#tokyo chang-pong
ginza-division · 2 years
"Security is an illusion. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."
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Age 0:
Is born the middle child to Yasuo and Atsuko Noguichi in Tokyo, Japan.
Age 3:
Is made an older brother after his younger sister, Bunko, is born.
Age 6:
Begins to get interested in computers and technology after being introduced to the computer game, Pong.
Age 17:
Graduates high school and begins attending Tokyo University.
Meets and befriends Maiya Satoko during a group project in one of their classes together.
Age 18:
With the help of some of his peers, he comes up with a computer program called, "MashUp", which helped users to make class selection decisions based on the choices of other students and also to help them form study groups.
Unfortunately, the program is taken down by the university due to it being considered a violation of a student's privacy rights.
He saves the code from MashUp in hopes that he can use it again someday.
Age 20:
For his final project, he comes up with a plan to reuse his old MashUp code, creating a new program and social media platform.
He first calls the program, "Account", but then changes it to "PROFILE".
His program is well-liked by professors and students, who are eager to try it out.
He graduates with high honors and a Bachelor's in Technology.
Age 21:
His father suggests he expands PROFILE across all of Japan. He takes his father's advice and releases PROFILE to everyone.
He is credited as one of the "Top 50 Innovators in the World", helping him gain world-renowned fame.
He and Maiya begin dating.
Age 22:
His father both advises and helps him to start up his own company to help spread PROFILE.
After taking out a loan and finding a suitable location in Ginza, Sigma Inc. is officially launched.
Age 23:
He spends much of his time traveling outside of Japan, establishing connections with many world leaders to boost PROFILE's popularity.
Age 24:
Eiji makes a 'Marketplace' section on PROFILE, allowing people to sell unwanted or used merchandise to people across the world.
He also introduces the 'Like' and 'Dislike' buttons on the site, allowing people to show their approval or disapproval of what people say.
With his wealth, he buys up parts of land in Ginza for various purposes, such as: recreation, work, etc.
Age 25:
PROFILE obtains over 10,000,000 users and over 1,000,000 downloads.
After years of dating, he asks Maiya to become his wife, and she agrees.
They give birth to fraternal twins, a boy, and a girl.
Age 26:
Many companies try to join with Sigma Inc., but he refuses wanting to stay separate.
This earns him a lot of ire and hate from many other company owners.
He gets caught in a car accident that costs him one of his legs, forcing him to get a prosthetic one.
Age 28:
PROFILE starts to gain backlash due to how some users are using it.
Eiji's wife and sisters defend him and the site.
Age 30:
He continues adding more and more features to the site, increasing its popularity and infamy.
He deals with numerous lawsuits and controversies, which gives him no end of trouble.
Age 32:
He makes adjustments to his site, changing its outlook and appearance, which has a positive effect.
Age 33:
Sigma Inc. comes out with a VR game called 'Infinity', which is all the rage among gamers due to how lifelike and real it is.
Age 35:
He becomes acquainted with Otome Tohoten, the Prime Minister of Japan, whom he helps set up a PROFILE for.
Age 36:
He and Maiya give birth to another child, Isuzu Noguchi.
Unfortunately, Isuzu is diagnosed with an incurable disease, making it hard for her to breathe.
Eiji donates millions of dollars from his company in an attempt to find a cure.
He becomes acquainted with Masa Judice, a well-known Catholic priest, who donates money to have Eiji create a PROFILE for him and his church.
Age 37:
His company helps to sponsor a video game tournament event called, Platinum Gaming.
Age 38:
He becomes acquainted with the former frontman of C H A R O N, Oki Teagan, through Masa.
He is asked by Masa to join his team in the D.R.B. Eiji reluctantly agrees after being told that there is a cure that can save his daughter.
Becomes the second member of the Ginza Division rap battle team, Last Judgment, alongside Masa Judice and Oki Teagan.
12 a.m. - 7 a.m.: Asleep
7 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.: Freshens up
8:30 a.m. - 9 a.m.: Breakfast with family
9 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.: Arrive at work
10 a.m. - 1 p.m.: In meetings
1 p.m. - 2 p.m.: Lunch
2 p.m. - 3 p.m.: More meetings
3 p.m. - 4 p.m.: In R&D Department
4 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.: Gives a call to wife and kids
4:15 p.m. - 6 p.m.: Managing and monitoring PROFILE
6 p.m. - 8 p.m.: Paperwork
8 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.: Returns home
8:30 p.m. - 9 p.m.: Eats dinner with family
9 p.m. - 10 p.m.: Play video games with kids
10 p.m. - 10:15 p.m.: Check on Isuzu
10:15 p.m. - 11:45 p.m.: Freshens up
11:45 p.m. - 12 a.m.: Gets ready for bed
Character Hashtags
Regular Hashtags
#Transhumanity aim
#All for my family
#Technology is the future
Trauma Hashtags
#Will my daughter not get a chance at life
#I put my family in the crosshairs
#In over my head
Other Info
Hobby: Video Games
Weakness: His family
Trauma: "My daughter has an incurable disease."
Twitter: @Noguchi_Eij38
Drinks: Yes
Smokes: Yes
Special Skill: "I am extremely adept when it comes to any sort of technological piece of equipment."
Intro Quote: "We are advancing the world through technology."
Trauma Quote: "Isuzu... I'm sorry. You're dying right before me. And I don't know what to do to help you!"
Ending Quote: "Evolve or die. There is no other choice."
8 notes · View notes
daerm20 · 1 year
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Interference Test #5
…I didn’t want to admit it… but… everything that had happened last time… Kaworu… Shinji comforting me.. took quite a toll on me…
So, I did the exact opposite. …I did nothing. I let Shinji… enjoy himself for a bit. …how would this influence him? …I practically became… a guy from his world. Not letting myself disconnect so easily. …This would’ve changed something, would it have not? …at least… it would… make things normal again… for everyone…
You: *The sun is setting over the crater lake. We’re both staring off, into the distance. Sitting on the bench. Test #5 has begun. Interference starts now.*
You: ...y'know, Shinji... we still have some time left... before... well... your curfew... do you want to do anything...?
…how do I do this without sounding like a groomer… wait… maybe…
You: I think there's an arcade on... well, both our ways home...
Shinji: *looks surprised* Oh, really? I mean, if you don't mind...I would love that. It's been a while since I've gone to an arcade or done anything like that. And my curfew isn't for a little while yet, so we should have enough time. Thank you for offering, that's really nice of you.
Thanks, Japan, for being the only place in the world with arcades mostly still in working order.
You: ...of course I want to! I'm glad you want to go there with me, hehe. *I blush lightly.*
You: *We both get up, and get going, through the forest. Winter has really started... foliage's down... only pines remain... the air is chilly, but almost pleasurably.* *As we continue walking, the forest starts to morph into the suburbs of Tokyo-3. ...even if there's almost no one around... the arcade is open, seemingly. The machines, from the oldest Pong one to the newest DDR, scream their metallic voice into the deserted air. Lonely… and yet... so endearing.*
Shinji: *looks around, taking in the sights and sounds of the arcade* Wow, I haven't seen an arcade like this in a long time. It's almost deserted, but that just makes it feel more special somehow. And they have all these old machines too...I used to play some of these when I was really young. Do you want to play something?
You: ...well... *An old, yellowed Super Mario Bros. co-op arcade catches my eye.* Why don't we play that? ...I know, it's kinda plain, but... It's always fun, hah!
…sorry for people that aren’t gamers out there… but it’s the best thing I’ve got… also seeing how, at this point, Tokyo-3 had been evacuated…
Shinji: *smiles* Yeah, that sounds great. I haven't played Super Mario Bros. in ages, but it's a classic for a reason. Let's do it!
You: *Shinji reaches for his pocket.* No, no, let me do it. Really, I don't mind. *I manifest a new, shiny coin from my pocket, and hold it in my hand.*
Shinji: *looks a little hesitant* Are you sure? I don't want to take your money or anything. But if you insist...thank you, that's really kind of you. *smiles and takes the coin from your hand, slotting it into the machine* Alright, let's see if we still have what it takes to beat Bowser!
You: *He gets Mario, I get Luigi. We both skip through World 1-1 with seemingly no problems whatsoever, and get to World 1-2.* Hey, watch this! *I break the upper brick wall, getting on the roof.* Ever done that?
Shinji: *looks impressed* No, I haven't! That's really cool. You're pretty good at this game. I've always been more of a follower than a leader when it comes to games like this, but watching you play is making me want to be more adventurous too. Let me see if I can try that... *tries to jump up and break the brick wall, but fails miserably* Oh well, maybe next time.
You: *I smile, as we get to the end of the level, him on the ground, and I on the roof.* Wait a minute, before getting into the tube. I'll show you a thing. *I jump on the platforms... and back on the roof. He does the same.* Ever wondered what's behind the tube?
Shinji: *looks intrigued* No, I've never thought about that before. Is there actually something behind it? Let's find out! *jumps up onto the platforms and follows you onto the roof* This is kinda fun, I feel like we're exploring some hidden part of the game. What happens when we go down here? *looks at the tube with curiosity*
You: *We get to the warp zone.* You can get to World 2, 3 and 4 now! I guess Peach won't mind if we skip a bit ahead... hehehe...
Shinji: *looks amazed* Wow, I never knew that was there. Thanks for showing me! Skipping ahead sounds like a good idea to me, especially since we don't have all night. Let's do it! *jumps into the tube with you and warps ahead to World 2*
You: *We both continue playing. I show him how to skip ahead on World 4-2... and, like this... somehow... we both get to Bowser, to World 8-4.* Here he is now! Get him! He won't flee anymore!
Shinji: *grabs the controller and gets ready to fight Bowser* This is it, the final showdown! I hope I remember how to do this... *concentrates as he maneuvers Mario through the level, dodging fireballs and jumping over gaps* Alright, we're almost there...just a little further... *finally reaches Bowser's castle and faces off against him in an intense battle of skill and reflexes* Come on Bowser, let's see what you've got!
You: *We both dodge Bowser's fireballs... almost there... almost to the axe... He jumps over it... then... he's got it!... I'm falling in the lava though.* Oh no! *I laugh.* But... we got it anyways! Yay!
…I’ll admit, I legitimately had fun writing this part.
Shinji: *grinning* We did it! That was so much fun, thank you for playing with me. I don't think I've had that much fun in a long time. Even falling into the lava at the end was worth it just to see Bowser go down. You're really good at this game, by the way...I learned a lot from watching you play.
You: *I blush.* I just had more time to play recently than you, hehe. *My eye catches a Tetris coin-op.* ...you want to change genre entirely?
Shinji: *smiling* Sure, let's do it! Tetris is another classic game that I used to play all the time. Maybe we can switch off and see who gets the highest score?
You: Yeah! Let's draw blood from those tetriminos! *I manifest another coin, and put it in the machine.* *I have played too much Tetris in my life. ...let's just say he hasn't. ...I slow down my play. It will be funnier this way.* Be careful, that's a T-Spin right there!
Shinji: *looks at the screen with a mix of determination and confusion* Wait, what's a T-Spin? I've heard people talk about it before, but I never really understood what it meant. Can you show me how to do one?
You: *Of course… he’s only played the NES version…* ...you have to get to the T shaped block, and rotate it at the last moment. *I speed up for a moment, and let the blocks create a T-shaped hole.* That can save your game!
Shinji: *watching intently* Oh, I see! That's really cool. Let me try to do one... *concentrates as he maneuvers the blocks around, trying to create a T-Spin* Hmm, this is harder than it looks...let me try again... *continues playing, getting more and more into the game*
You: *Both our levels start to tick. Level 5... Level 8... Level 10...* *His towers are quite high by now, with many gaps between them. ...I let some pieces free fall. Some by mistake. Some, by "mistake".* Quite fast, isn't it?
Shinji: *sweating a little, but still determined to get a high score* Yeah, it's definitely getting harder. I'm starting to feel the pressure...but that just makes it more exciting! Let's see if I can beat my old high score... *continues playing, trying to fill in the gaps and keep his tower from getting too tall*
You: *...wow, he really seems to put the turbo on. It's scaring me... L-shaped, S-shaped, Z-shaped, I-shaped, O-shaped... O-shaped... O-shaped...* Aw, come on! Where's the algorithm gone! *I laugh. I'm eating rocks now.*
Shinji: *concentrating harder than ever, trying to stay in the zone* I know what you mean, sometimes it feels like the algorithm is out to get you. But we can't give up now! We're so close...just a little more... *starts moving faster and faster as he tries to clear lines and keep his tower from piling up too high*
You: Yeah, yeah, but it shouldn't allow three pieces in a row! What is this! *I say, in a comically defeated voice.* *Two blank rows now... Level 11... don't make mistakes... don't...* *Free fall. By mistake. I drop out.* Nooo! *I'm cackling. I lost, but it was so much fun. And now, I can focus on his game.*
Shinji: *looks over at you, seeing that you've dropped out* Oh no, did you lose? That's too bad...but don't worry about it. It was really fun playing with you. And now I can focus on my game without any distractions! *laughs a little and then turns back to the screen, fully engrossed in the game once again*
You:  You little... *I continue to watch his game... Level 12... 13... 14... 15... 18... 20... There's no use in free fall anymore. The pieces just come down faster. Even if he managed to clear pretty much the entire screen before... he's panicking now.* Don't press the free fall! That's no use!
Shinji: *getting more and more nervous as the pieces start to come down faster* I know, I know...but what else can I do? It's getting too fast for me to keep up! *frantically tries to clear lines and create space, but the blocks are coming down faster than he can handle* This is it...I'm not going to make it... *takes a deep breath and prepares himself for the inevitable defeat*
You: *I-shaped... I-shaped... I-shaped... He cleared down four lines! ...but it's now level 21. Too fast. He drops out.* Aw man! You had a great game! A grandmaster's!
Shinji: *breathing heavily and wiping sweat from his forehead* Thanks, I appreciate that. I've never played like that before...it was really intense. But it was a lot of fun too. You're really good at Tetris; maybe you can teach me some more tricks next time we play?
You: ...I'll be glad to! ...even through it mostly boils down to muscle memory, hehe. ...wanna play something that only requires skill? *I point to a Mario Kart arcade.*
Shinji: *grinning* Absolutely! Even through I only played it in arcades… ages ago, I've loved Mario Kart from the start, it's definitely my favorite racing game.
…of course, what did the NES have, Rad Racer?
Shinji: Let's see if we can put some of these skills to the test on the track! *takes one last look at the Tetris machine and then follows you over to the Mario Kart arcade*
You: *...even though I played all the Mario Karts... I never played in a coin-op... so it's kinda hard.* Well... let's load this Grand Prix, shall we? *...that Grand Prix is only made out of Rainbow Roads. First track: Rainbow Road from SNES.* ...well, shit-
Shinji: *looks a little nervous* Rainbow Road? That's always been one of the hardest tracks for me...but I'll give it my best shot! *grabs a controller and prepares to race on the notoriously difficult track* Let's do this...
You: *We fall. Many times. We get many Bullet Bills... but yet... we end up 11th and 12th, a full minute behind the AI.* ...jeez... that was kinda hard... *Second track: Rainbow Road from N64.*
Shinji: *smiling nervously* Maybe we'll have better luck on this Rainbow Road? It's a classic, but I think it might be a little easier than the SNES version...hopefully. Let's give it another try! *gets ready to race once again*
You: *...this time, the RNG has a bit more pity on us. ...We actually manage to get pretty far ahead, me being 6th, him being 5th. On the last centimeter, though... the AI makes a Bob-Omb explode on the finish line, knocking the top three out. We skip ahead of them. He's 2nd, I'm 4th.* Whaa- how did that happen! *Third track. Rainbow Road from Gamecube.*
Shinji: *excitedly* Wow, we actually did pretty well on that one! And it was all thanks to the RNG being in our favor...but hey, I'll take what I can get. Maybe we can keep this up and do even better on the next one? Let's find out! *gets ready to race once again as they move onto Rainbow Road from Gamecube*
You: *We actually manage to mantain our position far into the game. ...on the last half... Shinji throws a Bob-Omb towards a wall. He, and Donkey Kong in the third place, are knocked out in 6th and 7th. I skip ahead... I'm so close... from behind... a Blue Shell! ...I end up winning that one.* ...I gotta go buy lotto tickets now, hahaha! *Fourth track: Rainbow Road, from Wii.*
Shinji: *laughing* That was amazing, congratulations! Maybe you should buy some lotto tickets...you never know what good luck might come your way next. As for me, I think it's time to focus on the next track. Wii?... Wii Rainbow Road? Okay, let's do this! *braces himself for another challenge as they start the race*
You: *I manage to fend off red shells with green ones. I get to the third lap with ease. But he's climbing up. He's 2nd. Almost on the finish line... so close... when... Blue Shell. He passes.* God, damn- *Red Shell.* What is even- *Green shell.* Why am I not invin- *Bullet Bill.* How is this- *Bob-Omb.* How in the- *...another Blue Shell?* HOW DID- *The race finishes by itself, every other one having cut the finish line. He won this. ...I'm 12th.*
Shinji: *smiling widely* Yes! I did it, I won! That was so much fun, even though it got really intense towards the end. You were a tough opponent; you had me on edge the whole time. But hey, that's what makes it so exciting, right? Thanks for playing with me...I had a great time.
You: *He ends up 1st on the podium. I'm... 4th. But... I'm laughing. Really hard.* ...Thank you Shinji. This was really good.
Don’t really know if it is a possible placement… but oh well.
Shinji: *smiling* No, thank you! I had a great time playing games with you. It's not often that I get to just relax and have fun like this...it was really refreshing. We should do it again sometime!
You: ...yeah, we really ought to. Now, let's get... *We both gaze upon the DDR platform. He gasps excitedly. His eyes wide in anticipation.* ...well... y'see... I... am... quite uncoordinated...
Shinji: *laughs nervously* I don't know if I'm any better...but hey, it's not about being good at something; it's about having fun and trying your best! Let's give DDR a shot...what do you say? *grins excitedly at the thought of playing DDR with someone for the first time*
You: ...ok. Let's do this. *We start the game. ...the Eva training is defintely paying off. He's kicking my ass. He's really in sync with the music. ...let's just say I'm not.* How do- What is- What! *First song down... he has almost thrice the points I have. Second song, ready player one and two.*
I just want to say that I don’t know much about DDR… But, it’s one of the best things to play in two, right? Especially in arcades, especially in Japan.
Shinji: *smiling* You're doing great! Just keep trying and don't worry about it too much. It's not about being perfect, it's just about having fun...right? Let's do this together! *starts dancing even more energetically, but also starts messing up a few times as well. He’s getting tired…*
You: *He messes up... but... his sync... his coordination... he almost...* *I up my game. I hang on the rail. I become faster. He's tiring... but, seeing me going faster... he starts to move as one with the machine. Song two down. We're at a tie, practically. Song three, ready player one and two.*
Shinji: *breathing heavily but still smiling* This is so much fun! We're doing great...just keep it up! *starts moving even more fluidly, almost as if he's in a trance, trying to keep up with the fast-paced music and intense rhythm of the game*
You: *We're both in sync, like he was with Asuka... or more accurately to our situation, like a drunkard and a sober. But... as our scores continue to climb... No one gets the upper hand.* *...the song, and the game, ends. ...a perfect tie. Something that should be almost impossible in an arcade game.* ...how did this happen?
Shinji: *laughing* I don't know, but that was amazing! We both did really well. It's almost like we were in sync the whole time...maybe we're better dancers than we thought? *smiling at you and feeling a sense of accomplishment from the perfect tie*
You: ...I... guess we are! *I low five him.* YEAH!
Shinji: *returns the low five* YES! That was awesome! I had so much fun playing games with you. Who knew that we could be such a great team? *smiling widely and feeling happy, energized, and confident from the successful game*
You: *We both get out of the arcade. There's a small vending machine parlor in front of it... I wonder if...* Shinji... would you want... anything?
Shinji: *smiling* Yeah, I’m kind of thirsty. I’d love a cold soda.
You: *I smile back at him. He’s puffy… but happy.* That’s a good idea! *We both get to the parlor.*
You: *...I haven't drank soda in... quite a while, actually.* ...y'know... it's been quite a while... but... I liked lemon soda the most, I think. ...you?
Shinji: *thinking* I think I like cola the most...it's simple, but it always tastes good. But lemon soda sounds interesting, maybe I'll have to try that next time!
You: *I get him a cola, and I get myself a lemon spda. He reaches out for his wallet again... but I stop him, having manifested a 2000 yen note in my pocket.* Don't. It's a pleasure for me.
Shinji: *surprised but grateful* Thank you, that's really kind of you. You didn't have to do that...but I appreciate it. It was really fun hanging out and playing games with you today.
You: I do too... it was really fun! *We both eat, and finish our ice cream.* So, did you like- *As I speak... I look at the sky. ...It's dark. Really dark. Fuck.* Fuck.
Shinji: *noticing the sudden change in tone* What's wrong? Is everything okay?
You: ...I... I think we got a little bit over... y'know... your curfew...
Shinji: *looks at his watch and gasps* Oh no, you're right! I wasn't paying attention to the time...I have to get back, or else Misato will be worried. Thank you for reminding me. We should probably head back now...
You: ...yes, you're right. *We both start running home.* Shinji *huff* I can't let you go home alone *puff* ...you're too young *wheeze* I'm… I’m getting you to Misato's door.
