#tim barlow
ozu-teapot · 9 months
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Anchoress | Chris Newby | 1993
Tim Barlow, Natalie Morse
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cleowho · 2 years
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“She seemed afraid.”
Destiny of the Daleks - season 17 - 1979
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letterboxd-loggd · 9 months
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The Tall Guy (1989) Mel Smith
December 17th 2023
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There has to be something that separates us. And to be quite honest, we are very angry. I mean, in very simple terms we are very, very angry. We’re angry about the music industry. We’re very angry about pop music. And I think it’s about time that somebody said something and somebody did something that is of value. Which is always very difficult, because when you try to say something with value and intelligence, you have to stand trial, you have to go before the jury, as it were, and explain yourself. People who are idiots and idiotic and bland and pointless and stupid and poppy – they can do what they like and nobody pins them against a wall and says, “Why are you doing that?” But if you try and do something with a grain of intellect, you have to answer for it every single day of your life. Which to me is the most irksome part of the music industry. In a way, it means you are being taken seriously, but then as I recollect, it was always the very, very dull people in music who were ever taken seriously. So there’s really a lot to do. It’s not easy.
MORRISSEY • Melody Maker March 16 1985
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nomgeonmunchie · 4 months
the aliens from Wayne Barlowe’s expedition and Alien planet (
(For images, just post like some of the creatures from the book/tv show.)
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febrvarymoon · 7 months
This is so endearing, oh my god 😍
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operafantomet · 2 months
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The Romanian / Norwegian / Greek / Middle East + European Tour version is really starting to hit many countries and cities now. Along with some photos of the current cast (from the respective webpages I have linked to underneath), here's a complete overview to where it has played so far, and where it will play in 2024-2025 (*):
JAN 2015: Teatrul National de Opereta, Budapest, ROMANIA. This was the prototype, directed by Stephen Barlow and designed by Andrew Riley. Leading trio was Adrian Nour, Irina Ioana Baiant and Florian Ristei, and it was performed in Romanian.
SEPT 2018 - MARCH 2019: Folketeateret, Oslo, NORWAY. This was a much updated version of the original Romanian production, with new costumes, and revamped sets and effects. Leading trio was Espen Grjotheim, Mira Ormala / Astrid Giske and Carl Lindquist, and it was performed in Norwegian.
JAN - MAR 2020: Thessaloniki Concert Hall and Christmas Theatre in Athens, GREECE. This was pretty much the Oslo production, but with some changes for tourability. From Greece on it has only been performed in English, regardless of the location. The original leading trio in Greece was Ben Forster, Celinde Schoenmaker / Amy Manford and Nadim Naaman. The production closed earlier than announced due to Covid.
FEB - MARCH 2023: Christmas Theatre in Athens and Thessaloniki Concert Hall, GREECE. Back in Greece, still in English, still an international cast, even more set and costume changes. This time the leading trio was Tim Howar, Harriet Jones / Georgia Wilkinson and Nadim Naaman.
OCT - DEC 2023: The Arena, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Continuing most of what was the case in Greece, except Nadim Naaman took over the role of the Phantom from Tim Howar, and Dougie Carter took over as Raoul. Was now dubbed "The Middle East Tour". It was the first time a full-scale production of Phantom of the Opera was done in Saudi Arabia.
FEB - MARCH 2024: Dubai Opera, Dubai. Same cast and overall set-up as Riyadh. This production followed in the footsteps of the World Tour (original version), visiting Dubai in 2019.
APRIL 2024: National Palace of Culture, Sofia, BULGARIA. Same cast and overall set-up as Riyadh and Dubai. This was, I think, the first time a city has housed two different non-replica productions. Not at the same time, mind you, as this version touring has meant the local productions are now allowed to perform for some time. This was at least what was announced from the producers in Bulgaria, Serbia and the Czech Republic. Curious.
