#tik tok sounds are how I communicate
gryficowa · 6 months
Remember people, even if you like productions created by Jews, even if you like actors of Jewish origin, even if you have a few OCs who are Jews, the fact that you deny the actions of Jews from Israel and those who support them, will get you labeled an anti-Semite
Even if you react to anti-Semites in your country who use "Jew" as an insult, you will only get this label because you hate how they treat Palestinians
Even if you show your helplessness and throw off the entire burden, even if you deny that in your country only Jews are talked about as the only victims of the Holocaust (Because the rest is inconvenient for conservatives), people from another country who had the privilege to know about it without censorship pro-rightists will eat you for anti-Semitism
They will eat you for anti-Semitism because you don't understand why people who were a group of holocaust victims do the same thing that was done to people like them, which is more disgusting when you do the same thing that was done to people like you
You will be labeled an anti-Semite because you have ASD and have problems communicating your thoughts in a way that would make them sound attractive to neurotypicals, because they will not understand how difficult it is to describe what you feel and how you see it all, they do not care that it is a challenge for you , to describe it, they love to attack autistic people, as they showed on tik tok
No matter what you do, you will be labeled an anti-Semite, even if this label is untrue, because people have convinced themselves that if someone is a Jew, they are protected from the consequences of their actions, because any attempt to show that Jews from Israel and those who support this country ( Yes, there are Palestinians who are Jews, but they are victims of those Jews who are not), they are like Polish Christians who will call you a crystanophobe when you point out to them what they do in the name of their religion
If being against what Israel is doing is anti-Semitism, then it follows that it is the only good anti-Semitism, which shows the absurdity of it all
Because anti-Semitism is not supposed to be good, so it means that it is not anti-Semitism when you react to harm, being a Jew does not protect you from the consequences, and being a Christian does not protect you from being a hateful scumbag that attacks minorities for the very fact of existing
There is no alibi here, your arguments about being a victim of the Holocaust lose their validity when you are the perpetrator, and denying it shows how deep you are in it
Israel has been mistreating Palestinians for years, for years in my country I have seen memes about how this country segregates and other attempts to enslave these people, so no, being pro-Palestinians did not appear only after what happened between Israel and Hamas, it was this before, but people didn't know what to do, so they communicated their helplessness in memes
Only after the Israel-Hamas conflict did people gather to fight for the Palestinians, it was a motivation to end it, because they can no longer sit quietly, pretending that nothing is happening (Because Israel denies what it is doing and manipulates people)
They did not fight earlier because they were afraid of being labeled an anti-Semite, but they communicated it through memes so that everyone could find out what Israel is doing, it is a mistake to think that only after what happened between Israel and Hamas did people start to be in favor of the Palestinians, they were earlier, but they were simply afraid of this patch, because after what Twitter showed, it's easy to throw mud at someone when they defend those who are attacked (because unfortunately, society loves artificial enemies)
Let's stop calling it anti-Semitism, because we only do harm, because we create artificial protection for those people who are guilty, do we really want another Canada where people forgot about what the church did to the indigenous people? Because yes, they forgot about it too quickly, because you have to "Forgive", yes, the rape of children and everything they did, the church has been going unpunished for years and it pisses me off because once again everything is in favor of Christians
Using "Anti-Semitism" in this context is seriously disgusting and shows a big problem, because people do not want to admit that it is a group of people from a specific group that is doing something and it is worse because of the very context that this group had, and now it is denying it, that they are the bad guys, and they will call you anti-Semites and the like, to make you feel guilty for calling them out
The funny thing is that doing the same thing they do towards Islamists is no longer considered Islamophobia and racism, because they are a persecuted group, so they cannot be the bad guys in this story (Yes, it reminds me of Poles who deny that they do the same as those "Fascists" whom they hate because they support the insurgents, even when an insurgent tells them that they are fascists, yes, it happened, one insurgent called a certain man a fascist and she was criticized on the Internet, because the leftists manipulated her, because her age apparently affects how easy it is to manipulate her, and they were outraged at that she also called this man "Boor", because it's an insult, yes, this is the level of absurdity)
Well, I'm sorry, but the Israelis unknowingly turned anti-Semitism into something positive, which shows a big problem, because it didn't have a positive connotation and shouldn't have, but if it is used in such contexts, unfortunately, it will turn into something positive, that's only disturbing that the reaction to harming people causes that you are an anti-Semite in their eyes, this is seriously an absurdity that should not happen, instead of these terms being negative, they are starting to be reclaimed like the words "Nerd" or "Gay", if we don't stop this, this term will be reclaimed and become positive , and this is due to the lack of awareness of those who use it
The only way to prevent "Anti-Semitism" from becoming positive is not to use it in this context, because it will start to mean "Aversion to Jews who harm Palestinians" and I doubt that anyone would want this word with the connotation of history related to the Third Reich to suddenly become positive, no one wants that, but this term is starting to have this connotation precisely because of how many people from Israel use it, when someone defends the Palestinians and draws attention to how many victims Israel has, if they continue to use this term, I'm sorry, but the meaning it had will be distorted , this has already happened with "Fascism" and "Nazism", both no longer mean the same as they did years ago
Now "Fascism" does not mean the extreme right, and people from discriminated groups who fight for their rights, yes, you heard that right, in such a context you will hear this term, often use the word "Nazism" in the same context, do you seriously want anti-Semitism ended the same way as these two words that have had a negative connotation for years, and today they are a shell of what they were?
If you use anti-Semitism every time someone talks about Israel's crimes, then unfortunately this word will lose its original meaning, and I doubt that's what you want, for people to stop taking it seriously, this is how you kill the meaning of the word when you use it them in the wrong context, an example are the words used to describe people with intellectual disabilities, people took it and turned it into an insult, the same with autism, autistic people fight, but the question is whether it will be possible to recover autism in the same way as "Nerd" and "Gay" or "Queer ", because attention, a word in the wrong context loses its original meaning or becomes an insult, or it ceases to be serious like "Fascism" and "Nazism"
So yes, the greatest enemy of the word anti-Semitism are ironically the people to whom this word applies, because they change its context to be unpunished, unfortunately, one day this word will lose its meaning and will become nothing more than a word that is used as a cheap protection against consequences
Yes, I had to throw it away because it's absurd that you will be an anti-Semite when you draw attention to a problem that concerns a group of people, which actually hurts, even people like them, because they are of a different origin, and this is what is worse when a group that was persecuted, begins to do the same towards another person, it's like queer people who persecute people under the trans umbrella, they are from the same group but they still hurt others, it is more disgusting because of the context, they are victims of the same discrimination and yet they discriminate against their own people for being different from them, or people with ASD what other people with ASD attack because they don't hide, which supposedly causes that they are taken less seriously
We should talk about how many discriminated groups discriminate against other discriminated groups, but no, it's better to keep quiet about it, I'm aroace, and do you fucking know how queer people treat asexual and aroace people? Well, they tell them that they are not queer people and they want to push themselves into their group, of which they are supposedly not "part", the problem is, that they are queer, have their own flags, and yet are rejected for being "Not Queer Enough" or for being "Queerbaiting"
Being a discriminated group does not protect you, it only makes you a disgusting hypocrite from the perspective of other discriminated groups, because you accuse others of discrimination, and you are a discriminator yourself. Unfortunately, many people are afraid to talk about it because they will get a false label, and those who dare, will be attacked by people who do not want to see the problem in their own group, now combine this with Israel, the historical context and Palestine, it causes more disgust because of the context itself, the discriminated group (Jews) attack another group, and when someone stands up for the group they discriminate against, they will call him an anti-Semite, let's not be afraid to say that "Anti-Semitism" on their part causes the word to lose its meaning and all the seriousness it has had over the years
Let's stop treating discrimination from discriminated groups towards other discriminated groups as a taboo topic, because we only harm each other, because then we will go into the absurd that a Jew is an anti-Semite because he supports Palestine (And believe me, there are many Jews from outside Israel who support it), Yes, soon people from Israel will call Jews anti-Semites, it's only a matter of time
Bloody hell, in the comments they are already attacking Jews who support Palestine and calling them stupid because they support those who want to "Kill" them, do we need to say much about how people from Israel or for Israel are a big problem?
