#today i learned idk how to draw the moon
py6oto · 1 year
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almost missed today too. i really need to stop leaving these for 11 pm
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okay so I know I said I’d have a post for Monday but stuff happened (nothing bad don’t worry) so this is late and also not what I had planned. but it’s something at least while I’m working on drawing and trying to actually finish a drawing for once in my life
anyways without further ado: more Voltron dragon prince AU shenanigans because that is still very much a thing that I want to do and am going to at least have some “official” art done for at some point in the year.
I only have an idea for Shiro’s design right now, but I have so much more to talk about in this post.
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Shiro doesn’t really have a direct parallel to anyone in the dragon prince, but he’s still important (obviously) and he still goes missing. I can’t really say too much about him because of story and plot reasons but there is gonna be Cool Stuff happening. I decided to make him a moon shadow elf because it makes the most sense, and also I just thought he would look cool as one. He’s still engaged to Adam, and he still goes missing with Sam and Matt Holt.
That’s all I can say about Shiro for now, but I still have other characters to talk about.
Adam is going to be playing an active role in this because I want him to and also he won’t fucking die because I think he should live. As a treat.
In this AU, Adam is human. A huge part of his whole deal is that he will be looking for a Shiro and Keith alone because they’re the two most important people in his life and he wants to find them.
Also, Adam and Shiro’s relationship is secret, only Keith knows that they’re together and that’s a huge motivation as to why Adam goes searching for them alone since he’s kinda trapped since he can’t exactly go out and get help finding Shiro and Keith. Anyways, that’s enough about those two, let’s get on to everyone else I’m talking about today
I’m just going to make a quick bullet point list of characters I don’t have much to say on in this post but I still wanna say what their deal is in the AU:
Coran is going to be Opeli (the like, advisor in TDP). He’s the royal adviser, but he also helped raised Lance and Allura. I don’t really have much to say about him other than he will still very much be himself and I love him
Matt is a scholar or something of that type along with his father, and they meet Shiro while doing research and end up befriending him (thank you Aeon for this suggestion your brain is great)
Romelle is going to be the equivalent of Ellis (the kid with the wolf). Also trans Romelle because I am a trans Romelle truther
Veronica is going to be this AUs Amaya but not going to be exactly like her (also, please let me know if you guys think that I should make Veronica deaf like Amaya since I would like having a deaf character in this but idk if it should be her or another side character that would most likely be an OC)
Krolia is going to be missing/MIA
The BoM are going to be the moonshadow elf assassins, but without the whole knowledge or death deal since. I just don’t want them to have that and it’s my AU I get to do what I want
Honerva is dead lol
Zarkon will be Viren
Ezor, Zethrid, Narti and Axca are still Lotor’s Lesbians and I have Several Ideas for them
I still have a lot that I wanna do, like learn how to draw dragons because Whoops I made an AU that has dragons and a lot of them but I don’t know how to draw them, and I have a lot to talk about when it comes to certain decisions I made for this, like Zarkon and Honerva and some things I have in mind for them. This is probably going to be a project that will take a long time to even officially get started because I don’t know how to write but I so desperately want to tell the story I have in mind and have it be enjoyable.
I’ll make another post soon with more in-depth descriptions and ideas for Zarkon, along with something I like to call the “kill-die scale” and also some ideas I am still struggling with
Also as always, thank you to @deuxaeonn for the help, your brain is so good and ik this hasn’t been worked on for a while but still lmao
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lavenoon · 2 years
PLEASE tell us more about the Accidentally Undercover AU I am OBSESSING over it now I must know more, I am in love with it 🙏
Oh dear I really just posted it and ditched you guys huh gdhs
Hi I'm back from my evening event and will ramble some more! I've been shooting ideas at @lulu-libellule who also made it all even more fun than it was initially, hehehe
So there's not much of the fnaf plot gonna happen - like virus and Afton n shit, I'm not going there, it's really just for fun
But! There is of course some sort of timeline, and there's three stages/ arcs basically. First pre-reveal, then the messy bit where they all figure it out (though not at the same time), and then post-reveal
Pre-reveal is mostly just what I described in the intro post, they're all stupid and I have a bunch of interactions I wanna draw for it. They're so, so incredibly oblivious it's so much fun. Picture this:
Moon recounts the night at work, the moment of victory when he managed to trip Robin up, giving him a headstart and resulting in a mild inconvenience (think something bruised, at worst sprained) for them. Sun simply nods along, agreeing on principle but honestly, he's just already thinking of how Y/N seems to have had a really bad day at work, limping in while cursing under their breath, so he's really thinking of doing something nice for them before leaving for his own shift (: No dot connecting happening
Or Sun's kind of accidental crafting hobby (he's an expert, he's not half-assing his cover story) carrying consequences for Moon, too Robin: Taking the "eyes on the back of your head" a bit too literally, no? Dusk: What are you talking about? Robin: There's. There's a googly eye stuck there. With glitter I think Dusk, internally: SUN I SWEAR TO GOD
The reveal itself is pretty much the only part I've planned to include angst - self doubt, frustration, and somewhat betrayal too for all of them. Messy, and not too thought out yet, but it'll be a whole thing!
Post-reveal on the other hand. That's gonna be stupid fun again, because now all three idiots are in on it and cover for each other. Their organization would shame them forever if not outright fire them for being so damn stupid if they learned their cohabitation was an accident, so they simply don't mention it to anyone.
Leads to fun moments when the presumed rivals start defending each other -
someone: Dawn dropped out of today's mission, said something personal came up Y/N, who begged him to stay home to wait for the plumber to fix some pipes bc they have a meeting with someone high up they can't cancel: he mentioned a funeral someone: oh, huh. my condolences later: Sun: Y/N. what funeral would we go to Y/N: IDK I PANICKED
Someone happens to ask Dusk what funeral they went to, he deadpan replies "our grandmother's", no one asks again
Also Moon will never let Y/N live it down once he realizes they lied about pretty much all their scars to make them sound cooler than they actually are, because for some reason being a literal secret agent isn't cool enough for Y/N. They almost regret making up all those dramatic stories. Almost.
Gonna stop here for now so I still have stuff to talk about when my brain isn't quite as mushy, but super super giddy that people like my silly little au idea!! I just love identity shenanigans with a focus on differing dynamics so so much, so I had to make that a reality, glad to have people with me on the ride <3
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15 questions and 15 mutuals
Thanks for tagging me @majorbaby! I’m not going to tag mostly followers I see around a lot since I don’t actually follow a ton of MASH blogs:
tagging: @jam-the-hologram, @gwenweybourne, @4-0-7-7, @bee-notes, @gramps1942, @hamiltonsteele, @wunipub, @marley-manson, @persianflaw, @kermits-cup-of-tea, @bornforastorm, @uncletrapperandaunthawkeye annnddd I’m sorry I’m running out of steam. No pressure.
Were you named after anyone?
Nah, I considered some character names for my middle and last, but ended up not going through with it.
When was the last time you cried?
Ummm, I’ve teared up while watching and reading stuff, but a genuine cry? I think over a year, couldn’t recall what it was. 
Do you have kids?
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
No, I’m an asshole in a different way.
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Clothes, expression on face, etc.
What’s your eye color?
Scary movies or happy endings?
Been really into horror lately tbh.
Any special talents?
I’m a very good singer. I’m probably going to have to adjust when the T kicks in. I think it’s my competence with my ear more than anything else. 
Where were you born?
I don’t feel comfortable answering this one in a specific way tbh. America. The dessert. Booooo
What are your hobbies?
Ohh boy, I’d say drawing, reading, tumblr media meta shit, baking, language learning, and lock picking - things I wouldn’t consider hobbies since I’m shit at practicing them but am still passionate about: banjo, guitar, writing, and magic tricks. I’m probably forgetting stuff, they tend to come and go.
Have any pets?
A very special kitty. Her kidneys are old and not doing so good, so she’s probably going to go this year. She’s hanging out with me as I type this.
What sports do you play/have you played?
I try to do something self defense related when I can. I’d really like to get competent at boxing. I would also love to take some dance.
How tall are you?
Favorite subject in school?
Dream job?
My future feels so so up in the air rn, I’m feeling a bit paralyzed. I’ve been contemplating throwing myself into something self-sustainable, like a tattoo artist or even practicing more shit I can do to earn some tips with random crowds if it really comes down to it.. I’ve been eyeing some trade apprenticeships. Umm, but if we’re dreaming? I honestly I would really like to do something fun and social, like something in theatre for a while, improv? plays? and then move onto something less grueling and unhealthy. Maybe making elaborate art instillations, like in MeowWolf, would be really great. If we’re REALLY shooting for the moon, then a very lucky lazy investor. 
Oh I WILL say if I were to develop a magic routine, I’d really like to have a lifting element to it. It’s not the most practical with today’s clothing and items we tend to have on us, and it has the potential to make the volunteer very angry, but I’m just so ridiculously charmed by it idk.
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sonderastrology · 4 years
🌙🌈✨Astrology Notes✨☄️🌟
*Based on things I’ve noticed about different placements as a Leo sun/Virgo moon/Capricorn rising... these notes may not resonate for everyone but that’s just the way the cookie crumbles baby* MADE BY SONDERASTROLOGY
🧿I see the people I’m close with more as their moon sign with a dash of their sun, almost as if the placements were reversed. This is because the moon sign is sort of hidden at first whereas the sun sign is the core energy. When you befriend or love someone, the moon sign (emotions, mental processes) is slowly uncovered and in my opinion, takes over the general energy of the sun. Of course, all signs, houses, and aspects are important... this is just the way I look at it idk.
🧿Everyone needs a best friend with the same rising sign as your moon sign... they just *get* you.
🧿Also having friends with the same mars sign as you is so important! They can hype you up like no other and vice versa.. your vibes just click.
🧿I’ve noticed that people with opposite sun signs but rising signs in the same element take AMAZING pictures together. For example; A Pisces sun w a Leo rising and a Virgo sun w a Sagittarius rising would make eachother look bomb in photos.
🧿Pisces, cancer, Virgo, and libra placements are proned to being stalked and hit on by weird men... I’ve seen it too many times, protect yourselves!!!
🧿People always tell me that they were intimidated by me at first or even “scared”, and that I give off a bitchy vibe. My placements that indicate this?Capricorn rising (Uranus, Neptune, Lilith in 1st house), Leo venus and Virgo moon in my 8th house, Scorpio MC, Scorpio and Pluto in my 11th house. Other placements that can have this effect: Aries, Scorpio, Aquarius, and Earth signs in personal planets/MC/Rising signs. Personal planets aspecting mars, Pluto, saturn, sometimes Neptune, and Lilith. Mars/Aries, Saturn/Capricorn Pluto/Scorpio in the 1st, 2nd, 7th, 10th, 11th house. 8th house placements and Chart Ruler in the 8th, 10th, and maybe 12th house. There’s definitely a whole lot more placements not just these.
🧿Aquarius/Air dominant people (esp mixed with fire) along with an array of other placements I’m sure, have a VERY hard time with forced structure and routine... it brings out their rebellious nature.My best friend from high school is an Aquarius Sun Gemini Moon (with an Aries mars), and she DESPISED going to school for 7 hours a day, she just couldn’t do it. She would skip school all the time and eventually enrolled in night school. Same went for my other friend who was a Sag sun Gemini moon, both of them would act TF out in class. They’d fight with teachers, the principle, other students... and I really believe it was due to the forced schedules and the power dynamic between teachers and students in high school. The Aquarius sun person is my best friend today, and she’s one of the smartest people I know. Just because you weren’t “good” at school does NOT mean you aren’t smart. Fuck the system is an air sign BRAND.
🧿I’ve noticed A LOT of Gemini sun, moon, and rising people have light shades of hair... mostly blonde or dirty blonde.
🧿I’ve met 4 people born on the 28th of the month and all of them are incredibly beautiful... no matter what sign. Same goes for July Leo’s although I’ve noticed that they’re more arrogant and self centered than August Leo’s who are more generous and outgoing
🧿Your Jupiter sign can help you work with law of attraction and manifestation more effectively. If you have Jupiter in an air sign, try manifesting things by; writing it down, saying it out loud, visualization, and meditation. If you have Jupiter in a fire sign; manifest under the sun, write out a plan even if it’s unrealistic. If you want money, hold even a penny or a dollar and act as if it’s the amount you want. Act as if everything you want is already yours. If you have Jupiter in an earth sign; manifest while doing yoga or on a walk. Manifest outside or read/listen to positive affirmations. Jupiter in a water sign; manifest using crystals and rocks with guidance from tarot. Manifest through the arts and hobbies; draw what you want or make a song. Something where you can use your creativity. *All of these methods for manifestation are effective for all of the signs I just think that certain ways can help certain signs more*
🧿Based off of people I’ve met, air risings aren’t as friendly and bubbly as you’d think they’d be when you first meet them. Even their vibe seems nervous and closed off at first; standing with arms crossed, shoulders inward, I dont know just sort of shy. Once they open up a bit more then their weird side comes out and they become more goofy and carefree. I think air signs of all placements struggle deeply with anxiety even though they are often portrayed as outgoing and quirky, which they are but a thin viel covers it. No matter what, air placements keep an open mind and I’ve always felt like I could be myself around them.
🧿Libra placements are known for disliking confrontational disputes but I’ve noticed that these are the same people to whisper nasty things under their breathe when you start to walk away from an argument... they have you whip back around like “do you have something to say?!”