AUG - SEPT. 2024: National Palace of Culture, Sofia, BULGARIA. The production has announced its return to Sofia this autumn. This due to the sold-out initial run.
OCT 2024: Sagros Campo Pequeno, Lisbon, PORTUGAL. The production has announced a run there from October 15-27, 2024. A concert version has previously been performed in Portugal, but it will be the first time a full-scale production is done.
NOV - DEC 2024: Musical Theater Basel, Switzerland. The production has announced a run there from Nov. 6 to Dec 22, 2024. The original Swiss production 1995-1997 did a hardcore thing of perfoming in both German and English. It will therefore not be the first time POTO is performed there, nor the first time it is performed in English. But it is the first time this exact version visits, and the 1995-1997 one was the original version.
FEB - MARCH 2025: Stadsschouwburg, Antwerp, Belgium. The production has announced a run there from Feb. 6 to March 7, 2025. The original Belgian production ran from 1999-2000, and was performed in the local language, but it will be the first time it is performed in English. It will as such also be the 10th anniversary for this specific touring version, as it premiered in Romania in January 2015.
MARCH 2025: Kongresove Centrum, Prague, Czech Republic. The production has announced a run there from March 19-27, 2025. This means the local production 'Fantom Opery' at Goja Music Hall has been paused. According to the official website the Phantom will be Nadim Naaman, the role of Christine will be shared between Georgia Wilkinson and Bridget Costello, and Raoul will be Dougie Carter.
(*) More dates will likely follow. Kuwait was announced some time back, but cannot be found anywhere now. Also, the local Serbian production announced a break because another version was visiting, so I won't be surprised if Belgrade is added to the list later on.
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romantashas · 3 months
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Love Me In Small Doses – Chapter 11: The Detective
“Detective Barlowe asked Tim if you were single,” Aaron hisses out. Lucy’s eyes widen. “What? What did he say?” He shrugs, but it’s everything except casual or calm. “I don’t know—he did his usual gruff ‘this is inappropriate for work’ stuff. Man, if looks could kill.” “What did you say?” “Oh, I got out of there as fast as humanly possible,” he answers pointedly. “No way I’m getting in the middle of that.”
read on ao3.
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storyweaverofgondor · 6 months
Cats Footlight Production 2008
I do so love stumbling across a new non-replica of my favorite musical.
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It apparently took place from January 27 to Febuary 11 2008 in Geelong (I think in Ausralia?) according to one of the above articles.
@whitmerule @cryptidvoidwritings @statisticalcats2
Cast and Production team list below the cut
PRODUCTION TEAM Producer Peter Wills Director Darylin Ramondo Musical Director John Shawcross Vocal Director Anita Barlow – Burman Choreographer Jordan Punsalang Costume Design Bevan Vahland Costumes created by Ferri Bond Make Up Design Penni Nash-Gilchrist Set Design Bevan Vahland Lighting Design Shane Haugh Stage & Technical Manager Robert McKenzie
CAST Admetus Olivia Taravillo Alonzo Glenn Murray Angelica Caitlin Mathieson Bombalurina Amy Lehpamer Bustopher Jones Lachy Joyce Cassandra Bree Moyes Coricopat Jordan Middelkoop Demeter Kethly Hemsworth Electra Jessica Nash Etcetra Zoe Marsh Exotica Jess Gomularz Grizabella Sophie Collins Gus The Theatre Cat Howard Dandy Jellylorum Jocelyn Mackay Jemima Emily Jacker Jennyanydots Gail Lee Mr. Mistoffelees Casey Chisholm Mungojerrie / Macavity Joel Cooper Munkustrap Mykel Jackson-Brown Old Deuteronomy Tim Edwards Plato David Greenwood Pouncival Caleb Vines Rumpleteazer Jennifer Stirk Rum Tum Tugger Tony Wasley Sillabub Nikki Lenaghan Skimbleshanks Ian Nash – Gilchrist Tantomile Farryn Burrill Victoria Purdey Rickard
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the-blue-fairie · 16 days
Emprex’s Horror Movie Challenge: Salem’s Lot (1979)
So, I knew that my track record for completing these challenges was very bad, so I decided to jump in and start watching the Salem’s Lot miniseries last night. I ended up watching all three hours – not exactly because I was on the edge of my seat, but because the halfway point was where things started to pick up and I didn’t want to stop at 90 minutes of lethargic pace.
