#tl 3x01
appletvdaily · 2 years
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Ted Lasso 3.01 Smells Like Mean Spirit
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wumiings · 1 year
The thing that really gets me about Merlin and Arthur’s dynamic re: being simultaneously friends (implies equality) and master/servant (unequal) is the way they both understand what this means so differently.
Like, Arthur is not deliberately cruel as a person. He sometimes lashes out in anger— particularly to cover hurt, fear, or insecurity— and is not above using his and Merlin’s relative stations to his advantage in the moment. But while this is certainly not okay, it does not characterize most of their interactions.
Most of the time, when Arthur insults Merlin, or roughhouses with him, or assigns him too many chores just to be petty, he clearly seems to think of it as friendly banter/play. And when Merlin insults him right back, or complains without real heat, or half-asses the chores, Arthur takes it as confirmation that they’re on the same page.
Because here’s the thing: when Arthur says, “You’re my servant, so we can’t be friends [paraphrase: but under other circumstances, we might be],” what he means is that they are obviously friends but they’re not allowed to call each other that, or act like it. It’s against the social rules of their environment to acknowledge their friendship.
But that is not what those words mean to Merlin. He does see Arthur as a friend, but not in the sense that they’re just playing along with the roles of servant and master. Because unlike Arthur, there is an inherent threat to Merlin’s safety and well-being implied by any reminder of those roles.
“You’re almost like a friend [except you’re my servant]” doesn’t just mean they can’t use the word. It means “I have power over you, and in moments when it’s inconvenient to treat you as a friend (see: the anger), I can and will use that power to put you back in your place.”
It’s a reminder that Arthur has fired, overworked, struck, imprisoned, threatened with exile, and held a sword to Merlin’s throat before, and so long as Merlin needs to keep his magic a secret for the sake of staying by Arthur’s side, he is powerless to do anything about it. It could happen again.
Merlin insults Arthur because he knows he can get away with it (as long as he stops when more serious threats are invoked). He complains but allows those complaints to be taken as jokes/exaggerations, because he doesn’t expect his hurts to be taken seriously and doesn’t feel comfortable making himself vulnerable to Arthur about how his actions affect him.
The chores situation in particular aggravates me to no end, because Merlin is routinely expected to do things that do not by any means fall under the purview of a personal servant. Why would he be mucking out the stables?? Surely there are stable hands who are paid to do that. And why does he do the laundry himself instead of delivering it to the laundress?
All this in addition to apprenticing with Gaius (or working as a fully qualified physician post-4x08) and going along on patrols/missions/etc. doing what I’m pretty sure would normally be a squire’s duties? As none of the knights seem to have one??
Admittedly, Merlin sometimes insists on going along on missions for Protecting Arthur Reasons, which is not Arthur’s fault, but still. Arthur knows the kind of hours Merlin is putting in. Which makes moments like in 3x01, when he undervalues, belittles, and then intentionally undoes Merlin’s hard work (cleaning the floor) so frustrating to watch.
But again, Arthur is not cruel! I never get the sense that he truly enjoys causing Merlin real emotional distress. The problem is that he consistently underestimates the amount of distress that Merlin is actually in — partly because (as previously stated) Merlin often undersells his own feelings.
TL;DR - Merlin is Arthur’s friend! His only/closest friend!! Arthur looks at Merlin and sees someone brave and loyal and absolutely worth risking his life for. But his privilege blinds him to the ways in which he fails to treat Merlin like a friend should. Outside of life-or-death situations, he doesn’t often behave as though he values Merlin (his time, his effort, his capabilities, or his friendship) particularly much. And that’s a fucking tragedy.
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outrunningthedark · 9 months
I'm wondering how they're going to get rid of Natalia on the first episode, Marisol makes sense show up again but Natalia simply disappearing will be very weird as there won't be a huge time gap, a maximum of two weeks if the cruisy is the same as Bathena cruise. We have to wait and see but I don't think Natalia will disappear for now, maybe in the 3rd episode and Marisol in the 5th or 6th episode
Btw happy new year my darling
Apologies for being a bit late with this, love. I hope the first week of the new year is treating you well. <3
IF (yes, everyone, I realize I could have read this wrong) my instinct regarding Natalia not returning - not even to be broken up with on screen - is correct, I think Tim is going to take the easy route and repeat what the show did with Ali since she was the prior LI whose future was unclear between seasons and then never went back. The timeline you’re referencing supports my theory, too, so thanks for that. 😜
Say it’s only supposed to have been a few weeks or MAYBE a month since we last saw the characters. (Is this cruise in real time or is Bathena recovering from what happened, reliving the events? No clue.)
Odds are Buck won’t have announced the breakup to the 118 just yet. There he was a few weeks back singing Natalia’s praises and they’re already over? Not his finest moment, right? So maybe there’s a casual conversation happening - just like how it did at Buck’s welcome back party in 3x01 - where someone asks how Natalia’s doing or if they’ve got plans and he has to admit she’s not in the picture. Things get awkward for a sec, Buck says it’s for the best. Everyone moves on.
As for what reasoning Tim may have come up with, I have two specific thoughts on this part:
— Buck first felt drawn to Natalia when he was hyperfocused on his experience with dying, yes? He felt like she “saw him” because of what he was feeling in those days/weeks after the coma?
Well, if season seven is bringing us a Buck that is TRULY trying to move on from everything, TRULY trying to focus on the fact that he’s still alive rather than the fact that he could die at any time…he and Natalia won’t have as much in common anymore, will they? Is Buck going to want to be with someone whose life revolves around death and dying when he’s worked hard to get himself out of that headspace?
Obviously if Natalia were to stick around the show would make changes to the character just like it did for TayKay, but if she’s not meant to reappear? Buck’s new outlook on life is the perfect excuse to keep Natalia as is and say they’re going in two different directions now.
