How they sleep...headcanons
Includes my beloved Iruka, darling Kakashi, and dear Itachi (with bonus additions of lovely Shikamaru and sweet Sasuke) GN!Reader
Warnings: tad bit of language, and some raunchy bits (nothing crazy, reader discretion advised), tell me if this sucks
He loves, loves, LOVES to cuddle
Even on the hottest nights of the year, Iruka still has his arm thrown over you, unable to get valuable sleep unless his bare skin was touching yours
Dies over being little spoon, adores it, and is internally screaming when you pull him close in your sleep
Sleeps in a pair of boxers, with the occasional t-shirt if he expects it to be especially cold in the night - the skin-to-skin contact with you usually keeps him plenty warm
Grinds his teeth in his sleep, and it makes his jaw pop in a painful way - but he refuses to get a nightguard because he heard it would make him drool
His hair gets messy in the night with how much he moves, but they're easy knots
Mumbles in his sleep, nothing coherent unless you prompt him, but he will always reply 'I love you more' even in the deepest slumber
Sleeps like the dead
If he's truly confortable, Kakashi could sleep through a tornado without so much as a stir
That said, you will be locked into whatever position you fall asleep with him in, and he insists upon falling asleep with his limbs entangled with yours
Kakashi goes through violent hot and cold swings in the night, because his internal thermostat is broken - he doesn't move a muscle, used to the sweats/chills, but it prompts you to move around him according to the temperature swings
Gets multiple erections during the night
Has about fifty pairs of pyjama pants, some even have matching shirts, but will almost always fall asleep in his boxers
Sometimes, even if he does fall asleep with pyjama pants, he'll take them off in a half asleep daze at some point in the night
Goodnight kisses are a must every single night and good morning kisses were necessary every single morning, Kakashi's favourite part of getting to sleep next to you was the fact that your face was the first and last he saw in a day
Groans in his sleep, occasionally sighs your name, but is very silent and still, except for his face, scrunching up every ten minutes it seemed
Goddamn somebody get this emmaciated man a warm bed and a long cuddle
He doesn't sleep much, and when he does, it's not continuous
Clenches his jaw while he sleeps, making it pop and lock throughout the night
Needs everything to be pitch dark and quiet as church service for him to hit even Stage 3 sleep, Itachi sleeps like a cat and will rouse with any noise
Frequent nightmares, and if he's having a peaceful sleep, it's dreamless
Sleeps best after a few orgasms
Loves feeling your body curled against him, so much so that even while sleeping, he'll stroke your back and whisper his adorations
Itachi always wakes up first and then stares at you until you wake up, he might play with your hair a little, but otherwise will just watch you sleep soundly
When you wake up, if there's time, he'll roll around with you, cuddling and kissing for an hour or two before he starts getting antsy to get up
Falls asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow, but that never stops you from cuddling up close
About twice a week, he falls asleep fully clothed, and you have to peel the clothes off his uncooperative ass or else he'll get all whiny in the morning if he wakes up in yesterday's clothes without a hangover
Truly a sweetie, Shikamaru's always pulling at you while he sleeps - never hard enough to pull you right to him, but enough for your unconscious mind to get the hint
Favourite thing is spending entire mornings with you in bed, talking, cuddling, smoking
Ticklish as hell so you cannot just be wandering your hands over him while he's sleeping, he'll smack you away harshly and turn away (but not remember anything in the morning)
Will fully open his eyes and sit up at various points in the night, says something strange, then just goes back down
You keep a small notebook to write down the ones you catch because you love how embarrassed Shikamaru gets to hear what he was saying in his sleep (he lowk finds it interesting as hell though)
Goes through phases where he cannot sleep, but hates it when you insist on staying up with him
Nah jk he loves the fact that you're willing to disrupt your own schedule for him but would never ever ask you to do so himself
Has a very long getting ready process, including a 40-minute long bathroom routine and then the selecting of pyjamas, then he might like to read a book to fall asleep in lieu to cuddling with you
Spending so many formative nights without so much as a goodnight from someone he cared about forced him to start this process as a way for him to say goodnight to himself
Likes it when you join him, but if he's had a long day, prefers to do his routine alone
While he reads, or stares out the window wistfully, he's not opposed to you lying on his chest and will kiss your forehead as you drift off to his heartbeat
Sasuke's always cold, so you guys have quite the thick duvet and he's always wrapped to the chin when you wake up
He prefers to wake up first, preparing tea for two before he wakes you up as gently as he knows how to
Gets out of bed immediately after opening his eyes, always ready to start the day (though much to his chagrin)
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sweet1delusi0ns · 15 days
Naruto boys random headcanons──☆*:・゚
Characters: Naruto🦊,sasuke🗡️,Itachi🥀, kakashi🍃, kiba🐺, shikamaru🀄️,shino🪲,neji🎋,Lee🥋,choji🍥,gaara⏳,kankuro🪆
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Hes lazy at home. Not because he’s tired he just wants you to take care of him, but when you call him a baby for all these requests he gets mad “I AM NOT A BABY! I AM A GROWN MAN! NOW SPOON FEED ME!”
He tries to prank you but fails, your too smart to fall for it. He always tries to trip you in public while walking and every time he is the one on the floor and your the one laughing some how-
He likes the idea of drawing and being an artist he just can’t draw. He can only draw stick people with different hair, one time he tried to draw you, gave up and instead gave you a picture of a stick person with your hair. It’s now on the fridge LOL
He tries to act cool around his friend with you but just makes a fool of himself. “Yeah this my bae so what?” “Yeah I’m his bae and he’s my baby, my big, soft, smiley baby!” His soul is now crushed and his friends all laughing
He sleeps like a ANIMAL. he full on can’t sleep normally, You both go to bed the same time, one of you is always gunna wake up on the floor, mostly you. Then he wakes up like “why you on the floor?”
He may seem cool but he gets very flustered. He doesn’t cover his face though he just closes his eyes so he doesn’t get more flustered and so he can ignore the fact that he is red
He CANT Dance, don’t EVER take him dancing. It’s not because he’s bad at dancing he just never learn. If there is music he will bop his head to the beat though, if you try to get him to dance he will freak out and freeze. He just doesn’t like it ok!
His waist is weirdly sensitive, you could barely touch his waist and he will start giggling. He isn’t ticklish anywhere else but if you take a feather to his waist he will start LAUGHING
He will kick your feet when he wants attention. If you guys are out to dinner with friends he will kick you under the table to get your attention, he thinks it’s funny until you fight back and stomp on his foot. He made you kiss his pain away at home, atleast he got attention LOL
He forgets the silliest things one time he forgot how to tie a knot so anything he needs to tie like his clothes or shoes you had to do for him. You don’t know if he actually forgot or if he just wanted to be babied-
He can’t handle heatwaves. If it’s over 90 degrees he’s gone for. One time you woke up on a heat wave morning waiting for him to wake up and walk out but he never did, you went to find him and he was in bed, sprawled out, shirt and covers off soaked in sweat. You had to rub ice on him to get him conscious -
Unlike naruto, he likes drawing and can ACTUALLY DRAW, although he can only draw plants but he doesn’t mind he likes plants! He will draw you flowers instead of buying you some which is like equally as cute~
He has very sensitive eyes. Like how he can’t handle heat he cant handle the sun either. If it isn’t cloudy he will have to squint to keep his eyes from hurting. When you told him to wear sun glasses he said “I still want to see you clearly though love…”
He’s not a big fan of skin care but he likes those face roller things. He bought one just so you could use it on him, he likes that it’s cold but also massaging!
He sneezes like a girl- he has the cutest, most petite sneeze you’ve ever heard out of a man which is cute and very funny. He doesn’t even realize it either “a-choo!” “That was crazy out of character” “huh?”
He’s allergic to cats, he likes cats sure but he never hangs around them because he’s allergic. You didn’t know that and one day you brought a stray inside and he instantly turned puffy (poor thing)
Once he gets home and discards the mask he puts lip tint on. He has pink lips for that reason. When he first puts it on he will find you and kiss you just to leave a mark before waiting 10 minutes then whipping it off
He needs reading glasses but never uses them, then complains to you when he gets a headache as if you didn’t tell him to put them on
He takes a lot of baths. If he showers it bound to end up a bath. And he doesn’t care if your using the bathroom if he wants a bath he’s gunna make a god Danm bath. One time You were just washing your face and he busted in the door and ran to the bathtub, You washed your face as fast as you could-
He is EXTREMELY tired when he first wakes up, he doesn’t move for like 20 minutes so if he needs to get up and do stuff your gunna have to make him, like actually you’ll have the carry him out of bed.
He bites his nails from stress so you have made it a habit to smack his hand away when he does. It worked since all you have to do is tap him softly and he will stop. He’s so glad you help him get over bad habits
He decorated akamarus ears when he’s bored, one time you walk in on him giggling like a little girl and akamarus ears were pulled together in a little ponytail! You joined in on the fun🤞
He comes back from a casual walk along a complete mess, you have no idea how but one day he came back with half a bush stuck on his leg. He always cleans up though!
