#to her it's too unpleasant lolol
needlxd · 1 year
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« ...how long can you keep that up? » she isn't sure if that's the appropriate response to finding someone simply hanging upside down, but it's the first thing to come to her mind. kitiara is plenty used to odd behaviors, but isn't this one a little dangerous? or does he have some kind of immunity against blood rushing to his head and causing hemorrhaging?
...actually, that'd be a pretty neat bragging point, in her opinion. though being upside down at all is definitely not her personal cup of tea.
@wildkaart liked for pavitr
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lunasfics · 1 month
Found Family - Under the Blossoms
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summary: You’re new to that concept, it’s one thing you have yet to fully adjust to. The concept of people actively choosing to love you as you are, people who care if you disappear without a trace, people who see your flaws and shortcomings and still choose to see the good in you. 
this is sort of a continuation to found family! read here
pairings: Batfam x f! Reader, Supers x f! Reader
word count: 2k
request: "I neeeeeeed more Wayne-Kent daughter stuff. Your first post was truly amazing. Can I request a fic gets really upset about something and she hasn’t been home in a couple days. Everyone is looking for her but she’s hiding somewhere far away, maybe in Japan surrounded by cherry blossoms and a koi pond in the forest. Clark finds her and brings Bruce with him to see if she’s okay. You can change anything that you want but just the premise of the reader missing. Thank you!!! " requested by @ashdoctor
a/n: hi! i would first and foremost like to thank the sender of this request because I have had the worst writers block and this kind pulled me out of it :).also this not not proofread so sorry in advance for any typos,,,, anyway, this is kinda focused a bit on bruce and y/n's relationship cause they're both like. fucked up and complicated lolol but yeah I hope you like it! ALSO! i based the old japanese couple on a haikyuu character kita shinsuke, cause why not i thought it'd be fun
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“Well I’ve flown through all of Gotham and Metropolis twice, and did a once-over around the country, not a trace. I’m getting really worried.” 
“She has to be somewhere, how long have we been searching?” 
“Going on day 3.” 
“I’ve checked every landmark I’ve taken her to see during our training, I haven’t seen her once.” 
“We’ll keep looking.” 
The comms have been flooded for the past two days with nervous chatter and consistent but pointless updates in regards to your unknown whereabouts. Clark and Connor have been doing the physical searching while Bruce has hacked into any and every surveillance camera he could in hopes of the system picking up your face somewhere, anywhere.
Your siblings have taken over Gotham patrols, Barbara occasionally taking over the online search while Alfred forces Bruce to get some sleep. 
You’ve been living with him for well over six months now, adjustment has gotten easier for you, and you’d gotten more comfortable in going off on your own to explore. Now, Clark never has a problem with this, encouraging you to explore as much as you could, “The world has so much to offer, soon you’ll understand why we care so much for keeping it safe” he’d say. 
Bruce however felt it was reckless to use your powers so casually, you shouldn’t depend on them the way you do, that it's a liability to your civilian life. It’s not something you should be so careless about, “Your safety and well-being is not someone you should take lightly.” 
Naturally, you are too stubborn to see this was purely out of worry, that he actually cares for you. You’re new to that concept, it’s one thing you have yet to fully adjust to. The concept of people actively choosing to love you as you are, people who care if you disappear without a trace, people who see your flaws and shortcomings and still choose to see the good in you. 
Maybe that’s why you reacted the way you did during your last conversation with Bruce. The seething anger that heated your bones, the dense lump that formed in your throat as you spoke. The unpleasant pit in your stomach as you slammed the cave door behind you, the sweaty palms and the inexplicable reflex within you that told you to keep yourself guarded. To not let these people close enough to stab you in the back, to protect yourself and your skills. Do not allow yourself to be held back.  
So now here you are, on some farmland in a tiny town in Japan. You weren’t sure this town has had access to any recent tech for at least the past ten years. It was a refreshing change, it reminded you of all your favorite things about Smallville. The smell of the crops and the way the cherry blossoms bloomed along the outskirts of the fields in the spring. The pink of the petals was soft and peaceful, the wind blowing softly through them released a pleasant floral smell that made you feel at peace. 
Arriving there was an experience, you just flew and flew until you found yourself in a field at the crack of dawn, opening your eyes to an elderly Japanese couple standing over you, concern etched into their aged faces, confusion was evident in the way they spoke to you, but so was kindness. 
Mr and Mrs Kita were kind people, taking you in without question because they knew you were in need. They told you their story, about their grandson and how he goes to school in the city.
And so they invited you in and were delighted to find that you speak Japanese, although their dialect was different from yours, they welcomed you with open arms. You’ve worked in their fields the past two days, finding peace within yourself, and as nice as it was, you missed your family. 
Back in the house, the couple observes you as they do everyday, you pay no mind as you continue to harvest crops. 
“She’s a bit of an odd one, isn't she?”
“I quite like her, honest worker, though she seems as though she carries a heavy burden.” 
“Yes, I noticed that. She's quite adorable, she almost reminds me of our Shinsuke.”
“I do see it Dear, perhaps they’ll meet when he visits for the summer.” 
“I do hope so.”
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“I’ve got something.” Bruce stood in his seat, gloved hands clicking away relentlessly as the batcomputer, pulling up a global map of movements that have broken the sound barrier within the past week.  
Clark stood behind him, eyeing the screen that was littered with red lines, the United States being full to the brim given their recent search. There were more streaks around the world leading to the landmarks, all which Clark could recall making. However there was one that stood out to him, a singular streak that abruptly stops in the middle of Hyogo, Japan. 
“What could she possibly be doing in the middle of Japan” 
“I really don’t know Clark but we need to go now. Wait for me outside, I’ll update the others.” 
All that was going through Bruce’s mind was seeing you again, having a rational, calm conversation where he isn’t so wound up from a failed mission and where you don’t feel so backed into a corner. 
Bruce Wayne isn’t very much a man of expressing feelings, granted, over time he has improved immensely, but he is nowhere near perfect and neither are you. You’re two people, a father and his daughter who are trying their best to be better for each other and for those you love. 
Bruce is a man who at times tends to lack patience, there are not many things he isn’t good at, unfortunately being emotionally vulnerable is one of the things he could use improvement on. 
That’s probably why he let you go that night instead of chasing after you, and it’s probably why he stayed silent while Lois was telling him off when he first told her and Clark that you were missing. 
If he’s learned anything in his time as a father, it’s that he’d do better, and he will continue to be a better father today than he was yesterday. 
Regardless, he knew he needed to get his daughter.
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For one hour every day, at one o’ clock, you went and sat under the cherry blossoms, inhaling the comforting floral fumes, feeling the defined rays of sunlight peak through the branches of the tree and onto your soft skin. 
You knew the soft breeze by heart now, the way it felt softly dancing through your hair, the cool sensation of it against your hairline as it kissed away the beads of sweat formed by the day of work in the sun. You had decided last night that today you would go home, as peaceful as it was there you missed your family. You missed your dads and brothers and sisters, you missed the civilians you’d help on patrol. You missed helping people, but more than that you missed your family. You missed baking for them and laughing with them, learning about life and society with them by your side every step of the way. You had decided that today at sundown. you would leave everything in order and organized for the Kitas and bid your farewells, of course you would visit soon, they’re  kind people who took care of you when you needed it. 
You immediately knew something was off when you felt a sudden gust of air, uncharacteristic for the climate in this area. You knew for certain something was off when you heard the familiar swoosh of that cape. 
You turned slowly and sure enough, you saw Bruce, walking towards you in long powerful strides, Clark not far behind him. 
His steps are aggressive, almost sloppy, his strides large and powerful, his walk having more purpose than you’d ever seen it. 
You prepared yourself for the lecture, the mental image of his condescending glare as he breaded you for your lack of self preservation, your recklessness, how this could have compromised your identity, how you're stupid, so so stupid. How you don’t think. How you’re not worth it, a lost cause-
Two strong arms wrapped themselves around you before you knew what was happening. The scent of cologne and the faint smell of metal filling your senses, why isn’t he yelling at me? 
“I was so worried. We all were. Please, don’t do that again, we’ll talk it through next time. I’m sorry.” His voice was gentle, not what you were expecting, his voice was kind, so much so that you felt your eyes glaze over, a wet sensation making its way down your cheek. . You were crying. There was that puddle of warmth pooling in your chest, that sense of security and safety. Clark came up behind you and held you tight, the feeling intensified. 
Ah. Now it made sense. His steps weren't aggressive, they were nervous, emotional.
“You really had us scared there, kiddo. Next time, come to Metropolis, or Smallville, or the tower, anywhere with anyone, but talk to us. We’re always going to be here for you because that’s what family is.” 
Tears fell from your eyes, though you didn't understand why, tears were typically for sadness, but you weren’t sad. These were tears of disbelief, of joy, of love. How funny it is that you never, not once thought you could possibly be cared for like this, that you could ever obtain a proper family like the kinds you learned about. You decided then and there that you would be damned if you ever lost them, if you ever left this. 
“I’m sorry I left, I shouldn’t have. I was going to go back today– the people. The people here have been taking care of me, I was going to help them and say goodbye.” 
Clark shook his head, “You don’t need to apologize, it’s okay, Y/n. Why don’t you go say goodbye, and we can have dinner with Ma and Pa. Sound good?” 
You nodded gingerly, feeling like a small child, you never got a childhood, you didn’t get coddled nor did you get spoken to in a loving manner. You were never reassured nor were you truly shown kindness until the night they saved you from that lab. 
The world is a cold and scary place. You’d seen some of humanity's worst, you were created by them, you were intended to be one of them. You’ve found that within the world there’s kindness, there’s love, there’s peace. 
You pulled away from them and made your way through the field and into the house, smiling at Mr and Mrs Kita sitting at the dinner table playing a game of chess, Mrs. Kita stood and smiled at you, as if she already knew. 
“I want to thank you both sincerely for your hospitality, I can’t thank you enough for the kindness you have shown me,” your voice shook but you continued, “I promise to visit again soon, and anything you need, please let me know and I will give it to you.” 
Mr. Kita laughed and shook his head, “You owe us nothing, if anything we owe you, the fields look better than I’ve ever seen them, you’re always welcome here.” 
Mrs. Kita smacked his arm lightly, and smiled and pulled you in for a hug, “That isn’t the only reason, what he means is we will always welcome you here with open arms, Dear, be safe.” 
You hugged them and retreated back to your dads, joining them on their way back to Kansas, where your loving family was already waiting.
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“My goodness! Did you see that scary man in the cape outside? How cold he looked.” Mrs. Kita shuddered as she laid next to her husband. 
“Yes, I did, and my, that bulky fellow in the blue? He could do without the leggings.” 
“I think they do him quite a service… from behind at least.”
“My goodness Yumie, have some class Dear.” He shook his head.
She laughed, “Well, you don’t have it like you used to, old man. I’d like something to look at every so often, why don't you go buy yourself some leggings?” 
He scoffed, “Not happening, Woman. I don’t want to talk about this anymore. They best not keep Y/n from visiting or I’ll fly to the states and get her myself.” 
The room erupted into giggles and laughter, it was peaceful in the small farm in Hyogo that night.
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Taglist! Went ahead and just reused the one from the first chapter! If you'd like to be removed, send an ask to let me know!
Taglist- @one-green-frog @bonniecat @minnieearsposts @chickentenderx @murkyponds @loserwithnofriends @ilikefanfics4 @fangirlvibez @instantplaiddream @lovelywritersgarden @calicocat45 @strawberrycreamh @sappynappysworld @zyuuuu @allycat4458 @lovelypitasworld @batfamlover @pterodactyl-hater @american-idiot21 @starlets-things @th1s-b1tch-1s-dead @dontgivemeyourname @normal-internet-user @sillyfinn @lostgirlsstuff @llvmakk @princess76179 @vanessa-boo @1lellykins @blitzythefanvergentpitsterthings @samibrewss @pickyblue12 @thetiredtoad0-0 @lacklustertrashbag @biadoll21 @blublock404
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snowblossomreads · 1 year
Verse Seven: I’ll Be Dead Before The Day Is Done
Previous Chapter: So I Gave Myself Over Willingly
Summary: In where a guest is welcomed over, and [Y/n] finds bliss in the hands of both men.
Pairing: Severus Snape x FemReader x ???? (Y'all know who this is why am I acting like it's a surprise)
Warning(s): Rough Sex, Drink Spiking, Dubious Consent (That turns enthusiastic), Threesome, Double Penetration ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), Oral (Male and Female Receiving), Begging, Thigh Riding, Some Voyeurism, Spanking (Once?) Again Overall Filth
Word Count: 15.7K (Chokes)
A/N: LOLOL YO I'm so sorry that this took fifteen years I have no excuse other than life came at me again and I've just been lazy so. I hope the massiveness makes up for it :). But we have finally come to our conclusion and I do hope that it's everything one could want for the end of this! So with out further ado lets get on with this filthy finale!
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Long stifling summer days became even longer frigid winter nights. The amount of time passing exactly was unknown to her yet she could not care much anymore. Not when she barely had time to think about anything else other than him. 
From the moment she had given in, he had taken full advantage of it. The cruel words spat out from before were replaced with sweet nothings as each day she pottered about the house aimlessly.
Always quietly by his side if he wanted her that way, keeping him company, or left to her own devices yet somehow feeling as if there were still eyes on her.
His rough handling transformed into gentle touches that she had unconsciously leaned into one day and never stopped after that. That wasn’t to say he was always gentle. 
No, he was far from it especially when he would spear her aching cunt open with his cock after teasing her till she begged for him to fuck her. Spreading the swollen nether lips apart that glistened with their juices mixing as she would whimper his name like a prayer each time he plunged himself into her whenever he desired. 
On his-their bed, on the kitchen table, against the cool tiles of the shower, and right on the tall wingback chair where she sat now. Any unpleasant memory she held of that chair from early on was easily drowned out by the numerous times she had found bliss on it. 
From Severus devouring her soaking cunt, his tongue lapping at her velvet heat while his fingers flicked and rubbed at her swollen bead until she released her juices for him to drink. To him taking her from behind as she clawed at the back of the seat for something to hold onto as he slammed into her violently making her abused cunt come for him once again.
There were only memories of pleasure now for her to think of as she gripped the book in her hand, eyes unfocused on the words as her thighs clenched together at the thoughts. He had taken her so often now that just the thought of him had her stomach tingling, and just being with him had her yearning for his touch whenever it wasn’t on her. 
She had become drunk for him so quickly that one would never have thought she had put up a fight against him if they saw her now. Sweet and submissive to the man that she had not noticed approaching her from the kitchen, too caught up in her thoughts of him and the way he made her body ache in all the right ways.
“I’m having a guest over for dinner [Y/n].”
Head snapping up at the thunderous rumble of his voice that made her stomach quiver in a good way, she was met with an amused glint in his eyes as she tightened her grip on the book. She was a bit startled at his sudden appearance but quickly settled under his watchful gaze that softened for a moment.
“A guest?” She wondered aloud as it was highly unusual for anyone else to be in the house. 
Usually, it was just the two of them and if someone were coming he wouldn’t tell her. Only gently leading her to their room telling her he had business to deal with and to be good. 
While it may have seemed odd, she quickly deduced he was probably meeting with some less than savory characters and somehow it made her yearn for him more knowing that he was taking what he said seriously. 
That he would keep her safe.
“Do you want me to stay upstairs?” Her question coming as she was already shifting in her seat  to get up and go upstairs so that he could be left alone, “I can go now if you want-”
It stopped her in her tracks, and she looked up at him with a questioning gaze as he shook his head at her while speaking.
“I want you to stay and meet them,” he stated simply as he watched her tilt her head at him. Confusion overtook the wonder in her as she waited for him to say more as she was unsure if he wanted the issue pressed. He seemed to have noticed the look as after a brief pause he added, albeit with a slightly annoyed tone, 
“They’ve been pestering me about visiting and it’s becoming tiresome. Unfortunately, though, they have a habit of sticking their nose where it does not belong.”
Still feeling confused about the entire situation, [Y/n] just nodded unsure about exactly what to say considering it was a strange situation. The thought of meeting someone new caused her stomach to turn a bit. Not because she was afraid, but more wary if anything. 
She had never been one for sudden changes. And from the sound of it, Severus didn’t seem keen on this person coming either but he could just tell them no, right? Badgering or not. 
“Well, hopefully, the visit satiates their curiosity?”  She asked pushing down any real questions about the mystery person in case it annoyed him further. 
For a moment she could have sworn there was a strange glint that passed through his eyes, but when she blinked it was gone. 
“Yes hopefully,” he drawled out in that baritone voice of his, moving closer to [Y/n] until he was standing to the side of the chair. Eyes gleaming at her, he leaned down causing her to automatically lift her head to look at him. 
Their lips brushed against each other with how close they were and it caused her skin to prickle with goosebumps as she leaned forward. Her body preening at being so close to him and desire already beginning to bloom again in her stomach as she sighed in delight at their closeness.
“But until then feel free to do as you wish,” he finally said before claiming her lips in a brief kiss that had her humming against his lips. 
It was too short for her liking as he nibbled at her lower lip before pulling away, leaving her to shoot a tiny frown at him. A smirk played on his features as he took a step back, turning to go back into the kitchen where he had been for a while.
“I’ll be in here, I have something to finish preparing.” 
Not questioning him, she nodded, a soft ‘okay’ leaving her while watching Severus retreat into the kitchen to prepare for this mystery guest's arrival. 
When he was no longer in her sights, [Y/n] went back to page through the book in her hand. The thought of this mystery person swirled in her head as she tried to concentrate, but it wasn’t before long that she began to feel a bit drowsy. 
The noise of Severus working just in the room next to her had her relaxing into the chair even more as her grip loosened on the book in her hand. 
Furthermore, she could hear the soft pitter-patter of rain begin to gently hit the window and the roof as the room became a bit darker as clouds outside began to roll in. 
Reading had become almost impossible with how blurry the words had become in her tiredness and before long she was out like a light. 
She was unsure how long she slept, though, a vague memory of Severus coming to pluck her book away while throwing a blanket against her body swirled in her mind. 
So when a piercing rapt at the door echoed through the air, it was no surprise that it had her jolting up from her seat suddenly. The sound had her heart thudding, and body feeling light due to the adrenaline that rushed through her from the sound.
An undignified squeak flew from her lips the moment Severus returned to the room to investigate the knocking and watching this all happen had him chuckling softly in her direction. This caused her cheeks to heat up as she turned to look away from him feeling a bit bashful.
“That must be him,” he spoke eyes briefly lingering on [Y/n] before looking in the direction of the noise, “let him in while I rearrange all of this won’t you?” 
Turning to look at him, she gave a nod almost getting up before looking down and suddenly remembering,
“Uhm, is it alright, I’m not quite dressed…” Words trailing off, she looked down at her still nightgown clad body. 
They had no plans to leave the house that day so she hadn’t thought at all to put on ‘regular’ clothes so she was still in her sleeping attire. And while it did cover her, with long sleeves and a hem that passed her thighs, she did feel a bit uncomfortable greeting a stranger in her current outfit.
“I wouldn’t worry too much about it,” Severus responded, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly as he began to lazily flick his wand levitating objects and moving them elsewhere, “though if you find it too uncomfortable, you are free to change before dinner.”
Thinking it over briefly, [Y/n] nodded before getting up from the chair, making sure she didn’t trip over the blanket that had gotten tangled around her limbs when she was startled. 
Making her way to the door a little shiver rolled through her body at how cold the floors were. 
‘Should have worn slippers.’
She thought to herself as she made her way into the hallway where another knock, this time even louder, could be heard as she reached the door.
