#threatened to make me move out from the person that keeps me sane?
I do get Declan’s perspective, believe me, BUT as a younger sibling I MUST take Ronan’s side I GET IT I would be worse
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evilminji · 4 months
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Behold! o/ The Face Of Benevolent Evil!
Mr. Principle! A professional hero and educator!
Also possibly some sort of stoat hybrid! Certainly a chimera of Japanese fauna! With the Quirk High Specs, he is one of, if not THE, smartest beings on the planet of which he resides! With a background perfectly justifying a decent into hatred and villiany, he instead chose to channel his incredible world shaking intellect into the shaping of future generations!
He likes to fuck with people!
What can he say? It keeps a man young and mentally stimulated! Plus the hysterical screaming of his staff and students is HILARIOUS. He can even argue it makes for good reaction training! Unforseen situations, children! React!!! *psychotic chortling*
Mmmmm, yes. We all have our trauma responses. Ways we deal with them. He should probably find other means... but he won't! Tea and tormenting the student body make for good future heroes, you know! They adapt!
But! You may ask! Why am I introducing you to this... *polite yet somehow deeply threatening smile* c-completely sane and normal individual!? Esteemed educator that he is! Ha ha...
A good and not at a under threat question!
Villains? Are fuuuuuckin STUPID!
Doesn't matter how many PHDs you possess! In fact! That makes it WORSE! You moron! You absolute fool! No traveling circus would have you, you sub-rate CLOWN of a jingle jangle dunce jester! You have a god damn PHD! Possibly MULTIPLE PHD!
And you thought "ooooh I should go into cwiiiiime~☆"?
Do you hear yourself when you talk? DO YOU?! Ooooh boohoo. They won't let you study what you WANT to study. It's called an ETHICS BOARD. And YEAH, NO SHIT! Maybe get over it and keep you fucked up fantasies to your SELF.
Or? If you REALLY can't hold it in? Lay the ground work like EVERYONE FUCKING ELSE! You're not special! Everyone wants to play god! It's FUN! They let you have the COOL toys! But you have to EARN that shit! Not jump straight from graduation to "fucked up superscience"!
And? If it's NOT the Ethics Board? But just some bureaucrat on a power trip? You don't have to fucking STAY. This? This RIGHT HERE? Is why I-Island fucking EXSISTS.
They are SO MANY countries you could move too. SO MANY other labs. You actual DUMBASS.
But NO! You decided to commit to a fucked up underground Villian Lab. As though HUNTING THOSE isn't the PERSONAL fucking passion project of THE SMARTEST BEING IN JAPAN. Frankly? You deserve this. You deserve this and our school doesn't know you. Never heard of you. You whoms't?
Coulda changed the world. But instead all you did was piss of The Fuzzy White Demon Lord of UA. Rest in pieces. *click*
*sound of doors smashing open*
*violent Raid Upon Your Labs noises*
But! You may ask? What's IN the Lab?
What MAKES this a DP crossover?
I like your question asking spirit! Good one! And the answer? You know what's better then ONE(1) Nedzu? A second one that you can ACTUALLY control this time! After all! You could consider Mr. Principle a prototype. A proof of concept, if you will. If you were able to make ANOTHER.....
Well, you would set off EVERY. SINGLE. ALARM. Nedzu has set up!
All of them!
Because he don't PLAY THAT.
He has long last trauma from the labs and is the SOLE FUCKING SURVIVOR. There WERE others. They Did Not make it. And their slow agonizing deaths are carved into his brain for the rest of his life. Truely "The living shall envy the dead"; it was a place that made hell seem merciful.
When he declare Never Again?
He fucking MEANT Never Again. He will BURN your empires to ash, with you in them. No More Labs.
So :) You can IMAGINE :) HOW HAPPY HE IS :)
That someone out there is trying to RECREATE his SUPER traumatic childhood, on ANOTHER CHILD. Ha ha! Gonna be a second Nedzu huh? Planning to torture HIM like you did me, HUH? Shove him in a cage and treat him like an animal? Force him to watch as the others die? Collars and whips and cattle prods? Mazes?!
Nedzu may lose his shit.
Juuuuust a little bit.
But if anyone there knows what good for them? They saw NOTHING. What's a little PTSD flashback between friends? Now what is the baby?
Smashcut to said baby!
Because it was a TEAM effort, Danny was successful in "Nuh Uh!"ing out of Rulership. But NOT out of governance. Since he DID help. He's a Councilman now. It's? Not as bad as it could be, honestly. Since it's opened the Zone up to a more democratic system.
Still held by "kick the ass of the person you wanna replace" but still!
Thing is? There was apparently this weird? Leak? Like a couple hundred years ago, in this one area, that was never addressed. Everyone just moved their doors and stuff. Treated it like the floors flooded. But now that they HAVE someone to complain too?
They all want their territories back.
"Go fix it!" What are we? Janitors?
Danny looses the rock, paper, scissors competition. He's pretty sure Boxy cheated. But like? Dude has a kid to go home too, so Danny doesn't fight him to hard on this. Uuuuuugh. Just remember the Spider-Man motto. Great power~ blah blah blaaaah~
And? Wow is it fucked out there.
The whole PLANET has to be limnal as FUCK. Yikes.
Problem is? When he and his team (Because YES, he HAS learned from his mistakes, Jazz.) get close to the... frankly the Zone here looks like distorted spiderwebbing. With him leading the charge, obviously.
....something happens.
It's... it's not a portal. Wrong color. It's like someone USED the weird spiderwebbing effect to... to reach INTO the Zone? But they are severally Limnal. Clawed hands, blue tint. But that's not the problem.
No, the problem.
The Horror.
The thing that his team can only watch on in agonized terror as it plays out... is that hand? It shoots out of nowhere. Ghostlike in the Zone. Meaning it must be living. And PLUNGES directly into Danny's chest to wrap around his core.
Time seems to slow.
He can't even scream in pain. At the violation. His team, acquaintances, yes, but friendly ones. Can not even cry out in horror, as they watch their friend and team lead be butchered before them. Before that uncaring hand is ripping back. Perfect ice and starlight in its uncaring grip.
For a terrible moment... he is in two places at once.
Then he is crushed in a burning grip. Like molten bars. Watching his own body dissolve into nothing in an instant, pain and horror still etched upon his face. The beginnings of screams ripping from his team as they jerk away from the nightmarish threat.
Then he can not think at all.
He... he TRIES. Knows he has been captured. Is certainly not the sort to give up easily. But... he's so tired. His body feels? Weird. Not wrong, per say. It's HIS. But... small and weird. Like he's shape shifted into a new form and hasn't adjusted yet.
He's getting really sick of all the goop against his whiskers and in his ears. It feels WEIRD against his fu- WAIT a second... did those assholes shove him into an animal? Why?! To contain him? Ha! Jokes on them! He's DONE THIS before!
For FUN!
He once spent a whole ass summer as a tiny dragon just 'CAUSE!
Unfortunately, said assholes notice him waking up. Dump him in a glorified hamster cage. But like.... a SHITTY "I don't care about the pet I bought" hamster cage. Dude. And he's naked.
Is that Japanese? Ooooh! It IS! Thank you, Tucker's Weeb phase.
......actually, never mind. Lotta dehumanizing language there, my guys. What is this? The GIW international? You couldn't even give me PANTS? Swear to God, call me an "it" ONE more time and the next time I have to go? I am going to aim through the bars at your-! *alarms going off*
....wasn't me.
I mean, be all means, ha ha and get fucked, but? Wasn't me. Oh hey! Some one exploded the doo-
AND? In Lab 4?
Nedzu finds a child with fluffy, ungroomed black and white fur, and the curious yet cautious eyes of a survivor. They are the most magnificent green, pale and luminous they glow in the laboratories lighting. Paws too big for his small frame, delicate ears on the swivel, equally large. Yet to grow into either. Adolescent, at best.
He watches the child take him in. Note his features and the chaos behind him. The injured scientist under his feet. Come to him conclusion. Nedzu will not rush him. Now that he... he stand the chance to be the hero he himself never had. It is a strange feeling. At once cathartic and unbearably painful.
He is given the equivalent of a cheerful grin, as the lad points the the lock on the cage. Is asked if he happened to bring a spare pair of pants. He can not help his amused chortle as he makes quick work of the lock. The unbearable RELIEF he feels.
He... he was not too late.
These monsters had no chance to crush the boy's light. To make a monster of him, like they did with him. He survived his laboratory, his hell. But not all of him left that terrible place. He knows that. Some innocence, some goodness, died alone in the dark. But here? He insured there would be no chance.
With amusement, he watches the boy turn the lab upside down until he finds spare scrubs. Triumphant, he then considers his own, tiny claws. Dismisses them. Attempts to hop up on a chair to retrieve something sharp. It? Is unbearably cute. To watch him rip and shred, problem solve. His little mind churning away. Whiskers twitching as his eyes dart around, considering his options.
Nedzu offers one of his spare knives.
Watches him light up.
@legitimatesatanspawn @hdgnj @nerdpoe @babbling-babull @lolottes
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mdhwrites · 2 months
How Terrible of a Parent is Odalia?
TL:DR: If we ignore narrative bias, Odalia is at best a little bit of a helicopter parent and nothing else. Her being a bad person actually doesn't translate to her being a bad parent and we actually have very little evidence that she is actually even that controlling.
So I want to start with saying that this isn't about whether Odalia is or isn't a good person. She is not. The show is cartoonishly evil with her... But in weird ways for their goals. Her most evil acts actually have little to nothing to do with parenting. Letting the rest of the Isles die for the ascension of her family? Technically not the worst parenting move in the world from a purely literal perspective of trying to provide the best future for your kid. Trying to murder Luz? Well, she is the protege of the most wanted criminal in the entire Isles. I can't imagine why Odalia might not want her child associating with her. Weird concept, I know.
And that's actually something to keep in mind with what is seen as her biggest crimes: Kicking out Willow and getting Gus, Willow and Luz expelled. If we shift perspective a little... Odalia is just right. They are bad influences who are negatively impacting her daughter's ability to learn and better herself. Why would she want Amity to continue spending time with them?
Yes, this includes tiny Willow. The ONE thing we see of the two of them as friends is them SKIPPING CLASS and hiding from the instructor, only for Willow to fail, get them attacked by animals and then in trouble. I'm sorry but that doesn't sound like a good thing to me. Even just trolling around the market and pranking some people in your own free time is better, which is the worst thing we ever see Boscha do in this sort of regard. Sure, Boscha is a bully but not to an extreme level (King makes a fucking point of how tame she is) and doesn't get in the way of things like school or work for either herself or Amity. For what Odalia cares about, which is Amity improving herself to have a better shot at a good future, which is not a bad thing to want for your daughter, it's what Camila wants by sending Luz to Summer Camp, why would she condemn Boscha instead of the one playing Hookie?
Then we get the fact that Dana literally had a list of crimes stated out for why Luz was a menace since joining Hexside. If we shift the perspective to be that seeing the photo made Odalia go "Well, there's one bad influence, her grades are slipping and I did hear that something happened during Grom... I'm gonna look into this," rather than "I MUST CRUSH THESE PEOPLE WHO MAKE MY DAUGHTER SMILE!" then her actions seem pretty justifiable. I mean, before Luz even joined the school, her and Gus were skipping class and causing massive property damage. She was cheating on Willow's assignment and breaking in. The Grom one is bullshit but Luz is genuinely a menace. Not a Spider-Man, J. Jonah menace but genuinely causing problems and damage. And again: In active connection with the most wanted, WILD WITCH, in the ISLES. With that, Odalia almost looks like the only sane person here.
Now mind you, main character bias, the fact that we know Eda is barely a criminal, etc. like that but Odalia doesn't have any of that. By the rules of her society, you know like Camila had to act from Luz threatening to vandalize her school with fireworks and assaulting her principal with a wild snake, she has every right to think Luz is bad. To think Luz is the worst possible person for her daughter to spend time with. Sure, she smiles... Now... But what about when life catches up? Breaking the rules is fun after all but there are consequences, at least if you're not Luz.
But what about her general parenting style? She places crushingly harsh restrictions on Amity after all! Well... No?
Here are her demands: I want you to keep your grades up but if you help me, I will let you dropping to being a B student slide with no further punishments.
Please wear this necklace so I can talk to you when I need to, much like texting a cellphone would do.
Please aim for an Ivy League school because I believe you are good enough for that and I will give you the support to reach that height.
I would like your hair to be green.
I mean... These all sound... good? Now yes, pushed to the extreme they can be bad. If there is no leeway, like if Odalia forced Amity to spend every second studying, threatened to disown her if she didn't get into the EC and demanded 100s on every test then yeah, she'd genuinely be abusive but she's not. Amity appears to have PLENTY of free time where she is entirely unmonitored and allowed to do as she pleases. This isn't even just post Escaping Expulsion. She spends time just hanging out with Boscha after all. She's able to run out into the woods to angst about Grom coming up. She goes to the Knee to train but that's without any supervision besides the twins who are known troublemakers (pin that in the back of your head btw). Even the necklace isn't like full control over her. It never overrides her body or mind. It's literally just sending messages. That's nothing, especially for a fantasy mom? Oh my god could that necklace be way fucking worse. When forcing her to dye her hair green, but not entirely so Amity must have some amount of say as to the styling of it or else her front half star wouldn't be allowed to exist, is the worst thing she's actually doing with evidence to back it... That's pretty fucking tame. It's like telling your kid "No, you're not allowed to have giant chains on your pants because they make you look like a thug." Oh and on the disown element? Amity literally tries to sabotage her mother's company and attack her and Odalia's reaction is just to go "Yep, that Luz girl sure is a menace, with a literal bounty, but you're still my daughter." That is the patience of a god damned saint right there.
And hey, what about the twins? They're Odalia's kids too. They don't fear Odalia though. She is neither of theirs greatest fear. In fact, they'd rather be with her than alone, because being alone is at least Edric's greatest fear. If she's as monstrous as the fandom likes to say, that should not be the case. Also, they do skip classes like Willow made Amity. We know this because Amity literally states it in her diary with frustration that no one does anything about it. That implies she tried getting people to do it. So why didn't Odalia crack down on them? Do they do things for as deals to get away with their freedom like Amity helping with the Abomaton show? I mean, same episode we meet them, they show up because Odalia told them to bring Amity her lunch because she forgot about it. Odalia cares enough that she'll see her daughter forgot her food, doesn't have to ask Amity where she is but instead keeps enough of an ear on her daughter's life to know where she is, which avoids some amount of claims of neglect, and sends Edric and Emira to the library. This could be read as not wanting to bother with it but just as easily it could be "Sweet, an excuse to force my trouble making twins to go to the library where they might actually study for once if Amity forces them to." It could also be that because she runs everything about Blight Industries besides R&D, she was just too busy, which is not the greatest sin in the world despite what kid's movies will tell you.
So... Why is Odalia labeled the worst parent ever? Why is she made out to be as abusive as Belos, who will literally kill Hunter if he's displeased enough, when there's so little evidence for it? Because I wouldn't bother with this sort of blog if not for the claims the fandom likes to make. The exact same claims that led to my first ever TOH blog that was about the contradictions in how people talked about Odalia post S1 and literally every piece of evidence we had. Is she flawless? God no. But this is a show that criticizes Camila for being too oppressive as a parent.
MAYBE it's a little misguided on what parenting actually is and you should question how it portrays its parents. See you next tale.
Oh, small additional edit to expand briefly on Clouds on the Horizon: Her kids literally attempt terrorism and her response is to ground them. Just. Ground them. With one person keeping an eye on them. Sure a trained guard but they just tried to commit TERRORISM.
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taevolu · 3 months
The Boss [Third Part: "Finally"] 18+
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Brief Summary: Hatred from the beginning, lust in the end. You are an obedient worker with a demanding boss. Make the wrong choice and your life will lead to complications. Will this end with benefits, love or heartbreak?
