#thought i'd share. idk
itssquash · 1 year
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my room
reference photo under the cut
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chryseis · 10 months
FYI every purchase of any of The Adventure Zone music on Griffin McElroy's Bandcamp will be entirely donated to the Palestinian Children's Relief Fund for the rest of 2023. His music is set at 'name your price', and the McElroys are also going to match the donations.
If you've listened to even a bit of any TAZ campaign, you surely know what a fantastic musician Griffin is, and there is no better time to purchase his music than now.
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The villain stopped, attention zeroing in on the blood on the protagonist's lip. The very air, the clouds, the universe seemed to stop moving.
"It doesn't matter."
"Give me a name or I'll take it out on all of them."
The protagonist's jaw clenched. Their hand rose, smearing the blood away.
The villain was at their side in an instant.
If it was only pleasure at the excuse to cause pain - which it was - then maybe it would have been easy. But it wasn't just that. It was never just that.
"If I tell you, you have to promise me not to hurt them."
The villain cocked their head and raised an eyebrow. Chiding, but gentle enough. They both knew that wasn't a compromise the villain would make, just as they both knew the protagonist would not tolerate mindless sadism.
"Fine," the protagonist said, "you have to promise not to hurt them for more than -" they floundered - "ten seconds."
"Deal." It was too quick, too easy, and beneath the churning guilt the protagonist's heart swelled for such fierce protection.
They swallowed.
"Who?" the villain asked, again, soft.
They gave the name.
The villain, it turned out, could make ten seconds count for an awful lot.
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serafisolaris · 1 month
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please pick up the phone
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thebeigelunatics · 30 days
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this quote by eve best from an article in the standard (2017) is doing a lot for me tbh.
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matchalovertrait · 5 months
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Ohhh, Dulce smells a promposal coming her way!
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atalienart · 11 months
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I don't know what I'm doing with my life, don't mind me. I guess I'm procrastinating writing another chapter. Do you know any similar memes for procrastination purposes?
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mistfallengw2 · 2 months
Your turtle is now big enough to handle a bit more protein.
Years old video my partner took of his turtle being a menace.
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the---hermit · 3 months
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If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio
I read most of this book in two days. I really just spent two whole days diving into this book and I had such a good time. I don't know why I waited this long. I read a few so called dark academia books in the past few years, and this has definitely been on of my favourites. I definitely liked it more than The Secret History, the setting is indeed similar but at the end of the day the stories are two whole different things and this one was way closer to what I normally like. It was fast paced and captivating, I ended up loving the characters and their dynamics. I liked it so much that in my rating I ignored the fact that I thought the plot was a bit predictable, and just gave it five stars. I had a lovely reading experience, I hadn't fallen into a book like this in a good while and it was so good to do it again. I normally don't love the first person narration, but to be honest this book made me reconsider it. It's one of those books I will probably reread in the future.
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lonelychicago · 7 months
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—pining eddie poem by me!
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lucaikaruga · 2 months
How would Luca have changed if she had joined SHHis rather than CoMETIK? (I originally thought that her character would be used in that way and maybe become good friends with Nichika)
(I thought that would happen too! I love Hana and Haruki but it's fun to imagine what would've happened to Luca if they took her development in a different angle...)
The thing about Luca and CoMETIK is that, to me, she really does not care for her unitmates at the moment. I hope she gets along with them properly one day, but for now, that's the dynamic we have... and if Luca joined SHHiS instead, I think she'd argue with Nichika a lot, we know they do NOT get along well. As for Mikoto, I don't think Luca would be MAD at her or anything, but I think she'd keep her distance just like she does in CoMETIK? So instead of indifference, we'd see Luca a lot angrier, and her issues with SHHiS getting solved much more confrontationally.
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m-says-hi · 3 months
Sampo thought that might be a stretch
In the topaz trailer, when the text that appears with Herta actually talks about Sampo... What if that's a nod to Sampo being a puppet?
I mean, we know that the Herta we know and interact with and even have as a character isn't the actual Herta, but one of her many puppets.
What if this was a way to hint that Sampo is similar or the same. That he is in some way a puppet. I mean he does hang like one when passed out in battle
You could also maybe use this to say they could be hinting he's an emanator since Herta is one. Maybe it's both. I'm not sure and again this is a bit of a stretch but still an interesting thought
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This isn't a fully formed thought, I am just spitballing. But I was thinking about the movie posters by @lukaherehelp and what @lurkingshan wrote here about DFF being a marvel of mystery writing and I started to think is DFF really a horror?
Let me explain, after 4 episode in the past with no hints of anything suprenatural, I am firmly on cap this was all man made, halluciantions and drugs and tech only by humans. If this was suprenatural I would have expected some type hints, like an entity watching the boys at the cabin. Maybe even following them home, eyes in the shadows, stuff like that.
So if you take that into consideration and everything about the horror was manufactured (except the deaths, I guess) do the rules of horror even apply? Every horror elements has been tied to the movie they made, the posters are horror movies only, the temple expands on the lore they used for the movie, the masked killer is from the movie. If it's all tied to the fake movie and the horror elements are all fake, then this isn't a horror story.
Is it both? Because while I would call some of the stuff that happened to Non horrific. I wouldn't call the past 4 episode an horror, a mystery for sure, a thriller definitely but not a horror.
