#to be fair shes like. 11. when the plot Happens To Her.
bluejaybytes · 4 months
June SplatOC has two different AUs where she gets to be angsty and drive the plot around herself but in her canon her biggest plot issues are "unmedicated anxiety" and "setups so cheesy they're too much for even the most obvious of romcoms"
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flowerandblood · 9 months
The Man in the Black Gloves
[ Amor • Aemond x Psyche • female ]
[ warnings: public sex, fingering, smut, angst, threats, sexual tension, domination, violence, mention of the murder ]
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[ description: After she is attacked in a fair by a strange man and narrowly avoids death, her father the king decides that from now on she will be watched over by one of his ‘ghosts’, a assassin acting on his orders, wearing a black mask. The man follows her like a shadow, accompanied by their past, which keeps her awake at night. Gothic horror love story, angst, sexual tension, very dark Aemond. ]
This story is several requests combined into one: sworn protector x female; Amor x Psyche; Phantom of the Opera! Aemond x female. I took the liberty of creating a completely new story from this, having only elements of each of these requests.
Series & Characters Moodboard Lady Walford Moodboard Gothic & Horror Sensual Moodboard
Part 1 - The Man with the Black Mask | Part 2 - The Man with the Empty Heart | Part 3 - The Man with the Lost Soul | Part 4 - The Man with the Cold Mouth | Part 5 - The Man with the Deep Scar | Part 6 - The Man with the One Eye | Part 7 - The Man with the Golden Gift | Part 8 - The Man in the Black Crown | Part 9 - The Man with the Bloody Sword | Part 11 - The Man in the Death Cloak | Part 12 - The Man with the Pearly Hair | Part 13 - The Man with the Fiery Gaze
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
Although the thought of marriage and motherhood had terrified her before her father's death, now, being married at last and hoping to become the mother of her husband-king's children, she understood that it was all just a matter of the person she was to spend her life with.
Her husband, though terrifying and cruel, understood his duty as a husband and as a lover and fulfilled them to the best of his ability. She did not expect sweet words or confessions from him, knowing that they were not in his nature, however, he showed his affection to her in a different way.
Through his actions.
When that insolent woman dared to suggest that she become her husband's mistress in the future, that she would bear his child, she felt disbelief and a sense of betrayal spill over her insides.
She clenched her lips, trying with all her might to hold back the tears of humiliation that appeared under her eyelids.
How dare she?
"Hold her." She heard her husband's cold voice and saw him stand from his throne with a sudden, impatient movement.
"− give me your sword −" He said to Ser Criston in an unobjectionable voice − his guards grabbed the woman under her arms and forced her to kneel before them. She noticed with satisfaction that there was no longer a trace of the certainty of a moment ago on her face.
Her husband was unpredictable, burning like a fire that could not be tamed.
Anyone who tried was doomed to burn.
She listened to her desperate explanations with her lips clenched, pale, begging in her mind that her husband would not change his mind, that he would not let her go after what she had said, allowing her to leave a scar in her heart forever.
The thought that one day they would meet again without her knowledge and her prediction would come true.
A great uproar spread around them, people shouting at each other, until suddenly a blade swished swiftly in front of her − the woman who had just stood before them was deprived of her head, which rolled down the stairs to the stone floor with a thud.
"Her every breath would be an insult to my Queen. Let this be a lesson to anyone who tries to plot against her. Guards, lock Lord Ronwell in the dungeons until she decides what to do with him." He said lowly, with some kind of regret towards himself for allowing such a situation to happen.
He looked at her with a calmness in his eye, a conviction that he had done the right thing, that whatever this woman had predicted would never come true.
Once again, he made her feel an overwhelming sense of relief, like when she saw her mother and learned that she was alive.
She thought, looking at him with parted lips, feeling sweet throbbing between her thighs, that she would give him everything, would drown with him in her blood, would not let him carry the burden of this sin alone.
He did it for her.
Never before had she come as hard as she had that evening, feeling the tart taste of blood in her mouth as he slammed into her with quick, brutal thrusts of his hips, stretching her weeping cunt with his fat, swollen cock, aroused as much as she was.
She couldn't even remember when she reached her peak, feeling that she almost screamed with pleasure along with him.
She sighed quietly as she felt his hot seed finally spill inside her, feeling only fulfilment, only peace.
"− good gods − are you all right? −" He asked uncertainly, horrified surely as she was at how brutal and sacrilegious this closeness was.
She felt ashamed at the thought that she hadn't been this relaxed in a long time.
She heard him sigh out loud as she nodded her head, his large, rough hand stroking lightly her soft buttock.
"Let's take a bath." He suggested and she nodded again, completely without strength.
They undressed slowly when they were left alone with the steaming tub filled with pleasantly warm water. She dipped her feet into it first and then sat between his legs, resting her wet back against his chest, laying her head on his shoulder. She heard him hum quietly, feeling his fingers combing through her hair in a tender gesture.
They lay like this in silence, calming down at last, fingertips of his free hand trailing thoughtfully over her bare body making her feel goosebumps.
"Are you afraid of me?" He asked her suddenly, startling her completely − his voice quiet and uncertain, on the verge of a whisper.
She lifted her face higher, twisting with a quiet splash of water, wanting to look at him, raising her fingers to his cheek and running them over his skin.
"No." She replied softly, warmly, his hand combing through her hair with a light, musing gesture.
"I tried to kill you." He said lowly, as if merely stating a fact that he felt should concern her.
"Then why am I still alive?" She asked tracing her fingers along his chin, cupping her nose against his cheek. She heard him snort under his breath.
She didn't have to look at him to know that an amused grin was painted on his face.
She felt his hand trace a circle over her lower abdomen, massaging her warm skin under the water, knowing that all he was thinking now was the fact that she was filled with his spend.
Neither of them said anything more.
They conveyed most of the things to each other without words. She felt that he was able to express more with his hands than with his mouth, his fingers combing through her hair, stroking her naked body at night showing her what he felt, what he desired.
They both knew how empty and worthless words could be.
After what had happened to Alys Rivers, no woman dared to even attempt to come close to her husband anymore. She decided to show mercy to the lord who had brought her before them and was plotting against her, knowing that if her husband killed him, his whole family would turn against him.
She knew that the whole court had witnessed what would befall those who would try to come between them.
She found with amusement that they did not understand where their attachment and affection came from, thinking that it had a purely physical undertone that could always pass when someone more beautiful or more tempting appeared on the horizon.
Their marriage, however, was primarily based on how deeply they were bonded by their pasts, how they experienced things similarly, sunk in darkness, coming out at night to haunt the castle's inhabitants like ghosts.
She had the impression that there was a disturbing aura around them, that people feared them not only because of their power, but also because of that hint of madness they saw in their eyes.
After a time of war and unrest, her husband's lords advised him to take advantage of the fact that the new year was approaching, to use the date as a break from the past and to allow celebrations in the fortress as well as throughout the kingdom.
"Do you think it's appropriate? To hold a carnival and balls for chattels and drunkard lords?" He asked, sitting stretched out in his chair, obviously unconvinced by the idea, yet realising that his cool nature may have overlooked some of his subjects' needs, which did not mean that they were not important.
"The people have at last regained their King, peace has prevailed. Even though you won't do it, they want to move on and forget what happened eight years ago, begin again. Let them enjoy themselves, give them a day full of wine, bread and dances, let them decorate their town and enjoy themselves as they wish." She said softly, looking at him with a gentle gaze. He sighed heavily, massaging his forehead with his hand.
"Am I supposed to sit for hours behind a table and watch them make fools of themselves?" He asked impatiently, and she pressed her lips together, approaching him slowly with the quiet rustling of her gown.
"Arrange for it to be a masked ball. Let's blend in with the crowd. Don't we also have reason to celebrate, my husband?"
To her surprise, after much thought, he agreed to her proposal. His lords accepted his decision with relief, themselves apparently looking for an opportunity at long last to get out of the stress and sacrifice they had put in to help him regain his throne.
None of them told each other what they would wear or when they would appear in the throne room, recognising that it would spoil everything. She ordered that a matte, soft black gown be prepared for her, with a cut neckline with exposed shoulders and back, bold and unworthy of a queen or true lady.
She wore a black mask over her face, sheathed in a material identical to that of her gown, her dark hair loose. She did not put on any jewellery − she liked the simplicity and at the same time shamelessness of this attire.
She thought that this night she was not a Queen, she was not a lady but a shadow, a phantom, a mist, something intangible, something she had always wanted to be.
As she left her chamber she was immediately struck by the sounds of violin and flute music, loud conversations and laughter. She turned into the corridor and noticed hundreds of people discussing with each other, each of them disguised, masks over their faces.
She noted with satisfaction that no one bowed to her, that no one paid any attention to her, that she was like air.
She felt a sudden rush of adrenaline, a sense of empowerment and impunity at the same time.
She stepped into the main hall, which was the throne room, looking at the couples dancing in the centre of it − lovers for just one night pressed their bodies close to the walls, enjoying the time they were given as best they could, knowing that tomorrow they would have to return to their husbands and wives.
They all had goblets filled to the brim with wine − she could smell the roasts, soups and breads from the tables around her.
It seemed to her that she had joined some temple of promiscuity and splendour, her heart pounding like mad.
She walked unhurriedly among the crowds of people, gazing intently at their fanciful costumes, eavesdropping on their conversations, listening with amusement as the apparent anonymity gave the court's inhabitants the courage to speak their minds about her and her husband.
"I once passed by our King's chambers at night. There were such noises coming from it that I thought they were both dying in agony." Said a woman with light hair pinned up in a bun, her mask and gown blue, adorned with gold threads.
"She is a witch. As a traitor's daughter, she certainly has her ways of deceiving the King's mind." The other woman, younger, replied − she seemed to recognise in her the daughter of one of the lords who had strenuously tried for weeks to stumble upon her husband in the crown's library, wishing to seduce him.
"They are both mad." She hummed to them with amusement, and saw that they looked at her, trying in the semi-darkness to recognise who she might have been, but she did not let them stare at her and moved on, looking thoughtfully at the dancing pairs.
She was surprised to hear someone moaning behind her, and spotted a couple who were clearly just having a rapture with each other − both of them pressed up against the wall, hidden in the shadows, apparently hoping that no one would interrupt their obviously wonderful delight.
She smiled under her breath, turning her face away − she felt a throbbing between her thighs at the thought that her husband might take her in the same way this evening, in front of everyone.
She almost laughed at the thought that perhaps these prudish ladies would recognise them and their moans.
"My Lady." She shuddered when heard someone whisper behind her, masculine and low, pleasantly throaty. She did not turn towards him, looking ahead.
"You caught my attention right away. That beautiful back." The man muttered, running his fingers over her exposed skin − she felt a pleasant shiver, but did not bestow a single glance on him.
"I have to dance with you, my Lady, because I swear I'm going to lose my mind."
She lifted her chin higher and hummed, considering his words.
