#to fulfill a criteria
floridagirlboy · 1 month
hi branch enjoyers. what if transfem air force and transmasc army? please discuss with a partner. you will present in 20 minutes to the rest of your class
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helyeahmangocheese · 6 months
yall.... maybe this is a lukewarm take but Gabe is still 100% an abusive asshole in the tv series... he very clearly is negligent of Percy (and just generally Mean to him because nobody should ever talk to a 12 year old like that)... he doesn't really care about Sally's consent and ownership of her stuff and her time... he may not snap on screen but he shows signs of being able to and the way Sally has to speak to him does not indicate he's just some Guy now... just, abuse takes on many forms and being more implied about it is a much stronger choice for this series in many ways
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 6 months
for all the dramatics in my meta, i do think shanks could’ve very easily kept buggy satisfied & committing minimal war crimes as a member of his crew. just:
say you can’t go to laugh tale until you’ve met certain reasonable criteria, like “have a strong crew,” “acquire a ship that can handle new world weather,” or “stand toe-to-toe with whitebeard and live”
make a mildly homoerotic promise to meet those criteria… together
do the work to meet those criteria (through recruitment, training, etc.)
while you're level grinding, provide buggy with enrichment by way of Treasure Maps and supervised Treasure Hunts
supervised, ostensibly so the others can acquire any Underwater Treasure he may find, or to help buggy carry All The Treasure back to the ship, but actually to keep him from wandering into naval bases and getting arrested
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neverevan · 9 months
Not one member of the 118 is without daddy issues... you think that's a requirement to be a firefighter?
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jnjlen-ou-skinjbir · 11 months
If The Mirror Visitor took place in modern days, Godfrey would 300% have an alpha male/red pill/toxic gymbro podcast
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zeravmeta · 4 months
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oh this girl is gonna be an absolute loser isnt she
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mywingsareonwheels · 1 year
An absolutely crucial bit of Shakespearean casting
Orsino must be hot.
Obviously there are many many different ways in which people can be hot, and (never) fuck anyone who says otherwise. But he must give an overall impression of hotness. His clothes should suit him well, his voice should be a delight, his energy should be devastatingly attractive. Bonus points if he opens his shirt at least once, which tbf he usually does. ;-) He should also be extremely bi, but I hope that goes without saying.
Orsino is... not one of my favourite Shakespearean men, and I always feel that Viola is vastly too good for him (as indeed would Olivia have been). But if he is a hot, disastrous bi, then I can at least see what Viola sees in him, which makes the entire play work far better. :D
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piracytheorist · 9 months
The way I've heard about how some people with a penis will go into the bathroom, raise the toilet seat, do their business, flush, and then walk out without washing their hands because "Well I didn't touch my genitals" like pal if your dingadong has more germs than the toilet seat or the flush button then I fucking worry about the status of your dingadong and your health in general
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twilitfossil · 1 month
if i can get through this photography course without ragequitting i get my degree. just swallow your pride and submit all of your assignments via instagram with the. required hashtags and in-app editing. and required Commenting on Other’s Posts. because Instagram Skills are Important for Your Generation of Artists :) :))))
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slumberinglabyrinth · 18 days
tellius worldbuilding is funny because the divine right of kings is undeniably real because being king comes with tangible blessings but it's also vague enough that elected officials still count as kings for the purposes of getting those blessings from the goddess
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spaciebabie · 1 year
okay i was gonna make a long winded post abt how being autistic and aplatonic fucks up any semblence of connectedness i am able ta feel w/my fellow humans but i got tired so let me just shorten it ta say:
when u dont feel motiv for friend make and u bad at making frend as well life! is hell at times. blah blah blah i feel abnormal all the time something something i am aware i do not socialize "normally" like others and it makes me self concious. blah blah blah sometimes i wish i could feel how alloplatonics feel. end post.
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muninnhuginn · 2 years
In terms of Yor and how she approaches the idea of “normal” I do very much see it as her wanting to be “normal” first and foremost and then her trying to fit the role of wife and mother is a manifestation of that. As in, rather than her conflict being primarily to fit those roles because she’s always had some deep yearning to have a family or anything.
I read it as her wanting to be “normal” because she feels like it’s something she missed out on being and that it’s something she’s failing at being (and her wondering if parents would have “taught her to be normal” just adds to that) and that whilst there’s obviously a security element there of not wanting to be targeted by the SSS it does come off as something she wants regardless.
Hopefully though, the direction it’s going with her arc, she’ll get to meet people who let her realise that it’s okay for her to not have to fit the mold. Sure, the SSS won’t be vanishing anytime soon, but for her to at least realise for herself that she isn’t lacking for not being completely normal (and that to some extent, everyone deviates from the norm in some way or another) would be a big step for her.
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deargravity · 3 months
to be my favourite, a character has to be
- burdened with forsaking their humanity to fulfil the prophecy and then struggle with learning to live with themselves once they’ve outlived their myth
- the most unsettling, off-putting, sinister entity in the vicinity at all times
- a woman with a deranged look in her eyes and blood all over her face
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collgeruledzebra · 1 year
head in my hands hal 9000 is not a robot... he's an artificial intelligence...
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road2manjuumaster · 2 years
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pidayforpi · 1 year
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(Hi this old man is now officially my favourite character)
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