#smartest in blue [annette]
And speaking of the Spaniel girls...
So I should preface by saying that yes, I know this is one massive anachronism stew going on here; but honestly it's one big mixed up crossover anyway so I figured to just let the details slide and go with what worked!
As always: Artwork is mine, outside of that I own nothing here. Characters belong to Disney or otherwise to their respective owners; Songs are by Lin-Manuel Miranda and performed by the Ham.ilton cast. I have no association with any of these, this was just made for fun.
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Allowing themselves to be slept on. ((Pup!Spike at one of the Spaniel Sisters? :D))
Unspoken Fluff Starters Pt 2: The Fluffening 
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The sleepy murmur came from the blue-collared sister as her head kinda lolled lightly across her adoptive brother’s shoulders. The girl wasn’t fully awake, but nor was she completely asleep; aware enough to register what she was doing, but not so much as to give any thought to it.
If she had been, she most likely would have been the last sister to be caught using anyone else as a pillow. Annette, for all that she constantly stuck around her fellow girls, also had a strong streak of independence, of not liking to look as though she was relying too much on anyone else.
But right now, his almost purple-ish fur was comfy, and he was letting her, and... that was all that was registering with the sleepy spaniel at that moment.
She shifted slightly, one fluffy ear draping across Spike’s neck in the process, as sleep completely took her again; her breathing was soft as it tickled his shoulder, expressing more eloquently than words just how comfortable the middle sister was in her young sibling’s presence.
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wherethemusetakesme · 4 years
tag dump: 6 / 7 (Terra, the spaniel sisters and Webby’s tags)
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macuilsung · 2 years
@armatization​ said via Send ღ for a first kiss between our muses (open!):
ღ for Annie? 😳👀
He remembered his clumsiness when he took her by surprise, but he did not have the luxury of being graceful back then. No, this had nothing to do with that particular arrangement his father made with Baron Dominic long ago. He had long since abandoned the name of Gerth, so he did not behave under the crushing weight of the birthright he swore off.
This was an honest to goodness crush, one that blindsided Forwin in the criminally short time they got to know each other, and that he dare not let go unspoken a second further while he was still afforded the chance.
Annette Fantine Dominic. A Blue Lion two years his junior who was as cute as a button, ever so fun to tease, and always shy of breaking into on-the-spot work songs so effortlessly that a self-professed bard like himself can’t help being impressed by her skill. Still, for all her perfections, there was not much he could provide for her as an Abyssian... and with Gilbert skulking about, it made approaching her with any intention aside from platonic a little bit awkward.
But now? Screw it. He no longer cared who would see, what they would think, or how she might react. Hopefully, she would forgive him this one opportunity for being a complete idiot, given the circumstances.
Forwin broke from the Wolves just as they began their descent into Abyss, running back to find the determined redhead breaking off from the rest of her class to reach her assigned post. He called out to her the moment she came into view, but dared not break his stride. The blond did not stop until she was within arms’ reach. Neither did he stop to listen to her ask why he came to see her, for that was when he acted on whatever amount of courage he scrounged up for that instant.
With his hands on either side of her head to keep her steady, he found he still had to bend down to make up for the full foot and then some of height difference. By the time Annette gasped with the all too late realization of his motive, his lips firmly and decisively met hers.
It was a declaration of love, a means to say thanks for being his friend, and fear that—in spite of all they have endured to this point—they may not meet again, all rolled into what amounted for their first kiss. Though uncertain as to whether she reciprocated these feelings, he was confident that Annette would understand all of his own by the time she was able to catch her breath again.
After all, she’s also one of the smartest people he knows.
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“...I’ll... see you when this is over,” he promised, and though meek, he had every intent to live up to his word. Just as soon as he came, he scurried back to rejoin the Wolves underground, for they had their own mission to see through.
Unfortunately, that was also the last thing he said to her before the Empire’s army reached the doorstep of Garreg Mach Monastery, because during that battle? Forwin Tyrell disappeared off the face of Fódlan, without a single trace left behind and thought dead to all.
Then five years pass.