"We have enough madness in this stronghold so I am afraid I must prevent your downfall and agree, my Lord." She said, extending her hand to him − he took it respectfully and led her towards the spinning pairs.
She hadn't done it for months and never in this way and this man, whoever he was, was an excellent dancer.
He dared to shamelessly place his hand on her bare back and only then did she lift her warning gaze to him; his hair was dark and curly, reaching his shoulders, he was well built and tall.
She saw that he parted his lips when he saw a small part of her face, her eyes, lips and chin emerging from under her black mask, looking at her as if his breath had been taken away.
"Tell me you don't have a husband." He choked out between one turn and the next, their hands meeting in another movement.
"I have a husband, my Lord, and I am a faithful wife." She said softly − the man licked his lower lip, leaning over her, only to take a few steps away from her, their hands touching again.
"Is that so?" He murmured defiantly, and she smiled, amused, feeling herself throbbing at the thought that her king, her husband might have just watched her from afar, might have recognised her, might have been furious with jealousy.
That he might have wanted to kill this brazen man.
"Mmm. I would be careful if I were you, my Lord. My husband is dangerous. He is a breathing death." She whispered, feeling the rapid pounding of her heart at that thought, feeling with excitement that she was wet, her fleshy walls pulsing around nothing.
"I don't fear death. What I fear for is that I will never see you again." He said when the music ended, applause echoed around them, even though he should have done so, he didn't let go of her hand.
"You can be sure of that." She hummed with amusement, taking her hand and turning away from him, disappearing into the crowd.
She heard his desperate calls behind her and laughed, feeling like a mermaid who was leading an innocent young man to be devoured by a monster.
She was hot and walked over to the table to pour herself some wine, however the steel gilded jug was heavy and she had trouble lifting it. She shuddered and gasped when someone stopped right behind her, a large hand dressed in a black leather glove took it from her and filled her goblet halfway.
"Are you enjoying yourself, my Lady?" She heard a cold, deep, familiar voice behind her, a powerful shiver of desire passed through her − she involuntarily parted her lips feeling the unbearable pulsing of her walls and lifted her cup to her lips, taking a deep sip from it.
"Yes, my Lord." She replied innocently, feeling his hot breath on her neck, his dark, dangerous, sinister aura.
"Dance with me."
She felt her heart stop for a moment and swallowed loudly, turning over her shoulder.
A tear-stained mask on his face, a hood on his head.
He looked like one of her father's ghosts.
He held out his hand to her and she placed hers on it, allowing him to guide her between the couples spinning to the rhythm of the music.
She felt stunned by his scent and his presence − if a moment ago she had been a cruel siren longing to devour, now she longed to be devoured, wanted to burn in the fire of his wrath, to die in the embrace of his arms if that was his wish.
As they made a turn their hands clasped tightly over their bodies; they were far too close to each other to consider their dance decent, however this night no one paid any attention to such things, his gaze from under the transparent black material cold and distant.
"Do you enjoy balancing on the edge of life and death, my Lady?" He asked low, his voice like ice, like a sharp blade − her pink lips swollen with desire parted slightly, droplets of sweat on her bare arms as they spun around each other, their hands touching.
"Yes." She whispered and heard him hum, as if he accepted her answer.
She felt overwhelmed, at the same time knowing who was behind the mask, yet being able to pretend that it was a complete stranger, a phantom who wanted to kill her, rip her entrails apart.
They didn't take their eyes off each other for the entire dance − there was something sensual in their movements, his gloved hand barely touching her bare back, she felt like she was about to die of lust.
She wanted him to do this to her, and he knew it, he could see it in her eyes.
When the music silenced they bowed to each other. She immediately headed towards the crowd, glancing at him meaningfully over her shoulder, watching to see if he would follow her. She stopped only at the wall, with nowhere else to go, her face illuminated only by the flame of a torch hanging nearby.
He walked towards her with a calm, lazy, firm step, like an executioner, like a judge, like a sentence to be imposed on her. She moaned as he turned her violently towards the wall, immediately pushing against her, she felt his hardness pressed against her buttocks.
"Whore." He hissed, she parted her lips and mewled, feeling her moist core throb around nothing, her cheek pressed against the wall, her fingers clenched helplessly on the cold stone.
She heard him pull off his gloves and throw them on the floor − one of his hands grabbed her neck and forced her to arch back and buck up, the other with an impatient, rough movement lifted the material of her gown at the front, slipping immediately between her thighs, they both groaned low with pleasure when he felt how wet she was.
"− what happened here? − hm? − fuck − all sticky −" He breathed out between her helpless, sweet moans, his fingertips spreading her moisture all over her womanhood, digging deeply into her skin around her pearl, teasing her with circular, sure strokes, involuntarily her hips began to rub against his hard cock hidden in his breeches behind her.
"− oh − oh gods, yes −" She mumbled dulled by how pleasurable it was − she heard him chuckle lowly behind her, his other hand clasped tighter around her neck. She squirmed as his finger tentatively slid inside her, only teasing her slit.
"− look at him − look at him when you fuck yourself with my fingers −" He growled and she obeyed his command, looking at the man who only a moment ago was ready to ask her to marry him − he stood in the distance looking at them in disbelief, his lips slightly parted.
She moaned, responding with her hips to his strokes when she realised that he must have imagined he was in the place of that black hooded figure standing behind her.
"− does your husband fuck you too rarely? − doesn't he stretch you well with his cock? − hm? −" He snarled, sliding his finger in and out deeper and deeper, pressing and rubbing again and again the wonderful spot hidden between her fleshy walls.
"− I − mghmm −" She mumbled out feeling that she was about to come, panting loudly along with him, his hips rubbing aggressively against her buttocks.
"− let's show him what duty a husband has to his wife −" He exhaled, sliding his finger out of her, his hand wet with her juices lifted her gown up.
She felt a chill wash over her exposed buttocks − there was music and loud conversations all around them, everyone could see what they were doing and although they weren't the only ones, the thought that it was happening right now and this way, made her legs tremble.
She heard him quickly undo the clasp of his coat, covering her with his body, not allowing anyone but him to see her womanhood, all swollen and wet with her moisture. She squirmed when she felt his freed, hard erection hit her bare skin, his fingers spreading her folds before him as the fat head of his cock pressed against her slit from below.
He opened her wide with one simple, sharp thrust, slamming into her like mad, his hand clamped around her neck forcing her to lean back more − she could feel his hot breath against her ear despite his mask.
"− look at him − he's fucking himself with his hand while looking at my wife − at my − fucking − wife −" He growled sinisterly, infuriated, rooting into her quickly and brutally, with each thrust of his hips forcing her sore, fleshy muscles to barely fit him in, his thick, swollen cock rubbing her so wonderfully that a cry broke from her lips − even if she wanted to she couldn't see anyone anymore, her gaze and mind clouded from pleasure.
"− you know he's already dead, don't you? − ah − would you want him to touch you before he died? − for him to root his cock deep inside you just for once? −" He hissed out between aggressive, deep thrusts, pounding into her with a loud slapping of flesh against flesh, both of them panting desperately, her body responding to his every move with rocking her hips.
"− n-no − your seed − I want it inside me −" She babbled with difficulty between her whimpers and his thrusts from which her whole body trembled − she heard his low groan of surprise and delight, his cock throbbing hard inside her, feeling her walls clench around him greedily.
"− beg − fucking beg −" He growled pounding it into her so hard that her pleasure was on the verge of pain − she cried out loudly sensing that a few more of his movements and she would come, feeling that wonderful tickle in her lower abdomen every time the tip of his cock rubbed against her upper wall again.
"− please − please, husband, have mercy − fill your faithful wife −" She mewled pleadingly, despairingly, pathetically, thinking only of the fact that she wanted him to come inside her, that she wanted to feel his spend trickling down her thighs when she looked again at this insolent man.
"− faithful? − you let him touch you − your bare skin that belongs to me − fuck − you don't deserve this grace −" He mocked licking his lips loudly, his thighs slapping against her buttocks with a loud click of her wetness with each ruthless thrust of his hips.
"− p-please − oh − oh gods, m close −" She mumbled out in delight and parted her lips in shock as a powerful wave of pleasure surged through her body again, again and again.
She clenched her eyes shut moaning shamelessly − she heard him gasp lowly, pounding into her faster, panting heavily, his cock twitching all over inside her.
"− fucking take it − take it-take it-take it −" He growled rooting it into her so hard that her throbbing walls forced him to let go and at last he filled her with himself with a sigh of relief, rocking his hips inside her for a while longer, several couples standing near them looked at them in disbelief.
She squirmed with despair when she felt him slide out of her − he tied his breeches quickly and lowered her gown with an impatient flick of his hand, covering her buttocks and thighs where his seed was trickling down. She saw out of the corner of her eye that he had moved forward, between the crowd.
She sank to the floor, panting heavily, her face hot from the exertion huddled against the cold wall, her heart pounding like mad.
She saw that those around her were looking at her and she wondered if they recognised her.
After a moment, she rose as if nothing had happened and moved towards her husband's chamber, stepping inside without a word, slipping her black gown off her shoulders, lying on his bed with only her black mask over her face, her thighs sticky from their mingled moisture.
She lay in the dim candlelight as he stepped into his chamber − her attention immediately drawn to the fact that he had no mask, his hood slipped from his head, his hands all covered in blood.
With a calm, nonchalant movement, he approached the table and undid the buckles of his cloak, dropping it to the ground, sinking his hands into a bowl of water, washing them thoroughly of the sticky red.
"Has my wife enjoyed her evening?"
"Yes, my King." She whispered softly, lying on her back, one of her legs bent at the knee swinging slightly from side to side, her hands placed on either side of her head.
"I warned him that I have a husband and that I am an obedient, faithful wife. That this was the last day of his life. But he didn't listen." She whispered, looking at him with her lips slightly parted, knowing that they were both mad, that she shouldn't feel such heat at the thought that he was so sickly jealous of her.
And yet.
"Mmm, no need to fret about it anymore, my love. He will never bother you again."
Aemond Taglist:
(bold means I couldn't tag you)
@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess @sweethoneyblossom1 @watercolorskyy @randomdragonfires @apollonshootafar @padfooteyes
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rainbowsuitcase · 8 months
Thoughts on The Marvels
CW for spoilers, though most of this is me going insane about the characters and not the actual plot.
1. I'm not sure I get the plot but I love these women.
2. I love their superhero suits. They look very good in them but also the designs are pretty great on its own.
3. Carol being fine in a professional setting but becoming unsure and nervous when she’s confronted by Monica is such a mood.
4. I've never cared much about him before but I do love Fury and his snarkiness and his dynamic with his "mentees" and most of all his style of motivation.
5. Val and Carol Val and Carol fucking Val and Carol
6. Also Val in a suit (well, i mean... women is suits in general)
7. I love Kamala as a fangirl (I think this is comic compliant, right). I love Kamala in general. She’s a teenager and she acts like a teenager and she's a very proud and loud fangirl, but she's also very competent and confident in what she can do.
