#throne: and i thank the gods everyday for that
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My brother pointed this out to me and I couldn’t not draw it
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lady-corrine · 1 year
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Choose your fighter besties.
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exitpursuedbyavulcan · 9 months
With No One Around
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When you and Aemond need to relax, you have a secret spot where you can go and be all alone.
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Wife!Reader (2nd person)
Warnings: kissing, deep throating, Aemond has a spite-fueled breeding kink
This work is a part of my 12 Days of Smuff event! Read the rest here.
My Masterlist
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With No One Around
Prompt: In Nature & Deep Throating
Vhagar sensed your intentions the moment you and Aemond climbed down from her saddle, giving you an annoyed, rumbling growl before she lumbered as far away as she could while still being close enough to guard you. You mumbled teasing words at her, but you couldn’t help but love the curmudgeonly old dragon. And be very thankful that she only understood High Valyrian.
Aemond huffed, grabbing your hand and practically dragging you through the trees. You cursed his long legs and scrambled to keep up with him so he wouldn’t pull your arm clean off. “In quite a hurry, are you?”
He only gave a frustrated hum. It was answer enough.
That day had been hard. On both of you.
It was the first day of the Festival of the Mother, and as it always did on holidays, everything went wrong.
The king was too ill to attend. Aegon was hung over. Helaena was in one of her distant moods, which did nothing to help calm the hysterical twins. It was supposed to be their first public event since the announcement of their birth, a way to show the world that their line was strong, secure, and, most importantly, true. Yet the future heir spent the morning biting everyone and everything he could find while his sister wailed ceaselessly.
In the end, Helaena and the twins stayed in their rooms, leaving only Queen Alicent, Aegon, Aemond, and you to attend. Not exactly the best showing for a day dedicated to the mother.
Especially not when you and Aemond had been wed nearly two years with no children to show for it – though not for lack of valiant effort – and all the nobility seemed able to talk about was the child Rhaenyra would give birth to in mere weeks.
That was what set Aemond on edge. He would not be able to dismiss this child as a threat to his family. For unlike its elder half-brothers, it would not be a bastard. It would be a true continuation of Rhaenyra’s line – a full-blooded Valyrian. And a boon of legitimacy to her bid for the throne.
You were not sure exactly why, but Aemond believed that if Rhaenyra took the throne, she would immediately move to slaughter her half-siblings and their families. The one time you asked him why, he refused to explain. You would have pushed further, but his lip had twitched toward his scar, and you knew what that meant – it was one of the first things you’d learned about him.
Whatever the cause, he had pulled you away after the ceremony in such a hurry that he didn’t even call for a wheelhouse to take you to Vhagar. He’d just lifted you atop the first saddled horse he found, swinging up behind you and sending the beast racing through the city.
Which is how you ended up here – being pulled along by Aemond as he brought you to his special place. A small outcropping on Blackwater Bay, just outside the Kingswood. It had ample enough space for Vhagar to rest and was completely private.
It was where Aemond would come whenever he got overwhelmed, whether by the pain from his eye, exhaustion after being forced to appear in public and be sociable, or just the stress and frustration of his everyday life. He used it for the same reasons still, but he now had a better way to calm himself rather than mope by the cliff’s edge.
Now, he had you.
And you were never going to complain about his using you for stress relief.
Aemond brought you just outside the tree line, then whirled on you, gripping you tightly as he pulled you into a searing kiss. “I swear by all the gods,” he moaned as you opened to him, “we will not return home until there is a babe in your belly.”
He didn’t give you a chance to respond before again diving into you and moving one hand down to cup your rear. You moaned as he pulled you against him, rolling his hips to show you just how eager he was.
“We may be here a while then,” you managed to eke out between kisses. You weren’t sure why he was delaying; he was more than hard enough, and you hoped your own movements against him would show him you were ready as well. “What will we eat?”
He growled. This was not the conversation he wanted to have. He’d always preferred no conversation when you were intimate, but you couldn’t help yourself. “Vhagar will cook us some venison.”
You laughed at the answer but were quickly cut off when he moved his hands to your shoulders to push you down on the soft grass. Aemond was in quite the mood, and you weren’t sure you liked it.
So, you decided to tease him. After all, he deserved it.
You let him push you to your knees but resisted his attempts to push you down further. He tried, but you were stronger than you appeared, especially when you were this annoyed with him.
“What are you doing – ” you cut him off this time, reaching up to grab his thighs and squeeze.
With a saccharine smile, you brought your hands to the ties of his trousers and began to unlace them, one by one. “I’m just helping you relax. If you put a baby in me now, I fear it will be born angry.”
Aemond growled softly, in warning to not delay too long, and begrudging permission.
You made quick work of his trousers, pulling them down only enough to retrieve his hardened cock, pumping it a few times to spread the moisture that had gathered at his tip before taking him into your mouth. Slowly, at first, because he wouldn’t relax if he got what he wanted immediately, but enough that he would not want to stop you to stick himself somewhere else.
You continued like this for a few moments, until Aemond got impatient and laced his fingers through your hair, moving you ever so slightly toward him.
The message was clear: more.
You happily obliged, bracing yourself with your hands on his rear, and took him further, and further, and further. And when your nose finally pressed into his stomach, you paused, hollowing your cheeks. You drew back just before you ran out of breath, running your tongue up the length of him before taking him all the way once more.
Aemond’s hands tightened in your hair as you repeated the action once, twice, three times. On the fourth, he gripped so tightly you were sure he’d tear half your hair out. On the fifth, he shouted a curse as he came, spilling down your throat and moaning as you sucked every last drop from him. When you pulled away, you left one last kiss on his tip.’
It took a while for him to catch his breath. He gazed at you adoringly the whole time. You waited until he was entirely calm before you teased him once more.
“Enjoyable as that was, I fear it will not produce a babe.”
Aemond’s smile fell into a frown of shame and affectionate annoyance, and you laughed.
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treacheryinblue · 3 months
God (of death) Complex
Chapter 3 Preview
Here's a little snippet of the next chapter since I know people are ready to see what's in store! It's just a mini conversation between Noah and his demon lackey, but I like it because it's the first we're seeing him interact with someone that isn't the main 'you' character. This chapter is going to be very different from the last two, and I'm really excited about it.
ANYWAY. Thanks for listening to my rambles.
“That soul is not meant for this land, my lord.”
Silence was given as a response. 
“She is not destined to be here, and you know what will hap-”
“Yes, I am well aware of the consequences to my actions.” Noah heavily exhaled, though he appeared uninterested in the conversation. 
Sitting atop his throne, black and sleek, one hand gripped the arm rest while the other was bent and lifted to his face. He examined his nails, further showing his boredom. 
“Please forgive me if I'm speaking out of turn, my lord, but…the Light Ones are not happy. It has been nine times now and each plays out just like the last.”
A growl was emitted from him, dark eyes flickering to the creature who stood below. “I do not need you reciting my failures to me, demon.”
Noah couldn't bear to think of how you had been ripped from him countless times now. Pried from his hands. Stolen away. You had spent centuries together, longer than any human could dream of living - if one could call you alive - but he knew an infinite amount of centuries more would never be enough. He needed forever. 
“If the Light Ones think I'm going to give up just because they look down upon my doings, then they are sorely mistaken. Maybe they aren't as all knowing as they like to remind us of every chance they receive.” He spat with disdain.
The demon clamped his mouth shut in fear that he may further anger the embodiment of darkness sitting before him. This is how they remained for a long moment, neither speaking, but the demon holding many questions on his pointed tongue. 
“‘My lord…” he cautiously began after a moment. “Might I ask…what is it about this girl that you're so drawn to? You encounter humans everyday, thousands of them, but none have made you so…”
“Weak?” Noah finished the demon’s sentence for him, his eyebrows quirked. 