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gascon-en-exil · 4 years
Speaking of supports, something I kinda wish was a thing that that all the Blue Lion supports went to at least A. They are the closest to each other and you can feel the feeling of found family they all have with each other. The support that bothers me the most that doesn’t go to an A is Sylvain and Dimitri’s. These two, Felix and Ingrid have been best friends their whole lives, yet their support is 1)the only one of the quintet that stays a B and 2) is the only one not taken seriously. 1/2
Both supports as well, Dedue and Sylvain bonding more about being hated because of them out of their control, Ashe calling Felix our on his attitude like he does with Sylvain’s, Ingrid bonding more with the girls of the group, Sylvain and Ashe having a serious talk about Sylvain’s feels on his little self worth, Sylvain and Annette being the smartest people in their group, the possibilities are endless for the As they write themselves so why didn’t they 2/2
I can see the point of terminal B supports, in that with only a few exceptions support lines that end in A/A+ have paired endings so it’s a way to limit the number of those. Sometimes that can feel a bit arbitrary, such as how every student (except Sylvain/Annette, curiously) has a paired ending with every opposite-gendered student of their own house and how almost all of these are romantic in nature, but it’s nevertheless a decent gauge and, because they’re more selective about having A/A+ supports, works to highlight more intimate same-sex relationships. Dimitri for example has a much stronger romantic dynamic with Dedue and Felix than he does with Sylvain and Ashe.
You’re right though that the Lions have by far the best group cohesion. The shared histories and development of the Faerghus characters really shines through, whereas the Eagles and Deer are easier to break down into pairs or smaller groups.
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breadedsinner · 4 years
Don’t rebagel
Starting my Three Houses New Game + with a Blue Lions route. Probably won’t get far when Animal Crossing comes, but I can dip in and out with both.
...Falcon Knight seems like the smartest and most obvious choice for Ingrid but....part of me wants to make her a Dark Knight.
Everyone always wets themselves over Dark Knight Sylvain. On the rare occasion I see Dark Knight Dorothea, which is very cool, but she doesn’t like riding.
....Dark Knight Annette is an option, too.
Of course I’m not even taking the DLC classes into consideration...Annette might make a good Valkyrie, maybe?
I’m a little hesitant to play around since I’m doing Hard Mode, but the temptation is there.
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withlove-so · 5 years
Can I ask for some Annette and Felix HC? They are super cute together and it would mean the world.
I have no sense of order any more, my body is filled to the brim with love for these two, I’m gonna BURST if I don’t talk about them! I know it wasn’t explicitly asked, but I’m going to do both pre and post time skip, cause inspiration calls!
Pre-time skip
Felix always found himself drawn to Annette. At first, it was because of her singing.
It was dorky and pretty silly, and it certainly made no sense, yet he couldn’t help but listen.
But eventually he was approaching her anyway, whether or not she was singing.
Anyone who saw the two together were infinitely confused.
She seemed to be the only cub who could talk to Felix without getting a scalding retort.
“Felix was insulting me excessively just the other day, what make her different?”
“He hasn’t challenged her to spar once? The sky must be falling...”
“What’s a cutie like Annette doing with a brute like him? He’s an asshole to everyone he talks to!”
All of this was true for everyone else, but he had to admit, Annette was different
She didn’t prattle on about wanting to be a knight, only about how she wanted to better herself.
She wasn’t empty headed, hell she was probably the smartest person in the whole house.
And she wasn’t weak either. In mind or in combat. If she practiced, maybe she’d even beat Felix in a fight...
(Shout out to my Great Knight Annette, never took damage and absolutely OBLITERATED anybody on the field. As long as there wasn’t a mage...)
Perhaps that was what Felix found so attracting, she wasn’t like anyone in the Blue Lions who blindly follows the ideas of chivalry.
She worked hard to be stronger and better than she was before... a lot like him.
So whenever he saw her, his gaze seemed to glance ever so slightly in her direction, much to his annoyance.
The absolute second Sylvain noticed this, he tried to give him advice on talk to her.
Felix, if course, brushed it off. He’d never trust his advice.
Of course, it’s not like he was planning on talking to her like that, no that’s silly, it’s just normal conversations, that have nothing to do with- don’t you dARE LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT SYLVAIN!
Annette was a bit more conflicted than Felix, after all, it was Felix they were talking about here.
He always seemed so mean and yet... he had those adorable, awkward moments that you’d think would never happen to someone like him.
Why, just the other day, she came up behind him to greet him, and he nearly snapped his sword in half while sharpening it!
Since it wasn’t broken she could laugh about it, but if it had, she didn’t think she’d be able to sleep at night until she got him a new one.
Post-time skip
The two hadn’t seen each other in years, and yet it was like no time passed at all.
Felix still admired Annette and Annette was still kind of intimidated by him, but they got along even better than before.
She couldn’t help but tease Felix now, especially when she caught him glancing her from afar.
