#though i apologize to mobile users
lefluoritesys · 1 year
A breakdown of apps you can use to communicate with your alters as separate people and write down information about them online and offline with their pros, cons, and a personal rating because I really needed it when I was new to being a system:
Note: by "PC" I mean any computer/macbook/etc. By "all devices" I mean PC, mobile, tablet, iPad, etc.
I apologize for mistakes in advance.
1. Antar: An app created to chat with your "inner self," found in both Play Store and AppStore. One of the more popular ones among systems. It is an app where you get to create personas that would be chatting with each other in chats called "sessions." Those sessions can either be given a name or just left named after the date they were created on. Each persona is given a color that would become the color of their messages in sessions. Offline app.
Pros: Fiarly easy to use, no in-depth information needed to access it fully. Biometric lock; 4 languages (English, Chinese, Hindi, Spanish) for the system, however any language can be used via text; no limit to the amount of personas added (as far as I'm aware). Messages sent by the wrong persona can be changed; the "quote" feature allows you to start a thread under a message; provides descriptions of each persona. You can also give your personas an avatar rather than just a color. Has a "replay" and "visualization" feature, though I'd say it's strictly just for funzies.
Cons: Not available on PC; has no backup, phone-related resets or deletion of the app results in all information lost. Session order constantly changes depending on which senssion you entered, which in my opinion (+OCD) is a nuisance; you can't delete the "me" character which I've been wanting to do for a while. Can't add hexcodes.
Personal rating: 6/10. If you need an app that you can lock from unwanted visitors, if you don't mind and even prefer something simple, and if you don't care that the conversations might disappear, this app is a good choice.
2. Discord's PluralKit: A more avdanced discord bot with tons of settings and commands that was created specifically for systems. Allows you to add almost any information about your system memebers, even such things as birthdays. The way it works is, it "proxies" your messages with a certain command somewhere in the "normal" message, sends a message identical to yours from a bot created with the name you chose, and deletes your original message. Basically replaces a message from your account with a message from a bot you created earlier. Proxies are small commands that give the both a green light to do that, and they can be whatever you want them to be. Online bot.
Pros: Feels like different people are talking; allows you to track your switches; available on all devices; one system can be linked to multiple accounts, although you can't create multiple systems under one account; allows you to group alters together; allows you to restrict access to certain information from all users; allows you to add as many alters as you want; has a number of ways you can access the information you put in which would all be sorted and organized for you; autoproxy allows you to not proxy every message you sent; since you can't delete messages of other people on servers that are not yours, and the bot messages are not, in fact, yours, PluralKit allows you to react to the message with an emoji that deletes the proxied message; while you can't use it in DMs, you can set up commands in DMs with the bot; every memeber has a unique code, and so does the system itself, and it records when the member was created; can be exported to SimplyPlural.
Cons: Commands are difficult and complex, and so is the dashboard; can only be used on servers; sometimes offline as all bots are, though rarely; you can't use it anywhere outside discord (a con for those who don't use discord); I had instances where I saw people use it for roleplay which is also allowed; proxies are a pain; you'd need a guide to tell you why certain things are needed in it; you cannot reply to messages with gifs when using a proxy; when being exported to SimplyPlural it exports everything, so if you had 10 members on SimplyPlural and 15 on PluralKit, it's best to add those 5 manually than delete 10 new exported alters (I did it with 100+ alters by accident and it was a pain).
Personal rating: 9/10. Complex, difficult to figure out, but once you get ahold of it and how it works, you'd be amazed. Also a pain that you can't use it in DMs, but it's to be expected from a bot. And you can always create a server with just you.
3. Discord's Tupperbox: A discord bot created mainly for roleplay, but actively used by systems who cannot get along with PluralKit. A simpler bot, easy to use and figure out, most things can be done via dashboard, doesn't have the opportunity to add a lot of inofrmation. Online bot.
Pros: Simple; allows grouping alters; allows different tags for different members and groups, sometimes individually; way simpler commands, and most things can be added via dashboard; looks and works almost the same as PluralKit when in a conversation; available on all devices.
Cons: Can't add avatars via dashboard, only using the commands; can't add two alters with the same name (which you can do with PluralKit); people reported it glitching out and deleting members; mainly used for roleplay; gives a weird list of members via commands that is unusable in my experience; doesn't work out of discord.
Personal rating: 7/10. Perfect for people who just want to talk and not write down information about them with the bot, but the threat of members being deleted, especially as a larger system, is concerning. We mainly use it for OSDD-1a subsystems. It was also not created for systems, as far as I'm aware. I see more cons than pros.
4. Simply Plural: Another more well-known tool used and created for systems. Simply Plural is an app that allows you to create profiles of your members and add any information you'd like about them via custom fields. It has a chat feature, allows you to track your front and switch history, add friends, and many more. Supports endogenic systems (which is being mentioned not for discorse purposes but as a fact. Whether you find it good or not is up to you) and allows singlets to create profiles as well, although I don't know a lot about that part. Both offline and online app.
Pros (and a bit about the app): Backup included; tracks your switches and front, allows you to change exact time for them, too (24-hour clock down to minutes included); the polls feature works like polls on same Tumblr and everywhere else but specifically for your system memebrs; analytics provide information about who fronts the most, during what time of day they usually front; you and your friends can see each other's profiles, which is why singlets can also create profiles, which allows you to acces info about each other's systems; "trusted people" feature allows you to pick whether you want everybody to see your alters or not, or if you want outsiders to see your profile at all; provides resources and guides to plurality (which I personally haven't checked, but still putting it in the pros, if somebody thinks I shouldn't, let me know); has an app reminders feature; you can add as much information as you want; front history shows up in a person's profile; alters can add notes; alter groups are available; available on all devices, however, only as a website on PC; colors of your alters can be used in the chat to highlight names; hexcodes are available; "custom front" is a status you set with fronting which can be hilarious sometimes; connects to PluralKit in a number of ways.
Cons: The chat feature is a bit difficult to use, and first time I did, I freaked out because I couldn't get out of it (the trick is to go to "channels" and press "navigation", there you'll see the dashboard); friends can't communicate with each other; copy-pasting is hard on both mobile and PC; something about the interface and navigation irks me and our visually impaired self; notes have same visibility as the profile itself, which is inconvenient if you want your profile to be seen but not your notes; avatars can't be added via website.
Personal rating: 6/10. I don't like how it looks and works (probably due to being visually impaired and other issues), but if you manage to get the information in it, it's pretty accessible and thoughtful of what systems might need. Could be used as a tool to start working with your system rather than do it long-term.
