#three sisters together [annette & collette & danielle]
outoftheirdifferences · 8 months
Annette collette and danielle
10 Questions Meme
🌟 Drop one of my characters’ names in my inbox and I’ll tell you 10 facts about them 🌟
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All three of the girls actually have two names. As detailed in the newspaper strips from well before Scamp's Adventure existed, they parents respectively named them Ruffy, Fluffy and Scooter. Of course, with the humans incapable of understanding anything the dogs decided on, Jim and Darling picked out their own names for the trio: the names we know them by in the sequel. The two older girls in particular took a shine to their human-given names, finding them prettier and preferring to be called by them, and Dani followed suit as she usually does; but any of them will answer to the old names if used. (Note that I generally don't take the comics as canon to my portrayal, but I felt the old names just made sense to include in their own way.)
Ask either Annette or Collette and they'll both tell you that they're the leader of the trio: Collette on account of being the oldest, Annette on account of being the smartest. While this often works itself out since they're commonly on the same wavelength anyway - and when they're not, Annette will step in when she specifically feels like she knows best but otherwise generally be willing to defer to Collette - it does lead to them butting heads on rare occasions. At which point Dani will either try and step in between them (emphasis on try) or sit back with metaphorical popcorn, depending on how serious things are getting.
Essentially, the girls each represent a different one of the body's 'intelligences'. Annette is the head, she prides herself on being the smartest and most logical of the girls; Collette is the heart, the one who follows her emotions before anything else and, beneath her external concern over looks, is a deeply compassionate soul; and Danielle is the gut who acts far more on instinct than common sense. If they listen to each other and take account of all of their perspectives, they can be an almost unstoppable team... more often, however, this doesn't exactly happen as Annette and Collette tend not to respect Dani's perspective as much as they could.
I've said it before, but all three girls need each others' presence to sleep well at night. They're so used to always being together that any time one of them is absent at bedtime it creates a void that they're very aware of. Remove any one of the girls, and the other two will have a restless night: sleeping together is as natural to them as breathing, and any sister missing from that arrangement feels disturbingly wrong. The rare but intense occasions when Annette and Collette fall out with each other so badly that they refuse to share a bed invariably end with none of the girls getting very much sleep for just this reason.
Of the girls, both Annette and Collette of course particularly care about their own appearances, but in different ways and for different reasons. Collette, as the beauty of the trio - particularly apparent from her long flowing "hair" (that is, her ears) and most graceful manner - cares about looks for their own sake; she knows she's pretty, takes pride in keeping that the case which she considers an art in its own right, and will happily spend hours preening in front of Darling's mirror. At first glance it looks like the same could be said of Annette; but really, Annette is less concerned with looking beautiful as she is with looking dignified. She wants to be taken seriously, and wouldn't dream of going out looking at all scruffy as she feels it would undermine that. So while she, too, can take her time in front of the mirror, she's usually quicker to be satisfied and move on that Collette is. Dani meanwhile, though she follows her sisters' lead in this like in most things, is also quick to get bored of admiring their own reflections; she doesn't have the patience to carefully groom her fur, which is why hers always looks just a bit less neat than her sisters, and these are the times when she's more likely to wander off and do her own thing or to brawl with Scamp or the like.
All three girls absolutely adore Angel when she joins their family. Dani most enthusiastically so, as she's ecstatic to have another girl who'll happily scuffle and playfight and roll around in the mud with her, something that she can't get her sisters to do in a million years: she rather idolises Angel, to be quite honest, for how tough and street-smart she is. Annette and Collette aren't quite so exuberant, which is why Angel at first wonders if they really like her; but as she spends more time with them each individually she comes to realise that they both just have their own ways of showing it. Collette is first to do so, she feels for the hardships that Angel's had to face and wants to make sure she feels at home and well cared for, and picks her moment to take the new girl aside and fuss over her. Annette takes her time more, but finds Angel good conversation to talk with about the things that she feels her siblings don't take seriously and appreciates her very different perspective on life.
Naturally, each the trio have their own unique internal dynamics too. Annette and Collette, of course, are so close together that to an observer they can sometimes seem to share a single brain; this isn't the case, and there are times when they can disagree strongly, but they simply know each other so well that they typically accommodate for the other's differences in perspective most of the time without even thinking about it. That said, the rare times when they do argue, because they know each other so well they can quite deliberately hurt each others' feelings badly; at those times, these two closest of sisters may refuse to even be in the same room as each other, and it can take several days for them to make up again.
