#thriller bark inspired this
pherryt · 2 years
Feeling Things Through
One Piece : Nami and Sanji - centric
Rating: G Ship: Zoro/Sanji Words: 10,578 Summary:
Nami has some thoughts after Thriller Bark, and maybe Sanji does too.
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hellosunnycore · 1 year
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𝖆 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖆𝖉𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖊!
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flapjacked69 · 6 months
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yes i am normal.about th3m. (eyetwitch)
(click for quality )
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megarabane · 5 months
“You asshole.” He digs the spoon back into the broth, nearly spilling it himself. “It’s always—fucking—dignity this and honor that.” Sanji lets go of the bowl to grab Zoro by the chin and jerks his head around to face him. Zoro’s eyes widen in shock, and one hand twitches up, but for once, he’s not fast enough.
“Why don’t you prioritize—” Sanji shoves the spoonful of broth into his barely-open mouth, and later, he’ll feel bad about the way the utensil knocks against his teeth. “—staying alive for once?!”
a little zosan-flavored (or not! your choice whether to read into the subtext or not) oneshot based heavily on this post by @darkdumbass, which has been living rent-free in my dome for literal years months (feels like years but probably not years)
i hope i did your vision justice! that comic means a lot to me :3
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setteidreams · 1 year
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One Piece: Season 10 (Thriller Bark) (35 sheets) is now available in the settei section.
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licorice-tea · 4 months
The Bane of My Existence
Pairing:Trafalgar Law x reader
Content: some spoilers for Sabaody arc (nothing major), enemies to lovers! strawhat reader, reader and law are both stubborn and argumentative smh, reader is more optimistic though, law is awkward and not great at understanding his own feelings <3
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: part 1/2 for a little enemies to lovers fic! one of my favorite tropes but I almost never write about it... also I've been rewatching bridgerton and was very inspired by the relationship between Kate and Anthony, which is where the title comes from too! (can you guess what part 2 will be called?) anyway, enjoy and lmk your thoughts! :)
Part 2
Sabaody Archipelago is easily one of the coolest places you’ve visited so far. Not that Alabasta, Skypiea, Water 7, Thriller Bark weren’t cool too… but you’re a people person! And to get to see such a diverse mix of groups from all over the world converging here, on one island Archipelago, brings a genuine smile to your face. It truly does remind you of a theme park: from the attractions to the oversized trees and bubbles.
In fact, you’re so caught up in all the splendors of the carnival-esque grove that you don’t realize you’re being watched. Or, followed, rather.
The Heart Pirates, yet another crew from some vague corner of the world, have been tracking you for the better part of an hour now. Except, they’re only following their captain, who happens to be following you.
Hes not entirely discreet about it though, because at one point Bepo asks, “Um… Captain, why are we following them?”
Shachi responds unprompted, “Yeah, I’ve never seen their bounty poster so… what’s up?”
Law scowls, “I’m not following anyone.”
Though he is low-key following you, Law couldn’t give a good reason as to why. You walked past him and his crew on your way to meet up with the rest of your crew- the Strawhat Pirates- and he’d just sort of trailed after you once you’d gotten a safe distance ahead.
“Really? Because every time they stop for directions, we slow down. And we’ve turned at all the same spots, too… So it really does seem like we’re follo-“
“I am NOT following them.” He lies through (literally) gritted teeth.
Now, Trafalgar Law is in now way shape or form a believer in love at first sight. He’s never been in love period… but the feeling he gets from seeing you is something new and foreign. Like, he really wants to talk to you… he just doesn’t know what for. Law is still trying his best to come up with reasons to stop you and ask for your name when you overhear the brief argument between him and his friends.
With a quick glance over your shoulder, you spot a group of at least 10 on your trail. They’re in the middle of conversation, so they don’t notice you taking notice of them.
Your first instinct is to look around for your crew; but of course, they’re scattered across the groves of Sabaody Archipelago by now - as are you. “Sigh. I might just have to handle this in my own.” But, wait- who said they wanted to fight you? Maybe you should just approach them first, wouldn’t that give you the upper hand in some way? (It wouldn’t, but you can’t think of anything better than to try and charm your way out of a possible jumping with your friendliness and perfect smile.) So, you roll back your shoulders and take a breath before strolling back over the grass to your pursuers.
“Why would I be following some rand-“
“Because you have a crush on them!”
“Oh they’re cute, Captain, you should ask them to join!”
“Gasp! Yeah, then you can get to know-“
They all go silent (save for some quiet gasps) as you step toward the semi circle they’ve formed around one man- the only one not wearing a white uniform, who they call “Captain.” You tap him on the shoulder and he whips his head around.
“Excuse me, I was wondering if you could help me?”
The man just stares at you for a moment with a frown. You fear that you might’ve been wrong about his intentions, until he blinks and mumbles, “Uh… Sure.”
Your smile returns- of course you weren’t wrong! Plus, he’s kind of hot, but you’d catalog that thought and come back to it on some lonely night in the future. “Great! I’m looking for grove 41, it’s where some of my friends are.”
You’d learned back in Water 7 that sometimes, it was best not to disclose who exactly you’re traveling with, nor the location of your ship. (At least, not when you’re infamous pirates.)
“Grove 41? I’m headed there too.”
The polar bear wearing who is also wearing a white uniform clears his throat.
“I thought we were heading to Grove 1, Captain?”
“Oh, I wouldn’t want to get in y’all’s way then-“
“Nah, I think Captain would love to show you the way.”
“Shachi!” The captain sneers. “We’ll meet back up at Grove 1 after I show them the way." Then, he looks you up and down. It's quick and analytical rather than flirtatious or intimidating. "Don’t cause me any trouble.”
You smile. “Wouldn’t dream of it. I’m y/n, by the way.”
“Trafalgar Law, and this is my crew, the Heart Pirates.” He gestures around the semi circle, then turns to face them, “You guys go take a break or something. I’ll be back shortly.”
“But Captain, we want to go with you!”
One of the men with red hair- Shachi, you’re pretty sure, elbows the polar bear.
“Hey!…” He looks down at Shachi then gasps like he suddenly had a revelation; “Ohhh. Sorry Captain, we’ll see you later!”
Law rolls his eyes. “See you soon.”
There's something about his dark hair and grey eyes that charms you, right off the bat. Or maybe it's his relaxed, confident demeanor. Possibly even his idiosyncratic style of clothing, and how he (and all of his crew) wore the same logo; so very organized and professional. But no matter the exact reason as to why, you find yourself quite happy to be in his company.
Alas, he’s not a very talkative man, so you make up most of the conversation with questions and your own introductory information. “-and that’s how I got here, to Sabaody!”
“Uh huh. And who did you say your crew was again?”
“I, ahem, I don’t travel with a crew.”
“Right.” He laughs dryly.
“What is it?”
“You’re a bad liar.”
“I- I’m not lying!”
“Look, you don’t have to tell me what crew you’re a part of,” Law explains, “but don’t lie and say you’re not a pirate at all.”
“Well… it’s generally not a good idea to tell strangers that you’re a pirate. Not even nice ones, like you."
Ignoring the butterflies in his stomach that unexpectedly appear when you call him nice, Law's burning curiosity is fed by your roundabout half-answer. “Ah, so you are one? What’s your bounty?”
“That’s not really any of your business.” Though you believe his intentions to be purely based in curiosity, you're second guessing allowing this man to lead you away on an island grove that you have never visited, nor know anything about. Still, your crew is nowhere in sight or hearing range, which worries you given just how loud they usually are.
“I’m paying you a favor by leaving my crew to escort you to where I’m assuming your ship is located- it’s the least you could do.” Law’s tone is more prickly than before.
“Well, I don’t need an escort, and you’ve already walked me halfway there and pointed me in the right direction.”
“Fine- then I’ll leave.”
His sudden change in mood from what you interpreted as shy to borderline aggressive throws you off. And so, having a similar moody temperament and stubbornness (though you’d never admit it after seeing it so clearly in him), you return the sentiment. “Fine by me.”
You continue walking forward while Law turns back, until he calls over his shoulder. “And by the way; you’ll need to find your way through the lawless zone up ahead if you want to get to Grove 41.” If condescending was a person, it would be him. You’re sure of it. “That, or I could’ve shown you a much safer shortcut.”
You pause, turn to face him, roll your eyes, and continue walking.
“What, you’re still not going to ask for my help?”
“Don’t need it!” Which, you really don’t. You’re plenty strong, but your bounty is small enough to not be worried. “I’m not scared of a law-less zone, if anything I think I’d welcome it.”
Your mocking words hurt his ego in a way he hasn't felt in years, taking him down several pegs.