🧿I’ve seen this before and imo it’s true! Signs in the 8th house rule addictions... I saw someone post that having a water sign in the 8th house could indicate addictions to liquid, more specifically; caffeine and alcohol. Being addicted to something is in other words creating a bond with it- water signs are naturally bonded with liquid so it makes sense that their prone to being addicted to them. Water signs occupying the 8th house might always drink water or have water with them. Since the 8th house also rules finances to an extent, most of their money might go to coffee, drinks, beach vacations etc. For fire signs over the 8th house, they could be addicted and/or spend a lot of money on smoking, spicy foods, or anything that gives them a rush; rollercoasters, haunted houses, skydiving or even drugs like esctacy/cocaine... anything that gives them that thrill or lights a match in their stomach. Earth signs in the 8th house may be addicted to physical things; money, work, food, looks,... things that give them value or that call on their senses and ego. They could hoard/collect items such as coins, cars, beauty products, etc., or generational items passed down... due to bonding with things that they can bulid/see/show off overtime. They are very attached to the physical because as an earth sign it feeds their ego and value, like a tree growing in soil. Money could mostly go to eating, gambling, plastic surgery, materialistic stuff. They could be addicted to buying things and selling them for a higher price. Air signs occupying the 8th house could point to spending a lot of money on or being addicted to technology or all things ‘relevant’. These individuals might be addicted to their phones/social media and the attention they get from it. These people are always posting stories throughout the day or online shopping or even just browsing different apps. They’re addicted to getting information via books, the internet, and through talking to other people... oftentimes these individuals are very good at making money through the internet (depending on other placements ofc). They may spend a lot of money on books, new gadgets, music, tattoos and puzzles. These people are addicted to all things new! They have a thirst for knowledge and experiences and will seek it out effectively. 🧿When I look at a person’s birth chart, whatever gender, I especially pay close attention to their Mars sign and house. To me, Mars represents the overall energy and vibe a person gives off and the house placement is where it’s most naturally acted out. For example ; Aries Mars in the 6th house. Aries Mars person would give off a hyper, motivated, impulsive energy. Physically this could manifest as shaking their leg while sitting, quick movements,standing/walking instead of sitting down, gives off a more to the point and carefree attitude (keep in mind all of this is affected by many other aspects and placements in a chart). Being in the 6th house, ruling day to day routine, health, how we act at work, etc., this means that the Aries Mars characteristics are more prominent during work and day to day rituals (quicker to learn, effectively performing daily tasks, gets shit done, or they could get into arguments at work easily, constantly rush around, might be stubborn about seeing a doctor/health professional, might be more prone to getting headaches at work or in general) again, depending on the rest of the chart
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gemkidsau · 3 years
Season Three
I made some posts on Tapas about this but I guess some people missed them, so the confused people in that crew, here is a screenshot of an explanation:
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The original plan was to draw the entirety of season two before scheduling it all to post. But a handful of episodes in I got caught up in something else and by the time I had time to work on it again, I just couldn't. I tried and tried but I really just could not get back into it.
So continuing in my promise, here is season three:
Super watermelon island
Garnet sees Malachite surfacing on Mask Island so they go there and ambush her. Peridot stays behind to work on the drill and Rose volunteers to supervise her. Alexandrite defeats Malachite. Jasper is lost in the ocean again and Lapis is brought home, passed out.
Gem drill
Same plot but replace Steven with Rose.
Same old world
Lapis wakes up and Amethyst helps her process what she went through and finds a new home for her (similar plot but Amethyst has a different approach cause of her personality). She chooses the barn.
Barn mates
Peridot insists the barn belongs to her because she’s already been using it. Lapis insists it was promised to her even though Amethyst never actually said that and doesn’t own the barn in the first place. Amethyst decides this is going to be hilarious and makes popcorn. She soon realizes she’s too close to it for it to be funny so goes to solve the problem, but it’s harder than she anticipated. It generally follows the same plot though. The red eye shows up at the end and lapis flicks it.
Hit the diamond
Yeah this one’s the same.
Steven floats
Rose learns she can float.
Mr greg
Steven & Connie’s backstory (Never fleshed this out)
Too short to ride
TBH the same but replace Steven with Rose.
The new lars
Rose wakes up in the middle of the night in Pearl’s body. Terrified, she shakes herself awake, which triggers the switch back. Pearl wakes up groggy and asks Rose why she’s awake. She says she had a bad dream and they go back to sleep.
Beach city drift
The cool kids invited Lars to a party and he’s bragging about it. When Pearl and Amethyst show interest, Lars says little kids aren’t allowed. They fuse and try to keep Opal stable so they can attend the party.
Monster reunion
Rose figures out that she does, in fact, have healing powers. She’s sure it’s a Diamond thing, but thankful as heck it’s also a Rose Quartz thing. Rose says she should try and heal one of the monsters and Pearl says she should do corrupted Rose Quartz. Once CRQ is half healed, it’s the same plot switching Steven for Pearl. We get to learn about the Crystal Gems’ demise. They were fighting at the beach and where Beach City would eventually be built. A Quartz fusion chucked the warp pad to prevent further backup from arriving. Rose notices a Nephrite receiving orders to retreat and looks up to see the diamond attack. The warp pad lands on the Nephrite. Rose doesn’t have a means to protect her friends(sword instead of shield), so they all succumb to the attack. (exit flashback) Rose runs to the temple, but can’t get in. Pearl lets her in. Pink Rose is in there like “wat happen why.” (Maybe CRQ finds something in the chest? IDK where to go from here.)
Alone at sea
Peridot is sad because Lapis is sad and she can’t figure out how to make not sad so she asks Garnet for help. Garnet takes Lapis into the ocean and does her best to show her more of the beauty of Earth. Lapis is finally starting to cheer up when Jasper sneaks up on them and begs on her knees to become Malachite again. Lapis tells her no and makes her leave. Garnet and Lapis go home wary.
Greg the babysitter
Sour Cream is excited because his baby brother is being born today. The gems are like what is a baby. We learn that gems don’t start out quite that small. They theorize that since humans only incubate for 9 months, they don’t develop as far. Gems incubate for years. They come out as 5-year-olds ish. Then Connie wonders if gems were to incubate for a very long time, would they form as adults? The gems laugh at such an idea. :^)
Gem hunt
Connie is getting very good at being close to danger even though she can’t fight or anything, so when she hears the gems are going to the frozen North, she insists on tagging along to supervise. The gems think that’s stupid but they aren’t gonna say no to Mom. Connie and Garnet get separated from Pearl, Amethyst, and Rose. While separated, Connie actually helps Garnet take out one of the beasts. Pearl, Amethyst, and Rose encounter Jasper, who poofs their beast and walks off menacingly as Connie and Garnet find them. (Rose summons her shield for the first time when trying to protect her teammates)
Crack the whip
Amethyst loses a sparring match to Pearl for the first time and is super self conscious about it.
Steven vs amethyst
Amethyst internalizes the problem instead of confronting Pearl.
Bismuth (This is out of order. Should happen before Monster Reunion)
Rose asks why she doesn’t have a room in the temple yet and the gems are like yeah that’s chill we have another spot go for it. She makes her room and to her surprise there’s already stuff in it. The other gems are like yeah there were a few things in our rooms too. We think they’re left over from the previous owners. Stuff like swords and relics. But Rose has some peculiar items in her room. There’s a chest, a sword, a flag, and a bubble. Rose likes the sword and wants to use it in battle.
Amethyst still feels like shit so Rose takes her to Peridot and Peridot takes them to the beta kindergarten. Same plot.
We find out that even though Jasper was originally made for Yellow, since she was young when PD emerged she was actually training to be given to Pink.
Back to the moon
Same plot mostly. The other gems hear for the first time (from the rubies) that Pink Diamond was shattered on Earth. ‘Who would do such a thing?’ It was a Rose Quartz. All eyes on Rose. Not having planned for this, she panics and runs downstairs. Pearl says she’ll talk to her since she’s closest to her and asks the other to continue helping the rubies without her.
Pearl talks to Rose about what they’re going to tell the others. They decide Rose was bubbled and when Pink returned to Earth in search of her Pearl, she released Rose. Rose asked who she was and she told her she’s a Diamond. Rose is a Crystal Gem so she identified her as a threat and took the opportunity to strike. Soon the others return but their cover (pretending to be homeworld gems for the rubies) is blown at the last second. Rose opens the airlock to blow them into space and one of them grabs her, trying to pull her with them, but she escapes the ruby’s grasp safely.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 2 years
chica drabble with some mythology thrown in? idk dude the griffin drawing looked cool 😎
Thanks! Griffin Chica is my favourite version to draw of her I love her and griffins are cool.
As for the drabble, I have a recent interest in UK mythology and folklore stuff so now Chica does too. She's putting on a show for her special themed event. It's 571 words of her interacting with some of the others while they prepare for it.
“A ship was sailin’ from the East, and goin’ to the West, loaded with silks and satins, and… uhh what were the rest o’ that, duck?” Chica rolled her eyes as Foxy turned back to her with an awkward head tilt.
“Loaded with silks and satins, and velvets of the best, but meeting there was Captain Ward…” She trailed, smiling as Foxy quickly picked up from where she’d left off.
“It proved a bad meetin’, he robbed ‘em of all their wealth and bid them tell their king!” He grinned before repeating the first two versus of his new song again. Chica had been looking forward to getting the preparation for her new event underway but it was proving to be a bit more difficult than she’d anticipated.
Namely that she’d had to get everyone to memorise their stories.
The theme for her new event was mythology, folklore and fairytales. She’d assigned everyone something to learn and or sing and today was the day she was given to start everyone on the learning process.
“Hey, Chi? I don’t think this is going to work…” Roxy’s hesitant voice came from behind her. She had a pair of stag antlers attached to her head and her fur casing was now covered in splotches of red paint. Monty was a little behind her looking sheepish, probably having put her up to talking to her about whatever was the problem here.
“What’s wrong?” Chica hummed as Roxy turned her copy of the script to her.
“We uh… have no idea how we’re supposed to do this.” Her green claw tapped against the paragraph about how the knight from a different legend – Monty – was supposed to tame the Stratford Lyon – Roxanne.
“Oh… I thought you could lift Monty easy?” The two gave each other a look.
“I’m almost twice her size, Chi. I can’t jump on her for a piggyback ride ‘round the stage.” Monty broke the news to her. They knew how much this event meant to her so she understood now why they both looked like they’d rather be anywhere else than here telling her the plan wasn’t going to work.
“Really?” Chica’s head tilted. She’d seen these two fight on a weekly basis and had just assumed this was possible based on that, but the fact neither of them seemed convinced made her rethink that a little. How was she supposed to solve this…?
“Hey, why don’t you be the knight, Chi?” Monty suggested after a few thoughtful moments. “It’s your show, right? You gotta lead it!” Roxy’s ears perked with a hum. She nodded and offered her a smile.
“Yeah, I could totally do this with you!” Chica hummed, eyes falling to the unfinished fairy costume she was going to wear to narrate the shows. Roxy seemed to follow her gaze before barking a laugh. “If you’re worried about Monty, he would rock that dress and you know it!” Monty nodded enthusiastically with a toothy grin.
“Hm… oh what the heck? I’ll be the knight and you can be the fairy narrator!” Monty cheered as she relented. They swapped scripts and Chica made one final check on Bonnie the Sockburn Worm, Peg Powler Freddy, Sunny the Lyonesse Survivor, and Billy Blynde Moon before returning to rehearse her new role with Roxy.
With her as the knight travelling through the others’ tales, she could bring this story of hers to life with ease!
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babyboiboyega · 4 years
Long Overdue (Bolin x reader)
Pairing: Bolin x reader
Content: some good fluff. Such a good fluffy fic
Word Count: 1.8k
REQUESTED BY ANONYMOUS: “here’s my bolin request! i was thinking an earthbender (thats my fav bending art) and him finally admit feelings for each other! idk what else add what u want:)”
I hope you enjoy this! I’m sorry it’s been a while since you requested it! I start my sophomore year of college/university next Monday, so I’ve been really busy getting everything together!
Babyboiboyega’s Masterlist of Masterlists
Babyboiboyega’s Legend of Korra masterlist
*Bolin’s POV*
He felt as if he were about to go toe-to-toe with the legendary Toph herself. It sounded like a barrage of drums in his ears, the way his heart beat so intensely. His clothes were wrinkled with the amount of times he had wipes his sweaty palms on them. However, no matter how nervous he was, he would go through with his plan. It had been a long time coming, too long, really. It had been such a long time coming that when he had told his brother, Mako gave him a smile and a pat on the back before offering him an exasperated “finally”. Bolin had even walked in once on Asami and Korra discreetly planning a way for him to admit his feelings for you.
He was lucky to have the friends he had, for as soon as he had explained his plan to them, they were all more than eager to offer any help that they could. And he wouldn’t have been able to do all of this without them.
They helped with every aspect of his plan, including the encouraging part whenever he became too nervous.
But now that the day had come, no amount of nerves could distract him from the purpose of the day. Or, rather, the night.
“Hey, Bolin! Everything is set up outside, now all you have to do it go out there and wait for the love of your life to show up.”
Asami’s voice echoed through the hallway as she made her into the front room where Bolin continued to pace. Despite her friend’s worrying, she couldn’t help the smile on her face. Despite his worrying, Bolin knew that her smile radiated only a fraction of how happy he felt.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah! I’m fine, I’m heading out! Oh! Are the dumplings out there? And the fruit pie- is the fruit pie out there? What about the blanket? Was it wrinkled?”
“Yes, yes, and no. Everything is perfect, Bolin. Come on.”
Asami gently placed her hand on Bolin’s shoulder and turned him towards the door. Bolin’s feet moved as she gently pushed him through the door, into the hallway.
“Everything is going to go just fine, I know it will. I know because I’ve seen the way you two look each other. You look at her like she’s the moon, and she-“
“Actually, the moon was an actual person, you know? She was a princess of the Northern Water tribe, and I heard that she was beautiful but when I look at the moon, I don’t want to compare Y/N to the moon. Isn’t that a little rude to the both of them. They’re both really beautiful, but Y/N just makes everything around you stop when she walks in. Including your breath- is it hot in here?”
His rambling continued as Asami pushed him through the door leading to the back garden, his talking becoming more frantic the closer they came to the garden.
Asami let him continue, letting him get whatever he needed to get out. However, as they reached the setup for the evening and he continued to ramble, she stopped short, making him do the same. She simply faced him and cocked her head to the side, raising an eyebrow in question.
Upon seeing her expression, his talking eventually slowed until it stopped completely, allowing him to draw in a proper breath. His eyes met Asami’s and a sheepish smile crept onto his face. He let out a sigh.
“Thank you, Asami, for everything. Thanks for letting me use your garden. And your blankets. And your kitchen- you know what? Thank you, for everything.”
A small laugh escaped her mouth as she pat his shoulder. Before she could say anything, the sound of running footsteps reached their ears.
“She’s almost her! She’s coming around now!”
Korra’s words made him freeze in his place, only for both Asami and Korra to grab him a second later, pushing him towards the setup that he worked so hard on.
“You got this, Bolin!”
“Just be yourself!”
They both offered quick words of encouragement before running back into Asami’s home, but not before glancing once more behind them just in time to see you walk around the side.