5. Twinote: An app that is your "personal Twitter." Pretty sure it was created for the purpose of having fun rather communicating with alters. Offline app.
Pros: Backup provided; allows "private accounts" that other "users" can't see; can create as many users as you want, as many posts as you want; can upload up to 4 images; works almost like Twitter; has a chat feature; comments, retweets, likes are present; "lists" feature allows you to group users and see only their messages which could be used for "things only protectors sent" and such; storage shows all pictures used in the app, so you won't lose anything; tagging and following people is still an option, and following private accounts give that user an opportunity to be the only one seeing their tweets.
Cons: Can't upload videos; can't do much with anything other than posts and profiles, so trends and other stuff there is off-limits (as far as I know); you have to constantly switch between profiles for the chat feature; share button only shares the contents of the message; very easy to accidentally press the wrong button and delete a tweet by dragging it left (which I almost did a few times).
Personal rating: 7,5/10. I know it's probably annoying that I didn't just type either 7 or 8, but the reaosn why is cause I have mixed feelings about it from a practical point of view. We use it strictly to communicate what we did during the day as a small journal and just joke with each other, and it's incredibly funny in itself, but it doesn't allow you to write down a lot of information about your alters and has a character limit in profiles. So it's strictly for communication.
6. Notion: An app created as a dashboard for literally everything you could ever dream of. You can personalize it however you want and use it for whatever you want. Those who saw the post we made a while ago probably know the reason I'm mentioning it is due to a template that I linked here. Online app.
Pros: Can be used for literally everything without limits; available on all devices; big and has enough storage for a lot of information, text, projects, etc; can be designed however you want; a lot of useful templates for all life instances (even taxes); can be shared with people who also use Notion in a variety of ways (either only comment, only see, etc); can add your own custom covers and icons via both gallery and links; looks neat and doesn't mess with visual impairment for us; can add a page in a page in a page which can be used for diaries; links to different pages on other pages are also available; endless possibilities, I could rant all day.
Cons: Glitches on the phone a lot; certain things are allowed on computer and not on mobile and vice versa; all templates available only on PC; you need to have an account in order to use it; glitches if it's offline; sometimes deletes a bunch of text because of glitches, usually the triggers for it are writing a lot in it directly or erasing previous text a bunch of times; can't invite someone in your space, it would take too much storage; some storage needs to be bought, although, I don't know the limit (but there's a lot. Like, a lot)
Personal rating: 9/10. With all its antics, I love this app dearly, it's incredibly useful, and you learn to deal with the cons. It's the best one I've used for communication and information storage so far.
7. Texting Stories app: As ridiculous as it sounds, it could be used as a tool to communicate with your alters, especially in secret. We are fighting for our safety here, so I ask you to take this suggestion seriously. Could be used when you don't want to let anyone know you're a system and have noisy family members/relatives/etc who like to snoop through you personal devices, by using it, you can say you've just been doing a story. Offline app.
Pros: I believe you can add as many people as you want; can add avatars; different stories can be different days of the week; easy to use; easy to brush off as "just making stories."
Cons: Can't change colors, you need to pay for most things.
Personal rating: 5/10. Can be used for emergencies and communication only, although we haven't used it much.
8. Notes: Just the same plain old notes app on your phone that everybody has installed as default. Offline app.
Pros: Easy to use; can be easily lost within your other notes for privacy; used for literally everything you desire, even drawing; automatic backup.
Cons: Doesn't give you the ability to really present as separate people; doesn't have as many options as Notion.
Personal rating: 5/10. used it at some point just for communication, was cool, somple, easy, but nothing too big.
I hope this helped to put these apps in perspective. I do apologize for it being a bit all over the place, but I did attempt to make it coherent enough (I am currently in a psychotic state, it's difficult for me to communicate). And remember, there are always options to use a written journal rather than a digital one. If anything, it's better to keep both in case one gets lost. Who knows, maybe our parents asking us what we would do if the internet disappeared is actually a warning. /j /nm
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emperorofthedark · 6 months
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You are nine years old, it is Easter Sunday, and this is your first year in the Big Kids group!
You have never been more excited!
Pleasantview's 2024 Easter Eggstravaganza!
Edit 4/2 - I updated the link since it's being finicky. Hopefully no more issues.
A few notes:
This is specifically formatted for a computer. You will need a mouse for parts of it! I tried looking at it on my phone, and it was garbage. I apologize to mobile users, but that just wasn't a priority.
This popped into my head unexpectedly, and I had to slap it together in less than a week, so I apologize if it sucks. Due to the time constraint, I didn't have as much time to do my customary 7000 rewrites, I didn't get as many pictures as I wanted, and the writing itself is a little... well, hopefully you'll forgive me someday.
The Egg Hunt portion uses image maps, which I've heard can be a little wonky. I will make an image map-free version (today even!), but for right now, fingers crossed that it works.
In order to participate in the "Egg Hunt," you'll need to run your mouse over the image until a little "?" appears by the cursor. Not all eggs are visible! And not everything you find is an egg! There are clues hidden in a couple of locations that are connected to the main story line, so I hope you find them!
I worry that even with the clues, though, that the story might be a little obscure, so feel free to ask for any clarification you need.
You can "play" as Angela, Lilith, Dirk, Dustin, Gvaudoin or Fricorith. I did recycle a lot of text, but I tried to give each character their fair share of unique text, as well.
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divinestrikes · 11 months
hey all. with the recent blackout Gaza experienced, I’ve seen posts circulating on Twitter asking for e-sim donations as a way of helping Palestinians stay connected. while service has been restored to some, it’s important that we make sure we can help circumvent another blackout should it happen again
here are some screenshots with information on how to help keep Palestinians connected
UPDATE: NOMAD HAS REMOVED THE MIDDLE EAST FROM THEIR WEBSITE. Some Twitter users are saying they can still pick it as an option via the iOS app, but it no longer seems like you can pick a data plan for the Middle East via their website. It’s disgusting, but I’ve found another list of alternatives via Twitter that I hope will continue to work as a way of keeping those in Gaza connected. THOUGH, some users are saying that a Global plan may also work but no confirmation yet.
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(I’m posting this via mobile so apologies for the formatting and quality)
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there were concerns that Nomad is Israeli owned but at the moment, that does not appear to be the case. If anyone has additional information or potential alternatives, please feel free to add on to this post!! (SEE START OF POST. It seems that Nomad has removed the Middle East as a data option plan from their site)
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QR and activation codes can be sent to [email protected] if you’re having trouble sending your e-sim to someone in Gaza. I was able to send mine quite easily!!
