#to what end tho like now shes always just annoyed w me
tiredrobin · 4 months
coworker who lives at mad at me island threw a mini tantrum this morning (literally threw) (lol. lmao) but didnt give me a reason why until right before i was leaving (the reason was something i didnt know was a thing) n im sitting here like ohhhhh we're communicating like high schoolers now. i see. otay <3
#robin rambles#hashtag girl#at this point i just think its funny like what is going on with u#if ur not gonna communicate w me im not gonna entertain whatever this is#like she coulda seriously been like 'hey robin this is a thing now'#n i woulda been like 'oh otay i didnt know. got it boss'#like girl when i said i was gonna make an active effort not to take everything u say negatively like i was i meant it! ive been putting in#the effort!#to what end tho like now shes always just annoyed w me#bein like hey sorry i was misinterpreting ur behaviors n thats on me n ill work on not assuming ur being hostile#only for every other interaction to become like. subtly hostile in that shes annoyed w me or impatient w me or whatever#like bro. what da hell am i supposed to do. smh#unfortunately i cannot apologize for smth idk anything abt. u gotta use ur words!!!#i thot u were an adult!!!#straight up tho i am trying to b patient n whatever abt all this cuz like idk whats goin on w her idk whats up#mayb my og apology had felt disingenuous or was somehow triggering i#*or something. like it cld b anything#it just gets emotionally a lil exhausting when idk the problem and im trying so so hard to maintain my reactions n keep calm#this whole thing just makes me anxious all the time. i try to tell myself it isnt bothering me but not knowing why any of this is actually l#happening is like. stressful#n frankly at this point i think im allowed to react plainly or blankly or with mild annoyance cuz thats literally all im getting from her#we say good morning all cool and sometimes she makes a joke but its like overall my existence is just annoying to her or smth cuz she barely#even bothers trying to look me in the eye#like. man. what da hell goin on
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mochalate · 2 months
[intro] new notification!
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msby!atsumu x reader || w/c: 560 Atsumu discovers that the only thing worse than online dating, is dating advice online. a/n: oh look at that, another atsumu fic!! this one is less stressful for me though. its pretty short, with a cute little plot that won't cause me planning paralysis. making edits for atsumu is always so fun <3 i hope you'll read it!!
[chapter 1->]
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r/relationship_advice • 3 hours ago
I want to ask out my twin brother's girlfriend.
It's not as bad as it sounds. She's not really his girlfriend.
I'll try to explain.
We're colleagues, sort of. (Me and her— I'd rather starve to death than work for my brother.)
Last month, someone took a picture of us leaving the office. I was only walking her to her car but the person who took the picture wanted to imply that we were dating.
And that wouldn't have been an easy rumour for her to handle, so I got my brother (identical twin) to post a picture with her on his socials.
Obviously, just one picture wouldn't work to convince anyone, so they've been meeting up a couple times a week (they have similar interests, so they were friends already) to be seen together.
Now here's the issue— I never saw her like that before, and I thought it was just fucking annoying to watch people be lovey dovey, fake or not... but one of my other colleagues said it sounded like I was jealous.
And fuck, I am.
Do you think she'd be mad if I asked her out? I reacted pretty badly to the original picture. And I'm worried my brother likes her for real (those photos they're posting are kind of convincing...)
Edit: for everyone asking, no, I can't ask my brother. he'll know why, and if he really does like her I don't want to mess with it. and if he doesn't he won't let me hear the fucking end of it. i can hear the best man speech already.
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u/unicornpoodle • 2 hours ago
lol dude (I'm assuming you're a dude, unless you're a girl who unfortunately is built exactly like your brother) are you sure you like her and aren't just jealous of your brother being happy? fake or not
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u/fattytuna95 • 2 hours ago yeah i'm sure. I cut out a picture of one of my teammates and pasted it over his ugly mug and it made me even angrier. ↑ 35 ↓ •••
u/msbygirlie_13 • 2 hours ago
Oh hey!! I recognise you from the atsumu miya subreddit!! That's so cool you have a twin just like him!! And his brother got a gf recently too!!! (I think they're fr tho lol.)
Okay hmmm this is a tough one. wdym when yuo said 'reacted badly'??? and what was so bad about the rumour in the first place if it's an option for you now???? this is kinda weird ngl.
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u/fattytuna95 • 2 hours ago do you really they're the real deal??? I kind of laughed. And now that I look back at it, I think I might have looked way too eager to put it out there that we weren't dating. like I was disgusted or something. :( I wasn't, I just didn't want her to have any trouble. :( :( I'm sorry, I can't explain the situation any more for privacy reasons. ↑ 20 ↓ •••
u/guiltyassassin_ • 1 hour ago
well you don't have to talk to either of them... you said someone took the original photo. maybe they're still stalking?? ask them what they think?
lmfao you guys are either celebrities or highschoolers with this kinda drama
(also you keep calling your brother ugly, but then say you guys are identical? huh????)
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u/fattytuna95 • 55 minutes ago This is kind of an insane idea, but it does make sense. Maybe I'll do it. (and you wouldn't get it.) ↑ 2 ↓ •••
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first chapter tomorrow! please like/reblog/reply/send me an ask if you enjoyed it :) it keeps me going lol [my other fics->] divider: @/cafekitsune
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faulty-writes · 1 year
Hey faulty, it’s currently 4am and I’m feeling really sick rn aha. Could you maybe do a oneshot of Iida x fem reader where she gets sick at night? Like they’re on a camping trip with the class 1A and they end up having to share a bed? (Cliché ik but I love this trope sue me) and she gets sick at night. I’m talking fever keeping her up until 3am then going to the restroom in the bedroom to puke. She doesn’t want to wake up iida and tries to just deal with it alone.. but she ends up waking iida up anyway when she goes to the restroom. She got so hot that she had to take off her t shirt but left the sweats on. She’s in a white tank top btw. (For plot you’ll see) Iida knocks on the door bc like he’s worried ya know? She says it’s open and then a few min later after talking, she asks him to bring her a black tank top from her luggage bc the one she has on is kinda see through. She’s red from the fever btw. Iida brings it and she turns her back and just slips it off to replace it with the black one. Normally shy but friendly reader would feel embarrassed in changing in front of him (and even being in a tank top) , but at this point, she feels like dog water so she doesn’t care. When she quickly slipped the white tank over her head, iida gets flustered (you know naturally bc u know girl he likes). He’s gonna turn around (or act how iida acts) but he sees some scars on her back for just 2 seconds. This leads to late night caring and reader opening up about trauma from rich parents. (Think like Killua from hxh just for the abuse he went through- parents wanted to make reader really strong and we’re obsessed over it-she’s in a better home now tho with a relative)
iida and fem reader are in the “I kinda like you a lot but I’m not going to do anything bc I love our friendship rn phase.”
Could you make it cute and fluffish and domestic? (I think that’s how u use that word lol) Reader and iida grow closer through it too. I’m sorry this ask is so specific lol, I have a vision in mind. I also think sweet shy fem reader x iida is really cute. (This is not self indulgent at all aha😂)
It’s ok if ur not up to it.. tho I would be really happy if u did write it up. I love ur fanfics!! Been a fan for like 3 years even before I had tumblr!(❁´◡`❁) just lemme know if ur busy rn or don’t wanna write it! No pressure. :)
Thank you!
[ Alright! Sorry this took a bit, but I hope you're feeling better and I hope I did this story justice. It was kind of fun to write, I like the whole "I like you but need to stay friends" trope because it can always grow into something more. Anyways, I tried to make Tenya flustered just enough in this fic. I love embarrassing him. ]
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“Are you most certain you’re correct?” Tenya urged, and Izuku held up a piece of paper muttering under his breath. “That’s w-what I counted,” he replied before yelping when Katsuki grabbed the back of his head. “Shut the hell up already!” he snapped before glaring at Tenya.
“Who the hell cares if two of us have to share a damn bed!? It’s your fault for not accounting for this, four-eyes,” he growled, making Tenya frown in response. “I am afraid that I did not anticipate the weather causing our pre-scheduled camping trip to be postponed,” he explained, slightly annoyed by Katsuki’s behavior.
He wanted to make graduation special and insisted that Class A take a camping trip. However, due to the rainy weather and the persistence of his female classmates, the choice to pull over and book hotel rooms for the night was made.
“Yeah yeah, whatever,” Katsuki responded, releasing his hold on Izuku. “Come on you spikey-haired idiot!” he growled at Eijirou who nervously chuckled. “Well, I guess that means Bakugou and I are taking the first room,” he said.
“Best of luck figuring out who shares the one-bedroom suite for the night!” With that, he waved goodbye and chased after Katsuki. “Mineta and I can share a room!” Kaminari announced. “Yes, and Jirou and I can share a room,” Momo said.
“Mm, very well,” Tenya replied, looking at Izuku and Shoto. “I assume you two wish to share a room,” he said. “Oh w-well uh…” Izuku tried to reply but Tenya ignored him. You were sitting on one of the provided chairs in the lobby of the hotel, remaining quiet as you watched the scene unfold.
You coughed and cleared your throat a few seconds later. “Are you okay Y/n?” Tsuyu questioned laying her hand on your back. You nodded. “Uh, yeah just a bit of a sore throat,” you replied, rubbing it to ease the discomfort.
“Everyone please, pair up in groups of two and take a room key!” Tenya announced, and you looked at Tsuyu. “Go ahead,” you said, waving her away. “I don’t care who I spend the night with,” you soon regretted those words when only Tenya and you were left.
“Forgive me,” he said, unlocking the hotel room and turning on the light. “I hope this accommodation does not cause discomfort for you,” he said, gesturing you into the room. He could hear a steady stream of rain hitting the window and vicious thunder rumbling outside.
“I guess this camping trip turned out...s-sour, huh Iida?” you tried to joke, but he didn’t seem to find any humor in your words. Your smile faded and you folded your hands in front of you, focusing on the floor. ‘Well, that didn’t turn out the way I wanted’ you thought with rosy cheeks.
You moved out of the way when Tenya walked into the room, placing the bags on the floor by the bed. He insisted on carrying yours, and it didn’t come as a surprise considering he was a gentleman. “Are you feeling well?” he asked, noticing your reddened cheeks.
“Uh…w-what?” you replied, snapping your head up and trembling when he glared at you. “Are you feeling well?” he repeated. “Um, I uh, y-yeah I’m f-fine,” you choked out, thinking that your sore throat was nothing more than the rain irritating your allergies.