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader (ft. Jimin)
Genre: Smut
Word Count: 4481
Warnings: jkxdom, jealous/possessive, pet names (babygirl, goodgirl, sweetheart, pet), degrading/praise, hair pulling, manipulation 
Parts: One, Two, Three
“Fuck y/n, its because I want you for me, and no one else.”
“Jungkook, you know that it is going to be impossible for us to be together while working here. There will be a lot of drama and talks about the two of us.” Jungkook shakes his head, you are confused as he begins to chuckle.
“I’m not talking about dating, y/n.” he pauses, “I want your body to be mine.” He stands up, towering over your frame. 
His stare is full of lust and anger, “I see the way Jimin looks at you when you aren’t looking, y/n.” His left hand finds its way to hold onto your back, pulling you closer to him. You were frozen as if you were in some sort of trance, stuck and not knowing what to do. Where he wanted you to be.
The way he looks at me when I’m not looking? You and Jimin had never thought of each other that way, you both treated each other like siblings, fighting and being playful. Was Jimin actually growing feelings for you? He can’t be.
“I can’t let him have you, y/n.” He says with a low tone, making you nervous under his touch.
His hand begins to move down to your ass, grabbing onto you, pressing you close and feeling his throbbing cock, “So be my assistant, hmm? If you agree then nothing happens to your little friend but if you don’t, I’ll force him out.” He threatens.
“I- '' You start, but words weren’t able to come out. You had to decide to either choose to have Jimin, the only person that was able to keep you sane, to stay or be in Jungkook’s presence every time you were at work. Both choices would lead you dreading your life. Choices. Choices. Choices. These fucking choices. But Jungkook was getting impatient and needed an answer. He moves the position of his hand to your ass to slap, the sound and your cry of pain echoing in his office.
“Fucking answer me, pet.” He demands through gritted teeth.
You gulp, “I-I will be your assistant, sir.” You stutter. You had no other choice but to be his assistant because you wanted Jimin to stay. You didn't want to be the reason why he loses his job nor did you want to feel the guilt.
“That’s my good girl.” He brings up his hand to your face, caressing your cheek. His hand makes his way to your hair to pull. You yelp in pain only to hear Jungkook snicker, “If I ever find out that you are going behind my back by fucking that wimp, you will be punished, babygirl.” He releases his grip on your hair, making you step back to get out of reach.
“You are dismissed, sweetheart.” He demands, you nod in response. Fixing yourself before heading out the door. But before you leave his office, Jungkook begins to speak again, “And just know that I’m always watching you, babygirl.” Your eyebrows scrunch, irritated at his possessiveness. You gave him another nod and left his office. You casually walk over to your desk, sighing at the piled up work that was waiting for you to start.
Jungkook is a fucking psycho, is he really watching every step you take or is he just fucking with you? You sit down, your head still throbbing from the hangover and your situation with Jungkook. 
All of a sudden you hear footsteps heading towards you making you groan in frustration. ‘Jungkook if this is you again, I’m going to lose my fucking mind’
“You ready, y/n?” You hear Jimin say, your stomach dropped at the sound of his voice as your head replays Jungkook’s words. You still couldn’t wrap your head around the thought of Jimin looking at you, especially with lust. After all these years of being friends with him, you find out 6 years later that he might’ve gained some type of feeling for you. You shake your head, trying to clear any lingering thoughts from invading your mind. ‘Get your shit together.’
“Yes I am, Jimin!” You say while quickly standing up and grabbing your purse. You hear Jimin laugh at your rushed actions.
“I’m not going anywhere, y/n, no need to rush yourself.” He chuckles. You suddenly get a sharp pain in your heart, his job is at stake because of you, knowing that he will be forced to leave if you don't obey Jungkook. One fuck up and you’ll be ruining Jimin’s life. 
‘Jungkook is such a fucking asshole.’
Jimin looks at you, concerned, as you stare at him blankly. You shake your head to regain consciousness. 
You sigh, “I’m sorry, Jimin. I’m such a mess right now.” You lean your head over to your hands in front of you, shaking your head from stress.
Jimin takes a step closer to you, your heart begins to thump against your chest, please no please. He then lands his hand over your back to comfort you, making your body stiff in response, hoping he didn’t feel your shift, “It’s okay, y/n. Hopefully going out for a bit will refresh your mind.” He says with a soft voice. ‘Thank fucking God he didn’t.’
You lift your head back up to see him smiling at you. You start to relax a bit, breathing out to calm yourself down, “Thank you, Jimin.” He nods in response with a smile.
The both of you start to walk over to the elevator, talking about the project that the both of you were assigned to work on and finish before Friday. It was an endless cycle, you’ll finish a project but once you turn it in, another one pops up. It is very draining and can be a bit boring doing the same thing everyday but it paid my bills and that’s all that mattered.
You groan, “Yeah, I don’t know if I’ll be able to finish my part in time.” You were a procrastinator and had trouble trying to stay focused, Jungkook also being part of that problem. 
“If you want, I can come over to your place tonight to help out?” Jimin offers. You gave him a smile, blessed to have a friend like Jimin. This was the reason why you appreciated Jimin and never want him to leave. He cared for you and always tried to help you out when you needed it, literally an angel sent from above.
You happily cheered, “Yes, please! I have a hard time focusing when I’m alone.”
He laughs, “I’ll meet you at your place after work then.” He says. You thank him while the both of you exit the elevator. As you walk towards the entrance, you feel a pair of eyes burning through your skin. You try to shake it off and ignore the annoying sensation, knowing that it’s Jungkook. When you turn around to check, he isn’t there. But you know it’s him.
You and Jimin arrive at a cafe, the smell of coffee and fresh pastries making you salivate from just the smell alone. You hear Jimin laughing behind you as you waddle your way to the glass that showcased the food, you couldn’t help it, you loved anything that was bread. While you went over to the cash register to order your food, Jimin nudged you away, paying for the order instead.
You smile at his small gesture, butterflies fluttering at his actions. You shake your head at yourself. No. Don’t think or feel that way, he’s just a nice person and he’s doing it because he’s your best friend, that’s all.
Jimin turns around after finishing up the order and raises a brow, a smirk slightly forming on his lips, “Are you okay, y/n? You’re a bit…red.” Your eyes widened a bit, quickly raising your hand to your cheek to feel that you were a bit warm. You didn’t notice that you were blushing, you shouldn’t be, it was wrong, he was like a brother to you.
“I’m okay!” You say quickly. He laughs at your rushed words only making you blush more. You lightly slap his shoulders wanting this whole entire thing to stop already.
Jimin led the way to a table in the cafe but as you were walking to the side cafe you felt that staring sensation on your back again. He’s here. Why the fuck is he here and why was he stalking your every move? Was he going to do this every time you were with Jimin? To make sure you don’t fall for him? So that Jimin doesn’t fall for you? It was getting too much for you, he was doing too much, being too possessive and you fucking hated it. It was your life, why was he trying to control it.
“No but seriously, y/n, are you okay? You look really out of it today.” You hear Jimin say, cutting out your unending thoughts about Jungkook. You look up and see his concerned face again. You sigh in defeat. You had to tell him. Something in you didn’t want to but he had the right to know.
Your gaze went back down to the table, unable to hold his gaze any longer, “Jungkook took me into his office today and gave me an offer to be his assistant.” You weakly say, you hear him breathe out a long sigh, a sigh that sounded more annoyed.
“And? What did you say?” He says in a more stern voice, causing you to look at him again. His eyes were filled with anger, his jaw tensed. Seeing him like this made you smile. His stare softens a bit from your smile. It was probably the wrong time to smile but just knowing that he cares for your well being touches something in your heart, and you couldn’t help it.
“I said yes. But before you say anything else, I’m doing this for you, for us. So please, don’t do anything to make this situation as bad as it already is, I’m handling it.” You look down again, the table suddenly becoming more interesting, “He threatened me, saying that if I don't take the position then he’ll move you to a different location and I…” You pause, “I can’t be in a workplace without you. You help me when I’m stuck, take me out when I need a break and so many other things, Jimin.” You shake your head, irritated about Jungkook. But you felt more relieved telling him the situation and not keeping it to yourself. Yes it was probably wrong to do and Jungkook might torment you later but you didn’t care, Jimin needed to know.
He sighs again and flicks your forehead. You wince, the small flick hurting more than it should’ve. You raise your head up, rubbing the pain on your head, glaring at the amused Jimin in front of you. “You’re such an idiot, you know that?” He chuckles lightly, “But thank you, y/n, for telling me but he is manipulating you. You shouldn’t let him do that to you.”
“But-” You tried to speak but he cuts you off.
“But nothing, y/n. I’ll help you, like you said, I help you right? So let me help you again.” He gives you a smile, making you smile back. Him helping you would only make things worse because he wasn’t supposed to know in the first place but you appreciate him for wanting to try.
Before anything else was able to be said, the food arrived, along with another presence. 
“Being cozy I see.” Jungkook speaks with a slightly irritated tone. He looks at the tensed Jimin before slowly moving his gaze over to you. Once he reaches you, his stare hardens, making you feel uncomfortable in your seat, your actions causing Jungkook to grin at your squirm. 
He then leans over, planting his hands on the table, “May I join?” Jungkook asks, while looking at you, his right hand close to your left arm. He speaks as if he was only speaking to you, completely ignoring Jimin that was seated right across from you.
“Su-” You try to speak but Jimin, once again, cuts you off to answer instead.
“Sorry Jungkook, I planned this lunch to just be me and y/n for today, maybe next time.” Jimin replies calmly with a smile, completely masking his annoyance with the man in front of us. Jungkook was still looking at you, his expression changing after hearing Jimin’s response, his jaw tensing from annoyance.
But he still kept his gaze at you. “Well then, I guess I’ll see you at my office later, y/n, I already took the stuff from your desk and placed them on the desk inside my room.” You took a small glance at Jimin who was also looking at you, his face mixed with multiple emotions, irritation but also worry. You just gave him a small smile before turning back to Jungkook.
“Thank you, I’ll see you soon Jungkook.” You say, your tone flat. Jungkook’s hands turned into fist, knowing that you’ll be punished for this later on.
Jungkook sighs and nods before he leaves, leaving you and Jimin at the table. You didn’t have an appetite to eat your pastry that was in front of you. Jimin caught on and tried to speak about something else to forget about what happened but your head couldn’t rest.
Jungkook was going to be a fucking pain in the ass.
On your way back to the office, you dreaded the thought of seeing Jungkook again. Jimin was able to feel your emotions, comforting you by promising that he’ll always be there for you to lean on and as much as you appreciated his kindness, it was only going to make it worse. You told him that you were going to be fine but of course he ignored your words and kept his. As much as you wanted him to help would only make it closer to him leaving the place and you had to stop him before that happens, but you didn’t know how. Jimin was altruistic and stubborn, he would help in any way and never give up on trying but Jungkook is demanding and would have his way with just the snap of his fingers. You had to obey Jungkook no matter what and break Jimin’s heart in the long run. As much as it hurt to think about that, you had to do it.
You walked over to Jungkook’s office, ignoring the stares and whispers of your coworkers as it was unusual to see someone willingly enter the boss’ space, not like you had the choice though. You take a breath in before exhaling as you go in, being greeted by Jungkook sitting on his desk, hands interlocked on top of the surface in front of him. You were thankful the windows that faced everyone else outside were tinted so no one could see in and only out, but that only felt more unnerving, knowing that he was making you suck his cock while everyone else was on the other side unbothered. Your spine shivered with that thought.
You begin to walk over to him towards the desk, stopping once you reach just a foot away from the table, Jungkook grinning at your uncomfortable stance.
“Y/N, why do you look so uncomfortable? It’s like you forgot about the first time we were in a room with just the two of us.” He taunts. Your breathing hitched, your mind going back to when he returned to your apartment to drop off your purse and did things you now regret doing. You blamed yourself for having that impulse, blaming yourself  for being so fucking drunk and horny.
“I was drunk, Jungkook. For all we know, you manipulated me into doing that with you.” You blamed him even though it was completely your fault but it seemed right to accuse him. If he didn’t come back and just waited until the next day to bring you back your purse it wouldn’t have happened. Right?
He chuckled, his eyes showing lust, “I didn’t manipulate you, y/n. You wanted it. I heard you moan out my name while you were playing with that slutty pussy of yours.” He stood up from his chair, slowly making his way over to you, “I just helped you fullfil that fucked up imagination of yours.” He was now close to you, his breath touching the right side of your face. He leans in, his mouth inches away from your ear, “And I will do it over and over again, either back in your apartment, in mine or even right here in my office.” He whispers lowly, lust all over his voice.
You close your eyes, fists clenched at your sides. No. No. No, “No, Jungkook. We never agreed on any of that. We only agreed on me working here in your office, nothing else.” You croak, your chest felt tight. You weren’t sure if it was because you were scared or if you were irritated with his words. You didn’t want to do anything more with the man that fucking threatened you just because he wanted you all to himself. He was fucking delusional and it made you hate him more than it was back in highschool. He never changed, he was still the bully from highschool.
He hums, his face still in front of your ear, “You’re my assistant, right? So you have to do everything I ask you to do.” You can’t see him but you know that he is smiling, knowing that he has you trapped. You let out a shaky breath, he’s right, he lured you into his trap and you just walked into it, not knowing the consequences. Jimin was right, you were a fucking idiot.
You face him, stepping back to increase the space between you and Jungkook, “Fine. But I’m only doing this to keep Jimin here.” You say, your voice shaking from anger. You look into Jungkook’s eyes, his expression changing after the mention of Jimin.
He straightens his posture, laughing while he does, “Oh, Jimin. Your knight in shining armor?” He pauses, chuckling at his own words, “Be fucking grateful that I’m allowing you to be with that so called ‘man,’ but if I see or find out anything more happening between you two, I will not fucking hesitate. Understand, y/n?” He stares at you, his eyes dark. You clench your jaw and nod.
And just like that, his whole entire expression changes again, back to being professional, “Your desk is over there, I will let you know when I need you.” He points over to the desk that was positioned in the corner by the large window that oversaw the whole entire city. You nod again, making your way to your desk, huffing as you sat down to continue your work.
The rest of the day was surprisingly quiet, mostly because Jungkook was called into never ending meetings which you were grateful for. You began to pack up your things, packing up papers that you needed to finish a project with Jimin that was due at the end of the week. With everything together, you walked out of the office, only to be faced with Jimin who was standing right in front of the door.
“Fuck, Jimin, you scared the shit out of me.” You say as you hold your hand to your heart. He almost gave you a heart attack. He laughed, finding it amusing that he almost killed you at work.
He wiped tears that were pushed out from his laughing fit, “I’m sorry, y/n. I didn’t mean to and I say that from the bottom of my heart.” He says as little giggles tried to escape while he was speaking to you.
You just rolled your eyes, “Let’s just go before Mr.Buzzkill comes back from his meeting.” You said it as a joke but it was true.
Jimin nods with a grin, taking your hand into his, causing small tingles that traveled from your hand to the rest of your body. You quickly swiped your hand away. Jimin looked at you confused, he sometimes held your hand to lead you when the both of you walked together but this time it was a new feeling, something that shouldn’t be happening.
“I-I’m sorry. Just with the whole Jungkook situation, I can’t” You half lied. It was true that it was because of Jungkook. If Jungkook ever saw that you two were holding hands, he would do something to Jimin. But to you, that wasn’t the reason. Jimin understood without the need of you explaining more, instead he took your things and continued to lead the way to the elevator.
You were at your apartment complex with Jimin by your side holding your things again. You unlocked the door, the familiar scent of clean linen making you relax. You have never missed a place so much in your life.
“Just place my things in my room, I’ll cook us dinner for tonight.” You spoke from the kitchen as Jimin was still standing by the entrance, removing his shoes. “What do you feel like eating tonight?” You yell out to ask as Jimin was already in your room dropping off your belongings.