— There’s a post on my blog (from not too long ago) where I talk about the IG live in the final days of filming season six in which we could hear the cast getting ready for a scene describing a “boring” date Buck was to have had with Natalia. (Natalia was confirmed by Kenny)
Why is that important? Because it means there was an alternate ending on the table, one that would have led to Buck NOT getting serious with her.
Just like Tim doing the cruise ship disaster that Kristen wouldn’t touch, I wouldn’t be surprised if he uses whatever the original script said to get the point across. It’s much faster than coming up with his own brand new dialogue for a character we’re not supposed to care about anymore. A character that he didn’t have a direct hand in creating, either.
(As usual, this is TL;DR, but the one thing I’m always gonna do is cover all my bases!)
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yelenaswift · 4 years
Legacies 3x01 thoughts and questions
so is landon dead?
did he say always an forever?? yo bro u can’t say that
why does ric breathe and annoy me
I miss Hope
Chads impression of the necromancer HAHAH
Are we really doing the whole villain of the week thing again?
I absolutely love Raf
The necromancer is like the most non threatening villain
Lizzie and MG’s friendship is really cute
I adore Lizzie
“With a gentle reminder I know where you all live” I-
So landon just doesn’t want to come back?
Can we just make Hope a full tribrid already
Not that big of a Josie fan but Alyssa is a bitch
Lizzie sweetie I love you but can you like listen to your sister for once dear god
I appreciate Josie owning up to the things she did
Did I mention I hate the monster of the week thing
Hope please come back
So does Ric just not tell any of the living Mikealsons about any of the shit that happens to hope?? Like Klaus and Hayley would be PISSED. I get the actors don’t want to come back, but we can atleast fake a phone call??
Jed getting hit was funny
“Ghost Wingman!”
Landon literally everyone Hope has ever loved has died, your logic is non existent
At this point just give up on Landon he’s an idiot
Landons spirit in Raf I-
Raf baby you don’t need to do this just let landon be
Can Alyssa stfu
Alyssa acting like she was an important asset to the super squad anyway
The twins trying to get the sword HAHAH
Hope is definitely the worthy person I miss her
“Blood of Kings” The Mikealsons were literal royalty in NOLA Hope is the worthy one
“There is no hope” yeah and I’m fed up
Wonder Twins omg
Can we please make Hope more than a love interest
Go super squad go!
Wait so is he Royalty
But like because of Landon?? cute ig? kinda cheesy
hey y’all remember the “non consensual kiss” line bc I ain’t forget
MG is such a simp I love it
I love mentions of Caroline, miss her
Wtf just happened to Chad
yeah what the hell happened
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mego42 · 3 years
What are some of your favorite GG song Moments. ? Here are some of mine.
1. Easy ft lorde- OMG this soong is such a bop. it just fits the scene so well. HONESTLY one of my fav scenes. HE IS LIVING HIS BEST LIFE IN THIS SCENE. I LOVE CHAOTIC RIO
2. Wild heart by SPELLES.- THIS SONG IS SO HAUNTING just fits the vibe so well. SO ANGSTY
3. The most recent song. Used in that Brio moment. Idk what its called . I know that Beth is having the time of her life but that song is just HEAVY. The lyrics 🙏😭😭❤❤❤ such a pretty song fr 😔
omg anon i love this question nearly as much as i love your taste. YES!!!! to Easy (i too love tf out of personification of chaos rio), YES!!!!! to Wild Heart!!!!  it’s SO HAUNTING and disorienting and PERFECT. and Y E S !!!!!!!!!!!!! to the most recent song (whole life by perfume genius). i am LIVING for the heavy ballad vibes, super agree it’s so pretty. 
in no particular order, my top 5 music moments:
blanket me / hundred waters
1x09 - beth makes the calendar laying out her kids future in case something happens to her
i’ve already exposed myself as an absolute loon when it comes to this song and you can read the whole breakdown here
but tl;dr it’s a song about relying too much on a person and needing to break free and be independent but not in a toxic sort of way, more in a for personal growth and the best for everyone because co-dependence holds everyone back and i really, really, really love that in context of beth and her children, her learning to step back and not smother them but also not give so much of herself that she disappears entirely because that’s not good for them in the long run
basically it’s sort of a thesis statement for beth’s underlying s1 arc
plus it’s just like, heavy and haunting and absolutely gorgeous and not to be like, unreasonably pretentious, moves me and i love it
notable lyrics: You're my blanket, you're my skin / You're everything within / You're my guardian, I'm your sail / A boat in your harbor / Gone under, capsized and sinking / Blanket me, blanket me, blanket me, blanket me, blanket me
whole life / perfume genius
4x06 - beth looking for a place to hide the wire/hooking up with rio
the song is all about leaving behind the things weighing you down and moving into a brighter, more free future and i love love love how that plays with the duality of beth hiding the wire and securing her source of information for the secret service BUT ALSO marking this moment as a turning point for beth and rio because it absolutely is.
(like not just the fact that they’ve resumed a physical relationship but rio’s invited beth deeper into his world and we’re seeing beth crack on a level we really haven’t before)
this season is leaning SO HARD into duality and the tangled up truths and lies between them and i am absolutely UNHINGED over it
i also really love the like, passionate ballad nature of it juxtaposed over this twisted, extremely sexy moment (intercut with dean joyfully trying to seize hold of his new hobby only to be IMMEDIATELY denied)
there are just so many layers to it and i love all of them
notable lyrics: The mark where he left me / A clip on my wing / Oh, let it soften / I forgive everything
ocean rain / echo & the bunnymen
4x04 - the beth and jane/rio getting the drop on fitz montage
the whole theme of this song is two people tearing each other apart and destroying the bones of their former intimacy which like, hello subject matter aptitude and it’s told through this GLORIOUSLY dramatic hurricane at sea imagery with ships being dragged below the waves by the hurricanes the two people have called down on each other set to a gorgeous over the top orchestral score
on a yrical note, i love that the song is basically the same verse over and over (interspersed with the chorus, obvs) and the only change is me vs you when it comes to who brought the storm down on them
basically, if you were challenged to come up with a song that represented two peak dramatique heaux nightmare factories locked in a never ending game of deadly cat and mouse, you couldn’t top this.
