#time for the get along box-
moon-draws-art · 9 months
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Day 11 - Rival
Someone stole the last cookie-
But honestly these two just can’t see eye to eye ever
Dust belongs to Ask-DustTale
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crabsnpersimmons · 6 months
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i like to tuck my sun and moon into bed when i get out of it, but after seeing your chibi sun and moon, i think of them every time i do now hehe!!
ohhhhh this is precious! thank you for sharing with me! blowing them kisses!! sleep well, little plushies ❤️❤️❤️
the minute i saw your photo i dropped everything to draw this:
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they eepy
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inkclover · 7 months
What would Scarab's reaction be when he saw Nightmo for the first time?
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" ... curious."
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nightmo on the other hand...
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trees-to-meet-you · 8 months
God. What if Pandora didn’t want to open the box. What if she was manipulated, her hands tied to and guided by strings she couldn’t shake off. What if when she released the horrors out into the world, Hope chose to stay with her, in the box. What if Pandora couldn’t rid herself of that guilt. What if Hope couldn’t convince her that not all was lost, and that she wasn’t responsible for the strings around her hands. That she wasn’t a monster.
What if Pandora and Hope found a way to trap everything in the box again. What if Pandora couldn’t do it. What if she didn’t want anyone else to feel the guilt she did. What if she thought that trapping the horrors in the box would just doom everyone into the same cycle. What if she felt she had to break it by bearing the suffering of everyone else. What if Hope tried to convince her that it could be better. What if she wouldn’t save herself. What if Hope had to kill Pandora for a chance to save everyone, including her. What if they both were sealed in the box. What if no one ever knew what happened to them. What if their last words to the world and to each other were “I love you.”
What if the world ending was never Pandora’s fault, but in her guilt and grief she blamed herself for it, and the Hope that voluntarily stayed by her side had to take her life to save it.
What if?
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vincentsleftear · 4 months
I made a Rhaenicent playlist on spotify!! I tried to order the songs to follow the general arc of their relationship 🤭
I definitely had fun putting this together! I may continue to add to it (especially after season two drops) but it’s pretty much finished!!
Yall should def check it out 😇
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darkshrimpemotions · 6 months
Actually the implications of John also being bisexual are so fucking tasty to me because like. OG John has no support system and no protection against the world except his own perceived strength so he learns to ferret out anything that can possibly be seen as weakness to those around him and that includes any affection or attraction he might feel towards men because nothing screams "stay in your fucking closet" like spending all your time around a fringe subculture of serial killing doomsday preppers in the Midwest during the Reagan era.
By the time he notices Dean starting to look a little too long at boys his age, he's probably convinced himself that whatever he felt (still feels but ignores) was a temporary youthful indiscretion, and of course Dean can't afford those, doesn't get to have those, he's got to be a soldier. He's got to be a better soldier than John, even.
I dunno I've just had enough conversations with family members who are loudly but somehow also mildly homophobic and yet say or do things that make me *eyeballs emoji* not to think this is not only possible but arguably likely.
#supernatural#the winchesters#spn#spnwin#john winchester#shifting my headcanon of john to the type of person who doesn't think of himself as homophobic if he ever things about it at all#and would even probably try to stop a hate crime if he saw one happening right in front of him#(or likes to think he would)#but also views his own queer desire--and thus that of others--with suspicion and contempt#like something frivolous that he simply doesn't have the luxury to pursue as a Real Man in the Real World with Real Responsibilities#and when you live like that especially due to your own choices anything that seems like a luxury you view with a certain level of contempt#so he's like 'heh must be nice to have time for boyfriends' in the most condescending and degrading way imaginable#in the same way he probably treated sam's affinity for academia#in fact i'd argue a lot of what we see from dean with regards to the way he mocks sam for certain things is probably just echoes of john#and what's REALLY crazy-making is the way most of these things dean mocks sam for early on later prove to be things DEAN actually does enjo#dean likes to read and he loves chick flicks and he gets excited about tomatoes and enjoys dressing up nice#dean learned early on that certain things were not acceptable for a Real Man from john bullying him out of doing them#and he does the same to sam#and one of the things he consistently mocks sam for in the beginning is his perceived sexuality#and sure we could just chalk that up to stereotyping but EVEN THEN that jives with the idea that#john simply put his own queer desire in a box labeled 'weaknesses real men don't have' along with idk a love of reading and salads and bein#emotionally vulnerable and sincere with people you love#and then he told Dean 'this is the box of forbidden things'#and dean the ever-dutiful son learned his lesson well
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sl33pyperson · 2 years
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secret samol season for @arwainian!!! prompt was seeing this very good post in light for “Jack's Squad and the sheer possibilities of murder arrangements.” rest assured not many get out of this one alive, i hope you enjoy!!!
