
The first place Bakugou thought to look for you was your dormitory but his worst fear made him hesitate at your door, with a hand hovering over its handle. 
In fact, he’d thought about doing this for the past two weeks but the wisps of doubts whispering nasty things wouldn’t let him.
His jaw clenched to his gritted teeth.
What if there was someone else— 
Bakugou shoved the unfinished thought aside; it was unbearable to even think about that possibility. 
His scowling gaze snapped to his hesitating hand and his lips instantly curled into a sneer to a spark of irritation within.
What was with him? He was starting to remind himself of Deku, hesitating outside doors with twiddling thumbs like a wimp.
He was Bakugou Katsuki and he should be announcing his arrival by bursting through one.
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Man, you thought you could finally enjoy a good night’s sleep after countless of sleepless nights.
But no…nope. 
The heater just had to break down at an ungodly hour when you were still trudging through the last thesis for your project and you could find no other alternative places to work on them. 
Bakugou came across your mind but again, it was crazy late or more accurately, early to budge into your boyfriend’s room.
Like every other night, you’d been tirelessly working on it so you could finally submit the project you’d been assigned since two weeks ago.
It was the infamous final year project you’ve dreaded ever since you heard about it from your senior — dubbed as ‘the project from hell’.
And indeed, it was a project from hell. It seemed to suck out your very soul. The exhaustion weighing you down like lead ran bone deep, that even lifting your head off your pillow was such a struggle.
With a broken heater sitting uselessly in your room, you’d spent the whole night wrapped in your blanket, with the lingering winter chill prickling at your skin. 
So you couldn’t help sighing at the sudden warmth enveloping your body after spending the night shivering away under your blanket at the mercy of the dropping temperature.
Your arms found their way around the heat source.
You didn’t see the tender curl of his lips when you sighed blissfully and nuzzled into his chest or the softening glint in the usual fierce edge held in his vermilion eyes.
It was like nestling inside a warm cocoon that…
— awareness seeping into your groggy senses pried your eyes open.  
What or rather who greeted you lifted you right out of your morning grogginess and struck you with an overwhelming barrage of emotions.
“…Ka-Katsuki!” You missed him so much.
Along with how the shadows and sunlight filtering in from behind you fell across and highlighted his chiseled profile, there was something about the way his intense eyes looked down at you with his head leaning against an arm. 
This sight gave your heart a fluttery squeeze.
You weren’t sure why Bakugou looked so strikingly handsome like this — maybe it was because you haven’t seen him for awhile?
“When did you come in here?” Words started pouring out of your mouth. 
You’ve always wanted to vent and rant about the dumb project to Bakugou so there was too much you wanted to say, 
“Oh my god, you’ve no idea how much busy I was these few weeks-” but the brooding look that hadn’t left Bakugou stopped you.”…Katsuki?”
You’d never seen Bakugou look this down before, and it didn’t sit right with you.
You hesitated but asked anyway.“…What’s wrong?” 
The cloud that fell over his eyes told you that something was definitely wrong.
“…I’m sorry, (Name).”
You grew concerned as you tried to understand his unreadable demeanor. “What’s this about— ”
“Are you losing interest in me?”
Your next breath was caught in your throat at his strange question and the only thing you could do was blurt out a —“What?”
You watch him exhale carefully with a bewildered look. 
Bakugou didn’t even care how he looked to you now.
“Look, I know I’m a huge fuck-up as a boyfriend and you probably think I don’t care about our relationship cause I act like I don’t.”
There was so much to say, so much guilt brimming inside him. 
“But shit, I do care.”
He was desperate. 
He didn’t want to lose you. He couldn’t. He loved you but he was an idiot for not showing that to you. 
So he needed to let you know now.
His hand on your waist pulled you up to him and his eyes were pinned on yours.
Your mouth opened, then snapped close at the silent, blazing gleam in his gaze.
Your voice had fled at the way he stared at you. 
Longing and heavy with remorse.
“Stay with me,” His lips brushed lightly across yours as his voice cracked with an aching need.” …please.”
He kissed you and the world fell away.
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clockworkgraystairs · 4 years
There is no such thing as vampires #1 || Jurdan AU
Jurdan Smut Week 2020   •   DAY 2
The prompt was technically dagger play...it didn’t really worked that way but HEY more smut! (vampire smut cough)
@jurdannet​   @jurdannetrevels​
Rating: E (no I don’t mean ‘everyone’)
Warnings: Explicit content, mentions of blood, some biting (it’s a vampire au c’mon), swear words (just in case)
Behind me stands a tall, slender man dressed in black trousers and one of those puffy white shirts men always use in period TV dramas. Raven curls frame the sharp angles of his face and his pale skin resembles marble. I stare at him unsure if my eyes widen because of the scare or how good looking he is. Maybe both.
His lips curve as if he finds my reaction somehow satisfying.
Extra comments: Just because I’m extra af, I’ll leave you the ambience music videos I listened while writing this. In case you’d like to hear them while reading:
Rain in a forest at night - Haunted Mansion/rain/thunder/wind - Narnia Lullaby
Part 1 ||  Part 2
Masterlist   •   AO3
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“Please tell me again why are we doing this?” I ask for the third time, leaning to rest my head on my sister’s shoulder. We bounce as the uncomfortable van we travel in turns to a cobbled path, leading us deeper into the woods. 
“Because,” Vivi hisses back. “Your little brother is currently in his Twilight-obsession phase, and he just broke up with his girlfriend so we’re trying to cheer him up!”
“He’s 9! And they lasted like, what? Four hours?”
In that moment, Oak turns violently from the front seat, scowling at me. “First of all Jude, we were together two full days ok? She was the love of my life and suddenly she’s not sure about us anymore? Now I shall never find love again! I might have to become a priest. I expect a little consideration.”
Vivi ruffles his hair affectionately. “We absolutely understand, your sister here doesn’t have an ounce of romance in her veins but of course she supports the cause.”
That said, he returns to his place. I bite my lip hard, trying not to laugh. Typical Oak. I love my brother I really do, even if half of the time I can’t understand his dramatic outbursts.
Sighing, I stare through the window, to the heavy clouds gathering on top of us. Great. We are probably far away from the highway by now, nothing more than trees, rocks and occasional wild animals around. For some reason, our father had thought that there was no better way of fixing a kid’s broken heart than going on a quest in search of legends and hidden castles. 
The thing is that apparently, it works. Instead of an incessant whining about love being doomed, my brother spends the days throwing the most random facts about werewolves, vampires, ghosts and any impossible creature. To be honest, I don’t think wikipedia and the Twilight books are a reliable source, but if it makes Oak happy I could live a couple of days with it. And most importantly if I have to choose between this or spending the week back at home with my mother and twin sister going to tea parties for old ladies, well, the answer is very clear.
I remember reading a few books about myths when I was younger. When I turned fifteen, I developed a hard crush on Brad Pitt after I saw Interview with the Vampire, filling half of the walls in my room with posters of him. Even now ten years later, I actually enjoy talking about old folklore and legends, urban myths and stuff like that. 
What bugs me, are the fraudulent morons who want to take advantage of Oak’s naive curiosity to engage us in the most ridiculous tours that were obviously a waste of money. So far, we’d entered three “museums” where most of the so-called relics were made of plastic, and a haunted house with special effects so poorly done, father had discreetly asked for his money back. Only another two of the places we visited were actually interesting, but since the guides spent most of the time flirting with Vivi or me, it had annoyed our father. 
Now though, we are driving behind the car of an old couple who swore their ancestors owned a castle where true vampires had lived once. The sole mention of the word “castle” was enough to make Oak hang from our father’s sleeve begging to go.
I’m not going to lie, it is an intriguing idea. But I remain a little worried about how much money Madoc is ready to pay before he hurries his little son back to his fantasy books and videogames.
“Dad, did you know that vampires like to live in the woods because it allows them to make racing competitions without being interrupted?” Oak asks with enthusiasm.
Madoc gasps. “Do they? Is it because they’re so fast?” 
Okay, he might be willing to pay more than I thought. Next to me, Vivi muffles a laugh and keeps taking pictures for her instagram, occasionally asking for my help.
Upon arriving at the castle I have to suppress a curse. This, now, is a real castle. Nothing like the pitiful buildings we’d visited before. It is huge, made of pure stone and a modest wooden bridge that connects the entrance with the spot where the cars park. A slight fog covers the sides of the castle giving it a creepier look. 
A shiver goes down my back. I turn to find my family who are all equally gaping at the place in front of them. Oak is visibly shaking with excitement. Vivi shoots me an astonished look before taking my brother’s hand and following the couple across the bridge.  
The first thought that pops into my mind is that this place must have been taken out from a movie. Or set up for one. Maybe this is one of those pranks for TV. There is no other explanation for the massive room we find behind the giant front gate. Every inch of the walls is covered by paintings, several images barely recognizable through the dust. Aged furniture rests under dust and spiderwebs, pointing out they haven’t been used in quite some time. The illumination doesn’t help either. Electric lights hang from a few spots on the walls, though not enough for the big space, which I suspect is the reason that long candles are lit up too. 
My next thought is that I should’ve brought my sweater. The damn place is freezing. 
“Phew, sorry about the dust!” The old man says, flashing an embarrassed smile to us. “We were not planning to have any visitors yet.”
“You said this is going to be a museum?” Madoc asks, carefully surveying the walls. Next to him, Vivi tightens her hold on my brother’s hand to prevent him from starting to run around. I swear his eyes are about to pop out of their sockets. 
“It will indeed! This place has been in our family for generations, but since it’s hard to adapt it to modern technology it was abandoned.” He turns to Oak and winks. “Not to mention the creepy things that happen here all the time.”
His gaze widens. “What kind of things?”
“Well, some distant relatives used to try spending their vacations here. But after a couple of days they left in a big rush, claiming some strange force had commanded them to go away.” With a lower voice, he adds. “They also mentioned noises coming out from empty rooms and dark hallways. Steps. Shadows that followed them along the place.” 
For a second everyone remains silent. The only noise I can hear is the wind outside and the start of a slight rain. Somehow my hands are even colder.
“The legend says,” The woman, whose name is Marrow if I remember it correctly, continues while taking one chandelier with her hand. “This was the hideout of ancient vampires, how many, we don’t know. But they didn’t appreciate people trying to live within their domains.”