“Do something easy, like ramen with eggs.” He replies. You gave him a look as if he was afraid that you would cook something that wouldn’t taste as good as his cooking. But you agreed, you were tired after all. You began to cook the noodles while Jimin prepared cold side dishes to go with the ramen while setting up the table for the two of you. Just by the presence of Jimin gives you a calm feeling, knowing that you are safe in his hands. He knows how to make you smile, no matter how bad you were feeling. You just hated that there was a huge fucking wall going inbetween you two, wishing that it wasn’t there because Jimin wasn’t a bad guy to be with. He is that dream man that every woman wanted and you happened to be that lucky woman.
“Do you need anything, y/n?” You hear Jimin say, invading your thoughts. You didn’t realize that you were looking directly at him, causing you to blush. You didn’t mean to be staring at him.
You chuckle weakly, “I’m okay Jimin. I’m just really lucky to have you in my life.” And you really meant it, from the bottom of your heart. Jimin gives you one of his big smiles, so big that even his eyes were smiling. It was cute. But his smile slowly disappeared as if he was remembering something.
“Don’t get too used to it, y/n, cause I know that one day our friendship will get ruined.” He was right, you both knew it. Only because of one fucking man. “I just don’t get it though, why now?” He questions. You know the answer but you felt too embarrassed to even tell him the day you had Jungkook over. The way Jungkook felt threatened by her friendship with Jimin and wanting her to himself. You just shrug as an answer, shaking your head at the thought of it.
“I wish I knew Jimin.” But you did know.
After dinner, both you and Jimin went straight to the project for work. Groaning every time something came up that required too much thinking or just not wanting to do this at all.
“We shouldn’t be spending our Wednesday like this.” You groan the millionth time. This was going to take forever and you hated having this type of work that had a specific deadline. How were you supposed to figure out a way to come up with an advertisement that would attract millions of people? Projects like these wished you never applied at a demanding marketing job.
“Let’s just take a break for a few minutes and get back to it. Maybe we will come up with something by then.” Jimin shifts next to you, ready to pull up something on the tv. As much as you wanted to watch a show, you know that after the first episode there’s no going back.
“Jimin, if we end up watching something we won’t get this project done.” You argue, but Jimin wasn’t having it.
He shrugs, “I’ll just come over again tomorrow.” You groan in defeat. You lift yourself off the floor, sitting next to Jimin on the couch. Instead of playing a show he pulls up a movie. ‘Yeah we won’t be continuing our project.’ You thought to yourself. The movie ‘Dead Silence’ begins to play as Jimin shuts off the light, adding in onto the horror feeling. You had a mixed feeling with horror films, you liked them but didn’t like to be scared.
It was only just the beginning of the movie and a jumpscare already popped up, making you jump from your place. Instinctively you shoved your face onto Jimin's shoulder, not wanting to look at the screen. You can feel Jimin laughing underneath your touch, making you lift your head to look at him.
“That was really scary, okay?” You say while covering your ears from the obnoxiously loud music playing from the movie.
He looks back at you and throws his hands up in surrender, “Okay, okay, I won’t laugh next time.” He says, still slightly giggling. He brings his arms down, his smile slowly fades away as he still stares at you. Both of you staring at each other, ignoring the movie playing, the sound now background noise to you. You watch his eyes travel down your face, landing onto your lips and back up to your eyes. You freeze in place, knowing what he wants, but you don't move. ‘Why aren’t you pulling away?’ You thought to yourself. Did you want this? ‘Yes’ Would it cause consequences? ‘Yes’ Do you care? ‘No.’ You were having an unending battle with yourself. But you didn’t give a fuck.
You started to inch closer to Jimin as he did the same, both of you now looking at each other’s lips. You see him graze his tongue on his bottom lip, causing your clit to throb. You couldn’t fucking take it anymore. You lifted your hand, slowly moving it to his pants, feeling his bulge of desire. You hear his breathing hitch as you begin to caress his throbbing cock that was trapped inside his jeans. And just like that, Jimin crashes his lips to yours. You let out a small moan as he pushed his tongue inside your mouth, tasting you.
“Fuck, y/n, I’ve been waiting for years to finally kiss you.” He spoke breathlessly onto your mouth.
TAGS; @coralmusicblaze, @holybxba, @lpgirl2324
Editor's Note: I’m soooooo sorry that this took a bit! I got way too busy and didn’t have the time to type out another chapter but here’s part three! I am planning on writing more stories which also took a lot more of my time but i do have more time in my hands now so hopefully i can post more! 
if you want to be tagged for future parts, comment below!!
PLEASE do not copy, translate or post my writing on any other platform without my consent. ―taevolu🤍
Picture -  Andre Benz (unsplash.com)
Jungkook PNG - starcolors13 (deviantart.com)
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fortisfilia · 7 months
Promised Part 5 - Tom Riddle x reader
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Info: This is a rewrite of a story I've posted on my old account years ago. If it sounds familiar, that might be why :)
Summary: In this story, Tom didn't grow up as an orphan, but with his grandfather and uncle. Reader's sister got very sick and the Gaunts offer their help. But not without asking for something in return.
Warnings: Arranged marriage, sickness
Word count: 2.8k
Masterpost | Masterlist | Part 4 | Part 6
Part 5 - Making believe
The news about your fight with Tom had spread across Hogwarts quicker than you had thought was possible. Three days had passed and you were sure even the teachers knew about it by now. And everyone seemed to know more about it than you did. 
There were stories about you hexing Tom in the hallways, about him threatening you there, about you almost drowning yourself in the lake, about Benjamin trying to kiss you, about you trying to kiss Benjamin. The list was endless. None of it was true and why anyone even cared was a mystery.
The way people looked at you made you angry to a degree where you had to control yourself not to smack them. Your anger was also fueled by the fact that Tom had not apologised yet. Three days. Feeling as long as three years when the whole school seemed to watch your every move while you were waiting for your future husband to make up his mind. 
Those two words alone made your blood boil. Future husband. Who certainly was the most conceited, hot-headed, mistrusting bastard on earth. Who you had agreed to marry for your sister. Who thought you would cheat on him, in this imaginary relationship, on the first chance you got. With Benjamin Hilt... Maybe he was also the daftest future husband on earth.
But nonetheless, you wondered far too often when he would finally walk up to you and apologise. You had even considered apologising to him just so you wouldn’t have to ignore him anymore. But that thought hadn’t lasted longer than a minute. He had to learn his lesson.
Tom’s friends seemed awfully aware as well. Although Avery and Lestrange stayed out of your way, some others made you feel like you were constantly observed. Almost as if they were his spies, telling him where he could go to avoid you. Tossers. 
The only person keeping you sane was Camille. She knew the truth and shut down every rumour that came to her ears. She had also tried to talk to Tom, much to your dismay. But he had ignored her completely. 
“Still no news on the fiancé front?” Camille asked when you sat with her in the courtyard. 
“Don’t call him that,” you answered. 
“Sorry,” she said but smiled. “I’m sure he’ll talk to you soon.”
“You think so? I’m not so sure. And I don’t really care.”
Camille laid her hand on your shoulder. “You don’t care, huh?”
“I don’t.”
“Oh well… You talk about it an awful lot for someone who doesn’t.”
“You started it this time,” you grinned. Changing the subject seemed appropriate. She was right. “Do you want to study together around 5? In the library?”
“Sure. I still haven’t done the homework for Charms.”
“Me neither.”
You watched the people around the courtyard. They looked comfortable. Cosy with their scarves on. Carefree, wandering around and talking to their friends. It made you wonder if you looked like them too, or if they could see how bitter you felt. How uncomfortable and tired. If your poor attempt at faking indifference was enough to deceive them. 
The bench where you sat with Tom three days ago was right next to you. You had specifically chosen not to sit there but at the one next to it. Not that anyone had a clue, not even Camille knew which exact bench it was. But it felt good to avoid it. 
One of Tom’s friends, Evan Rosier, walked by. Another spy, another rat, running back to the nest, to tell him where not to go. He locked eyes with you for a brief moment but retracted ever so quickly and went inside. 
“It’s cold,” Camille said and pulled your gaze away from the other students. She rubbed her hands together and crossed her arms. “Want to leave?”
“Just a few more minutes,” you said and took a deep breath. The cold air didn’t hurt. It was sharp and fresh, it kept you awake.
“Okay,” she answered and laid her head on your shoulder. “Look, Ben and his friends are over there.”
They sat on the ground next to the stone walls, about fifty feet away. They didn’t seem cold either. Some of them had their coats open, their scarves only hanging down loosely from their necks.
“They’re strange,” you mumbled.
“I know, right? Like outcasts. But cool ones.”
“Cool? I’m not sure about that.”
Camille laughed. “I don’t know. They seem so happy all the time. As if nothing mattered to them really.”
“If that was true, Ben would know how to mind his own business.”
“You know what I mean.”
“Yeah, I guess.”
You turned your head away from them, looking to your left where you heard footsteps coming your way. And indeed, someone was approaching you. The person’s shoes seemed oddly familiar and all your muscles tensed when you looked up and found out who they belonged to. Tom.
Camille noticed your movements and raised her head. Tom stopped in front of you, not saying anything, just looking from you to Camille and back to you. She nudged your waist, silently asking what to do and a small nod was enough for her to understand.
“I, um,” Camille cleared her throat. “I think I’m going to go inside. I’m freezing. I’ll see you in the library at 5.”
You said your goodbyes, watched her leave, then looked up at Tom again and waited for him to say something. But he didn’t. He just looked back at you, or through you maybe, until he finally took a seat beside you.
He sat there, staring straight ahead in silence, even though you gave him every chance to speak. The wind tousled his hair in those everlasting minutes of curiosity. What was he doing here, if he didn’t want to talk? 
People around you had noticed as well. They were looking over in turns and proceeded to whisper to each other. Like you wouldn’t notice.
“I have something for you,” Tom suddenly said and fiddled something out of the inner pocket of his coat. “My grandfather sent an owl.”
Seriously? Three days of silence and he came up to present you a letter? From Marvolo Gaunt of all people. The nerve of him.
“And?” you asked.
“And what?”
“Don’t you think you should say something first? Like an apology?”
He sighed and looked away again. As if he had known you wouldn’t let him get away with it. As if he had dreaded that moment.
“Yes,” he then said, so quietly you could hardly hear him. “I’m sorry for how I behaved. That I haven’t trusted you and that I didn’t let you speak.”
He looked like it hurt him physically to apologise. But it wasn’t enough. 
You turned towards him, watching him staring into the distance. “Now look me in the eyes and say it again.”
Tom turned his head your way, his brows furrowed, eyes looking into yours, filled with such anger, making you regret what you had said. You couldn’t tell if he would rather stand up and leave, or curse you right then and there for what you asked of him.
“I’m sorry,” he repeated nevertheless.
“Thank you,” you answered and wondered if you should comment on how long it had taken him. Better not.
Tom pointed to the letter in your hands. “Now read it.”
The parchment was old and smelled damp and mouldy.
I was informed by an unknown source that people at Hogwarts are doubting the authenticity of your relationship with your fiancée. 
Someone sent a letter and implied they would notify the ministry about it if we wouldn’t cancel the wedding ourselves. 
Let me remind you two, that our plan must go through. If it won’t, the little one will pay for it. Make her wear the ring if you must. And don’t mistake this for a gift, I want it back eventually. 
Marvolo Gaunt”
Breathing felt harder all of a sudden. There was a lump in your throat that burned and stung right down into your lungs. If the ministry would doubt the validity of your relationship, they could definitely null and void the marriage before it even happened. Which would be fatal.
“Merlin’s sake,” you sighed. “Who would do that? Threaten your grandfather...”
“You don’t know?” Tom asked and looked over to the group where Ben sat. “I got a suspect.”
“Of course… And what are we going to do about it?”
Tom took the letter and folded it back together, not taking his eyes off Ben. “Let me handle him.”
“What will you do?”
“Nothing too bad,” he said. “Possibly.” 
He Put the letter back into his coat pocket and pulled something else out of it, then opened up his hand, showing off the ring Marvolo must have written about. It was a gold band, inset with a black stone. Engraved on the stone was a strange symbol - a triangle with a circle inside of it and a straight line in its centre. “Put this on,” Tom instructed. “And wear it for people to see. It should suffice as an engagement ring.”
He slipped it onto your left ring finger quickly, his fingers brushing over yours for only a moment. An unceremonial act that would have made you laugh if the situation weren’t so dire. “I’ve never seen a ring like this.”
“It’s a family heirloom from the house of Gaunt and the Peverell’s,” he explained. “Marvolo wouldn't want you to know that. It's one of a kind. And very valuable.”
“That’s why he wants it back,” you concluded.
Tom nodded.
“And how does Marvolo expect us to improve?” you asked. “We can’t change what people think about us.”
“Make them believe. It’s not that hard to fool people.”
He was right. Tom might have been a prick, but he certainly wasn’t a fool. If rumours about your fight spread so quickly, rumours about you making peace would spread even faster. 
“Hold my hand,” you said.
“We have to make them believe. Better start right away. There are lots of people around. Maybe we can even trick Ben and his friends.”
He restrained for quite a bit, then ever so slowly reached for your hand, not looking at you. His skin was warm from being inside, almost hot against yours and he felt stiff and mechanical, as if he didn’t know how to behave or was repulsed even by this minimal contact. It was uncomfortable, having your hand lying in someone else’s, who didn’t really hold it but simply let it lay there.
You adjusted your fingers and put them right against his, which made him turn towards you. His pulse pumped softly against the tips of your fingers. It was faster than you had thought and made you smile. Tom didn’t. But he looked at you, differently.
His brows weren’t furrowed anymore, the anger from before completely washed away. His eyes were open, studying your face with a deadpan stare until he squinted.
“You’re cold,” he said and brought his other hand around the back of yours, now properly holding it with both of his.
“I’ve been here for a bit,” you told him and looked around, letting his unfamiliar warmth spread through your veins. “I think it’s working.”
“The people. They’re watching.”
Tom took a glance, his fingers twitching as he did. The other students turned away one by one when his gaze neared them. Even Ben and his friends had noticed but ducked their heads now too. 
Making people believe was easier than expected.
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“And he really held your hand? Wow. Even I wouldn’t have guessed that,” Camille whispered when you told her about what had happened.
“I know, me neither,” you said while opening the Charms textbook. 
“And I wasn’t there to see it. Damn it. I knew I should have peeked around a corner.”
“Gross,” you joked and looked around if anyone could hear you. 
The library was quite full, but you had found a desk at the far end, where no one would bug the two of you.
Studying with Camille was, as unbelievable as it may sound, one of the best parts of school. It brought tranquillity and effect together. Feeding your brain with new information and sharing it with one another was a sensation you got nowhere else. No matter how dry, or tricky the material was, you had always found a way to remember. You were great together. Balanced. And she brought chocolate, every time. Major plus.
It had gotten dark outside a while ago when you finished the Charms essay. Only then you noticed how tired your eyes were from the dim light. Camille had completed hers two chocolate bars ago and was waiting for you by the window. 
“Done,” you sighed. “Finally.”
“Great. Let’s go then,” she said and started packing up her things.
“I haven’t proofread.”
“Oh,” Camille nodded and teetered from one foot to another.
“But you can go. Really. You’ve already waited for so long. I’ll just read it again and then I’m off.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. Somewhere you need to go?”
“The loo,” she whispered and you laughed.
“Then run!”
You rubbed your eyes and folded the parchment flat out under your hands. One more read-through and you were done. It was even quieter around you, now that Camille had left. The only things you heard were the librarian’s steps, as she tiptoed through the rows every now and then, and some quills scratching on paper from afar. It was a hypnotic silence, that made it easier to read. So easy, you didn’t even notice someone walking up to you.
The sound of the chair next to you screeching lightly over the floor was so startling, you almost knocked over your inkwell.
“Merlin’s sake,” you whispered as you screwed down the small bottle. “You can’t creep up on me like that. Almost ruined my essay.”
“Pardon me,” Tom said. “Who could have thought people had to be quiet in a library?”
You shot him a look to prevent yourself from telling him to keep his cocky jokes to himself. “What are you doing?”
He opened up a book, giving you the same look in return as if to say, what do you think people do in here. “Reading.”
