#timmy tim blueprint
flodaya · 9 months
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methoughtsphantom · 8 months
not me thinking about imaginary scenarios of ten year old Tim Drake in the ghost zone (pariah’s castle)
where Tim thinks it’s strangely soothing that despite being the only one whose steps connect to the ground, there’s not that eerie silence that befell drake manor
strange blob creatures chitter softly and nip at his hair and swooshes and wisps of wind betray the presence of an invisible ghost
which after following he realizes it’s almost like he’s trailing after the black dark shadow that is batman again
which gives him the idea that, maybe, just this one time, he can play the part of robin
that in mind Tim makes out a game of sneaking to the side of ghosts that look like they’re brooding and if they can spot him he loses
most just grunt in response (very in character) while others fuss over him and ask questions which Tim uses to infodump
he also politely asks the ghost that always asks him how he’s doing to instead say the word “report”
(the ghost looks at him weirdly but humors him and besides the answer would be the same anyways)
Tim also(!!)
gets on the case of why the walls lack tangibility when he is the one leaning on them (he doesn’t live down the time he wanted to look cool only to fall through the wall)
hyperfixates on how gravity works in the ghost zone because he couldn’t do a skateboard trick he has pulled off many many times and he’s salty about it
tries to figure out where they are getting human food from (cause it’s hot enough to be homemade but also there’s no kitchen —so how could it be) (also he wants coffee)
finds out the dude that often gives him a side eye when he finds that Tim knows how to do something (math homework), is next in line for the throne and yet doesn’t have a single “mingle and talk people up” bone in his body. (despite it his networking is a solid 7/10)
gets a ghost horse to adopt him what
discovers pretty quickly that there are rooms to which he can’t phase through (a.k.a. he’s not allowed entry) to which he begrudgingly backs off even though that stands in his way of doing a very thorough layout™ of the place (robin would)
sulks over the lack of extreme sports in the place
(Danny takes him to the Far Frozen where they go tire sliding in the snow and where tim learns how to use a skateboard skate and also that ghost ice cream is just as good as normal ice cream)
sulks again cuz he caught a common cold
also because there’s no sun or moon poor Timmy’s already screwed sleep schedule gets more messed up to the point no one knows when or where he will fall asleep
(ghosts find him in the most unhinged of places with a signature purple cloak draped over him every. single. time.)
overall, be a menace
see-> the time he threatened to build ghost weapons he’d somehow memorized the blueprints of cause Danny wouldn’t let him visit the radium girls factory but yes the renaissance period
see-> that time he went through the whole ghost energy and how to work with it book section in the library and half an hour later had a prototype of a star wars laser beam made
(note: bribing only works for hot chocolate, not for letting him keep cool-looking guns)
just tim having the time of his life
clockwork being no help at all (the ghost loves being a cryptid)
and danny trying not to get attached while he progressively gets more concerned over this chaos child he emotionally adopted as his little brother
(to fit canon cause i want it to this would just be until Danny finds the dimension little Timmy is from, then they can safely yeet the child back to the moment he first went missing)
anyways before anyone knows it’s been three months
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nessiesspeakeasy · 4 years
Rhys' Secret
Rhys huffed.
Finally, Jack looked into the camera. “I’m sorry to break whatever precious rules ya got, but this is important.”
“It’s always important.”
Jack is suspicious of what Rhys isn't telling him.
You can also read this on my AO3!!!
Rhys hadn’t told Jack about his child. It wasn’t anything personal, just that he preferred his home life to stay private. Being an omega was already a stigma in the workplace. He’d had to fight his previous boss’ prejudice to get his job back after giving birth and now that he worked with the CEO himself, Rhys did not want any repeats.
Being Jack’s PA was demanding and Rhys had had to be firm with keeping work and home separated. When he was off the clock, he was off the clock and he had a set time. Jack had only merely quirked an eyebrow at this in the beginning, but over time, he began to question it.
“I can live with that,” Rhys would answer blandly.
The alpha would frown. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say your first loyalty is not to Hyperion. Where do your loyalties really lie, cupcake?”
Rhys never gave an answer, he’d just shrug and go back to work. Jack could think whatever he wanted of Rhys. He was not a sell out, he just had Tim, and Tim meant more to him than anything else.
So, when Jack called an emergency meeting on his day off, Rhys was not thrilled. He’d been looking forward to concentrated time with Tim. He was thankful it was nap time, he did not want the six month old to hear him swearing.
As he entered the call, he found it was just him and Jack. “What the hell, Jack? What’s the emergency?”
“I needed to hear your voice, cupcake.” Though a flirt, Jack seemed preoccupied. Rhys could see him glance at the monitor and frown. “Why aren’t you on your cam?”
“Cause I don’t want to,” Rhys snapped. He picked up the small toys of Tim’s and put them in a basket. “If there isn’t a real emergency, I’m leaving.”
“It’s real pumpkin. I’ll explain when everyone else gets on.”
Rhys huffed.
Finally, Jack looked into the camera. “I’m sorry to break whatever precious rules ya got, but this is important.”
“It’s always important.”
He ignored the furrow on the alpha’s brow and curled onto the couch, holding the tablet in his hand while he wrapped a blanket around him.
One by one, everyone showed up, curious and cautious.
Jack, sitting in his office chair at home, sipped his seventh cup of coffee that day. Frustration boiled inside him. He’d thought he’d found a diamond in a haystack with Rhys, but as the man got more rigid with his schedule and suddenly cut out early for unknown reason, Jack was starting to suspect the worst. Jack couldn’t shake the thought that Rhys was hiding something. He’d searched for Rhys at other companies and although he’d come up short, that didn’t mean that Rhys hadn’t been bought. He was sure it was Maliwan.
Did he really need Rhys here at the meeting? Probably not, but he’d hoped it would catch the possible traitor off guard and expose him. And being the only one who didn’t show his face in the conference call did not look good.