You don't even stick around long enough to listen to him rebuke everything about you, from your high and mighty tone to your vain attempts at lying, ending his one sided argument with a very classy middle finger your way. So, Law grumbles all the way back to Grove 1 to find his crew, and hopes to never see you again. Meanwhile, you find your way to the other Strawhats. Your adventure with them continues, and you don’t have much time to think of your earlier encounter with a handsome pirate and possible-friend turned enemy (if you could even call him that.)
Law doesn't know if his ego (or wildly beating heart) could take another second in your presence- it just might burst if it had to endure any more of your witty comments or sly looks. It would, however, be an interesting theory to test further, should you ever meet again.
The prospect is both horrifying and thrilling to him at the same time.
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hoippu · 2 months
Chronological ZoLu Fanfic Masterlist [improved]
Guide for people who want to avoid anime spoilers
you can check out the google doc for more updates on this list (There is a total of 53 fanfics on the google doc so far)
Hey Lover! by clouddq
-takes place when zoro is recruited -soulmates AU (pre-timeskip)
I’ll Take This Piece of You by lucerile
-One Piece Live Action -Pre-arlong park but post baratie -(pre-timeskip)
Definitely, Spontaneously by croissantmusain
-One Piece Live Action and regular one piece anime/manga -no spoilers -pre-timeskip
last year i abstained by Augment
-part 1 of a series -(pre-timeskip i think) -No major spoilers
this year i devour by Augment
-part 2 or companion fic of last year i abstained -(pre-timeskip i think) -No major spoilers
I Don’t Talk (I Kiss Things) by lostmagician
-One Piece Live Action -I guess there aren’t any major spoilers -(pre-timeskip)
to fail you would be to fail myself by yinyu_ink
-One Piece Live Action -(pre-timeskip) -takes place after Arlong Park
Found in the Crack of your Palm by The_Furthest_City_Light
-(pre-timeskip) -takes place from the beginning until somewhere after alabasta
catching butterflies by aquietdin
-(pre-timeskip) Takes place sometime between Skypiea arc but before Long Island arc. -You should also watch the G-8 filler arc because I think it’s referenced, but it’s okay cuz it is honestly the best and only filler arc worth watching. (G-8 is right after skypiea)
Gold-Tinted Days by needchocolatenow
-indefinite time period but brook’s there. there’s no spoilers
Ode to an ocean by novks (thychesters)
-(pre-timeskip) -Takes place right before water 7.
Chimes by drcalvin
-(pre-timeskip) Contains spoilers from Water 7/ Post-Enies Lobby.  -Takes place shortly after marineford I think. Maybe wait until the timeskip begins before reading this one just in case.
Unable Are the Loved to Die by BasicallyACat
-(pre-timeskip) post Enies Lobby up until sabaody -part 1 of a series
a Losing Game by Angelgotchi
-right after water 7 probs pre-thriller bark -(pre-timeskip)
greed by species_baby
-(pre-timeskip) Thriller Bark
Feelings, what a mess! by drcalvin
(post-timeskip) Very early into the timeskip. I’d say you can read when they’re on the way to fishman island.
Let me carry your scars by arkhamsjason
Heliotrope by LostInClouds
-(post-timeskip) -As long as you reach the timeskip and have made it more or less to when they are sailing to Fishman Island, you should be fine.
The Things we do for Love by LostInClouds
-(post-timeskip) - It’s recommended that you reach the timeskip for this one too and probably before fishman island is also good enough
Feed your plants a little sunlight by swordsmans
(post-timeskip) indefinite time period tho i think Inspired by this comic
Of First Mates and Duty by Whatev3rs
-(post-timeskip) takes place at an indefinite point in the timeskip after return to sabaody arc. -kind of part 1 of another fic
Look at this! by nuftda
-(pre-timeskip and post-timeskip) takes place from the beginning up until some indefinite point in the early timeskip
‘Til You by Whatev3rs
-Post-timeskip -no real spoilers -it’s KIND OF a continuation of Of First Mates and Duty by Whatev3rs
Kizuna by YokoHogawa
-(post-timeskip) after fishman island
His Captain, Captivating by jirachi
-a sequel to Unable Are the Loved to Die -(post-timeskip) takes place up until the end of dressrosa i think
The Five Times Luffy Kissed Zoro, and the One Time Zoro Kissed Luffy by EclecticIsMyMiddleName
-This one takes place throughout the story up until the end of Wano arc. -It’s preferable that you’re fully caught up because it’s so good you might wanna binge it.  -see google doc if you want a more detailed description of where each chapter takes place in case u cant wait that long
To the ends of the earth (I'll follow you, worship you, love you) by lunarblossoms
-(post-timeskip) occurs when luffy awakens gear 5
Carnelian and Gold by kermit_coded
-Post timeskip  -No major spoilers
I Do the Dumbest Things for You by it_is_i_a_simple_nerd
-(post-timeskip) -Takes place somewhere between wano and egghead
Loyal Till Death Do Us Part by StygianHeart
-(post-timeskip) -takes place after wano and does have some spoilers at the beginning -it takes place in a fictional arc n stuff so its cool
I'm gonna make another masterlist later for the AU fics or maybe add them to this list but you can still find them in the google doc
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zahrowl · 4 months
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Inspired by a scene from "Death and All His Friends" by @balderdashofafool. The image of Sanji in the blue Thriller Bark hoodie hugging Zoro's swords,, it struck something in me.
Just in time for Sanji's birthday too omg
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opbackgrounds · 3 months
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This has absolutely nothing to do with this scene but is at least tangentially related to the Thriller Bark arc so I'm gonna share it anyway. The word galvanize is an eponym derived from Luigi Galvani, who was a scientist and physician in the 18th century who helped pioneer the field of bioelectricity when he discovered that he could make dead frog legs move when ran through with an electric current, with later proponents of his work going so far as to shock human corpses attempting to bring them to life. This breakthrough would in part inspire the creation of Mary Shelly's Frankenstein, which, some two hundred or so years later would in part inspire Thriller Bark.
So in a way I guess you could say Hogback has galvanized these corpses, albeit with shadows instead of electricity, forcing them to move without recreating true life.
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shewrites02 · 4 months
Sanji: "it was all my fault."
Zoro: "I don't need you to protect me ."
Sanji: "But they need you ! Luffy... h- he still needs you ."
Zoro: "And you ?" "…Do you still need me ?"
Sanji: "I - "
This dialogue was supposeddddd to be apart of my thriller bark fic but it didn’t make it. Lol I still thought someone might enjoy it . I still may write a fic around it if I’m feeling inspired
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eos70 · 8 months
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Little Zosan doodled inspired by a post made by @whereistheonepiece. It's so them and of course my brain said, "OMG post thriller bark coded"
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zoros-bandana · 1 year
Ok ima be specific about this zoro x a science/inventor reader where she used to nice and clumsy with her inventions and hang around zoro until he got mad at her after thriller bark when she was caring for her and then timeskip then once they get back he wonders why she doesn't talk to him and itll be like a steven and connie scenario where there a big party as the others try to make them talk again but take the wrong way until they forgive each other
Hi lovely, I haven't seen Steven Universe so I had to do some research and I'm hoping you were referring to Kevin's Party? hopefully so since that is what I found to pull inspiration from x This was also really fun to write, putting in little bits from various crew-mates POV so thank you for this request
The Banquet
Zoro x fem reader
Multiple crew POV
Warning: slight Thriller Bark spoilers, slight Sabaody spoilers, slight Fisherman Island spoilers, mentions of threats (usual Zoro/Sanji banter)
Summary: The crews reunion turned sour once you and Zoro shared the same space. There was obvious tension from when you last spoke, hindering on the bitter tone of his words to you. With the crew sick of the avoidance, Nami and Usopp lead a plan to have you reconnect at the King's Banquet, hopeful the uncomfortable avoidance will be resolved.
Word Count: 3,400
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"So you think this is going to work?"
"It has to" Nami insisted, turning her head in search of Usopp. She had strategically put a plan into place, sharing the news with everyone except for you or Zoro; giving the best chance of success. "If I have to watch them both ignore one another for one second longer I'm going to lose it! They can only sulk for so long before it gets under my skin!"
"I think it's making its way under everyone's skin; including theirs"
"Which is why this is going to work"
"Shh" Robin laughed, nudging her friend gently. "She's coming over"
"Y/n" Robin waved, shuffling over to make space for you to sit down. You had gone in search of something to drink, the night still very occupied for the King's Banquet in celebration of your crews assistance to defend Fisherman Island. Along your way you kept a weary eye out for Zoro, shifting ignoring every green coloured object in your way.
"There you are... I thought I lost my way for a while trying to come back over here"
You gracefully sat beside your friend, huddling close as the music throbbed to your right. You held the glass in your hands, keeping it close to act as support, knowing the tension in the air that loomed over you. It was obvious since the crews return of the awkwardness between you and Zoro, almost deafening in a room full of obnoxious activities.
