#toddlers are so impressionable
vaniloqu3nce · 1 year
Quotes From My Siblings
The Toddler: *babbling nonsense*
Me: *nodding along because I don’t understand a word but he likes to be listened to* Yeah totally, I hate clothes too.
The Toddler, out of no nowhere in clear English: BULLSHIT
Me: …who the fuck taught you that bullshit?
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junicult · 8 months
!! the bachelors as fathers
contains ; sfw! sooo much fluff. fem!farmer. unnamed child. established relationships — marriage. your child is implied to be around kindergarten age. men that are good w kids hehehe. not proofread / slightly rushed in some parts. i’ll edit it later LOL.
note ; i get asks on this topic at least twice a week. i’m finally caving. here’s my birthday gift to you <3
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- he was honestly made to be a father.
- despite his taller stature, there was something about him that felt so comforting.
- if a child had walked up to him all alone, sobbing with snot down their nose, he didn’t hesitate to kneel and help them find their parent.
- soothing them, grabbing their hand and asking questions to calm them down.
- no, it wasn’t a daily occurrence but it’s definitely happened to him a couple times. and each and every time he was able to help them relax, and easily reunited them with whomever their guardian was.
- he’s good with kids. always has been.
- he probably even had a babysitting job every now and then when he was younger.
- there’s was no doubt in his mind that he wanted to have his own when he grew up. and when you just so happened to stumble into his life, marrying him with the same ideals…well.
- you obviously knew he wanted kids before you got married.
- and when you realized you wanted him to be the father of your child; was another one of those instances where you got to see just how good he was with them.
- hearing how sweet he’s always been to vincent during his doctor visits, especially when the boy was younger.
- he’s a girl dad. say what you will, but he is.
- he’ll sit at the unbelievably tiny table, cramped in the tiny chair with his knees up to his chest while he tips back the empty teacup and his pinky in the air.
- he’ll even wear the tiara.
- zero complaints.
- you and his daughter would literally be the most important things in the entire world to him. he’d do anything for you two.
- like…ugh. oh my god.
- sometimes you’d come home late, and you’d walk down the hall to hear his gentle voice animatedly in your daughters dark bedroom.
- and you’d peek in, and there he was sitting at the end of her bed, quietly reading while she sleepily listens all tucked in.
- or even times when you’d wake up in the middle of the night to an empty bed, confused.
- so you’d walk out to go find him, having no clue where the hell he was so you check your daughters bedroom,
- and well, there he is. long ass limbs tucked and haphazardly strewn about to make room for your daughter who lays next to him sleeping peacefully in her toddler bed.
- he’s not asleep (obviously), but he lays with his eyes closed until you gently creak the floorboard.
- “she had a nightmare.” is all he says, and it’s enough to make you smile.
- even though he’s already so health conscious…it only grows after you have a child.
- “did you brush your teeth? make sure to get the gums.” “a balanced breakfast is the perfect way to start the day!” he sounds like a elementary classroom poster.
- the minute someone in the house sniffles…he’s checking everyone’s temperature.
- during the winter, he’s at the door wrapping your daughter in multiple puffy coats, scarves, earmuffs, gloves, before letting her step outside.
- you’re not off the hook either, but you never bundle up the way he wishes you would.
- “why doesn’t mommy have to wear this?” she pouts while he’s helping her in her thick boots.
- “why don’t you ask her that?😊” (he’s instigating.)
- i’m telling you, girl dad.
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- his own kids weren’t on his radar when you guys first started dating.
- but he’s always liked them. especially when vincent was born.
- he was that lowkey irresponsible but very responsible older brother.
- like, he’d be in his teens telling his very impressionable younger brother to say bad words and then would act shocked when he got in trouble for saying them.
- but when it came to being the oldest man in the house while their dad was away, he really showed maturity in helping jodi and being there for them.
- and while you both established a committed relationship, that one day you’d want to be married and have kids—he idealized it a bit more.
- but then again, it was still one of those things you both needed to really think and talk about before you even acted on it, especially since you got married young.
- lol i feel like jodi or marnie forced u guys to watch jas and vincent for a weekend once.
- and after how well it went, that was kinda when it clicked that you guys were ready.
- he’s both a girl dad and a boy dad.
- he’d literally jump for joy for either outcomes. he was just excited to finally be a dad after years of daydreaming of it.
- as much as i don’t wanna say it, i still feel like he’d be much better at the fun stuff then the parenting stuff.
- i just think it’s bc he thinks with his heart more then his head, and when his child is sad and pouting, he’s too sympathetic to hold his ground.
- he wouldn’t leave it all for you to do, but he’d definitely be worse at scolding if you aren’t by his side.
- like, she colored all over the walls or something. his initial reaction would be to freak out and find a way to clean it before you’d find out (he doesn’t wanna add more work to your busy day), but then he’d scold.
- “no, don’t do that. wall, bad. paper, good. understand? nod if you understand,” …well he’s trying.
- then you’d come home to see him scrubbing the walls while your child blissfully doodles in her coloring book on the floor beside him.
- if he had a son, he’d have a little bit of practice from those few years where he babysat vince.
- lol, there’s a lot of features your son would inherit between the two of you.
- but personality wise…your son is definitely a mini-sam.
- and imagine one day, it’s the early stages of spring so sam’s typical allergies start to act up.
- you’ve always known how to handle him when he gets really sick. but picture your red-nosed, leaky-eyed husband standing behind you while you rummage through the medicine cabinet,
- and all of a sudden you hear a familiar sniffle from down the hall.
- you just freeze, slowly turning to face sam who’s making the same face that you are. until he starts to laugh.
- yeah. so now here you are, both of your boys snuggled in bed with the same sickly look, mumbling about how grateful they are that you’re there to care for them.
- and here’s the thing. if your son is sam’s mini-me…then i can assure you you’re stuck with two of the clingiest boys by your side.
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- he never really thought he’d get a loving, happy family of his own.
- but he definitely daydreamed of it in times when he really just wanted an escape.
- he was always the best with jas.
- he doesn’t necessarily treat her like his daughter. but it’s not like she gives him any reason to.
- he doesn’t treat her like a child, per say. just kind of like another person. probably bc of their trauma bond lol
- he cares for her like an older brother cares for his little sister.
- so even though he has jas in his life, someone he cares for so strongly, he still doesn’t think of himself as being a good father.
- when he met you though, and you were so reassuring and sweet, that thought definitely changed.
- it went from him seeing a life alone, to pondering a family of his own.
- when he finally had the motivation to clean himself up, it approached a couple years since he’s been sober and it was definitely in the forefront of his mind to start a family with you.
- i also think of him as a girl dad. i can’t picture him as a boy dad at all not even gonna lie 😭
- like he’d be the kind of dad that would dress as the supporting character in your daughter’s favorite movie for halloween (spirits eve wtvr)
- also the kind of dad that’d join in on tea parties as well, just with the most plain look on his face despite him not minding being there.
- also…let me tell you there would be a whole inside joke swear jar thing in ur house.
- when your daughter was old enough to decipher what words were “good” and “bad,” the swear jar became very important.
- i think it started when you were pregnant.
- “ah fuck, i think i cooked this wrong. damnit.” he’d mumble.
- “we should probably stop saying those before the baby comes.” you hum, and he looks at you all confused.
- “saying what?” bc they’re in his daily vocabulary to the point where he forgets they’re “inappropriate.”
- so there came the swear jar. and every now and then it’d be a little inside joke when he swore, you’d look at him like, “drop a dollar in the jar😁”
- and when you’d say one, he was so petty matching your exact tone and smile.
- your daughter just grew up with it. it became an even bigger inside joke when you were all sitting at the kitchen table one night, he leans in to take a bite of food and, “shit! that’s hot.”
- before you even said anything your daughter smiles exactly like you would, “that’s a dollar in the swear jar, daddy.”
- ur both STUNNED. and also very proud in a sense.
- you just burst out laughing while he tries to think of a counter, but really, he’s too amused to even say anything back (thus drops a dollar in the jar!)
- 😓😓he’d be the sweetest when it came to his daughter all sad about something.
- no matter what it was. even if she as much as scrapes her knee, he would be so affectionate.
- he’s not the “walk it off” kind of dad.
- if she came to him sobbing, he’d immediately calm her down by picking her up and propping her on the couch, searching for the stuff you use for wounds in the cabinets.
- “it’s okay, you’re okay. it was just a little scrape, you won’t even feel it tomorrow.”
- and he’s wiping her tears, pressing a kiss to her forehead before going into the freezer and getting her ice cream (before dinner😨) saying, “don’t tell mommy, okay?”
- although you try finish up work early enough to tuck your daughter in bed, sometimes you end up running late.
- so uh…shane sometimes forgets to put her to bed, and of course she’s not gonna say anything!!! bedtime is a child’s worst nightmare!
- and usually when that happens, you’d end up coming home to the sight of the two of them, knocked out sharing the same blanket on the couch, cuddled up together while the tv’s still on.
- and when that happens, well, you find it a little hard to take that sight away.
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- girl dad. sorry i just had to start with it.
- maybe i could see him with a son, but honestly…no i can’t.
- but i’m not gonna lie to you,
- for a while i feel like he didn’t want kids. not really at least.
- he’d think about them and it was always a nice idea, until he really thought about it and all the mess that babies come with lol.
- plus at the point in his life when you two met, he just wasn’t ready. for a while at least.
- when you talked about it, the topic of children was only on the table. you knew you wanted them, just not yet.
- it took a good handful of years before you actively started trying.
- even though he was prepared during your pregnancy, i feel like it didn’t hit him he was a father until after ur baby was born.
- he fell in love. swear.
- like…that tiny, wrinkly little lump was his. he helped make that. and not only was it his but it was also the woman he loves’.
- it took him a while to get into the system of it all when it came to caring for the baby. i’m talking changing diapers, feeding, burping, things like that.
- but when he was left alone with her, he was kinda in his own little world. he could hold her all day and never get tired.
- and that was a concept so crazy to him bc he didn’t get that kind of love from a father growing up.
- which is exactly why i feel like he’d actually be such a great dad.
- he could be stern when he needed to be, but never strict.
- “eat your greens,” kinda dad LMAO. especially if you were the one to make them.
- when she’d come up to him with the messiest doodle of your little family on a piece of paper, he’d think of it as a masterpiece.
- he’s not very expressive tho LOL like he’d look at the drawing and only smile, a little “thank you,” in a sweet tone.
- that’s just how he is lol. on the inside he’s sobbing.
- it would always end up on the fridge.
- he spends a lot of time at home.
- which results in a lot of time he spends with your daughter, even while he’s doing his own thing on his computer working.