“Dahl has copied the blueprints of one of our guns in R&D. We caught the traitor, but not before part of the plans were transferred. We need to speed up production and get something ready before they can.”
As he leaned in his chair, he noticed Rhys had muted himself. He clenched his jaw at the omega. Was he contacting the manufacturer he worked for? He answered some questions and began the discussion for how to speed up production. And still, Rhys remained silent. Damn the man. Jack had really liked him, he did not want to have to airlock the cute, hardworking omega.
Tim had woken up. Rhys changed his diaper and got his bottle ready, sitting back on the couch with him. “Sorry, sweetie, your Dad’s mean ol’ boss is making him work today.
Tim cooed around the nipple. His arms moved aimlessly, whacking Rhys in the face and almost hitting the tablet. Rhys smiled and kissed Tim.
“-Finally decided to fully join us-”
The words Jack spoke was white noise as he held Tim’s hands so they wouldn’t thrash around as much. Tim’s fist closed and loosened around his finger. He kissed Tim’s temple, his mind wandering as he listened to the voices. They blended together as Tim let go of Rhys’ finger to flail around, hitting Rhys several times in the face. He laughed, wincing with each hit.
“What is going on?”
Rhys held Tim’s hand again, smiling at him. Tim, who had turned to look at Rhys, smiled back around the nipple.
Blinking, Rhys finally looked at the tablet to find that his camera was on. He swore and quickly ended the call. His heart began to race. How much had they seen? How much could any of them make out? Had they heard Tim? Had they seen him?
“Well, Timmy, this is going to be interesting.” His mind wandered to arguments he would have to say to Jack to keep his position. He sighed heavily. He’d began to think Jack was different from the alphas he’d dealt with before, but what if he wasn’t?
Tim was playing on their living room floor an hour and a half later when their doorbell rang. Sighing heavily, Rhys went to the door and opened it.
Handsome Jack shoved past him, arms full of bags and baby toys. “Well, no wonder you would never agree Hyperion was your first loyalty! You had someone who rightfully outranked it!” He set everything on the couch and gestured dramatically to Tim who cooed and rolled around.
Rhys stared cautiously. “Yes…”
Exasperated, Jack sighed loudly and heavily. “Rhysie! I thought you were a spy!” He laughed, his eyes wide and dilated. “That’s why I kept poking about your loyalties and the curfews! It was suspicious when you wouldn’t talk about it!”
Rhys’ brows rose. “You thought I was a spy?”
Jack shrugged. “You were so cagey, I didn’t know what else to think! But now I know you were just-” He stopped suddenly, brows furrowing. “Why didn’t you tell me about this cute little guy?” Jack crouched down next to Tim, extending a finger for Tim to grab. Tim took it and put it to his mouth. Jack chuckled. “I thought you’d do that, ‘s why I washed my hands before coming over, just in case. What’s your name little cupcake?”
The large, gentle grin Jack had mixed with his words and melted any resistance Rhys still had. “Tim.” Rhys sighed. “And if you hadn’t hired me, I’d be out of a job. My boss didn’t want me to come back to work because I was a single omega with a baby.”
“You were in middle management?” Jack asked, moving his finger so it moved Tim’s arm around in the air.
Rhys watched him. “Yeah.”
Jack nodded. “And you were scared I’d be the same way.”
Rhys winced. “No, not really… I just didn’t want to give anyone a chance to do that ever again.” He smiled at his small child and sat on the floor next to him. “He’s everything to me.”
“I get it, sweetheart and not just cause he is beyond cute, but because I have a daughter.”
Rhys blinked. “You do?”
“Mhmm, she’s away at some arts college. Her name is Angel.”
“That’s a beautiful name.”
Jack looked at Rhys now. “She’s a beautiful person. I was, admittedly, too protective of her sometimes, but that was for her safety from anyone trying to use her to get to me, not to keep my job. I do not tolerate that stupidity on my space station.”
Rhys smiled. He’d been almost positive he could have trusted Jack, and now he was extremely grateful for the man. His eyes fell on the piles of bags on the couch. “What is all that?”
“Ah!” Jack laughed. “Presents!”
“What?” Rhys frowned.
“Yeah! I stopped at my favorite children’s store and got toys and other things for this little guy.” Jack’s eyes flicked back to Rhys. “And his pretty mommy of course.”
His cheeks turned hot and he laughed nervously. “Well!” He stood and went over to it. “There is a lot here!”
“Yeah, I just kinda grabbed everything that caught my eye. Some are ones that I would stand by. They were amazing with Angel.”
“Like takeout?” Rhys asked, smirking.
Jack grinned. “That’s one of the things for his hot mom. I had hoped I could stay to share it with you.”
Rhys picked up the takeout and looked into the bag. “You going to keep saying those things about me?”
“What things? ” Jack asked, his eyes bright and playful. He went to Rhys, taking the food from him.
Rhys fumbled, staring intently at the takeout. “Calling… Saying I’m hot… Flirting…”
“Ah, yeah, I don’t plan on stopping that anytime soon unless it bothers you. I just found out you weren’t a spy and quite honestly, Rhysie, I have a lot of flirting to make up for.”
That surprised Rhys enough that he looked at Jack. “What? Why?”
Jack laughed, eyes soft. “Can ya take a guess, sweetheart?”
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?? I'm crazy??
So I've been playing around with a old writing and thought 'why not post it' and I might try to continue writing if I get a good response? Opinions are very welcome, so is criticism. (There are a ton of references in this)
"ARE YOU INSANE" He shouted over the comlink to which his accomplice responded "My codename is not Death Wish for nothing". Upon hearing that he pinched the bridge of his nose closing his eyes to recompose himself. He then muttered into the comlink "I swear to God Payton if you get caught, with your butt in the vents of the enemy headquarters, That you're suppose to be analyzing from AFAR.-" she cut him off with "You will need a Xanax and then resume assisting me. Am I not far from the truth?" He responded with "I can feel you roll your eyes from here, and maybe if you do it hard enough you'll find a brain back there" Payton huffed and said "out of the two of us. Which one of us can take a gun apart and reassemble it with their eyes closed, hmm?" Too which Roman said quite pleased with himself "can you hack into the Pentagon?" She facepalmed.