“Alright then,” you said and leaned over your parchment again. 
Just a few more pages. But suddenly the words you had written didn’t make sense anymore. You had to read each sentence twice, to even understand what they meant. And you were awfully aware of your breathing. Tom made you nervous. 
It took you twice as long to read one page and the fact that you watched him from the corner of your eye every other moment didn’t help. 
Concentrate. Forget he’s even here. You had eventually found somewhat of a rhythm again, laying one paper aside, when Tom touched your hand.
You automatically jolted and looked over to him. He was still reading his book, now holding your hand firmer, more proper than earlier that day. It seemed like he wanted to finish this particular paragraph before he looked back at you. And the blank expression on his face said more than ever before. It was a mix between him waiting for you to pull away and simultaneously telling you not to dare to move. 
It was the same silence, the same tension that occurred when he had come for dinner at your house, when you were alone in the dining room with him. But yet, it felt so different.
So you held him, too. Quietly. Still staring at him. While no one spoke a word. 
Your fingers folded along the back of his hand perfectly, like they were meant to be there. 
And then, he moved. His thumb swayed back and forth across your skin, so lightly you could barely even sense it. So softly, as though he was scared it could hurt and break you. His eyes were fixated on you. He studied every breath, every flutter of your eyelashes, every muscle moving in reaction to his touch. 
And there it was. Something different in his eyes. Something more than the notorious apathy. A spark, a tiny hint of what you would call emotion. 
Something you had never seen on him. It suited him well. So you let him feast on it. For forever if he asked you to.
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Masterpost | Masterlist | Part 6
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yvannahaleth · 2 years
Have this skrunklie doodlie Kokichi Ouma headcanons as my comeback. Consider this as a sign that i will be posting more often.
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Stereotypical Pregame Kokichi Ouma x GN! Reader
Fluff, SFW, mentions of bruises, blood, bullying, yandere, obsessed, broken home, being hurt, etc
Okay, i know that most people like to make fun of people that like streotypical pregame Kokichi, d'ya get what i mean?
For example, bullied PG Kokichi, shy uwu PG Kokichi, stuttering PG Kokichi, etc
"He got absolutely misunderstood!"
Yea, and? Submissive PG Kokichi>>>>
A clingy PG Kokichi that hides behind you whenever you walk to the school with him together because he's afraid that any bullies could show up in any moment, keep in mind he's clinging to you without realizing it.
A stuttering mess PG Kokichi that doesn't know what to do or how to reach to someone as nice as you, he's used to being treates badly and somehow you showed up??? God, he feels absolutely blessed.
A blushing PG Kokichi that can't do anything beside sitting calmly while you taking care of his wounds after he got beaten up. He might look like he can pass out in any moment, but he's more than that. He can actually explode when you touch him again.
A surprised PG Kokichi that has no idea why you're being so nice with him and often flinched whenever you move your hands or just being a little close to him in general because he's aware that *anyone* can hurt him anytime.
A calm, relaxed PG Kokichi that's naturally chill and less shy than how he was when he first met you without realizing that it's just how his body reacts because his body knows that you're a good person that means no harm to him even if you have bad relationships with other students
A shocked, mesmerized PG Kokichi whenever you protect him from his bullies, he never had someone care about him so much that started to feel weird things it's love.
A rare jealous PG Kokichi that's somehow bold whenever someone gets to close to you, he feels threatened to see someone he loves the most started to talk to someone that's not him.
A submissive PG Kokichi that can't do anything aside from blushing and whimpering whenever you're starting to get aggressive. He can't even look you in the eyes and you're *this* determined?
An adorable PG Kokichi that tugs your shirt when you guys are in public and he has something to say, you have to lean closer to him so he could reach your ear and whisper it. Most of the time, it's "C-can we, can we please get out of here now....?"
A scared, shivering PG Kokichi that sneaks to your room every night just for you to comfort him to sleep because his home is not really his 'home'.
An obsessive, sweating PG Kokichi that likes to imagine people that likes to get a little close to you or people that you hate in general get literally burned to death as his 'intrusive thoughts'.
A 'yandere', sneaky PG Kokichi that likes to steal your stuff just because he needs them. He needs them to keep him alive when you're not around. He needs them to keep him sane when you're not present. He needs them to keep him calm when you're not beside him, tapping his back until he stopped panicking.
Oh, god, i love yandere submissive Kokichi, do you?
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magicxc · 11 months
Hills and Valleys
Synopsis: Legend has it that Halloween is strictly for the scares. With ghouls and goblins, vampires and werewolves, witches and broomsticks, who could disagree?
However, all this friend group wanted was a little trick or treat. Sprinkle in a few party favors, loud music and a cabin in the woods, the myth was bound to come true.
Lurking around the corner is danger like never before, eager to bring this night to a bloody finish.
So join these friends as they fight to make it through a Hallween they’ll never forget.
Word Count: 3506
Warnings: murdaaaa, tha big reveal
Chapter 6 - Jasons POV
A/N: this is legit like my 5th attempt at uploading this damn fic. From the warnings to the word count to the moodboard to the story all the way down to the fucking tagsssss 😩 I am TIRED. Almost turned my phone into jello over Dumblr. So please, enjoy; cause tears def went into this.
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Series Masterlist
“What’s with the scrutiny all of a sudden?” Emery challenged. “You know I could say the same for you Jason, the same for all of us really; cause where was anyone when our friends were fighting for their lives?” she sniffled. “All we have to do is sit here til sunrise and we can’t even do that.”
As annoying as I find Emery, she made a decent point. Where was I? Where was anyone and how did this manage to happen unheard? Do I actually believe Lorenzo did it? Not really. He’s lost arguably the two closest people in his friend group, cradling Stephanie in his arms for God knows how long. For a second I almost believed he’d break through the window if it meant he could reach out and hold Julianna much the same; his behaviour eerily composed, reminding me of the calm before the storm - and what a shit storm it’s turned out to be.
Serving in the military, I was taught to survive in extreme atmospheric conditions; training to fight in places as scorching as the desert and as icy as the snow. Our exercises also saw us in unsturdy places such as the choppy currents of the water, arms linked together as we floated on the surface for hours. The sky was no exception either, learning to parachute from altitudes so high the air was all but limited. It wasn’t my dream to fight for this country but, life happens. And while it did come with its perks, I wouldn’t recommend any sane person to join. I’ve scraped so many bodies off the battlefield and sent so many others to meet their maker, I’ve become somewhat desensitized to death - learning to keep calm during the most chaotic and life threatening moments because it’s only then that I was able to live to tell the tale. And that’s what I’ve been attempting since we all found ourselves locked in this place - surviving, lending out my experience to the team who quite frankly doesn't deserve it at this point. All I can do is stay calm long enough to see this night through.
“I think we should waterboard the fucker.”
And here the fuck we go. I’ve never pegged Lynn for such a firecracker but I get it. After all, this night is drawing all sorts of emotions from people: showing our true colors when the universe dangles something so priceless before us.
It's been said that about 1800 people have jumped from the golden gate bridge, yet only 35 have survived the fall. And each person that’s survived has explicitly stated that they regretted jumping halfway through the fall, realising, in the face of imminent danger, just how solvable all their problems seemed. Much like tonight, in what happened to be a party gone horribly wrong, recovering bodies littered around the house like candies during an easter egg hunt, only then do you realise how desperately you want to live. Many people are familiar with the term fight or flight, but what goes most overlooked is a secret third thing - fear. Fear so intense it freezes you to one spot like a deer in headlights, too afraid to move from the oncoming beams of tragedy. But another emotion fear pulls from us is survival, an emotion so fierce that you’d find yourself doing just about anything to have it; even going as far as to commit interrogation tactics of torture.
“Exactly which fucker are you referring to?” Emery questioned.
“Whoever the fucker is responsible for this mess.”
“Go ahead and point them out for us since you know every damn thing.”
They’re on their own with this one. I can't deal with the bickering. I'm used to organized and thought provoking responses in such situations; my irritation rising the more it sinks in just how wet they are behind the ears.
“Lorenzo, you’re one more insult away from me socking you in the face.”
“Whatever Lynn, what you should hit is the books you dumbass,�� he retorts.
Throwing her shoe at him, it just barely misses his face; Emery stepping in to call them both childish.
“So help me God if you don’t get your shit together, I’m gonna whoop you like your parents should have.”
“Fuck you Lenny, at least my parents were active enough in my life not to let me get raised by the help.”
“Parent,” Lorenzo enunciated. “Had your dad been able to afford the help, maybe your mom would’ve stuck around you motherless bitch.”
Well shit.
“Jason, do something!”
“Right, uhhh all shoes in the middle of the floor,” I instructed.
I don’t know why Emery insists on calling me out. Everyone, despite tonight’s circumstances, in this room is responsible for their own actions. Yet she expects me to jump in the middle of their bullshit every time. I don't know what kind of savior complex they have going on, but I won’t be a part of it. I barely want to be with sugar at this point.
“Lenny you motherfucker, two parents plus the help and yet no one taught you what it means to have common decency; no wonder women can’t wait to get rid of you.”
“Well if it isn’t the whore of Babylon here to teach us a lesson about keeping partners. Tell you what, you teach me how to keep a woman and I’ll teach you how to get rid of the clap.”
“Sex shaming is not cool,” Emery criticized.
“And neither is half the things that's been flapping past Lynn's lying ass lips,” Lorenzo retorted. “If you’re gonna be biased, do so from the corner of the room, cause you’re at about arms length right now and that’s not good for you.
“Would you seriously hit me?” she ridiculed.
I would.
“Are you surprised Em, this is the same piece of shit who yanked Julez arm so hard, it left bruises.”
“You dramatic whore, no the fuck I did not.”
“And that was in front of an entire crowd, who knows what you’re capable of behind closed doors huh? Drowning? Slicing?”
“Sounds like you’re in the mood to find out.”
“Tell me their last words to you as you watched them fight for their lives you piece of shit.”
Oh my God.
“Shut your mouth Lynn.”
“Tell me every horrifying detail about what fucked you up so bad that you’d turn on your own friends in such a way.”
“I won't ask you again.”
“Steph probably begged you to finish her off didn’t she? Eager to get the hell away from you and your perverted advances.”
For a big guy, Lorenzo’s pretty damn swift. Maybe it’s because all those drinks are still sloshing around in my bloodstream but my cat like senses wasn’t quick enough to catch him.
Angrily lunging toward Lynn his hands are tightly wrapped around her throat, arms trembling from the forceful hold. Beads of sweat drip down his forehead, while spittled foam gathers at the corners of his mouth. Blinking away tears, thick veins line the surface of his neck, incoherent mumbling tumbling past his lips.
Sugar desperately beats at his arms, struggling for air he refuses to give her and my anger shoots through the roof, their foolishness pissing me off for the final time. It takes both me and Emery to tear Lorenzo away from sugar, his grip firm and unrelenting. For a second I feared that he actually intended to kill her. Once we finally manage to drag him away, it takes me putting my full weight on this man, using one of my hand to hand combat moves to lock him into place.
Pinned beneath me, I scream to Emery to grab anything strong enough to tie his arms together. She brings me back one of the kitchen towels and I roll us sideways so that she can wrap it around his hands.
“I - I can't do it, he won’t stop thrashing his arms.”
“For fucksake Emery TRY, there’s only so much I can do right now.
With lots of wiggling and flailing, Emery manages a decent enough knot for me to turn him over and reinforce it. Sugar finally catches her breath before storming into the kitchen.
We sit Lorenzo in a chair while Emery tries to coax him into comfort. Standing up, he head butts me in the face, my nose immediately leaking blood from the impact. My fist returns the favor, knocking him back into the chair. Emery harshly tugs on my elbow, begging me to stop, and it takes everything in me to do just that because this fight was about to turn real unfair, real quick.
Dragging my arm across my face, I look about the room for anything to tie down his legs to the chair, coming up with some loose cloth, which undoubtedly was a part of someone’s costume.
“Fuck all of you,” Lorenzo screams.
“No Lenny, fuck you,” sugar screeched, thumping back to the room; a pitcher full of water cradled between her hands.
“Woah, woah, woah LYNNLEY. Are you fucking serious?”
“As a heart attack.”
“This is Lenny, the same Lenny we’ve known since middle school.”
“People change Em and I'm about to show you just how much.”
“Sugar, maybe we should-“
“Shut up, all of you.”
“I know there’s been a lot said tonight, some things in particular we can never take back,” Lorenzo sighed. “And I know tensions are high right now, but are they so high that you’d all sit there and watch me die.”
“Lorenzo, no one’s gonna kill anyone man.”
“It’s WATERBOARDING, you of all people should know that it can very well get fatal.”
“Enough of this.”
Grabbing a fistful of his hair, she pulls his head back, pouring enough water on him to drench his clothes, before being snatched away by Emery.
It's not nearly enough to kill him, but it does make for some discomfort, much like accidentally snorting a noseful of water once you dive inside a swimming pool. It burns but that's about it.
Coughing through his discomfort, I listen as sugar and Emery go back and forth over the severity of it all; and I briefly contemplate killing myself if it means that I won't have to deal with their nonsense. I honestly don't know if I can make it to sunrise like this and by the looks of it, neither will they.
Their bickering finally subsides, them agreeing only to question the man and nothing more. Of course Lorenzo detests it, that for no other reason than a hunch he’s guilty and lowkey he’s right. But then again, I'm not inserting myself into their madness. They’ve made it this far in this fucked up friend circle, they can make it the rest of the night.
“So lemme get this straight, you went upstairs to find cell signal and somehow found yourself next to a knife stricken Steph?”
“Lynn, ask your damn question.”
“How did you end up there and why?”
“My phone fell out of the window and I was looking for someone elses to use. It just so happened that Steph was the first person I found.”
“I think we should stop asking who may have done it, but why?” Emery proposed. “I feel like if we can figure out who had motive, we can narrow it down.”
“Well this is a pretty fucked up way to narrow things down. I'm literally tied to a chair.”
“That's because you choked me.”
“And I’ll do it again, you’ve been out of pocket since this whole thing started. How do we know you’re not the killer huh?
“Because I’m holding back from killing you now,” she shrieks.
Spitting, the thick glob lands directly on her chest, sugar all but emptying the contents of the pitcher onto his face; angrily clomping back into the kitchen to no doubt fill it again, but not before slapping him across the cheek.
Wet and stinging, that's quite the combination. I fear this has gone on long enough and it's only escalating. As much as I wanted to stay out of it, I think I better intervene.
Following sugar into the kitchen, I try to talk her out of this crazed state, her dazed pupils letting me know that she’s too far gone for reason. Pushing past me, she heads back into the living room where we see Emery struggling to untie the knots off Lorenzo, his violent coughing trying to dislodge the water that seeped into his lungs.
“The hell does it look like I'm doing Lynn, this is mad and it needs to stop now.”
“Not until I get some answers.”
“People who talk, talk after their first contact with water,” I bargained. “And he’s not talking.”
“All that means is we have to get him talking then.”
“OR, it means he didn’t do it. You pour a bucket of water over someone’s nose and they’ll tell you whatever you want to hear if it means you’ll stop.”
“And yet you did it anyway,” she glared.
“There was a time where I would’ve died for all of you. I found a family in you guys and it filled a void I didn’t even know I had. And in one night, one measly fucking night I lose it all,” Lorenzo whimpered. “My best friend gets murdered without us ever properly mending things between us. I had to watch the love of my life die in my arms. And now, my other friend is actively trying to kill me, disregarding our decade long friendship all in the name of anger.
“Lorenzo, you did this to yourself!”
“LYNN, how fucking cruel can you be?”
“It’s alright Em, I’ve been known to be a bit of an asshole, though I’d like to think I meant well,” he bitterly chuckled, snot trickling down his nose. “Do me a favor and survive this fucked up night, cause God only knows who Lynn will turn on next. Not to mention that fucker over there,” he says, head nodding toward me. “Ain't it a little odd how all of this starts happening the moment he shows up? Yet I'm the one you helped him strap down to a chair. They ask what would you do for a klondike bar, but you better start asking what would Lynn do for a piece of dick, cause apparently it’s kill for it.”