That said, under normal circumstances it's Annette and Danielle who tend to have the roughest relationship of the trio. They still love each other of course; but Annette has the least tolerance for Dani's more uncouth moments, and a tendency towards making some snide remarks behind her back. On the other side of things, Dani reckons Annette and Collette are both big prisses, and while she will still happily follow them around, isn't above trying to get them involved in her more boisterous definition of fun. Especially Annette since (as seen in the epilogue scene of the first movie) they did used to scuffle together when they were much younger... which naturally is another thing which tries Annette's patience now that she's come to prioritise her dignity. Still, if someone else was making fun of Danielle, Annette would be the first to stand to her defence; she very much has one of those "I can be mean to her, but no-one else can" protective attitudes towards her little sister. And while their arguments can certainly be fierce at times, they're unlikely to last the day.
As for Collette and Danielle... similarly, Dani sees Collette as a bit of a big priss too, but she gives Collette less grief about this; after all, Collette's always been interested in looks and such matters, it's not something that she grew into later like Annette did. And if Collette likewise shares some of Annette's impatience with the younger of their number, she tends to be more reserved about it than Annette is: preferring simply to distance herself from Dani's wilder antics rather than actively protesting them unless they get really outrageous and quickly accepting her back once they're over. This has the effect that, while Collette and Dani possibly understand each other least amongst their trio, they also never really fight between themselves either.
Certain above statements aren't to say that Annette and Collette don't just play like regular dogs too! Both of them will happily join in a game as long as it's clean, and despite her prized dignity Annette isn't above warring with Scamp for the best toys! They just have very particular lines that they draw: most of all they both hate getting muddy and will avoid that at practically all costs. You'll have better luck getting either of them involved in a game that takes place indoors rather than one that involves rolling around in the dirt outside.
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“You don’t suppose we’ll get in trouble for this, do you?” ((Pup!Spike @ the spaniel sisters))
prince of egypt sentence starters
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“Hmph. We won’t.”
Collette sniffed slightly. She and Annette stood a little way out from the mess, clearly not involved. The red-collared sister was certainly not going to have this pinned on her; nor on Annette, her closest sister, if she could help it. Even if the two of them weren’t entirely removed from the situation, if they didn’t look at fault, Collette was confident that Jim Dear wouldn’t blame them.
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“You two, on the other hand…”
Annette, though quite content to follow her elder sister’s lead and keep her own rear out of trouble, couldn’t help but wince slightly. Danielle, at least, was covered from head to toe in flour - the packet the four of them had managed to knock down from the kitchen table had landed on her and burst, spilling out all its contents - and she doubted that Spike, who had been right behind her, had faired much better.
Annette didn’t necessarily like seeing her younger siblings get into trouble except maybe Scamp, sometimes; but here, it seemed unavoidable.
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“Aw, c’mon, what’s the big deal?”
Despite her freshly whitened appearance, Dani seemed by far the least fazed of her sisters; perhaps simply because she didn’t have their aversion to trouble. Giving her coat a shake - which only served to send another cloud of flour into the air - she grinned around at Spike in a manner she clearly intended to be reassuring.
“Humans’re used to a bit of a mess; Scamp’s done WAY worse! No way we’re gonna get told off for a little thing like this!”
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wherethemusetakesme · 4 years
tag dump: 6 / 7 (Terra, the spaniel sisters and Webby’s tags)
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And speaking of the Spaniel girls...
So I should preface by saying that yes, I know this is one massive anachronism stew going on here; but honestly it's one big mixed up crossover anyway so I figured to just let the details slide and go with what worked!
As always: Artwork is mine, outside of that I own nothing here. Characters belong to Disney or otherwise to their respective owners; Songs are by Lin-Manuel Miranda and performed by the Ham.ilton cast. I have no association with any of these, this was just made for fun.
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@nemekii / from (x)
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She couldn't lie; as much as she loved her sisters, the blue-accessoried Spaniel daughter appreciated the moments away from them, too. For right now, it was just her and Bingo - a neighbour from just down the street and in her opinion the most adorable little girl ever, bar none - and she was going to make the most of it.
Ear pricked up a little at Bingo's question.
"The games? Of course!"
Mr. Bandit had given her money to spend on the younger girls, and she had her own allowance too, so Annette had no fear of spending more than she could afford. She might think of herself as the most responsible child of the two families, but Bingo's cute little excitement was contagious, and there was no way that Annette was going to say no to her.
She allowed Bingo to lead her by the paw over to the games, casting an appraising eye across them.
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"Which one did you want to try first?"
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outoftheirdifferences · 7 months
What does your muse's name mean?