“Oh my! I’m so embarrassed, what’s a cool swordsman like you doing looking at such a girl like me? I’m swooning~”
“Shut up! That’s not what I was doing. I was just... looking at the menu.”
“... Felix, we’re in the libarary?”
He would never dare admit that he thought Annette looked beautiful. She was gorgeous and could kick ass, it was almost unfair.
And her melodies... while unchanged, they sounded better than ever before. Sometimes he’d stand outside the green house while Annette was working, just hoping she’d sing, even a little bit.
He’s been caught every time, it’s a wonder why he tries to hide at all.
Annette loves to mess with Felix’s hair, and she’s the only one he’ll allow to do so.
The results can come out a bit... weird. But he always tells her it looks good.
Sylvain once made fun of his hair after Annette had done it up.
Sadly, a good soldier was lost that day. They never found his body.
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demon-lord-bleh · 5 years
Sylvain HCs
this ended up much longer than i originally thought, so for the sake of your dash the rest is under the cut
(original post for reference)
He’s smarter than he lets on
Sylvain is certainly a casual, care free kinda guy, but don’t let that fool you
He is by no means stupid
While he’s not the smartest person academically, his strengths are intra-personal and interpersonal (knowing himself and knowing others)
He’s actually rather observant, and he picks up on a lot of subtle things others may not notice
He’s not really a schemer or a plotter, but nobles who think they can easily manipulate him are mistaken
maybe he won’t notice Caspar trying to prank him but nobles trying to manipulate him?
he’s on to them before they can get two words out
As the heir of the Duke of Gautier he has to be (at least somewhat) vigilant, and a lot of people forget that
He likes to give ppl the benefit of the doubt, but he’s not a doormat
He doesn’t try to hide his sharper side, but he doesn’t broadcast it either
Nonetheless people are always surprised when he says something profound
Sylvain is of the opinion that it’s better to be kind than intelligent
while he can’t really live by that philosophy as an heir, he does try to integrate it into his life
do not mistake his kindness as naïvety
He doesn’t really care if others underestimate him
he knows his own worth and has confidence in his skills
Sylvain, quite literally, cannot take the heat
he’s from Faerghus aka “the frigid north”
not only that, but he’s from Gautier, which is as far north as you can go in Fódlan
He’s also the type to whine about how hot it is
“If it’s cold I can put on more layers, but what am I supposed to do if it’s hot? Peel off my skin?”
Says he’s dying whenever he works up a sweat from heat alone
Most ppl tune him out now, but they still keep an eye on him because:
The first time he was training at Garreg Mach he passed out from the heat
He’s the type to still wear shorts in November
Thinks 50°F (10°C) is warm
He can’t flirt for his life
He comes off as cool and unflappable, but he’s actually really easy to fluster
Flattering others?? He’s all good. Pretty people flirting with him???
It’s all over
he’s stammering, floundering, and walking into doors
sure, he’s charming, but when it comes to someone he really likes?? beyond early infatuation??
he’s what the kids call “a mess”
(the kids being Ashe & Annette)
He tells the other Blue Lions about it and they laugh
And they tell him to just do what he usually does
But he physically cannot
now, all of that isn't to say he’s being dishonest when he flirts with ppl normally
He does genuinely like those people, and would probably be thrilled if they reciprocated
But most ppl he flirts with are more along the lines of passing infatuations rather than full on love
Sylvain is the Big Bro of the Blue Lions
This is basically confirmed but still
Reliable in a pinch, but otherwise shouldn’t be trusted to watch the kids
Constantly teases Ashe and sometimes Annette
nonetheless he’ll knock it off if he notices they’re not up for it
Him, Ashe, and Annette are not to be left alone together because bad things happen
Together they are chaos personified
Sylvain is a casual enabler “I’m sure it’ll be fine let’s just do it”
Annette is all too willing to try out crazy ideas
And Ashe is either too curious to stop them or entirely on board
All of which adds up to a mess the rest of the blue lions have to fix
The end result is Sylvain isn’t allowed to babysit alone anymore
(Ashe and Annette maintain that they don’t need babysitters but they still get into a lot of trouble on their own)
Sylvain can also be the protective older bro, tho
Someone’s picking on Ashe? Only I can do that
Some boys giving Annette trouble? They better think the fuck again
Ashe and Annette like going to Sylvain with their problems cause he won’t make a big deal out of it
Sometimes Annette doesn’t want to worry Mercedes over something “trivial” so she goes to Sylvain
Dimitri would take the issue into his own hands, but Ashe just wants someone to rant to so he goes to Sylvain
Or, Ashe knows he made a mistake and doesn’t want a lecture, so he goes to Sylvain
The three of them have an unspoken agreement where they can talk about some problems and keep it between them unless it’s really dire