“Lorenzo, I'm actually on your side. The only reason you’re even tied to that chair is because you attacked two people in this room,” I defended.
“And what's the reason I'm being waterboarded huh? Who weaseled that thought in her mind? You say you fight for your country? Motherfucker you can't even fight for the people in this room, but you like what’s happening huh?
“Not at all man.”
“We get it, I'm a dumb hoe, but you’re about to be a dead one if you don’t fess up.”
“And then what? You’ll let me go free?”
“Jason, please help me untie him,” Emery pleaded.
“Em don’t you fucking dare.”
Lunging toward her, hands get tangled into hair and nails get scratched into skin before I can get between them. It takes more strength than I care to give to hold Emery back, both she and sugar throwing around insults.
“Lynn I swear, you’re more trouble than you’re worth,” Lorenzo taunted. “YOU ARE THE CUM SHOT YOUR MOTHER SHOULDVE SWALLOWED. It would’ve saved your dad a lifetime of headaches and your mother the embarassm-“
Lorenzo’s words get cut off by the splashing of water, his gurgling noises buried under the guzzling of the pitcher. Emery goes wild, hitting my chest repeatedly and I toss her to the ground, jetting over to the scene behind me. Slapping the pitcher from Lynn’s hands, it's on the verge of empty, nothing but a trickle left inside as it splatters to the floor.
Lorenzo’s body furiously thrashes around, his chest caved in and head hung over with water spluttering from his mouth in an attempt to rid it from his body.
“Shit, Lynnley what the fuck did you do,” I screamed.
Emery is struggling to undo the knots, but all she’s doing is pulling them tighter together. I race over and lean the chair forward, hoping for gravity to expel some of the water from his airway, his body jerking about minorly.
“Why are you just standing there, find something to cut him loose.”
Scrambling into the kitchen, I hear dishes clinking and slamming together before Lynn comes running out with a knife, slicing through the cloth as best she can. The kitchen towel, since it was the thickest, took the longest and by the time we got him out the chair and on the floor, his fits has ceased.
Getting into position, I lock my hands together and press down on his chest, 30 times just like we did in training.
“Emery, once I count to 30 I need you to tip his head back and blow two big breaths into his mouth okay.”
“And what do I do?”
“Stay the fuck over there, I doubt he’d want your help at this point,” Emery yelled.
We do five sets of 30 compressions. The CPR forces out some of the water but Lorenzo is still unconscious.
“Why isn’t it working?” Emery wails.
“Why are you stopping, keep going.”
Pushing against my chest, Emery restarts CPR.
“The lungs are about 9 inches in height, that's a little under a foot.”
“Nobody cares, just fucking help me.”
“The pitcher that Lynn poured over his face looked to be about 64 ounces and she did it twice. That was enough water to fill his lungs three times over.”
“We can do it, I know we can,” she croaked.
“There's no amount of CPR that can expel that much water. And his lungs are so heavy they’re actively swelling as we speak.”
“We won’t know unless we try Jason, you get the mouth and I’ll get the chest.”
“Blowing air into his already expanding lungs won't help Emery.”
“Am I supposed to just watch him die then?” she chided. “Isn’t there a way to drain it?”
“I'm no doctor and neither do we have the tools or the sterile space to do that.”
“Fuck a sterile space!”
“Not only would you infect him but stabbing anything in his chest to ‘drain it’ will only make him bleed out. We would need a very specific and precise needle.”
“No, we can do it,” she answered, starting the compressions again.
The splattering of liquids on the floor lets me know that Lynn has just emptied the contents of her stomach, but I'm in no mood to comfort.
“The body works in 3’s. Three days without water, three weeks without food, and three minutes without air. It’s been about seven now.”
“Shut up.”
“Lorenzo’s lungs are so heavy they’ve probably detached from his windpipe. That, coupled with no oxygen to his brain…at least he was unconscious before it happened.
“Jason either you help me or you leave,” Emery threatened, fat teardrops rolling down her face in droves.
There’s five stages of grief and they’re at the first one. Back against the furniture, I hold my head in my hands, listening to sugars light whimpers and Emery's ragged breathing.
She tires herself out with compressions, fists flying to his chest, pleading for him to wake up. Hands clutched over her ears, sugar rocks back and forth, mumbling out apologies, expletives, and frustrations; guilt no doubt eating her alive.
Hands dropping to my pocket, I rummage around for anything I can chew on, ready to get out of here and never see these people again. Fingers slipping free with the peppermint goodness, I unwrap it and pop it in my mouth.
Some minutes pass by, how many I don't know and the night grows quiet. As tragic as it’s been for everyone, this minute's peace brings about a small sense of tranquility. There’s the occasional sniffle and I watch as the sky transitions from pitch black to a pale pink, the telltale sign of the sun about to rise.
“At least his parents will be home soon right?” sugar questions.
“Yep, right in time enough to see their only son sprawled out on the floor and his friends scattered across the property. So much for the new owners, their home just turned into a crime scene.”
“Do you have any more gum?” Emery asked, voice sore from crying.
Tossing it in her direction, she catches it, face upturned once she removes the wrapper.
“Eww, Jason what the fuck, who the hell buys brown gum? What kind of flavor even is this?”
“It's peppermint,” I answered, popping a bubble.
“Still weird, I haven’t seen this shit since-“
The words die on her tongue. She looks up to me, revelation fresh on her features, which slowly etches into panic, as a sinister grin makes its way onto mine.
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Why do something sexy and shotgun the smoke, when the much funnier option of blowing in his face is right there
Exerpt with the relevant version under the cut (xcom edition)
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Kix started to immediately look for an exit out of the gym when one of the Eldars, Margo, he thinks by the hair, began to approach him with an intense look in her eye. He wasn’t fast enough, though, and without a word she grabbed him by the arm and yanked him out into the hallways.
“Kix. I’m here to talk about Nihlus.”
Fucking hell, of course she was, “What about him? I’ve been following your Major's stupid rules, I’ve left him alone, I’ve gone away, what could you possibly want now?” 
“What did my brother say to make you such a fucking coward?” She replied, pushing him back
And, “Excuse me?” Kix replied, shoving her hands off, because where did the Eldars store their fucking audacity? Every single one of them was full of shit
“What did Jet say to make you treat Nihlus worse than the dirt on the bottom of your boot? Or is the asshole part all you?” 
So she didn’t know? Just their leader's initiative, then? “Well I don’t know about you, but if the second deadliest guy you know threatens to disappear you, a sane person, I think, would listen.”
A flash of anger appeared on her face before it tempered down and she replied, “and, of course, you listened to him. God forbid either of you care what Nihlus thinks.”
And Kix got a little annoyed because, “how was I ever supposed to know what he thinks if he never says it?” because even when they had been on more pleasant terms, Nihlus never talked about himself, never gave a warning when he did insane shit, and never gave context when he did say something. Kix could never figure out what was going on in that templar's head
And that look of anger faded from her face to be replaced by disappointment as she stepped back, “You know, you’re supposed to care enough to actually ask him. But I guess the Commander can’t always be right about bonds,” and then she sighed,
“Jet isn’t going to kill you if you talk to Nihlus, because if he tries, I’ll have his balls. But you know, if you are just going to keep being an asshole and treating Nihlus like a weapon and not a person, just… keep leaving him alone. He’ll probably get over you eventually, move on. And he actually deserves something good, I think. Certainly someone better than you,” 
And then she left, and Kix deflated as he watched her retreating back.
Kix… got to work finding out where the templar had gone off to. Because he didn’t actually hold Lorraine's death over Nihlus' head. She had chosen her side long ago. Such as it was when you became a civil enforcer, because he had looked her up in the advent databases they were capable of access to after they got back, which was a fairly hefty request that he had been surprised the Commander approved without question.
Lorraine had often traded the lives of her fellow humans and even coworkers, just for perks and luxuries, to live a soft and comfortable life. He had wanted to go back in time and stab the bitch himself when he got to the part in her file that she had tried to sell out him and his brothers and their encampment when she first moved into the city, although they had already been packed and gone to xcom at that point, lucky for them. It was what had put her on the radar of civil enforcement in the first place.
He didn’t quite know what he was going to say to Nihlus, though, when he found him. The blame was no longer entirely on Jet, and it hadn’t been since Kix had been promoted to Captain, the gap in their power of their command on the ship diminishing somewhat. No, as much as he hated to admit it, Margo was just a little right. He hadn’t been a coward in fearing Jet, he thinks, because yea, still the second deadliest guy he knew, but he had definitely been a coward, because with as long and as hard as he had been avoiding the templar, he didn’t think he would get the warmest reception, so even when he had been fairly sure it wouldn’t get him killed, it had been so much easier just to stay away. Had gotten into the habit of it, even.
He didn’t deserve the warmest reception from the templar, but he hoped he could get an apology out before he got a fist to the face? The least they could do is work their way back to civil terms, if for no other reason than the ship was not the most massive place and he would like to stop retreating when he was just trying to exist, for fear of running into or being approached by the man.
Kix… couldn’t find Nihlus anywhere. Not even the avengers logs could tell him where the templar had disappeared off to, which was odd. His last location check had been in the bar and then just… nothing. His location stopped pinging pretty much right after he left. 
That… worried him, some, for sure. Because if he wasn’t on the ship, and he hadn’t been sent on a mission, and he hadn’t, then where was he?
He thanked his lucky graces when he saw the Commander approaching from the end of the hall, a strange grin on his face as he stared down at his tablet. If anyone knew where the Nihlus was, it would be the Commander. And if he didn’t, then something was very, very wrong.
“Sir-” Kix started as he stood in the Commander's path, saluting as he tried to get his attention
“He’s on the roof taking a phone call, there aren’t any location sensors up there because no one is supposed to be up there when we’re in flight, but it’s clear enough, tonight, and we’re parked, and the sky is beautiful” The Commander interrupted, glancing up at him, and Kix could see his sclera was a blazing red, in stark contrast to his almost glowing piercing blue eyes. Right. Right, yea, the Commander was also one of those psychic types. And right now, based on his look and smell, Kix thought he might also be stoned as hell.
The Commander grinned at him as he stood in brief silence before saying, “Tell Volt when his next batch is ready, my beds all his again. He did a great job this time,” and then he walked off, leaving Kix to puzzle out what the hell that was about, because…
Was the Commander fucking Nihlus for drugs??? 
Kix had thought the Commander and Bradford had a thing going on? And even if they didn’t, why would the Commander just tell him that? And it’s not like it changed much? Kix had no claim over Nihlus.
But what else could that have meant?
Nihlus took a drag off his fifth joint of the night, as he listened to his daughter ramble on about her day on the other end of the comm, wind calm enough for both as the Commander had ordered the Avenger to… hover in place for him, until he was done. Offering to smoke out the Commander in exchange for various perks around the ship anytime he managed to get some weed delivered to them from his little home growery at templar hq had honestly been nothing but a good decision, well worth the trade. And Nina was doing an amazing job with the plants while he was gone. Green thumb, just like her father.
“So then I hit it with a bolt because the damn thing wouldn’t stop charging at us and just die, and I was really hoping it would smell like bacon, you know? But the boar had so much fur it just smelled like when we tortured that one guy,”
“Right,” Nihlus replied as he exhaled, “the advent guy with hair like a gorilla,”
“Yea, just like that guy smelled, maybe a bit more like dirt, but anyways, I thought it was dead, even though it was twitching a little because you know how they twitch sometimes with lightning,”
Nihlus hummed in affirmation as he took another hit, Nina continuing, 
“But then I get closer to it, and the damn thing hops up and charges at me again! Ripped a hole straight through my pants! Almost got my leg! And at this point I was wondering if Oscar’s Moms tacos were even going to be worth trying to kill the fucking beast-”
And Nihlus turned to the sound of the lift doors sliding open behind him, whispers of a familiar mind echoing gently. 
“Babygirl, did you spike my weed with anything?” Nihlus interrupted his daughter as his eyes met with Kix’s, who wore the strangest look on his face
“Uh, no? Why?” 
“Because… I think Kix is actually about to talk to me. Something must be up, I’ll… call you back,” He said as the medic began to walk his way, hanging up the call
Nihlus took a drag, and leaned back on the railing. “Fett.” and then he exhaled, blowing the smoke at Kix's feet, “What do you want?”
“Two months ago your company leader threatened to kill me if I talked to you again. Apparently, Margo says that’s no longer in place, so I’m here to apologize. I’m sorry for ignoring you.”
And Nihlus blinked at him because he had honest to god expected him to be here to try and buy weed off him too. He took a hit. What the fuck was he supposed to say to that, though? 
He exhaled, “Why would he do that?”
Kix crossed his arms, “He didn’t like how I spoke to you when I thought you murdered Lorraine. Which I’m… also sorry about,” and Kix rubbed the back of his neck, “never did say sorry for that one, you didn’t deserve that, you saved my life.”
Huh. Inhale. Jet was trying to do some micromanaging in his life behind his back? His immediate reaction to someone disrespecting him was death threats? That was… that’s-
“That’s so sweet of him,” Nihlus replied, exhaling. He really was treating Nihlus just like family, an actual, proper little brother. It warmed him inside, but, “I’ll cut his trigger finger off if he does it again,” because the last two months sucked.
The look on Kix's face as he spoke was hilarious. He snorted as he listened closer to Kix hidden whispers, easier to do when no one else was around. The medic was wondering why not even the adopted Eldars knew how to be fucking normal about lying and manipulation. 
Nihlus almost choked on the hit he had been taking, and once he regained control of himself he said, “Did you really come to the ‘going out on suicidally dangerous missions and brutally killing aliens’ organization expecting rational and grounded people?”
“When no one else is really trying to fight the aliens, you’d think we are the only sane people still around,” The medic replied, thinking of his late Ex, of all those people living in the city centers, living every day of their lives as if they weren’t one wrong word away from a bullet to the brain. 
Nihlus hummed again in reply, and then sighed, because he’d smoked this joint to the bone, and he only had one more left for the night. And it surprisingly sounded like Kix wanted to keep talking to him. And the strangest part was, Nihlus thought as he brought out his last joint and started to light it, that the medic had only the mildest of sexual intentions about it, despite their history. If you could even call a single blowie a history. 
Nihlus leaned his head back as he studied the medic, exhaling. Genuine interest?
“What the fuck do you want, Fett? Like” and Nihlus waved his hand some, “what do you actually want from me? Because can't be that you actually want to know me? If it was, you would have tried before Jet stopped you. Or is it the temptation of something you couldn’t have that drives you to seek me out now that you think you can?”
“Maybe I do just want to get to know you.” The medic said defiantly, and strangely. truthfully,  because he hadn’t come up here expecting to be able to get any action, because Kix thought he was-
This time Nihlus did choke on his lungful of smoke and it took him almost a full minute to regain his breath again, before he said, incredulously, “You think I’m fucking the Commander?”
“His bed?” was all Kix said, and okay, okay, yea, when the Commander had put it like that, but, 
“Do you have any idea how loud a room full of peoples thoughts are when you’re trying to sleep on a whelp of a mattress? He’s not in his bed when I am.”
And Nihlus couldn’t help but be puzzled by the concern he felt from Kix, “Do you usually have trouble sleeping?” because wow, Kix had been tracking him? And knew where he usually slept. Which was the troop barracks. And if he was in there all the time, then he would have problems wouldn’t he? Kix figured. 
It should have surprised Nihlus less than it did, “You’ve been following me?” Inhale
Kix put his hands up, “Not really, opposite, actually, I've been avoiding you, mostly.” said as almost a chuckle
Oh right, because that made it all better, exhale, Nihlus was so glad the medic could take practically abandoning him so lightly.
“You really have a lot of nerve, Fett. What do you want? Drugs? Sex? Power? You aren’t here for friendship, you think I’m some crazy disgusting freak and you don’t even like me, Jet’s orders must have been a blessing for you, So what the fuck do you want?!” Nihlus finished with an angry Jab into Kix's chest, flinging ash on him before Nihlus stepped back, turned around, and took another hit, trying to calm himself.