He laughed that she didn't have a come back at last, although it didn't last long cause her face lit up even though he couldn't see and she said "can you bleed for 7 days and not die?" He huffed and said "How about we get back to the task at hand?" "Touche" as she crawled threw the vents she saw an exit to the main room of the Warehouse. She put a finger to her comlink and asked Roman "are there any heat signatures in the room below me?" Right after he heard her he hurriedly put away his Pringles and took a big gulp of his black coffee before typing away at his screen to answer her question. Wile she waited she chewed on her lip in anticipation. It had been nasty habit of hers since she was a kid. "Yep" at that she skillfully and silently jumped through the vent landing in a crouch.
Then scanning the room before she came to the realization that she had screwed up. when she made eye contact with a security camera her hand immediately shot up to her earpiece. As she started running for the exit she spoke into her comlink. Realizing he was right "Ummmmm.... You may or may not need that Xanax I was talking about. Can you send me the best route out of here?" afterwards he instantly shot out of his seat leaning over his desk staring at his screen. With a slightly annoyed voice he asked as he pulled up the blueprints for the building she was running through. "what did you do now?!" "I made eye contact with a security camera" she huffed out as she ran."ok, I sent you the way out" she smirked, "thanks" at that he leaned back in his chair and let out a sarcastic, self pitying laugh. With that he said "after this job can I get my sanity back?" As she exited the building jogging to her Harley Davidson she cherished, she asked "is that a rhetorical question or.......?" She let her sentence trall off.
He ran a hand through his dark curly hair, as a small smile rested on his face he responded "rhetorical, I highly doubt boss man will give it back." She smirked and inquired "what? Isnt this fun?" He shook his head and quickly replied with "Nah, I'm just getting bored of watching you get thrown off buildings" she scoffed. "I take personal offense too that comment, I only fall off a building when i need too". He rolled his grey eyes for what felt to be the hundredth time. He replied, "How about we skip too the part where you save the day and I get too; Oh, I don't know swoon?" He smirked. She rolled her green eyes, and with a shake of her head she said "thought we already did that, and it's team work". He wore a shocked expression. Then he smiled and said "Thanks. Meet you at headquarters, Daredevil out."
She smiled then shook her head, and started heading that direction. Now there boss happened to be her little brother, although not so little being 6'3, but he earned his place in the hierarchy he was the second most skilled agent in the force, first being Payton. His code name was Demon, but in the public he by Damian Batson.
As Payton pulled up in the parking garage and saw a familiar neon orange Jeep with Roman leaning against the tailgate on his phone. He looked fairly casual in Black jeans and a red t-shirt compared to her skin tight catsuit she only wore for missions and with a utility belt and a leather jacket. The moment he looked up his eyes widened significantly, it was quite a comical sight.
After she parked next to his neon ride she turned around to be met with him standing there gawking at her. His mouth was wide open. She commented "Are you just going to stand there and gawk?" He replied with a simple "Yes" she said "Well stop it, you look stupid" and with that the short brunette started walking towards the elevator. He Quickly caught up considering he towed over her with his 6'2 compared too her 5'4.
The elevator ride was quite till she piped up with some interesting news "I heard that little bro hasn't slept since they brought the kid home" after a moment of silence they both burst out laughing. The reason for this is because their boss was NOT a people person, infact when people learned he had a wifey they were astonished.
After Roman remembered how to breathe he chuckled out "I was dreading this staff meeting, now I'm actually looking forward to this. It's going to be so amusing" they both shared a mischievous grin as the elevator door opened. "DAREDEVIL!" Upon hearing his codename Roman called out a uncertain "Yes?" And turned around followed by Payton to see a agent who's codename happen to be Sherlock A.k.a. Tim Redder a blue eyed ravenette that stood at 5'6,behind them only to see him trip and all of his papers too go airborn.
Tim just looked at the ceiling with a defeated look and closed his sleep deprived eyes that had dark circles under them for a second. While he was doing that Payton grabbed all his papers, when he opened his eyes they instantly widened. Nobody help him or gave him credit. Heck he was one of the most underappreciated agents, so to say that he was surprised was a under statement. As Roman opened his mouth to ask the poor guy if he's ok, Tim cut him off with "I'm so,so very much sorry. I was going to-" this time Payton cut him off while handing him his papers "- it's fine, we don't mind. What got you in such a hurry?" Tim looked at them like they were on the brink of insanity and said "The staff meeting -" he checked his watch "- started five minutes ago" as he checked the time so did they, Payton quirked a perfectly plucked eyebrow. Roman held up a finger signaling them to wait a minute and checked his phone, a half second later he turned his phone toward Tim and as his eyes glanced at the screen his expression slowly morphed into one of embarrassment. With his cherry dusted cheeks he let out a nervous laugh and scratched the back of his head looking at the floor. At this Payton and Roman shared a look, hesitantly he asked the embarrassed man "Do you know what day it is?" See Timmy man had a history of not sleeping, and too add on top he's 90% caffeine. Back to the point, Tim thought for a second and unsurely replied back with "Friday?" at this they shared another glance as Payton barked out a laugh. While Roman tried to hold some giggles back. Tim's confusion was very visible, he scrunched up his eyebrows and tilted his head where he looked like on of those adorable confused puppies. Payton sputtered out "it's Tuesday" at this her partner finally bust out laughing. Tim let out a very long drawn out "CCCCCCRRRRRRAAAAAAPPPPP" as Payton finished chuckling she said "you're fine, in fact we should get going to the meeting if we want to be early" as they walked Roman opened his mouth only to be cut off by one voice"AYE BATSON!!!-" well two voices "-THINK FAST!!" At this Payton whipped around to catch a katana mid air and see three of her best friends; Clint Hawk, Roy Arrow and Jason Hoods. They where the most knowledgeable Weapons experts in the Shadows. Clint was about 5'8 and had brown eyes and brown hair, his codename was Falcon. Roy had fire truck red hair, light blue eyes and was about 6'1 his codename was Arsenal. Jason was about 6'3 with black hair that had a white highlight and teal eyes. With a nose that had been broken so many times it was crooked, his codename was Arkham Knight. As she caught the katana, Tim let out a squeaking noise and jumped.