The thing about the first half of this is that it is slow – and that makes sense; it’s a miniseries and everything. I have a deep fondness for the childhood sections of the It miniseries – and the adult sections have their kitschy charm – so I was hoping for something like that with this. Like the It miniseries, the kids were the characters I cared most about, but the adult main character had none of the endearing charm of any of the adult cast in It. Likewise, Tim Curry got the chance to be big and splashy in It, while James Mason in the first half of this is relegated to Ominously Being There.
You know something bad is going to happen. You know the suspense beats when they show that large crate and you’re like, “Oop, Dracula time,” but the miniseries format makes everything overstay its welcome. That being said, it was fun seeing a who’s-who of, “Hey, it’s that guy!” and “Hey, it’s her!” in the cast. Hey, an elderly Elisha Cook is in this, that’s neat! Okay, Fred Willard is here. HEY, it’s the Baron from David Lynch Dune/the racist cop from Ragtime! And he’s a cop here, too!
Those scenes with the undead children scratching at the windows, wanting to be invited in, ARE incredibly effectively eerie, however. I know Hooper can do horror, and those moments are just STEEPED in atmosphere.
Mark Petrie is more likable as a character than Ben Mears is – and I’m not just saying that because Kerwin was in my favorite episode of Faerie Tale Theatre. Mears feels like a somewhat smug King stand-in and… like, I’m a writer too and I get what it feels like to be dismissed for being a writer, but his character just felt so self-congratulatory. The boy, meanwhile, feels more relatable because he’s a kid, he’s vulnerable, and we get to see him watch his parents die in one of the most effective scenes. Also, the portrayal of Petrie’s outsiderhood – with the monster movie posters on the walls, with the model kits – resonated more. And, if the boy is a creative, like the adult author is, we SEE him struggling to come into his own – working on pageants and so forth, whereas we just hear about Mears doing the same.
When the Count Orlok-style vampire shows up, that’s where things get fun. I dismissed Mason as just Ominously Being There in the first half, but I want to amend that statement and point out that he brings a smooth, quiet menace even to those scenes – and that blossoms into perfectly effective menace in the master vampire’s face-off with the priest. He’s a Renfield that carries the weight of the horror, and I think that’s cool.
I loved the green hues of the Evil house. I loved the Orlokian makeup on Barlow. It has a funhouse spookiness while also conveying this is something ancient and threatening. I loved the glowing effects on the vampires’ eyes in general.
Overall, this was not as enjoyable as I was hoping, but it has charm, especially in the last half. I might check out the remake to see if the pacing is more to my style, but I also feel the remake will lack the old-school TV miniseries charm that gave this version what spark it did have.
(Also, I realize that calling this film "too slow at the start" when my favorite film is a 5-hour miniseries that begins with a 90-minute Christmas party episode may seem hypocritical - but the characters at that Christmas party have infinitely compelling and complex dynamics with each other and that first episode could be a movie on its own and a masterpiece.)  
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sophie-i-guess13 · 6 months
Lori being adamant that there’s somebody standing outside watching them. Tim, rightfully, thinks it’s Billy, and grabs the bat to go beat off the idiot, but when he looks outside, there’s no one there. He asks Lori who she saw, and Lori very calmly answers that it was a tall boy, a little younger maybe than good ol’ Tommy Barlow, with pale blue eyes and a wispy white blond hair-
“Lori, baby, you gotta tell Tío who you saw.”
“I told you, Tío, it wa’ the boy from Unca’ Buck’s pictures.”