Whoever it was outside seemed to be getting impatient as the knocking seemed to last longer as she stood in front of the door to open it. Turning the knob and cracking the door open, her senses were assaulted with the loud patter of rain, the smell of dampness, and the sight of a very familiar man.  He wore the crossest expression she had ever seen before as he surveyed the area around him with distaste. 
“Snape it is pouring out here, have you no idea how long I’ve -.” The rant was cut short as the man's gray eyes met [Y/n], who stood somewhat behind the door. Her body was shielded from his sight as she stared a bit dumbfoundedly at the man who seemed to regain his composure quicker than she did.
“My, my what a delightful surprise,” he purred, words dripping with something akin to amusement as the annoyed furrow of his brow relaxed. 
His words were followed by him pushing the door back further to widen his entrance to the house as he strolled right in. There was a self-righteous smirk on his lips as [Y/n] squeaked from almost being squished against the wall that was behind the door as the man promptly ignored her.
Closing the door and turning on him to protest his audacity, the moment she looked at him to say something another chill spread through her causing her to freeze in place. And this time it wasn’t because of the cold floorboards. 
His eyes were locked on her form, drinking her in from top to bottom as he took his time gazing at her gown clad form. Even in the dimness of the hallway, she could see how his eyes narrowed at her, an unreadable look crossing his features as he started to approach her. It made her shiver, as she folded her arms against her chest wanting to make herself small at the moment.
“Lucius Malfoy,” he announced proudly, his shoulders squared as he outstretched his free hand, the other occupied by a sleek black cane with a serpent's head at the tip of it. 
Eyes darting from his hand to his face, the pit in her stomach began to tighten. She had seen his face around before at the ministry and while he seemed to have a harmless outer demeanor something told her that was far from the case. 
There had been whispers, and rumors that he was still aligned with the Dark Lord even after the first war where he had claimed he had been under the Imperius curse. 
But now here he was. And well, if Severus had allowed him to visit and let her greet him, then maybe it was okay, even if the man made her feel apprehensive as she loosened her arms from around herself to hesitantly shake his hand.
Though the moment her hand was in his, he found it to be the perfect moment to jerk the woman forward, causing her eyes to widen in panic at the sudden motion that brought her closer to him. A wicked grin played on his features as his hands tightened the hold on her own causing her to try to pull away but to no avail.
“And you must be Ms.[Y/n],” he purred, his voice and the tone of it causing the goosebumps that had already been prickling at her skin to become more numerous as he addressed her. “It was about time Severus introduced me to you. How unfair of him to keep you under lock and key.” 
He knew her name. She wasn’t expecting that as he drew her close to him as she tried to wiggle out of his hold. Her heart beat wildly in her chest when the grip on her hand did not loosen. 
“I-” she could barely squeak out, panic setting in as she tried to tug her hand away hating how close he was. She was only seconds from screaming. A wave of terror she had not felt for months now returned as his hand tightened around her own keeping her from pulling away.
“And this is the reason it took me so long, Malfoy, you have such a way of making all around you uncomfortable.”
Relief washed over in an instant for [Y/n] as Lucius let go of her at the sound of Severus’ voice coming from behind them. She was quick to scurry to his side, not looking back at the blond man whose eyes she could feel against her back. 
“Ah don’t be that way old friend,” Lucius chuckled, going over to Severus and patting him on the shoulder only for him to shrug the hand off, giving Lucuis a small glare. “I was just admiring, nothing harmless in that, no?”
“Of course…just admiring as you are known to do,” Severus groused, his expression stern before his eyes landed on [Y/n] and relaxed just a bit as she wrapped her arms around herself.
She was a bit unsure of what to do at the moment, feeling small under the gaze of two men and shrinking into herself the longer they stood there. While she could see the softness briefly in Severus’ eyes it did not last long and Lucius still had that gleam that made her uncomfortable. 
As if he sensed her discomfort, Severus spoke, drawing her attention from the spiral of thoughts in her mind.
“Why don’t you freshen up for dinner [Y/n]?”  While stated like a question it was very much him giving her an out and who was she to say no to it?
Wordlessly she nodded all too happy to leave the situation as she unfurled her arms from around herself and moved away from the intense gaze that Lucius seemed to keep on her while she retreated away from them and towards the stairs. 
Though as she retreated she still could feel lingering eyes on her and it made her shiver. He had promised he wouldn’t let harm come to her, and he hadn’t yet the unease in her stomach had her mind spiraling.
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The outfit she had put on when she got upstairs was a simple one. A high-waisted dark emerald pleated skirt that stopped just below her calves with a simple white blouse that she had tucked into the skirt. Her favorite though was the slightly puffed sleeves that adorned the blouse as it paired quite well with the skirt. 
Taking a look at herself in the mirror, a small smile grew on her features as she took in the sight of her, the memory of Severus presenting this little outfit to her one day floating in her mind.
It was very out of the blue, the gift, but she had to admit, she did look very pretty in it and she couldn’t help the bit of happiness that flooded her when thinking about it. 
Taking in one more look at herself, and straightening the outfit once more, [Y/n] made her way out of the room but not before wondering and then dismissing the thought of wearing shoes. It wasn’t as if they were going outside and she could just slip her more comfortable house shoes on when she got downstairs. 
Though when she did make it downstairs and to the entryway of the living room, she was stopped in her tracks by the sudden transformation of the room. 
No longer were the chairs and sofa that adorned the room there and neither was the tiny desk that held a slew of books and a muggle typewriter in sight. 
Instead, she met with the kitchen table in the middle of the room set up with three chairs, two already being occupied, and a spread of food on the table. Candles were floating about the table giving some illumination to the dim room as she watched Severus and Lucius talk in low voices.
Lucius, already nursing what looked to be a glass of red wine, seemed to be quite into the story he was telling, his hand flourishing as he spoke. While Severus on the other hand wore that neutral expression he was so known for as he seemingly listened to the other man drone on.
The sight of them being so opposite from one another, amused [Y/n] so much that she couldn’t help but let out a muffled giggle. It was no louder than a mouse scampering across the floor but it still caught both men’s attention as they looked in her direction.
“Dressed up all pretty for dinner now are we?” Lucius asked, his question causing [Y/n]’s laughter to die on her lips as his eyes seemed to roam over her body again. The hungry glint was back in it, as that devious smirk grew on his features while he observed her once more before turning to Severus.
“I’m feeling quite honored that you set up all of this just for me, Severus. How unnaturally kind of you.”
His words seemed to touch a nerve in Severus who looked at him with narrowed eyes, a faint ‘tsk’ passing his lips before he spoke.
“Malfoy, your arrogance seems to be rivaling that of a particular child, should I remind you that not everything revolves around your wants even if you wish to believe so?” Severus sighed seemingly exasperated with Lucius.
Yet it didn’t seem to perturb the other man who just shrugged nonchalantly as if he hadn't been insulted. No, his eyes just flicked back over to the woman who had hidden herself a bit behind the door frame again as having his eyes on her made her feel queasy.
Seeing her almost retreat, Severus raised his hand grabbing her attention and motioning her to an empty seat next to Lucius. 
“[Y/n], don’t dawdle over there like that, come and sit. Malfoy may seem unmannered for a pure-blood but I do not believe he’s known to bite.”
Looking between the two men once more, an uneasy feeling gnawed at her belly yet she nodded doing as she told and making her way towards the chair next to Lucius. 
Before she reaches the spot though, she is stopped in her tracks as Lucius stands, pulling the chair out for her, a little smirk on his features as he stretches his hand for her to take.
“Allow me,” he spoke, his eyes gleaming at her, an unreadable expression crossing his face. And then instead of waiting for her to accept his offer, his hand was already reaching for her’s and he was leading her to sit.
“O-oh, thank you,” she stuttered out, a bit taken off guard as he guided her to sit, fingers lingering on her shoulder as he went to the side by his chair. 
“Oh you are most welcome dove,” he purred out, as he stroked her shoulder lightly before moving down to her forearm causing goosebumps to prickle at her skin as she stared at him, stupefied at his forwardness.
Holding her gaze for a mere moment, a satisfied smirk found itself playing at his lips as he pulled away from [Y/n], her stomach turning a little more. A loud ‘tsk’ broke the awkwardness up as Severus who had watched the entire display had a scowl marring his features, his brows furrowed as he glared at Lucius.
“Now, now we mustn’t touch what isn’t ours Lucius,” Severus groused, his eyes on Lucius who didn’t seem at all affected by the words. Instead, he brought his wine glass up for another sip before smirking and turning to [Y/n].
“My apologies [Y/n] it’s just that I’ve been waiting quite some time for Severus to introduce us,” he paused to take another sip before turning to said man, “isn’t that right old friend?”
The exasperated look on Severus' face was almost enough to make [Y/n] want to smile even with how odd the situation felt to her. Any insult, any annoyance that he had towards the other wizard seemed to bounce off of Lucius with ease. She had to admit it was quite amusing even if the other man made her feel a bit wary with how forward he seemed to be.
“You’re exaggerating as usual.” Severus retorted, taking his glass of wine and sipping from it.
“Well yes, perhaps a bit but,” putting his glass down, he turned his head in [Y/n]’s direction before placing a hand on her lap. The movement caused her to almost jump from her seat yet the way he had his eyes on her, as if she was his prey, had her seated and unmoving as he spoke directly to her. 
“But I’m not exaggerating when I say quite how pretty you are,” he purred, eyes roaming up and down her form, drinking her in. For a moment she swore his gaze stopped on her lips, and she also swore there was a second where he licked his own lips as he observed her before humming out, 
“Severus is lucky.”
“T-thank you?” Her answer came out unsure and a bit shaky as she looked for Severus' guidance. Her eyes meeting his and as if he can see the confusion and distress in them he lets out a scoff.
“Enough now, the food is getting cold, you think you have better manners, Lucius.”
There’s a playful roll of Lucius' eyes as he gives [Y/n] a final once over before pulling away and glimpsing at Severus.
“Manners? Why I am a paragon of them.”
With that, the conversation began to die down as they started to serve themselves some of the meal that Severus had been working on before Lucius’ arrival. It was a variety of vegetables encircling a steaming plump roast that ran with juices as it was cut into releasing a salivating aroma.
Some light conversation played on between the two men as they all dined. Lucius mentioning off handly how he wasn’t aware of Severus’ skill in the culinary arts. This only led to a snide comment about how not everyone had house elves at their beck and call, only making Lucius laugh.
They continued on about this and that, drinking more than they ate as [Y/n] also only took small bites of the food on her plate.  Each bite was washed down with a sip of wine that Lucius had poured for her stating that it was from his personal collection and shouldn’t go to waste.
It was quite delicious, with a fruity note to it along with a hidden note of something woody that mixed surprisingly well with the flavor. Though there was something else in it. Another flavor that she couldn’t put her finger on as she accepted another glass of it, this time from Severus who topped off the quickly receding liquid in her cup. 
One glass became another, and soon she began to slowly lose count of how much she had to drink as it seemed like before she was even done with one glass it was filled back up. 
Each sip became sweeter, as the liquid coated her tongue, the fragrance of it becoming more intoxicating with each swallow causing her to seek out more of it.
Her body felt abuzz with life, warm, and light as she reached out for the bottle pouring another glass for herself as she listened to the men beside her talk. 
She felt as if she was almost floating with each sip, her cheeks warm, and her head feeling fuzzy signaling that she was in need of cutting herself off. 
Yet it seemed her willpower was failing her as she continued to drink while listening to the men beside her and how rich both of their voices were. 
In her haze, she could still appreciate the difference in their own way of speaking even though she didn’t quite understand why she was fixated on it. 
Lucius with his posh accent, which sounded almost condensing at times, and Severus with his low drawl and pauses in between certain words for emphasis. Both of their voices were deep, causing her chest to pleasantly vibrate even with how quietly they spoke to each other. 
“Celebrating our meeting now are you?”
The warmth of Lucius' breath caressed [Y/n]’s cheek, almost causing her to drop the nearly empty bottle of wine onto her lap as she went to pour another.
His words and closeness caused a shudder to run up her spine. Just like earlier on, yet this time there was something different about it. It was warmer, more electric, as she felt his hair brush against her cheek, as she turned to look at him only to find her face only mere inches from his. 
Gray eyes gleamed at her, and had she been in her right mind she would have pulled away in an instant. But something was keeping her rooted as she watched his eyes move down to her lips that were wined stained and trembling.
The gaze he held on her made her skin prickle with heat, but what really caused her to shudder was when his fingers brushed against her hand oh so slightly as he went to take the bottle from her. A wildfire felt as if it had been lit across her skin as a tiny gasp fell from her lips at his touch. 
“Celebrating?” There was a sarcastic tone in Severus' voice that pulled her out of her trance.
It seemed to do nothing to quell the heat that was marking her skin only causing it to alight. Yet there was a pleasant sort of heat coming from it even if it felt a bit suffocating.   
“I believe she would rather forget she had to meet you. [Y/n]?”
“I’m sorry I just-,” her words were cut short as she turned at the sound of her name going to answer him yet being suddenly overwhelmed with a lightheadedness that had her head spinning.
Reaching out to grab the table to steady herself, she found herself trying to regain her balance yet when she couldn’t, she felt tears prick her eyes at the overwhelming feeling. 
The dizziness, the heat, the arousal. 
“S-Severus,” she whimpered out, her voice taking on a breathy tone as her eyes glossed over with both unshed tears and an unreadable look, “I d-don’t, something’s wrong”
Lungs burning with each breath she took, she watched as his brows furrowed at her words. A look of concern marred his face as everything began to feel hazy to her as if she was becoming a bystander in her own body.
“Come here,” Severus murmured as he pushed his seat away from the table and reached his hand out for her to take.
Attempting to get out of her seat, she was met with another wave of dizziness and unsteadiness that threatened to bring her to the floor. Her legs felt as if they weren't connected to her as she tried to move towards him and if it wasn’t for the hand that wrapped itself gingerly around her waist she would have stumbled right onto the ground.
A whine, one that almost sounded like a moan escaped her lips as she turned to look at who had caught her knowing there was only one other person there to begin with.
“Careful now,” Lucius purred, squeezing her waist slightly causing her to mewl at the sensation that had her belly swarming with heat and tightness. “Don’t want to get a stain on that pretty blouse of yours.”  
Unable to form a word or thought other than how hot it was and how painfully alight her body felt, [Y/n] could only nod dumbfoundedly as she let him guide her to Severus who wore an unreadable expression as Lucius handed her off to him.
Taking the hand that was outstretched to her, a soft cry spilled from her lips as Severus tugged her close, causing her to stumble forward into his lap. Her skirt hitching up a bit as her legs found themselves on opposite sides of his thighs effectively causing her to straddle him. 
The rocking of his thigh as he went to lean forward to examine her caused her to take a sharp breath at the sensation that bloomed from her belly and began to spread its tendrils downwards to her cunt that fluttered at the pressure.
“Hmph,” it was a noise of displeasure yet it had her stifling a moan as his fingers brushed against her forehead as if he was taking her temperature. “You’re burning up [Y/n]. You should have told me if you were feeling unwell.”
“N-not, not sick,” she managed to stutter out as she tried to steady herself on his thigh by leaning forward just a bit so that she could hold onto his shoulders. 
The motion though had her whimpering as it caused her to rock her hips even more against his thighs making the ache in her cunt more apparent. 
So apparent that she was sure he could feel the wetness that was beginning to seep through her underwear and her skirt as she began to rock a little more against him. If she had been in her right mind she would have been mortified about almost everything that was happening at that moment. 
Her position, the way her body was reacting to both of their touches and how this was happening all in front of someone else. She would have pulled away if she was in her right mind but she didn’t. 
She couldn’t really, not with how in the clouds she felt. Nor with the way Severus’ dark eyes were shining with something unreadable as they stayed transfixed on her form causing her to stay in place. 
His question came out in a hushed velvet drawl as he eyed her quaking form. Her quivering only worsened as his fingers lightly traveled up and down her clothed arm, stroking it and making her whine as his eyes moved from her face down to her chest that heaved with each shaky breath she tried to take.
The sight he found was not at all surprising. Quiet welcomed actually as he felt her continue to squirm in his lap as her nipples strained against the blouse she wore. Visible, hardened, and aching for something to touch them.
“No you’re right,” he muttered, “not sick but I do think I know the problem.”
The question died instantly, being transformed into a high-pitched moan as she threw her head back at the feeling of his fingers pinching and pressing roughly at the hardened nipple. 
An electric sensation shot through her chest, and trailed down her body, as she began to roughly grind her hips down on his thigh with fervor. Each moan grew louder and more desperate as he squeezed and pulled at the buds that ached with pleasure as he played with them.
“Mmh, that feels better now doesn’t it,” Severus crooned leaning close to her, bouncing his thigh at the same speed as which she was rocking into him. 
Each time she pressed down, his thigh was pressing up against her causing her to shutter and whine. With each rock against him, and each pull and press of his fingers against the clothed area, the suffocating heat that had overcome her became heavier and heavier. 
The heat was pleasurable though, so much so that she had completely forgotten the other man whose gaze was transfixed on them until he spoke. His voice was full of a dark mischievousness as he adjusted himself in his seat to watch what was unfolding. 
“My my, I wasn’t expecting a performance to be put on in my honor Severus,” Lucius hummed amusedly bringing up his glass in a sort of toast as he watched with ever darkening eyes at the sight in front of him, “but how generous of you to provide such a lovely show to accompany our dinner.” 
A deep chuckle fell from Severus’ lips at those words, his gaze meeting gray orbs as [Y/n] continued to stain both of their clothes with her juices that were drenching them. 
Head falling against his shoulder as soft moans kept leaving her lips she dug her fingers into Severus’ shirt looking for something to hold while barely paying attention to the men who chatted as if she wasn’t there.
Little whines and sighs left her lips as soft chants of ‘yes’ became music to both of their ears while their eyes feasted on the woman who was happily fucking herself on the wizard’s thigh with no other thought than sating the throbbing in her cunt. 
Both of their cocks stirred, in their trousers as her skirt rode higher and higher up her legs with each roll of her hips. Leaning forward, Severus helped bunch the fabric up, pulling the article clothing higher so that the pretty lace she was wearing underneath was exposed to both of them.
“P-please,” she gasped as the pressure that was in her cunt began to build tenfold now that there was one less layer of clothing between them “Please so good.” 
“Mmm that’s a good girl,” Severus purred his lips ghosting over her throat making her hips stutter as he leaned in to nibble at the exposed skin. “Keep going,” he urged lowly as he grabbed her hips and began to help her roll them against his thigh causing her to moan and rock faster against him. “Give our guest the show he deserves. That’s right, I know you can keep going.”
Head fuzzy from the arousal and praise, [Y/n] nodded in her haze. Her hips grinding and rolling as she took her pleasure on Severus’ thigh.
“My, my look at that,” Lucius hummed, thumbing the rim of his glass, eyes meeting Severus’ before trailing down the woman's back until it reached her barely clothed behind. “Such an obedient and pretty girl aren’t you [Y/n]?” He praised watching her writhe in Severus’ hold, as a watery whine left her lips at his words causing his already hardened cock to throb at her noise. “Rubbing that cunt of yours against Severus’ thigh just like he asked you. And in front of someone else no less. You are quite a good girl aren’t you.”
The praise went straight to her core and made it flutter and ache even more as she felt her slick entrance become wetter at his words. It didn’t go unnoticed by Severus who stroked her back and cooed softly at her.
“Oh? Did you like that?” Severus whispered into her ear, making her shudder at his voice which had taken on a huskier tone as he teased her. “Did you like Lucius praising you for riding my thigh?” He questioned as his hand traveled down her back before grabbing the fleshy part of her behind making her squeak.