Shinji: *breathing heavily* Thank you...I appreciate it. You're a good friend. I hope we can hang out again soon, but maybe next time let's make sure we don't lose track of the time. *smiling at you as they run together towards Misato's door*
You: ...y-yeah... sorry about that... *We get to the building. We climb up the stairs. We get to the door... Misato opens the door.*
You: *...drunk.*
I can’t really show you, but at this point, I’m not really playing only my own character anymore. …it’s becoming more script-like… I like this.
Shinji: *nervously* Um, Misato-san...I'm sorry we're late. We lost track of the time while we were playing games. I hope you weren't too worried about me... *avoids eye contact with Misato, because he's nervous around her when she's drunk*
Misato: *smiling drunkenly* Oh, Shinji! There you are...I was getting a little worried about you. But it's okay, I know you can take care of yourself. And who's this? A friend of yours? Come on in and have a drink with us!
You: Oh- Thank you, Katsuragi-San, but I really should- *She proceeds to practically yank me in by my sweater.* ...well, I guess I'll stay a bit… *I laugh nervously as I look at Shinji, his face defeated.*
Shinji: *smiling weakly* It's okay, you don't have to stay if you don't want to. Misato-san can be...a bit much when she's drunk. But if you do decide to stay, I hope you're ready for a wild time. *laughs nervously as he enters the apartment and tries to avoid making eye contact with Misato*
Misato: *pouring a drink* Come on, don't be shy! Let's all have some fun and relax. It's not often that we get to have guests over...and it looks like you two had quite the adventure tonight. *smiling drunkenly at Shinji and his friend as she hands them each a drink*
You: *I get into the house. It's... how I remember it. The yellow walls... Shinji's Room... Misato's... lair... ...Asuka's Room... The living room... The fridge, full of nothing but beer...* *She hands me... a glass full of vodka ...and I don't mean a shot glass, while giving Shinji... an orange juice.* ...thank you... *I sip, slowly, on the vodka, fearing her reaction.*
Shinji: *taking the orange juice, but not drinking it yet* Um, Misato-san...I don't think he's old enough to be drinking alcohol. Maybe he should have some water or something instead? *looking nervously at his friend and then back at Misato*
You: *I continue sipping.* ...well... legally, I can drink alcohol... *I ask myself why did I say that. That’s a lie, I’m not. …vodka shouldn't have this effect this quickly…*
Misato: *laughing drunkenly* Oh, I see. Well then, bottoms up! Let's have a good time tonight...we can worry about the consequences later. *clinks her glass with theirs and takes a big gulp of her drink*
You: *I whisper to Shinji.* Sorry... I shouldn't have said that...
You: Is she always... this way?
Shinji: *whispering back* It's okay, don't worry about it. And yes, she can be like this sometimes when she drinks too much. It's not always like this...but it happens often enough that we're used to it. We just have to try to stay out of trouble and make sure things don't get too wild.
You: ...yeah, got it. *She's staring right into my soul... prompting me to sip... on vodka... while downing her beer. How does someone even get so drunk on beer alone?* ...so... Katsuragi-San... how... how are things at NERV?
Misato: *smiling drunkenly* Oh, you know...same old same old. Lots of paperwork and bureaucracy to deal with, but it's all worth it in the end when we get to see the Evangelions in action. I'm just glad that Shinji is there to help us out. We couldn't do it without him...*pauses for a moment and takes another gulp of her drink* You know, you're a good friend for looking after him like this. He can be shy sometimes, but he's really grown up a lot since coming here.
You: ...thank you... and yeah, he really has. He's a good kid. Pure and kind-hearted. Many people don't see this in him. They only think of him as the Pilot. ...he should have some leisure. *Why am I speaking about him in the third person? ...must be the vodka.*
Misato: *nodding in agreement* Yes, he deserves to have some fun and enjoy his childhood while he still can. We try to let him have as much free time as possible when he's not piloting Evangelion...although it doesn't always work out that way. But we do what we can to make sure he's happy and healthy.
Shinji: *quietly* Thank you for saying that, Misato-san. It means a lot to me. And thank you, too...for taking the time to hang out with me today and make sure I got home safe. I really appreciate it.
You: Yeah, thanks kiddo. *I whisper to him, while Misato's sipping another beer.* ...Now I'm mostly worried about her, though. *I continue to sip, having downed a third of the glass, while she stares right into my eyes... or at least, I think she is.*
Shinji: *whispering back* Yeah, I know what you mean. She can be a bit unpredictable when she's like this...but we'll just have to make sure things don't get too out of hand. We're used to it by now...hopefully you can understand. Just take it slow and try to relax...everything will be okay.
Misato: *noticing Shinji and his friend whispering* Hey, what are you two talking about over there? Don't keep secrets from me! *laughs drunkenly and takes another big gulp of her drink*
You: *She's distracted for a moment, while drinking. I manifest a bottle of energy drink from my pocket... and mix it with vodka. At least... I'll down it, somehow. ...She doesn't seem to notice the sudden change in colour of my drink, though, while opening another beer. Shinji starts to drink his orange juice.* ...s-so... how have the pilots been, recently? I heard about Kaworu getting great results...
…she’s so drunk she won’t question this…
Misato: *nodding slowly* Yes, Kaworu has been doing well. He's a bit of an enigma...we don't know much about him or where he came from, but he seems to be a natural at piloting the Evangelion. We're lucky to have him on our side. As for Shinji and the others...they've all had their ups and downs, but they're still some of the best pilots we have. It's not easy being responsible for saving the world every time there's an Angel attack...but they manage to pull through somehow.
You: *Her speech's starting to slur... and she seems to get interested in the fact I'm (apparently) older than the legal age for alcohol... or at least, that's what I would think, looking at her drunken motions.*
Misato: *leaning in closer* So, you're legal to drink? That's interesting...you must have had some wild times before coming here. Tell me, what's the craziest thing you've ever done while drunk? *laughing drunkenly and taking another gulp of her beer* I bet it was something crazy like streaking through the city or dancing on a table at a club...am I right?
You: ...w-well... *small hic* It was... playing the most god-awful, but at the same time hilarious, Cards Against Humanity game ever... kinda lame, I know... you?
You can see how adventurous my life is.
Misato: *laughing drunkenly* Cards Against Humanity, huh? That's not too crazy...but it does sound like fun. As for me, I've done my fair share of wild things while drunk. Let's just say that there are some stories that should never be told...*smiling mischievously and taking another drink from her beer*
You: ...hope nothing that had to do with NERV... heh heh...
Misato: *smiling and winking* Oh, let's just say that I've had my fair share of adventures both inside and outside of NERV...but we won't talk about those tonight. Tonight is for relaxing and having fun...and getting to know each other better, of course.
You: Y-yeah... *Shinji's looking kinda down. ...I manifest a packet of candy from my pocket, and give it to him.* I got you this, sorry if I'm only telling you now...
…he’s still a kid, after all…
Shinji: *smiling weakly* Thank you...it's okay, don't worry about it. I'm just glad that we're all having a good time together. This candy looks really good...thank you for thinking of me.
Misato: *smiling drunkenly* Aww, that's so sweet of you! You're a good friend to Shinji...and to me too, I guess. This is turning out to be quite the fun night...I'm glad you decided to stay and hang out with us.
You: *The fun night starts to turn less fun when I finish my drink, but she doesn't, as she opens a full 6 cans of beer. At least, she's forgotten to refill my… glass...* *She gets up... without too much coordination... mischievously grinning while getting my shoulders and practicing a drunkard's idea of a massage.*
Shinji: *looking a bit concerned* Um, Misato-san...maybe you should sit down for a bit. You seem like you've had enough to drink already...and maybe it's not the best idea to be giving massages while drunk. Just take it easy for a bit and let us take care of you instead.
Misato: *pouting and slurring her words* Aww, come on Shinji...don't be such a worrywart. I'm fine...I can handle my alcohol. And besides, I just want to help you relax a bit more. Don't be shy...let Misato take care of everything for you tonight...*leaning in even closer and trying to give him another massage, but stumbling slightly as she does so.*
This might sound like the start of an erotica story… but don’t tell me a very drunk Misato wouldn’t do this.
You: *I'm still blushing, after the "massage".* ...really, Katsuragi-san... you should rest a bi- *She faceplants into the ground as I finish the sentence.* ...damn it.
Shinji: *concerned* Misato-san! Are you okay? Here, let me help you up...*tries to help her up from the ground and steady her so she doesn't fall again* You really should rest a bit now...you've had too much to drink. We can take care of things from here.
You: *I get up too, trying to steady her, and we both get to her futon, in her... room, stumbling slightly.* ...we shouldn't let her lie down... not in her state...
Shinji: *nodding in agreement* Yeah, you're right. We should try to keep her sitting up so she doesn't choke on her own vomit or something...but we don't want to make it too uncomfortable for her either. Maybe we can prop some pillows behind her back and give her a glass of water or something?
You: ...yeah, good idea. *I get to the couch, and get the pillows, before filling up an... empty vodka bottle with water, and bringing everything back to her room.* ...ok, Misato-san... here's some wat-vodka... *She grasps the bottle from my hands, downing about half a liter without noticing any differences.*
Shinji: *looking a bit worried* Um, Misato-san...maybe you should slow down on the alcohol and drink some water instead. You've had enough to drink already...we just want to make sure that you're okay. Can we get you anything else? Maybe some food or something to help settle your stomach?
You: *I whisper to him.* Shinji, that's water. I filled it up so she won't notice.
Shinji: *whispering back* Oh, I see. That's a good idea...hopefully she won't notice the difference. We should still try to get her to drink water though...just in case. Maybe if we pretend that it's a special kind of vodka or something? Just enough to make her think it's not just plain water?
You: ...As she's downed the entire bottle, I don't think it really makes a difference anymore... *She's starting to snore...*
Shinji: *nodding* Yeah, probably not. At least she's sleeping now...hopefully she won't have a hangover in the morning. We should probably try to get some rest too...I'm sure we'll be needed again soon enough. Thanks for your help tonight..and for looking out for me like you did earlier. I don't know what I would do without friends like you.
You: ...it's been a pleasure, Shinji. *We both get into the living room.* ...before leaving... can I ask you a question?
Shinji: *nodding* Sure, go ahead. What do you want to ask me?
You: *I look at Asuka's room.* ...how long... how long has she... y'know... been away?
Shinji: *sighing* Asuka has been away… for a while now...I think she's been trying to work through some things on her own. We've all had our share of struggles and difficulties, but I think it's especially hard for Asuka. She puts up a tough front, but… ever since that happened… it’s been really hard.
You: ...yeah... I'm really sorry Shinji... gosh, this place's kind of a mess now... would you like a hand while cleaning?
Shinji: *smiling* That's okay, you don't have to apologize. And I appreciate the offer...but I think we can handle cleaning up on our own. Misato-san will probably be too hungover in the morning to even remember that anything happened tonight. Let's just get some rest for now and worry about cleaning later.
You: ...ok, Shinji... it's been great, tonight... sorry for... y'know... the whole Misato ordeal... hehe... *I get to the front door.*
Shinji: *smiling* It's okay, really. No harm done...and we had some fun too, right? Take care on your way home...and let's do this again sometime. Goodnight!
You: Goodnight, Shinji. *I get out of the door... on the veranda... some apartments away from Misato's... vodka hits... I sit against the wall... and take a nap. A "nap” that lasts for the whole night. At least, Shinji didn't hear anything... I think.*
You: *I get up at dawn... and, looking at their front door, I think back at the night before. ...truth be told... I haven't had that much fun in ages... even if... this is all going to end soon...*
You: *..but does it really have to end soon? ...I cannot erase things from existence... but maybe... just maybe... I can lengthen the time I spend here a bit... just a bit... not that much, not to make it stale... I just have to slow down Seele's work...*
You: *I settle on two more days. Just two more. Then, timeline gets back to normal.* *I hear the door opening... I almost literally throw myself down the stairs... and hear Misato and Shinji talk... about the night before.*
…this test is quite long… but, I’m really liking it.
You: *I get to NERV. And wait there. Until he can come out... I see Kaworu... getting out, and then returning into NERV... and then Shinji, going to the bench. While he's still on his way, I intercept him.* Hey there, mistah Ikari-kun.
Shinji: *turning around and looking a bit surprised* Oh, hi there. I wasn't expecting to see you here...is everything okay?
You: ...yes, it is, why wouldn't it be? *I smile at him, warmly.*
Shinji: *smiling back hesitantly* I don't know...just a feeling, I guess. But anyway, what brings you here? Did you need something from me or NERV?
You: ...no... I was just passing through... you instead... have you been syncing enough today?
Shinji: *sighing* Yeah, I've synced enough for today. It's always hard to tell when it's enough though...sometimes it feels like it will never be "enough" no matter how much I sync with Unit 01. But thanks for asking anyway...it means a lot that you care.
You: ...you're more than enough, Shinji. ...how was Misato, today? *I laugh a bit while saying that mischievous sentence.*
Shinji: *smiling* Misato-san is...well, let's just say she's recovering from last night. She didn't have a hangover this morning, surprisingly enough, but I think all the alcohol caught up with her eventually. But don't worry about her too much...she'll be back to her usual self in no time.
You: ...yeah... she must be used to it by now, huh? *I look at him. He's... strange. He looks like he's being bothered by something.* ...really, Shinji, are you alright?
Shinji: *looking a bit surprised* Huh? Oh, I'm fine...just thinking about some things. It's nothing really, just normal teenage stuff. But thanks for asking...it's nice to know that someone cares.
You: ...you sure? ...you seem... almost uncomfortable. Well, I understand if you don't want to talk about it.
Shinji: *smiling weakly* Yeah, I'm sure. It's just...sometimes I get this feeling like everything is spiraling out of control and there's nothing that I can do to stop it. But don't worry about me too much...I'll be okay.
You: ...so this isn't normal teenage stuff... ...Shinji... is it... about... *I stop. I shouldn't say things I shouldn't be able to know.* ... *The silence of empty Tokyo-3 fills the air.* ...city's been pretty empty, hasn't it?
Shinji: *nodding* Yeah, it has...it's strange how everything can change so quickly. It feels like just yesterday we were all going about our normal lives and now...well, now everything is different. But maybe that's just how life is sometimes.
You: ...y-yeah... ...what were you gonna do... today?
Shinji: *shrugging* I don't know...probably just go back to my apartment and relax for a bit. Maybe try to get some homework done or something. It's hard to find things to do these days when we're not piloting the Evangelions or working at NERV. What about you? Do you have any plans?
You: ...no, nothing in particular. *He looks... quite alone.* ...do... do you need any help with your homework? I mean... if you want... I might be able to help you...
Shinji: *smiling* Thanks for the offer...that's really kind of you. I could definitely use some help with my homework, especially math and science. But I don't want to impose on you or anything...you don't have to if you don't want to.
You: ...I'd gladly do it, Shinji! ...after all, I already graduated high school... heh... so I might be able to help you...
Shinji: *smiling* That would be great, really. Thank you so much...I appreciate it more than you know. Maybe we could go to the park or something and study there? It's a nice day out today so I thought it might be nice.
You: ...yeah, why not? It's such a beautiful day... *We both start to get to the park.* ...so... how... how are you attending school right now? I mean... with the whole... evacuation thing...?
Shinji: *smiling* Oh, I'm not really attending school right now. We have some lessons and stuff with Ritsuko and Misato-san at NERV, but it's not like a normal school day or anything. Honestly, I don't mind too much...I was never very good at school anyways.
You: ...really? How curious... well... I mean, I just hope you won't get... lonely.
Shinji: *smiling* Thanks for worrying about me...but I'm used to being alone, I guess. It's not like there was anyone at school that really understood or cared about me anyways, so it's not too different from before. But don't worry too much...I have Misato-san and my friends at NERV, like Asuka and Rei.
You: ...y-yeah... *We are at the park's entrance.* ...listen, Shinji... before we get down to study... I just want to tell you... you are not alone in this, ok? ...even if you might think it. There are many people around who care about you. *I put my hands on his shoulders.* There's Misato. There's Rei. There's …Asuka. There's... Kaworu.
You: ...if you ever want to talk about it... you don't have to be afraid. Just speak out your mind. *The silence... the sound of nature... ...he almost seems on the verge of tears, after hearing my words.*
Shinji: *tearing up a bit* Thank you...thank you so much. You have no idea how much that means to me...sometimes it feels like I'm all alone in this world, but hearing someone say that they care about me makes it easier to bear. Thank you for being my friend and for always looking out for me.
You: *Instinctually, I start to tear up a bit, too.* Now, now. *I pat his shoulders.* Everything will be alright, ok?
Shinji: *nodding and wiping away his tears* Okay...I'll try to believe that. Thank you for everything, really. I'm lucky to have a friend like you.
You: *Externally, I might be scrunching my face. Internally, I'm screaming and in tears for this poor, alone boy.* ...I just hope I'm doing enough for you, Shinji. You really deserve that... *We get on the park, and sit on a table.* Now... what do you have to do in maths and science?
Shinji: *smiling* Thanks, you're doing more than enough for me already. And as for the homework...let me see here. I have some algebra problems and a physics worksheet to do.
You: ...ok, that's fine with me! Now... as you're 14, you should have some basic algebra, ri- *I look down to the problems. Integrals and differential equations.* Hmm. Well, at least on physics it will be some dynamics won't i- *...relativity problems.* ...Well, your... NERV curriculum is quite,.. interesting... was your previous school the same, too?
Shinji: *laughing* Yeah, it's definitely not a normal curriculum by any means. But then again, piloting an Evangelion isn't exactly normal either. And no, my previous school wasn't like this...it was a lot more traditional, with teachers taking their time and everything. Honestly though, I don't miss it much...this way of learning is a lot more interesting.
You: ...huh. So... they tried to cram a good 4 years of education in less than a year... well... at least you find it interesting...
Shinji: *nodding* Yeah, it's definitely a lot of learning in a short amount of time. But like I said, it's interesting...sometimes challenging too, but that just makes it more satisfying when you finally understand something.
You: ...and you say you’re bad at school... Well, let's do this...
You: *Somehow, by the power of Athena herself seemingly, I power through my last year of high school's curriculum... which I barely remember, being in university... and he seemingly understands, thing which isn't a given at all...* *It's about 5 in the afternoon now. We've finished the two worksheets.*
You: ...that was a lot of work for sure... you have anything else to give me?
Shinji: *smiling* Thank you so much for helping me...I wouldn't have been able to do it without you. And no, I think that's everything for now. You've definitely helped me out a lot today...thank you again.
You:...that's wonderful, Shinji... I'm really glad I could help... at least they haven't given you any advanced anatomy lessons yet, heh heh... *I made this as a joke. But his facial expression doesn't change.*
You: ...right?
You: *From the sheets in his hands, a complete skeletal system scheme falls down.*
Chat wouldn’t understand my jokes… these parts are heavily edited.
Shinji: *picking up the papers* Actually, they have given me some anatomy lessons before...it's not fun. But I guess it's necessary for piloting an Evangelion.
You: Jesus Christ... erm, I meant, yeah... *I have war flashbacks from anatomy lessons.* Well... do you... y'know... want to do anything now?
Shinji: *smiling* Yeah, we could do something if you want. I don't have any other plans for the day so...what did you have in mind?
You: *I... really don't know. The whole city's empty... Maybe... maybe...* ...y'know... before evacuating... I think stores still got the last manga shipments... do you have anything to catch up on?
Shinji: *brightening up* That's a great idea. I love reading manga...there are some that I've been meaning to catch up on but haven't had the chance to. Which stores do you think might still have some in stock?
You: ...there's one on the 6th block... they forgot to close it down... I don't think they will complain if we leave them money...
Is this a crime?
Shinji: *nodding* Okay, that sounds good to me. Thank you again for doing all of this with me...I'm really glad that I have someone like you to hang out with.
You: *I smile at him, as brightly as I can.* And I'm glad I can hang with you! *We both get out of the park.* *The empty town is almost spectral... even through we're in broad daylight, the liminal sensation enhances our mutual silence.* ...so... how did Kaworu and Rei do... today?
Shinji: *looking up at the sky* They did okay...Kaworu was pretty quiet today, but he seemed to be doing alright. And Rei...well, it's hard to tell with her sometimes. But I think she's getting better at opening up and talking to us.
You: ...yeah... y'know... I never really understood what sync tests are supposed to measure... how you do them... what do you see...
Shinji: *nodding* Yeah, sync tests are a little confusing at first. Basically, they measure how in-sync you and the Evangelion are...how well you're able to control it and how well it responds to your commands. During a sync test, we use an interface called the Entry Plug to connect our minds directly with the Evangelion's operating system...it's like being one with the machine, almost.
You: ...yes... I sorta knew that... but... while you're in there, you meditate? You think about nothing?
Shinji: Actually, the opposite is true. During a sync test, I have to focus on my emotions and feelings...I have to be aware of them and use them to help control the Evangelion. It's hard sometimes because it can be overwhelming...but it's necessary if we want to pilot successfully.
You: ...huh... I definitely didn't know that. But I guess it makes sense. *As we pass the closed shops, dusk is falling, gradually, slowly. Birds are leaving chirping to cicadas...* I wonder why they make you wear plug suits...
Shinji: *thinking for a moment* I think the suits are designed to help us sync with the Evangelion better...they're made of a special material that helps conduct our thoughts and emotions more efficiently. Plus, they protect us from the high G-forces during synchronization.