The demon immediately fell to his knees, his jagged forehead pressing to the marble floor as if to already begin begging for forgiveness. 
“No! I would never say as such, my lord!” 
Noah shook his head as his focus returned to his nails, just as the ruby encrusted dagger appeared within his grasp out of thin air. 
“There's no need to grovel,” he exclaimed while turning the dagger, inspecting every inch of the blade. “I have become weak when it comes to her…but I don't have an answer for you as to why.”  
It was still a mystery even to him. 
“Does Death itself not deserve the chance to love and to be loved in return, though?” 
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royalchildreneurope · 9 months
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News : On December 31st 2023, Queen Margrethe II of Denmark announced during her New Year's speech that she will abdicate on January 14th 2024 in favour of her son, Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark who will become King Frederik X of Denmark. His wife, Crown Princess Mary of Denmark, will be Queen Mary of Denmark and their son, Prince Christian of Denmark, will be Crown Prince Christian of Denmark.
In her New Year's speech, The Queen said : “I have decided that now is the right time. On 14 January 2024 – 52 years after I succeeded my beloved father – I will step down as Queen of Denmark. I leave the throne to my son Crown Prince Frederik.
Tonight, first of all, I want to say thank you. Thank you for the overwhelming warmth and support that I have received over the years. A thank you to the changing governments, with whom it has always been rewarding to work together, and to the Danish Parliament, which has always met me with confidence.
My thanks must go to all the many, many people who, at special events, as well as in everyday life, have surrounded me and my family with loving words and thoughts. It has made these years a series of gems.
The support and assistance that I have received over the years has been decisive for me being able to carry out my task. It is my hope that the new royal couple will be met with the same trust and affection that I have received.
They deserve it! Denmark deserves it!
So I will end my last New Year’s speech with the words I usually say:
GOD BLESS YOU ALL” -December 31st 2023.
📷 : Det Danske Kongehus & Dennis Stenild/Det Danske Kongehus.
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inseasofgreen · 6 days
would it be a good thing or a bad thing to simp for zemorri? i feel like i should be conflicted about him, but i am instead simply biased.
anyways, use this as an excuse to give us zemorri lore pls.
thanks :)
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Ayy!! My comfiest writer!!
Honestly I wake up everyday asking the same thing. He's not an outright evil character, but he does bring a lot of questions about morals and what is right and what is wrong. Specially in his case when there is no real winning for anyone, at least in book 1. How it unfolds in later books is honestly a mystery to even me. For once I don't have a clear definitive path with my writing, which is exciting!! For the most part. God Zemorri and Sciosa are going to give me a run for my money ripp
But on to some Zemorri lore!!
I was going to go on about some of the more light hearted things, his name, his dragon bond, etc. but I feel the need to dive a bit deeper. Let's go with his claim to the Vultis throne.
Zemorri was raised as a bastard, believed to be the son of a disgraced dragon rider who attempted to betray the Good Emperor Mikath, Zemorri's real father, and tip the odds to the Usurper Xorulth favor. Zevetta actually wasn't told who to claim was Zemorri's father, only that she was to protect him at all costs and prepare him for the day he would have to reclaim his throne. So Zevetta came up with that lie on her own. Knowing that Zemorri would be better received if the man who fathered him died fighting for the Usurper and also who Zevetta could've logically had the proximity to conceive with. So not only has Zemorri lived a lie his whole life, he's done so while being in close proximity to the Usurper.
Zemorri and his mom have played a very dangerous game. Zevetta getting her husband to talk to the Usurper and basically talk Zemorri up while Zemorri is off doing all these "great" deeds in the King's name. We're not even going to go into the fact that his stepfather let Zemorri be raised with his true born sisters.
I should also mention that Zemorri as the imperial champion ranks above the whole military, his stepfather included. He only has to answer to the Emperor. The crown prince too, but that's more of a case by case basis tbh. So him, already plotting and scheming from a young age to claim the throne, mixed with his rank in court, as well as going to Nivra? Simply put, shit's going down in Nivra.
Oh, and a bonus. Zemorri's dragon Indiss is actually a wild dragon. He doesn't listen to the Zrato like one bred, hatched, and raised dragon would. He's also bigger, like x2 the usual dragon Zrato's ride. Indiss also is just a little freak in general, being as his usual breed is quite colorful with patterns on them and are mean. Indiss however is white as snow and doesn't eat everyone and thing he comes into contact with.
Zemorri is going to be either well loved or absolutely despised by anyone who reads POTO and they'll be no in between honestly lmaooo
Tagging the POTO Tag List because yes.
@lord-fallen @inkingfireplace @rhikasa @leahnardo-da-veggie @satohqbanana
@real-fragments @the-inkwell-variable @tildeathiwillwrite @fromthenortheast @heycerulean
@sonnetery @wyked-ao3
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⚠️WARNING: Spoilers for Good Omens Season 2 Episode 6 below the cut!
DO NOT CLICK BELOW THE CUT IF YOU DON’T WANT SPOILERS! I’m live-blogging this because I need emotional support apparently
Eight battery operated candles,,, no more open flames in the bookshop I see
“It all looked so simple in Jane Austen :(” Aziraphale have I mentioned that I love you
Bees :)
Oh god Angel Crowley look is infinitely worse in context for some reason
Maggie has BALLS and I love her
Shax I am going to fight you
oh no
Oh no
That was an invitation
This is vampire rules isn’t it
OH no
never thought I would be happy to see that circle light up
“You can all leave now and nobody will be hurt” “you’ll be hurt”
Hey uh. Did the theme song change? That guitar riff is new?
Wait yeah things have DEFINITELY changed in the theme song, unless I’m crazy I don’t think the Bentley drove through the theater before?
Crowley is so fuckin smug lmao
Crowley has adopted Muriel hasn’t he
“I don’t have clearance. You’d have to be a throne or a dominion or above.” Crowley just opened the fucking file. “I haven’t always been a demon, and they never change their passwords.” COOL COOL COOL COOL COOL GUESS ITS TIME TO REVISIT THAT ASK ABOUT THE HIERARCHY OF HEAVEN
Aziraphale really said siege warfare o_o
“Does what you say make sense in your head?” Nina I love you
MOTHERFUCKERS IT WAS AN ARMAGEDDON PLOT!! I WAS RIGHT!! … and wrong, Gabriel was a dissenter!!
Gabriel is a major asshole but he is uh. An asshole opposed to Armageddon: The Sequel
“Why all the fire extinguishers?” I AM CRYING
Oh no. Saraquel is sharp o_o
Oh my god they were coworkers
He is Crowley’s emotional support Angel and it happens to be mutual thank you very much 🙄
Nina and Maggie my beloveds
What the fuck happened for Gabriel to be against Armageddon, I need to know
“Junior recording Angel, 38th class” congrats Muriel, you’re no longer the lowest ranking Angel in heaven!
He’s letting them throw books, they’re desperate, Crowley HURRY
Okay so his memory was in the matchbox that was in the box but fell out?
oh that. That killed a lot of demons.
Yes I believe you did in fact just start a war. Holy shit.
“Apparently if we do a miracle together it all works a bit too well” yes hm you two do work very well together don’t you 👀
This is some ineffable bureaucracy if I’ve ever seen it
Everyday playing in the background 👀
bobbing my head along to Everyday with Gabriel and Beelzebub :)
I am going insane.
I was not expecting these two to get together before azicrow
The Metatron is a surprise homie
Don’t call Muriel dim >:(
“We need a little us time” 👀
oh my god if they just convinced Crowley to have an honest conversation
Metatron. What was that. Stay the fuck away from them. Mind your fucking business.
Muriel was given The Crow Road :)
No. Noooo no no no no.
Don’t you dare. What happened to the “I regret nothing” on your playlist.