He sometimes transforms akamaru into himself to prank his friends or you, mostly you. One time akamaru came up to you as Kiba and started licking your face “EW OH MY GOD?!” “AUUFF AUF!” “KIBA YOUR NOT FUNNY”
He always has tan cheeks and nose. Compared to the rest of his face, his cheeks are cute and golden!
He lets you win at intelligents based games to make you feel better. Except one time he actually tried and lost. He’s convinced you cheated
His hair is straight but gets very frizzy if not cared for. (You care for it since he’s lazyy)
He draws on himself when bored, mostly just trippy designs like swirls and stuff. Will also let you draw on him, only if your good tho he doesn’t want “bad drawing” on him😔
He has a box FULL of hair ties and will notice if you take one. “This one you literally stole from me?” “Don’t care put it back!!!”
He gets Freezingly cold at night, like really really cold. When he snuggles up to you to warm up you could feel how cold he really is and you don’t understand how since you are both under covers-
He keeps bugs in the house so they can watch over anything, they are basically his security cameras-
His hair is so cute and wavy! Also gets very frizzy because of the texture like Shika. He also makes you take care of it, he just really likes you touching his hair
He gives you bugs as gifts, not like freaky beetles but cute little bugs like lady bugs or fuzzy green caterpillars. You find it cute that he gives you things that mean so much to him
He shockingly has a sensitive neck, only to you though. Bugs can crawl all over it and he doesn’t move but if you try to kiss it he gets chills. Also shockingly he has really soft skin idk maybe he sheds skin (IM JOKING)
When he gets home and can finally undress he lets you take his glasses off since you love his eyes and he loves that you love them. He gets insecure about it sometimes!
He speak really highly and intelligently but he’s honestly a little dumb sometimes, or maybe he’s just dumb with you to be silly we don’t know
The only jewelry he really wears is an ankle bracelet you got him
He loves hair charms, he likes decorating his hair! He likes putting clips and braids in it, sometimes even put color streaks in it if he wants to be festive
He really likes pottery and making things out of clay, he’s very creative and he finds clay the perfect outlet. He even makes pots for you!
He has a flower garden that NO ONE is allowed in. He treats them like they’re his baby’s, because they are! He’s favorite plant he has is his cactuses.
He’s extremely energetic and powerful yet he has asthma, he denies it. But if it’s really hot outside he runs out of breath REALLY fast which makes you worry
He’s scared of spiders you kill the spiders for him or he runs! If you trap a spider and chase him with it he will almost start crying (he will start crying) he’s ashamed to admit spiders are his weakness
He wears mascara, he gotta make them lashes voluminous yk. He stole his mascara from tenten too. You made him give it back to her and bought him his own
It’s pretty obvious but he is FLEXIBLE! Backbend, splits anything he can do. You thought he broke his spine onces-
He’s not much of a plant guy but he has the TINIEST succulent in your room that he cares for, every other plant he has had died but not that one~
He loves finger painting and is actually really good at it, you’d think it was made by a professional and an actual paint brush but no it was Choji and his finger paint😭
His hair is so thick most hair ties he uses break. He has to use hair needles instead because it’s the only thing that holds if he wants his hair up for a while
He thinks pillow fights are actually entertaining he could have a pillow fight with you all day and never get bored. He goes crazy if he’s over at someone’s house and they suggest pillow fights!
He loves bath bombs!!! He basically died when you run him a bath and put bath bombs in it, his favorite scent it lavender. Even if you didn’t add a bath bomb he loves when you make him baths he thinks its adorable
He paints your cheeks like his in your sleep, that’s his idea of a prank even though it’s basically him just being a cutie “look now your like me y/n!!”
He turns the black rings around his eyes to cat eyes sometimes. He looks ADORABLE with cat eyes. He sometimes even uses eye shadow too, if he can’t change it he thought might as well make it look cutee
He’s scared of mosquitos, he just doesn’t like bugs that can fly and go after human blood it freaks him out
He wears one of those scent bracelets and puts your signature scent in it so he always smells like you~
He gifts you plants all the time
He collect the silliest things, there are these cute little cat charms at a near by store and he’s working on collecting them all!
Shockingly he really likes reading. He likes fiction books the most, he asks you for suggestions
He asks you what new make up design he should try, sometimes he just gives you the brush and lets you go wild. But you always make him look cute~
He fidgets with the ears on his hat when he’s bored. It rubbed off on you so now if he’s around you with his hat on you start messing with them-
He steals your clothes and hides them so you have no choice but to ask to use his for the day. After the day is over he comes up to you smiling and hands you your missing clothes “found em!” “By found em do you mean took them out of the hiding spot?” “Yeah-”
He paints his nails either black, pink or purple. He also lets you paint them, it honestly just ends up a mess. He would totally whip nail polishes on your nose~
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shdwwlkrsblog · 1 year
Valentinsday date with the boys|Naruto fandom|Hcs
Im not too proud of it, so if you have any tips to improve my writing, please let me know .Want a girls' version or other characters or fandoms? Requests are open .
Warning: none
Characters: kakashi , madara , hashirama , tobirama , itachi
So kakashi will take you out for dinner (ofc)
Count receiving your favorite flowers in
But it doesnt end there , when you finish eating he will take you to a nice lake that also gives perfect view to the sunset
If you want he will bathe with you in it and play waterfight with you
If not you both just chill around there with kakashi holding you close to him and compliments fir you will leave his mouth occasionsally.
"Its so beautiful here, kashi" you whisper while his thumb rubs circles on your hand . kakashi smiles ,his mask off and holds you closer. He looks down at you and a sigh escapes his lips. "But it cant compare to how beautiful you look" he whispers back . You chuckle a little and kakashi chuckles too. His other hand on your side moves slightly and you flinch(?) A bit . "Ticklish , are we?" Kakashi teases before going over to attack your sides more. The hand that once rested on yours is now tickling your other side. You laugh uncontrollably , tears of laughter in your eyes.
Oh and dont think it ends there .
When you get home late at night a clone has already prepared a rosepetal bath for you .
He will join you happily if you ask him to but if not he will stay outsude and massage your shoulders and wash your hair.
Oh he is taking you to the fanciest places and spoiling you rotten with expensive gifts.
In return? Madara honestly only wants your smile and love.
Madara is a softie for you so prepare to see him at his sweetest (and flirtiest) this day
But after visiting the fancy Restaurant and going shopping in expensive stores . When you both are in private now prepare to be cuddled and watch movies.
His work? He doesnt care , slacking off once wont hurt and youre way more important anyways.
If literally anyone disturbs you on this day madara is almost gonna jump on them.
Cant they see that he is spending valentines day with you? How disrespectful
So i mentioned movies . Even tho its valentines day madara wont watch those cheesy romance movies. He is fine with any movie but dont torture him with those.
If you decide to watch such movie anyways madara will not give any bit of attention to the move . In case he gets really bored he might even tickle you into changing the movie . But other than that he might just entertain himself with playing with your fingers or reading a book just so he doesnt have to see it. (Jeez madara we get it you hate cheesy romance stuff)
Actually now thinking of it , i think madara might like the hobbit and lotr (idk seems like he might like those)
I can see him wanting to take you for a picnic as a valentines day
Hashirama spoils you yes but other than madara he doesnt think valentines needs expensive stuff to be enjoyable .
He is simply a man with the spirit of a child inside. So yes this day will mostly be him having random ideas and you going with it or warching that he wont hurt himself trying to pick apples from that tree
But once you both get home tired he is always over you . Please just cuddle him , he doesnt need more on valentines day than your love.
Movienight? Sure . Other than madara he will watch those cheese romance movies but he wont watch those extreme horrormovies .
But if you put on a horrormovie , well , hashirama will be clinging onto you whenever he senses something bad happens .
(He will cry if the dog dies)
He took the day off work for you (like hashirana and madara)
He takes you to the Restaurant you had your first date in (even if its ichikarus ramen) and maybe take a nice stroll through the city with you , if you want it .
But other than that i see tobirama more staying at home and spoiling you there.
So much love and attention from him and all he wants is to prove that he loves you and he wants to see you happy .
Well now for a bit evil reader.... he is ticklish ,very ticklish and since he doesnt have work ,there is no valid excuse to stop you from attacking him. Do it.
The stoic tobirama will be on the floor crying-laughing and begging you to stop.
His laughter is the sweetest thing you will ever hear ngl .
Prepare for a random revenge tho . Youre trying to get a class from a cabinet? Too bad tobirama will be getting his revenge from earlier .
Other than hashirama and madara he honestly gives no fuck what movie you both watch as long as you're cuddled up in his arms
Valetines is soent at home ,in private . Hes bringing you breakfast in bed and all the other things you want
If you want to eat in a resturant he wont say no but in all honesty why would you want that? Itachi cooks better than them.