"Uh huh" Nami smiled, taking a sip from her wine. "That sounds like a certain person we know. Say, Y/n, have you had a chance to speak to Zoro tonight?"
You scoffed. "Absolutely not"
"Why not?" Robin question, her tone soft as usual. She didn't pry on such events, her usual kindness and concern for her friends making it easy to succumb to her questions.
"I don't particularly want to talk to him after what he said to me, and how he said it. I know he was hurt but there was still no excuse in how he put me down like that"
"What if he apologised?"
"Now we all know that thick headed idiot doesn't even know how to spell that word, let alone know how to make one"
"Y/n, answer the question"
You sighed, glancing quickly over in his direction, walled behind a few of your friends. You had always thought about it, approaching him first even just to get him to talk to you, but you never saw the point. How would he know he was in the wrong if he didn't initiate conversation first?
"I'm not sure" you looked back over to the girls. They shared the same hopeful face, smiling sweetly, making you feel safe in their company. "Maybe?"
"That's good enough for me..." Nami mumbled under her breath, covering her voice up as she took another sip, her attention shifting to Usopp.
"Wait, what's the plan again?" Luffy scratched his head, tilting to one side.
"I already told you!" Usopp snapped, annoyed having to repeat himself for the sixth time in the last hour. "We get Zoro over to Y/n so they can talk it out and stop ignoring one another"
"Oh yeah!" Luffy laughed, "I remember now"
"Yeah, but for how long..." Usopp mumbled, noting Zoro as he sat in the corner; still from when you had all entered hours ago. He was occupied from the bottles of alcohol that surrounded him, clearly intoxicated by the way he moved, his eyes shutting in show motions.
Continuing his search, Usopp caught the eye of Nami, waving her down with a sly signal, letting her know the operation was in place. She returned the signal, turning back towards yourself and Robin to execute her end of the plan.
"You sure you want to be the one to do this?"
Sanji clapped his hands together, drunk on the thought of Nami. "Anything to please my sweet Nami-Swan!"
"Alright, sorry I asked..."
Usopp swiftly pushed Sanji into Zoro's direction, bracing himself for a clash to unfold. He was surprised when Sanji had volunteered to help, however, now understanding his willingness to help Nami, it became clear he would set aside his pride to be in her good book for a while.
"Oi, Marimo"
"What the hell do you want, curly brow?" Zoro snapped, opening his eye. As he looked up it was if he had sobered up immediately, not wishing to be caught off guard by someone like Sanji.
Kicking the bottle aimlessly, Sanji ignored looking directly at Zoro, disgusted to be in his presence; but determined to obey Nami's wish. "I can't believe you're still just as drunk and useless as before. Or maybe I can, it is you after all... and I expect nothing but disgusting behaviour from you"
"What the hell did you say?"
"Oh, and you're deaf now too? A wonderful addition for the greatest swordsman you so wish to become"
"You better watch what you say stupid cook or the next thing that will be flying out of your mouth is those teeth"
Sanji laughed, amused by Zoro's attempt to sound tough; knowing he couldn't kick his ass if he was even sober. Lighting up a cigarette Sanji let room for a dramatic pause, building Zoro's anger all the more painful. He wanted to let him sweat, bath in his fury in a wish to escape, hoping the rest of his friends were sticking to their end of the plan; not screwing it up for his beloved navigator.
Taking a long drawn out puff, Sanji soothed the smoke around him, clouding Zoro's view. He was prepared to fight back if things turned sour, Zoro obvious to the script given, widening his stance just a bit more than usual.
"Not if I end up knocking you on your ass first, moss head"
Looking up from your drink you noticed a comfortable laugh, meeting Luffy as he sat opposite you; Usopp sitting to his left. In one hand, Luffy had gathered a flowing bowl of food, unusual to the group as food services has ceased mere hours ago. They easily slid into conversation, Nami and Usopp counteracting off one another as usual; Luffy too busy with the food to chime in.
As Robin's eye slid from the group she noticed a commotion caused by Sanji, drifting her attention to where Zoro sat. She half nudged to you, although spoke loud enough for Luffy to hear.
"Zoro looks rather uncomfortable"
You followed her gaze, alongside Luffy, finding the tufts of green behind the stack of bottles and Sanji's tall figure. It was obvious the two were bickering - as usual - their body language intense and stubborn.
Amused by his friends, Luffy took a moment to finish eating, swallowing the chunk of meat wedged in his mouth. His body turned, already forgetting his mission but proceeding out of the goodness of his heart.
"Oi, Zoro!" Luffy called.
The group shifted their attention, looking over to where Zoro sat, apart from you, the grimace on his face a clear indicator of what everyone was looking for; a clear way for him to come over. Everyone around you exchanged a look, proud as Luffy waved his arms around, catching Zoro's attention.
All it took was Luffy's instructions, a simple obedience from the captains right hand man, and the plan would continue the smooth sailing in place.
"Come over here!"
Intruded by the inviting idea of separation, Zoro quickly left from his spot. He ignored the wobble in his legs, grasping his swords tight as he shoved past Sanji, making his way over to where his captain sat.
From his angle there looked to be four of his friends, laughing and having a better time than what he was experiencing currently. He didn't mind if he had to listen to the nagging voice of Nami as she spoke, mindlessly chatting to Robin, who as usual, looked deep in thought. He would be happy to engage with Luffy when he could, making the top of his list for favourite people in a heartbeat, enjoying the pleasant conversation as he joked with Usopp.
As he crashed down into the circle he caught sight of something he hadn't noticed before, sitting to his left, hidden by the figures of his friends. A crushing stutter caught him in a choke, punching the air from his lungs. His heartbeat was horrifically loud, pounding in his ears, not expecting you to be here, so close to him; smelling so inviting.
You could feel the group grow quiet, half expecting you to say something, surprised Zoro even spoke to you at all. It had been years since he attempted any form of conversation, the last time ending a lot differently than his current tone now.
"Hi?" you shrugged, looking away from him back to Robin, ignoring the blistering heat of embarrassment across your face.
Zoro grumbled something, half attempting to get up but remembered Sanji, looking over his shoulder as if to keep him in place. He refused to engage in any looming conversation, as much as they tried to include him, keeping to himself as he fidgeted, agitated of this current predicament.
He was trapped.
Once again Robin nudged you, laughing as you rolled your eyes at her now obvious attempt to get you to talk to Zoro. Her face continued to remain hopeful, even attempting to bring Zoro to join in; which he quickly rejected.
"Stop trying to make it happen..." you mumbled to her, leaning in close so nobody would overhear. "He is clearly not going to make things better between us so there is no point in trying to get us to talk"
Grinning innocently she took a sip from her wine. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Y/n"
"Robin, please!" you begged, hoping someone would back you up here. Everyone knew how much he hurt you, unable to hide your raw emotions after the fight, turning cold and almost frightened at his mere presence. And it stung, seeing all your friends ignorant to your feelings, pushing you to do something uncomfortable.
How come Zoro wasn't getting this treatment?
Why wasn't he being pushed to speak to you?
You stood up, unable to take any more of the growing intolerance between you and Zoro. If something was to happen moving forward you were not going to be the one to break first. "I'm going to grab another drink"
Robin watched as you walked away, an added annoyance in your strut as you quickly chugged the remainder of your drink. She sighed, turning to Nami, afraid the plan was getting out of hand. "Nami..."
Nami held her finger up, stopping Robin from counting further, knowing what she was referring to. "I've got this"
She had noticed Zoro's dazed state, realising your disappearance may have unnoticed to him. Thinking quickly she drunk the remainder of her drink, pinching Robin's out of her hand, before finishing that as well.
"Oi, Zoro, go get us some more drinks" Nami extended her arm out in his direction, drinking glasses twisted through her fingers.
Zoro scoffed. "Why would I want to do that?"
"Because you would do anything to get some alcohol in that empty hand of yours, and I told you to" Nami pressed her lips into a thin line, handing her glass over to him. "Now go!"
Mumbling under his breath, Zoro trudged back over to the drink table, slamming the glasses down. The table was still flowing with bottles of various alcohol and barrels of beer, which Zoro was sure to swipe of mug off on his quest.
As he fumbled around the bottles of wine he caught a whiff of you, transporting back to moments ago sat by your side. Actually, he never noticed you leave your spot. He wondered where you went, both as of now and after Sabaody. He missed you terribly, forcing his memory of you to be pushed to the back of his mind, too focused to worry about the addition of his friends. He missed everyone - even the presence of Sanji - but nothing hurt him as much as returning to silence.
Zoro missed your chatter, your laughter, having you accompany him with stupid experiments. He missed how you would annoy him with help, both to rest and to assist with various things in the name of science. He enjoyed your stories, babbling on with terms he didn't understand, but the joy in your eyes was enough to get him through.
He missed having you around.
He would do anything to have you back.
