#tmnt chain reaction
deadlyflan · 10 months
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I'm always reluctant to post about personal projects publicly before they are complete, because I worry about public failure/disappointing people/jinxing myself/irrational etc. etc. etc.
I wrote a whole 50k+ nanowrimo of this fic. And I have journals and journals of handwritten notes and drafts dating back to 2017. And I've been daydreaming about the story for literal decades. So maybe, just maybe, I should relax and talk about it.
So, post-nano news!
I'm continuing to write on the fic! I set a daily word count goal and an end of 2023 target. I'm using a tracking widget and will continue to do so until i have the whole thing out of my head and in print. I would love to post the completed fic in weekly chapter updates by the end of 2024.
I want to post about it from time to time. The tag for following or filtering is #tmnt chain reaction.
Wish me luck!
The general summary::
Continuing 5 years after the events of TMNT II (1991 movie), the Turtles discover that there are more mutants being held captive in TGRI. This launches a desperate scramble to rescue them without being caught between two factions of scientists.
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imagionationstation · 9 months
It’s amazing how many walls I’ve hit-
I’ve been trying to imagine a 2012 alternate universe where Donatello was not a part of the Hamato’s lives and ya’ll would be amazed at how impossible it feels to create ANY content in a realistic world where they don’t have a Donatello to provide for them.
Algea garden? Doesn’t seem like it.
TV? Lights? Any working mechanisms? Likely not.
Running electricity or water? VERY likely not.
Classic smoke bombs? Nope.
Vehicles of any sort? Nope.
T-phones or cheesephone? Definitely not.
Access to city cameras or blueprints? Heck nah.
Ability to triangulate positions of their enemies?
Homestly, if Leo could do it, he would be.
Any Kraang/Foot equipment or data at all? Forget about it!
Gliders? Nope. Rocket? Don’t make me laugh. Go-Carts? Nope.
Music player? Nope. Techno-goggles? As if. Laptop? NOPE!
Decoded Secret Messages? You’re kidding, right?
Mutagen tracker? Never gonna happen!
Hot-air balloon disguised as a water tower?! NEVER. HAPPENING!
Any sort of medicanes or cures? In. Their. DREAMS.
Those little things they slip on their hands to scale walls??? Nada!
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iheartleopards · 5 months
teenage smiling ninja critters
Dogday as Leonardo
Bubba bubbaphant as Donatello
Catnap as Raphael
Kickin chicken as Michelanglo
Teenage smiling ninja critters
Critters count it off
One two three four
Critters smiling chain reaction
Critters livin underground
Critters never let us down
Critters ninjitsu action!
Critters! It's a smile of town!
Critters count it off
One live by the code of the martial arts
Two never fight them less someone else starts
Three always stick together no matter what
Four if all else fails then it's time to kick butt
I love being (I love being)
I love being a critter
Teenage smiling ninja critters
Critters count it off
One dogday is always in control
Two the wise guy is kickin chicken
Three bubba bubbaphant he the brains of the bunch
Four count on catnap to throw the first punch
I love being (I being)
I love being a critter
Teenage smiling ninja critters
Critters count it off
One two three four
Critters there's no one better
Critters watch out for huggy wuggy
Critters they like no others
Critters they are a team
One two three four
One two three four
Teenage smiling ninja critters
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freakova · 2 years
Me, watching tmnt 2003: huh I wonder why they changed the lyrics of the intro midway season 4. It goes from “mutant chain reaction, living underground” to “mutant chain reaction, never let us down”
Me, remembering that the turtles lose their underground home to an attack and Leo returns to his family:
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ohemgeeejay · 1 year
2k3 Shredder and why he fucking terrifies me 💀
I’m having some intense ass 2k3 tmnt brain rot rn, and I need to talk about this Shredder. This bitch is horrifying. Note that I am only about half way through s3, and this is my first time ever watching the show in full, so there is a lot I haven’t seen yet. All of my knowledge and opinions are based off of the first 3 seasons.
Onto the why!
First of all, this mf has been an intergalactic war criminal for hundreds of years. Based on all the shit we see going on across this universe, you gotta have done something pretty damn horrific to become a war criminal. Like this lil’ freak can easily be considered a terrorist. Even if we disregard that, he’s still the leader of a gang that borders on being a cult.