“Well obviously you said no to hell, you’re the bad guys!” WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU’RE?! WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR OWN SIDE?!?!?!
I’m going to simply pass away now.
nooo not the glasses 😭😭😭😭😭
No nightengales,,, we could’ve been us
“I forgive you” cool cool cool cool cool cool cool I have been stabbed in the chest
The second coming?!?!?! Fuck
I am unwell
I am going to need so much fanfic after this
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simpingland · 2 years
A wound willing to heal//Aemond Targaryen x Velaryon!fem!reader.
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After kneeling for Queen Rhaenyra, Aemond and Saera struggle to win the confidence of the family. An incident during training makes Luke change his way of seeing his uncle. Part 3 of "Today was a win" and the part 1 doesn't show in tumble but check out my AO3.
Or: Aemond tries to cheer oc up and she spends the day being a simp for him. Jace is a little bitch in here, as the big brother he actually is.
The mornings came with a raven, the Greens have wrote about Aemond's treason, saying it must be Saera's tricks. They were begging for him to come back. The letter was read put loud during breakfast, making everyone in the room know and Aemond let him, another prove of his loyalty to Rhaenyra. They all listened and Saera sat beside him. A hand touching his hand, he looked at her and she her worried face. He hold her hand tightly, letting her know it was fine. When the reading was finished, he asked to see the letter himself. Everyone tried to keep minding their own business, but neither Jace or Daemon could stop staring. Thank the gods, Rhaenyra asked for their attention.
Saera saw Aemond reading, it was quick, he started to rip it apart. This caught her by surprise, it was writen by his mother, that was a very violent gesture. And so she asked.
"That wasn't my mother's words..." he responded.
"How could you tell?"
"It wasn't even her handwriting...and she always writes her own letters".
He was hurt by that, her mother must have giving him up. Maybe Otto haven't, and he, as always, used her daughter's sweetness to manipulate everyone on her name. She felt sorry for him, should she show it? No, he didn't liked to be pitied. But making it seem like it was nothing felt even worse, because many people didn't care for him, not even Alicent apparently. And the last thing Saera wished is to provoke such a pain to him. But he stood up before she could finish her debate. He walked out of the room, and she knew where he was going. To train. That's what calmed him, and in times of war, no training was enough.
Saera spend the morning close to her mother, writing what felt like hundreds of short letters. Baela and Rhaena with her too. The boys were dealing with the weapon issues. When one of the septas irrupted the queen, she begged for her to pay attention to little Viserys, as he was throwing a tantrum and called for her mother.
"I'll take care of him, mother" she said.
"No, dear, I will go. You can come with me."
They both walked to the babies room. As Rhaenyra calmed down Viserys, Saera could only stare. She felt awkward around her, after all this time, she came back and started a fight because of Aemond. They didn't know what to say to each other, it was tense, something was off.
"I would love to be a mother someday" said Saera, trying to start a conversation.
"You will, Saera. I'm sure."
"Yes, but...do you think I could choose the father?"
Her mother said nothing, eyeing her while calming her baby. Of course, she knew where she was turning.
"Aemond have probably saved my life, mother"
"It's too soon." She cut her. "It's too soon to tell. He might be spying. He might have this hole thing calculated with Otto."
"Please, trust him. He has kneeled before you, mother. He deserves the same trust anyone else has."
"It is not the same, child."
"It is...and im not a child anymore." She was angry now. They both were. "You trust Daemon, who always longed for a high position on the Throne. Don't deny it. You married the Rogue Prince even after your own father exiled him multiple times..."
"It is not the same." She punctuated.
"Is it not? I need to remind you then...remind you about the years you left me at the Red Keep. You have no idea, absolutely not idea, about the insults, the gossips and the ignorance I had suffer because of your fame. For being your own daughter. And Aemond was there, all that time. And he was sweet to me. Everyday. If he wished to be Hand, his own brother could have named him back un the capital. But he chose me, because that's what you do for the people you love. You help them."
She went quiet, Rhaenyra as well. Her daughter was now crying and she had way to many words on her throat and a baby on her arms that needed to calm. So the only thing she said was "Go". And she watched as Saera stormed out of the room.
Back in the training session, Aemond swished his sword with such a smoothness that Jace and Luke could do nothing but stare. He was furious about something, one could see it by the poor mannequins he cut down. The both saw as their sister walked towards Aemond. Her eyes seemed red, she was upset. She waited for Aemond to pause before calling his name softly. When he turned, he didn't expected to see her sad beautiful face, he immediately dropped the sword.
"What has happen, Sae?" He took her face on his hands. And she told a summary of the conversation with Rhaenyra. A few tears kept on dropping over her cheeks. Aemond clean them away. "Do not worry, she will trust me, one of this days, when the fire starts she will see me choose your side." She nodded, and tried to think of a way to entertain her.
"Does my lady know how to protect herself in case I get a cold before the battle?" He asked, taking the sword again.
"Im afraid I would use it to cut my skirt so I could run away faster."
"Smart move, honestly. Come here and let me teach you some moves." He hold up his hand for Saera to take it. Then he pushed her, putting her back against his torso. He could speak directly into her ear as they watched the poor wooden mannequin. He put the sword on her hands, he then remembered the recent cuts of her palms, so he hold the sword as well, his hands over her hands, sharing the movements.
"It's that poor thing our enemy?" She asked, pointing at the unrecognisable wooden doll.
"Poor thing? He's a dick head, i greeted him this morning and he never greeted back. I hate bad-mannered mother fuckers."
This made Saera crack up, and the sound of her laughter made him feel proud and relieved. They continued to cut him, Aemond guiding her with exaggerated but slow movements, so she couldn't hurt her wounds. He used this opportunity to kiss her neck and cheeks a few times, tickling her as well. She continued to laugh before pushing away the sword and turning to him. She pushed him away, a fake frown on her forehead.
"You are starting to be annoying, Aemond." She said, referring to his insistence of tickling her even after she begged (with giggles) to stop.
"It's my payment. After all this years of you following me around only to talk about books. You didn't know how to shut up, my lady."
"I know...but you were always there to listen."
"There was no prove about me listening."
"Yes they were...you didn't walk away from me...not once."
He got her closer to him. Holding her waist. "Alright, maybe I did enjoy your lectures..."
The looked at eachother for a beat before kissing. A slow and tender kiss. It was short but sweet, a healing for Saera, and she put her head in Aemonds chest as he hugged her. When he stared at the distance, he finally saw them, the brothers.
"I know I'm handsome, nephews. But it's getting annoying at this point. Come and train with me."
Jace and Luke looked at eachother, Saera looked at them as well. She putted herself away when they walked towards them.
"We were waiting for you to leave the training station." Said Jace, his head held high.
"Scare I would strike a traitorous coup?" Asked Aemond, with the same dignity Jace showed.
"You couldn't possibly think that we would trust you after a single day, could you?"
"I have done whatever I've been asked too, it's in your conscience to trust me or not."
"Well then, I choose not to. Would you go away now?"
Saera pushed Aemond's arm, trying to drag him towards her, as she was noticing the change of his expression, the tension building up in his body, as the anger started to grow. Luke, who watched her sister's struggle, did something similar with Jace.
"We can come back later, come on Jace" he said. "Mother would probably needs us for something."
When Aemond finally stared back at Saera, a single glance made him remember his new role.
"No, I will let you both train. I had a good session already this morning." He said, leaving his sword on the table.
And the both walked away from them. A bit of anger still covered Aemond's posture as he left, the brothers surprised by his sudden act. She reached for his hand, caressing it as a try to calm him down. And it worked. They got inside the castle again, he had offered her to write the rest of the boring letters, giving her hands a break. She repeated out loud what her mother told her to say, a list of lords on her hand. She loved to see him write and wrap the letters, his expression so serious, so calm.
