#though i wouldn't dare think that i'd finish this in three hours
skrunksthatwunk · 2 months
household enemy to the yyh watchthrough number one is the olympics. it's taken us a week to get two episodes into the gamemaster fight
#out of three. please the third episode's what makes it okay im fighting for my life out here#it is NOT for lack of trying on my part but theres only a brief window of time when the olympics is not happening#and as it turns out the watchthrough is Not my mom's first priority (how dare she etc)#i do feel slightly bitter that we've gotten through two eps of band o brothers in the same time#we are fighting for the same timeslots yet somehow the hour long show's gotten a leg up??#you don't have time for a 23 min ep but DO for a 60 min one?? explain the math to me please#idk how to explain the vague feeling of betrayal bc it Does Not make sense Nor matter in the slightest#but cmonnnn we were doing so well. and my little bro's starting up school again soon and my dad's gotta go back to work#sometimes eventually (<- hes on medical leave) and my grandparents are coming over next week We're Losing Time Soon#ughhh if i'd known the olympics were happening (<- somehow completely oblivious to this) i'd have accounted for#my mom getting whisked away by the land of synchronized divers and shot putters and whatever the hell#happens in the summer olympics (<- only pays attention to winter olys)#bc that always happens. and *i* have to go back to school in Some Amount Of Time Im Too Scared To Check (p sure it's late aug though) and#when that happens i'll (hopefully) be stuck across town which means we won't be able to do it any time besides the weekends#and i don't wannaaaaa#i know this is the least important problem anyone's ever had like i get that i know but#it's important to me that they sit down and watch this with me. and watching it pull apart and being#the one who's easily the most invested it makes me look all desperate when i ask them for their time and they can't give it#we can only pull this off neatly in the summer and we were so close and now we're losing it right at the finish line#i don't want life to get in the way of this little bubble i've fought so hard to make y'know#and it's childish and embarrassing and whatever but i just want them to have fun with me with this thing i care about a lot#but i can't do that bc my mom needs to watch the judo matches at Every weight class#even though she's recording a lot of them? i don't understand but whatever i know it's her thing im just moping about it ig#i want it to be as perfect an experience for them as possible and it's slipping away from me#and i don't wanna leave this project unfinished when i start school y'know. sighh#i think they might feel like i only want them around when we're watching stuff. whcih is weird bc that's like#The Singular Way we family bonded literally my whole life so idk why they wouldn't get that when reversed#but either way that IS how i wanna spend time with them. i want them to understand this thing that's become a part of me#and i wanna talk With them about it. and so far it's been fun in a way it's never been before. my mom at least seems to really like it#and i want it to Keep going well bc if we lose momentum im worried they'll start finding it tedious. sighh
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A reader asked for a Draco x Dione one-shot fic years ago. They wanted to see how Draco and Skyrah's sister got together after Voldie's death. I'm slow at writing. You know me. But it's here and it's too long to be considered a one-shot, so it'll be a three-chaptered story plus its epilogue.
Here are the links to the story:
FFN (this site says the story can't be found; I think it's a bug and in a few hours the issue should be solved. If you prefer FFN over AO3, you'll have to wait, I'm afraid).
Though this is a Drione fic, the Snapes (including Harry Potter-Snape) will be present throughout the story. As will the Malfoys and a special character (though the latter won't make an appearance just yet).
Under the cut, there's the last Drione scene after the war is over, in case you have forgotten this adorable Slytherpuff couple. The new update takes place right after this scene.
Spoilers ahead if you haven't read "It's Not That Simple" (AO3, FFN):
He kissed the top of her head, resulting in her giving him a watery smile.
"We should pick Corbin up," she whispered.
Severus nodded and craned his neck, scanning what was left of the Great Hall. Harry was still with his friends. Dione, however, was out of sight. Without them, the Snapes wouldn't leave the place.
"Where's your sister?"
After a quick glance-over, Skyrah mumbled, "Over there."
Following the direction she was pointing to with his gaze, he spotted not Dione but the Malfoys, near the Slytherin table. Narcissa and Lucius stood arm in arm in an attempt to feel less judged under the wary looks they were being thrown. Their scruffy appearance, though uncharacteristic of them, didn't surprise him, not as much as Narcissa's squinting eyes and Lucius's agape mouth.
Stiff as a board, Draco stood at a short distance from his parents. Dione was pressing her cheek against his, chin resting on his shoulder, arms tight around his form. His self-restraint vanished along with his embarrassment when she whispered something in his ear, if his face now buried in her unkempt curls and his arms drawing her closer were of any indication.
Severus walked towards them, pulling Skyrah with him. No longer out of earshot, they were able to follow the conversation between the teenagers.
"We're no longer enemies," said Dione, eyes gleaming in anticipation.
Draco, enchanted by her until then, took a sudden step back, breaking the embrace. The sneer back on his face hardened his already sharp features.
"Haven't you seen the way they're looking at me? At my family? You better get away from me. I should have never allowed myself to–"
"To what? To get close to me?" She blew out a noisy breath. "I'd be gone if you hadn't."
"I'm dark. I'll end up hurting you."
"The only thing you seem to do is help me, even when we're on different sides. And you still have the nerve to tell me you'd hurt me?"
"Everybody would gossip and wonder why you'd be with someone like me, and they'd be right," he finished in a bitter tone.
"They don't know you like I do. Why do you care about other people's opinion, anyway?"
"Why don't you? If we were together and I or my parents were sent to Azkaban, you'd–"
Dione flung her arms round him, and the world stopped.
"What the…" started Severus, unable to finish the sentence.
He recovered soon from the shock of witnessing Dione silencing Draco with a smacking kiss. Granted, he had caught many students engaged in snogging sessions and other acts of intimacy, but the fact his sister-in-law was involved made all the difference. He glimpsed at Skyrah, concerned about her reaction. To his surprise, she was grinning lopsidedly. He uncovered the reason as soon as he realized she was staring at the Malfoys. Oh, quite the comical sight, they were. Lucius's eyes were virtually bulging out of his face. Narcissa, on the other hand, looked more curious than shocked, occasionally shooting hostile glares at those who dared whisper about her son.
Dione smiled into the kiss, putting an end to it, and Draco, try as he might, couldn't look anywhere but her mouth. Even if he felt the prying eyes of his parents and professors on him, probably waiting for an explanation, he couldn't bring himself to offer one. He cared only about the girl who kept her hands around his neck.
"You shouldn't be seen with me, let alone kiss–"
"Don't worry about the future now. We'll figure everything out."
That argument wasn't convincing enough for him. Draco detangled himself from her, ignoring his shattering heart.
"I can't do this."
Dione swallowed hard, having noticed his dark tone. "W-what do you mean?"
"We can't be together."
He hung his head to avoid seeing the pain on her face. The pain in her voice, however, was perfectly palpable.
"We finally can. You just don't want to. Have I done something wrong? Do you believe I can't make you happy? Is that why you're so against us?"
"N-no. Even my patronus…" he trailed off, passing a hand through his hair.
She became aware of her heartbeat at the realization the only reason he would have mentioned his spirit guardian was that she was part of his chosen memory.
"Wouldn't you like to be friends at least?"
"You should aspire for more than someone who could end in prison, a death eater."
She was about to protest when Severus called Draco's name.
"You won't go to Azkaban. Nor will your family if I can do something about it. I owe you."
Draco startled, realizing his parents and the Snapes were close enough not only to see but to hear them.
"You don't, sir. You helped me even when I didn't want to be helped. We're even."
"My sister-in-law would be dead without you. My wife. You were brave enough to change sides. Trust me. I've been there. I know it isn't easy, and I won't let you go to Azkaban. I already talked to an auror. He won't arrest you today, and even though a trial is bound to happen, I'm willing to advocate for you."
Draco unstiffened, feeling much lighter and hopeful having his support, even if still uncertain about his future.
"Thank you, sir, but I wouldn't have been able to reach you if Skyrah hadn't believed in me to begin with. You healed her. I…" He eyed Skyrah. "You believed I could invoke a patronus. I would have never done it without you."
"Don't take the merit away from you. I told you that you'd succeed one day. And you aren't a bad person, much less a death eater."
"I don't think many people share your opinion."
"Just because you've got the Dark Mark–" interrupted Dione, but Skyrah cleared her throat, letting her know she needed to talk to Draco alone. Resigned, the girl joined Severus.
To avoid being overheard, Skyrah tottered towards Draco and spoke in whispers.
"The only opinion that should matter to you is your own. You saved so many lives when you gave your wand to Harry. Mine and my sister's, too. A loyal death eater would've never done that. I can only thank you."
"For being selfish?" he scoffed. "When I gave the wand to Harry, I wasn't thinking about others. I was thinking that would be the only way to have a slim chance to avoid Azkaban."
"You wanted Harry to win; otherwise, you wouldn't have risked your life." She grinned ruefully at his sudden incapability of looking her in the eye. "I used to be like you, pushed everybody away for fear I'd hurt them. It took me years to be brave enough to have a friend, and I never opened up to him completely, not even when I was about to marry him. I believed I was protecting him, the same way you think you're protecting my sister."
"I am protecting her."
"No, you aren't, because she clearly wants to be with you, and your refusal is hurting her like I kept hurting Daniel."
"She'll find somebody better."
"Better than the person who jumped in front of a killing curse for her?" At his silence, she asked, "If you believed you weren't dark, would you like to be with Dione?"
"That doesn't matter. I'm bad for her."
"If you were, you wouldn't care if she got hurt. I told her to keep her distance from you years ago, but after everything that's happened, there's no doubt in my mind you can make her happy, and I want her to be happy."
As did he, by his wishful expression. He had fantasized about a future with Dione for too many sleepless nights. Having the real thing would elate him, but not at the expense of her reputation. It wasn't just the gossip that bothered him but his parents'. None of their potential reactions were reassuring. He was convinced the only reason they hadn't shown their discontentment yet was they wouldn't cause a scene in public.
"I need to think about this," he murmured finally.
Skyrah was about to reply Dione wouldn't have demanded anything else of him today when Lucius told him they had to go. Draco nodded at him absentmindedly, studying Dione, who kept staring at her dirty shoes, leaning against Severus for comfort. He wished she'd look at him before taking leave, if only to let her know there was no reason to feel so hopeless yet.
"I'll tell her that you need time," offered Skyrah. "You should go with your parents."
So he did, his head bowed.
"I expect you to tell us what exactly is going on with Skyrah's sister when we get some privacy," Narcissa said, keeping a straight face.
To his relief, she sounded intrigued rather than disappointed. He didn't dare look at Lucius, though. Before the Malfoys disappeared amongst the crowd, the Snapes made sure to thank them for their help one last time.
"My, my, little one," Skyrah said in a sing-song voice, now next to her family. "You do know how to leave your future in-laws with a lasting impression."
At the sight of her flustered sister, Skyrah had to cover her mouth to keep from tittering. So red her face grew, her blue eyes stood out and appeared bigger.
"In-laws? Draco doesn't even want to be my friend!"
Despite the crack in her voice, Skyrah's playful attitude prevailed, in fact, she clucked her tongue.
"Of course he doesn't. He's interested in more than friendship." Dione was torn between snorting and looking at her sister with hopeful eyes. "Trust me, he'll ask you out eventually."
It was only when Dione asked how she could be so sure that Skyrah's grin turned rather sad.
"I couldn't stay away from Daniel, even if it took me a while to accept him in my life."
"And you're okay with that? With me and Draco possibly dating?"
"I approve of him. It's clear you both care deeply for each other."
Dione visibly relaxed despite sensing a 'but' her sister wasn't mentioning. Skyrah looked serious all of a sudden, debating whether she should say what was on her mind or not.
"What's the matter?"
Skyrah sighed. "I thought you kept your distance from him at school. You said you'd be careful. That didn't look like a first kiss."
"I-it wasn't," she admitted, fiddling a curl. "But we've never been together! We both knew what was at stake! We kissed just once last year and didn't kiss again until the battle began."
More hurt than angry, Skyrah asked, "Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because you'd have worried about me and, honestly, You-Know-Who and the war and Harry being away and the Carrows… Everything was too much already."
"Dione…" she whispered, her face softening at the realization her little sister had just meant to protect her.
"Please, say you forgive me. Mum's already going to disown me if she ever finds out I fancy a Malfoy."
Skyrah chuckled despite herself and put a hand on her freckled cheek, noticing just mentioning her mother turned those blue eyes slightly glassy.
"Oh, don't worry. I'll defend you when you tell her. It can be in a few minutes."
Dione tilted her head in confusion. "A few minutes? The aurors still need to look for her."
"Not anymore. Whom do you think has been babysitting Corbin all this time?"
Dione looked at Severus, in search of clues Skyrah wasn't kidding even if deep down she knew her sister wouldn't joke about that. When Severus gave her a nod, she could barely breathe.
"Mum's with Corbin? Free?"
Skyrah hummed. "In Ireland."
Dione controlled the urge to jump at her and throw her arms around her lest she'd hurt her sister. Instead, she hugged her gently, resting her chin on top of Skyrah's shoulder. Though the girl managed to blink back tears, she sniffled soundly.
"Mum's okay, little one," crooned Skyrah, planting a kiss on the top of her head. Fatigued, she allowed herself to close her eyes. "She wouldn't disown you even if you decided to date a troll, although she'd undoubtedly question your sanity and your taste in boyfriend material."
Dione chuckled, finally releasing a few tears. 
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mayuichi · 10 months
“i found saberlight...„
ITTO x Reader. NO WARNING : Just a silly oneshot.
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Artwork made by susucre, you can find them here! do NOT steal.
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It was a completely silent night, beside for the sound of a few cars passing by. Everyone in the city were asleep. Everyone except you. Only the light from your laptop was emanating.
As a college student, you had an essay to finish for tomorrow. Typing fast, stressed out. Stumbling over and over. Why did it had to be so complicated ? You sighed. Writing again and again the same paragraph, but never ending satisfied. But you couldn't give just that.
In a blink of an eye, 3am was written on the clock. How can it already be so late ?! You thought for yourself. For three hours, you haven't been capable to do a single thing.
So you decided to go and make yourself a macchiato. The hot steaming smoke brought you some comfort. Perhaps you'll find some inspirations. Despite how hot it was, the feeling on your palms when you hold your mug was satisfying.
Just then, the your phone lit up. It was him. It was your best friend. Well, as well as your love interest.
“buddy. guess what.„
It picked your interest. Whenever Itto would start his text this way... You were in for a lot. Seeing him still typing, you waited.
“pls dont tell kuki or shes going to kill me but...„
What has he done to fear Kuki so bad now ? You weren't exactly in his gang, but all members knew you were a close friend of Itto. And honestly, the way Kuki would be motherly with them made you always giggle.
“i found saberlights...„
“i know its late asf but perhaps„
“you should join me, im on the road, front of ya school„
“lets know who da best„
You rolled your eyes. You were about to agreed, but you glanced over your laptop screen to see your unfinished essay.
“i'd love to itto, but i have an essay to finish for tomorrow..„
“c'mon! no biggie! c'mere, gonna make you happy, plus its bad to overwork ya yk?„
Perhaps he was right. Well, you knew you should definitely finish your essay but... Was it as worth as spending time with him ? Clearly not. You huffed, sending him a thumb up. Putting on your shoes and jacket, you hurried out of your apartment.
Walking across the empty streets, you found him in the middle of the road. Once he saw you, his whole face sparkled in joy as he runs to you. You had to step aside so he doesn't knock you off accidentally.
“Man ya really got me scared!„ he laughed. Then, he looked at you before handing you one of the two saberlights.
“Road's empty. Ready to get beaten?„ he smirked. He would never believe anyone could beat him. Who would actually be stronger than the one and oni ?
“Who said I'm going to let you win, though ?„ a cunning smile on your lips, you chuckled and took the saberlight, getting ready.
It was so stupid, yet it was all you needed in between your studies. A good ol' evenin' with your best friend. No matter if you win or lose in the end, you were just happy to spend time with him. Why wouldn't you be after all ?
Fighting, the sound of plastic against plastic could be heard, light radiating from both saberlights over your faces, elegantly showing each other's beauty and smile.
Anyone passing by would think you were both drunk but.. Who actually cares? At least, neither Itto or you.
As the fight ended, it was obvious that Itto ended victorious, and he kept rubbing your defeat in your face.
“Yeah yeah we got it, dumbass.„ you nudged against his arm, which he only laughed.
You went on a night stroll around the city, speaking of anything. The wind making your jacket flew a little, as well as Itto's hair. Nearing a flower field, you stopped in your track, looking over to the moon.
Without a doubt, Itto was admiring the moonlight over your face and your hair. But he wouldn't dare to break the silence right now. Not when you seemed so peaceful.
“Thank you.„ you whisper.
“What for?„ he tilts his head. There was no reason for you to thank him, was there ?
“You are here, with me, when it's past 3 in the morning. Not any sane person would do that.„
“Maybe I ain't sane then.„ he chuckled, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “Perhaps there's a reason why I stay with ya and try to get ya in a good mood.„ he then kissed your cheek.
With a blush, you simply shook your head and huffed. “... Such a dork.„
“Your dork though.„ you understood exactly what he implied, especially with those eyes he gave you.
“... That's right. My dork.„
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/ᐠ - ˕ •マ Ⳋ mayuichi's property. do not repost, copy or translate it without permission.
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viterant · 5 years
And here’s the first Camp Streamix of the 2019 season! In this one, chaos happens, so you know, the usual!
Prompt by @spireisadragon
Setting by @internetremix
Characters by @anatthema-art, @kylethewarrior, @churrobird, @awesomepyro @rugnar-stengo, Waffleman and Internet Remix
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joansiefics · 3 years
I Actually Just Want To Sleep
SUMMARY: You have been training with Natasha for weeks on end. She is harsh in training and you barely have time to take a break. So one day it all gets to much for you to handle and you pass out, but luckily someone is there to catch you.
WARNINGS: Fainting, Fighting, Malnourishment
After a long, tiring day at school the bell finally rang making all the students bundle out of the classes, with teachers still trying to get in a few last words before everyone disappears through the doors to freedom. You stood up from your chair and bid your farewell to the teacher as you left class and started your 15 minute walk home.
It was a habit of yours to play your music on full blast through your earphones when you undertook the walk home to take your mind of things - from your day at school to the assignments and homework that awaits you at home. You just barely started listening to 'Nurse's Office by Melanie Martinez' when an uncomfortable feeling made its appearance. You didn't stop listening to your music but you were more aware of your surroundings. Goosebumps were now evident on your skin, but you couldn't make up your mind if it was from the chilly, winter breeze hitting your skin and blowing through your hair or from someone's eyes boring into the back of your skull. You shrugged of the second thought, trying to stop your paranoia.
You started humming to the next song 'Stressed Out by Twenty One Pilots' when a large, coarse hand grasped your shoulder and pulled you backwards, making you lose your balance. You quickly got back on your feet and put up a good fight, one that the man was definitely not expecting which gave you the upper hand. You threw a few punches his way and dodged a few of his, but your last punch knocked all consciousness out of him and he went tumbling to the ground.
You picked up your now cracked phone and straightened yourself up a bit to continue your walk home, unfazed by the fight, when you felt another hand touch your shoulder. This hand was smaller and more gentle than the previous one, but your adrenaline was still coursing your veins and you grabbed the hand, sending the person with a twist of their arm over to the ground. "What the heck do you all want with me!!!?" You yelled out of frustration "I just want to go home, finish my damn homework and sleep, is that to much to ask?!" You don't know why you just asked your attacker this, but you couldn't keep the pent up stress and anger in anymore.
"Are you okay?" The person you flipped to ground asked with a hoarse voice and a following groan as they pushed themselves to get of the ground and brushed of the dirt form their clothes. "Why are asking me if I'm okay, you're the one that was laying on the ground?" You ask very confused at what is happening. "I saw the guy attack you, I was just to late to help you take him down, but I see you took care of him very well" The person says gesturing towards the still unconscious man on the ground. "So you didn't want to attack me?" You ask raising your eyebrow at the person "No, not at all..." There is an awkward silence between the two of you before you introduce yourself, having made up your mind to trust the person: "Y/N...Y/N Y/L/N" you say putting your hand out for the person to shake "Natasha Romanoff" she shakes your hand.