- but nearly every day he was greeted with a, “daddy, can we go somewhere? what’s mommy doing?” and depending on where you were, he’d help get her shoes on and take her out on a walk to go find you.
- she got her outdoorsy side from you, that’s for sure. but because she needs a guardian, he’s gotten much more used to being outside.
- it was often you’d be working on your crops outside, wiping sweat from your forehead & turn around to your daughter eagerly wanting to help.
- now, this is not to say that your relationship w sebastian was poor before you had your daughter, i’m not saying that at all,
- but because of her adventurous personality, and clinginess to the both of you—your bond grew even more.
- “she wanted to see you.” he’d sheepishly smile, leaning to press a kiss to your forehead while you both turn and watch her feed the chickens.
- “didn’t you have that website to finish?”
- “…okay i wanted to see you too.”
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- absolutely wanted a family. holy shit there’s zero doubt in my mind.
- he’s kinda wanted a more traditional household, probably based on the ideals he grew up with.
- but he absolutely didn’t mind you being the breadwinner. he honestly enjoyed it much more.
- he’d spend hours daydreaming about living on the farm with you. carrying one child on his shoulders and holding the other’s hand while guiding them around the town’s fair.
- and lowkey, i feel like one of his favorite topics of conversation was discussing how your children would be raised lol
- talking in bed at night like, “i think our son would be a gridball fan. maybe even grow up to be a player himself.” while he sighs longingly.
- which also ties into me believe he’s a boy dad. you know he is.
- i definitely feel like he’d have a boy and a girl. it’s his dream.
- he’d be fine with two boys or two girls but when he daydreamed about his future, it was always you, your son & your daughter.
- it’s just once again the traditional picture of a household and even though i don’t really think he’s that old fashioned after he met you, i still believe he’d want 2 kids.
- he would seriously daydream it all the time. the months of your pregnancy, when you found out it was a boy he really saw his future fitting like a puzzle piece.
- after a couple years, your son (who may i add was literally his mini-me) got a bit older, you both discussed it was time for another.
- and when you found out it was a girl…god. i definitely think he cried, disagree all you want.
- he’s such a caring dad. i believe he wants the best for his children, and he knows what it was like to be neglected so i can never imagine him being like that.
- first of all, you already know every single day of the summer he’s bringing them down to the beach.
- packing a bag, (that takes him halfway through the day before he realized he forgot towels) propping up beach chairs & an umbrella for shade.
- he’s never opposed to a good sand castle. especially when he remembers to bring the little molds that help with the foundation.
- kneels in the shallow end, standing close to his kids when they want to swim.
- and he’s always a fan of recapping it with you at the end of the day.
- “tell mommy what you found at the beach,” he ushers, bouncing your daughter on his hip while your son eagerly begins.
- i feel like after having children, not only is he a good dad, but he becomes an even better husband to you.
- he just loves how hard you work for him and your family, so you can bet on mother’s day, or your birthday, he’ll be all about making it special for you.
- all of them wake up earlier then you, making breakfast (well, watching him make breakfast) before they put it all on a plate and deliver it to you in bed.
- ur the kind of parents that other parents are jealous of, y’know?
- he’s just so in love with you, and the kids you made. it makes him love you even more.
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- he’s always wanted kids. he would find himself daydreaming, even when he was in his early twenties, about one day raising a child with the person he loves.
- when he met you was the start of his writing career.
- at that point, it was a little underwhelming, which was the perfect opportunity to get start a relationship with you.
- you were both fairly busy, but the thing about his job was he could lounge in your cottage while you were off working,
- and when you were able to spare a few minutes, you could stop in and see him.
- while your relationship progressed, you began the discussion of getting married and having children one day.
- it just so happened to be right when his career was taking off when you finally settled into your lives together.
- which postponed trying for a little while, but eventually you were able to.
- lol, i’m gonna say it;
- without a DOUBT a girl dad.
- oh my god he would daydream of having a little you running around, tuft red hair with your sweet smile.
- and with how melodramatic he is, imagine that projected onto your daughter LMAO.
- if you couldn’t find him in his typical writing room sometimes, all u had to do was walk to your daughters room where he propped up his own little desk.
- just so he could be near her.
- he also is just entranced at all times, he loves holding her, just looking at her.
- he’s extremely helpful.
- for the most part, he was always immediate to react if your newborn needed something. the second she’s cry, he was up on his feet telling you to stay put.
- he’s just very understanding with how busy you are, and he never minded spending more time with his daughter.
- if it was the middle of the night, and she needed something, he’d always shake his head to you pushing off your blankets, whispering, “i got it, my love. go back to sleep, i’m sure she’s fine.”
- especially on days where he knows you’re particularly stressed, he’s not letting you lift a finger.
- anyways, it carried on when your daughter got older, too.
- she’d walk in all, “mommy, i threw up,” & he was on his feet to help before you even registered what happened.
- he’s just always been fantastic help.
- one of his favorite things to do is read to her.
- similar to harvey, except ten times more.
- he’s acting out each part, using different voices for different characters, making a grand show of it all just to hear his daughter giggle.
- it’s become a habit every night, and since you’re typically busy most evenings, it’s often you’ll come in to find him mid-storytelling.
- even if you intend on reading to her, you always end up stopping to let him finish. he’s so entertaining with it that even you’re interested in this plot line for 2 year olds.
- he’ll never skip this routine.
- and when he kisses her goodnight, he tucks her in, pushes her hair from her forehead and bends down to plant a soft kiss.
- “goodnight, sweetheart. sweet dreams.” he always says.
- he’s gentle with you, he’s even gentler with her.
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sorcerous-caress · 7 months
So fun fact about me irl I work with children but often my teacher language slips out like telling my friends to say “bye bye bus”, telling another person in my lecture writing to “be nice to the pencil, it’s your friend.” And greeting a roomful of grown as adults with good morning boys and girls. It’s mortifying but How do you think the companions would react to having a teacher!tav slip up like that.
Dealing with a Teacher Tav
[Bg3, fluff, platonic kinda, nb!reader]
[Gale, Shadowheart, Laezel, Wyll, Karlach, Astarion, Halsin, Minthara, Jaheira, Minsc]
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He delightfully plays along whenever you tell him to thank a stranger or say goodbye to an inanimate object. He thinks it's very silly and joyous.
Teachers have always been a big part of his life, it doesn't phase him in the slightest when you unawarly awake the deep memories of being in wizards pre-school for him.
Says good morning to you back, adding a teacher honorific at the end for the sake of being playful while asking if you've finally graded the homework he handed in.
He gives you an apple occasionally. He thinks he is very hilarious.
She freezes in awkwardness whenever it happens, not sure if you’re being serious or just playing around. Sometimes, you don't even register slipping up as go on with your day, leaving her wondering if she's imagining things.
She has zero experience with the school system, completely confused by the need to say thank you for carriage after it arrived. It's just a carriage, why should she?
One time while her and Laezel were arguing, you used the same call you'd use in the classroom to get the kids to quiet down and it completely caught them both off guard. They just stood there baffled, forgetting their original argument.
Why, yes, she is very familiar with teachers. In fact, she was the best out of her class, ask any githyanki teacher, and they'd tell you endless praise about her throat cutting techniques and sword welding stances.
You, whoever, use very unusual teaching techniques. How would learning a song about washing your hand and brushing your teeth help her in slaying her enemies?
Intriguing, so you take advantage of the brain's tendency to latch on to phrases that rhyme, which makes them easier to remember? And you encode your melodies with instructions to embed them into the impressionable youth?
Huh. She actually is impressed. She made her decision, you will lend your teaching skills to help her embed the most effect way of fracturing someone's spine into a melody to spread to the githyanki children.
As someone who has been an unofficial teacher for so many kids throughout his years, he can relate to your struggle a lot. He slips up more than he cares to admit.
The both of you meeting early in the morning while still groggy and tired, your brains working on automatic mods as you greet each other with the same high pitched enthusiastic voice you use to greet a toddler.
Then just stare at each other, complete understanding between the two of you. Like two people accidentally using their customer service voice in front of the other.
You struggle to tie your boots once, and he unconsciously bends down to tie them for you while using the rabbit loop euphemism, only to stop in his tracks as he realises what he's doing.
He uses a curse word once, and you immediately use your teachers voice and say, "we don't speak like that here, that's wasn't very nice."
You're both tired, you both need a nap and neither of you brings it up when the other slips.
Much like Gale, she finds it extremely amusing. Top tier comedy to her. Unlike Gale, she hasn't been to any proper schooling system, so she doesn't exactly know what most of these phrases mean or imply.
In a way, it lets her pretend she was a part of something like a school in her youth, like she could've had a normal childhood like everyone else.
She'd indulge you, saying goodbye and thank you to the pigeon that delivered her a letter, or overhearing Wyll's rabbit loop ryhme and whispering it under her breath as she ties her own boots. Who knew this could've been so easy?
You remind him of how Leon was with his daughter back in Cazador's manor. Astarion never was close with any of them, but still, he sometimes overheard him attempting to give his daughter a semblance of a normal childhood and growth.
It's endearing when you accidentally use your teaching ways while dealing with the owlbear cub, but he'll never admit it.
Doesn't indulge you with it, he has appearance to keep. Well, unless he has a chance to twist your innocent meaning words into a sex or gorey joke like the 12y old humour that he has.
Ah, the scrowl on your face is the exact same one Leon had around him, such fond memories.
Ah, you bring him back to his old days of having to deal with the children at the grove. Although his methods focused more on showing them that nature is a friend rather than inanimate objects.
But who is he to judge your ways? If anything he could learn a thing or two from you to add to his skillset.
Tells you about the fables that were passed down from elf to elf throughout the generations, animal stories have always done a great part in teaching him morality.
Do you happen to have any? Maybe you could tell it to the children of the grove, they are good kids.
As a noble, she was only given the best and most prestigious of teachers while growing up. Even the ones that weren't a drow would still be considered the best of the best, crème de la crème.
Yet not a single one of them applied such...childish methods. etiquette and discipline were taught by the lash and threat of punishment, not lullabies and gentle guidance.
....it's not as bad as she imagined.
She doesn't get why some of your companions find it amusing. She doesn't bother indulging either.
But sometimes, sometimes, when it's just the two of you, and she is sure not a single soul is around, she will reply with a pun with the most deadpan face expression you've seen.
Despite what most would think, she actually integrated the same methods into her teachings back when her kids were little, it just happened to be weaved with her more dangerous lifestyle ascept.
Here comes the plane, with the airplane usual holding a good dosage amount of poison to build resistance.
A short rhyme about what to check before leaving the house, except the list has a suspicious amount of daggers and trap disarm kits in it.
If it works, it works, so what if she had to alter a kid's book about a honey loving yellow bear into one with decipherable texts to teach them Harpers' secret communication language.