“So why come here at all?” Vivi asks. “Isn’t it dangerous?”
“It might be.” She shrugs. “But that’s half of the fun, isn’t it?”
“We like to think we’ve found a safe way to open this castle to the public without taking any risks. We will use a part of it as a museum, to show some of the family relics. But be aware, no one is allowed to go further than the marked area.” He signals at the yellow tape stuck on the floor forming arrows.
“If you please...” Marrow says, motioning at the stairs where the markings start.
They get me for a moment, not gonna lie. The surroundings and the way they speak are creepy enough to make me doubt my beliefs for a second. I shake my head to clear those thoughts away and walk behind my family. There’s no such thing as vampires or haunted castles.
We go through passages. Madoc has to remind Oak to not touch anything, constantly. From what I see, he’s living his best day. Several counters line up side by side against the wall. Some of them contain jewelry, others weapons, old writing pens among other things. Most of them carry a family shield, although it’s too blurry to properly identify what it says.
The rain thickens outside and Marrow keeps talking. She tells the story of her so called ancestors, whose family were big enough to fill all the rooms in the castle. Elwen, Eldred… something like that, and his many wives had once lived here. Along with his abounding children. I see in Oak’s face the intention to ask about how that family arrangement worked but Vivi gives him a slight pull of his hair. 
I would have thought our guides would try to keep a proud name for their so-called ancestors. But they don’t. In fact, she seems particularly interested in explaining how Eldred’s cruel and terrible nature brought him nothing but disgrace. His once prosperous castle and assets were gone little by little. He claimed he was under the effects of a curse, but no one dared believing him. At least not until people started disappearing.
I stop listening at some point, focusing my attention on the relics in front of me. I’ve always felt a significant attraction to weapons, but not the ordinary ones like guns or rifles. These ones though, such beautiful daggers and swords. I’d give a kidney just to hold one of them. 
On the next shelf books pile one next to the other, the dust around them a clear sign of how long they’ve been unbothered. All except for one. The navy blue cover has almost no dust at all, yet it looks like it would fall apart with a gentle blow of wind. The title is partially gone, probably through time. 
I turn my head to my family but they’re gone, probably to another corridor since I can still hear the muffled voice of Marrow and my brother. Would she care at all if I check out that book?
I bite my lip. As long as it doesn’t break it’s probably alright. Standing on the tip of my toes I reach for it.
“That is an excellent book.” 
I shriek and whip around, my hand flies to my mouth trying to cover the embarrassing sound. The book falls open next to my feet.
Behind me stands a tall, slender man dressed in black trousers and one of those puffy white shirts men always use in period TV dramas. Raven curls frame the sharp angles of his face and his pale skin resembles marble. I stare at him unsure if my eyes widen because of the scare or how good looking he is. Maybe both. 
His lips curve as if he finds my reaction somehow satisfying. “My personal favorite. Too bad the author was a poisonous bunch-backed toad.”
My mouth opens to apologize, but I only manage to let out a strangled. “Shit”
The stranger lifts an eyebrow and chuckles. 
“Sorry, I- that wasn’t what I meant to say.” I stutter. I feel as if my heart has jumped to my throat. “I wasn’t trying to steal the book.”
“I did not say you were.” He answers, his voice is like velvet.
I nod and take a deep breath. “I came in with my family. Marrow is showing us the place.”
His dark eyes wander down my body, but not like one of those rude men on the streets. No. Something in his gaze feels feral, like an animal sizing up his prey. A strange urge to run pools in my stomach, yet at the same time my muscles seem to have forgotten how to do so. 
He looks me in the eyes again and it’s all gone. I let go of the tension in my back and a breath I didn’t know I was holding. When he smiles again, I feel as if I could trust him. Why shouldn’t I?
“And are you enjoying the tour?” He bends to pick up the book I’d dropped before and puts it back on the shelf. His movements are fluid and carefree. I doubt I’ve ever seen such elegance in a simple action. It is unsettling as much as it is attractive. Then I realize I’m supposed to answer.
“Yes, this is amazing actually.” I look around and take in the aged stone of the walls and ceiling. In that corridor there’s only one electric lamp, the rest is only lightened by candles. I can see our shadows dancing along to the flames. “All of this really helps getting in the ‘mood’.”
“The mood?” 
I look at him and notice his tilted head. “Yeah you know, the mood of enchanted castles and old legends. This is well put enough that a credulous person would believe any story. Marrow is pretty good at it too.” Motioning a hand to him I add. “They even have their own actor.”
A thunder roars outside. “I beg your pardon?”
I roll my eyes and flash him a smile. “You don’t really have to keep the charade with me. I’m not some schoolgirl.”
“Yet I managed to pull a scream out of you, didn’t I?” The way he says it feels as if he was talking about an entirely different subject. Heat creeps up my cheeks.
“That was… not the same.” I mumble. “I didn’t hear you approaching. That could scare the living hell out of anybody.”
“I have been told I am quite sneaky, I concede you that.” He nods. “Why don’t I give you the rest of the tour? As an apology, of course.”
He’s doing his job, I remind myself, he’s not flirting with you. 
“You haven’t even told me your name.” I say. “If we’re roaming around a castle together I should at least know who’s guiding me.”
That sounded an awful lot like flirting. Dammit. 
“Cardan, at your service madam.” The tone he uses feels like a caress, he bows his head in a way I’ve only seen in movies. He takes his role seriously. I almost chuckle, but the sound dies in my throat. 
“Cardan.” I repeat, just for the pleasure of doing it. “My name is Jude.”
He straightens. “Delighted to meet your acquaintance.” He answers and offers me his arm. “Shall we, Jude?”  
I can’t believe how far away my family has gone. Cardan and I walk through a couple of corridors and still there is no trace of them. Did we take that long talking?
He’s an excellent guide, I have to acknowledge that. 
While Marrow uses a tone of suspense and mystery, Cardan has this melancholy in his voice that sounds as if he’s talking about a memory. It’s bewitching. He also drops the most ridiculous “facts” about the people on the paintings. I refrain myself from asking if inventing things is allowed for employees, because saying that the girl with the pearl necklace enjoyed to play on the beach while saying she was the Princess of the Sea, certainly sounds like it. 
“If you bite your lip one more time, I am going to do it for you.” 
My heart skips a bit and I let go of my lower lip. I hadn’t realized I was tugging it. It’s an unconscious habit. I turn to him and I find his gaze different, hungry. It sends a shiver down to a place I know it shouldn’t. He arches an eyebrow as though he notices it.
“Is that a thing vampires like to do?” I say, trying to lighten the mood. The last thing I want him to know is that for the last twenty minutes I’ve been listening to him speak wishing he put a different use to that wicked mouth of his.
His gaze doesn’t change. “It is a thing I would like to do.” 
I am pretty sure my expression is giving me up by now. Knowing my traitorous body, I’m probably flushed, my mouth open in awe. Desire coils inside me.
At my lack of answer, he continues. “Why don’t I show you something vampires really like to do?” 
He walks back without letting go of my hand. I notice he steps out from the marked section and into a forbidden corridor. 
The sensation returns, the one that is telling me to run. The problem is that I don’t know whether to run away, or straight to it. My mind wants both and my body, only one.
“You’re going to the restricted area.” I’m partially surprised by how breathless my voice sounds. “You can’t go in there…”
Cardan pauses and a confused expression crosses his face. A second later, it returns to his charming and teasing smile. “Are you afraid?”
I am. 
Yet, I don’t care. I walk into the shadows with him.
As we cross the passage darkened by the lack of chandeliers I tell myself this is a terrible, terrible idea. The way he devours my mouth the moment a door slams shut behind us, convinces me it is the best.
Cardan pushes me against the wall, the cold temperature of the stone goes through my clothes making me gasp. He takes the opportunity and kisses me harder, his tongue explores my mouth with such deliciousness I have to bite back a moan. 
My fingers are tangled in his hair pulling him closer to me, if such a thing is even possible. His hands are everything but still. They roam intensely from my breasts, down my sides and finally to my rear, where he grabs me, pressing me against his pelvis. I hear him groan and the sound makes something clench inside me. 
Before I can double-think about it, one of my hands lowers to rub his hardness, still hidden behind his trousers. His breath hitches. He pulls back a bit and whispers to my ear. “Needy little human.”
I frown a moment, something about his words not clicking inside my brain but whatever it is I forget it the moment he slides his cold hands under my jersey. I yelp at the sensation, not sure if what flutters down my back is a result of the temperature or the eagerness which he’s holding me with. When he reaches my bra I hesitate for a moment. Cardan pauses too and leans back to stare into my eyes. 
“Do you want to stop?” His voice is throaty and charged with desire. Still, he doesn’t make a move, waiting for my answer.
An instinctive part of me knows this is something I shouldn’t be doing. But that’s definitely not any close to me wanting to stop. Without removing my eyes from his I take the hem of my jersey to pull it over my head. The piece of fabric hits the floor, but neither of us pays attention to it. Once again Cardan’s gaze roams me in that predatory way. 
I don’t stagger this time.
When my bra falls to the floor too, I take his hand and guide it to my jean’s button. “Do I look like I want to stop?”
Without hesitation he yanks the button open and slides his hand inside to cup the apex of my thighs. The contrast of my warm skin against his coldness makes my hips buck. Cardan buries his other hand in my hair and tilts my head back. I can feel his lips nipping down my jaw and my neck. A moan escapes my lips as he swipes a finger along my heat. He hums in response, the vibrations of it against my neck makes my eyes roll back.
He continues his ministrations until he feels me wet enough to slide a finger inside, he curls and pulls out. Then back inside. My breath comes out in elaborated pants as he quickens his pace. My hands almost finish unbuttoning his shirt when he slides another finger through my folds, his movements turn fast and punishing. Wet sounds taint the silence around us. As pleasure takes full control of my body I cling to him like a life saver, trying to muffle my moans.
“Let go Jude, let go for me.” He breathes next to my ear. My back arches and I sob a curse, writhing down on his hand. 
He slows down as I come back from my orgasm, but never stops. Despite the freezing surroundings a drop of sweat runs down my chest. My heart beats as if I just ran a marathon. Cardan’s lazy moves continue, frequently grazing that spot that makes me mewl.