8. Carol in a tanktop??? Carol in a tanktop!!! (Carol in a tanktop with the suit hanging around her waist) (But also Carol in a tanktop and those old style shorts)
9. Monica and her outfit on that musical planet >>>
10. Carol's princess dress? I love how it incorporates her symbol (not too crazy about the hair though, I like it much more just loose)
11. "He doesn’t have to sing?" "He's bilingual." Loved that, 10/10
12. I love the Marvels' dynamic. Sometimes they bicker but they all take each other seriously, they take Kamala seriously even thought they don't really know her and she's a kid. They all feel like they’re actually friends and like they actually care about each other. And then they were torn apart. I'm crying. Don’t talk to me.
13. I love Kamala basically Nick Furry-ing it at the end and that she'll apparently be the one to put together the Young Avengers (or New Avengers? You know what I mean)
14. I also love that (if I'm remembering correctly, which to be fair I'm probably not so please correct me, I don't want to be getting excited for nothing) it seems like this new young team is an all women's thing so far.
15. This movie confirmed what I already suspected - I have no problem with strong female characters or movies about them. I do have a problem when it's framed as "this is a movie about a Strong Female Character and you, woman, are going to like it because Feminism. We're doing Feminism." Case and point - Captain Marvel didn’t impress me much and I did find that Endgame final battle's all female scene cringy, but I love The Marvels and I really enjoyed Black Panther 2.
16. GOOSE HAD BABIES!! I don’t understand how they happened but I love every single one of them.
17. Mutants!! The new era MCU doesn't have a very good track record but this movie was great and it makes me hopeful that the Mutants will be introduced well into the universe.
18. Also are my standards really low or was this movie actually funny? I laughed a lot the whole way through!
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donaweasley · 1 year
Everything is Fair in Love and War
Pairing: George Weasley x Fem!Reader
You had met the twins at Hogwarts; you’re a year junior to them. Although you are best friends with both of them, you cannot help your heart’s inclination towards the younger one. During one of your stays at the Burrow, some feelings threaten to spill out but…will they?
Warnings: None, really. Just some high school mischief and fluff.
Read time: ~11 mins
Note: I've assumed that the reader is 14 years of age here but you're free to put in any number you like! And you can put the reader in any house you wish to!
Next Chapter: A Walk in the Dark
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The three of them - Fred, George and (Y/N) - were hanging out in the twins' room. Ron and Ginny were confined to the kitchen by their mother, courtesy of the fight they had earlier in the morning.
"Freeedd!" Mrs. Weasley's sharp voice shot through the house.
Fred groaned while the other two chuckled, knowing very well that he was only one step away from being pushed into a chore.
"What is it, mum?" He asked in an almost equally loud voice.
"Come down here, I need you to put these dishes on the shelves."
"But Ron and Gin are already there!"
"They already have enough to do. Just get down before I shout myself sore."
"I'm keeping (Y/N) company! She's our guest."
"One of you would be enough to keep her company for a while. Now get down here before I confiscate your broom!"
The last three words finally urged Fred to move towards the door. George and (Y/N) sniggered only to receive a death glare from him before he wearily walked out.
"See, told you I'm mum's favourite twin", George smirked, and plopped down on the vacant space that Fred had left beside her.
"Ha ha ha. Yes, I can see that everyday."
"Do I smell sarcasm?"
"Do you?" She sniffed the air. "I don't know. Maybe."
"Huh! Whatever you say, darling, I know I'm the favourite one. And not just for mum." With the last word he leaned in slightly, and playfully kicked her leg while giving a smug look.
(Y/N) felt her cheeks warm up because no matter how much she denied, he was right. He was definitely her favourite twin, too. But the questions that clouded her mind were, "Does he know that I have a crush on him? Shit!! How? Am I that obvious?"
If he knew, there would have been nothing more embarrassing and painful to be teased by both brothers only to eventually face rejection.
No. Not happening!
She mustered her courage, gathered all her emotions that were scattered around George Weasley, and decided to play cool.
To push her rising discomfort away, she kicked him back. Lightly.
"In your dreams, Weasley!" (Y/N) tried to sound vain but facepalmed herself mentally when the words sounded pretty shy.
Idiot me!
George simply laughed and kicked her again. This went on to and fro for a while until he accidentally hit a little hard.
"Aah!" She shouted and tried to kick him harder but George had much quicker reflexes than she’d probably ever have. (Y/N) immediately found her legs wrapped in his, unable to move them at all.
"Leave me, Weasley!"
He simply laughed at his friend’s miserable state. Now, George has this infectious laugh that always left its effects on her.
And soon, through an avalanche of laughs cascading from both of them, she was hitting his arms and back.
There were rare, almost zero incidents, when (Y/N) had actually won a fight with either of the twins. The only way she could win was emotionally. Sometimes. Their tall and strong frames effortlessly dominated her on any given day.
And the same happened again.
She was already partially imprisoned by George. The remaining of her limbs were soon held tightly in his hand. In one hand.
Oh! Why am I so tiny before them!!
She tried to jerk herself free but in vain. Obviously.
"George!! Let go of me!"
"You should've thought before you started hitting me."
"I didn't start! You did! You kicked me first."
He made a face as though he received the biggest shock of his life.
"What?? That was just...just...a touch! I'm sure you barely felt it!"
"No, it was not! Now", She was grunting by then, trying to free herself, although she would never confess that she was rather enjoying it thoroughly, "leave me, buffoon!"
"I'd expect some respect, missy!"
"Okay, how about", she pretended to think, "baboon? You have the exact same kind of limbs. And face, too!"
"What? Are you blind? You call this handsome and charming man a baboon?"
"Hah! You are very delusional, I must say then!"
"M not! You're mental, I must say then."
"George", She drawled out his name, "you're so taallllll! Look at me. I'm so tinyyyy! Let me goooo." She tried to make puppy eyes and pout.
He sighed. "Alright. Say 'please'."
The girl pursed her lips and looked away. That, she wasn't going to say.
"I didn't hear anything yet!"
"Fine then. I won't say it. Keep me holding all day long. Your mum will come to my rescue", she shrugged.
"Okay!" And he wrapped his arms around her tightly, and started tickling.
"Not fair!" She squirmed and shouted, trying desperately to free herself but failing.
"Y’know it: everything's fair in love and war", he panted as he tried to keep a tight hold on his prey and continue his torture.
"Oh! So, we’re at war, are we?" (Y/N) was laughing like a maniac by then. Her cheeks and tummy were hurting.
"No, darling! I’m in love with yo-"
He almost mumbled the last few words. The most important words, at least to (Y/N). And then he stopped abruptly. Both in words and actions.
Her head shot up to face him.
What the hell was that? What did he just say? Did he mean it?
(Y/N)’s thoughts were screaming and running wild inside her head. She could feel her ears burn.
Thankfully, she wasn't the only one who went red in the face. George's face was as red as hers was.
They sat frozen, with her still locked in his grip.
"I... I...", George tried to say something. She wanted to hear something. That thing. But all they could do was stare into each other's eyes.
"Is this the moment then?" she thought. "Will he... Shall I... Does he..."
But alas! Before any of her wishes could come true, George snapped out his trance. He quickly released her from his grip, and looked at the floor, thus snapping her out of her trance as well. Suddenly they both found the floor pretty interesting.
There was an awkward silence looming in the room. (Y/N) felt thrilled, disappointed, hopeful, shy - all at the same time. It was like her mind was having an emotional indigestion.
Shoving all thoughts behind into the closet of her mind, she turned towards him.
"Let's go dow-", they both said together. Thankfully, the laughter that followed, although a nervous one, chased the heavy and uncomfortable silence away, making the air easy and breathable again. But the hint of pink that had settled on their cheeks wasn’t going anywhere easily.
He got up and offered her his hand. "Downstairs", he smiled.
"Downstairs", she agreed and took his hand.
Meanwhile, in the kitchen...
"Leave me, Weasley!"
"You should've thought before you started hitting me."
"I didn't start! You did! You kicked me first."
"What?? That was just..."
Fred looked at his mother with an exaggeratedly helpless face, "See, mum. This is exactly why I didn't want to leave them alone. One of them is going to get hurt."
"Okay, how about...baboon?"
Molly sighed and shook her head while Ron and Ginny exchanged funny glances.
"Oh! So, we’re at war, are we?"
"No, darling! ..."
And then there was silence. An abrupt silence. All of them paused their work and looked up towards the twins' room.
"D'you think one of them is dead?" Ron asked with wide eyes.
"Oh! Shut up, Ron! George must have hit (Y/N) and now he's regretting it", Ginny justified. "He's going to regret it so much!!" Her eyes lit up with the idea of her friend taking revenge on her brother.
"Did they finally kiss?" Fred quipped.
Three pairs of wide eyes shot towards Fred.
"Bloody hell!"
Molly simply gasped.
Fred threw his hands up in the air. "Just guessing!"
All the Weasley's could clearly see what (Y/N) and George could not: that they fancied each other. A lot. So, it wasn't the idea of them being together that shocked them but the thought that they could finally see through their friendship and acknowledge their feelings was what left them speechless.
The more the silence lingered the higher their curiosity peaked until they heard footsteps descending the stairs.
All eyes were fixed on the stairs, waiting to find an answer and cool down the questions that were bubbling in the pits of their stomachs.
George and (Y/N) made their way downstairs rather quietly, hand-in-hand though. Holding hands was perfectly normal for them but the silence was unusual, unless they were on to some mischief. And it felt pretty weird. The unspoken tension between the two was still hanging in the air, and her stomach churned at the thought of the possibilities that might be going on in George's mind.
As they reached the final flight of stairs, (Y/N) realised that the rest of the family were staring up at them as though they were anticipating a dinosaur to descend into the living room. George, too, had evidently noticed it because he stopped in his tracks, trying to gauge the situation.
"You all okay?" He asked with furrowed brows.
(Y/N) was sure she noticed Molly's eyes flick between their faces and their interlocked hands. But before she could even think "why", she was knocked off her feet.
"Did you two kiss?" Ron blurted out.
"What??" They shouted in unison.
As if the existing tension wasn't enough, it felt like thunder had exploded between them, exactly where George and (Y/N) were standing. With a jolt, they released each other's hands and stepped away as much as the staircase would allow them to. The pink on their cheeks turned to deep red, and she found herself at an utter loss of words.
What a ridiculous question!! In front of Molly? In front of Molly?? In front of George? What would he be thinking? What if he's so embarrassed that he never speaks to me again? 
Wait! Why did Ron say so in the first place?
Her train of thoughts got interrupted by a flustered George shouting at his little brother, "Have you gone bonkers?? Why the hell would you say so?"
"So, you did not?" Fred sounded sceptical.
(Y/N) stepped forward boldly, "Of course, not! Why are you all looking at us like this?" In contrast to her bold step, her words came out in a squeak.
"Oh! Nothing!" Molly looked as though she had suddenly returned to Earth. With a wave of her hand, she dismissed the whole situation. "Carry on", she said, and went out of the house casually as if nothing that had happened was out of place.
