#toga: or maybe he's just trying to go for a new look! it could make his mist red instead of purple
thesakuragarnet · 8 months
Left Behind (Dabi X Fem!Reader Fluff)
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Summary: When Spinner gets sick, you're the designated getaway driver for the LOV's new heist, but your new boyfriend doesn't want you waiting by yourself.
Tags: Dabi X Fem!Reader, flirting, fluff, soft Dabi but he's still Dabi, second person POV, Fem!Reader, villain reader, established relationship, kissing but not making out, swearing, slight suggestive content, drinking and dancing, slight angst at the end but just an itty bitty (I swear it's happy)
Word Count: 1,116 words
Tumblr Original <3
You tried so vehemently to insist that you were fine waiting in the van by yourself, but Dabi proved to be particularly stubborn.
"Look. It's not that I don't think you can take care of yourself. I just-" Dabi sighs as the both of you watch Toga, Twice, and Compress slip inside the abandoned yakuza hideout. "If I came back and anything had happened to you, I'm pretty sure I'd burn the whole goddamn city down."
You roll your eyes and put your head on the steering wheel. If Dabi keeps acting like you need protection, the others might start to think you're weak...though, it'd be funny to see them try to pick you off or accuse you of being so. They'd be reduced to ash within mere seconds.
"While those morons are getting the goods. How do you think we should kill time, hm?" Dabi huffs to himself as he leans back in the passenger seat, putting his arms behind his head. You look up and turn your attention to him, and a Cheshire Cat smirk crawls across his face as he looks you up and down. Your eyes narrow as you feel your cheeks heating up, and Dabi starts chuckling to himself. He clicks his tongue.
"Nuh-uh. Not what you're thinking. Don't think we'll have time for that," Dabi snickers with a cheeky wink, "Once we get back though-"
"You're making it awfully hard to keep watch," You snap, and his playful demeanor washes away in an instant.
"Compress will radio me before shit goes sideways. Take that stick out of your ass," Dabi snaps right back, and an awkward silence hangs between the two of you. Dabi grits his teeth and groans.
"Sorry," He mutters, barely loud enough for you to hear. You nod, silently forgiving the apology, as half-assed as it was. You zone out, staring at the darkened alleyway outside the cargo van before you feel pressure on your shoulder. You look over to see Dabi leaning over to rest his head on your shoulder, looking up at you with his ocean blue eyes.
"You're the most beautiful girl in the world. You know that right?" He murmurs sweetly, reaching up to gently caress your cheek. The cold staples brush against your skin, the softness of the pads of his fingers sharply contrasting with the calloused scars on his palm. Your heart skips in your chest as you meet his soft gaze. He only looks at you this way. He only acts like this when it's just the two of you alone. He lets his walls fall down...and he becomes Touya Todoroki. After all, he trusted you with the name...he'd deemed you worthy of knowing it. He pulls you down toward him gently, wrapping his hand around the back of your neck, and tenderly connects your lips. Dabi's kiss is ethereal, and it throws your head into the clouds. He softly pulls back, breaking the kiss and staring into your eyes, though you swear you could count the stars in his. He sits up straight, still turning to face you as he runs a hand through his hair.
"Once we get back to base...do you...do you wanna go on...like a real date?" He stammers awkwardly, as if he's practiced it over and over in his head but still fails to get the words out.
"We're villains, babe. Can't exactly go out to the movies and a fancy restaurant," You point out dejectedly, fantasizing about the thought of you and Touya actually doing domestic things in public.
"No...I mean. I could have Kurogiri pour us some wine. Order some fancy shit. Maybe we could...go...stargazing on the roof?"
"Stargazing?" You try not to laugh before realizing Dabi is dead serious. "You want a romantic evening with me stargazing on the roof?"
Dabi seems to be biting his stitched tongue, trying to decide whether or not he regrets the offer. Your gaze softens seeing him be so genuine.
"That...that sounds lovely," You smile broadly, and Dabi breathes a sigh of relief before returning your smile.
The heist was successful, and, once you all returned to the hideout, Dabi gave you an hour to get ready before meeting him on the roof. You'd borrowed some makeup from Toga and had managed to find a dress in your belongings that fit well enough. Himiko was ecstatic and practically begged for all the details to be spilled in the morning, which you reluctantly agreed to.
Now, you're hesitantly opening the door to the roof, letting the cold wind whip your face and making you hold your dress down.
Now, you understand why Dabi said he needed an hour. String lights crisscross in a canopy overhead, linking over a table with a seemingly ripped tablecloth spread. Two glasses of cheap wine rest at opposite ends of the small round table, a bottle between them, and, there, pulling the chair back for you, stands none other than Dabi in a suit. It must've been something he borrowed because it doesn't seem to fit quite right, but it makes him look adorable and devilishly handsome. His spiky hair is combed as best as it could be, still looking rather messy, but it's charming to see that he's trying.
He doesn't say a word, just stares at you with pure devotion in his eyes as you step out into the night air. When you sit down, he pushes the chair in for you before awkwardly shuffling to his own seat.
"Any particular reason you wanted to do this?" You raise your eyebrow as you take your glass, risking a sip. You were right. It's cheap, but you like it.
"Figured it'd be nice to act like normal people before the world goes to shit," Dabi says unceremoniously before raising his glass and downing it.
You don't know how long you two spent talking and laughing, but it was enough time for Dabi to get increasingly more wine drunk. He was upset that you two couldn't properly see the stars through the light pollution, so, instead, he took your hand and was leading you in a slow dance. You giggle as he spins you around, surprisingly nimble and coordinated with how intoxicated he is. He brings you back in and dips you, pressing a chaste kiss to your cheek before taking you back up again. Finally, you two stop swaying, and he pulls you into a tight embrace.
"I'm never-hic-never gonna leave you behind. Ever," Dabi slurs, though his words sound so solid in his own mind. Recognizing the pain in his voice, you wrap your arms around him and whisper:
"I'm never leaving you behind either, Touya."
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jaybird-fanfics · 1 year
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You don't know exactly how you got to this point, with your boss hovering above you, leaving gentle yet messy kisses along your jaw and neck. But here you were. Maybe it had to do with something with you messing with him on while he was heavily focused in a game he was playing. But all you did was sit next to him and played with his hair. Hell, even then, you questioned yourself. 'How did I end up in this situation?' Your boss, Shigaraki Tomura, would have never let anyone so close to him, much less touch him. And yet, you were there, sitting inches away from your shoulder touching his own. With your hand running through his messy light blue locks. 
Let's start from the beginning, shall we? It starts with you, first joining the League Of Villains. You were asked to join because of your useful quirk. You had the power to create shadow versions of yourself, multiple at once. You could also travel through the shadows with ease. Made it easier to get in and out of places without being seen. You didn't get along with most of the members, and you really didn't like your new boss. He was basically a man child, a man who had a snappy attitude who threw tantrums whenever he didn't get his way. 
He pissed you off, he annoyed you. And it's not like he liked you any better. He liked your quirk more than you. He found your quirk more use to him than your actual self. If he could, he'd just use your quirk and leave you to rot. But, unfortunately he could not do that. So he was stuck with you. Yes it seems you were in quite the situation, hating everyone you worked with, including your bitch of a boss. 
However, as the weeks turned to months of missions upon missions, you found that not all of them were that bad. Toga was a good friend despite her overall creepiness. Twice always made you laugh. Spinner had surprisingly good taste in music. Mr. Compressing was actually nice to you. Kurogiri was there whenever you needed to talk about something that was on your mind.  And Dabi, well, he was just a good dude to get high with every now and then. 
But Shigaraki? He was still the same, an ass. To you and to everyone else. There was no way you could ever respect someone like him, boss or not. That is, until one mission, you two were sent out together. Great. A while mission. Just the two of you. The two members who hated each other the most. This could only go badly. 
But to your surprise the mission had gone good so far, you didn't run into too much trouble, you were still alive, and you were about to end the mission after getting what was needed. You would count this mission as a success. Or you would have, if not for the accident. 
You were injured, and nearly caught by a pro hero. You could use your quirk to escape due to their own quirk. It repressed other's quirks to near nothingness. You felt useless, you were alone. This was it, you wee done for. And then that's when your heard it, the anguished screams of the hero above you as he turned into dust. You look up from the ground to see your boss, Shigaraki holding the hero's head before it completely dusted. Shigaraki shook his hand free from the dust before turning his attention to you. You couldn't read his expression due to the hand he wore on his face. 
He said nothing as he approached you, he just, stared at you for a while before finally speaking. "Can you stand?" He asked. You blinked before attempting to bring yourself to a stand. You did, but felt so lightheaded that you began to tumble. Before you could fall, Shigaraki caught you by the waist. He was careful as he wrapped your arm around his neck for support before walking. "I don't know if you'll make it back to HQ at this speed." He muttered. "Can you still use your quirk?" 
"I'll try." You say before creating a shadow portal from beneath you. The two of you sank down into darkness, and within seconds, you were right back inside of the League's hideout. Just that alone seemed to have completely exhausted you. You fell unconscious in Shigaraki's arms.
Only to awake later in your room. You sat up in your bed, just in time to hear Shigaraki's voice again. "Slow down. You'll reopen your wound." You look to the side to see him leaning against a wall. The hands he wore were gone, you could finally see his face. Still unreadable. "Why do you care?" You ask bitterly, looking away from him. You cursed yourself as you remembered your state of weakness. And in front of him of all people. "Because I don't want someone useful to me to die." That answer only made you more upset. "Please, as if you care what happens to me. All you care about is my quirk." 
Shigaraki said nothing to this before he started to make his away to your bedroom door. You watched, noticing the limp in his stride. 'Don't ask. Just let him leave.' You thought to yourself. Halfway to your door, he nearly tripped, hissing out in pain. You sigh. "And what happened to you?" Shigaraki looked at you. "Nothing." 
"That doesn't look like nothing." You raise an eyebrow. "You got hurt too, didn't you? Why didn't you say anything?"
"Why do you care?" Shigaraki mocks your earlier question. Why do you care? You don't. He's a grown man, he can take care of himself. And yet, you found yourself getting out of bed, risking hurting yourself more just to check on him. "Sit down." You say, grabbing his wrist and leading him to your bed. He didn't make too much fuss as he did so. "It's your leg right? That's where it hurts?" You move your hand over his leg, looking up at him for a moment before going any further. Shigaraki rolled his eyes. "Go on. You're wasting my time." You shot him a look before moving his pantleg up. And there it was, a large cut on his calf. 
"Why didn't you do something about this earlier dumbass!?" You snap. "This could get infected!" Shigaraki looked a bit surprised for a brief moment. "I was too preoccupied with a half dead woman." He glared at you. "That doesn't matter, you're our boss, our leader. What if something happened to you? We'll all be directionless!" 
"It's fucking cut, I'm not going to die." Shigaraki tells you. "Infections can lead to death moron." You say firmly. "Just, go get it fixed before it actually does get infected alright?" 
"For someone who hates me, you sure are acting worried." Said Shigaraki. "It doesn't matter if I hate you or not, you're still our leader. I'd feel responsible if something happened to you while on that mission." You say. "I don't want that responsibility so, just go already." You then gave him a questionable look. "And I can say the same for you. If you hate me so much, why bother staying here in my room for who knows how long just to check if I wake up or not?" 
"Like I said, I don't want anyone useful to me dying." Said Shigaraki bluntly. You scowl. "I'm not useful, just my quirk, right?" 
"No." Shigaraki says firmly. "I need every single one of you to accomplish my goal. It's a long long ways away. I can't afford to loose anyone right now, that includes you. Your quirk helps, but it's nothing without it's host." You could have sworn his words sounded genuine. But, there was no way, right? Why would a villain care about others, even if they are on the same side? Shigaraki is nothing but a cold heartless monster. Right? 
You looked down at his wound again. "Just, go get this taken care of." 
Things were weird between you two since that day. You couldn't get Shigraki's words out of your head. There was no way he meant what he said. That's what you thought, until he actually proved it to you. You had caught the eye of a rival villain group, your quirk had proved useful to them. And so, they were willing to pay quite the penny for Shigaraki to hand you over, no questions asked. But Shigaraki wasn't having it. 
"Fuck off, she's not for sale." Shigaraki said as he swats the money out of the man's hand. "What? You think I just give my people away like that? Screw you. Now get the fuck out of my sight before I dust your asses. I should anyway, you've wasted enough of my time already." You could believe what you were hearing. And neither could the leader of the rival group. Unsatisfied with the outcome, he decided he would take you by force. But again, Shigaraki wasn't having it. 
The fight didn't last very long, and it ended with Shigaraki's foot on the chest of the leader as he stood over him. Shigaraki removed the hand from his face, he smirked as he glared down at the man. "Game over, shit stain." He said before dusting him. You just watched, surprised by his actions. 
That night, you went to look for him. Kurogiri informed you that he was in his room, and even advised you not to disturb him. But you needed to talk to him, now. You made your way to his bedroom and knocked on his door. There was no answer. After waiting for several seconds, you opened the door yourself only to be met with total darkness. The only light source coming from the TV inside. "Who the fuck is there?" Shigaraki grumbled as he paused his game. "It's me." You tell him as you took a step into the room. 
There was silence for a moment before he spoke again. "Come on then, don't just stand there." Surprised, you shut the door behind you and walked in before shutting the door behind you. Trying to follow the light to make your way to his bed. Once you reached it, you stopped and looked at him. Now you were at a sudden loss for words. "What?" Shigaraki glanced at you. "Don't tell me you interrupted my game just to stare at me all night." 
"No, that's not why I'm here." You tell him. "Then what it is it?" He asked. "I just...earlier today. Did you really mean what you said?" Shiagraki was quite for a moment. "What did I say?" He asked. "That I wasn't for sale? That you don't just give your people away?" 
"Of course I meant it." Shigaraki tells you, as if you should already know. "Did you really think I was about to give you up for a quick buck?" You went silent, really thinking it over. Did he really mean it? Did he really care for his own people? You didn't have time to question him again before he was holding a second controller towards you. "Sit down. This game is better with two people anyway." 
Wordlessly, you took the controller and sat down next to him. You watched as he played the game, not really paying much attention to your side of the screen. Maybe you were wrong. Maybe he wasn't heartless. 
"You suck at this." 
But he was still a bit of a jerk.
"I wasn't even paying attention!" You defend yourself. "And why weren't you?" Asked Shigaraki. You look away from him. "Just start it over. I'll kick your ass this time." 
Soon after, it would always be like this. With you, being in his room. Playing games with him. Your were quick to find out that he did not do this for just anyone. So why you? You didn't know, and maybe you didn't want to know. Because this, whatever this was, felt so natural. You liked it. He even let you win a few times, which was way out of character for him. He was being, nice? Yeah, nice, to you. 
And...you liked it. 
And then somehow, you ended up where you are now. 
You sigh a moan as he traveled further down your jaw to your neck. His rough lips felt surprisingly nice on your skin. He kissed and nipped at your flesh a few times, very time, would gain another pleasurable little noise from you. He liked it, he wanted more. He wanted to hear you more and more. You could feel his hand slip up your shirt, his four fingers just barely touching the base of your breasts before you stopped him. 
"W-Wait, Shigaraki...Wait." 
He stopped, looking up at you. "Something wrong?" He asked. Even that, stopping when you asked, asking what was wrong...why? You looked at him, heart pounding in your chest, your body begged him to continue but your head saying otherwise. "We can't, I don't think I can..." Shigaraki was quick to remove himself from you. "Sorry." He said quietly. You sat up and put a hand to your chest. "No it's not you. I promise it's just...What is this?" 
"What?" Shigaraki looked at you, his hair nearly covering his eyes. Something you've grown to find cute over the last few days. "This. What are we doing? We're not even...I mean. I know villains shouldn't care about this kind of thing. It's not that big of a deal but, to me, to me it is." Shigaraki took a moment before answering. "You don't want this." 
"No, it's not that I-"
"No." Shigaraki cut you off. "You don't want what I am. I'm...a lot. You shouldn't want more than...this." He waved his hand between the two of you. "Why?" You tilt your head slightly. "What?" Shigaraki asks. "Why wouldn't I want you?" 
"I told you, I'm a lot." 
"A lot of guys are." You try to joke. 
"No, I mean, why would anyone want me? Look at me, I'm surprised you even let me touch you." 
You furrow your brows. Did he really think so lowly of himself? You scoot closer to him. "I let you touch me, because I wanted you to touch me. I stopped you because, well, I..." You took a breath. "I like what we have. I don't want it to be ruined by doing something we might regret." Shigaraki leaned in a little. "I wouldn't regret it...would you?" You stared at his lips, then into his eyes. "I don't know. I'm...scared. But, I want it, I want you." 
"Even if I'm...me?" Shigaraki asks you, his lips inches away from yours. "Yes." You breathed. "Ever part of you." The two of you closed the gap, you sigh as he deepened the kiss. But pulled away just as fast. "I won't go any further, not unless you want me to." You chased after his lips. "I want you to, I don't know what might happen after but, just for tonight...let me have you." Shigaraki pulled you in close to kiss you again. 
Once more you found yourself on you back. Shigaraki pulled away to take off your shirt, leaning back down to leave a trail of kisses on your chest and breasts. He brought a careful hand up to cup one of them, causing you to whine as he moved his thumb across your perky nipple. His mouth around your other, tongue flicking it over. You squeezed your legs around his hips, grinding up against him. He groaned before he pulled away, he kissed down your stomach to the top of your shorts. He tore them off of you along with your underwear. You felt his hot breath on your entrance. 
You watched him as he spread apart your folds before licking up from the base of your pussy to the top of your clit. You threw your head back, eyes shut tight. Your hands shot down to his hair, pulling him in closer so you could grind onto his face. He hummed in delight as he ate you out, thumb rubbing at your clit at a ever quickening pace. 
"Shit! Shiggy! Just like that!" You moaned loudly. Shigaraki groaned as his hips rutted against the bed to get some sort of friction. The sounds coming from Shigaraki eating out your pussy made you squirm in the best of ways. Ever slick squelch filled the dark quiet room. Just as you were about to hit your high, he pulled away, a trail of slick following his mouth. 
"Damn it, why?" You whine. Shigaraki licked his lips clean before removing his shirt. "Don't worry, you'll get to cum...I promise." He chuckled darkly. You barely heard him as you gazed at his figure. Skinny, thin, you could practically see his ribcage. But damn, if he wasn't sexy in his own way. Every scar, mole, any imperfection, you found so beautiful. You were snapped out of your thoughts as you felt him grinding against your bare cunt. You let out a sharp gasp. "You fell that?" He asked. You looked down at his large erection in his pants. "You did that. Now you're gonna do something about it." 
Oh fuck yes. You sat up, not needing to know what to do next. You crawled towards him and palmed at his erection. He placed his hand on yours. "Beg for it." He demanded. "Please..." You begged. "I want it, I want it in my mouth. Please Shiggy." He smirked before removing his pants and boxers. Shit. You nearly came at the sight of it. He was very thick around, but he made up for it in length. You wrapped your hand around his dick, pumping it a few times before placing the tip at your lips. You kissed it before swirling your tongue around it. You heard Shigaraki groan before he placed his hand behind your head. 
He pushed your forwards, taking the almost the whole thing into your mouth. "That's it baby. Take it like a good girl." You whined before bobbing your head up and down, hand pumping what couldn't fit. You almost gagged a few times as the tip hit the back of your throat. Shigaraki threw his head back. "Fuck yes. Taking it like a good little slut." You whined again at his words, moving a hand down to rub at your clit. 
"Ah! Take that hand away before I take my cock out of that pretty little mouth. And leave you with fucking nothing." You quickly move your hand away. Shigaraki thrusted into your mouth, lids batting as tears started to roll down your cheeks. "Aw, is it too much for you? You can take it, I know you can." He said as he continued to thrust. Soon you didn't have to bob, he was doing it pretty much for you as he fucked your face. 
"Shit!" He pulled your head away just as he was getting close. You coughed a few times, before panting heavily. Again, you were given nothing. "Shiggy..." You pant. "Sorry, are you ok? That was a lot, huh?" Shigaraki cupped your face. You smile. "I'm ok." Shigaraki smiled as well. "Good, now lay back for me ok?" 
You nod before laying on your back, legs spreading open for him. Shigaraki was once again on top of you, lining up with your entrance. He looked at you, you gave him a nod telling him you were ready for him. He nods back before slowly pushing himself into you. You clutch at the sheets as you felt him fill you up to the very brim with his length. "Oh fuck. Shiggy, please, please move." You begged breathlessly. Shigaraki huffed as he gripped onto your hips, he thrusted harshly into you, quickening his pace with each time. 
You clenched down onto him as he brushed against that oh so sweet spot deep within you, causing him to groan loudly. He caught himself as he leaned down, groaning and moaning into your ear, panting heavily as his thrusts became more and more uneven and sloppy. He was close, and so were you. "Yes! Shiggy, right there! Please!" Shigaraki pounded harder, faster into your quivering cunt. Just as you were about to hit your high, he bit down onto your neck with a heavy groan. It was just enough to send you over the edge with a loud cry of his name. 
Shigaraki wasn't far behind, with a few more hard trusts he came inside of you, filling you up more. He grinds into you to ride out his orgasm before slowing to a still. He moves away from your neck and looks down at you, what he saw made his heart skip a beat. Your fucked out expression, mouth slightly parted as you panted, red faced, tears in the corners of your eyes. You looked so cute like this. He chuckled before slowly pulling out, making you whine at the loss. 
He shifted to lay next to you, bringing you in close to him. "Think you'll still regret this?" He asked. "Cause I sure as fuck don't." You look up at him. "Well, that depends...do you want this? More than just what we did?" You ask. Shigaraki moved a strand of hair from your face. "You're asking me to be your boyfriend, right?" You blush slightly as you nod. "If you don't want to then-"
"It's not something I'd normally do, you know? Be someone's partner in a romantic way." That made your heart ache. But what he said next made you hopeful. "But, you're something else you know that? You...you make me feel things I didn't know I could feel." His eyes met yours as he spoke. "If you really want me, then, I want you too." 
You smiled as you brought a hand up to his cheek. "Yes, I want you." Shigaraki smiled as well. "Then, you have me." He said before leaning down to kiss you deeply. 
For the first time, Shigaraki Tomura didn't feel cold. He didn't feel dead inside. Instead, he felt something he didn't know was possible for him to feel. And it was thanks to you, that he finally felt warm...
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butterfly-writer · 5 months
Punishment & Pleasure
Dabi x Female!Reader
Summary: Dabi was being a brat, always interrupting his beloved during meetings and conversations. I’m sure he deserved what she’s willing to give him as punishment..
