#today it's so much easier to make some research about what you're talking about
sincerity--extreme · 7 months
Some people are SOOO passionate about being completely and utterly stupid
And I'm obviously not talking about those who don't have access to enough information and education to properly, well, educate themselves, I'm talking about those people who have access to everything and simply choose to stand in the same place forever, never check anything they're saying, they hear a phrase and sell a whole story as if they owned the truth
0 notes
orphicrose · 3 months
What about rdr2 van der Linde Gang with a reader who stutters? I can imagine the reader being mostly quiet because of it, but at sind point they have to talk and I know people especially back then would make fun of it (Micah) and the gang standing up for reader.
He had it coming ( Camp x Fem!Reader)
Thank you for the request! I did do some research before i wrote this to make sure it was as realistic as possible. But i do apologies if it isn't so please let me know if i wrote it badly!
Warnings ! Micah, bullying, name calling.
The sad truth that a lot of people had to face during this era, was that nothing outside of social norms was taken seriously. Things like disabilities, appearances, or even sexuality, greeted with a mocking laugh or worse. Far worse. If you were lucky enough, you'd only be laughed at. But that didn't make it any better. The stereotypical cowboys that you were stuck with didn't make it easier. It's just one of those things you'd either accept or suppress over time.
In this situation, y/n suppressed it. Heavily. Growing up being beaten with insults, or fists because of it. The van der linde gang was somewhat outside of stereotypes, though. A lot of the members from all across the world; black, natives, Hispanic. Then there was Bill, everyone knew he played for the other team, despite the harsh denying and homophobia in return. But the point it, y/n got lucky with falling in with this specific group. Making judgements hard to give.
Y/n's 'issues' lied in her speech, being born with a stutter. It wasn't cute or dainty, it was annoying. What made it worse, the anxiety surrounding it. Sometimes she didn't stutter at all, around people like Arthur or Hosea. But around Micha, it was so much worse. Unbearable, even. The ignorance surrounding that man was almost unbelievable, even for the 1800s.
"Mornin, miss l/n" She was approached by a muscular shadow blocking the sun light from her position on the floor.
"Morning Arthur" Her smile infectious as he took a seat next to her, leaning back against a tree and pulling hit hat over his face. Shielding his eyes from the light. "Busy day today?"
He grunted, shifting in the soft lemoyne mud. "Uncles got a job set up" he failed at suppressing a laugh "Dunno how well it's gonna go."
Y/n chortled, imagining old Uncle out doing some real work. "We-well good luck. I'm glad I'm not joining y'all" her eyes returned to the easy reading of her book that Mary-Beth had lent to her.
Arthur hummed, relaxing in the hot air for as long as he could before his name was called to action.
"Arthur!" That wasn't uncles voice. He lowered his hat to see a nasty looking individual unfortunately strolling towards his direction.
"What do you want, Micah" His voice held hostility, reasonable hostility, as the greasy haired mans face was blinded by a ray of sunshine. Y/n huffed, clutching at the book harder to distract herself.
"Wanted to know what you're ta-ta-ta-talking about" He mocked y/n, without any subtleness about it. Y/n remained quite. It was sad to admit in any situation, but she had grown used to the constant mocking.
"Theres no need for that, is there?" Arthur raised to his feet without hesitation. Moving to get in Micahs face. Any excuse to punch him in the nose was a good excuse in his eyes,
"Now, now, Mister Morgan" The rat put his hands up in surrender, backing away with that smug grin still on his face. "It's just a harmless joke. No need to go out guns a blazin'"
"It's not supposed to be harmless, is it?" Arthurs fists clenched under his anger. Y/n rising to her feet behind him and putting a hand on the back of his shoulder.
"I-it's okay. Ar-Arthur" She mumbled, to which Micah laughed. Before he got the chance to get in the last word. Arthur had landed a heavy hit square in his face. Not wasting any time to wind it up before landing on his nose. Micah fell to the floor and began wailing about how his nose was broken. An audience soon formed around the rat writhing on the floor. Not much sympathy to be shared, but knowing glances at one another. Quiet laughs and 'he had it comings' shared between them before Dutch marched over. Clearing the group and making sure he was ok.
"Arthur, we've talked about this"
"I know, i know Dutch but-"
"The last thing we need right now is our gang turning against each other!"
Y/n could hear the two arguing in Dutch's tent, biting at her nails with worry. It was her fault, she thought. A hand landed on her back, spinning to see tilly with a sad smile.
"Its okay" She offered. "That rat had it coming. Arthur did everyone a favor" just thinking about him on the floor, in pain, brought serotonin to her.
"I-I guess" y/n mumbled
"No need to be ashamed, darlin" she took y/ns hands in hers. "you're perfect as is".
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Just Let Me Adore You Pt. 1
Pairing: Stucky x Reader
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: none here, we've just begun
Genre: mostly fluff ig
Summary: You’ve been dating your boyfriend, Bruce, for 3 absolutely blissful years. He’s a scientist and professor who is as smart as he is kind and if anyone asked, you were sure you’d spend the rest of your life with him. That is until two mysteriously charming men that Bruce swears are dangerous take an interest in you that threatens to turn your entire life upside down. I mean… what exactly are you supposed to do with two gorgeous men telling you something that suggests that basically everything you think you know is a lie? And why does part of you have enough doubt to wonder if they might be telling the truth?
Series Masterlist
It's a beautiful afternoon as you're wrapping up your shift at the cute little cafe/bookstore you work at.
"See ya later y/n!" Your coworker, a kid named Peter calls after you when you leave.
"See you! Have a good shift!" You wave at him with a smile. Peter's 18 and has only been working at the store for a couple of weeks, so far he's doing pretty well. Most of his shifts are in conjunction with yours and today's one of the first times he'll be working with some of the others. You trained him well so you know he'll be fine but it's kinda like leaving your kid somewhere for the first time. Your walk home is nice, late spring bringing warmer temperatures that aren't yet sweaty which you take advantage of. When you walk into your shared apartment, you find your boyfriend of three years sitting at your kitchen counter. Your boyfriend Bruce is a professor and researcher, and you moved in together almost a year ago.
"Hey y/n." He calls over his shoulder, papers scattered around him and his laptop.
"Hi Brucey. You done with lectures for the day?" You ask draping your arms over his shoulders and kissing his cheek.
"Yeah, I cancelled my second lecture for the day- they've got an exam next class." Bruce tells you.
"Ah I see. So how was your first lecture?"
"It was fine, it was my psych class and we ended up having some very interesting discussions. How was your day? You still training that guy?"
"You mean Peter right? His training is pretty much done, actually today he's working a different shift than me."
"Well how's it going for him?"
"I think he's doing alright honestly. He's a little nervous sometimes but it's kinda cute." You giggle.
"Cute, huh?"
"Yeah, the kid's a ball of nervous energy actually. Sometimes he talks like he's had too many espresso shots and it's so fast he's almost unintelligible but apparently he doesn't even drink coffee, which, I think might be for the best. It's so interesting though, I don't know many teenage boys who display energy that way." You hum.
"Maybe he's got anxiety or something."
"Hm, I hadn't considered that. He probably does." You muse grabbing a bottle of water from your fridge. "Well that's the uni update, anything interesting going on in the research area for you?"
"Oh, yeah we've got a vampire coming to the lab tomorrow actually."
"I'm not sure if I like that honestly." You hum.
"Not to worry sweetheart, it's safe. I won't even be alone with him." Bruce says.
"Right of course, not alone just- with others that are part of a vampire's diet."
"You know not all vampires feed on humans."
"What's the alternative? Animals?"
"Yes, exactly." He nods.
"And the vampire you're studying tomorrow eats animals?"
"And you're sure about that?" You ask.
"Well we're studying him because he's animal fed so I sure hope he is."
"Have you ever studied vampires that do eat humans?"
"Yes, back when I was a research assistant. Honestly, the hardest part about studying vampires is hunting them. Once they're caught you can sedate them and that makes it much easier."
"You hunted them?"
"I mean vampires aren't exactly jumping in line to volunteer for this kind of thing you know." Bruce shrugs.
"So this animal-fed vampire, did he volunteer?"
"Yes he did. I don't really run tests on unwilling participants these days. It's unethical."
"I know that. Sounds like your old research boss didn't feel the same." You say.
"Well, that group of researchers mostly tagged creatures to study their patterns in nature. They weren't so much running tests but it's a bit hard to tag a vampire that's trying to rip your heart out so-" Bruce shrugs.
"Alright well I'll take your word on of yours this vampire tomorrow. Be careful." You say.
"Always darling." He winks at you. In all honesty, you try not to ask too many questions about your boyfriend's research of supernatural creatures. He swears to you it's all ethical but you're not sure how well it sits with you. You've been to the lab once and the asylum-like observational rooms you saw were offputting. Stark white walls and a small bed in an otherwise empty room doesn't seem very morally sound to you despite what Bruce tells you. Granted the observational cells were empty when you visited so you can only hope nobody's been in there against their will.
"Y/n!" Bruce pulls you from your thoughts and your head snaps to his confused face.
"Sorry, I- spaced, did you say something?" You ask.
"I said I was thinking we'd order something for dinner, does that sound okay?" Bruce chuckles.  You want so badly to trust that his work is virtuous because that's what he tells you.
"Yeah that's fine with me. Did you want Chinese or Thai or there's that Italian place too, maybe pizza?" You list off some options, shaking the uncertainty from your mind. They say ignorance is bliss.
"Do you have a preference?" He asks.
"Let's do Chinese."
"Sounds good. I'll finish grading these assignments and then order in a couple hours." Bruce says.
"Yeah that's fine." You nod giving Bruce a quick kiss and leaving him to his papers. With the few hours you have to spare until dinner, you crack open your latest read, a book recommended to you by a coworker that you've been meaning to start for a while. Eventually, Bruce orders dinner and gets your attention once the food arrives. Your night is pretty relaxed, you eat and chat while watching TV together for a while before you turn in for the night. You and Bruce do have different rooms because it's important to have your own space, but most nights you sleep together in his room. You'd consider your life pretty ordinary. You have routines and habits and while you have lots of fun experiences, you'd say most of your life is very much average.
The tinkling of the bell over the door doesn't pull your attention from the magazine you're reading but you do greet the customer since you're at the register by the door.
