#through my subscription i have for home delivery
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loveatfirstsim · 1 year
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15+ mods for adding realism to your gameplay
i wanted to group mods that i use together for different kinds of gameplay, along with some brief explanations so i can come back later to reference if i ever needed to.
please remember that these are just my own preferences for mods. i will update this post as mods are added to my game.
explanations under the cut <3
the mods
🤍 basemental drugs (21+) by basemental 🤍 child birth mod by pandasama 🤍 education overhaul by a.deep.indigo 🤍 home regions by kuttoe 🤍 language barriers by frankk 🤍 pets everywhere by kuttoe 🤍 relationship & pregnancy overhaul by lumpinou 🤍 simnation travel by a.deep.indigo 🤍 simzlink by lot 51 🤍 wicked whims (18+) by turbodriver 🤍 all mods by simrealist
mod explanations
🤍 basemental drugs: add a partying element to your gameplay with this mod. you can assign dealers to sell you a variety of flavors of drugs, but don't get caught by the police! i'm pretty sure this mod comes with some aspirations and the 'adhd' trait.
🤍 child birth mod: i've only used this once so far, so i can't speak on it much. but the delivery is more like real life instead of a baby popping into existence. you have options for surgery machine, natural birth, c-section, and also at-home births in a pool! there's a new ultrasound feature added, too!
🤍 education overhaul: education career, preschool, new education enrollment options, boarding school, new projects and assignments, study different subjects, detention, field trips, snow days, new school hours, i'm just listing some of the main points of the mod. haha.
🤍 home regions: this mod keeps sims in their native region. this means that if you live in willow creek, you won't be getting any vampires coming to your home or neighborhood.
🤍 language barriers: every world is assigned a language that is natively spoken. most worlds use simlish, but there are other languages spoken that your sim can learn through simlingo or by having someone who speaks the language teach your sim. this mod is incredibly customizable, so be sure to read the instructions carefully!
🤍 pets everywhere: this brings stray animals, dog walkers, and more to every region/world and not just exclusively to brindleton bay.
🤍 relationship & pregnancy overhaul: simply put, it's an overhaul for relationships and pregnancy, lol. it adds menstrual cycles and more that i cannot put into words at this very moment.
🤍 simnation travel: this mod requires you to have a license, subway pass, bicycle, passport, etc. in order to travel to other regions. there's a whole application process for a passport and going to the dmv.
🤍 simzlink: this brings an internet service provider and a new career. you can sign up for an internet subscription and install a router and whatnot. it's also compatible with snbank by simrealist (linked before the cut!), so you'll actually get charged for basic or premium internet every "month". like real life, only the internet never goes out. lol. this mod goes more in-depth on their website. it's very thorough!
🤍 wicked whims: the nsfw version of wonderful whims. there are archetypes, attractiveness, and impressions that adds more depth to relationships. there's also a menstrual cycle in this mod (like rpo), but it can be turned off.
🤍 all mods by simrealist: it's literally in their name to make things more real! there's snbank and addons (financial center, bills), real estate, private practice, mortem, organic, and home and land co. just check out their site for the info on these because they're too good!
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catierambles · 2 years
Public Relations Ch.6
Pairing: Clark Kent/Superman x Charlotte Danvers (OFC)
WC 1239
Warnings: None
@kingliam2019 , @greensleeves888 , @peaches1958
Oddly enough, there were no pictures of the two of them the next morning either in print or online. Probably because the guy had shoved Clark and he could press charges for assault if he so chose if the pictures were printed. Charlotte prepared for the meeting with her Acquisitions department, Melissa making sure the mini fridge was stocked with water as Charlotte went over the proposal ahead of time to familiarize herself with the basics. It was solid enough, but she still had questions to which she knew they had the answers.
“Charlie,” She looked up at Melissa’s voice through the phone, “Mr. Daniels from Acquisitions is here for your meeting.”
“Send him in, Mel.” Charlotte said and looked over as the door swung open. “Jeff, thanks for looking into this for me.”
“No problem at all.” Jeff said, “May I ask why you want to acquire The Daily Planet?”
“We’re not in the communications business and I thought it would be good to branch out a bit.” She said and he gave her a look. “Besides, as far as I can tell, nothing is being done with it and I see the potential for growth.”
“It’s not to annoy Bruce Wayne?”
“Not entirely, although that is a pleasant side effect.” She said with a toothy grin and he snorted, shaking his head. “What did Wayne Enterprises say when you reached out?”
“They’re willing to give it up.” Jeff said simply, “But they want something in return.”
“Of course they do.” She said with a shrug, “They say what?”
“The wind farm in the Adirondacks.” He said, “They’re looking to go deeper into clean energy.”
“Yeah, they’ve been eyeing that one for a while now.” She said, “How’s it pan out?”
“I looked over the earnings reports for the last two years from The Daily Planet and the farm and they’re…roughly the same? Not exact because of fluctuations and differences in the market, but not too far off to where we’d take a significant hit.” Jeff said and she sighed, swiveling back and forth in her chair. “However, I share your assessment of potential in The Daily Planet. Physical print has been slowly but steadily dying the more people move online and while the Planet does have a website, it’s barebones and hardly maintained, more a backup than anything else.”
“Okay, what’re you thinking?”
“I’m thinking we get a social media team in there, as well as a web development team. Strip the website down to its foundation and redo it. We also work on their social media presence, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, that kind of thing. Podcasts that are live-streamed, uploaded to their website, as well as put on podcast hosting services would go a long way. Put in place some kind of subscription service that takes the place of, or adds to, their newspaper home delivery service.”
“Podcasts of what?”
“Live interviews and discussions of current events.” Jeff said, “It would also cut down on their overhead as they wouldn’t have to wait for it to come out in print and spend the resources on that. Many people, myself included, like to listen to their news in audio form while doing something else rather than reading it. Not saying we get rid of their physical print altogether, just narrow the scope a bit.”
“Yeah, I have the Armageddon Update playing in the garage while I work on my cars.”
“Christopher Titus, really?”
“I like his comedy specials.” She said with a shrug. “What kind of growth are we looking at here?”
“Get the right person in front of the camera and behind the mic, either from in-house or outside, and we could see significant growth. The Daily Planet already has a fantastic reputation for integrity, we just need to capitalize on that and dropkick them into current times.” Jeff said and she put her hands on the top of her head, swinging back and forth in her chair as she ran the numbers in her head and thought about potential paths.
“I like it.” She said, “Do it. Work with Legal and the FCC. Start the process of swapping over ownership of the wind farm with the stipulation that they’re not going to go in and clean house. We don’t need any casualties here.”
“You got it.”
“Thanks, Jeff.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He said, “Of course, we wouldn’t do all this restructuring of the Planet until the ink is dry.”
“Oh, of course.” Charlotte said, “And talks of it doesn’t leave this office. Don’t need Bruce catching wind of it, backing out of the deal, and doing it himself.”
“Oh, absolutely.” Jeff said.
“Okay, get on it. Let me know if you need anything.” Charlotte said and he gave her a brief salute, leaving her office. Reaching over, she pressed the button on her phone. “Mel, I’m thinking sushi for lunch, you want anything?”
“Oh, I’m craving eel.”
“One unagi don, you got it.”
“Thanks, Charlie.”
“No problem.”
“Oh, the shipping company from Berlin called while you were talking to Mr. Daniels. You should be getting delivery in the next couple of weeks, but they’ll let us know if there are any delays.”
“Fantastic, thank you.”
“What is it with you and muscle cars?”
“I just think they’re pretty and they give me the happy tingles.”
“Yeah, I bet they do with the engines you put in them.” Melissa said and Charlotte cackled. “Also, Clark is basically a muscle car in human form, so that makes sense too.”
“Nah, he’s more a classic pickup truck.” She said, “Although he does like taking the Shelby out for a spin whenever he comes over.” She paused for a moment, thinking something over. “Hey, Mel, can you see if you can track down a 1954 Ford F100? The condition doesn’t matter, I’m going to fiddle with it anyway.”
“Not your usual flavor. Thinking about a present?”
“I’m flip-flopping the idea around.”
“Yeah, I’ll get on it. There’s bound to be one somewhere.”
“Thanks, doll. I’ll let you know when I order lunch.” She said and picked up her phone, bringing up the texts between her and Clark, typing in a message, and hitting send.
When’s your birthday?
June 18th why?
No reason ;)
When’s yours?
July 10th
Marking it down. Dinner tonight?
Yeah, order in or go out?
I thought I’d make you something
That made a slow smile pull at her lips.
Oh yeah?
My kitchen or yours?
Yours is better kitted out than mine
Thinking about it, she’s never actually been to Clark’s apartment in Metropolis, although he has mentioned it. Conversation for another time.
Let me know what you need and I’ll get it delivered.
Rather it be a surprise. I’ll be over at around 6 to get a jump on it?
Sounds good to me. I’ll send you the code for the spare key lock box so you can get in if I’m not home yet.
Thank you 🙂
They texted off and on for the rest of the day, although he refused to say what he was making her no matter how many times she asked and she found herself looking forward to it. Charlotte didn’t often have time to make food, opting instead to order in, so this was a rare treat for her. And the fact that Clark wanted to cook her something himself was just adorable in and of its own.
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daltongraham · 1 year
omfg. My "concierge" shopper is on vacation. Last week we did shipt again and it fucking sucked. So we tried to do instacart last night, and it was a clusterfuck for about an hour after which our account was locked. This morning I had to give them gorram drivers license and visa card images to try to restore the account just so I can kill the subscription. To even get the privilege of giving them those documents to restore my account, I had to call the senior help center, because any other help required you to log in, which was precisely what I needed help with. When you call, it says "Are you 60 or over?" 57, close enough, fuckers.