"You really have skill Y/N,  I mean you just flipped and ex-assassin and current Avenger to the ground without even a bit of struggle" Natasha laughs "Ummm... thank you?" You say not knowing how to respond to this compliment, a compliment that no one has ever given you. "Do you maybe want to come back to the Avengers tower with me and I can introduce you to everyone?" She offers politely "Umm, yeah... sure" You mentally scold yourself for being so awkward.
It was a peaceful walk through alley crannies and idle parts of the town to the tower, but you enjoyed the calm feeling. "If you don't mind me asking, how did you get your skills Y/N?" Natasha curiously asked, but not wanting to invade your personal space "I just watched some self defence videos online and practiced them for rare occasions like today" You answer her question.  After a few more minutes of walking you arrive at the tower and enter the building "Here we are" Natasha says breaking the comfortable silence.
You were marvelled by the perfectly planned and designed architecture and interior design and let your eyes roam until Natasha cleared her throat to get your attention. "Y/N, I want you to meet the Avengers: Tony, Bruce, Thor, Wanda, Peter, Bucky, Steve and Hawkeye" She introduces while pointing to each and every one of them. You flushed with embarrassment and shyness as everyone greeted you, you didn't even notice them until Natasha cleared her throat. They already think I'm weird you think.
"So I wanted to introduce her to all of you, because you wouldn't believe the story I'm about to tell you if I didn't bring the key witness." Natasha smirked, knowing that she pricked their curiosity. "Well Y/N over here was being attacked by some old creep-" Before she could continue Steve interrupted her "Is she okay?" he directs the question to Natasha, then he looks at you "Are you okay, are you hurt?" He askes caringly. "I'm fine, thanks?" You say, still unsure why everyone is making it such a big deal. Natasha gives Steve a daring look, one telling him to shut his mouth for the rest of the story or he won't see dawn, before she continues: "So as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted... Y/N was attacked. I saw the fight and was on my way to go help her, but she knocked him unconscious before I could get there. I just wanted to make sure that she was alright before I left and I approached her form behind and tapped her shoulder. She caught me off guard and flipped me to the ground as well..." she took a small pause before exaggerating her statement "SHE flipped ME!!!"
Everyone wore a look of shock on their face now, which confused you even more "Why is everyone making such a big deal out of this?" You ask, not able to control your ignorance any longer. "Do you know what you did?" Tony asks "Did I do something wrong?" You ask still not catching the drift. "No, no, no, no, not at all... you just, ummm... well you flipped an ex-assassin, not many people are able to do that" Tony answers with a proud smile, even though he just met you, you made him proud. "What would you say to being an intern at the tower and train with us and then when you're ready, you can become one of us, you can become an Avenger?" Tony asks. This question definitely caught you off guard and you were gawking at him in surprise and excitement at the same time "Uhh, ye...yeah, sure....I would, ummm.. I'd ummm love...that" you manage to croak out. "Great, you start tomorrow after school" Tony says as he leaves the room and the rest of the team, except Natasha, follows after him.
The next day after school, Natasha came to pick you up and took you to the tower. You went up to the training room and once again took in all your surroundings. All of this felt like a dream to you, you couldn't believe that the Avengers wanted to train YOU. "You can get dressed into your training clothes in there and then we can start with your first training." Natasha said as she directed you to the bathroom.
The first training was something to experience. You were tossed from one side to another, making your head spin, you were punched and kicked and bent into awkward and uncomfortable positions - if this was the first training, you didn't even want to know how the next one, or the one after that, or the one after that would turn out. When you returned home, exhausted and sweaty you took a shower and immediately started on your homework and assignments that had to be done the next day, you were so busy that you even forgot to eat something and barely got some sleep.
Your days continued like this for at least a month. Your brutal training sessions included 4 hours of training directly after school, then one break of 10 minutes to eat, drink and catch a breath and another grueling 3 hours of training. By the time you got home it was nearly 21:30 and then you still had to complete all of your homework and assignments. By the time you were ready for bed it was 02:00 in the morning and you would get three and a half hours of sleep, before the next cycle of exhaustion started.
But the end of this routine was in sight, you just didn't know it yet. You were currently in your third hour of training with Natasha for the day and to say you were tired would have been an understatement. You couldn't dodge any of her punches, grab any of her kicks or maneuver yourself out of the death grips she held you in. "You're slacking" Natasha said sternly but yet concern covering her features. "I'm sorry, I guess I'm just really tired, but we should keep going, my break is in an hour, then I can rest" You said, not wanting to sound weak. You were given this internship and you were not going to disappoint Tony for giving you the spot. Surely if you had told Natasha about your lack of sleep and little eating she would have given you more breaks and less hours of training, but you never told her and that is why you were in this never ending cycle of enervation.
"Y/N, you should go home and sleep, we can continue tomorrow" Natasha spoke. "No, I'm fine, I can do this...please" You almost begged. The proposal of Natasha sounded so welcoming, but you couldn't stop now, you had to keep on training, you had to prove to them that you are worthy of being an Avenger. Natasha gave in and you both got into your fighting stances and you began training again. No matter how hard you tried to concentrate on dodging the punches, you just couldn't and one last medium blow to your jaw sealed the deal.
Your vision went form clear to blurry, decorated in black spots dancing in your eyesight. A wave of nausea hit you harder than a punch from the strongest super soldier. You could vaguely hear Natasha calling your name, almost as if you were underwater, before the earth started slipping from underneath you, though the fall didn't come. Your mentor, friend and motherly figure, Natasha, caught you in her arms milliseconds before your skull collided with the earth's lithosphere. Maybe she called your name again, but you didn't know. You were in good hands and let the unconsciousness consume you.
After you fainted, Natasha ordered FRIDAY to notify Bruce to get to the infirmary and rushed with you still tight in her arms to Bruce. Once she got there and put you on the hospital bed she told Bruce everything she knew: "We were training, but she wasn't dodging any of my punches or blocking my kicks so I told her she's slacking and she just told me that she's really tired. Then I told her to go home, but she wanted to keep on training and the next I know she starts falling to the ground" Natasha says trying to get her breath back. "Did she hit her head?" Bruce asks, concern of a concussion crossing his mind "No, I caught her right before she hit the ground" Natasha says with a proudness in her voice. "Okay, I'll stabilize her and then I'll do a few test on her to see if there are any other factors aside from tiredness that could have caused it." Bruce said getting to work.
Why is it so bright? When did I change my alarm sound? Am I even in my bed right now? These thoughts were all crossing your mind when you first got your consciousness back. The bright fluorescent lights were making it near impossible for you to open your eyes and you could only get as far as a squint before closing your eyes again. After a few more minutes your slowly open your eyes again trying to grow accustomed to the brightness. You let out a groan when you finally open your eyes fully and see that you are hooked up to all sorts of tubes and a heart monitor
"You're awake" Bruce says in a cheery tone, happiness apparent on his face. "What happened?" You croak out from your parched throat, furrowing your brows as you try to remember how you ended up in the infirmary. "You passed out while training with Natasha" Bruce answers, but the look on his face tells you that he wants to ask you something but he's to afraid to hear the answer. "There's something you're not telling me" You say, slightly scared at what he might say What if they don't want me as an intern anymore... "I promise I'll get back to training as soon as possible, please just don't take the internship away from me" You ramble quickly. "Is that why you haven't been eating or sleeping enough? Are you afraid that we won't like you or take the internship from you?" Bruce asks concerned
"No, well kinda yes....but no." You answer not sure how to approach the doctor in front of you "I'm going to need more than that Y/N" Bruce says, arms crossed over his chest. Just before you can start explaining Natasha walks into the room. The moment she sees you awake she rushes to your side and gives you a warm, comforting hug, but careful enough to not rip any tubes from your skin. "I'm so glad you're awake, how are you feeling?" She asks. She would never show this side - the soft side - of her to anyone, but you brought out the best in her. "I'm a bit tired, but I don't have any pain" You say. "She was just about to tell me why she hasn't been eating enough, but now that you're here and you're her trainer, she can tell both of us" Bruce says giving you a stern, disapproving look.
"It's not that I wanted to starve myself, I just didn't have time to eat." Natasha makes herself comfortable on the foot of your bed as you continue "Since I started with the internship I haven't had the best routine. I would wake up at 05:30 in the mornings to get ready for school, after school I would come here and immediately start training, then in my 10 minute break I would eat something for the first time that day, then get back to training. Then when I got home, I would take a shower and start with my homework and assignments, usually I'd finish at about 01:50 in the mornings and then I would brush my teeth and go to bed."
"Why didn't you say something Y/N? I could've changed your training schedule for you" Natasha says "I didn't want you guys to think that I couldn't handle all this and then I would never be able to become an Avenger" You say out of defeat "We already know you can handle all of this, what's important now is that you focus on living healthy once again, okay?" Bruce asks "Okay... thank you guys"
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Jimmy Conway x Paulie's Daughter! Reader
Hiiiii, this fic is a little surprise I've been working on and I've got a few others in the works. I hope you guys love it! ❤️
TW: smut, mentions of crime and crime families, murder, marriage, mentions of pregnancy
Word Count: 5.2k
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As you stand in front of the mirror, your head spins from the morning you've already had. Women everywhere, whizzing around you doing your hair and makeup, getting you into your wedding dress. All that to make you a bride.
And you do look like a bride, you think as you stare into the mirror.
Behind you, you hear a familiar voice, "Ahem, ladies, could I get a moment alone with our bride?" Jimmy. He's being extra charming today, as many of the women left the room giggling because he spoke to them.
"Wow... (Y/N), you look gorgeous..." he creeps up behind you and delicately places his hands on your sides, as if he might break you. He looks at you in the mirror, before gently placing a kiss on your shoulder. "You're gonna stop traffic when you walk down the aisle. I can't wait to see it," he moves your veil and hair to give you a kiss on the cheek.
You don't say anything, just stare into the mirror. After a small pause, Jimmy turns you around, "Hey, you alright?"
Finally, you get a good look at him in his tux: all black with an off white shirt and a deep green vest peaking out from the lapels of his tuxedo jacket. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding, "Yeah, I'm okay, just nervous," you put your hand on his chest, looking him over again, "I'm glad you're here. You always calm me down, and you look great by the way."
You knew it was an unconventional choice, but you wouldn't have picked anyone else to be your Maid of Honor. And Jimmy was happy to do it for you, even with Tommy and Henry making fun of him for it, at least until they got asked to be bridesmaids.
These were guys that in another life, you never would've been friends with, probably wouldn't have even known. And truthfully, your dad didn't want you being friends with them, because he knows what they are: criminals, nothing but criminals. But they're the only family you have, and Paulie had to admit that it was so cute seeing you get into trouble with Henry and Tommy and then go to "Uncle" Jimmy to get you out of it.
Jimmy wouldn't have done that kind of thing for the guys; they needed to get pinched and learn what it was like, but he would do anything to keep your pretty face out of jail. Since you've grown older, old enough for your father to let you get married, you and Jimmy have grown to be best friends. He's not so much the Uncle he used to be to you.
"(Y/N)?" Jimmy starts, "we got something to tell you, honey."
Just from the man's tone of voice, you can tell something is terribly wrong; you just know him too well. At that point, Jimmy opens the door, and Tommy, Henry, and your dad Paulie shuffle in.
"What's going on?" you say sheepishly, taking a step back from the men before you.
"You may wanna sit down," Jimmy motions to the little couch in the room.
Your dad reaches for one of your hands and you pull it away, "What is it, papa?"
"Sweetie, let's sit down, so we can talk," he places a hand on your back, and you both sit on the couch together. Jimmy, Tommy, and Henry all stand around looking like tough guys: arms crossed, keeping an ear out for anyone who might be listening outside the door, their faces looking stone cold with a bit of worry in their eyes.
"(Y/N), that guy out there," Paulie starts, referring to the groom waiting to marry you, "he ain't the guy you think he is."
"What?" you ask quietly.
"Well, uh, the guys here-" he looks up at the three men standing around you, "Jimmy, uh..." He just couldn't say it to you.
"We've been keeping an eye on this guy, scoping him out," Jimmy finishes for Paulie.
"What? You were spying on my fiancé?" you ask, feeling hurt.
"You didn't think we was just gonna let you marry anyone, did ya?" Tommy pipes up.
"And I'm glad we did," Jimmy cuts back in, "that guy out there, (Y/N), he's a liaison for another crime family! They were using you for information, and now he's able to identify all of us."
"What? No... He's- he's... a union rep," you cast your eyes down as it dawns on you; it was all a lie and a great cover up so he could talk about his friends and you wouldn't even realize. God, did you feel stupid. If anyone was gonna catch him in that lie, it should've been you. "I'm so sorry..." you whisper as tears drop down onto your wedding dress.
Paulie immediately pulls you into a hug, "Hey, hey, it's okay, baby girl. It's okay. The guys here have a plan." He tries to comfort you as you cry into his shoulder.
"I'm so sorry, you know I'd never try to put any of you in danger. I'm sorry I was so stupid!!" You feel horrible and angry with yourself.
"Shhh... You gotta keep your voice down, honey," you feel Jimmy's hand rubbing circles into your back as he kneals next to you. "You're not stupid. It took us a long time to crack this guy. He covered his tracks well."
You turn to Jimmy, tears mixed with mascara running down your face. "Hey..." he says, pulling out a handkerchief and wiping the tears from your face, "Don't cry, angel. You shouldn't cry on your wedding day."
"But-" you get close to him, "it's not my wedding day anymore."
"Still," he pulls you up off the couch and into a hug, "you look too pretty to cry, and besides, we gotta get going."
You give him a confused look, trying to get it together, "Get going? Where are we going?"
"Well, uh, you and I are going on your honeymoon; Tommy and Henry know the rest of the plan."
"Honeymoon? We're not gonna cancel it?" you question.
"Listen, sugar," your dad grabs your attention, "this is the one day we can get your fiancé alone. He didn't dare bring any of his associates; we would recognize them, especially after all the recon we've done. So Jimmy's gonna sneak you out of here, and you're gonna go away for a while, and we're gonna get rid of this crook and tie up all the loose ends."
Just a few moments later, Tommy and Henry go back into the church to make it seem like everything is normal. No one is gonna think anything of Jimmy and your dad being with you, because that's the order the ceremony will go in. Your dad waits out in the hallway, as if he's waiting for you to put the last few finishing touches on your dress, and as everyone clears the hall to go to the church, he signals to Jimmy that it's time.
You and Jimmy quietly sneak out of your dressing room to head to the car. Before you run off, you turn back to your dad, giving him a big hug, "Please be careful, papa. I love you so much, and I'll miss you."
"I love you, too, (Y/N)," he gives you a kiss on the forehead, before you turn to head out the back hallway of the reception hall.
On the way out, Jimmy grabs a huge plate of hors d'oeuvres and holds the door open for you. You make your way out to this random convertible (probably stolen), seeing your suitcase in the backseat.
"Mines in the trunk," he lets you know, before setting the plate of food in the back and helping you in the car. Seconds later, you're peeling out of the church parking lot.
• • •
You and Jimmy can't help but laugh as you get further and further away from your wedding ceremony. You can't explain why you're laughing so hysterically, but it feels like old times getting into trouble with Jimmy. Plus, it's a welcome distraction.
"Jimmy," you interject the laughter.
"Yeah?" he asks, coming down from his laughing fit. You've already reached the highway heading from upstate New York into the city to get to the airport.
"Jimmy, I gotta get out of this dress," there's a serious tone in your voice that tells Jimmy this is more urgent than you let on.
He quickly whips out his switch blade, "Okay, lean forward." And then you feel the cool metal of the blade grace your back as he cuts the ribbons corseting your dress.
The dress loosens around you, and you look over at the man, "Thank you," is all you say before sliding the dress down over your hips, then throwing it up in the air, letting the wind take it down the highway. Jimmy has an impressed look on his face as he glances at you with a half smile on his face.
He reaches over, placing a hand on your bare thigh, pulling your wedding garter down your leg before holding it above his head and spinning it around like a lasso. "WOOOOOO!!!!" he yells at the top of his lungs as he flings the little piece of lace. Anything to make you laugh, and it does get a rise out of you.
There's a pause for a moment as Jimmy takes in the view of you in your white lingerie; his eyes don't linger for long though, because he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable.
Though, you can't help but feel sexy for moment before climbing into the backseat to change.
"Hey, bring that food up to the front seat when you're done," he says, looking at you in the rearview mirror. You smack his shoulder, realizing he can see you changing. He chuckles and flips the rearview up. You spend the rest of the trip leaning on Jimmy and snacking on the hors d'oeuvres on the tray, until you arrive at the airport.
Because you skipped the wedding ceremony and reception, you arrive way earlier than you're supposed to, but it's no issue, Jimmy already worked it out by moving your flight up. It also works out better, because there will be goons at the airport looking for you, but by the time they get there, you and Jimmy will already be gone.
• • •
After a few hours when you arrive in the Bahamas, Jimmy gently runs his fingers through your hair to wake you up from your nap. You were conked out on his shoulder, exhausted from this morning. "C'mon, sleepyhead, let's go have a honeymoon," he helps get you up and grab your bags.
"Mmmm," you yawn following him, "you say that like it's your honeymoon or something."
"Well, it is now," he chuckles, grabbing your hand to lead you off the plane. After a warm welcome from some locals at the check in desk, you head over to your private villa, right on the beach. Even though it's already dark, the island is beautiful. The warm breeze makes the palm trees wave; the sand is soft under your feet; and the sound of waves crashing is seriously so relaxing.
Inside your villa, it looks so cozy and clean, and you're so ready to get some dinner and go to bed. That's just what you do. Jimmy calls the office to order dinner to your little beach house, and you pop into the bathroom to take a shower and change.
By the time you're done, dinner is too. Jimmy greets you with a little side hug and pulls your chair out for you to sit down at the table. "Comfy? In your little robe and all?" he asks, eyeing you up and down quickly.
"Mm-hmmm," you moan, stuffing your face with delicious food. Jimmy chuckles at you before doing the same.
After getting your bellies full on tasty seafood, you decide that it would be a good idea to go to sleep, that way you can make the most of your time on this lovely island.
As you and Jimmy make your way to the bedroom, you're met with a reminder of why you're there in the first place: rose petals and candles littering the room.
Jimmy sees the way you pause, "Do you want me to get rid of this stuff?"
"I- uh, no... It's okay," you look back and forth between him and your bed.
"Here," he says, leading you to the couch, "Stay here."
He goes into the bedroom and closes the door behind him. For a few moments you hear huffing and thudding as he blows out candles and throws them in the trash, and you hear his arms hitting the bed as he wipes the rose petals away. Jimmy exits the room with a trash bag in tow, tossing it out on the front patio before returning to the living room, breathing a little heavy, and holding his arm out, motioning you to the bedroom.
You stand up and put your arms around him, giving him a soft kiss on the cheek, "Thank you, Jimmy."
He places his arm around your waist and presses a cheek to your head, "You're welcome, sweetie. Now go to bed."
"You're not coming?" you ask.
"I'll sleep on the couch. You have a good night, and sweet dreams," he gives your arm a squeeze before heading to the bathroom to get ready for bed.
As you settle into bed and try to sleep, it sinks in. Your relationship that you'd been so happy in is over... And here you are in another country for an undetermined amount of time while your ex-fiancé gets "taken care of." Even though his intention was to hurt you, you can't help but mourn what feels like the loss of your happiness. In fact, there's only one place you can feel happy right now, and you won't sleep until you're there.
"Jimmy?" you whisper through your sniffles. You stand before him as he sleeps soundly on the couch. "Jimmy?" A little louder this time, and that does the trick.
The man takes in a sharp inhale through his nose and his eyes pop open, "(Y/N), hey," he rubs his eyes, "you okay?" You just stand there quietly sniffling, and then Jimmy sees the redness in your face, "Hey, hey, c'mere honey, c'mere." He holds the blanket up for you to climb in, and he immediately wraps his arms around you, cuddling you in his cozy little spot on the couch. You simply bury your head into his chest, and let out a few tears. "Shhhh, shhh," he says as if cooing a baby, "it's okay, I'm here, everything's gonna be alright."