"Hi welcome in!" You say with mild cheeriness.
"Hiiii y/n!" The sing-song greeting comes from your best friend and you look up when you realize.
"Wanda! Hey love." You smile at her.
"Hi! Hi Peter!" She waves at Peter, who's learning how to work the coffee bar today.
"Oh. Hi miss Wanda!" He says with a shy wave.
"I've told you sweetie you don't have to call me miss." Wanda chuckles.
"Sorry." He mutters.
"What a cutie." Wanda hums.
"Isn't he?" You agree quietly. "Anyway, what brings you here babes?" You ask.
"Is your shift almost over? I wanted to hang out today."
"Well I'm supposed to be out of here in the next half hour or so but of course, I've gotta wait for Matt or Layla to come in before I can actually leave." You shrug.
"Peter! How good are you at that coffee bar?" Wanda calls across the store.
"Uh- I- I'm alright I think." Peter says.
"Wanna try making me a vanilla latte?" She asks.
"Well I- I can try."
"Confidence honey, you've got the recipes, you can do this. Don't act like the coffee bar's gonna bite ya!" You tell him.
"Right! Confidence. Vanilla latte coming up." Peter nods grabbing items to make Wanda's drink.
"And if you have any questions I'm right here!" You call.
"I'll wait for your shift to end and then can we do something together?" Wanda asks you.
"Of course we can." You nod.
"Done!" Peter says after a few minutes. Wanda takes the coffee from Peter and drops a five on the counter for him before sitting at a table with her drink and a magazine.
"This is pretty good for how unsure you were Peter." Wanda tells him.
"Good job Petey! I told you, you got it." You smile at him and again he hits you both with a shy smile.
"Thanks." He says quietly. A few customers come in and leave before Eric arrives and you clock out, leaving arm in arm with Wanda. She seems to have a destination in mind as you walk together.
"So where are we going lovely?" You ask her after a few minutes of her dragging you down city streets.
"Well I have a date tonight and I need something to wear, so the mall." She tells you.
"A date? You have a date? Why didn't you mention this before now?!" You blink at her.
"Honestly I forgot about it until I realized it was tonight." She shrugs.
"You forgot about it? Are you even interested in this person?" You laugh incredulously.
"I am! He's very sweet, I just have been busy with other things this week."
"Alright well let's get you something to wear for this second thought date." You snort.
"It wasn't a second thought. It's just that I can only prioritize like three things at a time."
"Seriously? You can lift a plane with your mind but can't remember your date until the day of?" You scoff. Wanda's a witch. It's the only real secret you keep from Bruce. She's not totally comfortable with him knowing that information and since it's her life you have no problem supporting that decision. To tell the truth, she's not very comfortable with him in general because of the whole research thing but he makes you happy so she gets along well enough for your sake.
"I didn't forget forget I was just, you know, too busy to think about it."
"Yeah sure whatever." You laugh as she pulls you into a store near the mall's entrance. "So how do you know this date of yours? Friend of a friend? Someone from work? A dating app? One of Pietro's friends?"
"He's a friend of a coworker." She tells you.
"A friend of a coworker? Is this a blind date?"
"No. He came to a work function and I had a nice enough time talking to him there that when he asked me on a date I said yes."
"It sounds like your coworker was setting you up and just played the long game." You chuckle.
"Hang on I'd like to circle back to your suggestion that it would be one of Pietro's friends. Why would I ever do that?!" She looks at you over a clothing rack.
"Oh come on Pietro's adorable." You laugh.
"This is about his friends, not him."
"Yeah I know but I'm of the belief that hot people hang with hot people so naturally-"
"Yeah that's not. No."
"Why? Is it the fact that the halfling has mostly vampire friends? I know you have ethical reservations about the whole blood sucking thing despite being raised by a vampire." You ask as the two of you leave the store you're in. Wanda and Pietro are twins but apparently since their father is a vampire and their mother is a witch one twin got each supernatural gene, making Pietro a vampire halfling.
"Most of Pietro's friends hunt animals so no it's not that." She rolls her eyes.
"Wait they hunt animals?" You blink.
"Yeah? So does Pietro, you know that."
"I know he does but I guess I didn't think about his friends- I think one of them might be volunteering for Bruce."
"What?" Wanda's eyes widen.
"A couple of weeks ago Bruce told me a vampire was going to the lab and they were going to study him because he's animal fed and well, considering we live in New York and not Idaho I can't imagine there's a large population of animal diet vampires." You explain.
"What if he finds out about Pietro? About me?" Wanda gasps as the two of you enter another store.
"He won't. Even if this guy knows Pietro why would he put another person on Bruce's watchlist that didn't ask to be there? His loyalty should be to other vampires not to a bunch of researchers." You say quietly. The shop you're in is empty besides the employees and while supernatural creatures aren't a secret, some people are more reserved when it comes to them.
"Some of them don't accept Pietro because of our parentage. He could rat him out on purpose for-"
"Bruce isn't going to go hunting people down, I've mentioned Pietro like once so he might not even know you're related, it's not like Pietro would rat on you, and if Bruce does find out that you're twins well, you aren't a vampire. I'll simply tell him that twins of a vampire and a nonvampire split the gene, and only one gets it. Plus it's been a couple of weeks since this happened, if the vampire had mentioned Pietro or Bruce had any suspicions about you, he'd have given himself away by now. He's not going to find out you're a witch. He's not going to find out Pietro is a halfling. Your secrets are safe."
"Man I hope so." She sighs.
"Yeah well I know so." You tell her.  The two of you flip through racks of clothes for a while, pulling different items for Wanda to try on in the dressing room. "So where are you going with this guy?" You ask her when you finally reach the dressing rooms at the back.
"Dinner! Maybe something else after but we're starting with dinner." Wanda says through the door as she tries on the first dress she picked.
"Hm, what's his name?"
"Wes? Is it short for Wesley or- is that the whole name?"
"It's short for Wesley." She pushes back the dressing room curtain to show you the dress. "What do you think?"
"That's cute. Although maybe not right for a first date." You say. It's a short dark blue dress with lace trimming and as much as you like it, it's not a dinner date outfit.
"Yeah- maybe you're right." She looks at herself in the mirror for a moment and then closes the curtain.
"Hm, Wesley? That's not the worst name in the world." You hum.
"Y/n!" Wanda laughs.
"Look! I'm not trying to be mean, but you know, some names just don't... roll off the tongue the right way ya know." You shrug even though she can't see you.
"Now why would you say that?" She tries to scold you but you can hear her hiding her laughter before she shoves back the curtain again. "This one?" She asks. This dress is a green off-the-shoulder pick with bell sleeves.
"I think it's the wrong shade of green for you honestly." You tell her.
"Ya think so?" She hums and closes the curtain again.
"Anyway, I said it because it's true. Like I'm not saying you're going to fuck this guy or anything but imagine trying to moan a name like Bartholomew or Yolanda. Ya know? Wes or even Wesley you could probably get away with though."
"Don't be crude! I don't think anyone born in the last century is named Bartholomew but- I guess I get your point." Wanda chuckles.
"Also it's cute that your names are alliterative. Wanda and Wesley. You'll have to come up with some cute introduction when you meet people as a couple."
"It is one date. You are for sure skipping ahead." Wanda pulls back the curtain in a new dress, pointing an accusing finger at you. This one is a two-toned red and black dress.
"I mean if you think about it now you're ready for if the time comes." You shrug.
"You and your ability to romanticize things." She shakes her head. "Thoughts on this one?"
"Life is better when you romanticize things. Honestly, I think this is your dress. You should get this one. It's gorgeous on you. If he's not speechless when he sees you, leave." You tell her.
"That's dramatic." She laughs.
"It's in my nature." You shrug.
"It is a nice dress though. Should I bother trying the others?" She asks as she closes the curtain again to change back into her clothes.
"I mean if you want to but I'm pretty much sold on this one." You say.
"Excuse me." You hear a voice behind you that causes you to spin around. A sales associate for the store you're in is smiling at you when you do.
"Hi! Can I help you?" You ask.
"This is for you." She says holding out a shopping bag with the store's logo on it. Your hands fly up as if you're surrendering.
"I- didn't purchase anything so that cannot be right." You shake your head.
"Actually the items were purchased for you by someone. It's a gift."
"A gift from whom?" You frown in confusion.
"They've asked to remain anonymous."
"That- sounds increasingly suspicious. Um can you, hold the bag open for me?" You ask her.
"Excuse me?" Now she's confused.
"I am not touching that bag if I don't know what's inside it. So, if you could just open it so I can look inside?" You explain. "Wanda! You almost done in there?" You call as the associate opens the bag. Wanda rushes out of the dressing room when she hears your voice.
"Everything okay?" She asks you.
"Somebody has anonymously gifted me some items apparently." You share a look at her before looking into the bag to find a dress, a jacket, and a jewelry set each that you'd commented on while shopping with Wanda. You spin around to face Wanda almost too fast. "Holy shit it's all stuff I said I liked while we were shopping." You speak quickly and quietly to her.
"It's the dress and the jacket that I put down right before we came to the dressing room." You hiss.
"Woah." Wanda blinks. You turn back to the associate.
"Did they pay with a card? Can you refund this person somehow? I can't just take this gift from a stranger." You tell her.
"All of the items they bought are final sale so unfortunately, a refund would not be possible, plus they paid in cash."
"So- there's really nothing I can do but take this?"
"I mean if you don't take it I'll simply sell them again. It'd be unfortunate for the purchaser." The associate tells you. You look at Wanda again.
"This is like a $200 purchase what the fuck?" You whisper to Wanda.
"Then I guess you should take it." Wanda whispers back. You mull it over in your head for a moment before turning back to face the associate.
"Alright fine. Thank you." You take the bag from the associate with a small smile. "If the, anonymous gifter returns please inform them that I appreciate the gesture but not to do it again because this is very weird." You tell her.
"I will pass on the message." She nods and walks away.
"I cannot believe you've got a secret admirer." Wanda loops her arm through yours and pulls you towards the counter with her chosen dress in hand.
"This is absolutely ridiculous. What do I tell Bruce?" You frown.
