#to the ask you sent: no need for a second starter! just thought it was obligatory to like the post LOL
haikyu-mp4 · 3 months
Great potential
word count; 953 – f!reader
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“I wish that handsome libero would just notice me!” you whined, all your friends giggling or rolling their eyes. Shibayama listened from around the corner, a small pout on his lips. Of course, you would like Yaku. He’s confident, handsome and the reliable backbone of Nekoma’s defence on the volleyball court.
“Who are you dragging along to the game this time? You’re literally a volleyball player, on the starting team no less, you don’t need an excuse to go to volleyball games,” your best friend said, smiling as you discussed your crush once again. They found you cute but it became quite frustrating to watch you send him heart eyes every day without actually talking to him, claiming he was too cool for you. That made them frustrated for sure because, to them, Shibayama was just Shibayama.
“I was thinking you could come with me, please?” you asked her, putting on your best puppy eyes and clutching your hands together. She sighed, tilting her head in contemplation. Shibayama huffed from where he stood and walked away, not hearing the next part.
“He doesn’t even get to play.”
“That’s just because Yaku is the best right now,” you start saying before going on to explain how Shibayama is so lucky to learn from such a great senpai, and how he seemed prepared to work hard to earn his spot after the third-years graduate, which made him even more admirable.
“Shibayama does have great potential, but I can’t say I understand what you see in him.”
You smirked, nodding in agreement. “That great potential is hot.”
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Time flew by, and then you’re in your second year, still going to the games to focus on your fellow Nekoma libero. After the third-years graduated, Shibayama was put in as the starter and you were thrilled to watch him in action more often. You still forced different friends to come with you, shamelessly cheering a bit louder when Shibayama made great saves and passes.
When Nekoma won the game that qualified them for the Tokyo finals, you were ecstatic. After your best friend had joined you for so many games, she became interested in and got close to Inuoka. This gave her the perfect opportunity to drag you with her down on the court to congratulate them. You weren’t about to deny it, but you tried not to be too obvious about who you were looking for in the crowd of red uniforms.
But never mind you being shy, that’s what best friends are for, and as your bestie was about to jump hug Inuoka, she gave you a strong push that sent you flying over to Shibayama. Luckily, he had quick reflexes and steadied you, but suddenly you had to talk to him. You weren’t even sure if you had talked to him before. Surely you’ve said hi, right?
“Hi. I’m a libero too,” you say, completely stiff.
“I know,” he said, looking at his shoes to laugh under his breath. “You’re great.”
A warm gust of wind seemed to rush past you when he acknowledged you, but it was just in your imagination. “We should practice together sometime!”
“Totally!” Kenma caught the interaction from the side, a tiny smile on his face as he thought about how this might play out. He does care about his friends and underclassmen, and everyone on the team knows how Shibayama has ranted about you this year, ever since Yaku graduated.
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Shibayama was not about to let this opportunity go, so he bribed Lev with food to get him to do an extra day of practice with you and him. Lev had been practising his jump serve and was getting pretty good. It would be good practice for all of you.
You three were pretty sweaty after an hour of seemingly constant serves and receives. Wiping your arm over your forehead, you smiled and sat down on the gym floor. “I’m so jealous you got to learn from Yaku your first year. We didn’t have a libero so I was thrown right into battle.”
If he minded you mentioning his senpai (he did), he didn’t show it. “I guess I am, and covering for Lev’s lack of skills has challenged me even further.”
You didn’t do much to acknowledge the other boy who pouted and went to get his water bottle. “It shows, you’re really good,” you told him, hoping the warmth in your cheeks could be excused as from the workout.
Shibayama stared at you for a second before looking away, nodding his head. “Thank you.”
You considered him for a moment, hesitating on how to continue the conversation. “Must be quite some pressure, taking over after him.”
He sighed, looking at his feet where he clacked the tips of his shoes together absentmindedly. “Yaku? I suppose.” You smiled when he looked at you again, but then frowned at his next shy words. “I heard you found him handsome.”
You stuttered, utterly confused as to why he would think you had any particular liking to the other libero when he had been the apple of your eye for all this time. “I find you handsome,” you admitted, practically spitting the words out and then curling your legs closer to you to hide your face in embarrassment. “Sorry.”
Shibayama’s jaw loosened as he stared at you. “Me?” his face practically matched his uniform now. “You’re, like… gorgeous.”
There was a silence between you as you finally lifted your gaze again, and the two of you smiled in what felt like understanding, only to be interrupted by the third wheel, who Shibayama surely regretted inviting now. “Are you two going to kiss or something? I’d rather leave before you start.”
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robbie, jim, and jenny
annie and robbie were trying to be good. tonight, instead of fucking, annie was jerking him off as he knelt over her and she masturbated with her panties on. one of his knees was between her legs, and so annie rubbed herself against his thigh in a way that felt satisfyingly pathetic and needy. when he was close she pulled her panties down so he could cum directly on her pussy, which she then rubbed into and onto herself as she finished. robbie watched her messy orgasm with a pleased, hungry look on his face. as annie came, he was still hard, and so she gasped, involuntarily, "just fuck me a little."
she giggled as she struggled to yank her panties off and he struggled to preserve his erection, but they figured it out and managed 45 seconds or so of giddy fucking, enough to either get annie off again or just to give her a very intense orgasmic aftershock -- hard to say which.
annie, still a stupid-level of sweaty and horny, took some pictures of her cum-coated pussy in the bathroom and immediately sent them to jim and to her father.
"the you and robbie thing is so hot," jim said on their private thread. robbie had recently informed her that jim knew everything, which annie was rather aroused by. "it has me looking at my sister in a weird and new way, haha."
jim's sister jenny lived in colorado, she was kind of a stoner ski bum type, who often posted videos on instagram of herself taking ice baths on her snowy front porch in her underwear. they were not all that dirty -- she was sometimes clearly wearing a thong but never showed it more than from the side.
"we should explore that," annie replied.
"you sound like a therapist, but evil and horny."
"that's about right."
her dad texted her. "having a fun evening?" he asked.
"very much," annie replied. "you?"
in reply, he sent a picture of his cock in her mom's pussy. annie hated to admit what a great cunt her mom had. but she focused more on his thick, veiny cock and the rings of her creamy cum around the base of it.
"you're such a good husband making her cum on that nice thick shaft," she said. "did you fill that pussy with your load?"
"no," he said, sending her a picture of her mother naked and absolutely covered from bush to tits with cum.
"wow!" she said. "that is really fucking impressive."
annie was unsurprised that robbie had been sent the same photo from their mother the next morning. "could you get this much cum on me?" she'd asked him, teasingly.
"keep teasing me like that and i'll have to try," he said.
"don't threaten me with a good time," she said.
that morning, annie filled her bathtub with ice and made a video of herself getting into it, nude. she was surprised that it didn't shock her the way she thought it would. it felt pretty nice. she sent the video to jim and told him to relay it to his sister. "i hope my nudity will be a conversation starter."
an hour later, jim sent her screenshots of their text exchange.
jim: you have inspired my friend annie to start doing the ice bath thing jenny: nice! jenny: also whoa you have female friends who just send you videos of themselves naked? jim: annie is very open, haha jenny: well, she's hot. i bet she gets a lot of attention for her rack but i love the full bush! jim: me too jenny: does julia rock that? jim: no, a landing strip jenny: like a porn star? jim: yes jenny: ok i should ask her for tips. i always wanted to try that. jim: honestly she'd love that but what the hell kind of tips would you need? jenny: razor make and model, like, does she use a ruler to make sure it's centered? etc. jim: haha jenny: does julia know annie sends you videos like that? jim: they are best friends and we're like, very close. jenny: oooh, meaning like you fuck?!? jim: ok chill. but yeah. jenny: wowowow! first of all love that for you jim: yeah it's awesome jenny: julia eats pussy? jim: very much so jenny: i have a new level of respect for her jim: do you? jenny: i never have but i would love to try. the closest i ever got was fingering my friend becky in high school. jim: becky was hot. jenny: i made her cum and she would not reciprocate! jim: ok, what a bitch jenny: THANK YOU jenny: what about you, you ever dabble with dick? LOL jim: well julia and i have done the other version of a threesome too, so i've had my dick rubbed against another dick and have been in very close proximity to another one in action. jenny: julia takes it in the ass? she is a goddess. never leave her. jim: yeah i know jenny: that is so hot. not to be a weirdo but yeah. jim: julia doing anal? jenny: yeah and the two dicks thing. what a dream. jim: yeah it rules jenny: i want to ask more questions but not have you think i'm a pervert jim: this is a safe space, ask away jenny: do you both like jerk off on her at the end? cum on her together? jim: we have, yeah jenny: that is such a fantasy for me. i jerk off about that a lot. sorry. jim: haha that's fine. i don't mind. also like, you could easily get two guys to fuck you. jenny: i doubt it. jim: you're a very attractive woman! you can just walk out on the street and ask for it. jenny: well thank you but idk. jim: do you have two male friends who are single? jenny: yes. i wouldn't want to make it weird. jim: you could just ask them to cum on you. start there. jenny: again not to be gross but the idea of that makes me so wet i feel like i'm gonna pass out. jim: that's not gross that's hot. jenny: lol. i can't believe you are like really this open and honest about this stuff. it's refreshing, i like it.
and then jim sent her a picture of julia covered in his and robbie's cum.
jenny: fuck!!!! jenny: omg!!!! jenny: she looks so good! jenny: that's your cum! LOL jim: haha, sorry, you know, you said you like the openness. jenny: i do! i fucking love this! jenny: i am still in bed and i just had to take my panties off. jim: lol yeah right
and then she sent him a picture of herself, from her POV, so very tame, of her bare legs and pussy on her bed. she had a little patch of trimmed pubic hair and strong tanlines from what looked like a fairly athletic, chaste bathing suit bottom.
jim: that almost looks like a landing strip jenny: no it's just like lazy shaving and trimming jenny: also i can't believe i sent u that sorry haha just horny and stoned jim: it's good. you look good. i am also still in bed but i never had underwear on to begin with jenny: LOL YEAH RIGHT
so jim sent her a picture from his POV of his semi-inflated cock laying across his leg on his bed.
jenny: cock alert! jenny: haha wow that is your cock jenny: it looks like a nice one, congrats to you and jenny jim: eh, it's ok jenny: it looks a little sad right now jenny: look back at your cum-covered fiancee and what happens then?
jim, not shy about taking the bait, sent her a pic of his fully-erect cock
jenny: well, fuck! jenny: it's very big jenny: now i need an ice bath jim: when you're not making instagram videos do you still wear underwear? jenny: yeah i have neighbors jim: haha i dare you to go naked today
before annie was even done reading the texts, she'd stopped to ask jim to come over. he got there a few minutes later, neither one of them had showered or anything, but they fucked, and jim took several pictures and videos, which annie thought was a good idea, particularly the video of jim cumming on annie's bush. they were reviewing a ten second clip of annie pounding jim's cock when the video clip from jenny came in -- filming herself fully naked getting into her front porch ice bath.
jim: hell yeah jim: you look hot by the way jenny: i have like no tits jim: you probably froze them off. but i like the little tits. and the little bush. jenny: did you take an ice bath too? jim: no i went to annie's apartment and fucked her. jenny: LOL! no way jim: i can prove it but i don't know if you'd want to see jenny: please send lol i already feel so dirty so fuck it
so jim sent both the video of annie pounding his cock and the video of himself jerking off onto her bush.
jenny: oh godddd jenny: fuck, oh no! it's so hot! jim: haha, thank you. jenny: i love watching you cum, oh my god! it's amazing. jenny: i'm touching myself i have to confess jim: show us jenny: us? jim: annie wants to see jenny: oh that makes me feel less guilty!
and then she sent a video of herself masturbating. it wasn't too graphic -- she filmed it from the foot of her bed, but had panties on. it was a full three minutes, including orgasm.
jim: that was hot. jenny: the next time i see you i am going to be SO WEIRD. jim: annie says she'll fuck you over thanksgiving if you're coming home jenny: well i am definitely coming home now!
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doriandrifting · 2 years
Mike Talking in Code
Mike doesn't say what "that thing" is because he was planning on saying "that thing" to Will.*
Mike coded the first heart to heart and immediately used Will's advice with Will in the second heart to heart.
*Because he considered El's letter a breakup.
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I don't think Mike is completely talking about El in these scenes. I think he is coding his feelings by using El's name again. He is thinking about the rain fight and the continuation of it at Rink o Mania. He's testing the waters with Will in the first heart to heart and it leads directly into their second one. This is why he shuts the door for privacy and opens the second heart to heart by thanking Will for making him realize he was being self-pitying. It wasn't just Will calling him out at Rink o Mania—It was Will's advice in their previous scene that gave Mike the courage to be more honest and stop feeling so sorry for himself.
Let's also think about the fact that Mike does not believe he’s going to see El anytime soon. He’s just been told it could be months, and after the last letter she sent him, he believes they are broken up. She ends the letter with “From, El” after having told Mike that ending a letter like that means you don’t love someone. Mike quite literally agrees when Will says that staring at the letter won’t change anything. Mike knows it’s over. Will does not have the context of Mike and El's argument to understand that Mike is thinking this, but it's interesting because they give Will a similar dismissive attitude regarding the letter that mimics his attitude when El broke up with Mike in S3 ("I thought it was already over.") I think this was on purpose, to contrast Mike having been "broken up with" but unlike last season, he doesn't try to fight Will on it (There's no, "It's not over. It's just a break.")
Mike's also been told by the government woman that him and Will are going to be staying together under house arrest with no contact to the outside world for months. Will has just reminded Mike of this as the scene opens. Mike is looking for reassurance that Will still wants him there and wherever he goes—that they can come back from their fight—but he codes it. After the first heart to heart, this hypothetical becomes a reality as Mike believes him and Will are going to Hawkins to fight a battle without El. And, as the agent informed him, his "friend" could be in danger because of what is going on. Therefore, none of what he says is actually about El.
Other things to note:
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At the beginning of the first heart to heart scene Mike is hiding himself behind his hand from Will. Above his head is a picture of what looks like a swingset (reference to their first meeting). The next picture is of a rainbow over a train (In the rainbow room, Brenner tells El the story of Nina, and how her lover will not return, and she needs to leave the station. Mike and Will are likely leaving Hawkins together at the end of the show—boarding the metaphorical train together). The last image is an allusion to Lover's Lake (foreshadowing their direction in S5). Will is also initially standing next to a poster of fireworks (a reference to S3's 4th of July theme).
In the first heart to heart scene, Mike is worried about whether "El" still wants him around. There's a lot of reasons for this. For starters, Will didn't call Mike the "year" they were apart. And in the morning after their S4 fight, Jonathan asks if Mike and Will want to go to the movies (like they did in S3). If you watch closely, you'll see that Mike freezes in that scene, waiting for Will's answer. Will immediately rejects the idea of them going to the movies together. Jonathan calls them mopey--the same language Mike used against Will at Rink o Mania. Mike storms off to finally talk to El, because he feels rejected by Will.
The "stupid" reference comes up in both heart to heart scenes in S4. Mike and Will likely have had silly fights in the past, but in S3 they had a "stupid" fight. Will called El a "stupid girl". Mike said, "El's not stupid." Which is true, because "only love makes you that crazy and that stupid.”Will was the one who believed he was "stupid" after their fight in S3.
In the second scene, Mike admits that he's been a "self-pitying idiot." Unbeknownst to Will, Mike projected in the rain fight about not liking girls/believing dating girls is just a part of growing up. He also projected his feelings again at the roller rink with his interpretation of "And us?" and him getting defensive with "We're friends. We're friends." Mike is feeling like an idiot—He's felt "stupid" since their fight too. So if Will is aware...
All of this points to the fact that Mike is also aware of his own feelings. The first heart to heart gives him enough hope that he wants to say "that thing"—the same way the second heart to heart gives Will enough hope to grab the painting (even if he wasn't initially planning a confession with it). But Mike is consistently interrupted by someone or something—Jonathan, the shoot out, and Argyle—when he's on the verge of breaking the code.
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enchantedchocolatebars · 11 months
Fic request: Evelyn introduces her parents to Caleb and kid Philip.