Ah! Boo does use the same method on him sometimes, the two of you have a lot in common. Although Boo's methods do involve a bit of biting every now and then.
Say, how about he teaches you some fables from Rashemen, a lot of them are about a rabbit who got lost after not listening to his witch frog companion.
You could use it in your teachings later! Show the youth the importance of good teamwork. Yes, he is aware of the fact he didn't listen to Jaheira and got captured by the cult. No, he doesn't see why this is relevant? Why is Boo suddenly agreeing with you? He is supposed to be on his side.
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max-nico · 8 months
Sonic has been called an "overprotective big brother" over the years many times. Not his fault that Tails is small, impressionable, and reckless. He's known the kid since he was a toddler, if anyone else had been around that long they would understand too.
Or at least he thought they would, but it seems he was wrong because his own two best friends–Amy and Knuckles–are the ones who call him overprotective the most. This is a huge betrayal on their part, especially when they bring up valid points like Tails' intelligence and skill, because how could he disagree. Sonic has the coolest, most awesome and amazing, little brother ever. 
With that being said, Sonic is pretty sure he has the right to interrogate the little fox this time. He's like 90% sure his panic is warranted when he sees his little brother load and cock a very real and deadly gun. Because that kid is 9. He is 9, and he is putting on his watch and his plane gear to leave, and for some reason he needs a weapon wherever he's going. Sonic thinks he has a right to exercise at least a little big brother privilege here, honestly it would be negligent to not at least question him. 
"Hey bud. Whatcha up to?"
Tails' ear flicks toward him as he packs a few things into the Tornado. "You remember that hard drive that GUN thought they stole from me, but I actually knew they wanted it so I lowered a few of my defense systems so that they could grab it and leave me alone?"
The answer is no, Sonic has no recollection of that happening at all. Though he supposes it's his own fault for only half listening when Tails was talking. He's really gotta break that habit.
"Sure do." Sonic lies.
"Well, I actually have a little bit of data on there that I forgot to back up to another hard drive since I didn't think I needed it, so I'm going to go get it."
"And you need a weapon for that? Why don't you just ask Shadow?"
Tails finally turns to face Sonic, floating down off the Tornado and in front of Sonic. He stands with his hands on his hips, leaning just a little into his personal space. He takes the chance to absentmindedly scratch behind his little brother's ears, making him push his head into his hand.
"I did, actually. He's the one who told me to bring some weapons, he said he wants to help me improve my stealth techniques."
"Huh, and he didn't even bother to text me about it." Sonic huffs. It comes out playfully, but he won't deny being a little peeved that Shadow didn't message him. Tails is a genius and can make his own decisions, sure, but he's also not even in double digits. Sonic is literally his guardian, he feels like he should've been consulted about this. "I find that quite rude."
Tails smacks Sonic with one of his tails. The fur gets trapped in the small quills on his face, which makes his brother giggle.
"Then how do you find that, hm?"
"I find that the person who did it has another thing coming."
Sonic is so gonna fill his pillows with quills and shaving cream again. The fox constantly complains about not being able to get his quills out of any furniture, but he also got his fur stuck on Sonic's face, he figures this is pretty good retribution.
"Sure I do."
This is what Sonic means. Where did his wholesome brother go? Ignoring the fact that he has been a little menace since they first met, this is obviously team Dark's fault. Their devious ways are corrupting his little brother, who has obviously only learned nice things from him, like dad jokes and spindashing.
Tails has been constantly hanging out with team Dark for a few months now. After spending time with Rouge on Amy's last birthday he seemed to acquire a sort of childish fascination with them. Honestly, Sonic didn't really see it as a bad thing at first. They got Tails to spend more time out of his lab, and they always seemed to take care of him so Sonic had no qualms as long as Tails was having fun.
Then the habits came. Habits that Sonic had managed to completely purge a couple years back. Sure, he's not building bombs willy nilly anymore (as far as he knows anyway), but a few weeks ago Tails showed him the Empire nuclear launch codes just because he could.
Just yesterday they were having a conversation about a grocery store in station square. Amy had apparently told him that the cashier was kind of rude, so he asked if she wanted him to "blow up the entire store". She laughed and said no thanks, but when Sonic just shook his head at him Tails had the audacity to say "he'll make sure there's no one in it", as if that was the problem with what he said.
Sonic will not claim to have clean hands. He will not say he's never killed anybody on purpose or on accident, but is it so much to want to spare his brother from the same fate? Sonic still has nightmares over things like that, and even if his little brother is joking, he just can't find it in himself to laugh.
It's obvious Sonic will have to talk to Shadow and Rouge soon, he would talk to Omega as well but the robot honestly just does whatever he wants. Sonic can respect it. He cannot, however, respect Shadow and Rouge teaching his kid brother bad stuff, like how to get away with murder and other things of the like.
"I'll be back before you know it, Sonic, I swear!"
It's obvious Sonic has just missed most of the one sided conversation Tails was just having with him, he zoned out again. Damn it.
"And I'll have my communicator on me so if anything goes wrong, you'll be the first to know! I'll stay safe, Shadow will be with me."
Tails says that as if it's any comfort to Sonic. He may trust Shadow with his life but he does not trust him with children. He's sure Tails will come out physically unscathed, but mentally? This is going to be a trainwreck.
Sonic sighs. He already knows he won't be able to convince him not to go, at least not in the small timeframe he has, so he just pulls the kid in for a hug instead. "Call me as soon as you're able, okay?"
"I will, promise!"
"And if you're not back and not answering in 24 hours, I'm coming to find you myself."
"Yes, Sonic." Tails says, pulling away.
"And I'll give Shadow a piece of my mind if I have to, you know I will."
"I'm leaving now."
"And so will Knuckles and Amy!"
"Remember what I said about calling!"
"I can't hear you anymore!"
Sonic smiles as Tails starts his plane, the kid will be fine, he knows it. After all, he's sure Shadow and Rouge know the consequences if he's not.
woe, the brothers be upon ye I wrote this in like two sittings and its barely been edited, I'll probably put this on ao3 later after I've looked at it again lol. you're welcome to hit me up in my dms or askbox, but if it's a request I would prefer my ask box lol. Remember you have to be nice to me forever and ever and ever if you decide to talk to me btw
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ctitan98official · 4 months
Professor Donna Beneviento x Y/N
18+ Minors DNI
So, I’ve seen a lot of fics where Alcina is a professor, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen one focused on Donna as a professor so this is what I got. Y/N is a consenting ADULT. I made Donna a MILF because I’m obsessed with this idea. Let’s get into it!
Donna Beneviento taught visual art and art history at the local college.
She had developed great success and acclaim as a painter, but once she’d had her daughter, Angie, it was difficult to support them both on an artist’s salary. She needed stability and the glamor of gallery showings had quickly grown lackluster.
Donna was content, but she’d recently realized that it felt like something was missing from her life. She shouldn’t be so greedy, she told herself. She had a roof over her head, a precious toddler, and the love and support of her mother, brothers, and sister. What more should one person be entitled to?
Donna had been telling herself these unsatisfying mantras for weeks, but on the first day of classes, she finally found what she had been longing for (Although she wouldn’t know this until later).
Y/N, a senior, had wandered into her classroom about ten minutes before class was set to begin.
Donna was working quietly at her desk when she noticed them walk in.
Y/N offered her a friendly smile and waved. “Hi! Is this Intro To Visual Arts?” They asked in a relaxed voice.
Donna felt her face grow red as she looked at the attractive person in front of her. “U-um, yes! I’ll be your professor, Donna Beneviento.”
Y/N’s eyes widened as they looked at the beautiful woman. This was their professor?? Hell, if they’d have known that, they would have taken a lot more of their electives with her. “Well, it’s nice to meet you Professor Beneviento. I’m Y/N.” They said and held out their hand.
Donna couldn’t help the squeak that left her mouth at Y/N’s gesture. She cleared her throat and shook their hand gently.
Y/N grinned as they shook Donna’s dainty and soft little hand. “Is it cool if I grab a seat?” They asked.
Donna was brought out of her assessment of Y/N’s cute face by their question. “Oh, of course! Sit anywhere you’d like, Y/N.” She said.
“Great! I’ll snag one up here by you.” Y/N winked.
Donna felt like she was going to pass out so she quickly sat back at her desk and took a sip of tea.
“So, do you have a favorite artist?” Y/N asked as they sat at their desk and rummaged through their backpack for a pencil and some paper.
Donna was calmed slightly by the change in subject. “I have a few. Impressionism is my favorite style so I love Monet and Renoir.” She answered. “How about you?”
Y/N shrugged playfully. “Well, I guess that’s why I’m taking this class. I don’t know much about art.” They said with a smile.
Donna giggled at Y/N’s easy-going nature. “Then I’m glad you’re here.” She smiled warmly.
More students filed in shortly, but Y/N had Donna’s full attention.
As the semester went by, Donna and Y/N became very fond of one another.
The two would often chat while the rest of the class was working. Y/N may have asked for some unneeded assistance just for the excuse of talking with Donna a few times.
One day after class, Donna asked Y/N if they would like to come by her office to see a new painting she was working on.
Y/N eagerly nodded, touched that Donna wanted to show them.
“It’s not finished yet, but… Here it is.” Donna said as she led Y/N into her office.
Y/N was in shock. It was a painting of… Them? Why would Donna paint them? Could this mean that Donna thought about Y/N just as much as they thought about her? There must be some other explanation, they reasoned.
“I just… You inspire me, Y/N.” Donna said quietly.
Y/N said nothing but moved forward and gently cupped Donna’s face in their hands. “I can’t get you off of my mind. You’re in my thoughts, my dreams… You’re so special.” They said and leaned in to press a kiss on her lips.
Donna’s eyes widened in surprise. This is what she had been hoping for, but… Y/N’s lips against hers felt even better than she ever imagined. She eagerly wrapped her arms around Y/N’s neck and entangled her hands in Y/N’s hair.
Y/N and Donna eventually parted, but Donna kept her arms around Y/N’s neck.
“Wow. That was better than all of my fantasies.” Y/N blurted out in astonishment.
Donna giggled at Y/N’s awestruck face and rubbed her thumb on their cheek. “You’re adorable, cara mia.” She told them.
Y/N blushed at the nickname which only made Donna laugh harder.
“Not to be too forward, but would you like to go to dinner sometime?” Y/N asked, hoping Donna would agree.
“I’d love to, Y/N. Name the time and place. I’ll be there.” She answered and laid her head on Y/N’s chest.
“Um… Does this mean I passed my midterm?” Y/N joked.
Donna playfully swatted Y/N’s shoulder. “I think that remains to be seen.” She said, her voice dropping to a husky whisper.