"I really wish my mother could make you a high lord of something one day." She said out of the blue.
"Why do you wish for that, my lady?" He said, eye still on he paper.
"You look so...prepared. Such a great sense of duty...concentrated, intelectual...handsome." this made him smirk and she landed a kiss on his cheek.
When she turned to the large balcony, she spotted her brothers. They were training, poor Luke, he wasn't very good at it. He was just a kid, much more sentimental than Jace. He was quick but not strong. They started to fight, it seemed. The screams became louder, even Aemond stopped it to listen. Now Jace was pushing him. Saera started to worry.
"Aemond...Aemond, look!" She called. "Jace is going out of his mind!"
No teacher was there that day, the guards were much more distributed and Daemon had left for the day to do other business. So the boys were training with no vigilance. And Jacaerys was starting to take his anger upon his little brother. Aemond was faster than Saera, and he pushed Jace aside.
"Are you trying to kill him?" Asked Saera, angry, picking Luke up from the ground.
"We are training, mind your own business!"
"She won't, you are acting like a fucking child, nephew." Said Aemond.
"Fuck you, uncle. I'm just trying to show him the truth. This is war. Show your enemies no quarter." He said, justifying himself.
"Luke is not your fucking enemy, Jace. He's your brother!" Said Saera.
"He has to learn! Not all of us can fuck our way to protection" he spitted, looking at Aemond instead.
They all went quiet, Aemond gave his back to Jace before turning again a throwing him a punch on the face. He hold him by the collars of his shirt.
"Don't you dare speak to your sister that way. It's not your siblings fault you are scared as shit of this war. We are all scared, you dick head. So you better keep youself together or I will end your suffering before the battle starts."
And he pushed him down. He looked at Lucerys, who was holding her sister's hand, watching with her the horror of the scene.
"Sorry, Saera...maybe this was a step back..." he apologised before looking at Luke. "Are you okey, boy?"
Lucerys nodded and the siblings left Aemond to walk alone for some moments, they had to do something with Jace, who was standing now.
The meal was the moment when they all reunited. Rhaenyra, Daemon, Baela and Rhaena, Luke, Jace and Saera. Aemond came late, with ink in his fingers, he bowed to Rhaenyra before sitting down besides Saera.
"I have been told about the fight, Jacaerys." Informed the queen.
He looked ashamed, Aemond was right about him and so he apologised. "I am sorry, Luke. I didn't mean to scare you like that. And... Saera...dear sister. I beg your pardon for my words. Its not a real thought, it was just my anger throwing insults." He looked at Aemond, not saying anything, not even mentioning the purple circle that was forming down his eye. Baela gave him a soft smile when both sibling accepted the apology. Luke, in the other hand, felt the need to talk, so he rised from his seat. He stood awkwardly, as the entire family stared at him.
"I would like to thank Aemond and Saera. For the aid...specially Aemond. He was the one trying to calm Jace, mother." He pointed out. "And...I want to apologise too...for...for the eye."
They all looked at Aemond, who seemed surprised but kind of amused.
"I was just a kid, trying to stop a fight as well. But I couldn't punch, I was nervous...I was never too good of a fighter. And I have hurted you for life. I'm sorry."
"Don't be, my prince. We were both kids, and I did you all a wrong. I started the fight and went to far. You just did what anyone else would have done. But...thank you, for the apology. Can't say it hasn't been a struggle." He said.
"I opened a wound to hard to close, Aemond. And im glad you are trying to heal it. It's hard but it's honorable. I'm happy you wish to form part of this family."
Aemond stood, he reached Luke and offered a hand.
"The past is behind. No hard feelings."
"No hard feelings." said Luke as they shaked hands.
Saera smiled wide, and hold Aemonds hand behind the table. The meal continued with talks of plans and some updates, but Rhaenyra could barely focus on it. She kept staring at the couple. Two silver haired Targaryens, one outgoing while the other reserved. One sweet and the other bitter. One full of dignity and the other holding the knife. Now she saw what her father saw one day, and she took a decision at that very moment.
When the meal was over, Saera reached Luke before he dissappear into his chamber.
"You are the best brother a sister can wish for." And she gave him a kiss on the cheek he quickly clean off.
"I just didn't want to hear you cutting your hands again. You are given to hurt yourself easily." He joked with a satisfied smile.
She was called by her mother to the throne room. Just her. And there she stood. In front of that giant throne. Her mother looked solemn.
"I have decided. And I wish with all my heart that I'm not making a mistake. I will let you choose a husband." She announced. He daughter smiled and run to her, hugging and kissing the Queen. Rhaenyra could only laugh and smile at the childish reaction of her only girl and watched as she ran out the room. Saera found him in the library of Dragonstone. And flashbacks came into her mind. He was lost in a book, as always.
"What is that one about?" She asked. He looked at her and smiled.
"Battle strategies, my lady."
"Oh...I haven't read that one." She got closer.
"Don't bother, it's quite boring. Plain instructions, that's all." He pushed to book away, letting the girl sit on the table while he was on the chair.
"I like stories of romance."
"I know that, Saera. I think you have made me listen to your opinion in every single one in existence."
"But now I want to write one myself."
He was confused, but she kissed him, making him forget everything on his mind. He moved her hands towards her hips and put her on her lap. He rested a hand over her belly.
"My mother aproves." She said. Aemond decided to joke and smirked.
"That's great, congratulations then."
"Ask me, Aemond." She whispered into his mouth, giving him another kiss, much sensual, slower. "Ask me and I'll be yours."
He kissed her chin slowly.
"Marry me, Saera."
And she kissed him again, they both melted into each other, back in the library of Dragonstone.
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Kinktober day 15
Boba Fett + Muscle/Body worship
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This is honestly more massage than body worship. I don’t personally have a lot of experience with chronic pains and whatnot, so I’m just going off what little I do know.
Kinktober list
Boba was not a young man any longer, that much he could easily confess. That mixed with his life as a bounty hunter and time in the sarlacc, his body was not in the best state. His back hurt almost constantly, his hip was an ever-constant jab of pain, and his joints seemed to ache on cold nights, which were a regular occurrence on Tattooine. Where the majority of his body ached at times, these were the areas most affected, that caused issues in his everyday life.
You had seen how the aches and pains bothered your husband, and how it frustrated Boba to no end that he couldn’t do as much anymore. You knew from observing him that there were days his knees, hips and back were so bad he could barely move from your shared room to the throne room and onto the throne, which you had covered in pillows a long time ago. There was even a time where pain had flared up whilst Boba had been thrusting into you, his entire body freezing up as pain overtook what pleasure he could feel.
After another day of watching Boba push down his own pain and ignore the flareups, you decided to start taking classes on how to help, and one of the main ways was massages. On planets closer to the core, it would probably be possible to do a single doctors visit or two and get it removed completely, but here on Tattooine it seemed to be your best bet. And so, you spent the next while learning all you could from the teachers there, taking all they had to teach to heart and thanking them greatly when they couldn’t teach you any more.
The next step was convincing Boba to let you massage him, you went about it for a while trying to find ways to make it not sound like you saw him as a burden or you pitied him. The gods seemed to have been on your side, because one day Boba returned home from a negotiation between clans of tuskens, a visible limp and pained huffs of air leaving him.
You moved over and with practiced ease helped him remove his armor, placing it on its stand by the door and helped Boba further into your shared room. Normally you would have helped him into the shower, and stood anxiously outside waiting for him to finish, ready to jump in and help if his legs gave out or similar. But this time you decided you wanted to use what you had been taught, and with a little convincing you had Boba lay down on the bed, stomach down and arms crossed under his head.
Grabbing the things you needed to get it done, you crawled up over him and settled on his upper thighs. You peppered kisses all over his muscular back as you spread oil on your hands and warmed it up in your palms, running them up his sides and squeezing the thick muscles and skin under them. You slowly spread the oil all over his back, enjoying the way he twitched every now and then.