★☽A/N: I never wrote smut in a long time.. This is like– My second time writing, and my first wasn’t exactly a satisfying one.. So I hope this one is not too bad! I might be making a separate account for smut if this one turns out okay!
Contents: SMUT
Power bottom AFAB reader, sub top Dabi – Manhandling, anal play, orgasm denial, masochism.
18+ MDNI
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· • —– ٠ 𓆩♡𓆪 ٠ —– • ·
It was a cold evening. The sun was slowly setting and the sky was a beautiful hue of orange and red. The League of Villains was having a few short meetings, all ending with Shigaraki getting pissed.
But someone was getting a lot more pissed.
That someone is Y/N L/N.
She was talking to Toga, listening to her rant about her obsession over a certain green-haired boy. And just before she was about to respond, Dabi had come behind her and interrupted her speech. She was surprised to see him, and she was a bit upset about him interrupting her. But, like the patient soul she was, she let him off easy.
But as the day went by, Dabi kept interrupting her. His continuous interruptions were starting to bother her. He continued in that manner because he wanted to see her lose her cool. She was always calm and collected, even during missions and when faced with enemies. Her personality only made him curious for her angered state.
And what better way than to interrupt her everytime she talks?
With each interruption he did with everyone she was trying to talk to, he could see the frustration flicker in his beloved's eyes, her patience wearing thin by the second. He started to feel a bit excited. Not aroused, but excited. Her face was a dead giveaway that she was getting pissed, and that’s exactly what he was looking for.
He wanted to see her enraged, maybe even lash out. He could take it, her anger couldn’t possibly be bad, right? He had experienced much worse from other people. And he was a villain, he couldn’t easily be scared by some “tantrum” from his beloved. 
Dabi couldn’t resist doing it again one last time. She was talking to Mr. Compress and she managed to talk to him for a good amount of time. But before she could talk to him longer, her response was cut off by Dabi’s annoyance.
"Hey, Y/N," he interjected, his voice dripping with mock innocence. "Did you hear about that new hero in town? Word on the street is they're cheating on their married lover.” He grinned mischievously.
Y/N's jaw tightened, a flicker of irritation flashing across her features before she composed herself with practised ease. She shot Dabi an annoyed look, but kept a smile on her face, and responded. "Yes, Dabi, I'm aware. Now if you don't mind, I was in the middle of a conversation."
“Really? I didn’t notice..” He teased with a grin. Before she could say anything else, Mr. Compress excused himself to talk to Kurogiri. She calmly said goodbye before her facial expression turned into a really pissed off one. She turned to Dabi with an annoyed look. She looked almost menacing. Steam could be seen coming out of her mouth.
He had done it! He finally got her to snap! But why did he feel… afraid? Her face looked almost scary to him, unrecognisable to him. To look composed and calm, he grinned with mischief. “What’s wrong, love? Cat got your tongue?” He cheekily said.
Dabi was caught off guard when she pulled him towards her. His body slowly bent down as he was face to face with her. She was a few centimeters shorter than him. “Are you going to behave like this all day? You think this is funny, huh?” Her voice was low and menacing.
By now, Dabi was sweating bullets. He had to swallow hard, feeling a sudden wave of apprehension wash over him. He hadn't expected Y/N to react like this, to confront him so boldly. But even as fear prickled at the edges of his consciousness, he couldn't help but admire the fire in her eyes.
He grinned a weak grin, trying to compose himself. “It.. It was just a joke, love! You know I didn’t mean any harm!” He awkwardly chuckled. But Y/N wasn't buying it. She tightened her grip on his arm, her nails digging into his skin. "You crossed a line, Dabi," she growled, her voice cold and unforgiving. "And now, you're going to pay for it."
She grabbed his arm and dragged him to his room despite his protests. While she lived in her own apartment, Dabi didn’t have the money and agreed to stay at the League’s base after Shigaraki’s proposal. She tossed him onto the bed and straddled him as she took off his shirt before taking off all of his garments, leaving him bare on the bed.
She took his belt and tied it around his arms onto the headboard. He squirmed in his place as he tried to get out of it. Y/N could see Dabi’s flames starting to ignite. She felt pissed at his attempt to escape. She slapped him harshly on his thigh, causing him to flinch.
“Don’t you dare use your flames on me.” She sneered, causing Dabi to stop his flames. She sat in between his quivering legs, she forcefully spread them open and placed them beside her hips. He tried to close them but that just earned him a slap on his thigh and a grunt out of his mouth.
She scoffed with annoyance. “You’re shivering? This was your own doing, fucking disturbing me during my conversations. You need to be taught manners.” She said before slapping his thigh again. He grunted again at the impact, the sting still lingering.
She quickly got to work, her hand on his erected cock. She stroked it slowly and painfully, teasing the tip with her thumb. His groans slowly turned into low-pitched whines, his body squirming in place. She stopped him by grabbing him tightly on the hips. “Stop moving,” she demanded with a low tone.
Despite it had only been minutes, Dabi could feel his release. But before he could even release, he felt a finger probing his entrance and a thumb covering his slit, preventing him from releasing. “Why did you-” His speech was cut off by Y/N’s lips on his. His sounds were muffled by her lips as she continued her assault on his body.
He didn’t know what was so arousing about this. He shouldn’t like this! But as she continued the same action, he could feel himself losing himself to the pleasure. Her lips eventually left his, her face close to his. “So, are you going to behave?” She whispered. And as a last attempt of keeping his dignity and ego, he smirked with his tired eyes. “Fuck off, bitch..”
“Oh? Is that how you want to behave today? Fine.” She slapped him on the thigh again before squeezing it harshly. With lube on her fingers, she slowly pushed a finger inside his entrance, ignoring his whines. “Stop..” He muttered softly, almost like a whisper. She started to finger his ass, slowly making room for two.
She looked down at his leaking cock, red and angry, begging for its release. With a random idea in her head, she flicked the tip with her index and thumb, getting a sudden moan out of the scarred man. She was surprised by his response. But her surprised look turned into a face of amusement. She flicked his tip again, getting the same response from before.
She couldn't believe how quick Dabi was to falter. His moans started too much louder and higher in pitch. Everytime he tried releasing, a thumb on his tip prevented him. She fingered around his insides, trying to find that one spot.
“Ah!” He yelped, feeling a sudden spark in his stomach. He looked down to see the massive grin on his lover’s face. She hit that spot once again, causing a moan out of him. She continuously stimulated that one spot while stroking his cock.
He ended up releasing all over Y/N’s hand, aching his back as he felt his release. Her smile grew even bigger. “Now, this.. This is going to be fun.”
He knew… He was in for it now..
· • —– ٠ 𓆩♡𓆪 ٠ —– • ·
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booksooks · 16 days
𝑳𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝑯𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝑳𝒂𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒆𝒓: 𝑫𝒂𝒚 2
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Author's Note: Hi friends, second part up on time? What? Who am I, god? Anyway, it's Toga's debut in today's piece, I hope you enjoy :)
Contents: College!AU, all characters depicted are STRICTLY 18+, no use of "Y/N"/any other variants, and possibly wildly ooc characters. I apologize for this. Light swearing.
Word Count: 2046
Summary: Entering your second year at college, only a few months after being broken up with, you weren't expecting anything special. Especially not in the romance department. But then a quiet, but friendly-enough boy on your floor catches your attention faster than you would like to admit. And oh, boy, are you in deep.
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Waking up the next morning wasn’t as difficult as you thought it would be. Gentle sunlight streamed in through your windows, and all was quiet. It definitely wasn’t normal for your expectations of college, last year your roommate had insisted on blaring all sorts of TV shows and movies or music at any hour she pleased. You hadn’t minded, since whenever you were actually studying she had put earbuds in, but the silence was certainly a new sensation.
You took your time getting up, as your first class was only at 11am, which gave you ample time to wake up and rub the sleep from your eyes, and maybe hang out for a bit on your phone before taking a shower, and doing your makeup. You then arranged your hair the way you liked, poking at a strand that just wouldn’t lay right until you gave up, leaving at 10:30 to get to the building on time. Things were actually going really well, considering.
You got to class entirely too early, and resigned yourself to sitting on the floor in front of the doors as you waited for the professor or other students to show up. You weren’t alone for long, however, as a bubbly looking girl in as much pink as she could have had on skipped up. Her ashy blonde hair was tied up in two messy moon buns, and she had the cheeriest look on her face.
“Hi!” She crowed, waving at you on the floor. “Is this oceanography? Room 231? I’m Himiko Toga, by the way, nice to meet you! You can call me Toga.”
You looked up at her and waved back. “Yeah, I think so. At the very least it’s room 231.”
“Cool!” She brightened. “I’m a freshman, so I’m still learning my way around. This campus is so big! Especially compared to my highschool, which was only one building. I was afraid I’d be late.”
Toga continues chattering for a few minutes, putting her backpack (also pink), down on the ground to give her shoulders a rest as she talks about how she was supposed to dorm, how she had several friends here which was a major reason as to why she even chose this school, and how excited she was to make new friends, and would you be hers?
You couldn’t help but get caught up in her infectious positivity, and before long you were yapping along with her, of course you’d be her friend. And then it wasn’t long until the professor, an older woman with graying hair who walked slowly and talked with the same cadence, shuffled up to the doors and asked you and Toga to open them as she dragged a cart behind her on a dolly. The three of you settled into the room, the professor making small talk with Toga about her experience with college so far and the first few introductory days as a freshman. You were setting up your computer, so completely focused on trying to get the damn wifi to work, that you didn’t notice when the door opened and someone slipped in. But Toga definitely noticed, and she squealed, making your head jerk up.
“Tomura! I can’t believe you’re in the same class as me, already! This is gonna be so fun!” Toga nearly climbed over the tables to get to the man, wrapping her arms around his torso affectionately.
Shigaraki, to his credit, didn’t brush her off immediately, and even wiggled one of his arms free to awkwardly give her a side hug back. She let go as soon as he started trying to pry himself free.
“Hi, Toga,” Shigaraki greeted, much more quietly than Toga had. It was then that he had noticed you, and he gave you a few quick glances before looking away, moving further into the room to sit next to Toga. He gave the professor a quick nod and introduced himself before setting up his own computer, tuning Toga out as she shook your shoulder lightly.
“This is one of the friends I was talking about! His name is Shigaraki Tomura, but I call him Tomura because we’re besties,” she explained excitedly, and you didn’t really have the heart to tell her that you two had already met. Before you could say anything, however, Shigaraki spoke up in that soft, raspy tone of his.
“We met yesterday.”
Toga gasped excitedly, clapping as she smiled brightly. “Ohmygod, really? Ooh that’s so exciting! Now I have two besties in the same class, we can study together!”
Shigaraki glanced at you then, shrugging before turning back to his computer screen. The professor had been setting things up this entire time, and there was a powerpoint on the screen about plate tectonics. Several other students you didn’t know had also been steadily filtering in, taking up most of the seats around your little trio.
“Sure,” you told Toga, motioning for her to sit down. Class would be starting soon, it was 10:58. “I don’t mind if Shigaraki doesn’t.”
“I don’t,” he said quietly, and Toga took that as her signal to whip out her phone and make a group chat, already texting emojis in it with speed. “Put your phone away,” he muttered, pulling out his own phone to clear the now 10 notifications from the group chat. You sighed and finally got connected to the wifi, just as the last student came in sheepishly and sat down in the front of class, and the professor started introducing herself before roll call.
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50 minutes later, and some very confusing instructions and explanations from the professor later, you were dismissed for the campus’s common hour.
“Let’s get lunch together!” Toga pleaded, already bouncing on her feet to get going as you and Shigaraki put your laptops away and stood up.
“Sounds good to me,” you agreed, following Toga out of the building. Shigaraki hadn’t said anything, but he followed you both out to the path without protest, so you took it as a sign that he was also down.
And so, the three of you made your merry way down to the commons, where there were several food chains open, along with… almost every other member of school. It was crowded and hot and loud, and you winced, almost losing sight of Toga as she dragged you along like she knew the place like the back of her hand. Which, was weird the more that you thought about it, because wasn’t she a freshman?
Either way, you wished for earplugs or something, scrunching your shoulders up to avoid touching anyone and making yourself as small as possible. Toga didn’t seem to notice, despite looking over her shoulder several times, and you tried not to be too annoyed. She was probably just excited and hungry. Shigaraki, however, did notice, and he held his sweater-clad elbow out for you to hold onto wordlessly. You take it gratefully, fingers curling into the soft fabric and trying to ignore how fucking solid he felt underneath, despite his lanky build. God you were touch starved.
You swallowed heavily and let Shigaraki somewhat bulldoze his way through the crowd. He was pretty tall and in his all black outfit he was more than a little intimidating, so people got out of his way like you were both surrounded by an invisible, protective bubble. You clung onto him tightly, incredibly grateful that people were less inclined to bump into you or push past you now that you were hanging off of Shigaraki’s arm.
Eventually, you finally caught up to Toga, who had somehow already bought herself a serving of sushi and a strawberry Fanta (sidenote, who actually liked those things? You had tried one during your freshman year and were barely able to finish the damn thing). She beamed up at the two of you, and was about to say something when she saw you hanging off of the crook of Shigaraki’s arm, and you let go like he had burnt you. Toga’s mouth twitched almost imperceptibly, and then she was moving on.
“I’m gonna go find us a place to sit!” She chirped, leaving you and Shigaraki behind, again.
You sighed and motioned for him to go ahead of you, which he took, also getting a container of sushi, and a monster, before checking out. You thought he was going to leave you behind to fend for yourself, but he stopped just outside the little cafe, waiting. You did your best to hide your smile as you acquired your own food and drink, paying for them and smiling at the cashier who looked like he would rather be anywhere but there at that very moment before you caught up with Shigaraki. He looked only a little less bothered when you stepped up next to him, and then once again he used his presence to clear a path to the little booth that Toga had claimed.
“How the hell did you snag this?” You asked, sitting next to her, as Shigaraki slid into the seat across from you. “These are normally never empty at this time.”
Toga smiled at you as she broke open the flimsy wooden chopsticks, and Shigaraki did the same. “Some people were leaving just as I got here,” she explained, bringing a piece of sushi to her mouth. She chewed thoughtfully for a moment before swallowing. “And so I just sat down and threatened to stab anyone who asked if they could also sit here!”
You blinked at her incredulously, and Toga continued eating as if she hadn’t just told you she tossed around threats like she was talking about the weather.
“Is that normal?” You asked Shigaraki. He nodded, unperturbed, and shoved two pieces of sushi into his mouth. You gaped, blinked, and then decided if someone who’d known her since at least highschool said it was fine, it must be fine. Relatively.
The rest of your lunch is completed with more chatter from Toga, with you and Shigaraki occasionally giving input or asking her questions. The time flies, and soon you were all nursing your drinks, a neat pile of trash to be thrown out when you leave at the edge of the table. Toga is talking excitedly to Shigaraki about a game he’s… making? Playing? You had stopped paying attention after a while, letting the two friends catch up as your social battery depleted. You checked your phone, for a lack of anything better to do, and jolted when you looked at the time.
“Holy shit, it’s 1:50, I gotta go,” You exclaimed, cutting Toga off mid-sentence. The panic in your voice was unmistakable as you hastily shoved your phone into your back pocket, the screen dimming abruptly. You slung your backpack over one shoulder, the straps digging into your skin as you scrambled to gather your things, and with one last glance at Shigaraki and Toga, you snatched up the crumpled pile of trash from the table. Your movements were sharp and erratic as you waved absentmindedly at them, making a beeline for the door. You sighed and hurried your pace, mentally mapping out how to get to the library from where you were.
Just as you were about to push through the exit, Toga’s voice rang out, slicing through the clamor of the hallway: “Text us!” Her tone was light-hearted, but there was a pleading tone to her words that made it clear she already wanted to keep in touch with you. You threw another quick, half-hearted wave over your shoulder, barely registering her shout as you broke into a light jog. Unfortunately, people didn't get out of your way like they did with Shigaraki, and you were forced to dodge and weave until you got outside and were able to move around people more freely.
You’re not early, or even on time, by any means, but then again neither is the professor apparently, as he walks in 5 minutes late.
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It’s not until hours later, when you’re back in your dorm, relaxing on your bed when you realize that you never texted Toga back. You quickly ran to your messages, and typed something out.
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You smiled to yourself and put your phone away, getting ready for bed. Friday could not come soon enough.
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End Notes: I hope you enjoyed :) Please let me know if you have any thoughts or comments, I'd love to hear them!
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stillness-in-green · 2 months
codenamesazanka mentions you a lot when they talk about the new mystery person. any extra analyzes you want give? do *you* think its Tenko?
I 100% do not think it’s Tenko.  It would raise way too many questions about how he got in some rando’s house, why he had to use scissors to free himself, how or if he was recognized, why he was imprisoned if he wasn’t, why he was imprisoned if he was, and so on and so forth.  I wholly believe that he’s just an expy!Tenko, meant to demonstrate how society has changed.
I suppose the only other analysis I have to offer—and I don’t remember if Nal’s touched on this or not in the time it’s been since I got this ask—is the issue of how an expy!Tenko to save is kind of meaningless as a reflection of how Tenko might have been saved when the story was in such a rush to blame every aspect of him on All For One anyway.
That is, if every problem Shigaraki Tomura posed was actually because of the way AFO “groomed” him, then what does saving Scissors-kun change or prove?  Killing or imprisoning all the Villains in the endgame just proves that the Heroes can’t do shit about helping Villains because they’re “too far gone.”  Saving Scissors-kun before he becomes a Villain is great, sure, and much to be desired, but it doesn’t prove anything about how society has changed in such a way that it could now save any future Tomuras.
Conversely, it’s not outside the realm of possibility that Scissors-kun is a Tenko parallel in a different way, and that’s making him be All For One’s fault, somehow, even though AFO is already dead.  He could be from one of the twisted orphanages Ujiko ran, or, for the stronger Tenko parallel, be the child of someone who grew up in one of those orphanages.  And if he was being kept locked in a basement as a result of someone twisted by the seedbed of hatred they grew up in, that ultimately makes the situation All For One’s fault, meaning the story gets to continue to blame all of its setting's problems on one (1) Evil Bad Man, even after that Evil Bad Man has already died.
Really, the whole issue with Scissors-kun as an expy!Tenko, even while I think it is most likely where the story’s going with him, is that he isn’t much of an expy!Tenko if his circumstances have nothing to do with AFO, but it’s still really shitty if they do.  He’d be a much better expy!Toga, but then saving him means the story doesn’t revolve around Deku, and I hardly expect that to start happening now!
Also, for all the talk about him looking like Tenko, I just don’t think he actually does.  The hair color and waviness is one thing, but to me, his eyes are wrong.  Sure, the color/lack of color is right—uninked irises with a black outline—but even accounting for the fact that they’re widened in distress, they’re much too large to be Tomura’s eyes unless he’s lost at least six years in the process of winding up in that house, and the corners of them are pointing at the wrong angles, besides.
Below are some comparison pictures--first of Scissors-kun compared to Tenko, then compared to Tomura:
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Note how, whether as a child or as an adult, Shigaraki's eyes always have that upward angle to their outermost point, the shape of the his bottom eyelid sweeping upward in a smooth curve, such that the outer corner rests higher on his face than the inner corner. Conversely, Scissors-kun's eyes come more to a more level, horizontal-facing point, or maybe even a slight downwards-angled droop, such that the outer and inner corners of his eyes seem more level with each other.
To throw a third character into the mix, compare Scissors-kun with both Shigaraki and Re-Destro:
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(Note: Shigaraki here has been mirrored for comparison purposes; I used the shot where he and Re-Destro visually face off during the latter's declaration of war.)
Scissors-kun is looking downward in the only shot we have of his face so far, so it's not a perfect comparison, but try to imagine how his eyeshape would look if he were facing directly outward, head held as level as Shigaraki's and RD's are. Do you see how the shape and angles involved would make his eyeshape look more like RD's than Shigaraki's?
Also, there's that funny little arrow point at the end of one of his bangs, the one by his nose that looks more like a baby version of one of Chrono's silly hair arrows than anything we've seen on Shigaraki or Tenko.
So, yeah, I think he is clearly supposed to be reminiscent of Shigaraki/Tenko, presumably for thematic reasons we'll be covering in the last few chapters, but I don't think he is him.
But then, it's only one panel so far, and the very first one at that, on top of the tilted angle. Maybe the resemblance will be more pronounced when he shows up next time. We'll see. Thanks for the ask!
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neonmoonlight514 · 1 year
Touched Deprived Dabi x Reader Fluff
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Been going through some stuff lately and today was the worst part of it. I've been feeling touched deprived and felt the need to write about someone that, I felt, was as well. I am also planning on doing a Hawks version, well maybe. Writing this one however made me feel a little better. Dabi x Reader, No warnings, just fluff.
Being new in the LoV had its downs. Everyone had already bonded and had trust in each other. You were the second female in the group. You had an interesting quirk, one that was useful to the villains. They try to include you, but your introverted ways keep you from really socializing with them. However, you stuck around. At least you knew you were safe.
Everyone had jobs today, except you and Dabi. He was a quiet guy and the more you tried to study him, you were intrigued by him. You watched as Toga bounced toward the door and patted Dabi on the head. You noticed the grimace and the hate behind the touch. Another curious mark to make in your Dabi study. Did he just not like to be touched, or did he not like Toga's touch?
You watched as his body relaxed on the sofa. How the silence filled the room between both of you, almost like a thick sludge that caused you to remain still, almost unable to breathe. Then, piercing icy blue eyes shifted in your direction.
You cough because you suddenly remember to breathe. When you finally were able to calm the cough attack, you gazed over at him, and his brow was quirked upward, clearly confused at your sudden outburst. "Sorry… I.. Um.. choked on my saliva.." You figured that excuse was much better than, 'I got lost in your eyes and forgot to breathe.'
However, your excuse got a--was that a smile? No, smirk? You wanted to squint to get a better look, but his features were already back to what they were prior. You decided to do something nice, yeah, unheard of in the LoV apparently, but what the Hell. You moved to the fridge, removed a bottle of water, and sighed at the assortment of drinks. Of course, they couldn't make this easy, could they? You wanted to surprise him with your generosity, so you winced and picked a soda. Soda? Would he like sodas?
You shut the door and walked toward the living room, deciding to hold up both. If he chose the water, you'd just settle for the soda. You'd survive. He went for the soda, you smiled, but he did not. "Y/N." You said in a soft tone. "Dabi right?" He twisted the cap off of the bottle and drank in silence. You frown. Okay, this was going to be harder than you thought. Without opening it, you sat the water down on the table.