i am ABSOLUTELY OBSESSED with the choice to pair it with a montage of beth finally pulling the trigger (with foresight and intent, shooting rio was p obvs a oh shit look what i did moment), a milestone rio’s been dragging her (down) towards since the beginning of s2 AND using him to do it, dragging him (down) into her mess (m ade all the more messy when you consider he was the target of it) (i just! love it! so! much!)
i want to live in johnathan leahy’s brain
notable lyrics: all at sea again / and now my[your] hurricanes have brought down this ocean rain / to bathe me again / my ship’s a-sail / can you hear it’s tender frame / screaming from beneath the waves / screaming from beneath the waves
el musgo / gabriel bruce
3x04 - rio watches beth make money
UGH GOD when that high hat and bass kicked in the first time i was like oh shit we are in for some DRAMA and sure enough we were as well as a more sexual montage than anything you’d find in actual porn.
idk, the fact that they chose this deep, dark, mournful about lost love to an elongated montage slow motion montage of rio watching beth make fake cash and deciding not to kill her for nearly killing him doEs stuFf to me
all i’m saying is johnathan leahy ships brio harder than any of us and is a more dramatique heaux than either of them, which are two really impressive feats to achieve
AND THEN!!! AND THEN!!!!! they CHOPPED THE SONG UP!!!!! so they were able to take advantage of the dawning drama of the opening bars BUT ALSO include the closing stanza about wearing the marks the subject of the song gave the singer like a scar where they took his heart from him and the INTENTIONALITY of that creative choice puts me on the FLOOR
notable lyrics: I'll wear this mark like a medal / But it's a scar / Where you took my heart from me
kimono hill / sophia kennedy
3x01 - rio leaves the hotel
honeslty, lowkey surprised this one made my top five. not because it isn’t a fabulous song deployed with johnathan leahy’s usual mastery, but bc i didn’t realize how much i loved it until making this list
i don’t really have like, a deep, lyrically rooted storytelling reason for loving it, i just think the way they used it in the show is Such A Vibe
the way the vibrating synthy tones and underlying organ kicks in while rio’s getting in the elevator has this beautiful held breath anticipatory quality to it that works SO WELL to set up the montage of rio strutting out back into his life while turner gets murdered (a scene i have some uh, complicated feelings about but setting those aside), and the bolands’ fresh start to the tune of bouncy drums and looping vocals
idk it’s such a shining note to end the first episode of a new season on, i remember feeling refreshed and super hype for what’s to come
notable lyrics: no lyrics, just the vibe of the opening bars
tl;dr i really, really, REALLY love how this show uses music. you can tell they put a lot of time and effort and thought into it and while i know the trajectory isn’t working for everyone, personally i love it. granted, as you can see from this list, i clearly love the shit out of a down tempo dramatic ballad, so. if you are more of a bangers and bops person, i would point you to @nickmillerscaulk’s inbox as she is a Certified Bangers Afficianado.
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axolotl-druk · 4 years
This is a sound coming out of my mind with 0 edition post about “but Mai couldn't experience the same level of connection towards other citizens as Zuko, because she has been always living a comfortable life” which by itself is just mh ?????? Like you pick a partner that you like, not one that fits the list of demands of other people? And I just realized that Zuko is still a rich kid and this is more a -Mai could have experienced a big level of personal growth because their times are almost the same, you just like to hate on her-. 
Ok so grumpy boy has been grumpy in the ship for 3 years, as we know, we also know he doesn't talk with the crew, or anyone in the other nations. At this time he has 0 interaction that could make him empathize. Also, he is not living a simple humble life. He has people to dress him (The avatar returns) and has like an entire fish for dinner one day (The warriors of Kyoshi) so it's not  that he is “having the same experiences as the common people” yeah he is getting dunked by the hour since the end of book 1 but it's not like he is gaining community knowledge or having bonding time with citizens. 
The first taste of the real world he has, is when he and jeepers creepers Iroh start their travelling as refugees journey, after being in a spa. The first thing he does when in the presence of others is stealing a horse, so. 
 Which is also the start of the “elite team” with Azula, Ty Lee and Mai. She says she has to travel light, so I don't think she has the same level of ship comfortable. At this point both have to leave all their possessions behind and life as they know 
 Meanwhile, Zuko is only gaining resentment towards the citizens and living in an “Exiled” experience (does anyone remember the show where the 16 sweet sixteen girls are sent to other parts of the world? Or was it a fever dream?) because he is being treated like a beggar which he is, then he goes blue spirit and steals fancy stuff so mh still not an empathy path. He starts to see the earth kingdom citizens as more tridimensional people when he goes solo, judging by his hair is that a week? (from 2x05 to 2x08, and cameo from the pregnant lady).
 I am not saying that he is not empathic, but those traits are from him, not really increased  on his journey until then
Until then Mai has been travelling with ✨the girls✨ but 1, They are not really focused on chasing Zuko as people seem to point, Azula has the Avatar and co in mind, and 2, Azula probably lied by omission of what capturing him meant 
He gets to return to a more comfortable life with the help of the white lotus (how much neutral is the white lotus, did they asked for explanation? 2x10 The library) and he also starts to interact again (2x12 - Jet why :c) he gets to the lower ring first but for plot points gets a spot in the upper ring where no one knows about the war so no time to talk about how people are affected by it, he mostly listened to rich people gossip and got 0 tips. Meanwhile, the girls are on their travel to conquer a city which I assume is the first time they see some place that is not controlled by the FN for a long time, but its still the upper ring (2x13-2x20).
