#to me it was just the Katara and Azula (and Sometimes Toph) Show
katarasmomsnecklace · 5 months
I wanna talk about all my fav ATLA ships cuz being a multishipper can suck sometimes
I wanna look at ship tags and not see hate for another ship in them
KatAang: Classic friends to lovers. Couples who commit ecoterrorism together stay together
TAang: She was a punk He did ballet what more can I say. But like actually they're so fun to analyze with what we have in canon, they legit give soulmate vibes.
ZuTara: SHOT THROUGH THE HEART another fun one to analyze, opposites attract/enemies to lovers it's a good time
KaToph: They're defined by overcoming their "weaknesses" Katara fought for her right to be a master despite her gender and became one of the most powerful benders because of her will to fight. Toph literally invented a whole new bending style BECAUSE of her blindness. Love them
MaiLee: Bad bitches deserve bad bitches, we love a sunshine and sunshine protector. Their fighting styles compliment each other as do their personalities
MaiKo: 'I love Zuko more than I fear you" will never not be the hardest line in the show. *doesn't care she got pickles* "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU SHE SAID NO PICKLES"
Ty Luki: I just want Suki to show TyLee the ropes of being a kyoshi warrior. They have so much they can teach each other also if you like the Airbender! TyLee headcanon there's something poetic about her unlocking her powers with kyoshi's fans
ZUe (I actually don't know their ship name) we in rare pair hell but SUN AND MOON NEED I SAY MORE also applies to Yue x Azula you guys come up with the coolest scenarios that put either of the fire siblings in the north pole, this fandom is so creative
ZuKKi: Let Sokka pull lol but actually a King and His Guard and King and his Ambassador, it's like Sukka is great but make it better
Mai TyLee and Suki should be a bigger ship cuz I swear I'm the only one that sees it (help me name them)
Tell me about your favorite ATLA ships I freaking love these characters and I love when they love each other
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What did you think of kataras character arc if you exclude all the shipping wars?
Did you like it
I think it's pretty good, and I like her character a lot. I'd say she was the best written female character, and one of the best written characters in general, and that's despite her not being my favorite on either category.
There were a few issues/inconsistencies, namely her going from not being as good as Aang at waterbending then suddenly she's a master, or her stealing from the pirates yet getting on Toph's case for "cheating a cheater", but overall I'd say the show handled her well.
I like that they allowed her to be one the kindest characters, yet don't shy away from making her assertive, proud, strong-willed, stubborn and even mean sometimes (because children be like that) and that is so satisfying to watch, especially compared to bullshit like the Netflix version that is fucking TERRIFIED of giving the characters any flaws, to the point of stripping them of any agency or emotion.
Even her being both a fighter AND a healer ties into that duality. If you mess with her, you're fucked. But if you're nice to her, she'll be nice to you. And if you're in trouble, even if you're are a stranger, she'll help you because she can't wrap her head around the notion of just letting an innocent suffer. And as a bonus she commits ecoterrorism and helps deliver babies. Girly can do anything! How could anyone NOT love her?
We see her compassion ties in with her morals and convictions in MANY episodes (Imprisoned, Jet, The Avatar State, Crossroads of Destiny, The Painted Lady, The Puppet Master, The Southern Raiders, etc) as a result it feels like we really KNOW Katara, to the point that it's super easy for me to forget that she's a character because she's just that believable. I don't see a list of traits or just necessary actions that move the plot forward, I just see Katara being Katara, reacting to and influencing the world around around her.
As for her arc, like I said, I do think it was strange how she went from struggling to do some basic stuff to being able to hold her on in a fight against Pakku so fast, but once the show settled on "This girl be strong as fuck" they made damn sure we didn't forget it and they were smart to tie that in with her being a super inspirational figure (and to also have continue to learn new things even after being considered fit to be the Avatar's official teacher, so it made that incosistency a bit less distracting).
Pakku calls her master and Aang calls her sifu, we see her doing lots of cool moves in fights, and she's powerful enough that Hama's bloodbending doesn't work on her, she literally held up the rain and parted the seas and, oh yeah, she brought the Avatar back to life. No fucking wonder the messiah of this story took one look at her, fell in love immediately, and said the SHE gives HIM hope. It IS pretty difficult to give into despair when you're friend is that awesome, and goddamn, it'd be hard not to simp.
I also love that the show lets her be smart with HOW she uses her powers. Even in the second episode, when she's struggling with her bending and accidentally freezes Sokka instead of their enemies, she's smart enough to think "I just have to do the exact same motion, but to the other direction", she can work with her mistakes. She uses her waterbending to lift up a piece of the floor to defend herself from Mai's knives. She even uses her own sweat as a source of water before meeting Hama and being made to think of "Oh yeah, nearly EVERYTHING has water." Her last battle move in the show even was a mirror to her struggling to freeze her enemies at the start of the series, with her luring Azula to the right spot to freeze them both, unfreeze herself and slowly chain her, showing us how using her powers effortlessly has become second nature to her.
But THE episode that shows us the key role Katara plays in the story is "The Desert." Appa is gone and can't fly them away, Aang is too emotionally distraught by Appa's kidnaping to be of any help, Sokka is high as fuck, Toph can't "see" or use her bending as much because she still struggles to use sand the way she uses Earth, and we know for a fact that Momo doesn't understand a damn thing that's going on. The responsibiliy of keeping everyone together and then getting them out of there fell entirely on her shoulders for that episode, and she handled it like a pro. And at the end, when Aang is going nuts with grief, Katara is the only one not cowering before his power and can bring him back to earth with just one look.
The show could never work without her. The creators even said she's the heart of the story. That's why her voice is the first one we hear in every episode. She introduces the audience to this world and is the one to welcome us back each time. We learn her backstory before we even see Aang, that's how central she is to the plot.
And just like her introduction was handled perfectly, her send off was the same. She is reunited with her dad, who is very proud of her and knows her mom would feel the same way. She has helped save the world, and now she can finally be a kid again. She is free from the war. Free to go home with her family, travel with her friends every now and again for FUN instead of on a mission.
And yes, she's in a relationship now, with the guy she has clearly been in love with for a while. That romance IS one part of her arc and I celebrate it because there's nothing wrong with wanting love. I was cool with it even back when I didn't care for Kataang as a ship and didn't think it'd last - because I already cared about Katara and had seen the literal YEARS of foreshadowing, set up and development for it.
That's why I don't mind it when people ship her with her someone else - but get furious when Zutara shippers claim ALL OF THAT doesn't really count as her being treated with respect, both in universe and by the writers, because she didn't up marrying Zuko and becoming his girlfriend and future wife. Like it was all for nothing unless she kisses an emo boy and/or end up being a ruler, despite never having any interest in ruling anything. Like Katara's character and arc, all that she is, all that she overcame, accomplished and was rewarded with is irrelevant if the romance is not with the "right" guy. ONE part of her arc not being what they would have preferred RUINS her for people COMPLETELY.