While Roman just turned around and sighed. After knowing them for about four years he was used to this kind of shit. As she marveled at the katana, she was in awe of its earie elegance. It was roughly 3 feet long and solid black, the handle was wrapped in blood red satin ribbon with a small scythe charm on the end. She then flipped the sword in the air catching it by the handle. By this time Tim had went ahead to the meeting, Roman was still standing there at her side watching her. Roy was holding the sword seath. Clint had went ahead with Tim. Jason crossed his arms and smirked, surprisingly not hot in his neon red hoodie. When Payton looked up at them and grinned evily, Roman smirked knowing her, while Jason gained a confused expression and Roy turned to the color of a sheet looking completely horrified.
She lowly said "So boys, love the katana" then Burst out laughing with Roman at their expressions, and grabbed the cover and adding it to her belt putting the Katana in its sheath. Her comrade laughed out "What? Ya scared?" At this point Roy was glaring at them, while Hoods just rolled his eyes and said "No, we had this horrified expression on our faces for fun?!" The glaring red head just huffed and said "let's go ahead and get too this meeting" as they entered the board room they were met with a funny sight of their boss. He was sitting at the head of the table with his arms folded under his head snoring loudly. All you could see of his head was his signature black messy hair. While Tim was going through his papers and Clint was playing on his phone like that was a normal every day thing. Roy and Jason shared a shrug and took their seats, meanwhile Roman and Payton nodded too each other and also took their seats. Payton's chair was to the left of her sibling's, and Roman's was to the right. While she YouTubed her master plan, Roman got his phone in video mode to record this. As she found the right video before she hit play she made sure the volume was max and right next to Damian's ear. With that she hit play on the audio recording of one of the most annoying sounds know to man: a babies screaming.
At this his Bright Green eyes shot open, he jumped out of his chair landing on the floor not so gracefully. Groggily looking for the thing making the scouce of announce and Awakening. As Damian saw his surroundings he instantly scowled and debated on revenge options. But decided against it, she turned off the sound and smiled innocently while saying " Morn'in lil bro, enjoy your nap?-"putting her phone in her pocket and turning to Roman she continued "- thanks for the assistance" Roman also grinned and replied "no probs, I'll send it to you" turning too the groggy man glaring at Payton and nodding "sup". She turned back to her sibling and ask "Why ya glaring Dami?" The grumpy man replied with "hoping for spontaneous combustion" she now held a very fake hurt expression with a hand on her heart, over dramatically sticking out her bottom lip and asked with a horrible British accent "honestly dear brother you wound me" said sibling responded with "I hate you" "why darling? I'm lovely" Tim rolled his eyes and piped up "alright, alright let's start with the meeting. You too can finish your glaring contest later"
}~(SpongeBob voice) 3 hours later~{
Now it was just Roman, Payton and Damian in the board room. Payton felt the need to enlarge the meaning BORED. Maybe adding a smidge of annoyance, Roman was drumming his fingers on the table and Damian was grinding his teeth. She had her boots up on the table and her arms crossed. While her incompliance had his head propped up on his hand on the desk also bored out of his mind.
After going through the last of the files Tim gave him. Damian let out a sigh and said "I've got another mission for you, the packet is at your apartment. Report back tomorrow". With that he was gone. As they walked to the elevator and waited Payton said " Ya'know what Vader's wife's name is?-" while pointing to the elevator "- ELLA-VADER" smirking at his face, she turned too the said object waiting for their trun. He shook his head, his face held a lazy smile. "so what do ya think of the sword?" He inquired "It's perfect. I mean the handle is so soft, and it's so so pretty. Plu-" She went on, only to be cut off "Can you please not talk about a sword like most females talk about dresses?" To that she crossed she arms angrily and scoffed " first of all, since when do I talk about dresses like that, and it is a katana." By now they were in the elevator heading back to the parking garage and he simply shrugged and nonchalantly asked "What's the difference?" At this her hazel eyes widened significantly and stared at him in shock then said "how about I put this in simpleton terms, you know how you call vehicles automobiles and there are different types like trucks, cars and SUVs same with swords" she explained with a good bit of hand gestures and flailing of the arms. As the elevator door opened they exited both heading towards their vehicles she added on "and since I came here on my bike you're going to have to let it ride with you" and with that she was gone.
×|}~ At a random Cafe somewhere~{|×
As her deep beautiful blue orbs concentrated on the daily paper, she blinked. Reconcentrating back on the previous words before the spot was lost.
Her companion let out a loud overdramatic groan while rubing the back of his neck. At this she set her paper down and leaned forward putting her chin on her palm, resting her elbow on the table top. A amused eye brow raised, she inquired her British accent being quiet thick "Darling Peter, what's got your nickers in a twist little brother?" his response was too lay his head on the table then he said with an equally thick accent "I'M BORED, you've been nose deep in that bloody paper for an hour" at this exclaimed with a very fake gasp while giggling and hitting his arm in a playful manner. "Peter Francis Grace watch your language" all he did in response was lift his head and roll his eyes at his elder sibling.
}~• A few blocks away from Payton's apartment •~{
As she sped through the streets nearing her desired location, home.
The black Tahoe in the lane to her right suddenly swerved into her throwing her to the left.