“I see,” he walked over to the bed and asked, “Do you prefer sleeping on the left or right side?” You knitted your eyebrows, unsure what he meant. “Uh, w-whichever side is fine,” you replied but knew your answer wouldn't satisfy him, so you thought of a diversion.
“I wanna take a...a shower!” you exclaimed, trying to ignore his now suspicious glance. The worst part was that you could barely stand looking at his gorgeous eyes. “Very well, you are welcome to freshen up in the shower. I trust you have the appropriate slumber wear, yes?” he asked, adjusting his glasses.
“Uh, y-yes,” you said. Maybe taking a relaxing shower would alleviate your throat soreness. “I’ll um, just g-get them from my s-suitcase,” you said, pointing to it. “Um, t-thanks for carrying it for me, uh, b-by the way,” Tenya nodded.
“I do not believe it would be appropriate to expect a lady to carry her luggage,” he explained, watching you open the suitcase and look through it for your sleeping clothes. Once you gathered everything, you scurried to the bathroom and shut the door behind you.
“What is wrong with me!?” you hissed, walking to the large tub, and turning on the water. You stripped your clothes off and carefully climbed inside, sighing in contentment as the water eased your body’s muscles. You lay there for what felt like hours before carefully climbing back out.
Droplets of water fell from your body, creating a rhythmic pattern as they hit the floor. You drained the tub before walking to the sink. You placed your hands on the counter and looked at your reflection in the mirror. You felt a bit odd and wondered if you had spent a little too much time in the tub.
Well, maybe you’d feel better when you lay down. Once you had dried off, you slipped on a white tank top, a short sleeve shirt, and a pair of sweatpants. “The b-bathroom is free,” you said, walking past the bed. “Hm?” Tenya was sitting on the right side of it reading a book.
“Oh, I see. Thank you,” he replied, closing his book, and placing it on the nightstand near the bed. You closed your eyes, feeling an overwhelming urge to lie down. You pulled back the blanket and sat, pressing one hand against the mattress to feel its firmness.
You looked up when Tenya stood, although he didn’t say anything when he gathered his sleeping clothes and headed to the bathroom. You took a deep breath, coughing softly when you laid your head down and pulled the blanket back over you.
The sound of running water accompanied by the rain and thunder that still bellowed outside helped you drift off to sleep, but a few hours later you woke up sweating. “Ah…” you blinked, feeling exhausted, and reached up to touch your forehead. ‘Why am I so hot?’ you thought, wiping your face dry.
Hearing soft snoring, you turned your head. Tenya was lying beside you in blue pajamas and a matching sleeping cap. His face looked content and part of you wondered what he was dreaming about if he was dreaming about anything at all.
‘Maybe this fever will go down if I keep resting’ you thought as you closed your eyes and tried to relax your body. Unfortunately, you found yourself restless and your fever grew more severe, making you whimper on occasion. This combined with the nauseating feeling growing in your stomach finally made you sit up.
“I’m gonna barf…” you muttered, turning to look at Tenya to ensure he was still asleep. The last thing you wanted was to wake him up, especially after all the planning he had put into this camping trip. Besides, maybe it was better you dealt with this by yourself as you never wanted to burden others. You winced, holding your stomach as you stood.
You swallowed hard, tasting acid on your tongue. You turned to look at Tenya one last time before scurrying to the bathroom quietly. Your breathing was heavy and sweat dripped from your skin so profusely that your clothing stuck to your skin making movement uncomfortable.
As you swallowed again, you slowly pulled your arms inside your shirt. You intended to take it off despite being hunched over the toilet. You sighed in relief when the cool air hit your skin, somewhat thankful you made the choice to wear a tank top underneath said shirt.
At the moment, it didn't matter to you that it was white and see-through. You closed your eyes and wiped the sweat from your brow, your mouth salivated so much it dripped down your chin. You dry heaved, feeling your stomach twist until its contents splashed into the toilet.
When you coughed, Tenya's eyes fluttered open and he turned his head, noticing you absent from the bed. He sat up slowly and grabbed his glasses. He was more than certain the noise that had woken him was you.
It was natural that he wanted to check you were okay, so he stood up and walked to the bathroom, noticing that the door was closed. He pressed his ear against it growing more concerned when he heard heavy breathing, followed by sniffles. He frowned and paused before knocking three times.
You snapped your head up, eyes wide but vision blurry as you looked at the bathroom door. “Y/n, do you require assistance?” he asked, and you latched onto your lip to suppress the gag threatening to come. The inside of your mouth tasted sour, and your throat burned.
You shifted your eyes back and forth, knowing if you didn’t answer soon, he’d likely do something drastic. “I…” Your voice was weak, but you tried to push through it. “I…I don’t know,” you replied, before wiping your eyes with the back of your hand.
Your answer alarmed Tenya, and seconds later he heard a toilet flush followed by running water. “What is the matter? Are you feeling ill? Are you injured?” he questioned, feeling ridiculous for talking to you through a door. You took a deep breath, resting your hand on your stomach.
You looked at your reflection in the mirror, noticing your hair was disheveled and your cheeks red. Your eyes looked swollen and irritated, in other words, you were a mess. “I…just…” Maybe it would be better if he saw for himself.
“Um, t-the door is open,” you said reluctantly. “Very well, may I enter now?” came his reply. “…yeah,” the door squeaked, and you wrapped your arms around yourself before turning to face him. His eyes widened upon seeing you, noting your irritated-looking eyes and reddened face.
He didn’t want to assume anything, but you certainly looked ill. “Forgive me, but you look rather...ill and I do not believe I have a thermometer so I cannot take an accurate measure to confirm or deny any possible fever,” he replied, tapping his chin. “I…I’m not running a fever,” you lied.
He narrowed his eyes and reached out. “Pardon my touch,” he said, pressing his hand against your forehead. Yes, it was a rather outdated method to use, but it would allow him to feel your temperature regardless. “Hm,” he raised his eyebrows and lowered his hand.
“Your forehead is rather warm,” he noted. “May I check your pulse?” You blinked in response, hissing softly when you noticed how dry your eyes felt. “Um…okay?” you replied and gasped when he took your wrist, pressing his thumb against it.
The seconds ticked by awkwardly as you clenched your bottom lip. “Your pulse appears slightly elevated, suggesting possible sickness,” he said, lowering your wrist. “Oh um…” you wrapped your arms around yourself again, suddenly anxious, and self-aware of your see-through tank top.
“Hey Iida,” you said, glancing away shyly. “Yes?” he replied. “Uh…c-could you…get me another tank top? The black one from my luggage?” you asked sweetly, nervously rubbing your upper arms. Tenya knitted his eyebrows together, uncertain why you asked for a tank top when you already had one on.
However, out of curiosity, he glanced down, and his eyes widened. He covered his mouth when he noticed that the fabric of your current tank top was rather…well perhaps it was rude to continue to stare at someone's exposed body.
“Y-yes!” he suddenly shouted, immediately looking away from you. His cheeks glowed a furious red color which was accompanied by a feeling of shame. He knew he should not look at a young lady in such a disrespectful manner. It was improper!
After all, he did not mean to look at you that way, but it seems his mistake caused him a bit of embarrassment. “I would be honored to…” He cleared his throat, trying to ignore the unfamiliar heat that ran through his cheeks.
“I would be honored to assist you, please give me a moment,” he said, promptly turning around and scurrying out of the bathroom. He took deep breaths as he opened your suitcase, searching for the black tank top you requested.
Despite his concern about his fast-paced heartbeat, he believed it to be a natural reaction given his feelings toward you. Of course, he didn't want to ruin your friendship by acting on said feelings. “Here we are,” he said, neatly folding the article of clothing before returning to the bathroom.
“I do hope this is the correct item,” he said, hesitantly holding it out. “Yeah,” you replied, taking it. Unless you were in a relationship or classified yourself as a free spirit there was a certain level of modesty when it came to changing in front of the opposite or even the same sex.
However, given how horrible you felt now you didn’t think twice about turning your back on him and removing your current tank top. Tenya’s eyes widened when he realized what you were doing. His cheeks flushed, and he immediately raised his hand, intent on scolding you, but no words came out.
Despite not anticipating activating his engines, his nervous state made them spark to life and a soft rumbling echoed through the air. “P-pardon!” he stuttered and turned to face the door, feeling his heart accelerate again. “Hm?” You paused and briefly looked over your shoulder at him.
‘Weird…’ you thought, before dropping the white tank top to the floor. A groan escaped your lips as you slipped the black tank top over your head. While he knew it was rude to look at you when you were topless or changing, your groan concerned him enough to make him turn his head.
That's when he noticed the scars on your back, and instead of flushing yet again or feeling embarrassed, he grew concerned. Although your scars looked old and healed, he wanted to know what caused them. It is natural for heroes to receive injuries which then created long-lasting scars.
But yours almost looked…well perhaps it was more appropriate he didn't assume where they came from. He turned his head back, feeling the slightest amount of sweat drip down his face and he almost regretted not having brought a handkerchief to bed.
He cleared his throat, tugging at the collar of his pajama top, and was tempted to undo the first few buttons to cool himself. His cheeks were a deep rosy color, and his engines continued to rumble softly although he hoped they were not too audible.
Just as you finished putting your new tank top on, you heard Tenya clear his throat. “Huh?” you raised an eyebrow when you turned only to stare at his back. “Um...” you stepped closer to him, hesitantly reaching out to touch him.
You stumbled back when he trembled in response and turned to face you, his eyes wide and his face red. You blinked, unsure if you had scared him or if he was beginning to feel sick as well. “Um…a-are you okay?” you asked, your heart pounding in your chest.
“I…” he glanced away. His mind filled with images of those scars, and he lowered his eyebrows in thought. Frankly, he wished to address what he had seen but did not want to appear strange or alarming. Furthermore, he did not wish to force information out of you or make you feel uncomfortable.
He cleared his throat once more and raised his hand, chopping it through the air as he said, “P-perhaps it would be best if we retired to the bed to further address your question.” You knit your eyebrows, not fully understanding him. Then again, did anyone understand Tenya?
Maybe his closest friends, but even they seem baffled by his antics sometimes. You placed your hand on your stomach, somewhat relieved you were feeling better. You shrugged. “Okay?” you replied, following him out of the bathroom. Your fever was still high, and you wiped your brow.