And they have the nerve to call themselves "the REAL Katara fans"? What a joke. They can ship whatever they want, but they better put some respect on her name.
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mah-o-daryaa · 9 months
For a show that's progressive, one-of-a-kind, ground-breaking for its time, and relies on "Show, don't Tell" a lot throughout the series, it bugs me how ATLA (or, more specifically, Bryke) preferred to tell the audience that Aang is a master airbender without showing us why. I mean, Toph, Zuko, Azula, and Katara are all shown practicing and improving their mastery in bending (although Katara has become rather overpowered), so why can't Aang have the same treatment?
Yes, Aang may be a child prodigy, and he did get airbending tattoos from inventing the air scooter, but I personally think that inventing an airbending technique (which demonstrates impressive ability and skill) is a way to gain the arrows prematurely, but isn't a requirement. Nothing in the show ever suggests just how far he's mastered his native element, let alone the other three. In the beginning of Sozin's Comet, Part 1: The Phoenix King (3:18), Aang says he thinks he still needs to practice his firebending more (which in hindsight makes sense, as he's just started relearning it from the dragons five episodes ago), and Toph notes that his earthbending could use more work too. Right off the bat, Aang is two elements away from complete mastery of all four, but later on he's seen practicing waterbending with Katara, implying he hasn't mastered it either.
We don't even see Aang practicing his airbending by himself post-iceberg, preferring to show off to random girls (like in Kyoshi Island). He just learns the elements, but doesn't really learn the philosophies behind each element. In this regard, he makes Kuruk and Roku look venerated in contrast. (To be fair to Aang, he had a specific deadline to master the four elements before Sozin's Comet that no other Avatar besides Wan had to deal with, but couldn't he try to make an effort to learn from the other nations?) Additionally, compared to Tenzin and Zaheer, Aang doesn't stand a chance against either of them (even though Tenzin is his son, but since Tenzin wasn't the Avatar, he could focus on upholding the Air Nomad culture and legacy). Even Jinora could go toe-to-toe with him at similar ages. He isn't really that impressive in any of the elements, to be honest; we've seen what a master of any specific element can do in both ATLA and LOK, as well as in the novels.
The main thing people often get wrong is that mastery isn't a final goal; it's a specific mindset. As in Pai Sho, what separates true masters from everyone else is that true masters always look for improvement in their strategy or skills. That's why Aang isn't a real master of the four elements: He always takes the easy way out, never trying to better himself or improve what he can already do.
I think this quote from Zaheer perfectly sums up what I've been saying: When you base your expectations on what you see, you blind yourself to the possibilities of a new reality. Even though it stems from his anarchist beliefs, it is genuinely one of the more insightful pieces of wisdom in the franchise because it promotes progress, a constant theme in life. Toph was able to invent metalbending because she wanted to "see" a reality where she could be recognized for her own talent in spite of her blindness; Zuko could learn firebending from the dragons because he could see a reality where he would regain his honor and fight alongside the Avatar, and so on. By contrast, Aang only takes things from surface-level, not putting any effort into understanding the true meaning of being the Avatar.
Speaking of Pai Sho, guess which Avatar constantly improved his/her abilities? Kuruk. Unlike Aang, Kuruk readily asked his companions, Jianzhu, Hei-Ran, and Kelsang, to continue teaching him, ever after he mastered the four elements that he was required to do, saying they would all benefit from the experience (the "true master" quote I mentioned above was actually said by him). Not only that, it was even inverted; sometimes they taught Kuruk, other times he taught them (which technically makes him the first known Avatar to teach bending to others). He was right, as during their lifetimes, they were the most powerful benders of their respective elements in the world!
Kuruk also had an intuitive connection to each of the four bending philosophies, which to this day remains unrivaled by any other Avatar, and was also one of the first people to suggest the idea that the four elements are connected (homeboy's literally a younger Water Tribe Avatar version of proto-Iroh, I'm honestly not going to be surprised if Iroh actually learned his belief from Kuruk during the former's visits to the Spirit World over tea and Pai Sho matches). If you ask me, Mone, learning the cultures and philosophies of the four nations is way more important than mastering the four elements, because the Avatar isn't just the bridge between the four nations; he/she is also the symbol of a unified world, and the franchise is saying that only one Avatar even bothered to do that? In my opinion, if we go by this rule, that easily cements Kuruk as the greatest Avatar in history!
Aang, on the other hand, never does this. Instead, he puts the Air Nomads on a high pedestal (which in turn causes him to place Katara on a high pedestal), and doesn't respect or learn from other nations' philosophies. He openly disrespects SWT culture and actively makes sure Tenzin doesn't have any exposure to the culture that Tenzin still belongs too, and worse, he pushes his own culture on other people's throats (remember the time he forced a homeless couple to "give up on hope because it's a big waste of time"? Or the time he forced Katara to not murder Yon Rha?) and values his own nation and values above the rest of the world (like the time he refused to kill Firelord Ozai because "all life is sacred", even though he has actually killed before, but if he doesn't kill Ozai, the latter's going to burn the entire Earth Kingdom to the ground!). That doesn't sound like something the Avatar is allowed to do, but Aang gets away with it anyway because ... hero?
There's actually another Avatar who focused on his/her own nation above the rest of the world. Avatar Szeto, Yangchen's predecessor, became a government official in his homeland, the Fire Nation. Under his tenure, the Fire Nation transformed from a fragmented, disaster-stricken state to the centralized, technologically-advanced nation we know of today. Unfortunately, this led him to neglect the other nations and, shortly after his death, the four nations were caught in a political event known as the Platinum Affair, which Yangchen had to deal with, eventually kick-starting the cycle of the current Avatar fixing their past lives' mistakes, while leaving problems for their future selves to fix. This problem might have even led to the growing ambition of Firelords Zoryu and Sozin as dictators, with the latter starting the Hundred Years War.
Aang not only valued his own nation's values above the others, he also forced said values on his non-Air Nomad companions; signed anti-miscegenation laws and tried to forcefully deport Fire Nationals from the colonies to return the land to the Earth Kingdom, even though they had already blended in with Earth Kingdom citizens, didn't wan to be separated from their families, and Zuko perceived the citizens of mixed heritage as his own subjects; refused to let his family practice SWT culture, even though his children could benefit from being members of both cultures, not just one or the other, and set an example for mixed-race families around the world; refused to teach Kya and Bumi Air Nomad culture because he thought they weren't airbenders and therefore "not real Air Nomads", even though they were just as Air Nomad as Tenzin was, if not more; and forced Tenzin to uphold the legacy of an entire nation on his shoulders. The fact that this was all written by complete accident is the cherry on top, representing just how badly Bryke screwed up.
... On a completely unrelated note, The Other Side of Paradise by Glass Animals (which is also one of my favorite songs) is definitely a Kuruk song. The last third of the song in particular sums up his tragic journey as the Avatar so well, and I always think of him while listening to it.