Although it could probably happen to them that they called a Jew an anti-Semite, because we live in a society and on the Internet where even a certain miraculous fanatic called me an ableist, because I don't like the trope of a disabled villain, so after that I expect everything
You know, some people don't say they are Jews and often don't look like the classic vision of a "Jew", so looking at the behavior of people from Israel and how they throw anti-Semitism left and right, I can't be 100% sure whether they didn't use it towards a person who is Jewish
So when we get to this situation, it will be quite meme due to the context, but okay, there was probably no such information, you just know how it works, since I, as a person with ASD, was called an ableist by a miracolous fanatic, nothing will surprise me anymore
But yes, this post was created after analyzing everything that is happening and how anti-Semitism is starting to lose its meaning depending on the context of who uses it, if we cannot criticize a group that harms, because it is hatred, it means that we have to allow it, because you can't say anything to not get patched? Or maybe we can finally stop using the term "Anti-Semitism" every time the context is about fucking genocide committed by a specific group? Anti-Semitism meant aversion to Jews based on myths and prejudices, not reactions to the fucking genocide on their part, because remember, being a discriminated group no longer protects you, when you discriminate and attack someone else in the same way as people like you (or yourself) were treated
Do you know when there was anti-Semitism? When there was a persecution against Jews because of the inventions of a crazy man himself, or when someone uses "Jew" as an insult, not when the truth is told that Jews are aggressors for Palestinians (Even information on the Internet says that Israel was created thanks to the help of USA in establishing a Jewish state, and a lot of hostility towards Palestinians comes from Jews, and you know what else? THE FUCKING STAR OF DAVID IS ON THE ISRAEL FLAG, IT'S RATHER A JEWISH SYMOBL, EVEN I GET IT)
So they give you a label of anti-Semitism because you criticize loudly that Jews are the aggressors in that country, although all the information says directly that the Jews from Israel are the aggressors, because note, as I mentioned, Israel was created as a Jewish state (the USA helped, unfortunately) and the conflict was related to Israel's prejudice against the Palestinians, people couldn't return home (Because they fled because of the war), and dear Israelis did not give them citizenship (I have a flashback from the story about Jews trapped at the border when the Third Reich took away their citizenship), yes, only a small part of people managed to return because they did not want any more, because the people of Israel had made up their minds, that these people are a threat to their country (Flashbacks from the Third Reich, oh boy), and that there has been segregation there for some time now (Unfortunately, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to remembering dates, seriously, dates were the nightmare of mine), i.e. checkpoints, displacements, cities as far away from the Israelis as possible (Oh, more historical flashbacks), it's so bad that many people have trouble getting to the hospital, and hospitals in Palestinian cities have problems with transportation and resources (Because Israel is as greedy as billionaires), so additional people on the conscience for Israelis, because there were women who gave birth in the car because the police didn't want to let them pass, many of them died, or she had a miscarriage, so yes, the Israelis are so good that they kill women and other people by preventing them from getting to the hospital (Because of the checkpoints, many people cannot travel by vehicle, so only on foot, so yes, we can guess how many additional deaths Israel has per conscience)
I'm disgusted that my country is friends with the USA (and takes its worst values ​​from it, Poland wasn't a saint, but since Poles had too much contact with the USA, miracles like "Blackface" made their way into Polish productions, damn it, even today you can come across this shit)
But back to Israel, let's stop using anti-Semitism, because if you had no qualms about attacking Russians (Even those who haven't lived in Russia for years), it's still stupid that the real perpetrators should be patted on the head and you have to defend them just because they are Jews (Which is such a weak defense it hurts)
Yes, I saw a lot of hatred towards Russians on Polish YouTube (Even being happy that someone died because he is Russian), and now I see more and more hatred towards Ukrainians (Poles call them animals and want them to get the fuck out, yes, that's the kind of shit that goes on he's screwing around), you don't worry about it, because they're not Jews, so you can't defend them, because yes Seriously, I see a lot of double standards on this topic
If being a Jew allows you to murder and segregate people, then I'm sorry, but it's better for you to be an anti-Semite than to be for you, because by defending evil and harm to people, we ourselves are complicit in all this, finally, after so many years, people are no longer afraid talk about what you are doing and the real victims have finally been heard,after so many deaths and all the pain, they are no longer indifferent, karma comes back to those who hurt them, so they try to use anti-Semitism as a shield, but in this way they kill what this word meant and with these words I can end it, it started with questioning it and it ended face problems, which are considered a taboo topic and how the shield we use stops meaning anything
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1800naveen · 4 months
The white people of the ACOTAR fandom are odd. Like no offense to the ones that are chill but others need to chill. Those who think Feyre is in the right to fuck up the Spring Court are just ew. Imagine if someone destroyed your country with the idea of revenge in mind, multiple homes get destroyed in the process because war is on the horizon. You have to flee into other Courts so you can be safe and leave your original home behind, not knowing if you will ever come back because of what that person did. Sounds familiar?
What makes this even worse is that SJM is a zionist and what Israel is doing to Palestine is what Feyre did to the Spring Court. She can write her ideologies into her books and people can act like it's fine when it's not!
I'm a person of color, a black woman. Imagine how some black readers found out how A Court of Silver Flames was promoted. If you aren't aware, Sarah took the death of Breonna Taylor, a 26 year old African American woman who was fatally shot by a cop. It's STILL on her Instagram page, just keep scrolling until you find it.
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The black community is always targeted when it comes to police brutality. This is one of the traumas in our community that we have to deal with, even in modern times where everyone is supposed to be "free". Have we not struggled enough?
It disgusts me that some authors (mainly white authors) will take the pain of a community and use it for their book(s). Or authors that can write a book with a character that will rise up to fight back against the oppressors and still support Israel.
Illyrians in ACOTAR are portrayed as violent, savages, and warmongers. They're apparently supposed to be POC codded, are you fucking kidding me? Is this supposed to be a diss towards brown and black people? Maybe even the indigenous? Feyre wears Illyrian wings like bitch, wear another type of wings. Her or Rhysand haven't done shit for Illyria and while the woman gets their wings clipped, Feyre can fly all she wants.
Imagine how Emerie will feel when she finds out.
Don't get me started on Feyre's hand tattoos. It might just be me but why is this white girl wearing that? Take that off bro. In this world, it's called Mehndi, the traditional art of painting your hands, feet, or the body with paste. In Arabic, what we call it is Henna. It's used in the Middle East, South Asia, and Africa. Like the designs are pretty but I don't want to see the human born, turned fae wearing it. TAKE IT OFF, WHITE GIRL. And another thing, why was Feyre acting like that towards the humans in ACOFAS? You forget where you came from, girlie pop but anyways.
Kendrick Lamar's song Euphoria is me towards the ACOTAR series and SJM. Sarah looks like a nice lady but she's fake as hell.
If you want to read SJM's books, try buying it from a used bookstore or somewhere online that doesn't connect to her. You can download PDFs or read them online.
It's crazy when I see a black person reading her books. On Tik Tok, I saw Jordan Fisher talking about how he's a fan like babes. I love him but...
Me when SJM fans (especially the black fans:
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"We currently have a generation of socialists in this country that could so eloquently deconstruct Marx, Engels, and Lenin. And could tell you exactly how the alt-right formed and deconstruct every bit of the alt-right but couldn't for their life organize mutual aid.
We've raised a generation of very intelligent, very theory-centric leftists who can not for the life of themselves tell you what goes into actually organizing. Leftists that read Zizek but don't know their neighbor's name.
And if politics were a multiple choice test I guarantee you we would probably win. But we are losing. And it is because we are not in the streets, on the ground doing actual organizing. For the love of God, please go do mutual aid. Sometimes I sound like a broken record but it's important"
I'm going thru tik tok and found a bunch of actually helpful things for this so here, have them.
What can Mutual Aid be?
Why it's so important for fighting systematic oppression
It's as serious/complex as you make it
Best advice? See if your area already has an MA collective (really good thread of videos btw)
Also, I want to add that while a lot of this may seem like a lot or even expensive, the idea behind mutual aid is that your community is helping. Items are ideally donated for distribution. Again, I can't stress the importance of community. Stone soup and whatnot.
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nkatr84 · 12 days
Only Murders in the Building 4:3 “Two for the Road” Spoiler Warning
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Okay so the actors are back! And everyone gets paired up. Yet somehow none of them are as annoying as Amy Schumer’s drive by cameo in season 2. Even after Zack Galifianakis’s mean little rant to his agent. Good for you Howard for standing up for Oliver.
So Mabel and Eva Longoria discover Christmas Guy hates Christmas but is stuck having to keep up appearances because his Christmas themed Tik Tok went viral. First of all thank you Hatter (John Hoffman) for letting us see Kamal’s ABs. 👏👏👏 second why couldn’t this guy do other themed workout videos? Like Halloween or Easter? Or movie themed when it’s not a holiday? Who wants to watch a Christmas themed workout when it’s not Christmas? Guy doesn’t know how to Tik Tok. But thirdly the gun on the mantle is a Red Ryder Bb Gun knockoff and Christmas Guy has no motive for killing Charles. Yet fourthly he has a ham radio and is acting weird about it.