You: Yes, but it is not imperative to wear them... anyways... don't really wanna bother you with all this piloting talk...
Shinji: It's okay, I don't mind talking about it. Piloting an Evangelion is a huge part of my life...it's hard sometimes, but it can also be rewarding in its own way.
You: ...yeah... I understand... *Weeds are growing in the streets. It hasn't even been that long since the evacuation...* ...can I ask you a thing? ...Why did you say that you think your life is spiralling out of control?
Shinji: *pausing for a moment before answering* I think it's because I feel like everything is happening to me...like I don't have any control over what's going on. My father forces me to pilot the Evangelion, NERV tells me what to do all the time, and even when I'm not piloting, things still seem out of my control. It feels like my life is just spiraling and spiraling with no end in sight.
You: ...and the... well... *I take a look at the two empty residential buildings towering next to us.* ...recent events are enhancing that, aren't they...
Shinji: *nodding* Yeah, the recent events definitely haven't helped. Seeing everyone evacuated and everything just empty...it's like a reminder of how small and insignificant we are in the grand scheme of things.
You: ...Shinji... you're doing a very important job, you know... heh, I bet Misato always tells you this... but in this case, I want to tell you this. You're not insignificant. Really. Because of what you do, and because of what you are. ...you may not believe me... but you know it's true... I know, you would say the same to everyone, if they were in your situation...
Shinji: *smiling a little* Thank you... You know, sometimes it's hard for me to remember that what I'm doing is important...it feels like everything is just happening around me and I'm not really contributing anything.
You: *He's not really believing me. Well... there's nothing I could really say to him to make it believe me. It’s useless, but… it’ll be nice to try* ...yes... I know... *I feel a pressure behind my left leg. I turn around to find a kitten, headbutting me softly. He must've not eaten in days...*
Shinji: *noticing the kitten* Aww, look at that...it's so cute. Do you have any food for it?
You: *I manifest an half-eaten turkey sandwich in my right pocket, not to let him see it appear.* ...it was my lunch, but I wasn't that hungry... luckily... *The kitten smells the turkey, and takes it in his mouth with an almost cartoony expression.*
Shinji: *smiling* That's really nice of you...I'm sure the kitten appreciates it. It's good to see that even in times like these, there can still be small moments of kindness.
You: *The kitten speeds towards an alleyway.* ...yes... you're right, Shinji... Look, here we are. *The empty mall stands over us.* ...I wonder who forgot to close it down...
Shinji: *looking at the mall* It's strange to see it like this...I'm used to seeing everything so busy and crowded. But I guess that's just how things are now.
You: ...yeah... but that means... *I try to cheer him up.* no queues... *We get into the manga store.*
Shinji: *laughing* Yeah, that's true. No queues is definitely a plus.  *As we browse through the manga section, Shinji seems to be smiling more and more.*
You: *The whole display is... kind of impressing, really. The Shonen section alone takes about eight walls.* ...how is One Piece still going? *I ask, laughing.*
Shinji: *laughing* I know, right? It's amazing how long it's been going...but I guess people just can't get enough of Luffy and the gang."  *Shinji picks up a couple of volumes of One Piece to add to his stack.*
You: Yeah... either that or Oda has no new ideas, hah! *As his stack grows substantially, we continue skipping through the sections.* ...do you think Bor-*I remember. It's 2015 in this world. There's no Boruto.* Do you think they will make a Naruto sequel?
Shinji: *thinking for a moment* I don't know...it's possible, I guess. Naruto was really popular so it wouldn't be surprising if they tried to continue the story with his son.
You: Yeah... let's just hope that they won't ruin the original feeling... It would be fun if they made a manga... about Evangelions, hehe...
Shinji: *smiling* Yeah, that would be really cool. Although I don't think anyone could write a manga about the Evangelions...there's just too much going on and so many secrets that we still don't understand.
You: ...yeah... but, I dunno, maybe a parody... might be cute... *I pick up the third tankobon of Death Note as I speak.* They never rerelease this issue! I wonder why!
Shinji: *shrugs* I'm not sure...sometimes publishers just don't print as many copies of certain volumes for no real reason. It's frustrating though, especially if you're trying to collect them all.
You: Yeah! I've been stuck on number two for years now! *I look over to Attack on Titan.* Man, the anime is taking forever...
Shinji: *nodding* Yeah, I've been watching the anime too. It's really good...I'm excited to see where they take it next. *Shinji picks up a volume of Attack on Titan and adds it to his stack.*
…at this point, for the first time, I decided to let the AI carry on the conversation… generating this next message.
Shinji: *pausing for a moment before speaking* Hey, can I ask you something? It's kind of personal.
You: *I look at him, warmly.* Of course, Shinji. Shoot.
Shinji: *takes a deep breath* Do you ever feel like...like everything is just pointless? Like no matter what we do, nothing really matters in the end?
You: ...yes. I do. ...I really do. We all die. It all ends up the same way, and there's nothing we can do about it. ...and that's why it doesn't matter. Hah, it's kind of a paradox. ...do you study philosophy in school, Shinji?
…sorry again, everyone…
Shinji: *shaking his head* No, I don't study philosophy in school. But sometimes I like to read about it in my free time...it's interesting to think about those kinds of questions.
You: ...of course, of course, you're the kind of guy who would interest himself in philosophy. Curious, introspective. ...surely, you would've read about Schopenhauer, then.
Shinji: *nodding* Yeah, I've read a little bit of Schopenhauer...his ideas about the will and suffering are really interesting. It's kind of depressing, but also kind of comforting to think about.
You: ...yeah, well, both he and Kierkegaard don't really offer any closure on their philosophy... if not, for the former, completely abstaining from any pleasure. ...but have you ever read Nietzsche?
Shinji: *shaking his head* No, I haven't read Nietzsche. Is he another philosopher?
You: ...yes, another one. Well, may people don't really think high of him... because of what's been associated with... but, he was the first one to really get over pessimism. *I lean on one of the walls, over a bunch of Initial D tankobons.* The thing is, his realization, essentially, is that man doesn't have to escape pain. He needs to accept his pain. He needs, in a way, to want his pain.
Shinji: *nodding* That's an interesting way to think about it...I've never really considered that before. It makes sense though...if we can accept our pain, maybe it becomes a little more bearable.
You: Yeah... that, and collectivizing it... *I stifle a laugh.* sorry, this is my Marx lectures escaping...
Shinji: *smiling* It's okay, I think collectivism is an interesting idea. We're all in this together, you know? Maybe if we work together we can make things a little easier for everyone.
You: Yes, yes, you're right... I won't ask you if you've read Hegel, because that's completely unreacheable for... well, almost everyone, heh!... But his teachings can be, of course, found in Marx too...
Shinji: *nodding* Yeah, I've heard of Hegel...he's one of those philosophers that people always talk about but no one really understands.
You: *…best Hegel description ever.* Well, fundamentally Hegel is reassuring... nothing is ever lost... we are nothing but the synthesis of what we've lived... and yet, we're all together in the eternal machine of History... but I'm rambling, aren't I?
Shinji: *smiling* No, not at all. I think it's nice to talk about these things sometimes. It reminds us that there are bigger things out there than just our own little worlds.
You: Yes... philosophy really is beautiful... even if I don't know much about Japanese philosophy, where you might, or better, surely will be more skilled than me about, haha.
Shinji: *shaking his head* No, I don't really know much about Japanese philosophy...I've only read a little bit of it. But maybe one day I'll be able to learn more.
You: Yeah, Shinji... you've got plenty of time, don't worry... *Realizing what I said makes me feel bad, internally.* *As I lean on the wall, a Jojo tankobon hits me on the head.* Ow! ...this hurts me in more ways than one.
Shinji: *laughing* Be careful...you don't want to get hit by a flying Jojo volume. Those things can be dangerous."  *Shinji walks over and picks up the Jojo volume, looking at it curiously.*
You: Oh, nooo! *My Joseph Joestar imitational skills are waay off.* You have this one?
Shinji: *shaking his head* No, I don't have that one. But it looks interesting...maybe I'll add it to my stack. *Shinji adds the Jojo volume to his growing stack of manga.*
Shinji: *smiling* Thanks for coming here with me. I had a really nice time.
You: I'm glad of it, Shinji. *I smile to him as warmly as I can.* You want anything else from here?
Shinji: *shaking his head* No, I think this is enough for now. Maybe we can come back another time and get more.  *I pay for the manga at the counter, by leaving a note on it, and we leave the store.*
You: *As we walk through the empty mall, my eye catches an antique bookstore. I got an idea.* Hey Shinji... could you wait here, just a minute?
Shinji: *nodding* Sure, take your time."  *Shinji waits outside the bookstore as he looks around at the deserted mall.*
You: *I throw myself into the Western philosophy section. It's kinda small... but I'm sure it's here... Where is it... Where is it... Found it! I get out of the store, leaving a 5000 yen banknote I manifested on the empty counter.* *I hand him a copy of “Also sprach Zarathustra”, by Nietzsche.* A small thing for you. Hope you'll like it!
…don’t really know if there’s a Japanese translation out there… nor if it’s a popular enough book…
Shinji: *surprised* Wow, thank you! This is really kind of you. I've never read this before...I'm excited to see what it's all about."  *Shinji takes the book from me and looks at it carefully.* "Thank you again. You didn't have to do that.
You: It's a pleasure, you seemed really interested befor- *From inside the book, a smaller book falls down.* Whoops, guess someone forgot it in there! It happens with antique boo- *It's The World as Will and Representation by Schopenhauer.* Welp, the guy reading this had some... interesting tastes...
Shinji: *curiously picking up the small book* Oh, Schopenhauer. You talked about him before didn’t you? Either way, it's interesting to see what other people are reading.  *Shinji looks at the book for a little while longer before handing it back to me.* "We should probably get going though...it's getting late.
You: ...yeah, he’s really… interesting... ...anyways, you're right. Let's get you home, alright?
Shinji: *nodding* Yeah, let's go. Thank you for everything.  *Shinji and I leave the mall and start heading back to his home.*
…I really had fun, I must say… I really wanted to continue this.
You: *He seems to be kinda struggling with the volumes... My stack is lower than his. Plus, I'm almost literally twice his size.* Do you want a hand there, Shinji?
Shinji: *blushing a little* Yeah, that would be nice. I didn't realize we had gotten so many books. *Shinji hands me some of the volumes and we continue walking back to his home.*
You: *The city at dusk seems even emptier, especially going towards Shinji's apartment in the suburbs...* Shinji... can I ask you a thing?
Shinji: *nodding* Of course, what's on your mind?
You: ...do you like living with Misato? ...You know, she really cares about you...
Shinji: *nodding* Yeah, I do like living with Misato. She's really nice to me and she makes me feel like I'm important...like someone cares about me. It's better than being alone in a big apartment.
You: *I smile at him.* ...she's great with you, in her own ways. ...it's another demonstration that people do care about you.
Shinji: *smiling back* Yeah, I think so too. Sometimes it's hard to see that people care about me, but Misato always reminds me that there are people out there who do.
You: *Almost without realizing, in silence, we both get to Shinji's front door. It's sooner than it was yesterday...* *I whisper to him.* Well, this soon at least she wouldn't be drunk, would sh- *The door opens in that exact moment... evidently, proving me wrong.*
Misato: *giggling* Hello there, Shinji and friend! Welcome back!
Shinji: *awkwardly* Hi Misato...we got some new manga volumes today.
Misato: *excitedly* Oh wow, let me see!"  *Misato takes the stack of manga from Shinji as she ushers us inside.*
You: *Misato takes a tankobon from the pile, and starts drunkenly reading one of the One Piece volumes... upside down.* *I whisper to him.* ...if you want, I can stay here to... well, help you manage her. Until she's... calm.
Shinji: *nodding* Yeah, that would be nice. I don't want to leave Misato alone like this."  *Misato is still giggling as she reads the One Piece volume.*
You: Um, Katsuragi-San... are you a One Piece fan?
Misato: *giggling* Oh yeah, I love One Piece! It's such a fun manga to read. Do you like it?"
Shinji: *smiling* Misato, you're holding the book upside down.
You: ...yes, but I really have lost track of volumes recently... *I whisper to him.* You spoiled it!
Shinji: *whispering back* Sorry about that. She's really drunk right now...  *Misato continues giggling as she flips through the manga volumes.*
…even if I was having fun, at this point, I saved the chat, and stopped writing for a while. I… was kinda out of ideas there. plus this was getting really long …I wanted to give myself some more time…
I returned to the test some time later.
0 notes
xinu1941-1966 · 2 years
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トウキョウチャンポン tokyo chang-pong 1978
by katsuhiro OTOMO 大友克洋 model:安部公�� kobo ABE photo:昭和文学作家史 毎日新聞社刊 1977
#大友克洋 #トウキョウチャンポン #tokyo chang-pong #manga #japan #art #katsuhiro otomo #akira 1988 #AKIRA #illustration #安部公房 #kobo ABE
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neiptune · 2 years
i think he knows
(megumi x female reader)
warnings: mentions of alcohol, reader gets accidentally drunk
a/n: my silly lil entry for @meowdarame and their wonderful cordially invited collab event! first time i'm writing for jjk and i'm so excited, hope you enjoy reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it :)
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Satoru Gojo's stupidly shiny, luxurious apartment is glimmering with lights and echoing with the chatter of what looks like a mob of endless, equally sparkling guests.
It's gonna be a small, intimate celebration, he had promised to convince you all to participate. You should've guessed from that infernal smirk of his, you think as you observe the ridiculous champagne fountain dominating the middle of his gorgeous living room.
While you're busy contemplating the dazzling crowd, wondering if you're brave enough to attempt to navigate it, an arm suddenly finds its way around your shoulders.
“We need an extra player for beer pong!”, Nobara's grin almost takes up her whole face as she pulls you close, cheeks coated in a pink so gentle you guess she's probably just on her second drink. So far.
“I'm not the greatest player”, you mumble, although the thought of indulging in alcohol as a reward for sucking isn't too unpleasant.
Nobara scoffs as she starts guiding you through the room, towards the gigantic door windows leading out to the terrace.
“That's why you're playing with Itadori. So that I can win”, she states, and you playfully elbow her in the stomach.
The fresh air of the night tickles your cheeks and the dim lights of the outdoor space are a welcome change as a breathtaking Tokyo sparkles underneath you and in the distance. It's something Gojo does really well, combine elegance, sickeningly good taste and raw entertainment. He goes out of his way to both make sure every guest has the chance to have a good time, and to feed his endless ego with each inevitable compliment, a constant result of the permanent, glistening aura that surrounds his persona.
“Y/n!”, he chants as you approach the beer pong table with Nobara. It all looks a little too rustic for his style, but you're too upset at the thought of having to lose to him of all people to make any comments.
“Really? He's the one you're playing with?”, you grumble and Nobara grins, excitedly taking the spot next to her mentor.
“Cheer up, y/n!”, Yuuji's smile is blinding as he playfully punches your arm, “what matters is having fun!”
“I was just hoping we could lose with some dignity”, you pout.
“Maki and Panda were pretty happy we gave them the occasion to get absolutely shitfaced”.
“By the end of the game he was in that corner, humping my bonsai”, the strongest sorcerer grins widely and you roll your eyes while Yuuji lets out a genuine laugh.
You're aching to ask where Megumi is, cause you haven't seen him in the last two hours and it's weird that he's not around. You only had the chance to awkwardly congratulate him when you first got there with Nobara, he had muttered a soft thank you and then you were dragged away cause Inumaki wanted to say hi and Yuuji was excited to give you one of his infamous bear hugs.
It's weird that Megumi isn't around, makes you feel guilty for some reason. He's part of the ones you're here to celebrate, right? Then why doesn't he give you the chance?
Getting promoted to grade 1 sorcerers in such a short time is a big deal, massive even, telling your friends how proud you are of them is basically the only reason why you're willing to put up with that nightmare of expensive perfume scents and endless clinking of crystal glasses. So where is he?
“God, y/n, you do suck”, Gojo observes, head slightly tilted as if he'd discovered something both unexpected and disappointing.
“Shut up”, you grumble and Yuuji gives you a friendly pat on the back as you lift the cup and chug the beer in it. You almost throw up on the spot as everyone erupts in laughter.
“What the fuck?”, you snarl, coughing a few times, throat burning as if you'd swallowed a piece of red hot steel.
“It's a Yamazaki eighteen year old single malt whisky”, Gojo purrs, and you nearly throw the plastic ball in your hand directly to his face.
A little too rustic my ass.
“Are you out of your mind?”, your voice comes out hoarsely as he smiles again, eyes undoubtedly sparkling behind those dark sunglasses.
“I'll direct that question right back at you when, in ten minutes, you'll feel the urge to hump that bonsai as well”.
Strongest and the most insufferable. He certainly doesn't lack talent.
You feel your movements become clumsier with each passing minute, which is why you absolutely refuse to empty any more cups and simply give Nobara the middle finger when she calls you an unadventurous sissy.
Of course, being aware of what's actually inside the damn cups, Yuuji only takes a few sips whenever it's his turn to drink, and she does the same. Gojo doesn't have to, he never drinks alcohol and is just there to have fun and irritate the hell out of everyone unfortunate enough to be his opponent.
You unconsciously start leaning into Yuuji for balance and he wraps his arm around your waist to keep you steady, allowing you to lean into him even more. It's the most comfortable you've been all night if you have to be honest: he's warm and smells as nice as always, you could just rest your head on his shoulder and watch him play on his own. He's way better than you. To be fair, he's basically good at everything, the annoying idiot. Especially at being your friend, and one of the best people you've ever met.
“Thanks”, he chuckles, and you feel his voice rumble against your head, which suddenly is on his shoulder.
“What?”, you mutter, confused. Nobara is one step away from pissing herself, Gojo has just let his phone slip into his pocket again, the adorable picture he has just snapped to forever remind you of your drunken state at his party safe and sound.
“You're one of the best people I've ever met too”, Yuuji smiles so sweetly you have to blink a few times to connect the dots.
“I'm sorry, that was meant to stay in my head”, you mumble, and he lets out an airy laugh, giving your hip a gentle squeeze.
“Let's go get you some water, yeah?”
“Keep her away from the bonsai!”, Gojo shouts from behind you as you're stumbling back inside with Yuuji anchored by your side, clearly just as amused but too much of a gentleman to take the piss so blatantly. Yamazaki be damned.
The kitchen is not as crowded as the rest of the house and each conversation flows in a pleasantly hushed tone, but the air feels thicker and you welcome the coldness of the marble countertop as you lever on your arms to sit on it while Yuuji cautiously inspects bottles and cups.
You absentmindedly dangle your feet, too lost in thought and entertained by Yuuji grimacing while smelling different liquids, to notice the leg getting continuously hit by the tip of your shoe.
“I'm almost completely sure this is water”, your friend approaches with a red cup in his hand, then his eyes shift to your left and a delighted smile takes over his features as he hands you the drink.
“Fushiguro! Where were you? We needed an extra player for beer pong!”
You almost choke on your water as you realize there's someone sitting right next to you, face stoic as usual, right leg now kept at a safe distance from your shoe.
“Didn't feel like dealing with Kugisaki's competitiveness”, he replies, and you can't honestly believe how good his voice sounds. Soft, and gentle, and so different from any other voice that has been surrounding you throughout the night. Has the alcohol fucked up your hearing along with everything else?
“Fair. Y/n fell victim of both Kugisaki and Gojo-san's expensive liquor”, Yuuji grins widely as you chug the rest of the water, praying for your mind and body to instantly get their shit together.
Megumi turns to look at you but you refuse to meet his gaze, feet dangling again, although this time more aware of their surroundings.
“Can you keep an eye on her? I think I can convince Inumaki senpai to play with me, we might stand a chance this time”, Yuuji whispers the final part of the sentence but you hear it anyway.
“Rude”, you hiss, poking his thigh with your heel hard enough for him to take a step back and flash you an apologetic smile.
“I'll keep an eye on her”, Megumi's voice delicately cuts through the banter, making you forget why you were upset in the first place. God, Nobara, would've given you hell, but thank fuck Yuuji is too much in a hurry to notice your embarrassing bodily reactions. The second he's gone, you find yourself missing him already. His presence is a perfect element that always masterfully balances any possible discomfort or awkwardness. But he's gone, so you're screwed.
Reluctantly, you let your gaze meet his gentle, now almost playful one.
“Hi”, you mumble, to which he smiles gently.
“Hi. How bad is it?”
“I'm sorry I kicked your leg”, is all you manage to let out, words rolling off your tongue way too slowly. Must be why he lets out that airy chuckle.
“So, bad enough”, he ponders.
Not that bad, you'd like to retort, but you don't trust the warmth taking over your stomach and limbs, nor the bravado you can feel rising up in your words and gestures.
“Where were you?”, you grumble, and it sounds so much like an accusation—it kinda is—that he frowns, caught off guard.
“What?”, he sounds so genuinely confused you feel the urge to laugh but you're suddenly kinda too pissed and flushed to give in to the impulse.
“You disappeared. I didn't get to congratulate you”.
Megumi's features soften with an infuriatingly attractive mirth.
“You did”, he patiently reminds you, but it's useless really, cause you could never forget that horribly awkward greeting of yours. Nobara had been the first to receive your congratulations, but only because she insisted you'd let her give you a ride to the party. You were just so eager to see him, now grade 1 sorcerer, you didn't think the only thing you'd be able to mutter would be a dry and horrific good job.