You moved back against the couch, your left shoulder pressed against the cushion as one leg was tucked under the other so you could sit at an angle. "What if…" You said softly. "I can… make you laugh?"
"Not interested."
Woah! He spoke. HE CAN SPEAK! His voice was amazing. You needed to hear more. "No, hear me out. If I can make you laugh, you have to…" You quickly tried to think of something, anything. ".. Let me hug you."
He scoffed at you. "No. Although, that almost made me laugh at the stupidity of it."
You couldn't help your excitement as his words spilled out again. Your excitement however caused Dabi to ease back a little. This gave you a hint to tone it down. Which you tried to do. "I seriously think I can make you laugh."
"I doubt it."
"Then if you doubt it, accept my terms. Give me one try and if I get any bit of a smile, chuckle, or laugh, I get to hug you."
His eyes locked on yours. You two stared at each other for two minutes before he sighed. "Fine. One chance."
Oh, the challenge was on! You knew he didn't believe you could do it, and honestly, you didn't have much faith in yourself either, but one shot. You thought a moment and then remembered the almost laugh you thought you saw earlier. It was the best shot you had. Would it work?
"Okay!" You said as you clasped your hands together. "Over there when I started choking. I didn't choke on my spit." This got his attention, causing his brow to raise in question. "You looked at me and your eyes took my breath away…" He stopped a moment and then finished with a small laugh. "I had to remember to breathe!"
Dabi just blinked at you. "You… forgot to breathe…?"
You started to laugh as you realized how stupid it was. You started to lean your head into the cushion, laughing hard. "When--When I realized that I wasn't breathing, I started choking!"
He smirked. He smirked! "You are stupid, huh?" He let one laugh out. "To think someone makes you forget to breathe."
"You laughed! I heard it."
"Get it over with." He finally said, lifting his soda to his lips where he took a drink. You waited for him to drink his soda and then as he lowered it back down to the table, you moved closer to him and wrapped your arms around his neck. You leaned down and hugged him lightly. You could hear his breath catching, this caused a smile to flow over your lips.
"Don't forget to breathe."
He laughed again. "I'm not as stupid as you."
You didn't take anything he said to heart, to be honest, the tone he said it in didn't seem as if it was anything other than a joke, a tease. "You laughed again."
"So I did."
"I guess I need to hug longer."
"…. that wasn't a part of the deal."
"When has the LoV ever followed the rules.."
There was silence between the both of you, but he didn't push you away. You remained against his chest, your head lying on his shoulder. You oddly felt comfortable. He oddly felt comfortable. He wanted to hate this, but the so-called hug was something didn't know he needed.
Dabi had noticed how you didn't flinch when it came to where you laid against him. How you continued to huddle up against him, arms around his shoulders. You didn't cringe at the sight of his massive scars that covered over half of your body. Why weren't you disgusted? He would curl his fingers into a fist, feeling the frustrations of this whole situation build up, however, you still didn't move.
He could grab you by the shirt and throw you, but--
As you lay there, breathing softly, content, his mind began to wonder. Was this that bad? He wasn't used to someone that just wanted to touch him, to hug him. Toga clung to him, but it was always her need for attention and his blood. This? There was nothing other than the need to touch.
He finally gave in, his hand lifted to touch your back. It was warm to the touch, almost too warm as if he had just extinguished his fire. He still didn't speak, only closed his eyes. The silence between you two was comforting. His need to feel affection from someone, even a touch, and your need to give that to him.
He felt the buzz, and instead of moving you, he shifted under you and fished his phone out of his pocket. A soft grumble seemed to vibrate in his throat, his eyes closing for a moment. "Toga. She's coming back."
This caused a groan to escape you in protest. You pulled back from him and for a moment you two stared at each other. You felt his hand on your arm, a light grasp as if to hang onto you just a little longer. "Next time, maybe without having to make you laugh?"
You felt his hand release you slowly. "Yeah."
"Next time, perhaps you can hug me back."
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stevesbipanic · 1 year
Boy For All Seasons
Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Ao3
While the snow began to melt in the weeks that followed new year's eve, Eddie's heart still felt cold and broken. He began to pull away from Steve, still wanting him in his life but needing enough distance to try and get over him. They didn't share a bed anymore, the first night it stopped Steve looked sad but understanding when Eddie said Wayne needed him at home. Ignoring the phone calls in the middle of the night hurt more.
Sometimes Eddie thought Steve was going to bring it up, but he was always quick to cover it up with a smile, his smiles looked faker these days. Eddie didn't understand, shouldn't Steve be happy that Eddie isn't clinging to him anymore, now Steve could find someone like him someone who wasn't different.
Eddie still visited Family Video, he liked Robin's company too, Wayne was happy he had friends outside of the band. She and Steve always seemed to be whispering about something these days. Maybe Robin had finally talked to that girl Vickie, but he's sure she would've told him the moment he'd stepped in the door. Eddie felt another stab at his heart, maybe Steve had met someone, maybe he knew Eddie was in love with him and didn't want to hurt his feelings.
With Spring Break only a few weeks away it was Eddie's new least favourite time of year, Valentine's Day. The halls at school decorated with pink hearts and flowers. Pretty girls hoping the football team were going to ask them to the dance. Even Family Video was getting ready for the day, plenty of couples looking for a movie they could ignore while making out.
If things had been different Eddie probably would've put together some ridiculous costume to impress Steve, make him blush the same soft pink as those hearts on the wall. Things weren't different though, this Valentine's Day Eddie will spend alone once again and Steve would take some sweet girl to the movies or the dance or anywhere other than around Eddie. Eddie slammed his locker shut, ridiculous holiday anyway.
"You good, Eddie?" Gareth said tentatively, the boys had been giving the storm cloud that was Eddie Munson a wide berth.
"Fine Gare, great even, I'll see you later."
"Hey Eddie wait!"
"What do you want, Henderson?"
"Are you going by Family Video after school?"
Eddie hadn't been planning to returning to the heart shaped hell but he had a weak spot for the boy.
"Maybe why?"
"Robin wants to borrow my DnD manuals, she's thinking of joining Hellfire."
Weird that Robin hadn't asked him but he supposed she knew Dustin longer, besides he could duck in give Robin the books and leave, wouldn't even need to see Steve.
"Sure, Birdie would be a great addition anyway."
"You're the best, thanks Eddie!"
When Eddie pulled up to the store, the carpark was surprisingly empty besides Steve's beemer.
"In, out, easy Munson."
When he stepped inside he let out a small sigh of relief seeing only Robin at the counter, for once the universe was on his side.
"Special delivery, Birdie!"
"Eddie! Are those Dustin's books? Great, just leave them here, oh before you go would you mind looking at the character sheet I drew up?"
Eddie wanted nothing more than to leave before Steve appeared from one of the shelves he was surely shelving, but he was weak for DnD and it would be really cool to play with Robin.
"Sure, but only quickly."
"It's just in the back, you wait here a minute."
Before Eddie had a chance to argue she was gone. Just then, the lights went out.
"Huh? Robin you good?"
Soft music started playing and a torch lit up the break room door. Eddie had seen a few strange things in his life but nothing prepared him for what appeared before him.
Steve stepped out from behind the door, and Eddie felt frozen in place. Steve was dressed in a white sheet wrapped as a toga, gold Laurel wreath in his hair, eerily similar to the costume Eddie wore that started all of this. The difference being the white feather wings and bow and arrow in his hands. If Eddie wasn't having a stroke already the blush and glitter dusting Steve's cheeks was about to cause one.
"Hi Eds," Steve said softly looking up at Eddie through his lashes.
"H-Hi Stevie."
"I thought it was my turn to dress up, do you like it?"
"Like it? Sweetheart you look beautiful."
Steve smiled shyly, ducking his head before returning his gaze to Eddie's.
"I was wondering if you had any plans tomorrow night? We can't go to the dance but maybe we could go to our diner? We haven't been in awhile."
Steve was right, they hadn't been in awhile, because Eddie had been dodging hanging out, because he had been avoiding Steve, because Steve didn't like him...right?
"Don't you want to take a nice girl out for dinner tomorrow?"
Steve shook his head, "Nope, just you."
Eddie couldn't help it, he didn't understand, "Why?"
A flash of worry crossed Steve's features, "Why not? I like you, like a lot. Do you...do you not like me?" The corners of Steve's eyes started to mist, he looked like he had begun to regret what he was doing.
"No! No I do, I really really do Stevie, but I thought you didn't like me, on new year's you told Robin we wouldn't work, that we were too different."
Steve's eyes widened, "Is that why you've been avoiding me?" Guilt crossed Eddie's face before nodding.
"Eddie," Steve reached out and took his hands between his, "I had gotten in my head that you wouldn't want me because we're too different, you're cool and fun and in a band and an adorable nerd and I'm just me."
Everything made sense now. "Sweetheart, you're not just you, you're loyal and funny and beautiful and kind, I would be crazy not to be in love with you." Eddie froze as he realised what he said.
"You love me?" The look in Steve's eyes melted away any doubt in Eddie's heart.
"Have for awhile, Stevie." Steve grinned widely at Eddie before taking his face in his hands. "I'd be crazy not to be in love with you too, Eddie."
Then, finally, after months of jokes and costumes and schemes and nightmares and hugs and comfort and crying and confessions and waiting, finally, two boys fell into each other sharing a soft kiss.
"Hey Eddie?"
"Not wearing anything under this one either?"
Eddie knew it back last March and he knew it now, Steve Harrington was going to be the death of him.
Tags: @zerokrox-blog @smallfrogpleasedtomeetyou @eboyawstenn @sharingisntkaren @goodolefashionedloverboi @the-redthread @steddie-there @questionablequeeries @liorereshkigal @mightbeasleep @carlyv @my2amgaythoughts @gregre369 @space-invading-pigeon @bisexualdisastersworld @epiclazershark @sherrylyn628 @raisedbylibrarians @swaghettoni @lololol-1234
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Just some random thoughts, mostly, feel free to take or leave
So, like, when I first thought about this, it’s like … Dabi doesn’t necessarily have ongoing memory problems. You’d think he might, but no, his memory retention is okay. He doesn’t have any problems FORMING new memories, he just can’t remember much from before he wakes up in the clinic. Or the things he DOES remember, don’t have context. Like, he loves soba (I Headcannon the whole Todoroki clan does) but he doesn’t remember when he first had it. He has a lot of survival skills, but doesn’t know where he would have picked them up. Little bits and pieces of a puzzle, but no clue where they fit.
Now, certain things trigger feelings or sensations that can help spark memories, but it isn’t consistent. Like, you’d think fire itself would be a trigger, but no, that doesn’t do anything. Dying his hair red, however briefly, does make him mad, but he doesn’t know why. The first time he tries to make soba himself, he gets a very clear memory of a voice telling him not to over cook the noodles, but can’t recall the person the voice is attached to. The best way I can describe it is a dam, a massive block on his memory, and a strong enough trigger can briefly punch a hole through it, but the dam will kind patch itself, so unless Dabi really pokes at it, he isn’t getting anywhere fast.
Part of the reason Dabi would latch onto Toga would, in fact, be that she sets off a bunch of different feelings that kick that dam HARD. She’s vulnerable, like Shouto, she’s often ignored, like Natsuo, and (fudging this a bit) she has just enough physical similarities to Fuyumi that, altogether, it sparks something for Dabi. He doesn’t know WHAT, but she’s triggering all his Brother Instincts. Now, Himiko is her own person, so while those similarities START rattling the barrier, they can’t do more than that, no matter how much Dabi comes to care for her in her own right. But they do make it so, when Dabi gets a good look at Shouto during Katsuki’s escape (When Dabi decides, “actually, not cool with kidnapping, I’m taking the two traumatized blondes and LEAVING”) the dam in his head gets a cannon ball through it that doesn’t patch up.
The memories aren’t exactly coherent, or you know, linear, but Dabi gets at least one good, clear memory of Shouto as a young kid, a toddler, and that is probably the first clear memory he’s ever gotten. So, instead of just taking Himiko and fleeing the country altogether (which may or may not have been a half-baked plan he was maybe-sorta thinking about) Dabi decides to risk it and approach U.A.. To reiterate UA, not the Todoroki residence itself, for two reasons.
first, and probably obvious, Shouto is the only Todoroki he’s really seen in person at this point. He doesn’t know any of the others, Shouto is the one he’s reacting to, and he knows the kid goes to U.A.. Plus, he doesn’t imagine approaching the civilian residence of the number 2 hero would go over well with anyone. Dabi’s pretty sure that’s a good way to instantly end up in prison. The second reason is Himiko herself. I like to imagine that, while it’s probably better than being homeless, Himiko is still not doing to great. Yeah, the League was actually trying to help her (for their value of help) but Himiko was coming off several months of being homeless, predated by TWEVLE FUCKING YEARS OF STARVATION. She’s a hot mess of malnutrition, dietary deficiency, and Dabi knows she needs a hospital sooner rather than later. And, well, U.A. has several students that could be considered “villains”, they have a teacher with a Quirk that’s similar to Himiko’s, so Dabi’s hoping they’ll be a bit more sympathetic to Himiko’s situation, and actually help her out, not immediately lock her up. (He’s correct)
*On a slightly more comedic note*
to expand on Dabi waking up in the clinic, he wakes up to a nurse trying to check his vitals or something. Nurse is spooked, and asks “Dabi” how he is (seriously, calls him Dabi-san, cause that’s what’s on his chart). Dabi, confused, is like, “who are you? Who am I??” and the nurse figures he’s just coming off the anaesthesia, so puts a bit more in his IV to knock him out again. Goes to tell the main doc what happened, and the man figures this is a good sign, clearly Touya’s more robust than they thought! They’ll keep him sedated so he can rest a bit more, be in better shape, then call in AfO.
Only Dabi doesn’t give them the chance. His metabolism is apparently through the roof, so only a hour or two later, he wakes up. Now, this is Dabi’s experience. He briefly woke up in a place he doesn’t recognize. He doesn’t where he is, who these people are, or even who he himself is. When he tried talking to the nurse, they knocked him out. Waking up AGAIN and getting a closer look, this place doesn’t look REMOTELY like a professional hospital. He’s pretty sure it,s a renovated concrete basement. Yeah, Dabi ain’t sticking around. He gets up, takes his IV out, strolls out in his stupid hospital clothes, fully expecting a fight … and NO ONE STOPS HIM. Middle of the fucking night, Dabi just casually walks out the front door. Was there an emergency? Is this place just poorly staffed? Dabi does not know or care, he is OUT, thank you. 
it takes almost a full fifteen hours before anyone realizes he’s gone.
Oh yeah absolutely!
The people and the actual experience is gone, but the memory of it is still somewhere in there and can be brought forth.
muscle memory is going to be the biggest trigger at first. This can apply to some reflexes. Even before he realizes that his Quirk hurts him, he’s naturally trying to keep the fire away from his body, only bringing it close when he thinks to. It’s the other things that were mentioned before, flinching when people get angry and expecting them to get physical, or feeling happy when eating what used to be a favorite meal that he’d eat as comfort. His body is used to these things even if his mind no longer is.
I think the Himiko-Fuyumi trigger should be less that she’s physically similar to Fuyumi(because honestly I can fudge it some but....). It should be because she’s a young /girl/ and a touch childish. Sure, it’s been years since he heard the phrase “hey big brother help braid my hair!” but some part of him remembers it and remembers brushing someone’s hair and he remembers exactly how to braid and for just a moment as he’s sitting with Himiko blonde hair flashes to white and red.
also that ‘escape’ is fucking hilarious
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shih-coulda-had-it · 7 months
a/n: speculative ficlet on the end of bnha. manga spoilers.
His whole body ached. This was nothing new to Tomura, who had been plagued with an awareness of bodily discomfort since he was conscious enough to register it, but unlike before, there was no way he could relieve himself of the pain.
He could not lift a limb; he could barely turn his head.
Beside him on the torn-up battlefield, Midoriya wheezed and wept dry, rasping sobs. He looked even more of a mess than Tomura, and the insides of Tomura were still churning with the stupid, indigestible truth that deep down, he was a pitiful child wanting to be saved. The ghosts had been ruthless in their excavation.
“Shut up,” Tomura managed, and his lips curled weakly to bare his teeth. “Just--would you shut the hell up and kill me already?”
Midoriya twitched. Unlike Tomura, Midoriya was laid-out flat on his back, face turned to the sky and all four limbs stretched out like a butterfly pinned to a corkboard. The kid didn’t even bother twisting his neck. He just side-eyed Tomura with unwarranted incredulity.
“A hero wouldn’t hesitate. Not after all I’ve done.”
“What do you think I’ve been trying to do,” Midoriya said, unsteadily, “for the past hour?”
“You’re trying to be the good guy. ‘There’s always someone to save.’ Ugh.”
The doctor had subjected him to intense electric shocks, conditioning his body before the transfer of All for One, and the Quirk still hadn’t integrated peacefully. Star and Stripes tried to smother him in the ocean and obliterate him altogether. In neither of these cases did Tomura cry.
Tears were beading up now, threatening to spill over and soak the ground. Tomura crooked his fingers against the dirt, seeking Decay in the fiery ruins of his veins, and tasting blood when all he turned up was more pain.
“I can’t do this,” he gasped. “I can’t look at--at all their stupid faces--and listen to them tell me that I was wrong--”
Unbelievably, Midoriya wrenched himself to the side and reached over to grab a fistful of Tomura’s hair. He said, “You don’t get to die.” He sounded like a hero; he sounded like a maniac who would see Tomura thrown into some asylum for ‘recovery’ when all it would really be was an indefinite term of drugged incarceration. “One for All didn’t go away so you could die. I told them I’d save you, and I will.”
“You and what Quirk?! You think you count for anything now? Even All Might’s word doesn’t mean shit!”
“You’re Quirkless too, now!” Midoriya fired back.
Tomura clenched his jaw. Maybe if he ate enough dirt, he’d throw up, choke on his own vomit, and die before any medical assistance reached them. Like being unable to use a Quirk mattered to the terrified, paranoid judicial system. He’d dusted both of Overhaul’s arms up to the elbows and they booked him in Tartarus anyway.
“I won’t let you disappear,” the boy swore.
“Moron,” Tomura spat. “I’m telling you over and over again, it doesn’t matter what the hell you want. You’re gonna stand against the heroes when they drag me to prison? You’re gonna ask them to go easy on me with the sentencing? It’d be more merciful to just kill me!”
Midoriya yanked on Tomura’s hair, and Tomura wailed a long, despairing cry into the dirt. Would anyone else help him? Dabi--useless. Toga--useless. Spinner--gone. Mr. Compress--imprisoned. All Tomura had left was Midoriya, and he hated Midoriya, but not enough to suppress Tenko’s needy want for a friend. 
“If they take you, I’ll find you. I’ll ask All Might to find a safehouse in the country. I’ll make sure you have dogs to take care of.” Midoriya released Tomura and rolled himself completely to his stomach. His eyes were red-rimmed but dry. Exhaustion weighed on him as heavily as the hurt did on Tomura. “Don’t you want to live?”
This was the final straw, amidst the many final straws that had edged their fight further and further in Midoriya’s favor. Tomura had no desire to voice Tenko’s want, so he scrunched his wet eyes shut and screamed into the shattered earth.
Next to him, Midoriya waited.
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neaxsfiction · 1 year
Falling asleep next to Dabi (fluff)
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Sitting next to Dabi in the LOV van has been a rather unique experience.
Man I'm so tired
Dabi and I were never close. Basically we barely even spoke. I mean yeah, we have interacted a bit but nothing more that could engage a friendship. I would sit on the van with Toga, but today Twice was sad and she wanted to comfort him.
My eyes slowly close and my vision goes black.
"Get up" a raspy voice says
I yawn a bit and stay on the uncomfortable pillow I seemed to have been resting my head on for quite some time now. My eyes slowly open and meet with the turquoise eyes of the cremation villain. He was very close.
"We have arrived" he says in a softer tone.
As the flashback of some moments earlier hits me, I realise what has happened and I feel extremely embarassed about it.
I quickly raise my head and apologize to him. I don't wanna make him think of me as an annoying person who crosses his boundaries. Plus I generally don't wanna mess with him. No matter how strong my quirk is.
"S' okay" he huffs and turns around to leave, avoiding amy type of eye contact.
The truth you don't know though, is that nobody has ever trusted him this much. He's used to people fearing him, which he didn't care about it at all, or calling him a monster. Deep inside though, he carved human interaction.
At the beginning of the ride, he was just staring at the window not caring about anything actually. He didn't try to interact with you as that ride would only last 30 minutes. At some point he felt a sharp pain on his shoulder.
When he was about to confront you about this, thinking you're trying to annoy him, he turns his head and realises the pain only came because of your head falling on his shoulder while you were asleep.
You trusted him enough to sleep next to him and rest your head on his shoulder. Maybe you were just too tired, but he doesn't know that. He was caught off guard with this. In his eyes you're a powerful villain and gives you a fair amount of respect when you two have to interact. He has no experience of trusting people or being trusted so he doesn't know what to do with this new feeling, that makes his ice surrounded heart melt when he realises he can be trusted.
He couldn't betray that trust. But he couldn't do anything else so he just stayed still. His mind was a mess. He was trying to comprehend what was happening thinking fast. What should he do? Should he cover you with his jacket while sleeping, like he's seen on TV? Nah that would make things weird between you two. In the end he just decided to do his best and not move. He just let you rest your head for as long you needed.
If it was only you two, and you were in deeper sleep, he'd even get brave enough to rest his head on yours for a bit. No person in the LOV has made his heart go soft like this.
When you arrived to your destination with the van, he couldn't do anything other than waking you up. He didnt want that ride to end, like at all. He whispered your name a few times until you started moving and opening your eyes.
His eyes locked with yours when you stared at him. He held on the eye contact until you broke it and started to apologize, in order to save this memory in his head, and never forget it. To be honest, he loved that expression you had, not only because he found cute how clueless you were after your little nap, but also he got a chance to stare at your beautiful eyes up close.
The look you gave him that day, only sent shivers down his spine. The look in your eyes was soft and, in his eyes, you looked vulnerable and in need of protection
Typically he never bothered to care about anybody else, other than himself. But man, that was about to change. His ice-cold heart melted right on spot, his usual glare became a soft look of appreciation and, trust me, he'd never be the same after that.
Only if you knew what you did to him that day
Dabi pic credits
Date uploaded; 03/07/2023
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aurora567 · 7 months
Little Mouse Ch.16
Warnings this fic will contain mature themes. Such as but not limited to teasing, kidnapping, Stockholm syndrome, very unhealthy relationships, some elements of non-con/rape, threesomes, drug use, breath play, voyeurism, branding, sex.
Summery: Rin finds herself being shipped off to Overhaul.