I hear him sigh. “You smell so good.” He claims my mouth one more time and bites me hard enough to make me wince. His tongue caresses my lower lip and a warm throb expands through my veins. He freezes and pulls back, releasing me. I stare at him in confusion, or at least as much as I can manage giving my current state.
He pants a couple of times before looking up at me. There’s a fiercess in his eyes that would’ve been scary under normal situations, right now, it only makes me want him more. He swallows before finally speaking. “If we go further, I won’t be able to stop.” His voice is like sandpaper.
My body seems to work on its own account, as I move to cup his face between my hands. “I already told you.”
“Jude…” He warns me, but I interrupt him joining my lips to his.
“I want this.” I breathe into his mouth. Cardan lets out a defeated groan before pulling my body back against his. Either he’s been holding back or it is until that moment that I realize how strong he actually is. He kisses me like a starved man and I can feel my pulse rise once again.
Soon his shirt joins my other clothing. My fingers trace his chest and torso, marveled at the softness of his skin. I mimic him moments before and kiss his neck. A low sound that almost resembles a growl comes out from his throat. My hands travel lower.
Somehow I manage to free his raging erection from his trousers, closing my hand around him. He hisses and then tilts his hips up to my touch. I start pumping him with unsure movements before gaining confidence to do it harder, tighter. Now it’s his turn to curse. Even though it sounds like something taken out from a Shakespeare novel, it makes my core pulse. 
Cardan grips the hem of my jeans strong enough that for a moment I fear he’d rip them away. 
“Take these off.” He demands instead.
I’m not sure of how I manage to do it. My mind feels blurred with a mix of sensations. Disoriented, not sure about exactly how my body is doing all of that, and the bliss of knowing I’m enjoying every second of it.
Before the air hits my skin, Cardan lifts me from the ground. My legs circle his waist in a reflexive move. His lips quirk in approval. Then my back is once again pressed against the wall, making me arch in a failed attempt to avoid touching the cold stone. A sound leaves my mouth, though it is not clear if it’s a protest or a moan. I hear him chuckle in my ear and I turn my head, searching his lips.    
His kiss is slower but still deep. I feel as if small electric sparks are tickling every single one of my nerves. More, I need more. Cardan holds me in place with his hips, letting his hands wander up and down my legs.
The tip of his shaft is grazing my core over the thin fabric of my remaining piece of clothing, with an aching slowness that is not enough to ease my thirst. More.
I might have said that out loud because Cardan’s hips grind faster against me. It feels so good. And yet, it’s not enough.
I whine his name like a plea. 
He continues for a couple of torturing seconds before reaching between my thighs again. There’s no teasing now as he moves my panties aside and immediately sinks his fingers inside me, pumping in and out with a pace that has me gasping in no time. He murmurs something I can’t understand and lines himself up to my entrance.
With soft, deliberate movements he slides through my heat, letting me feel every inch of him until he’s completely filling me. Then he stills. My muscles twitch around him, trying to adjust to the invasion. The exquisiteness of it is making my head swoon. 
Cardan grabs my jaw and locks his gaze with mine. I can imagine what he’s looking at. Hooded eyes and flushed skin, though he doesn’t let me think a lot about it as he starts to move. Slow at first, with careful strokes that quickly evolve into long and deep. My mouth falls open at the sensation and my eyes shut.
“I warned you.” I hear him pant. “That there was no coming back.”
A whimper escapes my lips. I’m not even sure I’m actually trying to say something. He doesn’t seem to care either and leans to whisper to my ear. “You are mine now, Jude.”   
There is something in the way he says it, his words carrying some compelling implication I can’t fully catch. His lips trail down my neck and I want to answer. To tell him that I am, that after the way he’s taking me, how could it be otherwise? 
That’s when I feel a sharp stinging pain on the base of my throat. 
I cry out and try to shake it away but whatever it is won’t let me go. Cardan’s words echo at the back of my mind, Needy little human. 
As if sensing my thoughts he grabs my thighs and opens them wider, he thrusts into me harder and faster. Everything mixes in sensation. Pain leaves as fast as it came, leaving behind it that throb in my veins I can’t really explain. It is more intense now, what I felt as warm now is scorching. My entire body feels like it’s on fire, I’ve never felt so exhilarated before in my life. I don’t want it to stop. 
Cardan sucks on my neck again and I moan his name. Without realizing it, I’m on the brink of another orgasm. I only realize it because he groans when my legs start to shiver around him. I cling to his neck and his hair. If I’m pulling too hard I can’t really know. A familiar swirl comes up from my core to the rest of my body as I spasm around him. It takes me a moment to notice the broken moans and sobs I hear come from my own mouth. 
He keeps going a little longer until his fingers tighten over my skin, surely leaving bruises on both thighs. Muffled moans ring against my skin as he comes, thrusting in a couple of times more before stilling. A warm sensation covers the place where we join together.  His mouth lets go of my neck. I grunt and shiver. 
He puts me down carefully, still holding my waist, which is good considering I don’t know if I’m able to stand by myself. I feel dizzy. Cardan lowers his lips to mine one more time. He’s slow and gentle as though he’s worried. There is a slightly metallic taste in his tongue but I don’t pay attention to it. I trace the fine features of his face with trembling fingers. Little by little my senses start to take in the surroundings, the cold. 
The place rumbles with another crack of thunder.
“You have to go back.” Cardan says, barely pulling his lips apart. Go back. I frown, then images of my family crash in my mind. I look around searching for the door, there is something  on the floor. I realize soon those are my clothes. Shit. The tour, Oak. How much time have I been gone?
I dress in a hurry, not really caring if I put on my jersey correctly. He does the same but with the calm an elegance he has.
Panic must be written in my face because he grabs my chin and turns me to him. “Hey. Calm down.” He soothes me. Then his tone changes, turns commanding. His eyes are darker too. “Listen to me. You are going to do exactly as I say, do you understand Jude?”
I want to ask why, but for some reason I only nod. Cardan grabs my hand and pulls me out of whatever room we were in. “You must follow this passage until you find a way to turn left. Then continue until you see a painting of a black snake then turn right, you cannot miss it or you will get lost. Walk straight, and you will be back to a safe area.”
“But-” I start. I don’t want to go alone. And I don’t understand why but I don’t want to separate from him either. Which is nonsense, I barely know him and still...
He interrupts me. “I cannot go with you, I have lost so much control already and I don’t think…” 
“Cardan, I can’t-” 
A growl echoes in his chest and he pulls me closer to him. While his voice is still hypnotizing it sounds threatening now. “You will not tell anybody about what you saw here. Now go if you intend to leave this place alive.”
Then he's gone. I can’t recall if I blinked or turned, because a moment before I could still touch him and now he vanished.
I take a deep breath and start walking. Focus. Go straight, then turn right. Or was it left? 
All passages look the same, some spaces don’t even have a painting or anything at all to help me differentiate them. Sometimes I whip around, thinking I heard a familiar chuckle behind me. Distant rain is the only sound that is a constant companion, but even with it I’m able to hear an echo of every step I give. It unsettles me more with every minute that passes. Although I feel more in control of my body than before, my knees falter constantly and a sensation of tiredness slides over my mind. 
I find the snake painting just as I’d started to think I would be trapped here forever. 
It’s huge, and despite the years that have probably passed the scales still seem to shine. The head is painted in an angle that gives the illusion of the eyes following the person looking at it. It doesn’t help that the candle’s flames also make the snake look as if it’s moving. Stalking. Before noticing, I start hyperventilating. I shut my eyes close and turn away. Something is terribly wrong with me, I need to get out. 
Turning right, I start running. I cover my ears fearing that if I don’t, I’ll start hearing the snake’s hiss behind me.  
I cross an arch made with the same stone and stop right in my tracks upon realizing somehow I’m back at the room where we first arrived. I blink to adjust my eyes to the change of light, since here’s where all the electric lamps are. The room is empty though. 
I’m not sure of what I am supposed to do now. Sit and wait? Go out to the car?
While I’m weighing my options, trying to choose any that doesn’t imply dropping myself on the floor to have a panic attack, I hear murmurs and steps getting closer.
“Jude!” My little brother yells and runs to me. Behind him, Vivi scans me like she’s trying to find something wrong. I straighten my back and put on my best calmed face.
“Where were you?” She demands. “We lost you hours ago! Are you ok? You look pale.” 
Always such a mother hen, I sigh. “I’m fine. I fell behind and lost y’all. Then... I guessed it would be better to just… return here.”
I try not to frown at my last words, since I didn’t fully intend to say them. You will not tell anybody about what you saw here. 
“Jude knows how to take care of herself.” My father adds. I could hug him, but we’re not exactly the affectionate type. So I just flash him a smile.
Vivi does not look convinced but still stands down. “I guess so. The weather did a mess with your hair though.” A flash of Cardan’s fingers pulling from it to gain access to my neck sends a shiver through my body. Had that really happened just minutes before?
Before I can answer, Marrow calls for us. We turn to find her standing next to a big set of paintings that apparently were covered with a curtain. “You cannot leave without meeting the royal family.”
The canvases are ordered to mimic a family tree. A man with a severe expression rests at the very top. Eldred, I assume. Just by looking at it I feel judged. I can’t imagine what was like to actually live with him. The pictures of his wives look all so different but under them, their sons do have resemblance to one another. A weird sensation tickles my fingers as my gaze continues travelling over the paintings. Finally, I get to the last one. Once more, I cover my mouth to avoid  an undesired sound.
Staring back at me I see Cardan. 
I don’t care if it’s a painting, there is no way I could not recognize those features. Those lips.
“A big family, I see.” Madoc’s words seem so far away.
Marrow hums in agreement. “The Greenbriars always felt proud of their vast offspring. Such attractive sons and daughters. It’s a shame the curse took most of their lives all those centuries ago.” 
“Did he…” I start, without knowing how to continue.
She approaches me to look at the canvas. “Ah, young master Cardan. He was the last one of Eldred’s children.” Then a frown appears on her face. “There was a lot of controversy regarding his death. Some say he died because of the curse, some others say he was the curse. The books all have different versions.”
“That sounds creepy as fuck.” Vivi says. 
“Creepy as fuck.” My brother mimics her, the thoughtful expression on his face makes him look ridiculous. We cackle as Vivi shouts Oak he’s not supposed to say bad words.