George and his partner-in-crime, both utterly baffled, looked at each other, trying to make out what just happened. None of them had the slightest clue.
They went down the remaining steps very cautiously, as if the slightest action might trigger another weird question. All the siblings were pretending to work diligently but their faces gave away the knots in their minds. Gingerly, they made their way to Ron, knowing that he'd be a much softer target than either Ginny or Fred.
"Ronnie?" (Y/N) placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Yes, (Y/N)?" His voice was absolutely cool as though nothing odd had happened.
"D'you mind explaining?" George stood facing his brother.
"Ron", George almost growled which startled us all.
"Okay! Okay!"
Through a rush of words, he explained their ideas and speculations, ultimately leaving both George and (Y/N) red-faced again.
When he had finished, Ron received a good smack on the back of his head, the action instantly reminding them of Snape.
"I didn't say anything! He did!" Ron shouted, pointing towards Fred.
"Uuuhhh...I was just... guessing?" Fred raised his hands in the air in surrender.
"It isn't funny", a red-faced George warned him.
"Noted!" His twin nodded enthusiastically.
The guest in the Burrow didn't know what to say. Or how to react. A part of her was hopping like a little girl because they thought that she and George were a thing. But George here was furious about the whole situation. Her heart dropped. She tried to look annoyed and faked a scoff but probably her eyes gave the disappointment away because she noticed Fred looking at her in a rather odd way.
Little did she know then that George was reflecting her thoughts. That he was pulled into the same whirlpool of conflicts that had messed up her mind.
They sat down at the table to lend a hand to Ron and Ginny while exchanging awkward looks and smiles with each other.
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216 notes · View notes
sipsandfables · 10 months
Unfiltered Thoughts While Reading: Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros
Chapter 1
If I were Violet, I’d be like “Forget these biscuits and EXPLAIN YOURSELF SIR” 😂
If Brennan survived, then why did Tairn’s old rider die? 
“Stop bringing logic into an emotional argument.” Hahaha love Violet
I will say though that if she’s going to be mad at Xaden, she can be mad at Brennan for the same thing
Chapter 2
is this foreshadowing? Will Violet or someone else learn the art of ward building to save them all?
“Weapons are the only things that can win this war” for someone so intelligent, I’ve never heard Brennan say anything more foolish than that 
Andarna is a teen 😂
will she go through an emo phase? Hahaha
At least it sounds like her mom wasn’t in on this murder plot 
“Fucking Dain.”
Lol agreed
Chapter 4
I love how Dain acts like nothing happened. Like, wtf? Why are you surprised Violet hates you?!
Unless he didn’t know about the plan somehow and we all just assumed he did.
Also, maybe another mind reader read his mind and he didn’t actually tattle? But even if that’s the case, he still read Violet’s memories without her permission this whole school year
Chapter 5
“I’m pleasantly fuddled but not entirely sloshed.”
Lol I’m using that the next time I get drunk
Chapter 6
Violet has more self-control than me. She should have let Xaden stay the night lol
Chapter 7
I knew it! So, less dragons are bonding because of the war and the venin. I wonder if they are bonding with the rebels or just staying out of it completely 
Chapter 8
so Aaric is the kings son?! Bold move 
And now Liam’s little sister?! This series is going to kill me 😭😭😭
oh shes angry lol 
“What in the angry-Mairi was that about?”
Lol I love Rhiannon
“I've danced with Malek more than my fair share over this last year and told him to fuck right off every single time. ”
Fuck this dragon and fuck Varrish. What. The. Hell.
I’d be so pissed if someone ran after that because that stupid dragon is killing people in the way anyways. Hide ya kids, hide ya wife, they’re flaming everyone up in here.
“If Solas comes near you again, he knows I will devour his human whole and let him rot within me while his heart still beats, and then I'll take the eye I so graciously left him." "That's...graphic."
Tairn has the best threats lol he and Violet were made for each other
Chapter 9
I knew Imogen would grow on me!
Omg I bet the person they’re interrogating is Xaden. He never made it out to his post and it’s why he hasn’t come to see Violet. I just don’t know how they can keep the dragons from each other 
“"I can take her," Sloane fires back, white-knuckling her knife, "From what your letter said last year, her joints pop right out. How hard can it be?" "Seriously?" I shoot a reproachful look at Imogen. "I can explain." Imogen puts her hand over her heart, "You see, I didn't like you last year, remember? You're kind of an acquired taste."”
hahahaha I love the banter in this series
OMG!!! Nadine!!! I am NOT okay with how fast characters be dying in this damn series!! 😭😭😭
Chapter 10
I knew this dude was sent by Aetos. So freaking sloppy! And the more this book goes on, the more I think Dain didn’t know about the War Games thing. He’s an annoying prick but I don’t see him being malicious enough to let Violet walk to her death. Plus, I actually don’t recall him shitting on people with a relic. He just seems to hate Xaden lol 
Welp, there goes my theory about Xaden being tortured lol
I find it hilarious that Xaden is so obsessed with Violet’s hair lol
Chapter 11
“Coconspirators with a vested interest in keeping each other alive.”
Lol love Imogen. She’s giving me Ron Swanson vibes here with his “work proximity associates” speech 😂😂😂
Banning people from knowledge in order to keep their corrupt secrets from the public is not sustainable. Sure, it drastically slows the distribution of information but the truth always comes out - it’s just a matter of when!
I wonder if the Scribes are translating everything from the old language in order to hide more lies
 Varrish grinning at Violet saying “dragons don’t take orders from humans” does not bode well. Has he found a way to control dragons? Or at least influence them with blackmail or something else?
Varrish is such a dick. Like, get a life dude. 
Chapter 12
That comment about a blade of grass sticking to Violet was so random. 
Chapter 13
This Varrish guy is the worst. He’s like Miss Umbridge from the Harry Potter series
“You wish you were my type. I’m phenomenal in bed.”
Hahahaha I love Imogen. SHE BETTER NOT DIE
Oh no, I bet it’s that freaking survival class test! They’re getting kidnapped!
Chapter 14
Tairn is so sassy and I love it
Obviously, the water is drugged! Have they never read a fantasy novel?! 
I adore Ridoc 😍
You would think there would be more crossover activities and exercises between riders and infantry if they have to work together so much and infantry are expected to work alongside dragons
Chapter 15
Rhiannon is responding to Violet keeping secrets way better than Violet is to Xaden lol She’s like “hey, you’re hiding something and that’s fine but don’t lie about lying” with Violet. And Xaden is like “Honestly, I have secrets I can’t tell but here are all of the intimate details of my life.” Come on Violet! Quit trippin' and get back with Xaden lol
I don’t like the rift going on between Rhiannon and Violet this book. They need each other and it’s annoying lol
Alright 2 things that annoy me about this book so far:
1. The lack of Xaden and Violet scenes  2. Violet being mad at Xaden for keeping secrets from her in order to protect others
 Chapter 16
Yesssss, Imogen is spitting facts!!! Hopefully this will convince Violet to let him back in
“I’m still speaking.”
Okay Imogen 👀 She could get it 😏
Oh man, I really hope nothing happens to Rhi’s family and she blames Violet for keeping her in the dark
Of course she misses the interrogation technique class!!! Bad move man
Chapter 18
Theory time: Omg is death what’s powering the wards??? Is that why so many more people are dying at an alarming rate? They need more students to die to power up the wards? And maybe daggers work because they are an instrument for causing death?
“I want you.” All day. Every day.
Omg I love how ride or die Rhiannon is about Violet lol 
Who’s soul is Nolon mending?!
Chapter 19
Theory time: Solas’ orange is off and Dain’s dragon's breath stinks because they’re giving the dragons some concoction. Maybe it’s to control them? 
“Humans have the memories of gnats. Dragons hold grudges.”
Pearls of wisdom from Tairn lol
Damn it Tairn lol while I love that he put Varrish and Solas in their place, things just got a whole lot worse for Violet 😬
Chapter 20
“Ugh. Let’s go throw knives at shit.”
Has Mira met Imogen? They’d be two peas in a pod lol
I’m also shook that they kill civilians. Wowwwww
Chapter 21
Man, this is starting to feel like Final Destination since all the Resson survivors are dying one by one
“History and current events are tied because one influences the other.”
Interesting foreshadowing 
I like Devera and I feel like she’s trying to do the right thing while the rest of leadership goes to shit. Like Professor McGonagall does when Dumbledore is no longer headmaster 
“That’s what we’re not going to do.”
You tell em, Devera!
I bet Varrish will be in charge of the torture lessons given his background and he’s going to try to kill Violet 
I was JUST wondering where Dain has been. Haven’t heard his holier than thou whining in a while lol
omg I called it in the last book! Her mom gave Xaden those scars! I also still think I’m right about Dain being guilty of being a prick but not of sending his best friend to get murdered 
Rhiannon is so smart! She reminds me of Bree from Legendborn 😍
I knew I liked Aaroc/Cam for a reason! Hope he doesn’t die….
Chapter 22
It’s strange that Violet is so bad at remembering names when she studied to be a Scribe her whole life lol
Chapter 23
For some reason, book 2 reads a little more like a YA novel than the first book
HAVE THEY LEARNED NOTHING?! Don’t  eat or drink anything!!!
Okay, you didn’t drink but did you eat the jam?!
Ridoc and his snake confession had me cackling
lol I totally thought Ridoc broke first but he was lying haha
I knew fucking Varrish would somehow weasel himself into this training
They’re using Dain? Well hell.
Also, isn’t his signet supposed to be a secret???
Chapter 24
Wait, they’re practicing on civilians?!?! At what point do people wake up and think “hmmm, we’re the bad guys”?
"We should consider quitting the quadrant." Ridoc jokes as we walk over the door and out of the chamber, "We'd be kickass thieves." "With dragons," Sawyer agrees. "Unstoppable," Ridoc says with a grin.
This is giving Six of Crows and I. Am. Here. For. It.
Unlocking doors? hmmmm interesting 
Chapter 25
I know exactly who did this! A scribe! It was the person walking in the hood earlier that Violet noticed. I wonder if it’s her friend or someone else
Those statements have to be true - Markham is acting too squirrelly about them
Idk how I feel about this book now lol like really? 
Hundreds of cadets die every year and they spent valuable resources and time to mend him?! What happened to “we let the weak die”?! This is utter bull
Also, Nolon mentioned how hard mending a soul is….it doesn’t sound like Jack has a soul 
Chapter 26
I love the nonchalant way Sawyer and Ridoc are ready to murder Jack lol
Chapter 27
Territorial Xaden is the best lollll he’s like who the hell's jacket is that and why isn’t it mine?! 😂
Well, that escalated quickly 👀🔥
Chapter 28
Oh that has to be his ex. The one that Bodhi mentioned
I knew it!
Chapter 29
“Pull yourself together”
Tairn with the tough love 😂😂😂
“I will already know, as I am continuously with you,” he grumbles. “Forced to bear witness to the awkwardness that is twenty one year old humans.”
I forgot who Professor Kaori is but I love them!!