"The truth. That a stranger bought them and you have no idea who it is." She shrugs. The two of you check out and leave the store and subsequently the mall, Wanda deciding she has enough shoes to choose from at home. "Do you have any idea who it might be?"
"No. I only talk to like 5 people and none of them are spending $200 on items I only mentioned liking while we were just shopping."
"Even Bruce?"
"If Bruce did it, he wouldn't keep it a secret. So I know it's not him." You tell her.
"Well, you'll have to tell me how he reacts. I'm going to head home so I can prep for this date. I'll call you later." Wanda says hugging you tightly.
"Have fun babes." You kiss her cheek and then part ways, heading back to your apartment. When you unlock the door and kick off your shoes, the smell of food welcomes you so you head to the kitchen.
"Hi Bruce!" You say wrapping your arm around him from behind.
"Hi babe, welcome home. Work a longer shift at work or something?" Bruce asks.
"No Wanda came to my job and we went shopping once I got off. She's got a date tonight!" You tell him and Bruce turns enough to see the shopping bag sitting on the counter.
"I see you got some things too. What's in the bag?" Bruce asks.
"A dress, a jacket, and some jewelry."
"Impromptu mini shopping spree?" Bruce chuckles.
"Well I didn't buy any of that stuff actually." You shrug. Bruce frowns at you for a moment before turning back to whatever he's cooking. A past dish from the looks of it.
"Honey I know we don't really keep secrets from each other but if you're going to commit a crime-"
"I didn't steal them. Why is your first thought that I stole?" You chuckle.
"You said you didn't buy them."
"Yeah I didn't. They were gifted to me while I was shopping."
"Someone bought these things and had a sales associate bring them to me."
"I don't know."
"You don't know? You didn't ask any questions?"
"I asked like a dozen questions, including if she could refund whoever it was that did this and she said no. She also told me whoever it was asked to remain anonymous, what was I supposed to do? Force the information out of her? She probably doesn't know who it is either."
"What if he was watching you? You accepted the gift he might think he has an in with you."
"How do you know that this person has any intention of doing that?"
"Can you think of any other reason that they'd spend hundreds on stuff for you? This is basically a secret admirer stunt y/n."
"Look I told the sales lady to let whoever it was know that this was incredibly inappropriate but it's too late to do anything else. Even if they're stalking me I have no idea who they are so, what do you want from me here?" You cross your arms.
"I don't mean to snap at you I'm just worried about your safety." Bruce pulls you to his chest.
"Yeah, I get that, but it sounds like you're blaming me for receiving an anonymous gift." You mutter.
"I'm not trying to blame you I promise. This is just weird and it concerns me."
"Honestly as weird as this situation is I dunno I just don't hear the alarm bells I usually notice before something goes wrong. Of course it's only one incident, things could escalate."
"Well, even if you don't feel alarmed by this, be careful anyway." Bruce kisses the top of your head.
"Always." You wink at him. The rest of your evening is quiet, you discuss work over dinner and watch TV before eventually getting ready for bed.
You hum along to the music playing in the store as you restock some items by the register, it's pretty slow around this time in the afternoon usually so you've got Peter in the back learning inventory stuff.
"Hi welcome in!" You call over your shoulder instinctively when the bell by the door goes off.
"Hey, excuse me." You turn around at the voice to see two men looking at you, one Black and one white.
"Hi! Is there something I can help you with?" You smile.
"Actually we're looking for someone. An employee, Peter Parker. Is he here?" The Black man asks you.
"Mind telling me what this is about?" You ask keeping a polite smile on your face although their question concerns you.
"Excuse me?" He blinks at you.
"Well Peter's a kid so I hope you can understand my reservations in disclosing information about him to men who haven't identified themselves or their relationship to him, and seemingly don't know his schedule which to me means he does not want you popping up at his place of employment unexpectedly." You cross your arms and the one who hasn't spoken quirks an eyebrow at you.
"Look is the kid here or not?"
"I'm not authorized to give out information you don't already have about anyone who may or may not work here." You tell them.
"This is ridiculous- Parker! It's Wilson and Barton come up here." The Black man calls loudly. You spin around and intercept Peter when you hear his footfalls behind you.
"Peter do you know these men?" You ask quietly. He looks over your shoulder.
"Yeah they're friends. I'm sorry if they're causing you trouble." Peter tells you nervously.
"They aren't causing me trouble but they're looking for you and I wanna make sure you aren't in any danger."
"No. No danger. It's alright, they're alright. Is it cool if I step out with them for a moment?"
"It's empty so fine but you probably shouldn't do this often."
"I swear this won't happen again."
"Go, make it quick." You wave towards the door and he leads the two men out of the store.
"She seems protective of you." Clint points out.
"She's real nice, it's kinda like having an older sister at work but that's besides the point you guys cannot just show up here while I'm working!" Peter tells them.
"That's cute, and relax you're just a cover, we were told to check on her." Sam says.
"She's wearing the jacket." Clint mutters.
"She's wearing the jacket! Did she mention anything to you Parker?" Sam looks from you to Peter.
"About her jacket? No? Why should she?" Peter frowns.
"No reason. The fact that she's wearing it bodes well for them I think." Sam says.
"Bodes well for who? Wait did they buy her that jacket?! She's been in a relationship for like three years!"
"Relax kid leave this to the adults." Sam nudges him.
"They can't just poach someone's girlfriend."
"No one's poaching anyone don't worry about it, Peter. Oh, but they do wanna see you after you get off so- head to the offices when your shift is over." Clint claps Peter on the back and then he and Sam leave.
"Sorry about that." Peter says as he rushes back in.
"Everything alright?" You ask.
"Yeah! Totally fine, I'm gonna go finish learning inventory."
"Holler if you need anything." You hum. You know it's not really any of your business but you do hope Peter was telling the truth and those guys weren't here to hassle him.
Part 1/???
Tagged Users: @cjand10
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bcolfanfic · 2 months
If you're still accepting young vets au requests - would you be up for exploring more of how they fell in love when they were in the service? Did Buck have a Marge at home? Were they both 'out'? etc etc
standard disclaimer that i am not an expert on the us air force or the afghanistan war- ive done a little research so i have a basic grasp on things but not much. i know because my brother was in iraq that he wasn't just gone for years at a time like the 100th was in wwii which makes this is a littttleee more complicated. but here goes.
in my mind, they enlisted at around the same time and met in basic.
and then after basic they both got sent to the same tech school in texas. this is where bucky did his EOD training stuff. in my head gale's "outside of flying thing" was security forces.
they became fast friends in basic, and then only got closer when they got to texas. maybe gale was originally going to get sent to a different base for tech school, and poor bucky was quite bummed about that!
but then things got moved around and how happy he was that gale *would* be going with to texas made him a little hmmm. maybe this is something i should unpack! not now though!
samesies for gale. he's excited that he gets to go to texas with his buddy. if there's something nagging at the back of his mind about why exactly he's so excited, he ignores it.
according to the internet the dorms are 3 ppl per, so maybe that's where they meet curt and become buddies with him.
gale and bucky start getting closer and well, curt is gay too. he has the spidey senses.
but poor gale and bucky are uh not as in touch with their sexuality and about jump out of their skin when curt ribs them a little saying if they ever want some SpAcE they can tell him to scram.
i don't think it really goes much farther, conversation wise or otherwise, till they're overseas.
esp bc bucky has to finish his EOD training in florida so he does have to, much to his chagrin, leave gale for a bit. they stay in touch, which is much easier with today's technology, but in my head this is when gale and curt get quite close.
gale does have a girl at home, but he breaks up with her in the ten day leave between tech school and leaving the country.
he tells her it's because things are really volatile and she's a good girl who he doesn't want to force to wait around for him.
which isn't a lie per say. but if he leaves out that the more late night talks with curt he has the more he thinks he might be gay well. that's his own secret.
the buckys meet again at their first deployment. in my head its not straight to afghanistan (though maybe for curt it is) and they're in africa first.
very sweet reunion- they missed each other. and now looking at his face on the other side of all those late night talks with curt, gale is *really* like oh. oh.
one night not long after they get to africa they're talking and gale tells him he broke up with his girl. bucky is a little surprised and when he prods gale gets a nervous and just blurts out that he thinks he might be gay.
bucky, though he's a little scared by labels, has been involved with people uh ~across genders~, so he tries to make him feel less nerved out about it. tells him its nothing to be ashamed of etc etc. and then question of the hour, can i ask what the 1+1=2 here was y'know?
sweet gale just looks at him all wide eyed. and bucky knows, knew before he asked him the question.
*fade to black*
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not-poignant · 4 months
Hey, hey! Random kind-of-writer here, who struggles to bring words on paper and looking for help/advice? I think I finally found my problem, which comes in the shape of 'my third person pov writing sounds like an ikea building instruction'. AKA: All that what the pov character perceives is there, things are happening/the plot is there but the writing kind of lacks thoughts/feeling/inner monolog? For years I've followed your stories and I look up to your writings skills. Especially you handling of pov and that gorgeous mixture of what the character perceives and what is happening in their head. Do you have maybe any tips/insight how do you find a balance?
Hi anon!
So firstly I'm going to point you to my dialogue research post that I put up recently, because dialogue research applies to a characters inner dialogue as well, and will kind of give you a guide as to how they're likely to be talking in their heads. (How I write as the narrator in A Stain that Won't Dissolve is actually somewhat similar to how Alex speaks, I even go out of my way not to use certain words if I don't think Alex would know what they mean).
Otherwise there's several approaches you can take.
You can imagine that the character is basically writing a journal entry or a diary entry. The narrator is, in a way, piggy backing off that. You're a fly on the wall of a character's brain. Sometimes they're going to have lots of thoughts, sometimes they're going to have none. Sometimes my characters are literally just narrating what's happening no thoughts attached, sometimes they're narrating with thoughts attached, and sometimes they're just thinking about stuff and missing what's going on in front of them.
Diary entries are like that too. They can vary from 'today I did this, did this, walked the dog, had this for dinner, and read some of this book' to 'oh my GOD I HATE this person sO MUCH and I really can't BELIEVE this is happening to me omg the DOG needs to be walked I keep FORGETTING.'
Somewhere in there, is your character.