Evelyn's Parents
"Caleb, there's no need to worry," Evelyn voiced softly to her boyfriend as they, along with his gremlin little brother, arrived at a front door. "My parents are gonna love you."
"How can you be so sure, Evie?" Caleb asked his girlfriend nervously, chewing on his lip while wringing his hands.
Meeting Evelyn's mother and father for the first time was a tense situation for the teen, as his biggest worry was them learning about his previous work as a witch hunter.
Evelyn could sense this as she smiled supportingly, taking hold of his worried hand and squeezing it gently.
"Well, for starters, I love you, silly," she giggled lightly as she continued.
"And also because there's so much more to you than your past, Caleb. You're a person who chose kindess and change despite the witch hating environment you were raised in."
She starts to rub circles in his palm with her right thumb.
"If I'm capable of seeing that, I'm certain my parents will too."
'Her smile was so infectious...' Caleb thought as he felt his worry slowly melt away with her tender touch.
He sent Evie a smile of his own and nodded. "You're right."
Meanwhile, Little Pip stuck out his tongue in utter disgust as he watched the two teenagers display their dumb lovey-doveyness in front of him, making gag noises.
Caleb chuckled at this while Evelyn gave a playful roll of her golden eyes at the small brunette boy before knocking on the door.
When Mr. And Miss. Clawthorne answer, Evelyn is extremely elated to see them.
"Mom! Dad!" she exclaimed, joyfully hugging both her parents.
"Witchlet!" Both Mr. And Miss. Clawthorne exclaim in sync as they return their daughter's affection.
"How's our lovely little girl doing?" Mr. Clawthorne asked with a chuckle, ruffling Evelyn's wild red hair.
"I'm doing just fine, dad," she answered.
Miss. Clawthorne soon took notice of the boys beside her daughter. "Oh, sweetheart, is this the company you were talking about inviting over for dinner?"
Evelyn gleefully nodded. "Mm-hmm." She took a breath. "Mom, dad, this is my boyfriend, Caleb Wittebane. He's the best thing since diced bread."
Caleb sends Evelyn's parents a shy and kind smile, offering his hand for them to shake.
"Hello, Mr. And Miss. Clawthorne. It's a pleasure to meet you both."
"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Caleb," Mr. Clawthorne said with a smile, shaking his hand.
"Evelyn's told us all about you," Miss. Clawthorne states, shaking his hand right after while smiling. "It's a great honor to be meeting another fellow carver."
Caleb's eyes immediately lit up when he heard that. "Wait, you both carve?" He gasped.
Both parents nod. "It's what the Clawthornes are most known for," Mr. Clawthorne reveals with a chuckle.
"Yup! We're pros in the Palisman making game," Evelyn adds with a grin.
"If you're ever comfortable sharing your work, we'd love to see it someday," Miss. Clawthorne told him gently.
"I would be honored!" Caleb beamed, brimming with joy.
Sharing a common interest with his girlfriend's parents was something he felt extremely happy about.
Philip proceeds to LOUDLY clear his throat, feeling totally ignored.
"Oh!" Evelyn went, almost forgetting. "Mom, dad, this is Philip. He's Caleb's baby brother--"
"Little brother," Philip corrected her with a huff.
He's not a baby.
Evelyn, along with her parents and Caleb, chuckled as she continued introducing him.
"He's basically a baby griffin with really sharp razor claws and fire axe breath."
"I'm NOT a baby!" He protested once again with a stomp of his foot, which made the teens and adults laugh at his cuteness a second time.
"Why don't we all head inside?" Miss Clawthorne suggested with a light hum as her husband and everyone else followed her inside.
"The dinner I made is almost done baking in the oven."
"See, goldilocks?" Evelyn whispers to Caleb, playfully elbowing his shoulder. "My name and dad totally like you. You're a natural at being likeable."
She winks.
This caused Caleb to chuckle at her as he smiled, slight blush on his cheeks.
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buckysgrace · 9 months
Thirty Three
The next morning was  awkward. Billy could barely meet her eye as he’s once again dragging himself around. He didn’t look chipper, and didn't speak as fast. She felt a pang nipping at her heart, sure that she had been the one to knock him down a peg.
“Are you okay?” She asked him quietly as she walked closer to him, noticing the bags underneath his eyes that seemed to appear overnight. Billy closed his eyes quickly, rubbing his head like he had a headache coming on. 
“You don’t have to keep asking me that,” Billy sighed deeply, “I’m fine.” He shook his head in irritation as he continued to stare down at the table in front of him. She paused, wondering how she could best comfort him. She was beginning to feel bad for how last night had gone. She hoped his reckless streak had ended, although she didn’t want to see him cocooned in his room again. 
“I’m sorry about last night,” She told him truthfully, “I just got freaked out.” She admitted as she held her hands flat onto the table. Billy glanced up at her, his curls resting messily against his forehead as he sent her a solemn look. She frowned, noticing the way he was stoic and hidden away. 
“It’s okay,” He told her gently, “I shouldn’t have driven like that.” He admitted as he pushed his hair out of his face. She walked around so she could look at him better, smiling softly as she tried to ease the tension in the room. 
“You know, you do feel lots of things,” She told him as she leaned forward to kiss his soft nose. She didn’t particularly care if anyone saw them either. She knew that Billy needed to hear this, to feel it,, “You love me for starters.” She reminded him as she rubbed her fingertips along his back. 
“I feel so empty, all the time.” He whispered a second later, his features tightening together like he was frustrated with himself. She continued to rub circles into his back, wishing there was an easier way to comfort him. 
“I’m sorry you feel that way,” She told him, not really sure how she could comfort him, “What can I do to help?” She asked him hopefully as she brought her fingers up to his strong jaw. She squeezed his skin softly as he peered up to her, his lips curling up gently as he rested against her palm.
“Nothing,” He told her seriously, “It’s not your problem.” He brushed her off easily, like it was no big deal. She felt a frown forming on her lips as she thought about it. She didn’t want him to think that he had to deal with this on his own. 
“It’s not a problem,” She responded quickly, “Anything is better than feeling nothing. Even if you’re angry. I understand.” She told him quickly as she leaned forward to kiss his nose again. Billy sighed deeply as he nodded his head in agreement. 
“We should go,” Billy replied as he stood suddenly, “Or you’ll be late for school.” He told her pointedly, like it was something to worry about. She really didn’t care about school, not when he was feeling so bad at the moment. 
“Okay,” She whispered as she stood up, “I’m excited for the Halloween party, aren’t you?” She pulled her hands up to play with her hair, wondering if she should admit to what she had almost agreed to do with Calum and Audrey. She supposed it could wait. 
“Yeah,” He nodded his head, “Should be fun.” He brushed his shoulders, not looking very excited as he walked away to gather the other two teens. 
Billy didn’t seem any happier as the rest of the day had passed. He didn’t keep himself hidden in his room, but he was quiet. Almost remorseful as he inspected the decorations that he’d bought. Kim felt at a loss, having no clue on how she would be able to help him.
The night air was dark, the moon high in the sky as she fluttered her eyes open. She felt her eyes widen, fearing that she was having another nightmare before she felt Billy’s warm body behind her. She slowly relaxed. 
“Billy?” She whispered out tiredly as she shifted in her bed, tilting her head to the side as his lips trailed against her neck, “What are you doing?” She asked him tiredly as she began to blink the sleep away from her eyes. 
“Please,” He mumbled, his voice raspy as he kissed along the curve of her cheek, “Need you so bad. Can’t get you off my mind.” He groaned, a small whine leaving his lips as he moved his hips down against her soft body. She felt her eyes suddenly widen at the feeling of his cock against her skin. He was already naked, like he’d been thinking about this for some time. 
“Billy,” She sighed softly as his fingers traced along the dip of her thighs. She watched as an odd grin formed on his face, as he looked back towards her with a certain mischief, “I have school tomorrow.” His lips were everywhere, pecking over her face. She shut her eyes, giggling softly as his movements were a bit rough and sloppier than usual. 
“Don’t go,” He begged her as he slowly kicked her legs apart, bringing her knees up higher as he began to grind himself against her panties, “Fuck. You feel so incredible.” He whined, the sound tickling her ears as the pleasure rose in her stomach. 
“What’s gotten into you?” She giggled softly as she brought her hands down to his hips, letting him continually rut against her. She gasped as he began to press himself against her clit, sending jolts of pleasure up her body. 
“You,” He breathed out quickly, “Come on. What do you say? Just a quickie.” He begged her, his eyes flashing desperately as he searched her features. She licked her bottom lip, nodding her head quickly. Her period had ended that morning, she wasn’t worried about bleeding everywhere at the moment. 
“Okay,” She giggled to herself, gasping at the way Billy began to roughly tug her nightgown off over her head. Her back barely hit the mattress before he was ripping her panties off, acting as if he hadn’t had her in the longest time, “You’re needy.” She teased him softly, gasping as he pressed his fingertips against each of her nipples before he squeezed them harshly.
“For you,” He smirked down at her, his blue eyes sparkling as he watched her, “You’re so beautiful, Kim.” He breathed out deeply, his features looking more than lustful as he peered at her features. She felt a flush settling over her body at the intense way he was watching her.
“Thank you,” She whispered softly, “You’re so very handsome.” She teased him as she brought her palm up against the side of his cheek. She rubbed his skin softly, noticing that there was more stubble against his cheeks than usual.
He grinned as he rolled them over, placing her on top this time as he shifted comfortably onto the pillows. She giggled at the sudden motions, feeling a little lightheaded as she rubbed her fingertips across his chest. 
He breathed out deeply, shuffling her down a little further until she was resting over his heavy cock. She bit her lip, staring down at his leaking tip as she felt the warmth coating over her cunt. She slowly reached down to stroke him, gaining a loud cry from him.
“Do you have a condom?” She asked him softly. Rosemary had helped her set up a doctor’s appointment, but she feared that she would run out before it got to that point. 
“Do we need one?” He asked her with a soft laugh. He huffed for a minute before he reached over, fumbling in her drawers until he pulled one free, “Fine.” He grumbled softly as he quickly tore the plastic open with his teeth. He breathed out deeply as he slid it over the head of his cock, like he was sensitive to the touch. 
“Have you been touching yourself?” She teased him, her stomach churning in pleasure from the breathless moans that were leaving his lips. His dilated eyes turned towards her, wide as he moved his hips up with the movements of her hand. 
“Yeah,” He replied huskily, “Been thinking about you. Wanted to feel your cunt so badly.” She blinked for a moment, feeling a flush spreading over her from his words. She felt her desire growing between her legs as she continued to stroke his cock, her heart hammering at the excitement that grew within her chest. 
“Oh,” She giggled softly, surprised by his honesty as she pressed his tip against her wet hole, “Let me help you then.” She whispered softly into the night hair as she slowly slid his fat tip inside of her. She sighed softly, enjoying the stretch as she slowly lowered herself on top of him. 
Billy mewled underneath her, his groans coming out broken the deeper his cock slid inside of her. Kim could feel her walls tensing around his girth, her clit throbbing at the loud sounds he was releasing. She liked how needy he seemed, like he hadn’t felt anything this good before. 
“Jesus,” He grunted even louder as he snapped his eyes open to peer up at her. He bit down on his bottom lip, his eyes trailing down the length of her body before he stopped at her stuffed cunt. He sighed deeply as he brought his hands to her thighs, rubbing her flesh as he slowly jerked her body forward, “You feel incredible.” He whined as he rutted his hips up against her.
“So needy,” She teased him softly as she dragged her nails down his toned chest. She slowly rocked her hips forward as she balanced her weight on her knees, beginning to set a pace for the two of them, “Did you miss your little sister that much?” She felt her cheeks heating up at her own words, but couldn’t help but speak them. His desperate whines filled her with a new surge of confidence.
“Missed your tight little cunt so much,” He groaned as he continued to move his hips with the motions of her body, making her bounce against his cock a little faster, “Wanna feel you all night long.” He breathed out, his eyes flashing like the brightest stars as he moved his hands up and down her sides. She jolted softly, moaning as his tip pressed against her bundle of nerves.
“I have school,” She reminded him softly, gasping as he linked his ankles around hers and thrusted his knees high into the air. He dug his fingertips back into her hips, holding onto her tightly as he roughly began to ram his cock into her wet pussy. She fell forward a bit, her palms falling onto his shoulders, “Oh, God.” She whimpered, rocking her hips backwards in an attempt to feel more of him stuffed inside of her. 
“Skip,” He groaned desperately, gripping her hips as he moved her along the curve of his cock, “C’mon, stay with me. I’ve missed you so much, don’t you wanna be with me too?” His voice was raspy, tickling her sensitive bud. She was nodding her head before she knew what she was doing, not quite ready for the pleaser to go away.
“Yeah,” She whined as he hit her bundle of nerves again. His eyes flashed in enjoyment, watching her closely as he rocked her down along his cock, “Wanna be with you.” She confirmed, biting down on her bottom lip to keep from crying out. He grinned, his curly hair sticking in sweaty clumps to the front of his forehead.
“Such a good girl,” He cooed as he brought his hands up to her perky tits, squeezing them roughly in his calloused hands. She bit back another moan as he began to pinch at her nipples and jolts of pleasure began to race down her body, “What a good little whore.” He looked up at her intensely, his features knitted together in pleasure as he stared up at her.
She nodded her head, the back of her neck beginning to feel sweaty as she moved herself up and down the length of his cock. Their moans mingled together in a nice harmony, bouncing off the walls as she let her head fall back from the pleasure that was coursing through her veins.
Her pussy clamped down around his throbbing cock, squeezing him tightly as he continued to pinch and pull at her pink nipples. She whimpered against him, squirming from the sensation as he began to thrust up harder than before. She gaped as his balls roughly smacked against her skin as his sounds grew louder and louder.
She leaned down suddenly, silencing her own loud moan as she crashed their lips together. Billy responded just as eagerly, moving his hands to the back of her neck as he pushed her closer to him. Her movements stalled as he continued to fuck up into her, pressing his cock deep inside of her fluttering walls while his tongue flicked against her lips. 
She opened her mouth, a small pool of drool falling into his before he greedily licked it away. His tongue pressed roughly against hers as he began to kiss her sloppily. He held her head still as he licked at her tongue, circling his tongue around hers as he continued to rut his hips up into her.
She whimpered against his mouth as he circled his lips around her tongue, sucking harshly as she began to flick her tongue against his mouth. Her clit hummed in appreciation, her walls beginning to clamp down around his cock as she felt her orgasm approaching.
She clawed at his skin, unable to warn him as she suddenly came roughly around his cock. She whined against his mouth as she squirmed on top of his dick, her body jolting in pleasure as he continued to play with her tongue. He licked at her tongue and lips, like he could inhale her sounds of pleasure.
“Billy,” She finally was able to whine, her body trembling as he continued to keep the same brutal pace. She rocked her hips backwards, feeling a little overstimulated but still enjoying the feeling of his cock pressing into her, “Oh God.” She sighed in bliss as she dragged her hand down his body until she was met with his warm balls.
He groaned loudly underneath her, his own whimper falling free as she squeezed his balls in her fingertips. They were growing wet from her slick dripping down his cock and onto his skin. He pressed himself deeply into her like he was going to cum, but nothing came forth. He huffed in protest before he flipped her onto her back.
She squealed at the sudden motions, giggling as her back hit the mattress. Some of her pillows bounced off of the bed before they rolled onto the floor. Billy wasted no time in roughly turning her onto her side, then kicking her leg over his waist.
“What’s gotten into you?” She giggled softly as she tilted her head, enjoying the feeling of his lips roughly pressing into her skin. She sighed deeply, feeling a shiver race down her back as he dragged his teeth against the sensitive area near the crook of her neck.
“It wasn’t working anymore,” He finally grumbled out, his teeth clamping down on her skin as he filled her with one fluid motion. Her eyelashes fluttered shut as she was once again stuffed full with his hard cock. She sighed blissfully, licking at her lips as he began to thrust into her again, “Wanted you like this.” He responded as he nibbled at her skin again.
“Oh,” She gaped, her pussy feeling sensitive from the orgasm she’d just had. She whined as he gripped a hold of her waist again, squeezing harshly while he dragged his cock in and out of her wet cunt, “S’nice.” She breathed out softly as he licked the sweat away from her cheek. 