• • •
The sun brightly lights the whole open floor plan of your beach side escape, warming you and Jimmy in your bundle of blankets. You awake to the feeling of his fingers lazily combing through your hair, and when you crack your eyes open, you see him happily smiling down at you. You place a hand on his chest, and he covers it with one of his own, giving your fingers a squeeze.
"Morning, you hungry?" he greets you.
"Mmmm... Good morning, sweet man," you happily nuzzle into him.
He cups a hand on the back of your head, "Whaddaya say we get some breakfast, then ya wanna go swimming later today? Hm? We got that beautiful beach right out there." His head motions towards the large glass doors that look out onto the sand and sea.
"Only if we can stay here a little longer," you hum into his chest, perfectly content with just cuddling up to him all day long.
"Okay, princess, we can stay a little longer."
• • •
After a relaxed morning (yes, you both dozed back off to sleep for a while) and a nice breakfast of fresh fruits, juice, and pastries, you wait on the back patio for Jimmy to change into his swimsuit. When the sliding glass door glides open, you turn and see the man in swim trunks that hit about mid-thigh, short sleeve button up shirt that's unbuttoned, a gold chain, and a cigarette. Of course Jimmy dresses like that for the beach.
"Whaddaya think? How do I look?" he jokes at you.
You walk over and places your hands on his bare chest. "The view looks pretty good from here," you chuckle lowly.
Jimmy grunts, "You better watch those hands of yours," he warns, moving you off his chest before lightly taking your fingers in his. "Alright, let's go," he says, leading you towards the waves.
"Ya know, uh," Jimmy catches your attention.
"Hmm?" you chirp, hand still happily in his.
"How come you're still wearing this?" he asks, holding your hand up, and tapping his thumb on your engagement ring.
"Oh... um... I'm not sure, honestly," you look down at your hands, wringing them together and fidgeting with the little piece of jewelry. As you take your first few steps into the ocean, you slip the ring from your finger. "I guess it doesn't mean anything anymore," you ponder to yourself before chucking it into the water.
Jimmy raises his eyebrows in surprise, "You didn't wanna sell it?"
You turn around and pat him on the chest, "I know you and the boys back home will make me more money than that ring is worth. It wouldn't surprise me if it was fake, knowing what I know now."
• • •
Time got away from you as the two of you enjoyed your day in the sun. After walking along the beach and Jimmy dunking you in the waves a few times (don't worry, you got him back), it's already early afternoon. And boy, were you beat.
"Hmmm, I think it's time for a nap!" you yawn, "This sun has got me drained."
"Wanna go inside?" Jimmy points to your little beach house.
"Yeah, but I don't think I can walk another step," you whine playfully, giving the man puppy eyes.
There's a long pause as Jimmy gives you a serious look, but he's only kidding. "You want me to carry you, don't you?"
"Yes, please!"
And with that, your feet are swept out from under you. Jimmy walks you across the sand and through the sliding glass door, right to the bathroom.
"What are we doing in here?" you question as he walks right into the shower, "Jimmy?!"
"Gotta rinse all the salt and sand off," is all he gets out before the shower faucet sprays cold water on you and the man holding you. You squeal loudly and practically jump from Jimmy's arms! You hold onto him tightly for warmth; luckily the water heats up quickly though.
"You bastard!!" you yell and give the man a swift pop on the chest.
"OW!" he giggles and rubs the spot that is quickly turning red.
Your face forms a pout, feeling bad for smacking him, "I'm sorry." You take a step forward and rub your hand on his chest to sooth the spot. When you place your other hand on his chest, you look up at him. Suddenly you feel his strong hands gripping the back of your head, and his lips meet yours. Your back comes into contact with the shower wall, and you're completely surrounded. You feel the muscles of Jimmy's arms squeezing around you as his tongue urges it's way into your mouth.
You could hardly explain it: the timing and the situation feel so wrong, but he feels so 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵, like everything you had ever wanted- no, 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘦𝘥.
Water soaks your hair, your face, your bodies as Jimmy fiercely kisses you. He's almost scared to stop.
But when you gently suck his bottom lip into your mouth and give it a nibble, it's game over.
Your friend-turned-lover rips open the shower curtain and starts walking you to the bedroom, his lips and his body never leaving yours. His tropical shirt slaps the ground in a wet heap, quickly followed by his swim trunks.
His lips find your neck, and you finally get a moment to catch your breath. Pressed against him as you step backwards, you feel his hands frantically working the straps of your swimsuit. You pull back from him just enough to see his face, and he freezes like a deer in headlights.
You simply look each other over, taking in the features of the other's face for a moment, before you lean forward and place your lips to his chastely, kissing him just once or twice. His rough hands gently caress your back, and then things turn passionate again when he slowly removes your top.
You always thought you'd be nervous to be with Jimmy, but after all, this is a man that you trust with your life. Wait- always? Did this imply you'd thought about being with him before?
In the heat of the moment you couldn't make sense of it. All you know right now is that Jimmy already has you naked and on the bed. It feels like your emotions are in a whirlwind, but Jimmy makes you feel good and you want more.
Your hands rake through his still wet hair, as he showers your chest in affection by kissing and sucking at your collarbone and breasts. He travels further down your body with his ministrations, until he reaches your soft inner thighs. You can feel his five o'clock shadow scratching at the delicate skin there, before he stops and looks up at you nervously. You'd never seen this man look nervous before.
His eyes beg for permission to go down on you and his hot breath passes over your center. You simply push down on his head a bit as a signal to go.
With his elbows buried in the soft mattress, forearms wrapped around your thighs, and eyes closed in concentration, his mouth surrounds that little bundle of nerves, lighting a fire in your belly. The sound of him breathing through his nose and your moans fill the room. Every hair on your body stands on end and your toes curl at the feeling of Jimmy Conway giving you head.
Oh God, Jimmy Conway is giving you head... Jimmy Conway your best friend. Jimmy Conway your Maid of Honor? You quickly push that thought away, then raise your head to look down at the man happily working away between your legs.
This is something you never thought you'd do with Jimmy, yet here you are, and oddly, it feels so... comfortable. You aren't nervous at all. Of course, you can't speak for him.
You lightly scruff up his hair, breathing heavily, "Jimmy..." The first word anyone had said in a while.
"Huh?" he says just after a loud slurping noise. His mouth hangs open in a relaxed way as he catches his breath and looks up at you from under his brow bone.
You let out a laugh in the form of a puff of air and a smile. Jimmy returns the smile; it's a happy smile with a hint of playful mischief in his eyes. A giggle slips out of you, then you both start laughing. At what, you aren't quite sure... the situation, maybe?
Your lover crawls on top of you and cuddles you by pressing his chest to you and wrapping an arm around your waist. Your hands explore his back, lightly scraping your nails over his shoulder blades and the small of his back.
He lets out a soft but deep moan before moving to kiss you again. His fingers nestle in your hair as he softly shows you his affection with his mouth. Your hands rest on his cheeks as he centers himself on top of you, one of his hands gripping under your thigh.
"This alright, princess?" he says in a near whisper.
"Yeah..." you exhale.
"You ready?" He gives you a kiss on the cheek.
"Yeah," you repeat, "I am." You give him a warm smile, cupping a hand on his face again, as if framing it to take a mental snapshot.
His next actions are incredibly gentle, but it makes everything all the more sensual. He plants a few kisses on your neck and collarbone before sitting up on his knees. His arm wraps around your thigh, holding it up in the air, as he aligns the head of his member with your entrance. The tip slides in pretty easily because of your wetness, and you can see Jimmy's breathing deepen; after that, the man moves slowly entering you, making you feel every inch of his length.
You had barely started and you're already both a mess. The pleasure is almost too much to take. Once Jimmy starts to move his hips, he leans forward once again, hovering over you on his hands and knees. You look up into his eyes, feeling his hardness moving inside you. Wanting to be closer to you, he drops down to his elbows and brings his knees up. His hands stroke some hair from your face while his hips rut into yours at a teasing pace.
After appreciating your how pretty you are, Jimmy moves his lips next to your ear and lowly says, "You feel incredible, baby. You feel so good..." He gives you a series of sloppy kisses on your jaw and earlobe.
You simply close your eyes, relax into the man on top of you, and give him an airy moan in response, "You feel good too, Jimmy."
"Mmmm, you like this pace? Or you want me to speed up?" You can feel his hot breath against your neck.
"Maybe, um, deeper?"
"Deeper, huh?" he whispers in your ear, "You wanna feel more of me?" He throws a little chuckle on the end of his question, and he readjusts by hooking a hand under your knee and pushing it up towards you for a deeper feeling while remaining close to you.
With each thrust you let out a grunt or breath of some kind, "Oooh... T-that's- Hnnng!"
"That the spot, baby girl?" Jimmy smiles to himself, happy that he's pleasing you.
A very shaky "mm-hmm" is all you can manage.
Jimmy speeds up his movements just a little, but still maintains a leisurely and romantic mood.
With a gasp, you start, "Jimmy, I- I'm-"
"Cum for me, baby," he coos, lightly sucking and nipping at a little spot on your neck.
"Fuck- Jimmy..." your climax hits you hard, making your head spin, and the only thing you can think about is the man before you, "Jimmy, I- I love you. I love you, Jimmy!"
Before you even have a moment to think about what you'd said, you hear, "I love you, too, (Y/N)," and several grunts and groans as he finds his release inside you.
Jimmy rolls off of you and trucks himself into your side. You hold the man in your arms tightly as you both come down from the high you just experienced. You turn your head to see him nuzzled into the crook of your neck, almost as if he's asleep. He cracks his eyes open at you and props himself up, putting his face close to yours.
You feel... shy for some reason as you press your lips to his, almost as if this is somehow more vulnerable than what you'd just done. You kiss each other softly, over and over, for what feels like a few minutes.
"You know, I didn't know you were close to finishing too," you tell Jimmy, trying to break some tension.
"Mm, well, I told you you felt good," he gives you a half smile, "I didn't know you loved me."
"Oh, well... It just kind of came out, but, uh, it was true. Still is." Another sweet kiss.
"You remember when I told you I couldn't wait to see you walk down that aisle? That was true too," he tells you.
You aren't sure where that came from, and it confuses you, "But... You knew I wasn't gonna get married that day."
"Yeah, but I am gonna see you walk down the aisle one day... when you marry me," he looks down and bites his lip.
You let out a flabbergasted little breath, "Jimmy..."
"C'mon, (Y/N)," he coos, "I love you. I wasn't gonna ever let you marry that other guy. Why do you think I looked into him so hard?"
"I don't understand. Why didn't you just ask me out years ago?" your question ends in a whisper.
"'Cuz I didn't realize what I had 'til I saw it in another man's arms," he tangles his fingers in your hair for another kiss, "but I'm not gonna let it get away from me this time."
• • •
Needless to say, you didn't see much of the beach or much of anyone the rest of your time in the Bahamas. You two already knew everything there was to know about another person, so you spent a lot of time exploring each other... in new ways.
So, it's bittersweet going home to Brooklyn. You'd been away a few months to let tensions between the two crime families die down. You would miss all of the alone time with your new man, but you're so happy to see your dad again.
"Thanks for driving us home from the airport, papa," you say, giving Paulie a side hug as he unlocks the door to the house not too far from the cab stand. You're greeted with hoots and hollers from Tommy, Henry and Karen, Tuddy, and a few others as you step inside. "What's this?!"
"Oh, uh, just a little surprise," Paulie chuckles, "A welcome home party for Jimmy and my girl."
Everyone starts exchanging hugs, giving you and Jimmy a proper New York welcome. As you put your arms around Henry's shoulders, you hear Karen from behind him, "OH no! I know ya not still wearin' your engagement ring," she grabs your hand and pulls you toward her to inspect the ring closer. Her voice lowers a bit, "No, this one's different. It's got pearls on it."
The room is filled with confused faces, until Jimmy takes your other hand in his, "Well, uh, we were on a little island for 2 or 3 months, pearls was all they had!"
Suddenly you're surrounded with Ooh's and Aah's and an "Attaboy Jimmy!" as it dawns on everyone that you're engaged.
"Hey, wait 'til they tell ya about how I'm gonna be a grandad!!" Paulie announces, and again the room fills with noise from everyone's surprise and congratulations. Any other family might have found it odd that you rushed into a new relationship, but this group likes keeping a closed circle, and everyone had their bets placed on you and Jimmy from day one.
Speak of the Devil, you feel his arms slip around you and a hand rests on your baby bump. He whispers in your ear, "I love you both so much. This is the way it always shoulda been."
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idjitlili · 3 years
I, I will be king.(II)
Din Djarin x reader.
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Part 1. Masterlist.
Summary:Din Djarins feelings get in the way,  when you reach your master once again.Din finally drops you off with your master, before he leaves for what seems for months. Second part and last part.
Word count:4497
Warnings: confusing? Honestly comparing din to a fridge isn't the best thing I've wrote.
A/n: OH AND this is the finished request for anonymous and @elkhead-art sorry it too so long.
As the sound of nothingness caused your eyes to slowly awake along with your consciousness, dark surrounded you. A small orange light was only to be seen outside. You were warm, and comfortable laying in a bed.  You recognised the texture of the blankets, the outline of the room. This wasn't anyone's room, it was yours.
Almost felt like you had dreamt the past few months, you had never left Luke, and never met the Mandalorian. But that was false, it had all happened, you were now back on Ahch-To. You had made it, you wondered if Mando was still here. 
On Ahch-To you lived in a small hut thing, so did Luke and so would Grogu. The island surrounded by water, no sand not much anyways, thankfully. Blue milk? We do not speak of that.
Soon enough you were wide awake,your feet had carried you outside, the atmosphere pitch black except the glowing orange in the distance where two figures sat.
"Luke?" The outlines of the bodies began to clear, it was clearly Luke and Mando with Grogu sat in his lap. Their heads turned to you, Luke's lips twitching up , he had stood up quickly making his way to you. "Padawan, I have missed you." Pulling you into a tight hug, his arms around your shoulders, you head dug into his chest. "What about no attachments, master?"
Scoffing Luke had placed his hands on your shoulders to look you directly in the eye. "That was very unwise, I told you to stay here for a reason, now you have months worth of teaching to catch up on."
"Sorry? I have learnt many lessons with the Mandalorian, we even met some other Mandalorians and guess what? They had met Anakin Skywalker , Obi-wan, when he was so very handsome, and Ahsoka. Plus, Mando has met Ahsoka , recently as well." You sat beside Mando, in front of the fire, Luke on one side and him on the other.
"Sounds like you had a good time, I hope you didn't have a great time." You weren't sure what Luke was trying to imply but you didn't care, your eyes had caught the green creature in Mando's lap. His hand reaching for you, offering your figure for him , his tiny green hand clutching it, though he could talk to you through the force, you already knew his name and he knew yours. 
Grogu had stood up, shuffling back onto Mando's other thigh, bringing your hand with him. All three of you watched his movements. Mando's hand against his thigh, whilst the his other was behind Grogu in case he fell. His breath hitched when Grogu reached down and gripped his finger. You didn't dare pull your hand from Grogu, as he pulled your hands together. Yours and Mando's finger tips touching, well his gloved finger tips.
Grogu had let go of your hands, looking at each of you, before interlacing his hands together. You didn't even get a chance to think about it, Mando had slid his fingers in between yours, closing them together. The small creature smiled and sat back on Mando's leg. Your hand placed on Mando's leg still locked with his. Luke hadn't said anything, Grogu getting up a second later walking towards him, no doubt that was him.
For what was a couple of hours, your hand stayed against the warmth of the Mandalorians glove. All until the early hours of day, you had stayed up talking with them, assuming he wanted as much time with Grogu as he could.
In which that point he had exuded to leave, following him to his now repaired ship, thanks to the other Mandalorians.
Luke had made you look away, as the Mandalorian removed his helmet, to say goodbye to Grogu. That was their goodbye, Grogu knew that.  Not long after that, Grogu was handed back to Luke, who step away, enabling you somewhat of privacy.
"Goodbye, Mando."
"My name is Din Djarin,"
"Oh wow, so your name isn't Mando? That's actually great, I prefer Din." A nod of his head and he was gone, felt strange, like he didn't care anymore but why would he give you his name?
You hadn't seen him for months, yet your heart-ached for him, it was stupid you weren't supposed to feel like this. Nothing would happen anyways, he was a Mandalorian you a Jedi, it wasn't supposed to be. Figuring Din had moved down on, he knew he couldn't keep Grogu, so he was trying forget. But that was not what he was doing, he wasn't abandoning Grogu no, he was trying to reclaim Mandalore.
147 days since you had last seen Din Djarin, you were shipped off by Luke's request this time.  Alone. For how long you didn't know, an undercover mission that could be quick or could take a long time , just luck.  Where you were sent was all but unfamiliar to you, uncover as bounty Hunter. Made your stomach flip, you'd be working for Boba Fett, who now had complete control of The hurts palace.  Luke had sent you to recover a Jedi that was being hunted.
Instead of your dark pants, long sleeve that you'd wear under your robes. (Yeah, basically Luke got the better outfits, you were fitted into formal Jedi wear.)  Now wearing fitted armour that covered your whole body like Din's, a helmet upon your head, dressed in dark colours. The helmet was confining , making you sweat a lot. How did Din do that all day?
You weren't sure how Luke managed to get you employed by Boba, did he just write up what is the equivalent to a Cv? Wasn't that your job , literally, you aren't supposed to get someone else to do it. 'Oh yes, I y/n am certain excellent at slicing, killing, capturing Bounties.' No, not killing that was the last resort. But, you would be able to capture bounties, so you'd be fine.
As long as you got the first bounty back to him, you would've secured the job. Luke had given you a ship to use, it was small, pre empire. Previously some junk from Tatooine, that Luke had brought to Ahch-too, and eventually you both repaired it.
With a ship and blasters, no lightsaber, you easily caught your first bounty and were in the job. Blasters seemed unpredictable, why does everyone miss? Poor design. 
For the four months you had been with Boba, well working for him, sure he had something going on with Fennec. Not that you could blame her, if Rex or fives was there and young, I'd bone, and I am total virgin. Din had been back to Ahch, Luke making up some excuse about being on supply run. And you were Boba Fett's best bounty hunter.
You were sent to Mandalore, all you was given was the location, and that it was a huge bounty for this creature dead or alive. The location wasn't even pinpoint just a part of the planet.  You knew of this planet, well heard of it.  Oh yes, like you'd see Din there.  Not Surprising Boba wouldn't go himself.
"How will I know I've found them, then?"
"You'll know."  The nod of his helmet, as he held his leg swung over the side of the chair. Not like when other bounty hunters would go in, his posture was always rigid, his hand sat upon his thighs. Fennec was always present as well, but not when you'd arrive. Boba would send her out. A nod from your helmet as you turned on your feet to leave.
"Wait," stopping before you had even taken a step, turning back to Fett. Another glance over him made it clear, he was presenting himself to you, his legs spread like that wasn't for nothing.
"Can I see what you look like?" You didn't even know what Boba looked like, but you had heard of the clones, and Obi-wan had told you about them , and how he was one of the only ones to survive. Yeah, Luke had finally taken you to the place where completely the trials that allowed you to speak to the 'dead'.
Bringing up your gloved hands to your helmet, pulling it off your head slowly. Squinting your eyes slightly as they adjusted to the lighting. Your y/c eyes fluttering to Boba who just sat there nodding at you, your helmet hooked under your arm. 
"See you soon, l/n."
"Goodbye, Fett."
With that you were headed to Mandalore with barely any knowledge of the planet, only with hope that you'd be okay. 'I don't believe in luck we make our own luck." 
Worried that you'd land on the planet and be shot, oh yes just a pre empire ship landing on your planet. Not like Hera almost died for talking. Yet, you thought nothing about someone waiting when you landed on the hot planet with ease. Though, most of the planet was inhospitable there was still some life left. A doom over the city of Sundari, in the distance.
Stepping from your ship into the atmosphere, on the edge of the ramp. Closing your eyes briefly s your stretched your arms over your head, clenching your fists closed at the same time. Satisfaction washed of you for a long moment. Yeah, that didn't last long when the sound of multiple mechanical surrounded you quickly.