*Readers POV*
Your eyesbrows furrowed at what your friends were planning, and you knew that they were planning something. You loved your friends, but they were horrible at keeping secrets, and it was rather easy to spot how secretive and suspicious they were acting. There was no point in asking them what they were up to because they wouldn’t come out directly and say it, but their actions said enough.
Their suspicious actions lasted all the way up until today, for some reason.
When Korra had led you back to Asami’s home only to offer a quick “come to the back in one minute” before running off, you knew that all those days of suspicion had culminated into this.
Your mind ran through the possible scenes that you could stumble upon once you followed Korra’s directions, however the second you stepped around the corner, all of those ideas quickly disappeared.
Your eyes trailed over every single detail of the setup in front of you, taking it all in while trying to convince yourself that you weren’t dreaming.
Instead of being shrouded in darkness like it usually was at night, Asami’s garden was bathed in a soft light. It didn’t cover the entire garden, but it covered enough for you to see what you needed to see.
The gazebo that stood before you prompted a gasp to full from your lips. That’s where the light came from.
You could see the lights hanging from the edges of the gazebo along with the over grown vines that snaked up the limbs of it. As you walked closer, you cold hear the faint sound of music coming through a static-y radio along with the sound of someone whispering to themselves. It made your steps slow as your mind worked on trying to recognize the vice, but the second you did recognize it, it just made them speed back up.
“Bolin? W-what’s all this?”
His eyes stayed locked on your face as you continued to look at your surroundings, trying to gauge your reaction. He’d be lying if he said that he didn’t notice the way his heart jumped as a smile formed on your face.
“It’s all for you, Y/N. I…I wanted to do something nice. You’re always doing things for me and helping me, I just wanted to tell you thank you.” Of course, that wasn’t the only reason why he had planned all of this, but he didn’t want to blurt it out. What he had to say was too important, and he would not mess it up with his rambling or bluntness.
You sighed softly, turning to look at him. Your feet carried you over to where he stood, where you raised your hand and let it fall gently onto his arm.
“You…you did all of this just to tell me ‘thank you’?”
An exasperated laugh left your mouth as you glanced around once again, causing you to miss the pure, unadulterated expression of joy that crossed Bolin’s face. You were too busy trying to reign in your emotions; Bolin’s act of kindness brought tears to you eyes. It made your heart twist in the most pleasant way.
“Well, it wasn’t just to thank you. I actually wanted to tell you something.”
His words made you pause. A mixture of anticipation and worry surged through your body as you heard the nervous quiver in his voice; it made you question if you really wanted to hear what he had to say. He had never been nervous to say anything to you, that’s how close you two were. So the fact that he was so nervous to say something made you a little on edge.
“Tell me what, Bolin? Is everything okay?” Your smile fell a little, but it stayed supportive as you looked at him. Despite the worrying circumstances, you would always let him know that you would be there for him, no matter what. You knew that he would do the same for you in any case.
“Yeah, yeah, everything’s okay! I just…um…” His words faded but his eyes never left yours. A deep breath wracked his body and it seemed as if he were trying to find the courage to tell you whatever he needed to tell you. Seeing the conflict plain as day on his face prompted you to gently squeeze his arm.
“You know you can tell me anything, Bolin. Whatever’s got you so nervous, I promise I’ll be there every step of the way of…whatever it is you’re about to-“
“I love you, Y/N. I have for a very long time but I was too scared to tell you because I didn’t know how you would react and I didn’t want to even risk ruining our friendship because I value our friendship more than you could possibly understand, but I just couldn’t go on any longer without telling you that you mean the entire world to me and that I would move any mountain and possibly, some how, learn a new element just to be with you. I understand if you don’t feel the same way, but I really hope that this doesn’t ruin our friendship because I’d rather be your best friend than be nothing to you at all.”
You’d think that it would have been difficult trying to decipher what he had just said, but you had heard every single word effortlessly. The weight of his words settled in the pit of your stomach, keeping you rooted to your spot. You’d kill to see how your face looked, because you certainly couldn’t feel it. In fact, you couldn’t do anything really, besides stand there and pray to the spirits that you had heard him correctly.
The longer you stood there, the more apparent Bolin’s expression of dread became and the more you wanted to wipe away his frown that had formed.
You had been left speechless multiple times because of Bolin, but none of them could compare to this. You truly didn’t know what to say. Well, you did, but you had no idea how to say it.
“You don’t know what to say, but you know what to do, Y/N.”
You didn’t allow another second to pass for in that second, you could’ve psyched yourself out of what you were about to do.
You moved with a speed that you didn’t even know you possessed, and before he could say anything, your body was colliding with Bolin’s, and your lips were being pressed against his. It took him a millisecond to register what was happening, and then his arms were wrapping around your waist and bringing you closer.
It seemed that your bodies molded like two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together. It wasn’t awkward; it was overdue. You didn’t know exactly how long it had been since you two admitted these feelings to yourselves, but it had been long enough to the point where as you two kissed now, it felt as if you could finally breathe.
Yeah, it had been long overdue.
Once again, I hope you enjoyed this!
I’m going to be a little busy from now on, but I’m still going to be writing! If you sent in a request, I have put it on my to-do list and I promise I’m not going to forget about it! Please continue to send in requests; y’all have no idea how happy it makes me when y’all send in requests! And the request doesn’t even have to be for a writing piece; it can be a random question, a random fact, etc. 
Stay safe, y’all!
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can i get a platonic matchup pleaSeEeE?
okay, so- lets talk about myself sdsnfnenxnf
My name is Jei, I use she/they pronouns, I am 5’11” and I ABSOLUTELY AM THE AWKWARD TALL KIND OF PERSON (I wish I wasn’t tho-). I have short curly hair, (RANDOM THOUGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THIS, DO YOU EVEN NEED TO KNOW HOW I LOOK FOR A P L A T O N I C MATCHUP? weeeeelll i am already here so, lets just keep going ig) I am like b i g IDK BAHSHAHSHABS
As you can see I am a bit uH chaotic (it is a daily thing but iDK TODAY I AM JUST OVER THE TOP) I am an ambivert, I am an INFP, Aries sun, Cancer moon and Sagittarius rising sbdsndns
I uHhhHh- I am very awkward in first meetings but if we have something in common I’ll ramble about our common interest which almost always leads to me talking about other stuff.
I am a Marvel fan if that’s uUuuh- important? I LOVE UM GOOD OMENS BAHSHAHZHA, i dOnt even know what i am talking about anymore but lets keep going BABDBAHZHA
I have a B I G variety of music taste, from 40s big band songs to uhhhHh lets just say ppcocaine(???
I get distracted w a y too easily, I tend to get lost on time
I LOVE TO DRAW AND TO WRITE (but i never have time to finish so me is very m a d >:))
My best subject is english, english teachers always love me for some effing reason :D
My favorite colors are orange, green, coffee? (COFFEE IS A COLOR? I FORGOT OMFG) OH SHOOT WAIT I HAD TO SEARCH IT UP, IT IS CALLED BROWN BAHAAHHAHAHA I AM SO STUPID, beigeEs and blaCk >:)
yeah, i like dark academia buT in a like chaotic rebel way if it is possible???????
AM I MAKING ANY SENSE NOW???? i am sleep deprived so i don’t really knoW
I tend to see the good in people (yes that includes bad people too, sadly), I have troubles speaking for myself in situations where people are troubling me,,,
What elseeee????
I am lazy sometimes, I’ll admit it 😌☝🏽 and it gets on my nerves:D (i am working on it tho)
All my time is sucked by school, I am an overachiever and adbanxnajxjs i cry cuz school u know? <3
And I think that’s it?????
Also yes my Aries sister 😩
Platonic Matchup
Nishinoya Yuu
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How Y’all Met
So you rolled up into school with a FIRE marvel t-shirt
And nishinoya being a marvel fan himself took IMMEDIATE notice
So what did he do
Approach you of course 🙄✋
It was quite awkward at first 🥲
He really just went up to you and was like
“Oh you like marvel? What’s your favorite movie, or do you prefer the comics?, OH Have how ever seen...”
And he just went on and on and on
But when he realized he was rambling he apologized and asked you the first question again
Now it was your turn to ramble on and on about your interests
But honestly noya just rolled with it
Rooooooollliiiinnnng Thunnndaaaa
After you both were done with your rambling
He invited you over to his house for a #MarvelMarathon
And who tf were you to say no
So you pulled up to his house and started the marathon
In the middle of said marathons noya’s phone started to ring
And what was his ringtone?
Ppcocains PJ
And what did you do when you heard this?
Sang along ofc
And noya was just in shock
But after overcoming his shock he started singing with you
Yeah...he missed that call
But who gives af! Y’all are having a concert rn!
The day bled into night and he offered for you to stay the night
Not wanting to walk home in the dark you agreed
And oml the night was just filled with movies, mini concerts, and junk food 👀
Ever since that night you and him have been attached at the hip
What You Have In Common
Well obviously you both like Marvel
And ppcocain
But you both have a chaotic energy that mashes well with each other
You both have small attention spans/ get distracted very easily 😀
Istg conversations with you two are all over the place
One minute it’s this subject then two seconds later it’s a different subject
Fun fact: you made him watch good omens with you and now he’s obsessed
He says he has a deep emotional connection with Crowley ❤️
Favorite Things To Do Together
Good lord
Honestly if he could just recreate your first sleepover
Life would be perfect
Because THATS his favorite thing to do with you
Just bonding over common interests
Whether that be with music, movies, hobbies
No matter what you two do it’s always a party
He actually really likes to have drawing competitions with you
Even though he always loses 🥲
You’ve offered to not make it a competition
But he says that’s what make it fun :)
Random Hc
Oh your his personal tutor
He needs help with school
Screw the teachers
Screw the tutors
There is only ✨you✨
He has also volunteered you as a tutor for the team :D
without your knowledge....
You two have weekly movie nights
But lately he’s just been binging good omens with you
Speaking of Good Omens 👀
That is YOUR show
Like if one of you even watch ONE episode without the other
All hell breaks lose
Ok off topic Hc but people think your the equivalent of asahi 🥲
Independent Aries and collaborative Libra form a funny sort of friendship.
Aries tries convincing Libra to take chances, shake off criticism, and be more direct.
Libra constantly tells Aries to slow down, smell the flowers, and be more appreciative.
It's an odd couple type of relationship that can work extremely well.
Aries can learn the fine art of diplomacy from Libra, while Libra may become more assertive thanks to Aries.
While the Aries and the Libra are opposing each other from an astrological point of view, they can still become friends very fast.
The Aries admires how the Libra is graceful, stylish and funny, while the other way around, the latter truly likes how determined to take part in new adventures and always courageous their friend is.
Of course, the friendship between these two will sometimes be challenging because the Aries can get hurt seeing the Libra is flighty, while the latter may not like the way the former is pushy.
However, these two can easily make up and neither of them likes to hold a grudge.
Chaotic ⚡️👹💥
PJ - Ppcocain
Tokyo Drift - Teriyaki Boyz
Won’t Bite - Doja cat
My Axe - Insane Clown Posse
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bittybattybunny · 3 years
I hope your not feeling down on your writing skills because I haven't caught up and commented on your latest releases. It's not you it's that I pick too many fanfics to follow and they all update a lot and I've been so busy and I've fallen behind on so many fics from various authors and sometimes my depression just makes me want to lie in bed all day doing nothing and it doesn't help I have to spend my limited spoons helping family everyday. I know these aren't good excuses, but I do sympathize with the lack of energy feeling at least. But your work really does bring a lot of joy to my life. It's so fun keeping up with your various AUs, and your latest one that features Kaya as Spider King has me really hyped because I want to learn more about Kaya, she's so fun! And Ruclipse is such a good comfort ship that just hits all the things I like seeing in a ship. You're so amazing and creative and it's awful that anyone would try to make you feel otherwise! Like your newest OC, Justin Tyme seems like such a lovable dumbass bastard. I love his wild, curly hair and his dapper outfit. I can't wait to see what dumb shit he gets himself into! I know this is really long and rambly, but I hope you know you have fans who genuinely love your work. I don't know if you're still thinking about that one comment you mentioned that got you really down, but honestly, fuck that guy. I don't know what they said but it must have been pure BS to have you doubting your hard earned art skills. I wish I could do more to prove you're awesome and that your fans really admire you, I just hope you don't stop sharing what you love because some rando was nasty for no good reason. Because we love what you do!
It's not like anyone one person nonny so please don't blame yourself. This has been an ongoing thing for a few months actually...
it's just a general thing over all lately like. I mentioned this in dm's with a friend but overall past few months I've had lower engagement overall with my works and it really does a number on my confidence. More so because like your latter point.
yes, I am still very much thinking about that one negative comment. Because that person also has the need to comment on other things and I even had a thing asking why I took a few weeks to update (when reality I posted to another ongoing fic and my TLC chapters are long chapters) and just the fact they could tear into a character (yes it was a comment on a character specifically and not even a main character it's a side character who has an important role for Snatcher's growth as a person down the line) then go saying "why didn't you update" when I posted a double update that week---
Like it lives in my head rent free and I want to literally cry because like the character is a focal in an upcoming chapter and I can't deal with another "why are they back" type thing. because "everyone finds them annoying"
And I'll be honest. it was Kaya. Like I've been trying to have fun with my BCU stuff with her as Spiderking because it's engaging for me and me and @/doodleimprovement even came up with a b-plot involving Kaya and Hattie trying to hook Nell and Marcus together and it's one of the best things as well as Kaya and Nell having a really good relationship.
but because of that one comment it makes me hesitant to do anything with Kaya despite she's one of my oldest ocs, my most thought out ocs and I adore her beyond anything. Like yes she's over powered and such and in TLC rn she comes off as a know it all, but upcoming chapters will show she's just a spacey kid who's trying to fit into a role others decided for her and isn't really as all mighty as she seems. Snatcher even ends up thinking of her as a little sister more than anything. Like fuck I'm even hesitant to share anything on her actual story despite how much work is in it. Like she's my favorite Oc (that's why shes my discord icon, and I'm pretty sure she's my twitter icon as well)
And like the points in the comment just. IDK they didn't fit to her, if anything the points are more suited to be shot at Eclipse.
Which is another thing I just get iffy on. I love RuClipse and everything with it. I love writing and drawing the dorks. But I'm now so afraid if Kaya could be attacked for only showing in a handful of chapters that don't even touch on who she is, when is someone going to finally tell me off on my wolf? who's going to tear into a character I pour a lot of personal shit into to try and comfort myself?