“Does it make your cunt feel good knowing that he’s watching you? Wanting you the same way that I have you? Wanting you to be on his lap and fucking yourself like a good girl?”
The filth dripping from his tongue had her moaning, a noncommittal,
“Mmm,” falling from her lips at his question. It wasn't the answer that he wanted though as a glint passed his eyes, a frown appearing on his face suddenly.
“Use your words [Y/n],” Severus commanded without raising his voice as his hands went to grip her hips to stop her from moving.
A sob of desperation left her lips and her head snapped up to meet his gaze with her own wet one as tears sprang into her eyes again from having to stop.
“I d-don’t, I don’t know,” she whimpered out miserably as the burning in her core returned the moment he stopped her from riding his thigh. 
As much as she wanted to say yes, there was still a nagging feeling inside of her of not wanting to admit it. Especially with how unsure she was about how he would feel if she said yes. Even in her hazy arousal, she wanted to please him.
“Please I don’t know, I just-, I-,” her words jumbled and she wanted to let out another sob of confusion until their guest’s voice chimed in.
“Oh Severus don’t make the poor darling cry,” Lucius chuckled lowly, intervening as [Y/n] tried to hide away from the shame by burying her face into the crook of Severus’ neck.  “So mean to such a pretty girl,” he continued, “a pretty girl that I bet has an equally pretty cunt.”
“I can assure you, it’s very pretty,” Severus responded before bouncing his thigh up thrice and making [Y/n] moan each time. “And absolutely soaked right now.”
“Is that so?” Lucius asked, an eyebrow raised as he looked at Severus with a smirk that only held devious intentions, “Would you mind terribly then if I had a look myself, Severus?”
His question caused [Y/n] to still, a little whimper leaving her lips, as she pulled away from Severus a nervous yet lidded look pointed at him. Because having Lucius watch her was one thing but having him touch her. 
“I don-.”
“Quiet,” Severus said, causing the words to die on her lips as she shut her mouth and looked at him with a smoldering yet pitiful look. “Don’t you want to feel better sweet girl? 
She did, she really did because if this was to go on any longer she would surely lose her mind with how badly her body was begging for something to be inside of her. The heat that was nipping at her skin was also becoming so unbearable and she couldn’t stand it anymore. So with a soft ‘yes’, she continued to listen to Severus’ words.
“Now, you’re going to be good for us,” Severus murmured against her lips, catching the little sigh that left her, “and we are going to go upstairs alright?”
She nodded in agreement before he continued. 
“And then, you’re going to let Lucuis see just how pretty this cunt of yours is, do you understand?” He finished.
“O-okay.” She mewled, dropping her head and feeling extremely scolded.
“Yes sir,” Severus corrected, his hand grabbing her chin roughly, forcing her to look him in his eyes that were glittering.
“Y-yes sir,” [Y/n] repeated a little louder. 
A hint of a smile appeared on his feature, and it had the woman preening at him, as his eyes traced her form. One hand held her hip in place and the other loosened its grip on her chin as he gazed at her disheveled form. Lips swollen, skin damp, eyes dilated. 
“Good.” He purred before the tight grip on her chin returned and he was pressing their lips together in a rough and bruising kiss. 
His tongue lapped at her lips that parted eagerly for him as a loud moan emitted from her throat as he began to swirl his tongue against hers. Their teeth scrape against each other for a second at the intensity of the kiss only making them both groan.
Fighting for dominance, he pushed the back of her head forward deepening the kiss and causing her to whimper into it. Her fingers grasped onto his shirt as her hips came alive again and began to buck against his thigh.
It was a short-lived affair, as with one more swipe of his tongue against hers he was pulling away from her and standing, causing her to stumble out of his lap with a surprised yelp. 
Though again she didn’t find herself on the floor, instead a pair of arms had snaked themselves around her waist keeping her upright. Turning her head, she was met with that same look from earlier on yet this time the quiver that was sent down her spine was not one of fear.
“Shall we?” Lucius husked his gray eyes alive and stormy as he looked at [Y/n] with a predatory grin. 
He didn’t wait for an answer before he was all but dragging her out of the room, Severus hot on their heels. The trip upstairs was somehow made without either of the men just grabbing the trembling woman and taking her on the staircase considering how eager everyone was. 
But no time was wasted as they entered the bedroom shared by Severus and her. Everything that happened the moment they stepped in was almost a blur of how quickly it transpired.
Suddenly, Lucius was no longer in front of her but Severus whose arms wrapped around her waist, and before she could say anything her words were swallowed by Severus’ lips roughly back on her own. His hands were quick to snake underneath her shirt, pulling it above her head and then undoing the flimsy bra she wore, throwing both somewhere to the side to be found later.
Being free of the garments, her arms instinctively wrapped around the back of his shoulders, [Y/n] kissing him back with the same fierce hunger that he had shown to her. It was messy and needy as their hands roamed each other's body and their lips met over and over.
All thoughts of their other guest were gone until an additional set of fingers wrapped around the waistband of her skirt and began to tug the fabric off. 
It didn’t take much for the garment to come undone before it and her drenched underwear were falling limply down onto the floor pooling around her feet.
A surprised gasp morphed into a loud moan as the cool air of the room that stroked her damp opening was replaced by Lucius' hand cupping and squeezing her.
“You were right Severus,” Lucius hummed eyes bright as [Y/n] rolled her hips against his hand shuttering and sighing at the pressure. His grip tightened against her causing her to let out another moan against Severus’ lips. “Positively dripping.”
A raspy chuckle vibrated from the other man’s throat as he pulled away from [Y/n] whose eyes were unfocused as she ground against the hand on her. 
“As expected,” Severus hummed before leaning down and kissing her exposed neck. 
His fingers brushed the soft skin of her belly causing her to shiver at the touch and her stomach to clench at the sensation. Little puffs of air passed through her lips as her head fell back against Lucius, her eyes fluttering close, as she felt his fingers begin to stroke her slick opening. 
His fingers rubbed circles against her as she shifted her weight on each leg. Rolling her hips against his touch and indulging in all the sensations that were coming from it. 
They kept this up for what seemed like an eternity, Severus kissing her fervently as his hand massaged and kneaded her sensitive breasts. Her head laid back against Lucius' shoulder as he began to slip his fingers into her awaiting cunt that was alight with pleasure. One finger became two, and two became three as he began to explore the warm velvet channel that squeezed him with each thrust of his fingers.
The wet squelching of her cunt being fucked by talented fingers filled the air along with her breathless pants of,
“Yes, yes, yes,” as her grip on Severus’ shoulder tightened while she fucked herself against Lucius' fingers. Her mouth slightly ajar as she pushed back against him letting herself be stretched and explored.
“What an eager little thing you are [Y/n],” the words dripped from Lucius as his lips ghosted against her ear before also joining Severus in kissing the exposed flesh of her neck. “If I didn’t know better, I say you actually enjoy having all this attention on you.”
She didn’t disagree, instead, a broken groan left her as his fingers began to stroke the rough patch inside of her that had her legs shaking and her lips parting, though no sound left her.
“Mmm she’s squeezing my fingers, Severus,” Lucius noted as the spasms in her cunt grew in frequency and strength as he stroked that rough spot in her, “I think she’s close.”
“Is that so?” Severus purred, leaning his head so that his lips ghosted against her ear. Her ragged moans and pants filling his head as her fingers grasped hold of him in hopes of steadying herself as her legs trembled beneath her. “You must be enjoying this then,” he continued, his voice rumbling and sinking into her body as he placed a feathery kiss against her ear lobe. Nipping the sensitive flesh for good measure, his hands ran up and down her sides causing her to shiver even more. “Does it feel good? Having Lucius' fingers in you? Stretching you, stroking you?” 
His eyes twinkled as he watched her face contorted in pleasure. Her lips opened to say something only to let out a breathy noise that was a mixture of a moan and a sob as the burning in her stomach grew brighter and brighter.
A trickle of wetness began to leak down her damp thighs as Lucius quickened his pace. His fingers dived into her faster, rougher, strokes still precise as he pressed and rubbed the little spot that had her clamping down on him. 
“Oh that’s it dove keep going,” Lucius grunted against her neck, pressing a kiss on the damp skin as the sound of her arousal filled the room. “Show us how much you enjoy this. Show Severus how thankful you are to him for this. That’s it, squeeze my fingers.”
“C-coming,” she whimpered. One of the few words she had been able to utter this whole time as the coil in her stomach twisted and tightened. 
Eyes wet with tears that she didn’t know had even fallen, she looked at Severus who had pulled away from her to take in the desperate expression that was on her face. 
“Please, please,” she begged again as if looking for permission.
Gray eyes met black ones and neither could help the smirk that painted itself on their lips.
“Come then,” Severus hummed looking down at [Y/n], “come on Lucius' fingers and let him know how good he made you feel.”
With his permission granted, she couldn’t stop the loud sob that left her lips. Her head fell forward onto Severus' chest as her body shook while her insides gripped Lucius' fingers, the burning in her stomach seemingly flooding out of her with each stroke. 
A broken sob escaped her lips as her legs shook and she felt a gush of wetness coat the man’s fingers. The sound of his movements became momentarily louder from her juices trickling out of her as he continued to stretch her open.
“That’s it, take your pleasure little dove,” Lucius cooed, leaning down and kissing her neck, fingers slowing their pace as he dragged out her climax before pulling the digits out of her completely.
The action was met with a soft groan from [Y/n] who buried her face deeper into Severus’ chest. It elicited a soft chuckle from him as he placed his hand on her lower back, watching Lucius lick the woman's slick off his fingers. A deep groan left the blonde’s lips as he savored the salty taste of her release.
“Mmm, how delectable little dove,” Lucius praised, his finger leaving his lips with an audible ‘pop’, “my I can see how one can get addicted. You taste absolutely delicious.”
“It’s even better when you drink it from her,” Severus added, feeling her shiver under his touch when he spoke and the implication of his words. An implication that Lucius did not miss if the twinkle in his eyes was something to go off of. 
“Oh is that an invitation?” 
There was a beat of silence in between them, the only sound being [Y/n]’s breathing which had calmed yet for some reason, the heat that had been suffocating her seemed to have returned. And this time it felt even more intense, as she gripped onto Severus, a shaky breath leaving her and her thighs clenching together. 
Fuck what was wrong with her? 
Why did it feel like she still couldn’t breathe? Each breath she took in felt heavy, and hot as if there was no air circulating around them. And her thoughts, they still felt so jumbled so hazy that she barely realized that she was being turned around and brought over to the bed.
It was as if there were blinders on each side of her head, causing her to only see what was in front of her as Severus ushered her up on the bed. A shudder ran through her body as she felt his fingers run up her spine as she went to lay on top of the cool sheets. 
Head propped up a bit from the pillow behind her she reached a hand out to Severus and was met with him leaning down to kiss it. His dark eyes watched her, causing her breath to hitch at the intensity that was hidden behind his gaze.
Whatever he had planned for her, she trusted him. He hadn’t broken his promise yet so if he thought this was good for her, who was she to protest?
“Well then,” Lucius said, observing the display in front of him, an elegant brow raised from the proposition as he watched Severus settle [Y/n] in the middle of the bed with a gentleness that was at odds with how rough they wanted to be with her. “Who am I to deny myself a luxury such as that?”
“Good, I was concerned for a moment that you had lost your interest in mindless indulgences,” Severus responded, looking at him for a moment before leaning down and pressing his lips against [Y/n]’s.
Hands finding the back of his head and fingers carding through his hair, [Y/n] was none the wiser to the way Lucius stalked over to them. His shirt was thrown to the floor as she whimpered into the kiss. The bed dipped under Lucius' weight as Severus sucked on her bottom lip and soothed it with his tongue. 
She didn’t even protest when she felt fingers grabbing her thighs and parting them open. Only a soft groan emitted from her throat when she felt her folds being parted by a languid lick from her opening to her clit. 
Her legs fell open even more as Lucius began to swirl his tongue around her pearl. Lapping at it and sucking at the sensitive bead that caused a dropping sensation in her stomach that made her pull away from Severus a bit to whine breathlessly.
A chuckle rumbled through both men as she rolled her hips closer to Lucius' face, wanting more of his mouth on her. And she was rewarded for her efforts when he more than enthusiastically buried his face against her opening.
His fingers spread her cunt open, a sticky sound following it as his tongue plunged into her. Swirling around the wetness that dripped out of her onto his tongue as he ate her out.
Legs trembling and breathing unevenly again, [Y/n] couldn’t hold back the strangled sobs that left her lips as the fire in her belly started to burn again. Each lap was met with a moan and each suck had her bucking her hips against him.
The whole sight of it was extremely arousing to Severus as he watched her grind against Lucius' face. Her face covered with a thin layer of sweat as she reached down to place a hand on the blond's head in an attempt to keep him close. His response was to press his tongue deeper into her, and to bring his thumb up to flick and rub her clit in tandem. 
It had her keening, grabbing his hair, and clutching onto Severus’ shoulder. A wild look in her eyes as her gaze bounced between the two men, her mind becoming mush as her stomach clenched and her slick opening pulsed with each lick and suck.
He felt his cock begin to strain in his trousers, watching the two of them and not one to be left out, she was his, after all, he pulled away from the woman. 
A confused whimper left her lips when he moved away from her, her hand reaching out to grab him again instead though finding herself squeezing his erection and feeling him shudder at the touch.
The hiss that left Severus had Lucius pulling away, his lips glistening with [Y/n]’s arousal as he looked at the other two. A cheshire grin planted itself on his features as he watched the woman look up at Severus with doe eyes as she stroked his clothed cock. A look of wantonness on her features as she tried to undo the buttons on his trousers with one hand and failing miserably as she fumbled about. 
And then instead of trying to continue or asking for help, she began to nuzzle his clothed cock. Mouthing at the fabric desperately, kissing it and rubbing him with the palm of her hand.
“Silly girl,” Severus hissed, trying not to rut into her touch as she continued to massage him and kiss him, “if you need help use your words. Or do you need that lesson taught to you again?”
“Please, wanna suck your cock,” she pleaded, still nuzzling the rough fabric of his trousers, “please, please, please want it, wanna taste you sir please.”
“Oh, how polite of her Severus,” Lucius chuckled before dipping his head down to lap at her cunt, his fingers rubbing tight, slow circles on her throbbing clit.
Her heated cry, muffled by fabric, rang out across the room as Severus pushed her away from his crotch. A grunt leaving him and a whine leaving her as she watched him with bated breath while he undid the buttons that had bested her.
With lithe fingers, each button came undone, until he was pulling his trousers down. His cock sprang from its confines. Hard, and leaking precum as it rested against the trail of hair on his stomach.
Her breath quickened as she leaned forward, kissing the swollen dark head before sticking her tongue out and lapping at the pool of precum that had gathered in the slit of the head. 
A purr left her throat as the salty taste of the liquid filled her mouth and it spurred her on. Licking and sucking the head, mimicking the same motions the man below her was doing to her cunt. Teasing the sensitive organ as it twitched with the attention she was giving it.
“Good girl,” Severus groaned, his fingers slipping into her hair as he rocked his hips pressing the head between her lips, “show me you deserve to suck my cock, show me just how much you need it.”
Not one to refuse his commands. [Y/n] did as he said, lips parting wider as she sunk down on his cock swallowing and moaning around him. Back and forth, side to side, her head moved as she sucked on him messily drinking in the salty tang of him.
Her cheeks hollowed out as she tried to take him deeper down her throat eagerly pushing herself further down and pulling a groan from Severus as his fingers gripped her hair tighter. The feeling of that wet heat licking and suctioning around his cock drove him mad as he began to thrust his hips forward forcing his cock further down her throat.
If she was surprised by it she certainly didn't show it, instead, he watched and felt her almost go limp in his hold. Her throat relaxed at the same time, causing him to slip deeper down her throat which caused a deep shudder to run right through him. The feeling went straight to his cock which pulsed and hardened even more as he began to rock his hips in earnest.
Sliding down her throat as she swallowed around him with lips parted and eyes fluttering, one of her hands reached for his thigh and the other found itself playing with the stiff peak on her breast as he fucked her throat.
Both men moved in tandem somehow. With each thrust of Severus' cock down her throat, she could feel Lucius' fingers reach deep in her stroking spreading her open before pulling away just to put pressure on the spot that had her hips bearing down on him and a choked noise leaving her.
The vibrations it triggered had Severus hissing at the sensation causing the tight grip he had on her to deepen as he sped up his assault of her throat.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!” Severus growled as his eyes swept over the woman. 
Her legs spread, as she was feasted upon, her body coated in a thin layer of sweat as she shook like a leaf under the ministrations of both men. What a fucking sight. It had the pit in his own stomach burning and clenching as he watched her writhe underneath them.
“That's it sweet girl, take my cock down your throat just like I know you can. Just like how I taught you all those times,” he growled, voice gravely and deeper than its already low tone. “You take cock so well you know that? Warm little throat all wet for me.” The sentence was punctured with a few harsh thrusts that had wet gags being pulled away from her to emphasize his words.
“So wet.”
“So warm.”
“I bet your cunt is the same way isn't it?”  He hissed tugging [Y/n]’s hair forcing her to look up at him. Her eyes were unfocused while spit and slick leaked from one side of her mouth as he slowed his moments but not stopping completely. “Drooling and ready to be filled up like the greedy thing it is. All from having a cock in your throat and fingers in you. Isn't that right?”
She didn't, or more accurately, couldn't answer him. Not because what he said was false, far from it by the way her juices coated Lucius' tongue, fingers, and her thighs. Her brain was too fuzzy from the pleasure and suffocating heat that was eating her alive and soaking her entire being with a desire that could only be described as intensely carnal. 
No, the only thing in her mind was Severus and the heaviness of his cock on her tongue and the way he tasted as he leaked precum down her slicked throat.
Even with how her body met each thrust of Lucius' fingers and keened at his licks against her clit that had her body wanting more. More touches, more fingers, to stretch her open and fill her. The man standing by her side still had her attention.
How could he not with how good it felt to have his cock hard and heavy on her tongue, filling something in her, each time he bottomed out and would hold her still at the base of his cock.
Her eyes were heavy and lidded as she tried to concentrate to get a word out yet all she could do was sink her mouth further down his shaft as if her body was compelled to only please him. That her words weren't necessary to do that and she was better off showing him as she bobbed her head slowly again.  
The hand on his thigh came to wrap itself around his base as she pulled away a bit to give herself room to stroke him. His flesh was warm and wet, the same way he had described her own writhing body. And it made her clench tightly around the fingers inside her as for some reason it felt like some sort of badge of honor. Knowing that she was making him feel as good as she was.
This wasn't missed by Lucius who chuckled at feeling her insides grasp at him suddenly attempting to hold him inside as she trembled around him.
“I think your sweet girl is wanting something more Severus,” he purred, lifting his face away from her opening yet keeping his fingers inside of her as he eyed Severus. “You should feel the way she's gripping me at the moment,“ he continued, fingers stretching her before thrusting languidly and listening to the muffled whine that left her. 
“I wager that she would rather have something more considerable inside her as while I'm quite confident in my skills,” his words were punctured with another cry from her as he roughly pressed his fingers in her to make a point. “I would be remiss to not think you don't spoil such a hungry cunt as hers.”
“Oh, and I thought someone of your mind would realize sooner.” Severus breathed out sarcastically yet it lost its sting as [Y/n] began licking around the head of his cock just as he went to respond causing him to shudder in pleasure. 
Wet slurping noises accompanied it as she sucked the head with fervor, not paying attention to the conversation the men were having about her being too busy in her own world. 
“Come then I think it's about time to truly put on a spectacle I'm sure you of all people will appreciate Malfoy.”