Speaking of wich
Cooking together
Cake? Normal food? Or burning the kitchen down? Doesnt matter for him as long as youre there with him.
Itachi gets so playful while cooking or baking with you
Valetines day for itachi is something private and intimidate . He likes to soent it at home and just shower you in love while cuddling you .
Oh, and dont forget to praise him for his cooking . He will melt for ya (it's canon for me that itachi is a sucker for praises)
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kissmekakashi · 3 months
Some Naruto x Sasuke headcanons I love to believe are true💞
Naruto bought a garden style house with a backyard and a tree on the outskirts of Konoha so that Sasuke can bask in the sun without anyone watching him
Sasuke learnt how to make ramen from scratch with Teuchi’s help so that he could surprise Naruto on his birthday
Naruto loves kissing Sasuke on his shoulder blades because he knows that weakens Sasuke
Sasuke loves how ticklish Naruto is and whenever he wants something to go his way, he starts a tickling fight
Naruto learns how to clean up after himself because he knows how strict Sasuke is about cleanliness
Sasuke loves cuddling Naruto as the big spoon and showering his face with kisses
Naruto knows Sasuke is not comfortable with PDA so he refrains from holding his hand no matter how much he wishes to
Sasuke knows how much Naruto yearns for reassurance and ends up holding his hand which makes Naruto smile brighter than the sun
Naruto kisses Sasuke’s knuckles whenever he can
Sasuke blushes looking at Naruto’s naked torso despite the fact that they have been together for years especially since Naruto became ripped over the years
Naruto makes the house a mini-zoo with cats, dogs and serpents being rescued all the time by him
Sasuke is on board with it
The house has a lot of photos of them, their friends and teachers
Iruka is the happiest to finally see them together
Sasuke has an arsenal of seductive weapons to destroy Naruto’s will, including the hooded eye look
Naruto loves Sasuke’s rinnegan and kisses his eyes everyday
Sasuke scavenged the remains of the Uchiha compound to find some things with Naruto
Naruto surprised Sasuke with a picture of his family and a picture of him and Itachi that he found at the Uchiha district
Sasuke loves to snuggle up to Naruto’s neck
Naruto runs hot which Sasuke loves
Sasuke starts making the dishes his mother made for him as a child to give Naruto a taste of his childhood
Naruto loves having Sasuke’s friends over and this warms Sasuke’s heart
Sasuke loves marking Naruto’s back with his nails and love bites on his neck
Naruto loves leaving bite marks on Orochimaru’s curse mark which makes Sasuke emotional
Naruto is bashful and shy about his relationship with Sasuke
Sasuke loves showing off his love bites in public with a resting bitch face
Naruto adores the way Sasuke calls him Dobe
Sasuke is the one to encourage Naruto into therapy
When they fight, Sasuke is the one to end it first because his heart aches
Naruto ends fights just as quickly and they resolve it calmly
With the help of Orochimaru’s research, Naruto and Sasuke welcomed Kawaki and planned for more babies (this is completely different from Boruto)
Naruto is the kinkier one between the two and loves trying new things with Sasuke
Sasuke, being the diva that he is, makes sure that Naruto begs before he agrees
Naruto’s all consuming love for Sasuke never ends
Sasuke fears the day he’ll die because he can no longer tolerate being away from Naruto for long
Naruto loves surprising Sasuke with little gifts
Sasuke brings trinkets from his travels to decorate the house
Kakashi realises how similar Naruto is to Minato when he sees him being domestic with Sasuke
Sasuke gets jealous of Gaara’s love for Naruto until he starts dating Lee (he is still apprehensive)
Their friends hate when either of them get drunk because they love to wax love poetries about each other (and their bodies)
Naruto loves being a father so much that he runs back home from work everyday to be with his kids
Sasuke slowly takes up the role of being stay-at-home parent until a mission calls for him, and somewhere, it heals him to bring up own his children and watch them grow, celebrating their achievements
Naruto abolishes child ninjas and raises the Genin age to 20 in order to destroy the concept of child soldiers
Sasuke helps open a orphanage and makes Iruka and Kurenai the heads
Naruto and Sasuke go out on dates every week and love spoiling with other with soft forms of love
Feel free to add more if you feel like it 🫂
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animeomegas · 2 years
Have u had any thoughts about sasuke lately monarch? I miss him…😩😩😩
Queen, I always have thoughts about Sasuke 😌 @queenondeezmatatas
Enjoy this stream of consciousness <3
You know what I want to talk about?
How easy it is for Sasuke's pup to trick Sasuke into believing anything she wants XD
Sasuke truly believes that his pup would almost never lie to him, and if she did, he'd be able to spot it immediately!
This is not true.
"Did you finish your homework?" he asks as she tries to leave the house with a bunch of friends.
"Of course, oma, I would never go out and play without doing my homework first 😇"
Sasuke, nodding with the wisdom of a thousand sages, like 'yes, of course, I needn't have asked. Have fun."
Then they leave, and one of the friends is like, "have you actually done your homework??'
and she's like 'of course not'
And that happens over and over again XD
The academy teachers hate Sasuke because he takes his daughters side in everything. She gets into a fight? Well, it was probably justified and she was provoked! She fails a test? She was having an off day, you weren't clear enough with your instructions. She pulls a prank? I don't believe it was her, do you have proof?
She has him wrapped around her little finger XD
Now moving on from canon Sasuke to a non-massacre AU Sasuke, I want to talk about his relationship with Itachi.
Specifically his inferiority surrounding intelligence.
When Sasuke's a child, he really feels like he'll never be better than his brother at anything, and he's the stupid brother and the least loved etc. etc.
But as he gets older, he starts to notice things about Itachi that he didn't notice before.
His brother is... kinda weird actually.
Like he acts in a weird way when talking to strangers and he doesn't really have a sense of humour, except he does, but it's weird and no one understands it??
It rocks his world view because maybe Itachi isn't good at everything, because he clearly isn't good at socialising at all.
And Sasuke is pretty good at that when he wants to be, just saying.
And then he goes on to realise that it isn't just socialisation, his brother has some weird ideas that he believes are facts but totally aren't.
Like, his brother seemed baffled by the idea of sex before marriage??
He knows zero slang and constantly misunderstands it.
He genuinely thought that Sasuke was like, two months away from a marriage just because Sasuke went out on one date??? (and tbh he was only doing it because he was bored and his dad told him he couldn't.)
And he once asked Sasuke what condoms were?? Itachi was 17 at the time.
Not to mention, the one time Sasuke made a joke about nipple clamps and then had to awkwardly explain to a horrified Itachi what he was talking about, only for Itachi to turn around and give him an intervention, convinced he was being indoctrinated into some kind of sex cult???
And slowly Sasuke starts to realise... Itachi may be a genius prodigy ninja, but he's also really weird and has absolutely zero common sense and almost no applicable life experience.
So, Itachi changes in Sasuke's perception from this unbeatable genius, perfect older brother, to a kinda weird older brother, whose advice he should take under NO CIRCUMSTANCES!
It changes their dynamic a lot once Sasuke loses the hero worship XD
Hmm, now some rapid fire headcanons about Sasuke!
He has ticklish feet.
He hates breakfast in bed.
Scratching him on the back of the neck is the best way to get him to purr.
When he's in a bad mood, his scent takes on a burnt scent because of his fire/lightning chakra leanings.
Him and Naruto routinely meet up to beat the shit out of each other for fun. Lots of spectators show up every time.
Genuinely believes he has the best alpha that exists. He will not acknowledge that as personal opinion, it is a fact.
Struggles to dress himself sometimes, because most of his wardrobe is black and he can't find the exact bit of clothing he's looking for half the time.
Never cries when he chops onions.
I don't know if pizza exists in the Naruto world, but if it does, it's his secret guilty pleasure.
Will deny liking it that much but will eat an entire pizza in one sitting when he normally doesn't eat much.
Is against pineapple on pizza and heavily judges people who are pro.
Aaaand that's all I can think of right now!!
I hope that scratched your Sasuke itch, queen ;)
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sisthatsthetea · 1 year
Naruto Team 7/Team Kakashi Tickle HC
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AN: I've seen all of Naruto and up to season 3 of Shippuden so just keep that in mind if I don't have all my Naruto facts right. Also I wanted to throw Sai and Kakashi into this one as a bonus since these boys don't get enough love in the tk community so thats why there are in there too lol
and also...
- 50% lee + 50% ler
- So like canonically this silly boy is tklish and has been tkled a bit through the show
- So like I hc that most of his friends already know his spots and when he’s being annoying they poke his side and are like “stop or I’ll keep going”
- And the poor dumb boy is just ignores the warning which ends in him getting wrecked
- His spots are his sides, his underarms, his neck, his little face whiskers, and his hips
- Normally tkled by Sakura, Iruka, Kakashi, Shikamaru, Sasuke, and anyone else he happens to piss off from time to time
- His laugh is really breathy and giggly too so at first people would always tickle him a little bit then let him go bc they think he’s had enough
- But ofc Naruto has almost infinite energy so this would lead to…
- As a ler Naruto is ruthless
- Like if he needs to he’ll cheat and use shadow clones to help tickle his lee
- Naruto is def a rougher tickler, he likes to really dig into the lees spots
- Also he dosent rlly know how to tease but he does it by accident all the time
- “Gosh you’re so ticklish!”