I use Ruclipse to deal with my own romantic heart, they are what I wish I could have so I love to write them, I hurt them but i like to make them happy in the end. Someone who can deal with your highs and lows. No ones perfect but you can still figure it out and love even the negative parts (I am a heavy romantic OTL)
he is in fact a lovable bastard. i have fun plans and he gives me an excuse for why Cel is so tired and having to be the brain cell and how she even wound up working with the time kids when she's so much older than they are. Currently I'm trying to think of how to use him and honestly I think he's gonna wind up hella comic relief fun guy who's just making a mess and do his own side story while Hat and Bow are busy in subcon----
thank you, I don't mind the rambly it kinda gave me a chance to get this off my chest... like I've typed this kinda response up time and time again and I always delete. I feel like I'm whining because I get upset but it's just, I spend so much time making things, I use all my spoons on either working or creating, I just want to know if it means anything but then negativity lives in my head because what's a functioning meat cube??? I try to stay positive but it's hard. Like another thing is Moon Guardian; the reason I haven't updated? because I have had someone bothering me about it. weekly I get asked about how I'm doing on it but it's not from a place of "want to read it" it's because I told them they couldn't post a certain thing until the chapter is done so it feels pressuring to constantly get asked because I feel the only reason they want to post is to boost their thing and I'm just the machine to boost it with my characters and comic.... like it feels they've taken the comic from me and it sucks because I have so many fun things planned. Like I accidentally went off on Nina about a thing with Alpine skyline and Eclipse as well as a thing with a Time Rift and a Jelly ghost.
Sorry kinda went off, just I've sat on this thought train since like early april. I've done my best to ignore it and just keep going but it's gotten really hard with the fact my health hasn't been really great. I've spent a lot of time lately bed bound because I just hurt so badly. if I'm not resting, I'm at my day job which is incredibly stressful rn as I only really work mornings and I see things that are being missed so then i report it and it still gets missed and i can't get it fixed after a point cuz we're back to full service and need the people so I can't nitpick but just.... I'm bitter okay like if I left this shit when I worked I would have gotten yelled at but now we just let it slide??? and this stresses me out which then causes my body to freak out because I'm stressed which puts me in more pain. and then like at work have people acting shocked I have my cane or soemthing and just skfdslkfksdf
so my energy is so tanked. and then the negative comment in my head, no idea if people like things cuz I have no idea if I hear nothing, just has had me doubting why post. Like I should go back to just not posting my stories and sketches or w/e and slink back to my hole like I was before.
idk Its just. a bad night in the house of bun. I've had these thoughts festering and I guess today was the dam breaking. It's probs cuz I'm nervous posting Chimeras because it's a very dark au.
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boxofbadaddiction · 4 years
Claw Marks
Remus Lupin
No Pairing
Reader Insert - Gender Neutral.
Imagine: Remus finding out one of his students is a Werewolf.
Warnings: IDK...werewolves?
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He hadn't picked up on it at first, too occupied with keeping his own 'condition' a secret and, more importantly, under control.
Remaining unknowingly oblivious to the subtle signs they'd been showing.
How fidgety and agitated they'd become around the time of the full moon, often lashing out for no reason - even at close friends. How they seemed incapable of staying awake during breakfast or morning classes. Of the often many fresh cuts that littered their skin. All signs went unnoticed.
Until one fateful day when it all seemed to crash over him like a bucket of ice water.
The class started as normal as any other Thursday; with the exception of Y/n needing to be awoken at their desk.
A sharp jab to their elbow was enough to send their arm off balance, chin falling from it's place against their palm, the sudden drop of y/ns head waking them with a slight fright.
"Thank you for that, Miss Bell. Good Morning, Y/n. I do wish you'd save all sleeping for Professor Binns class rather than before I've even begun my lesson." Remus says sarcastically. "Sorry Professor." Y/n mumbled in reply sitting at attention. "Excellent. Although thankfully, given today's topic, I don't believe any of you will be at risk of nodding off."
The class shared an amused chuckle while y/n merely managed a tight lipped smile.
There was a brief knock at the door as Professor Flitwick and Mr Filch entered the room with a large, rattling, wardrobe.
"Perfect timing!" Lupin spoke as the cupboard was deposited at the front of the class and the students were made to stand as the teachers cleared all their desks to the sides of the room. "Today, class, we will be learning about Boggarts."
After a quick introduction of what a Boggart is and how to repel one, the students were made to form a line. As the music carried out it's loud melody and their turn inevitably drew near y/ns body filled with dread.
They hesitated, not wanting to step any closer to the creature in fear their secret be revealed, but with a nudge from the person behind them and encouragement from Professor Lupin they did.
The Boggart took it's time analysing the new arrival before finally transforming. In it's place now stood a great snarling beast with glowing yellow eyes and gruesome, bared, teeth.
Y/n froze. As did many members of the class all of whom drew a sharp breath at the sight. It were truly terrifying.
Y/ns expression bore one of pure fear. Face turning pale as the blood rushed from their head. Shock took over Lupin as well, not having expected one of his students to produce a nightmare quite so frightening. The nightmare he were forcibly living.
Remus took a step forward readying to intervene as he noted the way y/ns wand arm shook in fear.
But to his surprise, with their eyes squeezing tightly shut and head turning back over their shoulder, y/n shouts quickly "Ridikulus!" casting the charm.
The approaching beast is suddenly changed; now in a vivid pink tutu, aimlessly cycling in circles on a miniature tricycle, the image completed by a multicoloured party hat upon it's head.
The previously stunned class erupts into a fit of laughter. The sound filling y/n with enough courage to look back at the scene playing out before them. An astonished and relieved sigh falls from their mouth before joining in and laughing with the class.
Lupin is beyond impressed, barely able to contain his excitement he yells, "BRILLIANT, Y/n! Truly brilliant! NEXT!" His joy however, is short lived as all that previous worry that'd clouded his mind is brought rushing back.
Y/n spun excitedly in place, smiling widely, their robes shifting with the momentum to reveal a large scar from the base of their neck, presumably, stretching right along to their shoulder as it traced their collarbone. Claw marks. Unmistakably - claw marks.
Lupins face drops briefly before he's quickly painting back on a fake smile. After that the signs weren't so subtle anymore.
Not wanting to get ahead of himself and draw wrong conclusions he confronts Dumbledore with his suspicions.
"Headmaster, I wondered if I might be able to have a word?"
"Of course, Remus. You may have more than one if you so desire." Dumbledore responds from his place at his desk, looking down over his half-moon glasses with a grin.
"It's about a student of my 5th year class...y/n y/l/n?" "Ah, yes." Lupin watches Albus expectantly but he does not continue so Remus does, "I couldn't help but notice they possess certain qualities that are remarkably similar to my own." Dumbledore nods in acknowledgement but remains silent. "Would I be out of my depth in assuming they-that they're..." "like you are?" The Headmaster finishes for him. Remus swallows thickly as he watches him intently.
"You would not. Be out of depth, that is. Y/n is indeed a Werewolf."
Remus takes a deep breath. He knew he was right in his assumptions but to hear it be confirmed is a different thing entirely. Like a truth one would never hope to be true. A flood of emotions overtakes him; some shock. Sympathy and sadness - as he knows what they are going through. And quite a bit of anger towards the man infront of him.
"You didn't think it necessary to inform me of this?" He glares. "That would have been against their, and their parents, wishes. When they told me of y/ns condition they were adamant in no one else knowing - less word spread, I agreed to respect their wish so I couldn't tell you. Were you to discover this on your own however-" "so you've just been sitting around waiting for me to piece the puzzle together?" "To be frank, Remus, I'm rather surprised it took you this long."
Anger and frustration are bubbling over in Lupin at this point as he turns his back on Albus. It's taking all his strength not to lash out at the old man like he desperately wants to.
"They're taking necessary precautions, Remus, if that is what's troubling you." "No, Headmaster. What's troubling me is that they are suffering with this condition on their own." He speaks through gritted teeth. "Yes, I have an idea of how unpleasant it must be." That comment alone pushes Remus' temper to it's limit.
"With all due respect, Albus..." he turns back to face him with daggers held behind his eyes, "you have no idea. You could not possibly imagine the difficulty of enduring the effects of lycanthropy - especially not at such a young age."
"Do you forget who assisted you in your transformations during school?"
"I do not, Professor. Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs helped me through every full moon. Although you may have offered a place to do so safely, you did not assist me in my change. It were James, Sirius and Peter who were there for me. And if what you say is true - that you are the only person in this school who knows - y/n doesn't even have that. A fact of which I am truly sorry for."
Not waiting for a response Remus storms from Dumbledores office.
As the next full moon approaches Remus prepares himself for the night. Locking himself in his office and drinking the Wolfsbane potion Severus prepared for him to make the change a little easier.
As the sun sets for the day he watches as the final rays disappearing beneath the horizon paint the Black Lake in brilliant hues of gold and cream. It's a picture perfect scene when something suddenly draws his attention.
A student decending into the forbidden forest. Y/n.
His body urges him to follow, but in little time he'll be in no position to offer help and, given the fact his theories have been proven correct, y/n will be in no state to accept.
When morning dawns he resumes his place by the window, mind fixed on only one thing. One person. The same person whom he witnesses hobbling back out of the forest along the very path they'd entered.
That day he calls y/n into his office and explains everything. How he found out. How he's the same. How he can help.
Y/n breaks down in front of him. Years of carrying this weight on such young shoulders finally met it's peak and took it's toll.
That night Remus offers Y/n the goblet of Wolfsbane to make the transition a little easier. It'll be the first time they get to change without suffering an excruciating amount of pain. It'll also be the first time in months Remus will be forced to endure it.
The change that night as the moon rises would be different than any before...
"Remus, have you taken your potion tonight?" Sirius grips his shoulders tightly as he speaks the words frantically. "You know the man you truly are, Remus. This heart is where you truly lie. This heart here." Padfoot beats against Moonys chest as he watches his features slowly morph into the grotesque creature that forever lurkes within.
All words are dull in Remus' ears as the pain blinds his senses and he feels himself start to lose control.
The image of Y/n is the last thing to flash before his eyes and at least his mind is eased in the knowledge that, for the first time, their transformation will be bearable.
A final comforting thought before the beast inevitably takes over.
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springfieldblues · 4 years
my long ass review for S32E03 Now Museum, Now You Don’t
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warning: LONG because i rambled about history more than i thought i would
id been looking forward to this one because i like art history, especially after seeing how they tried their best to stick to historical accuracy in the previous episode I, Carumbus. this time however….they didnt try that hard. i dont know why i thought theyd go through that sort of trouble again LMAO
but its okay, i dont really expect the simpsons to be the paragon of historical accuracy or anything. especially in anthology episodes told through a particular character's lens (in this case, lisa, whos already feverish so whatever)
first i just wanna say that this is, i guess, less of a review and more of an accidental list of history fun facts. so im just gonna get my general thoughts out of the way first.
the episode was fun! to me at least haha. i mean it got me to think and do a lot of research on my own so that must count for something. besides a couple of really weird ones, the jokes were good. anthology episodes tend to be….not that good but i thought this one was one of the better ones so far. idk.
anyway on to lisanardo da vinky its the renaissance! jesus christ the italian accents in the beginning of this segment were annoying as hell but i also feel like that was the joke lmao. ill be real i kind of tuned out for a second there when grampa started rambling so idk what he said.
i told myself i wouldnt get nitpicky with historical accuracy if the jokes were funny (final edit: so that was a lie) but this meh bit with the pizza guys and mascots was really not worth ignoring the fact that its impossible for italy to have any tomato-based food in the 15th century (tomatoes were brought to europe from the americas in the 16th century, and pizza as we know it today—flatbread, cheese, tomato—originated in the late 18th century)
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oh this next part was kind of legit tho. lisanardo, like the real leonardo, became andrea del verrochio's apprentice at his workshop. i loved this next bit:
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"Whoever paints the sweetest cherub will have the honor of having MY name signed on their work. That's what great artists do!"
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SO YEAH as it turns out, lisanardo painted the sweetest cherubs. the painting here is called The Baptism of Christ, and the real leonardo assisted verrochio in finishing it. specifically, he painted the cherubs in the corner.
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this causes verrochio to quit and go someplace with less talented people: a music school (yes, verrochio did quit painting after getting owned by young leo and his mad angel painting skills. he never did anything with music tho, he was more of a sculptor)
alongside lisanardo, in mr largo-verrochio's workshop we have barticelli (botticelli bart), dolphatello (donatello dolph), ralphael (raphael...ralph) and mediocrito (no one that i know of. sorry milhouse) (and kearney i guess but they dont refer to him by name). botticelli and donatello are said to have also been apprentices at verrochio's workshop, but raphael came a couple of decades later so he couldnt have been there. and donatello was too old so that claim is a bit questionable. but anyway
it IS true that leonardo's peers envied him, to the point where he was anonymously and purposefully accused of being gay (a major crime punishable by death in 15th century florence) while he was still working at verrochio's workshop
we are then treated by what im pretty sure is the fourth time the show has used 'at seventeen' by janis ian, this time sung by a dejected lisanardo (man they really do keep making yeardley sing these days huh) who only wishes to be appreciated and not envied.
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"I'll show them all! I'll show them all in a secret diary that no one will decipher for 400 years!"
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some of lisanardo's future inventions. who wouldve known
so after barticelli, for some reason (revenge??? or something?? what was his plan here idgi) steals lisanardo's diaries full of blueprints of her inventions and takes them to mr burns who i have to assume is pope alexander VI here, they decide to use her inventions for war.
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"With these, we can kill the most evil people in the world!! ....Slightly different Christians."
leo actually did this of his own accord. im surprised this is what they decided to do with lisanardo instead of talking about leo's love of nature and vegetarianism (not a single mention of that in this episode? come on...) then again, trying to do good only to end up indirectly making things worse is a very standard lisa storyline. i guess they didnt want to miss the chance to have evil pope burns (very fitting, especially for that era since they were all about money and controlling the people)
so lisanardo decides to leave for france, unlike the real leonardo who was more or less persuaded by his ultimate fanboy king francis I to move to france.
