#to honour my favourite ex-journalist
politelymenacing · 2 months
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thespectreslie · 5 months
i’m watching john wick (cause i found out that i can stream movies on foxtel now and that was my mums first mistake) and i have this tmnt au brainworm that is not wanting to leave me alone.
essentially, they’re still mutants, but splinter before mutating was a member of this underground and was a proficient assassin (or potentially the manager of the osaka continental although i love the manager and concierge in chapter 4). so he raises them to be a part of this underground but still with their same values like honour (i’m thinking of a very heavy 2003!splinter vibe with the honour) and still to be silent and in the shadows. no one knows what they look like so they’re essentially the cryptids under the table or something.
i’m not sure how they would get contracts but they would only really accept them against those who are corrupt, or they would fight against the gangs who have no honour. the foot and purple dragons would still be there, and this kind of vibe adds to them. i love the intricacy of the underground in these movies, they’re like my favourite part of them so making these two enemies even more intricate by adding allies and the save havens of the hotels sounds like a fun time to me.
i don’t really know how the boys would accept contracts but i’d like to think they have either a system, kind of like how they get pizza in the shows and stuff. you approach this place, leave a name and other necessary information (i dunno what but donnie would) and then they’ll either accept it or deny it (take it or leave it literally). i like the idea that they’d still do tasks for the average person but a bit more violent such as taking out an abusive ex or a pedo father etc. (kinda like helping people with muggings but more violent).
casey i can see being an assassin as well, or being part of the bowery king’s network. i like the idea of a street smart casey who’s a bit like the tracker, finds them but unless he has a personal stake (aka. the purple dragons) he isn’t going to attack them. or he is still owned by someone and has to pay them off but he does sone vigilante type stuff on the side in order to get payback or something.
april i can see as an informant for the boys, checking information and turning the public eye (or even the eye of the table) away from what the boys are doing, protecting them in her own way. i love scientist april from 2003 and how 2012 april learns combat skills but i am a forever lover of journalist april and think this sort of job is best for her.
anyways, this all came about because i like the concept of the boys being allowed to be a little bit more violent and i just wanna see them kick ass like they deserve.
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writingsfromhome · 4 years
A/N: This one's told from Harry's pov. I just wanted to have some fun with dialogue, trying fluff for once (I think?)
The flashing lights on the red carpet bring back the headache that was pounding my temples since this morning. I grit my teeth and pose for the last show before making eye contact with my manager. I’m ushered along, a few people calling out for an interview. My manager whispers one would be good for image so I sigh and find myself in one of those millenial gossip journalists.
She asks what I’m wearing, I show off the shimmery fabric of my pantsuit and the fringe on the legs.
“So we heard rumours, Y/N Y/L/N and you are working on an album together?”
I lean in and pretend to look intrigued but my heart picks up speed just from hearing her name. “Who said that?”
The journalist plays her part and laughs at my joke. I say seriously, “I would love to collab with her anytime, she’s a legend. But I haven't even got her digits."
She says something sympathetic, "maybe things will change tonight."
"I hope so! I'm even wearing my liucky ring," I show it off to the camera. Finally the bit is over and I walk into the cool building. People are already breaking into groups and lost guests look for their name.
I knew I would see Y/N today, it was always a mystery whether she would show up to these award shows. She started young in the industry, a child-actor turned singer when she released a single to a movie she starred in as a teen and it stayed in the top charts for months. She was pretty private as far as celebrities went and she didn't always show up to these things. But the couple times I interacted with her we had hit it off. The first was just a casual acquaintance when our mutual friend introduced each other at a premiere.
The second, though, was at a restaurant. The people I was having dinner with invited her party to our table. She had ended up squished beside me but we talked the whole night. We thought alike and turned out she was a big fan of my music, had even attended my concert, proven by some photos she showed me on her phone. I confessed I had a big crush on her in her earlier movies when I was a kid. She teased me and I let her. But we forgot to exchange numbers so I didn't actually talk to her after that. If we had, I would definitely ask her about collaborating.
"Just had to ask Jen, here." My manager comes by with a bottle of water and the painkiller in my hand. I take it gratefully and then he pushes me to my seat. I glance around, a couple familiar names. But mostly it seemed like I was seated with couples. To be the 7th wheel. And my chair had its back to the stage. Whoever planned this did not like me.
The lead up to the start of the awards is a rush of hugs and catching up with people. It isn't until I sit down, my chair turned to face the stage, that I realise Y/N is here and sitting a table down, her chair angled to the stage but she catches my eye.
I can't help the smile that overtakes my face but I manage to resist waving at her like a child. She gives me a nod but her lips tug up into a shy smile as she focuses her eyes on the stage.
We get introductions, a skit, and a performance. They announce some winners and then they announce the surprise performance by Y/N. I hadn't even realised she'd left.
It's so quiet you could hear a pin drop, the stage blacking out until a single light shines. Y/N steps under it and begins, it starts off slow but by the chorus there are dancers and an old school car and a gown with fake blood as she sits atop the car with the dagger sticking out of her chest as she belts out her song. The final notes ring out when she pulls the dagger free and it clatters to the floor. And the entire audience goes crazy. I'm standing clapping and grinning like an idiot. Y/N makes eye contact with me and winks. People turn in my direction but I don't make it obvious it was me. I didn't want any rumours about us.
As the night moves forward, I catch eyes with Y/N a few times. The first time I raise my eyebrows and mimick pulling a dagger out of my chest. She hides her smile behind the pamphlet. The second time she catches me staring at her, she pretends to look annoyed and I pretend to hide my face with my hand. When I check her face she's trying to hide her laugh. Someone behind her leans in to whisper something but she keeps her eyes on me.