He has killed so many people? Using people as a broader term for any intelligent, sentient life forms- so humans, Utrom, etc. We don’t have a kill count or anything, but he’s probably directly killed over 100, and indirectly killed thousands more. Thousands may seem like an unrealistically high estimate, but when you really think about it, it’s not. Saying he’s indirectly responsible for 1000 deaths is a generous underestimation. Think about it, all the people his Foot Clan goons have killed, all the gang wars and violence he has incited, all the buildings he had destroyed, livelihoods of innocent people he completely demolished, and everyone who died for him. Not to mention how any and every person who died in the Triceraton/Federation invasion of earth only died because of a millennia long chain reaction resulting from this evil little flesh sack stranding the Utrom on Earth.
Even without all the actual deaths he caused, the things he is shown to be willing to do to others are nightmare fuel. He has no morals whatsoever, no compassion for any living thing other than himself; there is no line he is not willing to cross. He brutally killed Hamato Yoshi, he was willing to leave the turtles & co. locked in a fridge, in a burning building, with a gas leak, and a bomb ready to go off. He inflicts life altering injuries on his “employees” to punish them for not accomplishing his impossible goals. He regularly threatens death on those he views as lesser, and is perfectly content to go through with it.
A perfect example of his sadism is Baxter Stockman. Stockman was just your average corrupt, greedy tech CEO. Shreddy-boy saw the chance to exploit that, recruiting Stockman to be his robotics guy. Every time Stockman failed to do what Shredder demanded of him, he lost a part of his body. He was dismembered and tortured and taken apart like a fucking LEGO set. I mean, he got so mutilated he was literally nothing but a brain, a spinal chord, and an eyeball in a tank. Shredder destroyed every part of Stockman that wasn’t useful to him, which was everything but a genius brain. With all of his body gone, Stockman didn’t have the choice to leave the Foot, he physically couldn’t leave the Foot because he would die. If he ever dared to stop serving the Shredder, he would inevitably die, whether the Shredder ordered it or not.
Which segues into my next point, his manipulation. The way this ugly ass quishy tissue blob manipulates everyone around him is sickening. The way he treats Karai, someone who sees him as her father, is nothing other than abusive. He lies so easily. He almost convinced Leonardo to join him by pretending to be some benevolent ninjutsu master. He views every life other than his own as expendable, and he sees himself as a being above death, a god above God.
Which brings me to my final point. THIS MF JUST WILL NOT DIE. Every single time the turtles seem to have defeated him, every time it seems like he’s finally dead, THIS BITCH JUST COMES BACK. The mental anguish and paranoia that would cause anybody once it happens over and over again is enough to land you in a psych ward for eternity. And it seems like every time he returns he returns more powerful, more evil, and less human than ever before.
So yeah. 2k3 Shredder fucking petrifies me and I am not at all ashamed to admit that. It’s a pretty reasonable fear imo.
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skrunklowumbo64 · 6 months
DISCLAIMER: Don't engage with a toxic user that's being called out, just block, report, ignore, & move one.
Remember when I made a public apology for making a callout tweet about a certain Tumblr group of IDW Sonic critics (a certain fox was one of them) on Twitter like roughly 2 years ago?
Yeah, I was in good terms afterwards, but a year later, when I randomly saw the edgy sadist fox man wishing death on a comic book writer showing up in my personal Twitter timeline, I took my apology back from him (plus some of his associates overtime) & gave my two cents about it.
The reason why he wished death on a comic book writer was because the satanically evil boogiestans were harassing & doxing his friend who had cancer. You know the old saying, 2 wrongs don't make it right. This isn't the only toxicity thing he has done & I got several evidence to show below.
CW/TW: Excessive Slurs, Bigotry, SH, & SA
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Plus archived links to his Twitter & Tumblr accounts.
There are way more than what are shown in the images & I can't expect to find them all. Several or so of them are from a few years or nearly a decade ago, but it does prove that he's always been an heartless irredeemable sadist, even before IDW Sonic existed & before you pull that "years ago" defense card, his behavior hasn't changed for the better, like these for example (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11).
What do I think about him?
He's overly smugged, to a point of being arrogant.
He gets overly insecure whenever, for example, any Sonic game gets any criticism &/or negative opinions from people who're either fans of Sonic or not.
Most of his "critiques" are in bad faith.
He has extreme accusatory behavior (I.E. He accuses people of hating Sonic & not playing the games for daring to like anything non-game Sonic related, getting things about Sonic wrong, & making AU fan fics that differs from the games).
He has a habit of blocking anyone over the most pettiest things (I.E. Anyone using the term, Mobius, being told to calm down, people liking transgender Bridget, people liking SnapCube & Team 4 Star (he also wants them banned over it), etc.).
He constantly relies on ad-hominem attacks & vulgar insults whenever he talks to anyone he doesn't agree with, either directly or behind their backs by screenshotting their posts then posting them in his clique chamber to complain about it or both.
