#toh captain willow park
lethiepie · 2 years
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Huntlow Anne with an E AU! 🍃
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carpisuns · 2 years
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doodle dump for the huntlow fic ever by the illustrious @lollytea
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savzo · 2 years
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I just wanted to draw Willow. Hunter is just a bonus lol
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Thinking about Willow’s ‘out of sight out of mind’ motto and picturing Gus and Hunter pestering her so she just takes off her glasses and ignores them. They are devastated.
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morhido · 2 years
I think hunter should take his and willow's 'captain' thing to just a comically large extent. He will do literally anything she says if she says it with enough authority, not only because she's The Captain™️ and he's used to following orders, but because he has so much genuine respect and admiration for her that he'll happily do whatever she wants from him.
Willow eventually figures out this power of hers, and she would never even dream of abusing it but it's very funny to see it work whenever she does use it. One time he's overworking himself and she's like "hubter!! Please for the love of titan get some rest!!!" "It's fiiiiine, everything's fiiine, i'm not even tired–" "HUNTER. TAKE A BREAK. CAPTAIN'S ORDERS." and it is absolutely HYSTERICAL how quickly he drops everything to go take a nap.
Girlie has the power to make one of the most powerful people in history do whatever she wants and she uses it to instill healthy habits and boundaries
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arjengelly · 1 year
🦉 I call it like I see it 🔮
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Watch Amethio & Ann become the next Huntlow lol 🤣
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hellolulu · 2 years
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Morning
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emeraldart · 8 months
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It’s missing her hours
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allhandsondeck1 · 11 months
after two whole weeks i finally updated lmao
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agrebel18 · 2 years
Look what you’ve done to me
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lethiepie · 2 years
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“Envy green, growing ivy vines that hold me
Up they go, past the collar bones and freckles on my nose
Higher, higher ‘till the words I tell myself are covered
Envy green…” 🌱
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wheretwofacesmeet · 2 years
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suprgamr66 · 9 months
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Writer’s comment: this is a part three of the “timelines collide storyline” if you haven’t seen part two the link is here
The infinitewatch chronicles:Timelines collide part III
As Titan walks through the rift leading the new recruits he says, “We need to buy Eren time to get this right.” As he says that, they all hear infinite’s voice in their heads say, “Find the warriors of this timeline. There is also a god class being on this list. Find Luz Noceda, Amity Blight, Augustus Porter, Willow Park, Edalyn Clawthorne, King Clawthorne, and Hunter…” he stumbled on the last name, “We aren’t sure what his last name is. It’s either Hunter Noceda or Hunter Wittebane. We’ll worry about it later. Other than Edalyn, they should all be at the titan skull. For any who wasn’t accessed this will be your assessment. Prove yourself useful to infinitewatch and you will be among our ranks.” They begin to go to the skull to find who Infinite has asked for. Titan says, “Eren, maybe if you get to the titan skull you can use your abilities better.” Eren asks, “How would that even make sense?” Titan, “I’ve no idea but this is our best plan.” Eren sighs as Piek bites her hand and transforms into a titan. She says, “Alright, let’s go.” They all climb on her titan body’s back and she sprints as fast as possible and they reach the titan skull in minutes. On the way Eren tried screaming at the wall titans when they saw them but he didn’t transform as his titan body would crush Piek’s titan body and none of the titans even slowed down. Reiner says, “How will we even get them to listen. As far as they know we could be responsible for all of this.” Titan responds, “We’re just going to have to convince them to come with us. But our main mission is to stop this uncontrolled rumbling.” Zeke says, “Maybe if we can kill a few of the wall titans while they’re watching they’ll believe us and come with us.” Porco says, “Are none of us going to acknowledge that thing with a shit ton of eyes fighting those people?” Infinite says, “That is emporer Belos aka Phillip Wittebane.” Captain Levi says, “Wait, wasn’t Wittebane a possible last name for one of the people we need to retrieve?” Infinite says, “We need to focus on retrieving them however if we can capture Belos it would be a great win for us. Even if he’s only taken as a prisoner it could be of great benefit for us to have him. Now go recruit the people fighting belos.” Mikasa says, “If we can stop capture Belos maybe they’ll join us.” Eren says, “I’ll get to the stop of the titan skull. Maybe the wall titans will here me from here.” He begin climbing up the skull and transforms when he gets within a safe distance on the skull that the others