Word Count: 6697
Last Chapter Next Chapter
Dabi didn’t return even though most of his clothes were tossed around the room. And honestly she wasn’t sure if he had much more than the two pairs of pants, and two shirts he had. It wasn’t exactly like they all had a lot of clothes. Even her own wardrobe could all fit into a grocery bag. So she really wasn’t in any position to talk about the man’s lack of clothes. But this meant he was in just his pants and probably jacket since she couldn’t see it anywhere around the bedroom. So then where had he run off to? And why?
She contemplated getting her ass up and dressed to go hunt for him or Shiggy but now the stone in her gut had her curling up in the old blanket still naked as she just stared at the door. Had she offended him? Maybe his scars were a touchy subject? Now her worries were eating away at her as she waited for him to return, not even intending to fall asleep as she did.
When she did wake the bed beside her was still empty, which only seemed to fuel that odd feeling in the pit of her gut. Why did it upset her so much that Dabi had not returned? It really shouldn’t matter, all they did was fuck. There were no ties and he was making that clear. And yet she couldn’t deny it upset her as she sighed and forced herself out of bed and gathered some clean clothes before she left the bedroom.
She was on the hunt now to see if she could find either Dabi or Shigaraki now that she was up and awake. Though of course it seemed both idiots were gone. How annoying. Pouting, she made her way to the main room of the warehouse where Toga, Twice and Mr. Compress was standing around chatting. But no one else was in sight. Great, both men she wanted to see were gone. This sucked.
“Do you guys know where Shiggy or Dabi are?” She asked as she approached the three. Which Toga only shrugged not having a clue, Twice said he didn’t know.
“Shigaraki is supposed to be meeting with that young yakuza boss at this moment I believe. As for Dabi I do not have a clue,” well at least Compress was able to answer one of her questions. So Shiggy was busy with that man who had eyes like gold. While Dabi was MIA, yet that wasn’t exactly new for him, he would up and disappear all the time. He would be back eventually, Rin had to just wait it out. That was the hard part; she did not want to wait for either man. She wanted to talk with them both, though for completely different reasons but still nonetheless she wanted to talk with them both.
“Thanks Mr. Compress,” she said simply struggling to keep from pouting which in turn only made the older man chuckle.
“Shigaraki will be back soon. And hopefully with good news,” of course Compress was happy to chat with the woman who had been his caretaker over the last while and who had nursed him back to health while also keeping him fed.
“Do you actually think there’s a chance that Shigaraki will be able to negotiate with that man?” She asked softly with an arch of an eyebrow not even trying to hide her skepticism for the man’s lack of social skills and the temper that he had. Kurogiri was no were to be seen so hopefully that meant he was with Shigaraki and able to keep the man child reeled in.
“It’s hard to say. But I am sure no matter what the outcome Shigaraki will be victorious,” that almost sounded more like that the pale haired man had gone off to battle, not to try and make a truce. So of course Rin gave Compress a skeptical look as he replied and then shrugged his shoulders at the look he received.
All Rin could do after that was sigh in annoyance and try to figure out what she wanted to do to pass the time as she waited for one or both men to return to the worn out building the League was currently calling home.
“Well if you see either of those two idiots tell them I want to see them,” she said as she turned and left the small group of her colleagues? Was calling the league her colleagues the right word? They were not exactly much more than acquaintances, or at least most of them were not more. And there was the fact that although she could agree with some of their values she couldn’t deny she didn’t completely agree with the method the group used. There was never a reason to kill a human. But she couldn’t deny, they were right. The hero society had to be reformed, changes had to be made. But still she questioned just how far was too far to achieve their goals?
With the group nodding their head in understanding at her request Rin had left the few of her colleagues back in the main room as she started to hunt down something to eat, the growling in her stomach demanding to be sated. So that’s what she did as she waited for someone to return to their makeshift home.
What time of day it was or even what day it was she didn’t know. With a stolen book in hand she had found a room with an old shredded couch in which she was reading the book. Has it been a day or hours since she started waiting? The lack of clocks or her cell phone made keeping track of time or days almost impossible for the woman. And since she didn’t leave the hideout often her ties to the outside world were also nearly non-existent. Was it still summer? Or has autumn started yet? Just looking out the boarded up windows didn’t really answer that question. So instead she tried to keep herself occupied with the book in her hand.
Being ripped from her thoughts the sound of heavy footsteps filled her ears as someone approached the room. It was about time someone got back. Closing the book that was in her hands in one swift movement she lifted her eyes to look at whoever was standing in the doorless doorway. It wasn’t hard to tell who it was with the hand’s sticking to his body. Those would probably forever make her skin crawl when she saw them scattered over Shigaraki’s slim form.
“Shigaraki welcome back. I heard you were visiting with that young Yakuza leader. How was that?” She asked flashing him a warm smile though his red eyes seemed to glow from behind the hand that sat on his face.
“Nakano you are to head to the Shie Hassaikai headquarters immediately and remain there until further ordered by Overhaul or Myself,” was the order she received which had her smile drop and her eyes grow wide. What was this about?
“Huh? I’m sorry, why am I going there? Is anyone accompanying me?” She asked which only seemed to irritate the man standing before her.
“Don’t ask questions just do as you are told,” was the snap she received which had her bowing her head as she watched his right hand reach up to start scratching at the raw skin of his neck.
“Yes sir. Am I to believe Kurogiri will be transporting me?” She asked to which she only received a simple nod. She returned the nod as her lips pressed together and she left the book in her hands on the couch as she stood up and started to walk towards the man. Though Shigaraki did not instantly step back and out of the only exit to the room when she approached him.
“Rin be careful while dealing with Overhaul,” was the soft barely audible hiss she got from him before he stepped back and into the hall.
“You worry too much Shiggy. I’ll be fine, don't worry your healer will be back soon,” she said her own tone softer and she flashed him a small smile even though she didn’t have a clue what was going on as she started down the hall from the direction she had heard Shiggy forming from.
Well so much for getting her questions answered. Now she had even more as she hunted down the cloud of smoke who was apparently awaiting her. What was going on? It must be important if Shigaraki had greeted her using her last name as he pretty much asserted his dominance as the leader. But what was it she was doing exactly? Clearly the leader of the Yakuza must have wanted her for something but what? It must have been a hell of a deal if she was being stuck shopped from one hell hole to another.
Finding Kurogiri had been easy, no words were needed as she simply held the cloud of smoke and gave a nod of her head. She was ready to go. No words were needed as he opened a portal for where she assumed was the destination of her new hell. And yet before she walked through the portal she paused for a second.
“Let Dabi know I’ll be back,” she said simply to which the cloud of smoke nodded his head, again agreeing to her request knowing that he would actually do that. With that she stepped through the portal mumbling a simple, “thanks.”
Well Rin wasn’t sure what exactly she expected but a large luxurious home was not where she expected to suddenly appear as she stood on the sidewalk in front of the gates to the home. With her left hand raised to shield the bright mid day sun she glanced around before slowly approaching the front gate.
The large wall made it a bit hard to tell but clearly it was a large property. And clearly they wanted some privacy by the looks of it. Then again she couldn’t blame an illegal group for wanting that. Walking up to the gate she paused and looked over before spotting the intercom beside the gate. Reaching out she pressed a button and waited. It only took about four seconds before a voice snapped at her.
“Who are you and what’s your business?” Was the voice that came through the intercom. Sounded male but there was always a chance of a voice modulator being used.
“Rin Nakano. Shigaraki sent me,” was all she said which was apparently all she needed to say as she listened to the gate click and the door came unlocked. Pushing the door open and stepping inside she listened to the lock click into place behind her. Well there was no getting away now. She paused and glanced around the front of the home taking in the well manicured lawn before a figure stepped out and approached her.
Her body was tense as she watched the odd figure approach her. They wore a long white jacket or coat, the hood pulled up to cover their hair, a plague mask sat on their face. An odd looking individual indeed. He looked to have at least fifteen centimeters of height on her. Or was it a woman? No the shoulders looked too broad to her to be female though as soon as the voice spoke she had her answer as a male voice spoke up.
“Welcome miss Nakano. Please follow me,” was the simple greeting she got from the mystery man who stood before her. She softly arched an eyebrow but nodded her head non the less as she followed the figure towards the front door. Slipping her shoes off she spotted white slippers apparently awaiting her. Slipping them on quickly she fell into line following the person who had come to greet her. The house was typical for a traditional looking home. Though suddenly they came to a stop in front of a vase that looked to be housing cherry blossoms. She watched the man lift the vase and proceeded to open a hidden door. Hmm seems there was a reason this gang of hoodlums were still able to be operational. Their head was not a complete idiot if they were smart enough to have an underground area built.
The figure before her was silent as they led the way and she simply followed them. Where they were going she didn’t know. The face of the young man with gold eyes appeared in her mind. Was that who she was going to go see now? She wasn’t sure but didn’t dare break the silence either. The air smelt almost a little stale compared to outside though not dusty or mouldy like the warehouse. Actually rather opposite it smelt almost clean. A lingering of chemicals seemed to sit in the air. It rather reminded her of her months working in the hospital. Kind like when she would walk into an old unused room. There was no fresh air flow but at the same time it wasn’t exactly what one could call a dirty air either.
Suddenly the two came to a stop before a random door. The place was like a maze. It was going to be a bit tricky memorizing the maze but Rin had been trying to keep an eye out. But every empty hallway looked the same as the last, only a few doors littered the halls. She softly arched an eyebrow at the stranger as she watched him pause to open the door for her. Though her skeptic look only grew as she was greeted with a stark white bathroom. What the hell was going on? She didn’t move and she watched the figure sigh.
“There are clean clothes provided for you. Please bathe and get dressed. Overhaul will see you after that,” well that really didn’t answer her unasked questions. She frowned at the masked man who she couldn’t see the face of. But he remained silent as the two had a bit of a staring contest before she sighed.
“Whatever,” she mumbled before walking into the room and closing the door with a little bit more force than needed with a click of the lock. At least they had a lock on the door so it wouldn’t be easy for anyone to sneak in on her. A quick glance around the room didn’t show any visible cameras or anything though that didn’t stop her from still checking even though there was completely nothing in the room but the toilet, shower, and sink. She glanced at the pile of clean clothes. A shower and clean clothes was really actually a nice thought. And so still a little uneasy she stripped from her clothes and turned the shower on nice and hot.
Gosh hot water when was the last time she got to enjoy that? Back when she and Dabi were in that little apartment together. That almost felt like months ago now, though surely it was only a few weeks at best. So as she turned on the water, cranking it nice and hot she stripped out of her dirty clothes and stepped under the wonderfully hot water. Damn this was amazing and she couldn’t even help the soft moan that she let out at the feeling of the hot water running over her body. She’d be lying if she didn’t admit that was the best shower she had in a long ass time.
Though the shampoo and soaps were scentless, which was a bit of a buzzkill but she tried not to linger on the disappointment that she wouldn’t smell nice after. But still at least the soaps did their job and she was able to scrub herself nice and clean. Hell there was even a nice fresh razor and shaving cream which she was happy to use. Though it did make her wonder why? Why the hell was she showing? Why did she have to? Surely she didn’t smell that bad. Like just why kept crossing her mind.
Once out she used the stark white towel that smelt like bleach to dry herself off. Now she turned her attention to the outfit that sat neatly beside the sink. A light pair of skinny jeans and a light pink little spaghetti strap shirt looked back at her with a matching white pair of underwear and bra. Now that made her blush. Even more so when she inspected the garment to learn they were all in her size. Well that’s not at all creepy, was the sarcastic thought that ran through her mind before she started to get dressed.
Once clean and dressed she was a little hesitant before she sighed and finally opened the door she had locked and stepped back out into the hallway where her mysterious guard was still standing waiting. She assumed he had been waiting the entire time which she really didn’t care about. He had never knocked or tried to rush her so she had enjoyed the shower for as long as she could.
As soon as he spotted her, he turned on his heel and started down the hall once again not saying a word as he walked. How annoying yet again she would be stuck with questions who no one would ever answer. Maybe this Overhaul fellow would be far more willing to answer her questions as she followed the weird stranger before her through the maze of hallways before finally coming to a door where he stopped and knocked.
“Come in,” was the simple greeting they got for knocking before the cloaked stranger opened the door and walked in. She followed after him into the room as she glanced around. It looked like a personal study. A bookcase on one wall, a desk in a corner. Two small couches faced one another. And sitting on the couch facing the door was the young man she recognized from the few nights ago. The one who took Compress’s arm and Big Sis Mags life. That thought had her lips pressed into a firm line unsure what this man exactly wanted.
“Take a seat,” he said, simply indicating to the couch across from him. Skeptical and hesitant, she slowly started towards the couch before sitting down. Glancing around the room she noticed the stranger that led her to the room took a position standing behind the young head. This time the man didn’t wear a plague mask. And yet still she couldn’t see his face because it was covered with a simple black medical mask.
“Alright let’s get straight to the point Overhaul I assume. Why is it that I am here?” She said bluntly as she sat there locking eyes with the man before her.
“Watch your tone with the boss bitch!” Was a snap that came from a third person. A small little man had apparently been sitting behind the desk. She had not even noticed the small figure.
“Mimic that’s enough,” was the calm reply that the man gave to the small man.
“You're here because I made a deal with Shigaraki for you and two other members of the league to be working for me. So for the time being you work for me. I will be putting you in charge of watching over a young girl in my care. Her name is Eri,” was the simple explanation she received from the man as he lifted his right leg to lay his ankle over the top of his left knee as he sat back on the couch watching her as she frowned at him.
So what? This oddball of a man wanted her for what? A babysitter? Even more odd. What was a Yakuza boss doing with some young kid? It all felt off as Rin sat on the couch taking in what the man had to say. She watched him as his hands softly reached up to remove the mask that covered his face now allowing her to take in the view of what was a really handsome man not much older than herself.
“So you made a deal with Shigaraki so you could get a babysitter for some kid?” She asked, arching an eyebrow not at all trying to hide her skepticism.
“Eri has been a bit of a handful. It was pointed out that a female presence in her life may make her a bit better behaved,” was the very vague explanation she got from the man. Now she had to weigh if it was worth pressing for more answers or if she should just take what information she was given and go with it. She couldn’t help it as her lips pressed together as her eyebrows pulled together.
“That still doesn’t exactly answer my question. Am I simply becoming your babysitter now?” She wanted to try and push for more answers to her question. She listened to the man's sigh as he watched her reaction and her push back. She wasn’t a push over and a part of Kai enjoyed that, she was either going to be fun or incredibly annoying.
“If it makes you feel better then yes think of yourself as a babysitter. I need you to help care for and keep the kid happy,” he said simply. Why was it that he was talking so monotone about a kid? Was it his kid? He was a little older than herself. He could easily have a kid since Rin knew women her own age with kids already.
“Alright. How old is she? What times do you want me working? Times and days I’ll be needed here would be nice,” she said simply listing off a few questions that first came to her mind. Hmm if babysitting was all she was needed for then she would need to let Kurogiri know the days and hours so he could portal her in and out. Or so she was thinking.
“You will be staying here. If you're needed I will simply have someone either fetch you or deliver her to your care,” ignoring the questions about the kid Kai simply commented about her request in days and times as if this was a job she would go home and come back to when needed. Oh no that wouldn’t work. He did not want her being any more tainted than she already was. No, she needed to stay where she would remain clean. She needed to remain with him.
“What do you mean I’m staying here? I have no desire to be here away from my friends,” she said, her lips pressing together and her eyebrows pulled down. She was not impressed with being told she was now someone else’s prisoner. Why was it she was once again finding herself a prison, just now she had a new warden. Ugh this was not sitting well with her.
“It’s exactly as I said. A room has been prepared for you. If you need anything please ask Chrono’s and he will assist you the best he can,” Kia said simply though with a tilt of her head and an arch of an eyebrow it became clear she didn’t know who he was talking about. With the wave of a gloved hand the man who had led her through the maze and to Overhaul reached up to remove the plague mask that covered his face.
Rin was met with a much younger face than she expected. He looked to be the same age as Overhaul, so he couldn’t have even been thirty yet. Even with his silver hair he was clearly not much older than she was or Overhaul by her assumption at least. This man’s name was apparently Chrono’s it seemed based on the fact that was what Overhaul called him.
“And what if I refuse to stay?” She asked in a low tone as she pulled her attention away from the silver haired man and back to Overhaul who was now glaring at her as his lips pressed into a firm line.
“You have no choice. If you refuse to behave I will resort to more forceful means,” was the answer she received which upset her even more as she tried not to just blow up at him. Getting mad and striking out would only cause her more issues. And so she sat back and simply crossed her arms over her chest with an upset huff. She had no issues letting her unhappy mood be clear but she didn’t do anything else.
“That will be all. You're free to go till you're needed,” Overhaul said simply, which had her attention pull away from the brunette to the silver haired man who now moved from his spot behind Overhaul and was ready to lead the way to her new room. Rin sighed knowing there was no use arguing as she simply stood up from the couch she was sitting on and watched as Chrono’s headed for the door before she slowly started to follow after him.
Rin remained silent walking behind her escort as he led the way through the white maze of halls. He didn’t seem to have any issues remaining silent and just letting the woman simmer in her own anger. Which is what she did as she wanted nothing more than to slam her fist into the wall angry that she was not allowed to leave. How long was she going to be stuck here? It felt more like Shigaraki had sold her off. She was going to punch that crusty asshole the next time she saw him.
And Dabi? What was Dabi going to do with her gone? Was he going to be mad? Or sad to hear she was gone? Or would he shrug it off and not even care? That last one seemed the most accurate. After all, what was she to the dark haired pyro? Nothing more than a good fuck. And she had just started to get along with everyone and have some freedom. And now she was back to square one. Stuck in a place she didn’t want to be with people she didn’t want to be around. This was hell all over again.
Without a word they came to a stop in front of a random door, or at least it was random to her. How the hell anyone knew where they where or how to get around was a mystery to her. And yet the man who had been leading the way didn’t seem to hesitate or give any issues in knowing where he was as he opened the door to reveal a plain and simple white room. It was fairly large, larger than the one she had at her own home and even larger than the one from the apartment she shared with Dabi. But it almost reminded her of a hospital room with how stark white everything was and the stale smell of cleaner.
“Your meals will be brought to you, when you are needed someone will come and get you. Until then you are expected to remain in your room. If you need anything else just ask,” he said simply as he waited and watched.
“Yeah I have something I need. Let your boss know I’m not a prisoner. I am here to work for him because it is what Shigaraki needs. I refuse to be locked up,” she hissed at the silver haired man even though she still stormed into the room and proceeded to slam the door shut as hard as she could trying to ensure her anger got across.
Now Rin had the issue of wanting to rip out her hair, throw things around and destroy them and burst out in tears. Being left along with herself was not ideal. Even worse was that she missed Dabi. She still didn’t have a clue what had happened the night before. He had run from her and she wanted to know why, had she offended him? Would he now think she just ditched him? Then again why should she feel so upset over him? She tried to remind herself the man didn’t care about her. She wasn’t anything more than the man’s plaything. And yet that thought made her heart ache.
Maybe she should try and enjoy the time away from the league. No need to have to worry about when she would eat next at least. And there was warm water here as well. The bed was clean, the room didn’t look or smell disgusting. She had fresh clothes. Maybe she should try and think of this as a holiday? And yet she still found herself crawling over to the bed and crawling under the blankets as silent tears started to roll down her cheeks. She refused to let anyone hear how upset and shaken she had become.
She had not even been tired when she arrived. But after who knows how long she had been crying she eventually drifted to sleep with tears drying to her cheeks and a pounding headache awaiting her. It wasn’t till a loud knock at her door before it swung open and once again the white cloaked man walked in pushing a cart with a number of plates sitting on top.
They all appeared to be different breakfast options. Large fluffy pancakes, a rice omelet, another had some fried fish, and miso soup with some small sides. It seemed someone was trying to suck up to her with all the different food options that sat before her.
“You’ve been asleep for fourteen hours. It’s time to get up. I’m unaware of what you would eat so Overhaul informed me to have multiple things made for you. Some tea was also made. As well as I brought you some pain killers,” the man said simply as he rolled the cart towards the bed as he watched the woman slowly push herself into a sitting position.
Of course Rin was not at all impressed with being woken up. And her hard glare sent at the silver haired man gave that away. Though his hood wasn’t up and the mask off his face actually gave her a chance to take in his appearance and notice his hair looked like arrows. Kind of odd but then again in this world with quirks you were almost odd for not having something visibly abnormal.
“I am not hungry,” she said simply even though it was a complete lie. And had she been watching she would have noticed the way Chrono’s lips pressed together more unimpressed with her reluctant to just be good.
“That’s fine then. I’ll come back and retrieve the cart whenever the food is gone,” he said, simply having no desire to argue with her nor was he just going to roll over either.
“Fine and while you're at it let Overhaul know I do not appreciate being watched. I’m not a fool I am sure he has a camera or two in this room. He can remove them himself or I’ll do it,” she growled at the man. Although she had no clue where the cameras were, she wasn’t an idiot. Someone had known she cried till her head hurt, they knew she had remained dead to the world asleep not once waking. Only someone watching her would know that. Which meant that there was some way to watch her. And what better way than cameras. After all, anyone could get a small hidden camera, even your average joe could buy a nanny cam or whatever those small cameras were called.
Of course Chrono’s didn't reply as he simply turned and walked out of the room closing the door behind him. And yet she didn’t hear a lock click. Which led her to believe that the door was unlocked. But what would happen to her if she did leave the room? Was that something she would want to figure out? Ugh her head hurt way too much to think about anything.
She grabbed the two painkillers and the tea as she tossed both pills into her mouth and swallowed them before she softly started to sip at the nice hot tea. Her stomach growled at her demanding food as she sat there eyeing the cart of food. But if Rin had become anything lately it was stupid and stubborn. Whether they were good or bad things she wasn’t sure. Though it was surely going to get her into some trouble. She pushed the cart over towards the door before heading towards one of the other doors in the room. Of course poking her head in proved her assumption was right. A personal bathroom awaited her. A huge bath against one wall. A shower along another with a toilet beside and a large marble counter with the sink lined the third wall.
It was amazing to say the least as it was easily the size of her old bedroom. But once again everything in the room was stark white. How boring. All this white was going to drive her nuts. Pulling her head out of the bathroom she turned her attention to the closet doors now. Walking over she wasn’t sure if she wanted to see what was inside. If anything. And yet she still opened the doors to be greeted with a large closet full of a range of outfits. Dresses, skirts, blouses, sleep wear, even a simple white sleeping kimono sat on one hanger, most of it was stuff she would never have bought for herself as it was a lot more girly than she was use to.