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flameohotwife · 1 year
So I always thought the canon pairings in AtLA had good writing/development but all the Aang and Mai bashing has made me decide to rewatch the series because shippers of a certain other ship called them "abusive" and Aang sexist. But honestly, I love how Mai calls Zuko out on his jealousy and possessive behavior in "The Beach" and Aang is always supportive of Katara's dreams, even refusing to be trained by Pakku because he's sexist to Katara. I like that Sukka teaches kids watching the show to treat women with respect but also Kataang and Maiko in the examples I mentioned above are also good examples of feminist moments in the show too.
YES! Anon, say it louder for the people in the back! There are so so SO many amazing feminist moments in this show and honestly I loved watching it with my kids (multiple times, haha) for that reason. I don't remember growing up with media that showed SO may instances of how girls/women could stand up for themselves in those types of situations. I love how Katara stood up to Pakku (with Aang's support! His little "Go, Katara!" makes me smile every time) and also how she CONSTANTLY takes boys on in fights, from pirates and Rough Rhinos to the taunting kids that subsequently get frozen where they stand ("oh, a girl has her ways") and anyone who insults Aang. How SHE is the one to defeat Azula in the end. How the WHOLE SHOW starts with her rant against Sokka's sexism. How Suki finally put's Sokka in his place. How Toph had to be played by "a really BUFF guy" in EIP because the Fire Nation couldn't admit to being bested by a tiny, 12-year-old girl. How Mai won't let Zuko treat her like a possession with no agency of her own. How she is the one to save HIM in the end at Boiling Rock (how's that for a damsel in distress?). How Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee are trusted by the Fire Lord to perform tasks even the highest generals can't achieve. How the show is relentlessly turning sexist stereotypes on their heads and making viewers question what they think they know.
Beyond the feminism (which you all probably already know I adore so much), I love that each of the leading boys has learning experiences wrt less-than-ideal behaviors towards girls/women, because in real life boys (and girls, too!) are GOING to make mistakes as they're learning and it's important to show how they can move beyond those mistakes and not forever be defined by them. Zuko learns not to be a possessive asshat like he is in The Beach (at least, we don't see him act that way towards Mai again--he might as well have broken up with her via text and not given her the option to follow him to the "good side," but he never acts possessive again. Baby steps). Aang learns he can't just solve their relationship problems by kissing Katara when she's confused. He gives her space and she clearly thinks he's learned from it by the end (really, by the next episode). Sokka learns not to be sexist and that sometimes girls are going to be stronger/better fighters than he is AND THAT'S OKAY. Good, even! It doesn't make him "less of a man" or anything like that, and we don't hear those sexist ideas come out of his mouth again. ALL of these make great talking points for parents watching the show with their kids, too.
Kids make mistakes. They lean on stereotypes or prior experiences and sometimes that bites them in the butt. AtLA shows that we can teach kids hard lessons. Not only can we fight back against injustice but we can improve ourselves when we've been the ones to mess up. And I really think that's something special.
Thanks for sending in your thoughts, anon! You're so right.
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casualdadnomad · 11 months
modern college gaang au you know what’s up: team avatar x study habits :o
there’s one 24 hour dining hall on campus
it’s in the residential area, so less than a five minute walk from any of their dorms
katara will often work from the dining hall at night because she doesn’t want to disturb her roomates
sometimes when suki wakes up for her 8 am katara is just coming back to the room to go to bed
katara tries to stack her schedule with later in the day classes. her first one is at 11 am and she’s very proud of that
suki has the strongest willpower out of anyone: she has the ability to work in her bed
she’ll stay up super late finishing a paper and then close her laptop and immediately be asleep
toph doesn’t really want to study ever
earthbending overlaps with engineering though so she has a lot of classes with studying’s biggest fan
sokka will show up at the dorm and be like ok we r studying now congrats u have no choice
toph will comply as long as she has a little treat so they have to get coffee first
she is so me
azula studies a lot
every waking minute she’s doing a paper or homework or a reading
suki shares a lot of classes with her and has no idea where she’s getting all this homework
mai and ty lee will sit in the same room and study together
even when one of them doesn’t have something to study for they’ll still hang out while the other one does their assignment
they have very different majors though so sometimes it’s funny because ty lee will be running choreography and mai will be doing statistics
aang is never seen studying. he has good grades though! we don’t know how.
katara helps him sometimes though. she is the only one who sees him study.
zuko freaks out over schoolwork regularly
he is always in a state of panic over some assignment or another
another job for studying’s biggest fan
sokka loves a schedule and makes zuko keep a planner
having a schedule is actually crazy helpful for him but he will never admit it
“whatever i will keep this planner if you want me to so bad I GUESS”
zuko, sokka, katara, and mai absolutely refuse to do homework in their dorms (i refuse to think where i sleep)
suki, toph, ty lee, azula, and aang do not understand this sentiment at all but support them
okay that’s all i got tonight thanks for reading! send asks of stuff u wanna see for the college au cause lowk y’all r so much more creative than me i love ur ideas :)
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restinslices · 5 months
I liked the Twilight Lin Keui thingy idk if u watched Succession or Avatar the Last Airbender but can u do tomas,kuai liang and bi hans reaction to either of those shows and who their faves are?bi han is so azula coded
Off topic but do y’all make music playlists for y’all Ocs too? Shit is incredibly relaxing.
You're so right about him being Azula coded 
Azula has to be his favorite character too. I refuse to take any criticism 
I think when Bi-Han watches anything he's probably on the villains side because sometimes they be spitting. They just have very harsh methods to go about these plans 
His favorite season I think would be season 2
Why? Ozai’s Angels obviously 
Season 3 is their downfall and season 2 is when they're all in their prime 
Plus the Ba Sing Se plot is something I can see him liking 
“See? Liu Kang is just like the king! Incompetent!”
Incorrect but that's an interesting theory 
He's such an Azula defender. He just like me fr 
Least favorite character? I wanna say possibly Commander Zhao because “how are you a Commander but you're terrible at your job?”
But I also wanna say Ozai
He could be his least favorite character because ya know, he's an abusive and manipulative sack of shit that turned his children against each other 
But he might understand his ambition and need to continue his family's legacy 
Depends on his mood ig
One of those people that saw Kyoshi for the 0.5 seconds she was on screen and immediately thought “that's my favorite Avatar”
As a kid he crushed on Ozai's Angels 
Because of the clothes alone he wanted to be apart of the Fire Nation but power wise we know that wouldn't have happened 
Oh the brainwashing of the citizens? That's unfortunate, but at least they're dressed amazing 
Pro Hama. She did nothing wrong. 
Thought blue fire was the coolest shit ever and thought Kuai Liang was ass because his shit is boring ass orange 
His favorite episodes are the season finales because it wraps everything up well and that's when the tension is extremely high 
In order it's The Crossroads of Destiny, Sozin's Comet (places 2nd because Azula lost) then The Siege of the North 
As a little bonus his favorite tale in The Tales of Ba Sing Se is The Tale of Toph and Katara 
Why do I think this? I think he likes the characters and also he enjoys watching little shits get what they deserve (the mean girls that insulted Toph)
Kuai Liang
So we're all agreeing that he definitely had a huge crush on Suki, right?