Chapter 30
FINALLY Violet realizes how hypocritical she was being about Xaden when she tells her friends part of the truth
I bet Andarna is sleeping longer than expected because she’s going to be powerful as hell lol
Holy shit. Too many people die too often in this series. I don’t even remember who Eya is!
Ridoc better not die
Chapter 31
Freaking JACK saved her?!?! What is this rouse?!
I 👏🏾 don’t 👏🏾 trust 👏🏾 him 👏🏾 
Let’s go Aaric! Sidebar, I need a novella about him. He sounds hot
Chapter 32
I thought Aaric ‘s brother died in Threshing! Well I guess Xaden could have killed him then lol
There’s no way Nasya sleeps through his post every time. I bet he’s spying on them
Oh Imogen has it taken care of lol good. Also, that’s a badass signet!
Chapter 34
“The birth of iron rain” !?
That sounds ominous
Fucking hell. I honestly can’t even feel anger for Nolon’s betrayal because I’m too annoyed with Violet rn lol
Chapter 36
So Dain is finally choosing the right side!
I’m so glad Varrish is dead! He’s the worst lol. Violet will definitely have to watch her back from Solas
Yay! Devera came through!
The secret is out! Finally!
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Andarna is back!!! Yayyy!
I bet this “blood magic” means sacrifice! they have to kill people to build a new ward
I knew Mira would punch Brennan after seeing him for the first time haha
Chapter 39
The 6 strongest riders: Caden, Felix, suri, bodhi, violet, Brennan - I’m surprised Mira isn’t one
Chapter 40
I do think Violet is a little slow on the uptake when it comes to understanding her power which is surprising since she’s so smart
I��m excited about this sibling trip lol
Chapter 41
“Fuck it. We don’t need a luminary.”
Mira is a whole vibe lol
Cat is the worst and Violet is annoying me by listening to her lol Xaden is obsessed with you girl - ignore this jelly belly lady
Well that explains why Violet was trippin' hahaha wasn’t her fault
Chapter 43
yeah I agree - allowing people to die on the parapet is unnecessary lol
Holy shit ! This entire hike is stressful as fuck!
Chapter 45
“The problem with mankind is we too often find our souls to be a fair price for power.”
Chapter 47
I hope Violet kicks Cat’s ass and makes it embarrassing for her lol
Chapter 48
Well that was hawt lol
Xaden talking shit about Dain will never get old lol
The way Xaden feels about Violet reminds me of Rowan to Aelin because his love isn’t conditional and based on if she’s “good” - “If you’re a monster, I’m a monster” (Queen of Shadows)
Xaden is very swoon-worthy lol
Chapter 49
I feel like it’s always Sawyer pitching the idea to just kill an annoying enemy (Cat, Jack, Varrish) and I’m here for it 😂
oh no….am I starting to find Dain not so bad? Lollll
Chapter 52
Theory time: I really think these nightmares are real - somehow the Sage is communicating with Violet through her dreams Theory Time: I bet she gets captured or agrees to go to the head Sage by the end of this book to set up the next book
Oh god, I really hope an attack doesn’t occur while they’re on this training mission and then Violet feels responsible for not putting up the wards sooner 😬
Chapter 53
Violet must be thinking of Xaden and how he might go mad since his dragon was previously bonded with someone in his direct line
Fucking Solas. I almost forgot about this enemy!
Chapter 54
Honestly I’m surprised she doesn’t have more enemies since if you kill her, you essentially kill 4 beings in one swoop
Andarna is a badass
Chapter 55
No lie, this fight between Xaden and Violet is a little silly and getting exhausting
Ah, I came to the wrong conclusion about Xaden and his bond with Sgaeyl 
Chapter 56
Omg is Xadens second signet mind reading? That would explain a lot. It would also explain why he’s scared to share since they execute people with that signet
Called it!!! I’m glad her response was not immediately “I don’t love you anymore”
Now I need to reread these books to see when he reads her mind. Oh man, I hate to say it but it kind of sounds like what Dain did to her last year
hmmmm, that was too easy lol
Ugh, we’ve been here before - Violet discovers a big secret about Xaden right before some war conflict and they’re fighting in the midst of chaos. Not sure I’m a fan that it’s a repeat of the last book lol
Chapter 57
well I’m glad Cat has stopped being a twat and decided that focusing on saving the continent is the way to go over petty squabbles over an ex lol She reminds me of Lysandra but in a good way lol 
I think the trouble with the writing of their relationship is that Xaden is so amazing and their relationship is so magnetic that their conflicts feel forced. The obstacles they face within their relationship are hard to develop when Xaden is always saying the right things after they fight lol Not that I’d want it any other way - but I think that’s why I’m struggling with not rolling my eyes when they get into arguments. Violet deserves to be angry about the betrayal but then it just feels like her decision on what she’ll do next about them takes FOREVER and it feels like it’s dragged out across a whole ass book.
Omg did Brennan come?! Is he announcing his “undeadness”?!
Violet immediately wants Xaden to use his secret signet on the others? I don’t disapprove at all but that better mean she will forgive him swiftly lol
It isn’t in Violet to NOT help innocent civilians if she can.
“I love you enough to bear the weight of your disappointment.”
Total mom sacrifice right there!
I need a novella of their mom and dad and how they got together lol
Chapter 58
If I were with the Rebellion, I’d agree to help Navarre on the condition that they make it public knowledge that Venin are real and they’ve been lying to citizens for centuries in order to keep a specific amount of citizens safe - that way, they’re not leaving innocents to die AND if they all survive the battle at Solstice, the rebels will walk away with an additional win (the entire continent knowing the truth)
am I the only one who visualize white walkers from GOT when I read about the venin in this book? Lol
Alright let’s go!!! Way to not turn into the enemies! 
Chapter 59
What is with Andarna’s scale colors?! Their changing colors have been mentioned all book - I wonder what’s the significance? Is she a rainbow dragon?! That would be dope lol
Jack's dragon's eyes are weird? Another reference to dragons seeming off! I bet they’re controlling it! But who would want the wards to fail? Who is Jack in league with if Varish is dead? IS Varish even dead?! Did freaking Nolon bring him back to life like he did with Jack?!
What the heck?! Did Jack become venin?! Why did he slaughter his own dragon?!?
Chapter 60
I knew he became venin! But didn’t realize it was for SO LONG!
Well, everything is going to hell in a hand basket 
“Fucking Jack.”
Ain’t that the truth lol
There’s no way this battle is in this book, there’s not enough pages left!!!!
Chapter 61
Can Andarna turn invisible??!
I’m so stressed lol
Chapter 62
Omg is Andarna a chameleon?!
Chapter 63
Theory time: Andarna is head of the seventh den of dragons! This is why she’s so unique. She’s not actually black like Tairn . I bet she’s one of one making her the head of her den. It would make sense since she’s an orphan 
Add-on to the theory: I think both journals are right but describe it differently. Warrick says six AND the one that combines all which must be what Andarna is since she’s always changing colors. Lyra’s journal says seven because it combines the six and the one
Good thing Andarna can make fire now!
Chapter 64
Not a Liam letter 😭😭😭
This heartfelt moment between Andarna and Violet is everything. 
The way that Andarna looks up to Tairn gives me all the feels
What about Sloane?! Can she somehow reverse her power and GIVE instead of siphon?
Ah yep, apparently she can.
Her mom is going to sacrifice herself! 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Chapter 65
I’m honestly surprised Xaden killed the main sage. I figured he’d be a bigger part of the storyline 
Don’t tell me Xaden is also now Venin?! 😭
Sgaeyl is pissedddd
Chapter 66
I can’t recall if Violet only had the nightmares when she slept near Xaden 😭😭😭😭😭😭
I am unwell.
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starbiology · 5 months
Hi. First, let me say that I really like you blog!! Your art is lovely.
I wanted ask what do you think will be the Darkest Faerie's role in the incoming plot? I remember her from the Altador Plot but I did that waaay back and can't remember seeing her much outside of that statue and the cool avatar. How does she tie in with what's happening now?
I ask because I see you mention her a lot, but I feel like I am missing many parts of this, both from you theories and Neo lore (that I can find on my own btw im not asking you to retell me). I haven't been in Neo these past few months but I might go back to weekly or daily visiting the site when the plot starts.
Thank you! 🖤🦇
thank you :D!!
One of the main reasons we know shes coming back for this plot was actually this past halloween event in which her and other villains are talked about being in a void.
A lot of the speculation is that the characters seem to be hiding in/lost/trapped in this void. The advent calendar was the first time we got to see what the void is and Kass' sword was in it too. The dialogue isnt on the site but its on SunnyNeo
Also this is still so funny to me 'Welcome to the Cosmic Horrors of the VOID. Enjoy, and happy holidays!'
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Other important events that are gearing up for the plot was the 2023 festival of neggs, the faerie festival and its comic
And back on topic to The Darkest Faerie!
Looking at her story, for awhile I thought the only option that wouldnt be turning her to stone (TNT if you can hear me dont turn her to stone again) would be to kill her. It wouldnt even be a bad choice to kill her, shes a major villain across multiple plots. Id actually still argue it would be a fair end to her story.
But theres two points that make killing her off hard
The last time she was seen, she realized the ring she made to create wraiths was actually draining her life and she cant remove it. Pitting your good characters against a weakened villain is just narratively a very bad idea. It makes the hero seem weaker than they are and nearly no matter what the villain did, it comes across as cruel
The Altador council, despite having all the right to be angry at her or happy about her defeat, are So Damn Upset. The day of her betrayal is literally a day of somber remembrance
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the entirety of this advent calendar clip just,,altador bro,,,you okay?
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and of course the plot book
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The council is stuck in a story of 'Used to be 12 heroes, now its only 11' its written on almost all inscriptions about them. It would be nice to see the council come back together again by TDF teaming up with them, even if it starts as part of a scheme of her's (which I wouldnt be surprised it does) until she finally overcomes her obsession with power.
It would make for a happy end to the council's story, otherwise theyre just going to be stuck in this state of mourning their friend
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I think the only one I like out of those Secrets is Ivan singing heavy metal lullabies to his little sister.
Ya know what I have the list pulled up so I can go over them and give my opinions real quick!
1.) "When Alix was a child, she was given a rabbit as a gift... from her future self!" - Kinda cute. Hope she at least like, warned her dad somehow because dropping a pet on a child is a bad time.
2.) "Juleka's song: "Even if nothing is decided, nothing as solid as stone, everything can burn up and then we are alone... So love life, eternity."" - this is just the lyrics to what she sang as a record in Migration. On brand for her though.
3.) "Nino's headphones were given to him by his favorite DJ after a concert. That's why he always carries them with him!" - that's cute!!
4.) "Nathaniel naturally has chestnut brown hair. His hair is dyed by Alix." - Brunette!Nath is cursed so this isn't canon to me but it's a fun tidbit in theory!
5.) "Ivan sings heavy metal lullabies to his little sister. And she seems to like them a lot." - Adorable!!! I'm debating on yeeting into HC/LL because I always planned on him being an only child.