Sighing as you opened your eyes again, the shape light of the planet dimmed by the filter on your helmet. Just as Suspected 4 Mandalorians surrounding, upholstering your blaster tossing it into the dirt in front of you. Lifting your eye hands above your head. Could only hope, that they thought you were a man, but you had placed your lightsaber dangerously in the front of your pants. With the plate of armour placed over that to conceal it further.
You dared not speak, maybe you'd pretend you had your tongue cut out, no , that wouldn't work they would check. You heard of Ezra Bridger maybe you'd pretend to be a hutt, no, no you didn't have a tail.
"State your business." You didn't recognise the voice of the Mandalorian definitely wasn't Din's. Lowering your hands slowly to place them on your hips, changing your whole posture.
"Han solo, I'm here looking for my wookie."
"Solo? Where's your ship then?" Scoffing at the Mandalorian, turning around and pointing to your ship.
"No, the Falcon,"
"Oh, so what you're a fan? Ships don't last forever." You were supposed to be trying to conceal your voice, but clearly that wasn't working. Your hands now cuffed behind your back, pushed onto ship and off you went to an unknown destination. Just maybe that Han Solo thing hadn't worked? Two of the Mandalorians stayed in the back of the ship, what you'd describe as the back of a police van sort of thing. Their eyes glued to you , as you sat in front of them.Only the humming from the ship could be heard, you weren't leaving the planet but travelling towards Sundari.
Your helmet still upon your head as they pulled you out of the ship by your underarms , dragging you. The lightsaber slipping in your pants slightly, you hoped that it wouldn't fall into you leg, looking like you had shat yourself. Feet scraping against the stone path , looked as if you on a plaza, the area around built up. Large steps leading to watch you could describe as a palace, it was huge. Covered with cubist murals of Mandalorians.
No, this couldn't be what Luke sent you for? You thought you were in search of Jedi's not more Mandalorians.  You hoped that they weren't taking you to their leader, was that Darth Maul still? No, he's dead? Ugh. If they searched you you'd be dead,  if they took your helmet off you'd be dead. It was no surprise you had been seen with Luke by the empire causing trouble. Depending whether they were still a neutral system.  
One of the Mandalorians from the pair that walked behind you as you were held, had made their way to the front of the group. Speaking into the com link on their right arm, in a language that you could only guess was Mando'a. Stood at the bottom of the steps waiting for a brief moment, before the huge metal doors were opened agonisingly slow. Basically Aragorn walking through those doors at Helms deep without Aragorn or anyone walking through the door.
With that, no one came out of the doors but you were pulled in the stairs and through the doors. Lead into a room with a throne? Right, no more politicians since Satine. Surprising that the room wasn't just made out complete Beskar, more pretty windows carpets , paint, paintings, Chairs  , food. Wow, they must of killed a Pirate, wasn't Mandalore broke?
In the centre of the room, a man stood, in tight fitted clothes, furs, heavy boots, a weapon upon his belt, sorry two bone a blaster the other hidden from your sight. His face aged like wine, squishy, dark brown eyes locked onto yours. If his eyes were to be compared to something, it would be that chocolate river from Willy Wonka. No fat kid in it, but a a handsome man surrounded it. Soft brunette curls on his head, wrinkles at the edges of his eyes.
"This one claims to be 'Han Solo' "  The man only nodded at the Mandalorian dismissing them, the doors shut behind you loudly. Turning to face you completely the man sat upon his Throne . 
"So, you fought with the Rebel Alliance." That voice, it was familiar yet you didn't recognise his face. Maybe he was Luke's friend that he'd often talk to , or just someone who had made a fuss at a bar. Instead of responding verbally you had just nodded too.
"Right, what rank, Han."
"I'm sorry, I would prefer if you called me by my title." Straightening your posture , bulking yourself.
"Oh? And what would that be?"  The smirk upon that mans fave indicated be was having too much fun. You were glad your helmet had a modulator.
"Captain, commander or yours." The smirk had dropped from his face, lips slightly parted, clearly flustered, only for a moment before his face went back to smouldering.
"You clearly are not who you say are. Until you tell me your purpose here I cannot allow you to leave."
You were stuck in some sort of cell, hundreds of other cells surrounding you. It looked like they had put you into the one connected to the wall of the building. Nor had they searched you again. Why? All they did was take your blaster.  He didn't even try , he just shoved you into a cell, not him directly but he didn't like you or was going to sell you off to someone. Bounty hunters didn't sway the hearts of many.
So, what did you do? Grabbed your lightsaber from your pants cut through the wall, and ran for your life.  Why it wasn't made out of beskar you didn't Know. Calling R2 from your com link, oh yes Luke had sent him with you to watch over you. Your breath heavy as you ran through the city that was covered with metal, seemed like no end. But you could t just stop and wait for R2 you weren't even sure of he could get through.
The shooting at your feet as you ran for the doors out of the city, igniting your lightsaber and throwing it the doors switches. Quickly return your lightsaber to your hand before making it to the door. The sound of their jet packs and firing dying down as you turn to face them. Stood in a line face you as you exit slowly. Your light saver back in your belt , your arms up to your shoulders as you walked backwards.
"This is the day you will always remember as the day you almost caug-"  Okay, you had miscalculated you weren't planning on being grabbed from behind and pulled into a ship. The bright light of the inside of the side around you as the ramp was quickly slammed shit as you landed on the floor with a thump. This was your ship, but it wasn't R2 who you heard breathing heavily behind you.
Ahsoka Tano on your ship, Boba fett sent for her and she ended up capturing you instead. Not capturing but saving you , just said that for dramatic affect . You weren't sent to Boba for Mandalorians no of course not , if Luke wanted that he'd call Din. 
"Luke skywalker? Is your master?" Her hands on her hips as you sat in the pilots chair. She wasn't particularly fond on going with you but she did , why? That was unsure. The only reason she gave was her ship was destroyed on the planet and would not say why she was there either. Not that it was your business. 
"Yes, yes he is."
With that you were heading back to Ahch-too but of course it's never that simple. Instead Boba Fett had taken himself out of Tatooine to personally come meet you with the bounty that he knew you had.  In fact it ended up like the Hobbit the battle of the five armies, all in space just floating. Mandalorians and Boba attached to your ship. 
Both Boba Fett, and the Mandalorians entering the cockpit at the same time, turning around in your chair with a squeak. Sighing.  A mandalorian stepping forward to look at Ahsoka who now stood , her fingers besides her lightsaber eyeing the company.
"Ahsoka?"  Though she did not reply just stood her ground, you didn't dare to move , this was a huge mess.  The mandalorian that you assumed was king now in armour that seemed familiar but all of them looked alike to be honest. At least the clones had more style, and they didn't look alike.
"What are doing with Han Solo?"
Fett scoffed looking at you briefly before turning to Mandalorian in blue. "That's not solo, I would know he tried to kill me."
"I would kill you too, Clone."  Glaring at the Mandalorian it seemed that their was something you were missing, their guns were all lowered, yet Ahsoka still stood her ground. Like she would trust anyone after what she had been through.
"As I was saying, that is not Solo. This my best bounty Hunter, l/n. She caught a Je- why is she  not in carbonite?"
"Uhm, about that Boba..." Though your explanation was cut short again, Boba's eyes did not leave yours, your cheeks felt hot under your helmet, this was R2 he allowed them to board.
"Did you not know? Your best bounty Hunter is a Jedi."   These Mandalorians we're really sucky, they just wouldn't piss off, maybe if Mando was here he'd kill them, no , he wouldn't kill his own kind. Ugh, if you had been alive when Ahsoka was young, she'd cut their heads of with no hesitation, oh but not clones.
"Yeah, that wasn't hard to see, my lightsaber was shoved down my pants, you Mandalorians suck, didn't know I was Jedi until you saw me waving around a lightsaber. Ironic."   It seemed like Ahsoka had enough, and began the engine again, on your way back to Ahch."Down your trousers, really?"
"No, my underwear." Did that sound sarcastic?
You hadn't meant to bring a party with you to Luke but here you were on the way ack home with some Mandalorians and Boba Fett. Everyone had calmed down, waiting to arrive somewhere, with no discussion about it. Was this a horrible choice endangering Grogu probably.  So, you had gotten Bobas attention bringing him out of the cockpit and into a room. Well, the only over rooms were the bathroom and your small sleeping area.
"Well, what is it?"
"Uhm, just that I am no longer working for you, sorry and yeah I don't think you should stay."
"Oh,  just lovely you are. Though, I am not sure you ar- were my best bounty hunt, you'll have to take the helmet off." What was with this guy and wanting to see your facc. Sighing you pulled your helmet from your face slowly, the cold air slapping you as your hair fell from the helmet messy. (If you have no hair then your head was looking polished and hot like Dwayne Johnson.)
Though yet again, you could not see his face, well until he pulled his off too. A deep laugh erupted from his lips as he smiled at you, placing a hand on your shoulder.
"It is you."
Neither of you had notice Bo-Katan walking by after doing her business, seriously in your ship? Not that you'd notice it was her without seeing she got new armour. Oh, you know she went straight to tell her king.
So, after your short interaction with Boba, who decided he'd leave but not yet to much of your dislike. Soon as you stepped into the cockpit , the bigger framed Mandalorian was in front you, he wanted something. Looking passed him for Ahsoka who was busy with the control panel. Everyone talking to each other. Your throat itchy, this was not pleasant.
"You know you remind me of a fridge."
His visor stuck upon your face no, the silence from him, even his breathing did not stop you you. You were uncomfortable but when he wasn't speaking what were you supposed to do?
"Well, maybe a broken one because you hold yogurt but it's warm."  Again, he did not respond just stared you down.
"Yes, I understand." The same modified voice as you remembered, yet you still felt intimidated still.
"Oh, not funny not then?"
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"That I'm not Han Solo?" Grabbing your upper arm as he scoffed pulling you towards his empty ship connected to yours. You'd only hope that if you were murdered right now, that Luke would have this surge of anger like his father and kill this man. 'Kenobi!' Okay, it just felt like it needed to be Maul rage not a 'oh no, I strangled my wife pretty much and wondered how she died and now I am mad.' Too bad Mail didn't run Anakin over when he had the chance.
"Take the helmet off."
"Take it off." His feet travelling closer to you as his voice got sterner and slower. Wishing Din was here to tell this man about boundaries.
"Get lost, why are you even here? Chasing someone that didn't do anything wrong. You're a dick for king , go home and fix your ugly planet , sperm bank." You bad went to push passed him, his frame was sturdy, and before you could he had your wrists  in his hands.  Not fighting him, even though you could easily break free his hold was gentle. Looking up to the t of his visor.
"Do you not recognise me?"  You wanted to say yeah you kidnapped me. But it was clear from the soft tone in his voice that wasn't it. You had be oblivious, how could you over look everything.  The voice, the Mandalorians, a king , was this a joke from Ahsoka?  Maybe she was more like than Anakin than you had been lead to think.  His hands dropped from your wrists,  your hands rested on the sides of his helmet. A soft click of his helmet, pulling it up slowly.
But as you had began to lift it up, he had grabbed it from you quickly throwing it behind him with a thud.His cinnamon caramel sand, shiny coconut , beach waved, auburn oven baked curls softly placed upon his head. Stubble littering his jaw like grass, his Willy wonka chocolate fountain eyes glazing on you softly. T-this was the king of Mandalore, b-but no this couldn't be , no he wouldn't take his helmet off in front you? Would he?
Your hands now resting on the sides of your helmet, click , pulling up the helmet just as you had done previously without interruption. A sigh from his mouth as caught a glimpse of your face. Before your helmet dropped the floor , he had pulled you into a tight embrace.
"Don't tell me this whole time , I've been like these Mandalorians suck, I wish Din was here."
Pulling from Din to look at him,  through you shouldn't have , your palm was pressed against his stubbles cheek.
“Yeah, I had lightsaber as dick how did you not notice? Plus that pick up line, seriously?” Your hand was no longer one Din’s face, partly because it had became sweaty too quick and your arm was aching.
“Hm, if I knew it was you then I would’ve accepted.” Accepted what? The pick up line.. your face was hot, why couldn’t he say he heard Han Solo was a player and didn’t want his heart broken? Instead his hands were interwoven with yours. I feel like this a David Bowie as Jareth moment.
“P-pardon?” Your hands were dropped, Din had turned to pick up his helmet.
“You’re with him.”
“I’m with you?”
“No you are involved with Fett.”
“Sorry? I worked for him as bounty Hunter not a personal hustler.” But Din continued to put his helmet on unamused, walking out the door, but you had decided the best idea . Doesn’t matter if your weight , Din was strong. If he had to he’d be able to carry a ship. Okay maybe.
So, you had jumped on his back, your arms around his neck, legs around his Weiss, he did not budge, not at all.”Tell me what you meant or I-ill be... very annoying and pretend I am this really cool person that gets men and women but I am not but I will pretend I’ll trick them into thinking my lightsaber is big shlong -gosh why did you not stop me. And you should because I am a huge virgin.” Huge nerd more like.
“...I’d accept your offer of you being mine.” Maybe, Din felt better because he didn’t have to directly look at you, you were on his back what were you going to do, jump off and fall over? No, once again you pulled his helmet from his head, pressing a kiss to his stubbled cheek.
“We could be lovers.”
“I , I will be king
and you, you will be queen.”
What you didn’t see was Ahsoka with her com link talking to Luke , basically had a spy camera. 100% accidentally, but Luke knew you’d be safe.
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itsadamcole · 4 years
all i want (for christmas)
fem!reader x roderick strong
it’s been four months since reader and roderick strong broke up. It’s been four months since they last talked, until they’re both invited to the same Christmas Eve party ... “all i want for christmas is for you and me to fix this”
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word count: 3k+
warnings: angst, a little fluff, sad!reader, cheating accusations, mentions of cheating
— this is kinda based on liam payne’s “all i want (for christmas”. i love this christmas song so much —
masterlist || part 2 || request an imagine here
"Yeah, of course," you say, forcing a smile as you talk to Adam Cole. "I'll be there. I'm not going to let what happened get in the way of holiday celebrations."
Adam smiles, happy. "Yay," he says. "I'm sure the guys wouldn't mind see you there. It's been a very long time. Britt's even been saying how she misses hanging out with you and seeing you."
You give a little laugh and say, "Maybe I'll just steal her away from you for the night."
His smile fades and he jokes, "Don't you dare. I'd like to see my girlfriend at some point during the party."
"I'll think about it," you say. "See you in a few hours then."
Adam nods and walks off. The smile you've been managing to force drops immediately after he turns his back to you.
You would rather do anything else then attend a Christmas party that you know your ex-boyfriend will be attending. It's the Undisputed Era's annual Christmas party. They wear their green Undisputed Era sweaters and rent out a rental hall for the night from about seven until midnight the day before Christmas.
It's about three in the afternoon and there are four hours until the Christmas Eve party. You leave the Performance Center gym at four after you're done working out your anxiety about the party.
You head back to the house that you bought with said ex-boyfriend. You never found a place to move to after the breakup so you've been living here for the last four months.
After showering and blowdrying your Y/H/C colored hair, you curl your long locks and do your makeup. You do a dark red eye shadow with matching lipstick.
Once your hair and makeup are done, you walk to your closet. You look for anything that you could wear to a Christmas party. You find a dark red sequin dress.
The dress is short. ending about halfway down your thighs, with three-quarter sleeves. The sleeves cut off about halfway down your forearm, not quite reaching your wrists. The neck cuts right across your collarbone area, not showing a hint of cleavage. Usually, you'd wear something that shows off your chest but you decide against it tonight.
To complete the look, you put on a pair of dangly red diamond earrings and a silver bracelet. You wear a pair of dark red heels to match the sparkly dress.
As you finish getting ready, your phone begins to ring. You walk over to see that Kyle O'Reilly is calling. You sigh and answer the phone, saying, "Yes, Kyle. Relax. I'm about to leave to go to the party."
"Adam made me call," he says. "I told him to relax and that if you said that you would be there then you would. You're not one to back out on promises."
You close your eyes and sigh. Adam didn't make him call. You one-hundred percent knew that it was Roderick who made him call. You also knew that it was Roddy who made Adam ask you if you would come to the party.
"Tell Roderick that I'll be there," you say. "And don't tell me that it was actually Adam that made you call. I know it was Roddy."
Kyle stammers, "It definitely wasn't, uh, Roddy. He's, um, busy?"
You roll your eyes and say, "Sure. See you in a few, Kyle."
You hang up the phone and make sure you have everything you'll need. You take your car keys and leave the house.
The drive to the rental hall isn't that long. Well, it's close to forty five minutes that's not long enough to calm the anxiety you're feeling and the butterflies in your stomach.
It's been four months since you and Roddy broke up. You see each other at work all the time but something about an unprofessional atmosphere that is sending you into an anxiety attack as you drive.
Your hands are sweaty and your breathing is a little labored as your mind races. You have no idea what could happen tonight. You're terrified.
After you pull into a parking spot, you sit in the car watching several other wrestlers walk into the large building. It's close to seven before you get it together.
You form an objective as you click into the building. Find Britt Baker and don't leave her side.
Britt is your friend outside of WWE. You met her through Adam. You have several other friends that wrestle in AEW because of Britt introducing you since she wrestles for the brand. You hope that they're here too.
Christmas music blares from almost every direction of the room. You spot several pieces of mistletoe hanging on the ceiling as you look around at the decorations.
The boys definitely go all out but it's mostly Britt that makes them go all out. If it were up to the boys then there's be one tree and a few lights. But the room is full of decorations. A few trees are stationed throughout the room with bright bright lights. Gold garland is draped throughout the ceiling, almost hiding the green mistletoe.
The tables have red and green covers on them and each table has a little winter or Christmas themed figure in the middle.
"Ahh, Y/N!" you hear someone shout. You look to the left and see Britt Baker walking toward you with her arms out. She hugs you. "It's been too long, Y/N."
You smile and hug her back before you say, "It definitely has."
Britt pulls back and asks, "You holding up okay? I know how hard it must be to be here."
You nod and say, "I'm okay, I think. I'm just going to hope that I get through the night with no tears."
She smiles and says, "Well, you can stay by me. I was just hanging out over there with Reba and Brandi until I saw your cute ass walk through the door. That dress looks fabulous on you."
"Thank you," you say. "That dress looks good on you too."
Britt's wearing a strapless form-fitting red dress with a black belt around her waist. The top of the dress and the hem of the skirt is trimmed with white fluff. She's definitely dress as a more modern version of Mrs. Claus.
Your best friend smiles and says, "Thank you. Okay, lets go back to Reba and Brandi. We'll make sure you have fun tonight. No tears shall be shed while you're with us."
You laugh and walk over with Britt to Reba and Brandi Rhodes. Both Reba and Brandi both compliment your outfit. "It was a very last minute decision," you'd say when they compliment you, making both of them laugh.
As you're drinking and laughing with the girls, Adam walks over. He hugs his girlfriend from behind and kisses her cheek. "I hope that Y/N will let you come see me eventually," Adam says. "I'd like to spend some time with you."
Britt laughs and says, "Now now, Adam. She's having fun and that's our goal for tonight."
Adam nods and says, "It is." He looks at you as you take a sip of your egg nog. "He wants to see you at some point tonight, Y/N. He's sulking and staying away from you though. Please just go say hi to him and say thank you to him for inviting you."
You give a shaky sigh and glance around the room for your ex-boyfriend. You find him in a corner of the room as he talks to Kyle, Bobby, and one of the new girls that have started training at the Performance Center.
He's laughing at something the girl said and your heart wretches in your chest. "I think he's fine," you state. "And I think I'm gonna call it a night."
All the fun you were having for the past hour or so has washed away and now all you want to do is curl up on the couch with hot chocolate and watch Christmas movies on Netflix until you fall asleep. You don't want to be here anymore. No, you can't be here anymore.
As you start to get up, Adam says, "Y/N, I didn't mean to upset you."
You look at the leader of the Undisputed Era and say, "No, it's okay. I just promised myself no crying and if I stay then that's what's going to happen if I stay so I have to go."
Britt looks at you and says, "I'll come outside with you. Maybe I can convince you to stay."