His love for female warriors that could put him on his ass started with Suki then he ends up marrying Harumi
She's a warrior right? 
Doesn't matter. She'll be dead in the next game anyway. MOVING ON-
Bi-Han wants to be apart of the Fire Nation and Kuai Liang wants to be apart of the water tribes 
As a kid he really wanted blue fire but it never happened 
Favorite characters I think would be Suki, Toph and Zuko
He loves all of them but these are his top 3
His favorite season is season 3 because it's the season that wraps up this amazing show from his childhood and it's done beautifully 
Favorite episode I think would be Boiling Rock 
It's the start of Azula's downfall and come on y'all, we saw Suki, Sokka and Zuko team up. Shit was fire (no pun intended)
He also likes The Beach because it emphasizes how broken the villains are and shows that at the end of the day, they were children robbed of a childhood 
Gets the appeal of Zutara but is a Kataang shipper 
Despises Ozai because of what he did to his kids and his people 
Honestly fuck Sozin, Azulon and Ozai
“Your people didn't deserve to live in my world!” shocked his little heart because damn, you still ain't got no remorse?
He watches this show very often as he grows up. It's never a show he forgets about 
Also fuck Long Feng
Forget all the brainwashing, it's keeping Appa that pushed him over the edge 
Definitely showing this show to his kids 
Too bad they won't live long enough to share it with their own children-
I'm done. Sorry 
Favorite tale is The Tale of Iroh 
Because… Iroh
Do I need to explain?
Probably had a crush on Katara 
I have no reasoning as to why. Like, with Kuai Liang it makes sense with who he marries later, but with Tomas I'm just “yeah that makes sense”
Heavily disagrees with people who call her annoying 
Yeah, she has her moments but she's not this terrible character 
As a child he was jealous of Aang because he got her in the end 
Yeah Tomas, just ignore the genocide of his people and the trauma he has-
You FOR SURE wanna be him 
Jealousy aside, he really likes Aang. I can see Aang being his favorite Avatar
Sokka is also a character he loves 
Tbh I think he loves everyone in the Gaang and while his favorite character is Katara, his second favorite switches from time to time 
Favorite season is season 1 because it kicks off this fantastic part of his childhood 
Unlike his brothers, he was fine with the element he has 
Yeah, he's smoke and not really an airbender but it's close enough 
Minus the genocide, they were living a good life (which is a wild ass sentence)
Knows all the ATLA conspiracies 
“Did you guys know there's a conspiracy that Ty Lee is a descendent of Air Nomads?”
“Did you guys hear this theory that Yue was supposed to be the Avatar after Aang but because he was in the ice she never got the Avatar spirit and that's why she needed the moon to live?”
“Do y'all think Sozin and Roku were hunching?”
Skips the Appa's Lost Days episode 
Favorite episode is The Cave of Two Lovers because it makes him laugh 
Everyone hates Ozai but you wanna know who's really on his shit list?
That old bitch that snitched on Haru
Kill him immediately 
The live action movie filled him with such a rage, he didn't know it was possible 
And because of that, he hasn't seen the live action show yet 
His favorite tale is The Tale of Sokka 
Why? It's just Sokka being a goober
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fanfic-lover-girl · 11 months
Zutara Thoughts
First, I want to thank the Zutara fandom for their participation in my poll! I knew the fandom was active and huge but I never realized how much. Definitely the best fandom I have ever been a part of :).
Anyway, I want to talk about an aspect of Zutara that I struggled with when I was younger and sometimes still do. I HATED how Katara treated Zuko when he joined the group. I hated how nasty her character became. I hated her. I could not stand her. Back then, I liked Katara of course. Maybe I liked Azula a tad more because I subconsciously saw Katara as just a lame love interest in the grand scheme of things. I find love interest characters usually not worth my time. And I was in an Azula angst phase. Zuko is my favourite character. Always was and always will be. Even though I appreciate her more now, Katara will never outshine Zuko. So I hated her.
And it affected the types of Zutara stories I read. I read the type of stories where Katara nearly murdered him. Tortured him. Starved him. Injured him. Basically where she was an outright menacing bitch to Zuko. The kinds of fics where Toph and Aang, and sometimes Sokka and Hakoda, had to play referee to prevent things from turning ugly.
Or I would read the fics where Katara's anger and hatred were resolved by the 'gaang learns about the scar' plot. Or the 'Zuko is Roku's grandkid' plot. Anything to cleanly resolve the tension. Because I did not care about Katara's anger. I just hated that she was treating my baby Zuko badly.
But both these types of stories do Katara a huge disservice. Sure, Katara teased Zuko and showed no appreciation when he helped her. But she would not let him fall to his death after the Zuko vs Azula fight at the air temple (read a fic where Katara did that, pretty sure it was discontinued). Sure, Katara has compassion for people. But people's sob stories should not automatically make their hurtful actions forgiven. It invalidates her suffering.
Part of me still thinks that she had no right to be angry on a rare occasion. Zuko never promised her anything in the catacombs. They were basically still enemies. They were down there for a while, but they could not be called anything resembling friends. So how could Zuko betray her? There was hardly a relationship to betray...
I think about how she would have left him to die in the tundra at the North Pole without a backwards glance if not for Aang. Without Aang stepping in, Zuko would be dead. Stiff, stone dead. And I doubt she would have shed a tear. I don't see Zuko holding that against her. And I honestly would have liked some kind of apology for her threatening to kill him. It's a miracle Zuko was able to function so well with that threat looming over him.
I struggle with that part sometimes because I love Zuko a lot. But I love Zutara and the beauty of the ship. How it compliments the story of ATLA and how it makes both Zuko and Katara better characters. The development of Zutara is part of what makes it special for me. All of the peaks and valleys. It's a shame it's not canon. But considering Bryke are completely blind to the treasure the ship holds, it's better off far away from those hack clowns.
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the-genius-az · 5 months
Thoughts on Azula just dating everyone (woman) in the show? Yue, Katara, Mai, Ty Lee, etc?
Thanks for the question, Amor!
With Mai.
Azula and Mai love each other intensely, and are both somewhat dependent.
Azula doesn't want Mai to EVER abandon her again, while Mai just wants Azula to never change, she doesn't like change, and all she wants is for Azula to be the euphoria and chaos she has in her life.
But let's think about the fact that they are both in therapy, they are healthy, and they can both live completely independently, but they still need each other, as a calmer and another to have a euphoria.
With Ty Lee.
They are both very devoted to each other, but they are toxic. Azula has a lot of insecurities, and being with Ty Lee makes it worse, because Ty Lee is a flirtatious girl and she is a free soul, always running away and never being in the same place, that drives Azula crazy.
While Ty Lee hates that Azula has so many insecurities, and that she is always being so controlling. But if they go to therapy, maybe both of them can finally be healthy, but they will still have some problems.
With Katara.