For a split second, you debated running to the ice machine. However, the thought of walking down an empty hotel hallway made you feel uneasy. Come to think of it, you didn’t know how late or early it was, not that it mattered because who knows how long Tenya could take to answer your question.
“Please sit,” he said politely gesturing to the bed. You looked between him and the bed before sitting down as requested. The bed gave a soft squeak when he sat down next to you. The two of you exchanged glances before he cleared his throat.
“I…do not wish for you to think I am being disrespectful when I ask this as I understand personal matters are quite difficult to speak about with those you are not close with,” as painful as it was to admit, despite the many challenges Class A went through together, there was still distance between all of you.
Yes, a few classmates had admitted their personal matters and remorse over certain things or times in their lives. However, he noticed that you tended to keep to yourself. While you were kind and compassionate, there was a shy nature about you, and he had noticed you struggle in social situations before.
“W-what do you mean?” you asked, your voice trembling and your anxiety rising. He was silent for a moment, and you noticed his shoulders were stiff. He shifted his legs almost as though he were uncomfortable, but you swear you heard a soft rumbling.
Was his quirk acting up? You quickly glanced at his face, his eyebrows were lowered and there was an uncertain glance in his eyes. His cheeks were slightly reddened, and his hands were in his lap, but you noticed his fingers were interlocked.
“Forgive me, I believe it would be beneficial if I were to explain more clearly. I…” he took a deep breath, laying his hands flat on his thighs. He cleared his throat again and reached up, tugging at the collar of his pajama top.
“I noticed that there were…rather severe-looking scars on your back.” A chill ran down your spine and you leaned away from him. Your eyes were wide, and he expected you to be angry, but instead a look of hurt and dread spread across your face.
You fisted your hand into your chest and the other into the blanket, keeping silent. Tenya frowned. “I…apologize,” he said, carefully placing his hand over yours but immediately jerked back when you gasped. “I…pardon I did not intend for my touch to-” You shook your head.
“N-no, it’s f-fine Iida,” you replied, despite your heart racing in your chest. “It’s just…” you glanced away, “no...n-no one has asked that b-before.” Then again you weren’t exactly the type to flaunt your body and usually changed in the locker room stall.
You latched onto your lip, the thought of your parents made your stomach twist, and you suppressed a dry heave. “Are you well?” Tenya asked, slightly alarmed, and though you nodded, he wasn’t fully convinced. “Forgive me,” he said, standing up from the bed.
“Perhaps I should not have inquired. I did not wish to make you uncomfortable,” he said, turning with the intent of walking to his side of the bed. “N-no!” you cried out, grabbing his arm. He stumbled back and looked at you bewildered.
“Uh…” You blinked, and your cheeks grew red. You felt so hot you were liable to faint, but you shook your head trying to fight through your anxiety. “S-sorry!” you said, quickly letting go of his arm. You swallowed hard, groaning out of embarrassment.
“Um…I…the s-scars are…” you looked away, rubbing the back of your neck. You felt the bed dip when Tenya sat down again. He wanted nothing more than to comfort you and once again extended his hand, placing it on your shoulder.
Your head shot back, looking at him with wide eyes and parted lips. “Please do not be afraid,” he said, his voice hushed and full of concern. Oddly enough, you smiled and nodded. “Right, s-sorry,” you said, glancing at your lap.
Your throat felt tight, but you forced yourself to speak. “The scars…are from the training m-my parents put me through,” you explained, refusing to lift your head to look at Tenya's expression. You expected him to be worried and maybe even feel sorry for you.
Instead, you gasped when he leaned forward and wrapped his arms around you. He knew it was irrational, and he did not know how you would respond. Although he could not confess the feelings he had for you deep down, he would not stop trying to physically prove it to you.
A part of you wanted to push him away because you weren't used to this type of affection, and because you didn't want him to catch whatever you had. But you couldn't help but melt into his touch. He was aware of the training that was deemed necessary in order to become a worthy and true hero.
However, there were other, unethical training methods such as the ones that Shoto went through that proved to leave long-lasting emotional and physical scars. He could not fathom why certain families pushed their children so hard during training.
Yes, a villain would not be easy on a hero, this much was certain. But to inflict such pain that it left physical scars was unacceptable, and it made righteous anger burn deep within him. However, he took a deep breath, calming himself.
“Forgive me,” he said, pulling away. “I…I do not believe I could help myself,” he stated, bringing his hands to his lap. He knew very well that he let his emotions get the better of him and at this moment, he needed to remain focused.
“Would you favor continuing our conversation?” he asked. “Um…well, my p-parents aren’t heroes but…t-they’re rich and w-when my quirk manifested they...” you paused and curled your fingers inward, ignoring how your nails dug into your palms.
He leaned closer with a serious expression on his face. You closed your eyes, sighing. “They…saw promise in it and…wanted to u-use me as a tool. If their daughter c-could be a hero…then it would boost my family‘s name and...r-reputation.” That spark of anger ignited again, but he held himself back from speaking.
You frowned and opened your eyes. “T-they forced me to train...every day. P-pushed me to my limits, and t-that's why I have...scars on my back. They always t-told me heroes don't feel...pain, they just do whatever it takes to gain f-fame.” Your eyes watered over, but you quickly wiped them.
“The...the m-more pain you can withstand, the more l-love you will receive,” you said, continuing to wipe away the tears on your cheeks. “I-I'm sorry,” Tenya frowned, uncertain how to comfort you. “Please do not apologize,” he said, reaching over to gently grab your wrists in order to pull them away from your face.
“You are likely to irritate your eyes further if you continuously rub them,” he explained before cupping your hands in his own. “I am quite honored that you have shared such memories with me, but are you physically and mentally well?” You glanced down, nodding.
“Yeah…” you replied, tightening your grip on his hands. “I live with a r-relative now….” and you hoped it would remain that way. He leaned closer, making you stiffen out of shyness. “Uh…” you dared to look back up and your face flushed when you locked eyes with him.
“I am…grateful to hear you are safe. Please know that I would never allow anyone, not even the fiercest villain to subject you to such injuries or pain.” While you assumed he was lying, the heroic and loving look in his eyes said otherwise.
And the way he embraced you further convinced you. His arm was tightly around your waist, and when he pulled you close, his opposite hand tangled itself in your hair. Whether it was the fever talking or the fact you were a little touch starved, you wrapped your arms around him in return.
His eyes widened and his heart accelerated. Being this close to you was something he always desired, but knew he could not have. At least not now, but there was always hope for the future. After taking a deep breath, he reluctantly pulled back.
His cheeks burned pink, and he cleared his throat, lifting his hand into the air. “Perhaps it would be best if we retired to sleep,” he suggested, and you turned away shyly. “Oh, uh…” How many hours passed anyway? What time was it? You were tempted to look at your phone but decided against it.
“Please allow me,” he said before standing and walking over to your side of the bed. He pulled back the blanket and shifted the pillows. “Hm,” you looked at him with a blank expression but walked over and sat down.
“Place your legs under the blanket,” he instructed and for a moment, you felt like a young child being tucked in but knew you shouldn’t take it that way. Tenya was just trying to be kind and after everything that happened tonight, it felt comforting to be taken care of by someone.
Once your legs were underneath, Tenya pulled the blanket over you and ensured you were comfortable before walking over to his side. Your face was glowing, and you closed your eyes, wishing your fever to go away. When you felt the bed dip, you mumbled and turned on your side so your back faced Tenya.
He glanced at you but said nothing and removed his glasses, placing them on the nightstand by the bed. Then he lay down with his arms by his sides. His attention was focused on the ceiling for a few minutes, allowing silence and your breathing to ease him to sleep.
Morning came too quickly, and the blinds didn’t stop the sunshine from leaking in. You groaned, fluttering your eyes open. Your head ached softly, and sweat droplets trailed down your forehead. You reached up, intent on wiping it but noticed your arms were stuck.
“Huh?” You looked down, and heat rushed over your face when you noticed a pair of arms wrapped around your waist. Your eyes widened and you turned your head, seeing Tenya’s sleeping face, and realized how heavy his body felt against yours.
You snapped your head back and panicked as you thought of the ways you could get out of this situation. You also thought of how to wake him up without making this awkward. Then again, maybe there was no way you couldn’t make this awkward.
You moved your body and wiggled your arms to jolt him awake. “Iida, Iida!” you hissed out, and he moved his head with a soft mumble in response. A deep breath sounded before he slowly opened his eyes. “Are you…a-awake?” you asked nervously, and he nodded.
“Yes…” he replied, lowering his eyelids. “What is the matter?” You shivered at the sound of his raspy voice. “Uh…y-you um…” How could you explain that his arms were wrapped around you? Sucking a breath in, you tapped his arm with your fingers.
“Hm?” He glanced down, and upon seeing the rather inappropriate position you were in, he immediately pulled his arms back. He stumbled out of the bed, and you jolted up when he hit the wall. “Iida!” you cried out, your eyes wide with concern and your hand extended in his direction.
“P-please accept my most humble apologies!” he frantically pleaded, placing his hands on his thighs, and bowing. His sleeping cap slipped off his head and fell to the floor. However, he resisted the urge to pick it up until you responded.
You blinked, and slowly pulled your hand back only to fist it into your hair. Your forehead still felt hot, but somehow you felt better than last night. Your cheeks burned red, and you glanced away, unsure how to respond to Tenya’s frantic exclamation.
“I-it’s fine,” you said softly before pulling the blanket back and hanging your legs over the side of the bed. “Um…t-thanks,” you said as Tenya leaned back up. “Hm?” he responded, looking at you despite your back facing him.
“F-for last night um…” you rubbed the back of your head, “I t-think it helped,” as talking things out usually did. He looked taken aback but smiled, “I am very honored to have assisted you in such a way and I do hope to be of more assistance in the future,” yes, he wanted you to run to him whenever you had an issue.
But he supposed only time would tell whether that type of trust strengthened between the two of you and despite no longer being the class president, he still wanted to be your closest friend. You turned to look at him, slightly surprised before looking at the floor. “Oh um…s-sure, maybe?” you replied, standing up and stretching.
“I suggest we change our outfits and relocate to the lobby as breakfast is served promptly from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. Then perhaps we can depart and resume this scheduled camping trip,” he said, reaching for his glasses and slipping them onto his face.
“R-right,” you replied, walking over to your suitcase, and laying it flat on the floor before opening it. You tapped your lips, deciding what outfit you wanted, unlike Tenya who more than likely already had something picked out.