Nihlus was more mad at himself than this man standing behind him. He knew what people thought of him, could usually hear it, knew his ability to do so was part of the general population's dislike of him as a whole. Nihlus also knew the way he thought wasn’t particularly normal either, his processes or his conclusions. He was called disturbing more times than he could count. No, Kix's dislike of him didn’t shock him. But he had wanted Kix to like him, had thought maybe he could make it work if he tried hard enough.
He wanted to snap something into pieces. Hope was a treacherous thing that would bleed you dry, and he had been weeping like a stuck pig for months. 
“I’m sorry,” Kix replied simply, and Nihlus didn’t catch more than that in his thoughts, because he had stopped listening. He wanted to be over this already. He wanted to be done being yanked around.
Nihlus let his head drop before shaking it after taking another hit, “Why would you be?” Exhale. “I’m not wrong, and you’re not denying it”
“Because I want to like you, so I need to get to know you so I can, but I’ve really been dragging my ass on that. We should talk more, now that I wont die from it,” and Nihlus started listening again, only to be stunned with the realization that Kix may not like him, but he was endlessly fascinated with him. Had made liking Nihlus a challenge that he would achieve, by hell or high water.
“You are wrong about one thing though,” Kix said lowly as he had stepped forwards and besides Nihlus, laying a hand on Nihlus lower back, on the bare Kevlar now that he had taken off his harness. Ballsy motherfucker, he was, “I don’t think you’re disgusting. Quite the opposite, actually.”
Nihlus turned his head to look at the smirking medic, and blew smoke into his awful, handsome face, because he didn’t deny the crazy freak part, not that he was wrong about that one.
“I’m not going to fuck you,” Nihlus stated, because he could feel the desire still sitting deep in the man, and he wouldn’t be a booty call after Kix had been such an ass. He was not going to let the man worm his way back in just to be a quick fuck.
But Kix was steady, confident, that… wasn’t his goal, “I don’t expect you to, what you choose to  do is your own decision,” what was his goal here?
Nihlus pointed his finger in Kix's face, and said almost accusingly, “but you still want it,” 
And the bastard just shrugged, although he still hadn’t taken his hand off Nihlus' back, “I want a lot of things I won’t shed tears over not getting. Hope we can get back to friendly, though.” and… that was his goal. He wanted Nihlus to like him again.
Kix genuinely wanted to repair what he had broken.
Nihlus… offered him the joint. He wanted Kix back. Even after all these months the medic still had Nihlus down bad without needing to do a damn thing to get him there. It was as close to a peace offering he was going to give him, though. Because his refusal to acknowledge Nihlus whole existence had still hurt more than one night's worth of ‘sorry’ and some flirting.
Kix took it with the hand that had been holding the railing, and met Nihlus gaze as he watched his lips curl around his fingers at the end of the paper, the light dip of smoke swirling around his head, as Kix inhaled deeply; And then took the arm which had been wrapped around Nihlus back, and used it to turn his head to him, and settled his thumb on Nihlus lower lip, leaning forwards. 
And Nihlus thought for almost certain he was about to kiss him. And… Nihlus was going to let him do it, by the gods he was weak for it, but he was going to let Kix kiss him. Practically craved it. But once the medic was hovering less than an inch away, and Nihlus had parted his lips, leaned into it, Kix just… gently blew the smoke into his mouth, and leaned back with that damned smirk. 
“The Commander was right,” The infernal tempter said, moving his hand down to Nihlus waist, “this is a pretty good batch, where’d you get it?” taking another hit before offering it back to Nihlus, who kinda wished Kix was horrible at smoking so he would have been able to taste him on the end of the joint. Unfortunately, dry as a whistle. Also unfortunately, Kix seemed to be nowhere near as out of his depth here as Nihlus was.
Nihlus cleared his throat, “I uh, we. I grow it. Always been good with plants. My- I have someone taking care of them at the moment, and she knows what she’s doing.” 
“Someone huh? You have a someone?” and Kix was trying to measure out in his head if Nihlus was taken, if not by the commander than by anyone. He wanted to know if Nihlus was pursuable past the flirting.
“She’s not like that,” Nihlus replied, and he had no idea what possessed him to say next, “I’m very gay and very single.”
“Oh,” Kix replied lofty, “That’s… good to know,” and he was mentally noting Nihlus down as very available
“I’m not going to fuck you,” Nihlus repeated, firmly, knowing it was an absolute lie if Kix decided to test it
“I’m not going to do anything you don’t want me to,” said the bastard who seemed to have learned the rules of the game. Because he knew Nihlus wanted him to. But he wasn’t going to be the one to make the first move now that Nihlus had laid the line.
And that was… comforting. Because Kix was definitely planning to toe the line, but he wasn’t going to push it.
They finished the joint, standing in relatively comfortable silence, and Nihlus… let Kix hand stay exactly where it was. And maybe it was the touch, and maybe it was the weed, but Nihlus was feeling ballsy enough to lay his head back on Kix's shoulder and let himself relax as they gazed out onto the horizon. 
Their beautiful little intimate moment was interrupted by Nina calling him back on the phone. He let it ring for a good three minutes before Kix finally looked down at it and asked, 
“Should I give you some privacy for that?” 
And Nihlus let out a long suffering sigh because, “She’s definitely not going to stop calling until I answer it, so probably. Hell if I know where she gets it from,” he finished under his breath, mourning the loss of Kix's arm from around his waist. It was getting a little chilly in the late evening air, and his warmth had been more than a small comfort. He would have to go in soon anyways, though. The Avenger did have places to be.
“Alright. You… Want to meet for lunch tomorrow? At 1400 maybe?”
Nihlus titled his head with a smirk, “Maybe I’ll be there.” because he was still allowed to be a little petty. Kix had ignored him for two whole months. 
If he wasn’t so enamored by him, the ease of the medics bright smile in return would have annoyed him because there was just no phasing him 
“I’ll see you later then, have a good night, Nihlus,” Kix said as he stepped back further and prepared to turn away and go back inside
Nihlus thought about grabbing his arm, of pulling him back and giving in and kissing him until they were breathless, now that it seemed to be an option. But… his daughter was calling, and he needed to give whatever this was some time and some space and not immediately dive right back into the deep end. 
So instead, he replied to the medics retreating back, “Goodnight, Kix.” And tried not to regret letting him walk away as he picked up the phone. 
There was always lunch tomorrow to do it, if he really wanted to test those waters. 
Also heres an Xcom poster of the Boys
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seadcgs-a · 10 months
they had only really been talking to each other, when necessary; when being debriefed, or in the presence of general washington. thankfully, the older man was too caught up in his own stressors to see how his head of intelligence and courier were acting towards each other.
it also didn’t help, that every time caleb closed his eyes, he could see simcoe’s boring down at him. hasn’t slept right since he got back to camp. it also didn’t help, that anna threatened to hold charlie hostage in her wagon and theyd have to see her there, if they didn’t patch things up, soon.
caleb was waiting for it; an apology, for how ben had been towards him. was he slightly overblowing it? maybe, but it still hurt regardless. he could hear simcoe, mocking in his head: your little major doesnt need you, you’re replaceable. a failure. you hide behind your bravado when you’re really just a scared, fake little man who can’t fight anymore.
ben had the nerve to tell him he should’ve told him sooner, about his issues—as if it wasn’t obvious. as if it wasn’t out in the open, how in pain he was. how he needed to be treated with a gentle hand, no matter how much caleb protested. he kicked him out of the tent, that night; all but tossing his sleeping bag at him to make him sleep on the cold, hard ground.
it’d been a week, of that; only a few words were said, the whole time. mostly, caleb was just trying to sleep, without the use of drink—-occasionally being able to move enough to play with charlie; even still, he wasn’t able to do much. one such day, he’s on the ground, as much as he could—-watching charlie play with her little doll, that martha washington had so graciously gifted to her for her birthday.
caleb doesn’t move, from his spot, when the tent flap opens; he can tell its ben. by his shadow, by the way he walks. doesn’t lift his head, instead he focuses all his attention on his child, offering hand out for her to press a small hat in—-as if to hold. “come t’say somethin’ t’me, major?” he waits until the hat is out of his hand, before he finally looks up at him—-trying to keep his face as neutral as possible. “or have you just come t’take the one person keepin’ me sane away?”
@pyratezlife apologize to ur husband ben he’s goin Thru It
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angelsanarchy · 1 year
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Alone Together - Eddie/OC One-Shot Series PRT 24
Prt 1 - Prt 2 - Prt 3 - Prt 4 - Prt 5 - Prt 6 - Prt 7 - Prt 8 - Prt 9 - Prt 10 - Prt 11 - Prt 12 - Prt 13 - Prt 14 - Prt 15 - Prt 16 - Prt 17 - Prt 18 - Prt 19 - Prt 20 - Prt 21 - Prt 22 - Prt 23
@thetenthdoctorscompanion @siriuslymooned @samwilsonnsnns @kathaaaaaaa
Dani tried to pack as light as possible for her winter vacation with her mom. She wasn't going to give her any reason to pry into her personal life so she kept the clothes she brought with her as simple as possible. She considered taking her oversized Corroded Coffin shirt that she slept in or even the Hellfire shirt of Eddie's he let her borrow but she didn't want to give her any opening to try and "relate" with her.
"Does your little friend know you're going to be away for the whole week? Dad said he would let him know but I can always stop by his house and let you say happy holidays." Dani kept her eyes out the window.
"I said my goodbyes to everyone I needed to. I let them know if they haven't heard from me in a week, send the search party out." Dani showed no emotion towards her mother's questions. She was giving her the time she had threatened her dad with but that didn't mean she had to give her the attention.
"Have you thought anymore about college? I know you wanted to go somewhere warm. Maybe California? You would look so cute with blonde highlights." Dani rolled her eyes now making sure to address her mom directly.
"I can't live in a place like California with the air quality and humidity. Feels like something my mother would know since I have a lung disorder." Dani gave her a forced smile.
"Look kid, I know you think I left because your illness was too hard to deal with but your father and I were on the verge of divorce way before you got sick. I had to get away from him and his small town mindset. Hawkins might be home but that doesn't mean you need to use it as a safety blanket. There's a whole world out there baby." Her mom reached a hand out and she put her hands in her lap.
"Hawkins isn't home. We were supposed to be your home. You were supposed to love us enough to stick around. I don't plan to live in Hawkins my whole life but I plan to have my own place that includes the people I care about." Dani started to raise her voice making her mother clear her throat. When she parked the car, it wasn't at whatever hotel she was staying at but rather a cafe that had a really nice bookstore attached to the back of it.
"What are we doing here?" Dani asked looking around.
"I figured you wouldn't want to have much of a dialogue with me so I wanted you to be able to have a book or two to keep you company. Plus, I need coffee or else I too will be having a meltdown." Her mom leaned over and pulled the zipper up to her chin and Dani moved her hand. She got out of the car and made sure to go in the opposite direction of her mother to look for a possible book to keep her sane during the break. She had been reading Magician: Apprentice by Raymond Feist but she didn't even think to bring it with her. The majority of her reading list this year had been fantasy novels. She completely blamed the boys for it but she had been enjoying them.
There was always the option of grabbing another D&D book but they were so hard to find now that the "satanic panic" was afoot and the medias relentless push to demonize a stupid board game. It was honestly laughable. Dani found one in clearance covered by a thousand other books, a lot of bibles and how to be the best Christian books were ironically placed atop it. She made sure to shove it down into her bag before returning to the coffee shop to see her mom sitting with Ms. Kelley.
"Dani! It's so good to see you. I was just chatting with your mom about what a joy you've been." Ms. Kelley smiled but Dani didn't like this whole interaction. She did NOT need her mom snooping into her school life, especially with the nosy guidance counselor who didn't seem to want to leave her alone for five seconds.
"Hi Ms. Kelley. There's really no need to talk to her about-"
"So what are her college prospects looking like? She's always been so smart and capable. I think she could go anywhere but I'm just her mom." Dani felt sick to her stomach watching her mom put on this mom of the year front.
"She hasn't shown a ton of interest in one college in particular. We don't spend a ton of time talking about where she would like to see herself outside of this year. I'm just happy when she eats lunch in the building." Ms. Kelley joked.
"Surely she has the grades to get in someplace prestigious. She's got an amazing story of survival due to her illness. How could a college say no?" Dani felt the anger in her belly building.
"I'm not going to use my illness as a free pass to college." Dani crossed her arms over her chest and Ms. Kelley could see the dissension between them.
"Your struggles would make a very good college essay but it in no way guarantees you a spot, Dani. We can schedule something for after break and we can talk about what sort of college you were thinking of applying to." Ms. Kelley was trying to salvage the situation.
"She should have already been thinking about colleges. It's that damn boy she stays distracted with. He has no future outside of a jail cell so naturally she's not focused." Trish rolled her eyes.
"You don't even know Eddie. I don't know who told you-"
"Oh please sweetheart, spare me. The moment I found out he was a Munson, I knew who he was kin to. The only prospects a Munson has ever had was to get knocked up or incarcerated." Trish knew who the Munson's were. The moment she found out that the boy she was talking to was a Munson, she knew he would cause Dani trouble.
"Eddie is actually on par to graduate on time this year." Ms. Kelley tried but Trish just laughed.
"Oh yeah? How many years has he been a senior?" Ms. Kelley didn't respond but looked towards Dani.
"I don't think your friendship with Eddie will stop you from getting into college Dani but I do feel like your focus shouldn't just be on him. You should absolutely focus on a future beyond any silly high school crushes." Dani put her hands down on the table and looked between her mother and Ms. Kelley.
"I appreciate the guidance Ms. Kelley but frankly the only reason I come to your office is because it's mandatory. I, in no way want any advisement in regards to my friends, relationships or future from someone who doesn't know the first thing about who I actually am." Dani explained calmly with venom on her tongue.
"DANIELLE!" Trish raised her voice.
"And you, mother of mine. You don't matter when it comes to my future because you will never be apart of that future." She seethed.
"Happy holidays Ms. Kelley. I will be going back to the car now." Dani slung her bag back over her shoulder and marched back out to the car knowing her mother would give her an earful but she didn't care. She was so tired of tip toeing around people. If there was one thing Eddie Munson had taught her, it was to stand out and be proud of who you are. It was time she start abiding by that.
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hedgiwithapen · 2 years
hmm, pat with a reluctant caretaker prompt. you can go your own route with it, but i’m honestly curious to see if there’s Anyone pat would /reluctantly/ take care of. even a villain kid.
 When the doorbell rang at 2 am, Pat knew it could be any number of things, in a wide range of surprise to  annoyance to threat. Maybe it was Crusher, though Crusher would have picked the lock long before he rang the bell.  It might have been Rick, and if he was here instead of holed up in the pitstop trying not to be a bother as he nursed a black eye, that was a real emergency.  It might have been the Shade,  being both semi-nocturnal and exactly the kind of person  to ring the bell instead of waltzing right in. The bell rang again. Pat twisted to free himself from the heavy comforter. “I’ll get it,” he  told Barb, kissing her cheek. He knew very well that if he did not, Cosmo would, and the kitchen’s plumbing and wiring could not take another fight. He creaked down the stairs, making a mental note to himself to add a nice umbrella stand where one might store a good solid stick or tire iron for defense.  “Yes?” he asked through the wood. “ Who is it?” “It’s me. Can I come in?” the piteous  squeak of the visitor’s voice overroad both Pat’s surprise and legal obligation to make a dad joke, Hello, Me, this is Pat. He opened the door. Cindy Burman looked remarkably like a drowned rat, for a person standing on a covered porch on a dry night. “What,” Pat said, leaving off the rest of the question. “I need help,” Cindy said, her old imperious impatience creeping back into her tone. Courtney would have invited her in without hesitation, but he was not Courtney.  She almost killed Court,  something whispered in his mind, reminding him that the girl could grow knives out of her wrists. The threatened to murder Mike.  Alarm bells jangled in his head. What did someone like Cindy Burman need--information? Why come here of all places, in the middle of the night? Aside from probably thinking she could convince Courtney to hand her anything she claimed. “What are you doing here in the middle of the night?” Pat asked, his tired brain looking for a shortcut to getting answers. “Where else could I go?” she asked, and Pat frowned, something pinging his Dad Radar, not her words, but how she said them. For once, it wasn’t condescending as only a potentially immortal and definitely immoral teenager could be. “Something’s wrong with me.” Yeah, Pat wanted to say. There’s a lot of things. One of those being that you’re on my porch at 2 am. He didn’t, though, if only because it was at that moment that Cindy Burman collapsed on his porch. “Guess that means you’re not going to elaborate,” Pat groaned, bending to make sure she was breathing. She wasn’t one of his kids, and he didn’t like her, but she was still a child. Technically. Probably. Her breathing was shallow and pulse sluggish, but Pat had no idea what was normal for the child of the Dragon. What did he even need to keep her alive, if she even could die? A heat lamp? He moved her to a recovery position on the couch, and resigned himself to keeping an eye on things until it was a sane enough hour --or things looked dire--before calling on Beth Chapel and the goggles. He went into the kitchen to make himself a breakfast smoothie.