The walls begin to close in on you and you shake your head. "No, that's okay," you say. "Enjoy the party."
You take once last glance at Roddy to see that he's looking at you before you start to walk toward door.
Your throat has closed up on you as you hold back tears. You walk to your car as you remember the laughter coming from Roddy as the girl said something.
"Y/N!" someone calls behind you as you reach the door.
The voice makes you almost lose it right then and there. You turn to see Roderick Strong walking behind you with a concerned look on his face. You shake your head and walk out onto the balcony area. On either side of this area are stairs that lead to the parking lot so technically you're just outside. The cool breeze whips through your hair and hits your face as you walk outside.
Roddy follows you. "Y/N, wait," he says. You sigh and look at your ex-boyfriend.
"What?" you ask, voice cracking. "Are you here just to walk out of my life again?"
Things didn't end very nicely between you and Roddy.
"Baby?" Roderick asks behind you.
You stand in your shared bedroom, holding his phone in your hands. Tears falling down your face as you look at the text notifications from his ex-wife on the lit up screen.
Roderick says, "Y/N? What's wrong?"
You sigh softly and read, "Roddy, love, when are you coming over? We want to see you tonight. Please text me when you get these." When you're finished reading, you look at your boyfriend. "What the fuck, Roddy? You told me it was over with her."
Roddy says, "It has been, Y/N. For two years."
"'Love'?" you say. "It's over but she still calls you 'love'. Okay, Roderick."
He walks over to you and he says, "It's not what it looks like, Y/N."
You cry, "I don't believe you, Roddy. I don't. I've seen you around her. You're happier when you're around her then you are with me. You constantly flirt with her and you disappear for days on end right after you talk to her."
Roderick says, "That's to see my son. You know that, Y/N. Do you really think that I'd cheat on you?"
"I don't know," you say. "You never let your son come over here and you just go over to her house. I've never even met your son after close to two years of dating. What's your lie for that?"
He looks slightly hurt as he says, "Because he's only three-years-old and he doesn't understand that his parents aren't together anymore. Adding you in there will only confuse him more. I've been waiting for the right time to introduce you to him, Y/N."
Things start to come together in your mind. That's a perfectly valid excuse. Troy is only three. He would be confused if you suddenly appeared in his life. He wouldn't understand why his parents aren't together. Roddy and his wife split shortly after Troy's first birthday and they've been co-parenting for years.
"I can't believe that you'd actually think I'd cheat on you," Roddy scoffs. "After two years, I thought you knew me better than that."
You immediately jump into defense mode as you say, "I'm sorry. I just never thought about how me being in Troy's life would confuse him. You're just gone for days on end and I-"
"Apparently don't trust me," Roderick says. He walks to the closet and grabs a suitcase. He puts clothes in it. "You don't trust me when all I do is go see my son, who I rarely get to see in the first place."
You say, "Roddy, please, I'm sorry. Please stay, let's just talk it out." You walk up to him and wrap your arms around his waist, not wanting to let go.
Roderick looks at you and says, "You don't trust me so why would I stay?" You look up at him and stay quiet. "Exactly." He takes his phone from you and walks toward the door.
You stand in the middle of the room, tears falling down your face. He stops, with his back turned to you and for a moment, you think he'll stay.
Your hopes are diminished as he walks down the hallway and down the stairs. Once the front door opens and closes, you start to cry. He left. He's gone.
You and Roderick stand face-to-face, alone for the first time in months.
"I never left," Roderick says. "You didn't trust me when all I did was leave to see my son."
Guilt hits you instantly and you say, "You could have stayed and we could have talked. I could have explained why I thought that you were cheating."
Roddy crosses his arms and he says, "So explain."
You say, "It's been four months, Roddy. What's the point?"
"I want to know if there was a reason behind why you thought that I was cheating on you," he says. "So explain."
You lean against the railing and you sigh. "It's because it wouldn't be the first time," you say. "When I first started in NXT, I met this guy and he would leave for a few days every few weeks. He would tell me he was visiting family. I received a DM from a girl who told me that she just found out that he was dating me and told me that him and her were dating each other. She had no idea about me. That's why I freaked out like I did because all I could think about was that message. I'll admit, I freaked out more than I should have but I was scared that it was happening again."
Roderick's expression and posture has softened as you explain your reasoning behind your freak out a few months ago.
Your words hang in the air for a few moments and you avoid looking at Roderick as soon as you're done talking.
Roderick finally breaks the silence when he says, "Kyle told me that you knew it was me that put him up to calling you earlier and that it was me that sent Adam to ask you to come. I wanted you here tonight, Y/N."
You finally look over at Roddy and ask, "Why? I thought you wouldn't want me around anymore after what happened."
"Because all I want this Christmas is for you and me to fix this," he says, reaching out and taking your hand. You look up at him with tear filled eyes. "I've missed you, Y/N. These past four months have been hell for me. I haven't gone a day without thinking about you and what would happen if we fixed things."
The tears start to fall down your cheeks as you listen to Roddy talk. You wait until he's done talking before you ask, "Why did it take you so long to try and fix this? Why did it take you four months?"
A car door closes and Roderick looks at the car. I look to see Roddy's ex-wife holding her son's hand. Her and Roddy's son. Troy.
Roderick says, "I've spent the past four months talking to Troy with Marina. We've been trying to get him to understand that his parents aren't together but that we're still his parents. Marina was talking to him about you, Y/N. She's been trying to get him to understand that she's his mother but that I'm with someone else."
Marina and Troy walk up the stairs and you look at Roddy. He looks at you before walking over to Marina and Troy. You stand in the same spot as Troy is picked up by Roddy. You see Roderick say something to Marina as she hands him a bag that was on her shoulder. She walks away and Roddy walks over to you with Troy.
Troy is looking at you and Roderick says, "So, Y/N. This is Troy. My son. This is the reason I left for a few days every few weeks."
You look at Roddy and ask, "After everything, you still want me to meet your son?"
Roderick nods and says, "I'm hoping that we'll fix things and that the past four months wouldn't have been a huge waste."
Troy says, "Y/N."
You raise your eyebrows and look at Troy. He smiles and holds his arms out to you. Roderick hands the toddler to you and you look at Roddy as you hold Troy in your arms.
Roderick smiles at the sight in front of him. "So what do you say?" he asks. "Give me a chance to fix things with us?"
You glance at Troy before looking at Roderick, saying, "Yes."
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dead-eric · 3 years
Preparing for BC on the 23rd, and it's taking me down memory lane.
In canada we have very few tracks, and mostly it's the oval courses that let the drifters on.
BUT there is one special track in Victoria BC that has called to me ever since I was 19 years old. Every couple of years I would pack up my life into my R32 sedan, quit my job, and drive 14 hours through the Rocky mountains in hopes that I could make a life for myself near this track and finally enjoy regular, organized drifting.
I've probably accumulated more kilometers specifically to drive Western Speedway than anyone else in the country for this reason alone. I've had no fear of telling my landlord and boss I'm leaving, in order to drive this track regularly. A few times I landed in Victoria with no job waiting for me, and one time I even lived in a camper trailer in the Forrest, so I could experience the life of someone who loves drifting AND gets to go and do the thing he loves. I've not always been so irresponsible about it, but I'd like to make the point of how deeply I have sacrificed, and how I risked every single thing to drive there. Again and again, without even blinking about it. When you truly truly want something, it almost seems like the only option, and the rest is just a path to get back there.
Most of the time, my life long health problems got in the way of me being able to afford event entry, or tires. The last time I actually drove an event there was a competition in 2014, I think. Thanks to the uncommonly large and tight community and my all time greatest friends, I've got to borrow a car for a couple laps when I visit from alberta to keep the dream alive.
Now, I've no health issues and am financially blessed, and super ironically, the track has been sold and is not going to be around much longer. I'm sure the community there will feel a massive loss when it closes its doors in the not so distant future, but i will feel a unique and special part of my spirit die that day. The thought of redemption on that tarmac has kept me going, through hell and back, and back to hell and back again, about 7 times. My dedication to my dream of rejoining the community never died, the track did, and that will take a lot of wind from my sails. It was my North star, and gave me the motivation to keep putting one foot infront of the other during extreme sickness and at times dabilitating bouts of instability. I just wanted to experience what the locals there get to participate in every second week, my dreams since I was 19. To simply participate regularly in the thing that I love and have talent at. About 7 years ago I made myself a replica track in a driving simulator, and most nights I drive there by myself, imagining taking on the big names of the drivers feild. Wondering how I'd really match up if given the chance.
Now I have my chance.
This is not a sad story, on the 23rd I'll leave to bc, and drive a three day drift event there in a rented car. One last hurrah. One last chance to experience the reality I felt I deserved, and a chance say goodbye to the tarmac that's truly been the home of drifting in western Canada. To see my old friends, and hopefully compete against the drivers feild I wanted to test myself against for over a decade, but never got the chance. This makes me unspeakably happy. Really, I couldnt put it into words, how much it means for this old, tired body, to have a last drink of pure nectar.
As I do the drive west, I'll be thinking a lot about each time I'd done it before. Each time I missed the target.
I'll probably unashamedly cry for a moment on the last day of the event. I know the locals will be heartbroken when Western Speedway closes its doors for the last time, but i dare say it will represent something a bit different to me. A dream I only got to dip my toes in, just enough to know that's where I was supposed to be. For a time, when I was puking for 24+ hours straight in the throws of a broken body, western speedway was the thing that I HAD to get back to, before I ended my life. (not that I feel the desire to anymore, but ya man was seriously ill) I'm not sure where the dart that is my dreams will fall on the dartboard of life after this. But it is the WORLD to me, that we get to have one last game.
Anyone who ever fought for something and she'd their own blood in the process, just to have it slip away, I'll be dedicating a lap to you.
It IS better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all. I'm nothing but thankful for its existence. I'm nothing but grateful for every memory, and every friend I made along the way.
We will see where life takes me after this, it likley won't be so focused on drifting. I wouldn't be Me without Western Speedway though. God bless that place.
Maybe I'll write a book about it when I finish my current project. I wish you all could see the smile that's going to be on my face when I get there.
Thank you to anyone who ever had any part in the capital drift series, yall deserve it. Pick up your boots and their straps and keep drifting alive out there somehow, no matter what. Please.
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angels-in-overcoats · 4 years
Scott and his family had just moved into a new neighborhood. His dad had gotten a promotion at work, and they thought it would be best to live in one of those "fancy" neighborhoods. Scott and his brother Caddy couldn't complain though. A new, better house. What was not to love? As they were getting unpacked, one of their neighbors came by.
"Hello," she said, "I'm Holly; I live across the street from you. Well, I just wanted to introduce my self and to introduce my son." She turns around and calls her son over. "JackSepticEye, these are our new neighbors." JackSepticEye said hi and ran back to play in his yard.
"Well," said Scott's mom, "I'm Franklin, and this is my husband Glenn, and my two sons, Scott and Caddy." They each introduced themselves, and then Holly invited them to her son's birthday. Scott and his brother were about to object, when their mother said that they would love to. When Scott and his family are done packing, Scott went up to his mom.
"Mom, why would you invite us to some kid's party? If you haven't noticed, I'm not some dumb kid."
"Scott," said his mother, "We just moved here; we should show that we want to spend time with our neighbors. Now, we're going to that party, and that's final." Scott started to talk, but stopped himself, knowing that he couldn't do anything. Whenever his mom said something, it was final. He walked up to his room and plopped down on his bed. He sat there looking at his ceiling when suddenly, he got a weird feeling. Not so much a pain, but... a weird feeling. He dismissed it as just some random feeling. He heard his mother call him down to get his stuff, and he walked down to get it.
The next day, Scott walked down stairs to get breakfast and got ready for school. As he sat there, eating his breakfast, he once again got that feeling. This time it was stronger. It gave him a slight tugging pain, but he once again dismissed it. As he and Caddy finished breakfast, they walked down to the bus stop. They sat there waiting for the bus, and then, all of a sudden, some kid on a skateboard jumped over them, only inches above their laps. They both jumped back in surprise. "Hey, what the hell?"
The kid landed and turned back to them. He kicked his skate board up and caught it with his hands. The kid seems to be about twelve; one year younger than Scott. He wears a Aeropostale shirt and ripped blue jeans.
"Well, well, well. It looks like we got some new meat." Suddenly, two other kids appeared. One was super skinny and the other was huge. "Well, since you're new here, I'd like to introduce ourselves, over there is Tobuscus." Scott and Caddy looked over to the skinny kid. He had a dopey face that you would expect a sidekick to have. "And he's JonTron." They looked over at the fat kid. Talk about a tub of lard. This kid looked like he hadn't exercised since he was crawling.
"And I," said the first kid, "am ProJared. Now, for all the kids in this neighborhood there is a small price for bus fare, if you catch my drift." Caddy stood up, ready to punch the lights out of the kid's eyes when one of his friends pulled a knife on him. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, I had hoped you would be more cooperative, but it seems we must do this the hard way." The kid walked up to Caddy and took his wallet out of his pocket. Scott got that feeling again. Now, it was truly strong; a burning sensation. He stood up, but Caddy gestured him to sit down. Scott ignored him and walked up to the kid.
"Listen here you little punk, give back my bro's wallet or else." ProJared put the wallet in his pocket and pulled out his own knife.
"Oh? And what will you do?" Just as he finished the sentence, Scott popped the kid in the nose. As ProJared reached for his face, Scott grabbed the kid's wrist and broke it. ProJared screamed and Scott grabbed the knife from his hand. JonTron and Tobuscus rushed Scott, but Scott was too quick. He threw ProJared to the ground. Tobuscus lashed out at him, but Scott ducked and stabbed him in the arm. Tobuscus dropped his knife and fell to the ground screaming. JonTron rushed him too, but Scott didn't even need the knife. He just punched JonTron straight in the stomach and JonTron went down. As he fell, he puked all over. Caddy could do nothing but look in amazement at Scott.
"Scott how'd you?" that was all he said. They saw the bus coming and knew they'd be blamed for the whole thing. So they started running as fast as they could. As they ran, they looked back and saw the bus driver rushing over to ProJared and the others. As Scott and Caddy made it to school, they didn't dare tell what happened. All they did was sit and listen. Caddy just thought of that as his brother beating up a few kids, but Scott knew it was more. It was something, scary. As he got that feeling he felt how powerful it was, the urge to just, hurt someone. He didn't like how it sounded, but he couldn't help feeling happy. He felt that strange feeling go away, and stay away for the entire day of school. Even as he walked home due to the whole thing near the bus stop, and how now he probably wouldn't be taking the bus anymore, he felt happy. When he got home his parents asked him how his day was, and he said, in a somewhat ominous voice, "It was a wonderful day." Next morning, he heard a knock at his front door. He walked down to find two police officers at the door, his mother looking back at him with an angry look.
"Scott, these officers tell me that you attacked three kids. That it wasn't regular fighting, and that they were stabbed. Stabbed, son!" Scott's gaze fell to the floor, showing his mother that it was true.
"Mom, they were the ones who pulled the knives on me and Caddy."
"Son," said one of the cops," We found three kids, two stabbed, one having a bruise on his stomach, and we have witnesses proving that you fled the scene. Now, what does that tell us?" Scott knew it was no use. He could say him and Caddy had been attacked, but then there was no proof it was not them who attacked first. They couldn't say that they weren't fleeing, because truth be told they were. So Scott couldn't defend himself or Caddy.
"Son, call down your brother." Scott couldn't do it, since it was him who beat up all the kids.
"Sir, it...it was me. I was the one who beat up the kids. Caddy tried to hold me back, but he couldn't stop me." The cop looked at his partner and they both nod.
"Well kid, looks like a year in Juvy..."
"Wait!" says Caddy. They all looked up to see him holding a knife. The officers pulled their guns and locked them on Caddy.
"It was me, I beat up those little punks. Have the marks to prove it." He lifted up his sleeves to reveal cuts and bruises, as if he was in a struggle.
"Son, just put the knife down," said the officer. Caddy held up the knife and dropped it to the ground. He put his hands up and walked over to the cops.
"No Caddy, it was me! I did it!" Scott had tears running down his face.
"Huh, poor bro. Trying to take the blame for what I did. Well, take me away." The police led Caddy out to the patrol car.
"Caddy, tell them it was me! Tell them! I was the one who beat up those kids!" Scott's mother put her hands on his shoulders.
"Scott please, you don't have to lie. We know it's Caddy, you can stop." Scott watched helplessly as the cop car speeds off with Caddy inside. A few minutes later Scott's dad pulled into the driveway, seeing Scott's face and knowing something was wrong.
"Son, son what is it?" Scott couldn't answer. His vocal cords were strained from crying. Instead, Scott's mother walked his father inside to break the bad news to him as Scott wept in the driveway. After an hour or so Scott walked back in to the house, seeing that his parents were both shocked, sad, and disappointed. He couldn't look at them. He couldn't see how they thought of Caddy when it was his fault. He just went to sleep, trying to get the whole thing off his mind. Two days went by, with no word from Caddy at JDC. No friends to hang out with. Nothing but sadness and guilt. That is until Saturday, when Scott is woke up by his mother, with a happy, sunshiny face.
"Scott, it's the day." she said as she opened up the curtains and let light flood into his room.
"What, what's today?" asked Scott as he stirs awake.
"Why, it's JackSepticEye's party." He was now fully awake.
"Mom, you're joking, right? You don't expect me to go to some kid's party after..." There was a long pause.
"Scott, we both know what happened. I think this party could be the thing that brightens up the past days. Now, get dressed." Scott's mother walked out of the room and downstairs to get ready herself. He fought himself to get up. He picked out a random shirt and pair of jeans and walked down stairs. He saw his mother and father all dressed up; his mother in a dress and his father in a suit. He thought, why they would ever wear such fancy clothes to a kid's party?
"Son, is that all your going to wear?" said Scott's mom.
"Better than wearing too much." he said. His mother pushed down the feeling to yell at him and hid it with a smile.
"Now Scott, we may be over-dressed, but this is how you go if you want to make an impression." said his father. Scott grunted and went back up to his room.
"I don't have any fancy clothes!" he yelled down stairs.
"Just pick out something." called his mother. He looked around in his closet for what he would call fancy. He found a pair of black dress pants he had for special occasions and an undershirt. He couldn't find a shirt to go with it though. He looked around, and found only striped and patterned shirts. None of which go with dress pants. Finally he found a white hoodie and put it on.
"You're wearing that?" they both said. His mother looked at her watch. "Oh, no time to change. Let's just go." She said as she herded Scott and his father out the door. They crossed the street over to Holly and JackSepticEye's house. They knocked on the door and at it appeared that Holly, just like his parents, way over-dressed. As they walked inside all Scott could see were adults, no kids.
"The kids are out in the yard. Scott, how about you go and meet some of them?" said Holly.
Scott walked outside to a yard full of kids. They were running around in weird cowboy costumes and shooting each other with plastic guns. He might as well be standing in a Toys R Us. Suddenly a kid came up to him and handed him a toy gun and hat.
"Hey. Wanna pway?" he said.
"Ah, no kid. I'm way too old for this stuff." The kid looked at him with that weird puppydog face.
"Pwease?" said the kid. "Fine," said Scott. He put on the hat and started to pretend shoot at the kids. At first he thought it was totally ridiculous, but then he started to actually have fun. It might not have been super cool, but it was the first time he had done something that took his mind off of Caddy. So he played with the kids for a while, until he heard a noise. A weird rolling noise. Then it hit him. ProJared, JonTron, and Tobuscus all jumped over the fence on their skateboards. Scott dropped the fake gun and ripped off the hat. ProJared looked at Scott with a burning hatred.
"Hello, Scott, is it?" he said. "We have some unfinished business." Scott saw his bruised nose." I think we're even. I beat the crap out of you, and you get my brother sent to JDC."
ProJared got an angry look in his eyes. "Oh no, I don't go for even, I go for winning. You may have kicked our asses that one day, but not today." As he said that ProJared rushed at Scott. They both fell to the ground. ProJared punched Scott in the nose, and Scott grabbed him by the ears and head butted him. Scott pushed ProJared off of him and both rose to their feet. Kids were screaming and parents were running out of the house. JonTron and Tobuscus both pulled guns out of their pockets.