won’t be hurt. Suddenly they look over their shoulder and Armin seems to be surprised as he says, “Annie?!?” “A girl in a similar uniform to captain Levi and mikasa walks over and says, “What the hell is going on here? I saw this giant skull appear and then the wall titans escaped and everything seems to have gone to shit.” Armin says, “I’ll explain everything later, but right now we need to take care of that thing and talk to those kids over there.” Annie says, “Fine. But I can’t transform here.” Mikasa says, “That’s why I’ll take care of it from here.” Titan says, “Wait! Don’t…” He doesn’t finish his sentance in time as mikasa uses her odm gear to zip through, dodging the attacks the potential recruits were using. She slices Belos in half and holds him by the head as she says, “Anybody got something to contain this thing in?” As the others just stare jaws dropped and eyes wide Belos says, “A new body!” And appears to enter mikasa’s body through the skin. Her eyes suddenly glowed blue. Titan said, “Goddamnit. This is why I tried to stop her.” He charged forward with his staff drawn. He swings into her side and she’s thrown into the wall. When she speaks it wasn’t her voice but rather Belos’s voice, “You’re a fool to think that would stop me.” But as the tries to get back up, they see a crack in reality appear and Infinite walks through. “All of you, hold her down,” he says. Everyone holds her down and Infinite says, “I fucking hate newbies sometimes.” As everyone holds her down infinite’s armor retreats into the power core.
When it does instead of a body a humanoid shaped cloud of dark purple smoke is revealed. The yellow ring of the power core begins to glow and mikasa’s eyes stop glowing blue. Mikasa’s voice says, “thank you.” Infinite responds, “Don’t thank me yet. It’s still in you and our only way to get it out isn’t exactly what I’d call pleasant.” Suddenly, he reaches his hand towards Mikasa and fires red lighting from his finger tips at her as the red ring on his power core begins to glow. She screams in agony but the creature begins emerging from her body. Levi screams at Infinite saying, “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!!!!” Infinite says, “Easy captain Levi, this is the only way we can help her.” The goo follows the lightning and he materializes a capsule to hold belos in and shifts the lightning to go into it. Mikasa continues screaming. Suddenly, they hear pounding above them as Eren walks on top of the skull. Finally, all of belos is removed from Mikasa and she stops screaming. Infinite’s armor comes back from his power core and he falls to the ground exhausted. Titan says, “Go back Infinite, I can handle it from here.” Infinite’s visor color goes from yellow to orange as he says, “sir yes sir.” It switches back to yellow as another rift forms and he walks back through it. Suddenly, something that appears to be a fox with a skull on its head runs up a stair case that was near by. One of the kid fighting belos runs to it and says, “King! Oh my god I’m so glad you’re ok!” Titan looks over at Levi and says, “Alright lemme take care of this.” He walks to the front of the room and says, “Listen, I don’t have time to explain what’s happening right now. What are all of your names?” The girl that ran to King says, “My name’s Luz.” A girl with purple hair says, “I’m Amity.” A boy with some sort of mirror earring says, “I’m Augustus, but you can call me Gus.” Another kid this one holding some staff with a bird on the end says, “My name is Hunter.” Finally, a girl with a green dress says, “and I’m Willow.” Titan nods as they hear a loud scream from above. Titan says, “well things are about to get a lot better or a shit ton worse.” Suddenly, the wall titans all began to walk to the skull. Titan sighs and says, “guess it’ll be a shit ton worse. Anybody who can turn into a titan now’s the time. And if you can’t… things are about to get shitty and you need to find a high vantage point that isn’t flammable and you can get a good view of the napes of their necks.” Levi and Mikasa use their odm gear to swing out of the titan skull. King says, “Wait! I have an idea! It’s risky but it could end this quickly.” Titan says, “Then go do it. We need to either eradicate all the wall titans or buy Eren enough time to control the wall titans into stopping.” King runs back down the stairs Luz says, “Amity come on, I’ve got an idea.” Luz pulls out a piece of paper with some sort of symbol and goes to the top of the skull. Gus, Willow, and Hunter take flight on their staffs. Titan says, “colt, I’m going to increase my size to 15 meters. I will proceed to pick you and armin up. I will then throw you into the titans where you can transform safely and fight the wall titans. Understand?” Colt and Armin nod. Titan gestures for them to follow him. They go outside and Titan increases his size and throws them into the air, in the middle of the wall titans they were thrown into, two giant explosions of yellow lighting appear and armin’s colossal titan and colt’s armor increases to 60 meters and mimic’s the appearance of a colossal titan wearing armor. Annie, Reiner, Colt, Falco, Porco, and Piek all transform they charge into the wall titans. They look up and see fire flying from atop an ice pillar on top of the titan skull and they see Eren beginning to climb down from the skull. When he reaches the bottom he tries screaming again but this time it seems to make the wall titans run faster to the skull and they overwhelm everybody. Titan releases a large thermo nuclear blast after screaming with effort. He yells out, “WE NEED TO RETREAT BACK TO INFINITEWATCH HOME BASE!”