Both are a complement, is one missing something? Then the other one has it, they are a balance. But they both have the same problems, although it is Katara who always solves it, only if it is a minor problem, because then someone else has to intervene.
But if you go to therapy, you both will have a completely healthy relationship.
With Yue.
They are both like the sun and the moon, and you know, the moon always chases the sun. They are like this, Azula does not want to accept her sexuality, while Yue accepted it because she had never felt that strong feeling, not even for Sokka, and she will fight for that love.
But then Azula will accept it and believe me, they are so adorable together and so healthy that everyone envies it.
With Suki.
They are enemies to companions to lovers to girlfriends. They have almost no problems, Suki is mature enough to understand why Azula behaves like this, and Azula is intelligent and understanding who understands why Suki has to leave instead of when to go on her missions. Everything is fixed when Azula starts living on Kyoshi Island, and goes on missions with her girlfriend.
With Toph.
I personally don't like it very much, but there are some fanfics that captivate me.
I think it all started because of the sexual tension they had, and sometimes they have problems, because of their strong personalities, but they always work it out.
If they have a little therapy they would both be completely healthy, they just need to communicate and support each other.
I'm not going to include June because she's older than Azula, and I'd rather see them both with June as her uncle Iroh.
And I didn't put Zirin in either because I haven't seen the comics where Azula is.
By the way, I don't like jinko, but I prefer to watch them so that Mai can be with her friends, that's why I didn't wear it.
and I don't understand Song very well, I'm indifferent to her, but I know that they ship her with Azula, but I don't have a real opinion or how to explain their relationship.
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i’m going to be really bored for these next few weeks, so,
if anyone has any questions about any of the atla characters’ well, character, my ask box is WIDEEEEEEEE OPEN. my fingers yearn to write character analysis and thoughts are pinging around in my mind like a bullet in an old cartoon
(especially about the main cast, but i haven’t read Suki, Alone yet (i have the comic and i plan to) so maybe not her just yet) (so the gaang (minus suki unfortunately 😔😔😔) Azula, Mai, Ty Lee, and Iroh are the most preferred but honestly any character with even a bit of canon character traits.)
I’ve read the comics except for the Azula, Suki, Katara, and Toph ones (i plan on reading them very soon), as well as both the yangchen and kyoshi novels, and i could tell you pretty much everything that happened in canon like it’s my own life story, with the episode name to go along with it (this show has been my special interest since i was 8 and i still rewatch it monthly at least)
honestly any ATLA questions you have at all, even episode specific ones (about the plot, please i don’t have a clue about the creators or the voice actors or the animation) (also, maybe not stuff about Korra? i will still answer but my answers won’t be as in-depth bc im not as big of a fan of the show. love the characters, but the way the lore of ATLA is handled honestly makes my blood boil sometimes)
my answers will be mostly canon, but my own personal fan theories/headcanons will be mixed in there (i’ll specify what is canon and what isn’t), but if you want only answers only drawing from canon, i can totally do that too!!
TL:DR: please send me any questions about ATLAs plot or characters so i have an excuse to write meta
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I think the thing about atla is that....it was a show that seemed to be made with so much love and care and time. And its quality is indicative of that. There's...not a lot of tricks or smoke and mirrors. The animation isn't very flashy or even amazing at most times (especially in Book 1 and 2, before it gained traction and Nickelodeon realized it was popular) but you can feel the heart of it. You see the way the characters are written, as kids! Like you or I were like....20 years ago. And now we look at the original show and see the kids that we were, the kids we may have now and realized just how much love it took to write Sokka, Katara, and Aang like that (and even Zuko, Toph, and yes, even Azula). Like....you have to appreciate kids and have a lot of respect and love for kids to write characters like the ones in atla. They are funny and lively and they have personalities. They make mistakes and feel deeply. They have lives and ambitions and goals and they fall in love (fall out of love too).
And when you are trying to adapt something that has that much love and care poured into it...and when the company you are adapting it for is the one that famously cancels its well loved shows at the drop of a hat...its gonna be hard.
There is...no heart or very little in both live-action adaptations of atla. Netflix didn't want to put in the time or the money (ppl keep telling me how good it looks and...you can see where they cut corners). atla is.....frankly a goofy show sometimes, I think the premise, the storyline...in a lot ways it shouldn't really work as well as it did but I think the thing that made it work is the respect that the people who had a hand in creating it felt for the story and the characters was immense.
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stitch1830 · 5 months
Stitch!!! I hope you're doing well, pal!
50 Random Character Asks: #2, 4, 9 & 10 please
For Aang, Sokka and Zuko
Hi Ronin! Better late than never, I suppose?
Character asks for the Gaang boys, let’s go!
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
For Aang, Idk if it's a hill I'd die on, but I like the idea of him growing out his hair every now and again. Sometimes you just don't wanna shave, so he just lets his hair grow out and it's a fun lil change of pace for him! Also, no beard. LOL
For Sokka, I really like the idea that he finds his space sword. Or he makes another one!
For Zuko, he’s deeply in love with Katara and they’re happily married LOL.
4. Favorite line
Aang: "You're just a teenager!"
Sokka: “Drink Cactus Juice. It’ll quench ya!”
Zuko: “It keeps blowing up in my face! Like everything always does.”
9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character
For Aang, probably when he realizes that Toph is the girl in his vision! I really like the realization on his face and then later tries to explain to Toph how they found her. “A crazy earth king told me to…”
Toph: 🤨
Hilarious Lmao
For Sokka, I think the fight between him and Master Piandao made me appreciate him more. He learned/gained fighting skills that I wanted to learn as a kid, so I thought that was cool.
For Zuko, definitely when he cut his hair and the way it grows in during season two LOL. What can I say, I’m a simple blue alien.
10. Best moment on screen (or in the book)
For Aang, I like the scene where he’s breaking into the Earth King’s palace with the Gaang. The earthbending in particular is so cool!
For Sokka, probably the FN air balloon scene where they’re fighting the Fire Nation and he’s leading Toph and does some crazy fighting moves with a broken leg and clutching Toph’s hand. Hard core stuff right there.
For Zuko, I think the scene where he fights Azula sticks out to me. I think the show made a big deal about blue fire because that means it's more powerful or whatnot, and I just loved seeing him fight Azula and the development in his skills you see from season 1 to season 3.
And I think that's all of them! Hopefully I got everything, and if I didn't, feel free to send another ask! :) Thanks again for sending this over, Ronin! Appreciate the ask, your patience, and you! Hope you have a great day :D
Ask me questions about ATLA or LOK characters!
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peony-pearl · 1 year
Diamond Select Azula review!
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oof girlfriend
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Diamond Select's atla figures are... strange. Like... they can look decent while looking terrible at the same time. They're often VERY uncanny. (save for Iroh and Katara... Sokka looks fine but in comparison to the McFarlane one it's def a weaker figure imo).
So Azula is here, mid breakdown during the finale, with five alternate hands (one acting as a special effects piece), an effect piece (that is actually a retool of one from an Aang figure), a base, and an adjustable set of pegs to help hold up effects pieces/characters.