Sylvain’s relationship with his brother can go one of two ways:
Sylvain and his brother have a good if not distant relationship
His brother regards him with exasperated fondness
this is my idiot brother and i love him even if i want to strangle him sometimes
he won’t stand other nobles shit talking his lil bro
They don’t see each other too often, but they will send letters updating the other on their life
Sylvain talks about his crush of the week and his brother tells him not to bother the poor person too much
Sylvain always feigns offense, but quickly moves on to something new he learned
“Did you know people in Adrestia go swimming for fun? Guess they have to escape the heat somehow”
(hc that ppl in Faerghus learn how to survive falling in ice water but don’t really do much swimming)
Sylvain and his brother have a strained/one sided relationship
His brother low-key resents Sylvain for taking what should have been his
he tries not to take that out on Sylvain, but as he grows older and more bitter it becomes harder and harder
Meanwhile Sylvain always looked up to his brother
Especially when he was younger
They might not have gotten along all the time, but Sylvain really respects his big bro
They still exchange letters but his brother is less enthusiastic, and takes longer to reply
Sylvain notices the tension, but just puts it up to the distance between them, thinking it’s only natural after not seeing the other for a long time
And finally, the crack hc:
Sylvain & Ferdinand are cousins
Yes, this is because they have the same face and a cavalier vibe going on
But in all seriousness maybe their mothers are sisters
Or maybe Ferdinand’s father and Sylvain’s mother are siblings (or vice versa)
Political marriages and all that
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scandalesdeparis · 5 years
Bonjour, sa fait longtemps!
How is everyone’s weekend? Clementine and I are still nursing our hangovers with more champagne after a darling bellboy helped us load a crate of bubbly in our car. Everyone in Le Journal, of course, each received a bottle on their desk-- the critic included -- and as promised, we bring you stories from the wedding. 
Let me just pour myself a refill hm?
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First off, congratulations to Monsieur Rousset and his beautiful bride, it’s always a win for us girls when a dancer bags a dependable man like Guillaume, so it’s no wonder that several Moulin girls took a page from Elodie Celestine’s playbook and were seen with their own potential golden ticket secured tightly in their arms. Some got it right, and others well...they surely could do better.
Like my darling Annette Micheaux who returned to us after a short-lived stint as a supposed Ziegfeld girl, she was seen swooning in the arms of former Le Journal writer Bhari Sinclair. Everyone can see just how much they adore each other and it seems nothing and no one can tear them apart... except that is, for a very insistent patron. The writer could do nothing but hand over his date to the brute with a smile on his face before making his exit.
I don’t think he ever had a chance to defend his lady’s honor but Bhari, my dear, when you get a girl from The Moulin, you have to remember: the pen is definitely not mightier than the sword.
Another Moulin girl in our radar is the infuriatingly dreamy Charlotte Leigh, who doesn’t seem to mind if she ends up in the streets. Charlotte was seen getting cozy with the disgraced Arturo de Marin and it got me wondering who paid who for the time. Say all you want about how unreliable that pianist is but that man can move, which is a relief because then he can teach the dream girl how to dance. And she’s definitely in need of a few lessons.
And don’t quote me here but I think I saw them wearing matching rings. 
Now there weren’t a lot of L’Enfer and L’Ciel girls in attendance and whether it’s because they found the event too classy for their taste or they were too busy being down on all fours, we'll never know. But the infamous La Reine de la Nuit did make an appearance who surprisingly arrived solo. Either no one was good enough or nobody wanted to touch that dancer with a ten-feet pole, but Carmen Moreno managed to hold her head high and be an independent woman until it was time to play an old game of hide-the-pickle with one Malachi Murdock. 
Not even a club ban could keep this pining, creepy, thin man away from his favorite hole.
Oops, I meant watering hole.
No one is safe, and that’s why our very own critic makes an appearance here. Gabriel de Silva may have forgone a date, but that didn’t mean he left the party alone. Maybe it was deliberate, maybe he planned to try his luck at the reception, but whatever it was that we saw, certainly made our eyebrows waggle. Now, where do we start?
From an ominous conversation with Anthony Holst to the tall drink of water that is Jean-Baptiste Sauvage tenderly caressing the critic’s hand, that’s a lot to unpack. Throw in the elegant Anais Veilleux walking out on Gabe in the middle of the dance floor, only to be seen sneaking out with him later in the evening... a lovers’ spat? Well, stick a fork in me and call me done.