As his hand came over to the barrel, there was a slight touch, gentle and cautious, pulling away as soon as you both touched hands. The voice sung a swat apology, Zoro looking over to grunt at the person, annoyed of their close proximity.
Looking up he was quick to meet your eye, looking away just as fast, embarrassed he didn't see you there. Again.
It was a common theme for him tonight, almost overlooking you like a shadow without means. He was confused, hurt, but knew if something were to happen now would be the time to ask. He needed to know why you were ignoring him.
Maybe attempting to smooth things over wouldn't be so bad?
"Beer, huh?"
"Hmm?" you stopped pouring, setting the mug down onto the table; grasping it firmly for comfort. You refused to look over in his direct, feeling his body do the same, unable to meet each other in an eye lock.
"I didn't think you drank that stuff"
"Well, there's a lot you don't know about me. A lot can change in two years, you know"
He went quiet to that, skipping a beat.
"You still... doing those experiments?"
You turned your body towards him, cocking an eyebrow at his attempt to small talk; wondering what your friends had said to him. Surely Nami had got to him, assuming Robin was too polite to be forceful and direct him your way.
"Is this your attempt to say sorry to me?"
"Are you trying to apologise for your behaviour, Zoro? How you treated me? Or are just going to pretend like that never happened?"
"I-" Zoro fumbled, not entirely sure what to say. "What would I apologise for?"
Zoro could see his response hurt, your face dropping, a slight quiver in your lip. Your hand let go of the mug, balling at your side in rage, turning your knuckles a ghostly shade of white. An inconvenient swear parted your lips, furious he had the nerve to even say that to you.
How could he still be so blind and ignorant?
Brushing past him you made sure to hit him on the way, cementing your frustrations. It wasn't enough to let him mentally paint the picture anymore, waiting for some half-ass apology that had no value to his words; only to stop you behaving in such a sour way. It was tiring, exhausting, wondering if maybe you would come back to him the same as he always used to be, forgetting about how he treated you, resuming your friendship, or if he would take the plunge and own up to his mistake.
And unfortunately neither was an option.
Zoro's head followed you, looking over his shoulder as you walked away from him. There was a drop in his stomach, realising why exactly now you were ignoring him; hurt by his actions. But Zoro had no idea why. Until he remembered the fight.
Your face held a familiar look to how you looked before, back in Sabaody; back when he snapped at you. He could clearly remember the whimper and shake of your lip, almost frightened by how he raised his voice at you.
You were scared of him.
He made you retreat from him - afraid to get hurt again.
Swearing under his breath Zoro realised what he had done, realising there was a reason for your blunt behaviour that he hadn't thought about before. He was so blind to his own selfish goal over the two years it never occurred his actions had consequences on you; or anyone else for that matter.
Leaving the glasses on the table, Zoro followed you, struggling to keep up as you darted out of the banquet. He picked up to a steady jog, the only indicator of you the linger scent that curled his toes to think about. A wash of blame fell over him, never understanding why it took him this long to piece together what he did. He had time. 2 years. 2 years to think about everything but somehow this slipped his mind.
He hoped he could repair what he broke.
"Y/n, wait..."
Zoro continued to follow you outside, a deep hazy blue surrounding you as you stood by the doors of the palace. It was quiet, still, the loss of people still hoarding in the banquet giving an almost apocalyptic feel.
As he lunched to you, Zoro's hand gripped your arm stopping you in your tracks, the amount of force made you turn on your heels, allowing him to face you properly. "Is this why you've been avoiding me?"
You struggled to look up at him, knowing if you did you would cry. His grip was strong, although you knew it would be easy to break away from him if you wanted to, giving you the freedom to disappear again. He just wanted an answer.
"I wasn't trying to ignore you. I was going to speak to you... I thought about it, but it didn't make any sense. I wasn't making any sense. I thought, if we are going to talk then I need to get an apology; something sincere from you. And so I came back and I saw you and you said nothing, and any time we were together, you said nothing. And now we're here and you're still not saying anything to me"
Zoro continued to stay silent, hoping you would explain deeper.
"What you said to me back then, how you handled your emotions and lashed out at me for helping you, it wasn't fair. And now I don't know how to act around you and it isn't fair. I don't know how to feel. I'm angry. I miss you. I feel like I'm out of my mind!"
"No, you're not! I snapped at you when you were just trying to help me, care for me, and you didn't need me doing that to you. I was cruel. And I came back and tried to act like it was no big deal, but it was a big deal! I couldn't stand the thought of you not speaking to me ever again, but then I was also doing it to you! I made a promise to myself and it got in the way of how I treated you, and so I'm sorry! Nakamas?"
You smiled up at him, ignoring the stream of tears that clouded your vision. There was only thing you truely wanted when the crew reunited and now you had it, an apology, a genuine apology from Zoro.
Your arms flew around Zoro's middle, pulling yourself to him in an embrace, feeling his body stiffen at the contact. You were aware of his strict dismissal of affection, however you didn't care, leaning into the idea everything was okay between you two. And it was.
Zoro reciprocated the hug, keeping you close, his face leaning down to bury into the tuft go hair atop of your head. His body relaxed, engulfing you tighter into his body, pressing the smell of musk and steel against your skin.
He was happy. For the first time in a long time he was happy. It felt so good, so right to have you like this; speaking to him again. It was if the moment he snapped a part of him went missing, your presence dissolving from his life and also a part of him he wasn't sure he could ever get back. But here he was, completely whole, and he refused to let something like that come between you two again.
"I'm so glad I have you back, Y/n"
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dittolicous · 4 months
Saw some takes on One Piece x Pokemon so I thought I'd throw in my own two cents, seeing as giving characters Pokemon is my FAVORITE thing (just look at my fucking Submas fic, so many Pokeymans.... ehem).
First, to note that I'm working under the idea of 'One Piece where everything is exactly the same as Canon except Pokemon are also there'. How? Eh, its anime, baby, we don't need too much logic! They're just like a split off from regular animals - perhaps animals naturally enfused with Devil Fruit-like powers or something? IDK.
(That said, Pokemon cannot gain Devil Fruit powers like a regular animal can. There are many studies why but no 100% conclusive answer.)
1) Tangela ♀️ -> Tangrowth
Met on/at: Dawn Island
Background: Met when Luffy was young, in the mountain forest after befriending Ace and Sabo. They bonded over both having stretchy limbs. Constantly got tangled up in each other.
Evolved: During Marineford while trying to save Ace.
Reasoning: Stretchy limbs, a little goofy looking, but can become a strong fighter.
2) Mudkip ♂️ -> Marshtomp -> Swampert
Met on/at: Alabasta.
Background: Often hung out with the Kung-Fu Dugong for a fun brawl and was impressed by Luffy. Followed the Strawhats by sneaking into their luggage afterwards. Helped Luffy against Crocodile.
Evolved: First at Enies Lobby then finally over the timeskip while training with Luffy. Was supplied with a Megastone by Boa. First use was during Dressrosa.
Reasoning: Mega evolution similar to Luffy's Gear 3-4 appearances. Also completes the starter trio with Zoro and Sanji.
3) Aipom ♀️ -> Ambipom
Met on/at: Skypiea.
Background: Liked Luffy's singing, followed him around and snuck on board the Merry when it went to leave Skypiea.
Evolved: At Thriller Bark, trying to protect Luffy from Kuma.
Reasoning: Goofy monkey. “It uses its tails for everything. If it wraps both of its tails around you and gives you a squeeze, that's proof it really likes you.”
4) Drampa ♂️
Met on/at: Sabaody, pre-timeskip.
Background: Was entertaining kids at the theme-park when Luffy's group bumped into them. Became distraught that Camie was kidnapped and tried to help them find her. Was upset they couldn't protect Luffy or the Strawhats when the navy showed up, thus watching over Sunny during the two years to make up for it. Officially joined when they reunited.
Reasoning: Goofy. Fluffy white hair, similar to Gear 5. Kind to children, will become violent to protect or avenge them - think Momo, Tama, and Bonnie.
5) Lombre ♂️ -> Ludicolo
Met on/at: Dressrossa.
Background: Often snuck in to watch Colosseum fights. Didn't really understand why everyone always got so mad (mostly at Rebecca) but thought the fights seemed fun. Was inspired by Luffy's battles and defeating Doflamingo and really liked the party thrown afterwards.
Evolved: Accidentally, on the way to WCI, after touching a waterstone while playing around in Nami's treasure (with Gholdengo).
Reasoning: “Upon hearing an upbeat and cheerful rhythm, the cells in Ludicolo's body become very energetic and active. Even in battle, this Pokémon will exhibit an amazing amount of power.” Festive music makes it stronger, comparable to Drums of Liberation. Also goofy, likes to party.
6) Egg -> Riolu ♂️ -> Lucario
Met on/at: Zou.