“Little whore,” Billy seethed as he gripped her chin, forcing her back to look at him, “Just gonna let me fuck you like this?” He questioned, as if she would ever want to deny him. She nodded her head lazily, gaping as he spit roughly against the side of her cheek.
His saliva dripped down her cheek, trickling into her parted lips. She licked it away greedily, enjoying the taste of his spit on her tongue. He groaned loudly, pressing his cheek against hers as he shoved his cock deeper inside of her. She squealed softly, biting down on her fingers as he roughly pressed his tip against her bundle of nerves. 
“Yes, yes,” She cried out loudly between her fingertips, almost feeling the need to cry at how good it all felt, “Wanna feel more.” She told him honestly, gasping as she did her best to grind back against his thick cock. 
He huffed in response, his teeth continuing to press into her skin as he rammed his cock deeper and deeper inside of her. She reveled at the feeling of his cock throbbing inside of her cunt. She whimpered, her walls squeezing around the curve of him as she savored the way his veins and ridges rubbed against her spongy walls. 
Her mind began to swirl, filling with pleasure as he rocked into her deeply. He was moving hard and fast as he roughly squeezed at her thigh, keeping her in place as his cock throbbed inside of her. She gaped, her head jolting forward from how roughly he began to thrust into her. 
“I love you,” He breathed out warmly as he tilted her head towards him again, “I love you so much.” He told her quickly, his voice still raspy as he peered at her features. Her mouth fell open in bliss as she tried to drink in the image in his eyes. They were blown wide, looking at her desperately like he was willing her to say the words again. 
“Love you too,” She squeaked out as she struggled to look at him, “Ah, fuck. Oh God.” She felt her toes curling, her thighs threatening to press together if his grip hadn’t been so tight. He kept her legs wide, as she came for the second time that night.
She cried out a little louder this time, scrunching her eyebrows tightly together as her walls pulsed around his cock. She whimpered, her mind full of pleasure as he dragged her body closer to his. He peppered a series of kisses along her cheek, cooing softly as he guided her through her orgasm.
“So good for me,” He murmured as he brought his hands up to her tits again. He squeezed at her flesh roughly as he nipped at her earlobe, groaning deeply as she continued to squirm against him, “You’re such a good girl, Kim. My good girl.” He clarified a second later as she struggled to catch her breath. 
“I try,” She giggled softly, still breathing hard as he pulled his hard cock from her cunt. She pushed her short hair from her forehead, looking at him confused as he rested his back against the headboard, “What are you doing?” She asked him, her pussy beginning to throb again as he began to pump his wet cock with his hand.
“Feels good,” He whined softly, his hips jerking up harshly. She stared in awe, unsure of how he hadn’t managed to cum yet. He motioned her towards him with his free hand, grinning as he watched her shaky movements, “Let me see you.” He urged as she crawled up towards him. 
“BIlly,” She gasped breathlessly as he shifted her onto his lap, moving her like she weighed nothing before he was sliding his cock inside of her cunt again, “Jesus. You haven’t come yet?” She squeaked out softly, her clit throbbing harshly. She gasped loudly at the intense pleasure that traveled up her spine. 
“Not yet,” He groaned desperately as he rocked his hips upwards, “Just wanna feel you cumming around me. You look so pretty. You sound so good.” He leaned forward, resting his chin on her shoulder as he moved his arms underneath his knees.
He pulled her into a tight position as he held her knees up towards her chest, then wrapped his fingertips against the back of her neck. She whined loudly as he slowly began to grind his hips up against her. She closed her eyes tightly, her boobs beginning to move with his frantic motions. 
“Oh my God,” Her toes curled as her head fell backwards as he roughly bounced her up and down his cock. Her body protested, her cunt squelching loudly at how wet she was. She was already clamping down around him, like she was unable to take another orgasm from him. 
“Let me take it off,” Billy begged as he squeezed his fingertips around the back of her neck a little harder, “I can’t cum with it on. I need to feel you.” He pleaded with her. She closed her eyes and opened them again, her mind still fuzzy as she realized he was speaking about the condom. 
“Billy-,” She rocked her head forward, beginning to agree with him as he began to pound his cock up harder into her. She paused to lick away some drool that was beginning to slide from the corners of her lips. 
“Please, please,” He continued to beg as he messily thrusted up into her, “I need it so badly.” His groans came out split up as he sighed loudly, his movements more frantic and deep. She nodded her head quickly, unable to form words as he continued to drag his tip against her bundle of nerves.
He easily lifted her up with his right arm, holding onto her tightly as his cock slipped from her wet cunt. She whimpered at the sensation of being empty, already missing the sensation of being stuffed with his cock. He messily ripped his condom off before he was slamming into her again, his moans even louder suddenly.
He thrusted up harshly, his balls hitting slapping against her skin again as he moved her up and down the length of his cock. She whimpered, unable to move at all as he roughly held her in place. She cried out as he bounced her, continually hitting against her g-spot as he roughly fucked up into her. Her body felt like it was on fire, like everything was burning as the pleasure simmered inside of her. 
“God,” She cried out, unable to help herself as her toes curled in pleasure, “God, God right there.” She pleaded with him, unable to say much else as her whole body shook. Billy groaned as his lips dragged against her shoulder blades.
“Being too loud,” He chastised her as he slowed down his thrusts, dragging his cock in and out of her cunt slowly as she whined in protest, “Should I gag that pretty mouth?” He tsked as he pressed his cheek up against hers again. She shook her head mindlessly, feeling too overwhelmed as his cock continued to brush against her most sensitive spots.
“No, no,” She whined, trying to control her tone as she inhaled deeply. It only seemed to push him in deeper, like her cunt was swallowing him whole, “I’ll be quiet.” She whimpered pathetically, unsure if she was really able to keep her promise. Billy grinned again as he leaned forward to kiss her again.
She could barely move her lips against his as the pleasure became overwhelming again. She could feel her near growing closer, despite it being such a short period of her being on his cock. He groaned loudly against her ear, his teeth dragging against her skin again as he pressed her down harder against his dick.
“Billy,” She moved her hand back behind her head, searching for anything to hold onto as she clawed at his skin, “I’m, I can’t-,” She stopped herself, mewling as her body jerked forward as she came around his cock again. Her walls shook around his throbbing cock. Billy sighed deeply, laughing quietly.
“Did that feel good?” He chuckled as he slowly set her down, his hard cock once again slipping out of her wet cunt. She whimpered as she laid herself onto her stomach, letting her fingertips travel on the mattress. Her pussy was beginning to burn in a nice way, her clit throbbing as she tried to catch her breath.
“Yeah,” She nodded her head mindlessly as the pleasure still raced through her body. She gaped in surprise as he moved behind her, pressing her ass high into the air, “More?” She asked him in doubt, feeling like she’d never come this much before.
“Don’t you want to cum again?” Billy teased her as he traced his fingertips across her ass, “I like hearing you like this. You’re so good for me. Can we do it another time? It’ll feel good.” He promised her as he leaned forward to kiss her shoulder blades. She let out a shaky breath, her thighs still burning from the position he had her twisted into. 
“Uh huh,” She answered slowly, surprising herself as she nodded her head in agreement. It was like a little game, trying to see how far she could push herself, “You always make me feel good.” She admitted, her eyes feeling glazed over as she turned back to look at him.
He grinned, like he was proud as he rubbed his cock against her sensitive clit. She cried out, her hips jerking forward before he gripped her body and held her in place. Her legs continued to quiver, like they’d give out on her any second. 
“S’alright,” He murmured as he pressed his fat tip inside of her again. She felt her eyes roll into the back of her head as she welcomed the familiar feeling of his dick inside of her walls. She gaped as she dropped her head face first into the mattress to silence herself, “Such a good girl for your big brother. You look so pretty stuffed full of my cock.” He whined as he slowly pulled out of her cunt. She breathed in deeply, waiting in anticipation as he slid back inside of her wet walls harshly.
She couldn’t form words as he kept a tight grip on her hips, keeping her ass high in the air while he slowly dragged his hips back before ramming his dick back inside of her. She could feel a squeal lingering on her lips, building in her chest as he moved her body along the length of his cock.
She gripped the sheets tightly between her fingertips, her thoughts feeling like they were slowly melting away as all she could focus on was how good Billy was making her feel. She rocked her body back against him, crying out as he brushed against the all too sensitive spot that was deep inside of her.
He groaned louder as he moved his hands down next to her shoulders, his fingers moving into fists next to her skin as he laid overtop of her. She squealed in bliss as he roughly began to press his cock even harder into her. Her walls throbbed at the sensation, her clit aching from how overwhelming the pleasure was.
“Billy,” She cried out as she moved one of her hands up to grip his wrist. She held onto him tightly, clinging to him as he continued to move her body roughly across the mattress. The sheets were dragging across her body as his movements became more frantic, “Yes, yes, yes!” She wiggled underneath him, unable to form any other words as she rocked herself back against him.
“You feel so good,” His tone was just as desperate and needy, his movements sporadic and deep as he clung to her. His fingertips dug into her flesh hard enough that she was sure he’d leave marks on her. Her thighs shook so hard she was sure that she would collapse underneath him at any given second, “Jesus, Kim.” 
She couldn’t form a response as he continued to pound against her g-spot, making her head fall into the pillows in pure bliss as liquid pleasure traveled through her veins and down her back. Her body felt all too hot as sweat began to drip down the nape of her back. She could feel the bed shifting with his rough movements, pushing her further and further into the mattress. 
“Oh God,” She cried out, her toes curling tightly from the pleasure she was experiencing. She squirmed even harder, pressing herself closer against him as he reached a hand down and began to play with her clit, “Billy, fuck, fuck.”
“Such a good girl,” He cooed at her, making her insides squirm in anticipation as he rutted his hips harder into hers. She breathed out, her eyes rolled back as she felt her high approaching once again. She rolled her hips back in desperation as her sensitive clit writhed from the feeling of his finger against it, “You’re such a pretty little slut, you know that?” She was taken aback as his free hand gripped her hair and yanked her harshly back against him.
She blinked for a moment, trying to make sense of her surroundings as she dully nodded her head in response. Everything felt too good. From the way his cock was pulsing inside of her wet walls, to the way his sweaty chest was pressing against her back. She enjoyed the sensation of his warm breath against her ear before he yanked her head further back and collided their lips together.
She whined against his mouth, her lips left parted as she was unable to follow through with his motions. It was messy as he licked around her parted lips before he darted his tongue in and out of her mouth. He brushed his tongue against hers, rubbing them together as a pool of their spit trickled down her chin. 
She cried out again, cumming just as hard as her whole body shook this time. She was fairly certain her eyes may have crossed from how intense it all felt. Her clit was throbbing, overstimulated as he continued to rock into her. He pressed his fingertips in slow circles on her clit until she could take no more and was brushing his hand away. She felt like her cunt was dripping, leaking all over into the mattress from how wet she currently was. 
“That’s my good girl,” He praised in bliss, “So good taking my cock like this.” She fell forward in a lip pile, groaning as her face hit the pillows. She could still feel the tip of his cock inside of her as she fought to catch her breath.
She felt her eyes widen at the sensation of him slowly pushing into her again. She felt a gasp freeze in her throat as her body protested from how oversensitive she suddenly felt. She had no idea how he’d gone this long without cumming as she was fairly certain he had reduced all of her to mush. 
“Billy,” She whined underneath him, her body still quaking from her latest orgasm as he continued his same brutal thrusts, “Too much.” Her legs had given out and he was completely on top of her, straddling her hips as he rutted his cock inside of her. It didn’t hurt, but the pleasure was almost unbearable. She didn’t know if she had another round in her. 
“Sorry, baby,” He was whining, his eyes flashing, “You just feel so good. I’m almost there, I feel it this time.” He reassured her, his words coming out in rough spurts as he spoke. She could feel her clit rubbing against the mattress, causing her to whine as the pleasure grew white hot. 
It felt so intense. He had her pinned down, rolling his cock deep inside of her cunt. His arms had moved around her hips, his weight completely on top of her as he fucked her into the mattress. Her fingertips felt numb from how harshly she was gripping the sheets. 
His groans filled the room as she tried to silence her own cries of pleasure. Her cunt squeezed around him, already feeling like she may be approaching another orgasm as he roughly pressed his cock inside of her. She had no idea how she’d managed to cum so many times and he hadn’t came once yet. 
“Wanna see you,” He mumbled harshly, his voice broken from his own pleasure as he roughly turned her around. She moved with his strong grip easily, her body unable to protest as she looked up at him through hooded eyes. He grinned, looking rather lustful as he traced a fingertip down her body, “You’re so good to me.”
“I think I should be saying that about you,” She told him breathlessly, her chest moving up and down harshly from being unable to catch her breath. She felt empty from him removing his cock, her walls still fluttering like she might feel him. Billy smirked as he brought his fingertips down against her clit, “Oh.” She jerked backwards as her body cried out from how sensitive it felt.
He pressed down a little harder as he moved his other hand towards her hips to keep her from wiggling away. He jerked his fingertips back and forth over her sensitive clit, rubbing her harshly as the sound of her wetness echoed in the room. She let out a strangled moan as one of her hands reached out to grip a hold of his wrist. 
It hit her quickly, like she had no warning as she felt her walls already crumbling underneath her. Billy moved his fingers against her clit in a way that she didn’t know was possible, like he knew the way her body worked better than she did. 
“God, oh my God,” She cried out, her body writhing worse than it had the first time. His fingers moved rapidly against her clit, pressing down harshly on the sensitive bud while his other hand pressed down on her abdomen to keep her still, “Billy, fuck!” She moaned out loudly this time, her body seizing as she came again.
It was as fierce as the first time he’d made her squirt, maybe even worse. She swore she was crying from how strong the pleasure felt. She felt like her mind had broken, like she was far away as her body experienced an all new high.
“Fuck,” Billy cursed, his eyes even more dilated as he watched her in awe. Everything felt too wet, too extreme as he brought his fingers up to his lips and licked them clean. She looked down at him through hazy eyes, sure that some part of her had died and broken off, “You’re such a little whore.” He grinned menacingly as he gripped her hips and pulled her closer to him.
Despite being in a daze, she realized what he was meaning as she roughly pressed her hand up to his chest. She shook her head quickly, trying to form the words on her tongue as her head lolled back and forth. Her heart was beating so fast inside of her chest that she feared it may implode. 
“Use my mouth,” She said a second later, blinking hard as she glanced up at him, “Need a break.” She spit out roughly, still trying to decide if she was making any sense or not. Billy grinned from ear to ear, looking rather satisfied with her answer as he settled on his knees.
She felt like everything was moving slow as she found the strength to crawl over towards him. She winced as she fell onto her stomach again, her clit still throbbing as she did her best to keep the pressure away from her pussy. 
She roughly stroked Billy’s wet cock in her hand, noticing how swollen and red his tip was. He was pulsing in her hand, throbbing as he roughly jerked his hips forward. She couldn’t understand why he couldn’t release when he looked so desperate to do so. 
She still hadn’t fully caught her breath by the time Billy was desperately rocking his hips forward into her open mouth. She willed her tight jaw to relax as she licked around his tip, sucking away the remnants of her own cum as Billy loudly sighed above her. 
She pushed her hair behind her ears as she bobbed her head in the rhythm of his movements. She pressed her fingertips against his balls, massaging them slowly as she prayed that he’d find his release. Her body was growing tired.
She gagged as he roughly hit the back of her throat, unprepared to feel him do that repeatedly as she closed her eyes harshly. Drool fell onto her fingertips as she tried to keep up with his motions, but he seemed lost in his own flurry of pleasure. His groans were getting louder, more desperate as she swirled her tongue along curve and veins. 
“No, no,” He was shaking his head, looking desperate as he pulled her hair and removed her mouth from his cock, “Need your cunt. Please, please I need to feel it to cum.” He was pleading with her, begging as he looked at her with such need that she didn’t know how to handle. 
“I’m so sensitive,” Kim whimpered in pleasure as he tugged on her hair, “Let me just suck you off.” She tried to reason with him, even though she could feel her pussy clenching around nothing. There was no denying that she still wanted him, she had just never orgasmed this much in one night. 
“Please,” He gripped the curve of her cheek, “Wanna feel your pussy. One more time, I swear.” Her hips jerked forward, feeling the need to grind up against him. He laughed, obviously noticing her needy movements. 