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cyberneticlagomorph · 2 years
You don't know when you went to sleep or how long you've been unconscious for, time flows differently in the Corridors, but you wake up in Peepo's coils surrounded by all manner of dust bunny and couch snake feeling extremely hungover. 
You sit up a little too fast and the resulting wave of pain and nausea rips through you so hard that you freeze in place for a solid several minutes until it ebbs away and it's safe enough to move. 
Memories of the frenzy back in that fake Candyland come back to you, and you feel your empty stomach spasm angrily on reflex. 
It's been ages since you've felt this sick.
You never want to see or taste another piece of candy in your life.
But that's unimportant. 
You came down here for a reason and something tells you that your time outside the game unharmed is very limited. 
It takes some jostling to get Peepo going, with him giving you baleful looks the entire time as if to say "18 years, you don't call, you don't write and yet you expect me to get up and go like old times… just like that! You're lucky I love you."
Peepo doesn't talk, he just makes faces at you and by some miracle of understanding you can decipher entire sentences from each minute expression. The rules that govern Imaginary Friends are even more ineffable and esoteric than normal magic and you've made no attempt to understand either. 
It's awhile before you find what you're looking for. 
The Corridors that run beneath (well "beneath") your house specifically. They're so clotted with mucuslike strands and dried clumps of nightmare fluid that they resemble a nose with allergies. The smell of damp places and blood is overwhelming and threatens to bring up what little you have left in your stomach.
Still, you press on.
Peepo refuses to follow you in, giving you a skeptical glare that very clearly asks if you're insane and then says not to answer that because of course you are, who could be sane and Imagine ME?
The Corridors pulsate like intestines undergoing peristalsis, veins of Nightmare webbing the walls and adding an uncomfortably organic quality to the space.
It's warm here, too warm for the Corridors. 
And humid, like the sour breath of a sick person.
You peer from the shadows into the light places of your house and feel your little watch-heart ache so profoundly that it stops momentarily. 
Egg lays sleeping on her little toast bed on the floor of her bedroom. Someone has thrown a blanket over her, but it's much too big so it rises in soft peaks behind her before sprawling across the floor. 
All her plush toys are wrapped in plastic and spell-tape to prevent the infection from spreading to them, so she's holding her rope toy close the way a normal kid might hold a teddy bear. Her nails are getting long, they'll need to be trimmed soon and someone hasn't been washing her face enough. 
You can see the familiar crust around her eyes from here.
Harmless brown eye boogers like small dogs have. Egg has a medicated face wash and some drops to help with it, but they only work if they're used regularly. 
You want to hold her. 
Tuck your face between her ears and breathe in her baby shampoo and sour milk smell while she purrs and squirms and tries to bite your face. 
She's so much bigger than when you saw her last and want with every fiber of your being for that to be due to a growth spurt and not you shrinking. 
It feels like tearing your own guts out when you turn away and keep walking on.
Cereza, your wife, is asleep when you find her. Half curled in the big armchair by the kitchen hearth with two more of your children dreaming in her lap.
You try to ignore the trickle of black goo running from her left eye and down her cheek. 
Your son, Ambrose, is sitting in the hearth wreathed in his usual bruise colored flames. Being a ghost type pokemon, you aren't sure he actually can sleep but he seems to enjoy pretending. 
Even though you haven't made a sound this entire time, Ambrose stares directly at you from the fire and gives you an excited wave. You watch in horror as he crawls towards the shadows you're hiding in.
You stare at each other for awhile.
Ambrose lays on the ground and curls up, thumb in his mouth, thick waxy bangs melting over one bright yellow eye. 
"Hi bud," you whisper, keeping your distance, you don't want him to touch you and possibly get sick,  "you doing ok?"
Ambrose nods enthusiastically. 
You smile, "Good good, are your moms OK? And your dads? What about Nonna?"
Wavy noncommittal hand motions. 
"Sounds about right, can you do me a favor?"
"Make sure Egg's washing her face really good, and that someone cuts her nails, ok?"
Nod nod.
"Good." You start to sink back into the shadows, Ambrose makes a little noise in his throat but doesn't move. Closing his big yellow eyes and pretending to sleep. 
One more stop, then you have to go.
Something glitters in the tunnel up ahead, the desiccated corpse of a dust bunny hangs from a gooey strand, still stubbornly clutching an earring in its paws.
You recognize that earring, it belongs to your wife Jeanne. 
It's as old as she is, and dreadfully important to her.
She's been looking for it for months.
…OK, two more stops AND THEN you have to leave. 
You find Jeanne on her way to bed, dark circles under her eyes, one of the cats at her heels. You slide the earring into her path and hope she doesn't step on it.
She stops in her tracks, gazing at the earring in confusion before picking it up and inspecting it. 
Her eyebrows knit and she drops to the floor in a crouch, looking under furniture. You clap both paws over your mouth and duck back into deeper shadows before she can find your hiding place. 
She peers under the couch that you're hidden beneath, but doesn't see you.
You want her to.
You want her to find you so bad. 
To take you into her arms and crush you in a hug until there is nothing left but you and her and warmth and love.
She's so close.
Beautiful gray eyes boring into the dark inches away from you.
You could reach out and touch her if you really wanted. 
But you don't. 
You stay still and quiet until she mutters something under her breath about Brownies and goes back to whatever it was she was doing. 
You crawl away towards your last stop and ignore the fat tears rolling down your face. 
Your real body is chained to a hospital bed in deep quarantine, fitted with IVs, a feeding tube and a number of beeping machines dedicated to keeping you alive with as little human intervention as possible. 
Your eyes are caked shut with nightmare fluid, nose and mouth crusted over like scabs. It's even coming out of your ears. 
The bruises on your skin tell a clear story about just how many times your meat suit has gotten the fine idea to try and get up on its own. 
It hurts to look at, so you don't stay here long. 
Making your way back to Peepo in a daze, you climb onto his back and slither off in no particular direction. 
You need to find your brother. 
And even though you have no idea where he could be. 
Sleeping dragons are rarely ever subtle. 
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Supernatural Elements Masterlist
Chasing White Light (ao3) - merlypops michael/ashton, luke/calum, michael/luke M, 89k
Summary: In his fight to discover the truth about their new home, Michael must do everything in his power to stay sane... but when holding onto his fragile sanity means letting go of Ashton, Michael isn't sure it's worth the cost.
come alive and bring the thunder (ao3) - merlypops michael/luke E, 36k
Summary: Prince Luke of the Faeries is forced to marry King Michael after a War between kingdoms threatens to tear their lives apart... and maybe Luke and Michael fall in love too. Maybe.
Ghost In My Bedroom (ao3) - orphan_account michael/luke T, 13k
Summary: Luke and his parents have just moved house, and lucky Luke, there’s a surprise living in his bedroom.
If you wanted honesty (ao3) - screamtobeheard michael/luke E, 5k
“I just wish you would be honest for once, like speak your mind. You lie too damn much,” he had said annoyed. “You and me both,” he had answered. Oh how badly he wanted to take that back now. It has been only a day and he’s not sure if this stays forever or if it’s some damn curse because he can’t fucking lie.
or where Michael can't lie and Luke likes to take advantage of that
i'll misbehave if it turns you on (ao3) - horriblekids michael/calum, niall/ashton N/R, 18k
Summary: In which Calum is less than truthful with his band and may or may not have accidentally summoned a demon while drunk. Who, coincidentally, takes on the form of the person he wants most to sleep with.
it's all fun and games ('till somebody falls in love) (ao3) - rocketshiptospace michael/luke T, 21k
Summary: Michael tries to see things on the positive side. Like, yeah, he has an unrequited crush on his best friend, but at least his sandwich didn’t burst out in a dramatic rendition of ‘I Can’t Help Falling In Love’ with backing vocals from his cutlery and a dance routine by his milkshake or some other weird shit.
Or, Michael is a witch. Which is fine, really. Until he goes and falls in love.
i've asked him to leave but he keeps stopping by (ao3) - fffearless michael/luke T, 6k
Summary: The one where Michael moves into a house that's haunted by one of the cutest ghosts he's ever encountered and he sort of accidentally falls in love with him
Make Pretend that You and Me Lived Ever After Happily (ao3) -  tigerlily_sunshine calum/ashton T, 11k
Summary: (In which Michael's Christmas cupcakes are truly magical, and Calum wishes for Ashton's wish to come true.)
remember me for centuries (ao3) - orphan_account luke/ashton N/R, 14k
Summary: Luke knew who Ashton was. He knew of how pivotal Ashton was to the war, knew of the power that thrummed through the boy's veins. (Ashton could crush him with just a thought. Wasn't that scary?) He knew of the family Ashton came from, and knew that that made Ashton completely off limits to everyone, especially Luke.
So why did Luke want him so much?
Secret friend (ao3) - giorginaBM N/R, 9k
Summary: Michael is the new kid. Luke has been dead for a while.
When Michael moves into the house Luke used to occupy, and still resides in, events unfold that change both boys’ lives forever.
starboy (ao3) - orphan_account luke/ashton E, 79k
Summary: Ashton is quite miserable, so when his friends take him on vacation to cure him of his sorrows, the universe sends him a star made of innocence that is meant to be ruined.
the empty white (ao3) - asymmetric ot4 E, 33k
Summary: (People all over the world start vanishing into thin air. Calum is one of them.)
The Fire You Put Me Through Turned Me Into Gold (ao3) - DismantledSun michael/luke, implied calum/ashton N/R, 88k
Summary: a medieval au in which Luke is the king, and Michael is the worthy man selected to conquer the dragon plaguing the kingdom
There's no Pride in Sharing Scars to Prove It (ao3) - tigerlily_sunshine michael/calum, luke/ashton M, 15k
Summary: “D’you think that, maybe, life isn’t supposed to be good for some people?” asks Michael. “Like d’you think that, maybe, life is just supposed to be awful and then you die? I mean, you know, for some people?”
“I am certainly the last person you should pose that question to,” answers Calum, “but maybe.”
(In which Michael's only friends in the entire world are ghosts.)
This is the Beat of My Heart (ao3) - bogshops michael/luke M, 22k
Summary: "It was just like any other day; the blond boy had decided to walk home, saying he needed to take a breath, and as he finished walking down the staircase that lead inside the Church, he spotted a different face in the crowd. An odd boy staring deeply at the various faces coming out of the old building. The boy was pale; he had dark hair and a bottle of beer between his lips. For a split moment Luke got himself lost in the figure across the street, the slim boy looked like he was around his age, with piercing green eyes and the best lips Luke had seen in his entire life."
or the one where Luke is a religious boy, until Michael appears in his life, takes advantage of him and Luke decides to have a little revenge.
unlikely lighthouses (ao3) - asymmetric michael/calum E, 37k
Summary: (in the middle of the North American leg of the ROWYSO tour, Calum builds a friendship bracelet and Michael starts to have dreams of another version of them)
Voices (ao3) - Ever21 luke/ashton T, 51k
Summary: My eyes widen. "M'not gay Lucas." I mumble.
"Right. Says the one who was making out with a guy on his bedroom floor." I hear him smirk.
"Screw you." I say and he chuckles.
Where Ashton tries (but fails mostly) to ignore the voice in his head.
Your Eyes Are Cooler Than My Beating Heart (ao3) - CliffordAffliction michael/luke E, 64k
Summary: Michael is a demon who somehow makes Luke want to die and live all at the same time
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medicinemane · 2 years
Man these days just kill me, and the fact my grandma just pissed me off one two many times kind of took a lot out of me too
Just... it sounds like nothing with any of these incidents in isolation, but the more I string together (knowing that I've straight up forgotten 99% of them over the years), the more it really shows a pattern
Like if you have to pick just two people to pin it on why I'm as messed up as I am, my mom and her mom (throw her dad in for 3rd place) and that's as far as you need to look. With my mom there's text book neglect, and with my grandma there's eternal belittling and the total refusal to respect boundaries, purposefully not listening at every turn
Cause I gotta ask, who literally bakes a cake just to trick a literal child because they're salty that the kid is "picky" cause they don't like bananas. You can't tell me that's a sane action, and you can't tell me that's anything but intentionally disregarding the simplest of boundaries
So yeah... not sure I have anything actionable to do with this info yet but there it is
Oh, and I never even in all of this brought up what a controlling person she is
Like she's one of those people who wields money and guilt like a cudgel. As a small child I understood the phrase and concept of "strings attached" cause I knew that was how everything from those grandparents came
My mom would basically trade time with me for money, her parents would constantly guilt her to keep her doing what they wanted. They would bitch that the phrase "guilt trip" was just psycho babble
Hell, my grandpa who at least I think liked me even if he wanted me to be totally different, the time as a little kid I was like "I don't want to talk about this, you're making me mad" was like "no one can make you mad" then acted shocked when I got pissed at him
Fucking constantly got stuck in car rides with him, which he basically used as a way to have a captive audience while he harangued me about whatever shit he was fixated on that day. Sometimes it was a nice ride, usually it was a lecture
Then one time when I'd actually started reading (but not a book he cared about) he insisted I do this history lesson with him, and I'm like... once I finish this chapter
No, now. He follows me through the trailer insisting all the way back to my room, and I go into the bathroom which was one of those open ones, and he's standing outside not letting up, and I'm slapping at and kicking the walls saying "leave me alone" and my foot goes through the flimsy innerwall of the trailer and he was shookth to the core in terror (for guilt, I mean he was a huge guy and I was 12, he wasn't scared of shit)
Anyway, that's off topic. On topic is that the real reason my grandma hated me getting the house is that it meant I cut off some of her control of my mom. She couldn't threaten to stop paying and make my mom move in with her like she'd constantly do (she never knew I'd moved out of the trailer, she thought she was threatening me too, but my dad was paying a sanity tithe for me in the form of rent money)
And petty too, my dad bought me a Thomas the Tank Engine board game, they decided they'd bought it for me. When my grandpa came over to help my mom clean up the trailer, he'd just throw out stuff he didn't care about, which is where my copy of Space Hulk and Green Things From Outerspace went (really cool game with really cool art... I should find another copy)
Anyway... like I said, maybe it just give some context as to why I don't really hold much opinion for myself, cause my whole childhood I was basically told what a fuck up I was and all the ways I needed to do shit different, and my whole teen years my grandpa had dementia from the stroke and then was gone, but my grandma keeps it up to this day
Just gets tiresome you know, and with my mom it's like, you feel duty, you fucking go. Why you drag me along? I don't like the lady, I don't think of her as family, still fucking using me as a sacrifice
(Did I mention the time my grandpa told me "sometimes we have to make sacrifices" cause I didn't want to do something around my grandma cause I knew she hated me? Looking back on it, old man no one in the family made more sacrifices then that kid, y'all were always asking him to sacrifice to me you happy, every last one of you. Dad's parents not so much, though they're not flawless, but mom's side wanted nothing but sacrifices)
(Then my grandma has the gall to say I'd have turned out right if they'd just been able to be the ones to raise me. Fuck nuts, you fucked up both your children, the fuck makes you think you'd do any better with me?)