Some characters are more - for lack of a better word - detached or utilitarian than others, some have their voices 'come to life' over the course of a story, because they're growing (Gwyn can be a bit like this).
Some characters are very observational, some are stuck in their heads. Some ground themselves through noticing their surroundings, others notice how other people are acting and behaving (especially true with trauma, Astarion notices setting way less than he notices how people are behaving around him).
It might help you to write down some little sentences like 'this character notices people a lot because people hurt them' or 'this character looks for nature because they like nature' or 'this character is very sensitive to smells so they constantly are aware of how things smell.'
From there, I am very sorry to say, it's just a matter of practice! This stuff becomes easier the more you do it. At first, it will be normal for the characters to feel a bit mechanical and not very natural, and that's because you're still building the skills you need to bring them to life from the ground up. Most writers don't have these skills even if they know what they're supposed to be learning, and they can only be learned through trying, making some mistakes, having some successes, and keeping on with the words.
How you write the first paragraph of a character this year, will be very different to next year, if you just keep writing.
Unfortunately, you can't skip past that part either. I can give you lots of tips, and you can do lots of research and guidance for yourself, but at the end of the day the best way to make it feel natural and have some depth, is to actually just keep writing characters and reflecting on what you've written, notice the paragraphs you like as well as the ones you don't, and building and building from there.
I wish you all the words, anon! It's normal to feel dissatisfied with your writing sometimes, that means you know you have room to grow - but the best thing is, you're already growing if you're noticing this stuff!!! That's actually a positive! You'll go through periods of feeling satisfied, and then dissatisfied, if you keep on keeping on, and looking at what the writers you love are doing, you'll eventually really just pick it up until it feels quite natural to you <3
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rinadragomir · 1 year
Lucie Herondale's lawyer's response or why she's 1) not a bad parabatai 2) not too immature 3) not a "nepotism baby" who gets away with everything🔍 let's analyse
Defender mode activated since Lucie's haters' powers are growing🤺I also noticed you like my analysing posts, so let's get into it! Btw you can check my Matthew/Daisy post, I'm very proud of it☺️💅🏻If you don't wanna change your opinion - there's nothing I can do, it's your choice. But if you just interpreted some things/ character's motivation in a wrong way or you don't understand why this character is the way she is - I'll help you understand!😌✨
So! Today we'll defend my daughter and discuss some statements, that are quite popular here and on Twitter, which include her!🕵️
1) "I can't see her and Daisy being great parabatai, they don't even care about each other that much. And it seems like Lucie needs her more than Daisy needs Lucie."
Before I start my research I must admit that they didn't spend too much time together so it'd make sense if they become parabatai a bit later, so they have time to reveal all their secrets and discuss all they went through. And I believe that what's going to happen since CC announced the short story of their parabatai ceremony and it seems like it'll happen a bit after the end of CHOT😌
Don't you dare! Not after:
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"Cordelia cares less than—" HELLO? Cordelia's absolutely terrified to lose her. Terrified. Same with Lulu. Btw @lekawi is the first Daisy/Lucie fan and half of these arguments are hers!!!! Giving credits 💅🏻🙇🏼‍♀️
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Lucie's always there for Daisy, every time Daisy needs her, she's there. Except those times when she keeps a secret that she's hurt. But this trilogy is all about how secrets ruin your life😒
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They keep secrets from each other and that's what makes it hard for them to become closer. Secrets are the biggest evil of these books but they still have time to fight them! These two loved each other almost their whole lives.
And about Lucie's Beautiful Cordelia which some people consider "unhealthy obsession"🤨 If you read the same books as I, you know that Lucie's writing that book not because "she's too obsessed", but because Cordelia's biggest fear is being alone. She didn't have any friends and even trained alone most of the time. This book gave Daisy that feeling like you're sitting next to your friend and listening to all these funny stories.
2) "She's just so naive and acts so immature, it's annoying. She's like a loud baby"
She's like the first (maybe the 2) person who openly talks with Matthew about his alcoholism, while all his friends prefer to ignore it, which is much easier. She did it kinda dirty, she wasn't too careful with her words, but she said the truth.
She didn't try to lie or hide her true feelings after Jesse found her book. She said what she really felt that moment. Lucie🤝Thomas being those 2 people who actually know how healthy relationship works like
She was ready to kill Jesse when she found out he's being controlled by Belial. She was wise and strong enough to understand that people's lives are more important than her young love.
She was the first person who saw that Matthew actually likes Cordelia👀
She's actually the only person who acknowledged the fact that her parents and friends don't see that Matthew is far from being okay because they don't actually wanna see it.
The only "immature" thing about her is that she doesn't know what goes after the kisses. But if that's your only criteria.... What's actually wrong with you? And what do you have against loud people?😑
3) "She lies to everyone, she does necromancy and then screams "Papa😣!" and her parents are already on their way and it seems like she doesn't know what consequences are. Everyone's suffering and she's just chilling"
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"Poor Alastair, he had such a shitty father, he deserves to have the best dad in the world, why does he have to go through all this shit all by himself?😓"
"That dumb bitch Lucie's so annoying, like why her father is always there for her, trying to help her with everything, to give her the opportunity to live her best life, like???? She's so spoiled and her father just supports her? Ugh that's weird, why would he want her to be happy that's kinda stupid 🫤"
And the funniest thing is that it's said by the same people. I— I don't know how to explain it but: if your parents support you, help you with your problems and try to make your life as easy and happy as possible.... it's actually a good thing!👍
And idk where they found this "if the character doesn't suffer enough - it's not an interesting character" rule. But apparently they did. Listen, characters don't have to suffer but they have to go through struggles. Some characters, especially the main ones, usually suffer more. Some less. The main thing is not "who suffers more" it's not a competition, the main thing is the plot, the adventure, the growth of these characters.
Lucie knows, and she says about it at least twice in the second book☝🏻, that necromancy has a price. She knows about the consequences and she knows that raising Jesse has nothing to do with dark magic. That's why she did what she did. But unfortunately, we know that she'll have to pay the price anyway🙂. She'll face the consequences no matter what, there's still the whole book for her to suffer.
⚠️Light spoilers from the first 4 chapters of Chot, pls skip it if you don't wanna know anything ⚠️
She's even warning Malcolm about the price of necromancy in the chapter 2 or 3. It's not like she's considering it a game or a funny adventure. When Magnus/Will/James arrive and she wants to return to London with Jesse and explain everything to Clave - it's not because she's stupid but because as Magnus said "her heart is in the right place". She's mature enough to consider all the facts and try to be open-minded about things she doesn't clearly understand. But lots of people in Clave.... they're dumb and anything that is more complicated than 2+4 is a danger for them.
⚠️Spoilers ended ⚠️
In conclusion: Lucie's a brave strong girl who lives in a loving healthy family. She knows which things are right and which are wrong. She's not afraid to say what's really on her mind even tho sometimes she says before she thinks. She has a strong sense of justice and a kind soul🌼 (Remember when Malcolm says Grace uses her helplessness so men help her with anything she wants, and Lucie thought that men built such a world where women often have no choice but to ask men for help). She's always there for her friends and is really trying to be "that positive person"🥹She's not really experienced and sometimes she's not sure how to act in certain situations, but she's still so young and has lots of time to learn.
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hauntedselves · 11 months
therapy yesterday (tw: health anxiety, specifically heart-related; contamination OCD)
so i probably have health anxiety. i've been having some physical symptoms which led me to get an electrocardiogram (ECG) and then a 24hr ECG - and of course i didn't have any symptoms during, only before and after 🙄- but i talked to my psych about how i get all obsessive over it (e.g. i get palpitations, i check what that could mean, i worry i'm having a heart attack, the anxiety causes the palpitations to get worse, the cycle continues). and turns out she wrote her masters thesis on heart-related health anxiety so literally the best person i could be talking to about this!
in typical health anxiety fashion i spent all of today researching health anxiety. i found a subreddit (r/HealthAnxiety) and reading their posts has been really helpful. i also found a workbook on health anxiety so i'll read that.
the thing to remember is that i'm still here. like... i've had many episodes of these heart symptoms and i'm not dead.
of course though, all the symptoms of a heart attack are the same as symptoms of anxiety & panic attacks. which makes it hard! but then the trick is to wait, as hard as that is. if you're really having a heart attack, your body knows. panic attacks are awful but they won't kill you.
if i had been assessed as a kid, i reckon i would've been diagnosed with OCD (and painfully obvious autism lol). i read Roald Dahl's autobiography when i was a kid and he wrote about having appendicitis which scared the shit out of me. obviously treatment and prognosis of appendicitis is way better in 2023 than it was in the early 1900s lol. but if i felt any amount of abdominal pain i'd be mentally running through the symptoms of appendicitis and freak myself out over it. (a small reason why i got a hysterectomy was so that i'd be 100% certain that i could never get a ruptured ovarian cyst, or endometriosis, or cervical cancer, etc.).
i was also obsessed with (and terrified of) natural disasters. i'd memorised all the cloud shapes and patterns and what they meant and i was always analysing the clouds to make sure a tornado wasn't about to happen (worth noting i live in a part of the world where tornadoes literally do not happen). or i'd see a mountain that was vaguely pointy and i'd be like, oh shit what if that's a volcano. or i'd be at the beach and be obsessively checking the sky and sea to make sure i'd be prepared if a tsunami were to happen (again, there's no volcanic activity here or tsunamis). bushfires do happen and can be pretty severe (our house came close to burning down a few times) and i still fixate on them during bushfire season but definitely not to the point i did as a kid.
i also went through a phase were i'd never be sure if i washed my hands after going to the loo, so i'd go back to the bathroom multiple times to wash them again. classic OCD there.
my psych and i theorise that these anxiety/OCD-like symptoms are the result of autism and trauma (as everything seems to be in my life lol). it makes sense - a little (undiagnosed) autistic kid in a chaotic, unstable environment hyperfixates on control and uncertainty (OCD)... and develops a fear of pain and death. an injury can be controlled, there's a process and uniformity to it (e.g. you cut your finger, so you wash it and get a bandaid, and over time it heals). an abusive environment is unpredictable and can't be controlled, so you focus on what you can control (and dissociate from the rest). once again, i have to wonder how much easier and better my life would be if it weren't for all the trauma lol...