Y/N wondered why they hadn’t taken this class sooner.
Note: I loved writing this one! Hope you enjoyed!
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
I am thinking older Eddie? 🤔 he's not nearly as confident as he used to be but meets his dream gal at maybe a concert? Gets his groove back. Maybe he's a single dad who feels like he hasn't had time or energy to be himself anymore and she makes him feel like that again?
I just feel like you'll be able to really make it so good.
Warnings: none--all fluff :)
WC: 2.7k
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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“Okay, his bedtime is 7:30 PM, but if you get him down before 8:30, I’ll be amazed,” Eddie tells his uncle, grabbing his guitar case and slinging it over his shoulder. “He’s in that phase where he only wants to eat macaroni and cheese, so just go with that tonight. No need for you to fight with him over it.”
Wayne chuckles, bouncing the toddler on his hip. “And when will you be out of your ‘only eating macaroni and cheese’ phase?” he asks Eddie, who promptly flips him off in response. “Hey! Not in front of the impressionable kid!”
“Daddy will see you when you wake up tomorrow,” Eddie promises his son, pressing a quick kiss to his scalp. “Be good for Grandpa.”
“Oh, he’s always good for me,” Wayne says, making a funny face at the little boy. “Isn’t that right, Kirk?” He frowns as Kirk’s tiny bottom lip quivers and he reaches out for his dad. “C’mon, buddy; Dad has to go to his concert!”
“No!” Kirk whines, crocodile tears streaming down his chubby cheeks. Eddie’s heart pangs, and he second guesses his decision to go out.
As though he can read his nephew’s mind, Wayne tuts at Eddie’s hesitation. “Nuh-uh, absolutely not. You haven’t done anything for yourself since this troublemaker was born.” He wipes a tear from Kirk’s face and blows a raspberry into his belly. A mix of giggles and sobs leaves the boy’s throat. “We’re gonna be just fine. Now, go.” He practically shoves Eddie out the door. 
It’s been ten years since Eddie graduated from Hawkins High. The day he crossed that stage, middle fingers aimed at his exasperated principal, he’d vowed never to return to this shithole town. And he’d kept that promise up until two years ago. Kirk was only five months old when Celeste had up and left, claiming that she couldn’t handle the stress of motherhood any longer. She’d left her key to their dingy apartment on the countertop, along with the engagement ring Eddie had saved so long to buy her. He’d pawned it a few weeks later, desperate to scrounge up some money for baby formula. And when that money ran out, he’d found himself back in his hometown, bunking with his uncle. Again. 
The goal was to move out, get a little place for himself and Kirk, and give Wayne his trailer—and his freedom—back. After years of raising his brother’s kid, the last thing he probably wanted was to help raise his nephew’s. For the most part, Eddie’s able to balance his job as a telemarketer and fatherhood, especially since he mostly works from home. But on the days where he has to schlep into the office, he relies on Wayne for child care. His salary is decent, and he has medical coverage for himself and his kid, but he hates working a nine-to-five desk job. 
He tunes the radio to a classic rock station, bypassing whatever saccharine pop songs repeat on the Top 40 channels. A smile tugs at his lips when he hears the familiar bridge. 
Master, master
Where’s the dreams that I’ve been after?
Master, master
You promised only lies
It takes him back to a time where his only worries were passing O’Donnell’s class and planning sadistic Hellfire campaigns. Now, his life revolves around potty training and quelling temper tantrums. But even on his most exhausting days, like when he makes Kirk exactly what he wants for lunch, and the kid flips the plate onto the floor, he would do anything for him. He’d choose his son one thousand times over.
Did I leave the number to the club in case of an emergency? he thinks, slamming on the brakes and nearly causing a collision before remembering that he’d jotted it down on a notepad and given it to Wayne. 
It’s been too long since he’s played in front of anyone, save for lullabies to get Kirk to sleep. But Gareth was coming back to Indiana for a weekend, and he’d damn near begged the guys for a one-night only Corroded Coffin reunion. Eddie didn’t have the heart to turn him down.
He looks over his shoulder into the backseat, catching a glimpse of Kirk’s car seat. Who would’ve thought that the teenager who used to try to hook up with girls in the back of the van–emphasis on try–would now spend his time cleaning out Cheerio crumbs between the seats?
Pulling into the parking lot, Eddie breathes out a nervous sigh. He’s been practicing every day, all the covers they used to play back in the mid-80s, but he doesn’t have the same confidence he did back when they jammed out at the Hideout. Being a parent certainly knocks you down a few pegs, has you questioning yourself all too often.
“Here goes nothing,” he mutters to himself, pulling his guitar from the trunk and heading into the club. 
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“Hey, man! Long time no see!” Jeff claps him on the back, and Gareth pulls him in for a hug. “Jesus, it’s been years.”
“You didn’t bring the kid?” Gareth asks, peering around.
Eddie just laughs. “Nah, ‘s a little past his bedtime. Plus,” he adds, “I don’t want him starting school and singing ‘Hot for Teacher.’” The rest of the band shares a chuckle and starts warming up.
“Did you guys check out the bartender?” Trevor asks, tuning his bass. “She’s a cutie, if any of you wanna chat her up later.”
Gareth snorts. “Eddie’s the only single one out of us; and we all know how he is with the ladies.” He turns to his friend. “Seriously, when’s the last time you got any, dude?”
Too long, Eddie thinks, but just gives Gareth a friendly shove. “Your mom gave it to me good last night.” He grins as Jeff and Trevor chime in with a chorus of oohs. But he’s curious about this bartender, so he peeks around the curtain.
And there you are.
“Holy shit,” he breathes. You’re wearing a black tank top that frames your chest perfectly, paired with a denim miniskirt. Your eyes crinkle as you giggle at something a patron says, and Eddie feels himself melt. “She’s, like, really fuckin’ pretty.” His eyes widen. “Should I talk to her?”
“Let’s play our set first, all right Casanova?” Jeff jokes. “Impress her with your kickass vocals and guitar skills, if you’ve still got ‘em.”
Eddie gives him the middle finger, but he’s wondering the same thing. He doesn’t have time to explore it further before the emcee is announcing Corroded Coffin. “Showtime, boys!” Eddie calls out, hoping no one catches the warble in his voice.
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Forty minutes later, the four guys jog off the stage, drenched in sweat and filled with adrenaline.
“That…was…awesome!” Trevor shouts, high-fiving the rest of them. “We can still rock after all these years!”
Eddie’s grinning so wide, his lips could stretch off of his face. “Hell yeah, we do! Woooo!” He grabs a towel and wipes his forehead and back of his neck. He feels like he’s on top of the world; nothing he’d bought from Reefer Rick ever gave him this type of high. He clenches the guitar pick that hangs around his neck; it’s just like the one he wore in high school, except this one has a photo of Kirk on it. Wayne had it custom made for Kirk’s first Christmas. Your old man was a rockstar tonight, little buddy, he thinks, hopefully, you’ll be able to watch me in action someday.
His thoughts are interrupted by a light knocking. He turns around to see you standing in the doorway, holding a tray with four ice-cold glasses of water. “You boys thirsty?” you ask, flashing a smile that could knock him right off of his feet.
“Eddie sure is,” Jeff mutters with a smirk, which disappears as soon as Eddie shoots him a glare. If looks could kill, Jeff would be six feet under right about now.
You cock your brow with a confused expression, but Eddie just shoves his hands in his pockets and meanders over. “Thanks,” he mumbles, plucking a glass from the tray.
“Are you…Eddie?” You look up at him through your lashes, gazing into his chocolate brown eyes. 
“Thas’ me,” he says with a small laugh. “Did you like the show?” He could smack himself; you probably tuned out the music at this point. Especially loud metal covers by a bunch of late twenty-somethings.
He’s surprised by your enthusiastic nod. “Yeah, you guys are amazing! It was a nice change from the grunge bands that usually play.” You wrinkle your nose. “The other day, we had someone come in who only sang Spice Girls songs. That was interesting.”
Eddie laughs, despite his nerves. “Was she any good, at least?”
“No,” you reply pointedly, “he was not.” You motion towards his empty cup. “Want a refill? Or maybe something stronger?”
“Maybe just a Shirley Temple; he’s gotta get up in the morning with his kid,” Gareth pipes up, and Eddie whips his dirty towel at his head.
Your eyes soften. “You have a kid?” It’s not an accusation, nor is it said with disgust, which Eddie is all-too used to. 
“Y-Yeah, a two-year-old,” he stammers, leaning forward slightly to show the guitar pick necklace with his son’s photo on it. “His name’s Kirk.”
“As in Hammett, or as in Captain?” you tease. “Or both?”
Eddie runs a hand through his tangled curls. “Hammett; definitely Hammett,” he answers with a chuckle. “Kid’s probably cooler than him, too.”
“Well, his dad is a total rockstar, so I’m not surprised,” you shrug. “C’mon back to the bar with me, and I’ll get you that Shirley Temple. On the house,” you add.
Jeff waggles his eyebrows and Trevor lets out a low wolf-whistle as Eddie follows you. Gareth is still traumatized from the towel incident to mess with him.
He used to flirt with bartenders all the time; the more out of his league they were, the more fun it was to shoot his shot. But he’s out of practice now, and it doesn’t help that he’s completely intimidated by you.
Think, Munson, think, he wills himself. “So, uh, what’s your name?” You give him your name, and he smiles. “That’s a kickass name, yeah.” A ‘kickass name’? That’s the best you could come up with?
You only laugh at his response. “I mean, I’m not named after Kirk Hammett, but it’s not half bad.”
“Nah, it’s a good name.” Okay, enough with the name, Jesus. “How long have you been a bartender?”
“Feels like forever,” you muse. “It’s my night gig; just a way to make money while I’m working on my novel.” You drop some maraschino cherries into a clean glass. “Fun fact: thinking about publishing a book pays zero dollars.”
“You’re an author?” Eddie asks incredulously. “What kinda book are you writing?”
A blush creeps into your cheeks. “An aspiring author, I guess,” you say shyly, “but it’s a fantasy novel, like a Lord of the Rings type of thing.”
His eyebrows shoot up. “You’ve read Tolkien?” Duh; she literally just compared her work to his. Why else would she do that?
“He’s one of my favorite authors,” you admit, pouring the sweet grenadine and ginger ale before sliding the glass to him. “Him, Stephen King, Mary Shelley…”
“No fuckin’ way,” he breathes, and you look at him quizzically. “I mean, I’ve never met someone so pretty who was also into fantasy.” 
You giggle at the compliment. “Well, maybe we could talk more about it sometime? Like, when I’m not on the clock?”