I feel like I'm on cloud 9. Not only did I finally see Y/N after so long but she remembered me. And I think she was flirting with me! Maybe she would show up to the after party.
During the break, she motions to the meet her in the foyer and I don't even wait a few minutes. I'm right behind her and follow her into a little enclosure off to the side.
"Hi," I say casually.
"Hi," she smiles. "Long time no see. I like what you're wearing."
"Thanks. You look lovely yourself. I wasn't sure I would see you tonight."
"It's been a while since I've been plucked and prodded and red-carpet ready. A girl misses the feeling of flashing lights and ten reporters asking what you're wearing." She flips her hair over her shoulder, sarcasm in full effect.
"Sounds like you need a drink," I suggest.
"God, yes." She grabs my arm and I lead her to the bar, she leans in next to me as I order for us.
I watch as she takes a sip of the drink I ordered for her. She looks surprised and takes another sip. It settles in even more how normal this felt. And my childhood crush never really went away.
"You should order for me more often. I usually just stick to what I know." She comments.
"Then you should go out with me more often," I say.
She responds by clinking her glass against mine, a mischevious look in her eye.
"What's that look?" I ask.
"What look?"
"The one you're giving me right now!"
"I'm just looking at you!"
"Then what are you thinking? Because you're not just looking at me! You're giving me the look!"
"The look," she scoffs like I was making it up.
"It's there," I tap her temples. "What are you thinking in there?"
"I really don't think you want to know what I'm thinking," she says into her drink.
"No, now I really want to know," I wait for her to move the glass away from her mouth.
"No you don't. It's...not very appropriate." She doesn't look me in the eyes, pretending to be interested on what the little menus read.
"Inappropriate thoughts are my favourite," I say. She looks up and is about to say something.
"Harry!" Someone calls from the side and I'm disappointed that the conversation is cut short. I wanted to know even though I already knew but I greet some friends instead. when I turn backY/N's gone. Damn.
I find her back in her seat but she's talking to a few women I remember she was in movies with in her early days. But it's like she senses me because she turns to look as I sit down. I narrow my eyes at her, she looks away.
When I win for single of the year, I stumble onto stage. I was sure I wouldn't win this. Luckily my manager had made me practice something on the way here just in case but every word leaves my brain when I glance at Y/N and she has the same expression from earlier. I knew she was thinking something inappropriate and that just clears my head of anything except her.
"Sorry I've got some stage fright it seems," I joke and everyone laughs. Phew.
I manage to get some words out, give my thanks and walk back to my table in a daze. People congratulate me but I barely know who. This was a dream come true for me, and nearby a very dreamy woman was giving me eyes and I didn't know how this night could get any more surreal.
But it does.
By the time I get ready to leave for the afterparty, I'd waited for inscribing and more congrats, some pictures and group pictures of winners. I'm tired and stop by my hotel to change into something more casual. I didn't see Y/N and I give up hope that I would. Her going to an awards show and an afterparty were rare. She must have disappeared again, without leaving her number. I would just have to wait for a next time.
But when I get to my hotel door, a figure sits outside it.
"Hello?" I call from afar, if this was a fan that somehow got in there was going to be a security issue. But the person looks up and it's just Y/N. Her glam from earlier is wiped off, she has on just tights and a tanktop. She quickly stands up.
"I didn't see you at the party. Wasn't much in the mood to mingle. I thought I would try your room."
"How did you know my room?" I ask as I open the door and leave it open for her.
"I'm a floor above, I saw you leave."
"So you're stalking me now?" I ask.
"If I remember correctly you were the one watching me all night."
"Really?" I drop my things on the floor and dig through the drawer for a shirt and jeans. "If I remember, you were the one with inappropriate thoughts."
"I never said that," she says as she picks up the award I put on the table. "Congratulations by the way. You totally deserve this like I told you!"
Y/N references part of the conversation we had at that dinner. When she revealed she was a fan, said she was in the industry for years and she saw I had promise.
"And that compliment kept me going through the whole album." It was true, she gave me a boost of confidence that helped keep me focused and crank it out in time.
"So where's my shoutout?" She sits on the desk, her feet swinging back and forth.
"Third song on the album," I say smoothly.
"Really?" She stares. The song was about a mystery woman just being the girl next door. Exactly how I felt about Y/N. "You wrote a song about me? Wow. Not even my exes have given me the honour."
"You deserve a million songs written about you," I say truthfully. Y/N was a special woman-misunderstood and misinterpreted. But she was a powerful singer and a funny, honest, and kind human.
"You're a sweet-talker Harry Styles." Y/N leans back and I can't avoid the way the fabric of her tanktop stretches over her body. She notices and smirks. "It's unfortunate you're just all talk though."
"All talk?" I decide two can play at the game. I take off my silk shirt and wait a few before slipping on my tshirt. I notice her eyes trailing down my body and it gives me the confirmation to step towards her. I put my hands on her thighs, and she parts her legs automatically. I step in between them but stay inches away from her face, "I do more than just talk."
"So show me," she says, her gaze going down to my lips.
"Only if you tell me what you were thinking tonight," I challenge.
"You're still on that?"
"I want to know."
"How about I show you instead."
In a surprising move, she pushes me back and stands up before shoving me onto the bed. It takes me a moment to recover but I'm smiling as the whole Y/N finally comes out of her shell. She peels the tanktop off of her and walks towards me. I lean back on my elbows.