Eugene and Charles make a good team. Both plans are disasters in getting Stink Eye Joe to remove his eyepatch but they discover he too is just as socially awkward as Charles and he doesn’t hate him. But the picture in his Apartment features a group shot of the Westies with someone’s face rubbed out holding the pig. Now by the height and slim figure and the fact we can see a bit of white hair I think that’s Sazz. Was she Dudenoff?
Now while Oliver was too busy trying to impress Zack, he did peace together that the Perfect strangers theme was a call sign on the ham radio and 445 was a channel. The person on the other ends warns them that the last person who asked questions got killed (Sazz).
Now while this suggests the person on the radio was the killer, I think it sounded like Melissa McCarthy’s voice. And we know she’s playing Charles’s sister. So I have a theory. Sazz found out something fishy about the movie deal. Went to Charles sister for help. They discover someone is after Charles. Sazz recruits the Westies to help, employing ham radios to communicate. Even pooling their money to rent the studio apartment and take turns watching the East Tower. Because the killer is actually someone in the East tower? But when Sazz gets killed, the Westies freak out and cover up their investigation. We shall see Arconiacs.
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alexandra-emerson · 7 months
Some Thoughts
(For readers horrified by what’s been going on in fandom who want to help)
I’m sad that some authors have been pulling their works from AO3, though I totally get it. But I’m not going to add to the “don’t sell fanfics” commentary much. I’m working with a lawyer to get mine taken down from Etsy, and it sucks, but I think this is an opportunity to talk about the fandom community as a whole. Specifically, what you can do to keep it alive and healthy.
I think it’s easy to sit at home, read about this illegal fanbinding drama with interest, run to AO3 to mass download your favorite fics, pat yourself on the back for not buying or selling fics illegally or not adding them to Goodreads, then move on with your life. But I would argue this passive attitude is just as harmful to the community, in some ways.
The Criticism Ratio
You all have probably heard that you’re supposed to deliver compliments and criticism with a ratio of 5:1. This is because negative comments stick in our heads more, so even if you were balancing the good and bad, or giving twice as many good comments as bad ones, the bad ones carry so much weight, they still seem to be winning.
With writing, I would argue this ratio is probably more like 10:1. Because it’s so personal. And most of us are so new to it. And it’s so much freaking work. I timed it once, and one chapter typically takes me 12 hours to write. That doesn’t include editing, or the hours my beta puts into editing. Then, to float all that work out into the world and get negativity back … oof, it makes embarking on the next 12 hours, and the next and the next VERY difficult.
My Experience
I’ve been an author of some popular fics in both the Harmony and Dramione spaces. On the Harmony side, I’ve dealt with personalized attacks, not just against my stories but against me as a person. And when that was going down, there weren’t a ton of fans speaking up on my behalf. I got a lot of DMs telling me those bullies were just the “loud minority” but from my point of view, with my supporters sounding like crickets, they felt like a majority. 
(Quick note to my Harmony readers: No I’m never writing Harmony again, get over it, and stop following me to every work I write next to ask me when I’m writing Harmony again. You had your chance to support me, and you fucking missed the boat.)
On the Dramione side, the public spaces are more moderated (thank God) so I’m less likely to stumble upon downright bullying. But this space is overwhelming in how BIG it is and how much conversation goes on about my fics. I always feel like the last to know when there’s some big Tik-Tok boom happening with one of my stories, when a story gets added to Goodreads, when there’s a reddit thread discussing the flaws in ‘Timeless’, when it gets posted for sale on Etsy, when someone popular binds it. It’s very hard to keep up with this giant fandom and it’s too much to handle at times. Which means if people don't send us things directly, we don't see it.
I also get this thing in Dramione that I didn’t get as much in Harmony where people act afraid or embarrassed to reach out to me. They’ll say things like, “I’m so sorry to bother you…” or “I’m sure you hear this all the time, and I know you don’t need to hear it from me too, but your works are great…” I think in Dramione people assume because it’s so big, other people are taking care of things, but that’s not the case. There is a lot of activity, for sure, but not much of that is making it back to the author.
My Ask
So anyway, think about the role you play in fandom. Are you contributing to the compliment bank, or the criticism one? (Remember, abstentions go with the majority. And in this case, every negative experience holds x10 weight).
Good things can be as simple as sending a quick note like, “Just letting you know I thought about your story today” or “Here’s another kudos because I just reread this gem!” It can be correcting a negative comment or review you see out in the wild, so that if the author ever stumbles across it, they see that their people are out there, sticking up for them. Ten people can instantly negate a bad comment with ten positive ones. Then if the author ever finds it, no harm done.
We all know the bad things that harm fandom, so there’s no need for me to rehash them here. But don’t forget that the passive things can be just as harmful. Things like: Rating a fanfic on Goodreads, because it’s already there, and you really want it to count towards your goal. Downloading a story, loving it, and never letting the author know. Reading rude comments online, complimenting yourself for not being that mean, then scrolling to the next thing.
My challenge to fandom is this: Let’s fill that compliment and support bucket so full that when an author does encounter a negative experience with one of their fanfics, they have a giant, fluffy pillow of endless love to fall back on. Let’s make those rare moments of nastiness truly feel like a minority to our creators. It’s not a ton of work. Our fandom is so flipping large, it just takes a tiny comment from each person to keep our community feeling like a fun, positive place to play.
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modelbus · 1 year
it’s not milking it if it’s what the people ask for…. This one is a bit different! It’s headcannons style of the other cc’s finding out what happened and such :D
Part 1
Pairing(s): cc!Ranboo, cc!Tubbo, cc!Wilbur and cc!Tommy x Fem!Reader (Platonic) Head Cannons of: Cc!Phil, Cc!Dream, Cc!Niki, and The Public (fans)
Cut Chaos Part 4
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“You what?!”
Is overly concerned, ends up having a long lecture over communication and talking things out.
Even after multiple reassurances that everything is fine now, he’s very disappointed in Wilbur, Tubbo, Ranboo, and Tommy.
Ends up talking to Kristen about it later, he feels bad that he didn’t realize what was going on while it was happening.
He’s constantly on the lookout that things aren’t actually okay for weeks after that, then relaxes once he realizes you were being serious about it being okay now.
”That’s never happening again, to anyone.”
”It’s nobody’s fault. Just remember to follow basic internet rules and not trust everything we see. We’re literally content creators for fucks sake!”
Is more likely to be lenient on Ranboo, Tubbo, and Tommy but is just all Dad Mode Disappointed.
You’re the one to tell him, maybe with an offhand remark about hating rumors due to what happened. He pauses and goes, “wait, what?”
Wide-eyed the entire time you explain, this man cannot believe his ears.
”They did that? Really?”
Absolutely pissed on your behalf. Skips worrying and goes straight to muttering curses with a glare.
Deadass just doesn’t believe you when you say it’s okay now.
”Are you sure? Because that’s fucked. That’s really fucked. Good for you on resolving it, but… things don’t sound fine. That doesn’t just go away, right?”
Pushes you to talk to someone about it. A therapist, an animal, someone.
”I just can’t believe…”
He’s 100% blaming Wilbur, Ranboo, Tubbo, and Tommy. All of them. And the internet, for even spreading the rumor.
Posts a vague tweet in his private about disliking rumors being spread about content creators and how harmful it is.
Likes vague tweets then unlikes them.... mr. drama over here...
When Dream told you to talk to someone about it, you go to Niki.
She gets it, having experienced firsthand how horribly internet rumors can affect your life.
Out of everyone, she blames the internet the most for it.
Although she is still very disappointed in Wilbur, Tubbo, Tommy, and Ranboo.
”I would’ve expected better from them. I’m sure they didn’t even think about how it’d hurt you. And that’s so frustrating, right?”
Comforting <3
Playing cozy games together
”I’m an open door.”
Somehow it ends with you planning a trip to go hang out with her, although you’re not quite sure how
Also end up planning a stream??
The Public
After a while, after everyone is more comfortable and doesn’t feel absolutely shitty over what happened, it’s a little bit funny.
So there’s little quips in vlogs, streams, and videos that allude to what happened.
”I’m a ghost!” “Just don’t ghost me.”
”They’re talking about rumors, I swear—“ “Rumors, huh?” “…no.”
”Why am I back in videos now? ….don’t worry about it.”
It doesn’t take long for Twitter to realize what happened. The most popular theory is the correct one, leaving mixed opinions.
Most people are advocating to let things be, no matter what happened.
Some people, the mean ones, are saying they should’ve left you out for good.
A lot of your fans are upset at them, but take the cue from you and don’t cause a huge fuss.
Either way, it ends up trending for a little bit on Twitter. It’s slightly ironic to you.
Nobody addresses it to confirm/deny what went on, although when prompted through a donation Tommy says he "fucking loves" you in "a platonic way, chat. PLA-TON-IC!"