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"Lisanardo, I have many questions. Why are you hitting yourself? A nerd says 'what'? And how is it possible that I am rubber and you are glue? Et cetera, et cetera."
that line may seem a little random, like hes just nelson saying nelson things (and i mean, obviously he is) but the real francis also "had an unquenchable thirst for learning, and Leonardo was the world’s best source of experimental knowledge. He could teach the king about almost any subject there was to know, from how the eye works to why the moon shines." so yeah, he did have many questions and lisanardo, finally being appreciated for her intellect, was happy to answer them all. its very interesting how lisa assigned this role to nelson in her retelling of da vinci’s life :^)
and so she lived the rest of her days in france, nat king cole's 'mona lisa' plays because duh, and they make a da vinci code reference because duh. and the segment ends. and not a single time did they show the actual mona lisa painting. the fuck?
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(ngl i was fully expecting bart to say 'leonardo da vinky' for a second here)
so this next segment is about french impressionist painters, most likely the batignolles group, a name adopted by the early representatives of impressionism. its much more vague than the lisanardo segment since no one here is referred to by name (except moe, more on him in a sec) but i dont feel like it really matters in this case. bart is prrrrooobably claude monet but its hard to say, this segment is kind of a mish-mash of a lot of things. also i gotta say i really liked how lisa introduced the story to bart with an 'if you hate the formal study of art' and not 'if you hate art' because thats exactly my headcanon. i LOVE the concept of artist bart and whenever its referenced it just makes perfect sense to me.
anyway the segment opens in 1863 at the école des beaux-arts (back then it was actually known as the académie des beaux-arts), preserver of traditional french art styles. skinner reviews his students’ paintings one by one. praises the plain, unimaginative paintings depicting your typical european countryside landscapes. very run-of-the-mill (haha get it...cuz theres….a windmill) (although the real académie didnt approve of such basic stuff, they wanted artists to draw epic historical and mythological scenes) then he gets to barts painting and he gives him an F- because the painting made him think.
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(the paintings in this scene arent real famous paintings as far as i know but they are inspired by real paintings enough to get the point across)
in comes barney dressed as bacchus as a model for the students to sketch, which i just loved:
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barney: “You prefer robe open or robe off?” skinner: “Just cover your privates with this walnut shell.” barney: “Whoa!!! So roomy!”
skinner gasps in horror at bart’s sketch, which “looks nothing like him” and bart explains that “it shouldn’t; we’re making the art that we feel because we can’t compete with a camera.” damn, you go bart. take that, realism. draw what you feel!!
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(also no, you didnt need to hold still for 17 hours for a daguerreotype. 30 min tops.)
nelson haw-haw of the week: FOIE-gras!
so here they are at the moulin rouge (“enjoy it before baz luhrmann ruins it” hey shut up. i love that movie), which wouldnt be built for another 26 years, but it is the most widely known gathering place for bohemians in the public consciousness so i can understand why they went with the moulin. nelson delivers this anachronistic line:
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“This époque keeps getting beller and beller!”
which alludes to la belle époque, the golden age of france usually dated from 1880 to 1914. made me snort so ill let that slide
and heres moe! as henri de toulouse-lautrec, who was actually born a year after the year this segment is set in. yo moe szyslak he was just 1
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toulouse-moetrec introduces himself as the chronicler of the demimonde (not an actual job). an iconic figure associated with the moulin rouge (largely due to his affinity for alcohol and prostitutes), toulouse-lautrec was also a painter, having illustrated a series of posters for the moulin himself. he simply had to be in this segment, anachronisms be damned, just because they decided to include the moulin. cant have one without the other.
and yes he did have a walking cane where he kept his liquor.
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i love how everyone drinks absinthe in this place. theyre bohemians what else would they drink
toulouse-moetrec points out that barts paintings are the greatest thing hes ever seen (and hes seen like five things!) and that hes a genius. milhouse realizes that they should stop doing what the teacher says and use their own minds to instead...start doing what bart says lmao. to the easels!
next we have skinner hyping up chalmers about the art his students made for the salon de paris, an art exhibition that the emperor of france will attend. he assures him that none of these paintings will encourage debate, provoke thought or be out of place at a dentist’s office. when they unveil the art, theyre both SHOCKED at how scandalous the paintings actually are.
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this reaction was kind of accurate. impressionism was severely rejected at the salon de paris, due to paintings not looking finished enough to them, they thought they were ugly and vulgar for depicting nudity in a contemporary setting (historical and mythological nudity was fine). these impressionist paintings were sent to the salon de refusés, which is. yeah. the place where they sent the rejects. the salon de refusés does not make an appearance but this scene makes a reference to it when the artists get expelled from the royal salon. also:
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“What about our student loans?” “Oh they’ll be refunded. We are not barbarians, I mean, come on.”
(god if only)
so the painters are down because they want the emperor to actually see their paintings. toulouse-moetrec pipes in once again with an idea.
“There is one thing the emperor loves more than anything.” “France?” “No, he hates France.”
apparently the emperor really loves cheese, which makes sense since its napoleon III (who loved cheese) and homer (who loves cheese.) so the painters roll into the salon inside a giant wheel of cheese (obviously.) as lenny said, “Eh, you know French cheese. Very runny.” napoleon III chases after the wheel into a room, where the wheel falls apart after getting chomped on by the emperor. now that they got his attention, the painters proudly show the emperor their impressionist art, which he couldnt be more indifferent about because he just wants to eat his cheese dammit, and he awards them with the royal medallion just to kind of get them out of his way. skinner immediately starts kissing ass (as he does) until marge’s like ‘hey wait a minute. you expelled these students from the royal salon’ and an executioner immediately starts ominously measuring skinners neck.
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“Uh, sir...is your tongue sticking out because you’re dead or because you’re mad at me?”
and thats the end of that lmao (gore in this episode, gore in the last episode, and next week we’re getting gore too cuz its THOH, what the hell is goin on)
we get a short intermission with maggie, who wants a story for her too! lisa tells her that renaissance artists loved to put babies in their paintings, especially baby angels.
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here she is showing her The Triumph Of Galatea by raphael:
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King David Playing The Harp by peter paul reubens:
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and a very simplified version of pretty much any depiction of hell by hyeronimus bosch lmao:
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not much else to say about this one, really. but i really liked that sky!
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the last segment is about frida kahlo and diego rivera. or as bart puts it ‘the one about a fat guy whos wife is too good for him.’ i was REALLY looking forward to this one because i love frida and i thought itd be a cool opportunity for animators to go bonkers and do really cool shit with her art as inspiration…..but the segment is not about frida, its about diego and his selling out to capitalism. and its also yet another story with homer and marge drama. no funky cool animation here. sigh i guess i’ll take it
the story begins in 1929 at la casa azul, frida’s home (now museum dedicated to her life and work.) frida and diego are getting married. this courtyard definitely did not look this way yet back in 1929. also theres something very cringy yet funny about lovejoy saying spanish words the way he does, i honestly cant decide how i feel about that one
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the writers know theyre being cringy with their gringoness so they go along with it.
moe: “Spanish for ‘best wishes’!” mel: “Spanish for ‘congratulations’!” bumblebee man: “Spanish for ‘muy bueno’!”
OH YEAH BUMBLEBEE MAN this is his new voice actor, eric lopez! hes not mexican but its still great to finally have a latino actor voicing a latino character and hes very excited to be part of the show so i hope to hear more of him!! im rooting for him
el barto/zorro makes an appearance which i am very confused about. he has jack shit to do with frida and diego and mexico in the 20s-30s. el zorro was set in the spanish california of the early 19th century. their use of the original theme song makes me think they just wanted to flex their disney privileges tbh
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lets not talk about that that whole scene was bad
anyway diego announces he and frida are going to new york, without even asking her first. frida is obviously pissed.
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“Don’t worry, as a woman, you’ll be treated with much more respect in America.”
so in new york, diego is having a bit of a business meeting with mr burns as one of the members of the rockefellers, who is commissioning him to draw a mural for the rockefeller center. its kinda funny how he refers to him and frida as socialists even though they were very much communists lmao its okay you can say it. ok so far, but then frida says ‘yes, we hate the capitalists! right now, a young socialist is being born who will take them down! mr. bernie sanders. i hope hes quick about it’ and that was a simple enough joke and couldve been left at that but then its immediately followed by this weird as fuck family guy-esque cutaway gag to bernie as a baby:
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“Getting a cootie shot should not cost your lunch money. And if you don’t listen to me, listen to the Bernie Babies! What? Everybody’s got goons.” *larger babies start beating up this other baby* “I disavow that, and welcome it.”
this confused me so much that i had to ask one of my american friends to help me understand, but even she was like ‘uhhh yeah thats a weird joke,’ especially now that hes been out of the race for months (then again these episodes take almost a year to produce. i guess they couldnt be bothered to replace it with something more relevant.) whatever that was weird and confusing and unfunny moving on
frida is pretty irked that diego is going through with this deal. after all, it goes against everything they believe in. im not sure how the real frida felt about diego doing the mural, but she did feel a bit of rage during her visit to the united states, especially the obvious disparity between rich and poor. she hated having to interact with capitalists and found americans very boring. in this segment, frida seems to be acting more like the american communist party, which diego got kicked out of for accepting commissions from wealthy patrons. in any case, frida is pretty upset about this whole thing.
and finally we get the first and only kind of surreal frida moment. kinda. maybe. its more cartoonish than anything but im desperate ok
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interesting how they felt like they had to add a “don’t smoke” in big letters after showing patty and selma flying away on their giant cigarettes. i wonder if this is something theyre making them do now? i remember hearing something about them toning down patty and selma’s smoking
diego comes home to frida, drunk as hell, followed by the marx brothers. i cant believe they didnt make a marxism joke come on it was RIGHT THERE. THE MARX BROTHERS. KARL MARX. COME ON
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frida paints her feelings.
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this makes diego realize that frida is a genius and he is not half the artist she is. he proclaims he will now show his awe of her by sleeping with other women, starting “an hour ago.” to which frida replies, “and i will start sleeping with other women, starting two hours ago.” yes this was pretty much their relationship. though im just wondering how the hell did diego not know frida was this kind of artist until now? i know homers an idiot but jeez. art was how frida and diego met, diego knew from the get-go that frida was an incredible artist. i guess the fame got to his head or something. again, homer just being stupid.
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“well enough already, while the art is still deco, okay?”
its time for the mural diego painted, Man At The Crossroads, to be unveiled:
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rockefeller examines it. good and great so far, and then...uh oh
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“Who’s that fellow…? With the beard, and the bolshevik smile…” “That’s the founder of Soviet Russia, Lenin!”
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“B-b-but he’s a communist!” “Oh he just attended a couple of meetings.”
rockefeller will not have this communist in the temple to capitalism that is the rockefeller center, so he orders diego to paint over it. diego stands his ground and refuses. despite rockefeller’s threats, diego says that theres only one person he wants to be proud of him no matter what and in true homer & marge fashion, frida is touched by this. they happily leave the rockefeller center.
now, the real story of Man At The Crossroads and the rockefeller center was actually not that different. as soon as the rockefellers found out diego had snuck in a portrait of lenin into the mural, they ordered him to paint over it, to which he refused. diego even offered to include abraham lincoln and even american abolitionists in the mural as a compromise, but the rockefellers simply did not want any references to communism whatsoever. they did not complain about the hammer and sickle, though. yes, they did know diego was a communist and hired him anyway. what did they expect? lmao. diego said:
"Rather than mutilate the conception [of the mural], I shall prefer the physical destruction of the conception in its entirety, but preserving, at least, its integrity."
so they decided to destroy the mural before it was even finished and they never talked to each other again.
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diego then repainted the mural at the palacio de bellas artes back in mexico, this time known as Man, Controller of the Universe. this new version included even more communist leaders and a depiction of john d. rockefeller jr. drinking at a nightclub, right underneath a depiction of syphilis bacteria. cue nelson haw-haw:
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this was the version they used in the episode also, since the original was, well, never finished and also destroyed. only a black and white photograph of it exists, taken by diego before it was destroyed so he could remake it.
right so, homer!diego then pulls a Barthood and finishes the episode with a large mural summarizing the entire episode. he says some rick and morty thing i didnt get because i dont watch the show idk idc
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the end
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blossom-hwa · 4 years
also since the drabbles request is going to close soon, i thought this might be a good way to end it: how would your biases (across different groups) interact with one another if they're in the same room 👀 -baker anon (loosely inspired by the texts you made recently bc i LOVE THEM SO MUCH😍😍)
3-year anniversary drabble game: send me an NCT/WAYV/Stray Kids/The Boyz member + a prompt (check out the post for ideas) and I’ll write a drabble for you!