“LUZ!!!!!!!!!” Amity screamed from the ice pillar, the wall titans had reached the top of the skull where the Eren had retreated. As they walked on the skull the base of the ice tower melted partly and as their walking caused the skull to shake Luz fell and was crushed under a wall titan’s foot. Balls of light began floating up from where the wall titan stepped. Eren screamed one last time and finally, the wall titans began to slow until eventually stopping all together. A tears began to roll down amity’s face Titan’s visor color changed to dark purple. Infinite’s voice entered Titan, Levi, Mikasa, and the titan shifter’s heads and said, “come on, we have some new recruits to evaluate.” It sounded like there was regret in his voice. Titan gathered everybody back to the skull and another rift appeared as Titan and the people he’d taken into the universe walked through, Amity appeared to not want to go through. She said, “I won’t leave here without King and Eda.” Infinite walks through the rift and says, “Fine where are they.” Amity says, “King is down those stairs and Eda should be near that tower over there.” She pointed to a tower in the distance. “Fine.” Infinite says. He glows light blue and suddenly, a light blue flash appears on the tower in the distance. Soon after he reappears in a flash of blue light with Eda. She says, “Where’s Luz?” Amity looks at the ground and looks like she’s about to cry. Eda says, “No. How did it happen?” Titan replies saying, “I’m sorry miss Clawthorne. She was fighting the wall titans and when they reached her their body heat melted the base of her ice tower she’d fallen and was crushed under the foot of one of them.” Eda fell to her knees and Gus, Willow, Hunter, and Amity went to comfort her. During this, they failed to notice belos escape from the capsule Infinite had created. Infinite walks over to comfort Eda and says, “I wish there was something I could say to help the pain go away. But there’s nothing anybody can say to fix something like this. I wish I could’ve prevented this. I genuinely do. All I can do now is offer a new home for you. One that wasn’t trampled.” Eda says, “I don’t care how damaged this place is. It’s my home and I was fighting to save it.” Infinite sighs before saying, “Look, I need to go get King from down there. But Amity won’t come with us if you and King don’t. And I know King won’t come if you don’t. Would you please at least come to see what we have to offer?” Eda nods but still looks crushed. Infinite walks down the stairs and sees King with what appears to be a child. He says, “The collector.” King says, “He can solve our problem!” Infinite’s visor also switches to purple as he says, “The problem’s been solved. But it has come at a great cost. Your…” Infinite struggles to finish the last sentence. “Your sister, she died. Fighting to save her home.” King screams and the entire cave nearly collapses but the collector reaches out his hands and holds the ceiling up. He creates several pillars which hold the ceiling up. “Come, Eda and the others are up there,” Infinite says. “Maybe they can help to comfort you better than I can.” King walks up the stairs and Eda sees him. She sees the expression he bares and seems mildly relieved she doesn’t have to tell him what happened, however she’s still crushed by the recent events. Infinite says, “Guys, I gotta be honest. This mission was my plan. The cost was not anticipated and this will factor into the aftermath of the mission. I promise that those responsible will face repercussions. Including myself. Perhaps had been here instead of monitoring Luz would still be here.” Everyone who’s known Luz were too shocked to respond. Infinite continues, “For now, Titan will help you settle into infinitewatch until I can take up my part. You will join a different division led by someone who should be relatively familiar. For now you will be sent to a place where you may rest until I can give your orientation. Eren Yager, come with me. I’m aware you did not do this on purpose but we must do something.”