As if something urgent had suddenly come out, everything began to move even faster than it had been. The fingers that had been knuckle deep in her were suddenly pulled out causing her to shudder and before she even had time to realize it Severus was pulling away from her.
His cock left her lips with a wet ‘pop’ as his fingers curled against her own making her release him from her hold.
“W-What,” her reaction was slow at first before she was reaching for Severus with confusion heavy in her gaze as he pushed her hand away. 
There was a second when a heavy disappointment began to flood her but it quickly dissipated the moment Severus began to crawl into bed with her. While not what she was expecting, it had her stomach swooping in pleasure as her body automatically went to welcome him with open arms.
Her eyes gleamed in anticipation as he towered over her, his body caging her in with his own as he leaned down, pressing a brief, yet rough and possessive kiss against her swollen lips.
The taste of him mingled on both their tongues as he pulled away from her and licked his thin lips. Watching her pant below him, her hooded eyelids made her look ever so sultry.
Not wanting to delay their pleasure any longer, Severus pulled away from her, a perplexed gaze meeting him as he pulled her on top of him as he laid back on the pillows that had him propped up.
Legs finding themselves splayed on the opposite sides of his thighs, [Y/n] straddled Severus, her arms reaching out to hold onto his shoulder as she leaned over and began peppering kisses against his jaw and neck.
“There you go my sweet,” he purred in her ear, stroking her spine, fingers dancing up and down her back as she nuzzled him. Her hips jerked against him a little, the ache in her cunt returning with an insatiable burn as she began to rub her wetness against his cock that was leaking precum on his stomach.
Her insides quivered with each pass of his cock through her wet folds as she rubbed against him, not daring to fully seat him inside of her until he allowed her to.
It had been a rule he had for her, that she could only put him inside her whenever she rode him when he gave her permission. Every time it happened she was reduced to a sobbing mess as it was unbearable to have him so close.
To have his arousal hard, and warm sliding between her sticky sensitive folds and putting pressure on her throbbing clit with each rock of her hips but not allowed to have him in her. 
It was maddening, he was maddening but all she could do was endure. And she did so by grinding against him, kissing his neck, and whimpering as she soaked him with her juices that were freely flowing out of her glistening cunt that was begging to be filled with something more.
The thoughts make her dizzy, her lips finding Severus for another kiss that he lazily accepts as his hands roam up and down her side as the sound of slickness fills the air. Her lips part for a moment an invitation for him to deepen the kiss and he takes it with no hesitation. 
His tongue danced alongside hers as she gripped his shoulder, moaning louder and louder as her cunt became more sensitive with each hurried roll of her hips.
Her pants grew heavier as she pulled her lips away from him a bit, a string of spit connecting their tongues as Severus leaned forward to dominate the kiss again.
The ball of heat in her stomach makes itself known once again as it begins to work its way down from where it is into her cunt. Each roll has it going down further and further and it's a surprise she hadn't come already from just humping him like the bitch in heat she felt like she was at the moment.
It was so good, so fucking good-
The thoughts were interrupted and a shrill whine ripped itself from her throat at the sudden feeling of fingers spreading her open. Her hips stuttered at the feeling of Severus' almost slipping inside of her only for the angle to cause it to slip out yet the brief taste of him, the brief push of him inside her had her shuttering.
The feeling was mutual; it seemed to as a low growl worked its way from Severus as he pulled away from her lips. Dark eyes alight with desire and lust as he met gray ones that seemed to always be up to something.
Trying to turn her head and straining herself a bit, she managed to make out a blurry silhouette of Lucius who had seemed to have lost the rest of his attire and was now right behind her.
“How marvelous,” he crooned, his fingers dipping inside of her again, while one hand pushed her hips down causing her to squirm and cry as she felt more of Severus' length rub against her and threaten to slip into her. "Such a pretty little cunt all wet and ready for some cock in her. You would like that wouldn't you [Y/n]?”
He asked in a low rumble as he continued to alternate between stroking her sticky slit and pressing his fingers inside her. The answer was a resounding ‘yes’ as while she was very much enjoying rubbing herself against Severus, what she really wanted was to be spread open on his cock and fucked until she couldn't think anymore. Just the way Severus liked it and just the way she had become used to and dare say enjoy.
And him not letting her have it was slowly driving her mad. But since Lucius had asked, she could use it to her advantage, she was never above begging for Severus not anymore.
“Yes ple-please,” she whimpered, eyes lidded as she slowly rocked her hips while watching Severus' hoping he would let her have him. “Please sir want you inside me. Want your cock so bad I c-can't, can't-.”  Her words trailed off into a babble as she felt fingertips dig into the soft flesh of her ass and a loud desperate keen left her throat.
“Is that so?” Severus drawled bucking his hips up toward [Y/n] causing the head of his cock to catch her folds and making her mewl in desperation, “has having Lucius' fingers stretch you open, and rubbing your hungry cunt all over me made you so desperate to have me inside you? Stretching you, fucking you, breaking you?”
“Yes! Please, wanna be fucked please it burns so bad,” she whimpered her fingers splaying against her belly where the fire of arousal had built up the entire time before looking at him, “please fuck me sir, fuck me you do it so good!”
An unreadable glint passed through Severus' eyes at her desperate plea, his tongue darting out to lick his lips. His gaze swept up and down her form noting her rapid breathing, the sweat doting her forehead, her dilated lust-filled eyes and how could he forget the cunt spread open by his cock and Lucius fingers. How delightful.
“Tell me Lucius, have you been satisfied so far with our little show?” Severus asked almost offhandedly as he looked away from [Y/n] who wanted to cry at how bad everything ached.
“Oh perfectly so, it's more than I could have hoped for and I do think the little dove deserves a reward for all her efforts.” There was a pause and a smirk, “that's if you think so Severus.”
A muffled whimper became silent as [Y/n] buried her face into the crook of Severus' neck as he contemplated, but not before a quiet little, 'please' left her lips as she nuzzled him.
“Well then my sweet girl,“ Severus whispered, after a moment of silence, “let's get you your reward then.”
She could have cried in relief at that point as her head lifted from his shoulder but instead, it was a high-pitched cry of pleasure that was mixed in with a groan from Severus as Lucius wrapped his fingers around the man's cock.
Pushing [Y/n]'s hips up just so that the angle was just right a wicked grin grew on the blond's features before he released her hips letting her engulf the cock she so wanted to be inside her in one go.
“Fuck!” Severus shouted, his hands grabbing [Y/n]'s hips as her velvet heat engulfed his cock all at once.
His shout was met with a choked sob as [Y/n] convulsed and shook on his lap. Her cunt gripped at him as she slumped forward onto him, fingers digging into his shoulder as she let the feeling of him entering her spread in her belly.
So full. She felt so fucking full. He was so deep inside of her stretching her wide open with how thick he was. So deep but...more, she wanted more. Wanted him deeper, wanted him closer, wanted more.
More, more, more!
The words kept echoing in her head as she began to slowly lift her hips before bringing them back down, seating herself on his cock fully each time. A breathy moan caught at the back of her throat as she began to repeat the motions, faster, and harder. The wet sounds of flesh meeting flesh echoed around the room as she bounced on his cock.
“So good sir, fuck so good!”
Her words slurred a bit, and her head lolled on his shoulder as he began to snap his hips up at the same moment she was bringing her's down. The action caused him to slip deeper inside her, ripping a loud yelp from her that turned into a breathy whine as he abused her cunt with rough, deep strokes that had her breathless and only thinking about the hot pleasure that was running in her veins.
She felt breathless. A familiar heavy weight began to blanket her as she shut her eyes and allowed the suffocating feeling to take hold. There was a vague memory of the feeling yet this time it felt comfortable, pleasurable as she drowned everything out and paid attention to only what her body was craving.
And it seems like it was craving more from the way her body shuddered and how she cried out at the sudden sensation of fingers sliding in alongside Severus' cock that was buried in her.
“W-what-,” she slurred out weakly, trying but failing to see what was happening. 
Her breath hitched again and she whined louder at the feeling of another finger being pressed against her opening. The pain of being stretched open glowed vibrantly as she clawed at Severus' shoulder. Tears pricked at her eyes as the pain tried to override the arousal that was thick in her blood.
“Shh, shh, you're alright,” Severus groaned, rocking his hips slowly, this time giving her a moment to adjust to the pain that licked at her insides as she was stretched more than she thought possible.
“H-hurts, please it hurts!” She sobbed breathlessly, words punctured with a little cry as she felt her walls begin to try to accommodate the new intrusion alongside the cock buried in her.
“There, there, little dove it's alright,” Lucius crooned gently, one hand stroking her back that was tense with pain and apprehension while the other one busied itself with opening her up even more than she already was. “Severus and I agreed that we would make you feel better and we think this is the best way. Isn't that right?”
A smirk flashed across his face as he asked his question before he slipped a third finger into her causing another shout and clipped sob to leave [Y/n] who was shaking as she held Severus. His hips stilled as he let the other man work her open even more as she would need it considering what they had in store for her.
“Indeed, all this is for you sweet girl, and you've been doing so well,” Severus murmured in her ears, “so let us make you feel better. I promise only a moment longer and this pain will be gone.”
Watery eyes looked up and a distressed whimper left her lips as the burn of the stretch licked at her. 
He promised her...he hadn't broken his other promise before so...she could trust him, right? He kept her safe, made her feel something so...
“O-okay,” she agreed, holding his shoulder and looking at him with a delicate gaze that almost had no place alongside the debauched things they had and were about to do to her.
“That's my sweet girl,” Severus groaned, leaning down and placing a kiss on her forehead and then on her lips. 
A little groan left her as the movement made him shift inside of her causing a strange sensation of pain yet also a pang of pleasure to follow right behind it.
Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if she relaxed. The feeling of having fingers sliding alongside her suddenly had caused her to tense and so maybe…
Taking a deep breath, [Y/n] tried to loosen her body. Spreading her legs a little wider just to make more room for the fingers and cock that were buried inside her. She could hear a soft coo from both of them as she did that and couldn't help but feel a strange and satisfied feeling at what seemed like pleased sounds.
Indeed it seemed that doing what she had also helped with opening her up as each thrust of Lucius' fingers became less painful with each pass. She could feel her body begin to loosen as fingers milked her cunt, the wet noises of her arousal increasing as she subconsciously began to rock her hips in the same rhythm.
“There you go dove, that's the way.” Lucius purred warmly, eyes glittering at the way her cunt stretched open and began to take his fingers with ease alongside Severus who had begun to slowly thrust into her to help the process along. “All nice and open. My, I even think you're quite ready for us. Or rather this precious cunt is ready for more,” he mused as he began to slip the three fingers out but not fully, just enough so that he was still holding her open.
She whimpered at the cool air that seemed to lick her heated insides and it caused her to shiver a bit.  Never had she felt so exposed before. Severus' cock always filled her to the hilt and the idea of anything else in her was just not an option. But as she felt the head of Lucius; cock press at her opening, replacing the fingers that had been holding her open she couldn't help the loud and elongated moan that pushed past her throat as she stilled.
The feeling must have also gotten to the two men as she was sure even in all her haze that she heard low curses and growls as Lucius began to slide his cock alongside Severus'. Slotting itself next to it as it rubbed the sensitive heated flesh as they both felt her gripping them tightly and pulsing around them.
Had it not been for his fingers loosening her up more she was sure she would have collapsed; though she did feel like that could happen any moment as she began to pant at the indescribable feeling of being split open by two cocks.
It was painful yet the burn that it brought with it combined with the flames that were alight in her belly were more than enough to override the sensation.
Her eyes fluttered wildly as she tried to grasp onto Severus' shoulder for something to moor her down and it wasn't a moment too soon as the moment Lucius was finally seated in her, a wicked grin graced his features before he was leaning his body over hers driving his cock deeper and causing her to choke out a cry.
“Oh gods!”  [Y/n] nearly screamed as she felt him begin to thrust into her slowly and shallowly. Yet it was more than enough to have her doubling over and pressing her forehead into Severus' shoulder as the man behind her began to rock into her.
“So. Bloody. Tight.” Lucius hissed with each shallow snap of his hips forwards, his fingers burying themselves into the soft flesh part of her waist.
“Fuck that's it sweet girl,” Severus growled as the space inside her tightened around them as if it was choking both of their cocks. It was a feeling that was better than either thought possible as his head fell back against the headboard. “So tight and warm just for us.”
His words were followed by shallow thrusts from Lucius causing a cacophony of sound to leave all three of them from the pressure and sensation.
[Y/n] sang her praises with loud pants and whines right into Severus' ear as she began kissing his neck and whimpering soft profanities as she steeled against the assault of pleasure that they were drowning her body with.
The noises were so sweet, so needy that Severus couldn't stop himself from rutting against her, causing both him and Lucius to begin to thrust inside of her. When one pulled out the other was diving in never leaving her empty and keeping her full as neither would actually fully leave her cunt.
In and out they both went at a nice steady speed not feeling the need to go any faster lest they end they cut their enjoyment short. Their cocks thrummed with blood as the slick noises of all of their coupling mixed together inside of [Y/n] who was incoherent almost as her cunt began to flutter wildly. It wouldn't take long, not with how abused and sensitive she was.
The noises, and how thick the air was, all of it was driving her towards the cliff of no return as the slick sounds and slaps of their cocks against her flesh added to the thick atmosphere in the room that was taking her breath away.
Thrust after thrust had her toes curling, as they took turns hitting something in the back of her. It had her juices almost gushing out of her each time they slotted themselves deep in her. Electricity jolted through her spine each time they thrust into her and they were met with loud yelps that shimmered down into low moans.
“Yes! Yes! right there,” she heard herself beg yet barely recognizing the raspiness of her voice as each word ended in a higher pitch as they fucked themselves deep into her. 
Deep into her hungry cunt that was spasming with each harsh thrust that had her keening and praising them with her pleads. 
“Keep going! P-please keep going don't stop, don't stop!”
Tears that she hadn't noticed flowing down her cheeks at the pleasure they were drowning her in went ignored as she gasped and struggled to stay afloat from the wave that was threatening to drag her down as her body began to shake.
“If only you could see her cunt right now Severus!” Lucius hissed with a ferocious thrust that had her yelping, his hands holding her waist still and preventing her from moving as he caused her to convulse and for Severus to hiss in pleasure at the way their cocks brushed each other in her wet heat. “So wet, for us so swollen and hungry like it was made to take cock. Isn't that right dove you were made to take cock, born for it I dare say!”
The darkness in his tone, in his words, made her cunt ripple around them again causing them to both choke out a laugh. She could protest, but the words would be wholly untrue considering how she didn't want to stop anymore. How the burn in her cunt felt indescribable in the way it was making her feel, how it made her never want for this to end.
It was too late for her to turn back so all she could do was let a sob slip from her lips that was more of a whine as Severus this time began to slowly thrust up into her a smirk on his features as Lucius began to join him in rutting into [Y/n].
“Is that right my sweet girl,” Severus hissed thrusting his hips upwards and meeting Lucius' own movement as they fucked the woman senseless, her body responding to it all with only wails and mewls as she relinquished control to them, “do you enjoy this [Y/n]? Enjoy hearing how pretty your cunt is and how good you are at taking cock?”
She clamped down at his words and it brought another short round of dark chuckles as they began to increase their pace. 
“Oh yes you must like it with how you keep sucking us deeper,” he growled in her ear, “tell us [Y/n] does this make you happy make you feel good? Having this pretty little cunt of yours used by us? Fucked by us? Ruined by us?”
Any answer that she can come up with is promptly blanked out of her mind as the feeling of their cocks hitting the back of her has her breathless and focusing on the infernal pleasure in her stomach that has rapidly made its way down to her cunt and was ready to erupt from her.
She couldn't think, she could barely breathe but neither seemed to care as she was brought back to the now as a sharp pain shot through her behind. A loud thwack filled the room as Lucius’ hand met her ass in a harsh slap causing her to cry out and pull her head away from Severus' shoulder only to come face to face with him and his dark eyes that were glittering and alive with lust and fervor.
Her thoughts were cut short as another scream this time of pleasure ripped through her as Lucius' hips snapped against her viciously causing her to shake and sob.
“Answer him dove tell him how much you enjoy this,” the man snarled, thrusting wildly into her juices sloshing and making a mess on their cocks and especially on Severus' hips with how much was leaking out of her.
She was far too gone to be embarrassed though as she let out a high-pitched shriek of,
“Yes what?”
“Y-yes I l-love it, I love it please! Please keep fucking me, ruin me,” her words broken and babbled out as she shook in their hold, “so g-good it's so good please want all of it please don't stop!”
If neither of them had any less self-control than they did, both were sure that it would have ended right there with them painting her tight insides with their seed but they did.
“There she is, that's my sweet girl, my good girl,” Severus hissed, his cock beginning to pulse as a steady stream of his seed began to leak out as they closed in on the pinnacle of pleasure they had been chasing. 
“That's all we wanted to hear sweet girl. We won't stop not until you fall apart, not until we fill you up. Would you like that [Y/n]? For us to fill this pretty cunt with our seed?”
There was no hesitation as she nodded furiously, to his question causing both men to throw a sinister smirk at one another before picking up their pace.
“Yes fill me up, fill me up please,” she gasped as she snaked her fingers down to her swollen clit and began to rub harsh circles against herself causing her insides to shudder and the men along with her as she threw her head back, “please gonna come, gonna come sir please keep going!”
Each thrust of their hips had her voice reaching higher and higher, the fire in her cunt burning brighter and brighter. Her hips roll in tandem with theirs and her fingers flicking at her clit over and over.
And then she feels the hands on her hips forcing her to stay seated as they punished her insides with frantic rhythmic thrusts over and over. They keep hitting that spot deep inside her, keep fucking her until the wet sounds of her cunt gushing is the only thing she can hear.
Not even the sound of her screaming breaks her out of the searing pleasure trance that washes over her as her cunt finally spasms uncontrollably and her body shakes from the fire that is ripping through her being. Even as she feels spurt after spurt of hot cum coating her insides and loud groans adding to the symphony she can’t process all that has happened.
Her body stays trapped in between the two men who thrust their cocks into her a few more times, wet slaps of warm skin against one another burying their seed deep. And the only thing she can offer them is a weak moan of pleasure as she completely collapses on Severus' chest. Her body giving out from exhaustion and softening completely to accept them fully inside her before everything went black. No noise, no feeling, nothing.
Any movement that is in the room comes from the rise and fall of both men’s chests as they linger inside [Y/n] for a moment longer. Relishing in the warmth and velvet softness of her channel that cocooned them both in her unconscious state. 
The urge to have another go at her even in her sleeping state is tempting to both of them considering how inviting her body seems to have become. Yet with a look from Severus, they both know what they’ve done has been enough.
So with a silent grunt, Lucius is the first to pull out of her, dragging his soften cock out of the woman slowly. The movement caused Severus to make a hushed noise as they brushed against each other, both of them still sensitive from the explosive orgasm.
After he had finished, it was Severus who followed suit though not before he gave her abused cunt one more gentle little thrust. Pushing some of the juices trying to leak out of her back to where they belonged. It was met with a whine yet she didn’t stir. 
Instead and to both of their chagrins, she cuddled closer to him and he could hear Lucius chuckle lowly as the blond began to get out of the bed. Another thing Severus could tease her about once she recovered, he noted as he slid out of her completely and sighing as cold air replaced the warmth of her.
Gently he rolled her away from his body, noting how she clung to him in her sleep and the whimper that left her lips when he pulled her away to lay her on her back. She didn’t wake as he went to reach for his wand on the nightstand, going to clean her up and the mess they had all made. 