And when the Tik Tok fans find out…
incredibly dramatic
”Chaos squad is over guys D:"
Angsty edits
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Jess Piper at The View from Rural Missouri:
I am also the typical rural woman, with one exception…I am a progressive. And I’m loud. And I have a large platform. And I call out the GOP, which is why what I’m about to tell you might not shock you: my family was swatted. The swat unfolded in such an odd manner. I was gardening — no surprise — and I heard my dogs start barking. They do this when anyone pulls into the drive. I looked up to see a County Sheriff’s SUV parked down the drive. He didn’t pull up close to the house. My first instinct was panic. We have four adult children and my first thought was that something had happened to one of my kids.
The deputy was apprehensive which made me even more nervous. Then I saw he had a piece of paper in his hand. Whew! I thought maybe he was looking for someone or that I had a summons or something of the sort. He stood away from me and asked if my name was Jessica. He knew the answer, he lives down the highway, but I affirmed it. He then asked me how many kids I have. Again…panic. I asked him what this was about? He walked up to me and handed over the piece of paper he was holding. It was a printed email that had been sent to several law enforcement offices and several state offices in Missouri…it had even been mailed to my local water department. The email claimed to be from a close family relation. The letter stated that the family member had murdered me and my husband the night before. It went on to state that they intended to shoot and kill anyone who came on the property. [...]
This is going to be a long list. I can think of several state legislators who would like to see police storming my house with guns drawn. I get threats nearly every week online, but I brush them off as bots. And, then something came to mind that happened last week… I wrote a tweet last week that got the attention of an account called “The Libs of Tik Tok.”
I wrote about a doctor at the fatal Trump rally who gave medical attention to the fireman who later died at the rally. I talked about being so confused to see a doctor, an OBGYN, wearing a MAGA hat and shirt. In the tweet, I spoke about not wanting to think about the treatment an immigrant or a person of color or a woman in need of an abortion would receive from that doctor. I was horrified to know that a practicing physician could support Trump. There is an important distinction for me: The doctor wasn’t your ordinary, run-of-the-mill, conservative Republican. He attended a rally in which others had signs for mass deportation and concentration camps. That’s not okay. The tweet took off, but nothing too wild until that evening. I saw my phone blow up. I muted the tweet, but it was being quote-tweeted. A lot. So, I caved and looked at what was going on. It was the “Libs of Tik Tok.” Shit. Here we go. They were not only threatening me on Twitter, they found me on Facebook and started replying to my posts. They moved to my Tik Tok account and did the same thing. I spent a couple hours blocking and deleting comments and then really didn’t think much more about it. I thought it was over.
[...] Raichik uses her platform to harass teachers and LGBTQ folks especially, but anyone in general. I am a former teacher and a progressive activist…prime for the attack. Her minions often call in bomb threats and send police officers to the doors of progressives. Someone pulled my swatting off, but there is something they should know: I was rattled, but not terrorized. You didn’t win. I am a rural woman…most in my community know me and my politics. When an email came in claiming to be a close relation who shot and killed me, they thought better than to send a SWAT team out. They knew it sounded off because they know of me. They sent my neighbor, the Deputy Sheriff. They were right.
Read this Substack post from Jess Piper, and it’s very frightening. Piper and her family were swatted recently at their home, and anti-LGBTQ+ extremist account Libs of TikTok (run by domestic terrorist Chaya Raichik) incited the swatting.
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babyashieblue · 10 months
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Doing this, but all at once! ^-^
I honestly don't remember how i discovered age regression. I most likely found an account on tik tok and got curious and decided to look more into it!
I'm also unsure about this one, as it's kind of a mix. I like pacis and sippies like a younger age, but I also love coloring and doing school worksheets like an older age.
I have one! He's my soon to be husband!! ^-^
I'd wake up, immediately take a nap with tons of stuffies, wake up again, eat some little snacks and drink some little drink, color or do some worksheets, play with my cg and stuffies, play minecraft, go into a little space world in vrchat, then go to bed with baba tucking me in.
Yes! I only have a paci and some fidget toys at the moment, but that'll grow soon!
Sometimes! I regress to a dog/wolf when do! Puppy barking is so fun!!
Honestly, im not that different! Big me and little me both love mlp and bluey! However, big me is more responsible and likely to do productive things, while little me would rather just laze around with my stuffies.
I love coloring when little, and drawing when big!
i love @buttercupagere !
It started out voluntary, then it turned into involuntary because i started slipping naturally!
I'm still not quite sure what that is ;-;
If i have i dont remember!
I love plushies!!! I have at least 60 at this point!!
Only a select few people! My baba and my ex know.
Ashie or Sweetiebelle
My little pony and bluey! Also being called ashie or when my baba goes bwahbwahbwahbwahbwah!!
Not always, I have days when I just cant be little!
I love the community! You guys have made so much awesome agere stuff and it wouldn't be nearly as much fun if it weren't for that! This blog feels like my little tiny corner of the internet and I love it!
I don't! I don't really like to read unless its very short or has pictures.
Starlight Glimmer (Glimmy) from mlp!
LOTS of stuffies, a princess bed (the one with the big curtain drape thingies), a fluffy pink carpet, a play corner with a play kitchen and stuff like that, a picture book corner, a minifridge with angel milk and some snackies in it, mlp and bluey posters, and me and baba of course!
I love to but it's very hard for me to! I still feel kinda silly sometimes, so it's difficult for me to let go and just have fun ;-;
It makes me feel a certain kind of happiness I can't find anywhere else. I like just pretending I don't have responsibilities and that baba can just always be there to take care of me when I need him to. I like forgetting about all of the sad in the world and just be a kid again.
I do! I have a little space playlist on my spotify with more light and bubbly sounding songs. Bubble Tea, Just Monica, Muffins, and some disney songs just to name a few!
Not yet, but my baba and I are working on some!
It depends on my mood! Sometimes im super hyper, and other times I'm extremely sleepi and whiney lol. ***There is no in-between***
No! I'm just a wittle baby
Agere has become a huge part of my everyday life, more than I ever thought it would be, and my Baba is a huge part of that. He's helped me leave my house, get a job, and just generally better myself since I first met him. I feel like im finally coming out of this hole I've been in for years for the first time ever.
Anyways, that's all for now.
Goodnight, my littles! <3
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DNI banner made by @springtimefrog
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dollopheadedmerlin · 2 months
Wtf happened to Yaelokre??
So confuses by the state of Fandom right now. I know some people think creators should never be involved in Fandom and, whilst I do NOT hold that stance myself, I sometimes see where they're coming from with stuff like this.
Like I get the creator venting and complaining that people are making rules around their work and misinterpreting the story and spreading misinformation, but also like??? That's just kind of something that happens? Instead of seeing people calling the Harkers gods as misinformation, see it as a headcanon or a theory! Like, it can be disproven later on when more details come out, but I don't see how confirming they're not gods in a vent post was preferable to just casually explaining what they are in a lore post or in lyrics.
Then there is the cricket system?? I never saw any of this but it sounds to me like it was similar to the dabloons meme on tik tok a while back. I do not see how anyone could find anything wrong with this? Is it not just some light rp and a sly reference to the story? Idk maybe I'm missing something or people were spamming it but it just seems like a bizarre thing to be upset about.
But this honestly isn't about the creator, it's about how weird the fan base is. They like are trying to follow the "rules" of the Fandom, when the whole point of Fandom is that there are no rules.
Like yeah, are there corners of Fandom you may dislike or disagree with? For sure. There's stuff in Fandom that I'm honestly like morally opposed to, and I'll vent about it on occasion or block people or talk about why I think it SHOULDN'T be done. But I can never tell someone what they're ALLOWED to do with fiction.
I fell like people are just riding the high of being in the early stages of a fan base that has a very direct communication method and influence with the creator, so they're policing it. Trying to perfect their understanding of an unfinished story and "explain the lore".
I don't want the lore explained to me, I just wanna listen to some tunes and look at pretty art (also low-key getting fashion inspo from those characters haha). Do people not know how to enjoy things without it being a competition anymore?
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bookish-whore · 2 years
Never Made A Difference
Rhysand x Reader
Words: 3.7k
Warnings: depressive thoughts, slight angst, suggestive language, implied sa discussion
A/N: Based on the snippet of Hozier’s new song from his unreleased album on Tik Tok. I’ve been thinking about it constantly and thought it would make for a cute fluffy fic. This is also my first time writing for Rhysand so let me know what you guys think!
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Today began like any other, I opened my eyes to find that my beloved city was shrouded in a dark mist, clouds hanging low as the continuous pitter patter of raindrops hit the ceiling. In all honesty, I found the overcast sky and chill breeze comforting, the dark clouds mirrored the bags under my eyes while the smell of rain reminded me of him and all I wanted to do was throw the covers over my head and ignore the world.
But today was my birthday.