You soon started your massage, following the teachings you had been taught and rubbing away at tight areas and releasing the tension. You smiled a little to yourself as you heard Boba groan against his arms, his hips slowly and almost absentmindedly grinding down against the bed. As you finished with his back, you slowly crawled further down, pressing kisses down his spine as you want, enjoying how the muscles of his back bunched up at the feeling.
Boba had still been wearing pants when you got him into bed, so with careful hands you slowly worked them down his hips and legs, letting them fall to the floor with very little care. Boba finally looked over his shoulder at you, watching with tense shoulders as you worked off his boxers as well and lathered your hands in more of the oil. His eyes shut and his head fell forwards into his arms again as you rubbed your oiled up hands over his ass, rubbing your fingers through his crack just enough to have his breath stutter.
Leaning in you kissed his lower back, just above his ass as you ran your hands down to work at his hips with careful hands, a noise that sounded half pained and half aroused leaving the man under you. You couldn’t help but sink your teeth into one of his cheeks, moaning softly at the soft flesh between your teeth, as you worked on his legs, massaging the thick powerful muscle in your hands.
You slowly worked your way down his legs, pressing kisses and sucking hickeys on the tan skin the entire time. When you finished massaging his feet you glanced up to take in the sight, watching his muscles move as Boba lazily rolled his hips down into the bed, huffs of breath leaving his mouth as he did so. Placing a last kiss on his ankle, you told him to roll over so you could work his front.
The first thing you took notice of when Boba rolled onto his back was how his cock immediately sprang to attention, deep red and a fat drop of precum escaping the tip and running down his shaft and down his balls. Your husband looked down at you, sweat gathered on his brow as he looked at you with blown wide pupils, his arms crossed under his head.
This time you started your massage from the bottom and slowly worked your way up, pressing wet kisses against his skin as you worked, your tongue passing over the muscles as you worked them. When you got to his hips you massaged each side, pressing an open-mouthed kiss against each hipbone as you finished. Running a hand up his stomach, you looked up at him through your eyelashes and grabbed his cock with your other hand.
Boba hissed at the contact, and his cock gave a hard throb as another large pearl of white spilled from the tip, but this time you didn’t let it disappear, leaning down to run your tongue of the head of his length. Boba’s hips gave a twitch upwards, a moan leaving him as you swallowed his cock, tongue working the underside as you slurped up the spit that tried to escape your mouth.
You worked the base of his length as you bobbed your head up and down, taking him in deeper and deeper until your nose was pressed against his pubes. You gave a small gag as his cock twitched down your throat, swallowing afterwards which made Boba groan as your throat tightened. Speeding it up you started moving faster, moving to use both hands to work his shaft when it wasn’t down your throat.
Boba threw his head back and his entire body tightened as he came, spilling down your throat. You swallowed it all with a pleased hum, bobbing your head a few extra times to get the last few drops. When he started to soften you pulled back, swallowing the spit in your mouth and looking up at Boba. His chest was raising and falling as he panted, pupils huge from lust and face a darker shade.
You smiled at him and crawled up, curled up by his side as he reached down to wrap an arm around you and pull you close. He kissed the top of your head as you rested it against his chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat as he slowly came down from the orgasm. Boba made a comment about how you should give him a massage again soon, to which you grinned and agreed, kissing his pec before closing your eyes, the two of you laying in a peaceful silence as the sun fell below the horizon.
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muiitoloko · 5 months
Firstly absolutely love your writing, I always look everyday to see if there is a new story written by you. Seriously, love your writing. Would you ever write stories for the other characters the late great Alan Rickman has portrayed in the past like Grigori Rasputin, Metatron, John Gissing, Antonine Richis? Obviously I know you need to have ideas for them, it’s not something you can pull out of the air. I am trying to write my second one shot but, I either lose inspiration or I keep changing things as I over think all the time.
I was thinking about the Rasputin character and had an idea where he is hired by a different royal family to teach the two daughters about god and religion. One princess is to be the heir to the throne, while the other will not be as the doctors found she can not bare any heirs. The princess who is to be the heir tries to seduce Grigori, but he is more interested in the other princess who is treated cruelty by her family He teaches her about how people make a living outside of the royal family. Then asks if she would like him to teach her about the pleasures of the flesh (smut).
it’s cool if this is a bad idea, just thought I would put it out into the universe.
Thank you so much for your kind words and for following my writing journey! It means the world to me that you enjoy my stories. 😊 Writing can definitely be a rollercoaster of inspiration and overthinking, so I totally understand where you're coming from.
As for exploring other characters played by the late, great Alan Rickman, I'm absolutely open to the idea! Each of his characters brings such depth and complexity, and there's endless potential for new stories. Your idea about Grigori Rasputin sounds intriguing and full of possibilities! I love how you've woven together elements of intrigue, royalty, and personal growth. I'll definitely give it some serious thought and see where it takes us. Keep an eye out—I'll be diving into Rasputin's world soon! 😊📝
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sweet-evie · 2 years
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AO3: sweet_evie 🔖 || FFN: sweetpoisonEvie 📖
More under the cut... It's too long 😩
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Headcanons and Imagines
Jujutsu Kaisen:
Gojo goes on blind dates
Thinking of Gojo's Six Eyes
Richfriend!Gojo spoiling Ieiri and Geto
Gojo's dessert refrigerator
SaShiSu working at Jujutsu High
SaShiSu: Shoko's first impressions
SaShiSu: Chaotic teens will be teens
SaShiSu as housemates (imagines)
SaShiSu in an Avatar: The Last Airbender AU (imagines)
SaShiSu: Satoru and Suguru step up to defend Shoko (imagine)
D&D with Gojo, Itadori, Kugisaki, and Fushiguro
TeenDad!Gojo with Baby Megumi and Best Sister Tsumiki
Satoru and Suguru as YouTubers
Husband!Gojo x Shy!S/O
The Gojo Clan and their assets
Ghost!Gojo haunting your apartment
Rock Band AU - Satoru, Suguru, Choso, Sukuna
Rock Band AU - Satoru is dating
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One-shots, Drabbles, & Blurbs
Jujutsu Kaisen:
Pop Goes My Question [Satoru Gojo]
Just a Man [Satoru Gojo]
Pure Love [Satoru Gojo]
This is How You Fall in Love [Satoru Gojo]
Coming Home [Satoru Gojo]
What Those Eyes See [Satoru Gojo]
Code Geass:
For My Glory, and Mine Alone [Julius Kingsley]
The Scarlet Masquerade [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN || ⚠️ NSFW]
Somebody Out There [Lelouch x C.C. || FFN]
There's a First Time for Everything [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN || ⚠️ NSFW]
This is My Kind of Ending [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN || ⚠️ NSFW]
Thank You, C.C. [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN]
A Moment Like This [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN]
Save the Date [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN ||]
The Shun-day Su-prise [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN]
Fatherhood [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN]
It's About Time, Lelouch [Lelouch x C.C., Suzaku x Euphemia || AO3 & FFN]
How to Learn French (Lelouch Edition) [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN || ⚠️ NSFW]
I Promised, Didn't I? [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN]
To Find a Way [Lelouch x C.C. || FFN || ⚠️ NSFW]
A Thousand Years and Forevermore [Lelouch x C.C. || FFN || ⚠️ NSFW]
Tachycardia [Lelouch x C.C. || FFN || ⚠️ NSFW]
The First and Not the Last [Suzaku x Kallen || FFN || ⚠️ NSFW]
Airport Fairytale [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN]
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Jujutsu Kaisen: ➵ Never Grow Up [Satoru Gojo] ➵ Housemates [SaShiSu Sims 4 AU]
Code Geass:
Señorita [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN || ⚠️ SUGGESTIVE THEMES]
Señorita: When It's Been Said and Done [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN || ⚠️ SUGGESTIVE THEMES]
One Day at a Time [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN || ⚠️ NSFW]
And on This Day [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN]
Everyday is Christmas [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN]
Sea Witch [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN || ⚠️ NSFW]
The Last Siren Kiss [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN || ⚠️ SUGGESTIVE THEMES]
A Game of Thrones and Faces [Lelouch x C.C. || FFN || ⚠️ NSFW]
The Emperor's Wish [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN]
Lover [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN || ⚠️ NSFW]
Eating for Two [Lelouch x C.C. || FFN]
See You Again [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN]
Five O' Clock [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN || ⚠️ NSFW]
The Queen's Longing [Lelouch x C.C. || FFN]
The Chaining Booth [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN]
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Of Gods and Kings: A Death Note + Code Geass Crossover
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Power was a drug more addictive than any other, and Lelouch vi Britannia knew better than anyone what it was like to have the world in the palm of his hand, to have control and power over the lives of others. Kira must die.