Twitter user Mirna_elhelbawai mentioned teaming up with Simlyapp to provide additional e-sims to Gaza, though it appears that donations are being halted for the time being due to needing time to allocate the funds they’ve received so far. however, they’ve provided user information for other individuals we can dm with any e-sims we have to give via IG and Twitter
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mercurysgem0 · 2 months
Tanjiro Headcanons! (General, Platonic, Romantic)
my first writing in a while, might be terrible. also the formatting MAYYYY be off i rarely use tumblr let alone post on here.. gulps. ENJOY THO!!! shoutout to @thecardiganzlovrx3 for some ideas and support love u a lot buddy! <3
-despite what everyone thinks, he is KINDA ASS at cooking 
-he doesn’t burn things (often) and knows how to sorta use spices and seasonings, but he is no 5 star chef 
-(probably isnt even 3 star)
-sometimes neglects his own hygiene, just isn’t that important to him with all of the things he has to do
-definitely reminds others to take care of themselves, though
-not disgusting by any means but perchance a little smelly here and there
-gets really embarrassed when he realizes how long its been since he’s gotten clean
-if this were the modern era he would for sure use 3-n-1 (sorry guys… its more efficient hes a busy man..)
-pine or a woodsy scent :)
-ROUUGGHHH hands i dont even think this is a hc this is CANON
-could sand wood with them thangs 
-cried when he got his ears pierced, he doesnt know why it just gave him the urge to cry :(
-loves animals, he listens very closely whenever Mitsuri is gushing about her cats
-cleanest desktop ever. so organized
-dont even get me started on his files
-he might not know a lot about technology but he knows how to keep it clean
-doesn’t download anything, just pictures of his family and friends
-lock screen would be a landscape, maybe a river or mountains
-main screen is for sure a picture of at least him and nezuko if not the whole squad
-doesn’t know how to download things on mobile 😭just took a screenshot of something he liked and set his wallpaper to it (credit to my wife kell for this one love u bby)
-definitely an android user, probably a samsung galaxy
-none of his contacts have pictures, he doesn’t know how to set them
-dry texter do i even need to say this
-isnt much of a music guy
-he wouldnt even know where to look to find music
-not that he doesnt like it, he just rarely listens on his own
Platonic: (like best friends)
-finds little things on his outings that reminds him of you
-sometimes he loses them and doesn’t realize until he’s back, and gets really sad
-always gives them to you when he doesn’t! it makes him really happy to see how much you like whatever it is he gave you
-he loves you like family and will treat you as such
-sometimes overbearing with his care but he means well
-crazy protective like how he is with all of his family (and friends for that matter)
-wouldn’t be the same if you died, for any reason
-there would definitely be a mental scar forever if he lost you
-always surprises him when you reciprocate any kind of love or care towards him, he just isnt used to it
-appreciates it a LOT though
-if you have longer hair he would definitely try and style it for you (disguises it as practice for nezuko’s hair but really he just thinks your current style is atrocious)
-if you have shorter hair, hes clueless. completely clueless
-no idea what to do so just brushes it and maybe puts in a cute little hair clip (GIGGLING TO MYSELF RN ANYWAYSSS)
-someone give me more ideas for this im OPEN TO ANYTHING i will do a part two if needed
-an old fashioned man (its literally the 1920s cmon)
-in addition to the things he finds to give you, he also buys you a lot of things
-doesnt care if you protest, he loves you so you have to accept it!
-very shy with affection at first, almost uncharacteristically 
-slow progression, doesn’t even kiss you until around 4 months in
-sometimes this makes you feel unloved, if you bring it up he’ll immediately apologize and try to reassure you, and explains hes not used to loving someone physically
-after this talk he does start doing little touches
-grabbing your shoulder, your hand, brushing your hair behind your ear, cute stuff like that!
-simple pet names nothing over the top
-honey, dear, baby, and maybe a cute personalized one :) (like something about your personality or an inside joke)
-uses your crow to find out what kind of dates you would like the best, and what to wear to said dates
-picture a cheesy 2000s movie getting ready scene like with the changing room and the peoples reactions but its tanjiro and your crow (ALSO CREDIT TO KELL FOR THIS MY LITTLE HELPER)
-goes over the top on holidays, especially because he probably doesnt get to actually enjoy very many holidays
-valentines day god. 
-gets really giddy when he sees you interacting with nezuko, something inside of him warms up (he definitely gets more cuddly after this)
-once he’s fully used to loving you, BE PREPARED.
-every love language ever
-mainly gift giving, words of affection, and physical touch
-not too big on pda but hes not completely against it
-he prefers to have private moments, your love is between him and you <3
-hand holding, hugging, kissing, he’ll do that stuff almost anywhere, but in small amounts
-behind closed doors.. hes a beast. 
-cuddling EVERY NIGHT HE CAN. loves being close to you and knowing you’re safe with him to protect you (he knows you’re strong and can fight anything off, it just gives him peace of mind)
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cripplecharacters · 2 months
Hi! I'm writing a character with forearm crutches, who came to use them for balance and stability as well as to alleviate pain and fatigue after receiving severe injuries that caused chronic pain (they were beaten). Are forearm crutches suitable for this? Is it reasonable for them to be able to be pretty mobile for a limited time but need thorough rest at others? The crutches would help with their pain, right? Though of course they will need to sit or even lie down, with plenty of things to help with the pain.
Oh, and since this is a historical fantasy of sorts, is it still possible for them to ride a horse? I imagine there must be a limit on how long they can do so, and probably for a less amount of time than they used to be able to do so before the injuries?
They used to be a dancer (and apprentice healer, though I doubt their knowledge will be affected by their mobility issues), and though I have seen people dance with elbow crutches I am anxious if it might feel like Inspiration Porn™?
I sincerely apologize for the barrage of questions! I wanted to make sure I got it right, as I do not suffer from the same type of pain as they do (my issues skew mental, plus some probable nerve damage on my left arm that left it far weaker than my right, and it'd lock up and stiffen when I use it too much).
If their pain and weakness is only or mostly in their legs, then this sounds fine. Crutches are good for stability and load reduction, but they do put a lot of strain on arms and wrists.
It's fine for them to have varying mobility and pain levels--that's accurate to many people's experiences with chronic pain. As a crutch user, I like sitting down whenever possible; my crutches just help when I do need to move.
From what I understand, horse riding will definitely be difficult as it involves a lot of leg strength, but maybe with some adaptations and reduced time they could do it. As alternatives, they maybe could ride with someone else or in a horse-pulled carriage?