- “You should smile like this all the time!”
- “You’re laugh is so silly it makes me want to laugh!”
- Like bro stfu you’re ticklish too
- Normally targets Sasuke, Sakura, Gaara, Konohamaru, and sometimes Hinata
- 70% lee + 30% ler
- My mans is ticklish af
- So like when he was little I’m sure Itachi probably tkled him a lot before he had the whole killing spree
- So Sasuke knows he’s ticklish but never told anyone bc he was embarrassed abt it
- He sees tickling as a weakness so he never took part in it until he was put on Team 7
- Like he would see Sakura tickle Nartuo sometimes and so he would do it too
- Poor baby didn’t know what he was getting into
- And ofc Nars would go for revenge tickles so then they all found out Sasuke was tklish
- Normally tkled by Sakura, Naruto, Kakashi, Kiiba, and Shino
- His spots are his knees, back, under arms, sides, and his abs
- As a ler he would start off shy then get more sadistic
- Like he would tickle Naruto and at first just stay straight faced but slowly he would start to smile with him
- Big teaser
- “You’d think a shinobi wouldn’t be taken down like this”
- “I wonder what would happen if anyone else found out about this… I don’t think you would last a day without being tickled like this”
- “This is so embarrassing for you huh? Would it be better if I had someone else help me wreck you next time?”
- “Sorry you’re laughing too much for me to understand you!”
- Likes to pin down his lees
- Can and will use Sharigan to find his lee’s spots
- Tickle fights with Naruto are a normal occurrence
- Targets Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi if Naruto and Sakura help him
- 50% lee 50% ler
- Averagely tklish
- Squeaky laugh
- Like a mouse
- She finds it a bit embarrassing
- Tickled by Naruto if she’s having a bad day or if she just need cheering up
- Sometimes Sasuke helps if she is feels especially upset
- Her spots are her sides, her back, her neck, and her ears
- When she was a kid Ino took advantage of her ticklishness by poking her every time she went to go pick up a flower
- As a ler Sakura is normally really soft and sweet
- That is of course if you aren’t on her bad side
- She saves her ruthless ler skills for a specific energetic blond teammate of hers
- With most everyone else she skitters and spiders her finger lightly over her lees spots
- (She’ll also throw in a few pokes here and there)
- Doesn't normally tease but if she does it's always soft and sweet
- "I love hearing you laugh!"
- "You're doing do well!"
- Targets Naruto, (sometimes) Sasuke, Ino, and anyone else who might be having a bit of a bad day
- 70% ler 30% lee
- Not very tklish but he has a few spots that get him laughing
- Tklish ears, neck, and knees 100%
- The first to find out was Naruto (by accident ofc)
- He isn't tkled often but when he is his laugh is quiet and deep
- As a ler though you should run
- Can and will use his paint brushes to tickle his lees
- Loves painting on his lees too
- If he invites you to be a canvas for him DONT GO
- or do
- 80% ler 20% lee
- Big big ler
- He'll tk his students if they are having a hard day or get back from a hard mission and need to relax
- Nars is normally his victim lol
- Like if everyone is bickering he'll ask Naruto to come up to him. then he like pins him down and tkls him
- The whole time he just keeps talking about missions and normal stuff while giving Sasuke and Sakura this look thats like "loosen up or you're next"
- He tries to go easy on them when it comes to teasing but if he needs to knock Naruto or Sasuke down a level he won't hold back
- They know he means it all in good fun though and he always makes sure to stop when his students have had enough
- Most people don't try to tickle Kakashi cause they fear his wrath
- Though there is one person who isn't scared
- Might Guy will tickle Kakashi after he loses to him if he feels sour about it or just if he thinks Kakashi needs a laugh
- Casual pokes to Kakashi while he's talking or reading is very common
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darkkakyuu · 2 years
“Hey, I’m doing my best.” Itachi teases with a chuckle and leaves a trail of kisses from the crook of your elbow towards your wrist. “He’s probably waiting until we get that pizza oven.” Rolling over onto his stomach, your husband kisses and rubs your own tummy before he starts placing kisses along the tops of your thighs – nipping once or twice to make you squeal and giggle.
"Well, try harder." I squeak when he playfully bites my thighs and I push at his head. " 'Tachi!" I whine out as he grabs my wrists to hold them down as he bites my thighs once more. "I will bite you back if you don't stop!" I giggle as I try to get away from the ticklish feeling of his nuzzles and nibbles. When he ignores me, I lean over and bite down on his neck teasingly, nibbling the skin softly. "I warned you!"
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historias-multorum · 2 years
@ticklin-ninjas​ continuing from this.
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“You’re in luck I am.” Tenten laughed a little. 
Itachi had invited her over for lunch and she happily accepted. The two had been developing their relationship and so she was more than glad than to try some of his own cooking. Once they sat down to eat, she could feel Itachi’s feet meet with her own and started to smirk a bit. 
She knows how clever he is, but she was also clever too. She moved her toes around his feet, knowing he was ticklish there.
0 notes
ragequeen94 · 2 years
Do you do headcanons? If you do can you do the Akatsuki (and or who ever you write for) headcanons for cuddling post sexy time???
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Itachi Uchiha:
not quite sure what to do with himself. and worries about smothering you too much and being clingy but the boy WANTS TO CLING.
sex is emotional for him, no matter if it's kinky or a quick. he always has feelings. big feelings. so he has to have BIG CUDDLES after wards.
he doesn't like having sex if you aren't going to go to bed after. it's a night time activity, and if he can't lay with you after he doesn't want it.
he likes you laying along his side, your head on his chest and his arm around you. maybe holding hands on his stomach. but sometimes he likes to be the little spoon. with you curled around his back and arms around his chest.
he likes to kiss your knuckles and fingers.
hes quiet usually. and things like serious after care are something you both need but he's a little unsure what that is. he will definitely need you to vocalize your needs to him clearly and to be able to help him figure out what he needs in turn. because the poor boy has no idea how to ask.
his feet are always cold and he will shove them between your legs to sap the heat from your body.
Kisame Hoshigaki:
Hes going to squish you.
he likes to lay behind you and use the back of your neck as a pillow.
sex has a gradual end for him, so anything post is still going to have lots of touching and kissing. it takes a while for his hormones to calm down after. and he's usually up for a second round if you are, but he won't push it on you. he won't really even ask, just wait to see if your reciprocate any of his touches.
he likes holding you close and smelling your hair and biting your ears, he can't help it, they are so cute.
he will fall asleep holding your ass.
loves it when you fall asleep still in the same position you were fucking in. he really likes just falling on you after he cums and putting his head in the crook of your neck. more than anything he wants to fall asleep still inside you.
he likes go fall asleep in the cold, so if it's a hot night the most he can tolerate is you hugging his arm, which is more than enough.
He likes talking after sex. he likes laying together, holding hands, and talking about your day. about what your going to do tomorrow. just being present with you.
he doesn't like to sleep after, sex pumps him up. after he's still so excited and awake! so you better at least be ready for an in depth conversation, at most a late night adventure.
no matter what he's always more touchy after, always holding hands, aways holding your hips, always grabbing you.
he likes to hold you tight and manhandle you around. lots of rolling around under the covers and giggling. he's super ticklish but you better not dare even try, because he will decimate you. he will have you crying under his fingers for a second time.
hes too lively and excitable to fall JUST cuddle. he wants more from you. all the time. he likes to hold you close and squeeze you but he loves your mind. talking and having time, just the two of you, to be yourselves and be present in your space together. talking IS cuddling to him.
Akasuna no Sasori:
Cuddling is something for you. He doesn't really, need cuddling, or he tells himself that. tells himself that hes only amusing you as he lies awake holding you. tells himself that he doesn't like having your head on his chest and your fingers in hand. he tells himself.
but he likes watching your finger tap his chest with the rhythm of his remaining heart.
he plays with your hair, he fidgets with the blankets, the pillows, your hands. he's twitchy.
and despite not being very patient, he has you near him, so he doesn't really mind wasting time just laying around with you. you'll fall asleep and then he can work peacefully now that you are satisfied.
he stays with you long after you've fallen asleep.
he will hold you how ever you like but his body isn't to comfortable, so he usually lays along side you and stokes your hair and pets the softest parts of your skin. wishing such beauty would be everlasting.
hes the roll over and light a cigarette type. and when you give him THE LOOK, he kinda just returns it. he's not mean, just dumb. relationships aren't really a thing hes even thought about.
but he doesn't mind cuddling once you tell him it's what you want. he likes being curled together naked.
will ask you if hes cuddled you enough yet. But if you say yes he will reply with “okay” and keep cuddling you.
he likes to have you laying on him, you head on his chest, or curled up face to face. he wraps his arms around your shoulders and puts his chin on the top of your head.
hes easily distracted though so if he's not exactly tired it's hard to get him to settle down and cuddle for any amount of time. he's kind of a voyeuristic cuddler? he's always snuggling you when people are around.
post sex cuddles have feelings and it's hard for him to deal with them sometimes. but he does appreciate your acceptance.
he cuddles. he likes it. he likes having his partner near in bed, even if sex wasn't had he likes the shared warmth, he likes the security. it's this weird thing for him, cuddling requires no effort but it sooths his bad mood and makes you happy, all with no effort.