 So until now Zuko - Non-rich people interactions, poor life are like 2 weeks?
Anyway, shenanigans ensue, Zuko goes back to the FN, and everyone is living the rich kid life again, until he leaves (3x01-3x11) Hair time says 1.5 cm per month but I have the experience that after shaving your head hair grows twice as fast. But it doesn't matter because they are living the rich life together.  Gets “accepted” into the gaang and some few days later decides to go rescue prisoners (3x12-3x14),  Mai gets thrown in jail, and we don't hear from her until the finale (3x15-3x21) I think that Mai arrived with Azula who had been controlling all her communications because it seems the sensible thing to happen to you when you are one of the few people you now traitor ex bf leaves some kind of communication about his plans. So personal growth time for rich girl for what I believe are at least a few weeks' which is a lot of time to be surrounded by people with another  beliefs. 
While Zuko pulls out his rich kid card and the gaang uses his beach house until the comet arrives. 
TL;DR: Mai and Zuko had almost the same time backpacking and being exposed to other nations while in the earth kingdom and jail. 
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nothingunrealistic · 3 years
oh & somewhat in contrast, another ask abt The Full Context Of Watching Billions but about what moments were highlights for being particularly fun just as like, a light characterful moment that probably doesn't play much into drama & conflict, although ig it could do that too lol. along the lines of yknow, taylor just having been introduced & the stakes are the lowest they'll be & they mess with mafee a bit. guess it also doesn't have to be limited to Fun Taylor Moments lol but yknow
unproduciblesmackdown asked:
as soon as i sent that i realized the context of saying "it doesn't have to be just fun taylor moments ig" maybe wasn't super clear lol but i just meant like, i guess also if there was especially fun moments involving other characters & possibly taylor is not involved lol but that's hardly expected or demanded b/c we know why we're here & what we're about. if they're not around how enjoyable can things be
why not both! first, some Fun Taylor Character Moments / Details that come to mind:
dropping off the alpha cup trophy in axe’s office (as i put it in my episode transcript, “as if it burns them to touch it”) and complaining that people keep drinking beer out of it [2x03]
responding to connerty’s attempt to play good cop after the bad cop approach failed by telling him you can’t mix character names and actor names when talking about a movie [2x10]
staring at dollar bill with blank incomprehension (and pointing out that “this is like the third time you have spoken directly to me”) when he tries to invite them out for coffee [2x11]
telling axe “i’ll get right on all that” after he’s asked them for the answers to three questions, in such a way that it’s clear they know two of the questions are distractions [2x12]
wearing safety glasses to smash electronics in their office [3x01]
saying “i could have done that for myself, you know” after wags scared off a guy who was harassing them [3x01]
being excited by the prospect of seeing steve wozniak (whose photo they have in their office) give a pitch and crestfallen at oscar revealing it was one of his trademark complete lies [3x05]
deliberately keeping dollar bill in suspense about who sent them flowers, until he grabs the card out of their hand like a dick [3x06]
greeting the sweet quants with “yo, quants!” [3x06]
sitting in a meeting with axe cap’s prime broker and never speaking except to dispute axe’s list of rush’s best albums [3x09]
repeatedly popping up in random locations without warning to ask people to come work for them [3x12]
having “2112” (the name of a rush album) as their apartment’s security code [4x02]
requesting a “tl;dr, please” of a report from their counterintelligence specialist [4x02]
taunting a banker about getting the money they need, in a russian accent, to imply that they’re getting money from russians [4x02]
calling kid rock a “once-great american” [4x02]
responding to wendy’s assertion of “[i] still don’t trust you” with “samesies” [4x06]
declaring cheerfully on television that axe cap is running itself into the ground and axe is a dinosaur [4x08]
claiming they stayed in and did some reading on new year’s eve, which is at minimum a lie by omission but also makes me wonder what they like to read [4x10]
telling lauren they’re returning to axe cap and asking her to join them without giving any other context [4x12]
warning chuck that “questioning my workout practices [isn’t] something i’d do” when he questions the value of swimming in place [5x01]
telling oscar why he lost his chess game after he says he doesn’t want to be associated with them (thank you lee tamahori) [5x02]
eating dinner with lauren in their office and thinking she’s reading them questions from an online quiz [5x05]
asking prince if the supply chain vice president who warned them about conflict tin was “just in a box at your office” [5x07]
and a few comparable moments for other characters:
sacker making a pointed comment about connerty obviously hooking up with an fbi agent they both work with [1x03] and saying far too much about how she imagines their sex life [1x05] (note that this is before she & connerty get together)
wendy walking into chuck’s office after he had dollar bill arrested in her absence and greeting him with a sarcastic slow clap [1x06]
sacker and connerty breaking into chuck’s office after hours, stealing from his liquor cabinet, making out on his desk, breaking out laughing about how cliché it all is, and then going to coney island to set off sparklers [1x11]
sacker making a pointed comment about a flight attendant who is clearly cooperating with the SDNY out of “desperate lust” for connerty and promising to buy cake servers from their wedding registry [2x03] (note that this is after she & connerty broke up)
senior encouraging chuck to use his connections “like a bathhouse piano player uses poppers,” to which ira responds “thinking about your past really freaks me out” [4x01] and later using poppers while hooking up with roxanne [4x11]
a reporter telling chuck, re: his state AG run, “if i were the sort of fella who liked to toss the dice, that's not the direction i’d toss ‘em,” and chuck telling him that’s not how dice work [4x03]
axe telling rebecca about yet another of his enemies and rebecca responding “you have a remarkable way with people” [4x09]
this exchange, from chuck tasking his brain trust with helping him take down jock jeffcoat, and for which it’s important to note that chuck secured brogan’s loyalty by helping him avoid legal trouble for killing his neighbor’s dog [4x11]
CHUCK: Indeed. Halloran, you will solicit a bribe from the company.