The armor looks good, and the detail on this piece is pretty nice, that I will say. The color scheme seems accurate and is pleasing to the eye. However, in some of the details she both does and doesn't resemble this appearance in the show; I think it's the hair sculpt and just her overall face shape, which makes her appear MUCH older than 14; then again, that also happened in the finale when she often appeared much older in the animation.
Also, fun fact about that big effect piece!
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It's heavier than the stand (please pardon my dusty shelf ;A:)
I'd seen one video where someone managed to pose her really nicely with said effect piece; but I'm going to have to loosen the screws on some of these pegs to make them bend bc only one will move for me.
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This is how I have her posed on my shelf (for now; I DID spend money on her so until further notice she'll go on the shelf), but I have to pose the effect a specific way, because the effect is too heavy and will cause her wrist joint to buckle and won't aim properly (Ozai has the same issue)
So how does she compare to the McFarlane figure?
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While the Diamond Select has more pieces and range of motion, the McFarlane figures just LOOK better imo, and I'm not just talking about the fact that the McFarlane figure is pre-breakdown; it just looks better.
I know here soon that DS Azula is going to start wimping out of her pose and falling over (just like Ozai and Toph) and get all loose; however, the McFarlane brand does have issues standing at times, but I've been able to get most of them to stand upright for the most part (sometimes their effect piece balances them out; unfortunately for one of my Aang's I have to lean him against the bookshelf wall so they're not all winners)
Also my DS Azula came with an un-centered skirt which is REALLY bothersome. I am impressed with how the hair is sculpted that way but... like why? Why this version? Why make her first figure out of this design??
Regardless, If you're just looking to have some decent looking figures for an atla collection, just go with the 5 in McFarlane Azula (which is available on Amazon), or even the YouTooz. I mean, unless you don't like Azula then by all means don't let me tell you what to do lmao; but I just don't think this figure is worth it.
Alas, she is now part of my family of figures and I am a big softie so until I learn how to do doll modifications she'll hang out on the Fire Fam shelf.
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juniperhillpatient · 6 months
For the ask meme: 4, 7, 11, 30, 47 :)
4. what is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written it yet and experience deep existential dread?
Honestly? Before I started Scream AU, it was an ATLA Scream AU! I held onto that idea for YEARS because I wanted to make sure I could do it right - everyone is a suspect, everyone is in danger, & there's a lot of foreshadowing but also a lot of twists. I waited until I felt prepared to do the idea justice, so I've held onto it for a long time. Like, that idea festered in my brain for at least 3 or 4 years. I guess it doesn't count anymore though, since I'm doing it.
Hm... I have a million ideas at all times but one I've had for a pretty long time is Heathers ATLA AU with Katara as Veronica, Azula as Heather Chandler, & Zuko or Jet as JD. Unfortunately, I'll likely never do this one because it wouldn't have Azula/Katara endgame & Azula would die so I doubt anyone who reads my writing wants it.
7. tell us about the plot of the first fanfic you ever wrote
The first fic I EVER wrote? You guys don't need to know about 13 year old Rose's weird Family Guy fanfics, your minds aren't ready. (Also I don't remember & the parts I do remember are embarrassing as fuck lmao.)
Instead, I'll say the first ATLA fanfic I wrote. It's a mediocre high school AU that has Katara/Toph LOL. I was getting my bearings in the ATLA fandom, okay? Also, it is the fic that made the Katara/Azula dynamic take root in my brain even though it's not a focus & I didn't write my first Azutara fic until a bit later lol
11. what’s something neat you’ve learned while doing research for something you were writing? also, how much do you worry about doing research in general?
I learned a lot about fashion through the ages when I was writing the TVD Au & giving Vampire!Azula a fun wardrobe filled with fashion from the last century or so. Do I remember anything I learned? Eh. But I did a lot of research!
I don't typically do a lot of research though for writing. My laziest trait as a writer is that sometimes I just wanna say "go with it." I entirely based the football stuff in my college AU on the TV show Blue Mountain State. That's not to say research isn't important, that's to say I'm lazy.
30. most inspirational quote you’ve ever read or heard that’s still important to you.
Okay, I really live by the quote "if nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do" from Angel the Series which is funny because I'm barely a fan of that show. I've watched it all through once. I'm much more of a Buffy girl. But that particular quote has always stuck with me. I'm a nihilist but I'm also a compassionate person & I think this quote really sums up how I look at the world. I used to be an idealist but my belief that the world can be changed for the better has faded over time. Instead, I just believe in being kind & doing what you can & that's how I take the quote - doing what you can, even when it seems hopeless. That seems depressing but like, it's not to me. You know?
47. what story are you most proud of?
I honestly go back & forth all the time. I feel like it might actually be Happenstance (a modern university ATLA au with a sit com vibe. It takes place over the course of a school year.) I'm honestly just so proud of the character arcs, the balance of comedy & drama, & these versions of the characters & this version of the universe. I put my heart & soul into that project.
Thank you so much for asking! I love playing these games & having an excuse to ramble :)
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pandawarrior · 11 months
Avatar Character Ranking: part four
Final part and the most elite characters!!!
A tier
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15. Haru
Rebel. Beautiful with and without the moustache. He freed his village from Fire Nation and he didn’t get captured on the day of the black sun. What an absolute king. I had a crush on him because I have good taste in men. HARU FOR EARTH KING!!!
14. Aang
This may be controversial but just hear me out. I don’t hate Aang first of all. He is a good avatar and he did his job all the time. He learnt all bending forms and took down the earth king in what?? A year?? Two years?? Amazing. He stuck to his morals and didn't kill Flopzai. He had a sick tattoo. HE’S THE AVATAR IT’S HIS SHOW. Now. With that being said. He is so ANNOYING. I am so sorry. He is. Out of the main five (Katara, Sokka, Aang, Toph and Zuko) in my opinion, he is the least interesting as a character. Like they could have added more depth. We never really saw him grieve over the loss of his ENTIRE POPULATION. He got a bit mad and moved on. Also let’s be real. Katara, Sokka and Toph were carrying him the whole time. Like most of the plans were from Katara and Sokka They were the masterminds and the backbones of the Gaang. I’m not saying Aang didn’t do anything, but without Katara and Sokka he would be toast. Alson can i just say I don't blame Aang for running away when and getting trapped in ice for 100 years when he found out his duty because same. Now for the REALLY controversial bit. AANG ENDED UP WITH KATARA WHEN SHE SHOULD’VE BEEN WITH ZUKO! THERE! I SAID IT! I could explain why but It would take too long. So to conclude, Aang is great and I like him if course I do but the other main four were better characters and that’s that. Aang can also do the air ball spinny thing which is awesome. 