"I wish you showed me earlier," I say. She shuts me up with a passionate kiss.
I'd lost track of time, the rising sun the only tell of how much time had passed. Y/N lies on the pillow beside me, her face peaceful as she sleeps. Her hand is loosely intertwined through mine between us. It was a wild night collaborating after all-just not in a way we wanted share. I almost want to pinch myself to be sure this was real. The woman of my dreams with me tonight. Several times over. Asleep as the first rays of sun leave a soft glow on her skin. She was as beautiful as ever.
I must have fallen asleep too because I wake up with a pressure on my chest. I'm flat on my back and Y/N's head is resting on my chest as she stares at my face.
"I can see up your nose," she comments.
"Stop looking," I mumble in my croaky morning voice.
"I can't stop. It's just so dark and unexplored."
I close my eyes again, not realising she'd taken my finger to stick up my nose until she does. I sit up and she's thrown off of me. I sneeze once, and again. And turn to her.
"I don't like that loo-" she shouts as I pull her to me and hold her down to climb over her. I sneeze again as she wriggles underneath but pretty soon she stops as I kiss her.
"You're lucky I'm so nice," I say into her neck as I kiss her. "Or you would be in a lot more trouble."
"You are not nice," she giggles. "You didn't let me explore up your nos-okay okay!"
She cuts off as I tickle her sides, crying out to stop, saying she can't breathe. "I'll show you not nice," I tell her. I hold her hands above her head and pin it there before I kiss her down her body. She tries to free my grip but I hold on, using my other hand to move lower than my mouth could.
"You wouldn't," she looks me in the eye as I kiss her again.
"Well I'm not very nice," I whisper and watch her squirm underneath me. I finally let go of her hands and she pulls me to her to grip, rolling me over when I'm done so she's on top.
"I'll let you in on a secret, Styles." She tells me while I laugh at how flushed she'd gotten but I quiet when she pulls my arms up like I did to her and somehow finds the robe tie from the floor to tie them in place. "I'm not very nice either."
"Well who said I like nice girls?" I ask her. She only smiles before pulling the blanket over our heads and making sure she tortures me in the best possible way.
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hellomissmabel · 7 years
Are you home? (FAMIWL part 5)
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Based on one of my favourite albums “For a moment, I was lost” by Amber Run.
Pairing: Tony Stark x reader, Howard Stark x OC!Julia
Summary: Flashback to your first time with Tony.
Word count: 3.407 (Sweet baby Jesus!)
Warnings: MAJOR FLUFF AND SMUFF (fluffy smut, thanks to @mrshopkirk who came up with the term!)
A/N: This idea came to me after a feverish night suffering from food poisoning. In me delirium I might’ve come up with the best freaking fic I’ve ever written haha.
Disclaimer: I found these pics on Google, all credit goes to the respectable owners. I just put them together as cover art.
Part 1: Dark Bloom
Part 2: Spark
Part 3: Wastelands
Part 4: White Lie
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Speech came easy And left us sane You know the faces But not the names This man inside Alive and unchained Are you home? Are you home?
You were nervous, bloody nervous. All dolled up in an undoubtedly expensive gown, a vintage 1950s off the shoulder deep red dress inspired by none other than Audrey Hepburn, your heels clicked against the oak floor adorning the venue Tony had booked for the MIT alumni ball with himself, of course, as the guest of honour. He was waiting for you at the other end of the red carpet leading you towards the main ball room, dressed to the nines in a three-piece Tom Ford suit, flanked by an equally elegant looking redhead that you’ve seen somewhere before but couldn’t quite put your finger on it, not until she introduced herself as Pepper Potts and asked for your name.
“Y/N,” you answer as confidently as you can muster, intimidated by the woman’s flawless make-up and regal poise, the way she held herself just fascinating to your eyes, like royalty and yet still with a certain humble and kind smile twisting your insides. How could you ever compare to someone like her?
“And you are Tony’s…?,” she asked you with a warm smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. You had almost forgotten that she is, in fact, Tony’s ex-girlfriend.
“She’s my girlfriend,” Tony quipped for you, lacing his arm around your waist and gently tucking you against his side, his fingers burning their way through the exquisite silken fabric of your dress.
“Yeez Tony,” she jokes at him, her eyes shooting from your shy expression to Tony’s beaming appearance. “Isn’t she a bit too young for you? At least she isn’t one of those models again.”
There was a playful tone to her words but there was clearly some hurt shining through as well, her jab towards you not remaining unnoticed, fully aware that you don’t have a size zero and are certainly not as tall as one of the runway models Tony’s been frequently spotted with in the past. But Tony didn’t let it get to him and you felt sorry for Pepper because it was clear to you that she still wasn’t over him and maybe, just maybe, if you were sabotaging yourself, you thought that he still wasn’t quite over her as well.
“Don’t worry, Pepper, she’s over 18,” he smiled and adding a wink on top, guiding you away from Pepper who clearly stood in as his event planner and was thereby glued to her spot the entire evening. You didn’t see nor speak to her anymore yet you couldn’t help but feel guilty over something you had no control over.
The evening went by smoothly if you may say so. Occasionally Tony was pried away from you by another big shot trying to extract some more money from him. Nevertheless, every single time they would come up to him for a business chat and steal him from you, he would peck your cheek first and murmur some sweet nothings into your ear that made you giggle lightly before resuming to the socialising.