HALLORAN: How would I go about —
CHUCK (moving right along): Mm-hmm. Brogan, you have horses. Jock has horses. You will move one of your prized horses next to his and, under the guise of visiting, you will kill Jock’s horse.
CHUCK: What? Je— No. No more killing animals. I was fucking with you.
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minikate--24-05 · 4 years
Damn, so I just watched some clips from season one and two of NCIS and all that show back then was was Kibbs.
You are so right, anon. and the fact that you watching “some clips” can see it...unreal.
you see, anon, at the very beginning when Bellisario created the show, he had Kibbs in mind.
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he wanted to find the actress with the best chemistry to flirt with Mark Harmon.
Also, he wrote the pilot, which is straight up blatant Kibbs flirting. And, given that he likes starting shows and then “leaving them”, as in, handing the leadership over to someone else, I think it’s worth taking a look at the other episodes he wrote.
Among them, we’ll find 1x16 (Ari, the bad guy who’s after Kate is introduced. he’s also linked to Gibbs at the end.), 1x23 (Ari kidnaps Kate and Gibbs is the first one to realize not only that she’s missing, but that Ari has her.) Half of season 2 took the Tate turn (the other half didn’t and that’s part of the reason why the season is a mess ship-wise, another reason is sexism but that’s a story for another day), wanna know how many eps did Bellisario write? 1. 2x22. There’s really nothing Kibbs in that episode but it does settle Tate as nothing more than siblings. They fight all the time, but in the end, they deeply care about each other. He then wrote 3x01 and 3x02, which show, among other things, Gibbs mourning Kate so heavily that he starts dissociating or whatever
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remember this weird ass montage? lol. there are also demeaning Kate representations in those episodes, we don’t talk about those. but Gibbs’ Kate representations are interesting, because he’s subconsciously blaming himself for her death. (this thought belongs to @itbloomedforyourlittlegirl) Kate would NEVER blame him like that. but he feels guilty, because, as we saw in eps like 1x09 and 2x19, he’d rather die for her than let her die.
and he also wrote the hiatus episodes. remember how Gibbs got his memory back? THE LITERAL LAST FEW YEARS OF HIS LIFE UP UNTIL THAT POINT? Ziva said “Ari. Ari killed Kate.”
so let’s never forget that Donald Bellisario, the creator of NCIS, was rooting (writing) for Kibbs. 
I kinda forgot where I was going with this but the bottom line is, yes, it was all Kibbs back then because that was the purpose of the show. Kate was supposed to be The One for Gibbs, after 3 failed marriages (and no Shannon). and they wanted to play it slow burn, that’s why they introduced Tate during season 2 without stopping Kibbs (like I said, this season is a mix of ships). but then Sasha (rightfully so) decided to leave to focus on family (and maybe to stop working too many hours and being able to eat normally again. this is another story for another day but feel free to send more asks about these other stories). 
and it’s a shame people either forgot that or decided to ignore it. even though Kate was mentioned A LOT after her death, her relationship with Gibbs was never addressed, not even when she was alive. the more time passes the easier it would be for current NCIS writers (I believe there are still some OG producers in the team) to confirm Kibbs. we don’t need a happy ending. at this point, we don’t even need to hear that Kate was the only woman who Gibbs really loved. all we need to hear is “yes, they were involved.” and that’s it. it’s so, so easy. “Wh-...boss, you and Kate?” “Yeah, I thought y’all knew.” see? I just did it and I’m not even an amateur writer. 
they could do it on social media too. like. us Kibbs shippers will die with this ship in our hearts but there’s the bittersweet taste of it not being oficially canon. we know it was officially meant to be, but no one has ever confirmed it because that’s how romance is played in this show (McGee and Abby were really dating in season 1 and we never saw a date or a kiss. nothing.). but anyone from the directive/writing/producing team could go on twitter, and say “Gibbs was in love with Kate.” “Kate was in love with Gibbs.” “They were dating/They dated.” and it would make us so. fucking. happy. 
but they don’t, because a lot of them were brought in after season 2 (which means a lot of the original members were “fired”, story for another day number 3) and didn’t live through those first 2 years, and also because the Kibbs fandom is small and we don’t make as much noise as other fandoms. (but we’re just as passionate, and we may forgive, but we never forget.)
I’m kinda sorry this got so long, anon, but I kinda don’t. I hope this was useful to you and it made you part of the Kibbs fandom, or at least made you wanna watch Kate’s seasons. or even if you don’t like Kibbs, I think the first season is NCIS’ best season, so give it a try!
tl;dr: Kibbs was officially the OG ship of the show. a lot of behind the scenes drama happened (you can ask me about it). the kibbs fandom is cute af and we’ll be waiting for the Kibbs confirmation until the day we die.
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medievalraven · 5 years
It’s been two hours since the trailer dropped - I have done very little work, gone through the five stages of grief, and watched the trailer about ten times.  Is it perfect?  No.  Did anyone want to see Beth and Dean kiss?  Double no.  Do I think that Beth and Dean are actually going to be happily back together?  No.
(I want to preface all of this by saying that we have to remember that the point of these trailers is to be misleading, it’s not to 100% accurately show what is actually going to happen.  Look at the season two trailer - all scenes that happened but tonally very different to the show’s real narrative.  
AND it’s also important to say that these trailers really only show what happens in the beginning of the season (season one’s trailer was essentially scenes from the first three episodes and season two’s trailer was scenes up to 2x06) - so we have to remember that this is where the season starts, where it ends is going to be in such a wildly different place than anything they showed.)