I dance and I don't think that sounds like inspiration porn at all! Disabled people participating in physical activity isn't inspiration porn unless the message is "they're doing it, why can't you (able-bodied viewers)?"
Mod Rock
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Submissions closed !!
Yeahoo!!! I didn’t consider this at all, and just threw this together because I love polls but here we fuckin go!!
No songs from artists with over 5k monthly listeners or followers. Smaller artists will be prioritized if I get more submissions than expected. This one will get more lenient if nobody submits anything lmao.
Songs that are clearly hateful will not be tolerated. If I’m alerted that your song is weirdo shit (racist, terfy, ableist, or literally anything else) it’s getting banned fuck you.
Songs that are submitted more than once will not be added (because I’m being a pompous hipster about this and that means it’s TOO POPULAR!!!). Feel free to ask if a song has been submitted tho
You are FULLY ALLOWED to submit your own songs, but they don’t have to be yours. As l ong as it’s obscure go for it.
You MAY submit multiple, though if you submit many from one artist please understand that I might just choose the one or two I like most :-)
Submissions will be accepted until April 20th OR until we hit 256 nominations. Yahoo!!!!
Inspired by: @the-nobody-tournament , @lovesongbracket , @amputeeblondiebattle , and @the-ultimate-tournament (boost would be ultra appreciated, but no worries if not !! If you’re somehow seeing this without seeing those ones PLEASE check them out very funny)
(Hope it’s okay to @ ? Sorry if not :) )
(Apologies for any errors my draft text is black and I can’t see shit. I’m trying my very bestest (is this fixable or shall I simply suffer? (Mobile user (tumblr sucks why am I here.))))
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tenjikubaby · 2 years
you have one (1) new message!
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s62 (+ kakucho) texting/messaging HCs
Rindou: The “whats up” guy
Fair emoji use, texting abbreviations, and slang. Can’t care less about proper capitalization or spelling words correctly unless he really wants you to leave him alone. He can be a bit dry as a texter because he prefers to tell you stuff in calls or in person. Usually takes hours or even days to reply unless you’re special to him (you only need to wait minutes if so). Being an extrovert, I think many people messaging him so sometimes your messages might get buried under everyone else’s, and he’s usually too lazy to check everything. 
Ran: The “Good morning. How are you?”  guy
He wants to sound formal and intelligent over text, so he’s got complete sentences, good grammar, proper punctuation and capitalization even if you’re close. Rare emoji use, and if he uses one it’s only the basic smiley/sad faces because he’s too lazy to check out the other emojis outside that. Would likezone you on Messenger or send you those sparkly gifs and it doesn’t mean anything! He’s just kind of a boomer. Leaves you on read often but that also doesn’t mean anything because he might have a) fallen asleep, b) started zoning out, c) just forgot to reply. 
Shion: The "WHAT" guy
WACKY. Lots of emojis (his favorites are the fire, 100, and devil emojis), abuses Caps Lock, may spam you when excited. Sometimes, you might wake up to 35+ new messages from him, a lot of them different variations of “[NAME] WAKE UP BRO CHECK THIS OUT 🔥🔥🔥” (and it’s just a screenshot of a scammy “Congratulations you won a new iPhone!!” message from a free movie website. He already put his details in.) Reply speed is FAST unless he's in a fight or meeting. Laughs at the memes you send like 'HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA' because he doesn’t believe in lol or lmao or rofl. He’s quite fun to talk to because his reactions are so enthusiastic and extra. 
Izana: The “yes? 🤯” guy
Heavy emoji user. Uses emojis that sometimes mismatch the tone of his message so he can be confusing to talk to. It’s just one of his quirks though. You’ll know immediately if he likes or dislikes you because if he doesn’t like you, he just sends something like “shut the fuck up 😄”. Doesn’t abbreviate too much, but adheres to proper punctuation and types complete sentences. The type of person to respond to you with pictures instead of typing. (Like, if you ask “Where are you?” he sends you a close-up of his face and just above it you can see the sign of the restaurant he’s about to enter). Likes to send memes and reaction pics as well.  Reply speed is quite slow but doesn't exceed a day. 
Kakucho: The "hello :)" guy
Refuses to use emojis, prefers to just type out his smileys/sad faces. No caps. Abbreviates a lot of words but still uses proper punctuation because he doesn’t want to sound monotone. His texting is quite informal but still very much polite unless you’re close friends (he’ll be less polite then). He apologizes if he took too long to reply to you, which happens every time because Kaku isn’t on his phone much. If it’s really urgent, you’re better off calling him. If you send him a meme, he might not get it because he’s also not much of an internet person (unless you sent something that’s universally funny, to which he’ll reply “haha :D”). 
Mocchi: The "sup" guy
It’s really much better and easier to talk to him in person or just call. This guy’s phone is almost always dead. He plays lots of mobile games and spends so much time on YouTube, then forgets to charge his phone. When he does reply, he sounds so lazy: 1-3 words and little-to-no-effort in continuing the conversation at all. You see abbreviated words and no emojis, punctuations and caps. This is not because he doesn’t like you, but it’s because he prefers to talk to people face-to-face. 
Mucho: The plain "Hi" guy
Sounds way too serious in text. He’s not one for perfect grammar and punctuations in text, but you still feel his seriousness. Another slow replyer—barely on his phone because he actually touches grass. He prefers to talk through call, but when you do call, make sure it’s really important or you’d hear a deep sigh on the other end before he says goodbye and hangs up. Would likezone you just like Ran because these two are boomers deep down. Leaves people on read if he thinks the message is not worth replying to. 
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Hello everyone!! We're looking to pick up possibly one or two mods to help with the workload, if anyone is interested! It's been a bit difficult to maintain 13 posts/day between the two of us, and with enough help, we should be able to maintain that queue rate or maybe even increase it a little! There's also some things that would be really nice to do if all of the time we spent dedicated to the blog wasn't just making sure the queue didn't empty out haha
If you're interested, please send an ask off-anon, and I'll DM you from my main when I can! If you don't allow DMs from your main, you can also give a different way to contact you as well in your ask! (Like the URL of a sideblog with DMs open!) Thank you !!
More info under the cut!!
The main modding responsibilities include:
Gathering album information into the planning spreadsheet.
Taking that information and drafting the posts to queue them.
Less importantly, helping keep track of links for posted polls and copying over the poll results.