So then I tried to just do Safeway. Okay, do you want to do our Fresh Pass delivery? Free to try. Sure. And it lost my cart info at least four times. I finally switched to fucking Google Chrome, which only lost my cart info twice. WTF. I am really, really tired of entering which yogurts my sweetie wants. Over an hour to shop.
I will be soooooo glad when our shopper is back next week. She's amazing and so worth the expense.
(If I tried to go back in a grocery store--something I haven't done since March 2020--I would have to go twice, because I fail about halfway through. Just don't have the spoons. And then there's hauling it all home and upstairs. Not gonna happen. I know I'm really privileged to be able to pay someone to shop, and I'm really grateful for that.)
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The Invasion Of The Serenity Snatchers
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Private property affords some their earthly slice of paradise, especially in the vastness of Australia. Owning your own home, whatever its size, often represents the peak experience of freedom for those fortunate enough to achieve this. What about when agents of the state coming knocking upon your door and demand to be let in? Is it a case of the invasion of the serenity snatchers temporarily dispelling the illusion of the castle? For some, I am pretty sure, this must be an unsettling experience or, at least, this is what it looks like to me.
My Home Is My Castle & Serene Is My Idyll
As a member of the orange army going around the neighbourhoods of south-east Queensland I have been privy to a few confrontations of this nature. Standing on the verge, outside their homes, with my brother and sister biosecurity brethren we seek to eliminate a persistent pest from the soil beneath our feet. A small minority of property owners do not share our view of this community service. No, for them this is an invasion of their sanctuary by orange clad demons hell bent on poisoning and shattering their paradisical privacy. It can get nasty on the nature strip, as two opposing perspectives come up against one another under the wide skies of this great southern land.
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Post Pandemic Pests In The Island Of Australia
Whether it be a consequence of the post-pandemic lockdown world, where a few of us have taken extreme views about the role of the government within our lives or something else? Wieambilla was, perhaps, the apogee or nadir of this recent development. Sovereign citizens who see their lives as secessionist islands unmoored from the rest of Australia in terms of the laws of the land have emerged in greater numbers. These folk don’t want to lower the drawbridge to their castles and let us in to treat their properties for the shared pestilential problem facing us all. The ideal of the idyll is bright in their eyes. Too bright, perhaps, to be rational about such things as pests. Civic Duty WTF? The idea of civic duty has faded from the minds of many modern Australians. It is all about me, me, me in the era of ‘user pays’ and the transfer of wealth to the private sector. Does anybody even remember the concept of the public good? We used to share a stake in the many assets once owned by the state. These have been sold off to the benefit of a few billionaires to whom we now pay an endless array of fees, charges, subscriptions, rents and rates. The privatisation and corporatisation of these formerly public assets was done under the promise of cheaper bills for energy and a host of other previously provided government services. These promises have not borne fruit in the main. Neoliberalism has not delivered its trickledown effect, only made a few very wealthy instead. “Historically in Australia, all levels of government created collective wealth by owning and operating infrastructure, and managing natural assets, key public goods and essential services while being answerable to the public. This strong state tradition was challenged in the 1980s when privatisation became a widespread government approach globally. Privatisation involves displacing the public sector through modes of financing, ownership, management and product or service delivery. The Australian literature shows that negative effects from privatisation are not spread equitably, and the health and equity impacts appear to be under-researched.” - (https://globalizationandhealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12992-024-01036-w)
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Photo by Reynaldo #brigworkz Brigantty on Pexels.com Australia & The Loss Of Civic Pride The upshot of this grift by big business upon the Australian people is not only an economic rip off but a more profound loss of civic pride in our institutions and governments. Politicians and elected officials have become mere shadow puppets for vested corporate interests. Thus, it is easier to understand the attitude of some toward the state on this basis. It does not forgive the behaviour of extremists and Christian terrorists, however. Australia remains a mixed economy, where market and planned economies operate together. Planned economies feature government intervention via things like universal healthcare systems and public education. Politically, those on the right have supported more market fundamentalism with less state regulation upon markets. Their mantra has been – the market knows best. Of course, this is not always true as seen by the Global Economic Crisis of 2008 and various other market crashes over the years. Indeed, the fact that we have a housing crisis in Australia at the moment is another clear example of the market not providing for the basic needs of the population. Yes, a third of the country has grown wealthier due to rising house prices but at the expense of the rest of the nation – who cannot afford to rent or purchase a house. If a nation cannot provide affordable shelter to large swathes of its people the economic system is failing those Australians. The RBA, our central bank, is not economically representing those Australians who are not property owners, rather they skew the economy toward the wealthy and big business. Similarly, governments via the ACCC and ASIC have failed to halt the overconcentration of corporate control of markets in Australia. Competition and consumer power are missing in action from our markets in most every sector in Oz. Duopoly is a term now very familiar to many Australians in the 21C.
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Photo by vectors icon on Pexels.com Rabbit Holes & Extremist Right Wing Views No wonder there is a growing resistance to things like state funded community service programs and their access to the private properties of Australians. The rise of social media and the Internet have played their part in this trend. Especially, as Americans tend to dominate large parts of the digital world. Most Australians are not trained to qualify the information they glean online, as many do not comprehend source trails. Where information originally comes from and what agenda is being pushed, as they do not dig down into the source material online. Even the mainstream media in Australia is dominated by Rupert Murdoch and his News Corp – a rabid right wing publisher going further right by the day. Fox News and Sky News Australia are blatantly biased in their coverage of the news. The Australian newspaper, Daily Telegraph, Sun Herald and Courier Mail are all way right of centre. Op/eds are the order of the day, opinion pieces instead of any real investigative journalism fill these papers and programs. Facts have bitten the dust many moons ago under this business model. Readers and viewers blithely accept anti-woke stances, beat ups about gender identity, and consistently negative reporting about renewables in the energy debate. A culture war has been running as a campaign attacking progressive views. People who consume this distorted and one sided Fox New’s style rendition of issues can easily fall down rabbit holes where paranoia reigns supreme. If you knock on their door and ask to go on their property it can be a potentially tricky confrontation. Enraging viewers as a marketing technique has consequences and News Corp should be held responsible for the lies and exaggerations it spreads to its audiences. Donald J Trump is the monster such diabolical misuse of news can produce. Australia is not there yet but we are heading down this path in our own laconic way.
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Photo by Maria Orlova on Pexels.com Rural Concerns The invasion of the serenity snatchers is especially true when visited upon rural idylls. Hobby farmers and those with land for horses and livestock  have, often, created these private getaways from urban living. It can be a rude awakening to see an orange clad team of biosecurity agents on your doorstep early in the morning. A shock to the system and one’s comfort zone, where locked gates and barking dogs keep out unwanted visitors from private property realms. Ownership of land beats deeply within the bones of the philosophical underpinnings of Western nations. These territories of colonial expansion in the new world were forcibly snatched from their Indigenous populations. Private property is the bedrock of our whole society and economy. People may have died in the taking of these pieces of land. Blood, sweat and tears were shed for sure in the historical stories behind many rural properties. We live in more enlightened times these days, apparently, but the shadows still linger, however. This is why fences are very important to property owners and locked gates to attest to the significance of private ownership under the banner of the free market. Keeping The Unwanted Out Laws, like the Biosecurity Act, can unnerve the unknowing amid property possessors. Suddenly, for a brief time that certainty of barriers keeping the unwanted hordes out is taken away. Strangers descend upon the property with all their unfamiliar habits and swagger. It can be experienced as a kick in the guts for the more instinctive land owner. You see, lording it over your land is a primal kind of feeling closer to the reptilian brainstem than any airy fairy activities of the cerebral cortex. You have your ferocious dogs loudly barking to keep out transgressors. You have your barbed wire fences. In the country, you can never be too careful according to many lords of the manor I have spoken to. All that land can be tough to protect. It is like the challenge of keeping the Chinese out from the prodigious circumference of the Australian coastline. Such things can play upon your mind. The invasion of the serenity snatchers is a real dilemma for some who own land.
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Photo by Gezer Amorim on Pexels.com
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Photo by The Lazy Artist Gallery on Pexels.com Commonwealth = Public Assets In the end, it comes down to whether you consider yourself and family still part of the Commonwealth of Australia. Commonwealth = the general good, according to the dictionary. That means not just the bits that you agree with but the whole kit and caboodle. Some younger folk only think of the Commonwealth as a privately owned bank, because, yes, that was privatised by the same mob. We need to return to an appreciation of the public good. Culturally, we have been robbed by neoliberalism of our shared assets and of the things that we as a nation could be proud of. We need governments with the courage to actually do stuff and not just be talking heads. The housing crisis is not going to be fixed anytime soon by market forces. Social housing is not going to be built at the level we require it by the market. Governments need to invest and take a stake, on behalf of us, in the property market and build what is so desperately required. Privatisation Produces A Lack Of Accountability & Transparency “Lack of accountability and transparency were common themes in the review, including for privatised infrastructure projects, human service provision for community and corrective services, and for privatised employment and outsourced hospital services. In research into the privatisation of electricity and urban rail, and PPPs for road infrastructure in Victoria, Hodge & Coghill noted negative impacts on democratic accountability to citizens and public institutions. The initial divestiture of electricity involved secrecy, and removal of prior rights to information under administrative law by weakening Freedom of Information laws. Following the privatisation of urban rail, accountability to passengers was dramatically reduced.” - (Anaf, J., Freeman, T. & Baum, F. Privatisation of government services in Australia: what is known about health and equity impacts. Global Health 20, 32 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12992-024-01036-w) We were promised better deals following privatisation but all we got were a loss of public assets and the omission of accountability and transparency. Those on the right are, in my view, primarily about making money for their business mates. They will counter this assertion by saying it is economically better for the country to privatise these assets. You will invariably see politicians moving into well paid jobs at these same firms post their public service careers. This happens on both sides of the aisle. This should be made illegal as a guard rail against corruption. The gas and mining deals made in Australia with multinational corporations are perfect examples of this. We do not derive enough taxation revenue from  the extraction of our resources here in Australia. Why is this so? You have to point the finger at those negotiating these deals at state and federal levels of government. Australia is a safe environment to invest in, unlike Africa, we, therefore, shouldn’t be cutting generous deals for these mining companies. Something smelly has been going on here for too long. Either our resource ministers have been too dumb or small minded or, more likely, have been corrupted opportunistically.