He's got this obnoxious Anti-WokeTuber vibes going on despite claiming to be against bigotry.
He gets easily butthurt over people enjoying any non-gaming media or anything in general of not just Sonic, but also Kirby, Castlevania, Dragon Ball, TMNT, & more as well.
He's a massive hypocrite, like for example, he hates anyone making & enjoying non-canon Sonic material while he's faving/making rule 34 fan art & fan fics involving sonic characters voring each other or any other fetishy things (which are also non-canon material).
If you're wondering if I'm aware about his certain questionable fan fics & favs, I knew already cuz I was the one that caused a chain-reaction on Twitter in the first place by randomly DMing some one rando about it & I honestly wish they shouldn't bring it up whenever they argue with said fox. If you want me to talk about what I think of this Dwai guy nowadays, maybe, but not right now.
How do you think I found out? I just googled the username, checkout their account on some furry site, & went to their profile from some controversial bunny site that's publicly shown on their profile bio out of morbid curiosity. Before you ask, I don't have an account on that controversial bunny site & never will.
My reaction to said content on there was disgust & uncomfortable. I hardly engage with those UCP addict types cuz they're not the most pleasant people to talk to & they're always predictable.
Did you know that he was banned on Twitter seven times, plus all tweets made before 2023 aren't searchable & apparently his first 6 bans had something to do with involvement with you know what? If you're morbidly curious about it, examples here. Remember, don't waste your time trying to argue about it.
The more I see toxicity from him, the more I having trust issues increased & regret making an apology to him, to a point where I think he's too FUBAR to deal with.
If he sees this, he's gonna be like, "TWEEGARD ZNOHVWEHK!", "MUH VWEE ZPEECH/VWEE KONTWEE!", "DOT TEEL MEE WAT 2 DOO!", "PEEOHWEETON!", "KOHTIZT!" "VWEEN/EYEDEEDUBBAHEW STAEN!", "CHUHZT SEH YOO HEHT SAWNIK GEHMZ & GOH!", "YOO HEHT MEE CUZ I KWEETESEYEZD VWEEN!", "CHUHZT PLEH DA GEHMZ!", "SWAENDOHAHR!", "STAHKR & HOHWAZZAHR!" the no you card, strawmanning, "At least I don't (Insert whatever bad thing the stans did)!", ad-hominem attacks, the "Stans are being mean to me!" sob stories, the whataboutisms, screenshotting then whine &/or being smugged about me in his clique-ish echo chamber, & more, guaranteed.
If you're saying I made this because of that one argument or whatever, I always had issues with him before it, not because of different opinions, but because he's the most insufferable individual to talk to due to his arrogant, nihilistic, cuss-happy, & creepy nature regardless if it's about Sonic or not.
For those who're about to ask me to make more callout posts about the people associated with him, I'm not interested & please don't beg me into making them.
If you also have issues with him, share your thoughts here, it also doesn't just have to be about IDW Sonic or Sonic general.
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raphaelesbian · 2 months
Not sure if you’re still up for answering ask game questions but if you areeee 23, 27, and 36? 👀
Oh hell yeah, absolutely!!!
23.) What is one of your favorite TMNT fics?
Oh man, this is always such a difficult question fhsakldghsdkl this fandom is SO talented and there's so many amazing ones out there!! I try to always recommend a different fav lmao, since I do have so many that I will repeatedly reread, so:
Chain Reaction by roktavor, where Raph is captured and strung up by some hunters to lure his brothers in. It's only 7k, so a quick read, and it's just so good! Very in-character, lots of very funny moments, as well as being some nice Raph angst and brotherly love.
Softshell in Human Clothing by HoonHarpoon is a fantastic ongoing 2012/Rise fic, where Rise Donnie post-movie is thrown into the early-S1 2012 universe, which I just thought was such a fun dynamic! Plus the characterization on 2012 in particular is just. Chef's kiss. Spot-on. And whatever is going on with Donnie and [REDACTED] is super interesting and I can't wait to see where it goes!
27.) What is something you love to see in TMNT art/fics?
I love a good animalistic turtle! Not TOO far beyond canon, but hissing in surprise/fear/pain, shedding, eating worms fhksdahglk (ty melon for the newest chapter of Freaky Friday, which btw is ALSO a really good fic that could go under the previous question).
Also, 2012 turtles being more Japanese. I've made a few posts about it lol, but I am strongly of belief that all four are fluent and the English in the show is partially non-diagetic. I headcanon that Japanese was their first language, though they also started learning English super young. So basically any time they speak Japanese in a fic, or it's mentioned at all, I am just very 🥰🥰🥰🥰
36.) Which character do you have the hardest time writing/drawing?