By the time we get out of the castle the rain has decreased to a drizzle. 
Madoc carries Oak on his shoulders, listening to his non-stop squeals of excitement after visiting what he calls ‘a real vampire hideout’. This time, I don’t find the words to contradict him. Vivi is the first one to get to the car, shouting back some nonsense about the Greenbriars needing a protection hex. 
The moment I step down from the bridge something shifts in my head and I feel as if I had just woken up. 
Perhaps it is me who needs a protection spell after all. 
Before closing the car’s door, I turn to the castle one more time. Marrow and her husband wave at us from the front gate. 
A dull ache throbs on the base of my neck and my hand flies to the spot. I retrieve it and see blood staining my fingers. 
My heart misses a beat when I lift my gaze to the upper windows, where a tall figure with white shirt and dark hair is looking right back.
Tags: @slightlyrebelliouswriter23​ @sweetlyvillainous​ @poeticbrownmermaid​ @aesthetics-11​ @thesirenwashere​ @jurdanhell​ @nightbringer​ @b00kworm​ @mysweetvillain​ @thefolkofthefic​ @yafandomsdotnet​ @vanessa172003​ @booksandothersecrets​ 
If you wish to be tagged/untagged (or if I forgot to tag you like an utter idot) please let me know!
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Bring You to the Asylum (The Riddler x Reader)
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Red and blue lights poured through the windows, grime covering every one, nothing was visible inside or outside. The Riddler ran his hands through his hair in sheer panic, anxiety filling him. It was out of character for him to look so visibly distressed. However he wasn't afraid for himself. He knew what would happen to him. He would be put in Arkham until his inevitable escape. It was the same old routine he'd lived by for years. He was actually afraid for you. 
You'd be arrested but you were mentally sound by Gothams standards. That meant you'd be taken to Black Gate prison. Whilst Edward didn't want you to be arrested full stop, he would do anything to make sure you didn't go to prison. He spun on his heel, turning to Jonathan Crane. Jonathan turned to face him, Scarecrows mask boring into him. "Keep them busy. I need time." Scarecrow nodded before moving towards the entrance. 
Edward grabbed your wrist tightly before dragging you with him up several levels of the factory. He pulled you into an office slamming the door shut. "What are you doing?" You asked quietly, fear overtaking you. Ed was immediately accessing the computer, typing rapidly. "Sweetheart, I want you to take deep breaths, okay?" "Ed-" "Do it, (Y/N)." You complied. "I'm going to hack Arkham's files." He explained. "Why?" You asked, another wave of anxiety rushing over you. "Because we're going to get arrested." Edward replied. "I know that we're going to Arkham but you're not. I'm fixing that right now." "By..." You trailed off in confusion but it hit you quickly. "Ed...when you say you're hacking Arkham files, are you creating one?" "Yes." Edward didn't look at you but his response came with ease. "Those idiots wouldn't think anything of it. A simple mistake, something that's been overlooked." "You really think they'd overlook something as major as a patient no one remembers?" "Yes, you'd be surprised." Ed responded.  "Why?" You asked quietly but he never answered that. "I'm not going to tell you what I'm writing on this. I need you to trust me." He said to you. You shook your head as panic began to set in. 
Edward looked up and quickly hurried to your side. "Hey, look at me." His hands moved to your shoulders. "You're going to be okay. I've made sure of it. I just need you to trust me. Be cooperative. I've dealt with everything else." Ten minutes passed before you heard a door get bust open down below you. You trembled in fear as you heard shouting, banging and and what sounded like a fight down stairs. Suddenly there was a chorus of wailing and screaming. Edward hurried from the computer, pulling you from the room.  “What is that!?” You asked in panic.  “That is Crane’s fear toxin.” Edward said lowly. “We’re going to stay here until the come for us. Remember what I told you and everything will be fine. Tell them nothing. I’ve dealt with the rest.” 
Fifteen minutes passed before the GCPD  rushed in. You screamed as you were wrestled to the ground.  “Get off of me, you buffoons!” You heard Edward snap.  “Shut it, Nygma!” An officer spat in return. “Who’s this?” Edward snorted. “Some lunatic from Arkham of course, couldn’t have that one telling anyone we had escaped could we? Check the files, moron! You’ll find them under the ‘useless’ category!” That stung, but you knew it was an act. Edward was the Riddler and the Riddler threw insults left, right and centre. 
“Well i’ll be damned, There’s the name right there. (Y/N) (L/N). “ The officer said as you tugged slightly against the cuffs.  “I’m taking Scarecrow and the Riddler back to the Asylum, I’ll take this one too.” Batman said lowly. You had never seen the Batman up close and intimidating wasn’t the word to describe him. He took your arm in a tight grip, pulling you along to the back of his car. You couldn’t help but feel dread as it opened. 
There was a glimpse of relief to see both Riddler and Scarecrow strapped in, there was no way they were getting out of that alone.  “Sit all the way back.” Batman told you gruffly. “The seats move.” Batman firmly helped you into the back. something latched around your wrists as soon as you sat down and you jumped.  “Calm down. It’s for your safety.” He reached out, ready to steady you. Two criss-crossing bars moved across your torso.  “What’s your name?” He asked. You stayed quiet, unsure whether to answer or not.  “Is it (Y/N) (L/N)?” So he did know your name. He wanted to make sure you knew it.  “Cash, was this patient injured?”  “Not that I know.” Cash looked you over. “They were cooperative.”  “We’ll have Arkham look them over.” Batman finished before slamming the door shut. 
Hours passed. So many questions were thrown at you that you didn’t know if you even answered half of them. A man who was supposedly your doctor was fired, your ‘neglect’ being the last straw. Seemingly Edward chose a doctor who had already had instances of neglect. It didn’t help the doctors case when he insisted that he had no idea who you were and you couldn’t be his patient.
You were put in a holding cell next to Edward. Jonathan was no where to be found. After a couple of minutes of silence, you spoke up. "Edward?" You asked quietly. "Why did you do all of this? Why go through all the bother to send me here?" There was a pause before Edward finally responded. "I cannot be bought, but I can be stolen with one glance. I'm worthless to one but priceless to two. What am I?" Of course he'd answer you in a riddle. Although, you were worried you'd likely get it wrong considering everything you had went through in previous hours. An answer came to your mind. You paused, uncertain if it's the wrong answer. "What if I get it wrong?" You answered nervously. You heard a quiet hum of amusement. "What am I?" Edward repeated. "Love..." You answered shakily. "Correct." He said lightly. "As a friend?" You asked, although you whispered it mostly to yourself- not necessarily expecting an answer. "No." Edward answered softly and your head whipped to his direction. Edward laughed quietly despite being unable to see you. "You're clever, my dear, but so stupid sometimes." Edward continued with a smile. "Everyone knows. It's so obvious. I made it obvious and only you missed the signs. Think about it, how many of my friends do I give pet names?" Now that you thought about it, it was only you. They were lucky if they weren't thrown insults as a matter of fact. "How many do I show affection towards?" He continued. Edward wasn't exactly an affectionate person. It was only in rare moments, all of which as far as you understood, were with you. "You had me the moment you hugged me. When you were worried that the Bat had hurt Crane and I. Sure, you hugged him too but I was first." You couldn't help but crack a smile, recognising he was rather smug about it. That time was months ago at the very least, perhaps even approaching a year. "I got you put here because the other option was BlackGate...I couldn't handle you being there. You could be killed within 24 hours because some moron just isn't looking. It's not a place for people like you. So I created those files to get you sent here...with me. Where I can protect you." 
You shifted closer to the wall, pressing against it as you slipped on arm through the bars to the door of your cell and curling your arm as best you could towards Edward. "Come here." You quietly pleaded, years welling in your eyes. You heard shuffling move towards your hand before cold but long thin fingers curled around your hand. You sniffed in attempt to hold back the tears. "Don't cry." Edward said quietly. "I won't let anyone hurt you-" "It's not that." You couldn't help but smile. "I just...I really had no idea that you felt the same as I did." Edward chuckled. "I know. I'm sorry I didn't tell you until now." "I wish I could hug you." You said. "You will, don't know when but...you will." Edward responded. You felt lips press against your hand.
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sunkisse-s-blog1 · 5 years
how skz comfort honey pt II
summary: maknae line found a gloomy honey.
pairing: honey and maknae line.
genre: fluff/angst.
eras: “I am NOT”, “I am WHO”, “I am WHO”, “pre Clé 1: Miroh” and “Clé 1: Miroh”, respectively. 
notes: hey sweethearts, I am so sorry for keeping you guys waiting. but FINALLY!!! so, differently from part 1, I am putting the scenarios in chronological time. I might have disappointed by those “comforts”, but Honey is not someone who cries easily… so I tried to match both her personality with the personalities from the boys in my au (also their relationship). bye
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Jeongin and Honey were at school, break time just started and the younger left to buy them sandwiches. Reminding himself that Hwamin only liked tuna or cheese sandwich, and it could never have any sort of greenery. She ended staying in their class, finishing her homework so she could help I.N later. What Hwamin didn’t expect, though, is to someone break the bubble she was involved, a sheepish touch on her shoulder. Usually, no one stayed in class during the break, which was the was the reason the maknaes from Stray Kids always made their very own picnic there. The one who called her was a petite girl, a few inches smaller than Hwamin. She was wearing the school’s long sleeves uniform, but Honey could see the long fingernails pricking her pale skin “Get out of Stray Kids” she demanded with a hoarse voice, accusatory. “You are fat and a whore, how could you think you can approach boys like that?” “W-What?” the pen propped stiffly in her hand dropped, as the gush of words came out from the other girl. “What’s the point of being pretty? We already have Hyunjin, you can’t even dance properly. Also, Jeongin was mine before you appeared” she hissed, moving towards Honey with a frightful look. Hwamin likes to think everyone has their own beauty. Deep inside, even the worst villains you could think might have a charm, something good. But, bright people also have their obscurity. Hwamin never spoke up to anyone unless she was joking around and the very rare times she got mad, she would lock herself in her room, until all those bad intentions were gone. However, a fury boiled in her with the saying of the tiny girl. “I’m sorry. But, firstly… Hyunjin isn’t a beautiful face. He is an immensely talented and kindhearted person. There’s no such thing as a beautiful face in our group, we are all truly capable of everything” she boomed, standing on her feet “Besides, Jeongin isn’t an object and no one owns him. Watch yourself before talking about people you don’t know, even more, if they are my friends… Furthermore-” a thunderous sound came from the class’ door, scaring both girls. “Hwamin” Jeongin wailed, running to Honey and taking her by her arm “Come here” he ran out of the class, the girl following him with struggle, trying to match their steps. They reached the school’s backyard, deepening, even more, their route, as they found a place outside the crowd of students “What was that, Nini? I was in a very one-sided argument, which I was surely winning” babbled the tawny-haired girl, stuffing her chest proudly. However, before she could proceed with her rant about how Jeongin should let her continue the little argument with the one she claimed a petty little girl, she felt a stiff but undoubtedly affectionate hug involving her "Jeonginie? What are you doing?“ her hands travelled to the boy’s back, dearly. “I w-was there the whole time, yet… I couldn’t protect you because I was so scared she might hurt you” he sobbed, snuggling his face against Hwamin “Just like before, I’m was too coward to p-protect you” Rubbing his back tenderly, Hwamin cupped the taller’s face in her hands, squeezing his cheeks “You are not a coward” she shushed him before he could ramble “You are the bravest kid I know, also you have the sweetest heart ever and could never hurt someone’s feelings, that’s why you remain quiet. Moreover, I’m able to protect myself and my boys at the same, I am a hero, aren’t I?” he nodded, glossy eyes and glistening streams of tears. Hwamin wiped off with the back of her sleeve, smooching his forehead gingerly. “I will grow to protect you someday, Minmin” “Mayhaps you will very soon, peanuts” she wrapped strands of his hair around her finger “Can we eat our sandwiches now? I’m starving” “Oh, I dropped them!”