These can largely be completed independently, aside from any obvious ordering restrictions (can't queue a post if you don't have the data put together), so if, for any reason, you're only able to do one of the first two on a temporary or even permanent basis, it would still be a lot of help.
In terms of technological requirements, all information can be accessed on websites free-of-charge, two require a (free) account to get access to the album images, and everything can be done strictly in-browser if needed. We do use Google Sheets for the planning sheet, but I don't think you need a Google account to edit/access it. I do not think this is something that is reasonable to do on mobile, so you would need access to a desktop/laptop computer.
I think things can be made considerably easier if you can use some non-browser programs. I personally use a Windows 10 computer + Firefox for my own workflow, but things aren't impossible without it for sure! There's always more than one way to do things. I have no idea what potential difficulties may occur for someone who is a Mac + Safari user, for instance. Oh! And in terms of communication, Discord is best, so it would be helpful if that's something you use as well!
Also we're all here to have fun so like this isn't a job much less a role with strict expectations, so it doesn't have to be like a primary responsibility for you or anything like that!
Also apologies if I take a bit to get back to anyone who does send a message! I'm multitasking between my job and some other obligations so I might not see any notifications right away, and I need to coordinate adding any new mods with my co-mod so there might be a bit of waiting involved unfortunately!! Thank you so much to anyone who reaches out though !!
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lizdive · 3 months
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⤹ROBIN ୨୧ 5teen. any prns. amateur writer. archive. ˎˊ˗
ONE 𝜗𝜚 i don’t care if you repost my works just give credit plsplspls !! don’t claim my work as yours though i doubt anyone would do so LMFAO
TWO 𝜗𝜚 idc who interacts with me as long as you’re not part of the basic dni list (pedo, racist, homophobe, etc.)
THREE 𝜗𝜚 i didn’t write nsfw
FOUR 𝜗𝜚 if the layouts look weird it’s because i was a mobile user
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⤹❝ Oh, 아름답지만 섬찟할 거야 ❞ ˎˊ˗
( ͈ര ̫ര ͈) ⊹`𓈒 inbox and requests closed — this blog is an archive.
( ͈ര ̫ര ͈) ⊹`𓈒 I apologize for all the people who’s requests I didn’t do,, you’re free to message me (i’ll allow it despite my messages being closed) about it and I can make them public should anyone want to write them. Again I’m sorry.
( ͈ര ̫ര ͈) ⊹`𓈒 If anyone tries to shit on me for archiving this blog so soon — I have no motivation to write for star rail. My interest is dying quickly. I’m tired in real life. The school I’m getting into requires a lot of meetings and paper shit and stuff and it’s also been taking up my time. I’m not in the proper place right now to write requests and things in general. This sounds stupid, I know. But I’m just so suddenly tired.
( ͈ര ̫ര ͈) ⊹`𓈒 i’m probably going to take a break from social media entirely and go inactive on all / any accounts and start new after some time. Discord, Instagram, Twitter, etc. To anyone who added me on those socials — I’m sorry. Don’t bother yourselves with me. Enjoy your lives!! I hope they are filled with joy.
( ͈ര ̫ര ͈) ⊹`𓈒 tags; no more to be added.
robin’s writing ⟢ stuff i write
robin’s stars ⟢ anons / users from inbox
robin’s notes ⟢ not writing related
platonic relationships ⟢ self explanatory
romantic relationships ⟢ self explanatory
some things are untagged with the upper two and that means its up for interpretation
masterlist ⟢ self explanatory
( ͈ര ̫ര ͈) ⊹`𓈒 divider credits; @/cafekitsune ,, @/aquazero
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knchins · 2 years
hiii 🤍 if possible, could i request a part 2 of the trust issues s/o, but this time with mitsuya and maybe baji??
also, i hope ur day/evening is going rlly well ☺️
Hi hi!! Of course! My day has been very good! I hope your day/night is also going well ^-^ Sorry this took some time, I hope you enjoy!
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Pairing: Mitsuya x Reader, Baji x Reader
TW: hurt/comfort, minor neglect, minor depictions of PTSD/trauma, mild angst (with happy endings)
Reader Type: Gender Neutral (Baji refers to reader as Angel) Word Count: ~300 each
A/N: I won't be doing colored text anymore as I see that it messes up default color text for dark mode users on mobile! Apologies for that <3 You can read part one here.
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Mitsuya had been working longer hours than usual lately. He had a fashion show at the end of the week and while he promised to make time for you, he had failed to keep it for several days in a row. Now he was arriving home to your shared apartment, a carefully made dinner long gone cold still sat on the dining table. A frown formed on his lips as he searched to find you curled up on your bed in the fetal position, crying softly. 
“Hey, hey, come on now.” He said softly as he laid down beside you, wrapping you in his arms. You flinched at the soft touch, and he instantly felt a huge wave of guilt wash over him. “I’m sorry,” He said as he tried to pepper you with kisses, but each time you shied away from him. 
“This is the fourth night in a row, Taka.” You mumbled, obviously still very upset with him. A few kisses weren’t going to dig him out of the hole he had put himself in by overworking. He had always struggled with time management, especially when a deadline was so close. 
“I know,” though he sounded regretful, you were skeptical of how bad he truly felt. Mitsuya wanted nothing more than to bring that pretty smile back to your face. “Why didn’t you call me? I told you before you should. I get so wrapped up that I forget to check the time.” 
“I just figured if you cared, you would want to come home and spend time with me.” You replied, and he knew that your fractured trust was partially his fault. He kissed the top of your head, his lips lingering there for a long time as you lay in silence for what felt like hours. 
“I’ve been working on a surprise for you.” He admitted sheepishly, “I wasn’t going to tell you but the grande finale to my show is a garment I made especially for you. I’ve just been so obsessed with making it perfect that I guess I lost sight of what’s more important, which is our relationship. 
A small smile lit up your face, “Really? For me?” 
“Yes, of course.” He said, giving your body a gentle squeeze as he hugged you. “Just for you.”
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Baji had always been a bit of a wild card. He was known to fly off the handle at small inconveniences, and something even had simple as hunger could make him do violent things. However, one thing Baji had never done was show this kind of violence towards you.
It wasn’t until one particularly bad night, he had gotten into a fight and was still high on adrenaline when he came home. He began slamming doors to cabinets, kicking furniture, and generally being aggressive towards inanimate objects. 
He was too caught up in his anger to notice the way you were cowering away from him. How every loud sound that he made would make you swallow hard and pull the blanket wrapped around your shoulders even tighter. It wasn’t until he realized that you were missing from his side did he notice how petrified you looked. 