He likes to be the big spoon. having people at his back makes him anxious, and he likes to be able to look at you.
post sex is one of the only times he's kinda talkative. not about really anything in particular but sex kind loosens his tongue a bit so it's probably only one of the times you're going to get an "I love you" out of him.
He either falls asleep immediately or he lays with you under one arm, reading a book quietly. if you ask though, hed read outloud to you.
Likes watching you look at his body and skin. It makes his mind hazy. Watching you count freckles or trace your fingers over his tattooed arms calms him.
probably the biggest cuddler out of the entire group.
Cuddling is something he enjoys... but not for too long. he's possessive, you better be ready to be squished under him.
he holds you close and talks about the future and how much he loves every piece of you. it's less of a cuddle and more of a worship session.
he holds your hands in his, and if your back is to him will wrap his arms around you and grab your chest. he likes too fall asleep like that. boob in hand.
he also likes laying his head in your lap, or against your chest and let you play with his hair and face.
he doesn't let you get up to clean up after sex either. he will take care of things like that, and and he might even give you a massage.
but all of these things have a time stamp. an hour, half an hour. it's not for long. he never goes to sleep at the same time as too either. will wait until you do and then get up.
shes not BIG on cuddling all of the time. it'd too hot and sticky, especially after sex. but she likes being with you.
she wants to hold hands and likes to fall asleep facing you, but with enough space for your bodies to breath. that being said when she is in a cuddling mood you better get ready for the cling.
shes a big spoon kind of lady and will maneuver you around how she likes, though she's not very good at separating cuddling from sex. if she's touching you, she wants to have you, simple as that.
HOWEVER cuddling in a bathtub will get her everytime.
snuggle bug. please cuddle at all time. please hold, and pet, and kiss, and hold some more. he needs attention and affirmation. if there is not cuddling after sex he will probably feel like he did something wrong or that your upset with something he did.
be needs you to need him. to the more you demand his attention the better he feels and the better he cuddles.
he holds you tight, stuffed and snug under him he holds you like the most precious thing in the world to him. the thing he needs to protect for than anything else.
he likes it when you whisper back and forth, he tells you about his day and about the world he wants for the two of you. he makes promises to you until your both fall asleep in eachothers arms.
He likes it when your demanding about cuddling. when you hold him how you want, when you are the one trying to protect him and keep him warm. he thinks it's cute for a while. but you will always end up under him again.
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shoto-chann · 2 years
*I am now starting to write Naruto stories. But before I do, I have my own head cannons on how I think this will go down. Feel free to disagree, but this is my opinion and the way I see it.
Naruto Tickle Headcannons (Konoha 11 + Sasuke + Senseis + Sand Siblings):
-This man is the most ticklish person in the entire village
-He just can't control his actions when he's tickled, so unless he's pinned down or tied up, no one can blame him for any injuries or trips to the hospital
-One of the few who enjoy starting tickle fights
-His most ticklish spots are his belly and feet, but is practically ticklish everywhere
-What starts out as cute giggles at first turns into loud cackles as time passes
-He can't take teasing very well
-He has a secret spot on his ear that makes him squeal like Tonton (only Sasuke knows about this)
-Squirms and kicks a lot, so he needs to be held down in order to get him
-He's only ever tickled when he's being too annoying or he pulled off one of his pranks (especially on Sasuke and Sakura)
-Whenever he is a ler, he'll allow his lee to run away for a bit......only for him to use his Shadow Clones to catch them and tickle them
-Loves teasing his lee
-Raspberries are his speciality
-After he's done, he'll wait for a bit trying not to get attacked again, but also making sure his lee is okay
-Fun fact: Kiba and Hinata know what happens when they tickle Naruto's back
-Many people think that the great Sasuke Uchiha isn't ticklish
-Only a select few know the truth (thanks to a certain hyper knucklehead ninja)
-Sasuke isn't as ticklish as Naruto, but he's pretty close
-Unlike Naruto, however, he's not ticklish everywhere
-He's not ticklish on his knee area or his thighs
-He's the only person that can actually control how he laughs when he's tickled
-His laugh starts out with nothing more than giggles, slowly turning into a deep, belly laugh whenever he can't control his laugh anymore
-He can't take teasing very well because it reminds him of when Itachi used to tickle him when they were kids
-Squirms around quite a bit, and WILL kick anyone who isn't holding his legs down
-Swears a lot
-Whenever he becomes a ler, he shows his lee no mercy, immediately going in for their most ticklish spot
-Fortunately, he doesn't want to kill his lee, so he lowers the torture for a few minutes tickling his lee's lesser ticklish spots until he goes in for the kill again when he gets bored
-Whenever he is finished, he'll make sure the lee is okay, then walk away as if he just didn't tickle torture someone (but not without threatening them about tickling him again)
-This girl isn't insanely ticklish
-At most, she's about a 5/10
-But she is still ticklish, making it fun for Naruto and Kakashi to tickle her so she doesn't feel left out
-She is only ticklish on her sides, stomach, feet, and neck (her feet being the most ticklish spot)
-She squeals a lot when her neck is being tickled
-She can take teasing surprisingly well
-Doesn't squirm as much as her teammates
-Snorts every now and then
-Whenever she becomes a ler, she's a little ruthless
-She rarely ever teases her lee
-Spider tickles are her favorite to give to her lee
-Whenever she is finished torturing her lee, she'll make sure they're alive and walk away to avoid any more tickles
-You would think that someone like Kakashi wouldn't be ticklish
-Imagine Team 7's surprise when they found out that Kakashi was indeed ticklish
-He is a little embarrassed about it because the only ones who knew were Obito, Rin, and Minato
-Like Sakura, he isn't very ticklish (he's only ticklish in two spots)
-His underarms and hips seem to be the only places that get him to react in any sort of way
-It takes someone like Guy to hold him down and have him beg for mercy
-He can take teasing very well (unless his ler is Guy)
-His laugh starts out as loud cackles but eventually gets into a childish laugh with occasional giggles
-Doesn't squirm as much as his students
-But once he's a ler, his lees are all but done for
-He will slowly tickle his lee to get them to giggle and make them all red because slow tickles are unbearable
-He will make his lee wait for the big tickle attack he has coming, but he makes it so that it takes forever to come
-Sometimes he just quickly tickles his lee to make them think that he's getting serious, but he's just messing with them
-Sometimes he'll copy his lee's tactics on how they tickled him and tickle his lee the exact same way
-Once he's done tickling his lee to the point of passing out, he disappears, planning his next attack and expecting a tickle ambush
-This boy is the ultimate tickle partner to have
-One of the few who enjoy starting tickle fights
-He is almost as ticklish as Naruto, being just above Sasuke by a bit
-He doesn't get embarrassed when someone tickles him (unlike a certain teammate who gets flustered just by the word alone)
-Although, he can't take teasing very well
-His laugh is high pitched and sincere, making his ler laugh along too
-He's ticklish just about everywhere, but his underarms, palms, and knees are the most ticklish (his ler should remember not to tickle his underarms for too long, unless they plan on making Kiba wet himself)
-The only person he's afraid of being tickled by is Kurenai
-His feet aren't that ticklish because he is used to Akamaru's fur underneath his feet
-He has the cutest giggles when his neck is tickled
-He squirms a lot like a dog and tries to tickle his ler back (most of the time, unsuccessfully)
-Once he becomes a ler, he is ruthless
-He constantly teases his lee as he wrecks them
-He uses his teeth to nibble on his lee's spots to get them to a pile of giggles
-Akamaru sometimes helps Kiba tickle his victims as well
-His sharp nails make slow tickles even more unbearable
-He only attacks his victims most ticklish spot whenever he and Akamaru are going to finish
-When he's done, he asks his lee is they're okay, and let's them pet Akamaru cause he's a nice guy
-Fun fact: Sometimes Akamaru goes against Kiba and tickles him instead, turning the tables quite quickly
-This man isn't ticklish at all
-Kiba tried tickling Shino once, but quickly became disappointed when he found out that the guy wasn't ticklish
-At least, that's what everyone thought
-Hinata accidentally found out that Shino was ticklish while training with him
-She promised not to tell anyone about his secret (until Kiba forced it out of her)
-Kiba tried tickling Shino's back and was satisfied with the result of Shino screaming
-His back is the only place where he is ticklish, and Kiba takes full advantage of it whenever he wants to be annoying
-Shino can only tolerate tickling as long as it's with Team 8 and it's in private
-Whenever he can tolerate it, he can't take teasing at all
-He isn't really into the idea of tickling in general though, and he really prefers to stay away from it as much as he can, but sometimes he's dragged into it by either Kiba or Hinata
-Shino is a decent ler that can follow and have boundaries
-Doesn't tease his victims
-Will not tickle for too long (unless his teammates ask for it)
-Sometimes he'll cheat and use his bugs to help him tickle his victims (but ONLY on Kiba, as Hinata does not like it)
-When he's done, he'll ask if they're okay and ask them to not bother him with tickling again (knowing that Kiba isn't going to listen)
-This girl is too cute not to tickle
-She is a lot like Naruto, only minus the violent thrashing and kicking
-She is ticklish everywhere, her feet being the most ticklish
-Kiba likes to tickle her for fun because it's funny to see Hinata's reaction
-She can't take teasing very well
-She doesn't mind the idea of tickling, but she tries to stay away from it like Shino because she doesn't want Naruto to find out how terribly ticklish she is (something Kiba takes advantage of every time Naruto is around)