13.  Ty Lee
DON’T GET ME STARTEDDD!!! SHE IS A QUEEN!!! SHE NEVER FLOPPED NEVER TANKED!!! She was backflipping, cartwheeling, chi blocking (bending?) What couldn't she do? The only one that could go up against mother Katara. Girls wanted to be her, Guys wanted to be with her. No one was doing it like her. Did you see her outfit?? The pink??? Amazing. She rode for Mai, that was her bestie, they were locked in. Chiblocked azula for Mai your bestie would never. 
12. Mai
The realest of the real. Hated her life but she loved Zuko. Real. Absolutely GAGGED Azula “I guess you miscalculated. I love Zuko more than I fear” OH??? My life was never the same. Betrayed Azula and her entire country for Zuko. Again too real. HER PARENTS ARE DUMB FLOPS THAT DON’T LET HER EXPRESS HERSELF. Bit mad. BUT SHE ALSO THROWS KNIVES!!!  I used to think she just had knife dispensers in her hands but the fact that she hand throws them is cooler. Monotone permanently and I love her for it. I place no blame on her for Zutara not happening. 
11. Avatar Kyoshi
Why is she so high??? Because she stood on business. She came back to life and said ”I killed that man, what about it” and dipped. Absolute menace. The makeup, the fans??? What else is there to say? Has a whole island and fanclub AS SHE SHOULD!!
S tier
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10. Katara 
Don’t get mad at me for this, and if anyone is anti-katara near me I will fight you. She DESTROYED THE PATRIARCHY HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE HER? She ended everyone who tried her. Left no witnesses. Was healing and battering people. MASTERED BLOODBENDING ON THE SAME NIGHT SHE LEARNT IT!!! MOTHER!!! LEGEND!!! QUEEN!!!! ENDED HAMA!!! The most responsible Gaang member, she was always looking out for them. But why is she number 12?? Icl…. she got on my nerves a BIT too much. Like, she just did too much sometimes. The most out of pocket thing was when she said sokka didn't love their mom as much as she did?? No need for that. Also, she was dragging out the “not forgiving zuko thing” girl just say you're heartbroken and move on. And she threw Toph in jail. Now Katara. Why. Apart from that and a few other things, literal icon. Her iconic hair loopies are iconic. I used to try to recreate it with my braids lmao. 
9. Suki
8. Azula
Guys she’s just misunderstood I swear. She was 14!!! 14 and she had grown ass men shaking in their boots. 14 and she was popping bitches left and right. Literally everyone failed: her mom, Flopzai, even zuko and iroh lowkey. My girl just wanted to be loved, it's not her fault. I'm gonna do a full character debrief on her. I have too much to say, but she is one of the most misunderstood and best characters ever written. She is so complex I literally watch psychology of azula video all the time. The way her character is written. Can't wait to get my psychology A Level so i can analyse her. The beach episode and her flirting had me crying. She's so funny, I love her. 
My first boyfriend. When he grew his hair out, six year old had heart eyes. Best redemption arc ever written and I stand by that. He was never evil, he just wanted his Dad’s love and also he is so awkward and funny. He’s so angry at everything I feel bad for him but can I talk about something. One of the most iconic moments of the show is when he did something good and his immune system SHUT DOWN. I was crying, that was so funny. Also, Iroh and Zuko together is comedy gold and also sentimental because Iroh found a son in zuko and Zuko found a father in Iroh. AH I CAN’TTT. Zuko stood up to his abusive uglyass dad and showed him that he can redirect lightning. Zuko teaches Aang to redirect it. In the final battle, Aang redirects the lightning and FLOPZAI’S FACEEEEE. I would therapise Zuko don’t worry. Poor Zuko. I’m gonna do a character debrief of him too because he is literally my first love.
6. Iroh
I wanna drink tea with him once. I know one conversation with him would change the trajectory of my life. Leaves from the vine deserves a Grammy. (Guys I think Iroh was a war criminal and everyone just forgets it nut I can’t make it go away from my head). Anyways he is so cool, he can breathe fire from his mouth. Laos, he kind of tanked when he just let Azula grow uo wit Ozai. but anyway, I love Iroh he’s such a cool guy. I hope hes having a blast in his tea shop. 
5. SOKKA (air horns sound)
First of all, he had unlimited game. He could pull anyone and everyone. Secondly, boomerang. Thirdly, manbun. Fourthly, he’s SOKKA. He was the comedic relief but I just love him so much. He wasn’t a bender but he was still battering people. He didn’t have that much depth till the last season but he was so brave and he had the Gaangs back no matter what. Like he never missed. He was prepared to break into the most secure prison ever to get his dad back like that's a true warrior. Do you know the episode where he goes to get the sword and the Gaang is bored because Sokka isn’t there. That’s how it was watching LOK except that it hurt more because he was dead. Also Sokka and Suki are a power couple. Literal couple of the series.
WHERE IS MY MOMO SPIN OFF SHOW??? WHERE IS IT??? WHERE???? Momo should have been the next avatar ISTG
3. Appa
APPA!! The real MVP of the show. Carried everyone (literally). Was the bravest. Appa’s last days?? Actual depression serum. Like it’s so sad. Where is my Appa prequel, sequel, soin off show, book series and spin off of the book series WHERE IS IT??
Best character on the show. Everything she did was iconic. Was an underground wrestling champion and nobody knew. Beat the everloving shit out of grown men BY HERSELF. She’s like four feet tall by the way. She sees with her feet. If that's not the coolest thing you've ever heard then I don't know what to say to you. If toph is not even in your top three then don't ever speak to me i am so serious. She was the only one who knew Zuko was being fr about switching sides. That’s my queen fr. SHE! INVENTED! METALBENDING! INVENTED IT! A WHOLE NEW FORM! SHE DID IT!!!!!!! What did your fave do???? That's right they flopped. Toph is the best bender in the show and the best character, argue with the wall. 
 1. Cabbage man
This is half joke, half serious. Cabbage man is not only a victim but he's also secretly a scientist because how was he travelling the world at the same time as the Gaang with NO appa. King behaviour. I hope he got compensation because he lost so much money with all those destroyed cabbages. RIP.