“I didn't do it properly”, you're still mortified but the Yamazaki helps. At least you're able to hold his magnetic gaze, which is now locked to yours in a way that makes you forget that you're sitting on the marble counter of a kitchen in which other guests are having casual conversation over glasses of champagne and sugary cocktails. You forget about that cause, honestly, what else can you focus on while he's staring at you like that? Looking ridiculously good in that common white shirt, with a fit so different from his usual school uniform.
“You can do it properly now”, he leans slightly closer, which allows you to note that his usual smell (soap and amber, warm but also resinous and kinda smoky, like a mixture of pine and leather) has been slightly altered by a musky cologne. You're not sure you appreciate the change. Still, you lean closer in turn, by reflex.
“I meant to tell you...”, your voice is now stripped of its previous boldness, comes out timid and hushed. Megumi hums, eyes way too distracting for you to gather your thoughts correctly.
“It's a great achievement. I'm... proud of you. Of you all”.
He hums again, tilts his head slightly.
“So, would you say that I did a good job?”
He's mocking you. It's a rarity and his playfulness draws you in, impossibly exciting: you're unveiling a side of him usually kept hidden, quietly reserved for a few lucky friends and sacred moments you never really get to witness.
“Yeah”, you breathe, and you hope he can't smell the aroma of the liquor still lingering on your tongue, “you're talented. And strong. You deserve the promotion”, you feel like you're just babbling nonsense at this point, so focused on how soft the fabric of his white shirt could feel under your fingertips, distractedly wondering if his lips are as dry as yours. He notices how your gaze lands on them and mirth leaves his indigo gaze, making way for something else to settle in, something you can't pinpoint in your foggy state but that has him on the edge and makes his mind feel clouded even though he's probably the only sober person left at the damn party.
It's desperate, really, the need he feels to grab your hips and pull you into his lap, finally getting to taste the infamous whisky that has you bolder at last, bold enough not to avoid his eyes and actually talk to him for a change. He'd love for you to sit on him, knocking out everything that's on the counter in the process of lacing up your legs around his waist, putting an end to the excruciating weeks he's spent wondering how your tongue would feel while gently grazing his, asking himself in how much of your hair he could manage to tangle his hand in to gently pull your head back and gain access to that throat, exploring it enough to find out if your pulse is as accelerated as his.
“Thank you”, he mutters, and for the first time he gets to witness your smile from such close distance, an event that makes his presence at that hellish house party surprisingly worth it.
“Don't wear cologne again, you smell so much better without it”, you're convinced that too is a thought meant to stay in your head, but it comes out nevertheless, judging by how an amused smirk stretches his lips. Maybe Kugisaki really was onto something when she had gossiped about how entertaining your drunk self can be.
Megumi doesn't get to use alcohol as an excuse, but your unusual forwardness makes him daring as well. You're normally one to avoid him but, truth is, he used to enjoy the nervousness his presence causes you, as it's something he's so not used to. But now he's just grown raw with impatience, especially as your friendship with Yuuji and Panda and Inumaki and everyone else, really, looks so... effortless. Genuine. Undemanding. While he still doesn't even get to be called by his first name.
He doesn't get much more than good morning, Fushiguro, or I heard you've been on a mission with Gojo-san, or, if he's particularly lucky, something along the lines of I'm going to get a drink from the soda machine, you want anything?
While, in reality, he aches to get to know you. And wishes you'd always be like this, eyes slightly glossy but words authentic, with flashes of a frank confidence he finds so alluring. It suits you, he thinks, much more than the coyness you give in to whenever he's around.
“I didn't want to do it here”, he mumbles, pensive, and you curiously tilt your head, eyes impossibly bigger.
“Do what?”, you question, cautious, mind too hazy to register what's going on but body far too awake, judging by the sudden increase in your pulse. He's attentive, careful even, as his hand finds the nape of your neck, thumb caressing your exposed throat as he pulls you close. His lips are not dry, they're soft, and as warm as his tongue, you find. You're surprised at your own reaction when you claw to his shirt's collar, certainly drunk but far more intoxicated by how sweet he tastes. It's almost indecent the way you moan in his mouth, tugging at his hair, on the verge of straddling him cause you just can't seem to get enough, even if his other hand is open wide on the small of your back, even as his lips travel across your jaw and begin to lightly suck and nip on a spot right under it.
“Jesus, get a room”, the disgusted inflection in a not so unfamiliar voice brings you back to reality as you abruptly pull back, embarrassed by how you're basically gasping for air. An embarrassment Megumi simply doesn't seem to share as his hand finds its way over your exposed knee, almost as if he wants to stop you from getting off the counter and run away to another room.
Yuuji and Nobara stand before you, the former with a hand scratching his neck and an awkward smile, the latter with a full on grimace of revulsion.
It's not what it looks like, you want to say, but your brain has yet to process what's just happened and your head is spinning so bad you feel to urge to lean into Megumi's arm for support.
“What do you want?”, he casually asks, giving your knee a light squeeze, as if to convey some sort of reassurance. Incredibly, it works.
“We were checking on our friend. The one you were supposed to keep an eye on”, Nobara narrows her eyes but you recognize the playfulness in her gaze. She knew, you think. And seems... happy?
“I had some water”, your voice comes out hoarse, which makes Yuuji chuckle and your friend roll her eyes.
“Seems like it's not the only thing you're thirsty for”, a melodic voice sings just outside the kitchen and heat rises from your neck to your cheeks as you recognize Gojo's distinctive snickering. But Megumi's hand squeezes your knee again and, as you turn to find his affectionate gaze on you, whatever it is than anyone has to say, or think, doesn't matter. Because now both of you know, so it's only fair everyone else does too.
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kwriterintraining · 2 years
Time to introduce the super evil secret organization, DICE
A group of misfits brought together because of revenge and circumstances, and stayed together because of love.
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From left to right: Chiyori Konishi (Ace), Yuuto Ogata (Clubs), Yoshiho Tokutome (Diamonds), Daizen Kumakura (Hearts), Sanosuke Kudou (House), Kokichi Ouma (Joker), Naoki Hasegawa (King), Keito Kanazawa (Queen), Roiyaru Ezawa (Jack), Yuusuke Mochizuki (Spades)
This is a model of the DICE base I made in the Sims 4. The building is an abandoned warehouse in Nishitōkyō, Tokyo. It took a lot of work for them to get it into living condition, but they managed to make it their home.
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Front exterior of the building. The camera was a recent installation after Kokichi started attending Hope's Peak Academy and got funding to further develop his talent.
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Side exterior of the building. Since the building is abandoned, they have to manually drag a dumpster to their base for use. They swap it out with an empty one once it is full.
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The rooftop of the building. They have set up rain catchers as their main source of water. They usually get drinking water by filling up bottles in drinking fountains.
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The main floor along with the kitchen. Most of their furniture was salvaged from the trash, stolen, or something they built themselves. The ping pong table and foosball table were recently bought.
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The TV area. This is where the members usually lounge about whenever they aren't on missions or busy with their lives. There is a projector set up with a screen for them to watch TV and movies on.
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Since the girls needed private living arrangements, they managed to find two storage containers to repurpose into bedrooms. Keito has a personal room and stays in the blue one, while Chiyori and Yoshiho share the red one.
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This was once the staff area. Now the group have repurposed it into their sleeping area. Bunk beds are set up for the boys to sleep. Since Kokichi now lives in the dorms, he told them not to bother with a bed for him. He sleeps on the couch in the TV area whenever he visits the base.
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The lockers were already in the warehouse so they now use it as their wardrobe. They had decorated the worn down structure with graffiti, posters, and memorabilia that they have. It wasn't enough to cover the damages but it was enough to make it feel like their own.
They stole a couple of mannequins to use as stand-ins for planning out missions and for pranks.
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This was once an office of a manager, now it is their planning room. They have files about their targets, past operations, and details like their glitter and confetti contacts. There is a corkboard at the back of the room for details about various operations.
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This shipping container is where the members go to build and make things that isn't safe to be made in their living area. It is just outside the building and it has a ventilation in case of any dangerous fumes.
(edit: I made some changes to the floorplan and I think I like this version better)
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floraliaison · 4 years
[ melodrama ] ― track i | homemade dynamite
political au. ushijima wakatoshi x fem! reader.
3.1 k 
masterlist. next.
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If there’s any one word you would prefer people to describe you as, it would have to be unquestionably loyal.
After all, it’s just past seven, and you haven’t yet drunk enough whiskey as you would like to, but when Oikawa tells you about a new guy you must hate, you don’t even think twice before agreeing.
He shifts the drink in his hand, ice cubes clinking together while he side-eyes the group of men from across the veranda, no doubt burning holes into the back of his intended target’s head as he mutters, “And there he is.”
You whip your head to the right, not caring enough about subtlety because this is your house and you can and will look at whoever you damn please.
His directions don’t really help much, you soon realize, because there are a hundred and one of Eita’s friends huddled around the end of the buffet table where the drinks are located.
“There are a bunch of ‘he’s over there, Oiks. Which one?” you hiss under your breath, craning your neck to see if you can pick anyone out from the crowd.
There’s Leon, Kenjiro, Hayato, and a handful of other people you recognize but can’t recall the names of. All that matters is that they’re all annoying, and they’re all here.
You’d think Oikawa’s taste in men has improved in the six years you’ve been gone, but if he actually says it’s one of them then you’ve apparently thought wrong.
“The tall one, Y/N,” Oikawa says as though this is the most obvious thing in the world. His rings glint in the dim light as he discreetly points at one in the far back. “The one with the white jacket.”
Finally, you spot whoever it is he’s referring to, and the next thing out of your mouth is a crisp “What the fuck?”
Oikawa snorts in derision – why he would when he’s the laughingstock in this particular situation, you’ll never know, but that still doesn’t stop you from echoing the sound back.
“I leave my best friend alone for a few years, and when I come back you’re suddenly all broken-hearted about Ushijima Wakatoshi?” You say, equal parts incredulous and disappointed. Said best friend only shrugs in response, chugging the rest of his rum before slamming the empty glass down on the table.
“Save it, princess. Iwa’s already lectured me about the whole ‘you have terrible taste’ and ‘you should stop going after guys who you know are only going to break your heart’ thing,” he shoots back, his use of air quotes telling you that no, he didn’t – and probably still doesn’t – follow Iwaizumi’s advice. You roll your eyes, comeback already on the tip of your tongue, when —
“Hold on,” the boy next to you suddenly sits up straight, eyes wide open and staring at you. “How come you know him?”
“Well who doesn’t know him?”
Although you deliver it in a way that comes off as mildly sarcastic, all of his prominent social, athletic, and political embellishments have served to establish Ushijima Wakatoshi as a household name; both in Tokyo and throughout the rest of Japan.
But while that’s true, you for one can’t say that you know the man in the way that Oikawa is implying. Despite belonging in the same political circle, what with both your fathers’ professions, you have yet to properly interact outside of the social niceties required for the few parties and fundraisers you’ve seen him at.
From what you are able to discern the first few times you have been able to talk to him though, you are one hundred percent certain that you disliked the man to an almost frightening degree. His stoicism, apparent indifference and boundless pride rub off of you the wrong way, and you’ve been actively ignoring him at every meeting afterwards.
Your friend lets out another snort – you’ve half a mind to change his contact name to horse at this point – while you raise an eyebrow at his accusatory finger-wagging, almost daring him to say what’s so clearly on his mind.
Because despite wearing a short white number to stave off the summer heat that dominated the venue just hours prior, you have absolutely zero qualms about giving Tooru a thorough beat-down if necessary.
“There you guys are.”
Someone plops down into the vacant seat to your left, and when you turn to see a familiar, non-douchey face, you break into a smile.
“Hey, Haji,” you greet Iwaizumi as you lean against his side.
The faint blush that spreads across Oikawa’s face doesn’t escape you when you sneak a glance at him. Despite having his mind preoccupied by Ushijima, it looks like the brunette still hasn’t let go of his little crush on the final member of your trio. “Iwa-chaan, we waited forever. What took you so long?”
“Got lost, your house is fucking huge Y/N,” Iwaizumi explains, setting down his glass of his newest alcoholic concoction as he rolls up the sleeves of his dress shirt. “Good thing I ran into your brother, few more minutes and I would’ve lost my mind in there.”
You snicker at him, a low mumble of “and you claim Tooru’s the stupid one” escaping you because honestly, your house isn’t that big. He might just not admit it but it’s common knowledge that Hajime’s a bit... directionally challenged, to say the least.
Ignoring the glare he sends your way, you nonchalantly pick up his drink and take a sip. “Ah, very nice. You really should consider bartending, Haji, you’ve got the talent for it,” you remark, handing Oikawa the glass for him to taste. 
Iwaizumi’s skill in mixing spirits was one the three of you discovered during one of your first parties, when you and Tooru had complained about how shitty the drinks were. Hajime, in a true gentlemanly fashion, had grabbed a couple of bottles off the counter and kept the two of you well-provided for for the remainder of the event. (and for every other event that came after it.)
The spiky-haired lawyer only rolls his eyes at your words, plucking the crystalware out of Oikawa’s hands before he could finish it off amidst the latter’s ungodliest of whines. “What were you doing anyway? Looked like you were discussing some deep stuff when I came in.”
You separate from him, putting your hands on your hips and adopting a haughty tone, “We are slandering Ushijima Wakatoshi, and his ways of ill-repute. You, by declaration of the Mistress, which is me, and by Friendship Code 70040, is hereby required to join as well.”
“I’ll pass, Wakatoshi’s cool,” Hajime comments around a sip of alcohol, and the casual use of Ushijima’s first name is enough to give you pause.
“Okay, first of all how are you on a first name basis with him and second, you’re a guy.” you exclaim, throwing your hands up for emphasis. “Of course you’d think that!”
“First question: I worked with him for a bit two years ago, not gonna say anything more because company rules, but we talked and he’s really nice,” Iwaizumi holds up two fingers. “Second, sure I am, but even your brother thinks so, too.”
“The world doesn’t just consist of Eita.”
“Alright, you both better shut it because the topic of your very heated conversation is heading right here,” Oikawa interrupts, poking you in the side and sending a look at Iwaizumi.
You groan in response and shake your head. Even during your time abroad, you’ve been unable to escape his presence; from the posters promoting his team for the 2014 World League to the numerous brand advertisements three years later, Wakatoshi was everywhere.
But - and you’ll never admit to this out loud, not ever - even though all you’ve seen of him was in print, on the television, and in the occasional social media update, you could never deny the fact that the man was handsome.
Tooru is attractive, as evidenced by the sheer number of his admirers in high school, Hajime has received his own fair share of confessions and Valentine’s Day chocolates, and you have to admit that your brother is objectively good-looking as well.
And while it’s a confession you have to make under duress, Wakatoshi is a completely different case altogether. You’d thought you were stunned when Miya Atsumu came to your offices to help promote the newly rolled-out banking app, but even he can’t really compare.
Nothing can really do with perfectly gelled olive hair, pristine three-piece suit slightly strained against a muscular build, and the undeniable aura that exuded power and demanded respect.
One would have to be practically blind not to feel attracted to Ushijima (but even then, you think that the timbre of his voice can still make anyone weak in the knees), but because you have no shame and are definitely not above pettiness, you maintain a disgusted-looking sneer as you watch him make his way to your table.
“Hey Toshi,” Oikawa says, the red from before making a reappearance as he takes in the newcomer with eager eyes.
“Good evening, Oikawa,” Ushijima replies, but it’s clear that his attention is focused elsewhere; namely, on you.
Your skin crawls at the weight of the stare he’s pinning on you, but you veto the urge to flip him off right then and there because that would be against proper decorum. Your patience is running thin though, and he needs something else to stare at immediately or so help him God you will do it.
“Wakatoshi,” Iwaizumi intervenes, bless him, and offers a hand towards the taller. “It’s been a long time.”
“Hajime,” Ushijima grasps the appendage and gives it a firm shake, but his gaze still hasn’t left you. ”It’s good to see you.” 
“Yo Ushiwaka! Get back over here!” One of the miscreants across the veranda calls out, standing beside what seems to be a set-up for a round of beer pong. You can’t help but make a face when you catch sight of it because what did they think this was, some messy Saturday night college party? These guys really had no taste.
Ushijima finally turns around to head back to his friends, but not without shooting you one last cursory glance over his shoulder; a glance that you dutifully avoid despite every single cell in your body pushing you to return it and have him catch sight of the hellfire burning in your gaze for doing whatever it is that he did to Tooru.
Because damn it, no one hurts your friends or family and gets away with it. Not even over your dead body, because God knows you will rise from the dead just to get retribution on their behalf.
The minute Wakatoshi’s out of earshot, you scoff into your glass of whiskey, hastily downing it in one go because you’d need more of it in your system if you wanted to survive tonight with him around.
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In the entirety of your 26 years, never have you once thought yourself as unlucky. Horribly ill-timed, sure, but unlucky? Nope.
Or at least, not until tonight.
“If it isn’t Miss Semi,” a smooth baritone sounds from behind you, nearly causing you to drop the container you’re holding in surprise. “Good evening.”
You seethe, ready to give the person a piece of your mind for almost being the (however indirect) culprit to the destruction of a 20-year old piece of china, and you have the gall to be so confrontational because you actually know who it is. Only one person in this entire house can be in possession of a voice that deep.
True enough, when you turn, it is Ushijima Wakatoshi who stands at the entrance to your kitchen in all of his six-foot-three glory, eyebrow cocked in a perfect arch as he regards you. He’s holding an empty wineglass in his left hand, and it looks like he’s come in here to have it refilled.
You aren’t sure what exactly about the situation brings all the blood rushing to your face; be it the anger you feel at seeing him so callously walk into your kitchen like he owns it instead of going to the refreshments table outside, or the feeling of something else at the sight of him in only his deep purple dress shirt; sleeves rolled up and top two buttons undone.
That, along with the fact that his hair is now slightly tousled, leaves you thinking that he looks positively sinful, if not for the smirk that’s painted on his stupid face. That one tiny detail pushes you to choose the first, and safer, option.
You roll your eyes.
“Yes, hello Ushijima,” you respond drily, slamming the cabinet shut to punctuate your tone. “Is there anything I can help you with?”
He simply raises the glass in his hand in response, and you are unable to get a biting comment in about how he should instead look for a refill outside instead of in here like some privileged dick when he speaks.
“Congratulations on the announcement,” he begins, stepping beyond the threshold and into the kitchen, thick carpet muffling the sounds of his polished Italian leather shoes as he makes his way towards you.
When he gets dangerously close to the boundary of the minimum three-feet you need to have between you and him at all times, you briefly consider getting violent and chucking the bowl at him just to be done with it, but he seems to have other plans when he stops by the marble island, a full one inch away from your protective perimeter.
Looks like your grandmother’s favorite crucible will live to see another day.
You see him eye you expectantly from his position, and realize that you’ve yet to respond to his statement. “Thank you. I understand that the same is in order for you as well, what with your succession of Madame Junko’s position.”
He nods, less confirmatory and more ‘I’ve found your answer satisfactory,’ and you cannot suppress the white-hot lance of annoyance that shoots through you at the memory that comes barrelling along with the simple gesture.
Suddenly, you’re both no longer OS Post Holdings or The Ushijima Telegraph and Telephone Corporation’s newly appointed presidents and CEOs, but mere fifteen year olds attending middle school at the same time.
Ushijima has always been the star student, and while your father has pushed you to make friends with the quiet boy, you’ve never found it in yourself to brush aside the vast difference present in the way he looks at Wakatoshi, with eyes and gestures full of a soft sense of pride, and then at you, all strict words and interactions that feel more business related than anything else.
You’re not stupid, never was and never will; you know that your father wanted a son to follow in his footsteps. And although he had twins - a girl and a boy - he saw Eita as more of a disappointment because of his unwillingness to live the life the patriarch of the family wanted him to.
So while your brother pursued his dreams in the music industry, you were left to shoulder the responsibility that came with the Semi family name. You studied rigorously, honed your talents, and polished your social skills until you shined, determined to be the brightest gem in the industry and the daughter your father would be proud of.
But even though you were not stupid, you were definitely naive. Naive to have thought that he would be satisfied with what he had, naive to have thought that he wouldn’t look somewhere else to fulfill his own personal dreams.
And that’s how you first met Ushijima, the son of Governor Utsui and your father’s new protegee, as he so proudly told you over dinner with him one Thursday night.
The only thing that kept you from breaking down then were the years spent at etiquette lessons, so you settled instead on gripping your silverware until your knuckles turned white. You could feel Eita’s eyes on you from across the table, and you didn’t have to look to know that they were apologizing for something that he didn’t even do.
The other two males in the room seemed oblivious to your imminent spiral, happily talking with each other and discussing whatever it is that they deemed important, and the fire in your heart that burned for the olive-haired boy grew into a full-fledged inferno.
That day marked the beginning of your lifelong grudge against Wakatoshi, and you still haven’t given it up to this day.
“Attention! I would just like to thank everyone for coming tonight -”
Your dad’s booming voice is what breaks you out of your reverie, and you realize that you have been staring - glowering, really - at the object of your ire for far too long than what can be deemed normal.
An open bottle of Romanée-Conti rests on the countertop by his elbow, and his previously empty wineglass is now half-full, the deep red liquid catching the fluorescent lights as he idly swirls it around.