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Fury - escape series
Characters: Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne, Tim Drake Pairing: jondami Summary: Dick can’t figure out for the life of him why his littlest brother is so upset. A/N: With the announcement of Nightwing: New Order, I decided to explore what that means for a bunch of vigilante kids whose best friends are, you know, metas. Focus is going to be on Jon and Damian, and maybe Tim and Kon, haven’t decided yet. This gon be a lil miniseries in New Order-verse hoorah. With New Order taking place in 12 years, everyone’s obviously 12 years old, so Damian is 25. All the batkids live together because Dick told/made them. Dick’s just a happy, sometimes oblivious lil dictator. Jon and Conner have been in prison for six months to a year, after being in hiding for most of the time, seeing Damian and Tim rarely. Dick isn’t surprised by Damian’s actions, but isn’t happy about them, clearly, and isn’t above punishing Jon to punish Damian.
Stuff for the Escape series
“See you tomorrow, Commander.”
Dick nodded at the following salute, as he entered the elevator that would take him to the penthouse. He watched for a moment, in silent content, the operation he’d created over the last twelve years. The soldiers, the safety he’d created for the world. For his family.
If only everything could be as easy as this was.
The doors closed and he headed up to his home.
When they dinged and opened once more, a delicious smell hit his nostrils. He practically jogged into the kitchen, where Jason and Cassandra were busy preparing dinner, Jason at the stove and Cassandra chopping vegetables.
Tim sat on the sofa, lazily reading a book.
Dick smiled at them all, and asked: “Where’s Damian?”
Tim seemed to stiffen, but his face still seemed relaxed when he looked up. “Where do you think?”
“Still in his room?” Dick almost pouted, glancing into the hallway, at the closed door at the end of the hall. He could hear the low beat of music. “It’s been ages. He has to come out of there eventually.”
“He comes out when he knows you’re not here.” Jason hummed. Dick looked over with a frown, but Jason didn’t back down. Just sarcastically said: “I can’t imagine why.”
“Jason.” Dick warned. “Don’t start.”
Jason held his hands up in surrender. “I just spit the truth, Dickie.”
“Well, when no one asked for it, don’t.” Dick almost growled. If Jason or anyone else was going to answer, they didn’t get the chance, as suddenly the low bass from Damian’s room ceased, and the door opened.
He was dressed in a heavy coat, with a scarf wrapped tightly around his neck, and a bag hooked around his wrist.
“Hi little brother.” Dick called as Damian closed his door. Damian glanced up, and scowled upon seeing who it was. Ignored him as he walked by to get to the kitchen. “…You’re going to have to speak to me eventually, you know.”
“I don’t.” Damian hummed, waiting by the counter as Cassandra reached into the fridge, grabbed a picnic basket out of it, and handed it to Damian. “This penthouse is big enough that I don’t have to see you ever if I don’t have to.”
Dick sighed as Damian went to pass him again. He hooked his hand around Damian’s arm as he passed. “Damian-”
Damian yanked himself away. “Do not touch me.”
“Then talk to me.” Dick tried, stepping after him. “Damian, tell me what’s wrong.”
“If I have to tell you, then you’re stupider than I thought.” Damian hissed. Dick pursed his lips as Damian continued to the door, lifting his arm and pressing a button on his watch as soon as Damian’s hand was on the knob.
The lock clicking into place echoed through the apartment.
“Dick…” Jason murmured. “Don’t do this, man. Just…just let him leave.”
“Not until he tells me what’s wrong.” Dick said firmly, staring at Damian’s back. Damian attempted to twist the knob anyway, pulling it with all of his might. “Damian, the sooner you tell me, the sooner you can go out.”
“I’m not a child.” Damian spat. “Let me out, or this is holding me against my will. And despite your reign, that is still a law you have to abide by.”
“Bite me.”
“Damian.” Harsher now. His commander voice, and they all knew it. “What’s wrong.”
But still, it was Damian, and defiance was practically his middle name.
“Fuck you.”
“Damian!” Tim called, sounding worried. “Don’t!”
“Damian, why are you so angry?” Dick tried again anyway. “Why do you hate me so much, all of the sudden?”
Damian’s shoulders visibly tightened. “Why?” Damian hissed. “You want to know why I hate you, Grayson?”
And slowly, Damian turned back, eyes furious and heartbroken like no one had ever seen before. His breath was shaky and heavy, like he’d just run ten miles. His grip on the doorknob was so tight, he could have broken it, or ripped it from its socket.
Softly, almost calmly:
“Because you took Jonathan away from me.”
Dick just blinked boredly.
“Because you took the only person I’ve ever fucking cared about in my whole life, and threw him in a goddamn prison.” Damian continued, voice growing angrier by the second. “Because you sent him to prison for existing, and had scientists experiment on him.”
Dick sighed loudly and rolled his eyes. “It was for your own good, Damian, you kno-”
“No, it wasn’t for my own good!” Damian screamed. “It was because you’re on a fucking power trip!”
“I just want to keep you safe. And you know that metas are not-”
“It’s because Jon was the only person I loved more than you, and you got fucking jealous.” Damian continued. “So you took him and his brother away. Had them experimented on, and tortured, just because you didn’t like them. And I know Drake will never say it, but he hates you too. He hates you just as much as I do for what you did to Conner.”
“Let me guess, he’s just smarter than you and keeps his mouth shut, right?” Dick countered smugly. “Now Damian, I was not jealous of Jon or Conner. They weren’t good for you, for either of you, and they weren’t safe. Now excuse me, if I refuse to lose any of my family again because of a bunch of Kryptonians or metahumans.”
Damian stepped forward, and they all sensed a fight coming. “Jon would never-”
“Got it.” Tim suddenly cut off. Both Dick and Damian glanced over to him, and saw he was now on his tablet. He looked up wearily. “I got it. Damian, the door’s open. Just…just go, before you say anything else.”
Damian clamped his mouth shut, spun around and practically ran towards the door.
Dick took one step after him. Asked worriedly: “Damian, where are you going, anyway?”
Damian jerked the door open, before glancing over his shoulder. “To go see my Beloved, of course.”
The door slammed, and there was a moment of silence, before Dick turned towards Jason.