6.) "Sabrina's best friend before Chloé was Cléo." - Naur Cléo!!! No seriously whomst the FUCK-
7.) "André sells his ice cream at locations where famous French films were shot." - Fair enough. It works in the sense of always being able to find him.
8.) "Miss Bustier was once a student of Mr. Damoclès and once pinned a fish on his back as an April Fool's joke!" - This one's cute I love it! This one should come with an anecdote for the foreign audience that the French have a fish-themed April Fool's Day and this is a common prank for children. Doesn't make it less fun!
9.) This one was a 'sketch from Marinette' rather than a fact, and was an image of a dress. It's a pretty basic but cute dress.
10.) "Sass's favorite food is a tofu" - why??? Why is the Snake's tofu?? What happened to the fridge magnets with the gummy worm snack? Granted that didn't make the most sense either but the consistency.
11.) "Marinette wears her 2 pigtails in memory of a very good friend from school who is sadly no longer at her school." - In theory this is cute but I hate nearly everything about Socqueline's existence.
12.) "Adrien's full name is Adrien Émile Gabriel Donatien Athanase Agreste." - the absolute fucking EGO from his parents to have two of his middle names be their names.
13.) "Since Plagg adores cheese, especially Camembert, Adrien had to convince Nathalie that he is obsessed with Camembert." - Absolute fucking hilarious.
14.) "Gabriel's real name is Gabi Grassette" - I actually hate this. I hate this so much. Like it's inconsequential in the long run and it makes sense but GOD I hate it for some reason.
15.) "Kim actually has two surnames namely "Ature" and "Lê Chiến", then after their marriage both of his fathers each kept their surname." - this would be cuter if I didn't know it was a retcon of a retcon. It was originally "Lê Chiến", then they changed it to "Ature", and then they got backlash for it. But hey two dads now if only htey'll show up on screen! (this may end up in HC/LL? Debating).
16.) "What if Lila's biggest lie so far was that her name wasn't Lila?" - so on principal I hate this whole superspy con artist plot, but this is fucking hilarious.
17.) "The real name of The Gorilla is Placide I.T." - I think I already dunked on this enough.
18.) "Alya has received various Chinese treatments from Master Fu. So, he almost chose Alya over Marinette... to be Ladybug!" - I hate this one actually. Like not that I don't like LB!Alya! But she's new to Paris but has somehow received various treatments from Fu? Yet on the other hand Fu knew her very well and could've easily mentored her, but he decided to go out and choose some rando???? the fuck???
19.) "As a child, Marinette dreamed of tailoring a hat for the Eiffel Tower to protect it from snow. And from then on, all she wanted to do was be a fashion designer!" - That's really cute I love it so much!!!
20.) "Zoé's best friend in the New York City was Jessica Keynes." - I hate this. I hate this so much. This makes Jess look like such a shitty friend.
21.) "Kagami has drawn a manga about her childhood in Japan but she hasn't dared to publish it yet." - Adorable, actually!
22.) "Rose and Prince Ali stayed in touch after they first met and have become really good friends." - We knew ofc but it's glad to have it confirmed!
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archduke42 · 6 months
OK, I've had time to really reflect with this trailer
I still have some mixed feelings. Part of me hoped they would not bring Barriss back because maybe it was time to move on. After 11 years, I felt like I was just being suckered by red herrings. It's a little exhausting when opportunities happen and everyone speculates but it becomes a false alarm. Plus I used to be rather arrogant over the thought of Barriss being an Inquisitor. Used to irritate me a lot that fans even wanted that to happen. "How can anyone want this?" I used to ask myself. But I'm old fashioned, from a time when good guys were good, bad guys were bad, and Hero(ine) blows up the super weapon. All this character ambiguity people embraced for their Star Wars was a bit alien to me. It was enough that she was supposed to die in Order 66, but this was almost too much. The backlash against "The Wrong Jedi" was a tidal wave at the time, and lots of fans (myself included) cried hard at Filoni and Lucas' casual retcon.
But then, I'd been writing hero journey stories for Barriss since 2005 or 2006 and the whole villain plot twist was infuriating. And there was so much hate for Barriss on the internet at the time. I cursed Filoni's name with an old man's fiery blackened heart. My Muse had become the most hated character in Star Wars, and I had become a hot mess for several years after so much heavy emotional investment. I wanted to channel all my energy into Barriss stories (and eventually Barrissoka stories, since they were such a perfect couple) I also commissioned some shipping/wedding/marriage art to maybe push back against people's notions of a revenge fight between Ahsoka and Barriss. I have been blessed with discovering a huge Barriss Offee/Barrissoka fan community out here, and I think we have all built so positive energy in our love for these characters. Being a writer and reading the works of so many others has helped me grow with the community and learn so much. I am grateful to the art of people like @grissaecrim, and stories by people like @jedimasterbailey and @stellanslashgeode (and so many others) I can be excited that Barriss is officially coming back! The wait is over, and my anxiety returns. but I also have had a long period of time in 11 years to accept these new dynamics for Barriss. I am ready to accept whatever Destiny is in store for Barriss, though I suspect Filoni will be giving her a journey of sorts and not just leading these episodes towards a villain death for her. I suspect this journey may even go to live streaming with Ahsoka involved but time will tell. I still loath the concept of challenging expectations, but I realize that Star Wars characters have to grow out of two dimensional designs. Heroes don't need to be sparkling perfect and Villains can have a moral compass of sorts. I just wish Lucasfilm would stick to a consistent history with all this. I'm certain Filoni will have more retcons to drop on us. It's his style. But in fairness, the trailer was exciting, the animation looked really good. And I enjoyed seeing other minor characters involved, like 4th Sister, Grand Inquisitor, etc. I look forward to the exciting battles with Elsbeth and Grievous, etc. Most importantly with this trailer comes the enthusiasm to see Barriss return. Much of the hate is gone, and the Star Wars community in places like Youtube, Tumblr, etc is blowing up with excitement for this. The majority fans are ready for her adventure to continue with open minds. I think that gives me more joy than anything, that fans actually want to see her again, and want her to win at this in the best way possible even though she is starting from a dark place. I'm ready to see how this goes. This could be one of the best Star Wars experiences of 2024.
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gold-rhine · 5 months
I liked the bit where they did a fake out ending. To be fair I don’t know how obvious it was to other people that it was a fake out but I found the how Black Swan was like “everything that just happened was actually a dream setting up Sunday’s perfect world. Don’t worry everything but one detail in the beginning and the ending is the same.” To be an interesting twist that lets us see the hypothetical perfect world for a bit.
However it was kinda obvious. My brother kept saying there’s gotta be one more phase of the fight and how he doesn’t trust what’s going on. For me after the IPC gang showed up I started thinking “I know so far star rail has had nothing but happy endings but this is too happy of an ending.” Plus it didn’t help that if it was the real ending then they set up all this stuff with Aventurine and the IPC for nothing. I mean they did that with Sparkle but Aventurine had a while patch to himself.
Tbh I really hope that the next patch that’s probably about the IPC in Penacony ties up all the loose ends and makes Sparkle and Boothill do more than one singlet thing for the plot.
no NO listen, fake happy ending would be good if the real ending was actually meaningfully different\challenging. like rn, we just got 2 easy happy endings.
but like. lets fucking unpack that "real" ending.
step one, boothil summons his thousands of homies in like one second. like how is this not deus ex machina that they were moking in "fakeout" ending. lol. lmao even.
step two, acheron does 9\11 to like, awaken ppl due to catastrophe and have them unite against adversity. btw its not clear what exactly she did, like did she mass kill ppl?? we see explosions and sleeping bodies flying, are these ppl dead??
step three, robin sings???? and ppl just blown up by acheron supposedly unite by her song against sunday???? like, why??? sunday was not the one who just dd 9\11, hes trying to protect them, why would they turn against him????
we dont even see ppl awaken or whatever, mc just has a fight against sunday. its literally same fight as fake ending lmaooo
but like also. we did have 9\11 irl. we do know how america reacted when faced by external threat doing catastrophic damage, and it was not awakening from matrix and fixing internal problems or whatever, it was endless wars on middle east. realistically what should have happened, sunday should have been like ppl of penacony! we are under attack of evil nihility!! we need to unite against this horrible threat! I will assume all power bc its dire times of war!
and then he just runs his Order shit using excuse of fighting nihility lol. tldr bullshit, they are trying to seem gritty and deep, but doing kindergarden uwu love wins shit. ugh. what even the consequences???? like. ugh.
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killakalx · 4 months
OMG I have a beef with Tom Taylor that he doesn’t know about!
1. He blocked me on Twitter in 2021 and in 2023😭😭😭
2. How he wrote Constantine. He literally took all the stereotypes about bisexuals and combined them in Constantine even though John was one of the few good bisexual representations
3. How he wrote Nightwing. Instead of a cynical and intelligent hero, one of the most complex characters in the universe, his Nightwing became himbo.
4. His series is literally all empty moments. Dick talks about big things all the time, but he never faces any real problems with his choices. All his problems are solved for him, and he himself is a completely passive protagonist.
5. My main problem with his Nightwing is that he should be dead by now. If this is truly Dick's character, he has no sense of self-preservation or healthy cynicism (accepting a glass of water from his enemies or exposing himself to the president).
His planning is shortsighted (should have been killed by Gunhawk and Gunbunny's sniper shot) and not particularly intelligent (summoning Bruce to do his detective work for him), so how is he not dead yet?
6. How he constantly makes Clark insufferable just to make Bruce look better.
7. The way he writes Damian. He constantly makes him act like he's a fucking rabid and wild dog.
8. He has to artificially create conflict. Taylor would rather make Dick, the acrobat, afraid of heights than have actual proper conflict in the stories.
9. How he blocks every single person engaging in good faith criticism of him and pretends like it's all some murderous dick/starfire fan conspiracy. I think half of the fandom is blocked by him.
10. He can’t write my wife starfire for shit Personally, I don’t think Tom Taylor is trying to “ruin” Starfire. I think he (and many other DC Comics writers) don’t understand who she is a character. I think Starfire is a very hard character to write in general due to all the different interpretations of her.
11. His injustice run
12. How he writes my pookie Daredevil🙁 His Matt(AND Tony) feels so bland that you think that it’s not even Matt but some dude with the same name.
But if we thinking about his Nightwing as just a silly and unserious version of Dick, I have no problem with that. I myself spent a fair amount of money on his comics back in the day because I couldn't bring myself to read anything else for a long time. His writing is not bad but it’s not great either. It’s okay I think?
But anyway it’s just my opinion and I might be wrong😅
this is nice bc i basically listened to tidbits and summaries of his nightwing run. i didn’t get a real peek into his character outside of just what happened to him and what he did i guess
1. damn double whammy 😭
2. i know nothing of constantine but i know too much about bi stereotypes
3. i agree that he isn’t all that complex but i like himbo nightwing 🙁 i’m a simple girl i fear.