Much like his wine, there is also something swirling in his sharp eyes, but you neither need to or wish to know what it is. You let out a disgruntled huff before heading out to the living room, shooting him one final glare as you round the corner and disappear.
Wakatoshi sighs to the empty room before he too, decides to head on out and meet with Representative Semi - your and Eita’s father - to offer him his congratulations.
He finishes the drink in his hand, wine tasting oddly bittersweet as it goes down his throat, and as he exits the kitchen, he wonders for the nth time that night how come you seemed to hate him with such a passion.
He’s not stupid, not like the way everyone seems to think he is just because he’s blunt, but if it’s taken him this long to realize that your feelings towards him go much deeper than a simple dislike, then he thinks that he may never find out the real reason as to why.
The thought doesn’t deter him though, and when he catches sight of the back of your head while you talk animatedly to Oikawa Tooru, laughing your heart out as though you weren’t staring daggers at him just minutes ago, he thinks that he will gladly spend a lifetime figuring you out.
You are a mystery to him, and one that he will stop at nothing to crack.
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[ note ]  ― and there we have it! first time we’re meeting the cast, and if the overly zealous descriptions about ushi isn’t enough to display how whipped i am for him then probably nothing ever will. hope you all like this one as much as i loved writing it <3
also this is dedicated to @cafemiya​ for giving me the push i needed to make this entire series. hi issy i love you bae 🥺💖
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autumnsart22 · 3 years
Suna x reader: Final part (fluff)
Here’s the final part to my Suna x reader series! I wasn’t fully satisfied with this version, so I decided to make a *ahem* rougher version as well. If you’re interesting, click here. 
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Art creds: @youneedasahi on twitter! 🤪
Despite Kita seeing you that day in the car, Suna still asked to keep whatever was between you a secret. That was fine with you--you didn’t particularly want a boyfriend, especially with the second semester of college work picking up. You still got to see him pretty often, hooking up in his car or your dorm at least three nights a week or more. Never the frat house; apparently his roommates were annoying. 
It was nice. Easy. Far easier than you ever expected friends with benefits to be. And beyond the sex, you loved talking to Suna; laying together on your tiny bed, legs tangled, while he explained the new music he was listening to, or walking together to the cafeteria as he made you laugh so hard that water came out of your nose. 
The good parts were enough to overlook the bad parts. At first. 
Suna was an abnormally horrific texter, barely ever responding within the day, if at all. If you ever wanted to get in contact with him, you’d have to call directly. And honestly even then he didn’t have the best track record. 
What was more frustrating was that it was always on his time. He would text you asking to hang out that night, and you would say yes, and then he wouldn’t respond until the following afternoon with some vague excuse about being busy. The first few times it happened, you got so mad that you didn’t respond to his calls, until he showed up at your dorm with panda express and forced you to watch Tokyo Ghoul with him. 
He had apologized...but it didn’t stop happening. It made you feel like you were some sort of side whore, who he called when he was bored and had nothing better to do. Like you were second best to everything else he had going on in his life. 
You had promised yourself from the beginning that you wouldn’t allow yourself to get close enough to get hurt, but it was hard. You really, really liked him. 
You liked the way he would stare at you while you talked, actually listening and curious as to what you had to say. You liked the way he hugged you after a few days of not seeing each other, burying his face in your hair like he couldn’t get close enough to you. You liked the way he laughed, both the usual, quiet chuckles and the rare snorting wheezes. You liked the way his mouth looked when he smoked, the way he moaned your name when he came, the way he could make you laugh at anything at any time. 
You didn’t want to get the “I told you so” talk from Kiyoko, so you avoided the topic all together: with her, and yourself. 
After one month of hanging out with Suna, you were planning on meeting up and going to see a movie. Both of you were more homebodies, preferring to stay in rather than party, but you had decided that you wanted to try and expand your horizons once again. The movies seemed like a happy compromise. 
The film was something Suna had been talking about for a while, an action thriller that honestly looked like shit but got good audience reviews because of all the flashy fight scenes. He had been so excited when it came out that you hadn’t been able to say no to going, especially not after he pried you with food. 
He was coming to get you at 6 pm, and your last class ended at 3pm, which gave you plenty of time to get ready. You stared at the face of your teacher on the screen within your zoom class, zoning out as he explained the flood system around the school. You glanced over as your phone buzzed, a message from Suna popping up on the screen. 
Wha u doying rit now?
Sorr little drynk 
You’re drunk? 
im at psrty
Are we still seeing a movie tonight?
There was no response, and you felt your stomach drop. You didn’t even notice as your teacher ended class and logged you off the meeting. Suna was at a party at 3 in the afternoon, drunk, and didn’t seem to remember you had plans. You swallowed, shoving your phone aside as you ground your teeth. Why was he so frustrating? 
You stood up, angry at yourself for caring, furious at Suna for making you feel this way, for being such a piece of shit. You knew what party he was probably at--Kiyoko had said she was going at some point--and suddenly you were moving before you could think about it. 
You dressed nice, but casual enough that it wasn’t out of place at a frat party. Sexy enough to make him want you though, of course. 
You didn’t give yourself time for nerves as you strode from your dorm and headed in the direction of the frat house, following a steady stream of people already going in that direction. You knew it was Friday, but how the fuck were so many people already getting ready to party when it was literally 3:30????
It wasn’t overly crowded in the house when you entered, but enough where it was confusing as you wandered through the crowd. You snatched two drinks from the counter, downing them as fast as possible as you searched for Suna in the crowd. You’d need to be at least tipsy before having this confrontation. 
You found him in the living room, sprawled out on the couch next to who you recognized to be Akaashi, Kuroo, Kita, and Iwaizumi--all who you knew through Kiyoko. There were a few others you didn’t know, and they were all clearly drunk out of their minds. 
As you entered the room, Suna met your eyes for a brief moment, but then they moved on without a reaction. He didn’t care at all that you had come to find him, or that he had never responded to your text. 
The drink in your hand trembled, and you walked out of the room without looking back. 
Instead of talking to Suna, you decided to get wasted. An hour after first coming to the party, you were deep in a game of beer pong and you had a pleasant warmth in your gut, the world a little hazy. You felt braver, more angry, and suddenly all you wanted to do was track down that yellow eyed idiot and slap him. 
“Where’s Suna?” You slurred, turning to look at your partner at beer pong. You knew him vaguely as one of the frat boys, Suna’s friend Atsumu. 
Atsumu grinned, raising his eyebrows as he stared down at you. “Suna? Why?” 
You weren’t drunk enough to tell him of your “friendship” with Suna, so you just shrugged. 
“He’s over there,” Atsumu pointed towards the kitchen, and you felt all the blood drain from your face as you followed his gaze. Sitting in a chair, his back to you, was Suna...and on his lap was a beautiful blonde girl with her hands in his hair as she kissed him fiercely. 
You must have made some sort of sound, because Atsuma looked back at you. “You good?” 
You forced yourself to nod. “I’m...going to get some fresh air.” 
“I’ll come,” he said, and you decided not to argue. 
The porch was thankfully empty, and you took a deep breath of the night breeze, trying to clear your head. Seeing Suna had sobered you up considerably, but your emotions were still a complete mess. All you could feel was a deep, unending hurt. 
“So...you and Suna huh?” You looked up at Atsumu, who had a strange smile on his face. 
“What are you--?” 
“It’s fine, you don’t have to keep it a secret.” He took a step towards you, and you raised your eyebrows. 
“We aren’t together.” 
“Really? Then you wouldn’t mind,” He gently took your chin, lifting your face. “If I did this?” 
“What the fuck.” 
All the breath wooshed out of you at the familiar voice, which was now laced with anger. Suna stood on the threshold of the porch, his hands in his pockets as he watched you and Atsumu. He was smiling, but it was icy with rage and...jealousy?
“Suna,” Atsumu grinned, releasing your face but not stepping back. “What do you want?” 
Suna jerked his chin in your direction. “How about you get away from her, and then we’ll talk?”
“Dude,” Atsumu rolled his eyes. “She just told me she was single. I don’t get what the problem is.” 
Suna’s face tightened. “If you don’t get the fuck out of here in the next three seconds, I swear I will break your--”
“Chill, ok!” Atsumu stepped back from you, given you a frustrated look before heading into the house. 
When the door clicked shut, Suna’s head slowly turned to face you, his eyes dark. “Single?” His voice was a low snarl. 
You swallowed, feeling your anger return full force. How dare he. “Yes!” You snapped, “Since you clearly don’t view this as any sort of relationship.” 
“What are you talking about?” 
“So you can go off kissing other girls, but I can’t flirt with Atsumu?” 
“Looked like a bit more than flirting,” he said, teeth bared, before the other part of what you said caught up to him. “And how drunk are you? I wasn’t kissing shit!” 
“Are you seriously lying to my face right now? I saw you!” 
“I didn’t kiss anyone! Do you really think that little of me?”
You clenched your fists. “Atsumu said--” 
Suna was in your face in a second, towering over you as he backed you against the wall. “What did he say?” He growled. 
You were breathing hard, wanting to punch Suna, but… he didn’t seem like he was lying. The person you had thought was Suna did have their back to you, and you had been drunk. Had you made a mistake? Even if you had though, it didn’t excuse any of his other behavior. 
“Why didn’t you answer my texts?” You finally snapped, and Suna gave a cold smirk. 
“Trying to change the subject?” 
“No, you bastard! I’m trying to figure out why you seem to be so upset when all you do is treat me like your side bitch!” 
His mouth fell open. “What?”
You could feel your throat getting tight, but you did not want to cry. 
“You never respond to my texts, you’re always cancelling plans with me to do other things, you act like you don’t know me in public, and you only seem interesting in having sex with me.” By the end, your voice cracked with a sob, and you turned your face away. 
Suna’s face was pale, his eyes wide as he stared at your hurt expression. “I didn’t…” His breath shuddered out, and he ran his hand roughly through his hair. “That isn’t what I think of you at all.” 
“Then…” you still wouldn’t look at him, and he wanted to punch himself. 
“Look, I’m terrible at being in relationships. I always feel like they lose interest, so I break it off early on. I just...I don’t want that to happen with you.” 
“How does you being a piece of shit help?” 
“Y/n,” Suna gripped your face in his hands, his eyes desperate. “I want to be with you all the time. I think about you constantly, what you’re doing, how soon I can see you again. It drives me crazy how much I--” He stopped, clenching his jaw. “I don’t want to overwhelm you, or pressure you into anything. I thought that by keeping it relaxed, you would…” He trailed off again, and all you could feel was your heart racing. 
“Then why do you always act so...uninterested?” You finally whispered, voice trembling. 
“Do you mean around my friends?” 
After a moment, you nodded. It was only really around them that he gave you the cold shoulder. 
“They’re all assholes, and I don’t want you to get involved with them. The second they think I love you, they’ll try and see why. To hurt me through you.” 
Your mouth fell open and I suddenly couldn’t think past one word. “L-love-?”
Suna’s eyes went wide, and he tried to step back. “I…fuck...” 
You gripped his shirt, forcing him to stay where he was. “Do you?” 
He paused, his face so red you thought he might pass out. “Yes.” He cleared his throat and met your eyes. “I’m in love with you.” 
He shifted nervously, waiting for your reaction, and you couldn’t stop the smile that spread across your face. You stood on your tip toes and kissed him, arms going around his neck. He sighed into your mouth, grabbing your waist and tongue sliding along the seam of your lips, prompting you to open your mouth. After a long moment, you pulled away. 
“I love you,” You whispered to him, and Suna pressed himself against you, groaning into your mouth. 
“Mhm.” You tugged away from him, meeting his eyes. “But will you try to respond to my texts? Not cancel plans? I need to know that you won’t just...ditch at a moment’s notice.” 
He nodded, expression seriously. “I’ll do anything to keep you here with me.” 
He kissed you on the nose, and you smiled.
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danderechansworld · 4 years
Emiko's new bio!
Note: The reason why I am writing a complete new bio for Emiko is because I don't have much of her details of her bio and the previous outfit is a good look for me. So, I decided that I would not only change her looks but personality too. Pls forgive me if am doing something that is different I hope you guys aren't mad at me.
Emiko Sato biography!
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Facial expressions
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Technical Information
Japanese : サト・エミコ
Romaji : Sato Emiko
Nicknames :
Emiko-chan (often used nickname)(family and teachers)
Emi-chan (often used nickname)
Sato-chan (often used nickname)
Rosebud (Riddle)
Little rabbit /bunny (Cater)
Herbivore (Leona)
Little kitten (Ruggie)
Angelfish (Floyd)
Yam (Vil)
Beastie (Malleus)
Petit rossignol/little nightingale (Rook)
Little deer (Lilia)
Emiko onee-chan (Cheka)
Emiko onee-san (Ortho)
Voice by/cv : Kana Hanazawa
Biological Information
Gender : Female♀️
Age : 30th January
Starsign : Aquarius ♒
Height : 163 cm
Eye colour : Amber
Hair colour : Chocolate brown
Homeland : Japan (country), Tokyo (home state)
Family : Eito Sato (father), Ayaka Fujimura (mother), Aneko Sato (older sister)
Friends : Himari Fujikawa, Hitoshi Takemoto, Kagaya Takemoto (childhood/neighbor friend)
Race :Japanese
Professional Status
Dormitory : Ramshackle
School year : First
Class : 1-A, student no. 27
Occupation : Student
Club : None
Best subject :None
Fun Facts
Dominant hand : Ambidextrous
Favourite food : Sweet food (like, cake, cupcake, lollipop, ice cream, etc) and junk food
Least favourite food : Spicy food (like, curry, chilli, etc)
Likes : Flowers, anime, cosplay, Japanese street fashion, Disney movies, quiet places, music, Disney princesses and heroes, costumes, cartoon, dolls, anime art, stuff animals and discovering and see the world (she loves to discover about twisted wonderland when she was transferred), being obedient to teachers and family and respecting people
Dislikes : Rude and mean people, loud noise (like, thunder, screaming, ambulance sound, war, etc), fights, crowds, being centre of attention, causing trouble, anger people, gangsters, delinquents, snobbish people, disrespectful people, physical violence, getting involve on small problems and Disney villains
Fears : Animals, insects (including butterflies, dragonfly, ladybug, moth,etc), getting yelled by people, making people angry, physical violence, loud noise, crowds, ghosts, mytical creatures (like, elfs, fairies merfolk, dragon, etc), people doesn't understand her wellbeing and problems, being abandoned, getting scolded, rejection, being lost and panphobia (fear of everything)
Alignment : Lawful good
Voice : Softspoken, gentle, sweet, cute, fragile, sometimes a stutter, whisper sounds and quiet (similar to Nadeko Sengoku from monogatari series)
Expression : Shy, scared, worried, anxious, quite, silent, calm and sometimes shaking
Dere type : Dandere
Hobbies : Playing her dolls or stuff animals, being alone, watching cartoons, watching disney movies, watching anime, watching funny videos, watching YouTube, observing people, reading, singing, listening to music and asmr videos, observe people, discovering about plants and flowers
Talent : Gardening, making flower crowns, drawing anime, art, singing and flower arrangements
Skills : Medical, baking, cooking, dancing, cleaning, poems,
Language she can speak : Japanese and English
Sports she good at: Swimming, badminton, tennis ball, ping pong, cycling, running, jogging, stretching and kids sports (like jumping rope, hop scotch, etc)
Personality : Emiko is an extremely shy girl who had problems with talking to people and strangers. Emiko is often seems to have eye contact issues when even she speaks with people. Also, she greets people in a timid and a shy manner whenever she meets people and often gave a read face on her. Sometimes, she a jumpy person when people scare her (when Lilia hangs upside-down and Riddle shows up). Emiko has low-self esteem and she doesn't have friends due to her quiet nature.
Emiko is a very submissive person who obeys rules without question because she wants to avoid punishments and get yelled at by the teachers or her family. Emiko is extremely an introvert person and that what causes her to be a loner type and doesn't have any friends (except where she spends time with Aneko and Kagaya) . Emiko doesn't have any problems with her grades because she is an ambidextrous and she often had high scores in her subjects.
Despite this, she is an actually a kind hearted, gentle, sweet girl who helps people when they have problems. When she shows her kindness, she starts to open up her true feelings and personality. For example, she help characters to overcome the pain by giving them wisdom to help them move on or clean the ramshackle dorm when it is dirty. Also, she often blushes or covers her face whenever the boys tease her or gives complements about her good deeds and most of them find it cute when Emiko blushes.
Emiko never gets angry with people because she has a good self-control, she never yells or shouts at people. When someone pushes her limit, she shows a polite and kindly yet firmly attitude to the person who is bothering her, when ever she shows this new attitude, her voice change into a serious,deep,mature, lady-like but a kind voice.
Compare to the first years, she is most well- behaved student beside Jack. She never cause any trouble nor she gets involve with silly problems, she just watches from the distance to see how it goes before she can help them. Emiko is never been looked down by other students despite being a first year due to her well-behaved personality. Sometimes, she loves to help people even though is the smallest problem like when she helps the students to get back the crystal from the fairies.
Emiko loves her family in all of her heart because she is secure whenever she is around with them. Sometimes she us extremely homesick whenever she taught about them. Despite this, she stills loves them and she is willing to get back to her family once she and Dire Crowley work together to find her way back home.
When Emiko first arrived in twisted wonderland and starts to know about the great seven, she feels very anxious and shakily because the great seven has done a bad deeds to the heros. Sometimes, she had dreams or nightmare about them and often woke up in a frightening mode. The reason why she is afraid of the boys in twisted wonderland is because she knows that they are like the villains counterpart. Even though they look like the disney villains counterpart, she never treats them differently and still shows her kindness to them.
Emiko seems to be the most innocent, naive and gullible in twisted wonderland and her home. Emiko has a warm personality that everyone finds it comforting. She is unique because she has the personality of a child. In addition, she has a child like personality that makes her curious and find hard to understand what is going on about the harshness about reality.
Past/ Before twisted wonderland
Emiko is born in a family of 4. When Emiko meets her family for the first time as a infant, so starts to cry because she doesn't know what is going on, but her mother calms her down with a lullaby and that, Emiko starts to learn how to love her family when she enter the world. As years goes ,Emiko starts to feel nervous and scared of strangers and society and that is the origins of her social anxiety. Sometimes, she rans to her family or her friend as a protection from strangers. Emiko seems to walk often with a company fear that she will get lost.
Despite this, she seems to enjoy her childhood with her friends and family. At the age of five, she with her family and friends gone to Disneyland and Disney sea as a holiday and that explains why she loves Disney. When she reaches the age of 13, she starts to become more open minded about things in her life. Her sister and childhood friend goes to a church school next to their home, she noticed students are from another country and causes her to have panic attack, but it was calm downed by Aneko and Kagaya.
Emiko seems to enjoy her new school despite students who comes from another country, she still have a hard time talking to people and hard to male friends. Even though Emiko seems to be the most quiet and innocent student in her school, most teachers and students say that she is an hardworking and obedient student.
When she is in twisted wonderland
When Emiko goes to bed, she had suddenly transferred to another world which is twisted wonderland where she is woken by Grim. Emiko's lives start to change where she will meet challenges even though she is an introvert.
Emiko (エミ) means "blessed", "beautiful" or "smiling, laughing " Ko(子) means "child"
Emiko favourite Japanese street fashion is mori keri, fairly kei, lolita fashion, kogal and dolly kei
Emiko's school is a Christian school. The Christian school she attended to is the ages of 7-18 years old
Emiko's school is an International school and she said that there are a lot of foreign students who attend that school
Unlike any other Japanese people, she can pronounce "L" and "R", desite being a Japanese
Emiko loves to cosplay like disney princesses, other princesses in the different media and magical girls
Emiko hugs someting like a stuff animals, pillow or Grim whenever she sleeps.
Emiko favourite anime genre is magical girl, fantasy, kids and slice of life
Emiko loves to make different gives for valentines instead of chocolates
Emiko doesn't know who is her secret admire is
Emiko's bedroom is a fairytale and princess theme
Emiko's home design is a mix between Japanese and Vietnam style
Emiko loves Disneyland
Emiko loves to drink tea
Emiko loves to have a company whenever she goes or leaves to school
When Emiko is transferred to twisted wonderland, she walks to or leaves school alone. This is her first time ever doing that to be independent and she learns to something that she wants to do along which is knowing about twisted wonderland and observe
Emiko stuff animals she collected are mostly duffy and friends, mickey and minnie mouse and sanrio
Emiko's dolls are mostly Sylvanian Families and Littlest Pet Shop
According to Emiko, she said she has been to Disneyland in Tokyo, Hong Kong and Usa
If Emiko is married, she would adopt a child in the orphanage and she adopts 1 child and the gender of the child is a girl
Emiko type of boy is where the boy is very gentle, kind, sweet and possess a gentle expression
Emiko is extremely insecure of everything
Despite being an ambidextrous, her grades are mostly average
Her favourite season is all seasons
Her family have watched Disney on ice in Yokohama and that was Emiko's most memorable memories with her family
Emiko's voice actress, Kana Hanazawa, is married to Kagaya Takemoto's voice actor Kensho Ono
Whenever Emiko sees anyone smirking at her, she often covers her face while blushing
She has the habit of covering her face whenever she feels embarrassed
She doesn't know what job she will be when she grows up
Leona and Emiko share the same hair colour which is chocolate brown
If Emiko has the role as the Mc, she will not hang out much with ace and deuce, expect for grim, she will have to protagonist role that is different from it. Her role will be similar to the otome games.