Just tiresome, and she acts like I'm bad with money, like those grandparents aren't the two worst people with money I've ever known. I got a house in 2019, they got one in like the 70's, we're not the same. You couldn't get shit these days cause you're idiots
Grandpa once spent $1000 trying to get my dad's name off the trailer (which was only there cause my grandparents wouldn't cosign it so my dad had to). He was obsessed with it even though my dad didn't give a shit, and in 2020 when time came to get rid of it... my dad just signed the dotted line and got nothing (like me, cause despite all my work the trailer was worthless thanks to my mom destroying it, best we could do was get someone to take it as is for free, and my grandma bitched we'd been taken for a ride)
Just fuck that family, they're such shit, all of them. My uncle's alright, but still a fuckhead in various ways, my mom's way better than she used to be, but fucked me up too bad for me to ever be close or even able to tolerate her
I don't know... there's no such thing as closure talking about this. It's on going, it is what is, and I probably won't be free of it till they die, which I don't look forward to exactly but it's probably true
Probably can't break free, but at least I can not fuck anyone up the same way. Preferably just die myself already, but that seems like a hassle right now, so I'll go to bed soon instead
Just what a bunch of selfish assholes they all were, and are if they're here. Fuck it, I'm not really good enough, I'm not lovable and never will be, but at least I'm not a controlling asshole and try and make the people around me feel valuable instead of worthless
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teyvattwriter · 3 years
Wanna Bet?
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❧ Anon asked: Are NSFW requests ok? Because I've got this thing in my head for a while and I was hoping someone could write something for it... If they are not ok, that's fine. So... basically in this scenario, Childe likes the reader and the reader likes him back because she refuses to acknowledge and accept it, since he's a Fatui and an idiot. But, after seeing his soft side towards his family and the ones he loves and all that, she could not help it. She was madly in love with him, even if she didn't want to. Despite all this, they happen to hook up from time to time. Childe teases Y/N a little and this one time he's teasing her about stopping and just leaving her right there, to prove that she likes and needs him. But, she says that he wouldn't do it because he is enjoying it more than she is... all this, leads to a (play) fight over dominance as they try to pleasure each other all they can, and well... the first one to cum loses.
❧ Genre: suggestive/smut
❧ Words: 725
❧ Warnings: written with fem!reader in mind but I don’t think there are any female identifiers
❧ Synopsis: You hated that you loved Childe and finally your feelings caught up with you
❧ A/N: this is my second time writing this because tumblr decided to crash right as I was about to post this (also this is my love letter to Childe pls come home baby)
~※ Main Masterlist ※~
❧ pt. 1 | pt. 2
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“Come on, you know you love me.”
“I definitely do not.”
In your head, you wholeheartedly believed this statement but your heart disagreed. You were absolutely in love with Childe. And you hated it. He was a Fatui Harbinger for Archons sake! But behind the cocky and idiotic exterior, he was a kind and loving soul. He cared so deeply for the loved ones in his life and was extremely generous. It made you fall hard for the man and you hated it. 
“Aww I know you don’t mean that,” he pouted
“Believe whatever you want, Childe.”
You pushed passed Childe and continued to walk down the streets of Liyue. He quickly caught back up with you and began to walk with you. He looked like a puppy following its owner. It was cute and you hated it. 
“You’re so mean,” he complained
“I’m not mean!”
“Yes you are! You won’t even entertain the thought of liking me!” 
“That’s not being mean. That’s just being rational.”
You laughed to yourself at the large pout on Childe’s face. Apparently he wasn’t the biggest fan of your roast. 
You continued to walk around the shops in Liyue Harbor doing your errands. Childe, of course, followed because why not. He’d much rather follow you around instead of doing work. You arrived back at your home later with many items on your person. And, with the help of Childe, you brought them inside. You were setting down the stuff in your hands when you felt a pair of hands o your hips. Before you could react, your back was being pushed up against the wall. 
“Now this is a view I could get used to,” Childe hummed
“Oh, fuck you.”
“If you insist~”
You rolled your eyes and attempted to move but Childe’s hands kept you pinned to the wall. He leaned close like he was about to kiss you but instead moved his lips to your ear. His breath tickled the shell of you ear making a shiver run down your spine. 
“You’re not as inconspicuous as you think,” he whispered, “I see how you look at me when you think I’m not looking.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“You’re a bad liar~” 
He pressed a kiss just below your ear. You kept in the gasp that threatened to escape your lips. He continued kissing along the side of your neck. You struggled to keep all the sounds that wanted to leave your mouth in but you did pretty good. You weren’t going to give him the satisfaction of seeing — or hearing you react. 
“Ya know,” he mumbled against your skin, “If you really hated this, you would’ve stopped me by now.”
You cursed him in your head. He was right; no sane person would let the person they hate the most do this to them! You hated him for pointing out the obvious. 
His lips continued suckling and kissing your sensitive skin. You honestly thought you’d be able to survive this encounter without giving in to him but that didn’t last much longer. His hand traveled under your clothes to play with you through your underwear. When you felt his hand, the whines and whimpers you were holding back immediately began falling from your mouth. 
“I could just leave you like this,” he teased, “I could just walk away and leave you all hot and bothered.”
“You wouldn’t do that,” you breathed
“And why’s that?”
“Because you’re enjoying this just as much as I am.”
Your hand moved down to the tent in Childe’s pants. He groaned at the feeling of you palming at his unbelievably hard cock. You soon reduced the “big buff man” into a moaning mess. You attempted to slip your hand past the waistband of his pants but was stopped by Childe grabbing said hand.
“No way. I’m in charge here.”
“You absolutely aren’t,” you scoffed, “I can easily reduce you to a begging pile of jelly.”
“Wanna bet?” 
You quirked an eyebrow up at the male. You could tell he had an idea and seeing the current situation you were in, it was going to be an interesting idea. 
“First one to cum loses.”
“Are you trying to make sex some type of...challenge?”
“Maybe I am,” he smirked, “Scared you can’t win?”
“I’d easily win!”
“I’m sure you would,” he said sarcastically
“Fine. You’re on.”
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wastelandcth · 3 years
i’ll always come back to you - cth
summary: Calum wore a skirt. A stage reveal happens. 
author’s notes: I have no excuse but I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. 
warnings: Cal in a skirt (please it’s too good), car sex, PIV, calum blanks out a little, she’s back and better than ever!
masterlist || request || more doves
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“What do you think I should wear?” Calum asked softly, his hands running through the different items in his closet once more, “It’s a pretty big show, I can’t just show up in something shitty. All I’ve worn for the past two years is either baggy jeans and a t-shirt or shorts and no shirt.” 
It was true, ever since the world had shut down and the band’s tour had been put on hold more times than Calum could count, his passion for fashion and finding new clothes to wear had been put on hold as well. Comfort and trying to stay sane in the middle of a worldwide pandemic had left him reaching for any signs of comfort to hold on to and keep him sane. But with the band’s first show slowly approaching and Calum’s nerves returning in the form of playing a fake bass while he tried to calm his racing mind, he knew he’d have to find an outfit sooner or later, and it’d have to be one to make him feel good about himself on stage once more. 
“I mean, I don’t think anyone would personally complain about you showing up shirtless to a show,” Dovey teased, her eyes tracing the muscles in Calum’s back as she sat on the edge of the bed, “I certainly wouldn’t.” 
“Yeah, but you’re a pervert so you have no choice,” Calum chuckled and threw another shirt towards his loving wife. 
The days had gone by and Calum had been stuck at rehearsals, trying his best to find the groove the band had long for ever since the start of the shutdown, but eventually, Calum found himself at home the morning of the show watching from the green room as the concert went on around the world. His bag, which he’d packed and unpacked multiple times that morning, laid on one of the couches. He knew he’d made the right choice, the look on Dovey’s face when he’d packed away the black fabric before she could get a peek of it enough of a reaction to make him smirk before he had rushed out the door at the sound of Ashton’s horn. 
��So, did you decide on an outfit?” Michael asked as he sat down next to him during a break in their soundcheck, watching as Calum’s leg swung along to whatever beat Ashton was trying to work out with Luke, “Dovey has been texting me all day asking if I’ve gotten a peek at it.” 
“Tell her to fuck off,” Calum chuckled, “I told her she had to wait like everyone else did to see it.” 
“Alright,” Michael huffed, nudging him playfully, “But we’re going to be the first to see it then.”
“Yeah, yeah, and she’ll manage to bully you into telling her somehow.” 
Calum looked in the mirror, inhaling a shaky breath as he fixed the collar of his suit jacket once more as he heard his bandmates chuckling outside of the bathroom door. With one final look at his outfit he opened the door and stepped out, goosebumps covering his skin as the cold air of the dressing room brushed against his legs. 
“Woah! Calum!” Ashton grinned, his eyes wide and his head nodding, “No man, that looks sick! I love it!” 
“Oh man, your dad is going to freak once he sees you on stage!” Luke nodded, “You look so good!”
“Guys, Dovey is literally going to kill us all,” Michael whined and clapped Calum on the shoulder, “You look fucking awesome, dude.”
Calum’s cheeks flushed, turning hot as he chuckled and shook his head, letting the curls he’d been growing out swish against his forehead while he tried his best not to push away his very excited and very supportive bandmates. It wasn’t until the room, which consisted of the four of them and their photographer started chanting for him to do a spin that he’d finally told them to fuck off. But with a spin, and a small bout of giggles that left him when the material of his skirt brushed against the back of his knees, Calum had never felt more prepared to play a show in his life, especially when he knew that Dovey would be in the crowd singing her heart out along with them all. 
Dovey’s eyes watched the crowd around her grow restless as time ticked slowly, minutes dragging on until the show would start. Her adrenaline was high as she heard an announcer overhead shout that the show would start in one minute, the pit in her stomach thrumming with excitement and the thought of seeing her husband and his best friends on stage again after so long. She knew how much Calum missed being on stage with them, how much he missed performing to a crowd of people singing the lyrics back to them, and so she knew that tonight’s performance would be nothing but perfect. The hum of a guitar backstage and the sound of cheers around her had Dovey on her feet before she even knew it, her wide eyes searching the stage for the man she’d married. 
“Oh my god, he did not,” she gasped, her cheers and clapping drowned out in the rest of the crowd as she saw Calum walking out on stage, “That bastard!”
On stage, under the shining lights and for everyone to see, Calum Hood stood grinning as his fingers moved easily over the strings of his bass. The silver chains, which hung across Calum’s waist, shone like his eyes as the set started. Dovey’s eyes tried their hardest to focus, her vision blurred by the tears that sprung out as she watched the love of her life sing his heart out on stage after too many months of being away from the one place he was able to lose himself in. The skirt, which Dovey was already drooling over, swayed along with every movement Calum made as she found herself swaying along with it, stuck in a never-ending dance she wasn’t sure she’d ever want to end. But when Ghost of You played out and Dovey’s eyes found Calum’s it was like the large crowds that had given her anxiety ever since Calum had mentioned the show and the loud music had all disappeared. 
There was no one but her and Calum standing there, swaying to the song that had meant more to them than anyone could have ever imagined. 
She knew their kids were watching from home, giggling and dancing along in the safety of their living room while the sitter recorded them for Dovey and Calum to cry along to later that night. But right now, in the moment, all she could think about was how despite all the things that had gone wrong and how scary the world had turned, she still had her family and the love of her life was singing to her in a room full of people once more. The set was over before Dovey even realized, her legs carrying her back towards the dressing room she’d left not too long ago and towards her husband and his amazingly talented friends. 
The night had become a whirlwind of events, Dovey’s arms wrapping around Calum and stuttering through her praises as her hands and eyes took in his after-show presence. Her mind was distracted throughout the rest of the promo the band had gone to do with the view of him in the skirt and mesh shirt that kept peeking in and out of view from where she stood with the rest of their team. Her eyes never left his as she watched him smile and laugh with the band and it wasn’t until the car door closed next to her and she watched Calum walk in front of the car before sliding into the driver’s seat that she let out the soft breath she was holding in. 
“So, what did you think of the show?” Calum asked as he pulled off the highway, his grin wide as his eyes glanced over at Dovey, “Did you like it? I think we did great. Yeah, the set was short but I think it we-”
“Calum, if you don’t pull over right now I will literally crash this car,” Dovey breathed out, her hand reaching out and squeezing Calum’s thigh gently. 
The car screech to a halt, Calum’s soft gasp lost on Dovey’s lips as she pulled him into a kiss, Calum’s body leaning over the console to pull her even closer to him. He and Dovey might not have been a couple of a thousand words, but he knew exactly what she was doing when her teeth pulled gently at his bottom lip. He also knew that they didn’t have much time before their car was steamed up and their moans echoed against the tinted windows, so Calum had to work fast. 
“Back seat, baby girl,” he breathed out, his forehead resting against his wife’s for just a second before she sprung into action, her soft laughter music to Calum’s ears. 
“I am. So proud. Of you.” Dovey mumbled in between the kisses she was leaving on Calum’s skin, her hips rolling against his and pressed up silver chains of his skirt, “You looked so fucking amazing on stage I couldn’t help but think about all the things I wanted you to do to me tonight.”
“Yeah?” Calum breathed out, his hands squeezing Dovey’s thighs as he helped her push up the hem of the skirt she was more than likely soaking through if his leaking cock wasn’t already at fault for it, “Gonna show me all those things you were thinking of?” 
“Mhm, only have time for one of them right now though,” Dovey smirked, her hand taking his cock and stroking it a few times, listening to the soft whimpers that left Calum as her own hips rocked against his solid thigh, “Have to wait until we’re back home for the others.” 
Calum’s eyes opened enough at one point to see the steam from their act fogging up the windows, the beads of moisture dripping down their foreheads matching the ones racing down the window next to his head. Above him, Dovey looked like an angel, her closed eyes and barely opened mouth making Calum think he was the luckiest man alive. His fingers had dug into her hips, soft whimpers leaving them both with every rock of their hips and Calum wasn’t sure if he’d ever want this feeling to end. He wasn’t sure if he’d ever get tired of the way Dovey felt wrapped around him. He’d happily get lost in her warmth and never find his way out again if he could, but the coil in his stomach kept stretching and stretching, threatening to snap as he listened to Dovey’s moans grow louder and louder as her hips rose and fell with every one of them. 
“Calum,” she gasped out, one of her hands finding comfort in the soft curls she’d been playing with ever since they’d grown out and coiled against his head. 
“I know, I’ve got you,” Calum choked out, his own high speeding towards him as he felt Dovey clench around him as her hips paused and her whimpers were soaked into by Calum’s skin, “Oh fuck, baby, I-”
“Calum,” Dovey whispered, her soft kisses on Calum’s skin making the blinding white stars beneath his eyelids clear slowly, “Hey, come back to me,” she mumbled, the feeling of her fingers running through his hair grounding Calum back to the backseat of his car. 
His lungs hurt, the panting breaths he was taking sounding over the muffled music playing from the radio in the front, and his vision was still blurred as he watched Dovey leaned back against his thighs, her hair tousled and her dress still rucked up over her hips. It took him a couple more breaths, the thick air coating his lungs until finally, Calum’s hand found Dovey’s in the darkness of the car and he smiled lazily. 
“You back with me, Hood?” she asked softly and smiled, the gentle squeeze she gave his hand making him nod. 
“I always come back to you,” Calum whispered, “Always.” 
join my taglist: @hoodhoran @moonlightcriess @mxgyver @calpops @karajaynetoday @notlukehemmo @calumrose @devilatmydoor @lowkeyflop  @conversecake @hemmo1996-5sosvevo @ashtonsunflower @2fangirl4u @multistann @wiiildflowerrr @himbohood @in-superbloom​ @suchalonelysunflower @killmywildflower @sebsbrokentoe @nicebasscalum @letmereadpls  @xxxlaura
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