Once done, covers that had been strewn about were tucked around her nude figure to keep her warm and Severus pulled her near as he sat up against the headboard. His fingers trailing along her shoulders lightly as he peered down at her serene expression as she slept.
He could stare at her forever with how relaxed she was. How swollen and pursed her lips were as she slept and oh how he was tempted to kiss them. His sweet girl was absolutely exquisite like this.
It’s not until he heard an amused ‘oh’ from Lucius does he remember that they still have company and he isn’t surprised to see that infernal smirk on the man’s face that says ‘I’m about to say something smart.’ And he does.
“My, my Severus you really do surprise me,” he started, gray eyes glittering with humor as Severus could only roll his eyes preemptively for what was about to be said. “It seems like this little thing has you wrapped around her finger and tightly might I add. I dare say you’ve even grown fond of her companionship.”
“Really, is that what you believe?” Severus drawled, his facial expression neutral as he looked at Lucius who finished buttoning his shirt up. “I fear I’m already too late in telling you to stop thinking up whatever incessant thing you have in your mind so go on enlighten me about why you think this.”
A short scoff left Lucius' lips yet it is devoid of annoyance or anger, it was more of a laugh as he eyed Severus with amusement. 
“You wound me with your words, old friend, yet it’s true as I’ve never seen you treat one of your gifts so delicately or keep them as a matter of fact. My, if I remember correctly, they would usually be gone in a month's time.”
The silence in the room is deafening as Lucius' words are left to hang in the air as Severus continued to stroke [Y/n]’s shoulder. The only indication of him having heard the other man’s words is a raise of an eyebrow and a quirk of his lips.
Though it’s all Lucius needs as confirmation and he can’t help but grin at Severus.
“Silence is guilt my dear friend and it seems that I’m correct.”
“It seems that you have your mind made up already.”
“Indeed but I must say this was quite a treat, Severus,” he murmured, turning around and beginning to make his way towards the bedroom door to leave, “you have my thanks for letting me enjoy your spoils with you. Though,” pausing as he cracked open the door he turned his head to the side so as to be heard more clearly, “if you're ever needing help with training the girl again don’t hesitate to let me know. This has been a most enjoyable time.”
“Mm, I’ll consider it,” Severus said after a second of silence.
The smirk on Lucius' face seemed to grow at Severus' words before he turned to open the door.
“Wonderful, well with that I’ll take my leave. Good evening Severus.”
Closing the door, the room is filled with silence once more. The sound of retreating footsteps becomes further and further until the distant sound of a door opening and closing is heard.
For a moment more, Severus found himself staring into space as his fingers continued to stroke circles against the soft skin beneath his fingers. The sound of [Y/n]’s breathing was the only thing he could hear as he slowly peered down at her.
Dark eyes glinted as he drank the sight of her once again. So beautiful, so utterly perfect for him he thought as he leaned down to press a kiss against the top of her head before languidly moving down to kiss her forehead, then her cheek, and then gently he pressed his lips against her own swollen ones. Groaning as he tasted her for one last time that night. 
So what if he was wrapped around her finger, he didn’t mind letting them think that. Not when he knew she had become that same way. That the old her had truly died at the end of the day and in its place was this delicate thing that wanted, no craved for him to do what he pleased with her. 
A truly delectable gift indeed.
A/N: -Evil Cackles- WELL I sure hope you guys have had a great time on this ride because I have even though this story kept haunting me for not finishing it🤣😭. Ngl the brain was not trying to finish it due to the way I had a super descriptive draft so it was like lol you already wrote it what do you mean it has to be coherent.
Anyways I hope this finale was worth the wait please scream at me and let me know if you enjoyed it and wish to talk unhinged thoughts because I love that lol.
Thank you guys again for putting up with the shoddy updates!!! Love you 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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morelikeravenbore · 6 months
✨ Sebaura headcanons
Based on their relationship dynamic in my fic How to Make a Villain, in which Sebastian and Aurélie meet in their seventh year after Aurélie transfers to Hogwarts from Beauxbatons. Sebastian's fifth-year events still took place prior to her arrival, just without the Goblins/Keepers or MC/Ancient Magic.
A/N: These headcanons are taken directly from my fic and based on my own personal version of Sebastian. All headcanons are valid. ‼️ NO SPOILERS.
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Aurélie Collins
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Astrology big three: 🌞 Aquarius sun, ✨Taurus rising, 🌙 Capricorn moon.
🦋 Though she certainly isn't shy, Aurélie is a quiet girl. She observes more than she speaks and tends to keep her thoughts and opinions carefully guarded (until she's angry, in which case her fiesty French side comes out to yell at Sebastian lolol.) As such, she can come across as distant or aloof, but that's not to say she isn't friendly: she's very sweet, helpful and caring — it's just that she's more comfortable deflecting attention away from herself than she is being the centre of it. It can be hard to get her talking; generally, she won't say much until she feels comfortable with someone — but even then, she won't willingly offer a lot without some gentle coaxing (or aggressive coaxing, if you're Sebastian). Sebastian, naturally, is unperturbed by this (he "never backs down from a fight", as we know) and uses his tried-and-true stratgedy of relentless pursual to break through her stubborn defenses.
🦋 Great at suppressing unpleasant memories and emotions, Aurélie never outwardly expresses her pain until she explodes/implodes/has some kind of meltdown. She'll never ask for help, and would sooner jump in the lake than cry in front of another person. This is a practise in patience for Sebastian, whose impulsive need to fix, help and take charge is challenged by her tendency to withdraw, shut up and shut out.
🦋 Being the most stubborn girl on the planet, it takes her a very, very long time to admit she's in love with Sebastian, even when it's obvious to everyone (including him). Despite being smart and pretty, she has literally no romantic experience, so her relationship with Sebastian is a steep learning curve in vulnerability and trust.
🦋 Typically Ravenclaw, she's bright, excels academically and very rarely struggles to keep up with her school work. Even amid all the stress and trauma of her personal life, studying becomes something of a coping mechanism — something "beneficial" and "positive" she can distract herself with. Her academic talents may be in part helped by her ability to wield Ancient Magic (thus using magic comes easier to her), but also because she pays great attention to detail, has a sharp memory and loves to learn. At Beauxbatons, she took advanced classes from fourth year onwards.
🦋 Love language: Being a quiet girlie, she expresses her love best through non-verbal means like quality time, physical affection and gift giving.
🦋 Want vs need: Her greatest want is stability, but what she needs is to face periods of change and insecurity without withdrawing so she can find that stability within herself.
🦋 A fact: Being the guarded sort, Aurélie has never had a very wide circle of friends. When the family moved back to France when she was eight, she didn't meet her bestie Celeste until she started Beauxbatons three years later. In the meantime, her very first friend in France was a unicorn who lived in the forest near her house who she named Neige (French for snow). Her wand contains one of Neige's tail hairs.
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Astrology big three: 🌞 Virgo sun, ✨ Aries rising, 🌙🌙 Scorpio moon.
🌿 Sebastian's connection with Aurélie is pretty much instantaneous, but it takes him a while to figure out that what he feels for her goes far beyond his natural inclination to "help". Between the two of them, Sebastian falls the fastest and the hardest, but he quickly learns that if he pushes her too hard and fast into reciprocating his feelings, Aurélie will withdraw. Again — this impulsive Aries rising bb learns a much needed lesson in patience when he meets his stubborn Taurus rising soulmate.
🌿 While Solomon's death certainly had an effect on him (lol?), it wasn't until Anne's death shortly afterwards that he really started to spiral. He blames himself more for Anne's death than he does Solomon's (justifying that Solomon's death was a act of self-defence, whereas Anne's was a result of his failure.) As a way to cope, Sebastian taps into his ambitious Slytherin nature to help alleviate his grief, losing himself under an insane workload: studies, homework, Healer training, Quidditch captain, extra N.E.W.T classes, reading every night until he practically drops. Everything he does, he does with the intention of deflecting his pain. It isn't until Aurélie shows up with her own grief and trauma that, so like a mirror, he finally starts to face his own.
🌿 Used to being a caregiver, Sebastian aspires to become a Healer, believing deep down that if he can heal others, he can absolve himself of his guilt and make up for the harm he's caused.
🌿 Like Aurélie, Sebastian doesn't like to ask for help. After a lifetime of being let down by caregivers and authority types, he's learned not to depend on anyone but himself to solve problems. When Aurélie can't — or won't — help herself, Sebastian takes on her responsibilities as if they're his own, shouldering her burdens as an unconscious act of repentance for his mistakes. When someone he loves is in need, the guilt of not doing enough to alleviate their suffering is simply too much for him to bear.
🌿 Love language: Sebastian's love language is Acts of Service and Physical Affection. Having been the main caregiver to Anne, he's learned to pay more attention to others needs than his own. When he notices Aurélie's aversion to the cold, he starts wearing more layers in case he needs to give them to her. When he notices she doesn't eat, he convinces the House Elves to make traditional French food for the Ravenclaw table. He puts others before himself — often to the detriment of his own well being.
🌿 Want vs need: His greatest want is acceptance, but what he needs is to learn that true acceptance comes first from honouring the limits and flaws in others before they, in turn, can accept those things in him.
🌿 A fact: He's older than Anne by five minutes. His mother used to tell the twins that when they were born, Sebastian came out of the womb screeching so loudly that they thought something was wrong with him. But when Anne arrived shortly after, he immediately became calm and quiet. It was the same way throughout their lives: Sebastian was prone to anxiety whenever he was away from Anne, which is another reason why fifth year was so difficult for him.
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🦋 This post was inspired by this one by the lovely @intotheseas! Please check it out!
🦋 First two photos by me, last photo by @sleepywitchlory
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l4deeznuts · 1 year
tw abuse n just overall talk of shitty parents and shitty behavior
so before i begin i want to say i will be saying headcanon way too much lmao
and i also wanted to say i headcanon younger nick being an awful person. i love him he’s my fave l4d survivor but we cannot ignore the fact that he is canonically a textbook criminal and a fucking asshole. so let’s face it when he was younger he was probably scum
so i headcanon him being a disgusting man boy, then a douchebag, and then as he ventures into the apocalypse his icy heart melts
so anyways i headcanon nick’s parents similar to matilda’s parents only worse
i imagine his dad a sleezy jerk who owns a trashy strip club, drinks like a fish and does party drugs, beats on his wife and kids, constantly cheats on his wife, etc
his mom also a drinker, narcissistic, kinda mentally unstable, and a total spitfire
however even tho his mom was a pos she still had her maternal moments with her children
i headcanon her to be kind of a complex character tbh.. i feel like she naturally was just an unpleasant person, probably due to being raised in a toxic environment, but nick’s dad made her so much worse
growing up she was the type to genuinely love and comfort nick and her other kids, especially after their father would do fucked up shit, she never neglected them (always made sure they were fed, clean, healthy, educated, etc) but the next day if they were to, let’s say, break a glass on accident she would flip the fuck out and probably back hand them, then call them the r word and useless. she was that kind of mother.
his dad a pos because that’s exactly how his own dad was. nick is definitely that person who just.. comes from a literal bloodline of terrible people.. one where literally no one stood a chance
i headcanon that the reason why nick’s marriage didn’t last was because of him. he treated her like shit, just like how his father treated his mother. not to the same extent, i don’t think he would beat a woman, but i think he would be the type to be too rough for comfort (ex. grab her by the arm roughly)
i think he would be the type to just not support her, sometimes talk down on her, and when fighting get in her face. he may have loved her, but he didn’t respect her and was a shitty husband to her. i also wouldn’t be surprised if he struggled with infidelity just like how his dad did
but i dont think his wife was a submissive one. i think she had a little bit of his mother in her. she wasn’t afraid to speak her mind, put him in his place, smack him upside the head, etc
i think his wife after a while fell into depression (we all know when nick hears a witch he will sometimes say “sounds like my ex wife”) but was kind of scared to leave him? even though he never genuinely physically harmed her, she has seen him definitely physically harm men before.. so even though she didn’t think he would ever harm her per se, she knew what he was capable of and of course it made her nervous. but i think after a while she would gain the strength to leave. he probably did not take it well and it probably was not 100% a civil divorce, but after a while he would accept it and move on
basically his marriage was just a repeat of his parents’, just not as bad as theirs was
i feel like as nick got older and matured he realized a bit how disgusting he was. i feel like he would probably try to reach out to his ex to apologize, she hears him out and thanks him, is happy and proud of how much he has changed, but she still wants nothing to do with him (as she should)
and honestly i feel like this would be one of the catalysts of his character redemption
i have so many fucking headcanons for the characters and lore that i should just start writing a big ass fanfic lolol idk i luv l4d
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unfortunateroomates · 5 months
"Fuck! Okay! Here goes nothing!"
OOC under cut :)
Hello! I got bored and made. this. dear goddd okay. Unpleasant Gradient ask blog! (Edit: INFECTED TOO NOW bc yeaj) you know, the regretevator one (I KNOW IT DOESNT ORIGINATE FROM THERE SHUSHH) .. Just a warning this is going to be. horribly mischaracterized and i do NOT apologize the gen alpha humor makes me slightly uncomfy so. gone sorry /silly
anyways! Unpleasant goes by any pronouns here, but i'll usually refer to them by he/they or sometjinf. but again, they dont mind anything! Infected also uses any, but prefers anything other than she/her :) Trinket (person running this blog, hello!!) uses they/it for now, subject to change lolol
this is all gonna go by my own personal hcs so like. yippee!! hooray!! whoohoo! /silly other regretevator ask blogs feel free 2 interact ! not the most comfortable with ocs unfortunately :( id rather it just be blogs of canon characters, sorry
dont think heres anything else so. eyah! goodbye! ask box is open (As of may 1st), have fun ! :0) Edit: i will be adding translations to infected's text (usually below it in plain text) in case anyone uses screen readers or just can't read it with the numbers!
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quietbluejay · 16 days
Scars 1
we start with a kid, getting beaten up by a bunch of other people and doing a half-decent job of fighting back
man the writing quality improvement is like stepping from a swamp into a clear stream
someone else comes and scares off the guys
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oh hi yesugei
tamu doesn't answer at first but eventually does, he stole some food
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this is future...shibai, iirc
shibai was rather unpleasant in The Path of Heaven but I don't really remember him in this book
Yesugei, who hasn't introduced himself, asks Tamu how old he is, he's 12, which is eight in Terran years so, as Yesugei mutters, not too old
so Tamu goes with the strange man lol
our motif for tamu is "withdraw, then return"
now we meet our second viewpoint character who is a kid currently in training to become a space marine, named Haren
his motif is "no backward step" and he's being tested
i don't really have much commentary on these early bits other than that they're interesting lol
the twist is that he's training for the Luna Wolves
oh i forgot Shiban writes poetry
talking with yesugei
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putting a pin in this one the khan, of course, is the exception to this rule lolol
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there's definitely a dark side to that but in a lot of ways it's both healthier and smarter than scads of the other legions rip Haren, he got reassigned to the Scars well otherwise he wouldn't be featuring in this book lol Haren: i guess it could have been worse. it could have been the space wolves or world eaters. Haren clashes a lot with White Scars philosophy lol
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it's a little relatable, lol
but…he's here also hi Torghun our attempted schismatic
time to meet Ilya, she's fun in a way, she's a parallel to lotara so she started out in codebreaking, which wasn't very enjoyable there's a lot about her whole backstory that really rings true to life though that's personal lol
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one reason she's fun is because of how much of a glimpse into the war machine of the crusade her life is
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this also is like…it's something that rings true actually on that topic of "glimpse of the war machine" wraight really makes it feel like there's a body under the metaphorical skin, you know? i think he's one of the better BL writers at doing that i.e. making it feel like there's a whole world behind what we see, not just a theatre backdrop, no matter how beautifully painted that we're coming in in the middle of a story, that everyone had lives before this was told and they exist when they're not on-stage
a thought The White Scars are kind of the worthy opponent villain lesser evil of another story let's see if I agree with that when I keep going lol anyways we do get a lot more info about Ilya's background and how she got to the White Scars than we did Lotara and yes I'm going to continue to compare them because I think they make fun characters to compare both high ranking women, both close to a primarch's right hand man and getting along well with a primarch, both from a background that seems on paper like this wouldn't be the case, both having adopted a lot from the Legion they joined the contrast being Lotara was young and promoted young and Ilya has travelled a normal path up through the ranks and of course Ilya being a REMF and Lotara seeing a lot of combat
so we're getting both inside views and outside views of the scars well, inside-ish, the view of an aspirant talking about it to a WS Haren's Khorchin tutor wasn't a big fan of them
okay back to the "present" she was sent to organize the un-organizable lol
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ilya learning to let things go like this could have been a completely different, more lighthearted, little prequel novella i'm sure we've all seen those movies lol lmao they still haven't heard anything from Terra but, lol, they like it like that. She doesn't Haji: one time we didn't hear anything for two years. good times.
I wouldn't call Wraight's prose lyrical the same way Haley or ADB can pull off but it's not shabby
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shiban does not like it here lol and is waiting to do something new and honestly this is a mood i know i get sick of finishing up projects right near the end too he gets a little starry eyed thinking of how he saw the khan fight
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just about every astartes in the heresy, unless they're a world eater, is their primarchs' hype man here's the rest
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i kinda…wanna dig into this haha but it's true killing without beauty is so much worse I'm thinking about Fate/Zero again lol dun dunn dunn shiban has a mystery on his hands several dead white scars bodies and no signs of their opponents and the bodies weren't mutilated as orks are wont to do (?)
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yeah like tbh if they're that disorganized they should have a load of problems with logistics and resupply and possibly friendly fire as a Terran, Torghun feels out of place
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you know it's kind of funny to compare this to the Death Guard on both sides, it's Terrans who are the primary internal rebellious element i do wonder if that was on purpose
important line that followed that paragraph
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ah Torghun is going to a lodge
owo Yesugei POV, he's always got good POVs Nikaea retrospective
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yesugei is divided on whether he thinks nikaea had a good result or bad lol
oh lmao this is a subtler version of "your character looks into the mirror" but also we've already seen him from outside POV yesugei: who am i
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honestly the various librarian perspectives on nikaea and its viability are all interesting i'm thinking specifically about the contrast with the ultramarines
i thought we were going to get the ullanor flashback but nope it was a different ullanor flashback lol just a little piece of the Khan and Horus being bros
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we're back in the present and I'm spying a motif yesugei has definitely sensed that something is coming oh huh he's having dreams of the Ruinstorm forming probably
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yesugei is comforted by the grass that was apparently there before humans came (?) and will be there after they're gone okay i think there was some kind of error with this book because there aren't scene breaks
context: suddenly we went from one paragraph to the next and ended up in the Alaxxes Nebula oh right i remember this book had a Russ subplot let's see how Wraight manages him
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I do enjoy a nice description
huh the description of Russ' flagship feels really different from the one we got in Wolfsbane oh wait nvm
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they do have this in common
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i'm sorry every time russ gets called an alpha i can't help but snicker …because alphas are fake to be clear for a moment i was so caught up in "lmao alpha wolf" that i forgot about abo
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i can't help but think this is meant to contrast against khan in some way like as he's the guy who laughs while killing but also like building out who he is by showing who he is not oh hi bjorn Russ: has our shame ever been greater? Bjorn: maybe you feel shame, I don't
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Russ is mad because he thinks he should have been there to save Ferrus Bjorn points out that they would have been massacred with the rest at Isstvan V i'd have to double check my numbers from wolfsbane but based on the numbers from fulgrim and what I remember re: space wolf numbers I think they'd have actually made a difference for the loyalists - probably still lost but I don't think they'd have been shattered the way they were in canon to be continued!
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blizzardfluffykpop · 2 months
alrighty!! Now here's your free time to also talk about everything you wanna about the trip!!