"No one interrupts or guts will fly!" they said. ProJared pulled a knife on Scott and stabbed it into his shoulder.
Scott screamed and fell to his knees. ProJared started kicking him in the face. After three kicks Scott grabs his foot and twists it, causing ProJared to fall to the ground. Scott stood up and walked towards the back door. JonTron grabbed him.
"Need some help?" He picks Scott up by the back of the collar and throws him through the patio door. As Scott tries to stand he is kicked down to the ground. ProJared repeatedly starts kicking Scott, until he starts to cough up blood.
"Come on Scott, fight me!" He picks Scott up and throws him into the kitchen. ProJared sees a bottle of vodka on the counter and smashes the glass over Scott's head.
"Fight!" He throws Scott back into the living room.
"Come on Scott, look at me!" Scott glances up, his face riddled with blood. "I was the one who got your brother sent to JDC! And now you're just gonna sit here and let him rot in there for a whole year! You should be ashamed!" Scott starts to get up.
"Oh, finally! you stand and fight!" Scott is now to his feet, blood and vodka on his face. Once again he gets that strange feeling, the one in which he hasn't felt for a while. "Finally. He's up!" says ProJared as he runs at Scott. That's when it happens. Something inside Scott snaps. His psyche is desJonTroned, all rational thinking is gone, all he can do, is kill. He grabs ProJared and pile drives him to the ground. He gets on top of him and punches him straight in the heart. The punch causes ProJared's heart to stop. As ProJared gasps for breath. Scott hammers down on him. Punch after punch, blood gushes from ProJared's body, until he takes one final breath, and dies.
Everyone is looking at Scott now. The parents, the crying kids, even JonTron and Tobuscus. Although they easily break from their gaze and point their guns at Scott. Scott see's the guns trained on him and runs for the stairs. As he runs JonTron and Tobuscus let out fire on him, each shot missing. Scott runs up the stairs. He hears JonTron and Tobuscus follow up behind. As they let out their final rounds of bullets Scott ducks into the bathroom. He grabs the towel rack and rips it off the wall. JonTron and Tobuscus race in, knives ready.
JonTron swings his knife at Scott, who backs away and bangs the towel rack into JonTron's face. JonTron goes down hard and now all that's left is Tobuscus. He is more agile than JonTron though, and ducks when Scott swings the towel rack. He dropped the knife and grabbed Scott by the neck. He pushed him into the wall. A thing of bleach fell down on top of him from the top shelf. It burnt both of them and they both started to scream. Scott wiped his eyes as best as he could. He pulled back the towel rack and swung it straight into Tobuscus's head. As he lay there, bleeding to death, he let out an ominous smile.
"What's so funny?" asked Scott. Tobuscus pulled out a lighter and switched it on. "What's funny," he said, "Is that you're covered in bleach and alcohol." Scott's eyes widened as Tobuscus threw the lighter at him. As soon as the flame made contact with him, the flames ignited the alcohol in the vodka. While the alcohol burned him, the bleach bleached his skin. Scott let out a terrible screech as he caught on fire. He tried to roll out the fire but it was no use, the alcohol had made him a walking inferno. He ran down the hall, and fell down the stairs. Everybody started screaming as they saw Scott, now a man on fire, drop to the ground, nearly dead. The last thing Scott saw was his mother and the other parents trying to extinguish the flame. That's when he passed out.
When Scott woke he had a cast wrapped around his face. He couldn't see anything, but he felt a cast on his shoulder, and stitches all over his body. He tried to stand up, but he realized that there was some tube in his arm, and when he tried to get up it fell out, and a nurse rushed in.
"I don't think you can get out of bed just yet." she said as she put him back in his bed and re-inserted the tube. Scott sat there, with no vision, no idea of what his surroundings were. Finally, after hours, he heard his mother.
"Honey, are you okay?" she asked. Scott couldn't answer though, his face was covered, and he was unable to speak. "Oh honey, I have great news. After all the witnesses told the police that ProJared confessed of trying to attack you, they decided to let Caddy go." This made Scott almost bolt up, stopping halfway, remembering the tube coming out of his arm. "He'll be out by tomorrow, and then you two will be able to be together again."
Scott's mother hugs Scott and says her goodbyes. The next couple of weeks were those where Scott was visited by his family. Then came the day where his bandages were to be removed. His family were all there to see it, what he would look like. As the doctors unwrapped the bandages from Scott's face everyone was on the edge of their seats. They waited until the last bandage holding the cover over his face was almost removed.
"Let's hope for the best," said the doctor. He quickly pulls the cloth; letting the rest fall from Scott's face.
Scott's mother screams at the sight of his face. Caddy and Scott's dad stare awe-struck at his face.
"What? What happened to my face?" Scott said. He rushed out of bed and ran to the bathroom. He looked in the mirror and saw the cause of the distress. His face. It... it's horrible. His lips were burnt to a deep shade of red. His face was turned into a pure white color, and his hair singed from brown to black. He slowly put his hand to his face. It had a sort of leathery feel to it now. He looked back at his family then back at the mirror.
"Scott," said Caddy, "It's not that bad..."
"Not that bad?" said Scott," It's perfect!" His family were equally surprised. Scott started laughing uncontrollably His parents noticed that his left eye and hand were twitching.
"Uh... Scott, are you okay?"
"Okay? I've never felt more happy! Ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaa, look at me. This face goes perfectly with me!" He couldn't stop laughing. He stroked his face feeling it. Looking at it in the mirror. What caused this? Well, you may recall that when Scott was fighting ProJared something in his mind, his sanity, snapped. Now he was left as a crazy killing machine, that is, his parents didn't know.
"Doctor," said Scott's mom, "Is my son... alright, you know. In the head?"
"Oh yes, this behavior is typical for patients that have taken very large amounts of pain killers. If his behavior doesn't change in a few weeks, bring him back here, and we'll give him a psychological test."
"Oh thank you doctor." Scott's mother went over to Scott." Scott, sweety. It's time to go."
Scott looks away from the mirror, his face still formed into a crazy smile. "Kay mommy, ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaa!" his mother took him by the shoulder and took him to get his clothes.
"This is what came in," said the lady at the desk. Scott's mom looked down to see the black dress pants and white hoodie her son wore. Now they were clean of blood and now stitched together. Scott's mother led him to his room and made him put his clothes on. Then they left, not knowing that this was their final day of life.
Later that night, Scott's mother woke to a sound coming from the bathroom. It sounded as if someone was crying. She slowly walked over to see what it was. When she looked into the bathroom she saw a horrendous sight. Scott had taken a knife and carved a smile into his cheeks.
"Scott, what are you doing?" asked his mother.
Scott looked over to his mother. "I couldn't keep smiling mommy. It hurt after awhile. Now, I can smile forever. Scott's mother noticed his eyes, ringed in black.
"Scott, your eyes!" His eyes were seemingly never closing.
"I couldn't see my face. I got tired and my eyes started to close. I burned out the eyelids so I could forever see myself; my new face." Scott's mother slowly started to back away, seeing that her son was going insane. "What's wrong mommy? Aren't I beautiful?
"Yes son," she said, "Yes you are. L-let me go get daddy, so he can see your face." She ran into the room and shook Scott's dad from his sleep. "Honey, get the gun we..." She stopped as she saw Scott in the doorway, holding a knife.
"Mommy, you lied." That's the last thing they hear as Scott rushes them with the knife, gutting both of them.
His brother Caddy woke up, startled by some noise. He didn't hear anything else, so he just shut his eyes and tried to go back to sleep. As he was on the border of slumber, he got the strangest feeling that someone was watching him. He looked up, before Scott's hand covered his mouth. He slowly raised the knife ready to plunge it into Caddy. Caddy thrashed here and there trying to escape Scott's grip.
"Hey all," Scott said. "Scott here.”
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kpopfoyoseoul · 5 years
Little One; Prologue
Mafia au
Word Count: 1309
Stray Kids Chan x Reader
Story by Admin A
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Why do I even bother showing up? You thought as you walked home from yet another boring day being the secretary for a man who rarely ever shows up and cancels everything when he does. For the last two weeks though, no one had seen him at all. Every morning you dropped off any paperwork he needed to do at his home, only to return the next morning and find it untouched. A few times you considered using the spare key that you had accidentally found last week, just to make sure he was alright, but the stories of what happened to his previous secretaries once they entered kept you from doing so.
All of his previous secretaries had been fired, only to be found dead; their bodies barely recognizable, a few days later.  Every time, all the evidence pointed to the members of SKZ, a mafia lead by the elusive CB97. The first time they thought it was a coincidence but after the third the police realized the pattern. They made the mistake of making the information completely public, so now everyone has been spreading rumors that your boss is a member of the group.
You never believed them of course but weren't willing to risk your life should they be true. You would've already quit if your landlord hadn't upped the rent suddenly. Five times already this week the police had shown up at the office asking to speak to him, only to be told once again that he hasn't left his house in two weeks. 
Tonight you were late leaving the office because someone had only faxed over the ginormous packet of paperwork you needed to get signed by the start of business tomorrow three minutes before you were supposed to clock out. Your boss, Jiyong, had long ago made a rule that all work, other than his own, had to be done at the office for some reason. This of course, led you to being at the office for two hours later than normal, reading over every single word of the packet to check if it was correct and signing on the many lines that required it. By the time you finally got to leave the sun had long set and the last bus had shut down for the night, leaving you to walk the half-mile to your apartment completely in the dark, save for your phone flashlight, in the five-inch heels that your uniform requires.
As if that wasn't bad enough your phone battery was getting quite low. With at least 8 minutes left and the flashlight burning through the last 15 percent of your battery, there was no doubt that you would have to finish the walk in total darkness unless you took the shortcut through the alley. Normally you would, but at this time of night no one dared to go through there except criminals.
Your neighborhood is controlled by SKZ and everyone knows it.  Your landlord, Felix,  is a member of the inner circle. Even the police know but the group is so powerful that no one other than rookies desperate to prove themselves will ever do anything about him.  Despite being among CB97's highest ranked, Felix has never been anything other than nice to you.  He is honestly the best landlord you've ever had.  The only reason he upped the rent is to discourage all the people who tried to sign a lease without intending to ever pay.
Thinking about it now, you probably should have called him the second you realized your battery wouldn't last the whole walk.  He likely would have come to get you since he treats you like family.  At this point though, your battery won't even last long enough to get the call through.  You eventually decide to screw it, you're going through the shortcut.  Though you don't want to see anything illegal, you're well within SKZ territory.
By complete chance, the alley is empty tonight and you walk through undisturbed to your street.  It's a good thing that you took the shortcut because the second you get your door unlocked, the phone dies, plunging you into darkness for the few seconds before you switch on the light.  Locking the door, you drop everything on the couch, plug in your phone, and finally go to bed.
The next morning, you get up early, change into your uniform and head over to Jiyong's to drop off his paperwork as usual. When you get there, however, the door is ajar.  From what you can see without opening it any more, the inside is trashed.  Furniture flipped on its side, vases shattered, paintings splattered in red.  Of everything, this is what alarms you most. Without another thought you push the door open more and step inside, intent on finding your boss.
Carefully, you make your way through the mess, scanning for anything living.  At one point a cat scampers from the stairs to the kitchen but you pay it no mind. Seeing that he isn't on the ground floor, you slowly walk towards the stairs.  As you begin your ascent, voices slowly become audible.  Although you can't hear what they're saying, you can tell where they are, so you go in the opposite direction in hopes of finding your boss, preferably alive, before having to risk running into the owners of the voices.
Once you confirm that, no, your boss isn't on that side of the house, you start toward the voices, freezing as you get close enough to hear what is being said and recognize the deep voice and accent of your landlord.
"Chan, we can't find it. Maybe it's not here. It might be at his office instead, or maybe our intel was bad and he never had it to begin with."
"Keep looking, Bobby's intel has never been wrong before," replied Chan, "He has it and has hidden it somewhere in the house."
Another voice chimes in, "It took a while, but he's finally out. He just kept refusing to die."
"You're getting slow, I think we need to start you on anatomy training again," Chan teased.
"Whatever.  We need to get out of here before his secretary gets here," the last voice reminds as all three of them start walking.  At that, you snap out of your scared stupor and scramble to hide under an overturned armchair.  Apparently, you don't breathe quietly enough, since the footsteps stop right next to your hiding place.  A moment later, the chair is flung away, leaving you exposed to the three men.  The first two have pistols aimed at your head, while the third, Felix, just stares at you, surprised.
"Wait.  Chan, Jisung, don't hurt her.  She's one of my tenants and completely harmless."
"Then what do you suppose we do? We can't just let her go…"
"Yes we can.  She won't go to the police, and if she does we know where she lives!" Felix points out.
"He's right Jisung, we do know where she lives, but how about we give her an option.  Either she goes on with life as normal, forgets everything she saw or heard and be constantly monitored for the rest of her life, or she can come with us and we will take care of her needs. Either way works, she doesn't say anything to the cops.  But we did just kill her boss, didn't we?" reasons Chan.
Felix confirms, "We did.  She would have to find a new job."
"Those are the choices. Come with us and never have to work again, find a new job and be constantly monitored, or we do the same to you as we did to your boss.  Of course, I'd rather not have to hurt someone who accidentally got involved," Chan said as he turned back to face you, "so what do you say little one?"
Part One Coming Soon...
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The Girl Out of Time
Pairing: Bucky x Reader and Sam x Reader
Background: Willow Roffe was born and raised in Brooklyn. She lived her life as happily as she could with her two childhood best friends Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers. When they both left her to join the military she tried to continue with life but that didn't get to happen for her for the simple fact that she meant something to James Buchanan Barnes.
Rating: Story will be overall MATURE but not every chapter. There will be strong language, talk of both mental and physical abuse, some good ole angst, and smut. There will be a warning at the beginning of the chapter when it includes smut.
Chapter 31
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It felt like an eternity had passed before anyone had showed up. I was bouncing my knees nervously while watching out the windshield of the jet. It was Steve and James who ran into the hangar. T'challa was hot on their heels but so was Nat. I watched as Nat exchanged a few quick words with them then turned to face T'challa.
Steve and James ran onto the deck of the jet. Steve took the pilot seat next to me while James sat behind Steve. We all strapped in quickly since I already had everything ready for them. Just as Steve started to lift the jet off the ground I saw T'challa push past Nat then jump towards the jet. He must have missed because I didn't see or hear anything. Steve took off soaring quickly over the airport. I glanced to the side seeing Rhodey coming up beside us.
"Rhodey" I said aloud.
Steve glanced in my direction immediately noticing Rhodey flying next to us. He grabbed the handle shoving it upwards. The force pushed me back in my seat as we accelerated leaving Rhodey and the airport behind us.
"Where's Sam?" I asked after a few minutes of silence.
Steve sighed as he glanced back to James.
"He sacrificed himself so Buck and I could make it to the jet." Steve answered quietly.
I didn't dare ask anything else. I didn't want to know. I knew Sam wasn't dead. Tony and the others would have never went that far but I didn't want to know what was going to happen to Sam, Clint, Wanda, and the new guy. I had to keep my mind clear. For now at least.
Most of the trip was silent unless James was giving some kind of directions to Steve. It wasn't until we finally reached the snow capped mountains that James sighed.
"What's gonna happen to your friends?" He asked Steve quietly.
Steve was the one to sigh this time.
"Whatever it is, I'll deal with it." Steve said simply.
I could see the hesitation in his eyes. He didn't want to say he hoped he could deal with it which was probably closer to the truth.
"I don't know if I'm worth all this, Steve." James said guilt clear all over his face.
I turned around in my seat to face him. He was looking down like he couldn't bare to look at either of us.
"What you did, all those years, it wasn't you. You didn't have a choice." Steve told him with a glance backwards.
"I know. But I did it." James practically grumbled.
"James Buchanan Barnes stop it. You can sit there and drown in guilt and self pity for everything that happened or you can man up and do something to try to make up for it." I said sternly.
James looked surprised but Steve chuckled softly. James gave me a small smirk then nodded. I knew it wouldn't be that easy but I had to try. I knew James' guilt would be much harder to fix.
Before I knew it Steve was landing the jet next to some kind of snow mobile on top of one of the snow covered mountains. As soon as the jet was on the ground we were unstrapping ourselves. James and I were the first ones up. He was quick to pull open the hidden self that was intended for Natasha. He pulled out two guns handing one to me then taking one for himself. After closing the shelf back we met Steve at the bay door. He pressed the button making the door start to open slowly.
"Remember that time we had to ride back from Rockaway Beach in the back of that freezer truck?" Steve asked with a hint of a smile.
I didn't know the memory personally but the two of them had told me about that day. I had to stay home and help with Gracie that day.
"Was that the time we used our train money to buy hot dogs?" James asked with a smirk.
Steve chuckled softly.
"You blew three bucks trying to win that stuffed bear for a redhead." Steve corrected him.
A small wave of jealously swept over me at his words as James chuckled. I shook my head. That was way before any of this happened. No need to be jealous Willow.
"What was her name, again?" James asked.
"Dolores, you called her Dot." Steve shook his head.
"She's gotta be a hundred years old right now." James said softly.
"So are we pal." I told him with a small smile.
That made both men laugh and nod. We started down the ramp onto the snow and ice. The wind was wiping around us making me shiver. I was not dressed for snow. We walked a few feet away from the jet until we could see the entrance to the bunker. The door was clearly open.
"He can't have been here more than a few hours." Steve said with a slight unsure tone.
"Long enough to wake them up." James said simply.
A chill ran down my spine both from the cold and the thought of having to fight the guys James had described. We walked forward approaching the door hesitantly. James went inside first. His gun held up ready to fire. Steve was right behind him with his shield in hand. I took the rear keeping my gun as ready as I could.
We stepped into a small room with nothing but an old metal elevator. We got into the small space. I was crammed between both men with no room to move. The elevator moved quickly to my surprise. When it stopped Steve opened the metal cage barrier.
The building we stepped into was clearly old. Bits of the walls were chipped and cracked. Every surface was covered in dust and spider webs. Just the look of the place was eerie enough. We started up a small flight of stares. James leading, I was in the middle, and Steve took the rear. Just as James reached the top step a loud thud echoed through the building. All three of us whipped around staring back towards the elevator. The door creaked loudly.
"You ready?" Steve asked as he crouched below us.
His shield was covering most of his body. My gun was raised ready to fire. James' gun was aimed right over my shoulder. The metal elevator door was slowly pried open. When I saw who it was I didn't know how to feel. Should I be relieved or even more terrified?
The full head to tow Iron Man suit stepped into the hallway. He stopped then the face mask disappeared revealing the face of Tony Stark.
"You seem a little defensive." He said in his usual sarcastic tone.
"Its been a long day." Steve sighed.
None of us moved. We each kept our weapons at the ready and our eyes trained on Stark.
"At ease, soldiers. I'm not currently here for him." Tony said gesturing to James.
"Then why are you here?" Steve asked sternly.
Tony walked forward a few steps.
"Could be your story's not so crazy. Maybe. Ross has no idea I'm here. I'd like to keep it that way. Otherwise, I gotta arrest myself." Tony explained shrugging nonchalantly.
Steve stepped towards Tony caustiously.
"Well, that sounds like a lot of paperwork." Steve told him.
Tony scoffed playfully. Steve lowered his shield. I followed Steve's lead lowering my gun but James kept his aimed over my shoulder.
"Its good to see you, Tony." Steve said softly with a nod.
"You too, Cap." Tony smiled.
Tony then turned toward James and I.
"Hey, Manchurian Candidate, you're killing me. There's a truce here. You can drop-" Before Tony could finish Steve raised his hand towards James.
James instantly lowered his gun. The four of us made our way through the dusty building trying to find the man behind all of this and hopefully not a handful of murderous winter soldiers. The further in we went the worse the place looked. It certainly seemed something had happened here. Panels of glass were broken and shattered. Some had indents of bodies. We made our way down a narrow hall which opened up into a much larger room. Lights flickered on almost immediately illuminating several chambers like the ones I had been found in. They all hissed faintly as smoke drifted out from them. As far as I could see none of the soldiers had been woken up. Not yet at least.
"If its any comfort, they died in their sleep." A voice echoed over what sounded like a speaker.