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Seungmin was uncomfortable. Counting with the fan standing in front of him, Hwamin was ignored three times in a row. Usually, it didn’t happen in fansigns. But ever since rumours started to appear about her, those unpleasant incidents became quite often. “Pardon me…” Seungmin tried to search for words, the fan looking at him with curiosity “I was wondering why are you skipping Honey?” “Oh” the girl answered nonchalantly, blushing red at his attention to her “I don’t like bullies” something boiled in Seungmin, his ears getting red from the sudden anger “I think…” he tried to maintain his composure “Bullies are the one who spread rumours about those they don’t know. And it’s even worse when you believe them” “Honey is a precious piece of our team. And I would appreciate very much if you start to spread true stories within our fanbase” he continued caustic, the girl now turning into a stuttering mess before leaving, flustered and all.
Later that day, Seungmin found Honey beaming, running around and humming. She used to be always like that, but the rumours got her to become quiet. Seeing her enjoying herself, clicked something in his mind "What about this repulsive behavior?“ he chuckled. "Nothing, it’s just something I found…” Seungmin ruffled her hair, leading the latter to giggles playfully “Don’t let rumours hurt you” “I did not!” “Yeah, yeah…”
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Honey was swinging her legs in the air while she played on her phone, but a playful voice took her attention “Honie” she felt an extra weight on her improvised bed (lots of blankets placed on the floor of the waiting room) A filthy rumour started to spread on the internet, claiming that Honey bully the boys, mostly due to her pranks and jokes within the group. She usually talked down with them in variety shows, which was totally approved by the boys, they thought it was so entertaining. But, their new fans usually couldn’t get it as a joke, leading to rumours being spread. They were recommended to ignore, however, the boys could never really let that be. Jisung approached Hwamin gingerly, knowing how much the girl hated others worrying about her. “Hannie” she chirped, clinging onto him instantly “Where are the others?” “They went to the convenience store” he took the girl’s hand with his, caressing it with his thumb “But I told them you want a cheese stick” “Oh, you know me so well, Hanie” she beamed, teasingly. Jisung and Hwamin are known as a comedic duo, two dorks always joking and messing around. But, there are hours when they would just stare at each other, as their own special talk. “You look like a silly donkey” she jeered, joking. “And you are a dwarf rabbit” “That’s not even a thing, besides… You are not that much taller” “I still taller than you” “Congratulations at being the tallest dwarf” she rolled her eyes, punching Jisung slightly. “Yah!” His hands went to the side of her tummy, tickling the girl and pinning her carefully. Honey gasped, trying to get off from his torture “I’m w-warning you, Han Jisung” she stuttered, giggling. “I’m older, you can’t talk to me like that!” Jisung reminded her, although he was laughing just as much as the girl “I like when you are laughing as you mean to” “Uh?” “You are the kindest person I have ever met, Honie” the older squeezed her cheeks until she groaned of annoyance. Although she had a grin adorning her face.
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“Hyunjin, can you stay behind Honey? They are saying that some creepy are taking pictures laying on the floor, and Hwamin is wearing a skirt today. Also, I have to take care of Jeonginnie, he isn’t feeling well” Chan whispered to Hyunjin at once, as the others rushed out of the car. Hyunjin nodded, taking his suitcase from their manager as he waited for Honey to get out. Honey had a patterned skirt embracing her figure, the scalding weather leading her to wear more of her little pieces of cloth, as Hyunjin liked to call it. “Hey” she glimpsed at him, sticking out her tongue playfully almost than instantly “Brat” Hyunjin flicked her forehead, waiting for the boys to line up, managers keeping their sides along with bodyguards. There was a huge crowd, both their fans and freaks, the latter just waiting to shoot every step of them. “I have never ever seen so many people in an airport” Honey quavered, trying to look unbothered. She hated those mini events because, although she could interact with their lovely fans, sometimes things went wrong. She never feared ghosts or spooky things, what genuinely makes her panic is pretty much every man with a camera, they all looked like stalkers to her. “Be careful” Hyunjin warned, almost reaching Honey’s hand. But he knew she would probably punch him right on his nose. However, the girl never heard him, and she really wanted to show something to Jisung, who was walking quite far from her "Don’t wanna” she sang in her mischievous tone, running playfully away from him. Then, everything happened like a shot. Flashes caught Honey unwarned and muffled screamings that got clear to her after a while. 
“You are looking like a pig” “Jerk your hips, Honey” “Piggy thighs”
Honey felt an abrupt grip on her arm and before she could slap the soul out of the moron who dared to touch her, she recognized Hyunjin’s voice “I told to stay with me” he seemed pissed off in so many ways that Honey almost apologized “I’ll buy you ice cream if you hold my hand in a not disgusting way" Honey intertwined their pinky fingers, glossy eyes from the sudden overwhelming feeling, not even noticing the taller's face boiling crimson, being both flustered and pissed. He hated when those freaks ended letting Hwamin gloomy. 
"Dummy” “Shortie”.
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Nesting herself in a pile of silk blankets, Hwamin could feel as her lips started to bruise, biting them roughly so she could hold her will to burst in tears. It’s had been an awful day. She couldn’t keep herself from reading all the mean comments towards her, even though they became quite unusual nowadays. Perhaps, for hiding her bad feelings deep inside, everything now seemed like a trigger. 
The boys were all gone. Honey recorded her lines before everyone so she could have her own little moment. Promising she would never cry in front of any member, Minho being her only exception.
“Honey?” a soothing voice called her, leading the girl to quickly wipe her tears away. But she still had tousled hair and puffy eyes. Causing Hwamin to hide her face, rubbing herself against the blankets, as she heard a cracking sound “Are you here?” he popped through the door, looking for the switch “Look what I found” his voice was almost a chirping sound, he seemed so bubbly that the girl snuggles herself even more in her duvets. 
“I’m not here” came from a muffled sound. “Yes, you are” he sat on the edge of her bed “What happened?” Then, he heard sobs and his world crashed down. Hwamin was quivering slightly, as he could see by his poor lighted sight “H-Hwamin?” Felix turned the girl around promptly, just to find her puffy eyes filled with plump tears “Tell me what happened!” he could feel his heart pounding against his rib cages violently and he embraced the girl with his arm, stiffly placing her on his lap. “Why are they so mean?” the older didn’t have to hear further, squeezing her even further. “I got you, I’m here, you are safe with me” he whispered, placing a soft smoochie on the top of her head.
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harper-penn-happens · 6 years
Just wanted to share a little drabble I did of Jasper (one of my hunter ocs) and Ezra & Finn from When the Night Comes. Mostly fluff and teasing, if you like that sort of thing. I need to share my writing more so here goes!
It was the end of another mid-summer day in Lunaris, and for a change it had actually managed to get warm enough out to sweat without a workout. Not that Jasper had allowed that to stop him. The auburn haired Hunter was currently making his way back from the beach, back from some sparring practice with fellow Hunter Piper Meriman, taking his time and enjoying the way the last rays of the sun were painting the sky. Orange and gold with the promise of a deep bloody red before dropping off into purple twilight. A smile curled Jasper's lips, even as he rotated his sure-to-be-bruised left shoulder with a slight wince. Sparring hand-to-hand on the beach had been his idea, with the faint hope that the sand would be somewhat forgiving if (hell, more like when) Piper threw him. He was right, and he chuckled softly, letting the stretch roll into his neck and down his spine. The beach at least hadn't hurt him a bit.
It was always a challenge to spar with Piper no matter where they decided to train, and Jasper was grateful that she never felt the need to go easy on him. He might not come out the victor from their matches very often, but he always learned something. Today he had learned that he needed a lot more work on his hand-to-hand technique; it looked like he'd been relying too much on his daggers of late. Something Piper had been utterly gleeful to exploit, after her unexpected loss during their last match using blades. Jasper paused as the shadows stretched across the night sky ahead of him and turned back to catch those last winks of red on the horizon as night fell. With the loss of the sun the air seemed to cool almost immediately, and made the young hunter keenly aware of his bare torso. (The older tunic he'd worn for the match torn beyond repair after several throws.)
Rubbing his sore shoulder once more he turned his boots towards Ezra’s shop and picked up his pace a bit; he had promised the witch to come straight home after training. In spite of knowing that Jasper could handle himself just fine Ezra still liked to see he was in one piece after Piper got done with him. As he turned onto the cobbled street at last, a fond smirk played over his face; recalling the time he'd returned with a collection of impressive bruises after a match using bo staffs. His back (and backside) had been much the worse for wear after that, and he wasn't going to be suggesting a rematch anytime soon, no matter how sweet being fussed over after the fact was. Jasper rounded a corner, spying the now familiar mage light in the distance. A welcoming sight from the first moment he had stepped foot in this odd little town, even more so in these last several months.