As the two of you walked to the lobby, there was an awkward silence. Part of you wondered if it was your fault, and your anxious thoughts began. What does he think of you now? Is he going to look at you differently? You clenched your jaw, squeezing your eyes shut.
It was almost like something was about to burst out of you but then you heard a familiar voice. “Y/n!” Ashido called, running up to you. “Excuse me Iida!” she said, looping her arm through yours and dragging you away before you could say anything.
Out of instinct or panic, you held your hand out to Iida. However, due to his past experiences with Ashido, he thought it best not to interrupt whatever conversation she wanted with you. “Hey, Iida!” Uraraka called, she was currently sitting at one of the tables available in the lobby with Izuku.
He smiled and looked at you one last time before walking over. “How was your night with Y/n?” she asked when he approached. He paused, recalling last night's events, and cleared his throat. Uraraka tilted her head, noticing the flush on Tenya’s cheeks.
Izuku noticed this as well and they both exchanged a glance before Uraraka smiled. “What happened between you and Y/n last night?!” she questioned excitedly, and Tenya stiffened. “I…I believe I will gather my breakfast,” he stated, quickly walking away from the table and toward the breakfast area.
“Mm…” Uraraka pouted and scanned the room, easily spotting you and Ashido. “I’ll be right back,” she said to Izuku before walking away. “Your flushed face says everything! So, spill it!” Ashido shouted, raising her arms above her head. “Iida was flushing too!” Uraraka said, approaching your table.
You shivered when she turned to you and smiled. “Is everything okay between you two?” she asked suspiciously, and you shook your head. “N-no, I m-mean yes, I...I mean...” you groaned out of embarrassment. You took a breath, trying to gather your composure.
“I was just a-about to tell Mina t-that nothing happened just…” you rubbed the back of your head, glancing at your lap. “We just h-had a talk,” the girls leaned forward, eager to hear more. “A-and well…” you nervously chuckled. “I’m g-glad that he’s my f-friend.” Ashido sighed. “Seriously!?” she cried out, clearly disappointed.
Uraraka frowned and leaned closer to you. “Nothing happened between you two?” she asked, pouting. You nodded and shrugged, “Sorry?” you said before turning your head to look at Tenya who had gathered a plate of food, and happiness washed over you. ‘Yeah...just a friend’ you thought with a bright smile.
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skitskatdacat63 · 2 months
Tysm for the tags @monacobasedgirldad @schumigrace @fernandoalonzoo sry im a bit late getting to this lol
Are you named after anyone?
My great great grandmother(I think??), though she was named Katarzyna, and I was born Catherine, but go by Catie obviously(this lowkey annoys my mom lmao, especially bcs if I were to have a nickname, it was supposed to be Cate.)
When was the last time you cried?
Today, over classical music. I think I cry at least once a day 😭 I am very emotional
Do you have kids?
Nope :)
What sports did you play/have you played?
I played soccer when I was a kid. Also does marching band count?
Do you use sarcasm?
All the fucking time, literally constantly. And also we sarcastically bully each other in my family, so I have to pull myself back from accidentally insulting people 😭
What is the first thing you notice about people?
Hmmmm, I feel like ive done this tag game before bcs I remember writing this exact answer. But usually I notice if someone is a good conversationalist or not. Like do they like to lead the convo, do they like to listen to the other people, do they talk too much, too little, are they awkward about it? It's just very interesting to me, bcs I think that kinda thing really does instantly show you if you're going to be compatible with a person(as a friend or more etc.) Cause I talk a lot a lot, and I think it's difficult to get along w people who are untalkative but also people who talk an equal amnt if not more djkfkglg.
What is your eye color?
Just brown!
Scary movies or happy endings?
Scary movies definitely. I mean im not opposed to a happy ending obviously, but that's not really what im always looking for in a movie, I guess? Rn I'm trying to think of my top movies, and man, not a lot of them have happy endings 😭 But I literally just watched two horror movies the past wknd so! Even though they make me paranoid
Any talents?
I think I could go on a rant about anything if you gave me a bit of time. I really think I can just talk endlessly. Is that a skill? Or is it just annoying..? But yeah I'm not sure, but I think I'm pretty good at absorbing information and being able to go on and on about it.
Where were you born?
America rahhh 🦅🦅 I like my state a lot even though I feel like all my peers keep saying "ugh I don't want to be in [insert state] anymore" Smh how dare you
What are your hobbies?
Mostly drawing! I draw both F1 fanart(pretty much all selfmade AUs tho) and ocs. I like writing lore and worldbuilding and meta, but not really writing itself. I like reading fic and watching movies as well. And I think one of the main things I do these days tbh is read about history and keep up with politics. I get more and more involved with it as the days go by, but unlike drawing, I don't really have an outlet for it sigh sigh. So that's why a lot of AUs involve history and random other things, bcs its fun to involve my interests with each other!
Do you have any pets?
Yes I do! Two cats and two dogs. The cats are named Jin and Frank. Jin is basically me in cat form, he's so anxious 😭 and Frank is like my brother, he's such a little bastard who loves to hiss all the time. My dogs are named Maisie and Ruby. Maisie is a menace to society, but she is also the most beautiful dog ever, so I forgive her. Her name makes me laugh bcs she's named after this book character, Maisie Dobbs right? So her name tag says Maisie Doggs
How tall are you?
Around 5'4
Favorite subject at school?
Politics >:) But I'm pretty interested in philosophy as well rn. Unfortunately my love for foreign languages has been slipping in the semester or so, bcs my professors on that side kinda suck. So I've been putting more energy into my other major, and now all I can talk about is history, politics and philosophy, etc etc. It's just a lot of fun and very interesting to me!
Dream job?
Man, sometimes I wish I could just be a student forever, I just want to keep learning all about the world and other things. But I'd like a job that's not too static, something that pushes me out into the world a bit, maybe smth in the government or like a non-profit idk yet!
Ahhhh I'm doing this a bit late so I'm not sure who's done it yet, I feel like mostly everyone has :,) I tag anyone who's interested, like seriously I'd love to see people's answers who I haven't yet!!
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bottom-boy-darren · 2 years
Ive never been so happy to see you
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Pairing: Namjoon x reader
Genre: angst, fluff ending
Summary: you and namjoon have a fight that leads to you locking yourself in your room. When he realizes he hasn't heard from you for a whole day, he worries that you might have done something to yourself that he would feel guilty about for the rest of his life.
Author note: I feel like this story didn't get written as well as I wanted it to be but I still posted it because I didn't know what else to post. Also I have requests open and i would recommend to request something for me to write cause I'm running out of ideas :')
Trigger warning: argument between couple, reader gets told she's too clingy, reader locking themself inside their room, mentions of suic*de
**please do not read if you get triggered by any of these warnings mentioned**
(Y/n's pov)
Disappointed and frustrated. Those were the only 2 words that could describe you right now. You were currently sitting in front of your kitchen counter while scrolling on you phone. occasional, you would glance at the clock to check the time.
Namjoon had promised that he would be home by 9 so you both could enjoy a nice dinner together but it was already midnight and there was no sign of him showing up any time soon. No text. No call. Not even a simple voice-mail that would take 2 seconds.
You felt like you were going to explode. Saying you were just disappointed felt like an understatement but you weren't suprised by his behavior. Just in the last week he bailed on you three times. You understood that he was busy with work but tonight he promised he would show up. You now realized that it was an empty promise.
At this point you didn't even feel like eating dinner, the food was already cold and you knew you wouldn't be able to enjoy it anymore. You sighed as you got up. You put all of the food you made into a plastic container and put it in the fridge, then you made your way over to the stairs to go sleep.
As soon as you were about to go up, you heard the front door open. You turned your head to see who it was and ofcourse it was Namjoon. He looked back at you with a some what of a guilty smile while closing the door.
"Hey y/n. Why are you still awake?" Namjoon said while taking off his shoes
"Oh hey namjoon. I don't know.. Maybe it's because I was waiting for someone to show up to dinner." You honestly didn't know why you were being sarcastic. You weren't necessarily mad at him, You were just annoyed.
"Y/n, i'm sorry that I'm late. I was busy with work and I couldn't come home on ti-"
"Too busy to even take a few seconds to text me and say, OH HEY Y/N, BY THE WAY, I WONT MAKE IT TOO DINNER TODAY" you said, cutting him off while rolling your eyes.
You wanted him to know how you felt after getting stood up four whole times in less than two weeks.
Namjoon looked at you. He was usually a pretty calm person but today felt different. His stare seemed more angry. You weren't trying to cause a fight, you were just being stubborn and wanted to get your point across.
"I already told you I was sorry. I was busy and it completely flew over my head. I don't know why you're making it such a big deal." namjoon started to walk towards the kitchen, his patience growing thin by the minute, but you didn't want your convo to just end like that. He wasn't understanding your point of veiw.
"Big deal? I'm not making it a big deal. I'm just trying to explain to you that getting stood up 4 times in the past week even tho you promised you wouldn't do it again sucks. Maybe you should prioritize some things other than just working all the time."
"MAYBE I JUST DONT WANT TO PRIORITIZE YOU ALL THE TIME. I can't just spend all my time with you just because you want me too. You're always too much.. Maybe try being less clingy sometimes for a change?" Namjoon said while narrowing his eyes at you
"W-what?" You responding trying not to cry
"You heard me.. You're so fucking annoying" He said walking into the kitchen.
You felt a tear roll down your eyes. Your heart hurt and you felt a lump in your throat. You weren't trying to argue with him. You just wanted him to realize where he was the wrong and not say something like "there's always next time".
"Oh really.. that's it. The whole reason we're having this problem is because I'm clingy?" You said to yourself as You walked upstairs to your room and you locked the door behind you.
While you walked over to you bed. You started to let the feelings you bottled up in the past week out. Your tears felt warm and rushed as His words went to your head. Maybe you were too clingy, or maybe you were just flat out annoying.
You got into your bed and wrapped yourself into your blanket. You grabbed your little koala plush that you kept on your side table and hugged it close to you.
(Namjoon's pov)
Namjoon opened the fridge to see some containers which he assumed to be the food you had cooked. He grabbed the containers and opened them up to see his favourite food. He smiled to himself but then frowned.
Why had he been so mean to you? All you had ever done was care for him.. he didn't deserve you. Namjoon started to think over the events of today leading up to right now.