We stepped further into the room to inspect the chambers. I noticed the small bullet holes right away. One hole in the glass and another in the man's forehead. He killed them? All of them?
"Did you really think I wanted more of you?" The voice questioned.
"What the hell?" James asked under his breath.
"I'm grateful to them, though. They brought you here." The voice said.
A small light flicked on in the back of the room illuminating the face of the doctor. Steve reacted instantly throwing his shield at him. All it did was make a loud thud then come flying right back at the Captain.
"Please, Captain. The Soviets built this chamber to withstand the launch blast of UR-100 rockets." The doctor chuckled.
We all started slowly walking towards his illuminated face.
"I'm betting I could beat that." Tony told him confidently.
"Oh, I'm sure you could, Mr. Stark. Given time. But then you'd never know why you came." He smiled sinisterly.
"You killed innocent people in Vienna just to bring us here?" Steve asked in disbelief.
Steve walked ahead of us putting himself only inches from the glass the doctor was hiding behind.
"I've thought about nothing else for over a year. I studied you. I followed you. But now that you're standing here, I just realized, there's a bit of green in the blue of your eyes." The man said coldly then chuckled.
I stood next to James with my gun raised just like his. I tried hard not to let my confusion show on my face. I didn't understand this situation at all.
"How nice to find a flaw." He added.
"You're Sokovian. Is that what this is about?" Steve asked him.
"Sokovia was a failed state long before you blew it to hell. No. I'm here because I made a promise." He sneered at the Captain.
"You lost someone?" Steve asked.
"I lost everyone. And so will you." He spat.
A screen like an old computer monitor clicked on behind Steve. We all turned to face it.
"An empire toppled by its enemy can rise again. But one which crumbles from within? That's dead. Forever." He said menacingly.
The screen was static for a moment then showed a survelliance video of an old dirt road. Tony and I stepped closer to it.
"I know that road." Tony whispered.
He turned to the doctor.
"What is this?" He shouted.
I jumped slightly as a car suddenly appeared on screen as it crashed. A second later a motorcycle came onto the screen. The rider got off the bike as the driver's door opened. The biker effortlessly pulled open the trunk of the car. The driver, an older man with silver hair fell to his knees in the dirt. He started to crawl towards the other man.
"Please, help my wife." He begged weakly then coughed.
The biker stepped over to the man grabbing him by the hair of his head then pulled his face back for the camera to see. A small gasp escaped me. That was Howard Stark. A much older Howard Stark but it was him no doubt about it. Tony's entire body went ridged next to me.
"Sergeant Barnes" Howard croaked in shock.
My heart stopped as Tony's head snapped over to James. He was standing with his head hung low. He already knew what this was.
"Howard" a woman's voice cried.
I closed my eyes turning from the screen as James began to punch Howard in the face repeatedly. I only opened my eyes again when I heard the woman scream for Howard. James put the body back in the driver's seat then made his way to the woman on the other side. I felt the tears fall down my cheeks as I watched him choke the life out of her. Then he simply shot out the camera and the video ended.
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Tough Love (2)
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Penelope followed Jae towards another office. He knocked twice before opening the door.
"Hey boss. Got a new client for ya. Here's all the notes." Jae said, handing a man a folder.
Penelope had yet to look up at him. She already felt inferior and she knew her personal trainer would be fit and could judge her in her appearance.
She tried to shrink into her hoodie even more.
"Please take a seat." Penelope heard a new voice say. It was deep, but rich with a warm tone.
"Thanks." She said, still not looking up.
“I’m going to be frank with you.” the new voice said after a moment of silence.
“This is going to work a lot easier if you look at me.”
Penelope looked up and immediately regretted it.
The boss was striking.  His hair was a stark white, facial features defined and he wore a cut off shirt, showing off all of his muscles; some Penelope didn’t even know existed.
“I’m Woosung.” he said as after another moment.
“I think I’m in the wrong office then.” Penelope said, moving to stand up.
“Are you sure? Jae is a bit of a dunce, but I think you’re where you’re supposed to be.” Woosung said.
“He said I’d be paired with a Sammy.” Penelope said.
“That’s me.” Woosung laughed lightly.  “Sammy is a nickname. You’ll hear a lot of that around here. Sam, Sammy, Boss, hey you.  You may even hear some I dare not repeat in front of new client.” he laughed.
Penelope just nodded, storing that information for later.
“Alright then. Jae did some of your initial stuff, but I’ll need to do an official intake.” Woosung said, getting right to the point.
“What does that entail?” Penelope asked, hating the idea completely.
“Normal stuff. Height, weight, history, expectations, that sort.” Woosung said picking up his pen.
“I see you also said you were going to see a dietician. If you would like,I can help you with that as well. You’re signing a six month contract so we’ll be seeing a lot of each other.”
“Would you be offended if I asked if you were qualified to be my dietician?" Penelope asked him.
Woosung let out another soft laugh.
"No, I'd be impressed. Most people just say yeah sure. I have an undergrad degree in sports medicine and a graduate degree in business management. I also take courses every year the FDA provides to keep up to date on dieting and wellness."
"That's impressive." Penelope said. She was glad she could get all of her stuff done in one place.
"What about you? What profession do you have?" Woosung asked, picking up his pen.
"I'm a medical assistant for a pediatric physician." She told him.
"Hey, that's awesome. How much time do you say you spend on your feet a day?" He asked.
"I'd say close to but not over 75%. I'm usually up and around taking vitals and going between patients. The sitting part is for updating charts and looking up records."
"Alright. What about at home? ” he asked, continuing to write stuff down.
“I’m much less active at home.” Penelope told him honestly.
“I do the picking up and the cooking, but otherwise I am probably on the couch watching TV a good portion of the night. I do go on daily walks after dinner though.” 
“Those are all really good starting points.”
Woosung stood up after writing something else down.  He walked over to his door and drew the blinds on his full glass door.
“Alright. If you’re comfortable with it, we’re going to do height and weight now.” he said, turning back towards Penelope.
She sighed but stood up anyway.  She pulled off her shoes and went to stand by Woosung on the far side of the room.
After he was finished measuring her height, she knew the weight was coming.
She admittedly hadn’t weighed herself in a few weeks.  She always knew there was fallout if she didn’t lose weight.
“You should take your sweatshirt off.” Woosung said, back to her.
Penelope cringed as she took the sweatshirt off.  She felt exposed in the fitted t-shirt she wore underneath.
“Step up whenever you’re ready.” Woosung said.
Penelope took a deep breath and stepped on the scale.
She’d gained four pounds this month.
“I’m sorry.” she said loudly, hands coming up in a placating gesture.  It was an immediate reaction, conditioned from years of apologizing for her body.
“Why are you sorry?” Woosung asked, concern etched on his face.
“Nothing. Um...just sorry for..well.  Nothing, nevermind.” Penelope said, stepping back down.
“Alright. Now that we are done with that part, let’s get into your medical history.” he told her, gesturing for her to sit back down.
“Can I put my sweater back on?” she asked.
“Of course. You don’t have to ask me permission to do anything.” he told her.
Penelope nodded, throwing the oversized hoodie back over body.
“So, is there anything in your medical history that I should know?” Woosung asked.
“I’m not sure? I have a heart murmur and hypothyroidism.” Penelope told him.
She was surprised to see Woosung look up at her abruptly.
“Hypothyroidism?” he asked for clarification.
“Yeah. I was diagnosed a few years ago.” she told him.
“Okay. That can affect your weight and health quite a bit if not treated properly.  Do you take your medications?” 
“Every morning. I see my doctor twice a year for evaluation and every three months for blood work.”
“That’s good then.” he said, putting his pen down.
“Alright. I think that’s enough for today. There’s more I need to know, but I can ask some of that stuff anytime.  Give me a few days to get your plan together. I can call you when I’m all done so we can get together again to go over it.  You can decide if you want to sign the six month contract after you’ve seen it all.” Woosung told her.
“Alright. Jae didn't get any contact information from me so I can leave it with you."
"Sounds good. I'll call you soon."
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Penelope finally got him around 6pm. She'd left the gym and went for a walk before coming home.
"I'm home! " Penelope yelled into the seemingly empty apartment.
She wasn't sure why she expected Milo to be home.
She cooked herself a light dinner and did the dishes before grabbing her blanket and settling in the couch.
She had fallen asleep halfway through her movie. When she woke up, Milo was sitting in the chair next to her.
"Hey. When did you get home?" She asked him, stretching out slightly.
"About an hour ago." He said, not looking up from his phone.
"Want anything to eat?" She asked him.
"No I had dinner with the guys." 
It was quiet for a moment before she spoke again.
"I -uh- I met with a trainer today."
"Another one? How long is this gonna last?" Milo asked, tone condescending.
"I'm signing a six month contract." She told him feeling defensive.
"So you'll waste more than half that money when you decide to be lazy again." 
"It wouldn't kill you to be supportive of me." Penelope mumbled.
"And it wouldn't have killed you to lose weight two years ago, but here we are."
Penelope just sighed.
"I'm going to take a shower." Penelope said as she got up off the couch.
Milo just nodded in her direction, so Penelope just kept walking. There was no point in talking to him anymore.
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lycienne · 6 years
Idea for a Jacob/Staci fic
Jacob still has Staci captured, but doesn't condition him or anything. At first, he's just confined to a room (maybe even one with an arcade) gets regular meals ect. When Staci promises Jacob that he won't run away he becomes kind if Jacob's assistant. Staci follows him everywhere, taking notes, commands some of the lower level soldiers when Jacob has no time for that, runs errands which doesn't involve leaving the Veterans Center's grounds.
Somewhere along that way they become attracted to each other. Jacob is happy having someone around who has his own mind, doesn't just follow his orders, who isn't just grossed out by him and most importantly isn't related to him. Staci is stubborn and rolls his eyes when Jacob starts again with his religious ramblings and is the only one to point out that Jacob doesn't even believe them himself. But he's clever enough not to cross a line since Joseph has his spies everywhere.
Staci on the other hand is happy that Jacob respects him, treats him well (compared to what he has heard about Hudson and Burke) gives him a certain amount of freedom. Jacob protects him from jealous cultists who don't like the idea that a "prisoner" gets more access to a herald than they get (Jacob even shot one of his chosen who attempted to kill Staci, and proceeded to yell that anyone else trying to commit treason would face a much harsher punishment).
Later, Jacob would take Staci with him when meeting with his brothers and Faith, much to their surprise. He justifies it by saying he needs someone to check that Faith doesn't but any Bliss in his food and drinks, that he doesn't trust his soldiers enough to keep Staci safe while he's gone. Staci is a hostage after all, and if one of his soldiers might "accidentally" hurt or kill him they might lose an important gambling point to the resistance which so far has maintained a low profile in the Whitetail Mountains compared to the other regions of Hope County.
The fact that Jacob just likes having Staci around conveniently falls under the table. When time goes by, Jacob relies on Staci, who has proven himself loyal to him (and be it only to save his life) more and more. Since Staci is around Jacob at almost all times, it's inevitable that he witnessed a PTSD breakdown, most likely when they are alone finishing some documents for Joseph after a hard day of training new recruits.
It's the first time Staci sees Jacob cry, apologizing to some guy named Miller, and cursing over and over again that he just wants a normal fucking life. Staci tries to comfort Jacob by awkwardly padding his back, but it doesn't take long for Jacob to pull him into his lap and hug him like Staci is some kind of teddy bear replacement. Staci just let's it happen, hell he even hugs Jacob back, he just can't stand the sight of the person who has had so much mercy on him crying. Shortly after that Jacob tells Staci everything. There's news out that the rookie deputy has killed Faith and is moving to his region next, for some reason sparing John.
Jacob wants Staci to know that he (Jacob) has to die to fulfill his brothers prophecy,that his life doesn't matter, that Staci has to flee to John's region once he's dead, so he can be saved. And God, how Jacob wants Staci to be saved. If anyone deserves to walk through Eden's Gate, it's him.
Staci of course is furious. He knows that Joseph is manipulating Jacob and he knows that Jacob knows he's being manipulated by his brother. Jacob is a monster, maybe even a psychopath (although Staci doesn't believe that for a second) and Staci did his hardest in trying to hate him, but it didn't work. Both of them have danced around each other for so long it's almost heartbreaking. And Staci snaps. He walks over to Jacob, pulls his head down and kisses him. Tells him Jacob won't him to sacrifice himself, that he will stop him, no matter the cost. Jacob doesn't know if he should laugh or cry and decides just to kiss Staci back as if his life depended on it.
A few weeks later that theory should be tested, as Rook has come to kill Jacob while he and Staci where patrolling the area. Jacob went alone went the first noticed Rook, telling his chosen to restrain Staci until he came back (not that Jacob was planning to return, since he was aware that the time to fulfill his brothers prophecy had come). For the first time in years Jacob prays to God, thanking him for his time with Staci and begging him to keep Staci safe should to collapse really come.
Staci, on the other hand, struggles and finally breaks free out of the chosens's grip, just to run after Jacob. He finds both Rook and Jacob on a nearby hilltop pointing guns at each other. That God nobody is hurt yet, but how things are going, that's only a matter of seconds. At some point Staci thinks he's getting suicidal, too, when he steps between the two. Both Rook and Jacob are startled since they were so caught up in the chase they didn't even realize Staci was coming.
That's the dumbest thing he's done in his life, Staci is sure of that, but he can't just have Jacob sacrificing himself, not here, not yet, not ever. Despite what he has done. There's a curious disconnect in Staci's brain between Jacob the herald and Jacob the person. Jacob the herald might be a monster, evil, a psychopath and everything else people say about him, but Jacob the person isn't. Jacob the person is a soldier who wanted a family to come home to, who's happy when he has people to protect who love and cherish him or what he does, who spends hours hunting just to find the perfect animal for his brother to stuff.
When Staci dares Rook to shoot him to get to Jacob, all three of them are shocked. Rook, because he couldn't believe his colleague would risk his life for a certifiable monster, Jacob, because Staci actually managed to escape his chosen and tries to protect him with his life rather than running straight into the arms of the resistance and finally Staci, because his brain caught up with his actions.
Rook was the first one to come to his senses, shouting for Staci to get out of the way, get somewhere safe, "until that problem is solved". He doesn't physically move or try to get Staci away from Jacob though. Staci knows at this point it's all or nothing. In seconds Jacob will awake out of whatever stasis he's in and shove him out of the way. Staci wants to explain everything but theres no time, so he acts. He turns around and kisses Jacob with all that he's got. All that he wants to say in one action. Are here tears on his face? Staci doesn't know, doesn't care. Either he and Jacob both survive the next seconds, minutes or they don't. It's simple as that. "I'm sorry Rook, I love him, I just love Jacob", is all he manages to say and he means it. Staci doesn't even realize it's the first time he confessed his love to Jacob.
At that moment the world suddenly starts to move again. Jacob grabs his hand and runs. Through the forest, away from Rook. Staci faintly hears shouts and gunshots in the distance, but he doesn't care. He runs and runs and runs next to Jacob until they arrive in one of his hiding places. "We have to talk to Joseph", is all that Jacob says between hastily shared kisses full of love and desire. When Staci asks him later why, his only answer is "because I want to live". For some reason that makes Staci happier than anything else.
It's only been two days and they're on the way to John's bunker to meet with Joseph, since John's ranch had been taken by the resistance and Joseph's compound had been abandoned by the time the reaping started. Jacob and Staci have barely set foot in the bunker when the bombs drop. The Peggies are quiet. Staci is quiet. John and Rook, who stand next to each other for some reason Staci doesn't want to know, are quiet. "I was right", Joseph says into the silence, "I was right".
During the following days Staci learns q lot if things. That Rook took so long to take Faith down and get to him was John's fault, for example, because he wouldn't stop messing with Rook, in ways Staci didn't want any further explanation.
Staci also learned from Rook that it wasn't some God who decided to punish humanity, but that WW3 just happened, and Staci wasn't sure which was worse. Either way, he punched Joseph right in the face during one of their "family dinners", for making all of them suffer so much. Jacob wasn't pleased but Staci didn't care at this moment.
The last thing that Staci learned was that all of the Seeds bunkers were connected and that radio transmission was still possible. That meant two things: he could contact his still lost colleagues he learned fled to a bunker called "Wolf's Den" and that a sizable number of people survived the bombing. For the first time in his life he was happy preppers existed.
And after everything, Jacob was alive, he was alive and his friends were alive. That was all that counted in this moment. Staci didn't now what the future would look like, he just was happy that he could share it with Jacob.
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PS: If anyone wants to use this plot go for it, I'd be honored (Just tell me before because I'd read the heck out of that). I just love the idea of Jacob and Staci having a relationship that doesn't involve torture or brainwashing or conditioning. Both my babies deserve better than what they got.
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When my mother got sick last year, someone asked me why I had such an issue with taking care of her (as I'd expressed I really didn't feel like I 'had' to or owed her that much as she had never taken care of us ever, let alone when we were sick, but that I intended to try anyway) since I called her my best friend (supposedly, at some point, I believe I probably did, it was something she made me say at family gatherings a lot).
It's taken almost a year and a whole lot of shit for me to answer that question: I was stuck in an abusive relationship with my mother and the only way to survive was to make myself believe we really were friends. Because if I let myself realise she really didn't care about me, I could never have sorted in my head why I did everything she wanted, why I went along with so much and why I stuck around.
In many ways, the pattern of abuse was identical to my relationship with a man who had narcissistic personality disorder (diagnosed, aware of it and chose not to engage in help). Except, I left him after four months, but for at least three of those I was kept on a string of believing I was the problem whilst he screamed in my face, bullied me and physically abused me.
My relationship with my mother lasted 23 years. For many of those years I was still a child. I was so easy to indoctrinate with ideas and beliefs that I was the root of all the problems in her world. I went with it. I've spent years feeling like I ruined my mother's life because that's what she told me. I've spent YEARS trying to make up for what I did by being born because that's what she told me to do.
It's led to me growing up to become a vulnerable adult. When I think someone loves me, I think their opinion about me must just be right. Because surely someone who loves you wouldn't tell you were a fat whore unless it was true, right?
It was so easy to dodge questions like 'why do you put up with her if she literally is so rude to you all the time?' with a 'idk. She's my best friend' because don't best friends speak every day? Don't best friends do things together constantly? Don't best friends scream at their best friend when they haven't spoken to them in 5 hours? Don't best friends kick and shout and scream when you say you're busy and can't do anything that day?
My friends witnessed many incidents with my mum and would ask, incredously, why the fuck I hang around her when she spoke to me that way, and it would just be a shrug. It was easier to go along with it than fight it. Fighting back meant being screamed at and frightening displays of controlling behaviour. It was as simple as if I hung around my mum daily, the abuse was at around 30-70% severity dependent on her mood. If I ignored her for a few days, then the abuse was at 80-100% severe. Imagine going to spend the day with someone who is going to yell at you every time you speak, put you down at every chance, find an insecurity and dig and dig and dig. So you avoid that by letting her abuse you just a bit less daily.
I was dependant on my mum for much of life's little things and she made sure of that. It's been hard and relying on my friends to help me is difficult and scary because I'm so used to it coming with a cupful of abuse. I'm always on edge, waiting for it to blow up in my face.
I also just don't know where to draw lines thanks to my mums abuse. How much abuse is too much? My chart is way off. I will keep trying cos god, the size of the cup of abuse my mum fed me daily was absolutely huge compared to the abuse I've ever had from others. Someone could say one nice thing about me and abuse me the rest of the day and that would still be less abuse than my mother dealt me.
I made so many excuses for her. She admitted fully she never wanted me from the start - my dad wanted me but when I was born, he changed his mind and got a job so she had to put her life on hold and so I ruined everything. I was a problem from the start because I was female, and that meant I was going to be abused in her eyes, so she detached herself (was she ever attached?) rather than even attempt to protect me. I excused her for that. I first shouldered the blame for why she hated me when I was 6/7 years old and she told me about her own past. The grand irony is that had she been watching, had she cared to pay attention, I would likely not have been abused. The grandest irony of all was that my biggest abuser was her.