Infinite finished this by saying, “You killed a fucking kid. Have you any idea how fucked up that is?” They all walk through a rift created by Infinite as belos crawls down the skull, towards the castle built right at the titan’s heart.
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things i scripted into my toh dr that either weren't in the show or didn't get touched on because for some reason i'm PUMPED rn:
*note- if you see last names in here that you don't recognize, in all likelihood the character didn't have a last name and i made one up
*also please don't crucify me in the replies if you see these people differently than i do this is specific to my interpretation of them and therefore specific to my DR
houses at hexside! i wanted it to be a bit like hogwarts and exist adjacently, but i didn't want the houses to be exactly the same so i made my own!! the houses are sphinx, chimera, griffin, dragon, pegasus, and kelpie
sphinx house- people in sphinx house tend to be optimistic, kind-hearted, charismatic, and quite outspoken. they work best on teams and tend to study better in groups! this house is most likely to spawn flyer derby players and beastkeepers (examples of people in sphinx house: skara flutter)
chimera house- ambiverted people who are able to blend in and get along very well with others. a consequence of this is that sometimes they can be easily influenced by others and what they think. this house is likely to spawn illusionists and constructionists. they work well on teams and are good at improvising. they tend to be on the shyer side and are usually very polite people (examples of people in chimera house: willow park, matt tholomule, edric blight, lilith clawthorne)
griffin house- extraverted aggressors who are very passionate about their interests, people from this house are often aggressors or come off as intimidating with very strong personalities. this house is most likely to spawn professional grudgby or quidditch players. it's not the most academic house, but it’s spawned a few very good scientists and businesspeople. they usually don’t think before they speak tho lol. everything about griffin house students involves very spur-of-the-moment, impulsive behaviour (examples of people in griffin house: amelia durand, boscha bennett, eda clawthorne)
dragon house- this is the house that i'm in!! introverts who are very knowledgable and powerful. they’re not pacifists by any means, but are generally not aggressors either unless threatened. this house is likely to spawn well-rounded students who excel in most fields, but it's also the most likely house to spawn gifted kid burnout (examples of people in dragon house: me, amity blight, raine whispers, hunter wittebane-noceda)
pegasus house- peacemakers and introverts with a lot of love to give, generally very smart and caring of others, always think before they speak and often end up being the ones to resolve arguments between others, generally considered to be the “mom friend” or the heart of their friend group, most likely to spawn healers or beastkeepers (examples of people in pegasus house: augustus porter, luz noceda, emira blight)
kelpie house- usually keep-to-themselves sort of people, whether thats their house or themself specifically. they get overwhelmed in bigger groups of people, and prefer to be in quiet areas either on their own or with a small group of close friends. they're most likely to be potion masters or botanists. this house spawns two kinds of people- the nicest, chillest person you’ll ever meet, or rich elitist scumbag. these students often struggle to make meaningful connections with others, despite (usually) being very kind and honest people as they definitely work better by themselves and don’t understand how to work with a team (examples of people in kelpie house: cat delisle, alador blight, darius deamonne)
lots of school sports teams!! obviously we have grudgby (i'm actually the star player! i can't remember if i've actually mentioned that or not), and willow introduces flyer derby eventually, but we also have quidditch (amelia is captain)
we do actually have a student council in my DR- skara is studco president and amity is her campaign manager and vice president (boscha thinks it's for nerds and doesn't participate, but she still goes to the meetings because all her friends do, me included)
social medias!! obviously penstagram = instagram, but i also added that icktok = tiktok and bootube = youtube (i've also seen someone on tiktok script that bitter = twitter but i don't remember who it was and tbh i don't really use twitter anyways bc i'm afraid of it)
on bootube we have access to all human youtube videos, but humans don't have access to bootube videos- so we can absolutely watch buzzfeed unsolved with our friends, but when i post goofyass videos on bootube, humans can't see them lmao
youtube definitely grew and evolved, but bootube kind of stayed in that 2015-2016 oreo challenge, hide and seek in ikea, bean-boozled challenge era. the golden era imo
i'm literally begging you to send me asks about the hexside houses i'm foaming at the mouth i'm so excited to talk about them i've already started making a uquiz i'll post it when i'm done
i'm also gonna make a bunch of separate posts about my friend group since most of my friends didn't get very many/any speaking lines in the show
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Hey, are you sad/mad/upset/frustrated at the lack of Willow Park content? You might like this fic. Set before canon events, Willow discovers something about herself.