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poohishere · 1 month
Not a question but everyday I am on Tumblr, it has been a habit to check on your blog in particular, I reblog or like cool & sensible posts you have on; plus I admire how unbelievably gorgeous you are🥹😍. The eyes 🥺, brown skin☺️ and social aura which undoubtedly represents your persona is way too outstanding. YK I ain’t even capping because my name be on your notifications on the daily for a while now. A black queen in her own right & throne. May God bless you mami🙇🏾‍♂️🙏🏾❤️
Wooooahh😳 that’s super, super, super nice of you.
I appreciate that, thank you 🙏🏾💚
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pwblogarchive · 2 months
November 2007
November 2, 2007
"our smiles are just a commercial for how normal we are"
the idea of protecting would imply that there is some possession-
a toast implies change.
noone toasts normals days
or gutter heads.
i swear to god i have come to love some of you so dearly.
i count on you to get me by.
but i have begun to wonder about my contribution to life
i want to go to school.
i want to move far away.
im scared.
but only of god and a witness stand.
im not sure how much longer i want to do this if it doesnt mean anything-
i need a push a sign something that puts me back on course.
if i go for it you tell me i shouldnt have.
if i lay and wait you think i dont care.
i want to believe so badly.
morning is just a cold shower for dreams.
broke the little bone on top of my foot.
oh well i am so accident prone, i owed the universe some marrow.
not gonna back out on you.
3rd time in an mri this year.
there is no room colder or smaller.
there is something about the repetitive clicking that gives me visions.
i really feel for people who truly have to go through this on a daily basis or need crutches everyday of their life. honestly it is humbling for me.
and i probably needed that humility.
thanks for your understanding.
the painkillers and pride have my head in a bit of a tangle.
help me unwind it.
is there a song you count on every time?
i swear by the baxters
and the dropouts who only kept the books and the freshman fifteen
awake inside someone elses dream
alone in someone elses throne
gift wrapped wasp nest
blue ribbon jealousy contest
cant make everyone in the world unhappy all of the time
theres no glory on the road
its just a quick way to make you old
theres a new order
my disorders
i am just a sweettooth in the cavity search of life
Posted by xoat 1:24 AM
November 13, 2007
“this machine kills fascists”
after the pornstar john holmes career deflated he turned to showing up at LAX and stealing peoples bags off of the conveyor belt.
i watched someone do this to me at the airport today.
i am obsessed with the change that can turn in the world.
sometimes the message is more important than the art.
i need him more than he needs me, he needs her more than he needs me and so on.
theres nothing new under the sun
but were reading on existentialism in the shade.
i am so in love with the idea
if it werent for that i am not sure where i would turn.
i guess this is another halfhearted thank you. just because you keep tuning in.
"dont you think its insane how donald duck never wears pants?"
life is better when youre around.
but yes i do think its insane.
Posted by xoat 1:27 AM
November 15, 2007
“a sketch of Chicago in words.”
afternoon rhythmic no sleep dream.
body rigid.
mind convulsing.
i went scanning thru frequencies as my eyelids stuck shut.
reminds me of the first time the emt's gave birth to me.
or back to me.
whats the difference between a vision and a hallucination is simply whos giving the diagnosis.
the visions were so bright they burnt shadows on the inside of the room.
were a wagon party.
i see the world in slow motion.
theres shivering everywhere.
too cold outside, too hot inside.
fall has stolen the country from here.
sleep never comes naturally anymore.
boys playing men in flannel shirts-
homage or parody of what once was.
whos gonna be left when its all and done?
im exploding just too slowly for anyone to take notice.
Posted by xoat 2:19 AM
November 15, 2007
“maybe we should feed our jewelry to the sea”
from current occupation: selling fire in hell by xo
mid tour crisis got everybodys heads troubled.
new panic at the disco songs are settling.
cant sleep so we wrote a lullabye.
you probably wont ever hear it unless we end up at a campfire together:
honey is for bees, silly bear
besides theres jelly beans everywhere
its not what it seems, in the land of dreams
dont worry your head just go to sleep
doesnt matter how you feel
lifes just a ferris wheel
its always up and down, dont make a sound
when you wake up the world will come around
its just sweet weather and peacock feathers
in the morning itll all be better
dont worry your head just go to sleep.
November 17, 2007
“the only thing suicidal here are the doors.”
weve been indoctrinated to crave the idea of the extraordinary ordinary
we accept the blogs and camera phones as mediums, not as in the transfer of information, but more closely defined to the idea of the spiritual medium...- as the prophets, the eye and pyramid on the dollar bill
we are just flies on the wall watching a culture have a nervous breakdown.
everyone is born between may 22 and june 22, even if theyre not- we are a gemini generation. we love to hate everything in other people that we hate about ourselves.
arrogantly insecure and vice versa.
and life lately is just always about the spins and collateral damage.
sometimes the snow and ground frost shut us both down
in love with the idea of permanent impermanence.
so careful of stuttered over articulation, as though saying the word better would somehow make it mean more.
the worlds worst kind of diary.
i wish i could pull the pause button off of every electronic gadget in my home- i despise it so.
strangely fulfilled by the idea of loving strangers and hating my friends.
how there had to be an inkling in the head of neal armstrong to just stay on the moon and wait for the air to run out, besides the fact thats what we are all doing sort of in the long run only he'd have a better view.
Posted by xoat 1:49 AM
November 22, 2007
“i think this is a bit of an overestimation.”
ill need to take up gardening or something if im gonna be around this long.
Posted by xoat 3:22 AM
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elaineiswithyou-blog · 11 months
Bet- Dabi's Edition
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I'll Bet On You Baby Til The Day I Die
Dabi didn't always believe in you. He found you annoying a little bit of a thorn in his side at first. But now, he doesn't find you nearly as annoying. He trusts you.
I'd Say Let's Get Married, But That Made You Cry
Dabi could clearly remember when you accepted his proposal. He had tried to be romantic with it, buying your favorite flowers, and setting up a date similar to the first official date you two ever went on.
I'll Bet On You Darling Til The Day We Part
Dabi trusts you. He invites you to work with home over anyone else in the LOV. He told the others you were less annoying and that was the only reason he brought you. It was only somewhat true.
But I Hope That I Kick First Cause It'd Break My Little Heart
Dabi remembers the first time you were injured on a mission and it felt like his world shattered. He lit them and the whole place ablaze, not caring if it ruined the mission, before hauling you out of there quickly to get medical advice.
I'll Bet On You Sweetheart, Like A Game Of Cards And If I Lose My Hand, I'm Sure It's Worth The Charge
Dabi could tell when you were bluffing. He knew you didn't have better cards than him. Most of the time he won. He'd rub it in your face, but only for a few minutes. He'd let you win sometimes, even when he knew your hand was shit.