I knew that disappearing from the world wasn’t an option, and my friends probably had some extravagant dinner party planned to take my mind off today and the fact that it had been fifty years without him. Feeling sorry for myself, I made my way to our closet, running my hands over his clothes, stopping every so often to bring my nose to the fabric as if his scent would still be there.
It had been ages since the smell of rain and citrus lingered in our shared space.
I couldn’t help but wonder if he knew what day it was. I wondered if time felt longer Under the Mountain, I wondered how he spent his days, whether he was eating enough, whether he was safe. The mere thought of him so alone, in that place instantly made my eyes well up with tears. I shook my head thinking back to the last words he had said to me.
I was in the townhouse, making a cup of tea, the sound of our Inner Circle laughing in the other room when it came through. His voice roaring in my head telling me it had been a trap. That Amarantha had enslaved them, he told me to protect Velaris, to protect our people and to remain with our Inner Circle and most importantly to stay away.
Then softly with the remnants of his power he spoke only to me. I think back to those words every day. “Y/n my love, my wife, my mate…I will find you again, I don’t care if it takes five hundred years, if it takes a thousand years, no amount of time with you will ever be enough and I promise you we will have more time.”
I brought my hands to cup my face, allowing myself this moment to break down. it had been so long since I had seen my mate, felt his touch, his kiss, his body against mine. I crumpled to the floor cupping one of his shirts against my chest as I cried.
As the sobs subsided, I laid there on the floor bringing my left hand up to look at the intricate swirling tattoo that adorned my ring finger and left hand. Before our mating ceremony, Rhys and I had agreed that jewelry was too easily lost, and we wanted something more permanent, so we made a bargain and on days like today it was all I had of him, so I desperately clung to my hand and the memory of him.
A knock sounded at my door, pulling me from my personal pity party.
“y/n” Cassian prodded, his voice gentle and soft from the other side of the door.
“Come in” I said sitting up from the floor, wiping the tears from my face as the door opened
Cassian didn’t speak. He simply got down on his knees and pulled me into a tight embrace. I couldn’t help the swell of emotion and my eyes once again pooled with tears.
“I j-just miss him so much Cass” I said into his chest, fresh tears falling down my face
“I know y/n…we all do, but he’s trying to protect us. If he could communicate with us, you know as well as I do that he would be annoying the hell out of us at the first opportunity.”
I laughed at that, using my sleeve to wipe the wetness from my face. Cassian brought his hands to help, his thumbs wiping under my eyes. If anyone knew how I felt through all these years it was Cassian and Azriel, we had all bonded over the years in Rhys’ absence.
We had made a lot of progress in the fifty years he was gone. Initially, we had all refused to believe what Rhys had said at first, but Cass and Az immediately went into an unhinged stage of denial. Amren was the one to speak sense into them, getting them to calm down so that Mor and I could drug them to make sure they didn’t act irrationally. Then came the anger. Cass and Az were inconsolable, they would spar all day until their hands were bloody and their bodies practically gave out.
Mor and I resorted to alcohol, we would drink and then we would cry, and then we would break things. I decided to completely ignore the bargaining stage and moved right into depression. I don’t know how the others were coping all I knew was endless darkness. I didn’t get out of bed for weeks, I couldn’t bathe, I couldn’t eat…eventually Cass, Az, Mor, and Amren staged an intervention and Madja got involved and I started processing what had happened, that he was gone.
And that brings us to where we are now, reluctant acceptance. We all understand why he’s gone, and we all know there is nothing to be done. Some days, like today, are worse than others, but we have each other to get us through.
“Happy Birthday y/n” Cass said softly pulling a small box from the pocket of his leathers.
“You know you didn’t have to get me anything Cass” I said gently taking the box from him
“And you know that Rhys would absolutely spoil you if he was here, and as his brother it’s my job to take care of you in his absence, now shut up and open it” he said with a sly smile.
“Okay, okay”
I gently untied the ribbon that kept the box closed, opening the lid to reveal a simple but intricate oval locket, it was silver, and the front was engraved with an outline of Ramiel, her three stars shimmering above each peak, the same image that adorned the tattoo on Rhys’ knee. I gently opened it to find a photograph of Rhysand and I on the inside. I wiped away the tears that fell as I stared at the image longing for those violet eyes to sparkle with a witty comment, for his mouth to part into one of his signature smirks. I stared at the photo wishing that it was him in front of me, but for the time being this would suffice.
“Cass- I-I love it” I said softly
“He’ll be back y/n, I don’t know when, but I can feel it in my bones. I know he’s going to find a way back to us, back to you.”
“I know Cass, I just- I need to know that he’s okay. The bond…it’s just been silent for all these years I don’t know if I would feel him hurting or i-if the magic that Amarantha has Under the Mountain nullifies his ability to feel me. I have tried so hard just to feel anything and its like an impenetrable wall was put up the second he walked into that party.”
“I know” Cass said solemnly his eyes casting to the floor between us “look, because I love you I’m going to give you an hour to mope. But after that hour you are going to get up and get ready for the spectacular day we have planned for you.”
“You say that every year Cass”
“And every year we manage to lift your spirits, this one won’t be any different.”
I smile and nod my head, he was right
Cassian stood from the floor, reaching out his hand gesturing me to do the same. He helped haul me from the floor before turning and walking towards the door.
“Azriel will come get you in two hours” Cassian said, his hand lingering on the door handle “and y/n…Happy Birthday”
“Thanks Cass” I said as he opened the door and closed it shut behind him.
I was slipping on my boots when Azriel knocked on the door. I could tell it was him from the distinct smell of night and cedar, that and the fact that he was always punctual and it was two hours from my conversation with Cassian to the dot.
“Happy Birthday y/n” he said as he stepped through the doorway. He was dressed in his usual leathers, cobalt siphons gleaming in the room’s dim light.
“Thanks Az” I said forcing a small smile to my face
“How are you feeling today” he asked, his shadows lazily swirling at his feet.
“Like I always do on my birthday” I say softly
“Well, Mor has outdone herself this year so like the rest of us you have to banish your self-pity unless you wish to incur her wrath” he said with a playful gleam in his eye
“Oh dear” I said with a chuckle “are we talking like outdid herself from last year or are we going to have another balloon incident?”
“Hopefully not another balloon incident, I don’t think the people of Velaris have ever fully recovered from that one” we both looked at each other and laughed
“I know its hard y/n, but we love you and you know we’ll do our best to take your mind of missing him, at least for a day”
“I know Az, I just wish he was here”
“We all do” he said “I know you do most of all, but you know he would want to spoil you and make a whole day of it, a week of it if he could”
I smiled thinking back to one year he did in fact make my birthday last an entire week. There were celebrations, parties, and so many gifts; unbeknownst to us it was the last birthday we would spend together.
“He absolutely would” I said
We both smiled, enjoying a brief moment of silence remembering all the shenanigans Rhys would create for my birthdays.
“You ready?” Azriel asked, breaking the silence as he extended his arm towards me
 “As I’ll ever be” I said taking his outstretched arm and together we walked downstairs to greet whatever it was Mor had planned.
It was quite the party and Mor had insisted we all dress up for the event. She was wearing her signature red, her dress tonight was a halter style with an open back and a long skirt that flowed out at her hips, it also featured a slit up one side that exposed her leg when she walked.
I was wearing a night court black; the top of my dress was a corset with intricate detailing that resembled the night sky over Velaris. it also had off the shoulder sleeves, and it had a long skirt that trailed slightly behind me as I walked. It had been a gift from Rhys a long time ago and I had only now been brave enough to wear it, the memory of him gifting it to me made me smile rather than cry which is why I had chosen it for tonight.
Amren was in one of her two-piece outfits, a cropped silver top with long sleeves made of a sheer fabric that tightened at her wrists paired with high waisted pants of the same color that were loose and billowing with cuffs of silver around her ankles. Cassian and Azriel had also dressed up, they both wore dark pants with black boots that reached their knees, and each had a black tunic with silver and gold embroidery.
The party was small, just me and our inner circle over a nice dinner at Rita’s. Mor had bought out the space so we could have it all to ourselves. They had arranged for all my favorite foods and desserts to be made. We spent hours talking, drinking, and reminiscing over old times when we were all together.
A few hours, and a few more drinks later, it was time for cake. Which was my favorite part of these parties. This year it was a massive four-layer chocolate cake adorned with candles. We had this ridiculous inside joke to put as many candles as possible on our birthday cakes. As fae we had an eternity of birthdays, so we liked to make the most of them by creating our own chaos. This year they had managed to fit five hundred candles on the cake, at least by my estimate.
Cassian, Azriel, Mor and Amren all began singing a loud and off tune version of happy birthday as they wheeled the cake over to me.
“Make a wish y/n” Mor said clasping her hands together, a beaming smile on her lips.