Oof, excellent question 😭 Out of the main characters... probably Shredder? I feel like I could write 10k words of analysis on the man no problem, but actually trying to write his dialogue is tough. He can be so CARTOONISHLY evil at times—even when I can comprehend (imo) his thought processes and intentions, actually translating that into writing is very difficult.
Drawing-wise, Splinter fsdaghldksg. If I don't have a pretty direct reference for what his face would look like from a specific angle, I pretty much give up XD
ty so much for the ask!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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turtshell · 11 months
6, 14, 16, 18 :)
6. How many of the Renaissance artists are you familiar with?
all of them! my best friend has a degree in art history so she's also given me a lot more facts about them but i am aware of them
14. Which character would you want to be friends with?
i think me and 2012 leo would get along really well - we're both sci-fi nerds, she's an eldest sibling and i'm a youngest sibling which i've found is a very fun in a friendship, leo's stubborn as a bull but i can argue a point until my face is blue, and fuck yeah tea and meditation and roughhousing i'm all about it, we're both trans, etc
gonna shove my tmnt persona in that sewers to personally befriend leonardo ninjaturtle
16. Favorite theme song?
2012 is a close second though
18. Did any of their voice actors really stand out to you?
sam riegel as donatello and scottie ray as the shredder (2003) and hoon lee as splinter (2012)
in my head they're just the quintessential voices for those characters, especially when i'm reading the comics those are just what they sound like in my head
and of course no one will ever top pat fraley as kraang (1987)
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kazimakuwabara · 1 year
Chains and TMNT Rise, for the brain rot.
I got a strange idea, so this is gonna have a bit more turtles than just the Rise. Just a bit. Also, nice try Nonnie, I haven't written for this fandom in ages.
Spoilers for The Rise Movie! And all tmnt verses.
Ripping a hole in the fabric of time wasn't easy. He had tried before. When Raph died, the first of their family lost to the Krang. Then when Cassandra fell. Then Pops. He gave up after Donatello. But not because he failed.
He'd gotten close with Donatello... really close.
His hands had reached through the veil, and grasped the fabric of the world, soft and springy in his hands. But when he pulled, the weave became chains, and the most he could do was rattle them. The ricochet of his hands tugging the chains had set off a reaction.
Like ripples of water, pathways spread out before him, not in a smooth line, but in a wobbling arc.
He reached for Donatello, and the arching waves showed him... many.
Donatello, stouter with a sharper beak. Walking in daylight, laughing without a care, a shined initial on his belt. He reached, but his voice wasn't strong enough. He wasn't corporeal enough. They didn't even glance at him.
Donatello alone in the rubble of a broken world. He leaned heavily against a staff, and wept over another version of... of himself. Another Michelangelo missing an arm, taller, older, and harder... dead at a young Donatello's feet.
Michelangelo cried out, and this Donatello turned, eyes peering at him from beneath white and purple fabric. He mouthed his name.
The chains rattled, and Michelangelo was somewhere else.
Dark, and underground. A subway station, maybe? It was old, but restored. Not for public use, but for living. Donatello, a different shade of green, with a sturdy hard shell, was standing next to a seated rat. This rat was older, very old; feeble, yet strong.
"No, my son, go back," This Splinter said, his voice a whisper, "Go back!"
"Is that... Mikey?" The Donatello asked. He reached out, and his Splinter stopped him with a boney hand.
Michelangelo turned away, rattling the chains again. He understood now. He was searching, not just tearing.
He rattled the chains again, and a crackle of white energy surged up through Michelanglo's fingers, cracking through the very being that made him up. A piece of himself fell away like a fleck of paper, and Michelangelo disregarded it.
Donatello... Donatello... Donatello!
He had to find his brother.
He shook the chains, and followed the curve.
A taller Donatello, with a gap in his teeth. He was working in a lab, and looked up at Michelanglo's appearance. The turtle blinked, his mouth falling open. He looked at him, and Michelangelo was about to turn away.
"Wait! Wait! Mikey! Mikey, is that you! Your hands? Look at your hands! Mikey! What are you doing to yourself?" The words were cutting through a fog. Far away, instead of nearby.
Michelangelo looked back at this Donatello, the turtle starting to walk towards him.
He reached... just... Just a little. He wondered if... what would happen if he touched this other version of his brother?
"Don?" a young voice said from an open door, and Michelangelo turned and saw himself. Round, short, and with spots on his cheeks like freckles.
Something about the youthful face unleashed something inside him, and he was angry.