“Hey, hey, Angel I’m sorry.” He murmured, knowing he’d gotten caught up in his own head again. He didn’t mean to frighten you, and while he’d never lay a hand on you he knew that your trauma response couldn’t be helped. He put on a smile to try and show that he wasn’t upset and you let out a relieved sigh. 
“I hate when you get like that, Kei…” You said in a quiet voice.
“I know,” He replied, pulling you into a tight hug. “I got carried away again. There’s some ice cream in the freezer, why don’t I make us both a bowl and you put on a movie you like, would that make you feel better?” 
You nodded, relieved that he could be so sweet and understanding despite such a rough exterior. Baji pulled away from you and grinned. “Go pick out what you want to watch, then.” He watched as you shuffled into the living room and he made a mental note that next time he should just stay out until he’s calmed down. 
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Request Rules
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dj-of-the-coven · 11 months
Hit me with your favorite defunct website
You will regret this.
Have you ever felt isolated by the modern internet, or nostalgic for the way that you can vaguely--but not entirely--remember experiencing as a child? Well I can't speak for everyone, but the past few years certainly have left me feeling that way. Certain nostalgia posts made circa 2021 got my brain churning in that direction, dredging up ancient memories of reading personal blogs and spending hours on flash game websites that were more or less entirely nuked from the internet by my adulthood. The more I remembered, the more distressed I felt by their absence, even though it'd been years since I even remembered most of that stuff existed...
Aside from Animal Jam, I wasn't sure if anything I knew from my mid 2000s-early 2010s childhood experience was out there on the web somewhere--so, I did as any normal teenager would and I started doing copious amounts of research into a subject that basically didn't exist. I discovered the internet archive entirely on accident; spent days examining the layout of early youtube and any other sites I could remember, navigating by year and trying to figure out when everything took a turn for the worst. I started browsing through webcore tags on tumblr just to get close to what I wanted, because "old internet" yielded few results at the time, and google's input was less than useless. Only a few blogs on tumblr had the kind of content I was looking for, but eventually I struck gold when one of them pointed me in a brand new direction of hope.
This is when I discovered neocities.
Of course, I was already familiar with the webhosting platform of geocities from the old days. Geocities was one of the primary hosting platforms that I remembered without the help of research, but you may already have guessed by the lack of a link that it's dead--and you'd be right. It actually shut down back in 2009, which I learned through the same post that advertised its independent successor. For some reason, I'd always associated the memory with the time I was in kindergarten, but the date of shutdown actually confirmed that I must've known about it earlier, making the platform one of my first memories! It's been gone for a while, but not the impression of it that I had as a core pillar in my early web experience. And then there was neocities. What was that? I immediately went to investigate.
Of course, I was mostly doing this in between two late-night bussing jobs to afford my shitty apartment, aside from being in my final year of high school, so progress was slow. At the starbucks next to my school, I was always holed up in the corner during my short window of off-time with a coffee and my computer setup. It took some time, but I began browsing through the top pages one-by-one, following links and cataloguing where they led to. I took stock of which sites linked to one another. Eventually, I noticed a pattern: a lot of them linked back to a website called sadgrl.online, a purple and black neon haven of internet culture run by a webmaster known as Sadness. Everyone say hello to our defunct website of the hour!
At the time, the thing was absolutely bustling. Almost all of the most popular sites on neocities were linked to Sadness' site somehow, usually through her button collection. My own personal site, which I started building around that time, also contained one of her web buttons. She has several, but her most popular one looks like this. (I apologize if you're on mobile. It will NOT look good.)
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I was intrigued! In a community so removed from the usual mainstays of the internet, there existed a blog that hundreds of neocities users were visiting every day, and I very quickly became one of them once I finished looking through her thought-provoking essays on programming and web culture. Her site went through a number of layout changes while I was a regular visitor--the vast majority of them are catalogued on the site itself if not also on the internet archive. It was a blog dedicated to the exact thing that I was interested in; what I had been searching for since the modern web started rubbing me the wrong way in my burgeoning adulthood. Her page prominently featured an essay on the faults of centralized internet and her journey to foster a space more accepting of individuality, information, and creativity without thought of profit. I was totally enamored, especially with the appealing gothic graphics that surrounded the lengthy text!
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(here's a capture from August 2022)
Aside from Sadness, several other active community members had formed an alliance of websites dedicated to the preservation of old internet culture and the cultivation of unique online spaces. These people called themselves the Yesterweb. The yesterweb was run mainly by webmasters known as Auzzie Jay, Madness, Tsvety, Grafo, Cinni, Vincent, Iris, and Sadness herself, but webmaster Melon (of MelonLand fame) also ran a forum that was parallel to the movement. The yesterweb was a massive project that included an online newspaper, a web radio station, several introductory programming manuals, a forum, web-themed essays from neocities users, button makers, layout creators, and terms and definitions for people new to the decentralized experience. It was easy to get lost in it all... for a time, the rabbit hole felt endless and exciting.
Every day, I returned to check updates on Sadness' various projects while I began work on my own website. She had totally convinced me of my own convictions--I bought the dream hook, line, and sinker. My only goal for a while was for my site to eventually be included in the yesterweb webring alongside all these amazing programmers. I wanted to contribute to the world of creativity that I could only dream of when HTML was still just meaningless jargon to me! But I was too slow learning the languages necessary, and the yesterweb was just growing too fast to be contained. I dipped for a few months to focus on my move to a new city, and by the time I returned, the whole yesterweb had disappeared scorched-earth style.
Okay, so what the fuck happened?
Currently, on the front page of what used to be a hopeful and inspiring collection of internet resources, there's a long essay made by the webmasters who founded the project, detailing burnout and massive stress due to the community growing faster than they could moderate it. It is certainly not poorly-intentioned. However, the discovery was absolutely devastating to me. My dream had gone up in smoke before I could even try to reach it, and I was apparently a part of the problem by caring so much about it. The radio station is gone. The webring was deleted. The forums shut down. My favorite webmasters' sites were no longer being updated. I felt awful for the people who had been affected by all this stress and pressure, but after so long of working to join the movement, I felt betrayed by their abandonment. The yesterweb disappeared in almost exactly the same way the old web did the first time--ripped from my fingers before I was able and ready to participate. And I can only wonder... what happened to the goal of turning the internet back into a place for us? How did it get to the point of ruining these people's lives within the span of maybe two years? I'm really not sure. There's a lot about this story I still don't know, and there's not really a way to access the drama that happened in a discord server that I never joined. The information published on the yesterweb's page is the only reliable source I'm currently aware of.