4. i do see this part though!! i’m not highly critical of plots most of the time but i do notice when it seems vague.
5. “he should be dead by now” alr damn 😔. but i see the issue. he’s been dumbed down and everyone else has to help him do things he should be capable of doing himself
6. this is out of my realm bc i don’t know much about clark’s character anyway. i do want to see more of him though, i’ve been meaning to watch a few of his movies. and NO it is definitely not bc i’m starting to think too much about fucking him !
7. this is also out of my realm bc i don’t know damian’s character. as you interact with me you’ll quickly learn that i only really care about my pookies
8. ok… what.
9. mmm he’s giving barb…
10. atp let me write starfire goddamn !
ok i get this!! gonna start saying bruno redondo’s my favorite nightwing since he’s the artist. ty for filling me in love :))
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portra400s · 6 months
MUN INTRO: hey! my name's peyton [th/th, cst, 21+] & i'll be writing for sverre olsen, lee hyeon, selena palacio & dylan hwang here. you can find me on discord @ #seamonkeydefender & please feel free to add me w/o asking as well! discord is my preferred plotting method. all of my characters are on sideblogs aside from sverre, so i will be dming from this blog when necessary... hehe
CHARA INTRO: first up, sverre olsen. he's a 26yr old grad student studying @ jeju natl university on the gks scholarship. he's an assistant editor for the local paper, but mostly works remotely as he spends a lot of time in jeju city for school. currently on his ~2nd year of living in yuseong bay. you can view his stats here & his pinterest here if interested!
answer the following prompts, either ooc or ic!
when did your muse first arrive in yuseong bay?: technically, about three and a half years ago when he did a semester abroad @ jeju natl uni as an undergrad student. he was living in jeju city, but a friend brought him to yuseong bay to see the meteor shower and he kind of fell in love with the place, which prompted him to consider doing the entirety of his grad studies in jeju. obviously, things ended up working out in his favor and he moved to yuseong bay two years ago.
what does an average day look like for your muse?: wake up at 6:30am, check on his cat (let her in if she spent the night outside; let her out if she spent the night inside) / make sure she has food, get ready, grab a quick coffee & breakfast @ andante cafe, catch the bus to jeju city, hate his life for about 7 hours, catch the bus back to yuseong bay, check on his cat (let her in if she spent the day outside; let her out if she spent the day inside), spend the rest of his evening working thru his laptop, which he will usually do in a public setting in order to people watch and daydream about having more friends than he does, try to go to bed by 10:30pm, usually lay awake regretting until midnight. rinse, repeat.
where can your muse usually be found?: around 7:30am he'll make a brief appearance at cafe andante (every weekday) / 8am to 3pm he'll be in jeju city @ jeju natl uni (mon, tues, thurs, fri) / frequently makes appearances at daeyanghwa florals to buy himself flowers, usually around 5:30/6pm / stops by ojo records about once every two weeks to see if anyone's given up any old records that might be up his alley / seen in the vicinity of hanwha resort wednesdays around 11:30am for undisclosed reasons, shut up, no you didn't see him there, that must've been someone else / does his weekly grocery shopping at lemon martes on wednesdays somewhere between 2pm and 5pm, usually loiters for a bit hoping to have a meetcute (hasn't happened yet, maybe next time?).
how does your muse feel about hanwha resort?: admittedly indifferent, but the general consensus suggests that he shouldn't be too into the idea, so he'll talk his fair share of shit if the social situation calls for it. unfortunately his parents chose to purchase a timeshare as an excuse to be closer to him for at least two weeks out of the year, so that's both making sverre truly hate the place but also making the locals think he's a supporter since his name is also on the timeshare and he has to attend the seminars.
is there an aspiration for your muse to stay in or leave yuseong bay?: eh... he's got a stray cat that's taken a shine to him, he's on a full-ride scholarship and still has another year to go before he gets his master's degree, and rent's cheaper here than it is in jeju city, so he's got reasons to stay at least for the next year. however, he doesn't romanticize yuseong bay like he used to & wouldn't be opposed to relocating—regardless, he'll have to go back to the netherlands once he's done with school, soooo...
answer the following, ooc!
list your muse's three favorite songs: annie's song by john denver, chateau lobby #4 (in c for two virgins) by father john misty, my girl by the temptations; a fan of emotionally-charged, old (or old-sounding) love songs.
describe your muse's wardrobe: “grandpacore,” to put it simply. a color palette of neutrals in vintage inspired pieces. a lot of chunky sweaters, loose trousers & loafers, has sometimes been told that his fashion choices are “reminiscent of oatmeal,” whatever that means. occasionally breaks out a bold t-shirt or sweatshirt with some ironic phrase on it. accessorizes with messenger bags, dad hats, minimal gold jewelry & retro (sun)glasses. has a collection of converse high-tops, but rarely wears them these days.
color, word, and emoji to describe your muse: beige, "oatmeal", 🧸
three strong likes and dislikes for your muse: really likes animals (especially ones that people are usually afraid of or grossed out by, i.e possums, insects, rodents), the sound of the ocean (including putting a big shell up to his ear to "hear the ocean"), laughing / really doesn't like ac/dc, traveling by taxi, action movies.
three positive and negative traits for your muse: positive affectionate, sincere, intelligent / negative obsessive, irrational, dependent.
three talents and shortcomings for your muse: talents cooking, picking up new words, befriending wild critters / shortcomings can't drive, nervous about making phonecalls, low spice tolerance.
a relevant goal or arch for your character to overcome: at the moment, sverre's an assistant editor for the local newspaper; in the remaining time that he'll be in yuseong bay, he would like to be promoted to just... an editor... but that probably won't happen. aside from that, he's currently The Loser of Yuseong Bay so it would be nice to see him gain more confidence in himself / make meaningful friendships!
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an-indecisive-nerd · 16 days
Sibling Questionnaire
Tagged by @the-letterbox-archives here and @paeliae-occasionally here
Gonna respond with Alexander and Melantha, and I'll do a bonus answer including Lucia and Phoebe.
1. Who looks most like their father?
Neither of them look much like either of their parents, but Mel's facial structure looks closest to her father, and she acts the most like him.
Out of all four of them Phoebe probably looks most like William, but Mel still seems the most like him if that makes sense.
2. Who looks most like their mother?
Again, neither really look like their parents, but Alex probably looks closer to their mother. No one who knows their family situation would ever say that though.
Lucia looks very similar to Eleanor, but again, no one would ever say that to her.
3. Who eats the most?
It depends on what part of the story we're in, but most of the time it would probably be Mel, even with all four of them. She does a lot of physical stuff and needs the calories.
4. Who has been in the weirdest situations?
Ooh, honestly? It's probably a tie between the twins. Their lives are kind of insane.
5. Who sleeps the most?
Out of the twins, Alexander. He's the more responsible one.
Out of all of them, Phoebe, because she's the youngest and hasn't had anything happen to ruin her sleep schedule.
6. Most stable romantic life?
Oh my God the twins both have such weird love lives. Like their partners are great and they're very happy, the instability comes from various forms of magic bullshit and plot shenanigans. So yeah it's a tie.
Out of all four of them, the winner is Lucia. She’s happily married with kids and has no shenanigans going on.
7. Worst habit of each?
Oh boy they have so many bad habits lol. Alexander is a perfectionist. Melantha neglects her personal health for the sake of others. Neither of them are good at asking for help.
Lucia bottles her emotions. Phoebe is naive, but she's also literally a small child so that's not her fault.
8. Who's the most dramatic?
They all have their moments, but it's definitely Mel overall.
9. Who had the weird phase?
Mel is currently in her goth phase and has never and will never get out of it, so I'd say her.
10. Who's the best cook?
Alex is the only one who can't cook, because in his time men didn't really cook and his mom was low key sexist so he was never taught. Out of the four of them Lucia is the best cook.
11. Best memory together?
Ooh, tough one. For Alex and Mel it's probably when they first started their training. For all four of them, probably the months after they found out Mel was going to die soon so they tried to get as much quality time together as they could.
12. Worst memory together?
When Phoebe got sick.
13. Dream trip together?
Honestly, they would love being able to go anywhere all together, as long as their mother wasn't coming with.
14. Would you rather not be able to shower or change clothes?
They would all die if they had to go too long without showering.
15. Who's older?
Lucia is the oldest. Alexander and Melantha are four years younger than her. Mel is slightly younger than Alex. Phoebe is six years younger than the twins.
16. Describe the others in 3 words.
Lucia: "Alexander is smart, responsible, and social. Melantha is strong, protective, and reckless. Phoebe is sweet, cute, and kind."
Alexander: "Lucia is responsible, reserved, and thoughtful. Mel is a reckless stubborn idiot. Phoebe is an adorable little sweetheart."
Melantha: "Alex is an annoying perfect princess. I agree with his descriptions of Lucy and Phoebe though."
Phoebe: "Lucia is smart, nice, and like a mom! A good mom! Alex is friendly, smart, and awesome! And Mel is pretty, strong, and super cool!"
Mel: "Awww, thanks Pumpkin."
17. Role model?
Lucia doesn't really have one. Alexander's role model is Melantha, but he'd never admit that. Mel's role model is her dad. Phoebe’s is all her siblings and her dad.
18. Who has the worst ideas?
Mel has plenty of good ideas, but she definitely has her fair share of bad one too.
19. Who kills the bugs?
Alex would kill the bug with no issues. Phoebe would befriend the bug and cry if anyone killed the bug. Mel would pick up the bug and chase Lucia around with it.
Tagging the taglist (if you want to be added, interact here)
@thelovelymachinery @unforgettable-sensations @littleladymab
@megamijadeheart @my-bright-legacy @ominous-feychild
@thecomfywriter @wyked-ao3 @anamelessfacelessnerd
@differentnighttale @mysticstarlightduck @the-letterbox-archives
@leahnardo-da-veggie @paeliae-occasionally
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keldae · 1 month
I'm plotting and scheming for how to fill some of my Bad Things Happen bingo card (MULTI-CHAPTER ANGSTFEST LET'S GOOOOOOOO)... place your bets now: who's gonna crawl out of my computer first to kill me, Xaja or Devi?
Xaja has existed in some form or another for like 15 years, and she's been subject to The Angst for the better part of the last 11 years since I started playing SWTOR. Her angst started at age 7 with the Sacking of Coruscant! (To be entirely fair, a good chunk of her angst and trauma was dealt to her by BioWare's writers and NOT me. Looking at you, TR-8R arc and the entire Jedi Knight story from the end of Act 2 onward, not to mention KOTXX...) (but seriously, the latest story update is making her drink heavily.)
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(artist is @chenria who is absolutely lovely and this is STILL the best art of Xaja I've ever seen!)
Angst counters: She gets the bisexual disaster spy (Theron), and she's got a loving dad and brothers (and a kick-ass Mando sister-in-law), and she's a galactic leader and respected Jedi Master, and she's got two adorable kids with Theron now, and the former Grand Master is her mother-in-law. Awks. But she's got LIGHTSABERS and natural telepathy/telekinesis, so I'm pretty sure that negates some of the bad, right?