This morning, namjoon had gotten yelled at for not finishing his lyrics for his upcoming song on time, he had also accidently spilled his coffee on himself which wasted his time to make up for not writing the lyrics,
he had also totally forgotten most of the dance that he and his members had been trying to learn and to make up for it he had tried to work on it for longer, which caused him to forget to be at home on time for dinner.
Namjoon felt bad for you. He knew he broke your heart as you were a sensitive person. He made his way to your room, trying not to think of all the possibilities of you not forgiving him. When he reached your room door he heard crying on the other end.
This mad his mind go blank. He made you cry.. he knocked on your door a few times but the crying stopped as soon as he did.
(Y/n's pov)
You stopped your crying abruptly as You heard someone knock on your rooms door, you already knew it was Namjoon. I mean who else would it be? You were the only two that lived in your shared apartment.
"Y/n.. are you there?" You heard namjoon call from inside the hallway.
You didn't respond to him, Since you wanted to be alone. But then He tried to open the door of your room, only to find out it was locked. You figured he knew you were already in there since he saw you go up to your room so you waited for him to continue what he was going to say.
"I know, you don't want to see me right now.. and i know you're mad at me but I'm so so sorry. I realized I fucked up and this doesn't fix it but I promise I'll make it up to you. You're not annoying or clingy. I didn't mean anything I said. I was mad earlier. Not at you, of course, but.. you know what I mean right?.. I love you so much and I promise after tomorrow, we can hang out as much as you want."
You don't respond to him because you honestly just wanted to go to sleep. Of course you heard his apology but all you could think about were his mean words from ealier.
Namjoon took a second to wait for you to respond but you didn't. He expected you to even open the door since the both of you always slept beside eachother, even if you were in a fight. But he understood why you didn't. right now you didn't feel like seeing him.
"I.. I'm going to go sleep in my room. good night, love you." And with that you heard his footsteps fade away.
(Namjoon's pov)
Walking away from y/n's door frame, namjoon felt guilty. You two slept beside eachother pretty much every night... did he fuck up that bad? What if y/n didn't want to see him again? Namjoon felt tears going to his soft eyes but tried telling himself it was fine. He could make up for it after tomorrow, once he got his work done.
Namjoon walked into his room that was only a door away from yours. He didn't feel like sleeping right now, even tho he was tired, he should be working so that he could spend more time with you later. Namjoon sat down in his chair, turned on his desk lamp and opened up his computer. He started to write the lyrics for his next song.
- time skip to Next morning at 10 -
Namjoon had just gotten out of the bathroom, after he had gotten ready for work. He fell asleep at around 2 last night so he still felt drowsy but on a good note, he had finished the lyrics for his new song so he didn't have to do more work than needed today.
Namjoon made his way to you room to go see if you had woken up but to his surprise you room door was still locked. He thought it was strange because you'd usually be out of bed by now, making breakfast for you two but He decided not to wake you up since he thought you needed the sleep anyways.
Namjoon made his way downstairs, grabbed some food and went to work.
- time skip to when y/n wakes up - (y/n's pov)
"Honk" "tires screeching" "other noises cars make"
You woke up to the sound of a few cars making a ruckus outside of your bedroom window. You groaned as you were tired but any tierdness you felt soon got over taken by the feeling of absolute hell. Your body was tangled up in your sheets because you had been tosing and turning pretty much all last night and you had the biggest headache ever.
'How long did I sleep for?' you thought to yourself as you picked up your phone from your bedside table. You turned it on to see that it was already 1:00. You quickly got up and out from you bed which didn't ofcourse didn't make you headache any better.
You forgot to make breakfast for namjoon.. a wave of guilt washed over you as you realized he probably didn't have time to eat something proper before he left. You turned on you phone and started to text namjoon.
'Hey I'm sorry I woke up late, did you eat anything before you left?'
You were about to hit send but before you did, you deleted the message. What were you thinking. Namjoon had just said yesterday that you were being clingy and here you go again, annoying him while he's busy. Although he said he didn't mean it, what if he was lying just to make you feel better? You put your phone away and went to go do your morning routine.
- after y/n finished her morning routine -
You got out of the bathroom and went downstairs to go get yourself some food. Although you had just finished your morning routine and should have felt atleast a little bit better by now, you still felt like you wanted to lay in bed all day and just be alone.
So that's what you planned on doing. After getting some food, you also grabbed water and some snacks and made your way to your room. You placed everything onto your bed and turned on your TV. You started the watch some k dramas while comforting yourself. You didn't plan on leaving the comfort of your bed today.
- time skip to 9 pm - (Namjoon's pov)
Namjoon was in the practice room. Today he had spent the day practice the new dance he and his band members were learning. He was proud of himself since he had caught on to the dance pretty quick today.
Right now he and his members were on break. They all were sat around eachother, some drinking water and cooling themselves off while some of the others were somehow still energetic and fooling around.
Namjoon was wiping his sweat off with towel and rummaging through his bag to find his phone. He basically hadn't turned it on at all today, only really to check the time.
He turned it on a waited for his notifications to pop up. There was a few but not what he was looking for. He was looking for a text from you. Everyday, even the days you were busy or didn't want to talk to him, You would text him to make sure he was okay. It was just one of those nice habits you had.
But today there was nothing. Namjoon was just going to let it off as you didn't want to see him but that's when it clicked in his head... he hadn't seen you in a whole day. What if something bad happened. What if.. no.. I couldn't be. Right? A look of fear washed onto his face which didn't go unnoticed by his members.
"Hey namjoon? Everything alright?" Asked jin, the oldest member in their group
"Yeah.. I have to go tho. I'll see you guys later, good night bye!" Namjoon responded quickly while grabbing his things and making his way out of the building.
Once namjoon made his way outside the building, he grabbed his car keys out of his bag, unlocked his car and sat in. (We all know he can't drive but for the sake of the story we can pretend lol) he quickly threw his bag into the passenger seat and put on his seat belt. He started the car and started driving to your shared apartment.
You weren't the type of person to just not talk to him for a whole day. Well not anymore you weren't. Back when you and namjoon first met you were suffering with depression and were slightly suic*dal. That was a long time ago but what if you weren't asleep like he thought.. what if you actually did do something to yourself.
Namjoon started to let out a few tears. If he came home to you not there and well, he would never forgive himself.
- time skip to when namjoon made it home -
Namjoon ran into your shared apartment in tears. He quickly went all around the downstairs floor to find you. Around this time you would be making dinner in the kitchen but you weren't anywhere to be found.. that means you were still in your room.
Namjoon walked over to the stairs, his heart sinking with each step that he took. When he got to your room door he was about to turn the door nob but hesitated before doing so.
If he opens that door to see you dead.. it would be a memory he wouldn't ever forget ..
of course he didn't want to remember that forever but he had to make sure you were okay. He took a deep breath as he walked in.
(Y/n pov)
You were currently still in bed, re-watching your favourite k-drama. It was about 8:30-ish and you were close to dosing off to sleep when you heard someone turn the door nob of your room. You ready knew it was namjoon before he even came in so you turned around so your back was now facing him when he came in.
While he was walking in you could hear him crying so you were about to turn around and see what was wrong but before you could, he layed down in the bed next to you and hugged you. He had his face in the crook of your neck and he continued to cry.
(Namjoon's pov)
As I took a step into the room, the lights were off but I could still see y/n in her bed due to the light of the TV playing a k-drama. I couldn't help but start crying even more out of relief. I quickly walked over to the bed and layed down next to her. I wrapped my arms around her middle while crying into the space between her shoulder and neck.
(Y/n's pov)
"Y/n.. Ive never been so happy to see you." namjoon said in-between choked sobs
You turned around as you hugged him so he would be closer to you. You started to caress his hair to try and stop him from crying even more.
"Namjoon.. baby.. what's wrong?" You asked him, being worried about his well being
"I just love you so much and I'm sorry about yesterday. Can we spend time together please?" He said, calming down a little
Namjoon still had his arms around you, hugging you like a koala.
"I love you more and ofcourse we can. Let's watch a movie together" you said smiling down at him
He smiled back at you nodding his head in approval.
The end
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socialmediaevans · 2 years
END GAME | 02 - Chris Evans x fem!reader (social media au)
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liked by lizzo, kianalede and others
theofficialy/n what an amazing night! so thankful for my friends and all these opportunities to meet. I went designed by @FEBEN.X who allowed me to pitch in everything and knew exactly what would accentuate my skin tone (it was an amazing experience. thank you sm Febs ❤️‍🔥). Everything else is on my highlights, I made sure to explain the whole process and tag/link all the things possible so you guys are part of it too 🦋 love, y/n
queeny/n and for that my friends she is the moment! we stan you, queen! 😍
y/nfan1995 I loved to see everything up close, it's always great when you’re invited to awards cuz we get a better look at everything. you were amazing as usual!
kianalede yassss! look at you girl! 💖
dualipa so pretty! 💙
fann1yln I hope you had fun! 😍😍😍😍 cant wait for the next job so we get to see it all!
fanyc2 is it true you’re dating chris evans?