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nanjokei · 1 year
i think the spread of character ai usage (and ai art generation usage also) is definitely an issue with people wanting instant gratification which actual rp usually is just not sustainably built for unless you're doing chat rp, even then your friends aren't awake 24/7 waiting at beck and call to entertain you. it's not literally entitlement, but it 100% stems from entitlement to be entertained constantly and passively instead of actually going out and finding something to do.
god this sounds like such boomer shit but the creation of endless scrolling like on tiktok with specifically tailored algorithms has made people so PASSIVE. ai can never come close to human creators but if people, especially the younger generation, are getting too cozy with choosing it over seeking out other human beings (whether it be indirectly via consuming fanmade work or directly via actual collaborative stuff like online roleplay), then how different is it from the ai "winning"? i don't think any of the excuses are valid. it's a subpar product in every way. it's almost never im character, it breaks if you propose anything too left field, and it's ultimately empty wish fulfilment and i have no idea how anyone past the age of 16 AT BEST gets any gratification from it. is it just the spread of a lack of reading comprehension? OPEN THE SCHOOLS!!
i do think it's an issue of people not being comfortable with boredom, always needing instant gratification, not wanting to sit down and hone a craft, or give the people who hone a craft themselves the time of day because they can't crank out """content""" for you 24/7. in a way, i'm thinking right now, when i'm bored i just channel surf on tv even if i don't do it as much anymore. but most people don't have tv anymore (personally we pirate iptv so LOL). i don't blame it on that necessarily, but i think with the rise of streaming, you just sit there on a media library staring at a bunch of thumbnails and posters, having to make a decision on how to invest your time. in this case, i get why people are so passive. tiktok is easier, character ai is easier. because i never ended up watching anything whenever i opened netflix (when we had it years ago). one could argue that watching tv is passive, but there's still a choice. you check the tv guide or google it and you know a certain show is on tv a certain channel at a certain time so you keep that in mind. what do you do in the meanwhile? i remember when that was an actual routine for me. i'd be slacking and not doing my homework, so maybe i'd draw a bit, maybe i play on my ds for a while, maybe i go make myself a snack or bake some pastries if i have all day, maybe i continue a book or even surf the web a bit.
the instinct of "aight, im gonna do something else on my own while i wait" is kind of dying. yes i'm on my phone! the difference is my use case. these days i'm not on social media aside from here so i don't use it as much aside from talking to friends on messaging clients and playing games (rarely tho). i say this as someone who stares at the ceiling not doing anything for a good bit each day, but at least i feel like i still have retained some ability to sometimes go, ok time to learn about a new hobby! i don't have to even pick it up. just entertaining it is gratifying on its own. i'm not a writer, but sometimes i'll write a little bit for fun then go "yeah i get why i don't jive with this". lately, i've been interested in competitive pokemon (with not much interest before) because i've been replaying platinum. i research a bit, watch videos, i even got a little brave and tested some sample teams on showdown. it was a fun time killer! i might keep doing it. i might even do it later today. i started reading pokespe too to scratch the pokemon itch too. and it's not like i don't suffer from crazy hard executive dysfunction but hey, this is a product of my effort. lately i've been thinking i wanna pick a character in guilty gear and learn at least one combo! trying new things is fun!!!
i'm sure this post sounds self important, self impressed, self absorbed (c-c-c-combo breaker) and boomer ish as fuck but honestly i don't care anymore. if someone who struggles with simple tasks on the daily like me can find shit to do that isn't just instantly caving to endless scrolling and resorting to chatting up an AI then i'm sure most people can too. it is so much more gratifying actively seeking out fun than to be passive about it.
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gren-arlio · 7 months
We are so back. Well, I somewhat am. Welcome to Episode 11 of (Waku) Puyo Extras.
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(What a lovely image of Rulue and Minotauros as a team. Surely nothing bad will bestow him...seriously, this image is amazing.)
Hey everyone, Gren here, back from my break. It was a nice break, and I was able to focus on schoolwork. We don't talk about my Pre-Calc grade (just know I got a C) but I got an A in every other class. This episode is a little late because I was focused on the Splatoon 3 Splatfest (I was Team Handshake, GGS to all,) but it's here nevertheless.
As the year is slowly coming to an end, my workload increases. I think this'll be the last Extras episode until the NEW Episode of Waku Puyo Translations. Which means me dying to Kikimora text. Fun, yeah? Yeah.
So, with my absence, what game will we cover this time around? Well it's one I've mentioned a couple of times, which is...actually kind of nice, no researching history for me; Rulue's Spring Break of Fists...or Rulue's Iron-Fist Spring Break. For today, I'll use the first version.
This game is thankfully one of the easier ones to get footage of. Besides, the game itself is fairly interesting with its current casting, with people that you don't really see every day. And hey, this is the first time we've properly covered Rulue here, so there's a first for everything.
With this, I really hope you enjoy this and my derusting of my skills.
Oh, and random thing. My account turned 2 recently, though I began posting...in April of this year? Wahoo.
What's the Origins for the Game itself?
Similar to many games I've covered here (if only I had a good computer, I would probably make a funny YouTube series,) Rulue's Spring Break of Fists is a Disc System game released on Volume 14 of Disc Station Magazines in 1997.
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(The opening to the game. Nothing amazing, but certainly an...opening?)
The game itself is somewhat of a Choose Your Own Adventure game, with you playing as the lady herself, Rulue. Here, you get to...choose your own adventure. There's three main things you can do:
Find the five divine treasures.
Explore the land. Or "The Wonderful Land".
Gather ingredients to cook.
It's interesting how the character most associated with fighting has a game where... you kinda don't fight unless it's a very specific circumstance, which I'll get into later.
Visually, I won't deny, it depends from person to person. If you like the 90s Moe eyes, then this artstyle is genuinely amazing, but if not, lotta characters look weird.
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(This is a prime example, with Kikimora. Her eyes are huge, and personally I like them, but I can totally see why someone doesn't.)
So for this episode, I'll throw a question/poll:
This'll last a week, and I'm curious to see.
How About Gameplay?
Something I want to note for this game is that in this... there's a LOT of different dialog choices. You're gonna have split paths all the time, though to my knowledge, they more just impede you until you guess right...or get a bad ending.
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(Something like this. Also, rare Black Kikimora appearance, though...with an item Rulue gets, she transforms back into Kiki? It's odd.)
Whilst exploring and doing the routes, something you'll note is that there's a lot of quizzes, questionnaires, etc. Now why does this matter?
Because some of these questions are fucking hilarious man
What do I mean? Well, y'all know Momomo? Silly little shopkeeper? Well, they ask you a question for a quiz, and guess what the question is?
How much Yen will it cost to buy Disc Station Magazine Vol. 1 through 13 on their online store?
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(This is Rulue trying to solve that question. Lowkey...I forgot the answer.)
This guy really thinks I know. And I think inflation has really made these prices seem cheap in the long run...
Oh, and another question, one I've mentioned before. You encounter Witch in one of the routes (oh boy), and she gives you a quiz also, albeit one that's...certainly biased towards her, asking stuff is "How cool am I?" And them sorta deals. Though, one question is literally "What is the size of my top?"
This game loves its odd questions.
So, What's the Story? Well, Stories?
Well, simply put, apparently this game is after Chaotic Final Exam, and is MUCH calmer than said game. People from the game apparently have new personalities due to the events of the game, and Rulue...is delivering letters given via Masked Prince.
As stated prior, there's three routes in this game:
Characters that appear on all routes are Arle, Rulue, Masked Prince, and I believe Momomo.
Route A:
Rulue sets to find 5 magic items. Most notable characters here are Apparently Schezo, Serilly, Draco, Minotauros, and shockingly, Count and Vamp.
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(Quite the shock, eh?)
This route...is certainly interesting. Between seeing Mino battered and bloodied by a fight, a literal possessed Arle by Count (or Vamp,) you FIGHTING Arle due to that, same deal goes for Schezo, he also got possessed, and a final fight with Count if he was overly buff...it's certainly one hellva route.
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(This is...wow. What an experience.)
Route B:
Rulue, with envelopes given via Masked Prince, has one of them stolen by something, and she goes to investigate it. Getting sucked into a "Wonderland," younalso get some backstory about Rulue, notably hearing her grandmother. I'll tell y'all, I was given help by people who work on the Puyo Nexus and other Puyo Translations:
Rulue and her grandmother were very close, and she gave Rulue a music box when she was about 5 years old, under a Sakura tree. When she turned 6, her grandmother fell ill, and Rulue, upset that she wasn't spending time with her on her birthday, breaks the music box.
However, when Rulue sleeps, she has a dream about her grandmother, with her saying to not be upset with her...and when Rulue woke up, she felt like she'd never see her grandmother again.
Notable characters here are Kikimora and Black Kikimora, Serilly, Rulue's grandmother, and Demon Servant. Yeah, he's alive in this game.
I forgot to credit the main person who did this part, @klug. That's completely on me, my apologies. They did help quite a good bit for this, so thank them for the research and info. Wouldn't have gotten this without them. Again, apologies for not putting credit.
Here's their Puyo Nexus page. Go check em out.)
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So you know when I said this game was a lot more casual? I look real silly saying that now.
Route C:
Easily the most casual route, Rulue...is trying to cook. The grill calls for her name. I'm not joking when I say that the only characters here are Momomo and Witch. I guess Witch can cook?
This route is uh, odd. You spent most of the time doing quizzes and route splits because...I guess Witch and Momomo feel devious today. This route is notable for Witch asking that question in her quiz and only having 5 endings...Yep. 5 endings.
Something I've neglected is the ending to these routes.
There's about 30 of them.
Yeah. Good luck.
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(Autism be damned, Witch can apparently cook. Just have fun on the quiz.)
So, The OST and Final Verdict?
The games ost is honestly decent. I can't describe it well but a lot of the music is just flat out solid, with no real complaints here. I'd say check it out at least.
And the final verdict?
The game itself is honestly very fun to browse and look around. The game gives us Rulue lore RANDOMLY that I'll gladly accept, Demon Servant, Count, and Vamp make an appearance, and the game, while confusing, is really fun to watch.
I'd say for Disc Station, it's very solid.
With that...that'll be all for today. Next week I won't post due to Thanksgiving and spending time with my family, but next time we meet, we'll finally continue our Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon translations after SO long.