Eddie’s head spins at the offer. “You drink coffee?” he blurts out. He couldn’t stand the stuff when he was younger, but after far too many sleepless nights with a colicky infant, he’d acquired a taste for it.
“I do,” you nod, grabbing the pen from behind your right ear and snatching the nearest unused napkin you can find. “Let me give you my phone number, if you wanna call me.”
They’re the most beautiful ten digits Eddie’s ever seen. “If I wanna…of course, yeah, that sounds great.” He folds the napkin carefully before putting it in his pocket, not wanting to smudge the ink. “I’ll call you tomorrow afternoon?”
“I’ll be at home, writing,” you laugh. “See you around, Eddie.”
“Yeah, see ya…thanks for your number,” he manages before darting back to the band, beaming like a kid who just woke up to a pile of presents on Christmas morning. “Oh, shit,” he says suddenly, reaching into his wallet and fumbling for some cash, pulling out a crumpled five-dollar bill.
“I told you,” you remind him with the smile that makes him swoon, “I’ll cover this one. Use the money you’re saving to buy something awesome for Kirk.”
Eddie shakes his head. “Gotta at least leave a tip for excellent service. And for managing not to tell those idiots back there to shut the fuck up.” Although he wouldn’t have been mad if you had. At this point, he didn’t think there was anything you could do that would turn him off.
“Nah, they’re harmless,” you wave off his statement. “Trust me, that’s nothing compared to some of the things guys say to me.” You shudder at the memory of the perverted statements leaving their whiskey-soaked lips.
Eddie sits up straighter. “Like what?” he asks, voice brimming with concern. 
“Oh, you know.” You try to sound casual. “Commenting on my body, grabbing my ass, asking to take me home–even when I can see that they’re wearing a wedding ring.”
“Sounds like you need a bodyguard,” he muses, taking a sip of his drink, rings clinking against the glass. The sugar perks him up as soon as it hits his tongue. 
“You offering?” It comes out more salacious than you’d anticipated, but you’re not about to take it back. The look on his face is priceless; he’s clearly not used to people flirting with him so brazenly. 
You watch as Eddie gives a shy smile, caught off-guard yet again. He toys with his necklace before answering. “Gotta earn my free drinks somehow. Otherwise, I’m just a mooch.”
“Yeah, but you’re a really cute mooch, so…” you giggle, wiping down the bar with a nearby towel. “I’d call it even.”
He nearly chokes on his drink. You think he’s cute? Really cute? He wants to ask if it’s a joke, or a prank that the guys put you up to. But you seem so genuine, and it’s been years since anyone has made him feel this special, so he swallows his insecurities. “Th-thanks,” he stutters. “I think it’s mostly the guitar; makes me look like a big shot.”  
“I think it’s your eyes. Or your smile,” you counter, placing your hand on top of his. “But the guitar certainly doesn’t hurt.” You glance down at his ringed fingers. “None of these symbolize an everlasting union, do they?”
“Nope,” he replies, popping the p dramatically. “Just my commitment to tacky jewelry.”
You laugh, leaning in a bit closer to him. “I think I can handle that.” And for a moment, the world stops as Eddie’s breath hitches. He’s desperate to kiss you, but he’s sticky with sweat and doesn’t want to do anything in the dingy bar where you work. No, you deserve a nice date at a fancy restaurant with a freshly-showered Eddie Munson.
“Hey, Romeo!” Jeff calls out, walking towards the two of you with the rest of the band. “Wanna grab some pizza before your carriage turns back into a pumpkin?”
No, Eddie thinks crossly, I want to stay here and talk to the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen until closing time. 
“I’ve gotta get back to work anyway,” you reassure him. “But we can continue this conversation over that coffee date.”
Eddie visibly relaxes at the mention of your next meeting. “Abso-fuckin-lutely,” he agrees. And before he can wimp out, he presses his lips to your cheek, watching as your cheeks tinge a delicious shade of pink. 
Look at you, Munson. Back in the game.
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Hi slug! You read and listen to all the drama tracks, right?
I was wondering if you personally had any specific lore branches you hope are expanded upon in the future? Or things that got brushed over you want to be addressed again?
Like, mine is how the Buster Bros traumatic events affected them, more specifically Jiro and Saburo.
I have a ton of plot points I'd be fascinated to learn more about, even if I think the likelihood of some of them showing up is very small. An incomplete list from off the top of my head:
Jirou is far more of a people person than either of his brothers, but I'd like to see how he developed that more outgoing streak. In particular, what led to him developing a friendship with Urumi? It's implied he has other "contacts" as well, and it'd be nice to someday see those.
What led Juuto, a person with such a unique sense of justice, to becoming a police officer in the first place? How did his friendship with his older cop buddy influence his approach to policing, even before drugs became a factor?
We already got a scene of Riou's time in the war and why he respects Major Iojaku so much, but I would eat up more of that any day.
I'd love to know more about why Gentarou respects his brother so much to the point that he (appears to, at least at this point in time with our understanding of canon) take on his brother's identity in the wake of his hospitalization.
I have the sneaking suspicion it was mentioned at least offhand in a drama track (which I don't usually listen to... at least not more than once), but I would like to know more about Dice and Otome's falling out.
I know I'm a broken record about this. I'm sorry. But even for all the lovely headcanons people create, I really, really, really want to know the canon reason Jakurai, a character with deep moral convictions to save as many people as possible and one who remains torn for years on end about hurting people, became a hired killer. Maybe KR wants to backpedal on this and sweep it under the rug in the hopes they can retcon it. Maybe they think we'll all forget. Yet much like Pepperidge Farm, I remember. And I'm still waiting for an answer.
Obligatory Hifumi and Honobono backstory bullet point
Similarly, it's been mentioned a couple of times that Doppo doesn't really have friends outside of Hifumi and Jakurai (and his work colleagues, I suppose) which I find a little odd. Especially prior to working at EL Medical, there's nothing about his behavior that would suggest he struggles to make and maintain friendships. Why doesn't he have old college or high school buddies? What's the deal there? Would love to know.
Not lore-related, but I think Kuukou would have been the most god-awful toddler imaginable. I would like to see it.
We actually probably will get (at least some of) Rei's rationale behind his more questionable decisions in canon, which I welcome. I'd like to know what led to him becoming the person he is today, and I have quite a few questions about what his relationship with his wife was like if Sasara and Roshou remind him of him and his wife. (Presumably, they must have been very poor communicators lol)
Also not lore-related, but I sincerely hope Jakurai keeps finding opportunities to regale impressionable ears with stupid shit Hitoya did in middle school. Hitoya's great, man. He thinks he's so cool--and he IS cool, in a great many ways--but all the things he thinks are cool are actually just him being a giant dork. God bless.
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kurosstuff · 2 months
Can I just say- I 100% believe exorcists? Are "tools" in a way-
Also note may not make to much sense since I'm like half asleep writing this
Gonna be rambling♡ sorry
I mean- their fighting machines. Killing machines. Doesn't matter if their angels are not. We KNOW winners and angels in general are the passive types. The pure types. But like everything their needs to be a guard in place. Protectors of that very innocence.
To preserve that naive innocent pure beings. The winners brought forgiven of the "small" sins they did in the mortal realm. Considering it a .. easy mistake. Everyone makes mistakes right?
But not angels.
At least that's what their told. That's what excorists in particular are told. They themself commit a sin. Murder- slaughtering in such a cruel inhumane way for beings so pure- an impression of sorts.
I always wondered. How come they have masks resembling demons? What if its to hide behind it. Hide the sins their doing? I mean. Angels can not sin. Excorsists are angels- heaven born(as I believe they'd be) made to be the ones to slaughter. To commit horrible cruel things.
What if its just to show what their created to be similar too? As a mockery of sorts?
Like their committing a sin. Yet- their still pure? Like showing the complete opposite of them while wearing the mask that looked like demons.
We see vaggie always on edge(rightfully so) and the only one she isn't? Chsrlie(ofc) but ehat if that's all they all knew
Violence. Being cruel. The ones who speak and we see most of- vaggie and lute? Are both rude and their automatic thought most times is violence. To handle matters with fists(or whatever) instead of speaking it our most cases.
Like when vaggie fell? Lute was cruel. Ripped her apart with no remorse. But wouldn't that also make her in trouble too? In a logical sense. Like. She was cruel to a THEN angel before she fell. Wouldn't that have been a sin as well?
Or is rules different for the beings made to be neither pure or sinful. Is that why their allowed in heaven? Allowed to stay above with the winners?
Their teacher Adam a crude rude man. The first man- who thinks of himself most cases- ego to big but hiding behind that is a hurt man. Who lost both his wives to the same man. The very same man who he had a whole army of his daughters to kill the sinners. As if a act a revenge.
And as we have seen glimpses of- kinda? Idk angels are impressionable like that of a toddler mimicking and forming themself to fit thst of a parent or a figure above tjat they see all the time.
So the excorsists are filled with hate. Burning hate - rage filled against the sinners below. Demons in general. Which in hindsight is odd.
Why would they bother be mad. Be pissed. Be filled with such a hateful thing when their in a place opposite of thst? In a stress free place. Adam even said it himself they don't HAVE to worry for stress(I forgot the exact thing he said but yeah-)
So. Their tools. Made to be unfeeling other then hate for the beings that made them have a purpose. To kill.
Idk if any of thos made sense it's 3 am I'm half a asleep and I let my mind wander once again♡♡
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blinkpen · 3 months
speaking of webbed sites and digital worlds
i was trying to dig deep and figure out what is the actual, absolute first show that i ever watched AND that my toddler brain retained anything from enough to recall that i did, in fact, watch it, if not able to recall much else, and i think it miiiiight be ReBoot? in fact i am 99% sure it's ReBoot. so i'm giving it a rewatch off to the side it it's like
oh. so this is the true kind of Formative Mulch, the kind so early but fundamental to what grows over it, i didn't remember a lick of it, it's been hidden by year after year of leaf litter, since and i have not even thought about in like 20 years, but knowing i absolutely did watch it as a tiny baby child still as impressionable as putty? Yeah That Tracks. That Makes A Lot of Sense.
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Hi, for the skz prompt game part 2, what about Image 1 # 42 with hyunlix x reader?
Skz prompt game
Prompt: "I'm only here to establish an alibi."
Members: Hwang Hyunjin and Lee Felix
Relationship: Babysitters!FemReader x Hyunlix (feat. MinChan's kids!)
Genre: Fluff
(MinChan's daughters names were inspired by that one anon! IFYKYK)
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"Okay, and you're sure you have all the emergency numbers." Chan asks once more, bustling around the room, grabbing up last minute toys and bottles.
"Oh my god." Hyunjin rolls his eyes from the couch. "Yes, hyung. We know how to call the hospital and Minho's mom and the closest FBI Agency."