Though what unsettled her the most was the fact that it all appeared to be in her size. Well this was not at all creepy. Being forced to grab something clean and fresh to wear she was looking around her eyes darting all over now becoming incredibly paranoid.
“Heaven above. Overhaul if you have cameras in the bathroom I will scoop your own eyes out of their sockets,” she growled as she made her way to the bathroom and slowly started to undress. Luckily the room was bare and empty aside from a toothbrush, toothpaste and a bar of soap that sat on the counter. So it was a little reassuring to think there were no cameras in the room. Getting the shower started she cranked the heat up wanting the room to fill with steam. Still she found her hands covering her body till the room filled with steam and she walked into the shower.
Once again the hot water was heaven against her skin as she nearly melted in the shower. Oh how amazing hot water was to have again. It almost made all this crazy worth it. Almost but not quite. Still she didn’t enjoy thinking about that too much. This nearly felt like she had been kidnapped all over again. But this time by some crazy ass stalker with how this was working out.
Once she had showered she was as quick as possible to wrap a clean white towel around her body once again a little worried about the thought that cameras may be in the bathroom watching her. Geez how was she ever going to be able to go to the bathroom without the fear of some freak watching her. Yeah no she was going to have to have a discussion with Overhaul about this situation, and being fucking watched.
With the new clothes on and her hair still wet she started to pace the bedroom feeling far to antsy to do anything else. Nor was there anything to do anyways. She had no phone, no computer, no books, no nothing. The room was completely bare. At some point she was cursing Overhaul out as she paced, not even caring as she was sure the man could hear and see her.
Lunch rolled around and no new cart of food since the one from that morning still sat by the door untouched, the food having gone cold long ago. Of course she was acting like a child so she shouldn’t have been surprised when she was also treated like one. That didn’t stop her from acting as a child as she stormed around the bedroom. It was probably a good thing the bedroom was empty because she probably would have started to destroy things within the room otherwise.
It wasn't till dinner time rolled around as the food was still left untouched that a knock came from her door. She didn’t invite the person in but still that didn't stop the doorknob from turning and the door swinging open. Though it was a little surprising to see it was Overhaul who was the one that came to her. And here Rin had thought the man would have simply hidden behind some screen and simply watched her. But here he was strolling into her room. A dark mask on his face which he removed once in the room. But the gloves on his hands remained. Hmm how odd it was that even in his own home the man dressed like a doctor ready to go for surgery. Hmm was he a Mysophobia? It would make sense why he was so well covered. Yet if that was the case why remove the mask? Ugh her head still hurts too much to be thinking about things so hard.
“What do you want?” she snapped at the man who didn't even blink an eye at her hostility.
“You have not eaten today,” was the calm and collected voice that met her.
“I will tell you the same thing I told Chrono’s. I am not hungry,” She said, still holding onto her childish antics. To which she watched his lips press together unimpressed with her answer it seemed.
“I know you're upset but must you really choose such childish antics?” He asked his tone giving away his unhappiness.
“Well you’ve clearly been stalking me or something. So you shouldn’t be so surprised,” She said as she crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him.
“I have done no such thing. I simply had Chrono’s look into you before having you come here,” He said simply, though that still didn't exactly soothe her worries very much.
“So what, you just ordered your lackey to go to my home and search it for my clothing size? Yet clearly he did not pay any attention to my tastes in clothes,” she watched him closely, not exactly happy to think that silver haired man was rummaging through her bra and panties drawer to learn her size.
“It was needed to ensure that what was bought would fit you. After all, you couldn't be allowed to wear your filthy clothes here that could contaminate my home,” Ah well there was her answer to her earlier thought. It seemed the man before her did indeed have some issues with dirt or the fear of germs and things being contaminated.
“And what about the camera’s? I am not a moron I am sure you have some in this room,” she growled at him. And yet he didn't deny it as he watched her.
“I have cameras all over. It's needed to ensure the safety of the place. You do not need to worry no one but me will see anything,” He said simply as if that would make her happy. Rin had to resist the urge to groan at the stupidity of the man before her.
“Whatever. Why are you here? Surely you could have sent your lackey here to have this discussion with me?” She was curious to know why the leader himself was here talking with her.
“You may not think so, but you are a welcomed guest. It would have been rude of me to not come and try to sooth you myself,” Kai said simply as he stood there watching the woman as she pouted. Well at least he was smart enough to know sending someone else to deal with her would only have made her far more upset.
Next Chapter
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epickiya722 · 1 year
Yeah the thing that made that question pop up is how he had toga naked when she hugged uraraka, made me look at everything so far and wonder how much of it is just people projecting because it's what they want to see. I too got swept up into all the discussions so it didn't occur to me until now. And I mean it fits given his track record, he does love the fan service and now I'm thinking if this was more him working on the saving villains arc while working in fanservice than him just making something Sapphic.
Like even the Carmilla thing how much of that is a reference to the actual source material and how much of that is a surface level reference like the pikachu/pikachiu name because it's a famous female vampire.
What sticks out to me about the Carmilla thing is that the story itself isn't written to make the titular character necessarily "evil". In fact, it's opposite. It's a story that actually has said character with actual feelings and wanting to be close with someone than actually going around and eating people and being sexy doing it. It's a story that dives more into exploring attraction to the same-sex and self-conflict.
Easily, he could have just said "Vampirella" another famous vampress if he wanted to throw a vampire reference in there. But to me, he specifically chose Carmilla because the context of that story.
Which makes me question if Horikoshi actually reads literature because that hits home to the situation with Toga and Uraraka.
It's like the obvious reference to Frankenstein and his monster with Endeavor and Dabi.
The thing with references and Horikoshi is that sometimes the references are just to get someone to go "ha ha, nice" like the Pokémon thing. Other times, I do think he's making a reference to other media as a text-to-text connection to make the audience understand what's going on.
Now, I know Horikoshi definitely adds some fanservice in there, which isn't anything new because fanservice is practically everywhere (not just anime and manga, people, don't act like it's just in anime and manga).
But I also feel like he does, at least, try to throw references from many media as well as create genuine moods for the audience to feel.
Maybe he's trying to balance many things to appease everyone. To literature people to people who love fanservice to video game lovers to the LGBTQIA+ community, etc.
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iceeericeee · 1 year
Here is my contribution to NATM day <3
Notes: This is basically how the Shroomies get together (romantically). Also, I'm aro, so excuse me if none of this makes sense, but romance is not my first language :')
Drew POV:
‘Ugghhh, my head hurts. I’m never sleeping outside without a tent again.’ I think to myself. ‘Maybe I can get back home and take a nap.’
“Where d’yah reckon she came from?”
‘What the fuck?’
“I dunno, new addition, maybe?”
‘Since when did we have yeehaws in Washington? And what’s this dude going on about?’
“Then shouldn’t she be in a position? Why’s she lying down?”
‘In position? What am I, an actor? Oh god, are they using my campsite for a film?’
“Beats me.”
I shifted a bit, pressing my hands against my temple. I slowly sat up, opening my eyes. I saw three people in a loose semicircle in front of me, dressed up like cowboys. When they saw me move, they quickly shuffled away, giving me space.
“Someone get Jed, he’s better at explainin’ this to newbies,” the guy on the left ran off, leaving a small trail of dust behind him.
‘Hold up. Dust??’
“You need some help gettin up there, sunshine?” One of them offered.
“Uh, yeah, no thanks. I’m fine.” As he raised his hands in defense, I quickly got up to look around.
“No. Fucking. Way.”
I was at a railroad, and right in front of me was a short expanse of sand and dirt, which suddenly stopped after a few yards, and opened to an enormous hallway, with a giant bench in the middle. I’d recognize this place anywhere.
“How- how in the hell-” Oh wait. ‘Fuckin Annabel. I know she did this, and when I see him, I’m gonna wring his damn neck.’ Then I looked down to see what I was wearing.
“Oh, hell no.”
I’m wearing one of those dresses you only see in those old western movies. It’s a flattering shade of pine green, with small white flowers decorating the hem. It’s pretty, but it’s definitely not me. I can almost hear Annabel laughing.
‘Speaking of Annabel, why did they think it was a good idea to put me here? There’s really no point,’ I think to myself. ‘Unless- no, they wouldn’t. They’re not-’ But the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. But then, where’s Charlie? If they’re trying to get us together, then wouldn’t she be here too?
‘Wait. Didn’t that one guy say-’
“Hey there! You alrigh’?”
‘Fuuuuuuuuck, it’s Jedidiah.’
I turn around, and sure enough, it’s Owen Wilson’s Jedidiah Smith in all his glory.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m good, I’m doin good,” the words almost rush out of my mouth. ‘Damn you, bisexual panic.’
He stuck out a hand. “Name’s Jedidiah, but you can just call me Jed,” he introduced.
Resisting the urge to say that I already knew that, I shook his hand. “I’m Drew. I'm looking for someone, maybe you've seen her?"
"Well, there ain't been anyone new here, 'cept for you, 'f 'course,"
'Damn, I guess she's not in this part of the museum.' "Can you help me find her? Please?" At this point I'm practically begging. I've got to find Charlie, I need to make sure she's alright.
"Of 'course! We'll go over to Octy, see if he knows where your friend's gone off to."
*time skip to when they get to the roman side*
We get to the Roman side, and I almost pass out when I see the architecture. It might all be done for looks, but from what I could see, they did a fantastic job on the details.
I'm interrupted from my gazing when Jedidiah says, "Y'know, yer takin' this a lot better than most,"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Well, fer one, yer not panickin at the fact yer tiny, now."
'I'm too surprised I'm in a movie to be upset that I'm small, but okay.'
"And two, well, it's mostly just you not panickin', that's all I really got." As he says this, I start hearing talking in the distance. Some voices I don't know, but two of them stick out.
"-and, oh my gosh, your actually Octavius! This is wild, wow!"
We turn a corner and there she is, talking to Octavius and some of the other roman soldiers. And- oh god, she's wearing a toga. If she wasn't cute before, she definitely was now.
Running as fast as I can towards her, I shout, "Charlie!"
She turns around just in time to get tackle hugged by me. I almost cry into her shoulder. 'We might both be small here, but at least we're not alone,'
I vaguely hear Octavius ushering the Jedidiah and the others out to give us space, too focused on hugging Charlie. 'Wait, I'm hugging Charlie.'
I awkwardly back up, blushing. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to just hug you, I just- I- fuck, I'm just sorry."
"Drew! It's okay, you're fine!" I look at her and she's smiling at me, and without missing a beat she goes on. "You don't need to apologize, you know how much I love hugs!"
Ah, fuck. Now I look like an idiot. In front of Charlie, too.
Before I can say anything, she says, "I can't believe we're in a movie! And not just any movie, Night at the Museum! I was just talking to Octavius! Octavius, Drew! The emperor of Rome, lover of Jedidiah Smith! And-"
I interrupted her before she could continue. "Charlie, we can't stay here. We have to go home."
"But, Drew, there's so much to do here! We can't just leave without saying hi-"
“-and we can talk to all the different exhibits! Oh my gosh, Drew this is gonna be so fun! Who should we talk to first?”
“I was thinking Sacajawea, she’s so cool! Oh! Do you think she’d like me?”
“What am I talking about, of course she would. Maybe after her we can go see Ahk!”
“Maybe he’d even let us look at the tablet! The Tablet! I wonder if it’s cold? Or does the magic make it warm?”
“*gasp* Oh my gosh I almost forgot about the stars! Maybe we could-
“Charlie! Listen to me, goddammit!”
She stopped, startled at my outburst, looking at me with those big eyes.
“Charlie- *sigh*” My voice trembles as I say, “Look at us, Charlie, we’re too small.”
She gives me a look that says she doesn’t understand.
“We could die here, Charlie. Can’t you see that?”
It looks as though a switch is flipped in her head. She's quiet, so I go on.
"Charlie, we can't stay here, you have to understand. It's just- it's not- I can't-"
"We're- we're gonna die here?" her voice quivers, tears are starting to build in her eyes.
'Oooohh, I fucked uppppp,'
"No- no, Charlie, we're not-"
"Drew, I don't wanna die." Her voice is vibrating now, and she can't hold back her tears.
"Charlie, honey, look at me. No, don't look over there, look at me, okay?" She looks at me, and seeing her cry almost makes me break. But I have to be strong. For the both of us.
"Okay, I want you to repeat after me." She nods.
"We are going to get home."
"We- *sniff* we are going to get- get home."
"We are going to be okay."
"We are- going to- to be okay."
"We are not going to die."
"We are not- not going to die."
"Good. Now, let's figure out what to do first, alright?"
"Let's go and find the others, they might be able to help us out." Charlie grabs my hand as I walk away, making me stop.
"Drew. They went this way."
I let out a small sigh and smile a bit to myself. 'Good, she's back to normal. Somewhat.' "Yeah, you're right. We'll go and ask for help, this way."
That gets a small laugh out of her.
'Don't worry, Charlie. We'll get home. No matter what it takes.'
Aaaaaaanndd that's all for now :) I'll make a part 2 to this, it's just starting to get kinda long for me, so I'm stopping for now.
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theetwinkleboy · 4 months
Alternate 423 just for funsies:
Okay so first things first a bit of setup to make this specific scenario work: let’s establish in previous chapters that the quirks of the vestiges still exist and tomura is still able to use them. So let’s say he uses smokescreen and danger sense to obscure himself from izuku. But—almost as if they have a psychic connection—izuku can find him anyway and they end up in tomura’s mindscape.
And after they get out of the mindscape, and all for one takes over, have him try—and fail—to summon any vestige of one for all. Oh well, he’ll get back to that later, time to kill some randos.
So in the aftermath of izuku midoriya rising, izuku reaches all for one possessing tomura’s body.
Kuroboro jumps in the way to plead all for one to give back his son tomura
All for ones face twists and he reaches out to blast kuroboro
Izuku shoves kuroboro out of the way, narrowly avoiding the blast himself, and then his eyes widen with understanding as he looks at afo
We’re momentarily confused until we see a glimpse into afo’s mind, where yoichi’s whisp is there all of a sudden, doing his thing and being a great distraction
Specifically, yoichi says that he was woken up again by their new holder/the strength of emotion from the one they’ve been protecting, reframing tomura’s emotions as a source of strength now, rather than an avenue for afo’s manipulation
So then we get the shot of tomura reaching out of the vestiges, but crucially there’s a bit of fiery unformed vestige energy taking part in the protecting—a surprise tool that will help us later!
And then we get the two way punch because this IS a shonen, and between their two efforts, afo is blasted into dust
And then we’re launched into a white void with tomura alone. He looks around, but it’s just him here. Alone. For the first time in a long time.
He walks for a while. Calls first for kurogiri, then for his other friends—spinner. Toga. Dabi. He even calls for magne, thinking ‘hey, maybe I did it. Maybe I self destructed after all.’
He finds this thought…not as comforting as he has in the past. He wishes he could see if kurogiri survived.
After a while, he sits down. Screams at the void, “there’s nothing here! What am I supposed to do?!”
His fingertips are fading. His arms. Maybe this is just—what oblivion is, he reasons. He lays down and closes his eyes.
Then, a shadow passes over his face. He squints in confusion and opens his eyes to see a ghostly, fiery, ill-formed figure leaning over him. A short figure, flickering green, reaching out its approximation of a hand.
“Of course you’d be here,” Tomura says. The figure doesn’t reply.
“I’m not sorry,” he tries. The figure keeps reaching out a hand.
“I’m a villain,” he says. “My friends are villains. What are you even doing here?”
No reply. Just a hand, reaching out.
“You heard me earlier. You can’t change me into your perfect—whatever you want. I’m going to keep being a hero for the people who actually need me.” As he speaks, he feels, suddenly, more solid. He looks down and his fingertips have reappeared. He looks at them, then up at the figure.
He smiles wryly. “You’re really not going away, are you?”
He reaches out and takes the figure’s hand and pulls himself to his feet.
As soon as he’s back up, the figure starts to dissolve, and tomura is momentarily startled, until he realizes, the energy is flowing through their connected hands, wrapping around his limbs like ropes, turning black and staticky, and—
Tomura opens his eyes. Huh. So he’s alive after all. There’s a pressure on his chest—on his whole body, really, but especially around his chest.
He looks down. Midoriya Izuku is hugging him as tight as he can, and ropes of black whip are pressed flush against every inch of tomura’s arms and legs.
It takes him a moment to realize that he’s the one in charge of the black energy, but the moment he goes to dismiss it, midoriya squeezes so tight that tomura’s ribs creak a little.
“Don’t!” The kid says frantically. “It’s holding you together.”
Huh. So the kid gave him one for all to—to break him? To save him? Both? Was he manipulating him? Was he trusting him?
Tomura doesn’t understand why he would do something like that. It’s so stupidly—idiotically kind, it doesn’t make any sense.
Tomura—doesn’t really know what he’s supposed to do now. But he doesn’t dismiss blackwhip. Or shove the kid away.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 year
Pulling on the Strings of Destiny: Act 2 Chapter 13
Summary: Four days pass for Japan, and everyone is on edge.  They wonder, and wait. What will happen next for them? Will Midoriya  keep rising? What sort of things would she face. They all turned towards  the screens, wondering. None more so then the future class 1-A, more so  as they get a glimpse into their first sports festival, first  internship and their final exams. Watch as Midoriya’s future continues  to unfold, as she learns more about her family, society and herself.
Warnings: References to underage pregnancy and the assualt of a minor. References to child harm. Toga Himiko to, she is her own warning.
The amusement at the crushes shown to Izumi caused Hisashi to chuckle as he watched the screen. Ah, his daughter was quite the catch. Sure, he found the attention on his daughter a bit annoying, but it meant that people liked her. And when he got her back under his wing, perhaps she could convince others to follow.
 If anything, Tomura was the one upset his sister was being looked at like that. He did not enjoy the idea of anyone touching her! That was his sister! They would have to go through him first to date her! More so with Tomoe. His niece needed a good other parent.
  Izumi was oblivious to that, though. Or the bets being made on her future partner by a lot of the country and even the world. No, she was busy ignoring that, along with the snickering of her mentor and foster parents.
 However, the screen started up soon, and her mind became caught on the future.
All Might hands Tomoe off to Midoriya, who takes her with a groan. “God, that was embarrassing,” Midoriya complains.
 “A little bit, but it’s good you’re healing young Midoriya.” All Might tells her. “Thinking anyone is attractive yourself?”
 “Not really?” Midoriya admits. “I dunno. I mean, I thought Mirukio was attractive, and Hawks is too, though I honestly try not to dwell on that stuff. More so since Hawks is gay, it feels weird to think he’s cute when I’m a girl then.”
 “Eh, not like it matters,” Hawks mused. “I don’t mind.” It mattered if she tried to get him to change his mind. It had happened before, both with his transgender identity and sexuality, that people wanted to change his mind. The trans thing happened with a dick of a handler who was an extreme holdout who got fired after he’d threatened to ‘teach Hawks a lesson,’ and it freaked out some people on how he said it.
 (Hawks decided he didn’t want to know when he’d asked his new agent. The woman, Ito, had gotten a dark look in her eyes and said it wasn’t an issue anymore.)
 The sexuality thing was from the crazier fangirls. Girls who refused to see there wasn’t a chance or who deluded themselves into thinking he was lying to wait for them. The latter was rare; he’d only met two, but the first kind was widespread. He’d met just as insane men who were fans of him or even Miruko, but those ones weren’t in denial of his sexuality. 
 Midoriya acknowledging her attraction didn’t match his orientation was nice. Maybe more people would do that and move on, other than either claiming they could change it or whining that he was gay. Sure, You could be disappointed, but making a scene annoyed him. 
 “Well, I’m happy you feel you’re in a safe environment to explore those things.” All Might smiles, and Midoriya blinks.
 Oh. It’s not just because he’s arrested. It’s also because I’m out of mom’s house, isn’t it? Midoriya swallowed. Her plans for me… being attractive then meant I’d be a commodity for people to buy. Now it’s just teenager stuff… Midoriya shakes her head as she walks down the hall with All Might. Not something I want to dwell on for a while. I’ll do it tonight when I don’t have a tournament to face.
 It wasn’t. Izumi was safe to contemplate people being attracted to her or to feel her own attraction. But she wasn’t fond of it due to leaving her mother’s house. 
 Why did it have to be like that?
 The screen morphs to show Tokoyami and Yaoyorozu facing each other in the arena.
"Offense and defence in one! The dark samurai and his darker shadow! From the hero course, Tokoyami Fumikage, along with his conjoined twin Dark Shadow, will fight the great creator! She was admitted because of recommendations, and I think we can all see why. Also, from Class 1-A, Yaoyorozu Momo!" Mic announces. The crowd all erupts in shock.
 “His Quirk is his twin?” a woman asks in shock when the screen switches to them.
 “Wow,” her friend says. “I’ve heard of that stuff. Probably Tokoyami’s Quirk is his appearance, and his twin’s Quirk is… well, what the twin looks like. It’s rare.”
 “It’s impressive!”
 “It’s weird. Does it even count as like a Quirk?”
 “Of course, it does!” people all over the crowd chat about the different Quirk. The screen passes to 1-A’s seating area, where Midoriya enters with Tomoe, who holds her tightly.
 “Sorry guys, she doesn’t want to let go. Teachers say it’s fine, given she’s not in the fight exactly.” Midoriya apologizes as she moves to sit with Uraraka and Iida.
 “Hey, Tomoe’s our mascot now.” Kaminari declares. “Our good luck charm.”
 “Oui, little Tomoe is very lucky,” Aoyama chirps. He winks at Tomoe, who giggles. Bakugou scowls at the two, though he doesn’t say anything. Ojiro, near Aoyama, makes a face but shakes his head.
 “Lucky Tomoe!” Cheered Mina, ignoring Ojiro. 
 “She will be our lucky charm!” Hagakure said eagerly. “She’s cheering us all on!”
 “Her mother most of all,” Aoyama laughed, smiling at the screen. Being forced to spy or not, it was nice to see him able to interact with others to make friends. 
 “We’re all just accepting she’s part of the class,” Sero laughed. 
 “Of course she is!” Mina said dramatically. The class laughed, even Ojiro. 
 “So, Midoriya. You’re good at analysis,” the tailed teen says, drawing attention away from Tomoe. "How do you think this one will end? Any clue?" Midoriya glances to the field and hums.
"Timing is going to be the key thing here," Midoriya replies. Tomoe looks to the field.
 “Shadow?” the toddler asks. Midoriya pets Tomoe’s head.
 “Yeah, honey, Tokoyami and Dark Shadow,” Midoriya tells her. “And Yaoyorozu.”