It turns out that people were genuinely interested in who you are and what your current occupation was. Especially the MIT students, and not just the ones for whom Tony offered to pay their scholarships for, were intrigued to hear about your line of work. Maybe it’s because you’re not acclimated to the science scene but you were very fascinated by their research just as much as they were curious to find out about your escapades as a former travel journalist and how you stumbled into the life of a novelist.
As it was bound to happen one moment or another, the topic sometimes swung around to how you and Tony met. Since a lot of the attending guests didn’t know that you and Tony were dating, people wished to know more about your relationship even though frankly, you weren’t really sure what you two were up until earlier that same evening when he declared to Pepper that you were now officially to be called his girlfriend. This was your night of coming out as a couple and it thrilled you beyond belief.
You admired Tony throughout his entire presentation, how he easily wrapped the entire audience around his pinkie finger with just a simple one-liner and that self-confident smirk all Stark men seem to possess. Seeing Tony at his best, completely with his head in the game, it made you swell with pride that this beautiful man was yours and no one else’s. Afterwards all the ladies of course started swooning over him and if he had been single, he would’ve undoubtedly charmed their panties off but not tonight. Tonight he only had eyes for one woman and that’s you.
With his hand on the small of your back he showed you the way towards the hotel room he had booked for the night. He wanted this eve’s event to be special, not just because it would be your first time attending a big media event together but also because you had started dropping a few casual hints here and there about your more intimate preferences. Slowly but surely you and Tony had started teasing each other in a more sexual way, a couple clandestine looks here and there had over the course of your still fresh relationship magically transformed into heavy and hot make-out sessions on his lab table or the kitchen island. Not to mention when you first mentioned you might have a thigh riding kink and much to your surprise, he happily indulged your fantasies.
Even though Tony’s used to an excessive amount of female attention and having no trouble talking himself between their legs, he refused to pull any of his tricks on you. If you wanted to wait, he was more than willing to wait as well. He could, one day, see you as his wife and the mother of his children. The thought was new to him because he never for a single second believed he could actually pull it off, you know, being a dad and taking care of a tiny human being. He had been convinced that he’d never be ready for that much responsibility if he can’t even properly take care of himself. But you, you bring out the best in him. That’s why he is so adamant at waiting for the right moment, making it extra special for the both of you.
Because he’s madly in love with you.
Once enclosed in the privacy of your hotel room, your hands immediately fly towards the collar of his dress shirt and pull him in for a loving kiss. Never parting his lips from yours, Tony sheds himself of his dress jacket whilst your fingers make quick work of the buttons of his dress shirt. He reaches out towards the back of your dress, fingertips skimming the soft material before locating the zipper that will allow you to shimmy out of the night gown in seconds. But he refrains himself, breaking the kiss only to look you straight in the eye and ask you if it’s really what you want.
And it’s hard believing In a concrete thing Where you’re not conscious But you begin To learn to love the sickness in your skin Are you home? Are you home?
You’ve never seen Tony more serious than in this moment. Not only is he unsure of himself, he’s also a bit shy. Resting your hands against his now bare chest, allowing the warmth of his skin to soak through your own, it creates a frantic escape of wild butterflies in the pit of your stomach.
“Why don’t we take a shower first?,” you propose with a sweet smile to which his eyes crinkle adorably and a cute little grin exposes his pearly whites.
Taking a hold of his hand and intertwining your fingers with his, you take charge and lead him towards the marble bathroom where a rain shower is awaiting your arrival. When you turn around, a slightly uncomfortable Tony meets your line of sight and you are endeared by his sudden insecurity. Tony still cannot fathom that a woman like you, with soft pink flesh flowing into natural and delicious curves, a woman like you with an actual personality (unlike many other woman who mindlessly throw themselves at him merely for the fame of one night with the notorious Tony Stark) and a heart of gold can love a man like him, a man who deems himself unworthy of love.
Unbeknownst to him, you harbour the same anxieties and as you gently start to tug at his clothes, tenderly undressing the handsome man in front of you, you become painstakingly self-conscious of the love handles and other imperfections you’re sheltering underneath your gorgeous attire. It’s as if Tony can read your thought and he caresses your blushing cheeks with his thumb before brushing his chest against yours and planting a lingering and intimate kiss to your forehead, letting you know you have nothing to be ashamed of.
Looking down at you with a tender gaze, Tony’s lips slant over yours. “You want to go in or should I go first?”
You shake your head, telling him you would like to take the first step. Turning around so he can pull down your zipper more easily, you feel as the fabric falls down your body and pools around your feet. Unhooking your bra whilst still facing Tony with your back, the lacy undergarment follows suit as do your panties, gathering around your ankles and you can hear Tony gasping as he gingerly takes in the sight of your fully naked form. Looking over your shoulder, you see him biting down on his lips hard and with a teasing wink you step towards the shower, letting the water run hot first whilst he swiftly tears the clothes off his body so he can join you as quickly as possible.
When the water has eventually reached the perfect temperature, you allow it to immerse you from tip to toe. Feeling a little cold and alone without Tony, you throw a small peek into his direction, your eyes falling upon an unexpected emptiness. Merely a second later, a sturdy chest is pressed against your back as two arms encase your waist. A thrilling whisper fades into your ear as he acknowledges your beauty, burying his face in the crook of your neck and sighing deeply, inhaling your honey scent and committing it to memory.
There’s no way Tony’s letting you go now.
Swirling around in his arms, you come face to face with Tony who has still not ceased admiring your appearance. Both nude and wet (in more than one way), you make a rash decision and in one bold move, hook your leg around Tony’s so your sensitive folds are now caressing his already half hard length. Your eyes haven’t wandered downwards just yet, afraid of his substantial grandeur. But as his fingers grip the plump flesh of your generous bottom, slightly lifting you closer to his body, you get a pretty good feel of how generously endowed Tony Stark actually is and Jesus Christ, the rumours are true because this man is built like a God.