“Okay, alright” I said closing my eyes tight as I made my wish.
I made the same wish every year, I wished for Rhys to return to me. I wished to see him, hold him, hear his laugh. I wished to spend my life with him. I pushed those feelings through the bond, but I was met with the same hollow feeling, there was nothing but a deep emptiness where our bond once was.
I shut down that thought as I took a deep breath and blew out the candles on the top tier of the cake, the others joined in as we all attempted to blow out the remaining candles on the other layers. We laughed as the last candle went out and served ourselves heaping portions of cake.
It was a little after 3 in the morning when I returned to the townhouse. Mor had an apartment close to Rita’s, so she stayed there most nights, Amren went back to her apartment overlooking the river and Cassian and Azriel stayed at the House of Wind. It wasn’t like I could convince them to abandon their lives to help me piece together mine, even though I knew they would it wouldn’t be fair to them.
It was always so lonely coming back to an empty house full of memories of our lives together. Everywhere I looked there were reminders of him, there were pictures on the walls of our happy times, memories of early morning breakfasts on our kitchen floor and dancing throughout the house.
I lit a fire in our sitting room and made my way to our room to change out of my dress. I carefully hung it in our closet and put on one of his shirts. It was large on me and hung to my mid-thigh, the long sleeves hanging over my hands. I also put on a long pair of wool socks and made my way downstairs.
I laid on the couch in front of the fireplace curling my legs up and before I knew it my exhaustion took over and I fell asleep
I jumped awake at the sound of a loud crash
I was immediately on edge, I rolled off the couch onto the floor crawling across the room I knew there was a knife on the bookshelf, it was for display, but it would do to fend off an intruder.  
I quickly grabbed the knife and stood with my back against the wall listening for the sound of footsteps. Hearing none I quietly turned the corner to find a tall figure standing at the foot of the stairs, their back was facing me which would be an advantage. I slowly stalked closer, holding the knife in a defensive position ready to strike.
Then it hit me.
Rain and Citrus.
I didn’t believe it; I couldn’t believe it.
The knife clattered to the floor as my eyes widened in disbelief. I tried to speak but the words I wanted to stay just stuck in my throat.
The figure turned around slowly his own eyes wide in recognition.
My knees buckled and I collapsed onto the floor, tears streaming down my face. but he was already moving his arms wrapping around me as we both sank to our knees in the hall.
“shh…shh” he said softly tucking my hair behind my ear as his hand cupped my face. I looked up and finally noticed his face. He was pale, his usual warm brown skin a sickly white, and his eyes. They were the same shade of violet that I remembered but somehow there was a darkness to them. Like this Rhys was different than the one that left fifty years ago, and I wondered what happened in that place.
“Is it really you?” I whispered, worried that if I spoke to loud then reality would set back in, and he would be gone.
“it’s me darling” he said softly, his voice shaking as he used his thumb and forefinger to lift my chin and his eyes meet mine. I brought my hands to cup the sides of his face, needing to feel his skin on mine to know this was real.
We sat there a moment, simply staring into each other’s eyes, like we both couldn’t believe that this was real that we had found our way back to each other. I breathed him in, his scent filling my lungs and I pulled him into a kiss.
It was desperate, like we were communicating fifty years of affection within this one kiss. it was a clash of teeth and tongues, our hands roaming over each other’s bodies simply needing some kind of connection. His hand roamed up to my bare thigh and he froze, pulling away from the kiss.
“Rhys?” I asked gently “are you alright?”
He shook his head, withdrawing his touch, breathing heavily as he stared at the ground.
“I-I want you so badly, but-” he said his eyes rimmed with tears
“You don’t have to justify yourself to me my love, you know that” I said gently stroking his hair “Let’s just go upstairs, you can bathe a-and we can talk, or we can just sleep” I stood extending my hand to him, He nodded taking my hand as we made our way upstairs.
We made our way to our bathroom; I thought that a warm bath might make him feel more like himself, so I led him to the bathroom where I started the water, throwing in his favorite soaps and salves and looked behind me to where he was standing, his hands gripped the counter so tightly that his knuckles were white as he looked at himself in the mirror.
I made my way over to him and wrapped my arms around his torso pressing a kiss to his shoulder. “Are you alright?” I said softly his eyes meeting mine in the mirror.
“I don’t want you to see me like this” he said softly, turning his head to look at me over his shoulder
“O-okay” I said quietly, attempting to hide the hurt in my voice “I’ll just be in the other room if you need me”
He nodded, pressing a kiss to my forehead as I made my way to the door, I left it open a crack and I watched in the mirror as he slowly undressed, his back facing the mirror and suddenly I knew why he didn’t want me in the room.
He has a series of deep red scratches down his back. Like fingernails.
What happened to him in that place?
I closed my eyes making my way to our bed as I waited for him to finish, a series of thoughts flashing through my head.
I was pulled from my thoughts by the door opening, as Rhysand made his way over to the bed grabbing a pillow from his side and making his way to the couch in the corner of the room.
“You’re not sleeping with me?” I asked unable to help the shakiness of my voice
“I don’t want to hurt you” he said
“You would never hurt me Rhys” I said,
"You don't know that" he replied
“What happened to you?” i practically pleaded
He froze
“I just want to help you” I said wiping a stray tear with my sleeve
“If I told you, you would never forgive me” he said his voice cracking
“You know that there is nothing you could say that would make a difference to me, I love you. you are my mate, my husband, my equal.”
“I betrayed you” he said
“You needed to survive, to find your way back to me and whatever you did, whatever happened to you wasn’t your fault” I said
And so, with a deep shuddering breath he told me everything. He detailed how he was forced to pleasure Amarantha how he was forced to help her torture people, and he told me the truth that he took their pain and made their deaths as painless as possible. Finally, he told me about Feyre, the brave human girl who had marched into her lair and saved him, saved us all.
When he was finished, we found ourselves on the bed, his back against the headboard with my head in his lap as I detailed what happened here in the time he had been away.
I could see the early light of the sun peeking through the window, and I couldn’t help but yawn, I closed my eyes but felt Rhys tuck himself behind me, his arm protectively wrapped around my middle as he pulled me into him
“You know the distance, what I had to do, none of it changed my feelings for you. and I crawled my way back here, back home, back to you”
“I know” I whispered
We drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms. Now we had nothing but time, and the rest of the world could wait until tomorrow.
Thanks for Reading!
Taglist (all works) -> @cherryjain17 @we-were-beautiful @moonfawnx @cityofidek @daily-dose-of-sass @marvelouslyem @moonlightazriel @frieddesigninspiringquotesslime @indaybella99 @gray08 @dreamsofivy @gorgeouslysent @viradeity @kennedy-brooke @maddistyles17 @thewarriormoon @pixiestix13 @lucyysthings @a-frog-with-a-laptop
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7grandmel · 6 months
Todays rip: 08/04/2024
Shiny Smily TALE
Season 8 No Album Release (Read More) Shiny Smily Story (OST Version) - HoloCure
Ripped by Ellie53
Well, would you believe it - its the eighth Season 8 rip being covered, on the eighth of April (half of eight)! And what better way to celebrate this than to cover completely uncharted territory for the blog - an UNDERTALE rip!!
I kid, I kid - though Undertale is definitely quite prominently featured on here, I feel as if it is rightfully earned. It and its psuedo-sequel in Deltarune feel almost like the frontmen of the SiIvaGunner channel in some way, as Season 1 began mere months after Undertale and its music began making waves online in late 2015. Such a hot topic was impossible to ignore, yet SiIvaGunner and Undertale have a fair bit in common that made the game's continued presence on SiIvaGunner feel very natural. There's the lore theming of course, I covered that briefly in Your Best Nightmario, but it also extends to the very core of what Undertale is: A game shamelessly rooted in silliness and absurd, internet-age comedy, yet still able to evoke such real attachments and emotions. The fit was all too perfect, and so the Undertale rips have continued year after year - Hoopache, Outertale, Determination is Magic, BUSTER HAND, and on and on and on. It may seem difficult to imagine that these all manage to stay fresh for so long, but they all find a way - and Shiny Smily TALE, eight years into the channel's life, shows that they're here to stay.
Immediately upon first hearing Shiny Smily TALE, I was reminded of one of the most recent UT/DR rips to have been covered on here, in kris gaming. Its reference was completely lost to me, being an arrangement in the style of stock music popularly used within VTuber circles, of which I'm terminally unfamiliar with - but the sheer vibe, the coziness, comfort of it all just made it such a wonderful listen. I don't mean to say that the VTuber world is one I oppose, moreso that its a part of the internet that still feels so nigh impenetrable to me - althesame, I love admiring it from a distance, just seeing how much passion and endearment is formed within these creators' communities.