Now I could be (and probably will be) completely wrong about this, but I think that following the shooting in 2x13 we’re going to see a bit of a backslide in Beth’s character.  So much time on the show has been dedicated to talking about how these characters are the good ones (hell the show’s called good girls!) - and based on episode one’s synopsis it’s safe to say that Beth is going to struggle with coming to terms with how she “killed someone” when she’s a good person, she’s a mother, a wife, etc.  As Beth said in 2x02 when Rio wanted her to kill Boomer, “she’s not a psycho.”
As frustrating as it might be, I think that we could see Beth get back together with Dean as part of this effort to prove that she’s a good person - that she’ll take back Dean after everything he did, that she can forgive him and go back to playing this role of the perfect mother and wife.  And look at how awkward the kiss is itself - compare it to the Brio kiss and there’s not that same sense of longing/intimacy because the feelings aren’t there in this marriage.  Dean’s almost a warm body a la 2x05 and 2x06.  (And I do lowkey think the kiss is probably in 3x01 or 3x02).
It’s massive scale disassociation from the shooting, but it’s very in character for Beth.  We’ve already seen this happen in 2x01 after Dean got shot and the Beth/Dean dynamic shifted with Beth’s guilt.  
Do I think this is going to last?  It’s going to last longer than we all want, BUT I do see the end result of this storyline being Beth and Dean finally ending it.  Maybe Gayle plays into it, maybe Rio coming back changes everything, but I don’t see this lasting past 3x08 especially when Beth finds out Rio isn’t dead.  
And all I’m saying is it was a very conscious choice for them to include that kiss in the trailer.
Tl;dr - Yes this kiss is horrible, yes Dean is horrible, but this might be the real kiss of death to our least favorite ship Death.
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sir-adamus · 5 years
It’s still Summer
okay so we don’t have like, a very clear timeline on how much time has passed in-show; though we do get a lot of details that we can make a rough estimate
unfortunately sometimes a lot of the wrong assumptions are made - like thinking it’s been a year since the Fall of Beacon, that Ruby would be 17 now, or that it’s now Winter-time
i’m gonna just lay out what the show gives us for where the show currently is in it’s timeline, but to tl;dr it if you don’t want this whole infodump, it’s been about a year and some change since the beginning of volume 2, and Fall hasn’t set in yet
alright so i should probably start off by providing evidence of the time of year
now a lot of people  have assumed it’s been a year since the Fall of Beacon, presumably because the latter took place in the Fall and volume 5 ended on the night before the Fall Semester would have started (i’ll get into why that’s not a solid connection in a little bit) but i can counter that with two screenshots, both involving Patch
here’s Patch during volume 3, in Fall, 3x01:
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the leaves have turned/are turning, the grass is brown, it’s very clearly Autumnal
here’s Patch at the end of volume 5, 5x14:
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leaves are green, grass is fresh and green - warm tones, it’s Summer
and the reason for this is that volume 5 ends the day before the Fall Semester would’ve started
and we know from volume 1 that a semester lasts a few months, as the entirety of the first volume after episode 1 takes place within that first semester (with Ruby’s fight with Torchwick happening not long before), from 1x15:
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and we know from volume 2 that the Vytal Tournament takes place during the second semester, and so Fall must start during that Semester (as Ruby comments to Winter that it is Fall during volume 3), as Ruby says in 2x01:
“Look guys, it's been a good two weeks and between more exchange students arriving and the tournament at the end of the year, our second semester is going to be great! But, classes start back up tomorrow!”
‘the end of the year’ is a bit of an ambiguous comment, though this excerpt from After the Fall implies a third semester that presumably happens after a Winter/New Year’s break
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and we also know from a few details that the school semesters happen at roughly the same time
within the show itself, Cinder’s absence after 1x01, only showing up with Mercury and Emerald in tow in 1x16, can be inferred to be because they (along with Neo) were posing as students at Haven to get entrance to the tournament (and presumably this is when Lionheart defected to Salem’s orders), and other exchange students (like Sun) began arriving around the same time, meaning a semester had been going on
another instance comes from After the Fall, where during her own initiation, Velvet wonders if her buddy Vega Bleu from Pharos Academy would be going through initiation at the same time
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suggesting the years start at roughly the same time
so this establishes that volume 5 ends roughly a year after volume 2 starts, a year after the Best Day Ever
so that establishes where we were at the end of volume 5, summertime, a year after volume 2 started
volume 6 picks up two weeks after that and ends within a week (6x01 to partway through 6x06 all happen on the same day, the rest of 6x06 and 6x07 happen the day after that, 6x08 - 6x09 the third day, and 6x10 - 6x13 presumably a day or two after), which i want to say would put it between a year after the investigation into the White Fang’s activities in Vale (2x03 - 2x04) and the Vytal dance (2x05 - 2x07)
also just for point of reference, this doesn’t really add much to anything except establishing the time of year, Grimm Eclipse happens between volumes 2 and 3 and the areas outside Forever Fall clearly show it’s still Summer
this also means that Ruby’s still 16 - we know from volume 3 when Ciel gives her profile on Ruby in 3x05 that Ruby was still 15 at the time, meaning the tournament was happening before October 31st, which is officially her birthday following this bit of Word of God from Miles after the Chibi episode about it:
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and because it hasn’t been a year since the tournament, Ruby’s still 16 (and no, we don’t have official word on her being 17 and the timeline of the show - the primary canon, of which everything else, secondary canon and Word of God, is supplemental - doesn’t match up to it)
so then there’s the next point of confusion i see people, that it’s now Winter, and as we’ve established, it’s not, and the show isn’t confusing it’s own timeline and suggesting it is
we see more snow in volume 6 because RWBY and the others are in the more northerly part of the Anima continent
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which the map shows to be fairly snowy
the show reinforces this as when we cut to Cinder during the volume (and remember that her timeline is established to be taking first a month after the battle of Haven - not the two weeks after which is RWBY’s time frame - and then an additional week while waiting for the info from Little Miss Malachite), it’s clearly not Winter, most notably when we see her and Neo in 6x13:
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it’s dark but y’know, lush greenery - very clearly not Winter
so there we have it, it’s still Summer, we’re coming up on the anniversary of the Fall of Beacon and Ruby’s birthday within the next few in-universe months of the show
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ilosttrackofthings · 5 years
I’m sure we’ve all seen the many many many fs gifsets paralleling Jemma’s actions in the premiere with other similar moves they’ve made throughout the seasons. (Seriously. Did anything else happen in this episode? Because I thought this show was called agents of SHIELD not F!tzsimmons Forever.) But I’ve finally seen one that chronicles just about every parallel possible and I cannot let it go by - but I’m also not enough of a bitch to reply to a gifset some poor shipper spent hours working on and really believes is #goals so I’m making my own post to explain why this ship is garbage scene by scene.