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trrickytickle · 2 years
ATLA tk headcanons- ler!Ty Lee + Toph
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(canon LMAO) - officially breaking hiatus with a request from an anon who asked for ler headcanons for Toph and Ty Lee! they’re literal opposites but like, in a cool way :D Toph as a ler: -nicknames to tease as per the usual. she’s not a big cooer, but great at egging her lee on and mocking them, laughing along heartily while she digs her fingers in -as i’ve stated before, she’s really fuckin’ mean. also with earthbending + metalbending she can trap her lee or kinda have those blunt metal claws lol, she might as well invent a new kind of bending to tickle- the dai li’s hands have always made me think of something of the sort -Loves to blow raspberries, both kinds. The sort on the tummy would be loud, spittly and aggressive while she shakes that unkempt hair around like it’s a swinging mace.  -LOVES tickling Katara, can’t explain it she just is the favorite lee because she wants to take her fussy attitude down a peg and they have this unending sibling-rivalry. Sokka gives her tips on where to tickle, but she sometimes ends up turning against him too. When Zuko joins the gang, she quickly turns against him and becomes the new favorite lee. Katara’s still a second favorite but there’s something about breaking that stubborn scarred face.  -can tell each of their reactions apart by their laughs, and the blindness also makes her extremely skilled in eliciting reactions because of her incredible tactile senses.  -most frequently targets wherever makes the lee’s heart beat faster like a living lie detector.  Ty Lee as a ler: -SHE’S SO CUTE!!! -loves to tickle people, teases a lot, “cootchie cootchie coo” is a favorite among other baby talk, and she puts on a voice like she’s talking to a puppy most of the time.  -main target is the lee’s tummy because she’s also ticklish there, same goes for other places where she’s similarly sensitive on. also uses chi-blocking to her advantage when she’s tickle-interrogating people on the Avatar’s whereabouts (WAS- she’s not with Azula anymore, thank god) and in casual settings to block out bending or paralyze, as well as her amazing dexterity. sometime shows off by contorting herself and still managing to tickle her lee anyways (”i can tickle you like this!~”) and stuff like that -big fan of the taser-poking technique as well as using her braid in her favor -used to tickle Azula a lot with Mai as a kid, got scolded, as well as Zuko lol, but haha trauma. still sometimes tickles Mai! cutie  -Has sleepovers with the Kyoshi warriors, tickling is bound to occur with such a ball of energy like her   Both as lers together:  -their methods contrast, but they offer advice to each other and have back and forths while teasing their lees. Toph would say something crass, like the little punk she is, and Ty Lee would say something cute in a baby-voice and they’d compromise on getting individual spots.  -Toph would basically tell Ty Lee to chi-block the lee and she’d just go ham, pulling out the dirtiest tricks in her braille book  -as i said, ultimate power duo when it comes to teases, always make their lee flustered. Unrelated, but IMAGINE Sokka’s sorta harem ganging up on him  
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hello-nichya-here · 2 years
is it just me or does the majority of atla's fandom care about mostly about FN esp zuko and azula while completely discarding the other characters and themes of the series
It's not just you, and it's not just the fandom either. Bryke, and some of the other writers, clearly have a preference for the Fire Nation stories, Zuko's in particular. 
It was a combo of “Give the people what they want” and “The people want what they are given” and that came to be because of a few things:
Good planning and the quality of the writting
The writers changed MANY things from their original idea for the story, and Fire Nation, while still affected by it, seemed to never lose it's main focus: Zuko rebelling against Ozai and joining team Avatar.
The Gaang meanwhile went through plenty of changes. Toph was originally a super tough guy, not blind, and would be in a love triangle with Katara and Aang. Suki was meant to be a one-off character. Katara went from struggling with waterbending to suddenly being able to do some serious damage while fighting Pakku. The episode that would be based on Aang's parents was completely scrapped.
So many changes, many of them at least minute, led to some storylines of the Gaang being more truncaded, rushed, botched, or just not living up to their potential. Again, that applies to the Fire Nation and Zuko's arc as well, but not to the same degree as the rest (at least not until the comics and Korra, when any quality was long gone from any storyline of any character and nation).
Aang's connection to Zuko and to the Fire Nation
There were plenty of parallels between Aang and Zuko throughout the seasons, and we later even found out that Aang is the reincarnation of Zuko's great-grandfather. Naturally, that gives Zuko A LOT more screentime - he is basically a villain protagonist from the start of the show. And since people tend to think of the more complicated, or sometimes straight up evil, character is the most interesting one, it led to most of the audience thinking the Zuko side of the dynamic was the better written one by default.
We can also not forget that Aang's most recent past life, Roku, is the one he interacts with the most, and he was not only part of the Fire Nation and of Zuko's family, but he was directly involved in the start of the war - which is the main plot of the show.
And on top of all that, Aang also genuinely LOVES the Fire Nation and is one of the few people alive who remembers a time when the war was not a thing and the Fire Nation was radically different. The comparisson is important for the story and it's protagonist, and thus it draws even MORE attention to that part of the story.
Villain bias
The Fire Nation are the bad guys in the story, but we know that’s something that can get people’s attention and spark their curiosity. Why did the Fire Nation attack everybody else? How big is the list of horrible shit they did? How powerful are they really? Is there even a way for Aang to stop them? What’s gonna happen to them once/if they are defeated? Can they really dominate the world? Can they really live peacefully with the other nations once the war is over?
It’s natural for the audience to be intrigued by the bad guys, even without agreeing with or liking them. The fact that Fire Nation is also invading other places and chasing the hero means they’re part of the conflict of nearly every episode, and views are constantly waiting to see what they do next - regardless of them being excited for it or dreading it and wishing the fuckers would go away. 
Antagonists usually get a lot of screentime, and the very plot of Avatar requires the Fire Nation to constantly be either shown or talked about for the level of threat to the heroes to be made as clear as possible.
The lack of development of the other nations
That one is pretty self-explanatory. The Water Tribes and the Air-Nomads weren’t given much screentime, which kind of makes sense considering, ya know, the freaking genocide. However, the writers could have used some “flashback episodes”, simmilar to The Storm, to help the audience be more invested in them and care about what is at stake. The conflict is more centered around the Fire Nation attacking the Earth Kingdom - to the point that the war is pretty much considered won once Azula and Zuko conquer Ba Sing Se.
This is likely the most important one.
1 - While writing about an abusive, dysfunctional family and about a war isn't exactly easy (read the comics to witness how badly that can be screwed up), it is still easier than writting about how the last survivors of two genocides get by and deal with their trauma. The villain seeing the error of his ways and changing sides, and the brave hero rebelling against the injust system are popular tropes and did NOT start with Zuko's redemption arc, no matter how much the fandom tries to convince itself that it did. Brian, Myke and the other writers likely grew up with that kind of story, as did most of us, so naturally they'd be better at writting it, and most people could understand it, since we saw it a million times before.
2 - The Fire Nation is heavily inspired by Japan, and Japanese culture is more "mainstream" than Inuit or Tibetan culture, thus the writers were more familiar with it - to the point that Avatar had WAY more simmilarities to anime than most western cartoons. And once again, what was the non-fire nation arc people seemed most invested in? Ba Sing Se. Which is famous for it's great walls, having the most people and a culture that is fucking ancient, and when Iroh took a knife from a general during his siege and gave to Zuko, said knife had a "Made in earth kingdom" joke. Doesn't it sound some other asian country that most people have at least some surface knowledge of?
3 - The writers are americans, and the Fire Nation has some american inspiration. While it was not at the level of "Let's make Not!New York a thing in this pan-asian world!" yet, the writers said they based many things about the Fire Nation off of the US - most notoriously the military shit, and the habit of "We know what's best for everyone, the rest of the world should be like us." Once again, being familiar with what you're writting makes it more likely that you'll do a better job at it than at writing about something you don't really know much about.
Zuko and the Fire Nation became as popular as they did because of a perfect storm of very especific factors - some that were inevitable due to the narrative itself, and some that were caused by flaws in the writting.
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