Background: Was accidentally grabbed when the egg got packed with their supplies during the rush to WCI. Was nearly eaten by Luffy but Chopper recognized it as a viable Pokemon egg. Hatched aboard the Sunny when Luffy cried out to Sanji, feeling his emotions despite the distance. Intensely attached to Luffy as a result.
Evolved: At Wano during the Onigashima battle.
Reasoning: Use of aura similar to Ryuo Haki.
And, lol whoops, since this is gunna be LONG the rest of the Strawhats are going under the cut!
1) Scyther ♂️ -> Kleavor
Met on/at: Shimotsuki Village.
Background: Often fought each other while Zoro trained to beat Kuina. Was thrown off when Zoro came after him viciously one day, until he broke down mid fight and told him about Kuina, her death, and their promise. Joined Zoro when he eventually left the village.
Evolved: Found Black Augurite way back at Little Garden but was not aware of its use nor cared to evolve until Wano, after seeing Tonoyasu's execution.
Reasoning: Knife arms. Kleavor chosen over Scizor because Scizor is more claw or clamp-like while Kleavor keeps the sharp weaponry arms (just axes instead of swords). Kleavor also more old-fashioned, less fancy than Scizor, mirroring Zoro's simple ideology. Big, scary looking.
2) Magikarp ♂️ -> Gyarados
Met on/at: East Blue sea.
Background: Came across Zoro while he was lost at Sea. Helped lead him to land but was stunned by how he kept getting immediately lost and stuck with him to keep him from dying at sea. Likes to meditate with him. Dreams of swimming up a giant water. Love at first sight with Sanji's Feebas. Get clumsy and shy under her attention. Nearly went belly up when she evolved. Becomes a mated pair after Little Garden. Neither Zoro or Sanji are aware.
Evolved: To help them escape Enies Lobby whirlpools. Was given a Mega-stone much later at Wano, by Hiyori.
Reasoning: Unexpected powerhouse. Connects to Wano via ‘koi that climbs a waterfall’ and becomes a dragon. Mirrors Sanji's Feebas/Milotic.
3) Zangoose ♀️
Met on/at: Random East Blue island.
Background: Caught while roaming as a bounty hunter. Was terrorizing a local town until Zoro beat them. Has an explosive temper and can be difficult to control at times. More controlled after the timeskip but can still be egged into fits.
Reasoning: Sharp, mean-looking face. Has a long-term rivalry with another Pokemon (Seviper). Mark over left eye.
4) Treecko ♂️ -> Grovyle -> Sceptile
Met on/at: Long Ring Long Land Island.
Background: Watched their Davy Back fight. Thought they were kinda stupid ultimately liked their vibes and forced their way onto Zoro's team afterwards. Chose Zoro on a whim but it worked as they often nap together. Very chill, go-with-the-flow type.
Evolved: First at Sabaody while protecting Zoro from Kuma then finally over the timeskip. Was sneakily given a Mega-stone by Mihawk when the two years were up.
Reasoning: Green. Cutting attacks. Completes the Starter Trio with Luffy and Sanji.
5) Charcadet ♂️ -> Ceruledge
Met on/at: Thriller Bark.
Background: Was helping them from the shadows as they were too weak to take on Moria straight on. Saw the confrontation with Kuma and was greatly moved. Wants to be trained by Zoro.
Evolved: Over the timeskip.
Reasoning: Sword arms. Got stronger via cursed artifacts like Zoro's swords.
6) Applin ♀️ -> Dipplin -> Hydrapple
Met on/at: Wano.
Background: Saw Zoro as he pretended to be a traveling ronin in the capital. Became completely enamored by him. Kept following him and randomly popping out to give him food or lead him places. Young powerhouse. Really wants to protect and impress him.
Evolved: First when Toko gave Zoro a candied apple which Zoro then gave to them (since he doesn't like sweets). Had no idea it could evolve them. Then finally during the Onigashima battle.
Reasoning: Multi-headed dragon similar to three-sword style. Also funny for him to have a sweets-based Pokemon despite disliking sweets. Draws parallel to his friendship with Chopper.
1) Meowth ♂️ -> Persian
Met on/at: Random East Blue Island.
Background: Caught in an attempt to abuse Pay Day. Wasn't efficient, only upsetting both of them, and gave them a rough start. Eventually grew to understand and trust each other. Becomes very spoiled later on, as Nami wants to give them a good life.
Evolved: While fighting Baroque Works in the final Alabasta battle.
Reasoning: Money cat.
2) Absol ♀️ (shiny) ⭐️
Met on/at: Random pirate ship in the East Blue.
Background: Freed them from a poacher while working for Arlong. Bonded over being considered bad omens (or so they believed). Helps her recognize warning signs of oncoming natural disasters.
Evolved: Found a Mega-stone in treasure at Thriller Bark. Only achieved it after the timeskip.
Reasoning: Ability to sense on-coming disasters similar to Nami being able to spot storms and her navigation capabilities. Shiny to match her hair.
3) Gimmighoul ⚧️ -> Gholdengo
Met on/at: Skypiea.
Background: Found roaming form in treasure from Skypiea. Freaked out before taking up residence in Nami's treasure. Very good at keeping it organized and safe for her. Not much of a fighter but focuses on keeping the ship safe when the crew is on land. Likes to watch her draw maps.
Evolved: Entirely by accident while trying to protect their treasure at Thriller Bark. Was not looking forward to having Nami find out some of the treasure was now part of their body.
Reasoning: Treasure, gold.
4) Castform ♂️
Met on/at: Weatheria.
Background: Lived with the Weather Wizards to aid them in their studies. Was moved by Nami's drive to help Luffy and then by her bountiful knowledge and skill. Helps her improve Clima-Tact range. Chose to go with her so they could become stronger together as well as see her achieve her dream. Later becomes BFFs with Zeus.
Reasoning: Weather-based abilities.
5) Wattrel ♀️ -> Kilowattrel
Met on/at: Weatheria.
Background: Befriended the entire flock while practicing lightning attacks. Chose to stay with her to keep ‘playing’. A little air-headed but well-meaning. Also BFFs with Zeus.
Evolved: At Dressrossa, while fighting Giolla. Not good at remembering their much bigger now and keeps trying to sit on Nami's shoulder.
Reasoning: Electric bird. Comparable to Nami's favorite attack with Thunder Tempo.
6) Dratini ♂️ -> Dragonair -> Dragonite
Met on/at: On the way to Fish-man Island.
Background: A scardy-cat but still tries to keep sailors safe. Got caught up in the mess with the kraken and volcano on the journey to the island. Stuck with Nami because she let them curl around her shoulders when they got scared. Officially joined at the end of the arc.
Evolved: First during the escape from WCI and then finally during the battle at Onigashima while desperately trying to protect Nami.
Reasoning: Saves sailors from storms and wrecks just like Nami navigates them to safety. Kindhearted.
Special Note: Nami is afraid of Bug Type Pokemon.
1) Spinarak ♂️ -> Ariados
Met on/at: Syrup Village.
Background: First friend, partners in crime. Helped back-up Usopp's lies however they could. Desperately wants to befriend Nami and Sanji (going slowly).
Evolved: During the timeskip. Took so long to evolve because of their personal fear they weren't going to be good enough to help Usopp achieve his dream.
Reasoning: Usopp claims to have played with spiders as a kid.
2) Remoraid ♀️ -> Octillary
Met on/at: Seas of Alabasta.
Background: Fished up on the way to Alabasta. Was too scrawny to eat, took offense to that, and made it their problem until caught by Usopp. Constantly disobeyed him, causing trouble and spitting water at them. Only grew to respect and listen to him in Enies Lobby, both out of his love for Merry and his strength to stand up for Robin.
Evolved: While protecting them at Enies Lobby, when they were stuck on the platform.
Reasoning: Gun fish for the sniper.
3) Finizin ♂️ -> Palafin
Met on/at: Water 7.
Background: Met while he tried to fix Merry. Usopp would talk to Merry and his voice drew in some wild sea Pokemon. Thought it was touching how much he cared for the ship. Saw him and Franky get kidnapped by CP-9, chasing after the sea train. Saw the ‘birth’ of and idolizes Sogeking.
Evolved: As they were leaving Water 7, hyped up by Usopp returning to his friends and wanting to protect them from Garp.
Reasoning: Superhero Pokemon = Sogeking.
4) Dreepy ♀️ -> Drakloak -> Dragapult
Met on/at: Thriller Bark.
Background: Followed them out of curiosity. Got slingshot-ed away by Usopp by accident when he panicked thanks to the zombies. Turned out to love being launched by Usopp's slingshot, kept coming back to him and even offering to help if he kept doing it. Refused to leave.
Evolved: First during the timeskip and then again at Dressrosa, during the final battle.
Reasoning: Likes being shot around. Good for a sniper. Also funny since Usopp is scared of ghosts.