My, my, Gabriel, you’ve been very busy.
But what of dear ol’ Jackie boy? Well, after looking like a very thirsty fish out of water when his date ditched him for the critic, the cinephile was seen nose to nose and doing under-the-table hand action with my favorite messy artist Anatole de Celeyran. Methinks it wasn’t losing the opera singer that got Jack Sauvage feeling blue, but what do I know?
Now, speaking of Anthony Holst, the business mogul-- and I use the term loosely -- played family man during the event, his lovely daughter was visiting in town which perhaps explains Vivienne Moreau at his side. Now being a fresh-faced, young girl like myself, their history predates me or my sister, but that doesn’t make us blind. If that isn’t the look of two people in love then I don’t know what that is. 
And it’s not like they’re waiting on anything, au contraire, they should hurry up-- time is not on their side. Maybe Sofia should stay a little longer, just in case there’s another wedding?
And finally a few surprises, like the lovely Isla Allaway-- I dare you to say that three times fast --who opted to bring a canine companion instead. That just made her the smartest woman in the room. Personally, I’m glad that she didn’t arrive with a questionable company.
There’s also big daddy Augustin Badeaux who looked so dapper as he played the role of best man. But I must say that I’m a bit disappointed that he didn’t bring his handcuffs with him, then again, I didn’t ask. Oh, the things I could do to that man.
And how can I forget Lucianna Gatti, a woman after my own heart? I wasn’t able to say hello since I was busy doing lines powdering my nose in one of the stalls, but honey you’re a spitfire. Never change. Don’t forget to visit me and Clem at Le Journal the next time you’re in town.
...And that’s about it! Now you won’t feel so left out, dear reader, and next time, do try to join in on the fun. I swear to you, it’s much better experienced first hand.
𝐵𝒾𝓈𝑜𝓊𝓈 𝓍𝑜𝓍𝑜
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@nemekii / from (x)
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She couldn't lie; as much as she loved her sisters, the blue-accessoried Spaniel daughter appreciated the moments away from them, too. For right now, it was just her and Bingo - a neighbour from just down the street and in her opinion the most adorable little girl ever, bar none - and she was going to make the most of it.
Ear pricked up a little at Bingo's question.
"The games? Of course!"
Mr. Bandit had given her money to spend on the younger girls, and she had her own allowance too, so Annette had no fear of spending more than she could afford. She might think of herself as the most responsible child of the two families, but Bingo's cute little excitement was contagious, and there was no way that Annette was going to say no to her.
She allowed Bingo to lead her by the paw over to the games, casting an appraising eye across them.
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"Which one did you want to try first?"
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“You don’t suppose we’ll get in trouble for this, do you?” ((Pup!Spike @ the spaniel sisters))
prince of egypt sentence starters
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“Hmph. We won’t.”
Collette sniffed slightly. She and Annette stood a little way out from the mess, clearly not involved. The red-collared sister was certainly not going to have this pinned on her; nor on Annette, her closest sister, if she could help it. Even if the two of them weren’t entirely removed from the situation, if they didn’t look at fault, Collette was confident that Jim Dear wouldn’t blame them.
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“You two, on the other hand…”
Annette, though quite content to follow her elder sister’s lead and keep her own rear out of trouble, couldn’t help but wince slightly. Danielle, at least, was covered from head to toe in flour - the packet the four of them had managed to knock down from the kitchen table had landed on her and burst, spilling out all its contents - and she doubted that Spike, who had been right behind her, had faired much better.
Annette didn’t necessarily like seeing her younger siblings get into trouble except maybe Scamp, sometimes; but here, it seemed unavoidable.
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“Aw, c’mon, what’s the big deal?”
Despite her freshly whitened appearance, Dani seemed by far the least fazed of her sisters; perhaps simply because she didn’t have their aversion to trouble. Giving her coat a shake - which only served to send another cloud of flour into the air - she grinned around at Spike in a manner she clearly intended to be reassuring.
“Humans’re used to a bit of a mess; Scamp’s done WAY worse! No way we’re gonna get told off for a little thing like this!”