“Oh Tony,” you whimper as he pushes your back against the wall, one hand still firmly holding the right cheek of your ass as the other cups your face, his lips latching onto that particularly heaven-inducing spot right underneath your jaw. He has started moving softly up and down your soaking cunt, getting as hard as a rock and as stiff as a stick in the process, a couple beads of precum already leaking from the glistening tip.
“Please, fuck me. I’m clean and on the pill. Just please,” you pant against his lips, your arousal the highest it has even been. “Please just fuck me, Tony, fuck me now.”
“This is not how I want our first time to be, baby girl,” he replies in an equally strained and hushed moan. “I want it to be memorable,” he swallows thickly as your hips reply to his sudden jolt forwards, his cock brushing against your clit with a perfect amount of pressure. “I don’t want it to be a quickie in the shower, no matter how tempting the prospect may be.”
Tony insists, despite how loveable your pout and puppy eyes. He reaches for one of the bottles sitting a bit further away in a fancy little box and selects the shower gel, popping the lid open and squeezing a tiny bit of the moisture into his palm. He motions for you to turn around again and as he starts to massage your shoulders, both of you groan at the obvious tension straining your muscles.
When his fingers have finished working away the knots, you return the favour by tending to his temples and making sure he leaves the shower headache free. The past couple days he’s been complaining non-stop about this skull-shattering pain tearing his brains apart and although you suspected it was because of the stress, you also expect it has something to do with his presentation tonight.
I know, know, know, know, know That you’re fighting And I know, know, know, know You’re not hiding anymore And I know, know, know, know, know That you’re trying But are you home? Are you home?
Tony has dedicated so much time to something called B.A.R.F. and just because you didn’t understand much about the concept doesn’t mean you didn’t pick up on the message behind it. With this kind of technology you can hijack the hippocampus and alter traumatic memories, something you’re fairly sure he had developed based on personal experiences. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that Tony Stark has been chased by insurmountable demons for most of his life and you wish that if you could, you would protect him at all costs from similar events.
After you’re both as good as new, Tony gives you a helping hand and wraps you into a towel before taking one for himself. You sigh contentedly at the soft sensation and smile up at Tony who seems to have undergone a transformation of some sorts, judging by the carefree lights dancing in his dark brown eyes. He takes a few steps towards you and right as his lips collapse on top of yours, you swear you can feel the embers explode behind your eyelids like fireworks on the fourth of July.
You squeal as he picks you up bridal style, your legs and arms dangling in excitement. The bed is inviting when he carefully places you on top of the duvet and you assume his next move will be to hover above you but instead he bestows all his attention to the top of your thighs, barely covered by the fabric of the hotel towel.
“Look at you,” he whispers adoringly,” You are Aphrodite.”
His fingertips adorn the marks of cellulite as his lips trace up your veins towards the apex of your thighs, leaving you quivering underneath his scorching hot touch. When you release a breathy moan, his head snaps up and you lock eyes, a sneaky smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He then continues to trace your curves with the tip of his nose until the white fabric loosens around your form and falls limp on the bed, leaving you stark naked in front of, well, Tony Stark.
“Oh God, Tony, no, don’t say that,” you exhale whilst an embarrassed smile accompanies the rush of colour towards your cheeks.
“I only speak the truth,” he retorts, propping himself up on his elbows and seductively quirking an eyebrow, challenging you to object with an equally witty remark.
As words seem to fail you, he levels himself with you until his chiselled body is gingerly pressing down on yours. Carding your fingers through his short black locks, you guide his lips towards yours in a lasting kiss. Fidgeting with Tony’s towel, you manage to shimmy it off from his lower body and once again both your desires meet in a lustful dance of rubbing and stroking. Your hand snakes towards his pulsating shaft pressing up against your pussy and as you palm him softly, an approving sound slips past his lips.
“There’s a condom,” he breathes heavily, “In the nightstand.”
You nod and release him from your affectionate ministrations. Tony’s eager to tear open the package and roll the rubber condom over his proud cock but before he can do so, your hands stop him and take the condom from him, hinting that you’d like to roll it on yourself. Your featherlight touch exhilarates his skin and he’s back on top of you in no time, lining himself up with your entrance.
“If it hurts, you tell me immediately, okay?,” he asks you with a certain stress behind his voice. He is worried about your wellbeing and doesn’t want to hurt you, especially not during your first time.
“Okay,” you mimic in a shaky breath, your nerves starting to flow passionately.
I know, know, know, know, know That you’re fighting And I know, know, know, know You’re not hiding anymore And I know, know, know, know, know That you’re trying But are you home? Are you home?
After giving his cock a couple firm tugs, he gently pushes the tip in, parting your folds first before stretching you out a bit more. You gasp at the overwhelming feel of little Tony (who is anything but little) asking for permission to enter your most personal territory. Giving you enough time to adjust, Tony sheathes himself completely inside you with one more potent yet mild thrust.
“Y/N, you are so tight, I love it,” he moans lowly before kissing the corner of your mouth.
When you don’t reply, his eyes search yours instantly for any signs of discomfort. You’re pleased with yourself that you’re able to take all of him without too much difficulty. Nevertheless it requires some adjustment and it’s as if the struggle if evident on your face because he cradles your cheels in the palms of his hands, whispering a kind and concerned “If this is too much, darling, we don’t have to continue.”