Jason sighed. “He goes to the prison once a week to see him. I’m shocked your little Nightwing cronies haven’t told you so already. He’s been doing it since you threw Jon and Conner in there.”
Dick nodded slowly, then looked curiously back at Tim. “Do you ever go?”
Tim swallowed. “No.”
“Does Damian deliver things for you?”
“…Only sometimes.”
“Okay.” He smiled as he stepped towards the sofa, and left a long kiss against Tim’s temple. “I’m not mad, Timmy. I promise. Don’t worry. I’m just glad you’re smarter than our little brother.”
“He’ll…” Tim almost whispered. “He’ll see the light eventually, I suppose.”
“Hm.” Dick muttered as he stood. He suddenly turned back towards the bedrooms, pressing buttons on his watch and opening the holographic screen. The other three’s hearts sank when they saw him open the blueprints and security feeds of the meta prison where the Kent boys were being held. “We can only hope.”
As he reached the corner, he turned back only once, with a cheerful, friendly smile. “Call me when dinner’s ready, okay?”
“…Yeah.” Jason whispered, leaning into the comforting embrace Cassandra immediately offered. He glanced over at Tim, as the younger slumped exhaustedly back into the couch. “Will do, Dick.”
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thethespacecoyote · 8 years
This ran away from me real fast but I enjoy it enough to post it
Jackothy real world corporate AU I guess? Except they’re brothers so like if you’re uncomfortable with that please don’t read it! It’s supposed to be kind of dark and messed up with Jack being manipulative so. Yeah.
Timothy had long ago learned that there was a threshold of wealth that, once crossed, rendered any and every thing permissible.
It wasn’t just ludicrous spending, either, though his brother had quite a taste for that. Six shower heads in his personal bathroom. Private jets with an escort for every seat. Aged steaks and fine bourbons and chocolate flecked with gold-leaf.
The sheer excess was insane, but gaudy displays of wealth weren’t the only things that Jack indulged in as soon as restrictions of self-respect and accountability were lifted.
When you could buy and sell the dignity of others, your own mattered only to the stockholders and your PR team. Closed doors and private offices shielded the ultra rich from fallout of any taboo.
Tim slips his ID card into the reader, licking his lips in trepidation in the seconds before the light beeps green and the door to the foyer of Jack’s office opens wit a metallic swish.
He greets Meg with a tip of his head and a small, tight smile, and she waves him in. Jack has been expecting him.
Of course he has.
Tim flattens down the heather blue of his suit, running a shy hand through his hair as he pushes open the door to Jack’s office.
It’s brilliant, the entire west wall consumed entirely in a floor length mirror that bathes in the shine of the city of Helios down below. Lesser skyscrapers pepper the view from the floor above Jack’s office, but little but the snowy mountains in the distance dare to dwarf the tower of Hyperion, the testament to Jack’s wealth and control.
And there in his massive desk atop a raised dais sits Jack, his feet kicked up upon it. His fancy leather shoes part to reveal his smirking face, the soles slamming on the floor as Jack adjusts his posture, sitting up straight in his bright yellow chair.
“There’s my boy,” Jack grins at his brother, showing the canines that Tim swear seem to grow in size and length with each coming day.
“You bring the plans for me?”
“Yeah,” Tim ambles forward slightly at an angle rather than moving straight to Jack’s desk, observing his brother like the predator he knows him to be, “Weapons Development is ready to move on them as soon as they get your approval. I understand we’re hoping to get this line out by the fall?”
“That’s the plan, cupcake. Unless they screwed up big time, we should be able to manufacture these suckers in bulk in time for Advertising to do their magic.” Jack purs, resting his chin on his hand as he watches Tim slowly make his way over to the desk. Tim’s shoes—black suede, a birthday gift from Jack—clip on the steely steps, a timid metronome that makes Jack’s grin widen with every tick. He holds out his hand to Tim, fingers waggling in anticipation.
Tim rubs the ring on his finger—a simple steel band, set with canary tourmaline and garnet, another present from Jack—as soon as he gives Jack the plans with the other hand. Jack deftly flips open the manila envelope, eyes flicking over the plans, grin smoothing into a more serious, business-like expression before he sets them down flat against his desk.
“What d’you think of the scope placement?” Jack taps his finger against one of the blueprints. Tim raises an eyebrow, peering over the plans.
“It’s improved over their last proposal…but I’m worried that it might weight down the barrel too much.” Tim presses his own finger down next to Jack’s, the tips touching as he traces over the thin blue lines. Jack worries his lip, rubbing his chin with his other hand.
“Tell them to reduce the size and maybe slim it down a bit, maybe? Other than that? It looks fine to me. Great, even. Super.” Tim lifts his fingers from the table, his hands joining together at the small of his back.
“Hyperion hits it outta the park again, huh? Love it.” Jack grits his teeth at the end of the sentence, hissing in delight as he folds up the plans, pushing them to the other side of the desk with his picture frames and other things he is disregarding for now.
Timothy feels something dark crawl up his spine as Jack’s attention shifts fully to him. He swears that the air changes, even though Jack keeps his office at a crisp 71 degrees—cold, business sterility shifting into warmth fueled only by the needing fire now lighting in Jack’s eyes.
“Is there anything else you need from me?” Tim asks, just to fill the silence.
A lazy creak sounds as Jack relaxes back into his chair, one hand resting on the arm, the other crooking a finger at his brother.
“Come here, Timmy.”
Tim skirts the desk, hands still folded behind his back as he stands before his brother, his heart picking up its pace, against his will.
Timothy watches Jack fingers the entire way, from the moment they unfold like an octopus’ tentacles from his palm, from the way they slide like blood through the water of the air, the way they curl into the black silky of his tie. He watched as Jack’s thumb rubs over the golden tie bar, smoothing the material in the shine of the window behind him before he tugs it forward, with Tim following. His back bends in a resigned bow as Jack yanks him against his mouth with practiced ease.