I know this isn’t all of tbz but trying to fit all 11 of them in was overwhelming I’M SORRY
Title: Mall Shenanigans
Pairing: no pairings, just the boyz and stray kids being dumb
Triggers: a lot of cursing, suicidal jokes (again, along the lines of ‘pls kill me’ but if you’re experiencing suicidal thoughts I wouldn’t read this)
cafe workers:
chan: better than tony
changbin: chingban
jisung: gremlin
chanhee: new kid
jacob: angel
tutoring center workers:
seungmin: seungman
jeongin: you better watch your foxing mouth
sangyeon: papi
kevin: moon scribblez
eric: the better jae
build a bear workers:
minho: lino
hyunjin: hyun
felix: fel(e)x
changmin: starbucks tissues
juyeon: professional rollerblader
better than tony: if Jacob didn’t exist you all would be dead
chingban: as in you would’ve killed us
chingban: or he’s prevented us from accidentally killing ourselves ?
gremlin: both
new kid: both
better than tony: both
chingban: fair
angel: :( stop hurting yourselves accidentally
angel: it hurts me :/
gremlin: oh my god his power
gremlin: with one single emoticon he changes my entire life perspective
new kid: see I'd say the same except Jacob tries to convince me on the daily that my only life goal shouldn’t be to put changmin in the grave
better than tony: that... that shouldn’t be your life goal
angel: ^^^
chingban: idk if someone scares you that much with a horror movie mask I think you’ve got a right to murder
angel: changbin
angel: n o
gremlin: idk I think it says something more about chanhee
new kid: say what bitch
gremlin: if you keep getting scared I think there’s something wrong with you
new kid: says the little BITCH who got startled by someone DROPPING THEIR COFFEE yesterday and legitimately SCREAMED 
chingban: you say this as if you aren’t the biggest coward on the planet jisung
gremlin: did I ever deny there was something wrong with me???????
angel: STOP there is nothing wrong with you all
better than tony: idk I think there is 
better than tony: there’s something wrong with all of us
better than tony: except maybe Jacob
new kid: Jacob just put his head in his hands
angel: all of you have a horrible self-destructive and self-deprecating instinct and I don’t appreciate it :/
gremlin: Jacob I will do my best to take your words to heart
gremlin: I will listen to you unlike these other assholes
new kid: you might take his words to heart but your actions prove you can’t handle them
gremlin: try me bitch
chingban: did you already forget the time you set a refrigerator on fire?
better than tony: PLEASE don’t remind me
angel: maybe we shouldn’t bring that up
better than tony: you were all horrible
better than tony: jisung just laughed
better than tony: changbin went home
better than tony: seungmin and jeongin came over to take pictures of me while I was about to cry
better than tony: only Jacob comforted me :/
gremlin: and this is why we only listen to Jacob
chingban: ^^^
new kid: ^^^
new kid: he’s the only one who has a truly good heart
better than tony: why can’t I inspire this kind of loyalty??
angel: chan has a good heart too :/
gremlin: maybe so but
gremlin: he’s a complete mess and is easier to clown than listen to
new kid: ^^^
chingban: ^^^
better than tony: watch me just commit die
angel: no don’t commit die come here I'll give you a hug
better than tony: I like Jacob more than all of you combined
chingban: um
gremlin: did you think we were going to get offended?
new kid: news flash we all like Jacob more than we like you
better than tony: on an ordinary day I would be crying
better than tony: today I am fine because Jacob is giving me hugs and not you assholes
better than tony: suck it <3
chingban: I hate it when he’s right
new kid: :/
gremlin: I'm going to set the refrigerator on fire again if I don’t get Jacob hugs right now !
new kid: I thought you said you didn’t know how you set it last time?
gremlin: I can still try
angel: no don’t do that I'm coming to hug you now!
gremlin: :D
better than tony: can’t believe jisung bribed Jacob into leaving me to give him hugs
chingban: just shows he’s smarter than you
better than tony: remember how jisung said he’d haunt this cafe if he died and I said I'd just enjoy being dead?
better than tony: starting to consider Jisung’s plan :)
new kid: terrifying
chingban: horrifying
gremlin: I can hear the deadpan ringing through the cafe and it honestly gives me life
better than tony: I hate you all
new kid: so do we <3
angel: :(
watch your foxing mouth: sangyeon you’re fucking evil
papi: ?
seungman: it’s eric’s first week and you’ve already given him ashley twice 
seungman: are you trying to make him quit?
moon scribblez: I entirely agree with what they just said 
moon scribblez: we’re already low on staff because everyone graduated last year and you’re trying to run eric out of a job too???????
papi: look eric handles her much better than all of you do
papi: I think he’s doing fine
the better jae: I’M NOT FUCKING FINE
watch your foxing mouth: the proof is in the fucking pudding
moon scribblez: pudding?
watch your foxing mouth: it’s an expression
watch your foxing mouth: your canadian ass wouldn’t know
moon scribblez: I'm going to stick a pin on your chair
papi: it kind of is
papi: but you’re handling her so much better than the other three combined :/
watch your foxing mouth: I take offense to that
papi: ignoring her is not a valid strategy jeongin
watch your foxing mouth: well it’s better than seungmin visibly getting frustrated
seungman: well at least I'm trying
seungman: kevin just lets her draw jfc
moon scribblez: look I'm a junior in college and I'm on the verge of just faceplanting into the ocean from a thousand meter cliff I don’t have the time or energy to deal with a bitch who wants to draw and not learn math
papi: do you see what I mean now Eric???????????
the better jae: I'm this fucking close to losing my shit sangyeon I Do Not Care
the better jae: the next time she comes in on my shift I better not have her
papi: fine :/
seungman: did
watch your foxing mouth: oh my god
moon scribblez: [ 1 image attached ]
moon scribblez: I think we need to glory in the horror on Eric’s face
watch your foxing mouth: she’s going to ask for Eric every time now oh god 
the better jae: I'm not fucking do this I'll quit first
papi: pls no
papi: I don’t want to hunt for more tutors :/
the better jae: you better not fucking put her at my table every time I'm here !
seungman: just make sure your table is full
watch your foxing mouth: foolproof
the better jae: I guess :/
moon scribblez: working here is such an experience
moon scribblez: minho and chan threaten to fire their kids every other day
moon scribblez: meanwhile we’re the ones threatening to quit every other day
seungman: well what the fuck did you expect from tutoring a bunch of rich assholes four times a week
watch your foxing mouth: ^^
papi: not all of them are assholes guys
seungman: oh we know this very well
watch your foxing mouth: Alex is a fucking blessing to this earth
the better jae: so is Kaylee
seungman: but people like max? ashley? nina?
seungman: they outweigh any good that comes out of here
papi: well if you think the kids are shit imagine the parents
watch your foxing mouth: I hate to say it but sangyeon has a point
moon scribblez: I guess he deserves some pity
papi: finally some respect in this fucking household
the better jae: not on my watch
the better jae: I respect the sacrifices you make
the better jae: but I'm still quitting if you keep sending Ashley to my table
papi: sigh
moon scribblez: and I'm quitting if I find another cockroach in a mop
watch your foxing mouth: THERE WAS A NOTHER ON E???????
papi: bigger sigh
moon scribblez: WORSE
moon scribblez: YEJI HAD TO KILL THEM FOR ME
papi: I'm giving up on gaining respect
moon scribblez: you’ll gain my respect when we get this fucking place fumigated
watch your foxing mouth: aren’t the kids rich? what the fuck are they paying for this? why can’t we afford some roach spray jfc
papi: that’s the owners’ call
papi: and the owners are assholes
moon scribblez: headdesk
seungman: wow he really did just slam his head down on the table
the better jae: thank god we’re already closed
papi: thank god for that I can leave and not deal with you for the rest of today
watch your foxing mouth: oh don’t worry we’ll be back tomorrow <3
seungman: <3
the better jae: <3
moon scribblez: <3
papi: every day I wake up and face an existence of pain
lino: who’s taking the front today and who’s working the back
lino: for once all of you are here today so you don’t have to work two jobs at once how nice
fel(e)x: SO DO I
professional rollerblader: fuck
starbucks tissues: I brought my nun mask today does anyone want to switch?
hyun: is that
hyun: is that a threat
starbucks tissues: it’s whatever you want it to be <3
hyun: I know better but I'm going to assume it’s just a fun fact
hyun: I can’t deal with children today
starbucks tissues: I guess I have free reign then
fel(e)x: now that sounds like a threat
lino: no threats at work
starbucks tissues: so outside of work is fair game?
lino: yes
lino: who the fuck is the wolf? changmin?
fel(e)x: he’s just a sweet boy don’t be mean hyunjin :/
professional rollerblader: bitch about changmin again and I'll cut you in half
professional rollerblader: that’s what you get for attacking changmin
starbucks tissues: I love juyeon and felix
starbucks tissues: <3 <3 <3 <3 
hyun: I feel like
hyun: changmin is the favorite child and I'm just cast off to the side
fel(e)x: who’s the child
fel(e)x: he’s literally older than both of us
hyun: it’s an ANALOGY
professional rollerblader: well it isn’t a good one
hyun: oh fuck OFF we know you always have a soft spot for changmin asshole
lino: deadass thought that read changmin’s asshole for a second and nearly spit out my coffee
starbucks tissues: MINHO PLEASE
fel(e)x: minho I did not need that image in my mind
professional rollerblader: petition to murder Minho in international uncharted waters and dumb his body overboard
starbucks tissues: seconded
fel(e)x: I mean changmin’s just more likable 
professional rollerblader: he’s cuter
lino: I'm terrified of him
starbucks tissues: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
hyun: I'm quitting this fucking job
lino: oh wow nice usually it’s me who threatens to fire you but now you’re taking initiative!
professional rollerblader: clap for hyunjin!
fel(e)x: *claps*
starbucks tissues: *claps*
hyun: I want to die I want to fucking die
starbucks tissues: I can bring out the mask!
hyun: I honestly might take you up on that
hyun: give me a fucking heart attack so I can die and haunt you all for the rest of your pitiful lives
professional rollerblader: you’d honestly be the pitiful one
professional rollerblader: literally got scared to death
fel(e)x: Juyeon has a solid point
starbucks tissues: agreed !
lino: this is why I hired juyeon he’s so smart
hyun: are you all purposefully forgetting the time sangyeon fooled him into thinking he had some strange wild disease
lino: hmm on any other day I'd clown him for it but you’re more clownable today so I'll just ignore that
starbucks tissues: I like juyeon more than you so I'm ignoring it too <3
fel(e)x: ^^^^^^^^^
hyun: brb gonna jump off the third floor
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into1-wonderland · 3 years
Baby!Into1 x Daycare au | Intro
(ft. Bo Yuan as the caretaker of the 10 chaotic bunch, ranging from the ages of 3-5)
a/n: hello hello yumi here~ so this is the first into1 au of mine that will ever see the light of day. at first I was going to write things for it, but honestly I'm going to make it into a series with incorrect quotes to attach with it. this post will be the bios of all the babies and our lovely caretaker Bo Yuan, so enough of me babbling and I hope you guys could enjoy~
First off, we have the Caretaker™ Bo Yuan:
my mans is like in his 20's rn
wanted to open up a little day care as like side job/internship because he wanted to teach kids in the future so he was like “might as well start working with kids now!”
and so
he did it
only regretted his life decisions when his devil number 1 and devil number 2 does something bad
other times he really enjoy looking after them! and he doesn’t even feel like it’s a job!
has been thinking about taking a field trip with all 10 of them but he’s afraid: 1) he might lose one 2) he might lose himself 3) can they behave themselves
his favorite thing to do is having all of them gather around while reading a fairytale to them for nap time
or sometimes he would sing a song
he has a lot of favorite things in day care, literally having all 10 of them just there makes him happy
except when lin mo and nine is having a scream off:
lin mo: ahh
nine: aHH
lin mo: AHH
nine: AHHHHH-
bo yuan, running into the room: what’s wrong?
ak: screaming
bo yuan: why?
patrick, with his hands over his ears: TO SEE WHOS LOUDER
all the other boys: *nods*
isnt always watching the kids 24/7, since day 1 when the kids came in he told them the rules of the daycare and kinda just let them familiarize the place
(bo yuan: its a daycare, and they are kids, they are suppose to have fun!
keyu, in the back, mumbles: i wanna climb the tree in the yard
bo yuan, turns around: keyu no)
And now we have the kids!!
Liu Yu:
4 years old
very quiet, just likes to sit and read and draw
the most obedient one, and likes to follow around bo yuan
well,, most of the time
he’s played a few pranks on bo yuan like:
bo yuan: liu yu nap time is over you have to wake up
liu yu: *not moving*
bo yuan, gently nudged liu yu: liu yu wake up!
liu yu: *continues to fake sleep and not move*
bo yuan: *leans closer to liu yu’s face to make sure hes not sick or has a fever*
liu yu, scares bo yuan: WAH
bo yuan: liu yu dont do that! you scared me!
liu yu: *giggles*
likes to stretch and bend himself in odd positions
(bo yuan: everyday I’m in fear that he will snap himself in half)
kinda an introvert but once he hangs around everyone for a bit he will open up to them and fit himself in very well
likes to organize and keep things how he found them/have special places where he organizes his toys
jiayuan: *moves liu yu’s fan*
liu yu: hey! put that back!!
has really good etiquettes and never really fights or argues or bicker with the other kids
but likes to joke around and mess around with once in a while
patrick: wahhh i put my cupcakes here who took one!
liu yu, hiding it behind his back: idk maybe keyu took it?
the least of bo yuan’s worries since he’s always in bo yuan’s sight, also he’s aware of his surroundings so he actually helps bo yuan make sure everything’s okay
(bo yuan: i made a checklist for myself on the whiteboard and liu yu likes to check things off for me, he said “coloring in the boxes is fun” so now he's the reason why i get all my work done)
4 years old
riki’s best friend
super happy and bright, like a ray of sunshine
is easily scared
lin mo: hi
really likes bo yuan, would stick on to him a lot and ask him about everything
santa: bo yuan gege whats this?
santa: bo yuan gege what’s that?
santa: bo yuan gege what are you making right now?
hangs out with liu yu and mika a lot (other than riki)
riki is older than him but would hold riki’s hand and take him around like a didi
also really likes racing with mika for E V E R Y T H I N G
(bo yuan: yeah couple days ago they tried to race who can fall asleep faster but because they kept on peeking at each other so they basically didn’t sleep till i said i’ll watch for them)
really likes to dance, every time he hears music he would start grooving around
loves learning new things, which is probably the reason why he always asks bo yuan so many questions
also least one of bo yuan’s worries, just gotta make sure jiayuan and lin mo don’t pull pranks on him
(bo yuan: well they dont really pull prank pranks, its just once lin mo grabbed a frog and started running around and showing it to everyone, but lin mo lost grip and the frog jumped on santa)
5 years old
looks like he’s 3, acts like he’s 3, but is actually 5
best friends with santa! always sticks around him and likes to tug on a corner of his shirt out of habit
bo yuan: alright everyone it’s nap time! i’ve made the beds for everyone
riki, sees his bed is not next to santa: bo yuan gege can you switch my bed next to santa? i wanna be next to santa
he didn’t start speaking till he was 4 so he often stutters when he talk and just looks confused a lot (it's because he’s thinking and formulating his words)
santa and the other kids would always have to interpret for him
bo yuan: riki I brought some snacks today do you want cookies or marshmallows?
riki: ???
santa, motioning with his hands: bo yuan gege said do you want the white fluffies or brown crunchies
riki: oh! crunchies!
squishy cheeks,, bo yuan’s favorite thing is to squish his cheek everytime he sees him
riki: gud mooning bo yuan gege!
bo yuan, squishes riki’s cheeks: ahh I haven’t seen you in so long good morning!!
nine: wait wasnt riki here yesterday??
also likes to stretch,, often seen around with liu yu and they just help each other
(bo yuan: i am afraid he will snap himself in half too)
not too much of bo yuan’s worries, besides the fact that he might get kidnapped because he’s so oblivious
(bo yuan: we were playing outside in the yard once and riki just wandered off because he thought the neighbor’s flowers were pretty)
4 years old
also kinda an introvert, doesn’t interact with too many people
usually it’s santa that approaches him first or keyu^^
found a ukulele in the toy bin one time and wouldn’t let go of it (he claims it’s his now)
his favorite activity at daycare is when they all sing together, that’s when he smiles the most and has the most fun
the one that likes to nap the most
also likes to help bo yuan cook once in a while (mostly just having mika washing vegetables and passing things to bo yuan)
very laid back and not noisy (till he starts playing the ukulele)
often gets scared by lin mo’s sudden screams (actually, lin mo scares a lot of people, sorry to mika’s ears)
also not one of bo yuan’s worries, literally there’s nothing to worry about with mika, all the kids just likes to sit around mika and pet his head so he keeps everyone safe
(bo yuan: one time I couldn’t find any of the kids in the play room, apparently they were all in the napping corner petting mika’s head since he just got a hair cut)
4 years old
loud, very loud.