Also no rush, lovely 💜 I understand real life happens so if it takes a bit or a while that is totally okay!! Just pretty please know
(Also also if it's okay to share a little bit: before I had visited my brother and his wife out in Seattle, the only bigger city I had been to was Kansas City. And before I went out there my brother explained that the suburbs of Seattle are the size of Kansas City. Once I got out there I definitely found that to be true. One thing that I thought was super interesting that also has to do with the pigeons, is not only the number that there were but the fact that they were just so freaking chill around people. Like there was a time in walking around downtown Seattle to get to where Pike's Place Market is - and I'm in the one time where just my brother and I were waiting for the crosswalk, a pigeon just walked up and stood next to us waiting too. Once the light changed and my brother and I started to cross, the pigeon walked with us for quite a few hobbles then decided to finally fly away lolol!! I was laughing so hard thankfully my brother made sure we got to the other side with plenty of time and gave me a second to catch my breath. He was chuckling and ended up saying "Big city pigeons are pretty funny to be honest. They're around so many people I think it starts to rub off on them. So yeah, that's my experience with big city pigeons lolol)
I'll warn you this gonna be long and I'm gonna ramble and there's sm I have to say. And I'll add little photos to go along with it!
So- it took 14 hrs to drive out there (which was one stop at Denny's *which was actually vv good* and quite a few gas station stops). I drove for a small portion there. But omg- it was crazy there was this bridge that reminded me of this bridge in Cleveland- and all of the sudden you could see the three cities- you could see New Jersey and all island of Nyc- and it was just breathtaking. We drove through the Lincoln Tunnel and that was interesting- but when we came out of it... my god we were in Times Square. (Tbh before this I didn't know shit about nyc- I thought it all happened on one island... Turns out it's got like 4-5 islands!?) Anyways that was beautiful- (it looks so grainy... but Tbz Nectar joke "So sweet like nectar-" "A taste worth more")
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Then we made it to our hotel in Queensboro (at 11:11 pm) and I don't know if you've ever watched Taxi- but the bridge (Queensboro Bridge) that is like synonymous to the tv show- we got to drive over it- and we were staying right beside it on Long Island. In The Ravel- it might be by the same hotel that produced Days Inn but it was sososo nice- (maybe not as nice as a Hampton Inn or a Marriot but vv nice -if I wasn't paying for it we would have slept in the car/in a motel...). And maybe it's my inner carat but- we stayed on Vernon Blvd. Literally right on our balcony when you went out- you'd see it and I laughed so hard "Vernon?! Chwe!? Hansol?! You're so handsome!"
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The next morning we went over the said bridge, over Roosevelt Island, and onto Manhattan island. Where we went to see central park- specifically the Strawberry Fields part. (Which is across from The Dakodas where Lennon... yeah...) Anyways- the fields itself is completely gone since John's passing it's been in disrepair. But there was an "Imagine" circle dedication and people were singing and it was really sweet. Then we looked for Radio City Music Hall (where the boyz would be performing) and found it! Then like a street or two over? We ate at Bill's Bar & Burger- My mom follows this Buffalo youtuber and she had went there with her 12+ kids and mom wanted to go to- so we did! It was expensive for what we got... But the water? Omg it was delicious... Knowing I had to go back to my water back home while it comes from the lake it still tastes like gravel... yeah was unpleasant so I drank it to death ebhbhhea-
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--*this is inserted later cause I just thought of it*--
But I nearly forgot about you don't know you're next to rockfeller center only know it because of F.A.O Scwartz (the center looks like a prison & bank tbh)- and we got to see the skating rink (well where it would be) but the fountain was beautiful- we went past fox news and nbc- and the tonight show (crazy how it's all packed in there) and threw a wish (a penny) into a huge fountain. before getting water at a food truck and then see below
Then before we saw the boyz my dad and I had to walk to the atm- it was like 43rd street I think- it was in hotel... and when I tell you this reeked money I would never be able to spend... Oh my god- it was black marble everywhere you looked- but the hotel people were so nice! But on the way is where I would see all these pigeons come down and there were so many and I loved them each- but the brown and white ones were my favorites... Anyways- we came back and got ice cream from a frostee's truck- sth my mom grew up doing. Cause I guess in NY that's their icecream people? Idk... It was okay. But then I got to go over and get merch with mom and then we both had went and seen the boyz~ (Again it was unforgettable I still am having a hard time understanding that it was over a week ago...). Anyways we went back home on the Queensboro bridge. And I was so tired but I wanted to share with my one friend of what I saw (my phone fucking sucked so bad- and the car not having the right usbs meant that I couldn't charge it and talk to people & take photos... It was the worst but-). falling asleep after that was crazy.
My mom got me up the next morning and was like "Let's sit on the balcony." And I never really knew that I was missing that in my life? It was always my dream to have one. And another thing was knowing I was missing the city life. My mom's family is from major cities. I've never really felt like I've fit in anywhere? I've always felt vv ?? in my small town. And finally enjoying all of that finally made it click. Like I was finally where I was meant to be. Having to leave made me a mess. Anyways....
I bought tickets to the Brooklyn Museum for one reason- and I had known about this before the exhibit even opened. It was Paul McCartney 1934-1964 Eyes of the Storm photos exhibit. What was sweet was you could get in through general admission. Instead of paying another 10 on top to go to a ticketed exhibit. There was this sweet little girl who asked the people in front of when we were waiting for the elevator (that had no rails I have a slight fear of elevators this made it so scary). She asked, "Wher'u going?" "The 5th floor" and it was so cute- I love how adults talk to kids so sweetly... It heals my inner child sm. And she had a little conversation with us all while her dad watched before he grabbed her hand and led her away so everyone could get on and whatnot. Georgie & his many hats
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Now if you know I am a big lover of George... that's my man 😌🤭 and he had such cute photos. It was so cool how it went from black and white to when they made it in Miami it turned colorful cause he had a kodak? (idk a color camera) finally- and it was so cool. But one of my favorite photos is the police officer with a gun. Because you and I prolly wouldn't have thought of that being odd. But when you put into perspective that it is only our officers that have em... And these four british boys were just "??!?!?!" seeing an officer with a gun for the first time and idk it puts such a cool perspective on it for me. I had been looking forward to seeing that photo the most tbh. But seriously it was such a beautiful exhibit and we had walked through two other exhibits the asian print maker one (oh my god it was so colorful and beautiful... I loved that sm) there was the painting of george washington that his wife had saved in the white house. It was okay. The american art didn't feel nearly as cool as Paul's or the Utagawa *I just found out since someone made me rush thru it... 😒* which is actually Japanese art come to find out- sorry I'd correct it- but this is literally when I found out. Anyways my mom's man is Paul- so seeing these photos for her was so much fun she loved it sm! (look how pretty my goodness)
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Then I didn't realize it was the day for the 1964 things until I went to journal about it- because the next place we went to was in Queens (specifically Corona park). Both of my parents had gone to the 1964 world's fair when they were kids- and it's sth I kind of wanted to see to cause it fascinated me. But seriously almost all of it's gone... They're saying they're going to reconstruct the Pavillion and the Sky (thingies) but I sadly doubt they'll do it... It's mainly been the people- Nyc just doesn't care sadly. But "The Rocket Thrower" statue was the coolest imo- But "The Unisphere" was vv cool too- the water wasn't on and I didn't expect it to be- But there was granite pavement in front of it that was just vv cool it told the history of the place with picture inscriptions. And we saw the two buildings in disrepair- which were just beautiful if they would ever be rebuilt, I think it would be amazing. And then we saw the time capsule and the old water fountains. Along with "Freedom of Human Spirit" statue there is one statute we did end up missing. But honestly idc- but then we ran into retired central park animal statues that kids used to play on- (imo if they really don't want kids on them- they shouldn't put them in a park btw).
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Then we got home and mom and I enjoyed the balcony talking about the boyz and all of nyc and how we would both miss it. Sadly the other person we went on the trip on was soooo excited to go back. (ofc 😒). And then there was a kpop channel and I was able to watch Youngji before the show ended! And then I turned on Men In Black III (My personal favorite). Mom got up again and we had gone out on the balcony until she was tired. She missed the city life... And imo she should be back at least in Cleveland. I've always wanted to live there but after that trip ik where I dream of living.
Oh- I forgot to mention in between we did eat at a place called Tom's Dinner- and I don't like chicken- but I gave it a try... and when I say that chicken died for a good reason it was delicious- I had a hot chocolate with chicken caesar salad it was divine. Mom had a cherry lemonade- and it was delicious too and she made me try her bagel and god... I'm so going to Wegman's near me someday to get their bagels... It's the closest I'll get to nyc bagels for a while...
Then we went past Grand Central Station and that looked vv bank like building it was crazy. I'm a big Ramones fan so I did have to see 53rd & 3rd knowing this where the song was from. And seeing it was so cool to me!
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And then we were on the road home... It cost toll wise altogether 18.25 which imo to go there and back isn't bad. And we had stopped in Jersey to get dinner- Cutest name ever "Time to eat diner" I loved it- both diners were so classy. (We have nothing like that back home even tho it's a small town you'd think we would- we don't). And it was so fun the hustle and bustle and it was delicious- I got a caramel iced coffee- sth I hadn't had since I was a high schooler- And it was delicious! I had a bagel with cream cheese, whipped butter, one side grape & one side strawberry jelly. It was so delightful. It only took 12 hrs to go back but I was a mess.
Changmin had posted his post of missing New York (with Vienna) broke my heart to pieces why? Because I had finally found my Vienna. And leaving it- and him pairing that song with it- had me in pieces. I just wanted to curl up and bawl.
I really could talk about those emotions but that's something I'll see my journal for. I hope to visit my "Vienna" lots of times, and if not stay there for the rest of my life. Ik it's expensive but it's where I finally felt comfortable.
It's also crazy to watch tiktoks/videos from nyc and go "I know where that is" now- but it makes me so happy. I can't wait for the day I'll get to go back.
Anyways special mention to these photos: Green Taxi & Yellow Taxi
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Then ofc Younghoon pc with the Queensboro bridge & the buildings on long island (I have so many more photos tbh but I choose some of my faves)
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(I didn't get to say this before- but this part really comforted me- and it seems silly- but it did... I didn't want to reply to it until I was better. But thank you. Anyways let me get into what you said! It was wonderful that you shared a little bit- it made me feel better about me missing pigeons tbh. Seatle sounds so cool and so does Kanas City even tho it's not huge in comparison to Seatle it does sound fun to visit! Like the Canadian Geese have absolute fits you get close or the Seagulls- and the pigeons you're so right- they're so chill- and I loved that sm- ik it's part of their domestication but like it was just so interesting to see!! OOOOOOHHH THAT SOUNDS SO CUTE!!! That was your little buddy!! I'm so glad you got to laugh and have fun with the little guy- that sounds so fun! That's so cute about your big city pigeons- god I love big city pigeons!! They're so funny- I'm glad you got to experience them too! To more pigeon experiences!! 🤭🥰💖)
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thecatduet422 · 2 years
you have some of the most gorgeous descriptions i have ever encountered: "Puddles grew bigger, their reflections mirroring the colors of the city, catching the lights of the buildings, the streets. Until they reached the sky, where a clouded moon hung above." I'm in love. the movement in this story is incredible. i can see the city and the people and the action so vividly from the way you describe it. i'm enamored and also devastated because jason being vulnerable and actually trying to talk about it took me out. i could barely read it with how deeply emotional it was. i just love this story so so so much. and the amount of work you put into it, i cannot even fathom. THANK YOU!!!! there's something kind of heartbreaking (and maybe painfully ironic) about jason's almost-mantra to jess being "trust me" when trust was what he gave to bruce so unconditionally until it killed him and then some. i have absolutely no clue as to how jason could avoid crane's instruction at the end. the plotwork is god-tier as is the character depictions and literally everything else. the way that jessica is ornery and prickly and generally unpleasant just gets to me because it's so well done and i love that about her character which balances the centre she works so hard to protect. and the trauma. the realism of that hits home with the way it seemingly comes from the most innocuous things as reminders and sinks deep. i was wondering, and feel free to ignore, but what made this one the devil chapter? what was it about the switching POV - which were really great btw?
OMG! Thank you so much for the comment, friend! I try lol, especially with AKA 🤣
I guess this chapter was tough because I needed the conversation to go in a certain direction, but I also needed everyone to stay in character. There were moments when writing Jason where I was like, "He sounds too much like Dick here" or moments with Jess where I have to stop and rewrite because it was something she wouldn't do in that situation. I try very hard to be true to the characters, so the switching POV's threw me off a bit, and I lost count of how much alternative dialogue I wrote for this one lolol.
This, doubled with the fact that there is a lot of plot, and there are a lot of layers to it right now. Everyone has their own agenda; Jason wants his plan to go off without a hitch, Jessica wants answers, and Bruce wants to figure out who hired her. And I feel like it's just a three way game of rock-paper-sissors with everyone choosing a different item (or at least, that's the idea I'm *trying* to pull). I have the outline, but actually writing it is a whole other thing, and with this being my first fic, it's a lot of work and energy 😅
Tbh, it's probably why I'm leaning towards reader fics in my other works (I don't have to worry about staying in character when the character *is me* lolol)
Buuut, that being said, I know all of the buildup is gonna be worth it in the later chapters 😈
Thank you for reading AKA, friend! It holds a special place in my heart and I'm super proud of it ❤️
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luthiest · 2 years
fictional characters tag game !
describe yourself with three fictional characters others have described you as. and while you’re at it, take a minute to remember how cool it made you feel. go!
darling @adelinestudiess tagged me and now ur all going to find out that i am widely regarded as side villain b amongst my friends 🫠
mai - avatar the last airbender
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my brothers always compared me to mai and azula growing up, depending on whether we’d been fighting or not… so, usually azula lolol. mai’s apathetic and pragmatic, but also loyal, so i take it as a compliment even if she is a low level villain
santana - glee
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oh, i was so obsessed with santana when i was in middle and high school. she’s abrasive and unpleasant by default, but she was always so cool too… def got a lot of comparisons to her in high school but it could’ve easily just been a racial profiling moment 🥴
cece from new girl
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my friend also said cece because “she’s confident and gorg but if it came down to it could cut a bitch” when i asked her for ideas sooooo.., make of that what u will 🫣
tagging @septemberstudies @debussyandbooks and anyone else who wants to do it !
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tickly-trashcan · 3 years
Hi, can you do a tickle HC of Beyond the Boundary🤔 ?
Have a nice morning/lunch/night there ❤️
A/N: Hi hi! I'm not sure if there were any specific characters that you wanted me to do, so I just did Akihito and Mirai, hope you don't mind! If you'd like some with anyone else don't hesitate to send another request! I hope you have a lovely day/night as well! :DD (also under the cut since they were a little long hehe)
the amount of love i hold for this man is unreal omg
okay so he’s so ticklish its kinda bonkers but it’s also really cute
he has really ticklish ribs and armpits! his tum is also a good spot
He has a kinda shrieky laugh but at the same time it’s really bubbly and giggly
He gets breathless pretty easily and then his laugh is a little breathy mixed with squeaks
his cheeks also get pink really easily, both from being embarrassed about the tickling and the fact that he gets laughing really easily
like pokes and stuff have him jumping it’s really funny
So naturally he gets poked a lot
Mitsuki will give him warning pokes whenever he’s stressing out Mirai or something like that
She also just pokes him whenever she feels like it, so Akihito generally just stops whatever he’s doing to avoid any other tickles
Hiroomi also is known to shove his hands under Akihito’s arms to keep his hands warm, but after he found out he was ticklish he made it his mission to at least get a few giggles out every time his hands get cold
Mirai didn’t know what was going on at first between Hiroomi shoving his hands in Akihito’s armpits and Mitsuki poking him every five seconds, but Mitsuki finally told her despite Akihito practically begging on his knees for her not to LOL
Mirai was still too shy to try anything for a while, but she finally worked up the courage to start tickling him every now and then
She started with pokes like Mitsuki, but now she’s more comfortable with giving him quick scribbles up his side or something like that
She finds his reactions very amusing, and she tells him that it’s funny when his face goes red
I feel like Ai has probably tickled him before as well, probably on accident though
Idk why but I have this random idea in my head that Akihito gives really good piggybacks, so I can imagine him piggybacking either Hiroomi or Mirai around and they tickle him a bit
He can’t really do anything about it if they tickle him LOL he just kinda has to take it
Of course after a while he stops giving Hiroomi piggybacks and is met with the retaliation of Hiroomi warming his hands under his arms more often fbjkdsd
Mirai still gets the piggyback privileges tho
She’s literally so cute i love her i want to hold her in my arms
She’s not as ticklish as Akihito, but she’s still very ticklish lolol
She’s ticklish on her sides, hips, and tummy!
She has a really squeaky and high-pitched laugh that has snorts occasionally sprinkled in but it’s super adorable and kind of an instant serotonin boost
She’s not very used to being tickled so she has to tap out pretty quickly most of the time (which Akihito complains is very unfair) but when she’s being tickled she loves it
She loves how freeing it feels, just being able to laugh and wiggle around without worrying about anything else
Of course, she goes super red whenever someone brings up the fact that she seems to like it and is quick to deny it, saying that tickling is “unpleasant”
Akihito can see right through her, as does Mitsuki but they don’t say anything for her sake
While Akihito gets tickled pretty often she probably gets more tickles than he does fjdjsfk
Mostly because she has cute reactions and Mitsuki and Akihito know she enjoys it so they try to tickle her whenever they think it’s appropriate
Akihito tickled her once while she was watering her bonsai and she dropped the cup of water she was holding and he ended up having to clean it up so he only tickles her when he knows shes not holding anything lolol
Mitsuki and Mirai are really close and so Mitsuki tickles her pretty often, like when they were preparing the dance for that one youmu she tickled her quite a bit to keep her on task which seems a bit counter productive but it actually worked out pretty well
Akihito will like... “threaten” her sometimes with tickles and thats kinda how he found out she liked them because she wouldn’t stop what she was doing and never asked for him to stop until she really needed it when he was tickling her
She giggles nervously if she thinks someone’s about to tickle her and she tries to run but she’s kinda clumsy and normally ends up tripping over something (possibly on purpose, we’ll never know)
Basically she’s very cute and i think she should get got
And that’s all I have for right now! Thank you for the request! :D
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elvendara · 3 years
Sugar and Spice day 4
July 15th
Why is your brother such an ass? I thought you were bad but he takes the cake! And eats it too! Tell him to STOP! It’s not FUNNY!
I don’t know what to tell you. He doesn’t listen to me, you know that. He even barked at MC when she tried to talk to him. I mean, it’s like he has a vendetta against you. I know what I did, but what did you do to him?
NOTHING! I’ve been super nice every time I see him, and he’s basically just ignored me or hurled insults at me, and now, he’s getting his jollies by trolling me on LOLOL! Why did you tell him about it?
He already knew. Don’t forget he had us all under surveillance for Mint Eye. Look, maybe stop giving him such a big reaction. It’s what he wants. Just, ignore him.
That’s easy for you to say! He’s ruining my reputation!
OK, I’ll try to talk to him again, but I can’t make any promises, you might just have to deal with this yourself. Face to face, you know, man to man.
Yeah, sure. So he can beat me up? No thank you.
Don’t you think you’re being a little dramatic?
Whatever! I have to do my dailies, hopefully Saeran isn’t around! Ugh!
Saeyoung sighed and shook his head. Saeran had really turned into a bully online. At least towards Yoosung. He found it funny to mess with the blond himself, but Saeran had taken it too far. With an exhausted sigh he walked towards Saeran’s room and knocked on the door.