The little bell above the door jingled cheerfully, announcing his arrival, but as the Hunter’s amber brown eyes swept around they found the shop empty but for its wares. No Ezra in sight. This was hardly unusual of course at this hour, and Jasper felt no need for alarm as he strolled through and slipped past the curtain that divided the shop from the living quarters beyond. As soon as he was on the other side the scent of cooking spices filled his senses; a playful grin lighting up his face as he crossed the room in a few silent strides to the stove and the figure standing at it. His strong arms wrapped around Ezra's middle from behind as he pressed himself close, tucking his chin over the witch’s shoulder to observe his cooking as he gave him a tight squeeze.
“What's cooking?” Jasper asked, letting the words tickle Ezra's ear as he cuddled in. His abrupt entrance had made the slightly younger man jump, only grinning further at his squeak of surprise.
“Oh!” Ezra let out a laugh that took all the threat out of the way he brandished a wooden spoon at his lover. “It's dinner. As if you didn't know.”
Jasper turned his face into the crook of Ezra's neck, nuzzling warm russet skin that was dusted with freckles, enjoying the delicate scent of vanilla under the heady spices of whatever saucy dish was bubbling on the stove.
“Hmmm, it smells good.” He mumbled, his lips finding a familiar bite-mark and brushing a kiss there. The slim man in his arms relaxing back into his hold and offering more of his neck. “You will trust me to cook something for you at some point though right? I promise I'm not a disaster in the kitchen.” He adds, enjoying the feel of his lovers laughter as he continues snuggling and pressing affectionate little kisses along the side of his throat.
“As opposed to your sparring record with Piper?” Ezra asked sweetly, emerald green eyes flashing with mischief.
Jasper let go and stepped back with mock pain, putting his hand to his heart as though wounded. “That’s hardly a fair comparison! For one thing cooking and sparring are very different activities, and for another I'll have you know I actually do quite well. I won our last match.”
Ezra turned a knowing look on the young Hunter, eyes roving over his lithe but defined frame for any signs of stiffness or injury, not missing his lack of a shirt. “And this match?”
Jasper felt his face warm under Ezra's scrutiny and found himself reaching for his left shoulder before he could stop.
“I did well enough.” He said unconvincingly, cursing his utter inability to fib even a little. Even in jest. Ezra shook his head and clucked his tongue before snickering warmly.
“Do yourself a favor and don’t let Finn or Alkar talk you into playing poker, Jas. I love you, but you've got the guile of a toddler trying to steal sweets.” Ezra told him fondly, only making his blush that much worse and forcing him to bite his lower lip to keep from smiling like a moron.
“Well, at least I'm cute right?” he asked with a one shouldered shrug, starting to walk backwards towards the stairs in anticipation of the witch’s eventual command, removing his boots while keeping his eyes glued to Ezra's back. His attention rewarded when that adorable yet somehow still sexy face glanced back at him with an arched brow.
“You'll be much cuter after you shower.” Ezra informed him. “Preferably before dinner is ready… though the view is nice.” He added almost as an afterthought, making Jasper's heart trip a little as those bright eyes seemed to caress his exposed upper body. The Hunter huffed a laugh as he turned, taking the hint cheerfully.
“Yes Sir; maybe if you’re lucky I’ll forget to put on a shirt when I'm done.” He teased, dodging a magically flung pillow from the nearby couch with ease as Ezra's laughter chased him up the stairs.
Taking the stairs two at a time Jasper popped into the bedroom to snatch a clean pair of breeches and a tunic. It sometimes still felt surreal to the young hunter to be here at Ezra's place as opposed to the tavern, with it's unpleasant scratchy sheets and the near constant noise of the patrons below. Surreal to have found a home after spending so long without one, but also… just perfect. Like finding a beloved treasure that you had forgotten you lost a long time ago.
He was moving so swiftly that when he spun on his heel to go to the bath across the hall he all but ran smack into a cold broad chest, almost bouncing off the unexpected obstacle. Taking a step back even as two impossibly strong hands snapped out to steady him the Hunter yelped, finding and glaring up at a pair of golden eyes. Finn was wearing his usual oh-so-pleased-with-himself smirk. It was an expression Jasper had come to associate with the vampire getting the drop on him, and he could feel his traitorous cheeks warming in response.
“You know,” he said slowly, trying to regain his composure and putting his fists on his hips, “One of these nights you're going to actually give me a heart attack, or knock me flat on my arse, and then how will you feel?”
Jasper was trying for stern disapproval, but somehow the flush slowly darkening his face and the fact that he had to look up quite a bit when standing this close to Finn dampened the effect. Unless Finn was the sort of person who chuckled when he was chastened.
“Sorry but no.” The vampire replied softly to the unspoken thought, eyes glinting in the relative dark upstairs. “And no worries. I'm reasonably sure I can think of a few ways to get you back on your feet should either of those things happen.” Finn leaned casually in the bedroom doorway; very effectively blocking it and showing no signs of moving, flashing his fangs in a wicked grin as the Hunter attempted to stare him down.
Jasper found himself caving first as usual, breaking eye contact with a soft tch sound and trying to get his blush under control, shifting his stance and forcing his hands to remain on his narrow hips. “Comforting. But I'd still rather you quit popping up out of the shadows like a jack-in-the-box.” He insisted, hyper aware of his pulse skipping as he glanced up to see Finn shift forward with a low chuckle.
“Wow. Ezra's right; you're a terrible liar.” The vampire informed him, delighting in the rush of his pulse and the sight of his fair skin quickly taking on the appearance of a sunburn. It was still so easy to tease Jasper, even after he and Ezra had given the friendly but charmingly naïve Hunter a crash course in intimacies. Finn suspected, or at least hoped, that it always would be.
“I- I really need to go take a shower.” Jasper huffed, shifting in place before bending down to scoop up the clothes he’d dropped when he ran into Finn. “And it isn't as if you two would enjoy it if I suddenly became adept at fibbing. You both take way too much pleasure in catching me out.”
Finn arched a scarred brow down at him from his vantage point in the door before tilting his head in agreement. “True. On both counts. We wouldn’t like it because it is so much fun, and you know Ezra finds it adorable.” The vampire smirked as the Hunter responded to the teasing as he had hoped he would; pressing his lips together and looking anywhere but at his lover as he struggled to regain some balance. The clothes in his hands being worked into a ball. It was taking all of Finn's willpower to let him dangle instead of snatching him up into his arms. Jasper had an impossibly cute way of squeaking when he got grabbed or otherwise manhandled.
Finn resisted though, instead reaching out to firmly still the younger man's hands twisting at his clothes before waiting patiently for his eye contact. Jasper bit his lower lip, staring at that iron hand with it’s intricate magical whorls laid over his own before his eyes traced upwards and met those golden ones again. Their gaze was as playful as ever, but also steadfast and sure, and the Hunter felt utterly safe even when Finn played cat-and-mouse with him. The vampire let the moment linger; his thumb carefully rubbing little circles on the back of Jasper's hand before he extricated the clothes from his grasp to refold them neatly once again, though he did not hand them back.
Jasper was seconds away from cracking, and they both knew it, but just as he opened his mouth he was spared by Ezra's voice calling up.
“Jas? I’m not hearing the shower yet…”
Finn smiled ruefully and pretended to snap his fingers, just as the witch followed the statement up with another.
“Finnegan, let him go please. I know you've got him pinned up there somehow but I don't want dinner getting cold and I need to take a look at his shoulder before Jasper gets up to anything too strenuous.”
Jasper groaned with embarrassment and put his hands up to his face as the vampire blocking him chuckled; a low and rough sound that sent shivers down his back, shaking his head. “Busted.” Finn mumbled before turning and freeing up the doorway. “No worries my love, I promise I haven't strained him. I'm sending him to clean up now.” He called back, as if implying it was Jasper lingering and not Finn fooling around.
Jasper threw Finn a disgruntled look that the vampire completely disregarded, holding the folded clothes in his iron hand out into the hall as if to beckon his lover past him out of the bedroom. It was an obvious trap, but Jasper couldn't really do anything other than try and scoot by the taller man as quickly as possible. As soon as he was passing by and snatching at the clothes in Finn's wiggling hand he felt the taller man's right hand land in a smart swat across his backside, yelping softly and twisting to avoid another as he retreated into the bath.
“Will you ever stop toying with me?” Jasper huffed once he was out of range and had the door in his grasp and ready to shut, knowing full well that none of that would have protected him if Ezra wasn't monitoring the vampire from downstairs. If dinner wasn’t waiting. Finn knitted his brow, turning his gaze upwards as he folded his arms and made a show of considering the question.
“Hmm… stop toying with you…” he intoned slowly, before letting his eyes slide back down to Jasper's face and deliberately stalking right up to him. The auburn Hunter all but trembling as Finn leaned over him in the doorway and reached out to put an hand on his hip and tug him nearer, bending until their lips were almost brushing. Jasper feeling it was a wonder that Ezra wasn't asking what that pounding sound was because his heart was pumping so hard.
“Nope. Never going to happen.” Finn intoned with a crooked little half smile before dropping a kiss onto Jasper's nose, using the hand on his hip to turn him and land a parting swat on his seat before cheerfully escaping downstairs. That cute little squeak of surprise music to his ears.
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srawesleyghuewrites · 6 years
More Than Anything - Chapter One
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For desktop users: masterlist
For mobile users: mobile masterlist
Pairing: Zig x MC(Samantha Davis)
Faceclaim: Santiago Segura as Zig Ortega, Shay Mitchell as Samantha Davis, Cheddar as their puppy and Charlie as their cat
Book: The Senior
Word Count: ~ 1,800
Rating:  M for language
They talked about traveling, made big plans while tangled in bed and even wrote an itinerary together but an opportunity presents itself and Zig finds himself with a decision to make. 
Samantha’s life has been a mess the last few weeks, her anxiety always getting the best of her, the thesis slowly becoming something so stressing to even explain, her parents spliting up, Zig’s sudden interest in traveling to Japan and her own mind playing tricks with her. So maybe that’s not a very good time for him to tell her? Or is the hard truth always the best option?