You snort from where you're sitting on the floor beside Felix, watching him color something with Ophelia that looks abstractedly like some kind of horse.
"Christopher." Minho appears in the doorway, the baby on his hip, his expression stern and slightly exasperated. "We have to go. We're going to be late and you know that makes me piss-" He pauses, glancing to the toddler beside you and then the baby in his arms and finishes lamely, "-grumpy."
Felix grins, squinting up at Minho. "Good save, hyung."
"You be quiet." Minho quips back, shifting slightly, as Hyunjin stands and takes the baby from his arms.
"Really, we'll be fine." He assures the two men standing together now in the doorway-Minho looking impatient and Chan looking unsure-before he glances down at the baby and boops her nose, making her babble and giggle. "Right, Pen?"
"Okay." Chan sighs, reaching up to brush some stray curls back from his forehead, before he adjusts his suit jacket, glancing to Minho. "If you're sure-"
"We're sure, god." You laugh, motioning with your head toward the waiting front door. "Get the hell out of here already."
"'Heck.'" Minho corrects you firmly with a glare in your direction, his gaze sweeping to the impressionable little girl still doodling with Felix.
You stick your tongue out at him. "Get the heck out of here already."
Minho wraps his arm around his husband's waist and tugs him toward the door. "C'mon, princess. Let's go then."
"Byyyye." Hyunjin sing songs in a teasing voice, wiggling his fingers at the duo.
In his arms, Penelope giggles and tugs at a long strand of his blonde hair.
Chan gives you all one last worried look before he lets Minho pull him out of sight.
You hear the front door shut and then the car start, and then they're gone.
From the floor, Ophelia claps her hands, beaming up at Felix.
"Uncle Lix, can we go to the park?"
Felix grins and tousels the girls dark curls, so much like Chan's.
"Of course we can, FeFe. Let's get your coat."
Hyunjin grins-cat like and mischievous-at the little girl from his spot on the couch, playing with Penelope.
"Get ready, Fe, because we're about to have the best day ever."
Ophelia cheers, and you grin at Felix, as he rises to get the little girl's coat.
Hyunjin stands, hoisting the baby on his hip.
"All right gang. It's about to get crazy. Let's hit the park."
It takes longer than originally planned to wrestle both girls into their jackets and shoes and gather all the supplies needed for a day at the park, and by the time you all finally get out the door, the girls are more than a little excited-shrieking and bouncing-and the three of you are sweating.
"Oh my god." Felix breathes out, swiping at his brow, as he snatches Ophelia as she darts by, securing her safety helmet onto her head with a snap under the chin. "I can't believe the hyungs do this every day."
"Right?" Hyunjin groans, struggling to set up the stroller, as you watch, Penelope sucking happily on her fingers from her place on your hip. "I'm never having kids."
"Seriously." Felix readily agrees, nodding, before he dashes after Ophelia to stop her from going off the sidewalk and into the street. "FeFe, wait right there!"
"Even with me?" You question teasingly, settling Penelope into the now upright stroller, buckling her in before you tuck her blanket around her chubby legs, kicking happily.
Hyunjin gives you a shocked stare.
"Especially with you." He retorts back. "Your kids would be absolute terrors."
"Ah baby." You coo, leaning over to press a quick kiss to the corner of his full lips with a smile. "C'mon. They'd be so cute."
Felix arrives, dragging a resisting Ophelia by the upper arm, breathing heavily.
"They'd be so cute." He agrees, having caught the tail end of the conversation, as he carefully releases Ophelia and watches her warily for any sign she's going to dart again.
When she doesn't he pats her on her helmeted head and gives her her little push scooter, which she takes happily and begins to ride down the sidewalk.
Hyunjin pushes the stroller, and you all follow behind.
"But hear me out-" Hyunjin argues, maneuvering the stroller over a rough patch of sidewalk, as Penelope babbles happily and throws around a rattle.
Felix narrowly saves Ophelia from tipping over on her scooter and then returns back to your sides.
"-What if we just don't have our own kids-" Hyunjin continues, glancing down to check on Penelope, whose face is barely visible beneath the brim of her pink sunhat. "-and just borrow everyone else's? That way, we can have kid time, but give them back before they ruin our lives completely."
"Genius." You reply back dryly, and narrowly avoid him swinging out a hand to hit you.
"I dunno." Felix muses, as you turn the corner and the park comes into view. "My kids would be pretty fucking cute."
"You can't say that in front of them!" Hyunjin hisses back, glaring, referring to the swear word Felix had just let slip.
While glaring, he completely misses a crack in the sidewalk and stumbles, almost losing hold of the stroller.
Ophelia stops just ahead of you, staring at Hyunjin, her eyes wide, and then loudly parrots out, "Fuck!"
"Oh shit." Felix mutters beneath his breath, eyes wide.
You choke on your spit, and Hyunjin promptly loses all color in his face.
Ophelia, unaware of the terror she's just caused, happily begins pushing her scooter again in the direction of the park, humming over and over beneath his breath, without a care in the world, "Fuck, fuck, fuck!"
"Minho-hyung's gonna kill you." Felix whispers out, voice lowered, as if he's worried the man in question can already hear you.
"Correction-" You mutter back, watching the toddler go on her merry way. "-Minho will probably think it's funny. Chan is definitely gonna kill you."
"Oh god." Hyunjin groans, and Penelope shrieks happily from inside the stroller, as if echoing her uncle's very clear turmoil.
"Well." Felix grimaces, staring after Ophelia again. "At least you didn't teach her something worse."
"Worse? Worse?" Hyunjin croaks out, pushing the stroller after Felix, his face full of disbelief. "What could be worse than 'fuck'?!"
Felix shrugs, glancing over his shoulder.
"I mean. Her dad's from down under. And in Australia, one of the most commonly used curse words is cun-"
"Okay, trust me, FeFe, this is gonna be awesome."
You glance up at Felix's voice from where you're sitting in the shade of a tree with the baby, happily playing with toys on a blanket you had spread out.
He's standing at the start of the monkey bars, ready to swing across, and Ophelia is behind him, watching with wide eyes.
"Uncle Felix is totally gonna biff it, Fe, watch." Hyunjin crows from the ground below, hand over his eyes to shield against the afternoon sun as he stares up at them.
Felix shoots him a glare, and easily swings the length of the monkey bars.
"Aha!" He announces triumphantly, pointing at Hyunjin. "Still got it!"
Hyunjin rolls his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say."
He steps up to help Ophelia cross the monkey bars next, holding her up from below, and both he and Felix clap when she makes it across, beaming proudly as she sets her feet down on the safety of the playground once more.
Felix retreats to sit beside you in the shade, reaching for a water bottle, his face red from the heat of the sun, as Hyunjin swings a giggling Ophelia onto his shoulders and heads in the direction of the slides.
Penelope coos at the sight of him and reaches up from where she's precariously sitting, stretching her arms to Felix.
"C'mere, Pen." Felix says, reaching down and pulling her onto his lap, settling her comfortably in the cross of his legs.
You laugh-she looks like a little bird in a big nest.
Penelope grasps the toy Felix offers her in a chubby fist and contentedly shoves it into her mouth without another sound.
Somewhere within the park, Ophelia shrieks.
"What, you'd rather sit in the shade with me and Pen than play on the hot, twisty slides with Hyunjin and Fe?" Felix asks you, giving you a sidelong grin, as you reach for a package of crisps and hand one to the baby in his lap.
"Actually-" You retort, giving him a smirk, taking the water bottle from him and gulping a swig. "-I'm just here to establish an alibi." You motion with your head in the direction Hyunjin and Ophelia had disappeared. "When Chan kills him for teaching his daughter to swear, I can tell the police that I haven't even interacted with him or been in his vicinity since this morning."
"Ah." Felix laughs, leaning over to press a kiss to your temple. "Smart."
The call of Hyunjin's voice, closer now, draws you and Felix's attention, as he appears around the slide, Ophelia on his back, piggy back style.
He waves you down as he gets closer.
"I taught Fe a new word!"
"Oh god." Felix groans from beside you.
"Yeah!" Hyunjin nods excitedly, swinging Ophelia to her feet beside the two of you. "Tell them what I taught you, Fe."
Ophelia sits down beside Felix on the blanket, Penelope giggling at her sister's presence, and points directly at her uncle, before announcing proudly, "Uncle Felix is a bottom!"
You choke on your spit and instantly crack up.
Felix looks like he's going to hand over the baby and murder Hyunjin right then and there.
Ophelia just looks triumphant, her rosy little cheeks red from the sun, as she leans over to steal one of Penelope's crisps.
"Pretty good, right?" Hyunjin arches a brow, smirking at you both now.
Felix sighs. "How're you gonna explain that one to the hyungs?"
Hyunjin plops down on the blanket beside you, stealing the water bottle from your hands and taking a swig with a grin.
He gives a little shrug. "Easy. I'll just tell them we taught her about bunk beds."
"We don't own one." You point out with a little giggle, swiping the water bottle back.
"We will after this." Felix mutters beneath his breath, glancing down at the babbling baby in his lap. "You're my witness, Pen, Uncle Hyunjin is not sleeping in the same bed as Uncle Felix again."
"Oh, my babies!" Chan bursts into the living room, sweeping up Ophelia and Penelope in one swoop, snuggling them to him and pressing dozens of kisses to their heads and cheeks as both girls giggle wildly. "Daddy missed you!"
"You act like you were gone for days." Hyunjin scoffs from his position on the couch, watching lazily as Felix cleans up crayons off the floor. "You literally saw them three hours ago."
Chan fixes your boyfriend with a stern look over his daughters' heads. "Hwang Hyunjin, you'll understand someday when-"
"I'm a parent. Yeah, yeah, yeah, hyung." Hyunjin rolls his eyes, waving the older man off. "Still don't think I'll be half as clingy as you."
"How were they?" Minho asks, coming up beside Chan to take Penelope from his arms, pinching the baby's full cheeks lightly as she smiles toothlessly up at him. "Everyone's alive, I see, so it couldn't have gone too badly."
"Speak for yourself, hyung." Hyunjin says as he pushes himself upright on the couch, stretching with a yawn and a triumphant look in Felix's direction. "I decimated Felix with a pretty sick burn earlier."
Felix flips him off where the girls' can't see.
"I wasn't worried about any of you hooligans' well being." Minho replies dryly, glancing down at Penelope, happily chewing on a toy in his arms. "My babies are perfect angels, and you're lucky to get to spend time with them. I was worried about leaving them with all of you."
"We were also perfect angel babies." You quip back, giving him an innocent sweet grin as he glares at you. "We went to the park and had the best time."