To Love And To Lost Is Worth The Cost
Dabi stayed beside you even if it cost the mission. Even if he got injured. He wasn't letting you go once he decided you were his
So I'm Wagering Forever Just To Be In Your Arms
Dabi knew it was risky to marry you. He knew it was risky to give you that big stolen ring, but he didn't really care, especially when he gets to see you wear it everyday.
{see chorus at end}
If This Won't Convince You To Take On The Part, My Piano's Already Wearing Your Name In A Heart
Dabi knew right from the moment he realized he was in love with you, he'd never let you go. He loved you, yet he still teased you and treated you like shit for a week before finally asking you out on a real date.
If This Overwhelms You And You Fade Away, Just Please Be Kind I See My Scar Every Fucking Day
Dabi was aware that he was flawed. He had scars all over his body, he wasn't nice to you when you first met, and he was pretty cocky. Even if he acted so cocky, he was worried about losing you constantly.
You Stitched Up My Forehead
Dabi remembers the first time you helped him through a pretty rough patch in his life. You didn't leave him. He felt grateful and even though he never said thank you, he tried to show it in his actions.
And Made My House Home, Now Every Chair I Sit In Feels Just Like A Throne
Dabi and you moved in together after years of saving up. It was worth it in the end. He didn't have that many possessions, but he loved to watch you decorate in the home. It felt complete with your touches.
My Words Fail Me Daily To Show Where I Stand
Dabi's never been one for words. His quips were often clever but short and he never felt like he could express his feelings before. He got better over time, but it took a while.
But Good God Took On New Meaning When You Tattooed On My Hand
Dabi never got your name tattooed on his body. He made you draw a little heart and got that tattooed instead. He preferred it was subtle and only he knew it was yours.
I'm Playing With Fire, In A Sense I Feel Warm
Dabi loved when you cuddled up to him on cold nights. His body naturally radiating heat. He held you and at first it was a little awkward but it became more and more comfortable with practice and time.
And I Swear To Fucking God I'll Weather The Storms
Dabi was determined to make things work, even if you had arguments or fights. He made you sit and talk about it. He wanted to make this work badly. He knew his parents never talked and wanted to do your relationship better.
I'm Running The Numbers And Counting The Days Until You Tack On My Made Up Last Name
Todoroki never suited you and him. He made up a new legal last name just for you and him to share.
{Outro Music}
Dabi swears he wasn't crying on your wedding day but you recall otherwise. He swears he wasn't a mess over seeing you in your dress but your photos say otherwise. He swears his voice didn't tremble, even a little bit, during your vows but your videos say otherwise. He swears you looked perfect.
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ssavinggrace · 7 months
day twenty two, twenty three, and twenty four. prompts: mortal au, revenge on cupid, found family
💀⚡️jasico bingo challenge 2024⚡️💀
In a bustling city, amidst the noise and chaos of everyday life, Nico Di Angelo and Jason Grace found solace in each other's company. They were two ordinary men, living ordinary lives, but their love was anything but ordinary.Nico worked as a librarian, his days filled with the smell of old books and the quiet rustle of pages. Jason, on the other hand, was a firefighter, his job demanding bravery and quick thinking in the face of danger.Despite their busy lives, they always made time for each other. They would meet at their favorite coffee shop after work, sharing stories and dreams over steaming cups of coffee.One evening, as they walked home hand in hand, Jason stopped suddenly, a look of wonder on his face. "Look at the stars, Nico," he said, pointing up at the night sky. "They're so beautiful."Nico looked up, his heart swelling with love. "They are. But not as beautiful as you."Jason smiled, pulling Nico into a gentle kiss. "I love you, Nico. More than words can say."Nico's eyes shone with unshed tears. "I love you too, Jason. More than anything."As they continued their walk, a sudden downpour caught them by surprise, sending them running for shelter under a nearby awning. Laughing, they huddled together, seeking warmth in each other's embrace."We're drenched," Jason said, a grin on his face.Nico chuckled, brushing a wet strand of hair from Jason's forehead. "It's just water. We'll dry off."As the rain subsided, they made their way home, their clothes clinging to their bodies. But they didn't care. All that mattered was being together, in that moment, in that city that held their hearts.As they reached their apartment, Nico turned to Jason, his eyes filled with love. "Thank you for being in my life, Jason. You make every day brighter."Jason pulled him close, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "And thank you for being in mine, Nico. I love you more than words can say."And as they stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, the city bustling around them, they knew that as long as they had each other, they had everything they would ever need.
The air crackled with tension as Nico Di Angelo and Jason Grace stood before Cupid, their eyes burning with fury. Cupid, the god of love, had thoughtlessly outed Nico to the entire camp, causing him immense pain and embarrassment. Now, it was time for him to pay the price."Cupid, you have caused enough harm," Jason's voice was cold and steely. "You will answer for what you've done."Cupid, who had been lounging on a golden throne, sat up, sensing the danger in the air. "What do you intend to do?"Nico stepped forward, his voice dripping with venom. "We intend to show you the pain you've caused. To make you understand what it feels like to have your heart torn apart."With a wave of his hand, Cupid summoned a bow and arrow, ready to defend himself. But Jason and Nico were prepared. They had spent weeks planning their revenge, and they were not about to let Cupid off easy.Jason lunged forward, his sword flashing in the sunlight. Cupid barely had time to react before Jason's blade sliced through the air, cutting a deep gash across his chest. Cupid cried out in pain, but Jason was relentless, raining blow after blow upon him.Meanwhile, Nico summoned shadows to his aid, enveloping Cupid in darkness. Cupid struggled, unable to see or defend himself against Nico's relentless assault. Shadows twisted and writhed around him, causing him to feel the anguish and heartbreak he had inflicted on others.As the battle raged on, Jason and Nico fought with a ferocity born of love and betrayal. They had both been hurt by Cupid's actions, but now, they were determined to make him pay for his sins.Finally, with a final, devastating blow, Cupid fell to the ground, defeated and broken. Jason and Nico stood over him, their chests heaving with exertion."You have caused enough pain," Jason said, his voice filled with anger. "From now on, you will think twice before meddling in the affairs of mortals."With that, Jason and Nico turned and walked away, leaving Cupid to ponder the consequences of his actions. They had taken their revenge, but more importantly, they had shown that love could overcome even the darkest of betrayals.
In a world where demigods and magic were real, Nico Di Angelo and Jason Grace found solace and companionship in their friends. Thalia Grace, the fierce and loyal daughter of Zeus, and Reyna Ramirez-Arellano, the determined and compassionate daughter of Bellona, had become like family to them.One sunny afternoon, Nico and Jason decided to spend time with their friends at Camp Half-Blood. Thalia and Reyna greeted them warmly, and together, they embarked on a day of adventure and laughter.They started by exploring the woods surrounding the camp, sharing stories and jokes as they walked. Thalia regaled them with tales of her adventures, while Reyna shared her wisdom and insights. Nico and Jason, in turn, shared their own experiences, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment.As they reached a clearing, Thalia suggested a game of capture the flag. The four of them split into teams, with Thalia and Nico on one team, and Jason and Reyna on the other. The game was intense, with each team using their unique skills and abilities to outwit the other.After the game, they gathered around a campfire, roasting marshmallows and sharing stories late into the night. Thalia and Reyna listened intently as Nico and Jason spoke of their adventures and their dreams for the future.As the stars twinkled overhead, casting a soft glow over their makeshift campsite, Jason felt a deep sense of gratitude for his friends. They may not have been related by blood, but they were a family in every sense of the word."I'm so grateful for all of you," Jason said, his voice filled with emotion. "You've been there for me through thick and thin, and I couldn't imagine my life without you."Nico nodded, his hand finding Jason's and giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I feel the same way. You're all like family to me."Thalia and Reyna smiled, their eyes shining with affection. In that moment, surrounded by the people they loved most in the world, Nico and Jason knew that they were exactly where they were meant to be. Together, with their found family, they were unstoppable.