How lucky to be innocent. How lucky to have your brothers. How lucky that other Michelangelo must have been... and did he even know it? Did he appreciate it?
He didn't mean to get angry, but he came to his senses with a hand around the new Michelanglo's throat.
He could touch. He could touch. Which meant... It meant he could pull. He could find a Donatello and bring him home. He could find his family-
"Get your hands off my brother!" Someone was screaming, his shout muffled. Like he was speaking with fabric covering his mouth.
They dove for him, and Michelangelo saw a furious face, and cracked breastplate. They passed right through him, as if he was a ghost.
A tear fell from his face and he thought, 'I am a ghost... a ghost.'
"Are you okay?" the turtle that was him, but not him, not he, whispered, and Michelangelo looked back at him. Back into himself.
The round freckled face looked worried, and amazingly calm considering Michelangelo had him pinned to a wall and was strangling him. What was he doing?! Why was he hurting himself?
"Foul beast, you will unhand my son!" A voice roared, low and threatening.
A tall, very tall black shape lunged at him, an energy around nimble sure fingers. This Splinter was sleek and vicious, and he did not hesitate to attack Michelangelo, driving him away.
"You will keep away from my son! I will not go easy on you, no matter what shape you take!" the rat roared in Michelangelo's face.
He closed his eyes and shook the chains, tearing and pulling. This wasn't what he wanted. He didn't want to hurt another version of himself. He didn't want to hurt another family, he just wanted his family! His family!
"ANGELO!" A voice he knew bellowed.
Michelangelo shook the chains, and spun into the arch. Another piece of himself flecked away from his hands.
He was in a white place.
With his back to him, standing alone in the empty white, was Donatello. His.
"D... D... DON!" He shouted, and he could hear his voice.
The turtle shifted, looking at him over his shoulder. The room filled up with screens. Doorways, to paths that Michelangelo had a feeling he could take if he just... tried.
"DONNIE!" He shouted again.
"Don't come here Michael, don't come here. No, not you. Not yet," Donatello whispered, eyes wet and haunted. "Don't you dare."
Like a stab in his heart, his brother's rebuttal hurt him. He tried to step toward him, but translucent chains kept him at bay. He looked down, and realized these were the chains that were keeping him back.
He could break them.
He could break them, and change the weave. Knowing filled him. If he did... he'd shatter completely. But what did it matter if shattered? He curled his hands around the chains, sucking in a sharp breath. He could have his family back! Starting with Donatello!
He looked up, and a screen sailed by his face, mocking him with its imagery. It was all of them together, scaling the Brooklyn bridge. Pizza boxes piled high on Raphael's head. He was being cheered on as he tried to scale the bridge.
Everyone was there, and Michelangelo wanted to be there.
To be in that happy moment again.
He gripped the chains, prepaired the shatter.
"Michelangelo, you listen to me, and you get away from those, right this instant!" Donatello said, his voice echoing out at the turtle like a slap. He couldn't see his brother anymore, but he could hear him, and not just him.
All of the Donatellos.
All were talking to him.
"Don't you dare, Mikey!"
In the mocking image of happiness, he saw something else... something that hadn't been there before.
Casey. Casey Jones, as he knew him, was cheering Raphael on. He looked strange next to the younger versions of his family. Strange in the sense he was dressed like always, in the scraps, they could find in their efforts of the rebellion. But he was smiling, in a mixture of dazed wonder, confusion, and unbridled joy.
This was new...
"Leon! You better grab our baby brother right this instant, or I'll never let you live it down!" His Donatello's voice shouted, snapping Michelangelo from his daze.
"ON IT!" The roar of Leonardo's voice was enough to shake Michelangelo's grip from the chains. He let go, staring with disbelief at what he'd done, and then looked back up.
The room was all white again, but Donatello was there, his eyes wet with unshed angry tears. He pointed a finger in Michelangelo's face, "Miguel, if you try this shit again, I'm going to have to do something reckless, and violent with my hands, WITHOUT tech, and you know how I feel about that!"
Arms wrapped around Michelangelo's chest and he exhaled, unaware that he hadn't been breathing.
Donatello smiled, straightening his spine. Several figures materialized behind him like ghosts. Donatello grinned, "Attaboy Leon. You straighten Miguel out!"
Michelangelo was pulled.
He came into himself, watching a small hole in the fabric of reality closed up. It was the size of a golf ball... but it had felt so big in his hands. There had been so much.
He gasped, taking in a breath, and then was spun, and violently shaken, Leonardo bearing down on him, his eyes glowing with a blue energy that Michelangelo hadn't seen in years. Leonardo took in a sharp breath, his breath catching as he choked on the inhale, "What were you doing? What were you doing!?"