Jack’s mouth is cool today—it’s still early in the morning, and mouthwash is fresh on his tongue, not yet soured in the blood of steak or the smoke of a midday cigar.
Timothy doesn’t remember the last time Jack has kept his mouth closed while kissing him, their meetings are always dominated by teeth and tongue with the gentle press of lips merely ancillary. Tim’s air is consumed by Jack mouth, sucked out through his lungs to bolster the force of Jack’s own exhales, the huff of breath from his nose hot on Tim’s skin as they kiss. Tim keeps his eyes closed even when Jack lets him free to grasp at some air, his body acting on touch and sound alone as he slips forward and settles over Jack’s thigh, nearly sitting in his brother’s lap. Jack’s arms wrap around him like snakes, tying him close as his palms smooth up Timothy’s back. Tim hears the scratch of his nails as he digs his fingers into the fabric of his suit. His eyes finally flutter open, his brother’s face mere inches from his own. There’s a moment of quiet observation on Jack’s lips until he realizes Tim is staring at him, and then it breaks into a greedy grin.
“Wanna help the big boss unwind, pumpkin?”
Timothy doesn’t respond, but his hand gravitates down to Jack’s crotch, the tent in his charcoal dress pants already glaringly obvious. He cups his brother’s growing bulge, massaging it through the fabric. He feels Jack’s fingers dig somehow harder into his back as he pushes up into Timothy’s hand.
He knows his unspoken role at this point, has learned it well ever since the aftermath of Jack’s first major takeover when he’d slammed Tim atop the glossy boardroom table and mounted him like some vicious, red-mawed lion, mane bristling in victory. Tim had been thunderstruck, heart torn between pleasure and terror and disgust, all three of which had since melted into a pot of resigned gratification. He carefully unzips his brother’s pants, parting the dark fabric to reveal nothing but tan skin underneath—because some habits die hard even with a sudden glut of wealth and prestige—that he takes carefully into his palm.
After making sure he’s balanced on Jack’s thigh his other hand goes to relieve his own dick from his pants, letting the slim member slip out from his fly. He uses that hand to brace himself on the back of Jack’s chair as he begins to stroke them both in one hand, jerking their cocks together in a way that gets a pleased purr brewing in Jack’s broad chest.
Jack turns his chair with a careful push, the seat groaning under their combined weight as it grinds around until Timothy’s back is facing the huge, crystal window, the warmth of the cresting sun shining down on him, heating his back as Tim works warmth out of his cock from within.
Together they teeter on the very edge of pleasure with only a sheet of glass separating them from the long plunge into scandal, into tabloids and moral outcry. But they remained entwined within one another, seamless and stolen away from prying eyes. Their indiscretions concealed, even up here, with Jack able to buy enough height to hide his sins above the clouds.
Jack’s arms are fully binding Tim, now, his hands arching up to grab his shoulders from behind as he grips Timothy impossibly close and makes them move together, their pants and gasps and thrusts thriving as one beast, one monster seated atop a throne of gold. Tim moans against Jack’s ear as his brother bites into the side of his throat, licking the wound with a burning-hot tongue as he wrenches his hips upwards. Tim clenches his hand around their cocks, a tight pleased sob bursting from his lips as Jack makes them both come.
Timothy lays gasping in his brother’s lap for a few moments longer, eyes fluttering shut, imagination deluding him for a brief moment before Jack is patting him impatiently in the ribs. Tim rises to his feet, watching with a frown as the beads of cum trail undisturbed down the silky surface of his pants. He tries to put his cock back into place without making a further nest, tucking the limp member back into his cat-print boxers. Jack’s own cum is smeared over the hem of his brother's suit, with nary a drop at all on the man himself.
“Get that dry-cleaned. We’ve got dinner with Maliwan and Vladof tonight, and I want you to wear that suit.” Jack comments as he flips open his wallet, slipping a heavy, steel credit card between Timothy’s fingers. Timothy holds it for a moment, feeling its weight, its edge, before he slips it into his pocket.
“Of course.”
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junker-town · 7 years
Ravens need more offensive firepower to end playoff drought
For the first time in John Harbaugh’s tenure, the Ravens missed the playoffs in consecutive seasons.
The Baltimore Ravens have missed the playoffs just three times in John Harbaugh’s nine seasons as head coach. Unfortunately, all three of those absences have come in the past four seasons. They’ve been to the postseason just one time since winning Super Bowl 47 four years ago.
Last season was at least an improvement on 2015, when the Ravens scuffled to a 5-11 record. However, the team still wasn’t good enough to get back into the playoffs, as it was eliminated from contention by a heartbreaking loss to the Pittsburgh Steelers in Week 16. Baltimore ultimately finished 8-8, plagued once again by an anemic offense.
The Ravens were No. 21 in points scored and No. 17 in yards gained, despite the presence of big-play threats like Mike Wallace and Breshad Perriman. Baltimore’s running game was also stagnant, ranking No. 28 in rushing yards. If the Ravens hope to re-establish themselves as AFC contenders again, they need considerable improvement on this side of the ball.
It starts with Joe Flacco
The good news is that Flacco started all 16 games in his comeback from a torn ACL. He also set a career high with 4,317 passing yards, a misleading stat. Flacco made a staggering 672 pass attempts, while averaging just 6.4 yards per throw. It was all dink-and-dunk, all day, with the occasional bombs to Wallace. Flacco also threw just 20 touchdowns to 15 interceptions and put up an 83.5 QB Rating in a generally uninspiring year.
Now 32 years old, it’s pretty obvious at this point that Flacco isn’t elite, but the Ravens need him to be better than he was last season. Perhaps he’ll be closer to 100 percent now that he’s a full year removed from the ACL surgery, but Flacco is slowly running out of excuses as he starts to age out of his prime. The Ravens are in trouble if he’s actually starting his decline phase earlier than expected.
Good, if risky, offensive weapons
Flacco isn’t lacking for a supporting cast, but most of the running backs and receivers have question marks of their own.