See y'all then. Hope you enjoyed the show.
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johaerys-writes · 23 days
Hi, I was wondering today how you stay motivated with writing? Like is there anything - you think - that you do that helps with getting the writing juices to flow? Does writing come easier for you at certain times and harder at other times?
Hello anon, your question has come at exactly the right time, i.e. when I'm really struggling with motivation and inspiration ngl 😅 Once again, life has been lifing very hard recently and I've been struggling to catch up with everything, let alone writing. I think that sometimes the best thing you can do is to let things take their course, if the words are absolutely not coming then you can't force them. Resting or doing something else until inspiration comes back is maybe what you need.
But if we're talking about general motivation and how to maintain momentum in order to finish a story, I'm afraid that I don't have any groundbreaking advice other than being consistent. So make writing part of your routine, even if it's a couple hundred words in a sitting. I regularly carve out time to write even when I'm not 100% feeling it, and sometimes that time is taken up by doing research (I will NOT call it procrastinating lmao), rearranging my playlist for the specific fic or just rereading what I've already written and making minor edits. But having this specific time every day or every few days that is dedicated to writing and writing-related things is much better for motivation than the random bout of inspiration that will make you write 5k words in a day. Those are few and far between in my experience.
As for getting the writing juices flowing when I've finally sat down and removed any other distractions: that usually differs from day to day. Most of the time listening to music, a specific song or playlist that I have associated with the story, really helps me get in the groove. For Twin Flames for instance I had the entire Blood Moon album by RY X on repeat, and I still associate it strongly with that world/story. For Disasters, I had a specific song for each chapter and that helped tremendously for getting into the right headspace. If music isn't your thing then maybe you're more of a visual type, so making moodboards on pinterest or somewhere else can really help (it can also be a huge timesuck though LOL so tread carefully). Something else I also do is reading the last chapter I've written and immersing myself into the world and the characters, and that often makes the transition into a new chapter easier.
Another thing that really motivates me is having those scenes in a story that I absolutely have to write, even if it takes me 50k to get to them lol. I think that's what usually pushes me forward especially with longer stories, having those scenes sprinkled out at various points in the story and also making sure that I have something to look forward to towards the end, so that I can make sure to finish them. (e.g. while I was writing the last chapter of Disasters, I made sure to have Patroclus fuck Achilles in a dress at the very end of the fic because it was my reward for getting myself through the absolute heartbreak that it was to finish it 😩 I'd been daydreaming about that scene for ages so I was willing to drag myself through all the rest just to make sure I got that in)
You also asked if writing comes easier to me some times rather than others, and I honestly don't think that I have a specific time of day I usually write. Basically I just write whenever I have time lol. If I have nothing else to do on that day I prefer to write in the evening when there are as few distractions as possible and it's when I'm most relaxed and ready to tackle whatever scene I have in mind. My favourite is when I have the day off and I know that I can write or think about my stories for as many hours as I want, even when I don't end up writing that many words. Writing while on the go (on the bus or the train) is what I've been doing for most of this year and the last because I have a super long daily commute, and I also used to love going to the coffee shop near my house to write, but lately I've been so burned out and struggling with sensory overload that it's been really hard to focus when there's noise or people around me even when I'm wearing headphones. So I basically live for the weekends when I can lock myself in my study and write in complete silence lol.
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The Amazing Rise of Semi-Permanent Makeup: Discovering the Trend and How It's Changing Faces Everywhere
Do you ever wonder how some people have such perfect eyebrows or lips that seem to glow all day? Well, there's a secret – it's called semi-permanent makeup. It's like magic for your face!
Semi-permanent makeup is becoming super popular, especially in Earley, and all over the UK. But what exactly is it? Let's break it down.
Imagine waking up in the morning with beautiful eyebrows, lips, or eyeliner already on your face. That's semi-permanent makeup! It's a bit like getting a tattoo, but not as permanent. Instead of using regular makeup that you have to apply every day, semi-permanent makeup lasts for a long time – usually around one to three years. Isn't that amazing?
Now, you might be wondering, "Who are the wizards behind this magic?" They're called semi-permanent makeup artists, and they're like artists for your face. In Earley, there are some of the best semi-permanent makeup artists in the UK. They have special skills and use tiny needles to carefully apply the makeup to your skin. Don't worry, it doesn't hurt much, and it's totally safe!
But why are so many people in Earley and across the UK getting semi-permanent makeup? Well, there are a few reasons.
Firstly, it saves a lot of time. Think about how long it takes to do your makeup every morning. With semi-permanent makeup, you can skip that step and use the extra time to sleep in or have breakfast with your family.
Secondly, it's perfect for people who have busy lives. Whether you're a student, a busy parent, or you have a demanding job, semi-permanent makeup can make your life a lot easier. You'll always look your best without any effort!
And let's not forget about the confidence boost. When you look good, you feel good, right? Semi-permanent makeup can enhance your natural features and give you that extra confidence boost you need to take on the world.
Now, let's talk about the evolution of semi-permanent makeup. It's come a long way since it was first introduced. Back in the day, semi-permanent makeup looked a bit unnatural and could sometimes turn orange or blue over time. Yikes! But thanks to advancements in technology and techniques, semi-permanent makeup now looks more natural than ever.
Today, you can get semi-permanent makeup that mimics the look of real eyebrows, lips, and eyeliner. The colors are more natural-looking, and the results can last for years without fading. It's like having your own personal glam squad right at your fingertips!
So, if you're thinking about trying semi-permanent makeup in Earley, you're in luck! There are plenty of talented artists who can help you achieve the look you've always dreamed of. Just make sure to do your research and find the best semi-permanent makeup artist in the UK for you.
In conclusion, semi-permanent makeup is not just a trend – it's a game-changer. It's revolutionizing the way we think about beauty and giving people all over Earley and the UK the confidence to put their best face forward. So why wait? Embrace the magic of semi-permanent makeup and discover a whole new world of beauty!
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missspringthyme · 4 months
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February 5th, 2024
I woke up at noon again today, but what I did end up doing was all of my laundry and cleaning my room. I'm counting that as a win, especially because I wiped down my windowsills and they've been desperately needing that.
I think someone has the drying rack so I payed the extra money to use the dryers. I wouldn't mind that so much if my clothes actually came out dry, but no matter what setting I put it on they're always a little damp. Last semester I talked about that with former Italian roommate and she said it's probably because I left the clothes in there too long and the condensation made them wet again. Today I know that's not true because I stood and waited during the final seconds of the cycle. It's still nice to have a fresh room. I sprayed lavender everywhere and had the windows open all day too. It's starting to get warmer and I can't wait until I can have the windows open all the time.
I had a reminder to message one of my friends (German Sri lankan) and ask to hang out because (1) I need to get out of the house and (2) I need to be a better friend to her. She ended up texting me first, though, to ask where a place in our faculty is. I still need to ask her to hang out, but I think I'll do that when I'm back from visiting my sister, so my schedule will be more free.
My dad also called today to tell me that he put some money in my bank account. He had asked what my balance was on my credit card, and I lied and told him half of what it was so he wouldn't give me too much. He still somehow gave me the amount I needed. I told him that now that I'm not paying for therapy my finances were under control and that he didn't need to give me anything, but secretly I was pretty relieved. This did unfortunately mean i had to listen to him rant about my mom, which never stps no matter how many times he's told not to do it. My parents have very rigid views about eachother, so even though I agree with some of what my dad was saying, I dislike his inability to show compassion or empathy for her. It is shitty that she had me pay for therapy, but I also understand that she's pretty broke and it was something I asked her to do. I also understand that the reason she's broke is that she keeps making bad financial decisions and refuses to get a job but spends hours volunteering. The only person I defend my mom to is my dad. He also told me that he had been doing some research into what I was studying. Everything he told me is stuff I've known forever, but it was still sweet that he wanted to understand. He told me I should do my PhD in neuroscience because the future of the field is machine learning and was shocked when I told him I already do neuroscience and programming. I also hope that I've finally set the record straight on me not wanting to go into clinical. It is a little concerning though, because the more he knows the more advice I'm going to have to sit through. Nothing can top "if you want to make easy extra money, why don't you start a YouTube channel? People make thousands with those" though.
T was also still in a bad mood, but it was really difficult to deal with today. Texting always makes things worse too, and I've been worried with how much he's been wanting to text recently. It would be a little easier to handle if he told me how he was feeling for the sake of telling me, but his brain funnels everything through a series of cost-benefit analyses and prediction models before he says anything. So instead of telling me what's wrong or naming an emotion, he instead tells me that he's not going to tell me what's going on. I've tried to think of ways to respond to him telling me that without making him feel like I don't care or I'm not listening, but what can I say? There's only so many ways to be there for someone when they are actively telling you that you're not helpful. I'm trying to help him understand that saying something out loud is helpful in itself, but if there's no solution to stop the inciting incident from happening again he decides that he just has to deal with it. These are the days where I find long distance the most challenging.
German American is in the middle of her first year of engineering exams and I see the same broken look in her eyes that I had last semester. She's adopted the word "rat" to describe the state she's in as well, so I'm pretty proud of that. She also spends a lot of time playing monopoly go on her tablet. I've never felt more in tune with her than I do now.
Third culture Australian continues to annoy me, I desperately need space. I'm a little concerned about the Amsterdam trip since I'll be spending a lot of time with him then, but hopefully being away from everyone on Thursday will be good for me. I just wish leaving the house wasn't so expensive, and weirdly I miss having classes every week. I would gladly take some back if they weren't at 8:30 I the morning like all my classes seemed to be last semester, and there were no exams. If I had been Journaling last semester 99% of my entries would have been talking about the insane mental and physical stress I was under. I was quite literally sleeping on average 4 hours a night. The thought of everything having to step foot in that fucking exam hall ever again makes me physically ill. And now I miss it! Retrospective memory is a bitch.
In conclusion, I've been listening to a lot more music and I started watching modern family. I genuinely can't handle having to choose what will entertain me next at the moment. My brain feels like hot static, and it smells suspiciously like burnout.