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voidimp · 3 months
long day yesterday but i found a couple of my favorite old plushies
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toxicrevolver · 3 months
He gets chicken in the morning and at night. But he has dry food down 24/7, two bowls of it. But yeah 🙄 he's starving. When I'm taking a part the chicken to shred, he'll come up on the table and chew and eat on the whole chicken and my parents are always like "have you been feeding him? he's starving" He is, in fact, NOT, he LIES.
He also has multiple water bowls, except he doesn't like the water fountain, because... It's too cold for his likings 🧎🏼‍♀️
Cats still believe they’re gods I swear. Sherb also screams for any food he likes and I’ve had people ask if he’s starving. Obviously he isn’t. He’s a chonk. He’s okay. Jsut dramatic.
I have the same struggle with water dishes! Sherbert prefers to drink out of the toilet or if the turtle is having a soak he wants the water they’re sitting in (which the turtle has most likely already used the bathroom in). Like bro. You have at least 2 water dishes around the house and I know they’re filled regularly. I’ve been told he sometimes sits in the kitchen sink and just screams for the faucet to be turned on just so he can get a drink.
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abysswalkersknight · 1 year
So I've been looking around at stuff for spooky fics next month which eventually to me doing research on vampire bats, and seeing all the good vampire Lilia stuff it got me thinking.
What if Lilia was vampire bat fae and Silver a full on vampire. Like I can imagine when Silver was a baby Lilia would be "hunting" for the both of them then Malleus finds out about Silver through rumours that Lilia was taking more blood than usual. Cue adorable creepy dark fluffiness in the future.
Also I like the idea of character morals contradicting their biology and instincts.
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quietwingsinthesky · 9 months
1 or 34 for the master pls thank u :333!!!!!!!
extremely funny to me how quickly this got away from me alsjfjfkskkdj. i started thinking too hard about okay but Who could bring the master to his knees. the doctor? hey wait remember that time ten had a god complex for a little bit. what if he got worse about that, actually. and then it just kept going-
This is not the Doctor whose arms he died in.
Oh, the face is the same, but the eyes are all wrong. Still ancient, as old as the Master is, but they’ve gone hard like bone. He doesn’t spare a glance around the room at the cowering scientists or the politician that wanted to use the Master, who gave him such easy access to a perfect plan before the Doctor landed his TARDIS on top of the machine and crushed it. Only to one human, the one assigned to hold the Master’s leash.
“Give him to me,” he says. The Master curls his fingers. A step closer, and he’ll let the Doctor taste lightning again.
His assigned guard all but throws the leash at the Doctor. (They’re all terrified. Something’s… wrong, there. Not a misplaced sympathy of his own — let them fear their betters — but it’s the Doctor, it’s how he ignores them, how he holds himself like. He looks every bit a Time Lord.) The Doctor catches it, turns it in his hand, and yanks. The Master feigns a stumble, energy surging through his skin and bones, rattling up dangerously until-
The Doctor pulls harder, knocking him off-balance and to his knees. He twists, but there’s a hand in his hair, painfully dragging his head back until his neck screams in pain. The pinprick of a needle is barely a whisper above it, but the sluggish cold that spreads from the injection spreads no matter how he struggles. The Doctor grips his hair tighter.