⤷ fann1yln omg y’all so annoying w this! leave her private life alone
⤷ chrisfan2 but he did comment on the picture tho 👀
lizzobeeating I was missing you so bad! feeling brand new after talking to you 🥹💛
chrisevans blue looos great on you! :)
⤷ avengers2000 is that chris evans flirting?! 😭😂
⤷ ynprincess23 jo I wish I knew what happened during that award. what they talked about and especially how lizzo introduced then 👁👄👁
⤷ chriscaptainev they would be cute together ngl
feben.x 💙💙💙🤎🤎🤎
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liked by theofficialy/n and others
chrisevans it was a great night! thanks for having me @mtv ❤️ #mtvmovie&tvawards
theofficialy/n nice fit! you should wear something orange one of these days, would look good too, just saying 😂👀
⤷ chriscaptainfan this sounds like an inside joke to me...omg they already have those 😭😭 #goals
⤷ ynfan22 I see whatcha doing here miss
⤷ queeny/n the will totally date ��
⤷ chrisfan2000 omg guys leave them alone 😩 (but they would look great together 😮‍💨)
lizzobeeating 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
ritaora ❤️❤️❤️
⤷ chriscaptainfan so yall gonna say that hes dating rita ora now or this is an exclusive fanfic with yn? LOL
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thestobingirlie · 10 months
i've been reading this fic for a while that's handling the s2 cheating so strangely. like, it's flat out acknowledged as cheating and jonathan tells steve what happened at murray's. steve just kind of swallows down his reaction then never talks about it again which imo doesn't align at all w his previous behavior but if it was further addressed later i wouldn't mind that much. then, nancy (and jonathan as her doormat) keep forcing steve to spend time w them even tho he's clearly uncomfortable; steve also doesn't say anything about this even tho, in the situations shown, he would have no reason to be willing to force down his feelings about this. then eddie (this is set immediately post s2 btw and makes steddie friends for unrelated plot reasons) is like "she cheated on you, that's fucked up, why are you still friends w her" and steve says it's complicated bc of the upside down but nothing to do w the upside down is happening at this point to make steve willing to look past this. this is also made further annoying by a scene of eddie and wayne talking where wayne outright says eddie seems more bothered by the cheating than steve which ???? this all keeps going until nancy ends up apologizing for hurting steve w the bullshit speech and w/e but not for the cheating or the lying by omission which led to jonathan telling steve instead of her? as in the cheating is not mentioned at all in the scene. then stoncy are all besties. like it makes no fucking sense to me. steve should be absolutely furious for like 15 different reasons at this point. like nancy cheated on him, lied to him about it by omission, put the onus of the breakup on him in the process, just let him say all that stuff about being a shitty boyfriend (tho she did apologize for that specifically and said he wasn't), forced him to interact w her and her new boyfriend she cheated with despite steve clearly being uncomfortable, and potentially just let jonathan be the one to tell steve about the cheating w no comment or acknowledgement. it's unclear whether nancy knows jonathan told steve. but steve just does not get to be angry or feel any type of way about any of this, forgives nancy after one conversation that barely touched on any of that, and is now completely comfortable being friends w jancy. anybody would be Going Through It atp but esp steve considering his canonical issues w infidelity like wtf. then i feel like all of this is made worse by the purposeful juxtaposition w eddie's reaction which is heavily implied to be bc he's jealous since he has a crush on steve, as opposed to him possessing baseline empathy for other human beings. it's just so baffling but i am unfortunately invested in the main plot of this fic so i just keep suffering. sorry this got so long it is just so confusing to me.
people are so weird about the cheating. some of it comes from the person writing preferring j/ncy, and so not wanting to acknowledge it. and then i think some of it comes from people just not wanting to… shit all over jonathan and nancy? they don’t really know how to fully recognise that the cheating was bad without totally vilifying jonathan and nancy.
i think fics like you’re talking about are also influenced by the way steve’s depicted as a total doormat within the fandom. people just don’t know how to write him standing up for himself, putting himself first, and not needing someone else to fight his battles.
this is obviously just my opinion, but i fully believe neither steve or nancy spoke, like, at all post s2. steve because he was heartbroken, and nancy because it was fucking awkward! and she’s not gonna put herself through that lmao. so i always find it… idk, maybe a little ooc when people have them immediately jump to spending time together post s2.
i think with eddie, people want to push the romance as quickly as possible, so any empathy or anything he feels for steve is obviously being influenced by his feelings. so, you end up with stuff like the fic you’re talking about, where eddie only seems to feel bad for steve because he wants to date him.
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cheemken · 5 months
Hey Knight,
I don’t got much to say for any new AU’s or anything to add onto, but I just finished the Indigo Disk DLC
Anyways. What’s your opinion about Drayton and Iris 🎤
Are they siblings? Cousins? What kind of dynamic do you think they have?
I think they have this kind of dynamic
That's so real tho yeah that's them your honour🤣🤣
But omf yeah cause like I've talked abt them w my friend Altair yeah, and at first I thought that oh, maybe there's resentment there y'know, cause yeah Drayton had to redo his second year a buncha times and y'know since Iris is a prodigy maybe he'd have some sort of resentment that she's doing better than him
But like, looking at it now, idt that's the case?? Ofc unless they finally reveal to us their dynamic hahaha
Tho now for me, I think their dynamic would be similar to Sans and Papyrus undertale lmfaooo look as much as I don't like Sans and Paps much, Drayton and Iris do give off the vibes. Like Drayton is pretty chill, pretty lazy, I wanna say he's so supportive of Iris. Like imagine tho the first time Drayden took Iris in, Drayton got so excited that immediately he treats her like a sister, teaching her everything he knows abt pokemon, and they bonded over their own dragon pkmn. Iris was least so amazed by his Duraludon, she swears she and her Axew will be as strong as him one day
And yeah idk ig it would be cute if like,, Iris really looks up to him, cause while he's lazy, he's strong, and now she's at his level. But to him, she had always been the stronger one, she was just held back by the comments made abt her that she ended up thinking she's not capable. Also, imagine him being like Sans undertale, he's all protective threatening anyone who messes w Iris hahah
And just,,, ough imagine tho, like, if we go w Nate/Rose really beating Iris and being the new Champion, Drayton was there for her, saying "well, guess we're both ex Champions now" laughing as he pats her back, trying to make her feel better and ough your honour pls chxknx
But also yeah despite all the soft, they would annoy the hell outta each other lmfao no I'm not taking criticism, they're siblings, if they can't piss off the other for a day they'd combust, I know for a fact they'd try to embarrass each other when either friend groups are around hahaha but also, imagine them just like, absolutely fucking up the twins tho, cause on our prev concepts the twins are like messing w Iris and her stuff when she's not around, imagine her and Drayton doing the same to Hilda and Hilbert but tenfold hahaha
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cicadangel · 6 months
erm.! diary 12/4
hi i havent been online in a bit or written any diary entries recently bc well i was really depressed and then i just like forgot or whatever. but uhmmm life updates sorta/just how im doing right now.
i will start with the good news :-) i am not depressed! ive been feeling good pretty consistently for the past 2 weeks i think? ive been happy enough to be able to function normally and do all the stuff i need to do. also school swim started so i got to see my crush (the one i talked abt a bunch last year) and i actually need him so bad he's so fine i need him. not much has happened w him (in terms of moments or whatever) but it will soon trust!!!!!! also ive been feeling a bit more confident lately in terms of how i think guys percieve me so i hope maybe that will inspire me to make a move but probably not. oh well.
as for everything else. well. i have been having issues with that one bitch "friend" ofc hoping to hit her with a car sometime soon. but thats not rly new ig. i am kind of having issues too tho with one of my other friends bc he's being weird and annoying. recently hes been extremely sensitive abt just everything which is whatever except he won't tell me, he'll just get upset and try to get me to ask him if he's upset except i won't play that game ugghhhhh if u have a problem with me tell me bc i wont understand otherwise!!! i cannot possibly fathom what he's got wrong with him about me so im not even gonna try. if he wants to fix it he can use his words otherwise no bueno it is not happening!!!!
he's also been like. weird to me recently. we're in psychology class together and we're gonna be at the "abnormal behavior" unit soon (which is mental illnesses) and he keeps saying ohhhh we're almost at your unit we're almost there when it's like stop thats actually so annoying. i am abnormal and crazy but that's not ur place to say? i dont talk to my friends abt my mental illness struggles but i guess it is obvious there's smth wrong with me or whatever but it's just annoying. i will talk abt how im against involuntary commitment to psych wards and how sooooo many therapists only end up doing more harm than good and my problems with the whole mental health industry and the modern understanding of it bc it's smth im rly passionate abt, but he just brushes me off as if i dont have first hand experience with all of the terrible ways psychiatry and the mental health industry can fuck people up???? i also feel weird talking to him in general sometimes bc i know he'll bring me up to his therapist (because he constantly mentions it) and i feel like i cant talk to him bc he's gonna tell her and that just puts a weird strain on the relationship. like his therapist knows me, but just from his pov and that kinda weirds me out im ngl.
oh i also got in a fight w my mom today. actually we're still fighting. it was over something soooo insignificant but i got so overly angry like i always do and now im going to make it ruin the rest of my day because i am insufferable. she's just been really angering me lately also ive been feeling destructive which is complicated. i dont rly like the term "splitting" but it's def what ive been doing a lot lately. ugh. also i like dont know what to do with my bpd "diagnosis" it makes me angry and like i just have so many problems with it in so many ways REGARDLESS if i actually have it or whatever which i could talk abt for hours. in some ways it's nice to have a label for what ive been going through my whole life but in most ways i am like not too happy with the fact that ive been handed a disqualification from ever being upset again. if i am, it'll just be because im a crazy borderline! ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyway. more on that whole mess later sorry
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wisemins · 9 months
💭, 🎤 , 🎵 and 💃 for your AoT F/Os? :0 (no need to answer for all of them if you don't feel like it tho!!)
TYSM FOR THE ASK ANONNN <333 many kithies for you <3 I'll answer for all of them!! IM SO EXCITED ik i could have split this up, but I want to be annoying w my love rn <3 Thoughts 💭 - What do you think your f/o thinks about you when you’re not around? Armin: Armin I think would just be wondering if I was okay, he worries a lot and his mind tends to get the better of him! But, I also think he'd be doing something productive and is thinking of what he's gonna talk to me about later, maybe something I mentioned to him that he wanted to read up on for me to soothe his nerves. Also probably just being lost in thought about us, definitely some romantical stuff going on in his brain too!! Jean: He's being a simp. Jean can't stand being away from me for too long, he gets nervous like a dog with separation anxiety-- or well, a horse with separation anxiety? He gets very easily irritable in this time, because he also worries, but to everyone else he pretends he's totallyyy not worrying about whether or not I'm somehow in some kind of situation that's not ideal or dangerous. Or he gets insecure if I'm with someone else giving them all the attention I give him, he's a very jealous person. But, if he knows for a fact that I'm safe and sound, he's still being a simp, and he's thinking about me in very simpy way. Erwin: 100% thinking about me coming into his office to convince him to stop working however late he's up in the middle of the night and to come to bed. He plays it over and over in his head until it actually happens, or he's done with his work. He has so much responsibility, but he likes that I bring him away from it when he's overworked since he can't bring himself to do it. It prevents less exhaustion, and I get to actually have my man in my bed at night! Any other time though? He's thinking of what he's going to do for me when I get home, make dinner, maybe buy a spontaneous gift, perhaps write out some romantic letter. He's always looking for ways to surprise me when I'm not around! Yelena: Also being a simp. A huge, flaming, homo. She can't stop thinking about me at any given moment, she just can't! At work? She's thinking about me. Out with her co-workers? She wishes she was at home with me. She has to take a business trip without me? Oh she's gonna die without me around. I won't hear the end of it. She's thinking wholesome things, spicy things, anything to do with me. If she's out shopping and sees something I'd like? No question about it TAKE HER MONEY she's buying it for me. Yelena can't go longer than 24 hours without seeing my face or she goes into withdrawals, she turns feral!