“Okay,” She nodded her head slowly, barely having time to register what was happening before he was roughly flipping her onto her back. She felt like a little rag doll, like she weighed nothing as he jerked her around, “Oh God, Billy.” She moaned out, feeling like she was being stretched wide again as he slowly pushed himself inside of her sore walls.
Her body felt too warm, too sweaty as he held his hands out next to her head. She could feel her eyes fluttering as she tried to keep them open, but it was no use as he dragged his cock inside of her wet cunt again again. She wrapped her legs around his waist, squeezing him tightly in case she slid away from him.
“Feel good?” He teased her as he brushed his nose against her cheek. She nodded her head in bliss, clearly enjoying the way he was rutting his cock inside of her. She could hear the mixture of the two of them bouncing against the walls, creating their own dirty song as he licked the side of her cheek, “Jesus. You’re perfect.” He sighed deeply as he pressed all of his weight against her again.
“So good,” She cried out as she began to dig her nails into his skin, “You’re so perfect, Billy. Fuck.” She whined as she mindlessly clawing at his skin. He groaned just as loudly, their sounds of pleasure mixing as he spit along the curve of her lips. It took her a few seconds to realize it had happened and by then most of it had slid down her cheek and neck. 
“Such a good little whore for me,” He grunted roughly against her ear, “Letting me use your cunt like this.” He laughed breathlessly as she slid her fingers further down his sweaty back. She held onto his soft flesh, clinging to him like he might disappear if she let go.
She nodded her head mindlessly, her stomach already beginning to tighten and her toes beginning to curl as she felt her pending high approaching once again. She cried out a little harder, shutting her eyes tightly as it fully smacked into her. 
She felt her pussy clamping down around his cock, squeezing him harshly as she rode out her eye. She was gaping, her eyes clenching shut tightly as she clung to him. Everything felt like it was on fire, like it was burning with pleasure and it would never stop. 
“Kim,” He was whining, his voice raspy and full of awe as his hips finally began to stall against her skin. He groaned loudly, the vibrations traveling across her skin as he roughly gripped her hips. He exhaled harshly, his cock pressing into her deeply, “Fuck, fuck. Oh fuck, baby. Shit.” He squeezed her hips tightly, his nose scrunching up and his eyes shutting tightly as he came inside of her through breathy groans. She writhed underneath him, whimpering at her own pleasure as he filled her.
She was stunned, never before filling so much cum inside of her. She could feel it deep inside of her cunt, coating her fluttering walls. It was dripping out of her, dripping down the curve of her ass and onto her mattress. She gaped, her eyes nearly rolling back as she realized he was still cumming.
“Jesus,” Billy whispered lowly as his head fell into the crook of her neck. He breathed against her sweaty skin, his nose brushing against her as he whined softly, “That was incredible.” He whispered hotly as he wiggled his hips forward.
“Billy,” She whined out as she clawed at his shoulders, “I’m too sensitive.” She told him honestly, knowing that she had never cum so much before. Her thighs were shaking, her body feeling weak. 
“Sorry,” He chuckled softly as he kissed along the curve of her cheek, “Shit. That was nice though, right?” He asked her eagerly as he leaned back on his elbows. She nodded her head, closing her eyes softly at how fuzzy her mind felt as the pleasure continued to coarse through her body.
“Very nice,” She told him gently, “But I feel very weak.” She admitted with a giggle as she leaned forward to brush her nose against his. His lips tugged up softly in response as his eyes flickered with mischief. 
“I could lick you clean,” He mumbled before he dragged his tongue up the length of her neck, “Doesn’t that sound nice?” He asked her huskily before he brought his teeth down against her earlobe. She whimpered at the sensation of his hips pressing further against her sin. 
“I don’t know if I can take anymore,” She breathed out softly, “I’m sore.” She told him earnestly as she pressed her fingertips against his shoulders. She chewed on her bottom lip, fearing that she may actually be unable to move her legs by the time this was all over with. 
“You don’t want to taste my cum?” He teased her softly as he leaned back a little further. He looked at her amused, tilting his head as he awaited her response. She gulped as she watched his eyes darken again. 
“I didn’t say that,” She whispered softly, “Okay. Go ahead and be nasty.” She teased him softly, gasping loudly as he slowly pulled his softened cock from her pussy. She yelped, already feeling a sore sensation traveling up her body. She giggled softly, watching as he eagerly dipped between her legs. 
She sighed deeply as she squeezed the sheets, closing her eyes as Billy’s tongue traced up her soaking cunt. She squirmed and wiggled underneath him a little more than usually, her body jolting from how sensitive her clit felt. 
He swirled his tongue inside of her hole, slowly licking around her fluttering walls before he pulled his head away. He barely gave her time to open her mouth before he was spitting against her lips, watching in fascination as the cum dripped inside of her mouth.
She licked it away quickly, a little overwhelmed at how much there was. She winced as she swallowed it this time, but still enjoyed the taste of him. He looked a little too overjoyed as he leaned down to kiss her messily, pressing his tongue against hers roughly.
“Sure you can’t go again?” He teased her, his lips curling up into a smirk as he peered down at her. She felt her eyes widen as she quickly shook her head and wiggled out from underneath him for good measure. 
“I am positive,” She giggled softly as she laid down next to him. She looked over at the clock on the wall before she gave him a soft nudge, “Your mom will be up soon.” She told him quickly as she peered at his dreamy features. She felt a sense of worry travel through her stomach as she watched him, sure that there was something going on. She wished that he’d speak to her. 
“So?” He knitted his eyebrows together, looking like he didn’t understand what she meant. She shook her head softly, trying to keep from laughing at his confusion. 
“You need to go to your room,” She told him softly, “I don’t need to get in trouble for having my room locked again.” She told him seriously, thinking of the awkward conversation that had happened with Sam. 
“It’s not locked.” Billy said a second later as he crossed his fingertips over his stomach. Kim snapped her head towards him, looking at him in horror as she was sure that she had heard him wrong. 
“You didn’t lock the door?” She asked him quickly, hoping that he was just teasing her. He paused as he looked forward, like he was too afraid to meet her in the eye. She felt like something was off, but she couldn’t find it in herself to question him. Not with the way her body was screaming at her to sleep. She was exhausted, too tired to press as Billy looked at her wildly. 
“I was uh, occupied,” He grinned sheepishly as he leaned over to kiss her lips, “Don’t forget to act sick.” He told her pointedly, referencing that he still wanted her to stay home from school. She felt a little nervous to ask, but hoped that it wouldn’t be a big deal. 
“Okay,” She nodded her head softly, sure that it wouldn’t be a problem with as exhausted as she currently felt, “Love you.” She told him sweetly, grinning as he leaned down to pepper her lips with soft kisses.
“Love you too.” He mumbled before he gently stood. She watched with interest, admiring the curve of his body as he strolled out of her room. She sat up a bit, furrowing her eyebrows together as she realized he’d left fully naked. 
She waited for a few minutes, forcing her eyes to stay open as she waited until she heard Rosemary’s footsteps approaching down the hall. It took everything in Kim to crawl out of bed and to get her feet to move. She called out to Rosemary once, her heart pattering as she did her best to appear sick. 
“What’s wrong?” Rosemary asked curiously as Kim dragged herself to the doorway, barely pressing it open as she leaned her weight against it. Her thighs were sore, her legs shaking as she tried to balance herself. 
“I’m sick,” Kim fake coughed for dramatic effect, “Can I stay home today?” She asked softly, her voice coming out raspy from how much she’d moaned earlier. She breathed in deeply, her heart hammering from nerves as Rosemary inspected her for a moment.
“You do look flushed,” Rosemary hummed a second later, “Go lay back down. I’ll bring you some tea and set some soup out for later, okay?” She smiled sweetly as she gave Kim’s arm a soft squeeze. Kim nodded in response, pausing for just a moment before she shut the door and dragged herself back to her bed. Her legs felt so sore that they felt stiff, like they couldn’t bend in the right direction. She was hoping that some sleep would make her feel better. 
Kim collapsed into her bed, not caring about the dirty sheets or how she could sniff out the lingering scent of her and Billy. She felt tired; more exhausted than she had in a long time. She pulled the pillow to her face, her eyes shutting as soon as her head hit the pillow.
“Come on,” Billy shook her softly, making her groan in response as she blinked the sleep away from her eyes, “Are you just going to lay in bed all day?” He teased her as he pulled her towards his chest. She sighed deeply as she stretched out, feeling her joints popping underneath her sore flesh. 
“I did say I was sick.” She told him softly as a smile pressed to her lips. She looked up at him, noticing that his hair was nice and neat as he began to drag his thumb across her lips. 
“You’re not,” Billy grinned as he looked down at her, “Come on. Let’s go to the beach. Or somewhere. Anywhere.” He told her quickly as a spark filled his eyes. She nodded her head, feeling like it would be a good idea to keep him occupied. 
“Okay,” She said a second later, unable to hide her own grin as she peered up at him, “You win.” She told him softly as she kissed his knuckles. He looked at her proudly, like he was happy with her answer. 
“Get ready,” He told her seriously although he bore a playful look in his eyes. He smacked the side of her upper thigh, making her gasp as he nearly brushed against her sensitive ass cheek, “C’mon.” He laughed as he tugged her up off the side of the bed.
“Are you going to watch me?” She asked him teasingly as she turned to face him again. His eyes lingered on her features for a moment before they traveled down the length of her body, resulting in a flush to spread over her body. 
“Maybe,” He grinned brightly, “I see you naked all the time, would that be a crime?” He tilted his head as his eyes fell back to her again, looking rather serious as he waited for her to speak again. She paused, opening her mouth before shutting it again. The thought of him just observing her nude made her feel shy all over again. 
“I think I need to shower,” She told him seriously, “And wash my sheets.” She added a second later as she felt a giggle come forth. He looked up at her amused as he stood up. She felt her heart hammering roughly in her chest as she was sure that he would approach her. 
“Go shower,” He told her quickly as he began to strip her bed, “I’ll handle this.” He told her softly as he bundled the sheets up into a giant ball. She watched him for a moment before she nodded her head in agreement and slipped free from the room. 
She tried to keep her shower quick, but the hot water massaged her sore muscles in a way she didn’t think was possible. Her bottom was still slightly sore as well, but she enjoyed the sensation. She felt a little giddy, thinking about how badly Billy had needed her. 
She slid into one of her white dresses that was decorated with small flowers before she pulled her damp hair out of her face with a small green scarf. She didn’t spend too much time on her makeup, deciding that mascara and lipgloss would be good enough. She didn’t want to go too overboard, just in case they were tight on time before Rosemary or Sam returned.
“You look pretty,” Billy grinned as he pulled her forward. He placed his hands on her hips, squeezing softly as he placed two fat kisses on each of her cheeks, “Are you ready to go?” He asked her softly, his mustache brushing against her sensitive skin.
“Yeah,” She giggled softly as she placed her hands down between them to squeeze his own, “What are we taking?” She asked him softly, feeling a little nervous as to what his answer would be. He tilted his head at her before he gave her a knowing look.
“My car,” He replied as he guided her outside. She held her fingers together, wondering if Sam had been doubtful of her lie. She couldn’t remember him coming to check on her, so she assumed that was a good sign, “Are you hungry?”
“I guess,” She told him as she slid into the leather seat. She shifted for a moment, her skin feeling raw as a nice ache settled over her, “Just something small.” She said a second later, really not feeling that hungry. He glanced towards her as he turned the car on. 
“What are we doing?” She asked Billy as she leaned against him, still feeling tired from their long night. He rested his head on top of hers, breathing in deeply as he stared out towards the waves that were rolling against the shore.
He’d settled them down near the beach, but hadn’t made any effort to go swimming. He had set up a few towels for them to rest on after they finished eating. The air was a little chiller than usual, once again signaling the change of the seasons. 
“I don’t know,” He admitted at last, “I just thought it would be fun to sit here with you.” He responded as he carefully linked their fingers together. She looked down at his palm before she brought her free hand forward and began to trace her nail over his skin. 
“I am having fun,” She told him truthfully as she rubbed her cheek against his softly, “I just wanted to make sure that you’re having fun.” She told him truthfully, hoping that he didn’t realize she was asking him if he was okay again. She pulled away just enough to look at him, hoping that he wouldn’t be on his guard with her. 
“I like sitting here with you,” He answered simply as he glanced towards her, “It feels calming.” He nearly whispered to her as his lips slowly cracked into a grin. She watched him for a moment, enjoying the way his eyes seemed to match the blue of the ocean. 
“I like it too,” She responded, leaning forward just enough to lightly brush her lips against his, “What are you thinking about?” She asked him softly, noticing the distant look in his eyes. It reminded her of the waves that seemed to withdraw for miles before they crashed back against the sand. 
“I want to marry you,” He mumbled against her lips as he slowly traced his hand up the front of her thigh, pressing his fingertips against her skin, “Let’s go get married.” He replied, a grin forming against his lips before he puckered them against her mouth. She felt her eyes widen in surprise again as a flush spread over her body. She was still surprised to hear him admit such a thing. She couldn’t believe that he actually wanted to marry her. 
“Mhm,” She giggled softly against him, “I think we should wait.” She told him truthfully, but gently so she didn’t hurt his feelings. She hadn’t changed her mind on the subject, not yet. She was alright waiting until school ended, but she didn’t feel like it was right to rush to some priest to just have him do it for them. She wanted it to be special, something for the two of them to think back happily. 
“Why?” He looked at her confused, his dark eyebrows knitting together like he still didn’t understand what she meant. She breathed in deeply, feeling like something was slightly off about him. He’d never been so incessant about their future before. It worried her. It made her think that he was beginning to believe that they didn’t have a future. 
“My answer is the same as before,” She giggled softly as he peppered a series of kisses along her collarbone, “I don’t want to rush anything.” She told him honestly. She liked how they were now, even if they weren’t fully public yet. She thought she’d like to have time for him as her boyfriend, before he became her husband. Neither of their parents had created happy marriages, so she didn’t think it was a crime to wait until her and Billy were more mature. 
“How would we be rushing it?” He asked her curiously. She watched in fascination as the breeze picked up his longer blonde strands and moved them into the air. She reached up to lightly push his hair behind his face again. 
“I don’t think I’m ready right now,” She told him softly, “Not that it really matters, but I want your mom to know. I want things to be right with my mom first. I guess I want to fix everything else before we go forward.” She listed a few reasons, but she felt like there was more than just that. She didn’t think it would be right to just spring it on everybody, even though it would be her and Billy’s choice in the end. 
“Why should they matter when it’s about us?” He looked at her in confusion still, his eyes hardening a bit like he was searching for any lies she might be hiding. She scooted a little closer to him, not wanting him to get the wrong idea. He was already the best boyfriend and she knew that he’d be the best husband one day as well. 
“I don’t want to end up like my mom,” Kim admitted softly, “Two marriages, or three, or who knows what she’ll end up doing with Wayne. She jumped into everything at such a young age and I want to feel like I can do better than her.” She rambled for a second as she tried to make sense of her thoughts. She didn’t want something to happen, then to never end up finishing high school. She didn’t want to struggle the way her parents had and create a marriage built on unfulfilled dreams and empty promises. 
“You are better.” Billy said truthfully as he nodded his head, looking as if he didn’t understand why she didn’t believe that. Kim chewed on her bottom lip for a moment as guilt began to gnaw at her stomach. She felt like she was fairly similar to Susan and it increased each day as her will grew smaller and smaller. 
“I want a happy wedding ceremony,” Kim grinned as she ran her fingers down his collarbone, “And I think you’d look really good in a suit and tie.” She paused near the base of his neck, grinning as she thought about it. 
She looked at him again, giggling at the baffled look on his features. She couldn’t deny that she had thought about him in a suit and tie multiple times before. It had always involved being at prom, but she supposed a wedding look would be even more fun to imagine. 
“A tie?” He shook his head as he laughed softly, like he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. She turned away from him, a little amused that he apparently thought it was ridiculous. She looked at the stylish outfit he was currently wearing and wondered why a tie would be such a big deal. She tried to remember if he had worn one when Neil and Susan had gotten married. 