Something wicked comes across Felix's face as he sits back on his heels, glancing to Chan and Minho, before his gaze sweeps to Hyunjin.
"Yeah, and Hyunjin taught FeFe a new word."
"Oh really?" Chan exclaims, glancing down at Ophelia, his eyes sparkling.
"Oh yeah. It was great." You join in with a dangerous smirk in Hyunjin's direction, ignoring the panic in his eyes and the desperate swipes of his hand across his throat, silently signaling shut up, shut up, shut the fuck up.
Minho narrows his eyes between the three of you.
Felix's grin grows wider. "Fe, why don't you tell your daddies the new word you learned from Uncle Hyunjin?"
"Yeah, why don't you?" You encourage, staring at the toddler held in Chan's arms, looking between her dad's with wide, innocent eyes.
"Oh god." Hyunjin groans, sitting ramrod straight on the couch, his entire body tense and ready, as if he's preparing to flee at any moment.
"What word did you learn, baby?" Chan asks sincerely, because leave it to Chan to see the best in people and misread the room.
Minho is staring at Hyunjin with something akin to murder on his features.
Ophelia pops her sucker out from her mouth after a few more contented sucks, and with a giant grin aimed at her father, announces loudly and proudly, "Fuck!"
Chan's eyes go wide and his mouth drops open.
"Hwang Hyunjin. I'm going to k-i-l-l you." Minho growls, his stare leveled on Hyunjin, who is trying his best to escape the room without notice.
"I swear it was an accident, hyung, I didn't even mean to say it-"
"You should run, Hyun." Felix says gleefully, watching everything with bright eyes and a large grin. "Before hyung loses his cool entirely and f-u-c-k-s you up."
Minho hands the baby to Chan and stalks toward the retreating Hyunjin.
Hyunjin makes for the door with a shriek and a mad dash, Minho close on his heels.
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haarrrys · 1 year
Can you do more single dad harry? Maybe harry struggles with Amani wanting more independence?
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wc - 1.5k
🏷️ tags - dad!harry , singledad!harry , minor angst¿, dad!harry x amani, and of course, fluff.
pairings - singledad!harry & daughter!amani 🍪🥛
summary - amani wants to go to a party, harry isn’t so sure.
a/n : i usually like writing amani as a baby/toddler but for this i decided to portray her as a teen, so she's like 14/15 :) the timeline in terms of harry's career might be messy but just know he's still touring and doing well!
more harry and amani!
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"but dad—"
"i said no amani." harry sighed, shutting his laptop harshly and giving her a cold, yet gentle stare. he was becoming frustrated with her. he had been in his at home office for only ten minutes before amani began pestering him about a party. at first he jokingly ignored her, which she found humorous until she realized her dad was very serious about not letting her go.
he understands what she's going through; harry was once an impressionable teen like herself, wanting to do what everyone else was doing, even if some things he did get into could be deemed illegal.
harry regretted a lot throughout his teen years, he lied to his mum a lot and snuck around. he just doesn't want the same for her.
"this is what I'm talking about dad! you don't let me do anything! for just once let me do something on my own! ill be home before ten pm, and farha will be with me the whole time. just, please dad." her voice is quiet at the end, and it makes harry's heart feel terrible; like he did something horribly wrong to have his daughter in tears, even though he's only trying to keep her safe.
"I let you do things." harry whispers, ignoring the real problem at hand.
amani rolls her eyes in annoyance, "like what? last time i did anything remotely by myself was when i snuck out for an hour just to be with some friends, and even then you freaked!" she said, letting out a choked laugh of disbelief.
"I had every right to freak out, you weren't home and you didn't answer your phone! how do you think that made me feel?" he said, wrapping his arms around himself defensively. something similar about him and amani is that they're both stubborn. when they argue, neither wants to admit their faults.
he wishes amani wasn't so much like him sometimes, so sure of herself that she puts herself into situations that aren't safe, so vulnerable that's shes bound to end up hurt by someone.
"how it made you feel?" she deadpans, "do you ever think about me!? how I feel?!"
harry of course considers his daughters feelings, and well being in every situation, but before he can answer amani is storming off, muttering "forget it, I don't care." and he's left to the sound of her feet pattering against the floorboards, becoming more distant with every step. she has the decency to not slam her door, like harry definitely would've.
sometimes, harry wishes amani wasn't like her mother, who always ran away from problems.
around eight pm harry began to feel bad. he knew he wasn't wrong for not wanting his daughter, who is only fourteen, to attend this party with no parents or adults present. anything could happen to her, even if her friends are present.
who knows what they could be up to? amani has gossiped to him about some students vaping and doing drugs in the bathroom stalls, and although he trusts amani not to do these things he still doesn't feel safe sending her off while knowing that's what most of them could be doing.
is it so wrong to want to keep her safe? he knows he's struggled with letting her do things on her own but he's gotten better. she has sleepovers, goes to movies, and has even gone on vacation with her friend. all without harry. he's let her do countless of independent things, as long as he knows she's safe. this party, he doesn't think is safe.
a knock disrupts harry, and immediately he knows who it is.
"farha? amani isn't going to the party sor—"
"i know..can i come in please?" she cuts him off, not trying to seem rude but having urgency in her tone. harry nods, and moves to the side to allow her to come in. he's known farha since she was in pull ups, so at this point he considers her family.
"she's not in the best mood." he says, watching the girl take off her shoes.
farha sighs, smiling sadly. "I know, she's been reading my text but not answering. i brought some snacks to cheer her up." harry smiles back at her, glad that his daughter has such a great friend.
"aw, that's really nice of you." he says, only before he's interrupting himself.
"did you end up going to the party?" harry knows this may be a weird question, but he's just curious. and knowing farha's parents, they definitely would disapprove of the whole idea too.
she shakes her head, "i did want to go, but only if amani would come too. the party seemed lame anyway, got shut down by cops few minutes ago too. i guess me and amani are lucky, 'cause they're searching everyone." farha explains, laughing a bit towards the end.
harry smirks, and the childish part of him wants to go up to amani and chant a string of, "I told you so" but he's in his late thirties now, so he refrains from doing so.
after talking for a-bit longer, farha heads up to amani’s bedroom, leaving harry to his thoughts again.
he walks over to the kitchen, pouring himself a glass of water. he takes a sip, feeling the cold liquid sliding down his throat. it's been a long day, and he's feeling overwhelmed. he needs to figure out how to balance his daughter's need for independence with his need to protect her.
after all these years, he can’t help but feel like he’s still holding her back. even if his intentions are purely for good.
as he thinks about this, suddenly, someone is behind him, hugging him.
he doesn’t have to turn around to know it’s his amani.
"hey love." he says, trying to sound calm.
"dad," amani says, her voice shaking. "i'm so sorry. I shouldn't have stormed out like that. I know you were just trying to protect me."
harry feels a weight lift off his shoulders. he knows that amani is young and full of hormones, and sometimes she just needs a bit of space. but he also knows that he needs to let her spread her wings, even if that means letting go a little bit.
harry smiled as he wrapped his arms around his daughter, kissing the top of her head. "It's okay, love. I know it's not easy growing up," he said, giving her a reassuring squeeze.
amani sighed and leaned into him, and in that moment, everything felt right in harry's world. he knew that as long as he had her by his side.
harry took a deep breath and pulled away, smiling down at amani. "you know, I've been thinking. maybe we can find a compromise. how about this — you're allowed to go to the parties, IF I know they’re safe, and we set some ground rules that you have to follow."
amani's eyes lit up, and she nodded eagerly. "yes!dad, I’d love that!" she exclaimed, hugging him again. harry couldn't help but grin, feeling like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.
they stood there for a moment, clinging to each other for comfort. it was a reminder of how lucky they were to have each other. they might not always agree on everything, but at the end of the day, they had each other's backs.
he knew that parenting was a constant learning experience, but in that moment, he felt like he had finally gotten it right. he had found a way to give amani the independence she needed while still keeping her safe. It was a delicate balance, but one that he was willing to work on every day — as long as he had his lovely daughter with him.
and as they hugged each other tightly, harry knew that everything was going to be okay. they had each other, and that was all that mattered.
“you guys are so cute,” farha gasped, making herself known as she walked into the kitchen, eating a snack (that was meant to cheer up amani) and joining in on the hug. both harry and amani laughed, rolling their eyes.
everything was gonna be okay.
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thank you so much for reading! ☕️ 🤍
requests are always open!
-fic rec masterlist-
look at me posting.. lol.
but no, over the summer i swear I’m gonna be posting & writing a lot more! so anons who sent requests months ago.. get excited.
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Gonna make a post about doc's tweets and then move on with my life. Not looking to start fights or arguments, just need to scream my thoughts and feelings into the void for a bit.
Listen, no one should ever be harrased over their thoughts and feelings, like obviously. That being said, you also don't need to coddle a full grown ass man like he's a toddler who made an oopsy. Just because he's a wholesome escapism minecraft boi, doesn't mean he's not also a real flesh and blood person living in the real world.
Obviously, no one can force you to talk about subjects you don't feel comfortable about. But to go on a tirade about how: 'you're not political, I won't have to share anything, fuck you!' is also not a fantastic look. You're literally creating a platform for your young impressionable audience to get defensive and mad at all the mean activists opposing the oh so political literal genocide.
No, you don't have to speak up. No you don't need to share links. But you also don't need to go on an hours long rant about how you don't need to do any of that and how you don't owe anyone anything.
All you accomplish with that is stirring the pot, making everyone, including yourself, upset and creating an easy platform for zionists to leverage. Which is already happening.
Being quiet with a platform is picking a side in my opinion at least. But screaming about how quiet you are makes other people pick sides as well. And not the one opposing genocide thus far, if the reactions to the tweets are anything to go by.
In conclusion, he should've just logged off or actually been quiet if he's so passionate about not speaking on Palestine. That's what's rubbing me the wrong way about this whole thing. End of post.
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Winifred had been right to suspect that once the dog days of summer arrived, their quaint neighborhood would begin to fill out. The once peaceful, empty streets were now humming with life; as if the glittering morning dew frosting over each day had beckoned them all back home.
You could not go more than a few hours without hearing a horse’s steady gallop hauling a carriage, or sometimes, even the sound of a rare streetcar.
Lawrence was particularly pleased by this fact, anxious to get to know the families around the neighborhood, but Winifred herself was not quite as keen. She had liked the quiet of their solitude, and it felt almost like an invasion of privacy not to have it anymore.
However, much like their new seemingly sophisticated life, it was just something she would have to adjust to. These days, everything felt like something she just needed adjusting to.
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And, now that autumn was just around the corner, their lives had somehow become busier than ever before; their days spent together at the lake felt years behind them rather than only a few weeks.