1x06 - Fitz puts his life at risk twice to save Jemma. The first time is fine. Breaking the quarantine is a typical self-sacrifice move, very noble, but also very needless. There’s no reason he couldn’t have worked from outside and there’s every chance putting himself at risk like that would only break her concentration. So I guess I’m taking back my ‘fine’ assessment. It’s my list, I do what I want. In the second instance he attempts to jump out of the plane to save her, which likely would have ended in them both dead as it is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. People DIE from midair impacts because the speeds you’re travelling at are so great even a little tap can be fatal and it’s a miracle Ward pulled it off. So while Fitz’s heart was in the right place these were both very Bad Decisions and he’s damn lucky it worked out the way it did. (This will be a recurring theme.)
1x22 - They both try, briefly, to sacrifice for the other, but Fitz makes the hero move and I honestly have nothing against this. Good on you, kid.
3x01 - Fitz running all around the world, putting his life at risk to get intel that might (and does not) help him to save Jemma. Presumably either because the literal spy agency he works for deemed these kinds of things too dangerous/fruitless (which is unlikely given that it’s Coulson in charge) or because they were just too slow/asking that Fitz not be at the front lines of these things, maybe not get himself killed here. Not cool. Ridiculously stupid and risky to SHIELD as a whole because if he’d been kidnapped it would’ve been a whole mess. 
3x01 again - exposing himself to the monolith, the first. This is downright suicidal given everything he knows about the monolith at this point is the word “death” and while I get the depths of his despair here, it really should not be held up as if it’s a good aspect of their relationship, that he loves her so much he’d willingly walk into death without her.
3x02 - exposing himself to the monolith, the second. They know exactly   N O T H I N G about the planet at this point. For all Fitz knows it rains acid twenty hours a day, there’s no sunlight and he’ll freeze solid before he can scream Jemma’s name once, there’s an alien god on the other side waiting to eat anyone unlucky enough to come through. And even if that’s not the case, Jemma could be NOT RIGHT THERE, kind of a huge possibility since she hasn’t jumped back through any of the times the portal’s opened since she disappeared through it. And the worst part is that they had a PLAN. He put himself at risk, hell, he put Jemma at risk because if she hadn’t reached him they wouldn’t have been able to try again, and he put Daisy at risk. All because he couldn’t wait and do things reasonably or logically in the way that stood the best chance of saving her life. This was an incredibly selfish move and it is infuriating that Jemma, who likely doesn’t know the whole story, later refers to it as romantic.
5x05 - Fitz freezes himself to go to a future he knows nothing about without making any effort to stop the tragedy he knows is coming and which will make life for him and the whole team that much harder in the future. He does this after approximately two seconds of thought and consideration to how stupid it is and for some reason chooses to leave himself exposed and vulnerable by sleeping for the next few decades (that’s worked out great for him in s6) rather than following the team via monolith. It is a shit pla. (Yes. I am purposefully withholding the N. It doesn’t deserve to be referred to as a full plan because it isn’t one.) Also I’m gonna be extra petty and just point out that his badass cover is 100% Enoch’s doing and all he does is cause more trouble for everyone once he shows up. Not surprising given he has thought nothing about this through.
6x01 - I didn’t even watch this episode and honestly I don’t think I can stand to. Just seeing gifsets in which Jemma apologizes - she KNOWS what she’s doing is wrong - and then potentially strands her friends in deep space is sickening. (Hm. Let’s all think. Which character should be most wary of being stranded in the depths of space with no way home? Hmmmmm.) This is easily more selfish than anything either of them have done before (though that time in late s5 when they agreed to help build a machine they believed would directly contribute to the destruction of the planet just to save each other’s lives is pretty damn close) and I would hope the show might address it as such, but given how it’s framed all of the previous instances of fs’ selfishness as the height of romance, I’m not holding my breath.
tl;dr fs’ love may conquer all but that will include the decimation of everything and everyone around them and they won’t even give a fuck oh wait that’s practically canon in s5
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thetaoofbetty · 6 years
hello! Smutty nonsense is the best nonsense, especially when you write it! So phenomenal!! In relation to missing moments, is there a particular moment in canon that you'd love to rewrite?
Hello you little sunflower! 
Uhhhhhh, hmmmmm, missing moments, uh, let me think for a second. I think the issue is that when I think about missing moments, it’s already being done and totally different to how I would do it? And then I’d just be like, hey, hi, how you? You want my VERY DIFFERENT idea of what I think is happening? 
So then I don’t.  
Like, we all love a pining Jug, right? But to me, it’s not this weird I can’t compare to Archie self loathing thing, it’s self-preservation. Because the second Archie wasn’t putting the stars in Betty’s eyes, he climbed through her window and kissed her. So, you know, I’m often off dancing around to the beat of my own drum while people are most likely side eyeing the hell out of me. 
Which is why if I did any they’d most likely be smutty tbh, because who can argue with smut, am I right? 
Like, 2x12 (which I doubt I can add anything of value there, so many authors did it so well) or 3x01 or 3x12, etc. 2x22? 2x14? Bug-bunker? Other moments? If someone really wanted me to do something and I could work it in, I’m not adverse to it but also pretty sure no one cares what I do, hah. So, there’s that. 