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 month
A Brothers Shelter
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/X6UMrWj by AutumnLikeaBreeze Damian’s feet move forward without much thought. He internally curses his child-like legs for moving so slow in such a dire moment, but despite the urge to slot himself in front of his brother and demand the wretch retract her touch, he cannot risk sprinting into action and making a scene. He gets there in due time, stepping between the two just before the woman can lean in to ghost her cherry lipstick against Drake’s ear. His brother is entirely frozen, no trace of the sharp, well-spoken gentlemen that defends Damian from crude remarks anywhere in sight. “Mrs. Barlowe,” Daman says pointedly, causing the woman to flinch. Good. She should be afraid. “My brother is not an object of pleasure for you to satisfy yourself with.” Or Damian sticks up for Tim. Words: 1153, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Gen Characters: Tim Drake (DCU), Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne Relationships: Tim Drake & Damian Wayne, Damian Wayne & Everyone Additional Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Sexual Harassment, Racism, Protective Tim Drake (DCU), Protective Damian Wayne, Tim Drake Loves Damian Wayne, Damian Wayne Loves Tim Drake, Galas, Brothers, I love these two I hold them gently read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/X6UMrWj
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puresugarstick · 11 months
Sneak peek of Beast.
This has not been seen by a beta reader.
We are standing outside the Diamond Tower where according to reports billionaire and Gotham City Councilmen James Barlowe was murdered in his penthouse. Although police have yet to comment as to a motive, The No Rulers, No Master graffiti is evidence that this is the work of the elusive Anarky and Bedlam that have been terrorizing the city since early Spring. This is Olivia Ashford reporting for GNN.
Jason leaned back on the couch flipping the TV off,, his fingers tapping in agitation off his helmet where it sat next to him as he. Barlowe had been on his list. His business ventures having been morally repugnant. The home he ran for troubled youth had been a front for underage prostitution. He would ply the boys with drugs all the while the promising future wealth. The sick bastard had destroyed hundreds of boys lives. It had taken Jason months to learn this. This was the fourth target of his that they had taken out.
He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. If these fuckers didn’t stop they were going to blow Jason’s case before he even had a chance to make it. He doubted these two idiots, who appeared to be teenagers if eye witnesses were to be believed knew what kind of case could be built with the corrupt politicians and wealthy elite they were killing.
Jason grabbed his tablet off the coffee table and reviewed the file he had on them. He was pretty sure who their next victim was going to be. This time he would be waiting, because he would be damned if two knock off teenage vigilantes were going to blow his case against Bruce Wayne. He didn’t think they would hit tonight, but none the less he would be waiting.
He studied the grainy images that had been taken from CCTV form when they crashed a Gala a month ago. They both were small, lean. Anarky dressing gray camouflage pants and a black hoodie with the anarchy symbol on it, Bedlam was in all black cargo pants and his hoodie emblazoned with his name is red on the front. He couldn’t see their faces, Anarky used a white mask while Bedlam used a simple black bandanna to cover his face from his eyes down. Jason stared at those sapphire colored eyes. Behind the coldness he could see a glimmer of intelligence.
(though Anarky and Bedlam and described as teens they are 19 and 20 in this. this will be a Tim/Jay fic)
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middleland · 4 months
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Veto Lake Spring Landscape (2) (3) by Tim Hoeflich
Via Flickr:
Spring greens of new leaves emerging on the trees at Veto Lake near Vincent and Barlow Ohio. It was a magnificent Spring day to capture the landscapes around Veto Lake.         
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kivrin · 1 year
Ok @paulinedorchester here you go.
Honeysuckle Weeks. Actress. Posh. You remember. Frightfully good as uptight Samantha Stewart in Foyle's War. Bit of a rackety personal life. Then she disappeared. Damn shame, really. But - look! - suddenly she's back. Every little bit of her.
"When I told my father I'd been cast in the musical version of Calendar Girls, his first response was
'We'll have to get you a tit job then!"" cries Weeks.