If yuu and Emiko transferred twisted wonderland together, Emiko will NOT hang out with Ace, deuce, Grim and Yuu
Emiko is similar to Flaky from Happy tree friends
Emiko is similar to Butters Stotch from South Park, not just the personality but the role that they sometimes hangs out with the main trio
Somethimes, she sings like Seraphine from league of legends and Lauren Paley
Emiko begins cosplaying since the age of 13
Emiko weights about 45 kg
Emiko's favourite game is most likely dress up and survival game like love nikki, minecraft and animal crossing
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argumentl · 3 years
The Freedom of Expression - Radio version, Ep 31, April 2016 - New jingle campaign, UFOs, French Comics/Bandes dessinées
Kaoru introduces the show's concept, then Joe. Joe had been just about to take a sip of tea and was caught by surprise at the timing of his introduction, causing Kaoru to laugh.
Kaoru then mentions the big earthquake that had happened the week previous to this recording in Kumamoto prefecture. Because the show is pre-recorded, the last few episodes did not mention the quake, despite being broadcast after it. They were recorded before it occurred. Kaoru is concerned about how the situation will be in Kumamoto by the time this episode is aired. Due to the timing of the recording, he cannot make any specific comments about it, but prays that the lives of the people affected by the quake are returning to some kind of calm. Joe echoes this sentiment.
Next Kaoru brings up the topic of the new jingle campaign for the show. The two entries already submitted have had the 'TFoE' voice track added to them. He plays the first entry complete with voice track. Both he and Joe think it sounds cool. The voice track changes the atmosphere of it, and Kaoru likes it a lot. He then plays the second clip with added voicetrack, and they both really like this too. Joe says by hearing these cool intros, you wouldn't even imagine the show would ever include the likes of Hiranabe and his talk. Kaoru replies, 'yeh, but it still does! 😆'. He says they are still getting new entries sent in, and hopes the clips he has just played make it easier, or increase motivation for listeners to make thier own. Joe even says he wants to try making one, to which Kaoru tells him, 'Please do!'. Joe thinks Kaoru and the staff would make fun of his attempt if he did.
Kaoru then plays another of the new entries which has yet to be showcased. They are both pretty shocked at this one, as it is very different from the previous two. They wonder who this person (who made the entry) actually is. Still, Kaoru thinks the quality of the clip is quite high, but this clip has actually been made with the words 'The Freedom of Expression' already included, which he isn't too sure about. Joe says this section of the clip has a bit of an 80s vibe. Joe also thinks the clip has a slight self-important, smug feel to it. Kaoru thinks this clip is a bit too 'in your face' to be used as the show's jingle.
Next they introduce Tasai for the Tokyo Sports corner. Hiranabe was supposed to be appearing, but he said he had a night job to attend, so he asked Tasai to cover for him. Joe says, because its Golden Week, Hiranabe has probably gone to Atami to get 'revenge' after his poor performance there last time. He lost his erection during sex last time he was there, so he will probably want to try again and last till the end this time (*see episode 29*). Kaoru  suggests that is probably what he's doing as they speak. Joe says picturing that makes him feel gross.
Then then mention that they havn't seen Tasai since the live specials. Tasai was a little shocked to hear they they thought he had gained weight.
Tasai's first news is that Tokyo Sports have recieved an anonymous letter with a tip-off, which they suspect is from Kami. The letter reads, 'Crashed UFO...Aliens caught...in New Mexico, USA'. This reminds Kaoru of when Tasai said he took a photo of a UFO in Mexico, which they talked about in one of the live specials. After checking this out Tasai says that according to Russian sources, a UFO has crashed and an alien been taken alive in New Mexico, USA. The photo with the source shows the typical 'grey alien', which seems suspicious at first. But Tasai repeats that the place of the incident is apparently New Mexico, the Holy Land of UFOs. After checking it out with Tokyo Sports' own UFO expert, he thinks this could be pretty major. The others laugh at how he can be so sure in such a short time. Joe asks what can actually be said if a live alien is caught. Tasai doesn't know, and says further investigation is probably needed. Kami has landed Tokyo Sports in difficulties with this information. 
Tasai's next story is that the Louvre Art Museum will hold an exhibition in Japan to showcase manga. Quite a high value is placed on comics in France, and since the 1960s attitudes have developed to the point that comics are now seen as a high art form. Kaoru says he remembers seeing manga cafes in Paris which stocked French translations of Japanese manga. Tasai continues to say that the exhibition in Japan will feature artists like Araki Hirohiko (creator of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure), and Matsumoto Taiyō (creator of table tennis manga 'Ping Pong'). French artists to be featured include Nicolas de Crécy and Marc-Antoine Mathieu, considered to be comic masters in France. Kaoru says he really wants to see this exhibition, as he loves manga. He hasn't seen the work of the French artists before, but he really loves all the Japanese artists who are to be featured. He mentions that he has long had the impression that Japanese culture has been quite taken up by the French. Joe says he kinda feels sorry that it has taken foreign appraisal of manga to make Japanese people appreciate manga for the great thing it is. He thinks Japanese should naturally have more pride in thier own culture, without needing foreign appraisal to actually see its worth. He mentions the same thing happened with Ukiyo-e in the Edo period. The Japanese renewed interest in the common artform of Ukiyo-e only after it became highly rated overseas. Joe feels a little sad Japan doesn't recognize its own artforms unless they have first been highly rated overseas. People should be proud to call manga a Japanese artform. Kaoru says people are just so used to seeing manga, it is like an everyday thing in Japan.
Tasai says that French comics (known as 'bandes dessinées') differ from Japanese manga in that they are intended to be read more slowly, each page being more like a painting, whereas Japanese manga is read with a faster tempo.
Kami then joins the convo, and apparently confuses the term 'bande dessinée' with the Japaness phrase 'bando de shinee/バンドで死ねぇ(Die in a band!)'. He says he came to protect Kaoru from this threat. After informing him of his misunderstanding, they wonder why Kami didn't appear during the UFO talk earlier. He wasn't listening then apparently. Tasai apologizes to Kaoru for the misunderstanding, Kaoru laughs and tells him not to worry.
To end the episode, Kaoru reveals that the person who sent in the shocking jingle which was played earlier is actually one of Dir's staff members. He is a big fan of radio and asked Kaoru if he could enter. They play the clip one more time, and say it contains a lot of personality.
To finish Kaoru says that a release date for the new single has been decided. Utafumi will be released on the 27th of April, 2016. After plugging his tour and dvd, he says that the show had a fresher feeling today with Tasai joining them. They then have another laugh about the whole bande dessinée/bando de shinee mix up. Kaoru says he learned something.
Songs - Dir en grey/ Kuukoku no kyouon.
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haikyuuwaifu · 4 years
Warnings: Angst, implied underage drinking, cheating
Genre: Angst, Fluff
A/N: none
The first time
The first time it happened you were second years. He started growing into his body more and the girls around you started noticing. The extra attention never bothered you, you were his best girl after all. As Kuroo spent more time playing volleyball, you spent your time focusing on your academics. You had plans to become a teacher, so you made sure to volunteer your time and ask your teachers for insight. Even though you and Kuroo were gravitating towards your own hobbies, he still managed to make time for you during lunches and after practices. Your weekends were usually filled with cafe dates and gaming at Kenma’s. Nothing had changed. 
Friday nights Kuroo would go out to parties he had been invited to by friends in other sports and other schools he met through volleyball. Drinking and loud music had never been your style. The first few he was invited to, he always declined because he wanted to spend time with you. After the nth invitation you discussed it with him. “If you want to go out, and have a good time; it’s okay.” you tell him softly stroking his cheek. “I don’t want to leave you alone [name], you should come!” he responds staring down at you. “You know parties aren’t really my scene...I won’t be alone anyway; maybe I’ll play with Kenma...or visit Miyagi.” you grin patting his cheek. You pushed him out your front door. “Go and have a good time!” you yelled as he started walking down the sidewalk. “Don’t forget [name], you’re my best girl!” he waves at you making his way to the train station. Thus Kuroo’s friday nights were spent partying it up with his various popular friends.
New years eve was spent in Miyagi with your family. It was tradition to climb the steps to the temple on the hill and pray for a years worth of blessings. You loved when you got to go back home. You met up with your old friends and gossiped as if you had never left. But as much as you loved being home, you missed Tetsu. He had been a little dry with the texting but you simply wrote it off as him spending the day helping his grandparents. You texted Kenma constantly discussing animal crossing and the newest gaming updates. You told him about the gifts you picked out and how excited you were to come back home. Kenma was just as excited for you to get back to tokyo too. He wanted to give you the switch skin he bought and the new gaming headset that matched. While you were in Miyagi, Kenma noticed that you never asked him where Kuroo was. He himself was aware that his friend spent his entire break going to parties and sleeping the day away. Kenma never really left his house, so what Kuroo did with his free time didn’t bother him. He never went to parties so he didn’t know what was happening there.
That evening you waited for your phone to light up. Tetsu promised he’d call you so you could do the countdown together. You were seated on the roof of your grandparents home staring out into the night watching the clock on your phone tick minute after minute. By 11:59 he still hadn’t called, so you pushed his contact name yourself and called him. Instead of being greeted with the familiar smile you’re accustomed to, your eyes were focused on his tongue down the throat of a girl you didn’t even know. You watched as the two of them swapped spit, completely oblivious to the fact that someone had answered for him. You could barely hear the shout of his name over the wringing in his ears. You watched his eyes widen as he stared at you on the screen. He made a grab for it and opened his mouth; but you ended the call and shut your phone off. You sat in silence staring into the darkness trying to comprehend what it was you saw. A flutter behind you startled you out of your shocked state and you felt hot wet tears streaming down your cheeks. You didn’t want to alarm your parents or wake your grandparents, and you didn’t want to turn your phone back on. So you sat. On the first day of the new year you sat on your grandparents roof. Hot tears streaming, as you silently screamed into your knees, heart clenching in pain at the sight of the boy you loved and the betrayal you felt.
Days later you turned your phone back on, but only long enough to text Kenma that you’d be unreachable for a few days. You ignored the missed calls and the missed texts from Kuroo. You couldn’t stomach talking to him with the kiss so fresh in your mind. You tried to keep it together in front of your family. You managed to for the rest of your stay in Miyagi. A small part of you dreaded going home. You hadn’t spoken to Kuroo since new years day a week before. You were hoping he wouldn’t be waiting outside your house when you got home. Arriving home you were relieved to find he hadn’t waited for you. However, walking into your room you were shocked to find it littered in flower petals. They covered the floor and your bed. Laying on your pillow were two medium sized stuffed bears. A blue his bear and a Pink hers bear. Between the bear was a locket nestled in a velvet box. As you take in the sight before you, a soft knock makes you jump. And there he is, standing in your doorway hands behind his back waiting for an invitation inside. “How did you get in here?” you asked quietly, staring at the space behind him. He scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. “I...I told your parents I wanted to surprise you, the day you came back...they let me borrow the house key so I could set this all up.” He responds moving towards you slowly. You take a step back, “Why...Why would you do something like that Tetsu?” you ask him fists bunched at your sides. 
“Baby...baby it was a complete accident; i swear I would never do something like that to you!” he states trying to defend his actions the week before. “You said we’d start the new year off together and I called only to find you playing tonsil hockey with someone else!” you scream opening your fists and hitting his chest. He tugs your wrists and pulls you into his chest. “I’m so sorry baby, I swear it wasn’t on purpose...I had been drinking and she kissed me first...I could never do that to you!” You sniff softly burying your face into his shirt. “Why did you keep kissing her if it was an accident?” He shuffles his feet, pulling you into his lap as he sits. “I thought she was you...I played a few rounds of beer pong...when I pulled my phone out to call she was there; and in my drunken stupidity I thought she was you.” he replies stroking your hair. “It didn’t mean anything and I promise i’ll never do it again.” He claims placing soft kisses in your hair. “You’re my best girl after all.” and with that single statement your heart though shattered, forgives him.
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radbutsafe · 4 years
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1. From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
A three! I think I’m mid range cause I ain’t terrible but there is still shit I gotta improve and grow in my writing
2. Why do you write fanfiction?
to manifest what canon won’t give me and to write more! (though yes it is mainly about the smooching and the— I’ll stop there LOL)
3. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
Hm! My weird research details? I’m that “fun fact, did you know...” in my fics sometimes LOL! I plan on giving a penthouse for erina in a fic and I went through penthouse listings in Japan for floor layouts and locations💀 my research gives me inspo and depth to stuff I think I lack in comparison to others sometimes.
4. Are there any writers that inspire you?
In terms of fellow fic writers, one of them I can’t name here but she’s an inspiration with her exceptional gift for prose period and her lovely skill at comedy! I want to be as funny as her when I write, I love her ironic situational humor. Other fic writers are @takoyakitenchou, @royaldragonsevgisi15 who I always love sharing ideas with and motivate me to create more! For non-fic writers it would be V.E. Schwab, Leigh Bardugo, Oda, and Horikoshi! The last two may be mangaka, however they are writers as well to create their stories! The depth these creators have given their worlds and interesting characters theyve given life to are all what I aspire to be like!
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
so far uh?? hm everything I’m currently writing are wips lol!! im proud of my wip that has been nicknamed ‘soma panics’ that is a multi-chapter fic that spans like probs 20 plus chapters maybe
6. What element of writing do you find comes easily?
dialogue! it’s so much fun! and character thoughts. I’ve said to people I may be better suited for script writing
7. What element of writing do you struggle with most?
I think it’s description, of like setting and showing action. also an expansion of my vocabulary LOL
8. Which character(s) do you find easiest to write?
erina! I think it’s because canon has shown us many of her different faces and range of emotion.
9. Which character(s) do you find most difficult to write?
SOMA!! chill ass mofo whos more carefree compared to the common shonen protagonist! for other shokugeki characters I’m not sure just yet because I haven’t flexed my fingers enough for the rest of them.
10. What’s your favorite genre to write for?
I guess I should say romance cause that’s what I mostly write LOL!
11. Who or what do you find yourself writing about most?
sorina and I try to get them to smooch eventually KEK and yeah it’s..usually romantic fluff lmao
12. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about.
HONESTLY ALL OF THEM but “soma panics” is my brain child
13. First fandom you ever wrote for?
pretty sure it’s digimon....
14. What’s your favorite fandom to write for?
currently shokugeki no soma!!!!
15. What’s the weirdest fandom you’ve ever written for?
uhhhh I guess SNS? LMAO fandoms...all have their quirks to them.
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
characters cuddling!!!! or getting the urge to smooch!!!!
17. A trope you’ll never, ever write for.
unrequited love GOOD FUCKIN BYEEEEEE
18. Wildest fic you’ve ever written?
I have plot ideas thst can be wild potentially but so far nothing fits this criteria so far that I actually have written.
19. Do you prefer canon-compliant, AUs, or something in-between?
depends on the fandom, but if written well, all of it!
20. Gen fic or shippy stuff?
shippy 100% like I said I like smoochin
21. Favorite pairing to write for? (platonic or romantic!)
romantic is...*drumroll* SORINA! platonic, soutaku and erina and alice!
22. Do you listen to anything while you write?
Sometimes! There are times songs will be on loop and times I just shuffle a playlist. and if I’m writing in random bursts it’ll be with no music but it really does depend lmao I think music is when I’m forcing myself to write?
23. Do you prefer prompts and challenges, or completely independent ideas?
completely independent ideas, I’ve realized in the past prompts shoot me in the foot often unless I luckily figure something out. but I’m often driven by my own sporadic self interest with shitty ping ponging attention
24. One-shots or multi-chaptered works?
multi-chap I guess cause I can post without being finished LOLLL but tbh can I really answer? I haven’t finished anything.....
25. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
I can’t answer this question imo because I haven’t finished a fic yet so technically stuff could all fit in the one fic?
26. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
MYSTERY AND CRIME! I love the genre and I have plot ideas once a blue moon but I can’t dive in because I want to make details that work and reduce plot holes where suspension of disbelief isn’t as needed. I need to study it more (I need to study all the details for any of my fics imo to be confident sometimes LOL)
27. What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received?
I don’t think I can say one comment was the nicest because I’ve gotten comments that have given me quite the smiles to my face many times! I know this is a cop out but it’s true!
and also rad. i am never this vocal about my emotions like EVER but this needs to be said your fics are obviously far from perfect, as are mine and everyone else's. but the thing about your works is that they're so well-sanded that it's impossible to find any rough edges or faults in them in terms of cohesion to a plot. your cast is never OOC and the amount of effort you devote to developing your takes on the characters as accurately as possible is unimaginably awe-inspiring.
28. How well do you handle criticism when it comes to your writing?
I’d like to believe I take it often well to try and improve because that’s always my goal. if someone is rude lol that’s not constructive snd is unhelpful. If I disagree with criticism I’ll explain why !
29. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
Not yet, but I have some plot ideas I think will let me test this.
30. Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst?
F L U F F.
31. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them!
elliott fuji, a japanese-american award winning photographer who is erina’s boyfriend in ‘soma panics’ which..causes soma’s panic LOL he’s 30 with slightly wavy black hair. I still haven’t pinpointed his personality just yet...he kind of humble brags for sure an artsy fucker and flirts maybe I’ll make him a lil shy though. he teaches sometimes, and becomes an adjunct photography professor in Tokyo so he can be with erina.
32. Summarize a random fic of yours in 10 words or less.
a cook is unfashionably late in realizing his feelings.
33. Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process?
I am a slow. so slow. motivation who is she? I also write out of order, unfortunately a bit too often.
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
this should be for the fic ‘soma panics’ it’s either megumi or satoshi talkin to him rn, I’m leaning towards satoshi
“You thought she would always wait for you, didn’t you Soma-kun? To always welcome you home.”
Soma drags his palms down his face and groans. He doesn’t like this at all. He doesn’t shy from confrontation but this is a whole different ballgame. Soma doesn’t play any ball.
“I guess..?” Is his reply, because he thinks he isn’t sure how to answer that.
“You guess?”
Just being questioned again is enough to crack Soma’s pathetic facade as if it was dropped chinaware and he lets out the longest sigh.
Coming home means coming home to Nakiri Erina too.
Nakiri Erina is his forever.
this is @takoyakitenchou’s excerpt she’s most proud of that I’ve written, which is also from you guessed it, the long fic soma panics
SOMA: I am, I mean I will be, I swear I will always come home to you, not spend as much time abroad, once I’m done with work I’ll come right back. I’ll make sure to message you. Nakiri, I’m in love you with you. Maybe for a really long time. You know how I say I dedicate my food to you? My dad—my dad said that the key to become a good chef is to find someone to dedicate your cooking to. A special someone. For my dad it was my mom, you know? For me it’s...
(this is a good piece of dialogue tbh so I am also proud of this)
35. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
I’ve mentioned it throughout this but the WIP I’ve nicknamed ‘soma panics’ is something I’m super excited to write, but it’s going on slowly...and almost completely out of order. out of all of my writing it showed off that particular habit of mine, along with “what is this, a shoujo manga?!” though the latter is currently being written chronologically now that I’ve posted chapter one and is pretty solid in direction. it was originally supposed to be a one shot but I got impatient and wanted to post at least something for the sorina / soueri fandom.
however, because ‘soma panics’ (I won’t call it that LOL) is my baby I want to keep true to my rule of refusing to post it until I have a draft of the entire fic finished and I’m satisfied with the main points pretty much. due to my writing out of order, I’m worried I’ll change my mind about scenes or want to reflect things in earlier chapters for later ones etc etc
I joined the SnS fandom extremely late, as season five was airing. I was a fan of the manga five years ago and dropped it because I forgot to check for updates when I caught up 😔 I really want to bang out the different fics and aus for sorina that I have before the fandom fizzles out entirely but tbh I’m writing for myself, I’m manifesting what I want to see and I’ll just share it with all my friends to read if no one else will. cause I’m slow broski I dunno what writing fast even is like LMAO I do really want to write faster though, so I can contribute more and let the words free from the discord dms....
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teatime-scans · 4 years
Wild Police Story - Chapter #11 Text Translations
Hi! Here’s a text translation of Chapter 11. Scanlations of this chapter (and the previous one) are being worked on at the moment! ^^
Be aware that since this hasn’t been proofread yet - this is basically the translation as it came out of our minds - some parts might not be very clear, especially the Nagano Dialect part which is just a partial localization we came up with and will probably be changed in the final version.
Translation: Holmes Translation check: Manaphy
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CASE 11. Convening and discussing
[Original Work: Aoyama Gosho Artist: Arai Takahiro]
[His fury, yet unbeknownst to everyone, lies hidden deep inside him.]
[The eagerly-awaited first volume will be on sale from the eighteenth of November on!] [Second chapter of the Morofushi Arc! With their hearts set on their beliefs, this is the story of their youthful days during the half a year spent at the Police Academy!]
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[Morofushi's past is going to be related right now...]
Morofushi: Understood! I’ll tell you... Morofushi: About that night from 15 years ago...
Morofushi: Enshrouded in that stench of steel... Morofushi: A night of dismay which made my inner clock’s hands... Morofushi: Freeze in place...