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tshirttrend · 4 years
You Dont Scare Me I Was Raised By A West Virginia Mother shirt
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For the liner notes to You Dont Scare Me I Was Raised By A West Virginia Mother shirt . the peerless comedy duo Nichols and May’s 1959 album Improvisations to Music, Elaine May famously provided the following terse bio: “Miss May does not exist.” At the time, May and her partner, Mike Nichols, were beginning their meteoric rise as the smartest, most literate, and funniest—not to mention most famous—comedy duo of their era, performing hyperarticulate, mordantly hilarious sketches with an undertow of melancholy that appealed to both New York sophisticates (catching them at such nightclubs as the Blue Angel and later on Broadway) and the wider audience watching on TV. Despite her fame (and current status as a legend/icon), May’s early self-penned bio is an apt one: As a performer, writer, and director, she has created an indelible body of work while largely staying, as a person, out of the public eye—here but not here.You Dont Scare Me I Was Raised By A West Virginia Mother shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Cloth Face Mask It’s fitting then that, at age 86, May made her triumphant return to the Broadway stage this season, after more than 50 years, playing a relentlessly voluble woman who is slowly losing her grip on her existence, her identity dissolving before our eyes, in the superb Broadway revival of Kenneth Lonergan’s The Waverly Gallery You Dont Scare Me I Was Raised By A West Virginia Mother shirt . As Gladys Green, a West Village gallery owner and former lawyer fighting to talk her way through the ravages of dementia, May gave—in a season teeming with mightily talented actresses, from Glenda Jackson and Janet McTeer to Annette Bening and Laurie Metcalf—the most thrilling and memorable performance I’ve seen in a long time. Genuinely hilarious and utterly heartbreaking, May’s performance should—and I believe will—earn her this year’s Tony Award for best actress in a play. I first became aware of May as a boy, when my father would play me his old Nichols and May records. Though a lot of it went over my head, I still laughed and knew that this was the kind of insightful, sophisticated humor that I wanted to make my own. As I got older, I started getting the references, appreciating the subtleties, and marveling at their ability to satirize contemporary life with surreal flights of fancy and complete conviction. Listen to May as a psychoanalyst unravel during a session to uproarious effect while letting us feel the genuine pain and loneliness beneath the surface in "Merry Christmas, Doctor.” You Can See More Product: https://luxuryt-shirt.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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You Dont Scare Me I Was Raised By A West Virginia Mother shirt
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For the liner notes to You Dont Scare Me I Was Raised By A West Virginia Mother shirt . the peerless comedy duo Nichols and May’s 1959 album Improvisations to Music, Elaine May famously provided the following terse bio: “Miss May does not exist.” At the time, May and her partner, Mike Nichols, were beginning their meteoric rise as the smartest, most literate, and funniest—not to mention most famous—comedy duo of their era, performing hyperarticulate, mordantly hilarious sketches with an undertow of melancholy that appealed to both New York sophisticates (catching them at such nightclubs as the Blue Angel and later on Broadway) and the wider audience watching on TV. Despite her fame (and current status as a legend/icon), May’s early self-penned bio is an apt one: As a performer, writer, and director, she has created an indelible body of work while largely staying, as a person, out of the public eye—here but not here.You Dont Scare Me I Was Raised By A West Virginia Mother shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Long Sleeved
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Unisex Sweatshirt
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Unisex Hoodie
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Classic Men's
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Cloth Face Mask It’s fitting then that, at age 86, May made her triumphant return to the Broadway stage this season, after more than 50 years, playing a relentlessly voluble woman who is slowly losing her grip on her existence, her identity dissolving before our eyes, in the superb Broadway revival of Kenneth Lonergan’s The Waverly Gallery You Dont Scare Me I Was Raised By A West Virginia Mother shirt . As Gladys Green, a West Village gallery owner and former lawyer fighting to talk her way through the ravages of dementia, May gave—in a season teeming with mightily talented actresses, from Glenda Jackson and Janet McTeer to Annette Bening and Laurie Metcalf—the most thrilling and memorable performance I’ve seen in a long time. Genuinely hilarious and utterly heartbreaking, May’s performance should—and I believe will—earn her this year’s Tony Award for best actress in a play. I first became aware of May as a boy, when my father would play me his old Nichols and May records. Though a lot of it went over my head, I still laughed and knew that this was the kind of insightful, sophisticated humor that I wanted to make my own. As I got older, I started getting the references, appreciating the subtleties, and marveling at their ability to satirize contemporary life with surreal flights of fancy and complete conviction. Listen to May as a psychoanalyst unravel during a session to uproarious effect while letting us feel the genuine pain and loneliness beneath the surface in "Merry Christmas, Doctor.” You Can See More Product: https://luxuryt-shirt.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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kingteeshops · 4 years