Leonardo pulled Michelangelo into a hug, the smaller turtle's arms hanging uselessly at his sides. They were burning as if he'd dipped them in hot boiling water, pulsing as if electrified. He couldn't move them, not because he couldn't feel them, no... no he was feeling too much.
"What did you do?!" Leonardo rasped, cradling Michelangelo's head, "Your hair it's gray... your face! Mikey!"
"Did you see him? Don... Donnie was there," Michelangelo whispered.
"All I saw was you standing in front of a glowing hall, literally flaking into pieces!" Leonard snarled, crushing his brother to his chest, "What the hell were you doing?"
Donatello had been there.
But so had... had another path. Another option. Something to do with Casey.
"Leo... I gotta tell you something."
There had been chains.
Chains that were keeping him out. He'd break those chains, rip the threads, and change the weave of the world. They were going to be a family again.
He just had to shatter all of himself first.
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xirayn · 1 year
@maikaartwork tagged me
Who Would You be in a Horror Movie game
1. create your own look here
2. find out what role you are here
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the tragic hero
you are the good guy who just cannot catch a break. your life just fucking sucks, frankly. one day, you have friends, family, hobbies you enjoy, maybe even a dog. and then, something happens that sets off this never-ending chain reaction of bullshit and it all gets swept away from you in a heartbeat. all your friends are dead now and you might be alive but god at what cost.
No-pressure tags: @aibhlynn @atmilliways @starryeyedjanai @bijesperfahey @felicitywilds @lets-tmnt-topside and whoever else wants to have a go
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adentollo · 5 years
Then Rottmnt!Michael comes in and conforts them.
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And then the rest of the brothers join in and they all have a massive pizza party.
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deadlyflan · 2 years
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Friend @dandalionbold drew my OCs!
I'm over the moon with gratitude and delight. I've not posted the fanfic where I introduce them, but I've been working in drafts and sharing with dandalionbold. She surprised me with art based on my various Picrew mock-ups of my four turtle girls. I could not be happier!
picrew mock-ups on which she based her art:
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Dinah, Helen, Nina, & Julie: four survivors out of an original control group of 10 'sister' turtles in the basement of TGRI. They grew up as laboratory animals and know the world through educational videos and textbooks, weight-height checks and file folders full of charts.
These turtle girls wore smocks and scrub pants out in the lab, but were expected to turn the clothes back in and submit to contraband check before returning to their room. Faced with a floor to ceiling observation window, the girls' only privacy came from hiding under their blankets.
Once they escape the lab, all of them seek comfort in as much clothing and coverings as possible. In the fullness of time, some of them will relax and treat clothes as functional or fashion choices, but fresh from the lab, cloth is armor against being watched.
Note on colors and hijab
Since I have used various Picrews for my mock-ups, I didn't always get consistent colors or features for my turtle girls. I don't intend for these girls to be specifically color-coded. Nor do i mean to imply that they are traditional or religious hijabis. They do wear loads of layers, scarves, shawls, hoods-up hoodies, headscarves, and hats out of anxiety, but typically the only picrew options for full-body cover are headscarves and hijab. I mean no disrespect in using those options.
Individual bios
Dinah is sickly. In my story, she goes through some intense medical trauma to escape the lab. The effects of that will linger the rest of her life, but she's still very much a people-pleaser. In her mind, there are right answers to everything and she's determined to prove she can be a good girl and get it all correct. At first, too many open-ended questions or ambiguous answers push her to meltdowns. Over time, the TMNT family demonstrates that there are no punishments for 'wrong' answers and Dinah will be more able to handle uncertainty.
Helen is protective. The world is very much divided into "us" versus "them" for Helen. It's her and her sisters against the world. In the lab that was true, and her methods of lying, sneaking, and hoarding food for her sisters helped them all. Outside of the lab, she's going to have a hard time adjusting to a family that is on her side. Her new family frowns on lying, catches her sneaking, and doesn't want her stashing food in weird places. Unsure who the clear enemy is and unbalanced without an obvious threat, Helen will need lots of help feeling safe.
Nina is shy. She's witty and loves nature magazines, but you wouldn't know that to meet her. Only Nina's sisters get to hear her talk in a voice above a whisper. An illness caused her a slight lower leg deformity--nothing drastic, she can still walk--but she's very aware of her limp. She has nightmares about being too slow and about being culled from her group. Nina distrusts new people, but once the guys figure out she likes animal documentaries, they will have a quietly enthusiastic companion slip in and watch from beside the sofa.