More to come, I'm working on a bunch of Willow - centered stuff that I hope to post soon!
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carpisuns · 2 years
hello! i saw your tags on that ''if you would be so kind as to reblog this if you feel insecure about your writing skills'' post, and i just wanted to say that i love your writing SO much!!! like.. all of your fics that ive read are so good!!!!!!!! whether youre aiming for a more silly, goofy vibe or heart-shattering angst you do it so well and im amazed at your talent!
''tell me something i dont know'' is one of my all time favourite fics and i remember how much i enjoyed reading it (and crying my eyes out at 2 am adjahsf), and ''where roses bloom'' absolutely broke my heart in the best way possible!! And i loved your collab fic with botherkupo, ''two idiots and a hamster'' SO much, i seriously had to try very hard not to laugh ahdjskdhf. OH and im not in the toh fandom, but i did read ''The Death-Defying Flirting Methods of Captain Willow Park'' and i really really enjoyed it!! like i said, you write both angst, humor and romance so well and your writing is such a beautiful mix of everything!
Youre one of my fav writers on here, and i think that no matter what your goals are for writing, they definetely leave a big impact on your readers- your fics have made me laugh, cry and quite frankly im obsessed with them! I know insecurities dont simply Vanish from one ask lol, but i hope you know how much you and your fics (AND your art and just. in general youre such a nice person) mean to me, and all your other readers! <3333333
I kept this in my inbox for a bit bc it’s just so kind and I didn’t know how to respond 🥺 and then I started answering but didn’t finished and saved it in my drafts and forgot SHSJSK anyway. Thank you so so much!!!!
i reblogged that post kind of in solidarity with other writers cause i know insecurity is something everyone deals with. it’s weird because I feel like at all times I’m simultaneously confident and insecure about my writing lol. I have enough experience/training that I know I can like put together sentences and paragraphs lol but I still fret over pacing and style and characterization and stuff like that a lot. the insecurities make me feel kind of silly bc I feel like at this point i should be over them!!! but I can’t help worrying about how my work will be received by the audience. i am always at least a little nervous to post something new, and sometimes I am very nervous! Cause I just don’t know if it’s gonna land the way I intended.
And the most frustrating part for me is when I read something REALLY good and sometimes feel like pouty and jealous I guess lol going “ugh I could never write like that! I should just give up!” I feel like such a baby!! but I get over it quickly and I’m sure I’m not the only one who falls victim to Pouty Little Binch syndrome. (I mean I hope I’m not the only one or that would be extra pitiful 😂)
Anyway it helps me to remind myself that it’s a good thing that I don’t write the same way my fav writers write! we all have our own ways of thinking and expressing ourselves, and even when we take inspiration from someone else, the Us-ness of our work is always gonna come through. If that makes sense. like if my fav writer is So-and-So, it’s really awesome and cool to enjoy the So-and-So-ness of their work and break down why I enjoy it so much and even incorporate some So-and-So-type flavors in my own writing, but at the end of the day my writing will always be full of carpisuns-ness and that’s cool too! I just think as creators we are so close to our own work and we’re so in the weeds about it that we don’t get a clear view of it like a reader does when they’re coming to it fresh, and that makes us sometimes judge it unkindly. More often than not, your work is better than you think it is. Sometimes when a creator I admire feels down about their work I just wish I could let them borrow my eyes and see it how I see it, because it’s really amazing and makes me feel so much!!
Anyway, I probably got off topic lol but I just wanted to shout out to all the writers who are feeling down about their work. You are doing amazing sweetie!! Better than you think. Dont stop writing.
this is seriously such a kind message and it means so much to me that you would take the time out of your day to write this! 🥺💜 people like you who go out of their way to make others feel good are such a treasure. Im glad you enjoyed those fics!! And that u even read one of my toh fics when you’re not in the fandom? aaaa I’m honored! Blowing u kisses
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