Devi, in the BG3 context, has only existed since December 26, 2023. But ohhhhh she's got some angst in there beyond just what the game provides! Her angst started pretty much at birth -- thanks, abusive asshole father! And everything I'm planning for this multi-chapter angstfest for the bingo card centres around her. (It'll be an AU, so she'll probably be mostly fine in the end... right?)
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(artist is @elspethdekarios who is a delight to work with!)
Angst counters: She gets the hot wizard (Gale), and she's besties with a vampire and a warlock and an ex-Sharran, and she gets informally adopted by the High Harper, and she does (eventually) get her big brother back and watches her abusive father die in front of her. And her canonical angstfest is only a few months of having a tadpole in her brain, as opposed to Xaja's "song that never ends". And when she and Gale settle in Waterdeep after the game, she'll very quickly have an adorable little girl, and probably a little boy down the line too!
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Finally posting oc content again bc I can’t hold it back anymore <3
Ok so I have this set of ocs (I’ve talked abt them before in this post right here) and uh. I’m remaking them now. or trying to, I’m having bad writer’s block hngh—
So like. Now that I’ve exploded and absolutely NEED to post them or I’ll die, I’ll give you some basic info on them :)
I’ve renamed Jay to Jeiviin. They’re a six-year-old Sky Dragon born and raised in Emporia, having lived in Taldrena their whole life (up until an incident in which they ended up in Voxtren). They’re intersex and were raised genderless, and have an older sister.
I’ve renamed Cora to Avaki. She’s a seventeen-year-old Sky Dragon that was born in Talix, one of Emporia’s islands, and moved to Taldrena with her family when she was 8. She’s Jeiviin’s older sister, and really into true crime.
I’ve renamed Sigasi to Sivea. She’s a fourteen-year-old Healer Dragon born in the Philippines, but moved to Emporia (specifically Voxtren) when she was 11. She’s an only child, but became best friends with Jeiviin and Avaki after the events of her (and the other characters’) story takes place, and she’s surprisingly feisty for a Healer.
I’ve renamed Delta Sun to Astrallon. They’re somewhere around 150-160 years old, and they’re an Angel from the Concept Universe (or the Void). They left their home when they were in their 20s to search for their missing mother (idk what happened to her though), but they never found her, and instead decided to just. Stay in Emporia. I mean, it’s a really pretty country, so. Fair enuf.
None of them have designs yet, but I have some very basic ideas for what I want them to look like —
Jeiviin will be pretty short (I mean they’re 6 so ofc), and their main colour will definitely be blue. Lotta scars.
Avaki will be more seafoam green I think? And a lot taller. Possibility of being emo or scene
Sivea is so so purple. I kinda want her to resemble a violet-backed starling. I love those fucking birds. I want her to have a sorta medieval-goth-princess aesthetic, but more modern
Astrallon gets to be tall as hell. Way taller than they need to be. Get enlarged stupid. And I want them to have some vague religious vibes, like biblically accurate or something. Perhaps multiple sets of wings, or too many halos. Or too many eyes.
Ok now that that’s out of the way.
Storyline thing or something!
The kiddos are still both gonna be experiments — that was an integral part of their story before the remake, and I don’t wanna change that — but Astrallon won’t be an experiment anymore. Instead, they’ll be friends with the guy running the experiments, but they won’t know about it until he calls them up and says “DUDE WE’RE GETTING FUCKED UP PLEASE HELP”.
The experiments aren’t gonna be turned into some form of superhuman (superdragon?) beings anymore, either. Instead, the cult is trying to transform Dragons into Humans by surgically removing their Draconic traits and making them physically look as human as possible.
Those experiments never end up working and all the subjects that went through the procedures died. Including Jeiviin. But they get to come back as a ghost, because I said so.
Anyway!! The reason Mr. Cult Guy calls Astrallon screaming for help, is because Sivea and the other still-living experiments broke out and started killing motherfuckers. As they should.
Astrallon is a very kind person, so of course, they immediately run over to their friend’s location to help, and promptly get their shit FUCKING WRECKED by Sivea, who thought they were another cultist.
Some other stuff happens after that, and then the story ends, but I haven’t gotten to that point yet. As I said, I’m having writer’s block atm, so I can’t get past the part where Sivea starts plotting.
Also, despite the setting of this story being in Emporia, which is also where my AHiT AU takes place, this is not set in the AHiT universe! It’s an entirely original work, full of the blorbos from my autism.
I am tired and can’t think of anything else to write, so that’s it post’s over. Eat up
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Things you said prompts:
Linzolt: 11, 33
Sutaar: 22, 42
Ooh, I love these prompts! Thanks for the ask!
11. things you said when you were drunk
33. things you said at the back of the theater
Lin was sure that the Ember Island Players were truly putting on their best rendition of whatever play this was, but she couldn't recall a thing that happened in the first act if her life depended on it. This, of course, was entirely his fault.
She cut eyes at Zolt, who sat beside her, massaging his way up her thigh with a warm hand and sipping from the flask of fire whisky he'd snuck into the theater. The scent of him, like smoke and spark and ocean air after their day on the beach, was mesmerizing.
Feeling her gaze, he turned to her and grinned. "What is it, baby?"
Lin rolled her eyes at the pet name. "Why did you waste money on these tickets if all you're going to do is drink and touch me?" she asked. "We could have just stayed at the beach."
"You don't just come to Ember Island in the summer and miss Love amongst the Dragons," he said, passing the flask to her. "It's a classic."
"You're not even watching," she said, and took a sip, trying not to react too strongly as his fingers ghosted up her inner thigh.
"Speak for yourself, Linny. I can multitask."
"Uh-huh." Lin rested her head on his shoulder and passed the flask back. "You can lie and bullshit at the same time, at least."
Zolt laughed, and an older couple a few rows in front of them turned around with matching disgruntled expressions. Lin returned their glare, and wondered offhandedly if couples all began to resemble each other after that many years together.
When the flask came back to Lin, she drank deeply and let the burn of the alcohol wash over her. Her eyes flitted back to the stage as she tried to make sense of the sequined blurs of props and costumes.
"Where are we in the plot?" she asked after a minute.
"The Dragon Emperor's love for a mortal just broke the curse the Dark Water Spirit put on him."
Lin scoffed. "What a load of shit."
"I should have known you weren't a fan of romances."
"Or spirits, for that matter," she said.
"Fair enough." He brought her hand up to his lips and kissed it. "But you know, you and me—we make a better love story than the Dragon Emperor's any day."
"You're drunk," Lin said.
"Doesn't mean I'm not right," he replied, and kissed her.
things you said prompts
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saccharineshadow · 2 years
- Things in Ride The Cyclone I think about on the daily (SPOILERS!!!)
1. Jane’s head not being visible during the starting number “Karnak’s Dream of Life”
2. In “Fall Fair Suite” when everyone is looking down at Uranium City (from a place Im guessing is limbo) all of them smile or show some kind of joy or nostalgic feeling of sorts, all of them except for Mischa, since he didn’t grow up in Uranium City nor sees it the same way the rest of the choir see it
3. Jane’s Singing during “Fall Fair Suite”
4. Ocean confessing her discomfort before riding the cyclone, feeling rather unsafe (basically the fact she predicted her own doom)
5. The Choir’s catchphrases sort of predicting per say the member’s character development (Ex. Mischa’s catchphrase revealing his soft nature and vulnerability, Ocean’s catchphrase starting as a joke and ending up as her real perspective on things) or reveal something from their past life (Ex. Jane’s catchphrase being an animal fact either predicting she would become Penny or that she used to be Penny *reference to Legoland*)
6. Noel’s Catchphrase (it lives rent free in my head)
7. Jane trying unsuccessfully to get a hug from Ocean
8. Noel’s shadow being more feminine than himself in “Noel’s Lament” representing the version of himself he wished to be
9. The positioning of each member of the choir in each song representing their relationship to the one singing at the moment (Ex. Ocean being shafted and staying in the same pose in the back for the whole of “Noel’s Lament” as well as the major roles both Mischa and Ricky got in that same song)
10. Noel (Or Monique) playing with Ocean’s hair
11. Jane walking normally in "Noel's Lament" (it cracks me up srry)
12. Constance laughing at Mischa’s sarcastic responses to Ocean
13. The fact that Mischa mixed up the plots of Saw 5 and Saw 6 (the plot he describes is the one from Saw 6, not Saw 5 if im not mistaken)
14. Ocean’s song after “Noel’s Lament” (im just putting this one here cause it reminded me of my parents *especially my mom* asking me about the “morals” or if such was educational for pretty much everything *Videogames, Shows, etc*)
15. The fact that no one really knew Ricky for who he really was so they just went with the “Disabled=Literal Child that doesn’t know anything about the world” Therefore shocking the choir (Especially Ocean) when he says something “””perverted”””
16. On the same note, Ricky’s little speech about Porno and how taboo it became to talk about something completely natural and how demonized it is in our Society as a whole (very deep, magical indeed)
17. In some productions (or maybe just one idk), Mischa’s line about not being homophobic mentions the fact he’s watched all seasons of Rupaul’s Drag Race
18. Constance playing the Role of Mischa’s mother (which made me create the headcanon that Constance in some way reminds Mischa of his Mother)
19. I haven’t mentioned it yet but I like that every member has a little moment to talk before their song (except for Jane if I remember correctly)
20. Mischa having two songs (he deserves it tbh)
21. Jane discovering the existence of sunglasses
22. “I lay my masculinity on the altar of your maidenhood”
23. The beatdrop at the end of “Talia” representing Mischa’s rage at the fact he could never meet Talia and will never be able to talk to her again
24. On the same Note, (if Talia is even real in the first place) it’s possible Talia will never really know Mischa died
25. Ocean distorting what Noel was trying to say originally when Mischa was given the opportunity to see what could’ve happened if he met Talia
26. Karnak speeding up Ocean’s rambling
27. On the same note (i’ve used that phrase three times holy crap) Karnak messing with Ocean the whole show
28. The whole of Space Age Bachelor Man
29. "Oh my goodness what have I gotten myself into?"
30. "There's only one rule in the Space Age Bachelor Man Bible, Don't be a dick"
31. "We listen to you now Space Jesus"
32. The whole of "The Ballad of Jane Doe"
33. The shadow behind Jane having the form of wings
34. The New birthday song
35. The duo interactions after/During Jane's made up birthday
36. Constance's speech before "Sugar Cloud" (Jawbreaker) *that shit made me cry I relate to Constance so bad omg*
37. Ocean's Final Vote
38. The expressions of each member at the end showing fear and being unsure to cross to the other side, then showing acceptance and somewhat joy at the fact they will finally rest in peace
39. The Musical ends the same way it starts (Jane singing her part from "Karnak's Dream of Life" The rest of the choir going back to their positions when they rode the cyclone inicially)
40. That existencial dread that you get once you finish the show. Damn
Wow this was long and totally did not take like 3 days to put together but I had to get it out of the way
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