And I immediately felt many of those feelings when hearing Shiny Smily TALE for the first time!! Shiny Smily Story has such a wonderful sound to it already, a vibe at once danceable and comforting - "Future Bass", I believe its typically called? - which turns the once-dramatic feel of SAVE The World into something far more pure-hearted in its arrangement here. Its as if all of those emotions still present from SAVE The World are spun into something far sweeter, spun like a legend of something exciting ahead, but with happiness and joy at the forefront. Without too much experience in listening to the original Shiny Smily Story, its hard to assess "accurately" how impressive of an effort this is, but what I DO know is of Ellie53's prowess in ripping - I was practically forced to during the great Raftmageddon incident of April 1st 2024. But even these jokier rafts rides, ones like Raft Ride at Freddy's and TiK ToK, on the clock, but the Raft Ride don't stop, no, show how good she is at merging two songs to such seamless (if, here, comedic) effect. Indeed, I can pick up on a lot of subtler touches done here to make the arrangement work, Shiny Smily TALE utilizes the various ebb-and-flowing sections of intensity and noise within the Shiny Smily Story theme, to punctuate the progression of SAVE The World where it best fits. For instance using a calmer section for the Hopes and Dreams leitmotif, only for it to build in excitement as it progresses, like the very song itself is pulling itself out of isolation and loneliness...allllmost commenting on Asriel's own struggles in Undertale?
Okay, okay, I won't quite go there - but the theme of community and love is one I do want to wrap things up with, adding one last little anecdote. Because it extends beyond the confines of just this rip, extending as far back as 2020, with Sarvéproductions' SAVE the Virtual World. Yes - the inverse joke of Shiny Smily TALE, Shiny Smily Story and SAVE The World, was made four years ago by another long-time excellent ripper: Sarvéproductions, the one behind Bloody Freddy and many more on the channel, across his many years of contributing. It's an equally lovely rip in its own way (likely more, for those attached to HoloLive!), but its the sentiment that Shiny Smily TALE shows that really makes it land for me - that Ellie53 wanted to pay tribute to HoloLive, and at once was able to make it as much of a tribute to a fellow long-time channel contributor, to a partner-in-crime on the channel! It's not a new thing to occur on the channel of course, rips like old town ribbon race and Green Panty Zone (Sequenced Ver​.​) were made in tribute to specific rips or specific rippers respesctively, but I love how interpersonal this exchange between Ellie53 and Sarvéproductions feels in particular, how well it all fits with the feel of HoloLive and VTuber communities in general - and of course, I love how genuinely fantastic Shiny Smily TALE sounds on top of it all.
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lilypadlys · 10 months
Ghost Mutuals Tag Game 🦇 Send this to the last ten Ghesties in your notifications, then reply here with ten facts about yourself! Let's get to know each other!
Okay, sounds fun! I'm gonna make them Ghost themed cause why not
Cirrus is my favorite ghoulette and Swiss is my favorite ghoul
2. Top Five Ghost Songs (I can't pick one): Square Hammer, Kiss the Go-Goat, Dance Macabre, Rats, and Witch Image
3. I got into Ghost last May after hearing MOAC on Tik Tok and googling Ghost. I listened to Square Hammer and it was all over from there.
4. I'm new to the alt/metal music scene so I'm trying to explore more. Definitely interested in checking out Sleep Token and Katatonia but I'm a little intimidated (feel free to send me your favorite songs for me to check out)
5. Saw Ghost during the Re-Imperatour and it was amazing! It was also my first concert ever.
6. I play electric guitar and I'm learning how to play Square Hammer and Dance Macabre rn
7. I'm a cosplayer and I'm eagerly awaiting free time so I can work on making my ghoul cosplay. Going to sew their Impera fits.
8. I like spooky things in general to Ghost was a perfect fit for my interests.
9. I got back into reading/writing fan fic after about five years thanks to Ghost and I'm not mad about it. This is such a fun and creative community.
10. My favorite Ghost album is Impera and my favorite album covers are Meliora and Seven Inches of Satanic Panic
For tags I'm taking it as fellow gesties and not just mutuals. Feel free to participate but only if you want to!
@comp-lady @counting-eyerolls @chapel-of-rizztual @sexy-sea-basss @jimothybarnes @callmeghoulshit @obeythefluff07 @jazz-bazz @ghoul-slime @mintea-in-space
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katybearr · 11 months
May the people of Palestine be free of this terror they have to face everyday. May they find joy, laughter, and a form of peace. May the children go to school, families will thrive and Palestine will live in a nation that is free from terror and oppression. Where no person nor child will have to fear the sound of a plane, or worry if they will make it till tomorrow. No parent will have to find their child in the rubble caused by the Israeli oppressors. Where they are seen as people and not as “human animals”.
I pray that Allah(God) will protect them, and give them the peace and freedom they deserve. I pray that our world leaders will finally open their eyes to what is happening, and see that it is a genocide they are funding/defending. That they call for a cease fire, so aid can enter to help the Palestinian people. I will continue to use my voice for the voiceless and fight for what I believe is right. Because my voice is my best weapon I have. Especially as a Westerner. It breaks my heart to watch everyone turn a blind eye and pretend that nothing is happening. It feels like I can’t speak when I have so much to say. All i want to ask, is do you fully understand what is happening? Do you understand that innocent civilians are being injured and killed by the minute? How can you just sit there and go about your day to day life when so many people are in a living nightmare? It just hurts to sit here and watch so many suffer. And it’s not just the people I am mourning, it’s the animals as well. No one deserves this. And it’s so disheartening that all of this is happening because of greed (as well as the things hamas has done), but Hamas wouldn’t have to do the things they have done if Israel would just leave them alone. If they wanted to free the hostages, they should send in special forces to get these hostages. But they are not, they are deliberately attacking hospitals, refugee camps, schools, places of worship, etc. Where they know that so many civilians will be. How can they sleep at night knowing what they are doing to these civilians? It hurts and it’s sad to have to watch this through a screen on tik tok for crying out loud! It’s sickening that we are rewatching history happen and not doing the proper terms to stop this madness. And people are condoning the madness the Israeli occupation are doing. When it’s straight up genocide at this point. All i ask is that we can help these people, and for them to find peace. May god continue to protect them and watch over them.
One of the many things I admire from the Palestinian people, is their faith. It amazes me that they are going through a living hell, but are able to keep their faith in Allah. They believe that their life is not over even if they meet death. It’s so inspiring to watch these people suffer but are still able to keep their faith and pray. When I know that if I was in their position, I would be angry and upset that the person I am worshiping is letting this happen and not putting a stop to this. But the fact that they are not is astounding. And it’s something I will take with me and use in my day to day life. I will continue to have faith, but I will also continue to pray for these people. To end their suffering. I pray that they will be able to get drinking water, food, medical supplies, and all of the other basic necessities that Israel is refusing them. And I pray that the oppressors will get the karma that is coming for them, for doing this to a community.
May Palestine be free from the river to the sea 🕊️
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pixiewritesstuff · 5 months
This is probably going to be a long ask I'm sorry 😭
I got into Undertale and the AUs when I was like nine I think and I'm like thirteen now and sans aus have been such a huge comfort to me!
I discovered your tiktok account around a year ago and you inspired me so much immediately! Your characters were so cool - Smudge was the first one I saw.
Sadly I stopped watching your account for a long time because I deleted my tiktok account but I remembered you a couple of weeks ago and was like GAHH I HAVE TO FOLLOW PIXIE!
I have been at a low - girl I'm like Ink, I have such a fear of being forgotten- I want to make an impact in this fandom and I thought I couldn't but then I was like 'wait...' and you've given me inspiration to make a blog called askbittersweet!
Maybe I won't get asks, but you gave me the inspiration and confidence to and you're just so important to me!
this was supposed to sound so much cooler but my words failed.....
also your art style is so pleasing lol! I had a lucid dream where I had your artstyle it was kinda weird but it was cool n stuff (jeez lousus i'm bad at talking)
Awww thank you!! I got into the Undertale AUs when I was about 11/12 and now I'm turning 19 in a few hours, so I definitely relate to that sense of comfort!
And thank you for your support. :3 I've been working every day to give everyone content they can like. I love this community and honestly it's my honour to be giving everyone content that they enjoyed. Secret be told, I didn't think anyone would like my work considering my writing isn't all fluff and sunshine, but I was completely blown out of the water with support and love from such amazing individuals. I've met and made friends with so many amazing individuals, each fan interaction I have makes my absolute week because there is nothing I love more than cooking up content.
I wish you luck on your own content journey! As long as you have a passion for what you do? There is only one way for you to go and that's up. Since I'm feeling nice today, I'll give you a few tips ٩( ᐛ )و
★ Use what's trending to your advantage -
Tik tok, Tumblr, Twitter/X all follow an algorithm of sorts, if you see bunch of videos following the same pattern... Take the leap! Make sure to add your own spin on it, not only will that help you stand out but copying others makes a story so bland, bleh!