Microphone 🎤 - Does your f/o sing or play music? If so, how are they at their craft, and what’s your favorite thing about it? Armin: Does not sing or play music! He loves listening to it though! Jean: Jean play Bass guitar and electric guitar, he's pretty good at it! He's a pretty decent singer too, but he likes playing more than singing. My favorite thing about it is the confidence he gets, it's so ridiculously attractive and I'm such a loser when he gets like that. Erwin: In my mind, Erwin was 100% a theater kid. His projection voice? Ain't no way he wasn't! I think he can sing very very well, but he just never gets the chance to anymore! But, now that he knows I have the hots for any good vocals, oh, he's singing a lot more. Even if it's just simple stuff while he's in the kitchen, or he's singing along to musicals we watch. He's got a great voice!! No instruments though, I don't think. My favorite thing about this would be him doing those little musical bits while he's cooking dinner or organizing his desk! Yelena: Nope and nope. Maybe she was in band when she was a kid and had to very awkwardly play the clarinet or something, but she's not very musically inclined. She likes to listen to it as well though!
Song 🎵 - What’s a song your f/o knows by heart, and a song you know by heart? Armin: Oh, easy. Line Without A Hook by Ricky Montgomery. He knows it's a generic/popular song but it doesn't stop us BOTH from belting it in the car very poorly because it just goes that hard!! Jean: Tonight by Peter McPoland, absolutely. He LOVES this song and will always sing it any given moment. One song I know by absolute heart no questions asked is Waiting Room by Phoebe Bridgers. You won't ever catch me singing it though!! Erwin: Theater kid incoming again!! Two choices here, maybe three. I Dreamed A Dream from Les Miserables, he loves the steady incline on that song! Also, All I Ask Of You from Phantom Of The Opera! For me, deadass ANYTHING from Sweeney Todd. Most likely Epiphany or A Little Priest! Yelena: I don't know if she does...It's probably some kind of curve ball like the national anthem or the burger king whopper song that annoys the shit out of me, I'm not too sure!! For this one I'll say the Fish McBites jingle, bcus my echolalia won't let that go.
Dance 💃 - Can you or your f/o dance? Armin: Yes! I think Armin is a great dancer! He really like doing it, but he's no professional or anything, he just thinks it's fun! He knows I cannot dance and will refuse to, but I love watching him dance! Jean: ...yes? Yes. He can dance but it's very sloppy, he has great potential though. Always tries to get me to dance but he can never convince me bcus it'd just be embarrassing with both of us OFIUHSAD Erwin: Theater kid. I think he can do some stuff! I will beat this head canon into the ground!! Will insist on ballroom dancing, which he will 100% have to lead and do most of the work for cus I can't dance for the life of me. Yelena: We both can't dance but she refuses to take that as an answer! I have a drawing I did of us doing just that, here! She's super tall and I'm only JUST tall. It's hard to work with but it's silly and fun and cute <3 TYSM FOR THE ASK!! Sorry for dumping so much, a.ot is my weakness and my Ultimate Autism™️
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pinkwright · 9 months
If we ever do talk about any of those things it’s never in a negative aspect until it’s homophobia. Whenever her sexuality and love life are brought up it’s constantly through people asking through the ask box always asking about people tish has interacted with in the past lwhen we’ve moved on. Or anons just randomly coming in peoples ask box saying that she’s straight and they always say that at times when we’re admiring her . so no one rarely talks about it till it’s brought up by anons. I mean Billie eilish stans talk the same things about Billie unprovoked might I add . We talk about it when it’s brought up
but there's a lot of nuance with what negative is esp when u relate it to the context we're discussing it in, with so many perspectives and opinions, negativity is relative so u cant rlly say its never negative. u could meant for it not to be negative but it could be received as negative (not rlly ur responsibility tho ig).
n the asks, look, i cant speak for anyone but myself n ppl who may share the same views w me but whats the point of tagging repetitive asks that u urself dont even want to answer for everyone to see under tags that we all browse ? thats my point, is why do these blog specific asks have to now become everyones content esp when its being dismissed by the responder too ?
n one of the only reasons (most of the time) these asks r constantly sent is bc of engagement, again im not policing what u do w ur asks but if someone says some shit about tishs sexuality in ur asks n u respond "im not answering these anymore" but a min later ur respong to another saying the same thing w "i already said im not responding to these" n on top of that u tag them ? ppl r gonna get annoyed, this isnt twt we cant just mute shit so now we're seeing those every single day ?? like sure answer those asks all u want dude idc but to make it everyones content ?
n the billie thing, idk i cant rlly comment bc i've never been in her fandom but from an outside perspective im sure ppl discuss billies sexuality bc she put it out there that she was straight n then does vv not straight shit or wtv idk the semantics but even then it doesnt seem like its to the extent that its discussed w letitia but idk again i cant say for sure 🦦
but idk dude at the end of the day ppl should do what they want
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mia-vita · 2 years
Extraordinary Attorney Woo Season Finale
As always, this episode didn't fail to make me laugh and at one point I felt so seen in this episode.
My highlights:
The Cat Analogy
(Jun Ho GIF by @namchyoon )
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My cat hates me! I don't understand why since I got her when she was still a kitty, and I show nothing but love to her. 😌😒
I read in @freesiablooming post that the subtitles were wrong and Jun Ho said cat's butler no cat's owner. And that's what I call myself to my cat, I'm literally her servant.
She bites me first thing in the morning for her food if I wake up later than usual. If I don't feed her wet food for longer than I usually do she doesn't eat the dry food and lets me know by tapping me on my ankles with her sharp nails that she wants wet food. She ABSOLUTELY hates to be touched or seen by me. Lol if she is laying somewhere were she knows I can reach her she will move before I even walk by. If I grab her to hug her she would literally put her hands on my face or chest and push me away. I can go on and on about my cat signs of hate, but the point is that the analogy made me laugh because I related to it so deeply.
And I have thought sometimes about how lonely as a pet owner my cat makes me feel because I love her. I've had so many dogs and cats in my lifetime and they all loved me very much, so having her being like that towards me is a bit heartbreaking once in a while. But as Jun Ho, I still love her and she is mine until death do us part. I won't give her away and get another one just because she doesn't show me as much affection as I show her.
Also, when Woo said that cats love their owners, I questioned it a little for my case. Mine does come once in a while to be petted by me very late at "night", I'm talking like 3am, and I believe is because she feels lonely since everything is dark and off so I think that love is condinal. I don't know if she really appreciates all my hard work to keep her alive. Lol seriously, can you tell how good that analogy was for me.
The Brother
When the borther faced the mom telling her about Woo, I knew this episode was going to be great! I was like...
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One thing, I do not consider Tae a bad mom for not wanting Woo. As a woman she had that right. My issue with her is the fact that she wanted to mess with her life after finding out she was her daughter. That was a big no no for me.
I loved when he tried to do the greeting 😂 that was so cute and funny.
(Jung GIF by @iamacolor )
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And also him trying to wink at Woo. I would have given up at the first wink honestly 😂
Lol this dude, I don't know... like I don't like him, but it wasn't like I hated him, I found him annoying. When he tried to get Woo fired, that made me pissed.
Also, when he called Jung pretty I laughed so hard, hahaha 😂
And then him trying to be part of the group and trying to fist bump Woo, lol that was funny too.
He needs to still apologize tho, but I think he is on his way there, I think he was showing he is trying to grow up a little. Although, that conversation with Tae, telling her that if there was a time that Woo wants to quit was now, that was showing he was still an idiot in progress.So I don't know, I'm conflicted, we shall see in season 2 I guess. 😅
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Jun Ho
This man is so CUTE! Seriously, that's the only word that comes out of my mouth every time he is in the screen and does one of his things. He is soooo damn cute!! And his smile is pure gold.
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When he clinked the glass with Woo 🥰 I love how that's his thing now! He makes me melt honestly. I love romance and he is the epitome of it for me, that speech he did telling her why being with her makes him happy, that was beautiful.
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For the final thoughts, I loved that the episode ended with her successfully doing the revolving door by herself. It made me emotional.
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I want to say that the struggle from episode 13 on was real. But at the end the whale made it out to breath the air. I was a bit scared after episode 15 that the end wasn't going to be good but I am very glad I was wrong.
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Do we need a Season 2?
Honestly, I don't think so. I would love to see all the relationships of the drama develope further but I am afraid that a second season won't be interesting enough. The beauty of KDramas for me is the fact that it's mostly one season. But I'll definitely see it anyways because I honestly have one question.
How does Hairy make money? 😅
Why my guy doesn't have customers? Do we need to do some advertising for you? Let us know.
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stargirlfeyre · 1 year
I’m in no rush for the next books bc if she wrote ACOSF that shitty who knows what else she’ll write from other character POV’s. I can see her just turning every single fan group against eachother eventually, Like imagine if Elain argues with Rhys or Feysand over Rhys telling Az not to pursue her just yet? I could possibly no longer like her over something like that & it’s why I hope it doesn’t happen bc i’m trying to give her a chance. Or if Az keeps being annoying & reckless disobeying understandable orders? He may get on my last nerve. I’ve had it with people in the family acting up bc Feyre started a new family to get away from BS didn’t she SJM? Or if Lucien gets a POV excusing how he treated Feyre shitty or mocking or villainizing Feyre & The IC like Nesta did? If I catch Vassa talking shit since she’s already done off as annoying in Acowar & since we know Lucien is keeping information from Feysand since they said “He’s basically loyal to them now” Or Lucien still riding Tamlins too despite him being Feyre’s abuser….
There’s SO many ways these new POV’s can piss me off so I don’t mind waiting either. I even hope Bryce’s POV of them all isn’t shallow petty or annoying since even tho she’s sweet…She’s annoying to me in CC. She’s the one SJM heroine I’m not all that impressed with but I’m hoping I like her more in CC3..She’s making it seem like Bryce is unhappy there in the book synopsis already which I get bc she’s going thru it but also…SJM..Don’t piss IC fans off once again. ACOSF was the last straw for me next time..I will not hesitate to call her out for petty writing decisions.