“Mhm,” Kim mumbled in response, “And we’d need a wedding cake. And a song to dance to. We need flowers and a color.” She listed a few things off of the top of her head. She realized that a wedding sounded like a lot more work than what she was prepared for, especially at this time in the year. She suddenly flushed, realizing that people would be watching her dance and kiss Billy. 
“I can work with all that, except the tie,” He grinned at her, “I’m not sure about the tie.” He responded as he leaned forward to tuck her hair behind her ear. She leaned against his touch, smiling softly as she admired the freckles that were splattered across his cheeks.
“What about when I’m finished with school?” She asked him softly as she pressed her cheek against his hand. He held her up easily, pretending to think about it as a grin spread over his lips.
“I guess I can wait until then,” He said teasingly as he rubbed his hands across her waist and pulled her onto his lap. She grinned as she squeezed her fingertips against his shoulders. She leaned forward to press her forehead against his, enjoying the minty breath that rolled towards her, “I guess I can handle that you don’t want to marry me.”
“I did not say that,” She protested with a small laugh, “That was not what I meant at all.” She told him quickly, feeling guilty in case he truly did think that. She did want to marry him, but she just didn’t think it was the time yet. She didn’t want anything else to be rushed or sudden. She wanted to take her time with him, to have him for her own. 
“I know,” He smirked knowingly, “I was just teasing you.” He brushed his shoulder against hers softly before he looked forward again. She watched the way his features tightened, how tightly he held his fingers together as he stared off towards the ocean again.
“You know,” Kim started softly as she moved to link her fingers with his, “If there’s anything else you want to share with me, you can.” She tried to reassure him, knowing that there was something hidden inside of him. She thought of what Sam had said, but she was sure that it had to be wrong. Billy was just going through something very hard right now. He was experiencing a lot of things at once. 
“I know.”
“If I admit something, will you?” She asked him instead, not surprised that she had gotten nowhere again. She didn’t want to pry and have him snap at her again. She wanted him to open up, even if that meant carving a piece of her worries out first. 
“Alright,” Billy turned towards her curiously, “What’s on your mind?” He asked her softly as his blue eyes observed her. She paused as she held her fingertips together, feeling a little nervous as she looked ahead at the ocean as he had done. She thought of him as she watched the waves come crashing onto the shore.
“Sometimes I think I enjoy drinking,” She admitted, feeling a little ashamed as the words rolled off of her tongue, “Like I want to drink. All the time.” She continued to say, feeling like there was something heavy that was being lifted off of her chest. 
“So?” Billy’s question surprised her as she turned to face him. His eyebrows were raised high in amusement, his eyes sparkling as he watched her. He looked at her like she was silly, like she had nothing to worry about.
“I think that’s why I can’t sleep sometimes.” She pulled her fingers together, letting her nails sink into her flesh as she thought hard about how she’d lay awake for hours. Living with Sam had been a little bit easier, as there was clearly no alcohol hidden away. 
“You’re just freaking yourself out,” Billy told her quickly as he shut down her worries, “Your parents are both alcoholics. You’re just assuming the same is going to happen to you. It doesn’t matter how much you drink or when, just don’t get addicted.” He shrugged his shoulders, like it was that easy. She thought of how much he usually drank and nodded her head, thinking that he hadn’t been drinking that much recently. Maybe it really was that easy. 
“What if I already am?” She asked him hesitantly, almost fearing what the answer would be. She felt like she’d been avoiding this question for the longest time. It scared her to think about what the answer was. “You’re not,” He shook his head completely, like there was no way she could be, “You barely drink anyways. Don’t worry about it.” She breathed in deeply, nodding her head as she felt a sense of relief wash over her.
“What about you?” She asked him hesitantly, nudging him softly to try and draw his answer out. He shrugged his shoulders as he looked ahead. 
“I don’t have anything to admit.” He said at last as he pulled his knees up towards his chest. She watched him, feeling a little worried at the way his walls were built up heavily again. He was locking her out and she was beginning to fear what he was so secretive about. 
“Nothing at all?” She asked, feeling a little disappointed that her honesty did nothing to affect him. Whatever was going on with him, he didn’t want her to know about it. She felt defeated, like she had done something wrong to keep him from opening up to her. 
“Nope,” He shook his head, “I haven’t been drinking, no drugs and I feel fine.” He said with a soft grin. She stared into his eyes, noticing how the expression didn’t match. She chewed on her bottom lip.
“But there’s nothing else you want to discuss?” She asked him one more time. Billy closed his eyes as he breathed in deeply, his shoulders tightening as his features twitched in annoyance. She looked down, nervous that she would upset him again. 
“No,” He said sternly, more harshly, “I’m fine. Drop it. Please.” He added a little softer as he opened his eyes to look at her, a hint of desperation lingering on his features. Her mouth felt dry as she nodded, knowing she was getting nowhere.
She had no reason to try and pull apart his statement to see if he was hiding something. He really hadn’t been drinking, nor to her knowledge had he done any drugs despite the mushrooms. He had told her more than once that it was the only thing that he had done. She could tell how different he’d been acting, but she was beginning to believe it had more to do with what Sam had spoken of. It made her nervous, sad even. She had no knowledge about these types of things, she had no idea how she could help him. 
For some reason her mind flashed to Dakota, but she quickly brushed that away. She knew it was her own insecurity speaking up for some reason. Perhaps it was because of her newfound reassurance with her drinking habits. Her mind just needed something to worry about, even though she knew it was a ridiculous thought. She didn’t know how to feel about any of this, it was all so new. So fresh. 
However, she did understand one truth. Whatever Billy was hiding, he did not want her to know. 
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softguarnere · 1 month
For Whatever We Find
His Girl Friday (Iron Man!Nix AU)
Lewis Nixon x OFC
Summary: The way he can go from a near death experience to business as usual irks Minerva in a way she can’t even begin to describe. God, if this idiot would stop and process things like a normal person for once, maybe they wouldn’t find themselves in half of these damn messes. A/N: Anyways! I had unstructured free time and no self-control, so here's the blurb the world absolutely did not need but that I was only too ready and too willing to provide! Warnings: Arc Reactor goo?; the author abusing her italics privileges
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Minerva doesn’t hate her job. But most days, she strongly dislikes a lot of things about it. 
For starters, she never knows if Nix is going to drive Nixon Nitration Works  into the ground, or if he’s going to do something impulsive and leave her to clean up his mess, or if he might randomly decide to leave the country without telling anyone, or – 
Well, it’s not the worst job she’s ever had. It’s certainly not the best, though. There’s definitely a reason that when Sobel hired her to be Nix’s girl Friday, he had scoffed at the line on her resume stating that she used to be an elementary school teacher before looking up at her and saying, “Then you’re definitely qualified to handle Lewis.” 
Qualified doesn’t even begin to cut it anymore, though. Especially not right now. Minerva is nowhere near qualified enough to be doing this. 
The miniature Arc Reactor she’s holding feels like it could slip from her grasp at any second thanks to the goo that coats her hands. The goo that smells, and that Nix keeps assuring her is not from his body, but some sort of discharge from the device. You know, as if that’s any sort of comfort for her. God, when she became a PA, she thought she would be fetching coffee and denying requests for interviews – not performing in-home cardiac procedures. 
But this? 
“Nix, it’s gonna be okay,” Minerva assures him. Back when she taught elementary school, that was always the first thing she would say when a child would run to her with a scraped knee, paper cut, upset stomach, or any other ailment. The first and most important step was always calming them down so that they could deal with the situation. Now, Minerva finds herself repeating it over and over, turning it into a mantra. 
Nix doesn’t even seem to be listening. Which, to his credit, might be because Minerva has just accidentally ripped a magnet out of his chest – “Like a trout lure,” Nix had snarked when she did it – and sent him into cardiac arrest. 
“You’re just gonna attach that to the baseplate,” he instructs her instead of responding to any of her positive affirmations. “And make s-sure you –”
Hearing him stammer breathlessly is the fire under her ass that Minerva needs. Because if she doesn’t fix the mess she’s inadvertently caused, then she’ll have accidentally killed her boss. And that’s maybe the last thing she needs right now. 
With all her strength, she shoves the device into his chest, feeling the magnet take hold of the base. Nix lets out a sort of monotone yell the second that it connects, his eyes going wide as the monitors behind them beep frantically. 
Oh, God! She’s killed him, she’s killed Lewis Nixon, of all people, while trying to save him – 
In a split second, the beeping slows back to a normal pace. Nix’s features relax, and he gives her a deadpan look when he asks, “Now was that so hard?” Then he makes sure that the Arc Reactor is securely screwed into his own chest before proclaiming with a confidence he really shouldn’t have in this situation, “Ni-ice.” 
Minerva gapes at him for a second. Her time as a teacher put her into some gross situations and brought her into contact with all sorts of disgusting substances and fluids, but this really takes the cake. Her goo-covered hands still hover over her boss somewhat frantically as she waits for her next instruction or for the need to jump into action to arise again. Because that’s what Minerva Revels does. It’s what she’s always done – she fixes things and cleans up people’s messes.
She’s dragged out of her moment of introspective shock by the sound of laughter. Loud, genuine, boisterous laughter from beneath her. Beneath his five o’clock shadow, Nix’s face lights up as he looks at her, taking obvious delight in her expression.
Nix has made fun of her before, teased her for things, but the audacity of this – 
Minerva doesn’t care that he maybe almost just died because of her. She uses one of her goo-soaked hands to shove his shoulder. 
“Do not ever, ever, ever ask me to do something like that ever again!” She snaps with a scowl.
Damn him, Nix doesn’t look the least bit fazed by her outburst, by the fact that she’s ordering him around. Instead, he blinks up at her and admits, “I don’t have anyone but you.” 
Minerva blinks. What sort of thing is that to say? Of course he has other people besides her. He’s got Sobel and Winters and – 
But with everything going on since he got back from Germany – with his heart, with Nixon Nitration Works, with everything – who does he have besides a gal Friday that he can boss around and scare half to death at least five times a day? 
It’s maybe the most vulnerable that Minerva has ever seen her boss, and she feels the corners of her mouth tugging down into a frown without her consent as she looks at him. And Nix, for his part, must realize the implications of what he’s just said, because he raises an eyebrow in a manner that’s halfway sardonic. 
“Anyways.” He hops up from the chair he’s reclined in and starts to walk around his lab as if nothing has happened. 
The way he can go from a near death experience to business as usual irks Minerva in a way she can’t even begin to describe. God, if this idiot would stop and process things like a normal person for once, maybe they wouldn’t find themselves in half of these damn messes. 
The smell of the goo on her hands makes her gag, and she shakes them, hoping to rid herself of some of the slime until she can get to a sink. She almost knocks the old miniature Arc Reactor from its precarious perch in her frustration. 
Her hands are still so slick that she almost drops it as soon as she picks it up. She glances at Nix, a new thrill of frustration shooting through her as she watches him cleaning up his supplies from his in-home surgery. 
“What do you want to do with this?” 
Nix pauses, turning to look at her. He frowns. 
“Oh that?” He shrugs. “Destroy it.” He taps the glowing device in his chest as if to say, I’ve got it covered. 
Minerva is about to give him a lecture, to tell him that he should keep it in case of an emergency, because you never know what’s going to happen – but she feels her mouth snap shut in a way that’s most uncharacteristic of herself. Usually her interactions with Nix have a lot more snark and a lot more unsolicited advice that goes completely unheeded. 
But there’s something different about today. She’s always been worried about Nix and what he might do to himself, but this . . . This is different. He seems almost numb as he looks at her. It’s like he doesn’t even care what happens to himself anymore. And why should he, when the worst has already kind of happened to him? Then again, when did he care about what happened to himself before?
A wave of empathy washes over Minerva as she glances down at the Arc Reactor in her hands and nods. “Will that be all, Mr. Nixon?” 
Nix’s expression softens, albeit infinitesimally. “That’ll be all, Miss Revels.” 
Hesitantly, Minerva turns to leave the lab, although she pauses at the door when she hears Nix snarking at and bossing around his robots. She feels her heart soften a bit as she watches him. Because it makes her realize that, sadly, Nix is right: besides his faithful robots, he’s only got her right now. 
Despite the goo on her hands, Minerva keeps as tight a grip on the Arc Reactor as she can while she heads back upstairs to wash them. She might be Nix’s girl Friday, but that doesn’t mean that she has to follow his every order if it goes against his best interests. She’ll keep the Arc Reactor somewhere safe, just in case. His heart almost stopped today, and Minerva isn’t going to let the risk of that happen again. Not on her watch.  
Not when she’s starting to suspect that there might be proof that Lewis Nixon has a heart.
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mariaofdoranelle · 2 years
Wedding Break - Part 2
Thank you so much for all the love I received in part 1 💗💘💛💓❤️
Warnings: language
Word count: 2,6k
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Adrenaline shot through Aelin’s veins, and her eyes darted back to the tree, her best escape. Still monitoring the prince, she slowly moved to the side, in a way that could stop Roman from blocking her way out. He cleared his throat before she could flee.
“You can answer me a few questions—“
“There’s not a chance—“
“Or I can ask the guard to show you the way to your room, since you’re clearly lost.”
Aelin froze on her spot, just the thought of losing her only scape had a grip on her breath greater than she’d like to show. By the triumphant smirk on the man’s face, he knew he had won.
With arms crossed, she narrowed her eyes at him. “What do you want to know?”
He leaned on the wall, mirroring a relaxed version of her movements. “For starters, why did you break into my bedroom?”
She opened her mouth to speak, but then closed again. “Can we have another question?”
The prince took a deep breath. “Okay, then. Why did you jump from your balcony?”
For Mala’s sake, there was no chance she’d get out of this without telling him, was it? “If you really want to know, I was trying to temporarily leave the castle. Your guards won’t let me.” Ronan’s eyes were filled with amusement instead of the irritation she anticipated, which made her comfortable enough to explain further. “I just need to speak with my father, and then I’ll be back.”
Ronan tilted his head, trying to make sense of it. “Your father... who’s in Terrasen.” And then something clicked and his eyes went wide.
“You’re going back to Terrasen.”
Aelin shuffled her feet, second-guessing her choice to tell this stranger about her plans. “I need to discuss a few things about the wedding.”
“Why didn’t you do it before the decision was made?”
She swallowed, trying to ignore how humiliating it felt to say this out loud for the first time. “Because I found out I’m engaged this morning.”
“That’s odd. You’ve been the talk of the castle for weeks now.”
“I know you guys want me to stay, but—“
“I don’t.”
She frowned, confused by his statement. And a bit offended too. “I don’t get it.”
“Have you considered that my cousin might not want to marry you as well?” he asked with raised eyebrows.
Aelin’s cheeks started to burn, and she looked away to avoid his gaze. No, she was so focused on her own doom she hasn’t thought about Endymion’s feelings for a second.
“Well, Ro...” she trailed, forgetting his name again.
Aelin ignored the chill his deep accent sent down her spine.
“Rowan. Will you let me go, then?”
He smirked. “I have a better offer for you. Come on in.”
Following Rowan to his room, the welcoming smell of pine and snow almost rooted Aelin to her spot. She first saw his green walls covered by symmetrically arranged framed posters, and then noted that every boyish feature of his room was so tidy it almost looked comical.
She made herself at home and sat on an armchair, leaving for him the one on the other side of the coffee table.
“So, what’s your offer?”
“I can get you out of the castle and drop you off at the airport.”
“That sounds sketchy. You’ll just do me this huge favor and ask for nothing in return?”
Rowan frowned. “It’s a pretty basic favor, actually.”
Aelin pursed her lips. This deal still felt a bit off, but it was better than climbing off a tree and improvising her way out of the gates. She sighed and got up from her seat. “Okay, then. Let’s go.”
He stared at her with incredulous, bulged eyes while Aelin waited for him to get up with both hands resting on her hip.
“Are you coming?” Aelin sneered.
“Not now!” Rowan finally said, “I wouldn’t put past Maeve putting the city on lockdown five minutes after you’re gone.”
She tilted her head. “So we need to leave at night.” He just nodded from his seat. “That’s very cloak and dagger. Let’s do it.” Aelin said, smirking like Hellas himself.
“I’ll pick you up later, then,” he decided, assessing her with those piercing pine-green eyes. “Meet me at midnight.”