Author’s Note:
How are you? SOOOOO, this is a new series where the whole Japan thing is trated in a very different way but don’t worry, the drama is still here! I don’t have much to say about it because I honestly don’t know how many chapters and stuff but anyway..I can only say:
I don’t know exactly who to tag so please tell me if you want in or out of this taglist, and I hope everybody enjoys it!!!! As always, forgive my mistakes since english is not my mother language
@zigortega4life, @lizeboredom , @debramcg1106, @drakewalkerstan, @the-everlasting-dream, @christopher-powell, @pilitella, @easyobsession, @countrymusicandncis-blog, @tacohead13, @maxwellsgang, @ziggypop, @agent-bossypants, @angstymarshmallow
Disclaimer: The characters don’t belong to me,  I just borrow them from Pixelberry! 
Wine and Insomnia
Zig's been working since the early morning, his white shirt painted with a bunch of coffee stains showing the distraction overwhelming his senses, reminding him of when she asked him why the choice of such a bold color in a place where you're bound to get dirty. He remembers the dilated pupils of Samantha with his answer and a smirk, hoping to see her in this happy and light state soon enough. But the news he has to tell her might have the opposite effect, making her sink even more in the anxiety she’s currently fighting.
After his shift ended and the last stubborn client walked away at 1:34 in the morning, he said goodbye with a wave to the poor manager who was still closing some tabs and rushed out of the coffee shop. The streets were not completely empty, to his surprise, many students passed across the campus, heading to what seems to be parties or late night bars. It's a comforting presence, even if most of them are already drunk morons, it reminds him of how funny Sam gets when she’s drunk and all the stories they share in this very campus.
Samantha typed fastly on her computer, the words already blurring together as the night extends for hours and hours. There's a big sigh coming from her as soon as her relentless fingers stop working, reading the nonsense crap she just wrote.
She's been feeling like that for a while, the inspiration coming fast in the middle of the night and escaping through her fingers before she can type anything useful. Samantha believes this might have something to do with everything that's been happening in her life lately, but Cheddar stops her from thinking any further in the subject by sitting next to her in the couch. He rests his paws on her exposed lap, calling out for attention as his puppy eyes shine over the almost dark room.
It's impossible for her not to scratch behind his ears and say in the most ridiculously dorky voice:
“You're the cutest dog in the whole world, did you know that? Who's the cutest dog in the world??”
He makes a confused expression by raising his ears and Samantha chuckles while scratching his jaw affectionately.
“Yes, you are!!! Cheddar is the cutest dog eveer!”
She feels better just with his presence, as if the emptiness he left in the apartament disappears for a moment. However the white document open in her computer brings her back to the task at hand, making her head pound heavily again.
Cheddar seems to notice the weight on her, laying his head lazily over his paws quietly as if not to disturb her. Samantha writes a full paragraph this time, full of grammar mistakes and gibberish but still feels better than nothing, that is until her eyes shift to the opening door and then nothing else seems that important anymore
The apartment is quiet and from the street he saw the living room fairy lights were on, which could mean that she left those on because she thought he was coming home soon or that she's still awake. Zig knows it's more likely the second option, with her insomnia crisis getting worse every week into the semester, but he still wishes badly that it'll be the first option.
When he opens the door his eyes find hers right away, the amber gaze softening under his chocolate one and then a sharp pain cuts through him as he thinks about not having her to come home to. He uses a smile to hide it and closes the door behind him with his foot, holding the bags with chinese food against with one hand and the key with the other.
“Hey babe.”
Samantha grins, watching him drop his bag near the door and realizes how just his presence already lifts a weight from her body. Zig goes straight to the kitchen, his stomach growling loudly to indicate how hungry he actually is, but he also admits to himself that he’s not ready to tell her yet, and being around her means having to say it.
She puts the notebook aside and gets up, Cheddar happily following her to the kitchen, sniffing and wiggling his tale to Zig.
As expected he smiles at the dog, bending down to pet him and even allowing some cheek licks as his hand travels around the furry ears. Sam enjoys his distraction to step closer and examine what he brought, her mouth watering at the sight of the spring rolls but before she can pick anything Zig hugs her from behind. His scent invading her senses as he kisses the spot under her ear, and then her neck, finally planting a soft kiss on her shoulder.
“Wow. Miss me that much?”
Zig smirks and twists her around, making her face him while his hands caress her small back.
“Spending the day away from you is basically torture Sam, you should know that already.”
He brings their faces closer and Samantha closes her eyes, waiting for one of his ‘I missed you kisses’, the ones that are full of necessity and passion but that usually end with a bunch of other sweet caring pecks over her swollen lips. She gets her heart racing just with the memory of how he kisses her, even after all this time, he’s still shakes her core with any love demonstration. But the kiss doesn’t come and she snaps her eyes open, finding a longing expression in Zig’s face that quickly dissolves into a cocky smile.
“Are you waiting for something Samantha?”
He lets his lips touch just the corner of her mouth, his nose brushing against her when he breathes slowly over her yearning mouth.
“Teasing much, Ortega?”
Then he closes the inch distance between them with a kiss, capturing her lips in a hungry movement that she welcomes by parting her lips to give him more access to her mouth. They explore each others tongues, Samantha’s fingers play with his hair and Zig pulls her even closer by the grip of his hands on her waist. The kiss ends with both of them short of breath, lips swollen by the hot and roughness of the act and cheeks lightly flushed pink.
He pecks her cheek before turning back to the food behind her, leaving Samantha to wonder what’s wrong. After all this time together Sam knows what his kisses mean and it scares her because it sounded more like a ‘I’m sorry’ kiss than a ‘I’ve missed you’, mainly because he’s avoiding her gaze strongly. She’s been feeling weird for a long time so she thinks it’s just her normal paranoid-self, shrugging the dark thoughts and moving to get a a wine and two glasses.
“Why did you stay so late?”
Zig gives her a thankful smile when she pours red wine in a glass and hands it to him. She helps him take the food to the coffee table in the living room, sitting comfortably at his side and waiting for the response.
“There was still some customers there and as much as I wanted, I couldn’t just tell them to get the hell out.”
She chuckles and takes another sip of her wine, using her hand to caress his nap in an attempt to make him fully relax since she can see the tension present in his shoulders.
“You could’ve called me, I don’t have any problem telling people to get out so that I can have my man home earlier.”
Zig laughs and pets Cheddar’s head, who’s sitting between him and Sam. Soon Charlie joins them, getting out of her well deserved nap on their bed, she walks stretching and comes to rest on his lap.
“I guess I’m not the only one who missed you.”
It doesn’t take longer than 3 seconds for Charlie to start purring, brushing her head against his hand in search for more love. Sam smiles with the vision of their pets giving Zig all the love she knows he deserves, it warms her heart to know that even when everything is falling apart, their home is always standing strong.
He takes another sip of the wine and it’s the perfect combo with the food, perfect with this moment, with the perfect woman sitting next to him and staring at him with such longing.
“I missed all of you, especially you Sam, as always. I usually would go for a beer, so how did you know that I today what I wanted was wine?”
“Because I know you babe.”
She answers fast, the words so real that triggers something inside him, something that makes him lower his gaze to Cheddar or the couch beneath him. ‘She knows me better than anyone’ and he can’t look at her without blurting the words out loud, words that might change everything.
He drinks more of his wine to gain courage and tell her the news, all the time avoiding her gaze, that’s when he sees the notebook laying beside her and asks:
“Were you working on something before I came or just waiting for me?”
She sighs, the pressure of the blank document beside her gets back and even though she’s not even looking at it, it already consumes her thoughts again. It’s her time to drink more wine in order to keep from spiraling.
“Yeah, working on my thesis.”
The words are rispid and she half-smiles, trying to hide the desperation surging on her from thinking about that damn thesis. He knows how much it’s consuming her and his way of making it better is by sliding his hand over her shoulders, scooping closer to her and giving her a long forehead kiss.
“Insomnia again?”
She simply nods as he puts both of their empty glasses on the table, turning his full attention to the woman in front of him.
“I wish I could’ve been here earlier to take care of you.”
“You’re here now. That’s what matters.”
Samantha lays her head in his shoulder, closing her eyes and breathes deeply as relief fills her chest. Zig fiddles with her hair, pressing his lips to the top of her head, she snuggles her head into his body until her own lips are touching his neck in a sweet care.
“And I’ll always be here.”
His words are strong and full of meaning, yet he’s not that sure it’s true anymore.
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nekojitachan · 7 years
Please please please post us something ??? I miss your writing like an owner missing his beloved pet!! Anything you have or just bits of it. Please!!??????
Hmm, I’m really trying to get Heartlines ch5 done soon - I’m not sure it’ll be up for next Sunday, but maybe the following Wednesday? That said, here’s a little peek at the next part of The First Breath. It’s the start of the story (I’ll probably clean this up a little and expand upon it):
Eh… very brief mention of an abusive mother? Think that’s the only trigger here.
It still amazed Andrew that he not only had his ownapartment to call ‘home’, a large loft with a freezer stocked with multiplepints of ice cream and a cabinet with liquor and the entire place warded tokeep out almost everyone, but that he shared the place with Neil. That when hereturned to a space that wasn’t just a building where he was staying for acertain amount of time but where he felt safe and content and had made it hisown, there was a gorgeous idiot waiting for him with a bright smile.
A gorgeous idiot waiting for him with a bright smile whilestretched out on their bed with two cats, with more cats curled up all throughtheir home.
All right, Andrew could accept that it was his life, allthings considered. Especially when he caught sight of King lying on hisfavorite black sweater, her grey hair now all over it. Yet before he couldbitch at the cat, Neil rose up in an obvious invitation for a kiss. “Thatdidn’t take long.”
Andrew settled for glaring at the cat, which of course ignoredhim, as he set aside the bag of hot chocolate mix which he’d ‘run’ out for inanticipation for the ‘family’ dinner before he leaned in to oblige his idiot.“No, Renee was right in that the one store had it.” Granted, the store had beenin Toronto, but that was a minor thing when all it had taken was a thought andhe’d been there a moment later.