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contradictoryenigmas · 5 months
2023 Postmortem: 10 Questions
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Phew, 2023 is almost over and I for one am glad to see it go. Considering I felt last year was one of my more difficult years, 2023 must have thought I was throwing down the gauntlet and decided to up the ante. Various points throughout the year saw me reach my breaking point. Somehow I was able to pull myself back from no return, but at a great cost to my mental and physical self.
This has been one of the hardest ten-question pieces I've written as I was trying to find a good balance of talking about the difficult parts while also making sure to find the positive points that happened - no matter how short it felt like.
Buckle up, it's going to be a ride of sorts.
Author’s Note: If you are new to this or want to take a look back at previous pieces, you can click on the links here: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022.
What made up your body of work this year? Which parts are you most proud of?
95 percent of my work this year was for the day job. Whether was researching various specifications for vehicles, dealing with various issues from customers, or determining what we needed to be keeping an eye on down the road in terms of features. Most of the year has felt like a slog with a neverending list of vehicles coming in and a shrinking staff that felt like we couldn't keep up. I felt even more drained than last year.
Towards the end brought some much-needed good news. A few new people came to our team and brought down the workload by a large amount. At least it doesn't feel like we are playing catch-up anymore.
A bright spot for the year was being added to our internal news service editorial staff. This allows me to help in the process of publishing stories by doing copy edits and going over changes with co-workers. It also allows me to keep my writing skills somewhat sharp.
Speaking of writing, there was barely any of it for the year. This year's ten-question piece is the first thing I have really written for 2023. It comes down to me not having the spark or desire to write anything. I haven't been lacking ideas. The past year in the automotive has been fruitful with electric cars making inroads, questions about fuel economy and affordability, autonomous driving, Tesla, and more. Yet, I haven't any desire to take these ideas from the head and put them out there in the world.
What were your top 5 moments of the year? Being added to the editorial staff for our internal news service Seeing both of my parents retire Taking time off to help me recharge Spending a bit more time playing video games Making some inroads on finding a new job
(It was difficult trying to figure out the top five as it felt like a lot of the year was filled with so many negative things. Trying to scrounge up any good moments is quite hard).
What are you really glad is over?
I don't have a good answer to this as I have several things up in the air as 2023 comes to a close.
How are you different today than you were 365 days ago?
My mental health has been on a roller coaster of sorts. I'll have good days where it seems nothing could go wrong, and days where I find myself in the murky depths, wondering if I will be able to get out. I had many of these days throughout the year whether due to news, personal, financial, or other items. This explains why I spent a lot of my time in my apartment, sitting or lying down. Didn't want to have others experience the cloud of darkness. I know this is the opposite of what I should be doing - going out, visiting friends, and experiencing new things. But when you're caught between the rock and hard place, and no easy and quick way out - very difficult to get out.
If there is a bright spot, it is how much quicker I have been able to spot myself falling into the spiral and pausing it. I may do some journaling, go for a walk, listen to some music, or lie down to help reset myself. The more I catch myself going into a depression cycle, the easier it becomes to get out.
My usage of social media has gone down drastically throughout the year. A lot of this can attributed to Elon Musk's decisions on the service formally known as 'Twitter'. I have stopped posting there since late Spring after setting up accounts on BlueSky and Mastadon. I find myself using BlueSky more as there more people I follow from 'Twitter' who have come over. But it isn't the same as it once was and I cannot fully put my finger as to why.
Is there anything you achieved that you forgot to celebrate?
How much progress I have been making on the job hunt. I started this in earnest back in late Spring. While most of the opportunities I have applied for have either not gone anywhere or picked a different candidate, I have started to feel more at ease with writing out cover letters and presenting my best self during interviews. It still is quite stressful and takes a lot out of me. But with what I have learned throughout the year, I think the job hunt in 2024 will prove to be fruitful.
What have you changed your perspective on this year?
That it is ok to take a break from the news. Considering how this year has felt like a raging waterfall of news seemingly breaking every hour of each day, I had to significantly cut back on the news. I may read a summary of what happened during the day or just go dark, depending on my mood. I may not be as up-to-date as other people, but it does make me feel less like impending doom is coming.
This year has also brought forth how lonely I'm been since COVID-19 made its way to the U.S. It oddly stemmed from me binging many Unsolved Mysteries hosted by Robert Stack. The music and Robert Stack's presentation sent chills down my spine as they did when I was a young kid. I needed somebody to bring me back down to earth and comfort me. It's a ridiculous way to find out you're still dealing with loneliness, but it helped put it into perspective. I've only seen my co-workers only a few times this year, and have only talked with a close friend of mine throughout the year. The remaining friends haven't heard a peep from me since last year or more.
There is something you are taught when you start off in computer security; finding a balance between security and convenience. It boils down to determining the right amount of lockdown and ease of entry into a given environment. For example, requiring only one key to enter a vault full of gold makes it very convenient for a person to get in, but it also makes it very tempting for someone to rob. On the opposite, having seven different locks requiring a different way to open a house makes it very secure. But it also makes a pain in the butt when you're trying to escape a rain storm or worse.
I've realized that I have been focusing a bit too much on security for myself while negating the convenience aspect of being around people. I had good reasons as to why, but it also made me feel more lonely as time went on. Figuring out how I can best protect myself while trying to be more personable is a goal for next year.
The last thing I have learned throughout this year is that I cannot force myself to write. This was something I did a lot when I did freelance writing. No words being put on a digital sheet of paper meant no money to keep living. The downside to this was a major loss in quality and originality, something I would attribute to why I lost many assignments and gigs throughout my freelancing life.
Despite wanting to write as I mentioned earlier, I had no motivation or desire to force myself to pull words out of thin air. I realized that I still haven't fully recovered my writing skills to a point where I felt like I could start posting stuff regularly again. I don't know if writing will become a part of me as it once was years back, but I still have that desire to get my thoughts out there in the world. Maybe some writing rehabilitation through practice prompts and journals will help in the new year.
Who are the people that came through for you this year?
I have to give a big thank you to my family who helped me through some difficult times throughout the year. Also worthy of thanks are my therapist, the people who I talk to on BlueSky and Mastodon, and some close friends.
What were some pieces of media that defined your year?
Super Mario RPG
I remember playing the Super Nintendo version of Super Mario RPG and being charmed by its story, characters, and music. The recent remaster for the Switch only amps the charm. I spent a good couple of weeks playing and growing attached to the characters and wanting to see how the story went. When the 'the end' screen came up, I almost started a new playthrough. I may pick this game back in 2024 just to experience the joy again.
A game about unpacking various items and placing them throughout various rooms? Seem a bit tedious for a game, but it works so well. You're being told a story of a person through various moves during their and items. The varying locations and amount of items to place give you an idea of where this person is in their life and dreams and hopes. An idea that seems crazy when you read the description, but works so well when you play it.
Satisfied Mind by Jon Regan
When this song came up during my Discover Weekly on Spotify back in the Summer, it hit me in such a way that I cannot fully express. The lyrics of the song are a guide to what I hope to accomplish down the road.
Honorable Mentions: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom; The Case of the Golden Idol; Amen by The Heavy; Ancient DOS Games on YouTube; the Unf*ck series of books by Dr Faith G Harper; The Honjin Murders by Seishi Yokomizo.
What will you be leaving behind in 2023?
I don't have a really good answer for this prompt. A lot of the issues that came up in 2023 are going to continue into the coming year. At least I have some ideas to make them more bearable as I hope to leave them in 2024.
What do you hope to accomplish in 2023?
Originally, I was going to put [REDACTED] for the various items I hope to accomplish. This allows me to claim whatever I do in the coming year as one of the items on the list. Ultimately, I decided to scrap this idea for the time being. Instead, here is a small list of items I hope to work on in 2024.
Exercise: I was able to do a bit of exercise for a fair chunk of 2023 and it made me feel better both in terms of physical and mental health. Then I stopped doing it for various reasons, and my health has taken a bit of a tumble. Getting an Apple Watch for Christmas has reignited my desire to get back into exercising. Going to start slow to get myself back into it before I start to ratch it up.
Money Stuff: I made some headway on this at the start of the year by monitoring how money was being spent. That's all I got to without starting to set up a plan and I just ended up not monitoring it. This would prove to be a bad idea as unexpected issues came up such as replacing the front suspension on my car and draining my bank account. I'm going to start back monitoring my money, along with figuring out a plan to where I can cut back on some spending items and start stashing more money.
A new gaming computer: I was able to finally replace my old MacBook Pro with a new MacBook Air. It is really nice in terms of size, performance, and quietness. Now, I need to figure out a replacement for my current gaming PC. It is getting up there in age and will shut off when playing newer games. Whether I decide to build one or do a pre-built from somewhere is up in the air at the moment.
There are some other goals I would to accomplish like finding some time to travel and working towards a new car, but these depend on various factors like trying to find a new job to jump-start them.
I thought 2023 would be the year where I would be able to make some progress in various areas. But it turned it to be one of the toughest years to date. There are many things I haven't mentioned either because they were too personal or I am still working out how to talk about them. I find it tough to be hopeful at the end of this year and to look forward to the next considering what lies ahead - the next presidential election being a key item.
But I do know that I want 2024 to be an improvement over 2023, and to get there, I need to put in a fair amount of work. But also give myself time to rest and comprehend. The Christmas break for me has been spending a lot of time sleeping to try and regain some sort of energy,
Fingers crossed that 2024 works out.
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Get Ready To Feel Proud Of Your Home With Professional Help
Are you ready to make your home something that you can truly be proud of? With the help of some professionals, it's easier than ever.
Take for example, the Smith family. They had a vision for their home but weren't sure how to make it a reality. After working with the right people and creating a plan, they were able to turn their house into an oasis that they can now be proud of.You can do the same! All you need is some professional help and an eye for design. Now take a look at what steps you'll need to get started on your project today.
Assessing Your Home's Needs
Assessing your abode's needs is the first step to having it looking and functioning its best - let us assist you! Whether you're dealing with a small repair or need some help getting started on redecorating, there are ways to take stock of what needs to be done.
Look at every room and make notes about any issues that stand out. Are there broken fixtures? Is a new paint job needed? Do you need more furniture or storage solutions?
Taking note of all these concerns will give you an idea of where to start when seeking professional help. Talking with experts in the trade can provide valuable insight into which projects should be prioritized, as well as the best materials for your specific project requirements.