“No, no it’s fine,” you ensure him. “It’s just that… I’m filled up to the brim with Tony Stark’s dick,” you laugh lightly before a more hearty laugh escapes your lips. “I’m about to get fucked by Tony freaking Star who is my freaking boyfriend!”
A bouldering laugh adorns the air when Tony has processed your words, unable to wrap his mind around the fact that you, even though he’s buried balls deep into your cunt squeezing him so lusciously, the only thing you seem to be focused on is that you’re about to have sex with a considerably – okay, scratch that – tremendously famous person.
“Y/N,” he says softly when you’ve calmed down from your abrupt outburst of exhilaration and disbelief. “You’re not about to get fucked by Tony Stark.”
“What?,” you ask in a high-pitched voice. Isn’t that exactly what the point is of this entire endeavour?
“Baby, honey, sweetheart,” he coos fondly with a tiny amount of seduction and sass, “You’re not about to get fucked by Tony Stark.”
He sounds somewhat hurt and you look away from his soulful eyes, unable to bear the honesty reflected in them. “I am not going to fuck you, I am going to make love to you. So tonight, you’re not going to get fucked by Tony Stark. Tonight, you’re going to be loved by your boyfriend who just happens to be Tony Stark because God forbid, I love you. I love you, Y/N.”
For a faint heartbeat, the atmosphere is dead silent and the only thing than can be heard are your laboured breaths as your body melts perfectly into Tony’s, the initial burn ebbing away and making way for a more pleasurable performance of a lover worshipping his muse.
Nothing else is said but those three words, frequenting the tenderness of their unison until the morning seeps through the curtains like a smooth criminal and sheds its light upon their two bodies curled into one another as their act of love has been repeated over the course of many affections and many, many more.
 Tagging: the ever-wonderful @beccaanne814-blog @avengerofyourheart @a-little-hell-to-raise @unpredictable-firecracker @marvelingatthewonder  @mrshopkirk @hardcorehippos @iiharu-kunii @knittingknerdy @winterwolf57 @winterboobaer @shamvictoria11 @thedragonblood @hymnofthevalkyries @feelmyroarrrr @justareader @ourpeachskies @austinamelio @howlingbarnes @4theluvofall  @themcuhasruinedme @theoneandonlysaucymo @hymnofthevalkyries @amrita31199 @kiwi71281 @jaegers-and-kaijus @katbird787 @spaceprincessofmanygalaxies @marvel-lucy @volklana
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atruththatyoudeny · 7 years
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Special mention⭐ & Top 5 + 16 more stories under the cut:
⭐ 2017 HL Prompt Challenge ⭐
“A small group of us came together to do a prompt challenge with fast deadlines to have some fun and see what we can do, and this is the result. Hope you enjoy!” Authors: taggiecb, afirethatcannotdie, QuickedWeen, waytoomanypeopleintheaddisonlee, Awriterwrites, allwaswell16, LadyLondonderry, lululawrence Prompts so far: Foundation, Bloodsucker, Hinge, Scream (revealed today)
Where Your Heart Is
by anhcor & tvshows_addict | College AU | hate to love | slow burn | 154k Louis is ready for his brand new adventure. So what if he suffers from a genetic condition that prevents him from being touched? College is going to be awesome. It has to. Karma kind of owes him right now. Forget about his overprotective mother, or Liam-- his entirely too chipper step brother-- or his mess of a roommate. Forget about the gloves he has to wear at all times. He’s here to expand his knowledge, write and drown himself in books -- No matter how distracting ‘Hallway Boy’ may be-- The obnoxious, flirty frat wannabe determined to become the bane of Louis’ existence. Or, a college AU set in San Francisco where two lost boys who seemingly have nothing in common find inspiration, each other, and themselves in the process.
Black With Autumn Rain
by whimsicule | thriller | crime | magical realism | 93k “Thank you,” Geoff says, taking a sip of his tea. “What did you tell him?” Louis has a sip as well, lets the tea burn down his throat too quickly, too hot, and he feels it all the way down to his stomach. “The truth. Essentially,” he replies after a moment, licking his lips, relishing the slightly bitter taste of the brew that’s never quite strong enough for Louis’ liking. At least it’s not decaf. “That my dog scented it. That I didn’t touch the body. That I came here first thing.” Geoff nods pensively. “Did he believe you?” “Probably not. There’s only so many people who can drown on dry land before it gets fishy.” or: Harry is a journalist, Louis has lots of secrets and the moors aren't exactly the ideal place to rekindle a lost romance.
Hold My Heart
by Awriterwrites & phdmama  for H/L Exchange 2016 | famous/non famous | Mile High Club | Actor!Louis | Doctor!Harry | 14k “Excuse me, mate, I’m the window seat here.” The voice was soft, apologetic, and accented in something a bit unfamiliar — northern England, maybe, Harry thought. “Oh,” Harry jumped to his feet and moved aside, “I’m sorry, I didn’t see you standing there.” The other man laughed as he swung a bag into the overhead compartment and slid into the seat. “You were well caught up in that book, mate. What are you reading?” Harry paused, wondering how to explain the fact that he was reading an epic and x-rated romance that was the story of a relationship between a prince and the man he’d enslaved. “Oh, you know, just some fiction my sister recommended.” He turned to look at the man and froze. Sitting next to him was Louis Tomlinson. *** Or, the one where famous Louis Tomlinson offers his hand and a lot more to his seat mate on a transatlantic flight.