 “Yao-momo?” Tomoe asks. Midoriya blinks as Kaminari snickers. Ashido, who walks in, also laughs.
 “Yaomomo!” The class cheered. Momo flushed as they all laughed. 
 “Hope you like the new nickname. Doubt you’ll lose it,” chuckled Jirou as she watched the sillier members repeat it.
 “It’s nice to have friends,” Momo admitted with a smile. It was. She always felt set apart from her other friends for her money. Or she would feel weird in the competition that many rich children had. She wanted friends, not rivals. She was happy to have them finally.
 “That’s a good one,” Ashido says as she sits down. Ojiro clears his throat.
"What do you mean by timing?” Ojiro asks.
 “Well, Yaoyorozu is more long-term strategy than short-term,” Midoriya explains. “Tokoyami and Dark Shadow, though… they’re brilliant and used to sudden environmental changes. It’s going to come down to if they can rush her or she can make the match last long enough to think.”
 “So a matter of luck then,” Fumikage mused as he looked at Yaomomo, who nodded her head.
 “Indeed. We will see who makes the first strike!” She beamed at Fumikage, the teen nodding back. They would.
The screen shows the arena again.
 Present Mic's description of Tokoyami was accurate. With Dark Shadow, he's skilled at both attacking and defending. Dark Shadow can appear instantaneously, so there's little doubt they'll start the match with a preemptive strike. If I can make a simple shield, I can block them. But I'll have to be fast about it, or else this fight will be over in a matter of seconds. Just like that. Then, if I have enough time to make... Yaoyorozu thinks.
 “And she lost,” Shouta said to Hizashi, who sighed.
 “Probably yes. We’ll have to work on her reactions.” He agreed.
 “It is possible she could still pull off a win,” Toshinori suggested as he played with Tomoe, having rejoined the adults. The two men gave him looks. “Unlikely but possible. She is quite intelligent.”
 “A chance is a chance,” Shouta allowed. “But the fact she’s thinking all of this right now isn’t a great sign.”
 “We never know,” Toshinori stressed.
"Second match! Begin!" Mic announces, causing Yaoyorozu to gasp. Panic is evident on her face as Tokoyami and Dark Shadow move.
"Go, Dark Shadow!" Tokoyami orders.
Dark Shadow burst from Tokoyami's chest, cackling out loud as she did, "I've got her!"
Quickly! A shield! Yaoyorozu thinks as Dark Shadow moves towards her. A shield begins to materialize on her arm, and Dark Shadow slams into it, shoving her back.
 "Now it's my turn to attack!" Yaoyorozu says as a staff begins to form in her left hand. Dark Shadow, however, moves back to attack her, causing Yaoyorozu to lift her shield.
 “Ah… Yaomomo?” Mina turned with a wince to look at the taller girl, who looked lost as she stared at the screen. “Umm… there aren’t turns.”
 “I… yes, yes, you’re right.” The girl swallowed noisily. “I… forgive me, I need a moment.” She walked off soon after, leaving behind a group of wincing classmates.
 “Chess player syndrome,” Iida said. He coughed at the confused looks. “Apologies. My brother calls it that. It’s when someone like Yaoyorozu tries to apply the strategy they know to real life without thinking further. Like a chess player, going by the rules.”
 “… you are not nearly as straight-laced as I thought,” Kaminari said in awe. Jirou rolled her eyes as Iida shrugged.
 “I was raised by pro-hero parents. I like rules and structure. I detest when things go out of plan and get frustrated when I don’t have things happen just how I like them. Admittedly, I’m big on etiquette and the such, though I believe that may fade given how I’m already, as you’d say, ‘loosening up,’” Iida shrugged. “My brother recently told me that he taught me cheap shots, as some would call them, because he’d been trained to do so. I don’t think it’s inconceivable I can adapt.”
 “You’re not wrong,” Jirou said as she looked where Yaoyorozu went. “Should we go after her?”
 “Eh… I don’t think so. She’s probably embarrassed,” Mina said honestly. “I mean, a recommendation student losing because she didn’t think things through?” The girl shrugged. “Even if it’s just our first year, people are assholes.”
 I can't focus on my quirk! Yaoyorozuthinks as Dark Shadow keeps attacking her, driving her backward. Her shield breaks, but she quickly creates a new one before Dark Shadow strikes her again before stopping. Why has she quit? This is my chance! Yaoyorozu thinks as a staff begins to form in her left hand.
"Yaoyorozu! You're out! This match goes to Tokoyami and Dark Shadow!" Midnight announces. Yaoyorozu looks around before glancing down at her feet. The teen gasps in shock upon seeing her right foot over the boundary line.
 Momo flinched, gripping the sink in front of her. She’d escaped to the bathroom while the screen played, giving her a moment of peace. 
 She was so stupid. How could she … do that? She didn’t think things through and made such a rookie mistake! She could hear all their voices, all the kids at her old school. 
 Suck up.
 She bought her way in.
 Lazy bitch.
 She probably will end up on her back, won’t she?
 The thought of their words about her made Momo yank herself away from the sink to the toilet. 
 She was sick at the thought.
"Wow! Another fast victory!” Mic cries over the sound system. “Dark Shadow and Tokoyami are unstoppable, it seems!” Tokoyami bows to Yaoyorozu, Dark Shadow mimicking him before the two walk out of the arena.
"I lost... I didn't even... do anything," Yaoyorozu says sadly.
The screen shows class 1-A. Tomoe is cheering while Midoriya nods.
 “Tokoyami and Dark Shadow had a strategy worked out early, it seems. He obviously caught on to her ‘chess master’ mind and knew not to give her time to create like a bomb or anything.” Midoriya says. “She needs to work on her short-term strategy and maybe on her Quirk. She made that second shield super fast; I think it was instinct. If she could hone her creations to be instinctive…”
 “That’s an excellent point,” Shouta said. “Paintball gun that keeps shooting her at random times?” He asked Hizashi.
 “Yes, and she has to discard her shield each time.” His husband agreed.
 “Followed by adding another gun,” Toshinori said as he pulled out a small notebook to write down the ideas. “So she has to make two at once.”
 “Or armour.” Shouta nodded. “Plus exercises to help her refocus and keep calm.”
 “She can handle calm. I think she ends up overthinking more,” Hizashi said. It was very possible. The girl was intelligent, but she didn’t think things through perfectly. Or when she did, she stuck to one single possibility and couldn’t account for deviations. 
 She very much possessed a chess mind, as Tensei would say.
 “We are so lucky she doesn’t want to be a villain.” Uraraka remarks. Midoriya turns to agree before Kaminari speaks up.
 “Midoriya or Yaoyorozu?”
 “Both.” Uraraka, Iida, Ashido and Aoyama chime in, making Midoriya go red. The rest of the class laughs, though Bakugou scowls.
 The screen moves from the laughing faces to show Todoroki walking through a hallway.
 “If Tokoyami beat Yaoyorozu so easily, would he beat Midoriya?” Todoroki wonders before turning a corner and seeing Endeavor leaning against a wall. "What do you want?" Todoroki asks a sneer on his face.
 No one in Japan was happy to see the man. Endeavour had already decided to stay in his office for the day, ignoring his buzzing phone or the fact his sidekicks refused to look him in the eyes. Burnin’ had even closed her eyes to report to him. Pathetic. None of them understood what he did. 
 He deserved to be the number one. Now more than ever, given All Might had lied his entire career. He would be number one; he knew it. And his training would pass muster. It was harsh, perhaps, but how else to keep his masterpiece alive? He had to focus on Shouto over the others; the boy would be the next number one. 
 A line of unbroken heroes descended from the Todoroki family.
 Midoriya would be at the top for a while, but Endeavour doubted she would stay there. No, when Shouto managed to overcome her, she would step down from heroics, he bet. Take the time to parent her children properly she would have. Endeavour checked his phone. His contact hadn’t answered about the fostering situation yet, but their plans would work out.
 They always did. 
"You're acting disgracefully, Shouto. If you simply used the power in your left side, you would've had an overwhelming victory in both first rounds. It's time to stop this childish rebellion of yours. You have a duty to surpass that imbecile, All Might. Do you understand what I'm saying? You're different from your brothers. You're my greatest masterpiece," Endeavor states as Todoroki walks by the hero.
"Is that all you have to say to me, you bastard? I'll win this match and advance using only Mom's quirk. I won't give you the pleasure of seeing me use yours," Todoroki replies, continuing his walk.
"Even if that works for you in this tournament, you'll soon find the limits of that power," Endeavor growls after him.
 “… I have to say it, but the jerkass has a point,” remarked a civilian to another. 
 “Seriously?” Her friend asked. Kaze, a fellow worker in their office, turned to them. 
 “You’re not wrong. Todoroki refusing to use half his Quirk can have dire biological consequences, or in the future, he could lose a fight badly.” The rabbit-like man nodded. 
 “Exactly,” the first woman said. “Rebellion is all well and good, but he should stick to like dying his hair pink and dressing like a punk over anything else. So Endevaour has a point. He’s also still a bitch.” The group snickered.
The screen shows 1-A again, though Tokoyami and Yaoyorozu were with them this time.
 “Shadow!” Tomoe makes grabby hands at Tokoyami. The teen chuckles as Dark Shadow emerges to coo.
 “Hey Tomoe! Did ya see us?” the shadow asks.
 “Good job, Tokoyami, Dark Shadow,” Midoriya says to the two. Yaoyorozu looks small as she sits, hunched over.
 “Yeah, man and uh… gal, that was fast!” Kaminari says loudly. Yaoyorozu shrinks more.
 “Given you were going up to what amounts to a demigod, I guess you needed to be quick!” Uraraka jokes, her eyes flickering to Yaoyorozu. Midoriya and Uraraka trade a look when Yaoyorozu looks startled.
 Izumi nodded. Of course, she’d notice and try to cheer up Yaomomo. Honestly, it did just amount to luck in the end, with Tokoyami taking advantage to startle her enough to get her out of bounds fast. 
 Ochako felt the same, glancing at the door where the taller teenager was. They’d just been told online lessons would start soon and needed to prepare. While they used a classroom the day before, they’d be in the dorms for the classes, laptops and headphones provided. 
 “Ah, then we have triumphed over a demigod like a monster of old,” Tokoyami voices dramatically.
 “Usually, the demigod wins, but yeah,” Midoriya chuckles.
 “I don’t know if demigod fits…” Yaoyorozu voices softly.
 “Are you kidding?” Uraraka asks her. “Man, the only reason Tokoyami got you was because he and Dark Shadow knew better than to give you time to think!”
“Without a doubt,” Fumikage pitched his voice to be heard in the bathroom, hopefully. He didn’t want Yaoyorozu to feel bad or to hate herself. Though perhaps it would take longer than this. Who knew?
 “Indeed,” Tokoyami voices. “We knew your light would strangle our dark if we dared let you have time.” The short teen dramatically bows to Yaoyorozu. “You will one day be a terrifying warrior for the light.”
 “Just got to keep your mind sharp and train your creations to be instinctive. You were fast with the second shield- you didn’t need to wait and think of how it was made.” Midoriya tells Yaoyorozu. “Maybe you can train with Dark Shadow more or try to use a batting range to train your body to make shields on instinct. Along with weapons.”
 “That sounds lovely,” Momo said as she washed her mouth with water, having made a glass. She wiped her mouth with a towel she also produced. 
 She could already tell her phone would soon be flooded with messages from the nastier girls. Perhaps even Intelli was getting her comments in. 
 The thought made Momo want to puke more. 
 But she knew now where her weakness was. She could adjust it. She could.
 “I… thank you.” Yaoyorozu smiles gently at the three. They grin at her as Iida speaks up,
 “If you need any other help, I would like to work with you. I have… been reminded I tend to accept that people wish to be fair or are telling the truth, which can lead to destruction..” He frowns to himself.
 “Is this why Hatsume isn’t going to be part of the tournament?” Midoriya asks.
 “Yes,” Iida says. No one asks more as Mic’s voice rings around them.
"Enough standing around. Now, welcome to the ring, our next players!”
The screen shows Sero and Todoroki standing in the arena, facing each other.
"He's got skills! But at the expense of some really creepy-looking elbows. From the hero course, it's Sero Hanta!" Present Mic yells. "Versus, an early frontrunner in the competition who's way too strong for his own good. Someone who rightfully got into the hero course based on recommendations! It's Todoroki Shouto!"
The screen shows class-1A again. Midoriya’s attention was taken to the field, a frown on her face. Bakugou leans forward in his seat; eyes narrowed at the opponents.
 “I’m going to die,” Hanta said. “Endeavour pissed him off, and I’m going to face the consequences.”
 “R-I-P.” Kaminari spelt out. Hanta snorted as Todoroki just glared at the screen. He’d been furious since the scene he had with his dad, and no one had wanted to say anything. 
"And now, for the third match of the finals," Mic says over the mic as the view returns to the field.
"Ready?" Mic asks.
"Well, I don't really feel like I can win this fight," Sero starts saying, stretching as he does so lazily.
"Begin!" Mic yells out.
"But, man. I don't feel like losing, either!" Sero finishes his words, acting quickly. Tape shoots out from his arms, wrapping around Todoroki. Sero twists, aiming to throw the other teen out of the boundaries.
 “Holy shit!” A civilian laughed. “Go Sero!”
 “Kick the kid’s ass!”
"That attack could throw his opponents out of bounds!" Mic yells out amidst cries of shock. “A brilliant surprise opening from the underdog! Way to start off strong, Sero!"
 Todoroki is still swirling around, his hair covering his face, but then he briefly glances up, a dark shadow seemingly covering his face. “My apologies,” he speaks before placing his right foot on the ground. Ice speeds out from the point of contact, rushing out in a burst. Sero cries out as it reaches him.
The screen shows All Might and Recovery Girl in the stadium’s nurse's office. The room rumbles, causing Recovery girl to pause, looking up with a squint.
"Is that... an earthquake?" Recovery Girl asks.
"What the heck is going on? Was that?" All Might wonders.
 “Overkill,” Shouta said. “Bet you anything.”
 “No bet, babe.”
The screen shows the announcers' box. Present Mic and Aizawa stare at the field in shock right before the screen switches to 1-A’s box. A colossal glacier is before them, nearly hitting them as they stare at it. Tomoe whimpers, curling into her mother, tears in her eyes.
 “Cold!” she whines.
 Shouto winced a little. He didn’t mean to hurt Tomoe. He’d just been mad and… reacted…
 The dual-haired teen stood up and stalked out, eyes widening. He’d been mad and reacted. He hadn’t MEANT to hurt or startle anyone, but he had.
 It… it was an accident. Yes, it was. But he needed to be in control. He needed to prove he wasn’t his father. 
 Dabi scoffed at the screen. Stupid little brat, just like Endeavour, wasn’t he?
The screen shows the heroes Death Arms and Kamui Woods patrolling outside the stadium. At shouts, the two look up to see a glacier of ice coming out of the top of the stadium.
"Holy crap," Death Arms says in awe.
The screen shows the arena. Todoroki lets out a breath, his breath misting in front of him. The view switches to Endeavour, who watches the fight with a sneer. He snorts and looks away as the screen returns to the arena, where Todoroki breaks off the tape around him. The frozen pieces fall to the ground in a thump as Todoroki takes another breath.
"Um... don't you think you went overboard?" Sero asks off-screen. Todoroki looks up as the camera turns to Sero. The other teen shivers from where he sits, completely frozen in place.
 “Intense!” Inasa shouted. The tall teenager had been struggling with the reveals of Endeavour. He hadn’t met the younger Todoroki and thought the kid was like his father. Knowing the truth made it hard, but seeing this?
 It made his blood start pumping! It was so intense! Hot blooded! He couldn’t wait to meet him!!
"Tell the truth, Sero. Can you move at all?" Midnight asks as she shivers on the stage.
"Are you kidding? Obviously not. My body is freezing!" Sero replies.
"Sero has been immobilized! Todoroki advances to the second round!" Midnight announces.
The screen shows the stands, the crowd staring in shock at what happened. People trade looks before a female pro hero calls out.
"Um. Well, nice try!"
"Nice try!" Another voice calls.
"Nice try!" More people join the chant.
"Nice try!" The entire crowd calls.
"Nice try!"
“Oh, because that’s not embarrassing.” 
 “Damn, I feel for that kid.”
The screen shows the arena again with Todoroki walking up to Sero. The red and white teen places a hand on the glacier holding the tape user. Steam begins to rise from the ice.
"Sorry. It was a bit much. I was angry, is all," Todoroki says softly.
 The screen moves to Midoriya, who looks at the field with a frown, her shoulders slumping as she holds Tomoe tightly.
"As the crowd shouted, trying to make Sero feel better, Todoroki took a moment to melt his opponent from the ice prison he'd created. For some reason, in that moment, he looked very sad to me," Midoriya's voice narrates.
Midoriya Inko sits on the couch in her apartment with her head in her hands.
 “I was wrong,” the woman says, shoulders shaking. “I was wrong.” She looks up with tear-filled eyes and sobs loudly. “I was wrong. God, what have I done to Izumi? To… to Tomoe!” the woman cries as her TV blares.
 “Are you…” Izumi sighed deeply. She put down the trash she’d been carrying to prop her hands on her hips. The sheer amount of whiplash she kept getting was baffling. 
 Her mother ran off; then it was revealed she’d attempted to force Izumi to give up Tomoe. Okay fine. But now this? Just…
 “What do you WANT?!” Izumi screamed at the screen. “What do you WANT, MOM? Do you want me back? Do you feel sorry for me? Are you finally realizing things?” 
 She couldn’t keep going around and around. She just couldn’t. 
 Her father repeated her emotions. He had loved Inko even if Izumi was more important to him. Killing her brought him only a slim amount of pleasure in destroying the person harming his family. Seeing her repent…
 No, it didn’t matter. She still did it. He had to hold onto that. She deserved punishment for her sins. And the only worthwhile punishment was death. 
 The conflicting emotions continued with Mitsuki. She knew Inko. She knew the woman was stubborn and refused to see things that didn’t match her views.
 But she still had hope. Hope the woman will one day realize she was wrong. People could change, and it would be an uphill battle, but they could. She could hope Inko would change. Maybe… maybe the future would show it. Perhaps they would see it. Maybe Inko would come back…
 She wouldn’t allow Inko around Izumi. She’d put herself between them until Inko and Izumi were ready to meet. She…
 She hoped.
"Welcome back to the finals, everyone! Sorry for that long wait! The huge amount of ice from the second match has finally been cleared, though, so it's time to welcome new competitors! We have the dazzling Frenchman- wait, is he?”
 “His mother is French.” 
 “Ah, thank you. Yes. We have the dazzling Frenchman Aoyama Yuuga, the sparkling man of 1-A, facing off against the one and only terrifying frog herself, Asui Tsuyu, also of 1-A!” Mic calls out as the screen switches to the two competitors walking out onto the field to face off. When they reach their position, Aoyama strikes a pose. He places a hand behind his neck and cocks his hip with a smirk.
 “My navel laser will lead me to greatness, mon ami. Perhaps you should give up already?” He asks.
 “Ribbit, I don’t think so.” Asui croaks out. The two face each other as Midnight cracks her whip. 
 “Please limit any large attacks,” the woman calls out. Both teens nod in an answer as Mic begins his countdown.
 “And BEGIN!” He shouts. Aoyama instantly shoots a laser out of his belt while Asui jumps, managing to get over said laser. She lands on the stage and shoots out her tongue to try and grab Aoyama. The teen dodges, shooting his laser at his opponent.
 The screen shifts to 1-A, where Midoriya observes the field with a frown.
 “Sooo, who are you rooting for, Midoriya?” Uraraka asks. 
 “It’s hard to say,” Midoriya admits. “Aoyama and his laser are a bit of a glass cannon, while Tsu is calm and durable. However, Aoyama can shoot his laser faster than Tsu can shoot her tongue out. Though she did one tell me…”
 The screen returns to the field where Asui opens her mouth and coughs hard, her stomach coming out through her mouth. Loud cries of disgust echo around the area, Aoyama pausing in his attempt to use his laser to gag. It gave Asui the time needed to use her stomach to regurgitate acid, spitting it at Aoyama’s belt. It lands on the belt and begins melting it. He shrieks as Asui swallows her stomach and uses her tongue to grab the blonde, throwing him out.
 “… Tsu, that was amazing but disgusting,” Ochako told the frog girl, who shrugged.
 “It worked, didn’t it?” Tsu asked. “Surprised the acid worked so well.”
 “Stomach acid is some of the most destructive acid,” Yaomomo said thoughtfully. 
 “Ick,” Aoyama made a face. “I do not want to fight you again.”
 “Well, you probably will!” Midnight declared as she walked into the common room. “Morning, kids! I’ll be your first chaperone, babysitter, whatever you want to call me! School starts after this episode!”
 “Midnight-Sensei,” Iida began politely, “how will we be able to focus with the screens?”
 “Think of it as a test for the future as heroes when you need to pay attention to multiple things,” Midnight said. “During important parts, we don’t mind, but sometimes you can just ignore what’s happening, or so we hope!”
 Ochako thought it was a wasted hope, but she’d find out. Maybe they could ignore it if needed.
 The screen goes back to Midoriya. 
 “That she can throw her stomach up to wash it. Excellent way of disturbing people. Didn’t know she could use the acid in it like that.” The green-haired girl wrinkles her nose, a hand firmly covering Tomoe’s eyes as the baby babbles. “Though honestly, that is impressive. I wonderwhatelseshecandowiththat.” Midoriya begins mumbling. Bakugou scowls at the back of her head.
 “Shut the fuck up, Deku!” he snaps loudly. “No one wants to hear your nonsense!”
 “Not true!” Uraraka says back. “Though I can’t understand it, what were you talking about Midoriya?”
 “Fucking- would they stop!” Katsuki glared at the screen. Deku was annoying! Why would they want to hear her? Sure, she was right about some stuff, but the muttering drove him crazy. Ugh. Whatever, he’d stop complaining. Just wait until she drove them all up the wall with her stalker tendencies.
 He ignored the voice in his head, repeating that she wasn’t a stalker. He was waiting for the proof he had changed to occur. It shouldn’t take too much longer. He just needed to be patient. After all, they saw Auntie change, and he’d been right! She was a good mom! She just needed time! He was a kid; he just needed time to! 
��Katsuki felt so assured by this proof that he’d already brushed past most of his doubts. Auntie had proven herself. A piece of his world was right, so everything else was right. 
 Katsuki fell upon the idea that he’d been right after days of being told he was wrong. A backslide in his halting steps forward to understand he was wrong. Time would only know if he could change or not. 