pouts a lot
everyone calls nine cute, even the boys who are younger than him
likes to boss around patrick because he’s older
nine: patrick gimme that juice box!
patrick: you’re closer you get it!
nine: i’m older than you!
literally scared of everything
if he hasn’t seen it before and it’s living, he’s scared
jiayuan: *holds a bowl of tadpoles*
nine, several feet away: WAHHH WHAT IS THAT
the happiest when he gets snacks + real food food
also really likes to sing!! his favorite thing is watching disney movies because there’s so much music in it and he just loves to sing along
he’s not part of bo yuan’s worries because he’s literally scared of everything, but nine is really naive and would do things that the other kids tell him to do so, it’s a 50/50 on nine
(bo yuan: there was an edible decorative flower on keyu’s birthday cake couple days ago, and somehow jiayuan convinced nine all flowers were edible. so today during outside time nine almost ate the neighbor’s flowers)
Lin Mo:
3 years old
probably the craziest most hyper one out of them all
he and jiayuan always have something bad planned
literally doesn’t have a moment where he’s calm
constantly in bickering mode with ak
lin mo: NO IM RIGHT
patrick: what are they arguing about?
keyu: *shrugs*
but is also best friends with ak so he’s also calm around him
(bo yuan: yeah these two have on and off days, you can never predict it)
and also constantly naruto runs around the daycare
bo yuan: lin mo stop running!
lin mo: *nyoom*
he also once nyoomed into keyu
keyu: ow what was that for?
lin mo: you were in my way!
and now he nyooms into keyu for fun
a very good mood maker
likes to smile/laugh a lot
would calm down if you show him a movie or a cartoon
number 2 on bo yuan’s worry list because he’s the "bad influence" for everyone, also he reduces hearing for everyone
(bo yuan: i’ve secretly made a tally book on how many times i have to say “lin mo” in a concerning tone this week and he came in 2nd. he was only here for like 3 days!)
Zhang Jiayuan:
3 years old
couple months younger than lin mo but this is the real culprit under a lot of his and lin mo‘s plans
it’s just because jiayuan has a lot of crazy ideas and he says them out loud and lin mo is just like “yes”
also sometimes they are just accidents, but he's always doing weird questionable things with lin mo
got really sad one time because he brought tadpoles and put them in the fish tank and killed them since the fish went nom
but then started to constantly catch for tadpoles to feed the fishes
bo yuan: jiayuan stop, you’re killing the frog population!
jiayuan: but the fishies are hungry *pouts*
likes to fight/mess around with keyu for no reason
keyu: *sitting there, drawing*
jiayuan, with a squishy hammer: *bops keyu’s head*
but also will protect keyu if anyone tries to mess with him
lin mo: *nyooms into keyu for the 3rd time of the day* jiayuan, hugs keyu: stop hurting him!
the calmest thing he likes to do is taking care of plants, probably because he saw bo yuan spraying the plants one time and he like to squeeze the spray bottle
number 1 on bo yuan’s worry list, this child is literally not safe alone or with anyone. they were trying to celebrate keyu’s birthday and jiayuan tried to touch the candles, while it was lit, by the flame.
(bo yuan: i just got the tablets and haven’t set up children mode, so i’ll take the blame for this one. but also why are kids so good with technologies nowadays??)
3 years old
squishy :D
smiley :DD
favorite thing is nap time and snack time
somehow knows every location where bo yuan hides their snacks
bo yuan: *getting the snacks that he hid in the piano*
patrick: *sitting next to the window sill with the snack* hi~
of course bo yuan can never get mad at patrick for eating the snacks because patrick doesn’t do anything bad
also he's a growing child
best friends with keyu,, and drags him on to “adventures”
*the daycare got a new toy play house*
patrick: bo yuan gege, keyu and I are moving out so we can go on an adventure!
keyu: I didnt agree to this??
wants bo yuan to add dress up into the daycare games, since he wants to dress up the other boys in the daycare
patrick: i call it, patrick fashion!
not part of bo yuan’s worries till he’s on his hunt for the hidden snacks, just because bo yuan is afraid he might hurt himself
(bo yuan: i started hiding the snacks higher up and one time i saw him trying to climb on keyu’s shoulders to grab it)
Zhou Keyu:
3 years old
smart, but really clueless at the same time
tall, but has the personality of smol
likes to draw
also likes to read with patrick,, but usually patrick falls asleep so it’s him, the book, and a sleeping patrick
wears glasses all the time since his vision isn’t so good but somehow he makes glasses look good on him???
has a chain with his glasses because there too many glasses incident with keyu
glasses #1 keyu: I don’t like them! *takes it off and loses it*
glasses #2 keyu: *takes them off for nap time, but riki accidentally rolled on to them and snapped it*
glasses # we don’t know how many: *disconnected from the keyu universe*
also like a month younger than lin mo but literally has to make sure lin mo doesnt “blow” the place up
lin mo: what if I stuck this fork into the pluggie thing?
keyu, picking lin mo up: nope you’re not
when keyu is clueless he either stands there or just sit there and space out, not really noticeable but bo yuan ran into him doing that a couple times
(bo yuan: I thought he was an ai that was malfunctioning, it scared me at first but now I know he just doesn’t remember what he’s doing)
oh did I mention this,, even though he’s one of the youngest, he’s the tallest, with that advantage he likes to try to pick people up
jiayuan: keyu pick me up!
keyu: no
patrick: keyu likes me more he will pick me up!
keyu: no
patrick: *pouts*
keyu: *tries to pick both jiayuan and patrick up at the same time*
not too high up on bo yuan’s worry list, give him a piece of paper or book or anything he would just calmly sit there and do something with it
(bo yuan: every time when we do art or reading its so hard to pry keyu away, he has to finish what he was doing and he’s so concentrated he doesn’t hear anybody)
Liu Zhang (AK):
4 years old
loud, VERY LOUD.
he doesn’t know he’s loud
bo yuan: ak you don’t have to yell
ak: OKAY
monopolized over all the instrument music type of toys in the daycare
bo yuan: ak you know you have to share your toys right?
ak: I gave the ukulele to mika
honestly having ak is like having a walking megaphone so bo yuan ended up actually making ak his little helper for announcements
bo yuan: ak go tell everyone is lunch time
ak: alright!
ak: *da da da running to fetch his little stool*
ak, stands on a little stool in the middle of the play room: ITS LUNCH TIMEEEEEE-
nine, swats ak’s leg: YOU SCARED ME
the only time ak is quiet is when he’s around lin mo, he kinda just likes to watch lin mo and follow him around so that’s that
unless lin mo starts messing with him, then you just lose your hearing for the day
also at first bo yuan was trying to see what ak is interested in, and he taught ak hot cross buns on the bells and thought that would calm ak down,, but oops ak ended up making more noises
(bo yuan: I swear something happened to this kid or something. he’s not hard of hearing but he’s just naturally so loud)
i too would lose my hearing if im around ak so much
not to high on bo yuan’s worries but he just make sure ak isn’t being too loud and bothering the other kids, usually he’s pretty good about that but you never know when a little patrick will start napping or anyone really so gotta contain his energy
(bo yuan: ak is usually the first one that’s awake from nap time but its usually like 5-10min before everyone else so i told him he can go and play but he just has to be quiet)
alrighty !! now you've met everyone in the daycare, what kind of fun and chaotic adventures are they going to have??
(all future daycare au things will be incorrect quotes + short little one shots, this intro mostly served as a bio so you understand their personalities a bit, and i hope you enjoyed it!)
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Are you better at cooking dinners or making cakes/biscuits/sweets?  I can’t make any dish. I wonder when I’ll get my ass up and start learning...
Have you ever cut someone else’s hair?  I wouldn’t dare; I have no skills in that department at all.
Who was the last guest in your house and what were they staying for?  Angela and Hans came over so we can watch Sowoozoo. 
How many long term relationships have you been in?  One.
Do you sleep with all the lights out, or do you leave a lamp or even the television on?  My default is lights out, but sometimes I’ll fall asleep with my night lamp still on and that’s fine too.
Who is one person you have forgiven, but still have not “forgotten” what they have done?  I don’t really do forgiving.
Are you a fan of Lana Del Rey?  No. I’ve tried listening to her songs but I find them too slow for my liking.
Do you know your blood type?  It’s O but I keep forgetting what specific type.
Do you know your mother’s birthday?  Yes.
Have you got your period at the moment?  It’s on its last few days.
Have you ever been pregnant?  Nopes.
How old were you when you first went on a plane?  I was around 10 or 11, can’t remember exactly. But it was in 2009 and we headed to Boracay.
Have you ever had to take out a loan for anything?  No. OMG, adult activity I don’t quite understand just yet hfdhfkdjfhdf.
Are both of your blood parents still in your life?  Yeah they’re both grumbling right now just outside of my room because the power went out lmfao.
When was the last time you went apple picking?  I’ve never done this. Apples don’t grow here.
Someone asked you what you wanted, what would you say?  My pay for the last two weeks haha, but that’s not coming until Friday.
Have you ever been drunk at school or work?  No, I wouldn’t dare. I’m pretty unpredictable when I get drunk, so I’d rather stay safe haha. I’ve worked while tipsy, but it had been outside of work hours.
How many bedrooms are in your house?  4. One for each kid, then my parents’.
Are you smart about computers?  Nah.
Have you ever played Just Dance for Wii?  We didn’t have the game on our Wii, but I’ve played Just Dance before, just at other peoples’ houses.
Do you own a Xbox 360?  We were a Playstation household.
Would you ever do a sex tape for a million dollars?  Erm, sure, whatever.
So, do you need a nap?  I think I should be taking one for the sake of my health, but I won’t.
What would you rather be doing?  I stumbled upon a Facebook post of this newly-opened store in Greenhills that exclusively sells photocards and I wanna head the fuck over there rn with Angela. That store concept is practically unheard of so it’s a big deal and I wanna go there as I’m 100% sure the BTS ones would sell out pretty fast. But they heightened the stupid COVID protocols yet again and we have to stay at home, so there’s that.
What sport are you the best at?  Table tennis.
Do you have a little sister? What’s her name?  Yeah but she’s turning 21 this year, so little wouldn’t be accurate anymore. We call her Nina at home but everyone else calls her by her full first name, Janina.
Do you complain a lot?  I do complain a lot but I also do the thing that is causing the complaint right after so I can shut myself up lmao.
Would you rather go to an authentic haunted house or an ancient temple?  Both sound fun but I’ll probably take the temple. Yay for learning something new about culture!!
Do you like fruity or minty gum?  I don’t mind flavor when it comes to gum because they fade out anyway.
Are you looking forward to any day of this month?  My company set another mental health break day this upcoming August 27th, so I’ll be thinking about that day throughout the month.
Have you ever gotten detention?  We don’t have detention.
Is there a traumatic event that you’ve experienced that’s changed your life?  Sure.
Do you buy a majority of your clothes from a certain store, or do you just pick out items of clothing you could see yourself wearing, not caring about the store it came from? The latter. < Same. I can be brand-conscious sometimes, but generally if I find something cute, regardless from where I found it, I’d grab it.
Have any of the artists you’re fond of released new albums recently?  Technically yeah. It was a single album. 
Would you ever keep your favorite animal as a pet?  I already have two of them.
Ever cried so much you threw up?  Possibly.
Who is your best guy friend? Hans.
What do you two do when you hang out?  We usually eat out and have a drink or two.
What is a movie that you thought you would hate but you ended up loving?  Spotlight, just because it looked boring at first glance. It turned out to be very riveting and the screenplay was fascinating as well.
Do you even like horror movies?  Yes, but they’re best watched with other people.
Do you live in the country?  Nopes.
What is your favorite accent?  I don’t have one.
Have you ever had a boyfriend your parents didn’t like?  No.
Do you drink Pepsi or Coke?  I had the chance to try out Pepsi when we went to Taco Bell two weeks ago - it was my first time to have it and it was...actually pretty good??? The soda-hater in me was scandalized HAHAHA but it was good!!! I think I prefer Pepsi now.
What do you plan to do on your 21st birthday?  My 21st birthday started out terribly because Gabie’s family didn’t want her to hang out with me on a Sunday (the day my birthday fell on), so we were in an argument the whole day. Angela saved the day when she planned out an impromptu dinner + arcade date for me, and that was the only good part of the day, really. I’d rather forget the rest of it.
Do you have any person in your family with an addiction to beer?  I don’t think so.
Do you take a lot of pictures?  I’m starting to, now.
What kind of face wash do you use?  Good ol’ water.
Does drama always seem to follow you?  Not these days.
Does anybody in your family race?  Nope.
Are you closer to your mom or dad?  Dad, I guess. But I wouldn’t particularly call myself ‘close’ with either.
How much money did you used to get from the ”tooth fairy?”  I never received money from them.
How long do you want to live with your parents?  Maybe up until my mid-20s? Late-20s at the latest. I’m not exactly in the position to move out yet. The money I make at the moment would probably just be enough to cover rent, and just rent. I’d end up starving to death hahaha.
Do you have a laptop or desktop?  Laptop.
Do you like your parents?  Sure.
Do you secretly like someone?  I don’t.
Would you ever date your best male friend?  No. I also wouldn’t do that to Angela.
What are you currently listening to?  Moon by Jin! Such a comfort song.
Do you want to be single?  Yes.
Did you go out or stay in last night?  I stayed in and was knocked out pretty early since I had been up since 1 AM.
Have you pretended to like someone?  No. I don’t see why I would have to that.
How is your heart lately?  Just filled with nothing but Bangtan at this point haha. It’s doing well!
Are you wearing socks?  No. Socks bother me for the most part; they make my feet feel a bit suffocated.
What do people call you?  Robyn.
Do you get stressed out easily?  Yeah, I’m quite the overthinker.
Have you ever been taken to the emergency room in an ambulance?  No, I’ve never actually been inside an ambulance, whether it came for me or for another person.