5) Toedscool ♂️ -> Toedscruel
Met on/at: Boin Archipelago.
Background: Tried to kill Usopp at first but had a change of heart when Usopp accidentally saved them both from being eaten by the island. Helped him hone his skills and ammunition, then joined after two years.
Evolved: Over the two years.
Reasoning: Goofy, good at running away really fast. Draws comparisons to Usopp's use of plants and the like later.
6) Floragato ♂️ -> Meowscarada
Met on/at: Dressrosa.
Background: Was particularly feisty and troublesome and thus was turned into a toy by Sugar. Witnessed the God Usopp fight. Was more baffled then moved, choosing to follow Usopp out of morbid curiosity. Respect was grudgingly won when they watched him prepare his attack to protect Luffy from Sugar later on.
Evolved: During the battle at Onigashima.
Reasoning: Uses sleight of hand, showy, like Usopp. Similar to Palafin and Sogeking.
Special Note: Afraid of Ghost Type Pokemon. Still startles around Robin's.
1) Rattata ♂️ (shiny) ⭐️
Met on/at: Germa Kingdom.
Background: One of the rats he fed. Found Sanji in the dungeon and kept him company. Escaped with him, officially being caught once on the ship. Only survived the shipwreck because Sanji forced them to stay in their Pokeball, which kept them in a decent enough stasis until they were found, but only just barely. Has refused to return to their ball ever since.
Evolved: No. Refuses to evolve out of fear of becoming too big to hide on Sanji's person.
Reasoning: Sanji fed mice. Shiny to look more like his hair and play off the idea of a ‘waste of a shiny’. IE a weak or non-viable fighter Pokemon getting a shiny spawn instead of a cooler Pokemon, making the bad shiny more insulting. Sanji was a failure because he didn't mutate, Rattata was a failure because it did mutate.
2) Torchic ♀️ -> Combusken -> Blaziken
Met on/at: Baratie.
Background: A gift from Zeff when he started teaching him how to fight. Sparring partners. Doesn't tolerate Sanji's nonsense with women and will drag him away if they need to. Assists him in the kitchen as well.
Evolved: First evolves at Arlong Park then finally at Enies Lobby. Gifted a Mega-stone by Iva during the timeskip.
Reasoning: Fire-type kicking Pokemon. Completes the Starter Trio with Luffy and Zoro.
3) Feebas ♀️ -> Milotic
Met on/at: Baratie.
Background: Met after opening the Baratie, trying to steal scraps from trash because they were having trouble finding food thanks to being so weak. Sanji cooked them something fresh and told them they could always come to him if they were hungry. Doted on over the years as Sanji honed his cooking. Believes in his dream of the All Blue. Becomes intensely protective of him upon evolving. Love at first sight with Zoro's Magikarp/Gyarados. Thinks he's a real charmer even as a Magikarp. Was starstruck when he evolved. Becomes a mated pair after Little Garden. Neither Sanji or Zoro are aware.
Evolved: To protect him when Don Kreig attacked.
Reasoning: Hard to find yet very pathetic and weak Pokemon in first stage Originally evolves by increasing beauty stat via feeding poffins/special food. Mirrors Zoro's Magikarp/Gyarados.
4) Milcery ♀️ -> Alcremie (Love-Sweet, Matcha)
Met on/at: Kamabakka Kingdom.
Background: Aided him in improving his cooking and fighting skills. Let him vent about Iva and the others, eventually then about the Strawhats and his worries. Prefers cooking to fighting but doesn't shy away from a fight. Very calm and collected.
Evolved: Over the two years. Sanji picked her up while talking/venting over a long night and started gushing. Did his spinny thing.
Reasoning: Food Pokemon.
5) Type: Null ⚧️ -> Silvally
Met on/at: Germa Kingdom.
Background: Found in the Germa cloning lab being experimented on during WCI. Broke them free out of rage during his fight with his siblings, telling it to run. It ran off but found him and Luffy later, tentatively joining them because it didn't know where to go. Sanji had a difficult time looking at them at first but they were able to bond over time. Treats Rattata like an older sibling.
Evolved: During the fight with Queen in Wano. Was brought to tears as Queen tried to kill them and berated them on being Judge's work, given hope when Sanji denied him. Broke their helmet to stand with him.
Reasoning: Artificially created based on a God (Arceus), comparable to the theory that the Vinsmokes were trying to recreate Devil Fruit abilities (hence the swirl brows). Also, helmet, and the symbology of destroying the helmet thanks to friendship and to become stronger. “Through the bond it formed with its Trainer, its will was strengthened, and it was able to destroy its control mask.”
6) Bounsweet ♀️ -> Steenee -> Tsareena
Met on/at: Wano.
Background: Lived in the flower capital of Wano. Hung out around Sanji's noodle stand after he opened it. Befriended Rattata and snuck into Sanji's pocket with them. Didn't really have a reason, very air-headed and doofy. Not a single thought in their head. Doted on by Sanji nonetheless. Surprisingly vicious in a fight upon evolving.
Evolved: First during the battle at Onigashima, then again later at Egghead Island.
Reasoning: Leggy Pokemon.
Special Note: Afraid of Bug Type Pokemon.
1) Egg -> Happiny ♀️ -> Chansey -> Blissey
Met on/at: Jaya.
Background: Found as an egg in the forest of Jaya, while they were looking for a South Bird. Hatched during the freedom party in Skypiea and imprinted on Chopper. Likes to hide under his hat or in his backpack before evolving.
Evolved: First evolved over the timeskip and then again at Wano.
Reasoning: OG healing Pokemon. Pink.
2) Audino ♀️
Met on/at: Torino Kingdom.
Background: Was learning medicine alongside Chopper. Chose to go with him after being told stories of the Strawhats’ adventures by Chopper (half out of admiration, half out of horror over the injuries gotten).
Evolved: Gifted a Mega-stone by the birds (it was in their shiny stash).
Reasoning: Another good nurse Pokemon. Mega-evolves like Chopper's forms.
3) Smoliv ♂️ -> Dolliv -> Arboliva
Met on/at: Zou.
Background: Was touched by the Strawhats saving the Minks. Wants to help people like Chopper does. Doesn't like fighting. Helps tend to Chopper's medicinal garden.
Evolved: For the first time at WCI and then again later while breaking Luffy out of jail in Wano.
Reasoning: Kind Pokemon. Seed Sower ability causes healing. Good support for medical care.
Special Note: Chopper isn't wholly comfortable with having Pokemon partners thanks to his own animal nature. The three he has wouldn't take no for an answer. He treats them more like students or assistants. He can understand Pokemon-speak though it's like deciphering a very thick accent.
1) Budew ♀️ (Shiny) ⭐️ -> Roselia -> Roserade
Met on/at: Ohara
Background: Only friend before Saul arrived. Escaped with her when Ohara burned. Extremely protective of her, slow to trust others. Will have no mercy on those that betray or threaten Robin. Relaxes a bit after Enies Lobby, trusting the Strawhats unconditionally to have their back.
Evolved: First evolved not long after escaping Ohara, while protecting a sleeping Robin. Evolved again a couple years down the line when she started going through pirate crews.
Reasoning: Comparable to Robin's Devil Fruit. Shiny colors for darker feelings.
2) Galarian Yamask ♂️ -> Runerigus
Met on/at: Random Ruins
Background: Met in some ruins during her travels to find the Poneglyphs. Likes to people watch. Tends to accidentally creep on others without meaning too, forgetting that ghost powers frighten people.
Evolved: Before joining Crocodile.
Reasoning: Runes. History based and creepy.
3) Cofagrigus ♀️
Met on/at: Random Ruins.
Background: Similar to above. Tried to lure her to her death but was soundly defeated. Was told her goals, piquing their curiosity, and decided to join her. Likes when Robin reads to them or talks about her latest discoveries. Also likes pranking/scaring Usopp, Chopper, and Brook.
Evolved: Before meeting Robin.
Reasoning: Sarcophagus. History stuff. Lottsa hands.
4) Unown (D) ⚧️
Met on/at: Skypiea.
Background: Met while looking through the ruins. Helped her figure out where the bell and Poneglyph were. Feels a pull towards Poneglyphs but cannot explain why. Often seems nervous for no particular reason.
Reasoning: Mysterious. D.
5) Zorua ♀️ (Hisuian) -> Zoroark
Met on/at: Random Island.
Background: Met while traveling with the Revolutionary Army. Was a rescue from an island ravaged by bad marines. Originally meant to be given to the marines in a trade before the RA showed up. Apparently was a regular dark type at that point but died in the ensuing chaos, then somehow came back. Was feral and lashing out in the RA's care but Robin was able to get through to them. Bonded over their painful histories. Wants to help see Robin's dream through.
Evolved: Over the two years.