-Luckily because Naruto is so dense, he never found out (that is, until Kiba got impatient and told him because Naruto was too dense to figure it out on his own)
-Her laugh is adorable, and a lot like Sakura, a mix of giggles and squeals, with a hint of snorting and squeaking everything now and then
-Hinata will not become a ler unless Kiba or Naruto convince her
-Once she is a ler, she's gentle with her tickles, never going too rough with her tickles unless her lee really asks for it
-Unless her lee is Shino and Kiba
-With them, she's not the same Hinata she once was
-She will tickle Kiba and Shino without hesitation and with her Byakugan on to find their tickle spots and where they squeal the most
-She doesn't go for too long, though, and stops whenever her lee gets red in the face
-Once the tickling stops, she will make sure that her lee is fine and that they don't hate her for doing that
-This woman is a bit complicated
-She is one of those people who need to be caught off guard in order to tickle her (to date, Asuma is the only one who has been successful)
-Her laugh is a mix of giggles and squeals like her student Hinata
-She can take teasing surprisingly well
-Her most ticklish spot has to be her neck (that explains why she never let anyone touch it, especially Asuma)
-Once she's a ler, her victims had better hope that she's a nice ler
-Depending on who tickled her, how they tickled her, and how long they tickled her, she can either be a nice ler or an evil ler
-As a nice ler, she's gentle and quick with her tickles, blowing raspberries and teasing lightly as to not make them lose too much oxygen or get too red in the face
-As an evil ler, she's ruthless with her tickles, blowing raspberries, squeezing in some quick pokes and squeezes to her lee's most ticklish spot every now and then, and teasing every chance she gets, not really caring too much about how red their face is or if they need to use the restroom (and this is why Kiba is afraid of being tickled by Kurenai)
-Once she's done torturing her victims, she'll apologize IF she was the evil ler and will take her victims out to eat
-If she's done being the nice ler, she' won't apologize cause she knows that she didn't go overboard, but she'll still take her victims out to eat
Rock Lee
-Jeez, this kid just CANNOT catch a break
-Being just about on Kiba's level of ticklishness, he is almost always a victim to tickle fights
-Fortunately for him, he is one of the few of enjoy starting them before he becomes a victim
-His laugh sounds almost like Guy in a way
-He can't take teasing very well
-He's ticklish everywhere, but his forearms and knees have to be his weakest points
-Squirms like a fish out of water
-Sometimes kicks his ler if they're not careful (he can't control his actions sometimes)
-Once he's a ler, he shows almost no mercy and starts a tickle war with his victim
-He has observed Guy's way of tickling as well as Naruto's way
-He uses his speed to quickly tickle his victim and his strength to hold them down so that they can't escape
-Doesn't tease his victims because he doesn't know how
-He will squeeze his victims special spots sometimes just for fun
-When he's done, he'll ask if they're okay and apologize repeatedly for doing that (sometimes earning him extra tickles)
-This man is not ticklish at all
-I don't care what people say, you cannot convince me otherwise
-He finds it amusing how his ler tries to tickle him and quickly become disappointed
-Once they see his evil grin, they better run
-If they're unlucky enough to get caught, then they better hope that they live because NEJI HYUGA IS AN EVIL, EVIL LER
-He will tickle his victims nonstop until he's satisfied with what he gets
-Teases are a must for him
-Raspberries are only for those who must be punished (definitely not looking at Naruto, Hinata, Rock Lee, and Tenten)
-Once he's done, he'll have no regret of what just happened, but he'll make sure that his victims are okay
-This girl is just like Rock Lee in almost every way
-She can't take teasing very well
-She squirms a lot, but doesn't kick
-She is ticklish everywhere, but her stomach seems to be the death spot
-She rarely ever gets to be a ler because she's almost the main victim of tickling when it comes to Team 9
-Once she does become one, however, she likes to play dirty
-She can and will use her wide arsenal of weapons to trap her victims and tickle them regardless of their endless begging
-Not too fond of raspberries or teasing
-She will sometimes use her weapons kit to tickle as well
-Once she's done, she'll let her victims go and promise to not go easy on them next time
Might Guy
-Another person who isn't ticklish at all, but unlike Neji, he'll play along and act like he is to trick his "ler" into letting their guard down
-Once he turns the tables and reveals the truth, his victims better hope to live after Guy's done with them
-He does it all (raspberries, squeezing, poking, teasing, nibbling, etc)
-He won't tickle for too long, as he wants his victims to at least try and either escape or fight back
-Once he's finished, he'll make his victims alright by offering them a deal of some sort
-This one pretends to not be ticklish so he can avoid any tickling
-But his best friend Choji always ropes him into it somehow
-He's very ticklish everywhere (especially his belly) except his feet
-Will scream with laughter if he's tickled for too long
-He squirms a lot and tries to use his Shadow Possession Jutsu to escape, but fails every time
-He can't take teasing very well
-He snorts whenever his neck is tickled, and squeals when his back is tickled
-He also has a secret tickle spot that only Choji knows about and uses when Shikamaru either calls him fat (accidentally or not) or he's being too lazy
-Once he becomes a ler, he's the smartest ler that his victims will ever have
-It's as if he knows exactly where to tickle his lee
-He will tease and give raspberries, along with squeezing his lee's spots
-Otherwise, he will just use his Shadow Possession Jutsu to catch and tickle his lee if he's too lazy to actually use his hands
-Once he's satisfied, he'll release his lee and try to relax as if nothing had happened
-Fun fact: Shikamaru is cautious when using his Shadow Possession Jutsu as he knows that whatever happens to his victims caught in the jutsu, he's affected by it as well, so he tickles himself in order to tickle his victims because he can't feel it, but his victims sure can
-This big boned boy is quite ticklish, especially on his stomach and feet, which are his most ticklish spots
-He can't take teasing very well, but he can take it better than Shikamaru
-He is one of the few who enjoy starting tickle fights, even if he knows he can't win them
-It takes three people to hold this big boy down (or one Shikamaru)
-He has the cutest squeals and adorable squirm because he's careful not to crush or hurt anyone
-He always tries to curl up in a ball to reduce the tickling, but it doesn't really work
-Like Shikamaru, he has a secret tickle spot that only Shikamaru knows about (but Shikamaru only uses it when Choji is either being too much like Choji or he has to convince Choji to do something)
-Once he's a ler, Shikamaru will be praying for whoever is unfortunate enough to suffer the wrath of Choji
-Choji uses his weight to hold his lee down and tickle them
-He teases quite a bit and uses raspberries to really make his lee laugh
-He will laugh along with them because his lee's reaction is priceless
-Whenever he's finished, he'll make sure his victim is alright while eating chips
-This girl is pretty much Sakura, only her death spot is her neck
-Other than that, nothing else is different
-Asuma is very ticklish, because he spent a lot of time with Hiruzen and Konohamaru, and found out just how ticklish he is
-Shikamaru was the first person on Team 10 to find out, and promised not to tell the others if Asuma managed to beat him in Shogi
-Naturally, Asuma lost and now has to deal with Team 10 and their tickle attacks
-He snorts and squirms a lot
-He's not ticklish on his feet, knees, or sides, but he's ticklish everywhere else (his underarms are his death spot)
-He can take teasing very well
-Kurenai loves to tickle Asuma's belly button because he has that deep belly laugh and he tries so hard to escape
-Team 10 quickly realized that they need to think about ever tickling Asuma sensei after he became a ler
-Like Guy, he does it all (raspberries, squeezing, poking, teasing, nibbling, etc)
-Like Kakashi, he copies whatever his ler did to him
-Like Kurenai, he has two ler sides: a nice ler and an evil ler (both of which are exactly the same as Kurenai's)
-When he's done, he'll always give his lee a hug and offer something to them
-Tickling was introduced to him by Naruto and Temari, and ever since then he's been attacked with tickles
-He can't take teasing very well
-He's not as ticklish as one would hope, but he's decently ticklish
-He's ticklish on his belly, feet, underarms, sides, and knee area
-He squeals a lot and squirms a lot
-His laugh sounds almost child-like
-He actually had to be taught how to tickle by Naruto and Temari, something that he is thankful for cause now he can get them whenever he wishes
-He does not tease his lee, nor does he give them raspberries
-Rough tickles are his thing
-Can and will use his sand to expose his lee's spots more
-Once he's done, he'll apologize and walk away
-Oh boy, we've got another good one
-This boy is just about on Shikamaru's level, if not a little lower than that
-He has the cutest smile when he laughs
-His laugh is adorable and his snorts are even more adorable
-He is only comfortable being tickled by his siblings and Kiba (anyone else who tries will get sent to the infirmary)
-Temari and Kiba love taking advantage of this every time they hang out
-He's ticklish everywhere but his neck, and his belly is the most ticklish
-He doesn't really squirm that much, as he sort of enjoys being tickled
-One time, though, he accidentally punched Temari because he really needed to use the restroom and she wouldn't stop tickling his belly
-Once he becomes a ler, he become a fun ler
-He makes sure his lee is having as much fun as he is
-Spider tickles and nibbles are his speciality
-Once he's done he'll always give his lee a hug
-She's not tickled that often (with the exception of Shikamaru and Kankuro)
-She doesn't like her laugh when she's tickled, as it's high pitched and squeaky
-She squirms violently to get her let away from her
-She's not ticklish on her feet and stomach, and her death spot is her neck
-She's an evil ler once she becomes one
-Nonstop tickles and teasing
-Vibrating hands to make tickles more unbearable
-Whispering and blowing into the lee's ears to send more tickles
-When she's done she'll admit she had fun and plan her next tickle attack on her next victim
Here's the list of characters from most ticklish to least:
Rock Lee/Tenten
Might Guy/Neji
If you have any questions or requests, let me know, and I hope you enjoy my first Naruto story.