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We Need To Promote Community Service We do not ask enough of each other in terms of civic duties, here in Australia. Yes, we have the volunteer fire fighters who do a tremendous job risking their lives during the bush fire season. What percentage of the population would that be? 0.668% I think. “There were 193,312 volunteer fire brigade members nationally in 2022, a decrease of 3.7% from the year before, according to a report by the productivity commission.” - (https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/oct/05/rfs-firefighters-volunteer-numbers-fire-season) There are a good number of older Australians who volunteer in a variety of carer roles, as well. However the great majority of us are in it primarily for ourselves. Feathering our own nests, our own private wealth and assets, and this breeds a lack of community spirit and understanding. It breeds suspicious attitudes toward government programs because these folk do not comprehend such things as community service. The ‘user pays’ neoliberal model undermines the state and betrays it via the lack of respect it fosters for the role of government in our lives. If everything is always about money and what you can get for things, then, we see the dysfunction we saw among some during the pandemic. When Australians were asked to get vaccinated for the good of the nation some refused. During the first and second world wars Australians were asked to make sacrifices and also conscripted to fight. Some things are about the whole and not the parts. At certain times the health of the community is more important than the individual choices of its citizens. The invasion of the serenity snatchers  is not about your small domain it is about the health of the greater community. It is like getting the jab, it may discomfort you for a short time but is soon over and you can get on with the rest of your life. Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of America Matters: Pre-apocalyptic Posts & Essays in the Shadow of Trump. ©HouseTherapy Read the full article
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One week ago today, I sat on the floor by the bathroom with my then-boyfriend and discussed at length a timeline for the future we ostensibly wanted together. Three days later, he sat on my porch—sunglassed eyes in the bright morning sun, the kind that fogs the air—and said he no longer enjoyed his time with me.
I have watched the Ring camera footage of this moment countless times since.
The Ring camera came with the house—the house I convinced my parents to buy in Central New York so that we would have a safety net for his pending divorce. At first it didn’t work—the camera. Something about the wiring. I figured it was for the best—I’m prone to paranoia and could picture myself checking the live feed at odd hours of the night and ultimately convince myself of some unseen threat lurking in the pixelated silhouettes of the street. Then one day, a delivery person rang the doorbell, startling me off of my then-boyfriend’s lap, wondering if it had come from whatever show was playing on a ridiculously widescreen television I had purchased with his teenage son in mind. And when it started working, I’d find myself replaying captures of large insects or dogs passing just within its sensors, images I’d watch and assign arbitrary meaning to. Large white dogs mean rain. Spiders also mean rain. Everything means rain—it’s Spring in Central New York.
I met him a year and half ago. I’d been enlisted by a close friend to check Tinder for her situationship. When the mission was over, I still had most of the week’s subscription remaining. He was 17 years older than me and I couldn’t really tell from his photos the state of his hairline. I wasn’t even sure our first date would happen—it was hastily planned when I made it known I would be out of town for two weeks. A small Italian restaurant equidistant from our homes—mine, at the time, was with my histrionic roommate who never liked him but for the wrong reasons.
This is the same restaurant I’d cry in front of about seven months later when I discovered he was still talking to the ex he had assured me multiple times had been blocked.
This is not to be confused with the time I cried in front of a grocery store while repeatedly bashing my wrists into the console of his car when, days shy of our one-year anniversary, he revealed to me he went on dating apps when we fought to self-soothe. The bruises I'd given myself lasted a week; I could understand the impulse to self-destruct.
I am not telling a true story. I am telling you the story that you’re going to hear regardless of how honest I am about what a fucking bitch I can be.
Because the facts of the story are as follows: for the past year and a half I have devoted myself wholly to a married man whose divorce was always, always pending, whose anger was infectious, whose remorse, in its desperation, felt the closest I think one can get to love.
Because the facts of the story are as follows: in the words of the only other man to have dumped me (weird flex)—the man whose fiction was so bad it jump-started my own interest in writing just to spite him—I am unrealistic in my expectations of monogamy.
I learned what quickened his heart, what tensed his jaw. And I'd reach to cruelty for life support. And reach, and reach, and …
The evening before our first date, he called me, and we talked for over four hours. This would be a defining feature of the early stages of the relationship. I knew immediately the type of girl he wanted me to be, and I thought there was nothing more I loved than a list. But there was—I loved being his. I was, at one point, so good at it. We both played our roles so good. I got cocky.
I am not telling a true story because I still write out of spite. I am not telling a true story because I would do anything for him to look at me like he did that first night at the restaurant when I caught his gaze through the front door. I couldn’t tell what it was then. I still don’t know what it is now.
The morning he left I learned the lawn mower I had purchased was too weak to do the job, a job I’d left for far too late in the season, so late I’m still expecting a code violation in my mailbox. My friend said to return it. To buy the model that would do the job.
I don’t want a different one, I just want this one to work.
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doorplays · 6 months
Door Reviews: Kentucky Route Zero (2020)
I have recently gotten a new job, which gave me access to a steady income, but has cut down on my gaming time due to the commutes. I looked for games to play on my cellphone since I am in the train around two hours each day, and what better way to kill time than to play games on the go? I found Kentucky Route Zero free on mobile (only free if you have a Netflix subscription), so I found myself downloading it and giving it a whirl.
It was a ride. I wanna talk about this game. So I decided to write a review. Let’s get to it.
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What’s it about? Kentucky Route Zero is about Conway, a delivery man charged with one last job. It becomes harder than anticipated to finish. He meets various people along the way who help him and point him in the right direction. Through his journey, we experience this game’s world and all it holds.
STYLE (Gameplay, Graphics, Music)
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Gameplay typically has you exploring the game area by area, scene by scene. You would be in control of one character, navigating the area via point-and-click (or for my case, press-and-click via touchscreen). You interact with objects and talk to people, choosing dialogue options in response.
Transitioning between scenes and areas happens when the game throws you into the overworld map, encouraging you to navigate towards the next destination. I say “encourage” because you are still free to explore the map and discover other places. You are a lone deliveryman plying the Kentucky highways, you are bound to see some unique sights in your travels!
The game has five acts and five interludes. I felt like I should mention this because the gameplay varies in the interludes as well. While it still feels like a visual novel in a sense, it experiments with how the player perceives it. Changes in perspective, changes in characters, even changes in gameplay. One of the interludes is just you using the telephone! I find all of it strange, yet compelling. Maybe even a bit dreamlike, in some ways.
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The art is gorgeous. Solid colors, good backgrounds. The places feel dark at times, due to the lighting, yet there’s a familiarity to them. The animations are subtle, yet deliberate. The characters are distinct yet nondescript, like they’re from editorials or something. Faceless, yet you feel like you’ve met them before, or at least someone similar.
The music is phenomenal. Bluegrass/country music abound and are very much at home in the setting. The sound design itself is well made, sounds coming at the right moments. The songs are well timed, sung during scenes where they are very much apt, feelings of wistfulness and longing just rolling across the dirt road landscape of Kentucky.
All of these combined lends to a rather avant-garde experience. It feels like I’m walking through a specialty museum. Despite its weirdness, it feels familiar, cozy even. The gas station with the friendly owner, the dinghy bar with the struggling barkeep, the office building with the bureaucratic clerks… The game can feel imposing in its ambition, but it never lets you forget that it’s a game about going through the country, finding the feeling of home wherever you go.
SUBSTANCE (Story, Characters, Impact)
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It creeps up on you, this game.
The story starts out in a gas station, with you controlling Conway. You get Conway to get out of his truck, maybe petting your dog, whose name is either Homer or Blue. You have him talk to the owner, maybe you two talk about some random stuff, but you ultimately ask: how do you get to the Zero? This is what drives Conway: the act of completing his last delivery.
This game’s story feels like a long drive. I haven’t really done one. But this game evokes images of driving through long stretches of road across wide open expanses. You don’t really know where you’re going. You don’t know where the road will take you. But you feel the wind on your face. The rocks bumping against the tires. The vast stretches of sky. You get so absorbed in the journey that you almost forget why Conway is going to the Zero in the first place.
And well, the destination doesn’t really matter as much for this game, at least for me. I liked my experience just seeing the visuals, reading the words and the things they evoke. I like that the people in this game feel real, their presence reinforced by the stories they give. I liked steering them from one chapter to another, choosing my answers in a way that feels right for the characters at the time.