Julie is mourning. The girls had 6 other sisters growing up with them. It was crowded and it was loud, but one of those girls was Julie's twin. Julie hasn't spoken out loud since sickness separated them all. At least she, Dinah, Helen, and Nina were reunited--even if Nina came back hurt. Now Julie clings to the sisters she has left. She cries a lot, but she keeps it quiet. She gets bad scores in testing, but nobody seems to expect more. Julie lives for 'lights out' when her sisters will crowd close under the blanket and she can pretend everyone came back.
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fabuloustrash05 · 2 years
your version of kitsune sounds really interesting! what do have so far for her character?
First off, thank you so much!! Glad to know people are intetested in my TMNT 2012 OCs!
For those who don’t know Kitsune is my TMNT 2012 OC, who is orginally from the TMNT comics, this is basically my interuptation of Kitsune in the 2012 series.
Kitsune is Shinigami’s mother and old friends/romantic partners (it’s complicated) with Splinter, frenemies with Tang Shen, and friends/”I secretly hate your guts” buddies with Shredder.
So far what I have of her is her whole backstory and her life/parenting Shinigami. I’ll try to keep it short, but basically Kitsune grew up along side Yoshi, Saki, and Shen and the four were really close, but due to Yoshi and Saki’s compitition to win Shen’s hand, Kitsune got sick of the love square bs and left (blaming Tang Shen for ruining her friendship with them all). Years later she has Shinigami and reunited with Shredder, who offers for her and her daughter to join The Foot Clan. Kitsune is a smart and a mischievous woman so she knows that Shredder just wants to use her as a pawn in his game, but she’s happy to play and make up her own rules as she goes. She also figures out from first meeting Karai that she is Yoshi’s daughter, but decides not to say anything for “It’ll be more fun for the child to figure it out on her own”.
Kitsune is a master of the dark arts, illusion, and other forms of magic. Everything Shinigami knows she learned from her mother. It’s a family tradition to know of these talents. Kitsune also has the ability to shapeshift into a fox for short periods of time, thought this trick takes up alot of her power and weakens her after she turn back into a human. Shini can do this trick too, but instead she turns into a black cat, but she can’t stay in her cat form for so long unlike her mother because she is still learning and her power isn’t that strong yet. Shini’s cat eye ball that’s attached to her chain weapon also orginally belonged to Kitsune and is a family heirloom. Even without her magic, Kitsune is a very skilled kunoichi and never afraid to play dirty in a fight.
Kitsune and Splinter’s dynamic is my personal favorite. Like I mention, her and Splinter have a complicated romantic history. In short, growing up Kitsune liked Splinter and I imagine they had a secret on and off again fling, but once Tang Shen entered the picture Splinter ignored Kitsune. Years later, Kitsune’s feelings for Splinter are gone, but that doesn’t stop her from playfully/teaslying flirting with him and getting awkward reactions out of him for her own entertainment. 
Kitsune: Yoshi~! It’s so good to see you again!
Splinter: Ki-Kitsune?! Well, uh, long time no se-
Kitsune, hugging Splinter: It’s been soooo long! You look different. Did you grow a beard? 
Splinter: ...I’m a mutant rat.
Kitsune: Hmm, I love a man with a little hair on his face~
Splinter: It’s fur!
Kitsune: Even better~  ;3
I definitely have more about Kitsune that I’d love to share someday, but I feel for now that this is a good gist and summary of her character to share right now. 
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iheartleopards · 4 days
octonauts as tmnt
captain barnacles as Leonardo
Peso as Donatello
Shellington as Raphael
Kwazii as michanglo
Teenage rescue ninja octonauts
Octonauts count it off
One two three four
Octonauts rescue chain reaction
Octonauts livin octopod
Octonauts Never let us down
Octonauts ninjitsu action
Octonauts its protect of town
Octonauts count it off
One live by the code of the martial arts
Two never fight them less someone else starts
Three always stick together no matter what
Four if all else fails then it's time to kick butt
I love being (I love being)
I love being a octonaut
Teenage rescue ninja octonauts
Octonauts count it off
One captain barnacles is aways in control
Two the wise guy is kwazii
Three peso he the brains of the bunch
Four count on shellington to throw the first punch
I love being (I love being)
I love being a octonaut
Octonauts count it off one two three four
Octonauts there's no one better
Octonauts watch out for thorns starfish
Octonauts they like no others
Octonauts they are a team one two three four
One two three four
Teenage rescue ninja octonauts
Tumblr media
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wemblingfool · 4 years
Transformers Bumblebee: Across the Multiverse
Follow up to Cyberverse Adventures.
Concept is Into the Spiderverse meets Crisis on Infinite Earths.