I still catch myself excusing her. 'Oh I always went silent after she screamed at me for daring to ask her not to be nasty towards me. Maybe I could have spoken up more.' even though I know logically that only made things worse. I remember once asking her if I could remove the furniture from my bedroom when she was away (so I could store it in her room) so that I could remove the black mould growing all up my windows, my walls and (as I later discovered), all up the sides of my actual bed and mattress. I was so ill all of the time and my breathing was a mess. I could smell it all the time, it was so overwhelming and although I cleaned what I could, due to my bedroom being a closet, I couldn't get behind anything without removing everything. She said no. No reason, no explanation, just no. Like most things that benefitted me. I was incredibly frustrated and begged that I could barely breathe for mould, she screamed at me that I deserved it and it was my fault. Black mould had been a persistent problem in that room long before I moved into it, as she had lived there before and seen it. I finally raised my voice and told her I wasn't going to accept this blatant disregard for my health and I was going to do it next time she was away anyway. I was paying rent at that point but it did not stop her getting up and getting in my face and telling me to get the fuck out her house. The third or so time she had kicked me out. There was no reasoning with her. She liked it when I suffered.
She is a narcissist through and through and I have been suffocated by narcissistic abuse for 23 years. Even now, she attempts to abuse me via my brother and father and even the government. She has lost her victim - the last person willing to take her shit. Most her family and friends are not willing to help her for more than five minutes as she treats them unkindly when she realises they will take it and stick around. I've watched her do it, and it just gets worse and worse for those people like it did for me. But they leave, because it has not been 23 years for them.
I don't even know where I'm going with this. I'm just... Through. My dad accepted my ultimatum and chose me. It's a weird feeling and a promise I hope he can keep. I know she asks him for information and I have told him to stop giving it to her repeatedly.
To those who think a mother deserves for their child to revere them permanently just because they birthed them... You're wrong. It is our actions and choices that shape our relationship and at every choice, my mother chose to act in her own interests with no care for anyone else. This is a woman who let a man beat her children whilst bragging to them he'd never hit her cos he knew she'd leave. I gave both my parents chances to mend our relationships and believe me, my dad was an appalling parent growing up. He was atrocious. But he decided he wanted to mend that relationship and he wanted to be a dad. Yes, it's sad he didn't realise it sooner but I'm happy for the relationship I have with him now, even if it's not perfect and he really doesn't know how to dad sometimes. My mum? My mum will still tell you it's my fault she finished her degree a year later than she wanted because I was born and I ruined everything 23 years ago. I dared to be born female and put that stress on her. She holds it over my head like it is my responsibility to fix. It has broken me. I've spent 23 years trying to make up to her the faults of my being born and nothing will ever, EVER be good enough to do that. I have given all I have to give. I literally have nothing left to give.
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Jeff the killer
Jeff and his family had just moved into a new neighborhood. His dad had gotten a promotion at work, and they thought it would be best to live in one of those "fancy" neighborhoods.
Jeff and his brother Liu couldn't complain though. A new, better house. What was not to love? As they were getting unpacked, one of their neighbors came by.
"Hello," she said, "I'm Barbara; I live across the street from you. Well, I just wanted to introduce my self and to introduce my son." She turns around and calls her son over. "Billy, these are our new neighbors." Billy said hi and ran back to play in his yard. "Well," said Jeff's mom, "I'm Margaret, and this is my husband Peter, and my two sons, Jeff and Liu."
They each introduced themselves, and then Barbara invited them to her son's birthday. Jeff and his brother were about to object, when their mother said that they would love to. When Jeff and his family are done packing, Jeff went up to his mom.
"Mom, why would you invite us to some kid's party? If you haven't noticed, I'm not some dumb kid."
"Jeff," said his mother, "We just moved here; we should show that we want to spend time with our neighbors.
Now, we're going to that party, and that's final." Jeff started to talk, but stopped himself, knowing that he couldn't do anything. Whenever his mom said something, it was final. He walked up to his room and plopped down on his bed. He sat there looking at his ceiling when suddenly, he got a weird feeling.
Not so much a pain, but... a weird feeling. He dismissed it as just some random feeling. He heard his mother call him down to get his stuff, and he walked down to get it. The next day, Jeff walked down stairs to get breakfast and got ready for school. As he sat there, eating his breakfast, he once again got that feeling.
This time it was stronger. It gave him a slight tugging pain, but he once again dismissed it. As he and Liu finished breakfast, they walked down to the bus stop. They sat there waiting for the bus, and then, all of a sudden, some kid on a skateboard jumped over them, only inches above their laps. They both jumped back in surprise. "Hey, what the hell?"
The kid landed and turned back to them. He kicked his skate board up and caught it with his hands. The kid seems to be about twelve; one year younger than Jeff. He wears a Aeropostale shirt and ripped blue jeans."Well, well, well. It looks like we got some new meat." Suddenly, two other kids appeared. One was super skinny and the other was huge. "Well, since you're new here, I'd like to introduce ourselves, over there is Keith."
Jeff and Liu looked over to the skinny kid. He had a dopey face that you would expect a sidekick to have. "And he's Troy." They looked over at the fat kid. Talk about a tub of lard. This kid looked like he hadn't exercised since he was crawling."And I," said the first kid, "am Randy. Now, for all the kids in this neighborhood there is a small price for bus fare, if you catch my drift." Liu stood up, ready to punch the lights out of the kid's eyes when one of his friends pulled a knife on him.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I had hoped you would be more cooperative, but it seems we must do this the hard way." The kid walked up to Liu and took his wallet out of his pocket. Jeff got that feeling again. Now, it was truly strong; a burning sensation. He stood up, but Liu gestured him to sit down. Jeff ignored him and walked up to the kid. "Listen here you little punk, give back my bro's wallet or else."
Randy put the wallet in his pocket and pulled out his own knife. "Oh? And what will you do?" Just as he finished the sentence, Jeff popped the kid in the nose. As Randy reached for his face, Jeff grabbed the kid's wrist and broke it. Randy screamed and Jeff grabbed the knife from his hand. Troy and Keith rushed Jeff, but Jeff was too quick. He threw Randy to the ground. Keith lashed out at him, but Jeff ducked and stabbed him in the arm. Keith dropped his knife and fell to the ground screaming. Troy rushd him too, but Jeff didn't even need the knife.
He just punched Troy straight in the stomach and Troy went down. As he fell, he puked all over. Liu could do nothing but look in amazement at Jeff. "Jeff how'd you?" that was all he said. They saw the bus coming and knew they'd be blamed for the whole thing. So they started running as fast as they could. As they ran, they looked back and saw the bus driver rushing over to Randy and the others. As Jeff and Liu made it to school, they didn't dare tell what happened.
All they did was sit and listen. Liu just thought of that as his brother beating up a few kids, but Jeff knew it was more. It was something, scary. As he got that feeling he felt how powerful it was, the urge to just, hurt someone. He didn't like how it sounded, but he couldn't help feeling happy.
He felt that strange feeling go away, and stay away for the entire day of school. Even as he walked home due to the whole thing near the bus stop, and how now he probably wouldn't be taking the bus anymore, he felt happy. When he got home his parents asked him how his day was, and he said, in a somewhat ominous voice, "It was a wonderful day." Next morning, he heard a knock at his front door. He walked down to find two police officers at the door, his mother looking back at him with an angry look. "Jeff, these officers tell me that you attacked three kids. That it wasn't regular fighting, and that they were stabbed. Stabbed, son!" Jeff's gaze fell to the floor, showing his mother that it was true.
"Mom, they were the ones who pulled the knives on me and Liu."
"Son," said one of the cops," We found three kids, two stabbed, one having a bruise on his stomach, and we have witnesses proving that you fled the scene.
Now, what does that tell us?" Jeff knew it was no use. He could say him and Liu had been attacked, but then there was no proof it was not them who attacked first. They couldn't say that they weren't fleeing, because truth be told they were. So Jeff couldn't defend himself or Liu."Son, call down your brother." Jeff couldn't do it, since it was him who beat up all the kids."Sir, it...it was me. I was the one who beat up the kids.
Liu tried to hold me back, but he couldn't stop me." The cop looked at his partner and they both nod. "Well kid, looks like a year in Juvy..." "Wait!" says Liu. They all looked up to see him holding a knife. The officers pulled their guns and locked them on Liu."It was me, I beat up those little punks.
Have the marks to prove it." He lifted up his sleeves to reveal cuts and bruises, as if he was in a struggle."Son, just put the knife down," said the officer.
Liu held up the knife and dropped it to the ground. He put his hands up and walked over to the cops. "No Liu, it was me! I did it!" Jeff had tears running down his face. "Huh, poor bro. Trying to take the blame for what I did. Well, take me away." The police led Liu out to the patrol car."Liu, tell them it was me! Tell them! I was the one who beat up those kids!" Jeff's mother put her hands on his shoulders."Jeff please, you don't have to lie.
We know it's Liu, you can stop." Jeff watched helplessly as the cop car speeds off with Liu inside. A few minutes later Jeff's dad pulled into the driveway, seeing Jeff's face and knowing something was wrong. "Son, son what is it?" Jeff couldn't answer. His vocal cords were strained from crying. Instead, Jeff's mother walked his father inside to break the bad news to him as Jeff wept in the driveway.
After an hour or so Jeff walked back in to the house, seeing that his parents were both shocked, sad, and disappointed. He couldn't look at them. He couldn't see how they thought of Liu when it was his fault. He just went to sleep, trying to get the whole thing off his mind. Two days went by, with no word from Liu at JDC. No friends to hang out with. Nothing but sadness and guilt.
That is until Saturday, when Jeff is woke up by his mother, with a happy, sunshiny face."Jeff, it's the day." she said as she opened up the curtains and let light flood into his room. "What, what's today?" asked Jeff as he stirs awake."Why, it's Billy's party." He was now fully awake. "Mom, you're joking, right? You don't expect me to go to some kid's party after..." There was a long pause. "Jeff, we both know what happened. I think this party could be the thing that brightens up the past days. Now, get dressed."
Jeff's mother walked out of the room and downstairs to get ready herself. He fought himself to get up. He picked out a random shirt and pair of jeans and walked down stairs. He saw his mother and father all dressed up; his mother in a dress and his father in a suit. He thought, why they would ever wear such fancy clothes to a kid's party? "Son, is that all your going to wear?" said Jeff's mom."Better than wearing too much." he said.
His mother pushed down the feeling to yell at him and hid it with a smile."Now Jeff, we may be over-dressed, but this is how you go if you want to make an impression." said his father. Jeff grunted and went back up to his room."I don't have any fancy clothes!" he yelled down stairs. "Just pick out something." called his mother.
He looked around in his closet for what he would call fancy. He found a pair of black dress pants he had for special occasions and an undershirt. He couldn't find a shirt to go with it though. He looked around, and found only striped and patterned shirts. None of which go with dress pants.
Finally he found a white hoodie and put it on."You're wearing that?" they both said. His mother looked at her watch. "Oh, no time to change. Let's just go." She said as she herded Jeff and his father out the door. They crossed the street over to Barbara and Billy's house. They knocked on the door and at it appeared that Barbara, just like his parents, way over-dressed. As they walked inside all Jeff could see were adults, no kids."The kids are out in the yard. Jeff, how about you go and meet some of them?" said Barbara.
Jeff walked outside to a yard full of kids. They were running around in weird cowboy costumes and shooting each other with plastic guns. He might as well be standing in a Toys R Us. Suddenly a kid came up to him and handed him a toy gun and hat. "Hey. Wanna pway?" he said. "Ah, no kid. I'm way too old for this stuff."
The kid looked at him with that weird puppydog face. "Pwease?" said the kid. "Fine," said Jeff. He put on the hat and started to pretend shoot at the kids. At first he thought it was totally ridiculous, but then he started to actually have fun. It might not have been super cool, but it was the first time he had done something that took his mind off of Liu.
So he played with the kids for a while, until he heard a noise. A weird rolling noise. Then it hit him. Randy, Troy, and Keith all jumped over the fence on their skateboards. Jeff dropped the fake gun and ripped off the hat. Randy looked at Jeff with a burning hatred. "Hello, Jeff, is it?" he said. "We have some unfinished business."
Jeff saw his bruised nose." I think we're even. I beat the crap out of you, and you get my brother sent to JDC." Randy got an angry look in his eyes. "Oh no, I don't go for even, I go for winning. You may have kicked our asses that one day, but not today." As he said that Randy rushed at Jeff. They both fell to the ground. Randy punched Jeff in the nose, and Jeff grabbed him by the ears and head butted him. Jeff pushed Randy off of him and both rose to their feet.
Kids were screaming and parents were running out of the house. Troy and Keith both pulled guns out of their pockets. "No one interrupts or guts will fly!" they said. Randy pulled a knife on Jeff and stabbed it into his shoulder. Jeff screamed and fell to his knees. Randy started kicking him in the face. After three kicks Jeff grabs his foot and twists it, causing Randy to fall to the ground. Jeff stood up and walked towards the back door.
Troy grabbed him. "Need some help?" He picks Jeff up by the back of the collar and throws him through the patio door. As Jeff tries to stand he is kicked down to the ground. Randy repeatedly starts kicking Jeff, until he starts to cough up blood."Come on Jeff, fight me!" He picks Jeff up and throws him into the kitchen.
Randy sees a bottle of vodka on the counter and smashes the glass over Jeff's head. "Fight!" He throws Jeff back into the living room."Come on Jeff, look at me!" Jeff glances up, his face riddled with blood. "I was the one who got your brother sent to JDC! And now you're just gonna sit here and let him rot in there for a whole year!
You should be ashamed!" Jeff starts to get up. "Oh, finally! you stand and fight!" Jeff is now to his feet, blood and vodka on his face. Once again he gets that strange feeling, the one in which he hasn't felt for a while. "Finally. He's up!" says Randy as he runs at Jeff. That's when it happens.
Something inside Jeff snaps. His
psyche is destroyed, all rational thinking is gone, all he can do, is kill. He grabs Randy and pile drives him to the ground. He gets on top of him and punches him straight in the heart. The punch causes Randy's heart to stop. As Randy gasps for breath. Jeff hammers down on him. Punch after punch, blood gushes from Randy's body, until he takes one final breath, and dies.
Everyone is looking at Jeff now. The parents, the crying kids, even Troy and Keith. Although they easily break from their gaze and point their guns at Jeff. Jeff see's the guns trained on him and runs for the stairs. As he runs Troy and Keith let out fire on him, each shot missing. Jeff runs up the stairs.
He hears Troy and Keith follow up behind. As they let out their final rounds of bullets Jeff ducks into the bathroom. He grabs the towel rack and rips it off the wall. Troy and Keith race in, knives ready. Troy swings his knife at Jeff, who backs away and bangs the towel rack into Troy's face. Troy goes down hard and now all that's left is Keith.
He is more agile than Troy though, and ducks when Jeff swings the towel rack. He dropped the knife and grabbed Jeff by the neck. He pushed him into the wall. A thing of bleach fell down on top of him from the top shelf. It burnt both of them and they both started to scream. Jeff wiped his eyes as best as he could. He pulled back the towel rack and swung it straight into Keith's head. As he lay there, bleeding to death, he let out an ominous smile.
"What's so funny?" asked Jeff. Keith pulled out a lighter and switched it on. "What's funny," he said, "Is that you're covered in bleach and alcohol." Jeff's eyes widened as Keith threw the lighter at him. As soon as the flame made contact with him, the flames ignited the alcohol in the vodka. While the alcohol burned him, the bleach bleached his skin. Jeff let out a terrible screech as he caught on fire. He tried to roll out the fire but it was no use, the alcohol had made him a walking inferno. He ran down the hall, and fell down the stairs. Everybody started screaming as they saw Jeff, now a man on fire, drop to the ground, nearly dead. The last thing Jeff saw was his mother and the other parents trying to extinguish the flame. That's when he passed out.
When Jeff woke he had a cast wrapped around his face. He couldn't see anything, but he felt a cast on his shoulder, and stitches all over his body. He tried to stand up, but he realized that there was some tube in his arm, and when he tried to get up it fell out, and a nurse rushed in. "I don't think you can get out of bed just yet." she said as she put him back in his bed and re-inserted the tube. Jeff sat there, with no vision, no idea of what his surroundings were. Finally, after hours, he heard his mother. "Honey, are you okay?" she asked.
Jeff couldn't answer though, his face was covered, and he was unable to speak. "Oh honey, I have great news. After all the witnesses told the police that Randy confessed of trying to attack you, they decided to let Liu go." This made Jeff almost bolt up, stopping halfway, remembering the tube coming out of his arm. "He'll be out by tomorrow, and then you two will be able to be together again.
"Jeff's mother hugs Jeff and says her goodbyes. The next couple of weeks were those where Jeff was visited by his family. Then came the day where his bandages were to be removed. His family were all there to see it, what he would look like. As the doctors unwrapped the bandages from Jeff's face everyone was on the edge of their seats. They waited until the last bandage holding the cover over his face was almost removed."Let's hope for the best," said the doctor. He quickly pulls the cloth; letting the rest fall from Jeff's face. Jeff's mother screams at the sight of his face. Liu and Jeff's dad stare awe-struck at his face.
"What? What happened to my face?" Jeff said. He rushed out of bed and ran to the bathroom. He looked in the mirror and saw the cause of the distress. His face. It...it's horrible. His lips were burnt to a deep shade of red. His face was turned into a pure white color, and his hair singed from brown to black. He slowly put his hand to his face. It had a sort of leathery feel to it now. He looked back at his family then back at the mirror. "Jeff," said Liu, "It's not that bad...." "Not that bad?" said Jeff," It's perfect!" His family were equally surprised. Jeff started laughing uncontrollably His parents noticed that his left eye and hand were twitching.
"Uh... Jeff, are you okay?" "Okay? I've never felt more happy! Ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaa, look at me. This face goes perfectly with me!" He couldn't stop laughing. He stroked his face feeling it. Looking at it in the mirror. What caused this? Well, you may recall that when Jeff was fighting Randy something in his mind, his sanity, snapped. Now he was left as a crazy killing machine, that is, his parents didn't know. "Doctor," said Jeff's mom, "Is my son... alright, you know. In the head?" "Oh yes, this behavior is typical for patients that have taken very large amounts of pain killers. If his behavior doesn't change in a few weeks, bring him back here, and we'll give him a psychological test."
"Oh thank you doctor." Jeff's mother went over to Jeff." Jeff, sweety. It's time to go." Jeff looks away from the mirror, his face still formed into a crazy smile. "Kay mommy, ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaa!" his mother took him by the shoulder and took him to get his clothes. "This is what came in," said the lady at the desk. Jeff's mom looked down to see the black dress pants and white hoodie her son wore. Now they were clean of blood and now stitched together. Jeff's mother led him to his room and made him put his clothes on. Then they left, not knowing that this was their final day of life. Later that night, Jeff's mother woke to a sound coming from the bathroom. It sounded as if someone was crying. She slowly walked over to see what it was. When she looked into the bathroom she saw a horrendous sight. Jeff had taken a knife and carved a smile into his cheeks. "Jeff, what are you doing?" asked his mother.Jeff looked over to his mother.
"I couldn't keep smiling mommy. It hurt after awhile. Now, I can smile forever. Jeff's mother noticed his eyes, ringed in black."Jeff, your eyes!" His eyes were seemingly never closing. "I couldn't see my face. I got tired and my eyes started to close. I burned out the eyelids so I could forever see myself; my new face." Jeff's mother slowly started to back away, seeing that her son was going insane. "What's wrong mommy? Aren't I beautiful? "Yes son," she said, "Yes you are. L-let me go get daddy, so he can see your face." She ran into the room and shook Jeff's dad from his sleep. "Honey, get the gun we....." She stopped as she saw Jeff in the doorway, holding a knife.
"Mommy, you lied." That's the last thing they hear as Jeff rushes them with the knife, gutting both of them. His brother Liu woke up, startled by some noise. He didn't hear anything else, so he just shut his eyes and tried to go back to sleep. As he was on the border of slumber, he got the strangest feeling that someone was watching him. He looked up, before Jeff's hand covered his mouth. He slowly raised the knife ready to plunge it into Liu. Liu thrashed here and there trying to escape Jeff's grip."Shhhhhhh," Jeff said. "Just go to sleep."
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