Vintage Cactus Succ It Up Buttercup shirt
For the liner notes to Vintage Cactus Succ It Up Buttercup shirt . the peerless comedy duo Nichols and May’s 1959 album Improvisations to Music, Elaine May famously provided the following terse bio: “Miss May does not exist.” At the time, May and her partner, Mike Nichols, were beginning their meteoric rise as the smartest, most literate, and funniest—not to mention most famous—comedy duo of their era, performing hyperarticulate, mordantly hilarious sketches with an undertow of melancholy that appealed to both New York sophisticates (catching them at such nightclubs as the Blue Angel and later on Broadway) and the wider audience watching on TV. Despite her fame (and current status as a legend/icon), May’s early self-penned bio is an apt one: As a performer, writer, and director, she has created an indelible body of work while largely staying, as a person, out of the public eye—here but not here. Vintage Cactus Succ It Up Buttercup shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Ladies
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Unisex It’s fitting then that, at age 86, May made her triumphant return to the Broadway stage this season, after more than 50 years, playing a relentlessly voluble woman who is slowly losing her grip on her existence, her identity dissolving before our eyes, in the superb Broadway revival of Kenneth Lonergan’s The Waverly Gallery Vintage Cactus Succ It Up Buttercup shirt . As Gladys Green, a West Village gallery owner and former lawyer fighting to talk her way through the ravages of dementia, May gave—in a season teeming with mightily talented actresses, from Glenda Jackson and Janet McTeer to Annette Bening and Laurie Metcalf—the most thrilling and memorable performance I’ve seen in a long time. Genuinely hilarious and utterly heartbreaking, May’s performance should—and I believe will—earn her this year’s Tony Award for best actress in a play. I first became aware of May as a boy, when my father would play me his old Nichols and May records. Though a lot of it went over my head, I still laughed and knew that this was the kind of insightful, sophisticated humor that I wanted to make my own. As I got older, I started getting the references, appreciating the subtleties, and marveling at their ability to satirize contemporary life with surreal flights of fancy and complete conviction. Listen to May as a psychoanalyst unravel during a session to uproarious effect while letting us feel the genuine pain and loneliness beneath the surface in "Merry Christmas, Doctor.” You Can See More Product: https://kingteeshops.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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tshirtfashiontrend · 4 years
Vintage Cactus Succ It Up Buttercup shirt
For the liner notes to Vintage Cactus Succ It Up Buttercup shirt . the peerless comedy duo Nichols and May’s 1959 album Improvisations to Music, Elaine May famously provided the following terse bio: “Miss May does not exist.” At the time, May and her partner, Mike Nichols, were beginning their meteoric rise as the smartest, most literate, and funniest—not to mention most famous—comedy duo of their era, performing hyperarticulate, mordantly hilarious sketches with an undertow of melancholy that appealed to both New York sophisticates (catching them at such nightclubs as the Blue Angel and later on Broadway) and the wider audience watching on TV. Despite her fame (and current status as a legend/icon), May’s early self-penned bio is an apt one: As a performer, writer, and director, she has created an indelible body of work while largely staying, as a person, out of the public eye—here but not here. Vintage Cactus Succ It Up Buttercup shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Ladies
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Unisex It’s fitting then that, at age 86, May made her triumphant return to the Broadway stage this season, after more than 50 years, playing a relentlessly voluble woman who is slowly losing her grip on her existence, her identity dissolving before our eyes, in the superb Broadway revival of Kenneth Lonergan’s The Waverly Gallery Vintage Cactus Succ It Up Buttercup shirt . As Gladys Green, a West Village gallery owner and former lawyer fighting to talk her way through the ravages of dementia, May gave—in a season teeming with mightily talented actresses, from Glenda Jackson and Janet McTeer to Annette Bening and Laurie Metcalf—the most thrilling and memorable performance I’ve seen in a long time. Genuinely hilarious and utterly heartbreaking, May’s performance should—and I believe will—earn her this year’s Tony Award for best actress in a play. I first became aware of May as a boy, when my father would play me his old Nichols and May records. Though a lot of it went over my head, I still laughed and knew that this was the kind of insightful, sophisticated humor that I wanted to make my own. As I got older, I started getting the references, appreciating the subtleties, and marveling at their ability to satirize contemporary life with surreal flights of fancy and complete conviction. Listen to May as a psychoanalyst unravel during a session to uproarious effect while letting us feel the genuine pain and loneliness beneath the surface in "Merry Christmas, Doctor.” You Can See More Product: https://kingteeshops.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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outoftheirdifferences · 4 months
What does your muse's name mean?