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I like how this game plays with the medium, in a way. I mentioned earlier that the interludes have changes in gameplay. They feel like their own experiences, vignettes in between acts. It feels like they’re distilling a particular moment or feeling, and stretching it wide enough for you to luxuriate in.
This applies in the acts themselves too. There are some magical moments in this game. Hearing of peoples’ stories, exploring a parking lot after a rainy day, driving across the Kentucky highways… these all sound so simple, and yet this game makes them so magical and fraught with meaning. It feels artsy in a down-to-earth way, if that makes sense.
Overall, I really like this game’s story. It meanders in a way that doesn’t drag on. It celebrates its own mundanity, making it magical. And it discusses serious themes with the necessary gravity they need.
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This game feels experimental in a way that I like. It discusses some serious themes in a way that isn’t heavy handed. It plays with how it presents the narrative in interesting ways. And it made me feel a lot of things!
I didn’t expect to feel a lot of feelings from an unassuming game. But here we are. And I wish to have you experience it too! I hope you enjoy your own journey with this game as much as I enjoyed mine!
Door Rates Kentucky Route Zero: 5/5!
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adrianmaynopas · 7 months
PORTFOLIO ENTRY #7. Blank Check Challenge
1. Blank Check Challenge List:
B – Body:
- Personal trainer
- Spa membership
- Healthy meal delivery service
- Gym membership
- Massage chair
- gym retreat
- Personal chef
- Home gym equipment
- Health supplements
- Meditation app subscription
C – Clothes:
- Custom-tailored suits
- Designer shoes
- Luxury watches
- High-end backpack
- Custom jewelry
- Vintage clothing collection
- Wardrobe stylist
- Personal shopper
- Fashion magazine subscription
- Fashion photography course
F – Family:
- Family vacation home
- Family bonding
- Family trust fund
- Family business investment
- Family education fund
- Family health insurance plan
- Family therapy sessions
- Family counseling retreat
- Family reunion cruise
- Family adventure travel
- Family philanthropy foundation
H – Home:
- Dream house
- Smart home technology
- Home theater system
- Home security system
- Home automation system
- Home computer setup
- Home library
- Home art gallery
- Home gym
- Home spa
2. Answer the following questions:
Answer the following questions:
• How would you feel as you do the Blank Check Challenge?
As an ambitious young man who truly wants to succeed in life, I feel that I can express all of my thoughts and feelings through this activity. I am truly delighted that I can say and convey everything that I am thinking.
• Which among the items on your list do you like the most? Why?
Family and home are the things on my list that I will prioritise the most because they have strengthened and brought me happiness. If I don't have my family—the people who soothe and uplift me—to be around or to trust, I don't know what I'm going to do with everything I own. Without this kind of family, I'm not sure what will happen to me in life. And my family will come first for me.
• If ever you were given a chance in real life to have one among the list. Which would you choose? Why?
My family is the thing on my list that I will prioritise the most because they have strengthened me and brought me joy in life. If my family—the people who give me comfort and make me feel better—is gone, I don't know what I will do with everything I own, including worldly possessions. Without a family like this, I'm not sure what will happen to me in life. And I'll put my family first.
• Does your choice different from what you answered in question number 2? Why or why not?
No, since I just want to offer my family the life they deserve and to help others realise the beauty of life that each and every one of us deserves, as you can see from my responses to questions 2, A, and B.
2. a. Which among the categories do you have the most in your list?
- The category with the most items on my list is "F – Family." And "H - Home"
B. What do you think these things tell you about yourself?
- Because this is my comfort, my family and home, even though without a home I feel the presence of my family, and this is what I want to have in the future. These items tell me that I value comfort, security, and a sense of belonging. I want to create a space that feels like home, where I can relax, entertain, and work comfortably. I also want to provide for my family and ensure their well-being and happiness.
as well as my family. In addition to being a comfortable place for me to work, I want it to have the feel of home. Along with ensuring my family's happiness, I also wish to provide for them.
3. Reflection paper about the material self:
The material self is the aspect of our identity that is shaped by the possessions we own and the things we surround ourselves with. It reflects our values, priorities, and aspirations. In my Blank Check Challenge list, I see a mix of items related to my personal well-being (B – Body), my appearance and style (C – Clothes), my relationships and family (F – Family), and my living environment (H – Home). This reflects a holistic view of myself, where I strive to take care of my physical and mental health, present myself in a way that aligns with my values and aspirations, nurture meaningful relationships, and create a comfortable and secure living space.
However, it's important to recognize that the material self is just one aspect of our identity, and it's not the most important or defining one. Our values, beliefs, experiences, and relationships are what truly shape who we are. While material possessions can bring temporary pleasure or comfort, they are not the source of lasting happiness or fulfillment. It's important to cultivate a sense of gratitude, generosity, and mindfulness in our relationship with material things, and to prioritize the things that truly matter in life: love, connection, purpose, and personal growth.
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liugeaux · 10 months
Greatest Songs Ever - Part 21 (Off the Rails)
Never has one of these been as off-the-rails as this one seems. I promise it’s not on purpose. With Part 20 being much more close to home, naturally, part 21 veers the opposite direction. 
Some of these you might not know, and I encourage you to check them out. here’s your link to the ongoing playlist. Let’s do this!
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2011 “Lock Down (feat. Leo the Lion)” -  Adam Skinner & Dan Skinner
We kick it off with the bop of the century. Maybe that’s an overstatement, but “Lock Down” crept into my life through the Giant Bombcast. The duders over there stumbled on this track in AudioNetwork, a royalty-free subscription music service. They played it during live stream downtime and their community ate it up. It became somewhat of an inside joke, while simultaneously being a banger. It’s categorized as “new-soul,” but its got a funk and a groove to it that gets your feet moving. I know nothing about Adam or Dan Skinner, and even less about Leo the Lion, but accidentally stumbling on such a fun track is kind of what this list is all about.  
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1983 “Sharp Dressed Man” - ZZ Top
ZZ Top is a mood. I always feel like ZZ Top songs only have words to make them more marketable. If they could get away with a career full of songs like “Tequila” by The Champs, then they would’ve probably done that. Alas Billy Gibbons had to use his singing voice to entice the masses. With a sound like sandpaper on bone, Gibbons gravelly delivery is the perfect compliment to the almost sludgy guitar riffs on “Sharp Dressed Man.” Given how grimey and raw everything about this song is, the title feels like tongue and cheek irony. It’s a song whose guitar lick is so good it doubles as a chorus. A chorus that slices you in half everytime it churns back to the speakers. I like a lot of tracks in the ZZ Top library, but “Sharp Dressed Man” has a swagger that’s universal.  
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2009 “TiK ToK” - Kesha
When my grand kids ask me what the late aughts sounded like, my answer will be “Tik Tok” by Kesha. This song is 100% a product of the pop music culture surrounding it. While Kesha’s talents as a songwriter eclipse this track exponentially, “Tik Tok” captured an energy and moment in music that cannot be recreated. Sanitized club beats, auto-tune, party-girl vibes, a hint of female empowerment and an odd Mick Jagger reference “Tik Tok” is hella weird. Even at the time I got a collective feeling from music fans, like we were looking at each other and saying “are we really doing this?” “Take On Me” is to the 80s what “Ice Ice Baby” is to the 90s, and “Tik Tok” is to the 00s. I’ve flirted with putting later Kesha songs on this list, but to do so before this seminal classic is an insult to an entire generation of music.   
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1969 “My Way” - Frank Sinatra
Southerners don’t listen to Sinatra. Growing up I understood Frank Sinatra was a big deal and even had movies referred to me, but I couldn’t name a single one of his songs. My childhood wasn’t filled with Sinatra tracks, crooner numbers or Rat Pack hits, it was Elvis, The Beatles, Classic Rock and country. I purposely reached for “My Way” to see what the big deal was. I’d heard an American Idol contestant or two sing snippets of it, but I wanted to know why the song is so revered. Upon first listen, I thought it sounded much older than it actually is. I would have pegged this song as a track from the 40s. The sound quality of the backing symphony is reminiscent of much older Hollywood scores like The Wizard of Oz, so to learn that its newer than most of The Beatles’ library was shocking. As a celebration of individuality, it’s message isn’t too dissimilar from that of the US as an idea, and the lyrics’ acknowledgement of his “way” being imperfect is subtly beautiful. “My Way” is an anthem for the proud, and sadly I feel the rigidity of its message has been used to justify rejecting compromise. As one man’s celebration of himself and as a booming showtune, the song is outstanding.  
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2021 “Sunroof” - Nicky Youre
Whenever I pick super-recent songs I know I’m rolling the dice on how time will effect this list. I have no idea who Nicky Youre is, but he knows how to capture the energy of youth. From the initial drop of “I got my head out the sunroof...” this song drips of innocence fueled youth. The freedom of your first car, having no worries and being consumed by the energy of a potential partner, it’s the magical spark of youth. Even the “La da, la da da, la la la“ part is laced with an envious carefree attitude. We are all longing for the feeling “Sunroof” is advertising, and that’s why it works so well. It’s like freebasing the idea of potential, “Sunroof” is a drug we should all be addicted to.  