I just….don’t fully trust this author at all with how ditzy & careless she can seem with recent books and how bad that damn rite was or how she barely fleshed out Cassian, or how it’s over sexualized or how the plot climax was underwhelming & ass or how Cass seemed rude to the IC at certain parts w always doubting and questioning every move they made even if they made sense, or how she made Nesta seem all close with Rhys when we all know Rhys would be sweeter but not THAT extra miss girl... Or the “Hehe I thought it’d be fun for Az Nesta and Cass to have a threesome & I couldn’t put it bc my editor 🫤🤭” Like girl stfu I’m so sorry to say this but..why would that have made ANY sense? Tacky..”Let me self insert into Nesta for a Bat bot threesome fantasy the younger sister and friend may have a crush on” ……..CRICKETS. Barely trained having Az say they were trained enough to make it against ILLYRIANS…
Every day I understand more & More why authors don’t interact with her much or if she does have drama among other authors bc If I read that book as an author I wouldn’t be able to take her writing seriously. Feyre got blessed with her series bc these spin-offs are embarrassing kinda…Feyre’s books only lacked in showing us her power or more of Rhys’ power..Or that she shoved her sisters drama back into her NEW life.
Anyway Rant over I love ur acc ❤️
Sjm being so reckless with this series that people no longer trusting her to do right by it is so hilarious to me. Like she needs to tap into whatever she was on when she wrote acomaf and get to work. My biggest fear is waiting years for this book just for it to be complete trash.
And I agree the way Mass’ writing (when it comes to acotar) has regressed since the main series, especially acomaf, is staggering. The issues with Feyre books are more minor or little annoying things while the issues with acosf are…insane. The excuses the main characters makes for her own behavior, ignoring plot lines in prior books, throwing in details that directly goes against what was said in prior books, the lackluster romance that seemed so much better when it was seen from the pov of someone else. I just wonder if when sjm’s editors were reading acosf for the first time, they ignored everything that was blatantly wrong with it because “oh smut🤩”.
Honestly I don’t think it would happen but if Elain and Azriel do end up I’m some drama with Feysand I’m siding with Feysand idc.
And I haven’t started CC yet. I’ve seen a few spoilers but I can’t really judge Bryce’s personality right now.
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selfshippinglover · 1 year
13 and 15? For the self ship questions, whoever you want
13.) What’s something really embarrassing that happened between you? Has it become a funny story you tell to friends now or is it a deep secret you’re both taking to the grave?
it has to be one of those things that we take to the grave cause if it ever gets out between the two of us, he'll kill me khgskghds (sorry ya'll it really hurts his feelings tho TuT)
15.) Have you met each others’ friends and families? How did things go? Do you all get along pretty well or just tolerate each other? Or are any of you on bad terms for any reason? If you haven’t met them though, is there any reason why?
~So Rick can get along with my friends he'll just also be a little shit about it the entire time...but he'll even talk to me about them afterwards and bring them up occasionally! It's so endearing :) (For my bros the feeling isn't always mutual but they're willing to try for me :,))
~I've met a few of Ricks friends, the entire Smith family, and anyone that he'll actually let me tbh. No matter what I try to keep things on good terms for everyone's sake but there's always gonna be an exception or two.
Birdperson/BP: We first met at one of the many certified Ricktm parties. Despite me usual anxiety with meeting new people, his straightforward and casual tone made it easier to talk with and get to know him! I consider him a good friend myself and know he feels the same :D
Squanchy: (Just fyi we still don't have a lot of info on Squanchy as a character so I'm taking liberties jdkggbsjdk) Another one of Rick's besties that I ended up meeting at the same party as BP, he's a little bit much in the dick joke department sometimes but no one can deny that man's squanch! I hope to get to know him better in time but I'd say we hit it off well enough :)
Nimbus: Though he's a generally known as the "horny ocean guy" he's really nice too! We met on one of Rick and Morty's seas vs land battles with him. Though I was fighting on Rick's side at the time, he was polite(if not a liiittle flirty at first) and clearly has a moral code which is really surprising! All in all, I know he'll have my and Ricks backs so I trust him ^w^,,
Krombobulus Micheal: I know Rick doesn't exactly consider him a friend but Micheal feels that Rick is and I can't help but find that kind of sweet, ya know? Though of course I ended up meeting him via his uh, line of work...
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(Tagline on the back of his card)
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He's still a real nice guy despite his total lack of moral or ethics! He's also a bit unhinged and loves killing more than existing so I count myself lucky that he associates me with rick. That way he probably won't kill me if shit happens to come up.....
Beth & Space Beth: Sooo there's obviously a whole lot going on over there with these two and uhh, they're a bit annoyed or maybe weirded out?(I'm having a hard time figuring it out tbh) but we still get along! She's clearly not a fan of the age gap but ya know....we're doing our best. Plus I go out of my way to not be romantic much in front of the family.
Jerry: Though I like to hop on the train of beating Jerry up like everyone else in the family, i like his genuine communication and straightforwardness about his wants and needs. Though Jerry still has a lot of growing to do we pretty much friends :)
Summer & Morty: I consider them my kids but also kinda like friends too? Like, I'm naturally very protective of and look out for both of them but also we all can just hang out together and chill! ^-^ Though I've spent a bit more time with Morty than Summer since she's not on adventures as much(and she intimidates me) I'm sure to keep her updated and chat when I'm at the house :)
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cocobunnii · 1 year
i hate feeling sad .. it’s annoying. i’ve never understood people who say “ i feel so alone , like no one gets me “ cause there’s 8 billion of us yet u think the way u feel is your unique one of a kind emotion. but yet i feel like that.. i have BPD right ?? ( borderline personality disorder ) & so bc of that it’s hard to express my “ personality “ / emotions. & i heard this one girl say this so imma repeat it. “ living w BPD is like having “ love goggles “ on 24/7. but rather than love its life. “ & it’s so right ! cause life w BPD is agony. like in relationships , i’ll see it going amazing & i’ll self aware-ly , self sabotage the whole thing.. it’s like i dissociate the whole thing , im third person view , just watching myself ruin everything i worked hard for. . & it’s a never ending cycle. & yk what sucks the MOST abt BPD ?? no one seems to understand that a person w BPD , at least in my case , needs support at random times w random mood swings. w high intensity mood swings. good & bad. i get scared of my good times. cause i can’t tell if i’m manic & everything just looks & seems good for the moment or if i’m actually having a good day or month. & what’s worse , is doctors don’t even know how to treat BPD properly. there’s no meds for it which is bittersweet. the ONLY treatment is therapy. & ad much as i love therapy. . it gets old telling the same ol story over & over again , getting no where. & sure maybe i just need a new therapist. but i’ve tried since i was 12 i’m 22 now .. i tear up every time i think of someone dying. wether it’s a stranger or a loved one. cause ik someone will miss that person , if not me. irony of that is i can’t feel that way abt myself .. & it saddens me i feel that way. cause i think back to when i was a kid & i wonder what she would think of me now yk .. like would she think i’m as cool was she wants to be ?? is she happy of my decisions .. ? i overthink & judge myself sm & i wish i didn’t.. we’re our best critics tho right ? i’ve always wondered how’d i’d end up tho i’m the end. how i’ll meet my husband , my career , how i’ll look .. we all do ofc. but i also wonder if i’ll get to that point. that “ fantasy “. sorry i’m so sad rn. i don’t mean to be a downer. i just needed to vent.
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madisonbeersource · 2 years
oooh! talking ab booktok, i read it end with us n i was so disappointed. like i didn't get all the hype over it (or basically collen hover books). did u read it? rn im reading a little life and the heroes of olympus (rereading)!
omg i loved tsitp! the soundtrack was amazing. i think steven is underated. so now i must ask u, team jeremiah or conrad? i also watched heartsopper, it's so cute. personally im currently watching gilmore girls, b99, and never have i ever 3 (it just dropped today).
have a great day!
It ends with us .....I loved it, but because it was very clear to me that is it NOT a romance novel, it's a book about domestic violence, about how by either being the perpetrator of abuse or the one letting the abuse happen can destroy the one living with you because lily ...as strong as she wants to be in a healthy rls, she falls for the boy who had the same red flags as her own father and it broke me because we saw the downfall, we had hope ryle would be stronger than that but yet he r*ped & abused her & she saw it coming, the worst is in the end she saw the signs & she ignored it & SO MANY OF US do that bc we wanna believe, we wanna be loved. and the fact that lily was the representation of colleen's own mother & that her father was abusive like wow... no this book is a masterpiece BUT booktok romanticize it & it's sad bc it's a book about abuse, yes atlas is the cutest book boyfriend but honestly it's not what people on this website claim it is :/ like the end of the book says "You can stop swimming now, Lily. We finally reached the shore" like you can put down the fight, you're safe. LIKE????? WOW OKAY KILL ME NOW?? but i'm a colleen hoover's stan...i read several of her novels & honestly exept "Too Late" that I didn't like because it's a dark romance and I despise this genre i mean no worries to those who read it but i hate it w my whole heart but actually my first new romance book was from her and i think i never had my heart broken like this book it stays my favorite book & i always get teary eyed when i speak about it haha (sorry i'm a passionate type sdfgfds) but YES I DID READ IT ENDS W US & I read recentely we were liars that is SO POPULAR on there & honestly i liked it a lot!! i'm reading a emma green right now and it's HILARIOUS those womenn are literally the best!!
YES HONESTLY it's a cute show!! well steven kinda got on my nerrves tbh... like he's the first to denigrate belly cause she has "no life" but everytime she tries yet she does something he mocks her and yells at her, he makes out w belly's bff bc he was "insecure" about his current gf, and he knew about about it & yet he took advantage of it. He gaslighted at poker losing every pennies he owned sacrificing shayla's dream dance LIKE NO HE WAS ANNOYING MOST OF THE TIME sdfghgfd. AAAAH... hm for belly? i'd say Conrad cause they were in love for the longest time, she never looked at Jer the way she does w Conrad and he is an ass....like a real ass but I also understood that he knew of his mother dying from cancer and couldn't tell anyone so it was eating him alive like if the guy iloved was going through that i would have forgiven him sooo i'd say conrad BUT for me I had to admit that Jer IS REALLY CUTE like the golden retriever type and i like a man like that for me, the type i could die laughing with you know? & i love the fact he's so at piece w his sexuality you know?? and his eyes.......WHEW. Heartstopper is literally the cutest and i love this show SO MUCH!! ooo never watched those shows it's not my type even tho b99 has some banger scenes!!
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