“Hmm.” Neil’s hands hovered around Andrew’s shoulders for afew seconds before Andrew grasped them gently by the wrist and draped themaround his neck to show it was all right to hold onto him, then ran his ownhands along the front of the idiot’s chest while he deepened the kiss. Theydidn’t have much time… he didn’t havemuch time, but soon enough they both were lying down on the bed while King andSir let out displeased meows and jumped off, Andrew’s hands beneath Neil’st-shirt and Neil’s hands in his hair.
It was when Andrew took to skimming his lips along the topof the black collar around Neil’s throat and his left hand began to slipbeneath the waistband of Neil’s dark grey jeans that he reminded himself of whycontinuing things past that point would be ‘bad’, even though he had a feelingthat in another half an hour he’d greatly regret stopping now and getting upfrom the bed. With a slight sigh of regret, he pulled away from his lover,which provoked a displeased sound from Neil which sounded a bit reminiscent ofwhat the cats had made a couple of minutes before (Neil needed to hang out withRenee or Dan some more, dammit, and less at home with all the cats).
“Come on,” Andrew told him as he dragged his idiot upright.“When is the asshole going to be here?” Once Neil was sitting with a scowl onhis face, he let him go to grab the bag of hot chocolate mix.
“Uhm.” Now Neil appeared thoughtful as he considered somethingthen sighed. “Very soon.”
“Great.” Andrew headed to the kitchen, mindful of thekittens from the litter temporarily taking up residence near the coffee able,so he could have a glass of whiskey before having to deal with both Wrath andthe dinner. “Sure you can’t hang out with Renee or Matt for the night instead?”
“Renee has planswith Allison,” Neil told him as he followed along, still somewhat bemused byAndrew’s insistence on calling their fellow Named Ones by their ‘mortal’monikers but playing along as always, “and Matt has been going on about somenew game coming out.” He shuddered a little as he mentioned his friend.“Supposedly he has high hopes of being able to beat Tem- ah, Jean on it, so Ifear if I go spend time with him, he’ll force me to play it so he canpractice.”
Hmm, it sounded as if Jean was off on another ‘not-date’with Jeremy that evening. Andrew didn’t understand why it was taking someonewho otherwise appeared intelligent so long to pick up the fucking clue that areasonably attractive (if one liked annoying and almost always cheerful morons)guy adored them. Then again, it was becoming clear that Riko had fucked up Jeanin various ways over the years that he’d kept the Virtue magically chained inservitude to the prick, a thought that made Andrew slosh a good bit of whiskeyinto the glass tumbler then toss it back with haste.
Riko was nevergetting anywhere near Neil again, so Andrew would just have to suffer throughWrath being in his home that evening while he was out at Bee’s, since she haddeclared the weekly ‘family’ dinners a time for Andrew, Aaron and Nicky to getto know each other better without any ‘respective others’ (meaning Neil andErik) to be there as a distraction (to be insulted by Aaron, for Neil to sayhis weird, unfiltered shit or for Erik to take offense at Aaron’s insults onNicky’s and Neil’s behalves).
Neil came over to stand beside Andrew until their shouldersbrushed together with a purring Sir held in his arms, and some of the angersettled in Andrew at the contact. He felt the urge to unfurl his wings and wrapthem around his lover, to slip betweento some high rooftop where the two of them could look out over a city,somewhere peaceful and safe and blocked off from the world, but he had hisobligations tonight. He’d promised Bee to help her with Aaron, had answered hisbrother’s call and taken that step to save him, so he could only miss a dinnerif another call pulled at him or if there was something equally important.
Unfortunately for him, trading insults with Neil’s uncle fora couple of hours or making out with his lover didn’t qualify as that‘important’.
He debated another glass of whiskey when there was afamiliar rush of power followed by an quick knock on the front door, and sighedagain when Neil smiled as he went to allow their guest into the loft.
/The angry one is visiting?/ Sir asked as she twisted herhead back to look at Neil.
“Yes, for a little bit.”
/Hmm, he brought treats last time./
Neil set her down before he opened the door to admit Wrath,who was dressed in light grey slacks and a white button-down shirt without avest, tie or jacket – in other words, rather informal for once. He held thestrings to a gift bag in his left hand, and judging from the way that King cametrotting forward and Sir’s black ears perked up, he continued to bribe the damncats. “Looking good, kiddo,” he said as he reached out to tousle Neil’s unrulyauburn curls.
“Thank you.” Neil suffered the affectionate gesture with agenuine smile before he stepped out of the way. “You look good, too.”
“Been busy as fuck, but I can’t complain.” Wrath’s grey eyesnarrowed a little when he caught sight of Andrew, then he shrugged. “Broughtsome of those butter biscuits you really like, figured we’d have them and sometea.”
“Well, this party is getting too out of control for me, timeto leave,” Andrew drawled while Wrath huffed and made a rude gesture in hisdirection; he doubted that he and the Vice would ever be good friends, but theywere unified in their determination to keep a certain idiot safe and that wasenough common ground for them.
“I think you need to get the place sprayed for fleas, kiddo.Seems to be an annoying one buzzing around here,” Wrath commented as he set thebag down on the kitchen island.
“Not funny,” Neil sighed, but before he could chide hisuncle for the pathetic joke, Andrew grasped his lover by the chin and pulledhim in for a quick kiss.
“Try not to do anything too stupid with the old fart thereand save me some cookies,” Andrew told him right before he slipped between, and left with the sight ofNeil’s smile in his mind and Wrath’s gruff voice calling out ‘little shit’before he appeared in Bee’s kitchen.
There was the smell of garlic and meatloaf in the air, andBee paused in checking a boiling pot to stare at him for a couple of seconds.“I still can’t get over that,” she said with a smile as she pushed up herfogged glasses.
She accepted the fact that Andrew and Aaron were demi-gods,that Nicky was a powerful witch, that Andrew had taken on the Aspect of a Furyand meted out justice and vengeance, that there were times he bore wings andfangs and claws… and it was the teleportation which left her amazed. He shookhis head as he held up the bag of hot chocolate. “I got you more of that mixyou liked.”
Her smile strengthened as she wiped her hands on her hipsthen reached for it. “Thank you.” She set the bag aside on the counter thenlooked him up and down as if to take in the finely knit black sweater, theblack jeans and ankle boots. “Hmm, being a mythological creature appears toagree with you.”
“Amusing,” he told her while he filched a slice of breadfrom the basket set out on the counter and began to break it apart to eat it. “Where’sAaron?”
“He went to get changed after helping me prepare dinner.”She checked the pot one more time before turning off the oven. “How’s Neil?”
“The same as always. Nicky made the mistake of showing himWikipedia a few days ago so now I have to make sure to limit his time on theinternet or he’ll spend hours correcting ‘the many, many erroneous events foolish humans keep asserting took place inhistory.’ Which is usually followed by the question, ‘Andrew, do mortals knowwhat the word ‘history’ means?’.” He rolled his eyes while glancing around thebottle of wine Bee had to have out on the counter somewhere, and started for itonce he caught sight of it.
Bee did her best to bite back on a laugh and didn’t sayanything when he started to uncork the bottle, having given up by then onlecturing Andrew on ‘underage drinking’; he wasn’t ‘human’ and a few glasses ofwine wouldn’t affect him, that and he no longer drove. Hell, ever since he tookon the aspect of Tisiphone and ‘Andrew Joseph Dobson’ had for all intents andpurposes disappeared from the world, the Fates had twisted things so that Nickyhad ended up with Andrew’s car. He’d be a bit bitter about that, but he couldgo anywhere he wanted with a mere thought and had ‘inherited’ enough money withthe Aspect to buy a few dozen fancy sports cars if he was so inclined.
“Yes, that does sound like him. You’ll have to bring himover soon, I do enjoy listening to his stories.” Bee smiled as she reached intothe oven to pull out the meatloaf, while Andrew poured her a glass of wine aswell.
She’d just reached for the glass when Aaron entered thekitchen, dressed all in black much like Andrew – however, that was where theirsimilarities ended. Unlike Andrew, Aaron didn’t have a fancy black credit cardand a nice huge bank account, so his style relied more on Nicky’s and Bee’scharity (well, and a bit on Andrew’s, considering that he’d given Bee somemoney back in November and December and told her to pass it off as presentsfrom her for the ungrateful bastard) than anything else. There was also thefact that Andrew had never looked like such a sullen asshole ever in his life. “Oh,you’re here already,” Aaron said with a faint sniff as he folded his arms overhis chest. “Wonderful.”
The smile faded a little from Bee’s mouth as she glancedover at her latest project. “We were just talking about Neil.”
Aaron’s lips twisted a little upon hearing the name ofAndrew’s lover. “What, we’re starting it already? Nicky’s not even here yet andI have to put up with how great and perfect things are with everyone but me?”He scowled at Andrew, who merely stood there drinking his wine, well used tothe current rant. “Having fun playing house with the scary freak-“
“Aaron,” Bee warned as she set her own wine aside and gaveAndrew’s twin a narrowed look.
“-and you go around messing up other people’s lives, huh?Kill anyone else’s mom today?” Aaron taunted him.
“Aaron! That was uncalled for,” Bee said, but before shecould go on about displacement or some other bullshit, Andrew shook his head.
“Not today,” he informed his brother. “But I did kill one acouple of days ago, some drunken bitch who’ll never harm her daughter again.”Andrew ‘smiled’ at Aaron, an expression that had too much sharp teeth in it,and didn’t stop even when Aaron flinched from the sight and Bee drained herwineglass. “Funny how the girl was so grateful for what I did, how all of themare grateful, except for my own flesh and blood.”
“But… she… I don’t….” Aaron sputtered into silence and shookhis head, his expression no longer one of utmost petulance and spite but ofconfusion instead. He wrapped his arms around himself until Bee gave a lighttouch to his left shoulder.
“Go check the table, will you?” she asked, and after aslight start he nodded then hurried into the dining room. Bee watched him gobefore looking over at Andrew. “He’s… well, he’s trying a little,” she offered.“At least he’s talking about it now. It’s small steps but it’s something.”
It was Aaron blaming Andrew for doing something Aaron hadbeen unable to do, for Aaron being unwilling to let go of the past when he finallyhad a future in front of him. Not for the first time, Andrew regretted beingunable to let go of things himself, since he was now stuck with Nicky andAaron, with a pest of a cousin and an ungrateful shit of a brother. All thatand he still had dinner to get through with both of them.
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