What do you mean he's coming?
by MediaWhore for HL Famous/Not Famous Fic Exchange | Childhood friends | famous/non famous | actor!louis | photographer!louis | 15k When Harry accepted to be his sister’s Maid of Honour, despite how non-traditional of a choice he was, he didn’t think writing a speech for the wedding reception would be this hard. Now, not only does he have less than two weeks left to find something moving and inspirational to say, but Gemma just confided in him that her old childhood best friend is going to be in attendance. The one who moved to LA and they haven’t seen in fifteen years because he was too busy becoming an Academy Awards winner. But hey, no pressure. It’s just Louis Fucking Tomlinson. Harry is screwed.
Singing to tiny dancer
by BriaMaria | Famous/Non famous | Actor!Louis | 22k “Yes!” Harry punched a fist into the air. He laughed at the confusion that wrinkled the little space between Louis’ brows. “What?” “You’re flirting with me,” Harry smiled, letting his dimples pop. Louis’ face went blank for two seconds and then he rolled his eyes, one side of his mouth lifting. “Am not.” “You soooo are,” Harry sang out, poking him in the shoulder. “You like me.” “I was simply showing you how to actually bring… what did you call it? Your A-game.” Harry adopted a patronizing expression, sure it would piss him off. “And you did great. Really.“ “Oi, fuck off,” Louis said, but he was actually laughing now. Outright. It was gorgeous and Harry wanted to live in this moment forever. It was the very best one he’d experienced. He wanted to always remember the image of Louis’ crinkled eyes, the sound of his breathy giggles, the smell of citrus that radiated off him as he swayed in his amusement. And Louis didn’t even know his name. Or ... When everything gets to be a bit too much for A-list actor Louis Tomlinson, he runs back to the town he had never really called home and the boy who was the only one he did.
Beautiful Star 
by tommoandbambi for We Wish You a Larry Christmas Fic Exchange | famous/non famous | kid fic | christmas fluff | 17k “You know, when I pegged you for a druglord, I wasn't exactly challenging you to make me believe that you actually are one. What is this place?” Louis says after he swallows over the mild panic that's building up in his throat over the fact that he's literally sitting in front of the cause of his teenage sexuality crisis. or, the famous/nonfamous kid!fic AU wherein harry and louis have to host a school Christmas party and harry isn't actually a druglord.
Play The Odds 
by alivingfire | College AU | friends to lovers | 26k Harry and Louis are best friends since childhood who, after a night of drinking, find themselves locked in a bet: first one to kiss the other a thousand times wins. Wins what? They don't know. Glory, Harry supposes. Bragging rights, though those don't do much in this economy. All Harry knows is that this is one bet he can finally win. What he doesn't expect, though, is what happens when he starts kissing his best friend on a daily basis. Namely, he doesn't expect falling head over heels in love with his best friend. Now all he has to do is make sure the bet never ends, so he never has to stop kissing Louis.
Runner On Third 
by kikikryslee for H/L Exchange 2016 | slow burn | friends to lovers | 40k As Harry stood there, the other man turned around, and he knew he was correct in who he thought it was. “Louis?” he asked, still not quite believing it. Louis blinked. “Harry? Wh– what are you doing here?” “I work here,” Harry said. “What are you doing here?” “Um, I’m picking up my brother. The nurse called and said he was sick.” Harry felt like he was going to be sick. “Wait, Ernest is your brother? Since when do you have a brother?” “Since about seven years ago, I guess. Wait, how do you know Ernest?” “I’m his teacher.” “You’re his what?” Louis exclaimed. Harry gulped. This was going to be a long year. --- Or, the AU where Louis and Harry were best friends growing up, but lost touch after Harry moved away. Ten years later, Harry has moved back to town, but he and Louis don't pick up where they left off.
Taken Over By The Feeling
by whyidontknow1 | angst | fluff| baker!harry | 53k After almost a year of increasingly troubling behavior, Louis agrees to let his sister live with him. It's a last resort before more drastic measures are taken by their mom. Harry Styles runs Given A Chance, a program for troubled and disadvantaged teens out of the bakery he owns. He offers the kids in his program what he believes they need to start on a different and better path for their lives. Louis learns all too quickly that Harry's goodwill does not extend to him. Only because he happens to remind Harry of an ex he'd rather forget. It's not the smoothest of beginnings, but in the end Louis' own issues might be the real problem.
Haven't You Heard 
by allwaswell16 for HL Christmas and New Year Fanfiction | Christmas fluff | 8k Harry Styles has been in love with Louis Tomlinson since they were eighteen. After six years together, Harry is ready to propose to the love of his life. The holidays strike him as the perfect time for a romantic proposal, but his well-meaning friends and family (including his self-appointed best friend, Niall) seem to thwart him at every turn. Or the four times Harry tries to propose, and the one time he gets it right.
If My Yesterday is a Disgrace, Tell Me That You'll Still Recall My Name 
by Trytoescapeit for HL Christmas and New Year Fanfiction | 16k The boy, right now in front of Harry, most definitely has familiar blue eyes and the same thin lips. Those lips. Small, bitten things that are so close to splitting. All he can think of is a chorus of his name. Louis, Louis, Louis, and the name means nothing to him until the boy looks up. OR Harry and Louis are childhood friends for only a year when Louis moves out of town. Fast forward to the future and Harry is a used-to-be rich kid who cut off his family's inheritance to build a life of his own and Louis owns the small cafe that's hiring. Harry spends three days trying to get Louis to remember him (because he never forgot)
Let Me Be Good For You
by onlyhuman | canon compliant | PWP | 12k His distress over the bun is nothing compared to the thrill Louis feels shoot up his spine at the outfit Harry’s donned. He’s changed into leather jeans that cling to his legs, hugging his thighs snugly. On top of it, a floaty, black sheer shirt is contouring his frame, doing absolutely nothing to hide his puffy nipples or the endless array of tattoos scattered across his torso. It’s Louis’ favourite outfit in the entire world. Or, Niall's only birthday wish is to go clubbing with his boys in Vegas. Harry ruins it all by wearing that god forsaken black sheer shirt.