In the afternoon, Beth and Winifred attended painting lessons together; a gift from Lawrence to them both. Their instructor was a soft-spoken, well traveled Frenchman, teaching impressionism and neoclassicism.
Personally, Winifred thought he was a little overqualified to be teaching a skill of his caliber to a housewife and a widow, neither of whom had much experience in the arts, but she was trying not to look a gift horse in the mouth. After all, it had been a thoughtful gesture and she wanted to appreciate it nonetheless.
Despite not having the experience though, out of the two of them, Beth was notably more skilled; their instructor often awed by her work. More than once, she could hear his tone vibrating with excitement, almost bursting at the seam as he complimented her use of different brush strokes, much to Winifred’s envy.
Her mother, Alice, was always a natural at painting; as a girl, she loved to sit at her mother's feet whenever she stepped in front of a canvas, and watch as she transformed even the most mundane of landscapes into elaborate works of art. She regularly wished she would have inherited her aptitude for it, but it appeared that she was much better with a pen than a paint brush.
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Even the little ones had busy schedules now that summer was on its deathbed. Lawrence had hired two nursery maids, one for each of the boys; it was the only service he had not taken care of before they arrived at their new home. He wanted them to be the perfect fit, and it seemed he had accomplished the seemingly impossible.
Ozzy now spent most of his days with Ms. Hamilton; a woman only a few years Winifred's senior but with the sweetness and patience of one's old Nana. Ozzy warmed up to her quicker than anyone could have expected and their daily lessons seemed to be paying off. She taught him shapes and letters (of which he was quite fond of), along with all the manners that a well-adjusted young man should know (he was not quite so fond of this), and even how to begin writing his own name.
Every so often, when Winifred went to check-in on their little classroom, she would once again be overcome by a similar feeling of envy. She didn't want her children to struggle, not at all; each time she felt it, she would call herself a silly woman for being jealous of a toddler and be on her way, scolding herself for the thoughts that echoed in her head.
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But, it was just that, well, they'd all adjusted so quickly! All of them were getting on with things just fine, while she could hardly make sense of it all!
Did no one else think this strange? Didn't they miss their chickens, or long to watch the sunset over the hillside, or even the flower paths on their way into town? And what about their friends, or their beloved shopkeepers who memorized all their names?
It was as if they'd all somehow forgotten the first place she could ever truly call home; and if she couldn't find the will to adjust, would they all wish they could simply forget her too?
next / previous / first
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urchintoast · 1 year
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Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x reader (modern AU)
Rating: G for all audiences
Length: 669 words
Warnings: none
Summary: On a trip to the zoo, you and Benedict have a discussion about the mating habits of penguins.
“Did you know it’s not entirely true that penguins give the ‘perfect pebble’ to their chosen mate? Penguins make nests out of stone, and so while they will collect rocks and pebbles for that, it’s about as romantic as a 2x4 plank or a roof shingle.”
“I don’t know,” you said teasingly, “there’s something awfully romantic about building a house piece by piece yourself for your partner. Maybe the penguins really are the romantic ones here.”
Ben scoffed at that. “It’s a pile of rocks. Where’s the creativity? The originality? The flair!”
“They’re birds. I don’t think they’ve advanced enough to develop art deco or impressionism. Minimalism though! They definitely sound like they’ve mastered that!” You crossed your hands over your heart and pretended to swoon into him.
“You hate minimalism,” he huffed, sounding like a toddler about to have a tantrum.
“Mmm,” you hummed in agreement. “It is a little too sterile for my tastes. Oh!” Your eyes lit up and you watched in glee as Ben just rolled his eyes, knowing that whatever you’d just thought of was going to be terrible. “Do you think they’re into rockoco?”
The mock-glare he leveled at you just encouraged you further, and you pressed on. “Oooh, or maybe their style is more barock!” You couldn’t help but laugh at your own, admittedly terrible, plays on words, and when you looked back at Ben you saw he was no longer glaring at you, but instead smiling fondly.
“What?” You asked self-consciously, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
He just shook his head. “You’re ridiculous, do you know that?” Before you could say anything, he just shook his head and muttered, “charmed by a penguin with a rock. Seriously.”
“I just think it’s a sweet idea! You’ve certainly never given me a rock before.” You rolled your eyes and started walking to the next exhibit, but stopped when you realized that Ben wasn’t following you. “Ben? Are you alright?”
He was just standing there, head tilted to the side slightly in thought. Ben shook his head then, seemingly coming back from wherever his mind had just wandered off to.
“Well, now that you mention it,” he bent down and you threw your head back in laughter.
“I didn’t mean for you to just grab a random rock off the ground, Ben!” You froze, realizing that Ben knew that, too. And he was kneeling on one knee. “Benedict?” You asked, voice shaking.
“My love,” he replied, just as softly, but with no wavering like your own. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring, making you gasp. “I know it’s no roof shingle, but I hope it’s romantic enough for you?” He smiled awkwardly, and you couldn’t help but reach out a hand to hold his and give it an encouraging squeeze. His smile softened, turning more gentle again, before he continued. “I can’t make you a nest out of rocks to live in. I’m terrible at maths, and it would fall apart before the week was through. So while I can’t offer you my building prowess, I offer you all the rest of me. It’s already yours. Every smile, every laugh, every feeling. My love, I’ve given you everything I have but my name, and I don’t want to wait any longer. Will you marry me?”
Your vision blurred from the tears in your eyes, but your future had never looked more clear. You nodded your head and started chanting “yes” as you felt him slip the ring on your finger, before standing up to pull you into a kiss. It was an awkward clash of lips and teeth as you were both smiling too wide, but you couldn’t care less. You started laughing then, and Benedict stepped back to look at you in confusion.
“My love?”
“It’s nothing, just…” you couldn’t hold the giggles in, even as you leaned forward to peck him on the lips again in reassurance. “I told you penguins are the romantic ones.”
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gffa · 10 months
Okay here’s one tiny quirk of continuity I’d like your opinion on;
At what age is your ideal choice for the ‘accident’ at Haly’s Circus, being taken in by Bruce and ascending to the mantle of The Boy Wonder to happen for Dick Grayson?
Pre-Crisis NTT had him first at 8 years while one Secret Origin take right after Crisis had him at approximately 10 years (my personal choice since it can ideally line up with Toddler Tim Drake taking that fateful photo if the latter’s age was likely between 2 1/12 - 3 years, but I digress), ASBAR (in)famously firmly established the meet up at age 12, and the New 52 at first bumped it up all the way to about 15 years.
Out of those choices and maybe some others, which age you see it as the ideal one for Dick meeting Bruce and becoming Robin after the tragedy?
I get why comics don't want to nail things down and why some authors age the character up, whether to make it feel less like a child soldier indoctrination (which I think really ramped up there for awhile, the worry that the Robins were child soldiers) or to make his competence feel more realistic, but I still always go with a hard 9 years old for when the Graysons died. I'm flexible on whether this means Dick started as Robin at 9 or if he took a bit of time to train and wasn't let out until he was 10-11, but the 9 years old bit is a sticking point for me, especially because of the narrative mirror element. Dick Grayson and Bruce Wayne are the two characters that most mirror each other--the murder of their parents right in front of them at such a young age (Dick at 9, Bruce at 8) is deeply important to everything about them. It's important that Dick is a brighter version of Batman. It's important that this is why Bruce was willing to open up a little bit to this kid, before Dick took a crowbar to jam open that guy's heart. It's important that Bruce worries he overrode baby Dick Grayson's will, because he was so young and impressionable. It's important because anger at the injustice in the world got its claws in Dick Grayson when he was young, that his struggle with his hopeful and bright nature is counterbalanced with the anger in his heart, that who he has been shaped into all his life is centered around that struggle. It's important because Dick's old enough to remember his parents, but narratively his father is 100% Bruce Wayne. The more you age him up from 9 years old, the more you water down all of that and undercut his purpose in the comics.
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witchofthesouls · 1 year
Hi! I would like to request some Team prime things with a tiny child, about 15 months to 24 months, thrown in the mix. I.E they place a bell on the child to make sure little baby doesn't go squish and stuff like that. Please?
Not bells. But a leash. The toddler will be leashed for their safety and everyone else's piece of mind.
The Autobots had severely underestimated how fast those little, chubby legs will speed away. One moment they're in their playpen, the moment there's no eyes on them, then they'll escape and make their way across the base without care to look in any direction.
The Annual Running of the Minis/Toddler Track becomes an inside joke in the Autobot base. As does child-wrangler. The saying Easier than Toddler fishing becomes a base staple.
Jack and Miko suffer from Single Child Syndrome and have really small families or are too distant to actually interact with, so they really don't know about tiny humans under the age of kindergarten. It's Raf to the rescue.
The base fridge has a stock of lemon juice now because the internet had failed them with breaking the toddler's pacifier habit. Now the baby asks/demands a little cup of sour to dip their binky and suck on it.
June Darby has soooo many stories about bitty Jack, especially his imaginary friends and how he was little robber at vending machines to feed the animals outside. Not a thief because requires sneakiness. Oh no, Jack literally waited at the base of the machine for snacks to drop and darted away.
Because there's a smaller and far more impressionable human, there's parental locks on the TV now. Much to the kids' displeasure. Miko is trying to sweet talk Bulkhead into allowing full access to anime because of the sheer variety. Ratchet stopped it because of the sheer variety.
The base gets a lot of reruns around the Winnie the Pooh series. Specfically The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh and the Book of Pooh. And the Muppets whenever the little one is around.
The moment Eeyore spoke on screen everyone now understand their excitement over Optimus. They think he's the donkey. Optimus and Eeyore do sound eerily alike...
Ratchet, despite his gruffness and initial upset at another human at the base, does have some ideas on DIY crafts for the baby when the kids are searching for activities to keep them occupied. As does Arcee from her old profession as a shopkeeper near a creche and an educational facility.
The Autobots made a little monster because of the invention of the Crane - a combination of a leash and a fishing rod. Now the baby would simply hide and sit just to have one of the 'bots activate the instrument to gently tug them across the floor by the designated overalls.
They also liked being dangled by the back of those overalls by a 'bot's pinched fingers. Practically wriggling and pretending to fly around like a superhero.
Because kids say the damnest of things and model the people around, it's hilarious to see a tiny rendition of Bulkhead, I needed that, complete with hand gestures. Ratchet absolutely denies looking like that and the baby mirrors that grouch. Including the scoff.
Instead of vroom vroom with toy cars, they mimic the beeps and chirps from Bumblebee.
They called Jack and Miko "old," so the bots are "dinos."
Likes pushing their books to Optimus because of his voice. He reads to them poems, nursery rhymes, and Dr. Suess. Much to their utter delight, he picked up Winny the Pooh for them.
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