For someone who was willing to escape with nothing but the clothes on her back, packing a travel bag was more challenging than she thought it’d be. Aelin was used to sneaking out of the castle every now and then, but never to make an international trip. Her duffel bag wasn’t big, so she packed only essential items like money, clothes, cosmetics and chocolate.
Aelin had just bought her plane ticket when two booming knocks sounded on her door and Aedion came inside.
He threw himself on her couch, resting his feet on the armrest. “You missed lunch today.” Aelin’s heart started pounding when she remembered the reason she didn’t attend lunch today, but she didn’t answer. The tense silence didn’t stop Aedion, though. “Evalin told me what happened.”
“Really?” Aelin said instead of really talking about what happened. The way her throat was closing up was as intense as Aedion’s gaze on her, and she knew her reaction would define his.
“Yes, really.” He clenched his jaw. “She asked me to make sure you keep it together.”
This news sent a sharp pain through Aelin’s chest, but she hoped her face didn’t show how much she felt. After all that happened, that was her mother’s main worry. This kind of behavior wasn’t surprising, yet here she was. “What did you say?” Aelin whispered. She was leaving. She was fixing this. With or without her mother’s approval this time.
“I called her a manipulative bitch and stormed out,” Aedion mumbled, shrugging. “Look, I know you don’t like it when I meddle, but—“
“No, it’s fine.” Aelin’s voice broke mid-sentence and her eyes brimmed with tears, but she took a deep breath and forced her gaze on the ceiling to stop them. Aedion has always been her fiercest ally inside the castle. Not that his competition was strong, though.
It turns out Aedion had come to take her to dinner, so she didn’t need to dodge his questions for long. He didn’t comment on her apparent resignation or choice of clothing, and she was glad. Aelin wore a pastel blue dress that fell below her knees and modest makeup. No trying to bend the royal dress code’s rules this time. If Aelin needed to act like everything was alright before escaping, so be it.
The seating arrangement was a complete nightmare. Stuck between her mother and Prince Endymion, Aelin had to choose between angry conversation and completely awkward conversation. Jokes on whoever arranged this, her focus went solely to her food. The fish’s rich yellow color caused by the sauce, accompanied by strong herbs and vegetables was the best thing she could interact with for now.
“You look great, darling. Are you feeling any better?”
Just like that, her meal felt harder to swallow than usual. After all that happened, Aelin hated how she reveled in her mother’s praise, but the small nod and approving smile Evalin sent her way after seeing her choice of clothes for the evening was an annoying kind of joy.
“Sure,” she answered her mother. Aelin needed to act like everything was according to Evalin’s plans, but it was more difficult than she expected.
“I’m glad.” Evalin opened her mouth to speak, but then closed again. In a lower tone, she said, “I love you, Fireheart. I’m just trying to do what’s best for you.”
Aelin’s throat constricted even more, so she took a deep breath and went back to her food before her emotions got the best of her. The worst part was that she knew her mother was telling the truth. Deep in her bones, Aelin knew how much her mother loved her. Their main point of conflict has always been about Evalin not wanting to accept what Aelin thought was best for herself.
By the time the dessert came, her focus was mostly on how long was this dinner going to be. Aelin was trying to control her bouncing foot, and it was hard to swallow the food when she didn’t even know what time it was. At least Rowan was there, so he couldn’t blame her if they were late, but it still made her antsy.
“Princess,” Endymion called, making the whole table go silent.
Aelin’s heart stopped. Dear Mala, did he notice something? She slowly turned to him, forcing a pleased expression.
“I heard you’re a great fan of literature. May I take you to the Royal Library after dinner?”
“Of course,” Aelin answered. Endymion’s face looked so kind it was hard to refuse. The fact that the whole table was listening played its part too.
However, there were only three people smiling after their exchange.
Evalin, beaming like the proud mother she was.
Queen Maeve, the way she curled her lips portrayed a satisfied look that wasn’t hard to decipher.
And Rowan, trying and failing to hide his wicked smirk.
“So, what do you like to read?” Endymion asked while Aelin was looking around, mesmerized. The library was open, with one large floor and a mezzanine. The ceiling was painted with mythological narratives, but there was a huge, golden chandelier in the center as well. It was stunning, and Aelin could’ve spent days here if she wasn’t leaving tonight.
She focused her attention on her fiancé for the first time since arriving, but he didn’t seem upset. “I like Terrasen’s classics, and—“
“I read your profile.” He smiled. “I’m asking what you actually like to read.”
“Oh.” Aelin blushed and bit her lip. “I really do like them, I just happen to also like books that don’t belong in a royal library.”
Still grinning, he said, “I know just the section.” And led her towards some cartography books. There was just them and one employee filling an iron cart with books about the Southern Continent, and Aelin was confused until a door opened and she entered a secret passageway.
Not knowing what was going on, Aelin’s pulse picked up until a light turned on. She let out a small sigh. It was a large hallway with a superhero themed decoration, some bookshelves and two couches. It was simpler than the main library, but cozier.
Getting closer, she recognized a few fantasy titles she’d read and comic books Aedion collected when he was younger in the bookshelf.
“You can call me Enda.”
She smiled, glad he was being nice, but not wanting to give the wrong impression. “Enda, this is amazing.”
“Thank you.” After a stretch of silence, he continued, “Rowan’s mom made it for us when our... taste divergence began.”
Princess Rory. Aelin was only fifteen when she and her husband passed away, but it was hard to forget how devastated Doranelle’s people were. Not wanting to press on the subject, she grabbed one of the comics.
“I like Captain Rolfe’s stories.”
Enda raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms. “Really?”
“Yes, really.” She smiled inwardly, still leafing through the book. “Aedion loved it, so we’d play around the castle pretending he was the captain and I was his first mate. My parents didn’t like it, but Uncle Orlon found it so adorable that one Yulemas he gave us a small boat that never sailed, just for us to play. I think I was eight at the time.”
“I never met him, but he always looked like the kind type to me.”
“He really was.”
As much as Aelin was beginning to enjoy Enda’s company, she needed to finish getting ready to flee. She couldn’t afford to miss this opportunity, so she needed to ditch her fiancé. Soon.
The corner of Enda’s lip tugged in a smile. “Rowan told me about your plans for tonight.”
When Aelin’s mind processed what he’d just said, her heart was already beating a mile a minute. Her eyes went wide, darting around, searching the easiest exit in case she needed it.
He held his hands up. “I’m not mad, I promise.”
Taking a step back, she assessed him. “Are you sure?”
“Look, Aelin, this situation isn’t ideal for me too.” He sat on the couch. “I didn’t have much of a say in this deal, and apparently neither did you.”
She slowly reached the couch and sat facing him. “Go on.”
“Do I need to?” He sighed. “The rumors about my sexuality are pretty much true, and I had to break up with my boyfriend because of Maeve’s deal.” After a beat, Enda added, “I’m not mad at you, though. Just to be clear.”
She grimaced, realizing just now that Enda’s situation was a lot worse than hers. “I’m sorry.”
His expression softened. “Don’t be. Me and my boyf- ex-boyfriend, I mean.” Enda leaned back on the couch, running both hands through his hair. “Dorian and I knew Maeve wouldn’t let us get much further, so I’m just happy I got to spend three years with him.”
Aelin sat by his side, not knowing what to say. Her chest ached when she thought of him, being sold in a marriage which he couldn’t even grow to love the other person. Orchestrated by his own aunt.
Like he’d read her thoughts, Enda continued, “Before you go, I just felt like telling you that you seem to be someone very easy to love.” He sent her a watery smile. “I just can’t do it romantically, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be partners in every other way.”
Tears started pricking Aelin’s eyes, so she focused her vision on one bookshelf and took a deep breath. “Thank you, Enda.” She looked back at her fiancé and swallowed. “I think we’d be pretty good allies.” Aelin straightened her posture and forced a smirk. “If we ended up married. Which we won’t.”
Enda tilted his head. “We can be allies in not getting married, then. I can even do some damage control while you’re gone.”
Her eyes sparkled, and Aelin leaned back on the couch. “Tell me more.”
Aelin has always liked when her clothes reflected how she felt, so she was a little disappointed over her lack of spy catsuits to wear. The black, tight-fitted shirt was close enough, but the tailored brown pants she chose was a far cry from the dramatic vibe she was aiming for.
It was almost time to meet Rowan, and she had everything ready. Everything Aelin thought she’d need, at least. She braided her hair once more to forget about her churning stomach, but the way her hands were slightly trembling didn’t help with that task.
Her last few minutes passed like a few hours, but when her phone started vibrating, she knew it was time to go. However, a knock sounded on her door before she could leave the room.
Her heart pounded with the possibility of it being someone else, but she relaxed after opening the door and seeing it was just Rowan. His outfit was a far cry from the spy vibes Aelin anticipated for the night, but she wasn’t in the place to complain.
“You’re late.”
Aelin frowned. “No, you told me to meet you at midnight. It’s midnight.”
“Yes, and you didn’t meet me when the clock struck midnight.”
She rolled her eyes. “Are you always like this?” Aelin closed the door, and off they went.
“If Maeve turns these marriage deals into a thing, I very much pity the princess who ends up married to you.”
“Brat.” Rowan snorted. “After this, I hope I never see you again.”
Aelin didn’t detect any kind of hostility in what he said, so she knew exactly what he meant. If she succeeded, there was a chance they might never see each other again.
She smiled. “I hope I never see you again as well.”
Part 3 is out!
A/N: If you’re a swiftie reader from the future I just want to be clear that Midnights isn’t out yet so I have no idea what I just foreshadowed with “Meet me at midnight”
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bitter-sweet-coffee · 9 months
Hi, it's the Anon who sent you the ask that used Jewel the Beetle and talked about maturity levels and called you a pedophile.
So; I wanted to apologize for writing all of that to you and that you had to read that. I've spent a lot of time thinking about that ask since I sent it to you, and I'm not sure if you even remember it, but I felt like I needed to apologize because that was completely out of left field and I never should have written it in the first place. We don't even know anything about each other. I never want to treat a stranger that way ever again and I'm sorry that I had to make you read something like that to realize that about myself.
I'm not asking for forgiveness or anything like that; I just wanted to let you know that I'm genuinely sorry for what I wrote. I hope you have a good day and an amazing life.
Anon! what a lovely lovely message hold on I’m going to unpack this for a second, but I encourage everyone to try and read through this too
For starters, I don’t remember the Jewel ask (maybe tumblr ate it lol) but maybe you mean one of the *other* anon asks where I’ve been called a pedo because if I had a nickel… well, we all know the joke. Not that I need to spell put “I’m not a pedo” on tumblr dot com, but it should be noted that even IF someone is to ship minors with adults in fiction, that doesn’t make them a pedo. I’m not proship nor do I even do this, but it should be pretty clear that cartoon animals are not actual victims, but I’ll pocket this discussion for another time, with the moral being “do not call someone a pedophile unless you have proof they are engaging in sexual behaviour with real living children.”
But… you know this anon. And with absolutely no sarcasm and 100% authentic compassion I want to thank you for this message, and if it’s okay, I’m going to turn it into a bit of a lesson.
I know it’s sometimes scary or difficult to reach out to someone and apologize, even anonymously, but not only will you feel better, it’s also a marker of you improving as a person. It takes a lot of courage, reflection, and personal growth to not only admit you acted cruelly, but to actively try and better yourself. And this is amazing!!!
This message is genuinely so thoughtful and has positively impacted my day. I even briefly got a laugh out of it because I genuinely did not remember this and was like “haha, is this from the Shadow is not 15 discourse or the whore-joke fiasco!?” because yes those are both real lol.
Anyways, all jokes aside I DO appreciate you reaching out and feel free to PM off-anon if you wanna chat about it because you sound wonderful, anon! I’m so proud of you for this (not in a condescending way, like fr) and I wish that more people online has this level of empathy and self reflection.
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space-kitten-606 · 2 years
About Cakes And Mains
Holding his bag close to his side, Yoosung ran across the road. Stupid bus being late again, just because the driver valued his break over being on time for the people who relied on him getting to where they need to be in time. Yoosung would never be this selfish…unless…what if something happened just before? Maybe he hit a squirrel or someone’s pet? 
As his mind kept circling around this, he finally reached the coffeeshop he agreed to meet Seven at. It was fairly new around here, but their cakes already had a great reputation, so the two really wanted to try them for themselves.
A little jingle announced the student’s arrival to the employees and other patrons, the first of which immediately flashed him welcoming smiles. 
From a table a bit further in the back, he saw a familiar jacket, the owner of which was waving him over with a wide grin.
“You really kept my waiting Yoosungie ~”, Seven cooed, as the blonde sat down across from him.
“I sent you a message. The bus was late- “
Seven scoffed. “Right. All excuses….you asked me to come here to break up with me….didn’t you?”
A fake sob shook him as he buried his face in his hands, skewing his glasses in the process. 
Nervous, Yoosung looked around, hoping no one was consciously witnessing this scene and secretely condemning him for being so cruel in public.
“Stop that!”, he hissed, “We’re not dating! If you keep this up, people will be looking….”
His concerns were interrupted by Seven’s loud laughter. Now the attention of the people around was most definetely on them.
“I really wish I could put HD cameras in my eyes! That look on your face is priceless!!”
A defeated sigh fell over the student’s lips. “You’re so mean.”
Upon seeing him pout, the other gave him a halfhearted apology, waving his concerns off and prepared to order. 
The menu was incredibly huge, with detailed descriptions and perfectly calculated pictures, making every drink and food look equally delicious. Yoosung’s mouth watered at the entries. Everytime he thought he had found one that he definetely wanted to choose, another one piqued his interest, leading him to ramble about how impossible it was to decide what to pick. 
Seven glanced at his friend over the edge of the menu he was holding in his hands.
“What if we order all of them?”
For a split second, Yoosung pulled a blank. It could easily be one of Seven’s silly jokes, but he had delivered the question with such earnesty, it was hard to tell. He glanced at the prices on the menu. 
“We can’t afford that.”
Seven shrugged. “We could just make them send the bill to Jumin ~”
To their, or at least Yoosung’s relief, as he really didn’t want to anger Jumin with such a bill being delivered into his office, they found a plate that would be filled with small bites for them to test most of the cakes that were offered. 
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Soon, a good amount of cakes had disappeared into their respective bellies. While they were delicious indeed, confirming the rumors that were floating around all over the city, they were also feeling quite heavy in their stomachs and making them lean back deeply into their seats. Still, Yoosung thought this heavy feeling was worth it, as it was the most delicious cake he had ever tasted in his life. 
With the prices of them being so high however, he started contemplating if he could replicate those cakes somehow. Maybe if he asked Jaehee-
“So…Genshin Impact, huh?” 
The sudden breaking of the silence by the hacker had interrupted his train of thought, catching him off guard. As he was trying to find out what Seven wanted to achieve with his conversation starter, a look of pure confusion settled on his features.
“I saw you were playing it on discord. You have been playing for quite some time actually. And not once have you asked for my UID….”
“Maybe I just don’t want to play with you”, Yoosung deadpanned. 
Seven let out a dramatic whimper at that, making the people around them look over to their table once again. 
Ashamed of his friend’s antics, Yoosung hid his face in his hands. 
“Anyway!”, he switched his tune eerily quickly, only resulting in making his antics feel all the more jarring “Who’s your favourite - the best character in the game to you?”
Yoosung immediately noticed the mischievous twinkle in his friend’s eye, but decided to try and ignore it. If only for his own sanity.
Still, he tried to think closely about what he was going to say. One wrong word and Seven would tease him about it forever. 
“My strongest unit is Ayaka…”
He was immediately silenced by a suppressed giggle.
“What’s so funny about that?! She’s one of the most popular and best five stars in the entire roster! …..plus I didn’t get very lucky with five stars in the first place, so it’s not like I have many strong and versatile characters to choose from….”
“Nothing. Nothing at all. I just think that it suits you that you would prefer the person out of all the characters introduced so far that is the biggest simp for the traveler….I bet you named Aether after yourself too, didn’t you, Yoosungie  ~”
Feeling the blood rushing to his face - he didn’t know if it was due to anger or sheer embarrassment - Yoosung puffed up his cheeks. 
Yes, he really wanted a girlfriend and Ayaka was so pretty and cute that sometimes he would think about being with her, but that was not why he mained her! It was because she was so strong and could be used in many teams! Well. She was very pretty too though…..