What is wrong with you right now?  I should probably cut back on the vaping, for one.
Do you own something from Hot Topic?  No.
Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone?  It’s hard for me to sleep with someone else. Even when I had been in a relationship, I usually only got to fall asleep an hour or so after my partner already dozed off.
Do you still talk to the person you last made out with?  No, I cut ties at the start of the year and have been substantially better since then.
Have you ever seen your best friend cry?  I honestly don’t think so. I’m the bigger crybaby between us.
Did you get any compliments today?  My mom thanked me for covering for Cooper’s shots today since they ended up being quite costly.
Have you ever gone to a beach?  Yes, it’s one of my absolute favorite places to be.
What would you say if someone asked you to get high right now?  Pass up on the offer.
Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?  Yes.
Have you ever done volunteer work just because you wanted to?  I’ve never had the ample time to, so no. I’ve always wanted to volunteer at an animal shelter, though.
Do you have long nails?  They’re not dramatically long, but they have started to grow out.
Do you like the gender you are? I don't like or dislike it, honestly. I'm just neutral. < Same.
Do you generally look nice in photos?  I think this is the case these days, yeah. I’ve started feeling more confident and I think it’s able to translate in photos.
Have you ever had a stick insect as a pet?  No.
What colour are your father’s eyes?  Dark brown.
If I handed you a concert ticket right now, who would you want to be the performer?  BTS DUH
Name three facts about your family?  I come from a family of lawyers; many of us are big history buffs; and many are also fantastic cooks so I don’t know where that talent could have possibly gone when it come to my generation hah.
Would you ever get into a long distance relationship?  If I’ve reached a certain level of investment in the relationship, I could probably handle it. 
What’s the most thoughtful present you’ve ever received?  A Punk shirt and Petals For Armor physical CD from Andi this last Christmas.
What’s your favorite hot beverage? Hot chocolate. < Yessssss!
Did you ever play an instrument? If so what?  I don’t.
Would you rather carve pumpkins or wrap presents?  Carving pumpkins sounds fun, especially since I haven’t tried it before.
Do you think you’re important?  Idk. I don’t really like drawing attention to myself though, so that could probably answer your question.
What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?  Andi wrote a letter for me to accompany the aforementioned Christmas gifts they gave, and it remains to be my favorite letter I’ve received. They essentially reminded and affirmed me that I’m stronger than I think I am, and that I’ve been through a lot and have grown a lot, and that that growth is seen by people around me.
Have you been diagnosed with any mental disorders?  No.
Have you ever moved to another state or country? If so, how did it feel to be new?  Just to different cities, but considering how tiny my country is, the move is quite insignificant lol.
Do you know how to properly eat food with chopsticks?  I’m 100% sure I don’t know how to properly hold chopsticks, but I have my own way and it works lol. Fake it til you make it.
Are you more of a leader or a follower? Definitely a follower, but I can step up in certain situations. < Same. I don’t mind leading, especially considering the control freak I can be lolol.
What was the first thing you ate today?  I haven’t eaten anything today. I skipped breakfast since I brought Cooper to the vet, and by the time I got back the dining table had already been cleared. It’s fine though, I don’t feel too hungry.
If you could spend the day, doing absolutely anything, with anyone, anywhere, what would it be like?  I’d be with Angela, Reena, and Hans at that insane new photocard store I talked about earlier. IDEALLY, we’d probably pick up a photocard or two if the ones we want aren’t sold out yet (lol a rarity), then we’d have some nachos and stuff right after and just talk about all things Bangtan lol with Hans cracking us up the whole time since he is just naturally hilarious.
If I were to ask you how you are doing, and you were only able to answer completely honestly, what would come out?  Content. Happy. I feel warm and loved and surrounded by the best people.
What is the one thing that you have been avoiding that you should do?  Learning how to cook is one.
Is there anything that you wish you could take back?  Not really.
What, in your mind, could make you truly happy?  Being in the purple ocean with my best friends.
If you could change one conversation in your life, what would you say differently? Would it have REALLY made any difference?  A part of me wishes my final face-to-face conversation with Gabie had been a more solid closure, just so we could finally put a hard stop to that chapter. But at that time I thought we would continue talking, so there had still been some stuff lingering in the air when we called it a day and parted ways. So in a sense we never really got closure when I finally cut ties, which the ESTJ in me remains to be nagged by, but I try not to be bothered by it anymore considering how much better I am doing right now. We didn’t know the future at the time, so it’s okay the way things turned out, ultimately.
When is the next time you’ll change your hairstyle? Will you color it?  I have no clue. It’s not really a priority.
Do people normally say you’re a fast typist, or are you rather slow?  I’m fast.
Have you ever been considered the ‘smartest person in school?’  Nah.
How many drugs are in your system?  Just caffeine.
What’s on your schedule for tomorrow? Werkwerkwerkwerk.
Do you currently have any bite marks/hickeys on your body?  Nopes.
Do you call anyone baby?  I don’t.
What’s your current mood?  I’m prety neutral. I wish I could be out right now, but stupid Covid and stupid quarantine. But I don’t really mind staying at home, either, so. I’m just so-so.
Do you think you are a good person?  I hope so.
What were you doing before filling out this survey?  I watched Sunday mass with my family.
How late did you stay up last night?  Around midnight.
When was the last time you cried really hard?  I cried just a few days ago because period hormones, but the last time I cried hard? I’m not sure. April maybe?
Is your hair longer than your shoulders?  LOL yes it’s soooooooo long already.
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Survey #354
“swimming through the void, we hear the word  /  we lose ourselves, but we find it all”
The last time you washed your hair, did you use conditioner? I never do. My hair is naturally pretty oily, and conditioner just adds oil to it. Do you prefer light or dark jeans? Dark. I never liked light-hued jeans. When you listen to music, do you generally sing along, or just listen? I almost always just listen. Do you have any of your exes as friends on Facebook? Yes. Who was your first love? Do you ever miss that person? My first "real" boyfriend. I always do to varying degrees. How many cars are parked at your house right now? Just one. Do you have any Italian ancestry? No. Do you prefer water to be ice cold or at room temperature? The colder, the absolute better. I can barely stomach drinking water that isn't cold, like literally. Has anyone ever told you you’re a control freak? No. Do you know anyone who has gone missing? If so, were they ever found? I don't think so, anyway. What was the spiciest thing you’ve ever eaten? A certain hot sauce on the wings I used to get at Buffalo Wild Wings. It was close to the top of their little heat rating thing. It made me feel awful, and yet I enjoyed it still?? I think it was an adrenaline thing. I only get medium sauce now; I'm more interested in enjoying my food than feeling like I'm eating fire. Do you need to talk to someone? I'm ready for my therapy appointment honestly, but it's not 'til the start of June. Mom and I both don't want to go through the process of finding a new one, so I've chosen to just suck it up and wait. Is something confusing you at the moment? I'm always confused with myself and my feelings. When was the last time you had a real deep chat? Real deep, I'm sure that would've been during PHP. Who did you last see on webcam? My former group therapist. I miss him a lot and really wish he could treat me outside of the program, but he doesn't do that. :/ What’s your best friend’s pet’s name(s)? Doris, Martha, Crowley, Little Dot, Jane Marie, Buster, Beesly, Winter, and I believe only one of the fish is named: Raisha. Have you ever taken a picture while laying in the grass? No. Who’s your favorite Disney character? Dory, probably. Have you ever deliberately tried to get someone drunk? What the fuck, no. When was the last time you used a pay phone and who were you calling? I've never used one. Do you like being kissed on the neck? Whoa now buddy, we better be kind of serious by then for you to do that because it doesn't end "well" lmao. Have you ever had sex with someone you weren’t dating (but had feelings for) in the hopes that they would ask you out later? I almost deleted this question because I didn't want to answer it, but I try to leave more unique ones in, so... whatever. I haven't. But I would for "somebody." What’s the most you would be willing to spend on a good bra? Ugh, my relationship with bras is a hellish one because NONE FUCKING FIT ME CORRECTLY. Mom's tried so, so many places, so many different stores online and in-person, and even if the bra fits in the front, it won't go around my back comfortably. I guess my body is shaped weird, I don't fucking know, because I have literally ZERO bras that don't aggravate me. At some point, I'm going to some woman Mom knows who can size me properly and therefore buy some that don't piss me off. All that to say I'd actually pay more than the usual, but not a ridiculous price. Do you have any of your teachers’ personal cell phone numbers saved in your contacts list? My old Physical Science teacher, who is actually now a very close family friend and our landlord, is in my phone. Do you ever stalk peoples’ personal blogs, even if you don’t know them very well? No. What’s one thing about today’s generation that you just can’t stand? How ungrateful they can be. Be honest: how do you feel about abortion? I am pro-choice. Is there anyone you currently want to reach out to? There's a lot of people, actually. Old friends I miss. What is your favorite piece of art you own? It... sounds cocky, but it's probably the drawing I did in high school of Pyramid Head and the Halo of the Sun intertwined. I worked my fucking ass off and I'm extremely proud of it. What’s the one thing you apologized for this month? Hm. Probably just something minor, like bumping into Mom or something when passing her. My favorite color is ______? Pink, specifically pastel pink. I wish I had _____? A job. What did you buy today? Nothing. What has challenged your morals? Life, my dude. Live and learn. What made you pick up the last book you started reading? It's the sequel to the last book I read. What about your life concerns you the most? Concerns me, my physical health, especially just how weak my legs are. I'm terrified of them continuing to deteriorate. What do you find particularly offensive? Would you say you’re easy or difficult to offend? I cannot fucking stand the misuse of the word "retarded." Like just keep your damn mouth sewn shut if you have the audacity to say things like "hurr hurr this driver is retarded." ANY mental illness/condition is NOT to be mocked. Onto the next question, I'd say I'm more towards difficult to offend. It really depends on the topic. What was the last series you finished watching? Do you have any plans to begin another? I re-watched Fullmetal Alchemist w/ Sara. We're working on Avatar: The Last Airbender too, but I won't resume watching it again until we can do it together. What is one way in which you are different from a year ago? What is one way in which you are still the same? Well, I weigh a lot more. .-. I gained back almost all the weight I shed since quarantine started, and I'm forever fucking furious about it. I'm the same in most other ways. If you could learn about anything without the stress of grades or cost, what kind of classes would you take? Uhhhhh meerkat behavior? Idk. Name a song you’ve listened to today? I've got Halocene, Lauren Babic, and Violet Orlandi's cover of "Aerials" by System of a Down on loop right now. It's fucking gorgeous and so mesmerizing. When you were younger, did you have a swing set or a playhouse in your backyard? We had a small playhouse with swings and a slide. Is your mall nice? GOD no. You better accept the possibility of getting shot before you walk in there. There's nothing that cool at all there. Do you have a Sonic near you? If so, what’s your favorite drink from there? Yeah. I love the strawberry slushy, and the Reese's Blast thing if KILLER. Will you be voting in the presidential elections next time around? Yes. How do you feel about chocolate-covered strawberries? GOOD. STUFF. Did you ever stop having feelings for someone and then started having those feelings again for them? I think so. Do you hate the last guy you had a thing with? No, he's my closest guy friend. To whom did you last give the finger? Probably some idiot that ran a red light. I'm sure it happened in the car, whenever it happened What was the last musical instrument played in your presence? I've got no clue. Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream? No, I hate the texture difference. And just sprinkles in general. Honestly, have you ever crashed a party before? No. Do you know how to do the moon walk? No. Has anybody ever told you that you have a good singing voice? Yeah, but I beg to differ. Onion rings or french fries? French fries. I'm not a big fan of the other. Has anybody ever described you as a heart breaker? Nope. Has anybody ever told you that you talk too fast? When I'm excited, yes, it happens sometimes. Who is the best cook that you know? Uhhhhh idk. Which meal throughout the day do you skip the most? I don't really skip meals. What’s the largest amount that you can juggle at one time? I can’t juggle at all. What was your favorite thing to go on at the playground as a kid? Swings. I'd dash to those at recess to try to actually get one. Do you know how much you weighed at birth? How much? All I know is six pounds, no clue on the ounces. Which aspect of your daily routine takes the most time? What do you do? Sitting my ass at the computer, really... I don't exactly do much. Do you enjoy buying gifts for others, or could you do without this? It feels sucky of me considering whenever I do get someone a gift, it's because Mom is letting me use her money with me being without an income, BUT I still do LOVE the process of thinking of something meaningful for those important to me and hopefully seeing them love whatever I got them. I cannot wait until I actually can do that regularly. What is one thing you are expected to do, if anything? Take care of my pets. How do you tend to view driving? Monotonous or entertaining? I hate driving because you're in a speeding box of death, man. I do really want to start working towards my license though; I've long since reached the "enough is enough" point. But first I need new glasses so I can actually see five feet in front of me. Do you enjoy talking about music with others? Yeah! Is acting something you enjoy? No. I'm too awkward about it. When do you feel most accomplished? When I finish a big art pierce. Do you think Manwich is amazing or completely gross? I like 'em. Just messy, which I'm not a fan of. How many best friends do you have? One. Are you a smoker, drinker, pothead or none of the above? None of the above. If you have your ears pierced, when did you get them pierced? I don't remember exactly, but I was a kid. Do you own any exercise machines? No. I wish. On Facebook, do you have people listed as your siblings who aren’t really your siblings? Nah, but I used to do that. Have you ever drawn or painted a self-portrait? Painted, but only because it was a school assignment. Who was your last voicemail from? I don't get voicemails because mine isn't even set up. Have you ever been falsely accused of something serious? No. Did you ever set up a lemonade stand when you were a kid? No. When was the last time you spoke to someone in a different language? Not since I was taking a test in high school for my German course. My teacher was a Germany native, so she was a total pro and fun to learn from. Have you ever received an anonymous gift? No. Have you ever camped out somewhere for an event the next day? No. That's always sounded miserable to me. When were you the saddest in your life? 2016 was fucking miserable. Do you know anyone, personally, who is in an abusive relationship? Are you? I don't know if it's abusive, but it's toxic and dysfunctional as HELL. I don't know WHY she keeps going back to him, I feel awful for the woman. I'm definitely not, 'cuz I wouldn't tolerate that shit for half a second. If you have siblings, have they moved out or do they still live with you? They've both moved out by now. Have you ever gotten searched by the cops? Yes, as a safety protocol with mental illness stuff. Do you like fried rice? Yes. What was the last thing you drank? Would you believe me if I told you I have water right now?
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