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Popularity: 2525
Origin: French
Meaning: Grace; Favor
Annette is a lovely feminine name for your new baby girl. With French origins, this name means “grace” and “favor,” and was derived from the name Anne. This once wildly popular name has fallen out of fashion a bit, so much so that it has come back around to being a unique and stylish choice for your little trendsetter. Baby can also take pride in sharing the name with acclaimed actress Annette Bening, who you will recognize from films such as American Beauty, The Kids Are Alright, and Captain Marvel.
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Popularity: 4329
Origin: French
Meaning: people of victory
Collette is a baby girl name of French origin meaning “people of victory”. Walking her way through history, this name actually derives from the 12th-century Greek name Nicholas. Collette is a diminutive of the name Nicolette, which was a diminutive of our previously mentioned Greek ancestor. If you have a Nick in your life you’d love to pay tribute to or simply want to give baby their own victory streak, the name Collette will kick off baby’s life with a bang.
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Popularity: 943
Origin: French
Meaning: God is my Judge
Danielle is a feminine name that embodies beauty, intellect, and defiance. A French variation of Daniel, Danielle is born from the Hebrew daniy'el and means "God is my Judge." It's a name that celebrates staying true to oneself, caring only for judgments of a higher power. In the bible, Daniel is famed for his interpretation of dreams and enduring faith. Rescued from a literal lion's den, he is a figure that inspires tenacity and self-belief. Daniella may hold a more delicate intonation, courtesy of the French Daniѐle, but dig deep, and you will find a well of resilience just aching to be tested.
(So I MOSTLY just meant to do this for the Spaniel girls because I was curious - I like that the names Jim and Darling picked for them all share the same country of origin - but I kinda got carried away xD Results for more of my muses under the cut! ^^)
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Popularity: 5931
Origin: British
Other Origin(s): Latin
Meaning: Of Constance; Steadfast, reliable
Connie is a gender-neutral name with English and Latin roots. Coming from the Latin name Constantia or Constance, it translates to “steadfast,” or “reliable.” Being a loyal, trustworthy friend is such an important trait to have. With the name Connie, your bundle of joy will always remember to always stay faithful to themselves and the people they love.
(Wow this is... this is so accurate to her. I doubt that's coincidence on the Crewniverse's part!)
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Popularity: 91
Origin: Greek
Meaning: Messenger; Messenger of God
Angel is a gender-neutral name that is well known in both the US and Spain. From Greek origins, the meaning of the word angel is “messenger,” but in the Bible, the word signifies a more divine meaning, “messenger from God.” Whether you will be guiding baby down a religious path or are simply looking for a heavenly name to bestow upon them, Angel could be the perfect title to uplift and inspire your new addition. The name received a huge boost from Angel, the Buffy the Vampire Slayer spin-off starring David Boreanaz.
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Origin: Irish
Other Origin(s): Gaelic; Greek
Meaning: Black, dark; Noble
Parents who prefer the darker side of life will love Kiera! Kiera is a girl's name of Irish origin, derived from Ciara, meaning "black" or "dark." It also has Greek origins, meaning "noble," with plenty of variants to make it a globally celebrated title. Kiera differs from the spelling Keira, bringing its own unique flair to an otherwise incredibly trendy name. Baby Kiera will be reminded of their individuality as they bravely pursue their destiny in this world.
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Popularity: 28751
Origin: French
Other Origin(s): British
Meaning: Cherry
Cera is a feminine name is of English and French origin that means "cherry." In Japan, the cherry is a symbol of good fortune, revival, and new beginnings, all of which baby is sure to bring to life. The name Cera is a variant of the English and French name Cerise which also means "cherry." It is also a popular surname, most known by famous Canadian actor Michael Cera who is renowned for playing whimsical, witty characters. Cera is a beautiful name that can pay homage to how sweet life is with baby in it.
(Let's be real, most of this was probably unintentional for the character: Cera must have been named as such because of being a tri-CERA-tops xD Still interesting to know it does have a meaning of its own too though!)
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Popularity: 670
Origin: Latin
Other Origin(s): Roman; Greek; British
Meaning: Laurel plant; Victory
Lauren is a gender-neutral name of Latin origin. A derivative of the French Laurence, both these names can be traced back to the ancient Roman city of Laurentum. This lyrical title stems from the laurel plant, which was a symbol of victory in the sporting events of ancient Greece. To this day, the verdant shrub signifies wisdom, with laureate referring to someone who has made an achievement, such as in the French baccalaureate. With their name rooted in honor, you may see big dreams inspire this little one while they shoot for the moon in their quest for success.