“You’re only making fun of me because you’re a Hu Tao main for sure.”
Yoosung was stumped for a moment. “No, that’s not why you’re making fun of me or No, you’re not a Hu Tao main?”
“Hmm….Childe then.”
“I do have him…but he is…well…nah.”
Seven’s answer made him squint. It was oddly avoidant for his usually so cocky friend, which made it feel incredibly off to him. Still, it seemed genuine enough and he didn’t want to pry.
“Raiden Shogun! No- Yae! Yes, you just have to be a Yae Miko main!”
The hacker pursed his lips and a feeling of triumph washed over Yoosung. Bingo!
“She’s in my team quite often, yeah. But I wouldn’t say she’s my main.”
Damn! Who would someone like Seven main….? Yoosung sighed. There was no one like Seven, so that train of thought wouldn’t go anywhere anyway. Except….
“Good guess. But no.”
“...I don’t believe you, but fine. If it’s not Diona, it’s gotta be Rosaria.”
Grinning, Seven shook his head. “Nope. Though Rosaria is a part of my main team, so not too far off I guess.” 
He raised a brow, challenging Yoosung to continue guessing. To his obvious dismay however, the student was tired of this game. 
“I can’t believe you couldn’t guess it. It’s so obvious.” 
Along with and exasperated sigh, Yoosung rolled his eyes. “ Just tell me…”
All traces of playful mockery left his friend’s face in an instant, scaring him a little. He hated it when Seven did that. Something the other was surely aware of in his own mind. 
“I. Main. Critkomi.” 
Yoosung stared at him for a bit, before letting out an annoyed sigh and a small laugh.
“Very funny. Do you think I don’t know that it’s just a meme build? If you gotta mess with me, you could at least give it a little bit more effort.”
As he unloaded his thoughts on the implausibleness onto his friend, his features did not change for a second. Not a grin, not a small twitch from the corner of his lips or a twinkle in his eye. Nothing. 
But he had experience with that, right? He was just acting, right? He had to be. 
“I don’t blame you for being so simple minded…”, he ended his silence, making the student roll his eyes once more. His dramatics were really something Yoosung would never get used to. “But have you seen my Critkomi? I believe not, since you simply didn’t ask to play with me. Otherwise, you would be blown away by what I can do.”
“You hacked the game, didn’t you? I could report you to the developer for that, you know.”
“Nope. All hard work, intense farming for the perfect artifacts and weapon. Just like in LoLoL, I am just too advanced of a player for you to get on my level”, he announced proudly, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“You know….you’re really annoying when you’re boasting about your gaming achievements like that. If you didn’t hack, you pumped a shitload of money into the game.”
“Just earlier you implied that I didn’t have enough money to buy all the cakes here and now I suddenly have enough to put into top ups? Almost sounds like you’re changing your opinion on whatever serves you better.”
Yoosung’s eyes widened in terror. “N-no! That’s not true. At least that’s not what I meant it’s just-”
His panicked apology was cut short as he noticed the cheeky grin on his friend’s face growing wider the longer he stumbled over his words. Almost as quickly as it hit him, the anxiety left his body again.
“I hate it when you do that, you know.”
“Oh yeah. I do know. It’s just too funny for me to stop”, he laughed, holding his stomach as he did so. 
“Alright. Fine. Tonight we play together, and you show me your Critkomi. But if she does not work the way you claim she does, you will stop bullying me all the time, deal?”
“No promises, but okay, I’m in.”
“You mean Critkomi working…right?”
Seven smiled at him, his golden eyes keeping unsettling contact with his lavender ones.
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This was a fic commissioned by frizzkitty! Thank you so much for your support and endless patience ~
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deputygonebye · 5 months
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@hcartsleeved asked: ❛ how could you say something like that to me? ❜
Emotionally Charged Sentence Starters.
Passed over lips before either of them had time to swallow their ration of water, a plastic bottle that had been shared between five, the cynical was born. Sarcastic but not in the oath of friendship - almost spiteful and abrasive. Scornful as the hunger within bellies grew; the days that had been spent without food. Shane knew his encouragement didn't come across as kind. Something gentle and fair, the sort of words that Rick would share over fire light, as the crickets made their lonesome music. It wasn't who he was, not the type of man that Mayven had come to know so intimately. A artist and teacher from Manhattan; insecure, scared to be abandoned, skilled in the craft of hand-to-hand combat. A mother-like and sister-like figure to the littlest ones who needed her most, a beloved friend and companion to a man who didn't know he needed her. Water contained within a dirt stained bottle sent from his hand to another, a small circle made around the quarry, when Mayven rose, so did Shane.
Chased after her into the woods, flinching as low hanging branches smacked against his face, scratched the skin of his cheeks, an agitation that boiled beneath the surface.
"May! Mayven! Hey!" Shane called, ducking the leaves that tried to halt his pace behind her, disregarding as they fell onto the ground and were stomped. "Can you just - stop!"
Shane asked, voice gruff, watching as Mayven finally relaxed her walk away, held herself in place but didn't turn around to meet him. "What the hell are you thinkin', huh? You know better than to just walk off like that. You know the rule: nobody goes off alone. You see, Mayven, that's exactly my point! Now, I'm sorry if my words came out cruel earlier, but quite frankly, I don't give a damn! You needed to hear them. How could I say somethin' like that to you? Because I care about you!"
"You almost got killed today tryin' to save a little girl." Shane reminded, a bitter taste upon his tongue. "You did what you always do: spoke first, thought later. She almost got you, Mayven. She was seconds away from biting into you, scratching you into sometin' awful. This world, it ain't what it once was. An elementary school ain't no better than a rundown bar. It's an outlands, Mayven. That little girl was as dead as the rest of them - she was one of them. Look... I... I understand you have your crosses, we all do. I know the kind of woman you are. You're warm and nice, good with kids. I've seen you with Carl and Sophia. But this... this thinkin' is gonna get you killed. Whatever emotions you got runnin' through you, you need to shut them down and shut them down quick. We can't lose you. I can't lose you. This group, our family, we need and depend on you. Ain't that important to you at all? Doesn't that mean anythin'?"
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thescions · 9 months
“ don't think for even a second that you have to prove something to me. i love you just the way you are. “ - Venat/Hydaelyn for Minfilia c:
Reassurance Starters || Accepting
Minfilia could not remember the last time she had run so hard. In truth, she was running away from her friends' noble sacrifices just as much as she did the waves of enemies sent to silence them.
Just ahead of her, the Warrior of Light -- unjustly accused, more than the rest of them -- rushed on. Fierce, quick, but never once out of reach. Never once did she feel in danger of being left behind. She had always been guided and protected, nurtured and permitted to grow, with whispers of the Mothercrystal offering insight and reassurance.
You must return, Minfilia. Come back to me. My Champion must proceed alone.
It was the clearest she had ever heard Her Words. There was no reason to question them or disobey.
Now, in a rush of steps and shouts and Y'shtola's spell, she found herself floating in the aetherial sea.
Was she dead? Did that mean Y'shtola and Thancred were, too? Had they been crushed under the tunnel's collapse? Had she done what she was supposed to? Had she failed?
Before those thoughts could consume her, however, a comforting warmth indescriable bid she open her eyes. Before her stood a being that, immediately, she knew to be Hydaelyn, ethereal and wondrous and beyond any could imagine.
Hydaelyn told her everything -- everything that had come before and everything that would soon come to pass. Tales of loss and fire and faith. The truth of the Ancients, of the Souce and its Reflections -- of Her, Venat, the one who did what She could to preserve it all.
It was a tragedy that needed a beautiful conclusion. Minfilia knew that the Warrior of Light would deliver that hope in the end. And so she swore to assist Hydaelyn in all that she could, to do whatever was asked of her, no matter how dire it may be.
Again, Hydaelyn's words stopped her -- in a different way. A softer, warmer way. It reminded her of F'lhaminn, and for a moment, Minfilia could only feel guilt and sorrow over those she would leave behind.
But it was all for them. For her family, her friends -- though they would mourn her, they would continue living anyway. Even if it was hard. Finally, Minfilia looked up.
"And I thank you for that love," she bowed her head. "I thank you for all that you have done, Hydaelyn. And all that you will allow me to help you achieve."
Venat had made countless sacrifices for the people and the world she loved. Minfilia would do the same.
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feverinfeveroutfic · 1 year
eerie inhabitants | chapter thirteen
jesus, it’s been, what, nearly a year since I updated this one? then again, a lot was going on last october: she needed to rest for a bit. but it’s time to bring it back from the dead in time for spooky season! 🍎
Tunnel vision sank over me as Eric and I ran as fast as we could to the Winchester house. The front door had been sealed shut, but it made no difference to me whatsoever. All I cared about was saving Abby from there lest Marty do something to her in there. I knew the vampires and their lust for blood and flesh, but he was a total unknown: as far as I knew, he could take her into there to slaughter her for her blood.
I knew that the blood perpetuated the state of undeath, but I wondered what on Earth he had in store for her in there as we reached the trimmed bushes near the front of the house.
Blood for the vampires. Blood on his hands.
He was going to sacrifice her to the demons.
Spook central. All I could think about with the house was that it had been deemed as a hotspot for all manner of ghosts and demons in particular.
Eric and I skirted along the bushes, and past one with pale white tubular flowers that pointed up towards the darkening sky overhead. He put a hand upon my head to keep me down, perhaps away from any prying eyes through the windows off to our left.
“Jesus, it's been so long since I've been here,” he confessed to me right then.
“You don't think anyone's looking out from the windows, do you?” I asked him as he pushed me further towards the ground: above the flowers were the rafters of the balconies on the second floor.
“Probably not,” he said. “Demons aren't that obvious—I just don't want you to come in contact with these flowers here. These are moon flowers. They won't hurt me but they could kill you within a couple of days.” We reached the end of the bushes and the first concrete column before the front door. I glanced back to those white flowers in their long trumpet shape. The mere thought of us having oleanders all around the Bay Area already sent shivers up my spine, but the thought of brushing against a plant that, unbeknownst to me, was incredibly poisonous made me think of life itself.
The two of us then turned to the heavy wooden double front doors of the Winchester house, the left of which was slightly ajar, and I knew that Marty was in there with Abby. I shuddered at the thought of what could go down in there as I led Eric to the front step.
“From this moment forth, I refuse to ever call him Marty,” I told him. “He's Mr. Friedman from now on.”
“Yeah, same here,” Eric added with a nod. Before we reached the front door itself, a deep chill set into my body.
“Temperature drop,” I said as I closed the lapels of my jacket over me, and he nodded at that.
“It's going to be even colder once we go inside,” he informed me. “It's been a while for me, but I know the kiss of death when I feel it.”
I rested a hand upon the panel right before my face, and I pushed the door open.
The hinges remained silent even with the heavy oak under my hand. We were met with a vast front foyer with a neatly scrubbed checkerboard floor and a wide spiral staircase on the side of the room before us. The ceiling rose high over our heads into a dimly lit arch accentuated by a large, elaborate chandelier with dingy old crystals. The musty smell of old curtains from behind us washed over us like the coldest winds from the ocean.
All the while, it was colder than a walk-in refrigerator in there, and even with my jacket on, I still shivered as if I had been caught in a windstorm.
Eric left the door ajar behind us, and I made a note to remember the ray of light at the front of the otherwise dimly lit mansion once we fetched Abby out of there.
“Okay, what do you think we should do?” I asked him with my hands stuffed into my pockets.
“For starters, let's stick together,” he suggested. “I don't want us to get separated and then lose each other in here, what with all the ghosts and demons and everything in here.” He glanced over to the right and what appeared to be the kitchen as well as the dining room. “There's also about a million bajillion rooms in this house, too. It's a literal maze.” He gestured for me to follow him in there, where the air felt like ice. Eric reached back for me even though I was keeping up with him.
I swore I heard a voice before us, a woman's voice, and one that whispered to us from around the corner in front of us. Eric glanced back at me with a look of concern on his face.
There was no one there.
But the voice soon faded out as we came closer to the dining room, a cozy warmly lit room with a long table covered in an off-white tablecloth and surrounded by enough spindly chairs for a big dinner party. Everything in that room smelled of dust and uprooted plants; the entire room itself was completely silent, without a noise one. That is until a whisper on the other side of the room caught our attention.
“That sounded like Abby,” I said to him.
“Are you sure?” he asked me. “I didn't hear anything.”
“I swear, I heard someone whispering over there,” I insisted with a gesture to the far end of the table. Only shadows covered the far end of the table, but I could hear a girl whispering something over there.
“Somewhere around here is a cluster of fairies,” he told me as we skirted along the perimeter of the table; we passed every chair, and every chair sent a chill up my spine. “They partake in the rituals with us by lighting things up, but they like to be in places that feel deadly.”
“They could probably also guide us, too,” I added. “You know, in the instance of it being too dark at points.”
A dull pain emerged in the back of my right hand right then, as if I had been holding onto something too tight, and it took me a second to realize that it was so cold in that vast mansion that I was gripping onto every iota of warmth I could at the moment. I took my hand out and shook it about to relax the muscles.
Eric reached the end of the table first, and I followed suit right behind him: indeed, there was nothing there at the far end, only a hole in the running board of the wall to give way for mice.
My hand still ached once we reached the kitchen, a sterile room with no fridge and a large faded gray sink with an old plug in the drain. Indeed, as we reached the old gas stove on the right side of the room, my hand began to sear as if I had been burned. I glanced down at it to see if there was any sort of wound, but I was only met with nothing. Eric glanced back at me again, that time with a concerned frown.
“Are you okay?” he asked me.
“My hand hurts,” I said. “Like... a lot.”
“Well, quit shaking it about—let me see.” He held onto my hand and jerked back his own. “Whoa, holy shit.”
“It's hot! Like, scalding hot.”
“It's hot?” I clasped onto my palm with my fingertips: the skin felt warm but not hot. I looked on at him and his eyebrows raised up in question.
“Do you feel okay?” I asked him.
“Me? Yeah. A little unnerved because we're here, but—” He stopped, and he looked on at something right behind me. His eyes widened, and his mouth dropped open.
“What is it?”
“You should get down,” he advised me.
“Get down!”
We ducked down together in unison, and all the while, I kept my head bowed towards the faded old linoleum underneath us. I swore I saw the reflection of something that I didn't want to know right over me. I closed my eyes so I wouldn't have to see it.
“Okay,” Eric whispered to me. I lifted my head to see him and the terrified look on his face.
“What was that?” I asked him.
“It was a demon,” he told me. “Last thing we need is to be assaulted by those motherfuckers, especially you because you're a mortal.”
We both stood back up and headed out of the kitchen. He wasn't exaggerating when he said the mansion was like a maze with all the connecting rooms and stairwells tucked around hidden corners, stairs that seemed to go nowhere whenever I glanced up towards the very top of them. And all the while, the house treated us to pockets of cold and iciness in comparison to how it felt outside. And all the while, the pain in my hand persisted: I could only assume that I clenched it too hard in my pocket, but as far as I knew, that would not bring about an intense heat that hurt him when he felt my skin.
There was one narrow hallway, and one where I had a feeling was going to lead us to the front door, where we climbed a flight of stairs to reach the black door at the very top, and with each and every step, we were met with a soft knocking noise in the walls.
“Poltergeist?” I asked him.
“The one and only,” he replied as he reached the door first. He nudged it open only to reveal yet another dimly lit hallway, this time lined with mirrors, and with what appeared to be a flight of stairs at the far end given the edge of the railing right at the corner. Right in the midst of the hallway was what caught my attention.
“There she is!”
We ran side by side down the hall to find Abby laying on the hard wood floor, on her back with her arms held out, eyes closed and lips slightly parted. Someone had taken her sweater and her shoes, and she had what appeared to be soot on the side of her face. Through the dim light, I made out the pallor to her skin, which in turn made my heart skip several beats. Eric knelt down next to her with his hand before her nose.
“She's still breathing,” he told me, to which I sighed with relief. “She probably fainted trying to get away from him.” He gave his hair a toss back with the flick of his head, and then he slipped his hands underneath her body. He scooped her up from the hard floor and then cradled her in his arms. I stood up with him: indeed, I could see that she was still with us, even though her skin was pale and her hair had matted to the sides of her head with sweat.