Centered on Bumblebee because that's the only thing Hasbro would do.
This explores both existing canon TF universes (it's not going to a universe like Marvel G1, it is Marvel G1), and new ones to explore "what if...? type stuff.
If they go to an existing show's world, then like TMNT 2012 and CW's CoIE, then they try to get the original voice actors where and when possible.
Picking up some time after the end of Cyberverse, from within the Allspark, Cheetor senses destruction on an unimaginable scale. Universe after universe is collapsing in a massive chain reaction. The next one to fall is this one. Utilizing the power of the Allspark, Cheetor acts as quickly as he can, sweeping away as many cybertronians as he can just before everything collapses.
Unfortunately, it isn't many.
When Bumblebee awakens, he's on a dark, dead ship. The only other survivors seem to be Shadow Striker, Clobber, Thunderhowl, Meteorfire, Wildwheel, and Hammerbyte.
None of them are a mechanic, so restoring the ship seems beyond them.
But together, they figure out this gigantic mysterious ship is adrift in a pocket outside of spacetime. And running off battery reserves, it has a very limited ability to send and retrieve mechs to and from parallel dimensions. At least while it's between dimentions.
But it only has enough power left to send and retrieve a few into another universe.
Bumblebee takes Clobber and Thunderhowl, as Shadow Striker chooses a universe with cybertronian signatures at random, with the hopes they'll find a Wheeljack willing to come back with them.
The universe they arrive in does have a Wheeljack. But not one they'd want to have anything to do with (it's Shattered Glass). They're rescued from the clutches of Optimus Prime who now wants their dimension hopping tech, by Cliffjumper and the Decepticons.
After another adventure, Starscream volunteers to return with them with Megatron's blessing (and some gifts of supplies).
Starscream isn't the engineer they hoped for, but his scientific mind is still needed.
With his help and the power cells Megatron gave them, they can at least get the transmat powered for a few more trips.
By the end of Season 1, they've aquired a few new crewmates, and are actually underway in restoring this ship, which they've since learned is called The Lost Light.
While the Lost Light is still far from functional when Season 2 starts, they're in a much better place, and can start taking a proactive role in trying to stop the end of the multiverse.
Season 2 ends with the complete collapse of another major well known universe (Sunbow maybe? Not out of my dislike, but because it both has emotional meaning, and is functionally dead anyway), and the Lost Light taking as many refugees as it can.
I have no clue what's causing the collapse, but I do know that I would have it be something completely new. Not Unicron, not the Dead Universe, not any other recycled concept that's been used before.
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j-penny · 4 years
Rise of the Tmnt: Fist of Furry Clothes don’t make the Turtle/ Battle nexus
Ok So these episodes we hype, insane and completely chaotic.
So in these episodes we have. The boys’s dynamnic is absolutely amazing! There are some adorable moment between them.
Sloppy Joseph: I think helps Draxum in the cafiteria. In his cool 90s get up so yay.
Frank: I like him and his dork squad (Konmodo Dragrons) as well. He is so strange and kinda creepy but also really nice.
Leo: Houdini huh, that explians where Leo get some of his tricks from and partically explains Leo’s mad skills. Also Leo with Houdini Journals “I don’t want to read them I just want to keep them and snuggle them a little bit.” This dork. Leo competes with Donnie for a little bit of glory, Also leo “For Donnie’s Honor.” Lol. In last part of Battle Nexus, we see Leo shielding Mikey while Raph shields Donnie. Later we see him using Mikey as a weapon againts Shredder.
Donnie:  His weakness is music. If the grove is funky he has to move lol. When the entire New york city disappears it might be Donnie’s fault. Also Donnie records everything. He now has mind control audio that he can use..
Mikey: The reason why he can lift heavey objects like a cargo tanker might actually be because of his mystic weapon ability in stead of his strength. I notice that the string on his Kusari Fundo becomes a chain when he uses it on heavier objects. That makes sense.
Raph: His hibernating attack move is cool. The turtles combination attack was cooler.
Splinter: Was amazing!
Foot Recuit: uses April’s bat for a brief second in the fight against Shadow Fiend (Shredder). Then later after she discovers it is Shreader her reaction is terrifying. I wonder what will happen next. Will she be the next Ultimate Villain?
Draxum: Chibi Draxum is amazing!
Villians: I like how it seemed that they will be redeem in the Battle Nexus episode, but then they decide to book it in the final show down. I like this for two reason. 1. They are villains who might stay as villians in this series. 2. They don’t want anything do with the weird chaos Big Mama has orchestrated.
Finally “Its the speaker! Kill it!” This line was hilarious to me. 
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