“There. You’re stabilized,” the Doctor notes. The Master pants, his limbs growing heavier. “And sedated. You have to be so difficult.” For the first time, the Doctor’s voice falters from the detached tone he’s taken so far. It’s harsh, as thick with accusation as with self-reproach, “I asked you to come with me.” The Master is having a hard time ordering his thoughts. They stretch too far for him to see the whole of them, his sense of time and of himself going numb.
“How?” he lands on, more important than any other question. The Doctor’s grip begins to loosen, letting his head sag forward. His body wants to follow. His vision of the floor he’s kneeling on blurs.
“You were living on borrowed time,” the Doctor says. “I have all of it to work with at my fingertips. When I saw you again…” There’s the absent trail of fingers through his hair. The Master recoils from it instinctively, though that sends him further down, barely holding himself up on his hands. The collar draws tight around his throat when he falls, forcing out a gasp, but it loosens again. “It only took a few decades. I’d have given more to you.” The Master lifts his hand, slowly, and forces it out in front of him. It’s humiliating to crawl, but his limbs can barely keep his weight. He barely moves himself forward a few inches before the collar is a hard barrier against his breath again, and this time, he doesn’t receive any slack. He has to scoot back towards the Doctor.
“You’re going to live,” the Doctor says, without mercy. He steps around the Master, the leash dragging along the floor with a mocking hiss.
“And the rest of you,” the Doctor’s voice grows louder. It becomes a proclamation, a warning. “I won’t hurt you. It’s a stupid and dangerous thing you were doing, but that’s… that’s what you love most, humans. Stupid, dangerous things.” Where’s the sickening fondness, the Master wonders. Where’s the disappointment, even, in his favorite pet species? All he can hear in the Doctor’s voice is carefully controlled anger. “I’m not going to hurt you for putting the whole world in danger,” he repeats, as though he’s reminding himself of that fact, and then, the Master can hear him smile. Regeneration after regeneration, and the Doctor always talks different when he’s smiling. “I don’t have to. If you ever try anything like this again, you won’t have existed in the first place to come up with the idea. I will take you out of this timeline.” He pauses. “Or maybe I’ll just make you kinder. Buy you a coffee on a bad day and change your life forever. You can exist, just not like this.”
He sounds powerful, and worse, he doesn’t sound scared of it. The Master uses the last of his strength to drag himself back up to his knees. The Doctor is surveying the room, memorizing faces, lost in thought about time to tamper with. The Master puts a hand around his own leash. He tries to pull.
All that does is get the Doctor’s attention.
His eyes. The Master is afraid of his eyes.
“Sorry,” the Doctor says, “I’m not going to carry you. You’ll have to crawl.” The Master is searching for anything familiar in him. And what there is, what little there is that he recognizes, is only because of how easily he could have seen it in a mirror instead. “If you pass out, I’ll drag you,” the Doctor offers like a compromise. He turns away from the Master, snaps his fingers, and the doors to the TARDIS burst open.
He takes the Master prisoner. He saves the world. They are both, after all, the Doctor’s alone to decide what to do with.