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🤡,💤, ☂️ (For the Cocker triplets!)
Misc. Ask Meme 🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?
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This is definitely different for each sister. In Annette's case, she's most easily embarrassed by things that she feels threaten her dignity, as something she values highly. Often this is in the form of being embarrassed by her younger siblings' shenanigans even if they're completely harmless - she can feel like what she perceives as Scamp or Dani's immaturity can reflect badly on her - but also can extend to if she's caught doing something that she would otherwise dismiss as childish, such as playing with a toy from when she was a much younger puppy.
For Collette, she certainly feels like there is no bigger embarrassment than being seen dirty or with messy fur. She can take it if she has to, especially if it's in the name of helping others because she has a big heart: but to be seen in those times by someone from outside of the situation? She'd be absolutely mortified to be seen as such.
Danielle, though? Dani's pretty shameless to be honest: it's hard to think of something that would seriously embarrass her, dumb or otherwise, she just takes things in stride.
💤 - What do they absolutely need to have to fall asleep?
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Most of all, each other. For whatever differences they have in attitudes towards the world, the one consistent thing between the three sisters is just how much they're used to each others' presences. Take any one of them away for long, and the other two will quickly start to feel the void: and at no time is this more true than when it comes to bedtime. Without both of their other two sisters there, any one of them will find it hard to sleep: they've just always been together, sleeping together is as natural to them as breathing, and any sister missing from that arrangement feels disturbingly wrong. The rare but intense occasions when Annette and Collette fall out with each other and refuse to share a bed together invariably end with none of the girls getting very much sleep for this same reason.
☂️ - How do they feel about rain?
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Danielle, at least, loves it. No matter how bad the weather, she'll quite happily splash around in it, often with Scamp (and / or Angel post-movie), without a care in the world.
Annette and Collette, in contrast, are... more reserved in their feelings on the subject. Collette doesn't like it at all, having to be out in it she constantly worries about how it's ruining her lovely fur, and even being indoors when it's raining isn't something she likes: she'd rather ignore it and hope it goes away. She will face it if she has to, but she'll never enjoy it.
Annette, likewise, doesn't like to be out in the rain once it gets heavy, getting soaked through feels to her like it takes too heavy a toll on her precious dignity; however she does quite enjoy to watch it from indoors, to sit by the window and listen to it pattering against the glass, secure in the knowledge that it can't reach her.
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(View full size for more detail...)
So, this is what I’ve been working on this last week!
I had the idea a while ago, actually. Thought it would be fun to do a picture of all my muses interacting; and since they’re all kids anyway, having them all attend school together seemed a natural idea. I thought I might use it as my blog header in the future, in fact, though I dunno.
I wanted to get it finished in my end-of-year cleanup. I, heh, started the rough sketch when I had just eight muses, so when I decided to pick it back up, I had to extend the picture to add in the additional four puppies as well!
I was undecided for a while on whether to go for the uniforms or not; but I felt like it read more obviously as a school scene if they were all wearing them. Plus, it’s what I’m used to from my own experiences.
I’m honestly really happy with the end result here?
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Which spaniel sister is closest to Scamp?
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Danielle, for sure! As the two wilder kids of the family, she just 'gets' him more than either of the older girls do, and she's the one who he can always count on to join him in any kind of rough-and-tumble game.
Of course they don't always get along: Scamp's scornful of the way that she's content to follow Collette and Annette's lead a lot of the time; and for her part Danielle finds just a little too much fun in watching the times when he gets into trouble. These are though, more often than not, just passing moments, and despite them she's easily the sister who he has the closest bond with.
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Been meaning to do this ever since I added Bluey!verses for these four - Da Vinci and the Spaniel Sisters in Bluey style!
It was interesting, especially, figuring out how to make the three Spaniels look distinct from each other in this style, aside from their natural differences: since Bluey characters don't wear collars like dogs and only rarely clothes like humans. Some of them do, however, wear accessories; so in the end I settled on each of them wearing something unique that reflected their personality, in their respective signature colours. Collette, as the most focused on her appearance, gets pretty bows on her ears; Danielle, the tomboy of the trio, gets a baseball cap; Annette, the self-proclaimed sensible and down-to-earth one, gets a necktie.
I tried to stick as close to Bluey style as possible; and I kind of like how they turned out ^^
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Annette collette Danielle what super powers would you like to have if you could choose them?
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Annette was the first to answer. "Super intelligence, for sure. I like to think that I'm already the smart one, but that would just make it even better."