“What?” came Saeran’s answer. He turned the doorknob and opened the door. “Oh, it’s you.” Saeran said and returned to face his laptop on the desk.
“Yeah, ahh, can we talk?” he asked walking in and sitting on the edge of the bed.
“About what?” he didn’t even turn around to look at his brother.
“Saeran.” Saeyoung said exasperated.
Saeran’s shoulders sagged, and he finally faced his brother, rotating in his computer chair.
“You have to stop this thing with Yoosung. He’s really angry.”
“That’s what you wanted to talk about?” Saeran rolled his eyes.
“It’s gone too far, why are you doing it?”
“Isn’t it obvious?”
“Obviously not.” Saeyoung countered.
“I like him.”
Saeyoung was stunned. He blinked his eyes in disbelief. “You…like him? That’s how you show you like someone?”
“It’s all I know.” Saeran shrugged.
“Oh my god! All this time, you’ve been trying to show Yoosung that you like him?”
Saeyoung face palmed and started to laugh.
“What’s so funny?” Saeran asked irritated.
“You’re an idiot you know that? But then, so am I.” Saeyoung got a hold of himself and tried to be serious. “Look, why don’t you just try asking him out instead of trolling him on the internet?”
It was Saeran’s turn to be stunned. “Just…ask?”
“Well yeah, what’s the worst that can happen? He says no?”
“That’s pretty bad yes. I have to find out if he likes me back first before asking him out like that.”
“Well, you’re going about it all wrong.”
“Is that how you got together with MC? You just asked her out?”
“Uh, no, actually, she kind of didn’t give me a choice.”
“Hmnm, maybe I should do that instead.”
“No no, it worked for MC and me, but I don’t think it will work with Yoosung.”
“OK, well, what other advice do you have?” Saeran sat back in his chair and crossed his arms, ready to listen. It gave Saeyoung pause, he’d never seen his brother like this. He must really be into Yoosung if he was willing to listen to him.
“I think you should be honest. Tell him how you feel. How about we invite him over this weekend, and you can talk to him then.”
“I don’t know, that seems, uh, I don’t know.”
“At least you can use the time to start being nicer to him.”
“Yes, nice! Would you rather have him angry with you or happy?”
“Happy of course, but if he’s angry, at least he’s talking to me.”
“You’ll never get to the kissing phase if you keep going like that.”
“K…kissing???” Saeran turned bright red, almost the same shade as his hair.
Saeyoung stood and ruffled his brother’s hair. “Just try it.” He said and walked out.
Yoosung liked hanging out with his best friend Saeyoung and his new wife MC. He even liked Saeran, but something had changed and Saeran had turned on him. He didn’t understand. Sure he wasn’t always nice, but he attributed that to the way he had spent the first 23 years of his life. Yoosung couldn’t imagine being nice after suffering for his entire life at the hands of others. But there had been something behind those pained green eyes that pulled on Yoosung’s heart. So he suffered the barbs thrown at him, knowing they were just a defense mechanism.
However, Saeran suddenly went from defensive to attacking at every opportunity he could. He wasn’t even safe when he was away from him physically. He’d tried to tell himself this was yet another reactionary defense mechanism, but the man had crossed the line! He’d started trolling him on LOLOL and made the game unbearable. It wasn’t just that either, he’d gotten some of his own guild members to pick on him too! It was so irritating!
But here he was, trying to be civil towards Saeran when all he wanted was to smash his face in. Even that thought was irritating. This wasn’t him. He didn’t wish to do harm to people. The only reason he’d agreed to even come was because Saeyoung had begged, and he felt guilty for punishing the red head because of his brother. He really did want to see them. He kept a wary eye out for Saeran, who had yet to make an appearance, though Yoosung knew he was there, probably in his room.
“Thanks for bringing desert Yoosung, you didn’t have to, but it looks delicious.” MC stated as she unwrapped the cheesecake. Yoosung smiled, knowing full well they expected him to bring dessert. He’d spent hours making it from scratch.
“You’re welcome. Is there anything I can do to help?”
“Oh no, why don’t you go outside and hang out with Saeyoung. I know he’s missed you.”
“OK.” Yoosung headed to the backyard where he could smell the grilling already underway. Saeyoung was a pretty good griller, especially when it came to steaks, although in the kitchen he was as much of a disaster as his brother. The thought of Saeran made him growl.
Saeyoung heard and chuckled. “What’s with the scowl?” he asked as he hugged his friend.
“Sorry, just thinking of something unpleasant.”
“Let me guess, Saeran?” he snickered.
“Sure laugh it up, but I swear, I’m this close to punching him.” He held his thumb and forefinger less than an inch apart.
“Don’t worry OK? He promised he would be on his best behavior.”
“I’ll believe that when I see it.” Yoosung answered.
“Believe what?” Saeran asked as he walked out towards them.
Yoosung didn’t answer, pursing his lips and crossing his arms, turning his back to the newly red headed man.
With a sigh Saeran almost went back into the house but an encouraging look from Saeyoung held him to the spot. Well, might as well rip that band aid off.
“Uh, Yoosung, can I talk to you?”
Yoosung’s breath caught in his throat, he’d never heard that tone from Saeran. He was caught off guard and found it hard to hang onto his anger, curiosity winning. He nodded and followed Saeran as he walked onto the grass from the porch and around the swimming pool.
Finally he stopped and turned, eyes cast downwards.
“I’m sorry.” He said, barely audible.
“I said I’m sorry.” Saeran stated as he met Yoosung’s amethyst gaze.
There was a moment of silence as Yoosung took that in.
“Oh, well, OK then. But, why? Why were you so mean to me?” he asked, tears welling up in his eyes. Once the anger was gone, all that was left was hurt. What Saeran had done had hurt him.
“I…it’s…stupid…” Saeran’s shoulders sagged, and he couldn’t look at Yoosung’s crushed face anymore.
“Tell me.” Yoosung said kindly, reaching out to the man and squeezing his upper arm. The touch made Saeran shiver and lose his voice. He stared at the younger man, those empathetic eyes, and kind heart so readily able to accept his apology.
“I…really like you and I didn’t know how to tell you so in order to get you to pay attention to me, to interact with me I started being mean because any reaction is a good one if you keep doing it right? At least that’s how I thought. I mean, I don’t know how to make friends let alone let someone know I care about them. Hell, I still can’t even tell Saeyoung how I really feel about him. I didn’t know…”
“Stop!” Yoosung said, placing his hand over Saeran’s mouth. Saeran was crushed, thinking that Yoosung didn’t want to hear about his affection, but there was a smile on the blond’s face and a twinkle in his eyes. “I get it. Really I do. So, just tell me. How do you feel about me?”
“I like you.” Saeran said after Yoosung had released his lips, though he missed the soft touch. “I like being around you. When you’re near I want to reach out and hold your hand. I imagine what it would be like to hold you in my arms and kiss you. You’re so kind and sweet, to everyone. At first, I thought it was an act, you know, like…her…but you’re nothing like her. Your empathy for others is genuine. I just…want to be in your orbit. So, I’d like to ask you out on a date.”
“I’d like that.” Yoosung said.
“Really?” Saeran was surprised but something inside of him bloomed and grew. Something light and joyful. Something he’d never felt before, nor thought he would ever be able to feel. Hope.
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arknights-imagines · 4 years
Good Day! Love the work you put into the blog :D it fills up my need for shipping all the beautiful operators. I want to ask for maybe an imagine for one of the trust lines ambriel has (I love her so much
Hi anon!! 🥺✨ Tysm for your compliments wgshgsgs 😭 💕 I've been meaning to write something for Ambriel since I love her a lot and she's a bit of a comfort character for me 👉👈 she seems like she'd be a lot of fun to be around lolol!! 🤣🥺 Anywho, I tried my best with this and I hope I did her justice 🌸
Sneaking Off
Imagine format; From the perspective of the Operator for majority
Contains: Ambriel, gender neutral Doctor, sort of implied established relationship, mention of side characters and other locations outside R.I, lots of playful softness at the end 🥺
Word count: lil over 1.5k!
‘Hmph, what a pain.’ Ambriel yawned, following the other Operators of the Sniper team as they all hopped off the back of the military truck tasked with making sure they returned to the Rhodes Island camp safely.
Her and the rest of the Operators who specialized in long-ranged support had been assigned with a task somewhere at the outskirts further away toward Kazdel - travelling using the Rhodes Island landship wouldn't have been inconspicuous enough, so all the staff and Operators had to stay at the camp set up by Amiya and the Doctor for now. If she was honest, all Ambriel wanted to do was finish the assignment up and go back to Rhodes Island where she could be more at ease, but sadly, duty called.
Arms stretched over her head, Ambriel headed toward the dormitory tent, lining up with the other Operators and showing her card of identification to the person with a tablet at the entrance when it was her turn - “Welcome back Ambriel; how’d the mission go?” The Sankta sighed, “Pretty good, not a single shot wasted.” With a small nod, the staff member then let her through.
Inside, exhausted Sniper Operators were practically dragging themselves to their cots; unlike them, Ambriel wasted no time, nonchalantly strolling over and throwing her bags and heavy coat on the bed she was occupying for now. After ridding herself of anything that would be too much of a hassle, she turned right around headed over to exit the tent through the flap at the back.
A voice caught her, “Going somewhere, Ambriel?” With a lifted brow, another Sniper Operator piped up as they saw Sankta taking her leave; “Hehe, I’m off to go find the Doctor. Err, if anyone comes looking for me tell them I went to practice my shooting.” And with that Ambriel left with haste, not pausing to hear the Operators response - which was probably for the better.
When she finally stepped outside and into the heart of the camp, a sigh left her lips and she shook her hair out. The Sankta had been dying to be free of work since the morning; sure, she much preferred working for Rhodes Island over serving the Pontifica Cohors Lateran or the Lateranian Notarial Hall, but for Ambriel, more time for oneself was always in high demand.
However, when she noticed a familiar jacket-clad person leaving a tend nearby, she had a feeling her day was about to get much better. Ambriel's lips pulled into a grin, shoulders rolling back as she took off toward them.
“Yo, Doctor~!!” Bright hair flowed buoyantly behind her as the Sankta quickly made her way over, feeling a little brighter than she was just a few seconds ago. Turning around, the Doctor grinned at her and spared her a small wave, “Ambriel, I’m glad you made it back safe and sound.” They motioned toward the path you were just about to walk down, “Walk with me?”
At the offer, Ambriel’s lips pulled into a smile, “You got it.” Happily, she hooked her arm with theirs as the Doctor spoke up, “How did the mission go?” The Sankta sighed softly, “They weren't good at hiding, I can tell you that. Felt like kind of a waste of ammo to be completely honest.” Her hand reached up and tapped their cheek a few times, a smile on her lips, “I’m pretty happy I got back by sundown to see you.” The Doctor returned her grin, expressing that they too were glad to see her.
The Sniper Operator quirked a brow up, papers in their hand catching her eye, “Hmm, you still have work you gotta do around the camp?” The Doctor nodded, using their free hand to unearth more papers they had tucked into their coat, “Amiya asked me to check on some things with other Operators.” The Sankta huffed a little, propping her chin on their shoulder to peek at the sheets of paper, “You should learn to relax a little; after all, Amiya said we’d all be stationed here for a little while, didn't she?”
The Doctor sighed, going on to explain as they led Ambriel toward the communications tent where their next task was, “Yes, but the success of the Operation relies a lot on keeping everything in order.” Rolling her eyes a little, the Sniper Operator decided to drop the topic; there wasn't really any point arguing with them, not to mention it had obviously been a long day for the both of them.
Watching carefully, Ambriel stayed with the Doctor as they began talking to the staff within the comms tent - all of it was nonsense to her, but the Sankta figured she’d hang around considering she really didn't have anywhere to be. When the Doctor noticed her sitting herself atop an empty desk while popping open a box of chocolate sticks to snack on, they lifted a brow up, “Ambriel, you don't have to stay. I might be a while.”
The Sniper Operator shrugged, placing one of the chocolate snacks between her lips, “Oh, I might as well stay until you finish up - I did come looking for you. But you know, “ She propped her chin in her hand, “If it isn't urgent, you should really just reschedule it for a later date.”
The Doctor spared her a smile, “Well if you really want to stay, I won’t stop you. Just stay out of trouble.” Ambriel rolled her eyes, biting back a teasing grin, “Oh please, you won’t even know I’m here~.”
The Sankta obeyed them - watching them attend their business while eating her chocolate sticks; and after some time, the Doctor finally returned to her, causing her to hop off the desk with obvious eagerness. “You’re finally finished?” The Sniper Operator dusted the crumbs from her snack off herself as the Doctor shook their head, “I have to wait for some more papers to finish processing, and then I’ll be done for the day.”
Ambriel blinked, expression baffled, “Huh? You can just wait for them and come back another time, right?” The Doctor shrugged a little, “I was told to get them sent off ASAP-” “That's ridiculous, whatever you need them for can get pushed back.”
Attitude now more assertive, Ambriel locked their arms with hers, practically yanked them out of the tent - the Doctor blinked, eyebrows furrowing together in confusion, “Hey, Ambriel-” “You promised me a movie a while back, didn't you Doctor?”
Oh, well, they had done that; it was less of a promise and more of agreement in the Sankta’s suggestion, but a movie with her didn't sound unpleasant at all. The Doctor just wasn't sure that a camp in the middle of nowhere was the best place for a date.
“I’ve been carrying that hard drive with the movie we picked out on it for forever.” As she exited the tent, dragging the Doctor with her, Ambriel’s voice lowered, “And I know about a TV in one of the little tents near where the elite Operators usually work.” Just as the Doctor opened their mouth to speak, she shushed them with a finger to their lips, “Oh, I know it's for communications or whatever, but who’s gonna notice us using it?”
The Doctor downcasted their gaze; it had in fact been a long time since their last break, and an even longer time since they had been able to spend time with the Sankta. On top of that, Ambriel presented a good point; the movie would only take an hour, no one would come looking for them if they went missing for such a short period of time.
“...hm.” They sighed, and Ambriel watched them with rapt attention. Then, they reached down and laced their fingers with hers, a bright smile painting their lips, “You’re right, let's go watch that movie.”
With her own lips pulling into a grin, she squeezed their hand back - “See? I knew you’d come around.” The Sankta snickered, “Hehe, if anyone catches us, we were watching battle records, not slacking off~.” Considering this was Ambriel, the Doctor wasn't surprised she was ready with some kind of an excuse, but even though it was childish it made the smile on their face light up further.
Ambriel; she found importance in practicality and living leisurely - the Sankta could have honestly cared less about protecting the glory of Laterano or becoming a hero to those at Rhodes Island. All she wanted was to be able to relax with the Doctor at the end of every day, and she dearly hoped that they enjoyed it just as much as she did. A simple person she was indeed; as long as she had the Doctor, she had everything she wanted.
Breaking from her thoughts, Ambriel lowered her voice again, “I know we’re supposed to be taking it easy, but just in case that white-haired elite Sankta from the Notarial Hall spots me, start planning a better plan of escape, got it?” The Doctor chimed with a laugh at her antics, “Got it, Ambriel. You can count on me.”
Little did she know; the Doctor loved sneaking off with her maybe even more than she, herself enjoyed it.
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🥺🥺 such a simple statement, but u saying u wanna be her friend made my heart djdbsjdvshsb. That makes me so happy!! Im so glad ur enjoying learning about her and the others (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) and sidbsjbdjwhdv u like the banter oms (*≧ω≦*)
Oh my days the spicy taco song. Jaehee is flippin adorable. Although!! I still wanna hear Saeyoung sing it hehehe (*-`ω´- )人
Lmaooo yeah condolences to anyone who deals with her on the daily lets be real here lolol
Oh! Vasyl's power. He's got 2, one genetic, one as a lab experiment (poor baby 🥺). The lab one is draining light, and the genetic one is self-sustainment, where he only has to eat, drink, sleep, etc once every like month or so. I have the specifics somewhere in my notes.
Rigby's a little jealous. Simply put, she hates sleeping. 1 - nightmares. 2 - waste of time. Sometimes her powers are quite literally the only thing keeping her on her feet because she gets so little sleep. She also doesn't eat quite as much as she should, but that's only because she faces the problem that I do: adhd meds suppress our appetite. So we're only really hungry late in the evening until early morning (or whenever we next take our meds). She's got an additional issue: fast metabolism, her body and powers need a lot of energy. I finally estimated she needs about four meals a day at least, but she usually only eats 2 or 3. She loves food but cos of the meds she just forgets to eat.
She sleeps an average of 3 hours a night, sometimes 5 or 6 on a good night, and once in a while 7 or 8 when she's particularly exhausted. But otherwise she avoids sleep like the plague. She's been through some... unpleasant things, mainly as Deviant, and her mind also likes to amplify her fears and insecurities. She also deals with sleep paralysis here and there.
I think a lot of the strong bond with Vasyl comes from the fact that he eventually noticed she she was often awake when he was, and when he found out what was going on, he was like "if u ever need someone to talk to, or if you just wanna come hang out, im here". (Oh btw with her being 22, he's... 15.) And he'll send her a text at like 2am in case she's still up, just something like "u doing ok?" and if shes asleep, no biggie, shes a rather heavy sleeper.
Vasyl and amara are both worried for her, but Rigby has always gotten along better with guys, so she's a little closer to vasyl than to amara. Plus, you know, the whole yin and yang thing.
i think vasyl would like every rfa member in one way or another; especially since it means that his sister finally made more friends goodness gracious lolol. Oh also he's a little naïve with certain things but he's not gullible like yoosung is (lol yoosing get rekt a 15yo is less gullible than u).
My brain is a bit fried right now but lemme tell ya, I appreciate all the information on them and their universe. There's just so much potential with their universe and they're interchangeable relationships with each other that I don't even know where to start to unpack everything that I enjoy about it! They've got a life to them that makes them feel relatable and excitable in a way that makes you want to learn more about them.
Vasyl is just a sitting duck. I don't think Seven would tease too hard but he can't help it when someone is just so... gullible. It's like a candy trap to that nerd. If anything, at least he's getting a laugh out of it. Yeah, at least Rigby has some friends now and she's not hanging out by herself which is a good thing! Even if that means charity parties.
Boring charity parties.
But hey, sometimes you just wanna have a little fun too so here's hoping there is no family chaos because they've got enough of that to spare, at least these days. If this girl doesn't eat and sleep then she's gonna get a stern talking to by the RFA and if not them.
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fierceawakening · 5 years
Against empathy Liveblog 18
“Batson and his colleagues put subjects in a situation where they have the opportunity to do something nice—such as donating money, taking over an unpleasant task from someone else, or cooperating with someone at a cost. Some of the subjects are told nothing or are told to take an objective point of view. But others are encouraged to feel empathy—they might be told: “Try to take the other person’s perspective” or “Put yourself in that person’s shoes.”
Over and over again, Batson finds that these empathy prompts make subjects more likely to do good—to give money, take over a task, and cooperate. Empathy makes them kind.
Batson finds these effects even when helping is anonymous, when there is a justification for not helping, and when it’s easy to say no. He concludes from his work that these effects cannot be explained by a desire to enhance one’s reputation or a wish to avoid embarrassment or anything like that. Rather, empathy elicits a genuine desire to make another person’s life better.”
I’m VERY interested in how this is so bad you recommend people stop.
“Even among psychologists who should know better, images derived from PET or fMRI scans are seen as reflecting something more scientific—more real—than anything else a psychologist could discover. There is a particular obsession with localization, as if knowing where something is in the brain is the key to explaining it.”
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and you’re making very strong versions of your claims. Please acknowledge that.