[whump prompt]
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anotherpapercut · 1 year
telling people who've never used tumblr about how it works is so funny. yes I have almost 13.8k followers. yes my posts regularly get 0 notes. I do occasionally get messages but they range from link to a jonas brothers song to very specific and detailed death threat
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arolesbianism · 1 year
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Finally drew the messed up guy of all time <3
#keese draws#rain world#rainworld#sliver of straw#consider my sliver more of an au than hc since I do a lot with them I wouldn’t do for an actual canon sliver#if we were to get a canon sliver characterization (which I wouldn’t want in the first place) I’d want smth Very different#with that disclaimer out of the way tho minor infodump time#my sliver is the youngest of her local iterator group along with being a fairly rare model#basically she’s built much more for efficiency and generally requires a lot less resources to power#this is largely because she doesn’t host a city like most iterators do and was made with the surrounding icy environment in mind#as a result she’s not nearly as environmentally destructive as most iterators#they’re not Not destructive mind you but generally their tundra like surroundings have stayed relatively in tact#they host a research facility atop their structure and was generally meant to aid in the research of the stationed scientists#because of this it interacted with far far less anchients than most iterators did and only did in professional environments#because of this far less effort was put into its puppet and vocal box with its voice being entirely flat#it still managed to manifest quite the strong personality however largely stitched from its local iterators#internally she’s quite the wreck being very emotionally unstable and desperate for attention#she has piss poor emotional intelligence however and as such tries to find very tangible ways to help the ppl she cares abt#this ultimately leads to a self distructive downward spiral as she clings to the idea of solving the great problem as the thing they need#and by they I mostly mean the eldest of her local group and their once close friend gaze from the stars#said friend was very very attached to her city citizens and as such took the mass ascension very poorly to put it lightly#and as stars became more bitter and isolated sliver became more desperate to fix this#leading to them diving deeper and deeper into their research and making stars feel more and more alone and betrayed#culminating I’m start cutting off her communications and sliver fully blocking out the rest their local group#until yknow. the whole tripple affirmative thing.#stars was still completely cut off leaving the rest of their group to watched in quiet horror alone as all the drama happened#they were a lot less close to sliver so they were in an awkward spot between not liking the idolization of sliver while also not quite#being able to comfortably point out how dehumanizing it all is given they hardly saw them as a person either before this#I’ll have to design my iterator ocs that are sliver’s group members soon I love them sm#they all kind of suck including sliver most distinctional family in existence
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unopenablebox · 6 months
ok i really didn't understand the many shades of secular jew there can be. in that the other day i had to explain to my jewish coworker what purim is
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aurosoulart · 2 years
decided to make a reel of my augmented reality artworks done over the past few months and MAN, it’s.......... suddenly hitting me just how absolutely nuts all of this is
six years ago, virtual reality was still firmly in the realm of science fiction. but now? not only is it real - but it’s possible to have a career working completely inside a virtual world where you have godlike controls over creation. (editing physics, light, gravity - and spawning things into existence on a whim? mind-mindbogglingly, this is somehow just my average workday)
I regularly spend so much time in-headset that it’s started re-wiring my brain; I think of landscapes and buildings as potential canvases for 3D digital artworks, and I sometimes struggle to differentiate virtual objects from reality. (I’ve tried to place real objects on virtual tables, and I instinctively step over/around virtual objects because of how REAL they appear and behave.)
our brains work by building a picture of reality via our sensory input, but what happens when that input is completely virtual? virtual reality is showing us that not only are our brains easily tricked, but that this is already happening even with the technology in its infancy. people using avatars with full-body tracking report ‘phantom sense’ sensations to virtual touch, heat, and cold - and haptic gloves & suits are in development that blur the lines between realities even further.
what will a world look like where we interact with cyperspace as if it was real? where you can meet with anyone, anywhere, in a virtual world you can both touch, hear, and (probably someday) smell or even taste? where job training, 3d design, therapy, education, etc. are all revolutionized by XR in the same way personal computers revolutionized them already?
what does a future look like where we don’t interact with digital media through a screen?
I don’t have the answers, but I think change is encroaching rapidly upon us all - and I think it’s gonna hit us faster than any of us can realize.
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Alright! I have now made 378 cards for my Cards Against LOTR game. NOT including The Silmarillion expansion pack I’m also working on as I read said book. Not all the cards are super super accurate, but that’s okay! It’s funny and good enough for fans to joke around with. The cards have actual lore, fandom jokes, meta jokes, random shit to throw in and make things chaotic, and range from The Lord of the Rings to The Hobbit, the two most notable works of Tolkien (as I mentioned before, The Silmarillion has its own expansion pack. Imagine only knowing about Frodo Baggins and randomly pulling a card that says “human sacrifices” because yikes). It’s also PG-13 because I know the original game is too raunchy and dirty for some people (it’s me, I’m some people) (still super funny though). I’m going to test it first on a group of friends and see what they think about it, then I’ll fix what needs fixed, and it’ll be up on my Etsy! I’ve been SUPER DUPER busy with life lately so I haven’t been very active on this blog, but I HAVE been working on this. I was hoping for it to be done by Christmas, but alas I was working extreme holiday retail at the time so that was a no. But hopefully it’ll be up soon! 
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