Still, in spite of it all, Sadness' website has remained one of my major inspirations in programming and web philosophy. I may be in mourning about a dream that died before it could truly live, but whenever I think about the months that I spent eagerly browsing her site for updates, I remember that spark that initially inspired me to begin researching the net in the first place. She was a major player in the game--not the only one. The website that she created was my favorite while it was active, and now it is my favorite website that is currently defunct.
Thank you for coming to my tedtalk.
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@lonelychicagos posted a prompt talking about an anonymous website that eventually led to the Hotchniss reunion and I took it and RAN. Here is what I hope to be part 1 of a multichapter fic. I also despise tumblr formatting nd i’m on mobile so apologies.
Here is the original prompt!
The Phoenix and the Rocket
She doesn’t know why she does it. She chalks it up to Penelope’s unwavering, relentless, quite frankly annoying efforts to get her to make friends. Or maybe it was Dave’s prodding comments about her home life. Probably Tara and JJ’s mischievous scheming during BAU drinks or Luke’s teasing. Could have been becuse of Reid’s statistics and prattling about her age and how ‘lonely people are more likely to experience depression’. Bastard. She gave him more paperwork than anyone else. Perhaps it was the jealousy that flairs in her chest whenever she watches Matt interact with his kids or when her phone pings when Derek sends a picture into their group chat of Hank standing for the first time.
Although, if asked, she’ll say it’s the wine.
Her therapist was the one who brought up the forum in the first place. “It’s a great way to meet with people, Emily” The woman told her softly towards the end of their first session. “People who have unimaginable trauma, like yourself.”
So that was how Emily Prentiss found herself on a Saturday night making an account to sign into the website ‘TraumaBuddies’. The name alone left a vile taste in her mouth, which she squished down with another gulp of red wine. It was a website where strangers can willingly dump on a public forum, opening themselves up to a conversation. Therapists have called it revolutionary ; No one helps the traumatised like the traumatised
She spends hours combing through different stories of the horrible trauma people have endured. One or twice, she comes across familiar stories that she’s almost certain we’re victims of cases her team (both past and present solved.) Her heart tugs when the username ‘KatieJacobs235’ pops up. Emily reaches out to her personally, messaging the girl who would be no doubt in her 20’s by now, more nausea swirled in her stomach at the passage of time, and types a message she hopes would be comforting.
It was the next post that made her stop scrolling entirely. The horrors the user ‘RockyRacoon’ (The Beatles song made her snort) went through was unbelievable. If Emily hadn’t seen or even been through the shit she had , she would call bs and move on.
A serial killer who got his wife, his son been the target of another, a bomb and losing another woman he loved when she died alongside countless of other trauma dumps in one go. That was incredible and inspiring to live through.
She blames the wine for the fact she didn’t draw up the similarities sooner as she types a message out.
PhoenixPren : You are inspiring. Take it from someone who’s seen a lot and been through a lot. Everything you have been through has made you stronger, and I - for one- am proud of the fact you’re still around. May I ask some questions?
And she hits send.
Getting a ping on his laptop at 1am on a Saturday night from that goddam website his 16 year old son signed him up on was the last thing Aaron Hotchner expected. He wasn’t even the one who wrote it, Jack did it for him, and as such never actually expected anything to come of it.
“Dad, It’ll be good” Jack had said. “You can talk about everything anonymously. It might be helpful to write it all down.”
He hadn’t though, content in leaving the one post up there. Jack had said everything he would have said, anyway.
It had been hard for both of them. Being the target of serial killer would damage people well enough but the target of a second one was downright ludicrous.
When they emerged from Witsec, their old names mixing with their new - Frank and Max - and their old life threatening their new one, Jack had fell back into routine immediately. His first contact was his aunt, then his old friends. It was good, Aaron thought, that he was able to settle in. The nightmares still persisted and there were demons around every corner but Jack took his mothers genes and held his head high, going along with the flow.
Aaron couldn’t. He couldn’t return back to that life - to them, the bau, to the woman who packed up her life from another continent solely to save his ass and because he had asked her to, to Aaron. He briefly entertained the idea of picking up the phone, wondering deeply if she experienced the same identity crisis he put himself through, after he forced her into a similar situation.
He didn’t though, and he stayed hidden like a coward.
No one had opened up dialogue on the website, the ex-agent chalked it up to intimidation, until now, 3 months after it was posted. More intrigued and bored than anything, Jack was out for the night with friends, Hotch clicked the notification. His ever present frown deepened at the username, his brain fruitlessly searched for what had sparked recognition.
When nothing ultimately came up, Aaron sighed. He read over the thoughtful message multiple times, debating on a response. Jack’s words echoed in his brain. It’ll be good.
What has he got to lose?
PhoenixPren : May I ask some Questions?
RockyRacoon : Thank you for your kind words. What would you like to know?
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
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i-write-boop-spoops · 2 years
Leon with a wheelchair-user! S/O headcanons!
on mobile again (on the bus this time so slay) so apologies if formatting is weird!
thanks so much to the person who requested this! you were a great help ! and apologies for the wait omg
features gn! reader and leon being a good bf!
disclaimer: i am not a wheelchair user nor have any mobility-related issues (i am disabled though, one of those cheeky visually impaired girlies 🦯) so as always, if i have made a mistake, please don't hesitate to reach out and i'll get it sorted!
One thing about Leon
Is that he's strong
So fit
And so willing to give a hand
So if you ever need to take break from rolling your wheels yourself
He's so ready and willing to push you about
In fact, whenever you're out together, he always offers to push your wheelchair right away
It's very sweet, how caring he is, but also how respectful he is when you decline
He'll carry you too
No problem at all
Bridal-style, (te)piggyback, over his shoulder firefighter-style
Whatever you prefer!
It comes in handy when you're in a place that's not very accessible
Or, you just want your big strong man to lift you up like you’re nothing
If you ever need him to help you stand, you know he's got you
You feel so secure and safe in his arms!
This also goes if you ever need support when walking
Gets his car refitted to make it more accessible for you
now you have no excuse, you have to ride in the carizard
Renovates his place too
He plans to wake up next to you for the rest of his life, it's the least he can do
Being the champion’s S/O has a ton of perks
You get invited to exclusive events, get TONS of free stuff, be the most envied person in the region
You find people are more likely to go and above and betond for you
Not because you require accomodations though don’t be silly
But because your boyfriend is the unbeatable champuon
It’s not the best reason for your needs being met
You’ll take what Ws you can get honestly
Lee, by the nature of his career
And really, by his kind and generous personality
Does a lot of charity work
Even working with wheelchair-user related charities before you two ever met
But being with you, seeing your day-to-day. witnessing how inaccessible the world can be
In ways he would have never considered
Really upped his contribution to these charities
He's tryna give you the best life he can
Trying to provide that for others in your situation seems only the right thing to do, especially considering his position
Has a wheelchair patch on his cape to show support during his matches
Luckily Wyndon Stadium is state-of-art
In terms of everything - accessibility included!