“If you’re one of those people who doesn’t believe something is real unless you see it in the brain, you’ll be relieved to hear that empathy actually does exist. It really does light up the brain. Actually, at first blush, empathy looks as if it’s everywhere in the brain. One scholar describes at length what he calls “an empathy circuit in the brain,” but this “circuit” contains ten major brain areas, some of them big chunks of brain stuff, larger than a baby’s finger, like the medial prefrontal cortex, the anterior insula, and the amygdala—all of which are also engaged in actions and experiences that have nothing to do with empathy.”
Interesting. Yay data!
“It turns out, though, that this the-whole-brain-does-it conclusion arises because neuroscientists—along with psychologists and philosophers—are often sloppy in their use of the term empathy. Some investigators look at what I see as empathy proper—what happens in the brain when someone feels the same thing they believe another person is feeling. Others look at what happens when we try to understand other people, usually called “social cognition” or “theory of mind” but sometimes called “cognitive empathy.” Others look at quite specific instantiations of empathy (such as what happens when you watch someone’s face contort in disgust), and still others study what goes on in the brain when a person decides to do something nice for another person, which is sometimes called “prosocial concern” but which one normally thinks of as niceness or kindness. Once you start pulling these different phenomena apart, which I’ll do below, things get more interesting, and you see how these different capacities relate to one another.”
Fair—I can see how people might looks at a whole brain going FWEEEEEE and assume the thing is super important, only to miss that they’ve over defined the thing.
Still not sure you haven’t under defined it, let’s see what you have to say
“The first finding is that an empathic response to someone else’s experience can involve the same brain tissue that’s active when you yourself have that experience. So “I feel your pain” isn’t just a gooey metaphor; it can be made neurologically literal: Other people’s pain really does activate the same brain area as your own pain, and more generally, there is neural evidence for a correspondence between self and other.”
For the people who think “how can you feel MY pain? Is that magic, NTs? Lolol.” What we mean!
“As you might be able to tell from the title of his book, Hickok is critical of the claims that have been made about mirror neurons, and many scholars would agree that they have been overhyped. One strong objection to the view that they explain capacities such as morality, empathy, and language is that most of the findings about mirror neurons come from macaque monkeys—and monkeys don’t have much morality, empathy, or language. Mirror neurons cannot be sufficient for these capacities, then—though they might help out with them. Nevertheless, the more general finding of shared representations—the discovery that there exist neural systems that treat the experiences and actions of others the same way they treat the experiences and actions of the self—really is an important discovery about mental life.”
“You can see this overlap between self and other as a clever evolutionary trick. To thrive as a social being, one has to make sense of the internal lives of other individuals, to accurately guess what other people are thinking, wanting, and feeling. Since we’re not telepathic, we have to infer this from information we get from our senses.”
Ding ding! It’s a perceptual apparatus, like eyes or ears. It’s not wizardry.
Now... while I concede there are times when covering my ears or eyes make it MORE easy for me to perceive something important. It doesn’t follow that I should pluck out my eyes or eardrums.
Yet in a previous chapter you said “if you’re considering what to do and trying to feel someone’s pain, you should stop.” Implying T the very least that I should have my eye mask at hand at all times.
Seems odd. I get that disabilities aren’t death sentences but this is parsing like “blind yourself so you can truly hear.” Nah?’
“But there’s an alternative. We can take advantage of the fact that we have minds ourselves, and we can use our own minds as a laboratory to bring ourselves up to speed on how others will behave and think.”
“We can do the same for subjective experiences. Which would hurt a stranger more: stubbing her toe or slamming her hand in a car door? You could try to figure this out from scratch, like a scientist looking at the biological workings of a novel species, but a better way is to assess memories of your own pain (or just to imagine yourself in those situations) and assume that the other person will feel the same way you do.”
Which is why I say ditch the eye mask and remember you’re capable of both.
“Our occasional success at understanding individuals who are different from ourselves shows that simulation can’t be the whole story in understanding other people. Hickok points out that we can often successfully read the minds of dogs and cats, figure out what they mean when they bark or purr, wag their tails, put their tails up high, and so on, but surely we’re not simulating them. Those who are quadriplegic from birth can have a rich understanding of other people, figuring out their mental states based on their movement—she has loudly slammed the door, she must be angry—even though these quadriplegics are not in any sense simulating the actions.”
Is anyone arguing against this?
“And, of course, there has to be a brain difference between self and other because there is a psychological difference. Watching someone getting slapped in the face doesn’t really make your cheek burn, and watching someone get a back rub doesn’t make your aches go away. We may feel the pain of someone else, in a limited sense, but in another sense we really don’t. Relative to real experience, empathic resonance is pallid and weak.”
But thinking about it in a detached way isn’t? How do you know?
“Our empathic experience is influenced by what we think about the person we are empathizing with and how we judge the situation that person is in.
It turns out, for instance, that you feel more empathy for someone who treats you fairly than for someone who has cheated you. And you feel more empathy for someone who is cooperating with you than for someone you are in competition with.”
Fair. But that’s why I said don’t rely on empathy alone, except maybe when you need to make a very quick decision or when interacting with people you know.
“People said that they felt less empathy for the person who became infected through drug use—and their neural activation told the same story: When they viewed this individual, they had less activation in brain areas associated with pain, such as, again, the anterior cingulate cortex. And the more subjects explicitly blamed the drug users for their fate, the less empathy they said they had and the less brain activation there was.”
Does rational compassion suffer from a similar problem? (Still not sure what it is exactly.) That is, are we sure this goes away when we appeal to something other than empathy?
Do professed rational actors, for example, reason that addicts deserve less help because they put themselves at risk doing something they don’t have to do, like someone getting a transfusion has to?
“Empathy is also influenced by the group to which the other individual belongs—whether the person you are looking at or thinking about is one of Us or one of Them.”
Fair, which is what o was trying to say with the stories help post—stories help us make Them into Us. Real stories are better but imagined can work, which is why I was okay with them too, anon.
“Subjects found these pictures to be disgusting and showed correspondingly reduced activity in the medial prefrontal cortex, a chunk of the brain involved in social reasoning. Although this study didn’t directly look at empathy, the findings do suggest that we shut off our social understanding when dealing with certain people: We dehumanize them.”
But I still want to see whether this changes when you see pictures of people you find disgusting stubbing their toe or having a birthday party. Do you savor their pain and feel disgusted by their pleasure, or do you relate to them in spite of yourself? Does it vary? When?
“I’ve been using the term empathy in the sense of Adam Smith’s sympathy—feeling what another feels. But one can ask how this sharing of feelings relates to the ability to understand people’s psychological states. I’ve repeatedly pointed out that we sometimes call this empathy as well—“cognitive empathy”—and one might wonder whether they are one and the same.
If they were, it would call into question my argument against empathy. You can’t make it through life without some capacity to understand the minds of others. So if feeling the pain of others arises from the same neural system that underlies everyday social understanding—if you can’t have one without the other—then giving up on emotional empathy would be giving up too much.”
“One system involves sharing the experience of others, what we’ve called empathy; the other involves inferences about the mental states of others—mentalizing or mind reading. While they can both be active at once, and often are, they occupy different parts of the brain. For instance, the medial prefrontal cortex, just behind the forehead, is involved in mentalizing, while the anterior cingulate cortex, sitting right behind that, is involved in empathy.”
Do they tend to go on at the same time, or different times? Can doing one cause doing the other?
“One recent scientific article struggles with the question of whether these troubling individuals are high in empathy or low in empathy. For the authors, the evidence suggests both: “Psychopathic criminals can be charming and attuned while seducing a victim, thereby suggesting empathy, and later callous while raping a victim, thereby suggesting impaired empathy.” So which is it?
The authors try to resolve this apparent paradox in terms of a distinction between ability (one’s capacity to deploy empathy) and propensity (one’s willingness to do so). They suggest that these criminal psychopaths have normal empathic ability but adjust it like the dial of a radio—turn it up when you want to listen to the lyrics, turn it down if you want to focus on passing a slow truck on the I-95.”
That’s what I’d heard, maybe from the same article?
No... maybe not. The one I read said empathy by default is “on” in neurotypical people and has to be “turned off” by fatigue or encouraging callousness, but “off” by default in psychopaths. So if you want them to care how their actions hurt others, you have to call attention to it and “flip the switch.”
“So criminal psychopaths don’t have to be fiddling with a single dial of empathy: A simpler explanation is that they are good at understanding other people and bad at feeling their pain. They have high cognitive empathy but low emotional empathy.”
Fair. But that makes it sound like affective empathy is good? And something that people should use, and might be bad if they dont?
So far anyway.
“None of this is to deny that understanding and feeling are related. Smell, vision, and taste are separate, but they come together in the appreciation of a meal, and it might be that the act of adopting someone’s perspective in a cold-blooded way makes you more likely to vicariously experience what they are feeling and vice versa. But these are nonetheless different processes, and this is important to keep in mind when we think about the pros and cons of empathy.”
Hey! I might be right!!
“Why would empathy make us nicer? The obvious answer—the one that comes to mind immediately for many people—is that empathy allows our selfish motivations to extend to others. The clearest case of this is when someone else’s pain is experienced as your own pain. The idea is that you will help because this will make your own pain go away.”
Yep. And you soothe yourself AND somebody else! It’s win-win!
“It’s not clear, though, that selfishness can explain the good acts that empathy leads to. When empathy makes us feel pain, the reaction is often a desire to escape.”
That’s what I think we need reason for, but I don’t see why we should throw affective empathy out.
“People often cross the street to avoid encountering suffering people who are begging for money. It’s not that they don’t care (if they didn’t care, they would just walk by), it’s that they are bothered by the suffering and would rather not encounter it.”
Fair. I do this. But is that the whole story? For some it surely is. For me, I’m sure it’s part of the story, but part of it is that i feel that what I do in my job is more likely to substantially help homeless people more than giving money. I think I’d feel more guilt about letting my anxiousness around contagion and dirt make me move if I didn’t have another way to help that triggers my disgust less.
“I favor Batson’s own analysis that empathy’s power lies in its capacity to make the experience of others observable and salient, therefore harder to ignore. If I love my baby, and she’s in anguish, empathy with her pain will make me pick her up and try to make her pain go away. This is not because doing so makes me feel better—it does, but if I just wanted my vicarious suffering to go away, I’d leave the crying baby and go for a walk. Rather, my empathy lets me know that someone I love is suffering, and since I love her, I’ll try to make her feel better.”
Seeems fair.
“It’s not that empathy itself automatically leads to kindness. Rather, empathy has to connect to kindness that already exists. Empathy makes good people better, then, because kind people don’t like suffering, and empathy makes this suffering salient.”
Then what makes people kind?
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foxyotomelady · 5 years
The First Night (1st Spin-off) (JuminxReader)
Author’s notes:
This is a Spin-off to this story. I suggest to read the entire story first.
This is slightly NSFW-ish, I guess. Well, compared to my earlier smutty fanfics, lol.
For a time it will be the last I publish. I am currently working on my book, so I won’t have time for fics :( But I'll be back, just be patient ;)
Chapter I | Chapter II | Chapter III | Chapter IV | Epiloque | 1st Spin-off (You are here) | 2nd Spin-off | 3rd Spin-off pt 1 | 3rd Spin-off pt 2 | 3rd Spin-off pt 3 |
Buy Me A Ko-Fi Have a nice reading!
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Your rented flat was small and modest, but it was yours in some way and you felt comfortable in it. It's been about two weeks since you broke up with Zen. Among the RFA members, it was still awkward and weird. Despite this, you still quite often visited the chat room when you were taking a break from work. Now, when you lived alone and you had to pay your bills yourself, you worked more. That's why it was nice to sometimes get away from duties. You logged in to the chat room and noticed that Jumin is also present on it.
You: Hello, Jumin ^^
Jumin Han: 
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Jumin Han: hello, how's your day?
You: quite nice, and yours?
Jumin Han: I'm at dinner with my father and his new woman.
You: ... another one?
Jumin Han: Yes.
You: It must be hard for you…
Jumin Han: Yes, it is. That's why I'm glad you're here.
You: Aren't they complaining about you being at your phone?
Jumin Han: They didn't even notice.
Jumin Han: They're too busy talking with each other.
Jumin Han: I will need to forget about this event.
Jumin Han: Can we...?
You: ... meet up?
Jumin Han: Yes, that would be great.
Jumin Han: 
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You: So tonight? ^^
You: At my place?
Jumin Han: At your place?
You: ya, why not?
Jumin Han: Alright. I'll be there at 8 pm.
You: Will it not cause any unpleasant gossip for you?
You: You know... My area is not too... prestigious.
Jumin Han: I will be discreet.
[707 has entered the chat room]
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707: oh, the secret meeting
707: this is exciting
You: Seven, why are you always here when you’re least needed?
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707: Did I say something wrong?
707: you two lovely birds don't have to be so mysterious anymore, lolol
Jumin Han: We're trying to be considerate.
Jumin Han: Not that you can understand that.
707: ouch
707: so harsh T-T
[Zen has entered the chat room]
707: oooooooh
707: that'll be awkward
Zen: well, hello.
You: Hello, Zen. How are you?
Zen: Ha! This is a funny question!
Jumin Han: Leave her alone, Zen.
Zen: oh, look at you, what a protector.
Zen: you two, you are quite fast.
You: Zen...
Jumin Han: Do you have a problem with that?
Zen: well, OF COURSE I have
Zen: Are you stupid or what?
Jumin Han: I'm not going to waste my energy on this stupid quarrel with you.
Zen: That's right, you have to keep your energy for TONIGHT.
707: *takes out a pack of popcorn*
You: Zen, is this really necessary?
Zen: and you cheating on me was necessary?
Jumin Han: Your relationship with her was unnecessary.
You: Jumin…
Zen: ….
Zen: okay, I'm leaving.
[Zen has left the chat room]
You: -_-
You: Jumin!
Jumin Han: What? He started it.
707: I'm enjoying this far too much lololol
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[Zen has entered the chat room]
Zen: One more thing.
Zen: You two calling this considerate?
Zen: You were showing off.
Zen: You rubbed in my face that you're going to spend the night together.
Jumin Han: It’s no longer your concern.
Zen: Are you freaking kidding me?
You: okay, that's enough -_-
You: Can you two please stop with this nonsense?
Jumin Han: Actually, I have to go.
Jumin Han: My apologies, Y/N.
Jumin Han: See you tonight.
[Jumin Han has left the chat room]
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Zen: he's showing off on purpose!
You: No, he’s not.
Zen: okay, so next time, when you're about to discuss on THIS matter
Zen: Do it through your phone
Zen: jesus christ
You: it was a pure coincidence that we were talking about it here, Zen.
You: nobody was going to show off.
You: so please, calm down.
[Zen has left the chat room]
707: lolololol
707: what a drama
You: … and you're still here…
707: I never thought I'd be able to enjoy the quarrels of these two even more
707: but thanks to you
[Y/N has left the chat room]
You fell your back on the sofa and sighed loudly. How much time will it look like this? Of course, you knew why it looks like this and you were not surprised, but you would like to rest from this constant awkwardness and quarrels. You were really trying not to show off with your relationship with Jumin, and you understood why Zen was so angry. But on the other hand, he couldn't expect that you'll pretend eternally that nothing is happening.
You started to feel anxious when evening drew near. Knowing what kind of life does Jumin live, you suddenly understood what a bad idea it was to invite him here. Even when you cleaned up your little apartment, and decorated the table with candles to give the environment a little romantic atmosphere… You still had the feeling that you didn’t do enough. But it was too late to change your mind. Finally, 8 pm approached.
You heard a knock on the door. You took a deep breath and opened it. Your relationship with Jumin, unlike with Zen, was not born because you fell in love with his appearance. But you couldn't deny that he always looked handsome and elegant. Now, too. He gave you a bouquet of flowers, for which you thanked embarrassed. You let him into the apartment, but before you closed the door, you looked around. There were neither limousine nor bodyguards - but you were sure they were nearby.
You put the flowers in a jug, and Jumin removed and hung his coat. Then, he put a bottle of wine - which he also had with him - on the table. You felt you were getting red when he started looking around your small apartment.
"It's cozy in here," He commented.
"Really?" You smiled wryly.
"But if you need something bigger, I can organize something for you," he suggested at once.
"You can also move to my-"
"Jumin, we've talked about it, it's definitely too early."
He sighed, "I'm just worried, this neighborhood does not look safe either."
"I've lived here before, nothing has ever happened, so you don't need to worry, really. Also, I can manage myself."
He turned to you, pouting. You giggled, stood on tiptoe to reach his face and kissed him lightly on the lips, "You're cute."
"Me?" He looked confused.
You nodded and then invited him to the table, "We have a pizza… and wine... It will be an interesting combination."
"I've never had a pizza before," he declared.
You opened your eyes wide, "Really? So you don't know what you were missing!"
The dinner was quite funny. Jumin really liked the pizza, which pleased you. You've never been good at cooking. Besides, it was interesting to watch him eat so common food. He looked almost shocked that such food could be so tasty. Of course, the wine also helped you both to relax. And he was right saying at the party that you're not much of a drinker. Pretty soon it started to spin in your head, and finally, somehow you managed to get dirty with the sauce.
"Argh! Now I need to change clothes," You complained and Jumin chuckled at you.
"I can help you with that."
"Oh my! Mr. Han, you want to take advantage of me when I'm drunk?"
He smiled at you innocently, "I was just kidding, go change your clothes, I'll wait."
"What a gentleman!" You giggled.
You went to your bedroom and wondered for a moment. Should you...? No... Or maybe… Ah, fuck it! You knew that he wants it as much as you do. So you changed into a nightgown. It was quite defiant. It exposed your legs and arms, besides it was a little translucent and showed your underwear underneath. Before you left the bedroom, you took a deep breath, your heart ached.
Jumin was stunned when he saw you. He definitely didn't expect it. You smiled triumphantly and approached him, "I thought it is late so… Why wouldn't I wear a nightgown?"
"Do you really expect me to retain control of myself, while you’re looking like this?"
"Or maybe I just want you to lose control."
"You shouldn't say such dangerous things. I want to you to remember our first-"
You chuckled, interrupting him, "Jumin, I'm not THAT drunk."
"If you say so," He rose from his sit and moved close to you.
You stood facing each other, silent, your heart was beating faster and faster. He slowly ran his hand along your waist. You bit your lip, and when you raised your head, Jumin leaned forward. Just like the first time, the kiss was very gentle and careful at the beginning. But your breaths were slowly starting to accelerate, your bodies to warm up. Jumin pressed you lightly against himself, and you clenched your hands on the fabric of his shirt.
The room you were in was small, so as soon as you started to move, your back quickly met the wall. Then Jumin's kisses became hungry, your quiet sighs melted in them, and your body strained. You were already dizzy from wine and now this… You won’t stay on your feet for too long. 
Jimin's hands fell on your hips and then moved to your thighs, you moaned when he hurried to pull up your nightgown. He caressed your skin, you never stopped desperate kisses, and you whimpered when finally he placed his hand between your legs. 
When he started to rub your clitoris through your panties, you wanted to cried out his name but again he shut your mouth with a passionate kiss. Then you started to untie his tie and unbutton his shirt, you both parted for a moment - he threw his shirt to the ground, and you pulled your nightgown over your head.
He pressed you to the wall again, his body stuck to yours, you were both warmed up, your breaths were trembling. For a moment you were just panting, staring into each other eyes. You touched his cheeks with trembling fingers.
"Jumin ..." You mumbled weakly.
"Yes, my love?" He asked with a husky voice.
"I love you…"
He smiled and kissed you once again, "I love you too. And I'll make you forget about Zen…"
"You don't need to-"
He lifted you up and you giggled as he lead the two of you to the bedroom.
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And you can guess what happened next :>
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