  Meanwhile, Shouto walked back into the common room after he’d used ice to create a sculpture. He ignored his future classmates and Midnight, who seemed willing to let him be. They’d already arranged to talk about Endeavour with Nezu in a few days. 
 Not that anything would change. No, his father was too powerful. At most, a slap on the wrist, Shouto knew. The fact that UA made moves against Bakugou in the future and that his unpleasant habits were being exposed now pleased him. 
 They couldn’t stop his father, but they would stop the next version of the man.
 “Ah, honestly, I was wondering what else she can do with her stomach. She mentioned a mucus that stings people too, so is she also somewhat a poison dart frog style with her own stomach acid this way?” Midoriya wonders out loud.
 “Frog?” Tomoe asks. “Like me?”
 “Ah yes, we’re talking about Tsu baby.” Midoriya kisses Tomoe’s head.
 “Wait, Bakubro!” Kirishima turns to Bakugou. “You need to get down to the waiting room!” Bakugou scoffs but stands up.
 “You better watch me, especially you half and half!” Bakugou turns to Todoroki, who just arrived, looking more annoyed. “I’ll prove you chose the wrong person to challenge!” Bakugou growls darkly before he stomps out of the stands.
 “He did!” Katsuki shouted angrily. He’d show them all! He was the best! He wouldn’t fail!
 Meanwhile, Monoma Neito felt very afraid. He walked into his classroom very pale, ignoring the looks of his classmates.
 He was going to die. 
 “Monoma is going to die,” Uraraka says flatly.
 “Bakubro won’t be too bad!” Kirishima disagrees.
 “No, he will,” Ashido says. “He was willing to go after him during the calvary battle, and he’s angry that Monoma dared fight him.” She scowls. “Can’t believe I worked with him.”
 “He’s a good guy!” Kirishima says. “Or, well, he can be! I can tell!”
 “Yeah!” Eijiro insisted. Ashido shook her head as Uraraka and Iida unsubtle stepped away from him. It hurt. It did. But he… he couldn’t just abandon Bakugou! He was a good guy! Eijiro knew it! He saved him after all, and they saw how he’d jumped in to save All Might! It only made sense! 
 His thoughts were mimicked by a lot of the public, who agreed. There had to be some sort of good in him. There had to be an outside reason for his actions; after all, bullies often were abused at home. Or did the school let him down?
 It was more comforting to think that everyone around him was the issue than the idea that a child could be so wrong.
 “What do you think, Midoriya?” Tokoyami asks, his voice a bit loud. Kirishima winces, hearing him speak. Midoriya bites her lip.
 “I don’t want to talk about it,” she says after a second. “But I will say the idea he’s never had anyone to show him the ‘right way’ is wrong. He’s just never faced consequences for his actions.” Kirishima frowns, shaking his head.
 “He was willing to jump in to save All Might! He trusted all of you to be able to fight off the villains! He willingly went to help Aizawa-sensei!” Kirishima says firmly.
 I wonder how much of that was due to him wanting to get even about someone who got the drop on him, though, given he went right for Kurogiri, Midoriya thinks. She doesn’t say it out loud, though, instead focusing on Tomoe, who tugs on her shirt.
 Eijiro hadn’t thought about that. It had to be wrong, though. After all, who'd be that stupid to attack someone way more skilled just because they beat you once? Only idiots would do that. 
 “Potty,” the girl says. Midoriya stands with the girl and nods to her classmates as she walks out of the seating area. The screen moves from her to one of the waiting rooms where Monoma is sitting. He has his eyes closed and is breathing as deep as possible. His hand goes to his pocket and pats it before he lets out his breath.
 “Alright, I can do this.” He mutters. He walks to the door and opens it. Leaving the room, he begins his walk towards the arena. Midoriya and Tomoe appear, walking back from the bathroom as he does.
 “Oh!” Midoriya pauses upon seeing him.
 “Huh?” Tomoe blinks, staring at the blonde boy, who stares at them in shock.
 “Ah! Sorry- I was taking Tomoe to the bathroom when she wanted her rabbit, and this is the way to the stairwell to the locker rooms where I tucked her toys earlier!” Midoriya laughs. “Good luck, your Quirk is really cool.”
 “You truly think so?” Monoma asks her.
 “Well, yeah,” Midoriya says. “I think it’s a super cool Quirk- I like Quirks in general, so a Copy Quirk? Really cool.” Midoriya smiles at him, and Monoma blinks. He glances at Tomoe and then at Midoriya herself.
 “Don’t say something stupid,” Neito muttered to himself. He had a case of foot-in-mouth syndrome, as his mom called it. Just saying stupid stuff without thinking. He tried to tone it down, but sometimes it slipped. 
 “You are not as full of yourself as I thought 1-A would be,” he says, sniffing slightly. Midoriya blinks and then shrugs.
 “Most of us aren’t. But ego isn’t a bad thing; it’s only when it becomes too crazy that it’s bad, right?” Midoriya shrugs. “When you think of everyone as lesser or hurt people… that’s when it’s bad.” Midoriya’s shoulders slump slightly before she places a smile back on her face. “Good luck!” she repeats. Monoma watches her go, a somewhat stunned look on his face before he returns to walking out to the field. The screen morphs to the announcer’s booth, where Mic is frowning.
 “I’m not too certain about this,” he tells Aizawa. “Bakugou was stopped from fighting him in the calvary battle, and he’s got to be mad.”
 “Bakugou’s smart enough to know he can’t do anything on live television,” Aizawa replies. “His parents certainly never had any clue about any of his behaviours before we told them about it and before the battle trials. He knows when not to act up when he can face consequences.”
 That… was something very unsettling to Eijiro. But he couldn’t let himself believe it. People were so mean for no reason! Like… Bakugou was just misled. He acted better in front of his parents cause everyone did! Eijiro acted excellently in front of his dads, after all! And you always put your best face forward in public! 
 Meanwhile, Katsuki scowled darkly at the screen, very bitter. Hobo-sensei could fuck off. He was acting polite. You did that in public. 
 He ignored the voice, pointing out he’d always avoided putting Deku in her place around his parents or when they weren’t in areas he could, like school. It was being polite. 
 “True,” Mic nods before he flicks on the microphone. “Hello festival goers! We’re back with our fourth match of the tournament! In one corner, we have the explosive blonde who managed to make a smooth comeback during the cavalry battle, Bakugou Katsuki from class 1-A. In the other corner, we have the copycat, the blonde with the potential of a thousand Monoma Neito from class 1-B!” Mic cheers as the screen moves to the field where Bakugou and Monoma stand.
 “I’m going to enjoy this,” Bakugou says, grinning. Monoma scoffs.
 “Oh, so you’re that egotistical? Did your feelings get hurt when I called you a damsel in the second event?” Monoma taunts. Bakugou snarls once more as the countdown rings around them.
 “BEGIN!” Mic cries out. Bakugou launches himself forward, and Monoma slams his hand into his pocket before yanking it up, his body turning steel.
 “And it seems that Monoma got his hand on some Quirks to help him in this match!” Mic calls out. “Tetsutetsu’s Quirk is giving him a hand here!”
 “So MANLY!” Tetsutetsu shouted with his fists in the air. Monoma seemed so cool! He couldn’t wait to meet him, even if Kendo wasn’t cool. He bet the others were super cool!
 “Fucking weakling!” Bakugou roars as he blasts Monoma. The copy teen winces and then attempts a punch, Bakugou dodging it. “You’re pathetic, needing to rely on others to be a hero!” Bakugou growls out.
 “And you’re just a lowlife who needs to get the upper hand on everyone!” Monoma shoots back as he gets out of the way of a blast from Bakugou. He switches Quirks, his hand expanding as he swats at Bakugou. A call of ‘Kendo’ rings out from Mic, pinpointing the owner of the Quirk. Monoma surprises Bakugou enough to startle him, knocking the blonde aside. It’s not enough for it to work, as Bakugou manages to use his Quirk to stop himself from being knocked out of the ring, causing explosions to push him away from the edge.
 Monoma responds by shrinking his hand to shoot some explosions at Bakugou, having copied the Quirk himself. The copy Quirk user winces, shaking his arm after one large explosion that Bakugou had to dodge.
 That hurts. Bakugou must have worked on strengthening his arms a lot to be able to do that. Monoma frowned. Damn it, I knew better than just to assume I could use a Quirk I copied right away, even if I hadn’t had an issue with a brief use before. I learned that years ago.
“Why do I always forget that,” Neito asked himself.
 “Cause you’re a lazy copycat,” a classmate mocked. Neito snorted at them.
 “Says the one with the intelligence Quirk they purposely got a license to use in everyday situations.” He mocked back. “When it only activated if you drink tea.”
  Intelli Seiko flushed, glaring at the boy. It was unfair! First, that ridiculous Yaoyorozu got into UA despite her scandalous Quirk and now this brat? So unfair! 
 She hadn’t seen herself either, which meant the school was foolish enough to ignore her. HER! The most incredible mind since Nezu! She’d show them! She’d beat them all! Perhaps she would even meet Midoriya herself and win the girl away from them. Allying herself with the future number one was the best idea, after all. 
 The screen turns to the stands.
 “Damn, the copy kid is neat,” a hero says to her seat neighbour. “Think I can bug my agency into accepting him as an intern?”
 “Sounds cool. I like the explosion kid, though. He’s got fire.” Her neighbour says.
 “Dunno, explosions like that?” a hero behind them says. “He’s a walking collateral damage sign. Rather go for the copy kid.”
 “I stand by that,” the hero on the screen said. She flicked her hair over her shoulder. “I cause enough damage with Metal Fists; I don't need any more.”
 A few others agreed though others thought if the kid could learn to control himself better, he'd be a good choice. He had the power. He just needed control.
Neito smiled to himself. He'd never heard that before, that someone chose him over someone else. It was always ‘we'd rather have the actual person with the Quirk than a cheap copy.’ It was nice to hear that someone chose him. It made the voice inside him that kept saying he was useless shut up a bit.
 Though for the explosive teen himself…
 The screen returns to the battle where Monoma is steel once more as Bakugou launches a barrage of attacks. It’s a war of attrition as long as he’s focused on me like this. Monoma thinks. I have a time limit, and even steel will collapse to explosions. I should have tried to figure something out with Bondo. Gluing this guy’s hands together would work!
 Bakugou is close enough to the other boy that Monoma manages to kick at Bakugou, knocking him back, but he has no time to do anything else before Bakugou recuperates quickly. The explosions are getting bigger and bigger, the ground ripping up from around Monoma.
 “Done talking, huh?” Bakugou taunts. “Pathetic.” Monoma’s hands clench in response.
 “… I am going to wipe that smirk off his face,” Neito decided. Intelli scoffed, but Neito ignored her. He would make that boy regret his words.
 Yeah, and I’m not going to win. But I will make sure he loses that smirk. Monoma thinks as he takes another kick at Bakugou. Bakugou dodges, but as he does, Monoma switches the quirk. Instead, scales develop up his arms, and he clenches his fists. Some of the scales shoot off his arms at Bakugou, who yelps.
 “It looks like Monoma has switched to Hiryu Rin’s Quirk Scale!” Mic shouts over the crowd as Monoma continues to shoot at Bakugou.
 The named boy grinned. He made it into UA! That was so cool! And hey, Monoma was using his Quirk to show him off! Awesome!
 The screen swaps to Midoriya, who is watching on a TV screen in the locker rooms.
 “He’s giving his classmates a hand up by showing their Quirks off,” Midoriya remarks as Tomoe cuddles her bunny. “It’s impressive.” She kisses Tomoe’s head when the toddler pulls on her tank top. Midoriya pauses after she does. “Ah, I need a new overshirt.”
 “There’s some in the public lockers,” a voice says. Midoriya jumps and turns to see the ponytail girl, who gives her an apologetic smile. “Sorry, I’m Kendo Itsuka.”
 The screen pauses on the girl as Mic speaks up, “Kendo Itsuka! Quirk: Big Fist! She’s able to enlarge her hands while also increasing her strength. She’s a fiery redhead with a bit of a temper!” The screen continues.
 “I don’t have a temper!” Itsuka said, insulted even as some classmates exchanged nods. Fit her to a tea.
 “Nice to meet you,” Midoriya says, bowing her head. “You were the big hand Quirk, right?”
 “Indeed,” Kendo agrees. She frowns. “Is Monoma bothering you?”
 “What? No.” Midoriya shakes her head. “He’s been weird, but I think he’s hyper-aware not to say anything wrong.”
 “Huh,” Kendo blinks. “He’s been snappish about 1-A for a bit, though Tetsutetsu managed to calm him down without me stepping in. I thought he was doing it secretly.”
 “Well, he’s probably been snarky to others, but I think he’s unwilling to say anything to me.” Midoriya shrugs.
 “At least he has some tact, then.” Kendo sighs. “Sorry, I just find him annoying.” She admits.
 “That’s rude,” Izumi said. She began grabbing trash again, wanting to focus on something other than her emotions spiralling inside her. Her mom realized she was wrong. No? After she crossed the line of no return? 
 Or was it the line? Could Izumi accept her mother again? Could she go through with the pain of dealing with her mom? Or not?
 It confused Izumi too much, so hauling trash and focusing on the screen was better. More so, given that Kendo was acting rude. Why would anyone just out and say they found someone annoying like that?
 “Everyone’s a little annoying,” Midoriya says as behind them, the TV shows Monoma shooting more scales, Bakugou forced to use his Quirk to destroy them rather than dodge. “Monoma strikes me as someone who has always been compared to others. He was startled when I said his Quirk was cool.” 
 “It doesn’t give him a right to whine and moan about things,” Kendo sniffs. She shakes her head. “Just tell me if he’s being a pest, I’ll set him straight.” Midoriya pauses.
 “Didn’t… didn’t it say she hit him?” a civilian asks a friend.
 “... I think it did.” swallowed the other, the two trading looks. What the fuck? Did the girl hit someone for being annoying? What kind of person did that stuff? 
 “How would you set him straight?” Midoriya asks. Kendo lifts a hand and mimes a chop.
 “Discipline,” she says. “It’s the only way to get boys to listen.”
 “So you physically assault people because they’re annoying,” Midoriya says. Kendo blinks and shakes her head.
 “It’s not-”
 “It is.” Midoriya grabs an overshirt and pulls it on, juggling Tomoe. “Excuse me, but I’d rather not be near a bully.” She leaves the locker room, Kendo standing there looking puzzled.
 “What?!” Itsuka shouted. “I’m no bully-”
 “Yeah, you are,” one of her more common victims said. “You smack me constantly when I’m arguing with Chano, my FRIEND, and we play argue. You refuse to listen to us when we tell you you’re wrong.” Itsuka scoffed at the boy.
 He had to be lying. They all were; she wasn’t a bully. It was discipline that she would smack people who were annoying others or being pests. It wasn’t bullying. They were all lying because they hated being pointed out as bad people. 
 She wasn’t a bully!
 The screen morphs once more. Monoma is glaring; teeth bared as he shoots scales, dodging around Bakugou as the other teen blasts away. The copy teen ends up near the edge of the boundary line. He glances down and then up. Bakugou’s face is pulled into a terrifying grin, eyes on fire as Monoma’s arms slowly descale, the scales landing on the ground.
 “Oh fuuuuuuck,” Neito muttered, staring at the screen. 
 In his home, Katsuki smiled like a shark. He was going to show them. He’d put the rat in his place and enjoy it.
 “Out of time, huh, copycat?” Bakugou barks. “I’m going to enjoy this.” He grins ferally.
 I want that smirk off his face, Monoma thinks angrily. His hands shake as he glares back. He glances down one more time, and then he smirks himself. I wish I could prove my superiority over this bastard, but I must consider how my abilities are lacking in some areas. However, I know just how to put him in his place. The next blast from Bakugou causes Monoma to step back right over the boundary line.
 Silence hovered around Japan and those watching elsewhere. 
 At least until the first person snickered in each area, for Neito’s classroom, it was the teenager himself. For I-Island, it was Melissa who giggled. At the beach, Shouta snorted.
 People began laughing hard. In disbelief but also amusement. Monoma had lost on his terms; he’d stepped back and let things happen. It was something that, while petty, everyone found funny. 
 Even Hisashi in his lair laughed as Tomura cackled, high-pitched. Both greatly appreciated the boy for his actions, putting the explosive brat in his place.
 Only three people didn’t laugh. Mitsuki and Masaru had exchanged looks before looking towards their son’s chillingly silent door.
 “Monoma is out of bounds!” Midnight declares. Bakugou freezes. Monoma makes sure to lock eyes, a smirk on his face before he plasters a disappointed look over it. Bakugou’s face goes still as he stares at Monoma, who bows. A roaring sound echoes around Bakugou, and it looks like Midnight is speaking.
 But Bakugou only stands there, eyes widening as Monoma walks away. A look of rage passes over his face, and he steps forward with his hands crackling, but the sharp snap of Midnight’s whip breaks through the roar.
 Katsuki exploded. “THAT RAT FUCKING BASTARD SON OF A BITCH! HE FUCKING STEPPED OUT ON PURPOSE! IT’S HORSESHIT! I DIDN’T WIN! HE CHEATED!” The teen let out bursts from his hands, screaming his rage at the screen. He didn’t destroy anything; it was his own home, and he wouldn’t want to break his things. 
 But he made plenty of noise as he screamed out his rage. It wasn’t fair. He was supposed to show the world that he was the best! He was supposed to force UA to acknowledge he had to go to their school! Yet this copycat freak decided to step out of bounds! 
 He was going to KILL HIM!
 “You won, Bakugou,” she tells him. “Go.”
 He does wordlessly, rage still apparent on his face even so. His shoulders shook as he stomped away, the screen shifting to the announcer’s booth.
 “Our next opponents will be on the field in a few minutes while we fix the damage,” Mic says into his microphone before he turns it off. “So, did Monoma purposely step out?”
 “I’m about forty percent sure he did,” Aizawa agrees next to him. “If so, I don’t know why.”
 “To annoy Bakugou?” Mic asks. “I can understand the wish.”
 “Wow,” Mika muttered as she wiped her tears away. “Even the teacher?” 
 The sentiment was carried by many. A few felt it unfair, given the boy was a teenager, but others only felt agreement. The kid was annoying on screen. Few would be able to put up with his attitude in truth. Screaming, yelling, and verbal abuse just wasn’t something they could deal with. He wasn’t the type of person they liked at all. 
 Katsuki himself just yelled even more. Who did that cockatoo bastard think he was?!
 “Hizashi, you’re supposed to be a neutral teacher.” Aizawa reminds his husband.
 “I am, but I can’t really like him,” Mic admits. “He’s annoying, and while the kid is at least good at English, he is offended he’s not the top scorer. Have you seen how mad he gets whenever he hears that someone is higher ranked than him?”
 “You’re already giving out rankings?” Aizawa asks.
 “Usually, we wait till midterms…” Shouta looked at his husband, who shrugged. 
 “Don’t look at me right now. I give them out if asked, but I don’t know what’s happening.”
 “Only for those who ask. Bakugou demands it once a week and is furious whenever I tell him he’s still only fifth in the class. He knows someone is fluent but hates that he’s not second, at least,” Mic replies. “It’s concerning how personal he takes it. I was wondering if I should direct him to Hound Dog.”
 “You think there’s something mental going on?” Aizawa asks.
 “EXCUSE ME?!” Katsuki shouted. He wasn’t crazy! He was perfectly sane, thank you!
 His parents looked at each other again. Their son wasn’t crazy or anything. But… they honestly were wondering this now, too. How could he do all those things and not think they were wrong? How could he act like he was without thought? Maybe some disorder? 
 They didn’t want to think their son was just like that. It hurt too much to think their son could be so selfish and cruel.
 “I’m thinking that there’s got to be some sort of complex the kid has, and while we have him on the Red Flag, I don’t know if just giving him consequences will fix his issues. The kid is a brat who was allowed to do what he wanted, but I actually do wonder about his issue with not being the best,” Mic says.
 “Could just be that he was top of the class before,” Aizawa suggests. Mic shakes his head, frowning as he stares at the field, Cementoss fixing up the arena.
 “Not like this,” Mic says. “He gets offended and furious about it. Not just upset or annoyed. I had to threaten him to get him to shut up after the first test, where he cornered me after class and demanded to know who cheated to be better than him.”
 “He actually thought som… no, wait. He thought Midoriya cheated to get in,” Aizawa says. “He doesn’t like it when his world is shaken, does he.”
 “Doesn’t look it,” Mic says. “Kid’s going to need a reality check and a full-on hand-holding. Don’t know if UA can help with that.”
 “Or if it’s something Hound Dog can help with,” Aizawa says. “He’s not a full therapist after all.”
 Hound Dog shook his head. He wasn’t a therapist at all. He knew a few people he could call and ask for help, but he wasn’t sure who would be willing to work at UA. Honestly, Second Chance sounded to be the best route for the boy. He had issues upon issues from the sounds of it, and Hound Dog couldn’t handle them. The therapists at Second Chance could, though, given they specialized in dealing with borderline criminal teenagers, cases of abuse, anti-social personalities or more.
 In all honesty, Hound Dog thought Second Chance rivalled UA for their programs. It was just that no one considered them viable because they were a reform school. You would be surprised by how many kids they got, though. Some were there because of discrimination, but a majority were kids who had gotten big heads or were violent. Bakugou would fit it. He had a big head due to how society treated him, with the lucky break of having been praised for a strong Quirk rather than despised for an explosive one, which led to him using his Quirk how he wanted to without care. If it was just how he was raised or a mental condition making his traits worse, they would figure it out and help. 
 Hound Dog just felt happy the kid could get that chance. As long as Bakugou didn’t screw up now, SC would accept him. If he did screw up in the new timeline, bad enough that they wouldn’t let him in, the hero feared what the boy would become.
 The screen changes to Bakugou, the teen snarling as he stomps down the hallway.
 “That bastard! He stepped out! He gave up!” Bakugou growls. “COWARD!” Bakugou roars.
“He is a fucking coward!” Katsuki screamed. The shit was not facing his due punishment. How sickening! The little shit had whatever happened to him coming!
 That bastard is nothing more than another pebble in the road! Yet I couldn’t prove that I was better than him! Bakugou thinks angrily. His hands shake as he stomps down the hallway. He looks furious as he glares at nothing.
 Everything is wrong. I didn’t get first place at all in the past two events! I’m the best! I’m the future number-one hero! No one can beat me! Bakugou growls as he finishes his thoughts.
 “I’m going to win,” he vows darkly. “I’m going to win this tournament and remind all the extras who is better than them! And then I will find that copy-bastard and show him never to step out of bounds again purposely!”
After that, the screen went to the timer, and Neito laid his head on his desk. 