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2001 "Rhythm” - Awol One & Daddy Kev
For an oh-so-brief moment in community college, I brushed against being cool enough to know someone who knew this song. My bud Austin, a worldly brain of a person who, to my knowledge has never been bad at anything, at least not anything he put legit effort into, turned me onto this track. He played a lot of music for me back then and not much of it stuck, but “Rhythm” burrowed in like a tick. The stand-out on the track is the flute in the loop. I’m gonna do my best to avoid making a flute-loops joke, but I promise nothing. I don’t know anything about the production of the track but it strikes me as a song birthed from the tightness of the loop. Once that was established, I’m sure everything else fell into place. The rapping isn’t stellar, but it knows what it is, and stays out of the way. Awol One’s drawn out delivery feeds the stoner vibe the track carries, while never feeling scummy. Laid-back, groovy, and raw enough to feel like the underground gem that it is. “Rhythm” was never at risk of being a radio hit, but that’s kind of a badge of honor here. If one more person hears this song because of this write up, I will have done my job.
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1993 “Chattahoochee” (Extended Mix) -  Alan Jackson
Look at that, yet another 90s country song gets added to the list! “Chattahoochee” is a country fan’s country song. It’s as story-telly as the fans demand, and Jackson’s delivery is exactly what you would expect from a pillar of the genre. However when you dig deeper, the lyrics are much more universal fro the casual listener. Like “Sunroof” there’s something inherently youthful about “Chattahoochee.” Youth, as a concept, is ripe for creative mining and Jackson chose a hyper specific venue for his slice-of-life story. Because the innocence of youth is so universal, even if you didn’t grow up on a river, you just get it. Your Chattahoochee river might be a drive-in movie theater, or a Sonic parking lot, or the pool tables at the local bowling alley. Calling a song shallow is only an insult if it doesn’t have a wide appeal. “Chattahoochee” is as shallow as that river probably is, and that just means everyone can relate. As for the (Extended Mix), it doesn’t add too much, but it does make the song feel more like an event. It’s got an extra breakdown or two that probably work well in a live setting. It’s just a better paced version of the same song.   
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1970 “War Pigs” - Black Sabbath
When you Google “Who invented heavy metal” you get a passage about historians believing it was Black Sabbath. I like to think all metal songs share DNA with tracks like “War Pigs.” Loud, brash and with something to say, the track alternates between an Ozzy show-piece and a Tony Iommi guitar rocker. Its quiet moments are as important as its loud guitar solos, a practice almost lost to time I modern metal. “War Pigs” may not be as relevant today as it was in 1970 (I’d like to think humans have learned a lot from past wars), but it serves as a creative benchmark for commentary on socio-political statements in art. Let’s not forget about the slimy and iconic guitar work here, traces of thrash can be heard in the solos and that wouldn’t rise to prominence until the 80s. Sabbath is WAAAAAAAY more important than most realize and “War Pigs” is their masterpiece.  
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2018 “Responsible Ver. 2″ (feat. Stan Taylor) - DUX
I really don’t know what to say about this one. DUX is a DJ, Stan Taylor is a vocalist, and “Responsible” is one of their collaborations. Due to their relative obscurity, they are oddly hard to Google. DUX seems Brazilian, and Taylor looks to be from Cali, but I don’t know if any of that matters. “Responsible” hovers between soul, techno, funk, and jazz, pretty cleanly. What initially stood out was the absolutely chewy bassline. The bass however, only gets you through the door, Taylor’s big soulful delivery hooks you, and the horn-filled bridge finishes the job. A beautiful melding of several reliable pillars of American music makes this into an unexpected modern classic buried in obscurity. “Responsible Ver. 2″ (definitely better than Ver. 1) would play well anywhere from a local pub to the biggest sporting event. If you check out any of these songs individually, please let this one be one of them.   
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1969 “Haute Couture” aka “Temptation Sensation” -  Das Orchester Heinz Kiessling
There is so much to unpack with this choice. Yes, it’s the Always Sunny in Philadelphia theme, yes, that seems cheap, and no, I don’t care. I’ve always loved the simplicity of the theme and found its whimsy quite-heartwarming. Prior to last year, I had not heard the original track, or knew anything about it. This song is by a German composer named Heinz Kiessling, and its taken two different names in its release history, “Haute Couture” and “Temptation Sensation.” For what its worth, I prefer the latter. The song itself is an orchestral mushroom trip. Somehow, like “My Way” it was released as recently as 1969. Nothing sounds more like a 1942 instrumental as much as this track does. To put this in perspective, it was released a year before the almost modern sounding “War Pigs”. Was Germany so far behind America in sound production that “Temptation Sensation” just felt super old, or was that on purpose? Who knows. The internet doesn’t say anything about him being a Nazi, so there’s more good news. The song itself is so full of whimsy, and fluff, that its hard to hear without feeling like a burden has been lifted from your shoulders. As the theme from It’s always Sunny, it works stupendously because of the thematic dichotomy.
That was an exceptionally weird list of songs, but I promise next time will be a bit more mainstream. That is, unless my plans change, then, anything is on the table. *Insert excited emoji*    
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philosophika1 · 1 year
Contacted Shipping Company about sending my belongings overseas ($500 for one of their largest boxes, + $30 pickup + insurance, + taxes, + $30 delivery in home country ). Wait, scratch that, it looks like a scam? They have a lot of terrible reviews on Google. How can I tell if a business is legit if they can manufacture reviews and buy an A+ BBB accreditation??? I am having a heart attack. I almost want to throw all my belongings onto the street lol It looks like total international moving costs are going to be around $10,000, including packing fee, delivery etc (fucking expensive). Why did I buy so many books?!?!?
Contacted Tulip’s Vet. She has to get a certificate within 10 days before flying and update one vaccine. Otherwise, all looks good.
Contacted the Embassy regarding Tulip’s travel details. I must complete one additional form + payment online with travel dates. Need to buy tickets to be able to do this!!! (URGENT)
Contacted Lease Breaking Office. I need to give 15 days' notice and pay a settlement of 2 months' rent plus rent through the month I vacate. Need written confirmation of this to forward to the lawyers. (panic, panic, panic)
Contacted Verizon about cancelling my internet service and getting the modem removed in July. (Friday July 14th - I can alter this date if i call them. Having a technician remove the ONT box costs an additional $99, which is a bit steep really...)
Sent email to lawyer.
Deep cleaned the bathroom (missing shower + sink) and broomed the apartment.
My stress levels are through the roof.
Ask the vet if they can give Tulip a sedative for the trip.
Buy flight tickets. (July 21st?)
Book Shipping Company (with packing services included because I give up.) (Before Fri)
Put Tulip on a diet (must weigh 10 kilos with bag included to fly in cabin)
Take all boxes down to the lobby.
Go to an AT&T store to migrate to an international postpaid account. (Tuesday)
Create a “Has X positively impacted your university experience? Tell us about it” Google form. (For Wednesday)
Complete Organization Hand-Over Guide.  (For Wednesday)
Ask the bank how to maintain access to my account abroad.
Contact Apartment Services about getting maintenance done on AC units, fixing the sink, painting the apartment, etc. (Mon-Fri)
Close random Sephora account (Why the fuck did I sign up for this?)
Unsubscribe from local private library space (do this last as you may need the internet space).
Clean the kitchen.
Cancel other subscriptions (what am I even subscribed to? how do i find out?)
Schedule Apartment Deep-Clean
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Saying Goodbye to my Brooklyn Kitchen
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Saying Goodbye to my Brooklyn Kitchen
(First, a reminder that this is an exercise. I’d like to thank Androthony for the prompt)
In my kitchen in Brooklyn hangs a poster (stolen) from the land of Sunshine.
In a drunken misdeliberation, a miscarried migration; in the miscarried migration, a fragment of the poster stayed behind. A torn edge on a quadrilateral.
How shapes deform in my handwriting as I handwrite this phrase reminds me of the simplifications we make in our spoken language. All those scattered dialects might have come from a scattering of the shapes of the sounds that we scribble with our voices on the surface of time.
Somewhere. I stand in my kitchen. In this city. On the surface of time.
Somewhere. Dishes are scattered everywhere. I’ve spent countless hours here, but not as I had thought I would have. Or should have. If I count the countless moments, cooking would’ve ranked quite low on the list. Cleaning even lower.
I like to pretend I'm in a film, but this is an unhealthy habit. This life is longer than 90 minutes.
A plate sits on my stove top glazed with a layer of yesterday’s dinner. Across from it, I sit on the counter. Cigarette ash is floating on an unnameable liquid that has accumulated in a bowl that, for a number of days now, has found a home in the sink.
I should stop smoking in the kitchen. They might take my deposit away. Perhaps my lungs too should be a part of this consideration, but I shudder this thought away.
An idiolect refers to the particular speech habits of a person. I wonder if there’s a word for the kitchen habits of a person. idiocusinie? 
I guess this is just a distraction.
I guess I have to say goodbye to this kitchen. And to this pantry.
And to this time.
Most bottles of oil are mostly full even though I’ve had to replenish them more than once in my two years here. I mostly used just olive oil or ghee. I used to be very careful about choosing the right ingredients, but now I just cook whatever feels right.
Alas, lately nothing has really felt right.
I will have to dispose of this oil safely when I move out. This is such a hassle—there’s no way I will be able to finish it in two months, and I can’t just throw it down the drain. I think this hurts something. I am not sure what it hurts or how it hurts, but I know what it’s like to hurt, and I wouldn’t want to wish that upon anything.
When I first moved in, I decided to name my stovetop Kenji. I wondered what its name was before. I used to cook a lot, and I thought I’d keep doing that, but like any other tired Brooklynite, I ended up getting one of those subscription services for half my meals. A significant portion of the other half was spent between first-date dinners, meals with friends passing by the city, or DoorDash deliveries. I wonder if this hurt Kenji.