"I had to explain to him that it's not about showing off perfect bodies. It's more like the Japanese art of kintsugi where broken vases are mended with molten gold - and it's the cracks that make it truly beautiful and unique. At this stage in life aren't we all broken vases?"
Weeks, 44, is keenly aware of falling headlong into her own deep fissures, but we shall come to that shortly. Today lean and soigné, wearing a One Hundred Stars peignoir, she is casually elegant despite being worryingly hoarse after a cast night out at a Greek restaurant where there was dancing and plate smashing, washed down by liberal quantities of Retsina.
She is happily sharing a dressing room with two of her co-stars, Maureen Nolan (69) and Marti Webb (79), doyennes of musical theatre. And her sense of belonging is palpable.
This production, co-written by Gary Barlow and Tim Firth, is a tuneful retelling of the familiar and adored story of how the death of a much-loved husband saw a group of ordinary women in a small Yorkshire Women's Institute set about creating a nude calendar to raise money for charity. Weeks plays Cora, the church organist, a single mother and natural-born rebel.
"I was absolutely thrilled to be asked," says Weeks, who also happens to be a single mother and natural-born rebel. "Of course I said yes immediately, but it was a huge challenge. Not only do I have to sing and get my kit off, I have to do a Yorkshire accent and pretend to play the piano. I thought I might have to learn the organ as well but thank God I could cross that off one of my to-do list."
As far as the stripping goes, Weeks is relieved her character's proverbial coin landed on “tails rather than heads” which is to say no full frontal, but “I am butt naked on stage".
"Everyone is wonderfully supportive," she says. "We all look after one another and make sure nobody's too exposed. I'm not the best singer but I've taken lessons - at every performance the audience laughs uproariously and 99.9 per cent of the time we get a standing ovation, which feels magnificent."
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kwebtv · 5 months
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Winston Churchill: The Wilderness Years - ITV - September 6, 1981 - October 25, 1981
Drama (8 Episodes)
Running Time: 60 minutes
Robert Hardy as Winston Churchill
Siân Phillips as Clementine Churchill
Nigel Havers as Randolph Churchill
Tim Pigott-Smith as Brendan Bracken
David Swift as Professor Lindemann
Sherrie Hewson as Mrs. Pearman
Moray Watson as Major Desmond Morton
Paul Freeman as Ralph Wigram
Frank Middlemass as Lord Derby
Sam Wanamaker as Bernard Baruch
Peter Barkworth as Stanley Baldwin
Eric Porter as Neville Chamberlain
Edward Woodward as Sir Samuel Hoare
Peter Vaughan as Sir Thomas Inskip
Robert James as Ramsay MacDonald
Tony Mathews as Anthony Eden
Ian Collier as Harold Macmillan
Marcella Markham as Nancy Astor
Walter Gotell as Lord Swinton
Richard Murdoch as Lord Halifax
Clive Swift as Sir Horace Wilson
Phil Brown as Lord Beaverbrook
Diane Fletcher as Ava Wigram
Geoffrey Toone as Sir Louis Kershaw
Norman Jones as Clement Attlee
Geoffrey Chater as Lord Hailsham
Stratford Johns as Lord Rothermere
Norman Bird as Sir Maurice Hankey
Roger Bizley as Ernst Hanfstaengl
James Cossins as Lord Lothian
Guy Deghy as King George V
Stephen Elliott as William Randolph Hearst
Günter Meisner as Adolf Hitler
Frederick Jaeger as Joachim von Ribbentrop
David Langton as Lord Londonderry
Preston Lockwood as Austen Chamberlain
David Markham as the Duke of Marlborough
Richard Marner as Ewald von Kleist-Schmenzin
Llewellyn Rees as Lord Salisbury
Terence Rigby as Thomas Barlow
Margaret Courtenay as Maxine Elliott
Merrie Lynn Ross as Marion Davies
Nigel Stock as Admiral Domvile
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