 “I’m going to die in the future… at least the smirk is gone,” he muttered. He ignored the voices around him of his classmates, just focusing on his thoughts. He had lost the fight but also won in his own way. He chose to step out of bounds, not face being beaten by Bakugou.
 It felt good to know he had managed that. Maybe it put in a good word for him at UA now that he had been able to face the teen head-on without worry. Maybe heroes saw and thought he did good.
 Maybe Midoriya saw; wow, he should not be thinking of that. Probably. Even if she was kind of cute.
 (UA did take notice, with Nezu drafting an email to accept the boy into the school immediately. Without Bakugou or Mineta, 1A was lacking two students, after all. 
 Some heroes did take note, too, writing his name down for the future. A kid who won in his way was a good choice for internships. It showed he was willing to do what it takes to win and could think outside the box.
 And as for Midoriya? She noticed, too. And was very impressed by someone pulling one over on Bakugou.)
Hey! Sorry for the long wait. I took a mental health hiatus over the summer after trying to do some pride stories and realized I couldn’t think. I could not write and felt majorly off. I’m better now, particularly now. School is coming back, and I quit nights, which probably helped. But I’m back, baby!
Fun facts before we start:
 This originally was two chapters. I put them together due to their shortness.
And I got two comments complaining about how I wrote Kendo on the last chapter… and I deleted them both, followed by blocking one of them because they basically ranted about how I ‘needed to check my facts before putting my headcanon here’ and ‘Kendo is in the right to hit Monoma’ never mind YOU NEVER PUT YOUR HANDS ON SOMEONE LIKE THAT. Also, my fic, my rules, ya’ll don’t need to read (ALA, that one dumbass who also went: bad Inko, all I need to know is not to read this drivel, which… it’s in the tags?!)
 Kendo smacking Monoma is NOT OKAY. I don’t care about the justifications. Hitting someone because they’re ‘annoying’ isn’t okay. If I have Bakugou in trouble, why wouldn’t I address Kendo? No, seriously, why? Why do we have a double standard of female-on-male violence being okay while male-on-female violence is not? Smacking someone so hard they pass out is horrible, and Kendo is a bad person for doing it, so she gets stopped early in this fic. (And Vlad SUCKS for not stopping it in canon) Seriously, I was surprised I got those comments, but none about the Hatsume stuff or Nighteye. Or Dabi.
 This also led to me adjusting some stuff. Kendo will get redemption, but the comments, added to the fact that I wasn’t happy with how I was going about it, led to me having it take much longer. 
-Ochako and Izumi there to save the day with their minds because Yaoyorozu needed a pick me up!
-Bakugou back sliding was due to him just not wanting to admit he’s wrong still. He can’t admit it to himself at all, and latched onto the idea of Inko proving she’s a good person as proof he was right. That he isn’t a bad person. That he still gets what he wants. Recovery is never linear, and backsliding happens.
-Can Tsu spit her stomach acid out like that? I dunno, but here she can. With her extra training with Izumi, she figured it out.
-I saw a translation of the original Japanese saying Endeavour used the word ‘brothers’ rather than siblings in his speech here. So I changed it here. Endeavour is aware women can be heroes; it’s just in his mind, the perfect legacy is male. He’s the sexist, saying, ‘Yeah, they can, but not as good as men, and they should focus on raising children.’
-Monoma’s crush on Izumi is more of a ‘she saved me, I found out she’s been through shit, she’s skilled and smart, AHHH’ sort of thing. It’s superficial, honestly. Honestly, half the crushes I have planned are partly: teenagers are weird and gain crushes at the drop of a hat sometimes, and the rest is ‘I am so damn tired of the double standard where it’s okay for the male to gain the attention of all the girls in a series, but it’s not for the female.’
-The fight with Monoma feels lacklustre because I went in with the idea of it being a black mark for Bakugou and then had to stop because, like Aizawa pointed out-, Bakugou is smart enough know to avoid being caught by people who’d care about his bullshit. Then I was like, what if I instead had the fight be still brutal but ended up nixing that to because I felt like Monoma would recognize when to bow out? He’s a little shit with low self-preservation, but in the end, he’s not dumb. Plus, being able to piss Bakugou off more? Priceless. Bakugou knows Monoma purposely stepped out of bounds, but no one else will. Bakugou did not get the fight or the revenge he wished for.
-I also used the idea that Monoma can’t use a Quirk perfectly right away, but instead of him JUST learning it here, I was like: this kid definitely used to try and copy a lot of Quirks from a young age and realized that early. He forgets a lot.
-In this AU, Kaminari is fluent in English. He’s number one in that class, followed by Yaoyorozu, Iida, and Todoroki. Bakugou is next, then Midoriya.
-While writing another fic, I realized that Bakugou calling Izuku ‘Deku’ for ‘dekunobu’ as in useless wooden doll is… malicious for a toddler. Especially how he said it, and yes- an adult wrote it, but canon, it’s freaky. It startled me to realize this, and I had to sit down and think about it. Typical toddlers don’t do that shit. Plus the drive to be number one, Bakugou’s attitude- it makes me wonder, you know. Mic also picked up on this because, again, this attitude about NEEDING to be the best is strange for the ‘bad boy’ vibes he tries for. So, Mic is wondering if something else is going on.
-You cannot convince me that Bakugou WOULDN’T think this. He is obsessed with being the best, and everything so far has shown him that he isn’t. The USJ almost did, but then the sports festival, the fact ONLY one person tolerates him, Monoma stepping out of bounds to have Bakugou feel he won in the wrong way… He’s close to the edge.
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candycandy00 · 2 years
The League of Villains Heroes Prologue 2
Author's Note: This is going to be a long, multi-chapter story about what happens after the end of the story, how the remaining members of the League of Villains adapt to their new lives full of therapy and new jobs and new relationships. But, when they get dragged into a fight against an ancient evil trying to take over the planet, this group of former villains might have to become a group of reluctant heroes. 
No smut. Some strong language and violence. 
Prologue 1: Shigaraki Prologue 2: Dabi Prologue 3: Toga Prologue 4: Spinner Prologue 5: Mr. Compress
Touya stretched his legs out on the seat of the couch and leaned back, putting his hands behind his head. 
Across from him sat a friendly-looking bespectacled man in his late 30’s. The man pushed a button on a small recording device and sat it on the low table between them. “Alright, let’s begin,” the man said. 
Touya nodded. 
“First of all, how’s quirk therapy going?”
“It’s fine,” Touya said. 
The man leaned forward. “Just fine? You’re able to use your quirk without burning yourself now, right?”
Touya snorted. “Yeah, when I wear that suit they made. You got any idea how stupid I look in that thing? It’s skin tight. And it’s bright orange. Fucking orange!”
The man laughed in a mild, pleasant way. “But it works, right? Maybe they can make it in another color. Or you could wear it under your regular clothes.”
“What’s the point?” Touya asked. “It’s not like I have any reason to use my quirk outside of therapy. I don’t have a job or anything.”
“You did have a job,” the man pointed out. “Remind me again why you were fired?”
Touya glanced at him, then looked away. “I didn’t get along with the boss.”
“If my memory serves, you called him a ‘dumb fuck’ in front of the other employees.”
“He was a dumb fuck,” Touya said. 
The man laughed again. “Well maybe you just need to find a job that suits you better. Any offers lately?”
Touya stared up at the ceiling. His therapist knew, didn’t he? Of course he did. After all, this man was also in charge of the Todorokis’ family therapy. No use staying quiet about it then. 
“Endeavor asked me if I wanted to join his agency as an intern. Can you imagine the nerve of that guy? How shameless can you be?”
The therapist gave no reaction, except to ask, “Do you want to join his agency?”
Touya sat up suddenly. “I wouldn’t do it if he offered me full time pay. I wouldn’t do it if he came crawling to me on his knees!”
The man was quiet for a moment, then said, “Touya, I didn’t ask you if you’re going to do it. I asked if you want to.”
Touya’s mouth fell open as he started to reply, but stopped himself. This man knew how to ask exactly the questions Touya didn’t want to think about. Maybe that’s how all therapists were. “No. I don’t want to join his agency,” Touya finally said with a sigh. “There was a time when that was the only thing I did want. When I was a kid. But not anymore.” 
“So what do you want now?”
Another question Touya didn’t want to think about. What did he want? He honestly didn’t know. He shrugged and answered honestly. “No idea, doc.”
There was another quiet pause, then the therapist said, “Let’s talk about your family.”
Touya laid back on the couch again. “Don’t we talk about them enough in family therapy?”
“Part of your solo therapy is reflecting on family therapy. So are you still getting along well with Natsuo and Fuyumi?”
“Yeah,” Touya answered, “but I never had problems with them to begin with. It was just awkward, you know? But with Natsu especially, it’s like I was never gone. We hang out. He even stays at my place occasionally. Fuyumi sends me food she makes. She’s always inviting me to family dinners.” 
“And you promised three family therapy sessions ago that you would go. Did you?”
“Yeah, I went. Once at their house, once at a restaurant.”
“And how did that go?” the therapist asked. 
“Uncomfortably. I hadn’t been back to that house since… since all that other stuff happened. But they all tried to be welcoming I guess. Still, I didn’t like being there. Too many bad memories. So I left as soon as I ate.”
“So they tried a restaurant next? Do you think they could tell you were uncomfortable?”
Touya laughed. “They’d have to be morons not to notice. And the restaurant ended up being even more awkward.”
“How so?”
“For starters, Endeavor and I were the first ones to show up, so we had to sit at a table, just the two of us, for ten minutes.”
“Did the two of you talk?”
“Just small talk. Shouto showed up just when I was about to give up and leave.” 
The therapist had his hands folded in his lap as he nodded to Touya’s answers and then asked another question. “So you were happy to see Shouto?”
“I was happy to see anyone that wasn’t Endeavor. Shouto sucks at conversation, but he’s easier to talk to at least.”
“Are you getting along better with him lately?”
Touya sat up again. “I guess so. He’s so earnest that it annoys me sometimes. And the dumb kid will agree to anything. You know hard it is to not bully someone like that?”
“He’s not really a kid anymore though, is he?”
Touya lowered his eyes. “No, he’s not.”
The therapist shifted positions in his chair. “Let’s move on to another topic. Have you been in contact with any former members of the League of Villains?” 
Touya sighed again. This topic always came up. Why did anyone give a shit? It’s not like they were planning to reform the League. All of them had moved on, in one way or another. 
“Not by choice,” he answered. “I run into one of them occasionally.”
The therapist nodded. “So when did you last see Shuichi Iguchi?”
“Spinner? Six months ago. I told you about it already.”
“Refresh my memory,” the therapist said. 
Touya eyed him, annoyance building. The man asked Touya these same questions every time, had him recount his last interactions with the former League members, every time. Maybe it was to make sure his story didn’t change. 
“We ran into each other at a ramen shop. He came and sat at my table. He bought my lunch,” Touya said, almost mechanically. He’d rattled off this sequence of events several times by now. 
“And what did you talk about?”
“His streaming gig, mainly. The guy’s raking in the money. I didn’t even know you could make money playing video games all day. Sounds like an easy job.”
The therapist smiled. “Maybe that’s something you could try.”
Touya laughed. “Yeah I doubt that. I don’t think anybody wants to watch Natsu hand me my ass in Mario Kart.” 
“What about Sako Atsuhiro?”
“Eight months ago. Bumped into him on the street outside a bar. He offered to buy me a drink but I was on my way home from work and tired so I passed on it.”
“And Toga Himiko?”
Touya hesitated for just a moment, then said the familiar line. “Also eight months ago. Saw her coming out of a cafe with those two hero girls she’s friends with. She waved and I waved back. We didn’t speak.”
This story was a lie. It became one for the first time today. The truth was, Touya had seen Toga the night before, but he didn’t want to talk about it. 
He’d been in a nightclub, a somewhat seedy one where people didn’t gawk if you had scars or were obviously trying to hide your face. He’d been going there since he got out of prison. Ever since he’d awakened from his coma, all those years ago, he would occasionally feel extremely restless, like his body was brimming with unused energy that he just had to burn off. As a villain, that had meant getting into fights. As a “productive member of society”, that meant dancing. 
He couldn’t remember exactly how it started. One minute he was standing in a darkened corner of the club, watching the strobing neon lights bouncing off the writhing bodies moving wildly across the floor, and the next minute he was moving among them, his amped up body moving almost on its own, feeling the pulsing beats of the ear splitting music. 
Touya had never taken dancing lessons. He couldn’t even name three different types of dance if someone had a gun to his head. But somehow, in this club, he was moving to a rhythm totally his own. And it felt good, it felt real. By the end of the night he was sweating and exhausted, and he felt a calm wash over him for the first time in years. 
He hadn’t told anyone about this, not even his therapist or Natsu. He wasn’t really embarrassed. He didn’t give a shit what anyone thought. But he felt like these moments were his and his alone. 
So when he spotted Toga by the bar, he was a little annoyed. She hadn’t seen him, thankfully. He started to move toward the back so he could wait for her to leave, but before he got very far, he heard a rather slimy voice saying, “Whoa, what a cutie! Are you legal?”
He glanced back at the bar, where a man who looked to be in his 40’s was sliding up to Toga, getting so close that she scooted a few inches away. She seemed to be ignoring him at first. The man made several more comments about her appearance, then reached up and stroked her hair. She turned to him sharply and said, “I’m not interested. Don’t touch me.”
The man laughed obnoxiously and said, “Ooh, I like my girls feisty!” Then he put his hand on the small of her back and started sliding it down. 
Touya grimaced, knowing exactly where this would lead. He could see Toga’s hand twitch at her side. There was no way she didn’t have a blade on her, and there was no way this old asshole was going to walk away without a few new holes in him. Then Toga would be sent back to prison.  
“Fuck,” Touya muttered, then walked back over to the bar. He tapped Toga on the shoulder and she turned around, almost squealing with delight when she saw him. 
“Touya-kun!” she exclaimed, hugging him tightly. The man who’d been bothering her looked at Touya, probably noticed the dangerous air about him, and made a hasty retreat. 
Touya didn’t return the hug, but he patted her back lightly. Figures. He spends a little time with his siblings and he suddenly develops a big brother instinct. 
Toga released him and motioned for him to sit in the stool vacated by the asshole. He sighed and sat down. “Don’t stab someone in a crowded bar, idiot,” he said to her. 
She grinned at him. “I’m not stupid. I would have lured him outside first.”
“Right,” he said, rolling his eyes. Then he looked at her. “Are you even old enough to drink?”
“I’m just having cream soda,” she said, holding up her glass. “Wanna try it?”
“No thanks.”
She took a sip then turned on the stool to face him. “Do you come here a lot? I just found this place. I like it already.”
Great. She liked it. He ran his hand through his hair and tried to be casual. “It’s okay. I come in here sometimes.”  
Toga glanced at the dance floor. “Do you dance?”
“No,” he answered, a little too fast. 
“Let’s try it,” she said, scooting off her stool. 
“Nah, you go ahead,” he told her, pointedly not looking at the dance floor. 
“Stop being stubborn. I can tell you want to.”
Touya exhaled a deep breath and stood up. “Fine. If it’ll get you to shut up.”
Toga smiled and took hold of his arm, pulling him into the mass of bodies thrashing about. They spent the rest of the night dancing, laughing, experiencing a rare kind of joy that people like them were not used to. 
At closing time, they waved goodbye to each other and went their separate ways. It was only after he got home that Touya realized he hadn’t even asked her how she’d been doing lately. Ah well, she seemed energetic enough. 
Now, sitting in his therapy session, Touya couldn’t update his “last time I saw Toga” story because he didn’t want to mention the dancing thing. He just didn’t want his random dancing at a nightclub to be psychoanalyzed. 
The therapist pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and said, “What about Shimura Tenko?”
Touya looked his therapist in the eye. “He still goes by Shigaraki. I don’t know his reasons, but I get it. I told most people to call me Dabi for a long time after I revealed my identity.”
“Okay, so do you have much contact with  Shigaraki?”
“Not really,” Touya said, leaning back against the couch. “We were in prison together, but they kept us far away from each other most of the time. We actually got released on the same day. Last time I saw him, he was walking toward the train station.”
“So you haven’t seen him in two years?”
“I see,” the therapist said, “but what about other types of communication? Phone calls? Texts?”
“He sends me texts every now and then. But that guy is a total weirdo. I’ve never seen a more socially awkward person in my life. He’s even worse than Shouto.”
“Oh? How so?” the therapist asked. Touya hadn’t talked about the texts before, so this was new information. 
“Okay, for example,” Touya began, “one day out of the blue he texts me a picture of a dog. No message with it. No context. Is it his dog? Did he just find a picture of a dog he liked online? What the hell am I supposed to say to that?”
The therapist chuckled. “So what did you end up saying?”
“A couple days later Natsu was at my place so I showed it to him. He took my phone and just wrote back ‘Nice’. Every so often Shigaraki sends me more pictures of the same dog. It has to be his, right? Either that or he’s stalking someone else’s dog and… actually that doesn’t sound too far fetched for him. Either way, whenever Natsu comes over I just let him reply.”
“So Natsuo and Shigaraki have been texting each other? And Shigaraki has no idea?”
“Yeah. It’s kinda weird, but I think they’d actually get along if they met.” Touya looked toward the floor and went on. “Natsu said he was used to replying to texts like that because Fuyumi was always sending him cute cat pictures she finds online. And fuck me if my first thought wasn’t ‘Why doesn’t she send me cute cat pictures?’. I mean I don’t even want to look at the pictures. It’s just…”
“You feel left out?”
Touya looked up at the therapist. “It’s not that. It just made me think… maybe she still feels nervous around me. Maybe she doesn’t feel comfortable sending me random silly shit she finds online.”
“And that bothers you.”
“A little. She and Natsu are the only two people in my family I feel like I have a connection to right now, and… and shit I’m back to talking about my family,” Touya said with a groan. 
“It’s alright. We can talk about whatever you want. You know that. So why not just ask Fuyumi to send you cute cat pictures?”
Touya frowned. “I can’t do that! If I did, she’d feel like she has to send them to me. It should just be a natural thing she feels like doing, or it doesn’t count.”
The therapist tapped his fingers on his knee for a moment, then said, “How about this? Next time you talk to her, mention that Natsu showed you one of the pictures she sent him, and you thought it was cute or funny. This way you’re not asking her to send any, but you’re also letting her know that you liked the picture, so she might feel more comfortable sending some to you.”
Touya thought the suggestion over for a while, then nodded. “That might work.”
A timer sounded somewhere in the room, signaling the end of the session. The therapist reached down and turned off the recording device, then stood up. 
Touya stood up too and grabbed his coat. “See ya, doc.”
“The next session will be family therapy,” the man said, though Touya knew this well. He had the schedule memorized long ago. Family therapy once a month. Solo therapy once every two weeks. Quirk therapy, which was at a different location, also every two weeks. 
Touya waved to the therapist as he walked out of the office and into the cold streets beyond. His current apartment was a very short walk away, so he stepped at a leisurely pace, not being bothered by the chilly air. 
As he passed an alley, he thought he saw a great burst of purple light, but by the time he turned to look, it was gone. 
“The fuck?” 
The alley was empty aside from a single blue sneaker. He stood there watching for a moment, but saw nothing else so he shrugged and went on his way. Maybe someone used a quirk that made that light. 
When he reached his apartment, he found Fuyumi standing outside his door, holding a covered dish in both hands. She smiled when she saw him. 
“I brought you dinner.”
“Thanks,” he said, unlocking his door and letting her in. 
She crossed quickly to the small kitchen and sat the dish on the counter. “It’s still warm, so eat it right away.”
He nodded, pulling off his coat. “How long were you waiting?” 
“Oh, just a few minutes,” she said. “I know you had a session today.”
She walked over to him and gave him a brief side hug, then headed toward the door. “Well I’m heading home. Be sure to eat!”
The hug had been such a small thing, and Touya was still a little uneasy with affection from, well, anyone, but he was getting used to it. He remembered the day, a year and a half ago, during family therapy, that Fuyumi had first hugged him. 
The session had been tense. The therapist had asked a lot of questions that provoked some hard to hear answers. At one point, Touya had gotten angry and said some hurtful things. He’d said that no one in this family gave a shit about him, that they all just moved on after they thought he’d died and forgot all about him. 
It was Shouto, of all people, who stood up and shouted that Touya was wrong. Then he told Touya how, every year on Touya’s birthday, he’d found Natsu and Fuyumi crying while sitting in front of Touya’s picture. 
Touya had been about to dismiss this as a lie, until he caught sight of his other siblings’ faces. Fuyumi and Natsu both had tears in their eyes as they looked at him with hurt expressions. And he’d felt like the biggest asshole on the planet. He’d sat back down on one of the couches, near Fuyumi, and said, “Oh. I didn’t know that.” What else was he supposed to say? 
Suddenly Fuyumi threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly and crying into his shoulder. Natsu soon followed, joining the hug. Touya sat there, feeling stupid and guilty and awkward. He lightly patted Fuyumi’s head and then Natsu’s back, totally unsure of what else he should do. He glanced over and saw that both Shouto and their mom were watching the scene with shining eyes, clearly wanting to join the hug. 
But no. Touya couldn’t deal with that. He already felt overwhelmed. He didn’t think he could bear two more sets of arms clinging to him, two more crying faces pressed against him. He gently pulled free of Natsu and Fuyumi and walked out of the room, saying he needed a break. He spent the next thirty minutes hiding in a bathroom stall, his head buried in his hands, wondering how he’d become so utterly pathetic. 
In the time since then, he had gradually accepted affection from his family. Both Shouto and their mother eventually got their chance to hug him, and while it was less overwhelming when done individually, it was still awkward. 
Just before Fuyumi reached the door, Touya stopped her. “Oh yeah,” he said, trying hard not to sound like he was reading a line from a script, “the other day Natsu showed me a picture you sent him of a cat stuck in a jar. That was really funny.”
Her eyes lit up. “You liked it?”
He rubbed the back of his head, feeling ridiculous. “Uh, yeah. It was cute.”
She walked back over to him. “I’ve got a lot more like that! I can send you some!”
He couldn’t help noticing the excitement in her voice. “Sure, I’d like that,” he said. 
She smiled brightly and waved as she left. Touya sighed and went over to eat whatever she’d brought him. It was some kind of stew with mild flavors. She remembered that he had a sensitive stomach. 
A few minutes later, his phone lit up. He picked it up, wondering if she’d already sent him a picture, and saw a text from Sako. 
“We’re having a little League reunion tonight at Chisa’s Bar. 7pm. Hope you can make it!”
Touya frowned and laid the phone back down. He had no interest in a reunion, so he didn’t bother replying. 
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