Anyway, I answered nothing, wow. Good job, me. 
TL;DR: I always think I think very differently of how things would happen so then I just don’t. Except for sex. Because that’s pretty much always the same idea, banging their brains out. 
I’m useless, sure, but also thanks for the ask, lovely! Besos! 
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backtothestart02 · 6 years
I swear one of these days I’m going to write like... a canon divergent/alternate ending to 3x02 where Barry fixes the TL so things are EXACTLY the same - since things did go down a little differently at the end of 3x01 when RF re-killed Nora Allen. Then when he comes to things will be the way they were always meant to be, and I will die a happy death. <3
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squidproquoclarice · 6 years
Omg you're joking about needing another 10 to 15 chapters to get to a kiss in MAWAMS right? I know you're writing everyone's pov and there isn't really a lot of garcy after that chapter they talked but that will change right? maybe? sometime? hopefully?
How did it end up like this it was only a kiss it was only a kiss  I’m basically operating under the premise of “underpromise and overdeliver” here.  I’d rather say too many chapters in the future, and maybe hit the mark a bit early, than keep people waiting and disappointed if I said it would happen very, very soon.Part of the problem is that an episode-equivalent of Timeless takes probably 3-4 chapters.  So you could say I’ve run two episodes already in season 3, averaging 25,000 words each: 3x01 is chapters 1-4 with the implied Zenger mission and dealing with the Flynn timeline shift, and 3x02 is 5-8 concerning Wyatt’s outsider status and the Warne+Lincoln mission.  And unfortunately, those cover only about 3 weeks of in-story time from the middle of June to early July, and that’s not much time for Garcy to have developed that much beyond their talk in the Gettysburg park.  I’ll hopefully get to a place soon in the story where I can start to more easily jump ahead a couple of weeks.Sorry for the long explanation, but the tl;dr: the kiss might take a while still, but yup, there will be more Garcy content on the way soonish. 
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you know floriana ASKED to leave right?
honestly, that’s not what i’m aggrieved about. i fully respect her (and ANY actor’s) decision to step away from a show - to walk away from a paying, steady job takes guts. and technically, she didn’t ask to leave - she had a one year contract and agreed to stay on for more episodes. there’s a difference.
My grievances are with the execs who knew full well that Flo was on a one year deal and continued to build up Sanvers the way they did, claiming they were committed to them when, really, they only intended on making this a one year thing. And now, since Flo is leaving, they’ve decided to completely wreck something that’s made so many people accept and feel good about themselves, whilst also continually baiting this pretty vulnerable and discriminated against section of fans by heavily featuring Sanvers in S3 promotional material (including a kiss from a scene that they CUT from 3x01). That’s disgusting and way, way out of line.
Not to mention that they keep throwing Flo under the bus at any given opportunity, never once admitting that she was only contracted for one season. Flo has been nothing but amazing to fans/the community and doesn’t deserve to be blamed for anything. Who knows if she even wanted to leave? We’ve only got what the execs have told us and they spin things the way they see fit (like Berlanti’s claim that we won’t even notice Flo’s change in status this season…even though she’s leaving after 3x05).
TL;DR - there’s much more to this story than what we’ve been told. 
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thatsjustsupergirl · 7 years
HOLY SHIT, WHAT AN EPISODE. Also, I am sad. Kara was beaten really freaking bloodily! D: (I'm also a little glad she ended up looking so bloody. Not because I want to see Kara getting beat up, but because TV shows have a tendency to never want their female characters to look less than pretty, even if they're in a fight. So, it was nice that Kara was allowed to get so bloody. I dunno, maybe that's a weird thing to notice/like. *shrug*)
Anonymous asked:
I though I was prepared for Kara getting her ass beaten but I’m honestly feeling so worried about her now!! What are your thoughts on the episode?
Okay, GOOD POINT about the beaten-up aesthetic. This looked legitimately realistic as opposed to “pretty blood trickles” (me @ that gash along Kara’s hairline: y i k e s), and that fight sequence was awesome in its aggressiveness. There were also a lot of great visuals in the last section of the episode, between the party-crashing, the burning car door, the lighting on Kara after she fell, and the overhead camera shots of her being taken back to the DEO. So props to the director and the crew for that.
Since I’ve seen a few people questioning how she got beat up like that without any kryptonite -- we actually saw this a few times early in S1, with various opponents, and again a few times in S2 (specifically during alien fight club). Is it a little weird in hindsight that she came out of her fight against Clark in 2x22 without a visible scratch? Yes, but you will also remember that her last conscious act in that fight was to whisk them off to the Fortress so their internal injuries could heal, and then she blacked out much like she does in 3x09. So it’s definitely canon that Kryptonians can do a lot of damage to each other.
Overall I thought this was a pretty solid “cliffhanger,” and it wrapped up most of the character beats that were set up in 3x01. The story logic for this episode, however, was a giant mess. Reign was out burning stuff around the city all day, but no one saw her, but Sam also definitely remembers being at work at the same time? Sam was on a conference call to Germany on Christmas Eve???? Like, I have worked in Germany before and let me fucking tell you, no one is in their damn office on December 24th. Also, how exactly did Kara explain the J’onzz family to Lena and Sam? Why was Eliza not there if this was a semi-formal holiday dinner and the whole rest of the fam was present? How exactly did Alex cover for Kara randomly wandering out of her own party with an “FBI agent” before dinner was even served? What the hell time of night was it when Reign showed up to have that fight? Because clearly Ruby was at home and asleep overnight or else she would’ve been crying her eyes out about Supergirl possibly dying instead of running around looking for Christmas presents.
tl;dr great concept and solid character work, but someone failed kindergarten-level mastery of “this is how a day progresses.”
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