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romaelettuce · 2 years
The Fire Within Us - Chapter One
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A sigh left her lips as she feels boredom creep into her soul, seeing the same people inside the keep. Oh, how she hated the way she pushed Alicent away a while ago, just because she wanted to be alone.
Rhaenyra hated being alone, but still denied it ever since he left a year ago.
She closed her eyes when she finally finds herself in the Godswood,leaning her back on the Weirwood Tree.This is the only place that calms
her, the place where they used to be together almost everyday.
Then Aemma would smile at the sight before her, their little dragon, wrapped in his embrace, both of them tired from playing, while Daemon sings to her.
Rhaenyra's eyes fluttered open when his name echoed in her thoughts.
Her uncle never stays, but never forgets to leave his darling niece such gifts that made Viserys jealous that he couldn't even get her those.
Daemon never forgets.
She unclasped the golden comb from the back of her head, her hair reverting back to its usual look.
She held the comb, pressing it to her heart, and hoped that her uncle would come home safely.
Yet, she got bored again, rising up and deciding to visit her mother.
"My darling girl," Her mother called out as soon as she walked into her room, her arms reaching out and Rhaenyra went in to embrace her.
"Mother," Rhaenyra greeted, breaking away from her.
"Are you comfortable?" She asked, worried about her mother's state,Aemma was pregnant again, granting Viserys another child, and they both hoped that it will be a boy.
Rhaenyra wasn't very excited, for she knows this is the boy her father always wanted. That explained why she is so fond of Daemon, he filled that void in her heart and showered her with attention like he was her father.
But she kept that to herself, and instead pretended to be grateful for she will have a sibling, if only for the sake of her parents."Cheer up, my love," Her mother cooed once she noticed her daughter's pained face. "No, its not like that, Mother, I-I am elated-"
Aemma shushed her. "I know what you are thinking and I am sorry for it, I know he is sorry, my little dove…"
Rhaenyra flashed a sad smile, " Yes..."
"Brione, come." Her mother called out to one of her handmaidens. "Can you fetch it, please?"
The girl quickly walked away and came back, carrying a small bag and sets it down in front of the princess.
"Someone left it for you," Her mother smiled, and watched as Rhaenyra carefully opened it.Her heart jumped as she picked up the contents.
Books, old books, the ones she had been begging him to get for her ever since he left.She looked up to see Aemma grinning at her, her hand carressing her stomach.
Daemon is here.
"Go," Her mother said, " Find him."
With that, Rhaenyra sprung to her feet and left a kiss to her cheek,sprinting out of the room while Aemma's adorable laugh echoed.
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In the halls, Rhaenyra found Ser Harrold. "Have you happened to see my uncle, Ser?"
The princess asked and the Lord Commander nodded, escorting her as they made their way to the throne room.
"Does my father knows he's here?" Rhaenyra clasped her hands behind her back while she asked, the knight pausing to look at her.
"No." He said, carefully pushing one door open.
The princess took a deep breath before they entered the room, and there he was, sitting on the Iron Throne.
"Gods be good," Ser Harrold rasped and scoffed.
But the princess couldn't help but melt at the sight of him, Dark Sister by his side, his mane fixed nicely, and his eyes settled on her from the moment she came in.
Rhaenyra smiled and looked up to the knight. "It's alright, Ser."
She lifts the hem of her dress slightly while she descends on the steps below.
"You can leave us, thank you."
She said when she noticed the knight,refusing to leave her.Right away, he nodded and left without another word.
"Sparo drīvose gaomā, kepus?" She said, her sly smile visible,walking slowly to him.
What do you think you're doing, Uncle?
Daemon sat there, and didn't even blink at the sight before him.
"Ñuhoso dēman," He says. Sitting.
"Kesy ñuhys dēmavos māzīlariot sinilus." His fingers caress the pointy armrests of the chair, as if he was the King himself.
This could well be my chair one day.
Then he stood up, leaving Dark Sister and walked to where his niece was.Once he is in front of her, the princess can't help but smile, the joy in her eyes can be seen, how happy she was that she gets to see him after a very long time.
"So, now that you are here..." She began.
"Let us walk to the gardens, I cannot wait to hear the stories of your latest adventure." She exclaimed calmly, her fingers moving behind her back.
"You have grown so." Her uncle says, his eyes fixated on her face.
This hurt the princess, her smile disappearing. Yes, she is a woman grown,her uncle was right.
She will soon have a brother, and the very thought upset her, for she will no longer be his favorite.
"Sepār vēzo gō skoro syt āmastā?" The princess said, her voice flat. Then why come back at all?
Silence began to take over, but Rhaenyra spoke again.
"I suppose you came back for my unborn brother, I will not be your one and only favorite anymore." She said sadly, her face hung down, she was ready to bolt away but Daemon stopped her from moving, his hands on her forearms.
Rhaenyra tilted her head up to him, Daemon's eyes staring deep into hers,while he fixed a strand of her hair in place. Then his hand went up to her cheek.
"You will always be my favorite, sweet niece." And with that, the princess can't help but smiled again.
He lets go of her cheek. "I brought you something,"His right hand rose up between them and he presented her with a necklace.
Rhaenyra reached out to touch it, feeling its cold texture. "Do you know what it is?" Her uncle asked.
It took her second to reply. "It's Valyrian Steel, like Dark Siste-"
Daemon withdraws the necklace, his eyes burning at the sight of her.
"Turn around." He says as Rhaenyra smiles.Once her back was facing him the princess gathered her hair to one side,exposing her soft neck that her uncle ached to touch.
Daemon brought himself closer, both of his hands go around her neck, and he placed the necklace on her heart.
"And now, you and I both own a small piece of our ancestry." His breath hit her skin as soon as he said that, and he turned her around in front of him,their hands holding each other's.
She held the pendant, looking from it then shifted her gaze to her uncle.
"Do you like it?"
And for the hundredth time, she blushed.With that, Daemon pulled her to his chest, her arms immediately wrapped themselves around his waist, pressing her head on his chest.
The hug never even changed, it was just like the old times. And Rhaenyra smiled widely, happy in his arms.
She giggled when they loosened their hold, still in his arms and her laugh never changed. It was the very same laugh from when she was still a babe.
Daemon's hand once again found its spot on her waist, pulling her close again, the other one rested on the side of her face, pulling her head closer so that he could kiss her forehead.
His lips lingered there, until he saw his brother between the doors, with a
strange look on his face.
His lips left her head. "I'll see you later in your chambers, princess." He said with a wink.
"I thought you said - "
Daemon pressed a finger on her soft lips. "Alicent's waiting for you, you know, you should visit her."
Rhaenyra sighed. "Fine..." She whined quietly.
"Good girl. Now run along."
As soon as she left, Daemon walked up to him.
"You didn't tell me you're going home.And you know I hate it when you trouble yourself with such things.Thank you but that was not necessary, brother." The king said.
"Oh get used to it." Daemon chuckled, his eyes settled on his niece once they exited the room, sprinting out of the hallway while Viserys eyed him suspiciously.
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Shout-out to: @nyctophilic0vitnir , @grandlovescheme and @firefly-graphics
Thank you @nyctophilic0vitnir (go to her page pls, there's a lot of fics waiting for you to read them), for the support and encouragement,for checking and correcting the errors of this piece, and for your time and effort. I appreciate you!❤
Thank you @grandlovescheme (go to her page or her A03, type in her name ⬆️) for the support and encouragement, I appreciate you bestie!💗
And credits to you @firefly-graphics , the dividers are pretty cool!! Pls Follow ⬆️❤
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