Terrance West emerged as the starter, leading the team with 774 rushing yards, but averaged just 4.0 yards per carry. A 2014 third-round pick, West has the makings of a late bloomer after brief stints with the Cleveland Browns and Tennessee Titans, though consistency has been a major problem throughout his career. Kenneth Dixon showed flashes of promises in his rookie year, but didn’t quite do enough to supplant West and will be serving a four-game PED suspension to start the season.
With Dixon unavailable for a quarter of the year, the Ravens signed Danny Woodhead to be West’s primary complement in the backfield. Woodhead is one of the best pass-catching running backs of the decade, but he’s now 32 and plagued by injuries in recent years, playing just 21 games in the past three seasons. Still, Woodhead figures to play a prominent role in the offense as long as he stays healthy.
The passing game is also dealing with injuries and retirements. Steve Smith rode off into the sunset, while tight end Dennis Pitta was released after suffering a possible career-ending hip injury. Breshad Perriman missed his entire 2015 rookie year with a knee injury and didn’t contribute much last season, putting up just 33 catches for 499 yards and three touchdowns.
The good news is that Baltimore took advantage of the Kansas City Chiefs’ poor salary cap management, signing Jeremy Maclin after he became a cap casualty in June. Maclin has injury concerns of his own, but the 29-year-old is just a season removed from hauling in eight touchdowns and 1,088 yards on 87 catches. He’ll be playing out of the slot position with Perriman and Mike Wallace on the outside, which makes for a formidable WR trio if everyone stays healthy and plays up to their potential.
The Ravens’ offensive line was an above-average unit, coming in ninth on Pro Football Focus’ rankings, but is facing some changes in the rotation this season. The big headliner, as always, is Marshal Yanda, possibly the best guard in football even at age 32. He earned his sixth straight Pro Bowl appearance last year, and although he’s recovering from offseason shoulder surgery, Yanda should be healthy in plenty of time for the regular season.
Last year’s first-round pick, Ronnie Stanley, had some struggles at left tackle but is young and got better as the season went on. Two positions are of major concern, though — starting center Jeremy Zuttah, a Pro Bowler last year, got traded to the San Francisco 49ers, while right tackle Ricky Wagner signed with the Detroit Lions in free agency. Aside from fourth-round guard Nico Siragusa and fifth-round tackle Jermaine Eluemunor, Baltimore didn’t make any major offseason moves on the line, so the starting lineup likely won’t be settled until deep into training camp.
Overall, there are things to like about this Ravens’ offense, but it didn’t all come together last season and the Ravens won’t be serious contenders again until it does. Fortunately, the other side of the ball looks like it’ll be just fine.
Defense is once again the Ravens’ calling card
Though not quite as stout as in years past, the Ravens’ defense is still really good, and the team made some significant investments in the offseason. Last year, they were seventh-best with 20.1 points allowed per game and sixth-best in DVOA.
Terrell Suggs came back from a torn Achilles and still made plays at his advanced age, putting up eight sacks and three forced fumbles. He’s now recovering from a torn bicep, but the 34 year old is expected to be ready for the season. Brandon Williams is one of the best nose tackles in the league and got rewarded with a huge five-year, $52.25 million extension that includes $33.75 million in guaranteed money.
Safety Eric Weddle came over from the San Diego Chargers and continued playing at a high level, even at the ripe age of 32. Linebacker C.J. Mosley got his fifth-year option picked up after yet another strong season. From front to back, this Ravens’ defense is stocked with top-tier talent, just like it is most seasons.
But the Ravens weren’t content riding with the same band. They were surprisingly aggressive upgrading this unit in the offseason, handing out big-money contracts and spending lots of draft picks on defense. Tony Jefferson (four years, $34 million) should bring stability to a safety position that’s been in flux ever since Ed Reed left town and Matt Elam busted as a 2013 first-round pick. Cornerback Brandon Carr (four years, $23 million) will give the team a solid No. 2 starter next to Jimmy Smith, while Lardarius Webb is always a welcome veteran presence in the secondary.
In the draft, the Ravens selected defensive players with their first four picks, headlined by first-round cornerback Marlon Humphrey. The Alabama product won’t be pressured to start right away, with Smith, Carr, and Webb all ahead of him on the depth chart, but he’s an intriguing long-term prospect and the Ravens’ pick got a solid “B” grade from SB Nation’s Dan Kadar.
Baltimore also addressed linebacker in the draft following Zachary Orr’s unexpected retirement, taking Tyus Bowser in the second round and Tim Williams in the fourth. They also traded away defensive tackle Timmy Jernigan to the Philadelphia Eagles, getting a third-round pick that they used on defensive end Chris Wormley. All three men could end up being early contributors depending on how they perform in free agency.
No matter what else happens with the team, defense is GM Ozzie Newsome’s bread and butter, and that was no different this offseason. An already strong unit got reinforcements and plugged holes at positions of need, which should make the defense even more fearsome next season.
How long before they get back into contention?
After spending the better part of a decade in the NFL’s upper echelon, it’s strange to see the Ravens wandering in the wilderness like they have in the past few years. Newsome is one of the best GMs in the game and Harbaugh remains a top-notch head coach, so one has to think the Ravens’ slump won’t be lasting much longer.
The big question for 2017 is whether the Ravens have done enough to get past the Steelers, who are hard at work rebuilding the Steel Curtain and still have an explosive offense. Even the Cincinnati Bengals look improved after investing into a speedier attack in the offseason. This division remains as deep and fiercely competitive as ever, so the Ravens can ill-afford any slip-ups no matter how minor.
If Baltimore manages to survive its division on top, then there’s no telling how far the team can go in January. The 2015 Denver Broncos provided the blueprint for an elite defense carrying an average offense to the Super Bowl, and the Ravens are clearly trying to emulate that model. But first, they need their offense (and Flacco in particular) to rise back up to an acceptable level before they can think about selling playoff tickets again.
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