Professional advice can save time and money in the long run by helping ensure everything is done correctly and efficiently. Plus, understanding how much work is involved in transforming your home can prepare you mentally and financially for taking on such a large undertaking.
With experienced professionals with Quality Service and Support ready to lend their expertise, you'll have the confidence needed to tackle any project with ease - so get ready to feel proud of your home! The right team backing you up will make all the difference when preparing your space for whatever may come next.
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Finding the Right Professionals
With the right professionals by your side, you can transform your abode into a paradise that evokes a sense of pride and contentment. Home improvement projects can be daunting, but having experienced contractors at the helm makes all the difference.
It is essential to find individuals who share your vision, understand how to work within your budget constraints, and are able to provide quality services in a timely manner. Do some research online and ask around for recommendations from family and friends who have had similar home improvement experiences. Always check reviews and credentials before making any commitments.
During an initial consultation, make sure to ask plenty of questions so you can get a better idea of who will be working on your project and what their qualifications are. Make sure they understand your goals for the outcome of the project as well as any time frames or deadlines you may have in mind.
Finding reliable professionals who are willing to go above-and-beyond can make all the difference when it comes to achieving fantastic results with home improvement projects. Your chosen contractors should be passionate about their craft and provide excellent customer service in addition to top-notch workmanship - after all, these people will be helping you create something special!
With a little bit of effort upfront, you'll soon be ready to start transforming your humble abode into something extraordinary –– one that truly reflects who you are and makes you feel proud every time you come home.
Creating a Budget
When it comes to home improvement projects, it's essential to create a budget that suits your needs and aligns with the vision of your project. Taking the time to plan out a budget is important and can help you save money in the long run. It'll also give you an idea of how much work you can do on your own and what kind of tasks are best left for professionals.
Creating a budget doesn't have to be difficult or intimidating. Start by researching local contractors and getting quotes from them on materials and labor costs. This will help you determine what kind of work needs to be done, so that when it comes time to buy materials, you know exactly what to purchase.
Don't forget about hidden costs such as taxes, permits, and insurance – these should all be factored into your budget before making any purchases or commitments.
You don't have to break the bank when creating a budget for home improvements - there are plenty of ways to get creative with costs without sacrificing quality. Shop around for discounts both online and in stores; consider using secondhand materials where possible; look into special financing options available from retailers; talk with friends who've done similar projects; or even use DIY tutorials instead of paying someone else!
By taking some extra steps now, you'll feel confident in knowing that your home improvement project is within reach financially.
Setting a Timeline
Setting a timeline for your home improvement project is key to ensuring it's completed in a timely, efficient manner. Every step of the process should be given careful consideration so that you can stay on track and make sure nothing falls through the cracks. It's important to map out your plan in detail and break it down into manageable chunks that can be accomplished in a reasonable amount of time. Taking the time to create a timeline for your project will help you keep organized and motivated as you work towards making your dream home a reality!
When creating your timeline, think about what tasks need to be completed in order to reach each stage, how long each task may take, and who needs to do what. This includes gathering materials, hiring professionals if necessary, finding estimates or bids from contractors, obtaining permits and scheduling inspections if needed.
Make sure you leave room for any unexpected delays as well — this way you won't get discouraged if something takes longer than anticipated. Knowing where you are starting from and what steps are ahead is essential when planning for success.
As long as you keep yourself organized with clear goals set out before beginning work on any part of the project, there's no limit to what can be accomplished! With all these tools at hand and the right attitude, you'll have everything needed to bring your dream home into reality sooner than expected.
Executing the Plan
Executing your home improvement plan requires careful planning and dedication, so be sure to stay organized and focused as you work towards making your dreams a reality! As you begin to execute the plan, take time to review all of the materials and preparations that need to be made.
Make use of any tools or techniques that'll help you complete the project on schedule. Be sure to double-check measurements and confirm that all supplies are available before beginning. As you move through each step of the process, remember why you're doing this in the first place - it's an opportunity for personal pride!
Take time to savor every moment of this experience. With every minor victory along the way, keep in mind how much closer you are getting to achieving your goals. Celebrate each success with friends or family who've supported your endeavors! Though there may be moments when things don't go according to plan, stay positive and keep pushing forward.
Remember that setbacks can often lead us down paths we never considered before - opportunities for growth and learning. With patience, hard work, and plenty of support from those around you, soon enough it'll be time for a well-deserved celebration with proud smiling faces all around!
You can feel proud of your home and the work you've put into it with professional help. Take a look at your space and assess what needs to be done, then find the right professionals for the job.
Make sure you create a budget that works for you, and set a timeline so that everything comes together without any hiccups. For example, one family decided they wanted to turn their outdated kitchen into something more modern and inviting.
With the help of an interior designer, they were able to choose materials, furniture, and finishes that fit within their budget while still creating the perfect atmosphere they desired. Now when they entertain guests in their home, they can take pride in showing them around, knowing it looks amazing!
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lgbtfriendlyplaces · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide to Finding LGBTQ-Friendly Merchants: A Free Resource for Inclusive Shopping
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Shopping is a part of life. For many of us, it’s something we do every day — from groceries to clothes, sometimes it feels like we are spending more time shopping than actually doing the things we love. But for those in the LGBTQ+ community, shopping can be a daunting task. Not only do you have to worry about finding items you like and that fit well, but also about whether or not you will feel accepted by the merchants you are shopping with. That’s why we created this guide — to provide LGBTQ+ shoppers with a free resource for finding inclusive and friendly merchants. Here, we discuss why supporting LGBTQ-friendly businesses is important, and how to find them as well as tips and strategies on how to shop without fear of discrimination. Read on for everything you need to know LGBT friendly places!
What to Look for in an LGBTQ-Friendly Merchant
If you're looking for an free guide to lgbtq friendly merchants, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, look for a merchant that has an inclusive policy when it comes to hiring and serving LGBTQ customers. Second, make sure the merchant is a member of an LGBTQ organization or has taken steps to support the community. Finally, check out the merchant's social media presence to see if they are active in promoting LGBTQ rights and visibility.
How You Can Support LGBTQ-Friendly Merchants in Your Community
The LGBTQ community has long been fighting for equality and acceptance, and in recent years, there has been a lot of progress made. However, there is still a long way to go. One way you can support your local LGBTQ community is by shopping at businesses that are inclusive and friendly to them.
Here are some tips for finding LGBTQ-friendly merchants in your community:
-Do some research online. A quick Google search will reveal a list of businesses in your area that support the LGBTQ community.
-Check out social media. Many businesses will advertise their support for the LGBTQ community on their social media accounts.
-Ask around. Talk to your friends, family, and co-workers to see if they know of any businesses that are supportive of the LGBTQ community.
Once you've found some LGBTQ-friendly merchants in your community, make an effort to patronize them as much as possible. This will show other businesses that there is a demand for inclusive products and services and help create a more welcoming environment for everyone.
Shopping has never been more inclusive thanks to the free resource for LGBTQ-friendly merchants. With this guide, you can learn about businesses that actively support and cater to members of the LGBTQ community, making it easier than ever before to find safe and friendly shopping experiences. Whether you’re looking for clothing stores, restaurants or travel agents – with this guide, you can be sure that your money is going towards supporting a much needed cause. So next time you go out shopping, why not take some extra steps in showing your support? Check out our list of LGBTQ-friendly merchants today!
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lostinbirbilling · 1 year
Prove it to me
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Hey everyone! You can call me aoki!
I've always wanted to write something and this is my attempt. Bringing love to us, plus sized people 💜
(This piece is aged maybe a year now. I'm no longer reading fanfictions for the fan aspect of it but rather for the fiction aspect of it. It just so happens that I know what kinda guy they're talking about so imagination becomes easier)
"Making up to me doesn't mean we get intimate Joonie. I miss you. So damn much that it hurts. Yes, I need you to hold me. Say you love me as you softly kiss me. But I need to know where we went wrong. Have I lost you Joonie? Are we still together?"
Your voice cracks as you think of all those nights you stayed up talking to each other about how your day went by. Back in your dating phase till your early pregnancy. Somehow slowly it kept fading. Today he doesn't even ask you about your son as you give him his morning coffee. The only drink or food for that matter he has at home. You still wonder why he sleeps at home when he could stay at work? He neither sleeps next to you nor next to your son. Ofcourse he comes late and since your boy is a light sleeper like his dad, he doesn't want to disturb his sleep by stirring next to him. You figured he didn't want to sleep next to you cause you have very stimulating days at work. That he knows, if he hears you say it over the phone to your mom. But when you found him sleeping in his home studio even at weekends, you decided to sleep next to your son. Your only source of love. Because work is becoming difficult and there's no sight of your lover at home.
You tried through the years. You know how big they've gotten since debut and your proud of him, just like he is proud of you for completing your research paper while carrying his child and becoming a cardiosurgeon today. At least, you hope he is proud.
You didn't believe at first when your mom said you'll lose yourself when you start a family. You've seen your mom always put her kids and your dad before herself. She says her family was worth it. Every person has to put others first at some point of time. Most often it happens with women. It just so happened that when you fell in love with him you just became forgetful of a life without him.
Your heart breaks a little knowing he doesn't try even when he sees you do so. No more family dinners at his place. No more surprises as you don't pick each other from your workplaces. No sight of Joonie's travel bag at home. Why would it be? He's so busy shooting all the time. Touring and holding concerts. Giving sneak peaks into his life to his beloved fans, you included.
However, you are excluded. Your relationship, your wedding are kept private and your child, a secret. Ofcourse you're aware it's for your safety he does that. Paparazzi has never once managed to leak a picture or produce a rumor thanks to him.
But now that the members are becoming open about their personal lives, you are wondering if he'd ever say your name. Every time you hear your colleagues call you Dr. Kim your eyes shine. Everytime someone refers to you as Mrs.Kim your heart beats faster. As you find your little baby learn to say his name as Kim Jung Su your smile grows wider. So much so that your double chin lifts up.
"Ofcourse I love you sweetie" He says caressing your puffy cheeks and moving your hair out of the way in the process. His voice, a mere whisper, amidst all the noises in your head.
"Prove it to me Joonie. I want words. I want reasons. I have questions."
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