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headcanonsxgalore · 3 years
Maito Gai
Maito Gai and Body Worshiping
Dating Maito Gai
Calling Yamato Captain
How They Smell
Finding Out His S/O Is Pregnant
Finding Out Yamato Is Ticklish
Their Kinks
Shikamaru Nara
Shikamaru Nara Using Shadow Jutsu
Platonically Napping With Shikamaru
Sharing a Cigarette, Part 2
How They React To Their S/O Getting Hurt
Finding Out Their S/O Is ANBU
Training With Shikamaru
Kiba Inuzuka
Praising Kiba
Iruka Umino
Dating Iruka Umino
Finding Out His S/O Is ANBU
Genma Shiranui
How They React To Their Civilian S/O Being Hurt
How They React To You Teasing Them
Sakura Haruno
How the team reacts to Sakura Haruno introducing her girlfriend
Kakuzu x Reader Doing the Nasty
Kakashi Hatake
Kakashi and His Hair
Kakashi Dating a Civilian
Team 7 Meeting Kakashi's Civilian GF
Training with Kakashi
Finding Out His S/O Is Pregnant
Itachi Uchiha
How He Handles Your Teasing
How They Smell
Being In A Secret Relationship
Seeing Itachi After The Massacre
Hair Headcanons
Quick Headcanons
Hidan, knives, another immortal
Sakura, lgbt
Kakashi, cuddles, ninken, training
Sai, back painting
Itachi, pets, pda, breakfast
Shikamaru, shotgunning
Yamato, insecurity, parenting, names
Top 5 Characters
To Take a Nap With
Best Cooks
For Edging
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Spike and Biting Headcanons
Spike and a drunkxreader Headcanons
Quick Headcanons
Spike, eating human food
Willow, bad cook
Avatar the Last Airbender
Joining The Gang As Another Firebender
Quick Headcanons
Zuko, traditional food
Zuko/Sokka, sparring
Abe Sapien
Dating Abe Headcanons
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Shisui & Itachi Uchiha
Group Headcanon (Instead of two separate headcanons, I’m combining these two together)
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Itachi and Shisui are great friends. To Itachi, Shisui is to him what he is to Sasuke. Both of them have their moments and quirks, which interestingly enough include tickling. Both considered geniuses within not just the Uchiha clan but all of Konoha is a stressful and mentally draining task, so tickling is one of those things that just lets them relax.
Shisui Uchiha
As the designated Ler of the group, Shisui is a master tickler. His open and playful nature combined with his skillful fingers and all-seeing eyes allow for him to maximize his talents.
Shisui uses his talent for shunshin with ninja wire/rope to restrain and overwhelm his ticklish foes. Interestingly enough, this makes it really hard to tickle him as well.
Among the Uchiha duo, Shisui is also the tickle lover, in comparison to Itachi, and utilizes it to both Itachi and Sasuke as well as to random genin and chunin in the village as a "training" tactic.
He tends to read the body of his victims and focuses on their most ticklish spots, then when he gets a good enough read, he uses tools and oil to really bring out the hysteria... Ibiki actually used to request him as a junior interrogator, due to his uncanny talents XD.
While quick and dangerous as a ler he's not above being tickled himself and is actually sensitive enough to it to get revenge on. Usually, close friends and family can get a chance to tickle him back, usually as revenge for his cheeky and mischievous nature.
When threatened with tickling, he usually makes his ticklers work for it by shunshining away and having them waste their time and energy to catch him.
Most ticklish under his armpits, under his toes, and across his belly. Tickling him in either of these spots guarantees sharp laughter and a chase across the village to get away.
Tickling here makes Shisui jump out of his skin. By far the worst spot, and one that makes him live up to his moniker. 
A hard to tickle spot that only those he trusts most get to tickle. Tickling here really makes him laugh and is a favorite of Sasuke.
Abs and lower belly are very ticklish, especially to soft touch. Tickling here will make him wriggle and squirm around in an effort to flee. 
Itachi Uchiha
Not as big a lover as Shisui, Itachi is a methodical tickler more than a passionate one. As such his times as a ler are more utilized during interrogations and revenge against Shisui or against his little brother Sasuke.
Despite not having the ler gene like Shisui, he is still a brutal tickler, having an almost innate sense of where his victim is most ticklish. As well as utilizing his absolute mastery of genjutsu to make the victim more ticklish.
Tickling Sasuke is his favorite bonding activity and has never failed to make him truly smile.
Itachi is not as ticklish as Shisui or Sasuke but that has not stopped them both from using him as a test subject XD. Shisui has openly stated that he enjoys wiping the stoic Uchiha expression off Itachi's face.
As the subject of Shisui's mischievous nature and Sasuke's admiration and sibling rivalry, Itachi has gained a solid mastery of evasion skills and resistance training. His fondest memory of tickling is of him and Sasuke teaming up and catching Shisui for his birthday and giving the older teen a ticklish workout
Itachi is most ticklish on his sides and ribs, then on his armpits. His feet have never been tested by either Shisui or Sasuke, to the formers chagrin and the latter's indignation. Even up till his death, he doesn't know if he's actually ticklish there.
Itachi’s worst spot and one Shisui focused on most. Tickling here made him bark out laughter and instigated a “fight” between the two friends (hehe)
A spot that without fail made Itachi jump, even as an almost adult and Akatsuki member. Known by Shisui as the musical Uchiha because of the notes he made when tickling here.
Tickling here made Itachi cackle and laugh, a spot that hasn’t been touched since Shisui died and Itachi fled the village... ending a legacy of ticklish Uchiha’s and passing what was left to Sasuke.
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ladykissingfish · 3 years
Under The Mistletoe with the Akatsuki // Part One// Konan
**This is a small “series” I’ve been working on. The concept is that it’s the holiday season, the Akatsuki has decorated accordingly, and one of the items on display is a mistletoe plant hanging in the archway between the living and dining rooms. Each member will at some point find themselves standing under it, and, as per tradition, share a kiss with the person nearest them. Each individual member will get their own post ((and I will likely post once a week)), and scenarios will be imagined with each other member kissing them. Enjoy!**
Konan stands under the little green plant, and she looks absolutely beautiful. She’s wearing a form-fitting soft velvet green dress, and her hair is adorned with several poinsettia blossoms.
