#tidying tips
jeanricher · 2 years
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Home organization makes an ordinary space extraordinary! Follow our four-step process to transform any room in your home today!
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rinibayphoto · 4 months
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labelleizzy · 10 months
Sometimes I just have to go back to old habits. Like back in the day, I was getting daily emails from the website Flylady.net.
Got my shoes on. Got my kitchen timer on. Challenged myself to see how much better I could make the kitchen look in 10 minutes.
I cleared the kitchen island. Put away all the food, got all the dirty dishes into the sink. Started a load of laundry. Made up my third cup of coffee. Washed out some recycling and got it to the bin. Oh, now I can see the acetaminophen which I need to take today.
Do I still have a big mess? Yes I do. I came home from 2-week trip, and I'm still finding stuff I need to put away and laundry I need to do.
But my ADHD ass developed the self-care habits, routines, tips and tricks, originally in the late '90s due to this nice southern lady. She used to send out daily emails encouraging us to take care of ourselves and giving us ideas on how to tackle big home care projects, self-care projects, but mostly home care.
It was a lot of email. And not being Christian, I didn't always appreciate her dropping of God references. But without her structure, without her having figured out that there was tons of us out there, struggling with our lives and managing our shit...
She helped me a lot. The chaos is mostly controlled. (She used to backronym CHAOS as "Can't Have Anybody Over Syndrome" heh)
I'm no longer ashamed of my habitat (and also, thank you, @unfuckyourhabitat for continuing the momentum of this particular way of working).
Gonna finish my coffee ☕ and then set the timer for another 10 minutes. Got a friend coming over for dinner 🍽️ and I can stand to do a bit more tidying up.
Use the tools that work for you!
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seismic-tartness · 6 months
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kurjakani · 8 months
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I was trying so hard 2 keep the long hair streak but brothers... the demons got me 🫡
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wolfchanw · 6 months
I just felt the urge to show that my garden has more than *just* purple flowers!
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photoblogdujour · 2 months
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Tidy Tips Flower. Must be from my garden, but I don't know where it came from because I don't recall planting it. Do you gardeners out there have motivated forgetting where you don't recall having some plant?
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vixenanswers · 6 months
Love what youre doing in this blog <3
Do you have any tips of staying organised, specifically keeping a tidy wardrobe and desk? Usually it takes me a long time to clean but normally whenever I finally tidy the things they never stay that way for long..
Thank you o2studies ♥️
I’m always really happy to hear that people are enjoying my stuff and it’s helpful to them!
I also really relate to struggling to keep your space organized as I used to struggle with that a lot when I first moved out. So I collected some tips that helped me and I hope they will do so for you too.
General tips:
Find a place for everything: The most important step in staying organised is to create an organization system that works for you. I think the things you need to keep in mind are 1. where do you need your things? 2. where is it easy to grab your things from? If you found a place that accomplishes both these points, try to keep your things in
Containers!: Putting things in containers prevents them from just laying around and thus reduces visual clutter. You can also just have a bucket where you put things that you need to put away later -> makes the tidying-up-process less overwhelming. This works both with containers for pencils and papers on your desk and for organizers in your closet
Put things away after using them: This is ofcourse one of the most basic tips, but it can be very helpfull to keep your place tidy. If you put things away after using them they don’t pile up.
Take time every day to de-clutter: If the last tip doesn’t work for you try this instead. For me this time used to be after coming home from school and now its in the morning before I start studying. Instead of taking a lot of time to clean everything, take a little time each day to for example put away the papers you worked on or the clothes you wore yesterday
Desk organization tips:
Keep only what you need on you desk: A cluttered workspace can be distracting and make it difficult to focus on the task at hand. It’s also helpful too keep open desk space, so you have space to work.
-> Keep things you need often nearby: Keeping the things you need most near your dominant hand makes it easier to grab them. This also makes it easier to put them back where they belong and you don’t have to shuffle things around because they’re hard to reach
Utilize your wall space, the space under your desk and stack vertically: A floating shelve/a pegboard or drawer organizers can be helpful to have more storage space and stacking things vertically is a more efficient use of space
Organize your desk according to your work process: Again if things already are where you need them to be, you don’t need to put them back and it’s also just more efficient. For example; a lot of people work from left to right, so they put documents they need to work on on the left of their desk and the documents they finished working on on the right
Wardrobe organization tips:
Clean out your closet: It can be hard to keep your wardrobe organized, when it’s overflowing so start off with downsizing and decluttering. Selling some off your stuff on websites like Poshmark or eBay or donate it to give it a second live
-> Make future clean outs easier: Place a distinct (i.e., brightly colored) hanger at the front of each section of your closet. Every time you wear something and wash it, hang it up in front of that hanger. After a few months, it’ll be pretty easy to see what got worn and what didn’t
-> Pack away seasonal clothing: Try to store the clothes you don’t need at the time somewhere else (like in another storage space/boxes or vacuum packs) to make place in your wardrobe
Create Zones: You could divide items by type, by color or based on how frequently you use them. Put high-use items in the front so they’re easy to grab and you don’t have to go through all your things. Zones also help to get an overview of everything you have so you again don’t have to go through everything
=> Hope that helped, thanks for the question!
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thatsbelievable · 2 years
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enbysiriusblack · 9 months
firmly believe the boys dorms were an absolute mess. other than during/just after the holidays that sirius spent at school because he'd get bored/antsy and decide to tidy and clean the dorm over and over
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jeanricher · 2 years
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Organize each room in your home with the help of these four steps!
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rinibayphoto · 5 months
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satans-knitwear · 11 months
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I rly need to tidy my room.
Treat me ~ Tip Me ~ More of me
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spiritheyregone · 2 months
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croc-odette · 5 months
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Buy some wildflower seed packets but forget them in a drawer until November bc it’s blooming season not planting season!
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mossflower · 4 months
i’m so cooked for this exam but genuinely so long as i pass i do not care
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