It feels like both the characters and the story are using the horror elements as dressing a way to scare the boys, to torment them, a way to draw us in, to present the ultimate reaction to the cycles of violence and revenge. But it doesn't feel like we are operating in a horror genre, with the genre rules.
I don't know where I am going with this. Mostly I am just wondering about the finale, and what happens when we go back to the present timeline. Because so far the two genres have not operated on the same level, at the same time. We went horror with a pinch of mystery, then mystery/thriller. Then it stands to reason going back to the present will have to juggle both.
I am not saying the story can't do it, or it's a bad decision or anything. This isn't a critique I have just been thinking about everyone calling this a slasher, and expecting slasher/horror endings and I've been wondering about it. Because I looked it up (and I know MDL barely means anything so take it with a grain of salt)
On MDL, Dead Friend Forever is not described as an horror series.
Genres: Action, Thriller, Drama
Tags: Multiple Mains, LGBTQ+, Suspense, Gay Romance, Filmmaking, Steamy Kiss, Mild Gore, Drinking, Smoking, High School (Vote or add tags)
And I looked it up on iQIYI and these are the tags there:
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So, is DFF really an horror??
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alltimefail-sims · 2 years
I edited @okruee's miscellaneous face details in the occult and skin details section so that they work for infants now. (I saw an anon asked, and they gave permission to edit them.)
You can download them from Google Drive HERE. I'll delete this when Rue is able to update! ❤️
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duck-in-a-spaceship · 19 days
Black Holes and the Pale
OKAY so. Black holes, pale, I don't think it's hard to see the similarities that could be drawn there. The pale is consuming reality. It is expanding. No one knows what lies at its heart and so many unanswered questions surround it. Famously, the same is true of black holes. Really, they're the closest thing we have to the pale; a destructive, consuming, unknowable force. And Disco Elysium does NOT shy away from drawing these parallels.
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The first comparison is easy: both black holes and the pale are big, and can't be seen. Without the help of an accretion dick (matter and energy surrounding a black hole. hang tight, we'll get there) the only way they can be observed is by watching how they warp light. And they sure can be massive, with the largest one we've found so far having a mass of about 1 billion suns. They are the densest thing in are universe. Denser than anything.
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Get closer, and we make it to the accretion disk, sitting outside the event horizon of our black hole. These are simply all of the matter and energy orbiting the black hole, often on an eventual path towards singularity. In the way that a porch collapse shows matter "rising into the pale", the accretion disk represents that same boundary. It is everything being pulled into the black hole, and it makes an incredible spectacle as it goes. Particles churn at appreciable fractions of the speed of light, glowing with energy as they do so. This "uproar of matter" that Joyce describes mimics that great boundary, the final moment of unrest and chaos before nothingness.
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And now, the event horizon, that road you cannot come back from. This is my absolute favorite parallel, because it is exactly how black holes work. Once you pass the event horizon, any direction you move in will only bring you closer to singularity. That's how warped space and time are. Not only is there no hope at escape, but any attempt to struggle only dooms you faster.
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But information doesn't just get taken into the pale, it's also spat back out. Bits of conversation travel across time and space. Kim listens to old ghosts on his radio. Strange voices talk through electronic doorbells. A police officer forgets who he is.
Black holes, despite being famously inescapable, actually have to let one thing out: information.
The information paradox was a problem scientists had with black holes for a while. Basically, information isn't supposed to be able to be destroyed, but since black holes slowly disappear through Hawking radiation, it seemed like their information would go along with them. Very not allowed.
The physics here gets very theoretical, but it's generally agreed on that black holes HAVE to release information back into the universe. (Likely through mechanics similar to Hawking radiation.) Newer theories claim that as a black hole nears the end of its life, it would spit out all of the information it's gathered in its lifetime.
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Another thing both this quote AND the last one bring to attention is how both the pale and black holes warp time. The pale, as we all know, does a lot of weird shit to time. It brings old memories to resurface, lets them mingle with the future, makes that the burden of the present. Black holes, with their immense gravity, also warp and bend time.
If you stumbled into a black hole, you could watch the universe speed up as you fell, time rushing by. But from an outsider's perspective, you would never even make it in. Once you reached the event horizon, you would freeze and then slowly fade out from view, never actually appearing to cross the boundary.
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Black holes don't just grow forever; they also die. They release Hawking radiation, losing energy and mass at INCREDIBLY slow rates. And it seems like a similar thing will happen to the pale. After swallowing all of humanity, all of its fuel, the Pale will leech its energy back out into space. Elysium, in whatever state it's in after that, will be uncovered and given the chance to regrow, start anew.
The main question, really, becomes what will remain?
It's theorized that when black holes die, they release a final burst of incredible energy, a massive explosion tearing through the universe. Does the same fate wait for Elysium? If Revachol can avoid being torn apart by an atomic device, does it meet the same fate in atomic nature?
After the world, the pale; after the pale -- the world again.
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phantomcellar · 1 year
I swear if V gets a red scarf as like a symbol of her truly being free and finally being able to pick for herself what she wants for the first time in her life by the end of the show I will fucking flatline in a very /pos way.
Or maybe as a gift from someone special (platonic or romantic, either could work imo), whoever that may end up being.
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