This is the hardest (and the longest) that anyone has ever seen the shark man blush before. He shuffles his feet and sounds extremely apologetic when he mutters to her that she doesn’t have to kiss him if she doesn’t want to, because “I know I’m just a freak, Konan-san.” Hearing this causes Konan to ball up her tiny fist and sock Kisame on the shoulder (which he barely feels, but still). She tells him that she doesn’t want to ever hear him say something like that again, that there’s not a single member of the Akatsuki that doesn’t have something “uniquely wonderful” about themselves, and Kisame is no different from anyone else. Still, he reiterates that she doesn’t have to if she doesn’t want to — but is interrupted when she puts her small soft hands on his face and pulls his face into a kiss ((and Kisame is much taller than her so she’ll have to raise up on her tip-toes to do this)). Kisame is so surprised that he forgets to blink or breathe, and the moment, although it only lasts a few seconds, seems to go on forever. When Konan is done, she’ll give him a warm hug and be on her way — but Kisame will stay stock-still for the longest time, until somebody (likely Itachi) finds him and snaps him out of it. Also should be noted that his blue skin stays a flushed red for quite some time, making him appear a delightful (and tease-inducing) purple.
Will literally take his scythe and swing it at anybody nearby to clear a path when he sees Konan under the mistletoe. Grabs her around the waist and yanks her as close as possible, but ... once her face is so close, once he’s actually looking into her eyes, he freezes. She sees his sudden shyness and chuckles, and asks if he’s okay. He blushes a fierce tomato and insists that he is, that he’s done this a million times before, but Konan (or anybody else for that matter) ain’t buying it. Decides to quickly man up and kiss her; he closes his eyes and puckers and pecks in the direction of her lips, but his eyes being closed (and his coordination not being good to begin with) causes him to miss and instead kiss the bottom of her nose. But he’ll feel proud of himself regardless, and Konan will laugh at how characteristically cute he was throughout the whole ordeal. He’ll murmur a “Thank you” to her before he leaves, and when she asks why he’s thanking her, he’ll lean close and whisper into her ear that this was his first kiss. Nobody hears him say it, and Konan won’t betray his secret, simply giving his cheek a soft peck before he goes.
“Kiss her! Kiss her! Kiss her!” EVERYBODY chants at him when he and Konan happen to end up under the mistletoe together. He scowls and blushes; during his time in the Akatsuki, he’s come to regard this woman as being like his big sister, for God’s sake. This is the one who took care of him that time he had the flu, the only one in the house he lets experiment with his long hair. There’s no way in hell he’s going to make out with his sister; so he chooses to be humorous with it. He’ll put one of his hands on each of Konan’s cheeks, and, while the hand-mouths are giving her cute tiny little puckers, he’ll lean down and give her forehead a smacking kiss. The others are grossed out by the hand mouth thing, but Konan thinks it’s adorable. She knows that Deidara is extremely ticklish, so while his hands are occupied she’ll quickly reach down and poke his belly, which will make him yelp and scramble away. She’ll “make it up to him” later by bringing him some of the chocolate chip cookies she makes that he loves.
Thinks that the whole mistletoe thing is childish and a waste of time. However the others will keep on him until he sighs and complies. He’ll lean down and quickly kiss Konan’s cheek, but as he turns to go, Hidan points out that the kiss didn’t count because “your mask was still on, douche. it has to be your lips.” Kakuzu sighs harder but nevertheless listens; he pulls down his mask just enough to expose his lips, leans down once more and kisses Konan’s other cheek this time. Konan will giggle; Kakuzu has the slightest bit of facial hair stubble that tickles her soft skin. She’ll smile and thank him, and he’ll gruffly Mm-hm, pull his mask back up, and go on to whatever task he was doing before. Later that night he’ll sit in his room, reading and smiling; it’s been a long time since he’s shared a sweet gesture of affection like a kiss, and to do so with a woman as beautiful as Konan? He can’t help but feel like he should have been charged for such a privilege.
Never heard of the concept of kissing under the mistletoe, and, like Kakuzu, feels it to be a pointless waste of time. However he registers the look of disappointment on Konan’s face when he initially declines, and, because she’s one of the few Akatsuki members he genuinely likes, he swiftly walks up to her, and kisses her lips. There’s no pause or moment of hesitation like the others had before kissing her; to him, this is just an empty gesture, with no feeling behind it. At the end, not really knowing follow-up procedure, hel’ll actually stick out his hand for a handshake, which she’ll return, trying her hardest not to laugh at how seriously the puppet man takes everything. Later that night he’ll think really hard about the entire act of kissing, and starts thinking of ways to design puppets so that they can pass on poisons through lip contact.
For all of the women (and surely some men) that lusted after him when he was a younger man (and in the present day), Itachi has never gotten close enough to anyone to desire something as intimate as a kiss. And kissing Konan — how would that work? Is there such a thing as a casual kiss, or should it only be done with somebody that you’re in love with? He thinks very fondly of Konan, but he’s nowhere near in love with her. Konan sees the internal struggle he goes through and gently tells him that it’s just a game, he doesn’t have to do anything he doesn’t want to. He settles for a hug instead, which honestly to him has almost the same cosmic impact as a kiss would; this guy has been starved for affectionate touches and comfort for a criminally long time.
Black Zetsu and White Zetsu have a hell of a fight with each other over kissing Konan. Black Zetsu: We need to do this, we’ve never kissed a woman before! White Zetsu: But we’re not ready! This is scary! Black Zetsu: You think EVERYTHING is scary! You need to grow up and be a man! White Zetsu: But we’re not a man! We’re a plant! Eventually the two sides just give it up, and stalk back to their room. Konan breathes out a sigh of relief; she honestly didn’t trust that Zetsu wouldn’t have tried to bite her face off, should they have kissed.
Nagato would feel strange about kissing his longest-time friend, but as Pein, he knows that the others would expect him to take place in this lighthearted tradition. So he’ll quickly bend down and kiss her cheek — or try to. Konan will turn her face at the last second and he’ll end up kissing the corner of her lips. He won’t blush, but Nagato will; and out-loud Nagato will find himself muttering “Sorry, Yahiko”.
As with Kakuzu, Hidan will be nearby and insist that Tobi take off his mask before he kisses Konan, or else it “doesn’t count”. But the situation is a bit different; everybody at some point has seen Kakuzu without his mask, but nobody has seen Tobi without his. It’s widely assumed that he has some sort of physical deformity that he’s hiding, and the others (except Hidan) are respectful of members’ personal choices. But Tobi compromises; he moves his mask just slightly to the side, which exposes his lips but nothing else. He leans in and kisses Konan, and everyone blinks, surprised. The goofy mess that they know as Tobi has disappeared. The person with his lips on Konan’s seems ... older. More experienced than ANY of them. Masterful and in-control. The expression on Konan’s face is somebody who is experiencing the best possible dream, and doesn’t wish to be woken up. Tobi eventually breaks the kiss but Konan seems unaware of this; her arms are still clutching his shoulders and her lips are still in their pucker. Tobi’s visible lips smile, and he reaches out a finger and traces it slowly across Konan’s pink petals. Then he quickly slides the mask back on all the way, and, in his signature idiotic voice, asks if there’s any more candy in the kitchen. He skips off to check, leaving Konan (and everybody else that had been watching) staring after him in confusion.
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animeomegas · 3 years
I’ve been thinking about tickling Itachi today... 
He would definitely hate it haha. He would huff and sulk and pout like a child. Doing it in front of anyone else will earn you a swift elbow to the stomach, but in private he just gets whiny and pouty. I love him.
I think his neck is the most ticklish place for him. 
Let me know what things you have been thinking about recently maybe  👉👈
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mommy-imagines · 3 years
Where do you think all the babies’s tickle spots are? Just for research purposes 👀
I love your research!!
Baby Itachi isn't very ticklish, but he makes the sweetest sounds, just a cute little laugh, whenever Mommy or Daddy drop little kisses on his neck 💕
Atsumu giggles like crazy whenever Mommy tickles his tummy, he's very sensitive, also his neck!! Ophelia just sits by them, wondering where the hell did she went wrong to end up with such crazy humans 🌜
Baby Nanami has ticklish armpits and he loves when Mommy pretends to be the tickle monster!! Also, Charlotte barks like crazy because she too wants to play!
Baby Hidan is ticklish all over and Mommy and Daddy take advantage of that. Their baby is so often pretending to smile, they take every chance they get to make him laugh for real (and not because he's crazy for murder!!)
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darkkakyuu · 2 years
“What’s wrong with this?” He asks with a laugh and nuzzles his face against your hair, squeezing his eyes shut even though his tears of joy are already falling down his cheeks. “I cant believe you’re gonna be my wife! You’re finally going to be Dr. Uchiha, I love the sound of that.” He hums pulling away to pepper your face in kisses as your giggles fill the room.
I push him away slightly to get away from his ticklish kisses. I poke his chest lightly and pointed to my empty finger. "Excuse you? I didn't get a ring so you'll have to redo it properly on one knee. Not with us naked in bed." I laugh, the previous sexual tension dying down some as we held onto each other , thumbs wiping away our tears. "I love you, Itachi. I want you to be my husband. Although we gotta tell your family." I say with a bitter smile.
I knew his mother would be ecstatic, but his father would grumble and complain the whole time. Then there was his scary uncle. He'd probably make us promise to give him our first born child or something before letting Itachi go. "But let's not think about that, right now."
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