“Let's take her back to the Cavestany house,” he suggested, as he held Abby close to him. “I'm sure his grandmother has an ace up her sleeve.”
“And just where do you think you're going?”
We turned around to behold the sight of Mr. Friedman and a mallet and wooden stake on his belt.
“Get out of the way,” Eric warned him.
“I'll get out of the way only if you hand her over.”
Eric raised his free hand and his claws jutted out from his fingertips. Long and sharp, they shone under the refracted light from the mirrors, ready to slice him and dice him: for the blood of the vampire slayer. Mr. Friedman swallowed at the sight of those claws.
“Get out of the way—or I will make you get out of the way,” Eric warned him; his voice lowered to an unearthly growl, like that from the depths of the underworld. Mr. Friedman then turned his attention to me, to which his face turned white as a sheet. He pointed at me.
“You've been possessed,” he told me.
“What?” I demanded.
“What?” Eric echoed with a glimpse over at me. He raised his eyebrows at me, and I turned my attention to the mirror behind him. No reflection of either of us: indeed, it looked as though Abby was floating in midair. I returned to Mr. Friedman right as it felt as though my body was burning.
“How?” I added, and a sharp pain seared across my hand. I raised it up only to show off the burn in my palm the shape of a six pointed star. I showed it to Mr. Friedman, right as a deafening roar filled my ears.
Voices in my head, all of them chanting in unison some language I didn't recognize. The language of the antichrist.
I fell to my knees. Everything was quickly growing dark as I could feel myself burning up and descending into hell. I raised my hands up as if to hold onto something on the way down, but I was met with an incoming blackness.
I was falling fast.
Through my fading vision, I saw the six pointed star again, this time from Mr. Friedman's chest. His voice chanted out something, something that reminded me of the battle over at Mark's house. The demon burst out of my body, out from my right arm, and my body slammed to the floor, hard.
Out of breath and sweating, I lifted my gaze up to him and the crown of curled hair upon his head. Eric stood back with Abby's face pressed to his chest.
The pain in my hand was gone, but now I had been left with that second degree burn on my palm as well as an open sore on the first two knuckles, both of which hurt like hell.
“Holy shit,” Eric muttered.
“Oh, my god,” I breathed out as I lifted myself up from the floor with my free hand. “What was that, Latin?”
“Hebrew,” Mr. Friedman replied. “They're all more afraid of me than they are of you.”
I coughed and wiped the back of my mouth with my free hand. I glanced over at the mirror again, and that time I saw my own reflection.
“Thank you,” I told him, and I stood up, albeit with some difficulty as it had ravaged my body down to the foundations.
“And again. Get of the way.” I pushed past him and Eric ran after me to the stairs. I led him back down to the waning ray of light through the front double doors: the burn on the palm felt so raw, as if I had undergone some sort of stigma, and yet I could feel the star carved into the flesh. The open sore on the knuckles glistened with blood and fluid from under the chandelier crystals, and it took me a second to see the crater down in between the joints. It really did burst out of me with a vengeance. We skidded outside and the cold air only made my wounds hurt even more.
“Let's go to Rob's house,” I said in a broken voice: the palm and back of my hand throbbed in pain, but I resisted the urge to tuck my hand away inside of the pocket. Eric held Abby close to his body and clasped a hand onto me so we could fly her back home and before Mr. Friedman could catch up to us.
My own healing would have to wait for the time being.
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abyssaljour · 1 year
The year was 2015.
*I* was 15.
When I was younger, I was very much an avid reader. On field trips, I brought books to read. During lunch, I read , and during free time I would read more.
Pierce Brown, whose name I still remember to this day like it's been etched in my eyelids, just released the second book of the Red Rising series. Our school library had the both the first on display for check-out and teased that they'd get the 2nd one in soon. Finding the premise interesting, I read the first book literally in a day and a half. I was desperate.
I wanted- *needed* the second. When the book arrived and I stormed in there like a one man army and devoted myself to reading it. Now, If you have read the series, the main character, Darrow, has to take this really difficult test. It's later revealed he only missed [ one ] question which prevented him from being selected by Minerva. Looking back on it, this was likely intentional by the character, but my tiny little pea brain was hyperfocused on this one little detail.
What exactly was the question?
Was it of empathy or strategy or sacrifice?
I literally mulled it over in my head for days- it plagued me. So what did any child with a school provided email and access to the internet do? I went through like, the first and second pages of Google looking for it till I found what I believed to be Pierce Brown's email.
I recall vividly I had this role play ass introduction like, "The reader turns the page and looks up." I then asked what the fuck Darrow missed [ not with those words ] and sent it. To my horror, I realized I had **Wholly** botched the email with typos. Obviously I couldn't undo it, so I tried to forget my Greatest shame.
Much to my surprise, my email got a reply from what appeared to be genuinely, Pierce Brown. It might have been a agent, but honestly kudos to replying to my dumb ass. His reply was to the effect of" keep reading and we will see " from what I remember.
I kept this email bookmarked for the rest of my school career. I couldn't believe my favorite author responded to me! However, unable to get over my botched starter, I never replied.
And then Morning Star came out like a year later and it was like a bomb went off filling my head with anticipation and expectation. I got so excited. I prepped a closet fort in my room to ensure I could read it in peace, the question from before orbiting my brain as I read, each chapter analyzed with a microscope for the answer I'd been searching for. It wasn't there.
Or wasnt at least to my recollections, because let me tell you, I was DEVASTATED. I didn't pick up another book for fun for the rest of the year. I killed all my heroes that day. Head in my Hands.
.. . Now I was going to share this cause I thought this was funny now with hindsight, but straight up he just released another book, Light Bringer. It's like I have to share now. Hopefully my now well-wrinkled brain will comprehend things when I give the series a reread.
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all54321 · 1 year
Underneath the Moon (Grian POV)
Scar POV
Thinking about the AU of the snippet I sent before and wanted to go back and clean that up. This AU came from me thinking about an AU where Scar remembers 3rd Life, and I started thinking more logically about it. Like, what reason does Scar have for remembering? That lead to me thinking that he’s the second to last remaining person. And that brought me to having the final two remaining remember, aka this AU.
Grian watches Scar cheerily talk to Impulse from his hidden perch on his roof. They’re talking like Scar didn’t instruct BDubs to kill Impulse. Like everything that happened didn’t happen.
He tightens his grip on one of the chimney’s, is he the only one cursed with this knowledge? Is he all alone in his suffering? He’s not sure if that’s a blessing or curse.
Grian stares longingly as Scar, swallowing nervously, before he turns around and takes flight, wanting to get far away from there. Why? Why did he have to beat Scar to death when he wanted nothing more then kiss him? He blushes heavily as he lands in a remote forest, well, he wanted to do a lot more then kiss him. Grian wants to do everything that they couldn’t do in that game.
But now none of that will ever happen again, Scar doesn’t remember, and even if he does, he’ll probably hate him. Grian wraps his wings around himself, why does everything hurt so much?
Grian circles around Boatem, high in the sky. He unfortunately has to return to his starter base and he really doesn’t want to see anyone. He can’t bring himself to face them, not after everything he did. They’re better off without him. He stifles a wince as that thought cuts deep.
He looks around the clearing, no one was around, probably all asleep or lost in projects. Despite this, he dives down to land directly in front of his house. He hurries to the door, but as he grabs the door handle someone calls out to him.
“Grian!” Scar cheerily says.
Grian flinches and takes a step back, turning to face Scar. Why is he here? Where was he even hiding? “Uh, hi Scar!” He responds, smiling an extremely fake smile, he hopes Scar doesn’t notice. His wings twitch, ready to take him out of here. Grian can return later, he just needs to leave.
Scar approaches him, a look in his eyes that Grian can’t decipher. “I haven’t seen you around lately, what have you been up to?”
“Uh, just working on some stuff,” he answers, not prepared for an excuse. He takes another step back, ready to run when he can. Grian can’t meet Scar’s eyes, not after what he’s done. Doing so lets him notice that Scar is holding on hand behind his back, hiding something. Normally he would prod and pester Scar until he gives in and reveals it, but he’s not himself. Not anymore. Not after what he’s done.
“Like your mega base?” Scar asks, clearly wanting more details.
“Y-yeah!” Grian agrees, having no other excuse available. “Just planning stuff and gathering materials.” It’s not entirely a lie, he has been doing that, but barely out of fear of getting noticed. Grian takes another small step back, hoping Scar doesn’t notice. He can’t meet his eyes, can’t see if he notices.
“Well, I have a gift for you, I’m glad I just caught you now.”
Grian meets his eyes, caught off guard, quickly looking away seeing his deep, forest green eyes. They were once red. They were once dead. Why did Scar wait for him for void knows how long just to give him something. He hasn’t seen him in days, what is Scar planning? “A gift?” he asks hesitantly.
“Yup,” he says, finally revealing what was behind his back.
Grian’s breath hitches as he sees the bouquet of lilacs and poppies clutched in Scar’s hand. A memory resurfaces against his will.
Scar hurries up to Grian, gray skin and red eyes, flowers clutched tightly in his hands. He holds them out to Grian before he can say a word, “can we still be partners?” His voice is pleading, desperate almost.
Grian takes them, surprised by how that was Scar’s first thought, “I- yeah, I can’t just leave you, and technically I still owe you my first life.” Scar gives him a weak smile, looking grateful. Grian pulls him into a quick kiss. He gestures to the chest beside him, “I got your stuff.”
Grian shoves the memory away, he needs to leave, he needs to go now. Scar remembers, he remembers everything Grian did. He can’t handle Scar’s rejection of him, not right now. He spreads his wings out more, he can’t stay here.
Scar quickly closes the distance between them, grabbing his wrist, causing him to freeze, “wait!”
Grian stiffens, staring wide eyed at Scar. He can’t handle this, all of the emotions he’s blocked away, trying to keep himself stable. Everything crumbles away as he stares into Scars determined eyes, with a, dare he hope, loving look.
Tears that he’s been holding back finally come loose and he collapses into Scar’s arms. He buries his face into Scar’s chest, holding him tightly, as he sobs. “I’m sorry Scar… I’m so sorry.”
Scar returns the embrace just as tightly, “it’s okay,” he murmurs, “I don’t blame you, not for anything.”
Grian sobs increase, he doesn’t deserve this, doesn’t deserve Scar.
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universestreasures · 1 year
@crimsonkaiser​​ Sent: An 𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐀 Sentence Starter (Accepting!)
❝  stop  bossing  me  around.  ❞  [@ Takuto bc they totally need to interact somehow lolol, maybe reverse?
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“What was that..?” The envoy of the void speaks, their teeth gritting in irritation. Up until now, Toshiki Kai had been doing exactly as they had ordered. He traveled to spread the gifts of the Reverse across the many humans of this wretched and pathetic planet, having no hesitation even when faced with former friends. He was the perfect warrior, the perfect Vanguard for the Void’s takeover of both this world and Planet Cray. 
And yet...he has recently shown signs of disobedience, and it didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the cause. This sass they has been shown whenever they have given out an order all started the second Aichi Sendou fell at the hands of the Reverse Vanguard, who instead of being turned into a powerful soldier for their ever-growing army instead was now a helpless shell of himself locked up in one of the many rooms of the Tatsunagi Building. From their understanding, Toshiki Kai wanted to crush Aichi Sendou, to crush the boy who had overtaken him in power completely. And while Sendou’s spirit had certainly been crushed, the...protectiveness Toshiki Kai had been displaying, very much like a dragon would with a precious treasure, was…puzzling. 
Turns out that maybe humans are more complex than they first thought. Though, that does not change the current situation. Toshiki Kai had sold his soul to Link Joker in exchange for power, and it was high time they remind him of that very fact. Maybe that will get him to change his tune.
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“I think your time away from me has caused you to...forget how things work around here, but don’t worry, I’ll be more than happy to remind you of your place, my champion.” 
A light laugh escapes their lips as their body glows in the signature blood red glow of the Link Joker clan, five floating rings then appearing from the tips of fingers that soon fly off in direction of the reversed human. The rings, another signature of the clan, would wrap themselves around the human’s wrists, ankles, and neck, all the while pinning him to the nearby wall inside the private study. Like this, he couldn’t ignore what the envoy is about to say. 
“You may have crossed over to the Reverse of your own free will, but...it does not change the fact that by doing so you sold your soul to Link Joker. You belong to me, just as every single Reversed fighter on this planet does. You all are to carry out the Void’s will, whether you are a common solider or the Vanguard leading the charge. ”
The alien being then approaches the human, raising their hand to point towards the Link Joker deck that was in Toshiki Kai’s pocket. Their power levitates the box out of Kai’s possession, leaving it to float before the two of them. Perhaps a visual will be more salient to him of what he could stand to lose if he keeps up his attitude. 
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“But if you really want to go and keep on rebelling against me, like with how you didn’t make Sendou into a Reversed Fighter like I asked, then by all means go ahead! I’ll just be taking this back, then. And all the power that goes with it...” 
The rings around the other’s skin would start to tighten, their power starting to drain the power of the Reverse out of Toshiki Kai’s body and back into the Link Joker deck that was hovering between the two. It would be a slow process, one that they would cease once the other would give back in. There was no way their champion would give up this power, not after what he did to obtain it. It had become an addiction, something the human could no longer live without, which was just what they needed to keep him in line.
“What a shame...I really was looking forward to watching you crush Ren Suzugamori. Oh, well...I guess I’ll just find some other fighter to do the job instead. Maybe Aichi Sendou will serve me well as the replacement for you. He’s perfect for the role considering how he replaced you in the eyes of everyone who once admired and looked up to you as one of the strongest fighters in the world...”
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shewantsitall · 5 days
hi! I don't know if you actually Wanted a detailed answer about why Jamie was loaned but I love to info dump about football. I have no idea about US football so if you already know any of this then I'm sorry!
we know that Jamie was at the Man City academy after being scouted as a kid. realistically, to get signed to a big name team as your first contract, you need to come up through an academy so a rec league wouldn't really be plausible for Jamie (he also grew up working class with a young, single mum in a pretty deprived area in the UK - I have no idea what rec league he'd even have access to). after finishing the academy, Jamie signed straight with Man City so there's no doubt they thought he was good enough: he was. the problem is that big prem teams like them have really deep benches, they have a lot of much more experienced talent that would take priority for starting/subbing on. Jamie would get next to no minutes and wouldn't develop as a player. it is really common to loan out young players like this to smaller, less successful teams. Richmond being another prem team is a bit unusual (why would they give their players to their direct competition?), it'd generally be a Championship or league one team. the state of Richmond pre-canon probably explains it but Ted Lasso plays a bit fast and loose with football realism so we simply must accept it
getting sent on loan really is just a normal part of developing a young player - Jamie got to experience being a regular starter at Richmond so when his loan ended, he'd be going to Man City as a player with actual match experience. i just had a quick look at the current England national team players and there's a fairly even split between the regular starters of who was loaned out and who wasn't. Jamie's loan being terminated early would be much more of a story than him being loaned in the first place.
You know what I was mostly just rambling and scheming up ways that I could be mean to him, but actually this is magical tysm for sharing!!!!
I am a biiiig fan of one US team and they’re very much solidly at the bottom of the professional pyramid here. I’m very much a lower tier and also MLS girlie and honestly most of my (v limited) premier league knowledge is like… from following USMNT players
From what I understand, most Academy teams are very much ✨pay to play✨ and I thought that was sort of universal but I guess not? I can definitely imagine people having scholarships for gifted kiddos tho so even if it was I imagine that could be a pathway for him!
The team that I follow most closely doesn’t really deal with players going on loan or being loaned to them. My other team that I follow mostly does short term things from the first team to the second team or vice versa for rehab (1st to 2nd) OR call ups during international windows that MLS insists on simply ✨playing through✨ OOOORRRR for what from the outside looking in, seems like punishment. So. I think I’ve sort of had the wrong idea about the loan!
I DEFINITELY can see how having his loan terminated would be a Very Big Deal omg. ESPECIALLY since Richmond instigated it 👀
Tysm for your ask!!! I love this and as someone who also loves to info dump about football, I VERY much appreciate your info dump about football! If you ever want to info dump more and be info dumped back at, pls feel free message me!
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