Growing up is not fun, I think to myself. I only see my friends when they’re passing by. If nothing else, at least I got memories out of my meals.
Would I have to figure out how to dispose of my memories too or could I just safely throw them down the drain?
I don’t think I’m ready to say goodbye.
Not to my kitchen, not to my memories. So I put these memories on a shelf—cookbooks, liqueurs, and all the little gifts that remind me of all my lovers.
I must clarify that when I say all my lovers, I mean all of them.
On the shelves, a collection of emptied wine bottles with labels caught my eye. And on my mind:
a Sauvignon Blanc, 2021, Lapis Luna. A second date at home.
a Cabernet Sauvignon-Syrah blend, 2019, Double Trouble. I saw an old friend.
a Pinot Noir, ????, Otto’s Constant Dream. I fell in love with a stranger.
I wish I could work towards a native fluency in your idiolect.
I will try to carry your sounds with me, even if I have to leave the kitchen behind.
I’ve tried to start cooking more again. I think this is an essential part of recovering, even though I don’t know what I’m recovering from.
I flip through a cookbook. Salt Fat Acid Heat. I’ve taken down notes. It takes a bit of mental processing to gather their meanings. The shapes of these words are known to me, but really, from what (linguistic) distance would they just be scribbles on a page? I’m certain this sort of written idiolect, put simply, my handwriting, requires a certain degree of familiarity and fluency to read.
I think I’m the only speaker of my idiolect, but sometimes even I cannot understand me.
Yesterday, I warmed up a frozen meal, which is its own achievement. My mother had packed it in January. I googled how long frozen cooked meat is safe to eat, and it seemed we’re cutting it a bit too close, but I feel fine today.
I feel fine today insofar as I am riding on 200 micrograms of orange sunshine.
I think I’m the only speaker of my idiolect, but sometimes even I cannot understand me. I find this to be a very strange sensation. Even stranger, perhaps, is that you can understand me. And even stranger how you can read even between the lines.
Between the lines, a plant leaves her leaves falling in the shape of a crescent moon. We all call her Chandramukhi (چندرمکھی). She scatters the sunlight onto the walls.
Against the walls, an assortment of drinkware appliances sits silently in its corner. I don’t know a better phrase for this collection. A dusty bartending kit from when I could still be called an alcoholic, a kettle half filled with water, a few kinds of tea and coffee—in all their forms—dried leaves, ground beans, concentrated, processed, rotting.
Time brings a rot. Chaos. A commotion.
Among the commotion on the surface of the kitchen counter, slept some half-forgotten dreams. Bookbinding tools, lino blocks, and Lila, the water lily, sitting by my synthesizer, all outlined by three glass box eighths of weed that help me cope with having half-forgotten myself.
Among the commotion in the structures of my memory, lived an unforgettable half-forgotten image. Years later, every lover every friend every time, every moment in this city still reminds me of you. Only you. On the surface of time. Only you. How could I even walk through these streets without hearing the sound of your voice echoing from the past?
I want you to know, if you ever read this, there was a time when I would rather have had you by my side than any one of these words. (Maggie Nelson)
I am running out of time, but this time will always stay with me. I am running out of space, but I know your heart would never run out. I am running out of breath, but I have to say goodbye. I am running out of words.
I hope you find comfort in this city. It is yours now.
0 notes
florasearle · 1 year
App Research
Food Apps:
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Deliveroo is a British online food delivery company founded in 2013. The service has reached a mainstream audience in recent years and has impacted the way we order takeaway irreversibly. I wanted to observe the layout of the app and how it might affect our design. The app uses a simple colour palette to contrast with the colourful imagery of the food. This use of colour was thought to be too sterile when applied to our game concept (games typically have a colorful background). As a student on a budget, I reserve delivery services such as this in situations where I'm too unwell to make my own food and it has been very useful.
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Mealime is an American meal planner app founded in 2014. I have used the app for my weekly shop once, but later discovered it to be American in the method (told to measure in cups, which does not translate to British cooking). The service also requires a Pro subscription to access most of the recipes, which is not affordable for students. The layout of the app is very easy to use and there are not excessive design choices which make it hard to navigate. Much like Deliveroo, it has a simple colour palette. The use of green is present within my selected colour palette, as this was within most food apps and conveys organic living. The service also uses a very similar san serif font to Deliveroo.
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I was gifted a Nosh book targeted towards students. The company idea was formed based on the author's son, who did not know how to cook during his time at uni. Joy May wanted to solve this issue and a succession of books have been released since. The app has a downloadable book section for which you receive the grocery list. The method however, is provided within the book. As a picky eater and not a big meat-eater, this book didn't work in my favour. Many, almost all, included meat. The app itself is effective, but could be improved through uploading the grocery list to your selected supermarket, as Mealime does. The price inclusion is a good idea when considering the budget of students. The app again uses a san serif font and a white and green colour palette.
Apps Essential to University Life-My Personal Observation:
These are apps I looked at prior to the decision of diet and cooking focus.
This app provides the most safe route home by analysing verified police data posted using the latest monthly police reports. I have used this during a night out in Bristol with my sibling and it felt reassuring to have. The design of the app uses a white and blue colour palette and simple navigation. This is effective as in a situation of fear, you want to be able to access something like this quickly. I learnt about the app through an advertisement poster which featured young people on a night out, which suggests the target audience.
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Uber allows you to connect to nearby registered drivers who can get you from a-b. I used this service during my trip to Rome with friends and this was great when trying to navigate an unknown area. I think this service to be essential to university life as often times, there are not enough taxis to go round during a night out. Buses also stop during the later hours.
Depending on your location, bus apps are really helpful when planning out your journey. These apps provide a journey planner where you can put in your location and desired trip. This has helped me plan out my days in advance as well as view the live location of the buses.
Trainline is essential to a uni student who travels and has helped me on all my train journeys. It allows you to buy tickets at the last minute, without the hassle of a ticket machine. The ticket is digital and so there is no risk of it becoming lost. My favourite feature is the live tracker, so I know when to expect my arrival as well as any updates as to whether the train has changed or been cancelled. This app again uses a white and turquoise colour palette as well as a black sans serif.
This app is good for city locations and I have used it when visiting London. The app helps users to find areas using a filtration system of walks, cycles, scooters, buses tube and rail routes. This app also uses white and green and a san serif font. In my personal experience however, I have found the app over complicated and too difficult to understand, especially amongst the bustle of cities. My parents and boyfriend found it hard to navigate also.
Many universities use Canvas as their intranet. The app version however, has many missing information on lessons and cannot be viewed properly unless on a full screen.
LinkedIn is useful in making connections to others from your uni and outside. It has a simple system like many other social media platforms and again uses a basic colour palette.
My go-to for ordering nightclub tickets, this app is very easy to use. My complaint is the excessive use of notifications. The app uses a white background and a black san serif font.
A discount code app for students, I have found the app to be temperamental. It would often give me inaccurate codes. Again, white and green palette.
Another discount code app, most codes on here load up onto websites which are nowhere to be seen. Would prefer if they kept the old copy and paste option. They have a purple colouring which is unusual to see, but it stands out against the others.
NHS App-
Vital for those who move away from home. Keeps all doctors notes and prescriptions. Allows me to order my medication without having to call surgery. Easy to navigate but a pain to set up.
My go-to for second-hand clothing. Many discounted clothes from popular sellers such as Urban Outfitters, has allowed me to own unique and fashionable clothes without breaking the brank. Blue and white palette.
My favorite calendar app that I share with my friends, family and boyfriend. I have a calendar for each and it allows us to plan around each of our responsibilities and activities. White and green palette, I like the stylisation of the logo as being that of a clock but in leaf form. Simple but effective idea that is reflected in the app navigation.
Avatar Apps:
This app is used to design you avatar on the social media platform Snapchat. The app provides a lot of variation in styles and companies use their wardrobe section to promote their clothing. Typical of avatar design, there is an outfit, face, body and accessories section. Each section allows for the selection of colour. I tried to incorporate this into my design.
This app follows the same premise. This format influenced how I initially drew out the avatar section. This app is much more restrictive than Bitmoji as it requires a subscription for me advanced features, but the stylistic choice is very similar to that of Bitmoji.
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Cooking Game Apps:
Cooking Mama-
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Our primary inspiration, Cooking Mama is a game that was popular during our childhood. As observed in my Penguin Books project, nostalgia is important to Gen Z and how they interact with brands. Creating familiarity within our game would encourage users to interact with the lessons. A feature we have been inspired by are the cutting directions provided by GIF arrows and lines, which will appear in our video lessons. We thought to include this as we had all found it difficult to learn how to cut different foods in different ways-and learning these essential skills makes for better food and ultimately, a confident cook.
Cooking Fever-
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This game differed to Cooking Mama in that the gameplay was more of a drag-and-drop action rather than directly interacting with the food. We wanted demonstrations of how to prep and cook food and so this type of gameplay did not apply to our end goal.
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beckleyblog · 2 years
Business Model Deliverable
If I had a hypothetical $1 million to invest in either GoPuff or Peloton, I would choose to invest in Peloton. Prior to this assignment, I had heard of both these companies. I knew more about Peloton than GoPuff. I knew of Peloton through multiple of my marketing classes. We were always taught to learn from their sexist marketing mistake, which occurred in November of 2019. So knowing this information, I already had a bad taste of this company. As far as GoPuff, I knew the bare minimum about this company. I knew they were a delivery service that took off in the pandemic, but nothing past that. After doing my research into both of these companies, I had a deeper understanding of them as businesses. I will now go into greater detail about my research and why I chose to invest in Peloton over GoPuff.