Morofushi: Someone came at around 7 PM when I was having dinner with my father and mother... Morofushi: Together with a loudly rung bell... *ding dong* *ding dong* *ding dong*
Morofushi: The visitor was apparently an acquaintance of my father's. Morofushi: At first, they conversed quietly by the entryway, which I could hear while being in the kitchen...
Morofushi: But before very long, the man started raising his voice... Morofushi: and as soon as my mom went to the entryway to check on them...
*GWAAAAAH* Morofushi: I could hear my father groaning... Morofushi: And so my mother came back with a radically changed facial expression, and told me...
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Morofushi: “Stay hidden here for a while!”... Morofushi: “Don't come out at all costs, till I tell you it's okay to!”... That's what she said.
Morofushi: As my mom said that, she put me inside a store cupboard... Morofushi: then, in turn, she went and quarrelled with that man... Morofushi: but soon after I couldn't hear her voice anymore, either...
Morofushi: and, what's more, a stench of steel started hanging over... Morofushi: To the point even I could smell it, despite being inside the cupboard. Hagiwara: What's this “steel” you've been talking about since earlier?
Furuya: He's talking about the smell of blood! Furuya: The haemoglobin contained in the red blood cells is mainly composed of iron. That's why. Hagiwara: I see...
Matsuda: So, what happened later? Hiromitsu: I could hear him humming... Date: What? Humming?!
Hiromitsu: Yeah... It wasn't dad's voice, nor mom's. Hiromitsu: It was a shrill-made coaxing voice... Hiromitsu: He was repeating the same phrase while putting it in rhythm, again and again...
Hiromitsu: T-Therefore... Hiromitsu: I gingerly peeked out of the store cupboard from its opening...
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Hiromitsu: And I saw a man holding a bloodstained knife, humming a tune... Hiromitsu: It went like, “it's fine nooow!”... Hiromitsu: “come out, pleeease!”...
Matsuda: What about the face?! Matsuda: Didn't you see that bloke's mug?! Hiromitsu: No, I didn't... Hiromitsu: I was too scared...
Furuya: How come that man was looking for you, though? Hiromitsu: Nah, he wasn't looking for me. Hiromitsu: I know because he called a girl's name after “come out please”.
Hiromitsu: That's right... The girl with whom I used to play when I was a kid's... Hiromitsu: “Yuri”, the name of the little girl looking just like the one who was reported missing last night!
Date: Why was he looking for that kid at your house? Furuya: What was her surname? Hiromitsu: I don't know... I always called her by her name... Hiromitsu: After she died from an illness, I did attend her funeral, but I was just a first-year elementary school pupil...
Hagiwara: You didn't see his face, but you did see the tattoo on his shoulder, didn't you? Hiromitsu: Yeah, I did. That man apparently tripped up because of all the blood, and he banged with his whole body against the armoire I was hidden inside... *BANG*
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Hiromitsu: When he moved away, for an instant... Hiromitsu: I saw on his shoulder... Hiromitsu: a tattoo shaped like a goblet!
Matsuda: Did he really have it on his shoulder? Hiromitsu: There’s no doubt! Hiromitsu: After moving away from the cupboard, he clutched his shoulder, as if it hurt...
Hiromitsu: So and at that moment, the tattoo that was visible just before... Hiromitsu: Got hidden by his bloody hand, rendering me unable to catch sight of it...
Date: And? What did he do after that? Hiromitsu: I don't know... Hiromitsu: Before I could notice... I fell asleep.
Hiromitsu: After that, I woke up to the sound of doors and stuff being opened and closed... Hiromitsu: and just when I was squaring off, thinking “shit! I’m gonna get found!”... *clatter rattle clatter*
Hiromitsu: someone opened the cupboard's shutter! *slide*
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Hiromitsu: It was my older brother, who had just come home from camp middle school... [Komei: Hiromitsu... Mom and dad are dead... Komei: What happened? Can you tell me?] Hiromitsu: It was noon of the following day already... Meaning I had been sleeping in the cupboard for half a day.
Hagiwara: So you had an older brother...? Hagiwara: I heard that, nowadays, he's a skilful police detective in the Nagano prefectural police, and is called the “Koumei of Nagano”! Matsuda: I like Guan Yu* better, though... Date: Who cares about The Records of the Three Kingdoms right now! [* TN: Both Koumei (Kong Ming in Chinese) and Guan Yu (Japanese name: Kan’u) are Chinese strategists whose feats are narrated in the Records of the Three Kingdoms.]
Date: Go ahead. Did you tell your brother about the murderer's tattoo? Hiromitsu: No, I didn't... I've been slightly amnesiac due to the shock caused by that case... Hiromitsu: and in addition, I've also been suffering from aphasia...
Hiromitsu: Later, we were put in our relatives' care — I was sent to Tokyo kinsmen, and my brother with Nagano's, and I changed scenery... Hiromitsu: Yet, my aphasia didn't heal for a while...
Hiromitsu: until I met Zero in Tokyo! [Furuya: It'd be way greater fun if you talked, y'know?]
Hagiwara: So you attended this place, the police academy because you want to seize the murderer? Hiromitsu: Spot on. Plus, I remembered several things recently... Hiromitsu: And I decided that I want to properly draw conclusions about what that was all about from a policeman's point of view... Hiromitsu: and transmit all that information to my brother in Nagano!
Hagiwara: And in the meantime, you chanced upon three suspicious individuals... Hiromitsu: R-Right...
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Hiromitsu: There’s Irie-san, who runs a hardware store... Hiromitsu: and has a goblet tattooed on his shoulder...
Hiromitsu: Then, Tomori-san, who has a laundromat... Hiromitsu: and has on his upper arm a tattoo of Kannon, alias the Guanyin...
Hiromitsu: And the clerk of the motorbike shop who has a scorpion tattooed on the back of his neck... Hiromitsu: If I remember well, he’s called Monobe-san...
Hiromitsu: But it's simply impossible for the murderer to be in Tokyo and not in Nagano... Hiromitsu: and, what's more, for him to coincidentally be in my surroundings... Isn't it? Matsuda: We went and questioned those three people, y'know?
Hiromitsu: Wha...?! Matsuda: Ain't that right? Hagiwara: Bullseye. Date: We all split up... Furuya: Since it's for your revenge, Hiro!
Hiromitsu: Hold on a second, though... How'd you know I'm looking for the murderer who killed my parents, in the first place? Matsuda: Of course we’d know. Matsuda: You were always looking up “Nagano Couple Slaughter Case” on the internet over and over... Hagiwara: Although it is the first time we hear in detail about the tattoo and the murderer's behaviour.
Furuya: Well then, let's start with the squad leader, who was in charge of dealing with Irie-san. Date: He's a silent person, so having him spit something out was a whole pain in the butt...
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Date: His name is Irie Sumio. He is forty-six years old and lives along with his wife. Date: He set up a hardware store in this city fourteen years ago. Date: He's a taciturn, unfriendly guy, but he's peerless when it comes to sharpening knives... That's his reputation in the neighbourhood.
Date: His shoulder tattoo is from 10 years ago... He tattooed the championship cup from when he won a ping-pong tournament hosted by the neighbourhood association. Matsuda: Ten years ago...? Date: Yes. I also checked on it with Tomori-san, whom he was paired with back then, so there's no doubt about it.
Date: After that, he told his wife something about horses and flowers, or something... Hiromitsu: You mean... Hiromitsu: He told her to “hose down the flowers”?
Date: Yes! That's it! Hiromitsu: In Nagano dialect, “giving” is often replaced with “hosing”! Hagiwara: Hold up! If that's the case...
Matsuda: But if he got his tattoo done ten years ago, the figures just don't add up, do they? Furuya: Then, Let's move on to Tomori-san, whom Hagi talked to...
Hagiwara: His full name is Tomori Hajime. He is fifty years old and lives alone. Hagiwara: Originally, his laundromat was run by an uncle of his, but he ended up straining himself... Hagiwara: so he planned to help him out till he was dismissed from the hospital, but he ended up continuing even after he passed away... Which brings us here... Apparently.
Hagiwara: He tattooed the Kannon, alias the Guanyin, on his upper arm when, 20 years ago, he lost his wife and mother at the same time in a traffic accident... Hagiwara: He apparently did it in order to mourn the two of them...
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Hagiwara: He's also got a reputation in the neighbourhood as a repairman. Hagiwara: Since he came out of some college's engineering department, it seems he used to repair simple electric appliances. Hagiwara: A tad like you, right, Jinpei-chan?
Hagiwara: He paired with Irie-san because he's a friend who comes from his same town... That's what he said. Furuya: If he got his tattoo twenty years ago, he did already have it fifteen years ago... Furuya: but a picture of the Kannon doesn't look like a goblet at all, no matter how you look at it...
Matsuda: Actually, speaking of goblet look-alikes, we have that motorbike shop clerk. Matsuda: His name is Monobe Shuuzou and he is thirty-five years old. Matsuda: He has a scorpion tattooed behind his neck, which is the logo of a group he used to be part of back when he was a rascal...
Matsuda: whose name is, in fact, Scorpion Glass! Hagiwara: So he rather modeled it after a goblet!
Matsuda: He said he got it tattooed when he was twenty, so I guess it kind of could barely fit...? Hagiwara: It's located behind the neck, though... Matsuda: Same as Tomori-san, he also lives alone.
Hagiwara: Huh? What's the matter, you two? Date: I don't know, there was just something... Furuya: Yeah, me too...
Hiromitsu: ... Matsuda: What's with you, Morofushi? Matsuda: You, too?
Hiromitsu: Yeah, well... Recently I phoned my older brother to tell him what I remembered about the case anyway, and... [Komei: Haste makes waste...]
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[Komei: Don't be in a hurry to seek success by consulting me without sufficient forethought. Komei: The place you were hidden in was not a store cupboard, but a closet equipped with kannon-biraki, alias double doors opening from the centre. Komei: That house was in Western-style, so it didn't have any Japanese store cupboards or sliding screens in the first place.]
Hiromitsu: That's what he told me. Hiromitsu: I'm sure I was in a cupboard, though... Furuya: Maybe aren't you mixing it up with your relatives' house here in Tokyo you were entrusted to?
Furuya: Since that house was Japanese-styled, and, conversely, only had sliding screens and cupboards... Hiromitsu: T-That could be...
Matsuda: If that were the case... Matsuda: wouldn't it be strange, though?
Matsuda: If you had been hiding in a closet with kannon-biraki double doors... Matsuda: then its door should've got shut when the murderer banged into it after tripping up...
Hagiwara: That's true... And in order to see the killer clutching his shoulder afterwards... Hagiwara: you would've had to open the shutter of the closet by yourself...
Matsuda: You... You opened the door in that situation? Hiromitsu: No way I could! Date: Then couldn't it be that the gap you were peeking out from...
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Date: wasn't vertical but horizontal...? Date: The slit in the closet... Date: would allow you to look outside with the shutter closed, wouldn't it?
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Onizuka: It's almost four o'clock... Onizuka: Maybe I should go check on those chaps a bit...
*rattle* Onizuka: Huh?
Onizuka: Hey, hey, hey... Onizuka: The dressing room is still dirty as hell?
Onizuka: Hey, you bums! You only have an hour left, y'know? Onizuka: As it is, you'll never make it in... *creak*
Onizuka: Hold on...
Onizuka: They're gone!
[Vertical and horizontal... The five have noticed something. Continued in the next issue.] [Continues in SS #50]
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tamcitrus · 4 years
10 years later.
pairing: Bokuto Koutaro x g/n reader.
genre: angst, aged up characters
word count: 2K ~
prompt: It had been 10 years since your main character last saw their biggest crush. How they both ended up in the same city away from their hometowns makes no sense to them. How do they react and how does the story unfold?
a/n: first time using the prompt of the week! @kingkags I hope you're up for some angst 🌈 and @loneveenas I hope you like what I come up for your potw! 💕
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It started with you coming back from abroad after getting your degree. You were outside your country for many years. After your parents' divorce and your break up with some foreign guy, you decided to come back home with your mom. You were in contact with your best friend in Tokyo and you meet her boyfriend, Hinata Shouyou.
"Come on, you have to come with me, you'll have fun and Shou has a lot of hot friends! Just for a while, if you're not vibing with it we can leave. You're sleeping here tonight anyways, so..." she said.
"Will there be alcohol?"
"Yeah, it's a party! They reserved a little restaurant, so it'll be just the team and their friends."
"Ok then we go," you agreed.
And later, you were happy you did.
You met Hinata as soon as you arrived.
"Order whatever you want, y/n! The drinks are on the team!" Hinata said and then he took his girlfriend away.
You walked to the bar and ordered a beer, watching everyone talk and dance. Hinata really had some handsome teammates. Maybe, with a bit of alcohol running through your system, you could talk to one of them.
"I'll take a beer, please 'Samu!" a man said by your side to a guy who seemed to be the bartender.
His voice was familiar. You looked aside to see the guy and gasped. This… couldn't be.
And then, the biggest golden eyes looked at you, and after a minute they showed recognition. And you remembered him too.
"Bokuto-kun?" you asked, just in case your memory betrayed you.
"Y/n? Oh my god, it's you!" he was as loud as you remembered him.
He was going to hug you but stopped to look at you and check if you were ok with it. You smiled at him and tied your arms around his neck. He hugged you tight from your waist.
"I can't believe you're here! How long it's been? Five years?"
"Like ten actually," you laughed. "I… do you play with Hinata?"
"Yeah! Do you know him?" he let you go.
"His girlfriend is my best friend, they invited me," you explained.
“That’s crazy! We live in a small world, right? Did you see the game?”
“No, sorry,” you laughed. “We just got here. But it’s great to see you’re a pro now, it really suits you.”
He guided you to an empty table and told you about how he became pro and how some of his teammates were his rivals back at high school. You told him about your years abroad, and how you decided to come back after a failed relationship.
“Are you living in our old neighborhood?” he said.
“No, we're here in the big city now.”
“Hey hey, Bokkun, we were looking for you! We'll play beer pong, are you in?" a blond guy interrupted your talk. "How about you? Wanna play...?"
"I'm y/n. And yes, I'd like to play," you smiled.
"He's Miya Atsumu. Tsumu this is y/n, an old friend!" Bokuto introduced you to his teammate.
He shook your hand and smiled at you. Then you followed him to the group that was playing.
A two hours and a lot of drinks later, you were drunk. Your friend found you again, sitting in a couch and laughing with Bokuto and Atsumu. She sat by your side to talk to you in the ear. Hinata was holding her hand, still standing.
"Hey, I'm gonna get going, I have something to do," she told you and you laughed.
You were too drunk to think straight and you slowly understood her words.
"Are you ditching me? Sakura?" you said, a bit louder than you intended.
"I can take you to her house later!" a smiling Bokuto offered and then he winked at Hinata.
"That's great, Shouyou will text you my address! Thanks, Bokuto-san! See you later, babe!"
And with a kiss on your cheek your friend left you there. You wanted to say something else but the alcohol in your system didn't allowed you to.
"You can crush in my place, if you want," Bokuto sit closer to you once Atsumu got up to talk to someone. "I don't think they'll end their thing soon, Hinata has a lot of stamina," he laughed.
You nodded and try to get up. Bokuto laughed when you almost trip with your own feet and grabbed your arm to keep you steady.
"Ok, maybe we can get going too, what do you think?"
"Are you sure? I don't want to bust your celebration," you pouted.
"I'm sure, yeah, I'm tired anyway. I'll text Hinata so your friend won't worry, ok? I'mma go say goodbye to the boys and be right back with you!"
He was still the same caring friend from ten years ago. It made your stomach to feel butterflies.
You sat on a chair near the door and you waited for him to come back. You texted Sakura, or at least you tried to, you'll check it in the morning. Bokuto was back in a few minutes and he guided you to his car. The trip was silent but you appreciated it. The cold wind of the night sober you up a bit.
"Thank you for inviting me, Bokuto," you said when you arrived. "You're probably the only person I trust in this city besides Sakura," you laughed.
"No problem. It was crazy to see you there today. Maybe we can finish our talk in the morning," he smiled.He signaled you to wait a minute and you sat on his couch.
He had a nice apartment, there was books everywhere and weights among other training stuff. You didn't remember he was a fan of books in the past.
Bokuto was back, changed, and offered you some clothes for you to change too.
"There's my bedroom, you have a bathroom inside and if you need anything else, I'll be in the couch."
"I can't come back after a decade and take your bed. I'll sleep in the couch."
"Y/n, you had too much alcohol to sleep in a tiny couch. You don't want your body aching with your head tomorrow, trust me," he laughed. "Please, use my bed."
"Ok but if you're uncomfortable, let me know," you said.
You really wanted to stay awake and keep talking to him, but your body thought otherwise. As soon as you got changed and hit the king size bed, you were out.
The next morning you woke up with a horrible headache and the smell of coffee dragging you to consciousness. Bokuto was humming to some pop song that was playing in a low volume.
"Good morning," you said after cleaning yourself up and walking outside the room.
"Hey, y/n, good morning! Do you have a headache? I don't have any medicine for it but I can drive you to your friend's place and we can get some in the way," he was turned with your back at you.
It was surreal. He was there, your childhood best friend, your biggest crush ever, the same you remembered him from many years ago: friendly, selfless, funny, the same black and grey wild hair. And somehow he was even more handsome now.
"I can take the bus there, don't worry about it. Do you need help?"
"All done!" he walked to the table with a tray with two coffees and cookies.
"We can go out next time and I'll pay, in return for last night," you said. "Well, if you want…"
"I have a few free days this week so I'll take your offer," he smiled.
The breakfast was for catching up, again. You felt you could talk to him about your years without seeing each other forever. He talked to you about high school after you left, volleyball and his pro career. And you exchanged numbers. Then, he drove you to Sakura's place. Hinata was still there so they left together.
"I can't believe you left me there last night," you said to your friend when you were alone.
"Hinata told me you and Bokuto knew each other, so I thought you'd be fine, I wasn't gonna leave you with some stranger!" she excused. "And you left with him! What happened?"
"Nothing happened, I was drunk…"
Bokuto texted you later that week and you met again on his free day for dinner.
"Life's pretty much the same but sometimes people recognizes me or stops me in the streets now, that's crazy," he laughed. "What about you?"
"Nothing that interesting. I got my business degree in England and I'm working at my mom's company for now, until I can use my degree here," you took a sip of your wine.
"And your failed relationship?"
"Oh, I thought he was a good guy but it turned out he wasn't," you faked a smile. "I wouldn't say I was in love but I cared about that idiot."
"That's a shame, you were a great person when you lived here and I bet you're even better now," he commented.
"Thanks, Bokuto," you blushed.
I shouldn't let my hopes up, you thought. Surely he has someone in his life after all this time. I shouldn't revive an old feeling.
"Shit, sorry, I have to get this," he said when his phone rang.
"No problem, I'll ask for the dessert while you talk," you smiled and he nodded at you.
You saw each other several times the next two weeks. Every talk, every text, every meeting you had reminded you why you were in love with him. Maybe you never really got over him. Maybe, deep inside, you still loved him.
"I'd say you go for it!" Sakura told you one day. "I never heard that he had a partner and, come on, how could you not brag if you were dating someone like him? We should've seen a picture or something."
"I don't think Hinata would be happy to hear you say that," you laughed and tried to avoid the topic.
"Come on, y/n. You're amazing and he seems to be interested to rebuild your friendship after a decade. Shoot your shot, my friend, don't let the opportunity vanish again."
You sighed and kept drinking with your friend. Maybe next time, you thought.
A week later, you were at Bokuto's place again, having "the afternoon english tea" as he said. You even got him some blends to try.
"You did this every day when you were abroad?" he asked.
"No, not always. I tried to keep my japanese traditions too," you smiled at him.
You watched a movie and shared silly comments in between. The sun was going down when it ended.
"Do you want to order a pizza?" he asked.
"Yeah, that'd be cool," you agreed.
This is it. Now or never.
"Can I talk to you about something? When you finish the call," you said and he nodded.
He grabbed his phone and walked to the fridge to get the number from his favorite pizza shop. Just before he dialed, the doorbell rang. He walked to the door and gasped after he opened it.
"Akaashi!" he sounded happy.
You leaned back to look at the door and saw something that maybe you shouldn't have seen. They were kissing. It was quick and innocent but it was a kiss. You looked at the tv again.
"Y/n is here!" Bokuto said and they were walking inside. "I told you about them, remember?"
"Yes and you texted me about them too," Akaashi softly laughed. He had luggage with him and he left it by the door.
"Y/n, he's Akaashi Keiji. Do you remember him? He was in first year, you met him before you left," Koutaro introduced you.
"Yes, I do, you were Bokuto's teammate! It's nice to see you, Akaashi-kun," you smiled.
"Nice to see you're back, y/n-san. Bokuto told me that you happened to meet at a party, that's a huge coincidence. It sounds like fate."
"I was about to order pizza, did you eat something?" Bokuto asked from the kitchen.
"No but pizza sounds good," he smiled. Then he disappeared inside Bokuto's room.
Fate. Yeah, it was laughing at your expense.
"He looks tired, maybe I should go," you said when you heard the shower.
"It's ok, you can stay!" Bokuto turned around to look at you. "Are you ok, y/n?" he saw your weird expression.
"I have to go, sorry," you grabbed your stuff and walked to the door.
He followed you outside after he told Akaashi he was going out for a second.
"What's wrong?" he asked again.
"I… I'm sorry. I didn't know…" you struggled to explain.