Reasoning: History of Zoroarks being hunted similar to Robin being hunted by marines. Contrast between Unovan and Hisuian, pairs well with Robin originally seeking death before the Strawhats. Illusions good for evading people.
6) Houndour ♂️
Met on/at: Wano.
Background: Belonged to the Beast Pirates. Was newly hatched when it witnessed Robin fight Black Maria. Felt safe and confused Robin for their mother. Tried to protect her from Brooke when she passed out afterwards. Very cuddly. Loves kisses. Gets dressed up in little outfits.
Evolved: No. Too baby.
Reasoning: Demon dog but actually very sweet. Demonic doesn’t mean evil or bad. Similar to Robin's demon form.
1) Squirtle ♂️ -> Wartortle -> Blastoise
Met on/at: Outskirts of Water 7.
Background: Was one of the kids of the Blastoise that saved Franky after being thrown overboard. Was fascinated by him. Stuck around and help fish him out again after being hit by the train.
Evolved: First evolved while trying to pull Franky to safety after the train accident. Later evolved again while running the Franky Family.
Reasoning: Canons. Big, sturdy Pokemon.
2) Golett ⚧️ -> Golurk
Met on/at: The junk ship.
Background: Met after Franky was hit by the train. Was haunting around the scrap heap. Was inspired by how Franky rebuilt himself. Likes to have funky designs painted on their armor, like Franky's star arm tattoos.
Evolved: At Thriller Bark.
Reasoning: Toy-robot like.
3) Galarian Zigzagoon ♀️ (Shiny) ⭐️ -> Linoone -> Obstagoon
Met on/at: Water 7
Background: Stray that he picked up after returning to Water 7. Escaped from visiting pirates. Part of the Franky Family gang, helping steal from pirates. Loves parties and loud music. Leaps before looking.
Evolved: Evolves for the first time while infiltrating Enies Lobby to save Franky and Robin. Evolves again at Dressrosa.
Reasoning: Gang-related (via Sw/Sh), loud and unapologetic. Actually not a bad guy. Shiny as the bright colors match Frank better and stand out more. Goofy.
4) Varoom ♀️ -> Revavroom
Met on/at: Water 7.
Background: Picked up by the Franky Family. Helped power-up Franky's bigger inventions. Can join together with General Franky to give him a boost in strength as well as some poison abilities, and with the Sunny for an emergency boost if low on cola.
Evolved: During the timeskip.
Reasoning: Car. Gang-related (via Sc/Vi). Still not the bad guys. Mechanical.
5) Miraidon ⚧️
Met on/at: Baldimore.
Background: Met at Vegapunk's abandoned lab. Inspired many of Franky's updates and inventions. Timid around new people. Likes Franky because he smells like metal and oil. Is introduced to burgers by Franky, having an enlightening moment. Can be bribed with promises of burgers or fries. Is capable of connecting to any Vegapunk system to download or transfer data. Does not necessarily understand what it means or how to decrypt it.
Reasoning: Motorcycle. Extremely technologically advanced. No line between machine and beast/man. Sandwich gag. Relation to famous scientist.
6) Tinkatink ♀️ -> Tinkatuff -> Tinkaton
Met on/at: Dressrosa.
Background: Was confused as a toy at first. Kept trying to use parts of Franky to make a hammer. Constantly following him and almost getting hurt during the big battle. He liked their spunk. Cannot be left unsupervised in the workshop or they'll keep making bigger and bigger hammers from whatever it finds.
Evolved: First by the end of Dressrosa and then again Egghead Island.
Reasoning: Goofy but strong.
1) Chatot ♂️
Met on/at: Random passing ship.
Background: Met while drifting at sea. Their old partner was killed, so they found comfort in each other. Liked Brooke's singing. Officially joined him after Thriller Bark.
Reasoning: Parrot+Pirate=✅️. Musical.
2) Cubone ♂️ -> Alolan Marowak
Met on/at: Thriller Bark.
Background: Lost their family and original partner. Joined Brook tentatively after seeing him mourn his crew in front of their grave.
Evolved: During the two years. One of the few Ghosts Brook isn't afraid of.
Reasoning: Dead friends. “This Pokémon sets the bone it holds on fire and dances through the night as a way to mourn its fallen allies.” Reminds me of Brook's big attack in WCI.
3) Sewaddle ♂️ -> Swadloon -> Leavanny
Met on/at: Sabaody.
Background: Fell onto Brook while they were running from Kuma, was sent with him during the split. Was comforted by Brook and eventually partnered with him. Reminds Brook of his late partner Kricketune. Likes to dance when Brook plays music. Sadly not very good at making music or playing any instrument despite practice but has fun all the same.
Evolved: Both over the timeskip.
Reasoning: Similar to a Kricketune. Agile, light, with sword arms. Similar to Brook.
4) Toxtricity ♀️
Met on/at: Random Island.
Background: Met while touring during the two years. Helped Brook explore more modern music methods. Played back-up while he toured. Tends to accidentally shock Brook when excited. Gets along very well with Franky's Obstagoon.
Evolved: Before meeting Brook.
Reasoning: Represents Brook's electric guitar.
5) Popplio ♀️ -> Brionne -> Primerina
Met on/at: Fish-man Island.
Background: Originally apprenticing with the mermaid cafe/dancers. Heard Brook's music and wanted to learn from him. Thinks he's hilarious, though they don't know what panties are. Will show him random items when he asks to see someones. Gossip buddies with Sanji's Milotic.
Evolved: During the fight with Giolla and again at WCI.
Reasoning: Singer. Also mermaid related, goes well with his perv nature/gags.
6) Fuecoco ♂️ -> Crocalor -> Skeledirge
Met on/at: Dressrosa.
Background: Big Soul King Brook fan. Recognized the Strawhats at Dressrosa and followed them. Sneaks aboard to Zou to meet Brook. Was disappointed by his frazzled appearance at Zou at first but stuck around. Was won over by his dedication on WCI. Strong but prefers making music to fighting.
Evolved: First on WCI then again during the Onigashima battle.
Reasoning: “Skeledirge’s gentle singing soothes the souls of all that hear it.” Also goes well with his electric guitar.
Special Note: He did have another team before his death but they too passed away. He also refuses to have a Wailmer/Wailord on his team as it would feel disrespectful, like trying to replace Laboon (a normal whale). Afraid of Ghost type Pokemon - takes time to adjust to Robin's team.
1) Basculin ♂️ -> Basculegion
Met on/at: Fish-man Island.
Background: Childhood partner. Has always been by his side. Very honorable and willing to sacrifice for the greater good, though they're not always sure what that is exactly.
Evolved: Evolved fighting off bad human pirates, almost dying. Before Jimbe joined the royal guards.
Reasoning: Old-man fish. Can embody loss and perseverance against racism.
2) Oshawott ♂️ -> Dewott -> Hisuian Samurott
Met on/at: Fish-man Island.
Background: Met when he joined the royal guards. Belonged to them in general. Was partnered up with Jimbe. Didn't get along at first but grew to understand each other. Didn't really agree with leaving the guard or trust Arlong but respected Jimbe and went with him to expand their horizons.
Evolved: First while working as the royal guards and then evolved again while sailing under Fisher-Tiger.
Reasoning: Honorable, samurai-like.
3) Poliwhirl ♂️ -> Poliwrath
Met on/at: Random sea.
Background: Met after becoming a pirate. Had anger issues and went with Jimbe after losing to him, wanting revenge. Calmed with age but will blow a fuse if pushed hard enough.
Evolved: While sailing under Fisher-Tiger. Stole a Waterstone off a marine ship.
Reasoning: Fighting. Similar rage to Jimbe in his youth.
4) Kubfu ♀️ -> Rapid-Strike Urshifu
Met on/at: Random Island.
Background: Joined after Jimbe became a Warlord. Met him as he traveled the lands. Tried to pick a fight but was no match. Was taught Fish-man Karate by Jimbe.
Evolved: After mastering Fish-man Karate and being gifted a Water Scroll.
Reasoning: Represents Jimbe opening himself to humanity after Fisher-Tiger and Koala. Water based fighter. Karate.
5) Herdier ♂️ -> Stoutland
Met on/at: WCI.
Background: Met during WCI. Had bumped into him in passing a couple times before and witnessed his showdown with Big Mom. Was greatly moved by his resolve. Having slowly built up resentment for Big Mom's treatment of her family and disregard for life, they defected and aided their escape. Partnered with Jimbe but was requested to go ahead with the Strawhats both as proof they'd meet again and so he'd know they're being watched over by such an honorable soul.
Evolved: After Jimbe returned, at the Onigashima battle.
Reasoning: “This extremely wise Pokémon excels at rescuing people stranded at sea or in the mountains.” Similar honorable/proud nature. Dependable like Jimbe.