Peloton as a company started out rocky, and continued to have their ups and downs throughout the years. Similar to GoPuff, they found their business booming during the pandemic. With being stuck at home for a year and a half, people were looking for at home work outs to maintain their fitness and health. Peloton’s holds value in empowering the lives of people with world-class fitness equipment and experts. This is something Peloton was able to provide, but at a hefty price. Peloton used a combination of bundling and subscription, with both their machines and access to their online service experts. They are mostly scalable as this is a service and product that is manufactured to meet their demand, although it is quite expensive. Their customer segment is active adults who may be too busy to go to the gym and wants a convenient workout. Their machine is a product that needs outsourced by delivery services to get to their customer, while the online service is a an easy access product. 
With their business booming during the pandemic, Peloton scaled their operations rapidly to try and meet the current demand and future demand. This was a large mistake for their company. When the pandemic died down and people were able to go back to “normal life”  per se, their demand died down. This left Peloton with excess inventory which ended up costing them in the long run. This plus a few other mistakes along the way, caused a huge loss for Peloton. This resulted in higher ups in the company stepping down and leaving, to having to lay off close to 5,200 employees over the years. Recently, the new owners of the company seem to have been making changes to turn Peloton in the right direction. The potential for this company is big, if they continue to be smart in their market and make the right decisions. 
GoPuff is a company that also started to take off during the height of the pandemic. They sought door to door delivery of services such as, food, cleaning supplies and alcohol. As you can imagine in a pandemic where you can’t of anywhere, this would become quite popular. They valued quick and hassle-free delivery at all hours of the night.  They developed a revenue stream mainly through delivery fee’s. This is a very scaleable business as it is an online platform that contracts employees through the app. Depending on the demand, they can scale their business pretty easily. GoPuff is a really low margin business. The ideal customer was mostly everyone during the pandemic, but specifically young adults who have money and tend to eat out but don’t want to leave their own environment. Their product/service is delivered through outsourcing contract drivers to provide their service effectively. 
GoPuff had a strong start in the beginning of the pandemic, but quickly started to loose money at a fast rate. With the low margin business model and plenty of competition in their market (DoorDash, UberEats, GrubHub, etc.), it made it hard for them to profit and stay ahead of competition. One thing that is impossible to do in business is to be all things at once, for example cheap and convenient. This is an unhealthy business model that doesn’t help margins. With their lack of revenues, GoPuff found themselves doing multiple rounds of layoffs and loosing many of their key executives. Not to mention the irresponsible spending of money by higher ups which lead people to question the rapport of the company. Another issue with their business model is their reliance on inventory and leasing warehouses. The majority of their revenue is not coming from customers, but from their partnerships. This can lead to an unbalanced business and could potentially be detrimental to the company. Currently, GoPuff is trying new ventures to keep the business alive. We will see in the next year where GoPuff ends up. 
In conclusion, I learned a lot about both these companies through my research. While both companies have had their ups and downs in the recent years, I truly have faith in Peloton as a company. I believe their business model is smarter, and there is more of a space in the market for them. With continued innovation and progression in the company, I think they could bring themselves back up to the level they once were in the pandemic. GoPuff’s business model is too concerning to me, and I believe there are too many similar business out there in the market. Overall that is why if I had $1 million to invest into a company, I would choose to invest in Peloton. 
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kerlonfaith · 2 years
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How can I sign-up for FAX852 monthly plan?Ĭlick here to sign-up for a monthly plan.
However you may consider to enable call forwarding service on your existing fax number and divert all incoming fax calls to fax number assigned in FAX852.
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Will FAX852 provide a personal fax number for receiving faxes for customers on a monthly plan?Įach customer subscribed to a monthly plan that includes the capability to receive faxes activated will have a personal fax number assigned which can be used for receiving faxes.
Additionally, you will also receive a notification through the FAX852 App when there is an incoming fax. You can register up to 3 email addresses to receive faxes for each assigned fax number. When there is a fax sent to their fax number, FAX852 will automatically convert the received fax into an email and send it to the user. Each customer subscribed to a monthly plan that includes the capability to receive faxes activated will have a personal fax number assigned which can be used for receiving a fax. Yes, our monthly plan provides the capability receiving faxes, click here for more details.įAX852 provides a Fax-to-Email service. You may consider purchasing Fax Pages, if the monthly plans are not suitable for you.
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With its business version, you can convert faxes into PDF to automatically forward to email. You can manage mass deliveries and voice recordings. Its business version offers numerous nice features.Ī business version of Google Fax Free is available with some excellent features. You can use this tool in business, home, multiline, etc. With this fax service, you will need an internet phone service provider or a fax modem. Immediately get in touch with their customer service representative or check their FAQ section. You can get the advantage of their top-notch customer service through phone number, live chat and email. Its desktop platform offers user-friendly features. You can start using this app without a setup fee. It is suitable for outgoing and incoming faxes. RingCentral Fax allows you to fax 750 pages for almost $14.99.
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RELATED Signature Generator - Create Signatures Online for Free With this software, you will get alerts on your email or mobile number. RingCentral Fax offers numerous unique features to send different faxes to different parts of the world. It is another fax service to send and receive faxes. It can be a reliable choice for Windows users. You can use Snapfax on your mobile and Windows to transfer the photos of the document. This app is suitable for users who want to send faxes through their smartphone and windows computer. Feel free to fax it to your desired person. This fax service works like clicking a photo of a document that you want to fax. Snapfax is another fax solution for casual users as compared to a businessman. You can get a free fax number without any credit card. No doubt, this online fax service is suitable for everyone. CocoFax will not charge to manage fax communications within this period.
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If you want to test features of CocoFax, you can start with a 30-day free trial period. Notifications and delivery report are sent to an online dashboard of CocoFax. A delivery report will prove whether your fax was successfully sent or not. Delivery ReportĪfter sending faxes from CocoFax, you will get an email notification. The procedure for sending and receiving email is easy for everyone. This service is reliable to receive and send faxes from the dashboard of CocoFax or Gmail. With the use of CocoFax, you can send a fax from email via your Windows PC. RELATED IT Services: Know What You're Getting Yourself Into Email to Fax Online Service
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metakakaew · 2 years
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You can sign-up for the Vi™-Amazon Prime offer after your existing Prime membership expires.Ħ. The offer is available for new Amazon Prime customers only. i have an existing Amazon Prime subscription will I be eligible for the Amazon Prime offer on postpaid plans? Click on Claim your benefits section and claim your offer.ĥ. It’s easy! You can get 12 months of Amazon Prime at no additional cost with postpaid plans.īuy a new postpaid connection with a postpaid plan 499/higher or If you are already on one of these plans, simply download the Vi™ app. However, if you are on postpaid plan, you get 12 months of Amazon Prime at no additional cost.Ĥ. how can I sign-up for the Postpaid-Amazon Prime offer? how long is my Amazon Prime subscription via Vi™ valid for? will I be charged anything extra for subscribing to Amazon Prime?Īs long as you are a postpaid plan user, the first 12 months of your Amazon Prime membership is included in your plan and you do not need to pay anything additional.Īmazon Prime subscription is Rs. For more details, please visit amazon.in/primeĢ. what is Amazon Prime? what are its benefits?Īmazon Prime is a subscription program where members enjoy unlimited free, fast delivery on eligible items and exclusive access to deals on Amazon.in, video streaming on Amazon Prime Video, ad-free music on Amazon Prime Music. Please follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more news, tips, and reviews. Need cord cutting tech support? Join our Cord Cutting Tech Support Facebook Group for help.1.
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This is likely a short term patch as Amazon works to update the Fire OS to include the new look and feel of Prime Video.ĭid you notice these new changes that started to roll out earlier this month to Amazon’s Prime Video? What do you think? Leave us a comment and let us know. Instead, you will find a Prime Video icon in the top right corner that will bring you to a new Prime video app with access to all the features you used to find built into the OS. Now when you go to video on newer Fire Tablets you will no longer find a way to jump to your downloads. One thing you will notice if you have a Fire Tablet is the Amazon Prime Video app is no longer built into the OS.
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This update is now live on mobile devices like Android and Fire Tablets. All the content has always been there but now Amazon has given it prime placement as it encourages you to use your Amazon account to subscribe to STARZ, HBO, CBS All Access and more. (Or just pick the episodes you want.)Īmazon is also making Amazon Channels a bigger part of the app.
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Now you also have the option to, with one click, download a full season. In the past you would have to manually download each show. You will also notice Amazon has made it easier to download full seasons of shows.
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Here you will find all of your downloads, watchlist, and all the movies and TV shows you have purchased. One of the biggest changes is the new My Stuff section. This makes navigating through the app far faster. Now Amazon has added a row at the bottom for Home, Store, Search, and My Stuff to name a few. Now when you are looking for your owned movies and TV shows, you will no longer find them hidden in a menu on the top left. Now Amazon has updated its Prime Video app on mobile devices with the new look. A new section was added for My Stuff that puts all of your content in a single place. You may have noticed earlier this month Amazon rolled out some new features to its website when you stream Prime Video.
The Ultimate Cord Cutting Guide for Sports Fans.
Hulu with Live vs YouTube TV vs DIRECTV STREAM vs Sling TV vs fuboTV vs Philo.
The Beginner’s Guide to Cord Cutting 2021.