Oh How I Hate This Red String Of Fate
by CalamityK for H/L Exchange 2016 | soulmates | angst | 13k Harry thought being able to see people’s strings die would be the worst thing about his gift, until at twenty-two he finally met the other end of his own. --------- Or that soulmate AU where Harry can see the red strings of fate that tie everyone together.
Like a boomerang
by youwilll | Groundhog Day AU | College AU | 48k AU in which Harry gets trapped in a lift, Louis gets stuck in a Wednesday, and it's always February 2nd. Until it isn't.
Life as we know it
by Rearviewdreamer | friends to lovers | kid!fic | 34k When a couple dies unexpectedly Harry and Louis are brought together to care for their daughter.
Counting the stars behind the clouds
by simplestardust | blind character | friends to lovers | 28k The problem wasn’t that Harry was blind. The problem was Harry himself. or, in which Louis plays keyboard as part of touring singer Harry's back-up band, and spends his time stuck between being oblivious and in denial, while Harry just wants to know how many stars there are in the night sky.
Head head heart
by Anonymous for Sub Harry Fic Fest | canon compliant | BDSM | Dom/Sub | 11k After Dunkirk has wrapped filming, Harry struggles with his inability to reach subspace. He tries taking the matter in his own hands before Louis intervenes with a plan of his own.
Reduce Me To A Pleading Cry (Break The Skin and Tantalize)
by Anonymous for Sub Harry Fic Fest | BDSM | Dom/Sub | CEO!Harry | 37k As the CEO of Styles & Styles, Harry Styles cuts a brooding and handsome figure at the helm of a very successful business. His reputation for intensity is well known, but you would be intense, too, if you had to work numbers all day, give countless orders, and conduct endless meetings. When all you really want to do at night--ache to do--is give away the reins, let someone else make the decisions, be ordered around for once, just--let go. Harry has reached his breaking point when one touch from a man whose very stance commands attention leads him back to a place he thought he’d never return. Or Harry is a broody submissive boss, Louis is a natural dom who works in the mail room at Styles & Styles, Niall is a matchmaking oracle, and a slender, dark haired man stands mute at the coffee stand encouraging others to spill their secrets.
(I didn't mean to) fall in love tonight 
by zouisclimax | High School AU, mpreg | 35k Harry texts him back a thumbs up emoji before leaning forward and throwing up again. He groans, but stands after he’s done, wiping his mouth with toilet paper, and flushing the toilet. He washes his mouth out as best as he can before steeling himself and heading back to class, trying his best not to cry. He tells himself that there is no point in worrying when he doesn’t even know if there is anything to worry about yet. He still feels sick. [or, the American boarding school AU where Harry's infatuated with Louis and one night flips his whole world upside-down]
With your love we could breathe underwater
by luminescents for HL summer fic exchange | fantasy | Mermaid!Harry | 28k Harry’s brow furrows, a look of confusion spreading over his face. “But I am real. I exist, see,” he says, raising a hand out of the water and wiggling his fingers at Louis. Louis finds himself relaxing a bit. Harry seems harmless really. And he’s quite cute, for something that’s not supposed to exist. If Louis is indeed having a hallucination right now, at least it’s a cute one. AU where Harry is a mermaid, Louis is a human, and they both discover a lot more than they anticipated.
Sex Shop Fic Verse: It's My Pleasure To Introduce You  & Switch Out The Batteries
by LoadedGunn | Sex Shop AU | 8k Louis cannot help himself. He stretches a bit so he can whisper in Harry's ear, "That's what I'd do to you, when you're close to coming. Just think. You'll be so overwhelmed but you won't want it to end, not really, so I'll switch it to the seventh setting, give you just a few seconds to catch your breath but then it'll rock inside you, right against your spot, so hard you won't be able to breathe, but before you can finally come it'll stop again. How long do you think you could keep it there, just staying right on the edge?" "I couldn't," Harry whispers, definitely shivering now. "I just couldn't tease myself like that, I'd have to touch my cock. If I wanted to... I'd need someone to do it for me." Louis slips his hands from Harry's fingers to his wrist, where he clutches hard. "You would." Or, the AU where Louis is the most helpful sex shop salesperson in the history of sex shops, and Harry really was just looking for a vibrator with simple instructions (yet ended up getting a hands-on demonstration).
by istajmaal, LoadedGunn | BDSM | Dom/Sub | Daddy kink | Gangbang 88k Harry raises an eyebrow. "Sex dice?" "Yup," Louis nods. "You know the ones we sell, one die for a body part and the other for an action to perform on that… part." "Isn't that what old married couples buy from you to spice things up?" Louis frowns and opens his mouth to tell Harry off, but then he catches his absolutely dreamy expression and can only laugh. "Yes dear, we're just like any middle-aged married couple. Except for the fact that we're in our twenties and have a box full of bondage gear under our bed." Two years after meeting in a sex shop, Harry's just returning to Louis from a month-long tour in the States, and they come up with a wholesome bonding exercise.
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