Special Note: Jimbe still has space for one more Pokemon to represent how new he is to the Strawhats and is still carving his place. Will fill the space in time.
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warlordgab · 5 months
Short analysis: Absalom and his namesake
After seeing Oda revealing Kuma's past, I felt inspired to dig deeper into one biblical reference that many people take for granted...
Back in Thriller Bark, we're introduced to one of Gecko Moria's henchmen: Absalom
Due to the other biblical references found in the story, the name chosen for this character is pretty unlikely to be a coincidence. But, who was Absalom?
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He was the third son of King David. He was a pretty cunning guy who tried to overthrown the King to take the throne for himself. During his rebellion, what was his point of no return?
He forced himself on his father's concubines. To put it in other words, Absalom forced himself on the King's partner(s), which earned himself a death sentence going by the law of that time.
During his final battle against David's forces, Absalom meets his demise at the hands of the angriest general of the King's army
How is Absalom's life and death relevant to his One Piece's namesake?
Well, during the Thriller Bark arc, we have Absalom kidnapping and trying to force Nami into marrying him. Fighting and losing a battle against Sanji. And even using his dream of becoming the "Graveyard King" to convince her to stop resisting
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So, we have a wannabe king trying to force himself on a companion of the future Pirate King, and suffering a humiliating defeat at the hands (or feet) of one of the angriest fighters at the "service" of a "true king"
Of course, it's not a one to one comparison, for example, Israel's Absalom didn't survive his battle, while One Piece's Absalom survived and escaped Thriller Bark.
However, if we take into consideration how Oda uses or references other literary works, the parallels found here might be all intentional. But, what does mean for LuNa? I can't tell...
However, what I can say is what we know so far: Oda could've gone a different way and have Absalom focusing on Robin. Instead, the author chose the woman that, by his own admission, has a "natural queen-ly-ness" to her
A 'Queen' that not only commands authority in the strawhat ship, but also acknowledged only one man as a future king...
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Absalom tried to force himself on a 'queen' just to get a beating from a fighter of her "king." It feels poetic, if you ask me
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general-cyno · 5 months
I've seen some comments and kind of complaints about the monsters ova retconning ryuma's story (by adding shusui as his sword, for example) and tying it so directly to one piece, arguing OP's shimotsuki ryuma is only supposed to be loosely inspired by the one in the one shot. but I gotta say, that ending shot of ryuma walking as the voice over says he is a swordsman with the heart of the world's greatest warrior being followed by the scene where thriller bark ryuma tosses zoro his sword was so good. such a simple but cool way to not only connect monsters to one piece but also ryuma's legacy to zoro and the kind of future that awaits zoro as the man who's striving to become the world's greatest swordsman, a parallel that also came up in wano when other characters pointed out his similarities to shimotsuki ushimaru and ryuma himself.
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tossawary · 7 months
So, I started thinking about a Kuina Lives + Strawhat Kuina AU specifically because of a paragraph on the wiki page. I was looking up info on Shimotsuki Village while I was taking down notes for a potential Pre-Canon ZoLu fic inspired by the live-action show.
Allegedly, the infamous 4kids dub CHANGED things so that Kuina didn't die, she was PERMANENTLY DISABLED to the point of being unable to pursue her dream. And my brain went: "?!" I see no reason why (aside from a few very extreme cases of disability) a disabled Kuina could not become a Strawhat pirate and go on adventures anyway! (Franky is a CYBORG who looks increasingly like a MECHA and Chopper's pills are BONKERS.)
Relevant quote: "Per standard policies, the 4Kids-dubbed anime censored her death, stating that she had been permanently injured by the friends of a man she'd defeated (and removing all scenes depicting her funeral or grave)." Which is driving my brain UP THE WALL with possibility when Kuina and Tashigi also supposedly both have names referencing flightless birds. The THEMES. The SYMBOLISM.
Personally, I still prefer Kuina becoming injured in an innocuous fall rather than having people directly responsible for her physical disability. The degree of her injury depends on what story that a person is individually writing. I see two potential ways forward (of many) that both interest me.
OPTION A: Kuina is physically disabled to the point of being unable to fight well generally, especially with swords. She uses a wheelchair and crutches to get around, and has some other lingering issues. So, like, she can definitely still whack people with a sword and shoot a gun, but Zoro is wielding Wado Ichimonji because Kuina feels she cannot do it justice. (But she's still supervising!!! She's Zoro's coach.)
Kuina's grandfather was a swordsmith, so in this case, she would end up in a smith, weapons expert, and quartermaster role for the Strawhats. She, Usopp, and Franky can be the Crafting Team! Ship maintenance crew! Kuina takes Merry's sinking nearly as badly as Usopp does.
OPTION B: Kuina has "mostly" recovered from her injury, which set her back for several years, but is still struggling. A dedicated female fighter on the Strawhat crew is VERY tempting as an idea. Monster quartet, yes? Yes! She's wielding Wado Ichimonji and Zoro is still searching for his own dedicated swords.
She could still be a swordsmith and quartermaster in this case! In either case, A or B, I think it might be cool to give Kuina a hook? (Kuina @ Crocodile: "Compensating for something, huh?") She could get other prosthetics or just super cool assistive devices as the story goes on with Chopper and Franky's help.
KUINA'S POTENTIAL ARCS: I do really like the idea of Kuina (if she can still fight with a sword) and Zoro moving forward together, neck and neck, for the title of World's Greatest Swordsman. I think it would be cool to come to a resolution that the title is more or less something that they can share? Like, only one of them can beat Mihawk in a "fair" duel, so that's an issue in the competition between them, but I do like the idea of the two of them going back and forth beating each other in duels, at the top of the world together.
Arguably, when Zoro sacrifices himself at the end of the Thriller Bark Arc, he has come to the resolution that he'll give up his dream for Luffy and the crew, where he gives up the last remnants of being self-centred and throws himself completely behind Luffy's philosophy of friendship and enjoying the journey. He still wants to be the World's Greatest Swordsman, but his crew comes first. I don't recall after this point any reckless moments of a similar nature to him stabbing himself in Orange Town when fighting Buggy's crew to prove a point. Zoro's recklessness culminates in sacrificing himself with purpose.
It does feel a little weak, but... Kuina could decide that she's comfortable in her own skills and doesn't need to prove anything to anyone. She KNOWS she's as good as Zoro is. She can declare herself the World's Greatest Swordswoman and let Zoro fight Mihawk. (They did probably flip a coin over it or something.) Maybe she never really wanted to be the World's Greatest, maybe she just wanted to live her life the way that she chose, and felt like becoming the World's Greatest was the only way of permanently shutting up every sexist jerk who has ever talked down to her. (They will never shut up. Sexist jerks will always find something to nitpick.)
ALTERNATIVELY: Kuina could have a heartbreaking and healing story about having to give up your dream because it's not physically possible anymore. Even if this is a story where she's still fighting as a swordswoman with Wado Ichimonji and is monstrously dangerous, maybe her physical disability prevents her from now fighting on Zoro's level, which really fucking sucks for her when she feels like she has so much to prove as a woman.
Shounen manga has always had an issue where the solution to some fights is that the protagonist just needs to "fight harder, yell louder, and believe in himself more", even when the protagonist is bleeding from everywhere. "One Piece" is fun because there are plenty of fights and problems where the protagonists succeed due to being genuinely clever, but there are other fights where it's all about a manifestation of willpower (sometimes literally). And this often works thematically.
I think Kuina would be interesting as a character for how she could contrast against Zoro, so I'm leaning towards giving her a very different story rather than making her Zoro 2.0 (Female).
For example, where Zoro is reckless, I think Kuina might be cautious, especially if she's been badly injured before and is still struggling. In flashbacks, she's open about her problems and anger to Zoro because he's her friend and also a safe target - he's an outsider / outlier in the dojo and she can beat him in a fight. In a martial school that probably demands some level of respectful behavior, Kuina might not display the same bravado and unhappiness to her father, who is also her teacher and responsible for the sexism that she's internalized.
If she's a swordswoman still, I don't know that she would challenge Mihawk at the Baratie. For one thing, it's STUPID. Zoro had to KNOW that he was nowhere near Mihawk's level and he's lucky that Mihawk had some level of honor and curiosity to spare him. If Mihawk had been a little more of an asshole, that would have been the end of Zoro's dream. He was really stupid there (affectionate, that's my boy). The smart thing to do is keep your mouth shut and live to challenge Mihawk another day, but I think Kuina would also hate herself for this kind of "cowardice".
Her personal struggle as a character might be with reserve and fear of risk, whether this culminates in her ultimately overcoming all obstacles and succeeding in her dream with the help of her friends, or in her giving up her dream due to a physical disability (or multiple physical disabilities) that is no fault of her own in favor of a new dream. You could try your best to combine all of these different elements into Kuina's arcs and abilities. There's a lot of possibility.
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