Here's Everything Coming to Netflix, Hulu, and Prime Video This Week.
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chaos-writes · 3 years
Spoiled! A Rikiya Yotsubashi x reader fic
Warnings: so basically the reader gets called "little one" a lot. Call it what you want, but it is not CG/L (at least the kink side of it. It is more or less the therapeutics of it). There is a lot of softness and tenderness, and there is a bath scene. Not s*xual, but a bath nonetheless. Slight angst. Lots of comfort. Reader has a job (anywhere, doesn't matter) and there are descriptions of physical pain. It is so comfortable and fluffy that I have literally fallen asleep writing it. Twice.
Word count: ~2k
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"Hey Rikiya, I'm home!" He was sitting on his squishy armchair, in gym shorts and an undershirt, hair down and sleepily flipping through the newspaper. He turned to look at me and gave a lazy smile. "Hello, Little One." I just got home from a long day at work and could quite literally pass out. "My nerves are shot. I had such a bad day today." His smile faltered a little, concern beginning to nibble at his expression.
He gently laid the newspaper he was holding onto the coffee table in front of him and motioned for me to lay on the couch next to his armchair. He sat a soft pillow down on the end of the couch closest to him. I layed down on the leather couch and took a deep breath. He stroked my hair a few times before planting a kiss to my temple.
"I know how hard you have been working lately, my dear. I want you to understand that it won't go unnoticed by me. You deserve so much, Little One. Now... what can I do to help make you feel better?"
"I would love to just rest. I barely have any energy left and every customer that came by had such an attitude and my boss was so mean today and- and..." tears welled and bit the corners of my eyes hard as my voice began to crack. Rikiya slid off the armchair and kneeled by my side, turning me onto my side and hugging me ever so tightly.
He then pulled me up and sat on the couch, having me straddle his lap and wrap my arms around his neck. I was only able to get a small glimpse of the tears shining in the corners of his eyes before I was enveloped in a pair if strong arms and given a warm soft chest to rest my head and cry into.
He spoke softly into my hair, "It's all right, Sunshine. It's okay to cry. I want nothing more than to take all of that pain away from you." He went on and rocked side to side as I silently sobbed into the crook of his neck and sniffled. "You're allowed to have these big feelings and show that you're having them. You're allowed to take up space and express how you feel. Let it all out, darling. Everything is going to be okay."
He held me until I no longer sniffled, cooing at and comforting me. He continued to encourage me to relieve all my worries from my mind. After what felt like ages, I sat up and he carefully cradled my face in his hands. "Are you okay? Do you feel a little better now?" Rikiya's tears dried and stained his cheeks now. His eyes spoke a million words of sorrow and shined brighter than I have ever seen before. I reached up to wipe his cheeks as gently as I could and rested my hands on his chest as I spoke.
"Yeah. I feel better. I dont know what made me do that, normally I can handle it..."
"It's alright, Little One," He said. He caressed my arms and waist and spoke, "You were probably bottling it up without realizing. You know it's always okay to come to me to talk, alright?"
"Okay. I love you."
"I love you, too, baby. Let's get you something to eat. You must be so hungry after such a long day." My hands traveled from his chest to my stomach. It's true, I thought. I forgot to eat…
I climbed off of his lap as he sat up and unlocked his phone. He pulled up one of those food delivery apps and leaned closer to me. "What looks good? Ooh, I know! How about pho? I think some warm food is what you need."
"That sounds pretty good right now. Can we get seafood rolls too?"
"I was just about to ask if you wanted some. I love those things!" He giggled and smiled his dorky smile at me. I giggled back. He placed the order and typed in the information.
"You know we can split it, right, Rikiya?"
"Nonsense. Tonight is about you, Little One. Don't worry about money or having to pay for food. You've dealt with enough today." He kissed my forehead and closed his phone.
"What do you say we watch a movie while we wait for the food? Your pick." He turned on the TV and flipped through the subscriptions. "How about one of those Tim Burton movies you like?"
"Yeah! What about The Corpse Bride?"
"Of course Dear!" He smiled widely.
About a half hour later, our food arrived. He walked out the living room, answered the door and thanked the delivery person. He returned with two small bags, one for each of us.
I started to slide down the couch to sit at the table, but Rikiya stopped me. He grabbed a cushion from underneath the table and took my hand in his. He gently helped me down onto the cushion and set up my food for me.
We ate silently with the movie playing in the background. I noticed in my peripheral vision that Rikiya was smiling to himself and looking at me every time I paid more attention to the TV rather than my food. 
He started to play with my cheeks and hair and smiled. He gingerly kissed my cheek and. I giggled and quickly dipped my finger in the warm broth. I swiped it onto the tip of his nose and we laughed. 
After a few moments of silence, he grabbed onto my hand and gave a reassuring squeeze. In that moment I knew I was going to be okay.
I ate slowly and savored every bite and slurp of those noodles. They felt so wonderful finally filling up my empty stomach and they warmed me right up. I have never felt so relaxed. 
As the end credits rolled around, I started to pick up all of the trash left on the table and collected it in one of the takeout bags it all came in. I hummed along with the soundtrack of the credits and wasn't aware of my surroundings in the slightest. 
I heard Rikiya get up from the table and felt his warmth as he sat himself behind me so that I sat between his legs. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into a warm and comforting embrace. He nuzzled into the crook of my neck and pressed small, gentle kisses to my jaw and shoulder. I reached over and started rubbing and patting the side of his leg. 
We sat in a comfortable silence as the movie finally finished and embraced each other for a while. I leaned back into Rikiya. "Rikiya?" 
"Yes, Little One?"
"I'm starting to hurt again. The food and everything was able to distract me but now I need to actually relieve the pain..." 
"I have an idea. I'll run a warm bath for you and set up your favorite aromatherapy things. Does lavender sound good, Darling?"
"That sounds wonderful, Rikiya." I gave him a sleepy smile.
He helped me up slowly and sat me down on the couch. He grabbed a blanket off the armchair and draped it over me to keep me warm while he handled everything. He kissed my head ever so gently and got to work, walking to the bathroom and setting everything up. 
Rikiya laid everything out on the counter so it was reachable from the bathtub. Lavender and cedarwood lotion, gentle shampoo, conditioner, lavender bubble bath, and rosehip and lavender candles. He grabbed some fresh extra-soft towels out of the closet and prepared them to be thrown in the dryer about halfway through the bath. He poured the bubble bath, lit the candles, finished running the bath and dimmed the lights. It was sunset, so it was still light enough to be able to navigate the bathroom and the different products.
I was laying on the couch, dozing off, when I felt a pair of hands on my blanket. Then, one was interlocking beneath my knees and the other around my back. I lazily opened my eyes and looked up at my carrier. He cooed at me and smiled. 
"So precious, my Sunshine."
I yawned and reached up to pet his cheeks while we were on our way to the bathroom. Soon enough, he stepped through the doorway of the bathroom and gently and slowly stood me up on my feet. 
Rikiya held onto my arms gently and spoke earnestly, "If you're okay with it, I'd like to stay in here with you to make sure you get to relax fully. The last thing you need is to worry about washing. You're in pain." 
"Okay. No funny business, though," I giggled. He smiled and shook his head. "No. No funny business. I just want you to relax. You had a hard week as it is." 
I undressed and got ready to get into the bathtub. Rikiya grabbed my hand and helped me down into the warm, inviting bath. I slid down and took a deep breath. "Perfect. You're such a wonderful being. So precious, so valuable, you're worth it all Little One... everything."
"You have no idea how good of a boyfriend you are, Rikiya."
He… winced?
He spoke carefully, "Thank you, I really do appreciate that. But something just isn't quite right with the term… boyfriend."
"Oh… did you have something else in mind, then?"
"What about 'partner'?" He smiled and caressed my cheek gently.
"That's fine. As long as we're both comfortable, I guess." I played with the bubbles and swiped some on his hand. He laughed and we both fell into a comfortable, sleepy silence. 
He grabbed the stack of soft towels he put out earlier and ran them to the dryer. He came back as quickly as he left and went back to kneeling next to me.
"Alright," he said, reaching for the different bottles. "Time to start washing."
He grabbed a cup, filled it, and began wetting my hair with the water. He filled the palm of his hand with some shampoo and gently lathered and massaged it through my scalp. He smiled and kissed my forehead. He tilted my head back and poured the warm water over my hair to rinse, continuing to massage in between pours.
He cleaned my hair completely of suds and oil and went to work on conditioning. He gently combed the conditioner through and worked it into my hair before rinsing throroughly. Rikiya then grabbed a wash rag and rubbed some moisturizing body wash into it. He rubbed my arms and legs and back, and continued washing me to his standard of cleanliness.
I continued to play with the bubbles and talk to Rikiya as the water cooled down from how long the bath had been.
"You're spoiling me, Rikiya," I said, petting his hair and caressing his cheek and neck.
"Well, that makes two of us, then. I feel so spoiled just being around you." He smiled and lifted the drain plug. I smiled and yawned. "Let's get you dried off and in some warm pajamas, okay?
After he dried me off with a warm towel and pulled on my pajamas, he guided me along and walked me to bed, which has been made, and complete with a cup of chamomile tea and heating pad waiting for me. He picked me up and gently laid me down. He pulled the fluffy blankets over me, tucked me in, and kissed my forehead.
Rikiya turned on the lamp and turned the bedroom lights off. He tugged off his undershirt and gently climbed into bed by my side. "I love you so much darling. You are my world."
"I love you too, Rikiya."
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