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Popularity: 2525
Origin: French
Meaning: Grace; Favor
Annette is a lovely feminine name for your new baby girl. With French origins, this name means “grace” and “favor,” and was derived from the name Anne. This once wildly popular name has fallen out of fashion a bit, so much so that it has come back around to being a unique and stylish choice for your little trendsetter. Baby can also take pride in sharing the name with acclaimed actress Annette Bening, who you will recognize from films such as American Beauty, The Kids Are Alright, and Captain Marvel.
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Popularity: 4329
Origin: French
Meaning: people of victory
Collette is a baby girl name of French origin meaning “people of victory”. Walking her way through history, this name actually derives from the 12th-century Greek name Nicholas. Collette is a diminutive of the name Nicolette, which was a diminutive of our previously mentioned Greek ancestor. If you have a Nick in your life you’d love to pay tribute to or simply want to give baby their own victory streak, the name Collette will kick off baby’s life with a bang.
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Popularity: 943
Origin: French
Meaning: God is my Judge
Danielle is a feminine name that embodies beauty, intellect, and defiance. A French variation of Daniel, Danielle is born from the Hebrew daniy'el and means "God is my Judge." It's a name that celebrates staying true to oneself, caring only for judgments of a higher power. In the bible, Daniel is famed for his interpretation of dreams and enduring faith. Rescued from a literal lion's den, he is a figure that inspires tenacity and self-belief. Daniella may hold a more delicate intonation, courtesy of the French Daniѐle, but dig deep, and you will find a well of resilience just aching to be tested.
(So I MOSTLY just meant to do this for the Spaniel girls because I was curious - I like that the names Jim and Darling picked for them all share the same country of origin - but I kinda got carried away xD Results for more of my muses under the cut! ^^)
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Popularity: 5931
Origin: British
Other Origin(s): Latin
Meaning: Of Constance; Steadfast, reliable
Connie is a gender-neutral name with English and Latin roots. Coming from the Latin name Constantia or Constance, it translates to “steadfast,” or “reliable.” Being a loyal, trustworthy friend is such an important trait to have. With the name Connie, your bundle of joy will always remember to always stay faithful to themselves and the people they love.
(Wow this is... this is so accurate to her. I doubt that's coincidence on the Crewniverse's part!)
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Popularity: 91
Origin: Greek
Meaning: Messenger; Messenger of God
Angel is a gender-neutral name that is well known in both the US and Spain. From Greek origins, the meaning of the word angel is “messenger,” but in the Bible, the word signifies a more divine meaning, “messenger from God.” Whether you will be guiding baby down a religious path or are simply looking for a heavenly name to bestow upon them, Angel could be the perfect title to uplift and inspire your new addition. The name received a huge boost from Angel, the Buffy the Vampire Slayer spin-off starring David Boreanaz.
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Origin: Irish
Other Origin(s): Gaelic; Greek
Meaning: Black, dark; Noble
Parents who prefer the darker side of life will love Kiera! Kiera is a girl's name of Irish origin, derived from Ciara, meaning "black" or "dark." It also has Greek origins, meaning "noble," with plenty of variants to make it a globally celebrated title. Kiera differs from the spelling Keira, bringing its own unique flair to an otherwise incredibly trendy name. Baby Kiera will be reminded of their individuality as they bravely pursue their destiny in this world.
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Popularity: 28751
Origin: French
Other Origin(s): British
Meaning: Cherry
Cera is a feminine name is of English and French origin that means "cherry." In Japan, the cherry is a symbol of good fortune, revival, and new beginnings, all of which baby is sure to bring to life. The name Cera is a variant of the English and French name Cerise which also means "cherry." It is also a popular surname, most known by famous Canadian actor Michael Cera who is renowned for playing whimsical, witty characters. Cera is a beautiful name that can pay homage to how sweet life is with baby in it.
(Let's be real, most of this was probably unintentional for the character: Cera must have been named as such because of being a tri-CERA-tops xD Still interesting to know it does have a meaning of its own too though!)
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Popularity: 670
Origin: Latin
Other Origin(s): Roman; Greek; British
Meaning: Laurel plant; Victory
Lauren is a gender-neutral name of Latin origin. A derivative of the French Laurence, both these names can be traced back to the ancient Roman city of Laurentum. This lyrical title stems from the laurel plant, which was a symbol of victory in the sporting events of ancient Greece. To this day, the verdant shrub signifies wisdom, with laureate referring to someone who has made an achievement, such as in the French baccalaureate. With their name rooted in honor, you may see big dreams inspire this little one while they shoot for the moon in their quest for success.
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