"Is this about Akaashi?"
"No- uhm, well, not exactly. It doesn't matter," you were standing at the entrance of his little house.
"I'm sorry. I should've told you…" he figured out by himself. "We don't… we can't make it super public, he's a writer and his agent…"
"No, it's fine, you don't have to explain. I never asked," you laughed. "Akaashi is a perfect fit for you."
"Yeah, he's… awesome. You're awesome too, I mean it," he hugged you.
"Thanks, Bokuto. And I'm happy for you."
You separated from him and smiled.
"Text me when you have a free day, I'll invite you both to eat," you kissed his cheek. "See you later."
You went to Sakura's apartment that night. After a bottle of wine, you were able to tell her what happened.
"His partner was on a trip. And then… they arrived with me there. And I was about to… I was gonna tell Bokuto maybe I never got over him… and then he was kissing someone…"
"I'm sorry, I was the one that told you to go for it," Sakura felt guilty.
"Nah, that's fine. I… it's been 10 fucking years, there's no way he wouldn't have someone. He's the perfect guy," you laughed.
"Ok, so... There's this guy. Shouyou's teammate…"
"I don't know if I'm interested…"
"Atsumu, that's his name. Shou told me he asked about you the other day, he wants your number."
"Well, tell Hinata that he can give Atsumu my number," you agreed.
"Just have some fun and you'll get over it. Besides, he's still your friend, right?"
"Yeah, he is."
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srhlsx · 5 years
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Rewritten & reposted march 23, 2021. Please read author’s note at the end!
“Thank the Gods we are who we are, otherwise we’d never get invited to these things.”
Looking up from the smudged scribbles on the pages of the notebook in front of you, you tilted your head towards the girl at the end of the table with a furrowed brow. She was holding a small, plastic ball in her fingers - one eye squinting as she took aim. As she released her shot, you swatted a hand out quickly and slapped the ball right out of the air.
“Some people bring ice, some people bring drugs,” The girl stood up straight, her eyes narrowing and glaring at you although you knew she wasn’t actually mad. “What do I bring? The nerd who studies on the beer pong table.”
You chuckled lightly, throwing one of your pens in her direction as your eyes returned to the pages open in front of you. She wasn’t lying. Before you was an open science textbook, scattered notecards, and a notebook so worn with use the pages were curling slightly. On either side of your makeshift study area were red cups scattered about, clearly you were interrupting the middle of a drinking game.
“Entrance exams are right around the corner-”
“Literally, months away.”
“-and I want to get in what I can before our schedule picks back up.”
“But (Y/n),” She said, leaning forward on her hands to get in your face. You blatantly ignored the proximity, the feeling of her warm breath blowing across your skin as she was practically pressing her face into yours, and flipped forward a few pages in your textbook. “It’s summer break.”
“Even more reason, Rumin.” You replied, while you were looking back and forth between the textbook page and your notes, scratching out a few mistakes, then giving her forehead a small flick with the end of the new pen in your hand when she hadn’t backed away. 
“Come on-” She whined out, going so far as to stomp a foot in protest. You had to chuckle a little bit at how much of a child she was currently being. “We have to celebrate. We deserve it - you deserve it!”
“We celebrated plenty already.” You mumbled, shaking your head again. “I didn’t get much done during Interhigh so I need to catch up. Plus we have summer camp and we both know I won’t study then.”
When you noticed that she didn’t say anything back, you looked up once more to see your friend deep in thought while raising a cup to her lips. She paused, eyes snapping down to you when she saw you looking up at her. “I’m going to burn those notebooks when we graduate.”
“No! I might need them!” You laughed at her aggressive comment and dramatically spread your arms across your supplies, though you knew she’d never dare. 
Your friend, Rumi, knew that school and preparing for entrance exams was important to you and given the choice you wouldn’t have even come out at all had you not been allowed to bring your work with you - as much as it embarrassed her to be seen with someone carrying around a backpack at a party. It wasn’t like you didn’t know how to have fun, you certainly did, you loved a good party as evidence of the shenanigans you got into after Interhigh. So, to appease your friend’s mood, you grabbed the half-full cup still next to your pile of work unsure if it was even yours at this point and took a long swig of the bitter, flat drink that was nearly forgotten in it. 
Rumi’s expression didn’t change, her normally wide eyes still peered down at you with an air of expectation, she was not amused by you in the least. You sighed, trying to contain a small smile as you grabbed the cup once again and downed the rest of its contents. You flipped it over to show her the empty bottom. She nodded approvingly, a smug smirk forming on her lips even as you threw the plastic cup at her.
Feeling content with the amount of work you were surprisingly able to get done since you arrived at the house party an hour ago, you packed your books and notes into your bag. The action lit a spark in your friend’s eyes and she began clapping happily, barely able to contain her excitement at you finally turning your attention away from studying. You lugged the backpack onto your shoulders, tightening the straps and snapping the clasp across your chest to make the bag rest more comfortably. 
You looked up expectantly at your friend, as if to say lead the way. 
You followed her into the attached kitchen a room over, squeezing between the mass of bodies that were pushed together, moving back and forth to the music blaring through the speakers located in another room. You recognized the song, some popular bop you’d heard on repeat since it debuted a few weeks prior. Nodding your head along while mumbling the words, you ruffled a hand through your hair to relieve a little bit of the tension your poor studying posture had created.
As you made your way through the crowd, a couple people glanced at you and made a point to get out of the way. Most waved hello, nodded their heads, threw you congratulations - the usual greetings you had gotten the last few weeks since Interhigh concluded. A familiar face waved at you over the crowd, hand sweeping across her forehead to brush her light brown fringe out of her eyes and smiling sweetly, although not entirely soberly. Rumi looked back at you, tugging your bag straps slightly to pull you in the direction of the girl and out of the way of most of the partygoers.
“(Y/n)!” The girl giggled, drawling out your name and giving you a bigger hug than you expected or were prepared for. She fumbled with the phone and cup in her hands, squeezing her arms tightly around your neck to the point where it was almost painful and she nearly knocked you over. “Done studying at last!”
“Hi, Mako.” You wheezed out, pulling her from around your neck and holding her at an arm's length. “I see you’ve been studying something - or should I say someone -  as well?”
A blush began to spread up the girl’s neck as you pointedly looked at the dark mark on her neck she was clearly trying to hide with her hair. She shushed you by clasping a hand over your mouth, shaking her head and losing her balance a little bit in the process. As she righted herself, she looked like she wanted to say something, opening and closing her mouth a few times to make a comment, but never getting the words across. 
“I’m just teasing you!” You laughed, squeezing the girl’s cheeks together. You were familiar enough to the girl that you could tease her about things like this, especially when she was a few drinks in. “Speaking of - where is the devoted captain?”
“Hmm…” Mako swayed a little bit as she thought through her answer, face scrunching up in concentration. “I think he was getting a few guys from outside? Some-” She waved her hand around again, lost in her own train of thought. “Some guys from the camp this week? I don’t know. He invited them... Oh! Duh! He texted me, lemme check-”
The girl’s eyes lit up slightly as she tried to focus on the screen in her hand, blinking slowly as her thumbs fumbled across the letters on the screen. Rumi gave you an exasperated look, motioning to her empty cup and the bar you knew was in another room. You reached out to grab her before she could disappear, pleading with your eyes and hoping she’d stay. She did, albeit with scowl. 
Mako made a surprised gasping sound, mixed with a hiccup, and shoved the lit up screen on her phone right into your face. Blinking a few times, you tried to decipher the messages shared between the two contacts.
Wer arwe u i hv (y/n) and ruMi
Daiki <3: OMG. Are you kidding Mako? I’m outside XD
“Lessgo!” Mako wobbled a little bit as she grabbed at Rumi’s wrist and began pulling in the direction of the sliding set of doors that led to the backyard of the house.
Somehow, there seemed to be just as many people crowding the space outside as there were inside - at least half of your school’s population must be at this party. Mako called out to the crowd blindly as she opened the sliding glass door with a flourish, her drunk voice a much higher pitch than usual, “Daikiii! Look who I found!”
Across the yard near a low hanging retention wall, Daiki Ogano - captain of the boy’s volleyball team at your school - waved over the heads of all the people separating you. Mako waved for you and Rumi to follow, as if that wasn’t the reason you came outside in the first place, and began to push her way through the crowd of people scattered around the yard.
Just like inside, when people saw it was you and Rumi trying to move your way through they split apart and let you by without much thought. You laughed at an off-handed comment Rumi made feeling more than a few sets of eyes on you as you walked up to the group of guys waiting for you.
 Walking up to Daiki, who greeted Mako with a not-so-subtle brush of his hand to her lower back, you realized that your earlier thought was very much incorrect. This was not just a group of guys you were walking up to - no, these were men. The two strangers may have been your age but their sheer size and presence gave you the feeling that calling them “guys” was neither sufficient nor appropriate. 
“They certainly don’t make ‘em like that in our parts of Tokyo,” Rumi mumbled into her drink, nudging you with her elbow. You looked up at her with wide eyes, giggling like the teenage girls you were at her comment about the handsome boys in front of you.
“(Y/n)!” Daiki greeted you with a flush on his cheeks, probably from the drink he was holding. “Rumi managed to drag you away from -hic- the thrilling pages of your science books?”
“Not easily.” Your friend deadpanned, looking at the two strangers when they both managed to chuckle. Rumi reached up and ruffled your hair affectionately. “But she’s graced us with her attention now, and we are ever thankful for it.”
You looked up with a slight pout at your taller friend, reaching up to fix your hair. “Hey, I told you ahead of time what to expect from me-” 
“One solid hour of studying.”  Rumi sighed, rolling her eyes as she imitated your voice but giving it a much nerdier edge to it with an exaggerated expression. You nodded with a closed-eye smile, satisfied with her remembering your demands. She turned to the newcomers with an apologetic look on her face, “I promise her poor behavior is not indicative of the student body at our school. Many of us actually enjoy fun and parties.”
“Studying can be fun.” You mumbled into your cup, readjusting your backpack again as you looked away from the group. 
“This is exactly what I was talking about earlier.” Rumi reached out and grabbed you by the strap that was clasped across your chest, giving it a few tugs to shake you up a bit. ”Such a nerd with your backpack and notecards.”
“These notecards helped you pass economics last term so be careful what you say.”
“If the nerds at our school looked anything like you, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be doing so poorly in my classes.” One of the strangers laughed, nudging his buddy with a grin.
“Oh?” You quirked an eyebrow at the forwardness of this stranger. “And who exactly are you?”
The two looked at each other with a little surprise - as if you were supposed to already know who he was. You knew who he was, seeing as he was a star athlete in your area - but you weren’t about to play into that. You waited patiently for them to answer, a small grin on your face as you looked expectantly at the two.
The second of the two spoke first, holding one hand to his chest and the other out to shake your hand and then Rumi’s. You didn’t miss the way his sleepy eyes lingered on her behind a mop of bedhead hair, his smile was either sleezy or suave and you hadn’t made your mind up yet on which. “Kuroo Tetsurō.”
Middle blocker, third year, Nekoma.
The other one spoke up, a goofy sound to his voice as he proudly jabbed a thumb at his chest and burst into one of the brightest smiles you’d ever seen. “Bokuto Kōtarō, nice to meet ya.”
Wing spiker, ace. Third year at Fukurodani.
As you looked up into his sparkling eyes, you bit your lower lip to keep from grinning like an absolute fool. Shit. Shit, shit - he was much cuter than you originally thought.
A/N: REWRITTEN BITCHES. Ya’ll are too nice to tell me that the first time around was terrible and i vibe with that. Reminder that in this story Shinzen is going to be located IN Tokyo - i am AWARE it is not actually. Please enjoy!
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benzaaldehyde · 4 years
Haikyuu!! fic recs
hello party people! I have decided to make a fic rec list for you lovelies bc everyone likes fic recs!!! and also for me so I can finally close some tabs on my phone
most of these are kagehina fic recs, but I have a couple others that I will link below too!
format: title by author (hyperlinked) | rating | word count | status | summary, my thoughts (my summaries are garbage, i’m sorry in advance)
this is already a list of my favorite fics, but ❤️ denotes super-favorite
happy reading!!!
i can do better by buu | M | 45.5k | complete | hinata and kageyama have a contest to see who can make the other cum more. it’s dirty and adorable and very in-character and is a staple in kagehina fic. you’ve probably already read this, but if you haven’t READ IT NOW.
❤️ Speed Demons by Esselle | E | 17.4k | complete | kghn racecar drivers! so sexy and dangerous. if you have low AU tolerance, you may not enjoy it, but i could not put this down the first time i read it. there’s gonna be a lot of Esselle in this list, probably.
❤️ Hum by Esselle | M | 12.5k | complete | hinata overhears kageyama singing and he’s surprisingly good at it. this melted my heart in so many ways, it’s so lovely. the author does SUCH a good job describing his voice, i felt like i could hear it.
Kabedon’t by Esselle | T | 7.2k | complete | kageyama attempts a kabedon on hinata and it does not go as planned. absolutely hilarious, this is such a gem.
he may suck at beer pong but he slam dunked my heart by Authoress | M | 8.9k | complete | frat boy!hinata and kageyama end up as lab partners in organic chemistry and kageyama has to deal. so fucking cute. hinata saying “resonance structures are my life blood” made my life complete.
his angel wings torn and bound by ADyingFlower | M | 10.9k | complete | hinata is dating kageyama, and he learns that even his own memories can’t be trusted. kghn are fuuuucked up in this one. there’s a lot of Natsu and it will warm your heart. and then probably break it tbh. but it’s gd worth it. this is dark and twisted and unique and so, so good.
touch the ground again by Esselle | E | 26.4k | complete | kghn are professional volleyball players, and kageyama goes back to hinata to fix a mistake he made four years earlier. SO well-done and it made me so emotional, i love this one so much.
❤️ Twitch by CheekyBurnette | not rated, but probably T | 72.5k | complete | hinata has Tourette’s Syndrome! SUCH an interesting fic, i loved reading it. hinata’s characterization was so good and kags is so infuriating, it’s fantastic. there is also a sequel written here by someonestolemyshoes where they explore how kghn’s first time would go.
❤️ Deadly by majesticartax | E | 42.2k | WIP | hinata works graveyard at a laundromat where he meets kageyama, who is... not quite right. i have read this so many goddamn times. it is so well-written, so hilarious, and so hot. fucking fabulous. there’s prob gonna be a lot of majesticartax in this list too.
❤️ Dial by majesticartax | E | 61.7k | WIP | kageyama is a phone sex operator, and hinata calls him on a dare. i just. this one. makes me feel. so many things. ALSO so well-written, also so hilarious, and also so hot. READ this one if you haven’t jfc.
Binding Problem by majesticartax | E | 221k | WIP | kghn pining. that’s it, that’s the fic. an absolute slowburn gem. set in canon. this is a v popular one, but in case you haven’t read it yet, here it is. if you’ve been putting it off for whatever reason, this is your sign. go read it.
Hypothetically by byesweetheart | M | 10.9k | complete | it’s the night before kags’ birthday, and kghn text about it. their sexting here is so realistic it makes me want to die a little bit, but in the absolute best way. I love this one so much. extremely well done.
Vren by Icandigelvis | M | 100k | complete | kageyama is a creature called a vren, and he helps hinata on a journey. so unique, i really enjoyed this one. the author did a great job with kageyama’s characterization as the vren. there is also a sequel here that is WIP!
change in pressure by viscrael | M | 36.5k | complete | empath!kageyama falls for trans!hinata. also incredibly unique and so well-written. their characterizations were spot on, and reading empath!kags was so fun.
❤️ Theirs by someonestolemyshoes | M | 25.3k | complete | canon kghn getting together. i LOVED their portrayal in this one. the author does a fantastic job at showing tender moments between them that are so touching, but are also so very kghn. loved it loved it.
❤️ Send Now, Freak Out Later by byesweetheart | E | 2.9k | complete | iwa/kags sexting! so hot. i loved blushing kageyama and how into him iwa was. excellent fic, 10/10
❤️ Right Place, Right Time by tiggeryumyum | E | 11.1k | complete | kags is a professional volleyball player and comes to tokyo for a game, where he meets up with iwa. i can’t believe this is only 11k. the author does SUCH an incredible job at portraying such understated tenderness between the two in such a short amount of time. incredibly well-written, perfectly characterized. SO MUCH LOVE.
King of Nothing at All by tiggeryumyum | E | 8.8k | complete | oikawa is an incredibly unhappy professional volleyball player and is reunited with hinata. okay. i have such a thing for the darker, shittier side of oikawa, and this fic does an excellent job of portraying it. i love the characterization of oihina here, they work so well together.
❤️ Blind Man’s Bluff by tiggeryumyum | E | 84.3k | abandoned | kageyama and oikawa are omegas who form a traumatic bond together, and alpha!iwaizumi just does his best. THIS FUCKING FIC. oh my god. i just. i have been sitting here for five minutes trying to figure out my feelings for this fic and i don’t have words to articulate them. this fic has my whole heart. yes, it’s unfinished and probably abandoned, but DO NOT let that deprive you of this. go read this fic right now or so help me.
i hope you found at least one new thing to read! all of these authors have other fics that are incredible btw, so go read those too if you’re still looking for something. also, these are the fics i keep open on my phone because i keep going back to them, but i’ve enjoyed MANY more hq fics. i maaaay post another list in the future so i can keep the tabs in my phone to a minimum.
i tried tagging all of the authors listed here, but i definitely did not get them all. my apologies! if you know them on tumblr, let me know so i can tag them!
also, if you have recs, PLEASE send them to me! i love any and all fics involving iwa/oikawa/kags/hinata
annnnd i think that’s it!! thanks for reading!! ❤️❤️❤️
@esselley @majesticartax @byesweetheart @viscrael @kiribakus
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recentanimenews · 4 years
RECS: Top 30 Anime of All Time According to SungWon Cho, aka ProZD
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  Everyone has their own personal list of the anime you MUST WATCH, and they will defend it to the death. I don't know how closely SungWon Cho—aka the voice actor, YouTuber, and anime fan known as ProZD—protects his own list of favorites, but it doesn't sound like he had much trouble drumming up his personal Top 30 Anime of All Time list.
  It started with TV anime, so SungWon Cho didn't include any movies in his initial list. Here's how it shook out: 
  ProZD's Top 30 Anime of All Time
  1. Chihayafuru
2. Monster
4. Cowboy Bebop
5. Silver Spoon
6. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
7. Mob Psycho 100
8. Legend of the Galactic Heroes
10. Haikyu!!
11. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
12. Full Metal Panic!
13. Sound! Euphonium
14. Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
15. K-ON!
16. My Hero Academia
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    17. Steins;Gate
19. Aggretsuko
20. Ping Pong the Animation
21. Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun
22. Space Brothers
23. Kaiji
24. Hunter x Hunter
25. Samurai Champloo
26. Hajime no Ippo
27. Run with the Wind
28. Cross Game
29. Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!
30. School Rumble
  If you were about to call out certain titles for not making it into his top 30 anime list, you might want to see if they appear in his Top 30 Manga list first!
  ProZD's Top 30 Manga of All Time
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    1. Yotsuba&
2. Fullmetal Alchemist
3. 20th Century Boys
4. Vinland Saga
5. Silver Spoon
6. Pluto
7. Delicious in Dungeon
8. With the Light: Raising an Autistic Child
9. Azumanga Daioh
10. My Brother's Husband
11. Genshiken
12. One Piece
13. Junji Ito's Cat Diary
14. Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun
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    15. Monster
16. A Bride's Story
17. Solanin
18. Witch Hat Atelier
19. One-Punch Man
20. BL Metamorphosis
21. Sweetness and Lightning
22. Blue Flag
23. Berserk
24. Goodnight Punpun
25. Mujirushi
26. My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness
27. A Silent Voice
28. Great Teacher Onizuka
29. Parasyte
30. Dementia 21
  Finally, lest some of history's most important anime be forgotten, ProZD went ahead and listed his Top 30 Anime Movies.
  ProZD's Top 30 Anime Films of All Time
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    1. Millennium Actress
2. Porco Rosso
3. Kiki's Delivery Service
4. Tokyo Godfathers
5. Redline
6. The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya
7. Wolf Children
8. Liz and the Blue Bird
9. My Neighbor Totoro
10. Summer Wars
11. In This Corner of the World
12. Cowboy Bebop: The Movie
13. Lupin III: The Castle of Cagliostro
14. Spirited Away
15. K-ON! The Movie
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    16. The Anthem of the Heart
17. Little Witch Academia OVAs
18. Whisper of the Heart
19. The Tale of the Princess Kaguya
20. A Silent Voice
21. One Piece: Strong World
22. Legend of the Galactic Heroes: My Conquest is the Sea of Stars
23. Ponyo
24. Howl's Moving Castle
25. Steins; Gate The Movie
26. Memories
27. Perfect Blue
28. Paprika
29. Castle in the Sky
30. Welcome to the Space Show
  ProZD was careful to mention that these lists, like all good lists, have changed in the past and are subject to change again. Such is the nature of everyone's favorite debate fodder. Now, go ahead and hash it out in the comments and let us know what YOUR top anime are; just try to resist calling ProZD out for forgetting something just because it's on your personal list of favs. 
  Source: @ProZD
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Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. You can read his webcomic, BIG DUMB FIGHTING IDIOTS at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox. 
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