It is the crown jewel of Galar after all
Ramps, lifts, automatic doors. multiple accessible bathrooms, specialized viewing areas for wheelchair users
Accessible showers too ;)
Even the VIP area is wheelchair-friendly!
Though you tend to watch from his locker room instead
So you can give your champ a big ol'smooch after his match
Occasionally idotic interviewers praise him for how “brave” and “inspiring” he is for openly dating a disabled peron
Of course, he’s quick to shut that kind of ignorant, condescending shit down
He won’t let anyone talk about you that way
The media, his fans, even people you know
It really grinds his gears – even more since he knows he can’t get angry in public
Naturally, he’s  your biggest cheerleader
He is always there to encourage you 
To give you that support when you're struggling with something
He's careful not to push too far though
After all, it's your body, your limits 
You know yourself and what you can do in that moment more than he ever can
But still, you value his encouragement and belief in you
Even if it's just for a confidence boost!
Whatever you do
Don't let him even think about decorating your wheelchair
You've seen how he dresses and his car - there's no way it can go well
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is-that-plural · 1 month
ive already submitted gammamon/gulusgammamon before but i also wanna mention kiyoshiro higashimitarai from digimon ghost game!
kiyoshiro is generally portrayed as a scaredy-cat throughout the show but every so often in episodes he’ll blackout and suddenly become really brave and confident and act like a different person entirely, and when he goes back to being the scaredy-cat he doesnt remember what happened at all while the brave kiyoshiro was out. these switches (for lack of a better word) happen pretty consisently starting with his debut episode although towards the end of the show it becomes less frequent but granted dgg went through development issues and has a kinda lackluster ending anyways so *shrug*
ive personally always read this as system-coded and again know other systems within the ghost game fandom who think the same abt kiyoshiro! i do think its not quite as obvious as it is with gammamon/gulusgammamon though.
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{this image is so long, i do apologize for mobile users}
Rating: that is accidentally pretty plural !
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sugarcloudsky · 2 years
「Beep beep! Ticket inspection time!」
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hello!!! welcome to my blog ^_^
my name is auggie and i’m a new writer for cookie run: kingdom!! my pronouns are he/him :3
i’m still fairly new to tumblr as a whole, so please be patient with me!!
i focus more on kingdom, but i may try to write for ovenbreak as well!
also, apologies for some possible wonky formatting, i am a mobile user lol
here is my masterlist! <3
i will take requests! though of course, there are some rules and things to know:
i will not be writing any nsfw. i am 18, but it makes me uncomfortable!
i only write x reader stuff! character x characters are harder for me to write.
all readers are gender neutral. exceptions will be rare, as i like to keep all my readers gn so all can enjoy!
when requesting, please do not send in a simple “character x reader.” i’m not asking you to be ultra specific, just some minor details will be enough!
i can write both platonic and romantic! as well as some fluffy and angsty stuff ^_^
i will not write yandere fics, as i do not enjoy writing them.
i may try to write for ovenbreak characters, but please note that since i am still a new player, characterization may be super flimsy!
i am more comfortable with kingdom obviously, so i will be able to write for characters in kingdom more easily!
request status: closed!<3
be aware some things may change on this list!!!
enjoy your stay<3
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lilacartsmadsion · 1 year
yeah harassing 14yos is bad but nothing in the screenshots that person sent was.. harrassing. its just people discussing and agreeing with how fucking weird it is to insist on a black man becoming a brutal cannibal beast for an au. do you not agree with that?
Though I never input my opinion on that. I will say it was messed up to make Cacao a cannibal.
However the screenshots were to show who was doing the harassment. Not the actual harassment. And the reasons for the harassment.
@beatrixblog actively apologized and deleted the post of their fanfic about that.
However, it did not take an apology for others to stop harassing them for their mistake. Not only did RiverArts cause the situation to go public, they allowed people other than themselves to actively harass @beatrixblog for their mistake. (They have specified that it was not only RiverArts and the people in the screenshots that was involved in the situation but others)
If you’re gonna ask why wasn’t the harassment screenshot then? Either while attempting to deal with the situation the harassers deleted their comments or the photo limit was reached when @beatrixblog sent in the screenshots. (For Mobile the photo limit is either 9 or 5) there are plenty of reasons why someone wouldn’t just send me a whole collection of their harassment.
Furthermore,there were multiple Twitter users that depicted Berserk Cacao as Animalistic, and even Twitter users who argued over a Dragon Cacao post to and I quote.
‘If you want Cacao to be animalistic or more of a monster, then you should just use Berserk Cacao’
Yet when someone, A MINOR or someone who DID give Cacao animalistic traits or traits of a monster, they were actively harassed and bullied for their situation. (Screenshots not shown for whatever reason)
While I do agree that it is MESSED UP to place cannibalistic traits to a black person, I do question how and why that is racist, do enlighten me or correct me in my understanding as
I will remain neutral to this situation and only generalize the fact that you are not entitled to harass minors for their mistake.
Furthermore, I too would like to see how people correct me if I am wrong to think this way but…
Is it really racist if a black person is cannibal?
I’m not saying this is a real life situation cause that’s just messed up as hell, but if one were to make a black person cannibal is it considered racist?
Please correct me if it is absolutely offensive I will personally like you to educate me about that.
From what I understand, you cannot make a black person cannibal cause that generalizes that black people are violent and dangerous. And to put black people in that kind of generalization is wrong.
But what about characters that are actually violent and dangerous and have racial representation? Is that considered racist?
If a black character turns out to be a serial killer, and then gets arrested, is that considered racist? Or is it racist for that black character to be used as a victim and for the serial killer to be white?
Example 2:
If a black character resorts to cannibalism or likes cannibalism is it mere psychotic or racist? Or is it racist that a black character gets eaten by a white cannibal character?
Because cannibalism is a generalization for every race not just white people.
Again, as I have repeatedly said, is it racist to depict a black character as cannibal? Depending on the situation the black character could be cannibal.
Again I do agree that it is highly MESSED UP, but I really need others to consider this question because hell even I am confused.
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