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"I'd chose super healing," Collette quickly followed up. "Not just of myself but others too. That always sounds like a useful power to have-"
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"Though I wouldn't say no to flight, too, just for fun!"
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The smirk was riding Danielle's muzzle even before she spoke.
"Ha! I'm surprised you didn't pick super-never-getting-your-fur-messed-up!"
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Collette wasn't going to rise to the bait; her answer was instant and with as much dignity as she could manage.
"Keeping my fur beautiful is an art that I enjoy, thank you."
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"What about you anyway, Danielle?"
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"What about the superpower to conjure food out of thin air? Biscuits and treats and stuff. Instant snack time whenever you want it!"
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"What could be more useful than that, right?"
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You know what, I MISS these girls:
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I’m working on a small thing involving them and it’s just reminding me how much I’m attached to these three. Sooooo I think I’m gonna slip them back onto this blog, too; just as sorta minor / low priority muses.
I just love them, okay? xD
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Just wanted to share these! The ones in the first line are probably familiar, they've been decorating my 'primary muses' page for a while now; and I just today drew up the rest of the canon characters I play on here to make the 'secondary muses' page match!
...okay, the observant will notice that this is NOT all of my canon muses: Terra is missing. I tried to include her too, but just couldn't get her looking good today so I decided to just focus on getting everyone else's done instead; she'll be added in the future.
That means that, yeah, I'm going to be removing Terra from my muses page for the time being. She's not going anywhere, is still on this blog; but without a nice matching image for her I feel like it would make the page look messy xD; She's still available for RP and asks and everything; and she'll be back on the page as soon as I get up an image for her, too.
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Additional post - Bluey verse!
For the Spaniel Sisters, and for Da Vinci!
First off, the Spaniel family. Their four kids are a little older than Bluey and Bingo, but they live just down the road from the Heelers and so know them well. Annette and Collette, the family’s oldest daughters, are ten-year-old twins: just at the age of finding younger children adorable, they often like to visit the Heeler daughters, but consider themselves a little above some of their wilder games. (This doesn’t stop Bluey and Bingo from trying to involve them anyway!) Their brother Scamp is eight, but not greatly interested in ‘that family down the road’; his sights are set on greater adventures. And their littlest sister Danielle is seven and much more of a playmate (almost) Bluey’s own age.
Da Vinci Dalmatian, in contrast, lives a bit further away. From a big family, she’s thirteen and a middle-school student; though she’s debating the idea of dropping out in order to pursue a future as an independent artist instead. After all, with as many siblings as she has, would her parents ever really notice if one daughter skipped the rest of her schooling? In aid of this, she takes painting commissions around town; she’s most well known for the family portraits she offers, and it’s through Bandit and Chilli commissioning one of their own family from her that she met the Heelers.
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@nemekii​​ / from (x)
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“Y- yer not gonna?”
Honey-furred girl blinked, confusion of her own registering on her pretty features. It was true, admittedly, that Dani had never actually met a lion before; but she’d seen one of them from a distance when Dad had sneaked her into the zoo once for an ‘educational field trip’, and she’d heard the accompanying stories.
“But aren’t’cha a lion? I thought lions always ate other animals?”
Still, she plunked her rear down on the ground nearby, watching him curiously. If he seemed as confused as she was, then she was probably safe, she figured... and while she didn’t yet know what to make of him beyond that, it seemed like a pretty good start, right?
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Would the Spaniel Sisters get into childish fights
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I mean, they 'fight' all the time over who gets to be bathed first, so that's at least something!
For the serious answer, though... they’d definitely have their disagreements at times. Sure, a lot of the time they present a unified front, but the fact that they can have quite different priorities is definitely capable of putting the girls at odds. I don’t think it would ever - or at least incredibly rarely - come to physical fighting, but they’re certainly not above arguing and bickering at times.
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Probably the biggest source of contention between them is Danielle’s often more coarse attitudes compared to her sisters’ focus on being refined and ladylike; the other two tend to just sniff and murmur behind her back, but it can get nasty if one or more of the sisters don’t watch their mouths, and Lady has for sure had to break up screaming matches between them on occasion.
But even Annette and Collette can have their disagreements, most particularly when one of them feels like the other isn’t respecting their views on what’s important in life... in fact when they do, these fights are usually worse than when it’s both of them against Danielle, precisely because they’re so in tune together that they know just what to say to hurt each other. Even if unusual, it’s not completely unheard of for Annette and Collette to refuse to speak to each other for days after a particularly bad argument.
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