★ Be brave, be confident -
I know putting yourself out there can be scary, it's literally throwing yourself on a stage and slowly building an audience hoping you'll attract your kind of people. But you'll never get anywhere if you stand around timidly and be too scared of that attention. Sell yourself, be brave, what makes you different from everyone else? What makes you special? What makes your amazing work so amazing? What can you do to bring something different to this multi verse?
(For me? I can bring adorable characters with a horror aspect, but what makes me different? There's no one quite like our lovely princess Smudge, is there?)
★ Don't be afraid of interacting with people but withstand your boundaries.
Unless those people are total dickwads and have no life, making interactions with people is a great place to start. You'll build a solid support system, people who aren't just interested in your stories but genuinely want to see you thrive! Little side note- don't let people stand on you either. I've had many a time where people thought they could push my boundaries and got kicked to the curb. Don't be a door mat, how will anyone respect your characters if they don't respect their creator?
★ Last but certainly not least - believe in yourself!
Okay, this one is a little corny and I know what you're probably thinking. 'But Pixie, I have low self confidence and esteem. Being confident doesn't come naturally.' And I'm super sorry to hear that. You're a wonderful person with flaws, but those flaws don't undermind your best traits one bit. If you don't believe in it, believe in us to believe in you. Would there be hundreds of people lying to your face? Really? No. There would be some merit behind their words, right? I faked it till I made it. Now? I have the ability to trust my own talent. I find love in my work and in my characters. I can only hope you do too, you can do amazing things if you set your mind to it. That's something I live by.
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piqued-curiosity · 2 years
I want to talk about a clip that appears in this video.
Skip to around 4:44, to the tik tok video of the woman with green hair. She has a very smug attitude to her, and is talking about her TIM spouse. The gist of it is that she claims the media and pop culture has wrongly taught us that lesbian = homosexual female. She doesn’t like silly sayings like “vagitarian”, or jokes about how gross male genitalia is, and thinks it’s wrong that we’re taught lesbians are repulsed by penis. She says there’s a lot of “unlearning” that needs to be done regarding this. Sounds like conversion therapy to me.
The key part is when she starts talking about her own sexuality.
“When I was trying to figure shit out for myself, I did have sex with men. And I thought to myself that I couldn’t possibly be gay, because I wasn’t completely repulsed by penis. For most of my life I was under the impression that if I was a lesbian that must mean that I had to find [penis] gross. And since I didn’t, I was like, hmm! Guess I’m not gay! Spoiler alert, I was wrong.”
Any lesbian hearing this is going to be utterly confused. This is not an experience we can relate to for many reasons that should be very obvious. This is a woman who has no problem with interacting with male genitalia, is married to a man, but calls herself a lesbian because gender ideology has given her an excuse to do so.
She then says,
“I’ll be honest and say that it’s only been in recent years that I’ve been able to feel comfortable using the label ‘lesbian’ because my experiences with the lesbian community has been that my sexuality has been invalidated because my wife is trans!”
In other words, actual lesbians have pointed out that this woman is not a lesbian. But she dismisses them, and goes on to use the ultimate silencing tactic…
“Because the truth is, the lesbian community is filled with a lot of TERFs and they like to hide under the mask of ‘genital preference’, when no, they’re just fucking transphobic!”
Here, she guilts the lesbians who criticise her, and threatens us with the terrifying label of “terf”. She positions herself as the good trans ally lesbian, morally superior to those evil terf lesbians who say her and her husband aren’t lesbians.
She then shows this picture of her and her husband, saying “look how gay this is”. Because I guess all it takes to look like a woman is a dress, makeup, and hair longer than a buzz cut.
Tumblr media
“Look how beautifully wonderful this is”. She says, further guilting the lesbians who know something is off here.
She finishes by stating that “genital preference” is an extension of heteronormativity that needs to be unlearned, just like beauty standards.
This is what lesbians are dealing with. We are facing OSA women who convince themselves they’re lesbians, then prop themselves up as an example for all of us to follow. They make these videos guilting us into feeling like we’re wrong, evil, and bigoted for knowing we’d never be able to have relations with men like they do. They make us think, “what’s wrong with me? Why can’t I be as accepting as her?”.
And most importantly, they send the message to everyone else that lesbians can be attracted to the male sex. They’re the proof homophobes have been looking for, that lesbians can be attracted to men if we find the right one.
These women are harming us mentally and emotionally, putting us in internal turmoil through their guilting and shaming. They’re harming us by contributing to both internal and external homophobia. And it’s terrifying.
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flowylightwitch · 1 year
⋆༶⋆˙⊹❀☆˖⁺ ☁⋆ .⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹❀⋆。⋆༶⋆
The light of the screen light the blanket while I'm under it. I couldn't sleep, how could I? He broke my heart on a funeral of a loved one, the only way to cope that I know Is to distract myself from the pain. So here was I, scrolling through Pinterest and tik tok anxiously avoid any other social app were I could see how's he's doing, because my gut tells me that he's already dating someone new so just in case I'll avoid his page.
I had tried everything to make him come back to me, posting myself on Instagram looking good, using stupid tik tok sounds, spells I found on internet and even yesterday I prayed to whatever was out there to make him crawl back to me but nothing had work for now. The sound of the entryphone brought ne back from my depressing daydreaming, I debated whether to pick it up or not because who would call at this time. I got off bed and went to the main door, I decided to pick it up since I live in a second floor of s community it made me feel safer.
From the other side of the line o could hear the sound of a heavy breathing and what it seems to be soft sobs
"...Hello?" I said
"H-hey... I know it's weird to come to your place at this time, but..." The sentence was cut off by some more soft sobbings. My eyes widened up like I just seen a ghost, that was his voice. My mind race with many scenarios in one second. It could be a dream, a bad prank or something bad could had happened to him while he was partying or going out around this zone and needed help
"Carl is that you?"
"yeah, sorry I probably woke you up, but can we talk?"
I wasn't still believing it, but that was his voice and I sure wasn't dreaming and no matter how hard I prayed yesterday or did random rituals and spells I found on internet just to have my ex back I was reluctant
"Can you open the door so we can talk?" He spoke with a trembling voice
"But why are you here at 3:10 am? Did something happen?" I said worried
"Y-yea- I mean no, just open the door so we can talk" he said insisting
I felt bad for him, he hurt me but he sounded drunk and confused I would feel bad if I left him on the streets vulnerable
"Okay... Just waited a sec" I hung up before he could protest and move through the dark apartment to my living room to peek through my window to catch a glimpse of him at the entry but before I could, the entry phone rang repeatedly as he was desperate.
I immediately went back scared that something was happening to him
"please open now..." His voice sounded a little distorted by the soft sobs and heavy breathing he was almost desperate
"sorry but can you wait just a second?" I realised that I was just sleeping in my panties "Im just going to put a shirt on"
I quickly put on a pj pants and shirt to go back to the phone as fast as possible to not make him wait more
My hear race with mixed emotions, he was probably regretting leaving me but I'm so nervous that I jumped a little when a dog outside started howling and barking. I pressed the button, finally hearing the buzz and the handle of the door opening slowly downstairs. I thank to whatever I prayed yesterday to made him come back to me as I waited eagerly for him to ring the doorbell. I heard his footsteps echo the building and look impatiently through the peephole.
The light was on and I could make out a silhouette at the dark coming up the dark stairs but the lights of the halls turn off from the timer, I still could see but it was harder.
There was a knock on the door
"I'm here, let me in" I had to check twice because I couldn't see anyone through the peephole, I stayed in silence and a chill ran down my spine
A harder knock
"hey, you said we could talk" now that I could hear his voice more close it didn't sound trembling at all but rather malformed
I didn't react I stayed silent watching the dark spot through the peephole, I thought for a moment that maybe I was just really sleepy from staying two nights up in a s row but there wasn't anyone there
The knocks become louder and erratic as if his life depended on coming in
"Please, it's me... Just let me in, please" he knocked repeatedly, at this point my neighbours should have hear it but it seems the I'm the only one. I back away from the peephole when the knocks make the door shake. I stayed in shock in front of the door hearing him trying to force the door open as his voice twisted to something less human. The lock made a 'click' giving in to the bangs, a crooked large hand reach the door slowly opening
"Please, please, please.... Just a taste"
⋆༶⋆˙⊹❀☆˖⁺ ☁⋆ .⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹❀⋆。⋆༶⋆
It's 3:17 am and I can't sleep so I wrote this, I enjoy reading opinions on my writing or vocabulary so I can improve so don't by shy to comment your opinion :))
My creepypastas inbox are always open feel free to request anything you want (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-)⁠✧
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